HomeMy WebLinkAbout51714-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51714 Date: 03/06/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Alfano Family Trust PO BOX 266 Laurel, NY 11948 To: construct single-family dwelling as applied for per SCHD approval. Premises Located at: 800 Corey Creek Ln, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM#78.-4-12 Pursuant to application dated 01/28/2025 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 03/06/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees• Single Family Dwelling-NEW $2,434.00 CO Single Family Dwelling-New $100.00 Total $2,534.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-950211t� : /www.sot th('l ito r t V Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT L� For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. � Building Inspector:,........ �_......� Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant Is not the owner,an Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY: Name: Project Address: O. Cc V--e� A1`k1 Phone#: 1- - 6 � � Email: Mailing Address: C v Q' ) L/�J 'e-&, i�% CONTACT PERSON: Name: t.tP V-41, d Mailing Address: to 4, "' �4LI JI C-� N'D (2 (�JY/9 Phone#: ��l (a y - �. Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: '571 Mailing Address: Ai Phone#: Ll' `� Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Nam\:.++ Mailing Address: � Phone#: ", �" Email: � '"C" Gwl DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Wew Structure ❑Additi n ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other ' 1Z.Ko ----- Will the lot be re-graded? ❑YeSA"O Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: �J C � j 1 Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to lj�-,,7), 11 this property? DYes>k< IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and in buddingls)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. "^ � a Application Submitted By t name): Vej uhorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) : COUNTYOF V being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the ,o< `� � ��� ," ` '� (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of 1 20 Not u moy A; SAP % Public.stat a'% a PROPERTY OWNER A UTHORIZA►TION I t io&AON counv 7 (Where the applicant is not the owner) i,:axi I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 Ii In De atom nt A lieation AUTHORIZATION (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) I, t?-Ij residing at �aV Crci4 f A AP (Print property owner's name) (Mailing Address) �r �t do hereby authorize YO �° ��ve-YI (Agent) b. C . r z/ ' to apply on my behalf to the Southold Building Department. (Owner's Signature) (Date) (Print Owner's Name) so Town Hall Annex w Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road P.O.Box H 79 � Southold,NY 1 1 97 1-0959 +� BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 26, 2024 To: Paul Davey 1365 Waters Edge Way Southold,NY 11971 RE: SCTM# 1000-78.4-12—Alfano, Determination of Merger Request Mr. Davey: Based on the application, deed, and single and separate search submitted to our office, along with the records and files of the Town of Southold,we have determined that a waiver of merger is not necessary. It is our opinion that the property in question is single and separate. Should you or anyone have additional questions, please feel free to contact me at (631) 765-1802. Respectfully Yours, ... .mow:::... _........ _. �. Amanda Nunemaker, Plans Examiner ACC)RU CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1q/ 7/2024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTFICATE HOMM IMPORTANT: R do is atr ADDITIONAL WSUREW Nte, l ' "" must have ADDITIONAL WASURED prvrisiom or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION I5 WANED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements. CONTACT 191 iR Ronkonkoma Avenue PRODUCER E Li sa Marie .. Aspen Agency Inc P� 631�4'71-7575 .�,� F��,(631)3t�9 2439 . Ronkonkoma,NY 11779 INSURED INSURER B: Sligo Construction Corp INSURER c ._... ....... _w_..ma....... _._..W� 1365 Watersedge Way INSURER0. _.............. Southold, NY 11971 INSURERE: ...... rr� COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 000'I 14352206 REVISION NUMBER: 52 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IN5R ..... POLICY NUMBER IMMIODIVYM A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GL2023RLM00420 10/15/2024 10M5/2025 EACH OCCURRENCE m $ _ 1000000 .I CLAIMS-MADE O OCCUR Q Oprll, r ) $ 1 QO OOO M_ED EXP An ane erson) $ 5 OOO �......._ ._ �www PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1 OOO OOO GEN`L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ Z OOOyOOO POLICY E]JEC LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ µZ 0__OOO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY IIN1'.-. S L. 1T $ _..........ANY AUTO ) _. BODILY INJURY(Per person $$ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS AUTOS ONLY ..,,... AUTOS ONLY �PPRCJPTVaAMIAGEq j $ OWNED SCHEDULED INJURY Per accident HIRED NON OWNED .._ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE [,� EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE ..... DED RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATIONT..,,.TlGL]E F AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTNE Ym/""� E.L.EACH ACCIDENT mm ma $ OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? NIA """""'""'"""" " (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE S If yyes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E,L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ :EJ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space Is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Town of Southold THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 54375 Route 25 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. PO Box 1179 AU7; 7ESEN'TATIVESouthold, NY 11971 LIS ©1988_2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Printed by LIS On 10/07/2024 at 03:14PM N YS I F New York State Insurance Fund PO Box 66699,Albany,NY 12206 1 nysif.com CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AAAAAA 582445685 SLIGO CONSTRUCTION CORP 1365 WATERSEDGE WAY SOUTHOLD NY 11971 SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER SLIGO CONSTRUCTION CORP SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1365 WATERSEDGE WAY 54375 NY-25 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 POLICY NUMBER CERTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD DATE 11353 733-7 16506 04/15/2024 TO 04/15/2025 1/27/2025 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 1353 733-7, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW, AND, WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK, TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY. IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING SAID POLICY,INCLUDING ANY NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VALIDATE THIS CERTIFICATE,VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTPS://WWW.NYSIF.COM/CERT/CERTVAL.ASP.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND IS NOT LIABLE IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER CLAIMS OR SUITS THAT ARISE FROM BODILY INJURY SUFFERED BY THE OFFICERS OF THE INSURED CORPORATION. PAUL DAVEY PRESIDENT AND LISA DAVEY VICE PRESIDENT OF SLIGO CONSTRUCTION CORP (A TWO PERSON CORP) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. BY CAUSING THIS CERTIFICATE TO BE ISSUED TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THE POLICYHOLDER UNDERTAKES TO PROVIDE THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER 10 CALENDAR DAYS' NOTICE OF ANY CANCELLATION OF THE POLICY. NEW YORK STAT S7NCE FUND V DIRECTOR,INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING VALIDATION NUMBER:834503366 U-26.3 Suffolk County Dept,of LLabor,Licensing a Consumer Affairs HOME IMPROVEMENT LICENSE Name PAUL J DAVEY Nustlle4s Name This rtrtsss that the SLIGO CONSTRUCTION CORD b0af0f License Number H-29373 by ft COUntY of wAdk Issued: 08/22/2001 Rosati.,prog& Expires: 08/01/2025 Commissioner Suffolk Coun-ty Executive's Office of Consumer Affairs VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY * HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 11788 , DATE ISSUED: 8/22/2001 No. 29373- SUFFOLK COUNTY Home Improvement Contractor License This is to certify that PAUL J DAVEY doing business as SLIGO CONSTRUCTIION CORP _ having furnished the requirements set forth in accordance with and subject to the provisions of applicable laws, rules and regulations of the County of Suffolk, State of New York is hereby licensed to conduct business as a HOME _ IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR, in the County of Suffolk. Additional Businesses NOT VALID WITHOUT DEPARTMENTAL SEAL AND A CURRENT p CONSUMER AFFAIRS ID CARD Director A New York ECCC 2020 UA Compliance Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. This report is based on a proposed design and does not confirm field enforcement of design elements. Building UA Elements IECC Reference As Designed Ceilings 39.2 48.0 Above-Grade Walls 145.3 150.9 Windows,Doors and Skylights 130.9 118.9 Slab Floor: 0.0 0.0 Framed Floors 63.1 46.4 Foundation Walls 0.0 0.0 Rim Joists 7.1 6.7 Overall UA(Design must be equal or lower): 385.6 370.9 Requirements R402.1 S Total UA alternative compliance passes by 3.8%. The proposed home meets the UA requirement by 3.8% R4023.2 Average SHGC:0.30 Max SHGC:0.40 Average SHGC of 030 is greater than the maximum of 0.40. R402.4.1.2 Air LeakageTesting A post construction blower door test is required to verify the air leakage meets the V. requirement R4025 Area-weighted average fenestration SHGC Area-weighted average fenestration SHGC is 0.3.The maximum allowed value is[No Limit]. R4025 Area-weighted average fenestration Ufactor R404.1 Lighting Equipment R403.6.1 Mechanical Ventilation Efficacy Mandatory Checklist Mandatory rode requirements that are not checked New York2020 Mandatory Requirements must be checked as complete. by Ekotrope must be met. R403.6 Mechanical Ventilation Rate R4033A Duct Leakage Testing R40353 Hot water pipe Insulation Hot water pipes at least 3/4 in diameter must be Insulated to R-3 at minimum. Design exceeds requirements for New York ECCC 2020 Prescriptive compliance by 3.8%. Name: Michael Fauci Signature: `V""I Fauci Organization: Energy Testing Services Digitally signed: 12/23/24 at 12:53 PM Ekotrope RATER-Version Newyork ECCC 2020 Prescriptive compliance results calculated using Ekotrope RATER's energy and code compliance algorithm.including appropriate amendments. Ekotrope RATER is a RESNET Accredited HERS Rating Tool.All results are based on data entered by Ekotrope users. Ekotrope disclaims all liability for the information shown on this report Energy Code inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. General Building Information Conditioned Area(sq ft) 2,640 Conditioned Volume(cubic ft) 30,263 Insulated Shell Area(sq ft) 5,832 The building energy model in Ekotrope reflects the building assemblies and energyfeatures listed below.Sometimes energy features will change in the field from what has been modeled.The inspection process should identify any changes and ensure that the home continues to meet the applicable energy code. Slab None Present Framed Floor pName:Floor over Basement(1,310 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation,R-30 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:I Name:Exterior Floor (32 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation,R-30 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:II Foundation Wall None Present Above Grade Wall W a,k Name:Exterior Walls(2,610 s.f.) R-3 continuous insulation,R-15 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:I Name:Staircase (220 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation,R-15 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:II 1 Rim Joist Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Name:Band Joist (154 s.f.) R:18.00 Ceiling/Roof El Name:Hot Roof(1,506 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation,R-38 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:I Opaque Door Name:Front Door(20 s.f.) R:5.00 Name:Basement Door(17.8 s.f.) R:5.00 Glazing Name:ff 2 e(Front)(27 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:03, Orientation:EAST Name:ff 2 e(12 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:ff 3 e(40.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:sf 2 e(27 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:sf 1 e(13.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:sf 1 e(18 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:sf 3 e(40.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:ff 2 n(Right)(22.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:NORTH 2 Name:sf 1 n(13.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:NORTH Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Name:sf 1 n(13.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:NORTH Name:ff 2 w(Rear)(19 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:ff 1 w(40 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST s Name:ff 1 w(13.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:ff 2 w(27 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:sf 1 w(13.7 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:sf 1 w(3 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:sf 2 w(27 s.f), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Skylight None Present Mechanical Ventilation Mechanical ventilation system rated for,and capable of,providing continuous ventilation. System shall include automatic timing controls. System type:Exhaust Only,24 hrs/day,42 Watts(Default) Mechanical Equipment 11 Heating System 1 -Natural Gas-50%Heating Load @ 95 AFUE LJ Cooling System 1 -Electric-50%Cooling Load @ 16 SEER2 Heating System 2-Natural Gas.50%Heating Load @ 95 AFUE 3 Cooling System 2-Electric-50%Cooling Load @ 16 SEER2 Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Water Heating•Natural Gas•100%Hot Water Load @ 0.95 Energy Factor Air Leakage Control Test Status:To be blower-door tested House is air-sealed as to achieve 1,513 CFM50(3.00 ACH50)or less at final blower-door test. Infiltration Requirements for IECC in Climate Zone 4 2009 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 7 ACH50. 2012 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2015 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2018 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2021 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 5 ACH50. Duct Leakage Duct System 1 NOT entirely within conditioned space,testing required Leakage to Outside specified as:52 CFM @ 2513a(3.93/100 ft) Total Leakage specified as:Untested Duct System 2 All ducts and equipment within conditioned space Untested 4 Energy Code inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Duct Leakage Code Requirements for IECC 2009 IECC: Postconstruction Leakage Test:Dud Leakage to Outdoors<=8 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. Rough in Test with AHU:Total Dud Leakage<=6 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. Rough in Test without AHU:Total Dud Leakage<=4 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. 