HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoriarty, Amber & Courtney, Patrick Glenn Goldsmith,Presid,J__ Off' OG Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President y'"e 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski y. P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • O��t� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples l ���;` Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: biro 5 'eZ Completed infield by: Fli246&�k PCXDJC.'S AMP Architecture on behalf of AMBER MORIARTY & PATRICK COURTNEY requests a Pre-Application Site Inspection regarding a Letter of Non-Jurisdiction dated September 19, 2024 and changes made to project subsequentially. Located: 695 North Parish Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-71-1-7 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: I✓os Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: '1 a 1v1, ; c btl Present Were: \/ G. G Idsmith y N. Kru ki ,E. Se enoski 9 P �/ L. Gillooly VE. Peeples ON FROM PROPERTY O BE LISIM COPIES SMIET THE RIS AL 00 MOSSED BE LID TRUE tONo CATERED 7HEREEON SHALL R171UNONLY TO THE PERSON FOR 11NOM��OF F15 PREPARED AND ON HIS 8ENALF TO STATE THE WILE COMPANY,rODVERNMENTAL AGENCY"�ANDD iENDRIO INSTITUTION'�1 D HEREON,AND STR UCTURES THE MASS F 7HEE LENDING INSTITUTION.0"WIiCAATIONS ARE NoT TRAM+1RaPmn�na+�ERECTION NC INSTITUTIONS�QUENT OWNERS.7()1HE LOCATION OF WELLS(N),SEPTIC TANKS(ST)&CESSPOOLS((f P)SHOWN l�oN�FROM E 1Ogoa�ARO 5 EAf o OR DATA OUTMIIEDr4FROM OTHEIM *00 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York W101 LEGEND tel. 631.721.2505 fax. (631.127.0144 „wi H. adminayoungeng►neering.com BMW _ =BRICK SIDEWALK 4 �4�t �� _ ((�= CMF =CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUNb NCMS CONCRETE MONUMENT SET 1 , EOP =EDGE OF PAVEMENT Howard Vet. Young, Land Surveyor S O U T n IPF =IRON PIPE FOUND HOLD BAY i (��� 2 � L�2� MLF METAL FENCE Thomas G. Wolpert, Professional Engineer g Douglas E. Adams,Professional Engineer OL =ON PROPERTY LINE g Daniel A. Weaver,Land Surveyor - Southold Town RCF =REBAR A CAP FOUND TIE LINE ALONG APPROX.HIGH WATER MARK LOCATED RCS =REBAR&CAP SET °c ON 07/02/2024,HIGH WATER MARK IS COINCIDW 6a9rd of Trustees WITH THE TIDAL WETLAND BOUNDARY RO =ROOF OVER SITE DATA W WSF =WOOD STAKE FOUND Is10A o 584°09'57"E 9 588°36'51"F WSS =WOOD STAKE SET 586°38'22"E AREA= 27,859 SQ. FT. 30.51 46.10' 2818' WV =WATER VALVE ------------ - __________ Cu.) =UTILITY POLE =LIGHT POLE • =END OF DIRECTION/DISTANCE* VERTICAL DATUM =NAVD(1988) =WELL S ` ®E E =ELECTRIC MARK-OUT *BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS BOUNDARY LINES SHOWN AS SCALED FROM ------------=SANITARY MARK-OUT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL NO.36103CO166 H LAST DATED -w w =WATER MARK-OUT SEPT.25,2009. -` ----4" �° *UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN FROM MARK-OUT BY OTHERS. REACH 20 yF�Ifi I' Z 13 f *THERE SUBJECT PROPERTY. ENOKNOWN PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELLS WITHIN 150'OF THE 01 ej� � ZONEX __- "s------------_ ------- J.-. �� LANDWARD LIMIT OF BEACH ..---- - _sue 9.\`.�O°J _ _ __ \ � Mi Z ZOt1E ��AL �13'E COASTAL BARRIER .po Z�,.jEXC �DNAuRD� CMF RESOURCES SYSTEM ,✓' WOO SEAC}(GRASS 6 WAW 9g� (CBRS)AREA _ ------w0ME BRUSH //J 1.6' 2 SE A 55 1 I t LANDWARD LIMITOF'CBRS'AREA GETA�°N, gpt3D JJJ al to si Q r ' o 1 1E. 