HomeMy WebLinkAbout51593-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51593 Date: 01/29/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Cornelius McCaffrey 1625 Broadwaters Rd Cutchogue, NY 11935 To: install generator as applied for. Premises Located at: 1625 Broadwaters Rd, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM# 104.-11-3 Pursuant to application dated 11/25/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 01/29/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: GENERATOR $125.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $100.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $325.00 Building Inspector��� r4f 1 F 1 01 1 t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1 179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 t :� �� . ttttltolcltar�t�cv Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT . For Offlce Use Only �1 .aXi,' �) , PERMIT NO. ILL Building Ins.ecttw__,mm_.... Applications and forms must:be filled out in their entirety_Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNERS PROPERTY: Name:Cornelius McCaffrey SCTM#1000-104-11-003 Project Address:1625 Broadwaters Rd Cutchogue Pho._w...ww 914-584-6562w...w__..........�_.�._w_......._......................_ .....-,,. �w�w��.� _._ ne#: Email: Mailing Address:1625 Broadwaters Rd Cutchogue CONTACT PERSON: Name:Kristina Phillips Mailing Address:1290 Flanders Rd Flanders NY 11901 Phone#:631-353-3911 Email:kristina@allwrightelectric.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email:. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:ALL WRIGHT ELECTRIC Mailing Address:1290 Flanders Rd Flanders NY 11901 Phone#:631-353-3911 Email:kristina@allwrightele.ctric.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition E.-Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: R Other Installation of 14KW Home Standby Generator $$8935 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ®No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes �No 1 22� PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? DYes 10-4 No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading. The owoortcontratW/dWp professional is re"nslole to,all drainage and storm water Issues as provided bV Chapter 1%of thetowo Code,APPUCATION 1$REM to The OuNini;Departrnent for the hatsamw of a$0114104 P600t Pt0suirld to tfw sultding Zone ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,Now York and other a;splicaW Wws,Ordmances or Replattonsfor the cOnstrucCO"Of bu#0w, additions,atteratims or for romml or 40"OtIon at horotm described.The app*ont agrees to comply with A applIcable laws,ordinantes,buittling code, housing tode and re"tloot and to adtrilt auttwited Inspeftts on promises and io building(s)for nem.sarV lospectlow fWse,staternerft made herein are puntshable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to section WAS of the N40W York state Peold taw, Application Submitted By(print e): Wright IgAuthorized Agent ElOwner Signature of Applicant. Date: //A�OV/ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF Suffolk Richard Wright being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the Electrician (Contractor, Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me day of otary ubIiqMjsTINAA.PHl1LTS NO`rARY PUBLtCoSTATE OF N No�01P115(AW53 119U,51 rn�11:1111 Suffolk Coun PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION Commission Expires July 3% (Where the applicant is not the owner) ----------- residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for a roval as described herein. ,a I W Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 Buildina Department Apgficatio AUTHORIZATION (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) I, e(. q 47"" residing at �-S _e 4 J .