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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51613 Date: 02/05/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Soundview Dr LLC 5108 Browvale Ln Little Neck, NY 11362 To: install 13D sprinkler system to existing single family dwelling as applied for. Premises Located at: 605 Sound Beach Dr, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM#99.4-24 Pursuant to application dated 01/21/2025 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 02/05/2027. Contractors: RequiredInspections:__.................�wwwww_�_w_.............. �wwwww_......___..__._.. ..... w_ww._......._ ._ _ w......_..... �w_..... Fees: .__. a..__........_..www.w. ..._._, Fire Sprinkler-Residential $300.00 CO Single Family Dwelling-Addition/Alteration $100.00 Total $400.00 -2 Building In ctor dmK"`d YM*`N to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—FIRE MARSHAL Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 hap s:/ wrr+woo'Lrllo�ldt.wn .'rcv ........ Date Received FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PERMIT APPLICATION 1I For Office Use Only �� u PERMIT NO. I [0 Building Inspector.--.— ... Applications and forms must be filled,out jn"their entirety.It + pl+ " applications will not be accepted:WO `IS T BE "IAR " I!prior; ,,. to the approval of plans and issuance ofa perof►t ;. Has a building permit been obtained for this project? ❑ Yes ❑No 1f yes, building permit# �. Date i P°ROXPbT IN6RrVIATION: Project Address: SCTM# 1000- �/ V J ) G�J U C G✓� �f 1 +4- Zip: City. M A��-,�- u��� ` C� r CONTACT PERSON INFORMATION: Name: �t I V'\ Mailing Address: Phone#: _-q y� ( cy Email Preferred contact method(select one):\Phone ❑Email CONTRACTOR INFORMATION:", Name:, V Tr Contractor License#: Mailing Address: S ) l,; Jr -S � ( n, � r f Phone#: Email: �3 1 � .�� ��i � }�� t SCOPE OF WORK: Occupancy Description: ❑Assembly ElBusiness ❑Education ❑Factory/Industrial ❑ Institutional ❑Mercantile '&Mesidential ❑ Storage Description of Work: � PS k's V-New System Cl Existing System Modification Sprinkler/Standpipe/Water Supply Fire Alarm/CO Detection Systems Other Fire Protection Systems (Check all that apply) (Check a]I that apply) (Check all that apply) FPA 13,13D or 13R System ❑Manual ❑Automatic ❑ Smoke Control ❑Standpipe ❑ Fire Pump ❑Protected Premises (local) ❑ Wet or Dry Chemical/Clean ❑Supervising station Agent Number of sprinkler heads: ❑Central Station ❑ Kitchen hood/exhaust ❑ Other Floor Area(sq. ft.): 1 t I I1t tt I� w, t 9 t t111ttt1 s wsfttane ttlWa� otwt o tlt ty i arw ;w a ref t p1wc for is based a n thr orett ?wsi ` wo�rIl (tl�tltart ttalIul�t �I Itwttt wwcC �sttltto � plwtte. �19rrr tt►y t wl or soy ofticir r r r r r i r r eeoftwtiro ttf Ili w"ttttIrwtwtrl w1 act t rlltit, ilwtrtwa rna�for-to tt of wdril Ul►rn wo ion of soldpermit twtt opiiww ttf ttr ti°l w t ° wi it f w ww way lrt .w i fir ptttlh ! t oli jail° ti w ltw wt:kwiw ermlt i A,W.The" Wakie oI i Ixemit drollbt tel opon'�5 l tsnrs . wnp t ktaaaoo: ss fslttuntll a I€er otn err pn wshnI as woss ►lss� ca� iaa prtrsowtt to S"tion 210 4 of the aw Law;., Application Submitted By(print name):2 Authorized Agent ❑Owner o Company(if applicable): pp _. .. .. Date: Applicant Signature- FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITAL INSTRUCTIONS Submit application only after reviewing the requirements for the specific permit for which you are applying(click the applicable link below). • FIRE ALARM/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTION SYSTEM SUBMITTAL GUIDELINES • FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUBMI"I TAL CUII)ELINES • FIXED FIRE SI,I'PPRESSION HOOD& EXHAUST SYSTEMS SUBMITTA'I..,GUIDELINES FEES A$250 permit fee is required for a non-residential permit. A$50 Certificate of Occupancy fee is required if the project is not part of an existing open building permit. All checks should be made payable to the Town of Southold. Permits,once issued, shall at all times be kept on the premises designated thereon with a copy of approved drawings and all related documentation required to obtain said permit. Installations subject to final testing, inspection and approval. Arrangements for testing/inspection shall be made by contacting the Town of Southold Building Department(631)765-1802. rkj/r DP, ,r Amount Paid: ( Check No.: FM: Permit No.: Dater` Exp.Date: 2 VOLK CO 4060 Sunrise HiUhway Oakdale NY 11769-0901 (631)563-0201 Fax(631)563-9794 1/15/2025 Re: Results of Fire Flow Test Location: as noted As requested, below please find the results of fire flow test. This test was performed during period of low water demand. Such a test, usually, does not reflect the fire flow available under the conditions found in a high-water demand period. We have reviewed the past peak demand information that is available for this area. Historically,the static pressure in this area has been as low as 61 psi. You should adjust the flow test to reflect the lower static pressure prior to using it for any design work, such as a sprinkler system. You may need to adjust the flow as well. Always remember to account for any difference in the ground elevation between the test location and your design site location as well. Any flow test, including one with a peak demand adjustment, only reflects the conditions at the time of the test and may not accurately reflect what fire flow or static pressure will be available in the future. It could be a higher or lower value. The fire flow or the static pressure available at any specific time will depend on system demand and the availability of water supply infrastructure. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at(631) 563-0239. It is the closest test. Very truly yours, Brendan Warner, P.E. Director of Construction Maintenance SIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK MAP # PRESS HYD# PRESS'NYD LOCATION 810030012 SOUND BEACH DRIVE AND INLET DRIVE 19-0 STATIC PSI DATE 71 1/15/2025 RESID PSI TIME OF;DAY 43 11:30 AM FLOW HYD LOCATION EF CO FLOW HYD #. SOUND BEACH DRIVE 1ST HYD W/O INL ET DRIVE 0.75 810030011 # NOZ NOZZLE SIZE PITOT#1 PLOW FLOW @ 20 P 1 4.5 15 1755 2426 " PEAK"'A NSTED'STATIC PSI: 61 COMMENTS 605 SOUND BEACH DRIVE v Sentry Automatic Fire Protection Inc. 735 Flanders Road Riverhead, NY, 11901 Phone (631 ) 723-3095 SENTRY pke Fire Sprinkler Galculcations For 605 Sound Beach Drive Mattituck, NY 11952 OF NFE v J a C 'w b a rc-r to 71 e m" " 051684 r 0 0 O v CD N r, CD CD fD N m 0 N y� 0 3 � 0 3 o A a D N w N ' v n 3 r.m 3 ,n C o a O.3 _ �a � o G G n N C D V A O O � n a �o o oni m r*,O O ~' 3 1 o r+ n D (fl T N l0 O m w 3 w n n O POm C C. r N D N N N N h w c O C N C Z 8 M r m n -1 n -n u) n co o N v @ C C o a o � v v G m n o 3 7 3 7 o D c S � C Q n � N (Q C 3 N v O w 3 n 2n N # m C o.rp Do� m a FA 3 o0i u0i 3 � y (A d wcc N -i CD o HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for Job Information Project Name: Contract No.:S23. City: Project Location: Date:1/20/2025 Contractor Information Name of Contractor: Sentry Aotomatic Fire Protection Inc. Address: 735 Flanders Road City: Flanders, NY 11901 Phone Number: 631-723-3095 E-mail:sales@sentryny.com Name of Designer: MRL Authority Having Jurisdiction: RM Design Remote Area Name 1 Remote Area Location BDRM#3 Occupancy Classification LIGHT HAZARD Density(gpm/ft2) 0.058 Area of Application(ft2) 450 Coverage per Sprinkler(ft2) 225 Number of Calculated Sprinklers 2 In-Rack Demand(gpm) 0 Special Heads Hose Streams(gpm) 0 Total Water Required(incl.Hose Streams)(gpm) 26.3 Required Pressure at Source(psi) 34.1 Type of System Wet Volume-Entire System (gal) 6.3 gal Water Supply Information Date 1/16/2025 Location Comer of Sound beach and inlet drive Source W1 Notes File:S24.5772-605 Sound Beach Dr.dwg Date 1/20/2025 Copyright©2002-2092 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 2 F w v 0 co N O N O N Ul T a 0 o cn N� p1 O A m cn Q o v 20 N v o al Q m N 2) 0 o N n 0 : U3 T a CD ND a 0 • 19. o m s a C a z 0 M CD vv Qcr 00 N N 00 0 2 N O (D W Job Hydraulic Analysis for : 1 Calculation Info Calculation Mode Demand Hydraulic Model Hazen-Williams Fluid Name Water @ 60F (15.6C) Fluid Weight, (lb/ft3) N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation. Fluid Dynamic Viscosity, (lb•5/ft2) N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation. Water Supply Parameters Supply 1 :W1 Flow(gpm) Pressure(psi) 0 61 1759 43 Supply Analysis Available Total Demand Required Pressure (Psi) (Psi} Node at Source Static Pressure Residual Pressure Flow Pressure G (psi) (gpm) (gpm) (Psi) W1 61 43 1759 61 26.3 34.1 Hoses Inside Hose Flow/Standpipe Demand(gpm) Outside Hose Flow(gpm) Additional Outside Hose Flow(gpm) Other(custom defined) Hose Flow(gpm) — «. .. Total Hose Flow(gpm) Sprinklers Ovehead Sprinkler Flow(gpm) 26.3 InRack Sprinkler Flow(gpm) 0 Other(custom defined)Sprinkler Flow(gpm) 0 Total Sprinkler Flow(gpm) 26.3 Other Required Margin of Safety(psi) 0 W1 -Pressure(psi) 34.1 W1 -Flow(gpm) 26.3 Demand w/o System Pump(s) N/A File:S24.5772-605 Sound Beach Dr.dwg Date 1/20/2025 Copyright @ 2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 4 o m m N O cyl O N 1 www�, Pressure,psi a 2gp y. d .w C� b � b f i r. e, f . � I O r 1 _.. e . } m o { 3 o 93 V Q m NOcn I G N bo r 1 I f o N Ir N .:.. w. _.,... 4f 1 fu O O � 7 m a W b m j i j 0 0N � b o � V .D m CD CL m Job Hydraulic Analysis for : 1 Graph Labels Values Label Description Flow (gpm) Pressure (psi) S1 Supply point#1 -Static 0 61 S2 Supply point#2-Residual 1759 43 D1 Elevation Pressure 0 11.7 D2 System Demand 26.3 34.1 Curve Intersections & Safety Margins Intersection Safety Margin Curve Name Pressure (psi) Flow (gpm) Pressure (psi) @Flow (gpm) Supply 61 40.3 26.9 26.3 Open Heads Required Calculated Head Ref. Head Type Coverage K-Factor Density Flow Pressure Density Flow Pressure (ftz) (gpm/psis/2) (gpm/ft2) (gpm) (psi) (gpm/ft2) (gpm) (psi) 51 Overhead 225 4.9 0.05 11.3 7 0.058 13 7 Sprinkler S2 Overhead 225 4.9 0.05 11.3 7 0.059 13.3 7.4 Sprinkler File:S24.5772-605 Sound Beach Dr.dwg Date 1/20/2025 Copyright @ 2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 6 Job: Hydraulic Calculations/Fluid Delivery Time Analysis Node Data Nod 11 e# Type K-Fact. Discharge Coverage Tot. Pres. Req. Pres. Elev Hgroup Open/Closed Overdischarge Density Elev. Pres. Req. Discharge gpm ft2 psi psi ft 9pm/psis/z gpm gpm/ft2 psi gpm S1 Overhead Sprinkler 4.9 13 225 7 7 24 HEAD Open 1.7 0.058 -11.7 11.3 S2 Overhead Sprinkler 4.9 13.3 225 7.4 7 24 HEAD Open 2.1 0.059 -11.7 11.3 02 Node 7.8 24.5 NODE -11.9 04 Node 10.6 24.5 NODE -11.9 10 Node 18.9 8 NODE -4.8 25 Node 24 8 NODE -4.8 26 Node 27 2 NODE -2.2 27-0 Node 27.1 2 NODE -2.2 27-I Node 31.3 2 NODE -2.2 W1 Supply 34.1 -3 SUPPLY -26 3 0 File:S24.5772-605 Sound Beach Dr.dwg Date 1/20/2025 Copyright©2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 7 Job name: Sheet number. PIPE INFORMATION Node 1 El11 ev 1 K-Factor 1 Flow added(q)* Nominal ID Fittings L C Factor total (Pt) Node 2 Elev 2 K-Factor 2 Total flow (Q) Actual ID quantity x (name) = length F Pf per ft elev(Pe) NOTES T frict(Pf) Vt) (9Pm/Psi1/2) (gPm) (in) (ft) (ft) (Psi) (Psi) S1 24 4.9 13 1 Sx(us.Tee-Br)=6.22 13.93 120 7 02 24.5 13 1.0971x(us.90)=2.49 8.7 0.0467 -0.2 22.64 1.1 02 24.5 13.3 1 ix(us.Tee-Br)=6.22 9.9 120 7.8 04 24.5 26.3 1.097 6.22 0.1732 0 16.11 2.8 04 24.5 0 1.25 Sx(us.Tee-Br)=7.43 16.5 120 10.6 10 8 26.3 1.442 7.43 0.0457 7.1 23.93 1.1 10 8 0 1 4x(us.90)=9.95 19.61 120 18.9 25 8 26.3 1.097 9.95 0.1732 0 29.56 5.1 25 8 0 1.25 lx(us.90)=3.72 6 120 24 26 2 26.3 1.442 3.72 0.0457 2.6 9.72 0.4 26 i 2 0 1.5 1 120 27 27-0 2' 26.3 1.68 0 0.0217 0 1 0.0 27-0 2 0 1.5 0.5 27.1 Ames2000B 27-I 2 26.3 0 0 8.5665 0 *** 0.5 4.3 27-I 2 0 1.5 2x(us.94)=9.84 16.54 120 31.3 W 1 -3 26.3 1.68 9.84 0.0217 2.2 26.38 0.6 E 24 4.9 13.3 1 ix(us.Tee-Br)=6.22 4.46 120 7.4 24.5 13.3 1.0971x(us.90)=2.49 8.7 0.0492 -0.2 13.17 0.6 * Discharge shown for flowing nodes only ©2006 National Fire Protection Association Page 8 Device Graphs Job: Pressure vs.Flow Function Design Area:1; Supply Ref.:W1; Supply Name:W1 .......... ..... .. ............. ............... N I i i 1 i m _ Flow,gpm Pressure Loss Function Design Area:1; BFP Ref.:92(Ames2000B,Size=1.5);Inlet Node:27-I;Outlet Node:27-0 t � 1 1 I 1 _ 413gW Q 26.3gpm f I i Flow,gpm File:S24.5772-605 Sound Beach Dr.dwg Date 1/20/2025 Copyright©2002-2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products Page 9 lameGuarC ® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS REDUCER BUSHING Flush Style Spigot x Socket PIPE G.D. L N Part Number Size L N AppLox Wt.