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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51649 Date: 02/18/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Emma Jacobs 13 Dering Ln East Hampton, NY 11937 To: install roof-mounted solarpanels,energystorage system(outdoors)and EV chargerto existing single- family dwelling as applied for. Two CO's will be required simultaneously. Premises Located at: 70 Wildberry Ln, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM# 51.-3-12.7 Pursuant to application dated 01/03/2025 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 02/18/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: SOLAR PANELS $100.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $225.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 CO Accessory $100.00 Other $125.00 " Total S650.00 . ng Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main road F. ®. Box 1179 Southold, IVY 1 1 97 1-0959 �^ Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 harp. : ����ua.. ot�th�:lr�lr�nnar�� Date Received BUILDINGAPPLICATION FOR I For Office Use Only i ty PERMIT NO. Building Inspectan **� 1 2(24 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant Is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed, I Date: { ,z '&'/0Aq OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: - e-r SCTM#1000- O 5 Ira ool � -0� oo -O i Project Address.� W &U,+ho - � C1 Phone#: G 3 9 - 3 2 , -7 o J. Email: � ��r►.l Mailing Address: l o Pt1� 0 9711 CONTACT PERSON: Name: 1_..®r'aral.-1'o e �a a Mailing Address: -7 41 O U ULAA vtj 1 ' l Lq, o� Phone#: (o a I 3 p a �-7 0 q l =mail- pe rfy�4'5 e, Z a-6 YS co ko DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: E�l e,m 6ti t L C, Mailing Address: V 61 a Vo - `I"VC ° IV;f. 1 � C Phone#: g I' Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition ha hpU Estimated Cost of Project: Cher 1 n541K-d So lar Q v ,5 1 lo. I S 1C �« -7 a � Will the lot be re-graded? YesANO it excess fill be re ro premises? ❑Yes io 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: I U Intended use of property: P�C4� Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes 'ko IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. 4hiP ck Box After Rea h 1 : The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(printname): rra)' Uthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: ! l �10 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS:COUNTY OF 1,9LL(- f vllk ) being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the C'O or (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this I—eday of /vOt, Gwl �je(� �ZEp ry Public LOUIS J ROMEO Notary Public,State of New York nt is not the)Z IIII' 0IIII No. in o Suffolk unty FI �!IIII��(���9�� � �'� 1 �� .._ �.... ��Jo `amrnisslon� uaiifierc� (Where the applicant owner Plres Na�uerri6alr t ,206 , I/ residing at ✓ ` � / "Y �/ do hereby authorize u1 � to apply on my behalf e T n of So old Building Department for approval arec herein. Owner's Signature Dat r �r Print Owner's Name 2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex - 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (63�11)y 7�y6�y5�/-9/�y502�ry py�y� jaVl N mesh M1.ut WoI town .. o ea a 'o tJ 1'oldtown�k YI o APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (All Information Required) Date: 3 Company Name: E w - Electrician's Name: ' fYl i nnI License No.: '" °� � I `~t Elec. email:: Pe,r"m 1 - G eat q;, . in Elec. Phone No: t-'7-�9-- 9 c13 Col request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: s1 �-t 0 5� ►. Q V e— H JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: Li fKntr Address: 0 1 l 1197 / Cross Street: , y Phone No.: -713 Bldg.Permit#: email: RP—rrn4 S G e.c25 S.,t Tax Map District: 1000 Section: 5 Block: 0 Lot: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE(Please Print Clearly): =n s+..-a -P1, L&S V\ r'o a k- f-VI 0 � 1 r, -P\/ aS�j s a ro Q)2f(, GY)PhkYP 15� BA4* t 016J ' Dt� a 1C, Square Footage Circle All That Apply. Is job ready for inspection?: YES 2 NO Rough In ❑ Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: YES NO Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size 1 PhF]3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service[]Fire Reconnect[]Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead Underground Laterals 1 ! 2 H Frame Pole Work done on Service? Y N Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION ' CR0CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE D,4TE(MM/DD/YYYY E 7/16/2024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE. ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPOR IfSUBROGATION ScWAIVED,sub ectlto the tDermsOandLcand conditions of the policy,certain a;7e policies ma a an aprovisions or b endorsed. this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorseltlent(s), y q arsement. A statement on PRODUCER L S. FEDE INSURANCE AGENCY NAME N STREET,SUITE 102 PRONE �f FAX w 11743 _ MAIL TON,NY is , . ..� ROBERTS,S. FEDE INSURANCE - INSURER S AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURERA:ADMIRAL INSURANCE COMPANY 24856 Energy LLC INSURER B MENT ENERGY SYSTEMS INSURE " ND AVENUE INSURER 0,CK, NY 11952 INSURER E, COVERAGES INSURER F; CERTIFICATE NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE SEEN ISSUED TC THE WNSIJRED NAMEREVISION A NUMBER: THE POLICY PERI00 INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION CIF ANY CONTRACT CR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ) SUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE PCpLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIIwIS ILTR TYPE OF INSURANCE A L U R. POLICY A COMMERCIALNUMBER POLICY EFF Pal ICY EXP GENERAL LIABILITY 7/14/2024 MMtOD/YYYY X X CA00005380701 M DFYYYY 7/14/2025 EACHS3CCURREI<PCE LIMITS CLAIMS-MADE n OCCUR ry A A $ 11000,000, V Psi MIS _u ac U ercal S 300,000 X IMA389203C MED EXP(Ary one porscr7 $ 500 7/19/2024 7/19/2025 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 11 000,00 GEMI'LFrt^,,t",,,p.E!pATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: 1 7— 'POLICY jECOT LOC GENERAL AGGREGATE SC,000„OOO PRODUCTS-COMPlOPAGG $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY $ OtlMrb IN 0,INGLE LIMIT' $ ANY AUTO 'aaccidtlM _ N OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ � AUTOS ONLY HIRED NON-OWNED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY PROPER AMA E P r �.'� $ UMBRELLA LIAR CLAIMS-MADE $ OCCUR EXCESS LIAR �w EACH OCCURREPICE, g DEC RETENTION$ AGGREGATE $ WORKERS COMPENSATION $ OFFIOEOPRIETRMFMBOR 124494445 � rY in NR. LIABILITY Y 1 N STRTUTE Ei � AND EMPLOYER gPARTNERIEXCUITIVE' 7/13/2024 7/13/2025 AN±±Y PRdDpR4ETC6Fk .DESCRIPTION OF EXCLUDED? � N/A E„L..EACH ACCIDENT $ CEO I�O{� OFFIC'Etd II^es,descrtge under E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE S OPERATIONS below NY State DSL E.L.DISEASE.POLICY LIMIT $ DBLss7527 1/01/2024 12/31/2025 Statutory DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached it more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED- CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Southold SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLI~O BEFORE54375 Main Road THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTt,CE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Southold, NY 11971 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLIY "rtC7VISIOIVS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE u oil—V S. Fede, 4CORD 25 2016/03 ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ( ) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks ofACORD Workers'Compensation CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.Ta be completed by NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits carrier or licensed insu rance agent of that carrre 1a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) ib. Business Telephone Number of Insured ELEMENT ENERGY LLC 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK, NY 11952 1 c.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured Work Location Of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to or Social Security Number certain locations in New York State,i.e., Wrap-Up Policy) 823336604 , p g g 3a. Name of Insurance ........ .rier 2. Marne and Address of Enti Re ueskin Proof of Coverage Carrier (Enl'il'y Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 54375 MAIN STREET 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"l a" SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 061-567527 3c.Policy effective period 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2025 4. Policy provides the following benefits: © A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits.. B.Disability benefits only. C„Paid family leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: © A.All of the employers employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. B.Only the following class or classes of employers employees: Under penalty of perlurvp,I certify that I am an'authorized representative or lioensd agent of the Insurance carrier relerenced ataove and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. Date Signed 7/10/2024 By /a (Signature of insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that insurance carrier) Telephone Number 516-829-8100 Name and Title LeSfpn Welsh Chief Executive Officer IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 413, 4C or 513 is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd.8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be emailed to PAU@wcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(only if Box 48,4C or 513 have been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law(Article 9 of the Workers'Compensation Law)with respect to all of their employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensatian Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note:Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DB-120.1 (12-21) III'111111111°°1°1°11�°�1°�°!°1��2�°�2°1°°�IIIIIII NYSIF New York State Insurance Fund PO Box 66699,Albany,NY 12206 nysif.com CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (RENEWED) ' 0 ^^^^^A 823336604 ROBERT S FEDE INSURANCE AGENCY 23 GREEN ST STE 102 g HUNTINGTON NY 11743 SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER ELEMENT ENERGY LLC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DBA ELEMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS 54375 MAIN ROAD 7470 SOUND AVENUE SOUTHOLD NY 11971 MATTITUCK NY 11952 POLICY NUMBER CERTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD DATE 124494 962287 07/13/2024 TO 07/13/2025 7/11/2024 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 2449 444-5, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW, AND, WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK, TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY. IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING SAID POLICY,INCLUDING ANY NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VALIDATE THIS CERTIFICATE,VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTPS:I/WWW.NYSIF.COM/CERTICERTVAL.ASP.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND IS NOT LIABLE IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER THE SOLE PROPRIETOR, PARTNERS AND/OR MEMBERS OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. THE POLICY INCLUDES A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ENDORSEMENT UNDER WHICH NYSIF AGREES TO WAIVE ITS RIGHT OF SUBROGATION TO BRING AN ACTION AGAINST THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO RECOVER AMOUNTS WE PAID IN WORKERS'COMPENSATION AND/OR MEDICAL BENEFITS TO OR ON BEHALF OF AN EMPLOYEE OF OUR INSURED IN THE EVENT THAT, PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER HAS ENTERED INTO A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH OUR INSURED THAT REQUIRES THAT SUCH RIGHT OF SUBROGATION BE WAIVED. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. NEW YORK STAT SUR PACE FUND DI RECTOR,INSAU'R'AbNCE FUND UNDERWRITING VALIDATION NUMBER: 743799006 Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSP0IXNN_JXORIUVE6LTASSUVCE4ywCVD00-8 i Town of Southold December 23rd, 2024 Building Department Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Subject: EV Charger, Battery Energy Storage System and Roof-Mounted PV System at Woerner Residence, Located at 70 Wild berry Lane, Southold, NY 11971 To Town of Southold: I hereby affirm and certify that, following comprehensive professional evaluations, the plans for the installation of the Solar PV System, the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), and the EV charger comply with the 2020 Residential Code of New York State, the 2020 Fire Code of New York State, the 2017 National Electric Code, ASCE 7-16, and other relevant industry standards and regulations. These certifications are provided in strict adherence to the governing regulations and standards applicable to such installations. For the solar PV System, it is my professional opinion that the subject plans comply with the aforementioned codes and standards. The structural framing of the existing roof has been evaluated to support the additional loads from solar panels, with deflection and stresses within allowable limits for wind pressures and snow loads specified in the codes. The mounting locations and methods indicated in the plans are deemed adequate, and the existing building and roof framing are structurally sufficient to support the solar panels. The structural analysis has been carried out using the following design criteria: Design wind speed: 140 mph Ground snow load: 30 Ibs/sq.ft. Solar Arrays#1 -#5, dead load 2.9 Ibs/sq.ft. Total Weight of Array#1: 1447.3 Ibs Total Weight of Array#2: 727.6 Ibs The above values are within acceptable limits of recognized industry standards for similar structures. The structural analysis, performed for the existing structure and for the solar panel arrays, utilizing the above design loads, indicates that the existing roof rafters will be able to support the additional panel weight without damage, if installed correctly. The on-site inspection and photographs show that the roof framing is in good conditions. However, the dwelling owners are to be made aware that long term build up of heavy snow conditions may produce deflections in the roof structure. If any deflection is noticed, than it is recommended that the solar panels be cleared of accumulated snow more than one (1)foot deep over a period of one week. If no deflection is observed under any snow loading over a period of time, then there is no need to clear the solar panels. Regarding the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), the proposed plans have undergone thorough scrutiny and are confirmed to align with requisite codes and standards. Utilizing Lithium Iron Phosphate technology, the BESS adheres to UL9540A standards to prevent,, Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSP0IXNN_JXORIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 thermal runaway. The enclosure design meets fire-resistant requirements outlined in the NYS Building Code. In my professional opinion, derived from site inspections and detailed analyses, both the proposed Solar PV System and the BESS, including the enclosure system, demonstrate structural adequacy to withstand associated reactions. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further clarification. Sincerely, Gennaro Anthony Giustra. P.E. of: NEW Great Eastern Services, Inc. �� ° A c,Gs0 PO Box 240 24 Harvey Rd 0 v w Riverhead, NY 11901 2 Mobile: 631.235.0189 �o 103443 Email: jerrygiustra@gmail.com ADO sStoNP� � (e Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSPOIXNN_JXORIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 SCOPE O F WORK DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC TO INSTALL A I G.15 KW PV SYSTEM, 20 kWh BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM,AND EV CHARGER AT WOERNER-RESIDENCE, nnccabes leach© t4 jRfVIEW5YJ.M.NAI3GEPCEPTIFIED ! 051112-I29 LOCATED AT 70 WILDBERKY LANE,5OUTHOLD, NY 1 197 1. THE PV SYSTEM AND BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM WILL BE INTERCONNECTED WITH THE UTILITY GRID ri{e THROUGH THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT. `N pJe sC REVISIONS SYSTEM RATING s wa ® ng DESCPoPNON DATE REV Fnnders L` at ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 I G.15 kW DC PV SYSTEM 12.1 G kW AC PV SYSTEM • . 10 kWh BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE 5T5TEM 40 A RATED EV CHARGER Peconic EQUIPMENT SUMMARY 38 JINKO,JKM425N-54HL4-5 425W PV PANELS Ra r_ 38 ENPHA5E, IQ6MC-72-M-U5 MICRO-INVERTERS t.. 2 UNITS OF ENPHA5E IQ BATTERY 5P 5KWH BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE CONTRACTOR SHEET INDEX ELEMENT ENERGY, L-C. PV-1.0 COVER ' 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK, NY 1 1 95 PV-2.0 SITE PLAN `'(�_ PV-3.0 ROOF PLAN " -`=� PV-4.0--4.1 EQUIPMENT FLOOR/ELEVATION PLAN PROJECT LOCATION LICENSE# G74G 1-HI PV-5.0 STRUCTURAL DETAILS LICENSE# 52G89-ME PV-G.O---G.I ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM PV-7.0 51GNAGE PV-8.0--8.1 2 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION of NEW GOVERNING CODES �pA s 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. E: 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. 2 2020 FIRE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. A5CE 7-1 G AND NFPA-70. y 1034A°S Ki UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES(UL)STANDARDS 'ORptoNP� 05HA 29 CFR 1910.2G9 GENERAL NOTES ty PROJECT NAME 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AT THE SITE PRIOR TO STARTING TO WORK AND SHALL FAMILIARIZE - lu HIMSELF WITH H THE INTENT OF THESE PLANS AND MAKE WORK AGREE THE AERIAL VIEW z �' wQ - 2. CONTRACTOR OR OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED - APPROVALS, PERMITS, CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY, z 10. CONTRACTOR TO EFFECT AND MAINTAIN INSURANCE, I.E. TOWN COMMENTS AND APPROVAL STAMP w INSPECTION APPROVALS, ETC., FOR WORK PERFORMED FROM CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY, WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION, AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION THEREOF, IF REQUIRED. ED o COMPLETED OPERATION, ETC. ADEQUATE FOR THE PURPOSES 3. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION CODE AND OF THIS PROJECT AND FURNISH PROOF OF SAME PRIOR TO z -j 0 ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE ?§ H JURISDICTION. COMMENCING WITH WORK. w � 1 1 O . EACH SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR O 4. IF IN THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION A CONDITION EXISTS MAINTAINING SAFETY ON THE JOB SITE DURING THE I` 00 WHICH DISAGREES WITH THAT AS INDICATED ON THESE PLANS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP WORK AND NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE TO COMPLY WITH THE REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ENGINEER. SHOULD HE FAIL TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT CONTINUE WITH THE WORK HE SHALL ASSUME ALL LIMITED TO: PROVIDING FOR ADEQUATE AND PROPER BRACING, RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY THEREFROM S SAFETY RAILINGS AND SECURE FOOTINGS FOR ALL TEMPORARY LATE SPIFFY NAME 5. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE LATE AND SHALL BE SCAFFOLDING, STAIRS, ETC.. AS WELL AS PERMANENT COVE FABRICATED AND INSTALLED AS PER ST A.I.S.0 CONSTRUCTION. SPECIFICATIONS. IN BOARD OF FIRE 12. FIGURED DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN. DO NOT SCALE G. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL DRAWINGS, WHERE DIMENSIONS ARE ESTABLISHED BY EXISTING UNDERWRITERS APPROVED AND N ACCORDANCE WITH N.E.C. CONDITIONS. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING NYS CODES REGULATIONS CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND 7. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN COMMENCING WITH WORK. DRAWING 5CALE CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER WILL NEGATE THE ENGINEER'S 13. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL DEBRIS CREATED BY THIS CERTIFICATION OF T+1E5E PLANS. WORK FROM THE SITE AND DISPOSE OF IN A LEGAL MANNER ON � 8. THESE DRAWINGS AS INSTRUCME N .T.S. OF SERVICE ARE AND A WEEKLY BASIS OR SOONER If CONDITIONS WARRANT. ' " •T'`�j SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ENGINEER WHETHER THE 14. AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK, THE SITE TO BE CLEARED PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY ARE MADE IS EXECUTED OR NOT. OF ALL DEBRIS AND EXCESS MATERIALS. THE FACILITY IS TO BE THEY ARE NOT TO BE'USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTS OR LEFT BROOM CLEAN AND WORK IS TO BE COMPLETED TO THE EXTENSIONS TO THIS PROJECT TOTAL SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER PRIOR TO RELEASE OF 5HEET NUMBER 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT, PATCH AND REPAIR ALL FINAL PAYMENT. PV_ I .O EXISTING WORK ADJACENT TO HIS WORK, OR DAMAGED AS RESULT OF HIS WORK. TAX MAP: 1000-05 I .00-03.00-0 12.007 Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSPOIXNN_JXORIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 LEGEND DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ®EXISTING UTILITY METER (E) EQUIPMENT INSTALLED OUTRIDIF ELEMENT ENERGY LLC MAIN SERVICE PANEL REVIEW BYO51 I N2BCEP CERTIFIE NEW PV SUB—PANELS A/C DISCONNECT COMBINER INVERTERS 00 REVISIONS GND ELECTRODE ��PV MODULE , DESCRIPTION DATE REV 2�0o ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 RACKING RAIL 4 • ATTACHMENT POINT U. D 4900E ---STANDING SEAM 2100 PROOF PITCH ANGLE 8.-3 1800 10. 0�200 N9SUNRUN METER 2' S®�T 0PLUMBING VENT ®SKY LIGHT ®CHIMNEY (N) (2) ENPHASE 10 BATTERY 5P UNITS CONTRACTOR COMPOSITE SHINGLES ON THE CONCRETE PAD, OUTSIDE. IN THE BACKYARD ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. ®GOOD CONDmON 7470 SOUND AVE ❑POTENTIAL SHADING ISSUES TRIM/REMOVE AS NECESSARY MATTITUCK, NY 1 1952 ©unuTY METER LICENSE#G74G I-HI ®MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL LICENSE# 52G89-ME ©PV AC DISCONNECT IN PV INVERTER OF NEW SUB ELECTRICAL PANEL MAIN SERVICE PANEL P�� O A Y PATHWAY IN BASEMENT ERR �GS,O 3r ACCESS PATHWAYS m 2 a css Roos Roos 7034AS 18•ACCESS PATHWAYS SSIONP� 20'-2" PROJECT NAME 14'-114" - W Uj l� Uzm 26'-54 o Q = � >-- ROOF LINE LLJ CZz 0-/ m � z O �j MAIN HOUSE OOP SHEET NAME SITE PLAN DRAWING SCALE 2,-42" 3/3 2" = I 1-011 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1.) ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. SHEET NUMBER 2.) ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAINTIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3R RATING. PV-2 .O 3.)ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. 4.)THE LOCATION OF BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE UNIT 15 COMPLIANT WITH R327.4 OF 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE TAX MAP: 1 000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSP0IXNN_JX0RIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 LEGEND 14.3" DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: 10 ®EMSTING UTILITY METER ELEMENT ENERGY LLC MAIN SERVICE PANEL 3' MIN: CLEARANCE REVIEW BYOJ.M.I NZBCEPP CERTIFIE NEW PV SUB—PANELS A/C DISCONNECT COMBINER , INVERTERS - cNo ELECTRODEoDE 1 Q^ REV1510NS DESCRIPTION DATE REV -PV MODULE ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 RACKING RAIL 0 ATTACHMENT POINT ---STANDING SEAM. PROOF PITCH ANGLE �SUNRUN METER ®VENT i OPLUMBING VENT ®SKY LIGHT ® CONTRACTOR ®CHIMNEY ®moo CONDInaH ELEMENT SOUND AVE C DPOTENTIAL SHADING ISSUES TRIM/REMOVE AS NECESSARY MATTITUCK, NY 1 1952 ®UTILITY METER LICENSE# G74G I-HI ®MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL LICENSE# 52G89-ME ©PV AC DISCONNECT IN PV INVERTER SUB ELECTRICAL PANEL �������� - 4^ Q��O NE 0 A �O PATHWAY �Gs * * • 36'ACCESS PATHWAYS n ARRAY#3 2 Z 8 MODULES 27°PITCH 1034 18'ACCESS PATHWAYS 24G°AZIMUTH IFT 10 MODULES AROFE$$lQ � 18°PITCH GG°AZIMUTH PROJECT NAME z Uj l� A�O/ Q VJ 2" lu J - a/ MINA Czwz / [I/ m -j V-84,. z o O W � H 00 � > [,- 0 CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY (38)JINKO JKM425N-54HL4-13 425 WATT PV MODULES (DIMENSIONS: G7.79"x44.G5"x1.38") (1 05)ATTACHMENT POINTS @ 48"O.C. MAX 5hEET NAME (324.5) LF IRONRIDGE AIRE MOUNTING SYSTEM ROOF TYPE: ASPHALT SHINGLE 'NOTE Al ROOF PLAN 1.)THE ROOF SETBACK/PATHWAY SHALL NOT BE ARRAY#I 0o REQUIRED ON ROOF WHERE ADJACENT OR 20 MODULES OPPOSING ROOF SLOPE IS ACCESS ROOF IN 400 PITCH ACCORDANCE WITH R324.G.I EXCEPTION OF 150AZIMUTi �2j�Q , DRAWING SCALE 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. Y 2.)THE ROOF 5ET5ACK/PATHWAY SHALL NOT BE 240- O9 , II _ I_ REQUIRED ON ROOF WHERE THE SLOPE IS 2'0. 0 E I /`J _ I OI EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN TWO UNITS IN 120° VERTICAL WITH 12 UNITS IN HORIZONTAL IN CONSTRUCTION NOTES �80° S0 o ACCORDANCE WITH R324.G EXCEPTION OF tS srEET NUMBER 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. 1.)ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 3.)THE ROOF SETBACK/PATHWAY SHALL NOT BE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. PV-3 .0 REQUIRED ON DETACHED GARAGE IN 2.)ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAINTIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3R RATING. ACCORDANCE WITH R324.G. 3.)ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. TAX MAP: 1 000-05 1 .00-03.00-0 1 2.007 Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSP0IXNN_JXORIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 CONSTRUCTION NOTES LEGEND DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: 1.) ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. MasTING unuTY METER ELEMENT ENERGY LLC 2.) 'ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAIN—TIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3R RATING. MAIN SERVICE PANEL REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CEP.TIFIE NEW PV SUB—PANELS 051112-129 3.) ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. A/C DISCONNECT 4.) THE LOCATION OF BESS SYSTEM:IS COMPLIANT WITH THE SECTION R327 OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE, AS INNVVERRTNERERS AMENDED BY THE NEW YORK STATE UNIFORM CODE. ® �ELECTRODE REVISIONS 5.) THE BESS IS NOT INSTALLED IN A LOCATION SUBJECT TO VEHICLE DAMAGE. PV NODULE DE5CRIPTI0N DATE REV ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 CONSTRUCTON SUMMARY —RACKING RAIL (2) UNITS OF ENPHASE IQ BATTERY 5P 5KWH BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE UNITS ON THE o ATTACHMENT POINT 4" THICK PRE—CASTED CONCRETE PAD, EXTERIOR ---RAFTERS (DIMENSIONS: 21.65" X 38.58" X 7.4") 4—ROOF PITCH ANGLE BSUNRUN METER ®VENT [BESS EQUIPMENT PLAN — TOP VIEW] OPLUMBNG VENT ®SKY LIGHT -®CHIMNEY - CONTRACTOR ®COMPOSITE SHINGLES ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. GOOD CONDITION 7470 SOUND AVE 8.9" 7.9" POTENTIAL SHADING ISSUES ❑TRIM/REMOVE AS NE(IESSAR MATTITUCK, NY I 1952 7.4" LICENSE#G74G I-HI LICENSE# 52G59-ME 14.3" ��OF NEW Q' qgo ACo iv O 10 CA s 3' MIN. CLEARANCE � 11 Min.distance from the concrete pad to the Z bottom of the unit NeA C� (pedestal-mount v y 103443 configuration) 'ORp tp�1 . 