HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-30252 FORM 570. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD bUILDII7G DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Ha11 Southold, N_Y. PRE EXISTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPS7CY No: Z-_ 30252 Date: 06/23/04 THIS CBI2TIFIES that the building DWELLING Location o£ Property 405 FLEETWOOD RD CUTCHOGUE (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No_ 473889 Section 137 Elock 000§ Lot 015 .C»hdlVlSlOn Filed Map No. Lot No_ conforms substantially to the Requirements for a OS7E FPMILY DWELLING built prior to APRIL 9, 1957 pursuant to which CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NUMBER Z- 30252 dated JUISE 23, 2004 i waa issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for u:hich this certificate is issued is ONE FAMILY SEPSONAL DWELLING* I The certificate is issued to DOROTHEA FALCONER (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COIINTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A i *PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION REPORT- i Au- rized Sig ature Rev. 1/81 EUTLD ITTG DEPARTMENT TGFJ[i OF .SOITTHOIA HOUSING CODE IN.S PECTIOL! RHPORT LOCATI~: 405 FLRETWOOD P.D CUTCHOGUE SDBDMSIOA: MAP NO.. LOT (S) NAME OF OWNER (S): DOP.OTHEA FALCOSSEA ' OCCOPANCY: SINGLE FPrIIL'I DWELLING-SEASONAL DGROTHEA FALCOPiER ADHITTSO BY. JEr1i G_S ELLn ACCOMPAHISD HY: SAME EHY AVAILAHLH: SOPF_ CO. TA% MAP HO.: 13?.-}_1S SOORCE OF RSQDSST: EDSP:aRD D. P".KEL, ATTY 6/']/04 DATE: 06/23/04 DWELLIISG: TYPS OP COHSTROCTIOA: [FOOD FRrME $ STORIES= 1.5 $ H%TTS: 2 POONOATION: PIERS CSIT.AA: NO CRAAL SPACE: NO ~i TOTAL ROOMS= 1ST PLR.: } 2ND FLR.: ~ 3RD FLR_: 0 BATHROOM(S): 1.0 TOILHT ROOK(S): 1.0 UTILTTY NOON (S). I PORCH TYPE: COVERED ENCLOSED DHCE TYPH: PATIO TYPE: BRSSZHiAY: PII2SPLACE- k'ES GARAG2d: ~ DOMESTIC HOTWAT6R: YES TYPE HEATHR: STREET GAS' ATHCOHOPYIOHING: ~ TYPH HEAT: NONE ['J1RH ATR: HOTiRI.TSR: Ali OTHER: +O PEN ROOM P.CCESSOAY STRUCTURES: GARAGE, TYPE OP COAST.: STORAGE, TYPE CONST.: i 6WIlR~G POOL: GOSST, TYPE COAST.: OTHER: VIOLATIONS: CHAPTER 45 N.Y'. STATE UNIFOPM FI PS PRHVENTI ODI & BUILDING COOS I LOCATI~] ~ DESCRIPTION ART. ~ SEC. II i I' RRIdAR%S: ' IASPSCT® AY_ DATE OA INSPECTION: 06 14 04 [dICAASG J. V~2ITY TI?ffi START: 10:00 AM END: 10:45 P.M 7Fi /72 ~7P~d t~.?I ~$Cr'??~ =~S_~~' ~ [il_~;_'Je'-~P Pti aE _t_ ~~Ul mt ~ ~ Form Nr.. ~i TOV•Yti OF SOUTHOL? f IIUIL?LVGDY~%altT_?'iE~T - - ?65-IRO? aPPL.IC;aTiO~ oR cL~rlFi'rATF o~ occur: u~cx `This apclicatier_ mas*_ ee ~iled in by r.