HomeMy WebLinkAboutGada, A. John - Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ......... ~1~..~lJJJJl[..~il~J~ ........................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ~l~'t.. ~lll,4~JJ Jl~..~Jl~JDistrict to ...... '~m~.. B -4-- -. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS sa~d petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...,J~lJ~ ....... day of ..~1~11 .............................. , 19..~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, petition be, and it hereby is THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD June 19, 1963 P r e s e n t : LESTER M. ALBERTSON, R2%LPH W. TUTHILL, E. PERRY EDWARDS, Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace LOUIS M. CORWIN C. ROBERT W. DEMAREST, Councilman ~RATRWO~LL, Councilman TASKER, Town Attorney A. JO~N GADA and MARGARET J. GADA SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the public hearing by reading the legal notice of this hearing. "LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINAI~CE. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Fishers Island Theatre, Whistler Avenue, New York, in said town on the 19th day of June, 1963, in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. "1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and b~ng on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, known and designated as Lots "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers Island, New York, ~rmerly owned by Mrs. Martha E. Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savings Bank, July, of Suffolk driveway shown and delineated on said map, Fishers Island, at 7:00 o'clock 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County on January 2, 1915 as map number 242,together with the the same being bounded on the south by the said lots C, D, E, and F and on the north by the said lots G, H, I, J and K. "On the tax map this property is bounded north by West Harbor, east by M. Murphy, W. Torrance, S. Doyen, Jr. and L. Middelton, south by Montauk Avenue, and west by Dawson. "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. "DATED: May 28, 1963. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We have an affidavit from the publishers which reads as follows: "STATE OF NEW YORK)ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) "F. Langton Corwin being duly Sworn, says that he is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for one week successively commencing on the seventh day of June 1963. /s/ F. Langton Corwin. "Sworn to before me this 7th day of June 1963. /s/ Cornelia C. Keogh, Notary Public." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: S outhold Town Planning Board. "Report to: New York, May 22, "Gentlemen: will now read the report of the Southold Town Board, 1963. 16 South Street, Greenport, This is to certify that the following actic~ was 4 taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting May 21, 1963: "In the matter of the petition of A. John Gada and Margaret J. Gada for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Fishers Island and bounded and described as follows: "All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of lying and being on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, and State of New York, known and designated as Lots "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers Island, New York, formerly owned by Mrs. Martha E. Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savings Bank, July 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January land situate, County of Suffolk, said lots C, D, E, and F and on the north by the said lots G, H, I, J, and K. "On the tax map ~his property is bounded north by West Harbor, east by M. Murphy, W. Torrance, $. Doyen, Jr. and L. Middelton, south by Montauk Avenue, and west by Dawson. "It is hereby RESOLVED that ths Planning Board is not willing to recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of A. John Gada and Margaret J. Gada at Fishers Island. 2, 1915, as map number 242, together with the driveway shown and delineated on said map, the same being bounded on the south by the 6 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We have also received some 15 communications in opposition to this change of zone. We don't often have a change of zone on Fishers Island. We have them quite often on the mainland. Where a change of zone is concerned we as the Town Board and you all should consider this as just the property concerned,. No personalities should be concerned because the changes go with the property and not the owner there of. Something can happen to the owner or he can sell it next week and we must consider what the persons purchasing the property might do with it in the future. We must consider whether it is in the best interests of Fishers Island or not. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District? MR. A. JOHI~ GADA: that the property, nDw I am the petitioner. I respectfully request that the gas station is on and is known as the Ma~ell property, be rezoned in accordance with the decision handed down by the Supreme Court and for which purpose it is now being used. I also respectfully request that the adjoining property along Montauk Avenue, namely the Greco house, which is a multiple dwelling and barber shop and the Greco apartments for 25 years next to that, the Brown house, be also zoned Business. house which comprised 15 rooms and in 15 rooms as a private dwelling. to me and the house The Brown is a house that w~ b~ilt over 50 years ago as a boarding house this day and age no one can afford It represents a large investment and to be properly maintained it is costly and to keep the property maintained and to keep of revenue. It is my intention, to be a night club, to use it as it I have to realize some kind contrary to rumors that this is an inn or multiple dwelling. Apartment houses on the Island are very much in need. I can assure you that therewas never any intention of making it a night club. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak in favor of this applicat~Dn? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in opposition to this change of zone application? MRS. KATHLEEN PAQUET: I have worked my lifetime for my home and cottage and I would not like to see business I would like to keep it residential. MR. STANLEY RYBITSKY: I also invested all my life savings in the property and I certainly would not wish to change the zone to business. Leave it as it is. MR. ALBERT DAWSON: I own property across the cove from where the dock and gas station is, 700 ft. of waterfront. I have three homes that are residential. I cannot see that part of the Island going business. It is going business now as the pointed out as I have difficulty renting because use across the cove. If the rest of the cove were to go business it would ruin the residential section we are in now. MR. SERGEDOYEN, JR.: I own a piece of property upon which my home is situated. My front door is 20 feet from the inn. Some of the classic reasons of why zoning came into effect are involved in mis Planning Board of the non-conforming 9 MR. TASKER: I cannot tell you what is in the mind of Mr. Gada. W~nen a piece of property is non-conforming in many instances it is re- zoned to that use. MR. DOYEN: I just want to understand why that must be started over again. We presume people act in good faith. speak about your neighbor or against your neighbor. states he only wishes to have an inn and that is his It is difficult to The gentleman only purpose and I believe the Planning Board advised him he did not have to take such severe measures as there was a Multiple Residence Law. As I understand the Multiple Residence Law permits many mings and you would not have to ask for a change to business zone. If this gentleman was acting in good faith and all he wanted was an inn to have apartments he cou]~ do that. Why does he need a change of zone? What I want to know is the things that he stated he wished to do with the property, could not that be permitted under the Multiple Residence Act? MR. TASKER: You are asking me questions about his intentions and what is on his mind. PATRICIA BA~ER: With this zoning could a marina be built? MR. TASKER: Yes, under Business a marina could be built. He could have a marina in the "A" District with permission of the Board of Appeals. MRS. BAKER: I am concerned with a marina and I am against a marina and any Tom, Dick and Harry coming over here in a motor boat. MR. TASKER: That can be permitted in an "A" zone with the approval of the Board of Appeals. The mooring of non-commercial boats is permitted in the "A" zone with the approval of the Board 10 of Appeals. MRS. BA~ER: MR. MR. Than anyone can have a marina? TASKER: If you have a hearing and it is permitted. H. LEE FERGUSON, JR.: I represented Fishers Island Farms in the Count case to which Mr. Tasker referred as one of the plaintiffs, and I realize Mr. Tasker's brother represented Mr. Gada in that action and I realize Mr. Tasker who is here tonight has had various occasions to represent Mr. Gada as his attorney. I must disagree with Mr. Tasker when he states this property is practically business now. I happen to know that when the judge decided the case he permitted Mr. Gada to continue his gas and fuel business and contracting material but very definitely no other business can be conducted on that property, so I think we should get the record straight in that regards. Secondly, I would like to state why I am opposed to the Town Board granting any change of zone here. There are many smaller property owners in this area. The property in question is somewhere in five acres in extent. Many property owners border it. Some of it is bordered by West Harbor~some by Montauk Avenue, but a great deal by property owners