HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS DEC ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTR.~R OF VITAL STATISTICS I%~A~3~I AGE OFFICER RECORDS ~LZ2qAOEMENT OFFICER FREEDOI~I OF INFOI~V~kTION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 F~x (631) 765-6145 Telephone (051) 765-1800 southoldtown.nerthforkmet OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO%VN OF SOUTYIOLD TgtlS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TrIE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 495 OF 2004 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JUNE 29, 2004: RESOLVED that the Town Board of thc Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jo.~hna Y. Horton to execute a modifieation to the monitor provisions contained at attachment 1. oaragraphs LB-LB.~ of Stipulation of Settlement #91-19050 and 91-19273 issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, said modificanon subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Nevffie Sonthold Tow~ Clerk ACCOUNt'LNG & FINANCE DEPT. John A.. Cushman, Town Comptroilcr Telephone (631) 765-4333 Fax (631) 765-1366 E-mail: accounting@to ~,m.southold.ny.us TOWN I~4.LL 'XN-N~X Feather Hill, Building 10 620 Traveler Street P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 TOWN OF SOUTHOL~ OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR July 2, 2004 Scott Crisafu[li Water Compliance Counsel New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Enforcement Bureau of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, 14th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-5500 Re: Stipulation of Settlement to Account for Monitor Billing Stipulation #91-19050 and Stipu[at;on #91-19273 Dear Mr. Crisafulli: As requested in your letter of June 18, 2004, enclosed please find two stipulation modification agreements executed by Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton which will allow the Department's new billing method to proceed. Please be sure to return one copy of this modification agreement to my attention upon full execution by your agency. We are looking forward to the implementation of the new billing procedure. Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information. CC; Very truly yours, John Cushman Town Comptroller Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk,," Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney MODIFICATION TO THE MONITOR PROVISIONS CONTAINED AT ATTACItMENT 1, PARAGRAPHS I.B-I.B.2 OF STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT #91-19273 ISSUED BY THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Attachment I, Paragraphs I.B-I.B.2 of SfipulaUon o f Settlement, Index #91-19273, which set forth the method of funding thc Environmental Monitor, are hereby revised to read as tbllo~vs: (a) Funds required to support the monitoring requirements shall be provided to the Department for funding of environmental compliance activities related to the operation of Respondent's Facility. This sum is based on annual Environmental Monitor service costs. Subsequent annual payments shall be made for the duration of this Stipulation to maintain an account balance sufficient to lueet the next year's anticipated expenses. One semi-annual payment shall be made for the period be~nnlng October 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005, and thereafter the Respondent shall be billed armually for each fiscal year beginning April 1, 2005. (b) The Department may revise the required payment on an annual basis to include all costs of monitoring to the Department. The annual revision may take into account factors sufzh as inflation, salary increases, changes in operating hours and proced~s, and the need for additional Environmental Monitors_ Upon written request by thc Respondent, the Department shall provide that entity with a written explanation of the basis for any modification. If such a revision is required, the Dspartment will notify the Respondent of such a revision no later than 60 days in advance of any such revision. (c) Prior to making its annual payment, Respondent will receive and have an opportunity to review an annual work plan for activities that the Department will undertake pursuant to thc Stipulation, during thc year. (d) Payments arc to be made within 30 days of receiving a bill from the Deparlanent. Payments for this account shall be in addition to any other funds previously paid by Respondent for environmental monitoring services prior to October 1, 2004. 2. All other provisions of the Stipulation of Settlem3nt shall remain in full force and effect. The effective date of this modification to the Stipulation of Settlement is the date the Commissioner, or the Commissioner's designee, 3igns rids modification. DATE: Albany, New York ,2004 ERIN M. CROTTY Commissioner of Enviromuental Conservation of the State of New York By: Peter Scully, Regional Director CONSENT BY RESPONDENT Respondent hereby consents to the making, entering and filing of the foregoing modification to the Stipulation of Settlement without further notice and waives its right to a hearing herein. Joshua Y. Horton NAi~H~ OF RESPONDENT Title: Supervisor D~e: July 2, 2004 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Suffolk Onthis 2nd day of July , 2004personally came Joshua Y. Horton , to me known, xvho being by me duly iswom d/d depose and say that he/she resides at 123 Mmi_n Street, Greengort:, New Yorki , that he/she is the Supe~xrisor of theI Toxm of Southold , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; and that he/she signed his/her name as authorized by said corporation. NOTARY PUBLI~ BABBABA ANN BUDDI[B Nolary Pub{k:, $1'~'e of Now York No. 4855805 Qualified in Suifo k Counly Como imion Exlairal ,R{iri{ 14,~o