HomeMy WebLinkAbout51611-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51611 Date: 02/05/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: 4326 Westphalia LLC c/o Richard Klein Esq Massapequa Park, NY 11762 To: legalize "as built"additions and alterations(inclusive of"as built"swimming pool addition)to existing single-family dwelling as applied for per Trustees Non-Jurisdiction letter. Additional certification may be required. Premises Located at: 4326 Westphalia Rd, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 113.-9-10.1 Pursuant to application dated 03/15/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector„ To expire on 02/05/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: As Built Addition/Alteration $1,836.50 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 As Built Pool/Hot Tub $600.00 Total $2,536.50 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT vF� Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 1s:d/mrwr,satoj,elownny.w Date Received APPLICATION R RUIN I„,) III I C E �' E For Office Use Only °� PERMIT NO. Building Inspector. MAR F 20,24 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. laa i Date:2.26.24 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:4326 Westphalia, LLC SCTM#l000-113-9-10.1 Project Address:4326 Westphalia Rd. Mattituck Phone#:516-974-6265 Email:tbaktidy@gmail.com Mailing Address:38 Barkers Point Road, Port Washington, NY 11050 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Joan Chambers Mailing Address:PO Box 49 Southold NY 11971 Phone#:631-294-4241 Email:joanchambers10@gmail.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:LOu Schwartz Mailing Address:? Ridgewood St. Bay Shore NY 11706 Phone#:631-410-6838 Email:tiderunnereng@gmail.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: OWn-tr Mailing Address: Phone#: TTM DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ElOtherDec-K 9�y sStOtJ AcA4Ul%I0 OVIv Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 5QNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes 1@No 1 I PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:residential Intended use of property:residential Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R-40 this property? ❑Yes WNO IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Ch deck x apter 236 of the Town Codee 111 APPLICATION.i i"�. The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in buildingls)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):J oa n Chambers @Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 3, . 2 4- CONNIE D.BUNCH STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public,State of New York No.CIBU6185050 SS: Ouallfled in Suffolk County COUNTY OF ) COITIITtieeion Expire April 1 , '`1 Joan Chambers being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the agent (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this t day of 20 .. Notary Public PRO Pf°ii OWNER ALITHORIZA3i Where the applicant is not the owner) � Pp r Theofani Baktidy residing at 38 Barkers Point Road, Port I, Washington, NY do hereby authorize Joan Chambers to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Theofani Baktidy o,,a o .0 3 9-05 0' 2/26/2024 Owner's Signature Date Theofani Baktidy Print Owner's Name 2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector 901 " TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 765-9502 `amesh southoldtownn ov -- lean southoldtownny . ov APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (All Information Required) Date: Company Name: Electrician's Name. License No.: Elec. email: Elec. Phone No: ❑I request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: JOB SITE INFORMATION (AII Information Required) Name: 4326 Westphalia LLC (Theo Baktidy) Address: 4326 Westphalia. Rd. Mattituck