HomeMy WebLinkAboutSheppard, Stacy A. Amend.#141 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Mmn Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOW~N CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TIlE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JULY 6, 1999: RESOLVED that pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review) of the Environmental Conservation Law, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action of Stacy & Michael Sheppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial (LI) to Low Density Residential (R-40) district on certain property located at the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York, (SCTM# 1000-115-9.5.1) will not have a significant effect on the environment and that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement need not be prepared; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination is issued in full consideration of the Criteria for Determination of Significance contained in 6NYCRR Part 617.1l, the Long Environmental Assessment Forms Part I, II and the following specific reasons: 1. The Town of Southold Planning Board reviewed the subject application and made a determination in favor of the proposed zone change for the following reasons: with the exception of the airport, the surrounding area is zoned Residential R-80 and R-,10, therefore this zone change would be in keeping with the zoning in the area. 2. The Suffolk County Department of Planning reviewed the subject application and considered it to be a matter for local determination as there is no apparent significant impact countywide or inter-community impacts. 3. The proposed action will not set a significant precedent, as it represents a unique scenario. 4. The existing zone is Light industrial (LI) which has a maximum potential development of commercial and industrial uses. The proposed action would alter the zone from a more intensive zone to a less intensive zone therefore having none or if any, a positive impact on the environment. 5. The proposed action would be more in keeping with the surrounding zone districts save for the existing airport zoned Light Industrial (LI). 6. Proposed project is not of significant magnitude or impact to warrant the preparation ora Draft EIS and will not cause a significant burden on natural or community resources. FURTHER RESOLVr~D that the Town Board of the Town ot Southold hereby issues a negative declaration pursuant to Part 617 of Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review) of the Environmental Conservation Law ("SEQRA") for the proposed change of zone by the applicants Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard ~A. 'Neville Southold Town Clerk July 6. 1999 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....S..t.a..c~,...~......s...M..j.c..h.a..e.I...J.,...S..h...e~.p.a.r.d. ................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from J.ight..Ir~ustr. ia/..(.Ll)... District to _.l~_~iclent~l..(.R~-.~0) ....... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its im,estigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to ,said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ,.6.t11~ ............ day of ........ .-I..u!y. ............................... , 19..~9..., and due deliberation having been hod thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is GRANTED. Dated: July 6, 1999 ELI7~I[BETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS i~IARRiAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516~ 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF TI-IE TOVWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 18, 1999 Colin Van Tuyl Van Tuyl Land Surveyors 218 Front Street Greenport, New York 119u~4 Dear Colin: Please give me a call and let me know when I can expect to receive these maps which I ordered on July 19, 1999. Thank you. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Nevill~ Southold Town Clerk Purchase Order # Date Auqust TOWN OF SOUTHOL O -05937 18, 1999 Tax Exempt # A163554 Account # A1010.4.100.125 IDeliver and send billin9 to: Department Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Address PO Box 1179 53095 Main Rd Southold NY 11971 IVendor Van Tuyl Land Surveyors PO Box ~ Greenport NY 11944 VENDOR Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment** ITEM Revision & Zoning Maps QUANTITY 12 3 DESCRIPTION Revision of Zonincl Map_ for Sheppard property SCTM'#1000-115-4-5. Small Zoning Maps Large Zoning Maps UNIT COST ? 8.00 15.00 TOTAL 96.00 45.00 THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE APPROPRIATION CHARGED Dept_ Head I CERTIFY THIS TO BE A JUST AND TRUE PURCHASE ORDER Supervisor VENDOR COPY ELI~..tkBETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAl, STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS M~NAGFMENT OFFICEI~ FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax t516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 19. 1999 Colin Van Tuyl Van Tuyl Land Surveyors 218 Front Street Greenport, New York 119~q Dear Colin: Please be advised that the Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on July 6, 1999 enacted Amendment No. 1ti1 to the Southold Town Code and Zoning Map. Please prepare four (~) large zoning maps and twelve (12) small zoning maps reflecting this change. Please give me a call and let me know when I can expect to receive these maps. Thank you. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 141 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A MEETING OF THE Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held on the 6th day of July, 1999, the Town enacted the following amendment to the Town Zoning Code entitled, "Zoning Code of the Town of Southold", together with the Zoning Map, forming a part thereof, as follows, to wit: Amendment No. by changing from Light (R-U, 0) the property of and being at Mattituck, 141 amends the Code of the Town of Southold Industrial District (LI) to Residential District Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard, situate, lying, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument at the intersection formed by the westerly side of Airway Drive and the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue, running thence S 0b,*09'36" W., 211.50 feet along the westerly side of Airway Drive to a concrete monument, running thence N. 80*34'20" W., 252.82 feet to a point; thence N. 09*24'50" W.,170.85 feet to the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue, running thence along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue on a curve having a radius of 967.80 feet and an arc length of 149.30 feet to a point; thence still along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue S. 87'56'30"E., 1/J,3.76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated: July 6, 1999. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JULY 15, 1999 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Planning Board Building Department Board of Appeals Patricia C. Moore, Attorney for Sheppard Van TuyI Land Surveyors Town Clerk Bulletin Board ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTIq,Mt OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORI-)S MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOI~IATION OFFICER %Lll: FOL 4.- . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (.516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 19, 1999 Colin Van Tuyl Van Tuyl Land Surveyors 218 Front Street Greenport, New York 119qq Dear Colin: Please be advised that the Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on July 6, 1999 enacted Amendment No. lql to the Southold Town Code and Zoning Map. Please prepare four (1~) large zoning maps and twelve (12) small zoning maps reflecting this change. Please give me a call and let me know when I can expect to receive these maps. Thank you. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 1[tl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A MEETING OF THE Town Board of the Town of 5outhold, Suffolk County, New York, held on the 6th day of July, 1999, the Town enacted the following amendment to the Town Zoning Code entitled, "Zoning Code of the Town of Southold", together with the Zoning Map, forming a part thereof, as follows, to wit: Amendment No. 1[tl amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential District (R-[tO) the property of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard, situate, lying, and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument at the intersection formed by the westerly side of Airway Drive and the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue, running thence S 04*09'36" W., 211 -50 feet along the westerly side of Airway Drive to a concrete monument, running thence N. 80'3[t'20" W., 252.82 feet to a point; thence N. 09'2[t'50" W.,170.85 feet to the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue, running thence along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue on a curve having a radius of 967.80 feet and an arc length of 1[t9.30 feet to a point; thence still along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue S. 87'56'30"E., 143_76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated: July 6, 1999. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JULY 15, 1999 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, 5OUTHOLD, NY 11971. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 12th day of July 1999 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. '~NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 1111 STACY A. F, MICHAEL J. SHEPPARD GRANTED ON JULY 6, 1999. Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 12thday of July 1999. GREGOIIY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY JEAN W. COCHi~q Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Ne~v York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1~89 Fax (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI, ESQ., TOWN ATTORNEY MARY C. WILSON, ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY JULY 6, 1999 SHEPPARD PROPOSAL FOR ZONE CHANGE Attached please find the original Furl Environmenlal Assessment Form regarding the above-referenced zone change, executed by the Supervisor. GFY:ck Att. Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SECR ?urpase: The ,:uJl E,*,F is desi§ned ',0 halo appiiczn~ and ~genc:es decermine.-in an arderlvmanner, whe~her & :rciec: ~nziysis In ~cid~n~m~nYwhohavekn~w~ed~e~nonepa~icu~r~e~maYna~b~wa~hebr~a~rc~nc~ms~ffec~in~ ;he ;ue~don o¢ si~nificznc~. aroc~ss h~s be~n orderly, c~mprehensive in nature, yet ~[~ible enough to ~[[ow in,eduction o¢ [nfo~adon ~o fit z oreiec: Full ~.~,F Components= The ~ull GAF is comprised of Chree parcs: Part ~: Provides obiec=Jve data and infarma~an about a given proie~ and iD site_ 13y ;dendCying basic praiect data. it a~si~:~ a reviewer in the analysis P~rt ~ Focuses on idencifyin~ Che range of possible im~ac=.s Chat may ~c:ur ~rem ~ proie¢: or ac=don, tt provides guidance a~ :a who:her an imDa~ is likely :o be considered small ~o mede-~ce or whether it. ;~ a pocendaily- [&rge impac=_ The ~orm also identifies whe~er an imOac:- Part 3: if any impa~ in Parc _~ is identified imoac: is ac-.UaJ[y important_ DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE--Type 1 and Unlisted IOentif'f :he Por~ion$ o~: IAi: campletec[ for chis praiec'~-- '~ Pzrc ~ (~ Parc 2 ~P:Lr: 'Joan review of ~e information recorded on ~is E,~F [Pir~ ~ and 2 zn~ ] if ~apmpdate} ind any a~et [nformadon. ind considering b~ ~e m~gnitude and impo~nce af e&ch impaq_ ;[ b re~on~ly de~in~ by [e~d a~enc/ ~ A. The projec: wi[[ nec ra~u~t [n any large and im~o~nt ~moa~) And, ~etefore, b one whid~ wii] not have ~ stgnificznt imoa~ on ~e environmenL ~erefore a negate de~A~don ~1[ be prepare. ~ 3. Al~augh Lhe proie~ could have ~ significant effe~ on ~e en~ronmenL ~ere wiU not be a signifi~nt e~e~ for ~ Unlb~ A~on b~use ~e mi~gAdon me~u~ d~Hb~ in PART ] ha~ keen required. bhemfore A CONDITIONED negative de~tion will be ~ ~ T~e P~i~ may r~ul: in one or mo~ I~ge ~nd [mp~t impAo ~a[ may hA~ · significant - on. ~e envimnmenc ~e~e~ore a po~ve d~a~don ~11 be ' A Coedi~an~ Negative O~a~don is only valid for Unl~ Sheppard Chan~le of Zone Name of Ac=ion Town Board Name of Lezd Ag-_ncf Jean W. Cochran ~nnc ar Type ~me of Resconsible ,C~icer in Lead Agenct Sig~ure aP Resoonsib[e Officer in Lead Agency Sofithnld Tnwn Signature 9¢¢:e~ar~(If different from respensible o~fic-~r) r Approximate percentage of -'~sed project site with slopes: I~0-10' /~'c~ % [~10-15% E315% · eater 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or con..~ain a building, site. or district, listed on the State or the Nationa Registers of Historic Places? I~Yes 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks.~ E3Yes E~N, 8. What is the depth of the water table? (in feet) 7-~-s.~ .ho/~- ~r ~/~ 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? [~Yes I~No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? E3Yes E~o 11. Does proiect site co/~ain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered I~Yes~]~No According to identify each species 12 Are there any uniq.~or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formation [~Yes LHNo Describe 13. Is the proiect site p/r. esently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation are~ ~lYes []]'No If yes, explain 14. Does the present sit~nclude scenic views known to be important to the community? ~Yes 15. Streams within or contiguous to proiect area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes. ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: /V~.~ a. Name t b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by'~xisting p?blic utilities? I~Yes ~No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? DYes I~No b) If Yes, ~vill improvements be necessary to allow connection? ~]Yes E]No 18. Is the site located in an agricultura[_~strict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-A~ Section 303 and 304? ~lYes I-1No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous...t~ a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 [~Yes 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes~' ~lYes [~o B. Project Description ,~,~,~/~,~h,~/ P~ 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor ~ acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: /'~ acres initially; ' ~ acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped '~'- acres. - d. Length of project, in miles: /V/,~ (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed /J/'~ %; f. Number of off-street parking spa~es existing ; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Initially / Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure ~---5~ height; ~/~ width; ~ length. j. Linear feet of frogtage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy isi /'ac~c~ ft. Condominium 25_ Approvals Required: / City, Town, Village Board 'J~Yes DNo City, Town, Village Planning Board ~lYes I~No City, Town Zoning Board DY.,~,s [~No City, County Health Department L~l'es I~NO Other Local Agencies ~lYes ~lNo Other Regional Agencies I-lYes [~]No State Agencies [~Yes I~No Federal Agencies DYes I-iNo rype Submittal Date C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision?J~/Yes DNo If Yes, indicate decision required: J~ning amendment I~zoning variance Especial use permit I~subdivision I-Isite plan [:]new/revision of master plan I~resource management plan [:]other 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? L.~' ' 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? ~-~- I~'O 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? E~es [_ 7 What are the predominant land use(s) and Toning classifications within a ¼ mile radius of proposed action? 8 Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a ¼ mile? [~es 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? I-iYes 11. Wilt the proposed actio/~-create a demand for any community provided services (recreation. education, po[ fire protection)? [~'es E]No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? E~es r~No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? I~Yes . a. if yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? C1Yes DNo D. Informational Details A~tach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adv impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitiga[ avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Si,nature ~~~~ Title ~ If Ihe aclion is in Ihe Coastal Area, and you are a slale agency, complele Ihe Coaslal Assessment Form before procee wilh this assessment ?~ £--?ROJECT iM?ACTS AND THEIR MAgNiTUDE R a~onsihii[tY Gener:~ in~rm~dan (Ra~ .:are~u~lv} The imoac~ oi e~cn proie~- on e~cn ~ite. in e~ch [oczli~F. will v~. Therefore, :ko ~m~le~ ~re illus;-~dve ~nc have ~een offer~ ~ ~uid~nc~_ ~ey do nec :~nsa~ce The number of ~x~mple~ ~er eues~on does not indic~m ~e ;mpa~c~ af ezch qu~don_ In idend~m~ impa~, consider [on~ :e~, ~nstruc:.lons (Read carefully) a. Answer each of :~e 20 questions in PA~ ~ Answer Yes if ~here will be any O. Maybe ~e~ Should be consider~ ~ Yes answe~ c, If ~swedng Yes to a quesdon :~en cbecg :he approadate box (column I ar ~ to indicate ~e potential stze of the [mBacL [f im¢ac: ~msbold ~quaJs or ~c~ds ~y ex, glo ¢~ded, c2~k column ~ [t imrac: will occur but d. fdent~ing ~at ~ imaa~ will be potentially large (column ~ da~ not me~ ~at it is also necessadly sign/ff~nt. Any large imoac: mu~ be evaluated in PABT ~ ~o de:e~ine significance. [den~fing an impact in ~lumn 2 simply Ask5 [Aat it Ce leak~ at ~her. e. It ;eviewer ~ douo~ ~aut size a~ :he Jmaac: ~en cons/der ~e im~c: ~ ~a~en:ially iMPACT ON LAND Will :,~e orooosed ac"Jon msuit in a phy~ic*_i cha~ge :o the proie¢ si[e? N/A ' _re, NO ~¥E$ -~-~aiTloles ~at would ap¢l¥ :o column 2 ,&ny :ons~on on sJoo~ of 1~% or ~re~ter. (15 ~oot rise per 100 Foot oi ~en~), cr where ~e g~me~J sJoO~ in ~e proje~ area ~c~ ~0%- C~ns~on on land where ~e deo~ ~ the water ~bie ~ I~ ~an C~s~on of pav~ p~ing ~a For 1,C00 or mo~ vehicles. Cons~Jan on land ~hem b~m~ is ~os~ or gene~lly wi~in ] ~c of ~isang ~und sudac~ Cons~on ~a~ will can~nue ior more than ~ '/e~r or invalve mom ~an one ;h~e or E~czvadcn For minin~ ~umas~ thac woui~ ;emove more a~an cans of na~raJ ma~ai [~_~_. m~( or soil] =er year. Cons:m~on or ~aansion of a sanit~( [andfiiL Cans~on in ~ ~esig~ac~ Other ,m~ac~ 2 Will :here be an effec: :o any unique or unusual land ~orms ~:ound cn :he site? (i.e., c!iifs, dune~, leological ~ormadcns, ~cc.]~O ~YE5 · 5oeo;fi( 'an~ Forms: 1 Small :o Moderate 2 Potentisl L~-rge 3 .Can Impac: M itic;,~teo graiec' Change F-lYes ~l~" No IMPACT GN WATER ~L'ncer ~F:'.C:eS 15. 24. 25OE :ne Env,rcnmencz~Conser'~adon Liw. EC:.] ,~xO --_-YE5 · ~xzension of udJle/dis~ibuuon fac:iid~ ~routh ~ 2ro(e¢~d wace- body. · Othe- imo~c~: z. Will prooosed scdon aife_~_ any non-pro[et:ad &~Lsun§ or new body of w~:~r? ~NO ~YE5 · Cons~c:ian cf ~ ~o~'F of w~cer ~ac ~c~ds 10 ~czes o~ su~ac~ are~_ · C~e~ [maac~: $. '/vii[ Proposed .&c~on &~e.'