( b .) 4237-131 104 1-1/4 114 .04 4237-167 1.11404 1-7/16 7116 10 4237-169 1.1141 1-13132 9132 .06 4237-210 1-1/2x3/4 1-5/8 518 A 4237-211 1-101 1-17132 13132 .13 4237-212 1-VAII-114 1-9116 5/16 .07 423 7-248 2X3/4 1-29132 29132 .28 4237-249 Al 1-23/32 9/16 .23 4237-250 2x1-114 1-11/16 7/16 .21 4237-251 2x1.112 1-11116 5/11 15 4237-290 2-112x1-114 2-5132 718 .41 4237-291 2-112x1-112 2-5/32 314 .39 4237-292 2-1/2X2 2-9132 314 28 4237-338 3x2 2-7132 11116 .63 4237-339 3X2-1P2 2-5/16 114 .42 TRANSITION BUSHING IPS Spigot x CTS Socket PIPE , G.D. Part Number Size L N Approx.Wt.(Lbs.) 4240-101 314x1,2 1-1/8 518 .03 4240-130 1x112 1-1/4 23132 .05 CAP Socket n Part Number Size M W Approx.Wt.(Lbs.) 4247-007 314 1-318 1-13/32 .05 4247-010 1 1-518 1.-9116 .06 4247-012 1-1/4 2-3132 1-27/32 .13 4247-015 1-1/2 1 2-11132 1 2 1 .17 4247-020 2 2.27132 2-9132 .39 4247-06 2-112 3.17/32 2-5/8 .50 4247-030 3 4-38 3 .92 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 21 �FJS] "'la1 eGuaC ® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS REDUCING CROSS Socket x Socket x Socket x Socket v .,,. L1 xi H L Part Number Size G G1 H H1 L L1 M M1 Approx.M.(Lbs.) 4220-131 1x3/4 23132 518 1-5/8 1-518 3-1/4 3-1/4 1-7/8 1-1/2 .31 4220-167 1-1/0314 1-1116 23132 2-1116 1-31132 4-3/32 3-31132 2-1116 1.13132 .35 4220-210 1-1 ROM 11/16 1-5/32 2-3132 2-3116 4-3/16 4-11132 2-3/8 1-13/32 .42 4220-246 2x3/4 11/16 1-7116 2-7132 2-7A6 4-13132 1 4-718 2-29/32 1 1.13132 1 .56 4220-289 2.112d 29132 1-3/4 2-11/16 2-718 5-11/32 1 5-314 3-1/2 1 1-3/4 .98 COUPLING Socket x Socket M Part Number Size L M N Ap rox.Wt(Lbs.) 4229-00 7 3/4 2-1/8 1-5116 3116 .05 4229-010 1 2-3/16 1-5/8 3/32 .08 4229-012 1-114 2-19132 2 3132 .13 4229-015 1-112 2-718 2-11132 3132 .22 4229-020 2 3-1/8 2-7/8 1/8 .33 4229-025 2-112 3-11116 3-15/32 3116 .48 4229-030 3 4 4-3116 114 .89 12 SPEARS"MANUFACTURING COMPANY E � '"°lame'GI ardO CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS 900 ELBOW Socket x Socket G r� H Part Number Size G H M Approx Wt.(Lbs-) 4206-007 314 9116 1-112 1-5116 .07 420E-010 1 3/4 1-5/8 1-518 .11 420E-012 1-114 15116 2-3116 2 .22 420E-015 1-112 1-5132 2.17132 2-3,./8 .41 420E-020 2 1-13132 2.29/32 2-718 .62 420E-025 2-112 1-15132 3-3/8 3-112 1.15 4206-030 3 1-29132 3-13116 4-7132 1.w SIDE OUTLET ELBOW Socket x Socket x Socket dG : M I ,H,l Part Number Size G H M Approx Wt.(Lbs.) 4213-007 314 27132 1.19132 1-5116 .09 4213-010 1 13116 1-718 1-518 "1 REDUCING 900 ELBOW H1— Socket x Socket G1 G I .�.� .. M1 t 1�1 Part Number Size G G1 H H1 M M1 Approx WL Lbs. 420E-131 104 21132 13116 1-25132 1-13116 1-19132 1-5116 J1 7 SPEARSQ MANUFACTURING COMPANY FIar"Irteta►uard° CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS III FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Brass Thread Insert Style Socket x Fipt I N1 M1 �. N Part Number Size L M M1 N A rox.Wt.(Lbs.) 4235-101 314x112 1-718 1-13132 1-17132 15/32 '19 4235-130 1x112 2-11132 1-11116 1-3116 5/8 J6 4235-131 1x314 2-5116 1-11116 1-3/8 17132 '18 Not intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking So "orqueTM SR FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Gasket Sealed Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x SR Fipt With Elastomer Seal-Use NO Thread Sealant �t..___� M r .9f a Part Number Size L M M1 N Approx.Wt. 4235-101GSR 3/4012 2-5116 1-5116 1-3/8 31132 .11 4235-130GSR 102 2-13132 1.19/32 1-318 31132 13 4235-131GSR 1414 2-13132 1-A 1-23132 1 .16 Quicl '"'I"orqueT" SR FEMALE SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER Gasket Sealed Special Reinforced Plastic Thread Style Socket x SR Metal With Elastomer Seall-Use NO Thread Sealant � d� Part Number Size L M M1 N Approx.WL(Lbs.) 4235-13OGMR 1K12 2-3116 1-19132 1-9/16 15116 .19 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 17 RO. Box5. 510 CPVC - COPPER - STEEL HANGER sim as 2.1261 1 2312 lip 01 21 4.3` 5,20 SIZE-SYSTEM PIPE:3'4"thrill 3" MATERIAL-Carbon Steel. „ FINISH-Mil.Galvanized. LISTING/APPROVAL- e©'"203-EX 4231,EX 2551 FUNCTION-Support horizontal piping: 3/4"-3" CPVC. Support horizontal piping:34'-2"Steel and Copper. Size 3/4"-2"provides listed vertical/lateral restraint and prevents upward movement of pipc that supplies a pendant sprinkler below a ceiling. CY Stabilize l piping. Hanger INSTALLATIONPerhese instructions including 1l;R, 13D dGPVC manufacturers instructions.Install on horizontal or vertical mounting surface. FASTENERS- UL Listed per N.FPA 13 in WOOD"_3"CPVC pipe-#905 screw-no pre-drill. ._. , Stabilize-Only 3/4"-2"Steel and Copperpipe- 1/4"x11/2"lag bolt:.no pre-drill. in STEEL-min. 18 GA. 1 3A"-3r�CPVC pipe-1/4"or#14 Tek Screw. n - 1/4 or#14 Tek Screw.3:4 -2 Steel and Copper pipe ti FEATURES *Offset edge eliminates abrasion- *Retainer dimples secure hanger to pipe during installation. * Required .4FCON#905 screw included-5/16"hex head. ORDERING-Part#and pipe size. CAN ALSO BE USED TO REPLACE-#500 Pipe Strap 4520 Tin Strap Spe3McAFCOTi prnduus are exclusively designed to be onsapatible ONLY ilh atherAFCONproduels imluding pans and fasteners,reudling ins listed sway brace,restrainer or hanger assemhly. Fl:advised the following warrurity rasrricliwt will apply,DISCLAIMER-AMON Will NUT yr rt nt against the failure afits products when used nt coinbinaeoa with other products,parts err systems not rnanufutoarrod or sold by AFCON.AFCON shall NOT be liable under any rim'W-srentxs tvhaaoevcr for any area or indirax,itwidesul or conscqucatial damages ofanv kind,irwloditrg but not ftadted to loss of btatiuess or profit,whee Tian,4.1'CONpmluets have been,or am used 1/12 P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www.Afcon.org 514 CPVC — COPPER ADS #90s • STEEL OFFSET HANGER SIZE-SYSTEM PIPE: 3/4"thm 3" +► MATERIAL-Carbon Steel. FINISH-Mil.Galvanized.. LISTING/APPROVAL- *203-EX 4231,EX 2551 PATEl`r-No.6,648,278. FUNCTION- Support horizontal piping:3/4"-3" CPVC or Copper. * Support horizontal piping:3./4"-2"Steel. Size 3/4"- 2"provides listed vertical/tateral restraint and prevents upward movement of pipe that supplies apendent sprinkler below a ceiling, Stabilize vertical piping. INSTALLATION- Per these instructions including NFPA 13,13R, 13D and CPVC manufacturers instructions. Fisted Restraint 3/4"thru 2" Tnstall on horizontal or vertical mounting surface. Snap over pipe then squeeze strap back allowing pipe to slide freely. When ##905 threads are exposed in wood,install #906 backing nut. FASTENERS- UL Listed per NFPA 13 WOOD- 3/4"-3"CPVC pipe-#905 screw-no pre-drill. 3/4"-2"Copper pipe- #905 screw- no pre-drill. 3A"-2"Steel pipe- 1/4"DTI I/ "lag screw- no pre-drill. .. _...__.._ ww. Thru 5/8"gypsum board- 1/4"x 2"lag screw. STEEL,-min. 18 GA.- 3/4"-3"CPVC pipe- 1'4"or#14 Tek Screw. v^ 3/4"-2"Copper pipe- 1/4"or#14 Tek Screw. c 3/4"°-2" Steel pipe- l/4"or#14 Tek Screw, CONCRETE:Required minimum load each fastener= ` "wT�77 7 FEATURES z VU.t.1 U2"Offset-loose fit allows pipe to slide. Re�stant 3/4"and 1"pipe size made with common center-line. /4"thru 2" *PatcTneddcsignfpr§pp po sir all. *`Offset edge eliminates abrasion. *AFCON#905 screw included-5/16"hex head- ORDERL\G-Part#and pipe size. AFC0N#906 backing nut sold separately. e Spealie AFCOX products ate esolusively designed to be compatble ONLY with other AFCON product;including parts aad fasteners,resulting in a listed s�ay bram restrainer or hanger assembly. Be advised ibe follovring warranty restrictioi will apply. DISCIA1 bTF.R-A FCON will NOT vrarranr against the:ailurc oi'its products when wed in combination with other products,parts or systems not manufactured or solid byAFCON.AFCON sh"al\OT be liaidc under any circumstances whatsoever for any direct rr indirect,incidental or comequcntial dwuag�of any l dnd,including but not limited to loss ofbusiness err profit,when non AFCO_N products have been,er am used 9/08 _76 5o,�§Z0 P.O. Box 3369'So thfr -org", 511 CPVC - COPPER SIDE MOUNT HANGER Qj Side View-For Drawings Below SIZE-SYSTEM PIPE:3.14"thlu 2" MATERIAL-Carbon Steel. FINISH-Mil.Galvanized. LISTING!APPROVAL- a203-EX 4231,EX 2551 FUNCTION- Support horizontal piping-CPVC or Copper. Stabilize vertical piping. INSTALLATION-Per these instructions Hanger-Wood Stud including NFPA 13, 13R, 13D and CPVC manufacturers instructions. Install on vertical mounting surface. FASTENERS-UL Listed per NFPA 13. in WOOD: 3/4"-2"CPVC pipe-#905 screw- no pre-drill. 3,14"-2"Copper pipe-#905 screw- no pre-drill. in STEEL-min. 18 GA. 3/4"-2"CPVC pipe-1/4"or#14 Tek Screw. 3/4"-2"Copper pipe- 1/4"or#14 Tek Screw. FEATURES *Offset edge eliminates abrasion. 1es secure hanger ON*Required ABC ON s cluded-duringpipe !16"installation. t hex head. �., ORDERING-Part#and pipe size. Hanger-Metal Stud Sir tl ,Al dw"(A prot6o,am crc lw wcly dassk na,bo aompaa ibbr Cl'1�LY v if h oibax A/�k:0N V o nnr Rau Mulling ru"rere r f knjvx ur,teaufit ag at a tisied sway brace,reare ner or hanger assembly. liu attla lwcAl l9�ac fawllawarung va'sra'4iatty✓rwatrkaTwgtw wn"'NI alrpall":111SCIAMER.,A MON will NOT warrant a&nsr the ttilu tt of ir%prw,nlancta whm axod br combination with other products.Pans or system no(rnuf--turerl or sold by AFCOV.AFCO.h'AJO NOT Ira liable ntad�atr'any'cir voganuea r�whalw:ra,v For my dvect or indirect,iocidenhtl or con.