Cross Street: House is on Oak Leaf Lane -a dirt rd. between Divello Dr. and Pt. Pleasant Rd.. Phone No.: 516-974-6265 Bldg.Permit#: 5 (1 email:tbaktidy@gmail.com Tax Map District: 1000 Section:113 Block: 9 Lot: 10.1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): Added Air Conditioning. Finished part of basement (465 sq.ft.) '5W 1 Vh tyu 1J ppo Square Foota e: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: YES NO Rough In Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: El YES 0 NO Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service SizaE1 Ph❑3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New service[-]Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead #Underground Laterals 1 2 H Frame n Pole Work done on Service? 0Y L N Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION 9 (Wo'q kww+ 2,50, fo ( so "�� Town Hall Annex Glenn Goldsmith, President 54375 Route 25 A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O.Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 29, 2025 Joan Chambers PO Box 49 Southold, NY 11971 RE: 4236 WESTPHALIA LLC 4236 WESTPHALIA AVENUE, MATTITUCK SCTM#1000-113-9-10.1 Dear Ms. Chambers: The Southold Town Board of Trustees reviewed the survey prepared by Ward Brooks Land. Surveyor, last dated, October 1, 2024 and determined that the as-built deck extension and above ground swimming pool is out of the 100 foot Welland jurisdictional area under Chapter 275 of the Town "W/vetiand Code and Chapter 111 of the Town Code. Please be advised, however, that no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any bind may take place seaward of the tidal and/or freshwater wetlands jurisdictional boundary, or within 100' landward from the edge of vegetated wetlands, without further authorization from the ,Southold Town Board of Trustees pursuant to Chapter 275 and/or Chapter 111 of the Town Code. It is your responsibility to erasure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation°uwittain Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction and Coastal.Erosion Hazard Area, which may result from your project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional,boundary and the coastal erosion hazard area and your project or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm. This determination is not a determination from any other agency. Sincerely, 4140- 4& t4� Glenn Goldsmith, President I I SSef S1 1 36'-6' 16'-6" _.................... _. _...................__......_..............._.........._...._.............................................._.._.................................._..... .............................._................. N .......................... ... ........................................... ..... .. / '�' DECK IS 04"./-ABOVE GRADE ._......___........_......_....-_..............:'.........................__................................._......... ............_............... ...._..........................................._._.............................- _...._._.-__..........._....................................._........._....................._............-... ......_. .. ...... .IIEW DEC;SURROUNDING ABOVE GROUND VINYL FOOL .... ....._. .........A...N..I R TiiA''a .............__... ................_.............................................................._.........................................................................._... ..........._........... .. ............._........................... ........................................ ....... .................................... .............. ..................._......................----------.-- ..... .. 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EXISTING DECK.......... .. ............._. ............................................_.... .------ -----..