-= su~ace or groundwater quaiit'y or quAnrJl:y? [~NO ~YE5 Ez~mol~ ~flzt would aDpiy :o column~ ~ · Proposed Action will require ~ discharge have ]cprovAl :o ~e~e prooosed (proie¢ · Prooo~ed A~cn requir~ w&[er JupDiy from we[l~ wi(h ~re][er ~n ]zito~[ per minu[e pum~in~ · Cons~c:ion or aDe~oon ousing any con~minaoon o[ ~ water · Prooosed A~on will adve~eiy ~Efe~ groun~acer. · Liquid e~luent will be convey~ o~ ~e si~e :o ~ac:ii~ whi~q pr~endy do hoc ~xis: or have inad~uace c~oac~W. · Pr~os~d A~4on would use water [n ~c~ of 20,~0 gaJJons per d~y. , Prooosed A~on will likely c2~e sii~don or o~er discharBe into an ~lson~ body of wamr :o ~e ~:ent ~a: ~ere will be ~ obvious · ~'aoased A~on will r~im ~e s:omg~ of pe:oleum or chemical proouc~ grezc~r ~an 1.SOO gallons. · 27ocosed Ac:~n [oc2t~ c:mmerc:zi an~or ]ndusa~ai ~es whit5 Ezc:JicJes. ',viii :rooosed at, on ~-lter drainage flow or ~a:terns. or Sumac wa:er :',.: no E f ? 2 I 3 imcac: F'ciec: Change im,,4o r-No ~No ~No Prooosec A. cdon will aiJow deve~ooment in ~ designated Eloodwav. Other im oac-~: IMPACT ON AIR 'A/ill pro0osed ac:ion affec: air quaJky.~ ~;ampl~ ~hat would ap01y to cclumn 2 ~roocsed Action will induce 1.~ or more ,/ehlde rags in ~ny given hour. Prooosed A~on will r~uk in ~e inc~ne~0on re,use ;er hour. Emission race o~ cool can~min~ will ~c~ he~c source pmdu~ng mom ~an 10 miiHon 8~'s per hour. Proaos~ ~c~on will ~Jlow ~n income in ~e ~mount a/[znd commi~ed ~o ~ndus~aJ use. ProOosed ~c~on will ~ilow an ina-~e in deve~opmen~ wibhin ~xi~8 Jnd~J Other Jmoa~: IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8 Will ~cmosa,q AC~On affe~'~ any :hreacaned or ~ndangered soec~es? ~NO ~YE5 E~=mgle~ :hat wcuid appiy <o c={umn 2 · Reduc~an o~ one or more sD~ Ji~ on ~e New York or · Removsi a~ ~ny po~on of ~ ~ddc3t or signi~icznt wiidHfe · ADplic3~cn o~ p~d~de or he~ic~e more ahAn ~ice ~ year, · O~er imoa~ 9. WIll ?ro~os~ A~on sub~n~al[y a~e~ non~z~n~ o~ non~ndange~ sp~ ~NO Ezamgl~ ~at would ~OOJY ~o c:Jumn 2 · ?rooased At,on would sub~n~aily [nce~em wi~ any r~ideac migraco~ ~sh. she~lfis~ or wildlife saetia. o~ ma~ure EoreS: Cove~ ~ao vea~ :f ~} or omar locally ~mpo~an: IMPACT ON A~ICULTU~AL ~ND ~0. Will :ne ?rooose¢ A~on ~f'~..t-~- ag~cui~rai land :~ourc~s~ ~NO !opec: [] 2 3 ?c~entiai Can Impact Large ,k4itig.~ [ec Imps¢: ?rojec: ChAr! I~J Yes I--lYes ~--~No OYes ----d.'Y~ ~--..~ N o I'~, yes r-:No -: §r~c'~ i ~,.:'r~l land. c.~ 3§ric::J~ural [ano or, ~ · The ~rogos~ ac:ion would d{s~pc or prevent installation of ~cui~urs[ I~nd mana~emen[ ~s:ems (e.~_, subsudac~ fi~[d ~o dr]m Dooriy due m incre~ed'~na~g · ~er impact: IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES . WilJ proposed ~c'Jon affe-~, aeschedc resource? (If nec~sa~, u~e ~he ~su~J ~AF Addendum in ADpendiz 8.) ~am~Je5 ~ar would ~=OiY :o c:lumn 2 Proposed I~nd us~. or proie~ camponen~ obvio~iV different from ar in sh~r~ con~z :o eugene su~aunoin[ I~d use ~am~ms, whe~er Pracosed I~nd us~. or ;roie~ company,= vlsibie :o use~ cf ~edc ;esourc~ whic~ wiil eliminate or si~nific~dy ~uce ~e[r enjoyment of ~e ~es~edc qualiU~ of De~ r~ourca. Prajecz camponen~ ~ac wiiI ;~uJ~ in ~e elimination ar IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12. 'gill Proposed A~ion impa~ any sib~ or sa'uc':'.,~re of h~o~c Dr~ his~adc or pal~n~oJo~ic~i imoo~nc~ ~NO ~mgl~ ~a¢ would ~DDIy ~ column ~ - ~oDased A~Jon oc~n~ whoJly or ~am~lly wi~in or contiguous to any f~c~liW or site [is~ on ~e S~ or NadonaJ Re~i~er of his~odc pl~c~. · Any imoA~ :o ~n ~lo~ial site or ~asSii b~ [OC~ wi~i~ ~e ~roie~ ~ite. zrcha~iogic~i sic~ on ~e NYS Site IMPACT ON CP:_N SPAC'- AND RECREA~CN Will Proposed Ac:ion a~e~ ~e quandw or ;u~Jic/ O~ ~is:ng or ~u[u?e open mac~ or rec:e~donal ooco~nides( Examples :hat would apcly :o column 2 ~0 ~YE5 £ .3 · _i:c_ a M (!c. a;e,J ~-. 'reNo .'-_No "-No '_--,No IMPACT CN T~ANSPORTAT[ON r'X,N 0 · Other ;moac'.~: IMPACT CN ener=~y ~I.!C 01V~ Mcder£[e Imcac: lO IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 13. WiiI Proposed A~'..Jon zffec: public health znd ~NO OYES 5:ampte.~ Sac would aDply to column 2 ?raoosed Ac~an may c~u~e ~ dsk ~ ~Olosion ar :elease of hazardous acz~dent or uose~ candiQons, or mere may 5e t ChrOnic (ew level oischarge or · ~rceased A~Jon m~y r~ult in ~e 6urial of "h~rdous w::~' ~e~ (i_~. :axi~ ~oisanaus. highly re~Jve, mdiaac~ve, irrita~ng, · 5cat,ge ~ac~ii:~ far one million ar more ~lons o~ Hcuified natural gas ar o~er ~[amma~le · ?-o:ose~ a~2~n may result in ~e ~czva~an or o~er disturbance ~t~nm %'300 ~e¢~ af z sire ,~ ~or ~e a~¢osa[ a~ solid ar h~zzrdaus IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTE.~ OF COMMUNIt-~ OR NEIGHBORHOOD i 9 ',rill =roDosed ac~on affe~-~ the Cqarac?_: of ~,he ~xis-dng community? ,"-:NO E:amDles ~hat would apply :o c=lumn 2 · The permanent 3oouladen o~ the c2W, :own or village in which the proie<:,, is Ioc.~md is likely :o grc~w by more thaJa 5%. · The munic!oal budge*, for ooi~ ~oendi~r~ or ~emOng se~ic~ · ~r:eo~e~ ~c~on will ~e a osage in the den~ o~ land · 3met ~moa~proposed action would chanqe zoninq [rom a more intensive zone to a les5 intensive zone. Mcc er£.'.e m Part, 3--EV>tLUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS ~espon~i~iii~'F o( Lead 2arz 3 ~usr be pre~ared il one or mor~ imoac~l ~ considered :o be ~o~ential[y large, even ~ :he :mpac:/s; may be Dr~cus5 :~e io[lcwing For e~c5 ;m~ac: ~centified in Calumn I 2i ?ac: 2: i . Sr:eiiy descrlbe ~he ]. Oe~cribe fie a~oiiczme) how :he imcac: couid be midgsc~ or reduced :o a ;mall :o moderate imoac: by ?ojec~ cnange,,sl. ]. Sased on ~he m(o~adon availaole, decide i~ ~t is :e~onaole ~o ~=ndude ~hac ~ imoac: is impoe:ant_ T~e probabiliW o? ~e impac: occ~in~ The duradon o~ ~e impam I~ irrevembiliot, including Oe~anendy [es~ r~oucc~ o~ Whether ~e imoac: can or will ~e con~ll~ The regionai c:n~e~uence of ~e imoac: ~ potential dive-gence from local n~ tnd Whe~er known objec:ions ~o ~e proie~ ~iace ~o ~is im~ac: (Continue on axachmen~) 12 ': .... ~ ~-,-~c 6!7.20 SELF. Appendix B State Environmentat Quality Review Visual EAF Addendum the Full Would ~e proie~ be visible imm: · A pa~{ oi: Land whi~ is d~ia~ed to and ava~iabte ~o ~he public far ~e ~e, ~njo~ent and agpr~Jadan oi n~m~l or m~-m~de scsnic quali~es~ · An overtook or perc~ of [~d dedi~t~ :o public obse~dan, ~jo~ent and eopr~a~on aDnam~t or mammade s~_~c A site o.r ~ li~ cn ~e ~adanai ar Re~e~ of Historic ?~ac~ National Wildlife R~g~ ~d ~ta ~e Ua~nai ~a~mi ~nama~ ~d ocher au%~ndina. naomi Rive~ designat~ as Nadanat or S~te Wild, ~nic or a~donai? Any ~dcn ~or of ~ ~o~re, ~ pa~ ai ~e (nte~te S~&m. ar A ~ov~men~Iy ~l~n~ or d~i~naced ince~te or mmr~un~ ~ot ~fl, or =ne ~o~mlly A sit~ ar~. lak~ ~oir ar ~h~y d~gnat~ M~i~oat pa~ or d~i~t~ open Project and Re~aurc: (in ,v~iies) 0- :A :/.- 95. 'A 3 3-5 ~- "q I'% -_ s [a %h.e ',is~biiity of :ne proje~ iea=cnat_: .',i.&.:,_ ~,"ec.-~-__. d by summer fmiac=_., bur. ',is;bra clunno_ =the: DF_SC_RIPT~ON OF - STING V[$U,AL ENVIRGNMENT E2(2OSLIRE 6_ 7ne annual number ~f viewers like!y ~o observe the proposed pmje,z'__ is MO~-~ When me_' data is unavailable or unknown, u~e b~-r ~-rdmat~_ ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTP. AR OF VITAL $TATIST[~'$ RE¢'ORDS MANAGEMENT OFFI~ 'ER "'%g~FOLl( ;. OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO~VN OF $OUTHOLD Lead Agency Coordinator Request Town Hall. 531195 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 $.utho]d. Nex~ York I ltJ71 Fax ,516~ 7~45-1823 Teleph.ne ~516~ 765 I~40H The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act SFQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6NYCRR part 617 of the following: 1- your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3- issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated_ Enclosed please find a copy of the application and a complete Long Environmental Assessment Form (FAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard Requested Action: Petition for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-~0) on certain property located on the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York SCTM # 1000-115-9.5.1. SEQR Classification: Unlisted Action Contact Person: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (ELIS) on this project. If you have an interest in being lead agency, please contact this office immediately. If no response is received from you within 30 days of the date of this letter, it will be assumed that your agency has no interest in being lead agency. page 2 AcJenc¥ Position; The Southold Town Board wishes to assume status for this action. Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk lead agency Attachments Copies of this request and all attachments to the following: Commissioner Cahill, NYS-DIFC, Albany Robert Greene, NYS-DEC, Stony Brook Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Building Department Suffolk County Department of Planning Suffolk County Department of Health Services Patricia C. Moore, Esq. for the applicants (without attachments) Town Clerk's Bulletin Board (without attachments) Suffolk County Water Authority RECEIVED ~out~old Town Omd~ OF SUFFOLK May 20, 1999 STEPHEN I~. ~JONES, A.I.C.P. Town Clerk Town of Southold Applicant: Sheppard, Stacy A. & Michael J. Zoning Action: Change of zone from LI to R-40. Municipal File No.: #314 S.C.P.D. File No.: SD-99-2 Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above referenced application which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination as there is no apparent significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Very truly yours, Stephen M. Jones Director of Planning GGN: cc C H 11C C~.O NIN(3'xZO NIN G\WO RKIN G\L D S ~IA'lqB R 99-2 S MAY S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGIST~kI~ OF VITAL STATISTICS NL:d~.RIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516} 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: DATE: GREG YAKABOSKI,TOWN ATTORNEY BETTY NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK SBEPPARD, STACY $ MICHAEL CHANGE OF ZONE MAY 18, 1999 ATTACHED IS THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD'S FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION ON THE ABOVE. I HAVE SPOKE TO GERALD NEWMAN OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND FAXED A COPY TO HIM. COULD WE SET A DATE FOR THE PUBIC HEARING AT NEXT TUESDAY'S TOWN BOARD MEETING? PLEASE ADVISE. THANK YOU. CC: SUPERVISOR £ TOWN BOARD TOWN ATTG;:;J-I£f c L. '..',.~ T©L'(~I OF ~©iJT~ ~ PLANNING BOARD I~'IEMI~E BENNETT ORLOWSI~I. JR. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11_79 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone 1516) 765-1936 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman_ Change of zone application for Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard South side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck SCTMg 1000-115-9-5.1 Zoning District - Light Industrial (LI) DATE: May 18, 1999 The Planning Board has received your request for recommendations regarding the above zone change application. The Board is in favor of this request to change this 1.20 acre parcel f]~om Light Industrial (LI) to Low Density Residential (R-40). With the exception of the airport, the surrounding area is zoned Residential R-80 & R-40. This zone change would be in keeping with the zoning in the area. ********************* *** TX REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RI NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS, SENT RESULT 0577 18/05 11:12 01'52 OK ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICEP~ RF, CORDS iV[ANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOPAVIATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouLhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-J823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOVfN OF SOUTHOLD Pursuant to Sections 1323 and 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Department of Planning: New Zoning Ordinance Amendment Of Zoning Code Amendment of Zoning Map (Change of Zone) Location of affected land: S__~.X_~M_ [c ~ Petition for chart e of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) (~sidentla Low Density retract - on certain property lOcated at south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west ,side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No.: 1000-115-9.5.1 Within 500 feet of: The boundary of any village,or town The boundary of any existing or proposed county, state or federal park. The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state parkway, thruway, expressway, road or highway. The existing or proposed right-of-way of any stream or drainage channel owned by the County or for which the County has established channel lines. The existing or proposed boundary of any other county, state or federally owned land. The Long Island Sound, any bay in Suffolk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of water. Or within one mile of: Nuclear power plant. XX Airport COMMENTS: Date: May 3~ 1999 ~zabetH A. Ne~l~te Southold Town Clerk M~k¥ 1 5 ~999 Toxvn Clerk Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT d. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUhFi'Y EXECUTIVE May 7, 1999 Gentlemen: Application of"Stacey and Michael Sheppard" for a change of zone from LI to R-40, Town of Southold (#314). Please be advised that pursuant to Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above captioned application will not be reviewed until the following information is submitted through the offices of the municipal referring agency. Recommendations of theTown Planning Board. Thank you. Very truly yours, Stephen M. Jones Director of Planning GGN:cc cc: Planning Board S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner 12~07 '99 liON 14:47 FAX 516 765 6145 S0[iTHOLD CLERK *** TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK Ti/RK NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST, TIME USAGE T PGS, SENT RESULT 0702 2983287 Suffolk Times 12/07 14:45 02'16 6 OK ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTI~R OF V~TAL STATISTICS IVLa~RIAGE OFFICER RECORDS M. ANAGE~iENT OFFICER FKEEDOM OF INFOB_MATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Seuthold, New York 11971 Fw((516) 765-6145 Talepb_one (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: ~ROM: DATE: RE: SUFFOLK TIMES BETTY NEVILLE, SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 7112199 LEGAL NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION ON 7115199 Number of Pages (including cover):__6__ It total transmittal is not received, please call 516 765-1800. fax 516 765-6145 TWO LEGAL NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION ON THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1999: (1) NOTICE OF AMENDMENT NO. lq-1. (2) ORDER CALLING FOR FURTHER PUBLIC HEARING ON INCREASE AND IMPROVEMENTS OF FACILITIES OF THE SOUTHOLD SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE FOLLOWING CONFIRMING RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE: ON THE STAGY A. AND PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JULY 7, 1999 5:00 P.M. MICHAEL J. SHEPPARD PROPOSAL FOR A ZONE CHANGE, SCTM #1000-115-9-5.1 Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman Brian G. Murphy Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Gregory F. Yakaboski SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: The public notice will be read by Councilwoman Louisa Evans. JUSTICE EVANS: "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, at S:I)0 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999, on the proposal of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard, to amend the Zoning Code (including the Zoning Map) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by changing the zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-II0). Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above so specified. The legal description of the aforesaid property is as follows: AIl that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument at the intersection formed by the westerly side of Airway Drive and the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue, running thence S 0~*09'36" W., 211.50 feet along the westerly side of Airway Drive to a concrete monument, running thence N. 80*3[['20" W, 252.82 feet to a point; thence N. 09'2[['50'' W, 170.85 feet to the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue; running thence along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue on a curve having a radius of 967.80 feet and an arc length of 1[[9.30 feet to a point; thence still along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue S. 87*56'30" E, 1[[3.76 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. SCTM #1000-115-9-5.1, containing 1.2 acres. Dated: June 22, 1999. By order of the Southold Town Board. Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold pg 2 - PH Town Clerk."" I have an affidavit that it was published in The Suffolk Times, and that it was posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, and no correspondence. What it is they are changing the zone from Light Industrial to Residential Low Density. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Louisa. Is there anyone that would like address the Board in relation to this zone change? PATRICIA MOORE: Supervisor Cochran, I have the green receipts for the Town Clerk. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Would you like to address the Board? PATRICIA MOORE: Actually I would. Thank you. Good evening, Supervisor Cochran and Board members. We have here what is a relatively simple straight forward application. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard wanted to build their dream house, went to submit plans to the Building Department, and they learned that in the Light Industrial zoning which is this parcel is zoned as such. A single family house can not be built in an industrial zone, so the most direct method is to a get to that building permit is a Change of Zone application, which we submitted to this Board. We have the four generations of the Parker Wickham clan. Stacy is the granddaughter of Parker Wickham. s there any specific questions you would like to ask? The entire family is here, and certainly we would hope that you consider this application and approve it, tonight if possible. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Anyone else like to address the Town Board in relation to the change of zone? (No response.) It is refreshing having it come out of Light Industrial to Residential. Would any else like to address the Town Board? (No response.) If not, I will close the hearing. Southold Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE T O '~,q'q CLERK REGISTI:La, R OF VIT:KL STATISTICS I~L~RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS i~LANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORiX, L~TION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax L516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5;00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-q0). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. Attachments cc: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board ,own o, Southold Town Building Departme R~d By (5i ~nat~re) LEGAL NOTICE meetin~ of ~ T~ B~rd of Ihe Town ~ ~[d. Surfak Counly. lowing amcndmem to the Town Zoning Code entitled, "Zoning ~e of [he Town of Southold", Iogether with the Zoning Map, Amendment No. 141 amends the Code of the Town of Somhold by changing from Li~t Industrial Dis- tri~t (LI) to Residential Distri~ (R- ~) the property of Stacy A. Michael J. Sheppard, siluate, lying, Southold, Suffolk ~ounty, New York, and ~unded and follows: ~EG~IN~ at a concrete mon- a~ ~ ~ulherly side of ~ Avenue, ~nnin~ then~ ~ side , ~ence N. ~'24'50" W., ~ ~1 N~ ~ffoik Avenue, runn~ ~ ~ong the ~utherly side New Suffolk Avenu~ on a having a radius of~7.~ feet and an o[ New SuHo[k Aven~ S. E., 143.75 fe~l to the ~inl or pl~e of ~ginning Dated' July 6, E~I~BE~ A. NEVILLE SO--OLD TOWN CLERK STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: covm ' OF Sr 'FOLK) k.J ~CLf~ ~- ~ I'l ~ '~ 5 of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Su/folk and State of New York, and that the Notice of whlch the annexed is a printed copy, has been regu- larly published ~ said Newspaper once each week for weeks successively, comm_ e/nci~g on the of ~kJ ~ Iv 19 C~ day ~f Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this %.day of ~/C~ - ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTR~M~ OF VIT.~L STATISTICS 5L-~RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF [NFOI~MATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF HELD ON JULY 6. 1999: FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD WHEREAS, a petition ,,vas heretofore filed xvith the Town Board of the Town of Southold by Stacy A. & Michael J Sheppard requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by changing from Light Industrial (LI) District to Residential (R-40) District, the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS, said petition was duly referred to the Town Planning Board and the Suffolk Count_,,, Planning Board for investigation, recommendation and report, and the reports having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Toxin Board on the 6"' day of July, 1999, and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the 1.2 acre parcel located at the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York, owned by applicants Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard (Suffolk County tax map number 1000-115-9.5.1)is hereby rezoned from Light Industrial (LI) District to Residential (R- 40) District. ~? Neville Southold Town Clerk July 6, 1999 wl~-nn,~ s~-y A. & aak:k~ ~ of the To~ of ~ f~ a ~n~of~p~ s~ of New Suffolk Avenue ~ the ~ttituck, New York, ~om ~t lndu~t~al ~e (LI) to ~w Den~ty Distfic~ (R~)~ ~ W~AS, the ~u~d To~ RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby ~ts the 5:~ PM.. July 6, ~ Somhold Town Hall, time and p~ for n public Michel L S~pnrd for a ~an~ FURTHER R~SOLVED that STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUI?F~OLK) k...J.~CLf~-- L[.Jil / ~-,~' of Mattituck, in sad county, being duly sworn, says that he/she ls Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weeldy newspaper, published at Mattltuck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the armexed is a printed copy, has been regu- larly published~ in said Newspaper once each week for weeks successively, commen~ing on the c~Art- h day (j Princl~ Clerk Sworn to bT~~s' ,-~2~/i:X ~ay of 19 ~7 PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southo[d, New York 11971 Tel: (516) 765-4330 Fax:: (516) 765-4643 Sounhold Town Board 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 July 6, 1999 Att.: Town Clerk RE: S~acy A. & Michael J. Sheppard Application Hearing Date: July 6, 1999 Dear Betty: Enclosed please find Certified Return Receipt cards for the above referenced matter. Posting was done in a timely manner by Jim McMahon. My client Stacy Sheppard confirmed that the notices are still in place today July 6. Very truly yours, ~C MOORE PCM/kk Encls. ELIZA]~,ETH A. NEVILLE TOVfN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS I~L~RRI~GE OFFICER RECORDS M:~AGEl~IENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORmaTION OFFICER - 5~FFOL/c ':~ Town Elall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue. Mattituck. New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-q0). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. ~lizabYth A. Nevil~ Southold Town Clbrk Attachments CC: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter Island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals~/ Southold Town Building Department ,.~ Received B y~-. ~( ~<h3_,n ~l~r ~) Title Date ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TO~fN CLERK REGISTfL~,R OF VITAL STATISTICS bL~,RRL~.G E OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOP~IATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax i516) 765-6145 Telephone 1516'1765-1~,00 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOVVN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of 5tacy A. F. Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue. Mattituck. New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-q0). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. Attachments CC: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter Island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals / Southold Town Building Department~' REceived B~'gnature) Title Date ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS r~L~RRIA(]E OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORi%DkTION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (5161765-1B00 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25. 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue. Mattituck. New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-~0). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. Attachments cc: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Southold Town Board of Southold Town Building Board ~eppeals J~ ~ Received By (Signature) Title Date ELIg, ABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTItAR OF VITAJ. STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS ~L~NAGEMENT OFFICER Ft{EEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 F~ (516) 765-6145 Telephone L516) 765-1500 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue. Matt|tuck. New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-t~0). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. Attachments CC: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter Island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department ~Received B.~ (Signature) , - / T~le ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGI$'I'ILhR OF VIT&L STATISTICS I~L~RRIA£i E OFFICER RECOI~DS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORiXL4.TION OFFICER Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (5161 765-1B0(~ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5;00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential law Density District (R-~,0). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. RECEIVED Attachments CC: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Creenport.. Town of Shelter Island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board~,of Appeals Southold Town Building Department ignature) Date ELIZABETH A. NE%rILLE TOWl~ CLERK REGISTRAIt OF V[TAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MA2WAGEI%IPiNT OFFICER FREP]DOM OF INFOR~iATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fa.,: (5161 765-61,15 Telephone (516) 765-180(I OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town 8oard of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-[tO). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. ~,J~lizabe~th A. Nevil~ Southold Town Clbrk Attachments cc: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter Island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department RECEIVED JUL 6 Soulhold To,.,m Cled, Received By (Signature) Date ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGIST~LMR OF VITAL STATISTICS I~L~RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS 5[~O'qAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF iNFORMATION OFFICER ~,~. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Te[epR<)ne (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. F, Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-q0). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. Attachments cc: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter Island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department CEIVED JUL 6 1999 Received By (Signature) 7 Title Date EL]ZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGIS'['R.M~ OF VIT.kL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFO RgLkT[ON OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax ~5163 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set S:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6. 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York from Light Indust~rial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-~0)- Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. ~-~lizabeth A. Nevit'le - Southold Town Clerk Attachments ccl Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter Island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTIL~R OF VITAL STATISTICS M~RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS I~LhNAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF iNFOtC~L¥I'ION OFFICER Town H~II, 53095 Main Road P.O Box 1179 SouLhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone ~516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD June 25, 1999 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on June 22, 1999, set 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999 for a public hearing upon a Change of Zone Application on the following property, a copy of the resolution which is attached hereto: Change of Zone application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of Airway Drive and New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Law Density District (R-q0). Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return to me in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you. ~l~lizabe~th A. Nevil~ Southold Town Clbrk Attachments CC: Suffolk County Department of Planning Long Island State Park Commission Village of Greenport Town of Shelter Island Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Received By (Signature) Title Date RECEIVED ,JUN~,,,:'r 1999 Sol~hold Tnu~n Clef{' Southold Town Board 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 PATRIClA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, NewYork 11971 Tel: (516) 765-4330 Fax:: (516) 765-4643 June 29, 1999 Att: Town Clerk RE: Stacy A. & Michael J. Hearing Date: July 6, Sheppard Application 1999 Dear Betty: Enclosed please find Affidavit of Mailing with Certified Mail Receipts for the above referenced matter. Very truly yours, ~-~XTRICIA C. MOORE PCM/kk Encls. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard (Names of Applicants) Parcel ID#1000- 115-9-5.1 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILINGS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, Margaret Rutkowski residing at Theresa Drive Mattituck, New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the ~ ~ da.,,' of June , 19 99 , I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Southold_, New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the ( ) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office Southold NY, for every property which abuts and is across a public or pfivate street, or vehicular fight-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. S~vq.rn to before me this cg~'r~ayof June , 1999. (Notary Public) (Signature) Margaret Rutkowski PA'IlqICIA C. MOORE Notary Public, State of New York Suffolk County - No. 4861668 Commlesion Expires June 16, ~ PLEASE list, on the back of thts Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owller names and addresses for which notices were mailed Thank you. F-.LIZ-'%-BETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REG[$'r RA~. OF VITAL STATISTICS _Vi.~tR R L4.C E OFF:CER RECORDS _%t%NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOR_%L~TIO_.X' OFFICEE Town Hal!, 53095 Ma/n Roac P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516'~ 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TO~'N CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JUNE 22, 1999: WHEREAS, Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard, by application dated April 14, 1999. petitioned the Town Board of the Town of Southold for a change of zone on certain property, located on the corner of the south side of New SulTo[k Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive. Mattimck~ New York, 5om Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Lox,., Density District (R-40); and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning have prepared of Ecial reports and recammendations on the aforesaid petition, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets tee 5:00 P M., July $, 1999 Southold To~vn Hall, 53095 Main Road. Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the petition of Stagy A. & MJchaeI J. Sheppard for a change of zone. at which time all interested persons will be given an oppoccuv2ty to be heard; and be iz F[~THER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk l:e and hereby is authorized and directed to cause notice of said laearing to be published in the official newspaper pursuant to the requirements of law. Southold Town Clerk June 22, 1999 Sheppard SCTM 1000-I 15-9-5.l NAME Robin Wickham ADDRESS Box 520 New Suffolk Mattituck, NY 11952 MAP NO. 115-3-30.l Edilh Wickham Bret and Susan Hedges Robert S. Barker, Jr P.O. Box 13121 Mattituck, NY 11952 795 Fort Salonga Rd North Port, NY 11769 New Suffolk Ave Mattituck, NY 11952 115-9-6.5 115-3-31.1 115 -3 -27 Parker J. Wickham Mr. and Mrs. Bagshaw P.O. Box 1312 Mattituck, NY 11952 Deephole Dr Mattituck, NY 11952 1 l 5-9-7 1 l 5-9-5.2 Z 504 °oq':~6"F1 211.50' Airway~, ........... Drive > LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, at 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 6, 1999, on the proposal of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard, to amend the Zoning Code (including the Zoning Map) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by changing the zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-40). Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above so specified. The ~ega~ description of the aforesaid property is as foUows: AU that certain p~ot, piece or parce~ of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, ~ying and being in the Town of Southo~d, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and described as foUows -- BEGiNNiNG at a concrete monument at the intersection formed by the westerly side of Airway Drive and the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue, running thence S 04*09'36" W., 211.50 feet a~ong the westerly side of Airway Drive to a concrete monument, running thence m. 80*34'20" W, 252.82 feet to a point; thence N. 09'2D~'50'' W, 170.85 feet to the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue; running thence a~ong the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue on a curve having a radius of 967.80 feet and an arc ~ength of 149.30 feet to a point; thence stiU a~ong the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue S. 87*56'30" E, 143.76 feet to the point or place of BEGiNNiNG. SCTM #1000-115-9-5.1, containing 1.2 acres. Dated: June 22, 1999_ BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JUNE 2~,, 1999, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Patricia Moore, Attorney for Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard Town Clerk's Bulletin Board STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 2~th day of June 1999 she affixed a not~ce of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hallr 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. LECAL NOTICE - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP - 5:00 P.M.. Tuesday, JULY 6, 1999 - STACY A. & MICHAEL J. SHEPPARD, SCTM # 1000-115-9-5~1 ~-~ Elizabeth A. ~Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this ELIZA.BETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRLAGE OFFICER RECORDS i~LANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORIVLATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Ne~v York 11971 Fax t516) 765-6145 Telephone ~516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JUNE 22. 1999: WHEREAS, Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard, by application dated April 14, 1999, petitioned the Town Board of the Town of Southold for a change of zone on certain property located on the comer of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck~ New York~ from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-40); and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning have prepared official reports and recommendations on the aforesaid petition; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets the 5:00P.M., July 6, 1999 Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the petition of Stacy A. & Michael L Sheppard for a change of zone, at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official newspaper pursuant to the requirements of law Southold Town Clerk June 22. 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTIL~ OF VITAL STATISTICS ~,LkRRIAGE OFFICER HECORD$ ~L-LNAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOI~L~.TION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax t5161 765-6145 Telephone t516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO%VN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JUNE 22. 1999: WHEREAS, Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard, by application dated April 14, 1999, petitioned the Town Board of the Town of' Southo[d for a change of zone on certain property located on the corner of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York, from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-40); and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning have prepared official reports and recommendations on the aforesaid petition; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets the 5:00 P.M., July 6, 1999 Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the petition of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone, at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official newspaper pursuant to the requirements of law. ~. Neville Southold Town Clerk June 22. 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTILkR OF VITAL STATISTICS l~LkR RLtGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOI~I OF INFOI~kTION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southald, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone 1516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: DATE: GREG YAKABOSKI,TOWN ATTORNEY BETTY NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK SHEPPARD, STACY & MICHAEL CHANGE OF ZONE MAY 18, 1999 ATTACHED IS THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD'S FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION ON THE ABOVE. I HAVE SPOKE TO GERALD NEWMAN OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND FAXED A COPY TO HIM. COULD WE SET A DATE FOR THE PUBIC HEARING AT NEXT TUESDAY'S TOWN BOARD MEETING? PLEASE ADVISE- THANK YOU- CC: SUPERVISOR E TOWN BOARD PLANNING BOARD MEMBER~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI. JR. Chairman VfILLIA.M J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEOaGE RITCYIIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone t516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman..~z-..(~ Change of zone application for Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard South side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituek SCTM# 1000-115-9-5.1 Zoning District - Light Industrial (LI) DATE: May 18, 1999 The Planning Board has received your request for recommendations regarding the above zone change application. The Board is in favor of this request to change this 1.20 acre parcel from Light Industrial (LI) to Low Density Residential (R-40). With the exception of the airport, the surrounding area is zoned Residential R-80 & R-40. This zone change would be in keeping with the zoning in the area. *** TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST, TIME USAGE T PGS, SENT RESULT 0577 18/0§ 11:12 01'52 OK ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Pursuant to Sections 1323 and 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Department of Planning: New Zoning Ordinance Amendment ol~ Zoning Cod~ Amendment of Zoning Map (Change of Zone) Location of affected land:~icitael J. Sheopard , Petition for change of zone from Light Industrial District {El)-to Residential Low Density District on certain property located at south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west ,side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No.: 1000-115-9.5,1 Within 500 feet of: The boundary of any village.or town The boundary of any existing or proposed county, state or federal park The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state parkway, thruway, expressway, road or highway. The existing or proposed right-of-way of any stream or drainage chann( owned by the County or for which the County has established channel lines. The existing or proposed boundary of any other county, state or federally owned land. The Long Island Sound, any bay in Suffolk County or estuary of any o the foregoing bodies of water. Or within one mile of: Nuclear power plant. XX Airport COMMENTS: Date: May 3r 1999 Etizabetti A. Ne~ile Southold Town Clerk RECEIVED MAY ! 3 1999 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Town Clerk Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT d. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUhrr¢ EXECLmVE May 7, 1999 S~PHEN M. dONESi A.[.C.P. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Re: Gentlemen: Application of"Stacey and Michael Sheppard" for a change of zone from LI to R-40, Town of Southold (#314). Please be advised that pursuant to Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above captioned application will not be reviewed until the following information is submitted through the offices of the municipal referring agency. Recommendations of theTown Planning Board. Thank you. Very truly yours, Stephen M. Jones Director of Planning GGN:cc cc: Planning Board C'H' ' CC~ZO N IN G~ZO N IN G 'INO RKIN G[INC~-~9~IU:~ MA~ S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner Proposed Legal Description For the Shepard Property Mattituck, New York SC Tax# 1000 - 115 - 9 - 5.1 Beginning at a concrete monument at the intersection formed by the westerly side of Airway Drive and the Southerly side of Ne,, Suffolk Avenue. running thence S 04 °09'36"W, 211.50' along the westerly side of Airway Drive to a concrete monument, running thence N 80°34'20"W, 252.8? to a point; thence N 09°24'50"W, 170.85' to the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue; running thence along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue on a curve having a radius of 967.80' and an arc length of 149.30' to a point; thence still along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenne S 8'~:56'30"E, 143.76' to the point or place of beginning. ?1'-5'7~ J~ .,.'- f~Moo (z...~ - F,--,TRICIA C. MOORE ,.51020 rvlAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NY ~1 1971 (51~B) '705-43.~0 ..Ifazle t/te twenty-seventh da.y of April ;¥'incteet~ ]£ttt~d. rt'~d and Seventy-one Gedrie II. Wickham, residing at Mattituck, Suffollc County, Long Island, New York party off the first part, Jay P. Wickhar[~,,?esidin~at Mattttuck, Southold Town, Suffolk Count)', Ne'.,,' York party of t/~e secotzd part, of the first part, in. consideratto~z of One and 00,/100 and other considerations Dol~r (~ l. 09 ) la.wf~l molzey of tl~e Un. gted States, paid by the part}r Of th~ second part, do~ hereb~J re.~gse, release, and q~itclaim ~nto the par~. of tim second part, his tZlit~ a88~rts ]~ore~el5 ~l[, tl]at tract or parcel of land situate at Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Parcel I: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of New Suffolk Ave., ~v[th the westerly line of "Airway Drive!; [rom said point of beg-inning running along said westerly line of "Airway Drive'~ S. 4009' 10" \¥. - 231.39 feet; thence along land conve~ed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Parker ~¥ickham, N. gO- 34~ 20" W. - 252.82 [eet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to C.[t. Wickham, N. 9°24~ ~0" W. - 197.59 feet to said southerly line of New Suffolk Ave.; thenc along said southerly line, two courses: (1) N. 69° 50' 40" 'E. - 115.20 feet: thence (2) ~. 76° ~6' 50' E. - 195.63 feet to the point of beainning, containing 1.487 acres, o~' ."i:'~'' !11 r' ". : 1.:, . ! Together with all title and interest of the party of the first part in and to lands under New Suffolk Avenue and Airway Drive to the center line thereof. PArcel II: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of New Suffolk Ave., 409.01 feet westerly along said northerly line f, rom Marratook,a Ave.,; from said point of beginning running along said northerly line of Ne;~ Suffolk Ave., S. 69° 50' 40" IV. - 10d.0d feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to C.H. Wickham, N. 9° 24' 50" ~¥. - 125.0 feet to the shore of Marratooka Lake; tlaence along said shore as measured by a tie line, N 43° 27' 30" E. - 52.57 feet to land of IZaynor Wickham; thence along said land, S. 33° 01' 20" E. - 150.0 feet to the point of beginoing. Containing 0.25 acres, more or less. Together with all right title and interest of the part}, of the first part in attd to land iil,l,?r wal..I-.q r)~' Marrntool:u Lek,_, ndjoint to said re"cruises. party of th,e first pa, rt, i~ a.ncl to said prevzises, estate and rights of the tt~d assigns forever. the second part, his hereto~to set his t~do a~d sea~ tt[e day and~ yec~r first above written,. Seventy-O ne Cedric H. Wickham ~. ~ ~_,, : c-4 JVbzeteet~. Ittt~dz'ed before nke, th, e subscriber, perso;~ally appeared to me personally known, and know;* to me to be the sa, me person described and who exect*terg the zogth~ I~*sf, run~er~t, and he acknowlecl.~ed fo me th, at he ezcec~tecl the s~m,e 0 0 0 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAIt OF VIT,~J~ STATISTICS ~IARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS ~LkNAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORi%LiTION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 3, 1999 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen Transmitted herewith is a proposed Change of Zone Application No. 31q of Stac¥ A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone, as presented at Southold the Town Board's April 28, 1999 meeting. Please prepare an official report defining the Planning Board's recommendations with regard to this proposed change of zone and forward same to me- Thank you, Very truly yours, $outhold Town Clerk Attachments ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTP~-~R OF VITAL STATIST[CS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS l%L~NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOP~IATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6J_45 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28. 1999: WHEREAS, a petition has been received from Stacy A. £ Michael J. Slneppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-L~0) on certain property located on the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this the Suffolk County Department reports, all in accordance with County Charter_ petition to the Southold Town Planning Board and of Planning for their recommendations and the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk Q Neville Southold Town Clerk April 28. 1999 ELIZABETH Ao NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTI~d~ OF VITAL STATISTICS MAR RI~XGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOI~/ATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouLhold, New York 11971 Fax (516} 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28. 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby commences the Lead Agency Coordination process with regard to the State Environmental Review Act in the matter of the petition of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-q0) on the corner of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York. SCTM#1000-115-9-5_1. Consisting of approximately 1.2 acres. Southold Town Clerk April 28, 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGIST[L~Gt OF VITAL STATISTICS I~LARR[AGE OFFICER RECORDS MA-NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone t5161 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTItOLD TOWN I~IOARD HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999: WHEREAS, Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard have proposed a change in zone for the property identified as Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-115-9-5.1 consisting of approximately 1.2 acres on the comer of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York; and WHEREAS, the proposed change of zone is from Light Industrial (LI) to a Residential Low Density District (R-40); therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds this to be an UNLISTED Action pursuant to SEQRA and the Rules and Regulations set forth in NYCRR 617 et seq. Southold Town Clerk April 28, 1999 50[THOLD CLERK PETITION NO. PETITION STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Sfac,, and Michael Sheppard FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING · ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ZONE TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. ~ Stacv & MichnPl ghon~ , residing at 2800 Youngs Ave Southnl~ bly I1971 Petition~ Suffolk County. New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at 3420 New Suffolk Ave, Hattituck and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-i15-9-5.1 Attached survey dated 12-10-98 Prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor 2. ! do hereby petition the Town Beard of the Town of Southeld to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as fellows: Corner of New Suffolk Ave and Airway Dr - from L.I. Light Industrial to R-40 Such request is made for the following reasons: My father Jay P. Wickham has owned this lot since 1971 and my grandfather owned this lot before him. We ~ish to build our home on this one acre (1.2) parcel. The zoning prohibits residential use in L.I. zoning use distr~ct. My family has grown up around the airbase - and i have no reservations about living by the airbase. The surrounding properties are residential and our house will fit into the character of tbe area. I I Sigh~ture ~ STATE OF NEW YORK)ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ~7~z~ ~ /~/C//~-ET-- ~/~E~/~.~Z). BEING DULY SWORN. deposes and says that he is the petition in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge. except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on informatio, and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this( /~ /4~2~-~ Notary Public · ?? PATRICIA C. MOORE Notary Public, State of New Suffolk County - No. 4861668 Commission Eq~e~ June 16, ,~ooo Map # 123-1-2 115-9-4 115-3-23,1 l 15-9-5.2 115-9-5.1 115-9-6.5 115-9-7 115-10-1 115-9-13 115-3-30.1 115-3-19 115-3-31.1 115-3-27 115-3-28 115-4-9.1 115-4-9.2 115-4-1l 115-4-34 1 115-4-33.5 Client Name Parker J. Wickham Susan Norris Town of Southold Mr & Mrs Harvey Bagshaw Parker J. Wickham & Ano Edith Wickham Parker J. Wickham Elmer D. Ruland Jr C.H. Wickham c/o J. Parker Wick_ham Robin E. Wick. ham Charles Cuddy Bret L. & Susan Hedges Robert S Barker Jr Charles Cacioppo Paul S. & Theresa Mileska Antone E. Mileska Nancy Sacks Edwards & Bonnie Gall Adams Thomas J. & Elizabeth R. Williams Address PO box 1312 PO Box 66 Deephole Dr POBox 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 164 PO Box 1312 Box 520 New Suffolk Ave Marratooka Lane 795 Fort Salonga Rd New Suffolk Ave Box 1288 Maratooka Lane 1455 Maratooka Lane Box 1144 Maratooka Lane Box 700 New Suffolk Ave Box 622 New Suffolk Ave PO Box 879 Town Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattkuck North Port Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck State Zip 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11768 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 April 10, 1999 Southold Town Board Honorable Jean Cochran, Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Supervisor Stacy and Michael Sheppard Change of Zone LI to R-40 SCTM# 1000-115-9 5.1 New Suffolk Ave & Airway Drive Dear Supervisor and Board members: I Parker J. Wickham intend to transfer title to my daughter Stacy and son-in-law, Michael Shappard Ehe above referenced property for them Lo build their home. I consenE to the PetiEion and support them in their request to change Ehe zoning of ahis property from Industrial (LI) to residential (r-40) . Very t~uly y~rs, Parker J. ~ickham Swor~ to me this \9?~f April 1999 Notary PuOl~c 14-16-2 C2/87)-- 7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically e)~pert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAE is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3: Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE--Type I and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions oi EAF completed for this project: [] Part '1 [] Part 2 []Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 ii appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will nol have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared_ [] B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* [] C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared- * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsibJe officer) PART 1--PROJECT INFORMA~ ~N Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significan on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be cons, as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addit, information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAE will be dependent on information currently available and will not invol~ new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and speci: each instance. NAME OF ACTION L,O,C_ATION OF ACTION {Include Streel Address, Munl¢lpallly and County) IBUSINESS TELEPHONE ISTATE I ZIP CODE lc/ /W' /"¢ /: ? 7 / NAME OF OWNER (n dIfferenl) ~'/~'C~ ~7~7c'-~ ,/~t'Cht~&'/ ,~-~'L~p~,~-'~/ IBUSINESS TELEPHONE( ~ ADDRESS CITY/PO [ STATE ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: i-lUrban ~]lndustrial [~L~ommercial ~idential (suburban) r~Rural (non-fair ~lForest [~Agriculture f-IOther 2. Total acreage of project area: /~. ~'~ acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) acres acres Forested acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc,} acres "acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 2S of ECL) acres acres Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces acres acres Other (Indicate type) I/aa~l'~ t i'voc~'/'~c'i Jc~ /. ,2 acres . 5" acres 3. What is predominant soi~Lype(s) on project site? a'. Soil drainage: k'lWell drained /0~ % of ~te nModerateJy well drained % of site [~Poorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group I through 4 of the N~ Land Classification System? acres. (See I NYCRR 370/). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? l~Yes [~No a. What is depth .to bedrock? (in feet) 2 / ~,pproximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: [~'0-10% /~P~' % O10-15% % 015% or · ater_ % 6. Is proiect substantially contiguous to, or con, in a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the Nationa~ Registers of Historic Places? FIyes 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? OYes 8. What is the depth of the water table~ (in feet) -7-es/- ~'~'/~' ~,.u,~ 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? [:]Yes ONo 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area~ OYes 11 Does project site co.,~ain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? [~Yes~'~o According to Identify each species 12. Are there any uniq~,~/or unusual land forms on the project sitet (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) OYes E.~No Describe 13. Is the proiect site p~sently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? l-lYes []~'No If yes, explain 14. Does the present sit/~/~nclude scenic views known to be important to the community~ [:]Yes 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes. ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name ~ b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by'~xisting public utilities~ I--lYes [~o a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? OYes [:]No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection~ [:]Yes ONo 18. Is the site located in an agricultural~/~strict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 2S-AA, Section 303 and 304? [:]','es L:JNo 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguo~s,,.~ a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 ~lYes 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? OYes B. Project Description l~w~,~fd~b~/ U~t 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor O acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: /'~- acres initially; ' ~ acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeve!oped '~'~ acres. - d. Length of project, in miles: /V/~ (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed ~J/'~ %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing ; proposed §. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Initially / Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure ~-~/~ height; _ ~ width; ~ length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? /'~'~ ft. Condominium 3 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from tk- site? ,'v'/~ tons/cu~ 3. Will disturbed areas be reclail 47 f-lYes []No I~]~/A a. if yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? E3Yes ?No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? [3Yes I-INo 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? '~ acres. $. Will any mature,,~est (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? []Yes []]'No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction /Z.