�;equeaditi denwges of any kind,inclining but out m limiled to loss ufb-inws or profit,when.nowAFC0,1V pmducts have bcrmr or are used. 9/08 FlameGu arid® CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS' Es C:pw 3; SOCKET DIMENSIONS SCH 40-ASTM F438 C SCH 80-ASTM F439 A Size Socket Socket Verance SCH 40 Minimum SCH 80 Minimum EntranceA Bottom B Socket Length C Socket Length C 314 1,058 1.046 t.004 .719 1.000 1 1.325 1.130 t.005 .875 1.126 1-114 1.670 1.655 t,005 .938 1.250 1-112 1.912 Um f.006 1.094 1.375 2 2,387 2.369 3.005 1.15G 1.500 Z-1 f2 2,889 2.868 t.007 1.750 1.750 3 3.516 3.492 t.008 1.875 1.875 TEE u Socket x Socket x Socket M - H � - L - - -+ Part Number Size G H L M Approx.WL(Lbs.) 4201-007 3/4 9116 1-112 2-3182 1-5116 .11 4201-010 1 718 1-13116 3-5/8 1-5!8 .20 4201-012 1-1/4 15132 2-3132 4-7/32 2 .29 4201-015 1-11Z 15/32 2-9116 5-3132 2-11132 .54 4201-020 2 1-13132 2-15116 5-713 2-718 .86 4201-025 2-1/2 1-23132 3-1/2 7 3-15132 1.62 4201-030 3 2-1/16 3-31/32 7-15/16 45/32 2.53 REDUCING TEEq Socket x Socket x Socket H? TA-7 , M2 cu Part Size G G1 G2 H H1 H2 L M M1 112 Approx. Number I I Wt.(Lbs.) 4201-102 1 3/4x314x1 3/4 314 314 1-11115 1-25/32 1-11/16 3-13/32 1-5116 1-21132 1.51'16 .13 4201-125 1OWN 23132 7/8 23/32 1-25132 1-13/16 1-21/32 3-7/16 1-19,32 1-11132 1.51,16 .16 4201-126 WAX1 23132 Z3131 314 1-27/32 1-27/32 1-3/4 3-19/32 1-518 1-5l8 1.5116 .17 4201-131 Wx3/4 11/16 13116 11116 1-13116 1-13/16 1-13116 3-5/8 1-518 1-5116 1-5/8 17 4201-157 1.1/410/4 11116 1-1/32 11/16 1-15/16 2-1132 1-13/16 3-25132 2-3132 1-13132 1-23/32 .32 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 2 SPEC FlameGuard° FG-2.0215 Complete System of Pipe, Fittings & Solvent Cement Corrosion Resistant • Superior Flow • ease ofInstallation Spears" FlameGuarda CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products provide a cost effective alternative to metal systems with advantages of high corrosion resistance, improved system hydraulics, ease Almik of installation and quick t assembly with common tools. l � CPVC Fire Sprinkler Systems are based on proven products that have been in continuous service for over 40 years. Spears"I FlameGuard® products are approved by ULi,FM"Global,LPCB and Certified by NSF International for potable water use. Check local codes for restrictions and limitations. ° Corrosion Resistant CPVC Material Does Not Easy installation for Lower Costs! Sustain.Biological Growth FlameGuard' CPVC system installations Unlike metal systems, FlameGuardo CPVC significantly reduce costs over conventional metal products never rust,scale or pit and do not sustain piping by virtually eliminating prefabrication. biological growth-a cause of Microbiologically Systems can be fully installed on site using solvent Influenced Corrosion(MIC)which can destroy metal cement joining methods. fire sprinkler systems from the inside out. UL11 Listed for U.S. and Canada in Superior:Flow Characteristics for Lower NFPA 13, 1311& 13D Systems Friction Losses FlameGuardo CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products The smooth-wall interior surfaces of FlameGuard'° are UL" Listed for U.S. and Canada applications CPVC systems result in reduced friction loss over for Light Hazard occupancies as defined in NFPA metal systems. The design flow characteristics remain 13,Residential occupancies up to and including constant throughoufthe life of the product because 4-stories as defined in NFPA 13R, and Residential there is no interior corrosion in the system due to occupancies for one and two family dwellings and microbiological activity. manufactured homes as defined in NFPA 131).Consult Spears-'FlameGuard CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pressure bated to 175 psi(12OOkpa) 150°F Products Installation Instructions and NFPA Standards (650C) for additional applications including air plenum, FlameGuard` CPVC Products are produced in system risers,concealed, exposed,underground, combinations of Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 Fitting combustable attic, garage,basement and low configurations con-forming to ASTM F 438 or F 439 pressure dry piping installations. standards and FlameGuard SDR 13.5 CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe conforming to ASTM F 442 standards. Full Limited Lifetime Warranty UL�' and FM:" Rated working pressure is 175 psi FlameGuard'CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products (1200kpa)@ 150°F(65°C)(LPCB rated to 120'F) carry a limited lifetime warranty against defects (49°C). in material or workmanship. Consult Spearss' warranty for additional details. I& Progressive Products From Spears'Innovation & Technology C Visit our website at www.spearsmfg.corn Spears' FlameGuar& . . . The Leader in Innovative CPVC Fire Sprinkler SystemProducts Pioneer in Molded-in Metal Insert Head Adapters Patent No. 5,437,481 Spears` pioneered the development of the FlameGuardo molded-in-place metal thread insert for connection of sprinkler heads to CPVC fire sprinkler systems,plus Metal FIPT threaded female adapters for metal-to-plastic transitions. Developed the Special Reinforced (SR) Head Adapters Patent No. 5,582,439 Spears`` FlameGuarde continuous improvement program developed the technology to produce a superior patented plastic threaded fitting-the Special Reinforced(SR)Design. This unique design incorporates a patented thermoplastic compression process that equalizes stresses generated by tapered thread joint make-up. All CPVC plastic body and threads provide a more uniform construction and improved corrosion resistance. Lead Free Revolutionary Gasket Sealed Head Adapter Choices Patent No. 5,582,439 1 •Requires NO Thread Sealants •Eliminates Stress •Prevents Over Tightening •Provides Easy Frame Alignment Spears'revolutionary Gasket Sealed Head Adapters feature an elastomer gasket seal at the base of the threads. The gasket seal allows a modified TorqueSafeTM,SofTorque" 8. thread design that eliminates radial stress and associated problems typical QuickT Fittings Leeadad F F rree with tapered thread joint make up. Choose from TorqueSaf9m design with rotating brass thread insert, SofTorqueTM design with Special Reinforced (SR)plastic threads and compressible gasket or new QuickTorqueTM with similar features plus brass threads. Full Assortment of Specialty Products& Fitting Configurations Spears""Flame+C uardo products provide the specialty fittings needed in today's fire sprinkler systems. The NEW GripLacTM Push-on Coupling and GripLocTM Repair Coupling for quick no-cement repairs;the Adjustable Drop Nipple for VSPush-On fine-tuning to finished ceiling height;and Ringed Head Adapter for ease of Couplings Lead Free locating during installation. Plus a full assortment of fittings including Grooved Coupling Adapters, Unions and Flanges sizes 3/4"through 3 Complete Sire Range of CPVC Pipe Spears"FlameGuarde CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe is available in sizes 3/4" to 3"; and conforms to ASTM F 442 standard for SDR 13.5 CPVC pipe. Spears' Solvent Cements & Thread Sealant Fla meG ua MID products should be installed using Spears"FS-5 One-Step Solvent Cement.For threaded joints, use Spears" BLUE 75" Thread Sealant that has been tested for compatibility with FlameGuard®CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products. Spears` TorqueSafeTM Gasket Sealed Adapter requires no sealant. Consult sprinkler head manufacturer prior to use. Installation 'Trainin Available Contact Spears"Technical Services for Details =.ArY�v^�- ^ rN4 �kuNJl'a ii ..J.Mvar..',w. .J... .✓Jr��.iMrn u KK.1,.r_, m x�&,Nr w.%+' ..`.(, wrod&. ✓IN m 4.!!M .✓id"w t"-✓i,a;,,H", FlameGua rde Products must be installed in accordagce with Spearsr CPVC"Fire Sprinkler piping Products Installation Instructions, National lire'Protection Association Staulyds 13, 13R,13D,and in accordance with local codes.Code requirements and field conditions may differ. It is the responsibility of the installing contractor to insure that the product is suitable to meet these requirements_ SPEARS® MANUFACTURING COMPANY ELI CORPORATE OFFICE 15853 Olden St.,Sylmar,CA 91342•PO Box 9243,Sylmar,CA 91392(818)364-1611 •www.spearsmfg.com "" Ir.�:.l� 0 Copyrlghl 2015 Spears*Manufacturing Company.All Rights Reserved.Printed in the United States of America 02115. FG-2-0215 Flame%'Guard° CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING PRODUCTS 22-1120 STREET ELBOW Spigot x Socket I,«...'�FHPEO.D. Part Number Size H H1 J J7 M1 Approx.Wt(Lbs.) 4242-007 3/4 1-1/4 1-112 114 1/2 1-3/8 .08 4242-010 1 1-7116 1-11/32 5116 7/32 1-23/32 .14 4242-012 1-1/4 1-9116 1-25/32 17132 11116 2-1/16 .21 4242-015 1-1/2 1-13132 1-23/32 1/2 11132 2-11/32 .28 4242-020 2 1-29/32 2-118 7132 518 2-7/8 .42 4242-025 2-1/2 2-118 2-1/4 13/32 112 3-1/2 .68 4242.030 3 2-13/32 2-13/32 9116 17132 4.5132 .99 450 ELBOW Socket x Socket I� L [--M----+►I Part Number Size H J M Approx.Wt(Lbs.) 4217-007 3/4 1-5!15 5116 1-5116 .07 4217-010 1 1-13132 318 1-5/8 Al 4217-012 1-1/4 1-5/8 318 2-5132 .21 4217-015 1-1!2 1-21/32 102 2-11132 .32 4217-020 2 2-1/8 21132 2.71E .48 4217-025 2-112 2-17/32 3/4 3-1/2 .88 4217-030 3 2-29/32 29132 4-5/32 1.17 10 SPEARS-MANUFACTURING COMPANY Bulletin 425 September 2018 Reliable Residential Riser cULus Listed For use in NFPA 13D and 13R Residential Systems 175 psi(12 bar)rated Features • Stairless Steel body construction • Factory assembled and testedM, • Vertical or horizontal installation • Optional mounting bracket iY Approvals & Listings • Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada(cULus) Product Description The Reliable Residential Riser is UL Listed wet-pipe sprinkler system riser assembly consisting of a stainless steel body, waterflow switch,pressure gage,and drain.Triggering Flow is 12 gpm(45 Ipm)nominal for the System Sensor waterflow switch and 10 gpm(38 Ipm)or more for the Potter Electric waterflow switch The Residential Riser is intended for use in NFPA 13D and 13R systems, and is offered in 1", 1 1/2", and 2" sizes. The product Shown;2"threaded version with Model TD Test and Drain valve trim, is ava'lable with a variety of end configurations (see table A optional Model A Pressure Relief valve kit,and optional locking handle below),and a choice of drain trims including a three position(off/ kit(padlock not provided) test/drain)valve with several orifice choices. Optional pressure Maintenance relief valve kits are also available. The Residential Riser can be wall mounted using the cast-in lugs or stud mounted using the The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection optional support bracket(see Fig: 2), system in proper operating condition.Any system maintenance or testing that involves placing a control valve or detection/ Installation control system out of service may eliminate the fire protection that is provided by the fire protection system.Notify any required The Reliable Residential Riser should be installed in authorities having jurisdiction and implement appropriate accordance with NFPA 13,NFPA 13D,or NFPA 13R, as well as precautions prior to proceeding. the requirements of any authorities having jurisdiction.Failure to follow Installation instructions may void the warranty and listing When required, the Reliable Residential Riser and associated of the valve. Connect the riser manifold to the supply piping equipment shall periodically be given a thorough inspection and system piping using a non-hardening pipe joint compound . and test. NFPA 25, "Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of or joint sealant tape for threaded connections, Ensure proper Water Based Fire Protection Systems," provides minimum direction