HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoldrich, Abe - Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board oF the Tewn of Southold by A]::~ Go'l~'J. ch requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ...'~r!...~.~....~f...~.~'~'.. District to ....'~.~.... ~.~.J~? .......... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relatio~ to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .... 25.¢-h......dav of ............. 1~.9~'- .............. , 19...~., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is denied. By Order of the Southo~d Town Board ~e(l~ December 9, 1969 Town Clerk ,rrt r :'l LI T L :: SOUT:IOLll TOrJN `!.~.:" Nove.::ber 25~ 1969 P R 8 S E N T: SUPERVZSOP, ALBERT MP.RT000IIIF. JUSTICTi MARTIN SiTr'dR COUNCILMAN ii01VARD VALENTINE COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEA7ARLST Trnvn ATTORNEY ROBERT W. TASKCR TCIYQN CL&RK~ ALBfiRT W. RICHMOND Ooldrich )~~~~D Note TYler ) change of zones o.K. Taca ) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: At this time we will open the hearing on the Goldrich property. Councilman Valentine will read the legal notice of hearing. COUNCILMAN VALENTINE: " Pursuant to Section. 265 ~' the Town Law and Article IX of the Building 'Lone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,. New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board in the Office a~f the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in .said Town on the 25th day of A*ovember, 1969, at 7:30 o'clcok in the evening of said day on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suff olk County, New York. "By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "8" Business District the following described property: "All that certain tract of land situated at the north side of Middle Road (CR 27), Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk„and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as fol4ows: "BEGINNING at the point where the southwesterly line of Kenney's Road is intersected by the northwesterly line of the existing B zone, said point being 95.88 feet northwesterly along said southwesterly line from the northerly corner of land of Dewar; from said point of beginning running along said existing 8 zone, S. 33° 31' 40" W.- 524.27 feet to land of Charnews; thence along said land of Charnews, E, 41° 43' 10" W.-.36.19 feet; thence through land of Goldrich, N, 33° 31' 40" E.- 524.10 feet to said southwesterly line of I(enney's Road;'thenee along said southwesterly .line, S. 41° 57' SO" Ee- 36.15 feet to the point oaf beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amdndment should appear at the time and place so speciSied. Dated: October 21, 1969, by order ~ the Southold Town Board, Albert W. Richmond, Tavn Clerk. ,,:.~: w. , --x ; .: Councilman Valentine stated there were affidavits of publicatio n in the file; he then read the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: You have heard the description of this property,, and the recommendation of the Planning Board on this piece ~6 property, At this time is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this application? _R,G, TERRY, BSQ,: MY, Supervisor, T appear on behalf bf Mr. Goldrich in asking .your favorable consideration of this particular .change of zone. This property, fronting on Middle Road, was zoned "II" Business District rto a depth af.200 feet, on the width of the road, The County took about 35 feet frontage from the land and on that Mr, Goldrich is asking that he be put back in the same position as he was before the County, came along and took part of his property, We are asking that he still have a depth of 200 feet of business property. The same as he had before the•County took the property away. I did not hoar in the reading a~f the record whether or not the County Planning Board had any recommendation on this. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: We have a reprot from the County Planning Board and they have referred it to local jurisdiction, R, G. TERRY, BSge: By the County? SUPERVISOR DSARTOCCHIA: Yes, R, G, TERRY, fiSQ,: In all fairness to Plc, Goldrich, where the. property was taken from him, and where he had property 200 feet deep, this should be granted and the property put back in same condition as it was before the County came along. I earnestly solicit your favorable consideration, i„ • ,. 