HomeMy WebLinkAbout51610-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51610 Date: 02/05/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Luke Johnson 2740 E Mill Rd Mattituck, NY 11952 To: Construct a new post frame building accessory to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Structure must maintain a minimum side and rear yard setback of 25 feet. Premises Located at: 2740 E Mill Rd, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 100.-5-1 Pursuant to application dated 11/22/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector.. To expire on 02/05/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Accessory-New Structure $1,505.00 CO Accessory Structure $100.00 Total $1,605.00 As'� �� Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 �'6- t ,r Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 hat s://ww. ot�tltoldtoo�a ov Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use OnlyUj 51� 10 , 4 PERMIT NO. Building Inspector. Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. " " ' ` i 4 Date: {1221 y4 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: LtI�C�' IQa�G� �u►-�,i►� ,-yl SCTM #1000- LJ'13g$q I Project Address: Zyy o L::& -- A4:t I Kd Phone#• g I) 3-7S—Lf ao3 Email: Mailing Address: •71Lio Easy M:t� 12d •, M�-l��+uci�- , sty � IR�L CONTACT PERSON: Name: V—e L '.1 ��►-vr�sor Mailing Address: 2-1aiO fits+ µ.L112d � (ll�k4;-hxe_i� � I.t� i1RSZ Phone#: (pS,\ 3-1 i- L{oo Email: ('ctc N,L( (g}S�Lm- c,, DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: 22 SL'oc..-6. then✓ Phone#: 01-1) 3s,5--Tis j Email. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: 0 T�itbyfcd,�io,n Mailing Address: (G V 6-�'L AVE'�IJe+ r �4 11g3� Phone#:, 3,,�0, _lZ3o Email, G17ficA4r �n1,01490 FloolL.co, DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION RfNew Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other 03,L4 00.6 C. Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes &No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes Ao 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Rom;CLWU-et,( Intended use of property: 'LC; &,VVjk,0,4 Zone or use district in which premises is situated:. Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to A L Z 1 O this property? ❑Yes eNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Read Ing. The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as'a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):Tac,�%41-( TdK''lr-AY` ❑Authorized Agent 12 wner Signature of Appiica Date: I I,+' -,2-f X STATE OF NEW YORK) MAT-THEW SANCHEZ NOTARY PuBUC UFFO STATE O f Y NEW YORK COMM.SLK COUNTY OF LIC.#01SA0012649 EXP.08/25/2027 RC,C,hGl 0-b n being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the Q►�J�1-�-- (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this � day of bor 20 y Public 11 PROPERTY OWNED K7 TI (Where the applicant is not the owner) residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein.. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 A 5,sras R s Structural Specifications and Notes a a Wood L Q_ S This plan is intended to reflect only the structural design of this building. The I a I d 1. General Requirements contractor shall review all applicable local, state, and federal building codes -�1 t A.Structural wood members and connections shall be of sufficient size or capacity to carry all design loads P g ca 3e 2n 3r 3r 2n 3e 3 2e 3 without exceeding the allowable design values specified in"The National Design specification for Wood x60 'xl Post prior to the start of construction to ensure building conformance. Timber Tech I Engineering, Inc. is not responsible for information pertaining to this project if 9 9. P P 9 P 1 _...._I_... _._.. _._.I_.. _ _ _..__i- __.I_.... _ I - - .� - _. ..._. �. - � Construction" (NDS), and its Supplement" by the American Wood Council (AWC). 6 not shown on drawings or listed below. Revisions to the plans shall be / ( B.Wood members used for load supporting purposes shall have the grade mark of a lumber grading agency 6 a [ fle Building approved by engineer of record.All standards indicated in these notes shall I ( I i \v/ certified by the American Lumber Standards Committee. 4adhere to the referenced standards chapter of the governing code listed below. ` ) 2. Heavy Timbers r For . A.Structural solid sawn timbers shall be designed, fabricated and installed in accordance with the NDS by Design Requirements I I I I AWC. 2 Governing Code: 2020 Building Code of NY State (Structural Provisions Only) i I I ( i \ a � / ( B.Structural glued laminated soft wood timbers shall conform with the"American National Standard or 2. Risk Category: II 5 Structural Glued Laminated Timber" (ANSI 117 2306.1). 