HomeMy WebLinkAbout51652-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51652 Date: 02/18/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Rajalakshmi S Raja 22 W 66th St#24 ° New York, NY 10023 To: Construct interior alterations and legalize as-built first floor alterations as applied for. Additional certification will be required. Premises Located at: 960 Willow Terrace Ln, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM# 26.-2-21 Pursuant to application dated 12/10/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector, To expire on 02/18/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: As Built Alteration $908.00 Single Family Dwelling- Alteration $399.00 CO Single Family Dwelling-Addition /Alteration $100.00 Total $1,407.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 hq-s://www.sotitholdtowtiny. ov Date Received 4 I. For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. � � Building Inspector: � D ECs � � Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:12.10.24 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Jatin & Shruti Goradia SCTM#1000-26-2-21 Project Address:960 Willow Terrace Ln. - Orient, NY 11957 Phone#: J"Ml: Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: Name:Zackery E. Nicholson, RA Mailing Address:1250 Evergreen Drive - Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone#:631.513.6589 Email:ZENicholson.Arch@gmail.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Zackery E. Nicholson, RA Mailing Address: 1250 Evergreen Drive - Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone#:631.513.6589 Email:ZENicholson.Arch@gmail.com I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Carlos Guazhambo Mailing Address: Phone#:631.903.0896 Email:carloshamptons@gmail.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition RAlteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: E Other First Floor As Builts&Proposed Second Floor Alterations $TBD Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes RNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes IiiiiiNo 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Single Family Dwelling Intended use of property:Single Family Dwelling Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R-40 this property? ❑Yes RNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 ofthe Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk.County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and In bullding(s)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section WAS of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):Zackery E. Nicholson, RA @,Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 12.10.24 CONNIE D.BUNCH STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public,State of New York No'.01BU6185050 SS: Qualified In Suffolk County COUNTY OF ) Commission Expires April 14, being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this `0Aay of �LP_C �Y..w'l 20r`^i j1 Notary Public mm PROPERTY .: w.