1 i ,:, . a: _~ -4- ; ,. s~ SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak in favor of this application? ~.. • (There. was no response,.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in opposition to the granting of this application?. JOHN `17AZWA: Do you hav¢ a sketch of this property. This piece 'that Mr. Goldrich refers to as being taken from him> ,x. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: D4r,' Goldrich had a piece of property zoned business 200 feet deep, R.`G TERRY, ESQ,: This is a map of the property as it was,. (Brief. discussion was held on th¢ map. of the property and the property`in question.) ~, _ , p R. G. TERRY, ESq,: Since the County highway line was moved,'we ~= are asking that the business line he moved back 35 feet. '<' NIl2.• JAZWA: He is asking for this frontage too, that he did not lose. r' R. G. TERRY, ESq.: He is asking that. the line be moved back. NII2. JA'LWA: Actually h¢ did not lose this in the frontage,. ~ R. G. TERRY, ESQ.: He is asking to have the same depth of business - that he,. had before. DII2.`JAZWA: This land was condemned for County .use? R. G~ TERRY, ESQo: Part Q£ Sto MR, JAZWA: Wasn't Mr. Goldrich,paid on the basis of :Commerical graperty7" R. G. TERRY ESQ.: I don't know. D'Q2. JAZWA~ If he received compensation on the basis of commercial ~, .:. property, this.... SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: We are not concerned here with how Mr. Goldrich was. compensated for this property,. ;.; .. ,,.„ ... .. . _ .., ... x ... F` :w , R R" L .. 'tti i .. f Y ~ L A~~ I ~ ~~ • • ~ ~~ ~ 6;. .. '. ~, S* t~ L' ' S '~. ~~ I . 1 .~ V n ,a j;'~ MR. JAZV7A: He is asking for more to be restored to Business that What was Ilmaked in the=original proceedings. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: H¢ is asking for a small piece in the back. MR.' JA.ZIVAs He is asking for 217 feet by 36 Peet. He didn't lose that much. He is asking for about twice as much as he lost. .SUPERVISOR MARTOrCHIA: All he is asking mainly is to maintain the 200 feet depth, also taken in a dog leg piece on,the back. R. G. TERRY, ESQ.: It's 35 feet, the depth across would be 200 feet.'.. NII2. JAZWA: I have been asked to appear at this hearing to represent the opposaion of the Fcenny'S Beach Civic Association. The County left this in your. hands. For the past three years considerable amount of time, effort and money has been put into ,~ the Master Plan for the Town of Southold. ",^~eetings have been held to acquaint the people with this, I attended the meeting at Southold Hlgh School. This request is indirect conflict with the Master Plan . Is all that money to be wasted on the Master Plan. The brochure given out to me at Southold High School stated that the Tovm of Southold is primarily residential and Agricultural area and this character. would be maintained in Southold. Kenney's Road is one of two access roads leading to the public beach area. Expansion of this business will attract building, and traffic and signs and draw cars and mar the beauty of the area. The Master Plan has specific axea for each type of zoning. This azea has been designated as an agricultural area, with the exception of tho pxoperty on the corner. As a matter of fact he has been compensatr-.d or will be compensated for this property, that I think the loss of the property has been compensated for. I don;t think it should be rezoned to Business. I don'f irnow what Air. Goldrich intends to do with this peoperty, what .A are. his intentions? i ,; «.~ d L. i, - ,a ,}`~: ! 'G ~i ~. !' a ~ .. 'i ' ~~~~ ~ ti i ~ •;,} r' Y R.-G. TERRY, LSQ.: [Ohen ,dr. Goldrich acquired the property i~ was already zoned business.. That was the reason he acquired it. The business zone extended beyond his property. All he is asking for is the zoning depth be put back as the same as it was before County came along and took the property. If I understand him correctly,. the County did pay him but not on the basis of business property, without consideration of it being business propertye I think it should be noted that Mr. Goldrich has almost another seven acres that hQ is not asking too be taken into this business zone. I~2. JAZ[9A: The original zoning was spot zoning. R. G. TERRY,. ESQ.: It was zoned along this area and it wasr all south side of the property. Dg2. JAZ[VA: It is spot zoning in-that it is not in accordance with the area. You say he wants to extend to what it was in the first placeL. tIe was compensated for the land. I don't think that two wrongs make aright. [Vhether we should rezone other property to make up for the loss , if the County took my property they would put a road on it. There is not other way to be compensated, other than money.. I respectfully request that the Southold Town Eoard deny this application and let the land remain residential and agricultural. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Anyone else with to be 'heard in opposition? FRED CO>~TT: When coning went into ef:Eect in 1967 I think the' corner on Kenney's Road and North Road, tivhich is mreyer'.s fingineering, one story frame building, at that time was in existance. SUPERVISOR i4ART000HIA: The propcrty on the corner was business zone. "~ __ - _T My ^G{ • -~ ~` JJ r M ~N~ :RED COBI:TT: It was in existence, but. you can't, make the zoning t:'..: .. ,~ .. retroactive. It should have to continue as anon-conforming use: V?e ;~'.~ have sim~,rlar mistake at Dogwood Lane and North Sea Drive. All.you axe•` ,~ , doing is inexeasing the mistakes make in 19570. GAiat was he compensated for the ].and? If we are going to adhere to the Master Plans business +• should not be on this road, I don;t think this application should . be gxanted, and ask the Board to tuxn dovrn this application for a business zone, SUPERVISOC: ~4ART000HIA: Anyone else Trish to be heard? JAMES MULHALL: 'I am speaking on behalf of Xenney's Beach Pssociation. Most ~ us,vrho purchased .land on t;epg¢y's ::gad, ~ bout twelve years • . ago with the intention of living in a xesiuential and agricultural area. , . y~ L ~ ~ - ., -. (.. W . p, F1ot of business zoning has been forced. u, on us< I am speaking for most ~. of the people that are here. '/de don't want any more of this encroachment ` ~ on our residential property C'?e are living in a residential area ; ~ and we want to i:eep it that vray. SUPBRVISOR NIARTOCCHIA: Anyone else wish to be heard? iVALTER I-L4RRIS: From what I can make out from this map he is asking for 130 feet extaa, is that correct? R. G, TER12Y, ESQ,: He is aslcing that the line be moved back.. IIe is asking that the line be moved back 36,15 feet, The line be moved back since the line was moved back by the County. Same typed of propexty as bef ore., Dft. HARRIS: The Master Plan recommends fox this to be a residential and agricultural district. It seems vre are trying to defeat the purpose of ,this plan before it is ever inacted, Cae are trying to put ,business in there. He is aslcing Por 131 feet. I am against this being zoned businesso r ., .. ~ ~ .t ~ - t e se - r. ,'~ .. If' ~•, Y ~" • 1 .• .. ~; { ~~~ - ~ ~ f ti ,~„ )s ~ $ i f ~ } r ~~ t 1 ~.: JS 47 n..'tt u1S,:L:.w.<7 ,La ....i.._......_ ~. ~~ •.~ „~ ~ .. 51~ - - ~~~ .Y: `a SUP"tii2VISOh I.1A12TOCCHIA: Is there anyone elso present who wishes to speak .against this application/ CHARLFsS RL' : IS you allow them to have this property now, what stops them from another business zone. S4hat stops them from asking foz another +40 or GO Seet. This is suppose to be a residential area and I'am against this business zone, SUPERVISOR MART0..CSIA: Fszyone else? TODI PEPP: I think this .property should remain "A" residential and agricultural district as it is now and I oppose to moving back to;business zone. SUPERVISOR D^.ART000IiIf~: Anyone- else:? f~2S. DBAUGUSTA: I agree with this gentlemenl;," I have a'beautiful ho:ye and I would lilce to -enjoy it, .BUFF .VISOR iQARTOCCHIA: .",ryone else with to speak? rilit COTIrTT: I have'some Tbsentee protest. (Mr. Cobett presented letters to the Eoard) I.52. JP.7.V1F.: Does D"S. Goldricla plan to xun a road froza this property to ICenney's Road. There :rill be cars coming out through driveways in the property. He is asking for more than he lost in the first place. All the reaspn why this xequest should be rejected. SUPERVISOR fIA12TGtiCHIA1~ ?myone else? G. TEP.^.' R ;:S~.: I mould like to say for the Board, DIr. Goldrich . ~ "dogs not have any plan to put any road through here. The County tooK the property away from him, reducing the ~i:.ount-of area that he had zoned business. He should have the same depth of 200 feet, as the _ others do in the. area. These .people don't have anything to fear.' Dir. Goldrich doe§ have residential area for buffer zone between them. '' ' He should be put in the same position as he was bef ore the County took `x ~` the property a~iay _ from .him. I earnestly oclicit your favorable considerations .. r _..__,.. . _ .. ~.