HomeMy WebLinkAbout51626-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD " BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51626 Date: 02/11/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Mark Schaefer 28 Orchard Farm Rd Port Washington, NY 11050 To: construct additions and alterations to existing single-family dwelling as applied for per SCHD& Trustees approvals. Premises Located at: 2300 Hobart Rd, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM# 64.-3-5 Pursuant to application dated 12/16/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 02/11/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling- Addition&Alteration $74S.S0 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $845.50 Building Inspector u � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 https:L/www.Loutholdtownny.gov Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. Building Inspectorc Applications and forms must be filled out In their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the AppUcant Is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization forth(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: 12/11/24 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: Mark & Ann Schaefer SCTM#1000- 64-03-05 Project Address: 2300 Hobart Road, Phone#: 516-603-7097 Email: schaeferannk@gmail.com Mailing Address: 28 Orchard Farm Rd, Port Washington, NY CONTACT PERSON: Name: Joseph Fischetti, PE Mailing Address: 1725 Hobart Road, Southold Phone#: 516-848-6764 Email: wingman@optonline.net DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Joseph Fischetti, PE Mailing Address: 1.725 Hobart Road, Southold Phone#: 516-648-6764 Email: wingman@optonline.net CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition RAlteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑other $375,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 5INo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes RiiNo PROPERTY INFORMATION Intended use of property:Existing use of property: dwelling p p rty: dwelling Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R40 this property? ®Yes 1@No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. 64 Check Box After Reading: The owner/aontraemr/dam beta for an draftop A d stet.wam IMMIS Be provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code.APPUCATM 5 ld7 M MADE to the lholdhng Depart rent for the kumnee of a 8uitding Penalt purmlint to the Budding Zone ordinance of the Town of Southold,Sufta,County,New York and other appdrabim Laws,ordbranm or Regulations,for the constrwilon of buddinp, addWom,alterations or for re.oval or demolition as herein described.The applicant SVM to comply with ad epPdrable laws,ordbuanoro,budding code, hou ft code and repladom wd to admit authorized inspectors on prey and in bndkUrq s)for necessary lmpetdiom.False statwnenb made herein are pnudshabie as a Class A mbdermmm pursuant to Section IWAS of the New York State Perri tart. Application Submitted By(print name): Joseph Fischetti, PE @Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ,yft ) --J�S'" ' / /� being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)heisthe Agent & Engineer (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of 20_Z ' Notary Pu iwloUt.IS'SINE,AIDOUNi ,yOR TA F"l P8i i -ST,4TE F NENf i�fUAi IFI IN car SSA oi�� p PiVR S 031 r c Where crud ~� the applicant is not the owner) 28 Orchard Farm Rd, Port Washington, NY residing at dry hereby authorize Joseph Fisehetti, PE to apply on my behalf t th Town pf Southold Building Department for approval as described h rein. Owner's Signature Date k Print Owner's Name Jr m�,kwl��l�i,'�hw,„ ✓+4l�I�PJIJJ+Di�s �,xru'�iuAirvyl ,,„ „��7J"yrryu�r ,�„i�lPY�E�'' �iP" wrral�� ;'�>``i {l�lv ,.,,,,,,.. way^^ i P r �;""v,mw, ,„ „I r ,�,-, vu,� ,o v,"n� �✓,ry uHr,. r" o � �rv",m �''�" � u�i �'"��!"j�f1,,'-.