HomeMy WebLinkAboutE.L.I Kampgrounds Amend #103 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO TOWN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 103 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held on the 10th day of February, 1976, the Town Board enacted the following amendment to the Town Code entitled "Code of the Town of Southold" together with the Building Zone Map forming a part thereof as followings to wit: Amendment No. 103 amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-I" General Multiple Residence District the property of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Karnpgrounds, Inc. situate at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and .more particularly bounded and described as follows: Parcel 1 ALL, that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen Street; running thence from said point of beginning along the southwesterly line of Queen Street South 48 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 236.15 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; running thence along said land of the Village of Greenport the following three courses: (1) South 0 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds West 917.17 feet; (2) North 80 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 1011.71 feet; and (3) North 0 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 308 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or for- merly of J. Fenno and land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco he following two courses and 'stances: (1) North 5 degrees 15 ~utes 10 seconds East 273.89 ; (2) North 71 degrees 47 res 40 seconds East, 505.01 a point and running thence 'h land of Petitioners. ~ degrees 37 minutes 00 East, 361.76 feet to the point or place of beginr Containing an area of acres. - Amendment No. 103 also amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District the property of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Karo- pgrounds, Inc. situate at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and r0ore particularly bounded and described as follows: Parcel II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the southeasterly line of the Middle Road, with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of Queen Street two courses' (1) South 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 135.00 feet to a monument; running thence through other land of Petitioners, South 63 degrees 37 minutes seconds West, 361.76 feet to land now or formerlv of A.L.R. Fram. isco, rtmning thence along said b, nd now' or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco North l0 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West, 441.32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; running thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski the following two courses: (1) North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 186.86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; running thence along the southeasterly line of Middle Road North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 206.14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 5.1273 acres. That the aforesaid changes of zone are subject to the following conditions, to wit: 1. That public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the premises which are the subject of this resolution be supplied by the Incorporated Village of Green- port at the sole cost and expense of the petitioners which said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall comply with all of the requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and that said water supply and sewage disposal systems be installed and in operation prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purposes whatsoever. 2. That in the event that any portion of the premises located within 100 feet of the land owned by the Village of Greenport is utilized for campgrounds or trailer sites, a 6 foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of said land of the Village of Greenport. 3. That the portion of the premises adjacent to County' Route 27. to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and that no buildings or structures of any type what- soever shall be erected or maintained thereon. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone be ap- proved by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold; that in the event that County Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated that said buffer zone shall be extended so that said buffer zone shall at all times extend 100 feet from the said highway. 4. That to miaimize traffic hazards ~ may occur by COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~ ss' STATE OF NEW YORK, S~uart C. Dormant. being duly Sworn, . . . . . . . , . . . - . . . · · · · · · ....... . . . , . . . . · . . scrys thcxt ...l?.. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published <it Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, oi which the annexed is <x printed copy, has been published in the scfid Suffolk Weekl,/ Times once in each week, for . . 0~(~ (1) weeks successively commencing on the ...~'~_~;at:. ................. day of .... '.~R.r,-~ ~: 'm ...... , ._:_; .... 19...7. 6 ./. .... . . . .--. , ,~.-. ,.~.. "..~ ..................... Sworn to before me this ../ ........ · day of .... ? ,. ~. 19./:~.~.~. ...... ./.' . . ,. / ./ ,/ ,,,,'.,,. ., S'-I OOd 'AO~ , S)IN~.I. Olld3S ~g S"'I ,J3S ]OOdS$', 'uo!leoe/, il ~u!~np ~looax e aoj '~u!j .alAI 'sluoaed s,u~oa~ 'sa~ o[~ u~ gu[MI ~ou 's~oa8 ae ~d 'led saoly~n~p s~' '~ oJopoo~ 's2~ 'l~u .a~ S,U~ls!~ oaO~ Kuomoaoa ag oso~l guomv 'sluoaud uo '$~oG mu~II[~ 'sz~ puu en line s,l~JUl oqz 'PO'lma[Ito .Ao~ oq~'gg qo~'~ep~s jo o~qsaad pueIsI aalIoqS aq~ at ~ qs[e~ a[[aq:'tpl u~s~aN q oloqd II! tf lxou ll~fl lelUOlO3 lglUUOl f aql ]o ~I oq~ aoi II~ s,~ m~snq ~u~snp ~aeaq~ aq, ,g 's SCl ~Jeaq}~ PUelSl aa~loqS !~ amn~so, ~eP-ll~ u~ }e uaa[g P~ o[ a l~[UOlO5 aoj suo!lanalSUI ~oPnl~u! SleHOle~ .~ul~os ssoJlsm~os oo[aou g ,(q op~m m~ lopom oMld~, ~q uJo~ , ::::~-.:.::;~:.' . :~ ':' :'., ~. ::::::::::::::::::::::~:,.~ .... ~:. ~,-.'.': . ~ , .....  .p~ 'a[c put .ILO' LIlll 'Pi: uq( II.It' reason of trailer'vehicles en- tering and leaving said premises, suitable turn-off or deceleration lanes or such other highway '~' facilities as the agency having jurisdiction of County Route z7 shall prescribe shall be provided. 5. That in order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide Town highway, the same will be required to be widened to 50 feet. Prior to occupancy of the rezoned premises by the owners thereof for trailer park purposes, the owners shall at their own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the westerly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with the then Town highway requirements and when so im- proved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. 6. That the portion of the premises extending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 be restricted to open recreational uses with no structures constructed thereon. 7. That any use of said premises as a campground as proposed by Petitioners shall be on a seasonal basis only for the period from April 1st to November 30th of each year. 8. That said premises be used only for the purpose of operating thereon campgrounds franchised by Kampgrounds of America, Inc. in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other authorities having jurisdiction thereof and that no buildings or structures shall be erected on the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use except the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidental thereto. DATED: March 23, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN TOWN CLERK I/sTA1--2356 ** dso **tof ,,: :al ~s$ odC. 'oa .ad u at i~old, itand eand r~ or ~nd [: of '~ of ~]at !he :role :of ~ad r7 io' oa~ oq ~q 0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss' .... Stuar-t C. DOrmaa ................ bein9 duly S' sqs th~ ...~}..~ is Printer ~nd Publisher of ~e SUFI WEEKLy TIMES, ~ news~per publish~ county~ ~nd ~h~t the notice, of which ~e annexed is ~ p~ ~PY, h~s been published in the ~nce in each week, for . . One (1) successivMy eommencin~ on ~e ...FSr.~ ............ d~y of .. A~r_~_~._..~ . .......... , .,:<_:_.~ .... 19...~ 6 Swora to ~oze me this ../ ........ · , . day of ('5'''''~'~ ; ..... 19.,/:'.q-; I , ..... ' ~ .. <~_ 0z <~ 0z_ 01.- -- zIJJ ._jO ZUJ nO a3n,' nO n,,Oc3 LU~ Z= ~nn' k..Z '.~ -JLU k.-Z~ ltl WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southoid by ..R.9~.~'.~...C..~....W..~.~9~...~...'~9~.~...~.~...~.~-..a..n..~.o.D....and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Buiid,ng Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from "A" Residential & District to '.'.~..-.~.'i...~..e.~}eral Multiple .......... ~'~'~'~ ~'£L{~3'~'~ ..... t{~'£ ~'~'~'~' District the property described in said petition and "A" Resident~ial & Agricultural District to "B" ?.ight Business Dzstrict the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..... ~.l.t.~.....dav of ......................... ..~.a.~f ............... , 19.~..., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is GRANTED subject to the following conditions, to wit: (conditions attached hereto). BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLERK March 29, 1976 CONDITIONS ROBERT C. WILTON & JONN J. KAMPGKOUNDS , INC. Town of So~,h ,o]d, CLAN'tON AND EASq!ERN LONG ResideNt:kal D~str{ct to "M-i" General HultiNle Residential Dis- trict AND "A" R,Dsio~er~_lal and .~%gElc~llcu,al District to "B" Light Busi.' ~b~o- District. o~~ L~'~,~"~p_~,~ ~ w~lhtn sa~d ~uffer zone be approved by the Plannin~ Board ..... zho '[o~n o[ Souiho]d; that in the exer~t tha~ Co,m~x ~c, ut_ shall be wider:ed. z~l~e:'ed or relocated that said buffer ;zone sha]i %c: exnended so that said bt~i'fer ,-~t- ;}.:al! at all %i~es extend 100 feet from the said hi.l: v, ay. (,~, qr. :-.::',:-~T, a C,:~ [or~t v.~ue ~ ,~ n },J~h,va¥, the Fo:me ~:., "~E. ,' }:,r.:.','c E.~,d ~):~,e E 1T [..~ol c ~ ,~ ?~,7,[u~ .... ,... .-o [~ ~,~ ,,,?:] r,~,,l ~v,,,ed, dc'ct~cate l~e st,,;3u to the 'Fc.',~[~ ~,f ~,.u,h ,,l fi' .~,',t? ,,~,,,~. ~7 t,:, ,~ o,:unt 6qO Let ~,,Un c,i C,,:~4:, F,..,re z,' :~.~ ~ , ~,~ .... :~ 2 :-],[~]1 },,~ ot~ :~ ~c:~Fo!;r~} 1 '-Lis ~.~ " .... ?:,... ~,..r.,~,~' ~'' ~ f .ach And iT iS F'L~,THE~( RESOLVED that Pursuant lo Section 1330 of the Suffolk Count)' Charter be and she i~ereby is directed to s;ui,mit a cert~Jed c,~,z,~ :--:.soi~ion io the Suffolk CountY. Plannin~ Commission for i:s ,~or~r'c,x-a~.. the Fo,~;n C'~,ork i~ :,,:~'~!,~ direcled · . NOTICE oF AMENDMENT TO TOWN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 103 NOTICE. IS: H.~RBBY GIVEN - ~'t.hat at a m~etin~f-'.~the~,;town Board of the Towi~?i~'-SoUthold, Suffolk County, Ne~'d~~, .~held on the,.10th day of FebyUary,./t976, the Town Board enacted the following amendment to the Town Code entitled ~'.~ode of the Town of Sout. hold'~ together with the Building Zone Map forming a. part thereof as followings to wit: Amendment No. 103 amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing froha "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural District to "M-I" General Multiple Resi- · dence District the property of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kamp- gr°t~nds, In~:. situate at Green- port, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and describ- ed as follows: Parcel I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvemCfitS thereon erect- ed, situa~te,"~'~"'and being at Greenpbrt, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located °n the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825';9:t f~¢t nbutherly from the intersection of the ~$outheast- ' , . erly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen' Street; running thence' from said point of beginning along the 'southweSter- ly line of Queen Street South 48 degrees 43 minutes SO Seconds East 236.1S feet to ~nd of the Village of Greenport; running thence along said land, of the ~Village of Greenport'the following three courses' (1) South 0 degrees S1 minutes 20 seconds West 9-~7.17 feet; (2) North 80 degrees, 07 minutes 20 .seconds West 1011.71 feet; and (3) North 0 degrees 4S minutes' 00 seconds East 308 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or formerly of J. Fenno and land now or formerly of A;L.R. Francisco the following two courses and distances' (1) North S degrees 1S minutes 10 secnods East 273.89 feet; (2) North 71' degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds East, SOSi01 feet to a point and running thence through land of Petitioners, North 63 degrees 37,minutes 00 seconds East, 361.76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 18.8717 acres. Amendment No. 103 also amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing, from "A" Residential and' Agricultural Dis- trict to "B" Light Business Dis- trict the property., of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kamp- grounds, Inc. situate at Green- port, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and more particularly bounded and describ- ed as follows: Parcel II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of Now Yarlc )i COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK~' ss: Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, h.as been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week,, for .........../ ........................... weeks successively, commencing on the ...... /. ................................ , day of .... ~; ......,,;.:..:. ................ 19 .... ..... .... . ..... * ............ ......o......o ..... ...o. ~.. Sworn to before me this ~ day of .... .... .... ............... . BEGINNIN~G at a monumen: w- the intersection of the southeast- erlv line of the Middle Road, with the westerly line of Queen Street. from said point of beginning · running along said westerly line of .,,,Queen Street two courses: (1) South 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 135.00 feet to a monument; running thence through other land of Petitioners, South 63 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West 361.76 feet to land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco; running thence along said land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco North 10 de- grees 07 minutes 20 seconds West, 441.32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; running thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski the follow!ng two courses: (1) North SO degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 186.86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; running thence along the south- easterly line of Middle Road North 50 degrees 52 minute~ 10 seconds East, 206.14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of S.1273 acres. That the aforesaid changes of zone are subject to the following conditions, to wit: 1. That public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the premises which are the subject of this resolution be supplied by the Incorporated Village of Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the petitioners which said water sup- ply and sewage disposal systems shall comply with all of the re- quirements of all agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and that said water supply and sewage disposal systems be installed and in opera- tion prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purposes what- soever. 2. That in the event that any portion of the premises located within 100 feet of the land owned by the Village of Greenport is utilized for campgrounds or trailer sites, a 6 foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of said land of the Village of Greenport. 3. That the portion of the premises adjacent to Count>' Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and that no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever shall be erected or maintained thereon. That the type and loca- tion of landscaping within said buffer zone be approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold; that in the .event that,,~'! County Route 27 shall be widened,= altered or relocated that said buffer zone shall'be extended so that said buffer zone shall at all times extend 100 feet from the said highway. 4. That to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer vehicles entering and leaving' said premises, suitable turn-off or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as the agency having jurisdiction of County Route 27 shall prescribe shall be provided. S. That in order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide Town highway, the same will be required to be widened to SO feet. Prior to occupancy of the rezoned premises by the owners thereof for trailer park purposes, the owners shall at their own expense improve .I Sledjeski; running thence al6ng and pave a 17 fool'st~ip along the westerly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with thc then 'fown highway requirements and when so improved alld paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. 6. That the portion of the premises extending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 be restricted to open recreational uses with no struc- tures constructed thereon. 7. That any use of said premises as a campground as proposed by Petitioners shall be on a seasonal basis only for the period from April 1 st to November 30th of each year. 8. That said premises be used only for the purpose of operating thereon campgrounds franchised by Kampgrounds of America, Inc. in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other amhorities having jurisdiction thereof and that no buildings or structures shall be erected on the premises nor shall the premises be used for an~' use except the uses specified herein and uses acces- sory and incidental thereto. DATED: March 23, 1976 BY ORDEROFTHE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN TOWN CLERK 1T4/I ....... aql i~ ~olgluammoa aq~ NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO TOWN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 103 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting, of the Town Board of the Town of So~t.~ld, Suffolk County; New York, he]rill on the 10th day' of February., ~.1976, the Town Board enact~Cl' the following amendment to the Town Code entitled "Code of the~own of Southold" together w~.F' the Building Zone Map forming a part thereof as followings to wit: Amendment No. 103 amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing from "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural District to "M-I" General Multiple Resi- dence District the property of Robert C. Wilton., John J. Clanton and ~Eastern Long Island Kamp- grounds, ~Inc."situfit, e at Green- port, Town of Southo~cl, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly.bounded and describ- ed .~as follows: Parcel I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel.,of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erect- ed, situa~te, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk Courity, State of New York, bounded and described as follows- BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeast- erly line of Middle Road with the. westerly line of Queen Street' running thence from said point of beginning along the southwester- ly line of Queen Street South 48 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 236.15 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; running thence along said land of the Village of Greenport the following three courses: (1) South 0 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds West 917.17 feet; (2) North 80 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 1011.71 feet; and (3) North 0 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 308 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or formerly of J. Fenno and laxad now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco the following two courses and distances' (1) North 5 degrees 15 minutes 10 secnods East 273.89 feet: (2) North 71 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds East, 505.01 feet to a point and running thence through land of Petitioners, North 63 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East, 361.76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 18.8717 acres. Amendment No. 103 also amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural Dis- trict to "B" Light Business Dis- trict the property of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long' Island Kamp- grounds, Inc. situate at Green- port, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and more particularly bounded and describ- ed as follows' Parcel II .... ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at. Greenport, Town 'of Southoid, Suffolk County, State of New York~ bounded and described COUNTY OF: SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Sherley Kotz, being duly sworn, soys that she is on Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND. TRaVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long !sland Traveler-Watch_ man once each week for ............. ./... successively, commencing on the. / ........... weeks o: ..................... , / / ~ ,.~._. .......... ...... .................... Sworn to before me this ..... .~ ................... day of · .............. , .......... the i~rcrsection of the southeast- erlx' tine of the Middle Road, with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of 'Queen Street two courses: (1) South 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East. 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 13S.00 feet to a monument; running thence through other land of Petitioners, South 63 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West 361.76 feet to land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco; running thence along said land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco North 10 de- grees 07 minutes 20 seconds West, 441.32 feet to land of Let) Sledjeski' running thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski the following two courses: (1) North 50 degrees S2 minutes 10 seconds East, 186.86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; running thence along the south- easterly line of Middle Road North S0 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 206.14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 5.1273 acres. That the aforesaid changes of zone are subject to the following conditions, to wit: 1. That public water supply and · sanitary sewage disposal to the premises which are the subject of · this resolution be supplied by the Incorporated Village of'Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the petitioners which said water sup- ply and sewage disposal systems :~r~.all comply with all of the re- qu'irements of ali agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and that said water supply and sewage disposal systems be installed and in Opera- tion .Prior to thc occupancy of the premises for any purposes what- soever. ' 2. That in the event that any portion of the premises located within 100 feet of the land owned by the Village of Greenport is utilized for campgrounds or trailer siteS, a 6 foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of said land of the Village of Greenport. 3~ That the portion of the Premises adjacent to County Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and that no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever shall be erected or maintained thereon. That the type and loca- tion i.~.~, landscaping within said bu ~..'t,:Zone be approved bv the Planing Board of the Town of .',. ~-So~bld;,that in the event that : COurity Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated that said bUffer zone shall be extended so that said buffer zone shall a~ all times extend 100 feet from the .said highway. 4. That to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer veh{cles entering and leaving· said premises, suitable turn-off or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as -the agency" ' ': ' ' ' hav~ng junsd~ctmn of .County Route 27 shall prescribe ..... sha~ll ~p_j.p~ided. Town highway, the samc will bo required to be widened to S0 feet. Prior to occupancy of the rczoned premi~ses by the owners thereof for trailer park purposes, thc owners shall at their own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the westerly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with the then Town highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. b. That the portion of the premises exlending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 be restricted to open recreational uses with no struc- tures constructed thereon. 7. That any use of said premises as a campground as proposed by Petitioners shall be on a seasonal basis only for the period from April I st to November 30th of each year. 8. That said premises be used only for the purpose of operating thereon campgrounds franchised by Kampgrounds of America. Inc. in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations .sag: of the Town of Southold and other authorities having jurisdiction :~olI thereof and that no buildings'or structures shall be erected on the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use except the uses au ac specified herein and uses acces- ~q~l; sory and incidental thereto. DATED' March 23, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE aau SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN qaoa TOWN CLERK ~t 1T4/I $ osl us snqmnlo3 jo lq$!u~ Xug '~olsaaolu[ aae no,( JI 'u~o[ ol olq~8~l s~ dn puc g I jo sase aq~ u~m ~IoqleD le~9~ead '(uv 'Hadv qluo~ oql flugnp a~ap d~qsaaqma~ e jo lsp~ aql u~ sl l?uno9 · aaa~op a?ql solep~pu~o uol ~Ialem~xoadd~ oaoq~ 'pueq uo aq o, po~an -mom ano IIV .~ulled?~laed si?uno, ueue~ puc uo~ldaauoD alelnam -tu] 'I?uno) SU!latlS qlb~ STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: JUDITH T. BOKEN, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 5th day of April 19 76 , she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a _ most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Notice of Amendment to Town Ordinance - Amendment No. 103 Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Is land Kampgrounds, Inc. Sworn to before me this ,~[,?r 3~Y~h 'T Y BO~n, Town -~e rk 5th day of April 19 76 "'?~otary public - / ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE NOTARY PUBLIC. State of ,~ew York No. 52-8125850, S, iff,.)lk County Term Expires March 30, OFFIP.~RNEY TO~~LD 425 MAIN ST. [~REENPORT, I. i., N.Y. 1~cJ44 March 24, 1976 }{on. Judith T. Boken Southold Town Clerk Main Street Southold, New York 11971 Re: KOA Dear Judy: Enclosed is new Notice of Amendment relative to KOA which embraces the conditions contained in the Town Board resolution authorizing the change. This notice should be published once in both newspapers and affidavits of publication filed in your office. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosure NOTICE OF AMENDmeNT TO TOWN ORDINANCE AMENDmeNT NO. 103 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held on the 10th day of February, 1976, amendment to the Town Code entitled together with the Building Zone Map followings to wit: Amendment No. 103 amends the changing from "A" Residential and the Town Board enacted the following "Code of the Town of Southold" forming a part thereof as Code of the Town of Southold by Agricultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District the property of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. situate at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk Count}', New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Parcel I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of ]and, with the h, ui]dings and improvements thereon erec:ted, situate, lying and being at Greenpori, Tc, wn of Southo]d, Suffolk County, State of New York, bouuded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Q~iecn Street v, hich monument is distant 835. 92 feet soulberly [rL, m~ i}se i~,terseciion of the southeasterly liue of Middle Road u.'ith ibe v.'eslerly line of Queen Street; ru~ming them'e from said i,c, int of lwrgim]in~ aJong the souihx~esterly line of Q..-en Street Sou~th 48 de~cees 43 minutes 50 secc,r~ds ~Jast 236. ]5 fc.~i Io ]and of the Village of Greenport; ~om~na thence along said ]arid of the VJ]}a~e of Gree:~port the f~l]c,v, fiig l[,ree ~'our'!z~-s: (1) Soulh 0 dvgrees 51 minotes 20 secor~ds West 917. 17 feet; (2t North P, 0 dcErees 07 minutes 20 ~ec'~,nds West 10i]. 71 f'c'et; and (3) ?'~c,!lh 0 de~rees 45 n-,ii~ut~:s 00 seco~]ds East ~;08 fi-et to a n~c,r]~n~e~t and land r,ow or formecly of J. ~enmo; i ur~t~ing l}]~l]z:e a]c.rt~ ]azid now or ~orn]er]v of d. Fenno and lamd now or f,:.,r~,ec]y of A.L.R. Fr'a~misco the following two cou,~'es arid clista~Les: (1) North 5 d~grees 15 mi~]ales 10 seconds East 273. 89 feet; (2) North 71 degr'ees 47 '~minutes 40 sec. on~is E]ast, 505.01 feet to a point arid r'unnin~ they, ce through land of Petitioners, North 63 degrees 37 tab, utes 00 secc,~ds East, 361.76 feet to the p,_,int or place of beginning. Contalnh]g an area of 18. 8717 acres. Page 2 - Amendment No. 103 also amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing from"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B' Light Business District the property of Robert C. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kapmgrounds, Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, particularly bounded and described as follows: Wilton, John J. Inc. situate at New York and more Parcel _&LL that certain plot, piece or parcel of ]and, situale, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGIN-NING at a monument at the intersection of the south- easterly line of the Middle l~oad, with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said point of beginning terming along said westerly l~e of Queen Street two courses: (1) Soulh 1~ degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 690.9~ feet to a monument; thence (~) South degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 135.00 feet to a monument; running thence tt~ough other lm~d of Petitioners, South 63 de~rees S7 minnies 00 seconds West, 361. 76 feet lo land now or formerly of A. L.~. Francisco; running thence along said ]and now or formerly of A.L,.R. Francisco North 10 de~rees 07 minules 20 seconds West, 441.32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; running thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski the roi]owing two courses: (1) North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 186. 86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East,o.'m~o.20 feet to the southeasterly lk~e of Middle Road; running thin,ce along souttneasterly line of Middle Road North 50 de~rees 57 minuies 10 seconds East, 206.14 feet to tine point or place ofbea]nning. Containing an area of 5. 1273 acres. the aforesaid changes of zone are subject to thc following conditions, to wit: 1. That public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the premises which are the subject of this resolution be supplied by the Incorpor- ated Village of Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the petitioners which said water supply and sewage disposal systems shah comply wilh all of the requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and that said water supply and sewage disposal systems be installed and in operation prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purposes whatsoever. 2. That in the event that any portion of the premises located within 100 feet of the land owned by the Village of Greenport is utilized for camp- grounds or trailer sites, a 6 foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall he erected and maintained along the boundary line of suid hind of the Villag(' of Greenport. Page 3 - 3. That the portion of the premises adjacent to County Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and that no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever shall be erected or maintained thereon. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone be approved by the l'lanning Board of the Town of Southold; that in the event that County Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated that said buffer zone shall be extended so that said buffer zone shall at all times extend 100 feet from the said highway. 4. That to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer vehicles entering and leaving said premises, suitable turn-off or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as the agency having jurisdiction of County Route 27 shall prescribe shall be provided. 5. That in order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide Town highway, the same will be required to be widened to 50 feet. Prior to occupancy of the rezoned premises by the owners thereof for trailer park purposes, the owners shall at their own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the westerly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with the then Town highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. 6. That the portion of the premises extending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County I~oute 27 be restricted to open recreational uses with no structures constructed thereon. 7. That any use of said premises as a campground as proposed by Petitioners shall be on a seasonal basis only for the period from April 1st to November 30th of each year. 8. That said premises be used only for the purpose of operating there- on campgrounds franchised by Kampgrounds of America, Inc. in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other authorities having jurisdiction thereof and that no buildings or structures shall be erected on the premises nor shall thc premises be used for any use except the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidental thereto. DATED: March 23, 1976. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN TOWN CLERK Page 4 - PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, APRIL OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. NEW YORK 1~971. 1976, AND FORWARD THREE AFFIDAVITS BOKEN, TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD; Copies to: 3-25-75 The Suffolk Times Long Island Traveler STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: JUDITH T. Southoid, New York, being duly sworn, age of 19 76 notice most York, Notice twenty-one years; that on the Town Clerk of the Town of says that she is over the 15th _ day of M~rch she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a public place in the Town of Southold, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Suffolk County, New Clerk Office Main Road, Southol. d, N.Y. 11971 of Amendment to Town Ordinance - Amendment No. 103 Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. ~" Judith T. Boken, Tovzn Clerk Sworn to before me this 15th day of March 19 76 ~ary Public NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO TOWN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 103 NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN at a meeting of the Town Board. of the Town of Southold, ~Suffolk County, New York, held ~ on the 10th day-of February, 1976, the- Town .Boa£d- enacted the foil.owing amendment to the Town Code entitled "Code of the Town of Southold" together with the Building Zone Map forming a part thereof as followings to wit' Amendment No. 103 amends 'the Code of the Town of Southold ~by changing from "A" Residential and Agicultural District to "M-I" General Multiple Residence District the .property of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. at Greenport, Town of Suffolk ..County, New and more particularly ~,d and described as ~ollows' ~Parcei I ~ 'AI~ that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings iand .improvements thereon i~erected, situate, lying and being !at Greenport, Town of Southold, i~S~folk County, State of New il York, bounded and described as f follows: . i -'BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of i. Queen Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the' intersection ~of the · southeasterly line of Middle Road With 'the westerly line of Queen Street; running thence from said · point of beginning along the '~ sOuthwesterlY line of Queen '. Street South 48 degrees 43 . minutes 50 seconds East 236.15 ; feet to land of the Village of i Greenport; running thence along ~said 'land 'of 'the Village of i Greenport the following three ~ courses: (1) South 0 degrees 51 ~. minutes 20 seconds West 917.17 'feet; (2) North 80 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 1011.71 feet; and (3) North 0 degrees 45 minU~es 00 seconds East 308 feet to'a monument 'and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land-now or for- mer!y of J. Fenno and land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco the foll6'Wing tw distances. (1) North 5 degrees 15 minutes 10 seconds F ' 273.89 feet; (2) North 71 dt.~. ecs 47' minutes 40 seconds East, 505.01 feet to a point and running thence through land of Petitioners, North 63 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East, 361.76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 18.8717 acres. Amendment No. 103 also amends the Code of the Town of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] STATE OF NEW YORK. ~ ss' J Southold ~ ,e~,~anging from~''A'', Barbara B. Dorman being duly Sworn, Residential ~,nd Agricultural ~'~ Oist'!i~ t~b; ~,B'"'Li~t Business says that ........ is Print,r and ~ of the Dist~i~ ~the ~rty of Robert C. Wilt~. '*J~ J. Clanton and WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~xt Greenport, in sai~ Eas~ i~:~ i.~g island Kam- county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is ~x printe~ pgr0U ~ds',/:~ i. Inc. situate at Gre~ ort',:"'~.To~wn ..of Southold, Suff01i ~~;...New York and copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Time: more ~particularly bounded and ~nce in each week, ~or .... ........................One (l.) week: descri .ted as ~follows' Parcel II ...... SUCCeSSiVely commencing on the . E ight:eo-ril:h. .......... ALL'that certain plot., piece or Marc h 7 6 parcel of land, situate, lying and iday of ...................... 19... being at Greenport, Town of ' .~..~.~~.~ Southold, Suffolk County, State of .~m-.. ./.~..~. . .0/~~.... New York, bounded and described as follows: Sworn to b~fore me this ../. ,~.. . l BEGINNING at a monument at · .~..// ~.~' I the intersection of the clay of .. /L~~-.. 19. southeasterly line of the Middle' ~./~di i '~~. ~J~,.~~.~ Road, with the westerly line of ................................. ~'' Queen Street, from said point of ..... ,. ' . ! .... beginning running along said westerly line of Queen Street two ?~.... , . ~-- · ~,..~:- . courses' (1) South 11 degrees 17 I:;.~' 7~ ..... ~ -, . ,-~..'. minutes 10 seconds East, 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) , '"'.. ' '~'" South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 C, ....... ..'.,':,,-. '. seconds East, 135.00 feet to a monument; running thence through other land of Petitioners, South 63 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West, 361.76 feet to land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco; running thence along said land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco North 10 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West, 441.32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; running thence along said land of Leo Sledieski the following two courses: (1) North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 186.86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; running thence along the southeasterly line of Middle Road North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 206.14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 5.1273 acres. Dated: February 10, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLERK 1TM18--2344 NOTIcE O~ AMENDMENT TO TOWN.ORD!..N~. NCE 'AMENDMENT NO.' 103 NOTIC~'.-i$ i'HFJ~¥ GIVEN that '~t ~ i/' ): ~i~~~ the Town Board ~f on the 10tfi' 'CiaY.~~~i-y,' 1976, the Town ,.~:~.~n'acted the following am~t to the TOwn code entifl~i~'.Code of the. Town _of Soutl~.~,~er'with the Building Zot~Map forming a part thereof as .followings to wit: Amendment: No. ' 103 amends :. the, Code~f the Town of Southold by changing from "A" Resi- dential and AgricUltural District to "M-I" 'Genera!~ Multiple Resi- dence' District the property of RobertC, Wilton, JOhn J; Clanton and EaStern Long Island Kamp- grounds, Inc., situate at Green- port, TOWn of Southold, Suffolk COunty, ~New york,. ·and more particularly bounded and describ- ed as follows: Parcel I .: ALL. that. certain plot, Piece or parcel of land, with .the buildings and improvements thereon erect- ~ed~· situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York,' bounded and described as ,.follows: :..~ BEGINNING at a ~monument located on the Westerly line of Queen Street which~monument is · distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection, of ~the southeast- erly line of Middle ROad with the westerlyi.iin~":i~of Queen Street; running'the'nee from said point of beginning'alonglthe Southwester- ly line.of QUe~n ·Street South 48 degrees '43' minutes 50 seconds East 236.15 feet.' to land of the ',Village. ,of Greenport; .running ~thence.. along ~id 'land of the Village·OfGreenport the following three courses: (1) South 0 degrees '51 minutes 20 seconds West ~917.17 feet; (2) North 80 degrees. o7 mfnutes 20' seconds West 1.011.71 feet;-and '(3)' North 0 degrees_ 4~ minutes 00 seconos East '308 feet ~to'a monument and land nOw or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or formeHy of J. Fenno and land now or formerly~of A.L,R. Francisco the following two courses and dis- tances: (1) North 5 degrees 15 minutes ·10 seconds East 273.89 ,8~t'--~z~) N~ 71 degeees 47 sos. 01 East, 3~l'.~/fbet to the poii~t or p!. aceofbe~ng. Containing an .;.Amend'~: No.. 103 amends the Code of the TOwn of $outhold by chang4ng 'from "A', Resi- dential and AgricUltural District to -~B" Hi~h~:'~~e~S' 'District the proPerty:-of Robert C.' Wilton, John 'J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc., Situate at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County;-New York, and more pa~icula£1y bounded and described as 'follows: Parcel II ' .. ALL ttiatl, certain Plot, piece or-par~l.0f!and, Situate, lying being at'..:Greenport, Town of $outhold.~ Suffolk County, State of New Y0rk';:b.'0unded and described COUNTY OF SUFFOLK / STATE OF NEW YORK~ ss: Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island. Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ......... /. ............................ weeks successively, commencing on the ...,/.' ~... ............................ Sworn to before me this ..../.~.. ............. day of ...... ....... , ............. ....... (... -" ':' Notary ~Publte SU5. AN ANNE RE~I~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-4613330 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30, I~7.,7 BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the south- easterly line of the Middle~ Road, with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said point of begin- ning running along said westerly line of Queen Street two courses: (1) South 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 ~econds East, 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2)'South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 135.00 feet to a mOnument; running thence through other land of Petitioners, South 63 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West, 361.76 feet to land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco; running thence along said land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco North 10 de- grees 07 minutes "20 seconds West, 441.32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; running thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski the following two courses: (1) North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 186.86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 295.20 feet to the running thence along the soUth- easterly line of Middle Road North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East 206.14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Con- taining an area of 5.12,73 acres. Dated' February 10, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLERK 1T-3/18 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO TO~N ORDINANCE AMENDbZENT NO. 103 NOTICE of the Town of 10th day of February, amendn,ent to the Town IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Town Board Southold, Suffolk County, New York, 1976, the Town Board enacted Code entitled held on the the following "Code of the Town of Southold" forming a part thereof as together with the Building Zone Map followLngs Uo wit: Amendment No. 103 amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District the property of Rober5 C.. WilEon, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Rampgrounds, Inc. situate at Greenport, Town of Seuthold, Suffolk Couhty, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: P~rcel I Ah~ fhat ceriMn plot, piece or parcel of ]and, with fhe Luildings and irnprovennents thereon erected, situate, and bein~ at Oreenport, Town of Souihold, Suffolk County, Sta~e of New Tork, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a n~onument ]oc:ated on {he v,,esterly line of Queen Street which ~nonumen~ is' disian{ 825. 92 feet souiberly f~om INa intersection of the southeasterly line of T,{Sdc]]e Road. v.'il~} the V.'~slerl}~ line of Queen S~reet; ru}~in~ thence f~'orn said ]:.~.Jnl of l,e~i}~ninS along lhe seuih-a'ester]}' line o~ (~l¢.ea Sir'eel Sc,uih 48 degrees 43 minutes 50 se,' c,~,ds }~asl 236. ]5 feet lo ]and of the V~Nage of Or eenporl; ruhnm~ {henue a]c,n~ said ]a~d of the Vii]age of Greenport the follc,:,in8 lh;'ee couz'ses: (1) South 0 degrees 51 n-,tholes 20 seconds West 937_ ]7 feet; (2) North 80 de. sr,-es 07 }nh'~u~es 20 sec'ends West ]0Il. 'Fl feet; and (3) Non'Ih 0 de,tees 45 n~iodtes 00 seconds ~ast 308 D-et {o a rI~cl,IlN~lldn{ and ]and now OF formerly of J. Fenno; runh~n~ ibex, ce along ]and now or formerly of J. Fenno and ]amd now or former]y of A. L.R. Francisco the fol]o.,:ing two courses and distances: (1) North 5 degrees 15 minules 10 seconds East 273. 89 feet; (2) North 71 de~rees 47 5m[nutes 40 seconds :East, 505. 01 feet to a point and runnin8 thence fl~rough land of Pet]Noners, North 83 degrees 37 minules 00 seconds East, 361.76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Contain~2 an area of 18. 8717 acres. Page 2 - Amendment No. 103 also amends the Code of the Town of Southol by changing from"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District the property of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kapmgrounds, Greenport, To~m of Southo]d, Suffolk County, particularl}' bounded and described as Inc. situate at New Yor}: and more follows: Parcel ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of ]and, s~, ate, lying cling a{ Oreeriport, Town of ~oud]o]d, Suffolk O:,unty, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the south- easterly line of the Middle Road, with the -westerly line of Queen Street, from said po~t of begfnnb~g ruling along said westerly l~e of Queen Street two courses: (1) South 11 de~rees 17 m$nutes 10 seconds East, 690.92 fe~t to a monument; thence (2) South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 135.00 fee( to a monument; ru~in~ thence throush other ]and of Petitioners, South 63 de~rees ~ minules O0 seconds ~est, 361. 76 feet to land no~ or formerly of A.L.R. ~raneJsco; runnfn~ thence along smd !and now or for'merly of A.L.P~. Francisco North 10 degrees 07 ndn,lies 20 seconds West, 441.37 feet lo ]and of 7,eo Sledje~ki; runnin8 lhenee along said land of Leo Sledjeski the following zwo c'cm:'ses: (1) North 50 de~rees 52 minutes 10 secc, nds East, 186. 86 fee~; and H~ence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes 10 s~conds ~ast, 295. 20 feet to the southeasterly ][r~e of Middle Road; runnin~f il,er.lo along southeasterly line of Middle Road North ~0 de~rees 52 rninutes 10 seconds East, 206.14 feel to the point or p]ace of beginnh~g. Containing an area of 5. 1273 acres. ~'~hat the aforesaid changes of zone ape subject to the following condi.tions, to wit: 1. That public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the premises which are the subject of this resolution he supplied by the Incorpor- ated Village of Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the petitioners which said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall comply with all of thc requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and that said water supply and sewage disposal systems be installed and in operation prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purposes whatsoever. · 2. That in the event that any portion of the premises located xvithin 108 feet of the land owned by the Village of Oreenport is utilized for camp- grounds or trailer sites, a 6 foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of said land of the Village of Greenport. Page 3 3. That the portion of the premises adjacent to County Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and that no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever shall be erected or maintained thereon. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone be approved by the Planning Board of i the Town of Southold; that in the event that County Route 27 sballbe ~videned, altered or relocated that said buffer zone shall be exlended so that said buffer zone shall at all times extend 100 feet from the said highway. 4. That to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer vehicles entering and leaving said premises, suitable turn-off or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as the agency having jurisdiction of County Route 27 shall prescribe shall be provided. 5. That in order to provide saitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide Town highway, the same wilt be required to be widened to 50 feet. Prior to occupancy of the rezoned premises by the owners thereof for trailer park purposes, the owners shall at their own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along thc westerly boandary of Queen Street in accordance with the then Town highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. 6. That the portion of the premises e.g-[ending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 be restricted to open recreational uses with no structures constructed thereon. 7. That any use of said pre~nises as a campground as proposed by l~etitioners shall be on a seasonal basis only for tine period from April 1st to November 30th of each year. 8. That said premises be used only for the purpose of operating there- on campgrounds franchised by }fampgrounds of America, Inc. in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Soutbold and other authorities ha%dng jurisdiction thereof and that no buildings or structures shall be erected on the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use except the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidenlal thereto. DATED: March 23, 1976. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOA~ JUDITH T. BOKEN Page 4 - PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, APRIL 1, 1976, AND FORWARD THREE AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD NEW YOR/~ 11971. Copies to: 3-25-75 The Suffolk Times Long Island Traveler COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Suffolk County Department of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Exocutive Veteran.~ .4lemorial Highway March 9, 1976 Hauppauge. L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 Ms. Judith T. Boken, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Adopted changes of zone of "Richard C. Wilton, John J. Ctanton and Eastern Long Island Kemp- grounds, Inc." from "A" Agricultural and Residence District to "M-i" General }~ltiple Residence District and "B" Light Business District, Town of Southold Dear Ms, Boken: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 1330 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission has notified the Inc. Village of Greenport concerning the above captioned changes of zone. Having received no adverse response, the Commission will take no further action. Very truly yours, GGN:fp Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Chief Planner NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO TOWN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 103 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, 10th day of February, 1976, the Town amendment to the Town Code entitled together with the Building Zone Map forming a part followings to wit: Amendment No. the Town Board held on the Board enacted the following "Code of the Town of Southold' thereof as 103 amends the Code of the Town of Southold by changing General Wilton, situate at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to 'M-l" Multiple Residence District the property of Robert C. John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. New York, Parcel I AL1. thai. certain plot, piece or parcel of land, witt] the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, ]ying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825. 92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerl.v line of Queen Street; running thence from said point of beginning along the southwesterly line of Queen Street Sot~ih 48 degrees 43 rninutes 50 seconds East 236. 15 feet lo ]and of the Village of Greenport; running the~ce alon~ said ]and of the Village of Greenport lhe fol]ox¥ing three co~irses: (1) South 0 degrees 51 mim~tes 20 seacmds X%est 917. 17 feet; (2) North 80 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 1011.71 feet; and (3) North 0 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 308 feet to a rnormment and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; run~in~ thence along ]and now or formerly of J. Fenno and lar, d now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco the following t~o courses and distances: (1) North 5 degrees 15 mim~tes 10 seconds East 273. 89 feet; (2) North 71 degrees 47 'tab, utes 40 seconds East, 505.01 feet to a point and running the~ce through land of Petitioners, Norlh 63 degrees 37 minutes 00 seccmds East, 361. 76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containin~ an area of 18. 8717 acres. Page 2 - Amendment No. 103 also amends the Code of the Town of Southol~ by changing from"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District the property of Robert C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kapmgrounds, Inc. situate at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Parcel II ALL that ceriain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, of New York, bounded and described as follows: lying .State BEGIN1NING at a mo:]ument at the intersection of the south- easterly line of the Middle l%oad, with the ~'ester]y line of Queen Street, from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of Queen Street two courses: (1) South ~1 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 890.92 feet %o a monument; thence (2) South 8 degrees 17 minu~es 20 seconds East, 135.00 feet to a monument; running thence through other ]and of Petitioners, South ~3 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds \Vest, 361. 76 feet to land now or formerly of A. L.~. iVrancisco; runnJng thence along said land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco North l0 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West, 441.32 feet to ]and of Leo Sledjeski; running thence along said ]and of Leo S]edjeski the following two courses: (1) North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 186. 86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 dearees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; running thence along lhe southeasterly line of Middle Road North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 206. 14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 5. 1273 acres. Dated: February 19, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, March 18, 1976, AND FORWARD FOUR (4) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLERK, ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. MAIN Copies to: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman John J. C[anton & Robert C. Wilton ~ FF~DIERK SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y, 11971 February 13, 1976 Mr. Lee F. Koppelman Director of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 Dear Mr. Koppelman: Pursuant to Section 1330 of the Suffolk County Charter enclosed herewith is a certified copy of a resolution changing the zone on the property of Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampground, Inc. This resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on February 10, 1976. Very truly yours~ Jud~ th T. Boken Town Clerk WHEREAS, Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampground, Inc. heretofore petitioned the Town Board of the Town of Southold]3y amended petition sworn to on November 15, 1974 for a change of zone of property located on the south side of County Route 27 and the west side of ~ueen Street northwest of the Incorporated Millage of Greenport by chan~ing from "A" ~e~ident~al ~d Agricultural Distr~ct ~o "M-i" General Multiple Residence District a par'ce] of ]and comprising ]8. g717 acres and by changing from "A" ~es~deniia] a~d Agricultural District to "B" Light Busimess District a parcel comprising 5. 1273 acres, and W~EREAS, said petition was referred to the Soulho]d Town Planning Board ~d the Suffolk County P]am~ing Commission, and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Planning Commission by letter dated April 10, 1975 resolved that said char, ges of zone are to be approved for local determination subject to compliance with the followm~ conditions: 1. Public water s~ppl) and sanitary sewage disposal will be supplied by the I~morporated Millage of Greenport; 2. The number of campsites will be limited to 162 itl compliance with "?,'I-l" District requir-ements; 3. The buildings erected on Par'eel Il w~ll be only thoqe used in connc-ction with transient trax el trailer campgrounds; 4. A 100 foot landscaped buffer zone comprising 0. 4732 acres will be provided on the northerly portion to the premises as it fronts on Middle ~oad (C.R. 27); and 5. Q~een Street is to be widenL'd and improved as per Tov, n of Southold specifications. and \\'HJ£REAS, the Southo]d Town Plauni~g Board by ]crier dated April 18, 1975 a,/i~iscd this board lhat the Platming Board at a mectin~ )¥:ld th,~reon on IPehruary 24, 1975 adopted a re~;r:lution cec:o~r~me~ding to this l:,,:~a~'d the approva] of said applicalion, and WF[EREAS, a public hearing was held by this board with respect to said application on lhe 27th day of May, 1975, NOW, TH]~REFORE, ]BE IT RESOLYED that the said Robert C. Wilton, lohn J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. be granted a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to General Multiple Residence District to the following described property, to vA t: Parcel I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of ]and, ,vith the buildings and it~provements thereon creeled, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State o£ New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monunnent located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the v, esierly line of Quecn Street; running the~ce from said point of beginning along the southxxester'ly line of Q~een Street South 48 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 236. ~5 feet to ]and of the Village of Greenport; running thence along smd land of the Village of Greenport the following three courses;: (1) Soulh 0 degr-ees 51 minutes 20 seconds West 917. 17 feet; (2) Nor'th 80 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds 5Sest 1011.71 feet; and (3) North 0 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 308 feet to a n',onument and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; rllnFziug th¢nce a~ong land now or formerly of J. Fe~mo arid ]and now or formerly of A. L.R. Francisco the folloe,~ng t~xo c,7,tir3e~ and distances: (1) North 5 de~rees 15 minutes 10 sec'cmds East 273. 89 feet; (2) North 71 degrees 47 ~2~[nutes 40 seconds East, 505. 01 feet to a point and running thence throuah la~d of Petitioners, North 63 dearees 37 minutes 00 seconds East, 361. 78 feet to the point or place of beginning. Contah~ing an arcs of 18.8717 acres. and it is further RESOLVED that the smd }~ichard C. \Vilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Isl:-md Kan;pg~'ouuds, Inc. ho granted a chahge of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" J,ight 13tlsiness District .vith re,q)t-et 1o the fol]ov, ing described property, to v:it: Parcel [I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lb-lng and being at Greenport, Town of Southo}d, Suffolk Co~inty, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the south- easterly line of the Middle Road, with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said poinl of beginning running along said westerly line of (~ueen Street two courses: (1) South ll degrees t7 minutes 10 seconds ]East, 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds ]East, 125.00 feet to a monument; running thence through other land of Petitioners, South 63 degrees $7 minutes 00 seconds West, 351.76 feet to land now or formerly of A. L.~. Francisco; running thence along said land now or forn, erly of A.L.R. Francisco North l0 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West, 441.3? feet to ]and of Leo Sledjeski; r~mnh~g thence along sa~d land of Leo Sledjeski the following two courses: (1) North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 1S6. 86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrees 17 minutes l0 seconds East, 295. 20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; running thence alon~ the southeasterly line of Middle P~oad North 50 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds East, 206. 14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containin~ an area of 5, 1275 acres. arid it is further RESOLV~2D that the aforesaid changes of zone are subject to the Fo]loxving conditions, to v. it: 1. Thai p~blic x~ater supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the premises v. hich are the subject of this resolution be supplied by the Incorpor- ated Village of Greenport at the so]e cost and expense of the petitioners said ,..,stet supply and sewage disposal systems shall comply ~,.dth all of the z'equirem,-nts of ali agencies haxing jurisdiction thereof, and that said v, aier supply m~d sewage disposal systems be installed and in operation prior to the occt~pancy of ~he premises fop any purposes whalsoever. 2. That in the exent that any portion of the F, remises locMed v, itbin 100 feet of the land owned by the Vi?lage of Greenport is ulilized for camp- grounds or trailer sites, a 6 foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be and maintained along the boundary line of said lard of the Village of Gr~en[>ort. 3. That the pcu'tion of the premises adjat, et-.,t to Com',ty [lonte 27 to a d[st~mce of lO0 feet therefrom :xhall at ali times be maintained as a lanclsc aped b,Jfer zone and that no huildiugs or struciuces of any type whatsoever shall be erected or maintained thereon. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone be approved by the Planning Board of the Totem of $outhold; that in the event that County Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated that said buffer zone shall be ex-tended so that said buffer zone shah at all ~imes extend 100 feet from the said 4. q'hat to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer vehicles enterin[ and ]earing said premises, suilable turn-off or deceleration lanes or ~uch other highway facilities as the age~cy haxieg jurisdielion of Comity ~oute 27 shall prescribe shall be provided, 5. That in order to proxdde suitable access to the premises over Queer~ Street, a 33 foot x~.ide Town highway, the same wilt be required to be ~Jdcr~ed to 50 feet. Prior to occupancy of the rezoued pre~ises by the ov, r~ers thereof 'For trailer park purposes, the owners shall at tl~eir own expense fmprove and pave a 17 foot strip alon~ t['~e ~este~'ly bo~dar'y of Q~een Slreet in accordance with the then Te~n highway r~quirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to ~he Town of Southo]d. 6. That the portion of the premises exte~diuE from a p,_,int 100 feel south of Counly Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of Cocmty ~le 27 be restricted to open recreational uses ~ith no SlFUctuues consir~cted the~con. 7. That any use of said premises as a ca~l~}~gi'oul~d as proposed by Pktitionei's shallbe on a seasonal basis only for the period from April 1st to Noxen-t}~er 30th of each >ear. 8. That ~'aid premises be ~scd only for the purp(~se on campgrom,ds franchised hy Kampg~o~mds of An, erica, l~c. in accorda~me v, ith all of ~he c, rdi~a~ccs, laws ;md ~'eg~]ali~,~s ~f lhe Toy, n (:.f %c,ull~old and other aulhorities having jurisdiction thereof a~icl lhat ~o huildi~gs or strucN~res shall },e er,~c'~ed on the premises nor shall the pre~ni:~es he ~sed for any use exc'~pt the uses specified herein a~d uses acce~sory and i~cldental thereto. -4- And IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that Pursuant to Section 1330 of the Suffolk County Charter that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is d~rected to submit a certffied copy of tkis resolution to the Suffolk Count), Planning Commission for its approval and IT IS ?URTHER ]:tESOLYED that, pursuant to and in the manner required by Section 265 of the Town Law, the Town Clerk is hereby directed Board. (a) Cause this amendment to be entered into the tab, utes of the Town (b) Cause notice of this amendment to be published once inlhe official town r:ewspaper which is hereby designated as the newspaper for such l}~ub] J c ali on. (c) Cause said amendment to be shown and designated on the Building Zo~e Map of the Town and file the same in a separate file or fi]K~E cabinel in lhe 'Fo¥,'n Clerk's office. (d) Cause a copy of said Building Zone Map showing said amendment to be filed in tt~e office of the Building Inspector for lhe use and benefit of the ~ublic. Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 766-1313 PLA N ~III'~G BOARD MEMBERS John Wickharn, Chairman Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle Frederick E. Gordon January 6, 1976 Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia: The following resolution was passed at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held January 5, 1976. RESOLVED that subsequent to a meeting with the Supervisor, Chairman of the Board of Appeals and Richard M. Lark, attorney for the developers, the Planning Board will require certain covenants and restrictions to be placed on property located on County Road 27 and Queen Street, to be developed by Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc., which requirements have been acknowledged by the attorney for the developer. The following will be required to be met by the Southold Town Planning Board as part of site plan approval. 1. The developers will covenant to slide back 100 foot buffer strip if County Road 27 is widened and if dropo£f lane area is more than l0 feet wide. 2. The developers will covenant to keep the recreation area and all land facing Queen Street north of parking area and 600 feet from County Road 27 to be used only as an open and recreational area with no structures. 