° . (Print property owner's name) (Mailing Address) J / o do hereby authorize _ C (Agent) tf to apply on my behalf to the Southold Building Department. (Owner's Signature) Mite) (Print Owner's Name) ;y1,off BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD wa "° Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 o< Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 765-9502 � jamesh @bsoutholdtownny.gov — seand@southoldtownn qv APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (All Information Required) Date: 11/18/2024 Company Name: ALL WRIGHT ELECTRIC Electrician's Name: Richard Wright License No.: 43457-ME Elec. email: kristina@allwrightelectric.com Elec. Phone No: 631-353-3911 ❑1 request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: 1290 Flanders Rd Flanders NY 11901 JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: Cornelius McCaffrey Address: 1625 Broadwaters Rd Cutchogue NY 11935 Cross Street: Phone No.: 914-584-6562 Bldg.Permit#: email:kristina@allwrightelectric.com Tax Map District: 1000 Section:104 Block: 11 Lot:003 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): Installation of 14KW Home Standby Generator Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: YES NO Rough In ❑ Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: El YES R]NO Issued On "Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size❑1 Ph[]3 Ph Size: A #Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground[]Overhead # Underground Laterals 1 FJ2 H Frame Pole Work done on Service? OY N Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION '�O CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 7��` W20;2024 _rH13 r rn CERTIFICATE 15 JUUED AB A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO KWit'ITS UPON THE CrATIFtCATr HOLIJEW CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NE(3ATIVELY AMEND, MEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLV;IES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CON3TrTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURERIS), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THIS CERTIFICATE HOWER. IMPORTANT: if the cartMeate holder Is an AWtTIONAL INSURED,the Wicyties) must have,ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. tf SUBROGA71ON IS WAIVED,subject to the term*and conditions of the policy,certain policks may requIre an endorser"" A slatomerit on this cartillcate does not canter 'OHN MICENA PO BOX 777' mencan'Nabonm'wm WCqqI4A' II! 11942 M{LY CASUAL I Y IN-SURAN(,E W E�.RLM FA INSURED Y��79,FAR*M FAMILY INSURANCECO ALL VVRIGH1 ELECTRIC CORP Caesrtwtttrc 1290 FLAP4DERS RD MVERHEAD NY I 11K)l COVERAGES —CERTIFICATE NUMBEW REVISION NUMBER. YHS$$TNT` HE F0,VES 0'WSURMCF,6,ISTED RLLCM JAVF RFCM MOWED TC 7HF PNSUAA_D NAMkO ARONG FOR THi PM.Vt Pkiii-d-0— WITH ReSptr I ICH Tr)�AH THIS CFPTF1CATT-,MAY BE,, 16,ctIrf)OR OAAY PFRIAV't, TEE WMJOAW,L AFF()qU(70 BY JN*L fqxYcic-f; DEg:'I'400) HCK3N M rAWENA'TOALI. 1111E TE6dM8. EXCLUSION'SANC C0NUtT`f0N$0F SUGH POLV�*$ LIMIT SSHOWNMAYAV HE SEEN RE-0LK.'FD6V PArDCLAINC Lmns 02XO;760 Z'-',V24 2/23t-15 1,000,000 100,000 x 15,000 AP 2,000,000 ix.c �R�DUCTS,WAP0P AGG S 2,000,000 +_i;73P24 V23125 J, I ANY A00 WVNED 11 SODAY0 q_rU RY�ft r 2krzMeat.)'T, AUTD,Q OMA HIKED t ON V AUT1)S'f,4&y v A "X toosteLL UAS X Ot'GUR 3101rr.3606 I 212"kff 2f23r26 M MMS-MAUE� 4 1 10 00,00 KW%0010048AMON ARD9Wt0VJfWI.0M UTY Y1m EgH A(';4NDF)47 S N 1A or OPEN8dTI1 I LO?-ATMN&)VEHM-1.98 ACOND 10J,Addthmd Rwmuka Whdj4,ruy rA machod lfwn ap&es[s rsqoired) -6 ERTIF ........ ­ ­ ­'­ ....... CAN EL'ATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 9HOULO ANY OF TINE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLM BEFORE 54375 ROUTE 25 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NCITICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ACCORDANCE rATH THE PMtGy PROVINONS, AUTHORG! RE "fWA1WV 0 1968-20115 ACORD CORPORATION, AM rights roservea. ACORD 26(2016103) The ACORD name and loso m realstemd marks of ACORQ NYSIF Maw Y*tk*Wtv Insuranoa Fund PO Ro)(6%W,AlbsF ,NIY 122M I nysif.COIt3 CERTIFICATE Of WORKERS, COMPENSAMN INSURANCE III IL`I LO`dELL SAFETY MGMT CO.,LL.0 22 CORTLANDT STREFT 33RD FLR NEW YORK NY 10007 SCAN TO VA ADATE ARID SUE38CRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER ALL WRIGHT ELECTRIC CORP„ TOWN OF SOJ`HOLD 1290 FLANDERS ROAD 5:4375 ROUTE 25 FLANDERS NY 11901 SOUTHOLD ICY 116971 POLICY NLIAiBEI CERTIFICATE NU BEf2 POLICY P'ERJOD _..._ .. Z2466 060 7 6=68 W01 a02d TO 04f01 r2025 EaP2O�1II2 4 THIS IS TO CEFMFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE 18 INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE iNS€1RANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 2466 060,7. COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGA110N OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' (x"" IPENSAI"K)N UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKFM COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPEC"I. TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW. IF YOU VVISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REQARDING SAID POLICY,INCLLMING ANY NOTIFICATION Of CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VAUDATE THIS CERTIFICATE,VISIT WEEISITE Al H 4 NY'SIF.COWCERTI ER'TVAI-A P.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND I S NOT LlAftil IN THE.FVFNT OF F4wII„TIFRF TO GIVE S,ICH Nt"TIFICA'T' THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER CLAIMS OF,BUTTS THAT ARISE FROM BODILY INJURY,SUFFERED BY THE OFFICERS OF THE IN URED CORPORATION. PRESIDENT RICHARD WRIGHT 1 OF 1 OF ALL WRIGHT ELECTRIC CORP. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUER AS A. MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGWTS NOR.TRSURAIICE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER,. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE CCVERAQE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND r DIfRECTOR,INSL CI:,F#rNp LIM1IDERWRITING VALIDATION N(AABER: 105�308286 11-z�.s .w* yq� , B N Ay NS x B•x C 5x"N9N"P"� `+TM+:W�'",�'" W y��y. "uY� py A,w x W q X d pp � •k•x x��.,« 1� µ� Ila .. �� tU 92 LIJly4 IIIX ✓ I""' '�J ellJn 11 SN � ( 1✓t)�'1 a ui t '�( ujj {{1 x) IA E AS NOTED� -� I .P 5 -4i BY.. NOTIFY BUILDING DEPART NTAT Y' 1" 01-765-1802 8AM TO 4PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: USEISUNLAWFUL 1. FOUNDATION TWO nc-O tIREO FOR : _+r4LRF?! CERTIFICA 3. Ii\k; LFii iliV 4. FINAL-CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTON ERRORS COMPLY ITS ALL DE ,�� AS REQUIRED IC N NS Of: ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REQUIRED SOPOLD NON ZBA lA LD OWN TRUE aS DSOU 4EC ��NN GENERAC ® ._ 1 / /1 GUARDIAN® SERIES Residential Standby Generators Air-Cooled Gas Engine nnmt__� INCLUDES: Standby Power Rating G007171-0 0007172-0(Aluminum-Bisque)—10 kW 60 Hz True Power" Electrical Technology 0007223-10,G00 722 4-1 0,G007225-10(Aluminum-Bisque)—14 kW 60 Hz ♦ Two-line multilingual digital LCD Evolution"controller 0007226-10,000722a-10(Aluminum-Bisque)—1®kW 60 Hz (English/Spanishi French/Portuguese) Hr • Two transfer switch options available: 100 amp 16 circuit svvitch or aw,uk"'� 200 amp service rated smart switch 111 Electronic governor 0 Standard Wi-Fio connectivity * System status&maintenance interval LED indicators y • Sound attenuated enclosure • Flexible fuel line connector 6 Natural gas or LP gas operation t 0 5 Year limited warranty 0 Listed and labeled for installation as close as 18 in(457 Producl shown with optional fascia kit mm)to a structure* *Must be/ocated away from doors, windows, and fresh � or c us of f f - au intakes and in accordance with local cade�s. Q 1 r: us Lt'STEO Note:CETO or cPat certification only applies to unbundled units and units packVdwith limited circuit sw t hes.Units packagedwith the Smart Switch are ETL or UL certified in l*USA only. FEATURES O INNOVATIVE ENGINE DESIGN & RIGOROUS TESTING are at the head of .; SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REGULATION: This Generac's success in providing the most reliable generators possible.Generac's G- state-ol4he-art power maximizing regulation system is standard on all Generac Force engine lineup offers added peace of mind and reliability for when you need it models. It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and the most.The G-Force series engines are purpose built and designed to handle the MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque-matching the rigors of extended run times in high temperatures and extreme operating conditions surge loads to the engine.Digital voltage regulation at t1% O TRUE POWER"ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY:Superior harmonics and sine wave .. SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac s extensive dealer network form produce less than 5%Total Harmonic Distortion for utility quality power.This provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the engine to the allows confident operation of sensitive electronic equipment and micro-chip based smallest electronic component appliances,such as variable speed HVAC systems O TEST CRITERIA: :? GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES: Long life and reliability are synonymous with ✓ PROTOTYPE TESTED ✓ NEMA MG1-22 EVALUATION GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS, One reason for this confidence is the GENERAC SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED MOTOR STARTING ABILITY product line is offered with its own transfer systems and controls for total system compatibility O MOBILE LINKt WI-FI CONNECTIVITY: FREE with select Guardian Series home standby generators, Mobile Link Wi-Fi allows users to monitor the status of the generator from anywhere in the world using a smartphone, tablet, or PC, Easily access information such as the current operating status and maintenance alerts Users can connect an account to an authorized service dealer for fast,friendly,and proactive service With Mobile Link,users are taken care of before the next power outage �OPROMISE mm G E N E RAC' mioi 10/14/18 kW Features and Benefits Engine , . 0 Generac G-Force design Maximizes engine"breathing"for increased fuel efficiency Plateau honed cylinder walls and plasma moly rings help the engine run cooler,reducing oil consumption and resulting in longer engine life • "Spiny-lok'cast iron cylinder walls Rigid construction and added durability provide long engine life • Electronic ignition/spark advance These features combine to assure smooth quick starting every time. Full pressure lubrication system Pressurized lubrication to all vital bearings means better performance, less maintenance, and longer ` engine life.Now featuring up to a 2 yearr200 hour oil change interval, • Low oil pressure shutdown system Shutdown protection prevents catastrophic engine damage due to low oil, • EPA Certified for non-emergency applications Allows unit to be used for demand response applications High temperature shutdown Prevents damage due to overheating Generator • Revolving field Allows for a smaller, light weight unit that operates 25% more efficiently than a revolving armature generator • Skewed stator Produces a smooth output wavelorm for compatibility with electronic equipment. • Displaced phase excitation Maximizes motor starting capability. • Automatic voltage regulation Regulating output voltage to±1%prevents damaging voltage spikes. • UL 2200 listed For your safety 'transfer Switch(if applicable) • Fully automatic Transfers vital electrical loads to the energized source of power, • NEMA 3R Can be installed inside or outside for maximum flexibility • Remote mounting Mounts near an existing distribution panel for simple,low-cost installation Evolution-"Controls • AUTO/MANUAL/OFF illuminated buttons Select the operating mode and provide easy,at-a-glance status indication in any condition. • Two-line multilingual LCD Provides homeowners easily visible logs of history,maintenance,and events up to 50 occurrences • Sealed raised buttons Smooth,weather-resistant user interface for programming and operations • Utility voltage sensing Constantly monitors utility voltage,setpoints 65%dropout,80%pick-up,of standard voltage • Generator voltage sensing Constantly monitors generator voltage to verify the cleanest power is delivered to the home, • Utility interrupt delay Prevents nuisance startups of the engine,adjustable 2-1500 seconds from the factory default setting of 5 seconds by a qualified dealer • Engine warm-up Verifies engine is ready to assume the load,Setpoint approximately 5 seconds. • Engine cool-down Allows engine to cool prior to shutdown Setpoint approximately 1 minute • Programmable exercise Operates engine to prevent oil seal drying and damage between power outages by running the generator for 5 minutes every other week.Offers a selectable setting for weekly or monthly operation,providing flexibility and potentially