__..___. ----- -- ---- —��-------------- --- ---- -._....__...---- C2 - ---- - ------------------- -- ._._.-'--------._..-_----------------. __._.__--- - -- ---------- - 12'-0"x24'-O" ABOVE GROUND ......................................_. ... ._.................-....................................................................................__.._...........................................__... _.................................................................................................................... ................._..._.... .............__....._...................... VINYL SWIMMING POOL .............. _.. ..........................__...._......................................................................-............................._._.....- - _............................................_..._.._....._.._............_......_...._........_......._.........................._.. --- --.-. - — --- ° -- --._._.__.... -- ------------ I I _..._..............._.__....................................._......._... -. ...........................-............--.................................... .................... _... ...........__...._.............................. ............................ _............_........... .....-. __......._.__......._..............._. - ............................................................................. ......._............................... ........................_............................_. i i z ....................... ._......._.__...._...................._._.............._..._......._......._..._.........__---_.-._..........._._..__............................................._..._......_................................... J THEEYISTING POOL EIICLOSURE MUST B ....__................................................................. .......................... .. ............._..__....._..................................._..._................................................_...._.__.............................._..._.....__........................................ c�7 ALTERED TO CONFORM TO TI IE RESIDENTAL CODE OF N.Y.STATE APPENDIX G SECTIc! ... ..- .. _-_____-_- ....___---._. _.__.__._--_--. ------. I p 106 3 INCLUDING A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 8" ... ................................................ ............._....................... ............... ..... .. ................_.............. ....._............................ I O ..._............................... ............................_..........__.... ....................................._. 1 AND A SELF-CLOSING&SELF-LATCHING TATE. ......... ............................._..... .. ......._.._......................._........_.........................._.. ...- ......_..._...._............_...._..__.....`_.._..`-'---.._._...---.......-"'._......._......_........._...__.....__...._._............_.................... ......_......._._.................. .. ........ 1 � � W 8'-0"xc•_C-SLID_WINDOW TO EXISTING 9'-0"x6'-10"SLID GL DOOR -� I ¢ E 9'-0" ID.GL.DOOR EXISTING 9'-0%2'-0'AWNING UNIT ABOVE 1 EXISTING OLDER SLID. w E%ISTIIJG '-C"x 2'-0"AWNING UNIT ABOVE TO REMAIN D i �m j I z o 8z i ' j U U j l ExIs7. LIVING ROOM I FIFEPL .E CATHEDRAL CEILING I i {�� li I ~ I ' NEW COUNTERTOP w 1 ..... ..... .... ... - i D GK.SURpOUnIDING'A86V$ RbUNCI VIIJYL POC ._....... .. 1 E EXISTING DECK ' ! ! DE IS 63" / ABOVE GRADE r LINE OF 2ND FLOOR ABOVE y.. ci - I NEW 4'-0"x4•_C^SLID NJINDOW ' I I Y DW - --_---- -r��._ NEW COUNTERTOP ry KITCHEN 1.._;..'. o I : - -- E a < NEW CABIIJETS,APPLIANC S .-___ _ -__ .-__---.- ! &COUNTF RTGPS �_�.-. i I0 NEW T-0"xW-8" z o - - J T _. .. _ 'O I ENTRY DOOR VJ/ i _' ,m i 2 SI LIT S c ! ! ! IF REPLACED E isSAME EJr IL SIN , I ' - 1-II E FL O DGOR S I ! LOCATION x r l i �w --•. 