HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Suffolk Shipyard - Returned Oetobe~ 15, 1962 New guffolk Shipyard Inc New ~u£folk, N.~. Attn: Wi%liam Ftark~ Mffr. D~ar ~ir~ Th2,nk you for your letter of October llth RF: th~ refuu,fi of yo~r $ 2~.00 fee. Please 'e advised that at the Tow~'~ Do.,~rd m~,=tlng of August 28th 1962 it was voted to ret~rn this f,~e. I h e notlfi~d the gupervisor that you hav~ not roc~Ived the cheek as y~t. Sho]:1d .wou not receive it bM th~ z3r~ oleas~ let gorr~/ for the delay. fours truly / / Building I~spector ~. New Suffolk Shipyard, Inc. AUTHORIZED CHRIS * CRAFT DEALER Towr~ of Southold -ffice of Building 7~spector Town C}erk's OfFice %~,~t~o!d, ;;ew York Atte,~t!on: P:r. ~oward Te~ [~u~l din~ Znspector De~- ~'r. Terry: ~en we saw you last. you were go~ng to b~ng our petition before the To~ Board % n an effort to ~ve our ~king lot re-zoned for 7Ye would a~preciate hearing from you as to the resets of the To~ Bokr~ meetly. Ve~ t~ly yours, ~LL~M E. STAPK ~anager ~$~S :m World's Largest Builders of Motor Boats Hew Suffolk Shipyard, Inc. AUTHORIZED CHRIS * CRAFT DEALER CRUISERS YACHTS SEA SKIFFS CAVALIERS MAmNE ENG,,ES August 16, 1962 YACHT SALES REPAIRS DOCKAGE Town of Southold Office of Building Inspector Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Attention: Mr. Howard Terry Buildin~ Insr~ctor Dear Mr. Terry: Apparently mothlng i~rther has been accom- plished since our last discussion in having the piece of property across fro~ our shipyard re-zoned for business. If you do not think anything can be done to persuade Mr. Mly~arozyk to agree to the rs-zo~ing of his property for business or if you do not think you could have our let re-zoned as spot zoning (even though, technically, it is an extension of our shipyard property separated by New Suffolk Lane), we would appreciate your returning our fee of $25.00 submitted with our applica- tion. Very truly yours, Manager '~S :m ,- World's Largest Builders of Motor Boats New Su.olk Shipyard, lac. ..fl TH O R I Z E D C H R I S * C RAFT DEALER SPORTS BOATS ; C:RUISERS SEA SKIFFS YACHT SALES Yovember .30, 1961 Towa Board To,fa of Southold Tow~ Clerk's Office Southold, I. I., New York Gentlemen: ~ttached please find our petition for change of zone on the westerly side of New Suffolk lane opposite our present business property in :!¢w Suffolk. Messrs. Mlynarozyk and Giella have aot joined us ia si~ning this application. In t~lking with these gentlemen, neither have objections to a change of zone and the N~w Suffolk Shipyard~s using its property for an orderly display of boats as stated in the Fetltion. ~r. Giella woul~ sign if Mr. Elynarozyk were agreeable to signing; ?owever, ~r. hl3qlarozyk is reluctant to put his name to the application. 'We are, therefore, submitting this application -ithout these signatures fcr your consideration. Ve~ truly yours, N~ SU~FCLK SHI?Y~D. INC. '~LLLIAM E. STARK Vice ?resident ~S:m Fncl. ~'~* ~'.~/ World's Largest Builders of Motor Boats / STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOIJTHOLD ]N THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF MEW SUFFOLK SHIPYARD, ~C. FOR A CllANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TO\¥N BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1 1~..NF~X..SUFEQLK..SP~:lrYb_RD...ThlQ ........... residing at .... l{~w..~x~.ff. Qlk .......................... Gnsert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ..... · Iqew..Su£faLk .............................and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of Sew Suffolk Road at the southeasterly corner of land of New Suffolk Ship2~ard, Inc.. and the northeasterly corner of land of r. rukoski; running thence .long said land of [[rukoski. N. 84° 08' 50" W.-135.62 feet to land of kallory; thence along said land of Eallory, N. 3° ~6' E.- 159.88 feet to the land of Tuthill; thenee along land of Tuthill, ~- 4° 5?' E.-100.21 feet to land of Hsrton; thence along land of ~orton, S. 82° 12' E.-1 8.'0 feet to the westerly line of New Sufgolk Road, S. 7° 03' 10" W.-255.0 feet to the point of begin- ning. Containing 0.843 acres. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southo]d, Suffolk County, New York, including lhe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: From residential to "B" Business. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Due to the increasing interest and activity in recreational boating on the Morth Fork of Lout Island. our business, both sales and yard~rlse, has grown considerably and at present we are in need of more land ~rea to exF.and our faci_lities. The property owned by us. us described in the total area description attached, is now vacant of any structure. ~,ge plan ~n using this area for an orderly dis',:lay of boats to be sold. The area will be fenced iu attractively. This property is situated directly across []ew Suffolk Road from our preseut business site and. of course, will be closely controlled and ~min- tained. ~leame note, also. that the property 'Lirectly north of Giella (Morton) is presently zoned "B" Business. W-FI,I,L~i E. STARK, VICE PRESIDENT STATE OF NEW YORK,) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK,) .... W-iLL~..E,..~&~ .................................... , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that · 'c P. .cl t of Z S ~;LK read the foregoing Petition and knows he ~sfll/l~ ~e~l~l~ ~ejr~ the wl~in a~c ~on; l~ba~F~eAl~els the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it te be true· (L. S) ............................................ Sworn to before me this .i~i'.~.. day of ,~.~2;T~.-;~r.(~'.~ .......... 19..~..~'. Notary Public. November 10, 1961 New Suffolk Shipyard Inc. New Suffolk~ N.Y. Attn: M~.Wm. Stark, V.P. Dear Sir; Enclosed please find a receipt for the ~ 2~.OO fee submitted with your apolication for chang~ of zen e on th~ westerly fide of New 8uffo!k L~e~ opoo~ite your pres,nt business property. Yestersay I submitted your aTplication tc th~ Tc%~n Board, who refferrod it to the To~n Attorney for his ap!rovnl. Th~ Town attorney rejected it on the grounds that the description of the property in the application was not the entire parcel as described in Mr. VanTuyl's descriotion d~te~ November 3, 1961~ and the other two owners had not Joined in signin~ ~h.- a~!lic~ion - (Mlynarczyk & Giella). The Town Board directed me to send ycu new application forms to be filled out with the complete ~etes and bounds d~scrintion of the entire parcel as laid out by Mr. VanTuyl'~ descriot~o~ dated November 3~ 1961~ in section en~ oF the application and to ask you to have both Mlynarczyk and Giella Join you in signing the application aft~ section t~ree on s~cond rage of ~pplic~tion. I aB holding the original of your alplication dated November 6th, 1961~ and returning the duplicate copy: the Description by Mr. VanTuyl fiat~d ?~ovember 3, 1961, and the map by V~uTuyl dated 3 ~ 1961. When you have completed the new appllcstion with the neces3ar!3' additional sisnature$ - notarized-~ please return that toi~ether with the description an,] map to me so I can again sub.it ~t to the Town Board ~nd set this matter under way for you. Thank you for your ecooeratlon. Yours truly Buildin~ InspectOr. .... · New Suffolk Shipyard, Inc. YACHT SALES November 6, 1961 ~r. ~oward M. Terry Building Inspector Town of Southold Tow~ Clerk's Office Southold. New Yor~ Re: Proposed Change of Zone ....... Property of New Suffolk Sh~vard. Inc. Dear Mr, Terz'y: Attached please find the application forms, in duplicate, for a change of zone. a survey map of the proper~y ~y Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son. and a description of the pro;e~y. Also enclosed is our check for $25.00. Per the instructions in your letter of September 28th, we have included the frontage from Mr. Curtis Hot, oh's garage south to include all tbs pro- perry we wish to use for "B" Business. Very truly yours, ~EW SUFFOLK SHIPY~ .RD, INC. b~T~X.~I'~ E. STAX Vice President ~ES: m Enclse World's Largest Builders of Motor Boats CASF No: ...[.~ ......... STATE OF NE~V YORK PETITION TOIVN OF SOIJTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF t~gM Sff~'~)LK SHIPYARD, i'NC. FOR A CllANGE, MODIFICATION OR ASIENDME1NT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. ][ ITI~..