10» 8'-32» ' PROJECT NAME Pedestal Mount spacing details-Side view _ Ulu [ A. Choose a location with at least 8" of space between a battery and z Q m the battery mounted in front. o >7 — B. Select a smooth,flat concrete surface with a minimum thickness of z r� 4"to hold the supplied anchor screws. a/ z � 0 LU NOTE: Minor unevenness in the•concrete surface can be correct- 0 O ed by using the extra four flat washers included.in the package. t` 0 ® a ___ NOTE:TFor the pedestal-mount configuration,the minimum distance between the floor and the bottom of the IQ Battery 5P unit is 5.57. SHEET NAME NOTE-For the wall-mount configuration,the minimum distance between the floor or ground and the bottom of the IQ Battery 5P EQUIPMENT FLOOR/ELEVATION PLAN unit is 6". [PAD—MOUNT PLAN FOR BESS] DRAWING5CALE AC/5 ROOF ACCESS ROOF 4» N.T.S. 20'-2" 2 '-2" SHEET NUMBER PV-4.0 TAX MAP: 1000-05 I .00-03.00-01 2.007 Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSP0IXNN_JXORIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 LEGEND y CONSTRUCTION NOTES a _ DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ®o DaSnNG UTILITY METER Q 1.) ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION ELEMENT ENERGY LLC MAIN SERVICE PANEL O 15 15 Ql (g)lej<xll 'P4.L' INSTRUCTIONS. REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE NEW PV SUB-PANELS - -' -. 2.) ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAIN—TIGHT WITH MINIMUM" NEMA 3R RATING. 05I 112-I20 A/C DISCONNECT COMBINER i -J �___ 16 3.) ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. _ INVERTERS r------- e IN ELECTRODE I 4.) THE LOCATION OF EV CHARGER SHALL BE COMPLIANT TO NEC, 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NYS, REVISIONS I AND MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. DE5CRIPTION DATE REV �PV MODULE •°--r_, 1 5.) THE EV CHARGER SHALL BE POSITIONED AT A HEIGHT THAT ENSURES IT IS NOT SUSCEPTIBLE TO ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 I RACKING RAIL I VEHICLE DAMAGE CAUSED BY IMPACT. ITS LOCATION COMPLIES WITH ALL APPLICABLE SAFETY AND o ATrACHMENT POINT i t CLEARANCE STANDARDS TO MINIMIZE RISK FROM VEHICULAR ACTIVITY. ---RAFTERS - J CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY --ROOF PITCH ANGLE o '• KITCHEN 0 (1) UNIT OF ENPHASE IQ EV CHARGER ON THE BACK WALL OF DETACHED GARAGE m � G.H.I0D FT a n ��1NRUN METER - - ® - h (DIMENSIONS: 19.7"" X 8.9" X 5.3 ) - VENT X - 0 PLUMBING VENT ; N�j t 3 F6 ® LIGHT I 29!p LL - CONTRACTOR CHIMNEY ®COMPOSITE SHINGLES ' ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC, GOOD CONDITION 013<5c'�; POTENTIAL sHADINc ISSUES .n AIL LVL •l3)13<°xl�; - 7470 SOUND AVE ❑TRIM/REMOVE AS NECESSARY MATTITUCK, NY 1 195 ° t le LICENSE# 6746 I-HI 4 Q�N LICENSE# 52G89-ME O ROOM CIA 10.0 FT - I Glf.i FT � A 14 R U O I LOAD NE+YVALL. - �T,1•NEW A O • � _ - - - - ae eg �Gs BLOGK:50LID 4 I LOAD eFAwN6 s'-0^ ABOVE r%.0 71 5 t I AROss►°NAB 5! I - I �(N).EV CHARGER PROJECT NAME osa I tII DRIVEWAY w r` Fire separation (g I riquired as per t� o g — 1 NYS Code ( In 6z >-- WOZz LU t I I j z -10 Fr 1 _j o LU ----— —J12 ® 0 o .% - -' •.:,� ;:` SHEET NAME EQUIPMENT FL.00PUELEVATION PLAN DRAWING SCALE 4'-3°. �3° 4'-3• 6.• N.T.5. 20'-0• SHEET NUMBER zl�[EV CHARGER — TOP VIEW] [ELEVATION PLAN FOR EV CHARGER] TAX MAP: 1000-05.1 .00-03.00-0 12.007 PV-4. I Zoho Sign Document ID:2A769FFA-IGTVBSMSP0IXNN_JXORIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 ITEM DESCRIPTION ARRAYS#I-3 LOAD CALCULATION ARRAY#I AP #2 AP #3 R R RB Rid e Beam/Board 2 I-3/4"X F4"ML LVL DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC R Rafter 2"X I OilD. FIR I G"O.0 REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE MODULE WEIGHT(Lbs) 48.5 45.5 45.5 (C) Collar Tle5 2"X 8"D. FIR @ I G"O.C. 051 1 1 2-129 (P) Pitch 18°, 27°*40° #OF MODULES 20 I o 8 (D) Decking 5/8"PLYWOOD REVISIONS TOTAL MODULE WEIGHT(Lbs) 970.0 485.0 388.0 J Ceillincl Joist 2".X I O" D. FIR I G"O.C] DE5CRIPTI0N DATE REV TOTAL LENGTH OF RAIL(Ft) 150.5 1 1318 Go.2 (H) Horizontal Span of(R) I GG"MAX. ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 RAIL WEIGHT PER FOOT(Lbs) O.GB O.G8 O.GB TOTAL RAIL WEIGHT(Lbs) 102.3 77.4 40.5 (R) (RB #OF STRANDOFF5 42 40 23 (D) WEIGHT PER 5TRANDOFF(LDO 2 2 2 TOTAL STANDOFF WEIGHT(Lbs) 84 80 4G TOTAL ARRAY WEIGHT(Lbs) 115G.3 G42.4 474.9 POINT LOAD(Lbs) 27.5 1 G.I 20.G CONTRACTOR TOTAL AR RAY APEA(Sclft) 425.2 214.1 171.3 ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. ARRAY DEAD LOAD(Lbs/Sq Ft) 2.7 3.0 2.8 (P (C) 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK, NY 1 1952 WIND DE51GN 5UI3JECT TO DAMAGE FROM LICENSE#G74G I-HI GROUND SEISMIC WINTER ICE BARRIER FLOOD AIR MEAN LICENSE# 52G89-ME SNOW DESIGN DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT FREEZING ANNUAL a Frost HAZARD59 LOAD* Speed Topographic Special Wmdborne CATEGORYi TEMP` REQUIREDh INDEXi TEMPS - k i Weathermga line Termite` 0 w y (mph) effects wend region debris zone'" depth" F NE 30 140 NO NO NO 6 SEVERE 3 FT HOE)TO 15°F YE5 FEMA ZONE X 599 5 1°F (H) Q' O A (J) MANUAL J DESIGN CRITERIA" C4 Indoor Elevation Latitude Winter Summer Altitude correction factor design Design temperature cooling Heating temperature heating cooling tempera difference 103443 ture AROg$10N�� 108 FT 41°N 1 5°F 50 F 1.00 70'F 75°F 55°F I I ROOF FRAMING DETAIL Wind Wind Cooling temperature difference velocity velocity Coincident Daily range Winter Summer humidity PROJECT NAME heating cooling. wet bulb -humidity 15°F 15 MPH 7.5 MPH 72°F MEDIUM(M) 40% 32 GR @509/.RH - Uw [` For SI:1 pound per square foot=0.0479 kPa,1 mile per hour=0.447 m/s. Z 77 n LLI _ a. Where weathering requires a higher strength concrete or grade of masonry than necessary to satisfy the structural requirements of this code,the frost line depth Q } strength required for weathering shall govem.The weathering column shall be filled in with the weathering index,"negligible;"'moderate"or"severe"for concrete as (I) LY Z determined from Figure R301.2(4).The grade of masonry units shall be determined from ASTM C34,C55,C62,C73,C90,C129,C145,C216 or C652. w LY b. Where the frost line depth requires dee er footin s than indicated in Figure R403.1 1 ,the frost line depth strength required for weathering shall ovem.The jurisdiction MODULE P q P 9 9 O P 9 q 9 9 1 LU � shall fill in the frost line depth column with the minimum depth of footing below finish grade. w p _J C. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table to indicate the need for protection depending on whether there has been a history of local subterranean termite damage. Z -J O d. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the wind speed from the basic wind speed map[Figure R301.2(5)A].Wind exposure category shall be determined W on a site-specific basis in accordance with Section R301.2.1.4. O.O e. The outdoor design dry-bulb temperature shall be selected from the columns of 971/2-percent values for winter from Appendix D of the Plumbing Code of New York ROOF O State.Deviations from the Appendix D temperatures shall be permitted to reflect local climates or local weather experience as determined by the building official.[Also MODULE see Figure R301.2(1).] f. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the seismic design category determined from Section R301.2.2.1. g. To establish flood hazard areas,each community regulated under Title 19,Part 1203 of the Official Compilation of Codes,Rules and Regulations of the State of New 2SMP EMBm. SEE ENLARGED VIEW York(NYCRR)shall adopt a flood hazard map and supporting data.The flood hazard map shall include,at a minimum,special flood hazard areas as identified by the i Federal Emergency Management Agency in the Flood Insurance Study for the community,as amended or revised with: SHEET NAME i.The accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM), ii.Flood Boundary and Floodway Map(FBFM),and (2)-#14 X 3"SELF DRILLING iii.Related supporting data along with any revisions thereto. STRUCTURAL SCREWS TO EXISTING STRUCTURE -' ROOF STRUCTURAL DETAILS The adopted flood hazard map and supporting data are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this section. h. In accordance with Sections R905.1.2,R905.4.3.1,R905.5.3.1,R905.6.3.1,R905.7.3.1 and R905.8.3.1,where there has been a history of local damage from the effects of ice damming,the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with"YES:'Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with"NO." ENLARGED VIEW ATTACHMENT DETAILS L The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the 100-year return period air freezing index(BF-days)from Figure R403.3(2)or from the 100-year(99 percent) value on the National Climatic Data Center data table"Air Freezing Index-USA Method(Base 32°F)." j. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the mean annual temperature from the National Climatic Data Center data table"Air Freezing Index-USA Method DRAWING SCALE (Base 32°F)." k. In accordance with Section R301.2.1.5,where there is local historical data documenting structural damage to buildings due to topographic wind speed-up effects,the �/I II jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with"YES:'Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall indicate"NO"in this part of the table. I. In accordance with Figure R301.2(5)A,where there is local historical data documenting unusual wind conditions,the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with "YES"and identify any specific requirements.Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall indicate"NO"in this part of the table. m. In accordance with Section R301.2.1.2 the jurisdiction shall indicate the wind-borne debris wind zone(s).Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall indicate"NO"in this part of the table. n. The jurisdiction shall fill in these sections of the table to establish the design criteria using Table 1 a or 1 b from ACCA Manual J or established criteria determined by the SHEET NUMBER jurisdiction. MOUNTING DETAIL n PV_5 ,O o. The ground snow loads to be used in determining the design snow loads for roofs are given in Figure R301.2(6)for sites at elevations up to 1,000 feet.Sites at elevations.above 1,000 feet shall have their ground snow load increased from the mapped value by 2 psf for every 100 feet above 1,000 feet. (•) See Figure R301.2(4)B. TAX MAP: 1 000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSP0IXNN_JX0RIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC N)SOLAR ARRAY ON MAIN HOUSE 16.15 kW 70 UTILITY GRID REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE 38)JINKO SOLAR,JKM425N-54HL4—B 425 WATT PV MODULES 051112-129 (3) SIRING OF(10)MICRO—INVERTERS do(1)STRING OF(8)MICRO—INVERTERS !(4)STRINGS TOTAL AC D6CDf8ffCT ' N OLAR MODULE IYP. MICRO—INVERTER EN—DIRECTIONAL STRING #1 - - - ENPHASE 1.33 -72-M-us uov�c,�o.amml UTILITY METER REVISIONS 240 VAG 1.33 A Nut at a 1s00 L 1-PHASE,240 V - 977E CEC-WEIGHTED EFF. PRE-INSTALLED BREAKER M 1w A NM DESCRIPTION DATE REV NEMA 6,UL LISTED OR GATEWAY TYPICAL 24OV.20A nlF + N ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 POlti OF NIDSONEl:nD71 ND:210.11(B70 !oB6M(q ENPHASE (N)ENPHASE IQ SYSTEM CONTROLLER 3 M or T�v m�1c1a1s BRANCH 120/240 VAG 200 A PASSTHROUGH RATED SHALL NUT EXCEED 10 er ENPHASE BRANCH TERMINATOR NEMA 3R,UL LISTED r-CIRCUIT CABLE TYPICAL FICA2-POLE BREAKER ' (EMAIN DISCON CSERVICE STRING #2 WITH Ho 2L 40 V. 40I 240 K 150 A 2-POLE BREAKER I I Ll t WITH HOLD-DOWN KIT 1 t (N)2-POLE 240 V.70 A ON40 TOff G�,T i 240 V. 50 A I t t CONTRACTOR + I 4. + ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. 2 ENPHASE IQ BATTERY SP UNITS AA I(N)ENPHASE t +(�MAN SERVICE PANEL 7470 SOUND AVE- 1 1 t t w e.r®n I EV CHARGER STRINGS #3-4 � i I 1-PH 3-w MATTITUCK, NY 1195 • • • fl�l -- —� ' I 240 VAC LICENSE# G74G I-HI I --- -� N 150 A LICENSE# 52G89-ME I I G I N t N I 31 G r -- — --J t t `----J j of NEw I I — — — --- --i I Q 1 0 A /Gs 1 I t t II11 t I 1 III s l t t I *)MAIN * , IIII I (IISCONNECT DOS71NG GROUNDING I III I 240 V,60 A I ELECTRODE SYSTEMAC COMISM BOX "' 2 I-------- I I I I I ' ' I - - N C� GAIEWA COMMS =DOUBLE1& �,v� I I I I 240 VAC,t1 1034A3 00A P 1 11 1 I N (N)ESSEN7UIL I OSSION on I I I I G LOAD PANEL r - --� riIII I I PROJECT NAME III I ----- I I(SWI�ro SHUTDOWN 1 600 wG 16A I w L J I\ N 1 2 11 IP66/NEMA 4X I U Z 6) I I UL1741 PVRSE I Z Q _ UJ } I OOZZ w z K Q Z O W � ~ ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— -------------J � � O N 4 SHEET NAME ELECTRICAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES 1.) ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE LISTED BY UL OR OTHER NRTL, AND LABELED FOR ITS APPLICATION. 1.) THE BESS PROVIDES MONITORING AND BALANCING CELL ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM 2.) ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER, RATED FOR 600 V AND 90-C WET ENVIRONMENT. VOLTAGES, CURRENTS,AND TEMPERATURES WITHIN THE 3.) WIRING, CONDUIT, AND RACEWAYS MOUNTED ON ROOFTOPS SHALL BE ROUTED DIRECTLY TO, AND LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE NEAREST RIDGE, HIP, OR VALLEY. MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION THROUGH WEB AND 4.) WORKING CLEARANCES AROUND ALL NEW AND EXISTING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 110.26. MOBILE APPLICATIONS. 5.) DRAWINGS INDICATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SYSTEMS. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL NECESSARY OUTLETS, SUPPORTS, FITTINGS AND ACESSORIES TO FULFILL APPLICABLE CODES AND 2.) THE BESS SYSTEM SHALL TRANSMIT AN ALARM SIGNAL STANDARDS. VIA MOBILE PORTAL IF POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS DRAWING SCALE 6.) WHERE SIZES OF JUNCTION BOXES, RACEWAYS, AND CONDUITS ARE NOT SPECIFIED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE THEM ACCORDINGLY. TEMPERATURES OR OTHER CONDITIONS SUCH AS SHORT 7.) ALL WIRE TERMINATIONS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY LABELED AND READILY VISIBLE. CIRCUITS, OVER VOLTAGE OR UNDER VOLTAGE ARE n I ,I. . 