HomeMy WebLinkAboutBaker, Vina & Vanburen, George WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore fi~ed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ......~'.~.-~ ..~..~..~ ........... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ..~&?.. ~.~.~J~'...~. District to . .~'.m~ .,~1~1,11~11 ............ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been fi[ed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relatior, to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....~?.~ ....... day of ............ ~ ..................... , 1 9..~1~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~]~1,~. TO: ~!AI'TOP_E 2 September 106~ .... FUHLIC ~L.,=C: ;i0. 5334 .... TO "/}lC'l/ IT ~'LIY COiICZRH: A~Dlication has been made ~ C'~IT, R,F.D. {/6, Yanderbllt Park~my, Huntington, Ne~; l'o~-]:, for a l, enartnent of the A~y ~er~it to construct a bulkhead, install a float a~k4 olles, and SUCFt~i cSU,.TY, ]7~ A cop/' of the plans of the proposed ~.;orl: is 3ho~.zn on thc r,.verse of this sheet. The applicant proposes to construct a timber sheet pile bulkJ]ead 1~610 feet long, Yzith a top elevation of 2~ feet above %he plane of r:ean high ~:ater. ~e ar-:a just offshore of the proposed bulkhead will be dredged to a depth of ? feet below mean lou ~.fater, ~zith the dredged material, ap[,roli?mtely 20~000 cubic yards, being placed behind the bulkhead. It is also proposed to lns~-All a float extending ~0 feet offshore of the hklkhead. It is £urther proposed to install mooring pi~es along a line, parallel t,o, and ?~q feet off. shore of the proposed bulkhead. The tops of all pilos to b~, installed :;ill be 6 feet aT.ye the plane of ~ean high ~.mt ~r. ~e decision as to uhetber or not a 2erfurt will be issued ~ust rest prd.ma~'il2,' u')on the effect of the j,roposed work' on r~riTaiiou, ~ivin~ sideration~ hot,ever, to ~uch ~.*her f~ctors as ~-' . cf the -'"'~;- intact. prior to 16 Sept.?tuber 10~4; otbcr':ise, it ~rili be ]'snu:~e:l t r% ~):,?'e ;re no objections, Lt Golon~l, ~orps of En$ineers :~cting I~istriot Engir~er SOU'I'HOX~ ~ BOARD August 27,1964 Present: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. AL~ERTSON JUSTICE RALPHTUTHXLL COUN~ ILMAN hN~WA~D ~FAL~NTINE COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEM~R~ST CLERK ALBERT W. RICI~OND VINA ~ & GE.OR(lB VAN BURBN SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ I will open the hearing at this time by reading the legal notice of hearing for this particular piece of pro- perry. "LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF ~'{EARIN~ ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDiNANCE. "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town haw and AEticle IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South-old, Suffolk County, New York. public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Gree~port, New York~ in said town on the 27th day of August, 1964, at 7:30 oeclock in tbs evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New 'York. "1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the following described property. "A~I that certain trace or parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point where the westerly line of W/~kham Avenue is intersected by ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek, said point being S. 28° 48' 40" E. 130 feet, more or less, southerly from a concrete monument marking the northerly ext~emity of said westerly line of Wickham Avenue which runs S. 28~ 48' 40" E.; running thence westerly and south- westerly along high water mark of Mattituck Creek to a point, the tie line, from said pol/t to a point on the westerly line of Wlckham Avenue 