HomeMy WebLinkAbout51621-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51621 Date: 02/10/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: BravePorter LLC 28 Shady Ln Syosset, NY 11791 To: install replacement windows to existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Premises Located at: 1425 Bay Ave, East Marion, NY 11939 SCTM# 31.-9-7.3 Pursuant to application dated 09/04/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 02/10/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees• Single Family Dwelling- Alteration $250.00 Co-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $350.00 Building Inspector � � � Elnv?.i�'P'--frt. /w--" TOirVIV OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT j' Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. 0. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 ' Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 lrtta :lw ' atl°Iolcltc��°Ilrt Date Rec,,N d APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only �f Y PERMIT NO, ` Building lnspector°-- Applications and forms must be filled out in tWr entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Appilicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. d�:e:68/23i%024 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Joseph lavarone SCTM# 1000- Project Address: 1425 Bay Ave, East Marion NY 11939 Phone#:�15-4i"-73G2 Email:hra��e Orterl lc 'a;i.C^nI Mailing Address:PO Box 1735 Huntington NY 11743 CONTACT PERSON: Name:KAthQrinp RAmlvlpic iLiailinE Address: Main Read �-.1 1.r ZI Y 11 93 �30 Phone#:631-73_4_-6405 Email:kate@samuelsandsteelman.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: all- Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: d r• Mailing Address: Phone#: _ Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION V ❑i�icyJ �tici " urc rrGulilCi�7 4AIrerabon Vie' caii` 'Der'ioktiol} LSLwnat`d Cos,-Of Project:,.. ❑Other r 400,000 444 Will the lot be re-grab d? ❑Yes *No Will excess fill be rrnov from premises? ❑YesWNO 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Residential intended use of property: Residential Z Olt F­% ✓A C%% h i s p r ap e,—,v? E_j 11,e S ii,A4 C: V Z C. P D U 'It'A. ,0Xflr'1C A d­'r'1PV @Check Box After Reading: The ownor/contract&r/design professional Is responsible for aWl drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the'Town Code. APPUCATlON IS HEREBY MADE to tho Building Department for the Issuance of a Dullding Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolkp County,Now York and other applicaNe Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of bulkilngs, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, W V09Y.SWCC PeA&i LAW. Application Submitted By(print name): Katherine Samuels ®Authorized Agent ElOwner Date, 51a-N re 01, STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Prince William 'hal ape t. is the appl�l (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the AGENT (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of S?iA nenrn®r nr­�&,rners, ans-I is r4i du ni itknri-7aA+n norfnrm �r knkem n=rfe�r�mrl tka C�ie`l%Ainrle 2nr4 nnA film tkie application L'hat all staternef iLs Contained in thiis appilcation.are irises to the best of hispher knowledge and Lb-eiiel;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. iatr N Sworn before me this r H A__x Seotember 24 ............... Notary Puhiic 8('49S6K) My commiss on exp res:_W_2B1ZQ2_7_ Notarized remotely online using communication technology via Proof. PROPERTY' OWN ER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) Joseph lavarone residing at 1425 Bay Ave, East Madon NY 11939 do hereby authorize Katherine Samuels to apply an bqyloa 01, (YAM C� 812812024 Owner's Signature Date Joseph Thomas Iavarone 2 AP 0 ED AS NOTED B.P.# 5 R FM r -B '.. NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT 631 7'65.1802 8AM TO 4PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: 1. FOUNDATION FOR P 0 IJI f? 2. DOUGH- 3. INSULATiON 4. FINAL-CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTON ERRORS COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF NEW YORK s " E&TOWN CODES AS REQUIRED AND CONDITIONS OF SOUTH TOWN PLANNING BOARD TON TRUSUES NX ,DEC OLD HPO ND OCCUPANCY OR Wl"I"HOUT E °o TI IC II CONTENTS Performance&Replacement Solutions 2-3 Product Overview ,.,. ........- ,.,...... , 5 Exterior&Interior Options ........ Exterior Trim System __ 7 r . , Window Hardware ,. _ ,..... 8-9 > r �G Polio Door F-lordware 10-11 Glass Options .... ...... ....... ... ...... ..... .............._... 12-13 Grille Options r Insect Screen Options,, 15 / �i ...« Comparison Chart .,,... II 400 SERIES WINDOWS a�H Casement&Awning Windows ... . 19 Replacement Casement&Awning Windows ,.,,... 37 Complementary Casement Windows ....., ., .. 41 P Y ,... Woodwrighl'Double-Hung Full-Frame Windows . 47 Woodwrighl Double-Hung Insert Windows 67 _ f l� tilt-Wash Double-Hung Full-Frame Windows 75 Norroline°Double-Hung Window Conversion Kit 87 Tilt-Wash Double-Hung Insert Windows.,._ ......._ 89 Bay&Bow Windows ............. 97 Gliding Windows....,,._.............. 111 Specialty Windows .. . .. Complementary Specially Windows ...... .,, 137 N � I I Iduulu 400 SERIES PATIO DOORS Frenr_hwoodo Gliding Patio Doors 141 rrror�i aroro Frenchwaod Hinged Inswing Patio Doors ..... 149 7uiar l Frenchwaod Patio Door Sidelights& Cransams 159 NII} mit "I r rl,/lfrrr Ilir��ir//�Y�� � i Sul i i Complementary Curved Top Patio Doors 163j�� ti III � � hkTd r fo ,/ a raiGoi��11 � r r , 11111111p,� r Art Glass. 173 Exterior fnm .... ...... 175 Combination Designs 181 Product Performance __,,. ..,,... . .,,.. ....197 IF Installation Accessories&Information ..... ................ 210 Sustainability 212 . o ail For warrant nformation,visit andersenwindows.com warrant y i � Y� BEIM Andersen Corporation,including its subsidiaries,has been named a 2021 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year- i I �IIl� r i I I 1 eilokN dOfT, f rtr �8 Excellence Award c .sfni6oed _`1 tlh.ir,'( the highest by ENERGY i STAR, For continued leadership in protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency achievements. � �'� r'.tr ✓ �� ,r r" II J J Y '1 x v ; i no ............ JI to �f�� /�i /i/r- % %///// /j j� /r%/G IIII/M IN ' 1 /" p. Nnnerr✓ll�mlJNrNrn,NJ,,/IfJNi / ,, n�: % 1%/� 1 r ,,,,., n (✓ /,;�.`. "r' ;, r 1�', j.. w." i rii �,v -�ry r��j/%// Ji.;/r/r� 9r r�;%�/I!/r9r L5„f: ��%✓ //rr,!