3. Dead Loads: i 2e 1 i 2r 2r i 1 ( 2e 2e ( 1 2r 2r 1 12e C.Structural decking shall conform to the NDS. A.Roof 10 psf I I OI O lOO{ O iO ( O O I D.Glued laminated columns for post frame applications shall be manufactured with laminating combinations B.Floor 0 psf OI a 4. Live Loads: 0 I i I i I / a ,� I that will provide a minimum design value of 2,150 psi for compressive stress(Fc), and 1,900 psi for L. uke Johnson p I O O I I I I i / \ i bending stress(Fb).Do not cut, alter or remove truss or frame members without the written approval of the A.Roof 25 psf I / \ structural Engineer. B.Floor 0 psf a I I I I I I( 1I E.Handle frames and trusses with straps or slings so as not to mark wood surface. 27410 East Mill 5.Truss Loads: I I I I i /�°,\ I F.Do not cut, alter or remove truss or frame members without the written approval of the structural Engineer. A.Top Chord Live 25 psf I I i i I i i / O \ I G.Provide accommodations for deflection, shrinkage and swelling of timbers where in contact with brittle B.Top Chord Dead 5 psf I O 5 I - L - - - - - - materials. C.Bottom Chord Live 0 psf I O -I- - -i- -i- - -I- ® 3e 2n 3r 3r 2n 3e 3 2e 3 3. Dimension Lumber D.Bottom Chord Dead 5 psf a A.All lumber species graded visually or mechanically, shall comply with the NDS b AWC, and the"American PY Y 6. Snow Loads: a Softwood Lumber Standard" (PS 20) by the U.S. Department of Commerce. MatItituck , A.Design Roof Snow Load 25 psf I _ I B.Unless specified otherwise, the minimum grade and species for posts shall be#1 Southern Pine; the B.Ground Snow Load (P.) 30 psf C&C Wall Zones for C&C Roof Zones for C&C Roof Zones for minimum grade and species for beams, headers and other primary structural members shall be#1 C.Flat Roof Snow(Pf) 25 psf Southern Pine. l 1952 D.Snow Exposure Factor(Ce) 1.0 Enclosed Partially Enclosed, Partially Open, � �or Enclosed Partially Open or C.Lumber used for secondary framing shall be#142 Spruce-Pine-Fir(SPF)or better. E.Thermal Factor(Ct) 1.2 Open, or Partial) Partial) Enclosed Buildings Partial) Enclosed Buildings D.Post frame headers shall be two-span continuous beams with all multiple I headers overlapping so that F.Slope Factor (CS) 1.0 p ' y y g y g P ply PP g the butt joints for each ply do G.Snow Load Risk Factor(1) 1.0 Enclosed Buildings Gable Roofs, 0 > 7° Hip Roofs, 6 > 7° columns shall conform with ASABE EP 559.1. not occur at the same post. E.Mechanically laminated colu H.Drift Surcharge Load (Pd) n/a Enginee ed Wood DE) Sign n ■I■ ■ I. Drift Surcharge Width (w) n/a A.Basic Wind Speed (V) 127 mph 6 = roof angle 8 = roof angle 4 A.WoodrStructural Panels J. Unbalanced Snow Loads have been considered. i. All panels, including plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), and composite panels, shall meet the 7. Wind Load (ASCE 7-16): requirements of voluntary product standard PS 1, and shall be identified with the appropriate B.ASD Wind Speed (Vasd=V-/0.6) 98.4 mph trademark of APA-the Engineered Wood Association (APA-EWS). C.Wind Exposure Category C Cast-In-Place Concrete Metal Connectors, Bolts, and Anchors ii. Plywood, OSB and composite panels may be used interchangeably, unless specified on plan. D.Building Enclosure Classification Enclosed Building 1. Concrete work shall conform to the following specifications by The American Concrete 1. Connections shall be designed and constructed according to AISC, and shall conform to the iii.All panels shall have the correct span rating for the application (i.e. roofing, flooring, siding). E.Internal Pressure Coefficient(GC .) +0.18, -0.18 Institute (ACI). following: iv.Install panels with long dimension or strength axis perpendicular to supports, and continuous across TTE DRAWING NUMBER: E414-24 P1 A."Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete" (ACI 318). A.Bolted connections shall be snug-tightened bearing type connections using%4'diameter two or more spans unless specified otherwise on plans. F.Component&Cladding (C&C)Wind Load B."Hot Weather Concreting"(ACI 318, Sect. 26.5.5&ACI 305R). ASTM A307 hex bolts, and ASTM A563C hex nuts, unless noted otherwise. v. Provide one eighth inch spacing at all panel ends and edges for expansion. i. Roof Zone 1 +23,-69 psf vi.Nailin schedule: i/24izs r,._-.