HomeMy WebLinkAboutHorton, Henry WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the
Town of $outhold by Henry Horton
requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone
Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang
"A" Res & Agric. to .....'.'.~.'i...~.~.~.~ ...........
lng from ..................: ......................... District
District the property described in said petition, and
WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the P'lanning Board for its
investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed
with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relatiop to said
petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..... ~.:!:~,g.....day
of ............. ~'.~ ..................... , 19.~.~.., and due deliberation having been
had thereon
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said
petition be, and it hereby is den±ed.
By Order of the Southold Town Board,
Dated: July 22, 1968.
occasion on which this subject parcel h~s come before this Board. To my
knowledge this is the third application involving this particular parcel and,
· 's the Board is aware, this parcel runs on Kenney~s Road between North Sea
Drive and Dogwood L~ne, a 3Jortion of "~hich ir pr~.sently zoned "M" and a
portion "B2". Bo submit that the zoning of this ~rcel is completely improper
and against the facts as to ~vhat the zoning should b~ bas.~d uoon the surround-
ing rosid<~ntirl area. This is absolutely no z.lace in ~he ~uid~le of a highly
residential area to leave t~is little Busin~s~ and ~ltiple ~rea remain. We
ask this Board not to compound thl~ thing any further. If there is no reason-
able and legal basis under soun~ zoning procedures to pernit this property to
remain as is, ~hen the change should bo eff~ctu~te~ at tbs ~.r~ie~t possible
ti~e. Let me bring to the Board'z attention certain other relevant factors
here. On each occasion that this application came before the Bo~rd, the
Planning Board hat, J_n csch esso: rocs~nmendcd that this parcel be zoned "A#
Residential and Agricultural. £.n the firrt oc~a~i n the Doard n~ovcd to re-
zone the rrea. Th~ Beard failed to act on it, thu~ le~vinj ~h~. :~ubject parcel
as a "B" Business and "M" Multiple Residence erea. Subsequently, a new appli-
cation 'vas~ brought Defers the Board and again ~h£s time action ~zas taken and
the parcel kno,~n ss "B" ~as rezoned to "B2_". ~c consider this nothing more
thsn a compromise and certainly of no beneficial value to thc residents in
this "A" Residential surrounding. We ~euld ask th~.t the Board t~ke the
necessary steps to ccrz~ct an error and m~,ke thc subject D~rcel an "a" Resi-
dential - Agricultural area. If there is anyone conducting anything on the
business property now, he would hsve the right to continue a~ a non-conforming
use. For the time being, I ~lll defer, because I am sure there are others here
~ho would speak in favor of this application.
SU~i~VISOR ALBERTS0N: Just to clarify things, this piece originally
was all 'B". The last change changed it to "B2" and the balance to "M'.
This has been full ~]~ for a number of years and the change just took place
S~PE~ISO~ ALBE~T$ONI Who oleo would like to speak in favor of
this relief?
GERALD D. ~R~S, ~e Drive: I ~ge the Board to t~e favorable
action on the petition it now has before lt. This is an area o~
residential use an~ we feel that It will be detrimental to all of the single-
fa~ly residence users in this area If we see a "B" use come In hers.
understan~ that the Planning Bo~d has re=e~ended that this ~ea be zene~
"A" and I thl~ It would be improper for the Boar~ not to act on this petition.
~ ~AF~Z, North Sea Drive~ ~rst, with respect to the editorial
that appeared in the newspaper two weeks ago, I thi~ that the e~ltorial was
rather unfair to the resl~en=s who had ~i~ed the petition, because it seemed
to give the impression that our objective was to put the businessmen out of
business. That is not our objective. These people who ~re currently con-
ducting their businesses cannot be thrown off this property if this property
is zoned "A". Unfortunately, this is the point that was ma~e in the editorial.
The point that ~a~ not made is that so long as this property is zoned
and "~ any number of inappropriate uses could come abou~ in the ~ture. I
know from personal knowledge that there ~re plans to expan~ t~is p~operty
beyond the current businesses and I thi~ tha~ the real issue here is, should
this property roman zoned so that tomorrow or next year or two years from
now, we wouldn't be faced with a small motel and a sm~l bar, but a bar and
grill, a l~.rge motel, a miniature golf course, and so on, that would be
perfectly legal and would be inappropriate for this particul~ scenic, resi-
dential area.
