HomeMy WebLinkAboutOak Grove Realty Corp. - Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore flied with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by. (~k G~ov~ ~a]~¥...~0~P: ....................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the ~uilding Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ..~'.A!'....]~.~,...~...Ag.~J,.¢.~.. District to ..Jl.~i'....~.~-~.~ ........... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relatior~ to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..3O.th ....... day of ....... .,.]'~1]/' ............................... , 19..~.1~1., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is den~. By Order of the ~outhold Town Board. Dated~ August 13. 1968 Marion A. Regent. De~u~To~ Clerk Law and Article, IX of thc 13uAldin~. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK hearings ~iI1 be held by the Southold] '~ew York. in mid Town on the a0th day o~ Jill}'. 1968, at 7:30 P. M. <~ST~ C. Whitney B~th, Jr., being duly sworn, soys ~of said day on t m fo lowing propo~ls, that he is the Editor, of THE LONG IS~ND i~o amend the Bmldi~ Zone Ordinance r(ineludmg the Buildin~ ~one Ma~) of T~VELER - MA~ITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- Hew York paper printed ot Southold, in Suffolk Coun~/ ond that L ~y changing from "A" Residential ~d Agricultral D~tric[ to "M" Mul~i- lhe notice of which the onnexed is 0 printed copy, has been pie R~idence Dis~rie~ the followin~ published in said Long Islond Trove[er-Mottituck Wotch- described pro~rty: s~Oe of 1;nd now or formerly of Vill;ge of Oreenpor~, w~ch ~lnt ....~.-~ '" is distau[ 850.6fl fee~ westerly from day of . ~md ........ ~..., of Moore's Lane, aBd from ~id ................................ point of beg'innip~, run~ng thence agill along ~id land and north 4~ ~' Sworn to before me this ...... ~ .............. doy of aide of mid ~id~e Road; r~ .... Z:¢~.~,~.....,_ _~ along the mutherly aide of said Middle Road, north 55° 01' 10" e~t, / / 8. fi= 5]' ~0" W.--I]~.6I fee[ ~ l~n~ ~ or le~, ~ ordi~y high water ~k ~ II of Pi~s Cove; t~nce wes~rly LEGAL :NOTICE PI{OPOSAL TO ZOmN~ O~ COUNt' OF SUFFOLk, ~t ~ ~ion 2~5 of ~h~ 5TA~ OF NEW YORK, Town ~w and ~]cle IX of ~e t~, ~ew York, p~lic hea~g~ ~ S~S ~at .. ~ . is P~inte~ und Publtshe~ of ~e SUFFOLK ~ held bF the ~uthold Town ~n ~e ~ ~he Su~iso~, ]6 W~E~LY ~MES, a news~er Sout~t, Gr~n~, New Yot~ J~Y, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. (E.D,S.T.) of ~4 da~ on ~ lo. wing ~. ~y, ~s been published i~ the ~d Suffolk Week~ Time~ p~2s ~ ~ the B~ld~g Zone Ore--ce (in~u~ the B~2~ng ~nce in e~ch week, {or ......... ~ ....... ~eek~ Zone Maps) ~ ~e To~ of C~ty, ~e~ Yo~. suc~ssively ~mmencin~ on ~e ...~~ ........ ~ng ~t a point on ~e southeriy side of Midge Romd S~ ~0 ~t~ ~e ~h~s .. :-~ ..... erly ~e ~f Zand ~ow or fo~erl~ ' ' ' ~ .... ~ ~iat ~ ~ta~t ~50.68 feet we~t- , .._ erJy f~m th~ cO.er fo~ by fhe ~te~tion of %he side of Middle Road wi~] westerly ~/de cf M~re's and ~m ~id point of ~n~ ~ence aIo~g ~id land so~th 4 01' 10" e~t, 1106.60 r~mg thenc~ at~l al~ ~id ~ '~] 24 ~t; ~ t~nce ~ ~ong said ~i~dIe ~d; ~g thence along th~ ~uth~ly side of ~id Mi~e R~d, ~rth 55" 01' 10" east, ~t ~t to the ~t or 2. ~y changing f~m "A" d~ti~ ~d Agr~lt~al Dist~ct t~ "~" ~us[~ Dist~ct the ~egin~ng at a ~int on the ~uther~ line of Brown 116.05 ,feet ~erly along said ~uther~ ]~e ~ Ninth St~t, ~fd point of beaning bei~ the ~st~ly co.er ~ ~d of erly line of Mrow~ St~t. S, 82~ 44' 30" E. - 559.33 feet to land of D[~zio; thence along ~Md ~md ~f Dini~o, 8. flo 53' 30" W.