HomeMy WebLinkAboutEast Kenney's Road - Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ......... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ...".~"...l~Q~,~Lnua ........... District to ...... ~...~.l,....~..~g.[~f'- (East Kenney's Road, Southold, District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to sa,d petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...~.~1.%'.~ ....... da} of ........... J.~nl,tar~ ...................., ]9.6~ .., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~ Order of the ~outho~d ~own Board Da%ed~ February ~3, 1968. Albert W. Richmor~d, Town Clerk Town of ~ou~ho£d MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD January 23, 1968 PRESENT: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON COUNCILMAN LOUIS DE1VL~REST COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE TOWN JUSTICE 1VL&RTIN SUTER TOWN JUSTICE HENRY CLARK TOW~N ATTORNEY ROBERT W. TASKER TOWN CLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE -3- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: %~Ze have the affidavit of publication in the file. I will now read the recommendation of the ]Planning Board. "Report to: Southold Towel Board, 16 South Street, Greenport, Alew York, December 15, 1967. UGent lemen: "This is to advise you that the following' action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their regular meeting held on December 12, 1967: "In the matter of the Town Board's resolution to on their own nlotion chang'e from "B" Business District to "3k" Residential and Ag'riculturai District ali that certain real property situated at SouthoId, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of AIew Yorkj and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road~ with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; from said point of beginning running' easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less; thence southerly 550 feet more o~~ iess, to the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerI~~ along said northerly line of Dogwood Lane, 285 feet more or less, to said easterly line of Kenney's Road; thence northerly along said easterly line, 580 feet more or less to tile point of beginning'. '~t was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably r~,~commends to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District on the above described property. "The Board finds there is no other business zone in this immediate vicinity and the parcel in question was zoned bllsiness by error in the original zoning plan. Respectfully submitted, John ~V[ckham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSOA!; I have a letter here addressed to the Town Board from Mr. ~Valter Potocki, as follows: -4- "1//6/68, 252 Chestnut Ave., East Meadow, N.Y. "Town Board of Southold, Greenport, N.Y. "Re: tlezoning of property of Sunland Apts~s. on Kenney's ltd. , Southold, N~. "Gentlemen: We are searching for reasons of why a rezoning against our desire would be brought ~o your attention. We are very puzzled and expect a complete explanation. "Upon purchasing this land in 1960 for an investment for our retirement, we paid a top market price for this land because it was the only ~nd near Kenney's Beach to build multiple dwelling or motel units for renting. This is a highly Resort ~krea, as you must know. It was a dumping ground for 2'arbage, beer and soda bottles and other refuse for the iocaI neighborhood. We have improved this area by keeping it clean and have added ~o the community with a beautiful colonial building' suitable for the town of Southold. "Many of our neighbors are renting their homes during the summer and are not on the premises to police their grounds as we ha~'e in respect to our Southold residents. I caIIth[s consideration for our neighbors. "This property was zoned "B" prior to our purchase and the board and townspeople knew and expected this change. This was my protection in renting apartments. ~ln conclusion, I strongly feel thai unless there is a valid reason for this change or a detrimen~ to the surrounding community, the property is to remain in its proper "B" zone status and protect the honest investment I have made. "We have complied with the zoning and planning boards and see no basis for this entire hearing. Respectfully, Walter Potocki, Sunland Apt ~s." MRS. IViARGERY D. BURNS: I hax'e a letter here too. (Submilted letter to the Supervisor. ) -5- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will read Mrs. Burns' letter. "Margery D. Burns, Southold, N.Y., January 23, 1968. "Gentlen~en: This letter is written in protest of the proposed upzoning of my property on Kenney's Road and Dogwood Lane from "B" Business to ".i" Residential. '~f I had known this property was going to be upzoned, I would have sold it during the last ten years when tbe opportunities were presented. I believe this is an excellent business site and will become very vaiuabIe in the near future if it remains a business site. As you know there is about 500 feet of public beach with cars parked in three rows during the height of the summer season, I lived on Kenney's Road for many years and there is a great deal of traffic ail year round on this road