-�--, .. C."Cold Weather Concreting" (ACI 318, Sect. 26.5.4&ACI 306R). B.Welded connections shall be in strict accordance with the standards of the American g ii. Roof Zone 2e +23,-69 psf a. Wall and roof panels having s ' 'S /�OF NEW y 2. Materials used shall adhere to the following: Welding Society (AWS), and the AISC. Use E-70 series electrodes for all welds.Welds P 9 /s", /s' and /2"thickness shall be fastened w/8d (0.131"x2.5") nails; / o iii. Roof Zone 2r +23,-100 psf r. C. N�xa��P 9 A.Portland Cement: ASTM C150, type 1. for all fabricated components and brackets to be welded all around with fillet welds having all thicker panels shall be fastened w/ 10d (0.148"x3") nails unless specified otherwise on plans. �fi o iv. Roof Zone 3e +23,-100 psf b. Nails spacing at panel edges shall be no more than 6 inches on centers unless s B.Fly Ash: ACI 318, Sect. a minimum size conforming to AISC Table J2.4 P 9 P 9 specified otherwise v. Roof Zone 3r +23,-119 psf 3 on plans. ` iE414-2 vi. Roof Zone 3 (hip roof only) n/a psf C.Aggregates: ASTM C33, maximum aggregate size is one inch. C.Anchor bolts shall meet ASTM F1,554 or A36/A 36M. Use /4„diameter bolts with a 3" a D.Fiberglass reinforcement: PCI MNL 128 Standard. hook and 12" minimum embedment into concrete unless otherwise indicated). c. Nail spacing at intermediate supports: vii. Wall Zone 4 +36,-39 psf g ( ) s „ , „ E.Air-entrainingadmixture: ACI 318, Sect. D.Expansion Bolts interior applications): Use expansion anchors of the diameter and length /s and /s wall panels w/studs/girts at 24"on center: 6 inches on center nail spacing unless 073�, viii. Wall Zone 5 +36,-48 psf F. Chemical admixtures: ASTM C494,water reducing. All concrete, except footings, shall indicated on the drawings as manufactured b Simpson Strong Tie or approved equal. g 1,�''� g P g g y p g pp q specified otherwise on plans ® Eras �N ix. Dimension a 4.6 ft. contain a water reducing admixture. No admixtures containing calcium chloride are Use Strong-Bolt Wedge Anchors in concrete and use sleeve anchors in brick and CMU. •All other conditions: 12"on center nail spacing unless specified otherwise on plans. 8. Earthquake Design Data: 3 " Revision#1 A. Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure permitted. All other additives shall not be used without prior approval of the structural Fill CMU cells at all bolt locations. d. Start nailing at/ from panel edge. B. Light Framed Wall with Shear Panels engineer. E.Screw Anchors(interior applications): Use screw anchors of the diameter and length vii.Blocking around panel edges. TimothyR. Royer P.E. NY Cert#73963 G.Va or retarder: Clear 8-mil thickpolyethylene. indicated on the drawings as manufactured b Simpson Strong Tie or approved equal. a. On walls, all panel edges shall be blocked with 2" nominal or wider framing. - ec y C. Mapped and Design Spectral Response Acceleration P g y P g PP q b. On roof, blocking around panel edges is not required unless specifically specified on plans. Expiration Date: 03-31-2026 i. SS 0.175 3. Proportion normal-weight(145 pcf)concrete mixes to provide the following properties: Use Titen HD Screw Anchors in concrete and in CMU. Fill CMU cells at all bolt locations. im A.Compressive strength: 4,000 psi at 28 days(unless noted otherwise). F.Screw Anchors(exterior applications): Use screw anchors of the diameter and length B.Structural Composite Lumber(SCL) IMPORTANT NOTE: ii. St 00500 B.Slump limit: 3%6"at point of placement without superplasticizer. Superplasticizers indicated on the drawings as manufactured by Red Head or approved equal. Use LDT i. All SCL members including laminated veneer lumber(LVL), parallel strand lumber(PSL)and This plan is approved for structural ii. Sds 0.0.187 079 (ASTM C494, Type F or G) may be added to concrete that has a 2 to 4 inch slump Stainless Steel bolts, or LDT bolts with EnvireX coating in concrete and CMU. Fill CMU laminated strand lumber(LSL)shall conform to ASTM D5456. ENGINEERING design of this building. D. Occupancy Risk Factor, before the addition, and that is not warmer than 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The slump shall cells at all bolt locations. ii. Install as shown on this plan and according to the manufacturer's recommendations. not exceed 7Y"with the addition of the superplasticizers. G.Connections exposed to weather or high relative humidity shall be hot-dip galvanized per 5. Prefabricated Components E. Site Class D A.Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses F. Seismic Design Category B C.Weter-cement ratio: 0.45 maximum at point of placement. ASTM A153/A153M. D.Air content: 5 to 7 percent for concrete exposed to freezing and thawing, 2 to 4 percent H.Proprietary connectors and fasteners shall be installed per manufacturer's specifications i. Engineer, fabricate, and erect metal plate connected wood trusses for the design, loading (including 22 Denver Road Suite B Denver PA 17517 G. Response Modification Factor(R) 2.5 elsewhere. to achieve the published load value unless otherwise noted. Connectors and fasteners loading under truss loading, snow loading, wind loading sections, knee brace reactions-if any, & H. Deflection Amplification Factor(Cd) 2.5 4. Reinforcing steel shall be fabricated, detailed and placed in accordance with the ACI 318, by other manufacturers than those specified shall be equivalent or better load value. other loading required by the IBC), spacing, and geometry shown on this plan. Comply with TPI 1 Phone: 717-3 3 5-2 7 5 0 Fax: 717 3 3 5-2 7 5 3 I. Seismic Response Coefficient(Cs) "National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction" b the Truss Plate - and shall conform to the following: Metal Gladdin g Y J. Design Seismic Base Shear(V) 1,950 lb in Institute TPI A.Deformed reinforcing bars: ASTM A615/A615M with a minimum yield strength of 1. Steel siding and roofing panels shall be fabricated from 26, 28, or 29 gauge, grade E 80 (TPI). 9. Roof Rain Load: g g P g g g ( ii. Submit shopdrawings and structural analysis data, signed and sealed b a qualified professional 60,000 psi (grade 60). ksi structural qualitysteel, as specified in the drawing, with hot dipped galvanized coating g Y g y A. Rain Intensity (i) 6.53 in/hour B.Welded wire fabric WWF : ASTM Al064, flat sheets, not rolls. ) P g' pp g g engineer engaged by the fabricator who its registered in the state where this project is located. 10. Lateral Soil Loads: ( ) conforming to ASTM A653/A653M or with an aluminum-zinc alloy coating conforming to Wood truss design shall comply with the NDS b AWC. C.Ties/Stirrups: ASTM A615/A615M, grade 40. ASTM A792/A792M lain products only). g P Y Y Equivalent Fluid Pressure (EFP) n/a psf/ft (p P y). iii.Engage a fabricator who participates in a recognized quality-assurance as program 5. Concrete work shall be executed according to the following: 2. Aluminum siding and roofing panels shall be fabricated from nominal 0.018 inches thick, P P 9 q y- surance ro ram that involves 406 South Main Street P .O . Box 509 Kouts IN 46347 11. Lateral Stored Material Loads: 9 g > > A.Concrete shall be laced in the forms within 1Y2 hours after the introduction of cement to inspection by an independent inspecting and testing agency acceptable to authorities having A. Equivalent Fluid Pressure (EFP) n/a psf/ft P 3104 alloy,H38 temper, high strength aluminum conforming to ASTM E209. Aluminum the aggregate unless otherwise approved by the engineer. siding/roofing panels may not substitute steel panels if steel panels are specified in the jurisdiction. Abide by guidelines set forth in"The Standard Responsibilities in the Design Process Phone: 219-766-2499 Fax: 219-766-2394 Earthwork B.Curing compound shall be applied in a uniform layer overall cast-in-place surfaces at a drawing. Involving Metal Plate Connected Wood.Trusses" 1. Requirements rate of not less than one gallon per 150 square feet of surface. Curing compound shall 3. Paint Finish: All panels, when required, shall receive a factory applied polyester coating iv.Dimension Lumber: comply with PS 20 for any lumber species, graded visually or mechanically. A.Provide a construction grade extending ten feet beyond building exterior walls. meet the requirements of ASTM-C309, Type 2, Class A or B. conforming to the manufacturer's specifications. v. Connector Plates: structural quality steel sheet, zinc coated, complying with ASTM A653/A 653M, Earthwork shall meet the requirements of Section 1804 of the IBC. C.Maintain tolerances and surface irregularities within ACI 117 limits of class A for 4.Flashings shall be shop fabricated from material that is the same gauge and finish as the grade 33, G60 coating designation. B.Excavate for foundations to subgrade elevations regardless of character of materials concrete exposed to view, and class C for other concrete surfaces. Floor slabs shall be vi.lnstall and brace trusses according to"BCSI : Guide to Good Practice for Handling Installing, wall/roof panels to which they are attached. Where practicable, fleshings shall be -� and obstructions encountered, unless otherwise approved by the structural engineer. screeded,floated and steel troweled to a smooth, dense and plane surface. Restraining, and Bracing of metal plate connected wood trusses"by TPI and SBCA. Install trusses 172 LuybEkn Hills Rd . Kingston Springs TN 37082 Caulking shall lengths. � C.Perform excavation work in compliance with applicable requirements of authorities D.Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement. plumb, square, and true to line; and securely fasten to supporting construction. 