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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51663 Date: 02/20/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Fowler Family Trust 570 Sandy Hook Rd Palm Harbor, FL 34683 To: Construct new single family dwelling as applied for,with SCHD approval. Premises Located at: 5697 Westphalia Rd, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 113.-12-8 Pursuant to application dated 01/09/2025 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 02/20/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling-NEW $2,280.50 CO Single Family Dwelling-New $100.00 Total S2,380.50 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephones(631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-950211 t, ://NvN��v. otztit ldtoiviiui '.go Date Received APPLICATION UIL I PERMIT LZ For Office Use Only r PERMIT NO. Building Inspector. �14 // App1lcattont and d out in their"gtarb i,lrt n ple( , � ,/ pplications:wlll ncat ber� e� � ,Wherethe{�plslic. rfltr� i i,/i f / �r r✓/�w f7wrer's Aft"thbfritFf~tcrtnj%�Pgrz) htl#secrtpl rl0 ; / /F , Date: l+ ► 8�21� N Name: . VMS'( -4 LL.G SCTM# 1000- Project Address: Phone#; L(I "" LfbO41 Ernail: fD q�ONI Ned-p6A41L. CO � Mailing Address;: 7 541V4DY (f 21 1/" O 4tp A-7y . �l.Qvl. CONT4CT/kkF 0 Name: IV 11 A I-4 C iJ5't1. Mailing Address: S714L(P, _D2 . —: ST 0(/067lJC NY 1 Phone 4: Email �40A),BeVI J UiS N. 091 D>< GIV"pFtflFES,I,pNI�! II�I:ORMATIQM „ , ,,, `,✓ c 1 k' arne: 1 Mailing Ad ems,._,. -.. " � "0AJ Z). 1IG 5. ArH I ryVIL(.I A)y 11-70.1 1 Phone#: ` ' � Email: 2cffl rFc �Y/g Hoo ' Name. 4< L, ,140 LI A NC, 0 �.. - Mailing Address: �Q�. V c'D/9'L(.. roi9- c.7��1 1-SLf/� NY f��9u� Phone#: '� �„w .� gq lZ Email: ew Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ONO Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes 1 :; / ,/7/ /r r / �� tu...,1 w ,... // �,.. l,I✓r v r" ,r'�..c,,,,,�r/ 1 lc rr /. ,r �. ,, r//.F ��r!'Jry /,:� J.a ✓ ry,.,,,/� / ,".../,,,�1 ^., /. r�r /e/ I �+/l,, ,,,r,ori,r;„ „�,,,�a�/�,% r✓Ji/,,,,%d.�%/�/,�:,�/,f t���r �;f'',��, /N��r/i/ ( '/ ;, �i-.G� �;,i, �:., r/r G..(. /9/./!//,ll/'��../ (��'l /lr�/l�l�///�../�!r" .,1�l r,iY7.l. .J ,✓, - rvelr✓r.,,,����5",��/%� ✓,rl:<i, ,,r, �, rrl: ,� Q-191,% raFia, ,�:.I.d/��/%�,r�rr/��o,/�.:/,,l r%//r r, �l�,,q Existing use of property: r)(?s11C624111Gj Intended use of property: raj;de&j,'.j Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any cov ;.rants and restrictions with respect to this property? ,Yes ❑No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ru!''f /�r�, w r -' �,� r �e r iY r q'7;Irjf/rJ i' �/ir,,,d/l,lr�iiH r-' r,r lhrl l!(✓ ��,,, I ` �+ , r r r /i rr n ld ➢ 9/1, r, ,ra/�f/yh r ,,, ire,.-r, r„/,,;. ,.," ,., ,,/m, v " ��(l✓lir��+%/�d/K�f�/,11,J//rii i��/,',,l'�l ,: /,d 1,�f��ie hr;'vi" In llj Application Submitted By(p;ri t name)- AJOP-1 A/ J�pA.;lOP ❑Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: tPP�A STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the t.a-�. ��� C"Ot'Aa . (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and,to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Shorn before me this day of 20ZLl Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION NOTARY N11sLiC.aTATEDF:'AN.O1MA6392424 1 (Where the applicant is not the owner) QMHW b3*ftkcounry oSRenoz. residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT N'OT&E OF UTILIZATION OF TRUSS TYPE CONSTRUCTION P'RB,-I WOOD CONSTRUCTION_AND/OR TIMBER CONSTRUCTION Date: ���28,�2�•r Owner: /53 41-C. Location of Property: -07 7"1T l LiT2_ Please take otice that the (check applicable line): New commercial or residential structure Addition to existing commercial or residential structure Rehabilitation to an existing commercial or residential structure to be constructed or performed at the subject property reference above will utilize (check applicable line): ✓ Truss type construction (TT) Pre-engineered wood construction (PW) Timber construction (TC) in the following location(s) (check applicable line): Floor framing, including girders and beams (F) Roof framing (R) Floor and roof framing (FR) Signature: Xp'& �_'- 4444 .......... Name (person submitting this form): vg*" - ton- Capacity(check applicable line): .✓ Owner Owner representative TrussRegl5.docx Effective 1/1/2015 A° Telephone 631 765-1802 Town Hall Annex A � `;, P ( � 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 lilt, w ZIP ,nr BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF UTILIZATION OF TRUSS TYPE CONSTRUCTION PRE-ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTION AN'DIOR TIMBER CONSTRUCTION Date: I' 2 b (5- Owner: Stu.. T)lip LUCK _ __. . ......... Location of Property: Cp K �J dC Please take notice that the (check applicable line): New commercial or residential structure Addition to existing commercial or residential structure Rehabilitation to an existing commercial or residential structure to be constructed or performed at the subject property reference above will utilize (check applicable line): Truss type construction (TT) m em Pre-engineered wood construction (PW) _ _ Timber construction (TC) in the following location(s) (check applicable line): Floor framing, including girders and beams (F) Roof framing (R) _mm_.. ...... Floor and roof framing (FR) Signature: Ll�'t. .._ e'fa t" v Name (person submitting this form): _ (TD,el Pr1J ICPA) I Capacity.(check applicable line): Owner Owner representative TrussReg15.docx Effective 1/1/2015 WESTPHAL,1 q,,R, FOWLER RESIDENCE �. EHOMs<Y w["TO SOMINW, A„i poi. i I - Os Os zoo 792 COX NECK MATTITIICK,NY 11952 A. „K. .. s xUnx Gar snovm I tr^5 S +"wi f sess un nrvorvs i BANDS E_� ED a E S_ E a 1-: &� 43 IP SUFF[ILK COUNTY -N-/S\ ON NEW C'ONSTRUIU- 'Eli A I LOCI , 1 3 1 ( ONE A.. I/A OWTS Ida _ �nN reP nwrE, �, a,n `aco�sgNooM noME PEA suFrnlK I SANITARY t AT YL GET „„.rt.w.,[N NON,o ANawx�or9,[ SYSTEM DESIGN �r i /y owrG srvALI RE i[G,Eo FON wA,<N n N:N.MS SA"I ME THE O n ,non 1.xi As SI IxT 1 Axo—vNOP.TT o 1N SNAIL e[vaaxo[o,a 5[ons I�R1/n NOMEPDPI ENGINEERING SNAIL IVO1 BE i RESPONIWIE FOR,IIE CONS,RUC,ICN ,` - - 3 'As-_ ,xEN aAIR I ry sxALL UOi a USI O,O PN s PnC MEANS k MEMODS U11LIZED BY.1 its CON,RACTOR,NOR FOR THE SOFFIT 11 is As x[cEsswr OF THE PUBLIC OR CONTRACTORS ,wa NcuIE mAP�%APo rrso eENI2xi[o nNacll s EMPLOYEES ENGINEER 91ALL N01 - T sus tas. c z PO OF Ensnuc oNmEus WORK DIIII iACLORDPNRACTOR OCEGHAM MERY I ME SUFFOLK C0MHITY DEPARIMEILE OF HE `..,. } JIM ATIONSSTANDARDS CONTRACTOR SHALL IIOIIFY ME ENGINEER PRIM TO BACKFIIIING OF ALL STRUCTURES AND ASSCOATED PIPING I y } [ r EP. a may• 3 SANITARY SITE PLAN { _ LIAIP Go—I Go ' water)in s mst satssoe�ted by Suffolk County Dept.of Health Services, Call(632)852-5754,48 hours in H..MEPORT advance,to schedule inspection(:). NDNEPDR,FNGNEERING PC TSDEiANO 094873 E Bo 1111 3E ET, -RFR— - inlOBn m ur R 9 9 I 3 (� � A,D\ ozpm -eD ATE KS Or A _ k case rt,_�< C r..r�_«_ t«K «�S 3t>Y _ ..... ,�...ni'. ..ta«:. NYSIF "owl"00444tv immmurAmM m°rmn4 PO Hnx"W,Allwy,NY 12200 1 nyalf.0011'1 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS`COMPENSATION INSURANCE w n w w w w 842133072 EAGLE REMOOEUNG GC INC I 805 UDAALL RD w WEST ISLIP NY 11'm SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE 1POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER EAGLE ROOFING CONTRACTOR INC TOWN OF SOUTHOL© 805 UDALL RD P.O BOX 1179 WEST ISLIP NY 11785 530+95 ROUTE 25 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 POLICY NUMBER CRTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD] GATE 12471040-2 RI9lost 04101&024 TO I} OV2025 7125t2 4 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO, 2471040.2. COVERING THE ENTIRE OHLIGA.TION OF THIS POLICYHOL06R FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE. NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW 'WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW, AND, WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK. TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE UMPLOYEES ONLY THIS CERTIFICATE 15 ISSUED AS A Mk"ER OF INFORMA`IION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS kOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE ►0105R, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY, THIS POLICY IS CANCELLED EFFECTIVE 1)1*112024. BY CAUSING THIS CERTIFICATE TO BE ISSUERS TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THE PWCYNOLDER UNDERTAKES TO PROVIDE THE CERTIF6CA-M HOLDER 10 CALENDAR DAYS' NOTICE OF ANYCANCELLATION Of IMF POLICY, NEW YORK STTCE SU' tE FUND * OIIIECTOR'JNSU", KV UNDERWRITING VALIDATION NUMBER:87347412:5 OF VWorif4"� olnpererysatlrsn CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Board NYS OISABILiTYAND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To brecompleted by NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits carrier or licensed insurance agent of that carrier 1a,i. tat Nwe d Address of lrla-wed Luse street address aryl 16.BLzineee Telephone Number of Insured ' 5A9i E AaVOELWO rah INC. 347.292.8912 WEST 9SL.IP RNYY lei 7e5 ia.Federal Employer Idenlltcatim Number of tnstaed or social SacbtilyNrrnbar Work Lociounrof insuma famyeon,:m,r['r6an apt -Ranaruapamftdm (,NUWhyde A Am NOW Vwk$rere.)a.,Wip,.rgmy,eM+seyl 82Z29475 2.Name and Address of Eerily RequeAing Proof of Cmerage 3a.Name of Insurante,Caroler (6mity Bakig Listed m rho CMErAft liakta l ShalterPolnt Life Insurance Company TOWN OF SOUT OLD 53095 FIOUTF 25 3n,PaacyNramher or Entity I-atao at Box'in" PO BOX 1179 OBL487042 SOUTHOLD NY,11971 3c.Palley Olevive period W2542024 to 05l24MD25 4 Poky-provides the following benaYds: ®A.Both 6eahgtty and paid ramlly Ism bemehla S.Disability bamenle only. rL�J,C.Palo famoy toovg bonolilo only, 5 Policy oovers. A.All of the emplarers empleyaes eagAle under the NYS Dlsebnly and Pall Feadty L9are UmIlls Lwow. B.Only the Idlvaing class of classes or employer's emplwpaes„ in urad hap NyS Disabilityand-W Paid Family Lam-o Brrnelils Irsara000 c r gn at l nk ied obven,ua aarrlhr tpf d lwswitr � Under t rot dM11 p r of I„1 tdr ltr el t email dt,ll resent rep lveor t a r rl drat 11 x raamved y ewva as Itaecrbad aMrre. Data signed 712512024 By �r�'lz ,plmumncea�urarrpharYr�d rcprcsamsrtre%r rah5lr^used lrwn,es 64�ear Of9hMI�3MrNiNaCk�[adCfl � Telephonetcdmbgr Nameand7ille _ Leston Welsh Chief�xeCLttly$Off liner m IMPORTANT. If scores 4A and SA we chocked,and this foam is signed by the insurance camas authorized represearletcae or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier.this cartiricale is C(AIPLETE.Mail it directly to the cert'dicate holder. If S*x 48,40 or 5B is cherXted,this certificate is NOT COMPLVE for ItuMoses of Section 220,Subtt,8 of the NYS Disabilitty and P&J Family Leave Heneftla Low.It angst t*am lWo to PAU@Mtb.ny.gov or It can be mailed for complatlon to the Workers'Compensation Board,Plans Acceplar+ce Unit,PO Box 5200,Binghendon,NY 13902-5200. PART 2.Tobe comp ldad b ehw.....-w....-,�—on�- ....-.�.,.�.�,.-....,�_.,,.,.��,.�,�.w,.��..._��....�. ,.��,.W.�. e NYS Workers'is ma >�nsad einard(Dewy It fox 4e,4c or 58 have been cheeredi State of New Y0* Workers"Com pensation Board( Accor&V to Infarmamme maintained by the NYS Workery Compensation on Beard,the above-named employer has campllad with Ow NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law(Arficle 9of the Workers'Compensation Low)with respect to all of 1helr employees. Ditto signed By I?1eM1er:ae-�:W Mmnhd Ntlr leonine'enmp,nsamn�Ind16 r m�vrml Telephone Number Name and Tills PAN BeNo of.Or*garirancvcarriamNcemcdrowftMYSe1'a.-lb Ju—.g amUy,lsawo;m &s$1s; no Wc�r�asanrll4NSRce4�an�rFlarn�nto� egaMOW111099MsurunedcaralelB an?410110! OdititisdV ftjpRDD-12&1.rrriumnea brokers are NOT magwilxaBlo Issue this Win. Dg 120.1(12-21) I �II'[' tll t��1 CERTIFICATE LTE OF LIABILITY" INSURANCE DA07/2N4/20224 Y) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFOIZMA71ON ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Rosario Gonzalez Salas S&S BROKERAGE AGENCY INC PHONE 21 RIPLEY DR E4aAlL - NORTHPORT,NY,11768 INSU s AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 9 INSURER A;Atlantic Casual Insurance Company 42M INSURED INSURERS;. Eagle Roofing Contractor Inc 805 Udall Rd, INSURERC: West Islip,NY,11795 INSURER D: INS RERE: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY X O CE s 1� COMm AL GENERAL LALTY rI iPRENOSS Je CWMSMADE OCCUR MED EXP(An I one arson $5 000 A L382000187-0 07/12/2024 07/12/2025 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1.000 000 GENERALAGGREGATE s2,000,000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG s X POLICY LOC $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANYAUiO BODILY INJURY(Per person) s A iOWNED AUTOS ..( BODILY INJURY(Per acddent) s HIRED AUrOS AUTOS I ac ;Ik s s UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE S DIED RETENTION S $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y (OFFICEMBERMandaIME in NH) YIN E.L DISEASE EA EM 11 M ANYPRO RIETOpI EEDRIEXECU 1VE N/Ar] E.L EACH ACCIDENT S PLOYSE $ If yes,describe under E.L DISEASE-POLICY LIMR S DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACOI D 101.Additional Remarks Schedule,If more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 53095 ROUTE 25 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. PO BOX 1179 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 6OUTHOLD,NY,11871 Rosario Gonzalez Salas 0 1988 2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD tIIt"a I LD.110"' ............... ........ .... ZV/-60 C3 GENEItAL OTES. T1 'NED&TO TIiE BESTOF THE UNDERSIGNE 1. THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY IFUNDERSIG -D'S KNOWL DGE,BELI--F& Tnbli6 3.1 Nallhilgr Schedule I- TtA.L YORK STATE. R31011.1.1 DESIGN CRITERIA 'SSIONAL JUDGM IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2020 RESIDEN CODE OF NEW Number of Prof,- PROF], ENT ARE CORDANCL WITH THE AMERICAN WOOD COUNCIL WOOD FIZAAlt C014STRUCTION MANUAL FOR ONE&TWO E,".11LY Box I"ails Nall�raclng Ta3.6A Top arld Bottom Plate to Stud Laldral Connections 'Exposure IN AC joint Description Coiranno"Nalli forWhildl-onds 777= (Preset 1ptive AiteriiatIve to Table 3.15)r,a It.r Appn(,as Table 3.4A) ell5.11A) 'I N I _Dr n.1t.r 1.To Flat.lTa.II.dJ 2. ARCIII I -"CT BAS NOT BI IF RE -AINE -OR SUPERVISION OF PROJECT;OR DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL,HEATING,VENTILATION,AIR P C.IR.g 1.10 1.Top I'llstel I"Ime-nila d) (see I able 3AA) (see ia�l!314A) each Ip C.111.g JAt 1.Par.1111 Rafter (sea Table 3 9A; Ie"rsil�I.1. :.,Q-dO--)S B.R ASCODE DATE.-----, PLUNIBINIO.,kfl_�CIIANICAL AND FLIEL G IS.each lap I,;5.6) Pr`F 0it t17.0 my.2_3[d . each rrd C 13:..Idaff to I Rafter ITce-nalled) -eiribl? 9A) cmill glist(mph) 140 BY: 'OTHE 2020 RESIDENTIAL ailing J05 L.ps Isile Table 3.9A) is, 700-Y,- ind Speed Collar Tie to Matter (,-a Table 3.61 Isee Tal 3-1 ild each end tti 3. CONCIZIV,'.1'r,��'OR'KSIIAL.1,CONI"ORklI CODE OF NYS CHAPTER 4 SECTION'11402,R403 AND TBLE R402.2. n In 1302rd to Rafter lFral-nalle,A) 2-iisd RTMENT AT V BEARFOUNDATION SYSTEM ON U`NDIS'I URBED SOIL,MIN.SOIL DEARING CAPACITY OF 2,000 rSF.. STEPCONCRETEFOOTINGS& UILDING DEPA spacing will lielght(ft) Required Number of 16d Common Nails or 40d Box Nalls per Stud to Plate connection'.' NOTIFY B ......... D/VilION WALLS AS R EQUIRED. CONCRETE rRo'l-ECTION I-Olt REINFORCING TO BE AT LEAST 3". M TO 4PM FOR THE F- OUN 02 BA ooaacfanis- 'll Mille I631-765-18 lopplaills at 2-16d 24"a c. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2: FOLLOWING INSPECTION& 4. GlUlkliE, PROVIDE POSITIVE DRUNAGE AWAYFROM B'LFILDING&NOT ONTO NEIGHBORING PKOPERTIES.. Stud to Stud ang16 t2 2 2 2 .2 2 .2 2 -TWO REQUIRE0 led 3 1. FOUNDATION csETE 5. INOSIIALLBE V=70 PS (so.Table 3.SAI Isea T.1rh 3.SA) Per Mind -------- IB I*UDS,BLOCKING&BRA�, TIETA-FIR t12 OR BETTER,F I,rB=850 PST,E=1,100,000 PSI.. ALL SAWN BEANI , Top or noun plate 1.Stud(End-nalled) Table A-3.6 Ridge Tension Strap Connection WBqulrements.for . FOR POURED CON oar B."01.1st,Emicilst 2.160" retreat Wind xposure FRAMING&pLUMBING POSTS a GIRDERS,4"NOMINA1,SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH#2,FV=95 PSI,FB-1325 PSI,E=1,400,000 PSI.. PAX-VLLAAI.aioROUGH D CRIT 13=2960 PSI,FV=290 P,91,,E�2,000,000. MICROLLAMS k PA.RI�LLAMS SHALL BE"FRUS-JOISTMACMILLAN OR EQUAL.2. E N ERIA!I (Prescriptive Afteinitive to Table 3.6) 11��SULATION ALLTO BE IN ACCORDANCE WI I 'd Load Assumptjons:Roof/Calling Assembly DL i5 O§f 3. STR UET 4-U Iper 1.1,t. Dea 4. FINAL-CON Milt I.sill,Top Fiat@ or Girder[Tre-virdled) 4-Rd ! - . . . . . ...I . I -2-ad. 2_1�.! each end I I�.. - 6. ALL ROUG)I FRATA ING MEMBE',RS SHALL BE FIW,1rD,ANCHORED&BRACED SO AS TO DEVELOP THE STRENGTH,RIGI DITY& 2-1(11 each end Wind Speed BE COMPLETE FOR C-0.I-Rd I'ORTHE PUIZPO.SE IN WHICH THEY ARE USED. NAILING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE IN ACCORJ)ANCE WITH NAILING Ieachoust Imph) STRUCTION SHALL MEET THE pro'cil to sni or Top Plate iToe-inillaill each Julst ALL CON SCIIEDULE,TABLE 3!1 OF!'HE WFCI\1.2019 EDITION.rto 3-16d per lukt ECODESOFNEW 3-Bit 146.1 P11,11 Number of Rd Common Nnlls or Jad no.Halls QUIREMENTSOFTH 3-idd pprJolst It n each and cif l7y4"strop'., RE BLE FOR RUCTURAL 8 TE EL CONN ECTION S 1 1 AILL B 'S I L-1 I'S ON'AN D/O TZ EQUAL.LIper real I .,2 2 E. NOT RESPONSI nond joist to sill orlop Plate IlDe-mried) 4 YORK is "I 1 2 2 3 3. 5 NERRORS 'Wl'['IICONCREl.-ETOBr.ACQ'I.-REATEDItJh[131-'I�. INSTALLTERA1TESINELD WITH A POLY BARRIER. OT-DIP. 4 114EATI. DESIGN 0 S. WOOD IN CO.NiACI!3:101 M, R CONSTRUCTO GALVANIZEID OR STAINLESS STEEL FAS'.I'ENE-Its ONLY.Ise e I!bl.Wood Struqu air let&Gypsn!n Wallboard 5d coolers Sd coolers 7F edge 19"neld 9. FITE-13LOCKING TLL AREAS REQUIRED.AS PER SECTION 11302.11 WITH PIREBLOCKING MATERIALS A,S SPECIFIED IN SEC. 2 2 3. 3 4 5 6 7 0 4 5 6 6 7 36 2 lisle,T.1,19 3-11)Wrnid P.-IS ad 2 2 2 2 -3 -ribinh-d Panel, 10. PROVIDE,CIU)LWLSPACE VENTILATION AS CODE 008.I MIN.CRANYLSPAC13 ACCESS OF 18"X2,4"AS PFR CODE R409A.2 2 3 3 4 3*edge 6"field 1/Z" it am.galv.coaling radl MIN. 18"ClAZARANCEU- NDI-1,R Wool)JOISTS& UNDER wo6D GIRDERS. gldy.it,i.p"n n Ifieit. vRoviDi;xrnc VENTILATION AS PER CODE R806.1. NUN.,,071C ACCESS 01"22"X30"ASPER CODE R807.1. CONSTRUCTALARGER a4t 7/16"head) 4!�1 3"edge/ll e(11,12W.1-314"lano k 3/9"head) 3Z 2 2 2 3 4 4 - 5 6 7 OPENING Ill"ANY APPLIANCES ARE TO 13E IINSTLLED IN,kTTIC 1*0 ALLOW FOR REMOVAL ASPER M1305.1.2. WEATHERSTRIPAND Gyp in Wallboard Sd coolers 5d coolers 7"edge 10"field 36 .2 2 21 3 4 5 5 1 7: INSULKi AC6LSS DOORS/1-TATCHES AS PER 3 lIpOR fil I 12 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 r .2 3 3 aneSTALLSKYLIGHTS ASPER R308.6.wood Struc 12. IN'Od 6" do. 12"Reid oastI '.1,FAIISDIRECTLY TOTHE 13. VIINTAT Ind -4 112 lk 11"t�2 r 1 G"edge 12"Paid an-tenter at ih.panel edge.Alternallwe nailing 12:12.i7paing requirements are based an wall sheatfiball nailed 6 Inches on 32 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 be used where wall sheathing nailing Is reduced.For example,It wl-11'hellthl"IT Is ailed 3 Inchos on-center at the panel edile to SHALL HAVE TIGHT FITTING GLASS DOORS&OUTSIDE'COMBUSTION AIR AS PER ECCc OF N.Y.S.. ALL DIMENSIONS FOR obtain Illpher �illlng requirements for structuralmerribers shall be doubled,or alternate connectors 5hall beI 2 3 3 4 14. I ri.,/licc_7 'QLINI)A:I'ION&CIIININr--YAR.EAPPROXINrA:I'E&Sll.,XLI..BCCOORDINATr,-DWITINT[lF-CO14TRAc,roiz.oaanthe).ad Path. . . I I'll R EPLACE.,F When wall rinectin!members,the tabulated nur�iber of nails at n1l be permitted to be reduced to -AR.ANCj.'. FIREPLACES mEETill ALL MANUrACTURERS rAdTORY..BurLTrIREPLACES SHALL TESTED IN sheal Is continuous aw.'r to Illing 401st Ileel Joint Con' CLIt I injection I Req I fulreviritib-tits -1-11 ULI27&SECTIONS RJO04,RIO.-16d nall Per foot. ACCOR,I)ANCY,-,Wl 05&R 1 006..(PiescrlptiveiI Altern'ailve to Table 3.9),nectiong(Arldhor.2 133 l3ottom Plate to roundation Con ear Lands frorn Wind Ground Snow Load ---- -RSF 400 SERIES;TYPE SIZE AS NOTED ON FLOOR PLANS.Ilolt,,Q)Resisting Lateral and Sh Poor Live DE1,11ANUI �D B.I.-ANDE N'20 PSI 30 pit go fast 70 pot(Prescriptive Alternative to Table 3.2). X.!'-O"O.C..131t.11)(IING BE Roof spartilt).1� I 24 1 36 1 1 24 36 1 12 1 24 1 36 ror Exposures B C and all Wind Speeds __ 12 rififier 17. W�kl..LSl�IIZIZOUNJ)INOAL,Ll't-IB.�.&SIIOWIRS,�tf.i�L 1,BE COVER ED�N'141 WATER RESISTANT GYPS Uhl NNIA LL 8 CIAR 1). Maxillium Anchor Belt. llafte�510PR Required Number of Idd cosm�non'or Aad. rthe'liclin it Isalt Diameter(in.) 0,4 5 atilt (in.) I Box Nails a a onsteclon:Anc 0 ILA7 I SUBJECT TO HUMAN IMPACT SITALL BEI SAFETY GLAZING. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT Litiviri-ED TO GLA-ZING IN �,INC Spacing(111.), 3 5 a 7 13 6 12 -ION 12.31 17 DOORS,GLAZING WITHIN 24"OF DOORS&I.GLAZING WITHIN I fill,or FINISHED r-LOORS. SEE SECI R308. 1/Z id- 4 .7 10 4 8 12 6 ii 17 is 48 23 12 3 4. 6 3 7 4 13 19. INSTALL SINGLE STATION SMOKE DETECTING ALARM SYS'rEivf&CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL I PFe5CFIPtlVe limits are br.sed on assu6rlpilons In Table 3.2. III 3 5 8 3 9 9 13 STATE&LOCAL CODES. SEE SECTION R-314&R315. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE EACII SLEEPING A-REA,IN 17 is are used to resist upl llg 511,111 not exceed _J 7 10 When anchor bal lit,lateral,mind shear loads,the urtaxinili'm ancho I bolt SPacl !�!?. - �- EACH BEDROOM&At EACH F_OOR LEVEL INCLUDING BASEMENT. HARDWIPE ENTIRE SYSTEM WITII BATTERY BACK-UP. SMOKE ; 3 3 5 3 4 6 3 6 9 the lesser of tire labulnied�;Plties for uplift loads ITable 3.7C)or iaterlil and silear loarls(I abib 3.2s). For other anchor 4 7 AND HEAT DETECTION SHALL COMPLY WITH NFrA 72. CARBON MONO"XIDE AJ_ARN4S STIALL l,,fl_-ET SEC.915 OT-THE 2020 Ff RE 16 3 4 6 3 5 ? 4 7 11 5 9 .14 CODE or NY-9.bolt llunititiong see flection 31.1.7 and 3.2.7.A. .12 __3 3 4 3 3 ollmer- 0"ils; 20. RILINOY 11EIGHT(AS PER R3 12)AT BAJ_CONIES,DECKS,PORCHES Nb/OR LANDINOS to BE A MININIUM or 36". OPENING Table .2C�Slll or Ilo tom Plate to r-oundat on X1.P 0 511i It, 3 3. 5 9 4 5 5 8 4 7 Loads from Wind 7:12:(Anchor SOHO ne_Ortlrl�Uplift LIMITATIONS(R31.2.1.3)SHALLNOT HAVE OPENINGS THAT ALLOW PASSAGE OF ACDIAMETER SPHERE. (Prescriptive Alternative to Table 3.2) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 6 3 3 .4 3 3 4 3. 4 6 21; DOU'13LI7.ALL JOISTS BELOW PARALLEL PARTITIONS.130 i4l, ISO 160 170 IOU 195 3 1 1 706-yi.Wind Speed 3-see.."d suit Imph) 12 3 3 3 3 !,f.: 3J 4 3 16. 3 3 3 3 5 22. INSTALL.A3/4 HOUR FIRE RESISTANCE RATING"SEPARATION BETWEEN RESIDENCE GARAGE(GRAGE SIDE)AS PER SECTION.13 3 3 3 3 4 osonata laeoAnchill Plate Faimcl.lion uorngspacing it,, 12!12 'ILINGS&WALLS. DOOR BETWEEN GARAGE&RESIDENCE SHALL BE SELF. ___ I CLOSING,3-101IT F1171NO&WITH A FIRE PROTECTION RATING OF14 HOUR RATING.8'End Zones Table 3.10 R-Of SI III 0 poll ReMi'llng SIR. aR.302.6, INSTALL 5/9"TYPE X GYPSUM WAUBO,ARD TO CE loathing AtLachimeduLH quIre,ments If r Win ExPosu 72 71 57 43 .7- 23. STAIR S!IALL BE MIN.36"WIDE WITH MAX.8"RISrR&MIN,0 TREAD. HANDRAJL TO BE 34"-38"ABOVE NOSING. ENCLOSED USABLE SPACE UNDER STAIR TO BE ONE-HOUR CONSTRUCTION(5/8"TYPE X GYP.BD.OVER FRAMING). MIN.IlEi UP1111 Leads ::7�2 � a'End Zones 10 Jill STAIR AREAS SHALL BE 6%8". SECTION R311.7.. )V[A,(JMUM RISER 8 U)Jzobhf AT ALL ISO Leads�23 STRUCT interiorZones stories 72- 72 68 51 URAL SHEATUM_ET_FJT[7F FIEIFIE1__FT_E_T F I E I F REQUIRED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION MATCHING ALL MAJ ERIALS 34 31 27 T1 E I F I E 24. PATCH&REPAIR ALL EXISTING WORK TO REMAIN&AS so t lies 72 17:7:2��6 .. 49 42 37 CONDITIONS............. 7 salter/Tiuss i;3'trnp Connection 1111101rel1�19'nt4(Robf-tDr-Wall, XPOS" I riannIng Rafter/yrus, a for Rd Common Nails or'lod Box N fis[Inches,6.k plif t E r Maximum Nall Specht 25. SLEEPING ROOMS&OTHER HABITABLE SPACES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH EORES WINDOWS Table A-3.4 U 5heathling Location (In.) DbOR AS PER SECTION R31 0. 11,and Wall-tol-Foundrition) ISpecific. spacing Wall-to-W e494S& c5f 7-4L 7.:!7(Prescriptive AlternatIve to Table 3-4) 12 6 i2, 6 12 6 '12 6 12 -6 12 6 12 26. WHERE�CI:*J 0 JOISTS ARE_PERPENDICULAR TO RAFTERS PROVIDE METAL STRAP TIES @_V 48"O.C,ACROSS 3 JOISTSPACES SOLID 12 6 12 6 12 6 I'Dead Load Assurriptlons:Roof/CeIllh9 Asdeirtbly DL i5 psf 6 12 IS, 12 12 6 12 1 12 6 17. 6 BLOCKING.0.4.9 16 6 12 5 12 6 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 17 6 I 2 6 12 6 12 ,IS, 17 1 12 6 27. ALL DECK Lb 701)�yr,Wind Speed 19 11 6 -12 6 1,2 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 61 0 a 12 NIBFR SHALL Bt ACQ TREATED LUMBER SECURING NAIL ,WS,.BOLTS&OTHER IlAkDWARETO HOT-DIPPED Interior zone -0.42 6 1i; S,.SCkr 1phl GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL.3-se d gult lKML=_ -- -- -..�cmd gult __=- Oox Nails .........................-_ 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 ad Common thills or loll, 12 Roof Spall Number of 12 6 12 6 6 6 6'16 -6 .12 6 12 6 12 1 6 6 6 6-Fleming Spacing(in (ft.) In Each End of 1-1/4'x zIg gage Strip" 12 1__�_121 6 �12 29. INSTALL ALL NECESSAIZY FLASHING AS REQU)R.ED FOR WEATHER PROTECTION&AS SPECIFIED IN ALL PEI'TAINING SECTIONS OF _2 2 2 3 3 4 r '4 THE CODE.I , 0.42 16 6 12 6 12 6 121 6 6 6 6 4 4 -6 6 t 6 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 1 Edge Zone .19.2 6 12 6 6 6 6 4' 4 3 2 .I . . - __ PEX GYPSUM BOARD TO CFU-ING.-vr BOILER A.REk 6 4 29. INSTALL 519"TY atJ, will,UPI .4. i ,ra,l�J lV STALL WATERPROOFING 1-0 FOUN I 1 ! , 6 4 4' DATION SYSTEM AS PER SECTIONR406. I,!4rill 4. Rok 4 3'.. 7- 30. IN 7 E'dwall Rake at 0.49 Il .4 3 4 overhang 92 2 6 7 8 36 2 1 2 -tr- 31. ALL WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION WHETHER bOSTING &/OR VROPOSED,SHALLBE BRACED&SECURED BY CONTR,1kCTORTO _4======1 ;/0 PREVENT DAMAGE OR COLLAPSE To SAID STRUCTURE.Table 3.:Lt Wall Sheathing and Cladding Attachment Exposurd-0.lable 3�4A J?after and/or CeIlling.1019t to Top Plate Laterml Alfid Requirements fairWind Load!i ell, 71!;To"llequllroments Shear Connect CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK&VERIFY ALL DINIE NSIONS CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE. THE OWNER&/OR BUILDER ARE Wh in 140 156 log 11 RE SPONSOLE FOR VERIFYING ALL SITE SOIL CONDITIONS ABOVE&BELOW RIOR TOALL CONSTRUCTION,id Speed 3-9 AL 51- r-P JWRV4- (Prescriptive Alte ative to Table 3 c is-------- STRUCTURAL 514EATtlING 160 170 F [E I F I E I F_rE_TF'. CT RECOMMENDS THAT BUILDING,STRUCTURE)DECKS,PORCHES,ADDITIONS P I OOL LOCATIONS BE 1"EIRIFTIED BY I E 0.1�E I F FET 7F :E I 3-secand gust F T1 E ---LICENSUID-SU.IZVEYORFIORriZOPE�RSEfBACKREQUIRE'IVIEtITSBF.FOIZE, PitOCEEDINr-"VITII'�(5N�TqUiC;rION.Ind 195 ;700-yr.Wind Speed its (1) 4U 15 cing Ill 1;or Ind g,la N611s(Toetialled) Stud Spa rich.$, ECTION R301 SECTION 1`13'Oa Wall .maximum Noll spocIni for Ad Common Nails or lad Box Nalls I Number of ad common Not 5114411,1111 Location' linche Rafter/Celling Joist lielght neriulred In Each safter ondlor Ceiling Jaht to Top plate contlection"""" s,o.r.) I. 6 12 6 I n 6 12 6 12 6 12* DESIGN CRITEPIA LIGHT,VENTILAT 'smbKE ALARMS ARCHITECT RECOMNIENDS THAT ALL TIVAC 5pacing(111.1 12' 72 6 12 6 ...1. 