MR. MARKEL: I am surprised not to see more of the real estate pmople
in favor of our petition, because we spend thousands of dollars in this area.
I think it ix very important to the business people of the community to have
people such as ourselves living in this area.
a lot more money than a motel or a small bar.
I am ~-ure that ~e would spend
and Mrs. Potecki. Mr. and Mrs.
Potecki own the property ~,~hich is presently zoned "M", whinh is a multiple
residence and ~hich permits motels. I have heard somethin~ tonight along the
lines that a mistake was made here back in 1957 ~7hen zoning was first brought
to the Town of Southold. Who was it that determined that this was a m/stake?
I don't know. Possibly the Board sitting in 1957 did not feel that it was a
mistake to zone that particular area "B" for Business. In 1960 Mr. and Mrs.
Potecki came to this area and purchased the property which was then zoned "B",
knowing thot it was zoned "B", and purchased 1.7& acres. This is one and three-
quarter acres of property zoned "B" and they paid $10,000 for this piece of
property. Fhis ~as zoned Business property. This was not zoned Residential
property. ~x Two years passed and they built the present structure there which
is a motel. It's a multiple residence - a three-family multiple residence.
This ~as not a mistake - they knew what they were doing. You say nobody told
you that this was s Business zone. "he Zoning Map is on file - it's a public
document and everyone has e right to look at it. If yau came in after this,
you bought with your eyes wide open. On the corner is now a food stand. Some
people failed in the business, but that doesn't mean that this particular area
was bad for business. It might have been a bad businessman. Zoning remained
"status quo" until January 1968. ~hat meant it was "B" property from the be-
~inniug of zoning right up to the time of 1968, January. At that time a public
hearing was held and a change of zone was sought - I believe by the Town Board
on ?our own motion - from "B" to "A". At that time it w~s not changed from "B"
to "A" Residential. Public hearings were held. Where were you?
(Someone in the audience) 90% of us were not here et that time.
MR. SCHEINBERG: A second public hearing was held. This time I think
you had a little turnout, but at the end of thi~ meeting thc Board to~k come
th~n~s under consideration and they chan~ed the Potecki property up to "M"
and the other property on the corner was chan~ed to "Business 2". Here we are
one month later. Whrt happened between last month ~nd this nonth thet the
Bo~rd should change their minas? Phs property remains the came. ~here is a
motel on the "M" pro_~erty and ~ stand on ~he "B" property. Let's tske a look
at this map. ~he map indicates the blacked-out a~ee which is "Be" and "~' ~nd
everything sl~e is "A". Now, this looks an~ sounds very good, but now let's
take a look at the ectual property. Directly acro~s the street is the Town
owned land. Do you expect single-family residencs~ ~o be built on ~own o~ned
property? You are net idiots and you do kno,~ ~h~.~ the Town will be building on
this l~nd. If y~u were ~o give a guess ~ to ~hut would be used fo~ this land,
what ~o~ld y~u say? A parking lot, recreational facilities fo~ the Town? This
would be my guess. There are quite ~ feu acres ~cro~s the -~'~ot. At the end
of Kenney's Road is North Sea Drive and the beach. Something ;~as said before
about private business and ~a~ payers' money. Mr. an6 ~e. Potecki paid for
business pro?erty 5nd choir taxes so reflect that ~hey o~n business property
and that they ~e payin~ ~axe~ on it. Directly be~ind the Poteckies to the
northeast ~s vucant property. As you go further to ~he northe~art there are a
few cottages zoned "A". But, the Poteckies are not complai~ing that it is
zoned "A"~ just as long as their pro~erty is zoned "B". Fhe Board must ~sd~e
into consideration hh~ vhol~ orea. To the outh of the Potecki property is
more vacant property all the ~ay down to Dogwood Lane. Ponirht i tbs first
time that I saw this property. I took a left onto Kenney's Road and I was
very pleasantly surprised to see the area as I moved do~n to ~he Sound. Then
we came to a large open area. ?he Town owns it on the left and on the right
before the Potecki property. Why isn't this property left the ~ay it is?
Peoole like to go in and change the zoning on other people's property. Weter-
Xmm~ front is the ~reatest natural asset that the Town of Southold has. Water-
front means recreational-residential areas. I'm afraid that ~griculture, which
has been the backbone of our East-end com.~unity, is on the '~y out ~s the basis
for economy and more and more we ,~ill look to r~creational-residential ~reas
and the u~:e of our natural reszurces. ~he only way to sa~e waterfront prooerty
is to maintain zoning. I ask the Board to maintain th' zonin5 as it is, or,
in the altern3tive~ to place this property back in ~he "~" zone in vhieh it
was originally.