��ir , dri � %ip � DOORSO " i " ;D , r�i� `�a�o�', �� ��� �:��a �rnrwa�:they love,and-we're re ';eas far ova! "hats why we're pr ucl to offer you r dlud's that��� ,;` /�in quality and performance.;' and to be the #1 trusted and rec'niniended window and door brand" by pros.. Our most popular choice with carraecawners and the windows contractors trust the most! Easy to install„ law maintenance and with fewer callbacks, N" r� rid the 400 Series can be your go-to for pretty much any project.. ""r'v. 2i�I�.pavdwswlbrand%wvern,oW,5 c:¢vrutrva�ao& bufudlclrtr�.rJaror� hOUa�ra 20N 6+�ndefsen brand w we %o LJ.S.�:arweraxeaacw;d aNw'�vve�amraa�rt' uNeron. f 2O2 1 ArudeFW 6tond wvty of U 5 coniradom RELIABLE & ENERGY EFFICIENT As our best-selling products,the 400 Series product line offers a distinct blend of design, reliability and trade confidence. Designed for easy installation for replacement, remodel or new construction projects, 400 Series products feature our Perma-Shield°exterior cladding that revolutionized the window industry.They're also backed by our renowned limited warranty and the largest service network in the industry. ENERGY-SAVING LQUALITY SO SOLID,THE FOR Y CLIMATE WARRANTYI TRANSFERABLE' Andersen makes windows and Many other window and door warranties patio doors with options that make end when a home is sold,but our coverage them ENERGY STAR°v.6.0 certified — 20 years on glass, 10 years on non-glass throughout the United States, wruwwrwwwwww parts—transfers from each owner Visit andersenwindows.corn/energystar to the next,And because it's not prorated, for more information and to verify that the the coverage offers full benefits year after product with your glass option is certified year,owner after owner.So it can add real value when you decide to sell your home. in your area. OWNER20WNER' Iff Me N.-AT'll RIGOROUSLY T E BUILTYEARS T O COME' The exclusive Andersen Perma-Shield Our products are built strong to last long` system gives our windows and doors We use the right materials in the right a tough,protective shell that safeguards places,including solid wood,fiberglass the wood inside.It repels water,resists and our own FibreO'composite material,. dents'and stays beautiful for years. These give our windows and doors superior OPTIONS FOR THE strength,stability and long-term beauty, HARSHEST MAINTENANCE,LOW 400 Series windows with Stormwatch" NEVER NEEDS PAINTING Protection meet building code KEEPS THE WEATHERT The Perma-Shield exteriors on Andersen requirements in coastal areas`" Products Our weather-resistant construction 400 Series windows and doors offer with Stormwatch Protection are energy and careful selection of weatherstrip superior weather resistance and are efficient,resist the effects of salt water, by product type seals out drafts,wind virtually maintenance free. and stand up to hurricane-force winds and water whatever the weather and wind-borne debris" For details,visit andersenwindows.com/coastal. ATC i N O T E C T 1 0 N "Visit ondersenwindows,.earn/warranty for details,. *"See your local code official for code requirements in your area. "ENERGY STAR"is a registered irodemark of the U.S,Environmental Proledion Agency, 2 REPLACEMENT SOLUTIONS Homeowners and realtors agree that Andersen products increase the value of a home by at least 10%* So you're not just replacing their windows,you're upgrading their home. INSERT WINDOWS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS . ,�f rvUs�dT�md �N . r t i a 400 Series Woodwright® 400 Series Tilt-Wash 400 Series Replacement Double-Hung Insert Windows Double-Hung Insert Windows Casement&Awning Windows The classic,traditional style of Our best-selling double-hung Available without an installation flange for easy window Woodwright Full-frame windows windows in an insert for easy replacement from inside or outside. Feature predrilled, in atime-saving insert, replacement through-the-jomb installation holes for quick iristalloiion, amm�oii�omimmn 7r„""iw"1�v,U �prynow,n. Our insert and replacement windows Include flat sell-hanging shims,backer rod, f i inslallatian screws and complete instruclians- - ICUSTOM-SIZE FULL-FRAME I � a PATIO When the existing window Whether you need a hinged or frame is rotted or deteriorated, gliding patio door for replacement, or Y modifying you're modif in the size or Andersen has a number of custom- shape of the existing window size options to fit your project. opening,our full-frame double- hung,casement,owning and specialty windows are available �r; tI �� on, in custom sizes to fit your roject- fair. r�YNuft., �.�i�1f�nY�;�W�f'�Ufi�JNFNtdNnA(pKr.�r;�1�ulNfdlfalx�fY�Yi wly kf,BSVrI�F(,�^nr�uau CUSTOM 5iZES `2020 Andersen brand surveys of 11 S realiors and horneowners. 3 r r r �✓ly�� li pr�u'�r/✓i G d�'�� VV � r r dM1� �✓��lr �� �r, Ir i /yoy p Y r r✓ 11 �f� /r ✓� / � '� r/lly� or/ r�f�i �d�2r AL r tw J '✓rxl�0 i% ;,� v /u � ` fir//r 011 PRODUCT OVERVIEW f M1M1 r�l Double-Hung Mndows i t f i Choose WoodwrighO double,-flung windo,,vs thol rephccrie he look of tioditional archileclure or our best-selling I tilt-wash double-hung,windows th ai me extrec4y energy efficient. Bath are available os full-frame,or Insert windows, Speciality Windows sand can be part tat bay window combinations Coordinating A collection of stylish shapes to help picture and tra sour win ows care also avcallohle. distinguish a horne's style of create a dehcote accent. WoodwrightC Our Narroline°double-hung Complementary specialty L full-frame windows window conversion kit can upgrade windows offer 35 additional shapes and custom sizes. a 'J" come in a variety p Andersen°Narroline double-hung vf� pry p m of shapes. �mF windows to tilt-wash windows. Ana s� Casement&Awning Windows i C;ascrrr€;rrP and awning windcrws,we energy efficient, g v and are built with our love-rncsinYenance Peririo-Shield'`r' i; cladding,Available for new construction or ieplcrca;rnent, as integral twin or Ingle unouS, or as pram of fray or f'raw � wmrlrrw ccamkair9ations.C.c>ora:a(ruahnt 'aicaure and trc:rnscsrr'i (Y01G I .. windows are also avadlable, �'fl�ivff Gliding Windows ng 5upencrr energy cfficir.:rrcy,reliable i perfcarmcrneca and uncrarnrncan beauty. Complementary casement windows Both wash can our gliding windows open come in a variety of shapes and j in French casement options n cfi ,�` l for improved vc;ntilr lion. Ifrenchwood''Gliding&Hinged Ilnswfng Patio Koons Wide wcresd profiles provide the cuthcrttic crcaftsmcanshlp of traditional French doors,and our Pe.rma-Shield exterior cladding protects the unit and offers low rn aintenance.Acid blinds-between-the-glass to conveniently control light I v r and i:arivac.y.'fia learn rriore c'ahaciut other IrcaditicancrG-and contemporary-style P Gi Andersen door captions,visit andersenwlnmdows.com/dooirs. ,,,usr�uant, / to f k 1%r%i t pl J ' Complementary cu rved t, d r top patio doors, including Springline" Frame any Frenchwood t "` ' �P a and arch hinged doors, patio door with are handcrafted and Frenchwood patio door complement our sidelights and transoms. 