1 '^u a r 16': 10 I VJ _ REF. NJ OP ` f TT I CE Vv/U_En VJ j I � � -ram.,, n OPENING' j � �+ � I ; a i ! O EOSE CLOSET N o _ _ r ................N ..L. 7LEXI,CL TCO2 � LAV p O ,. �i..3•. � t V 0 BATH OOM #2 s mlry _ 2DOOR&'STOOP W REMC'YE D a CLOSET A 1 Y AC InIVERTER _ a 3 w FIRST Z � U FLOOR 3 - w� a 12.28.23 z BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3 b� F� 04 2.15.24 w� w o< ° NE 9 EXISTING WINDOW EXISTING WII`DOW •,'^�''. 77006 2-8'-0' 8'-6" P��FESSlO�P� 36'-6" 16'-6" FIRST FLOOR PLAN JOAN CHAMBERS (631)294-4214 I-A x ra T5 Q) Q . ..... .... W z 0 UJ LIVING ROOM BELOW CATHEDRA-CEILING U) it Q AG IVERIOR SHUTTERS REPLACED W17-4 2 NEW 9' '-0"x3-0'SLID. HDOWS EXIS-1 .1w C) -c- 8 15'-5 3'-8 0 BEDROOM #1 SITTING RM. BALCOWG YI W/ RAILIIIG Ell UJ Ise DAI L WC C) 0 TUB W/ Ce) o SHOW'R W i: s .,rHRM. #1 I!_I> � �I i A-2 0 ATTIC STORAGE SECOND FLOOR ............. ...................................................*''*'*** .......................... ............................. .......... ......................... . ........- 12.28.23 NE L.-=�....... ...................... --------... ... ....._.............................................._...ROOF... .............* 2.15.24 .................... BELOW ...................................................................... .... .................................. .......................... ....... ....... 7...........—.b .............. . ...........................—_.. —-.............. ......................... .............. .......... ......... .. . ......... .................. ...................... ............... ...................... --=*�b*�*.*.*.*�*.*.*.*.*.-.,.*.'.'.*.*.'.*.*�*...................... 77006 ss SECOND FLOOR PLAN JOAN CHAMBERS (631)2944214 -_'--| LJlkL- UL. i_- � - all EXISTING GRADE TO BOTTOM OF EXISTING DECK GIRDER IS 80" DOOR EGRESS CLOSET E HOME FINISHED OFFICE STORAGE SPACE SPACE ry VENTILATION FAN BATHROOM c) UNFINISHED UTILITY AREA A-3_ BASEMENT PLAN 12.28.23 NE 2.15.24 77006 ssl BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN JOAN CHAMBERS (631)294-4214 . = " i . I � . ... It . .. (D 16'-6' t I NOTE: THE POOL AND DECK AREA OF THIS PROJECT ARE "AS-BUILT". _-DECK IS 53" ABOVE GRACE WINDOW THE PERSON WHO PREPARED THESE PLANS AND THE ENGINEER c WHO REVIEWED AND CERTIFIED THEM WERE NOT PRESENT AT THE INSTALLATION OF THE ABOVE GROUND VINYL THEY PARTAKE IN OR SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXISTING DECK NEW DECK SUPPORTING GRADE, RETAINING WALLS OR STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS EXISTING DELI OF THE SWIMMING POOL. 0 0 4__ NOTES HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THIS PLAN THAT REFERENCE THE NEW YORK STATE CODE FOR SWIMMING POOLS AND POOL ENCLOSURES. c� IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOME OWNER TO INSURE p] LIVING ROOM THAT THE CONTRACTOR WHO INSTALLED THE SWIMMING POOL DID SO ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT ALL SAFETY 12'-0' REQUIREMENTS SUCH AS ENCLOSURES, GATES AND,DOOR ALARMS ARE O INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AS DESCRIBED IN THE RESIDENTIAL CODE THE EXISTING POOL ENC I OSURE MUST BE OF NEW YORK STATE, APPENDIX G SECTIONS G 10 1.1 THRU G 107.4 12'-0"x24'-0" ABOVE ND ALTERED-0 GROUND CONFORM TO THE RESIDENTIAL A STATE PIENDIX G S�CTION VINYL SWIMMING POOL Ix CODE OF NY. INCLUSIVE. 105 INCLUDING DOOR A_ARVS AS PER 9.2 IT WILL ALSO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOME OWNER TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE DRYWELL ON THE PROPERTY FOR THE DRAINAGE OF THE POOL. WINDOW ................................................................................ ---- EXISTING 9'-0'x6'-10"SLID.GL.DOOR 7. THE EXISTING POOL ENCLOSURE MUST 3' ALTERED TO CONFORM TO THE RESIDENAAL CODE OF N.Y.STATE AP"ENDIX G SECTI(I 1053 INCLUDI'4G MINIMJM HEIGHT OF t A F AND A SELF-CL0 SiNG&SELF-LATCHI'Jr'.;ATE it ........... ..........._-............._-- EXISTING RAI_llJG IS MORE THAN 48"ABOVE GRAD Z NEW DECK EXISTING DECK ............. ................. .. .........1.1-1-­­­... Z= ............... ............................ RAILI'IG DE,,K IS 104" ABOVE GRADE C) POOL PLAN 7 U) 6 W L.L. c; U) UJ 5/4x6 HANDRAIL C�) WIRE STRANDS @ 4" OCO < (2) 2X4 POSTS @ 48" OC O N c) � (y) O 5/4X6 DECKING TO MATCH EXISTING 2X8 @ 16" OC DECK JOISTS 2X10 JOIST SUPPORTS @ 24" OC NE A-4 4X4 ACQ POSTS @ 48" OC TO MASONRY FTGS. 54" DEEP VINYL POOL POOL LATTICE 77006 DECK �FESSl 2X10 BRACERS BETWEEN POSTS 12.28.23 2. 15.24 01 4, Ae 25 71 7 -9, k,p 4, 1�1, , ­ �l 1, , -- ! ,, ,­f,, H 2X12 BOARDS FOR GRAVEL BED 0q CONTAINMENT 5 ',i UCOMPACTED GRAVEL & SANIDI I �pl 2- "i, xi /5 i.� DECK & POOL SECTION JOAN CHAMBERS (631)294-4214 4/26/24,3:26 PM Amazon.com: Intex 24'x 12'x 52"Ultra XTR Rectangular C utdoor Swimming Pool Set with Sand Filter Pump,Saltwater System, ... f Delivering to Brookhaven 11719 tip�dake tvcation Garden&Outdoor Search Amazon Etti Account&Usts- &Orders Aii ��.) p '4" i�> ,�i 'nips!S.' : ii`c - �t.!.t5•C ..,..>,.>. pr >F .t... y ;i. <t�. 1.,P? 711 i-101.1.:. _ _. .. _ ... . _... _ ....,.. ._. .......... .. .... ... ...._ . . ......,....,.. ..,._ .._ ....... _.. ... Amazon Home Shop by Room Discover Shop by Style Home Ddear Furniture Kitchen&Dining Bed&Bath Garden&Outdoor Home Improvement Sponsored Patio,Lawn&Garden.>Pools.Hot Tubs&Supplies r Swimming Pools>Framed Swimming Pools 12' x 52" Ultra 11 ,48999 gg angular Outdoor ' FREE delivery April 30-May 3. Pool Set with Order within 3 mins.Details Q � r Pump Saltwater g v Delivering to Brookhaven 11719- wool Ladder, Update location ` In Stock oth, Pool Cover re Quantity: 1 ! �< 4,225 ratings _._._.._._......,._......._._......_._. t� 300+bought in ast month Add to Cart 11 ,4899 �\ _vBuy Now j $110 00 amazon discount.Details Ships From Spreetail i eGet$50 off in tantly:Pay$1,439.99 upon saki by Spreetail ipAr Y. �"`- < approval forT )r6 azon Visa. Returns Bllgibie for Return. pP Refund or Replacement _ _._..._.... within 30 days of receipt )port Payment Secure transactio n y .................................................._........................................... owazs�c� d%iiry/t q,, Add to ListCO --` amps mom augibie for Customer Roll over image to zoom in Spreetaii Return, Support Refund or Other sellers on Amazon Replacem... - - New(3)from$1,58999 &FREE Shipping BV?QEUS Size:24'x 12'x 52" 18'x9'x52" 24'x12'x62" € 32'x16'x52" Style:Saltwater System Saltwater System Sand Filter ` Brand Intex Capacity 8403 Gallons Shape Rectangular Color Gray I� Material Alloy Steel,PVC sponsored About this item • Swim your summer days away right in your ` own backyard with the rectangular ultra-frame above ground pool 1 • Intex pool constructed of reliable laminated PVC siding with 3 separate durable material layers for added strength l r • Durable frame is made of high-quality, galvanized steel with a precision-engineered locking system • Sand filter pump and the salt water system has a pump flow rate of 1,600 gallons per hftos://www.amazon.com/tan/i)rodUCUB07GZ2YZCT/ref=oox vo dt b search asin title?ie=UTF8&th=1 1/10 4/26/24,3:26 PM Amazon.com:Intex 24'x 12'x 52"Ultra XTR Rectangular Outdoor Swimming Pool Set with Sand Filter Pump,Saltwater ciystem, ... LI Blue Wave San Pedro Bestway Power Steel 24' Bestway Hydrium 24'x Intex Ultra XTR Frame Funsicle Oasis Designer ContmlOMatic 12x24-ft Oval 52-in Deep x 12'x 52"Oval Metal 12'x 52"Oval Above 14'x 42"Round Above Rectangular Frame MegaChlor-CD: 6-in Top Rail Above Frame Above Ground Ground Swimming Pool Ground Outdoor , Outdoor Above Ground Chlorine Genera Ground Steel'Nall... Outdoor Swimming... Set Outd000r Steel... Swimming Pool Set... Swimming Pool with A... 