HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC-02/05/2025 �o��gOFFO(�-coG Carol Brown,Chairperson y Town Hall,53095 Route 25 Lauren Standish,Secretary P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Telephone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold MINUTES Wed., February 5, 2025 4:30 PM Conference Room and Zoom Online Platform A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., February 5, 2025 in the Town Hall Conference Room and via Zoom. Present were: Carol Brown, Chairperson Nancy May, Member Maggie Merrill, Member John Chandler, Member—Via Zoom Inga Van Eysden, Member Brian Mealy, Town Board Liaison Lauren Standish, Secretary Guests: Anne Murray, NFEC Margaret Steinbugler, ZBA Absent: Jocelyn Kaelin, Student Member Yan Albaladejo, Student Member CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Carol Brown called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. ANNOUNCEMENTS Carol Brown announced that she will attending Southold Career Connections at Southold High School on March 26th from 12pm-2pm, in an effort to recruit student members to the CAC. She will also make arrangements to meet with other schools and environmental clubs. 2 REPORTS Carol Brown attended the Board of Trustees meeting held on January 15th. The application for new construction and hardened areas within 100' of the shoreline was approved. The CAC did not support application due to the project being out of compliance with Ch. 275 and their concern with lot coverage. UPDATES/OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS The CAC's updated Mission Statement was adopted by the Town Board. The Board of, Trustees will only refer environmentally sensitive applications to the CAC for review. A request will be made to the Trustees to provide them with the legal notice. Members are welcome to attend the Board of Trustees meetings for informational purposes for future applications. Trustee Liz Gillooly will attend the CAC meetings quarterly. Councilman Mealy asked what the priorities are for the CAC. Carol Brown and Councilman Mealy will work on a list of priorities. Carol Brown shared North Hempstead Town's website, Sustainability Programs for ideas on collecting information and consider developing a page on the Town's website. Update on Homeowners Guide-Carol will send the draft to Margaret Steinbugler for her review. Margaret is interested in better coordination between the ZBA and the Board of Trustees. Maggie Merrill will work on the edits. CLIMATE SMART COMMUNITIES The CSC pledge elements have been updated since December. The'CAC discussed how they could get to the priorities. Some actions may require a Town Board resolution. Carol suggested the members look through the pledge elements and pick one item to work on. The NFEC is sponsoring a Repair Cafe on May 3rd. The town could co-sponsor, which could qualify as a pledge element. There will be a continued discussion to work out the details and bring before the Town Board. COMMITTEE UPDATES John Chandler/Dark Skies — no updates, however John asked for recommendations on how to connect with school board members. There will possibly be a Dark Skies Event on April 26th. Details to follow. Maggie Merrill/Water Advisory Committee — Fred Stumm was asked to resign from the USGS. Carol Brown.and Inga Van Eysden attended a Re-Wild meeting re: Food Scraps. There was continued discussion on how the CAC could help waste management get funding and/or support for the program. 3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Maggie Merrill, seconded by Inga Van Eysden, to Approve the Minutes of December 11, 2024 and January 8, 2025. Carol Brown and Nancy May will attend the Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Wed., February 12, 2025. The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council is scheduled for Wed., March 12, 2025 at 4:30PM in the Conference Room. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM. Respectfully submitted by, 'M6U &m Lauren M. Standish, Secretary Conservation Advisory Council