HomeMy WebLinkAboutLewis, Grace N.Date Augu;t 5, 1969 Please be advised that, pursuant to Section Z39-1 and m of the General Municipal Law, the Suffolk County Planning Com- mission considers the following proposed zoning action a matter for local determination: Petitioner or Municipal File No. /tgtA.~9 CC/ ~',',~/d Suffolk County ~lanning Department File No. ~'~ /~ ~ ~/ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Planning Bd. ?fiS-26flO Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the '~O~1~ ~INIF~ of the town of SO~I~I[I'II~ (agency involved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ........... Amendment to the zoning ordinance ..~[~.. Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: ~..~.~.~..~..~.~'~...~}~3[:~.m~J!~~'~(~ within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ~O~tt~O3~ ............ Town or village boundary line ..~1~ ..... State ~ road, ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public buildinfl is situated Comments: Th.~ proposed challge ~ On the To~r~ Board c~n fftr~t recovered ~ the Pl~ e~s~tants ~d the S~uthold T~ Pl~ ~a~. ~e plann~g Boa~ ~e ~eeo~ended part "A" report ~lcates. ~e T~ ~oa~ has held a her~g on thi~ co~.y of ~tee (signed) T~ ClerM Title Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ........................................................................ File No ................................. Jul)' lSj 1969 Chm.n9¢ of zone - Gr._cc I:ickles Le%:is "~eimg -and intended to be the same parcel sho%,;n as 0. "B" zone on the zonin_o map of the To~ of Southold as adopted fpril 9, 1957. :'~y person desiring to be keard on The above proposed ~endment should appe~r at thc timc and place so spec~ied. "Dated: J~e 2~, 1969~ ~ ~_~_~ ~ T]~ S0~iiOLD T~?N ~oO.~RD,~' .... ~ ~ ~,.~'~ 'I ...... ~O~ T~~ 3us~ice Lurer rcad The ~fidavit of publication in the official nev~sp~per and the reco~enda ~ion of the Lou~hold Town Planing ~ _~..V~oO., [~2~T~CI~I; Is there ~nyone present v.'ho v~ishes to speak in favor of ibis cbange~ zone? (there v:as no rcsponse.) U~:.~IoO., ;,L',i',T~CHIY.: ~ none, is there ~yone present v~bo wishes spe~( against lhis ch~ge of zone? 'C~L~,RLZ~J ~, i~Y~i~.;?'$p L%SQ.: 2.~. Supervisor: members of the To~n Board~ my name is Charles T. ~,~tthev~s~ I s.m ~ attornel, v-iih ~ office ~t 24 Carver Slreet~ Tovm of ~'un/ington. I appeer here this evening representing Gr,,ce ~. L~ris %vho is The o~er ~d sole ov.~er of ibc entire lrac't of l~d thai ~:as just described in the notice of hearing thai v~as read by the I appear on bekalf of i,~s. ~v;is in opposition to lhis change thai this 3oard Froposed. I v. ish lo make it clear to lhe Board ~ to all tha~ this hearing v;as not czlled upon the reQucsl of ~s. ~7~i5, o%%~er, altho there v:ss some i~vlication in lhe local ne~'rspsper that application w~.s m~.de by ;.~s. Levels. This hearin~ v;as called on the sole motion of lbe To%'~ Eoard. ~l ~!e m~(e it clear ~o the To%~ Bo~.rd that ~s. ~';is has no proposal al the present to build a motel on ~y portion of this piece of property. A little hislory abou~ lhis tr~.c~ of l~d. The land v~as purchased by ~s. ~v;is's ~ily in i-larch~ 1921, ~d has been ov,~ed continu~ly by I.Irs. ~%'Jis or ~e~bers of her family since that time. ~iginally, the entire Tract contained over 60 acres~ ~d %ve might describe the parcel as -4- I.?,. HATTI~I'S(con't): easterly parcel of the 23 acres~ wubject of this hearing. The westerly parcel k~.s bcen developed as Beixedon ~states. From the time 1922, until The early years of '."orld '..'ar II~ those of you %~ho are long time residents %rill remember, [.Irs. Le~,;is's f~mily operated a Inn on ~hat property kno~,fn as ~'~shamomaque. Tkis Inn burned do%vn about 1942. During the years that the Inn %vas operated~ the meadowy ~¥hich separated the riesterly and easterly parcel rzas dredged z~nd open so that boats could moor in the boa, t basin that %;~s constructed there. Durin0 that period of timc they bulkheaded that bAsmn. £1so during these early years, there r'as a number of cottages built on the lp_nd for su~er rentml. Du~ing and -~.~ter ?