- months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase I month c. Approximate completion date of final phase month d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? I-JYes [-]No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? []Yes 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction /c~ ; after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? E]Yes ~o If yes, explain year, (including demolition). year. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ?3Yes a. Ii: yes. indicate type of waste (sewage. industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? E~es E]No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing Water body increase or decrease by proposal? ?3Yes Explain 15. Is project or any portion of proiect located in a 100 year flood plain? E]Yes 16. Will the project generate solid waste? (~es ?No a. If yes, what is the amount per month ~-~r-/~'~/'/'~/~-t-efn- b. If yes, wilt an existing solid waste facility be used? [~Yes c. If yes, give name 7o~c.~ c~z ~CO(,~ff~/'?O~'~/ ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e, If Yes, explain E]Yes I~o 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? [:~r'es ?-1No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ,'~¢~'f//~J b. I~c yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ~]Yes [~No 19. Will proiect routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? (~]Yes 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~]Yes If yes , indicate type(s) [~Yes ~o 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity ,~O~d'~/',/-z~' gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day ~-~,'~/~,~gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? I-Iye~ ~ If Yes, explain Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board ~'Yes City, Town, Village Planning Board E3Yes I~No City, Town Zoning Board [~Y~ DNo City, County Health Department L~¥es ~lNo Other Local Agencies [Yes I-1No Other Regional Agencies State Agencies t-lYes r~No Federal Agencies Submittal Dale C. Zoning and Planning Information / q. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? I~'Yes f-JNo If Yes/indicate decision required: I~'zoning amendment [~zoning variance [-]special use permit r-isubdivision I-Isite plan [new/revision of master plan ~Jresource management plan ~lother 2. What is the zoning classification[s)of the site? L.~" 3. What is the maximum potential.____ __devel°pment of tl~e site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? ~------ $. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? [~]'~es ~]N~ 7. What are the predominant land use[s) and ,~onJng classifications within a ¼ mile radius of proposed action? 8. I~ ~he proposed action compatible wi~ adioinin~sur[oundin8 land uses within a ~ mile~ 9. If ~he proposed action i~ ~e subdivision of land, ho~ many Io~s are p~oposed~ ~/~ a. W~a~ is t~e minimum Io~ size propose~ 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s] for the formation of sewer or water districts~ ~Yes 11. Will the proposed acti~ create a demand for any community provided semites (recreation, education, police fire protection)? ~es a, If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ~s ~No 12 Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ~Yes . a If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ~Yes ~No. D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any advers impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate e avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge ApplicantJSponsor~4~me P~]~LCt~ e, /'~01~ OatJ/~/ ~' If tbe action is in tbe Coastal Area, and you are a s~a~e agency, complete tbe Coaslal .~.ssessment Form before proeeedin with tbis assessment. 5 Z Y ,; S04°Oq'56"ld Airway ............... , Drive 211.50' APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and emplqyees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Parker J Wickham YOUR NAME: (Last name, firsb name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply. ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone X Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other (If "Other," name the activity.) Do yOU personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relations[lip with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO X If you answered "YES," complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. [game of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): __A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of tile applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); __B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of tile applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted Signature Print name P~rker J. Wickham APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Stacy and Michael Sheppard YOUR NAME: (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as s company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Chec~ all that apply. ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone X Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other (If "Other," name the activity.) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parest, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? 'Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. 'Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the YES NO X If you answered "YES," complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by tile Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The parent, A) town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, or child is (check all that apply): the owner Of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); __B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or __D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this /~). day S~gnatur Print name Stacy and Michael Sheppard PETITION NO. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Stacy and M£chael Sheppard FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ORDINANCE OF THE TO¥/N OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEY; YORK. PETITION ZONE TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. Yj~ Staey. b M~eh~] Rho .... a . residing at 2800 Youn/~s Ave Southo]d ~lv 11971 Peti~on~f Suffolk County. New York, the undersignS, am the owner ef certain real property sit.ted at 3420 New Suffolk Ave, Mattituck . and mere particularly hounded and descri~ as foll~es: Suffolk Count), Tax Map # 1000-115-9-5.1 Attached survey dated 12-10-98 Prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor 2. I do hereby petition the Town Beard of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York. including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Corner of New Suffolk Ave and Airway Dr - from L.I. Light Industrial to R-40 Such request is made for the following reasons: My father Jay P. Wickham has owned this lot since 197[ and my grandfather owned this lot before him. We wish to build our home on this one acre (1.2) parcel. The zoning prohibits residential use in L.I. zoning use district. My fam£1y has grown up around the airbase - and I have no reservations about living by the airbase. The surrounding properties are residential and our house will fit into the character of the area. II Sig ~ture ~ STATE OF NEW YORK}ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK] ~-~' ~f /7/(E-//,~EL- $//~F~-~Z). BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petition in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this /'7 day of_ /4~4.~ Notary Public · ?? PATRICIA r. MOORE NotaW Public. State of New Suffolk Ceunty- No. 4861668 Commi~ion ~June 16, Map # 123-1-2 115-9-4 115-3-23.1 115-9-5.2 115-9-5.1 115-9-6.5 115-9-7 llS-lO-I 115-9-13 115-3-30 1 115-3-19 115-3-31.1 115-3-27 115-3-28 115-4-9.1 115-4-9.2 115-4-11 115-4-34.1 115-4-33.5 Client Name Parker J. Wickham Susan Norris Town of Southold Mr & Mrs Harvey Bagshaw Parker J. Wicldmm & Ano Edith Wickham Parker J. Wickham Elmer D. Ruland Jr C.H. Wickham c/o J. Parker Wickham Robin E. Wiekham Charles Cuddy Bret L. & Susan Hedges Robert S. Barker Jr Charles Cacioppo Paul S. & Theresa Mileska Antone E. Mileska Nancy Sacks Edwards & Bonnie Gail Adams Thomas J. & Elizabeth R. Williams Address PO box 1312 PO Box 66 Deephole Dr PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 164 PO Box 1312 Box 520 New Suffolk Ave Marratooka Lane 795 Fort Salonga Rd New Suffolk Ave Box 1288 Maratooka Lane 1455 Maratooka Lane Box 1144 Maratooka Lane Box 700 New Suffolk Ave Box 622 New Suffolk Ave PO Box 879 Tov~ll Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Noah Pon Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Matfituck State Zip 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11768 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 M,,oC~,-~5 o 2 S04 °Oq '~6 "~ 211.~0' Airway~, .... Drive Z 1 -;-16-2 (2/'87) -- 7c 617.21 Appendix A State Envlronmenlal Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- [y, there are aspects of a proiect that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no format knowledge of the environment or may be technically ~xpert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given proiect and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and ~ Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE--Type I and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: [] Part 1 [] Part 2 []Part 3 Upon review of the information ~ecorded on this EAF (Parts I and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. [] 13. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negalive declaralcion will be prepared.* [] C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declarafion will be prepared. * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsible officer) PART 1--PROJECT INFORMAT N Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significar, on the environment. Please complete the enti~e form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be cons. as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addit, information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full FAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invols new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and speci: each instance. NAME OF ACTION LOCATION OF ACTION Include Slree{ Address, Munlclpallly and BUSINESS TELEPHONE STATE ZIP CODE /rFT/ NAME OF OWNER (If dlflerent) ~.~ ~, ~ m/? ~-/ BUSINESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION of Zor e ( o ,qer /o/- Please Complele Each Question-Indicate N.A. il= not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: I-IUrban i-Ilndustrial [~ommercia[ ~esidential Csuburban) ~lRural (non-fart r~Forest f-lAgriculture f-IOther 2. Total acreage of project area: / ~' acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland [Non-agricultural) acres acres Forested acres acres Agricultural [Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres '' acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) acres acres Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces acres acres Other (Indicate type) [/~c~I~Z / tVOcc3t~'~/ JCl- /. o~ acres , G- acres 3. What is predominant soil~.ype(s) on project site? a. Soil drainage: E~]We]I drained /P~' % of ~ite f-IModerately well drained % of site [qPoorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the N'~ Land Classification System? acres. CSee I NYCRR 370/). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site[' I~Yes a. What is depth .to bedrock? (in feet) ^pproximate percentage of propo,ed project site with slopes: ~0-10% . /~'o % 1~10-15% % ~15% or § ter 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or con. in a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Re§isters of Historic Places? E]Yes 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? E3Yes E~o 8. What is the depth of the water table? (in feet) ~'~,s/" h~/, /~r 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquiferS' ~lYes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? I-lyes 11. Does project site co~ain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? I-lYes~'~1o According to identify each species 12. Are there any uniqu/~,-or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) [~Yes[~"N o Describe 13. Is the project site p~esently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? I~Yes llano If yes, explain 14. Does the present sit~nclude scenic views known to be important to the community? ~lYes [~1o 1S. Streams within or contiguous to project area: /v'~/~_~ a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name t b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by-~xisting p.ublic utilities? I-lYes ~No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? [Yes []No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? E3Yes I~No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural~strict certified pursuant to AgricuIture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 2.047 I-Wes E3No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous,,.~ a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article of the ECL and 6 NYCRR 6177 I-lYes 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? I-lyes [~o B. Project Description ~¢~,~¢~h,~-/ P~ 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimension~ as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor b. P~oject acreage to be developed: /'~- acres initially; ' c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped '~)~ acres· - z_o,2~f~- d. Length of project, in miles: /V//~g (If appropriate) e. If the proiect is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed ~'//'~' f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing ; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One FamiJy Two Family Multiple Family Initially / Ultimately / i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure 2-~/~ height; _ ~ width; j. Linear feet of froptage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? acres. acres ultimately. Condominium ,~ length ft. 2. How much natural material (i.e.. rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from th~ site? A//4 tons/cu'l~, 3. '.'Viii disturbed areas be reclain [:]Yes rqNo ~/A a. If yes, for what intend~ purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? i--lYes [::]No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? [~Yes [:3No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? '~4~ acres. 5. Will any matureJ,~l;est (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? [:]Yes [~No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 c. ^pproximate completion date of final phase d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? 8. Will blasting occur during construction? I-lYes (~o 9. Number of iohs generated: during construction 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? months, (including demolition). month year, (including demolition). month year. I-lyes [:]No ; after proiect is complete ~ f-JYes ~o If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? i-lYes a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? E~es [:]No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? r-lYes Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? [:]Yes 16. Will the project generate solid waste? I~es I-INo a. If yes, what is the amount per month J~/~)/Z~?/~r~- b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? [zr'Yes ~lNo c. If yes, give name ~r~ ~/ ~0~7~,~'/ ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Yes, explain rqYes 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? [~fes [~No a If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? /~/~',,~/~-~ b. Ii: yes, what is the anticipated site llfe? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? OYes [~o 19. will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? [-Wes 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? l-lYes [~o If yes , indicate type(s) [~Yes 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity ~4/~"~ gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? (~]Yes If Yes, explain Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board ~]'Yes ONo City, Town, Village Planning Board I~Yes I-INo City, Town Zoning Board []y~ r~No City, County Health Department L~Yes ONo Other Local Agencies OYes [-1No Other Regional Agencies OYes ~lNo State Agencies OYes I'-INo Federal Agencies I~Yes ~lNo Submittal Date C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? [~Yes [~No If Yes/indicate decision required: tg'zoning amendment ~lzoning variance I-Ispecial use permit Iqsubdivision I~site plan ~lnew/revision of master plan Oresource management plan I-Iother 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? ~-~'-' 3. What is the maximum potential development of th.e site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? ~----- 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? [~es 7. What are the predominant land useCs) and .zoning classifications within a ¼ mile radius of proposed action? 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a '/~ mile~ [~es [~N, 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? /"J/~- a. What is the minimum tot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? I-iYes 11 Will the proposed actio/o create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police fire protection)? [~?es ~lNo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? [~es I~No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ~lYes . a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? r~Yes ONo. D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may he needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any advers impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate e avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. AppbcantJSponsor~3'4~m,e p/~/~-~j~'/',x~~ I /'~00/~ Oate~/~'// ~; Ii the aclion is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessmen/ Form belore proceedin wilh Ibis assessment_ 5 April 10, 1999 Southold Town Board Honorable Jean Cochran, Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Supervisor Stacy and Michael Sheppard Change of Zone LI Eo R-40 SCTM~ 1000-115-9-5_1 New Suffolk Ave & Airway I}r~ve Dear Supervisor and Board members: I Parker J. Wickham in~end to transfer Title to my daughter Stacy and son-in-law, Michael Shappard uhe above referenced properuy for them to build their home. I consent to the Peuiuion and support Ehem in their request to change the zoning of uhis property from Industrial (LI) to residential (r-40} . Very ~uly y~rs, Parker d. Wickham Swor~ to me this \}P~f April 1999. Nouary Public APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Parker J Wickham YOUR NAME: (Lash name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply. ) Tax Grievance Variance Change of zone X Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other (If "Other," name the activity.) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. 'Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the to~ officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of tile shares. NO X If you answered "YES," complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated, Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The parent, A) town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, or child is (check all that apply): the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicast: or __D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSIIIP P~ker J. Wickham Print name APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORH The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Stacy and Michael Sheppard YOUR NAME: (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the ocher person's or company's name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply. ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other (If "Other," name the activity.) Ds you persosally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relatioushlp" includes by blood, mar£1age, or business interest. "~usiness interest" means a business, including a partnership, is Yhich the town officer er employee has even a partial o~nership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee o~ns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO X If you answered "YES," complete the balance of this form and date and si~n where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check tile appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in tile space provided. The town parent, officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, or child is (check all that apply): the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); __.B) the legal or beneficial owner of aoy interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __.C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of tile applicant; or __.D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSIIIP Submitted this /;k day of S~t~-199~ Print name Stacy and Michael Sheppard TOWN 8OARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of Stacy and Michael Sheppard to the Town Board of the Town of Sou[hold. TO; Neighbor NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of $ourhold to requesta Change of Zone from Light Industrial to Residential (r-40) 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adiacent to your property and is des- cribed~s follows: 1.2 acres~ corner lot at New Suffolk Avenue and Airway Drive 3. That [he property which is the subject of such Petition is Iota[ecl in the following zoning district: LI- Light Industrial 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: Re~iden:ial (4-40) 5. ]'hat within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in !.he Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk 'lqmes or in the Long Island Traveler-Martituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Aoril 10, 1999 Dated: Stacy and Michael Sheppard Petitioner By Patricia C. Moore Esq. Post Office Address: 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ~' .... "t,-- '~,';-"~'J~ '"t1:~'~516)765-4330 PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE NAME ADDRESS see attached list STATE OF NEW YORK : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS.; ~TI ~; ~ ,bein~dulysworn, deposes and says that on the~day of ~ ,19 ~ , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereo[, directed to each og the abov..-named persons a: the addresses set opposite their respective names; thaE the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are ~he addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- ren[ assessmen: roll of [he Town o[ 5ou~hold; that said Notices were mailed a~ ~he United States Post Or,ce at ~91d ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certi~ed) ~ mail_ Sworn to me this 7~ 7~ Notary Public Ik~ FMMM, ~ M New YMt[ Map # 123-1-2 115-9-4 115-3-23.1 115-9-5.2 115-9-5.1 115-9-6.5 115-9-7 115-10-1 115-9-13 115-3-30.1 115-3-19 115-3-31.1 115-3-27 115-3-28 115-4-9.1 115-4-9.2 115-4-11 115-4-34.1 115-4-33.5 Client Name Parker J. Wickham Susan Norris Town of Southold Mr & Mrs Harvey Bagshaw Parker J. Wickham & Ano Edith Wickham Parker J. Wickham Elmer D. Ruland Jr C.H. Wickham c/o J. Parker Wickham Robin E. Wickham Charles Cuddy Bret L. & Susan Hedges Robert S. Barker Jr Charles Cacioppo Paul S. & Theresa Mileska Antone E. Mileska Nancy Sacks Edwards & Bonnie Gall Adams Thomas J. & Elizabeth R. Williams Address PO box 1312 PO Box 66 Deephole Dr PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 164 PO Box 1312 Box 520 New Suffolk Ave Marratooka Lane 795 Fort Salonga Rd New Suffolk Ave Box 1288 Maratooka Lane 1455 Maratooka Lane Box 1144 Maratooka Lane Box 700 New Suffolk Ave Box 622 New Suffolk Ave PO Box 879 Tov~rll Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck North Port Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck State Zip 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11768 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS IViARRL&GE OFFICER RECORDS I~L~NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOR~TION OFFICER Town Ha]l, 53095 Main Road P.O- Box 1179 Sou£hold, New York 11971 Fmx (516) 765-6145 Te|ephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 3, 1999 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold. New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is a proposed Change of Zone Application No. 314 of Stacy A. ~, Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone, as presented at Southold the Town Board's April 28, 1999 meeting. Please prepare an official report recommendations with regard to this forward same to me. Thank you- defining the Planning Board's proposed change of zone and Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Attachments RECEIVED API 1999 PATRICIA C. MOORE 51020 Man Road Soulhold. Nc~,~ York 11971 Tel: (5161 765-4330 Fitx: (516 } 765-4643 Margare£ Rutko~$ki Secretary April 12, 1999 Southold Town Board Honorable Jean Cochran, Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Supervisor Snacy and Michael Sheppard Change of Zone LI to R-40 SCTM~ 1000-115-9-5.1 New Suffolk Ave & Airway Drive Deaf Supervmsor and Board members: Stacy and Michael Sheppard wish to construct a single family residence on the above referenced property presently owned by Stacy Shepard's father, Parker J. Wickham & Another The property is to be conveyed to Stacy and Michael Sheppard however a residence is non a permitted use in the LI zone. Enclosed please find three copies of the following: 1. Petinion for Change of Zone 2. List of all property owners within 500 feet of the subject, properny. 3. A survey of the subject property prepared by John C. Ehlers dated 12-10-98. 4. A change of zone map showing all existing buildings within 200 feen of the boundary of Ehe subjecn parcel. If there is anything hesitate to contact me. else you need please do not Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore cc: S~acy amd Michael Sheppard ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999: WHEREAS, a petition has been received from Stacy A. g, Michael J_ Sheppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-LI0) on certain property located on the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she bereby is authorized and directed to transmit this the Suffolk County Department reports, all in accordance with County Charter. petition to tbe Southold Town Planning Board and of Planning for their recommendations and tbe Soutbold Town Code and the Suffolk A. Neville Southold Town Clerk April 28. 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOfLMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fa~ (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1600 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby commences the Lead Agency Coordination process with regard to the State Environmental Review Act in the matter of the petition of Stacy A. E Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial District ILl) to Residential Low Density District (R-q0) on the corner of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York. SCTM#1000-115-9-5.1. Consisting of approximately 1.2 acres. Southold Town Clerk April 28. 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTR.~ OF VITAL STATISTICS NL~R. RIAG E OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (51_6) 765-1_800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999: WHEREAS, Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard have proposed a change in zone for the property identified as Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-115-9-5.1 consisting of approximately 1.2 acres on the comer of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York; and WHEREAS, the proposed change of zone is from Light Industrial (LI) to a Residential Low Density District (R-40); therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds this to be an UNLISTED Action pursuant to SEQRA and the Rules and Regulations set forth in NYCRR 617 et seq. Southold Town Clerk April 28. 1999 PETITION NO. ~.'.'.'.~//"? STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOLITHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Stacy and Michael Sheppard FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ' ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PETITION ZONE TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. ~ Stacv & Minhn~] ~h~n~4 . residing at 2800 Youn~s Ave Southo]d My [1971 Petition&r' Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at 3420 New Suffolk Ave, Mattituck and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-115-9-5.1 Attached survey dated 12-10-98 Prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor 2. I do hereby petition the Town Beard of the Town af Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, including the I~uildinsi Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Corner of New Suffolk Ave and Airway Dr - from L.I. Light Industrial to R-40 Such request is made for the following reasons: My father Jay P. Wickham has owned this lot since 1971 and my grandfather o~med this lot before him. We wish to build our home on this one acre (1.2) parcel. The zoning prohibits residential use in L.I. zoning use district. My family has grown up around the airbase - and I have no reservations about living by the airbase. The surrounding properties are residential and our house will fit into the character of the area. II Sigft~ture (_.] ' STATE OF NE~Y YORK}ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ~.~-~ ~ /~/ZC~'~-EL $/~EF~'~). BEING DULY SWORN. deposes and says that he is the petition in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this / '7 day of Notary Public · Notary Pul)lie, 6tats of New Yo~l( Suffolk County - No. 4861668 Map # 123-1-2 115-9-4 115-3-23.l 115-9-5.2 115-9-5.1 115-9-6.5 115-9-7 115-10-1 115-9-13 115-3-30.1 115-3-19 115-3-31.1 115 -3-27 115-3-28 115-4-9.1 115-4-9.2 115-4-11 115-4-34.1 115-4-33.5 Client Nme Parker J. Wickham Susan Norris Town of Southold Mr & Mrs Harvey Bagshaw Parker 3 Wickham &/mo Edith Wickham Parker J. Wickham Elmer D. Ruland Jr C.H. Wickham e..Jo J. Parker Wickharn Robin E. Wickham Charles Cuddy Bret L. & Susan Hedges Robert S Barker Jr Charles Cacioppo Paul S. & Theresa l~leska Antone E. Mileska Nancy Sacks Edwards & Bonnie Gall Adams Thomas J. & Elizabeth R. Williams Address PObox 1312 PO Box 66 Deephole Dr PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 164 PO Box 1312 Box 520 New Suffolk Ave Marratooka Lane 795 Fort Salonga Rd New Suffolk Ave Box 1288 Maratooka Lane 1455 Maratooka Lane Box 1144 Maratooka Lane Box 700 New Suffolk Ave Box 622 New Suffolk Ave PO Box 879 Towll Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck North Port Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck State NY NY NY NY NY NY Zip 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11768 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 April 10, 1999 Southold Town Board Honorable Jean Cochran, Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Supervisor Stacy and Michael Sheppard Change of Zone LI to R-40 SCTM# 1000-115-9-5.1 New Suffolk Ave & Airway Drzve Dear Supervisor and Board members: I Parker J. Wickham intend to Eransfer Eitle Eo my daughter Stacy and son-in-law, Michael Shappard the above referenced property for them to build their home. I consent to the Petition and support them in their request to change the zoning of this property from Industrial (LI) to residen5ial (r-40) . Very t~uly y~rs, Parker J. Wickham Swor~, to me this \{}?%f April 1999. Notary Public 1-;-16-2 (2/87)-- ?c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a proiecl or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- [y, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determin~ significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically e)cpert in environmenta: analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affectin[ the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determinatior process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action Full EAF Components: The full E^F is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides obiective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic projec data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provide guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered sma[[ to moderate or whether it is a potentia]l~ large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not th, impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE--Type I and Unlisted Actions Identity the Portions of EAF completed for this project: [] Part 1 [] Part 2 [-IPart 3 Upon review of the information ~'ecorded on this EAF (Parts I and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. [] B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* [] C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency/ Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) Date PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significar, on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be cons. as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addit, information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full FAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invol new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and speo each instance. NAME OF ACTION LOCATION OF ACTION (Include S[reet Address, Munlclpallly and C~unty) , H BUSINESS ~LEPHONE CITY/PO STATE I ZIP CODE ADDRESS ~,/.~//O//~:~Z.~ ~/~ IBUSINESS TELEPHONE( ) CITY/PO STATE I ZIP CODE DESCRIFTION OF ACTION Please Complete Each Question--Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and u~developed areas. 1. Present land use: [:]Urban I-Ilndustrial [~(:ommercial II'residential (suburban) [~Rural (non-f~ [:]Forest [:]Agriculture I-iOther 2. Total acreage of project area: / ~- acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETIOI Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) acres acr( Forested acres acu Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acr~ Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) acres acr, Water Surface Area acres acr, Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres act, Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces acres act Other (indicate type) Vc2.~/~ ~ 11/0C~O~ /Ct/c- /..2. acres ' ~' acr, 3 What is predominant soil/type(s) on proiect site? a'. Soil drainage: E~'Well drained /0~ % of ~ite [:]Moderately well drained % of site I-IPoorly drained % of site b. if any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the Land Classification System? acres. (See I NYCRR370~. 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project sitei' [:]Yes [~No a. What is depth 40 bedrock? (in feet) 2 Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: [~10% /'~'o % 1~10-15% [~15% or greater 6. Is project substantial[y contiguous to, or con~ain a buS[ding, site, or district, [isted on the State or the Nationa Registers of Historic Places? DYes [~f,~o 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? E]Yes 8. What is the depth of the water table? (in feet) .~'-~'.~/- Z,,~/,- ,-uo* 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? I~Yes ONo 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ~lYes 11. Does project site co, gin any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered According to Identify each species 12. Are there any uniqu,,e/or unusual land forms on the proiect site/ (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formation_~ C1Yes[~o Describe 13. Is the project site pffesentiy used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area I~Yes [~No If yes. explain 14. Does the present sit/~¥nclude scenic views known to be important to the community? [~Yes [~'No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to proiect area: a. Name I b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by~xisting p_ublic utilities? r-lyes ~No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? DYes I~No b) If Yes. will improvements be necessary to allow connection? I-lYes /~No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural~strict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law. Article 25-A/ Section 303 and 304? I~Yes L3No 19. [s the site located in or substantially contiguous,J.e a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article of the ECL. and 6 NYCRR 6177 D--lYes E~'No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? I~Yes [~o I Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor b d. f. g h. Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure 2.-59 height; ~' width; j. Linear feet of fro?age along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? Project acreage to be developed: /',~-- acres initially; Project acreage to remain undeveloped 'D~- acres. - Length of project, in miles: /~/'~ (If appropriate) If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed Number of off-street parking spaces existing ; proposed Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family acres ultimately. (upon completion of project)~ Multiple Family Condominium ~ length. ft. 3 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? A//,~ tons/cul~', 3. Will disturbed areas be recla med? [~Yes I~No a. If yes, for what intend~c: purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? I~Yes I-]No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? I-lYes I~No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? "~ acres. 5. Will any mature,,,l~est (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? E)Yes 6. If single phase project: Anticipated per!od of construction /Z- months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase I month c. Approximate completion date of final phase month d. Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? I-lYes I~No g. Will blasting occur during construction? I-lYes 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction /O ; after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ~lYes ~o If yes, explain year, (including demolition). year. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? I-lYes [~I~o a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? C~es ~]No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? ~]Yes 16. Will the project generate solid waste? I~es I~No a. If yes, what is the amount per month ~i/~/~'~.t-ef~- b. If yes. will an existing solid waste facility be used? []~Yes ~lNo c. If yes, give name 7~/,~r~ O/~ ~O(,~Y~O.~ ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Yes, explain OYes [~o I~Yes 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? (~es ~lNo a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ~f-~/~'~//~-~ b. I~ yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? I~Yes 19. Will proiect routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? I-lYes [~o 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambi~ise levels? I~Yes 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? I-lYes I~No If yes , indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity ~'~'~/~'~//~ gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day ~-~'7~-~gallonslday. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal fundingi' I-lyes If Yes, explain Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board ~'Yes [:]No City, Town, Village Planning Board FIYes [=]No City, Town Zoning Board I-Iye~ I-INo City, County Health Department L~¥es I~No Other Local Agencies fqYes [:]No Other Regional Agencies ~lYes I~No State Agencies [:]Yes [qNo Federal Agencies I~Yes r-INo Type Submittal Date C. Zoning and Planning Information l. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? [~Yes I~No It Ye~indicate decision required: Jg'zoning amendment Fqzoning variance I-Ispecial use permit [qsubdivision [~site plan [~new/revision of master plan I~resource management plan r~other 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? L~' 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? ~------ I~'O 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? E~es 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and .zoning classifications within a ~A mile radius of proposed action? 8 Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a % mile? 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed~ a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? I-lYes 11. Will the proposed actio~create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, polic fire protection)? [~'es i--INo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ~es [~No 12 WilI the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ~lYes . a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ~lYes I-INo . D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your proiect. If there are or may be any adver impacts associated with your proposal, please d~scuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate · avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. II Ihe action is in Ihe Coastal Area, and you are a slale agency, complele lhe Coastal Assessment Form before proceedi~ wilh Ibis assessment. 5 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK I~.EGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS I~L~_RRIAG E OFFICER RECORDS ~C~,NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 1197[ Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1600 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 3, 1999 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Half Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is a proposed Change of Zone Application No. 31~ of Stacy A. £ Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone, as presented at Southold the Town Board's April 28, 1999 meeting. Please prepare an official report defining the Planning Board's recommendations with regard to this proposed change of zone and forward same to me- Thank you. Very truly yours, $outhold Town Clerk Attachments ELIZABETH A- NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTB. AR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town H/dj, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOVCN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TIlE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999: WHEREAS. a petition has been received from Stacy A- £ Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-~0) on certain property located on the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this petition to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations and reports, all in accordance with the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk County Charter. ~h' ~.~~Neville Southold Town Clerk April 28, 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF V~TAL STATIST[CS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28. 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby commences the Lead Agency Coordination process with regard to the State Environmental Review Act in the matter of the petition of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-q0) on the corner of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York. SCTM#1000-115-9-5.1. Consisting of approximately 1.2 acres. Southold Town Clerk April 28, 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MAR RI~GE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999: WHEREAS, Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard have proposed a change in zone for the property identified as Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-115-9-5.1 consisting of approximately 1.2 acres on the comer of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York; and WHEREAS, the proposed change of zone is from Light Industrial (LI) to a Residential Low Density District (R-40); therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds this to be an UNLISTED Action pursuant to SEQRA and the Rules and Regulations set forth in NYCRR 617 et seq. Southold Town Clerk April 28. 1999 PETITION NO. PETITION STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN TNE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Stacy and Michael Sheppard FOR A CHANGE. MODIFICATION OR ANtENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ' ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ZONE TO THE TOWN BOARD QF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: ~ Stacv & Michn~] Rh~ .... A , residing at 2800 YounRs Ave Southold Nv 11971 1. Petition~ Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at 3420 New Suffolk Ave, blattituck and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-115-9-5. 1 Attached survey dated 12-10-98 Prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Corner of New Suffolk Ave and Airway Dr - from L.I. Light Industrial to R-40 L~O02 Such request is made for the following reasons: My father Jay P. Wickham has owned this lot since 197] and my grandfather owned this lot before him. We wish to build our home on this one acre (1.2) parcel. The zoning prohibits residential use in L.I. zoning use district. My family has grown up around the airbase - and I have no reservations about living by the airbase. The surrounding properties are residential and our house will fit into the character of the area. I I Signature ~J STATE OF NEW YORK}ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ~z2~x/~ ~/ ~/~--//~-E~- $~E~,~O, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petition in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. ~ II Si~n~t~Jre ~ ~ 7r - Sworn to before me this / 7 day of /f~(~.~ Notary Public PATRIClA r.. MOORE Notary Publk:, ~ of New Yerk Map # 123-l-2 115-9-4 115-3-23. ! 115-9-5.2 115-9-5.1 115-9-6 5 115-9-7 115-10-1 115-9-13 115-3-30.1 115-3-19 115-3-31.1 115-3-27 115-3-28 115-4-9.1 115-4-9.2 115-4-11 115-4-34.1 115-4-33.5 Client Name Parker J. Wickham Susan Norris Town of Southold Mr & Mrs Harvey Bagshaw Parker I. Wickham & Ano Edith Wickham Parker J Wickham Elmer D. Ruland Ir C.H. Wickham c/o J Parker Wickham Robin E. Wickham Charles Cuddy Bret L & Susan Hedges Robert S. Barker Jr Charles Cacioppo Paul S. & Theresa Mileska Antone E. Mileska Nancy Sacks Edwards & Bonnie Gail Adams Thomas J. & Elizabeth R. Williams Address PO box 1312 PO Box 66 Deephole Dr PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 164 PO Box 1312 Box 520 New Suffolk Ave Marratooka L~ne 795 Fort Salonga Rd New Suffolk Ave Box 1288 Maratooka Lane 1455 Maratooka Lane Box 1144 Maratooka Lane Box 700 New Suffolk Ave Box 622 New Suffolk Ave PO Box 879 ToxYn Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck North Port Mattituck Mattituck Mattituek Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck State Zip 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11768 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 April 10, 1999 Southold Town Board Honorable Jean Cochran, Souuhold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Supervisor Stacy and Michael Sheppard Change of Zone LI to R-40 SCTM# 1000-115-9-5.1 New Suffolk Ave & Airway Drive Dear Supervisor and Board met~bers: I Parker J. Wickham intend to transfer title co my daughter Stacy and son-in-law, Michael Shappard the above referenced property for them uo build their home_ I consent to the Petitmon and support them in their request to change the zoning of this property from Industrial (LI) to residential (r-40) . Very t~uly Parker J. Wickham Swor~ to me this \l~f April 1999. Notary Public 14-16-2 f2/§7)-- 7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a projecl or action may be significant. The question of whether an action ma'/be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent Iy, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmenta: analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affectin~ the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determinatior process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides obiective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic projec data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes p[ace in Parts 2 and 5. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provide guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentiall~ large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not th, impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE--Type I and Unlisted Actions Idenlify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: [] Part 1 [] Part 2 []Part 3 Upon review of the information ~ecorded on this EAF (Parts I and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which wiil not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. [] B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* [] C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(It different from responsible officer) Date PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Spons~,. NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significan on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E- Answers to these questions will be cons, as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addib information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invol new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and spec, each instance NAME OF ACTION ~/,~ ~j~/~ ¢~ ~ ~- LOCATION OF ACTION {Include Streel Address, Munl¢lpallly and Counl¥) , · I EUSINESS TELEPHONE CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE ADDRESS .~-/.L~p/~:~.~L// EUSINESS( ) TELEPHONE CITY/PO STATE I ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description ~ Zoo- ~g ~'~c~,~- Physical setting of overall project, both developed and u~developed areas. 1. Present land use: ~]Urban i-Ilndustrial B;}Commercial [~Residential (suburban) E~Rural (non-f~ 2. Total acreage of project area: /, ~' acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETIOI Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) acres acr~ Forested acres act( Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres ' acr~ Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) acres act, Water Surface Area acres acr, Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres acr, Roads. buildings and other paved surfaces acres act, Other (Indicate type) Vcl. g~/~' I /~'OC~'C-/ ,Jg/c- /" ~ acres ' ~' acr. 3. What is predominant soilj,t,ype(s) on project site~ a'. Soil drainage: P'lWell drained /gY~ % of site E]Moderately well drained % of site ~lPoorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the Land Classification System~ acres. (See I NYCRR 370/J. 4 Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site{ I-lYes [~No a. What is depth to bedrocki' (in feet) 2 Approximate percentage of pronosed project site with slopes: [~-10% ,/oo % ~110-15% . [315% c 'eater 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or con. in a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the Nationa Registers of Historic Places~ C'lYes 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? [3Yes 8. What is the depth of the water table? (in feet) ~-~/~ .ha/r ,~,~ 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? I~Yes ~]No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the proiect area~ OYes 11. Does project site co~ain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered [:]Yes[~Io According to Identify each species 12 Are there any uniqu...e/-or unusual land forms on the project site~ (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formation~ f-lYes[;~'~1o Describe 13. Is the project site p/Fesently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area [~Yes []~'No If yes, explain 14. Does the present sit~nciude scenic views known to be important to the community~' OYes 15 Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: /vo~- a. Name / b. Size (In acres) 17 Is the site served by~xisting p_ublic utilities? I~Yes [~No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connectiom' [~Yes L-]No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? []Yes C1No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural~Kstrict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-A/ Section 303 and 304? C]Yes 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous..~,Ja a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 ~Yes 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ~lYes B. Project Description A?~..e,~'~,~/~,~' ~'.s~ 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor O b. P~oject acreage to be developed: /'~--- acres initially; ' -~ c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped '-~ acres. - Z..o~c,~z' d. Length of project, in miles: /V//'~ (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed '~'/'~ %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing ; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)~' h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Initially / Ultimately i Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure ~-$~'~ .height; ~/~' width; j. Linear feet of fro?age along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? acres ultimately· Condominium '4zr'/z length. ft. 3 · 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? ,4//,4 _ tons/cu~', 3. Will disturbed areas be recl~ d? [Yes ~]No a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? I--lYes ~]No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? []Yes I-INo 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? '~" acres. 5. Will any mature~:~est (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this proiect? I-lYes [~'No 6. If single phase proiect: Anticipated per(od of construction /~-- months, (including demolition)· 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase I month c. Approximate completion date of final phase month. d. Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? I~Yes f~No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? []Yes 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction /~ ; after proiect is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilitiesl ~lyes I~o If yes, explain year, (including demolition). year. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ~¥es a. If '/es, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? [~es [No Type 14. Will surface area of an e~isting water body increase or decrease by proposal? [xp]ain 15. Is project or any portion of proiect located in a 100 year flood plain? [Yes 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ~es [No a. If yes, what is the amount per month b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? I~Yes c. If yes, give name 7~r~ o/~ ~0~O,~ ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Yes, explain I-lYes 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? [~es I-1No a If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ~f~//~ ~ b. I~ yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. lg. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? E~Yes 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? ~Yes 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding, the local ambien~ise levels? ~]Yes 21 Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~Yes [~No If yes , indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity '~'~'~/~',~ gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day ~--~.~,-~gallons/da¥. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal fundingi' i-lYes If Yes, explain 4 Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board l~'Yes C]No City, Town, Village Planning Board [Yes [No City, Town Zoning Board lYes [~No City, County Health Department t~¥es ~]No Other Local Agencies [Yes [No Other Regional Agencies I--lYes State Agencies E]Yes I~No Federal Agencies [Yes I-INo £ype Submittal Date C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? D~/Yes I-JNo If Yes, indicate decision required: [~ning amendment []zoning variance Ospecial use permit I-Isubdivision [site plan [~new/revision of master plan ~resource management plan ~other 2. What is the zoning classification(s~f the site? L~- 3. What is the maximum potential.__~__development of the site if developed a~ permitted by the present zoning? 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? ~--~O 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? ~s 7. What are the predominant land u~e{s) and {oning classifications within a % mile radius of proposed action~ 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoinin~surrounding land uses within a % mile? 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districff? ~Yes 11. Will the proposed acrid-create a demand for any communi~ provided se~ices (recreation, education, polio fire protection)~ ~es a If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ~s ~No 12 Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ~Yes . a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ~Yes ~No. D. Informational Details Attach any additionaJ information as may he needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adver impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate avoid them. E. Verification ! certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. ^pplicanUSponso~L~b~,e P~/J O- Y'~OOY'~- DatJ/~y/ ~7 If Ihe action is in Ihe Coastal Area, and you are a slale agency, compmele the Coaslal Assessmenl Form before proceedi~ wilh Ihis assessment. § ELIZABETH A- NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS M.