400 Series products, 5 0 III"h, rr , �s VII�I�6' i Io dY ny—01 Ai r , /r /ir�li ;„ rn r r r r; » �r r'�✓/'✓ riri��r�i ii�� IIMp VY EXTERIOR & INTERIOR OPTIONS Our Perma-Shield°exterior cladding system, a time-tested Andersen innovation, offers low maintenance and durability while also providing an attractive appearance.The interiors of all 400 Series windows and patio doors are available in unfinished stain-grade pine or with a long-lasting, low-maintenance white finish. Select windows are also available with a dark bronze or black Finish. 400 Series Woodwright°windows and Frenchwood°patio doors are also available with unfinished maple or oak interiors. EXTERIOR C L S" b I White Canvas Sana,oee Terrotone Dark Bronze Forest Green Black INTERIOR OPTIONS`" 1 Design your window al andersenwindows.com/design-tool Pine t aapx9n Oak While '"kirk Bronzes Blacks 'Visil candersenvvirrdows.corn/warranty for derails. Scar e products care nol avoilrble in all colors or woad species.See your Andersen supplier for delails, tProducls with dark 6rorl7e and block nleriors nave maYchlnq exteriors;excludes complernenlary products. Pn,r,9 G niiotlona pr veni e:,:,,i replica Prom^if colors card finishes.See your Andersen supplier for oclual color and linish samples. 6 EXTERIOR TRIM SYSTEM Add curb appeal with Andersen°exterior trim. Our trim is made with Fibrex°composite material, an environmentally smart composite that contains 40%pre-consumer reclaimed wood fiber by weight. For details, see page 175. Time saving and cost effective 1 Independent of water management o system for easy installation IN ABOUT t MINUTES Style that gets noticed Our wide trim profiles overlap the window frame to create clean lines without visible sealant joints,Mitered brick mould corners and butt joints on flat casing profiles reflect No nail holes,no visible traditional corner joints. fasteners,no painting I I Innovative i attachment strip .... --- - -- �I . g 3 R Sandtone window with cocoa bean Irim Visit andersenwindows.com/exteriortrim to learn more. EXTERIOR COLORS of/oi�r r i ion %g,�//j� N"'I"111 M, White Canvas Prairie Grass Sandtone Terratone Cocoa Bean Dark Bronze Red Rock Forest Green Dove Gray Black Printing limitations prevent exact duplication of colors.See your Andersen supplier for actual color samples. 7 WINDOW HARDWARE Window hardware enhances the overall design of a window and harmonizes with a home's decor.That's why we offer a broad range of hardware styles and finishes. HARDWARE FINISHES Antique Block Bright Brass Brushed Distressed Distressed Brass Chrome Bronze Nickel in0111, 1'1;1_1_' �"""" 1111" 01�,' I "I I I�� Gold Dust 0 1 Rubbed Poljshed Satin Nickel Stone White Bvofizeq C,hl ome? 'Ifar<dwomIsssld aparol lyrxc rdsrandordlac unrdGtrei:aa:.rfordmble-hungwlndow.s. Printing Iim unions pfcoveni,xacl repiicnhcrrr of h, shes,aec your Anouisen superller for ac kjol finish sarnpler,, Distiessed bronze and oil rubo d From=are"Irvin 'finishes Thar will chorine wilh Yhne and use, �Pr ,e NE19 � I �mv rieff", Wo/ e v i w illrl�!' / /Il f idliJ lorl"; fYd ' z r er � Go �i gist �mfe(�f�lll m°IWI d(dr/uiUma„v .��rmr h M� mac, Casement&Awning Windows III�� �,it iolr4ill��lpnlililt 111°pt halt Vtl h CONTEMPORARY FOLDING TRAWTIONAL FOLDING Black Bright Brass I Cold Dust ) Oil Rubbed Bronze Antique Brass Black I Bright Brass I Distressed Bronze Satin Mickel Stone ( White Distressed Nickel I Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Bronze Satin Nickel Stone White 6 CLASSIC SERIES" ESTATE" v Stone I White Antique Brass Bright Brass Brushed Chrome Distressed Bronze I Distressed Nickel I Oil Rubbed Bronze Polished Chrome ( Saiin Nickel Folding handles avoid Inlerlerence w'iih window irecimems. Gliding Windows Woodwright"Double-Hung Windows i i ur,,ra,i t Standard Lock&Keeper w Anliquo Brass Black Bright Brass I Brushed Chrome Distressed Bronze A� Distressed Nickel Gold Dust I Oil Rubbed Bronze ( Polished Chrome Satin Nickel Stone White l Tilt-Wash Double-Hung Windows av i r� r Ar � � 1 Antique Brass Black ( Bright Brass Standard Lock&Keeper Optional Lock&Keeper Brushed Chrome ( Distressed Bronze Black Gold Dust I Stone White ESTATE" Distressed Nickel Oil Rubbed Bronze Polished Chrome ( Satin Nickel Stone is standard with natural Interior units. Antique Bross ( Bright Brass Stone I White While comes with prehnlshed while tnieriors. Brushed Chrome Distressed Bronze Other hntshes optional. Distressed Nickel Oil Rubbed Bronze Polished Chrome I Satin Nickel Bold none denotes finish shown Optional Estate lock and keeper is available only for 400 Series tilt-wash double-hung windows, Estate lock and keeper reduces the clear opening height by 19/32"(I5) Check with local building code officials to deterrnme compliance wiih egress requirements, Optional sash lifts shown an page 48 for Woodwright windows and page 76 for lilt-wash windows. Hardware is cold seponciely,except standard York and keeper for windows, Dimensions in parentheses are in uruitll'imelers. Printing limitallorrs preverrt exrack rr:.plca9ian av tiei hsFi�es Scree yar.ar�rrderser!suy-,rirrller for act�.ia finish yarn l:.e... Distressed bronze and oil rubbed bronze are,"living"finishes Ihot,vIl change with time and use 9 PATIO DOOR HARDWARE Patio door hardware' is available in a variety of designs to match virtually any style.Anvers°Yuma°Newbury°Covington,' Encino°and Whitmore hardware options feature solid drop-forged brass for added strength,while Albany and Tribeca° hardware options are made of diecast zinc with durable powder-coated finishes.Also, look for additional hardware options such as exterior keyed locks and matching hinge finishes in the detailed product sections for each individual patio door. Gliding , Glidit,g Gliding Gilding r vksa l I 3 D q)vl i 411 � A I, , f t; s� �Prar Phi 1 f Hlrrged Nlnz.