2012 IECC Mandatory,2015,2018,&2021 IECC Prescriptive Paths: Postconstrudion Leakage Test:Total Dud Leakage<=4 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. Rough in Test with AHU:Total Dud Leakage<=4 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. Rough in Test without AHU:Total Dud Leakage<=3 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. * Note:IECC 2021 requires Total Dud Leakage<=8 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA when all duds and air handlers are within the building thermal envelope. 2015 and 2018 IECC Performance Paths(Cost Compliance): Leakage testing is required UNLESS all duds and air handlers are located entirely within the thermal envelope. There is no pass/fail threshold for duct leakage on the performance path. Project Notes 5 Service Address Bill To En rj:,, 800 Corey Creek Lane Sligo Construction Ser/ Southold, NY 11971 Corp. +(516) 2 04-2444 Cell Energy Testing Services Payment terms Due upon receipt Invoice # 2563 1648 Locust Ave Suite E Bohemia, NY 11716 Date 12/16/2024 Phone: (631) 244-2627 Email: mcaruso@energytestingservices.com Web: www.energytestingservices.com Description Total HERS Rating $0.00 The Standard HERS Rating Certification For A Typical Dwelling Includes:The Initial Consultation, Plan Review, Recommendations To Meet The NYS Energy Code and Local Energy Code Requirements, Thermal By-Pass Checklist(TBC) or Insulation Inspection, Final Inspection (Blower Door Test, Total Duct Air Leakage Test & Combustion Safety Testing). Submittal For Confirmed HERS Rating and Final Certification of Dwelling. Manual J $310.85 Mechanical System Design - Heat Loss Calculations. Manual S $207.23 Selection of Mechanical Equipment- Mechanical Equipment Capacity& Efficiency, Manual D $310.85 Duct Design Report- Mechanical Equipment Locations, Duct Locations, CFM, Duct& Grille Sizes.. Plan Review $345.38 Provisional HERS Compliance Reports. r Subtotal $1,174.31 Total $1,174.31 Paae 1 of 4 RESNE C HOME ENERGY RATING Standard Disclosure For home(s) located at:800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY Check the applicable disclosure(s): 'The Rater or the Rater's employer is receiving a fee for providing the rating on this home. ElIn addition to the rating,the Rater or the Rater's employer has also provided the following consulting services for this home: MA.Mechanical system design 1­1B.Moisture control or indoor air quality consulting rC. Performance testing and/or commissioning other than required for the rating itself —]D.Training for sales or construction personnel E]E.Other(specify) E]The Rater or the Rater's employer is: „J,A.The seller of this home or their agent B.The mortgagor for some portion of the financed payments on this home ,LC.An employee,contractor,or consultant of the electric and/or natural gas utility serving this home WThe Rater or Rater's employer is a supplier or installer of products,which may include: Products Installed in this home by OR is in the business of HVAC systems Rater Employer Rater Employer Thermal insulation systems Rater L—JEmployer Rater �-1Employer Air sealing of envelope or duct systems Rater I Employer Rater Employer Energy efficient appliances Rater ElEmployer Rater E jEmployer Construction(builder,developer,construction contractor,etc) Rater ElEmployer Rater Employer Other(specify): Rater Employer Rater Employer This home has been verified under the provisions of Chapter 6,Section 603"Technical Requirements for Sampling"of the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET).Rater Certification#:8619824 Name: Michael Fauci Signature:/ Organization: EnergyTesting Services Digitally signed: 12/23/24 at 12:53 PM I attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.As a Rater or Rating Provider I abide by the rating quality control provisions of the Mortgage Industry NationalHome Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network(RESNET).The national rating quality control provisions of the rating standard are contained in Chapter One of the standard and are posted at https://standards.resnet.us The Home Energy Rating Standard Disclosure for this home is available from the rating provider. RESNET Form 03001-2-Amended March 20,2017 Building Summary Property organburtion Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. /r fir r a v r i� i Number Of Bedrooms 4 ............., .. ... Number Of Floors 2 Conditioned Floor Area[sg.fL] 2fM Has Electric Vehicle Ready Space No Unconditioned,attached garage? No Conditioned Volume[cu.fL] 30,263 Total Units in Building 1 Residence Type Single family detached Number of Floors In Building Floor Number Model Community RESNET/IECC 2006-2018 Climate Zone 4A IECC2021 Climate Zone 4A „,� ,,,,,,, „, ,,, ,r,o,v ,,, r4i Ol �„ r G,,, r o .�. r r r r� r None Present .,, . �r ri/ r ii M . None Present / r ,, „0// r rr IF. ,/� i" r ire ri i/ / is ri / c ' None Present pia rrr ri r 0 None Present �r O o r /iiri /�i ri r /�� r i� Nance Library7ype Carpet Floor Grade Surface Area Location ..... ......... ...... ...... ... ....._.... ._.. ................., ............ ................ .... .._.�............. .... ..w. .... Exterior Floor 30(161115)2(95)H 1 Above Grade 32.0 ft Exposed Exterior Vinyl Floor Over Basement 30(161115)2(95)Exposed 1 Above Grade 1,310.Ofe Uninsulated Unconditioned Basement Building Summary Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-am Corey Creek Lang,Southold I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. / � ..r r /r r �/ 1 r i�/r,� d r r err T Name Effective R-value 30(16/115)2(95)Exposed.......... ........................................................................_____........28.923 30(16/115)2(95)H 27.661 Vinyl r r, 4 Name Ubrary Type Surface Area Location Band Joist ....... ................. _,u.R15+3 .,.............. a. ,w......�.�.... ........__ .' ...... ........ ...,,,,,,,,.... �.�.�...._ „u................. .- .... 4.0 ft' Exposed osed Exterior 'w / //r r r / r //r/ r/ri r / �9p7Ad� flk�� i/ r /r r" r Name Effective insulation R wralua Rl5+3, ..,,,,M,..............................,...,,....... ..,,,,.. ... 18.00 ,� / i,„ ' /% r rri /�o%� /� /MRS Name Lib i.....::...... �,i„, rary7ype Surface Color SotarAbssrtptance Surface Area Location Exterior Walls ... R15+3(16/35)1(5)....... .... .µ.5F5VLL µ....WW__.Medium ... .. ........ ..._ .0.75. 4141�................2,610Aft 2......_ ......WyExposed.Exterior Staircase 15(16/3.5)2(.5)Staircase Medium 0.75 220.0 ft Uninsulated Unconditioned Basement m / Name Effective R-value ................................................................_,,.w.......,........................................._.. 15(16/35)2(.5)St3ircase 11.421 R15+3(16/35)1(5) 16.659 2 Building Summary Property organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-SW Corey Creek lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. m,�, i i„ i Name Libra Type Wail FaundationWON Isoperable Overhang Overhang Ft To Overhang FtTo Orientation Surface Ama Assignment Assignment Depth Top Bottom ...................... ......... ...... _..._,,,... ,— ....,.,......... ....m._,,..... .., ...._.,.._....... ............... ff l w , 30 30 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 West 40.0 fe fflw 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 West 135fe ff 2 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 7 1.7 7.8 East 12.0 ft' ff 2 e(Front) 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 7 13 5.3 East 27.0 ft ff 2 n(Right) 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 North 225 ft ff 2 w 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 West 27.0 fe If 2 w(Rear) 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 West 19.0 ft ff 3 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 7 13 5.3 East 405 ft' sf 1 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 1 23 6.3 East 135 fe sf 1 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes I 23 4.8 East 18.6 fe sf 1 n 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0.8 3.1 7.2 North 135 ft' sf 1 n 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0.8 9.1 13.2 North 135 ft sf 1 w 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 1 13 3.8 West 13.7 fe sf 1 w 3030 Exterior Walls Yes i 12 2.8 West 3.0 fe sf 2 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0.8 5 9.1 East 27.0 ft sf2w 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 1 13 5.3 West 27.Oft' sf 3 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0.8 7.7 11.8 East 405 ft ,r r ; O i Name Shga U-hctor 30 30.. .......� ........�........._.........,.._.w........... ......w m�-,.-...www.._._ ...... ........m 03 0300 9',� i i i v r i None Present 3 Building Summary Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,W 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-SW Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. r r / „5 None Present ,may, r rri/ j �6 R/A Name Librarylype Wall Assignment Foundation Wall Emittance Solar Absorptance Surface Color Surface Area Location Assignment Basement Door.._.„Fiberglass Door_._._.. Staircase ..._..w..,. _......0.9 ... .... 0.75 ......"."" ,."""..,_,....,,..._ _ft'., Medium 17.5 fP Uninsulated Unconditioned Baumew Front Door Fiberglass Door Exterior Walls 0.9 0.75 Medium 20.0 ft Exposed Exterior r / v, rr / ji i rr Poll 4 Name Effective R-value Rberglass Door............... 5.00 �i 00 / ;;, ryyy� ry ,9�^ ri/�Iy %% Name Library Attic Clayor Doesthe Roof Slope Ceiling EaveHei ht Eave Surface Solar Surface Location Type Exterior Concrete Roof have Framing f n.] Length[m.) Color Absorptance Area Area[ft') RoofTlles Eaves? Height(in.] Hot Roof SA 1,506 µ .........No No N/A N/A N/A WA Medium 0.75 1,506.Oft'Vaulted Roof R38(16/9.5)1( r� /rr . c ,,,, r r/' // /r r ii / t / % r// r //r// rr1/0 r Name Has Radiant Barrier Effective it-value .... ........ w.... ........- ......._,,..._ ,,,__. _�,........................ SA R38(16/95)1(LDF) No 31381 i Infiltration Measurement Type Shelter Class .. .......... 3 ACH at 50 Pa ..,..w.. . To be blower-door tested 4 4 Building Summary Property Organ on Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,MY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-SM Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. ---........... ......... ........... ......... ...............p............. . ................................................ ........... .......... —4 'k 0 Venwo"00'rype 'Ventilation Rate Ife I Operational hours Fan Watts Runs once every Energy Recovery Model NVMb4w Manuhcturer Minute] per day three hours Percent "................ ............... ................ ................ ..........................Exhaust Only 120 CFM 24 42 Watts(Defauft) Yes 0 ................................... .......... ........... /........... ..................... awng�// dw V A, 3" Y?s ii"i'-0—i Interior Fluorescent %Interior LED Lighting Exterior Fluorescent %worlor LED Lighting %Garage Fluorescent %Garage LED Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting ............................... ......... 0 100 0 100 0 100 ...................... -................ .......Y ............. ...........w,nd'91, M I NO % "Y o On, V ; None Present ................ '.-' .......... ........... 00 Aiaryt None Presets ............ ..........................',............. ......................../'-' ......... F None Present �........... --mg g t'? .. ....... None Present .......... .......... /rn .......... .............. Mjk w "N ft/�//'Q& V P, -MA None Present Building Summary Property Organ on Inspection Status Boo Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Wider Sligo Construction Corp. ......... ,--......... ..............-,—...... .. ............. ..................... 5E None Present ................ C/SE///��,"/........ S V two, None Present .............. ............................ ...........................", Name UbraryType Striat Number Heating Percent Load Cooling Percent Load Hot Water Percent Land Location ........................ ....... ... ........... .. ........... .................................. Cooling System 1 16 SEER2 23.6K D% 5D% 096 Unconditioned Basement 907958879) /Crawlspace Cooling System 2 16SEER218K1207904371) 0% 50% 0% Conditioned/Sealed Attic Heating System l 95%AFUEHydro-Coll,60k 50% D% 0% Unconditioned Basement NO /Crawlspace Heating System 2 95%AFUE Hydro-Coll,60k 50% 0% o% Conditioned/Sealed Attic NG) Water Heating .95 EF Instant 0% 0% 10096 Unconditioned Basement /Crawlspace, .................................", ............... .............. Equipment Type Residential Water Heater Fuel Type Natural Gas Distribution Type Hydronic Delivery(Radiant) Hot Water Efficiency 0.95 Energy Factor "Fankless? yes ............ ........... ...... ............/.........,......... ............. Equipment fype Air Conditioner Fuel Tyr*. Electric Distribution Type Forced Air Motor Type ECM(Variable Speed) Heat Purnp System Type Unspecified Cooling Efficiency 16 SEER2 Cooling Capacity lk8tu/hJ 18 6 Building Summary Property Organi on Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,MY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. q Conditioner E uipmentType AirCondner....__, .....µ,µ..................._._ _,. .......... Fuel Type Electric Distribution Type Forced Air Motor Type PSC(Single Speed) Heat Pump System Type Unspecified Cooling Efficiency 16 SEER2 Cooling Capacity[kBtu/h] 23.6 ,, EquipmentType Boiler Fuel Type ..Natural..6as ..._ _,,......... Distribution Type Forced Air Motor Type PSC(Single Speed) Heating Efficiency 95 AFUE Heating Capacity[kBtu/h] 60 Use default EAE Yes EAE[kWh] 170 7 Building Summary Property organisation Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design gilder Sligo Construction Corp. . ri„,,, , Distribution Type Forced Air Heating Equipment Heating System 1 Cooling Equipment Cooling System 1 Sq.Feet Served 1,322 #Return Grilles 1 Supply Duct R Value 8 Return Duct RValue 8 Supply Duct Area[ft21 356.94 Return Duct Area[ft) 66.1 Leakage to Outdoors 52 CFM @ 25Pa(3.93/100 ft) Total Leakage 52 CFM25 Total Leakage Duct Test Conditions Post-Construction Use Default Flow Rate Yes Dud 1 Dud Location Basement(insulated basement ceiling) Percent Supply Area 100 Percent Return Area 100 Dud 2 Dud Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Dud 3 Dud Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Dud 4 Duct Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Dud 5 Dud Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Dud 6 Dud Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Distribution Type Forced Air Heating Equipment Heating System 2 Cooling Equipment Cooling System 2 Is All Equipment In Conditioned Space Yes Leakage Default HERS Default Leakage Duct System Efficiency 0.88 HVAC Grading Not Conducted 8 Building Summary Property orgenaation Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,W 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Has Ceiling Fan No s71 „' U* Water Fixture Type Standard Use Default Hot Water Pipe Length No Hot Water Pipe Length[ft] 97 At Least R3 Pipe Insulation? Yes Hot Water Recirculation System? No Drain Water Heat Recovery? No ,. ii Cef 3.01 Fuel Type Electric Field Utilization Timer Controls Is Outside Conditioned Space No Clothes Dryer Available Yes Defaults Type HERS Reference Is Heat Pump No of i m i Label Energy Rating 400 kWh/Year $Annual Gas Cost __..27......00."0'0............ .. _.... ......... .. ..... .. Electric Rate $0.12/10h Gas Rate $1.09/Therm Capacity 3 Imef 1 Defaults Type HERS Reference Load Type Front-load Loads Per Week 6 Is Outside Conditioned Space No Clothes Washer Available Yes Dishwasher DefaultsType Custom................._,...,_ ... _........ ....,............. Dishwasher Size Standard Dishwasher Efficiency 270 kWh Annual Gas Cost $30.00 Electric Rate $0.12 M Gas Rate $1.09/rherm Is Outside Conditioned Space No Dishwasher Available Yes 9 Building Summary Property organbcation Inspection Status SGO Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold.NY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. ......... ............ ..... ......... JC #0 Programmable thermostat? Yes Range/Oven Fuel Electric i Convection Oven? No Induction Range? No Range/Oven Outside Conditioned Space? No Refrigerator Consumption 691 kWh/Year Refrigerator Outside Conditioned Space? No ............. ........... .......... .............. 7 .......... 10 Load Short Form Job: MF641 Date: Dec 23,2024 System 1 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www,energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project • • For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Design Information Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db(°F) 16 86 Method Blower door Inside db(°F) 70 75 Shielding/stories 3 (partial)/2 Design TD (°F) 54 11 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/1156 cfm Daily range - L Inside humidity(%) 50 50 Moisture difference (gr/lb) 45 31 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Laars Heating Systems Company Make Carrier Trade LAARS Trade 15 SEER2 AC Model MFTCW199(N,P)*... Cond GA5SAN42400WA0 AHRI ref 9008085 Coil FMU4Z3000AL1 AHRI ref 207958879 Efficiency 95 AFUE Efficiency 13.0 EER2, 16 SEER2 Heating input 199000 Btuh Sensible cooling 16520 Btuh Heating output 181000 Btuh Latent cooling 7080 Btuh Temperature rise 210 °F Total cooling 23600 Btuh Actual air flow 787 cfm Actual air flow 787 cfm Air flow factor 0.056 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.047 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.85 ROOM NAME Area Htg load Clg load Htg AVF Clg AVF (ft.) (Btuh) (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) Bedroom 1 156 2026 2763 114 130 131 WIC 22 247 37 14 2 Computer Room 138 1927 2116 108 100 131 Bath 65 650 593 37 28 Lay. 23 0 9 0 0 Dining Room 156 1394 2841 78 134 Kitchen 200 2147 4451 121 210 Living Room 330 3563 2710 200 128 Foyer 195 2058 1164 116 55 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed„ 2024-Dec-23 12:51:48 800 Core 11 ee ane w Right-Suite@ Universal 2023 23.0,01 RSU30008 Page 1 Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E System 1 1284 14013 16683 787 787 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. @ 0.91 RSM 15132 Latent cooling 2996 TOTALS 1284 I 14013 I 18128 787 787 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed, rt„ 2024-Dec-23 12:51:48 �800 Core�Cr Greek Lane Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23,0,01 RSU30008 Page 2 y Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Load Short Form Job: MF641 Date: Dec 23,2024 wa^`� System Z By: Michael Faucl Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 Design Information Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db(°F) 16 86 Method Blower door Inside db(°F) 70 75 Shielding/stories 3 (partial)/2 Design TD (°F) 54 11 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/ 1156 cfm Daily range - L Inside humidity(%) 50 50 Moisture difference(gr/lb) 45 31 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Laars Heating Systems Company Make Carrier Trade LAARS Trade COMFORT 15 SEER2 AC Model MFTCW199(N,P)"... Cond 24SCA518WC0300 AHRI ref 9008085 Coil FMU4Z3000AL1 AHRI ref 207904371 Efficiency 95 AFUE Efficiency 13.0 EER2, 16 SEER2 Heating input 199000 Btuh Sensible cooling 12600 Btuh Heating output 181000 Btuh Latent cooling 5400 Btuh Temperature rise 275 °F Total cooling 18000 Btuh Actual air flow 600 cfm Actual air flow 600 cfm Air flow factor 0.044 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.054 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.90 ROOM NAME Area Htg load Clg load Htg AVF Clg AVF (ft2) (Btuh) (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) Bedroom 3 144 2271 3020 100 162 B3 WIC 31 461 76 20 4 Laundry 41 160 453 7 24 B2 WIC 29 412 71 18 4 Bedroom 2 144 2358 2744 104 147 Hall 127 0 0 0 0 Bath 51 622 329 27 18 Master Bath 132 1271 768 56 41 M WIC 2 33 403 68 18 4 M WIC 75 1291 211 57 11 Master Bedroom 377 4359 3453 192 185 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. WI'.ghtsA f t" 2024-Dec-23 12:51:48 � a.,,.,,,a„„„„,„„ ,,„,.,, Rlght-Suite®Universal 202323.0.01 RSU30008 Page 800 Corey Creeke,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E System 2 1183 13607 11193 600 600 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. @ 0.91 RSM 10152 Latent cooling 1270 TOTALS 1183 ' 13607 I 11423 I 600 600 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrightsoft^ 2024-Dec-2312:51:48 +w.•� w.-,••-. Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23 A 01 RSU30008 Page 4 ..,,:800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E BuildingAnalysis Job: MF641 Y Date: Dec 23,2024 � System 1 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:rr(a ucd energytestingsery c s.adam Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Prpject Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Design, Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Long Island MacArthur AP, NY, US Indoor temperature (T) 70 75 Elevation: 84 ft Design TD (°F) 54 11 Latitude: 41°N Relative humidity(%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 45.1 30.9 Dry bulb(T) 16 86 Infiltration: Dailyrange (°F) - 15 ( L ) Method Blower door Wet bulb(°F) - 72 Shielding/stories 3(partial)/2 Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/ 1156 cfm • Component Btuh/ft2 Btuh % of load Walls 2.9 4511 32.2 Duds Glazing 16.2 3579 25.5' Doors 15.7 320 2.3 Vlblls 0!0- Ceilings 2.0 239 1.7 Floors 0.0 19 0.1 Infiltration 2.7 3752 26.8 4 tmwalmn Ducts 1594 11.4 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 14013 L 100.0 °Ed`g Component Btu hfF Btuh %of load Walls 0.7 1126 6.7 VdIs Glazing 24.5 5410 32.4 Doors 7.2 146 0.9 Ceilings 0.7 84 0.5 Floors 0.0 4 0.0 Gairg Infiltration 0.2 353 2.1 Ducts 395 2.4 IrberdGirs Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 9165 54.9 Blower 0 0 Adjustments 0 0 Total 16683 100.0 IAL Latent Cooling Load =2996 Btuh Overall U-value=0.062 Btuh/ftIL T, Window/Floor Area =17.2% Data entries checked. Mh#W""'y �`".b'' 2024-Dec-2312:51:48 ., -- p•e Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30006 Page 1 800 Core Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E BuildingAnalysis Job: MF641 Y Date: Dec 23,2024 By: Michael Fauci System 2 Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energ,ytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 ------- Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Long Island MacArthur AP, NY, US Indoor temperature (°F) 70 75 Elevation: 84 ft Design TD ('F) 54 11 Latitude: 41°N Relative humidity(%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/lb) 45.1 30.9 Dry bulb ff) 16 86 Infiltration: Dailyrange ff) - 15 ( L ) Method Blower door Wet bulb(°F) - 72 Shielding/stories 3 (partial)/2 Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/ 1156 cfm Heating Com onent Btuh/ft2 Btuh %of load Walls 3.4 3766 27.7 Duds Glazing 16.2 2297 16.9 GIs Doors 0 0 0 11( Ceilings 2.0 2354 17.3Floors 1.5 31 0.2 Infiltration 2.7 2974 21.9 __Irtilt4cn Ducts 2185 16.1 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0Ventilation 0 0 Qaanghff Adjustments 0Total 13607 100,0 Component Btuh/fF Btuh % of load Walls 0.9 940 8.4 V141Is Glazing 20.7 2933 26.2 Doors 0 0 0' Ceilings 0.6 703 6.3 Floors 0.3 6 0.1 Gairg _ IriartlC�irs Infiltration 0.2 280 2.5 Ducts 996 8.9 Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 5335 47.7 Blower 0 0 wt Adjustments 0 Total 11193 100A Irk m DuJS Latent Cooling Load = 1270 Btuh Overall U-value=0.242 Btuh/ft�°F, Window/Floor Area =12.0% Data entries checked. 2024-Dec-23 12:51:48 - g ,!r Right-Suite@ Universal 2023 23,0.01 RSU30008 Page 2 800 Core Creek � wr .., y Lane,Southold,NY 11971,rup Calc=MJB Front Door faces: E Project Summary Job: Dee2 Date: Dec 3,2024 System I By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mtauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.corn License:8619824 Proiect Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 Notes: Design, f f Weather: Long Island MacArthur AP, NY, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 16 °F Outside db 86 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 54 °F Design TD 11 °F Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 31 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 12419 Btuh Structure 16288 Btuh Ducts 1594 Btuh Ducts 395 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 14013 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.91 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 15132 Btuh Method Blower door Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Shielding/stories 3(partial /2 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/ 115 cfm Structure 2331 Btuh Ducts 665 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heating Cooling (none) Area(ftz) 1284 1284 Equipment latent load 2996 Btuh Volume (fP) 12430 12430 Air changes/hour 0.31 0.15 Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 18128 Btuh Equiv.AVF (cfm) 63 30 Req.total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.8 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Laars Heating Systems Company Make Carrier Trade LAARS Trade 15 SEER2 AC Model MFTCW199(N,P)"" Cond GA5SAN42400WA0 AHRI ref 9008085 Coil FMU4Z3000AL1 AHRI ref 207958879 Efficiency 95 AFUE Efficiency 13.0 EER2, 16 SEER2 Heating input 199000 Btuh Sensible cooling 16520 Btuh Heating output 181000 Btuh Latent cooling 7080 Btuh Temperature rise 210 °F Total cooling 23600 Btuh Actual air flow 787 cfm Actual air flow 787 cfm Air flow factor 0.056 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.047 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.85 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 800 Core Creek Lane, Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Page 1 tCW Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Project Summary Job: MF641 J ' Date: Dec 23,2024 System Z By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingsenrices.com License:8619824 ProiectInformation For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Notes: DesianInformation Weather: Long Island MacArthur AP, NY, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 16 °F Outside db 86 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 54 °F Design TD 11 °F Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 31 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 11422 Btuh Structure 10197 Btuh Ducts 2185 Btuh Ducts 996 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 13607 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.91 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 10152 Btuh Method Blower door Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Shielding/stories 3 (partial /2 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/ 115 cfm Structure 700 Btuh Ducts 570 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heating Cooling (none) Area(ft2) 1183 1183 Equipment latent load 1270 Btuh Volume (ft3) 9463 9463 Air changes/hour 0.32 0.15 Equipment Total Lead(Sen+Lat) 11423 Btuh Equiv.AVF (cfm) 50 24 Req.total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.2 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Laars Heating Systems Company Make Carrier Trade LAARS Trade COMFORT 15 SEER2 AC Model MFTCW199(N,P).... Cond 24SCA518WC0300 AHRI ref 9008085 Coil FMU4Z3000AL1 AHRI ref 207904371 Efficiency 95 AFUE Efficiency 13.0 EER2, 16 SEER2 Heating input 199000 Btuh Sensible cooling 12600 Btuh Heating output 181000 Btuh Latent cooling 5400 Btuh Temperature rise 275 °F Total cooling 18000 Btuh Actual air flow 600 cfm Actual air flow 600 cfm Air flow factor 0.044 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.054 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.90 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrY e 49 Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 2024-Dec-2312:51: , Pagee 2 600 Corey ,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Duct System Summary Job: MF641 Date: Dec 23,2024 System 1 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.cam Web:www,energytestingservices.com License:8619824 -- Project Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 Heating Cooling External static pressure 0.60 in H2O 0.60 in H2O Pressure losses 0 in H2O 0 in H2O Available static pressure 0.60 in H2O 0.60 in H2O Supply/return available pressure 0.480/0.120 in H2O 0.480/0.120 in H2O Lowest friction rate 0.131 in/100ft 0.131 in/100ft Actual air flow 787 cfm 787 cfm Total effective length (TEL) 458 ft SupplyDetail Table Design Htg Clg Design Diam H x W Duct Actual Ftg.Egv Name (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) FIR (in) (in) Matl Ln (ft) Ln (ft) Trunk 81 Bath h 650 37 28 0.134 4.0 OX 0 ShMt 24.0 335.0 st3 B1 wlc h 247, 14 2 0.172 4.0 OX 0 ShMt 8.8 270.0 st3 Bedroom 1 c 2763 114 130 0.198 5.6 8x 4 ShMt 17.8 225.0 st3 Computer Room h 1927 108 100 0.165 6.0 OX 0 ShMt 21.5 270.0 st3 Dining Room c 2841 78 134 0.133 7.0 Ox 0 ShMt 42.0 320.0 st3 Foyer h 2058 116 55 1 0.131 6.01 Ox 0 ShMt 41.8 325.0 st3 Kitchen c 2225 60 105 0.135 6.0 OX 0 ShMt 46.0 310.0 st3 Kitchen-A c 2225 60 105 0.138 6.0 OX 0 ShMt 57.0 290.0 st3 Lay. c 9 0 0 0.137 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 15.5 335.0 st3 Living Room h 3563 200 128 0.136 8.0 Ox 0 ShMt 54.0 300.0 st3 ----- Supply Trunk Detail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FIR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st3 Peak AVF 787 787 0.131 885 11.9 8 x 16 ShtMetl st1 st1 Peak AVF 787 787 0.131 885 11.9 8 x 16 ShtMetl wrightsoft- 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 ,�•.,•, ..�,.