HomeMy WebLinkAboutCostello, John A. Amend #122JUDITIt T. TERRS. OFHCE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO~s2q OF SOUI}IO LD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box l 179 Southold, New York 11971 June 30, 1988 Mr. John A. Costello 206 Wiggins Lane Greenport, New York 11944 Dear John: Transmitted berewith is the certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted on Jurm 28, 1988, extending your Affordable Mousing District for six months from February 211, 1988 to August 2li, 1988- Very truly yours, OFFICE OF TIiE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ,own Hall, 53095 Mahl Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New Y3rk 11971 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE 5OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 28, 1988; RESOLVED that pursuant to Chapter 100 [Zoning), Section I00-55.6. F.(2), the Town Boord of the Town of Southold hereby extends the approved "AHO" Affordable Housi,g District of John A- Costello for a six {6) month period from February 2~, 1988 to August 24, 1988; said district is Amendment Nc,, 122 to the Southold Towr~ Zoning Code and Zoning Maps, and is located at the intersection of Moores Lane and County Route 48, Greenport, Town of Southold~ granted on February 24, 1987. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk June 30, 1988 June 17~ 1988 JOHN A. COSTELLO 209 Wiggins Lane Greenpor[, New Yo~k 11944 Southold Town Board Soutbold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Zone Change Extension Montes Lane, Greenport Dear Board Members: Please be advised that the approval :of the Town Board, dated February 24, 1987, for a change or zone from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District is due to expire in the near future. My efforts to obtain approval from the Village of Greeeport for Water and Sewer connections has resulced in n~mereus meetings and unanticipated delays. Due to these facts, we have not been able to commence activity on this project as early as we had anticipated. I am optimistic that necessary approvals will be forthcoming in the near future, and i respectfully request a six (6) month extension under Section 100-55.6 of the Code of the Town of Southold. Thank.you for your assistance and attention in this matter. Very truly yours, ,-~'"Jobn A. Costello cc: Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Planning Board for art.endments to the To :i..,Tc, x.'n Clerk shall cau,e tho nffieial Zoning Map to be 10285 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLC~IING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 2L~, 1987: WHEREAS, a ?e~tion was heretofore filed with the Town Bo,;rd of the Town of Southo!d by ....tl.gJ]~ 6.~.. gg~J:~!,l~. ............................................... 'JM" Light Multiple \,VHEREAS scid petitien was dui?' referred to the Plonnillg Board for its Jnves,~igation, recommendaJ[on and report, and t~ report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereof(er, o public hearing in relatio~ to seid ~edtlon having been dui,/ heJd b3, the Town B~)ard on the .,..~.(~........day of .................... ,l~tt:l~l~l/C~/. .......... , 19...~?,., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOVY. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, ~nd it hereby i~ GRANTED. Dated; February 24, 1987. ~3y Order of [he Southold Town Board. ~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town ClerE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING C~ JNTY OF SUFFOLK Ms. 3udith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of 5outhold 53095 Main Road - P. O. Boz 7!8 Southold, New York 11971 March 27, 1987 Application of "John A. Costello" for a change of zone from "M" Light Multiple Residanc~ District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District, Tow~ of Southold Dear Ms. Terry: Pursuant to Section 1330 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk Coat} Planning gommissfon h&s notified the inc. V~llage of Greenport concerning the above captioned zoning action(s). GGN:mb Gerald G. Nawman Chief Planner /PEconic ASSOCIATES, Inc. ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS One Bootleg Alley P.O. Box 672 Greenport, New York 11944 Telephone: (516) 477-0030 Re: Costello Affordable Housing Profiect (Cedarfields) Dear Jay: indicated that if the increased fees materially effected the cost of affordable housing, you would like to be advised, and would entertain some Because of the delays, which you are very familiar with, it is getting to the point that every dollar is counting. Attached is, I think, an accurate comparison between the previous fees and the present. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, PECONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~iggin, Ph.D.,M.E. President COSTELLO AFFORDabLE HOUSING PROJECT - FEES FEES UNIT.- FREVIOUS UNIT - NEW TOTAL TOTAL PREVIOUS NEW APPLICATION $~ t $5/ACRE $1,~ · $100/ACRE $182 $3,645 INSPECTION 5% OF BOND 5% OF BOND NO CHANGE BUILDING PERMIT $50/DWELLING $50/DWELLING +$l~/$Q. FT. +$15/SQ. FT OVER 859 SF OVER 85~ SF NO CHANG8 C.O.s $5/[~WELLINO $25/EWELL ING $429 TOTAL ...................... $6~2 INCREASE FOR FEES OF:. $5,143 IN ADDITION TO TNE ABOVE: CHANGE OF ZONE TO AHD .................... ;~1,275 FILING OF COVENENTS AND RESTRICTIONS ............ ~ ~9 TOTAL INCREASE .............. ' ....... $6,447 CODNCILMEN James A. Sehondebare Se~u W. Cocbxan ~.~ 0 ~ 1987 Tov~'n Ci~"k COUNCILMEN TOWN OF $OUTHOLD l'own Hall, 53095 Mab~ Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TO: Jud) Terry Judy: LD $outhold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-~938 ME~iO RAN D U M TO: T~wn Board Planning Board T6wn Trustees B 'ard of Appeals B~ilding Department FRObl: D~vid Emilita, Town Planner DATE: Mdrch 5, 1987 RE: C~stello projac~ scoping With regard to the prior memorandum of February 27, 1987, of a we hava ~ccived additional information ir~ the form checklist for hhe 84 multiple dwellings to be built as a coms>anio~ project of the affordable housin~ project. Attached is a copy of this outline for your review and Since ~qe have just received this infozmation, wa will accept conlments until Friday, March 13, 1987 which will extend the comment period by one week. if you have any questions,please don't hesitate to con~act Ii :: :'::Scop ng!:Checklist [ntroduction r..~co~ Sheet discussion 0[ the topic ol ~ssue that has been check I .~rable of Contents and Summary that data. I IlL Description of the Proposed Action LOCATION ~'~stablish geographic boundaries of the CO "FR~ICTION AND ~ ~s ruc ion OP~ATION 2. Opera~,~n. ~ A.GEO~ubsurfaceY . · able layers b.) earthquake potential ~'i~t o[ ~oi] types o[ C.2 present --[oc~tion of existing wells --public/private water supply fluenced by the project b.) identification o[ uses and level ol~ --industrial uses c.)description of existing drainage d.)d~.scussion of potential for flooding, siltation, erosion and [] I. CJTmate --humidity c,) identification of any sensitive --hospitals, schools, nursing homes, parks cl.)description of existing monitor. lng program (if applicable) ~?~t vegetation types on the pro- ject site and within the surround- --productivity [] 2. Fish and Wildlife a.) list of fish and wildIife species on the project site and within sur- rounding area, including b.)discussion of fish and wildlife population characteri.~tics [] 3. Wetlands b.)d[scuss wetland charac~,eristics --b~uc~iLs of wetland such as C-3 ~,~. TR/~SPORTATION ~ I. Tra~portation services 1:4'description of the size, c~p.ci£y and candltion of services examples: --roads, canals, railroads. bridges --parking facilities ~/~. LAND USE AND ZONING ~ Exi~t4ng land use and zoning ~')"description of the existing I&nd use of the project site and the --residential --agricultural --bu>iness [] 9. Land use plans [] .3. Other: COMMUNITY SERVICES (for this section in dude a list of existing facilities and a discus sion of existing levels of usage and pro- jected future needs) ~- 1. Educational facilities ~'"2. Police protection [] 8. Other: DEMOGRAPHY ~. Population characteristics ~'~a'isc u s s ion of the existing popula- tion parameters examples: [~'~. CU ~IRAL RESOURCES i~escription of the physical scription of n~tural areas of significant architectural demgn [] 2, Historic and a-rchaeoiogical a.)location and description of b.)idendtication of sites having [] 3. Noise Imajor highways [~.4, Other: V. Significant Environmental Impacts Identtfy £houe aspect5 of thc environmental set- tmg in Section IV that may be adversely or 1. Subsurface reclamation b.)use facility wastes (ash, sludge) a,) use topsoil stockpiled during 3. Topography WATER RESOtJRCES 1. Groundwater ~maintaln permeable areas on the lng water quality in adjacent wells cl.)other: 2. Surfdce water --hay bales --landscaping c.) restrict use of salt or sand for d.) avoid direc: discharges to surface e.) other: ~C. AIR RESOURCES 1. Air lity ~re proper construction prac- tices examples: --fugitive dusL control equipment delay ~'~D. TP._RRESTRIAL AND AQUATIC ECOLOGY 1, Vegetation tion c.) other: I~A. ~Cr~ rs~eSORTAT'O N ~B. LAND USE AND ZONING ~,eJ-design proJect to comply with ex- isting land use plans pealing facility to set standara surrounding land use COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. Police protection a,) minimize Io¢~t[ police protection private security force c.) provide equipment, funds or ser- d.) oLhcr: d.) other: dergroQnd ~incorporate energy.saving physically blend ~ith existing surround;ngs sign landscaping to be visually d.) other: C6 b.) devote space within project site to a display of historical and ar- c.)preserve architecturally signifi- destroyed al.lather: 3. Noise times I. early morning, night) d.) other: Vii. Adverse ~nvironmental Effects that Cannot be Avoided il' the Project Is Implemented Identify those adverse environmental effects in VI. VIII, Alternatives E DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES ~t~ layout lB. ALTEF. NATIVE SITES 1. Limiting factors a,) availability of [and C. ALTERNATIVE SIZE I. increase or decrease proJect size to minimize poa~ible impacts D. ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION/OPERA. TION SCHFDULING 1. Commence construction at a dif- ferent time 2. Phase construction/operation C-7 ~"~. ALTERNATIVE LAND USE ~.F. N'O' 2. Public vs. priva,¢ use ACT. e ' ~fi. ffe~:t on priwte developers' need [] G. OTHER: IX, Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of [ec-t.L~by the growth induced by a proJect. L~ D. OTHER: XI. Effects on the (lse and Conservation of Energy Resources Identify the energy sources to be used, an- energy consumption. The examples listed below are typical issues to be considered when addressing this topic. I~ A. PROPOSED ENERGY SOURCES AND ALTERNATIVES [] B. ANTICIPATED SHORT-TERM/LONG-TE-RM LEVELS OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION [] C. INDIRECT EFFECTS ON ENERGY CON- [~D. ENERa~CO NSERVATION ME^SURES C-8 Xl]. Appendices Following is a list of materials typically used in support ol~ the ElS. A. List ot underlying studies, reports and infor- marion considered and relied on in preparing state- B. List all federal, state, regional, or local agen- consulted in preparing the statement C. Technical exhibits [if any) at a legible scale D. Relevant correspondence re§arding the pro- jects may be included (required in the Final Additional Draft ElS Scoplng Topics [ndicate any ddditional topics [or discusston in [he RECEP~D T ED FEB 27 1987 $0uthold. N.Y. 11971 TO: FROM: Town Board Planning Board Town Trustees Building Department Board of Appeals David Emilita, Planner DnTE: February 27, 1987 RE: $coping on Costello Project On Februar~ 24, the Town Board approvc~ tho zoning change for affordable bousin9 on part of the above mentioned property located at Moore's bane, Greenport. At this time, the Plannin~ Board nas a proposal before it ~or 84 10,00C square foot lots, pursuant to the Affordable Bousing Districh and ~4 multiple dwellings. Attached is a scoping outline prepared by th~ applicant. would like your co~ents on this outline by Friday, March 6, 1987. We In order to expedite the scoping process there will not be a formal scoping session since the major issues have been a~dresed in the EIS for the former project. Plans are available in the Planning Board office, if you would like to review them. Model · '" ..... ' Introduction project (use o[ regional and local scale [] F. APPROVALS ~.)composdion ~nd thickness --depth to, and nature of, bed. able layers ~//'2. b.) earthquake potential ~'h~ of soil types To~a~y C-2 [] 2. SurFace water C. AIR RESOURCES [] 1. Climate ~] 2. Air quality ing program (if appticdbl~) E.COLOGY .tn b.)di$cussion of fish and wildlife [] 3. Wetlands ~A. T R,51q S PORT^TIOr'I ~ 1. Tr~spottation services end condition of semites flow ~B. ~. E~ting land use and zoning ~ 2. Land u~e p~ans E~.Social services , [] B. Other: D RAPHY ~]. ;o~lation characteristics ~.) discussion o[ the existing pc,pula- examples: --distribution --density --household s!ze and composi- tion b.)discussion of projection~ for p~pulation growth [] 2. Other: J~E. CULTURAL RESOURCES []~"1. Visual resources La.J'description of the physical character o,r the community example: ~;~';Jescription of natu[al areas of significant architectural d,.