8.) MODULE GROUNDING CLIPS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN MODULE FRAME AND MODULE SUPPORT RAIL, PER THE GROUNDING CLIP MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. DETECTED. I V 9.) MODULE SUPPORT RAIL TO BE BONDED TO CONTINUOUS COPPER G.E.C. VIA WEEB LUG OR ILSCO GBL-4DBT LAY—IN LUG. 3.) CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE 10.) THE POLARITY OF THE GROUNDED CONDUCTORS IS (positive/negative) BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT OR MEANT TO LIMIT UP—SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD 10.) THE DC SIDE OF THE PV SYSTEM IS UNGROUNDED AND SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 690.35. CONDITIONS. SHEET NUMBER 11.) THE INSTALLATION COMPLIES WITH R327 ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS. \ / 12.) CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP—SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. ALL CONDUCTORS NOT UNDER P V —6.0 ARRAY ARE TO BE IN CONDUIT MINIMUM 7/8" ABOVE ROOF. TAX MAP: 1 000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSP01 XNN_JXORIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVDOO-8 DESIGN$DRAFTING 5Y: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NA13CEP CERTIFIE 051 1 1 2-1 29 WIRE CALCULATION REVISIONS DE5CPJFTI0N DATE REV ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 MIN. STARTING STARTING TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR CURRENT FACTOR FOR ADJUSTED CURRENT CONDUIT ALLOWABLE TEMPERATURE CORRECTION TAG QTY. SIZE (AWG) DESCRIPTION SIZE & AMPACITY RATING ('C) APPLIED TO FACTOR MORE THAN 3 CONDUCTOR APPLIED TO TYPE 310.15(B)(16) CONDUCTORS 310.15(B)(2)(a) CONDUCTORS AMPACITY CONDUCTORS IN RACEWAY 310.15(B)(3)(a) IN RACEWAY THWN-2 COPPER- (L I ,L2,N) I 8 10 I" PVC 40 900 13.3 0.84 I 33.GO I G.G3 I 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) CONTRACTOR THWN-2 COPPER- (LI ,L2,N) ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. 2 3 G 1" PVC 75 900 50.54 0.9G I 72.00 G3.18 7470 SOUND AVE 1 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) IMATTITUCK, NY 1 1 95 LICENSE#G74G I-HI 3 8 THWN COPPER- (LI ,L2,N) LICENSE# 52G89-ME 3 3/4" PVC 55 900 32.00 0.9G 1 52.80 40.00 1 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) THWN-2 COPPER- (L I ,L2) C�OF NElyy 4 2 12 3/4" PVC 30 900 0.02 0.9G 1 28.80 0.03 Q 4go A �G O 1 g THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) s THWN COPPER- (L I ,L2,N) 5 3 2 1-1/4" PVC 130 900 82.54 0.9G 1 124.80 103. 16 1 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) 103443 THWN COPPER- (L I ,L2,N) AR��E SS%( G 3 G 3/4" PVC 75 900 47.9G 0.9G 1 72.00 50.95 - 1 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) - - PROJECT NAME THWN COPPER- (L I ,L2) 7 2 8 1/2" PVC 55 900 40 0.9G 1 52.80 50.00 zzm o g - > } z Imo z � 0 LU 0 C) 0 SHEET NAME ELECTRICAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES 1.) THE BESS PROVIDES MONITORING AND BALANCING CELL 1.) ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE LISTED BY UL OR OTHER NRTL, AND LABELED FOR ITS APPLICATION. VOLTAGES, CURRENTS, ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM 2.) ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER, RATED FOR 600 V AND 90-C WET ENVIRONMENT. AND TEMPERATURES WITHIN THE MANUFACTURER'S 3.) WIRING, CONDUIT, AND RACEWAYS MOUNTED ON ROOFTOPS SHALL BE ROUTED DIRECTLY TO, AND LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE NEAREST RIDGE, HIP, OR VALLEY. SPECIFICATION THROUGH WEB AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS. 4.) WORKING CLEARANCES AROUND ALL NEW AND EXISTING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 110.26. 2.) THE HEAT DETECTOR OR HEAT ALARM SHALL BE 5.) DRAWINGS INDICATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SYSTEMS. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL NECESSARY OUTLETS, SUPPORTS, FITTINGS AND ACESSORIES TO FULFILL APPLICABLE CODES AND INSTALLED AND INTERCONNECTED WITH SMOKE ALARM AND STANDARDS. THE BESS SYSTEM SHALL TRANSMIT AN ALARM SIGNAL DRAWING SCALE 6:) WHERE SIZES OF JUNCTION BOXES, RACEWAYS, AND CONDUITS ARE NOT SPECIFIED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE THEM ACCORDINGLY. VIA MOBILE PORTAL OR THE SMOKE AND/OR HEAT 7.) ALL WIRE TERMINATIONS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY LABELED AND READILY VISIBLE. ALARM/DETECTOR IF POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS n I .T. . 8.) MODULE GROUNDING CUPS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN MODULE FRAME AND MODULE SUPPORT RAIL, PER THE GROUNDING CUP MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. TEMPERATURES OR OTHER CONDITIONS SUCH AS SHORT I V 9.) MODULE SUPPORT RAIL TO BE BONDED TO CONTINUOUS COPPER G.E.C. VIA WEEB LUG OR ILSCO GBL-4DBT LAY-IN LUG. CIRCUITS, OVER VOLTAGE OR UNDER VOLTAGE ARE 10.) THE POLARITY OF THE GROUNDED CONDUCTORS IS (positive/negative) DETECTED. OR 3.) CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE 10.) THE DC SIDE OF THE PV SYSTEM IS UNGROUNDED AND SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 690.35. BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT 5HEET NUMBER 11.) THE INSTALLATION COMPLIES WITH R327 ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS. MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD 12.) CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. ALL CONDUCTORS NOT UNDER CONDITIONS. ARRAY ARE TO BE IN CONDUIT MINIMUM 7/8" ABOVE ROOF WITH PROPER JUNCTION BOX AT EACH END. - TAX MAP: 1000-05 I .00-03.00-0 12.007 Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-IGTVBSMSP0IXNN_JX0RIUVE6LTASSUVCE4YWCVD00-8 SERVICE METER O O ® DESIGN&DRAFTING BY: INSTALLATION NOTE ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE SOLAR PV SYSTEM j PHOTOVOLTAIC P • i • A ( 1 ) ALL LABEL SHALL BE INSTALLEDIN 051 I 1z-129 SOI.ARBREAKER�, ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2017 NEC ' EQUIPPED NTH � � �� 1 ®� REVISIONS RAPID 8HUT�O1 ( ® OPERATING VOLTAGE VDC REQ U I REM ENTS. DESCRIPTION DATE REV OPERATING (2) ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND - OPJGI NAL 12-20-2024 SOLAR AC LOAD CENTER- OUTSIDE j �DONOTREIOCATETHIS OR REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. SotlEttcuRltENTDEMCE ; (3) LABELS, WARNING(S) AND MARKING 0 TURN RAPID sHurWI+NswtrcHTo I SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 0 THE�OFF•POSTONTOSHUTDOM 1 1 0.2 1 (B). SPVSYMEMMREDUCE CAUlnON HOCK HAZARD INTHEARMAY POriERTO THIS SERVICE IISS ALSO SUPPUED (4) THE MATERIAL USED FOR MARKING AC DISCONNECT FROM THEFOLOONG SOURCES WITH INSCON/ffCM LOCAUD AS SNONRI ' MUST BE WEATHER RESISTANT, I N SOLAR AC LOAD CENTER- INSIDE 2 Y U41Y�ElER ,,_ I CONTRACTOR 0 �`* COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 1 1 0.2 1 (B)(3). - ELEMENT ENERGY, LL . pwply (5) THE PV SYSTEM CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS 7470 SOUND AVE ® O ® I 1 ® • SHALL BE LABELED INSTALLED IN IMATTITUCK, NY 1 195 THIS EQUIPMENT FED BYMaMPLE DUAL POWER SUPPLY SOURCES-TOWIRAMNGOFALL COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 690.3 I LICENSE#67461-f11 OVERCURRENTOEVICES,EKCLUDIN6 SOURCES:UTILITY GRID LICENSE# 52G89-ME MAIN SUPPLYOVERAPRRENT AND PV SOLAR DEVICE.SMLHOTULEED ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONDUIT - INSIDE BUILDING AlAPACTIYOFBUMAR. --- ---- �oA ,Go �1L s IMI THIS SERVICEMETERIS ALSO SERVED BY AELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD . PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMTERMINALS ON THE LINE AND S 1034ASLO THE PEN POSITIIDES MAY BE RG� AROFESSIONA� CONDUIT - OUTSIDE BUILDING IN ® � - � -�-_�---- ---- - ' ' • • • ' l PROJECT NAME fir, � •• • — DUALPOWERSUPPLY IL LU f� ISOURCE&UTILITY a ® lZil Q � Pv SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM J - _ MAIN SERVICE PANEL - OUTSIDE GAiN �3Ri1lT N O LUWz � ; ®' Uj zo0 SOLARELECIRICSSTBACONRECi� , W � = • •�• III • 0 MAIN SERVICE PANEL - INSIDE 1 ®I OPERATING POWER SOURCE ' ® OUTPUT CONNECTION OPERATING VOLTAGEVOLTS I N gii SHEET NAME O DO NOT RELOCATETHIS �41 O_VERC_U_R_RENT_DEVICE 51GNAGE AC DISCONNECT/BREAKER DRAWING SCALE 000 ® G N .T.S. SHEET NUMBER 1 V — /UM.O TAX MAP: 1 000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 p DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFT 051112-129 1 ENGINEERING DRAWINGS MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS f FW111 z? -.K Front Side Back REVISIONS EAGLE No.of Half Cells 10812 x 541_-� - -__ _- _--- '. ttwn to 6s fe8< m<z.ea _ DESCRIPTION DATE REV i Dimensions 1?22x1134x35mm(6Z79-44.65x1.38inehl - .... -M _,�_w ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 s Weight 22.Okg(48.5lbs) i HIP_ a. fl. I '-- --- S iki r a t r1k4 ft 1 it I I Fronf ss 3.2mm,Anti-Reflection CoatingH,E MO d 4° au High Transmission,Low Iron.Tempered Glass ` t F 2 1 - - - r,-"t - v 1 -.. !! Frame Anodized Aluminum Alloy tk9! i Junction -� IP68Rated ( DEPENDABLE E Ott lts',i.l ,t i a r 4 Output Cables 12 AWG,1400mm 155.12in)or Customized Length SOLAR PRO-DUCT Connector Staubli MC4- �_- I;t Fire Type - - - ll� LF 1 it :-----------4 _.... R '7 Pressure'Rating 540OPa[Snow]&240013a[Wind) CONTRACTOR EAGLE 54HM G6 ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. §s..is __. TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS 7470 SOUND AVE - MATTITUCK, NY 1195 420-440 WATT• N-TYPE TOPCON __ _ _ Temperature Pmax -0.29%/"C _- Length: p LICENSE#G74G I-HI t" p LICENSE# 52G89-ME - Width; Tem eratuceCoefftcientsofVoc -0.25h/°C Positive power tolerance of 0-+3% t U l--•--- -ien sofIsc - - ----_---_-_.--_� Height:zimm TemperattireCoetficientsoflsc 0.045%/°C - ------�--' Row Pitch:z 2mm Nominal Operating Cell Temperature INOCTI 45t2"C --� • NYSE-listed since 2010,Bloomberg Tier 1 manufacturer • Top performance in the strictest 3fd party tabs ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE&TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE MAXIMUM RATINGS • Automated manufacturing utilizing artificial intelligence currem-voua a&Power-Volta a Temperature Dependence 9 9 Operating Temperature[°CI -40•C-+85°C • Vertically integrated,tight controls on quality Curves 1440W1 of Isc,Voc,Pmax -m 5ystemVoltage 1000VOC • Premium solar factories in USA,Vietnam,and Malaysia 16 �. ?i° m Maximum Series Fuse Rating 25A 14"---- tr' _1 im ~ !n0 PROJECT NAME KEY FEATURES g,� [ PACKAGING CONFIGURATION OSuperior Aesthetics 2- _ (Twopattefs=One stack) Black backsheet and black frame create ideal look for °'° 5 ° 31pcs/pallets..62pcs/stack,806pcs/40 HO Container U to residential applications. [�Z n Voltage IVI Z Q _ m i p 0 N-Type eitswit gy Ji N-type celtswith Jinko's in-house TUPCon technology 'm WARRANTY to b-/LLJ Z offers better performance and improved reliability. Celt Temperature(°cl (Z 53 25-year product and 30-year linear powerwarranty ED p Oroux Thick and Tough 1•'year degradation not to exceed 1%,each subsequent year not to W 0 exceed 0.4%,minimum power at year 30 is 87.4%or greater. Z - Fire Type 1 rated module engineered with a thick frame, w 3.2mm front side glass,and thick backsheet for added durability. 0 O Shade Tolerant to Twin array design allows continued performance ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Module Type JKM420N-54HL4-B JKM425N-54HL4-B JKM430N-54HL4-B JKM435N-54HL4-B JKM440N-54HL4-8 even with shading by trees or debris. STC_-�NOCT __STC NOCT STC _NOCT A _STC -_ ,_ NOCT - STC _NOCT ,r .i• Protected Against All Environments Maximum Power[PmaxI 420Wp 316Wp 425Wp 320Wp 430Wp 323Wp 435Wp 327Wp 440Wp 331Wp Certified to withstand humidity,heat 1- ,rain,marine environments, }Maximum PowerVottage(Vmpl ^w32.16V 29.95V p 32.37V �3019V�-`�32.58V 30.30V ` 32.78V. 30.50V�132.99V�30.73V 5tiEET NAME wind,hailstorms,and packed snow. - MaximumPowerCurrent(imp) 13.06A 10.55A 13.13A 10.60A 13.20A 10.66A 13.27A 1072A 13.34A 10.77A y Warranty F°pen-circuitVottage[Voc,1 T3B.74V-_36.8°V 4--38.95V 37.o0V 39.16V - 37.20V�39.36V 37.39V 39.57V� '37_59V PV MODULE SPEC 25-year product and 30-year linear power warranty. snort-circuit current(Isc)7 13.51A 10.91A 13.58A 10.96A 13.65A 11.02A 13.72A 11.08A 13.80A 11.14A 61Module EfficiencySTC1%) 21.51%" 21.76% - 22.02% 22.28% - 22.53% I *STC: ;t5;Irradiance 1000W/m2 Cell Temperature 25°C AM=1.5 DRAWING SCALE StandardsWind Speed 1m/s • 1S09001:2015Oualit mentalStan Health&Safety y Standards ® NOCT::�:Irradiance 800W/mz Ambient Temperature 20°C � AM=1.5 p • IECL1ISOI/ 15,IE561730 certified products d uct Health&Safety Standards % CE C u�. US �I •T•5• 'Power measurement tolerance:z3% I V I • IEC61215,IEC61730 certified products UL61730 certified products LISTED The company reserves the final right tor explanation onanyof the information presented hereby.JKM420-440N-54HL4-B-F1-US Sa Gf2 BUILDING YOUR TRUST IN SOLAR.WWW.JINKOSOLAR.US inK0 BUILDING YOUR TRUST IN SOLAR.WWW.JINKOSOLAR.US •JJn= SHEET NUMBER PV-8.0 TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DE51GN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE 051112-129 ENPHASE. IQ8MC Microinverter REVISIONS INPUT DATA CDC) UNITS IQBMC-72-M-US DE5CRIPn0N DATE REV , ' Commonly used module pairings'_ .w - - - 260-460 - - - - ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 To meet compatibility,PV modules must be within the maximum input DC voltage and maximum module l listed below. Module compatibility _ - - - - - Module compatibility can be checked at hops!/enphwo.com/installers/microinverters/calculator. MPPTvoltagerange V 25 45 -..-- --—------ --- ---- -------.-- -- - --- ---- - -- ----------- -- Operating range V 18-58 Minimum/Maximum start voltage v = - - : - 22/56 _ : - Max.input DC voltage V 60 ----Max:continuous operating DCC current A 14- ---- ---------`---- -- -� `-------.-_.._._-------•- ---�--.__---'-------------`------- - CONTRACTOR "1 Max.inputDCshort-circuit current A 25 ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. Maxmodulel_ A_ 20_ 7470 SOUND AVE Overvoltage class DC port If MATTITUCK, NY 1 195 - _ DC portbackfeedcurrent---------- _-^-- -- _ ---- ---- -----MA 0------ ----- .