lower fuel costs to the owner • Smart battery charger Delivers charge to the battery only when needed at varying rates depending on outdoor air temperature Compatible with lead acid and AGM-style batteries • Main line circuit breaker Protects generator from overload. • Electronic governor Maintains constant 60 Hz frequency Unit • SAE weather protective enclosure Sound attenuated enclosures ensure quiet operation and protection against mother nature,withstanding winds up to 150 mph(241 km/h, Hinged key locking root panel for security.Lift-out front for easy access to all routine maintenance items Electrostatically applied textured epoxy paint for added durability. • Enclosed critical grade muffler Quiet,critical grade muffler is mounted inside the unit to prevent injuries, • Small,compact,attractive Makes for an easy,eye appealing installation,as close as 18 in(457 mm)away from a structure GENERACO 10/14/18 kW Features and Benefits Installation System • 14 in(35.6 cm)flexible fuel line connector Listed ANSI Z21,75/CSA 6.27 outdoor appliance connector for the required connection to the gas supply piping. • Integral sediment trap Meets IFGC and NFPA 54 installation requirements Connectivity • Ability to view generator status Monitor your generator with a smartphone,tablet,or computer at any time via the Mobile Link application for complete peace of mind. • Ability to view generator ExercisOun and Total Hours Review the generator's complete protection profile for exercise hours and total hours, • Ability to view generator maintenance information Provides maintenance information for your specific model generator when scheduled maintenance is due • Monthly report with previous month's activity Detailed monthly reports provide historical generator information. • Ability to view generator battery information Built in battery diagnostics displaying current state of the battery, • Weather information Provides detailed local ambient weather conditions for generator location. GENERAL' 10/14/18 kW Specifications Generator Model 10 kW 14 kW 18 kW Rated riwirsjirrnramUnuom powercapa8ity(LP) IO;OOO Walls' lab 0 Watts 18(000 Wane' Rated maximum continuous power capacity(NG) 9,000 Wafts- 14 000 Watts" 17,000 Watts" Rated vange 240 Rated maximum continuous load current—240,volts(LP/NG) 41,7/37.5 58.3/58,3 75.0/70.8 Toi�M�ifiun)o`pleioNit+n`_ � � Lessttiari5�6 j° �,', Main line circuit breaker 45 Amp 60 Amp 80 Amp ' Phtae Number of rotor poles 2 Powerfactor 1 D bfty* >awarWcrreupseR�aa�eaawttmwa � � Unit weight(10�0y%� 338/153 ras/175 4201191 7�I,X.q lri i<Cat 48T 25Y29 rT�T:9SrfJY Sound output in dB(A)at 23 ft(7 m)with generator operating at normal load"" 01 65 6:5 3otMidOtltptlk}nd8�rr}dh7�$t7nt}4a8h 'SH1irrc0�l•TCs!"ImWs`pecdeze7tlSd,InOde"• r57< 55: 6fi,r,; Exercise duration 5 min Engine Engine type GENERAC G-Force 400 Series GENERAC G-Force 800 Series FfrktYtlp't'o[c�ind�s 1 2 Displacement 460 cc 816 cc Nwninum W cast imnnleeve Vahve arrangement Overhead valve LEter�iq• Sollo k1, °" Ignition system Solid-state w/magneto GUT"system Et dzn c" Compression ratio 9.5 1 Slader` I 1 12 VRC Oil capacity including filter Approx 1 1 qt i 10 L Approx 2 2 qt 12 1 L 9 rpm Udo Fuel consumption Natural Gas 113/hr(m1hr) 1/2 Load 101(2 86) 195(5,52) 169(479) Full Load 127(3 60) 256(7 25) 247(6.99) Liquid Propane ft'/hr(gal/hr)IL7hrl 1/2 Load 36(097)[3.661 65(1,81)[6.871 62(1,70)[6,45) Full Load 54(1 48)15.62J 112(3,07)[11,61J 110(3.02)[11 44] fto :. bo"O"NO t d W1 fre roloot go, . : . -15 04wanran%41rnJ0 7,4,4 p t 1 Vm �^ 4�� N. Rp ,1 JPllX400 Rof M q! .A 16en POW W'YhlX93 111010AUX37 w P. Controls Twe4ln Oda hnAmdltikrgfuad'LCD' Simple usscmlanierstor exsael.Operatiou. Mode buttons:AUTO Aulomatic stad on utility failure,Weekly,Bi-Weekly,or Monthly selectable exerciser, t FkNtiN sari vo atow CMTW f._Uoft st run I oft ref il* pY rgad fats(ems. OFF Slops unit Power is removed Control and charger still operate, ,message. '3ta>adaCd Engine run hours Indication Standard DbAI Ot >Te1ag15ptw�n2-10semi* 5tsrrrfsiJ.(WR0 lJY6lKQak1 Utility voltage loss/Return to utility adjustable(brownout setting) From 140-171 V/190-216 V P s set ermrvandng SfatAmif Hurt/Alarm/Maintenance logs 50 events each 6. 