3. The developers will covenant that only a small identifi- cation sign will be allowed, the size to be determined by the Board of Appeals. 4. The developers will covenant that a six-foot chain link fence will be erected on property line that borders property owned by the Village of Greenport. This fence must be constructed when there are campsites within 100 feet and in any event must be completed within three years. Copies to Town Board members, Chairman of Appeals Board, Town Attorney and Richard M. Lark, Esq. Yours truly, Muriel Brush,/Secretary 1, NORTH ROAD BUFFER A b2ffcr zone will he established on the property %hat fronts North Road. The buffer zone will be that property that is within 100' of the existing ~orth Road mhd w~ll he redefined to inc]ude that property wi%hLn 100~ of the widened North Road when North Road is widened. No structures m~y be erected in this area. 2. NORTH RO~) TURN O~F A turn off lane will be provided to permit East bound vehicles to enter Queens Street without impacting the thru-traffic lanes. 3. QUEENS S ~REET: Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds~ Inc. will sell to the Town of Southold~ for $1oOO7 land to permit the wideninE of Queens Street. h~ DIIRATIO~ OF SEASON: The cmmpgronnd period of operation will be 8 months each year- April t~a November° FENCE: A 6' chain link fence will be erected on property lines that border property o~ned by the Village of Greenport and which have campsites with~m'lO0'. JOHN J. MUNZEL July 23, 1975 Ilich~rd C. Wilton Itl{ 1, ]Box 91 A Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 l{e: Village of Greenport and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds Ir Dear A/Ir. Wilton: Pursuant to your telephone request of this day, enclosed herein please find copy of agreement daled June 27, 1975 with regard to above matter. The original agreement was filed with the Suffolk Conmty Clerk on July 15, 1975. JJM / cal Encl: cc: Village of Greenport If you have any questions please do not hesitathto contact my office. Very i~]~y yo~s, J. th~ V~[~ of Groc~port~ New York~ a ~mn~cf. pn~ cOr~or~tion haviu~ ~ 1191~'~, ;n fee o~mer of the property de~crlbed~ hcrefn~ftcr r~ferred to ITIIEREAS, ¥]ITNESSETH . the Village of Greenport c;.,,~s aud operates m munisipal aanitary" Sewage treatment plant and e~ollection system ,ithin · its territorial boundaries, and I~llEREAS, E.L.I.K. Inc. Is emmet of all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land toEether *~ith i~provemedta thereon, lying and being tn tiao Tox-m of Southold, Cct~nty of Su!folk and grote of llew Yo71% hounded end dc*crihed ns follo~-:~: BEGINIIIUG at a monument at the intersection of the uoutheaoterl~ of the t. ltddle Road, ~*ith the westerly llne o~ Queen St:eel, frcm acid '") ' point of Beginning running along said ~.Jeotar!y line of Queen Strcot~ ~'...' two courses: , · ' fact to a monument thence ?. '(2) South 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 secdnds East de5ree~ 63 minutes 50 seconds East 2~.L5 feec to land of tho Vfilloge', , '... -, TIIENCE' alcng said ln~d qf the Village of Grcenport, three couroeo:~'-..'. / '. / 4 I:~''~'' Yo=l: ' . ; ' " ' ' . " . nm[ t ct- referrc~ to 1194'~ 1:~ fce.-o~.n~er of the property de~cr!beJ~ here~ '' ' ' ~: ': aa E. ,'!o1¢' . . o ° "' ' "'; .... ' : .. WITNESSETH . .' · · WttEREAS, the ¥il. lage of Greenport c;-.,~as and operates a '~!. mun.!Clpa! sanitary' sewage treatment plant and f. ollection system wz'thin il ' ",' '- ';! its territorial boundaries, and · · .. .: -. . ... .- · · ,: .- WIIEREk$, E.L.I.K. Inc.. is o~-mer of ~!I 'tha~- certain plot, .,1 o ~l :i piece or parcel of land tOgether with improveme,~ thereen~ situate :' !y~n.~ and being in the. Town of Southold~ Cc:'.nt;, e._ ,u :,, "ll~w Var'- bounde'd c~.d ~lc$cribed ms follows:- ' . . BEGiN:lING at a monument at the inter~ectlon o~_ thc ~outheaSterly 113~- :ii .of the I-!iddle Road, with the we~t. erly line of Queen Street, frca - · ~[: point of Beginning r~nning along said wester!y line of Q~ecn StrcsC~ '- ~ t¥~o- courses: . · !i' ' - _~- ~.-.. · it';, (1) SOuth 11 degr~6s '17. minuteS'lO secO?-ds... . Eas~ 690- 92/ L...: ..,~ .' ' ~ feet to a monument thence` ~ -' . .' " .~,.. L:i -.. ; ;' ~2') '-So'uth' 8 degrees 17 minutes 20 'secdmd~ East 135.0 fea~.' -'{ · :i - " '- ' · ' I~ ' ' . ..... -4 · ' :i ' .- ':-- '~ - [ - .~ . . '. -.. ~ - - ' '.. - I . ' ..T~ENCE aionS the southwes:er!y line of said queen S~ree~ Soa~h ; ...... I' " .. ; "~fJ .;Cng-tee= 43 mln~tem 50 ~ecoads East 236 15 fe~t to Icad of the · ' . ; . . - '.; . · .... ..-~ ~ ..... . . ~-=.' .- ':~[:. · . . -[~.' .'~ - .. ... ,, .....:-.-.:. .... - ...... ..... ~.~ -' .......... :.' ~... ~.. .-..~2 .~, ~$ . .. " (t) ' ,i · .... ~ ..... . ........ ~_~.. i. .~ ~ ..-...-:. _ . ..................... .. . . (2) " ~ to a monument; thence ' ' a monument thence· along t~nd fomerly of Franc.!~co no~, or fomerty of "~ "Fenno, t.l. or~h '5 deg~e~ 1-5 minutes 10 ~econd~ East. 273.89 feet; . ' ." , '.. ' - -i} THENCE along ~7~id' la's~.menti°ned land nndclong land nox-~'or fo~erly of . :[ .' (2) North Il degree~ 17 minutes lO zeconds }lest 295.20 feet· ,' to said southeasterly line .of the I.:tddle Road-; 'TIIENCE along said southeasterly line North 50 de~rees 5l minutes tO-' ' · seconds East 206.14 feet to the. point or place of BEGINHtNS.' -,-.-. , ConLalnin t, acres. . .~ . · {" .', 1{ WHEREAS, it ts .the policy of the Villosc of. ~reenport,:-}le~. :i York ~o 'restrict sanitary se-a~e servicc Co use~ !oca~ed .i~htn [~o' territorial limits, 'and - ' · "? ' ' " ' ' -'- '" ' '-- * .~ ~ ~ 2. ' .:, ,.:a... . .: .... :: : .... ~-; ~.**~:;"*."-~'?,-'-'-?'"'""*'"'; . ....... .'":,:- -? .':' "-~ :"X :.'....' .':, ~'-; :..~. , (1) s0Uth~:' O' degrees 51 minutco 20' oocoads l. lest Nortl% O0 degrees. 07 minutes 20 secoUd9 l-lest 1011.71 feet .. ~. ~}-TII~.ICE along land no~-~"or formerly of SledJeski t~-:o courses;. " --. -' ..: ... .:. i~' .. .. :. :{. : . (1) North.-'50.'degrees 52 minutes 10 ~econds' East 1.86.86 fee~;' _ thence'.. -' -- . · .. I.IIIEREAS, it is the obltgatl°n-of' the Yi.!!e~'e to serve all ,:. uoers and citizens v!thtn its territorial. limits, and ' · . " .',. i; WiiEREAS, the Village of Creenpor~ by special act of the · · '..~ Villa§e.-Board of Trustees may connect sever ~e;-:~tce to oucl¥ing n;y.e.a~ i; if sewage demands do not exceed.plaht capacity, and · · . . .. · (2) '. ~-~HEI1EAS E.'L.I'.K. Inc' has mad~ .pplicntion for ' ' . . . . -. . . ! · .' .. : · 0 ~! . " ' . ' 'l '" :J WHEREAS,. t'*~°' ether'applicants in'the i~nediate area 'ha~"' "~': " '~-I~ . . _ -*-..,.. -' ' ' I{IIERE~., the Village Bo~rd el Trustees not vmmtlng t° att'tn '. a dtocrfminatory manner and having made flo;~ -ladies of t~-' three.` ' :"'~.-.' ; ,, roJect~ and ftndtnB .the total flow ~ill not endanger thc plant copaclty~- -~'.'.." { i~ P " ' "" · · ' ' ; { · . _ .~ · . . ;:.. ' . I-HtERE~, scu~r, serVice e~:ists' t'n: thc. imedinte area, ~md, ., . -- ~ , :.......; ..~ ..... ..' ~; .. · ,.· l' " ' .' . ;1 WIIERE~, this contract is oubjcct ~..t° approv by tho · " "'-,.~ ; ~1 .... .-. . . .... ..~. '- r - - .. ~ ~:'' :; 'Vlti~d Ooard of Trustees " : .. ''-~,, ' . ., ~. ., . ....... .... ;~ . . . · -. · _..:. .-. . ._. . ,,;' HO!-1 TIIEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual promise0 ~nd. ,: i.' ' ' "' ~; · . .-' ~i covenants contained herein, the parties agree as fo!tows~ .. ~......: .. · ~ ..:~ ... .... .~ (I) The Village grant~, tho.righ~ to E.L.!.[(. Inc. to.- ,.. [.' . '; . . . . . . . .-. ' ';: ~ny' 'C* {" .... ,-po0 - aa. f,o,, of s,o0o ;'.:::'" ' " i .. . ' -- .'. { {- '~he.' e :-',"';{ ::,'.- , .. ~ ·,. -.~ ~ ' -, .......:, .". j{.-month nnd an average flow of '8,500 gallo~s per day. !u tho e~ent': -., ,. ',. ' "., ..... ' . ... .~..'..'~.'J~ maximums are exceeded, 'the Village Of Greenport-'reserves'-'the right 'to' ' . . ~ :~.:'./'....:. .'.. · -i ' l{ require, disconttnucnce of all °r par~ of those faciJities of.-.. · ~ .. }'~ the aforem~n.t~ned maximum flo~-~s. , .. , {.~:~--, ...... .-.. . -~ . ... '~ :" [" . ~ . .- ' .. il (2) E',L.I.K. Inc. agrees that the ,c~tor .from tho swt~ng".-:.j.'~ ':"::'. .-. .t : ' ;},, pool t~ not to be'reloa~ea ~nto the se~.~age ~l, stc~ unless ~hed.n!ed ~-~t.th ~' ',.: the Depaatment of Pfiblic Utilities. Hc:,ever, no{'aa[ .. · ~ .-', 3"..'~. , ~ .~e-- .; - ., -. .. ~ t-~, . ~- .. .. .. ..: ~' ' ' -- · "'.' . ': ' ' ·-:-'~.. ' ,t:"' · ":,.:: :' ..'-'.".'-: ~.. . . ... .... ~ .~... . ....... . .. :. ~ . ..... ........ ' i. (3) No'othe~ facilit~i'cs are allowed' unles .. ,: . Involving the connection of E.L.I,K' I~c. to the village sewage syst~; ,, . . a~ '~.;ell ~0 tatem'al pla~s'~"specificati~ns.. . and coa~lruction of . ,. aOlleCtton and/or treatment systems o~.the afore~.~ntioned land of /. . · · . .. ' (5) E.L.I.K. Inc. will pay for their u, se=share~ so nmCh'.of.· ·, . ~. ~ ..' ".,' the capital cost'plus ·interest of the 'final treat~en't plant o~ ' ' ~-' " } ' ' b~0od upon its flo~ as related to total flow of p!ant, .or n~ mo~ ~ . requized by rules nnd regulations of E. P. A. or its successor. ..... .: .. ' "..- (6): E.L I'K', Inc will pay a portiea~.f, the"Cepl:tal cost' ..: of the'eight (8)' inch gravity ·main. o~ned by the Vitla~e ··but···ins·~olled ! · '~- ! .'i 'by the Eagtern Suffolk Nursin§ Home as per contract bet~-,-een the Villa.~e ! · . and the Eastern Suffolk Nursing Home dated t-!ay 26~ 1976. - .. :: (7)' E.L.I.K. Inc. x, ill-pay twice o year the s~-~er' '" -, · il .a~ssment'~c'~rg~. as filed bY' the Villaae at the'" Vi'liege. Clerlt'~ :,,ii,.-" . "- '.- ._ }~. tn accordance *~tth standard practices by att usero. , . . . . . ..... · (8) E.L'I.K' Inc. ~,{11 install and "~ :requ~re.d in the Se,;er Regulations. ' " . · · · .! · : .o ... . o. (4) I Ill I i iI i ~ Cl. -0 . · - :, .. ' . . .. . . . .. .. *', ' ' · -' i' ' "'"" ' · 'i '"' . i~ ~PeCt~tc'att°ns* .. . ~ · . . " (10) i.L I.K. Inc. ~l'~I u~e '. ; . , ~ . ' . · . . ... .- ~, ." .. . ;~ O~0en~ort Deparmen~' of Public Utilities ~'.-"' ".'~ .: , · ,., · , .,.~.a.:-~ .~' ,l: ' (It) gUrtnB the conotuctiOn period of aChtSchaaBec0ntractbut thothe'or . .' .. :.~ Vtll~gq may request or R.L.I.[. Inc may requeo: . .,. -- ~. ' tO"c-an--"n Be taus( b'e a~reed., to in ~.~ztttn~. '"'. ,:":" -. '" . . ' i'.." the . . · . ' :. '1 ' "" ': necessarY, sketches oi ~ork completed nnd.necesoarY report~ 'l .,, '-'t ' :~' . . . ~ · ' 'have ~m imspector on . ..--'-{ . '-~:"' ',. .(t3') ' The ~ill~le .a~rees to the Job "l ' . .- .. , * . : ~.'~ '~ . · irem tim~ to time a~ may be . ~ ...., i iJ (1'6) E L.I.K. Inc. agreeS, not to use the system u~tit- :~,. ' · . '. I . -. .: .... ~ ~1 . · '.:,--"' ...... . .... ' ' of public. Utilities* .... ' '" ' '~ ~P .~h~ ~ . ..~ , .i~. ,, has been approved ~ Su~e.~intendent - .. _ ~ ' i ... -'.. ~. '!t ...... ' ' -. . - ' 'I ' " ~!!' '" .... ' ' - "' Inc,' 'agrees to give. the. Village' am. ease=~ I ' ~ ~ .'. , ~ · : 'I ' - . · --' .-' ':' .~15) ~...'I.K. ~' ':.. · . ,, neceSsarY i,. t° ~-jork if conditions require the Vill°.ge to make - ; ;. .. ". :. ~- "; tn the ~u'ture.. .. jJ '' . , , , · i' - .:. (16) E.L.I.~. Inc. agrees, to ~ot a periomance bond tn the ; ~ ~.~ ~''' . '1;-, . ~; . . . . ' ' ." - Of thirty (, 0.000.00) to c . , ; , *. . ' · ' ~i. hook up in fom-sattsfact°rY to J . . .::.. ..... - ~ ~ ~ ~ -" ~' . 't'e. insta, llation oi the set-~a~e system · t' ,,. ;j th~ ~'illate of'G-ceenport- ' ,; i · . (5) ' ~', ...... ,, ,,1 i i i · -O. . . ~ !: . : (17) third party contract°r is b~ougl~t' tn: t.o do'.-the' ':..ii ' . .... .~- I ....con~tLuct"on~ · ~°r~'l tl~ Villailc rcserves tho .~t~h~ .Co epprova o~ '::"~ . -'.'., .. , -. ..~ ;.- ..~'- ' ,- . _ ; .... ~. ~ .-. ' ~ '' ~ . .... , . . . dtsapprove t he c/ntractor. "'"~:~' ' . ". (18) 'Final .apProval re,sot be given to E~[..I.li. Inc, by tho . ; :' . , ' . , . '- ~ ,. . -. . :{ . · ... . .... · ".'... .-'"':~., -'"' · (19) ~is agreement is.con~inacut uF~ E,L.I-II. Inc..~ .. · ' I~ ' ' ' , of 'S~uthold :~'ob~atntna f~cm tl~e Tox-m necessary " , . ,. · , .. . .' · ' . ., , trailer ce~i~grou d on E.L.I.It. Inc.'~ proper~7. .~' .~ .. .~ , ." :~ ' (.20) Completion date of this con:tact sba. ti be one (t) year · ~ ~'.. . · ~ frcm the da~ ali approval~ ar~ received fi'om ~he ~~ o~ scuthol'd ~o= ~;...:~ .. - .. . , . '". ;~'~pemia,lon ~o co~otruct a c~pground on g,L.I.K. Inc.:.'5 propertY. · t -. ' ' ['-'.': - ' :~ - (21)~ After the nstallatioa of the ceuage system e~in ~i0ng :- '".. ' . ~ .. ~een Street. to co~pleted~ " :..I. - .. :' int° aa ag~-eem~nt, to aIX~x~ E.LoX.I{. Inc.', for ~ period o~ t~n (!0)'.'y~a;~,i. . .~ , . . . '~;...to., . recaptUre, a ~rtton. . of lt'a capital coot if tho. l~!l. lage a!lo~,o an7 ' '; Connection~ ~o ~bi'~ sea-lane main ~rom prope~y o~e~5 a!oa5 queen St~ee~?:?:~:?:: ' '""':~' ~i '. "~':.~. ' .'.' . ~,. ' ' :': b~ enforCeable. " ' ~ ' . .....':. '~ · , .:V.:..-~_-.. I' - . .j.. ,. ~. :, -....- '.:...."... =~ -. '.. ., . [~t' , .. / . , .., ..' ; . '.'*,'. , · * :, ..... ':' ~. e ' --. '~'~ ' t · ,' - .-. . . . - -;-1 .... ;~.-" . ., ......,., .. , ., . .. ... (~) . · :~ · . . {' -. -~. ., .,. . . ~ i i ~11 '"" ~ ' ~ ": ' "'" ~ ' ~ ~' I i ' - ,-~:-,-, ~-,~-- ,-,-:o"n~ statod that ~e ._es~Oo....<~m,~'~.~,~3~u~'' '"~ ~ ~&.,-j ~-~.-~ ~. ~ W · ' . . - ~- ~ ~ ' "'<":',F ~";~ Cc=,tt:':a~i ~z'~e2~"~~ G::een~ort, that he ,_.. --.- :-~.~ ~. o~.G?een oft, ~...~:l z ~-~,-_,~ ~ ~-_ o_ ; ..~. - -P that he ].no%~ A~ .I~~,~[:.~?~'~!~~&~~ "?'t',:'? ' . ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ e~O ~ · YORK: '-' 'CODN-kY?:.0F SUFFOLK: ss.: · . -~; :-, 'x ...........~ befOre me Per~onal_l¥~..'i - ::' '.on' the"~~ day of June,. 1975, . , · ., · came Richard C. Wilton to. me known, who, being by me duly. '.! sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 2605 Deep Drive, Mat',:ituck, New York; 'that he is the President of Eastern LC. ag Island Kampar°unds, inc., the corporation' des- criDeo in ano wnzcn ~x=~~ ~,,~ ~ r:TM_ '.'_ -_z_~ ._~v~,~ ' ,-~ ,--~,~." '~'h~ a~l of said corporation; that the sea~ =e~ ~{...~ %~on,. and ~hac he Signed his name ~b. ere- Y - - - '- :" --- ' ' ~=xnv u=u n0zo~~ ...... ' ~.~."; -~ '<" 'K.~A~.PU~L ~ '. ' - ' · · - : '~ ---~ · . .(?) .i Hor~h Road Groenport0 i.Y. 1X944 JUly 9, X975 X1944 ~nttonmm ~ ~s wall make refereu~e to the pEopomed ~aUu-smmAUg of · o Ldm~lfy myself, Z mu ~he owner o£ the 3~d house on OBese Street. T~Ls is fonm~ly the house ~f.f~ um~te Simon, ~r (my fu~her) ~g~is ~ho~ ~t_ tX rembJos in the ~nd boule, Semi order ce Queen 8t~a~ for · hel£-c~ntury or os ~h ~ of 8outbold, and, to the boot of~y knavla~Sge, ham been a tax ~olinqueney in allthObe yanrL b imrpose of this letter is to vm~ce ey ~tteu to tb~ dimu-Bou~ng ~ ~o' a~ ~r the ~il~ ~: at ~ ~ ~mn St. mite. h ~ tb in ~r~y rmMle in t~e crueial n~t aa at p~mt, b ~ ts ~ to dogs, ~~y ~h~l~reu, d~e., ·11 ~uet to ~odo. b £~rst tl~Lng the c~rs would be ~t to ~ LI (hat--fly) ~1o~ tb ~ate e~r~. ~ lar~ nj ~ e~th their ~, no l~gor ~ w ~ p~la~ aa such ~ nrio~ ~ autO. till. w~ v~sZt t~ ~ail. thofefore ~mpoet cetit, taued Lttt~rLag ~ of b be~eh ~i~L~h wins tho v~ mature, X mmlmrm~tl,~l:~t ml~m~ ~ doetsLon to hardly think ~ja~t to lAv~ ~, ~e ~ ~ "let and ~J~ ~e ~t ~g in close p~ty to em~lie~ intentAon is to propogute ~ausd~au geese an~ wood :!: would appreciate your add~ng theoe comaeu~s ~o your Thank youo June 10, 1975 Southold Town Board, 16 South Street, Greenport, l'~. Y. 11944 Gentlemen: Citizens. maK~ At Group de mands all have a common goal - the Good of our Town and it the ~ay 27th Town Board ~ieeting we witnessed a in ~ction- well organized, mobilized and vocifer wg_ic h any government including our Tov,m Board f:l.r~di~ hard to ~efuse. The vogue To counter the majority felt it incumbent our representatives - You whom we ~have the and ability. We t P gte atest c want to let o-day is on us to become VOCAL and get behind r.Martoccta and members of the Boa~0. onfidence and faith in your inte.~rity you know- Loud and Clear - of our GOVE RNM~ T BY PRESS URE G R0 UPS. grO'u~'s' we'- t'~e 'fo~gO'tten:' 's ilen~ in feelings in this matter so that you may be in a-0ositton to fairly decide this CRUCIAL issue. Tha~-'s why we are here We strenuously OPPOSE accordance with our comprehe'~Si~e and REPERCUSSIONS it would cause large acreag b~siness whi to-day. Down-Zoning as not plan in additi on on our Town. being in to the Ii~PACT f-there is a need for a K.0.A. in our county e on improved four lar~. roads already zoned ch would better serve their purpose ~';~ITHOUT with the rights and safety of others. 'Z~'ITHOUT INTERFERING and causing a water supplY, -s~we~age '~-system, roads, beaches The K.O.A. in the plan submitted proposed to sites and 29 Camp site consist of? - - 2 persons? - 10 creating a village the 1G.8 acreas of - ~i"ter all the bette~. then reside i the area is site s on How may Persons? run by P land to they are in bus .,,"e may very we l in the Village too small for s there is I'o_~ INTERFmRIN WITHOUT INTERFERING with the residential nature of the area and th~ ~'~'ights 0f'~:-i0ng "~s'tablished families to their detriment and damage which will result in legal actions against the Town for'' damages - Expense of which will eventually be born by the taxpayer. ~:~I~OUT TOYING with the safety of our citizens and persons us ing-6ur -r~~s-;- -- North Road is an obsolete two lane road al! our resourc place 13.3 Trailer 18.8 ac res of land. '/~hat does a Camp persons will one Camp site accomodate? - or ~0 persons? ::'~'e may unwittingly be rivate Enterprise that will overcrowd accomodate as many persons as oossible iness to generate a profit- The bigger i have more people in the ~'' 0. . ~.~. A comple~ of Greenport. There is no doubt that uch a large complex. presently dangerous. In particular it is curved as you approach the Xueens Street intersection from the ~ast and from the :¥est you aooroach the .~a~eens Street int 1~'~ Trailers and Campers to caravan THE P~AK OF TH'~ S~ASON undoubtedly ~aza~d0U~- -cOnditiOn".~ ' To be pgrty to creating subject our' Town an~i its officials fa ct gross be forced by reas on in its capital need. negligence, to bear. The record of the fact ersection down an incline. Permitting. along t~is road D..~.iLY DJ'RiN() creates a highly -dange~°~s' a~d this FORS~EABLE condition may to law suits for negligence, in o. ufi o lk budget The firm of Raymond and k~ay consultants hired by advised that con~mercial development should be ABSOLUT~:,;LY PR0WIBITED~ alo~¢C.R. 27 also known as ?.,iorth Road. which expense the taxpayer will eventually in this case lends support 'to such actions tha t; County Planning Department has project .~..,028 to widen and improve North ROad evidencing the great drain on our and 'V¥ITHOUT INTE~ERING with the development of our County Park and BeaChproP-erty~ WhiCh i's directly across the road from the proposed location of the K.O.~.. The Repercussions would be numerous: l) It would demand immediate updating of our water system, sewerage system, roads, beaches and all our resources at tremendous expense. 2) it would require increased Folice ?atrols, Fire ?rotection, Sanitation, etc., 3) It would embroil our Town in law suits. ?~e are a small Town- we do not have the resources or the financial ability to digest this large complex. ¥¥e CANNOT and ~'~IUST not make a mistake. When this matter is given great thought in deoth I am certain you will find ~hat you have no other alternative than to refuse down-zoning as not being in accordance with our comprehensi~ plan and not being for the betterment of our Town. P. :~. This letter is being submitted for the re cord and your d.~liberation. $outhoid Town Board, 1~ South Street, Greenport, :i. Z~. 11944 -~er, t lemen: undersigned, adjacent property owners and and around t'he area of North Road and "'~ueens !~'.Y., pursuant to Section 26~ of the Town Law the contemplated zoning changes requested on on ~vhich a fubli¢ Hearing was held on _¥...ay 2?th NORTH FORK TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION, INC. PECONIC. NEW YORK 11058 June 9, 1975 Southold Town Hoard Greenpo_r~, New Yorlf Gentl omen: At i~s June 4th meeting, the ~llied Council voted ts suggest to the Southold Town Board that, in the event t~le change of zoning requested by the KOA is gransed, par~ of ths resolution approv- ing the change sho~d contain a~_claus~ the time .%8_ which-~b~_~_-s~-~------6-ti'o~ ~ust begin ~d, in t~-e~event t~at'-a c~m~r0und is' not 'a~c~ual~ built on this land, that the zoz~ing would rever~ to its originsl agricultural-residential stamus. The Council still, however, stands by its objection to t~is down-zoning. WILTON & CLANT0[ ]HANGE OF ZONE - KOA Public Hearing was opened by the Supervisor at 7:30 p.m. at the Supervisor's 0£fice, 16 South Street, Greenport. Motion was made, seconded and carried to recess the meeting to the Greenport High School because of the large number of people in attendance. Present at this hearing were Supervisor Albert Martoochia, Justice Francis Doyen, Justice Louis Demarest, Justice Martin Surer, Councilman James Homan, Council- man James Rich and To%rn Attorney Robert Tasker, Esq. The Supervisor reconvened the hearing at 8:00 p.m. at the Green- port High School, Main Street, Greenport, New York. Supervisor: Tonight we will limit the people in the presenta- tion to five or six minutes. You can come back up again. It is my understanding they would like to show a ten-minute film and it might be helpful in making up your minds which way you would like to go. Councilman Rich will read the Notice of Hearing. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town, on the 2?th day of May, 1975 at 7:30 p.m., on the following proposal to amend Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: PARCEL I - By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District the property of Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. situated at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen Street; running thence from said point of beginning along the southwesterly line of Queen Street, S. 48° 43' 50" E. 236.15 feet to land of the Village of Green- port; running thence along said land of the Village of Green- port the following three courses: (1) S. 0° 51' 20" W. 917.17 feet; (2) N. 80° 07' 20" W. 1011.71 feet; and (3) N. 0° 45' 00" E. 308 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or formerly of J. Fenno and land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco the following two courses and distances: (1) N. 5° 15' 10" E. 273.89 feet; (2) N. 71° 47' 40" E. 505.01 feet to a point and running thence through land of Petitioners, N. 63° 37' 00" E. 361.76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 18.8727 acres. PARCEL II - By changing from "A" Residential and Agricul- tural District to "B" Light Business District the property of Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. situated at Greenport, Town of Southold, Wilton & Clanto~ J/Z -2- M~ 27, 1975 Suffolk County, New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the south- easterly line of the Middle Road, with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of Queen Street two courses: (1) S. 11° 17' 10" E. 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 8° 17' 20" E. 135.00 £eet to a monument; running thence throu~ other land of Petitioners, S. 63° 37' 00" W. 361.76 feet to land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco; running thence along said land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco N. 10° 07' 20" W. 441.32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; ru~ning thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski the following two courses: (1) N. 50° 52' 10" E. 186.86 feet; and thence (2~ N. 11° 17' 10" E. 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; running thence along the southeasterly line of Middle Road N. 50° 52' 10" E. 206.14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 5.1273 acres. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place so specified. Dated: April 22, 1975 BY OP~DER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK Councilman Homan: I have proof of publication of the previously read notice by Stuart C. Dorman of the Su£folk Weekly Times duly notarized. I have proof of publication of the previous notioe being published in the Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watchman signed by Sherley Katz and duly notarized. I have proof that this has been posted on the bulletin board in the Tow~ Clerk's Office in the Town of Southold. I have a letter from the Suffolk Connty Department of Planning. April 10, 1975 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of "Richard C. Wilton and John J. Clanton" for proposed changes of zone from "A" Agricul- tural and Residential to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District and "B" Light Business District, ~own of Southold (SD-75-3) Dear Mr. Richmond: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Com- Wilton & Clanto~. ./Z -3- y 27, 1975 mission on April 9, 1975 reviewed the above captioned zoning actions and after due study and deliberation Resolved that said changes of zone are to be approved for local determination subject to compliance with the following conditions: 1. Public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal will be supplied by the Inc. Village of Greenport; 2. The number of campsites will be limited to 162 in compliance with "M-I" District requirements; 3. The buildings erected on Parcel II will be only those used in connection with transient travel trailer campgrounds; 4. A 100 ft. landscaped buffer zone comprising 0.4732 acres will be provided on the northerly portion of the premises as it fronts on Middle Road (C.R. 27); and 5. Queen Street is to be widened and improved as per Town of Southold specifications. /s/ Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner The following letter was presented from the Southold Town Planning Board. April 18, 1975 Southold Town Board Gentlemen: The Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held February 24, 1975 made the following resolution regarding the amended petition of Wilton & Clanton for a change of zone. "RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the application of Wilton and Clanton for a change of zone on property located at Queen Street, Greenport, to be utilized as a K.O.A. campsite." /s/ Muriel Brush, Secretary Supervisor: You have heard Councilman Rich read the legal notice and Councilman Homart the official posting in the local papers, the comments of the Suffolk County Planning Conmlission leaving it to local determination with comments, the position of the Southold Town Planning Board in favor of the proSect. At this time I would like to open the hearing to whoever wishes to make the presentation for the applicant. Richard Lark, Esqo: Supervisor Martocchia, members of the Tow~ Board, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Richard Lark. I represent Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc., who are the owners of a twenty-four acre tract of land on the southerly Wilton & Clanton -4- i y 27, 1975 side o£ County Road 27, which is adjacent to the Incorporated Village of Greenport. The property in question is outlined here in red on the aerial photograph here and it is east of the Eastern Long Island Nursing Home and west of Moores Lane on the southerly side of CR 27 comprising a twenty-four acre tract of land. The applicant itself is a corporation which has been formed solely for the purpose of developing this property as a campground. The two owners of the entire stock of the oorpora- tion are Richard Wilton who lives in Mattituck, New York, and the other John Clanton who lives in Shirley, New York. Both are present tonight if anyone has any questions to ask of them later. As read to you in the legal notice, the petitioner is requesting the change o£ zone from the existing A - Residential and Agricultural District to M-1 - General Multiple Residence District for 18.9 o£ the 24 acres and from A - Residential and Agricultural District to B - Light Business District for 5.1 acres. The sole reason for the petitioner requesting the change of zone is to allow the utilization o£ this land £or construction of a Kampgrou~d o£ America commonly know~ as KOA campground for the camping public. The change o£ zone is the first in a three step process if the XOA campground is to be a reality. We are here tonight to ask the Town Board to allow the property to be used as a campground by this change of zone. If the petitioner is success£ul he will have to go be£ore the Board of Appeals £or a special exception to allow the campground under our exist- ing zoning ordinance. In addition, he will have to have site plan approval from the Southold Town Plan~ing Board. In addition to that he has to get approval £or a permit £rom the Southold Town Board to operate a transient camp under the transient trailer ordinance o£ the Town o£ Southold. Several years ago Mr. Wilton, who is an avid camper, obtained a £ranchise £or the eastern Long Island area £rom KOA and began searching £or a suitable location. A£ter a lengthy process he selected the property I have just indicated to you on the aerial photograph. On December 6, 1973, Mr. Wilton initially made application to the Town Board for this change o£ zone. That initial application initially encompassed 213 camping sites which I have depicted as part o£ the initial application Mr. Wilton made on behalf of this KOA campground. The application was re£erred to the Planning Board by the Southold Town Board and a£ter much discussion with the Southold Town Planning Board, although they were in £avor o£ the idea, they disapproved o£ the number o£ units o£ 213 and insisted that only 162 be allowed i£ the project was to go forward. They also, because o£ some o£ the soil conditions on the property, did not like the idea that septic tanks and cesspools would be used £or the disposal o£ the wastes. They insisted i£ the project was to go forward that approval must be obtained £rom the Incorporated Village of Greenport to hook up to the existing sewage system. Water approval had already been obtained. The property is in the Greenport water company's franchise district. The applicant then had to obtain approval £rom the Incorporated Village to allow them to hook up into the sewage system. This approval was finally obtained in October o£ 1974. In con£o~mity with the Su££olk County Planning Board which agreed with the Southold Town Board that the density should be limited to 162 units and Wilton & Clantol -5- y 27, 1975 that the waste disposal should be provided by the Incorporated Village of Greenport. The applicant then amended this petition to reduce the units from 213 to 162. The reason that I u~der- stand that the Planning Board wanted the campground to reduce the density so they would have the same density requirements ~at would be in effect if a multiple housing project was to be developed even though there will only be one new constructed building on the premises of any size. There will be no permanent living there but strictly a camp site. In order to have consistency they insisted that the density be reduced. The application then was amended as I indicated and in the center part of this trifold here is the 162 units as laid out by the applicant for the campsites. There will be 24 tenting units and the balance will be used as sort of hard camp sites where travel campers and trailers can pull in and hook up to such amenities as electricity and water and things of that nature. The concept that the applicant proposes although simple has been complicated somewhat by the existing zoning ordinances and that is the reason for the request for 18 acres to be multiple and five and a fraction to be business, because in order to have a successful campground you must build on K0A standards a central building that will house a convenience store, an office, laund- romat and things of that nature. In order to have such a building under our existing zoning ordinance, that must be in a business district. The application then is divided so the 18 acres appears right about the break going to the south of this portion here and the business portion will go from that break north over to CR 27 and in the business portion will be located a pool and a large building which I have indicated which will be the hub of the operation, the check-in office and the con- venience shop to purchase necessities that the campers might need and also laundromat. The reason that this break that I just indicated to you on the property was chosen to delineate where the applicant proposes the business zone to change into the multiple zone, even though it will all be used for multiple dwelling is that this will be the entrance to the campground. It was decided by the K0A planners and the Southold Town Planning Board not to have the main entrance on County Road 27 but to locate the entrance back some 600 feet off Queens Street in this area here so with that in mind, the central building is proposed to be built right in that area. In order to insure that only a campground would be built there, the petitioner in his amended petition has filed as part of it some covenants and restrictions to assure the Town Board that the entire property will only be used for a campground. The covenants in essence say that no retail store or offices may be located anywhere on the premises except used in conjunction with the proposed K0A campgrounds and, further, that a 100 foot strip along County Road 27 would be a landscape buffer and no buildings or campsites would be located in that part at all. They would be located 100 feet south of County Road 27. The covenants are part of the amended application and the petitioner submits to the Town Board that if allowed to go forward with the development, he will not go forward with the development until these covenants are recorded on behalf of the Town of Southold to run with the laud and affect the property. Because of the size and the shape of the Wilton & Clanto~ -6- ~ y 27, 1975 property, 162 camping