- -- --------- __ LICENSE 67461 I LICENSE# 52689 ME W array configuration Ungrounded array;no additional DC side protection required;AC side protection requires max 20 A per branch circuit OUTPUT DATA(AC)____ UNITS lQ8MC-72-M-US @240 VAC IO8MC 1.Peak output power - VA - 330- - - - -315 - r Q r Q r Max.continuous output power VA 320 310 IQIIMCMICI OI�V�l1 ��/1 - - Nominalgridvokage(L-L)--i -� V -- 240,split-phase(L-L),180-V-_---i` -206,single-phase(L-L),120 _ - - - - MinJmax.grid voltage 2 V 211-264 183-229 s first micro rid-formin Easy to install Our newest I08 Series Microinverters are the Indust ry' g g',Software Max,continuous output current A 9.33 - 1A9 defined microinverters with split-phase power conversion capability to convert DC power to Lightweight and compact with plug AC power efficiently.The brain of the semiconductor-based microinverter is our proprietary and-play connectors Nominal frequencytt: '_- 60 application specific integrated circuit(ASIC),which enables the microinverter to operate in Power linecommunication(PLC) �Extanded frequency range tfs _ : 47-68 grid-tied or off-grid modes.This chip is built in advanced 55 nm technology with high-speed L`--- - - -- ----- --- - --------_-_�.-_---.-------__-__._---------•_-----_-._-- - -between components : CshortcircuitfaultcurrentoverthreecyclesArms 2.70 digital logic and has superfast response times to changing leads and grid evems,alleviating A _ - - constraints on batterysizing for home energy stems. P - i - . . - : - PROJECT NAME g gy systems. ! Faster installation with simple wire' I Max units per 20 A(L:L)branch circuit' — 12 10 cabling --- ---- -- ---------- --- - - --- -- _ Total harmonic distortion - -^------9c --^-- <5 High productivity and reliability. : - Overvoltagg class Ad port— ------ -- ----III.- _ ------------ -- --- W U-i [� • Produces power even when.the grid is AC port backfered current mA z 18 z Q down' - I - , Power factor setting--- -- -.._-..- ------- - -- - 1D More.than one million cumulative hours w Z Part of the Enphase Energy System, IQS Series Microinverters redefine of testing Pe-- --- -- ------- --- -- -- -- -- - - - ---- ---- --..- -.--____--__-- �/ m Q Grid-tied power factor(adjustable) 0.85 leading...0 85 lagging - ak efficiency % 97.38 . . . . _ 9Z23 �/ 108 Series Microinverters integrate with reliability standards with more than one Class Il double-insulated enclosure: _.,_ —_. W p � ry,the IQ Batte IQ Gateway,and the million cumulative hours of power-on im h-Fized for the latest ht owered CEC weighted etbciency % 97.00 96.50 z Enphase App monitoring and analysis testing,enabling an industry-leading 9. : - - --_ _ _ ___. _.- _.._ _-__• __ _ --_-_ _ _, _ - - _.._ • ___ O Opt PVmodules Ni httirtle power consumption - mW- - - 28- - - 25 lLJ software, limited warranty of up to 25 years. 9 po mpt O UNITS MECHANICAL DATA Microgrid-forming O - Complies with the latest advanced grid J support humidity range (condensing) F) Ambienttemperature range' -40•C to 65•C(40°Ft 49 Relative -_-- -'--- _ ---_ -_--- -, ----_ 4%to100%(conden --.---__----- -_-_ _ -- ----- -' a Remote automatic up dates forthe 1 DC connectortype - - - _ - - - Staubli MC4- - -- - latest grid requirements - _ Dimensions(H x W x D);Weight 212 mm(8.3•)•175 mm(6.9")•30.2 mm(129;1.1 kg(2-43 lbs) SHEET NAME Connect PV modules quickly and easily 108 Series Microinverters are UL Listed 'Configurable to support a widerange, - q Y Y _ - Cooling Natural convection-no fans_ to the 108 Series Microinverters that have as PV rapid shutdown equipment and of grid profiles_ integrated MC4 connectors. conforms with various regulations when Meets CA Rule 21(1.10741-SA)and IEEE Approved for wet locations;Pollution degree Yes;PD3 - M ICROI N VERTER SPEC Installed according to the manufacturer's 1547:2018(UL 1741-SB) j Enclosure Class It double-insulated,corrosion-resistant polymeric enclosure Instructions. ------ -- -- - -=-- ---... =---_-.----_:. - - ------- - - - - Environ.category',UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6;outdoor ------"--- -_-_--- -.-- -v- Note: COMPLIANCE 108 Series Microinverters cannot be mixed together- - - - DRAWING SCALE _ wi(h previous generations of Enphase micminveitem: . { _ CA Rule 21(UL 1741-SA),UL 62109-1,IEEE 15472018(UL 1741-58),FCC Part 15 Class B,ICES-6003 Class 8,CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO-1071-01 'Only when Installed with lQ System Controller 2 meets UL 1741. 0Q7 Series,106 Series,and so on)in the.same system. ! Certifications This productls UL Listed as PViapId shutdown equipment and conforms with NEC 2014,NEC.2017,and.NEC 2020 section 690.12 and C22.1.2018 N .T.S. wsystems ----- - - - - ---- _.- - -- - ---- - -- - - - _... Rule 64"21 shutdbn of P1/8 rapid � systa ms for AC and DC conductors when Installed according to manufacturer's instructions. N 02023 Enphase Energy.All rights reserved.Enphase the a and CC logos.l0.and certain other marks listed at th'tt/enphasacom/trademark-usage-guidelines are trademarks of Enphase Energy.Inc In the US and other countries. (1)No enforced DC/AC ratio.See the compatNlity calculator at hapsJ/enphase.com/Instare /nucrol.v ters/calculator. Data subject to change. IQ8MG-MC4-DSH-00049-2D-EN-US-2023-09-11 (2)Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the uelity. IOSMC-MC4-DSH-00049-2.0-EN-US-2023-09-11 (3)Limits may vary.Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per brooch In your area. SHEET NUMBER PV-8. I TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC ENPHASE. IQ Combiner 5/5C REVIEW BY J.M.[12-12PCERTIFIE 051 12- 9 00, ---- - - ---`- -- - - - - -- ---'---'-- - -- - - '- - ---- MODEL NUMBER ' - REVISIONS IQ Combiner 5 with IQ Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue-grade PV production DE5CRIPTION DATE REV IQ Combiner 5(R-164MI-240-5) metering(ANSIC1220 d0.5%),consumption monitoring(t2.5%),and iQ Battery monitoring(t25%)., -i _Includes a silver solar shield to deflect heat. � - ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 ENPHASE - -- -_- - - -_- _ _ IQ Combiner 5C with IQ Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue-grade PV production " - metering(ANSI C12.20 t0.5%),consumption monitoring(t2.5%)and IQ Battery monitoring UZ5%). IQ Combiner SC(XiQ-AMl-240-5C) I Includes Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modem(CELLMODEM-Mi-06-SP-05y.includes a silver - - - solar shield to deflect heat WHAT'S IN THE tr : - o IQ Gateway printed circuit board 1 IQ Gateway is the platform for total energy management for comprehensive,remote maintenance,and management of the Enphase Energy System - - - ' support b'b80 Ausar with - - - - - - - _ - - for one IQ Gateway breaker and four ZO A breaker for installing Busbar IQ Series Microirwertem and IQ Battery 5P - - - - -r. _ • _ - _ - -`- - -._ - �. _ ---' - -' - - - - - - - --- - '-- -- CONTRACTOR IQ Gateway breaker Circuit breaker,2-pole,10A/15A Production CT - _ - _ Pre-wired revenue-gradesorid-cons CT,accurate uptoto.5% ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. - X-I0-AM1-24075- - Consumption CT Two consumption met eringclampCTs,shipped with the box,accurate uptoz2S% MATTITUCK, NY 1 195 X-IQ-AMl-240-5C .IQ_BattdyCT _ - - - One battery metering clampiCT,shipped with the box,accurate uptot2.5% - LICEN5E# G74G I-.HI CTRL board Control board for wired communication with IQ System Controller 3/3G and the lQ Battery SP LICENSE# 52669-ME IQ Combiner 5/5C .--�____ __.--_- `---- --- --_=-� �:-- Connect- - : � . _ - ' - - - - _-'_- - _ 5-year:. _ - : : _ phase Mobile (onlywithla-Combiner5C) 4GbasedLTE-based -M1-06-SP-05)withaT-Mobile data plan" - - - Accessories kit Spare control headers for the COMMS-KIT-02 board Smart The IQ Combiner 5/5C consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and ,• , , , , ORDER,. . . . PARTS SEPARATELY) streamlines IQ Series Micrommerters and IQ Gateway installation by providing a consistent, Includes IQ Gateway for_pre-wired solution for residential applications.IQ Combiner 5/5C uses wired control commutticstionandcontral _ CELLMODEM-MI-06-SP-05 4G-basedLTE-Ml cellular modem with a5-yearT-Mobile data plan communication and is compatible with IQ System Controller 3/313 and IQ Battery 5P. Includes Enphase Mobile Connect- - - - CELLMODEM-Mt-06-AT-o5 4G-based LTE with -M1 cellular modem h a 5-year AT&T data plan -'(CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP=05),onlym The IQ Combiner 5/5C,IQ Series Microinverters,IQ System Controller3/3G,and with IQ Combiner 5C - Supports Eaton BR2XX Stainers QM and GE/ABBTHQL2IXX Seriesc'acurt breakers(XX represents IQ BatterySP provide a complete grid-agnostic Enphase Energy System. - circuitbreakers(off-the-shelf)' - •10,15,20,30,40,50.or60).Also supports Eaton BR22OB,BR230B,and BR240B circuit breakers. Supportsflexiblenetworking:W1-Fi,- j - compatifilewtththehold-downkit . Ethernet orcellular -. : _. .:_ -.. - = - - Provides production metering Circu t breakers(provided by Enphase) BRK-10A-2-24W W,BRK-i5A-2-24OV,BRK-20A-2P-24 BRK-15A-2P-24OV-B,and BRK-20A-2P- (revenue grade)and consirmption -- - -- _ -- - 24OV-B(more details in-the'Accessories"section) monitoring I XA-SOLARSHIELD-ES _ ^^ Replacement solarshield for 10 ombmer5/5,C _ PROJECT NAME XA-EN.V2-PCBA-5 IQ Gateway replacement printed circuit board(PCB)for IQ Combiner 5/5C Fasyto install X-IQ-NA-HD-125A - -Hold-down kit compatible with Eaton BR-B Series circuitbrea_kers(with screws)_ W W (\ IQ Series Microinverters IQ System Controller 3/3G Mounts to one stud with centered - - - - " - - - '- - - -- " - U The high-powered smart grid-ready IQ Series Provides microgrid interconnection device - .brackets - - XA-COMMS2-PCBA-S Replacement COMMS-KIT-02 printed circuit board(PCB)for IQ Combiner 5/SC z Q Microinverters(106,IQ7,and 108 Series) (MID)functionality by automatically detecting :. Supports bottom,back and side t U — simplify the installation process. grid failures and seamlessly transitioning � ' > conduit entries, - the home energy system from grid power to Rating BOA w p/ z backup power. Supports up to-four 2-polebranch : _ DZ lu -- • circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers 'System voliage and frequency - -120/240 VAC,60 Hz' - - - - - - (� Q (not included) -- -. - - - - W p O Busbar rating 125 A W ear'' 80 A total RV branch circuits _ e.•�•. ` �; - - - - I Fault current rating 10WC - � � O O 0 Bluetooth-based VO4i provfsioning __. _ - - % for easy Wi-Fi setup : : - Maximum continuous current rating(input from PV/storage) 64 A l Up to four 2-pole Eaton Elk Siemens O,or GE/ABB THQL Series distributed generation(DG)breakers ,-; - Branch circuits(solar and/or.storage) . - Reliable: oiily(notincluded) IQ Battery5P 10 Load Controller •'Durable NRTL-CertfffedNEMA type 3R - Maximum total branch circuit breaker rating(input) 80Aof distributed generation/95A with 10 Gateway breaker included Fully integrated AC battery system.Includes Helps prioritize essential appliances during a enclosure- - IQ Gateway breaker. - 10 A or 15 A rating GE/Siemens/Eaton included 5HEET NAME six field-replaceable IQ8D-BAT Microinverters. grid outage to optimize energy consumption 5=yearlirriited warranty- and prolong battery life. i - - - - : - -• Production metering CT 200 Asolid core pre-installed and wired to IQ Gateway 2-year labor reimbursement program: - coverage included for both the Consumption-monitoring CT(CT-200-CLAMP) A pair of200Aclamp-style current transformers is included with the box COMBINER SPEC IQ Combiner SKUsEnphase - ,� _ Q.� _ - - IQ Battery metering CT 200A clamp-style current transformer for 10 Battery metering,included with the box om (UL'N UL1741 Listed - - y { ❑ -!'� 'Apuug-and-play Industrial-grade cell modem for systems of up to 60 mlcroinverters.Avellableln the United States.Canada.Mexico.Puerto Rico.and the US Virgin tslandwwhere there is adequate DRAWING 5CALE cellular service In the Installation area. 5-year limited warranty N .T.5. •For country-specific warranty information,see the hnp,x//enohaserom/insallers/resources/warra page. 0 2024 Enphwe Energy.All rights reserved.Enphase.the eannd CC loom.laand certain other marks listed at Mtps1/enehase com/tradema+k-usage-ouide:tnes are trademarks of Enphase Energy,Inc.M the U&and other countries, Data subject to change. IOC-5-5C-DSH-00007-4.G-EN-US-2024-06-13 IOC-5-50-DSH-00007-4A-EN-US-2024-06-13 5HEET NUMBER PV-8. 2 - - - 2.007 DE51GN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE 051112-129 ®lr IRONRIDGE XR Rail® Family XR Rail°Family REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 The XR Rail®Family offers the strength of a curved rail in three targeted sizes. Each size supports specific Solar 1S Not Always Sunny design loads,while minimizing material costs.Depending on your location,there is an XR Rail®to match. Over their lifetime,solar panels experience countless extreme weather events. Not just the worst storms in years, but the worst storms in 40 years.High winds capable of ripping panels from a.roof,and snowfalls weighing enough to buckle a panel frame. _ � - .;' 7 CONTRACTOR XR Rails@ are the structural backbone y� ~ ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. preventing these results.They resist uplift, �; �� XR10 XR100 XR1000 7470 SOUND AVE protect against buckling and safely �" XR10 is a sleek,low-profile mounting XR100 is a residential and commercial XR1000 is a heavyweight among MATTITUCK, NY I 195 and efficiently transfer loads into the "Y✓� s rail,designed for regions with light or mounting rail.It supports a range of solar mounting rails.It's built to handle LICENSE#G74G I-HI building structure.Their superior ; $ no snow.It achieves spans up to 6 feet, wind and snow conditions,while also extreme climates and spans up to 12 LICENSE# 5 2G59-ME s fewer while remaining light and economical. maximizing spans up to 10 feet. feet for commercial applications. spanning capability require roof attachments,reducing the ;, ,W 61spanning capability 10'spanning capability 12'spanning capability %` >,�;�_ - Moderate load capability Heavy load capability Extreme load capability number of roof penetrations ti 1 .