�}ed Hinged v Hingaed ANVERS@ YUMA`d NEWBURY® ALBANY Bright Brass I Oil Rubbed Bronze Distressed Bronze Antique Brass I Bright Brass Black I Gold Dust Satin Nickel Distressed Nickel Brushed Chrome I Oil Rubbed Bronze Stone White Polished Chrome I Satin Nickel Gold name denotes finish shown HARDWARE FINISHES r Anlique Black Bright Brass Brushed Distressed Distressed Brass Chrome Broome Nickel Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Pollshed Satin Nickel Stone While Bronze Chrome *Hardware sold separately. Iv`cIching hinges available far inswing parlo doors;excludes FSB"hardware. Mix-ancf-rnoich inleriar and exterior style and finish options,are avalloble. Bright brass and satin nicked hnl,hes feature a 10 year limited womanly Printing lirrrtlahons prevent exact replicatlan of hnishes.Sae your Andersen supplier lot ac!ual finish samples. Di.slressed bronze and colt rt.ibbed bronze are"living"finishes thal will change with lime and use. 10 Gliding Gliding GIidin,.3 Gliding P D Vf f Hinged 1-hnig(NA Hinged Hinged COVI GTO " E CI O® HIT RE" T I ECA° Antique Brass I Bright Bross Distressed Bronze Antique Bross I Bright Brass Block I Stone I White Oil Rubbed Bronze Distressed Nickel Oil Rubbed Bronze Satin Nickel FSB@ HINGED PATIO Durable stainless steel FSB hinged door hardware features clean lines and a sleek satin finish for I a thoroughly modern look.Choose from four styles and two finishes, t Black Satin Anodized Stainless 1035 1075 1076 1102 AIurninurn Steel "f-lardware sold separately '"FSB style 1102 is not available in black onodlzed olurninum 'FSK is a registered Iradenarlc of Franz Schneider Brakel GmbH&Co, IB GLASS OPTIONS Andersen has the glass you need to get the performance you want. From SmartSun"glass with HeatLock°coating that's ENERGY STAR°certified in all climate zones to PassiveSun°glass that helps heat homes in northern areas, there's an option for every climate, project and customer. Check with your supplier for selections that meet ENERGY STAR requirements in your area. ENERGY LIGHT Solar Heat Visible Light U-Factor Gain Coefficient Transmittance UV Protection e w a d r .s s How well a pruduci blocks How much visible Itgtr comes How well a produce GLASS whe escu, r g heat can—by sunhgM, through a producl blocks uhmvlolee rays o ding overdl r�erfa .p cl Low-E4 ua h hearing o j aool7y Low-E4 with �m �ppbed la n idr �r(ace,ri,r legs n „� C t u C1� t HeatLock°Coating r r -o the hame and u-F a< -yr ho c crr e SmartSun" �I tllm 0 G �L') SI I,.ik iu rm i cvs mile t.L.rvv P.Ik gl rti.,., SmartSun with A .IF!dlU dt 0 0 0 0 0 0D G HeatLock Coating bock a°I t ­d r....,u-1 i hies Sun a g h � r ( e !� l na),m G ° Gg 00 Y .� '1 C wd c dar heat gcr ,fired Idr of to fU I r ,i ...i .. -�s Y Y PassiveSuno .pal rarer Mare wear h,-i y-,n ,lc-red I I PassiveSun with Appl ed ro 9 e rrr<rr=,.rd= urEor-e,�r�� I, ,,e 1 ^G SII Oil 4 G 0 =,n HeatLock Coating ar d r +es 1.1-h r mh,ce. Clear dual-Pane High 65ibdily wilh basic Inennal pedoanonce. Center of glass perliorrnanco only.Raimgs teased or,gla,s ocr ions as of May 2021 Visir on rlersenvr,nndcrvvs.corn/energys,ci fur tNFRG,Y STAR map and NtRC log al unll perlorrnance dala. HEATLOCK TECHNOLOGY ADDITIONAL GLASS OPTIONS ART GLASS Applied to the room-side glass surface, Tempered safety glass is standard on patio With art glass panels from Andersen,you HeatLock coating reflects heat back into doors and required for larger window sizes can add interest,create focal points and make the home for improved performance, Laminated glass is available for added strength, your work stand out, See page 173 or visit enhanced security and sound control. andersenwindows.com/artglass STORMWATCH'PROTECTION for more information, Patterned glass leks in light while obscuring Most Andersen 400 Series windows vision and adds a unique, decorative teach. TIME-SAVING FILM are available with impact-resistant glass Cascade and Reed patterns can be ordered and structural upgrades to meet the tough We protect our products during delivery and with either a vertical or horizontal arientatian, building codes of hurricane-prone coastal construction with translucent film on the glass areas.See our local code official forrf �k�rc'IM111� that peels away for a virtually spotless window. Y ,specific requirements. �� i /L i . _ For more details on our glass options,visit WATCH Ca Brie F�.rn Obscure r n o r e e r r o x a n d e rs e n w i n d ows.c o ni ass. I )f Elm l,. . Reed satin Elch "Andersen 400 Ser e5 predud5 onlyw0k ScnarlStmgIr;,wrdk Ii nlLnck coaling(mcg)n gas blend),nrr grilles,no c:aplllary breather Iui.)e excludes paleerned/lexlured glass, "ENEI1C:dY STAR"is c reg'mPered trademark at Pf)e L.J S.F.nvircrrvrienlol r'rolencliorn Agency. 12 I S-BETWEE -TH E-G LASS i Conveniently located between the panes of insulated glass, Iti�nrNrf �t and protected from dust and damage for long-lasting protection, blinds-between-the-glass is available an 400 Series Frenchwaad" gliding or hinged inswing polio doors.Available In while, A, ,y i/r�`^` and can be ordered with any exterior door color with a pine or prefinished white interior, 41 VIV e� H � f G� 1 I h N6 6MlWlN �5aN IFrt �/ Cl/ BW m FJ X4W(��kNl�IN f�WW.IP x "a lrnr,/ ��. � � nvwW iiwnA i ri v�wa�i orymf�fi j ✓ , y�(q�Ayg� %/�j ( l j wkmm R� a✓WIN.I !W W OYI91WiWd}w /VIA,n /Ovbri/ji(l tiaw'�w oar ,rAr «� �ti�N yWpAnyay r /I II i //li ru �i pra— , GLASS SPACER OPTIONS Black or white glass spacers are now available as a standard offering on select produc75,in addition to stainless steel glass spacers, to provide more ways to customize project designs and achieve a contemporary style Colored glass spacers blend in '�y' �l elf/f °J�' with the color of the window or door for a sleek design,or serve e`r%rr f � � as a shadow line. Add full divided light grilles,and the grille spacer bar between the glass will match the selected glass spacer color. con, Black While .`stainless i j t Sleel 9r !u, I 13 r r 3 r r/r G iiiir H /� h7li r a .m ,,,% i/r/�rrir✓ r y/o/rFr a J > r "; �t„� r Urr/�/ rtrsr,o ��Usw ! ( ✓y" uum o ; GRILLE OPTIONS Grille patterns are available in widths and configurations to fit any architectural style or the taste of any customer.We can match virtually any existing grille pattern, and we'll even work with you and your customers to create custom patterns. Ilk Permanent exterior a Permanent J `rt^O Permanent Renravable Finelight t �f Permanent interiors I exterior exterior �'%- interiarY 1 grilles- t with spacer i t Permanent } Removable i f 1 between- spacer r g interior interior FULL DIVIDED LIGHT SIMULATED DIVIDED LIGHT CONVENIENT CLEANING OPTIONS Permanently applied to the interior Permanent grilles on the exterior and interior,with no Removable interior grilles come off for easy and exterior of the window,with spacer between the glass,We also offer permanent cleaning,Finelighl"grilles-between-the-gloss are a spacer between the glass, exterior grilles with removable interior grilles installed between the glass panes,and feature a contoured profile in 1" (25) and 3/4"(19)widths,. Grille Bar Widths&Patterns MINIM gj��W"i"�" Actual width shown, A6 A& wdl& Isl Our 2V4"(57)width grille can be positioned horizontally 1/4"(19) i/ts"(22) I t/e"(29) 21/4"(57) across the center of a casement window to simulate the look i of a double-hung window. To see all of the standard " patterns available for o specific window or door,refer to a �o detailed etai ed product sections �- in this product guide, ' It' P m ✓ r � 1 ✓ ,,,, .