units can be located with a mix of 33 tent site~ and 129 hard sites for travel campers. I£ you were to use all of the land for this purpose there can be fitted in under the existing requirements of the ordinances of the Town of Southold the entire property would be utilized in one form or another so the Southold Town Planning Board, various civic organizations that Mr. Wilton has talked to in the past year and a half and the Suffolk County Planning Commission which has left the matter up to local determination, decided it would be better to have as much open space as possible. The centerfold over here does meet the open space as much as possible by developing just the portion with the dense portion where the campsites will be built and other than the parking spaces and sewage dump stations it is anticipated that the recreation area would be the narrow portion of the strip, such amenities as a tennis court and things of that nature for the use of the campers. The open space concept in developing the campsite has received the enthusiastic support of the plar~ing agencies. There is a definite need in Southold to provide this type of recreation in that the existing campsites, the one owned by Cliff Tyler in Cutchogue and the other run by the Incorporated Village of Greenport are small and at times are overcrowded. The Town has in the past supported the position of tourism in the Town. It brings in a tremendous amount of the income not only to the local merchants but keeps our economy going, that and agriculture. This application of KOA will attract tourist dollars to the town. If we are going to go forward with this type of recreation, tourism, I can think of no better location in the township than this particular parcel o£ land where it is situated, bounded by the Incorporated Village of Greenport which purchased the land initially, as I ~nderstand it, all the woodlands which basically surrounds this property as a watershed and there is no planned development for that property for homesites or things of that nature. I submit that it will upgrade the Queens Street area. Any of you that have been down there, that will speak for itself. It will be a definite asset to the community and will utilize private capital without overburdening the schools and other municipal facilities which is what a permanent subdivision or housing development would quite possibly not do. Rather than go into detail on each and every aspect of development o£ the property, Mr. Supervisor, what I propose to do is call on several people who will cover various topics or aspects of it - such things as the enviror~ment, traffic in the actual proposed devel- opment. We are fortunate enough to have the representatives from the KOA franchise here tonight and at the end of the presentation I will let you know and you can open it up £or other discussions. At this time, I would like to call Jim Monsell, the Superintendent of Utilities for the Village of Greenport, to tell the Board exactly what is in mind as far as the installation of water and sewage disposal. James I. Monsell: Mr. Supervisor, members of the Town Board, ladies and gentlemen, I did ask if I could speak early in this presentation because I have another hearing. We have a hearing in Greenport for the Board of Appeals for the Ireland house to be moved over to the old Clark house property. I got involved Wilton & Clantol -7- ~y 27, 1975 with that, also. The Village Board of Trustees has authorized the Mayor to sign a contract or agreement with the KOA or Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for sewer service. It's a special contract because out in that territory, it is not under our territorial jurisdiction. The contract states that the KOA must obtain favorable zoning change from the Town Board and all necessary permits. As far as the water goes, we are bound under our franchise agreement with the Town of Southold to serve any reasonable request on the public water supply so the request was reasonable and we gave a favorable determination there. The KOA did meet with both the Village Board of Trustees and the Planning Board on October 4th, 1973 and explained their program. Whereas the Village Board and the Planning Board, it wasn't in their jurisdiction to make any determination, they could not make a determination one way or the other. Actually, the then Mayor David Walker had invited the KOA to an executive session at a joint meeting of the Village Board and the Planning Board. XOA did speak before the Rotary Club on January 24th, 1974. KOA was told by the Village that if they went ahead with cesspools or any type of underground septic operation, the Village of Greenport would protest because it was near our watershed facilities and that they should make application to the Village of Greenport for sewer service. They have that permission now. The Department of Health for the County has stated that if the KOA program goes through, they need favorable zoning changes and they do into construction that the sewer main will run down Queens Street and the houses along Queen Street will be forced to hook up to the city sewer and there has been abuse in that area, one of our drains going through Moores Woods has been very heavily polluted. We've been worried about that for quite some time and this may clean up all of the arteries into Moores Lane. We very strongly favor the North Fork Environmental Council's recommendation that a fence be near our land because we don't want abuse to the watershed area. We don't want people going in there and possibly starting any type of £ire or causing any trouble. We have not had abuse from people from our own trailer park. We have a trailer park that we operate. It has 24 sites and at times we have had as many as 55 units in that trailer park. We have had no trees cut down or abuse £rom the trailer park people. Most of the abuse of Moores Woods has come from local people. Our trailer park we have in operation now about six years and it has brought quite a bit of revenue into the business section, and has not abused the area in any way. This trailer park according to Mr. Wilton and Mr. Clanton, they told me will operate between four and five months at its best turnover, it would be the time o£ the year we wouldn't have our peak loads at our sewage treatment plant, so we would be able to handle the KOA sewer load without endangering the overload of our treatment plant. Mr. Richard C. Wilton: (Introduced John Clanton, his wife, Ann, and Mr. Wilton's wife, Jean.) In 1973 we were threatened by the shortage of gasoline, tourist droughts and projections from Austin-Kipplinger that we would be approaching an era of recession and that recession would be caused mainly by the Wilton & Clanto~ -8- ~ v 27, 1975 gasoline shortage. This threat, though not so severe today, still looms on the horizon and thus threatens the economy to some extent. We believe that a K0A campground would help to stop this threat in the future o£ coming in, by bringing people who would not normally come to Southold to Southold to spend their money. About six years ago we purchased a travel-trailer and we have travelled from Florida to Canada, to the midwest and back. We have probably stayed at over fifty different types of campgrounds - XOAs~ state parks and other brands of franchise-type campgrounds. We have learned alot about csmping and the camping business and the needs of a campground of this type on Long Island. The campground is a definite asset to the community. The campground will preserve the open space. When developed, this campground when viewed from the road will be green, will be grass, with trees planted. At the present time, there is a natural row of trees along this area here, a natural row along the eastern border, some slight amount of trees in the front. There is a large rise here and elevation between the road and the opposite side of the street and the back end of the campground. This point here all the way around the back and up to about here is also wooded which is one of the highlights of this site that we are offering natural growth along almost all the borders. The only place there isn't too much vegetation is along the front here and that will be added in time to come. There will be no pollution. The campground wi].~l make no smoke, no noise, no waste. Ail of the waste that is created by people will be disposed of in the proper method, the proper method being put into a container and then taken away by the local sanitation companies and deposited properly in the dump. At the present time, this land, if you walk through it, you will notice that it has been used as a dumping ground for garbage and debris all along through here and all along through the back. Up until the spring of this year there were numerous vehicles parked in here and along here and obsolete rusted farm utensils which have been removed. We would like to read an excerpt from the Greenport Southold Chamber of Commerce. This is a quotation, "We are also very impressed with the plans to plant additional trees and help beautify the camp ground area. This is in keepong with our idea of keeping Long Island green." signed Chauncey R. Hulse. The campground will give local employment. During construction we will hire up to about twelve people on and off as the campground progresses. We plan on developing the front section in the first stage and then gradually work to a second and a third stage until such point where the campground is complete. During this con- struction period we will hire up to about twelve people. When the campground is in full operation we will require about six additional people for operations and grounds maintenance. That includes cutting the grass, pruning the bushes, registering the guests and seeing guests to their sites as required. I would like to read another quotation from the Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce. "The Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce is very much in favor of the planned Eastern Long Island KOA. We have reviewed your plans and your interviews have been most encour- aging. We understand that the 'Kamp of America' franchises have helped many communities in our country to over come it's loss of Wilton & Clanto~ -9- Maj 27, 1975 income. It has also helped to promote the value of our natural resources and helped to save vast green belts which all can enjoy." The campers will be a definite asset to our local business. They will be spending their money in mostly the different types of stores that we have, fine restaurants, food establishments, gift shops, antique stores or fishing stations. They will patronize ou~ movies and our other forms of enter- tainment, the drug stores and small souvenir~ type stores. I think Mr. Richy, the KOA representative might elaborate a little bit on some of this as to the distribution of where some of the vacation funds are spent. Need for additional facilities. I have a letter from the Tomahawks C~mping Club. I'll just read a small excerpt from it. It is signed by the different members. "We need more campgrounds on Long Island. Let's keep Long Island campers on Long Island." The rest of the text is just what can they do to help. The other letter I have is from the Mallards Camping Club and it pretty describes the need and the shortage of sites. "As long time campers ourselves, we have been embarrassed on a number of occasions when being encamped in a lovely private campground, either up-state or in one of our adjoining states, to have to tell other campers who have expressed a desire to visit Long Island and camp on Long Island, that it would be almost an impossible task to be able to accomplish such a feat without being a resident or making reservations 6 months in advance, at the two facilities available to them, namely Hither Hills State Park or Wildwood State Park. "The need for well- run private camping facilities here on Long Island is much needed and we as a camping club of 25 families would like to take this opportunity to endorse your effort in providing this type of needed recreation facility." This is just typical examples of the comments by numerous camping people, camping clubs, anybody associated with the recreational field. There is a shortage of campsites on Long Island, the only two reservation-type sites are at the state parks which are mentioned in this letter. There is absolutely no resort-type campgrounds on Long Island that of£er the facilities that this proposed campground would o£fer. None of them will have a swimming pool. None of them will have the convenience store facilities that I will go into later. The tax base will be broadened with this campground as we are now taking a 24 acre parcel o£ land and we are doing something with it which will force us to pay a higher tax rate than if houses were built. There is one major difference, we will put no children into the schools. We will not add to the tax burden that already exists. This campground is designed by KOA with the experience of over 800 existing operating campgrounds today. This ma? Which you probably can't see is dotted with little green dots which are KOA campsites. There are none on Long Island and the New York Metropolitan area is rather short of campsites. The area o£ the campground is 24 acres. About o~e-third of the campground is wooded and about two-thirds is open farmland, the front portion being farmed up until the Wilton & Clanton -10- May 27, 1975 spring of last year. The back portion has not been farmed for about two years. The soil content varies , loam on top in all cases and some cases we go right to clay and others to bankrun. The claybelt which does exist in this area sort of skirts the property, not going through the entire property. There will be thirty-three tent sites and 129 sites for self-contained units for a total of 162 sites. The circles that are noted on the development plan are tent sites, some in front and some in back. The balance of the sites are for the self-contained vehicles. The selection of the tent sites has been selected so as to impact any tress any trees or vegetation as little as possible. The main building is the standard KOA A-frame building which is 62 foot in length. This building will house the bathroom and washroom facilities on one end, the convenience store on ~he other, a small laundry in back and a teen-age recreation center. Right behind the main building is a large swimming pool. There are two satellite buildings on the property. These satellite buildings are facilities for hand washing and shower- ing and whatever else you do in bathrooms. There are two dump stations on the property located at approximately these red dots. The dump station is in essence an entryway into a sewer that self-contained vehicles dump their sanitary wastes into at the conclusion of every camping trip. This is a check-out procedure where you dump your waste and don't carry it home. It takes approximately ten minutes to clean and void a holding tank and being that there are two dump stations this would that the exit rate from the campground with any sort of peak period would be one vehicle every five minutes. This is a true limiting factor. The entrance and the egress is from Gueens Street and this is approximately 700 feet off of the North Road. All of the utilities on the campground will be underground so there will be no unsightly overhead lines. Recreation will have a swimming pool in front, proposed tennis courts, miniature golf. There will be shuffle board and bicycles available for rental. I would like to read one more thing from the owner of another K0A campground, in Unadilla. "When we built our KOA, neighbors were concerned that the campers travelling to the kampground would create a traffic pro- blem, and that the i! ~ lane dirt road would not be sufficient. Some had visions of two campers meeting each other and being unable to pass, with all sorts of dire consequences. In addi- tion we heard about the possibility of motorcycles, etc. "None of these probjems ever materialized. The campers travelling to the K0A did not create any problems for the area residents. In fact a year later, and ever since, area residents have told us how happy they are with the KOA. The traffic to the kampground was not hordes of people, but rather a reasonable flow of vehicles. The camper units do not travel at high speeds endangering the neighbors children and animals. In fact, if FAST traffic is a problem on roads in your area, the slower moving campers will tend to slow it down to a reasonable level. ................... The ability to use the dump station and the attendant delay, helps to space the units as they leave so you do not have a caravan as they leave. Wilton & Clanto~ -11- May 27, 1975 "I can tell you that a£ter 5 years the neighbors o£ the Unadilla K0A are glad it was approved, consider the KOA a good neighbor, and in £act they tout their X0A like a £avorite nephew. You may use this letter for any purpose that you choose and I know that your neighbors will be £eeling the same way once the KOA has opened and the problems do not materialize." I strongly £eel the same way and feel that once we get this in operation we are going to run a clean, orderly and £un camp- ground and I am sure the neighbors will like it. Supervisor: Mr. Lark, how many more do you have for the presentation. Mr. Lark: Three. Supervisor: We will take a break at this time and hold them in reserve £or awhile. At this point we will shift gears a little bit. Is there anyone at this point who would like to be up on the floor with comments? Generally, we let them finish their presentation, but it is quite a lengthy one and I see alot o£ people shi£ting in their seats and I thought, perhaps, at this time £or a little break i£ there are some people from what they have heard so far might like to make some comments. William Schriever: I am Bill Schriever from Orient. I have done some camping with the scouts but I am not a camper operator but I do know that this type o£ camping attracts a nice class oS people and I think that this is an ideal site £or it. There are no neighbors to contend with, there are woods all around and I think also that it £its in with the tourist type o£ activity which this Town administration £avors and I think that it would generate tax revenue without sending any kids to school and it seems to me like an ideal type o£ industry, iS you want to call it that. Dave Driscoll: I wonder how many o£ these people are tax- payers or how many are involved with the KOA organization. Do you on the board have any idea o£ that? Supervisor: No. Mr. Driscoll: I think it makes a great deal o£ di££erence. I£ you are a taxpayer you would have a more inherent interest in what is going on about you. IS you are a stockholder .... I have listened 45 minutes and those oS us who are acquainted with boats and ships know ............ and when I hear this RT. Monsell say that the months that this would be in operation are the slow months for his sewage system, I wonder iS he knows what he is talking about. And I want to tell you one other thing, I have been in three places on this globe that purport to be the site o£ the Garden o£ Eden but, by God, I never expected to Sind it on Queens Street. Wilton & Clanto -12- ~ay 27, 1975 Herbert Fisher: Mr. Supervisor, I'm Herbert Fisher from Mattituck. I have been a travel-trailerist now since 1967. We have three children, 10, 7 and 4, and I have alot of good reasons for being one resident in favor of this campground and Mr. Wilton in his presentation described many of the good things about camping. This display he has on the centerfold I have seen 100 times. It is pretty much exactly duplicates a mimeographed sheet of paper that any trailerist gets when they go into a campground. We have used almost 100% private campgrounds in t~e northeast. We like them because they give a little more facilities than the state, federal and other governmental agencies. It is almost exactly the same as when we became travel-trailerists. I am as proud of my travel trailer in my backyard as my neighbor is with his eighteen foot runabout. I have been aware that Southold Town needs a campground since we started trailering. Trailerists are generally friendly people. We have been upstate and to Vermont We tell them where we are from, we would like to tell you to come to the Town of Southold but there is no place to tell them to come to. We have needed something like this for a long time. As one trailerist that lives in Southold, I don't see anything wrong with it. I think this location is as good as any that could be found. Last year we stayed at a KOA camp- ground in Massachusetts. Two boys on ten-speed bikes, I have no idea if they were 18 or 24 years, but we are all aware that there is more and more talk about yo~th hostels. The kids are doing more to enjoy the environment. We are going to have young people coming out. These two boys were in a adjoining campsite to ours. We hardly knew they were there. I would just as soon see any bicyclists come into this campground than have them stop anywheres along the road. It is another example of what a camp- ground can do. This campground is a duplicate o£ hundred you can find anywhere in the country and invariably they are good people. Helen LePorin: I am a resident of waterfront property on the North Road. We have listened to the recreational advantages, the business advantages, but how about we people who live on the North Road? We have worked many years to be able to af£ord this highly taxed property and my one argument is, if we are going to allow a change in zoning, a commercial piece right in the middle of all this residential area, then I am going to see that the whole area is made commercial. I do not approve o£ spot zoning. KOA may be a very good camp, I don't know anything about it but I am just speaking as a resident of the area. Gladys Csajko: My £irst question is, I have been to many hearings and generally they ask questions o£ people that are in favor to speak and then people in opposition. Right now we seem to be getting two different views at the same time. Are you going to go back to the general format or just accept statements as they come along? Wilton & Clanton -13- Ma~ 27, 1975 Supervisor: Our general thought was that the presentation was taking quite awhile and we didn't want to get caught in the position of saying that the presentation was dominating the whole evening and no-one else would have a chance to say any- thing. That's why I digressed a little bit for a little while. We will go back to the people with the presentation and we will have all the people who want to speak in favor after we get more imput and the people who wish to speak against but just for a little while, to break it up, I thought I would entertain some voices from out on the floor. Ms. Csajko: I am here representing the Council and for the record I would like to know if you want it now or later. Supervisor: I really don't know what position you are going to take but assuming that you might be in opposition, you haven't heard the whole story. Ms. Csajko: You will eventually go to those in favor and opposed? I will withhold my statement. Ellie Pappas: Mr. Martocchia, I would like to address my comments to you. Had I not contacted you three years ago and asking you for any available land in Southold Town to open a campground and I would like you to state tonight what your answer was to me at that time. I would like for you to state what you said to me on the phone two weeks ago. Supervisor: Have you all heard the question? Ms. Pappas: I called him and we asked if there was any property in Southold Town to open a campground. I will let Mr. Martocchia tell you the answer. I called two weeks ago and asked why were we turned down, why were we told that Southold Town does not allow trailer parks in Southold Tow~ and I want to know why. Supervisor: First off it is a little difficult to remember word by word what you said two or two and a half years ago, unless I'm different than anybody else. I do recall my discussion with you, yes. First off, it is not my position to tell you where to go. You should go to the proper agencies to make application, namely the Planning Board and they in turn send it up to us and we send it back to them for study and recommendation and then it goes to the County, etc. etc. I do quite clearly remember speaking to you. I don't think I offered you any encouragement because I did say the Town Board generally fro~ls on trailers. We are not talking about a big thing like this, we are talking about an individual little trailer. We only talked very briefly but you were interested in trailer business of some type. Ms. Pappas: I was interested in recreational vehicles, the same thing as the franchise. I gave you the names, we had another couple involved in it. I went to the Town Building Wilton & Clantol -14- ay 27, 1975 Department. They told me there was not a piece o£ property in Southold Town available to be purchased for this particular business. That is what I was told. I'm in £avor of this campground. I just want to know why. Supervisor: I agree I did not give you too much encouragement. Over the years as I recall, we never did really encourage small trailers. We give them as an accommodation once in awhile if somebody is trying to build a house in a hurry or somebody has a fire and is burned out, we give them a permit for awhile to get over the hump, but we did talk again maybe two or three weeks ago and I told you at that time I couldn't remember every- thing I said two or three years ago but I did remember parts of the discussion. What else can I tell you? Ms. Fappas: I would like some explanation. This past year a couple called up Mr. Terry and they got the same story. What did they do that I didn't do? I would like an explanation. Supervisor: You have every opportunity as has any applicant that wants to apply to the Town of Southold. It's not up to me to do it for you. You are one who applies, takes the ball and runs. You can apply tomorrow. Us having a hearing tonight does not say that these gentlemen will be granted permission. The hearing to hear all sides for the Town Board to have their deliberation some time in the future. Everybody has to go through the same channels. Ms. Pappas: I am for it. I just want to know who they knew that 'we~ should have known. That's all I ask. (applause) Mr. Lark: At this time I would like to call on John Jacobsen who will discuss the traffic aspects of the project. Mr. Jacobsen is a licensed professional engineer in the State of New York, a member o£ the New York State Society of Pro- fessional Engineers and he is past president of the Suffolk County Chapter. For seven years he served as director for a traffic engineering £irm. For the past seven years he has served as a consultant. Mr. Jacobsen: My office prepared a traffic survey opposite the subject property along route 27 and Queens Street and we have the results o£ the count that I would like to pass to the Board. If you £ollow along as I describe the traffic count and the results of our studies it will be a little more clear. We placed the counter on Thursday, May 22nd, 1975 which is this past Thursday and ru~ning through yesterday May 26, 1975. The results o£ these counts indicated in exhibit charts 1 through 5. The Thursday we placed the counters out about 6 p.m.and they started counting. The totals are indicated,opposite where it says eastbound we have 487 and so on to get a total for the period of counting. On Friday, our £irst full day, we had approximately 2416 cars in a eastbound direction and 2418 in a westbound direction £or a total of 4,834 vehicles. It was interesting to note that both east and westbound on this Friday were approximately equal as £ar as directional flow is concerned. Wilton & Clanto. -15- =y 27, 1975 The traffic volume increased to the late afternoon between four and six p.m. where we had approximately 200 vehicles per hour for each of those hours for each direction which is not a very heavy traffic volume. On Saturday, May 24th, we had a slightly different picture. We had a total count in both directions of 5,822 vehicles. The eastbound peak in the morning from 10 a.m. to noon with about 275-280 vehicles and westbound the traffic peaked in the afternoon from 4 to 5 p.m. we had about 240 vehicles. On Sunday, May 25th we only had for the eastbound traffic but it was consistent with Saturday's count so we had somewhere between 200 and 300 vehicles per hour. The traffic increased till about 11 a.m. and it was fairly constant until 3 p.m. when it started to drop off. During that period we had between 230 and 240 vehicles per hour. Between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. westbound counter was inoperative. On Monday, May 26th, which was Memorial Day we had a peak in the westbound direction between 9 and 10 a.m. of 250 vehicles and later on a secondary peak in the westbound direction between 2 and 5 of between 310 and 320 vehicles per hour. That was the highest count that we received for any hours was the westbound from 2 to 5 yesterday afternoon. The eastbound traffic peaked in the morning between 10 and noon about 270 vehicles and dropped off during the rest of the day. The next chart is a chart we have devised to show the available gaps for the ability to make a left turn into a site or out of a site. It turns out as can be seen in the little square at this point it is indicated with the little circle number one. In that case you have to cross in one direction and the peak hour ~at we had counted during the past three or four days indicates that on Saturday at 11 a.m., between 11 a.m. and 12 noon onMay 24 that would be the traffic that we would have to worry about to cross in order to get into the site. In working this out we found that the way this particular chart is set up we have it in terms of peak five minutes, that the peak five minutes has generally turned out to be 117 of the peak hour traffic. We find that with the peak hour we had 31 vehicles for the peak five minutes carrying it across with the solid line there were sixty opportunities to make a left turn into the site at five minute periods at the peak hour. This is only five minutes of an hour. We had sixty opportunites in this peak five minutes. If we took and stretched this out for a full hour, just multiplying that by 12, which is really not the right way to do it because the other five minute periods during the peak hour, more cars could come. Multiplying that out, we would have six hundred opportunities, during the peak hour. I understand from discussion with the applicant they assured me that at no time would there be more than 25 vehicles entering a site during any hour during any period and no more than 25 vehicles leaving the site at any hour at any period of the time of operation. Leaving the site is a little more easy to Sustify because each vehicle leaving has to pump out, it takes five minutes and so on and there's probably a five minute gap between the vehicles. Even with that we were figuring 25 vehicles leav- ing in an hour, 25 people entering in an hour we have 600 opportunites. The next exhibit, chart no. 7, indicates what I was getting at and going through a similar analysis we under- Wilton & Clant¢ -16- May 27, 1975 stand, that to make a left turn out you have to force east- bound, traffic to merge with westbound traffic. This generally takes about a six second gap. This six second gap means that you have a line of site across the road. No vehicle can go in either direction for a period of six seconds. This chart is set up in the same manner and it turns out that using the total two-way traffic on Saturday between 11 and noon on May 24, 1975, we find a total two-way traffic of 481 vehicles dur£ng that hour. Using the chart we find that we would have then five minutes or thirty three opportunities to n~ake a left turn out. This multiplied by 12 would make 396 opportunities £or an hour. We are still talking 25 or 30 or 50 but it really doesn't matter in this case for the simple reason that we've almost 400 opportunities in an hour and there coule be 100 and it wouldn't matter as far as left turns out. Basically, that's my presentation and I am sure there'll be some questions on this later on. Thank you very much. Mr. Lark: At this time I would like to call on Mr. Deal from the Valley National Bank in Greenport to make a short presenta- tion. Mr. Deal: I am speaking off the cuff and it will be short. I could speak in a triple capacity as a businessman, a resident of Southold Town and taxpayer. I am going to speak as a businessman in the area in relation to what I have read and heard in the last several years, I think this is one we should be proud wants to come here. They are going to put up an A-one facility. It will cost in the neighborhood of $350,000. When completed it is going to attract first-class citizens. I drove to Florida last year and back and camping is a way of life not only in this community but all over the country. If you are going to cater to it, let's go first class. This is a good outfit. Businesswise, I think it is good for the area and economically it is good. Mm. Lark: At this time, I would like to call on Mr. Richard Koopmann who has prepared an environmental impact statement on this project. Mr. Koopmann has a BS in geology, a BS in biolog~ and environmental studies. These were taken at Stony Brook and he is presently engaged in the environmental consult- ant field. Mr. Koopmann: The investigation necessary for the preparation of this report has led me to conclude that any impact will be limitable to negligable. I further conclude that there will be iinpact of a positive nature which will be beneficial to ~e community. It should first be noted that the proposed camp- ground will be hardly visible from County Road 27 and because of the extensive landscaping, buffer zones, low site density, campground will not be out of keeping with the rural atmosphere of the area. A