HomeMy WebLinkAboutConway, William - WithdrawnI:~EN$SELAER G. 'JERRY, JR, January 16, 1973 Hon. Albert Martocchia Supervisor, Town of Southold c/o Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Re: Application of Conway Bros. for a change of Zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural Zone to "B 1" Business Zone Dear Mr. Mart:occhia: I am ~riting to confirm my statement to you that the orig- i~al application of William B. Co~..~ay fo? a change of )Cone to a depth of 400' is being wi. thdra~n and that a new applic~ti¢~n for a cbar~ge of Zone to a depth of 300' is being filed with the Building I~spec tot. !n vie~ of the fact that the adjace~t pre~ni~es ~,n lk~rton's Lane Js already Zone ~'B 1" Business to a depth of 300', the bt'others are hopeful that this new application will be given favor- able consideration. Very truly yours, Renssela~r G. Terry ~:r. ~. ;. Terry, Attorney Sout~old Deer ,,ir, I presented thn a;u~ended a?plics~ .... n # 207, of Wm& ' .... .... ~,%~. ~ afternoone · o.~ 5~ '~o the To~ Board '~ ~ ].etter withdrawing the o~n~l a;;plie?,tlon ,,~ 207 and were to submit a complet~ new application :~th new maps and another fee of $ '~(~3.~,~;n :',s pgr a ~onversation held some time a~o ...... h the Board . I was not ~%'are of this eonditf, on ',~%en you bro%lght f_~ t ~e ammended a;~pllcat!cn thl..s nornlng. I am retuz'ning the ammended ~, I-~+~,~~ ,~i~, :, ~ ~..n ......... ~ubmi~t ed" .... -.~,. 3/ ,:Jtion8]. forms 2o ~.:~ filled In for a neu' applica~lon and an f.nfor~tion sheet ,:~ith m~:p r~quirement'~;. B~;,ildlng Inso,}c~or ~ ;3'ILITh; ~.j;i- NiEAV YOi?.If. i~ETfFiON %!'©V/i,~ ()V ;'JOU'i'LIOL!) ~'()l~. A Ci~ 'tNGh', ~40D!i,'ICATiON O~ ~JEND3'[ENT OF 'l'}~] BUII,DIflG ZONE ORDIN- ANC~ OF 'Ftti;i TOWN OF Sou'rHOLD, SUFFOLIi COUNTY, NEW TO TJ, I2,] TOt, iN )bOAt~,D OF TftE TOWN OF SOI.J 1'HOLD: on behalf of WILLI~'~,I i. I, Wi!,L!Arl 13 CONISAY ~ , ............................................................. (tnsmt naxm of petitioner) Southold; I% Y. Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, ant the owner of certain real propcr[y sftuated at Southold, N. Y. and more particularly bounded and describcd as follows: North by r, liddle Road (.Couuty Road 27) about 900 feet; East by Horton's Lane> 300 feet; So~[th by other land of Conway~ about 900 :feet; and Wesr by land of Donahue, 300 feet. 2. I do ' ~' petition the Town Board of the" , ~ ,-. , xler,~L~y Jtow'q of , ~utLokl to clm~ge, modify and amend the ~uJLlding Zone Ordi. nance of the Town of Southold, Suffo!k Ccunty, New York, including 1he Euildin~ Zone }~laps heretofore made a part lhctcef, as follows: t9 change from "A' Residential ond Agricultural Zone to "B 1" Business Zone. MINUTES ~%O~JTHOLD TOWI[ BOARD August 8, 1972 PRESENT: SUPERVISOR ALBERT M. M~RTOCCHIA JUSTICE i~i~RTIN SUTER COU-~TCILM~N JA~S H. RICH, JR. COUYCIL~N JAME~ P. TO~I'I CLERK, ALBERT W. RICHMO~qD 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.) - Proposed change of Zone William and Wilfred Conway' Southold Town Board -2- August 8, 1972 SUPERVISOR IvL4IRTOCCHIA: We will open the heard.ma at this time. Cour, citman Rich will read the legal notice of hearing. Councilman Rich read the legal notice of hearing to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including Building Zone ~ap, s) of the Town of ~outhold, Sui'folk County', New York. (See copy of legal notice attached). Councilman Rich also read the proof of publication in the off ic ial newspaper LONG I~L~TD TR&VELER-M~ITT I'~TCK W~'i~C, HY-~~~; and the recommendations of the ~uffolk County' Planning Board and the Southold Town Planning Board. SUPERVISOR F~qZRTOCCHI~: You have heard the legal notice of a ' he rmng, the proof of publication, and the recommendations of the Suffolk County Planning Board and the Southold Town Planning ~oard, both of which recommend that this application ~e denied. Is there anyone present who wz~hes to speak in behalf of grant~ng · ~ this applzca ~ Ion? REIfSSELAER G. TERRY, J-R., ESQ.: I appeam in behalf of Wi].liam ~. Conway and W. Jerome Conway, the owners and applicants, i, first of all, will tell you that I will be as zef as possible. i would like to call your attention to a few points which i ~,elmeve are involved in this application; and also to imdicate ar'_ answer to ree, ommendations that have been made by the Suffolk Count~, amd $outhold Towr~ Planning Boards. We ernestly solicit your favorable conszderatlon of our application because when the Zoning Ordinance was originally Southold Town Board -3- August ~, 1972 established, this property was zoned "B" Business. This was before the time of having "B-l" zone. I call your attention to the fact that this is or~ the southwest corner of the i~tersect~on of Middle Rood and Horton~s Lane and the tl~ree op?osite corners are all zoned "B" Business so it puts the Conways in the position of having Residential property' facing three corners which are Business Breperty. I would also like to ~ention that (as you can see on the Map) the three corners are "B" Business and that Busiaess o-~-tends easterly' to Youngs Avenue or Railroad Avenue, ar.d also to the west. There are three areas of Business; electronic plants on the north and soui~h side of the road. So, logically, Z think this property lends itself to Business development. ~ll we are aslcing is that we be put in the same position that we were in before the change of zoning last December. In 19~7 the Zoning Commission saw fit to allocate this property as ~usiness zone. It seems it is unfair to the Conwa~?s to allow opposif~e corners [;o ke zoned as Business and say to them "You can't have ~.