~'orld ~.'ar II a number of the cottages r:ere sold. Shortly a~ter the close of ' orld '.'ar II~ proposed and had filed a subdivision map for the v;esterly pmrcel of Beixedon Zst~tes. l'e have here a copy of that map~ ?;hich I co/] hold up to shorz to the Eoard. This map r;as approved and filed in 1946 v:ith some 60 parcels of land av~.ilab!e for use. ~Lrs. Lc~'is~ %vhcn ~he sold parcels of l~nd in ~his area: she sa%': to i~ that deed restrictions r;ere placed on the property so that this property %,;ould deve!ope in most desirable ~vay. There is restriction on thc size of the dv~elling. I'~o dr;cllin9 less than 1600 cubic feet on a/]y one of these parcels. :~e submit on behalf of 3~s. Lergis, this development has been an asse~, to the community of Southold. B~s. Lewis still retains orznership of A3 lots on this subdivision map of gei:~edon 2states. She IlLs deeded one parcel to her son~ %vho is here this evening. P!o~ 20~ block 2. This boy is about to construc~ a substantial dv:clling for himself and his family to live in. This particular lot has frontage on the bt, sin. ~djacent to this subdivision area~ ~ve have 23 acres %,~hich is the subject of this hearing. Upon part of that 23 acres there presently e~:ists eight cottages that are leased for su~er rental by ,'Ps. Lev~is. The rest of the property is vacant land that has been farmed by ','hen the To~,~/ of 5outhold adopted its first zoning Ordinance and r~ap in 1957 this 23 acres parcel was placed in the present classification mhich is "B" Business District. l:e submit that this classification of ~'E" Business is the only classification of this zoning Ordinance that allo~';s the owner of the property sufficient fle:[ibility to develope a parcel of land of this sime~itk the ~'~ater front and the basin that is adjacent to it. I ~?ou!d like to discuss l,~ith the Board a fe~? points concerning land development in the To;'~ of Southold. The community is primarily a lc-truing community. There has been tal~ of a bridge to Connecticut. 1%;ould say · he actually of that bridge is someting off in the future. I think you have complimentary use of land in the' ~o%';n of Southold. Complimentary farm use, ~nd ~here is the resort use that your %v&ter front property has been placed in over the yem. rs. You c¢n be complimented in the To~,zn of Southold~ in the means in ~vhich you have alloy;ed resort to develop. I think this cor~munity should attract the development of facilities for transients. ~'3hmn I say construct facilities for overnight transients for for people who are merely come.'~or a vreek-end. [,lore important, and %%'ould complimen~ the zoning of your community to permit construc~m~o£ facilities to be utilized by family groups to spend an extended period of time. The ~';hole summer, or a good part of the summer, l~'rs. Levels has sho~'zn by her e:,~perience that this can be done in the To%'zn ~vith land in this community. 5he ~as advertised to attract to the land that she has developed and has been an asset to the To~'zn of 5outhold. Tkis lm_nd lends itself for availability as resort busincss because of the boa~ basin on the harbor. :4rs. Le~,~is has in over the years -6- put much into the development of this property. Ghe has o~'~ed the land for many years and she has lived on this land and the development of This land has been her li~e. I don't think it would be a sensible thing for the community to try to force i~s. Le~';is into quick business development of this property. The fact that she gyms such a large number of sites~ residential sites in Bei~edon Estates: I think is insight to the Board and to the community and to the peoplc in Beixedon Estates, ~Irs. Le~vis is 0oing to do nothing with 23 acres , subject of this hea~in~that ~vou!d effect the value of Beixedon or the co~u-nity. She doesn't want to do anyth~g that w~ll depreciate the value of the community or the land on the ~est. The one thing she does want is to be left with the privledge to properly develope her land. She has not abused the privledge that was granted to her in 1957. I mm sure that if you do not change the zoning of her property she will not abuse this privledge that she has under the zone