01 1.Smoke at' a'shis.11 comply with NFPA 72 CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT THE STRUCTURAL INTE-a,- 11 . . liablitable rooms I nall have sit 'R_f1.7Sf.' rn arm GRITY OF ALL FRAANG AEAf 12 2 6 .1 R301.1 pliration. Buildings and shactures, and atts riciettled 'vertical and R303.1 Habitable rooms. fR314.1 Celle BERS ARE NOT COMPROMISED. 2 - and See[oh RJ 14.3 no 16 2 6 12 6 A 6 1Z.1 S) 3 Irways.n2. AtAnte[connection -belwc�h co i 3 3 - �= be constructed to gafely support all ads� hoilzontal Spaces such as occur.at sciffits,drop Ceiling ggregnte ilazing area of not less than 8 percent of[be floor 12 2 2: 17 I; -_ 12 r, is 12 6 iz: thereof, s R3JI.7.1 Width. Stairways shlill be it VER11TVALL DINIENSIONS 2 2 '17 .L 0 36' 4.0 1 Stings.Sall -ALL ,VRITTENDINIENSIONSTit-rcrrRr,-Cl�EDENCr,- R SCALE,D D11_kWJ1l4GS.3 3 3 .3 3 3 3 i2 1 12 12 1.2 1JlcJ[uUli!g uu�u juads,live loads,roof loads,flood loads,s low and cove ceilings. :Fell or stich rooms.Natural voidlatiort shall be(hrough win- inches(914 Fill in clear width fit all points above th e rms itiall be listed in accor- OVE I,I Z ne I 6 . ---I I ��I� c per-2 2 2 190 Ithis ws.sk lights.doors,iouvela or other oppiovedoperrings to* tion smoke and carbon mon-3 3 3 3 4 loads, wind li�iads and seismic loads as prescribed by at lite top do y rildited fiandrall height and below the rinquireli 6no dance wi it,UL 217.Combinet NO PART OF THESE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS SILA,LL BE RE,PRODUCED Ok -LTERED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY 16 I tl or- 3. in concealed ifirices betwein stair stringris his ready room ox c e-d accordance with UL 21 'CHITIT 2 2 2 3 i .. I. r stairs outdoor air.Such o enings shall be provided wil beiglitt. Handialls sball not' 'iojecll mortilthan 4'l m6h6s RAY DOVER,AR �CT. THE-SE DRAW1 il-A99;m7bly Allowable Unit Shear Capacities,Malchinu m Sheiar Waif' code. Th f buildings nd structures ill �CC Ong of The run. Enclosed sprices unde tile P p . 1 2 id' Ahringshiall.belisf. In NGS&DOCUMENTS WITH THE, UNDFRLVING OWNERS Nj"IE&A,DDRESS ACT AS WIM . :I '71.cvi`il"I 0 ni find bolt 114'mul on either side of (he stair-way and'Ibe i1ei, ana UL�;.034.P-m-rown d a In cc w i telh Ct0hc_ ns of this code shall result i n a sy�le access or shall otherwise be feadily controllable by file build 7T;bl Shall�'mply with Section A362-7. LEGAL Ac BINDING CONiRACT BETWEEN THE OWNER&ARICHITE.Ci. UNkU�IIOPJZEDiU.TER-�,kTIONSORADI)ITIONSI-OT'FIESE SI ails Resl E7(,posuro Segment Aspect Rallies, heathing*:Iirpe AdJustmentsi lielar W stinig Uplif t and Shear' that provides a complete load path that meets the reqi ire- ing occupants.The.openable area to the otildocirs shall be no( r width of the stairway at and below ilir;handrnil height, -e required.Strupice alarms shall be piovided in DRANNINGS&DOCUMENTS IS A VIOLATION Or THE NYS EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS NOT BEARING THE Table 3.48 iibl-ts slid 11314.2 Wli i-i m d vie'' pipes,.ducts, c less than or(Prescriptive Alternallvei to Table 3.4) ments for the trabsfcj��!oa�s fronn their point of of gin 4. At openings Droun Rig, 4 perctint of 11)6 flo. i area being ventilated. A-RcHruwTs ORIGINAL SEAL AND SIGNATURE SHLI�NOT jBE USED IN ANY WAY.including treads and landings,shall be not less than 3 I'/, Accordance ivith[his section. wires at ceiling and noor)evel,with an approvel rable- . . . `* . . � 1. --- . . . .through the load-resisting elements to die foundation. Bt ild inches(787 nam)where A handra bled on one side 11 is insts cligage of flame all(]products of R303-1 Bathrooms.Bhthiooms,wall6r.closct compartments 11314.2.1 Vew coilstrurtion.Smoke nlarr";sbalt'lle Oroi Aso Unit Sheer Maximum Shear ShenthingTi,pe ings and structures consti ucted as preset ibcd by this code tire rial to resist the free p and ches(698 mm)wher�handrails are prqvlded an Ain 6ther similar rooms shall be pi gote glnz- I . .1 BUILDINGS WITHIN ONE MILE FRONT THE, OCEAI'll,DAY,OR SOU D I -seco ust m 11- capacity of wall Wall Segment 'rile material Filling (his annular space I - .�1.7ing N ARE N THE WIND-BORNE DE13P IS Rr�o ION ItE,QuIRING 700-yr.Wind SPe!d 3 Ad)ustment Factor., deemed to comply with the requirements of this section. combuslio both sides. * - I E!d 3-seco 70 80 195 ta * * rovid�d with aggic .27 in' vided in dn ALL ing anbet in wl IFURE TO BE PROTECTED WITH VLASS MEETING THE LARGE IVISSILE TEs-r ng n6ws of not less than 3 sqRarq lfe�l(OA nHE GLUE D OPENINGS ON THE, STRUC Nills and spacl Assembly Ipir) Aspect Ratio III ad,shAl rl be ii-equileci to meet(lie ASTIA 6 136 rtriiihe Top Bottom of- list be openable. CERTIFICTION OR STRUCTURAL SHUTTERS WITH ATTACHED HARDWARE AS PER CODE,,OR CONSTRUCT,,v,rLI, 0 kN, Wood Structural Parial Silent wall ling I =Wl.d Seismic R301.1.1 Alternative provisions.As an alternative tc the one-balf;f which iii. Exc�pllo'rj: The width or spiral stairways Shall be In it Occur, 01)P, LLS Panel Nall interlorWAII Slienthing W=I-dsoml- offifilitions tepairs radditictaiii-equiringilpern, TorROTE-CTWINI�OWSAGAINSTVVINI)r-ORCLSASPhRCOI)ER301.2.1.2. SECuRErANELSI'ORrl-SIDENCEWIT11r,,�.STFNr.-RSAr, currents in Section R*301.1, the following standards nod hreplac'AF, 'sic Exception!The. lazed arras shall no( be re fired wheic eping rooms are ad Sri cooler nalls all permitted subject to the limitations of this code and the artificial light and i local exhaust Sys[' R31J.7.2 Headroom.The headroom III Stairways shall be 'TAB WN Requirements i requir rid accordance with Section R311.7.10.1. or where o,ii�or more sic' Rectuh ements Max1murli Roof Spa"(10 -------- Pot the 11' bloctdng of chimneys 9 . I . ded or created PER SCHEDULE 6i.2. i.--O FR TO rvfJNTA1N PA.NELS ON-SITE. Nall Gypsum Wallboard Noblocked)", ;0O o'o' 7.77 cc em are providnd. it vellings,(hb ind v dual divelling unif shall be S don R 1 003.19.. 1. existing d! Ia cered design is use in 'llitlin local exhit Shear Wall Raw yf twinximun�stutispaclniir,"onci!nie'r 7"edge spacing limit tions therein. Where crigin The rl us( rites shall be d6lerinjined in. not 1�ss ilia"6 feet 9 Inches (2032 inm) measured verd- equipped V,'i:h smoke filarms located as required for new Sheathing Spacing is pceardaticb with Seclib"'MI507. 13xhaust sir1rom (lie IT 6 sloped lin adjoining the Ireaa nosing or two-frimily diveli I conjunction with these standards,the design shall con ply 6..Fireblor c;lly from I e Nails king of Cornices of 11 fig. divellit(in) oollng'. .1gs. THESE DRAWINGS ARE IN Thickness lack 10 with the Building Code of Nell!York State. required b(file line of divelling linfliverall!stion. space shall be eixtut'llsted directly to th�ould6ori. from the floor surface 9f the Ininding or platf6urri on (Its(Ill pacing R314.3 Lora[Ion.Slrk�ai 11 be 161allrd in the fol,stud 4pato I, .,dn center a ins sii'D__771P_O�B 4 R302.11.1 Fireblocking imilterhals.Ex6elit as provid-d in portion of(he silairway. COMPLIANCE WITH. 6-DIAMETER od common 1. AWC Wood rrante Coilistruction Manual(WF04). -R'403.4 h4echhrilcal ventilation. Wheie.the air infiltration ltiwinc�lo&e lions:aad W T of the I 15/32"plywb - Section R302.1 I,hiria 4,fireblocking shall donsist per e tal� trends and riser's. Sinfir treadi and risera. . . I . I . . . . fa 9 2 UH-DING CODE,6 12 2. AISI Standard foe Cold-Forined Steel Frainhig- fUowlng ranteri Is. hour or less wher R311.7.5 S 020 NYS B Nalls @ 4"parliel 7i6- .l;l�AljqU0j itud on center'.. rate divellin' wdi'll;5 air changes I in cat It sleeping room.with gpecles.of edge Spacing and 36 36 �16 32 '29 2 (Blod(d, h I the,requirroachts of this se6ticlo. For the pur-,-o test6d%4ith a blower door nt III pressure or 0.2 inch w.c(50 Pn) shall.m6c Piescriptive Method for 011ie- and Tu. -Fai iii poser Or. Ill' section, dimensions ofid dimensioned sur- 2. Oulsi,lo each separate sleeping area it' tilt llllrllediltte�piles having 12"fieldspacIng 2s 6 1. Two-inch(51 thm)nominal lumber.. 1.6, rccordru�6c with.Seedon 01101.4.1.2, tile,dwellin tudir t 9 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE 3 36., 36 IWNW . . : viciiiii:yoffhelledrooms.'.' - . . 1.132:0,49 Divel.lings(AISI S230). ball be proVided wiffikhole-fiduse mcchanical'ventilation In facci sl1all iie exclusive of carpeti,rugs or runners.2. Two 1hickiiisges of I-Inch(25.4 furn)norribiall IiJrn-: -2020 NYS EMSTING B 'jiikBLl! 3. ICC Standard on the Design and Constructioi ber with broken lop joints. ULDING CODE qf ccordance with-Section H.1507.1 R311.7,5.1 Rls6li-s.Tbb tiger height shtill b6 no( moie- 3. On e 101 riddidoiRal star),,or the divellin�, including ;iv TAEI'-E M01.5 �n . ..NRI M iow attics and not including crawl 0 mitlImpm ulllrorir�Up*t3lSTniI3IJTFD LIVE LOADS 525=9 ar Log Sh-traures(ICC 400). 91an.7%inches(196 mail The riser shall be measured bril ents fund habliable 262'0 N VS ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 3 ellings or divell-0 31 -il) wood I SECTIO14 F1310'., sonce it and uninhatillabliI attics.'In dil(I 8.3 ia! 1ruc-' 0116 thickness of"it.-Inell EK4EI16t0Cy' 9SCAPE A14D hESCUE OPENINGS verti6ally between leadin' idAes of the adjacent treads.pEaws 110TECTION FAST Et LIVE LOAD Weathering PolinVol! .2.1 Weights or materials. Average d.by, 9 2020 NYS FIRE CODE L typE,6A L6oATION Or 00 Thekreales i U III 11CAFTIFcolulThl)(111611 IR3.01.2.2 dead iural panels with Joinis blicke -1."Ch(IS.-3 t i set hrikht within tiny flight bf stiiiia shall. trig wiris with split levels and without an intervening liregligiblo Moderate. rgency cgenpe and III.a shilill not exceed 15 pounds per Square OD 310.1 Rni6 rescue' 'operiliag iriquire 'door t'tween the adjacent.levels,q fl 4 W.I Uninlintiltriflie,ii'llco NVII110111 r I 0 T A at load f t . . R. ore thah%Inch(05 Into)- e. 2020 NYS PLLJMBWCj CODE rum)wood itructural panels: firrioKe olarni I .."O(exceed the irruldlesi by in J720 Pn)'r 'all suffice for the adjacent-17 Ti�Vcdllllcr 2 of(he Combined roof rid ceiling assern- Baserverils; liablfabli� allies and every sleeping loom 511101 FA9TENEn TYPE 6 Unlainiblitillk ritillus%Y1111 lltnl; 20 -------- at bipose� 4--One thickness.,of (19.1 iturn) pirflOrbollid R311.7.5.2 Treads.The ti;ad d+h sNall be'no egg hislal led on the tl'ppFr level ih 581691 od st 3ris�,nlel woll.,,foundaii1plil into tither c n 11 S per .I . 314_,1"6h (19.1 ran,) iU;iIjr.le- have ri one operable emergency escnpe and lictline P.1,01lipan Plaid opan -i . bileg(off a borizorifill projection) or TO pound with joints backed not.l;ss.thill lowel level provided that the lower I;vcl is less 111810 I d 30 2,501) 1. a-lgal 6111021 ab Il"Ull on pinde.excellt Platage 11 arl;lnbll� 2, bv. than 10 inches(254 nim).."6 tread depth shill be Pie'T1 Itn' IMestItiare 6t(480 Pa)for flo6r assembliC&except as opepulgi. Where biliethents contain 6ne or more sItepinj oneTill stotj,below lhb*tipper level.or board:%,ete . - , 2 ' ' f sured horizorillilly between the vertical planes bf ille 2020 NYS FUEL GAS CODE tier limited by Section R301.2.2.Dead loads for rooinsi on emergency esclipe and r6scide openin' shrill be�o,8 woull Screw brisca .40 l3flit.elliefn wells;vy,id at.her veiflual conO urt 9 I;e alarms lihiallb-i-installed h6t l6si'Ififin 3 feet nchor with 2-Inch embed"Icol 16 10 'll,oweillhar- .. :. ;... � I �-� .... 1. I 5. biliefIt'alf-in"ch(12'.'7'mill)gy'sum�6srd. sler forcriost Projection.of adjacent ticads; 'ind at a right 4. 10 9 40 xposed 10 wails nboVe grade shall not exceed: p r6q;ihic� In each ping room. Emergency cscfipe arlid res- ; 2020 NYS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE he gsctqlr� ! __ f4,r jungle to the trend's leadirig idge. The g-rearst trend (914 nul horizontally front the-door dr opening of a s and filepli CX;7..d to tire-c"Iller,and finrnpe 3,5004.1;1* erneint-baki millbo&rd. cue Openings shelll.�Cpco dirlictly*I 112" 200' C'en pound.,; per'squRre toot (720 Pa) tor Q6e-quarter4ncfi 4 mm)ci "to a public way, or to a 2018 WFCM& CONMENTARY 1. Fift . Ac�fh-within aiij, flight of vairs sluill not exceed the.. bathi uorn that contrims a bathtub or shower url this STROKE ed I niffivill,.. , yard or court that opens to al vhblic Th. type 16 12 ext way. --inellembedinmil tirlor light-frunne wood walls.PrichorwR117 coltiput, 1111 . _. . .. t-P-alits or blankets of tabletol wool or glass filrer or lirriall6t by mciii!thein"ii.inch t9.5.trim). WOIII:l prrveyt placement of 6 All ae....... 2017 NFPA 70 : NATIONAL scue opening .Enter gericy Secli i R314.3..t50 TAOLE 1`140.4.11' other appit�ped mitictials installed in inch a iminil 11310.2 Entiigen.cy iscape and res lELECJ'RIC CODE (NEC) t.I.ra..t.th,c 2, Fourteen p6idtids piir equate foot.(670 Pa) fbr' escnpe;.nnd rrn�uc openings Skill have ininbriunit dirrieniii6ill; 10 i 1.7.911strid Handinlis s� I b6 proV7ijed on not,-l"ch Ing s re%V biled anchor �6 16 i 6 prl.