�,,...t.., Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Page 1 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Cale=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Return Branch Detail Grille Htg Clg TEL Design Veloc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Duct Name Size (in) (cfm) (cfm) (ft) FIR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening (in) Matl Trunk rb2 12x 30 787 787 91.5 0.131 564 16.0 0x 0 ShMt 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 Corey Creek wrightsoft- Right-SuiteO Universal 2023 23.0,01 RSU30008 Page 2 600 ek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Duct System Summary Job: MF641 Y y Date: Dec 23,2024 System Z By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project • • For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 Heating Cooling External static pressure 0.60 in H2O 0.60 in H2O Pressure losses 0.35 in H2O 0.35 in H2O Available static pressure 0.25 in H2O 0.25 in H2O Supply/return available pressure 0.210/0.040 in H2O 0.210/0.040 in H2O Lowest friction rate 0.063 in/100ft 0.063 in/100ft Actual air flow 600 cfm 600 cfm Total effective length (TEL) 399 ft Supply • Design Htg Clg Design Diam H x W Duct Actual Ftg.Egv Name (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) FIR (in) (in) Matl Ln (ft) Ln(ft) Trunk B2 WIC h 412 18 4 0.063 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 15.5 320.0 st6 B3 WIC h 461 20 4 0.076 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 12.3 265.0 st6 Bath h 622 27 18 0.071 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 15.3 280.0 st5 Bedroom 2 c 2744 104 147 0.075 8.0 Ox 0 ShMt 26.0 255.0 st6 Bedroom 3 c 3020 100 162 0.076 8.0 Ox 0 ShMt 21.5 255.0 st6 Laundry c 453 7 24 0.071 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 8.3 290.0 st5 M WIC h 1291 57 11 0.072 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 35.5 255.0 st5 M WIC 2 h 403 18 4 0.070 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 34.5 265.0 st5 Master Bath h 1271 56 41 0.069 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 32.3 275.0 st5 Master Bedroom h 4359 192 185 0.072 8.0 OX 0 ShMt 47.8 245.0 st5 SupplyDetail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st5 Peak AVF 357 283 0.069 536 10.1 8 x 12 ShtMetl st2 st6 Peak AVF 243 317 0.063 475 9.8 8 x 12 ShtMetl st2 st2 Peak AVF 600 600 0.063 600 12.5 8 x 18 ShtMetl Bold/italic values have been manually overridden 2024-Dec-2312:51:49 A66kO ,.-800 Carey Creek Lane, Right-SuiteO Universal 2023 23.OA1 RSU30008 Page 3 e,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E TableReturn Branch Detail Grille Htg Clg TEL Design Veloc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Duct Name Size (in) (cfm) (cfm) (ft) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening (in) Matl Trunk rb1 12x 23 600 600 63.0 0.063 561 14.0 Ox 0 ShMt 2024-Dec-2312:51:49 wr t Right-Suite®Universal 202323.0.01 RSU30008 Page 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Manual S Compliance Report Job: MF641 p p Date: Dec 23,2024 avru System 1 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices,com Web:www.energytestingservices.wm License:8619824 Project • • For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Cooling Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 85.7°F Sensible gain: 16683 Btuh Entering coil DB: 75.2°F Outdoor design WB: 71.9°F Latent gain: 2996 Btuh Entering coil WB: 62.7°F Indoor design DB: 75.0°F Total gain: 19680 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimated airflow: 787 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Split AC Manufacturer: Carrier Model: GA5SAN42400WA0+FMU4Z3000AL1 Actual airflow: 787 cfm Sensible capacity: 23441 Btuh 141%of load Latent capacity: 5877 Btuh 196% of load Total capacity: 29318 Btuh 149% of load SHR: 80% Heating ,Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 15.9°F Heat loss: 14013 Btuh Entering coil DB: 68.9°F Indoor design DB: 70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Gas boiler Manufacturer: Laars Heating Syste Model: MFTCW199(N,P)**** Actual airflow: 787 cfm Output capacity: 181000 Btuh 1292%of load Meets all requirements of ACCA Manual S. * wrighYsoR^ 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 * ,..., ,,,..�...�.._, Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23.0„01 RSU30008 Page 1 AM 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Manual S Compliance Report Job: MF641 Date: Dec 23,2024 System 2 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www,energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 ------ Coolihlg Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 85.7'F Sensible gain: 11193 Btuh Entering coil DB: 75.1°F Outdoor design WB: 71.9'F Latent gain: 1270 Btuh Entering coil WB: 62.7°F Indoor design DB: 75.0'F Total gain: 12464 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimated airflow: 600 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Split AC Manufacturer: Carrier Model: 24SCA518WC0300+FMU4Z3000AL1 Actual airflow: 600 cfm Sensible capacity: 14746 Btuh 132%of load Latent capacity: 2740 Btuh 216%of load Total capacity: 17486 Btuh 140%of load SHR: 84% Heating • • Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 15.9'F Heat loss: 13607 Btuh Entering coil DB: 69.8°F Indoor design DB: 70.0'F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Gas boiler Manufacturer: Laars Heating Syste Model: MFTCW199(N,P)**** Actual airflow: 600 cfm Output capacity: 181000 Btuh 1330%of load Meets all requirements of ACCA Manual S. y 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 +� 800Core Crekw,u � Right RSU30008 Paget wrt � e Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Residential Plans xamin_ • _ _ • Form RPER 1 • HVAC Design (Loads, Equipment, 15 Mar 09 Arr d Header Information Contractor: Energy Testing Services REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Michael Fauci Manual J1 Form(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ Mechanical license: 8619824 or MJ1AE Form`(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ OEM performance data(heating,cooling,blower): Yes ❑ No ❑ Building plan#: Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Yes ❑ No ❑ Duct distribution sketch: Yes ❑ No ❑ Home address(Street or Lot#, Block,Subdivision): 800 Corey Creek Lane,System 1 LOAD ,0 Design-Conditions Building_Construction_Information Winter Design Conditions Building Outdoor temperature: 16 °F Orientation: Front Door faces East Indoor temperature: 70 aF North,East,west,south,Northeast,Northwest,Southeast,Southwest Total heat loss: 14013 Btuh Number of bedrooms: 1 Conditioned floor area: 1284 ftz Summer Design Conditions Number of occupants: 4 Outdoor temperature: 86 °F Indoor temperature: 75 °F Windows Rool Grains difference: 31 gr/lb @50% RH Eave overhang depth: 1.0 ft Sensible heat gain: 18394 Btuh Internal shade: blinds , Latent heat gain: 3304 Btuh Blinds,drapes,etc. tapt7t w Total heat gain: 21698 Btuh Number of skylights: 0 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION ( RC M1401.3 Heating Equipment Data Cooling_Equipment Data Blower Data Equipment type: Gas boiler Equipment type: Split AC Heating cfm: 787 umace,Healpump,Boiler,etc. it Conditioner,Heat pump,etc. Cooling cfm: 787 Model: Laars Heating Systems Company Model: Carrier Static pressure: 0.60 in H2O MFTCW199(N,P)"'" GA5SAN42400VWA0+FMU4Z3000AL1 Fan'sratedexternalstaticpressurefordesign airnow Heating output capacity: 1§1000 Btuh Total cooling capacity: 29318 Btuh Heat pumps-capacity at winter design out oor conditions Sensible cooling capacity: 23441 Btuh Aux.heating output capacity: 0 Btuh Latent cooling capacity: 5877 Btuh DISTRIBUTIONHVAC DUCT •1 Design airflow: 787 cfm Longest supply duct: 367 ft Duct Materials Used Equipment design ESP: 0.60 in H2O Longest return duct: 92 ft Trunk duct: Sheet metal Total device pressure losses: 0 in H2O Total effective length(TEL): 458 ft Available static pressure(ASP): 0.60 in H2O Friction rate: 0.1A1 in(100ft Branch duct: Sheet metal Friction Rate=ASP.(TEL xi declare the load calculation,equipment,equipment s- - • i duct design were rigorously performed based on - building • lan listed above. I understand the claims made on these forms will be subject to review and verification. Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature: Date: Reserved - .Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Edition Checklist wrig F•tsofC Right-SuiteO Universal 202323.0.01 RSU30008 Residential - Review • Form RPER 1 for - Design (Loads, Equipment, 15 Mar 09 Ar[' oftjC arxIxsdka wrt Header Information Contractor: Energy Testing Services REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Michael Fauci Manual J1 Form(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ Mechanical license: 8619824 or MJ1AE Form`(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ OEM performance data(heating,cooling,blower): Yes ❑ No ❑ Building plan#: Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Yes ❑ No ❑ Duct distribution sketch: Yes ❑ No ❑ Home address(Street or Lot#,Block,Subdivision): 800 Corey Creek Lane, System 2 HVAC LOAD CALCULATION .0 Design Conditions Building_Construction_Information Winter Design Conditions Building Outdoor temperature: 16 °F Orientation: Front Door faces East Indoor temperature: 70 'F North,East,west,south,Northeast,Northwest,Southeast,Southwest Total heat loss: 13607 Btuh Number of bedrooms: 3 Conditioned floor area: 1183 ft2 Summer Design Conditions Number of occupants: 1 Outdoor temperature: 86 °F Indoor temperature: 75 °F Windows tsit Grains difference: 31 gr/Ib @50% RH Eave overhang depth: 1.0 ft Sensible heat gain: 12341 Btuh Internal shade: blinds sue. Latent heat gain: 1401 Btuh Blinds,drapes,etc, Depth + ttrd0W Total heat gain: 13742 Btuh Number of skylights: 0 EQUIPMENTHVAC • •0 Heating Equipment Data Cooling_Equipment Data Blower-Data Equipment type: Gas boiler Equipment type: Split AC Heating cfm: 600 Fumace,Heat pump,Boiler,etc. Air Conditioner,Heat pump,etc. Cooling cfm: 600 Model: Laars Heating Systems Company Model: Carrier Static pressure: 0.60 in H2O MFTCW199(N,P)""` 24SCA518WC0300+FMU4Z3000AL1 Fan'sratedexternalstaticpressurefordesign airflow Heating output capacity: 1§1000 Btuh Total cooling capacity: 17486 Btuh Heat pumps-capacity at winter design out oor conditions Sensible cooling capacity: 14746 Btuh Aux,heating output capacity: 0 Btuh Latent cooling capacity: 2740 Btuh • •1 Design airflow: 600 cfm Longest supply duct: 336 ft Duct Materials Used Equipment design ESP: 0.60 in H2O Longest return duct: 63 it Trunk duct: Sheet metal Total device pressure losses: -0.3 in H2O Total effective length(TEL): 399 ft Available static pressure(ASP): 0.25 in H2O Friction rate:Friction R ate=ASP_(TEL ,(}F3 in(100ft Branch duct: Sheet metal 0 x I declare the load calculation,equipment,equipment selection and duct design were rigorously performed based on the building p an listed above. I understand the claims made on these forms will be subject to review and verification. Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature: Date: Reserved for County,Town Municipality or Authority having jurisdiction use, Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Edition Checklist -� wriightsoft- •-••- - -_-•— -,-. Right-Suite®Universal 202323.0A1 RSU30008 rs Level 1 4x8 7`" 6 16 x 8 4 Basemel 4 a» 16x8 6 I 6»» 8 Job#: MF641 Scale: 1 : 87 Performed by Michael Fauci for: Energy Testing Services Page 1 Sligo Construction Corp. 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E RightSuite®Universal 2023 800 Corey Creek Lane Southold,NY 11971 Bohemia,NY 11716 23.0,01 RSU30008 Phone:Southold, NY 11971 Phone:631-244-2627 License:8619824 2024-Dec-23 12:52:44 www.energytestingservices.com mfauci@energytestingservices ...eek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Level 2 ®-130 cfm 134 cfm 105 cfm 105 cfm B1 Batl Bedroom Dining Root Kitcher -37 cfm Lay. M-0 cfm B1 WIC 14 cfm- Foye Living Root Computer Roo 787 cfm Stair 108 cfm 116 cfm E—200 cfm —i , 1 1 11 w ES�— i Job#: MF641 Scale: 1 : 87 Performed by Michael Fauci for: Energy Testing Services Page 2 Sligo Construction Corp. 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E RightSuite®Universal 2023 800 Corey Creek Lane Southold,NY 11971 Bohemia, NY 11716 2300,01 RSU30008 Phone:Southold, NY 11971 Phone:631-244-2627 License:8619824 2024-Dec-23 12:52:44 www,energytestingservices.com mfauci@energytestingservices .,eek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Level 3 - 162 cfm B3 WIC 56 cfm M WIC 20 cfm 18 cfm Batt Master Bat Bedroom 27 cfm M WIC Laundr 8 24 cfm 57 cfm 12x8 4,. 4" 6 LA »� B2 WIC 4"" rHa12x8 18cfm 18x8 14" 600 cfm Master Bedroo 8 oa 8 Bedroom OTE Stairs, 192 cfm 147 cfm Job#: MF641 Scale: 1 : 87 Performed by Michael Fauci for: Energy Testing Services Page 3 Sligo Construction Corp. 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E RightSuite®Universal 2023 800 Corey Creek Lane Southold,NY 11971 Bohemia,NY 11716 23.0.01 RSU30008 Phone:Southold, NY 11971 Phone:631-244-2627 License:8619824 2024-Dec-23 12:52:44 www.energytestingservices.com mfauci@energytestingservices eek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup New York ECCC 2020 UA Compliance Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. This report is based on a proposed design and does not confirm field enforcement of design elements. Building UA Elements IECC Reference As Designed Ceilings 39.2 48.0 Above-Grade Walls 145.3 150.9 Windows,Doors and Skylights 130.9 118.9 Slab Floor: 0.0 0.0 Framed Floors 63.1 46.4 Foundation Walls 0.0 0.0 Rim Joists 7.1 6.7 Overall UA(Design must be equal or lower): 385.6 370.9 Requirements R402.15 Total UA alternative compliance passes by 3.8%. The proposed home meets the UA requirement by 3.8% R402.3.2 Average SHGC:0.30 Max SHGC:0.40 Average SHGC of 030 is greater than the maximum of 0.40. R r R402.4.1.2 Air LeakageTesting A post construction blower door test is required to verify the air leakage meets the requirement. R402.5 Area-weighted average fenestration SHGC Area-weighted average fenestration SHGC is 0.3.The maximum allowed value is[No Limit]. R4025 Area-weighted average fenestration U-Factor R404.1 Lighting Equipment R403.6.1 Mechanical Ventilation Efficacy MandatorytD Checklist Mandatory code mquiaements that are not checked New York 2020 Mandatory Requirements must be checked as complete. by Ekotrope must be met R403.6 Mechanical Ventilation Rate R4033A Duct Leakage Testing R40353 Hot water pipe insulation Hot water pipes at least 3/4 in diameter must be Insulated to R-3 at minimum. Design exceeds requirements for New York ECCC 2020 Prescriptive compliance by 3.8%. Name: Michael Fauci Signature: /1fGC"7 and Organization: EnergyTesting Services Digitally signed: 12/23/24 at 12:53 PM Ekotrope RATER-Version 4.0.23542 New York ECCC 2020 Prescriptive compliance results calculated using Ekotrope RATER's energy and code compliance algorithm,including appropriate amendments. Ekotrope RATER is a RESNET Accredited HERS Rating Tool.All results are based on data entered by Ekotrope users. Ekotrope disclaims all liability for the information shown on this report Energy Cade Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. General Building Information Conditioned Area(sq ft) 2,640 Conditioned Volume(cubic ft) 30,263 Insulated Shell Area(sq ft) 5,832 The building energy model in Ekotrope reflects the building assemblies and energyfeatures listed below.Sometimes energyfeatures will change in the field from what has been modeled.The inspection process should identify any changes and ensure that the home continues to meet the applicable energy code. Slab None Present Framed Floor Name:Floor Over Basement(1,310 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation,R-30 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:I Name:Exterior Floor (32 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation,R-30 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:II Foundation Wall None Present Above Grade Wall Name:Exterior Walls(2,610 s.f.) R-3 continuous insulation,R-15 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:I Name:Staircase (220 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation,R-15 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:II 1 Rim Joist Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Name:Band Joist 054 s.f.) R:18.00 Ceiling/Roof mD Name:Hot Roof(1,506 s.f.) R-0 continuous insulation,R-38 cavity insulation Insulation Grade:I Opaque Door Name:Front Door(20 s.f.) R:5.00 Name:Basement Door(17.8 s.f.) R:5.00 Glazing mmm„m� Name:ff2 a(Front)(27 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:ff 2 e(12 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:ff 3 e(40.5 s.f.), U:0300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:sf 2 e(27 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:sf 1 e(13.