� a ���� xr'; �Rao/.�" r �wovr � : N;lw&m ,emwr:� ,49✓(✓/r�V%�mr,�we/ �'!V�i�y/ertim i,�w 1 A� !�✓)»/ ��+i✓A.,,o„> ,��,dl� �„o'Y�✓� , "719"(22),1�t/a"(29)and 2�/a"(57)are not available in Finelight grilles-between-Ihe-glass. Dimensions in parentheses are In millimeters, 14 INSECT SCREEN OPTIONS Andersen'TruScene°insect screens provide more than 50%greater clarity than conventional Andersen insect screens for a beautifully unobstructed view.They let in 25% more fresh air; all while keeping out unwanted small insects. TRUSCENE INSECT SCREENS For casement and owning windows,TruScene insect screen frames are available in stone,white,dark bronze,black and natural pine veneer that can be stained to match the window,Insect screen frames for all iqn ilY� ire � other windows are installed on the exterior of the window and match the unit's exterior color. i 4 r r r Z TruScene 1 ' Pine White Slone Pine I While I Stone I Dark Bronze I Black M� ' . CONVENTIONAL INSECT SCREENS INNOVATION """""...... ""'� Conventional insect screen frames are available in white,stone,dark bronze and block for casement and awning windows.Insect screen frames for all other windows and doors are installed on the exterior of the window or door and match the unit's exterior color„ INSECT SCREEN CONFIGURATIONS Windows Gliding Patio Doors Hinged Inswing Patio Doors nT �t Full insect screens Gliding insect Retractable insect Hinged insect Double-hinged Gliding insect are available for screens are screens are installed on screens ore insect screens screens are Andersen venting available for two- the exterior and opens available for are available available for all windows.Half insect and four-panel side to side across the single-panel for two-panel two-and three- screens are also doors. width of the opening. doors. active-passive panel doors available for the lower When not in use,it doors. sash of our Woodwrighl° neatly retracts into a and tilt-wash double- small canister Available hung windows for two-panel doors, `TruScene insect screens let in over 25%more fresh air than standard Andersen fiberglass insect screens. 15 q i i 1 ( �B Y o r� ;r�� /,Ti/✓ r � uuuuu 1 � �� i COMPARISON CHART Use the quick reference chart below to decide which Andersen'400 Series products best fit your project needs. ._.. .... ..w. .., „„.................. ... 1 WINDOWS PATIO DOORS ................ ed5 .r o o C tl e _s br FEATURES °�+ If"? Low-Maintenance Exteriors ...,. ,,......... ..... .a,..... „ , ......,_, Whips o o uswra� o e o „Sandtone o e o a o ,,, ,,,,, Terralone o o S o o 0 Dark Bronze i Forest Green o 0 0 o as o o Black 10 Interiors ® ,,,,_......................... .. Pine o 0 0 o mt /1 r Maple y C..)V:u< White Sandlone o Dark Bronze 0e BVcc:k 0o o Easy Cleaning _ ,.,,., tilt-to-Clean Sash,,........ o s o Grilles&Blinds t Full Div_.. ided Light o o s I Simulated Divided Light Finelight'°Grilles-Between-line-Gloss si e Removable Interior Grilles Blinds-Between-line-Glass o High-Performance Glass Additional glass options are av ado bl e See page 12(or details.For patio doors all gloss options are tempered Low-E40 o o mt as Low-E4 Smor6un'" Low-E4 Sun e o e o o at o Low-E4 PossiveSun o et o e e a Clear Dual-Pane I ie atl ock"e,oatinrl e o A A o 0 Performance Option 2trrrrrnwr;utr h" h.,'r<�Oer.fic�rir .._.. ._ u�:r��7i a Ir...w_,,.._ .............. ....., _.,,, ,. ..._...._.. .. . ..._ , fl . A Glass Spacers ........ ®., ., _._, _.,...... ,_ -_ . Stainless Steel mr a sw s e , .. ..... , Black or White ., e ...... . ... n i......... �. _. m.-_. ..�....., .. .,, .. . ....._ _.� . .._....... .„ Standard Sizes .. .,. _ �. .......m ., _ Minimum Width 1°-y.5/6° 1 4X� � 1 1,9%, I-91/1, Fias 1°-5° 2.01�s" 21 11 1/" 4'..u1 /n 2'-61/e" Niarohne i /� 15°.q — 3 r /s" .1 8" {arawi�roRe-Rurcrtl_ : 11'%ir, 5 11 N 811 /¢s Maximum Width S"•��)%�r" - windows Minimum Height 3 0718 2',3 w/ 3%0/2'" ©'" 12".0/n" P.5' -l 0/'r 6`7/2 6`�7/2" , ... . ..... ... .. ..... .. �.,... ._.w..., 7. 6./........ '- 1 /2 j Maximum Height 6 41n 6 5 /�S %r,° / 6/ madg67ler 1 I /ra 4 Cl � 4� /r" I / I 1 /2 7 1,,..,,, I Custom Sizes 17 1 r �r i 1f %/ l IIIII ��V 1 I JANDERSEN' WINDOWS & DOORS / r i rr, ff ," i An% ',dfll 1 ff�k 11 , r 4141 ;,. f 1 s f k y 4 Jry ruri I��,, r" 1 r x k �✓ii w ram„. I" rr���/'JJ f�i �/r r Aa/r //f 0 i///////I l Mhli r r r rr, % I r 4M}Nf�fl,'tirrk� +DirrilYi�r � „iai r r/ / CASEMENT & AWNING Irl / "� 111 to a 1/ / M i WINDOWS �NO, 11i/rr o' Alignment Grid ............. ,,:, 22-23 Tables of Size _. ....24-28 Specificafiony ....,..,..... _..... 29-32 Custom Suer, 33 Grille Patterns e._ 34 Window Details ,. ..: . . 3 5-36 Joining Details ..... 36 r„ Ir f -v,r r � �iniJ !Ry✓,//C%r rN(f4r" �1 rry s j (f7 4In Combination Designs ..... 181 Product Performance . 197 Ir rw ��or r a aG G lr i,�r ie ✓�° r f ��r%r l� rry ��yr° �✓/ r rrr r CUSTOM SIZING Sri/r �fit"rr� /ri 'd� Gr an i..)ine n , n pale �"� (�)increments n,he.;ee are:In nullirnelers. "d CASEMENT & AWNING WINDOWS 11 FEATURES FRAMEWATCH" K O T E C T 1 0 X 10 A seamless one-piece,rigid vinyl 400 Series casement and awning allowing These units to achieve higher frarne cover is secured to The exterior windows ore availoble wilh Siounwalchr" performance ratings,Performance Crude of the frame to project the wood Q Protection.For more details,visit (PGj railings are more comprehensive frarne horn moisture and maintain �� i ,/ andersenwindows.com/coastal, than Design Pressure(DP)ratings for on attractive appearance while measuring product performance. minimizing maintenance, '%�/� Performance Grade(PG)Upgrades Visit andersenwindows.com for �iri Performance upgrades are available up-lo-dote performance information The seamless rigid vinyl cover ���c /�y extends 1 IN'(35)around the perimeter ��� %� far select sizes of standard,non-impact of individual products.Contact your of the unit,creating a flange to help �iai%/���, casement and awning windows, Andersen supplier for avoilabllity. ,,,,. seal the unit to the structure Wood frame members are treated EXTERIORµ& INTERIOR OPTIONS with a water-repellent preservative for (HARDWARE long-lostind protection and performance EXTERIOR COLORS INTERIOR OPTIONS Interior stops are unfinished pine. Smooth Control Hardware System Low-motnlenance prefinished white ff" , The smoothcontrol dark bronze and black".interiors are haadwore system also available. e ploys a wormgear drive for easy White Canvas Sandtone Terrolone (Pine White SASH operation.Units Rigid vinyl encases the entire i i with a wash mode sash-a vinyl weld protects each sash ':ove hinges That corner for superior weathertightness move the sash away It maintains an attractive appearance bream the frame to Dark Forest Black Dark Black'" and minimizes maintenance. tz°ovide easier glass Bronze. Green Bronze" Wood core members provide cleaning CXW15,CXVV155,CXW1b ----. -...