__.... r~ ~ ~ ' • S a 's "~;' r '~ ~ y p. ~~ ' , a, I ,~ ~ ~ ~ >: .r • ;~i ~ ~ ' ~ ~__ y ~ 5" 'i . ~. ~ _ .r y, f_. (' . .,I ~ j~•r ~ ~ . •j ~ ~ ~ 6 • ~~.~ ^J~ R. G, Terry, Trsq.(con't): TI~c Tanning 3oard and the County both thought there was some meYrit to it, • i+~, COBI;TT: I thmnk the County tried to pass the buck. He"could put a road or driveway through to henney's i2'oad, R. G. TERRY: HIe could do .this nosy. rie still. has sufficient area that he could put one to Y,enney's Ito~d. SU~RVISOa biF~TOCCIiIA:, r"a~yone:;else wish to be heard ono way or the other on this application? (There was no response,) SUPi.RVISOR DIHIZ'lOCCIiIF.: Hearing none,. we will' close the hearing at this time for the further delibezation of the Eoard. -10- _., SUPBRVISOR~MARTOCCHYA: WS Wlll open the hearing on tho psoperty~of Tyrier. Councilman Demurest will read tht legal i:otice, .' ,..: t .. '. ,.. QIg hear3.ng. '. .. COIINC.ILMAN DSMARBST; "Pursuant to Section 20 aaf the Southold. x ~ , 2owa Orcdittaace,providing for the regulation. of Tourists Camps, House ` Trsiler Camps, House Trailers ar similar estabiishmsata, a public _. hearing x311 be he18 by the SoutholdTown Board at the office of the- Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greeaport, New .York, in said 'Town as November,25, 1969, at B:OO P.M. alf said day upaat the application ' ,.. _ ~ , . . ad Clifford and Sdwiaa Tyler for the establishmeaL sad operation of a tsaasient travel tralez camp on pzoperty xocated at nozth side ar Schoolhouse Road, Culchogue, New York, generally bouudslt'aad described as follows..'... "Beginning at a point on the northerly line of .School House Road which is 551.7 feet f from Depot Lana on said northerly side a! .School House Road .and tha southwesterly corneraf land of McCaffery; running southwesterly along said northerly side ci! school Horse &oad 2 courses: S. 46. 57' 30° W.-.150 feet; thence S. 49. 46' S0" W.r 209.16 feet to a monumeaL and the land of the Taw:: e! Southold; running thence slang the leads of Town at' Southold and land of Baxter N. 37• OS' S0" W.-.379.6$ feet to a point; thence ala~ng landoF Sextet N. 33• 17' 10" 8.- 205.87 feet to land of Kurczews2d.; rw:aiag lheace' . ± S. 39. 44+,10" B. to land of applicant; thence along land of xUrczewski N. 46. 57' 90" 8 to land of McCafferty; tbeslce along laud. of McCa!!ery S. 41. 32+ 50" E. to the point. c2 beginning. ,Within this. parcel are the private dwelling and business boil ding (Pubiia garaW) of the oia~era• . Any persoai desiring to be hears an the above matter.should. - appear at the time and planed above specified. 1. i ~~ '' ~' k S ~~ i '~'p ~ .¢Ia ry J,~~ "DATED: October Sl, 1969, BY ORDER ~ THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, ALBERT W o TtQCHMOND, TOG9N CLERT:. Councilman Demarest stated that the affidavits ofpublication were present in the file. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: You have. heard .the legal notice of hearing and the description af•the property. Is`there anyotte present who wishes to speak in favor aE this application? MR. CLIFFORD TYLER: I am the man that is bringing the application ~~ for that. I hope that I get it. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Anyone else wish to be heard in favor of 'this application? (Thexe was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this. application? (Thee was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHLA: Is there any discussion one way or the other? (Thexo was no response.). ~ SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Hearing none, we will close the hearing a#:this:time for the furthex deliberation of the .Board. ;,- ' :. is =. ,, .;e v _ 1` .. a " ~s I ,, s ;" a.. ~q ,~ ' SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: We will now open the hearing on the property of Taca. Justice Suter vaill read the legalnotice of hearing. JUSTICE SViER: " Pursuant to Section. 