of flow using the flow arrow cast into the manifold.The maintenance requirements. Replace any components found one-inch(1")drain should be piped to a location that will avoid to be corroded, damaged, or worn. Increase the frequency of damage to property and injury to personnel. inspections when the valve is exposed to corrosive conditions or chemicals that could impact the valve materials. Nominal Size Available End connections 1"(25mm) Male or Female NPT 1-1/2"(40mm) Female NPT or Grooved Ends 2"(50mm) Female NPT vn+,rw.reliablesprinkler.com Residential Riser Assemblies Basic Assem Show11 YM'�61 Dimensions and Weight •• ' B.... Basic Assembly with Ball Drain Valve Water fAvwr Ga Ae Press Relief Manifold Size A B C D Weight aa" r K ioprdn�i in in in in Ibs (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) sown Threaded Female 11 B-1/4 2-3/4 7.3 NPT 1 (25) (279) (210) (70) (3.32) t Threaded Male NPT 11 8-1/4 2-3/4 7.3 «� 0 1 (25) (279) (210) (70) (3.32) O Threaded Female 12-1/4 11-1/2 B-1/4 3 8.3 A (Take Out) NPT 1-1/2(40) (311) (292) (210) (76) (3.77) o Threaded Female 11-3,4 8-1/4 3-1/4 8.8 N! NPT 2(50) (298) (210) (83) (4.00) Grooved Ends 1-112 11-1/2 9-1/2 3 _ 8.3 supply Drain (40) (292) (241) (76) (3.77) ' I—D� Ckcatm Valve Water F kA, Detemor Note:Drain tees are plugged when pressure relief kit is not used. 426FGQI Basic Assembly with Test and Drain Valve (Shown with Optional Pressure Relief Kit) B Water PfSWAAd\ Gauge Press.Roller Dimensions and eight Basic Assembly with Test&Drain Valve sy3tem Manifold Size A B C D Weight in in in in The (mini) hnm) (mm) (mini) (k9) o Threaded Female 14-1/2 8-1/4 3-1/4 9.0 A C NPT 1 (25) (368) (210) (83) (4.09) (Take Out) Threaded Male 14-1/2 B-1/4 3-1/4 9.0 o NPT 1 (25) (368) (210) (83) (4.09) in Threaded Female 11-1/4 15 B-114 3-112 9.7 NPT 1-1/2(40) (286) (381) (210) (89) (4.41) supply Tim and Drah Threaded Female 15 1/2 B-1/4 3-3/4 10.5 Valve NPT 2(50) (394) (210) (95) (477) D "" Grooved Ends 15 9-1/2 3-1/2 9.7 Water tectr wr DeOactw 1-1/2(40) (381) (241) (89) (4.41) Note:Test and Drain valve outlets are plugged when pressure relief kit is not used. Bulletin;425 Page 2 of 4 September 2018 FORM p www.rellablesprinkler.com Support Bracket Mount *` 2 fl-"" MINIMUM GAP FOR WATER FZOW INDICATOR COVER REMOVAL(TYPICAL ALL MANIFOLDS) STUDS 424FW2 BRACKETFLUSH (2-Y4 SHOMJ) VVITH FACE OF STUD Recessed or Flush Mounted 2 117 MINIMUM GAP FOR V/ATER FLOW INDICATOR COVER REMOVAL(TYPICAL ALL MANIFOLDS) PLASTIC S,1ACERS ..w ....... mm r r_ , T___, srun (c)(S SHOWNy t __T u 125iL10.T SupportBracket Bulletin 425 ` ' "" Page 3 of 4 September 2018 www.reliablesprinkler.com Residential Riser Ordering Information Part Number 6A WWORXYYZ Riser Manifold Waterflow Detector MFG Drain Valve Pressure Relief IGt Size&End Connections Z l0081". 00= 1"Threaded Female NPT S=System Sensor 00=Ball Valve 0= None 01 = 1"Threaded Female Metric P=Potter Flow Detector 01 = RASCO Test&Drain (K2.8) 1 = 175 psi(12.1 bar) 02= 1"Threaded Male NPT 02=RASCO Test&Drain (K4.2) 2= 185 psi(12.8 bar) 03= 1-112"Threaded Female NPT d3=RASCO Test&Drain(K5.6) 04= 1-1/2"Threaded Female Metric 05= 1-112"Grooved End 06=2"Threaded Female NPT 07=2"Threaded Female Metric Example: P/N 6AO20RP031 = 1"Threaded Male NPT End Connection with Potter Flow Detector,RASCO Test&Drain(K5.6),and 175 psi Pressure Relief Kit. Replacement Parts&Accessories - Description Part Number Pressure Relief Kit-175psi 6501203550 Pressure Relief Kit- 185psi 6501203545 Support Bracket Kit 6899190001 System Sensor Waterflow Detector(RFDTHN) 96556910 System Sensor Paddle Tree for Waterflow Detector 96556911 Potter Waterflow Detector(VSRS) 96556923 Guarantee For Reliable Automatic Sprinkler, "Co., Inc.guarantee,terms, and conditions,visit www.reliablesprinkler.com CD v 0 rn rn 0 rn rn Z Bulletin 425 """"""' ,'"" " Page 4 of 4 September 2018 www.reliablesprinkler.com Bulletin 006 January 2020 Model RFC Series Residential Sprinklers Flat Concealed Pendent cULus Listed Features �...........a__.......,��w IYI„ , • .I lldl�'III cULus Listed as Residential Sprinklers • Push-On cover plate installation • Low water flow requirements Product Description Model RFC Series residential sprinklers are flat cover plate, concealed pendent sprinklers Intended for Installation In Model RFC30&RFC30LL Model RFC43&RFC43LL accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D. The sprinklers are cULus Listed as Residential Sprinklers in ac- cordance with UL 1626. In addition, Model RFCLL Series sprinklers are cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI standard 61 Annex G(LL)and Australian WaterMark Certified (WMCS). Model RFC30 sprinklers have a 1650F (740C) temperature rated fusible-link operating element, Model RFC43, RFC49, RFC58,and RFC76 sprinklers are offered with either a 1650E (740C) or 2120F(1000C) temperature rated fusible-link oper- ating element. Sprinklers with a 1650F (74°C) temperature Model RF049&RF049LL Model RFC56 rating are ordinary temperature classification and are listed for use with a 135OF (570C) temperature rated cover plate. "-'"""" Sprinklers with a 2120F (1000C) temperature rating are inter- mediate temperature classification and are listed for use with a 1650F(740C)temperature rated cover plate. Model RFC Series sprinklers are installed with a Model RFC or Model G5 Cover Plate. Model G5 Cover Plates may be installed by either pushing or threading the cover plate into the sprinkler cup.Model RFC30,RFC30LL,RFC43,RFC43LL, RFC49 and RFC49LL sprinklers allow 1/2" (13 mm) of cover plate adjustment, Model RFC58 and RFC76 sprinklers allow � � 3/4" (49 mm)of cover plate adjustment. Model RFC and G5 Model RFC76 Model RFC&G5 Cover Plate Cover Plates are available In a variety of finishes as listed in Table H. S nnkler Model Nominal K-Factor Max.Coverage Area Listings& Sprinkler Identification p gpm/psilrz(I/min/barl,2) ft x ft(m x m) Approvals Number(SIN) RFC30 3.0(43) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) cULus RA0611 RFf OLL:.:.... . n .: .,.,,..3a0(43)>,.,; w,,.., . . 14 x. 14.(4.,t x 4,3)..., ..cULus..LL;_WMCS RA3211 RFC43 4.'3(62) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.") cULus RA0612 RFC43LL 4.3(62) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6.1) cULus, LL,WMCS RA3212 RFC49 4.9(71) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus RA0616 RFC49LL 4.9(71) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus, LL,WMCS RA3216 RFC58 5.8(84) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus RA0613 RFC76 7.6(109) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus RA0618 cULus:cULus Listed to UL1626,Residential Sprinklers for Fire Protection Service. LL:cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G(Less than 0.25%Lead content). WMCS:Australian WaterMark Certified. mvw,rellablesprinkler.com ModelRFC3 11 1 1 •- • 1 • I. RFC30LL: Technical Specifications Sensitivity Fasrt-res nse Threads tl J , tar R Nominal K-Factor.3.0(43 metric) Temperature Rating Max.Working Pressure:175 psi(12 bar) 165OF(741"C)sprinkler Min.Spacing:8 it.(2.4 m) 135°F(570C)cover plate Material Specifications Cover Plate " Thermal Sensor:Nickel Alloy Solder Link Model RFC Cover Plate Sprinkler Body:Brass Alloy Model G5 Cover Plate Levers:Bronze Alloy Yoke:Brass Alloy Sprinkler Wrench Sealing Assembly:Nickel Alloy with PTFE Model FC(without wrench-able cap) Load Screw:Bronze Alloy Model W3(with wrench-able cap) Towers:Copper Alloy Pins:Stainless Steel Listings and Approvals Deflector Bronze Alloy cULus Listed to UL 1626 Cup:Steel cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Bottom View Standard 61 Annex G(RFC30LL only) Cover Plate Finishes Watermark Certified(RFC30LL only) (See Table H) Model RFC30&RFC30LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions 2-511Y(56 mm) Threads I Dia. BodyCup Tow r1-3/4"(44 mm)+j�m�Fusible LinkNominal face of fitting to ceiling Deflector(retracte +�' 3/16"(5 mrn) Pin(extendedDeflector(extended Model G4/G5 Cover Plate -- 3-5/16"(84 mm)Dia. Ceiling Model RFM and RFC30LL Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure ny Max.Coverage Area 14 Flow Pressure ft x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (Ymin) (bar) 12 x 12 9 9.0 (3.6 x 3.6) (34) (0.62) 14 x 14 10 11.0 (4.3 x 4.3) (38) (0.76) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of:(1)the flour listed in Table B above and(2)the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpmjsq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than;hose listed above,use the minimum required flow for the next larger max,coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 Page 2 of 8 January 2020 www.rellablesprinkler.com Model RFC43& RFC43LL Residential Sprinklers RFC43: SINRA0612 RFC43LL: SINRA3212 Technical Specifications Sensitivity Style:Flat Concealed Pendent Fast-response Threads:1/2"NPT or ISO 7-1 R112 Nominal K-Factor.4.3(62 metric) Temperature Rating Max.Working Pressure:175 psi(12 bar) Ordinary. Min.Spacing:8 ft.(2.4 m) 165°F(74°C)sprinkler 135°F(57°C)cover plate Material Specifications Intermediate: Thermal Sensor.Nickel Alloy Solder Link 212°F(100°C)sprinkler Sprinkler Body:Brass Alloy 165°F(74°C)cover plate Levers:Bronze Alloy Yoke:Brass Alloy Cover Plate Sealing Assembly.Nickel Alloy with PTFE Model RFC Cover Plate Load Screw:Bronze Alloy Model G5 Cover Plate Towers:Copper Alloy Pins:Stainless Steel Sprinkler Wrench Deflector.Bronze Alloy Model FC(without wrench-able cap) Bottom View Cup:Steel Model W3(with wrench-able cap) Cover Plate Finishes Listings and Approvals (See Table H) cULus Listed to UL 1626 cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G(RFC43LL only) Watermark Certified(RFC43LL only) Model RFC43&RFC43LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions 2-5/16"(56 mm) Threads Die. Body Cup Tower 1-3M'(44 mm)+.1-1/4"(6 mm) Fusible Link Nominal face of tiring to ceiling Deflector(retracted) _E3116'(5mm) Pin(extended) 16 1 Deflector(extended) !7Model G4/G5 Cover Plate 3-5!16"(84 mm7a. VCalling Model RFC43&RFC43LL Sprinkler Hydraulilc Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure m Max.Coverage Area P Ordinary Temperature Intermediate Temperature fL x it. Flow Pressure Flow Pressure (m x m) gpm psi gpm psi Wmin) (bar) (1/min) (bar) 15 x 15 12 7.6 12 7.8 (4.6 x 4.6) (45) (0.54) (45) (0.54) 16 x 16 13 9.1 13 9,1 (4.9 x 4.9) (49) (0.63) (49) (0.63) 18x18 10 17.5 (5.5 x 5.5) (68) (1.21) 20 x 20 21 23.8 (6.1 x 6.1) (79) (1.64) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of:(1)the flow listed in Table C above and(2)-.he flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above,use the minimum required flow for the next larger max.coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 " " Page 3 of 8 January 2020 www.reliabiesprinkler.com Model RFC49& RFC49LL Residential Sprinklers RFC49: SINRA0616 RFC49LL:SINRA3216 Technical Specifications Sensitivity Style:Flat Concealed Pendent Fast-response Threads:1/2•NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor-4.9(71 metric) Temperature Rafting Max.woritling�Pfilirilisow4m . Min.Spacing:B f1.