classification imposed upon her. I think this community should'be pleased that [~s. LeYzis is the o%~ner of the property, having the feeling for the land that she has for it. k fe%v co~nents about zoning powers this Board ]]as. The pov~er you have as members of this ~oard to regulate use of the land is very important power~ but your right to regulate the use of land is not without regulations. Thc o~,mer of the property has constitutional rights,and legal rights ~ich c::ists. The zoning power must be ~ithin those limits. In 1957, the o~9_inal zoning in the Tov~ of Southold clnssified the Le~is property as "B" Business. This must have veen in agreement ~vith a comprised plan for the To%,~ of Southold. If not, the entire enactment of the i'oning was illegal. If the classification was in this comprised plan for the Tov~ of Southold~ there has been no changes to warrant change of zoner on this property at this time. There have no substantial changes in the use of this property in this vicinity. A~d I submit to you that placing t~bis land in the classifcation that you did in 1957 , you in your insight -7- fixed the use to ~vhich this land could be putf in view of thc restrictions in this zoning and a value on this property. The constitution of the United States and the State of Ne~7 York provides that no municipal authority may confiscate a man's l~roperty without paying due compensation. The proposal made by the Town Board to change this property ~vould have such effect on the value of this property. You may not arbitrarily take this valueable advm~ntage from ``.Irs. Lewis' %~ithout good reason. I think members of this Board should be cognizant of these rules by which we muct live. I don't think as duly elected ~embers of this Board you would do ~nything to hurt one cf the residents, such as i-~s. Le~Tis. Ikrs. Lev~is bas lived hera long time s_nd she has ovaled this land a lon~, 3he has lived on this land and %~;orked this land. She ~vants to beable to pass this land on to her son. ``~'er son plans to build a home adjacent to this land. I you, and submit to you, allo~v this family the freedom to develop this land and allo~? this land to obtain its present classification. ;s a f~rmality~ I have a v:ritten protest against this change of zone. I submit this ~.;ritten protest,signed by I[rs. Lewis. B~rs. Lea:is is the sole o~,rner of this parcel of land. This Bom_rd ~vill need five affirmative votes of the Soard. I lcnow that the Ordinance permits four vote~. The To,,an la%v was amended to where such ~vritten protest was filed, 3/z'~ vote of the ~oard required to adopt a change of zone. If there a~e any questions that the members of the Board have for :.'rs. Le%.~is or myself: %ye would be fr~e at this time to ans~ver them. If not, this is our case m~gainst this change of zone. SUPERVISO?, i?~12TOCCI{IL: Thz~nk you~E.Ir. ~tthcv.s. Is there anyone e~e who ~.;ishes to be hcard? ;.P``l~rI~r 2I?f;I: ~. fiat/he,,is stated there are 60 parcels in Beixedon Estates. I believe that is ~'"'~.L,o. LL~ IS: There are 90 parcels. _.'~_I,l%?,{OP~f_ 217~-I: lie have residence in ~ei::edon~ land ovrner is ~eixedon. ]~c have heard ~. iZatThev~s 9ire a very e:.~cellenT history. Some of us here have been trying To find the reason behind This from various ~lembers of The 2oard. ].'ould you enlighten us to thc purpose of this ch~nlnge. oU~,~,VIo~., ~'.i~TOCCIIIf.: You m~ht say I inherited this. It v~as in the ~'~orks before my time. The Planning Board recommendg %hat l';e split The zone of the property in a different %ray. [ can'T elabor~.te on it any more th~.n That. If any member of the B~ard ~';ould like to szy something. · ~OU~CIu..Iu. D~;.h~j~25T: I think I am the only one That v~as here ~,~hen ~'~e adopted The zonin? ©rdin=~nce. 3_t Thg.t Time ~,';e had one classification of :"o" Eusiness ~one. Since thrT Time ~ve have broken it dovrn into three different cl~.ssJ_fic~tions. ~ e have t~',o c!~ssificc,Tions of :5::' ~ultiple 2lcsidence zone. i?rom Time To T~ne ?,'e discuss some of the orisinal zoning that v;c ~.dopTed in 1957 and through the yes.rs %';e have said v;e don'T knorr %'~hy this ~'ygs done. 