campground would not be inconsistent with the local pattern of planned use. In the report that I will sub- mit I have all this written down. Any adverse impact upon wild life or vegetation at the proposed site would seem to be Wilton & Clanton -17- 1 Y 27, 1975 negligable. Wildlife habitat on the site would actually be increased. Persons residing at the campground would not be inclined to degrade any natural resource through the camp- ground regulations. You probably wonder why the wildlife habitat would be increased, It is because none of the existing trees will be removed and there will also be alot of other trees planted on the site which will provide more food and habitat for alot of birds. The rest of land was previously farmed. It should also be noted that alot of times alot of birds increased providing that the habitat does not become polluted. The existence of a campground on this site would also hold any further degradation of this property. There has been evidence of motorbikes going into this area from the proposed site to the Greenport Nature Study area. I did do a site inspection and found a couple of trees that had been removed and found many spent shotgun shells around the whole perimeter of the woods. The impact of the additional camp- ground residents on the public facilities, the beaches, roads, parks and preserves will only increase the use of these facilities by 1.3%. How we figure 1.3% is the maximum capacity in the summer months will be 500 persons, not more than 500 persons and this was taken with the summer population of the Town of Southold. This is just the percentage of 500 to summer population. Actually, the figure would be less than that in the use of such things as beaches because the proposed camp- ground will have recreational facilities such as a swimming pool, miniature golf, so there actually will be less than 1.3%. The impact of campground operation on public utilities resources will be minimal and seem to pose no problem. Water and sewage service will be supplied by the Village of Greenport, power by LILCO . The amount of additional water loss over that previously lost to irrigation of farmland, the whole amount .05%. This figure was taken from a report by Malcolm Purnie Engineers. This small additional loss will cause little additional danger of salt intrusion. The change in land use from agricultural will eliminate nitrates. The utilities department of Greenport has a program to preserve water quality and quantity in the area. The loss of 18 acres of farmland will result in the loss of about three jobs for migrant workers. Although the land is agriculturally good it not representative of the best farmland in the Town of Southold. The proposed campground is foreseen to be an asset. Construction of the campground will provide temporary jobs for residents. This concludes my summary. I see no other recommendations except those set forth by the Southold Town Planning Board, by the County Planning Board and the District Conservation and those are agreed to by Mr. Wilton. Mr. Lark: I would like to call on Mr. Dennis Richy, a represen- tative from KOA. He is director of development. Mr. Richy: My basic job here today is to give you a little history of KOA on its standards of quality. KOA had some very humble beginnings. In 1962 an entrepreneur in a small town of Billings, Montana, approached a board very similar to this. Wilton & Clant¢ -18- ~ay 27, 1975 What he felt was there was a need £or a campground to service the travelling people to the 1962 Seattle Worlds Fair. They granted him permission to build a campground, nothing nearly as elaborate as what is here today, small block building, nice clean showers. The gentleman's name was David Drumm. He's a very interesting guy, very curious and talks alot to people. He talked to the campers during the summer of 1962 and one of his conversations that really inspired him to go on to create this system was with a tailo~ from Albany, New York. Obviously the fellow was of humble means and he asked him just exactly why he was a camper. He had six children and in questioning him, David found out he had been camping for about ten years. The tailor said, "I want to ~ive my children something. I know I can't give them a college education. I know I can't give them a beautiful home to live in but I can give them an experience showing them the nation that we live in." And the only way he could afford to do this was through camping. Well, David being not only a very good person but an entrepreneur in the largest sense of the degree decided that this motivation was enough. Hence, it has grown today into a system with over 900 campgrounds. We have come to be known as, to camping, as Carrel is to ice- cream and Holiday Inn has to motels and MCDonald's has to ham- burgers. There is one basic reason that we have gotten this. Not only were we in the marketplace at the right time but we have continually i~sisted on the highest possible quality. The camper has become a very sophisticated animal and he demands high quality. We maintain this quslity through a very severe inspection system that happens twice a year at each campground. We have professional inspectors who travel £rom coast to coast and they are checked on 900 different points in each inspection. If the campground is found to be substandard, then we as a company go in and physically help the franchisee to raise his standards to what we believe the camper demands. We are partners in the business and continually help each other. The U. S. Forest Service recently came out with a new little fellow to replace Smokey the Bear. He is called Woodsey Owl and his slogan is "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute". We have been the only licensed private organization to promote Woodsey Owl. Each one of our campgrounds will be a center for Woodsey Owl promotions. They are convinced that we are dedicated to improve our environ- ment and either keep it where it is or push it forward so that it can be enjoyed by people. I'll give this to you gentlemen so that you can know all about Woodsey Owl. You will see him on T.V. and he is a cute little guy. The U. S. Forest Service decided to do this because right now we have more campsites than they do from coast to coast. We feel that we have a greater experience in this business than anyone else. We extend this in picking our franchisees like Mr. Dick Wilton who is applying for the zoning tonight. As a matter of fact, he has a bachelor's degree in business administration and attended many courses and we feel he is an example of a person who will run a business and build a business that will be respected in the community. We were going to show a movie here tonight that talked about the market a little bit but we are running short of time and I have been told to be quiet as quickly as possible so I will try and sum that ~ as quickly as possible. A camper today spends about $45 Wilton & Clanton -19- May 27, 1975 a day in campgrounds. Only about $10 of this is collected at the campground itself. The other $35 is spread throughout the community, gasoline, entertainment, fishing, renting boats and things such as that. The market is growing fantastically because when you compare the $45 a day that allows someone to take a family on a vacation to the $125 a day that it costs if he were to go via motel, restaurant and that arrangement. The conclusion is obvious which is going to grow quicker. Arvis recreational vehicle sales are up approximately 40% this year. Everyone said that the gas problem is going to absolutely kick camping right in the pants. It has absolutely reversed. People are now buying tents. They are buying smaller vehicles and buying bigger vehicles. I don't know why but they are. The only thing is they are not going as far. They are not taking the trans-continental trip any more. Therefore, camping sites close to major metropolitan centers are going to continue to be on the increase because the people are going to stay closer to home, stay longer where they go. That's the overall trend. In summation, I will say that you,have a beautiful community and our campground I don't believe can be anything but an asset and I hope that your approval will be forthcoming. Supervisor: Thank you, Mr. Lark, for the people that you have had make the presentation. The people out in the audience have an opportunity now. They have heard what is proposed, nothing today is a guarantee, you have heard the proposals of what they would like to do with this particular area on the North Road, 27, the County Road. I would like to hear from people now that think it's a good idea and after that we will hear from the people that are opposed. I am sure your Town Board here will carefully weigh everything they hear and try to give a professional decision in the near future. George Capon, Jr.: I'm from Greenport, was born here and lived here all my life. I have four letters here from different clubs that I would like to turn over to the Board. I have over 225 signatures from people that live in the Village of Greenport and Southold Town who approve this Eastern Long Island campground. The four letters are £rom people that live outside of town but these 225 signatures are taxpayers who live in Southold Town. I think there are 25 that are out of Southold Town but there are about 250 signatures. Supervisor: Supporting it? Herbert Fisher: Mr. Capon: Supporting it.//I've been camping now for ten years. I have two girls, a wife. We go camping usually every weekend. Last year we made stops at one private and the other one was KOA. Everyone had a swimming pool for kids, some had horseback riding for kids, they had miniature golf there and everything else for kids. Around here we have no KOA. The nearest one around here that we go to is Herkimer, New York. Everytime we go there which is usually once a year, our club, usually every weekend we go camping. It's usually a county park. If a MOA is built in Greenport, we will camp there. Wilton & Clanto~ -20- May 27, 1975 Leo Tillinghast: I've been camping for quite awhile now and I must say that the XOA campgrounds, I know it's true when they say that campers spend an average of $45 a day. If you take your wife out because it's a little bit foggy or nasty, you spend more than $45. Camping is for the poor people. live a quarter of a mile from the site of this proposed camp- gro~ld and I think it would be wonderful. Everywhere we go we meet people that say where can we stay on Long Island and we answer there are a few sites in Greenport, Cliff has a small outfit. You can't get in the County park, forget it. Our wealthy friends up on the Sound, I don't think they're going to hear, see, smell or realize that there's a campground anywhere around and I say let the poor people live a little bit. (applause) David Walker: Mr. Martocchia, members of the Town Board, and those assembled here. I am David E. Walker, Village of Green- port, born and brought up here. I don't need a microphone. In 1938 I won a public speaking contest from this stage. In 1937 I placed second so I still didn't need it. I would like to say something. There was a remark passed here tonight in regards to my interpretation was the house was packed in favor of some man which I met once in my life. I would like to say that when I was Mayor of the Village of Greenport, John Clanton came before the Village Board and he wanted the KOA campsite over here and so forth and he had to have sewer and water and all that. He came and he made his presentation before the Board. He came back several nights later and said, "I have to have a decision tonight." and I said, "Good, you have to have a decision tonight. The answer is no, get out of the office." I would not give this man the benefit of putting this up here without what I considered to be proper preparation and fore- thouglht and consideration by the people in the immediate area. Ail of this area, I played in all of these woods for almost 55 years. It gives you an idea of just how old I am. I have been a taxpayer since I have been married and that's over 30 years. I have loved every piece of this woods. I take care and main- tain a good part of the property around here now. Someone said that there was garbage here, somebody said that there was old cars here and he was right. I posted many times all of this woods area with "No Hunting" signs and he said there were shells there and they were there. This area that they are going to develop and it's already been suggested, recommended or stated that they were going to put a fence around it, is going to offer us environmental-wise some more protection. The pollution that we were getting from one of the areas in here is going to be minimized by this type of an upgrade of an operation. One thing that came to my mind at the time they were proposing here and I think he told me that this road was 600 feet. I have a very good memory but it's short. I think he said it was 600 feet. If Queens Lane coming from this 27 can be widened with a proper traffic circle here and I see, after 25 years, they finally put a sign over here telling you which way to go at the end of what is Main Street, a similar circle here telling people which way to go, I think is going to cut out the traffic problem on 27 in this area. I know you're going to hear more on this road later Wilton & Clanton- -21- ~ 27, 1975 because when I got up to speak, the guy that's going to tell it to you said "Hey let Walker put his two cents in." It's like %he Sunday School collection, I never put two cents in there and I'm not going to put two cents in here. If I can't put in more than that, I'm not going to say anything. The virtues of KOA, I think are self-explained in everything you pick up. This happens to be a Rand-McNally. I picked it up and in it is every single campsite which you can go to. Every one of these lines tells you the facilities that they have in the campsite. KOA has the majority if not all of the facilities needed by campers in everyone of their campsites. But, I am not going to try to sell them. My problem is and yours as well is is it going to be a good thing for the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport or they're not going to be. If there's anything that might be a detriment which we are going to hear from [Later, I am confident, but the one thing I read in the paper. My goodness, it says we are going to need more police protection. The only thing we had to do with the McCarkn Trailer Park in the Village of Greenport, we had to do it last Sunday,we didn't have to send the Police up there. We had to send our 75 foot aerial ladder up there to take a cat out of a tree. (applause) Pollu'tion - no, sewer facilities are here, water solutions are here. The buffer is provided by nature. As they told you, this one is in here, part of this is in here, this one isn't in yet but it will be. This in the back is here. Ail the woods that we have, that belong to the Village of Greenport, is a very good buffer. Site-wise it is ideal. Facility-wise, it is ideal. I, David E. Walker, am more in favor of this campsite here than I would be in any other place in Southold Town. The virtues have been extolled by Mr. Lark's five-man committee. I could not do any part of justice to it any better than what they have. For me to go through any part of that would be repititious and I don't want to. I would like to see the KOA campsite go on that site and as expeditiously as possible. Thank you. (applause) Charles Hardy: I'm from Southold Town. I think all of us would like to see this property remain as open space. When thinking of the alternatives we have a choice of it probably being another housing development. I have camped across the country and have stopped at the KOA's. They are well run. They are very functional because they know the market and the type of campers that they cater to, usually the recreational vehicle. I find them rather bland but I also find Howard Johnson's bland, but it is a well-run campground. For the recreational vehicle owner it is a very good facility. It will certainly attract the people who are going to spend money in the community. It is probably going to have an impact in the Town for probably two months in the summer, July and August, and then a transitional period from June to September. In the winter I suspect it would be unused. This ~ems a very easy way for Southold Town to allow development of the land with perhaps the least impact on the schools and increase of utilities and it will certainly improve our tax base instead of increasing our tax burden. I think some criticism has been raised because this location near Moores Woods. I can't see that a housing development with the Sunday morning power mower and some of the other tools are Wilton & Clanto -22- Iay 27, 1975 going to improve the noise pollution o£ the area. If some o£ you are £amiliar with a recreational vehicle owner, they probably won't admit it, but they really hate nature. They like their air-conditioned vehicles and they like T~hdr swimming pools and the majority of them are not going to use Moores Woods. Bob Dillingham: We have been travelling £or twenty years with our trailer and we don't use the air conditioner. We go out in the woods and look around and find the nature the way it was supposed to be. I object to the idea that we sit around a pool. (applause) Mr. Fisher: When I got my trailer I got a copy o£ the zoning laws because I was interested in putting my trailer on my property. I£ I remember correctly, my trailer in my backyard becomes an accessory building. Consequently, I couldn't rent it out or put a visiting £amily in it. There are a couple o£ £riends I met up with, one £rom upstate New York and one £rom Massachusetts. Now, i£ they wanted to come down with their travel trailer to visit our family or if anybody wanted to visit a family in Southold Town, they could not legally park their trailer in the backyard next to the house and stay there. The point is that legally any visitor coming in to stay with £amily or £riends in the Town o£ Southold has no place to put a trailer unless they are £ortunate enough to make reservations with Cli££'s in Cutchogue which is pretty well booked up and the Village of Greenport. It is another reason to me why it is wanted in Southold Town. Ernest Case, Cutchogue: I am a taxpayer and I have had my camper £or twenty years and I am in £avor o£ the park. Beverly Lehr, Southold: I am a camper, I have lived in Greenport £or many o£ my years. Since I've been married I've been in Southold £or twenty years. I have seen campers come, I have seen them go. I have never gone into a campground and found it dirty. When campers leave their campground, they leave them clean because that's the way they £otuad it. When you go into a campground you register. They have your license number and if you do anything they can come a£ter you so who wants to leave a place dirty and who wants to get cause for it. John Fortmeyer: I find that my income is getting less every year because o£ the tax burden and £or this reason I think the K~A will help our tax burden with less o£ a drain on our budget. I am a camper and I have been going to KOA £acilities and £ind them all excellent people that run them and £ind excellent people that come to them, their children and all ~at goes with it and I highly recommend them. William McDermott: I just want to say this one thing. If you will recall, back some time ago, about a year ago, we had Mr. Harran o£ the Tourist Department o£ New York State talk to the Chamber o£ Commerce and the Rotary Club. In doing the Wilton & Clanto -23- May 27, 1975 survey one of the first things that he mentioned to me was that we were very lax on any kind of facilities for camping. He thought it was going to become one of the largest movements of tourist trade and he felt that our whole economy based on his survey, our basic economy here £s tourism. Anybody that is against this sort of thing is obviously against any kind of an eGonomy in this area. (applause) Mr. Haberman: I am a taxpayer in R£verhead but my daughter lives in Southold Town. I am president of the Islanders Camping Club. Three-fifths of our members live in Southold Town and are taxpayers. We are in favor of this KOA camp- ground. (applause) Fred Axelson: I am formerly of Greenport, now I am a taxpayer in Mattituck. I think this is a good proposal. I am not a camper myself but I think this is a good idea. I hate to see concrete rolling its way from the city like everybody else that's been a resident here for years but I think this is a good controlled way of having something different in the comm~ity, something we can really use. Douglas Conklin, Southold: One of the main objections seems to be traffic. Any place I have ever been camping, the small percent of trailers trickling in and out of the campground would have little impact on the traf£ic patterms. I would like to go on record as being in favor of it. Connie Pappas: I am all for it. My only regret is KOA beat me to it. Marion Cook: I am in favor. Dorothy O'Donnell, East Marion: We are in favor of the XOA. William Harrison: I am a taxpayer in Mattituck. In recent years I have travelled from coast to coast across the United States camping and half the time I stayed at KOA and I am very impressed with all their facilities. Supervisor presented letter from Daniel Smith o£ Southold in Supervisor: Does ~yone wish to speak in opposition. Gladys Csajko: I am president of the Council o£ Allied Associations. The Council of Allied Assooiations would like to go on record in opposition to the down-zoning requested by Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. The Council in no way wishes to obstruct or prevent business from locating in Southold Town. Camping has become a popular past time for many Americans and a series of small campsites scattered around Town might be worthy of consideration. However, the proposed campsite is (1) a large operation which could, at peak seasons, accommodate as many as 600 to 700 people plus their pets; and (2) is proposed to be located on land which is currently zoned residential Wilton &Clanton. -24- ay 27, 1975 agricultural. The Council believes that there has already been more than enough do~na-zoning permitted in Southold Torch by the Board and through variances granted by the Board of Appeals. By the allowance of these dow~-zonings, the Town is disregard- ing its original promise to do everyth£ng to maintain the character and atmosphere of Southold. There are in Southold Town areas already zoned M-1. Would it not be more in keep- ing with our ordinances and objectives if the applicant sought the proper exception to locate in one of these zones rather than seeking the double zone change plus exception which is needed in the area they contemplate using. Another point which must be considered is that, all good intentions notwithstanding, in the event o£ the failure of this business to actually begin operation - or in the event that it is not a financial success - this land will have been rezoned and could be sold for regulation multiple housing. The Suffolk County Planning Board originally dis- approved of this operation for a number of reasons - one of which was that it was inconsistent with the residential pattern of zoning in the surrounding areas and would provide impetus for further perpetuation of undesired strip retail commercial development along Rte. 27. The Council fully concurs with this observation. To conclude, we would like to refer to the Code of the Town of Southold, page 10005, Article I - Section 100-10 - which states the purposes of the zoning ordinances. They ~ead as follows: A. The facilitation of the e£fieient and adequate provision of public facilities and services. B. The assurance of adequate sites for residence, industry and commerce. C. The provisions of privacy for families. D. The prevention and reduction of traffic congestion so as to promote efficient and safe circulation of vehicles and pedestrians. E. The maximum protection of residential areas. F. The gradual elimination of nonconforming uses. G. The enhancement of the appearance of the Town of Southold as a whole. H. The encouragement of flexibility in the design and develop- ment of land in such a way as to produce the most appropriate use of lands, to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities and to preserve the natural and scenic qualities of open land. I. The fostering and protection of agriculture and fisheries. The Council feels that the continual down-zoning we have witnessed is in complete opposition to the high resolve stated in these purposes. We recommend that this down-zoning be denied. Wilton & Clanto. -25- ~y 27, 1975 Benson S. Telsey: I am a resident of the North Road. My property is approximately 200 feet east of the proposed K0A project. I also have a piece of property directly across from the proposed K0A project. I have a prepared statement that I will read and submit for the record. In addition to that I have sampled the sentiments of the neighbors of the area and find they oppose the down-zoning. Be£ore I start, I will say you have just heard a presentation by a large corporation. They sound like philanthropists. They aren't in business. They're out to help us all. Ladies and gentle- men, don't let them pull the wool over your eyes. This is going to be a great burden for the Town of Southold. The Town of Southold and its taxpayers will have to chip in and pay for all these presentations and help pay for this enter- prise. The statement is as follows: The neighbors in the immediate vicinity of North Road and ©ueens Street and the property owners and residents in and around the area oppose the down-zoning to permit the K0A to locate in our area. We must remember that the Town of Southold is a long and narrow piece of land fed only by two main arteries to the Greenport Light on the North Road and then only one road to the Orient Ferry. Locating the K0A on the North Road and Queens Street a narrow part of the island where the width is about only one mile from Sound to Bay will cause a bottleneck and severe congestion both from the east and west end because of the great influx of people and vehicles. Presently, we have a two lane road - one going east toward a dead end (ferry) and the other going west which is over- burdened and dangerous and urgently needs improvements as evi- denced by the fact that the Suffolk County Planning Department has Project #5028 in its Capital Budget to widen and improve same from the eastern terminus in Mattituck eastward to Green- port. Locating the K0A on the North Road will greatly increase the burden to this already overburdened and dangerous road and will increase the danger of the life and limb of the residents, visitors and persons using the road especially in the peak period of the season when the trailers and campers will be caravanning along this two lane road. I am old fashioned enough to believe in safety first. The life you may save may be your own. Density - The Plan submitted by the K0A indicates that the proposed M-1 zone on which 129 trailers, houses on wheels, and 33 campsites will be placed consists of 18.8 acres. The other part on the property to be used for of£ices, convenience store, laundromat and buffer zone. This will create water. sewer and sanitation andother problems. Our water supply is fragile and our sewer system obsolete urgently needing updating in fact a new plant which we have not as yet been able to install. Wilton & Clanton -26- Ma 27, 1975 What happened to one acre zoning? Spot zoning - This is a £1agrant case o£ private gain at the expense o£ public good. Threatens the residential nature of the area and will cause property owners to suffer great loss in land values. Locating a KOA operation o£ this size will drain the resources of the Town and is not in accordance with a well developed plan. Directly across the road of the proposed KOA location is County Park and Beach property, Town property and Village property which when developed will bring a tremendous amount o£ tra£fic and people to the area. Is it sensible to consider locating transient, travel, trailer campground in this area to further increase the traffic and congestion? That in view of the fact that I have been advised by Mr. Bart Cass of the Suffolk County Department of Public Works that because of lack of funds No engineering or surveying was done on the proposed widening and improvement of the North Road, it would be foolhardy to permit construction by the KOA or anyone else and not know the true location or course of the road. Condemnation for road use on improved property (particularly business property of the type proposed) is vastly more expensive than unimproved property. The buffer zone of 100 feet indicated on the KOA plan will be decreased considerably or possibly eliminated. That this KOA operation will require police patrol and fire protection, sanitation and tra£fic control tb~roughout the Tow~ o£ Southold and its beaches for at least 600 persons and 300 vehicles (each trailer has a lead car and some tow a boat and extra vehicle) Daily - during the peak of the season - and will add an extra burden on the Tov~n which it can ill afford and is at present unable to take care of its needs. Riots at Clarks Beach and other areas o£ the Town caused the closing off Clark Beach because of cost and inability to patrol. With the great influx of people daily we are inviting more riots that we are unable to control. Because of the reasons set forth above the Town is not in a position to accommodate the KOA which is a specialty business and will require more than we have the ability to provide and have no other alternative than to deny 2he application of the KOA for down-zoning if we are to have a safe, sane and orderly development of the Town of Southold. Loraine Terry made the following statement: May 21, 1975 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, N.Y. 11944 Gentlemen: The North Fork Environmental Council wishes to go on record with the Town Board as being opposed to the establishment of a K.O.A. Campground in Greenport as has been recently proposed, adjacent to Moore's Woods, and being particularly concerned with the adverse impact that the camp- ground would have on the area. We present this statement reluctantly because we are not in principle opposed to the concept of camping but we feel this statement must be made because real and irreparable damage will be done to the properties and resources of the people of the Town if approval is granted as proposed. We oppose this development for the following reasons: Damage to Moore's Woods will inevitably occur. This is a project that received a presidential citation and was the result of the very hard work and support of many, many people. Transients will not treat the area with the same respect and sense of responsibility that permanent residents would. Damage will result from the following sources: a. Vehicles such as bicycles, motor bikes and all terrain vehicles. b. Overuse by pedestrians, both walk-through and woods visitors. c. Vandalism. d. Unintentional damage by picking plants, trampling and disturbing habitat. e. Trash. f. Fire. g. Noise and disturbance upsetting animals and birds. h. Dogs! 2. Down-zoning a. Once the property is down-zoned it will not have to remain Sout~old Town Board -2- May 21, 1975 e as a camp site and any other use in the category will be legal, thus allowing yet another multiple housing site. This could happen intentionally or as the result of financial failure of the camp site. b. This is a major increase in density for no major benefit for the Town in return. c. This is spot zoning against the Town Master Plan and could lead to further down-zoning. d. A large multiple zoned parcel already exists still un- developed in the Greenport area. This project would crowd the nearby town beach. At 162 sites with a conservative estimate of 4 persons per site, there will be at least 648 new people wanting to use the town beach constantly throughout the entire bathing season. The heavy population density will inevitably destroy the fragile ecology of nearby Inlet Pond, which is presently being maintained in its natural condition. 5. Water Usage One hundred sixty-two camp sites X 200 gallons per camp site per day = 32,400 gallons per day of fresh water consumed and sewage to be disposed of according to Suffolk County Health Department estimates. This is a conservative figure, espe- cially if assumed to include the laundromat flow. It does not include swimming pool drainage and backwash flow. This is especially conservative considering that the official figure that the Health Department uses for determining waste flow from trailer parks is 450 gallons per trailer per day. This usage will, of course, occur during the warm half of each year, which is the time of heaviest demand on water and sewer services by the present population of the Town. Water will be supplied by the Greenport Water District and revenue will go to the Village but the water will probably be coming from the district wells located in $outhold Town, since the Village wells are nearly developed to capacity. Allowing an increased density on this site will in effect be taking water from Southold Town that could provide for service to a much Sout~old Town Board -3- May 21, 1975 larger area of normal one acre development. In addition, all this water will be wasted by discharge to the Sound through the Greenport sewage treatment plant whereas with one acre develop- ment it would be recharged. 