(2.4 m) 16S"'F(7410)sprinkler -_ 136"F(6rC)cover plate Material Specifications Intermediate: Thermal Sensor.Nickel Alloy Solder Link 212OF(100"C)sprinkler Sprinkler Body:Brass Alloy 165°F(74°C)cover plate Levers:Bronze Alloy Yoke:Brass Alloy Cover Plate Sealing Assembly-Nickel Alloy with PTFE Model G5 Cover Plate Load Screw:Bronze Alloy r , Towers:Copper Alloy Sprinkler Wrench Pins:Stainless Steel Model FC(without wrench-able cap) Deflector.Bronze Alloy Model W3(with wrench-able cap) Bottom View Cup:Steel Cover Plate Finishes Listings and Approvals cULus Listed to UL 1626 ' (See Table H) cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G(RFC49LL only) Watermark Certified RFC49LL on Model RFC49&RFC49LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions 2-5/°16"(58 mrni Threads-- Dia. Body Cup.~..,, ���no� Tower 1-3/4"(44 mm)+! 1/4"(6 mm) Fusible Link Nominal face of fitting io ceiling Deflector(retracted) ����••• �3/16"(5mm) Pin(extended) Deflector(extended)-- Modoi G4/G5 Cover Plate 3s/16"(84 mm)Dial Ceiling Model RFC49&RFC49LL ri4tikler Hydr+aul o Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure t,t tat Ordinary Temperature Intermediate Temperature Max.Coverage Area ft.X ft. Flow Pressure Flow Pressure (m x m) 9pm psi 9pm psi (Vmin) (bar) (Vmin) (bar) 16 x 16 13 7.0 13 7.0 (4.9 x 4.9) (49.0) (0,48) (49.0) (0.48) 18 x 1B 17 12.0 17 12.0 (5.5 x 5.5) (64,3) (0.83) (64.3) (0.83) 20 x 20 20 16.7 21 18.4 (6.1 x 6.1) (75.7) (1.15) (79.5) (1.27) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the now per sprinkler must be the greater of:(1)the flow listed in Table D above and(2)the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above,use the minimum required flow for the next larger max.coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 "'" Page 4 of 8 January 2020 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model RFC58 Residential Sprinkler SIN A0. Technical Specifications Cover Plate Finishes Style:Flat Concealed Pendent (See Table H) Threads:112'NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor-5.8(84 metric) Sensitivity Max.Working Pressure:175 psi(12 bar) Fast-response Min.Spacing:8 ft.(2.4 m) Temperature Ratings Material Specifications nrrfinary7 Thermal Sensor.Nickel Alloy Solder Link 165°F(74'C)sprinkler Sprinkler Body-Brass Alloy 135°F(57*C)cover plate Lovers:Bronze Alloy Intermediate: Yoke:Brass Alloy 212'F(100'C)sprinkler Sealing Assembly-Nickel Alloy with PTFE 165°F(74'C)cover plate Load Screvr.Bronze Alloy Towers:Copper Alloy Cover Plate Pins:Stainless Steel Model G5 Cover Plate Deflector:Chrome Plated Bronze Alloy V Cup:Steel Sprinkler Wrench Bottom View Model FC(without wrench-able cap) y Model W3(with wrench-able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Model RFC58 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions - 2-5116'(58 mm) Dla. Threads Body Cup � Tower Fusible Link 1-7i8"(48 mm)+%-3'8"(9 mm) Deflector(retracted) Nominal face of fitting to telling �3/i6"(5mm, Pin(extended Deflector(extended) tin Model G4/G5 Corer Plate •-il•- 3-5I16'(&1 mm)Dla. mm•• Ceiling Model RFC58 Sprinkler Hydraulic draulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure('► Max.Coverage Area m Flow Pressure ft x ft gpm psi (m x m) (Umin) (bar) 16 x 16 16 7.6 (4,9 x 4,9) (60.6) (0,53) 18 x 18 18 9.6 168,1 (0,66) 120Fx,20 ! 20 F 11.9 (61 x 6,1) (75,7) (0,82) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of:(1)the flow listed in Table E above and(2)the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above,use the minimum required flow for the next larger max.coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 "'" Page 5 of 8 January 2020 nowid www.reliablesprinkler.com Model •ential Sprinkler SIN RA0618 Technical Specifications Cover Plate Finishes Style:Flat Concealed Pendent (See Table H) Threads:3/4'NPT or ISO 7-1 R3/4 Nominal K-Factor.7.6(109 metric) Sensitivity Max.Working Pressures. "51 Min.Spacing:8 fl.(2.4 m) Temperature Ratings Material Specifications Ordinary: Thermal Sensor.Nickel Alloy Solder Link 165°F(74°C)sprinkler Sprinkler Body:Brass Alloy 135GF(57°C)cover plate Levers_Bronze Alloy Intermediate: Yoke:Brass Alloy 212-F(100-C)sprinkler Sealing Assembly:Nickel Alloy with PTFE 165°F(74°C)cover plate Load Screw:Bronze Alloy Towers:Copper Alloy Cover Plate Pins:Stainless Steel Model C35 Cover Plate Deflector:Bronze Alloy Cup:Steel Sprinkler Wrench Bottom View Model FC(without wrench-able cap) Model W3(with wrench-able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Model RFC76 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions 2-5/16'(58 mm) ,. Dia. Threads--~ Body -` Cup-�-- ` � Tower—,� Fusible Link 1-7/8"(48 min)+/-3!8"(9 mm) Nominal face of fitting to ceiling Deflector(retracted) II �3/16"(5!nm) Pln(exlended) - Deflector(extended)- ,, Model G4!G5 Cover Plate 3-5/16`(84 rnm)Dia.---«-• Ceiling Model RFC76 Flat Concealed Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria ' Minimum Flow and Residual PressureN Max.Coverage Area Flow Pressure ft.x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (Umin) (bar) 16 x 16 21 7.6 (4.9 x 4.9) (79.5) (0.52) 18 x 18 24 919 (5.5 x 5.5) (90.8) (0.68) 20 x 20 34 20 (6.1 x 6.1) (128.7) (1.4) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of:(1)the flow listed in Table E above and(2)the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above,use the minimum required flow for the next larger max.coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 ;""" Page 6 of 8 January 2020 www.rellablesprinkler.com Cover Plate Finishes() -• Standard Finishes Special Application Finishes White Polyester Off White Paint Black Paint Ravin Brass Chrome Plated Bright Brass Finished Bronze Black Plated Satin Chrome Stainless Steel Clad'M Custom Color Pain-(,) Notes: 1. Paint or any other coating applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. 2. Custom color paint is semi-gloss,unless specified otherwise. 3. Stainless steel clad cover plates are Type 316 Stainless Steel on the finished side and C102 Copper Allow on the back side.Cover plates are not listed or approved as corrosion resistant. Installation Dimensions Recommended Min.to Min.to Max. Cover Cover Plate Cover Plate Max.Face Dropped Deflector Cover Plate ESprninkler Hole Diameter Plate Diameter Adjustment of Fitting to Distance below Temperature Model inch(mm) in Ceiling inch(mm) Ceiling(') Ceiling Rating inch(mm) inch(mm) inch(mm) RFC30, RFC or 3-5/16 2-5/8 1/2 1-1/2 to 2 1/2 to 1 1350F RFC30LL G5 (84) (67) (13) (38 to 51) (13 to 25) (57-C) RFC43, 135°F(2' RFC43LL, RFC or 3-5/16 2-5/8 1/2 1-1/2 to 2 112 to 1 (57-C) RFC49, G5 (84) (67) (13) (38 to 51) (13 to 25) or 165aF(3 RFC49LL (74'0) 135°FM RFC58, RFC or 3-5/16 2-5/8 3/4 1-1/2 to 2-1/4 1/4 to 1 (57°C) RFC76 G5 (84) (67) (19) (38 to 57) (6 to 25) or 1650F3% (74°C) Notes: 1. Face of fitting to ceiling dimensions are based on a nominal thread make up.Verify dimensions based on fitting and thread sealing method prior to installation.A 1/2'x 1/2"brass nipple extension(Reliable PiN 6999991900)is available where necessary for replacement of existing sprinklers. 2. For use with 165°F(74°C)temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100°F(38°C). 3. For use with 212°F(100°C)temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 150OF(66°C). Installation Model RFC series sprinklers are intended to be installed in Do not exceed the maximum recommended torque.Exceeding accordance with NFPA 13,NFPA 13R,or NFPA 13D,as well as the maximum recomiended torque may cause leakage or the requirements of applicable authorities having jurisdiction. impairment of the sprinkler.Use care when inserting or removing Model RFC series sprinklers must not be installed in ceilings with the wrench from the sprinkler to avoid damage to the sprinkler. positive pressure in the space above.Ensure that the 4 slots in the cup are open and unobstructed following installation.Model Install the cover plate by hand by pushing the cover plate into the RFC series sprinklers are shipped with a wrench-able protective cup and turning the cover in the clockwise direction until it is tight cap that should remain on the sprinkler until the sprinkler system against the ceiling. is placed in service following construction. Model RFC series sprinklers can be installed without removing Application the wrench-able protective cap using the Model W3 wrench. Model RFC series sprinklers are intended for installation where Alternatively,Model RFC series sprinklers can be installed using residential sprinklers are permitted or required by NFPA 13, the Model FC wrench by temporarily removing the protective cap NFPA 13R,and NFPA 13D,The sprinklers are concealed during installation of the sprinkler.The use o1 any other wrench to pendent residential sprinklers. installed Model RFC series sprinklers is not permitted and may :daimage ,apr' 1,,,Eu4i.rtaer Ahe-M..Qdei..W3;wenW ovex: :_:: ; MCI--RFG30 and RFC30LL sprinklers are available in the cap until it reaches the bottom of the cup;or the Model FC ordinary temperature classification for installation where wrench over the sprinkler until the wrench engages the body. the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100°F Do not wrench any other part of the sprinkler/cup assembly.The (380C). Model RFC43, RFC43LL,RFC49,RFC49LL, RFC58, Model W3 and FC wrenches are designed to be turned with a and RFC76 sprinklers are available in either ordinary or standard 12'square drive.Tighten the sprinkler into the fitting intermediate temperature classification for installation where after applying a PTFE based thread sealant to the sprinkler's the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100OF threads.Recommended installation torque is 8 to 18 ft-lbs(11 (38°C)or 150°F(66°C),respectively. to 24 N-m)for 1/2`thread sprinklers and 14 to 20 ft-Ibs(19 to 27 N-m)for 3/4"thread sprinklers. Bulletin 006 ""' Page 7 of 8 January 2020 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model FC Model W3 For use with Model RFC Series sprinklers For use with Model RFC Series sprinklers without wrench-able cap installed with wrench-able cap installed Maintenance Guarantee Model RFC series sprinklers should be inspected and the For the Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co.,Inc.guarantee,terms, sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do and conditions,visit www.reliablesprinkler.com. not clean sprinklers with soap and water,ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by gentle vacuuming. Replace patents any sprinkler cover plate assernbly which has been painted (other than factory applied)or darnaged in any way.A stock of Model RFC30,RFC30LL,RFC43, Ri=C43LL,RFC49,RFC49LL, spare sprinkler,should be Maintained to allow qurck replace` RFC58,and RFC76 sprinklers are covered by U.S. Patent No. ment of damaged or operated sprinklers, Prior to installation, 9,248,327 and U.S.Patent No.77275,603. sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to Model RFC30, RFC30LL,RFC43 and RFC43LL sprinklers are sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-oper- additionally covered by U.S.Patent No.8,776,903. ation. Listings and Approvals Ordering Information Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.and UL Certified