~sign [] 2. Historic and archaeological a.)location and description of on State or Hational Register or designated by the commu~ity b.)identific~t~on of sites having C-4 [] 3. Hmse V. ~ignificant Environmental Impacts Identify those aspects of thc environmental aet- / ~/^. GEOLOGY ~C. ^IR RESOCJRCE$ rices C-5 ~/B. LAND USE AND ZONING l. ~'x's£Jng land use and zoning c.) other: d.) other; I ,~D. CULTURAL RESOUR£ES (_6 to a d[splay at historical and chaeoiogtcal artifacts of local in- c_)preser~e architecturally signiti- d,) other: YH, Adverse EnvlronmeJ~tal Effects that Cannot be Avoided if the Project is Implemented kJentify tho~e adverse environmental effects in VI. [] A. ALTERNATIVE DESIGN AND TECHHOLOGIE$ 1. Site layout b.)site size and setback re- 3. Technology [] I~. ALTERNATIVE SITES I. Limiting factors a.) availability of land b.) suitability cf alternate slte to ac- comodate design requir,.~ments c.) availability al utilities d.) suitable ma[ket area e.)compatibihty with local zoning [.J compatibility with regional ob- jectives ~1.) accessibility of site to tr~nsporta- [] C. ALTERNATIVE SiZE ~ D. ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTIONIOPERA-' TION SCHEDULING C-7 d.} other: a.) ~ffect on pubgc need [] G. OTHER: X. Growth Inducing Aspects aspects the proposed project may hd~e. Listed fe d by the growth induced by a project. new facility [] D. Xl. Effects on the {Jsc and Conservation o[ Eni~r~jy Identi[y the energy sources to be used, energy consumption. The examples listed helo~v are topic. [] A. PROPOSED ENERGY SOURCES AND ALTE. RNATIVES [] B, ANTICIPATED SHORT;TER~JLONG- .TERM LEVELS Of ENERGY CONSUMPTION Xll. Appendices H~i~ Di~ fl~ pto~of miami,S; ~o ~ds East ~0~ ~8"'~&~rees :15 minu ~ ~0 the easterly sidc of · COU~ITY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in 5aid Long Island Traveler-Watchman once each week for .................... ~. ..... weeks successively, commencing on the ...................... Sworn to before me this ............. ; ....... day of ': "~'~ :'~-' , 19. ~'. :'. Notary Public STATE OF NEWYORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Graenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly pubflshed in - said Newspaper once each weak for one STATE OF NEW YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twen~:y-one years; that on the 27th day of February 19 87 , she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southo[d, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Soutl~old, New York 11971. Notice of Amendment No. 122 to the Southold Town Zoning] Code and Zoning Maps of John A. Costello, Creenport, "M" to "AHD". Sworn to before me this day of F~ ' , Notary Public NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO TOV, N CODE AMENDMENT NO. 122 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Town Board of the Tow~) of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held on the 2~th day February, 1987, the Town Board enacted the following amentJn-,ent to the Town Code entitled, "Code of the Town of Southold~', together with the Building Zone Map forming a pa~t thereof as follows, to wit: Amendment No. 122 amends the Code of the Town of Southold by chang- ing from .j~?l Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District the property of John A. Costello, situated at Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as foilows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Moore's Lane, said point being South 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 1208.03 feet from the intersection of the easterly side of Moore's Lane with the southerly side of North Road (C.R. #48), and runninc_j thence the following three courses and distances along lands now or formerly of Costello: (1) North 74 degrees ~,5 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 635.03 feet; (2) Nortk 58 degrees 15 minctes 00 seconds East a distance cf 122.97 feet; (3) North 16 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds West a d~stance of 125Lk09 feet to the southerly side of North Road (C.R. ~48); running thence the following two (2) courses and distances along the southerly side of North Road (C.R. #qB): (1) NortJ~ 69 degrees 00 mln~tes 20 seconds East a distance of 28~.73 feet; (2) North 71 degrees 28 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 312.65 feet to a subdivision map entitled "Map of Fleetf~e~d" as filled in the office of the Suffolk Gounty Clerk on February 6, 1§~2 as mai; ~o. 1351; running thence South 16 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds East along said westerly ,lap line and land of others a distance of 1~51.06 feet to lands now or formerly the Incorporated Village of Greenport; running thence the fo]lowing two (2) courses and distar:ces alor~g lot. ds now or formerly the IncorForated Village of Creenport: (1) South 58 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 713.30 feet; {2) South 74 deg!-ees 45 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 669.70 feet to the easterly Page 2 - Costello "M" - "AHD" side of Mom-e'.~ Lar, e; running thence North 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West along the easterly side of Moore's Lane a distance of 315-19 feet [o the point or place of beginning. Containfng wi[bin said bounces an area of 1,152,271 sq. ft. or 2G.~525 acres. DATED: February 24, 1987. JUDIIH T. 'JERRY SOUTHOLE TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISF ONCE, ~ZARCH 5, 1987, AND FORWARD ONE {1) AFFIDAVIT Ii OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN EALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTI-:CLI3. NEW YORK 1'1971, !i Copies ,o the following: The Suffolk Tim~s The Long Island Traveler-Watchman il Van Tuyl Land Surveyors !J John ~. Costello Town Clerk's Bulletin Board TO~ G~E AMENDMENT NO. 1.22 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held on the 2Z~th day of February, 1987, the Town Board enacted the following amendment 1.o the Town Code entitled, "Code of the Town of Southold", together with the Building Zone Map forming a part thereof as follows, to wit: Amendment No. 122 amends the Code of the Town of $outhold by chang- Southold, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Moore's Lane, said'point being South 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 1208.03 feet from the Intersection of the easterly side of ~oore~s Lane with the southerl~ side of North Road (C.R. #48), and runnir~cj thence the following three 1'3) courses and distances along lands now or formerly of Costello: (1) North 74 degrees 45 minutes O0 seconds East a distance of 635.03 fee[; (2) Nortl', 58 degrees I5 minutes 00 seconds East a distance cf 132.97 feet; (3) North 16 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 125~.09 feet to the southerl' sidb of North Road [C.R. #qB); running thence the following two (2) courses and distances along the southerly side of I~ort~ Road IC.R. #48); (1) Nortl~ 69 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 288.73 feet; (2J North 7I map entitled "Map of Pleetfield" as ~Jled in the offic& of the Suffolk County Clerk on February 6, 19~2 as map r.o. 1351; running thence South 16 degrees 01 minutes $0 seconds East along said westerly map line and land of others a distance of 1~51.06 fee[ to lands now or formerly the Incorporated V!llage of Greenport; running thence the following two (2) courses and dis[ar, ces alopg lar. ds now or formerly the IncorForated Village of Creenport; (~) South 58 degrees I5 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 733.30 feet; (2) South 74 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West a di~tan(:e of 669.70 feet to th~ .easterly side of Moore's Larva; running thence North 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West along the easterly side of Moore's Lane a distance of 315.19 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing within said bounds an area of 1,152,271 sq. ft. or 26.4525 acres. DATED: February 2~, 1987. PLEASE PUBLISh ONCE, OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, ROAD, SOUTI-~CLC, NEW YORK 1'197I. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Tim~s The Long Island Traveler-Watchman Van Tuyl Land Surveyors John ~, Costello Town Clerk's Bulletin Board ~-IARCH 5, 1987, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TOWN CLERK, TOWN I~:ALL, MAIN Van Tuyl Land Surveyors: OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TO~/N OF SOUTf[OLD Februar~ 27, 1987 transmit three (3) sheets of same to this office. Thank you.. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Zoning Map and IUDITH T, TERRY I'OWN OF SOLrrHOLD lown Hall. 53005 Main February 27, '1987 Lee E. Koppelman, Director Suffolk County Department of Planning H. Lee Dennison Building - 12th Floor Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppaug~, New York 11788 Dear Dr. Koppeltran: In accordance with the Suffolk County Charter, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, at their regular me,ting held on February 2t!, ·1987,' granted a change of zone from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing Cistrict to John A. Costello, on certain property located at the intersection of Mcores · Lane and County Route 48, Greenport, Town of Soutt~old, a copy of which proposal and map was transmitted to your office or. Eecember 9, 1986. I shall be awaiting notification from your Planning Commission with respect to the effective date of this change of zone. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: John A, CostelIo OFF[CE OF THE rOl~N CLERK T~3wn Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box I 179 Southotd, New York 11971 TFLEPI[ON£ February 26, 1987' Honorable Juliette Kinsella SufFolk County Clerk Suffolk County Center Riv~rhead, New York 11901 Dear Mrs.-Kinsella: Transmitted herewith for recording in your office is a Declaratioh of Convenants and Restrictions by John A. Costello and East End Assoc- iates, dated February 24, 1987, and a check in the amount of $29.00 to cover the recording fee. Upon recording said document, please return to this office. Thank you. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry ~ 5outhold Town Clerk Enclosures cc: J. Kevin'McLaughlin, Esq. Februar3 24, 1987 Soufhold Town Main Road Southo£a, New Board York 11971 Covenants and Restrictions for John Costello Dear Members of the Board: % have enclosed a fully executed Declaration of Core,lents an~ Restrictions in [he above-referenced luahLer, which is to be held by t]%e Town Clerk in escrow pending the p~ssage o~ a resolution granting a changc of zone to Affordable Housing District of 26.4525 acres designated as Parcel "B" on ~he minor subdivision map. I have also enclosed my check in the sum of $29.00 ho cover the recording fcc therefor. I~ no event saall this Declaration De rocor~e~ with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office unless and until such change of zone is fully accomplished. JKM:kk Enclosures SECTIONI~ DECLAP~ATION OF COVENANTS ~4D RESTRICTIONS DECLARATION, made this ~[ day of '?~S~LtG~' ' , i9~7, by JOHN A. COSTELLO, residing at 206 Wiggins Lanc, Greenport, New York hereinafter called the "Owner", and EAST END ASSOCIATES, a domestic partnership with a principal place of business at 20 Church Street, patchogue, New York, hereinafter called tile "Mortgagee", WHEHDAS, the "Owner" has title to approximately 48.7075 acres of land situate, lying and being at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, said land herein- after bein~g more particularly described in Liber 9744 of Deeds at Page 17, and as shown on thc annexed ~.iap of Minor Subdivision Costello Plat prepared by Sealand Surveying & Engineering, P.C., dated October 25, 1986; and WHEREAS, the "Mortgagee" has an interest in the subject p~emises by virtue of a certain mortgage dated January 20, 1985, and recorded in tho Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on FebruarI' 28, 1985, in Liber 10630 of Mortgages at Page 508; and WHERe%S, it is the intention of the "Owner" that a 26.4525 acue portion of thc aforesaid land (referred to as Parcel "B" on the a~%nexed map) be set off and receive a change of zone to Affordable (lousing District and that the remaindcr of said laird [:omprised of approximately 22.2549 acres (referred to as Parcel "A" on the annexed map) continue as a Light-Multiple Residence District (M), and the "Owner" has made application therefor to the appropriate boards of the Town of Southold. NOW, THEREFORE, hhe following covenants and restriction53 are hereby made: (A) ~he following described land, consisting of 26.4525 acres (Parcel "B"), which is to receive a change of zone to an Affordable Housing District (£~D) shall De restricted as hereinafter set forth: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land sit- uate, lying and being at Greenport, in thc Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yor~, bounde~ and d~scribed as follows: that the BEGIN~±NG at a point the ~ollowing two ~oursas and distances fro~ the corner formed by the inter- ~ection of the southerly side of North Road (County Rout~ 48) and the easterly sid~ of Moor~'s Lane: (1) North 65~ 54' 50" East along sa~d sousherly side of North Road 96.27 feet; and (2) North 69° 00' 20" East still along said zoutnerly side of North Road 695.97 feet; running thence NorSh 69° 08' 20" Eas~ still along said southerly side of North Road 288.73 feet; running thence North 71° 28' 20" East still along said southerly side of North Road 312.05 feet; runnJ, ng thence South 16~ 01' 50" East 1,541.06 running thence South 58~ 15' 00" West 713.30 feet; South 74° 45' 00" West 669.70 fcc~ to the easterly side of Moore's Lane; running thence North 17~ 15' 00" West along said easterly side of Moore's Lane 31~.19 feet; running thence North 74° 45' 00" East 635.03 lest; running thence Norhh 58° 15' 00" East 132.97 feat; running thence North 16: 01' 50" Wesh 1,254.