HomeMy WebLinkAboutAxien, NelsonNovember 15, 1957 Mr. Nelson Axien Peconic, Long Island Dear Mr. ~xien: This letter is to advise you that the petition of Nelson .Axien and others for a change in zone from "C' Lndustrial to A Residential and Agricultural, on the piece of property located at Bayview, $outhold, New York, described in the petition, upon recommendation of the l~lanning Board was denied. I was instructed by tke Town Board to return the $25.00 fee which accompanied your petition. Therefore, I am enclosing herewith a check in this amount. Very truly yours, Norman E. Klipp Supervisor NEK: tl CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: · ho &GGreoeee 8hou~x beneath 1 I,W.~..,...~.?....~.-.~.~.~.~t ................ , residing ot (insert nome o~ petitioner) "~'"~'~'~'~'~ ....................... 2. Iii do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a port thereof, as follows: Change zonin~ from -Cn An~uetr~&l ~ietrtot to ~&" Reoi~ent~l &nb Agrioultur~l ~otr~et o~ the fol~owin~ proporty~ All that traot of lan~ situate an~ bein~ at ~ayview, ~n ~ vlll~e of s~thold, C~t2 of ~ffo~ ~ 3~te ~ sew York ~ more pa~ieu~ly b~de~ ~ ~eaoribod as followo; ~epo~le8 ~o.; ~d b~ded on the no~ b2 other prope~2 of H~ek ~z~ferro ~A 8~a; ~8 t~ot ~ ~reel of ~d ~ to be z~ed aa mC" ~umtr~al on ~he ~il&A~ S~O ~p, ~ of ~thol&, o~~ l~ &ores mo~ ~ lees ~A ~eA n~ or ~o~r~ Oy Siok ~z~erro ~ 3~a residing at ~enpo~, OUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Cha;rmen Harold R. Ree,-'e Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe T. Paul Montgomery October 31, REPORT TO: $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Planning Board on October 29, 1957: Petition of Nelson Axien and others to ch~ge from "C" Industrial to "A" Residential and Agricultural district, all that tract of land situate, lyin~ and being at Bayview, Southold, N. Y., bettuded and described as follows: Bounded on the East by Meadow Point Properties, Inc.; on the South by North Bayvtew Road; on the West by Meadow Point Properties, Inc.; and on the North by other property of Nick Mazzaferro ~.ud Sons; this tract or parcel of land shown to be zoned "C" Industrial on the Building Zone map, Town cf $outhold, containing 12 acres more or less and owned now or formerly by Nick Mazzaferro and Sons residing at Greenport, N. Y. It was the determination ofthe Plan~ing Board tilt there was no grounds for recommending this petition and the Planning Board therefore recommends to the Town Beard that the petition be denied. John Wickham, 0halrn~n SO~THOLD TOWN PLANNING I~OARD JW:gm Such request is mode for the following reasons: Al~l~ ~d aer~ la · pre~e~te~ hl~ ~de realAen~al ~. ~e potential ~eat ~ industrial e~slon of ~18 site ~t ~lll be to ~he best ~nterest aaa fu~ur~ developemnn$ of ~his area, &nd the oeuumnit2 at large th&t this site be rez~ned as UAW Hesl~ontial sad ~rl~lt~l ~letriot, pe~tt~$ a ama emafera~ aa, but preteet~u~ ~he area a~&iaet exp&ulen ef ln~ustrial use tl~t weuld oertainl2 be detrimental to the eurreu~d- STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ......................................... ~ ....... ,.'~ ....................... , EING DULY SWORN, deposes and soys that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except cs to the matters therein s~ated t,) be alleged on information and belief, and that os to those molters he hell,we it t,-~ On the ,,. da~ before me came r nineteen hundred and ~:', ,1; '1 ~ ~ ' ' · the subscribing witness to the foregoing inslrument, with whom I am personalIy acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn. did depose and say that he resides in f~ c ,' .~ ! C._ , Ik~ ~ It~ ~ ¢, r l ~ that: he knows ~h ~- P'e, ~-, ]~, 0 ~ ~. ~ g to be the individual S described iff. and who executed tbs toregoing instrument; that ~be. said subscribing witness, was present, and saw '~ ~; ~ ~; : execute the same; and that ~ he, said witness, at the ~me time subscribed h ; % na~ as witness thereto. A~dition~l ol~na%u--~, in the--~K~er of the pe+~tion, &tt&ched, Town Bo~cl of 3out.