90 feet S. 28° 48' 40" E. from said monument above mentioned being 69° 28' 10" W. 479.16 feet; thence along said ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek southwesterly and northwesterly to a point, the tie line being S. $3° 23' 00" W. 300.79 feet; thence northwesterly along high water mark of Mattituck Creek to a point, the tie line being No 15° 19' 40" W. 393.76 feet; thence northeasterly along ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek to a point, the tie line being N. 34° 48' 40" E. 412.04 feet; thence along other land of the said Baker and Van Buren, the following two courees and distances asfollows: (1) S. 58° 36' 10" E. 245.0 feet thence (2) N. 65° 05' 40" E. 215.03 feet to the westerly line of Wickham Avenue; thence along the westerly line of Wickham .Avenue two courees and distances as follows~ (1) S. 24° 54' 20" E. 330. 00 feet to a monument, thence (2) S. 28° 48' 40" E. 130 feet more or less, to the point or place of beginning." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: There is an affidavit in the file indicating publication was made in the Long Island Taaveler-Mattituck Watchman. will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on July 27, 1964. "In the matter of the petition of Vina Baker and George Van Buren, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business D/strict on certain real property situated at Mattituck and more particu~arly b~nded and des=ribed as follows.. (The legal description was not read again. ) "It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board does favorably resommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agr£uultural DistZict to "B" Business District on the property of Vi~a Baker and George Van Buren0 as described above. "The property Is presently a non-conforming use° having been a hotel and picnic area for many years. This is located o~ the deep water channel~ Mattituck Creek, opposite and existing "B" Business Dlstr~ct. Due to an increase in the use of said Mattituck Creek by pleasure Boats, both large and smalI, facilities ~n Mattituck Park Distr~ct are ~nadequa~e to accommodate visiting yachts and yachtsman. "The ~lanning Board feels that 'i~this is an ideal lo=ation. The proposed layout of the motel0 restaurant, and docking faci~lties will be an asset to the Matt~tuck area and to the Town of Southold. "The Town Trustees have give~ approval of the propose~ docks and mooring fac~lities. "The proposed use is in line w~th the waterfront ~evelopment consist- ently advocated by the Plan~ing Board. "Very truly yours, John Wlckham, Chairman0 Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISO~ A~BERTSON: At this t/me I will call on anyone who is in favor of this change of zone. Is there anyone who wishes to be hearing in favor of this change? WILLXAM WICKHAM,ESO. :Mattituck,: I appear on behalf of the sellers~ who are also here tonight. There is little I can add to the recommendation of the Planning Board. Those people who are familiar with the creek, are familiar with the increase of boat traffic. This is the only harbor between Port Jefferson and Orient Point. We are crowded by inadequate boat and docking facilities in the Mattituck Park District. X have been up to Maine three times this summer, and the situation is the same there. It could be anywhere. Adequate docking facilites are important to the boats coming into the harborJ In the plans submitted to the Soard these people show what the purchasers would like to do with this property. The purchaser will operate a restaurant and a hotel, and I point out that these will be ran on a year-round basis. This is originally know as "Harbor Inn Hotel". For many years this place continued as a non-confomlng use. Such facilities are a natural expansion for Mattituck eark District, and it seems that it is something that is ,long overdue. SUPERVISOR ALB~RTSON~ Is there anyone else who would like ~o be heard in favor of this change? WALTER ALBERTSON: I work for the North Fork Bank and Trust in Mattituck. I have very little to add. I am in favor of this. I think it would be an addition to business and the businessmen in Mattituck. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard in favor of this change P T~S RE~VES,Maiden Lane, Mattituck~ I would like to go on record as being in favor of this ch~ge. SUPERVISOR ALBERT~ON~ Is there anyone else who wishes to be heard tn favor of this change? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ Is there anyone who wishes to be heard ~n opi~ltio~ to this change? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISO~ ALBERTO~ Anyone wish to be heard on way or the other on this change of zone in Mattituck? A,~ GARELnE0Westphalia Road,Mettitucks ~ live on the creek, and I feel very strongly against having a business district .in ~e middle of a residential area. ~ have seen boats come by and ~ know what people do in boats. Mattituck Creek,located zqbJht ~n the middle of Mattituck0 has always been an asset to the 'town. I have seen other places on Long ~sland where it has become comercialized. ~t would hurt the residen~- la1 character ~hat surrounds the creek. -~ am ver~ ~uch opposed to this chan~e. SUPKRVISORAALBERTSOtq: Anyone else wish to be heard ~n oppostf~bon? S~DHE¥ ARMST~AD0 ~attituck: ~ live across the creek. I am ~n opposition to any further co~merc~a~ization in the center of Mattituck Creek. This wi1! affect the residential flavor of the residents along the shoreline. Summer adter sdmner ~ have to go clean up garabege, ~ don't have any proof of it. but ~. think the boats have been using ~a~ba~e disposa~ on the boats and then dump ~t overboard. Supervisor ALBERTSONz Anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to this change? MARY McNISHz I am opposed to this SUPErViSOR ALBEItTSON~ Anyone else in opposition? (There was no response. ) SUPEItVISOR ALBER?SON~ Anyone wish to be heard one way or the other on this change of zone? HENRY TYLERz I am in favor of th~s sort of thing. I don~t think it would do the people any harm. I think they would benefit. SUPERVIS(~ ALBERTSON~ Is there anyone else who would like to be heard one way or the other on this change of zone? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON.. Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. LIST OF LETTERS, CARD? & PETITIONS FROM ORIGINAL FILE Letter Ruth & Everett ~mith, Brower Rd opposed " Fred & Evelyn Kelly, Westview Dr " " Alfred & Helen Rowalt, Westview Dr " " Karl Guiler, WeStphalia Rd (3 photos) " " John Morrison, Westview Dr " " John & Florence Seller, Westview Dr " " Frederick Reiff " " " " John Burns " " " " Paul Murphy, Browers Woods " " Grace Fischer~ West View Dr " " Emma Street, Grand Ave " " Stanley & Lorraine Zaveski~ Brower Woods, " " Alfred & Joan Bascom, Westview Dr, " " Alfred & Helen Rowohlt " " ( 2nd letter) " " Henry Marks, " " " " Connie Moisa " " " " Frank & Vera Scott " " " " Joseph & Virginia Dohert¥ " " " " James Klein Woodcliff Dr " " Rober & Jane Parkin, Woodcliff Dr " " Gordon Case & Gladys Case, Westview Dr " " John Schmidt, Rita ~chmidt,Elizabeth Schmidt, Br Wds " " Helen 9chmidt Westview Dr " " Ralph & Dolores Russell, Browers Rd " " Joanne Brooks Woodcliff Dr " Frank Burkhardt Mayflower Rd " " Anthony Hilferty " " " " Erling & Mary Espland woodcliff dr " " George & Winifred Morgan Woodcliff Dr " " Ntriam & Donald Buckley West View Dr " Postal cards; ~ames~ Ruth, Patric~a Kimmins Knollwood La " Petition : changing from favorable to opposed; Paul Murphy~ John Burns, Connie Moisa, Joe Moisa, Jenny Skirel~ E4w. Skirel All of Mattituck. " Petition: 2 pages signed by 132 persons from Laurel to East Cutchogue -(Mostly both sides of creek) 2 letters Paul Murphy, Pres. Brower Woods Assn, opposed and sub mitring following petition:- " Petition; Brower Woods Assn., 8 pages, 38 signatures (most have filed letters) " Letter from Westphalia Assn. and list of solicitors for peteition against change opposed Letter from Thomas Reeve, harbormaster, Mattituck for change Petition from residents of Mattituck, 56 signers " " hearing~ will be held by tile Soutllold Town Board at Ihe o~i('e al the Super- i5 intersected by ordinary high ~ld point being S, 28 48' 40" ~. which runs S, 28TM 48' 40" K.; run- hue 90 feet S, 280 48' 40" ~. from being 69': 28' 10' W 479.16 feet; thence along said ~dinary high the said Baker ~d Van Buren, iine of Wickham Avenue: thence along the westerly line of Wickham to the point or ~laee of beginning, ~I. By changing from "A" Residential Multiple lng described property: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK / C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA'I-I'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ~/'~..,-::~.~b....(../..~c~wee~-- successively, commencing on the ............... ~~ ~ ..................... Sworn ~o before me thi~ ........ .~ ......... dog o~ ............. , 19...~-.~ .... ~DFL~' PAYN~ 13127 feet; thence along lot 6, north [ No. 52 3041000 8° 1~' 1~' e~t, 121.02 f~t; thenee~ a~o~ 1~ 5, n~ O' ~ ~' ~t, ~he~e ~ lot 1, ~o ~s, fol~s: 1) ~ ~: 3T 107. 75 f~t; ~e~ (2) nor~ 33~ ~' ~" ~utherly end of a ~ f~t 56~ 37' 10" e~t, 38 f~t; thence along the e~ly ~e of ~ ~ple ~ne, no~h aa~ ~' ~' w~t, feet; thence north 5e· ~' 1~' eas~, s~. five courts ~ fobs: (1) ~u~ 33= ~' ~" ea$~, 5~ ~" ~st, ~7.54 f~; the~e (4) thence iS) n~th ~ 16' ~" east, 3~ i~t ~ ~td w~rly l~e Shipy~ ~ne; ~ee alo~ ~id wes~r~ ~ne, ~uth 35~ ~' aa" ~t,.~ t~t~ ~e or 1~. ~ ~e line of land ¢ho(~,n as "Reserve~ll BY l~.-. 27621~_ al -- of the au:Lld~t9 ~one Ordinance o£ the T~dn of Sort,hold, Suffolk New York, In said to~n of the 27th day of August, 1964, at 7.:30 o'clock In the evenln9 of said day, ~n the following proposals to amend the Build~n9 zone Ordinance (Includlnq the Build/Ag Zone ~a~f) o£ ~e Town of 2outhold, SuffoLk County, l~ew York. property: sltuated at ~attttuck, in ~e ~ og Suffolk County, ~ Yo~, ~d ~ze ~lcul. arly of W~~ Avenue ~ ~~ected ~ ord~~ high water Mrk of ~~tuok Cre~ sa~d S. 28~'40'' ~. 130 feet. ~re or less, $ou~erly faAd westerly ~ of W~~ %ven~ whA~ ~eterly alo~ h~ water ~k of ~e tle l~e, fr~ said ~t to a ~t ~ ~e westerly 11~ of WI~ Avenue 90 'w. 479. 16 feet~ ~nce aloha said ordi~ ~k of ~ttitu~ Cr~ to a ~tnt, ~e tie l~e ~g M. 15~ 19' 40': W. 393.76 ~t~ ~nce no.easterly alo~ o~~~ high watez ~k o~ ~tltu~ Creek ~o a ~Ln~, ~e tls l~e f~t~ ~~ al~ o~er l~d of ~e sald ~er and Van Bu~, ~e foiling ~o courme~ Eoll~e: (1) S. 58°36'~0' ~. 2~5,0 feett ~~ (2) ~. 65°05'40'' ~. 