-..-........_. t i d CXW25 an sizes no avoilobl with e excellent structuralstabilit andHARDWARE OPTIONS Sold Separately energy efficiency finish musr be foorn weatherstrip handle and cove solo separratel Vinyl c { psi (�I�p11�°�iji�U1j!�if'OI specifiers Ordware option perator is factory installed on the perimeter of the sash, Single-Actuatlion Casement Lock lam GLASS tx"', CONTEMPORARYFOLDING TRADITIONAL FOLDING In addition to stainless steel glass t i Black Bright Brass C Gold Dusl Antique Brass Black ( Bright Brass spacers,black or white glass spacers Oil Rubbed Bronze I Satin Nickel Distressed Bronze I Distressed Nickel are now available to allow the spacer l Stone I White Cold Dust I Oil Rubbed Bronze to blend in with the unit color. Satin Nickel ( Stone ( While A glazing bead and silicone provide On casement windows,a single- Folding handles avoid inierference with window treatments, superior weathertightness and durability, actuation lock easily releases all High-Performance options include: locking points on the casement sash while the reach-out achan eliminates Low-E4o glass binding when closing The lock handle Low-E4 Heahock`'glass s offered in finishes hat coordinate Low-Eft SmartSun'"glass with your spec:Ified hardware option. i Low-E4 SrnorlSun HealLock glass Low-E4 Sun glass Awning Sash Locks CLASSIC SERIES ESTATE'" Tempered and other glass options Slone I White Antique Brass I Bright Brass are available,Contact your Andersen ")�. �'' Brushed Chrome I Distressed Bronze supplier, Hold name denotes finish shown. Distressed Nickel I Oil Rubbed Bronze A removable translucent film helps Polished Chrome I Satin Nickel v HARDWARE FINISHES shield the glass from damage during delivery and construction,and simplifies �i ii�, finishing of the job site, SEE Awning so sh locks provide an added Patterned Glass measure of se-u ty and weathertir'nlness Patterned glass options are available. Hardware style and finish options ore Antique Black Bright Brushed Distressed Distressed See page 12 for more details, cornpalible with Andersen"casement Bross Brass Chrome Bronze Nickel winnows to ensure consistency in appearance when used in window combination designs 'Visit andersenwindows,com/worronty for details, Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Polished Satin Slone While "Products with dark bronze and black interiors have roalchingextler6sars. Bronze Chrome Nickel Dimensions in parentheses are in rnillirnelers Naturally occurring variations in grain,color and lexture of wood make each window Prinling limilalions prevent exact replication or colors and finishes one of a kind.All wood inleriors ore unfinished unless a finish is specified, See your Andersen supplier for actual color and finish samples, Distressed bronze and of rubbed bronze are"living"finishes Thal will chonge with lime and use. 20 �Irw ANDERy�� SEN'" wtr�ocswa A 000I ACCESS OR IS Sold Separorely FRAME HARDWARE SPECIAL USE OPERATOR INSECT SCREENS Extension Jambs Corrosion-Resistant Components HANDLES TruScene°Insect Screens Available in Classic Series"design only. Compact Operator Handle Specially designed for use in situations ' Corrosion-resistant hinge and where blinds or oilier window IreatmeNs operator arm hardware is designed interfere with standord operator handle for applications in harsh and corrosive Available in white or stone finish. r environments such as heavy industrial Easy-Grip Gri Handle Andersen i'ru5cene insect screens let Y Y' P or coastal areas „ in over 25%more fresh air"and provide makes knob I,, 50%greater clarity than conventional Opening Control Device ;'.it Andersen insect screens,all while easier to grip Standard jamb depth is 27A11(73) Window Ope k Audi and operate. keeping out unwonted small insects. Extension jambs are available in �j' Available In while For casement and awning windows, unfinished pine or prefinished white, or scone finish, frames are available in white,stone, dark bronze and black.Some sizes dark bronze and black,or with pine may be veneered Operator Spline pn e Cover veneer frame interiors to blend with a the wood interior of the window. Factory-applied and non-applied " interior extension jambs are available Conventional Insect Screens in'/e,"(1 5 increments between A window opening control al device ( Conventional insect screens have 4`V6" 116 and 7'A" 181 Extension s available,which limits sash travel ( ) ( ) to less than 4"(102)when the window An operator spline cover is an attractive charcoal powder-coated oluminurn jambs can be factory applied to either cap that covers the rate operator stud screen rnesh.Available with frames three sides(stool and apron application) a first opened.Available factory when the handle has been removed in white,stone,dark bronze and black. or four sides(picture frame cosin applied,sl ne a field-applied kit (P g) to control access or operation of the in white,stone and black, Thick Replacement Extension Jambs window,The operator spline cover GRILLES Power Operator for Awning Windows should not be used on any window Grilles are available In a variety of To help preserve original alignment Power or intended for emergency dtvfyrraoo configurations and widths,For casement of Irim and paint lines in replacement N�rp� escape or rescue.Please consult your and awning window grille patterns, situations,special 1'/e"(291 thick local building code official for local replacement extension jambs are f see page 34, avoilable.Factory-applied and egress code requirements. non-applied extension jambs are '` Metal 7-Handle EXTERIOR TRIM v available in 'A6"(1.5)increments J, �iA...... r r Available wish Andersen exterior trim. between 4/�a'(116)and 7'/a"(1 ES1(: F;,,, See exterior trim section starting on ri ?' Non-applied extension jambs are page 175, available in 12'(3658)lineals. Awning windows can be ordered with Detoil on page 