~siness on your corner". On tt~e northeaet ~orn,~r the entire area has not been used for Business, as such, but 200 feet Z do belie~-e that the driveway' for the Long isla~d Cauliflower Auction Blo~ does begin but that is not a ?~siness es~,:ablishment as such. Until y'ou get to the real estate area, there is .'so area 2hat is ased currently for B~siness. I~ the az~ea to tlze west there are three business enterprises which I con£~dor to be assets to the co~amunity'. They provide some em?loy'men~. Southold Town ~oard -!i- Ausust ~, 1972 I would like to answer }P. Wickham~s he indicated to the County' Planning Board Planning Board, had already n~ade up their letter. PiPat of all, that he, with the Towr~ minds because he said that Business should be curtailed on County Road 27. It seems to me tha~ this is so~ue%hlns we do want in this arag. Ve kear %11 the time a~omt children settinE out of scl~ool and finding there is no eNN!oy~ent for them. He say's we wan~ ~o curtail additional Business development on County Road 27. i suggest we do need more ~usiness developmen{~ in Town. He says that this highway should be maintained as a high speed arterial highway. In fron~ of our property is a narrow t~o lane road at the present time, and it should not be a high speed hishway. I thi~k that is why we have had sccidents. He say's this parcel was originally zoned "B" !~ut was upzoned when abe 0rdh~anc~'~ was amended. I suh.~ih tha~ ~his ~¥as done w~thou~ consultation with the Conway~, without ~nquiring as to their wishes as to wha~ might ie done. It seems to me to he mnfair ~o put them in this position .~hen the other %!k~ee corners ape liP. Wic!¢~.a,~ claimers tha~ the change o2 sone is than the other "E" zoned areas. I will admit that said we asked for ~400 fee'?. The reason for that was zoned r~Isi~:eSs. larger and deeper thc application under {~ha i~?ression that the County had pi. armed to ~ncresso the ~id~h of the ' '~' ' ~ n~sh~,,ay. Ail ~e ~ant ~s what ¥~0 !~ad before N~ conformity with %he other corners. ?~o would he willing to accept 200 feet. Our though% was tnao if this ~s to he a high speed arterial hAshway t ~a~ there m~e~zt undoui~todly be an area 100 feet wide ~' ~ ~e a ~ , '~ ' · OOhC~l~ PunNi[iIS on each side of this ~ "-~ · Southold To~n Hoar~] -~i- August ~o, 1972 ~y own thought is that it !~ould probably go north of this present is cad. t would like to i)oint out that seven or eight ?~rs a?.o ! ~ppear~d >el'ore tlio ~oa~d i~i b~lalf of Judje }~enz~l :~or a ci'lang~ o~' zone. At that time the P!an~inS Board said you will )~ave to ~ove bacZ 70 feet. They said they had seen the plans and kne~ what was going to happen, ldr. ?fickham indicated thab this would happen in the very' near ft~ture. This bas not happened yet. Judge Ueuzel agreed to co~uply with tl~e requirements of tho Board. The Co~-~way' brothers are also willing to meet reasonah!e conditions. All they are askinj is that they are i~ the sa~e position as before, no better than their neighbors across the street. Th~y want to be treated fairly. I don~t think the area extends any furtheTM west but all they want is wi~at they' had before. If the County Road 27 is to be widened in the fu-tuz'e, if that is the case, we will say "fine, take what area you are [;oing to widen and dcn~t zone that". We would appreciate whatever the Board ~ight be ~illing to consider ~ut we asl~, in all fairness, that we be given the oppor- tunity to be placed in the position that we were in before and that we be t~eated in the saree manner as the people asross the street, and tl~e people on the four corners of ]iorton~s Lane. i~h~. Gerald l~ewman~s letter in response ~o v[r. ]f~.skham states that "It is inconsistent ~ith the Town }.lasts? Pta~ :~?u~.ch designates th~.s area for sub,s, than density residence development." It is probably inconsiste~C with ~he Town Master Plan bu~ the pro~...orty ~iad already been zoned Business befome the i~]aster Plan i~as adopted, $o~thold Town Board -6- August S, 1972 and it results in an attempt to reduce the area of ~t~siness growth in ti~e Town and I think this is contrary to t}~e ~,;is~es of hie people. He say's ~'It constitutes the unwarranted i~rpctua~ion of commercial dovslop~ent along the county roadway detriuental ~o the safety and %raf?7ic carrying capacity' of said facility." I don~% think that is so in the present condition of the higlt~ay. The difficulty' is that there is some traffic that attempts to uss that road as a spesdwa~ o~ the~ do not slow dov~n to tho yyo]~er sivsed aft(~r cominc~ off the divided highway. He says "%t ~ou!d t~nd to sstab!ish a ?recedent for further downzonings along the county roadway." It ?