HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrohne, Albert - Denied WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ...... ~'.~.~..~...V~.~'~..~'.~ ................ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ..... '~.~...~.~...~..tl~'.~'.~.' District to .~'~.'~.. ~'~.~ ........ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .....9....1~.. ......... day of ..... ~? ................................ , 19..~.'~., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~ &].boEl: M. Ittehmond Tc~n of Soul:hoXd ~ 9, -2- SV~VXEO~ AJ[JE~T~ ~ 3 will o~n ~ he~Ang at ~A~ ~ ~ Bu~l~ng Zone Oz~n~ of ~e ~n of ~old, Suffo~ C~y, N~ York. ~l~c h~m w~ll ~ held by ~e S~old ~n B~rd ~ ~e Office of ~e Su~lsor, 16 Sou~ Street, ~n~r~, N~ York, In ~n on ~ 9~ ~y o~ June, ~7, at 7=30 o'cl~k ~ ~e (~nclu~q ~e Buil~ Z~e ~) of ~e ~n of 8ou~old, County, N~ York. 'L. By ~m~ fr~ ~" Reg~t~ml and Agr~tur~l ~r~ plo~, or pA~ ~ ~ of l~d, mA~uite, ly~g and ~ at ~2u~, bn of S~d, Suffo~ County, ~ York, ~n~d ~d ~ea~m~a Aven~, adJo~nA~ l~d of ~ F~k 0~1 Heat C~ ~ e~, said ~lnt ~ing 2~ bt ~ ~e lntera~tion of ~e ~u~s~rly line of ,em2~lLm Avenue ~d ~o nor~erly l~e of Lo~ Zsland ~6' ~tft 105.85 f~t~ ~e~e (2) Sou~ 45'~ 05' ~eat ~.~5 ~ ~o l~d ~nyr ~nn~ ~ence ~ .a~d ~d Nor~ 48' 17 ' t:eu~ 49.~ ~t to l~d of ~tzk~; r~ ~ al~ sa~d land Noz~ 19' 16' But bt ~e ~es~l~ ~e o~ ~ont~a Av~uel r~ng ~e~e alo~ sa~d 1~ Sou~ 70~' ~* East 75 f~ to~e ~n~ or place of ~g. .~ ~zaon ~a~z~9 to ~ he~d on any of ~e pro--ed ~~t by ~M o~ ~e S~old bn Bo~d, A~Ft w. aA~d ~n Cle~" P~annLng -3- will now read the re~- -ndatim o£ the favor~ly to ~e 8ou~ld ~n 8~d ~e ~nge of z~e m "A" Reei~ntial ~d ~z~ltur~ D~lct to 'B" aus~sm Dlo~l~ on "~e ei~ntn~ ~rd ~er r~mn~ ~e ~n ~rd, ~n ~n ~t~, ~ge ~e bal~ce of ~e U~ ~ork O~ bat C~y pro~rty whLch lo not n~ zend OB' aua~ea O~shr~ck ~d lief ~ "B" Bus.oeo D~f~lct ud ~e p~ Un~E "very aincerel~, /s/ J~n w~, C~ Sou~old ~UP~VI~R ~~: I ha~ ~e ~e~r here wh~ ~nto ~e record. bus,ness on ~o~rtF l~ated ~ ~o wos~ a~ ~ee~lla R~d. S~kl ~d a~r~e v~e heartily of his pl~8, ~en~ore we ~ not ~J~t to ~e ~ange o~ z~. wispa to '~ ha~d ~ hvoz of ~if appXlcat~n~ re~aen~ .~. s~g. ~ la here ~ c~e ~e ~d w~ld to:~ "B" Duwi~a Ola~ict ~ ~ ~t he ~ht ~ ~io ~o el~t~c ~d a~raft ~a~es. ~e ~ ~a au~d wl~ ~e~eoa ~m~ ~d ~e fa~ ~t ~e ~ ~rk b~r~re on ~e e~ ~d ro~ of ~e p~r~ and ~ny the went and on the east As ~he Charkow's, who we talked to An sm ~o ~ ~n hvor. ~8 ~e s~t ~s "' . using for uae as a resi~nce. s~XS~ ~S~, ~a~ ~u. ~s ~ore an~e else ~e~nt who w~es ~ s~ ~n ~avor of ~s app~ca~n~ (~e~e ,as no res~se.) S~IS~ ~~, Z, ~ere an~ne presen~ who ~lho/ agains~ ~is app~ica~Aon ~ (~ere was norem~e.) Aeard one ~ay or ~e o~ ~ (~ere ~a8 ~ reagan.) ~o t~ for the ~r~e~ ~a~on of ~e ~ w~ll read ~o not,ce. "2. By ch~g~n~ ~ ~A~ bf~tial and ~r~cult~mL to "B-2" Buot~aa Dls~lat ~e ~11~1~ ~z~d proart= A11 ~rtaln plot, piece or pucel of l~d situate, l~g ~ Cutcho~ue, ~n of Sou~old, Suffo~ C~nt~, H~ Yo~k, ~n~ line of ~Ln R~d, 1021 ~t, ~re or less, sou~westerl~ along said sou~e~erly line fr~ Fleets Ne~ R~d, said ~n~ of ~e ~esterlF corner of land of Sleet ~d ~e no~arl~ ~olf, ~ enid ~nt of ~ng ~n~ ~long sa~d ~and of ~o ~urse8' (1) S. 50~ 0O' 20~ E.