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May 2 Framed Swimming Nlaintenance Kit Get it May 8-13 Get it Apr 30-May 3 FREE Shipping by Amazon $246.69 $29.99 FREE Shipping FREE Shipping Only 14 left in stock-order... Get it as soon as T FREE Shipping Only 5 left in stock-order... Apr 27 FREE Shipping by From the brand httDs://www.amazon.com/qp/DroductIB07GZ2YZCT/ref=pax vo dt b search asin title?ie=UTF8&th=1 3/10 4126/24,3:26 PM Amazon.com:Intex 24'x 12'x 52"Ultra XTR Rectangular Outdoor Swimming Pool Set with Sand Filter Pump,Saltwater System, ... Product Dimensions 288 x 144 x 52 inches ...................-.....................................................---...................._......._._........-_..._.............................._..............._.._......---...-.........................-...__. Item Wvght 379 pounds Department unisex-adult Manufacturer Intex ASIN_ ^+ m B07GZ2YZCT Item model number 26367EH ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I........._....... Customer Reviews 4.4 4,225 ratings 4.4 out of 5 stars ................._..._ Best Sellers Rank #2,114 in Patio,Lawn&Garden (See Top 100 in Patio,Lawn& Garden) #3 in Framed Swimming Pools Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No Videos Videos for this product 4 o intox saltwater pool-low is ,t i Pool really Worth It'? Snarped horizontal bar ri 1 1 maintenancfny::nr2,.,;r-rs � 3iiiq"u'.'Tup�sk:altunsa�s ��: Upload your video Looking for specific info? i Product guides and documents UserManual(PDF) }}.........---....................................--... --- ---- ..._...- ..._.__..._._..-_._............---------_...----- ---- .................I--__...__.....--- ...._...._.. ----......_._....._..- ..-.._...._._...-— .._...---- -..._......_.....---.._.._....... ...__... Top Brand: Intex Highly Rated Trending Low Returns 100K+customers rate items from this brand highly 100K+orders for this brand In past 3 months Customers usually keep Items from this brand Compare with similar items ThisItem ----------------------- Recommendations --------_.---..____.._.__....._.........__.__._.__...._.-.....,.._---------------------------------------___.-__.... .yy AA j It,.i e� �Fi� �R ✓7 httDs://www.amazon.com/ap/productIB07GZ2YZCT/ref=ppx vo dt b search asin title?ie=UTF8&th=1 5/10 4126/24,3:26 PM Amazon.com:Intex 24'x 12'x 52"Ultra XTR Rectangular Outdoor Swimming Pool Set with Sand Filter Pump,Saltwater System, ... spo2sored a AIPER ` Shop the Si ore on Amazon AIPER Scuba SE Robotic Pool Cleaner, Cordless Robotic Pool Vacuum,Lasts up... e «� 8.274 '149.99 List:e.199.99 �~ 25%Off Limited time deal Customer reviews 4.4 out of 5 Customers say Customers like the value and ease of assembly of the swimming pool.They mention that the directions are 4,225 global ratings easy to follow and the setup process was fun.That said,some complain about the weak and underpowered 5 star 73°W pump.Opinions are mixed on quality,size,and water filter. ...__................._....._.._._..__......._..._.__.__._...........'` AI-generated from the text of customer reviews 4 star 12% Ease of assembly Q Value Quality Size Water filter Pump 3 star 5% 2 star _._.................. 2% -- ---------- ------ - Reviews with images See all photos> ...................................................................................... 1 star 8% v How customer reviews and ratings work y Top reviews I Top reviews from the United States i Kelly baker Solid Pool! Reviewed in the United States on July 9,2023 ....... ..................._._................................._..