265 of the Town Law and Axticle IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will beheld by the Southold Town Board in the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 25th day. of November, 1969, at 7:30 o'clock in the eyeing of said day on the f ollov~ng proposal to amend the building zone ordinance (including :the Building2one Maps) of the Town ~ Southild, Kew York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrict District, the following described property: All that certain tract of land situated at the south side of Middle Hoad (CR 27), Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suff o1, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Depot Lane (Cutchogue Depot Lane) where the same is intersected by the westerly end of a curve connecting the northeasterly side of said Deport Lane with the northwesterly side of Middle Road-C.R..27; running thence along the northeasterly side of said Depot Lane North 39 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds west 1037,25 feet to land now or formerly of Mildred Goodwin ,formerly Edward J. Drum; running thence along said land North 46 degrees, 28 minutes 50 seconds east 360.60 feet and north 40 degrees l4 minutes SO seconds west 1082.67 feet to land now or formerly of .John JP. I~upski, formerly Janes H. Drum; running thence along said land north 44 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds east 367.92 feet; running thence along said land and along land now or formerly of 1: rank Mc Eride south 41 degrees 46 minutes 20 seoonds East 2171.35 feet to the n orthwesterly side of Middlo Ro:~d- C.R. 27; running thence southwesterly r ~ E . ;..W~„ along the northwesterly side of Middle Road - C.R. 27 along an arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius ~ 5669.58 feet a distance of 721 feet to the easterly end of the curve first above mentiaeed running thence westerly along said curve bearing to the right having a radius of 71,48 feet a distance of 115.71 feet to the northeasterly side ~ said Depot Lane at the point or place of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendments should appear at the time and place so specified. Dated: October 21, 1969, by Order of the Southold, Town Board, Albert W. Richmond, Town Cleric. Justice Sutez stated that affidavits of publication were present in the file, report of the Suff olk County Planning Board was read, and it was stated that the Southold Town Planning Board has recommended this c$ange favorable. SUPBRVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this application? RIC HARD F. LARK, BSQ.: I am appearing on behalf of William Wickham and.. the applicant. Most of the reasons this change is zequested, this change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "C" Industrial are stated in the petition. I just want to make. additional comments on it and in the Boards consideration on the land that. lies to the north east already coned industrial. This was acquired some seven years ago c~rith a change of zone that was approved and adopted by the Town Board. This applicant's petition states that he intends to layout, develop and construct an industrial park.iP this change of zone was oranted him it .would be in the best interest of the :,; "a ry' Town and this fact is buttress by seven years ago the Town Board granted similar application on the north east side of this property. 4 f °~~ar a~ ..:... ~, -14- . <~ NIl2~ LARK (con't): The Southold Town Planning Board gave favorable recommendation to this change and the County Planning Commission passed it on to local jurisdiction. This property is undesirable for .residential use. There is the .Southold TamsQ Refuge and.an open sand pit in this area making it undesirable for residential use.. The -`area is 29 acres which is adequate for an industrial park This `park would greatly increase the Town's potential for attracting enterpiize and business. I respectfully request that the Board give favorable consideration. Planning The County left this for local determination. The/Board as I understand it gave favorable consideration to this application, and added:;a few of what they consider conditions. I want to press on tha t. As I understand the lalvs of the Zoning Ordinance that we have in Southold Town and the Town Law, which created the Town Planning Board in .areas such as this, the Town Planning Board's .act is to review and recommend. The Planning Board can not impose conditions. If the Town Board grants the application. and building is constructed ata later time , zoning ordinance permits will have to be obtained from the Building Inspector, and would determine zf-it complies with Article':~5 which is land use. The determination as to what is permitted in this ~~.;' 'area, what is a lawful and permitted use> I just want to go on record that we are applying for a change of zone, determined by the Town Board ane not the Planning Board. As far as access onto. the County Road, as I understand it the County has.