- 200.0 feet ~ a ~n~2r -5- (2) S. 29' 44' 00" w.- 175.0 feet to an irou pipe a~d lend of Joh~ wick,~ ~:h~=e al~g l~d o~ WI~, B. 50~ 09' 20" ~v. 200.0 ~ said ~euterly l~e o~ ~e ~ln R~d~ ~ence along said sou~- eaete~ly l~e ~. 29' ~' 00" ~.- 175.0 feet to ~e ~t of ~I~ ~~: I w111 ~ read ~e ge~t of ~e P1~1~ ~d. "It w&s ~ ~at ~e 6ou~ld ~n Plying ~d ~a~z~ly ~o ~e Sou~old ~n B~rd ~e ch~ge of z~e ~r~ "A" ~esl~ntl~ and Agrt~ltural Dtstrlut to "B-2" Bus,ess D~LCt ~ a~ ~scr~d ~o~rty. ~ ~l~ltural Dlstrict ~d a non,ongoing ~tuess o~zatlon ~e Plan~l~ B~rd would r~d a "~-2" Bus/ness Dts~lct for property, in aa much as the~e wlll be only an office type uae at the ~e- time in the ~escrlbed ~emiles. There are othe~ properties on ~-~e ol~oelte sl~e of the street which are zone "B" Business and used "Res~gt~11y s~ltted. /s/ John 1~. Cha~. ~ P~nnlng B~ra." ~A~Is~ ~B~ Zs there anyone present ~ho ~tshes to m~ In ~or of ~is a~pltcstlon~ RX~ ~. E~.: Mr. Su~tmor. ~ers of ~e ~n ~rd. ~pregent ~e appltc~t for ~ls ch~ge of zone. X ~ ~llghted see ~at the Planning B~rd has a~ed mu~ of ~e aF~t c~ng~ Mht~ we sh~dd tn ~e e~ll=att~. As ~as ~lnte~ out ~s ~ ~l~e prox~tty to o~er bus,ess tn ~e ~. business ~ea. ~re 1s adJoinl~ ~18 ~o~zty which ts ~e subject of ~e =h~ge a ~on-=~Eo~ use ~ of ~e ~alman of ~e Planning ~ -6- the area and w:Lll not be do~rAmental to the bn or to ~he area. SUi~RVM ALIU~fOSIL Th~nk You. Te there anyone else present who w:Lehee 1:o apeak :Ln £avor of[ th:La (There ~an no reeponae. ) (~ w~ ~o teepee. ) (bre wu ~ zea~. ) ~r~ plot,pi~ oz ~.el of iud eitua~, ly~g and b~ at Cu~e, ~, of $~ld, suf~ C~n~, ~ York, ~un~d nd ~ ~d where e~ly l~ of l~d of Filla ~ ~zee. ~ ~~, (1) ~ 89 (2) ~ 07~ 39' 20" ~t 417.~ ~t ~ al~ ~e l~d of F. Blli~d b~te -7- ~LotAnee~; (X) .outh 4~ 52' 40" ~e.t X87.7~ -Peet; (2) mouth 84~' 53' 20" e&Bt 94.64 foot. to Xand of sldorl thence &Ion9 land o£ sldor the following two courses and d,:l. lt.anc~B (l) south $'~ 0~' 40" ~eSt 628.13 Lzem that wu req~elto4 to bo changed ~&- not. the ent.J~e &rea, only the property to u~e the antique shop. .Z think that ~z. niddf am ~ know a ~ of 200 ~t ~n ~. ~-e ~qht ~ would e~le h~ t~ ~ ~a~l to ~e area. HIB o~ra~lon in ~ o~nel~ or ~ln~ ~o ~e ~ea. His in~ntion ~as to hold au~i~ on ~e pr~ses, ~t~e shop. Xt len~ itself ~o &rem ~tr. Nidd~ is here SUPERVXSO~ es that you may examine the public notice. application called ~or the entire a~eao N~. Nldd~ I don't t~ink aokto change the entire in case you ~ould like to ask any questions. I will recess thio hearing at this time I thln~ y~u will £1nd t~e SU~E~VZ$OR ~,U~l~O~: e will go on to the n~xt hearing ~ this time. I wall read ~e legal hOrAce for ~As "4. a~ chang~ ~ "A" Real--al and Agrl~ltuEal D~trict to "B-2" Bul~ess Dls~rict ~e roll.lng ~scr~d ~rty: All ~at ~rta~ ~t, pi~e or ~el of l~d al2uate, 1y~g ~d ~lnq at Gr~n~rt, ~n of Sou~old, Suffolk County, ~ York, ~unded and "P~ A - B~ at a ~lnt on ~e ozdina~ high ~ater ~k of Pl~s C~e ~t ~e sou~eastezly co.er of land the ~st ~rt ,,to Cl~en~ C. RoaSt ru~l~ ~ence al~g land H. 3° 45' E. ~hree hundred (300) feet, more or less, to the southerly line of a certain sixteeen (16) foot right of ~ey hereinafter describedr thence