~;cwrtcr or irk and suL~mt-ted to tl:e-Buid Lleparttrent ~v:th. ! i:u `clle~x+ gig: A. For nz:rr building or new use: 1. Finsi surve~r of prvncriy ~.cith accurete lneation of ali huiiGi-~s, property ]tines- =tenets: and uttus~?: ctat.:rai er topv~ aphis `r•tu-e. 2- Final ;approval from kealth Dept. of w5[cr -apply end sera: erage-daspusal (S-4 For r,). Appv>v~l cf elcc,rical instailatier. frc n Board (lf Fire tircenvraers. Swor., =r..tert2ent from. nlvmhcr ucr`i,yira eC,at the 3n1Jcr aced ir.:;yste:r. eo._tains is is t;_sa "5.10 vi 1?; lead ' lAD?InerC181 buildln~, 1ndGSYrii~1 hu110'.R~T. LP1i;lt;plc C~:~idECCcS and S::t?11ar bu[:dir, g5 3:_d i^stalln~ ens. c: C~:..Yt~:l ie o{(;vdc Compliance fn~m arch~tcet yr cnaineer rc ponsihle for the 6uildlP SubmitPlannir.gi3oard.4pprwz]o:"cnnplc:;:d_=ncp[anreq~airements. II. Tor eslst%ng bai!dinge (Isrior to AprII 4; 195 T) no®-confarnting uses, or buildints and "pre-existing" ianrl rases: 1. Accurate sui ~e~ of p:open}' shav"irg all property lines, streets, buil¢irig end untsuv! n~tUrzl er tePO~'arhie *feaci::es. - 2. A propr_l;• ce*npleied apu[ie_tio; and conscut to inspect signed by the acpl:cant- If a Cr-ti icsre ofOcc ~:~anry i.. dcni:~: the IIutt+rin~ .u-ISp:~tO= Shsl state tLe reasaes :i.erzfer in ;~;:iii::~ '.o the ,+pr liWart. ree_ 1. Certificate of Occupancy-~te~, dsveiiing.525-C0, .~ddita= s iv d':;clll.rg 525.00. ~.lterstiviF t :lrv~llirg 525.OD, Sv:in:nun~ yco! $73AQ, Accessory huild4?g'd25.`;Q, Additions t? aceesscry huilcirg 525-00, $usir:r_g5u~. 5:0.00. 2. l"crti6catc of Occcp~:ncv en Pr_-csisting 3cading - $1 OO.vO Copy of Certifcatc of Occupancy - 5.Z5 4- Updated Certificate of Or_eunaney - 550.00 5- Temparar~.Certiitcate o O-~Vt:cancy - Rcsirier;tiel ~T15.60, Ce;~nercial $'_5.00 1-ia[e, 3une 20D i`,icx:L'e.skraceon:~- O1dorPre-eaistirg8~ild.^g: R (ctecke::e) Lveatipn n.f Property- GOS Fleetwood Road G!tt:c.ogu,P ' HOuSC iVo. Siree: I?anie*. Ctwner oz C+wners of Prop~Yty. ~loso_thea jape Fa 7 c_oaet Su yolk C.~ountyTax l!~iap ;vv IOCO, Sectian 137 _p0 131c.c:t< 0.00 Lo: 015.000 ' Subdivlsior: Fiictil~li,p. _ Les Pen7rnil \'o. Date vFPetmit._ ~-pplics,^^.:: ' %~caitF:Dept.Apprnvalt_ LTr_da~~rix„Aup:oral: Planning Bvaxd Appre~4l: 'i Kequast Ier: Tc:nporary Certificate Ftna' Cerific~te: (check onel Fes Suhn~itedt - nn _ GO o~ +f,~t.~c. 3 APplican. S~z.'erE iJ~ C c}Z 3 .,'L1N-2-2Ot~u tJED 1i: D3P.M 1D: PRGE:2 4'f' ~ 3 3. s ~ Y c ~ b r ~ ~ I f ~ ~ Q r ~ .r 1 0 t~'p'_ ~ I I ~ ~ _ ~s Z ~ ~ ~ 5 lid ~ J ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 q V U ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ,.k tEp \a c V ~ Z Z' lii ~ a p O s ~ ~ S Q OG _ ~ T ~ LL ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ J xi ~ Q C - > 3 ~ ~ ~r} ~ o a ~ ~ ~ z i $ ~ w ~ o A~ W"~~ ~ ~ f~ d~ Z ~ Q V Q` Q d ~ ~ ~ OW N p7 3 fly ~ J ~ G ~ ~ y V ~ v~ Q C ~ t+~ Z O ~ m C'?~ 1 ~ ~ \ 5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~~ 3 i ~ h ~ ~ ~ p Z a ~ W ~ £ w D O- ~ N a{ t'J u.i O ~ E s H3 t\ V ~ ~ Q Z u' ~ 9 O O 7 O ~ ~ O~ ~ Z ~ ~ j ~ ~+r o o ° 3 N m S v 2 Ct ~ ~ `S ~ rIF= 1= ?c~3_%2'3'.-ice .d:0^ 7?i73A:--_ C/SEn E __v_~.,-~ - - _ -~q - A ' ~ ~ - I~I l f Cil L~.