5. Caulking Sealant shall be a gun grade or tape type non-hardening long-life butyl (for vii.Temporary bracing is the responsibility g having jurisdiction. i. Reinforcing bars shall lap 48 bar diameters at splices in concrete unless sealing metal-to-metal gasket joints), or gun grade non-acetic acid cured long-life silicone P rY gof the contractor and shall be installed according to the Phone: 615-378-1535 Fax: 615-378-1587 2.Materials otherwise noted. (for filling voids). All caulking or sealant shall be applied in a neat manner with excess recommendations of BCSI by TPI and SBCA. A.Satisfactory soil: ASTM D2487 unified soil classification groups GW, GP, GM, SW, ii. Provide corner bars to match all continuous reinforcingin concrete and mason viii.Permanent bracing shall be installed according to this plan and the manufacturer's design, rY� caulking or sealant removed from exposed surfaces. SP, and SM; free of rock or gravel larger than two inches in any dimension, debris, iii. Reinforcingbar hooks shall be ACI standard. as wellas SBCA and TPI recommendations. Unless otherwise noted, all temporary bracing 6. Fasteners: All screw fasteners shall have a combination steel and neoprene washer. bracing in the finished structure. Minimum lateral waste, frozen materials, vegetation, or other deleterious matter. iv. WWF shall have ends lapped one full mesh, and shall extend onto supporting Nails shall have a Fabroseal washer or equivalent. Fastener selection and installation elements shall remain in place g of webs and B.Unsatisfactory soil: ASTM D2487 unified soil classification groups GC, SC, ML, MH, walls. shall be as recommended by claddingbottom chord members shall be as required by truss design. manufacturer.CL, CH, OL, OR and PT. v. Chairs, bolsters, bar supports, and spacers shall be sized and shaped for 7.Installation of all metal cladding, at flashing, trim, sealant and fasteners shall be according ix.Do not alter, cut or remove truss members. C.Backfill and fill: satisfactory soil materials. strengthen support of reinforcement during concrete placement. to MFG. specs. x. Remove and replace wood trusses that are damaged or deficient. 3. Execution E.Provide minimum concrete cover on reinforcing bars as follows: B.Structural Insulated Panels(SIP) A.Shallow post foundations have been designed in accordance with ASABE EP486 for i. Cast against earth................................................3" Fireblocking and Draftstopping (See IBC Chapter 7) i. Design and fabricate in accordance with the recommendations of APA-PDS Supplement 4.. Builder :- an assumed allowable load bearin ressure of 2,000 sf. S read and stri 1. Vertical Fireblocking ii. Install as shown on this plan and according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 9 P P P P u. Exposed to earth or weather(#5 or smaller)........1Y2"foundations have been desi ned for an assumed allowable load bearin ressure of A. Fireblocking shall be installed at the ceiling line between posts for all buildings that are 6. Pressure Preservative Treatment PPT® � 9 9 P iii. Exposed to earth or weather(#6 or larger........... 2" ( ) 2,000 psf No increases permitted). The contractor shall verify these assumptions, � s �. to have a finished ceiling A.Pressure treatment to be performed according to the American Wood Preservers'Association (AWPA) P ( P ) fY P iv. Slabs and walls not exposed................................/a -Contract and shall immediately notify the structural engineer in writing of any deficiency. F.Install construction, isolation, and control joints as indicated on drawings. 2. Attic Draftstopping standards. B.Place backfill and fill in layers not more than eight inches in loose depth at optimum i. Control joint panels shall be rectangular in shape and shall not exceed a length A. Attic spaces of 3,000 square feet or more must have draftstopping installed in such a B.Pressure treated members shall have the inspection mark of an agency accredited by the American moisture content. Compact each layer under footings and slabs to a dry density of at to width ratio of 1.5. manner as to partition any area of attic space to less than or equal to 3,000 square feet. Lumber Standards Committee. R "Fm)k least 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 ii. Position of construction joints other than those shown on the drawings shall be B. Draftstopping in an attic space will consist of not less than 0.5 inch gypsum board or C.Preservative: chromated copper arsenate (CCA), alkaline copper quaternary(ACQ), copper azole(CA)as I C.Bottom of exterior footings shall extend below the local frost depth elevation. This submitted to the structural engineer for approval. 