6. Sewage Sewage will go to the Greenport sewage treatment plant and out to Long Island Sound with only minimal primary treatment until a new plant is built. There is no date in sight for new plant construction. No additional wastes should be allowed into the Greenport sewage treatment plant until a new plant is constructed and completed. Even then, the effluent will probably not be recharged and the water will be wasted to sea. 7. Police Protection Another potentially bad trouble spot will be created by the camp site and will require greater coverage during the heavy summer season both of the campgrounds and the beaches than would be caused by normal one acre development, and will there- fore be an additional expense to the Town taxpayers. For giving away some of its precious low density land and allowing use of already crowded Town beaches, Village woods and County park land, the Town will get nothing in return: a. No open space is proposed by the development to be dedicated to Town use; just a scenic easement. b. No use is to be allowed by the townspeople of campground facilities including the swimming pool. No significant revenues will result to townspeople from camp residents. All fees will go to the camp owners, all sales in the stores will go to camp owners and all laundromat sales will go to camp owners. Campers tradi~ tionally spend as little money as possible. They are camping usually because it is the cheapest way to travel. The only foreseeable significant purchases made by campers outside of the campgrounds will be for gas and auto repairs and those will be mostly in Greenport Village, not in the Town. Southold Town Board -4- May 21, 1975 de ee Instead of following: The land will not revert to single one family residential zoning if the camp site fails or if the owners want to sell out or change to another usage. There is no way to limit the type of commercial usage that might be made in the future, of the commercially zoned parcel. The ~nly financial return that the Town can expect is in the ~orm of taxes and they will probably not be as great in total for a seasonal camp site as they would be for normal, permanent house site development. approving the project as submitted, we wish to propose the Allow only the density, which present zoning will permit, per- haps allowing 2 sites per acre instead of 1 because of the 6 months seasonal use and then protect Moore's Woods with chain link fence surrounding the woods, at the developer's expense. If it can be demonstrated that a need does exist in the East End of Suffolk County for additional camp sites, provide for them on public parkland already dedicated for this purpose~U which can be properly controlled and which will bring revenue to the public rather than to a few individuals and then strictly limit the number of sites to what the area can support, not to what the tourist market will bear. If the Town feels such a need exists they can work closely in conjunction with County and State park officials to see that such services are expanded. Provide several dispersed smaller camp sites, which will lessen the adverse impact on one locality. Large camp sites should be located in non-sensitive areas of the Island such as interior sections of Riverhead or Brook- haven Towns. All campers are mobile and primarily require a central place to camp with adequate facilities so that all points of interest can be easily reached. It is not necessary for the camp site to be located immediately adjacent to the points of interest. Audubon SocietY. a chapter of National Audubon Society BOX 973" MATTITUCK, L.I., N.Y. 11952 May 27, 1975 The Southold Town Board Greenport, New York Gentlemen: On June 16, 1973 an unusual public meeting was held at Moore's Woods in Greenport. In recognition of one of the year's best community ecology projects nation-wide, Presi- dential Awards, signed by William Ruckelshaus of the Environ- mental ProSection Agency, were received by local officials, businessmen, teachers, students and the President of the North Fork Audubon Society. We should not forget that evening of community celebration. A slide program following the awards, entitled "The Many Moods of Moore's Woods" showed the features of the nature study area through the changing seasons. The North Fork Audubon Society feels strongly that the wild- life so well documented in the slide program Just two years ago will suffer great harm from overuse of the Nature Study Area. The proposed construction of a large commercial campground 6dJacent to Moore's Woods threatens drastically increased use by unauthorized recreational vehicles and pedestrians with accompanying problems of vandalism, trash, fire and destruc- tion of plant and animal habitat. North Fork Audubon notes that Southold Town has land already do~n-zoned suitable for a campground usethat would not put pressure on the fragile ecology of Moore's Woods and nearby Inlet Pond. The ~ater supply of Southold Town is well known to be limited. We are all aware that population density must be kept low in order to preserve this resource. The K. 0. A. request for a do~n-zoning is directly contrary to the efforts at water conservation. One hundred sixty-two campsites would require two hundred gallons each per day, according to Suffolk 0ounty Health Department estimates, totalling 32,400 gallons of fresh water each day during the part of the year when water demand is highest. A down-zoning would allow a much heavier water usage than present one acre zoning. Wilton & Clanton -32- ~y 27, 1975 North Fork Audubon Society, with three hundred members in Southold Town has beenopposed to the K. O. A. project since it was first brought before the Southold Town Planning Board. On the basis of its proximity to Moore's Woods and its impact on our limited water supply, Audubon believes a down-zoning for K. O. A. would indicate very unwise land use. /s/ Constance ?im Conservation Committee Noel Lutkowski: I am a resident of Southold Town. I live on the corner of Inlet Lane and Manhansett which is the first house up from the beach at Gull Pond. I am sorry I don't have any fancy charts and pictures and things like this. I'm in this kind of business, I know all about statistics but unfor- tunately I'm not prepared tonight to discuss in tremendous detail what the folks for the KOA project discussed. However, while I was sitting here I jotted down a few notes I would like to mention. I work in Hauppauge. I travel to Hauppauge every day. I spend approximately 25 minutes of my time on the road in Southold Town. A good portion,of course, is on the four-lane road past Southold. The thing that these charts don't show, the thing that the gentleman didn't mention with the traffic survey is that as you approach this area at 40 or 50 miles an hour, you are on it right away because there are dips in the road. Additionally, I have seen during the peak of the summer, coming in on a Friday evening or leaving this area on a Monday morning going west, I see long lines of traffic. People get itchy, they want to pass, they take chances. Before you know it, you are going to have more accidents on this road than anywhere else in Southold Town. Of course, this is my opinion, although I am somewhat of an expert where I do travel that road twice a day, every day in the week. I live across from the beach. My house is right up from the beach. I think I'm somewhat of an expert on the problems down at the beach. I know Mr. Martocchia is down there quite often and, maybe in private he will agree with me, but there's alot of trailer traffic down there because it is an excellent ramp. The Town has inst~lled a beautiful facility there. I also see the guard there, Cooky and the o~her gentleman, running around trying to maintain some semblance of order for the residents of Southold Town. I think that if this particular facility came in here, we would have a large amount of truck traffic. I know there are some campers that are enclosed. There will be an increase in this type of trucks. Frankly, I think that between that beach and the one on the sound, I think the Town is going to have to hire additional help at the beaches to maintain the traffic. Additionally, on the town beach, how many times have the residents gone through that area on a busy Saturday or Sunday. We have had to crawl through at 20 miles per hour because there is alot of traffic parked on the Main Road because they can't get into the parking lot. Now, that particular item apparently wasn't brought up by the individual from the Village of Greenport when they discussed the town beaches. We have Wilton & Clanton -33- ~dy 27, 1975 talked about taxes, how this is going to increase taxes or increase the tax revenues to the Town. However, I don't know that much about taxes or assessments but I do believe that if you have a structure you pay more taxes £or it. This particular site will have very £ew structures. They will have a laundry and some sort o£ adm£nistration. I doubt whether they will be paying their share of taxes because I understand the Town policy is that the motels, etc. get free passes to the beaches and things like that. Is that correct? Supervisor: They pay for them. Mr. Lutkowski: I wondered if the taXpayer was getting the same deal these people are getting. In tonight's Newsday there was a long article on the ferry across the Sound. They were discussing the Wading River si~e. They were discussing the Port Je£ferson site. They were discussing the Orient Point site. Mr. Lee Koppe~man who was quoted here tonight in an earlier presentation was quoted in tonight's paper as saying, calling the North Fork a very fragile area. He was basically referring to the tra££ic. I don't think that we can afford an increase in tra££ic at this time. The people that I have talked to in my neighborhood are not in favor o£ this particular project. I don't think it is anything against KOA. I am not a camper myself. I don't know that much about KOA. I don't think that anybody is really saying that KOA is not a clean facility or that there's not inspection and things like that. You take it £or granted. We are basically opposed to the down-zoning and the increase in the traffic. My last point is, two more points. Going back to the traffic circle. This weekend was kind of a funny weekend because it wasn't the traditional Memorial Day weekend and there was some bad weather. I would like to see a traffic survey done at the height of the season, when all these things that we've been talking about are going to take place. I think that's only fair because that's when this project, this particular site would be in full operation. I saw alot o£ oo's and ah's when the petition with 250 signatures was presented. I think that rather than showing a reflection of the residents of this town in terms of how they feel about this, I think that the campers and this is to their credit are more organized than we people who aren't as organized. I think that probably most of those signatures were gathered at a common meeting when it would be much easier than going from neighbor to neighbor. (applause) Dave Driscoll: I guess it's a little late in the year for Ray Dean to get his plows out. I've seen snowjobs be£ore but to make a presentation like that without anyone asking if the franchise, is this a stock deal. Do you gentlemen on theBoard know whether it is or not? Supervisor: I'm getting my first imput tonight. This is our job tonight to get the imput. We're not supposed to know a thing about this trailer project until it comes to us tonight. After that, we will study it. Wilton & Clanton -34- ~j 27, 1975 Dave Driscoll: I would like to ask that question because obviously the audience is loaded. They are all very quick to refer to K0A as if it were a corporation in which they had some interest possibly in the franchise. I would be surprised if that is not the case. If that is true, I don't think you have a representative cross-section o£ people. The other thing is that I would like to ask, do you know if the minutes of the Planning Board meeting at which they approved this. Are those minutes available? Supervisor: We have the letter of recommendation, yes. Mr. Driscoll: members of the it. I think it would be interesting to know what Planning Board had in mind when they recommended Supervisor: It was read o£f tonight. Mr. Driscoll: If this is such an important thing and it is unfortunate that one took the opportunity to refer to the wealthy people on the Sound. I don't think that that is the situation which we should discuss here at all. But if this is such an important thing, if it is such a moneymaker, then why would it not be an idea for the Tow~ cf Southold to enter into. I'm not against camping. I'm against where it is going. If I were a stockholder in it I wouldn't care where it went if I were that selfish to be a stockholder. I think you better look into the background of this thing and find out who the local people are that ow~ the stock. Sam Markel: I live in Southold and I do not oppose trailer parks and camp grounds such as you described here tonight. However, I do oppose strenuously the downzoning of that particular piece of property or any other piece of property in our town. If I decided tomorrow that I wanted to start a K0A camp or any other kind of business, I would make darn sure that the piece of property I was buying to use for this enter- prise would meet the requirements of the town. I£ I didn't do that then I would feel I was a very poor businessman and if you're a poor businessman you're not going to succeed in your venture. If you don't succeed in your venture, the land will be used for another purpose of the zoning already prescribed, either a Holiday House or a Holiday Hotel. I would like to point out that on January 24th, 1975, Mr. Lark of the office of Wickham and Lark, sent a letter, a memorandum to Mr. John Wickham, Chairman of the Southold Town Planning Board. I notice that a carbon copy was also sent to Albert Martocchia, Supervisor. I am not going to take the time to read the entire letter. Mr. Martocchia can pass his copy to the rest of the Board. There was a prior letter on March 8, 1974. I don't know if this is the letter Mr. Lark was quoting from at the beginning of his talk but he did leave out one or two of the paragraphs which said "The intrusion of business zoning along Middle Road would be inconsistent with the residential pattern of zoning in the surrounding area and would provide impetus £or Wilton & Clanton -35- ~_=y 27, 1975 the further perpetration of undesired strip retail commercial development along the County roadway which would be inconsistent with the Town Master Plan wherein it states that commercial ribbon zoning should be absolutely prohibited along county road 27." One last point and that is I believe the Town has used the firm by the name of Raymond & May. Is this correct? Supervisor: For some purposes. purpose is here. I don't know what your Mr. Markel: Well, the town in the past has used Raymond & May who evidently are a planning and engineering firm and I guess if we used them and paid them we should perhaps listen to what they have to say. In Mr. Lark's letter to Mr. Wickham of the Planning Board he states "The Raymond & May plan is nothing more than a report of suggestions. It has never been adopted by the Planning Board. What was adopted was a map for the development of the Town of Southold." The point I am making is Raymond & May objected to this type of spot zoning. We paid these people to do a job for us. In the future we ought not to hire a firm to do jobs of this nature if we are not going to heed their final results. Thank you. (applause) Tom Jurzenia: I would like to know the cost as estimated. Answer: $370,000. Mr. Jurzenia: What is the estimated time of completion? Mr. Lark: The time of completion depends on what action this Board takes tonight. It depends on the approval cycle, as to when approval is received. It could be done in as little as six months. You really can't say it will take x number of months because you have weather to contend with. Mr. Jurzenia: How many months do you plan to operate? Mr. Lark: Eight months of the year, it would be closed two to three months of the year. Mr. Jl~rzenia: What would your daily rates be? Mr. Wilton: That hasn't been fixed yet. These sites will have different facilities. Some will have no water, some will have water and electric, some will have water, electric and sewage. Each site will have a separate rate. On the campground you basically pay for what you get. If you don't want the services, you don't have to pay for it. Mr. Jurzenia: property? If it goes by default, what happens to the Supervisor: Is there anyone else who wishes to speak? Has everyone had the opportunity to make their comments? Wilton & Clanton -36- ~y 27, 1975 Mr. Lark: I just wish to correct one, thing £or the record, mainly two things. The first thing is Mr. Markel quoted from a letter that I wrote to Mr. Wickham. That was in retort to correspondence that he had received from Mr. Newman from the Suffolk County Planning Commission and what Mr. Markel said to you today was basically inaccurate. He took things out of context from the letter so I wish to correct that impression. The other thing is from Mr. Driscoll. If his ears were open in the early part of the presentation, he would have found out that the applicant is a franchisee of KOA, Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. It is owned by two individuals, both of whom are sitting here tonight, Mr. Wilton from Mattituck and Mr. Clanton from Shirley. Mr. Markel: In view of Mr. Lark's correction of my mistake, I wonder if you would like to read this letter in its entirety so that I don't take anything out of context in the future. Supervisor: This is a letter dated January 24th, 1975 from the office of Wickham & Lark. (Letter is attached as read by the Supervisor into the minutes.) Mr. Lark: I'm glad you read the entire letter because it is my understanding that Mr. Wickham submitted that to Mr. Newman of the Suffolk County Planning Commission and after they reviewed the appropriate documents in the amended petition, they reversed their previous stand and left it for local determination pursuant to the conditions which were previously read into the record by Mr. Homan this evening. Mr. Tillinghast: One thing I've heard two or three times tonight and I'm surprised nobody picked it up. We are all concerned with water in Southold Town. With 200 gallons a day to a traveler in a site, the majority of the trailers do not hook up to the sewer. They have a 30 gallon holding tank for their waste. These are emptied every two or three days and flushed. They are going to put 30 gallons of waste and 30 gallons of water into your sewer every two or three days. I would like to know where the figure of 200 gallons a day for a trailer comes from. I don't see how it's possible to use it. Barry Lehr, Southold: I have a camper of my own. I carry 23 gallons of fresh water inside my camper to be used for washing, cooking, flushing the john. With a 13 gallong holding tank, I can go a week on 23 gallons of water using the john the whole week by using a little water apart from the services rendered at the campground. Aline Dove, Mattituck: It is my understanding that the figure of 20.0 was arrived at by County Department of Health as a conservative figure considering all of the water used in this type of facility. It deals with the fact that there will be a swimming pool, showers, washing machines and a certain amount of water used for sewage disposal and the County Department of Health has used the figure of 200 gallons a day per site. Wilton& Clariten -37- ~ay 27, 1975 Supervisor: Is that per person or per trailer? Ms. Dove: That's per trailer. Supervisor: That could be four people possibly per trailer. Mr. Capon: I heard the argument about police protection. With 5,000 people or maybe 10,000 people coming here, I don't think they put on more than one or two people for 10,000 people. Why would two to three hundred campers take more police protection? Mr. Lutkowski: He must be referring to the comment that I made. I did not say police protection, I said protection or help around the beach area. Mr. Telsey: Mr. Martocchia, I heard this gentleman say that this is a snowjob. It's not only a snowjob. These people come in and act like Santa Claus, they're philanthropists. They are doing everything for us except they're looking out for their own ends. It's not only a snowjob, it's a ripoff. It will cost the taxpayers in the Town of Southold dearly in the loss of life, limb and money. I have no objection to campers but as far as I am concerned, 25 years on the North Road, on a two lane obsolete highway where there is no room for error to set 162 trailers in the peak of the season is suicide. Mr. Dillingham: I live in Aquebogue on the Main Road and that road is no bigger than 27 here. Right across the way from me, a half a mile away is Indian Island campsite. That place is loaded every weekend and I get in and out of there and I'm still alive and I expect to stay alive for 25 years. Mr. Lutkowski: Again, I travel that road almost every day and the traffic there is coming from the west. Mr. Dillingham: In the morning it is going west and the afternoon it is going east. Supervisor: I think everybody has had time enough to air their views. We have a few minutes left. Is there anyone else wanting to get in a parting comment? Hearing none, thank you all for coming and your interest in the Town of Southold. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brush~' Secretary vV'!C. KHAM & LAf~,t",.~,.c January 24, 1975 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: Petition of Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc., for a Change of Zone to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold Dear Mr. Wickham: I am in receipt of a copy of a letter dated December 6, 1974 from the Suffolk County Department of Planning to Mr. Albert Richmond, Southold Town Clerk, a copy of which I am enclosing for reference. At the outset, let me say that I am puzzled as to exactly why the Suffolk County Planning Commission has disapproved the above- captioned Petition. It is difficult for me to believe that the Commission understood the Amended Petition dated November 15, 1974 or has seen the property. If you will recall, the Petition was originally submitted on December 6, 1973 and the Southold Town Planning Board on March 22, 1974, recommended against the change of zone because there was no guarantee from the Village of Greenport for the necessary supply of municipal water and sewerage facilities to this property. Further, the Planning Board expressed the view that the campground should be limited to 162 units. After discussing the matter with the Village of Greenport officials, it was finally agreed that the Village would supply the necessary water and sewerage facilities. In addition, the petition- ers agreed by way of the Amended Petition to reduce their application to 133 trailer sites and 29 campsites. Also, by way of covenants and restrictions, the petitioners further agreed that the only retail stores or offices built on the premises would be used in connection with the campground and there would be no buildings erected upon a 100 foot strip bordering on C. R. 27. The reasons stated by the County Planning Commission for turning down the Petition are without merit. The Petition for the change of zone is not inconsistent with the Map-Plan for Development of the Town of Southold which was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board John Wickham, Ch _rma~ Fouthold Town Planning Board RE: Petition of Richard C. wilton, et al. -2- .nuary 24, 1975 on March 23, 1971. Several properties to the west and to the east of petitioners' property on C. Ro 27 are shown on the Development Map and are presently zoned for a multiple residence use. As you are aware, the Town has never adopted a Town Master Plan wherein it is stated "Commercial ribbon development should be...absolutely prohibited along C. R. 27." There is a proposed Development Plan prepared by Raymond & May Associates for guidance to the Town; however, this Plan has never been formally adopted. Part Two of the Comprehensive De~elp~ment Plan for the Town of Southold by Raymond & May Associates dated December 31, 1967, at page 2 contained a policy statement as follows: "4. Retail development should be confined to present centers. Provision for the expansion of business in the Mattituck Central Area is of major importance since this area will be the first to react to developmental pressures from the west. As a corrollary to the empha- sis on retail development in the central areas, further commercial strip or ribbon development along State Route 25 should be discouraged, and absolutely prohibited along County Route 27." The Raymond & May Plan is nothing more than a report with suggestions, and has never been adopted by the Planning Board. What was adopted was the Map-Plan for Development of the Town of Southold on March 23, 1971, and the Amended Zoni'ng Ordinance adopted by the Town Board on November 23, 1971, which are in substantial variance with the suggestions of the Raymond & May report. In Article I of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment adopted by the Town Board, there is a listing of the purposes for which the Zoning Ordinance was enacted: "1. The facilitation of the efficient and adequate provision of public facilities and services; 8. The encouragement of flexibility in the design and development of land in such a way as to promote the most appropriate use of lands to facilitate the adequate and economically provision of streets and utilities and to preserve natural and scenic quali- ties of open lands." The southerly boundary of the petitioners' property is bounded by the Village of Greenport. The Village purchased this land for a watershed many years ago and as stated in Part Two of the Compre- hensive Development Plan for the Village of Green~ort prepared by Raymond & May, dated December 31, 1967, at page 26: "The Village of Greenport owns approximately 250 acres of watershed land located in the westerly portion of the Village. Any development of this site should retain the character of the area as a John Wickham, Chairman $outhold Town Planning Board Petition of Richard C. Wilton, et al. -3- January 24, 1975 conservation-oriented recreation facility. The majority of the acreage should be developed for camping, picknicking, nature study and passive recreation." This report, as well as the study for the Town of Southold, also emphasizes that recreation facilities and activities should be provided which are presently lacking. For the County Planning Commission to label the petitioners' application as "spot zoning" is irresponsible and totally ignores the development pattern set for the Town by the Southold Town Planning Board and as enacted by the Town Board in its previous zoning amendments. Petitioners' land itself has no great value in agricultural or residential development in that the property is only 24 acres and is too small to be profitably farmed by itself and is to distant from other lands devoted to agriculture to make it attractive for anyone to rent. Further, the soil composition and texture does not lend itself to a high-yield truck farming operation. In addi- tion, the proximity of the labor camp does not make it desirable for residential development. If the Town is going to provide facilities to the motorized camping public, then I know of no other location in the Town that is more suitable than petitioners' property. The Petition is in concert with the Planning Board's publicly expressed planning policy for the Town. Is it possible for the Southold Town Planning Board to make the Suffolk County Planning Commission aware of the petitioners' Amended Petition and at the same time knowledgeable of the Plan for Development of the Town of Southold. Very tr~, ly yours, RFL/bd cc: Albert M. Martocchia, Supervisor ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STATEMENT of the PROJECTED ENVIRONMENTAL IFiPACTS arising from the PROPOSED EASTERN LONG ISLAND KOA LEISURE CAMPGROUND to be constructed in the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Prepared by: Richard C. Koopmann, M.S. 2 Vine Lane East Northport, New York May 20, 1975 11731 east northport, n.¥.11731 t,,lephone (51G) 368-85G9 M,~y 20, 1975 Mr. Richard C. Wilton 2606 Deep Hole Drive Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Wilton: It is my pleasure to submit to you this Statement of the Projected Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Eastern Long Island KOA Leisure Campground that you plan to construct and operate in Southold, New York. It is my hope that this analysis will prove valuable to the Southold Town Board in reaching a decision on this matter. Sincerely, Richard C. Koopmann Encl. III. IV. V. VI. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Description of Proposed Action . A. Description of Proposed Site B. Description of Proposed Campground . Background of the Southold Area A. Geologic . B. Population . C. Industry and ~c~n~mic~ D. Land Use .... Positive Environmental Impacts Arising from the Proposed Action . Adverse Environmental Impacts that Cannot be Avoided . , Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action . A. Impact Upon the Trend of Land Use in the Area B. Impact Upon EXiSting Proposed Campground Wildlife and Flora Agricultural Productivity Existing Structures Other Uses of the Site C. Impacts of Construction D. Impact Upon Local Economy E. Impact Upon Public Facilities Adjacent Land and Beaches and Parks Adjacent Land County Road 27 F. Impact Upon Public Utilities and Resources Water Supply Sewer Service Power Garbage Disposal G. Aesthetic Impacts ~age No. 1 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 9 · 9 9 · 10 13 14 15 20 23 i VII~ VIII. IX. X. TABLE OF CONTENTS Alternatives to the Proposed Project I'rreversable or Irretrievable Commitment of Resources Involved Discussion of Problems and Objectives Raised by Interested Parties Conclusions and Recommendations Page No. 24 25 25 28 References . 30 ii I. Introduction This statement of the projected environmental impacts of the pro- posed 24. acre, 162 site Eastern Long Island KOA Leisure Campground to be constructed in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York has been prepared to be submitted to the Southold Town Board in the ex- pectation that a more in depth and formal analysis of this matter would be useful in the decision of a zoning change. The projected impacts listed in the Table of Contents are thought to cover all areas that might be affected. The conclusion drawn from the research and preparation of this report is that the adverse environ- mental impacts arising from the proposed campground will be minimal to negligible. I will endeavor to summarize the highlights leading to this conclusion with the understanding that a more in depth view may be gained by reading the following sections. It should be first noted that the proposed campground will be hardly visible from County Road 27 and because of landscaping, buffer zones, low site density and architecture of the few permanent structures, will not be out of keeping with the rural atmosphere of the area. The many businesses along County Road 27 for a distance of a few miles from the site of the proposed campground confirms that a campground would not be inconsistent with the existing local pattern of land use. Any adverse impact upon wildlife or vegetation on the proposed site or on nearby land will be negligible. Wildlife habitat on the site will actually be increased and persons residing at the campground would not be inclined to degrade any nearby amenity due to campground regu- lations and exposure to programs and information on maintaining and im- proving the environment. The existence of a campground on this site would halt any further degradation of this property and would eliminate 1 a previous unauthorized access to the Greenport Nature Study Area by motorbikes, hunters and woodcutters. The impact of the additional sun%mer persons residing at the camp- ground u~on public facilities such as beaches, roads, parks and pre- serves will only increase the use of these areas by a maximum of 1.3 percent; hardly enough to overcrowd these facilities that have not ex- perienced any overuse in previous summers. The impact of campground operation upon public utilities and re- sources will be minimal and pose no problems. Water and sewer service will be supplied by the Village of Greenport; power by LILCO and gar- bage will be collected by the North Fork Sanitation Company and dis- posed of in the Southold Town dump. The amount of additional water loss over that previously lost through irrigation of the farmland would only amount to an increase of 0.058 percent of the water that is now drawn from Southold wells and 0.028 percent of the safe available year- ly supply. This small percentage in increase of water loss would pose little additional danger of salt intrusion. Waste water from the camp- ground will enter the Greenport sewer system thus eliminating any additional impact of nitrates into the ground water and the change in land use from agricultural would eliminate a previous input of nitrates (fertilizers). The Utilities Department of Greenport has a program to preserve water quantity and quality in the area and would not have agreed to supply services to the campground if it was thought to create any future problems. The loss of the farmland on the proposed site will result in the loss of about three jobs for migrant workers. This loss is probably inevitable as the land is zoned for residential use and would most likely be lost in the future to a housing development. Although the 2 soils on the site are good agriculturally, it is not representative of the best farmland found in Southold Town. The proposed campground is foreseen to be an asset to the local economy.' Construction of the campground will provide temporary jobs for residents and operation of the campground will create about six additional jobs for local persons. Vacationers tend to spend more in a given area than permanent residents and campers will frequent local businesses, as the campground will not be able to supply all their recreational and material needs. exclusively for the campers use customers to local businesses. Ail campground facilities will be resulting in no loss of previous Construction of the campground will not cause any disruption of utilities or services to local residents nor cause any detouring of traffic or excessive noise. In addition to impacts of a positive nature already mentioned, the proposed campground will add to the tax base of the town without adding children to the school system; and will be an official information center for the U.S. Forest Servicers "Woodsy Owl" anti-pollution pro- gram. "Woodsy" will be active in the community, informing both campers and local residents of ways of maintaining and improving the environ- ment. The County Planning Commission has decided that approval of the pro- posed project be left to local determination and the Town of Southold Planning Board has already unanimously approved the project. II. Description of P~o~osed Action The proposed action is the construction and operation of an Eastern Long Island KOA (Kampgrounds of America) Leisure C~npground in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York. Construction of the camp- 3 ground necessitates a change of zoning from residential to multiple and business use, A. Description of Proposed Site The twenty-four acre site of the proposed campground is located just west of the Greenport Village line in the Town of Southold, New York. A portion (826') of the eastern boundary of the site abuts Queen Street. The remainder of the eastern boundary (1,153'), the entire southern boundary (1,012') and 310 feet of the western boundary abuts wooded land owned by the Village of Greenport. 