- rl' Clear&black anodized finish Clear&black anodized finish Clear anodized finish and the amount of _ Internalsplices available Internals Does available Internal splices available splices installation time. Rail Selection The table below was prepared in compliance with applicable engineering codes and standards'Values are based on the following criteria:ASCE 7-16, Gable Roof Flush Mount, Roof Zones 1 &2e,Exposure B, Roof Slope of 8to 20 degrees and Mean Building Height of 30 ft.Visit IronRidge.com for detailed certification letters. PROJECT NAME { - - - - - - - Rail I I ; an e U w (` zm Force-Stabilizing Curve 90 LU o _ Sloped roofs generate both vertical and lateral 120 in I/ Z forces on mounting rails which can cause them to None LU w bend and twist.The curved shape of XR Rails® 140 XR10 XRt00 R1000 is specially designed to increase strength in both W p —1 directions while resisting the twisting.This unique z O feature ensures greater security during extreme 160 _ weather and a longer system lifetime. I w 90 ! > O 120 20 ' 140 160 � � SHEET NAME 30 90 ID F1A 160 I L SPEC - - _ 1 Compatible with Flat&Pitched Roofs Corrosion-Resistant Materials 90 I XR Rails®are IronRidge®offers All XR Rails®are made of 6000-series 40 Acompatible with a range of tilt leg aluminum alloy,then protected with an __ 160 DRAWING SCALE FlashFoot®and p■ options for flat anodized finish.Anodizing prevents surface other pitched roof roof mounting and structural corrosion,while also providing 80 160 attachments. applications. a more attractive appearance. ® N •T. . 120 160 'Table is meant to be a simplified span chart for conveying general rail capabilities.Use approved certification letters for actual design gudance. SHEET NUMBER 0 2023 lronRidje,inc.All nights reserved.Visit www.irontidge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information.Version 1.22 FV-8.3 TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE 051 1 1 2-1 29 REVISIONS ®/� IRON RIDGE QUICkMOUCIta O Adaptive, Rafter-Friendly Installation DESCRPTI°" OATc �� ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 The Respect Your Roof Deserves - f When integrating with a home,solar attachments must be dependable for the lifetime of the rooftop. � ___ - _ � :, • Due to recent innovations,'many asphalt shingles ',y i •,. 1, have bonded courses.A mount that protects without the need to pry shingles can really speed things up. CONTRACTOR s ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. r Halo UltraGripP(HUGj is here to respect the roof. _= 7470 SOUND AVE Its Halo is a cast-aluminum barrier that encases the MATTI TUCK, NY 1195 - _ ' UltraGrip,our industrial-grade,foam-and-mastic LICENSE# 6746 I-HI seal.This allows HUG to accelerate the installation LICENSE# 52689-ME process and provide the utmost in waterproofing Hit ther@fter?Good to go! Miss t e rafter?Tri it agaip. Still no luck?Install the rest. protection.Give your roof a HUG When you find a rafter,you can move on. Piaceanother screw to the left or rbht.if If more than 3 screws miss the rafter, Only .•Structural Screws are needed, rafter is found,install 3rd and final screw. secure six screws to deck mount it. Multi-Ttered Waterproofing HUG`•utilizes a multi-tiered stack of ` components to Provide revolutionary Trusted Strength & Less Hassle ,waterproofing protection.The Halo cast aluminum;raised-perimeter foundation rroi{sunds the UltraGrip base—a foam- Structural capacities of HUG®were reviewed in asked mastic seal combination that many load directions,with racking rail running rewents water intrusion by adhering cross-slope or up-slope in relation to roof pitch. searing with the shingle surface. PROJECT NAME 3 Halo UltraGrip""is part . For further details,see the HUG certification _ of the QuickMount-1, I product line_ _-- letters for attaching to rafters and decking. w — w l� - _ r IronRidge designed the HUG,in combination w J UltraGrip`Seal Technotogy with the RD Structural Screw to streamline HUG UltraGrip utilizes a state installs,which means the following: LU W z art seal design that uses a unique,' foam-and-mastic combination Th f� a/ foam backed adhesive provides }; No prying shingles z C O entirely new flashing system thHt-1 Is No roof nail interference o- § = conforms and adheres to every nook 25-Year WarrantyULJ • No pilot holes necessary 0 O and cranny of composition shingles _ r Product guoranteed free filling gaps and shingle step-4owri5 of imp No sealant most casesairing;defects. ( ) to (up to 1/8-in height). • No butyl shims needed 1 - Seal L 27 5HEET NAME • • • • • - ATTACHMENT SPEC Rafter&Deck Mounting Options The rafter-mounted Parts are designed HUG passed both Systems conform to Mount HUGS to the roof rafters,the roof HUG has been and certified for the UL 441 Section UL 2703 mechanical • , deck,or both with our custom-engineered DRAWING SCALE _t 1 RD(rafter-or-deck)Structural Screw.The RD tested and rated to compliance with 27"Rain Test"and and bonding � Triple Rated&Certified • , Structural Screw anchors HUG to the roof su ort 1004 Ibs of the International TAS 100 A-95 requirements.See n to Respect the Roof" • yrJ with an EPDM sealing washer,completing pp ( ) „ ( ) q I • IT .5. ,•� UL 2703,441(27) the stack of waterproofing barriers.See uplift and 368(Ibs) Building Code& Wind Driven Rain Flush Mount Manual V Intertek TAS 100(A)-95 _ ry backside for more installation information. of lateral load. ASCE/SEI-7. Test"by Intertek. for more info. © 5HEET NUMBER 0 2023 Iro.i Inc;All rights reserved.Visit wwwJrpatentscom for patent information.Versioh 1.03 PV-8.4 TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DE51GN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE 051 112-129 28357 Industrial Blvd. I RON RI DGE Hayward,-9 94545 28357 Hayward, Industrial Blvd. 1-800-227-9523 ®/,� I RON RI DGE Hayward,-9 94545 REVISIONS IronRidge.com IronRidge.co5m3 DESCRIPTION DATE REV ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 Attn:Corey Geiger,COO,IronRidge Inc. Date:July 111,2021 The parameters and adjustments allowed in the span tables are defined as the following: Re:Structural Certification and Span Tables for the IronRidge Flush Mount System 1. The Flush Mount System is designed as a Risk Category II structure as defined by ASCE 7-16 Table 1.5-1. 2. Wind speed shall conform to ASCE 7-16 Fig.26.5-1 B(for Risk Category 11)and applicable state&local This letter addresses the structural performance and code compliance of IronRidge's Flush Mount System. The county/city amendments to the IBC. No special wind topographic features are included and both topographic contents of the letter shall be read in its entirety before applying to any project design.The Flush Mount System is a coefficient(Ka)and wind ground elevation factor(Ke)are taken as 1.0. proprietary rooftop mounting system used to support photovoltaic(PV)modules installed in portrait or landscape CONTRACTOR orientation and set parallel to the underlying roof surface. PV modules are supported by extruded aluminum XR Rails 3. Snow load used in the span tables is the ground snow and shall conform to ASCE 7-16 Fig.7.2-1 and and secured to.the rails with IronRidge mounting clamps.The XR Rails are side mounted to a selected roof applicable state&local county/city amendments to the IBC.If the local jurisdiction specified snow load is in the ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. format of a flat roof snow,it shall first be converted to a ground snow following the local building code/ 7470 SOUND AVE attachment with 3/8"stainless steel bonding hardware and then attached directly to the roof structure or to a stanchion amendments before the applicafion of the attached span tables.No special snow conditions are considered MATTITUCK, NY 1 1952 that is fastened to the underlying roof structure. Assembly details of a typical Flush Mount installation and its core including unbalanced,drifting,sliding,retention,or ponding snow.No rain-on-snow surcharge load is LICENSE# G74G 1-1-11 components are shown in Exhibit EX-0015. considered.The span tables do not apply to buildings which are intentionally kept below freezing,kept just LICENSE# 52G89-ME above freezing,or unheated. The IronRidge Flush Mount System is designed and certified to the structural requirements of the reference standards 4. The span tables reflect the ASCE 7 prescribed earthquake loads with the maximum magnitudes being: listed below,for the load conditions and configurations tabulated in the attached span tables. (a)For ground snow no greater than 42psf:Ss 5 2.Og for Site Class A,8,C,&D. ASCE/SEI 7-16 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures(ASCE 7-16) (b)For ground snow greater than 65psf:SS s 1.0g for Site Class A,B,C,&D. • 2018 International Building Code(IBC-2018) (c)For ground snow between 42 and 65psf:S8 s 1.5g for Site Class A,B,C,&D. • 2020 Building Code of New York State(BCNYS-2020,Published in November 2019) 2015 Aluminum Design Manual(ADM-2015) 5. Roof zones are defined by ASCE 7-16 Figure 30.3-2A to Figure 30.3-21 and are organized into three groups in Report SEAOC(Structural Engineer Association of California)PV2-2017 Wind Design for Solar Arrays which the zones share the same External Pressure Coefficients(GCp).Roof zones comprising each group along with each roof zone's size and location are depicted in Figures 2 and 3 below each span table. The tables included in this letter provide the maximum allowable spans of XR Rails in the Flush Mount System for 6. The maximum rail cantilever length,measured from the rail end to the nearest attachment point,shall the respective loads.and configurations listed,covering wind exposure categories B,C,&D,roof zones provided in be the lesser of the following two conditions:40%of the allowable span provided for the respective load PROJECT NAME ASCE 7-16 for gable&hip roof profiles,and roof slopes of 8"to 45°.The tabulated spans are applicable when the &configuration condition from the span tables,or 36". following conditions are met: 7. Allowable span length in the charts may be multiplied by a factor of 1.08 if the rails are continuous over w — a minimum of three spans. U z 1. Span is the distance between two adjacent roof attachment points(measured at the center of the LU g — 8. No splices are allowed in the rail cantilever.For each XR splice type install per the following requirements: attachment fastener). p — a) XR Bonded Splice cannot be installed in the center 1/3 of interior spans,or the outer 213 of end spans. � [I/ z 2. Each module shall be supported by 2 rails(2 rail system)or 3 rails(3 rail system).Spans are calculated b) BOSS Splice can be installed at any location within a span. m o based on 2 rail systems,and conservatively deemed acceptable for 3 rail systems. w 0 9. Shaded cells of the span tables indicate conditions in which UFO Mid Clamp connection capacity is exceeded.If :-7 = 3. The underlying roof slope,measured between the roof surface and horizontal plane,is 80 to 450. such conditions are encountered contact support@ironridge.com. O O O � N 4. The mean roof height,defined as the average of the roof eave height and the roof ridge height measured from grade,does not exceed 30 feet 5_ A clearance from the underside of the array to the roof surface of 2"minimum shall be provided and the 5MEET NAME height of the array,the distance from the module top surface to the roof surface(defined as h2),shall not exceed 10". P.AILING CERTIFICATION 6. Module length and area shall not exceed the maximum values listed on the respective span tables. 7. All Flush Mount components shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner per IronRidge's Flush DRAWING 5CALE Mount Installation Manual and other applicable standards for the general roof construction practice. N .T.S. O 2021 IronRidge,Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter-1 ©2021 IronRidge,Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter-2 5NEET NUMBER PV-8.5 TAX MAP: 1 000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE - 051 1 1 2-1 25 28357 Industrial Blvd. 28357 Industrial Blvd. Hayward,CA 94545 REVISIONS Hayward,CA 94545 1-800- 23 i 3 DE5CRIPrION DATE REVA"k IRONRIDGE 1ronRidge.corm ZjAkRONRIDGE �Ridge.com ORIGINAL 12.20-2024 10. Systems using CAMO module clamps shall be installed with the following guidance: a) For single module installations(orphan modules)using modules with a length greater than 67.5",CAMO The span tables provided in this letter are certified based on the structural performance of IronRidge XR Rails only with no clamps shall not be installed in regions that experience ground snow loads of 70psf and greater.Such consideration of the structural adequacy of the chosen roof attachments,PV modules,or the underlying roof supporting scenarios are shown by asterisks in the applicable span tables. members.It is the responsibility of the installer or system designer to verify the structural capacity and adequacy of the b) CAMO will function within a module's design load ratings.Be sure the speck module being used with aforementioned system components in regards to the applied or resultant loads of any chosen array configuration. CAMO meets the dimensional requirements shown in the figure below and that the module selected is suitable for the environmental conditions of a particular project CONTRACTOR Sincerely, � -OF.NF►y` 2 0 2 1 .0 7. 