and it is particularly heavy during the better weather. ~Ii this lends to a good business location. "If this lot of mine is to be zoned residential it certainly will affect the value downward as then it can be used only for one residence. '~[ would appreciate knowning why this is being brought up and by whom. '~[f my property is upzoned, I would like to know if other locations that are now zoned business and industrial will also be upzoned? Or is this upzoning just for this one location? There is an outstandingly well developed residential water- front community with pri%'ate roads and very expensive houses in Southold that is now zoned business and an area in a highly residential section ofBayview, Southold that is now zoned industrial. I know these are even more important than the Kenney~s Road section. What is going to be done about them? Are ail property owners who have like business sites going to be treated in the same way? I wouId appreciate answers to these questions. '~If businesses are opened and facilities made available to the patrons of the Kenney's Road section, I believe this would be an asset to the community and therefore, this area should be left a business zone. Respectfully yours, Margery D. Burns." -6- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At this time we will hear from those who are opposed to the change asked for in this petition. ARTHUR J. ABRAMSj ESQ. (Braun, Pachman & Abrams, Attorneys, 6143 Jericho Turnpike, Commack, New York 11725) I am the attorney for Arthur and Patricia Oliveri who reside at Smithtown My clients are the owners of a rectangular parcel located on the intersection of North Sea Drive and Kenney's Road_ My clients' property is the most northerly piece of the three parcels which are the subject of this rezoning hearing. There is presently existing a building used as a luncheonette. On October 9, 1967, Mr. Larson, real estate broker, spoke to your Building Inspector Howard Terry relative to the zoning of this parcel. I have notes written by Mr. Terry in his own handwriting. The notes relative to the zoning as of that time and state that the property was zoned "B" Business, stating that multiple residences were allowed in this zone. On November 13thand 15th of 1967, Mr. Oliveri, the owner, inquired of Mr. Terry again relative to the usage of this property and could it be used for garden apartments, multiple residences. Mr. Terry's reply is contained in this letter dated January 9, 1968 addressed to Arnold Larson, the broker. I would like to submit a copy of this letter. "January 9, 1968. Mr. Arnold Larsonj Broker, Main Street, SouthoId, N.Y. "Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry this morning I find in my records that you were in my office on Oct. 9th inquirflng about the "B" zone on E/S Kennys Road at North Sea Drive, $outhold. "At that time I advised you of the uses permitted in the "lB" zone district - this included a motel building that would "fit" the lot meeting ail side yard and other setbacks, health Dept requirements etc. -8- that this was "B" zoned. The property would not have been purchased if we had known about this hearing or the possibility that the property would be rezoned. My clients did ali that they prudently could. My people come from Smithtown and their attorney came from Smithtown_ \Ve are weiI a~vare that people who do not reside in a comrnunlty do not read the newspaper of that community. In addition, the Oliveris paid $13,500. This property is not worth $13~500 if it is rezoned. As I understand from Mr. garson, the property is worth more like $6~000 if rezoned. How does this affect the Town? We have nowa buiIding on the subject premises which is a horror. It is ugly. ~Vhat we are saying to the Tow~ - we are saying to the To%vn0 let us fix this property. Let us make this a nice structure I wiIl gain as the client, you will gain as the To~wa, if a building is put on the property nicer than the one that is presently there. We know the PLanning Board's recommendation. And we eouldn~t fault it. This property~ as a practical matter, is in a res~dentialarea. ]But it ~s in close proximity to a beach that at this time does not have a comfort station nor a food stand_ If we were permitted to put up a luncheonette, it would serve as a comfort station and a food stand. Sure we would gain by it_ ]But it is necessary. The people would gain by it. A comfort station costs $8,000, we would provide one free. Anyone using the beach couId use the luncheonette comfort station. There have been four changes of ownership since 1954. Four sets of owners have depended on the ordinance. If this rezoning goes through, one of that group will s~lffer and pay the price. And unhappily that one is nly client. I know you are here to represent the best interests of the people of Southold. But if this rezoning goes through, you are taking money out of my people's pocket. Now we are anything but obIivious of the importance of this hearing, we know what our posit~on is. We plead. %Ve beg. ~e are asking' of you, -9- please don~t take away the life savings of people who are not wealthy. not speculators. Mr. Oliveri would like to say a word to the Board. for being so