~9 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. (1) Dec±arant does hereby warrant, covenant and represenh above-describe~ land shall be developed as One Hun~re~ (100%) percent affordable housing, not%~ithstanding The conLrarv provisions of Chapter 100 (Zoning) Article VA (Af~D Affordable Housing District) of the Code o~ the Town ~f Southold, an~ hereby waives the application of said contrary provisions to ttle aforesaid land. The Declara~t agrees to the foregoing as part of a development plan for the entire ~arcel. (2) that as to the be constructed further Declarant does hereby warrant, covenant and represent above-described lan~ each affordable housing unit will on a lot with a minimum area of 10,000 square f~et; and (B) The following described land shall be restricted as hereinafter set f¢:rth: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land sit- uate, lying and being at Greenpor~, in ~He ~own of BEGI~[ING at a corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of North Roa~ (County Route ~8) x~ith the easterly side of Moore's Lane; running thence North 65° 54' southerly side of North Road running thence North 69~ 00' said southerly side of North running thence North 71~ 28' said southerly si=e of North 50" East along said 96.27 feet; 20" East still along Roa~ 984.70 feet; 20" East still along Road 312.65 feet; running thence Sout~ i6° 01' 50" Eas~ 1,451.06 feet; running thence South 58° 15' 00" West 713.30 feet; running th!~nce South 74° 45' 00" l~cst 669.?0 ~eet to the easterly side of Moore's Lane; rul]ning thence North 17° 15' 00" West along easterly sid~ of Moore's Lane 1,523.22 zeet corner of thc point or place of BEGINHiHG. said to the (1) Declarant does hereby warrant, covenant and represenn that for each unit constructed on the property (Parcel "A") zonc~ Light-Multiple Residence District (5I), a unit will be simultaneously constructed on the property (Parccl "B") zone~ Atfordabla Housing District (AHD). Declarant shall not appl~, for, or be entitled to receivs, a Cer%ificate of Occupancy for & unit in the Light-I4ulhiple Residence District (M), unless a corresponding unit in the Affordable Housing District (A~iD) shall qualify for a Certificate of Occupancy. (2) Dcclarallt does hereby- further ~arrant, covenant, aha represent that the ~oregoing rcs~ric~ions and agreement seh forhh in both p=ragraphs (A) and (B) above, shall bind the undersiqned, his heirs, successors and assigns, and any and all person or persons i~ko shall succee~ to the ownership of thc &forcsaid land by transfer or hand I~] WITNESS WHEREOF, the decl%rant does ,h.,ereb'; causc and seal to be ~f~ixed ~is ~.[ ~a2- of ?3~U~C~ , ~ JOHN A. COSTELLO STf~TE OF NEW YORK) ? COUHTY OF SUFFOLK) ss.: On the ~--~ay of 1987, before me sonally caii~e JO~N A. COSTELL0 ~'~ , per- to mc kno~o be the individual described zoreqoing instrupi~ent, and acknovle~ccd that .--' I.'~~ ,_ / ~'L - ~.'~.-~ ;t t ~' i CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE In ihs Matter oz the Application of JOHN A. COSTELLO, the undersigned, as holder of a mortgage or lien on premises described in Liber 9744 of Deeds at Page 17, and as s~o~n on the annexed Map oX Ninor Subdivision Costello Plat prepared by Sealand Surveying & Enginccring, P.C., dated October 25, !9S6, hereby conscnts to covenants a~ld resLrictions on said premises. EAST END ASSOCIATES By COSTEI b~ PL.,dY RECEIVED FE~ ~ ~ !~7 February 24, 1987 42D ~ain Stree~ Grocnport, New York 11944 Re: John - Covenants and Restrictions sation of FeOruar= 22, 1987, along with my certification. ~ copy of the subdivision map will be attached to the Very tr ~/~ 9 Llr~~ DECLA~ATION OF COVEHANTS AND RESTRICTIO~iS 301.000 DECLA~ATION, male this day of , ].987, by JOHN A. COSTELLO, residing at 206 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, New York hereinafter called the "Owner", and EAST END ASSOCIATES, a domestic part~ership with a principal place of business at 20 Church Street, WHERELS, the "Owner" has title to approximately 48.7075 acres of land situate, lying ~nd being at Greenport, in the Town of Southol~, County of Suffolk and State of New York, said land herein- afte~ being more particularlv described in LiDer 9744 of Deeds at Page ±7, and as ShOWn on the annexed Map of Minor Subdivision Costello Plat prepared by Sealand Surveying ~ Engineering, P.C., daned October 25, 1986; and WH~EEAS, the "Mortgaqee" has an interest in bhc suDject premises by virtue of a certain mortgage dated January 28, 1985, and recorded iii the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on February 28, 198~, in Lioer 10630 of Mortgages at Page 508; and WHERE~S~ it is the intention of the "Owner" t~at a 26,4525 acre po~ti~:n of the aforesaid land (referred ~o as Parcel "B" on the Housing Di. strict and that the remainder of said land comprised of approximate±y 22.2549 ~cras (referred to as P=rcel "A" on the an~exed map) continue as a Light-~lultiple Residence District (M), and the "O~ncr" has made application therefor to the appropriate boards of Town ~f So~thold. {A) Thc fol£c~in9 ~escribcd land, consisting of 26.4525 acres Housing District {.~HD) sn_%ll be restricted as herein~[fter set forth: EEGI~I[[C at a point the following two courses and disYanc~s from the corner formed by the in~er- section of the ~outher£y side of ~ortb Roa~ (County ~!oute 4E) aaa the easterly side of Moore's Lane: (1) North 65~ 54' 50" East along said southerly side of ~orth koad 96.27 zeet; and (2) North 69° 00' 20" East still along said southerly side o£ North Eoad 695.97 feet; ~ul,uing thence North 69~ 00' 20" East still along side of North Road 288.73 feet; No~th 71° 28' 20" East still along side of North Road 312.05 feet; South 16° 01' 50" East 1,541.06 South 58~ 15' 00" West 713.30 feet; South 74° 45' 00" West 669.70 feet the to the easterl~ side of Moore's Lane; running thence North 17~ 15' 00" West along said ~asrerl=, side of Moore's Lane 315.19 feet; running Thence North 74° 45' 00" East 635.03 feet; running thence North 58° 15' 00" East 132.97 feet; running ~henca North i6~ 01' 50" West 1,254.09 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. (1) Declarant does hereby warrant, covenant and represent that the abovc-described land shall be developed as One Hundred (100%) J. KEViN ~.~L~U~h~IN, an attorney licensed to practice in the of New Yo£k hereby certifie~: 1. I am acting of counsel to Irving L. Price, Jr., attorney for J()hn Costello ~egardinJ certain property owned by Mr. Costell. o at GreenpDrt, 'Pown of Southosd, Councy of Suffolk and State of New York cons~ing of 4~.707b acre~ o~ land, which ~r. Costello took title to by decd dated JanuazI 23, £985, and recorded in the Suffolk County C~erk's Ofzice on February 28, 1985, [n Libcr 9744 of Daed~ at Pa~e 2. ~ ha~e prepared certain covenants and restrictions 17. the files in this matter and the regarding the set-off of a portion of A~ior~able [lousing District (AHD). title Dol[c~ contained therein, i hereby certify that the following are the onl~ entities ...~ith any interest in said premsies: (1} Joiln Costello, 206 wiqgins Street, Greenport, Ncw York: (2) East End Associates, place of Dusiness at 20 Ch%~rch Streen, a domestic partnership with a Patchogue, Mew York: mortqagee 4. No o[her entities have any interest in said premises. February 23,1987 TO: Councilman George L. Pennv, IV FRO~.I: Southold Town Planning Board ~ RE: oohn Costello - Affordable Mousing Project Wihh regard to your memorandum of February 6, concerning the traffic flow wlthi~ the above mentioned project, please nohe that this was also a concern of the Planning Board. The Planning Board had recommended and received a revised layout with the road for the affordable housing project connecting to Moore's Lane, as well. With this revised layout, traffic will have two roa~s for ingress and egress for the project and will not be limited to using Middleton Road as access. cc: Town Board Greenport Village Trustees John A. Costeilo Robert Long FEB 9 198Z February 9, 19S7 COPY FOR YOUO Robert W. Tasker~ Esq. 425 ~ain Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Affordable Housing Proposal - John% Costello, Moores Lane, Greenport Dear ~.ir. Tasker: I have euclosed a copy of the proposed Declaration of Enclosure After you have had an opportunity to review this doctu~en- please contact me. so that we max3 discuss this matter. - ,~r,¥, ,' ' ¢ /"' J Kev~n Mcg~qgfil n cc: Southold Town Clerk DECL~=TION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DEC~5'±(~N, ma~e this day of 1987, Dy JOHN A. COST~LLO, ~csiding at 206 Wiggins Lane, Greenport, Ncw York, h~rei~after called the "Owner" WHEREA~, the "Owncr" has title to approxima=ely 48.7075 acres ~unning thence North 7]° 28' 20" East still along $=id so~usncrly si~e of North Road 312.0J feet; running Lilencc South 16~ 01' 50" East 1,541.06 zee ~; £unning 15' 00" Wcs~ 713.30 fee~; running 45' 00" West 669.70 feet to the eas~erlI side of Noore's Lane; I thence South 58° thence South 74° ~unning thcnce North 17~ 15' 00" West along said running tkence P~orth 74° 45' 00" East 63b.03 feet; running thence Horth 58° 15' 00" East 132.97 feet; feet t(~ the point or place of BEGiNNiNG. Declarant ~oes f~ereby warrant, covenant and represent that thc above-described l=nd shall be developed as One Nundred (100-~t) per- cent .affordable housing, notwithstanding the contrary provisions of Chapter 100 (Zoning) Article ?A (AHD Affordable Housing District) of the Code of the Town oI Southold, and hereby waives the application of said contrary provisions to the aforesaid land. The Declarant ~grees to h]~e foregoing as p=rt of a development plan for the entire parcel. beclar~t does hereby %~arrant, covenant an~ represent that as to the =bore-described land each affordable housing unit wi]] be constructed on ~ lot with a minimum area of 10,000 square feet; and further THEREFORE, the following described land shall ba restricted as herai~after set forth: BEGINNING at a corner formed by the intersection of the so]l~herly side of Nortb Road (County Route 48) with the ~asterly side oI Moore's Lane; running ~nence North 65~ 54' 50" East along said southcrly siee of North Road 96.27 feet; zun~ing thence ~orth 69° 00' 20" East still along said southerly side of North Road 984.70 feet; running thence North 71° 28.' 20" East still along s.xid so~til~rly siae of North Road 312.65 feeE; running ~hence -mouth 16° 01' 50" East 1,451.06 feet; ~unr~lng L[~ence Soub~ 58a 15' 00" West 713.30 fact; running thence Sou~h 74~ 45' 00" West 669.70 feet running thence North I?~ 15' fl0" West along said for corn~ of hhe point or place of BEGINNIDiG. each uni% conshructeO on the property zoned Light i{esi,~ence District (M), a unit ~ill he constructed on the property zone~ ;~ffo~aable H~sing District (AHD). Declarant does hereby f~rther warr&~t, covenant, and repre- sent mhat the foregoing resfriction and agreement shall hind the undersigned, bls heirs, successors an~ assigns, and any aha all person or persons who shall succeed to the ownership of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the decl~r~nL does ~and and semi to b~ affixed this ~ay of the aforesaid land by hereby cause his , 1987. STATE OF N~W YOR~) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss.: OrA the day OZ sonal£¥ came JOH~ E. COS~ELLO to mo JOH~; E. COSTELLO , 1987, before me per- known to be the individual Notary Public COUNC[I~tEN Raymond ~. Bdwecds Paul 8routenburgh James A. Sehondobare COUNCILMEN TOWN OF SOU~IHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Mai~ Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York l I971 February 6, 1987 To: Southold Town Planning Board From: Councilman George L. Penny IV Re: ~ite Plan - John Costello The residents of the Middleton Road area, Village of Greenport, and the various members of the Village Board, at a meeting with the Town Board on February 5, 1987, jointly request that the Councilmen of the Town of Southold relay their concerns to the Planning Board regarding traffic flow from the affordable housing district through tile Middleton Road community. Please give this your closest scrutinY/. Thank you. cc: Town Board Greenport Village Trustees John A. Costello Robert Long February 5, 1987 Mi'. John A. Costello 206 Wiggins Lane Greenport, New York 11944 Dear JohnI As you are aware, at th~ Town Board meeting on February 3rd it came to light that covenants and restrictiofis had not been submitted with respect to your AHD District change of zone petition, as required by the AHD District requirements, Section 100-55.7(B.), a copy of which you have already obtained from this office. As soon as your attorney has conferred with Town Attorney Tasker and covenants and restricfiofis are prepared and executed to the satis- faction of all, and submitted to the Town Board for approval, the resolution for a decision on your change of zone petition will be placed on the Town Board agenda. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk LD October 7, 1986 Mr. John Costello . P.O. Box AK Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Affordable Housing Proposal Moore's Lane, Greenport Dear Mr. Costello: FE3 S !987 The Planning Board has reviewed the above mentioned proposal with the Town Attorney and o~fcr the following as their reco ,endation to obtaining affordable housing on the site. ~ Set-off 1/2 of the property and do 100% Affordable Housing ~n this 1/5. The ~ffcrdable housing must be 50% of th~otal acreage prior to bhe set off. ~/2. Thc affordable housing must be plotted on i0,@00--~ square foot lots. - ~$ ~..~,>~ Covenants and restrictions that for each unit constructed on the ~-zoned area, a unit will be constructed on the afforaable housing side. Would vou please review this matter with Mrs. Carroll and Mr. Bracken. The Planning Board has scheduled an appointment at the October 20 Planning Board meeting at 8:00 p.m. to discuss th£s. Would you please advise us if this is convenient for you. our office. 1987 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD SCI~.