along said southerly line of said rl~t of way ~wo courses am · ollowa: (1) Ii. 49~ E. fifty three and eighty-six one hundredths (53.86) feet; then=e (2) H. 76~ 45' ~. Forty (40) feet; thence along other land of -9- sa~d ptrt¥ of the ~rst ptrt, being Jet,Acs rrohne, ~ a line Mrrallel to ~e fArst Ms~d ~ S. 3TM 45' ~-. ~N h~ed ~UtM (330) f~t, ~e or %emi, ~ said ord~ gh~ wa~r ~ o~ P~m C~e; oi~M (80) ~ ~o ~e ~ of ~ni~. "P~el B - ~n~g a~ a ~in~ N. 1' 24' 40~ E. e~en~M and a~t~ ~r~ ~ hun~e~a (70.63) fee~ ~ ~e n~easter~y ~r~r ~m~&m ~d ~ ~nce al~ o~o~ l~d o~ ~e Splicer, ~. 80 55' ~. ~ hun~d ~ s~ ~d a~ty-ae~n ~e hun~e~s (146.77) ~Ad ~ ~r~en~ ~d land of A~H2 S~eger, S. 3 4S* ~. ~enty ~d n~ ~e hun~ (20.09) ~ to ~e n~erlM li~ of a f~t (S0) s~p of land ~ae~ for a F~dp ~o~ along said S0 ~. 20. X7 f~ ~u~ ~ 2) N. 47 33' ~. 80.84 ~e~ ~e 3j H. 30' E. 47.03 be~; ~ al~ o~er 1~ of Ro~h, s. 80' 55e E. ~ hun~ed e~gh~y se~ nd ~efl~y ~z o~ hun~d~s (187.24) f~ S~VI~ ~~, X wlXX ~ read ~e re~ o~ ~e P~nn~ ~ ' It was ~ ~at ~e ~old T~n Pln~N B~rd r~nd h~r~ly ~o ~, ~u~old ~n ~rd ~e ~e o~ s~e ~r~ "~e ~d fin~ ~ia pro~y ham ~ used ~ a non-~fo~ bn PI~ hE~~ aUP~V~I$~ AL~T~ON~ Is there anyl~le · ~ ~n ~or o~ ~a appl~cat~on~ R~C~ ~, E~. ~ In the f~rst ~nstance I would l~e ~ su~t to ~e ~d a su~y ~ne by ~. Van ~yl P~cel A. If you w~ I would r~d ~e ~scr~ption for ~e B~rd. S~VZS~ ~~ D~e ~t~ chugs ~e use? RXC~ ~, E~. = No. It revised by ~e ~p ~u h~e ~n [font of you. ~ sh~ld r~d ~enue al~g ~e ~u~erly l~ne o[ sou~erly r~ght of ~y ~. 49~ 00" ~. 87.12 feet to ~e sou~ easterly l~ne of Silve~re 3~' E. 18.~ feet. ~e ~tlo~er of ~ls preset Par=el A prelently ~ ~e ~ou~ west co~e= hl~ offlce and his ·nd Io ~or~ In front of hie office. ~e ~tn =~lon ~ ~e a~llcatl~ c~ lnto efdect. On ~e cut he ls ~r by Sllvers~ Motel. for I~r r~al. ~ ~efen~y c~c~s real esta~ buflness on of ~e ~onln~. ~. Frans la also here In cafe a~ ~y questt~8. ~d to use ~ls as motel ~d cot~ge o~ritlon~ ~. ~z Yes. SU~OR ~T~ ~at Is all you ~. ~z Yes. R~ ~ S~. = ~e ~rty to ~e East, ~e Sllvezs~ ~U~XS~T~ No o~er ~ of ~ufa~s ~u ~end to put -11- P~. F'A(]I~a ! am In t".he ele~tricel busAnes~ Plan lo ~ed. % ~ wXll~g ~o ~ge ~e "B-2" ~e ~s ~n mist of ~ ~t o~r ~. 90~9 PX~ m~ we ~ld qet a ~ son e. · ~ M~out ny restricted. ~a w~ ~d where n~l~ ~. s~. t ~ ~ ont~e ~wt a~ alms appl%ed to ~e ~d of A~XS to all~ h~ ~ Anmuf£tcient et&~ yar~ ~him was used ~o t~km the ~mr£1o~ fz~m stlveremndw ~otel. Ar. frOhne intends to ~duet a motel business on Parcel A. %t will be more ~n ~onform~mee to make the dtmtrlc~c a "B-2" District. %£ ~m ~t~ PX~, ~ At ~m ~ 1nfo It w~ll t~e p~t ~r ~ ~at ~ ~, ~~ ~ we m~1%~ ~r ~t ~op~ty, ~t wasn't Have ~ ex~_~tned the l~el,~scri~lon ~. ~a~r~eo ~e c~e. I ~i~ ~-~e see at ~e ~lnt use of ~e pro~Zty by ~. Nl~. A used h~llher ~l~lCt M ~r~ ~e ch~a~er of ~~: An~ else wXgh no Aw-mE~TG~ flo~ none, fu~ez ~l~Eat~m of ~ ~d. adjourned /~OTIOE OF HF_ARI~O ON PR~ TO ~D ZO~NG O~CE ~ant ~ ~c~n 2~ ~ Tow~ ~w ~d A~lde IX of .