0.375 inch wood structural panel or particle board (OSB), applied to the entire face of specified by American Wood Protection Association. Fabrcation truss(including eaves in a manner that no passage is possible from one side of the requirement does not apply to insulted foundations designed in accordance with G.Backfill shall be placed against both sides of stem walls simultaneously where ( g ) P g p D.Minimum waterborne treatment retention shall be 0.4 pcf for members above ground, and 0.6 pcf for ASCE 32. The top of interior footings shall be eight inches below finished floor unless applicable. No backfilling against walls shall be done until the slabs at the top and truss to the other. For raftered roofs, a light framework must be made to hold members in contact with earth. a thickened slab is specified on the plan. bottom have been placed, unless the walls are adequately braced. Allow concrete draftstopping material. E.Treat indicated items and the following: walls to cure for a minimum of fourteen days before backfilling. 3. Horizontal Draftstopping i. Wood members exposed to weather or insect infestation. 16 H.Consult architectural, mechanical, and electrical drawings for additional openings not A. Horizontal drafstopping shall be installed at intervals not exceeding 10 feet in buildings ii. Wood members in direct contact with earth or concrete.(oungs Avenueshown on structural drawings, and for embedded items such as inserts, pipe sleeves, that will have lined or finished interiors. Horizontal draftstopping will consist of 2x boards iii.Wood members exposed to high moisture content(>19%for dimension lumber, >16%for glued hanger straps, etc. (of not lessthan 2"wide) installed vertically between horizontal wall girts at each post laminated timber). I. The contractor shall be responsible for stability and integrity of all excavations and both on the interior and exterior of the post. In lieu of 2x boards,0.5 inch gypsum board iv.Wood members less than 12 inches above grade. existing structures. may be used as long as the fit is tight. See IBC Chapter 7 for additional options. F.Field treat newly exposed wood where cutting, drilling or notching pressure treated lumber. Calvrton NY 11933e G.Metal connectors used in treated wood shall be hot-dip galvanized as per ASTM 153/A153M. H.All metal products installed in contact with treated wood shall be separated with a min. barrier of 30#felt paper. 7. Connections shall be designed and constructed according to the NDS by AWC and shall conform to the following: A.The APA rated sheathing attachment to roof and wall framing shall be as specified in Section 6 of Wood notes above. B.The minimum connection shall be two 16d (0.131"x3.25"nails), unless specified otherwise in other sections of notes or on the plans. C.Post Frame Construction Drawing Index i. Fasten each ply of header to post with 16d (0.131"x3.25") nails or larger, unless different fastener is specified on the plans. ii. When a three ply header is specified on plan, notch post to accept one ply. Cover Page Project Description & Notes iii.When a four ply header is specified on plan, notch post to accept two plies-one notch on each side of post. iv.Unless specified otherwise on plans, fasten wall girls to post w/(2) 16d (0.131"x3.25")or larger Floor Plan, Cross Section A/1, Concrete Slab Edge Detail, Floor nails; at splice two nails are required on each side of splice. 1 Control Joint Detail Steel Panel Fastening Detail v. Unless specified otherwise on plans, fasten roof purlins to trusses or rafters w/(2) 16d (0.131"x3.25")or larger nails except 3 nails around roof perimeter; at splice, two nails are required on each side of splice. 2 Cross Section B/2, 2 Ply Header Detail, Elevations D.Conventional framing shall be fastened as specified in IBC Chapter 23, unless specified otherwise on plans. E.Other connections as per standard construction practice. Note: This plan is only approved for the structural design of this building. Additional information may be required to obtain a building permit. The contractor shall review all local, state, and federal building codes prior to the start of construction to ensure building conformance. Revision #1 . This revision replaces all Original Certified Date 11/6/2024 previous certified drawings. See Cover Page Revision 1 Certified Date 1/24/2025 for certified drawing history being replaced. TTE Drawing Number: E414-24 60'-0" Revision #1 . This revision replaces all previous certified drawings. See Cover Page I B'-O" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 4'-0" for certified drawing history being replaced. im erech <2 I ENGINEERING East:22 Denver Road,Suite B, Denver,PA 17517 Ph:717-335-2750 