{r . �'�;f''Y,. �,fll+�r �,1 'r����'�r/� ��'� w ���l,�r;'�Y"fl ri�"�.. ,.„ ����,, ,.,✓�/�i�uy, ,�e(I °�� av��y ,��i , i�. y�Y ,,,,n,r�HMnr";fir �I�I �Y�,� �� ;... '� ��Y'�'1,"�"-,.. ,/.yv'„Y �flµ,�k� ✓1 m� ��'4�!fl G��'�i�ia r �''(��dd ypy;� ���(f! .r', la r�. I I.u� ff r r i i A, ,..o��'„, �rhri;-ur/q//r w,.�r1 � „eY !�k ,i�l e, / - i4✓ i ,.., �i�r�.irc r✓„r�rG��;F��i�, I,V,, �/ (rwirr,w.riN�fFJ, �rf6l�l�ou4(61W!�f�lVe�rffA,-r,.. „r(% �: it trrf uf�« 9?„X�✓�, /!%�;'r �;�""v�b�N�- �� ,,='V'HU,6�,H,o n�'f'' ,, '�r ;,/�,^'� !� aril I(�rltt!r k ,oy�,�'� uY( ?, ld'ud ,. 6 r b,,w i r >•"�, rrl vT� i / Y o/u d„'- � i � �� Diu hq�,ry�r i,�,,�J 4r i iUud��Y,f i, ✓,ii, �, �, V ,a7'„ � , '�" ✓,, I� x� `✓( �"� "'� / �1,� �Y� o N!� ���� a�l!G r u o �r I � ,,, �� 'r' �Pm� 1' c'�� � i 6, r � � � �J„ -„( rw,,,,,:..�u,�f � �.:�hr, Y�,���mr r,:r,,,: wa,��irELir. N1�1,,,,. Y Y' � ✓Pw�.,.�.r�r„ w...,. ,. ,ak � i ,� 1Vp:. rr, %rJir ,, J;. ,��" �(,�1 ,m�iinlran�Yt/yiifw�„,r�.-�uu,r�<r„ / - (, „�i JI'��/�rrr"�i �pl;"'!Y" / J d r �i m it /w�✓�l rri� `w"�vYl x rig r'�J/fl irl��ii/r��✓Yrsrl Yi, r, BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES `r SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 10644 DATE: SEPTEMBER 18.2024 p,l 1 y ISSUED TO: MARK& ANN SCHAEFER ' !( PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2300 HOBART ROAD. SOUTHOLD 1� SCTM#1000-64-3-5 �� e AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on see eml r 1'8.2024. '�uW Vi and in consideration of application fee in the sum of 1$ ,250.00 paid by MArk&inn Sca+a1"e and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution,the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: r Wetland Permit for the existing dwelling with west porch,seaward side covered porch and landward brick walk with pergola; replace windows and siding where necessary; f r demolish existing second floor and construct a 757.2s ft.second floor over existing w g 9• g C dwelling; install gutters to leaders to drywells to contain roof runoff; abandon existing r !� septic system and install an I/A OWTS system landward of dwelling, remove concrete I� (� pad in front yard; existing driveway to remain; and to install and perpetually maintain a 15' wide vegetated non-turf buffer along the landward edge of the bulkhead; with the condition that should the proposed become a demo (per Southold Town Code),the it fir,, applicant will have to apply for a new Wetland Permit; all as depicted on the site plan ' prepared by Joseph Fischetti,P.E., received on September 24,2024,and stamped / approved on September 27,2024. Y GAUD' � r I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, r and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the day and year written above. r'r " ee J F Hn � V' J i/�,�f! V,ell.y,�'J!!,Y �//,.r:G lffY'in 4i/f Y //tirl F.'...yl / Y,rl ,k J N,/Or:.i///y/➢If/tj d/,..%/ .Il N.✓/d,.+//{/.,,N/ i�R� ./ ,"J(4, f /4:/ ,M N�' ,d fM�I Vll J ll�l fdl6 l , o � N"'.