'S 12.98N fi II"36'DIA -o -a \\ J TREE 6 (% N P O z hOP /'� OVER \ Z; N ^s __ - SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION g f -s y*�O�QQ !' 1st STOR pE04W�DEC1� ' \y�Z� i3 60�+ Q N� asaoaat i o yRov,�D___- r 109.7 11°89 f� N SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF � w r " -1[r 2a'DTA , 39 4� L �� ,� W PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. 0 4 TREE 9• GRO DECK ' jr OF NEW • CrC j- t 1 . 0j47 R' 117(/ t 19.8'__ 16.39 ',� \ v. j S O 7.79t. 3' iw 9.� 1278 13.80 1 coC/) \ Q• O C d G 13 p p 9.98 A 7k N I 533' 8FL ` 14j tip, o 20'DIA 1 r TREE rc o E c .3 Z 20.68 y J*V Ol 14S 15TOR PAGE. "-�15 73 5.07 15 04 * rva - 11.7o NoUse yrs 4 5 8 9 3 �J D2h°oN O ij�� 11.78 %` 17.90 Ls,i� -ts-- HOWARD W.YOUNG,N. LS.NO. 893 - vell �� 'rj w o 21�, Ro 0 2'1 ; RCF DANIEL A.WEAVER,N.Y.S.L.S.NO.50771 LAN 1� �' F tioN f 1 69 q +,8.22 1\8.4° r+ 15,99 � I 146' C l 15.98`/ 18.08 t,2.87 i ,� _ SURVEY FOR +16.37 17.82 /F 1 031 + 1 i 20.95 12. 14.04 15.85 +18.92 TR DI IPF 20.57 AMBER L. MORIARTY � -[ � �� Oi ti .51 E 11 14 � 0TR EIA E `'L ,00 +21 2125 at SayView, Town of Southold °5 Q 95 Suffolk County, New York n , IPF 17.94 15,47 1 u.91 5 w � / +21.sa 18.89 5� pRZ `i 1 1 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY kA Z , CMFOR� i ill BA +1s.o2 1V County lax Map District 1000 Section 71 Block 01 Lot 7 o t ' 622 TO NOR FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED JULY 02,2024 With MAP PREPARED JULY 05,2024 �, - �Dlrtellin9Well) Record of Revisions ' REVISION DATE GENERAL AMFNI)MFNTS NOV 20 2024 (pWelline Well) Qc,vot c . 1 J ' C O 30 0 15 30 60 90 Scale: 1" = 30' JOB NO.2024-0101 DWG.2024 0101 topo 1 OF 1 OT GVERAbGE � ary+ .��� L dA. GRiXf: illl� lll IIR` 1TCK'dK4Nr1'" 1 MNYS DEG GORE bb 6 (A)�(4)� ,�•. .,�s?,� .�. I�r_ , %LOT — DESCRIPTION(FOOTPRINT) AREA E � E \ COVERAGE `--------"-- ` TOTAL LOT AREA 21,&5C1.0 S.F. EXI5TING DWELLIN6 I,1146.0 S.F. 1.0% EXISTING FRONT COVERED 34.0 S.F. 0.1% DEC 2 a 2024 PORCH EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 68-1.0 S.F. 2.5% -_._ ___-_------------------- -' ---------, EX15TINO BRICK WALKWAY 150.0 S.F. 0.5% Southold Town . Board of Trustees I ; PROPOSED REAR WOOD DECK 420.0 S.F. 1.5% PROPOSED SCREENED-IN PORCH 497.0 S.F. I.b% i PROPOSED POOL 360.0 S.F. 1.5% *1 PROPOSED POOL WOOD DECK 6'12.0 S.F. 2.4% TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 4,7166.0 S.F. #6 =p MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE ALLOWED: 20% :, o e9 ,� { ------ ° i PHOTO REPORT ►1, o O v�. SCALE: NT5 •t V � o z I �' - f'ROJEGT /ZONINGD'ATA --•. "� :{ 1 1 W _ TAX MAP# 1000-"11-OI-O"1 TIE LINE ALONG APPROX. �. I O HIGH WATER MARK 1 �,\ 1 ZONING DISTRICT R- 40 /NO LOCATED ON 0-I/02/2024. I ---____ ( LOT AREA 0.6 ACRES HIGH WATER MARK 15 5 d COINCIDENT LAND BOUNDARY I O RFgR YgRp �\ GoPO -MAIN DWELLING #ZI9Oq,08/14/64 VIJETSETS d GK 1 \'� GofO-DECK 4 ADDITION #ZI-18g0,04/2 T/8q FEMA FLOOD ZONE -PROPOSED X LANDWARD LIMIT I i WORK OF BEACH -___-_ SOUTHOLD TOWN WETLAND5 PENDING DISTRICT 1 EL a 1------- DEC DISTRICT 10/22/24-NON-JURISDICTION IZONE \/E SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH R-24-1265;011/21/24 1 �EX15TINO BEACH ----- _—_— ---- (EL 8) DEPARTMENT — GRf�55 $ SOME E�.