for Specify the following when ordering. Canada to UL1626, Residential Sprinklers for Fire-protection Service(cULus). Sprinkler • Model(RFC30, RFC301_1", RFC43, RFC43LL, Certified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and Underwrit- RFC49, RFC49LL,RFC58, RFC76) ers Laboratories of Canada for Health Effects to NSF!ANSI • Temperature Rating Standard 61 Annex G(LL)(RFC30LL,RFC43LL,and RFC49LL Cover Plate only). • Model RFC or G5 • Temperature Rating Australian WaterMark Certified(RFC30LL, RFC43LL, and • Finish(See Table H) RFC49LL only). Sprinkler Wrench • Model FC • Model W3 z co CD CD V O IV W Bulletin 006 �" Page 8 of 8 January 2020 www.rellablesprinkler.com MODEL - RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE LJ rapid response REsIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM wumwmmmglo 11 For Use in Systems Designed to NFPA 13R and NFPA 13D NSF-61 Annex G Approved, and UL and C-UL Listed Offered in Both 1-Inch and 2-Inch Sizes Features & Benefits: The Model RSV-1 Residential Additionally, the Model RSV-1 Shut-off Valve is designed for Valve provides a dual-purpose ll Can be Used in Conjunction use in dual-purpose residen- system without adding the do- with Backflow Preventers tial water supply systems. After mestic flow demand to the fire sprinkler operation, the Model sprinkler system flow demand, Potential Cost Offsets of RSV-1 Valve automatically diverts which is required by NFPA 13R. Reduced Pipe Size the available water supply to the The Model RSV-1 Valve also auto- fire sprinkler system. matically resets, thereby eliminat- !1 Eliminate the Need for ing the need for valve disassem- Electrically Operated Solenoid bly after a fire sprinkler system Valves test or activation. 11 Built-in Check Valve Eliminates the Need for a Separate Check TECHWAL DATA Valve on the Fire Sprinkler Available Sizes: 14n:ch (ON25) and 2=lnch (DN50) System Materials: • Body is Copper AGloy. I1 Flexibility with Existing «w Piston, Sleeve, and Differential Ring are Glass Water Supplies in Retrofit Reinforced Polyphenylene Oxide. Applications and Developed *Seals are E[3PM. Lots - • Piston Springs and Screws are Stainless Steel. i! Ability to Mitigate Local • For the 1-Inch Valve, Upper Cap is Brass and O-Rings Requirements Based on are Buna-N. Mandated Domestic Load and Maximum Pressure: 175 psi (12,1 bar) Hydraulic Safety Factors Part Numbers: * 1-Inch Valve (DN25) NPT Thread PIN-. 52-540-1-001 "2-Inch Valve (DN50) NPTThread P/N: 52-540-1-002 Fire Protection Products FIRE FIRE SPRINKLER PISTON PISTON SPRINKLER PORT, FIRE FIRE �' SPRINKLER FIRE SPRINKLER i / ���� yr s��✓l y/ir �; , BEAT SPRINKLER FLOW SEAT PASSAGE DOMESTIC i II I r +f ;?� � >>a�r PORT U FLOW TO DOMESTIC r DOMESTIC DOMESTI ' FLOW �I DOMESTIC SEAT DOMESTIC PASSAGE SEAT PORT SUPPLY-- SUPPLY PORT PORT SUPPLY SUPPLY STANDBY—FLOW TO DOMESTIC SYSTEM OPERATED—FLOW TO FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM MODEL RSV-1 VALVE STANDBYAND OPERATED POSITIONS -2 INCH VALVE- rsrtttrttl�Iw�err�trrt rrrrrrr�I�rr I� FIRE SPRINKLER AUTO'MA71C FIRE SPRINKLERS SYSTEM PRESSURE CAUGE At N AN III D F LOW ULrLGI OR (FIRE ALARN) ALARM Tr,&T :I M00171 RSV-1 TO OCINIES TIC RESIDENTIAL SySrzN SHU-r OFF VALVE WATER DOMESTIC SUPPLY C111,1111CIL VALVE SUPPty PRESSURE GAUGE WATER REQUIRED BY NATEn SUPPLY w�r, r�rrrrtarrrrrw��wt MODEL RSV-1 VALVE TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATION Always reter to the Technical Data :e for complete description parameters, installation instructions, care and maintertance guidelines, and our limited warranty Tyco Fire Protection Products Technical Services-Phone: 800-381-9312 www.Tyco-Fire.com Fax:800-791-5500 al brentl names,p od.t names or tratlemerl¢belong Ib thes respestl-ow—Tyco FIR ProWW—Pretleem reserves the ogn[ 1Fzn1aona 10—nge.10.1ltlasgnantl spaceiw9ons wrtno;R noh Cspynght 02013 rIs Fhe Pytlgc6 LP.PJI rights Reserved ce. Worldwide www.tyco-fire.com Contacts LFP® Antifree e Agency Listed Solution for Fire Sprinkler Systems General Typical . Description Properties LFP®Antifreeze is a pre-mixed freeze Appearance protection solution designed and Uquld,colorless listed for use in wet sprinkler systems. Freeze Point The solution is designed for systems _1 Freeze (-25°C) subject to freezl'ng temperatures that can cause damage to equipment or Note:Freeze point is the temperature at impede the proper function of the Which cryrystaliiration begins. system. The solution has been devel- Density oped to meet the requirements of See Table E UL 2901 for compliance to the 2019 editions of NFPA 13,13R,13D,and the pH a 2017 edition of NFPA 25. LFP® Antifreeze remains in a liquid Conductivity state at temperatures as low as 1000-1400NS/cm � p tilty -10°F(-23,3°C).Upon operation of the Refractive Index ib sprinklers during a fire event,the solu- See Table C The following materials are compatible tion immediately discharges from the with LFP®Antifreeze: sprinklers and is followed by water from Specific Gravity the water supply.Use of the solution in See Table C e Steel piping(not galvanized) sprinkler systems eliminates the deliv- Viscosity a Brass materials ery delay times associated with dry See Table D e Stainless steel piping pipe systems. Pour Point a Black steel Allowable Temperature Range -16.6°F(-27°C) a Copper Minimum use temperature: a Bronze -10°F(-23,3°C) "l ecl�nical a Cast iron Maximum use temperature: a CPVC 150°F(65°C) Fats a PEX Fire Performance Approvals a EPDM LFP® Antifreeze has been tested UL Listed a Natural rubber for exposure to fire and fire fighting UL Certified a Nitrile rubber(BUNA-N) effectiveness. FBCTm System Compatible e Styrene-butadiene rubber(SBR) Safe Handling Procedures Note:FT3C yslemCompatlble indicates a Fusion bonded epoxy coated ductile LFP" Antifreeze has been formulated first this product has been tasted„and Is iron to reduce risks to humans and the envi- Ira cha mical comparability wrth assure f7owGuard ^� ronment.Gloves and eye protection are t3ola , i0lazei4rastare and C'o ?�pipe "l recommended when handling LFP and frttin s, l SC" 1=icawCuard Go For use with other materials, contact Antifreeze.For additional product infor- 6/azeAaser and 4crrzane are Ir'crrsad Technical Services. mation and Safety Data Sheet,refer to marks of The Lubrfzol Corporation or www.tyco-fire.com. Its affiliates. When transitioning between dissimi- lar metallic piping materials,the use of dielectric unions should be taken into consideration. IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Data Sheet 7FP2300 for warnings pertaining to regulatory and health information. Page i of 6 FEBRUARY 2019 TFP1680 TFP1680 Page 2 of 6 Temperature Change tnitial,, W� m. ill w a"'iuid Volume - gal(L) Approximate Fluid ExpansionlContraction gal W 25(95) 0.2(0,S) 0.4(1,5) 0.6(2,3) 0.8(3,0) 1.0(3,S) 1.2(4,5) 1.4(5,3) 1.6(6,1) 50(189) 0.4(1,5) 0.8(3,0) 1.1 (4,2) 1.5(5,7) 1.9(7,2) 2.3(8,7) 2.8(10,6) 3.2(12,1) 75(264) 0.6(2,3) 1.1 (4,2) 1.7(6,4) 2.3(8,7) 2.9(11,0) 3.5(13,2) 4.1 (15,5) 4.8(18,2) 1010(379) 0.8(3,0) 1.5(5,7) 2.3(6,7) 3.1 (11,7) 3.9(14,8) 4.7(17,8) 5.5(20,8) 6.4(24,2) 150(568) 1.1 (4,2) 2.3(8,7) 3.4 02,9) 4.6(17,4) 5.8(22,0) 7.0(26,5) 6.3(31,4) 9.5(36,0) 200(757) 1.5(5,7) 3.0(11,4) 4.6(17,4) 6.2(23,5) 7.8(29,5) 9.4(35,6) 11.0(41,6) 12.7(48,1) 250(946) 1.9(7,2) 3.8(14,4) 5.7(21,6) 7.7(29,1) 9.7(36,7) 11.7(42,3) 13.8(52,2) 15.9(60,2) 300(1136) 2.3(8,7) 4.6(17,4) 6.9(26,1) 9.2(34,8) . 11.6(44,0) 14.1 (53,4) 16.6(62,8) 19.1 (72,3) NOTES • Interpolation and extrapolation can be calculated for values outside temperatures and volumes listed in Table A. • For examples on calculating fluid expansion and contraction,seethe sections titled Expansion Example and Contraction Example,respectively. TABLE A LFP6 ANTIFREEZE EXPANSION Approximate Gallons of Fluid/100 ft Tubing Size Steel Schedule PEX CPVC Copper Pipe 40 Pipe Tube Pipe Type L 1/2 in. 1 1.5 3/4 in. 2 3.5 2.5 1 in. 4.5 3 5 4.5 1 1/4 in. 8 4.5 8 6.5 1 112in. 11 6.5 10.5 9.5 2 in. 17.5 11 16.5 16.0 2 1/2 in. 125 24.0 25 3 in, 38.5 35.5 4 in. 66.5 NOTES • Values are approximate. TABLE B LFP®ANTIFREEZE PIPE FILL Concentra- Temperature Viscosity, Density tion Specific Refractive 'F("C) Centipolse Temperature of UPS Gravity Index at 77°F °F(°C) Antifreeze at 77'F(25°C) (28"C) -10(-23,3) 86.7 lb/gal kg/Ms Ib/fta' % 36(2,2) 12.$ -10(-23,3) 9.7 1160.2 72.4 100 1.122-1.129 1.3960-1.399 70(21,1) 6.0 77(25) 9.4 1129 70.3 150(65) 9.1 1093.1 68.2 TABLE C 120(48,9) E23 ACCEPTABLE PROPERTYERANGES OF 150(65,6) NOTES LFP®ANTIFREEZE FOR TABLE D -This column is used in the k-factor equation MINIMUM USE TEMPERATURE provided in the Hydraulic Calculations section. -10°F(-23,3eCJ LFPO ANTIFREEZE VISCOSITYACROSS TABLE E TEMPERATURE RANGES LFP6 ANTIFREEZE DENSITY TFP1680 Page 3 of 6 casI � Fluid Contraction and Expansion " LFP®Antifreeze is not listed for use in Fluids expand and contract when � " � iM "' a protecting extra hazard occupancies, exposed to changes in temperatures, flammable liquids, or use with ESFR resulting in changes in fluid density. LFP® Antifreeze is a solution spe- sprinklers. Thermal expansion shall be taken into cifically tested and .listed by UL for account when designing or retrofitting use within the strict parameters and Use of LFP®Antifreeze shall be limited a sprinkler system that will use LFP® requirements in this Technical Data to 40 gal in concealed space and attic Antifreeze by use of an expansion tank. Sheet. occupancies. Table A shows the thermal expansion Hydraulic Calculations or contraction of the solution at All fire protection systems shall conform differ- ent temperatures in sprinkler system to state,local,and NFPA requirements For systems greater than volumes, using the equation for sizing if employing the use of LFP®Antifreeze. 