0 (uydcrnxnking;f6sec.on ow(90sec 0un!k4 o). Starter lock-out Starter cannot re-ergage until 5 sec after engine has stopped. Charger Fault/Mining 4C Warning Standard Low Iiewll#wI uE 1i11 ti13r1ii 8a71ery C"llofs w1icaliun sfar" Automatic Voltage Regulation with Over and Under Voltage Protection Standard lfnd+rMUv>orcunbM'1'rotflnClc� s Safety Fused/Fuse Problem Protection Standard Awm000 4ra+till d 9 00N7eri!per4mse 51ruf rt stm000 Overcrank/Overspsed(.a 72 HzVrpm Sense Loss Shutdown Standard NO f*tn Temperahge;Skt%mm SfalAwd Internal Fault/Incorrect Wiring Protection Standard Common Ed aal Faoft Capainlity SWullard Field Upgradable Firmware Standard Rating definitions—Optional Standby Appl icable for supplying backup power for the duration of the utility power outage with correct maintenance performed No overload capabililyis available for this rating.(All ratings in accordance with BS5514,ISO3046,UL2200,and DIN6271), "Maximum kilovolt amps and current are subject to and limited by such factors as fuel BTU/Megajoule content,ambient temperature,altitude,engine power and condition,etc Maximum power decreases approximately 3 5%for each 1,000 B(304 B m)above sea level and approximately 1%for each 10'F(6'C)above 60'F(16°G) "Sound levels are taken from the front o1 the generator Sound levels taken lrom other sides of the generator may be higher depending on installation parameters 10/14/18 kW Switch Options G007172-0 G007224-10 Limited Circuits Switch Features Model (10 kW) (14 kW) „ . 2 _ 16 space 24 circuit.Breakers not included_ No otpolus • Electrically operated,mechanically-held contacts for fast,positive connections Current rating(amps) 100 • Rated for all classes of load,1 DO%equipment rated,both inductive and Voliage railing(VAG) 120/240�10 resistive, Utility voltage monitor(fixed)' • 2-pole,250 VAC contactors. -pick-up 80% • 30 millisecond transfer time. -Dropout 65% ' Dual coil design. Returfi. i'ui Syr' A • Rated for both copper and aluminum conductors, Exercises bi-weekly for 5 minutes" Standard Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking Ci P Y � g • NEMA/UL 3R aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or outdoor Total circuits available 24 mounting llexibillty. Tas �b ""` r=cgpabillt�s ?. Multi listed for use with 1 in standard,tandem,GFGI,and AFCI breakers from Circuit br 11 eaker protected Siemens,Murray,Eaton,and Square D for the most flexible and cost effective Available RMS Symmetrical 10,000 install. Fault Current @ 250 Volts Dimensions *Function of Evolution controller Exercise can be set to weekly or monthly cm 67.9 Height _.. ....__-._._._...Width ....�..1. D.6.7 .p9_�t1h W2H H2 __. _ ...... 35in 26�5 301 105 34�1B264 76.43 1eS4 .....Wire Ranges Conductor Lug Neutral Lug Ground Lug 2/0 #14 G007225-10 G007220-10 Service Rated Smart Switch Features model (14 kW) (18 kw) • Includes Smart A/C Management(SACM)module standard w t ri s an • Intelligently manages up to four air conditioner loads with no additional f rtrrnt aa7Rtng(amps) 200 hardware. Utility voltage . .t 4a , • Up to eight large(240 VAC)loads can be managed with Smart Management (VAP!), Modules(SMMs) ge monitor(fixed)" 80% -Pick-up • Electrically operated,mechanically-held contacts for fast,clean connections, -Dropout 65% • Rated for all classes of Toad,100%equipment rated,both inductive and 6, resistve. Relruryte,utr�lty';-" � � • 2-pee,250 VAC contactors. Exercises bi-weekly for 5 minutes" Standwd • Service equipment rated,dual coil design. EFl or.ULl, �4 • Rated for both aluminum and copper conductors. Enclosure type N MAAA 3R , • Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking. C p< d • NEMA/UL 3R aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or outdoor Lug range 250 MCM' p11 mounting flexibility *Function of Evolution Controller Exercise can be set to weekly or monthly Tensions ._.._ m_. .. ........... ._..... _..._.._ ..___.- 200 Amps 120/240,i B Open Transition Service Rated Height Width Depth Hi-- _H2... ........ i.._... W2 in 26,75 301 10.5 13.5 6 cm: 67.94 76,45 26,67 34.3 16,01 Wire Ranges _. �......