+'~'~l~ ~ •r J ~~vr' ~ itiS~liCTiCiV ~i Edw rd ~R ke'1 as >ttorncp fcr Dorothea Psicvaer the un d,-r=iy-ed, ~---.P--- O}vnerlsl Nomo(=) i - dal_s)itcrcby stab:: T'i,ut the urdersig r,ed fis) (arei the own or(s) oC the pretn i_vs in thv TvWr of Sou J: old lac a[ec a: 'OS k'lea[vnnd Rosd. Cstchn n;~. .V1 ~ c~h ich LS sl:v tivn and dosi[^aked on Lhc Suffo L': ~ CounLy tax map as District 1000, Section :3l -00, 3lvclc d4-DO Lot 019.OOG ' Thal [hc undersigned t--has! (ha•: e) tiled, o: eauseri .0 6e le an aPDliua- tivn iri tho SovtLcld Tc-w~ liuiAU:u~ ins p~_c.,,-'~ ca:~~ rya .F.~ ;,-0l m.v ink: Ono and one half secry frase~dcmlling 'arid garage - That tiie uncle rs~ncd riv[esl hercUy ivc cons eat tc tt:e I3 u:ic: inG Inspe ctnrs i cC the Tv~.vn aC Seuthcld .v cote. upon :ha a~~c+v tle scr i'u ed property, iaeledinp any and all Bu ildin6s located [hereon, to coA UUCt such in3periens as they tray dccm ne ces sa.-y tviEh res pees to the of yr esic app'ication, ir.cludin F'Lnspe vtions Lo determine chat said prer,.ises cvmE ly with aIL vC thv 1a1vs. ordinances, ru lcs ;rod refiulatiens aC tkc Tbwn of Sea khvld. Tl:c undcrsir?cd, zr. eanser.6ing to such inspaciivrs, dvicni so clieh the icnnv:ledge and un der stanfiin6+ tf:ai a irtCor~ta HCn vhtair:ed In Lhe condo c: oC such inspc ctie n3 r,-.ay Le used as evidence in subsequent preseu~tivns Cor :io- ' lotion, ci~ [hc ia-.vs, ortli..^.ancr.5, : uie5 or I'eguiativns of the T^~rvn oC Svutit olu. ~ Jw-. 2004 / f,^' ~ Dated- ~~r2/~"" (S iv ucLurcl Edward Paic_11 lprin: game; ISignJLU rcI !print r:a rncl - i I i o FiGE:3 ~i JUN-2-2EE~ WEp ii: ^~3HL~i ID: ~ ?3115/'~a~.a. E6: 95 51599.4.FJ81~' -aC~NTS PACE ?3!95 . ?x FRAGyt~D . Pfl-c~FO~S~P~~'BUL14!{£R.d ' ~ DRE DL~r {}AEA . ~ GidF7^~r. : & ~~~f 8'~l.~J fir. ~ r bjliQ j, a ~ ~Rof~aSEO ~h'e a?r~d~~ FI4 AREA 0 ~ ~ P ~ ~ . ~ ~ F I I ~ ~ 5° j u' I 5. $ f C~ ~ ' _ © ' 9 i, x ~ i i ~ ~i ll r~ i ~ I t ~ ~ I ! ~~.r , r.. ~ I ~ i u , I`tE s G _ •.Y d .I i i ~ t'i FF \ r f,'i4C ` 11 ~ ~Oc ~ 7i{"~1 /I:_Lf-k'v ?'rj i ~ TG E5 n `nCl] TpL'E c: sr. it \ G'.:-: 2'. ~ ` B::..; 6'iaA'ia FLx;_;d 5Hµ! YLK I A ` \ IS Y'e..-.:.:n l' *r, FC2 t+liGLi i..-k ysevtf 1, .1r.^, :k b':S nEHa. Id :Ni lai: Crvr fi[. p, ^G'.; k:p_trtn! A[.J~LI ~[Ij2 ` Lry.:N.'r T'SFRLTIO:I :I.iW tiE@E]N, L4p 'I \ To r~r, Ass!GwFE, Of i!F ,iMll!G T511; IUPrGN. ru;s~ST6t ^a+rr~tFka 'IySfEkA~ - \ - . TO lo;.,T:C,+L•.L ItiTp'NYrasg Oz su:kiauct[ I \ MFiR-15-206.7 PION 0E: 0i~M IO: PAGE:3 ~s x, I ' ``-.c ~ ~ it Tom' l i l , ! ~ ~ k t _ ~ r _I_C ~ I I s o S y LL W _ _ - LL ~ w ~ i a r N I I ~ I.r. o .oLi a w L o O O I~ .L+QI W O .T d' ~ K O _ I I i it ~ I S L i u u k ~ ~ ~ - o 0 a a a , 3 o v ~ m 3' N ~ ~ ` ~ L L.L N W LL ~ 4. Q R ~o ~ o ' ~ -.t ~ o ° ti ~.r,.. ,y ~I S'~O: .t ~a h -'a ' ~ ~ i ~r' i, ~ _ ~ ii r~ f r ty.~~ ...e r°ei ~ \1 1 J\ n i . 6 4 . F. ~i i. _t 6i ^1 Y 1 'G _ it ~4 d N~ °~°I -,C D ~ ,'I ~ r it + ~ ~ ~ ~ a r I O O O I ~ 3 m v a~i a~i y` i m ° m C O < W W W [D l7 0 -~~_.zx.__ _