attentive. MR. OLIVERI: First let me say as to the money. They are I thank you This money was handed down by my mother-in-law. She raised 32 children in her iifetirne. My wife accumulated this money. Ii would be very bad for her to lose it. I want this favor that you give this consideration. MR. ARNOLD LAR$ON: I have sold considerable real estate in this area within tile last ten years. In this vicinity in which at no time did anyone object to the luncheonette. I will back up e,'erything the attorney said for Mr. Oliveri. There were four contracts for sale in the last four years. The a~torney erred in the fact that the people who live here should know what goes on. The final closing was on Wednesday and the "Traveller" came out on Thursday. Legally you can do what you have stated. I would like to go back to the intent of zoning_ You classify il. There is a paragraph which says you may do what you are doing but to my knowledge it is the firs~ time it has been done to a '~B"Business Zone. Iarn not talking about a non-conforming parcel, I am taIing about "B" Business Zone. I sell real estate and included in this profession is to know what is going on in the Town and to know the future plans of the to~wn by inquiry, going to Board of Appeals meetings, political meetings, to learn about zoning. I am for zoni~g and I am also for motherhood. But I do not think that every mother should become a mothe~~. MR. ABRAMS: Both newspaper advertisements appeared on January 4th and 5th in their respective papers. The closing occurred on January 3rd. In our case, we could not have known. MR. I~OTOCKI: What brought this hearing about? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I would be glad to answer this question after the hearing. -10- MR. POTOCKI: Everything we ow~ is there, my wife's savings and my savings. I do not think ti is right to have the rug pulled from underneath you. You are going to upgrade it to farl~n or agriculture. It is strictly a residential. Nothing will grow there. It is ali sand. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSOAI: Anyone else wish to speak? Anyone wish to speak in favor of the change? Anyone want to be heard one way or the other? (There was no response) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: deliberation of the Board. I will close the hearing for the further NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND 'THE ZONING ORDINANCE old, SuHolk County, New York, public hear/rig-- will be held by the Southold Town Board in the Office of ~e Super- of January, 1968, at 7:30 o'cloc!q in the propas~l to amend the ~uilding Zone Zone ~Taps) of the Town oi~ Sou£hold, Suffolk Comtty, New York. All that real property, situate, ly- ing, and being in ~outhold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suf- folk, and S~ate of New York, and more particularly bounded and de- BEGINNING at the intersectiot~ of the easterly line of Kenney's Road, with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; f~onl s~id poinl of beginning' running easterly along said southerly-line of North Sea the r~ortherly line of Dogwc~cl Lane; ~-hence westerly along said nor~heriy COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THI= LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MAI-I'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- Sworn to before me this ~-~' 'day of ........ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE pux,zua~t to Section 265 ol the Town ,Law ar~ A~ticle IX, of the Building Z~ue Ordinance of the Town o! Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pa[~lic hearings will be held by the Southold Tflwn Board m the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greeaport, New York, in said Town on the 23rd day of Jmu- uary, 1968, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day cm the foliow-[ lng proposal ta amend the Build- ing Zone Ordinance (including the[ Building Zone Map~), of the Town of Southold, Sul£cflk County, New York. 1 By hen n rom "B" [ · . c g' g f Business District to "A" Residential and Ag.- ricultural District, the following de- scribed property: All that real property, situate, the Town of Southold, County of lying and being in Southold, in Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly described BEG/NNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road, with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; from said point of beginning tanning easterly along said southerly line of N~rth Sea Drlve,~l'83 feet more or less less; thence southerly 550 feet more or'~, tb the northerly line I of l)ogxvoc~ Lane! thence west- Ho. all: thence n,>rtherly along said COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J ,..?,.. ~z~,~,~ .~..~...c~. ~ ..... bein~ duly Sworn, says that~'__ .~.~.~. is Printe~ ~nd Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a news~per publish~ ~t Greenport, in said county~ and ~hat the noti~, of which the annexed i~ ~ print~ copy, has been published in the ~id Suffolk Weekly Times unce in e~ch w~k, for .......... ~ ......... weeks successively commencin~ on the . .~ .............. (1.( _ day ol .... ~~ .. 