�sctlger Ycillicle gnrngcq, PRESUMPTIVE LOAD-SSAP1.11401 eel walls. as to tic securely retained In place. &Ch.teriorli ght-frame cold-formed ell ufl of trends or.flight DESIGNATION FOR STRUCTURAL ilinn0ceping roDin tVALUES OF FOUNPATION M NTPAIALS' as spebifled In illis section.Ith 2Jnch naberinnerr Irin'th oil, -i-0 IESS(bari OA6 i side of each Continuous r SECTION 1`13115 602 I th.6cNY8 WSI: Inch=25.41 in,1 rni-304.11min,I polind-41.1i'18 R 3. Ten pounds per Square foo((480 Pa)fair Inle- 8. Cellulose Insulation Irl as tested InWecordonce with four or rpore risers, COMPONENTS THAT ARE'tIF Sleeping inanis with AST'M E 119 or U1063,for(he specific ififill- R310.2.1 Tvillniiiium 'openhig area., Emergency mild CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS TRUSS TYPE CONSTRUCTION mile per hour-0,4.1 --------------- rdn InESSUO ftfii-fira Cape riscue'llSpenlings shall bive a net clear.openhig of a U 6LAO9 OF MA tAL -, ' . me wo6d walls, 1113113A.1 Bei&. ilrindrail heights meisir6d vcrti- a,This nible Is bil 5ed an I 80 nirl,Oh de gig"wind sl,,edi, and a 3 40' loisurnis pit alu;r.itml) cation. es.. .. I i:�kl 1. . cnlly From tlie:loped plane ndjoini or [NY] 1131.5.1 General. Carbon monoxide affirms shall be 4. Five pounds per iqualre foot(240 Pa)for infe- no( less Illaril 5.7 squart; feet (0.530 Pit'). The net clear S ng the trend nosing, provided in accordance with S�cction 9.15 of the File Code of I 1,000: "kets or inninsill-all ir k1fla!; .: P.302.11.1.1 13atts.or bla, mensluns req�lrrd by (his a finish surface of ramp Slope,shall be not less than 34. ROOF FRAMING bt Faster...i shall be l.sindledul opposing ends of 111,%volld light-fratine ciold-formed steel walls,- opelling ell ectl6n :shall be New YorA ('fate.fiber; Batts or blankets of Fall -glass riber,or (864 nit' re IFIR rLDOR AND ROOF FRAMING Ill last than I I"ch front li edge of Ile Ill tieral or inches in)Dad not I n thrul 38 inches(965 imm). sedinitninry nod folinitt!rt)�k Obtained by the normal operation of the erine.tgency escape iltrongh icoverint 'Willi in Eighty pounds Per square foot(3830 PR)for 9- rl nor I- Ihnn 7 Incheq Into ilie builoinn frome. oiber approved nonrigO make' als sball be petiallited of Snnd�firivel nnI17r.graV�I(0W�Pd OP) im and rescue Opening from the inside:The net clear height IR311.7.8.2 Continuity'. Bandi-alls for stairways 9111,11 I" I inch-thick(203 In maso"walls. -foot(3048 mm)hod2ontal Fpsi,rlers Shall be Ic. I 110,less lhan inches hunt Ille edge of for compliance with tire 10 opening shall be not les than 24 iill(610 mm)and Ilic be' antiril!ous for (he full length of the flight, from a rt1,10A( C nerele. afireblocking in walls cbrisriluicied using parallel rov!;of c I s ii,silty Send,cln��y inrld,Billy gravel 6, Eijhi�-fivc pounds rl�r squaiiiii foot(1070 PO)' nei clear�vldth shall be not less Ilion 20 inches(509 mm). mC SC,am d,Panels ransunly or inarsortylstucco shell hn nourlied vaing und cloyeY 11i!rvrl.(SW;,SP,SKI, 1,0ou I nigge'red studs.- poln�t direcil)"'above lh�top liser of the flight to a po'I"'c"Yof""' I I foil inch-thick(152 mm)concrete Wallis. s(tid.s or st, directly above the lowest riser or the flitiht. Handrail end OC), 0 below Stacte openings Shall..l"I'drig all ullil"On'will1dru"ll cl .. "I .. I ... .1 Exception-Grade floor i _5 less Ron 1,500 pounds. :cIny"ey tilt,sill and 7. Ten pounds per scilunre foot (480 Pit) for SIP R30.11.1.2 Utproced Ilbeirgloss. Unfaced fiberglass ends shnfil be i rturiind or shall terminate ir'l newel posts'Ch'i,,rindy,silly cloy. .have!a rinij clear opening of not less(ban 5.sclunre feet djncelat to a wait shelf bait insulation used as fireblocking shall fill (be.bilires or safety teril inals. liandrail.; a;llt,500. 1117). .1 it (0,465 A131 I- cross section of the*Wall Ca?:ty to a lunikilt of"01 less have a Space of not less (hall 1'/, Inches (38 mm) 4.<=.UCTURA ALLC1WA.13.LE12EFLECTIO?I OF STFI METADEF R307.11 Fire6locking. In cdmbtjstible consihiction, rile than 16 biches (406 mrii) 11310.2.2 Wind n, slit I eight. Where n window Is pro- between the wall'ill the bandrails.SIMICTUIFIALMEMBE11 DEFLECTIO" TABLE 11301.2(l) blocking shall be provided to cot off bodli vertical and hall piping,corl or similar obstructions are encount!;ed, vided Us(lie emergency escape nndmscue opening,it shall ICLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA ctive fir'zontal concealed draft openings and to form on effe' the insulation shaill be' packed lightly niound the. have*a sill beight of not'rinote flinn.44 Incilea(I 1 18 lanni G FLOCIE)_Tl,11"vilig slopes grenict Ilion 3:12 willi Wild. poiy and line fool obstruction. height Is below inde, It 4= >C A1X =I,,e ,fep, finished ceiling not allached inifiers barrier betwee'n slod s,and beilween it to above the floor; whric the sill noUND WIND DESIGN SEISS1101lic WINTER JOEBAnp A . . I-,, ___T�7_11lo - , . . ., - __ CIE C 4 ng. r)ESIGtq UNDERILAYMEN1, FRE EZING ANNUAL space, I - hall be provided with a window well in accordanc6 with Intel ior walls end pal lill"11N, . - - __F Dine d HAZAVU.J5 1.U360 SNOW spsec� i,opogial hic Windl Weather Termite' TEMPI 11,DEXI TpMpI R302.10.3 Loose-rill Insulation materls Floors LOAD' (Irph) effect region' debi Is zone' Fireblocking Viall be provided In wood-framrd coristnic- Insulation inalerlUl sheill not be used as a dreLl, k section 11310.2.3.Ceilings willi brilile It- tion in die following locations: e I)Orit011tFkl Arco Of tile Will-Ulm y 11-ip unless specifical-ly tested in the form andmanntr R310.2.3 lVirl wells.I It and slurco) dow wellshall be not less.11inif 9 square fii(0.9 fall),with intended for use to-denionstrate its ability to III RAYPONER AR' 6141TECT�( '1119 9Y' 1. In c6ricrale'd spaces of stud walls and partitions,Inclu& 'S9 digh 36 ii Plii-lbi-tiNd Shear Wall Adjuji(ments 0old-dolyni flold-dowilis with 6 capadit ; DILMING NO: f, w ll�fl ire and hot gases. nborizontal tcjeclior;ODd%�id1bofno(Ie! lic lei all- Ailici 1ITECTURAL DE'SIGN H When perforn(ed shear walls ene used, the idlear w' -e with TnbIr 3.17r,divldc*d by[be ap�r�pllnhii'bord) Altitude Indoor design Design er ting temperature ing furred spaces,and parn)W rows or studs or sIng place and to retard file spread of r P.M. . . .... . accordaitf,___U_2 i_0 cooling cor-rection factor temperature lcmpe[Jur�Cooling difference gered studs,as fol Owi: 14 film). 'File wep or tha window well shrill allow file]I Elevation R302.11.2 Fireblocking In(eirlty. The Integrity of fire- (P lcng(h-'req61iei;ien(s III Tables 3.17A and 3J7C blioll be I"1111111 0111811riellt Intlof In Table 117D, dre required i( I INTERIOR DESIGN emergency cOcape pind rescue opening to befully opene aI 5-w !11300 I.I.Yertically at the ceiling slid floor levels. blocks sball:be mainiflin,ed. (lie end id'each PLANNING&13EVELOPMENT vilultiplird by file oppiroprielte rull-height slitealbing lInglit sheiirall Segment orut each erid ofA per.stucco finish Ifbi filed 1 E RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL irl TRIAL merits I,,d T,-.,,Is IIF-I b,i I I_Ic Willd Wind vtIocRy Coincident. pail I Winter 8 Tamer 1,2,llorizontall� at Ifiiervals not exceeding adjij;lin�nt fincitirs!it Table 3.17E.Cortibbilitions of Men.: car wall.-Where hill lielgh(Aicrur wall seg tically slirnflied sr"ginvrile'd slid perforated walls shall be "lee glelidid-diow' all' 95 RICIIMOND AVENUE Irange lit it at I-corner,Is sin n rill be permitied[a cooliq y I wet bulb humidity nidity ht6rilifirrature i be iisrd'.(i resist The' overturning forces In botli,direcdon§' RE'VISIONS:r r S. AMITYVILLE, NEVV YORK 1 1.701 U600 IIindSeE�!d 1111cls=9UT1 T11 1111150111 willis is fiastened=77 -1718 irm (631)691-11714(6311)(3911 uplifl;lodd.(sce Fjgut�s 3.8a-b to ether to ti ansfer tile ItMAIL; hDARQI-IITF QAC- ---------------- -QT@YA" 0M FOWLER WESTPHALIA AVEN ' AS-BUILT SITE INFORMATION: RESIDENCE - - - U E I -SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP ID: 1000-113-12-08 RESIDENCE I- �- -------I -__- ---_ - - -PROPOSED 4 BEDROOM HOME ON PREVIOUSLY VACANT LOT. Q I 500' 1 - --- -AREA: 2.0081 AC. 87,475 SQ FT. O I I -PROPERTY LOCATED AT 792 COX NECK ROAD, MATTITUCK, i I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Y j j ° -SURVEY PROVIDED BY: PINNACLE LS DATED: 09-05-2024 792 COX NECK WELL ON -VERTICAL DATUM - NAVD 1988 DATUM MATTITUCK NY 11952 W I I I sn9 WESTPHALIAAVE -NO SURFACE WATER OR WELTANDS WITH IN 30OLF OF PROPERTY. ' zI ' I j j -PRIVATE WATER, ALL HOMES WITH WELLS WITHIN 150LF SHOWN. X I 1 O i I GENERAL NOTES: 1. DESIGN FOR UP TO 6-BEDROOM HOME. I 2. I/A OWTS SANITARY DESIGN. LP ON _ y _ ,_._3. SITE PLAN N AND REFERENCE ELEVATIONS TO BE USED FOR I/A OWTS SANITARY -_ ..... ... _..._-,....,._ sn wESTPHALIAAVE - --- -- -- - - - - - - ----- - EXACT PROPERTY BOUNDARIES UTILITY LOCATIONS -- ^,... a_.,.,.. SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION ONLY j ( LP / AND ELEVATIONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �j.>' " 4. ELEVATIONS BASED ON PROPERTY SURVEY PROVIDED BY PINNACLE LS LLP DATED SUFFOLK COUNTY _.... 09-05-24. j C42. 4 {^ \BC 42.24 5. ONSITE UTILITY MARK-OUTS TO BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO are / `-- . '.., PERFORMING SITE WORK. N ; I 6. SOIL TEST HOLE DATA PROVIDED BY SHAWN BARRON 09-10-2024 PROPOSED I/A OWTS SEPTIC SYSTEM FOR UP TO 6 BEDROOM RESIDENCE: j /I TC 2 4 1. ONE (1) FUJI CEN-7 I/A OWTS. EIC 41.89 2. ONE (1) FUJI MAC 10OR BLOWER, FUJI CONTROL ASSEMBLY, AND VENT \ 3. ONE (1) 10' DIAMETER BY 13' DEEP PRECAST LEACHING POOL i 4. ONE (1) 10' DIAMETER FUTURE EXPANSION AREA. 1. /A OWTS ENSANITARY INSTALLATION NOTES: I/A OWTS SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR UP TTO6 BEDROOM HOME PER SUFFOLK r IF �� COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STANDARDS (SCDHS). SANITARY w j \REPUTED OWNER: - �° �-� ' ' CHRISTOPHE.�2 & DANIELLE DURKN 2. SANITARY GRAVITY DRAIN PIPE TO BE 4-INCH CAST IRON AT FOUNDATIOM j z PENETRATION AND 4-INCH PVC SDR35 DOWNSTREAM OF FOUNDATION. SYSTEM DESIGN z > I 41.75 PRIVA WATER 3. I/A OWTS SHALL BE TESTED FOR WATER TIGHTNESS PRIOR TO ARRIVING ONSITE +'2' V)a j +„, --------- +"� / I USING THE METHOD APPROVED BY MANUFACTURER. 4. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL OVERSEE THE OWTS DURING SYSTEM STARTUP. j o a 5. THE OWTS INSTALLER SHALL BE LICENSED, HOLD AN ENDORSEMENT FROM SCDHS I-- DRAIN _ AND BE A FUJI AUTHORIZED INSTALLER. � , j PIPE ----_----� �I 6. THE OWTS INSTALLER SHALL REGISTER THE ONSITE TREATMENT SYSTEM WITH SCDHS. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE CERTIFICATION DOCUMENTS AS '� REQUIRED BY SCDHS. 1 LI V --- DRAIN--- . + � _ WESTPHALIAAVEa, S 7,'.'30'00" W 411.59' + � - -- - ------------------------------- - - -� 7. AN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE MAINTENANCE. WESTPHA AA ` �s + PIPE 'Ex ; PROVIDER AND THE PROPERTY OWNER SHALL BE PROVIDED TO SCDHS FOR I/A HOMEPORT ENGINEERING SHALL NOT BE PRO OSED NDERGROUND �> OWTS. j ELE TRICS VICE , 8. A GARBAGE GRINDER SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF THE OWTS. RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION j +$, ______�--�a' _ �// 9. WATER SOFTENER BACKWASH SHALL NOT BE FLUSHED TO PROPOSED SEPTIC MEANS & METHODS UTILIZED BY THE SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR, NOR FOR THE SAFETY \\ 10. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO OBTAIN TOWN BUILDING PERMITS AS NECESSARY OF THE PUBLIC OR CONTRACTOR'S PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM. 01 °� I� 11. NOTE THERE IS AN EXISTING HOUSE TRAP. I/A OWTS TO BE VENTED THROUGH 2 EMPLOYEES. THE ENGINEER SHALL NOT ```'\1v INCH CARBON VENT. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FAILURE OF PROPOSED 10'x13'PRECAST 12. NO EXISTING DRYWELLS THE CONTRACTOR TO CARRY OUT THE � pus. � LEACHING POOL `\� WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE - "I'Fa �\ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF +,/,° i -'_ LP -' , ,\ w 1 LEGEND HEALTH'S STANDARDS AND LF - LINEAR FOOT �K 4.41 I, o CI -CAST IRON LG - LEACHING GALLEY REGULATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL t \`• +PROPOSED\\'` y 8__FUTURE EXPANSION +sr., \ � �" +i 4 n CO - CLEANOUT LNRB - LINED NRB ' DRIVEWAY \ TEST I I `.\ N ; z o. CP - EXISTING SANITARY CESSPOOL LP - LEACHING POOL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO � U CTG - CUT TO GRADE MAX - MAXIMUM BACKFILLING OF ALL STRUCTURES AND o + ° ��a �w �" BORING j `\\ &O F DB - DISTRIBUTION BOX MIN - MINIMUM WO a 1 I TP�F_ _ I z ' zoo WOWTS - ONSITE N -,r O I I `� � I v, �z z N EX - FUTUREOEXPANSION POOL PROP - PRO PROPOSED TREATMENT SYSTEM ASSOCIATED PIPING. / I / .l' � •O PROP SED N j 1 `��- o O W g EXIS - EXISTING PT - PERCOLATION TEST o < - .2 STORY PROPOSED -WOODED � � 1��j 5 FFEL - FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION SCDHS - SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES +'La na 5 Z Q GPD -GGADL GALLONS PER W W W_ ST - SEPTIC TANK ww� w ; ' � DWELLING FUJI CEN-71/AOWTS 1, ENO BUILDINGS^ � � I- 4 Q w TH - TEST HOLE o I \ a ; 0.Q HEGE - HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUNDWATER TR - TREE FUJI CONTROL PANEL, +a, W W w Z i/o j +'°+ MAC BLOWER ASSEMBLY ' + No I/A OWTS - INNOVATIVE / ALTERNATIVE OWTS TYPTYPICAL ' , J Q IE -INVERT ELEVATION _ WATEETER <s N �S PS - PUMP RSTIA ION .39 -,rl-VENTILATION PIPE + I i 100• i I SCUMBAFFL B CHAMBER Volume al --1 Sedimentation Chamber 397 IF z-E• r r Anaerobic Filtration Chamber 396 Aerobic Contact Filtration Chamber 181 , Store eChamber 90 rCLIFT UT,ON ®'x•' AIR LIFT PUMP Total Volume 1069 Disinfection Chamber 6 - —DISINFECTION ON I / 1 •\ CYLINDER(OPTIONAL) 4'INLET PW -'� •OUTLET PIPE SPHCII]CATIONS r I I \\ 1 A A A Anaerobic Media PP/PE I Fillin Rate 32% / I / �� \\ ,• L , Board T eAerobkMedia PVClPPlPE Fillin Re le 17% 00 ,ILO \� �� +fie , �• \ .� Aerobic Media PP/PE FillingRate 55% ' , �` �. • I y.� ++ram / \� t1 _ Blower 2.8 efm 1 r I c6 2a / \ \ 1 /' -EFFLUENT Tank FRP \ I I \ 1 INLET BAFFL ® \ AIR LIFT PUMP Piping PVC/PP/PE .X Access Covers Plaslic/Casllnon \ PROPO ED PRIVATE----------,, / 0 // \ I ` Disinfectant(Optional) Chlorine Tablets WATER ISERVICE r INTAKE IRECIRCULATION PIP OW BAFFLE J FLOW OPENING(TYP. (CLEAMN°OPENING) B PROPOSED ELL ON r / 792 COX ECK RD / / i I r 0'FROM WELL ON i 1;sf3 FROM WELL 0 792 COX NECK RD / / / 78 COX SINFECTION O'MANHOLE 9• ' , MANHOLE(TYP RE MANHOLE(TYR 74•MANHOE(TW IN l ON ) --_--'---- - --_--� -'-------- I ------ -- I---------_ -- WELL ON / 'FROM LP ON � \ 48'T 78 COX NECK RD +u, N 73'3 �0" E i 438 9' ` LOW OPENING g• / / />IB 778 COX N RD \ N \ , 0 / / / / , \\`\\ HEAD + PUTED,dWN Rr' \ I - -- T ,-,�• OARO TYPE n \` \\ CONTACT MEDIA MELIS & NI C 6LOA tAGG 0 -\\ ------ I r \ X X _-___-- ___.