-127.61-. f~ ~ lam of T~y; thence ~1o~ at hnd of ~ly and al~g land of Will~m Bmr, N. 84~ 51' W~ - ~3~g f~; ~hence ~i~ la~d of W/H/am Bra~ ~d I~ of ~ Braun ~d la~d of Gerard Braun two courses: O) S. ~= 45' 20" W. - 544A8 ~t; thence (2) 5. 16~ 55' W. - 40 feet, water ~rk of Pip~ Cove; /hen~ ~rly s]o~ ~id ~gh water m~k, 465 ffie~, mo~ 1~, ~ 1~ o~ Tone~; thence I~' 50" E.-440 feet, more or le~, th~e along ~id ~s~rly l~e o[ 86.0 feat to sa~ land of Dik~- s~; the~e ~lQn~ ~i~ land oi Dik- (1) S. 82" 44' ~0" E, - 120.59 to the po~t ~ ~n~ng. Con- ~y ~ dewing to be on ~e ~ve p~s~ ~en~ent~ s~d ~ar ~t ~e t~e ~d p~ce July 17, 1968 Mr. Samuel Katz P.O. BoxK 210-214 Main Street Graenport. L.I., New York 11944 Dear Sirl Your letter to the Town Clerk dated July 16th has been forwarded to me for answer. Please be a~vised that the premises commonly known as "Oak Grove" or "Oak Grove Beach", at the southerly end of 9th Street, Greenport. is zoned residential-agricultural at this time. The above mentioned premises will be the subject of a zoning change hearing on July 30 at the Supervisor's Office, 7~30 P.M. The pending application is ~or a change from "A" District to "B" Business District. Trusting the above will be helpful to you. Yours truly, H~ara Terry, ~ Southold To~n Building InspeCtor P.O. BOX K 210-214 Main St. Greenport, L.I., N.Y. ~eal Es~a~e ~alen~an Respeo~full3' Southold Town Planmng Board SOUTHrlLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERB John Wickham, Chairman ~- ~- " ~ ~ ?-'.4 19co f:~is is; to dvite, thor thc fo!lovinl aoti~n tvaz taken by tho S:L~,[:o~i fo n Plenninc Board at a r~gl:L!ar lu~eti~g hqld ou Juno 11, Oli ~!ohi,_.2 dt~!? ~ode 5lid c~riod, it RESOLVED, thct the S.uthold Pown Planning Board recommend the chnm'e of zone from "A" :~esi{entisl and Asricul rural Dis{'rict to "B" 3usincc-' District on r, re~:ir'es of Oak lrove ~.~alty Ccr:z, rt-tf ~n st ]r~oncor~, Notv York. mktv '~_,hn ~icl-h~.n, Ch~iFm:~n - Southold '['o,.:n Pl~nni?~ 2oard June 2~, 1968 Mrs. Clarice Toner Cherry Lane Greenport~ Dear ~Jrs. Enclosed [~lease find a receir, t for the fee on the a~?lication for change of zone for Oak Grove Serp. This has been to the PlaP~ing ~oard and will be returned to the To~zn Board for them to set a hearing date. You will receive a £orma] notice of th~~ hearing as soon as it is set. Your~ t~xl$ Buil~ lng Inspector OFFI .ERK T June 12, 1968 lVk-. John Wickham Chairman Cutchogue, L.I., N.Y. 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Oak Grove Realty Corporation, Greenport, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agriculural District to "B" Business District on certain prop- erty situated at Greenport, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the con- ditions described in the petition and de- termine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk CASE NO.: .............. STATE OF NE1V YORK PETITION TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE I~IATTER OF T;IE PETITION OF FOR A CblANGE, MODIFICATION Oh~ AMENI)/%IENT OF 'File BUILDING ZONE ORDI- N.kNCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOVVN BOARD OF TI4E TO~,VN (OF SOUTHOLD: 2. t.0. e.k.. ......... es di,e ........ 9r. nsp.9r. ., ..... .... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ...Q?.~':¢.IT-p~'.~.