~e B~d~ ~ ~ce of the Town of ~u~o~, S~f~ ty, ~e~ Yo~k, p~bl~ h~ w~ ~ held by ~e ~hdd T~wn ~d ~ ~e ~f~e ~ the ~ 9~ ~ of ~une, 1~, ~ W ~d ~e B~ Z~e Or~ (~ ~e Zone ~ of the Town oi old. S~f~k ~ty, New Yor~. , i. By c~ 1~m "A" ~sl-' de~t~ ~d ~c~tu~ ~ "~" ~ ~ct the f01- 1~ d~ p~etty: ~ t~t ~ ~ot, piece or ~1 ~ ~d, ~:~, ly~ ~d York, bo~d ~d d~r~ f~ow~: '~ ~t · ~in~ on ~e ~i~ Avenae, ~djoi~ng ~nd of on ~e ~u~, ~ld ~in~ ~in~ 2~ feet lr~ ~ of ~he ~ut~wes~rly line of ~,~ia ~v~nue and the nor~er~ l~e of ~ Is~d ~ ~d ~; from ~ of ~g ~g ~ence ~o~ ~ 1~ of N~th cou~s~ .~d ~st~: (1) ~uth 19~ 16' W~t 1~.~ f~; then~ f~) ~ ~ ~' we~t 6~.15 f~t ~o ~ of ~y; ~en~ ~ong ~d la~ N~th ~ 1T W~ &9.~ f~t to l~d of C~; ~lng the~e ,~ong ~ld l~d Nor~ 19~ ~ 1~.47 f~g ~ the sough- ~wesb~ly l~e of Wesbp~ Ave- nue; ~ the~ ~o~ ~ line ~uth ~0° ~' E~c T5 to ~e ~lnt or ~e of .2. BY ~gl~ fr~ "A" Resl- bo "~-2" B~ D~rict the ~ ~at ~in plot, piece or ~el of l~d ~te, 1~ a~d .bel~ at Cu~gue, T~n of ~uthoid, S~fo~ Cowry, ~ewI York. bounded ~ descri~ ~ foBow,s: ~ ~, 1~1 f~g, more or mu~rl~ ll~e Imm ~k ~, ~id ~lnt of be- gin~ ~ ~ wester~ cor- ~ of ~nd ~ ~eet ~d ~e from ~d ~int of ~n{ ~, ~ ~ (1) S. ~ ~' 20" E.-2~.0 f~t ~ a moment; ~e~ (2) S_ 29~ ~' ~" W. 1~.5.0 f~t to ,~ i~ ~e ~d ~ong 1~ of Wick, N. 50~ 09~ ~" W. 2~.0 f~6 ~ ~d ~uth~c~ 1~ oi ~e ~n ~o~d; ~en~ ~o~ ~ld ~uth- e~t~ly l~e, N. ~ ~' ~" E. 175.0 f~c to the ~t of ~- gi~g. 3. By ~lng f~m "A" ~si- ing desc~b~ ~ ~a~ cert~ ploL piece or ,~ing at '~b~ue, Town of Sout~ld, S~olk County, New~ York, bo~ed ~d descried ~ p~nt on the sou~erly side of M~ R~d ~whe~ ~r~ ~e of ~nd of ~a ~cts ~e aaid ~uth-i COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J .... .... eing duly s~s ~at ...(~ is Printer ~nd Publisher of ~e SUFFOL~ WE~KLY TIM~S, e news~per published at Greenport, in s~d county; and that the north, of which ~e .~e~d copy, h~s been puMlshed in the s~d Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ......... ~ ........... wee~ successiwly commencin~ on the . Z~. ddy of . . .... ......... .... ...... S~n to ~fore me this . ~/~.'.. ~_.. ~.~..~. ~ G~f'F, {~, ?,, I~{DAY. MAY 26, 1,967 erly side of MaLl Road aatd from said l~otht o! be~lnnkn~ rm~h~ thence alo~ tire erly side of ~ Road the lowir~ ~wo ccau~ al~ dis- ,~a~es: (1) North 89' 0~' Ra~ 68~1) feet; (2) soulit of F. Bllla~l ~L~te; thence ~ong ~he land of S, B/llard m~l dt~'~c~: (1) ~o~th 4° 52' t0" We~t 18'1.'~ l~; (21 sauth ~' 53' ~" ~ ~ f~ to of ~r ~ to~~'~ c~s ~d ~m: (~) ~ 5= ~' ~" ~ 8~.13 fee~; (~ ~or~ 89' ~8' ~" 19~.~ t~ ~ ~t~t~k ~- ~, ~., (~olk C~ ~e ~o. ~); ~ ~o~ ~e ~-. er~ l~e of ~tttmck ~., (~ ~y ~e ~, ~) N~ 8~= 28' ~' ~ ~ 1~ of ~ ~e fo~o~ t~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~t or ~e ~ ~. 4. ~y cb~ ~ 'A" TM d~ , ~t ~ ~ot, ~e c ~o~ ~ty, N~ York, ~ ~ de~.b~ ~ fol- l~a: ~ A ~ ~O ~t a ~mt on ~ ~h ~r ~k of ~ ~e ~t ~e ~ ~rlF ~ of ~ ~vey- .,H. 3= ~,E. ~h~ (~) ;f~, ~ ~ 1~, ~ the of ~ ~O ~, ~ f~: (1) LT. 49° lil. fifty-three e~glat~-~ one hunclred~.~ J53.