=a' r..� 7; s BRUSH -_I DRAINAGE EG.4LULATIONS _ GA _ NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA; PROPOSED POOL DECK,POOL,REAR WOOD I,g4q S.F. DECK 4 SCREENED-IN PORCH 1 ZONE X (0.2% 1 /"/-I- STORAGE VOLUME REQUIRED LIMITS OF CLEARING, I ANNUAL CHANGE ;1/ �1{G (2" RAINFALL EVENT x ROOF COVERAGE) 324.8 G.F. GRADING AND 1 FLOOD HAZARD) 1 'I•� STORAGE PROVIDED PER VERTICAL FOOT 42.2 G.F. GROUND OF&V DRYWELL DEPTH DISTURBANCE - r TOTAL DRYWELL DEPTH REQUIRED �•�FT. J % �I (VOL.REQ'.D/VOL.PROV.PER FT DEPTH) EXISTING EXISTING :a PROVIDE(2) &V x W DEEP DRYWELL5 APPROX. 47 CUBIC I SAND BEACH� ; I YARDS OF EARTH AREA - GRA55• 10 TO BE REMOVED 0 /� EDGE OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION NOTES: FOR PROP. POOL 1 EXISTING LAWN A MINIMUM 10'SEPARATION 15 REQUIRED BETWEEN DRYWELL5 4 WATER SERVICE EXI5TING TREE LINE,UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES,5EPr1G PROPOSED WOOD „ TO REMAIN COMPONENTS,LEACHING FIELDS,SEWER DECK WITH 15' X24' I _ / 1 EXIST. SEPTIC COMPONENTS,OTHER DRYWELL5,AND THE IN—GROUND POOL EDGE OF ALL FOUNDATION WALLS 1 SYSTEM TO BE A MINIMUM 5'SEPARATION 15 REQUIRED I BETWEEN DRYWELL5 4 PROPERTY LINES 100 SETBACK I �_�` REMOVED FROM LANDWARD — — — A MINIMUM 2O'SEPARATION IS REQUIRED EL.=a��' BETWEEN DRYWELL5 AND BURIED PROPANE LIMIT OF BEACH _ _ _ _ _ —1 — RCP FUEL TANKS. I _� DRYWELL5 A MINIMUM 2'VERTICAL SEPARATION IS SOUTHOLD TOWN � REQUIRED BETWEEN THE BOTTOM OF TRUSTEES PIER LINE 1 — _ _ DRYWELL5 4 THE H16HEST EXPECTED -r T TEST HOLE OROUNCONNE HAALEL ELEVATION. LEADERS TO _ __ PROPOSED LOCATION I;— — — /— I ,•�2 RETAINING WALL EXISTING DECK TO NEAREST DRYWELL 17.6' F- — , I I (Il BE REMOVED PROPOSED ,' 20.4' --PROPOSED SCREENED-IN PORCH RETAINING WALL SITE LAYOUT NOTES: - _ I. THIS IS AN ARCHITECT'S SITE PLAN 4 IS _ IO IEL.=10' I I �•8� SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED PROPIJSED DWELLING PROPOSED WOOD SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION REPRESENTED ON THI5 SITE PLAN 15 TO THE ADDITION DECK ABOVE ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. . IEL.=I2'_- EXIST. I STORY �'� 141 PROPOSED HALF BATH 12 PROP05ED ABOVE�� FR. HOUSE $ o, & OUTDOOR SHOWER 2.FROM A SURVEY(SURVEY DATED NFORMATION ULY 02,r2 24 GARAGE `-EL.•14' GROUND PROPANE TANKS; 1 AND PREPARED BY: MIN. 10'-0" FROM IEL=i4-2 f() YOUNG ASSOCIATES PROPERTY LINE 1, - 1 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE 12 7' i EL.=Ia f() RIVERHEAD,NY 11cI01 EXIST. ; I(� N 'TELEPHONE: (651)-12'1-2505 1 ASPHALT EXIST. COVERED � 'I% ti— I DRIVEWA b O FRONT PORCH 8 BRICK WALKWAY `•,:.k; EXIST. WATER ; � •, �,� z <: :: b a WELL FULLY DISCONNECTED �— - - & INACTIVE 5 75°�4'5 VA100.0 S_ -----------------------------------------I----------------- PROPOSED 51 TE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 50'-0" PROPOSAL FOR: MARK UP DATE: COMMENTS DATE: 12/19/24 MORIARTY AMP Architecture RESIDENCE THESE PLANS ARE FOR DESIGN PURPOSES ONLYAND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.THE PAGE: WT L O 1 695 N PARISH DRIVE Design + Build DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY AMP ARCHITECTURE, ,R AND SHALL NOT BE — DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORVATION FROM ANTHONY PORTILLO,RA,LEED AP.THESE PLANS ARE PROTECTED AGAINST ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE UNDER FEDERAL LAW BY THE ARCHITECTURAL WORKS SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990 AWCPA WHICH HAS SEVERE PENALTIES. 