19m~. ,"/ '~ ~_ ~k~ C'~c~ · .. k ':~~. ~: ..... ~ ~ ......... Swern to before me this~2~;~-5... ~ day of r Pur'suant to Section 265 of ~i~e Town Law and Section 902 o~' the Bui[din~ Zone Ordinance of the Tow~ o[' ~ou~hold, I:h~u tweqty (~0"~) l)er ceut of the go.LlowJn~ described pPo- &LL that real i)roperty, s±tuate, tyinK and beia?; in Southold, ill tile Town of Southotd, County of Suffolk, and State of New York~ and rnol'e pal'Li, ctJ lal'ly desci'ibed .is i'o]_[ows: BEGINNING at tile iutersect±on of the easre~'ky line of l~enney's Road, w~th the southerly line of North Sea Drlve; from sa~d point of be- ginning runnlng easterty alon~ sa~d southerly tine of North 5ca Drive, [8~ feet mo~'e or tess; thence southecty 550 feet more o~ less, to the northerly line of Dogwood Lane[ thence westerty alon~ said ~mrtherly l~ne of Dogwood Lane, 285 mote or [ess to said easterly iine of kenney's Road; thence northerty alon~ said easterly line 580 Feet more op tess, to ~ho point of bee'innin?. heceiu state ou? p~'otest ag;ains% ~'['Oill '{~' ,tlasiness District to ~)Lstricl . tile proposed chan?~e of zone Residential and ,'~ricnlturai Dr~ted: .~anuary '?-5, L968. MARGERY D. BURNS SOUTHOLD, N.Y. January 23, 1968 Southold Town Board Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This letter is written in protest of the proposed upzoning of my property on Kenney's Road and Dogwood Lane from "B" Business to "A" Residential. If I had known this property was going to be upzoned, I would have sold ~t during the last ten years when the opportunities xvere presented. [believe this is an excellent business site and will become very valuable in the near future if ~t remains abusiness site. As you know there is about 500 feet of public beach with cars parked in three ro~vs during the hmght of the summer season. I lived on Kenney's Road for many years and there is a great deal of traffic all year round on this road and it is particularly heax9, during the better weather. Ali this lends to a good business location. If this lot of mine is to be zoned residential it certainly will affect the value downward as then it can be used only for one residence. I would appreciate knowing why this is being brought up and by whom. If my property is upzoned, I xvould like to know if other locations that are now zoned bus~ness and industrialwill also be upzoned? Or is this upzoning just for this one location? There is an outstandingly well developed residential waterfront community with private roads and very expensive houses in Southold that is now zoned business and an area in a highly residential section of Bayview, Southold that is now zoned industrial. I know these are even more important than the Kenney's Road section. What is going to be done about them? Are all property owners who have like business sitesgoing to be treated in the same way? I ~ould appreciate answers to these questions. If businesses are opened and facilities made available to the patrons of the Kenney's Road section, I believe this would be an asset to the community and therefore, this area should be left a business zone. Respe?tfully yours, Margery D,' Burns TOWN OF SI-IUTHEiLD OFFII~E I-IF i~IJILDING INSPECTOR TOWN E:LERK'S I-]FFICE SOUTH~LD, N. Y. January 9, 1968 TEL. Mr. Arnold Larson, Broker ~min Street Southold, N.Y. Dear Sir; In reply to your inquiry this morning I find in my records that you were in my office on Oct. 9th inquiring about the "B" zone on E/S Kennys Road at North Sea Drive~ Southold. At that time I advised you of the uses permitted in the "B" zone district - this included a motel building that would "fit" the lot meeting all side yard and other setbacks~ health Dept requirements etc. As of today all of these requirements are the same~ this is still a "B" zone with the same permitted uses. My records further show that I received a telephone call on Nov. 13th and again on Nov. ~%th from a Mr. Oliveri about locating a motel in this "B" zone. His questions were: Maximum size allowed, setbacks side yards~ minimum room size, efficiency apts, health Dept requirements etc. I advised him as best I could "off the cuff" and advised him to contact the Health Dept for specific details as each multiple residence is a "custom built Job". Also I advised him to put his ideas on paper and submit them for review. As for the notice in the paper - there wil~ be a hearing on January 23 concerning this "B" zone. This can be done at anytime on any property, either by application of an interested party or by the Tow~ or other proper governing body. Trusting the above is what you you requested. Yours truly Building Inspector. Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHI~I_D, /. I., N. Y. llg?l PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York December 15, 1967 Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the following action%as taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their regular meeting held on December 12, 1967: In the matter of the Town Board's resolution to on their own motion change from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District all that certain real property situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of theeasterly line of Kenney's Road, with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; from said point of beginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less; thence southerly 550 feet more or less, to the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line of Dogwood Lane, 285 feet more or less, to said easterly line of Kenney's Road~ thence northerly along said easterly line, 580 feet more or ~ss to the point of beginning. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably recommends to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District on the above described property. Report to: Southold Town Board Page -2- The Board finds there is no other business zone in immediate vicinity and the parcel in question was zoned business by error in the original zoning plan. this Respectfully submitted, J~hn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board J /bd cc: Town Clerk .ERK ALBERT W. RICHMrlND SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. November 30, 1967 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I., ~Y. Dear Hr. Wickham; Enclosed herewith is a copy of a resolution passed by the Southold Town Board at a meeting held on the 29th day of November, 1967. You are instructed to prepare an official report thereon pur- suant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. AWR/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk RESOLUTION Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Councilman Valentine: WHEREAS, this Board deems it in the public interest and in the promotion of the health, safety, moral or general welfare of the Town of Southold that certain premises east side of Kenney's Road, Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, herein- after more fully described, be re-zoned and zoned from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agriculural District, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, including the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof, be amended by the Town Board on it's own motion, by changing from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricukural District the following described property: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road, with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; from said point of beginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less; thence southerly 550 feet more or less, the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line of Dogwood Lane, 285 feet more or less, to said easterly line of Kenney's Road; thence northerly along said easterly line, 580 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. to BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That pursuant to Article IX Section 901, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold with a written request instructing said Planning Board to prepare an official report concerning the same, together with their recommendations. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Tuthill and Clark. ALFRED (~. TEVE$ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS [NSTJtUMENT SHOULD SE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY It£TWF_.F_R LEON ARDREADIS, residing at 157-03 Tenth Avenue, Beechhurst, New York, I~.Y I~,IDIIEJ~IS, residing at 42-25 Saul Street, FlushincJ, N~' York, and FILOMEAIA VILLANI, residing at 144-60 28th Avenue, Whttestone, New York, hereinafter de.~ril~l as the seller, and ARTHUR R. OLIVER! and PATRXC~A OLIVERI, his wife, 41 Cambridge Drive, Smithtown, New York, 11787, both residing at hereinafter desc6hed as the purchaser, ~fI']~IF~S~'~H, that the seller agrees to sell and convey, and the purchaser agrees to purchase, all Ihat certain plot, piece or parcel o.e land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and heing in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGLNNING at a point on the Southerly side of North Sea Drive where said Southerly side of North Sea Drive intersects the Easterly side of Kenney's Road; thence running South 40° 53' 00" East along said Easterly side of Kenney's Road 115.17 feet; thence running North 39° 24' 00" East 202.92 feet; thence running North 50° 36' 00" West 113.52 feet to the Southerly side of North Sea Drive; thence running South 39° 24' 00" West along said Southerly side of North Sea Drive 183.48 feet to the point or place of BEGLNNINGo 'lids uale includes all ri~tt, title and interest, if any. of Lhe seller i. and to any Iblld lying in the I,c,{ ,,f a.y ~lrccl. ro~d .r avenue opened or proposed, in front of or adjoining said premises, to Lhe center llne thereof, and all right, LiLle and interest of the seller in and to any award made or to be made in lieu thereof and in and lo any unpaid award for damaffe to said premises by rcaso~ of change of grade of any street; and the seller will execute and deliver to the purchaser, on dosing of title, or thereafter, on demand, all proof instruments for the conveyance of such title and the assisnment and coll~tloa of any ~uch award. Thirteen thousand f~ve hundred ($13,500.00) ........ One t~.~usand three hundred fifty ($~'~350.0~} (of which $100.00 has been paid herecofore~ on the signing of this contract. I~Y check subject t.9 col~,ectjo., the rccelpt of which i~herebv acknowledged; Five thousand n~ne hunareu e~qnt and O4/100 (~5,908.04J Dollars, payable as follows: Dollars. in cash or good certified check on Lhe delivery of the deed as hereinafter provided; Six thousand two hundred forty one and 96/100 ($6,241.96)T .... Dollars, by taking title .