$IJFKOLg..$~, .Il/gl ............. residing at ...ll~W..~fO;Lk ............................ (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .ll~[.$~f. folk ...................................and more particularb' bounded and described as follows: Bordered on the East by New Suffolk Road, on the north by propert, y Mlynarczyk, West by proper~y of Nallor~ and South by private road of Krukoski. (See map and description attached). 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a par~ thereof, as follows: F~m residential to "B" Busineee. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Due to the increasing interest and activity in recreational boating on the North Fork of Lon~ Island, our business, both sales and yard~rise, has Erown considerably and at present we are in need of more land area to expand our facilities. The property o~ned by us, as described in the total area descrip- tion attacbed, is now vaoaut of any structure. We plan on usinE this area for an orderly display of boats to be sold. The area will be fenced in attrac- tively. This proper~y is situated directly across New Suffol~ Road from our preseot business site aud, of course, wi]-l be closely controlled and main. tained. Please note, also, that the property directly north of Giella (Norton) is presently zoned "B" Business. ~U~LIAM E. STAP~, VICE STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ...hl'~.~.T~j~I..E.... O'!'A,!Lg., ........................................ , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that · ,Vice Br-esldent of NFJ~. SUFE. OLK t~eA~ds INC-, he ls~tne peuuoner An the xv~tmn acnon; reaO the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, excep[ as to the mat- ters [herein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it te be true. Sworn to before me this ..,:'~] ..... day of /'g~-'~ .... t-~ e. , 19,,~,.,i Notary Public. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK November 3, 1961 D~SGRIPTICN: Proposed ChanEe of Zone. New Suffolk Prooerties of Giella. Mlynarczyk and New Suffolk Shipyard. Inc. Beginning at a point on the westerly line of I,[e~J Suffolk Road st the southeasterly corner of land of New Suffolk Shipyard, Inc., an~ the northegsterly corner of land of Krukoski; running thence along said land of Krukoskl, N. 84o 08' 50"W.-135.62 feet to is.nd of Mallory; thence along said land of Mallory, N.,,'~° 159.88 feet to %he land of Tuthill; thence along l~nd of Tuthill, N. 40 57' E.-100.21 feet ~o land of Herren; thence along land of Herren, S. 82° 12' E.-148.40 feet to the %.~esterly llne of i~ew Suffolk head; thence along said westerly line of New Suffolk S. 7° 03' 10'%,.-255.0 feet to the point of beglnnlng. Containing 0.843 acres. New .Suffolk Shipyard, Inc. Otto W. Van Tuyi & .Son c/o ~;illlam Stark ,z. C:VT/ab CC O LA h i P— c-- 2 7 h2 O - 1 a N6Guog'�u'e. ---- --- --- - 9 f m I i f I; � r 0 I �] Road r r U I 2 p Cray to;, � r rn 3 Zipkas i Q _I j Norkcl�n y r r Adams a I - --i z \ 46- 7 1 SO acves �+o x, 11 0 Sa} koskl i W J ! O Caa,p boil O NMaI-tocc heal � N 0 i MAF' OF PROPERTY E jy 0 --__-j SURVEYED FOR i �1 � Poersckle ' MARMN C.' NELSEN 0vi I AT u1 03 _— GR£ENPOR.T N. Y. � O WPSHINGTON -AVE, j 0 -- z SCALE ; 100 -I" ' MON' = C7 D! i IL 1 + Gunrahteed To The Title Guarantee Co. O �' As SuYveyed A4y 20 Igb3 5 }5 QNPOR Otto W. Van Tuyl SDTI T 5.7445 00"W' V I L LAG E OFGra�anp&i-t, New Licensed Laa�t µrvE>yors . ` - 4. Y Q - t, _ '4k XNN y I, �s s n x Q _ 0 f _ ^f"� 77 a i ya I1slilliIllilod — 007.7 „ NAB, BECKER= AIA , - _ RIC 'HA' RD P AR;ELT, DESIGNER - ASSOCIATE- "\ EAS;T, S E T A , N `-`8 .: r r f ✓��'�� 1 T F A tl Gir A - 17 A c, n" G l; 11 21 c � h'r'1' P L �"r"' � � P A f"�. f 4 ! P'♦ �� - � an E t'c 44� - PU & LtG PArli4 ! Nlgl 76r ::;A/Z T EAL ' PAM14fNci - f35 rAr S 5a I � r ..vim... . •':�.,..-, -,._., .. ............ __-.T_ ____..._.._.._„_ ___, _»....•..__ ...� . ...._ .,—_.._ - - ...�__._..._4........_. 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ITT a W N P G 9 n U T U i 0 1 f RICHARD p ARF. L'T DESSIGNER --A,SSOaf'AT;E ' �` .. '. EAST S E T A U K ET , N . Y ,