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:sf 1 e(18 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:sf 3 e(40.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:EAST Name:ff 2 n(Right)(22.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:NORTH 2 Name:sf 1 n(13.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:NORTH Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Name:sf 1 n(13.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:NORTH Name:ff 2 w(Rear)(19 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST i.. Name:ff 1 w(40 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:ff 1 w(13.5 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:ff 2 w(27 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:sf 1 w(13.7 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST . .� Name:sf 1 w(3 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Name:sf 2 w(27 s.f.), U:0.300, SHGC:0.3, Orientation:WEST Skylight None Present Mechanical Ventilation ElMechanical ventilation system rated for,and capable of,providing continuous ventilation. System shall include automatic timing controls. System type:Exhaust Only,24 hrs/day,42 Watts(Default) Mechanical Equipment El Heating System 1 •Natural Gas•50%Heating Load @ 95 AFUE Cooling System 1 •Electric•50%Cooling Load @ 16 SEER2 Heating System 2•Natural Gas•50%Heating Load @ 95 AFUE 3 Cooling System 2•Electric•50%Cooling Load @ 16 SEER2 Energy Code Inspection Checklist Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Water Heating•Natural Gas•100%Hot Water Load @ 0.95 Energy Factor Air Leakage Control ElTest Status:To be blower-door tested House is air-sealed as to achieve 1,513 CFM50(3.00 ACH50)or less at final blower-door test. Infiltration Requirements for IECC in Climate Zone 4 2009 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 7 ACH50. 2012 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2015 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2018 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 3 ACH50. 2021 IECC Infiltration limit for the design home is 5 ACH50. Duct Leakage Duct System 1 NOT entirely within conditioned space,testing required Leakage to Outside specified as:52 CFM @ 2513a(3.93/100 ft2) Total Leakage specified as:Untested Duct System 2 All ducts and equipment within conditioned space Untested 4 Energy Code inspection Checklist Property organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creel Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Duct Leakage Code Requirements for IECC 2009 IECC: Postconstruction Leakage Test:Dud Leakage to Outdoors<=8 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. Rough in Test with AHU:Total Duct Leakage<=6 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. Rough in Test without AHU:Total Dud Leakage<=4 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. 2012 IECC Mandatory,2015,2018,&2021 IECC Prescriptive Paths: Postconstruction Leakage Test:Total Dud Leakage<=4 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. Rough in Test with AHU:Total Duct Leakage<=4 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. Rough in Test without AHU:Total Dud Leakage<=3 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA. * Note:IECC 2021 requires Total Dud Leakage<=8 CFM25/100 sq ft CFA when all ducts and air handlers are within the building thermal envelope. 2015 and 2018 IECC Performance Paths(Cost Compliance): Leakage testing is required UNLESS all ducts and air handlers are located entirely within the thermal envelope. There is no pass/fail threshold for dud leakage on the performance path. Project Notes 5 Building Summary Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp:800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold.I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. Number Of Bedrooms 4 Number Of Floors 2 CondRioned Floor Area[sq.ft.] 2,840 Has Electric Vehicle Ready Space No Unconditioned,attached garage? No Conditioned Volume[cu.ft.] 30,263 Total Units in Building 1 Residence Type Single family detached Number of Floors in Building Floor Number Model Community RESNE rAECC 2006-2018 Climate Zone 4A IECC2021 Climate Zone 4A / W, r//r/,,, r, /r� r „ %//���rap// %i; r,,, 2. None Present r / / /% >iri rir riio/j i% / %� y/, r0, i r/ // / �r�y /O r/��� ��Nqr ri <„ r ��/ rj ri/ ��/ r��r r/ „ r �r r r �� / /r/ l, N, a��r/,,,2 G None Present ✓i z /i r None Present / r r „ ;�i o pii J r /�%�/ya /l / /!�////rrir�/I r ji/ � //Oiiii/ , s None Present JI%% ri ia� r: iii�r/l %�/ Name Library7ype Carpet Rloorcirade surface Area Location Exterior Floor 30(16/11S)2(95)H 1....... ....... ,_. ...,. „Above Grade 32Dft� Exposed Exterior 'Amyl Floor Over Basement 30(16/115)2(95)Exposed 1 Above Grade 1310.0fe UninsulatedUnconditioned Basement 1 Building Summary Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp:800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. ,,.. .. r rr / r / r i r Name Effective Ft-value ......... .^^....30(16(115)2(95)Exposed ........ .. . 28.923.......3 30(16/115)2(95)H 27.661 Vinyl /,,, rr ,r 0/1 m OP el, i/' /// �%r // r��/% Name Library Typo Surface Area Location . Band Joist,,.... R15+3 1540 fe Exposed Exterior r r ' !/ %/ / Name Effective Insulation R-value _-,-�m,....-.......w.-__.................. R75+3 ..............................................�.�.............�..18.00 „v .,rr �, r rr ��rr r ,r rrir ar r r rr r/r r rrry%%/i/l%%rid//yr�r/ rrwo Name LibraryType SurfaceColor SolarAbsorptance Surface Area Location ...... ... .... ) (5)........... .................... ........ ....... ._....,__ .............. ..... ...... ....... Exterior Walls R15+3(1 ,,,.......... ..... ._...,..,,,..w .. .._ ....... Medium 0.75 2.610.0 ft Exposed Exterior Staircase 15(16/3.5)2(5)5ta)rcase Medium 0.75 220Aft UninsulatedUnconditioned Basement , a, !'' ....' v r % r o� / r r'; %% tgi/i r /% ✓IQ rJ�i //g"'gn OOMW //c/rijr/ jj� Name Effective R-value ._-,-............._._.....,,,,....-......................................................�.�.�.- 15(16/35)2(5)Staircase 11 A21 R15+3(16/35)10) 16.659 2 Building Summary Property Organrsation Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. r % r° /// r i / r Name UbraryTypt Wall Foundation Wall Is operable Overhangg OverhangFtTo OverhangFtTo Orientation Surface Area Assignment Assignment oeptfi Top Bottom ......................... .. ............... ..... a..—__ ... .......................Yes O._ 0,,,,,,.... ... .. ..0 West 40A f... ff i w 3030 or fflw 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 West 135ft ff 2 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 7 1.7 7.8 East 12.0 ft' ff2e(Front) 3030 ExterlorWalls Yes 7 13 53 East 27.0fe ff 2 n(Flight) 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 North 225 fP ff 2 w 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 West 27.0 fP ff 2 w(Rear) 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0 0 0 West 19.0 ft ff 3 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 7 13 53 East 405 fP sf 1 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 1 23 6.3 East 135 ft= sfl a 3030 Exteriorwalis Yes t 23 4.8 East 1 ILO ft' sf 1 n 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0.8 3.1 7.2 North 135 fe sf 1 n 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0.8 9.1 132 North 135 ff sf1 w 3030 Exterior Walls Yes V 13 32 West 13.7ft sfiw 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 1 1.2 2.8 West 3Aft sf2e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0.8 5 9.1 East 27Aft sf2w 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 1 13 5.3 West 27.0fe sf 3 e 3030 Exterior Walls Yes 0.8 7.7 11.8 East 405 fly ,,,,,,,,,, ,,:vi r r or✓... /r ,; r� �i� ri >rr„ /, r� ,,;%rG�� „ / ri ,., r r ry rl rr�y%i."G'/%/r � rr�/iiir/�. rll%�/r„/, l/ii��)/%�/, „la Name Shgc U-factor 3030 03 0300 None Present 3 Building Summary Property Organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-SW Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. .., ;n rI f O/� / / r�rn r r r y r r r//i� n r r r r r / %r r/ rr r f/r/r /y!/i r lDi / ,ir/ ,J/,///, % /, r ria,,,,,r /�„ ,✓r j ri%/: ��/1// r//i r //r / /i // I/r r� a, r r, rig None Present %/ r / r /rr ri y r' ; r r „ r / y // r/li/ rp ry ra ri r "�// % /ir/' i, r r /✓ r/ /r ri/ r +"Irr"i/ / r %%//rr /% %//�/i%�/G /� i/iia Name Libra a WallAssi nment Foundatatgo wall Em)ttante WarAbso ance surface Color Surface►Y�YP 9 ceArea Location Assent Basement Door. Fiberglass Door Staircase..._.,..............,, , o. ............. .,,,,...,.... .. .. .w,,,,..... a........ .8ft......�..,w. .9 0.75 Medium 17 ' Uninsulated Unconditioned Front Door Fiberglass Door ExteriofWalls 0.9 0.75 Medium 20.0ft' Exposed Exterior Name Effwe R-valuo Fiberglass Door. ... ................................. 5.00 ,v�r �,f;:+yr r✓..,,' it„r ✓v „r�r �.�ri ri �/ ;';: V/rr� ninr r ,.,�r / /a /lam//,r, ,�/7,� ,/Ci,,,,,,,�r /// r....rr J/ ,,. /%1��,r//rr, /�///fir I Name Library Attic Clayor Onestho RoofSlopum Ce4iiu EaveHer fat Eave Surface 'Saior S+ar4ace: Location type Exterior Concrete Roof have Framing �n.] Length rn.] Color Absorptance Area Area[fY] Roof7lhuc Eaves' Height iia.I Hot Roof...................... ..... -.,.,..SA 1,506 No... No,....... WA....,,. ....,WA,...... .,,,,,,,. WA WA.......Medium... 0.75.......1,506.0ft'Vaulted Roof R38(16/95)1( Name Has Radiant Barrier Effective R valuo SA R38(16195)1(LDF) _. ...�.....�.�,..,_ ..... _.-.......,.. 0 31381 ro!on Measurement ype ShatterCis ......................Pa To be blower-door tested 4 4 Building Summary Property Organization Inspection Status 600 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold NY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-SOD Corey Creek Lane,Southold, Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. r //%/wm/ // r, ltentitation Type Ventilation Rate(�; OpervOomath fan Watts Runday s once every Energy Model Number Manufacturer Percent ............... ....._...,,,,,,, ... .........................._..a. — __,.------ ,,,,,, Exhaust Only 120 CFM 24 42Watts(Default) Yes 0 r„ i"r %240 ; ,r Interior Fluorescent W4 interior LED Lig ng %Exterior Fluorescent %Exterior LED Lig hting %Garage Fluorescent %Garage LED Lighting Lighting Lighting Lightlrag .. 0 100 0 100 0 100 None Present % / °�/ r j None Present r riri�/ir - /rr/✓ /Y // r i%%rW// % /O r r// k None Present ,.,. �r / ,,,r i /rrv�f /rrr / / !r7 rr� p -c r rU Pd None Present %�� a, ", r / / /� r / r /Kr None Present 5 Building Summary Property Organ'aation Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy-resting Services Results are projected Southold.NY 11971 Michael Faua1 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. r ,•v r r rr /,r o /9/i r ✓ v /r or r�� rr None Present r'„ ri: /r r .n r.- r r/ >/ // r% /;, ': /i 6 ////i r�/o r/�iii, /'// r�i;, /,,, r ri r// 'r / ;', J// / it %' i�� /A Me //�i // 40/4 ,ern w, c IN None Present / //// r l /i / r Gyr C i/ r / ii Name Library Type salial Number Heating Percent Load Cooling Percent Load Hot Water Percen Load Location Cooling System l -•'16 SEER2 23.6K _ _.,.....,,,, ............... 5096 ........,,,, _0% Unconditioned.....B ... ...._. Basement Q07958879) /Crawlspace Cooling System 2 16 SEER218K(207904371) 0% 50% 096 Conditioned/Sealed Attic Heating System 1 95%AFUE Hydro-CoiL 60k 50% 0% 09b Unconditioned Basement NG) /Crawlspace Heating System 2 95%AFUE Hydro-Coil,60k 50% 0% 0% Conditioned/Sealed Attic NG) Water Heating .95 EF Instant 0% 0% 100% Unconditioned Basement /Crawlspace Equipment Type Residential Water Heater Fuel Type Natural Gas Distribution Type Hydronic Delivery(Radiant) Hot Water Efficiency 0.95 Energy Factor Tankless? Yes r / r r, Equipment Type Air Conditioner . ..................... Fuel"Tyrix Electric Distribution Type, Forced Air Motor Type ECM(Variable Speed) Heat pump System Type Unspecified Cooling Etficlerlcy 16 SEER2 Cooling Capacity(k8tu/l1) 18 6 Building Summary Property organization Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold.NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-BW Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. .................. ...... VIA EquipmentType Air Conditioner .......... Fuel Type Electric Distribution Type Forced Air MotorType PSC(Single Speed) Heat Pump System Type Unspecified Cooling Efficiency 16 SEER2 Cooling Capacity[kBtu/N 23.6 -V�............... .......................... 111,111.71///—.......... 11/1,11,111,1111,1��,�� ,, �,,;��,,.......... . ......... gs AA T Equipment Type Boiler Fuel Type NaturalGas Distribution Distribution Type Forced Air MotorType PSC(Single Speed) Heating Efficiency 95 AFUE Heating Capacity[kBtu/hl 60 Use defauft EAE yes EAE[kWh] 170 Building Summary Property Organ on Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek Lane Energy Testing Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I initial House Design guilder Sligo Construction Corp. ............r""'m "q........... ........... 1W w J Distribution Type Forced Air Heating Equipment Heating System i....... .............. ..... ... Cooling Equipment Cooling System I Sq.Feet Served 1,322 #Return Grilles Supply Duct R Value 8 Return Duct RValue 8 Supply Duct Area[ftJ 356.94 Return Duct Area M21 66.1 Leakage to Outdoors 52 CFM @ 25Pa(3.93 100 ft)Total Leakage 52 CFM25 Total Leakage DuctTest Conditions Post-Construction Use Default Flow Rate Yes Duct 1 Duct Location Basement Insulated basement ceiling) Percent Supply Area 100 Percent Return Area 100 Duct 2 Duct Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Duct 3 Duct Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Duct4 Duct Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Duct 5 Duct Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 Duct 6 Duct Location Conditioned Space Percent Supply Area 0 Percent Return Area 0 .................... .......v", "'V Distribution Type Fprced1AIr""-..............11 "I'll, I Heating Equipment Heating System 2 Cooling Equipment Cooling System 2 Is All Equipment In Conditioned Space Yes Leakage Default HERS Default Leakage Duct System Efficiency 0.88 .......... ........../ '-.......... ........../ ..........a 'w'a, 'A 9/,w WAC Grading Not Conducted Building Summary Property organbcartion Inspection Status 800 Gorey Creek Lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold,NY 11971 Michael Faud 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,I Initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. 