~ject to a mortgage now a lien on said ~,rem~s~.s.in_ that amount, bea~ng interest at the rate of S--. per cent per annum, the principal being due and payable an .L~/10. L., tk,. t-.-.,-k ......... :s ....... .ag,m, ..L,,.,.LJ%L,s ..d d,-li..H.,s ~, th,. o.ll., . Lv~l v., z. ti,..wtL.. note secured by a purchase money mortgage on the above premises, in that amount, payable per annum paych]e together with interest at t of Any bond or note and mortgage to be given hereunder be drawn on the standard forms of New York Board of 'l~tle Underwriters for mortgages of like llen; and shall the attorney for the seller at the expense of the purchaser. who shall also pay the mortgage recording fees and pay for and a~x to such instruments any and all revenue stamps that may be necessary. It: such purchase money mortgage ' subordinate mortgage on the premises it shall provide that it shall he subject and subordinate to the lien mortgage of $ , any extensions thereof and to any mort ed mortgage which may be placed on the premises in 1leu thereof, and to any extensions thereof ~ that the interest rate thereof shall not he greater than per cent per annum and (b) that, if the shall exceed the amount of principal owing and unpaid on said existing mortgage at the time of such new mortgage or consolidated mortgage, the excess bo paid to the holder of such purchase money mortgage s_Ja,'-reuuc*of the principal thereof. Such purchase money mortgage shall also provide that such payment to the hold?r/~,ereof shall not alter or affect the regular installments, if any. of principal payable thereunder and shall pru.W~e that the holder thereof will on demand and withQut charge therefor c~,.c.te_ ;~,-I~..-,.-. ,..~ .,.~.A ~. ~s ........ t~ f,. ds~z tu effectuate sUcl~b~[IC~[lt}~A. If there be a mortgage on the premises the seller agrees to deliver to the purchaser at the time of delivery of the deed a proper certificate executed and acknowledged by the holder of such mortgage and in form for recording, certifying as to the amount of the unpaid principal and interest thereon, date of maturity thereof and rate of interest thereon, and the seller shall pay the fees for recording such certificate. Said premises are sold and are to be conveyed subject to: I. Zoning regulations and ordinances of the city, town or village in which the premises lle which are not violated by e~isting structures. 2. Consents hy the seller or any former owner of premises for the erection of any structure or structures on, under or above any street or streets on which said premises may abut. 3- Encroachments of stoops, areas, cellar steps, trim and cornices, if any. upon any street or highway. 4. Coveanants and restrictions of record, if any, not violated by the existing improvements and uses of the premises. 5. Any state of facts an accurate survey or a personal inspection would show not rendering title unmarketable. 6. The purchaser .represents that he has inspected the premises and will take a conveyance of same in an "as is" cond~tion. All notes or notice~ of violations of law or municipal ordinances, orders or requiremenLs noted in or issued by the Depart- ments of Housing and Buildings. Fire. Labor. Health, or other State or Municipal Department having jurisdiction against or affecting the premises at the date hereof, shall be complied with by the seller and the premises shall be co*~veyed free of the same, and this provision of this contract shall survive delivery of the deed hereunder_ The seller shall furnish the purchaser with an authorization to make the necessary searches therefor. If. at the time of the delivery of the deed, the premises or any part thereof shall be or shall have been affected by an assess- ment or assessments which are or may become payable in annual installments, of which the first installment is then a charge or llen, or has been paid. then for the purposes of this contract all the unpaid installments of any' such assessment, including those which are to become due and payable after the delivery of the deed, shall be deemed to be due and payable and to be liens upon the premises affected thereby and shall be paid and discharged by the seller, upon the delivery of the da~. The following are to be apportioned: (I) l~ents as and when collected. (2) Interest on mortgages. (3) Premiom~ on existing transferable insurance policies or renewals of those expiring prior to the closing. (4) Taxes and sewer rents, if any, on the basis of the fiscal year for which assessed. (5) Water charges on the basis of the calendar year. (6) Fuel, if any. If the closing of the title shall occur before the tax rare is fixed, the apportionment of ~es shall be upon the basis of the tax rate for the next preceding year applied to the latest assessed valuation. If there be a water meter on the premlses.the seller shall furnish a reading to a date not more than thirty days prior to the time herein set for closing title, and the unfixed meter charge and the unfixed