~i{OZ-fD, I~W YORK We, the ~dersi~ed residents ~d v~ters of the of Southold here~ petition you to deny ~he applic~ Jo~ A. 0es~o ~e ~end the Building Eo~e ~din~ce (~d Zone ~ps) by c~.g~g ~_z-om '~" Zight ~ltiple ...... Distr~O~ t$-~"~ford~b~ Heusi~ Dfstriot ~ ~Greenpor%. ~':~ . ~:,M , . . ~ ~,'-,~ Jan~ ¥ ~2, 1987 SOUTHOLD TO~T BOARD SCU~HOLD, NEW y0_~K i GENTLE~N: We, th~ undersized residents and voters of the Town 'ef Southetd hereby petition you to deny the applicetion of 'John A. Oos%etle to a~end the Buildin~ Zone Ordin,~-nc_e, ,(and Zone Maps) by ¢ ~banging from '~" ~,ight Multiple E~sidsuce "3)is%~-ic~ tS'"JIEDw ~ffo-~dable Housing District - Green~ort. PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JANUARY 20, 1987 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF JOHN A. COSTELLO FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM "M" LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO "AHD" AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT AT GREENPORT, TOWN OF $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilman Paul Stoutenburgh Councilman James A. Schondebare Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran Councilman George L. Penny IV Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker SUPERVISOR MURPHY: It's now 8:00 o'clock. I would like to call the public hearing to order and it's on the application of John A. Costello to amend the Bui[ding Zone Ordinance and Building Zone Maps by changing from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District in Gree~pOrt. Official reading tm be read by Councilman Schondebare. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of tl~e Code of the Town of Sou~hold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearin~ will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hail, Main Road, Bouthoid, New York, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., on the 20th day of January, 1987, on the proposal of John A. Costello to amend the Build- ing Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by changing from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District, all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenpor~, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, ar~l more particularly bounded and described ~s fofiows:" I will waive the reading of the metes and bounds description if there is no objection. [No ohjec'tion.) The property is on Moore's Lane and County Road ~8 in the Town of Southold, at Greenport. "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amend- ment should appear at the time and place above so specified. Dated: December 30, 1986. Judith T. Terry, Southold Town C(erk." I have an affidavit of publication of that notice by The Suffolk Times. I have an afgdavit of publication of the notice~ by The Long Island Travele~Watchman. I have an affidavit of ~osting of the notice on the Town Clerk's BulleBn Board by the Town Clerk. I have a letter in the file from the ~lann~ng Board of the Town of Southold, da~ed December 9, .1986, wherein they say: "Resolved that the Southold Town Planning Board ~-ecommend to the To~vn Board that the change of zone petition of John A. Costello requesting a zone change f~nl M to AHD be approved subiect to providing I00% affordable housing based upon previously submitted and appl~oved subdivision Page 2 - Costello map." That was signed by Bennett Orlowski, Chairman. We have a letter from the County of Suffolk, Department of Planning, dated December 12, 1986, whicb in tbeir commerrts says: "With the understanding that the premises will be encumbered for 100% affordable housing purposes. Very tr~dy yours, Lee E. Koppelman, by Gel'ald G. Newman, Chief Planner." And that is all the communications that I have in this file. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thar~k you, Jay. You've heard the official reading, is there anyone in the audience would like to speak on behalf of the application? John, would you like to speak first? JOHN A. COSTELLO~ Not at this time. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Is there anyone on the left would like to speak on behalf of this proposed change of zone? (No response.) Anyone in the middle? (No response.) On the right? (No response.) Is there anyone on the left would like to speak in opposition to this proposed zone change? (No response.) In the middle? Sir~ ~ILL SCHROEHER: My name is Bill Schroeher from the Village of Greenport. This change in zoning from what is it; "M-I", whatever it is to another zone? It was originally two acres. It was subsequently downgraded to quarter acre. Am I correct in'that assumption? Now, how many housing units are going to be put on this property? You have approximately 50 acres. Now, i understand there's going robe apI~i~oximately 100 single unit housing units, plus condominiums or whatever you want to call them. A total of 200. Am I correct in'that, or am I wrong? SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The present zoning allows, with sewage and water, allows four units per acre. That density is not on the whole parcel. There is a certain percentage of that taken out for roads, park, whatever. MR. SCHROEHER: I understand that. I understand in this what do you call it, property, wiIl be downgraded below quarter acre. It's going to be less than quarter acre plots for the single housing. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: No; Jt won't, sir; MR. SCHROEHER: It will not? It's still a quarter acre. COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: Quarter acre. Yes. SUPERVISOR MURPHy: It will be actually less tha~ a quarter acre. MR. SCHROEHEB: It's less than quarter acre? COUNCILMAN PENNY: It's all quarter acre, and I believe that there's like approx- imately 80 or 8~ units on either side. MB, SCHROEFIER: There are going to be 8~ units. Flow many in the condominiums? COUNCIL~IAN PENNY: The same. MR. SCHROEHER: All right, you're look at about 160, 170, correct? COUNCILMAN PENNY: Right. MR. SCHROEHER: Okay. I think that density is too much for that small piece of property. Fifty acres. Where are y~u going to get the water from? Our water supply now, we get notes every month that children under four yea~--under one year, or pregnant women, cannot drink the Village of Greenport water. Now add another 180 units put in there it~s going to Do you agree? SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Sir, this:is not a question and answer. This is a public hearing for you to give your il;put and your feelings on the proposed zone change to the Board, so the Board could take this into consideration. It's not a question and answer type of hearing. Where we can, we~d be very happy to answer questions. MR. SCHROEHER: Well, where can I bring these proposals to you p~ople? SUPERVISOR MURPHY: This is a hearing on a proposed zone change from Multlple Residence, which is four acres- to an Affordable Housing. MR. SCHROEHER: Well, you downgraded it from upgraded it or downgraded it for affordable housing to moderate housing. What's the difference there? SUPERVISOR MURPHY: This is a new zone that the Town has, this Affol~able Housing Zone. MR. SCHROEHER: Moderate housing is t~ot affordable housing. Let's put it that way too. Enough said. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. Is there anyone else in the middle would like to make a comment on this proposed zone change? BOB LONG: Yes, my name is 'Bob Long and I live in Greenport. Now the way you've put it, you've made it so we can't really ask the questions we want to, but .... SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll try to answer. MR. LONG: I knoW you wouldn't answer that gentleman, so you can't very well answer some of mine. I feel as he does and if you've read the aditorial in the Suffolk Times, there's some very good questions in there and 1. think some of you gentlemen have read them and you've taken them into consideration and I would like to hear your answers. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I haven't read the paper myself. MR. LONG: Okay. Well, for one thing I~d like to know where the electricity is coming from for this outfit: Is it coming from Greenport or is it coming from L[LCO? SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I believe it's in Greenport's l~lectric District. MR. LONG: Well, that's what Hve been led to believe. All right, well I'll put it this way: In the Incorporated Village of Greenpol't there is so much electricity allowed by the Power Authority. Already we are using more than that and there is an extra fee on your bill every month because we're using more than we're allowed. I've got ten dollars worth on my bill this month because they've put the condominiums in.there with eiectric heat. Now, when we're going to put 180 more of these things in here with tb~, using any kind of electricity, ~m I going to subsidize them too? Page 4- Costello COUNCILMAN PENNY: I'd like to address that. I asked the same question aft,er reading that article in the paper, and I asked it of Jim Monsell. I understand that the Village of Greenport and the Long Islanc~ Lighting Company both have jurisdiction in that area, and I asked Jim what his'intention was in that area as a Village, and of course the Town has no control over the Village in this matter, so all we can do is pass on information. That's all we can do. The indicatioh I got from Jim Monsell is that the Village was hoping that they would be the ones to serve that. But that is not a Town decision. MR. LONG: Oh, [ know. if'Jim Monsell had anythincj to do with it he'd love to do it and then everybody in the Village would pay for it. CO,UNCILA{AN PENNY: That's the Village Utility Committee decision, not ours. MR. LONG: I know, that's what makes this such a hard thing to ~gure out. Has anybody made an er~vironmental impact study on this? · TrafEc conditions and so forth? COUNCILMAN PENNY: Oh, that's ail been done. MR, LONG: Oh, and everything is fine if you've got about B0 some people coming out one little place to go down street and block up Steamboat Corner and so ~3rth? You can't get out of Washington Avenue in the summertime. Now you're goinc~i to put eighty more cars up and down that road and you'll never get out. You're going to need a traffic light up there before you get through. What i'm saying is, you've got too many in there completely. The thing should be cut to at least e half acre. Quarter acre is far too small. Now I'd Iike to also know who are the prindples in Ibis'thing? Putting their money into this thing? SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I have no idea, sir~ MR. LONG: You're holding a hearing and you don't know who's putting the money into the project? I SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I understand Mr. Costello is one of the owners. I really donrt know whaL his f~llar~cial arlrangements are, and it really is none of our lousiness. MR. LO~G: That seems very funny to me. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Sir, I believe you might be misinformed or something on this~ This is a cbonge of zone. You're not changing the density, and it'~ changing the zoning to allow for an Affordable Housing Zone which guarantees a certain price to apartments. We're not-- MR. LONG: Who's building these things? SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I have no idea. MR. LONG: It seems to me there's an awful lot going on that you don't have any ideas on. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: That really is not up to the Town Board to say whc's building. We bave a developer, Air, Costello, and who ever else is involved with him, asking fo~ a zone change so he could build affordable housing in the area, Page S - Costello . · MR. LONG: In other words, after you let it 'go and then it goes wl~ong - SUPERVISOR MURPHY: No, it 'only can be built for affordable housing. There is a guidelin~ and a price on it, with guarantees that they will stay in this. COUNCILMAN PENNY: We are under the understanding that Mr. Bracken -and this could always change--that Mr. Bracken from up in th~ Stony Brook area, is 'one of the principa'l~ involved. He is 'a reputable builder in that area and comes highly recommended to us, although that as far as we go we haven't researched it any further, but it is our understanding that he will remain a principal in this corporation and will do the building himself. MR, LONG: Those are the questions that I'm trying answer -get answers. Well, my personal opinion is that it's far too dense and it should be half acre per unit roi' affordable housing. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. fs there anyone else in tile middIe would like to address the Town Board? (No response.) Anyone on the right? {No response.) Anyone tike to address the Town Board on any comments at all on this'proposed zone change? John? JOHN COBTELLO: Thank you. I~d just like to answer a couple of the questions that have been brought up. We have done an impact statement that addressed most of th~se items. Not only have we only done it once, it's been done three times. The water )_hat :is sLq~pfied' this piece of property, we've done exlensive engineering, and have proven to the Village of Greenport that this property will have its own supply of water adequate. Greenport will be given the water under the property. In:turn we will obtain water from the Village of Greenport, whicb they will monitor. There is also an excess of water which will probably reduce the nitrate level and some of tha problems that Greenport is having with its water. Hopefully it will work that way. We have designed this'property, and on the eastern sectio~ all lots in the Affordable Housing District. Presently it's "M" Light Multiple Zoning on that, and 115 units could be built on the 26-45 acres that we had set off for the Affordable Housing. We intend to put 8~ to 85 units on there, depending upon the well site. That's a reduction of 30 units possibly. These units are approx imately--and they're slightly larger than most of the housing units and the land on Middleton Road which adjoins it on the east. There are three roads intended to be to reduce the traffic. There's a spur up Bennett Road, up on the north ,of Middle- ton. There's a southern spur on Washington Avenue, and that will be let out out to MOOres Lane. The 84 townhouse units will all exit 'on Moores Lane. The other prindpals that Mr. Long asked about involved in this project--I originally started this and I tried to have the pcoperty anne<ed to Greenport I intended on selling only lots at that time, With the commercial property being subsidized--subsidizing those lots. That didn't work. Now we're letting the townhouses subsidize the affordable units. I believe private enterpKise should do this; not towns, not the government. By doing this I think we're going to have the only viable affordable housing in Southold. .t's the only area that you could obtain the wa~er and sewer and keep the land cost down. I had spent nine months dealing with many developers, trying to find somebody that would actually build.the units. I think I've obtained the best one. Someone that's going to build tile best house, is enthused about the project, and can afford to go into this project at a lower percentage of profit. That is Mr. Bracken, from Stony Brook, and Mrs. CarFoll, both of the Stony Brook area. If there's any o,ther questions I'd like to ar~wer th~. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. Any other comments on this proposed zone change? Merle? Page 6 - Costello MERLE WIGGIN: Merle Wiggin. I think perhaps I can help answer a few of the questions and concerns that were raised by Mr. Schroeher and Mr. Long. The traffic, in particular. This is addressed in the impact statement that was do~3e for the annexation, and again on the change of zone to the "M 1" At that tiF~e it WaS projected it ·could be up to 170 odd units on tl~at particular piece of property. Now this proposal I~a~ been divided in two. Part of it is for townhouses and the other half is for the affordable housing. Now, the original there was street access clear across the property on both sides, so based on the Institute for Transportation Engineering, when there were I70 this could generate up to ~600 trips a day. A trip a way is--for example, if.you get in your car and drive down the street al3d go to planning is ten trips per house pet' day. That's like f~ve times you leave your house and five times you come back again. Now this project has been split in two, there's only 8~ units that are be[rig considered under the single family--would come under this category. So it's basically reduced by 50% the number of traffic'possibilities that could access on Middleton Road. Also the way the proposed road layout is that Middleton Road, if·they were going to go to the 7-11, or Penny's Lu~ber perhaps, they would go thl~ugh this site, rather than go up to 48 and down Moore's Lane. Pleet Lumber they could also go to. So, I think perhaps what was read in the paper may have been .kind of a little bit misleading as far as what was taldng place. The only thing I might add, the density now is :~,Jightly less than what it was before, 5o the "M 1" zone we~ve been reducing, so this 'is changed from."M 1" to "AHD", so again i~'s been slightly reduced fror~ what it is presently now approved for. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. Anyone else like to address the Town E~oard? (No response.) Any Town Board members have any comments to make? ~No response.) If not, I'll close the hearing. (Hearing closed 8:22 P.M.) ~'~ ,~JudJth T. Terry ~ Southold Town Clerk JOHN A. COSTELLO January 5, 1987 Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Southold Town Board bear Councilmen: Donald B~acken, Diane Carroll, and I would like to request a melting with the Board to work out the mechanics of the AHD zoning for the Moores Lane property. Please ~dvise me as to the next available work session that we may.cdme in to discuss this aatter. John A. Costello Diane CaJJtg~ll and Donald Bracken met briefly with the Town [.EGAL NOTICE COUNI Y OF SUFFOLK STAI E OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, say, s that she is the Editor, of TItE LONG IS[ AND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed al Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of ~hich the annexed is 2 p~inted copy, ~ .~..~ ...... I~ ..... ~., ~"_~~ ........ -:: : ~ ~/ .. .... ......... · quli'e~meut= of thc Ct,dc of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, 5a}$ that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed al Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed cop}, has been published ;ii sa}d Long {sland Traveler-Watchman once each week for ..................... ~ ..... week~ successively, commencing on the ........... ~.7. ...... / (.~ .......... :k~'..~>~:..75' - S~om [o before me this .................... d,q' of .... q,?Tk'.,~,e~' .w, ........ '. ~ 9. ,C' 7. STATE OF NEW YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age or twenty-one years; that on th~ 3rd _day of January 19 87 , she affixed a Southold, New York 11971. :~Notice of Hearing on Proposal to Amend the Zoning Ordinace - John A. Costell~ from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing DistriCt, southeost of intersection of CR ?18 and Moore's Lane, Greenport. 8:00 P.M., January 20, I987.. Soutbold Town ltall.- Judith To Terry ,~ Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 3rd day of Januar~_l~7 ~ Notary Public LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a pubSc hearing will t~e held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, Naw York, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., on the 20th day of January, 1987, on The proposal o~' John A. Costello to amend the E~uildiog Zon~ Ordinance (including th~ I~uildin~ Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, County, New York, by changing from "M" Light Multiple R~sidence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing Distri~, all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situtate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and Statt~ of New York, and more particularly bounded and ~escribed · as ~ollows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Moore's Lane, said point being South 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 1206.03 feet from the intersection of the easterly side of Moore's Lane with the southerly side of North Road (C.R. #48), and running thence the following three (3) courses and distances along lands now or formerly of Costello: (1) North 74 degrees .45 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 635.03 feat; (2) North 58 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 132.97 feet; (3) North 16 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 1254o09 feet to the southerly side of North Road (C.R. ~z~8); running thence the following two (2) courses and sitances along the southerly sid~ of North Road (C.Ro ~48): (1) North 69 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of :z68.73 feet; (2) North 71 degrees 28 minutes 20 seconds East a distance o~ 312.65 feet to a subdivision map entitled "Map of Fleetfield" as tiled in the of~ce of the Suffolk County Clerk on February 6~ 1§42 as map no. 1351; running thence South 16 degrees 01 minutes 56 seconds East along said westerly map line and land o~ others a distance of 1451.06 feet lo lands now or formerly the Incorporated ·Village of Greenport~ runnin.~ thence the following two (2) coarses and distances along lands now oq formerly the Incorporated Village of Greenport: (1~ South 58 degree5 15 minutes oO seconds West a distance of 713.30 feet; {2) South 74 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 669.70 I~eet to the easterly side of ~vloore~s Lane; running thence North 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West along the easterly side of Moore's Lane a distance of 315.19 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing within said bounds an area of Any person desiring to be heard on th~ proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above so specified. DATED: December' 30, 1986. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JANUARY 8, 1987, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members John A. Costello Village of Greenport Town Clerk's Bulletin Board LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OI= HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO .AMEND 7ON[NG ORDINANCE AND MAP Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will' be as follows: Page 2 - L ,al Notice - Costello degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West a dis[ance of 669.70 feet to the easterly side of Moore's Lane; runnir~g thence North 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West along the easterly side of Moore's Lane a distance of 315.19 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing within said bounds an area of 1,152,271 sq. ft. or 26,45 acres. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place ai)ove so specified. DATED: December 30, 1986. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD T@~N CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JANUARY 8, 1987, AND FORWARD ONE [1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. ~RRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 1'1971. Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members John A. Costello Village of Greenport NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAl TO ~IEND ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town L~w and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearinc_i will be Page 2 - 1~ JI Notice - Costello degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 669.70 feet to the easterly side of ~|oore's Lane; rgnning thence North 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West along the easterly side of Moore's Lane a distance of 315.19 feet to the point or place of beginning, Containing within said bounds an area of 1,152,271 scl. ft. or 26.45 acres. Any person de~iring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at tl~e time and place above so specified. DATED; December 30, 1986. JUDITH T. TERRY PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JANUARY 8, '1987, AND FORWARD ONE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. T.ERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, ~IAIN ROAD, 5OUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler Watchman The Suffolk Times Town Board Members John A. Costello Village of Greenport John A. Costello OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK" TO~/N OF SOUTtlOLD ,?[ January 5, 1987 Town Hall, 53095 Mai. Road P.O. Box 7Z8 Southald, New York 11971 Dear John: In accordance with the attached resolution, the Town of Southold Thank you. please Sublnit a check payable to in the amount of $125,00, to this office by"January. 9, 1987. JOHN A. COSTELLO 3 9 g 8 SARA P. COSTELLO John A. Costello OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SO LITHOLD January 5, 1987 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 the Town of $outhold in the amount of $125.00, to this office by Janaary 9, 1987. Thank you. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD P.O. Box 1179 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 30. 1986: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of Town Plannei' David. Emilita, in the amount of $125.00, to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form, Part I, as submitted by John A. Costello with respect to his petition for a change of zone from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District on certain property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Moore's Lane and Middle Road (County Route 88), Greenpol't, New Yol'k, and be it further- RESOLVED thai John A. CostelJo be and he hereby is dir&cted to pay the cost for the review by David Emilita on or before January 9, 1987. Southold Town Clerk January 5, 1987 SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENViRONF/ENTAL CONSUL]:ANTS ~P OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOIVN DF SOUI'HOLD NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT December 30, 1986 Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 4t~'of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below, has determined that the project will nc,t have a significant effect on the environment, DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Proposed change of zone by John A. Co~tello from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AFID" Affordable Housing District on certain property located at the south- east corner' of zhe intersection of Moore's Lane and Middle Road (C.R. 4g), Creenport, Town of Seuthold, New York. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environ- ment and whereas thece ha~ been no response in the allotted time, it is assumed that Further information may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk.. Southold Town Hall. Main Road, Southold, New York 1197'I. Copies tv: Robert A. Greene, DEC, Stony Brook Commissioner Williams, DEC, Albany Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Planning Board John A. Costello -%. ~0 ®0 r or :"L-~CT2ICAL OlST~J~A~C'~ ,',S A RF_S~ILT OF ~H[5 P¢!OJECT? NO YES 18. IS T~EEE PL'~LIC C0r;T~0VE2SY C0;(CE2~i[:;G TH~ PROJ2CT? ....... i?~ f-.'~ O1' I:[CE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOV~N OF $OUTHOLD P.O. Bo× 1179 December 18. 