�.1mm.�.,,,' (Where the applicant is not the owner) Jatin Goradia residing at 960 Willow Terrace Ln. I, Orient, NY 11957 do hereby authorize Zackery E. Nicholson, RA to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. 12.06.24 Owner's'Signature Date Jatin Goradia Print Owner's Name 2 c r APPROVED AS NOTED OCCUPANCY OR --�• � DATE: •�(-`15B.P# Asa USE IS UNLAWFULGORADIA _.. E BY: WITHOUT CERTIFICAT NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT OF OCCUPANCY ZEN DESIGN 631-765-1802 8AM TO 4PM FOR THE RESIDENCE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: CUTC EVERGREEN DRIVE_�. CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 1. FOUNDATION-TWO REQUIRED PHONE:631513.6589 FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH-FRAMING&PLUMBING COMPLY WITH ALL CODES 960 WILLOW TERRACE LN r 3• INSULATION NEW PORK STATE&TOWN CO Ea t �a�° ^��and 4. FINAL-CONSTRUCTION MUST AS REQUIRED AND CONDITION ""'s'°S.D.momoMLWDttemDc,�99DnMXnwvn BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ItcstumlWo,,Ic yl11..dl lEoo moto1L990Tko m ectho a m Inel°Ent EN Ic not Briton to eno oromtl cto mwo0 0 R I E NT, NY 11957 > workwb egmn°ntonAnd,oan compositionf SPoats Mekmenhof I REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW SOUTHOLD jOWN PIANNIN Bo UNer such protootl s beIrg Maiu ndlor a notary°w work or komo mprrsontoE,eon Itsoly result In t>b assatlon or 1 Z025 sl action oroutlol..1.ZE DESIGN U.1—monotnry camponsotbn to 2EN DESIGN lxC. F EB PORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR _ _ _ 1 DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTON ERRORS y jo��� N0. ISSUE DATE B���G vE®�� 1000 26 2 2 Ni�(&���(� 01 SCHEMATIC DESIGN I 09.02.24 ov S® �`�"'�'+�11 V 02 SCHEMATIC DESIGN II lt07.24 L` Additional SCHD 03 PERMIT SET 12.10.24 04 PERMIT REVISION 1 OL08.25 Certification 04 PERMIT REVISION 2 02.18.25 May Be Required. PLUMBING ALL PLUMBING WASTE RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFF &WATER LINES NEED G PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 236 TESTING BEFORE COVERIN 0 WINDOW/DOOR SCHEDULE OF THE TOWN CODE. srzE I.D. TYPE SILL HTAF.F. UNITS/ZE(WXH) A0.