HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC-01/08/2025 i J � �o�OgUFFO�,�-cpG s� Carol Brown,Chairperson y Town Hall,53095 Route 25 Lauren Standish,Secretary 5 P.O.Box 1179 r 'Z` Southold,NY 11971 Telephone(631)765-1889 .IL Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town-of Southold MINUTES Wed., January 8, 2025 4:30 PM Conference Room and Zoom Online Platform A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., January 8, 2025 in the Town Hall Conference Room and via Zoom. Present were: Carol Brown, Chairperson Nanny May, Member Maggie Merrill, Member John Chandler, Member—Via Zoom Inga Van Eysden, Member-Via Zoom Brian Mealy, Town Board Liaison Lauren Standish, Secretary Guests: Anne Murray Mark Haubner—Via Zoom Andrew Manitt—Via Zoom Absent: Jocelyn Kaelin, Student Member Yan Albaladejo, Student Member Liz Gillooly, Trustee Liaison-Via Zoom CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Carol Brown called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Carol Brown announced the resignation of Shannon Wright. Her knowledge and contributions were immeasurable and she will be missed by all. 2 REPORTS John Chandler attended the Board of Trustees meeting held on Wed., December 18th and reported the meeting was business as usual. The application for a swimming pool submitted on behalf of 6370 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue was denied. UPDATES/OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS The Town Board adopted the updated Mission Statement of the CAC. Carol will attend the next work session of the Board of Trustees scheduled for January 13th to discuss plans for moving forward . There will also be a discussion regarding the need for a Trustee liaison at every meeting, or by request only by the CAC. The CAC will also decide if they will continue to attend the monthly Board of Trustee meetings and make statements on specific applications. CLIMATE SMART COMMUNITIES Guest speaker, Andrew Manitt assisted the CAC members with their questions on CSC actions items. We currently have 44 points and need 120 to get to bronze status. They need at least three (3) priority actions. He will find the data for the community inventory and send it the members. Further information can be found at climatesmart.ny.gov. COMMITTEE UPDATES Maggie Merrill reported that the Water Advisory Committee presented draft legislation for residential/commercial irrigation system to the Town Board on December 17th, for their review and consideration. John Chandler reported that Marina Deluca is no longer with the North Fork Dark Sky Association. He recently learned that the local school system was approached by Dark Sky to assist in raising awareness, and was told they were not interested. The CAC is willing to take the lead on working with the schools, however, they will need support from the Town Board. Anne Murray, NFEC distributed a Brochure "Help Conserve Water on the North Fork". She is also seeking support to place a Litter Critter at Silversmith's Corner. The CAC Supports the request. She will present this to the Town Board once she finds a partner for the project. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes of December 11, 2024- held for February 5th due to the lack of a quorum. RECOMMENDATIONS —WETLAND PERMIT & COASTAL EROSION PERMIT APPLICATIONS 2440 VILLAGE LANE LLC to renovate and alter existing 1&2 story single-family dwelling by constructing a 7.7'X 6' extension of existing roofed-over porch in place of existing 9'X 3 6' portion of existing first floor to be removed (1.3'X 6' portion of existing dwelling footprint to be permanently removed), a 9.1'X 15.8' roof terrace over remaining portion of existing first floor, and a 24.4'X 27.4' expansion of an existing second-floor in place of(and within the same footprint as) existing storage attic over attached garage; remove and replace existing conventional septic system with new I/A sanitary system; and install stormwater drainage system. Located: 2440 Village Lane, Orient. SCTM#26-1-17.1 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. JOSEPH & CAROLYN FERRARA to remove and dispose of existing dock structure. Construct a new 4'X 20' fixed catwalk. Install a 3'X 14' aluminum ramp leading onto a 6'X 20' floating dock secured with two anchor pilings. Remove and dispose of 20' of existing bulkhead and 3.5' south return. Construct 20' of new bulkhead and 3.5' return inkind/inplace. Located: Osprey Nest Road, Greenport. SCTM#35-7-12 The CAC did-not make an inspection, however after reviewing the plans, there was a concern with