who live here year around and work on the Island and who have a small summer place here and cannot afford a depression in value. As a real estate broker I sold some of thee properties. One to Mr. Clark, Mr. Rybitsky, and acting for Mr. Dawson and Theodore Russell and Mrs. Murphy. I can see it would be a serious and drastic thing for them if this were zoned business. In reference to the usage of one of the buildings on the property, I would like to say it is not reasonable for any man to 11 get up tonight and say what use he is going to make of the property after it is zoned business. The man is on the earth too short a time to make any prediction after his lifetime, and after it is zoned business it will take more than the meeting tonight to change it again. This reminds me of a story that goes back to President Wilson's administration when he was anxious to institute an income tax to be levied by the government. It was proposed by the Democrats and opposed by Republicans until a western senator got up and said he was in favor because it would never possibly exceed four or five percent and todays income tax is as high as 91% and that is the sort of false prediction we are faced with. MR. AL HASKIN: I own property in the same area, in fact next to Mr. Serge Doyen's property. I feel this is very poor spot zoning. It would depreciate property in the neighborhood a great deal and the property in the area so described has been a residential zone for better than 50 years. There is no reason because one man wants to change the zone you should depreciate the prol~rty in the whole neighborhood. MRS. H. LEE FERGUSON, JR.: My mother, Mrs. Murphy, has property which has been in the family for over three generations~ Mother is bitterly opposed. My brother is also opposed and wrote a letter to the Town Board. MR. I~NRY HOBSON: Your opening remarks should bear in mind. A change to business in the future for all kinds of things. As is going business contained something we of this area might result you pointed out, what it to be used for at the moment is not my concern. Once it is the door is open. I don't live in that area but I am concerned WHEREAS, o petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of $outhold by. ........ ~t,~...~ll~..~lll~ ......................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- in_q from '~A~..~lft~-I, ~.#ll~District to .... ~B~.. r- -ir--t .......... Di:;trict the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said t~etition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....,~1~ ....... day of ....... ~ ............................. , 19..~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, petition be, and it hereby is BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD June 19, 1963 r e s e n t : LESTER M. ALBERTSON, Supervisor RALPH W. TUTHILL, Justice of the E. PERRY EDWARDS, Justice of the LOUIS M. DEMAREST, Councilman C ORWIN C. ROBERT W. GRATHWOHL, Councilman TASKER, Town Attorney Peace Peace JOHN GADA and MARGARET J. GADA SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the public hearing by reading the legal notice of this hearing. "LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Buildi~ Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Fishers Island Theatre, W~histler Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, in said town on the 19th day of June, 1963, at 7:00 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. "1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, known and designated as Lots "C", "D'~, "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers Island, New York, ~rmerly owned by Mrs. Martha E. Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savings BarK, July, of Suffolk dr~veway shown and delineated on said map, 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County on January 2, 1915 as map number 242,together with the the same being bounded 3 on the south by the said lots C, said lots G, "On the D, E, and F and on the north by the H, I, J and K. tax map this property is bounded north by West Harbor, east by M. Murphy, W. Torrance, S. Doyen, Jr. and L. Middelton, south by Montauk Avenue~ and west by Dawson. "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. "DATED: May 28, 1963. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We have an affidavit from the publishers which reads as follows: "STATE OF NEW YORK)ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) "F. Langton Corwin being duly Sworn, says that he is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for one week successively commencing on the seventh day of June 1963. /s/ F. Langton Corwin. "Sworn to before me this 7tll day of June 1963. /s/ Cornelia C. Keogh, Notary Public." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: S outhold Town Planning Board. "Report to: New York, May 22, "Gentlemen: will now read the report of the Southold Town Board, 1963. 16 South Street, Greenport, This is to certify that the following action was 4 taken by the Southold Town 1963: Ga da Planning Board at their meeting May 21, "In ~he matter of the petition of A. John Gada and Margaret J. for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Fishers Island and bounded and described as follows: "All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and berg on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, and State of New York, known and designated as Lots "F"., "G", "H", "I", "J", and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers Island, New York, formerly owned by Mrs. Martha E. Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savings Bank, July 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 2, 1915, as map number 242, together with the driveway shown and delineated on said map, the same being bounded on the south by the said lots C, D. E, and F and on the north by the said lots G, H, I, J, and K. "On the tax map ~his property is bounded north by West Harbor, east by M. Murphy, W. Torrance, S. Doyen, Jr. and L. Middelton, south by Montauk Avenue, and west by Dawson. "It is hereby RESOLVED that tt~Planning Board is not willing to recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of A. John Gada and Margaret J. Gada at Fishers Island. County of Suffolk, 5 "The Planning Board is not willing to recommend the change of zone in this case for the following reasons: First, the other prc.perty of the petitioner is non-conforming but nevertheless is "A" Residential District and if this property were to be zoned "B" Business it would intrude in residential areas as per letters of prctest on file with this office. This property in question does abut the "B" Business to be almost useless at the place where it is "In the second place, Mr. Gada bases his zone of the Pequot House but is so narrow as adjacent. request for change of zone on the hardship involved in his being unable to rent these properties for summer occupancy. Upon investigation this Board has found that the reason they are unrentable is because the petitioner maintains his non-conforming property as a depot or dumping ground for contracting equipment and materials, and in our files are photographs taken by our investigating team on May 13th showing this condition. "Inasmuch as this condition is self-imposed or at least can be rectified by petitioner if he so desires, we feel that a change of zone would not be necessary. "In interviewing real estate agents on Fishers Island our investigating team discovered that the last tenants on property covered by this petition were quite outspoken about the nuisance value of petitioners non-conforming property. "The contents of our file on this are available to the Town Board at any time. "Respectfully submitted, Town Planning Board. /s/ John Wickham, Chairman, Southold 6 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We have also received some 15 communications in opposition to this change of zone. We don't often have a change of zone on Fishers Island. We have them quite often on the mainland. Where a change of zone is concerned we as the Town Board and you all should consider this as just the property concerned,. No personalities should be concerned because the changes go with the property and not the owner there of. Something can happen to the owner or he can sell it next week and we must consider what the persons purchasing the property might do with it in the future. We must consider whether it is in the best interests of Fishers Island or not. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District? MR. A. JOHI~ GADA: I am the petitioner. I respectfully request that the property, now that the gas station is on and is known as the Maxwell property, be rezoned in accordance with the decision handed down by the Supreme Court and for whidn purpose it is now being used. I also respectfully request that the adjoining property along Montauk Avenue, namely the Greco house, which is a multiple dwelling and barber shop and the Greco apartments for 25 years and the house next to that, the Brown house, be also zoned Business. The Brown house is a house that was b~ilt over 50 years ago as a boarding house which comprised 15 rooms and in this day and age no one can afford 15 rooms as a private dwelling. It represents a large investment to ]ne and to be properly maintained it is costly and to keep the property maintained and to keep of revenue. It is my intentionj to ]De a night club, to use it as it I have to realize some kind contrary to rumors that this is an inn or multiple dwelling. Apartment houses on the Island are very much in need. I can assure you that therewas never any intention of making it a night club. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak in favor of this applicat~n? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in opposition to this change of zone application? MRS. KATHLEEN PAQUET: I have worked my lifetime for my home and cottage and I would not like to see business I would like to keep it residential. MR. STANLEY RYBITSKY: I also invested all my life savings in the property and I certainly would not wish to change the zone to business. Leave MR. ALBERT DAWSON: the dock and gas station it as it is. I own property across the is, 700 ft. of waterfront. cove from where I have three homes that are residential. going business. pointed out as I cannot see that part of the Island It is going business now as the Planning Board have difficulty renting because of the non-conforming use across the cove. If the rest of the cove were to go business it would ruin the residential section we are in now. MR. SERGEDOYEN, is situated. My classic reasons of why zoning came JR.: I own a piece of property upon which my home front door is 20 feet from the inn. Some of the into effect are involved in ~is 8 case. There are many individual home owners in a residential area and you can see it is a residential area. This piece of property encroaches on the other property in the area to a degree which I can't help but believe will do more harm to than the good that would come to the people The loss to the individual homeowner cannot be discounted. any single individual of Fishers Island. I do not know about the Maxwell property being a business zone, perhaps the Town Attorney can help on this. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: I think you all know that there was a law suit involving this property some two or three years ago at which time the law suit was brought against A. John Gada. Mr. Gada's position was that the property was a non-conforming business and he could therefore continue it because it was in existence before the zoning ordinance was enacted. The Supreme Court upheld that it was a non-conforming use and the use could be changed to another use of t~e same classification. In determining the question of whether it was of the same classification they looked at the zoning ordinance in the Business district which permitted property to be used for storage purposes. It also permits gas stations and all other uses of a similar nature and they said therefore this was of the same classification as prior uses and is a permitted use in the business district, therefore a permitted business use. MR, DOYEN: If this is the case why is it included in the petition that is before you at this time to have it changed to "B"? MR. TASKER: I cannot tell you what is in the mind of Mr. Gada. When a piece of property is non-conforming in many instances it is re- zoned to that use. MR. DOYEN: I just want to understand why that must be started again. We presume people act in good faith. over speak about your neighbor or against your neighbor. states he only wishes to have an inn and that is his It is difficult to The gentleman only purpose and I believe the Planning Board advised him he did not have to take such severe measures as there was a Multiple Residence Law. As I understand the Multiple Residence Law permits many ~ings and you would not have to ask for a change to business zone. If this gentleman was acting in good faith and all he wanted was an inn to have apartments he could do that. Why does he need a change of zone? What I want to know is the things that he stated he wished to do with the property, could not that be permitted under the Multiple Residence Act? MR. TASKER: You are asking me questions about his intentions and what as on his mind. PATRICIA BA~ER: With this zoning could a marina be built? MR. TASKER: Yes, under Business a marina could be built. He could have a marina in the "A" District with permission of the Board of Appeals. MRS. BAKER: I ara concerned with a marina and I am against a marina and any Tom, Dick and Harry coming over here in a motor boat. MR. TASKER: approval of the boats That can be permitted in an "A" zone with the Board of Appeals. The mooring of non-commercial is permitted in the "A" zone with the approval of the Board 10 of Appeals. MRS. BAKER: MR. TASKER: MR. H. LEE FERGUSON, J~.: in the Count case to which Mr. and I realize Mr. and I realize Mr. to represent Mr. Than anyone can have a marina? If you have a hearing and it is permitted. I represented Fishers Island Farms Tasker referred as one of the plaintiffs, Tasker's brother represented Mr. Gada in that action Tasker who is here tonight has had various occasions Gada as his attorney. I must disagree with Mr. Tasker when he states this property is practically business now. I happen to know that when the judge decided the case he permitted Mr. Gada to continue his gas and fuel business and contracting material but very definitely no other business can be conducted on that property, so I think we should get the record straight in that regards. Secondly, I would like to state why I am opposed to the Town Board granting any change of zone here. There are many smaller property owners in this area. The property in question is somewhere in five acres in extent. Many property owners border it. Some of it is bordered by West Harbor~some by Montauk Avenue, but a great deal by preperty owners who live here year around and work on the Island and. who have a small summer place here and cannot afford a depression in value. As a real estate broker I sold some of thQse properties. One to Mr. Clark, Mr. Rybitsky, and acting for Mr. Dawson and Theodore Russell and Mrs. Murphy. I can see it would be a serious and drastic thing for them if this were zoned business. In reference to the usage of one of the buildings on the property, I would like to say it is not reasonable for any man to ll get up tonight and say what use he is going to make of the property after it .is zoned business. The man is on the earth too short a time to make any prediction after his lifetime, and after it is zoned business it will take more than the meeting tonight to change it again. This reminds me of a story that goes back to President Wilson's administration when he was anxious to institute an income tax. to be levied by the government. It was proposed by the Democrats an~ opposed by Republicans until a western senator got up and said he was in favor because it would never possibly exceed four or five percent and todays income tax is as high as 91% and that is the sort of false prediction we are faced with. MR. AL HASKIN: I own property in the same area, in fact next to Mr. Serge Doyen~s property. I feel this is very poor spot zoning. It would depreciate property in the neighborhood a great deal and the property in the area for better than 50 to change the zone ne ighborhood. MRS. which has so described has been a residential zone years. There is no reason because one man wants you should depreciate the property in the whole bitterly opposed. the Town Board. MR. HENRY HOBSON: should bear in mind. H. LEE FERGUSON, JR.: My mother, Mrs. Murphy, has property been in the family for over three generations. Mother is My brother is also opposed and wrote a letter to Your opening remarks contained something we A change to business of this area might result in the future for all kinds of things. As you pointed out, what it is going to be used for at the moment is not my concern. Once it is bus.ness the door is open. I don't live in that area but I am concerned 12 for the people who do live in that area. I have known many of them for over 40 years and feel very strongly the great majority of them are very much opposed to changing that from residential to business. I am opposed to it because Fishers Island has a distinctive atmosphere or condition here that those of us who come and spend the summer find agreeable and expect to enjoy as long as this atmosphere and condition exists. Once you fool with the zoning and shift to business that can do all kinds of things and that can bring over people to this Island and. do things objectionable and. down the coast and one that happens unpleasant for the residents of Fishers such as has been done in other places up it is not going to be only Island but you will find that it will be unpleasant for the people who live here as summer residents. They will move out and it will have a continued effect on the Island. Mit. HERBERT ~OOK: I am opposed to this change of zoning because for 22½ years I have put in th~ building. I am a retired person and I bought this home as a residence home and in a residential section and. I understand it was said it was at one time a business zone. I bought this home as a residence home in a residential area and since I have been coming to this Island I have never heard anything about business in that area except a barber shop. He has passed away and it is being rented out to another barber, everyone seems to need a hair cut. I do not want the property changed for the simple reason the value of the property will drop down and no one will hand me that money that it drops down. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: (There was Is there anyone else in opposition to this? no response.) WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by . ......... ~...~1~..~ ........................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a port thereof by chang- ing from ".]~'~...~1~'~.t~-II ~l~J~..~MIDistrict to ..... ?f'~.. ~- -ir~'m .......... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....~11~ ....... day of . ~ ................... , 19..~., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, petition be, and it hereby is BBtOdo JUJ,.y 9, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD June 19, 1963 P r e s e n t : LESTER M. ALBERTSON, Supervisor RALPH W. TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace E. PERRY EDWARDS, Justice of the Peace LOUIS M. CORWIN C. ROBERT W. DEMAREST, Councilman ~RATHWOHL, Councilman TASKER, Town Attorney A. JOHN GADA and MARGARET J. GADA 2 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the public hearing by reading the legal notice of this hearing. "LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Fishers Island Theatre, Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, in said town on the 19th day of June, 1963, at 7:00 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. "1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: "Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and b~ng on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, known and designated as Lots "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers Island, New York, ~rmerly owned by Mrs. Martha E. Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savings Bank, July, 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 2, 1915 as map number 242,together with the driveway shown and delineated on said map, the same being bounded on 'the south by the said lots C, D, E, and F and on the north by the said lots G, H, I, J and K. "On the tax map this property is bounded north by West Harbor, east by M. Murphy, W. Torrance, S. Doyen, Jr. and L. Middelton, south by Montauk Avenue, and west by Dawson. "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. "DATED: May 28, 1963. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We have an affidavit from the publishers which reads as follows: "STATE OF NEW YORK)ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) "F. Langton Corwin being duly Sworn, says that he is Printer and. Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for one week successively commencing on the seventh day of June 1963. /s/ F. Langton Corwin. "Sworn to before me this 7th day of June 1963. /s/ Cornelia C. Keogh, Notary Public." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will now read the report of the S outhold Town Planning Board. "Report to: New York, May 22, "Gentlemen: Seuthold Town Board, 1963. 16 South Street, Greenport, This is to certify that the following action was 4 taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting May 21, 1963: "In the matter of the petition of A. John Gada and Margaret J. Gada for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Fishers Island and bounded and described as follows: "Ail those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and b~g on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, known and designated as Lots "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", Property on Fishers "J", and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Island, New York, formerly owned by Mrs. Martha E. Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savirgs Bank, July 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 2, 1915, as map number 242, together with the driveway shown and delineated on said map, the same being bounded on the south by the said lots C, D, E, and F and on the north by the said lots G, H, I, J, and K. "On the tax map this property is bounded north by West Harbor, east by M. Murphy, W. Torrance, S. Doyen, Jr. and L. Middelton, south by Montauk Avenue, and west by Dawson. "It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board is not willing to recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of A. John Gada and Margaret J. Gada at Fishers Island. "The Planning Board is not willing to recommend the change of zone in this case for the following reasons: First, the other property of the petitioner is non-conforming but nevertheless is "A" Residential District and if this property were to be zoned "B" Business it would intrude in residential areas as per letters of protest on file with this office. This property in question does abut the "B" Business zone of the Pequot House but is so narrow as to be almost useless at the place where it is adjacent. "In the second place, Mr. Gada bases his request for change of zone on the hardship involved in his being unable to rent these properties for summer occupancy. Upon investigation this Board has found that the reason they are unrentable is because the petitioner maintains his non-conforming property as a depot or dumping ground for contracting equipment and materials, and in our files are photographs taken by our investigating team on May 13th showing this condition. "Inasmuch as this condition is self-imposed or at least can be rectified by petitioner if he so desires, we feel that a change of zone would not be necessary. "In interviewing real estate agents on Fishers Island our investigating team discovered that the last tenants on property covered by this petition were quite outspoken about the nuisance value of petitioners non-conforming property. "The contents of our file on this are available to the Town Board at any time. "Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: in opposition to this change of zone. We don't often have a change of zone on Fishers Island. We have them quite often on the mainland. W~ere a change of zone is concerned we as the Town Board and you all should consider this as just the property concerned,. No personalities should be concerned because the changes go with the property and not the owner there of. Something can happen to the owner or he can sell it next week and we must consider what the persons purchasing the property might do with it in the future. We must consider whether it is in the best interests of Fishers Island or not. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to Business District? MR. A. JOH~ GADA: I am the petitioner. that the property, n~w that the gas station is Maxwell property, be rezoned in accordance with down by the Supreme Court and for whid~ purpose We have also received some 15 communications I also respectfully request that the adjoining property along Montauk Avenue, namely the Greco house, which is a multiple dwelling and[ barber shop and the Greco apartments for 25 years and the house next to that, the Brown house, be also zoned Business. The Brown house which comprised 15 rooms and in 15 rooms as a private dwelling. to me is a house that was b~ilt over 50 years ago as a boarding house this day and age no one can afford It represents a large investment and to be properly maintained it is costly and to keep the I respectfully request on and is known as the the decision handed it is now being used. 7 property maintained and to keep it of revenue. It is my intention, to be a night club, to use it as I have to realize some kind contrary to rumors that this is an inn or multiple dwelling. Apartment houses on the Island are very much in need. I can assure you that therewas never any intention of making it a night club. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak in favor of this applicat~Dn? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in opposition to this change of zone application? MRS. KATHLEEN PAQUET: I have worked my lifetime for my home and cottage and I would not like to see business I would like to keep it residential. MR. STANLEY RYBITSKY: I also invested all my life savings in the property and I certainly would not wish to change the zone to business. Leave it as it is. MR. ALBERT DAWSON: I own property across the cove from where the dock and gas station is, 700 ft. of waterfront. I have three homes that are residential. I cannot see that part of the Island going business. It is pointed out as I have use across the cove. going business now as the Planning Board difficulty renting because of the non-conforming If the rest of the cove were to go business it would ruin the residential section we are in now. MR. SERGEDOYEN, JR.: I own a piece of property upon which my home is situated. My front door is 20 feet from the inn. Some of the classic reasons of why zoning came into effect are involved in mis 8 case. There are many individual home owners in a residential area and you can see it is a residential area. This piece of property encroaches on the other property ~n the area to a degree which I can't help but believe will do more harm to than the good that would come to the people The loss to the individual homeowner cannot be discounted. any single individual of Fishers Island. I do not know about the Maxwell property being a business zone, perhaps the Town Attorney can help on this. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: I think you all know that there was a law suit involving this property some two or three years ago at which time the law suit was brought against A. John Gada. Mr. Gada's position was that the property was a non-conforming business and he could therefore continue it because it was in existence before the zoning ordinance was enacted. The Supreme Court upheld that it was a non-conforming use and the use could be changed to another use of l~e same classification. In determining the question of whether it was of the same classification they looked at the zoning ordinance in the Business district which permitted property to be used for storage purposes. It also permits gas stations and all other uses of a similar nature and they said therefore this was of the same classification as prior uses and is a permitted use in the business district, therefore a permitted business use. MR. DOYEN: If this is the case why is it included in the petltion that is before you at this time to have it changed to "B"? TASKER: MR. I cannot tell you what is in the mind of Mr. Gada. When a piece of property is non-conforming in many instances it is re- zoned to that use. MR. DOYEN: I just want to understand why that must be started could have of Appeals. MRS. BAKER: marina MR. approval boats I am concerned with a marina and I am against a and any Tom, Dick and Harry coming over here in a motor boat. TASKER: That can be permitted in an "A" zone with