(WxH) NOTES 82MUL ON REQMED FIRST FLOOR WI01 DOUBLEHUNG 1'2114" 34VTx6'--13/4' VERIFYW.MNFR. W102 DOUBLEHUNG 3'6" 2-1/4°x3VV2' VERIFY W..AINFR. REp qRC W103 DOUBLEHUNG 3'6° ZV4'x3'-11/2' VERIFY W.AINFR. W104 CASEMENT 3 6" 4-61x3'-2° VERIFY W.MNFR. �� t�1� S•NICiyO W105 SINGLE FIXED W. 3'-0' 7-B1/2°x3'-8' VERIFY W..MNFR. W106 DOUSLEHUNG 2`33/4" 2-8114"94'-53/4° VERIFY W,AINFR. W107 DOUBLEHI/NG 2`3314" 2.8114'x4'53,4° VERIFY IV.MNFR N� .' *• Z W108 CIRCLE WINDOW 4'0' 21'DIA VERIFY W.MNFR. rc auaoa rrr�uxour ROOF W109 CASEMENT 3'0° i'-9°x210' VERIFYW.AINFR. PROP.BATH EXIST.BATH NEWAIASTERBATH W110 DOUBLE HUNG 2'10314° 2-8V2'x4'5314' VERIFY IV.MNFR. zv zv W111 DOUBLEHUNG 2'10314" 2-81/2°x4'-53/4° VERIFYWMNFR. xy2Y — i L2Y sxary�Q� LV IAV [AY !AY UV /AY D101 SWING 0-0" 2-0^x6'B^ VERIFYW.MNFR. SOLID WOOD W.16'GLASS SIDE LITFSEACHS/DE NA W 0102 OX 0'-0^ S•6'x6B' VERIFY IV.MNFR. SECONDFLOOR 0103 OX oto, 58"x6'-8° VERIFY W.AINFR. 2• r r ry r r r SECOND FLOOR AIASTERBATH GORADIA TUDRTOON --i RRESIDENCE W201 DOUBLEHUNG 331J7° 62'x4'11/2° VERIFYW.MNFR. tTEMPfREDt tezr BATH KITCHENW202 DOUBLEHUNG 3''0' 64'x4VV2' VERIFYW.AINFR 'u2v960 WILLOW TERRACE LN. W203 DOUBLEHUNG 3'0' 3'31/2°x4'1�/2" VER/fYW.AINfR. uav :1.ar' ORIENT,NY11957 W204 DOUSLEHUNG 3f 6'4'x 4'l J12' VERIFY W.AINFR. IAv W uv Y vc 1000-26-2-21 IV205 DOUBLEHUNG 3''0' 310J12"x4'-11/2" VERIFYW..MNFR. 'EGRESS' anez s re 77D1V. SsmooR W206 DOUBLEHUNG 38' 2'2'x3�1J2° VERIFY W..MNFR SCALE: 3/16° 1'-0" r r r r nY r z• W2071 DOUBLEHUNG 1 4'0314" 3'-0°x6'-21/2" VERIFY IV.MNFR. °0. DATE: 02.18.25 ROOF DRAWN BY: Z.E.N. SLS 59YLIGHT 33"xB'5" VERIFY W.AINFR. SITYL/GHT/BALCONYWINDOWMODEL No.GD1PH19 1 RISER DIAGRAM SL2 SKYLIGHT S3"x8'5" VERIFY W.MNFR. SHYL/GNT/BALCONYWINDOWMODEtNo.GD1PH19 SGFn 513 SKYLIGHT xxx8'5° VERIFY W.APR. SITYUGHT/BALCONYWINDOWMODEL No.GDLPKI9 SL4 SITYL/GHT 2'0-x4'0- VERIFY W.AINFR. I TITLE NOTE :ALL UNR SIZES ARE FINLSHED OPENING SIZES.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WINDOWIAMB DIMENSIONS W.ROUGH OPENIINGS. •ALL GLAZING SHALL MEET WIND BORNE DEBRIS REQUIREMENTS PER THE BUILDING CODE OF NYS. W/D SCHEDULE +EGRESS OPENING MIN.5.7 SQ FT-MAX.44^SILL-AFF RISER DIAGRAM AmO01 WALL TYPE LEGEND NOTE: ALL FIRST FLOOR CONDITIONS ARE AS BUILTS EXISTING STUD WALLS -_ NEW STUD WALLS ZEN DESIGN SYMBOL LEGEND 1260 EVERGREEN DRIVE CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 PHONE:631513.6589 These plans am d copyrighted a ore subjectto copyright protection as an"architectural work'under Sea.102 ofthe Copyright Art,17 USA.as am""d Docomaer IM and know' as Archittetural Works Copyrigh:ProteNion Act of IM The protection Includes but Is act Umled to the overall farm asw it as the arrorgomenl and composition of Bootee and akmnnts of design.Undo sueb protmUok umuthadzed mom thosa plom, NEW DOOR EXISTING DOOR werk or homo represented.can le gally merit In coo cessation m oonswctbnorensa Buildings to irgZE DESIGN omyor monetory D103 105 D102 comportsmbn to ZEN DESIGN I.I.C. (3)2Xi2 LVL UV(2)�"FLITCH PLATES NO. ISSUE DATE 01 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 1 09.02.24 02 SCHEMATIC DESIGN II =07.24 ;yr 03 PERMIT SET 12.10.24 04 PERMIT REVISION i 01-08.25 04 PERMIT REVISION 2 02.0.25 f PRIMARY j BEDROOOM i0a 0 ,< `: FIREPLACE f S LIVING DINING KITCHEN ROOM ROOM i . i 106 ®® Blom qSFtED ARC y S.NIcy �TF IXISTING(3)1JX9JLVLGIRDER "�" �� �.