19,86 David' Emilita, Planner Town of $outhold $outhold, New York 11971 The Southold Town [~oai-d, at their regular meeting held on December 16, 1986, adopted a resolution to request you to submit 'e cost proposal for your professional services to review the Long Environmental Assessment sub- mitted by John A. CostelIo with respect to his petition for a change of zone from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing Dish'lct on certain property located at the southeast corner of the inter- section of Moores Lane and Middle Read (CR 48), Greenport, New York. When you have prepared your cost proposal please submit 'same to me. Thank you. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk Attachment-Long Env. Assessment cc: John Costello I~CEI~D 1986 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 360-5513 December 12, 1986 To~a~ of Southold Town Clnrk Applicant: Zonin~ Action: Mun. File No.: John A. Costello c/z "M" Light Mlgltiple Residence to Affordable Rousing District ~272 S.C.P.D. File No.: SD-86-36 Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of ~ Suffolk Gounty ghar~er, the above rnferenced application which has bean submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Co~ission is considered to he a matter for local deter- mlnation. A decision of local determination should not be constL~ed as ~i~her an approval or disapproval. Commmnts: With the understandiI~g that preexists will be enctm~bered for ~00% affordable housing purposes. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppe~n~n Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newnmn Chief Plaz~zer ()FF[CE OF THE TO S~N CLERK TOWN OF SOUTBOLD Town Hart, 530q5 Mah~ Road P.O. Box SoLlthold New York i1971 IE/EP~ONF Pursuant to Sections 1323 and 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter the Town Board of tho, Town of Southold hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Department of Planninr, j: New Zoning Ordinance Amendment of Zoning Code X Amendment of Zoning Map (Change of Zone) Location of affected land: southeast corner of tile intersection of I~oore~s Lane and Middle Road {County Route 1[8), Greenport, New York Suffolk County Tax Map No.: District 1000, Section t~0, Block 05, Lot 01 ¥~ithin 500 feet of: · X The boundary of any village or town The boundary of any existing or proposed county, state or federal park X Th* right-o~v~ay of any existing or proposed county or state parkway, thruway, expressway, road or highway. The existing or proposed right-of way of any stream or drainage channe owned by the County or for which the County has established channel lines. The existing or proposed boundary of any other county, state or federally owned land. The Long Island Sound, any bay in Suffolk County or estuary of any of th~ foregoing bodies of water. Or within one mile of: __ Nuclear power plant. Airport COMMENTS: Recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Boarcl i~ attached hereto. Date: December 9, lg86 (~/ ,' Judith T. Terry Southold Town Cleff~ g 19B6 T I.D Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 766-193~ Dccamber 9, 1986 Mrs. dudith T. Terry Tow~ Clerk Town Nail Southo]d, NY 11971 RE: Costello change of zone located at Greenport Dear ~rs. Terry: Thc follQwing action was taken by the Sout~old Town Planning Board, Monday, December 8, 1986. RESOLVED that the Souhhold Town Planning Board £econn~ena to the Town Board that the change of ~onc petition of John A. Costello ~equesting a zone change from M to AHD be approved subjec~ to providing 100~ affordable housing based upon ~ne previously submittcd and approved subdivision map. If you have any questions, please ~on't hesitate to contact our office. Very trul~, ~ours, BENNETT OR~OWSKI, JR. , CBAIRI~2~ SODTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD cc: John Costello By Diane M. $chultze, Secretary OFI ICE OF THE TOWN CLERK IO~qN OF $OLrFHOI.D Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PC} [lox 1179 Sotttt~otd, New York 1197l December 8, 1986 Robert A. Greene N.Y.S. Dept. of Environmental Conservation Building 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Enclosed is the petition of John A. Costello for a change of zone from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District on certain property located southeast of the intersection of County Road 48 and Moores Lane, Town of Southold, Greenport, New York. This project is unlisted a~'~d we wish to coordinate this action in our role as lead agency. May we have your views on this 'matter. Written comments on this project will be received at this office until December 23, 1986. We shall interpret your lack of response to m~an there is no objection by your agency. Very b'uly yours, ,~? - 2./'~ Ju'dith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Commissioner Williams Southold Town Building Dept. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM "M" (LIGHT RESIDENTIAL TO CERTAIN LANDS $OUTHOLD, MULTIPLE "AHD" (AFFORDABLE HOUSING ~ISTRICT) OF OF JOHN COSTELLO LOCATED WITHIN THE TOWN OF SUPFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORE. LOCATION: 26.45 acres located southeast of intersection of County Road 48 and Moore's Lane, Town of $outhold. County TaK Map No. APPLICANT: John A. Costello 206 ~iggins Lane Oreenpout Ne~ York - 11944 PREPARER: One Bootleg Alley New York - 11944 DATE OF PREPARATION: December l, 1986 JO~N A. COSTELLO 2~6 WIGGINS LANE GREENPORT, L. I. NEW YORK - 11944 Decembe~ 2, 1986 $outhold To~n Hoard Southold To~n Hall Main Road Southold, L New York - 11971 Attention~ Mrs. Judy Terry Southold Town Clerk Oea~ Mrs. Terry: Enclosed herewith is ~pplication for a change of zone of 26.45 acres fromm "M" (Light Multiple Residential) to "AHD" The application is ssbmitted in accordance ~ith Section 100- 55.5 ~f the To~n Zon~n§ Code. Respectfully submitted, ~John A. Costello JAC/iw TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NAME AND ADDRESS NAME AND ADDRESS NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER ..... OF DEVELOPER/BUILDER - - - OF APPLICANT ....... DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT ....... METHOD OF OWNERSHIP ............. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT ............. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS .......... EXISTING MUNICIPAL UTILITY SERVICES TIME SCHEDDLE ................ PAGE l 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT . ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT - Names and addresses of other Dla~ners, ~ngineers~ architects, surveyors, and persons or firms associated with this pro~ect. B - Terrestrial Ecology. C - Letter from James I. of Public Utilities, Monsell, Superintendent Village of Greenport. D - Geology and Groundwater. Topography and Landform. Water Resources. E - Transportation. E - 82M Report on Costello Test Well. O - CateGory A Eook Bps (System Sustained). H - Survey o£ Property Showing Meets and Hounds. I - Deed Description. J - Site Plan. D December 2, 1986 Mr. John A. Costello 206 Wiggins Lana Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Set off for John Costello Located at Greel]port Dear Mr. Costello: Please let this confirm the following action taken by Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, NovemLer 24, 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning B~ard approve the ze~ off fo£ the Costc£1o property located at County koute 48 and Moo~'e's Ladle, Greenport to set of~ 26.45 acres from 48.7 acres, survey dated Octobe~ 25, 19~f; subject to: Receipt of a change of zone% on Parcel B to AffordaDle Housing Dist~ ict with i00% affordable housing. If you ha¥~ any questions, picase don't hesitate to contact Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAI~XN SOUTHOLD ~OWN PLANNING BOARD The 1. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OP ZONE OF 26.45 ACRES PROM "M" - LI~ET MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL TO "AHD" - AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF INTERSECTION. OF COUNTY ROAD 48 AMD MOORE'S LANE TOWN OF SOUTROLD CQUNTY TAX MAP NO. December 2, 1986 application consists of the following: NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS: John A. Costello 206 Wiggins Lane Greenport New York - 11944 NAME AND ADDRESS OP THE DEVELOPER/BUILDERS: Mrs. Diane Carroll 3~ Wheeler Road Old Field New York - 11723 'Mr. Donald Bracken 33 South Gall Road Setauket New York - 11733 The names and addresses of other planners, architects, surveyors, and persons with this project are contained as NAME OF T~E APPLICANT: John A. Costello 506 Wiggins Lane Greenport New York - 11944 or firms associated Attachment A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT: The construction of eighty-four (84) single family, one and one-half story, residences on one-guarter (1/4) acre lots. Units to be one and on-half story, two (2) bedroom, expandable Cape Cod type with four (4) different designs. This layout and development will be in specific and direct agreement with the proposed Master Plan for the site. which has this area designated as "HD". The proposed development is also consistent with the adjacent e~istil*9 residential development on Middleton Road (Fleetfield). ~hich aisc consists of individual residence~ on less ~han one-quarter (1/4) acre lots. The site is generally ~ollinG ~ith slopes of less than ten percent (10~) and with elevation range Of a high Of twenty-t~o (22) feet to a io~ of twelve (12) feet. Existing ground cover a~d vegetation is discussed in Attachment B - Terrestrial Ecology - from the previously accepted The site pl~ns to use public sewer and public water, available from the Village of Greenport, the availability of which h~s been ~ndicated by communication from the Village of Greenport, as shown in Attachment C. The geology and characteristics of the site is typical of the Upper Pleistocene deposits area ~enerally found on the North Fork, and it is described more fully in Attachment D from the p[eviously accepted D.E.I.$.. Street access will be at three (3) locations to include. the extension of Bennett Aoad from Middleton Road, the extension of Washington Avenue from Middleton Road, and a new access off Moore's Lane. These access roads and existing streets have the capability to handle the additional traffic g,~nerated, as calculated in the Draft Environmental impact Statement dated October 1985, copy of Section 4.21 - Transportation and is enclosed as Attachme~t E. METHOD OF O~NERSHIP~ Each individual unit Mill be purchased and deeded to the occupant. CoYenants and restrictions for ownership, resale, and rental will be in accordance with Section 100-55.7 of the Southold Zonin9 Code. Other protective covenants and deed restrictions will be detailed and included in the site plan development to insure the neatness and mainLenance of the site appearances. Sanitary, scwer, and electrical mains, after completios, wilt be transferred ~or oMnership and maintenance to the Village of Greenport. Public streets and ~torm drainage systems after completion] will be t~ansfe~red to the Town of Southold for ownership and maintenance. The site also contains a well site and right of way for water main inte~connection. This ~ill be deeded to the Village of Greenport in accordance wittl the agreements to provide water hook-ups as pe~ letter from Village of ~reenport Utility Superintendent dated September 26, 1986 (Attachment C), and in accordance with the requiiements of Cata~ory A hook-up (System Sustained), Attachment G. The ~ell site has been tested and approve,] for public ose. Te~t results are contained in Attachment F. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT: The development concept plans are contafned as Attachments H and J, and cdnsist of: Survey of the property sho~ing meets and bounds, location of existing eater and sewer lines, proposed public ~ell site, and all adjacent property owners within five hundred (500) feet and is enclosed as Attachment H, and is identified as Parcel B. Deed description is enclosed as Attachment I. The site plan, identified as Attachment J~ at a scale of 1" ~ 100', identifies each of the (two foot intervals). It is the intention that the developer will build on eaoh one of the these units ~ one and one-half story, t~o (2) bedroom, expandable Cape Code type with four (4) different design]s, generally centered on the lots but staggered different distances off the street. The ten (10) and twenty (20) foot buffer areas between adjacent property owners and the adjacent proposed development including other natural areas ~ill be deeded to the individual lot owner with them in pcrpetuity. The site plan also identifies the buffer areas to be mail]rained between County Road 48 and the other parcel identified as Parcel A. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: A %ist of adjoining property owners is included as Attachment K. Notification has been made to all except Florence B. Klein at 420 Middleton Road, who ~e understand has uecently sold and the new owner is not known. Receipts of Certified Mail have been provided to the Town Clerk. EXISTING MUNICIPAL UTILITY SERVICES: Connections to existing municipal utility services is projected to be as follows: Water: Municipal water supply to be provided by loop type system with connections to the e~istin~i twelve (12) inch main on Moore's Lane, and the existing sin <6) inch main on Middleton Road. An alternativc connection mould be to the eight (8) inch main on County Road 48. Hydrants on this main would also be available for fire protection. Installation would include appropriate curb stops' and fire hydrants. It has previously been determined during the development of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the rezoning of this property to "M", that the projected available ~ater demand of twenty-eight thousand gallons per day is available from the municipal supply. Municipal Sanitary Services: it is anticipated that each unit will be serviced by a sewage sanitary collection main that will terminate at the existing dual pump lift station~ owned and operated by the Village of Greenpo~t, and losated adjacent to the Southwest boundary of the project. The Village Utilities Superintendent has already determined that each lift pump has a rating of one hundred fifty-five (155) g.p.m., and is more than adequate to handle the projected daily sewage load[ of twenty-five thousand (25,~0g) gallons per day. Electric: Electrical overhead primaries are located on Moore's Lane (Village of Greenport) and on County Road.48. 