2~,03 feet tO ~e wel~er~ l~ne of ~~ Avenue ~o ~u~es ~d d~s~ces ~oll~s~ (1) S. 24~SA'20 ~~ (2) S. 26'~'40" ~e ~ln~ o~ place IX. ~y C~n~i~ f~ "A" ~esidentA~ ~d Agricultural D~tct ~'M" Multiple Resl~nce Dlstflct ~e foll~ln9 ~sc~d pro~rtM~ All ~t ~e~ln ~a~t or ~~I of l~d SuEio~ Co. tM, N~ York, ~d ~e ~tl~larly Beg~~g at a ~lnt ~ ~e ordtna~ high ~ater ~k of ~~ers ~k ts ~tersected westerly al~q sa~d high water ~, 191~ f~t, mr~ ~ less, to ~e easterly l~e Of "Reseed for Bea~ Ar~" Cleaves ~t", flled clerk's O£f~ce as ~ap #2752~ thence along easterly 11ne, nozth 44~03'30'' West, 1~ fee~, 13~.27 f~t~ ~ence. al~g lot 6, ~o=~ 8~13' east, 121.02 feet~ ~nce m~g lot 5, nor~ 0 22'40" east, 124.15 feetl ~ce al~g lot lo~ 1, t~ ~rseo, aa ~o11~8: 1) nor~ S6~37' 10~ east, 75 feet~ ~ence (2) nor~ ~st, 150 f~t~ ~ence across ~* al~g ~e easterly l~e of sa~d Maple nor~ 33~22'50" west, 80 feet~ ~ence nor~ ~6°37'10" east, 195 fee~ to l~d of ~ence al~g sa~d ~and of Ru~sk~, f~ve courses as fol~s: (1) sou~ 33~22'50" eas~, 57 ~encu (2) nor~ 58~49'10'' east, 87.89 feet; ~ence (3) sou~ 33a30'50', ~et, 427.54 feet~ ~ence (4) nor~ 85'45'20 ~' east, 579.70 ~ce (5) nor~ ~5'~16'00'' east, 340 feet to ~d ~es~rly l~e of Sh~p~rd ~ne~ al~g sa~d westerly lane, 8ou~ 35~41'30" 900 f~t, ~re ~r less, to the ~t sE ~g~n~. -4- ,~ny ~erson desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments and should &ppea= at the tithe ~( place above specl£ted. July 28, 1~4 BY Old. It OF ~ SOUT~OL4) TOWN BOAP~ · ~.~ (:IF, AK F~EASE ~t~LISH OISlCE, AtG~ST 6. 1964. AND FORWARD 8~ (6) AFF~V~TS OF ~JBL~ATX~ ~J~M~D~ATELY TOTTHF~ TOWt~ C~K, MA~N ~OAD, $O~THO~D , ~KW YO~K. Copiee ~a~led to .the following on July 31. 1964: ~e ~ang ~sland Tz~veler-~tt~u~ Wat~ S~nley Co~, Esq. Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York July 27, 1964 Gentelmen: Th. is is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on July 27, 1964: In the immtter of the petition of Vina Baker and George M. Van Buren, for a change of zone from"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Matt/tuck ~and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point where the westerly line of Wickham Avenue is intersected by ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek, said point being S. 28° 48' 40" E. 130 feet, more or less, southerly from a concrete monument marking the northerly extremity of said westerly line of wlckham Avenue which runs S. 28° 48' 40"E.; running thence westerly and southwesterly along high water mark of Mattituck Creek to a point, the tie; line, from said point to a point on the westerly line of Wlckham Avenue 90 feet S. 28~' 48' 40" E. from said monument above mentioned, being 69° 28' 10" W. 479.16 feet; thence along said ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek southwesterly and north- westerly to a point, the tie line being S. 63° 23' 00" W. 300.79 feet; thence northwesterly along ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek to a point, the tie line being N. 15° 19' 40" W. 393.76 feet: thence northeasterly along ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek to a point, the tie line being N. 34° 48' 40" E. 412.04 feet; thence along other land of the said Baker and Van Buren, the following two courses and distances as follows: (1) S. 58a 36' 10" E. 245.0 feet thence (2) N. 65° 05' 40" E. 215.03 feet to the westerly line of Report to: Sou,.hold Town Board Page -2- Wickham Avenue; thence along the westerly li~e of Wickham Avenue O two courses and distances as follows: (1) S. 24 54' 20" E. 330.00 feet to a monument, thence (2) S. 28° 48' 40" E. 130 feet more or less, to the point or place of beginning, it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board does favorably recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of Vlna Baker and George Van Buren, as described above. The property is presently a non-conforming use, having been a hotel and p~.cnic area for many years. This is located on the deep water channel, Mattituck Creek, opposite an~ existing Business Dlstict. Due to an increase in the use of said Mattituck Creek by pleasure boats, both large and s~ll, facilities in Mattituck Park District are inadequate to accommodate visting and yachtsmen. The