+�- � � / PR WA R ECIRCInAnoN 50' WIDE RIGHT OF WAY + I --/+ 1 r +jAB ` I ASSEMBLY I SHOWN ON THE MAP OF ADAM ASSOCIATES '--._. I/ 1 �\ 0 ,, FILED TE�iliJ�CRY`7;-499�;-�1L Na_�f261 (TO COX NECK ROAD) -`-'-`~- ROBIC MEDIA _-_-___-__--\{\_\_-__� _-__-_.-__-__-__�_--__-__ `+• / % / i r \ ERATION ASSEMBLY REPUTED OWNER: FOUND PETER PSYLLOS PRIVATE WATER & SEPTIC >150 �---�/ SCALE: 1:30 \ 1 FUJI CLEAN CEN-7 I/A OWTS DETAILS SCALE:NT5 DESIGNER: TAO SANITARY SITE PLAN \ \ � DATE: 10-03-2024 SCALE- 1:30 I / / DESIGN NOTES 0 30' I FUJI CLEAN CEN-7 FOR RESIDENTIAL STRENGTH WASTEWATER UP TO 700 GPD.DESIGN FOR UP TO G-BEDROOM GGO GPD. 60' SECONDARY SAFETY COVERS TO BE INSTALLED UNDER ALL TREATMENT UNIT COVERS. TANK TO BE INSTALLED ON LEVEL COMPACTED SAND OR GRAVEL BASE AND PROPERLY BACKFILLED PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. PRECAST CONC. °�' ACCESS COVER USE WITH MAC I OOR BLOWER AND FUJI CLEAN CONTROL PANEL.MAC BLOWER TO BE HARD WIRED. � " I A /��'' E �`�R T INSTALLATION TO BE PERFORMED BY A FUJI CLEAN AUTHORIZED INSTALLER ONLY. :.. ' 5TART-UP AND 5EPVICE TO BE PERFORMED BY FUJI CLEAN AUTHOP12ED SERVICE PROVIDEP,ONLY. ENGINEERING PC. PRECAST .................................. CONCRETE ................ SLAB ::.............................. HOMEPORT ENGINEERING P.C. CtRCUT1r BREAKER NUTEB: TH O M A S A 0'D WYE R, PE 50' ::................................ r °. e MAIN BREAKER ELECTRTCALPANEL FVIICOMROLPANEL LIC. NO, 094873 VT POST AT AN ANGLE M D HOUSE PANEL .............••' TOALLOw WATER TO CBLI-20 AMPS-120VAC PO BOX 1111 10-FOOT ............. RUNDFF r,wFA I cB.Lt BL "'•'. .-'••••••••" GRADE EL.41.8'± TEST HOLE INFORMATION °, PoWER CeN K SETAUKET NY 11733 DIAMETER 13 Orr -NT5- FROVIDEDBY5HAWNBARRON FAC.OF1HRDM DQeANMEMA4X wEE es r PRECAST AND SILT PROPERTY LOCATED AT MRLIV U-XA^DEEP CC)TROL PANEL ® ,, .•. ••_ EL 792 COX NECK ROAD YENraTACK COMFACTEDEMBEOMEN M"M1tle IdmtlmAM,dN."NM 631-223-8752 FFE46't CONCRETE (Mu 38.2'± MATTITUCK,NY 11952. SLATEoaonrtnPL� o OCAAOWER°NTRGL `" """" FUJI CEN-7 SINGLE LINE WIREING DIAGRAM i XEDSAIJD FLOOR SLAB OR STRUCTURE aUTAaLEcOVER TMmI.IVPn tl mIN""M.FX" info@homeportengineering.com LEACHING EL DATED09-10-2024 NneaYnwNGTo . �� SCALE= NT5 6-INCH RISERS TO GRADE •••••_•_•_••• avrs '"m'T GRADE 42't N SAFETY GRATINGS OVER MINIMUM 12•INCHES TO GRADE POOL N /GPAVEL(SP 4 G± DEPTH OF TEST HOLE 17.0'± r EXISTING GRADE EL.42'± MAXIMUM 24-INCHES TO GRADE •••.••••••••••••••,••,,.......'••. a "' --- ------ ----- - --"_I� ------_._ n X4 POST ATCO air emwr,"I..,..,eb-"...�rU - COURSE :�,� � \�\'I� \�/\//\ R[55VP TFE -- - -- ------- ----- 12-INCHES SHOWN ...•••••.....•.................. INTEaIOR IXTEPIOR --- ----'---------- ---EXISTING E .41'± ••..••.......... SAIJD IE 41.0'± 1" Q /GRAVEL(SP EL HIGHE5T EXPECTED \ �/ ( i\ \ /�/ ENCLOSIRIRE 5L PPUED 40' d- JC PVC.DR3, - 24.8'_ ROUNDWAiER .� BY MA!lUFACt URER C - IE:40 3'± WATlR LINE MIN SLOPE.02'!LF ...................... STPSEPoLf IE:39.2't EN GROUND WATER ms N0 6F.OU 1CW OER "" ENCOUNTER ®tf rites ENCOUNTEP,ED SEPTIC uNR �® MINIMUM,^•T CAST IRON EXTENSION FROM A.O' •.'tp. 1 •••• •••::••••. ........... • FOUNDATION BEFORE TRANSITION TO CIS T1+�- bra- °A�+1 ............. .... MIN SL PVC SDR35 ........... ...........:: T TEST HOLE INFORMATION A I MIN SLOPE.O1'!LF "" """""'-"'•""-• � ATSM PMN COMPLIANT BDR]S SEWER PRE MAC DOR 0 35' --- - :::: LEACHING POOL DETAIL RBLDWER o SCALE:NT5 CLEANOUT AT FACE OF BUILDING LEc.9VPPLY ro J_ ` SCALE:N 5 FROM DNELLING 13 0" LEACHING POOL NOTES 4 FUJI CONTROL PANEL DETAIL -'� �' ONE(1) 10-FOOT DIAMETER X 13-FOOT DEEP PRECA5T CONCRETE LEACHING POOLS. TYPICAL CLEANOUT DETAIL 8 scALe-NT5 MINIMUM 13-FOOT EFFECTIVE LEACHING DEPTH OF POOL. - G-INCH PRECAST CONCRETE 5LA8 COVER WITH CONCRETE LID. SCALE= NT5 MAC 50R BLOWER DETAIL ®1* 0 481$ 301 .... MINIMUM BURY DEPTH OF COVER 1 2-INCH TO GP.ADE, MAXIMUM 2-1 SC/�LE= NT5 INCH. MINIMUM TOTAL OF 400 5F EFFECTIVE LEACHING AREA FOR UP TO G-BEDROOM HOME. : EXISTING SOIL CONDITION STATEMENT' .................................. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 501LTE5T HOLE DATA FROM 5HAWN BARRON EXISTING 1 -FOOT DEEP X 10-FOOT DIAMETER LEACHING POOLS TO BE PLACED IN CLEAN SAND AND GRAVEL ONLY(5P.5W). 20� 30� 40' 5 R CAST LEACHING POOL 60' LEACHING GROUNDWATER.POOLS,REQUIRE MINUMUM 3-FOOT VERTICAL SETBACK FROM HIGHE5T EXPECTED SHEET: 250, 10' - NO EXPECTED GROUNDWATER 501L CONDITIONS MAY VARY AND NEED TO BE CONFIRMED IN FIELD AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. SUITABLE SOILS START AT 3,6'BELOW GRADE REMOVE AND REPLACE UNSUITABLE 5011.5 IF NECESSARY WITH CLEAN SAND AND GRAVEL FOR A DIAMETER w PROPOSED SANITARY PROFILE OF 51X FEET FROM LEACHING POOL(3-FOOT COLLAR),EXTENDING DOWN INTO THE EXISTING ACCEPTABLE -- IIAATFPIA,I (tip�_AMn)_ 1 - �- _-.,, �f�•�r 11 .�. � : � ----------_ ----. _. ..- -- _ I _ ._ -..._.: y/Ifs, r •. ram•- - _-.. ., . Llc . f I - �� .. •� r S t I Ar El rt -40 AdF AP Al 1 ter --.- I ,RED At Go • RAY DONER,ARCHITECT DRAWING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INTERIOR DESIGN 40Q ` PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT. DAB' -�t NJ x C rvp- D E44 RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL 95 RICHMOND AVENUE REVISIONS: S. AMITYVILLE, NEW YORK 11701 (631)6;91-1718 FAX (631)691-1718 EMAIL:'RDARCHITECT@YAHOO.CO1 fl { . . . wIo .. . • _ _. ... , -..-__. .-. . .__---__>.._..._.-, ._-._.. 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I$ pMITYVII,.LE NEV YORK 11701 ' .� � �'��✓/`/ `a'J !4- !I •, Q631)691-17'18 FAQ (631)691-1718 ( , 141Al�:'RPAR'�FIITECT@YAHOO.COM „L fy r ..� I . ,. - - -'.. .. — tintr 3 a Board and Ceiling Jolst Detail' nitre 3.1t1Ii Ridge g COPJ'I'INLiOLIS RIUC;E VENT&/OCt I'11� � . GABLE VENTS &/OR METAL ROI?T -^ "^^ � Ridge Board MIN: A,.II@iiTCoR Stir,r) zOoF. r[ e _.... Collor Tie(Collar Beath) �^�„ OVER2?'RAME RAFTER. Rafter (Located In u er third 'of 11� - 1 ic space),ee 3.2.t3.1,) �:•'2"X FLAT VALLEY SECURED I'D EACII T iRATTER W/(3) 16D NAILS. INS71'ALL 1 11/4" +• ,SIMPSON STRONG-T1E H2.5 !X 24"20 GA.METAL,STRAP(LT 111AFTER •"°"a ' ' 'FHFKo srw o-• RAFTER TO TOP PLATE w . ` Irsnni fu TO RAF _ + INSTALL AT EVERY RAFTER 16 INCHES AN& MAIN RAFTER. ON CENTER CEILING JoiST on J sr' _ . ', ti - ADJUSTABLE Ceiling)ulst J IST TO GIRDER FACE MOUNT RAFTEI'i TC? DOUBLE parallel to FLOOR TO FLOOR _ RIDGE STRAP t.. 1 TOP PLATE MIP CORNER PLATE HIP CORNER PLATE HANGER GiRUER ' '/"DIA.LAG BOLTS 16"O.C.�, „ , r , nr,r,I>:I1' tr,n, p: ., t, t,,tla.' I,ffi.,a,p.., ,,,. HANGER t �,re1'r:,, ,'null,!afte�s'.; ' 9.1..{, ,, . ,.IlllntA CONNECTIONS S RASP a ,, : ,,ntl�teattlit',= rIIEl;ipl"'.�:tt;��rr�„I��t=��.� � ------'--° E'IMt'S0N57RONG-TIE 51MI'SONSTRONG -TIE 'slgbu'soN'uz1oHANG,lR16"o.C. t 111VI"IA1'TI T'P-9'�1Y �,'�' @!--t91!i 4fIP!17I116.!i ;f^r8II11W1!111IAI'r'tAq,?°^"1 1:54,E B �if,l ,Ft4i f i,,r S1M1'S0N STRONG -TIC .. .. tr'' "' TRONG -TIE 16"0.0. SIMPOON STRONG -.TIE eim SON STPONG-71E H2-A 51MPSON STRONG -TIE - L 8 @ 16 o c L5TA3 ox. 6 2 _.. ' S1M1'S0N STRONG -TIE 51Mp50N 5 � n HRC22 hCf'2-2X MEMBER SIZE 551J2 O (20 GAUGE) @ 16" LU - 2 IS ---- -- ---- HCf'2 4X BER SIZE ---__.._.- 0520- INSTALL @ 16"o c _ H 5AZ LU526,LU528, - . N7ALL @ 16 o c. DETAIL WHERE GABLE ROOF IS — 328 C, LU5210 LUS210- IViEi1�I AC4 EACH SIDE(4!C4 POST) -�^- ---- -..,_.- ------ --- ---- - -- OVERFItAMED ONTO A AIN ROOF. 1"i AAA-e 3.10c Ridge Board and Rafter.Tie Detail - Ac6EACHSIDE(6CfiPosT) -- . Ridge board I PORCH ROOF DETAIL, Collar T16 (Co tar Reanl) I ! I F (Located In u per third of i i -fACQ — — Rafter attic spsce)(see 3.2.6,g) r. 4X40R6X6tiVO�C3DPO5T - .. i I - r r�• S fI 'h"DJI GALV.BOLTS 16'•O.C. I N�TQ Y 1vf I ....._....-._ r' 7 _ _ „_--.----•- - i � 'SA4iPSON'U210 HANGAR ifi'•O.C. - -ROOT!PITCH(SEE ShC7'rON w .. A'iVP.'* . & ELCVA170N5). AI CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT&/012 . i h._ ! � r' [ •' ,. It�� � ., tl• t.t it's.bA i�, , Rafter Tie It Zwill 0 of i� I '•o C E VENTS &/O R METAL(ROOF „ . I - — - - - - rnuu nclirs_ .: '? ., FLOOR JOIST. • GABLE 'SINCFSON'•H3 I3URRICANE CLIP 16 '1 DEED ROOF. (Located hit lower third 1 or attic space tile) i VENT(a fIIP OR S ) ' , t I� DECK JOIST 'll te�rs+ ,� = ...... To - - - — - - 5 12 I I I ti h 1 -- 2�p�I- t I ACJ EACH SIDE(4^sa"POST) .0 B leciai Connect 1LI0 . ice tarrleis. h to s w etc,I tern:h s been a his- AC6 EACH SIDE(6"R6"POST) ' j i.2.6:1 Ridge Conileo(lon ftequfrements tory n' ice funning long the'enves cadsftig a 6uckup „f I ---.. _..._... . 12"TYPICAL. Witter its destgnaled i"Table R30L20),nn is barrieF shah' " �'` �•' `SIATFSON'PB44 FOR 4X4 POST ' -__-- Ridge connections sbnll be lit accorderice with ilia be instillled for hsphalt shingles,metal roof sl ingles,riritr_' 3 r' 'SUVIPSON'PB66 FOR 6R6 POST )egtrhemeots given in Table 3.6, Prescriptive solutions cinl-surruced'roll rooting, slate Arid slate-t a shin les. r. ...... RIDGE BEiIIAL , . g. t; g y Ifor ridge ot6ris are provided Ili Table A-3,6.Where iidge.� w6od shhtgleg and wood shakes.The ice ban'i r shall con_ nre used, they shall attach to Ojiposiug raRers.' sist of not fewer than two layers ofpnderfiym"nt Oemented 2� 1 lZ" T- - -t• -- -`�. ' �POUrifDCONCRETGFOOTING RAF'IEE� together, or n self-adhering polymer-modi ed bithmbn — I— �' _) I EXCEPTION; Ridge strops are not required, sheet 'shnil be used iu place of normal under t,ymenl and !� _� � I WASu VJIe t J ' extend built the lowest ed es of nil ioof sutra es to a K!1!A COLLAR TIIE SEE DETAIL when collar lies('collar beurils)of nominal 1 z6 or g. point. . K�r tr+,� I 2a4 himbor are lathed in the upper' third of the' not less than 24 inches(610 min),inside the exterior wt,ll rug PORCH/DECK DETAIL &dV.FC1a13. L6.1. line of the building.On roofs'with slope equal o or greater �''r�cr�R nllic space and nllncbed In re[lers in accordance than 8 units vertical in 12 antis horizbtrial, th Ice barrier Y - _ -- -^ willi Table A-3.6. shall also be applied not less than 36 inches(91 snit melt- --- sated along the roof slope frorn the save edge r the build_ Z" 3r. Z•` z". �'rI Ing, ASFHA->C T ROOF SHINGLES (NAILING R9b5.2.5 & -- - - RIDG1!; --- :- -- r� T- Itla" 3•' z•• • 24"1'/"AVIDE 20 GA.NfETAL STRAP - ATI ACHMIENT R905.2.6) OVER SEETABLF.A-3.6 W CI•t('ORNAIL ING 15# IFELT(13905.L1) OVER r/,"CDX PLYWOOD - _ REQUIREA ENTS. , 6" O:C. SEE PLANS I y Stt1�:,ATIIING(AVER RATTrRS�1 ( . . --- ( !fit�+� I ' I FOTI.SIZE); 2"X4"COLLAR TIES(a1 32"O.C.; CEILING i 1uuW I HURRICANE STRAP - 117� ;, INSULATION;' 2�-�- I ` `SIDIFSON'IIURRiC.ANE TIE OR 1 r/" ,EI)I,,.tTS(� 16 O.C. (SEE P.LANS);�,3Q - - _=- V Ill - 2n GA.GALN-.STRAPPING PROVIDE I"AIR SPACE; INSTALL ICE BARRIER Z TABLE 3.-4 sl p .o _ 2"N VENTEI) BLOC1'�Nc t c.o. ItE"iCAL GUTTER OVER FASCIA __ yVI+J�olY tt ��iVALL to WALL ASSEMBLY — . .... rlouaE IRA _._.�. sTIiC7t:i-iiE _ _ - CONTINUOUS 2" VENTING SOFFIT. ---- - �� _ „/,� WFCIlI 3.2.2.E 1 . P SI -II.NG OVER HOUSE WRAP OVER FOAM INSULATION(R-s3 'i°��' ./�' I pLcJn�Jf3�i�l �.�'F--12--- -. JOIST'AND POST CONNECTION OVER!/,t"CDX PLYWOOD &/OR%Z"OSB SHEATD[ING - OVII:R 2"X4"WOOI)S�I'UJ)S(� 16"O.C.(Frx'15) ,; , . ". r DLk- ANC130R)SOL,T •--- r (2)2,"'X=4"TOP.PLATJE _---- . N I t/"11VIPE 20 GA. METAL '= - �xt W/MIN. 7>''EnIT3 Dn NT STRAP'. SEE TABLE A-3.4 ® - _ FOR 14AILItNG. � r- •• " Generated by REScheck-Web Software '. I I ` . STUD WALL -- 2"X4"CONTINUOUS <.✓�. ■ '^ `" - r{ BEARING BLOCKMdlrlue _ It NEW h '' WHERE DETAIL Vli HERE NEW SE D - (:IIISTS AJE&E INSTALLED 1,! r, -- (al EXISTING CEILING JOIST. E Ol S G.--- . _XT ' --- : • •' Project New Residence .���� �SE I '/," 4VII)111 2(1 GA. GAI V STItAI"1"IN(, ` �� Energy Code: 2018IECC " `SINIPSON'STRONGTLEABA440RABA66. (EAC.I:I STUr))>1dI N. 12"10A>ARING ON V\ Q Ell'[BED'NCRE,G<1LVf1NIZED BOLT 7"1.7— i-ROVID11.100T Location: New York INTO coivcRETE. LRANIING' Construction Type: Single-family, _ 1 Project Type: New Construction STU Ir BEARING PLATE ll ll101ST1T ; ' EXTERIOR Conditioned Floor Area: 2,476 ft2 INTERIOR n)la four To a _ -•• ._._..--- Glazing Area �,2% DOUBLE GIRDER N 'I t CANTILEVER - Climate Zone: 4 (5331 HDD) M STUD TO STU x.�s�.. I Otte!2t - Permit Date: , m Permit Number: Milli ---- --_ I1Nati'T'ALL FI_IIEISLOtc'.I&IN(A (302..11) ° " ID. ' e .. "ua're6'L°1•—,::il rL ,s: .,r„ .6 ..•,. .,rf ' ,':y,v F-` Nnl£C —. n . aiPA4 . II f�AJVSULATIOM - ! Maximum Maximum SH . 0.4o Your SHGC. 0.30 - . -- - _ ... . , Compliance 3 5%Better Than Code Ma urn UA 371 Your UA: 358 M Emu GC y"DiAntE'TER ROD /z," GYPSUM WALL BOARD!, " It DOES NO id estimate f t relative t � on code trade-off rules. M Qid �" r�� ,�jQ C[Jy/ p ov a an es imp e o en s cos re a ve o a minimum-code a home. ,1 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based p ' � T r energy use or ' 'mum PLXVVOIAAJ SUB-FLOOR SIIIEA'I IIING OVER ! n R PLANS I n FL'll)OR JQISTS 10"O.C. (SEE FLOO )• ` 1 n Envelope Assemblies COUPLER NUT — WALL ASSEMBLY ow,"IMP'ill oil To FOUNDATION ...FD .. WFCh13.2.2.3 ACQ (2)2"X6"SILL SECURED TO 8" + POIURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL&/OR I .t •' ,,, TIIRE 1DED ROD-EnIB i ' l INTO CONCRETE 12" . � 8 1.01�ICRE I E', 1SLOC.IiC(POI'2 COURSES FILLED. ., & 15"MIN:ANCHOR BOLT - Ceiling: Flat Ceiling c r Scissor Truss 1,784 30.0 0.0 0.035 62 �- - SOILLD�W/CONCRETE blardia6a L;MLBEDMENT) FOUNDATION WALL W/5/8"DIA.', -- !,n,lrnni 1' NUTS &3"WASHERS a 45"O.C. il Ceiling 1: Flat Ceilinc,or Scissor Truss 100 21,0 0.0 0.047 5aleL+wee -n "tl' ANCIIOR BOL S W/N C, " Q�r' ! -'- AN,I�EIOR BOLTS.MUST HAVE MIN. 7"EMBEDMENT. I .