Fax:717-335-2753 West:406 S Main Street,PO Box 509 Kouts,IN 46347 9 3 Ply 2x8 SYP combination 49 or -30"O Concrete footing, Double 2x6 SYP framing between 28 Ga. painted metal roof Ph:219-766-2499 Fax:219-766-2394 better glulam post at 8' o/c, typical typical at sidewalls trusses, fasten together w/two rows of 1 Od nails 8" o/c 2x4#2 or better SPF purlins, fasten to truss Southeast: 172 Luyben Hills Road Kingston Springs,TN 37082 i Fasten diagonal brace to double w/ (3) 0.135"x3Y2" R.S. gun nails, see Cross Ph:615-378-1535 Fax:615-378-1587 2x6 frami Section B/2 for spacing requirements ng w/ (10) 16d nails www.timbertecheng.com a creative engineering firm, providing solutions and building relationships Fasten top chord of truss to each-A \-Fasten top and bottom chords of ...................... ............. . ...... ........... 9 ply of double 2x6 framing w/ (4) truss to each post w/ (6) 16d nails This drawing is the property of Timber �0 16d nails (into end grain) Tech Engineering, Inc. and reproduction, alteration or use of this drawing without the written consent of Timber Tech Engineering, Inc. is prohibited. Drawings 251 shall not be scaled to obtain dimensions. Trusses, 4' o/c --Fasten diagonal bracing to gable The contractors and builders involved on --�EXtencl all gable posts post & stub post w/ (10) 16d nails this project shall verify all dimensions and to top of top chord conditions before starting work and any Fasten top and bottom chords of discrepancy shall be reported to the o truss to each post w/ (6) 16d nails engineer in writing before starting work. �0 IMPORTANT NOTE: A 2x6 SYP Diagonal brace (approximately 45' slope)w/-/ This plan is approved for structural design 2x6 SYP stiffener (flat) on top of brace, 8' o/c, fasten of this building. 9 together w/ 16d nails 12" o/c, diagonal brace required 1/24/25 Zo at gable posts & stub posts where truss exceeds 4', of NE (3) braces min. required at each endwall ��P�fi,��xny,�9� 4 4-2 92 073 28 Ga. painted steel siding FED -'�, Revision#1 3 Ply 2x8 SYP combination 49 or 2x4#2 or better SPF girls, 18" o/c max., Timothy R. Royer NY Eng. Cert# 73963 better glulam post at 8' o/c, typical fasten to post w/ (5) 16d R.S. nails each Exeiration Date: 03-31-2026 CONTRACTOR: )��2413 Concrete footing, RP Fabrication typical at endwalls 16 Youngs Avenue 9 �0 Calverton, NY 11933 /-2x8 SYP treated skirt board, fasten to post w/ (6) 16d hot 7 dip galvanized nails 0 (D Concrete backfill DRAWING TITLE: 2 Ply 1 X4"x1l 1;/8" 1.8E, 240OFb Floor Plan 9 or better LVL headers, single 0? span, typical at overhead doors 4 #4xl 2" Rebar thru post at Cross Section A/1 4 9 8" above concrete footing A Concrete Slab Edge Detail oncre Floor Control Joint e aii te footing 00 A ..4 '- -'-T Steel Panel Fastening Detail 24"0 4'-0" 12'-011 4'-0" 12'-0" 4'-0" 12'-0" 4'-0" PROJECT: 4G'x60'x15'-6" Post Frame I fear: 0 so Building for: Luke Johnson Cross Section A/1 Scale Y2" V-0" Floor Plan Scale X" V-0" 2740 East Mill. Road M IV 1 , Y 1 1 9 attituck, NY 11952 A 28 Gage (or 29 ga.) painted galvanized steel Note: Steel panels are an integral part of the PROJECT START 10-24-2024 building structural design. Install as per DATE: Saw cut to a depth of 1 or manufacturers recommendations and PROGRESS PRINT Y4D (whichever is greater) these plans. Any deviation may be DATE: 11-4-2024 Door and Window Schedule Concrete slab�., (4)#5 Continuous rebar Controlled crack Place cut within 4-12 hours detrimental to structural performance. REVISIONS: DATE: BY: ID Type Size Remarks (once aggregate is set) Q M o _ 0 Change building height 1-24-25 ram 1 Exterior Door 3'-0";(6'-8" 9 Lite 91, 2 Overhead Door 12'-0"X12'-0" Butyle caulking or other 41. 00 3 Overhead D000r 12'"0"')(14'-0" WVVF' approved control joint filler 37Y4" Formed width Purlin bearing leg 0 0— 36" Coverage < Side Lap I A Single Hung 3'-0"x4'-0" 1 16" Floor Control Joint Detail Scale 3/" = 1'-0" Note: In wind borne debris regions, doors &windows are to be rated Wood framing- Intermediate Roof Purlins and siding ge Det 1'-0" for impact resistance per Section 1609.2 of the 2020 NY State Concrete Slab Ed ail Scale 1 *Note: 'N Building Code. At Overhead Door Openings Every other bar shall extend through control and construction ri— joints. Cut one half of horizontal steel at these locations. #1 OxlY2" screw typical Eaves, Ridge and Endlaps - Roof Purlins Steel Panel Fastening Detail ENGINEERED BY: i EQEQQ DRAFTED BY: 'R Milk DRAWING NUMBER: PAGE: --- --- EL414-24 1 of2 i Revision #1 . This revision replaces all E previous certified drawings. See Cover Page I { for certified drawing history being replaced. timbertechRidge vent 28 