~mething to say r ` about this when appliaation is made for access to the Coul~fty highway. If the Board has any'queatians i have Mr. Taca, the petition here. 's'.' C> .y ;f.. ,j r. ~; i! ~, s _ , __. ~ .,k,. ::: .__ _ -I~- ~ ...~'~. ,_ SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Thank you Mr. Lark. I have here the record of the Planning Eoard showing the recommendation that was read into the record,. Anyone else wish to speak for this application ? (Thee was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Anyone wish to speak against this application? (There was no response,) SUPERVISOR MP.RT000HIAie.,Is there any discuYSion one 'way or the other? There was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Hearing .none, we will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberatimz of .the Board. South'"' L. I., New York - , ,., ., : ,-;, I.,.' / WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board o~ the Town of Southold by ...f~..~'.~'.~. ................................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ...'~i,..~.~... ~..~.~,~'.. District to ....'~.~.~i.....~'~1~.~ .......... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed wi~h the Town Board, end thereafter, a public hearing in relatior~ to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..... 25.'¢.~......day of Noventber , 19 69 , ....................................................... , ann due deliberation having been had thereon NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is denJ.~i. By Order of the Southold Town Board i~t~d.' Decersk~r 9, 1969 Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ~old~ieh ~ -5- ~. G. ~Y, ~.: It's 3S ~, ~ Co~ty l~t this ~ y~ ~s, F~ ~ ~ ~ ~s c~i~ab~ ~t ~ ti~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t into · o ~q~l: the ~o~e wi~h t~a. I att~d t~ mt~ at S~Zhold H~h ~hool. ~hls req~st is ~ di~t c~lict ~h t~ ~st~ ~1~ . gi~ ~t to ~ at ~ut~ld ~ ~h~l stated Southold is p~rily residential ~d Y~icultu~ ~Ss ill attract ~ildq~ a ~tlc ~ mi~ ~ draw n ~ric~t~al sea, with the meptiz ~ t~ pretty on the co.er. AS a. ~tMr ~ ff~t ~ ~s ~ c~i~ ~ will ~ c~n~t~ f~ this pro~rty~ t~t I t~ t~ loss c~t~ ~. I Omit th~ It ~d I d~'t ~ ~t ~. ~z~ ~m to -6- s~th ~de ~ t~ w~th ~ ma. Y~ say ~ r~st that t~ S~ld S~ISOR ~IA: -7- S~VX5~ ~~: ~u m~ w~ to M ~d? ago ~th t~ ~i~ ~ liv~ 5U~R~ ~~z ~ elm wash to ~ ~d¥ wAL~R ~lS: F~ ~t l ~ ~ ~e ~ l~ was ~ pr~y as ~e. ~ ~zic~t~al district. It ~ this p~ ~ it is ~ ~. in t~re. ~ is a~ ~ -8- ~ea ~ I ~ ag~st t~s ~s~s~ z~. S~RVIS~ ~~: ~o~ else? ~ ~zlcult~ ~s~r~ct ~ it is ~, ~ X ~ ~ ~g ~k to buai~ss z~. S~VISOR ~RT~H~ ~o~ ~S. ~A~USTA: I a~r~ with this ~ntle~{. I ~ a ~aut~ul let~er~ to t~ t~ f~rs% place. ~1 ~he reason why th~a r~st ~ld d~s not ~ ~ pl~ to put ~ r~ t~ t~ pro~rl:y away from ~ red~i~ t~ ~t z~d hush, ss. ~.~ sh~ h~ve 2~ sa~ ~pth ~rs do ]~ the ~ea. ~ ~ d~t ~Ve ~t~g tO f~. ~. ~ldr~:h d~s ~ve resi~t*-] ~a for ~fer z~ ~ :shoed t~ pu% ~ ~e ~ ~i~i~ ~ ~ was t~ pz~rty ~ fr~ h~. I e~atly ~cX~ -9- Kennys Road South~o'' L. I., New York JOHN J~. BUCK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORKl ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys tho[ he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA~-I'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at 5outhold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mottituck Watch- man once each week for .....-- ----,-- .~.~ J~0~.~.... -~.../.-_.~....,wee~' successively, commencing on the /..,~ ........ ~ ...... o, ......... ............................ ...... .......... . Ali f, hst cer~tn tract of land ~l~tmted at the north e~de of ~l~ddle ~ ¢O.R. 27), Southold, Iii ~he T~wn of Southold, Ootmty ~ Suffolk, and ~ate of New ~ork, and more pe. rtlcula.rly ~uncled snd described as roi- where the s~uth~esterly line of Kenney's Road is inte~ect- ed by the northwesteely line of the exis~ln~ B Zone, said point being 95.~ feet north- we~terl~ along said souta~west- erly line from the ~ort2aerly from said ~oin~ of beginning r-~l,~g along said e~lst~ feet to lsnd of Clmrnews; thence along said land ~6.19 feet; thence through land of Ooldr/ch, N. ~° ~1' 40" E.