40 gal (151 L), pipe sizing shall be the expansion chamber due to thermal determined using the TYCO Sprink- expansion in NFPA 13. Layout and Design Calc Hydraulic Program and/or the p Flow rates, pipe sizing, sprinkler Darcy-Weisbach and Hazen Williams These values and the NFPA 13, 13R, spacing,hanging methods,and system methods. Because of the density of and 13D Standards for the Installation design must be In accordance with LFP®Antifreeze,the k-factor must be of Sprinkler Systems can be used by NFPA 13, 13R, and 13D. Fire sprin- adjusted and the friction loss must be the installer to determine the proper kler systems utilizing LFP®Antifreeze considered in the system design.The expansion or contraction arrangement shall meet the system size limitations flowing pressures are to be based upon of a sprinkler system containing LFP® as follows: a k-factor calculated using the follow- Antifreeze. NFPA 13D ing equation: Expansion Example No limitations on sprinkler system A sprinkler system containing volume.Antifreeze shall only be used KA=7,94Kw 50 gal(189 L)of LFP®Antifreeze is sub- in above-ground piping. A jected to an environmental temperature NFPA 13R-Occupancies with an=eeze solutionkler tor discharging the of 0°F(-18'C)in the winter months and Pa antifreeze solution Dwelling Units Only Kw=sprinkler K-factor discharging an increase of system temperature to 100'F(38°C)in the summer months,or No limitations on sprinkler system water a temperature change of 100°F(38°C). volume in buildings only containing 'YA=density of the antifreeze solution This results in fluid expansion of dwellings.Antifreeze shall only be used at the temperature used for testing in approximately 2 gal(8 Q. in above-ground piping. lbfft' NFPA 13R-Mixed Use Occupancies Contraction Example Where buildings contain mixed use Note:See Table E for density in lb/W. A sprinkler system containing occupancies that are fed by a single 300 gal (1136 L) of LFPe Antifreeze is sprinkler system,the system size shall Minimum Desi9 n Pressure subjected to an environmental tem- be limited to 40 gal Where all The minimum design pressure of the perature of 70°F (21°C) with a later antifreeze sprinkler system feeds solely sprinkler system must be the minimum decrease in system temperature dwelling units,the system size has no required pressure for the sprinklers to -10 F (-23°C), or a temperature limitations. Antifreeze shall only be used. change of 80°F(27°C).This results in used in above-ground piping. Where Fluid Sampling Valve Connection a fluid contraction of approximately an antifreeze sprinkler system feeds The riser must be installed in an area 9.2 gal(35 Q. non-dwelling units,it shall be limited to not subject to freezing with a minimum Expansion Tank 40 gal(151 L).If future building renova- temperature of 40OF(4°C).A fluid sam- Reference NFPA 13 for guidance on the tions result in occupancy classification pling valve connection must be located addition of expansion tanks in new and changes,a fire sprinkler system evalu- at the top of each system riser. The existing systems.Vessel sizing should ation must be performed to determine sampling valves should be located be based on the anticipated operat- if any changes are required for the use for ease of access to the valve by ing conditions the system will experi- of antifreeze. contractors. ence and the corresponding expansion NFPA 13 The sampling connection will facilitate values in Table A. Buildings with occupancy classifi- implementing the service requirements An expansion tank is highly recom- cations of Light Hazard and Ordi- outlined in the Care and Maintenance mended for all systems(including exist- nary Hazard Group 1 and 2 are section. ing).Without an expansion tank there is limited to a sprinkler system volume potential for water to enter the system of 40 gal (151 Q. Storage applica- which can alter the performance of tions using non-ESFR sprinklers are LFPO Antifreeze. limited to a sprinkler system volume of Reference NFPA 13, System Require- 40 gal(151 L). ments of Antifreeze Systems for alter- nate methods. TFP168O Page 4 of 6 tEi(" Tian In any 1757113117737 u1nerr MOTTO -Won )n arty � original may introduce contaminants or"ginsl may introduce contaminants LFP® Antifreeze is pre-mixed at the and reduce the functional life of the and reduce the functional life of the factory per NFPA 13, 13R, 13D. Do solution, solution. not dilute LFP®Antifreeze with water. 5. Fill the system with LFPe Antifreeze. 5. Fill the system with LFP®Antifreeze. Diluting with water or other constitu- The use of a pump with a backflow For LFP@ Antifreeze to work cor- ents in the field can adversely impact preventer and pressure capabili- rectly, purge as much air as pos- the properties and performance of the ties to get the system to the sup- sible from the system. Accelerat- solution. The functional life of the solu- ply pressure is recommended. For ed corrosion may occur where air tion may be impacted by the end use LFP® Antifreeze to work correctly, pockets exist in the system. environmental conditions. It is recom- purge as much air as possible from mended to only use antifreeze in closed 6. After filling the system with LFP® the system. Accelerated corrosion systems as oxygen can contribute to an may occur where air pockets exist Antifreeze,test the system again to Increased rate of corrosion. in the system. verify the solution has not been di- lutedNow y with remaining liquids in the se the Systems guidelines when pre- 6. After filling the system with LFP9 system. Take samples of the solu- U e Antifreeze, test the system to'veri- tion from a high and low point in the separingth a new sprinkler system for LFP Antifreeze installation:" fy the solution has not been diluted. system. The test results from the Take samples of the solution from samples shall be the same before 1. Make certain the system has been a high and low point in the system. and after installation for the Instal- outfitted with air vent valve(s) and The test results from the samples lation to be successful. fluid sampling valve connections shall be the same before and after System Tag per the plans provided by the sys- installation for the installation to be A system tag must be present on an tem designer. The upper sampling successful. antifreeze system main valve identify- valve(s) should be easily accessi- Existing Systems ing the following: ble by contractors.The drain valves Use the following guidelines when pre- should be located and oriented in a paring an existing sprinkler system for Type and manufacturer of the anti- way that allows a variety of connec- LFPe Antifreeze installation: freeze solution used tions with ease. •.Volume of antifreeze used 2. The stem should be air-tight to 1. Inspect all sprinklers for mechanl- " prevent leakage. g cal damage, corrosion, and evi- Percent concentration by volume of dence of leakage. If any of these antifreeze used 3. Use water to conduct a complete conditions are present, replace the If using LFP6 Antifreeze, the percent flush of branch lines and mains to sprinkler per NFPA 25. concentration by volume would be prevent potential risks of contami- 2. The system should be air-tight to 1D0% since it is a pre-mixed solu- nants. Perform a pressure test per prevent leakage. Air vents are rec- tion. A tag for inspection, testing, NFPA 13, 13R, 13D, to ensure no ommended to reduce the oxygen in and maintenance can also be hung leakage is present.Loss can be de- the system. at the system riser to record annual termined by drop in gauge pressure testing data.Tag design is available on or visual leakage. The water shall 3. Use water to conduct a complete www.tyco-fire.com. be completely removed from the flush of branch lines and mains to system prior to introducing LFP® prevent potential risks of contami- Storage Antifreeze to the system. nants.The water shall be complete- Store the product in original con- 4. Prior to filling the system with LFP® ly removed from the system prior to tainer and at a temperature Antifreeze, u y use an appropriate re- introducing LFPe Antifreeze to the between 40°F (4,4'C) minimum and fractometer and/or hydrometer to system. 90 F (32,2 C) maximum. Do not mix test the solution to demonstrate 4. Prior to filling the system with LFPa the product with other liquids.Eye and compliance to property ranges in Antifreeze, use an appropriate re- hand protection are recommended when handling the antifreeze solution. Table C. A detailed description of fractometer and/or hydrometer to an appropriate hydrometer or re- test the LFPO Antifreeze to demon- fractometer can be 'found in the strate compliance to property rang- sections titled Using a Hydrometer es in Table C.A detailed description and Using a Refractometer,respec- of an appropriate hydrometer or re- tively. If the solution is discolored or fractometer can be found in the the container has dirt present,con- sections titled Using a Hydrometer tact Customer Services. and Using a Refractometer,respec- tively.If the solution is discolored or the container has dirt present,con- tact Customer Services. TFP1680 Page 5 of 6 Care 3. Discharge a 1/2 gal (2 L) of fluid 3. Discharge a 1/2 gal (2 L) of fluid from the fluid sampling valve con- from the fluid sampling valve con- n„ nection. Collect and seal the sam- nection. Collect and seal the sam- ple in a clean and dry 3/4 gal (3 L) pie in a clean and dry 3/4 gal (3 L) The sprinkler system owner is respon- or larger container.Allow the sam- or larger container. sible for the Inspection, testing. and ple to warm until It reaches the min- 4. To measure the refractive index, maintenance of their fire protection imum temperature In Table C. use a digital refractometer that is system and devices in compliance 4. Once the solution reaches the mini- temperature compensating. Fill the with this document,as well as with the mum temperature; fill the 500 ml well in the refractometer with solu- applicable NFPA standards,in addition calibrated cylinder with the solu- tion and shut the cover. Note the to the standards of any authority having tion and gently insert the hydrom- refractive index as shown on the jurisdiction.Contact the installing con- eter into the cylinder to allow it to refractometer. tractor or product manufacturer with float. Fluid may be added to the S. Verify the refractive index falls with- any questions. cylinder until the hydrometer is In the acceptable range listed in Ta- It is recommended that automatic floating.Note the specific gravity as ble C. If the test results for all the sprinkler antifreeze systems be shown on the hydrometer. Check samples are within the acceptable Inspected,tested and maintained the temperature using an appropri- p by ranges,the inspection is complete. qualified inspection,testing,and main- ate thermometer. tenance service. 5. Verify the specific gravity fails with- 6. s the test results from any the in the acceptable range listed in Ta- samples fall outside of the accept- Fluid ept- Fluid Test n If the test results for all the able ranges, drain out the system, At least once a year, an inspection, samples are within the acceptable and pump in new LFP®Antifreeze. Take samples and test again, If the testing,and maintenance service shall ranges,the inspection is complete. samples continue to fall outside of take a measurement of the specific 6. If the test results from any of the the acceptable specifications, then gravity or refractive index of the fluid in samples fall outside of the accept- the system shall be emptied and the LFP8 Antifreeze system. The fluid able ranges, drain out the system, vacuumed clean of any remaining must be replaced if either property and pump in new LFP@ Antifreeze, fluid. Recharge the system per the deviates from that originally supplied Take samples and test again. If the Existing System Installation sec- within the allowed tolerance,as speci- samples continue to fall outside of lion. If the samples fall:within the fled in Table C. the acceptable"specifications,then acceptable range, top off the sys- A detailed description of an appropri- the system shall be emptied and tem to replace the liquid removed ate hydrometer or refractometer can vacuumed clean of any remaining for the samples. be found in the sections titled Using a fluid. Recharge the system per the Hydrometer and Using a Refractometer, Existing System Installation sec- cma respectively.A recommended hydrom- lion. If the samples fall within the Contaminants or other foreign materials eter,refractometer and accessories are acceptable range, top