sewer rent. if any. bs.sed thereon for the intervening time shall he apportioned on the basis of such last reading. The deed shall be the usual Bargain and Sale with Covenant Against Grantor ' s Acts deed in proper statotocy short form for record and shall be duly executed, acknowledged, and have revenue stamps in the proper amount a~xed thereto by the seller, at the seller's expense, so as to convey to the purchaser the fee simple of the said premises, free of all encumbrances, except as herein stated, and shall also contain the covenant required by sul~ivisinn 5 of Section ]3 of the Lien Law. At the closing of the title the seller shall deliver to the purchaser a certified check to the order of the City Treasurer for the amount of the Real Property Transfer Tax imposed by Tide I of Chapter 46 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York and will also deliver to the purchaser the return required by the said stature and the regulation! issued pursuant to the authoriL3r thereof, duly signed and sworn to by the seller; the purchaser agrees to sign and swear to the said return and to cause the said check and the said return to he delivered to the City Register promptly after the closing of the t~tle. The seller shall give and the purchaser shall accept a title such as Ir~ter-Cour~ty Title Guaranty & Mortgage Co~ uncle~ a re-issue of No. S-178439 v~llapproveandlnsure. Ail sums pa~d o, account of this contract, and the reasonable expenses of the examination of the ~lde to said premises and of the survey, if any. made in connection therewith are herehy made liens thereon, but such liens shah not continue after default hy the purchaser under this contract. All fixturesDr*.'lt~ - -.t,vn,y attached or appurtenant to or used in connection with said premises are repre- sented to be owned hy the seller, free from a}l liens and encumbrances except ~! herein stated, and are included in this sale; without lim~tlng the generality of the foregoing, such fixtures anx~V-.~'~o~~nc]ude plumbing, heating. lighting and cooking ~xtures. air conditinn~ng fxtures and units, range&, refrigerator~, radio &nd te[evisinn aerla]s, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, mantels, door mirrors, venetian blinds, shades, screens, awnings, storm windows, window boxes, storm doors, mall boxes, weather vanes, flagpoles, pumps, shrubbery and outdoor etatuary~ RB Tfta~' now be on '~e T~e amount of any unpaid taxes, assessmenL~, water charges and sewer rent* whleb the seller is obligated to pay and &scharge. with the interest and penalties thereon to a date not ]ess than two huslne~s days after the date of closing L~de, may at the option of the seller be allowed to the purchaser out of the balance of the purchase price, provided o~ciaJ hills therefor with interest and penalties thereon I~gured to said date are furnished by the seller at the closing. If at the date of cJoslng tide there may be any other liens or encumhrances which the seller is obligated to pay and discharge, the seller may use any portion of the halance of the purchase price to satisfy the same. provided the seller shah have delivered to the purchaser at the c=[osing of title instruments in recordable form and su~clent to satls~y such liens and encumhrances of record, together with the cost of recording or l~]ing said instruments. The purchaser, if request is made within a reasonable time prior to the ~ate of closing of t~tle, agrees to provide at the closing separate certified checks as requested, aggregating the amount of the balance of the purchase price, to facilitate the satisfaction of any such liens or encumhrances_ The existence of any such taxes or other liens and encumhrances shall not be deemed objections to tide if the seller shall comply with the foregoing requirements. If a search olc the title discloses judgments, banks-uptcles or other returns against other persons having names the same as or similar to that of the seller, the seller will on request de]~ver to the purchaser an a~davlr showing that such jtldKmentz, bank- ruptcies or other returns are not against the seller. In the event that the seller is unable to convey title in accordance with the terms of this contract, the sole liability of the seller will he to refund to the purchaser the amount paid on account of the purchase price and to pay the net cast of examining the title, wblch cost is not to exceed the charges fixed by the New York Board of Title Underwriters, and the net cost of any sur~ey made in connection therewith incurred by the purchaser, and upon such refund and payment heine made this con- tract shah he considered canceled. The deed shall be delivered upon the rc, celpt of said payments at the office of T.e£fert~: P. ~.dson, ~..sc~. 