206 feet of the northern boundary is adjacent to County Road 27 and the remainder of the northern and western boundaries (1,696') abut pri- vately owned land. Approximately eighteen acres of the twenty-four acre site is agricultural land and approximately 6 acres is covered by mature woods. The 18 acres of agricultural land was farmed up until the Spring of 1974 and crops grown included peas, cabbage, cauliflower and sweetcorn. The wooded area of the site is contiguous with the wooded land owned by the Village of Greenport and consists of natur- al forest of primarily mature trees and undergrowth. Species of large trees identified include Red Oak, Pin Oak, White Oak, Black Locust, Silver Beech, White Birch, Sassafras, Willow, Tulip, Apple and Red Cedar. The undergrowth consists primarily of saplings, Mountain Laurel, ferns and catbriers. There is a man-made pond in the wooded area approximately 25 feet by 100 feet with a maximum depth of 6 feet, which was originally excavated as a source of irri- gation water for the adjacent farmland. Much of the wooded area has been used in the past for dumping refuse and is therefore strewn with cans, bottles, rusted machinery, automobile parts and assorted debris. There are three existing wooden structures on the site; one two-story house and two sheds, all in very poor condition. B. Description of Proposed Campground The proposed Eastern Long Island KOA Campground will consist of 133 sites to accommodate self-contained travel trailers and 29 sites for tents giving a total of 162 sites (see development plan). Sixty- seven sites will have water and electric service and twenty of those will also be provided with sewer service. Full hookup to all services will eventually be expanded to include all of the camp sites. Two sanitary dump stations (ground level) will be provided to dispose of holding tank wastes. Water and sewer service will be provided by the Village of Greenport and power will be provided by LILCO. All power lines and water and sewer pipes to the sites will be underground. Structures on the campground will consist of a reception building (62' x 36') housing the admissions office, lounge, showers, laundry and convenience store, and two satellite buildings (32' x 20') con- taining showers and lounge. A recreation area (370' x 120') with facilities for miniature golf or tennis will be located between the reception building and the northernmost buffer zone. The existing structures on the site will be demolished with the possible ex- ception of one shed that would be renovated and used for equipment storage. A single sign reading "Welcome KOA" will be erected at least 100' back from and facing County Road 27. Although not in conformance with the Town of Southold travel trailer ordinance it is deemed necessary and supported by the North Fork Environmental Council that all road areas on the campground be graded and paved with stone material (ref. 1). Th~ entrance to the campground will be located on Queen Street approximately 600' south of the intersection with County Road 27. No structures will be built on a 30' buffer zone around the entire perimeter of the site and on a 100' buffer zone adjacent to County Road 27. The buffer zones will be left natural where wooded and planted with trees and shrubs where the land was previously tilled. Many trees and shrubs will also be planted throughout the site to provide shade, cover and a pleasing atmosphere. This action, along with others suggested by the District Conservationist have been initiated. The entire wooded area will be left in a natural state and the existing pond will be upgraded for safety, appearance and desirable biota. Debris and refuse throughout the property will be removed. The campground will be in operation approximately eight months a year and at maximum capacity (expected during the Summer months) would accommodate between 450 and 500 persons. III. Background of the Southold Area A. Geologic The North Fork of Long Island has its geologic origin as part of the terminal moraine of the continental ice sheet that formed Long Island during glacial episodes. Originally much of which is now the North Fork was a series of closely spaced islands that have since been joined by active transport of unconsolidated ma- terial and littoral drift (ref. 2). Surface material in most of 6 Southold Town consists of sand and gravel outwash of Pleistocene origin overlain by one to three feet of loamy topsoil (ref. 3). B. Population The permanent population of the Town Of Southold in 1970 was 16,804 persons and the percent increase in population between 1960 and 1970 was 26.4 percent (ref. 4). Assuming that this trend of increase in population is equal for the current decade, we may arrive at an estimated 1975 population of the Town of Southold of 19,022 persons. The area of Southold Town is 33,900 acres (ref. 5), thus the estimated 1975 population density would be 0.56 per- sons per acre. The population of the Town of Southold has been estimated to approximately double during the Summer months (ref. 6) giving an estimated 1975 Summer population of 38,044 persons and a corresponding population density of 1.12 persons per acre. C. Industry and Economics There is no large scale industry in the Town of Southold and manufacturing uses only 11.2 percent of the 5,946 employed persons. Farm occupations employ 5.0 percent of the labor force, wholesale and retail trade; 20.9 percent, services; 29.6 percent, and con- struction; 9.6 percent (ref. 7). The percapita income of Southold Town in 1970 was $3,556 and the median family income was $9,949. Both these figures were a- bove the national average (ref. 8). D. Land Use Based on a 1966 land use analysis the acreage of the various uses of the 34,600 acres in the Town of Southold is as follows: residential; 2,280 acres, commercial; 180 acres, industrial; 7 100 acres, utilities and institutional; 1,340 acres, recreation- al; 2,360 acres, agricultural; 11,920 acres, roadways and park- ing; 1,790 acres, surface and tidal water; 700 acres, vacant; 13,.930 acres (ref. 5). Changes in land use since 1966 have mainly been a loss of agricultural land and a proportionate increase in most other uses. The percent decrease in land used for agricul- ture in Suffolk County for the period of 1960-1970 was 28 percent (ref. 5). IV. Positive Environmental'Impacts Arising from the Proposed Action The following positive impacts are discussed in more detail in Section VI. 1. Upgrading of the existing site by addition of trees and shrubs, removal of rubbish and debris, demolition of unsightly struc- tures and prevention of further dumping and destruction of trees. 2. Prevention of unauthorized access of motorbikes, hunters and woodcutters to the Greenport Nature Study Area from the pro- posed site. 3. Increase of business to local merchants and businessmen from 500 additional residents. 4. Creation of additional temporary jobs for local persons during construction of the campground and approximately six additional permanent jobs to local residents during operation. 5. Increasing the tax base of the town without adding children to o the school system. Decrease in input of nitrates acres of farmland. into ground water by loss of 18 The proposed KOA campground would be an official information center for the "%~oodsy Owl" anti-pollution program in cooper- ation with the U.S. Forest Service. This program is a compre- hensive informational campaign to expose local residents and campers to ways of maintaining and improving the environment. V. Adverse Environmental Impacts that Cannot be Avoided All short term adverse environmental impacts arising from the con- struction and operation of the proposed KOA campground will be negli- gible and there will be virtually no long term adverse environmental impacts beyond the loss of 18 acres of agricultural land and the re- sulting loss of three farm labor jobs. This conclusion may be realized in depth in Section VI. Approximately two thirds of the farmland on rated as II on a scale of I to VIII (I is best) the proposed site is of agricultural land in the Nation and approximately one third is rated as IV (ref. 9). The proposed action does not constitute a loss of the best agricultural land in the area as most of the farmland in Southold Town is rated as I or II (ref. 10). Further loss of agricultural land in Suffolk County is foreseen to be alleviated by Mr. Klein's Agricultural Preservation Program in which the County will purchase development rights to exist- ing farmland so that it may remain as such. The loss of three farm labor jobs will not impose hardship upon any permanent residents as the site was farmed by migrant workers (ref. 11). As the acreage of the farmland is relatively small and not adjacent to any other farms it is likely that it would be lost to a development in the not too distant future if the campground were not constructed. VI. Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action Ao Impact U~on the Trend of Land Use in,,th~ Area The proposed KOA campground is not inconsistent with the ex- isting pattern of land use in the area and along County Road 27. For a distance of two miles east and three miles west of the inter- section with Queen Street on county Road 27 there are nine estab- lishments for public lodging (motels, cottages, etc.), four eating establish~nents, one gas station, one public golf course and driving range, one real estate office, one nursery and one drive-in movie visible from the road, in addition to many private residences and open land'. There are also, along this five mile stretch, numerous signs advertising motels and restaurants located on the side roads. Within a half-mile radius from the proposed campground there is, in addition to the establishments mentioned, a public school, a power- house, a small travel trailer campground, a sewage treatment plant, a migrant labor camp, a lumber yard, three service stations and a dump. Thus it is seen that land use in the area of the proposed campground is not exclusively agricultural and residential and that the proposed campground is not inconsistent with the existing pattern of land use. Because the proposed campground has its en- trance on Queen Street; has only a 206' frontage with a 100' buffer zone along County Road 27 and extends to a depth of more than 1,900', it cannot realistically be considered strip or ribbon de- velopment along County Road 27. B. Impac~ Upon Existing Site of the Proposed Campground ~mpact Upon Wildlife and Flora The impact upon wildlife and vegetation on the proposed site will be minimal. As three quarters of the site has been recently farmed this would constitute no loss of permanent habitat for ground birds or other desirable fauna. Many trees and shrubs such as l0 Japanese Black Pines and Russian Olives will be planted on the pre- viously tilled area thus providing additional habitat and food for many forms of wildlife. The wooded area of the site will be kept in i~s natural state resulting in no habitat loss for forest dwell- ing forms. An inspection of the site on 4/5/75 revealed many re- cently spent 12 gauge shotgun shells along the perimeter of the wooded area indicating that persons were using this area for hunt- ing. Any' hunting activity, either when the campground is open or closed, would be strictly forbidden. The site inspection on 4/5/75 also ~evealed that many large living trees had been felled and re- moved by unauthorized persons desiring, perhaps firewood or large poles for commercial use. Any activity of this nature would also be strictly forbidden. As the presence of wildlife and health and condition of vegeta- tion will be an asset and attraction to the proposed campground any activities resulting in the degradation of this valuable resource will be strictly forbidden. Implements such as airguns, slingshots and bows and arrows will be forbidden, and all pets must be kept within the individual campsite or restrained on a leash. Any con- tinuous infractions of these regulations would result in eviction from the campground and refusal of future registration. Existing refuse from past dumping would be removed providing a cleaner and less polluted environment than what previously existed. The pond on the site will be stocked with suitable fish and graded so as to retain or increase its attraction to waterfowl. The impact upon wildlife resulting from noise and activity of the campground will also be minimal. As most species of wildlife breed in the Spring when the c~apground will be at minimum capacity 11 and activity, the impact upon nesting wildlife will be negligible. Much of the wooded area, because of bogs and brambles, would be considered impassable to most persons taking a leisurely stroll through the woods, thus tending to protect the more fragile forms inhabiting tkese areas. Most species of birdlife indigenous to Long Island have proved themselves highly adaptable to living in close proximity to human activity. In many cases bird populations have increased in areas of increasing urbanization, providing necessary habitat is not lost and the environment does not become too pollu- ted with toxic substances. In the case of the proposed campground there will be no input of toxic substances into the environment on any level that would be detrimental to existing wildlife, and habi- tat and available food, as previously stated, would be increased. It should be n6ted that many pesticides used in agriculture are po- tentially harmful to both wildlife and man. The close proximity of the extensive wooded area owned by the Village of Greenport would act as a buffer and decrease any impact upon species tha% would find the campground area unsuitable. Such species would be able to migrate back and forth depending upon the level of activity in the camping area. Impact Upon Agricultural Productivity If the proposed c~pground is built and successful, we may assume that permanently cauliflower rated as II agriculture rated as I or II 18 acres of agricultural land in Southold Town will be lost. Crops grown on this land included peas, cabbage, and sweetcorn. The soils on the proposed site have been and IV (I is best) on a I to VIII scale of land used for (ref. 9). Most agricultural land in Southold Town is (ref. 10). 12 The site of the proposed campground is already zoned for one acre residentials and if the campground were not constructed it would be safe to assume that the farmland and wooded area would soo~ be lost to a development (also see Section V). Impact Upon Existing Structures The existing structures on the site consist of one two-story wood frmne house (approx. 30' x 20') and two wooden sheds (approx. 22' x 15' and 15' x 12'). The house and possibly one or both of the sheds will be torn down. All three structures are in very poor condition and the house, having been vacant and vandalized for many years, is not at all suitable for human habitation nor would it be economically feasible for it to be renovated for this purpose. None of the structures antecede the turn of the century and therefore are of no historical value (ref. 11). Impact Upon Other Uses of the Other uses of the site beside woodcutting and dumping of refuse. prohibited. Site farming have been hunting, Ail of these activities will be C. Impacts of Construction The impact of construction of the camp upon wildlife, vegeta- tion and local inhabitants will be short term and minimal. Total construction time has been estimated to be three months and re- sulting noise and traffic will be negligible. There will be no blocking of roads or disruption of utilities or services to local inhabitants and construction activities will impart no long term adverse impact upon wildlife. The hooking up of services and utilities will cause a negli- 13 gible impact. Power and telephone lines run adjacent to the prop- erty along Queen Street and water and sewer pipes run adjacent to the site along County Road 27. The sewer pipe runs along the Southern side of County Road 27 and thus hookup would pose no prob- lem. The water main, however, runs along the northern side of County Road 27 and it would be necessary to jack a pipe underneath the roadway. This would be routine and it would not be necessary to detour traffic or cause any hazardous condition to motorists (ref. 12). D. Impact.Upon .Local Economy There will be no loss of business to any local merchants or businessmen due to the operation of a convenience store or any other facilities on the proposed campground as all facilities will be exclusively for campground residents. The convenience store will stock only those items most commonly used by campers and there will be no fresh meats or vegetables available. It has been estimated that at least 18,000 persons will visit the proposed KOA campground per year. It would be difficult to estimate how much would be spent locally by these additional con- sumers but because vacationers tend to spend more than they would at home it is realistic to assume that the asset to local business would be sizeable. The c~apground obviously will not be able to provide for all the services, recreational, and material needs of its visitors and campers would spend money locally in food stores, drug stores, restaurants, movies, gift and antique shops, fishing stations, etc. There will be a campground welcome brochure that will advertise local businesses and a bulletin board will be pro- 14 vided in the reception building for posting ~dvertisements or no- tices. Many local merchants and businessmen already feel that the proposed campground would be an asset to their businesses (ref. 13). Loss of the 18 acres of farmland would result in the loss of job~ for three non-resident farm workers for approximately eight months per year. Construction of the campground will provide temporary jobs for local residents and during operation approxi- mately six local persons will be employed there. The proposed campground will add to the tax base of the Town of Southold without adding children to the school system. E. Impact Upon Public Facilities and A~jacent Land Impact Upon Adjacent Beaches and Parks At maximum capacity (expected during Summer months) the pro- posed campground will add between 450 and 500 persons to the local population. This is a realistic figure as the proposed campground has 162 individual sites and the average size of a household in the United States is 3.01 persons (ref. 14). Using these figures we arrive at an average maximum capacity of the campground of 488 per- sons. For this report we will assume a Summer capacity of 500 persons. The 1975 Summer population of Southold Town has been estimated to be 38,044 persons (see Sect. III B). Thus the additional per- sons residing in the campground will increase the Summer population of Southold Town by only 1.3 percent and increase the Summer popu- lation density by only 0.01 persons per acre. It is realistic to assume that persons residing in the KOA campground will not fre- 15 quent public beaches and parks as much as permanent residents or other Summer visitors. The reasons for this are listed: 1. The proposed campground will have a large swimming pool and other recreational facilities (tennis or miniature golf) for the campers' use. 2. It may not be desirable to swim at a beach when a pool is available due to the large numbers of stinging jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) often encountered at the local beaches during the Summer (ref. 15). 3. Non-residents are not allowed on most public beaches in Southold Town and parking on side streets in the vicinity of these beaches in order to gain access to them is strictly forbidden (ref. 15). 4. Tourists and visitors must pay a non-resident fee of $2.50 per day to park at town beaches that they are entitled to use (ref. 15). Even if KOA campers frequented town beaches and parks as often as Southold residents it would only increase the use of the facility by 1.3 percent. In addition to town parks and beaches there are 526 acres of County and State parks in Southold Town (ref. 5). None of the beaches that KOA campers would be entitled to use have experienced overcrowded conditions during previous Summers (ref. 15). Impact Upon Adjacent Land Of the 5,203 foot perimeter of the proposed campground, 1,696 feet (33 percent) borders privately owned land; 2,475 (48 percent) borders land owned by the Village of Greenport; feet and 16 the remaining 1,032 feet (19 percent) abuts roadways. Only one private residence is adjacent to the proposed campground and the resident has expressed that he would not be opposed to its close proximity (ref. 16). Occurrences of campers tresspassing on pri- vate land will most likely be negligible as representatives of both the Town of Southold Police Department and the Village of Greenport Police Department have stated that there have been abso- lutely no past incidents or complaints whatsoever involving tres- passing or disturbances by campers residing in the two other travel trailer campgrounds in the Town of Southold (ref. 17). The adjacent land owned by the Village of Greenport amounts to approximately 190 acres, most of which is referred to as Moores Woods (ref. 18). Of this undeveloped wooded land, 101 acres and 75 acres have been designated by the Village Board of Greenport for sanctuary and nature study respectively (ref. 12). The Ecology and Earth Science students of Greenport High School have pre- pared this area for public nature study,by removing refuse, con- structing trails, trail posts, and benches and by preparing an informative guide (Greenport Nature Study Area) that is available to the public. As the Moores Woods area may be needed in the future as a source of domestic water, it has never been registered as a preserve with the State as Greenport could then use it for no other purpose (ref. 12). Almost all of the Moores Woods area is natural woodland and harbors a wide variety of wildlife and vegetation. A synopsis of the species encountered there may be read in the aforementioned guidebook to the area. The Greenport Nature Study Area, as any natural ecosystem, has a certain degree of fragility. The high 17 diversity of both plant and animal life encountered there, however, would give this area more biological stability than an area that was less diverse (ref. 19). The high diversity is also an indicator of a mature ecosystem and of one in good con- dition (ref. 20). For these reasons and because Southold Town does not have an abundance of natural wooded land, Moores Woods is a valuable public resource and should be well managed for its preservation. The impact of the proposed KOA campground upon the Moores Woods area is foreseen to be minimal. The portion of Moores Woods di- rectly south of the proposed campground is largely swampy ground (ref. 18) and thus would not be attractive for persons residing in the campground to enter. The portions of Moores Woods abutting the eastern and western boundaries of the campground are more accessible to campers although the need to seem necessary as there will be 6 acres of land on the campground for their enjoyment. enter them would not similar natural wooded As stated in Section VI B, implements such as airguns and bows and arrows, as well as motorbikes, are forbidden under campground regulations and all pets must be contained or kept on a leash. These regulations would certainly minimize any impact upon wildlife by campers that might wander into the area. If there is any significant intrusion into Moores Woods by campers or straying pets or if the managers of Moores Woods deem it necessary, the owner/operator of the camp- ground has agreed to put up signs or erect the boundary. The only authorized entrance into the Area is a chain link fence along Greenport Nature Study along ~4oores Lane and a distance of 1.1 miles from the en- 18 trance to the proposed KOA campground. Because of this distance it could be expected that persons residing in the campground would not visit the Nature Study Area unless they were sincerely inter- est~d in exploring this resource. It would also not be likely that such persons would abuse an area that was intended for them and others to enjoy. As stated in Section IV the campground would be an official information center for the U.S. Forest Service's "Woodsy Owl" anti-pollution program. This program would inform and remind campers (and local residents of ways of preserving the natural environment. If the percentage of persons residing in the campground that took advantage of this amenity was equal to the percent of all other Southold Town residents visiting the area, then, as with public beaches, the increase in use would be only 1.3 percent. This would not constitute a large enough increase in visitors for concerned persons to be apprehensive about the facility being destructively overused. Impact on County Road 27 Impacts of construction on County Road 27 are discussed in Section VI C. The impact of additional traffic on County Road 27 from persons residing in the campground is foreseen to be minimal. There are 162 sites on the proposed campground and only one vehicle will be allowed per site so the maximum number of additional ve- hicles using County Road 27 will be 162. The actual figure would be much less than this as not all persons would be inclined to use their vehicles for local transportation. Many campers and motor homes cannot be easily separated from their source of motivity and in many cases it would not be convenient to disconnect hookups 19 and dismantle the camp merely to take a short ride. Many campers bring their own bicycles and bicycles will also be rented by the campground. Campers would also be inclined to double up with a- vailable motor transportation and beside the necessity of bicycling many campers would enjoy and prefer this mode of transportation. To date there has been no incidence of heavy conjestion of traffic along County Road 27 in Southold Town (ref. 21). F. Impact Upon Public Utilities and Resources Water Supply The Utilities Department of the Village of Greenport has a- greed to supply the proposed KOA campground with a maximum of 24,000 gallons of fresh water per day (ref. 22). Most ground water in the Town of Southold is withdrawn from wells which terminate at shallow depths in upper Pleistocene sand and gravel deposits. Water in the older, deeper deposits are too high in chloride to be used for domestic fresh water supply (ref. 3). The fresh water aquifers in the Town of Southold, as with all of Long Island have their only source of replenishment as precipita- tion. A large amount (about 50%) of rain falling on the land is lost to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration of vegeta- tion and another 10 percent is lost by runoff into salt water, leaving only about 40 percent available to recharge the aquifers (ref. 6). The quantity and quality of water in Southold Town has been of concern to many persons as it does represent a finite re- source that is not easily supplied from elsewhere. In general the hydrologic system of the North Fork, unlike most of Long Island, is in a state of quantitative equilibrium (ref. 25). 20 The Village of Greenport has a management program for its pub- lic water supply that consists of 11 monitor wells from which salinity and water table level are recorded weekly. If there is any'evidence of salt intrusion or table lowering, wells in that area are not pumped and regulations to conserve water are put in- to effect. To date there has been no incidence of a decline of water pressure supplied by the Village of Greenport and in the event of any serious long term water shortage in Southold To~;n there is an excess in the Town of Riverhead that may be drawn up- on (ref. 6). The impact of the proposed KOA campground upon the water qual- ity and quantity of Southold Town will be minimal. Based on a maximum demand of 24,000 gal/day and camp operation for 8 months per year the water used by the proposed campground would be 5,760,000 gal/year. This figure may be reduced as the campground will be at maximum capacity for only the Summer months and water for the swimming pool and landscaping will not be needed during the colder months. Based on projected use of the campground a re- duction of 20 percent of the projected maximum yearly demand or 1,152,000 gal/year would be conservative. Thus the corrected yearly maximum demand would be 4,608,000 gal. Average irrigation of agricultural land in Southold Town uses 200,000 gal/acre/year (ref. 6), thus the previously farmed 18 acres of the proposed site used 3,600,000 gal/year, An estimated figure of 20 percent of water used for irrigation purposes on Long Island is returned to the aquifers (ref. 6 and 12). From these figures the permanent water loss resulting from 18 acres of farmed land would be 2,880,000 gal/year. Assuming all the water used by the proposed 21 KOA campground is lost to the system then this change in land use would result in an increased loss of 1,728,000 gal/year. This loss would constitute only 0.028 percent of the safe available yearly wate'r resource of Southold Town and 0.058 percent of what is now used (ref. 6 and 12). The occurrence of salt intrusion is directly related to the a- mount of water removed from the aquifer (ref. 23) so the small percentage of additional water loss incurred by the proposed KOA campground is not likely to pose any danger. The two major sources of nitrate in the Suffolk County domestic water supply are from the disposal of waste water into the ground and the use of agricultural fertilizers (ref. 24). All of the waste water from the proposed campground will enter the Village of Greenport sewer system and not be returned to the ground. In this way the change in land use from agricultural to a campground will have the potential of decreasing the input of nitrate into the ground water. Sewer Service The Utilities Department of the Village of Greenport has agreed to supply the proposed KOA campground with sewer service. Maximum flow would be 15,000 gal/day and average flow; 8,500 gal/ day (ref. 25). The sewage treatment plant of Greenport now pro- vides primary treatment but is projected to be secondary by 1977 and tertiary by 1985 (ref. 12). The additional sewage will impose no overload problem upon the existing facility (ref. 12) and sewage from the campground will contain no toxic industrial waste that would be harmful to the biota where the effluent is discharged into Long Island Sound. Sewage is pre and post chlorinated by the 22 treatment plant to destroy any pathogens present before being dis- charged. The average sewage flow per day from the proposed camp- ground would increase the amount of effluent discharged by Green- por~ into Long Island Sound by only 2.4 percent. Power Power to the proposed campground will be supplied by LILCO. It is estimated that between 80 and 90 percent of the persons visiting the campground will be residents of Long Island. For this reason and because campers will tend to use less electricity than they would at home, the demand for any additional power from LILCO will be negligible. Garb~e?isposal Garbage will be collected by the North Fork Sanitation Com- pany and disposed of in the Southold Town dump. The additional garbage from 500 persons residing at the KOA campground will im- part no overload condition upon this facility (ref. 21). G. Aesthetic Impacts The negative aesthetic impact upon the local area by the pro- posed KOA campground will be negligible. The proposed campground has a frontage of only 206 feet along County Road 27 and the 100 foot buffer zone from the roadway will be landscaped with trees and shrubs. A single unobtrusive painted sign reading "Welcome KOA" will be erected behind the buffer zone so as to be clearly seen from County Road 27. A 30 foot buffer zone around the peri- meter of the campground will be planted with more than 1,000 Japanese Black Pines and shrubs to afford both cover and abate noise pollution. This particular species of tree was recommended 23 by the District Conservationist to be most applicable to these purposes. Additional trees and shrubs will be planted throughout the site for shade, cover and appearance. As the elevation of the sit~ decreases slightly to the south, little or none of the camp- ground structures or trailers will be visible from County Road 27 when the trees reach a height of approximately 30 feet. The A-frame reception building will be located 700 feet south of County Road 27 and will be the first structure encountered. This building will be of sturdy construction with a cement foundation and natural textured vertical wood siding. The two satellite buildings will be of similar construction and exterior. If approved, all roadways on the site will be graded and paved with stone ma- terial to afford more informal surroundings. (See Section II B). The owner/operator of the proposed KOA campground is concerned with maintaining a rustic, unobtrusive atmosphere for his clientel and enhancement of his business. The entire campground; buildings, planted and natural trees, roadways and comparatively low site density will not be out of keeping with the rural atmosphere of the area. VII. Alternatives to the Proposed Project No Action If the proposed KOA ca/npground were not constructed it would not eliminate %he need for such a facility in the Town of South- old. A future fulfillment of this need may result in a less ade- quate campground built in a less suitable and desirable location. The site of the proposed campground would most likely be used in the future for a housing development thus destroying the woodland, 24 and adding more permanent residents and permanent structures. VIII. Irreversable or Irretrievable Commitment of Resources Involved Th'ere are virtually no irreversable or irretrievable commitment of resources that would result from the construction and operation of the proposed campground beyond some loss of fresh water and the loss of 18 acres of farmland. The fresh water loss is discussed in Section VI E and was concluded to pose no danger or problems. The loss of 18 acres of farmland is not necessarily an irretrievable loss as the land would have few permanent structures and could conceivably be returned to agricultural use or any other use. IX. Discussion of Problems. and 'Objections Raised' by Interested Parties Many of the objections of the North Fork Audubon Society (ref. 26), the North Fork Environmental Council (ref. 1) and the Town of Southold Conservation Advisory Council (ref. 27) were of a similar nature and therefore will be discussed together. 