�''Yr ; ,ri ,Nf�l r"Jr"�ly�� ,� ^I(G'�" °'0"r.N� ,,Jjpi- P ',W°+w� ,��, F, ! 6 Y°Y��"; �i ` ,r 1' w��l iYw�� �"r i tr ✓�Pv i „ `,, P ;aa✓r rr= .u�! iir J„rg, ,. �, �4' 4i,fi" ✓rr„,r,: P „f, i��lo „;. - r .,, r ,pJ 7" J,,, ,V ,r.(+I r Yr„""4 i r„ ✓ w, $ f a s W '9 o CLEF i W 80 .. i I63' '` LLI N rn s3 ' APPROVED BY44 BOARD OF TRUSTEES . ' TOWN OF SOUTHOU) � � •' / DATE /-3 S ICIL9L _ `g'1 g � 12 F LLi Z I 1 - Z 1=" ! /\ W Z i -1K 4` L X O m a Cj srss s'u a �k - SPOT FL 2 � it shm / vr � 61 Lu Z $J( � �J OAAVWN JF/JP '�OO7EN § ,E,.y N sEPTEMBEa,9,2024 SCALE:AS NOTED PROJECT Lu 1ST FLOOR: NEW MASTER BEDROOM SUITE WITH £ E SHEET NO WALK IN CLOSET AND MASTER BATH PLAN 2ND FLOOR: 3 NEW BEDROOMS AND 1 BATH SEP 2 A 2WA t ALL WITHIN THE EXISTING FOOTPRINT New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40-SUNY,Stony Brook,New York 11790-2356 Telephone(516)444-0365 AM Facsimile (516)444-0373 Isaw John P.Cahill Acting Commissioner June 12, 1997 Frank & Jane Lynn 2300 Hobart Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application #1-4738-01637/00001 Lynn Property, 2300 Hobart Road, Southold Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lynn: Based on the information you have submitted, the New York State Department of Environmental conservation has determined that: The property landward of the pre-existing stone/concrete seawall shown on the survey dated February 28, 1997, is beyond the jurisdiction of Article 25 (Tidal Wetlands Act) . Therefore, in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations (6NYCRR Part 661) no permit is required under the Tidal Wetlands Act . Please be advised, however, that no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal wetlands jurisdictional boundary, as indicated above, without a permit. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation within Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction which may result from your project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your project (i.e. a 151 to 20' wide construction area) or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm. Please be further advised that this letter does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining any necessary permits or approvals from other agencies. Sincerely, & George W. Hammarth Permit Administrator cc: F. Nataro File 20"D-BO1CW,f I nAr+rrr .aaDtmrurrAam u . � a T HOUSE CONCRETE COLLAR . ..�..... �r..r"wrr �.IN I •rAPTuawuLrAaau Lnl MGNT FRAME h COVERLOCMPNG COVER JwNO WAOR F.F. EL. 13.6' SECONDARY SAFETY -. W/APPROVED LOCRWG DEVICE CONEIE COaSIC& •.^^rPoo STOPPER END PLUG g SECONMRY SAFELY UDS C`ddAIER AT GRADE BELOW GRAfE , w + T++w►EINMw rc.,w.mm«, 4aew.rr...r�.rwwwkl'�NA foss A:r'.w 1n.c,..ln,�.w —C EL It's" �bT CRAVE »S' �d c+ss Wpn ... Ce ISB Mtt a wi.nww *b n:..agw1 I.E.. A EL 70., € ...,..»r As'e °�Nraww Vwav .., .. r�...�,....,...�nr,.�.e.,am<....... - nov N3lNP p L d �yrx u5 �� LSA F1A N .nl w.r wT.rrAwrbv.+w.rr...� 4'3R PIPE I.E. -..�. 9 0 « I.E. 8' 7 ;. I ARAL tRAPT�K 9E �" '} a S ArAA' 5 _ « QFJN OUT 9.1' i 6•� vvim�' r.n ��� ° ""'��AY! "'"`� �.130 FlA wxl4sr^wwseWrv,neww wt wwrn' MIN 4'E DIA SANITARY PIPE -O.EL.4..` P4C MASIE 41 yr r. wwc. SDR 35 rLDW' 4.dk I SDR^,' a LT"M7 M.ar Z LINE P of • dY"''A NDDT TpIK.� _ EL., Aa.e.L.9. ..r,a ++«,....awls.r,.......�.s.-w...a.�...a�... V EL. 1.5 GROUND WRYER •�" •tlT ••`•••••• .a.