~/~24.10 feet to said · outhwester~ line of Kenney's southwesterly line, S. 41' §T' Any l~on de~l~ln~ to -be heard on ~he abo~e prolmsed am~ments should ap~e~ at the time and place so specified_ TOWN CI~RK Nor~,~y Public to ~me~d Zoning Ordinance Pursuant to S~tio~ ~5 o[' · ~ of ~, ~olk Co~ty, N~ York, ~c h~ w~ be held by ~e ~old To~n ~ S~ St~-~menpo~, ~ew York, ]g~ldin~ Zone Or~n~ce (i~lu~n~ T~D ~ ~uthold, ~uffolk Co~ty, d~n~[ and ~.tural Di~ic[ to u~t~ at the south ~ide ot Middle oad {~) C~ho~e, in the Town oI S~o~, ~d S~te ~ New York, and mo~ ~arly bo~d- ' ed a~ d~ribed~ foll~s; ,B~N~NG at a point on ~ea~rly side of Depot ~ne (~h~e ~ Mne) where the ~me is in~ by D~t ~ne with the erly ~e ~ Middle Hoad - C.~. 27; ~n~ thence along the no~ea~er~ s~e ~ ~id De~t ~ne N~ ~9 de~ees 5~ min- ed land North 46 de~ees ~n~s 50 ~on~ ~ai~ 360.60 to ~nd n~ or fo~erly of P. ~ups~, fo~iy James land ~o~h 44 d~s 29 ~nutes 00 s~o~s Eas[ 36?.92 feet; r~- nin~ then~ ~o~ ~id land and alon~ land ~w ~ fo~er~ cOUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF l~IEIN ¥ORI(:. j_~_ ~- ~ ~-o.~.~-~ duly Sworn, . ~, _~ ..... , ..................... SUFFOL~ and Publisher ~e ~s that -.'~- · is P~int~r Greenport, in ~1.~ TIMES. u news~pe~ pub~tsn~ ~, ,of which the annexed is a print~ ~ce ~w~ ~ ~ ~d in the ~d Suitoik Week[~ Times N~we~ly ~ of Mic'~le ~d- C.~. 2~ ~ ~co~ a ....... ~ }k~: - ........... week oJ ~ ~eet ~ ~ eas~ ~d ot ' · ..... ha~n~ a ra~ ~ ~a'i~ a i~. _. ~a~. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~- ~%; .............. den~ a~ ~i~[~al D]~ ~ ~y~'~.~-.X .................... d~d pr~: R~ (~) ~u~d. ~ ~ ~ew~ · S~ ~ ~ew Y~k, ~ mo~ ~r-[ ~G at .~ ~L wh~e the sou~w~ h~ ~ Ke~e~'s w~er~ ~ne ~ ~e ~[ B ~e, ~d ~ ~e~ 95.88 feet ~ ~ ~ C~e~ ~. ~' 43' E. - ~4.1G ieet ~ ~ ~west- J e~ly ~ne of Ke~ey's ~d; ~nce [ alo~ said ~uthwe~rIy ~ne, S. { point ol .be~. , Date Octo': 8, 1969 Please be advised that, pursuant to Section 239-1 and m of the General Municipal Law, the Suffolk County Planning Com- mission considers the follow~ng proposed zoning action a matter for local determfnation: Petitioner or Municipal File No. Suffolk County Planning Department File No. Suffolk County Planning Department Veteran* ~emorial Highway Hauppaug~, New York 11787F~_~ Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk To~ of Southold Main Road Southold, New York TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Buildine Dept, } Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals TOWN OF $OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Lows, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the ..~lE~.~ .......................... of the town of ...~l~t,~lMl~ .................. (agency irtvolved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ........... Amendment to the zoning ordinance ...;~[~. Zoning changes ........... Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: ..!..~.......l~..~.~...-~...~)...~9.~..~...~:-~...-~..-.-~l~.t..~'~O~'l[t!1']' within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ........... Town or village boundary line ...~lt~l[.. Sjlel~county road, ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ........... State or county owned parcel on which a public building is situated Comments: ~ ll~JtJ~J,d Jer~l pJ. Mn~JZ~ J~:l~l~t lt~! t"eeealale~le~J Ipplo1~[ Or' thtl ohan~o as tt .mtnt&i~. the ~&t~er~ o£ ~0 toot depth trim,ness tJ~ts &To& - bol~h s~es ofGR2~° The ~dltlonal depth makes up front tamen tn the vt~on~nf or Date: (si~ed) Title Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ........................................................................ File No ................................. Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y, 1'1971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickh,alm, Chairman Henry' Moisa Alfred Grebe Williem Unkalbach Frank Coyle October 7, 1969 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen; This is to advise you that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on October 6, 1969: In the matter of the original petition of Abe Goldrich, Middle Road, Southold, New York, relative to a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on property located north side of Middle Road, Southold, New York. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does favorably recommend to the $outhold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to 'B" Business District on the above described property. Respectfully submitted, JOhn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board OFF D SOLITHOLD. L. I., N. Y. 119'71 july 30, 1969 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear .M.