the of the Board of Appeals. The mooring of non-commercial is permitted in the "A" zone with the approval of the Board understand the Multiple Residence Law permits many ~ings and you would not have to ask for a change to business zone. If this gentleman was acting in good faith and all he wanted was an inn to have apartments he cou~ do that. Why does he need a change of zone? What I want to know is the things that he stated he wished to do with the property, could not that be permitted under the Multiple Residence Act? MR. TASKER: You are asking me questions about his intentions and. what is on his mind. PATRICIA BAKER: With this zoning could a marina be built? MR. TASKER: Yes, under Business a marina could be built. He a marina in the "A" District with permission of the Board It is difficult to The gentleman only purpose to take As I over again. We presume people act in good faith. speak about your neighbor or against your neighbor. states he only wishes to have an inn and that is his and I believe the Planning Board advised him he did not have such severe measures as there was a Multiple Residence Law. 10 of .Appeals. MRS. BAKER: MR. TASKER: and I realize Mr. and I realize Mr. Tasker who to represent Mr. Gada as his Than anyone can have a marina? If you have a hearing and it is permitted. MR. H. LEE FERGUSON, JR.: I represented Fishers Island Farms the Count case to which Mr. Tasker referred as one of the plaintiffs, Tasker's brother represented Mr. Gada in that action is here tonight has had various occasions attorney. I must disagree with Mr. Tasker when he states this property is practically business now. I happen to know that when the judge decided the case he permitted Mr. Gada to continue his gas and fuel business and contracting material but very definitely no other business can be conducted on that property, so I think we should get the record straight in that regards. Secondly, I would like to state why I am opposed to the Town Board granting any change of zone here. There are many smaller property owners in this area. The property in question is somewhere in five acres in extent. Many property owners border it. Some of it is bo%dered by West Harbor, some by Montauk Avenue, but a great deal by property owners who live here year around and work on the Island and[ who have a small summer place here and cannot afford a depression in value. As a real estate broker I sold some of thee properties. One to Mr.. Clark, Mr. Rybitsky, and acting for Mr. Dawson and Theodore Russell and Mrs. Murphy. I can see it would be a serious and drastic thing for them if this were zoned business. In reference to the usage of one of the buildings on the property, I would like to say it is not reasonable for any man to 11 get up tonight and say what use he is going to make of the property after it ~s zoned business. The man is on the earth too short a time to make any prediction after his lifetime, and after it is zoned business it will take more than the meeting tonight to change it again. This reminds me of a story that goes back to President Wilson's administration when he was anxious to institute an income tax to be levied by the government. It was proposed by the Democrats and. opposed by Republicans until a western senator got up and said he was in favor because it would never possibly exceed four or five percent and todays income tax is as high as 91% and that is the sort of false prediction we are faced with. MR. AL HASKIN: I own property in the same area, in fact next to Mr. Serge Doyen's property. I feel this is very poor spot zoning. It would depreciate property in the neighborhood a great deal and the property in the area so described has been a residential zone for better than 50 years. There is no reason because one man wants to change the zone you should depreciate the property in the whole neighborhood. MRS. H. LEE FERGUSON, JR.: My mother, Mrs. Murphy~ which has been in the family for over three generations. bitterly opposed. My brother is also opposed and wrote a the Town Board. MR. HENRY HOBSON: Your opening remarks contained something we should bear in mind. A change to business of this area might result in the future for all kinds of things. is going to be used for at the moment business the door is open. has property Mother is letter to As you pointed out, what it is not my concern. Once it is I don't live in that area but I am concerned 12 for the people who do live in that area. I have known many of them for over 40 years and feel very strongly the great majority of them are very much opposed to changing that from residential to business. I am opposed to it because Fishers Island has a distinctive atmosphere or condition here that those of us who come and spend the summer find agreeable and expect to enjoy as long as this atmosphere and condition exists. Once you fool with the zoning and shift to business that can do all kinds of things and that can bring over people to this Island and[ do things objectionable such as has been done in other places up and down the coast and one that happens it is not going to be only unpleasant for the residents of F~hers Island but you will find that it will be unpleasant for the people who live here as summer residents. They will move out and it will have a continued effect on the Island. MR. HERBERT ~gK: I am opposed to this change of zoning because for 22½ years I have put in the building. I am a retired person and I bought this home as a residence home and in a residential section and[ I understand it was said it was at one time a business zone. bought this home as a residence home in a residential area and since I have been coming to this Island I have never heard anything about business in that area except a barber shop. He has passed away and it is being rented out to another barber, everyone seems to need a hair cut. I do not want the property changed for the simple reason the value of the property will money that it drops down. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is (There was no response.) drop down and no one will hand me that there anyone else in opposition to this? 13 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: in opposition or heard. MR. RYB ITSK¥: there as a happy family. Does anyone else wish to be heard either in favor of? We want to give everyone a chance to be W~here I live now we are all neighbors. We live If this is changed to a business we will not be happy so why not keep it residential as it is now2 MR. JOHN PICKETT: I would like to take exception to Mr. Hobson. He discussed an influx of people purchasing property and I have been here 30 years and I would say that two-thirds of all the pEoperty on Fishers Island since 1932 has changed hands once or twice. As that came about in the past 30 years I see many many faces here tonight that did[ not own property 30 years ago. There must have been quite a few changes. I can recall every home on the Island in 1934 and half of them have changed hands. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else who wishes to say anything one way or another? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I want to thank you all for coming and taking an interest in the development of Fishers Island. I will close the hearing now for the further deliberation of the Board. Thank you all for coming. MRS. TALCOTT STANLEY 23 PILGRIM ROAD, WEST HARTFORD 17, CONNECTICUT TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Sirs: The undersigned, as persons qualified under Section 902 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, hereby protest the proposed change from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District of the property situated at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York known and designated as lots "C", "D", "£", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers Island, New York, formerly owned by Mrs. Martha E. Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savings Bank, July, 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 2, 1915 as map 242. The undersigned understand that the proposed change will be the subject of a public hearing by the Board to be held at Fishers Island on June 19, 1963 at seven o'clock in the evening of said day. On the basis of Section 902 of said Building Zone Ordinance, the undersigned request that no amend- ment of said Building Zone Ordinance be effected without the affirmative vote of four members of your Board. Dated: June ~ , 1963 Ju~le 15, 1963 Southold Town Board Greenport, L. i., New York Gentlemen: I refer to the petition of A. J. Gads for a change in zone from "A" Residential tO "B" B~siness of the property situated off Montauk Avenue, Fls~ars Island and subject of a public hearing by the Southold Town Board at Fishers Island, June 19, 1963. I am opposed to the requested change in zone because the essentially residential character of the neighborhood would be destroyed. The propsrty values of the many individual home owners would be depressed to s degres not commensurate with any conceivable benefit to the general public or mingle individual, l~rther, tbs uncertainties inherent in owning a residence boarding an area zoned for business should not be inflicted upon the many individual home owners involved in this case. Thank you for your kind consideration. Very ~ ~r~ly yours~, Doyen,: Jr. CARiVIODY & TORRANCE J~e 17, 1963 Town Board Town of Southold Long Island, New York Gentlemen: I am the owner with my brother of resi- dential premises i~diately adjoining land on Fishers Island owned by Mr. A. John Gads, which is the subject of a hearing to be held by you on June 19, 1963. Unfortunately, I will be unable to be at Fishers Island that evening because of a previous business engagement. Accomdingly, I am writing this letter to express my opposition to the proposed cha~e and to request that it be denied. It is my opinion that the creation of a large business district adjoining my p~operty and other desirable residential properties will seriously depreciate the area and is not necessary in view of the number of undeveloped areas on the Island which could be converted to business uses. % strongly urge you to reject the proposed amendment. Very truly yours, w jr/o ""/' CL^ss ov This is a fast message unless its deferred char- acter is indicated by the proper symbol. T - ' NLm Night Letter '~ ~ .