�� OT [3J B WAX 4'DEEP LEACHING POOLS HIGHEST EXPECTED ��'^-•WG£IEST REC'GWDE,RI..OW„wl1NOWA,'SEkC GROUNDWATER AN-4W [1]B'DIA X 4'DEEP EKPANSION POOLS w P W BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND h GRAVEL wLwwce erwwrorAx,,,..•r.Aw. w p NOW: NO CUr OR FILL RFOIIIRFO Nq .•.++e,..... F,_ ,,,� I FACHING POOL �EfAIL s.ww.AwLrs rawYrmr.rorw Arrrnalnalr..rnr+urn+ALnw.Anw. (/� Of C3 aLrr Pr. l°n�",w: R: M O P rrwnrvw.a.+s.wr.. .wwlwra+a..»Lnw.4.'. e'w O X 6 OW'WR:.. IY srw. mra 2 f A,a «n SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE N.n r0 Design Professional's Certification Required. N.T.S' LLj so N PA TT «.. .�P» ... w .L,...w A, W Submit P.E.or R.A.Certification For The Installation and Construction of the Sewage Disposal Systems PO 1��0 e0x ��" �•�� � � �� asraw/rwv `L�.s+.el.�d�.1.,.......�.�u�.w..ro�.rw..w...• 40C?G4�G � U Use Form WWM-073 dA4 r FST COb R rir N c uw uT G eIN CO A4uRon Na e. Abandonment of the existing sanitary system must be In �� d'WORaWPS —rpRLEAOnNG lIELO6 i CSR' 1'T G IWNr zxrr e A mlrzfas conformance with the Department's requirements. Submit completed form -080 as proof OU On eAnL ouNa A rz•ula urAMRmAw 011Er 0E1w10 na.m FA TER NA FERUL TYPE A SPRAT o '' ' '. wsn4er°Ww nww n.wwe, .rN' ,.wr-Lu w va0r nc "ea}sa mw.elunnewawn.aoonrxwmn YAW'ES+ qAT v6vCW TW K RATED A WP AT IA',pP! sxuz ulcsaao POLYLOK D—BOX DETAIL 'ri y ,v t ,g „ n y N.T.S. r,A. W'v mx TEST HOLE DATA "' nwAu.. s oe w IMBN TO SCAb,T.I Ay, %—Pi LTLTMI[eYgW eawcw, wow x EwGtYG Ore NirO 0C05dtlALp // nWxr w„ NEMATTC:ELtCTRTC *w s*.uN� mw.M+MA WRw.zu'N T�vwwu,necWo rTILAc Ilwpu Vp" "rssw � L z20105 .m .urnc 4fM5/SB7,A LIIIrIMMIp .,wAil rLCW.wr ""Y'4''T! ru.Lro. Lan I� rlw., wLre"�i 0' TAP. DARK BROWN LOAN �a" , y,, unn x.rou.o.am.nlnemcr 10.5 "' �A 0, BROWN SANDY CLAY fiy '�' SAWMMW'N.NO ,W„a 0 <2 I4.PAF ^u„x. Mrwwwa"ruN'L'Mrr � nnn��.n LrKWn1Le A° M y7• � �4 t �p�r '� �wmuwww�i.'r�eW exxn.. acLw.�nLLm 9 "v w GeGC ATSEAf.> 11.NAMILLE `S SR BROWN FINE SAND "" F"S �..W," 1 " ! LOCKING COVER DETAIL �D� �}./T✓/} T '' � N N.T.S. SANITARY SYSTEM DESIGN 106' 4^' Q wY` bT 5ftiW1' P IB.M RFAKt T. ^L p,, S� lV�rmlwl V! * 4 BEDROOM = 440gpd 4z+ FFJ ��1 Lt rYc+nnF o yam. ,,rrw,. � R IN "'A 'V ��� � � y�P� mum roTex Nk�M rN'� ••••••• •••••••• USE: �JWATE 4 "' CLEL J "°0i° °""" HYDROACTION AN400 = 450gpd PALE BROWN FINE SAND fit" 0J W 1 p.o' ,r4 4i.'✓r 11.9 er Wm AR r� 1f. IZ �r �� WAA.RARR N.T•5• LEACHING WATER ENCOUNTERED 10.6'BEI.OW SURFACE d'Pr J + G CLEAN OUT DETAIL NEGW-ELEV.1.50 AY ,, + ✓' ° USE: z ` .r"°ry p-`x GATE FE. U^P ,A ,rY Y rLxs. shy N.T.S. [3] 8`DIA X 4-DEEP LP w a � qa 0 / w a ` [1] B'DIA X 4' DEEP EP -W 9 _ L. �,+ '' ✓L. �,,� .. WOax 1COR.EL 1 W 0 m '4. G-WOA Z Vj^ N Pp 8 -4 �. ED LO AN V00 Q10 a W X } " = O 07 W CE. ��9x� ° W a Ci CL � q `4 SCHAEFER �r P G 2300 HOBART RD s SOUTHOLD, NY SCTM#1000-64-03-05 y' — AREA FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP t Ca w +SPOT EL 98, SHED Z P� WOODENYr ,y4 : W _ O 0 Z O WOODE P 1 JETTY IAL � ,ALP BAEMT]I Z ° N mN e0* J BILL OF MATERIALS A� Z O U W DRAWN BY:JF I JP �.... P f JE O o °. a+r NOVEMBER 7,2024 ;� ' K` l J- SCALE:AS NOTED y A � I, pw .rA ArL u!` d PROJECT O ry U LL % SHEET NO: 1. ° NEW MASTER BEDROOM SUITE WITH ELECTRIC RISER LL v t ", WALX 9N CLOSET AND MASTER BATH � * PLAN 2ND FLOOR: 3 NEW BEDROOMS AND I BATH RISER DIAGRAM = U) I1 PLA R r .nwe .wae.ecw.c_W_sn 9. ��.... N.T.S_ SCALE: T" 2D` ALL WITHIN THE EXISTING FOOTPRINT "�` — .Law+ua's