're have reroned on our ovzn ]notion before, l~hen the ?lamnlng Commission g~ve us this, l';e had to adopt it as it v:~.s, or not at all. ,~,.-~ Rial/I: ~.t vzns in 19577 .... ~.~I~.~.I, DEadlIEST: That ¥:as in 1957. ~;ith The things That are allo%ved in the E zone, some of these thing ~vould not be desirable in this g~rea. Some of the tBings in the '~-1:~ or i?-2' zone, this ng.y be the proper zoning. ~ thin/( it may be nice that ilrso Levels o%';ns this propert3~~ but ~ve don't zone people, %~e zone property, i.~,ybe v;c are proposing to ch~.nf!e the classification to l,iuch, l%~ybe -~s. Let':is %~:ould bc hgppy ~vith some o±hcr classification. !,3.. _IIZZI: Thank you for enlightenin9 on the proposed change. 1%:ould like to add re,', words. It has been ny e:.?erience :.~kere you proposed to change a zonc you must lYeight very carefully the advantages and disadvantages of such a change, ~and v;hether if there have been e::ceeses in thc x,ay the land has been used. '.{o~,~ does it fit in v,,ith the overall 7:--..ster ?lan~ and YJhen l':gs tile :ktster Plan ~as~ , ~nd does it need to be revised? There have been no excesses in the use of this land. This land ¥:ould be used to the highest use that can be had. In tota!~ as you look at it~ there is no valid reason to change frorl "E" ',qusiness District to ':,~" i',esidential- LDricultural District. That is why I am opposed. Yhere have been no excesses on the land and there are no potential excesses on the land. For the last 12 years this land has been used as it is no~v. I !:ould like to go on record as being opposed to this change, since there is no valid reason at the present time for this change. 5UPgRVIZO2 i~,RTOCCHIA: ,~yone else v.~ish ~o be heard? i4Ofd,~'~.1%,ILLI~J,i$: For 33 years I have know~l Crace Lewis. I ~as there %~hen the Inn was there. I have been there since. I aaa very much opposed to this change. SUPJ~IVISOR ~.~,ITOCC.~_rI.t: £nyone else v;ish to beheard? Jill HICikI: I'v~ b~an in buain'_,ss a 9ood ~ny 5, cars. I have bePn active in the area. I ~','ant to say to you gentlemen: what baa been said kere tonight is true. I:'rs. Lev;is ha.s been very careful ~vith the development of her property. I have put my last roots in Beixedon L~s'tates, and 1%'~ill say to you Gentelmen that I am oppesed tothis change. 5UP~'RVISOX .~'~'XTOCCHIA: ;myone else ~,;ish to be heard in opposition to this subdivision? (There ~'~as no response. ) SU?EPVISO2 i.~2TCCC!RI$,: If the~e is nothing further~ I will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of th~ Board. 5USEi[VIS02 [~[IT~PCHI~: I ~7ill call the hearing to order at this time, and ,lustice ~l'.te.~. ~'.il! re~d the Ice, a! notice of hc[.ring. ~ISTICL L~L ~.: "Pursuit to Section 265 of the Tov;n La~ and .~tic!e I~ of The Building ~]one Crdin~ce of the To%'~ of Southo!d, S~folk County, i~ev; Ycrk, public hearings ~vi!l be keld by the ~outhold '1~o~..~ Eo~rd in ~ke ~ffice of the Lupervisor: 16 Soutk Street, Greenpor%, Ne~'~. York~ in said on ~he 15th day of 3uly, 1969, at Y:30 P.l.[. o'clock in the evening of said day on The follo%.~ing proposals to amend The Luilding zone Crdin~%ce (including %he Building Lone [,~ps) of the T~vn of Soutbold~ 3~folk County: Mev~ York. :~. ~y ch~ngin9 from ~B:' Business Dis%tic% %o ~" ~[esidcntizl -='~ricul%urgl District, the follc~vinc3 described property: ~?11 that certain tract of l~d situated at the south side [lain east of ~isedon, Southold~ in the To%~ of 3outhol~ County of S~fo!k, and 3ta~e of Ne~,; York~ and more particularly bounded snd described as ~'~GIi~q,~[,$G et a point on the southerly line of %he [.~in Road: 230.97 feet easterly along said southerlyline fromm private road /~olvn ss "Arshgmomaque ~.venue', said point of beginning being the northerly corner of lo% 2, block 2, as shoYm on "map of ~ixedon Estates", filed in the S~folk County Clerk's ~fice as [[gp '[~!~.Y2; fron~ said point of begin~ng running along said southerly line of The [kin Eoad~ N. 57~ 12' 00~' E.- 100.0 feet %o land cf [~ng; ~hence along said l~d of LanD) S. 44° 11' gO" E.