34 an operator enhanced by PowerAssist" Our smallest operator handle,the metal technology that opens and closes the T-handle,may make it more difficult for Drywall Return Bead unr>rl window with the touch of a button. young children(5 and under)to open Easy to install,the 24-volts stern /� Y Y the window.For more information on 13P ,,; features a concealed window power `a I Yi mu i P child safety,write: ,iFs„r AGt c '.d � rt, r ,li .ay ere drive,battery backup in case of a Andersen Corporation pa yl iE k,r power outage and a moisture sensor w ,trod Uc 4 u u p I r F Lookout For Kidss Program F t1 that automatically closes the window g r tr„„err :, 100 Fourth Avenue North r Asa " when it rains,A wireless remote control is available(sold seporatelyj. Bayport,MN 55003 ' rsr r la r I Call 800-313-8884 or email Ar r , d c ,. The PowerAssist system is controlled lofk@andersencor .com. A drywall return bead is available P p+ Ir5 ,rr nr�ll ur-,rrlcdlsn,tover in a narrow or wide dimension with by a wall-mounted console,which ­,yl,,r,„n,,,Ir,ory.cocatcd curGaa:a+u;. includes a power box,battery, GLASS r� rI a r,I imil ie r a rsnrc,riorr, unfinished pine or prefinished white, � dark bronze and black interiors,Can touch pad and mounting bracket, a Andersen'Art Glass be ordered factory applied or in non- Windows can be ordered factory p r n applied lineals,Doled on page 34. prepped to save time,or they can Andersen arl glass panels come in cr d., h ,'; , be ordered as afield kit Power driver a variety of original patterns.See art =or i, i h Arid­en requires field installation.PowerAssist glass section starting on page 173 At,us v +aa„r: or urrn h.rinlnp technology eliminates the need for for more information or visit <„yrru,i,F,tutor„,d-uld rut ,r;used con sash locks,Available for windows up g Anrirlrvnnryrnr.,cie andersenwindows.cam art lass. to 5'(1524)wide Not available for units with Storrnwatchr'7 Protection or perforrnonce upgrades. "Visit andersenwindows.com/warranty for details "`TruScene insect screens lel in over 25%more fresh air Ilion siondard Andersen fiberglass insect screens.. Dimensions In parentheses are in miltrneters. 21 N1qANDERSEN­ WINDOWS & DOORS I t /r r i�Z�Eo d l%% f I, r i 1, J�„d � a�na// �„'�,r'✓G/ /„ �� '' J I WOODWRIGHT@ 1 f i r WINDOWS Tables of Sizes . .,...... 50-56 Specifications .............. _. 54-61 Custom Sizes ..... .., ,,. 62 ,r r Grille Patterns ....,.... 63 p Window Details ... �... 63-64 Joining Details......., 65 Combination Designs ...... ... 181 Product Performance 197 CUSTOM SlIZING'A in A`$3f incrernents Dimcre,,iryM m prrreerrtheses are In mdkrnePers. WOODWRIGHT° DOUBLE-HUNG FULL-FRAME WINDOWS ___._.w.. .._wwwwwwwwwww_wwwww_w_ o .......... ....... ...................� w FEATURES FRAME EXTERIOR & INTERIOR OPTIONS Pei rna-Shicad°exterior aloddirrq � Or EXTERIOR COLORS INTERIOR OPTIONS protects the frarne—beautifully.Best y of all,it's low maintenance and never i f needs pointing001001 �� (�For exceptional long-lasting' performance,sill members are White Canvas Sandtone Terratone fine Maple constructed with a wood core and a Fibrex°malarial exterior. Natural wood slops are available ! In pine,maple,ook and prefinished - white.Wood jamb liners add beauty Dark Forest Black Oak While and authenticity to the window interior GLASS Bronze Green A factory-applied rigid vinyl 0In addition to stainless steel gloss .................... _�..w... flange on the head,sill and sides spacers,black or while glass spacers HARDWARE of the outer frame helps secure the are now available:to allow the spacer unit to the structure o blend in with the unit solar. Anlique Bross Slack I Bright Gross Brushed Chrome I Distressed Bronze Multiple weatherstrip systems help Silicone bed glazing provides Distressed Nickel I Gold Dust provide a barrier against wind,rain superior weatherti htness and and dust,The combination of spring- p� g Oil Rubbed Bronze I Polished Chrome durability. Satin Nickel I Stone I White lension vinyl,rigid vinyl and flexible bulky Standard lock&Keeper weatherstrip is efficient and effective ID 1--ligh-f erformonce options include: For units with while exterior color, Cow-E4a glass ........... �� _www_................. mm the exterior jamb liner is white,For oil Low-E4 Heall.ock"glass OPTIONAL HARDWARE Sold Separately other units,the exterior jamb liner is gray. Low-E4 SmorlSun"glass low-E4 SmartSun HeatLock glass CONTEMPORARY ESTATE" SASH Low-E4,Sun gloss tempered and other lasso bans are Balancers in the sash enable P 9 P ��" ""� contractors to screw through the jamb available.Conlocl your Andersen Bar Lift Hand Lifl Finger Lifts during installation wilhoul interfering supplier, Available in oil hardware finishes Antique Brass Bright Brass with the window's operation. A removable translucent film helps Shown in Distressed Nickel Brushed Chrome Distressed Bronze Wood Jamb Liner shield the glass frorn damage during Distressed Nickel Oil Rubbed Bronze delivery and construction,and Polished Chrome ( Satin Nickel simplifies finishing at the lob site. Patterned Class TRADITIONAL Patterned glass options are available. See page 12 for more details. a HARDWARE Bar Lib I-iond Lift Finger Lifts got Antique Bross ( Black ( Bright Bross Brushed Chrome Distressed Brorize I Distressed Nickel I Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Bronze Natural wood sash interior with Polished Chrome I Satin Nickel I Slone While classic chamfer detailing.Available in pine,maple,oak or prefinished white, Low-mainlenonce sash exterior CLASSIC SERIES" provides long-lasting`protection and performance.Sash exteriors an most Standard lock and keeper design units include Fibrex material, provides an easy tilt-to-clean feature Sash joints simulate the look integrated into the lack. Bar Lifl Hand lift Fin,. V.'iftr. of traditional mortise-and-lenon Stone ( White construction inside and out. Bold narne denotes knish shown HARDWARE FINISHES v Anlique Block g6gha Brushed Distressed Distressed 'Visit andersernwindows com/warronty for details Brass Brass Chrome Bronze Nickel Dimensions In parerUheses are in millimetersN N, Printing limilotions prevent exact replication of colors and finishes See your Andersen supplier for actual color and finish samples. Naturally occurring variations in grain,color and texture of wood make each window INN one of a kind.All wood interiors are unfinished unless a finish is specified. Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Polished Satin Stone While Distressed bronze and oil rubbed bronze are`living"finishes that will change with time and use. Bronze Chrome Nickel 48 ANDERSEN'" WINDOWS & DOORS 1= ACCESSORIESS.Id Separalely a rra rec rrax FRAME HARDWARE INSECT SCREENS Performance Grade(PG)Upgrades Extension Jambs Window Opening Control Device Insect Screen Frames Performance upgrades are available i for select sizes of standard, ¢ non-impacl Woodwrighl"windows allowing these units to achieve higher performance ratings, t s; Performance Grade(PG)ratings arc more comprehensive than Stcandaru arrb depth is 4/z"(f isf�. Design Pressure(Dfl)ratings for .;lion I.rroGs are evadable it rn asuring producl p«rfoinnonce_ xten jniini dome sizes may be veneered vailahle,which n Is sash l device is shed Caine or prehrisherd while. A window capc;n r up-fo-dole frc�rforrnanc'`'' limas sash(ravel to less information of individual products, Choose full Insect scroon or half visit andersenwindows.com.Use of iactury-applied and non applied �when he vvincdow Is first interiryr extension oambs,are available opened.Available factory applied,or nsenI screen 1loll'Insect croon this crpliarr will subtract /a"(f6)from (shown above.)allows ventilation fie"(1,.5)increrne,is between afield-applied tut In stone orv✓Elite c:lecat capeanirrcd height.4.anlacl your without affecting dro view through Andersen supplier for civadabilily. 5'✓4"1133)end 7'/a`(I d },Exlension the upper r sash Frames era available ambs can be foc6ory coplied to STORM/INSECT SCREEN I F Visit aridersenwindows.com/coasral either three:skies(steal and apronCOMBINATION UNIT" in colors to rnatc:h product exteriors, for rrroiee information on S101'rTMOICh OD npplicration)oa foray sides(picture TruScene"Insect Screens Nolection. ome casing), Andersen fru5cene insect screens let SHAPES Pirm StooI in over 25 more fresh air'and provide Woodwri hl windows are available 5C)%greafrr clarify Than conventional g Andersen insert screens,all while in the following shapes. d keeping out unwanted small insects. /%f//I/ son y( ii 1d1 " �Nk h �� Conventional Insect Screens N ���/1i%y Conventional insect screens have ri/ f �7//C/%' i,:,, sows, ,,,, � charcoal powder-coated alumfnurn uarr� e rwu A clear pone stool is civoiloble and A self-s'ioring storm window combined screen mesh, r ready for 6ishing,The Woodwngnr with an Insccl screen pravlac s greater stool is avcdable in 4 V cf`[l ift)�cr use energy efficiency,while allowing GRILLES In small denths cop Icy 5 /: 033 arid verrtiloticm when needed. Grilles are available in a variety of Double-l-ung Stir ifir ghne" 6y/ic"(167)far use in well depths of-' cordig urafions and widths I-or double- Sincle-Hunt Constructed with an auniinum frame, i D tc 7 A"yldl) Works with 2 A'(,57) single-pane upper and lower glass hung grille patterns,see,page 63, on+,'21/2 (64),.osing v✓idths.Shawn panels,and charcoal powder coated noc vs;on a AUU Series nlr-wash EXTERIOR TI U riurn screen mesh_Available in a um Sandtane and ferratonc to Available with Anderson"exterior Irirrr- t natcl r, double-hunt-wincdow. vuhiie 1, r"rrNaorrn rill - h pracluer erderfors.Canvas,dark Sec,exterior trim sentient starling on ' bronze,forest green and 61ac:k are; page 17.5. ova'dable by special order, C ornbinatlon units can improve Arch Double-Hun Une val l Arch Sound Transmission Class STC)and g p leg� CAUTION: Dcrs0e-Nunn Outdoor Indoor Tronsmisslon Class Pa,nimga rid sratrrn,rjmoyc.,s.damgyeio (Cal fC)ratings.Ideal for prclects near gtdvniy,l SASH OPTIONS` airports,busy roadways or other noisy 100Sefier—indowsii lcr lorecclo,rroybe w �rw errViranrrlenls,For example,addinci named ar y color light.,ihnr melonsuI., diim y r a carnNrncatlon unit to a 400 Series usnq t rliyol boedulai pa , tw-E4fr ddasslw�ll improve Is SIC Ith co spa 400 5crrs n s it Ire, I h- f - mg c. litre.dark ten r f -1, eeri �4 rating f-ore 26 to 32.Contact your nr tl ci-xwriorcolors Andersen sUtogaie inforrnall Tonal STC, a o id dl or 'y 0 lter for Cadc9 p .eolo ea cr rprad point over and 0 f�.. g errs •F yl r r q i crucd fn,u uci.r, V —1-1 c. our Aides., sir . pPlien • Do nc,pmrr v,ecihe 1... coinage Reverse Con age Geocoie-based ronsshould norcume in coniocl w Ih Andersen taoducd •Alrrcn;ive cleaners r>r.oluilnn>cunic,lning a......vc solvems shoulu nc>i be used on Arde,>,cri txoducis `Shawn on 400 Series lill-wash double-hung windows, —Do not,add combiaalion umis Po windows witf w iA Sun gPoss vuidesswindorw glass is tempered.Cor binclion units may also reduce the overall clear operable area of the window, See your local code official for egress requlrernenrs in your eueo- 1-TruScene inset screens let in over 25%more fresh olr ihon r ndard,Mnor rsen fibnrglcsx tercel screensDireenslons in parentheses are in mil9irneiers. 49 WOODWRIGHT& DOUBLE-HUNG FULL-FRAME WINDOWS I Table of Woodwright*Double-Hung Window Sizes Notes on the next page also apply to this page. Scale 1/8"(3)= 1'-0"(305)—1:96 V-9 5/8" T-1 5/8" 2'-5%" 2'-7 5/8" T-9 5/a" 2'-1154' T-1 5/a" T-5 5/8" T-9 5/8' 2:3 cottage or 3:2 reverse cottage sash Window Dimension i�4�j �69 .9.05)— (95 6 1 1.0 5.7) 1 1 5 9 avaRathe kf an mqfths aftJ he�f�hk& sue taws fW waft"wove cottage w 11111nitnum .40 1/a' V-2 I/W _6 1/8.1 8 T-10 1AW' T-01/is" T-2 1/s" T-6 1/8' T-10'A' mvtmo couage sash am AVARaw.W nde,,.nw1od.w.com/sIdng. RouLt OpeWng (562) 4 816 CUSTOM WIDTHS— Un.bsLructed Glass 195/81, 23 5/8" (.._) _29 5/8" 31 5/a" ,-3539 5/8" . "(419)to 31 (lower sash only) (3_97) (6_06)" b'�651) (702) 1-4�/, -9/a"(1159) CUSTOM HEIGHTS— CUS70M WIDTHS—16 1/2"to 45 SA' -,0 7/,,(937)to 61-41/."(1953) 'kip k 9 'm......... F01 . FE11 F1 11 FEII ".... 1, El WDH1821OWDH2021OWDH24210 WOH26210 WDH28 10 WDH210210 WDH30210 WDH34216 WOH38210 Cottage Reverse Cottage ,k L MCI 2:2] Se WDH1832 WDH2032 WOH2432 WDH2632 WOH2832 WDH21032 WON3032 WOR3432 WDH3832 El 11U o C3WDH1836 WOR2036 W042436 WOR2636 W0H286 WDH21036 WDH303 WDH3436 36WDH38""e 9 9 WDH18310 WDH20310 WDH24310 WDH26310 W01428310 WOR210310 WDR30310 WDH34310 WOH38310 WDH1842 WDH2042 WDH2442 WDH2642 WDH2842 WDH21042 WOR3042 WDR3442 WDH3842 Fr 117.,"��s` L [L" W01111846, W0142046 W0442446 WON2646 WDH2846 WDH21046 W01130460 W01434460 W01438460 WDH18410 WDH20410 W01124410 WOH26410 WOR29410 WDH2104100 WOR304100 WOH344104 7'11k��rvu.J� 'k 'k g 11 1 L j R L liw, w 52 WD—H2052 QV6ii5��2 92 "i600 WOR2105P W003052 WDH34 055, IN �.we�,.r:ror 01WE'' .............. 4 u U U 21=M WON 1856 WOH2056 WDH2456 W01426,560 WON28560 WDH210560 W01430�66 WDH34560 W01438564' I'9 &D J,l WDH18510 WON20510 WOR245100 WDH265100 WOH285100 WDH2105100 WDR305,100 WOR34510" WC10385100 ,10 p kk ............... WDH1862 WDH2062 Wiik2 20 `IWN� 24 W-6-20 WOH210620 WVK30620 WOH34620 WVA38620 50