�� ��� n� ' (NOT FLUSH) a 0 � � 103 IT 2' Ap BATH �p 4447, 'AC POSTED DOWN TO EXISTING r OF i BASEMENT GIRDER { 2 r MUDROOM f /PANTRY GORADIA RESIDENCE see 109 Q DN 960 WILLOW TERRACE LN. ORIENT,NY 11957 uo % 1000-26-2-21 OFFICE i W %r SCALE: 3/16" P-0" f 5 CL ENTRY i? DATE: 02AB.25 aa D DRAWN BY: Z.E.N. i r r r / r '! tr r ell r�JO%///i51/ ir. 1„`.ir/.: /.///, a © i° r AS BUILT FIRST FLOOR PLAN PORCH � f s GARAGE ,., Am 10 1 (UNCHANGED) 1-. WALL TYPE LEGEND EXISTING STUD WALLS NEWSTUD WALLS ell 0 t f� s � ZEN DESIGN SYMBOL LEGEND �� 1250 EVERGREEN DRIVE PHONE:631513.6589 These plant am tropyrl&ted and am subJW to copydlltt pmtcetlm as an'amtdtecluml vale underSm 102 of tho Copydpd Ad.17 USA.a amonmU Doeombor IM and known as AMIlItettumt Works 0apyrWr.Pmt"tion Act of IM.Tha P.1 stoarmig ccnl end Is tppossiittiioon attpaa to Uw�and ekiinarll form as s of as to arm NEW DOOR EXISTING DOOR A-300 wt kart.such p0aWcL n'umatam@ca athoe of coso pmm, 204 203 20 wor,an have mpresmtod,ranirg salresuhin r onctary a mnttmellen or ensatnpto ZE whoa N LLC.mortMery ramporaolmn to ZEN DESIGN 110. a..Na57fq RfPIA(E Fl)OSIp1a REMAaE F1aS1pN1 WINWW IS�tff 6�1 wamaW(SnMSIZE) W OM(tAWSUM ;/(F:;,f./ter/i' /i";%%i'�' i.. i>f `.�!"h�i`,/- ri///�!`, '�:'.r/ii..,�!i;/...,,i r:'n'r/r,'s;'.��/ r •:.-' i /v;rii; ,. �,r. f i`-;;, /r, -yr;, :/.. ri, r,.,f ISSUE DATE f I u coNr I wm n I ea aoNr , r 01 SCHEMATIC DESIGN I 09.02.24 b1M10Nf 1y II-II \\Osu II!I-II \\OSu // II II•II \\Os II II % �r`- 02 SCHEMATIC DSIGN 11 1 . .24 2)2X10 HORS @ SKYLIGHTS 03 PERMIT SET 210.24 04 PERMIT REVISION 1 OJ-08.25d (3)2X10 RAFTERS BTW. i F 04 PERMIT REVISION 2 02A8.25 SKYLIGHTS I \ ! III \ / III \ / II EXIST, r r' BATH J•L__x__J- EXISTING EXISTING 'r LINE OF 7'-0"CEILING t _ F BEDROOM BEDROOM ART OF 7-10"FLAT CEILING V, LlOPEN TO BELOW < n► -777 ra•toa• E Xw y �[ j{-�•�{ J'}y�� tattn�Nt. ; ., I 1 RD AR 'I llf + .t-- •1{1 "}' '- ""�J.?i WIN[N �, i L C��T aa- y PROPOSED �BEDROOI�A ART OF 7'-10"FLAT CEILING LINE OF7-0 r u CEILING .L j-F' � ME - � �s •'�'ta'+' g�' Nam- Z �RgF17W ;_ 1 •'-.. �� 1. 1-�f-#,-�� •# -----� '— MASTER K -' HATCHED AREA SHOWINGE:l AAkJA :a•nNTawut ATH = ...! I r .. % v`' .'�` � 242 SQ/FT OF NEW r �-- % -----_ �t 4 42 02 i� WALL-IN _ ��. / T :0 q � INISHED FLOOR AREA OVER ==i` ------' IE CLOSET � � f ��i�Cj qTF, '{ T 0"FINISH CEILING HT. �/M I A l�,V/�'` -✓ pF f 1.6. �") (388 SQ/FT OF TOTAL NEW D "� J J FINISHED FLOOR AREA) WALL _ ", O ye{�i -� sttv�iditr i CLOS 1 ------� 10. A,^ —� I as r/'.i:/."r;rii/,'.