HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Code/LaserFicheELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLEI{,K Town Hall, 53095 Ma~n Road P,O. Box 1179 $outhold, New York 11971 F~x (631) 765-61,15 Telephone (631i 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO%VN OF SOUTHOLD TInS IS TO CERTIFY 'I'HAT ]H lC FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 475 OF 2004 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JUNE 15, 2004: RESOLVED that the To,~,~ Board of thc Town o£ Southold hereby accepts the proposal of General Code Publishers Corp. for the LaserFiche upgrade to Version 6.2 in the amount of $9~800 O0 and authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y Horton to execute the necessary documents, subject to the aopmval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Ne~4Ale Southold Town Clerk THE 6ENERAL CObE ADVANTAGE DocuMENT MANAGEMENT UPGRADE PROPOSAL FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK Ju~ 4, 2004 Prepared by: GENERAL CODE 72 Hinchey Road Rochester, NY 14624 Regional Representative: Carol Vandcrslice Account Representative: Jenn Swavely Phone: (800) 836- 8834 Fax: (585) 328 - 8189 E-Mail: cvan derslice @ generalcode.com Website: www.generalcode.com SITUATION SUMMARY ] Betty Neville and the st'iff at the Town of Southold, NY has been a wonderful customer of General Code for many, many years. Betty has been a visionary and very positive proponent of the concept of electronic document imaging for several yem's. It was her vision that has led to the many benefits that the Town of Southold has ei~ioyed sines: they purchased and began using the Document Management Syatem from LaserFiche and General Code. Betty has been extremely gcncs'ons with her time and with her staff and faci/tty when anyone has wanted to hear about or see the positive benefits that Southold has crone to enjoy and depend un. General Code has been dedicated to assttdng the Town is happy with their system and has cer~inly benefited from the Town's positive review of the system and its many benefits. Southold currently has version 5 of the LaserFicbe upgrade and for a variety of reasons have a need to upgrade to version 6.2. The list of the current components is listed later in this proposal. General Code has analyzed Soarhold's installation and has prepared the following proposal for a significant upgrede for the Southold facility. SOLUTION COMPONENTS General Code is prepared to provide a full upgrade to Verstoa 6.1.1 of La~crFiche_ In addition to the immediate benefits of this upgrade in terms of capab,lity, it also pos~t~ox~s Southold for a free upgrade to Version 7.0 due to release in late 2004 or early 2005. The upgxade components include: LaserFiche Standard Server: The 'La~erFiche Standard Server application is designed specifically for use bath Windows NT and 2000. This product is a high-performance document-imaging system. The client-server stmctore 'allows the server to perform the bulk of data-processing tasks, minimizing network ttaflic and offering users quicker response/hue. The system operates on a Mtcmsoff SQL 7.0 or 2000 platform. If the community does not currently mn either of these versions of MS SQL. (3eueml Code has the capability to purchase, install and configure tiffs for you for an additional cost. Full User licenses in version 6: Full Users will be able to utilize all of the features of the software, including scamfing, file tree maintenance, archiving, database repairs, etc. The Town will be provided with seven full user licenses_ Retrieval User licenses in version 6: Retrieval Users are provided with the ability to search, view and print documents, but will not be able to scan, OCR or edit documents. The Town will be provided with 30 retrieval user hceases in version 6 to replace the existing 100 user licenses in version 5. SnapShot Plug-In in version 6: Allows yon to include existing electronic fries in the LasetFiche system dire. cOy rather than having to print them out and then scan them into the system. The Towu will be provided with seven SnapShot Plug-In licenses. CD Plus Plug-In in vursion 6: Gives you the abtiity to stem or transfer documents on CD. These CDs include the LasexFlche Document Viewer, allowing them to be viewed and searched on any PC with a Windows operating system. The Town will be provided with an upgraded CD Plus Plug-In. WebLink in vemion 6: Allows you to post your documents to the Web without operator-heavy f-fie conversion. The software converts your documents to HTML oa file fly and prox. ides instant access to them on the Web. The Town will be provided w~th a 30-user license ia version 6 to replace the existing version 5 100-user license. LaserFiche Audit Trail in version 6: Maximizes document management by enabling thc precise tracking of document usage. With tins utility, system administrators can easily monitor docoment nsage Whether it's monitoring sensitive case documents that need to remain secure, tracking staff productivity or documenting search activity among public records, Andit Trail enables you to do it all. The Town will be provided with ,an upgraded Audit Trail. Installation and Setup: Our Technical Representative will come on site to remove the existing version 5 NT software, install the new version 6 software, convert ~he existing database to a MS SQL database and set up a configuration that is best suited to your needs. Installation Will include, but is not limited to, installation of software, hardware configuration as needed and the establishment of security rights. Training: Training is necessary to ensure that you receive the full value of your investment. Our training will take place during the same on-site visit as the system installation The LaserFiche training for full users (approximately 4 to 6 hottrs for up to three users) is designed to familiarize you w~flt all of the basic functions of the program and to prox4de you with the necessary slctlls to put the system into immediate use. We will use some of your actual documents to estabh[h file-namillg conventions and to train you in all LaserFiche'.s seamh, management and manipulation fea~tres. In addition to training of full users and administrators, we will also provide basic tmtmng lbr anyone with a retrieval user license (generally a group setting)_ Training will be promded for any new full users and a review of the new features in version 6 will be prowded to any existing users. Documentation: During the training, each user will be provided with a version 6 Training Manual, developed by General Code exclusively for our LaserFiche clients. This Manual is an excellent resource not only during the initial training, but also as a refresher or to help train others in the future. Priority LSAP: Priority DqAP is the hi~.