~ou!d not ]~e ests~blishing a precedent; it ~ould be restoring ~hat he had hsfore. lie says "There is an~lols va~ar~t business zoned !and in the might not I don~t think that,s a very necessarily be land that is good point. The land acccssi¥1e or ir: the market main point that I would like to have you take under eon- sideration is that the Conway's feel that they should ?e placed in the position they had before. They opening up the pro~rty~ to business the Zoning Ordinance las~ December. are being penalized for not use prior to %he change in I would lille to say that ~. Conway has no firm cor, mittment but he is in negotiatior~ and bhe anticipated use of the property is as an autou~obf!e sales and service area which [[ th!nh would be far enough back fro,~ the road~ and would have plenty' of not be a traffic hazard. it was goir~g to be, there accessib'].lity on Horton~s Lane and would This is not a final deterr~ination. If ~ould have to he furl~her api~rovats e~,en Southo!d Town Boerd -7- August 6, 1972 if it was zoned "B-!" Business. I make ~, application to you for a reinstatement of what the Conways had before the adoption of tho [qaster Plan and ~efore the change of zone primarily on a ~asis of fairness as %he o~her three corners are zoned Business. Directly' across the street is the Country Store. It's very' attractive from a business standl~oint. SU~RVISOR i~RTOCCHIA: I would like to as~: a quoc~ion, ?fould ~ ln~ ~e~,~ ~ the your ctisnts ~e willin~ ~o accept what they' ]~ad ' ~ ~ o~ feet they are asking for in the application? i~R. TERRY-: Z don~t know what the County' plans are as nothing has been indics~ed or revealed. I will ~ell you, fraakly, ~hat have though~ this particular area might be adaptable for use as Town government property. On the other hand, they say there are many' areas in Town that might be adaptable. One of the things I am concerned about is that we should do as ~ch as we can to provide employment for high school graduates. If this does develop into a sales and service establishment I think i2 would he of benefit the cou~munity' ~ut, again, we are asking for ~hat we had before~ and I have asked ~. Harry Jennings to attend and to indicate tc you his feelings. ]~. Y~RY 0~YNI!~]GS: For the last fifty odd years we were no~ oFposed ~n any way to business that might develop in with the Con;ray boy's. We as a h, usiness proposition. are in no way' opposed to ths. t E am in favor. i go along with ~]r. gennings. f]eve lopment I am in ~outhold Town Board -~- August 8, 1972 ~. VOLINSKI: As I~. Terry said it would e~ploy quite a fo~ people. If that came into being a lot more ~eop!e could ~,e employed. ! would like to see it. SUPERVISOR ?~RTOCCHIA: Does anyone else ~ish to speak in favor of the granting of this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR i~RTOCCHIA: Does anyone wish to speak in opposition to the granting of this application? ~. JOHU J&SWk: I am opposed to this because of excessive f~ontage which is about eight acres and the Master Plan states that all business should be discouraged along County Road 27~ &s far as emptoyraent of youngsters is concerned it should be en- couraged on the Main Road. Also there is the excessive speed factor on this road. People pulling out of shopping centers on Route 2~ have been involved in accidents so you can imagine that accidents would be more prevalent on County Road 27. Another thing is with ~. Volinski using part of this land for his business doesn't make us feel secure about how the rest of the land would be used. Excessive depth could be used. "B-!" is the worst classification of Business. In 19~7 when the previous zoning ordinance went into effect the Conway brothers owned the property and it was Agricultural and it reverted from "A" to "B". Now since the present zoning ordinance went into effect it reverts back to Agricultural so they won't lose any'thing. ~;othing gained, nothing lost. i think that as the County' Road is widened the speed limit will be increased so whatever business is there should be kept to a minimum, t believe we shoutd ~aintain the present Master Plan of the Town of 2outhold. Let's not start a Southold Town Board -9- August 8, 1972 precedent by granting a change will be others seeking the same canlt turn down someone else. on this property'. In future there change. Once you grant one, you Z think you should co~sider this very carefully' in vzew of the ~act that the Suffolk 6ounty ?lanning Board and the Southold Town l~!an~ lng Board ~ooth rejected bhe application. They voiced their disapproval and I think that the Town Board should go along with them. T~ ~PERVISOR: Does anyone else wish to speak in opposition? (There was no response.) ~h~ ~ZERVI~OR: Do~s a~'one else wish to speak for or against? ~. ~i~[gEL Y~L: I think the Town or Southold business area on Main S~r~e~ is congested now. There is really' no place for bus[ness to go other than on the North Road. There is very little bus[ness property of value there. As far as high speed is concerned there is a 40 mile an hour speed l~m~t by' the Town beach; and if got too ~ad we could have a [~0 mile speed limit there. Right now, I am in business across the street and there have no~ been any attidenqs and we do draw a good orowd. I am highly' in favor. There is no residential use there. ~.