8. TI~E SCHEDULE: The time schedule for this project is predicted ~i~h the start of construction in the Spring of 1987, ~ith completion t~o (2) years from start of construction. ATTACHMENT A Names and addresses of other planners, architects, surveyors, this project: John A. Costello O~ner and persons or firms associated with East End Associates John J~ Hart, Jr. 20 Church Street Patohogue, NY - 11772 Peconic Associates One Bootleg Alley Greenport, NY - 11944 Inc. Village of Greenport Utilitie~ Department Third Street Greenport, NY - 11944 Mr. John J. Munzel, Esq. 548 Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, NY - 11901 Van Tuyl Surveyors Front Street Greenport, NY - 11944 Mr. Charles Egosi Main Street Sag Harbor, NY - 1196~ Mrs. Diane Carroll 30 ~heeler Road Old Field, NY - 11733 Successor in Interest Engineer Party of Interest Party of Interest Attorney Representing The lng. Village of Archite¢t Developer/Builder Mr. Donald Hraken 33 South Gall Road Setauket, NY - 11733 Mr. Irving'L. P~ice, Esq. Front Street Greenport, NY 11944 Developer/Builder Party of Interest Attorney Representing ATTACHMENT B 3.15 Terreatrial Ecology The parcel proposed for rezoning is characterized by secondary vegetation that has begun to reclaim an area of earlier agricultural crop and/or pasture use. The tree growth is you'nG and sparse throughout most of the site, with some denser vegetation noted in its north, particularly along County Road Species encountered include the locust maple red cedar grey bi,ch white birch oak poplar - pine The maple, poplar and second following: Roblnia pseudoacacia Acer sp. Juniperss virginia Batula populifdia Betu]a populifdia Quercus velutina Populus Pinus growth locust are predominant. 48. W~ite pine is found along the parcel's southern edge, and begins to screen limited portions of the site £~om the McCann Trailer Park. Native grasses provide groundcover throughout the parcel, except where disturbed by an in{ormai vehicular aocess~ay and various dirt bike trails. Adjacent residential properties are a5 typically experienced, i.e. landscaped lawns, planted shrubbery, and a variety of trees such as maple and oaks. ATTACHMENT C fiLLaye of,_ Oreeapod (516) 477-1748 (516) 4774~172 Mr. John Costello Wiggins Lane Greenport, N. Y. 11944 September 25, 1986 Dear Mr. Costello, On May 28, Re: Proposed Maior Subdivision - Moore's Lane, Greenport 1986 the Utility Committee recommended that the Village of Greenport enter into a sewer and wa%er agreement with you, so tha~ you can proceed with your plans before the row~ of Southold. On June I8, 1986 the Village Board of Trustees author- ized the Village Attorney to prepare the water and sewer agree- ments. These agreements are being prepared. can be of further service, please contact me. JIM:ikm CC: George Hubbard, Very truly yours, ~ dames I. Monsell Superintendent of Public Utilities Mayor All Village Trustees Utility Committee Village Attorney Sam McLendon, H2M Southold Town 8nard Southold Planning Board ATTACHME~T D 3.11 ~eoloqy and C~oundwate~ The geology of the parcel proposed for Cezoning is considered typical of the geology found throughout Southold Township. Upper T~e sands and gravels are characterized as highly permeable yield little runoff during precipation periods. The upper of these Pleistocene deposits contain fresh water and arb the p~imary source of groundwater within the Town of $outhold. ~ate~ table elevations wzthin these deposits generally lie in the Greenport v;c~nity at 2 to 3 feet above mean sea level. Based upon a topographic analysis of the parcel proposed'for rezon~D~, it can De assumed that gne ~ater table generally lies some 5 to 20 feet beneath this 48.718 ac(e tract, with an average depth to water table of approximately 15 feet. A test well installed on June 13, 1985 on the southern end of the site showed depth tD ground water if eleven (11) feet. 3.12 Topoqraphy and Landform The parcel proposed for rezoning is characterized as gently rolling, with elevations generally ranging from 8 feet above mean sea level at an isolated low point along its western, or Moore's Lane. boundary to some 22 feet in elevation in its northeast quadrant. Positive drainage occurs naturally throughout the site. See Topography Map, 3.13 Hater Resources Groundwater, as previously Figure No. 2. discussed, is the principal Hater resource o£ concern in an area such as Long Island that has been classified by the EPA as being fully dependent upon a sole, or single, source for its potable water supply. This designation reinforces the in-place planning c~iteria and monitoring activities that are utilized to ensure that the groundwater not be contaminated by either point- or non-point sources of concern even mote critical in the Town of pollution. The $outhold and Village of Greenpo~t for, unlike many other areas of Long Island. potable water supply is not available here from both the Glacial and Magothy aguifers~ water t~nderlying Southold within the Magothy formation ~s generally too saline for potable Surface water resources within the vicinity of the proposed anneMation parcel, though not contained within the parcel, are Moore's Drain and Silver Lake, located approximately 100~ feet the southeast. Hater quality classificatlon for these waters has been established by N¥S DEC as follows: Moore's Drain (tidal portion) SC Moore's Drain (non-tidal portion) D Silve~ Lake D surface to Under the DEC eater quality classification system, SC waters are descriDed as "suitable for fishing and all other uses except for primary contact recreation and for the taking of shellfish for market purposes". Class D waters are termed "suitable for secondary recreation, but due to such natural conditions as intermittency of flo~, Mater conditions not conducive to the propagation of game fishery, or stream bed conditions, the waters will not Support the propagation of fish". While substantial areas of the Town of Southold Village of Greenport are designated as flood hazard areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the elevations present on the parcel proposed for rezoning cause it to be located fully outside the flood hazard area. In addition, there are no designated wetlands on or immediately adjacent to the subject parcel, though several wetland areas have been identified by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation within the vicinity. These wetland areas, subject to the permit authority of DEC, are as follows: Silver Lake located to the southeast of the site, much of the Moore's ~oods/Moore's D~ain area owned by the Village of Greenport: and an area approximately .5 miles east of the parcel at the southwest corner of State Route 25 and County Road 48,. just north of the Village of Greenport. ATTACHMENT 4.21 Fransportation The proposed project ~ill not create significant adverse impact on traffic conditions within and along the major routes serving the Greenport area, specific&lly State Route 25, C~unty Road 48, and the Moore's Lane connector roadway (truck by-pass route) between N¥S 25 and CountF {8. As d~scussed in Section Route 25 and County Road 48 have ~es~dual capacities of ~.~ 4,~ AADT and can readily accommodate the additional traffi~ flo~ (estimated maximum average of 1,~9~ vehicle trips per day) based upoD standards developed by the Institnte fo~ Transportation EnGineeging (see ~ppendix ~) that would be Generatmd by IB~ ne~ ~esidential. apartment, or ¢ondo~inimnm units. If. in the future, subsequent changes in zoning (H~) would permit single family detached development, than the ma~imua. vebiole daily t~ips weuld be calculated at 1,692. Several p~oject-spegific des:on considerations merit attcntfon during the engineering phases of this p~oject, follo~in~ of th~ requested ge%oninG, so that potential lmpacts related to transportation ~an be m~tig~ted in the following areas: (1) a revie~ of the cap&clty o{ lntermections ne~ the development site ~t peak hour once the ~pecifi¢ ~oad/st~eet orientation of the development project has been firmly established; (2) ~ restriction on the number of access points along Moo~e's Lane to ensure efficient cont]~luing use of this roadway as a connector highway, including lts function a~ a truck bypass of downtown Greenport: a similar restriction on the number of access points along County Road 48; and the effective reduction through road layout/projeot orientation ot the amount of additional traffic that would occur on residential streets, such Avenue, Bennett Road, and Middletown Road to subjec[ parcel. as ~ashington the Bast of the- ATTACHMENT F HOI.ZMRCHER, McLENDON and MURRELL, P C · CONSULTING ENGINEERS. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS and PLANNERS 125 SAYLI$ ROAD, SUITE 140, MELVILLE, N.Y. 1 f747 * 51&752-gO60 May 7, 1986 Village Board Inc. Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport~ New York 11944 Re: Inc. Village of Greenport Water System Costello Test Well GRPT 86-04 (TC) Gentlemen: On April 17, 1986, our office witnessed the test well procedures at the Costello property off Moores Lane. Under our direction, the existing test well was pumped at a flow rata oX 250 gallons per minute for a twenty-four (24) hour period. Water quality samples were taken and tested at specific time inter- vals. Groundwater levels were recorded at three adjacent observa- tion wells in order to measure drawdown. The water quality test results have been summarized on Table 1. In general, the water quality obtained from the Costello well is considered excellent. The groundwater levels recorded during the pump test revealed little or no measurable drawdown in the immediate area at a flow rate of 250 gpm. Noting the above, it is our opinion-that this well could be an excellent supply for potable water. If the Village decides to proceed with obtaining this well for their use, an arrangement could be made for the land purchase or perpetual lease agreement for the well and a small amount of land surrounding the well (approximately 100 ft. x 100 ft.). In addition, the village would need to obtain a non-pollution ease- ment to cover a 200 test radius from the well. Village Board Inc. Village of Greenport -2- May 7, 1986 Should the Village have any questions or require any additional Very truly yours, HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. --: !: ,~,.:.,:z2 DMK/jj CC: Mayor George Hubbard Supt. James I. Monsell John Costello ~ HOLZMACHER, Mc~.£NDON & MLIRRE~.L, P.C. TABLE 1 COSTELLO TEST WELL INC. VILLAGE OF GREENPORT WATER QUALITY P~ESULTS Sample Time Period Parameter 30 Min. 3 Hrs. 6 Hrs. 24 Mrs. Iron 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04 Manganese <0.02 <0.02 <0.2 <0.02 Chloride 7.0 7.0 10.0 11.0 Complete Water Quality Surve~ Aldicarb Nitrate Nitrite Ammonia pH Spec. Cond. Calcium Magnesium Hardness Sodium Turbidity Total Solids Color Result < 2. 0.5 0.1 0.2 6.2 160. 10.8 4.5 45.5 6.5 < 1.00 110. < 5.00 (Based qn 6 Hr. Sample) Results for Pesticides Analysi~ Compound u~/1 lindane < 0.03 heptachlor < 0.03 aldrin < 0.03 'heptachlor epoxide < 0.03 dieldrin < 0.04 endrin < 0.06 O,p'-DDT < 0.07 p,pi-DDT < 0.09 methoxychlor < 1.0 toxaphene < 2.5 chlordane < 0.5 ALL RESULTS REPORTED MEET NEW YORK STATE DRINKING ~TER LIMITS. ATIACHMENT G DE IF RESOLVED that the regulations of Department are hereby ammended am follow~ All applications for System which lie outside is sub-divisions of four catagories: 1) Catagory self-sugtained. DEfiNITIONS: application for the Greenport Water water hook UD to the Greenport Water the village boundarie~ and which are not lots or less, shall be either one Of two- A - System Sustained, or 2) Catagory B - APPLICANT -- any pgrson or firm making connection to the Greenport Mater Sygtem. CATAGORY A - SYSTEM SUSTAINED - any sub- division, GreeDport lopment or facility without contributing at of water as the projected demand to be used development or facility. CATAGORY B - development or facility which is dependent on the Water System to provide water to the subdivisios, deve- by the subdivision, SELF-SUSTAINED - Any sub- resulting development or facility which provides water equal to or division, in excess of p~o~eeted demand, whether on-site or off-site. MAJOR SUBDIVISION - An7 subdivision of land resulting than four (4) building lots. MINOR SUBDIVISION - Any subdivision of land (4) or le~s building lots. OFF-SITE SYSTEM - any water production four ~y~tem which is not on the site of the applicant. ON SITE SYSTEM -- any water production system which is on the site of th~ applicant. PROJECTED DEMAND - that water dsm&nd which is anticipated to be used by the subdivision, development or faci- lily as determined by department. the superintendent of the village water WATER QUALITY .