~...?.;~]'. .............. aud more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Brown Street, 116.05 feet easterly along said southerly line from Ninth Street, said point of beginning being the northeasterly corner of land of Dickowski; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Brown Street, S. 82° 44' 30" E.-549.33 feet to land of Dlnizio; thence along said land of Dinizio, S. 6° 53' 30" W.-127.61 feet to land of Tully; thence along said land of Tully and along land of William Braun, N. 84° 51' 20" W.-237.97 feet; thence along said land of William Braun and land of Henry Braun and land of Gerard Braun, two courses: (1) S. 9° 45' 20" W. -544.18 feet; thence (2) S. 16° 55' W. -40 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly along said high water mark, 465 feet, more or less, to land of Toner; thence along said land of Toner, N. 12° 12' 50" E.-440 feet, more or less; thence along said easterly line of Ninth Street; N. 12° 12' 10" E.-86.0 feet to said land of Dickowski; thence along said land of Dickowski, two courses: (1) S. 82° 44' 30" E.-120.59 feet; thence (2) N. 7° 15' 30" E.-52.50 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 7% acres, more or less. 2. I do hereby petition Lite 'rowl~ Board of the Town o~ 5outhold to change, modi{y and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of 5outhoId, Suffolk County, New York, incloding the lluilding. Zoi~e M'aps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows~ From "A" residential & agricultural district to "B" business district. 3. Snch request is made for tile following reasons: I have aB interested purchaser for this property who wishes to use the groperty for a"boattel'' 1,1arina~ restaurant and service stores for a marine ti'adeo ~ Oak Grove Z~ealty Corp STATE OF NEW YORK, SS: - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, Corp. Officer Clarice Toner .............................................. , BEING DULV SWOP, N, deposes and says that b'he is the petitioner in tile within action; thal~he has read the foregoing Petitim~ and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to ~ (her) own knowledge, except aq to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matter~ he believe., it to be true. ~_~ x'r~- ~%~ Vice Pres (L. S ) ~ .......~ ......................... this 21+ da,' of May 19. ~.~ VAN TUYL & SON Greenoort :~tree~;, 116.Q[~ z'eet e,.~terlj .~lonL' :?~.%d southerly line from Uinth ',Jtreeh, a~id ~ ' ~ ' ' corner o~f' ]:~n~ oZ Die,~owski; from s,,~d ¢~mni~,? ~:lo~z~- qoi,fi ~o,;~berLy line of S. 82 44~ )0" ~. - 549.-4'~ t'ee~ to l~d of DinJ_~io;~ther~ce .tlorl? s~id l:~nd o~ Dinizio~ ~J. 6© 75' P~?' ,/. - 1-~.ol ~eet ~o ~nd of T'*l]y; thence r~l~n/ ::aifl 1' l~nd of WJ.]]i:m, Pr;,un, N, 8~ 51' 20" ,~, - ?37.97 fee6~ them~e '.~lo~k~ s::id land of Willi':,m Br.¢,n '-,.5 l?n,fl o~' Henry Br~r~n ' *c] iU*,,:~ off Gerard Bra~m, t~¥o (1) S. 9© ~]5' 20" W. - 544.1~ feet; t~ence (2) $. ~6© 55' W. - 40 feet, :~ore ::i~'.'.. %¢,~:eY' ~;a,.r~ oF' .L~'J.?~L: dove; t~,~,..~ c. ce vest.~rl?' ~]o~:' s-.id .... .t T.r: Eel M-[k~ ~ro'5 leer, more or le:'~, ..... e '~Jotq".' :~..f,4 !'~D,~ o~' Toner, ~,[. ~2 J.~f qO" ~]. - ~J4<) feet, ' "~ 0" ,~. ~' 12' 1 E. - ~6.0 feet tu ,~,td !~,~ o:' D~ckows~i; t,h~nce (1) r~. g~o~ 44' 30" ~J. - i?0.~':~ feet', tLence (2) ~,:. 7© 1~" ~" E. ~2.~ :'~e~ ~.o U:e ~ ' V.,~;; T~FfL & SOl.~ To: J{o,,¢r',r,i rferTy C-7 Ln in N to 'Ll U) 111 I 1 0 MAP OF L- ,t\ vc) N EAP. tv E IL-- N PC i:?.'T scck ; V"4 - a.l is in v t9 VA" T�f