~. TERRY: i would just like to mention ~hat Pk'. Jaswa~s residence is two miles away' f~om this particular a~ea. ~[e indicates tha~ granting would se~ a precedent, i.~, con~en~ion is that ~his would no~ set a preceden~ because of the fact ~ha% you would be reinstating something that was in acceptance ~efore. You would be opening up new property' but would bo reinstating. ~PERVISOR i~TOCOHIA: Does any'one elso wish to speak? (Theme was nc mesponse.) ~WffPERVISOR ~<~.RTOCCHIA: I would like to explain that on an application like the one we have heard tonight, in ascordance with bhe County' charter, the voting structure changes, l;ormally we can pass any' resolutions with four votes, rte have a six member Board, one member from Fishers Island. He is rarely' here but he is, nevertheless, a voting me,~ber. According to the County charter ~hen the County recommends Denial the voting structure changes to a majority' plus one. We have to have tile vote of five mem~cers of this Board. This means that for this application to %e Granted we have %o vote all five of us in one direction. Justice Demarest is sick. For this type of zoning we have to have five me~fcers vote "Yes" to create a change. If there are no other questions, we will close the hearing. Thank you for coming tonight and being attentive to the proble~us concerning your Town. NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCL Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article XVI, Section 1600 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public bearing will be held by the Southold Town Board in the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in the Town on the 8th day of August, 1972, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Santhold, Suffolk County, New York: 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B- 1" General Business District, the property of William and Wilfred Conway, situated at Southold, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: North by Middle Road (County Road 2',') about feet; East by Rorton's Lane about 400 feet; South by other land of William Conway about ~00 feet; West by land of Donahue about 400 feet. Dated: July 21, 1972 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~, STATE OF NEW YORK, } ss: ........ .~.~.~.g~...~: ..Dg~, ~. ............. being duly Sworn, s~s that . .~9... is Printer ~d Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK W~KLY TIMES, a news~per pub~sh~ ~ G~n~rt. in ~d count; and ~ the no~. of which ~e ~e~ is u ~int~ ~. ~s ~en published in ~e ~ Suf~lk W~k~ T~es once ~ each w~k, suasively ~mmencing on ~e ..... ~D~yr~Yg~h ...... d~ of ..... ~:~ ........ .... .... , ..... ....... ~'; (7' 5~[~c[ r~y~[~ ........................ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK ON Bufldln~ Zo~ae of South- Sti~et, ~OreeI~ort. Ne,w ~ itl A~ ~ICHMOND C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA'I-I'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........ ~..~.~ff..~... weey successively, c~mmencing on the ............... ~.~...~... .............. ................................ : ................ ~v ......... // ........ / Sworn to before me this ........ ~..~........ day of LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF H~ALiNGS ON PXOPOSAL TO ~V~END ZONING ORLiSANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the 5~c~Jn Law and Article XVI, Section 1600 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southoid, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board in tko office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenporc, New York, in the Town on the 8th day of August, 1~72, on th~ following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to :'B-i" Ganeral Business District, the property of William and Wilfred Conway, situated at Southold, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: North by Middle Road (County Road 27) about 900 feet; East by Horton's Lane abou% ~00 feet; South by other land of William Conway about 900 feet; West by land of Donahue abo~t 400 feet. Dated: July 21, 1972 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAR ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK Legal Notice Page 2 PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JULY ~,, 1972, A~,;D FORWARD SIX (6) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO T.