� Wall:Wood Frame, 16" O.C. 2,636 15.0 3.0 0.300 141, `'` ' ARE TO.BE PLACED\VITIIIN 12" - STRUCTURAL COLUIlT1V ANCHOR HOR BOLTS � I Fra Tie 317 0.30 --- A•' �.► Y CORNER&6"TO 12"FROM THE END �iz;4' Z --- SIHGC:0 30 Wood FROM AN 30 0 0 0 033 9 O�+ EACH PLATE SECTION. Floor:All 1olsUfruss 320 o 11 - ` / w Y f' t INSTAL SILL SEALER.&TERMITE SHIELD. Basement: Solid Concrete or Masonry 1,136 11.0 11.0 0.039 44 __ --- ,•POIIJRED CONCRETE FOOTING,J(FYWA & -f--- - - - -- Wall height' 8 r Depth below grade; 6.0' 7 ,llt4 AIEBAIfi 1, Insulation depth: 8.0' . _ (2) ; E. I i Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here Is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other WI:IERE NEW triG FOUDATIOS MEET, calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements In �� r L� REScheck Version : RIEScheck Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. INs I' COATED ,14 LO G - -- -- -- - �'b'1 . tr )1AM 2-16d GOMMON SL'CTIUN R400 ` ,•• , ' 1 NIL a l o" O.G. - --•, _`_ p Q4 '+ fi►-t••• _ I VERTICALLY DS OUNDATION WATERPROOFING AND FINISHED GRADE. Q ;.IC�iMI�Ir1LF r UAMPPROOFING =— ® 2-16d OMMON S U ° STUD /POST NAILS 10" O.G. 0406.1 Concrete and rensunry foundation dmnpliroofing. FOiuNVATION WATERPROOFING(R406), Excepi where tequfred by Section R406.2 to be wnldrptoofed, t VERTI ALLY I j/4"MjN.20 OAUQ8 • ap foondalidn walls Ihel ttlbin earth end enclose Interior$prices HD5B HOLD boWN FEE FLAN FOR '' ..-. m COR,STnN'+' ,1 IiBADER Sll i ' Hind Doors below grade atoll b° 6Inch oofed from the higher' BA!;I,Lj'1�l NT _ 411 CONCRETE SLAB REINFORCED r o ANGH RS BY ® I to Sa)(be lope the fooling or(lie 6 inches(I52 Maasmm) my below.the W/(i 6IOI(l WELI)ED WIRE FABRIC OVER 6 MIL VAPOR o I STUDS POST a top of die basement Door,to the finished grade.Masonry c walls BA)�.WIER OVFR(COMPACTED FILL. AND �W� I S THRO GH BOLT (2) 5/8" FRAI.t6 OPENINU FOR shall hdve not Ices a cxtetan r inch i—e% tam) porthuid cement t 0 /�F DIAM. MAGHINE DOLTS W HD5B OLD DOWN W STUDS• ¢parging applied to the exterior o(i6e will.Th°pniging shall tie ^ ANCHORS BY 1AW WiNIH)W OX dainpproofed id ecroidn°cp wllb one df the following:. <y 1/2 ( 5HERS '. mltlon DOOR . CM!ILWLSPACE - 2"-CONCRETE SLAB. I 'C m01 'SI N' 1. IBitumiu6us coating.; WASH R d NUT Wp,LI- I THROE H BOLT (2) 5/8" 2, T11ree pounds per square yard(1.67 kghn')of acrylic " TA END `S/ I DIAM. MACHINE BOLTS W modltieilcement. 5/8 BEADED ROD � Q " 3. One-elghiit-inch (3.2 dim) coat of sinfece•bbnding ANG R BOLT I/2 SHERS r ( •bement complying with ASTM C 887. r . ANmt lllrsasm nanssm, WASHE d NUT q. An mblerinl pemtilled for waterprooring In SeMmt I !- '1 (1) BO OM PLATES 0 _ " ••'�1~ SLATS ON GItAII)� _ — _ 5/8" REAPED ROD R406,�. RIGID INSULATION .�'-a d"CONCI2L'TE SL t..O ILI 1NfOIt(:1!',I)\V/(610(()\\'It.r•DED IVIRE ifAillut,UVLii FRoM --or TO BOTT. `v S ' FLOO RIM JOIST 5. Otller opprot+ed mdtods or malorlata. " " ! 6 NIII,VAPOR BAR, OVI1.R COMIPALI'EI)IFILL. A'.T G..... 7lr,,1'I1'tal 4"'I'O HOLD-IpOWNS 1 Ir 10 (2 z2•I ) 1. ! ri , 1) BOT OM PLATES Txcdptlnn: Paiglw of unit'masonry wnlls••l9 not ,j�� } �/ - -�r,�,l OVERHEAD DOOR. AT POttCll,inzor"Go.SLAIi<I"IIEr()IV hirJISiIL.)[LOOK. ( ¢ CP'-+ _ Tr'! v I"r- i required 'where a materiel is spprbved for dh'ecl ! � / catiop to the mhsonry. MIN FLOOF RIM J015T' Concrete walls shall be denipproored by epplyhtg any one (�.~ - �,�,f�PIf:D ItIM JOTS'• ...- - - rz crr W» -tlua li eAl�d'�s�.P _._ 4 6 0 F __..._.__.._ ..........__..._... _. I r) IL PLAT>r proofing trip tmaed erials listed oilippricon SectionsRrOn2loetef extra iorto . —_.. __. - .., •• <r( S • the wbll• s y,;:,' RAY[JUNER ARCHITECT DRAWING 1�i0• TYPICAL��'��I� �CT�� __ _.. %'N'• ''"' 114Q6.2 Concrete wild masonry fobnda0on walcrprriofing. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN C7yt /a WIDE 20 GA. GALV. TItAPPING pQ� DE 7 p Tg + In areas where a high hater lable or.odter severe poll-writer A INTERIOR DESIGN. ,••.••.•, r l » conditions nie known to ill exterior foundedon wells tile( 0 �,- PATE: i .,.;•-•,;;;•.,; ° EACII STUD MIN. 12 BEARING ON °'� �'41�0 PLANNING&DEVELOhMENT. . marA r... (2) TO PLATES ( ) retain,earth bad enclose siestas apnres epd flours below RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL {PRESENT'S MULTIPLE SCENARIOS) FRAMING. I•iglile 3.1c WFCM. >' . (RL z — - -- I ® -- --- rpde shall be Woterproored from the higher of(n)the top of C/= Pal 85 RICHMOND AVENUE T -•u— - . STUDS/ P05T ;; , (fie fooling or(b)6 inches (152 mm)below Ih6 top,of the ,,..e' 11 .. iT I,: r1�:�i ' � r� 11�"i., I P - REVISIONS: '"`Ir{)1 ME + i ofed In accordance with ime of Iha follotvin ;trCA1ANUi+''Si'IrCS rL)It tlrn'n NAIr 1fJf� 'r'(1 e��l~f t�r)I)tl - TYPICAL LJPLII T � FI�1.I'VIING �asentertl floor,to tire finished gr°de.,Wells shall be water-' S. ,�1,MiTYVIL.LE, N�Vv YORK '�1701 • -TIE 1)6 AXT631aG HOLD DOWN dIONNEGTIO - - GcvY .- - . .• � , , �;I.Tiv°-ply hot-mopped fetes 3 91 1 T18 F 91 1718 g` (8 — - -- -- I CONNECTIONS cr), OPENINGS I MAIL: RDARCHITEC HOO.COM I ... .. '!h"II lI'jlri?lt If :p!'hl?!9l'Irl i'yIIpC:I I .y;1{IJIJ11 vl� ',1nI �i P 1 a"I'�!i61i f93:fins• . . s ., - ,.., .n rawrwew•.:•:.,.M.•.,•rne••.. ,• ,, X;.. rl.l:l!I{I'�f'J li.l,lal.� y7'• ,I I,I,..,Fa 1 . 3 TAAL R703 1 _ ' ' ! ' ! i ', ,,I,s ,,,;; ;, ,a":,;r SIDItJG MIIJIMUM ATTACHMENT AND MIIJIMUM THICKIJESS, • !' !Ili)A:' '.I ltlrl Ili ll ,r ,l !•i.'3I, i ql,.�!;;' r.l,,:; I. '•It I i11t•:,I v'41,'�:IUl I �. 1. d !' :•,i�s' -- - .1-=, , •,4 ,n sr,rn I� II:; -.•=f!=•,1 ', ,il,!F;ale' 'Pit:. , ..,i TYPE OF 1S O 'r• ..1 (. ":t^' �, •'t •I 'Ji I 'i)p n.,., 1y,: i ,t; -I:, ! �,,. - F HT SIUING MAIEtA AJD fASIE =H5 I. I fLcl f�rs rkat;;il'' '..r ,: .j: i II I,. j ...h, �:'���. MINA ! �•i�:,.,;,,Ia. Ip.i..l f No L .I I.. I. -!'h „t. ! •,;,s„;,t;I la."a;: ell..:. -,I•vr;,st!,,, _ I F I JOIIJT Wvodvrwood ';h ' t:!:). v shvcUnel Dhecl 4 . .3 f nil. ballle„J-Oi air erineoble insulations In '+',I 1+..•,,_ ,.. �•'II-!" •v,,i '!Il d !'1 - SIDING MATERIAL 1111CKWE55 YP P It 02 P, !`I'!:.: Ifilalil,.i• i:r� l:,�l;;'t :.'i'.L",:.• {a ,`•'::;: %a,.;!. Fiberboard O sum Fvem plastic IJumber or •� ':' " n ed nd'ntcot to 9DITit ( rh EATMEN Iv studs In es TR T aheathing ahealldng she•+lhln spacln oI Venlcd Allies,a hafric shall be Ins( II 1 �• �� � � � � nto studInto stud Into stud lasleners r � AT TIC IFISULAl10N � `I'^', .I, � :, )t,�,tln.F,�l•:r j.vl I„,r•.,{ I , :, ,!:•, ,,c i ,... and wive i'enls. Ra[0es shall Oiatulain A+i spatting equal cr - - Note: ndmon for and having ells. tend ATTIC FLOOR 16W.NG ,n 0 realer than Ibc sae of the lent. The bnf0e shall ex � • g �, r , ',, I I1, I,: t I: i� � 1�1, ,a,';`,t. e: o earin w I coNtllluops BEnu over the,!op of the nH,ic insulalion.'iLe baffle shall be per- ,ches Into stud U 120"nail 0 120"hail 0 12U"Anil ' 16 it on (shank)wiih. (shank)whh RIGID INSUlAl1011."R-YnIUEJ EPiN I'ER CLIh(nlE"•:';:, r (sbm7lgwiUl a 0.120"nail censer ores`; milled to he any soli)rnaterinl. - Of SEnLAl11 ? t -olidro ...--- - =caeS I;I'? ' °0.313 I_Ad a0.313''• COMPRE5SI6LE WCATIIFfiSTRIP IfJC` Af�PPitIhJ�fER OT ��JCLO�URE,I":, ,'�" '' ' t� _ ! 1 a 0.313"head (shank)with o specified!C, ors iron, l !•=C01NlIIIIIOUSBT:At1 ! ". _r-_-e3yy 511E BUILT,ATiIC.�NCLOSURE'. MLLTIANIC ,. L .,:nil II'!ilel!'I;ri�Wjl'i,i, il', ;"'1,,. . R402.2.4 Access belches and doors.Access do I ;,.LI. - _ Ili _ _.,l I ALl'f SECURED I - ' e such .. :!•+,B -��L � OF - ''-� � . i" eniidirioneJ spaces to unconditioned spnc.o s i .. - - �.:J�. TO, PLATES ViOyl siting ,- " ' or l6-ga;;e head or N t i - -•- - (see Section R703.I I) 0' p 6-gage Staple with 16-gage 0.313 I e allowed b'the n4 Spaces shall "I weditioubippeil end insulnled es �= a' r:= -. _ _ - U35 La m 1 e all and era p �_.:-CONII'IUOU5191III�gnl _ i e in elation on the surrounding sur- . _ L-=CEIIIIJG GYPSUNDOnNO q staple with e level c ulvalm+t io h s ONdni Ih c -- Section n,anufaclurer a P staple with q F.RI`nIJO1113 T feces.Access lint prevents damaging or cortipreasing Ihr. 191NUOWPEDIt+[lER nSnIRB1RIlIFR I /g-to /-iuch 3 I R703.11.2 instructions p, n shall be rovide.d to all equipment. `,',here ` -�COIJIIPIUOUSBEAD 2I I iuch . /e-lo Insulation Ij CIOWII''. r s instilled,a wood-framed or equiva- OF SEAInIJi !i 1, Pest report"i 'loose-fill insulation i. , Clown inch crown •. lent ball-le or retainer shall be Installed to prevent the _ CDNfINUOU$BEnD I Wdro raSliC, 318 min. Lop Face i �mg S acts la _- T - - .. .._..�,.. _, -._ ... 1 loose-OII insulation from spilling into the living p _ DF SEnLANi _ _ _ T' - y('ood ding drop /gg box Dr 6d box or $dibg naox il N tnnil when the attic Access is opened.The baffle or retainer shall t'1 - r, Up o STUD " si 6d box Or 6d box or 6d 'idlhs, l [lie installed R- ONTtlJUOU$MINIbI1N {, TOPruTEs see Seclion Shl la averA e rovide a prm,anent means of nimiulaining I „ C id' 'I sitting 11 'd' 'I 'di 'I 21 h'glt P ! - 11703.5 T` 2"x 0.04t9" 2"ix 0.099" 2"x 0.099" 2"xr0.099" Q I/13" (Iis;G rdlue of the loose-rill Insulation. - IU IINII AS lXrnNOINGT0AMA1,. e e _ •. 8r 6eat P P P ,na► ('R IMiJUOWPERIMEIER MECIIANICAL LAIGJ TO PRf_55URE eoRED HOLE MAX ) B v 1' / Lap ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) R402A Air Irnlcnge (111nridAfory), The baildhig rhel AIR IG . ' DIASTUDDEP HFICENT ExTEMORpRSESRINGWALL ` Bull lip 3/16 LAP p 2 Alt eakti e. fit ac_or SEAL AT WEATIIERSIRIPPING OF per beatfu constructed to Itntlt I g n a:o: a!+;'yn1,I elf':!`"s e a Staple P g} rrmdlopcshallbeco, i +,snit 'rr•M IL,� 'IN:�ift. ., °!t'';'Gt;!Igit#, :.;,,.N 2n•tils .. d 1 0+ron h II ',II,i!I+r;p: F'a i'ii f!f .:,fl',fshfil6'rT' - I :iII t. . ,Ht t. fd, 4• 14 !, ! ;a9'I .. - .. COI II IIIU01$I 1 IMn '' I'i':[t Q, •whh the tegmrcmerl!s rot Sections R4fJ2. +,I g ,I„9f1t 1L,. T°# -. ' : _ .--•--.. _-.__. -- - - ' 1 .rd n 4e -- - - R402 •. , : , . :.� ', .: 1 EXI'nII[IIIIGiUAIJnT _ .. TER ::,\\` PFi11ME fi DGE For Sl•I inch 25 4 tam Cher• WhIlUOW , - - Ja IN.MIN. O E ..----. -.�. ...._ rsnt0 j'� n I using. n eln'e.The 61ri[din, ,, - - - --•- . . IT402.4.1 ilnildia thermal e v p P .... ,,,, n n I I Inche an ,e ° Amur Hn area Is 8 inches.The lolenv a Aluminum nnfls shall he used to ttirclt vlonrinun Siding. ' g '� a E-""r y' b. Alulninuln(0.019 Inch)shall be unbncked only wltcre the mnaimi n pa el wit t n Is 10 s J G m xi l ice,fpE 'foal envero re s1tAl1 coin ply with Sections R402.4.1.1 And O0)ItiIIUQ(ISIIEnD - - - I i / P Y ila 1 sled- IPDDWUINIIAS " oIOAEnaoPE»cENr alundnm6 aiding shots be J0.002 h,b I of die none nnl dimension. R402.4.1.2.The'sealing methods belwren dlssnn r n s OF SEALANT _ W _ -_ " - . - DEPTH : differential expansion arid contraction, �< �_C0111INU(MG BEAD AIRDARRIER -AIAIJU�nC1URED PULL DUWIJ STAIR ti OFs,uO �� a Shrill be of n roved type. Ali shall allow for d+(fer p -/ i r• , Ie1' ( NOTCH GREATER THAN as '' METis r NL 11 F S ENEDAN.)AND ACROSS WIDE to he 1 �•-, OF ADIIE$IVE •• MET HE P°FASTENm ACROSS AND d. Where used to resist ahem forces,the spacing must he 4 Inches n1 panel edges auJ R Inches on interior°uppmis, is of ll+e br:ild- TI OUSMIiJRinl, ' . _., . - h402.4.1.1 Drslallallnn. fie componen CON IJU f1 t asE- • • .„�- I I tNOII$BEAD •, .,,' /� •� •\I', e/H.at1N.TOEDGE n° NOT:N eriN,¢10dNAAS EACHSIbE ! e. Velt.61 End]Oinla shall OCCur at fiturlq end 4hall be coveted u•111,B Joint cover or dints be caulked. ¢as indicated in Table R402.4.1.1 T-- CUJi i E)PntIDINGFOniIA1 y - _ AMR.TO EDGE gl l be ins( llt dfop ••.4 .- - 1 °/e1N• °°° .' n P•r r f uit through tl a avethi hi bank'at each stud.C»iicenleJ noflbn :ate I I- n e II! -Inch-Ion AIe.,Oonn nail Ihrtrri li'h{V g accordance ivflh the mdnufacmter s '•�� '� �,. OF$EALANi � f. g g 2 g g g shall be installed is WIiJDOWPEDIfdEIEI! ' e -- . ', - t p edge Encheplarlk at each slut in accmdnrice Willi rhe p{mrofncu,rer's Instnllnllon lnslnicllons. •. r Instructions' and the criteria Indicated in Tabl -_ (� g I nod of construe- �:: CONiIiAINMEAb .. vcr wired i;ti vClurnl Anal sl¢nlldn . , bcable to the rnell � ?!, � � � '� � •�' �• �,� o gereJ,shall be permiUed In be mivey from shills If Applied n ...,,i g. Vdrticnl Joints if slag p g R407.A.1.1, as App I ", i,• i t I lint'n Ic., role end f1 11 11 o lolnl of a miniunim of 11/ inrhea o,in nccorJanc�A T'1 ele (c uiced b (lie buildfng official, an OF SEALANT e US NOT FCC EEO25 - _ I h, bdlnlmonl fastener length moll be snfllclent to ratio,Ale ahendditg n1,crl b g q t, lion., ' t q Y D w r crier W a n a iavrd lbad ail shall (nsprcl ell corn pone.nts rind .. ! COIJiIItUOU$BCn PERCENT OF STUD H - pn P Y y--�- AIR SEAUNG Al A1iIC'PULL DO A TIC 5 nth- Ts DEPTH -- --- _ NOT M r fiance. - ._ . .. .... - - -- v�i� con - -, - - - - .. , :. `.ram .. ,__�„_.__.,._.�._.__....--'--• - _ _ T _.-- I Hh ilia moor fn I 's 1 sl II IiOn h 1 v d s -- CON111pIDl15BEAU PLATE _ - - --. .. :...'; .. .,. ..,.'� ."-._ NOTCH �� SECTION f11D04 r The r' dive•111r1' ',' .r :. 5 . - __ ..-_ STUD _• -_-- _......- .._.. -. - N1 R402.4.1.2 Tesling. The budding or 8 t �. _- ---_ , _. - emE _ l 1 I 1 USI;fAU OF SEALANT t,,... ^I'C•N Ar;ID FACTOHY BUILTFINEPLACES Alvin en aulcal:a c . ` -'--COINIIIlO unrr shall br,tested and ven0ed As having g 5EnlNli H IN AMiJCROSS ENT OF STUDDEP.THr THEN AWf e n t ezceedm Ihrce mr changes prr bout.Testing, a Of --,-� ... .. _ • • ,�v.PEACENT OF DDEPTH BORED '`.'IE-klOLE1S .' .:, . . I rot o g LOCATED L T D so SECTION OF CUT OR OTCHIN . PE QTJtS1Gf WO 90RmHOLED6HALLNOT9E LID c rdahce Ith RESNET/ICC SEALER ) - --- -" --"USA -[DCATEnirrTHESA>rECRoss- - ------•--_--•--.. td shall be hash Iledllnll f accordance afl short lelhelisrcondled a shall be conducted fn ac o W„ - CONfIIIJDUS$IIL J _ C�9t96t7CN - R1Q04.1 -- • - -'i' dal--a-' : �. \. + ., " iJ SEALhNf STUD '- SUCCESSIVE STUDSAf1EDOUBLEDANDSO I , - ulh n need shall be lesled la 380,ASTM E719 or 7CS f)t E1827 anT Tel Di ll ,�;/ (l(LWIUIN Df MUUSk1 i / -l.. ROOF 51(YLIGIIf` k.. ' t:f: BORED.. ". s ono Of 0.2 mch w. 50 Fnsenls).Testing shall be .