%qR~AGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town/Call, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 3, 1999 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is a proposed Change of Zone Application No. 31q of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone, as presented at 5outhold the Town Board's April 28, 1999 meeting. Please prepare an official report defining the Planning Board's recommendations with regard to this proposed change of zone and forward same to me. Thank you_ Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Attachments ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS i~t, YRRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MLANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER [4? Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOV~XT OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A RFGULAR MEFTINC OF THF SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999: WHEREAS, a petition has been received from Stacy A. £ Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-40) on certain property located on the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this petition to the Southold Town Planning the Suffolk County Department reports, all in accordance with County Charter. Board and of Planning for their recommendations and the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk ~Elizabeth~ .~ Southold Town Clerk April 28, 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF [NFOI~q~X_TION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O- Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (§ 16) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby commences the Lead Agency Coordination process with regard to the State Environmental Review Act in the matter of the petition of Stacy A. Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-40) on the corner of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York. SCTM#1000-115-9-5-1. Consisting of approximately 1.2 acres. Southold Town Clerk April 28, 1999 ELIZABETH A- NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS l~L~4AGEMENT OFFICER NREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo[d, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF TIlE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON APRIL 28. 1999: WHEREAS, Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard have proposed a change in zone for the property identified as Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-115-9-5.1 consisting of approximately 1.2 acres on the comer of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York; and WHEREAS, the proposed change of zone is from Light Industrial (LI) to a Residential Low Density District (R-40); therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds this to be an UNLISTED Action pursuant to SEQRA and the Rules and Regulations set forth in NYCRR 617 et seq. Southold Town Clerk April 28. 1999 PETITION NO. PETITION STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Stacy and Michael Sheppard FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AJ~ENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ' ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ZONE TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. ~ Stacv & Michael RhmnnmT~ , residing at 2800 Youngs Ave South~]d Nv 11971 Petition~ Suffolk County. New York. the undersigned, am t. he owner of certain rea[ property situated at 3420 New Suffolk Ave, Mattituck and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-115-9-5. I Attached survey dated 12-10-98 Prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of 5outhold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of 5outhold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Corner of New Suffolk Ave and Airway Dr - from L.I. Light Industrial to R-40 .'?,'0~l '9§ ~'ED 15:21 FAX 516 768 "':15 SOI_ITHOLD CLERK Such request is made for the following reasons: My father Jay P. Wickham has owned this lot since 197i and my grandfather owned this lot before him. We ~ish to build our home on this one acre (1.2) parcel. The zoning prohibits residential use in L.I. zoning use district. My family has grown up around the airbase - and I have no reservations about living by the airbase. The surrounding properties are residential and oar house will fit into the character of the area. II Signature ~ STATE OF NEW YORK]ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK} ~z~d~/~ ~' /7?/C//~]-~-L. S//EF~,~), BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petition in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to he alleged on information and belief, and that as to these matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this Notary Public PATRIClA C. MOORE Nota~ Pul)lie, b"tete of New Yofl[ Suffolk County - No. 4861668 Commmi~ ~ June 16, ~..~oo Map # 123-1-2 115-9-4 115-3-23.1 115-9-5 2 115-9-5.1 115-9-6.5 115-9-7 115-10-1 115-9-13 115-3-30.1 115-3-19 115-3-31.l 115-3-27 115-3-28 115-4-9 1 115-4-9.2 115-4-11 115-4-34.1 115-4-33.5 Client Name Parker I. Wickham Susan Norris Town of Southold Mr & Mrs Harvey Bagshaw Parker J. Wickham & Ano Edith Wickham Parker J. Wickham Elmer D. Ruland Jr C.H. Wickham c/o J. Parker Wickham Robin E Wickham Charles Cuddy Bret L. & Susan Hedges Robert S. Barker Jr Charles Cacioppo Paul S. & Theresa M~leska Antone E. Mileska Nancy Sacks Edwards & Bonnie Gall Adams Thomas J. & Elizabeth R. Williams Address PO box 1312 PO Box 66 Deephole Dr PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 1312 PO Box 164 PO Box 1312 Box 520 New Suffolk Ave Marratooka Lane 795 Fort Salonga Rd New Suffolk Ave Box 1288 Maratooka Lane 1455 Maratooka Lane Box 1144 Maratooka Lane Box 700 New Suffolk Ave Box 622 New Suffolk Ave PO Box 879 Towll Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattimck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck North Port Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck State Zip 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11768 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 11952 April 10, 1999 Southold Town Board Honorable Jean Cochran, Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Supervisor Stacy and Michael Sheppard Change of Zone LI to R-40 SCTM# 1000-115-9-5.1 New Suffolk Ave & Airway Drive Dear Supervisor and Board members: I Parker J. Wlckham intend to transfer title Eo m}r daughter Stacy and son-in-law, Michael Shappard the above referenced property for them ~o build their home_ I consent to the Petition and support them in their request to change the zoning of this property from Industrial (LI) to residential (r-40) . Vel-c~/~t uly y rs, Parker J. Wickham SworD to me [his _~f April 1999. Notary Public 14-16-2 (2/87)-- 7c 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a projecl or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmentar analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affectin~ the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determinatior process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic projec data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and .T. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or actio'n. It provide guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentiall~ large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not th, impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE--Type I and Unlisted Actions Identify Ihe Portions of EAF completed for this project: I-] Part I [] Part 2 []Part 3 Upon review of the information ~'ecorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s} and, therefore, is one which will no/ have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. [] B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' F1 C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared· * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) Date PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponso, NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significan on the environment. Please complete the enti~e form, Parts ^ through E. Answers to these questions will be cons, as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addit, information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invol new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and spec' each instance. NAME OF ACTION LOCATION OF ACTION Include Slree! Address, Munlclpallly and COunly) , BUSINES~ TELEPHONE STATE zrP CODE C,T'. O o/c/ //? 7 / NAME OF OWNER (lf dlHeren[) ~,~_~ ~'/TC-/ bllch~'l BUSINESS TELEPHONE( ) ADDRESS STATE I ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Please Complete Each Quesfion-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: I-IUrban l-Ilndustrial [~ommercial ~esidential (suburban) I-IRural (non-f~ 2. Total acreage of project area: / ~- acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETIOI ,Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricuJturall acres acr~ Fores ted acres acr~ Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres " acr~ Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) acres acr, Water Surface Area acres acr, Unve§etated (Rock, earth or fill) acres act, buildings and other paved acres acr, C;de'~'/R°ads'---- JC~/c- /' '?' acres ' ~ act, Other (Indicate type) 3. What is predominant soi~pe(s) on project site? a'. Soil drainage: F'IWell drained /~' % of ~ite C1Moderately well drained % of site ClPoorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the Land Classification System? acres. (See I NYCRR 370~. 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? I-lYes E~No a. What is depth to bedrock? (in feet) 2 ,~pproximate percentage of proposed proiect site with slopes: I~'~-10% /'~'o % E]10-15% _ _ [~15% or ater % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the Nationa Registers of Historic Places? f-lYes 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? [Yes 8. What is the depth of the water table? (in feet) ~-~-#- h~/~- ,~,~ 9 Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? [Yes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? [Yes ~'~o 11. Does project site co~ain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered ~]Yes~]'f~ o According to Identify each species 12. Are there any uniqu,.~or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formation_~ [~Yes[~o Describe 13. Is the project site p/r, esently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area [Yes []~'No If yes, explain 14. Does the present sit~nclude scenic views known to be important to the commun [~Yes 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: /v'~/~. a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or cohtiguous to project area: a. Name I b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by~xisting p_ublic utilities? [~Yes ~No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? I--lYes D1No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection~ [~Yes [~No 18. Is the site located in an agricultura~z~strict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-A/ Section 303 and 304? I-JYes F']No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguoos/t~ a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article t of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617;' ~lYes 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes;' [Yes []~/o B. Project Description ,~w~,~/~,~h,~/ ~-~ 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor b. Proiect acreage to be developed: /'~- acres initially; ' ~- c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped '~' acres. -Lo~ d. Length of project, in miles: /V//~ (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed ~/'~ %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing ; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Initially / Ultimately i, Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure ~-5~ .height; ~ width; j. Linear feet of fro?age alon~ a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? acres ultimately. Condominium ~ length. ft. 2. How much natural material [i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? _ /~//~ tons/cu~', 3. Will disturbed areas be reclai J? [~]Yes [:]No ~/A a. If yes, for what intend~C purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? [~Yes /-1No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ~lyes C]No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? '~ acres. 5 Will any maturej, efest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this proiect? E3Yes 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction /~'-- months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase I month c. Approximate completion date of final phase month . d. Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? I-JYes [~No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? E]Yes ~o 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction /c~ ; after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? [~Yes [~o If yes, explain year, (including demolition) year. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? F'lYes [~o a. If yes, indicate type of waste {sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? [~es ~]No Type 14 Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decre'ase by proposal? ExpLain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? [~Yes 16. Will the project generate solid waste? [~es a. If yes, what is the amount per month b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? [~es ~]No c. If yes, give name 7~r~ O½ ~O(X~O,~2/ ; location d. Will any wastes no! go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Yes, explain C]Yes [~o I-lYes 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ~es C]No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? ~-~'~,~7~'~/~~a ~ b. 17 yes, what is the anticipated site life? years 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? I-lYes ~No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? ~Yes 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambien~ise levels? [~]Yes 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~Yes ~No If ~es , indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity '~'~/'~'/.~.~ gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day ~,~lr-~gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal fundingi' I-lYes If Yes, explain _~. Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board '~'Yes E]No City, Town, Village Planning Board ~lYes I'-lNo City, Town Zoning Board I~Ye~ [-INo City, County Health Department L~es [~No Other Local Agencies f-lYes E]No Other Regional Agencies I-Wes I~No State Agencies I--lYes I-INo Federal Agencies [:3Yes I-1No 'pe Submittal Dale C. Zoning and Planning information '1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision?DJ'Yes If Yes/~indicate decision required: ~:~zoning amendment ~lzoning variance ~lspecial use permit I~subdivision [:]site plan [:]new/revision of master plan C]resource management plan Clother 2- What is the zoning classification(sJof the site? L_~'- 3. What is the maximum potential development of th.e site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? ~--ti'C) 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? ~es 7 What are the predominant land use(s} and zoning classifications within a ¼ mile radius of proposed action? 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a ¼ mile? [~es 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many Jots are proposed? a What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10 Will proposed action require any authorization(s} for the formation of sewer or water district~? C)Yes 11. Will the proposed actio~-'create a demand for any community provided settees (recreation, education, polic fire protection)? [~Yes CINo a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle proiected demand? [~es [~]No 12 Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? [::]Yes . a. If yes. is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? [:]Yes [:]No · D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adver impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate · avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. If Ihe action is in Ihe Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, eomplele Ibe Coastal Assessment Form before proeeedb wilh Ibis assessmenl. Lead Agency Coordinator Request The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6NYCRR part 617 of the following: 1. your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3- issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the application and a complete Long Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: Stacy A. £ Michael J. Sheppard Requested Action: Petition for a change of zone from Light Industrial District (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-~0) on certain property located on the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and west side of Airway Drive. Mattituck. New York SCTM # 1000-115-9.5.1. SEQR Classification: Unlisted Action Contact Person: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (ELIS) on this project. If you have an interest in being lead agency, please contact this office immediately. If no response is received from you within 30 days of the date of this letter, it will be assumed that your agency has no interest in being lead agency. page 2 Agency Position: The Southold Town Board wishes to assume lead status for this action. Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, agency Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Attachments Copies of this request and all attachments to the following: Commissioner Cahill, NYS-DEC, Albany Robert Greene, NYS-DEC, Stony Brook Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Building Department Suffolk County Department of Planning Suffolk County Department of Health Services Patricia C. Moore, Esq. for the applicants (without attachments) Town Clerk's Bulletin Board (without attachments) Suffolk County Water Authority 319198 SuffOlk County Planning Department Gerald Newman Don~t send referrals to him until after we get the recommendation from the Town Planning Board and set the date for the public hearing. '~ The law r'eads that they should both be sent at the same time, but Mr. Newman had an-'arangement with J~Jdy that she would not send them until after. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTI~R OF VITAL STATISTICS i%L-kRRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS M~M~AGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORAL-kTION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax ~516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JUNE 22. 1999: WHEREAS, Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard, by application dated April 14, 1999, petitioned the Town Board of the Iown of Southold for a change of zone on certain property located on the comer of the south side of New Suffolk Avenue and the west side of Airway Drive, Mattituck, New York, from Light Industrial Zone (LI) to Residential Low Density District (R-40); and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning have prepared official reports and recommendations on the aforesaid petition; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets the 5:00PM., July 6, 1999 Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the petition of Stacy A. & Michael J. Sheppard for a change of zone, at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official newspaper pursuant to the requirements of law. A. ' Neville Southold Town Clerk June 22, 1999