1 4 ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. f ModuleGkm/Ceus ,r,'. 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK, NY 1 1952 EJ n� x r' UJI 16:49:46 LICENSE# G74G 1-HI LICENSE# 52G89-ME RommeCompoffl gty: - 9OFESStONP�,' _ Yx15--0mm 0/ 00 Gang Xuan,PE f � Y Senior Structural Engineer Figure 1.CAMO Module Frame Dimensional Requirements Span values for Exposed and Edge module conditions,as defined below,are included in the attached span tables and shall be used when each condition exists. The maximum allowable span for Exposed or Edge modules shall be the lesser of the following two:(1)The span value for the Exposed or Edge module condition; PROJECT NAME (2)The span value determined by site wind speed and ground snow load.Additionally,irrespective of the lesser span,the shaded cells for the Exposed and Edge module conditions which reflect the UFO clamp usage limitation detailed in note 9 of page 2 shall apply to the respective condition. LU _ Uzm WQ — t. Exposed Module conditions: p } } w [I/ Z A module is defined as Exposed(per Section 29.4.4 of ASCE 7-16)if the distance from any of its free w edges(an edge with no connectivity to other modules)to its facing roof edge(such as eave,ridge,rake,or w o hip)is greater than 0.5h(h is ASCE defined building height)AND if the distance from its free edge to any w § = other adjacent array or panel is greater than 4 feet C) p O The allowable spans and cantilever shall only be applied to the portion of rail directly under Exposed N Modules. 2. Edge Module conditions: SHEET NAME A module is defined as an Edge Module when its distance from any side of the module to its facing RAILING CERTIFICATION perimeter roof edge(such as eave,ridge,rake,or hip)is less than 2 times the height of the array(2h2) where h2 is measured from the roof surface to the top surface of the module. The allowable spans and cantilever shall only be applied to the portion of rail directly under Edge Modules. Additionally,if the roof edge is the eave or ridge,only the rail nearest to that roof edge shall be considered DRAWING SCALE for this span adjustment. .T. . ©2021 IronRidge,Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter-3 O 2021 IronRidge,Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter-4 SHEET NUMBER PV-8. 6 TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIED ENPHASE. IQ Battery 5P 051112-129. - - „ REVISIONS DE5CRIPTION DATE REV ' + IQBATTERy-5P-1P-NA - - - _ _ The 10 Battery 5P system with Integrated 10 Microlinverters and battery management systern(BMS)with .- ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 battery controller - - 4 �1 :, _ - - IQ Battery 5P unit - - - IQ Battery 5P unit(805 T02-US00-t-3) - - - - - _ ID cover and conduit cover IQ Battery 5P cover with two conduit covers for the left and right sides of the unit I PHASE bracketand top shield - - - Bottom mounting bracket for mounting.the battery on the wall.One top Meld is required for.UL 9540A `- - - M5 seismic screws — n Two M5 seismic screws for securing the battery unit on the bottom mounting bracket M4 grounding screws Two M4 grounding screws for securing the top shield on the bottom mounting bracket. MS ID cover grounding screws Two M51D cover grounding screws for the EMI/EMC requirement CONTRACTOR I Cabiaties - - f Sixcabletiesforseowiribfieldcablestothe-unit : .. . ' _ ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. - •' - Control(CTRL)Connector Spare CTRL connector Wthout resistorfor CTRL wiring - - 7470 SOUND AVE Control(CTRL)connector with resistor- _ - Spare CTRL cogneoior with testator for CTRL wiring MATTITUCK, NY 1195 Quick install guide(a]G) QIG for IQ Battery unit installation instructions LICENSE # 67461-HI OPTIONAL D • LICENSE# 52689-ME EPLACEHEt"PARTS -� ------_--- IQBD-BAT-RMA IQBD<BATMicromverter for field replacement I^(�.i), Battery ^\h! Powerful - - 0 805-702-US00-1-3-RMA - _ _ - IQ Battery SpBatteryunkforfieldreplacemem j provides,384kVAcorlfinuousand B05-CX-055D-0 IQ Battery 5P cover for field replacement 768 WA peak power The IQ Battery SP all—in—one AC coupled system is powerful,reliable,simple,and safe.It 605 P1=o55o Q In Battery 5P pedestal mount : has a total usable energy capacity of 5.0 kWh and includes six embedded grid-forming Doubles the available power per kW - - - -- microinverters with a 3.84 kVA continuous power rating.It provides backup capability and ( of prior generatioiLs of IQ Battery_ BOS-CP-096-O 10 Battery 5P conduit plates for field replacement Includes one left-side and one right-side conduit plate installers can quickly design the right system size to meet the customer needs. Includessix embedded IQ8D=BAT __ I (SKU IQ8D-BAT-240)Microimierters 10 BatterySP wall bracket for field replacement Includes one bottom mounting bracket-and one top:_ - - . _ B05-WB-0543-0 _ _ _ _ - • Dimensions in inches Reliable _ IQBATTERY-HNDL-5 IQ Battery 5P rifting handles.Includes one left-side and one right-side lifting handle 15-year limited warranty - : -' B05-ACFB-080-0. - IGBattery5PACffterboafdforf!Wdrbphac rwn Cools P ivelywithnomovingParts - B05-BMSNA-0490-0 -- - IQ Battery 5PBMS board for field replacement -- •-' --- - PROJECT NAME �a!' i• - - j, .I m 805-CANB-063-0 - 10BatterySPcontrolcommunlcation board forfieldreplacement -_ - dos- 1 l Uses wired comunication fortes[- :. _ ` BO5-NICS-0524-0,B05-NUCS-0524-0 IQ BatterySP control switch is premstalled on the Wring cover for field replacement and consistent connection UJ w (\ jrss Updates an firmware r 1 softwared _ Q — �, ;...�.`+?• l ,1 . _ remotely'. .Rated(continuous)output Power - _3.84 kVAix" -- _ - w ,•� E I Simple - _ Peak output power 7.68 kVA(3 seconds),6.i4kVA(10 seconds) Z 1 �I I Nominalvolta a/ran a 240/211 264VAC IL Fully'integrated AC battery system 9 g - Nominal fr ue /ran a 60/57-63 Hz m Installs and commissions easily eq ncY 9 Z _J 0 o- ( _ _ -0 � .• Supports Backup Self-Consumption,: ' Rated outputcurrent(@240VAC) - - - 18�A• - - _ - � - : _ _ _ W � i— p r}° o. I and time-of-use(TOLDmodes: - - - 0 p ", ,20Y - L2, gg• - Peak output current(@240 VAC) 32 A(3 seconds),25.6 A(10 seconds) (\ 0 Offers homeowners remote _ �n 'monitoring and control from the- .-Power Start capability - Up to 48 A LRA- : Enphase App' _ Power factor(adjustable) 0.851eading_.0.851agging Wall mounted Floor mounted with pedestal Field replaceable components " - (sold separately) : - { Maximum units per 20 Abranch circuit One unit(single-phase) 5HEET NAME Safe - - _ : - Maximum conductor size supported 3 AWG,.; l ` Evaluated toUL9540A.for large Scale I Overcurrent Protection device.(OCPD)for 3AWGcable 80A - firetestingandreducedseparation _ ` ' " ' BATTERY SPEC distance as required in 2021 IRC - Interconnection Single-phase R328.3J 2021 IFC 1207.1.5,and 2023_ i AC round=trip efficiency 90/ NFPA85515.3.1 and 915: _ �__. _._�_ -• a -- - - -----. . - - - --- ------ - - -- Uses lithium iron.phosphate.(LFP)LISTED UL 9540A j - _: chemistry for maximum safety and DRAWING SCALE Certified 4 ;fortgevity. _ °Supported In both gild-connected and backup/off-grid operations. ' 3 Power Start capability may vary. -- -= -= -- N .T.S. I Follow all Installation kfstmcdons and local codes ��to the battery AC at powerrating. and requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction 02024 Enphase Energy.All rights reserved.Enphase,the a and CC logos,IQ and certain other marks listed at (AHJ)when Installing Enphase Energy System ems:/Ienphase.com/trademark-usage-quiderines are trademarks of Enphase Energy,Inc.in the U.S.and other countries.Data subject to change. IOB-5P-DSH-00010-5.0-EN-US-2024-02-16 IOB-5P-DSH-00010-5.0-EN-US-2024-02-16 5H EET NUMBER PV-8.7 - - - 2.007 DESIGN 4r DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC BATTERY REVIEW BY J.M.NABCFF CERTIFIED 051112-129 Total capacity 5.0 kWh t - - - - - I Usable rapacity - - _ _ - - 5.0kWh _ - - _ - _ _ - - _ - - REVISIONS DC round-trip efficiency 96% DESCRIPTION DATE REV Nominal DC voltage - - _ - - 76.8V - -_- _ - - - - - - - - - . - - - ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 Maximum DC voltage 86A V Ambientoperating temperature range(charging) 20°Cto50°C(-4'Fto122°F)non-condensing Ambient operating temperature range(discharging) -20'Cto55'C(-4°Fto131'F)non-condensing Optimum operating temperature range o'C to 30'C(32-F to 86'F) - - - - Chemistry Lithium ironphosphate(LFP) -- - - -DATA Dimensions(H x W x D) 980 mm=550 mm=188 mm(38.6 in=2L7 in=7A in) - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - CONTRACTOR Liftingwe(ght - - _ 66.3kg(14s�m)_ ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. To tal installed weight 78.9kg(1741b) 7470 SOUND AVE Enclosure - - Outdoor-NEMA3R MATTITUCK, NY 1 1952 IQBD-BATMicroinverterenclosure NEMAtype6 - - - - LICENSE# G74G I-HI _ LICENSE# 52G59-ME Coo6n9 - � - - Nat umlcomee5on - - - - - - . Altitude Up to 2500 meters(6 202feet) . Mounting - - WaB-moumorpedestal-mo,,M(sotdsepamtely) - - FEATURES r COMPLIA14CE CompatibTity Compatible with IQ and M Series Micronverters,IQ System Controller 3/3G,IQ Combiner 5/5C,and IQ Gateway for grid-tied and backup operation Communication - _ - - - - - -Wired control communication Services - -- - - - Backup,Self-Consumption,TOU,and NEM integrity Monitoring, - Enphase Installer Platform and Friphase Appm6nitoring options;API integration' - - - --- - - -- CA Rule 21(UL1741-SA),IEEE 15472018(OL 1741-S&3id Ed.) - CAN/CSA C222 No.1(1Z1-16 Compliance UL9540',UL9540A,UN38.3,UL199%UL991,NEMA Type 3R,AC156 - PROJECT NAME P EMt-47 CFR,Part 15,Class B,ICES 003 Cell module:UL 1973,UN38.3 Inverters UL 62109-1,IEC 62109-2LIMITED WARRANTY _ wWI ULI z Z � Limited warranty >60%capacity,uptol5-yearor6,000cycles° - .-. - - - C) -- - - - — - - - - -. Ill Q z � 0 U-1 ~ °Following local standards,choose well-vantilated.rron-habitable,lndoor location Dike a 2-car garage)Oran outdoor location.which is out of directsurdight andwhere the amBent temperature O 0 and huraktity are within-20-C to 45-C(-41F to t13'F)and 5%to 95%RH.non-conderol g. rj °Mchever occurs first Restrictions apply. SHEET NAME BATTERY SPEC DRAWING SCALE N .T.S. 108-5P-DSH-00010-SA-EN-US-2024-02-16 5t1EET NUMBER PV-8.8 TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DE51GN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC 1. REVIEW BY J.M.NA13CEP CEP.TIFIE 1 051 1 1 2-1 29 REVISIONS ENPHASE. IQ System Controller 3/3G DESCRPTON DAZE REV ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 MODEL NUMBER�W DESCRIPTION IQ System Controller streamlines the gild-Independent capabilities'of PV and storage _ !y SC20ODMC24CUS01 - - - - - - _ Installations.Integrates hold=down capability.Supports IQ Battery SID units upto40 kWh(without s• andkWh(with PCS-).Does not support generator Integration : - $ENPHASE IQ System Controller 3G streamlinesthe grid-independent capabilities of PV and storage SC2000111C240USo1 Installations.Integrates hold-down capability.Supports IQ Battery SID units up to 20 kWh(without 1 i - PCS•)and 40 kWh(with PCS-).Supports generator Integration iWHAT IS IN THE BOX 10 System Controller 3/3G - - Includes neutral-forming transformer(NFT)and microgrid interconnect device(MID) - { System Shutdown Switch Includes pre-wired red,black.orange,and purple 12AWG wire(EP20OG-NA'02-RSD) CONTRACTOR Wall-mounting bracket - - - - - Screws provided in the accessories kit for mounting I _ ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. 4-pole circuit breaker Pre-installed quad breaker(BRK-20A40A-4P-240V),20A-40A,10kAIC,EatonBOC2202402 _ 7470 SOUND AVE i - Accessories kit- IQ System Controller3/3G literature kit,including labels,CTRL headers,screws,filler plates,and MATTITU CK, NY 1 1952 . : quick install guide(019)(EP20OG-UTKIT)_ LICENSE#G74G I-HI OPTIONAL ACCE+RIES AND PFPLACEMENT PARTS LICENSE# 52G89-ME CT-200-SPLIT - - - 200Aspiit-core current transformers for metering(accuiacy:±25%)' -"-'----- --`--'- -'—'-"----'—'-T""'----'-"--"'' CT-200-CLAMP 200A clamp-type curreMtransformers for metering(accuracy:±2.5%)' - ------------_— -- --. - - - - -~- - - --- BRK-10OA-2P-240V:2-pole,100A,25kAIC,CSR2100NorOSR2100_-_ - - --- Q System C o nt ro I I e r 3/3G F - Maim or load circuit breakers(order separatel$as rieededN- BRK 125A-2P-24OV:2=pde;125A,25kA1C,CSR2125N Fast'to install' BRK-150A-2P-240V:2-pole,150A,25kMC,CSR215ON The Enphase 10 System Controller 3/3G connects the home to grid power.the IQ BatteryConnects to sefvice entrance'or main BRK-175A-2P-240Vs2-pole,175A,25kAIC,CSR2175N - I BRK-20OA-2P-24OV:2-pole,200A,25kAIC,CSR220ON - system,and solar PV.It provides microgrid Interconnect device(MID)functionality by load center automatically detecting and seamlessly transitioning the home energy system from grid power -• Includes neutral-forming transformer - BRK-20A-2P-240V-B.2-pole,20 A.10 kAIC,BR22OB/BR220 to backup power in the event of a grid failure.it consolidates interconnection equipment into a Mounts on single stud with centered - Distributed energy resource(DER)circuit breakers(order separately,as BRK-30A-2P-24OV-B:2-pole,30 A,10 kAIC,BR230 brackets : - - needed) BRK-40A-2P-240V-B:2-pole,40 A.1014AIC,BR24OB/BR240 single enclosure and streamlines grid-independent capabilities of PV and storage installations by - gRK-sop-2p-24oV:2-pole,60 A,to IrAIC,BR260 , providing a consistent,pre-wired solution for residential applications. _Provides conduit entry from the - ? bottorn,left,or right- - - 2-pole.e -Includes color-coded wires for ease of EP2o0G-HNDL.RI : _ - IQ SystemController3/3Glnstallationhandlekit(ordersaparatety) - ' :wiring the System Shutdovun$14dtCh - CTRL-SC3-NA-01 Control cable,500It.spool(orderseparately) - PROJECT NAME Integrates hold7down functionality to. eliminate the need for hold-down kits : BRK-2OA40A-4P-240V" _- - - -_• - - - --- 2-pole 20 A,2-pole 40 A,10 kAIC,Quad Breaker SOC2202401• •. - - "and special breakers ALTERNATE ER Uj Flexible /40/ ) __ _ _ z - GE/ABB , . dHQL21zx(20 60/80 A IQ Series M)crolnverters IQ Battery 5P Can be used for Sunlight Backup, Siemens Q2xx(20/40/60/80 A) wp The high-powered smart grid-ready Fully integrated AC battery system Includes six Home Essentials Backup;or Full Energy : : - W Z Siemens(quad breaker) .Q2402OCt2(20/40 A) IQ Series Microinverters(M Series,IQ6,IQ7,and field-replaceable IQ8D-BATmicroinverters : Independence W 108 Series)dramatically simplify the Installation IQ System Controller 3 Integrates with L p process. IQ Battery 5P Q O •-1Q System Controller 3G integrates Nominal voltage/Range(L-L) 240 V-7/±20% z Z - -- with select AC standby,generators.See Voltage measurement accuracy : -±1%V nominal(±12 V L-N and 2AV L-L) IL/ i- e..