_w. _....w_........... _ ... Conductor Lug Neutral Lug Ground Lug ' 400 MCM-#4 350 MCM-#6 210-#14 mmammosm 10/14/18 kW Available Accessories G005819-0 26R Wet Cell Battery Every standby generator requires a battery to start the system.Generac offers the recommended 26R wetcell bat- tery for use with all air-cooled standby product(excluding Power-Pacfo), G007101-0 Battery Pad Warmer The pad warmer rests under the battery,Recommended for use if the temperature regularly falls below 0"F(-18. °C).(Not necessary for use with AGM-style batteries), G007102-0 Oil Warmer Oil warmer slips directly over the oil filter,Recommended for use if the temperature regularlyfalls below 0 of(-18°C),. G007103-1 Breather Warmer The breather warmer is for use in extreme cold weather applications, For use with Evolution controllers only in climates where heavy icing occurs. G005021 0 Auxiliary Transfer Switch T17e auxiliary transfer switch contact kitallows the Itansferswilch to lock out a single large electrical load you may Contact Kit not need.Not compatible with 50 amp pre-wired switches. G007027-0-Bisque Fascia Base Wrap Kit The fascia base wrap snaps together around the bottom of the new air cooled generators.This offers a sleek,con- toured appearance as well as offering protection from rodents and insects by covering the lifting holes located in the base, G005703-0-Bisque Touch-Up Paint Kit If the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged,it Is important to touch up the paint to protect from future; corrosion The touch-up paint kit includes the necessary paint to correctly maintain or touch up a generator en-, closure, G006482-0—10 kW Scheduled Maintenance Kit Generac s scheduled maintenance kits provide all the items necessary to perform complete routine maintenance GO07 210-0—14 j 18 kW on a Generac automatic standby generator(oil not included), 6007009-0 LTE LP Fuel Level Monitor The LTE enabled LP fuel Ievet monitor provides constant monitoring of the connected LP fuel tank,Monitoring the LP tank's fuel level is an important step in verifying the generator is ready to run during an unexpected power fail- ure,Status alerts are available through a free application to notify users when the LP tank is in need of a refill G007000-0(50 amps) Smart Management Module Smart Management Modules (SMM)are used to optimize the performance of a standby generator.It manages G007006-0(100 amps) large electrical loads upon startup and sheds them to aid in recovery when overloaded.In many cases,using SMM's can reduce the overall size and cost of the system G007169-0(413 LTE) Mobile LinkO"'Cellular The Mobile Link family of Cellular Accessories allow users to monitor the status of the generator from anywhere G007170-0(Wi-Fi/Ether- Accessories in the world,using a smartphone,tablet,or PC Easily access information such as the current operating status and net) maintenance alerts,Users can connect an account with an authorized service dealer for fast,friendly,and proac- tive service With Mobile Link,users are taken care of before the next power outage. 6007220-0-Bisque Base Plug Kit Base plugs snap into the lifting holes on the base of air-cooled home standby generators.This offers a sleek,con- toured appearance,as well as offers protection from rodents and insects by covering the lifting holes located in the base.Kit contains four plugs,sufficient for use on a single air-cooled home standby generator Dimensions & PCs ,�nAan,ur rre,"gin Model UPC w R—M—M� �,.7 G007171 696471074680 G007172 696471074673 G007223 696471082548 roe rA",,r G007224 696471082555 ...........-......�.�.�..��.. -............ ........... ... �............., 5 6964710 82 5 62 0007226 696471082579 s G007228 696471082586 � .j ��j' ✓q^ � r ^ w _�-. ._.........._ owe_ ww..W 1255 nI ¢4"6"W LEFT SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW Dimensions shorn are approximate.See installation manual for etaci dimensions.DO NOT USE THESE DIMENSIONS FOR INSTALLATION PURPOSES. GE FVI """RAC' Generac Power Systems,Inc. • 545 W29290 HWY.59,Waukesha,WI 53189• generac.com r is 2022 Generac Power Systems,Inc All rights reserved Ali swificalions are subject to change w0hout notice Part No A0000973374 Rev C 09/192022