the length of the proposed dock extending beyond the pier line, and recommend a 20' non-turf buffer planted with native vegetation. KIMDY REALTY c/o JON GRANO NORTH FORK BUILDERS for the demolition of all existing structures including swimming pool; abandon existing sanitary system in accordance with SCHD regulations; construct new two-story single-family dwelling with two-car detached garage, and new I/A sanitary system and swimming pool. Located: 535 Bay Home Rd., Southold. SCTM#56-5-23 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum of the CAC was not present, however the property was inspected and those present were in agreement that the new construction is out of compliance with Ch. 275, there was a concern with lot coverage, and a recommendation of a 15' non-turf buffer planted with native vegetation. DAVID CICHANOWICZ to install a 76 If. low sill vinyl bulkhead with a 15" return to the north, connecting with proposed low sill on adjacent property to the south. Proposed line of 1,000-2,000 lb. boulders 7' landward of low sill. Proposed dredging up to 10' seaward of low sill to a depth of-2.5'. 20 cy. of dredge spoil to be used for backfill. 7.8 cy. of clean sand to be used as supplement fill. Existing dock to be dismantled as needed for construction and reassembled. Existing vegetation to be removed and replanted to the greatest extent possible. Additional native vegetation to be planted landward of the low sill bulkhead as needed. Located: 1425 Arshamomaque Ave., Southold. SCTM#66-3-16 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May 4 A quorum was not present, however the property was inspected and those present do not support the construction of a bulkhead in this area and recommend the applicant work with Cornell Cooperative Extension on establishing a living shoreline. ANDREW T. LaGREGA LIVING TRUST, ANDREW T. LaGREGA TRUST to install a 75 If. low sill vinyl bulkhead with a 20' return to the south, connecting with proposed low sill on adjacent property to the north. Proposed line of 1,000-2,000 lb. boulders 7' landward of low sill. Proposed dredging up to 10' seaward of low sill to a depth of-2.5'. 28 cy. of dredge spoil to be used for backfill. Clean sand from an upland source to be used as supplement fill, if needed. Existing dock to be dismantled as needed for construction and reassembled. Existing vegetation to be removed and replanted to the greatest extent possible. Additional native vegetation to be planted landward of the low sill bulkhead as needed. Located: 1505 Arshamomaque Ave., Southold. SCTM#66-3-9 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum was not present, however the property was inspected and those present agreed to recommend a natural living shoreline and the installation of a 20'-25' vegetated buffer. DAVID & PAMELA KENNEY for the removal and replacement of 150 If. of existing timber bulkhead with new vinyl bulkhead in same location as existing and a proposed 15 If. bulkhead return on the north side. Remove and replace existing 4'X 54' total length steps to beach in same location as existing utilizing untreated timber decking, revegetate disturbed bluff area after bulkhead installation with Cape American Beach grass plugs at 24" on center for entire disruption area. Located: 190 Town Harbor Terrace, Southold. SCTM#66-1-32 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum was not present, however the property was inspected and those present agreed to recommend a landscape plan for the entire disruption area. GERARD RIEGER to maintain as-built structures, including approx. 2,116 sf. grade-level masonry block pool patio constructed in place of previously existing brick patio (including irregularly shaped northwesterly extension and masonry fire pit), approx. 506 sf. grade- level stone patio constructed in place of previously existing stone patio (including irregularly shaped easterly extension), generator, two above-ground LP tank, and structures on stone patio, 7.5'X 7.6' hot tub, 3'X 15' stone bench and 3.3'X 7.8' stone barbeque counter; replace VX 56' seaward edge of block pool patio with gravel trench drain; and install 8'X 4' pool drywell. Located: 3693 Pine Neck Rd., Southold. SCTM#70-6-25 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May 5 A quorum was not present, however the property was inspected and those present agreed to recommend the removal of the non-pervious, masonry as-built patio, based on the environmental impact and run-off into Jockey Creek. LINDA FRANKENBACH to renovate existing second-floor of house to expand bedrooms and a bathroom. Add