- ~) f~t; the~e (2) N. ~6 45 ~.. ~y (~) f~t, thence 'o~ ~ of ~d p~ty of the' P~ B ~ ~ .at ~y ~' ~ ~nty~ven ~e ~v~ ~ ~tw~ ~ of A~O ~, S. (~) ~ ~ ~ r~ for ~ at ~ t~e ~d ~e ~ve JT~T W. ~OND, &W, ~,~-~ ~, ~ ~, ~ BeAd I. ~y ~ ~ ~A~ ~y* l~ of ~,'~t~X~ A~ and ~ (A) $~ 19~ L6' ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~d ~ ~ -2- (suffo)~ C~m~ty ft~. #44S3)~ ,3Mzer, eziJ. a, amd £o~fil~ omi &L]IKRT ~ . I~C~BO, T~I C~,BRK Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. ¥. llg?l PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickharn, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William U nkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold ~own Board 16 South Street Greenportm New York May 10, 1967 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on May 9, 1967: In the matter of the petition of Albert and Veronica Frohne, Silvermere Road, Greenport, New York, for a change of Zone from'~" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on certain real property located at Greenport in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGISTNING at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove at the Southeasterly corner of land conveyed by the party of the first part to Clarence C. Roach; running thence along last described land, N. a certain sixteen (16) foot right of way, hereinafter described; thence along said southerly li~e of said right of way two courses, as follows: (1) N. 49° E. fifty-three and eighty-six one hundredths (53.86) feet; thence (2) N. 76~ 45' E. forty (40) feet; thence along ~ther land of said party of the first part, being Veronic Frohne, on a line parallel to the first described boundary, S. 3° 45' W. three hundred thirty (330) feet, more or less, to said ordinary high water mark of pipes cove; thence along said Ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove southwesterly eight (80) feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL II - BEG//gl~ING at a point N. 1° 24' 40" E. seventy and sixty-three []ne hundredths (70.63) feet from the northeasterly corner of land a_.~___~-2 ~ ~_ _~ii ~ ~i~ ~ ~ %~ .... ~ ~n! ~ Thos. Jurzenia, and running thence along other land of the appliaant N. 80° 55' W. one hundred forty six and seventy seven one hundredths (146.77) feet; thence on the extension northerly of the division line between land of said Thomas Jurzenia and land of August Sieger S. 3° 45' W. twenty and nine one hundredths (20.09) feet to the northerly line of a Southold Town Board May 10, 1967 fifty C50) foot strip of land reserved for a road; thence along said 50 foot strip of land reserved for a raod three courses as follows: 1. N. 80° 55' W.- 20.17 feet; thence ~ 2. N. 47~ 33' W.-40.84 feet; thence 3. N. 15° 21' 30" E. 47.83 feet; thence along other land of Roach, S. 80° 55' E.- one hundred eight- seven and twenty-four one hundredths (187.24) feet; thence along other land of Jurczenia, S. 1° 24' 40" W.- fifty and fourty-five one hundredths (50.45) to the point of beginning. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend famorahly to the Southold Town Board tha change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on the above described property. The Board finds that this property has been used as a non-conforming use for many years. Respectfully submitted, Jo~hn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /bd riFF~1 .E~K ALBERT W. RIOHMnND SnUTHOLD, L. I,, N. Y. May 11, 1967 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.tN.