5ENERAL 5YM50L KEY: r==1 EXISTIN&To REMAIN r=4 New FOUNDATION Ko-LL E C E N"—M NEw NOW FRANM � U + DEC 2 n 202 Southold"(own Board of Trustees I - - - p _ — f K 'fW�5�55 PIER LINB — — — Q SOUTHOLp — — — oC w 13 9S I 0 N II OPEN O PROP. II TO 50REENED-IN II BELOW c�v PORCH II 456 S.F. II 43'-O" I I — I I II , MDFO. WOOD. m I II DECK p II 420 SF. O GLA55 WALL5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I L I . , I I MODIFIED I EX15T. M65TER I GREAT ROOM I BEDROOM I I I GL. I CL. PROP. LATH. GLG. I GL. L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — OHO O � E I5T. 1, \ >I KI CHENEXIST. EXIST. BATH —_—_ BATH EXIST. DEN __ GL. I! EXI5T. _ @a GARAGE i O11 EXIST. EX 1ST. BEDROOM BEDROOM DN GL. COVERED GL. PORCH PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE. Iva•,I,-0' Fah �� �.�r-i`,1�'r�_r�� a,�/ ,^•+., PROPOSAL FOR: MARK UP DATE: COMMENTS DATE: 12/19/24 MORIARTY AMP Architecture RESIDENCE PAGE: THESE PLANS ARE FOR DESIGN PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.THE O 695 N PARISH DRIVE Design + B u i I d DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF AMP ARCHITECTURE, ,R AND SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM ANTHONY PORTILLO,RA,LEED AP.THESE PLANS ARE PROTECTED AGAINST ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE UNDER FEDERAL LAW BY THE ARCHITECTURAL WORKS SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990 AWCPA WHICH HAS SEVERE PENALTIES. Ow� �Ow -�'.� cry:ae�� �•- ooW3 LU CD / S ZSQ N C � VNlu Q N %VQ! :v_i^J_ i• ty r �sQ2 QJ F-Q ^ n Q Q yam,. .�1�� ," \�:` �� �o•'• Z W W— N O nCNJ nnn pw O 111 a 1�< -•=�P•�` i �'� Wad>uz, V O� W0.°N c°i 15 � �_a 3: W CF�_ e� z�0 15 0 G7 O �� � " � rn 3a15 .OZ rG> _31QLL= Q La U O G O a O Z a0. E oa ~ 0 N f- 1 ��cQai W WI O Q.1 IL '�a¢w¢ r o N OW �J 0 V 0.2 ® I I zaQo w zi lnZ— ❑ I � � ow3}z p W D O m O V I c a W x w gZS2 OI,(V O XI�IO : w�Jaoa W� IY �< rxo'oac° a a O wl O �a 2 O ~ II V�l d IVA 46_ zoo ❑ QQoi U p IN W' F N m o Q �Y O �771 I I I I I a�� mN� ®oo,� o � U OQLL S-O Q Olu I Q (n o-��_`r Q o I Q) lu Nm � I I I ppN I - Lu QI IL I 0 ..O—,L N J u� I I w 3 ,L lu w > � I I I ; Wlq� I U C1 w o � < z N I I wp� o LO wv �w T LQ It zx 000 u U. o IL � N` o;Q Z W a.VO§ zOLLZw p Q=z QJ 0UJ - - a.w CM tnu 7— R O43 i O N 1 '� �I'�d9135 �dJ. 3QIS r61 Zj�B-r05 \ J r b-Z5 ... W R' ¢ JULY 2-1,2024 z g x y W HATCHED AREAS INDICATE TEST HOLE DATA =m W 3 AREAS OF PROPOSED WORiG MCDONALD eEO5GIENGE Z aSm BOX 1000 a a a SOUTHOLD, NY 114111 o Z W (651) 765-56-11 a& LL�x MGDeEO®eMAIL.GOM wc W�o F z -- m:ou a3¢ — —---- — EL.=9.O' ' t gj� -- MIXED SAND Z..: .S m x�¢LLx i a�LLw3 =M.o'¢_ o ��cai N a K a= w¢ [fl W=¢m O N BROWN AND PALE �z�LL �\ 5P BROWN FINE SAND N w G?0 a 0 O $ =¢o z S W 10- aN3�a LJ I k z¢ro¢a PROP. POOL EQUIPMENT -ry ¢ g a w x AND EXIST. AG CONDENSER m mZ¢�= V w 8.3' / x �JH! / .