~acst level of service available to LaserFiche users. With priority LSAP, our experienced LaserFiche techmctans will respond to your techfucal support requests within four hours, with a typical response time of one hour. Priority LSAP will help you ensure that your mission-critical system is always operating at peak efficiency and that any problems with the system will be addressed in the fastest possible time 3 SOLUTION INVESTMENT [ Prices noted lbr software, inshailarion and training are valid for 90 days from the date of this proposal. Because of the changing nature of computer hardware, hardware prices and specifications are subject to change and should be verified prior to ordering. Software and Support LaserFiche ® 1 lnJted Server Seven full user license Tkirty retrieval user licenses LaserFiche SnapShot Plug In (seven user license) Removal of extstiug version 5 La~erFiche system On-site setup and installation On-site training for up to two furl users Customized Training Manuals for each user trained LaserFiche user ~fide and administration manuals Support and software upgrades for one year (Priority LaserFiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP)) Annual support fee second yearfonvard (LSAP): $9,925 Credit for exisfine software Total System Investment $38,170 $(17,170.25) $20,999.75 4 I GENERAL CODE PROPOSAL I G~ven the excellant working relationskip that General Code and Santhold have had General Code proposes the lollowing: Complete upgxade price to Southold: General Code investment: $9,800.00' $11,199.75 Total System value: $20,999.75 *This price include* all installation and traitfing cos£$ uJOllg with the software costs ~s part of the upgrade. h~ addition, this configuration will reduce Southold's annual LSAP payment by approximately $1,000/year. We believe this offer is reflective of the generosity and support that the Town of Southold has dcxnoaslxated with General Code. 5 AUTHORIZATION The TOg~N OF SOUTHOLD hereby agrees to the procedures outlined above and anthorizcs General Code Publishe~ Corp. to proceed. Payment Scliedule: 50% of the project pdcc will be invoiced upon anthofization of the project 50% pf the project price shall be invoiced upon completion of the installation and training Performance Schedule: Installation and Training of the System: withM 60 days of authorization of the project. On-Going Maintenance. Aftra tmtial installation, the charges associated with annual maintenance of the LaserFiche softwm'e, or any other services requested by the Client shall be paid by the Client upon delivery of the services or producm and submission of an invoice/voucher by GCP_ Based on the above defined project, the estimated anm~al LSAP for the second and successive years will be $9,925 annually. 6 El J~.ABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS NiANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldt 0wn.northfork.net OFFICE OF ~ TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THI~ FOI.IoWING RESOLUTION NO. 706 OF 2004 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2004: RESOLVED that thc Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes a change order in the contract of General Code Publishers Corp. for the Laserfiche Upgrade to Version 6.2and the addition of a Email Ping-in in the amount of $3,848.00 and authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute thc necessary documents, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVH.LE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS IVlA.RR/AGE OFFICER I{ECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOILMATION OFFICER To~m Hall, 53095 Ma~n Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork_net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWENG RESOLUTION NO. 705 OF 2004 WAS ADOPTED AT TILE. REGULAR M~EETING OF TmT~ SOUTItOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2004: RESOLVED that the Town Board of thc Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2004 General Fund ~hole Town Budget as follows: TO: A_ 1680.2.400.520 FROM: A. 1410.2.300.100 Central Data Processing Equipment Computer Hardware/sofe~vare Personal Computer Equipment Town Clerk Equipment Other Capital Outlay Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk $3848_00 $3848.00 GENERAL CODE PUBLISHERS 72 Hinchey Road, Rochester, New York 14624 (800) 836-8834 · (5853 328-1810 FAX (585) 328-8189 CI~NGE ORDER FORM-ADDITIONAL PRODUCT This Change Order becomes a Fart of and is in conformance with the existing contracL dated 6/6/01. Client Name: Town of Southold Contact Person: Ms_ Elizabeth A. Neville Address: 53095 Main Road City, State ZIP: Southold, NY 11971 Order taken by: Sandy Brennan Price(s) provided by: Sandy Brennan Date: 9/14/04 Date: 9tl 5/04 Item I Unit Price Units Total 1. LaserFiche® Email Plug-in $80 37 $2,960 2. LaserFiche Email Plug-in LSAP $24 I 37 $888 3. Total $3,848 Price is good for 30 days from 9-1-2004. LSAP Specifications: All LSAP products will expire on 8-10-5. Upon approval of this change order, LSAP for all new products will be $888 beginning 8- 10-05. Timeline: This service will be provided at the time of the installahon and upgrade to version 6. General Code Publishers www.generalcode, com CHANGE 0RDEK FORM Payment Terms: 50% on receipt of signed change order. 50% on comple~ion of installation~ The above prices and specifications of the Change Order are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. All work is to be performed under the same terms and conditions as specified m the original contract ~ess otherwise specified. TOWN OF SI~UTHOLI~ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Si at : Name: J~t~ua 'Y, Hordton Title: d~upervisor, Town of Southold Date: September 22, 2004 SIGN AND FAX TO 5851328-8189 General Code Publishers www.generalcode, com