SfANLEY CORfIN: I am here individually, on my own behalf, end also
on beh:~lf of ths o'.'nors of part of the property, Mr. and Mrs. i?liveri. In
view of Mr. Cron's stetement about his 160 clients and where all the emotion
was coming from, he apparently was incorr.~ct. I think th~,t ~he iourpose of a
public hearin? ia to afford the Board an opportunity to get ~ sense of what
~he public thinks: but I feel th~,t it all ou~ht to ~e relcttered and conform
within ~hs framework of those provisi~ns of the Town Law %Thich enable the
Board i~s legal latitude in this ~rea. ?;e az'c ~alking pri~cipally about the
healhh, safety, morals ~nd welfare of the poe?lo of the community. ~hen ~ we
look st this change in ~hs light of that, ,re don't see ,~uch valid reason for
it as I see it. For $25.00 they can force this Board into this kind of a
nearing. I think it is important tha~ v~e look at the history of the change
and u~:e 'that as some kind of a guide to determine whether or not the present
applicati¢~n should be granted. The fir.~t two applications were m~de on the
Board's own motion. The Board firsb moved to upzone it to "A". ~hen there
was s public nearing that was not widely attended and there was very little
support in favor of the change at that time. The Board itself found that its
own thinking apparently on how this should be zoned was incorrect and it
modified its own action; it denied the application actually by a resolution
and o~, the same night that that was done~ made a new motiou to change it as
it presently is. It is, of course, a requirement of this Board that when
an applicotion is m~de for a change of zone: it has to be referre~ to the
Planning Board. ~he Planning Board said yes, we s~e in favor of this change
to A. ~he first time that the Bo~rd ~eferred this zoninE to the Planning
Board it won't along ~ith tho Board's feelins, but the rzason Elven was that
the paucel ~as zoned "B" in error. That is an opini.~n of the Planning Board
-- it was not a mistake, and I talked with many members of the Board at the
time that it ~as done and the member who was in charge of that oarticulsr
area of the To~n, Mr. Van Duzer. The second time the Planning Board proposed
to rezone, ~he Board told you that now it was a question of a serious water
supply. If th~se replies to this Board are the thinking of objective people
who are concerned uith long-range planning ....... certainly no one can tell
me that there i~: any cousol~tion about this rez~lution of the Planning Board,
se I hope that tho Board is not of a mind to ogren that this wa? o zoning error.
The reasons ~iven were a~ follo~s: ~he property is surrounded b! "As zoning;
it is an inwit~tion to expand to all business usaa; it would increase the
noise; ~nd that there are other available site~ fo~ businas~ ~scs. The Board
is aware that there. %re ~any areas zoned other than for ~esi~snti~l in this
Town that are completely surrounded by "A" zoniuf and cer~ain!y that is not
mny reason for anything to be changed. So far as leaving it rz it is being
an invitatlou to expand, or changing this because there mi~ht be another
Apple Tree there in an "A" district, we can have many things. This is not
an invitation --- zoning is not an invitation to ,~ke any substantial changes
nor to bring in the worst in any business area. So far as increasing the
noise and traffic -- we already have everything that goes with a beach, but
the f ct that that noise is already there doesn't mean that it is going to
be worsened. ITow, also in the petition they said that this would be detri-
mental to the area residents. That's no reason to change zonin?. I eubmit
that ii~ taking into conrlderation 'the welfare of che people of the Town, not
just s~mmcr residents, but also ye~r-rcund residents -- thi,~ isn't ~oing to
mskc any difference. The welfare of the Town ?ould be better off if it is
left the way it is. So far as transients being invited, the Town facility
already bri~e them in. I kno~ that this Bo~rd r,{~ds the official paper, but
I submit that a lot of significsnt remarks wei~e m~do in it. In cna breadth
the peonle say they have a small bar and that they can continue to maintain
it, ~nd I b~ve a o??y of a letter from a Mr. ]~auch ~ated June lqth in .~hich
he pointed cut to the Board that operation of thut small bar Ls=~ failed over
the p~st under the Ol"nership of three different peddle. So, apparently as a
non-conforming use it isnmt going to be of very much uss. In y ur zoning
appeal where you i~avc to <3eal ;'ith special e×ceutions, one sf the testa that
you ~.et up ia that uroo~rty values must be concerned. Mr. U%lveri bought his
property before the first ?ublic notice of this :etlon and paid $13,OOO for
it and he had been told that if it were to be rezoned that the property would
be valued at about ~6,000. I submit that, taking tkis as a proctical zoning
m~tter, this Board should decide this application ?nd leave the zoning as it
ROBERT '{YATT: I am a businessman in Southold and the reason I am
here ~s becsu-e I head an editorial in the p~per and read some letters, and
I find that the best way to ?et to the point of a subject i=~ to attend that
m~etin~ and learn. I~ow, I did listen and I think I learned quite a lot, but
I Eot s little bit perturbed at three things that mere done. I happen to
have been a transient et one time and yet I hope I am considered a member of
this Town.