- 1600 fee%~ more or les~, %o ordinary high ~,~.ter mar'[ of To%'~ lIgrbor, tSencc ~.long said high l';ater mark, 950 feet more cr less: to The shore of thc "i~cr basin" as sho~';n on s~.id 'r.lap of Bei~.[edon Estates', thence nor~h~ves~erly and then northeasterly and then again northlvesterly and ~hen northerly along said shore about i~00 feet ~o ~he ens~erly corner of lo~ 8, block 2~ as shoran on said map; ~hence along smid lot 8 ~d along lo~s 7~ 6~ ~d 5, ~[. 7= 36' L.- 260 fee%, more or less; ~hence along said lo% 5~ and ~long lots 4~ and said lot 2~ I'[. 2~° 23' 40~' ~7.- 366.21 feet to the t~oint of beginning. In the Matter of the Application of the Town Board of the Town of Southold to Rezone a 23 acre Parcel of Property East of Beixedon from "B" Business District to "A" Residential- Agricultural District TO THE HONORABLE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK: WHEREAS, your honorable Board has called a public hearing to be held on July 15, 1969, for the purpose of considering the following amendment to the Building Zone Ordinance and Building Zone Map of the Town of Southold: 1. By changing from "B" Business District to "A" Resi- ]! dential-Agricultural District, the following described property: Ail that certain tract of land situated at the south sidel Main Road, east of Beixedon, Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the Main Road~ 230.97 feet easterly along said southerly line from a privat~ road known as "Arshamomaque Avenue", said point of beginning being the northeasterly corner of lot 2, block 2, as shown on "Map of Beixedon Estates", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 1472; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of the Main Road, N. 57° 12' 00" E.-100.0 feet to land of Lang; thence along said land of Lang, S. 44° 11' 40" E.- 1600 foet, moro or less, to ordinary high water mark of Town Harbor; thence southwesterly along said high water mark, 950 feet more or less, to the shore of the "inner basin" as shown on said "Map of Beixedon Estates"; thence northwesterly and then north- easterly and then again northwesterly and then northerly along said shore about 1600 feet to the easterly corner of lot 8, block 2, as shown on said map; thence along said lot 8 and along lots 7, 6, and 5, N. 7~ 36' 40" E.-260 feet, more or less; thence along said lot 5 and along lots 4, 3 and said lot 2, N. 25° 23' 40" W.- 366.21 feet to the point of beginning, Being and intended to be the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957, and WHEREAS, the undersigned Grace R. Lewis is the sole owner of the entire area of land included in such proposed change of zone, NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned does hereby protest against change pursuant such the State of New York. to Section 265 of the Town Law of Grace R. Lewis STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On this 15th day of July, 1969, before me personally came GRACE Ro LEWIS to me kno~ to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. I ua/ed at the south side Main Road, least of Beixt:don, Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Su~- folk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounled and de- scribed as follows: BE,GI,NNING at a point on ttle southerly line of the Main Road, 230.97 leet easterly along said southerly line from a prorate road said point of beginning being the 2, as shown on "Map ot Beixedon Estates", filed in the Suffolk Coun- ty Clerk'~ Office as Map No 1472; from said point of beginning run-I ning along said southerly line o1 the Mom Road. N. 5, 1_ 00 E. - i00.0 feet to land of Long; thence along said land of Long, S. 44TM 11' 40" B - 1600 feet, more or less, to Iord nary high water mark of Town said high watermark, 9§0 feet more or less, to the shore of the "inner basin" as shown on said "Map nfl Beixedon Estates"; thence north- then again northeasterly and thenI northerly along said shore about 1000 ' block 2. as shown on said map;I . thence along said lot 8 and along lots 7, 6, and 5, ,N. 7' 36' 40" E. -I said lot 5 and along lots 4, 3 andl ,feet to the point oibeginning. Being and intended to be the I same parcel shown as a "B" Zone[ Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. .2. ~y shangi,n,g,,frem.