off the sys- within a sprinkler her f eignmay materials available for purchase, as listed in the tam to replace the liquid removed Ordering Procedure section. for the samples, impact the properties and performance ofLFPeAntifreeze.See the installation It is required to have test equipment Using a Refractometer section for instructions on flushing and calibrated annually to reduce the risk of 1. Ensure that your refractometer is recharging the system if the solution incorrect test results.Two test methods temperature compensating and falls outside of the acceptable range are acceptable per NFPA 25,and either that It measures refractive index. since the last inspection. may be used to verity that the anti- The range of refractive index mea- freeze is within the specification limits. surements should cover the ac- EM list- Using a Hydrometer ed in Table refractive index range list- Use of LFPI§Antifreeze shall be in con- 1. Ensure that our hydrometer mea- ed in Table C and the refractometer formance with all state and local health Y Y should have increments of at most sures specific gravity. The range 0.0001. and environmental regulations for the of specific gravity measurements location where it is installed. if a small should cover the acceptable spe- 2• Ensure the main supply valve is amount of antifreeze solution is spilled, cific gravity range listed in Table C closed prior to taking a sample to absorbent towels are recommended to and the hydrometer should have in- test.If the valve Is open,supply wa- clean up spill. Towels used to clean up crements of at most 0.002. ter will be pulled into the system spill can be disposed of in the garbage. when the first sample is removed Use caution following a spill as the floor 2. Ensure the main supply valve is from the system. Test separate may remain slippery in the area of the closed prior to taking a sample to samples from the top of each sys- spill. Consult with a local waste water test If the valve is open,supply wa- tem and at the bottom of each sys- treatment plant or council for informa- ter will be pulled into the system tem,or otherwise required by appli- tion on procedures to follow for the dis- � firms p ►._is�m e�h}FPA°at is 1f r rst "d at Of large amounts of waste water from the system., Test separate t remote portion of the system or the samples from the top of each sys- interface with the wet pipe system Disposal tem and at the bottom of each sys- is not near the top or the bottom Any disposal of LFP®Antifreeze shall tem,or otherwise required by appli- of the system, additional samples be in conformance with all federal, cable NFPA standards. If the most must be checked. state, and local waste regulations. remote portion of the system or the Refer to the LFP® Antifreeze Safety Interface with the wet pipe system Data Sheet for more details. is not near the top or the bottom of the system, additional samples must be checked. TFP1680 Page 6 of 6 Li•� Testing Instruments mited Ordering Recommended instruments fortesting lVarran For warrant terms and conditions,visit Contact our local distributor for avail- FISHER SCIFNI NFIC,using the follow- For Y ing part numbers: www.tyco-fire.com. ability.When placing an order,indicate the full product name and Part Number Hydrometer.....................13202421 P/N . Graduated Cylinder.................115822 Thermometer..............».....13201647 LFP®Antifreeze Refractometer...................12561346 Specify: LF 'e Antifreeze, (specify net contents), P/N(specify): Pellet of 5 gal(19 Q palls, 36 per pallet.. ......... ,.54028 Pallet of 30 gal(114 Q drums, 5 per pallet.........................54029 Note., Minimum order quantity is 1 pallet of 36 pails or 5 drums. Smaller quantities may be purchased through a Johnson Controls authorized distributor. r 1400 Pennbrook Parkway,Lansdale PA 19446 Telephone f1-215-862.0700 /y 02010 Je1,—C..L-1..M,191ft. —d.An M-WftWJ . doUm ird—tlon W,o,.nw awwvnLw off+'w�1w,Mrar+drY wreXw»1 ae'ss w+%"r'W'WTM,npww rwwllXYuw,Wkrwpk�cw Johnson 01411 &k�'Nouc.aMmWauw7 taoPdwwrX�a Jor CWPAw n�uN�mf+W,.f'0WR'A"[B D9' "1'b01,k "A.JVSIX.7A1'p,+Xouwll IXFPA.n+wlwWnwden�'nrrcN bYb ;uruM F'iXw PEatq�ovwMS 1.R�I IA 1,7�I F� FM1k@w0'XIAAOudcWi¢W°'ftAZK «tipWY7;w.CG}X�,�W.'aoa Y' ^0",F"k.M k:pXaA'n'3' l0'� uae rnpwnnrnk 7Fs Cawunad'tl:<wpmrppa+,a'Iawk+anwmnr; FISHER 9CIEMIFlCbu�raile,rs+k d.Fbha Ocl M'Jz - SYSTEM _ �45 SO'USOR" WFDTN Series Waterflow Detector System Sensor WFDTN T-Tap Waterflow detectors are designed for primary signaling in residential systems and branch line signaling. Features The new WFDTN Series waterf low detectors from System Sensor consists of a rugged,NEMA 4-rated enclosure that is • New directional cover allows installers and inspectors to more damage resistant than previous metal designs.The waterflow easily see the direction of flow detector is designed for both indoor and Outdoor use,with the widest • UL-listed models are NEMA 4 rated available temperature range,from 32°F to 150`F. • New cover provides a better seal,is lighter weight,not painted Both the WFDTN with incorporated timer and WFDTNRN with and corrosion resistant immediate activation fit any tee that has a 1 in.NPT branch • Sealed retard mechanism immune to dust and other contaminants including:1 in.,1�/4 in., 11h in.and tin.NPT threaded ferrous and • Less exposed metal reduces shock hazard,plastic cover acts brass tees; 1 in., 1 V4 in., 1 1/4 in.and On.copper sweat tees;Tyco, as insulator and is resistant to arcing Spears,NIBBCO brand 1 In.CPVC tees.Twelve different clearly marked plastic paddles are available to fit different installation • Visual switch activation configurations. • Audible switch activation(73 dBA) • Field-replaceable timer%switch assembly UL-listed models are equipped with tamper-resistant cover screws to prevent unauthorized entry.Inside,two sets of SPDT(Form C) • Accommodates up to 17_AWG wire synchronized switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block with • Switch Synchronization aclivates both alarm panel new layout designed to make wiring easy with wire ready terminals, and Ibcal bell or horn strobe COM terminals are on a different elevation,large barrier between • Tamper-resistant cover screws switches and easy to read raised textured lettering all make wiring easy.An optional cover tamper switch is available,securely snaps • Improved water sealing into place,no tools required. • Reduced product weight • Wire-ready terminals The WFDTN incorporates a mechanical time delay feature, which mfnfmlzes the risk of false alarm due to pressure surges or air • Improved wiring with new terminal block layout trapped in the fire sprinkler system.The larger and easy to turn timer • Snap-in optional cover tamper switch dial makes setting the waterflow,detector easy with high contrast pad printed markings.The dial offers three tabs to help with turning, largerw b located the dial position for approximately 60 «,. �e..,. , seconds,a notch is also indicated on the dial to locate approximately 30 seconds making setting the detector in dimmly lit locations easy. Nency Listings The WFDTN series is designed for accuracy and repeatability.The detector also offers improved performance during vibration in riser C eusF M applications where detectors are exposed to a large in rush of water. S729 3c57 �&6 Waterflow Detector Specifications Engineering Specifications Model shall be WFDTN or WFDTNRN as manufactured by System Sensor. T-Tap waterflow detectors shall be installed on a tee that has a 1 in. NPT branch including: 1 in.: 11/<ih., 11/zin.and 2in.NPT threaded ferrous and brass tee; lin.,1 win., 11hin.and 2i .copper sweat tees;Tyco, Spears,NIBBCO brand 1 in.CPVC tees as designed on the drawing and/or as specified herein.Detectors shall mount on any clear pipe span of thatapppf flow rate,or pipe diamr for or no ofoser than 41n.'from a va ve of ain.Detectors shall ave a starts y In a an o "o tea tons per minute and a static pressure rating of 375 psi.The WFDTN detector with incorporated time delay mechanism shall respond to waterflow in the specified direction after a preset tiiTio delay that is field adjustable.The delay mechanism shall be a sealod mechanical pneumatic unit with visual and audible indication of actuation. The actuation mechanism shall include a ethylene vinyl acetate vane inserted through a hole in the pipe and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism.Outputs shall consist of dual SPDT switches(Form C contacts).Two conduit entrances for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided on the detectors.A grounding provision is provided. Unless noted,enclosures shall be NEMA 4 listed by Underwrlters Laboratories Inc.All detectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.for indoor or outdoor use. Static Pressure Rating 375 PSI Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 150°F(O°C to 60°C) Maximum Surge 18 Feet Per Second(FPS) Enclosure Rating" NEMA 4-suitable for indoor/outdoor use Triggering Threshold 4-10 GPM CoverTamper Switch Standard with ULC models,optional for Bandwidth(Flour Rate) ULmodels,part no.CTS Conduit Entrances Two openings for%zin.conduit. Service Use Automatic Sprinkler:NFPA-13 NEMA 4 rated plugs One or Two Famih/Dwelling:NFPA 13D Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories: NFPA 13R National Pre Alarm Code:NFPA-72 Contact Ratings Two sets of SPDT(Form C) U.S.Patent Numbers 5,213,205 10.0 A.1/2 HP @ 125/250 VAC 2.5 A @ 6/12124 VDC Compatible Tee Fittings Throadcd ferrous and brass tees, Warranty 3 Years copper sweat tees,CPVC tees. WFDTN Feld Wiring Diagram UL-LISTED SSM24-X COMPATIBLE SSV120-X NOTE:COMMON AND B-NO CONTROL PANEL. CONNECTIONS WILL CLOSE WHEN VANE IS DEFLECTED,I.E., + _ WHEN WATER IS FLOWING.DUAL POWER SWITCHES PERMIT APPLICATIONS 24VDC OR TO BE COMBINED ON A SINGLE DETECTOR. 120VAC CONTACT RATINGS + SUGGESTED EOL 1251250 VAC 10 AMPSMv� INITIATING RESISTOR LOOP 24VDC 2.5AMPS SCHEMATIC OF A-NC ° INDIVIDUAL SWITCH IN COM 'NO WATERFLOW' CONDITION n B-NO COMM BREAK WIRE AS aw SHOWN FOR SUPERVISION OF CONNECTION.DO NOT ALLOW STRIPPED WIRE lwdrr LEADS TO EXTEND BEYOND SWITCH HOUSING.DO NOT READY STATE LOOP WIRES. Delff Adjustment Dial . ELAY ^ ADJUSTMENT O DIAL NOTE RETARD TIME MAY EXCEED 90 SECONDS,ADJUST ANDVERIFYTHATTIME DOES NOT EXCEED 90 SECONDS. NUMBER ON DIAL IS APPROXIMATE TIME DELAY IN SECONDS Overall Dimensions Installed 3-1/2" 4" TEE- � ADAPTER INSTALLATION GAUGE END OF PADDLETREE MUST p a F(T.R EENTOPOFTEE AND BCkTTOM OF FLANGE 8 - TEE FITTING LAST[ C (ANE DESIGNED TO FIT WITHIN 2 X 4 STUD WALL CONSTRUCTION Ordering Information UL Model ULC Model Description WFDTN WFDTNA Waterflow Detector,Fits 1in.,11/4in.,1 Ihin.,tin.ferrous and brass threaded tees; 1 in.,1 V4in.,1'h in.,tin.copper sweat tees;-lip.CPVC tees. WFDTNRN - Waterflow Detector without incorporated time delay mechanism, fits same tees as WFDTN Accessories FS-RT Delav mechanism and switch assembly CTS Tamper-proof switch kit WFDW Tamper-proof wrench for cover +� 3825 Ohio Avenue 4-St.Charles,IL 60174 4w �4: m �� Phone:BOO-SENSCR2 1,Fax:630-377-6495SM. w aca�m nar nw� a.wiatww txraa � m m r www.systemsensor.com ra=os4M? W16