Planning Board feels that this is an ideal location. The proposed layout of the motel, restaurant, and docking facilities will be an asset to the Mattituck area and to the Town of Southold. The Town Trustees have given approval of the proposed docks and mooring facilities. The proposed use is in ~ine with the waterfront development consistently advocated by the Planning Board. Very truly yours, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board OFF' _EIRK ALBERT W. RICHMDND TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS 5OUTHOLD, I. I., N. Y. Ir. John W&ekAsm Chg~rm~n ~Amu~Lng Board Town o£ I~u6.hold Iou~ho~d, N.Y. ~'~u are $nO~uc~ced to p~- pi~e tn offial~l rlpor~ deflJ~ng ~e ~ d~t~oue doaeFlbed ~n the pe~t~Lon and doneE- CASF NO: ..LZ....L ........ STATE OF l~EW YORK PETITION TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF VJ~ ~ eJ~cl G~I~ ~lo }*~, FOR A CHANGE, i~ODIFICATION OR A~/IENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) lle¥ ]~ox']{: Otter .~a~,~l~,4~..a~,. New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ....... I~.~l;:[~ ........................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: B~G~2~XNG at a point be~ ~. ~'~" E, 1~ feet, ~ ~ leis, i~h~ ~ a ooze ~t ~ t~ n~;~ ~~ of ~d ~st~ l~e of Wok- o~Mate=~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~k of ~i~ C~ to a po~t, tho tie l~e, ~ said RO~t Argue ~ feet S. ~'~" E,~ ~d m~t a~ m~ti~, be4~ l~e ~ 5, 6~2~'~" V, ~ ~ ~ ~k of ~i~k C~eM ~o a ~, ~e~ie l~e ~.~tu ~k ~ ~ttl~ ~.~'~" E. ~12.~ fe~ ~e (1) S. ~ ~'10" E. ~.0 feet~ t~oe (2) ~. 6~ 0~'~" E. ~.0) feet to the veste~l~ line of Vickham Avenuel t~e alz=~ the ves~.e~l~ ~ line of Wloki~am Ave~e ~ oo~Arses a~d ~ta~u~es u fsllo~, (1) a. 2~" ~'20" E. ~O.00 feet to a ~oa~e~t, theaoe (2) S. 28 ~'~O"E. 1~O feet ,,,o~e o~. leas, to the point o~ plaoe of 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including lhe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: f~ A ~esid~ ~d ~i~ ~th a n~o~tn~ u~e, to Such request is made for the following reasons: The applicants have contracted to sell th~ described pre~LLaes sub.~e~t, hoover, to the ooatix~e~c~ that the Torn of South~ld re- ~ne t~e same to ~B Busi~ese." Th~s I~er~y ~as Been ~a4~*-4~ed a~d operated as a ~ot~l fo~ ma~ yeaz~ p~ior to the enactment of ~Ang B2 tile Tom of ~outhold · n 19~?. Sot included in the sale are the residence of t~e a~plic a~ts and a plot of la~d f~ti~ ~2~ feet ~n ~he Creek on th~ Nox-th side of the premises and 222.~ feet on Wickh~- Aven~e. S~id parcels are sh~u~ on th~ ~ attached. Also attached ia a plan p~epared b2 the purchaae~ s~owin~ th~ gx~o~ed uses of the p~opex~ in~lud~ ree"Cau..--a,nt,, ~tel, slip~ for the facilities ~e ve~ ~te f~ ~ n~her of B~ts denying berth space. T~e restaurant ~ Be a~fficieu~l~ lax~e ~t~d~ both ~ ~at~ ~ motel.be ~a~e~ ~ a ~ole m.s.) ..................... V~a Baker de~Fe I-i. VanBuren STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) · .~...~'~...VAr~.....2~.~ ........................... BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that~h~' ax~ :~i~l[he petitioner in the within action; that he has re~t~a_e foregoing Petition and know~ She contents thereof; that the same is true tc~) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein s~ated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters~he~r believes it te be true. Sworn to bef~ore me '{his -~h.~ .:~.. day of ................................. , ......... C ...... :- -¢.- ('-'-.~.L,-.L-,..~ ........... f.. .............. Notary Public. ' ~ILI~ 1 ti i, '4 v 1 , II J � l 1 l �! 1 �T� �v. T r Av .1 �--Tj C Pk L.hK C� t.'t tom : VlRi'o t?.PN, t �l.M. d144W,YjU Fts NJ M � I t !1 i I y k t