%/// -rr:%�/ '`/./ice%/,•i:.ffir"' /"/,/ � f'4 J -''--- i / ,i - - ,ir. ,! i! / 'i�. !i ,T �7U GORADIA 5 _ I i.f../il/ii :::::; —T. i,/r.:- ./.;1r /,.f//,. //,./i 1..1/./, i i%:% '*#' y ' °� ' RESIDENCE 2os I I 960 WILLOW TERRACE LN. CEILING OVER WC& DN r ORIENT,NY11957 l r SHOWER IS t 8'-0" 1000-26-2-21 SCALE: 3/16"m 1'-0" CEILING OVER EDGE OF ✓ ; TOILET IS t T 6" 1!od (n v DATE: 0108.25 DRAWN BY: Z.E.N. Rtsuce Odom 20 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN A=I102 s 1a Al ZEN DESIGN 1250 EVERGREEN DRIVE CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 PHONE:631513.6589 EXISTING 2x10 RAFTERS @ 16"O.C. (3)2x10 RAFTERS BTW.SKYLIGHTS Thaso Plans am capydghted and am subject to copydllht Protacdan as an'amhuatarol Vark'under Sac 102 of the Copyright Ad,17 USA.as a,rondM Dmember lM ond known as ArrLlt¢tuml Wo,ka Copydgh:Pmtacdon Acl of lM The Pmtectlao ladudes bat Is not grated to tho oromll form as wall as tho armtgement and composition of apacas and clamant o1 EXISTING 2x10 RAFTERS @ 1611 O.C. (2)2x10 HDRS @ SKYLIGHTS dm,whonierepdor h Proladio" lgaihorhnd untha Mesa,plans, work or homo roproacntnd,tan Irgaly rmWt in tho cossntbn of cpnalrudbn or bWldings bdfg solmd anyor monM" compomouan to ZEN DESIGN I1.C. NEW R-30 BATT INSULATION IN CEILING (3)VELUX SKYLIGHT BALCONY. NO. ISSUE DATE MODEL NO.GDL PK19 01 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 1 09.02.24 02 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 11 1107.24 03 PERMIT SET 12.10.24 \/ \/\i\/ / 04 PERMIT REVISION 1 0108.25 04 PERMIT REVISION 2 02.18.25 EGRESS WINDOW *EGRESS OPENING MIN.5.7 SQ FT- MAX.44"SILL-AFF NEW R-21 BATT INSULATION IN WALLSd11 EXISTING R-30 BATT INSULATION IN FLOOR . 4 ��FtED qRC �;'I�ki,f �0 �� S.NICy J �I�:ly Q' G� ��es C%12 12 'S Z Y FOLD UP GUARD RAIL HEIGHT a It; Ap GORADIA RESIDENCE \v) / y9z\ 1 \lf�l� �i / �/\� G 960 WILLOW TERRACE LN. lJ� �1 .1 �� 1 ��� 1 � i s� �.�� �J lJ• J h \ � 1 .X ':. X�,� A`/., � ��i\ �`�� � Yet•_. ` X 1 \ 1• _.1�� .X ORIENT,NY 11957 1000-26-2-21 SCALE: 1/2'-1'-0" DATE: 0218.25 DRAWN BY: Z.E.N. SECTION 1 A=300 NOTE: ALL FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION IS COMPLETE ZEN DESIGN 1250 EVERGREEN DRIVE CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 PHONE:631513.6589 Those plan$aro rnPydgMod and aro sue)ed to wpydght pmtMion as an'amNtedund work'under Sec 102 ot tho Copydpt Ad,17 US.O.as amoru9d Doeembot 19W and krrown m Architottuml Works Copyrip:Protection Act of 1.9M.Tho protodion Indudes out Is not United to tiro oserall tone as well as No 9aa[gement and mmposUlan of spaces and ok oonts of design.Unlor such protection,Muthodmd m of these owns, work er home roprescrnted,can Itgat result In ttm cocsfUon of ."tmdlon et bulWinP bdrg ed.d am{/or rmcrala y comtansation to ZEN DESIGN I.I.C. NO. ISSUE DATE .1..; 4v;•t i !