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Albert and Veronica Frohne, Silvermere Rd., Greenport, N.Y., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agriculural District to "B-2" Business District on certain proper- ty situated in Greenport, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Island Railroad Co~pany. Also, a right of way across said land of Long Islanc! °,ailroad Company, as same now exists, to the southerly end of sn exist~n~ right of way. ~_lso, a right of way over said existing right of way from said land of Long Island Railroad C~mpany northerly to ~ain Roa~. ~eginni~f: at a point on ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove at the southereasterly corner of land cnnveyed by the party of the first to C~.rence C. Roach: then r~ning along last described lanS, ~.3 E. three hundred (~00) feet, more or less, to the southerly line of a certain sixteen (lb) foot right of way hereinafter described; thence alon~ sai~ southerly line of said right of way twc. courses, as Collows: (1) Y.~o E. fifty0thpee and eighty-six one hundredths (93.86) feet; thonce (2)N.76 4~'E. forty (~0) feet; thence along other, l~nd of sa~d party of the first p~rt on a line parallel tc the first descri~ed bomn~- a~y, S.3 4~W. three huod-ed thirty(330) feet, more or less, to said ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence alon~ s~id ordinary high water ~mrk of Pipes Cove southwesterly ei~hty (80) fset to the point of be g inning. Tofqether with a right of way over ssi d s~xteen foot right of way from the northwesterly co.er of the p~emises herein described northeasterly along the northerly line and thence northerly to l~d of Long Island Railroad Company; thence northerly across said land of Lon~ Isled Railroa8 Comoany to the southerly end of an e~istinE right of way of said party ~ the first pa~t leading northerly to r~ain Ra~ad. Alco, ~ right of way over sald existing right of way from said Long Island '~silroad Company northerly tc ~aid i!ain Roa~. Also, all the ri~'ht, title and inte~st of the party of the first part of, in and to said Pipes Cove abutting the p~emises. Beginaing st an iron pipe set on that course of the southwesterly l~ne al' Silverl~re Road which ~s S.iL7 ~3'E., 37.h0 feet southeasterly ale-nE said sout~westerly line fram t~e north, westerly ter~nus thereof, being the northwest~!y Co.er of land of Sieger and t~ia northeasterly co.ner of' land heretofore conveyed by Edna A. Brcwn to the party of the first part; from said point of beginning running alonf said other l~nd of the party of the second part, S.76 A~'W. 40.0 feet to the southeaster- ly line of a certain 16 foot right cf way; thence alon~ sald~ntheast- ~rly l~ne cf ~ certain 16 foo~ right of way; thence alo~]{ s~i~ south- er~sterl~~ !i ~ c'f said 16 foot ri[~ht of way, N.L~Q 00'E. 33.26 feet to said southwesterly line of Silver~,~ere ~o~O; thence alonT s'_~i= s~'uthwast- erly line of S~lvermere ~osd, 2.47 33.E. [~.,'~ feet ~ ~he F:,i~t STATE OF NEIV YORK PET[T1ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF TIIE PETITION O1? Albert and Yeronic. a ?roh~m FOR:\ CI4,\NGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMI(NT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NAb;CE OF THE TOX, VN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFI:OLK COUNTY, NEx, V YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD (-)F THE TOV~:N OF SOUTHOLD: Albert F~ohne and VeronSca Frohne I. ]~ ..re ..................................... res/ding at $11¥.errae~. J~d,. ~r.aenpo~., (insert name of petitioner) Sufi'olk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ........................................ and more particularly bounded a.d described as follows: Beginning at a point N.1 2~'~O'~E. seventy end sixty-three one hundredths . (70.63) feet from the northeasterly cor~e~ of land contracted to be sold by the party of the first part to Thos. Jurczenia, and r~mning thence along other land of(party of the first partJN.80 55'W. one h~ndred forty six and seventy-seven one-hundredths (146.77) feet; thence on the extension northerly of the division line between land of said Thomas! Jurczenia ~nd land of August Sieger S. 3 45' W. twenty and nine one-hundredths (20.09) feet to the northerly line of a fifty (50) foot strip of land eeserved for a road; thence along said 50 foot strip of land reserved for a road three courses as follows: 1. N.80 55'W.20.17 feet; thence 2. N.~7 33'w.40.84 feet; thence i~,c~, 3. N.15 21'3O"E. 47.83 feet; thence along other land of phPty ~* the f~~t S 80 55'E one hundred eighty-seven and twent_v-four one-hun- dredths (187.24) feet; thence along other lmud of p~r~# o~'~ l~lrst ~ S.1 24'40'~W. fifty and fourty-five one-hundredths (50.45) to the point of beginning. Together with a right of way over said fifty(50) foot strip of land alon~ the southwesterly and westerly sides of the premises, and ~ sixteen (16) foot right of way whose westerly line is a continuation northerly of the westerly line of said fifty (50) foot right of way, said sixteen (16) foot right of way running northerly to land of Long 2. I do hereby petitio, tile Town Board of the Tc, wn o£ Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Soutbold, Suffolk Cotmty, New York, includhlg the Building Z..e Maps beret.fore made a part thereof, as follows: From 'fA" resid, ontial aha agricultmw~l district to "B-2" l-usSness district 3. Such request is made for the folIowing reasons: The pr~mises 8.x'~ ILO1,1 8. "nol~-.Collforllllr~I use ( Motel cottages) a mu~tlple residence use. We wish to make th.is a conforming property by making this a "B-2" district similar to other properties of similar use in this area. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTx, OF SUFFOLK, SS: Albert Frohne and ..... .Vo.x~n~l~.a..~rol-ll~ ................... , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that ~}'~is~'~ the petitioner in the w/thin action; that he has read the foregoing- Petition and knoxxs the contents thereo[; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mattcr~ therein ~.tated to be alleged on information and Imlief, and that as to th~Jse matters he believes it to be true. STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOVCN OF SOUTHOLD IN TIlE MATTER OF TIlE PETITION OF Albert and Veronica ~rot2ne FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF TIlE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOXVN OF SOUTfIOLD. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOXVN BOARD OF TIlE TO\VN OF SOUTIIOLD: ~' ." ~ il. . 