••. the Generator infetaration tech brief for - - - - - - - -' - - - -- -' p D Auxiliary(dry)contact for load control,excess PV control,and generator a rist of enerators : 24 V 1 A 0 s two-wire control Provides a seamless to - .r backup Nominal frequency/Range 60 Hz/56-63 Hz .. �, Frequency accuracy _ . _-� measurement �01 Hz _ .- -- _- -_• _-_. -- Safe and rel1able - - _ - - - - - - - i Maximum continuous current rating 160 A - IQ Combiner s/5C IQ Load Controller System Shutdown Switch,can be 5HEET NAME Consolidates PV interconnection equipment Helps prioritize essential appliances used to disconnect PV,battery',and : Maximum input overcurrent protection device 200 A Into a single enclosure and streamlines IQ Series during a grid outage to optimize generator systems :Maximum output overcuneMprotectlon device . - 200 A Microinverters and IQ Gateway installation by energy consumption and prolong The System Shutdown Switch abts as IQ CONTROLLER SPEC providing a consistent,pre-wired solution for battery rife. a rapid shutdown initiator;of grid- � 'Maximum overcurrent protection device rating for generator circuit 80 A(IQ System Controller 30 only-SC200G111C24OUSo1) residential applications. ,forming IQB PV Microinverters for the !Maximum overcurrent protection device rating for storage circuit- 2.80 A(IQ System Controller 3-SC200D111C240US01) , safety of maintenancetechniclans/first _ 1.80A(IQ System Controller 3G-SC200GlllC24OUS01) responders --- - --- - --- -- ------- - = ------ - ❑Oowql� Q- 'Factory-Nstaged quad breaker(Slemens or Eaton).NFT pre-wired to 40 A terminal of the quad breaker. 10-year limited Warranty 'Two units of CT-200-SPLIT or CT-200-CLAMP must be bought sepamtely for generator Integration. - - - - 'The IO System Controller3 is rated at 22 UIC. DRAWING SCALE - Nft.liwU� _..� �� O ❑O '105ystemControBer3"sror�uxaNarorusearservt—quipmem. °Integrated hold-down kit support bmakem(SR230/BR230iBR240)withoutpmddlled hole.The integrated hold-down kit also supports GE/ABB and Slemensasmentioned inthe Altemate DS?circultbreckem section. n I .T. . IQ System Controller 3 IQ System Controller 3G n r Rgums la and lb show stamens or Eaton factory-installed quad breakers with NFT pre-wired to 40 A. N r Indicates alternating muem(Act supply. 02024 En phase Ere All rights reserved.Enphase,thea and CC -Povr�control system. ph Energy. g oges.IQend certalnaher mark. et Intns!/enphasetom/trademark-u'saao-euld.Tnos are trademarks of EnphaseEnergy.lnc.ln the US and other countries. Datasub)ect to change. IOSC-3-DSH-OD021-50-EN-US-2024-08-19 IOSC-3-DSH-00021-5.0-EN-US-2024-08-19 5HEET NUMBER PV-8 3 TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DESIGNS DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CEP.TIFIE 051 1 1 2-1 29 REVISIONS ELECTRICAL SPECtrIC4TI01IS DESCRIPTION DATE REV Maximum overcurreM protection device rating for PV combiner unit BOA ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 Internalbusbarrating 200A • Breaker rating(pre-Installed},40 A between L1 and Neural;40 A between L2 and Neutral Neutral-forming transformer(NFT) Continuous rated power:3,600 VA • Maximum continuous unbalance current:30 A @ 120 V • Peak unbalanced current 80 A @ 120 V for two seconds MECHANICAL DATA I Dimerisions(W•H•0) - 50 cm•91.6 cm•24.6 cm(19.71n•36 in•9.7 in) - - Weight 39A kg(97lb) Ambient temperature range. -- - - -40•Cto5CrC(-40°Fto122,F) CONTRACTOR Cooling Natural convection and a heat shield ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. Enclosure env"9ormintalrating Outdoor,NEMA type 3R,poyearbonateconstruction - - - 7470 SOUND AVE Maximum altitude Z500m(8200ft) MATTITUCK, NY 1 195 WIRE SIZES LICENSE#G74G I-HI Main lugs and backup load lugsCu/Al: 6AWC-306kcmil LICENSE# 52G59-ME CavrecUom. - - - - - CSR breaker baltan wiring lugsCu/AI: .2AWC-300kcm11 (All lugs are ratedto90°C), - AC ovmbhieclugs,ICl Battery lugs,arnd.- - - - - generatorhgs - - 14AWG-2AWG Neutral(large lugs)Cu/AL• - 6AWG-300kcmil Neutral and ground bars Large holes(5/16-24 UNF) 14AWG-1/0AWG- - -- - Sma11[roles(1D-32 UNF) 14AWG-6AWG UL 1741,UL 1741 SA,IEEE 15472018(UL 1741-SB,3rd Ed).UL 1741 PCS CRD,UL1998,UL869X Compliance - _ - -UL 508°,UL 5oP - - - - - - - . - _ CSA222Na IOU 417CFR Part 15 Class B,ICES 003,ICCESAC156 The 10 System Controller3/3G is approved for use as service equipmerIt In the United States Limited warranty(restrictions apply) - - Up to10years.(EP200G-NA-02-RSD has a5-yearwarranty) - - - PROJECT NAME Battery 10 Battery 511 0OBATTERY-5P-IP-NA) -Microinverters - - -.. - - _ - IO8.IO7.,IO6,andMSedesbLctomverteisp - - - -. _ - W W I� IOCombiner - - 10 Combiner 615C(XIQ-AM1-240-5C and%IO-AMI-240-5) - - - - - W Q Cornmunicatioris Kit 2 - - .___ - COMMS-KR�2 - - - - } } ILJ Z •secaolrstrom thesesranearcts were uses dmhg ttresatety evaluation and Included in the uLnal Bstmg. W °Formom detalls,referto the 10 SystemControBer 3/3Gquick tnsta8 guide. z Q O M Series MicroinYertets can only be supported In states that have not yetadopted WEE 15472 se 0ts.Enphadom notsupport mix"108 Series Lecroinverterswith othersed same es on the me 10 Gatmw. _ W � ~ 00 � � (\ 0 SHEET NAME IQ CONTROLLER SPEC DRAWING 5CALE N .T.S. IOSC-3-DSH-00021-5D-EN-US-2024-08-19 SHEET NUMBER PV-8. I 0 TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DESIGN t DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE 051112-129 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV Maximum overcuneM protection device rating for PV combiner unit 80A ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 Internal busbir rating 200 A- • Breaker rating(pre-installed):40 A between L7 and Neutral;40 A between L2 and Neutral Noutral•forming transformer(NFT) Continuous rated power:3,600 VA • Maximum continuous unbalance current:30 A @ 120 V • Peak unbalanced current BOA @ 120 V fortwo seconds 11CHANICAL DATA Dimensions(W•H•0) 50 cm•91.6 cm•24.6 cm(19.7In•36In•9.7 in) Weight - - -- ---- - 39Akg(87lb) - - - - - - - - - - - Ambient temperature range - - 40°Cto50'C(-401Fto122,F)- -- - - - -- - CONTRACTOR Cooling Natural convection and a heat shield ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. Enclosure environmental rating - Outdoor,NEMA type 314,potycarbbnateconstruction - _ 7470 SOUND AVE Maximum altitude 2.500m(8,200f1) _ MATTITUCK, NY 1155 LICENSE #G74G I-HI MaLn lugs and backup load lugs CU/AL- 6AWG-300kcm7 - LICENSE# 52G89-ME Connections CSR breaker bottom wiring IugsCu/AI:- 2AWG-300kcmtl (AIL lugs are rated to WC) AC combiner lugs,IO Battery lugs,and generatorlugs 14AWG-2AWG - - - Neutral(Urge lugs)Cu/AL - 6AWG-300kemil - Neutral and ground bars Large holes(5/16-24 UNF) 14 AV/G-1/0 AWG - - Small holes 00-32 UNO 14AWG-6AWG _ - UL174LUL1741 SA.IEEE 15472018(UL 1741-SB.3rdEd),ULV41PCSCRD,UL7998,UL.869A, _ Compliance - - _ _ - UL 5081.UL 50E° - - - - - - CSA222 No.107.,47CFR Part 15 Class B.ICES ow.ICCESAC156 . - - - - - - The la System Controller 3/3G is approved for use as service equipment in the United States Limited warranty(restrictions apply)- Upto10years(EP2000-NA-02-RSDhasa5-'—warrarny) - - - - - PROJECT NAME Binary 10 Battery 5P 9OBATTERY-5P-V-NA) Mlcroinvartars - - - - IO8,It7/.lO6,andMSe ties MicroinverteTs1D - - - w W l� Z Z G) 10Combiner 10 Combiner 5/5C(X-IO-AMt-240-5C and%IQ-AMi-240-5) LLIg — Communications Kit 2 - - - - COMMS-KIT-02 - - - - - - - W Z •Sects r fmmdia estandardsvwreuwdduNgthosaferyevatuationandtriciudedinthe UL17418s*gl. � Lu °For more details,mferto the lO Sysf®mComroller3/3Gquk:k Install guide. '/ (fl �M Series Lrx:roktverters can oNy be supported In states that have not yetadopted IEEE 15472018.Enphaw deesrrotsupport mking 108 Series 19-1 rierswhh other seder on thewate tO Gateway. z Q L I ~ 0 C) O U) SHEET NAME IQ CONTROLLER SPEC DRAWING SCALE N .T.S. IOSC-3-DSH-00021-5D-EN-US-2024-08-19 SHEET NUMBER PV-8. I I TAX MAP: 1000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007 DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTINE 051 1 1 2-1 29 ENPHASE. IQ 50 EV Charger with J1772 connector REVISIONS DE5CRI"ON DATE REV ..,, ORIGINAL 12-20-2024 I:SKU number• - - I0-EVSE-NA-1050-0100-0100 - 10-EVSE-NA71050-0120-0100 _ 10-EVSE-NA-1050-0110-0100 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS { 1.Input voltage/Input witage range 208/240 VAC(L-LL single-Phase/185 VAC-264 VAC - •'.'c�.Q'?PNA` - Input voltage frequency 50/60Nz ' - - - _ Circuit breakerrequfrement - - - _ - Dedicated,2-pole50A - . . Pre-wired with:(L1,L2,Grid)8 AWG i r Input cable type Pre-wired with:NEMA 8-50P Pre-wired with:NEMA 14.50P a service whip Input cable length _ -, - - - 3'.(914.4mm_) ,-- 12"(304_Bmm)' - 12"(304.8mm) - _ CONTRACTOR �- - - - - - - Maximum output current/Output power 40Acontlnuous/9.6kW ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. - - - - - Output cable/Cable length- - - - - - Pre-wired with SAE J1772/25'(7.62m) - - - - _ -- 7470 SOUND AVE _ MECHANICAL DATA MATTITUCK, NY 1 1952 Enclosure dimensions(L•W•D) 89"•5.3."(SOOmm•226mni•135mm). - LICENSE#G74G I-M -- - - -- -- -- - - - LICEN5E# 52G89-ME Weight 14.5lb(6.6 kg) Enclosuremountin9 - Wall orpedestalmounted(pedestalsoldseparately)' IQ 50 EV Charger with ' Ragged _ J 1 72 connector Fully sealed NEMA4enclosure allows forEnvi Operrating/Storagr and oor rated/NEMA Typer,4-watertight etemperature - -22•Ftoure ratin 1227F(-3o°cto5(°c)/--40'FtoT76°F(-4D•c 80`0 indoor/outdoor installation- _ - " •.Includes a wall-mounted connector holster. The IQ 50 EV Charger with J1772 connector is a rugged,intelligent,and 1 - Codes and stan8aids NEC Article 625 SAE J177Z ENERGY-STAR®.UL reliable Level 2 EV charger that combines safety and intelligence to provide and 25-foot cable with an impact and crush _ - seamless 9.6 kW EV charging capabilities for residential and commercial resistant J1772 connector - UL 2594,UL 2251,UL 2231-1,UL 2231-Z UL 1998,UL 991 establishments, l - Safety complfartce C222 No.260-13,CSA C222 No.28Z CSA C27-2 No.281.1,CSA C222 No.28LZ CSA C22.2 No.0.8 Intefligent.- - _ - _ "_ - _ NOM-001-SCR-2018 It integrates flawlessly with the Enphase Energy System,and installation is Maximize saJingsbyusingthe combination - PROJECT NAME simple with the Enphase Installer Network. of solar,batteryi EMc crompl once .Fce Part 15 class B,NOM 208-SCFh2016 power and off-peak ! - _ - - - • I Short-circuit protection 5000 RMS Symmetrical Amps at 240 VAC schedules to charge your EV Open safety ground detection Featuies acoritinuous earth`groundmonitor to ensure consistent connection to good earth ground W The tough NEMA 4-rated weatherproof enclosure and 25-foot charging • Customized settings support different - - - - _ w Ground fault detection Ground fault protection Integral,CCID20mA,auto reset z n cable allow for flexible indoor or outdoor installation.The rugged design of energy goals.Savings,self-consumption, __ __ _-_- - __ ,__ ___._, _ _ w Q — the charging cables helps the charger resist everyday wear and tear.The and full backup ; - 'Auto-reciosun5 : System will automatically resuniestandard operation after a minor power fault has cleared J — charger also comes with an industry-leading 5-year limited warranty. (n � }- •"Charge EV-on clean energy from-the sun by" = LU z using excess solar power With an. Four LED indicators Amber LED:Power,G een LED Charging,t"red LED Power fault,2nd led LED:Chazging fault 0Z us L Enphase,Energy System: JO Smart scheduling Take advantage of time-of-we energy savings from your utility W •"Storm Guard protects against inclement - = - z = p 9- Self consumption Charge EV on clean energy from the sun 4 using excess solar power with an'Ehphase Energy System. �j -weather by keeping EV and home battery - _- - - _ _ - W z ® fully charged - _ - Main panel upgrade avoidance EVSE.dynamic power management'with PCS-LC and UL 3141 certified O O ee�:s y arg - _ S Storm Guard ._ _ - - Ensure the EV is fully charged and ready when there Is a storm alert in the area .M - _ i • onitor andfully control EV ch_arging using "-- -- - - - - - the Eriphase App - - -" - stop_ ._^ g Remote start/stop Use the Enphase App to remotely control your EV charger with start and stop functions Connectivity Wi=F i2AGHzandBluetooth Reliable - _ Integration support OCPP1.6 and Enphase APIs SHEET NAME t • Comprehensive safety,efficiency Limited warranty . 5-year compliance,including ENERGY STAR°and i ETL. - - - - - 'The dynamic power management feature is supported only for Enphase Energy Systems with IQ Gateway. EV CHARGER SPEC • Industry leading 5-year warranty com�aN 0 M Backed c enoutstandingcustomer servic®- * ^ experience with Enphase - - DRAWING SCALE Extensively"tested for use with majority of - all J1772-compatible EV§ N .T•S. 0 2024 Enphase Energy.All rights reserved.Enphase.the eand CC logos,lo.andcertaln other marks listed —ems•,eSphase.eoMtradamark-�sa o rdettnes are trademarks of Enphase Energy,Inc.In the U.S.and et tnt J/ 9..g„ other countrles.Data subject to changa DSH-00t13-3A-EN-US-2024-08-21 DSH-00113-3.0-EN-US-2024-08-21 SHEET NUMBER PV-8. 12 TAX MAP: 1 000-05 1 .00-03.00-01 2.007