-C".Indus- ricultural D~st c , e g - scribed property , All that certain tract of land sit- uated at Bayview, Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suf- folk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and de scribed as follows: BEG,LNN~NG at a point on the or- dinary high water mark of Shelter ~ATICI~ ,Amend TowU J~.~mt.J~.rtide ~[ of the h~ ~X ~e ~u~ To~ Board ~ ~ Gr~ N~ York, lng ~e ~ce (inclu~g the on the above proposed amendments ~ ~ ~aps) ~ ~ To~ should appear at the time and place ~ ~u~, ~ C~y, ~$w so specified. I~o~. ' D~D: JU~E 24, 1969, BY OHDE~ L- ~ ~s ~ '?' ~ o~ TOE SOUTHOLD TOWS .~ ~_ ~ERT W. ~ICHMOND 1 i. __/~L~ beiu9 duly Sworn. Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK .ewspaper published ~t Greenport. in said tnoticc, of which the annexed is ~, printed Island Sound, where said high wa- ter mark is intersected ,by the lshed in the said Suffolk Weekly Times boundary line between land of Plock / and land of "Beydon Shores". from iOr ....... ~.t~..~..L~. ........... week~[ said point of beginning running easterly along said high water mark, lCln~ On the . . . .<~, · -q~ ........... 800 feet, more or less; thence through said land of Plock, two ..... 1~]..~-~- -- courses: (lt Southerly 1200 feet, ~ more or less; thence (2) Westerly~.~-~.--~-~'f"-'~ ............ 800 feet, more or less to said "Rey- don Shores", thence n,o. rtherly along: th~s ........ '..- said "Reydon Shores', 1200 feet,I more or less, lo rhe point of begin* [~' ...... n ng I~- C- ~' on the zoning m&p of the Town of Southold, as adopted April 9. 1957. I Any person desiring to be heard . ' ON CORWIN ; ~iqC, r. ' New \~t'- FROF(MAL9 TO AMEND ~ ZONING Puzluant to 8ection 2~ of the Town Law and Article IN, of .the Bulldln~ ~mme Or~4~=n~e TOW~ of ]~outhold, Suffolk (~tm- fy, ~ew Yc~k, public hearings ~amrvi~,, *-~ South Street, I onmbpo~ New Yo(w, m midl 19e9, et ?;30 o'cl(x~ J~ t~e e~e- New Yce~ ,~,~ and then qu,m zone on the --'s'~ ~mPfd~d- Town of fgotzt;,hoid mDre or leus; thence through mud ]and of Ploclc, two colll~: ~; ~ (2) W~flF ~ f~t, m~ or l~, ~ ~ '~y- f~,~ or 1~ ~t of ~T W. ~0~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEVV YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the ~nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mottituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ..-~.?.~.):'Zf**.~.~.Ck.~-."... weeks/. successively, commencing on the ................ '.~..~..~/.'." ......... ~ ,, /q Sworn to before me this .......... **~** .......... day of 7. ....... I~'otsry Public ~ il Southold Town Planning Board srlUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickhmm, Chairman Henry Moi~a Alfred Grebe Frank Coyle June 24, 1969 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen; Upon the motion by the Town Board to re-zone property of Grace Lewis, S/S Main Road, east of Beixedon Subdivision, Southold, N.Y. from "B" District to "A" District the Planning Board recommends that approximately 10 acres of this parcel on the easterly side of the property be rezoned to "A" District and the balance about 14 acres on the westerly side be re- zoned to "M" District. Development of our waterfront property is one of our prime assets. The owner is considering the development of a marina and motel on this property. This site would be ideal for this type of development. Yours truly, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board April 23, 1969 Otto Van Tuyl & Son Engineers Front & Main Street Greenport, L.I., New York 11944 Dear Sir; will you kindly make up the necessary maps or surveys needed to send the Grace Lewis, "B" property E/S Beixedon Subdivision & S/S Main Road, Southold, N.Y. to the County Planning Commission (6 copies). An instruction sheet is enclosed. Also please send a copy of the survey of John Plock's "C" zone property east of Reydon Shores, Bayvie~ Southold. Yours truly. Howard Terry Building Inspector OFFI ALBERT W. RIOHMONO SOIJTHOLO, L. I., N. Y. 11~71 AprLl 23, 1969 John WLckhem ChaLmn PlennLng Board Cutchogue, 11935 D~aF Mr. WLckhamr 5neLos~d