~. Wickham; The original petition of Abe Goldrich relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agric- ultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situ- ated on Middle Road, Southold, N.Y., is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the con- ditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond ToW~ Clerk Nc).: [ STATE OF NEVV YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PETITION TO TttE TO~,VN BOARD OF TIlE TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I .... ~..B.E' .C~O.~,~I~.J~.}'I .................... residiug at ~-.(~7Z..E.a.p.~..B..'.'.r.o.~..d.w.,Tt..y,' .1~/.o.o...ds-~.ere, (inse~t name of petitioner) ~ixUcount>'. New York, the undersigued, a~n the owner of certain real property situated at ........ .$~tS~Sll.O.]~gl.,.. N.~ ~.~ ........... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, kound~d north~a~V~rly hy boundcd southeastorly partly by Cenway ~(~ljkf27 feeL, Lh=u~= b,.,,~nded northeasterly by_~C~--e~t~h~ki, 162.22 fe~k, p~SA[,ence boundcd southoagtorly by ~oundcd southwcstcrly b~-rm-~-, 779.64 fcct; and th~n~ bo~n~d ~,orthwest£rly pa_~y ~Crattan and Dartly by "Kcnncwood" subdivision, 508.28 fcet-~ounded and described as follows:- BEGINNING at the point where the southwesterly line of Kenney's Road is intersected by the northwesterly line of the existing B Zone, said point being 95.88 feet northwesterly along said southwesterly line from the northerly corner of land of DeWar; from said point of beginning run- ning along said existing B Zone, S. 33° 31' 40" W. - 524.27 feet to land of Charnews; thence along said land of Charnews, N. 41= 43' 10" W. 36.19 feet; thence ~rough land of Goldrich, N. 33° 31' 40" E. - 524.10 feet to said southwesterl~ line o,f, Kenney's Road; thence along said southwesterly line, S. 41 57' 50' E. - 36o15 feet to the point of beginning. 2. I do hereby petition the Town ltoard of the Town of Southold to change, inodify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Count>', New York. including the Building Zone .Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural zone to "B" Business zone an area equivalent to that taken by the County of Suffolk by condemnation oas to providenetitioner with an area depth of 200 feet with a rontage of 300.~feet zoned as B Business zone as existed im- mediately prior to such condemnation~ f D~c~g 24, 196~ Mr. R.G. Terry, Attorney Maln Boad Southold, M~ York this morr~lng and rejected as the map and description of the subject property ware not cle~ly ~efined and proper11~ outlined. We will need 6 copLes of the almplicatton, S copla, of engineer's map of subject property - m~n/mum scale - 200 f~. or 11" x 17" ~eets) shying all bu/ld~gs wt~ 2~ ft. of subj~ ~o~rty and ~elr use also all pro,Fry and ~nero etc. ~ese mus~ ~ all o~ ~e Cowry Pl~g =equ~nte. (Copies ~y ~ obtained f=~ ~ Suffolk Co~y We will re-submit the application to the To~n Board as $oo~ as the corrected application and maps are received. Yours t~uly, Bulldlng Xnspector STATE OF NE\V YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOV,,rN OF SOUTIIOLD. SU'FFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE T(_)XATN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: I. I .... ABE..C,a. LPRI.q:H .................... residing at ~.0.7.Z. ~a. pt~..B~'.o.~..dlq~y'. ,...l~9..dLu. ere, (iusert name of petitioner) ~l~t~Count_v. New York, the undersigued, am the owner of certain real property situated at ....... Smu.th~ld.,.N.Y ............. and more particularl) bounded and described as£ollows: ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded northeasterly by Kenney's Road, 571.61 feet; then bounded southeasterly partly by Conway and partly by Surozenski, 217.27 feet; thence bounded northeasterly by Surozenski, 162.22 feet; thence bounded southeasterly by Middle Road, 300.81 feet; thence bounded southwesterly by Charnews, 779.64 feet; and thence bounded northwesterly partly by Grattan and partly by "Kennewood" subdivision, 506.28 feet. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town o£ Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordnance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, iucludin~ the Building Zone Maps hereto[ore made a part thereof, as follows: By changing from '~" Residential and Agricul~zural zone ~o "B" Business zone an area equivalent to that taken by the County of Suffolk by condemnation so as to provide petitioner with an area depth of 200 feet with a frontage of 300.81 feet zoned as "B" Business zone as existed im- mediately prior to such condemnation. rh