__.... Size:24'x 12'x 52" Style:Sand Filter verified Purchase Sponsored This will probably be a lengthier review than I would normally commit to,but I hope it helps somebody.Read on to find out what you need to know before getting this or any above ground pool. I ordered the 24ft by 12ft Intex Ultra for the family.it was a decent price,but a little scary for the budget minded do it yourselfer.I researched,and priced some hard sided above ground pools,and man are they expensive!A company here in Arkansas wanted$10,000.00 dollars for a 24ft round above ground pool.I had to provide a dump truck full of sand and have electric hooked up to the area for filters,but for that price it came with the sand filter,and tools plus chemicals.Still,THATS ALOT OF MONEY FOR AN ABOVE GROUND POOL! I had a 12ft easy set big blue thing a few years ago and learned some things about setting up a pool that helped me with this one. v Read more 372 people found this helpful Helpful Report https://www.amazon.com/qD/DroductIB07GZ2YZCT/ref=ppx vo dt b search asin title?ie=UTF8&th=1 7/10 4/26/24,3:26 PM Amazon.com:Intex 24'x 12'x 52"Ultra XTR Rectangular Outdoor Swimming Pool Set with Sand Filter Pump,Saltwater System, ... The swimming pool was destroyed due to water pressure.A large amount of water leaked from the pool. Reviewed in Canada on July 15,2023 Size:18'x 9'x 52" Style:Sand Filter Varified Purchase The swimming pool was completely destroyed yesterday due to water pressure.A large amount of water leaked from the pool.Fortunately,no one was injured and the house was damaged.We only used it for one year plus four months.It is still in the two-year maintenance period,but we dare not use it again.Pool,we don't give back our replacement,we ask for a refund.Email for more photos.Reported this last night and still have not heard back. The dealer"V prime"don't follow up the two-year warranty,just said can't help.We sent messages to Index one day,still waiting their reaction. Update:- The two-year warranty period of this manufacturer is a joke.They ask to send the damaged metal bracket from the west coast of Canada to the east coast.The UPS quote is CAD400.And.light,the shipping cost is much lower,and the metal bracket is replaced by a photo,because it has been proved that the damaged part, so the manufacturer is sincere to solve the problem,this method is more reasonable,but it is not accepted, we decided not to lose any unreasonable The cost of the car in exchange for its irresponsible two-year warranty.This production also does not provide email to contact customers,nor does it contact its website, only chat. 7 people found this helpful Report See more reviews> Sponsored Gat to Know Us make Morey with Us Amazon Payment Products Let Us Help You C:are.et� Sell on Amazon Amazon visa Your Ancowlt Amazon Sell apps of.Amazon Amazon Store Card Your Order?•, Newsletler Supply to Amazon Amazon Secured Card Shipping Rates& About Amazon Poi;UCS Protect&Build Your Amazon Business Card Accessibility, Brand Shop Willi Points Amazon Prime St,stainabiiity 3ecorne an Affiliate Returns& Credit Card Marketplace Reolacemerrts Press Center Become a Delivery Driver Reload Your Baiance Manage Your investor Relations Staft a Package Delivery Gift Cards Content and Devises Business httDs://www.amazon.com/gP/r)roduCUB07GZ2YZCT/ref=aox vo dt b search asin title?ie=UTF8&th=1 9/10 k x i IN y� Y �y p a y ¢Sr r a s'*•' ,� �` - } ,a.;-°ax .`�` ��� n a+*:� � & �c�'h it c . .F`? byes and fv,5 �.1,\ 7� � � �a � < �` •§ A �5�G �F4 � �t .,t ice► " �kF �'(+'�Z , - ',• ' _ �.x k i" * ':a1, "' �'< .fie i N r E��'k'{� a,.•" a ' ,d � .�''; �'� '�e. g MA i < 4 day r .. 1 � xi "kd w• V�.. ib a �. �'4a �4 y ,'+.;�:b, r «+ P.�. �v v7 q �°_ Fk=<�"x i�x1`a.� �'�r r a f r � K y' 4��•� �M l �. �, a ,�:Lti 1 ..L 1 'V .�i h.f�4 4 'n'TN�•a —�•. x�<' rn v �, =sy. �..-���,y1.�' Ary ,. ��°"� � ,'y�,.` .r�. 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