~ ?~ 19.01 (4-00) -. International ~ ' LT: Letter Telegra W. P. MARSHALL. PRESlDENX . _ ..... m~ The filing time shown in the ~ate line on ~omest[c telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point o~ origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point o~ destination I THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE LAWRENCE BOOERT, NgwYoag 5. N~w ¥ong June 17, 1963 Town ]Board Town of Southhold Greenport, Long Island New York My wife and I have been property owners and residents of Fishers Island since 1946. We are more than su_rnmer residents as we spend a great part of the winter weekends at Fishers Island. In addition, we vote at Fishers Island. I would like to register a very strong objection to the application of rezoning certain property in the west end of the Island. We feel very definitely that no further land should be rezoned from residential to commercial because it would spoil the general character of the Island and also open up the Island to an undesirable element that we would prefer would remain on the mainland. I trust that you will give some consideration to this letter. Sincerely yours, H. Lawrence Bogert, Jr. HLBjr. /Is WEST END LAND CE}MI=ANY, INC. FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YmRK June 17, 1963 REAL E~TATE Town Board Town of Southold Long Island, New York Gentlemen: Re: Fishers Island Zoning Hearing June 19, 1963 This Company is the owner of land lying on the westerly side of Montauk Avenue between the Pequot Inn and the property of Mrs. Eathleem Paquet and directly across the street fr~n property of Mr. A. John Gada. This land of ours, like the other fifty or sixty acres which we own, we are holding for sale. We are very much concerned over the application of Mr. Gada to you~ Board to have the zone changed from an "AW Residential Zone to a "B" Business ~one. %~ believe that such a change of zone, in what ~mounts to a spot zoning procedure will not only seriously affect the value of our 2 3/4 acre tract of land across the road but will also effect a particular hardship on ~ the other property owners in the vlcinity~ they feeling they were secure in purchasing that land for their homes due to the fact that the neighborhood %~s a residential one, and so zoned. ~ should also like, to point out that in the past fifteen years we have sold over 100 acres of land at the westerly end of Fishers Island and in no case have we sold any without closely examining the need for restrictin~ its uses. In almost every instance, when we sold land we inserted restrictions against its use for business purposes or against the erection of more than one house to a given area, so as not to depreciate property values and so as to protect those persons who had purchased land previously around it as well as those purchasing it. S~uce 1889 the Ferguson family has made every effort to safeguard Fishers Island against its being despoiled and we are particularly anxi~As to have its character maintained. It seems to us that your Board could not possibly find in favor of a change .oF zone 'which would have such drastic effects on an entire section of the Island as would be the case here. Therefore, we urge you not to accede to the request for ~his change in zone. ALFJR:EM Very truly yours, ;fkfred L. Ferguson, Jr. Secretary HINCKLEY. ~LLEN.~ALISBUR¥ (~- PARSONS COUNSELOR5 AT LAW ............... June 17, 1963 Town Board Town of Southhold Long Island, New York Dear Sirs: I am the owner with my brother, Walter F. Torrance, Jr. of a house and lot which is on Hedge Street in the Town of Southhold, Long Island, New York. I understand that a proposal has been made that the area at which the foregoing real estate is located be changed from its current zoning classification A (agriculture and residential) to B (business). I further understand that a hearing is to be held at Fishers Island Wednesday, June 19th, at which the proposed change will be presented for discussion. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the hearing in person. However, I do wish to express by this letter my strong opposition to the proposed change. The inevitable result of making Hedge Street a business area rather than a residential area would be detrimental to the residences al- ready located on that street, and I find it difficult to be- lieve that the interests of Fishers Island as a whole would be best served by changing what is now a lovely, quiet area into a business center. I had hoped and still do hope that Fishers Island might remain as one place where established, peaceful, residential areas might be protected from the encroachments from mercantile establishments. Fishers Island is a singular island of peace and quiet lying off a shoreline which is rapidly turning into a continuous line of business buildings. I strongly urge the No. 2 To Tow'n Board DATE June 17, 1963 Town Board to help preserve the singular character of Fishers Island by disapproving the proposed zoning change. 22 Very truly yours, EDWIN G. TORRANCE FISHERS ISLAND FARMS, INC. June 12, 1963 REAL ESTATE FISHERS ISLAND, N.Y. Town Board, Town of Southold, L. I. New York Re: Application for change of zone Gentlemen: It is our understanding that ~tr. A. John Gads has petitioned for a chmnge of zone for his five or six acres lying between Montauk Avenue and West Harbor, Fishers Island and that your Board will be here Wednesday evening, June 19th for the purposes of conducting a hearing on this matter. Fishers Island Farms, Inc. owns niae acres of land immediately across a narrow cove of West Harbor from the property in question. So long as the character of West ~arbor remains unchanged - quiet and attractive- this is some ~..~roperty of value, but its value suffered severely when the Cou_~t approved the construction by Mr. Gads of his gasoline and fuel oil station end the values have suffered even more during the past year or two when the traffic of small boats tying up at his dock adjacent to the gas station increased. For unfortunately the occupants were boisterous and noisy, especialiy when returning to the maimland late at night, which they often did. This has given us a small taste of what an undesirable situation can cause. A change of zone to Mr. Gada's entire tract there would have the most serious consequences to this company by lowering the value of its n~.ne acres across the cove and it also wou~d create a real hardship for everyone else owning oroperty in the neighborhood. Surely there are enough business zones or non-conforming uses on Fishers Island without having to add any more. This is primarily an island of homes and very few business areas are needed to accommodate the FISHERS ISLAND FARMb, INC. To Town Board - Southold Page 2 wants of the people. Please do not approve of something which will undo in a moment what so many of us have worked years to achieve and maintain. Sincerely yo~s, FISHERS ISLAND FARMS, INC. HLF, Jr:la OLIN, MURPHY 8~ REDMOND 12 June 1963 Town Board of the Town of Southold Southold, Long Island New York Dear Sirs: On the 20th of June, I understand, your Board will hold a hearing in Fishers Island at 7:00 p.m. for the pur- pose of considering the application made by Mr. Gada to you for an amendment to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town with respect to a change in character of certain property located at Fishers Island near that of my mother, Mary S. M~rphy, from Residence "A" to Business "B". I understand that this application has been pre- viously disapproved by the Town Planning Board, and at that time I wrote to the Planning Board and on behalf of my mother recorded her opposition to this proposal. I again wish to record with you my mother's opposi- tion to this proposal. As an adjacent property holder, this amendment would be damaging to her property and would consti- tute a fundamental change in the character of her area. It would appear to serve no reasonable economic purpose and I urge you gentlemen to make no change in the findings of your Planning Board in connection therewith. G~:pds y~ry truly yours, June 1~.,1~ 6~ Town Board Town of Soutb~old Long Island, }few York, Re: Eeeting to be held at Fishers Island, N.Y. next Tuesday. June 18~196~ on t}~e subject of John Gada's request for change of zoning from Residential to Business. Gentle~en:- Following up the petition I signed on June 6~1965 to deny the above ch~n~ in zoning,I am now also sending you this letter in order to point out that in 1945 A purchased my present property which contains my house and garage both of which border to the north, including of course the land on which both sit, the premises of" now or formerly I[ary S. 2furphy"and to the ~ast on 'Jest Harbor and to the ~7est,~edge Road and to the South, by Ray U~wards. I primarily purchased ~he above property in order to have a place the summertime to relax in pease and quiet. I have always felt should I find it advisable to sell this Fishers Island. property of mine, that it would no doubt be to some f~nily also seeking primarily these same above conditions. If therefore these conditions are substantially altered it is only natural to have to expect likewise~ would become the pecuniary value of my property. Also.as I have not been advised as to the specific business uss k'~. Gads aesires to have his property in question rezoned,I have no other recourse than to object ~o a change in zoning from Residential to Business of any property because of its proximity to my residential property would alter the latters origi~mal , present and future intent and value. - -.