=~ SOUT~o~D TOWN CLERK, ~V~llN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK '! Copies mailed to the following on Juzf 21, 1972: The Long island Traveier-Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times William and Wilfred Conway Supervisor Albert Martocchia Otto W. Van Tuyl Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle July 21, 1972 Southold Town Board Town Hall 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: William B. Conway Gentlemen: The Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the application of William B. Conway and disapproved it on the ground that new business are no--~to be established on Middle Road. ~ ....... Very sincerely, John Wickham Chairman JW:TLE cc: Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelrnan Director of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway ]OHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Hauppauge, L. I., N. Y. 724~2500 June 26, 1972 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11935 Re: Application of William and Wilfred Conway for a proposed change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B-i" Business District, Town of Southold,(SD-72-13) Dear Mr. Wickham: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission has reviewed the above captioned zoning action and after due study and deliberation disapproved this change of zone because of the following: ,, ~ .... .~_ ..... ~ It is inconsistent with the Town Master Plan which desig- nates this area for suburban density residence development. It consKitutes the unwarranted perpetuation of commercial development along the county roadway detrimental to the safety and traffic carrying capacity of said facility. 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for further down- zonings along the county roadway. 4. There is ample vacant business zoned land in the locale. Very truly yours, by Lee E. Koppelman~ Director O~ Plann~,l.~ Gerald G. Newraan Chief Planner GGN:ec June 1, 1972 Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Attn: Gerald Newman Dear Mr. Newman: In regard to the application for change of zone on the parcel owned by Conway, County Road 27 and Hortons Lane, the Southold Town Planning Board does not recommend this change for the following reasons: Additional business development on County Road 27 should be curtailed and this highway maintained as a high speed arterial. This parcel was originally zoned "B" but subsequently up zoned when the ordinance was amended a few ~onths ago. The requested change of zone is both larger and more particularly deeper than other "B" zoned areas. Finally, we have been notified by the County Department of Public ~or~s that County Road 27 will be widened on the side of this property in the future. Very sincerely, John Wickham JW/tle c~OUTHCILD. L. h. N. Y. 11c.:J71 March 29, 1972 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham: The original petition of William B. Conway requesting a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B~i~usiness District on certain property situated at Southold, New York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so affected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk /jb CASF .O: ..o. 2 .......... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION O11 AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: on behalf of WILLIAM B. CONWAY and WILFRED JEROME 1. I, W...I!~.L..~...B..:....C.~...N~..A...Y....~ ................... , residing at ~to.r.to~a.!.$..Lar~e., .................. ..C.0N~AY, (insert name of petitioner) Southold, Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at · ...S.9..u..~'O..q.1..d.,....~.e..~...Y...°..r...k.., .......... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: North by Middle Road (County Road 27)about 900 feet; East by Horton's Lane 400 feet; South by other land of William B. Conway about 900 feet; West by land of Donahue 400 feet. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including ~he Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: to change from "A" Residential and Agricultural Zone to "~Business Zone. Suchrequestis madeforthefollowingreasons: Premises ~ere original, zoned '~B" Business Zone (to a depth of 200 feet from Middle Road) a~the time of the original enactment of the Zonining Ordinance in 1957 and remained in that classification until the change made in 1971. This change was made without consultation with applicant. Applicant now desires change to "B~Business Zone as negotiations are under way for the sale of a large part of the corner property for use as an automobile sales showroom. The three remaining corners of property fronting on Horton's Lane and Middle Road were originally zoned "B" Business and have been allowed to remain in that classification. Appllicant believes that it would be unlikely that he could find a purchaser for use in '~" Residential and Agricultural Zone because of the other three corners being zoned for business. (William B. Conway) STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ................... W..q~.L..~, ..I~.......B. :...QQ.~N-~....A.~ ................... BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me Notary Public, State of N~w York No. 52-2954850 Z %