came here who were at one time
ask questions of the audience.
question, that's fine.
would like a show of hands of all the people in this room who
transients in this area.
We do not take a vote at any hearing and do not
If you want to ask a question as a rhetorical
MR. HYATT: ! will take back my question, but I will assume that a good
many of us here were transients. Therefore, I ~hink that we should pass from
our minds any feeding that transients are not possibly good future citizens of
Southold. I think we should just disregard that. What town are you from? We
are all from this country and we are discussing a human being's rights as an
individual and therefore I think we should cast asl~e emotion and just listen.
MR. COBET: I believe Mr. Hyatt nas an ulterior motive with Mr. Oliverl
being in the building market. Me mentioned that ~e are all transients - that
we all emigratsd from Europe, but I would like to still point out that many
transients, practically the whole of New York, have only about an hour~s drive
ts this area, and these are the kind of transients that we ar~ interested in.
We came out here '~ith very good reasons and have invested huge sums - we didn't
come for an hour or two. Somebody mentioned that this m~ht hove been an error,
and it might not have been. ! don't dispute this and I am aware of the facts,
but how the Board will agree that good zoning should be fluctual. I am not anti-
business and I know these people bought the~e properties in ~ood faith I am ~ure.
We don't mind the luncheonette, but as I said before, we would mind an Apple
Tree. ~Xx Mr. PoteeF~ has no objection - its a very nice place and I am sure
there is no objection for him to continue. But this is on three parcels from
North Sea Drive to Dogwood Lane and Mr. Potecki ~%~ht not own his parcel two
or five years from now. And, the vacant parcel on Dogwood Lane and Kenney's Road
may change h~nds and we've got to think about the future. I thi~ this is the
Board's responsibility. Someone mentioned, I believe it was Mr. ~ron, that
other residential areas in $outhold are surrounded by business sreas and this
may be true. But, this maybe occurred before zoning - but, are we going to
cmmpound this felony? There was no control over this 30 years a~o. But here's
something that is in its infancy - herets a possi'~le cancer Eroding ri?bt hose.
You , az the Board, c~n be surgeons and cut it out right now. We h~ve Torn
aEents and police cars on the beach area, but if y~u are talking about private
property, the police can't go on private property. Somebody mentioned the four
questions in tho Long Island Traveler - I think those questions are very reason-
ably and intelligently answered. I think the Board has a responsibility. I
think the investment Mr. 01iveri has is small compared to the total investments
hy the people that are here and many others that are not here touight. I hope
the Board sees fit to fulfill their responsibility.
DR. V~'~DEMESE: I hope that the Board rill t~e into consideration and
realize the damages that are imminent in any changes in similar areas. Tou have
had a spot-zoning here and look at the com~otion it has ~ raised.
MRS. ~ED COBET: In listening to the la~yer for the Poteck/es, he
mentioned the adjacent vacant property and also property that ~uaa o~ned by the
Town. We ~re not concerned with that. There is vacant property adjacent to
this property that is in discussion now. If we are r~ot up on our toes, where
is it going to end?