/:f. % /i:/i 'r:� %', r 5;5. rl Si; ;f r 01 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 1 09.02.24 02 SCHEMATIC DESIGN II 11-07.24 'f 03 PERMIT SET 12.10.24 04 PERMIT REVISION 1 0108.25 i r PRIMARY BEDROOOM LIVING FIREPLACE ROOM KITCHEN f %l Ni "I, ED AR E.NC r---- ----------------------- -- -----i r---- -- � 1 I ❑ U I I CL I I CL ,r;r (� �O�A LL 01 BATH I I ij I 1 BATH I I o� I 4 I 1 l• si 5 1 r---------- Eau jI r------ I Qp NEB %%;/:i s�/i: __— ,.r f/�/% r %' r I I / %✓. GORADIA RESIDENCE ON NING ROOM > 960 WILLOW TERRACE LN. LAUNDRY ORIENT,NY 11957 t 1000-26-2-21 BEDROOM #2 l,rr SCALE: 3/16",1r-0a u DATE: 01.08.25 ENTRY DRAWN BY: Z.E.N. !i%;5`.%d 777777'/,! di///.i/,4!%1.�.:Jj/.///✓✓'//1.%•i/;d/!i% li:.L /r!.fr,'r"/�-'d/ii`�.':%/,-: //rfi;h'r .! r `/,;/ !r �1 "'` �Y/ /rf r,. "/i,/, ii ''�%'f,;r: /",r f!.'�..� 1. ✓.;,./ij/:i.!/ ,'rri%i%. %i:�//f �/ 1,%� i%//%/Jfri f J% COMPLETED f FIRST FLOOR DEMO PORCH !G PLAN r GARAGE Dm101 s• 1a Al ZEN DESIGN 1250 EVERGREEN DRIVE CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 PHONE:631513.6589 Thm plans am copyrighted and.ro subject to oMfight protection m an'amtdtccturol rock`under sac.W2 o1 ter Copydgld Ad,17 US.O.m amerrdtl Docambor 1990old knew. m Arehitodurol WarM Cepydgh:Protection Ad of 199D.Tiro pmtedlon Indudm but Is not 9mted to tho overall farm as well m mo mrosgoment and composition of spaces and eMnants of dmign,Urdersuch prolttUon,umuthodec0 me of Ugso plain, work or home roprmented,aan legally mull in tho o Gon of oomtwellan or buildings beirg solred amVor monetary canponsnlion to ZEN DESIGN t1C. j�Yrr/ir�r✓.•�s JG J/s:v//.+ //>'r ,frr. .,./,rf1/'rl.�fr rS 'P r'.'i�l�l/ i/,.. r.//''% r. 71„•.. r ! rr�.7i , rl"r;.lr/<,././, .F'%/../.. ,!./�.. ./,...",'r�.,.r/.r...11..; /�, r�r.✓,:' .;//.-:.!fir :fi. /,i, .ii.. .�!ir%!//,r/%''ir/.rl��-';!, �! , ir//,/F ISSUE DATE 01 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 1 09.02.24 02 SCHEMATIC DESIGN II 11.07.24 03 PERMIT SET 1210.24 04 PERMIT REVISION 1 0108.25 BEDROOM BATH BEDROOM r ; #3 #4 ✓' r. xe ATTIC 1-rr rrn-;r., �•� ,. ,� RED. qR ZY 01 rl CL N j1 S. 0. I~ rJ L-----------------J " ----------; '�, ---------- LOFT 444?- 0� 4 OF WElot 1 f•/,�f :rr';%JJ,i/I�i"iii;!/rrll =s�//G�/i/.//. /f�r.`'� L-------------— ` / ,.h ;i" !r' ! -i / ! ! / %',�,.r/ -r /.! "rr GO RADIA i/`li,./,, 'r /r • RESIDENCE j j « 960 WILLOW TERRACE LN. 1 DN ORIENT,W 11957 1000-26-2-21 SCALE: 3/16"a T-O" r DATE: 01.08.25 %77/7 7771,:i; DRAWN BY: Z.E.N. %i:%/i,`;/i%�:%%.�/r/,;%/,./,/�F�lf�.;�.�rr.%'r%✓i/ r'r://,•f��%f/,r/j PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR DEMO PLAN Dm:102 s 10,