~ours very tru~y~ Theodore B. Russell June 10~ Ir~?S 2o,.'n of Southol~] De~.r bits: I have bef3re mc the "Notice of herrin~ ~?r~vo~'al to amend 2onin." or~tinance" '.hich ~nomnces p~b,~ic hearing' t,o be hal<~ st t, ne ~isners 3n J~ne 10th. ?his '_%~a~'in,~ -leals ~',~ th a ~'e-.znne ~'~.3'fl residential to ?~siIlegs .'~ ~ lo 73]' t~ -~:1 Oil .~ - L ~'?,Di' ic direct1./ ncr'oss fr'om ~.V SUE:ii ~11 ~iT.]q-~i' ~ j"L..i' Z'q~iY~:'[ ~i' .7.'I'i~Si~Y' ?"l']=S. -If the retuested change is made it w~uld material injure ~ property ~d would d~ffinitly decrease the value of this property as a resident~ It is :ay opinion that this request should be refumed as it will injure all of the surrounding property~ including mine. Also~ the theJry of adoptir~5~ definite zoning7 lav/s and then changing the overall puPpose by :'spot zoning" is a very bad practice and benefits onl7 the individual reuuestin~ the charge at the exmense of all other people in the area. P. O. Box ~]03 ~2shers Island~ N.f. ,albert D. Dawson .. Il 1l. I ~, 4?# . ,.-,,~r~ . LL/~i]];t' - / /. New York,' .~.1i~.~. held 'by the '~~~~"~ '.~t the ~~rs T-m~snd ~t~, i~n~-the"'~~ ~~d~- ~~) of ~e ~~ of ~old, ~ "B" ~::~~ the ~lsnd; ~ .~e :~~ of ~~ld, m~ ~!Y ~~ and ~d ~!l~ nd, of Y~k, on New Y~ ~.~ ~l~- ~y,. 1914" ~d ~ ~ ~e ~e ~~ 9n ~d .~p, t~ ~ ~e~d~C.D,~~Pand ~ .A~ ~~n ~~. ~ '~ h~ on "the p~~ $~d a~r at the time ~d ~~: ~y ~, 1.~. SO~~ ~~ ~~ STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, says that .... ~'~ .......... is Printer and Publisher of the SU]~ I,''0LK TIMES, a ncwspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for ............................................................. ~...c~... ........................... week~ succe, ss~vcly commencing on the ............ ~!~ .................. day of ............. .~.'~ ........................ 19..(~..3.. ..... Sworn to before me this .... .~....~.....: ......... LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Fishers Island Theatre, Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, in said town on the 19th day of June, 1963, at 7:00 o~lock in the evening o f said day, on the follow- ing proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York° 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: of land situate, Town of Southold, New York, Ail those certain lots, pieces or parcels lying and being on Fishers Island, County of Suffolk, and State of known and designated as Lots "C", "D", "E", "H", "I", "J", and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers Island, New York, formerly owned by Mrs. Martha E~ Hoffort, now LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article /Df of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Fishers Island Theatre, Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, in said town on the 19th day of June, 1963, at 7:00 o~lock in the evening o f said day, on the follow- ing proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York° 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Bus.ess District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and descr/bed as follows: Ail those certain lots. pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being on Fishers Island. Town of Southold. County of Suffolk, and State of New York, known and designated as Lots "C", "D", "E", entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers York, formerly owned by Mrs. Martha E~ certain map Island, New Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savings Bank, July, 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 2, 1915 as map number 242, together with the driveway shown and delineated on said map, Page 2 - Legal Notice the same being bounded on the south by the said lots C, D, E, and F and on the north by the said lots G, H, I, J and K. On the tax map this property is bounded north by West Harbor, east by M. Murphy, W. Torrance, S. Doyen, Jr. and L. Middelton, south by Montauk Avenue, and west by Dawsonv Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the tin~ and place above specified. DATED: May 28, 1963. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TO~ BOARD. ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK. PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JUNE 7, 1963 AND FORWARD THREE AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION IMMEDIATELY TO THE TOWN CLERK, ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. (3) MAIN Copies mailed to the following on May 29, 1963: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman The New London Day A. John Gada E. Perry Edwards April 1, 1963 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Pluming Board of the Town of Southold, New York Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickham: I have heard that A. John Gada of Fishers Island, New York, has filed or intends to file an application with the Planning Board for a change in zoning from A Residential to B Business on part of his property fronting on Montauk Avenue. My property is adjacent to this area and contains three dwell~nE which I rent. One house is rented on a year round basis and the other two are strictly summer rentals. The permit awarded several years ago allowing the present filling station and garage together with the parking of trucks, cars and construction equipment in that area has seriously impaired the value of my property. The houses that we own have been residential for mmuy, many years and any further variances will further impair their value and the entire residential area on all sides of the land under question. Accordingly, I strongly urge your board to deny this request and sincerely hope that they will keep this area as A Residential and avoid needless spot zoning. Very truly yours, Albert D. Dawson Adams Road Ossining, New York OLIN, HURPHY ~ REDHOND 15 March 1963 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Planning Board of the Town of Cutchogue, New York Southold New York Dear Sir: I have been informed by residents of Fishers Island that Mr. A. John Gada has filed or is about to file an applica- tion with your Board to approve a change in the zoning of a portion of his property lying northeast of Montauk Avenue, Fishers Island, being approximately three acres of land and containing three large frame houses formerly belonging to Grieco and Brown from Residential A to Business B. My mother, Mary Stoddard Murphy, is the owner of property approxi- mately 500 feet from the property in question and located at the end of Hedge Street at Fishers Island. Any such change as that proposed above would seriously effect the value of her property, and I am, therefore, registering with you and your Board strong opposition to the proposal. A possible argument that may be made on behalf of Mr. Gada is that property immediately adjacent to the tract in question is now used by him for a gas station. It is possible that the gas station parcel may be part of the three acre tract in question. I draw the attention of your Board to the fact that Mr. Gada's right to the user of this portion of his property as a gas station was only obtained after litigation establishing the gas station property as a non-conforming use antedating your present zoning ordinance. To permit additional properties adjacent to the gas station to be zoned for business use would enable Mr. Gada to further en- large the non-conforming use far beyond his original user, would seriously ammage the residential nature of the area and has no economic justification at this time. May 24, 1963 Mr. A. John Gads F/uhers island, New York Dear Mr. Gads: I am sorry to re~ort that the Board is not wllllng to reco~nend change of zone on your property as per your ~etitlon. we sen= our investigating team over to Fishers Island on May 13th as you are no doubtedly aware and the report and pictures they presented for our file indicate that the hardship which you plead in being unable to rent your property is largely attr~;uted to the fact that ~u maintain your non-conform/rig property as a depot for equipment and contracting supplies, and since this is under your control th~s hardship condition could be rectified at your volition. Finally, the Board has been reminded by those from Fishers isla~d that when zoning %;as first proposed we assured the residents on Fishers Island that there would be no increase in business zones so that we are somewhat hesitant to increase these zones unless extremely urgent grounds are presented. Sincerely, John wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /jb cc= Town Board Southold Town Planmng Board ~OLITHOLD, L. I., M.Y. Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York May 22, 1963 Gentlemen: ' This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Sou thold Town Planning Board at their meeting May 21, 1963: In the matter of the petition of A. John Gada and Margaret J. Gada for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Fishers Island and bounded and described as follows: Ail those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County Of Suffolk, and State of New York, known and designated as Lots "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", and "K" on a certain map entitled "Plan of Property on Fishers Island, New York, formerly owned by Mrs. Martha E. Hoffort, now belonging to Southold Savings Bank, July 1914" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 2, 1915 as map number 242, together with the driveway shown and delineated on said map, the same being bounded on the south by the said lots C, D, E, and F and on the north by the said lots G, H, I, J, and K. On the tax map this property is bounded north by West Harbor, east by M. Murphy, W. Torrance, S. Doyen, Jr. and L. Middelton, south by Montauk Avenue, and west by Dawson. It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board is not willing to recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of A. John Gada and Margaret J. Gada at Fishers Island. Page 2 - Southold Town Board ~he Planning Board is not willing to recommend the change of zone in this case for the following reasons: First, the other property of the petitioner is non-conforming but nevertheless is "A" Residential District and if this property were to be zoned "B" Business it would intrude in residential areas as per letters of protest on file with this office. This property in question does abut the "B" Business zone of the Pequot House but is so narrow as to ]~e almost useless at the place where it is adjacent. In the second place, Mr. Gada bases his ~quest for change of zone on the hardship involved in his being unable to rent these properties for summer occupancy. Upon investigation this Board has found that the reason they are unrentable is because the petitioner maintains his non-conforming property as a depot or dumping ground for contracting equipment and materials, and in our file are photographs taken by our investigating team on May 13th showing this condition. Inasmuch as this condition is self-imposed or at least can be rectified by petitioner if he so desires, we feel that a change of zone would not be necessary. In interviewing real estate agents on Fishers Island our investigating team discovered that the last tenants on property covered by this petition were quite outspoken about the nuisance value of petitioners non-conforming property. The contents of our file on this are available to the To~n Board at any time. Respectfully submitted, -'?:'/~ ,~, ,~'/~'d /~" ,t~z ~,~ /.( - John Wickham Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board JW/jb riFF: SIDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. May 8, 1963. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of A, John Gada, Fishers Island, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Res- idential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Fishers Island, New York, is in the files in the office of the Plan- ning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AW /mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk March 14, 1963 l~r. John Wlckha~, Chairman Southold Town Planning Boar~ Cutchogue, L. I., New York 0ear Mw. Wickham: This is to confirm my telephone conversation of some days ago requesting you to deny the petition of A. John Gads for a change in zone from A Residential to B Business on a piece of property located off Montauk Avenue, Fishere Island, a portion of which borders my property...le my home. I ~m opposed to the requested zone change because the benefits accruing to the public or any individuals by allow- in~ any further concessions to business in this nelgh0orhood cannot conceivably be &rearer than the harmful effects to the ~veryd=y living conditions and property values of the many individual home owners involved. Your kind consideration will be appreciated. Very,truly yours. Serge .~.. Doyen, GENERAL CON~'RACTING CARPENTRY FISHERS ISLAND FARMS, INC. I~rch 13, 1963 FISHERS ISLAND, N.Y. John ~ickham, Chairman iOlanning Eoard of the Town of Southold, iSew York Cutchogue, ~ew York kc; A. John 6ada property, ilcntauk Avenue ~ishers island, ]Iew York :Dear I.h~. ~Jickham: I an~ advised that A. John Gada has or will file an appli~tion '~itL the Planning Loard to have a portion of his property lying to the northeast of ~-~cntauk Avenue changed in zone from A Resieential to B Business. I understanm that this is the portion comprising property that form~ly belonged to drieco and Brown, and comprising perhaps tkree acres of land ~nd three large frame dwellings. This is to advise you that I am unalterably opposed to this petition and I entreat you and your Board tc refuse tc grant ap~.roval. I feel that this is spot zoning at its worst, that Dishers Island is essentially a residential Island and that changing this zone to business in a residential area is a complete breakdown of ali the best principles of residential zoning. Approval by the Cou~t a few years ago permitting Gada to have his gas station was a severe blow and resulted in an irredeemable reduction of property values but m change in zoning for these three houses would be catastrophic tc the entire neighborhood. If this request fcra change in zone is ap:~rcved by you and by the '~'own ~oard we see no other altern~tive but to litigate the matter if necessary to preserve the proper ~ishers Island at~csphere which ~mny of us have gone ta such extzemes for in the past. Surely y~u and y.~ur Board will realize the seriousness ¢.f such a c4ange when you consider it at your meeting on ~.~rch 19%h. HLF,Jr:la Very truly ~ou~s, ?ishe rs Island i. uroh 12, 1063 ~., the undersi.~ned, ~.re 1 jal taxps;/crs of i:ro?,~r'ty on 1.0 .':~: -re ye.r.:' m-tch 9~sinst r, im doin~ r,.~ls, as in oux. i~ vi:?!l,2 :eval-~?.te all tfte sl!rroundin~ grome~t¥ a~djacent to If t!'mr~ is any way gnat you co:~ld help om advise us in tqis m~tter w~ would ~poreci~te it w~rj much. .PI ~e~:e ad."x'ess yr~ur qnsw~,~ bo ~]y o£ f;he 'undepsljned, Fis!m~rs Island, ),~e;'.~ York. If yell. c~n ~elp us, please ansv, er before March 19, lvl63 for t~e u~]derstond t. ne loning Board is having a ueqting on Long Island at ~ab date. suUmitted, A. JOHN ®ADA ~ember Connecticut ~oc;et¥' o~ Civ;I Eng,n~ers Drawer ~ Fishers Island, N. Y. December 17, 1962 Lester Albertso% Supervisor Town of Southold greenport, L. I., New York Dear Mr. Albertson: I am enclosinE herewith Petition For change in zonin~ on some property owned jointly by Mrs. Gads and myselF. ~Iill you please let me know when this petition will come before the Town Board as I would like ko be present to answer any questions that might arrise. flishin~ you and yours a healthrul~ prosperous Holiday Season. Sincerely~ AdO:rs Encls. CASE NO: ....................... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO 'THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: :]e, A, john I_'.-~da and ][ar2:~ret. J. 1. ]~, ...Q.~',(~,....[;~.$...):[:~.f..¢~...~}9.~. ............ , residing ~t (insert n~me of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, t~e undersigned, ~the owne~o{ certain re~l property situated ~t Fish~.~]~...~.,..~..g,.qW~..Qf..~.QL[~kq~g.~...[[ and more part cu/arly Dounaea and described as follows: Ali t. hose ~ertain lots, pieces or ~arcels cf land situate, lying snc, ::.emng c,n "2ishers Island, Tcwn of Southola, ,.,ouht~ Suffolk, and State of He~.~ v ~. "P", "E" ~oz.-_~ known and desiLnabed as Lots "C", . ~ "G", "H", "i", "J", and "I? on ~ certain map entitled "Plan of Yrc~_r~' on ~iskers Is]an,'~, New '~ork,' fcr:.~erly~ own~a_ ~., Iqrs. ].~a~t~ _,:. Hoffort, now ~'~.l_~.~lr'~-'rg co Scuthold Savin~ls m'~ank, July, ~]91~" and fmleo' ' in the office o~ t~e ,~13rk of t~e County of ..~],.io~1. or~ January 2, 1715 as nu~ro?~ 2L. 2, 'teeether with the driveway shown an,5 delineated on said. ].]ap, TLe sar, e bein[l OOlll,~el] on t[z~ sel~tJl D~. tile said lots ,,, _~ E and ~ and on ~he nol'th by bn.. said lots G, H, I, J .~n.l K. cc,~3"' el' L,~,~ ofr,resaid map is attached :- ' 2. _'£ do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify ond amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: ~,'.r ch,~tnbinc, t'ror;1 ~tA" [-'.,:~sz~]eJ-~tz,_~l 2z~ ] 2,,?icultt~ral uz~uzzct %c Bl/sirtoss District tim ?:~:ove ,i. escribed property. (z) Prior- ?o tho en2c'Cment of thc original Eouthcld Zc, n~ ~' ,~irn;:ce i- 1957, 3etitic, nor~' commencc-d Eho sre~bion 3f i~;aso- mad 7~ Lc.'53 I, J, I(, sn.! 7 Dot,ion c.~ Lcg H. The uhJ'-'-~ ~-~.a..~zu. ld~-- '~'~,J.n_' ~, Zoninj OFdinan~e for~.:1~' ~3 sb,.Ji"lqe cf uildin~ (l) [;lo~ Lot ] shown on said m:~::~ is p"ac~: d a l:]r-o bzel!ing Lui].din~ us,od 2nd 3,3cuNiol eot sununer rent21 2urp,sses. ..n ,~.'dition Nas '~:. ccnst, r',r;'h.d to bhis i:uildinn sore,3 raSPS ,iSO cons-stirlS Cf She 23r-'e too:? whld, cannot ;'e used Po¥' ,:]wellinI ?trpcm:}y tnd can ' "' '.'"~ I:he sub?Tt o~" "~ (7,) T'~,e R];ove m~ntzone,_, orcmzsec ,,kzd~ 7re o.~plic3~ { CF, 7L76 , Oltil'il:d 02 Lb? :o]lkh i - ~ OF,%.'~'li[ :':v,31lnc , .. 21:~ cf L. hc~ :crt ,'~'~ZL" trnve.lled illSi!l knshways on z, JS}I,-I'~: ~17nc1. ~_'~OFCiC!i ",~ ,' ' ~ ,:1, Pequot }[o'4se ~ ,~ FeSbCtt!F?~!t ~ihJ ;l,- ,_.;zl ',,,siness ,-~ .'n-''~i,~ ....... - . m%...~ _~ tlF3~IiSeS" SO~l'bh o 1' RN(I c;d~acent %0 7_ol, ,3 f - .7 ~ , :.._~, "'~r'v.', the · ~r ds~s~ ~ _. , ,_~,; . _ 7?,~!i,'''~=~'~ ~ "=., ,.~e]l a" 0djacenl:. p].o...' ,-~-z't~s~., ~tre ::nd klve ,' 2,3n ~cr ~-qn,~. ~al,-,; prior :.c. th{e en'~.tt'u--nt. _ _ oc bLe :uzz, tmn~'' j %C, hC' htrllh!a}:ce~ _ , ~sm,z,:ss an] Fesidential _, r_-~'~-~'. . ' Ch~ r,: li c.kLi,t.n ib C ]'b:C in.~ 9 [ i ii, i,_ ~-,nrticulsrl'~ sui~z,i:!e !;rd would ,-, .r .... ~ ',, John .':ada Se:~ 'Ii]fit ?:l',e5~ Irc: k!ie met~bioners in tt~e ,.}ithin prr)cc-e.ii:us, ;,[!at ': 1. :l s z. - -.�.,. ., r - .. _ 4, r. - _ _ y _ , ., 1, _ - t( J ..1_: _ _ ___ _ _ I y' 1. / _ _ _ 'I �. _ _ _ e - p " _ i : it _ - _. . .',d .. : ��. ;� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ///�1/ _ _ y - .. - - . / - - i'n _ � _ _ rj/ _/� _ _ , : - F . . : _ e . q a - - r i'.. : _ ___ _, _ „ ': .,..L _ :_; , _ is ._..,. _ _ ,. P AN OF L / / a T ON 15HER5 ' 6SLAND N PROPER Y Y. \ [ " . r II /. _ R FORMERLY OWNED BY MRS MARTHA E : HOFFO.R.T. _ E- ; , ..,. '� - � — — - -- o i N, O W- B E LO'N-GING 'T O b c, . - I ,- �' ;, .. " . E P r GLEN /NE,f1 V£ . o G. 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