MR. CRON: I have liutened with a g?~at deal of lntercst~o my colleagues
in the legal profession. I was particularly interested in the history concerning
their clients property. I was also happy to he~.r Mr. Cor~in raise really what
is the issue here. I wonder if this property in question, if it were zoned
Residential "A" at this time and an application came before thi~ Board to zone
that property ~B2" a~d "W', then this ~ould be a ~onderful example of &pot-
zoning. What ~e are doing here is the reverse of the ~ituation. We already
h~ve the area upzoned -- we are no~ trying to rectify this :~ituation. I have
seen in other areas where business property has been rezoned to "A" where the
factors that exist in this question were very close. We ask the Board to do
that which is right. It takes courage to do that which is right. It doesn't
take any courage to ignore or to compromise it. We want the property to be
rezoned under sound zoning principles. The issue is today as the conditions
exist in that area - is the property properly zoned under sound zoning procedures
and practice? We cay that it is not -- we would ask this Board to move with
ihs utmost speed so thst niether side is left hanging for any degree of time.
I ish to remind the Board of the fact ~hat some two or three years ago there
was a ~otel proposed to be built right off Kenney's Road and at that time people
absolutely were against any such type of business and I thought that the Board
at that time would ~ve acted in behalf of the residents in this area.
SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We have many letters and telegrams concerning
this which are part of the record.
MR. CRON: X wonder if, as a part of this hearing, the Board would
be willing to incorporate the files on the two previous hearings?
(Someone in the audience):
lng at the January 23rd hearing. No
should be brought into this hearing.
Certainly they mill be considered in our
I was mislead by someone into not appear-
reference from the first two hearings
MR. TOM P~: Dan Smith owned the land that ay home is On now and
I ~va~ the one ~ho was turned down by 'the Board because I was told it would be
a public nuisance.
(Someone in the audience): We people are not~gainst the Poteckies
and not against the small bar continuing i~ its present capacity, and if he
can better himself withi~ the confines of his property .
(Someone in the audience): We are acting a 1;ttle bit belatedly about
this matter. It is evident that most of us are summer residents an~ not here
in January.
MR. COB~: We may not be h~re in the ~in~er, but we vote here.
Some ~f us own t~.~o homes - we can choose our leEal voting residence and many
of us do vote here.
SUPERVISOR AI~i~TSO~: The word "summer resident" ds n~t a dirty
word. We are very happy with the summer residents in the Town of Southold,
~nd hope that you continue to ~ome here.
MRS. COBET: ~ remember quite well wal~_lng down and loeking ~t ~he
area and seei~ the small bar closed and thi~ was in 195~ or '35. ~ thought
it would be a very nice place if it were open. ~ And the ether building,
i~ looked ~o ~c like a huge colonial and ! know tha~ he ren~ed out apartments.
I never thought until a £~w months ago that this property could b.~come a night-
mare. We hope to retire here and live he~e ~ud ~o ~hink th~ this can be
taken away from us . ~t bre~s my heart to see what might happen in this
entire situation.
~[R. HYATT: ~ was here m~ the result of an editorial I had read and
letters in response to it. Since that time I investigated who the party in-
volved was, found out and discussed the situation and told him that Z would
attend the meeting .~ith an open ear and an open mind and ~ n~ver will have an
ulterior motive to exis~ in this area. ~f we don't ps_rticipate in those meet-
in~s when .~e have questions in our minds - let's al~ays remember that we have
the privilege of having a he,ring like this.
SUI~ERVISOR S?.mERTSON: Themmeeting will close at this time for
further deliberstions of 'the Board.
June 19, 1968
Mr. Lester Albertson
Town Supervisor
South Old Long Island, New York
Dear Mr. Albertson:
Relative to the up-coming meeting to change the existing Zoning regulations per-
taining to the property located at the North East Corner of Alvahis Lane and the
Main Road, Cutehogue, New York, I am enclosing a resolution that was unanimously
passed by the Board of Governors of the North Fork Country Club at ~heir meet-
ing, Saturday 3une 15th, 1968.
Patrick' J. Cronin
Member of the Board
North Pork Country Club-ReKular Directorm Meeting
June 15, 1968
Such an action in our opinion would tend to further de-
teriorate the park-like area of approximately one hundred
acres presently used as a vacationland by the North Fork
Country Club. We believe that the Town and the Club have
an identical interest in preserving and protecting the
open spaces remaining in the town, whether publicly or
privately owned. The club serves the recreational needs
of several hundred local residents and has been in
existance approximately fifty-seven years.
~o~ Co~y, Ne~ York, pub~c~
:~ ~1]1 be held by'file ~uth~d
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them ~utherly alo~ ~d~ .~r~ ~ne ~ N~h ~ ~,[
C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says
that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND
paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that
the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been
published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch-
once each week for ~ .~ ....... ~ .~.~,ff...
successively, commencing .................. ~.._ ...............