11.......... ............. .......-,', 'f d 14, 4,1////&, Has Ceiling Fan No 4 Water Fixture Type Standard Use Default Hot Water Pipe Length No Hot Water Pipe Length[ft] 97 At Least R3 Pipe Insulation? Yes H6t Water Recirculation System? No Drain Water Heat Recovery? No ............ ........... ........./ "­'�......... oil HIM g A A 4�5 Ma/07M, x 'My M 5 5/2 p vn, Vw4i/ Cef 3.01 — ................ ........ ............ ........ .... ............Fuel Type -Electric..... Field Utilization Timer Controls Is Outside Conditioned Space No Clothes Dryer Available Yes Defaults Type HERS Reference Is Heat Pump No .........nc,,�,� .........� ............. 7— 4 Label Energy Rating 400 kWhNear Annual Gas Cost $27.00 Electric Rate $0.1 VkWh Gas Rate $1.09frherm Capacity 3 Imef I Defaults Type HERS Reference Load Type Front-load Loads Per Week 6 Is Outside Conditioned Space No Clothes WasherAvaflable Yes ........... ............. A g A Dishwasher DefauttsType custom Dishwasher Size Stan claid -—---------------- Dishwasher Efficiency 270 kWh Annual Gas Cost $30.00 Electric Rate $0.12/kM Gas Rate $1.09frherm Is Outside Conditioned Space No Dishwasher Available Yes .................... Building Summary Property Organ' 'on Inspection Status 800 Corey Creek lane EnergyTesting Services Results are projected Southold.NY 11971 Michael Fauci 631-244-2627 Sligo Construction Corp.-SW Corey Creek lane,Southold,I initial House Design Builder Sligo Construction Corp. „. /„o / p / r "M r rrr/f y Programmable thermostat? Yes_ Ran e/Oven Fuel Etectri , _................. g c Convection Oven? No Induction Range? No Range/Oven Outside Conditioned Space? No Refrigerator Consumption 691 kMRVYear Refrigerator Outside Conditioned Space? No c I� rjI% // �/ / rr /,i,/, v / i 10 Load Short Form Job: MF641 Date: Dec 23,2024 System 1 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project • • For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Design Information Htg CIg Infiltration Outside db(°F) 16 86 Method Blower door Inside db('F) 70 75 Shielding/stories 3(partial)/2 Design TD (°F) 54 11 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/1156 cfm Daily range - L Inside humidity(%) 50 50 Moisture difference(gr/Ib) 45 31 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Laars Heating Systems Company Make Carrier Trade LAARS Trade 15 SEER2 AC Model MFTCW199(N,P)"*** Cond GA5SAN42400WA0 AHRI ref 9008085 Coil FML14Z3000AL1 AHRI ref 207958879 Efficiency 95 AFUE Efficiency 13.0 EER2, 16 SEER2 Heating input 199000 Btuh Sensible cooling 16520 Btuh Heating output 181000 Btuh Latent cooling 7080 Btuh Temperature rise 210 °F Total cooling 23600 Btuh Actual air flow 787 cfm Actual air flow 787 cfm Air flow factor 0.056 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.047 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.85 ROOM NAME Area Htg load CIg load Htg AVF CIg AVF M) (Btuh) (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) Bedroom 1 156 2026 2763 114 130 131 WIC 22 247 37 14 2 Computer Room 138 1927 2116 108 100 B 1 Bath 65 650 593 37 28 Lay. 23 0 9 0 0 Dining Room 156 1394 2841 78 134 Kitchen 200 2147 4451 121 210 Living Room 330 3563 2710 200 128 Foyer 195 2058 1164 116 55 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 11 2024-Dec-23 12:51:48 4 " .. 800 Corey Creek Lane, .. Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23,OA1 RSU30006 Page 1 Southold,NY 11971,rup Calc=MJ8 Front Doorfaces: E System 1 1284 14013 16683 787 787 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. @ 0.91 RSM 15132 Latent cooling 2996 TOTALS i 1284 i 14013 n 18128 787 N 787 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. � wry k ce o-2024-De23 12:51:48 1111 w 1 .e Lan..�1_�,.,."I Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Page 2 800 Cor ey Creek e,Southold,NY 11971,rup Cal;=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Load Short Form Job: MF641 Date: Dec 23,2024 ^' System Z By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices,com License:8619824 • ect Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Design Informati• Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db (°F) 16 86 Method Blower door Inside db(°F) 70 75 Shielding/stories 3 (partial)/2 Design TD (°F) 54 11 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/1156 cfm Daily range - L Inside humidity(%) 50 50 Moisture difference(gr/lb) 45 31 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Laars Heating Systems Company Make Carrier Trade LAARS Trade COMFORT 15 SEER2 AC Model MFTCW199(N,P).... Cond 24SCA518WC0300 AHRI ref 9008085 Coil FMU4Z3000AL1 AHRI ref 207904371 Efficiency 95 AFUE Efficiency 13.0 EER2, 16 SEER2 Heating input 199000 Btuh Sensible cooling 12600 Btuh Heating output 181000 Btuh Latent cooling 5400 Btuh Temperature rise 275 °F Total cooling 18000 Btuh Actual air flow 600 cfm Actual air flow 600 cfm Air flow factor 0.044 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.054 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.90 ROOM NAME Area Htg load Clg load Htg AVF Clg AVF (ft2) (Btuh) (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) Bedroom 3 144 2271 3020 100 162 B3 WIC 31 461 76 20 4 Laundry 41 160 453 7 24 B2 WIC 29 412 71 18 4 Bedroom 2 144 2358 2744 104 147 Hall 127 0 0 0 0 Bath 51 622 329 27 18 Master Bath 132 1271 768 56 41 M WIC 2 33 403 68 18 4 M WIC 75 1291 211 57 11 Master Bedroom 377 4359 3453 192 185 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2024-Dec-23 12:51:48 " WIiFM Right-Suite®Universal 202323.0.01 RSU30008 Page 3 ..-800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E System 2 1183 13607 11193 600 600 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. @ 0.91 RSM 10152 Latent cooling 1270 TOTALS I 1183 I 13607 11423 I 600 ' 600 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 8 ri Cr 1s+Gft o-2024-De23 12:51:48 Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Page 4 IZ& 00 Core Creek Nb.,.- y e Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJB Front Door faces: E BuildingAnalysis Job: MF641 F~' Y Date: Dec 23,2024 System 1 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone;631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:B619824 Prpject Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 � - e • • • Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Long Island MacArthur AP, NY, US Indoor temperature (°F) 70 75 Elevation: 84 ft Design TD (°F) 54 11 Latitude: 41°N Relative humidity(%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/lb) 45.1 30.9 Dry bulb(°F) 16 86 Infiltration: Dailyrange (°F) - 15 ( L ) Method Blower door Wet bulb('F) - 72 Shielding/stories 3(partial)/2 Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/1156 cfm a Com onent Btuh/ft2 Btuh %of load Walls 2.9 4511 32.2 0� Glazing 16.2 3579 25.5 Doors 15.7 320 2.3 MIS Ceilings 2.0 239 1.7 10Qher Floors 0.0 19 0.1 Infiltration 2.7 3752 26.8 Ir�iibaficn Ducts 1594 11.4 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Adjustments 0 more Total 14013 100.0 °�`� • e e Component Btuh/fF Btuh %of load Walls 0.7 1126 6.7 vwls Glazing 24.5 5410 32.4 Doors 7.2 146 0.9 Ceilings 0.7 84 0.5 Floors 0.0 4 0.0 airg Infiltration 0.2 353 2.1 Ducts 395 2.4 Girs Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 9165 54.9 Blower 0 0 Adjustments 0 l Total 16683 100.0 Latent Cooling Load=2996 Btuh Overall U-value=0.062 Btuh/ftl�-°F, Window/Floor Area =17.2% Data entries checked. t 2024-Dec-2312:51:48 �. M„M-. Right-SuiteOO Universal 202323.0.01 RSU30008 Pagel 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MA Front Door faces: E BuildingAnalysis Job: Dec 2 Y Date: Dec 23,2024 System 2 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www,energytestingservices,com License:8619824 Prpiect Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Diesigp, • • itions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Long Island MacArthur AP, NY, US Indoor temperature(°F) 70 75 Elevation: 84 ft Design TD ('F) 54 11 Latitude: 41°N Relative humidity(%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference(gr/lb) 45.1 30.9 Dry bulb(°F) 16 86 Infiltration: Dailyrange (°F) - 15 ( L } Method Blower door Wet bulb(°F) - 72 Shielding/stories 3(partial)/2 Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/1156 cfm Component Btuh/ft' Btuh %of load Walls 3.4 3766 27.7 acts Glazing 16.2 2297 16.9 VVIIS Doors 0 0 0 Ceilings 2.0 2354 17.3 Floors 1.5 31 0.2 Infiltration 2.7 2974 21.9 lrtiiltraicn Ducts 1 2185 16.1 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0' °'' Ventilation 0 0 aa2irg aher Adjustments 0 Total 13607 100.0 Celina Component Btuh/ft2 Btuh %of load Walls 0.9 940 8.4 VAIs Glazing 20.7 2933 26.2 Doors 0 0 0 Ceilings 0.6 703 6.3 Floors 0.3 6 0.1 Ga&g IrtrrElGirs Infiltration 0.2 280 2.5 Ducts 996 8.9 Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 1 5335 47.7 41 Blower 0 0 0A Adjustments 0 Total 1 1 11193 100.0 Irfi m DiJs Latent Cooling Load = 1270 Btuh Overall U-value=0.242 Btuh/ftz°F, Window/Floor Area=12.0% Data entries checked. - wrightSOft' 2024-Dec-2312:51:48 -•- Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Paget It& 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Project Summary Job:Date: Dec Dec2 � •J 23,2024 System 1 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Proiect Information Foru Sliggo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Notes: Desian Information Weather: Long Island MacArthur AP, NY, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 16 °F Outside db 86 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 54 °F Design TD 11 °F Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 31 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 12419 Btuh Structure 16288 Btuh Ducts 1594 Btuh Ducts 395 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 14013 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.91 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 15132 Btuh Method Blower door Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Shielding/stories 3 (partial /2 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/1 cfm Structure 2331 Btuh Ducts 665 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heating Cooling (none) Area(ft2) 1284 1284 Equipment latent load 2996 Btuh Volume(ft3) 12430 12430 Air changes/hour 0.31 0.15 Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 18128 Btuh Equiv.AVF (cfm) 63 30 Req.total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.8 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Laars Heating Systems Company Make Carrier Trade LAARS Trade 15 SEER2 AC Model MFTCW199(N,P)**** Cond GA5SAN42400WA0 AHRI ref 9008085 Coil FMU4Z3000AL1 AHRI ref 207958879 Efficiency 95 AFUE Efficiency 13.0 EER2, 16 SEER2 Heating input 199000 Btuh Sensible cooling 16520 Btuh Heating output 181000 Btuh Latent cooling 7080 Btuh Temperature rise 210 °F Total cooling 2600 Btuh Actual air flow 787 cfm Actual air flow 787 cfm Air flow factor 0.056 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.047 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.85 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed, wr! hu c gSw 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 Ri ht-Suite@ Universal 2023 23,0.01 RSU30008 g Page 1 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971,rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Project Summary Job: Dec 2 ',7 Date: D Dec 23,2024 System 2 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingseMces.com Web:www.energytestingservices,com License:8619824 Project a • a For: Sliggo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Notes: Design a • Weather: Long Island MacArthur AP, NY, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 16 °F Outside db 86 °F Inside db 70 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 54 °F Design TD 11 °F Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 31 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 11422 Btuh Structure 10197 Btuh Ducts 2185 Btuh Ducts 996 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 13607 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.91 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 10152 Btuh Method Blower door Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Shielding/stories 3 (partial)/2 Pressure/ACH/AVF 50 Pa/3.0/ 115 cfm Structure 700 Btuh Ducts 570 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heating Cooling (none) Area(ftz) 1183 1183 Equipment latent load 1270 Btuh Volume (fP) 9463 9463 Air changes/hour 0.32 0.15 Equipment Total Load(Sen+Lat) 11423 Btuh Equiv.AVF (cfm) 50 24 Req.total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.2 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Laars Heating Systems Company Make Carrier Trade LAARS Trade COMFORT 15 SEER2 AC Model MFTCW199(N,P)-'— Cond 24SCA518WC0300 AHRI ref 9008085 Coil FMU4Z3000AL1 AHRI ref 207904371 Efficiency 95 AFUE Efficiency 13.0 EER2, 16 SEER2 Heating input 199000 Btuh Sensible cooling 12600 Btuh Heating output 181000 Btuh Latent cooling 5400 Btuh Temperature rise 275 °F Total cooling 18000 Btuh Actual air flow 600 cfm Actual air flaw 600 cfm Air flow factor 0.044 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.054 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Static pressure 0.60 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.90 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 80 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 0 Corey Creek Lane Right-Suite®U niversal 2023 23.O,01 RSU30008 Page 2 Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Doorfaces: E Duct System Summary Job: MF641 Y Date: Dec 23,2024 uw! System 1 By: Michael Fauci .. Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 Heating Cooling External static pressure 0.60 in H2O 0.60 in H2O Pressure losses 0 in H2O 0 in H2O Available static pressure 0.60 in H2O 0.60 in H2O Supply/return available pressure 0.480/0.120 in H2O 0.480/0.120 in H2O Lowest friction rate 0.131 in/100ft 0.131 in/100ft Actual air flow 787 cfm 787 cfm Total effective length (TEL) 458 ft • • Detail Table Design 7Htg Cig Design Diam HxW Duct Actual Ftg.Egv Name (Btuh) (Cfm) FR (in) (in) Matl Ln (ft) Ln (ft) Trunk B1 Bath h 650 37 28 0.134 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 24.0 335.0 st3 B1 WIC h 247 14 2 0.172 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 8.8 270.0 st3 Bedroom 1 C 2763 114 130 0.198 5.6 8x4 ShMt 17.8 225.0 st3 Computer Room h 1927 108 100 0.165 6.0 Ox0 ShMt 21.5 270.0 st3 Dining Room C 2841 78 134 0.133 7.0 Ox 0 ShMt 42.0 320.0 st3 Foyer h 2058 116 55 0.131 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 41.8 325.0 st3 Kitchen c 2225 60 105 0.135 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 46.0 310.0 st3 Kitchen-A c 2225 60 105 0.138 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 57.0 290.0 st3 Lay. C 9 0 0 0,137 4.0 Ox0 ShMt 15.5 335.0 st3 Living Room h 3563 200 128 0.136 8.0 Ox 0 ShMt 54.0 300.0 st3 SupplyDetail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st3 Peak AVF 787 787 0.131 885 11.9 8 x 16 ShtMetl St1 st1 Peak AVF 787 787 0.131 885 11.9 8 x 16 ShtMetl Creek acne * 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 * Wt'.