hezevLth Ls m copy 0% · resolution p~ne~d by the 8outhoLd To~n Boa:d at ~ m~etLng held on Apr~l 22, 1969. You are inet~ueted to pre- pare ~ o£f/eJ~L relmrt thereon puzmuant ~ ~ p~ovLn/on~ of ~tLc~e ~ of th~ Bu~Ld~ ~nm O~d~ncm of ~ T~ o~ Sou~old. V~y t~uL¥ Albert W. l~Lchmond Town Clerk Sou~hold Town Board l& South Street Greonport, L.I., N~ York ~1944 the Plauntng BonEd reco~end~ changing the following l~opertieo 1. Property owned by ~race ~ls, S/S ~n R~d, ~n b~e~n S~d~vio~on and La~ ~ 'B~ Dlot~ ~o "Au D~tric~, a ~scr~on of sm attached. east of Rey~ ~ore, 8~dlvis~on fr~ "C' DSatr{ct to "A' D~o~*ct. a ~ocr*~{on:of s~ atoned. Youra ~rUl¥o Southold Town Planning Board R E S O L U T I O N Meeting of April 22, [969 4oved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Councilman Valentine; ~HER]~AS, this [~oard dee~ns it in the public interest and in the pro- notion of health, safety, moral or general welfare to the Town of 3outhold Lhat certain premi.~;es in Southo[d, To'~n of Southold, County ~f Suffolk, hereafter more fully described, be rezoned and zoned "A" Resid,~ntial and Agricull.ural Districa, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL%rED: That the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, including the Building Zone Maps, be amended by the To~n Board on its ow~ motion by chang[nj from "C" Industrial and "B" B,~siness and nonconforming uses to "A" Resided%rial and Agri¢-- ~ltural D~strict the following described prope~-ty: 'C" to "A" - Bayview, Southold (part of land of John Plock) BEGINNING at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Shelter Is]nnd Sound, where said high water mark is intersected by the boundary line between land of Plock and land of "Reydon Shores"; from said point of beginning running easterly along said high water mark, 800 feet, more or less; thence through said land of Plock, two courses: (1) Southerly 1200 feet, more or less; thence (2) Westerly 800 feet, more or ]ess, to said "Reydon Shores"; thence northerly along said "Rent, On Shores", [200 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be the same parcel shown as a "C" Zone on the Zoning Ma]~ of I:he Town of Southold, as adopted April ~), 1957. "B" to "A" - South side of r4ain Road, East of Beixedon, So,it. hold BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the Main Road, 230.97 feet east-grly along said so,~therly line from a private road known as "Arshamomaque Avenue" said }point of beginning being the northeasterly corner of lot 2, block 2, as shown on "Map of Beixedon Estates" filed in the Suffolk Count'/ Clerk's Office as Map ~1472; from said point of I~o~illnin~] running along said southerly line oi the Main Road, N. b7© 12' 00" E-100.,) feet to land of Lang; thence along said Land of Lang; S. 44© 11' 40" E.-1600 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Town Harbor; thence southwesterly along said high ~ater mark, 050 feet, more or less, to the shore of the "inner basin" as shown on said "Map of Beixedon Estates"; tl~ence northwesterly and then northeast~r].y and~ then again northwester]~ and t}]~n northerly along sai~l shoce about 1600 feet to the easte.rly corne; of lot 8, block 2, ~s show-n on said m~p; thence along said lot 8 and along l~,ts 7, 6 and 5, N. 7© 36' 40" E-260 feet, acre or less; th¢.nce along s~id lot 5 and along lots 4, 3 and said lot 2, N. 25© ['3' 40" W.- ]~,6.2l feet LO the point of beginning. Icing ~ nd intcn(led to be th,' siLme parc.~] ~;h)wn as ~ "B" Zone on the Zoning! ,n~%p of tie Town of S~,uthold ~s ~Ld )pued April ~.~, 1957. Bi] IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That pursuant t¢ Art[~ [e IX, S~.ction 901, tile Buil¢llnq Zone Ordinance of the Town of SOL thold, ti e Town Cler~ b,.