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WEEKLY TI~S. a news~er pubtish~ ~t Greenport, In s~d
county; and ~at the noti~, ~f which ~e .~ex~ is u pzint~
~py, ~s ~en published in the s~d Suffolk Weekly Times
once in eech we~k, ~r ............ ~k~ .......... weekh
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Sw~ to before me this .~.~:.'.. ]
"B-~" BumJmm 9L~Act ~im fol.2~Jqw~g ~
Southold Town Planmng Board
~rlUTHrlLO. L. I., N. Y. 11~71
John Wickham, Chairman
Henry Moisa
Alfred Grebe
William Unkelbach
Frank CoyJe
Report to:
Southold Town Board
16 South Street
Greenport, N.Y. 11944
May 22, 1968
This is to certify that the following action was taken by
the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on
May 22, 1968:
In the matter of the original petition of Henry Horton,
Cutchogue, N.Y. for a change of zone on property located on the
northeasterly corner of Main Road and Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue,
N.Y., and more particularly bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the Main
Road where it is intersected by the easterly line of Alvah's
Lane; running thence alongthe easterly line of Alvah's Lane,
North 31 deg. 15' 10" W. 154.82 feet to land of Verderese; run-
ning thence along land of Verderese, N. 61 deg. 56' 40" E. 137.54
feet to other land of Verderese; running thence along said other
land of Verderese, N. 30 deg. 30' 00" W. 172.80 feet to the north-
erly line of the Main ~oad, running thence along the said north-
erly line of Main Road, S. 69 deg. 30' 00" W. 137.45 feet to the
easterly line of Alvah's Lane, the place of beginning.
It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board
approves the change of zone from "A" Residential-Agricultural to
"B" Business.
~T~spect fu 1 ly submitted,
(Jo~n Wickham, Chairman~-~
\~9'outhold Town Planning Board
May 16) 1968
~r l~en~ Horton
De~r Sir;
Xou will ;70 notified of thc time ~d place ol'_the ~.uL'Ic
%'our s tr~,:ly
~DUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y.
May 16, 1968
Mr. John Wickham
Chairman Planning Board
Cutchogue, L.I. 11935
Dear _M~'. Wickham;
The original petition of
Henry Horton, Main Road, Cutchogue, N.Y.,
relative to change of zone from "A" Resid-
ential and Agriculural District to "B"
Business District on certain property
situated on Main Road and Alvah's Lane,
Cutchogue, L.I., is in the files in the
office of the Planning Board at Southold,
New York.
You are instructed to pre-
pare an official report defining the conditions
described in the petition and determine the
area so effected with the recommendation of
your Board.
Very truly yours,
Albert W. Richmond
Town Clerk
CASE NO.: ..............
(insert ~mme of petitioner)
Sufft,]k County, New York, the nndersig-ned, am the owner of certain real property situated at
Cutchogue~ N.Y.
Beginning at a point or~ the northerly line of the main road where
it is intersected by the easterly line of Alvah's Lane; Running thence
along the easterly line of ~lvah's ~ane N. 31o-15'-10'' W. 154.~2 feet
to land of Verderese; Running thence along 2and of Verderese~/.61°-56'-
~0" ~. 137.54. feet, to other land of Verderese; Em-ming thence along said
other land of veraerese ~.-30o-30'-00'' ~. 172.80 feet to the northerly
line of the main road; running thence along the said northerly line of
main road S. 69°- 30'- 00" W.i_to the easterly line of Alvahs Lane~ the
place of begirming. ~7.~f~,_ ~¢e [
2. I do herel)y petition rite Toun Board of the Towt~ of Southold to change. ~nodi£y and
amend the Buildmg Zone Ordinance of the Towu o1' Sot, thold, Suffolk County, New Y~rk,
i,~clttding the Building Zcme Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: By changing
the above described parcel of land from "a" residential - agricultural
district to "B" business district.
3. Such request is made for the following reasons: I have had several inquiraes
and offers to lease or sell this property for business uses. I have now
pending the lease with option of purchase by a party who wishes to
open a gift shop on these premises.
) SS:---
Henry Horton BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that
hc is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows
the contents thereof; that the same is true to i~is (her) own knowledg'e, except as to thc matters
therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as ttJ those matters he hclieve> it
to be trne.
Swc~rn to before ille
/'~tary Pnblic.
NOTARY PUBLIC, State o[ New Yod,