��I.", „_'-'� Right-Suite@ U niversal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Page 1 9 800 Corey C Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Return Branch Detail Table Grille Htg Clg TEL Design Veloc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Duct Name Size(in) (cfm) (cfm) (ft) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening (in) Matl Trunk rb2 12x 30 787 787 91.5 0.131 564 16.0 Ox 0 ShMt wrightsoft" 2024-Dec-2312:51:49 _.-- Right-Suite®U niversal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Page 2 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Duct System Summary Job: MF641 Y Date: Dec 23,2024 System 2 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project Information -------------- For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 Heating Cooling External static pressure 0.60 in H2O 0.60 in H2O Pressure losses 0.35 in H2O 0.35 in H2O Available static pressure 0.25 in H2O 0.25 in H2O Supply/return available pressure 0.210/0.040 in H2O 0.210/0.040 in H2O Lowest friction rate 0.063 in/100ft 0.063 in/100ft Actual air flow 600 Cfm 600 cfm Total effective length (TEL) 399 ft SupplyDetail Table Design Htg Clg Design Diam H x W Duct Actual Ftg.Egv Name (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) FIR (in) (in) Matl Ln (ft) Ln (ft) Trunk B2 WIC h 412 18 4 0.063 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 15.5 320.0 st6 B3 WIC h 461 20 4 0.076 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 12.3 265.0 st6 Bath h 622 27 18 0.071 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 15.3 280.0 st5 Bedroom 2 C 2744 104 147 0.075 &0 Ox 0 ShMt 26.0 255.0 st6 Bedroom 3 C 3020 100 162 0.076 8.O Ox 0 ShMt 21.5 255.0 st6 Laundry C 453 7 24 0.071 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 8.3 290.0 st5 M WIC h 1291 57 11 0.072 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 35.5 255.0 st5 M WIC 2 h 403 18 ' 4 0.070 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 34.5 265.0 st5 Master Bath h 1271 56 41 0.069 6.0 Ox0 ShMt 32.3 275.0 st5 Master Bedroom h 4359 192 185 0.072 8.0 Ox 0 ShMt 47.8 245.0 st5 SupplyD- Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FIR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st5 Peak AVF 357 283 0.069 536 10.1 8 x 12 ShtMetl st2 st6 Peak AVF 243 317 0.063 475 9.8 8 x 12 ShtMetl st2 st2 Peak AVF 600 600 0.063 600 12.5 8 x 18 ShtMetl Bold/italic values have been manually overridden wrigktl -cOt- 2024-Dec-2312:51:49 Right-Suite®Universal 202323.0.01 RSU30008 Page 3 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E rTable r Grille Htg Clg TEL Design Veloc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Duct Name Size (in) (cfm) (Cfm) M FR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening (in) Matl 1 Trunk rb1 12x 23 600 600 63.0 0.063 561 14.0 Ox 0 ShMt wr'ightsoft- 2024-Deo-23 12:51:49 -11. ._„ Right-Suite®Universal 2023 23,0,01 RSU30008 Page 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Manual S Compliance Report Job: MF641 Date: Dec 23,2024 wr^ System 1 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 Cooling Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 85.7°F Sensible gain: 16683 Btuh Entering coil DB: 75.2°F Outdoor design WB: 71.9°F Latent gain: 2996 Btuh Entering coil WB: 62.7°F Indoor design DB: 75.0°F Total gain: 19680 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimated airflow: 787 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Split AC Manufacturer: Carrier Model: GA5SAN42400WA0+FMU4Z3000AL1 Actual airflow: 787 cfm Sensible capacity: 23441 Btuh 141% of load Latent capacity: 5877 Btuh 196% of load Total capacity: 29318 Btuh 149%of load SHR: 80% Heating Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 15.9°F Heat loss: 14013 Btuh Entering coil DB: 68.9°F Indoor design DB: 70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Gas boiler Manufacturer: Laars Heating Syste Model: MFTCW199(N,P)**** Actual airflow: 787 cfm Output capacity: 181000 Btuh 1292% of load Meets all requirements of ACCA Manual S. wi~ wrighi soft- 2024-Dec-2312:51:49 �.. Right-Suite@ Universal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Page 1 800 Corey Creek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Calc=MA Front Door faces: E Manual S Compliance Report Job: MF641 Date: Dec 23,2024 System 2 By: Michael Fauci Energy Testing Services 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E,Bohemia,NY 11716 Phone:631-244-2627 Email:mfauci@energytestingservices.com Web:www.energytestingservices.com License:8619824 Project Information For: Sligo Construction Corp. 800 Corey Creek Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 516-204-2444 Cooling,Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 85.7°F Sensible gain: 11193 Btuh Entering coil DB: 75.1'F Outdoor design WB: 71.9°F Latent gain: 1270 Btuh Entering coil WB: 62.77 Indoor design DB: 75.0°F Total gain: 12464 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimated airflow: 600 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Split AC Manufacturer: Carrier Model: 24SCA518WC0300+FM114Z3000AL1 Actual airflow: 600 cfm Sensible capacity: 14746 Btuh 132%of load Latent capacity: 2740 Btuh 216%of load Total capacity: 17486 Btuh 140%of load SHR: 84% Heating Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 15.9°F Heat loss: 13607 Btuh Entering coil DB: 69.8°F Indoor design DB: 70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Gas boiler Manufacturer: Laars Heating Syste Model: MFTCW199(N,P)**"' Actual airflow: 600 cfm Output capacity: 181000 Btuh 1330%of load Meets all requirements of ACCA Manual S. A. wrigihtt, t• , 2024-Dec-23 12:51:49 Z 800 Corey Creek L ,.,,», Right-Suite@)Universal 2023 23,0.01 RSU30008 Page 2 Lane,Southold,NY 11971,rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces: E Residential • _ Examiner Review Form Form RPER 1 CK for — Design (Loads, _• • 15 Mar 09 ire",r�r',t9ttrdrylP,er �k.raerrYfawrra Header Information Contractor: Energy Testing Services REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Michael Fauci Manual J1 Form(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ Mechanical license: 8619824 or MJ1AE Form'(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ OEM performance data(heating,cooling,blower): Yes ❑ No ❑ Building plan#: Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Yes ❑ No ❑ Duct distribution sketch: Yes ❑ No ❑ Home address(Street or Lot#,Block,Subdivision): 800 Corey Creek Lane, System 1 LOAD CALCULATION .0 Design Conditions Building Construction Information Winter Design Conditions Building Outdoor temperature: 16 °F Orientation: Front Door faces East Indoor temperature: 70 of North,East,west,south,Northeast,Northwest,Southeast,southwest Total heat loss: 14013 Btuh Number of bedrooms: 1 Conditioned floor area: 1284 ftz Summer Design Conditions Number of occupants: 4 Outdoor temperature: 86 °F Indoor temperature: 75 °F Windows R Grains difference: 31 gr/lb @50% RH Eave overhang depth 1.0 ft Sensible heat gain: 18394 Btuh Internal shade: blinds Latent heat gain: 3304 Btuh Blinds,drapes,etc. eePo rN1CW Total heat gain: 21698 Btuh Number of skylights: 0 EQUIPMENTHVAC • 41 Heating-Equipment Data Cooling_Equipment Data Blower Data Equipment type: Gas boiler E%pment type: Split AC Heating cfm: 787 urnace,Heatpump,Boiler,etc. it Conditioner,Heat pump,etc. Cooling cfm: 787 Model: Laars Heating Systems Company Model: Carrier Static pressure: 0.60 in H2O MFTCW199(N,P)"** GA5SAN42400WA0+FMU4Z3000AL1 Fan's rated external static pressure for design airflow Heating output capacity: 1§1000 Btuh Total cooling capacity: 29318 Btuh Heat pumps-capacity at winter design out oor conditions Sensible cooling capacity: 23441 Btuh Aux.heating output capacity: 0 Btuh Latent cooling capacity: 5877 Btuh DISTRIBUTIONHVAC DUCT •i Design airflow: 787 cfm Longest supply duct: 367 ft Duct Materials Used Equipment design ESP: 0.60 in H2O Longest return duct: 92 ft Trunk duct: Sheet metal Total device pressure losses: 0 in H2O Total effective length(TEL): 4.58 ft Available static pressure(ASP): 0.60 in H2O Friction rate: 0.141 in/100ft Branch duct: Sheet metal Friction Rate=ASP+(TEL x 1 I declare the load calculation,equipment,equipment selection and duct design were rigorously performed based on the building plan listed above. I understand the claims made on these forms will be subject to review and verification. Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature: Date: Reserved - ;Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Edition Checklist IrV wngln 1°k` Right-Suite(DUniversal202323.0.01 RSU30008 Residential Plansxam _ • _ i_w F•rm Form RPER 1 CCK for HVAC SystemDesign (Loads, Equipment, 15 Mar 09 �'�tkavl�.t."�"TJ 4"atl ', rfi Aw^^rrwtn Header Information Contractor: Energy Testing Services REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Michael Fauci Manual J1 Form(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ Mechanical license: 8619824 or MJ1AE Form'(and supporting worksheets): Yes ❑ No ❑ OEM performance data(heating,cooling,blower): Yes ❑ No ❑ Building plan#: Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Yes ❑ No ❑ Duct distribution sketch: Yes ❑ No ❑ Home address(Street or Lot#,Block,Subdivision): 800 Corey Creek Lane, System 2 HVAC LOAD CALCULATION ,0 Design Conditions BuiIding_Construction Information Winter Design Conditions Building Outdoor temperature: 16 °F Orientation: Front Door faces East Indoor temperature: 70 'F North,East,West,South,Northeast,Northwest,Southeast,Southwest Total heat loss: 13607 Btuh Number of bedrooms: 3 Conditioned floor area: 1183 ft2 Summer Design Conditions Number of occupants: 1 Outdoor temperature: 86 °F Indoor temperature: 75 °F Windows A Grains difference: 31 gr/Nb @50% RH Eave overhang depth: 1.0 ft Sensible heat gain: 12341 Btuh Internal shade: blinds N Latent heat gain: 1401 Btuh Blinds,drapes,etc. 1�eolh Wires Total heat gain: 13742 Btuh Number of skylights: 0 EQUIPMENTHVAC • •0 Heating Equipment Data Cooling Equipment Data Blower-Data Equipment type: Gas boiler Equipment type: Split AC Heating cfm: 600 Furnace,Heat pump,Boiler,etc. Air Conditioner,Heat pump,etc. Cooling cfm: 600 Model: Laars Heating Systems Company Model: Carrier Static pressure: 0.60 in H2O MFTCW199(N,P)"`* 24SCA518WC0300+FMU4Z3000AL1 Fan'sratedexternalstaticpressurefordesign airflow Heating output capacity: 1§1000 Btuh Total cooling capacity: 17486 Btuh Heat pumps-capacity at winter design out oor conditions Sensible cooling capacity: 14746 Btuh Aux heating output capacity: 0 Btuh Latent cooling capacity: 2740 Btuh HVAC DUCT r: • •1 Design airflow: 600 cfm Longest supply duct: 336 ft Duct Materials Used Equipment design ESP: 0.60 in H2O Longest return duct: 63 ft Trunk duct: Sheet metal Total device pressure losses: -0.3 in H2O Total effective length(TEL): 399 ft Available static pressure(ASP): 0.25 in H2O Friction rate:Friction R ate=ASP+(TEL x 0. 3 inl100ft Branch duct: Sheet metal I declare the load calculation,equipment,equipment selection and duct design were rigorously performed based on the building plan listed above, I understand the claims made on these forms will be subject to review and verification, Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature: Date: Reserved - *Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Edition Checklist wrightsaft- -w- Right-Suite®U niversal 2023 23.0.01 RSU30008 Level 1 4x8 7„ 6".5 IM 4,« 6 " 16 x 8 Basemel 4„ 16x8 716 6„ 6 8 Job#: MF641 Scale: 1 : 87 Performed by Michael Fauci for: Energy Testing Services Page 1 Sligo Construction Corp. 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E RightSuite®Universal 2023 800 Corey Creek Lane Southold,NY 11971 Bohemia,NY 11716 23,0.01 RSU30008 Phone:516-204-2444 Phone:631-244-2627 License:8619824 2024-Dec-23 12:52:44 www.energytestingservices.com mfauci@energytestingservices eek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup r� Level 2 130 cfm 134 cfm 105 cfm 105 cfm B1 Batl Bedroom Dining Root Kitcher —37 cfm Lay. ®-0 cfm B1 WIC 14 cfm—® Foye Living Root Computer Roc StainTq—787 cfm 108 cfm 116 cfm R-200 cfm Job#: MF641 Scale: 1 : 87 Performed by Michael Fauci for: Energy Testing Services Page 2 Sligo Construction Corp. 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E RightSuite®Universal 2023 800 Corey Creek Lane Bohemia,NY 11716 23.0,01 RSU30008 Southold,NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Phone:631-244-2627 License:8619824 2024-Dec-23 12:52:44 www.energytestingservices.com mfauci@energytestingservices ...eek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Level 3 162 cfm B3 WIC 56 cfm M WIC 20 cfm 18 cfm Batt Master Bat Bedroom Laundr 27 cfm D Q M WIC 8 " 6 4„ 24 cfm 4 57 cfm "" 12x8 4" fr B2 WIC 4„ Hal 12x8 18cfm 18x8 14" 600 cfm Master Bedroo 8 8 Bedroom OTE Stairs. 192 cfm 147 eft Job#: MF641 Energy Testing Services Scale: 1 : 87 Performed by Michael Fauci for: Page 3 Sligo Construction Corp. 1648 Locust Ave,Unit E RightSuite®Universal 2023 800 Corey Creek Lane Bohemia,NY 11716 23.0.01 RSU30008 Southold,NY 11971 Phone:516-204-2444 Phone:631-244-2627 License:8619824 2024-Dec-23 12:52:44 www energytestingservices.com mfauci@energytestingservices eek Lane,Southold,NY 11971.rup Town Hall Annex w Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 1191?" Southold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 26, 2024 To: Paul Davey 1365 Waters Edge Way Southold,NY 11971 RE: SCTM# 1000-78.4-12—Alfano, Determination of Merger Request Mr. Davey: Based on the application, deed, and single and separate search submitted to our office, along with the records and files of the Town of Southold,we have determined that a waiver of merger is not necessary. It is our opinion that the property in question is single and separate. Should you or anyone have additional questions, please feel free to contact me at(631) 765-1802. Respectfully Yours, Amanda Nune aker, Plans x, iner TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 " Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 htt ://Nvww. out.liold o nn �o'v Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only g ^ 4- PERMIT NO. Building Inspector- � OCT j � J2 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. � Date: I 'l I G I I a OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: ��yQ .� t [ SCTM#1000- Project Address: �@ C k I-e so"'7--v f 2 "uLl 1 1 0 > Phone#: � ((E, y— 2 Email: C Mailing Address: ( )1 C5 V eJ CONTACT PERSON: Name: L( C �'i V Mailing Address: b ltir r� (,t>e— -frL4II/Na fG ilj q Phone#: CA Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: , I 1 Phone#: S) (o (.� Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: � N-71 Phone#: ' Email: alpIU a . DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION New Structure CAddition Alteration D Repair ❑Demolition Estim ted Cost of Project: ❑Other ' 0 -- Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 000 Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: ¢S. ,off Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes,)�Ift IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. 