- that water which is suitable for humaa consumption by compliance with the parameters established by the U.S., the State of New Yo~k, the County of Suffolk end the Suprintendant of Utilities. CATAGORY A -- SYSTEM SUSTAINED APPLICATIONS 1. Applicant shall meet with ~uperintendent of Utilities regarding rules, regulations and specifications. .. Applicant shall submit apolication to the Superintend,~nt of Utilities in complete detail showing all proposed piping and specifications. .. If apPlication complies with rules, regulations, and specifications, the Superintendent of Utilities shall refer the application to the Utility Committee for action. .. the applicant shall appear before the Utility Committee at which time plans, details, and specifications shall be approved or disapproved by said committee. If the plans the plans, details and specifications are disapproved by said the Utility Committee, the applicant shall resubmit a corrected application complying with the requirements of the Utility Co~unittee. .. If the application complies with the rules, regulations, and sDeci~ications, the Utility Comm[ttee shall place the apQli- cation on a list which list ~hall be maintained in chronological order of approval for service to be supplied when potable water is available for that application. .. Rcwever in the case of minor subdivisions, the Village Board of Trustees may authorize a contract for the supply of water to be entered into immediately. CATAGORY B -- SELF SUSTAINED APPLICATIONS 1. Applicant shall meet with Superintendent of Water Utilities regarding projected amount and quality o[ the potable water supply, rules, regulation~ and specifications. .. .Applicant must than submit application together with water test data as to amount and quality of the on-site or off-site water supply to the Superintendent 6f Water Utilities. .. A test well is then to be drilled, the water supply "drawn dowa#, and water quality must meet the requirements of the ~uffolk County, State of New York or United States, and the ~ater quantity must be sufficient to supply all water requirements for the application in the opinion of the Superintendent of Utilities. .. If the Superintendent finds that the test data as to a. quality of water meets the strictest of the health standards required of Village of Greenport, Suffolk County, State .. of ~ew york or the United States government for potable wet,er, ~ l~y as ~te~ned by the Superintendent w~th the assistence of .,':' '~$ · -. ~."l~ appl~catio~ complies with rules, regulatat~on .~-mattemto"the Utility Committ~e for consideration. .~..',...','.4..: ... · ."th~' applicant shall appear before the Utility Commi i' which time quality and quantity of potable water supply, plans''~' datalll~ and sPaoifications mhal~ be..approvad or d~sapp=oved, by sa~d committee. 1~ the quality and/or quantity of potable supply, plans the plans, details and specifications are disapproved by said the Utility Committee, the applicant shall resubmit a corrected appl~cat[o,t ,:o.oply[.t~ with th~ CE th,~ U~[l[ty o~ ~Llit~es, ~hs rules, regulations, and Specifications, UtLlitY.g0mm~ttee shal~ ~orward ~he application to the Village. :. Board o£,?{ustees for their approval. Village Board of ?rustaaa. shall approve 9he.negotiations to commence .. , ~-:~.,. a contract for the s?pply .o~iWa~e~. · ..:- ^TT~gH~ENT ~ 8<-i470B Parcel B Description of la.ds situated at Greenport, Town of Sauthold, ~unt~ of Suffelk, State of New York and being mere particually bounded and described BEGINNING AT A POINT, an the easterly side of Moore's Lane said , point being South 17 Degrees 15 Mimutes O0 Seconds East a distance of 1208.03 feet frem the intersection of the easterly side of Moore's Lane with the southerly aide ef North Road (C.R, #48) and RUNNING T~ENCE, the following three (3) courses and distanbes along lands now or fermerly Costello: 1. North 74 Degrees 45 Minutes O0 Secends East a distance of 635.03 feet, 2. North 58 Degrees I5 Minutes O0 Seconds East a distance of ~L32.g7 feet. 3. Nerth 16 Degrees 01 Minutes 50 Seconds West a distance of 125&.09 feet to the southerly side of North Road (C.R. #48). RUNNING TI~CE, the follewing two (2) courses and distances along the southerly side of North Road (C.R. #48): 1. Nerth 69 Degrees O0 Minutes 20 Seconds East a distance of 288.73 feet. RUNNING ~C~, South 16 Pegree~ O1 Minutes 50 Seconds East along RI~NING ~F~CE, the following tuo (2) courses enddistances along Lands now or formerly the Incorporated Village of Greenport: 1, South 58 Degrees 15 Minutes 00 Seconds West a distance of 713.30 feet. 2, South 74 Degrees &$ Minutes O0 Seconds West a distance of 669,70 feet to the easterly side of~oore's~ne. RUNNING ~C~, North 17 Degrees 15 Minutes OD Seconds West along he easterly aide of Moere's Lane a distance of 315.19 feet to the peint or place of beginning and centaining within said beunds an area of 1,152,271 sq. ft. or (26,4525 Ac) ,~, ATTACHMENT K John A, Costello ,, 205 Wiggin~ Lane Greenport, NY 11944 48 acres - 1000-040-05-01 Noore~ Lane greenport~ NY 11944 AJOINIMG PROPERTY OWNERS (within 200 feet} Arthur Nichol~ ~la~io Gio~n~lli James Chute Niddleton Road GreenRortw NY 11944 Mary zi~kas Box 222 Greenport; NY 11944 greenport~ NY 11944 William Adams ~iddleton Road 820 Mlddletoo Road G£eenport~ NY 11944 Greenport~ NY 11944 960 Middlton Road - 1000-033-5-16 1000-033-5-17 1000-040-5-2 1000-040-5-3 i000-040-5-4 1000-040-5-5 1000-040-5-6 1000-040-5-7 1000-040-5--8 1000-040-5-10 _ST FOR SET-OFF Adjoining roads: Northerly boundary is Coun~ Rt. 48 Westerly boundary is Moores Lane {Vilt. of Greenport} Town Hall. 53005 Mare Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 December 3, 1986 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall $outhold, New York 11971 Transmitted herewith is the petition of John A. Costello requesting a change of zone from "M" Light Multiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing District on certain property located at the southeast corner of the interse¢:tion of Moore's Lane and Middle Road {County Reute 48), Greenport, New York. Please prepare an official report defining the conditions descirbect in said petition and determine the area so affected by your recommendation Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk p ~2~ 761 531 ' ~ p 523 761 535 RECEIPT FOR CErTIFiED MAiL RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAiL I RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED hO I~SUP~!IGE COVE~ASE PROVIOE~, RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL riOT FOP, INTER;;~TiOr;AL !Se~ Reverse) Ii:¸ q P 5~.~ 7~1 534 ,, RECEIPT FOR CERT!F~ED P 5~' 761 537 REC~=IPT FOR CERTIFIED fflAtL 523 7[.-1 536 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIEO' MAIL RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIE[~ MAiL p 523 ',~61 524 ~ECEIPT POR CERT]PIED MAIL m p 523 7~t ~5 RECEIPT FOR CERT%FtED OFFICE OF ~I~E TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town tlall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 So~thold, Ne~v York 11971 November 2~, 1986 To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto is a Long Environ~nental Assessment Fo~m submit[ed to tlqe Southold Town BoaFd by John g. Costello with respect [o his petition for a change of zone from "M" Light Muhiple Residence District to "AHD" Affordable Housing Distl'ic~ on certain property located at Moores Lane and County Rou~e ~8 Greenport, New York, consisting of 26. ~5 acres. v Judith TYTer~ // Boutl~old Town Clerk ~ NOV Z 4 ~0 TO~¥N OF SOUTHOLD 26.45 ~c£e AHD zone -- south east side D.~rcel 1000-40-5-1 John A. Costello,' '~f'r~e c) tlome Setauk~t, NY 11733 Rezone vacant-'.26'45 Reslde~Yal ~a "AHD" ' -' for single family dwellinq amd sewer to be provided by the Inc. Village of Greenport -3- ' = (¥~, .~6) ' (Type) CD&~e) (~ei -4- STATI~ CF NEW YOR/{ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITI0.N IN TIIE. i%LkTTI~R OF ~ PETITION OF FOR A CI{.4.NGE, I%IODI~FECATION OR ~IENDBIENT OF T~P'- BUILDING ZONE ORDL'~- A/iCE 0E' TIlE T0IVN OF SOUTEtOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO TIlE TOWN BOA~qD OF T~iE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (~lse~ n~a of petitioner) S~o~ County, New York, the unde~igned, am ~he owner of ce~ain real property siluatad a~ ..~9.Q~ti..k¢....~.~.O.~0.~l..~.=...~... and more partic~'ly bounded and described as follows: SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE #1 2. I do hereby· petition the Town Board of the To%vn of Sou{hold to change, modify and araend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk CountT, Ne%¥ 'York, ina!udLug the Buildin~ Zone Aiaps heretofore made a part thereof,' as follows; To change Parcel B described above of "M" Light Multiple to ?AHD" Affordable Housing District. To provide moderate income housing to the employees and residents of Southold Town. STATE OF N~'IV YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) John.}~,.~Jl%%e].l.o. ................................ BEING DULY SWOll!f, deposes and says that thi~ . .2.4.t.h. day of..N..oY.e.m.b.~.r. ............ 19.8.6.. ........ Nutar.v Public. LINDA C. WILTON - $CH ~= ': ': 86 -1470B )ULE 1 . Parcel B Description of lands situated at Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and being more pargicually bounded and described as follows: B'~GINNING AT A POINT, on the easterly side o~ Moore's Lane said point being South 17 Degrees I5 Minutes OD Seconds Eas~ a discnace of 1208.O3 southerly side of North Road (C.R. #~g) and I RUNNING ~ENCE, the followlng three (3) courses and disEances along l~nds now or formerly Costello: i I. North 74 Degrees 45 Ml~luLes 00 Secondm Ea%t a distance of 635.03 feet. 2. North 58 Degrees 15 Mimute$ O0 Seconds E~st a distance of 132.97 3. North 16 Degrees Ol Minutes 50 geconds Welsc a distance of 1254.09 feet to the southerly side of North Road I(C.R. ~48). RUNNING '~F~CE, the following two (2) coursesI and distances along the southerly side of North Road (C.R. 1. North 69 Degrees O0 Minutes 20 Seconds Ea~'t a distance of 288.73 feet. '2. North 71 Degrees 28 Minutes 20 Seconds E~t a distance of 312.65 in the office of the Suffolk County Clerkl on February 6, 1942 as R~NNING ~F~C~, South 16 Degree~ O1 Minutes 50 Second~ East along now .or formerly the Incorporated Village of Greenport. RIINNING ~%~ENCE, the following cwo (2) course$~anddi~tances along lands now or formerly the Incorporated Village of 1, South 58 Degrees 15 Minhte~ O0 gecond~ Ws~t a di~tanc~ of 713,30 2. South 74 Degrse~ 45 Minutes 00 Seconds We~t a.distance of 669.70 RUNNING ~CE, North 17 Degree~ 15 Minu~es O~ gecond~ West along and containing withi~ ~aid bounds an area of 1,152,~71 q. ft. Or (26,4525 Ac) T~t,,'~N BO &~TO,,VN OF SOU~TH~OI.D In the Matter of tim Pctition of t hot wn Boardof heTo~' ¢Soutbold. TO,: NOTICE YOU ARE ttE~EBY GIVEN NOTICI~: e Town of Sou[hold to Eastern & Southern set-off OF 26.45 acres. Tax #lOOQ-O40-Ob-O] That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: "~I" Liqh~t Hultiple Residential I , 5, Tbat within five days from thc date hereof, a written Petition requesting th~ relief specified above will be filed in dm Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Soutbold, New York and ,ou ma then and there examine [he same during regular office hours. 516-765-1801 ~ Y 6. That before tile relief sot~ght may be granted, a public hearing must be heldI on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing nmst be published at least ten days prior tq the date of such hearing in th= Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Martituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of ,tative have the right to ap- Soufimld and designated for the publication of'such notices; that you or your represc pezr and be heard ar such hearing. Dared: Ngvember 24, !986 Mr. Ian Campbell Barbara McGinnes Inc. Village of Greenport Florence Klein Mr. Paul Corwin Mr. Paul Poerschke Mr. Halsey Staples Mr. William Adams Mr. Anton V~inski, Jr. Otto Funk Mary Zipkas Mr. James Chute Mr. William Clayton Mr. Claudio Giovannelli Mr. Arthur Nichols Bertha Martoccia ADDP. ESS 23 Middleton Road, Greenport, NY 11944 820 Middleton Road, Greenoort, NY 11944 Third Street, Greenport, NY 11944 1420 Middleton Road, Greenport, NY 11944 31Middleton Road, Greenport,NY 11944 27 Middleton Road, Greenport, NY 11944 Beach Road, Greenport, NY 11944 Middleton Read, Greenport, NY 11944 Biddleton Road, Greenport, NY 11944 15 Middleton Road, Greenport, NY 11944 P.O. Box 222, Greenport, NY 11944 Middleton Road, Greenport, NY 11944 Middleton Road, Greeport, NY 11944 3 Middleton Road, Greenport, NY 11944 North Road, Greenport, NY 11944 960 Middleton Road, Greenport, NY 11944 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ss.: John A. Costello ,residingat206 Wiggins La., Greenport, NY 11944 , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 24th day of November ,1986 , deponent mJled a true cop)' of the Notice set forrb on the reverse side hereof, directed ro each of the abox -named persons at the addresses set oppolhe tbclr respective names; tbat the addresses sec opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roil of the Town of Sourho[d; that said Notices were mailed at the Unked State, Post Office at Greenport ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (~g-?stm-~) mail Sworn to metbis 24th day of November ,19 86 Notary Public ]~NDA C. WILTON and · John A. Coste)]O," · . Greenpe~t,Ii' l~¥ 11944 516-477-1199 Initial * 8,5 0 0 .. 0 85 0 0 u change only pending demolition) - 12. · b. Current $ouclFl,~ -4- WILL P~OJECT AFFECT ANY WATER BODY DESI5NATEO AS .......... ~ ~ BODY OF m 2. IIILL PROJECT AFFECT Al~ QUALITY? ........................... ~ ~" O@ 10. Il. OR FUTbRE O~Et: SPACES OR REC~S~T[OIIAL O?PDRT~'II?TES? ...... ~ r~i ',,,..y I NO YES NO YES ENERqY ~U~PL¥.~ ........................................... ~"~ ~'~ or ELECTRICAL DISTURBANCE AS A ~£$ULT OF TNI$ p~OJECT? ....l~ HILL PROJECT AFFECT PUBLZC HEALTM AND SAFETY? Iue$ effect.