�r e\ `'-�" Ek . . ..... .... oeeor r v ` lnbeled'o1 F CUT OR NOTCH N Ilona of ilia lisrlrig,Fncb,ny b rc d � PnIJDIIJC FOA Jd,Co Willi UL 127 ROOF RnF1ER - �.. . pressureg ( lions . ---•fOUIIDNIONWALLn5, ;: ',., z pet el any little After creation of all penetia \ii \ I B -. l cu P FIGURER602.6(2) FIGURE R1004 2 Jleerlli exl 51ug9 Ilenid,extensions or approved ildirr therrnn!¢inlets te. : / r - •, - •.r•'." I•;;%; , RIGID nist-ILATIDN E ING WALLS TOP' LATE FRAMING TO AClrOMMOOATE PIFING o[d,e bit g f ��� IICIlElE5LnOn5, r �. \ CU If AD: '' -VALUE 1111CI(NESS PER CLIMn1E FtGURERsos (T) ■, ■Isl�llla. Ireplac \\ q� OTCHING AND BORED HOLE LIMITATaONS•FOR INTERIOR NONE AR ` fnclory-btlill f eS rholl be Installed In gecordnnen{vilh •>; ''�e �A1�Alaalaaa�relaellllaaera�r.��llpalaal� Oa,SII� l,pp Duren testing: '.�:' OR EXTERIOR WALLS AND BEARING WALLS: - - - -�--- .__--- t g g > �� r a AIR D HOLE LIMITATIONS F _ __-__ _--_ Ihlg of 0repinc Xlenslo i dintsi0- \ (X SEALANT •. .;'rl,',....,!., :�'••:. OTCHING AND BOR L.:_.i_. \/, ; -- R --_-- - - - ilnE Jisl(n nitshnble from Ilia sunoundin' (lour Wren. 1.fe1EJ. I. Exlerlor wlnJo,Js end doors,Displace and stove .r /,\/ and Irritated hearth exlensimts fihell complyB with UL:GIB. closed,but fiat sealed,be ondl the doors shall be ,los ) : n•, _\ SE dt i"ins' of other b,filgation .. ! ULICCP1UnlARSE LIJG 1 hdended weather, t pp g ° ��\�, / ,! _ O EzPllNi)iNc FOAM sEnLnNTCTION f11005 yy control a e s \ /, \\ I Ell n SECIIUI (, s .. :;. E �r��� , , UI rACTOr1Y-BUILT CIIIMhIEYS BEAU�` CONTINUOUS. + 0 I , et •.' '• includingexhaust, Intake, mok p ;..�' / ba kdrafl and hue dnngteis shall be closed, but R1005,1 L islhrg.FooUn'y-bulls chimneyq shall ba llsred and ",OF SEALANT labeled And shall be uslulled snit lenninnled Ili ncc f n " sallied beyond hrlmlJeJ infihrnlinn control ,' - ,r1:p � S RAIEGYI � � � � � .. , � � � � � y � _ x 1 0 1 pal seal '• ' ,:.�"''�;• �"f-�(�.C2• 4b• lEa �dJ , 1 J nca n,rnsures, • � ' I UVJ[Il WALL 5E!;;llUll I ' : monufnclmrl:'e insAucl(nns. e +ScTlohi n10D'D �. f-�cT•S• �. RP 3. Inlcnor doors,where Installed at the un+e of Ih II v�P 5P 1 T.Q' J EX E1110R AI .. s .... , T SUPPLY { •" test, be open, •' 5 l s p .:;, •fir , I 1Lf i; X elf r Fncl r • ' I t ilarioir s n all-. o bull[(or nYs , e rot doors for continuous,err ) . : .. ,• . .•. :.',' . : ;: .., !''' ;,. T'?' Y n or r ills Inc. INSTALL SIIEhIIIING of • � ' 4. r_.xl r , , SIDE Of,SI(YLICIIT SIIAf r-1 �• •5 v� .` a ) P II and i' II Il"!, !,I9r`. covered In. i and heat recovery ventiletois shall be closed ,l; I t IL! Ir. � Ills cha tlergllnll by equipped with tin exleil I,. I"''' ' •. lOr tit.I rt I Lh4 f. I il„ t, I!€. ,I I a�.' T�U r III o+• ssupply I,.t I • I 'I a sneers „r ills r .tI combustion I I s .I. tittles 1 s he r Don I P II I, I I Iln�f _ 4. I n ch oar n c II. _ n ventilated an I I. .I nil ,. d e In c n '��lane N NU l e t • I Ili, s,slems+whete its S: �GAVI $, treating hiu coo g y. y !�il� '1' 'I 1 r .';I•' g ! ! i� 'It !i,•, Q �g Y o t so dint the inJogi L� T' ,... �_.-_ ..___...- --------._»........._.. nessure is ueul n ni•tl 1 1 I 1. c time of the test Shall be turned off. --- ---- ! tl, I i I.' , , tl �n------- `�I ,III I!;' '., ' 'a 4�•.r � `•/ I .9 I , .. :. . . • .:. A1iICIINSIIl�TIO�I a - - -------------- ' el where installed al the 6. Su I and return regtsl s, _ (I �y !. er :.Iii1,1N,': ,!� .I,!,.L,.�, ,. al�` .,a: :I'L 'cj,:y $- --•.L:..x PP Y - e last shall be full open -- lime o[die l ! [ �: g If% t" w,• t//As-�• S _fr•� r1 F p ' y P ofSEALART _ YPSUi�.tlOn U,I!IJERai:;h. TI' 4117..4.2 hire laces.New {vood-buniinp ijicplecs 1 l P� t �I'I�' :I; �• #, • rl P have light-(fining flue dampers or doors,and ouldoot cum- s t air. Where, using tight-fitting doors on factory- till c ';.�k�I•I`,i o.1 ,(a)�sc --5(j-r�"TJ.C� bit,1 on / l Inccs listed and libeled in accordance{with UL GEILRJ6 - - - t :c: l,,,'i I,f,;' bash firep r' ball be lesled and listed rot-the fncplace. I; 127,the door's I t ------ -- - -- - Iilt- _ I;f! .., ge ,° vinr-�Tt=tz hr' _' - f rEl'Ihf,EUllll -- Ifonov HM117RAtL u' i ' n air leakage. Windows, akplrg s (BCfAfI r Teb FLOOR r'', nes(tntro g ..�r',I •... ,. ., yCls'T". eSr=:1P.�.JT• 402A.3 Fe ; � -_ R / '� � - Te•r And sliding glass dooiS shall have till hit illrilnarrarl role or _ _il5UlnIF.OERICHIDB I I not grraler thin 0.3 chit per square fool f 1.5 L/s/till),and, 7 !/4'COX PL11#COD snluwnu Mfi SEALING �1T SI(YLIGIIT SIIAf l,;c;;:; ! ! ' "l' i 611B FLOOR for swinging doors; not greater than 0.5 cfm per square _ - -- - -- - .iNi',1,,.,:1t : )' ed i t accordance will, HFRC - - ol 2.6 Lls/m ,wilco tell to ( ) 2/A440 by on IJ$InlLlllElllGl!SIICngIIItO y.;l'+./i.::'l Jj:.4'1 ' !'',; ) �/y1j w( /1r . :. I 400 or AAMA/WDMNCSA IOl/I.S. i ('NIm IOIISTAILABuN fY ''aS'"t:'�, .f,J• '.I ` � A �' _--_-_ - - and tidied and labeled �_ � I• '' '' I';f , d►/n' credited independent Inboratory fRGfAAf10E1'lhCElllli /i lljtfi"li!�`h I S1' I ;yl'i!"" 1' by the,manufacturer. " MANUFACIMIT)NIN 'rt � ' � L•' +/- � --. • res.lii lismli.SnlAltulcl(RIA . ,i'.;,. ;,...:a `' !II'•.� �-�'" CON11NlI0USBEAbOFSEAlnN1 4.A Romris cmdalning fuel burring appllair -s I'' R402. / Exrn!NIIGfoNds.N VENEDAIRSPAC i=--`-CUIJiIJUDUSBEnDOFIIbIIF$IVE d" . Clfnmre 7nnrs 3 lMoug,h $, wlic+e trpen con,buslion air -- r� " nB0111111EIlIlIEIEI(Of VENiILATIDNBAFTLE /� _ ''I` + r ustion Rlr to D el) combustion fuel - --- 1, . - --- - - ------__..... - - - duels provide Colnb . P -' +� - AT11 IfI>uli1VOFSEAILANT 9 P �... _.._.. - . - , I.c Illl'tl5hnrl air __.._.. � ^-'• - - • q 10'TYP, g P[ -.. _ g Iltelntal s shall be located outside the burlrLn t ' o emu i , P g • enclosediI a room Ihnl is isolated ham melds - '• REGVIRED envelope or t / ••• '�` FIRE BLOGKRJ6 - lhe lhenn;d envelope. Such romps shall_be sestet end , T-- - --- r es R_BO BA - �!I t ".J. , I1f�A7%e1da. u►�rr. rndancc{vtth the envelope requue.n,rnls of l _ -- .. •--•---• --.• sLMI1Lr - - - _ - , 7 nsulnled❑,record - / l ---- fl0UR1RU55 �� �J\-•) _., .•-1 t - � -=WODIII MMI: - .. Ic 402.1.2 WIIP.IP.the walls,floors And ceilings shall I �•' --- -- - -- / . ,.AS 'Table R t fL0[iIlAS5E1111LY " T - sur re uimincnt. BO,°•RD SOFFIT �In� , I � \• -: 5/8"61'YSUI.1 WALL •' meet not less Ihan the bnseuu•nI,raft R,a CA(41YIIISIIlAl1011 / ... ......... ..,. The dog, into the roam shall be (idly gask'ked mid Ally FIW31 D 1 1 -.-----= , i 5/4'OAK TREADS I water liars ant du in the ntmn insulnled in Accrirtlnnce -_ _ � ,,/ ,,, 1 •, FLOOR / Willi Section id du The combuslitin Sir Juct shall be insd- - - --= COIIIIINIfUN$BEAD AtA�POPLAR -- hcrr,it asses through canJirioned space to ari R- A ,I ,! t ll -_ DFSEALAfJT Inted w p _ Roof Openings-Gable Dormer I ' value of not less titan R-B. COIIIlIrVOU"81'M1OOf ' ' I;ONtIIJllOUSBEIIb '�TYPICAL_STAIR DETAIL 5.6 FLOOR awD I - _ ssl I SFAUN( SUB V 4 R e - --- - 1 Exceptions' °' 0[5EhlAl1T - -- /+O t RISER tin iidake and CANIY111611/11')il COWIlnIOUSBGAD Ridge Eloard ' Dlrecl vent a pliAl,ces with boll) ! "I Ili"RIGDINSULAI N l• P r mclu ursl 111 All exhaust IF installed continuous to the oub:lde. V egmaa - sorrB OLostl;l'. br st 10R Il SULAIE WAT. INTERIOR AIR BAR YPSUM WALLBOARD 2. Fireplaces and s!oves cnutplying u'ilh Section •��- ` � ASnTIBARRIER RrepliCe ant Section R1006 of the Residenrinl �- t - Double 11iMTqm� PRpfILEATiICEAVEBAFFLENJDVENT' Trimmer Rafter COdeOjNem1'orkStore, AIR5EAL111(inTCANIILE'uEITEpMAIIUCACJUIIGU - COIICEPIUALAIRSEALINGSIRATI_GYATUPPERFLOORBANDJOTST Figure 3"6a Floor Opening mile- R402.4.5 Recessed lighll,g.Race luniinnires u,s'alled l-' GL __ _ - Flrest pp g Rafter In the building fhdt lig eimelape shall be dented In limit nil leakage hrlwcen conditioned and micondilionrd spaceg. o In -_�... RecesseJ luminaires shall be IC-rated oncl labeled as having ELECIRICALWIRE .-ej'/T{iAtrG �" fill ail leakage role of not greater(Ilan 2.6 Erin(0944 L1s) hinNUFn[IURED hLL'ESSEU LIGIIi EPICLUSIIIlC joist ,ce with ASTM EIR3 fit a pressure - Stringer - � � when lesled in accordance n111C IiJSULn1101N � diffeie list of 1.17-psf(75 Fe):Recessed Iuniiit"site-s shall_ n111c TRUSS" 1DPPLAIE ,04 be settled with a gasket or caulked between the housing And rLUiJaINGME, Double Plate �rGoa • �±'"f the interim wall or gasket ocovedn : �� ] ceiling--.----.�-_ EXI'NJDRJGIOnMSEALNJ. � �* #6'M'��tIC.• ` -factor and SHf;C(11'lAn- . . R4N.5�laxlmum fene.sfiRlinir U \ _ Double Stud Jnlory).'File.aten-u'eighred arerngr. iiloxintum fenestration Y _ g O tory).penn[lled usiil t d avr(s front Secllrnt R l - - - 1.{. U.f0 shall he 0.48 in Climate Zones 4 nil it 5 and 0-/0111 Cl'- v / WnIISIUb Tall �*�'A»s' EXPnNDINGTOAM Joist !� 6 d,rou h$for vedieal jeneshafion,sad 0.75 in --. - - - ,- --- .. Aisle Zones g � \ __ � � , . � 11 all e Zones 4 tluouglr S for s10gnfs'.The al'ea-weighted _ / AIRSEALAIiOPPLATEELECihICAIiENE1RATION Tall � 1 rr! . r.. pnernge maximum fenesfranvrt SIiGC, peunitt(d usu g Joist _.....__ . -. --} •�� 1,ndroffs from Seclion R405 in Climate Zolrrs 1 Through 3 _ - -- =1 WALLSI1111 shall be U.SU. :-:i�j�•g9p e (/++••C.a' �'�" Trimmer - ""'"'i/ - Double F'e •�...• i ►�C�'',T,+t,;..�°.a �✓ct! CSC �'� '�i r� secTloN R4D3 - -:!c' --- AT f ERIM[IERDouble _. �,�' "G .' �'nl.�. � ► 0'-�"� �`�� SYSTEMS EXPAI'IU!I'IG TUAM SEAI ANT . (fix Header _ t� t ubfloor landalOr').Not less lhnn one lbmm°slat conn!II>eius DLnn oT sEnLnf!r'' " t I" - ; g ------------- -- - I Stud R403.1 Controls(A J ha t S In - shall be provided for each separate beating rind cooling sys- - rein. IiCCE$SII) I_IGIIIING IMURE AIR 5EnLAT TOP F'IAiEPIPE PENE1RATION k- i rrormrnlde lhonnostr,h 'The thermostat 1 r) + )° -"- - - -- - R403.1.1 Prog Alfa SEALING AT 12l.CESSEb LIGIIIIIlG IN /1111C RAILINci controlling the rt,,lary hetiting or Cooling s St m of the - R P Y AROUND PERIMETER &- - -- - -- P • • rTivcllfng tnrJ/shall 6e cnpa6le of cmr'lroNhtg II a heitli+i- _-__.-T and cooling system on a doily schedule to maintain differ- r _ .GJ'J.C.RIGY C(3IDE C011h.PLIA.NCL STATEJ'vLC.NT• +I• Tal l env temperature setpoinrs al Jilferenl (lines of [Ile day. I _ T file I-- shall Include the cnpabilily to set bock or _ -, Ij t Joist . HANDRAIL 4 'TIIE UNDERSIGNED IS A NYS IZEGISTEREII ARCIII'I'EC'T .his l ., 1 Cif ea3n13t d irl r�rid�/I s 0tr )111 'J r AN1?S'TAT'ES TO TfI.E HEST OF UNDERSIGNED'S KNO�VLEIIGE,BELIEF temporarily operate the syslem'lo maintain zmne'lempcla- r•l t+l lures of not less than 55"F(13"C)to not greater Ilan R5"F 69 CiuIldingGl sett LLc soon _I ;, ` Double AND PROFESSi.O.NA,L JUDGEMENT,'VIE SE PI.tANSAND SPECIFICATIONS " ill i f I') a. (29°C).The thennostnl shell be progrPiarhue sellied lioifnt Of s -- - Ihr_ manufacturer with n floating letup P _ f '`i Tr mural - - URADE - CONSERVATION 'r 1 pal realer Ihan 70"F(21°C)end a cooling, CONSTRUCTION ON OC O STATE. „ ARE IN COMPLIANCE\NITII TIIE 2U20 ENERGY ONSERVA'I' g lr On 'OHS 'RUCTI' CODE F NE XORIC STA + setpoint of not less than 7$'F(26°C) � p -' l ¢'•' .l B"POURED a - �'F r k all v ° CONC WALL ° R403.3 Duels. Ducts and ail h inJleis shall be instAlled In fj :. ! p IGN1CItGX GIENERAL NOTES: accorrJm,ce with Sections R403.3,1 through ' (••POURED e"Pt. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST CODES. a,lA: I. o CONC,SU,e- 2. A hERMANENT CERTIFICATE SHALL HE COMPLETED BY THE r••CI-i tii{'C Supply silt felllr[7 t• [ _ R403-3.1 lnstdntion (Pr s ; ) FP w :. »?';t k':• TABLEflnA2.4.1.1 IS"HIN.DEPTH 4° (, (PITCH TO duels in attics shall be insulated to an R-value of not less. - HAUNCH FIRST I 4 n dimneler and largerRAIN: '' BUILDER AND MOUNTED ON A WALL WHERE TIIE$OILER IS LOCATED. limn Rn for ducts 3 Inches tat Alm)I -,' ( ,k_, COCOh1PONENi AIR 6AFlRIERCRITERA "IN& LAIIONIIJSTALU,7 ONCRI7EFlIA RISER 'A a' a• z. '1.'HE SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCTS IN ATTIC TO BE INSULATED WITH and nil less lion R-6 for ducts smaller than 3 Inches(76 .} - 'a=- - l' �. A continuous eb ban let shdl be Inalal'ed In ale bvllding e"DRAIN , R-B FOR 3"OR GREATER DIAMETERS AND R=6 FOR DUCTS LESS THAN 'n diameter,Supply and rennn(fuels ill oil ter poldmts "Tr= -: ,;g,x . , 4 *' _ emslope. POURED CONC. A S . Alm)r $ ,ilk !w ball be Insulated to ,at less limn R-6 for x, AIr-pernuoblelnsuladon shell not be usedese STAIR Oa °, *V II of(lie buildings ;,�, ;" . §, r OenOel legvlrea,enta 11m ex lerlor thermal envelope containta conllnuevs air scaling melminl. - - - - - ' of(ls 3 inches(76 Alm)in diameter and not less than R-4.2 barrier, s s�� D iN S,AIR HA,. _ aller than 3 inches(76 Alm)in diameter. �'� 't" "R"� I� �d B TO D I '' '' - ' -I DUCTS,AIR HANDLERS AND FIL'T'ER HOLES TO HE SEALED Breaks or Joints In the err bonier shell to sealed. LINE OF FOOTING \ for duclssm ThentrbarrierinanydroppedcellingoreoUilshullbe E N - - t - - •� ��� r i II1ISULAT'iE MECHANICAL SYSTEM PIPING WTTHMIN R 3 of onions thereof loraled con,- Alfl SEALING[nh Eliteflot PI'woad 511eathll)g Bastin end Jollits digved with die in.1.11 on end any gape In the air - - - - - 6, AIR BARRIER AND THERMAL HARRIER-A CONTINUOUS AIR I1ARRIER F.xcrpliorii Ducts p II d with h i barrier. fir shall be 4 ENVELOPE. BREAKS plelely inside the btilding filer rile[envelope. ----- Y. •• The lneolstbon in say dropped celfing/so ! 1 Ce ingrNllc bonier shall be dessert •• e Insu w the IAAv3G '] J'-�11 .. B T'iRE BUILDING T P NY R403.3-7,Se°Ihrg(Mrindatoiy).Ducts,Fill-handlers - to . I I _�__---;.• .