06heck Box After Read!ng: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and In building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements me&herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 220AS of the New York State Penal law. Application Submitted By(print nam ` VLl ❑Authorized Agent owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 111611 Dy STATE OF NEW YORK) jj COUNTY OF SL(S�r�+O l .t�- V being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the 3 t� � C`q`� 7 ha C. (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of , 20 No Pub APM W Public, ftof No ya* (Where the applicant is not the owner) i� °' I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 rn� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone(631)765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 htt s://Ww .southol(lto rn.n gov BL)ILDING PERMIT APPLI ATI N IN RUCTIQNS&CHECKLILT • Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. • The work covered by this application, including land clearing/site work, may not be commenced before issuance of a building permit. • No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatsoever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. • Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within twelve (12) months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within eighteen (18) months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing,the extension of the permit for an additional 6 months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. ALL APPLICATIONS MU LT BE SUBMITTED WITH TIME FOLLOWING MATERIALS: ❑ Building Permit Application: Complete, signed and notarized. ❑A survey/site plan, drawn to scale at original size, showing the location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas and waterways. El Four(4) sets of plans bearing the signature and original seal of a NYS licensed professional engineer or architect illustrating compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. ❑Contractor's proof of insurance and Suffolk County license: • Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance (C105.2 or U26.3) AND a Certificate of Disability Benefits Compensation Insurance (DB120.1) • Certificate of Liability Insurance *mote: 0=final (Fees will be call Wated by tlhe Bu iildirig Departrnerit using the fee schedule. Fees will be c0ected after the permit is iritteri" ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION MAY BE REQUIRED AS IDENTIFIED BELOW: ❑Suffolk County Department of Health Services Approval (original copy) ❑Approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board, and/or Historic Preservation Commission (if applicable) ❑Electrical Permit 6laglication (FILED SEPERATELY): Electrician must have an active license with Suffolk County ❑1Flood Plain Development Permit Application (if applicable) []Southold Town Trustees Permits may be required: If any work will be done within 100' of a tidal or fresh water wetland. ❑NYS D.E.C. Permits may be required: If any work will be done within 300' of a tidal wetland or 100' of a fresh water wetland ❑1 copy of ComCheck/ ResCheck(if applicable) ❑1 copy of Manual J, Manual D and Manual S (if applicable) ❑Utilization of truss re-en ineered wood timber construction form (if applicable) ❑Single and separate title search (if applicable) ❑Curb cut permit (NYS or Suffolk..Counly form 239E) (if applicable) ❑Original signed Owners Authorization: if applicant is other than owner. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. 0. Box Southold,NY 11971-0959 " Telephone(63 ) 765 1802 Fax(63 )765 g South-9502 l tt southold onMn , ov INSPECTION &CERTIFICATE gF QCCUPANCY INFORMATION It is the responsibility of the applicant, owner, or contractor to request inspections from the Building Department. Construction must be completed and certificate of occupancy must be obtained within eighteen (18) months,or the permit may need to be renewed. Building permits shall be visibly displayed at the work site and shall remain visible until the authorized work has been completed. Work shall remain accessible and exposed until inspected and accepted by the Building Inspector.The permit holder shall notify the Building Inspector when any element of work described below is ready for inspection. The following elements of the construction process shall be inspected, where applicable: • Footing reinforcement or pier excavation prior to pour; • Footing keyway with foundation wall reinforcement; • Foundation before backfill; • Foundation damp proofing; • Framing,tie down/strapping and plumbing; • Underground plumbing; • Perimeter insulation; • Rough electric; • Insulation and caulking; • Solid fuel-burning heating appliances, chimneys,flues or gas vents; • Energy Code compliance; and • A final inspection after all work authorized by the building permit has been completed. After all necessary inspections are completed additional documents, including but not limited to the following, may be required: • Suffolk County Health Department Approval—original copy • Plumbers Affidavit • Miscellaneous Certifications as requested by Plans Examiners or Inspectors The Certificate of Occupancy will be issued after all of the required documents are submitted to this office. No building may be used or occupied in whole or in part, until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector. The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. The person responsible for this site must call in for all inspections listed above. Contact the Town of Southold Building Department at(631) 765-1802 to schedule your inspections. Please have your building permit number ready. 4 AW, TRIBOROUGH LAND SERVICES P.O.Box 3200,Wantagh, NY 11793•Phone No.631-385-8844•Fax No.631-389-2828 Tusaft,0atober 29,2024 Ps'e 1 of 1 LANCE LONGO,ESQ. Invoice 43 SCHNEIDER LANE HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788 (631)342-9664 Fax No.(631)297-8466 Account Number 36 Search Number: 24SSTL3573S Order Detaft Ordered: 10/09/2024 Customer Reference.• Alfano,as Trustee of the Alfano Family Trust Owners: Doris A.Alfano,as Trustee of the Alfano Family Trust Premises: 800 Corey Creek lane,Southold,NY 11971(Suffolk County) Date Description of charges Amount Sales Taos Payments Amount due 10/29/2024 Variance Search $1.500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14M.00 * Sales Tax not applied Charges: 51,500.00 Please make checks payable to: TRIBOROUGH LAND SERVICES Sales Tax: $0.00 P.O.Box 3200 Wantagh,NY 11793 Payments: - $O.OQ Total Due: $1,500.00 Please return this portion with your payment Name: LANCE LONGO,ESQ. Invoice Amount: $1.500.00 Amount Enclosed: [ ]Please apply payment towards Search Number(a)246ST1.3573S. [ l Please apply payment towards balance under Account Number 38. Terms:All charges due within 30 upon receipt without penalty.Please make checks payable to TRIBOROUGH LAND SERVICES Fidelity National Title INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC TITLE NO: 7404-019084 District: 1000 Section: 078.00 Block: 04.00 Lot: 012.000 Town of Southold, New York Gentlemen: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES,LLC hereby certifies to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD that it has searched the records of the Suffolk County Clerk for deeds affecting the captioned property and properties immediately adjoining and finds: SEE ATTACHED And the records of the Suffolk County Clerk and/or Suffolk County Registrar disclose no other further conveyance of any of the foregoing lots other than as set forth. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES,LLC certifies that the above-captioned property has been in single and separate ownership by Doris A. Alfano,as Trustee of the Alfano Family Trust and his/her predecessors in title since prior to 4/1/1957 except as follows: (see attached chains of title). No searches have been made other than as expressly stated above. The Company's liability under this Certificate shall only be to the party to whom it is certified and such liability shall under no circumstances exceed the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars($25,000.00)and no policy of title insurance can be issued based upon the information contained in the Certificate. Dated: October 17, 2024 FIDELITY NATIONAL "'I" " "LE INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC JE N UVA Sworn to before me this 17th day of October, 2024 SANDRA J GOLESKI Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC,S"rA`fE OI-NEW YORK Registration No.01GO5032467 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires August 29,2026 24 Commerce Drive • Riverhead, New York 11901 • (631) 727-0600 0 Fax: (631) 727-0606 �r�w r.-.-�.w Fidelity National Title INSURANCE SERVICES,LLC n ter•, TITLE NO. 7404-019084 -'x .i, STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JEAN DUVA,being duly swom deposes and says: That he/she has had a search made of the records of the County Clerk of Suffolk County with reference to an application for a variance affecting the following premises: y SCTM: 1000-078.00-04.00-012.000 That the said records indicate the following chains of title as to premises and adjoining lots since prior to 04/01/1957. SUBJECT PREMISES: 1000-078.00-04.00-012.000 Harold E.Gordon Liber 2915 cp 371 TO Dated:01/19/1949 Mazy L. Dayton Rcc'd:01/21/1949 (premises and more) wM/ Mazy L.Dayton died a resident of Suffolk County on 11/08/1956,Surrogates File No. 978 P 56. The New York Trust Company and William C.Mayer, Liber 4313 cp 196 as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Mary L. Dated:06/07/1957 Dayton Rec'd:06/12/1957 TO (premises and more) South Parish Realty Company FIDELITY NATIONAL.TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES,LLC Sworn to before me this JEAN 1)U A 17th day of October,2024 V SANDRA J GOLESKI " Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC,STNIT 01-NEW PORK Registration No.0 1 G05032467 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires August 29,2026 24 Commerce Drive• Riverhead, ;York 11901 •(631)727-0600• Fax: (631)727-0606 u�p., oFidelity National Title INSURANCE SERVICES,LLC r u i Lefferts P. Edson, Michael John Fenello, Joe Thomas Liber 5965 cp 236 Luke and Charles Joseph Harlin, all DBA South Perish Dated: 05/12/1966 Realty Company Rec'd: 05/31/1966 TO (premises and more) Kurt Hambsch, George W. Moore, Jr. and Sidney Warner Kurt Hambsch, George W. Moore, Jr. and Sidney Warner Liber 5974 cp 552 TO Dated: 05/21/1966 South Fork Development Corp. Rec'd: 06/16/1966 (premises and more) South Fork Development Corp. Liber 6958 cp 426 TO Dated: 06/18/1971 Laurence J. Jacques Rec'd: 07/02/1971 Laurence J. Jacques Liber 11973 cp 720 TO Dated: 06/23/1999 Doris Ann Alfano — Rec'd: 07/06/1999 Doris Ann Alfano AKA Doris D. Ann Alfano Liber 13167 cp 899 TO Dated: 07/22/2022 Doris A. Alfano, as Trustee of the Alfano Family Trust Rcc'd: 08/05/2022 LAST DEED OF RECORD (premises and more) PREMISES NORTH: 1000-078.00-04.00-011.000 Harold E. Gordon Liber 2915 cp 371 TO Dated: 01/19/1949 Mary L. Dayton Rec'd: 01/21/1949 (premises and more) Mary L. Dayton died a resident of Suffolk County on 11/08/1956, Surrogates File No. 978 P 56. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC Sworn to before me this JEAN D11VA, 17t day of Oct er, 924 NDRA J GOLESKI NOTARY ('UE3L1C,STATE01=NEW YORK Notary Public Registration No.01GO 0 2467 :y tulilic' it Sa�rlTolk CcrK Cor�nrjjissiorj lixpires Au rrst 2 ,2126 24 Commerce Drive • Riverhead,New York 11901 . (631)727-0600 • Fax: (631) 727-0606 ... : Fidelity National Title INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC The New York Trust Company and William C. Mayer, Liber 4313 cp 196 as Executors of the Last Will and Tcstament of Mary L. Dated: 06/07/1957 Dayton Rec'd: 06/12/1957 TO (premises and more) South Parish Realty Company Lefferts P. Edson, Michael John Fenello, Joe Thomas Liber 5965 cp 236 Luke and Charles Joseph Harlin, all DBA South Perish Dated: 05/12/1966 Realty Company Rec'd: 05/31/1966 TO (premises and more) Kurt Hambsch, George W. Moore, Jr. and Sidney Warner Kurt Hambsch, George W. Moore, Jr. and Sidney Warner Liber 5974 cp 552 TO Dated: 05/21/1966 South Fork Development Corp. Rec'd: 06/16/1966 (premises and more) South Fork Development Corp. Liber 6895 cp 194 TO Dated: 03/04/1971 Sidney F. Warner Rec'd: 03/05/1971 Sidney F. Warner Liber 7134 cp 226 TO Dated: 03/29/1972 Frank DiFiore Rec'd: 04/03/1972 Frank DiFiore Liber 7492 cp 27 TO Dated: 09/12/1973 Tullio Zori Rec'd: 09/18/1973 FIDELITY NA"1" ONAL TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC Sworn to before me this JEAN J 17th day of October, 2024 SA�GOL% ESKI Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK Registnuion No.01GO5032467 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires August 29,2026 24 Commerce Drive • Riverhead,New York 11901 • (631) 727-0600 0 Fax: (631)727-0606 = 1tfFidelity National Title INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC Tullio Zori Liber 11826 cp 281 TO Dated: 04/10/1997 Inland Homes Inc. Rec'd: 04/18/1997 Inland Homes Inc. Liber 11877 cp 26 TO Dated: 01/29/1998 George A. Spanos and Rose Spanos, his wife Rec'd: 02/05/1998 LAST DEED OF RECORD PREMISES EAST: COREY CREEK LANE PREMISES SOUTH: 1000-078.00-04.00-013.000 Harold E. Gordon Liber 2915 cp 371 TO Dated: 01/19/1949 Mary L. Dayton Rec'd: 01/21/1949 (premises and more) Mary L. Dayton died a resident of Suffolk County on 11/08/1956, Surrogates File No. 978 P 56. The New York Trust Company and William C.Mayer, Liber 4313 cp 196 as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Mary L. Dated: 06/07/1957 Dayton Rec'd: 06/12/1957 j TO (premises and more) South Parish Realty Company 1 Lefferts P. Edson, Michael John Fenello, Joe Thomas Liber 5965 cp 236 Luke and Charles Joseph Harlin, all DBA South Perish Dated: 05/12/1966 Realty Company Rec'd: 05/31/1966 r TO (premises and more) t Kurt Hambsch, George W. Moore, Jr. and Sidney Warner a FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC Sworn to before me this JEAN U 17th day of October, 2024 SANDRA J GOt ESKI NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK is ration No.01GO5032467 Notary Public Registration t Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires Aubust 29,2026 24 Commerce Drive * Riverhead, New York 11901 • (631)727-0600 Fax: (631)727-0606 III Fidelity National Title INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC Kurt Hambsch, George W. Moore, Jr. and Sidney Warner Liber 5974 cp 552 TO Dated: 05/21/1966 South Fork Development Corp. Rec'd: 06/16/1966 (premises and more) South Fork Development Corp. Liber 6618 cp 393 TO Dated: 09/08/1969 Donald Alfano and Doris Alfano, his wife Rec'd: 09/08/1969 LAST DEED OF RECORD PREMISES WEST: 1000-078.00-03.00-053.001 Harold R. Gordon, unmarried Liber 3991 cp 256 TO Dated: 10/06/1955 St. Patrick's Church Rec'd: 10/10/1955 LAST DEED OF RECORD FIDELITY NATIONAI TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES,LLC Sworn to before me this JEAN DUVA l 7th day of October, 2024 Notary Public SANDRA J GOLESKI NOTARY PUl11.IC.STATE OF NEW YORK Kegistratiun No,01GO5032467 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires August 29.2026 24 Commerce Drive • Riverhead, New York 11901 • (631) 727-0600 • Fax: (631) 727-0606