1. iq, .~.~-.b¢~t..~.D,0..V. 01roi'~i¢.a. ~rnhr~e. , residing at . .o21.v.e~e2:e..2~xacl. ~,raeni:ort ~ if (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk CounIv New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ........................................ and morelmrticularlyl)ounded amldescribed asfollows: PARCEL A - BEGINNING at a point on ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove at the southeasterly corner of land conveyed by the party of the first part to Clarence C. Roach; running thence along last described land, N. 3° 45' E. Three hundred (300) feet, more or less, to the southerly line of a certain sixteen (16) foot right of way hereinafter described; thence along said southerly line of said right of way two courses, as follows: (1) N. 49° E. fifty-three and eighty-six one hundredths (53.86) feet; thence (2) N. 76 45 E~Se~t~e~c~e~6h~nce along other land of said party of the first par~/on ~ line parallel to the first described boundary, S. 3~ 45' W.- three hundred thirty (330) feet, more or less, to said ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence along said ordinary hgih water mark of Pipes Cove southwesterly eighty (80) feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL B ~ Beginning at a point N. 1° 24' 40" E. seventy and sixty-three one hundredth~.~(7~O3) fe~t~ from the northeasterly corner of land contracted to be sold ~ ~c'~o~ ~i~ Da~t to Thcs. Jurzen~a, and running thence along other land of/~l~t-J~l~-~-~r~J N. 80 55 W. one hundred forty six and seventy-seven one-hundredth~ (146.77) feet; thence on the extension northerly of the division line between land of said Thomas 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to chaoge, modify and amend the Buildiog Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Count3, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District. (Parcel B - Con't) Jurczenia and land of August Sieger S. 3° 45' W. twenty and nine one- hundredths (20.09) feet to the northerly line of a fifty (50) foot strip of land reserved for a road; thence along said 50 foot strip of land reserved for a road three courses as follows: 1. N. 80° 55' W.- 20.17 feet; thence 2. N. 47° 33' W. 40.84 feet; thence 3. N. 15° 21' 30" E. 47.83 feet; thence along other land of Roach, S. 80° 55' E. one hund~ed eighty-seven and twenty-four one hundredths (187.24) feet; thence along other land of Jurczenia, S. 1° 24' 40" W.- fifty and fourty-five one hundredths (50.45) to the point of beginning. 3. Such request is made fro' the following reasons: The premises are no:,r a "non-con£orr:in~ use ( i.:otel cot:gages) a multi!:le ~'esidance use. We wish to make this a conforming [,ro2,er~y Ly making this a '~B-2" district similar to other ]roi erties of similar use in this area. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS: Albert Frohne and ..... .~/~Oln. i¢2~. ~2ro]:~.l'!-~ .................... BEING DULY SWOi~.N, deposes and says that They ~is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof: that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes to be true. q ...... ~C~3 of .......... t ............. , ,0 -,Itl MAP 01: LAND N£A~ ~ ~ F. E. M ~or~ T i ,