~ and hc he;toby is author/zed and diro¢ t(,d h~ transll il ~L copy of this rest [ut~on ho the Planning Board o~ the "OWl] of S~,u[hold wit}] a written, rcqu.2st instructing said Plan~ lng [{~ art] I o [)1 et~are an o£ [,~ia] re/oft concernin~l th( same togeth(r wiL:l their r~.c~,mlnendat[o V~)te of 'lown Board: Ayes-Supervisor Marfocch[[ ; Councilmen Demares and Valor, tine; Justices Clark and Suter. VAN TUYL & SON GR£1~NPORT. NEW YORK 11944 February 14, 1968 DE~(~,RIPTION: Proposed Chan,Te of Zone, "B to A" South Side Main Road East of "Bei~edon", Southold Beginnin~ ~t a point on the :southerly line of the [,/:_in Road, 270.97 feet easterly along said southerly line from a priw~te road known as "Arshamomaque Avenue", said point of beginning bein~ the northeasterly corner of lot 2, block 2, as shown on "I,~a? of Bei×edon Estates", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office ss Map #1472; from said point of beginning runnin~ along said southerly line of the Main Road, N. 57~ 121 O0" E. - 1OO.O_fee~ to l~.nd of Laug; thence alon~' said land of Lang, S. 44~ 11' 40" E. - 1600 feet~more or less, to ordino, ry high water m:~rk of Town Harbor; t~euce so~lthwesterJy along snid high water mark, 950 feet more or ]_ess, to the s~'.ore of the "inner b~sin" as shown on said "Map of Bei~eden Estates"; thence northwesterly and t~en nnrt~easterly and the~ ~Fain northwesterly ~nd then northerly alon~j snid shore about 1600 feet to the easterly corner of lot 8, block 2, as show~ on ~aid map; thence alonf' said lot 8 ~nd slong lots 7, 6, '-and 5, N. 7 36' 40" E. - 260 feet~ore or less; thence ~along said lot 5 and alon~j lots 4 , 3 ~'~nd ssid .lot 2, N. 25 23' 40" W. - 366.21 feet to ti~e point of begdnnini~. Being and intended to be the same parcel shown as a Zone on the zoning map of the Town of Southold ss adopted April 9, 1957. VMf TLTY-L & SO.~,r JSS/mM To: Howard Terry i 4,,I .I ! / max';' it ?' 1 ' 4. o o Ft. 0 'Itoa .B ° M ft / N S7 !z IIs F " N. 72'23:00'1 4354;L�YdfoQ 186.43 82.31 82.3/ 92.69 i q MAP Off / 23 11 .y° 4 0 " M K h w.i A q rrQy7y` q e h B E/XED ON, ESTi4 TES 4' ° ' '� "a,• - d¢ F2 � � ,� 64/ �!, 20 to f _7.9 4}•z I° U TO WN OF- .SOVTHO4-O ^y 2s M SUFFOLK COUNTY, 'N. Y '. 4q° ^ 6 M 4 N ? Seo/e i/7 feet �, ^y 23 2 �•J /�r` �" �'O / a o too 200 300 }ao soo U ^ IN ^4 6 J ' 3}�3, bN U sB 7 q n�''�° n U At Q & at, �� ^` ,3�sa 411 �1 PROPERTY OF'gv 7 J ° ''• ` , s64 B "y�Fo nM IV ^N GRACE R. N/CKLES ^° 2/ / � 3'7,B A. a FORMERLY GRACE R06:-RS OEBE/XEDON e 20 /Q IF 12 Note: No of 0/ Al"Ia201 °f the strccts v .=so /3 4°y -Z y * •N�' y sr.0 or beaches shown hereon 40 maJc to "hePub/ie. °� Nd3 rO ie Q n /8 ° /6 o ro 2 l Nor E. Boo "' n 2 � c I 7. N. 73' 'SO"E. it 1•j 70.0 Yoo.o '� zoo. i P p p / 02.7.9� uz7po 'lV 344 o 9° /S Nb 'I b ® IY 3 A II A° AO / 895°•I! n 3 o: \� O0 N• 77'3f. zro t, oil M II . PA I` I, 33 t ° 9 .fa B=.C! N V e'V /v � j3/I.'15 N , N fir /T/izz b b Q O74 q M {�. N. '3/%i0'IE l `� oy w F .� 1°'1� Toe I,01• N ° 3/ot C q 9 p X69.01/// ZOO % C n / 7 A pO i ^ '� 3 J /3 N. 73'00"6'. •/ IA 5„ .I16.°o 1 o 12 ?� C 3461 t h n c o n h qu 3 y2 IIF 13 o I � W a lil.l0 n 'i N it-to N W 0010- 6 aP �Qb IG3p0OD go o0 -a 4 /9Ln � � i°^l W H / PPOOf2oME oK 19g'0 iib o0 oy a eg.00 �f ° ii �Q 'L_ ., 6 q 3/oi 2 CREEK Ng IY '0 o N°o oa'e• Y) N� 20 1 /O O / �•: P .W °'0y $ 7 ` ,,l j oo goi - 60 73 N z/ �gk6 IN'^eN��y' S . 1 30 86� •� �r"• oY r' IZ mC o.L 1; .... „4r;J,:rW�� se•o eMo° R D � I � � zso: ` n 22 @: 'gym, ,�' IE°.=��P O D I A .•O F .�. kl. a 4 N I` V q 9°f.0 1 v � ,44. X00.0 •.f � , Y. = ago* ,/Av{wa V v / ` t. 23C Olox 5 ” \'' • 1 .0 N f00 loo — 1•'1 24 5 q � o a u � N •� O 1 90. If0.0 O too S 'Jio 3�w s.>•s•o J' 2m� t "nY \(3� 00 I ' C .,�y CH 0 5 ' O ' / hereby cert fy That ;his mai way mase by me from achfa/snrveys comp/cteG March S,/B�f6 ond fhatstone ar cancrctc manumen)`s a/r ec fa>Flvoinis in4icates Thus: a '_, - Lieeased -`�7ii✓ryor Grcan,parl, N.Y. nl ; .,. a �, � ' •r TeP so i/ an'd /nam / Ali, a 4 c q 0 =' vrrrd v y X Y�WC/I / � ��"' tl � Ty/iie0/ wafer idra'scwyesyrtem a rave% Ar N y7 .Ty/P%Ga/ Ces.s,I alnd Wel/ B E'/XEO'DN I�j , Wi �� - Tit/C 6udcfad77'ee en 7 , xs Iryal l,w, i11^g; - 4'',�I __T i W A }Z �Fi f' A dT '� ✓.f 4h l i v1a{p 1- j „ x 1 Pl 4 Y3, j ']Y fA pp ', i OR pati ° %k'P," n'� lyi • p r :'C�'° s+ r"rg1M �dHi t-5 f IraF.�.a s ry.f „ '� s: - h S'� r 7 1 [ 1 ��� afi' �I - "•�, - S°N 1. i rr 5 'ilirR r , 11, .E .ti ..� ".:� t �+hfi7t.-s!d Y.r .r; .rY{n�. r.k "'�' �e •y,."�'s " 1,4i 2 yT{ .� diN� ,y.4''r r I—vk-r, ti � ry '{'r vt ,