ga. painted steel roof 2x4#2 or better SPF purlins 20" o/c for first 2 Ply 13/"x11%" 1.8E, 2400Fb or ENGINEERING 5' from ridge only, fasten to truss w/(3) 2x4 #2 or better SPF purlins, 24" o/c, Trusses not shown for clarity better LVL headers, extend over full East:22 Denver Road Suite B Denver,PA 17517 0.135"x3y" R.S. gun nails each fasten to truss w/(3) 0.135"x3Y2" R.S. width of post, fasten to post w/ (10) Ph:711335 2750 Fax:717-335.2753 gun nails each, unless otherwise noted ���... %6"x4" GRK RSS screws, each West:406 S Main Street,PO Box 509 Kouts,IN 46347 Wood Truss 2x4 "X" bracing on webs indicated, Ph:219-766-2499 Fax:219-766.2394 25,5,0,5 Loading, 4' o/c f p� required at each endwall G Brace' per mfg. specs 2x6x18 SYP truss tie down block, fasten to truss �' w/(10) 16d nails, fasten to headers w/(5) 16d 2 Ply 2x12#1 SYP headers, fasten to each 2 Ply 2x12 SYP#1 SYP Southeast:172 Luyben Hills Road Kingston Springs,TN 37082 Pg = 30 psf Q overhead door header, fasten Ph:615-378-1535 Fax:615-378-1587 nails each, at post location, notch post to accept sister plate w/ (3) %6"x4" GRK RSS screws, 12 `� truss, fasten truss to post w/ (10) 16d nails (6) screws per header ply to posts w/ (10) 16d nails, each www.timbertecheng.com 1 i a creative engineering firm, providing solutions - I ! 2 Ply 2x6x48"#1 SYP sister plates, and building relationships 'I 2x4 Continuous lateral restraint on to of 2x6 Face board s „ 1 -0' y s „ „ p ripped to fit, fasten to post w/ 16 x6 2 Ply 2x8#2 or better SPF door jamb, ............ ... .........................................................., 2 PI 1/ x11/ 1.8E, 2400Fb or p p Aluminum fascia &vented soffit GRK RSS screws 4" o/c staggered ripped to fit, fasten together w/ 16d better LVL headers, fasten to post w/ bottom chord at panel points then max. p spacing required by truss manufacturer nails 8" o/c staggered fasten from This drawing is the property of Timber (10) %6"x4" GRK RSS screws, each Tech Engineering, Inc. and reproduction, 2 Ply 2x12 #1 SYP headers, fasten to post each header w/ 16d nails, 10 o/c alteration or use of this drawing without the 2 Ply 2x8#2 or better SPF doorjamb, ripped to w/ 10 %6"x4" GRK RSS screws each, 5 • 00 fasten together w/ 16d nails 8" o/c, staggered, ( ) ( ) Post written consent of Timber Tech fit, g gg screws on each side of splice 2x4#2 or better SPF irts 18" o/c max., view 1 j fasten from each header w/ 16d nails, 10" o/c g Scaley" = 1'-0" Engineering, Inc. is prohibited. Drawings ! fasten to post w/ (4) 16d R.S. nails each Cross Section 13/2 shall not be scaled to obtain dimensions. N ) 2 Ply 2x12 SYP#1 SYP overhead door header, to The contractors and builders involved on i fasten to posts w/(10) 16d nails, each 3 Ply 2x8 SYP combination 49 or this project shall verify all dimensions and better glulam post at 8' o/c, typical Trusses, 4' o/c conditions before starting work and any !� I 28 Ga. painted steel siding Y discrepancy shall be reported to the 1 At post, fasten truss to post w/(10) 16d nails engineer in writing before starting work. i IMPORTANT NOTE: Notch post to accept truss This plan is approved for structural design to provide direct bearing / 2x6x18 #2 or better SYP truss tie down 2x8 SYP treated skirt board, fasten to rt for truss block, fasten to truss w/ (10) 16d nails of this building. 4 Concrete slab w/ post w/ (6) 16d hot dip galvanized nails suppo E 6x6 10 ga. WWF and to headers w/ (5) 16d each ply 1/24/2OF NEW '1.Aa. %. €,'ate '`s' :; ., .,.. �. r .. ems.. Concrete backfill ; s'• * ~" ! ,� °Dwirrn , #4x15" Rebarthru ostat a •_ �'I~ �w • C+ NT o p Alternate splices,(10) /6 x4 GRK r 4" Crushed stone N8 above concrete footing RSS screws each, (5) screws on 073� I Fr - NR� . 00 each side of splice • Revision#1 Concrete footing •• Timothy R. Royer NY Eng. Cert # 73963 Cross Section B/2 Scaley4' = 1'-0" Expiration Date: 03-31-2026 Post 2 Ply 2x12 #1 SYP headers, fasten to post w/ (10) %6"x4" GRK RSS CONTRACTOR: screws each RP Fabrication 16 Youngs Avenue Calvertan, NY 11933 2-Ply Header Detail ScaleY" = 1'-0" DRAWING TITLE: { i 12 3r Cross Section B/2 2 Ply Header Detail Elevations 0 rn c C •� 7 m m PROJECT: N { N -Y V'XV0'X1 6-6" Post Frame l e - wilding for: Luke Johnson • ! 2746 East Mill Road Mattiucl , NY 11952 i11 U 0 Front Elevation Scale%6" V-0" Left Elevation Scale%6' = 1'-0" PROJECT START 1 6-24-2024 DATE: PROGRESS PRINT DATE: 11-4-2024 REVISIONS: DATE: BY: i 0 ! 312 AChange building height 1-24-25 rangy 2 Change roof pitch 1-24-25 ram M i c I+ CD i m I M r i ENGINEERED BY: E. Eelirm DRAFTED BY: Right Elevation Scale%s" = 1'-0" _Right Elevation ScaleY16" = 1'-0" E. JULI DRAWING NUMBER: PAGE: E414- 4 2 f 2