\txa•s'i upenings,drop down stasis or knee wall doors SHALL .1~INSTALLED IN THE EN H G Eh VF O vncandl:ancd attic space°shall be sealed. sl AND/OR 110111TS IN SAID AIR HA BIER TO HE SEALED and filtbr boxes shall be,'sealed. Joints mid semns shall i .e comply with either the A7ec)mnicol Cade aJ'Men' fork y '+CngaN..., !" Cavides within corners and headers of frame wells 7. WINDOWS,SKYLIGHTS AND DOORS-ANY SPACE BETWEEN W INDO W `T 'a'sCC.A,`.1" The Junctlon tit the f°undad,;n and Wiplele shall be sealed. shall be Insulated by completely tilling life cavity ",rrft&. ��rf�rie l? �„�,M,rd „a- ivirJ`� �Store or Resfdentfal Code a/New fork,Store, or the New ;+= ! fS - / I 1 --_ - ,y .' ' _ - -` The)unellan of die top plats and the Inp of ezrerior n'alG R'vnlue,of not less 1Frgan R•pen Inch�ane. AND/OR DOOR JAht'IHS AND FRAMIN O$E SEALED. York City Consnitcffon Code,as applicable. ""' Walls wa 8. OPENING TO THE XT ERiOR �a•• 1 `��:Iwty; .�n . . •- N" shell be staled e G T Knee walls shell be seated. Epteri fir e Inanhed In!o0.E.tasul°Iron lac aril lls _ SHAFTS.- DUCT SHAFTS,UTILITY PEtJET'RATIONS ]E E ' ' R UNCONDITIONED P HE SEALED, Rxceplinrrs: r �ie r�� " a „gg 9 SEALING HETWEE) TIC GARAGE r//✓ '. :, then be Installed In snbslandel contact and AIr-im mn,enhle spiny (Onm prod»ets shall be Y }; Urfi nA egUll+ed.plvd/or n s TI N continuous alignment with the alr6orrler I. P - vithout additional 'gird ;+ .. ;( Canlnp d+twill I°Pad ».,.". oak°hd 1°lop plitla I ; .;'jl The spacebeuvern ftrmin end°kyli rhis,and the Jamb - - GARAGE SEPARATION INSTALL AIR SEAL: h t!="-- per to be applied { J q (,I� Vfirdows,skylights and d0O1p of windows and door,s�all be -_-- -_- - - i\TD ANY CONDITIONED SPACES. SPACE A „ u,,.ter;a,s lo,wan d:yrvan, , r,,:..,:f sea ls. Eaiadarshanlh!nrr.^uO,Jdi r'! . ''vs:'' ,n'• Rlm Olstaeha111edudetheatrbarrler, Rlm blstsahallbelnaulaled. ]NY]TABLER402.1,2 l(.1. RECESSEDLIGI3TING-RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURES THAT ARE INSTALLED l' der eshelo�In lop prdle. Rini JGlels J J _ _ „' „ r ) INSULATION AND FENESTRATION REQUIREMENTS by COMPOIIEN7' v'n astride ressure rlassiricaliou of :i),yv,nll c^nl!•el,Ijldwl plus p r;kfi'it ''f'`sl floor fiamin cavity Insulation ifiRn be Installed to A ENT' L e' IN THE 6UILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE TO BE AiR TIGII'I',IC RATED AND 7. For duels ha I g P I ,Ito b, It 1 f T'r 1zu { ,,,ts,,rl:T'; t::,•1 : : � g Inches of water colunna (500 Pa), u,(f,i..kr n P I' ,q Claddtn 1`''I' ! U Nil?'L b! less lhnn 2 .GLAZED .WOOD MAS9 a SEM 9 A y, Il`f` maintain permanent contact with the nndeiside of CLIMATE FENESTRATION SKYLIGHT" CEILING r ALU SPACE' I 'requited � f111LL ,�_, ., ,;.;,,',. PabnGGr decking.Ahemadvely,0ooi framing ioNE, UFACTOR" Li-FACTOR FENESTRATION R-VALUE FRAME WALL WALL R VALUC WALL R-VALVE WALL SEALED TO THE DRY WALL: ilim,ml closure systems shall not be R1m,ehglid .•onPaMptia+ -••• - -- - add � _ _dbr'aealediolnlaln f .yl!•' FlOtns,l,icludlu cnntllevered SHgc'�! R-VALUE - R-VALUE' R-YALUE &DEPTH �p_VALUa-- inls avid seems, and -•=.lap^ ill{Ft'.;' the air barrier shell be Insinlled al an ex geed ed a of bavh Insulation°hall be In comacl with the to still -- -- for continuously welded Jo Dryvrnll cnun+ed.plvrd r anoalhln S � I" p Ooois,end floors above Insulation., f r g' of sheathing, rvnnnuous fnsrtlarlvn Installed on d-- .3 0.55 0 9 20 Or +5 ' bi l e oints rind seams of other than the ezlen6 A_ ,!Irr;rll i. garages lheundersldeofnnorfreming;Pndshalleale0d S�;E O'I'IlE.1RtSTRSEA.LiNG.NOTESA.ND DETAILS TIiIS.URA3�rING. lockr g YP I of p toheind lb bollnin I,Ime r ik I P 30 .0.55, 9 20 or 3+ / (r _ R /19 _- sna -lock And buttorl-lock fppes, _ alnla rpoh td or I*I"Ids!Al,.pl),h g ono - !'rI,J�'',y i from the bottom m the lop of AlI perimeter Door P 0ollndt I h nil tit ahkalml In txdkau h!�Id it uh l Syr 1 framing members. Option 0,30 0.55 R 9 0+5 or + /0 T- 19 a have nskolnd to subllab 0.r. 0 ... �, : 'I _ .. , Andlcr.All handlens shall t p f ALING=DUC ORK JOIN (i :ry , R403.3.2.1 Sealed air h AIR SE N t - _ Y, t#i4 Exposed earth In nnvenied crew)spacer ehsll be covered Crawls ace Inauladon.where provided Instead of OpI on 2 0.26 0�5'- R 60 cav ty 9 I (� 5/ 0, t 5/9 dads nallan for an air lea"cage of hot _ yl, T'+ nufacturer s g I� !a' p A tea -'-"' •' I dd or 'nakp d II "' '+1 `J' Crawl a Ace walls will, P Class f vapor rel°rdm ovltb overlepping Jolnls Oonr Insulelion,shall be permanently attached to percent of the deli n aitflow rile when I, Suhlloorpinud,mnAl Y Duct MiiVE UL II Tape�lilry 1l ,' P NR NolRequired, -_- greater film,,2 p g tii den nlslrlbn ialnstiietoo(. -_ a !aped._ For Ell:I 30J.R Alm. s a e e , I v e e e c n ss of 1 hl eceordance with ASHRAE 193, , • ,, . ..• .. , 1 DuG ahaR+,vltlhy penetrations,and IINe ehafU e.R-vah,er ere minSmvms,U fnr.Ior7 anN SnOC ere merlmmns. Where Insul°don Is Installed In a carlry thin is less 6 en the I Fiber to design Ill k h the walls 9 flhn Inlru+hv rlosurp rnunwd fir 1liaudaim''.Ducts shall be pres- n m R403.3.3 Duct Irsling( 3) / osk10 TV l01 p pia Shins,penetrallone opening to exterior a uncliudltlonedspace shall,be ' Ineulntbon,the Innnlled R-vohie or the Insulation shill be not less than the R•rvlue specified In the tibia.. e air lealan e b Dire of the fallow- l 9-t sealed, b.The fene0rmton U-fnclor column excludes skylights.Tire SHOC column applies to all glazed fenerbadgn. sure tested to drlennln g Y '? he'eaUl d Batts to be Installed In nartoW cavities shell be sits to e."IO113"means R.10 continuous Insulelbon tin the Interior or exterior of the home or R-13 cavity Insulation on ill:In error of did basement well.. ..Drywpll cnlArl'I,plvod Pr Grlellor elln4nllnp Cehlllevered Floor tnelltods. :. � o Iota. fit or ndnow cavities shall be Oiled rvllh insulail0a ing d o In Inlrt glued fir odkplod to lop p - A, pnal+elo I ('n, Q p iJanow cavhica Otal on Installation readilyconforms to The ovallabl 95119"n,eena R-IS continuous Insulation on the Interior or exterior of the home or R-19 eevlry•Insulation at Ihr Int:rsx of the basement well.Ahemedvelyi /�•" /�s L �"-'� c•T'olal teal:° a shall be pleasured with I _ _ _ _ I. Rough-in le.l. S � I DYe,I odd � compliance with"ISil9"aids be R-13 cavity insulation on the Interior of the basement well pins R-5 contlnuovs b,sulnion on d,a Interior or exterior of the Topp of Eod p I. cavity apace.. . lifferential of inch w.g.(2.'i Fa)across- Conti/avefeo floor's are air seblc,d,arid fllsula(ed of lame. n redden e t Td11 1 rig d.R-5 Insulation shall be provided under the full slab even of a homed slob In eddldan 10 the required slob edge In mlellrm R-nnlue foi ebbs.is Indkeled In the P A - lhe syslen,,including the menufnclurer's efr hmtdler ---- 1��f perk#later orJolsf(rafts/florid Air sealtio shall be provl ad bel{Jeenlhe garage and 'f installed AI(lie little nc the rest.t brio ors 7,b,Sf (islagc separetlon oondhioned spaces. Table.The slab edge insulation for hrEled sighs shsll not be requited to extend below the slab. enclosure 1 11 - dn the lest. -To i pt 6nniel 'olnh i 4 rAl. tlleveted rlooi s,second-story bum outs,and bay wlndowe e.Reserved. r Otherwise sealed during :'4.-- Can P- Recessed Ilghl nxtores In!�tohed In Ihe6tdlding fAenrml Recessed ligld Oxiurrs in6lalled In the bdllding shall be taped o nxlar al n Anti rip. I Recdmed ll hdo f. Reserved. /�' � another rea In the home that often tainted Proper air sealing: g g em'elvpe shall be sealed to the finished surface, thermal envelope shall be air light end IC rated g,Alier°ndvety,Igsulmlon surnclenl to nil the framing csvlly and providing Rot less than ao R-,ohm of R-19. Total leaha a shall be mCA n nuecad fund oI tgc,ril Bnsa seta sealed and snots e a 2 1`osiconsituction test! g plynn a 119 Y, pp Avlt In Ills a f01ad with tte"lot;h Pro good In errerfor M'alh,bdtl Insulation shall be Ent nes11 io h.The urn value fs exvhy Innulntlon,the second vahm Is cominuone Insulntlon.Therefore,es eq exempla,"U+5'peens R•IJ eevlty In/Suled m plus R.5 ' if felenlial of 0.1 inch W.B. J,o ad to bopnnl pinln d I r, fo sublloo the floor e y „ 1 a leisure d r I r. hl, �e A f wll, II l fe AI I � 1 i,• yy red le I II g ,I HI srmmd whin1 and plumbing,or InsulntlOn,tl+el /•� sit P ,-•a" L'X p nab a one conihtonne Ineulnllan,. .'. ` '����'n h' Le, that Is Dom later•'(ODehjnpl)the Under side of Phnnbhi slid wlllnl) on InstAlletlnn►tddll oonfonns lA available lap , a a hell be ht eccmdanbe whh Section R IO2,2,5,The second R•rahn epp0es libels more IIIIII half olthe Inedl lion h An the Inte(Io(of the most well 25 Pp)across ill(:enlhe synlein,Inr..luding the ninlr ill;,,,, ,Into rn(Illuri.l nl glued or gaelteldd Io bollodt p nle A etlghlnat t( i p Y 1 be �i hE Interior and exterior sheathh+g needs to be sealed piping WITh Mn.s W - - _- „ ( fk I fill handler enclosure.Regislerg abet �° _ rfaclurer s / ugkaln,l In anhpnnr ) I the floor.T t -- tQN s Y Ile e t�,Ap shell extend behindsad ln . gy »,�.`�/�n� 7�,� N!'• r{ i rnln ed es.Bloddn between floor lolsts should lo'm the air ber,fer inslalll:d gl exrerivr.nvnlls Pd scent to -••,--•-•• ] bQ•p �,f-AA e,J' L::I V. A.�-riHl�l=�.-r -,.'DRAWING.IU.\G 1T0. la ed 01 otherwise scaled during the lest. i r: • ••• I ,t, 1 _ _ P l�;a 4rG g J!� � t '�. • at the ire g g g - Esruror wolfs ed)ncenl to showers on lit s shrill be [NY]TABLE R402.#,4 Ili, if loud Cu,1140 tit Ouslwbal ' e J __ QvYi f : e vorislsteht efr bet Ilex betwden tl7e canlll°ver end the rest ShnwmAuh on esrerfnr flail Fhawers and tubs shell separate the wall from the (Adulated.' sulalfun Maeda p ,,.. -- - m r is it ( , � �',- 'showerortub, TUFA .. ,P,RCFI{T��TIJRALUESIGN�• •[meal 9 sle g Sr uluaurv, .:�• 'Ks:�srh+,rv,,r •, ::-;'.r •,. , ., .. '. + •. � '' ENFRAMECT -..EASEMENT,._... ..:-CRAWL .. R403.4 hlech, 1 pip � luriml:,,vl.r n _ .EOUIVAL ORS_. . .:- Eatautor shao,ddr CnulkAd, bglb Ill 'Ha FI'h.ol4ls '("1 In fluids %^ B [ p , n of the house.Cont•nuoue shealld6g,suer,its InsulaMg loam � � r CLIMATE FEEFFAC OR UTACTOn CEILING WALL MASS WALL FLt'OR INTERIOR DESIGN system piping ca,ahle of eAlTy g r r l fRt tnla :!.•. i_ �•.•,' f' g 1 nu hi J r k IQ 4 .,MechanicalY P P ;6,xrlonu,a r tied o as Ott F be IOi' Ira.,I,t r 4 a 1 star n eantllever and x tin error for 1�,•,;,1 The efr barrier shall be Installed behind eleelrlrgl end ZONE UfAC10R U-FACTOR U{ACTOR UfACTOR' U-FA4TCR WALL SPACE WALL �+ T-E`rk, � Y) °F 13"C shall be ,,,.%-r'R i I g 0 _ ,,:,(,:�,lT�ra l!�Ol,�gflrN II 1 elledthing,should cover the Uhdelslde of the 5lectrlcnllphvne bo ponnnunlcetla°boxes.Ahernndvely,dr-sestet boos - U-FACTOfl - U-FACTOR UfACTOR VA I'�j': rentrr Shan 105°F(41°C)of less Ihan 55 ,( ) ;,,' m msknlp'I!u"III plum 47 . g I _ - 5!_ 1'�l,t �i i11;(Is,r+•iify �, ' t # n•vns Pf Is JJNIING IIEVELt7PMENT lie of Oat Ie55[hat,R-3, `1r;, , I; I,ti, sl YI all sealed at Ilia edges With ba. . shall be insls.'Ied., _ Insulated to an R to - t �':�,1 �,SI11 1nlq lnslnllod Door ern power ���i �'„� ,,,v , •q,�.,r,,,,;;�Y.:s � '� 4 0.32 0.55 0.026 O.OfiO O.f19R � 0.(41 : '0.059 0.065 �4f" , a_ ,n J1� � '� I IYA supply and return register boob that penelmla. .. _ 5 0.30 0.55 0.026- 0.060 0.062 O.CJi 0.050 0.055 '• RESIDENTIAL-Ct1MMERCli1T,`�INDUSTRIAL Jilin r1RHOn.Pipinginstil R9;r, ! section Ofpipingh,t I,:-n malnnnd Door olA Anrt+o F' s',{ . I,,r. I S,,:a R403A-1 Fro , � $lnpinln L,J :•hlf:c; , FlnurelLalgekandelrtenlbglhlhenem•tg•upn+•••'aellrpcllonandthellour IfVACre IslErboUls 6nilr/in,glhennnlenvrlapeshallbesesledlolheeub0vor, ( N„� e protected b our damage, at g �7 7s JI t ly.,I af..a,{.;.. lJr•,.1,3s 1 �1\�. ion ,X osed to wearhr..r shall h p b . , :- rg tat„wenivneum•. -- 1 P rid com'anonlnBaal nni Nolo:chodcdcdmfiononlodmrpn e ' ''th ',nh i "'�"'?e n•. 0.3D . 0.55 0.026 0.045 0.D60 (LC3J 0.05g 0.055 sF� ' 0�.�' �� RTC'�I�I�NQ AVENUE �� i e b sunlight, moisWte,'equipment tlbi :Mind n o wall covering oreeiling penetrated by the boot. 6 - n that caused d yrib power rolnrdor ayclem , T it cludln vnr r. etnm ' W here mquhed to be sealed,conreoLd pre sprbnklere shall a el r - Ise a goad source. 1 I p r e.IJvnlcneslrntlon U;iouonr shot!be obinlned from messvremenl,culco vn or on ppr shall provide n i l w ••.••• Interior, a mans wall V-factors I not exveed 0 I The rotectron p ..__._. ..-----'--... ...:.....:.---._. e and wind. P -_... ....-.. : rn•tr,tenanc _ ^'( � i1+IIIIITY�/IEEE, NEW 117p1 only be sealed In a manner d,nl is recommended by the b.Mars walla lids be In sccotdance whh Seclion RJ02.Z.5.Where enure than half the Insulodon Is on the Imo nr tii dint T s / d•�,a a-Av �l ,a s t use degradation ----- .. ......�.. •. Cm,ucnled a rinklers manufaeturet.Cmllking of other adh6bve seargrils shall In Clhnste Zane 4 except Marine,O.17651p Climate Zone S sad AJodne 4,end 0.057 In Climate Zone 6. �� 1��g 11'-,s s,I II A fi/���J•I's9 1-1 7 1 8 ahrCldrng From solar radtatmn fiat call cat, g - _ - RIUZ•L1 Aulldlrrq t/le Arai errvelopB _ fief /ill r#ITlerlt P e prohibited. a I $a I g nil be used 10 OII voids between Are sprinkler cover Ihr,male,fit.Adhesivelopeshallb p trirll IFiFIt1I21 alTd TlTel►lT ___ -___ Q� Nth of f'1re bUlldirigtlelThalervelop'e shsrl/corrrplyWllhSec(irirTS R-fU2.4.Lf and R40Zi1.f.Z. Tie searftrg Isles m,d'walh or ceilings. •. °.In,'vmm-humid lacetivns as delincA by Figure R301.Iu,JT'ub1e R301.I,,the bnxemem w•nll Ufrcrnr chill hot etaeraf0360. " _-- _-• _ EIViJ�1�.• RDAIZCigI"fI�GT�V�NQ4 GQM 1t403.5 Service hot maser k3'sleIlls. Energy ronsernalirnr p, sclenea Cv'Po,atln„ nletlods belleeeh diss7n//ar rnafetl�ls slalr allosN for dlffererdlal a parls/grr and confracflorl. -•-y=----'-""-- ' - -_`--� - lance --- ---- r•c far•!rn•;�r h.it wArrr syslrms shall be m acror snurret Rvll l,- -------�- .--._ - -_ .. _,,,•.-_-_ - -- -- °'s - .Fi„t-Ins„g Alp R r allr,q I l