51755 14sin Road,Southolcl, New York at llg00__/ o'clock on November 28, 19 67 The parties agree that Alfred C. Teves, Realtor, North Road, Southolc~, N. Y.,11971 brought about this sale and the seller agrees to pay the commissinn at the rates established or adopted hy the Board of Real Estate Brokers in the locality where the property is situated. It is understood and agreed that all understandlnss and agreements here't~fure had between the parties hereto are merged in this contract, which alone fully and completely expresses their agreement, and that the same is entered into after full investigation. neither party relying upon any statement or representation, not embodied in this contract, made by the other. The purchaser has inspected the buildings standing on said premises and is thoroughly acquainted with their condition. This agreement may not be changed or terminated orally. The stipulations aforesaid are to apply to and bind the heirs. executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respectiv'e parties- If two or more persons constitute either the seller or the purchaser, the word "seller" or the word "purchaser" shall he construed as if it read "sellers" or "purchasers" whenever the sense of this agreement so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been duly executed by the parties hereto. I. prm.,enc~ of: .~. ,-, Le/on knclrea~s Kay A~r ea~is NO~: ~ LO~. This form of contract contains no express provision as Io n~k of loss by fire or other casualty before delivery of the deed. Unless express pro'sion is made, the provisions of ~ection 5-1311 of the General Ohllgations Law will apply. This section also places risk of loss upon purchaser if title or possession is transferred prior to closing. CREDIT FINANCIAL STATF. AiENT A~ OF ..................................... x9 ........ DEBIT Paid on signing COntract ............................................................. Purchase Price .......................................................................... Isl Mortgage ............................................................................... Insurance ................................................................................... Int. from ......................... ~ ................ % ..................................................................................................................................... 2nd Mot[gage ............................................................................................................................................................................... Iht_ from ......................... (~ ................ % ...................................................................................................................................... Purchase Money Mortgage ............................................................................................................................................................ .Security on Lease ........................................................................................................................................................................... Rent from ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Taxa, .......................................................................................... Water Rates ................................................................................ .................................................................................................... Fuel ............................................................................................ Water Rates.......i ....................................................................................................................................... Sewer Rents ................................................................................. Total Debit ................................................................................ Assessments ............................................ Tot~l Cre~t ........................................... Total Credit ........................................... Balance Paid ......................................... C[o~ing of title under the ~thln contract is hereby &djournod to 19 . at o'clock, at : title to be clo~ed nod all edju~tment~ to be made a~ of 19 D~ed, 19 For value received, lhe within contract nad al{ the ~ghl, title an~ {ate~est oE the purchaser thereunder are ~e~eby assigned, transferred nod ~et over .unlo ·nd ~aid aaaignee hereby assumes all obligations of the purchaser thereunder. D~ted. 19 THE OBSERVANCE OF THE FOLLOWINC SUGGESTIONS WIlL SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE AT THE. CLOSING OF THIS TITLE The SELLER should bring with him all insurance policies and duplicates, receipted bills for taxes, assessmJntB and water rates, and any leases, deeds or ogreements affecting the property. When there is a water meter on the premises, he should order it read. and bring b;lls therefor to Ihe c[os[ng. If there are mortgages on the property he ,hould produce receipts showing to what date the interest has been paid. anc~ if the principaI or rate of interest has been reduced, he should produce certificates of such reduction signed and acknowledged by lhe holders of the mortgages. He ~hould furnish to the purchaser a full list of tenants, giving the names, rent paid by each. and date lo which the rent has been paid. The PURCHASER should hc prepared with cash or a certified check drawn to his own order. The check may b~ certified for an approximate amount and cash may be provided for the balance of the settlement. i 'M SOUTHOLD LODI~';E, No. $73 1. O. O. F. SOU~HOLD, NE~V YORK llgTl It