� ,naoa coi coi _ L� ———— — PROP. POOL\ I -N \ / m --------- ' N dI m ,' / WATER IN PALE BROWN FINE SAND � _0 GROUND WATER U EAST ELEVATION (RIGHT SIDE) (D m / SCALE: Vb"= 1'-0" / . / U 17.0' COMMENT5: GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED 5.3'BELOW n O GRADE LCCL - G a Q Ea �l � DEC 2 n 20Z11 ; ti W z o � Southold Town Q W in z o Board of Trustees o a � g � z �M: Mo o (D N J Q N 3 {3 ." O PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION (REAR) SCALE. Vb"• I'-O" g�� OF pyE � GV W Q N Q N �mwK o O O W 3 Z=Q HATCHED AREAS INDICATE _¢ AREAS OF PROPOSED WORK Z N o z x Oa I¢� LL04a¢F lJ O W O~Z�JYZ �F�ma m agM Z O O Q N 20 U - Y Z 1.z:xw LL3Wa 0 1s=3 WLL�-j El a-tea 11 O W O-O axxxm ¢��om U 11-LLJLa¢Q LL zQWQO mz � f �WC�Q $ ow�Y _ xx3¢o uO.w p H U aW~(7¢ NWm 03¢a IL 2 l m oO u --------------- ---------- \ / / y I ---'----jj, EXIST. V GRADE EX. EL. EX. EL. 8' a' ________________________________--------- _______ N cr i— PROP05ED WE5T ELEVATION (LEFT SIDE) — 50ALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" U U m -N + Q •cn rDECUC2 r, 2024 Q / Southold Town -Board of Trustees W � > ti W Fx Z W = z Q J z =LLI ID o (oo - H�HjLo !1a a 14'-0" AVERAGE 61ZADE SOUTH ELEVATION (FRONT) SCALE. 1/5" - I'-0" o a w N Z N SY �mwo - ooW3 FZ�Q ¢=ate 0 NNW� VZ _ Q U I Do J O uiOF2 C•�1 W a W F C Y 5 w O S Z J 0 ' ZU O611N j Q=,ww y Q S M Q W S Q O S U Q O z O 3 Z W 0 W Q O�r�'3 Na¢WQ OWO�o S K Z Q...0 Q F o Z Z S Ww_�Q s Ow3ZZ �SFQO LL W O N w Q N�tQ9R Z R O Q a O g a w w S R 2 U O ZONE X (0.2% ANNUAL ".J Ix o TRUSTEE PIER LINE 100' SETBACK HIGH WATER N a O =w�¢o ZONE X I GRANGE FLOOD HAZARD) MARK ��0 a V I ZONE VE (EL 5 ) -75' SETBACK ^^,, I I I I I I � I I I 4-j - I I I I C^)` MMZ) I -W W erg PROP. POOL I I -1--j I I I I I I I t��r�p� EL.=17. '..ILar" II II II ii 1� III" Ili !-IiLli I I I -u,- I I I --= GROUND WATER Q LEVEL EXISTING SITE PLAN OR055 5EGTION SCALE: I"=20'-0" w > � o Ir z � Q W N Z 0 w CL Z F=- o O 1. w f k cr L--- Board `Y DEC �2 20Zycm n. J outhold Town of Trustees op LU LU Hobson, Thomas From: Hobson,Thomas Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2024 10:43 AM To: 'Darcee Aufenanger' Cc: Brooke Epperson Subject: RE: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: Moriarty 695 N. Parish Drive Site Visit Hi Brooke and Darcee, After reviewing with the entire Board, it was again determined that the proposed is within Trustee jurisdiction. They are taking jurisdiction from the edge of the wetland vegetation, which in this case is beach grass. On the eastern end of the property,the edge of the wetland vegetation is within 100 feet of the structure. Tom From: Darcee Aufenanger<daufenanger@amparchitect.com> Sent:Wednesday,October 16, 2024 2:54 PM To: Hobson,Thomas<thomash@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: Brooke Epperson<bepperson@amparchitect.com> Subject: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] -Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] -Re: Moriarty 695 N. Parish Drive Site Visit Hi Tom, Any chance you have heard back from Elizabeth Peeples just yet? Thank you, Darcee On Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 2:53 PM Hobson,Thomas<thomash@southoldtownny.gov>wrote: I emailed Elizabeth Peeples this morning to follow-up and have not yet received an answer. I will let you know as soon as I get word. I personally don't attend the work sessions at this point. From: Darcee Aufenanger<daufenanger@amparchitect.com> Sent: Friday,October 11, 2024 8:44 AM To: Hobson,Thomas<thomash@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: Brooke Epperson<bepperson amparchitect.com> Subject: [SPAM] -Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM]-Re: [SPAM] - Re: Moriarty 695 N. Parish Drive Site Visit Hi Tom, When can we expect to hear the results of yesterday's work session? Hobson, Thomas From: Goldsmith, Glenn Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2024 10:40 AM To: Hobson,Thomas; Peeples, Elizabeth Subject: Re: Moriarty NJ - 695 North Parish Drive Yes, the property is jurisdictional. We're basing it off of the edge of the wetland vegetation,which in this case I believe is beach grass. On the eastern end of the property,the edge of the wetland vegetation is within 100 feet of the structure. We could also make the argument that the zone of unconsolidated earth on the seaward side of this property constitutes a beach by definition and take jurisdiction from there, but since we didn't do that with the neighboring property to the west, we should probably just stick with the edge of wetlands. However, if he argues it, we can go that route and simply say based upon subsequent field inspections we've determined that the property to the west is jurisdictional as well. Thanks! Glenn From: Hobson,Thomas Sent:Thursday, October 17, 2024 8:30:34 AM To: Peeples, Elizabeth;Goldsmith, Glenn Subject: Moriarty NJ -695 North Parish Drive Hi Elizabeth and Glenn, Did you guys come to any conclusion last night about the Moriarty, 695 North Parish Drive NJ that AMP was contesting? They have been following up a lot and I'd like to be able to give them an answer. Thomas Hobson Administrative Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Phone: (631) 765-1892 Fax: (631)765-6641 1 Glenn Goldsmith, President ®F S0 Town Hall Annex ®� �®� 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ® P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples ®�� �� Fax(631) 765-6641 10OWN ° BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 19, 2024 Brooke Epperson AMP Architecture 10200 Main Road, Unit 3A Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: AMBER MORIARTY & PATRICK COURTNEY 695 NORTH PARISH DRIVE, SOUTHOLD 'SCTM# 1000-71-1-7 Dear Ms. Epperson: The Southold Town Board of Trustees reviewed the site plan prepared by AMP Architecture, last dated August 9, 2024 proposing construction of a pool with surrounding wood deck; addition of a screened-in porch; modification of existing wood deck; construction of an outdoor shower and half bath. The Board of Trustees determined that they their jurisdiction commences at the boundary of unconsolidated soils (boundary of beach sand and wetland vegetation). Therefore, this project is within the Trustee jurisidictional area, as per Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, and will require a full Wetland Permit. No construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal and/or freshwater wetlands jurisdictional boundary, or within 100' landward from the edge of vegetated wetlands, without further authorization from the Southold Town Board of Trustees pursuant to Chapter 275 and/or Chapter 111 of the Town Code. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation within Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction and Coastal Erosion Hazard Area, which may result from your project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and the coastal erosion hazard area and your project or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm. This determination is not a determination from any other agency. Sincerely, Glenn Goldsmith, President N 21 INSERTA SOUTHOLD BAY 3 b L-0-A F--. 27 SECTION o L SOUTHOLD NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK �K E -Z-— Real Property Tax Service Agency Y E Ncvr 071 . A low PROPERTY MAP I\ A M P Architecture Address:10200 Main Road.Unit 3A,Matti tuck NY 11952 Phone:(631)603-9092 Design + Build ----------------- December 19,2024 H E E I V Southold Town Trustees L� @� p 54375 Main Road 7DECO Southold, N.Y.11971 2024 I I RE: Moriarty &Courtney Residence southoidTown A 695 N. Parish Drive BoardofTrustees Southold, N.Y.11971 SCTM#1000-71-01-07 Dear Board Members, We are requesting a Site Visit to review our proposed site plan in relation to the updated wetlands jurisdictional limit described by the Southold Trustees letter dated September 19, 2024. We are submitting an updated survey by Young Associates, last dated November 20,2024, which depicts an updated "Landward Limit of Beach" along the boundary between the landward limit of unconsolidated beach sand and the seaward limit of the permanent vegetation (labeled on the survey as"beach grass and some brush") pursuant to the definition of"beach" in Town Code Section 275-2. Based on your September 19th letter and our consultation with Robert Hermann of En-Consultants following his review of your letter and inspection of the site, we understand that the Trustees'100-foot jurisdiction begins at this boundary ratherthan at mean high water,as previously indicated on our site plan. Therefore,AMP Architecture has updated the proposed plans to depict the landward limit of beach and drawn the proposed setbacks therefrom.Enclosed please find the updated plans which include the following: - The addition of a screened-in porch which is landward of the Pier Line,measuring 115' from the Landward Limit of Beach. - The addition of a pool with a surrounding wood deck,5'-6" at its deepest point; raised out of grade 14"; measuring 81.7'from the Landward Limit of Beach - Additional work includes the modification of an existing wood deck at the first floor level of the existing dwelling,covering a proposed outdoor shower and half bath.All proposed work meets Southold Town zoning requirements and all proposed enclosed additions to the dwelling are landward of the Pier Line. This submission includes the following: - Stamped Survey(updated November 2024) - Proposed project Plans - Fee in the amount of$50 - Property Owner signed Forms - AMP Architecture Transactional Disclosure Form Page 1 of 2 A M P Architecture Address:10200 Main Road,Unit 3A,Mattituck NY 11952 Phone:(631)603-9092 Design + Build Please let us know if you need any additional information. Thank you Brooke Epperson Design Director AMP Architecture bepperson@amparchitect.com (631) 603-9092 Page 2 of 2 APPLICANT/AGENUREPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics-prohibits conflicts ofintereston the-part of towmofi-tcers and_einnlovees.The ouroose of this form is'toprovide iriforinnt'ton which can alert the town of possibk conflicts'of interest and allow it to take whateverachon is necessary