window "dog houses" toj front of house. New second-floor to have 542 sf. No change to existing septic system. Family room roof to be reconstructed to include deck for second-floor. Located: 3140 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87-3-40 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum was not present, however the property was inspected and those present agreed to recommend the installation of an I/A septic system and silt fencing during construction. NICHOLAS ALIANO to construct a single-family dwelling, two stories, each story is 905 sf. The home is to be served by public water and a septic system, and the home will be located in an area free of 20% slopes. Located: 3705 Duck Pond Road and Glen Court, Cutchogue. SCTM#83-1-11W2 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum was not present, however the property was inspected and those present do not support any construction within 100' from the top of the bluff. Development of this property with a dwelling in not an appropriate use of this property. FRANK DIGREGORIA & ROSEMARY MAURI KNISE to construct a fixed timber dock (with water and electricity), consisting of a 4'X 45' fixed timber catwalk construction with open-grate decking), a 3'X 14' ramp, and a 5'X 12' "L" shaped float secured by two (2) 10" dia. pilings. Located: 5765 Stillwater Ave., Cutchogue. SCTM#137-4-5.1 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum was not present, however the property was inspected and there is concern with the configuration and distance to the neighboring dock, and recommend the dock be shortened to keep within the pier line. . 5415 SKUNK LANE, LLC, JOSEPH DAIDONE for a proposed 60'9"X 4' dock = 251 sf. and proposed "T" dock of 17'6"X 4' = 70 sf. Total 321 sf. of dock. Located: 5380 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#138-2-16 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum was not present, however the property was inspected and support the application, as submitted. - 6 PATRICIA MELE & CHERYL CHRISTIANO to remove and replace in place 50' bulkhead and add a 12' northern return and remove and replace 16' southern elevation of the bulkhead 12" with elevation of returns to match elevation of new bulkhead. Bulkhead and returns to be constructed with vinyl sheathing with 10" pilings 6' on center with 6"X6" waters, with tie rods leading to a backing system consisting of helix screws and a fiberglass grated cap. Remove and replace existing catwalk with a new 19'X 4' catwalk utilizing flow thru decking, supported by 10" pilings. Permit in as-built 13'X 13' stone and brick patio. Maintain exiting 14' non-turf buffer. Located: 1140 Deep Hole Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#115-12-16 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum was not present, however it was recommended that a 15' non-turf vegetated buffer planted with native vegetation be installed behind the bulkhead, and to replant along the seaward side of the bulkhead after construction. CREDIT SHELTER TRUST & THE MILLICENT TUFANO FAMILY TRUST to remove and replace (in-place) 10' section of timber bulkhead return with vinyl bulkhead return, and construct 20' vinyl return extension beneath the existing deck landward thereof; install approx. 24 If. of 1.5'-2.5' dia. stone rip rap from extended bulkhead return to west property line, along seaward edge of Rosa Rugosa, to retain remaining buffer vegetation being lost to erosion; backfill proposed return extension, and restore 8' wide area of washed-out grade landward of existing return and bulkhead, with approx. 35 cy. of clean sandy fill to be trucked in from an approved upland source; install 5' wide 25-75 lb. stone splash pad along landward edge of bulkhead; reset/replace (inkin,d/inplace) 14'X15' loose paver patio landward of bulkhead; remove existing dilapidated walkway, and construct 4'X 10' wood landing and 4'X 8' stair adjacent to return. Located: 2482 Camp Mineola Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#122-9-9.6 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May A quorum was not present, however it was recommended that the existing stone buffer be replaced with a non-turf buffer. Carol Brown will attend the Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Wed., January 15, 2025. The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council is scheduled for Wed., February 5, 2025 at 4:30PM in the Conference Room. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:OOPM. 7 Respectfully submitted by, a '�m r 4 h Lauren M. Standish, Secretary Conservation Advisory Council