io avoid same: YOURNAME: Portillo,Anthony (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in:the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee X Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other',name the activity.) Do you personally,(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any ofuccr or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood,mariiage,or business�interest-"Business interest"means-a business, including a:partnership,in which the town officer or employee has-even a partial ownership of(or employment by)acorporation in which the town officer or employee owns-more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicantlagent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriato line A)through D)nridlor describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check ail that apply): A)the owner of greater.than 5Wof the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when-the applicant is-a corporation); B)thelegal orbeneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation), C)amofficer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this ' day off' Signature Print Name Form TS I Board of Trustees Application i AFFIDAVIT -R 1 6 a s c C0"EZ DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S),IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL,TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING A FINAL INSPECTION. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CONDITION OF ANY WETLAND OR COASTAL EROSION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DURING THE TERM OF THE PERMIT. (4, ignature of ro'ge'rtY Owner ignature of Property Owner SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A U __ _ ,20_2t.-q- Nat A is DARCEE AUFENANGER NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK Registration No.01A00019644 Qualified in Suffolk County Gornmission Expires January 9,2028 I - I i APPLICANT/OWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and emplovees.The purpose of this furor-is to proVide information-which'can alert the town of-t>ossibie conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to.-avoid same. 1,, I- 1 YOUR NAME : I(I:P�Y C3l-� `� Dt�' y Lei. l Q.tJ (Last name,first name,middib initial,unless you are applyina in the name of someone else or other entity,wck as a company.if so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion - Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or j employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this VVday of J ,207,44,_ Signature . �4,m'aaxd� Print Name_A.� W6 M4VA. Board of Trustees Application 1 AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I/We, Yl Y� Q y C;IC_. lC►`jt)y em owners of the property identified as SCTM# 1000- 71-01-07 in the town of Southold .New York,hereby authorizes AMP Architecture to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the application process for permit(s)from the Southold Town Board of Trustees for this property. ,FA& �O),A1 -at Pr eriy Owner's Sign ture Property Owner4Sigana' e SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF Auqu4- ,20 2 _ Notary u DARCEE AUFENANGER NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK Registration No.01A00019644 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires January 9,2028