1. The primary concern of both the North Fork Audubon Society and the North Fork Environmental Council appeared to be what was termed as a disasterous impact upon the Moores Woods area by the nearby campground residents. This matter is discussed at length in Section VI E and it was concluded that the impact would be minimal and not harmful to this resource. The North Fork Environmental Council representative requested a 6 foot high chain link fence separating Moores Woods from the camp- ground and this was agreed to by the owner/operator of the proposed campground if it is shown to be necessary. The close proximity of the proposed campground to the Nature Study Area does not warrant the conclusion that persons would be any 25 more inclined to travel 1.1 miles to the authorized entrance than 4 or 5 miles. In the unlikely circumstance that the nature study area is significantly overused by campers using the authorized entrance, then measures may be taken, such as charging a non-resident fee, to reduce 2. Objection was voiced over the increase and increased use of public facilities. the number of visitors. in population density These impacts are discussed at length in Section VI E and it was seen that the proposed campground would increase the Summer population of Southold Town and the use of its public facilities by a maxi- mum of only 1.3 percent. It was further concluded that the impact of this additional use would be negligible as none of the public facilities involved have experienced overcrowded conditions in past Summers. It was stated that persons residing in not be inclined to spend money locally the campground would and thus not be an asset to local business. Although no statistics are avail- able there is no reason to believe, nor was any proof sub- mitted, that campers would not spend as much in local shops and businesses as any other Summer resident. Any conclusions in this area could best be made by local businessmen who would be in a better position to make a realistic judgment. The Chamber of Commerce of Greenport has submitted a letter (ref. 13) stating their approval of the proposed campground and the asset they believe it would be to local busines. In general, vacationing persons spend more per day in a given area than do permanent residents. Concern was expressed over the loss of 18 acres of farmland. 26 This matter is discussed in Section V and it was concluded that this loss may be inevitable as the land is already zoned for residential use. The site, although agriculturally pro- ' ductive, is not representative of the best farmland found in Southold Town and about one-third of the site is among the least desirable (see Section V). It should be noted that be- cause of measures taken by the County much of the existing farmland in Suffolk County will be permanently preserved as such. 5. Concern was expressed over the proposed campground.creating a "Coney Island" atmosphere and that a housing development would be more desirable. The negative aesthetic impacts are discussed in depth in Section VI G and were concluded to be negligible. The proposed campground will not be out of keep- ing with the rural atmosphere of the area and will be hardly visible from the roadway. The feasibility of a development is discussed briefly in Section VII. This situation, on an aesthetic view, is more subjective opinion than fact and so I leave any conclusion on this matter to persons on the Town Planning Board who reside in the area and have experience in the development of Southold Town. 6. Concern was expressed that the proposed campground would have a serious impact upon water quality and quantity in Southold Town. This has been discussed at length in Section VI F and it was concluded that the amount of water used by the camp- ground over the amount that was previously lost through irri- gation of the land would impart no serious impact upon the water budget of Southold Town. I am sure that the Superin- 27 e tendent of Utilities of Greenport would not have agreed to provide the campground with water without the necessary knowl- edge and investigation to assure that it would not be detri- mental to the resource or existing consumers. It was further concluded that the change in land use would not decrease and may have the potential of increasing the quality of Southold ground water by eliminating a previous in- put of nitrates. Objections raised by the Town of Southold Conservation Ad- visory Council in a letter dated 2/5/74 to the Town Planning Board have been referred to and discussed in objections 2 and 3 above. This letter was written with the false assumption that the proposed campground would have a capacity of 850 - 1250 persons (stated in the letter). The actual maximum capa- city of the proposed canlpground has been estimated in Section VI E to be not more than 500 persons. X. Conclusions' and Recommendations The investigation necessary for the preparation of this statement has led me to conclude that any negative environmental impacts arising from the construction and operation of the proposed Eastern Long Island KOA campground will be minimal to negligible. I further conclude that there will be many impacts of a positive nature that will be or will have the potential of being beneficial to the community. I am in agree- ment with the provisions set forth by the Town of Southold Planning Board on October 28, 1974 and by the County Planning Commission on April 9, 1975. All these provisions that were the responsibility of the owner/operator of the proposed campground have been complied with. I see no further recommendations over those already discussed in this report. 28 In the preparation of this report I have endeavored to collect and report all the facts and draw conclusions in areas of my personal ex- pertise (Biology, Geology and Environmental Studies). In areas such as land ~se and planning I have collected material, reported facts and drawn only the simplest, most obvious conclusions, leaving any further conclusions to those persons on the Town Board and Town Planning Board who would have greater insight into this particular area. It should be noted that the Southold Town Planning Board unanimously approved a change of zone application on February 24, 1975 and the County Planning Commission decided on April 9, 1975 that approval of the project be left to local determination. 29 REFERENCES In all references that are personal communication either by telephone or in person the interviewer stated his name, occupation, for whom he was working and the reason for his inquiries. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. 16. 17. Personal Communication (4/5/75) Mrs. Lorraine Terry, President, North Fork Environmental Council. Fuller, Myron L. (1914) The Geology o'f Long Island, USGS Prof. Paper No. 82. "Geology and Ground Water Resources of the Town of Southold, New York", USGS Water Supply Paper 1619-GG, (Crandell, H.C.). Census Tracts for 1970, U.S. Census Bureau, 12/71. "1975 County Catalogue", Suffolk County Planning Dept., Hauppauge, N.Y. "Town of Southold Investigations of Water Resources", Malcolm Pirnie Engineers, White Plains, N.Y. (June, 1967). "A Profile of the Nassau-Suffolk Labor Force" (1973) Nassau- Suffolk Regional Planning Board. "U.S. Census 1970, Vol. 6: Income", Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board. "Soil Interpretations, Inventory and Analysis" (1969) Nassau- Suffolk Regional Planning Board. Personal Communications (5/16/75) Mr. Charles Barnett, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Riverhead, N.Y. Personal Communication (4/8/75) Mr. Robert Bolling, Owner/Operator of Migrant Worker Camp. Personal Communication (4/8/75) Mr. James Monsell, Supt. of Utilities, Village of Greenport, N.Y. Personal Communication (letter of 1/27/75) Mr. Chauncey Hulse, President of Greenport Chamber of Commerce. "Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1974", U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Personal Communication (4/10/75) Mrs. Judith Boken, Southold Town Clerk. Personal Communication (5/10/75) Mr. So Sledjeski. Personal Communication (4/11/75) Lt. Winters, Southold Police Dept. and Patrolman Miller, Greenport Police Dept. 30 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. "Map of Village Properties West of Greenport", revised Jan. 1962 (available at Greenport Village Hall). Klopfer, P.H. (1959) "Environmental Determinants of Faunal .Diversity , Amer. Natur. 93 (873):337-342. Odum, E.P. (1963) Ecology, Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, N.Y., 152 pp. Personal Communication (4/10/75) Mr. Ray Dean, Supt. of Highways, Town of Southold, N.Y. Personal Communication (letter of 9/21/73) Mr. James Monsell, Supt. of Utilities, Village of Greenport, N.Y. (the original figure was 30,000 gal/day based on 200 sites. This figure has been corrected to the present 162 sites). "An Atlas of Long Island Water Resources" (1968) New York Water Resources Commission, USGS Bull. 62. "Hydrogeology of Suffolk County, New York" (1974) H.M. Jensen and Julian Soren, Hydrologic InvestigDtions Atlas, HA-501, USGS. Personal Communication (letter of 10/18/74) Mr. James Monsell, Supt. of Utilities, Village of Greenport, N.Y. Personal Communication (4/5/75) Mrs. Aline Dove, Vice-President, North Fork Audubon Society. Letter of 2/5/74 from Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council to the Southold Town Planning Board. 31 ~500 8Or ,7b,S [ 6C0 5O(} 400 300 2OO ICO O0 L. J~)'HN A. 'JAo(~SEN, P.E. · Cf,~, SULTING E~INEER HOURLY VARIATION OF TRAFFIC VOLUMES C 0 L; '",1 TS TAKEN 24 HOUR COUNT '-0( FT'T-r--rT'F ~- 12OO ItOO 1000 900 HOURLY VARIATION OF TRAFFIC VOLUMES 800 700 60G 50O 400 .500 '200 COUNTS TAKEN 24 HOUR COUNT. .00 · dC, FIN A. JAC'O.I~, ,?:,EN, RE. < iI~ONSuLTi'NG" ENGINEER ~000 8GO 5OO I' 4OO $00 q' ~ ; HOURLY VARIATION OF TRA. FFIC VOLUMES· COUNTS TAKEN 24 HOUR COUNT A. JACOBSEN, RE. dC'MN CONSULTING ENGINEER , I 400 400 300 !. · J J HOURLY VARIATION OF TRAFFIC VOLUMES COUNTS TA'K E N 24 HOUR COUN~ dC H'N A. JACOB-GEN, P.E. CON,~ULTING ENGINEER '900 BbC 700 600 5O0 40O 30O HOURLY VARIATION OF TRAFFIC VOLUMES COUNTS. TAKEN 24 HOUR COUNT JC:HN A. JACOBSEN, RE. CONSULTING ENGINEER Id.1- .>. K d t~ NORTH FORK TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION, INC. PECON1C'. NEW YORK 11o58 / , .,. ~aay 27, 1975 ~reenport, :l-,w York i'ne 0ou~cil of f~llied Associations ,':ould like %o go o~ recoPd in~_%0 the down-zon,ing requested sy ~astc. Pn Lon? I:;~nd li~.~pgro.~n6s, lhc. ~he 0ouncil in lie way wishes %o o0st~ct or prevent ousiness mrom in SouSholo Town. Ca.~ping has oecome a po~}ular pasttime fo~ many A6]eiicans and a scrips of small campsites scat- tered arouml kown ~ight ue worshy of cv~sideration, now- ever, the propose~ campsite is (1) a large operation waick cculd, a% peal'_ seasons, accommodate as many as 600 %o 700 peo?le plus %heir pets; and ~2) is proposed to be louated on land which is currently zoned resioenSisl-agricultur~. whe Council oeli yes %hat theme nas alreaay Seen :~]ore %hah enougt~ down-zoning cai'mi%Led in JOUtRold 1OWl] Oy %ne so~I'd and %hroush va~isnces ~anled uy the Doai.~ of ~}pe~ls. sy the allowance of these sown-zonings, tho Town is misregard- lng its origin~ promise %o do everythinC to maiu%ain the characte~ and atmosphere of Southold. 'zherc are ia southold k~wn ~l'eas already zoned ~d-1. l~ould it not be ,~ re in keeo- inI witk our ordina~ces and objectives if the an Ii. cant sou~irt %be nropc? exception %o loc~,.te in one o!-t~ese zones rather %ha,'. seeking t3e dou01e zone chc~ge plus e:cceotion ~7l!ich is nee,~ed i~ tl~e area %hey cot]te:.N}la%c using. ~.~o%ner ~ooin% whic~ ::sst ce considerc~ is ti]at, all ~jood inze~'tions ~[otwithstandinc, i.~ %he event of the failure t ~is uusiness to actually bec'in o~I'ation - or in the ..vent fha% it is not a financisl success - this land will lR~.ve been l'ezo~icd a~nfi co~!].d oe sold for }ep~ul ~tJ. on .,~u)viple k:~usin[f, lap ~uffol]~' Country Plam~in~i ~oa!d originsdty dis- of which ,,w:s th~.t i% wo.s incensisten% with tke oattcrn oi zoninF~ in ~kc sur~ounaJ_n6 a]'~,as aha wo~ld p~oviae x~ impetus far SuI.%her W-rpatuation o! a~dcsired smrip sail co~l~,rcia% ~evelopmcnt c~orig ~te. 27. The ly concurs kvi%zi this o,3soi'vatiell. '~o concluOe, we wo~l~ li~-e %0 i.c_~er %o t:le Code of the lown of oo,~tnold, ~a~fe 10005, ~r%icle 1 Dection lO0-1C - wnica szates %ne m~lI'ooSes of the zonind, oYdinallces, khey k. eafi as foil o ws: Cml,~c Jl oaf ~.ilicg .~/27/75 l'he izcilita%io.a~ k.:e efficient and ~ublic z&cilities and services. yhe ~.,surance of adeq~late sizes k'he previsions of plivacy lot iam~lies. iAe~,~ ...... ~:~ ~n~l ~n and reduction of traffic congestion so as to r~o.w)%e efiicicnt aha sale circulation oz' vehicle'°,, and n~de- 'zhc daximum protection of zesiaenmit-~ areas. 'ihs ~rad~ eli:'~i~ation of noncenfo~ning uses. a~s ~ whole. 5.':,e e~,courageaent ol flexibility i~ %ae uosis'n o, nd develop* me~tt of lana i:i s~,.c:~ am way as %o O3. oduce the most apgro~riate use .oz l~,~t~,), %o iaci=itate %ne adequate ~.~nd ec,~,,iomicf~ pro- vJ~:~ion of st~eekm aaa u%ililes aha to plesclve and scenic qu~i%ies of epen la,id. ~. ~- ~,DgL..)l in~' ~.u OYOL (:Zion or a&ricul%uz~e a 1~ l'!,~,ei ism. l.,~ iii c mnl~.%o ounosi¥ion t© %,~e .~i' _~ zsscli, c s%£~¥od ill ,.~.~ ~:r}com tuna %~at %ais a,own-zoning be denied. ReSpectfully su b~it$ed, Council o£ A=lie~ ~/27/75 ~so¢iations A. The fac~itation of [~e efficien~ aad ade'uate provision of public racilities and services. b. The a:surance of adequate si~es for residence, industry and C O~l,'q~rc e. O. ~he ~rovisions of privac3 fo~ families. ?he orevention and reduction of traffic congestion so as %o promote efficient and safe circulation oi vehicles and p~de- s~rians. E. The ~aaxi~uum protection of resiGenti~ areas. F. The gradu~ elimination of nonconfo~uing uses. O. The enhancement of t~e aopc~rance of the wown oi oouthold as a whole. n. 5he e~couragement of ~exibility il~ the design ~nd develop% meat of land i~ such a way as ~o produce the most appropriate use oz ls~nds, to faci!itate %Se ade~ate and eco]~o~ic~ pro- vision of streets ~na utilites and Zo p~eserve the natur~ and scenic qu~ities oZ open land. I. The fosZering ~.d promection of agriculture ~tnC I'i~eries. The Gounc..1 i'eels ~% %~e continual down-zoninL' we he,ye wit- aesse..~ is in c~mplcte opposition ~o ti~e ni~n resolve s~a%ed in t~'~e se purposes. ,~e recomt~end t~at %his down-zoning be denied. l{espectfully submitted, ~ladys Csa~ko/, Chairman ~ay !' Southold Town Board, 16 South Street, Gree npo rt, N.-~. 11944 Gent 1 eme n: and ~ueens S around the a locate in ou and narrow p Oreenport Li Orient Ferry The neighbors in the in,mediate freer and the property owners rea OpP,...9.SE the Down-Zoning to r area. ~%~e must remember that iece of land fed only ght on the North Road vicinity of North Road and residents in and permit the K.O.A. to the Town of Southold is .by-.tw° main arteries to and ~'hen :,,,o_nly':~"_'.'one ~ R~ad Road a long the te the Locating the K.O.A. on the North of Street a narrow part of the island where the width one mile from Sound to Ba~' will cause a Bottleneck congestion both from the East and West End because influx of people and vehicles. Presently we have a two toward a Dead W_~d (Ferry) and the burdened and dangerous and urgently ed by the fact that the Suffolk Project ~028 in its Capita the Eastern Terminus in ~,Iat Locating the K. increase the burden to this road and will increase the and ~eens is about only and severe the great lane road - one going other going ~est which needs improvements as County Planning Department 1 Budget to widen and improve same tituck Eastward to Greenpor$. 0..4.. on the North Road will. greatly already overburdened and dangerous danger of the life and limb of the East is over- evide nc- has from 5hat will prop buff othe obso ,_have not zoning? residents, visitors and persons using the road ESPECIALLY IN THE P.~.A_K?'~RiOD OF THE S~ASON when the trailers and~:-c:amperS"~i'll 'b:~'-' caravan~ng-g'~Ong thiS'-~wo lane road. I am old fashioned enough to believe in Safety First. The life you may save may be your ovrn. Density- The plan submitted by the K.O.A. in~dica.tes the pr.oposed ~-1 Zone on which 1~ Trailers a~d~'~" '"'~""~"'~ Campsites be placed consists of 18.8 acres. The other' part on the erty to be used for offices, convenience store, laundomat and er zone. This will create Water. Sewer and Sanitation and r problems. Our water supply is fragile and our ~;ewer System lete urgently needing updating in fact a new plant which we as yet been able to install. What happened to one acre Spot-Zoning - At the Expense of Public -'0f-~h~'' a're~~~~cgU's'e .... property owners to in land values. Locating a K.0.'.4.. ope rat ion of of the Town and is not in This is a flagrant case of Private Gain G°°d~ - "Thee at-ens -the~' .... re-s'i ~ent'i'~i n~.~'~re :'- suffer great loss this size will accordance with a drain the re sourc es well. developed plan. Directly tion is County Park Property which when across the Road of and Beach Property, developed will bring Traffic and people Trans ient, increase the traffic That in. · "~.ir. Bart Cass of the Suffolk that because of lack of funds on 'the proposed widening and would be foolhardy to permit to the area. Is it Travel, Trailer Campground in this area to further and congestion? view of the fact that I have been advised County Department of Public N_O E.I.,IiG...!NE~RIN'G 0.R SURVEYING was improvement of the 'N°r:~: "'-ROad, i t the proposed K.O.A. loca- Town Froperty. and Village a tremendous amount of sensible to consider locating. done construction by the K.O.A. or anyone else and not know the true location or course of the road. ~) Condemnation for' road use on improved property (particularly business property of the type proposed) is vastly more expensive than unimproved property. ~) The Buffer Zone of 100 feet indicated on the K.O.A. ?l~n will be decreased considerably or' possibly eliminated. That this K.0.A. ope rat ion will re quire Police Parrot' and Fire Protection, Sanitation and Traffic Control throughout the Town of Southold and its beaches for at least 600~ persons and..' ~00 vehicles (each trailer has a lead car and some tow a boat and extra Vehicle) DAILY - DURING THE PEAK OF TEE SEASON - and will add an extra bu~'~n-°~ ~h~"-Town-w~ich'~i~ ...... 6~n'~ill-~-ffo~d and is a~ oresent unable to take care of its needs. R~ots at Clarks oeach and other a~eas of Town caused the closin~ of Clark Beach because of cost and ty to patrol. ~ith the great influx of Oeople daily we are more riots that we are unable to control. the inabili invitin ~scaus~ in a position t~ accomodate the K.O.:~. which is business and will requi~e more than we have the and have no other alternative than to deny the K.0.A. for Down-Zoning if we are to have a SAFE DEVE LOP~NT Of. the Town. of SoUthold. ........ . ~- , ~..? - _ - ~ ~ ~ ......... - ..... .. - . ,..,, .... ........ _ of the reasons' setforth above the Town is not a specialty ability to pro vide application of the SANE AND ORDERLY Very trul'~u,rs, · ~'Benson ~. Telsey 0 P.S. In the limited time I had to spare I felt out the grass root sentiment of the neighbor's and ~'esidents in the area and find that they all oppose the K.0.A. in their area. ! have secured nurae~ous signatures to a petition which I ara enclosing herewith. Sa~s ..~enta[s DANIEL T. SMITH LIC~;NSi~O ~ea/ ~s/age PHONE' CODE 516 - 765-3663 --- MAIN STREET -:- SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. Deposit 7ay 1 "'ir. RLcha r'd., ~.';i~,_ uon ? .. Dear :',%~. '."ltlton; -n ans',':ezTM to 0rout questions pegardin~ ura.._~]_c ?_low:s ~,~ a ,.v.~ . ~ o-~ __ ~ ~ -~ i:~mp~,ound and ~dja ent ~oadz i think the follov,,~n~-, ~n o?;aqtiot~ ' z9:~9 my "...'~f.::: and ± bu~it-bJte ;'~L:A Ka!n±.;&:round a.~ Un~dzila, i ex'.' ~ · ..~ v~'~.~,.. ~his ~t~apcround v?as bu it or~ the Union ,~nuz~ch .~oad, a !.~-_ la. ne di?t poad. Camper-s i;_~avellinG to the Kamp~ound would lesve the state highway (Rt 7) and tr;~.vel 3 miles on :~ F,.Tved counoy road ~,~:oo.~bly 16 'Pt ~zwement) then i.)O0 .~.ee.~ on thzc Union '~muc.~, l'oad and ~nto the I[OA. e ~:,_~.Ii c cou~lt on the ~ounty hi'"'~,zv,my wa.. s :x:o' oaoly 500 ~,o °00 ~az~~ ,~)e~"- d~:t-/,. ~'~h~ :Ji~o~ chul'ch road x..,;a.:.~ about lO0 cars pal' day. ,.:ten '-"e bui' ~ :.c0i riel "' / .., , z ~ OlJ.? ._ ,~ ..... .._ ~nbo.u~ e coz'~c~uned-bl~at the tz~ave~ ~ ~ ng bo the k.2mpground ,..',,or!~: -- ~ ~' t"a:?f~ c puobi~::, ~:~a,:...~t ~:,.~e .... 1:-.~_~ !a.n~ ............ d~rt road v.'ou!d not b~ sufficient So'n~ had v~s~ons s,.ll sor't;u of d~:c~ cor~.sequence~, in addition-~-;~ he~rd about the ,.;.o s ~-, ab i ' i ' o :? t o z' ~ ~ . .._ ' , 'uy fao cycl~ eta :'o~e of thes~ uz'ob!eras evez' materialized Th~ ,'ami)ers trsve!l-' to the KOA did notc?eate a~'~y j~rol:,lems Zoz' the ;~.re;s z'esidet~ts. ?ncr :', ycaz~ ~a-"~ and evez~ ~=nc~, .... ~ . ave t'~ ::o"' h'-,~!%r t" ~- ,,',,ith. ~ ' 21_ -'-' _' ~''' . t ' " . ... ' , zl~ a. fe t.h~' l'[C'~, ~O u/';~2..~ic 0 ~e .... .... _ bu% z';~%ne~y ..... a r,~asonabl~ _~iow 2he camueu, urzi'~s ~o not B~ave! ~.~*~ hi_ah sp~ed~~ enipl'.~e:'in6 t:~c ne~a~hbo~-s a?~ildx'.:n a:nd animals. !n f;:c~ is ~,Ao'~ t~';-: ....... to slow ~"~ ~ -.-¥ "lS~ · ~ ao...,,t lo a reasonable !e~e/ rails, rZy tile motoucycles neveL' rns~ez'ialized, although we did have ruom.} ve_~'~ fine tnotorcycle 'people an. rap wi bh us ~he pz~oblems o.~ the no stuck on the dirt z'oad nevez- materialized b~cause bv th ~'~uy,,~-. n.~'~.'ture, most of t~e units az-e heading to t~e .~"0'..~ ~,._..b one t~:~e' of day ::~nd heading out at another. Then too, ~the ~tbility to usc the dump station and the attendant delay, helps to space the units as they leave ~o ~ou do not have a. caravan as they leave. i c~.n tell you that after [ y'eaus tb.e neighbors of the U adil!a KOA are~_~ad it ..... ,,,...~s aporoved,. ~onsider~. the K0A a good nei~tboL~, snd in fact they tout their KOA Ii]ce a favoL~it.e nep]]ew. You rt~ay uso this iet-te~~ for any pu~'pose that you choose az,d I ]~now thn. t .... · '~ling the same way once the K0~ h'~,s opez~eJ. ~nd n. eiLnoors w~ll be fe:.: ' _ th !)z'oblems do not ~,..teuiai2ze Good Luck Sincerely, ,'/.' ..~ /? '.',alt .~' S cc: 2il!inL'" Dennis Ricci ~e,the unders~ed, petition the To~n Board, To. neap of Southold, Sufffolk County, ~ York to AP~tOVE the request aade By Eastern Lon~ Island Kampgro~, Inc. for t-~-~urpose of construction and operating a 162 site recreational campground. Additional quality camp~ facilities are needed in the Town of Southold. We, the undersigned, petition the T~wn Board, Township of Southold, Suffolk Ceunty, New York to APPROVE the request made by Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for th~"P~rpose ef constraetion and operating a 162 site recreational campground. Additional quality cauping facilities are needed in the Tc~n ~f $outhold. ADDRESS / / . DA'r~ /! d! I! il f! W®, the unders~ned, petition the To~n Board, Township of So~hold~ S~fo~ Cou~y, ~ York to ~RO~ t~ ~q~st ~~ by ~~ Long Isl~ K~e~ds, ~c. f~ t~' ~~o~ ~ co~t~ct~on ~d o~rat~ a 162 si~ re~eatio~ c~p~o~. ~tion~ q~ity c~i~ f~ities ~ ~e~d ~ the T~ of Se~hold. We, the undersigned, petition the Town Board, Township of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York to APPROVE the request ~ade by Eastern Long Island Ka~pgro~, Inc. for the purpose of construction and operating a 162 site recreational campground. Additional quality camping facilities are needed in the Town of Southold. NAME ,' / ? ~/. ,'. : ~', -' ,.,~ , ~. \, ., ~..'~ .~:' ~ ?, ]' ~ - , ~, ~.~'~' ,_~ " ,, ADDRESS DATE · / : , ,." '~" , ...,:~...,..'~.-. I'{ t . ./ - '-' ' '~' -~ ,._.,~ c.: "~"~... '" .. ~'~.~ · ~. ' _~.;'~.:~,.,'~,.~,~. · . ..'- ~ ' Ye, the unders~ned, petition the To~n Board, Township of $outhold, Sufffolk County, New York to APPROVE the request ~ade by Eastern Lon~ Island Ka~p~rounds, Inc. f~r the purpose off construction and operat~ a 162 site recreational ca. ground. Add~tion~ qu~ity ca~pi~ facilities are needed in the ?o~n of $outhold. ADDRESS DATE . We, the undersigned, petition the To~n Board, T~mship of Southold, Suffolk Ooumty, New York to APPROVE the request ~ade by Eastern Long Island Kampgro~s, Inc. for t--~-'--e purpose of construction and operating a 162 si~e recreational campgroumd. Additiomal quality ca~p~ facilities are needed in the Town of Sou~hold. We, the undersigned, petition the Torn Board, Township of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York to .APPRO_.Vg the request ~ade by Eastern Lon~ Island Kamp~rounds, Inc. for the purpose of construction and operatta~ a 162 site recreational campground. Additional quality camping facilities are needed in the Town of $outhold. ADDRESS DATE ~e, the undersigned, petition the Town Board, Tow~~~of Soutt~old, Suffolk County, N..Y. to APPROVE the request -~-~ ~ E~s~,rn Lon~ Isled K~p~rounds, Inc. for ~he purpo e e recreational stru~tion ~d operating a 162 sitties are needed in th~"'.~~ Ad~i ional quality c~ping facili 'Sou ~hold,~. purpose of con- ~.,~e~ti.o~ 91_,~ . ~. /.7d7 We, the undersisned residents of Souti)old Town, do object to thc proposed Kampf~rounds of America, to be located a~ Queens Street and ~ortb ~oad, for ~e f~Z]owin~ reasons. among others: 1. The influx of people nmd traffic wii] con~e~t thc area ~ncrease the dan3~er to an alceady dancerous roaS. 2. The police protection, fire protection, etc., the cost as the result of the influx of paopie. 3. l'hat our beaches will be crowded witi~ transients ami people ,~,ho do not share in ~be tax burden and who, at the sat'e [i'~,~, ~rcatly increase the cost. The Southold Town Board -2- May 27, 1975 North Fork Audubon Society, with three hundred members in So~thold Town has been o.~.~,to the K. 0. A. project since it was first brought before the Southold Town Planning Board. On the basis of its proximity to Moore's Woods and its impact on our limited water supply, Audubon believes a do.n-zoning for K. 0. A. would indicate very unwise land use. Yours truly, North ~ork Audubon Society Oonstance Plm Ne, the und:rstgned property owners and r®aidente of the Town of Southold, do hereby object to the proposed Kampgrounds of America being permitted to locate in our Area (North Road and ~ueens Street). Name Addree~ property owners amd ~¥e, the undersigned,/residen~ of the area in and around ~Ueens Street and North Road, do object to the proposed Kampgrounds of America, being permitted to locate in our area.~£or t~e following reasons among others; ~) The influx of pegple ~ traf~c-~on~e!t the area and g~atly increase the danger~' a~ already dangerous road. 2) That our beaches will be crowded with people that do not share in the tax burden.~--~ ----- 3) That police protection, fire protection, etc., will greatly increase in cost, as a result of the vast influx of peep'le. ~ Address STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: Southold, New York, age of 19 75 he affixed a is a true copy, in a SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of being duly sworn, says that tie is over tke twenty-one years; that on the 9th day of May' notice of which the annexed prin~ed notic,> proper and substantial manner, irt a m,'3sL public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Notice of Public Hearing - 7:30 P.M.-May 27, 1975 by Town Board re: Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. To~ Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Sworn to before me this 9th day of May Southold, L.I.~NoY. ~lb~rt W. Richm~5~'~,~wn Clerk 19 75 C'~nrnl~ion Expires March NOTICE OF HEARING~ ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Secti~ ~65 of the Town Law and requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public 1TM8 hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Supervgmr's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in .sa~d_Town, on the 9/th day of following prop~al to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (~n- of the Town of Sonthdd, Suffolk County, New York: pARCEL l--By changing from "A" Residantial nod Agricultural District to "M-I' General Multiple Restde~ce District the prop~ty of Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern situated at Gceanport, Town of Sonthcid, Suffolk Coanty, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Qnoan Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen Stceet; ruanh~ thence from said point of beginning along the sonfl~ewestodY line of Queen East ~.15 feet to land of the thance uleag said land of the Vill~e of Greanport the following three courses: (1) South 0 de~ees 51' 20" West 917.1/feet; (2) North 80 degcees 07' 20" West 1011.71 feet; and (3) feet to a mnoumant and land now or formerly of J. Feano; running them~ ~ land now or for- meely of J. Fanno and land now · ee formorly of A.L.P,. Francisco the fdlowin~ two cee~sez and distan~s: (1) North $ deg~ea 15' 10', East 9/3.S9 feet; (2) North 71 &~'ees 47' 40" East, 505.01 feet to a pcint and running thence through laud of Petitioners, North ~ de~ 37' 00" East, 351.,/~ feet to the point or place of begi~. Cea~i~ an area of PARCEL ~-By changing from "A" Reskk~tial and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business Distr~ct the property of Richard C. Wiltno, John 3. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kam- pgrounds, Inc. situated at Groanp~t, Town of Sonthofd, Suffolk Co~mty, New York, and more parUcularly beondad and described as follews: BEGI~G at a monument at the intersection of the soulhanste~ly line of the Road, with the westorly line of ~p~ean Street, from said point of westerly line of (~ Street two courses: (1) South 11 degrees 17' 10" East, 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) Suut~ 8 degro~ 17' 20" East, to a monument; running thanee through oth~ land 9f Petitioners, 361.76 feet to land new or for- merly of A.L.R. Francisco; tannins thence along said land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco North 10 degrees 07' 20" West, 441.32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; running thence along said land of Leo Slndjeski the following two courSeS: (1) North 50 degrees 52' 10" East, 186.86 feet; and thence (2) North 11 degrece 17' 10" East, 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; running thanee along the southeastody Uae of Middle Road North 50 dagn~~2' or pinc~ of .t~.',"'~_~. on the abo~e prnW~ mont sbau~t0ea~ ~' the DATED: April 22, 19/5 ~y Om)ER 0~' Al:BERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J .......... ~ ~ ~..C ,..D_ ~a ~ ........... being duly Sworn, says that . .~e... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFI WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~t Greenport, in said county~ and that the notice, of which the annexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, tot (~n~ r~ ) ........... ".: .............. weeks successively commencing on the ...$~.~h..~? ................ day of ....... ~-...~.~...... 19..~ ~worn to before me this .... ~. ............ ,*:~% ~ 'V .r,l,~.' ~ ~/'~' ','~: '/;,.~.~ ..... NOTICEOF HE,\RING ON PROPOSALTOAMEND ZONINGORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 2n5 .1 thc New York. public hcarinu ~xill bc ..houldapl~caratthcdmcandlqUCc held by thc Tmon [~oaFd t,[' thc amend the Building Zorn- Or dinance dncluding lilt' guiktin~ BEGINNING at a t~lOtltil~lk'OI DAIED: April 22. 19'5 B)'ORDLR OF I lie bO{J I'HOLD'I O~.~' N BO.\RD .dLBE R'I X','. I'H( HMOND 'IOWN ('1 kRK ly linc .I Middle Road with thc lincol'Ouccn SiFter. Soufll 4,$ 4Y 20" West 1011.71 feet; und ~3~ North0 45' 00" East 308 fcct m a [TToN,O .~a~ll~ o~ a~e~s~ '00~'0I~ ay& 'peo~ Xpaxo~ 'uemlnqt uoaX~ ol zaT,',xal~ln~ oll°l~D '000'~I$ 'aoqa~B a[T}~ ooaq& '986~ ~ ~lg ~ 'IO~ '000'}}$ 'a~ttlA um -dtuuH iseR '1aoalS plnoO 6LLg I~ gg ~ 'IIeH auTpleaOO ol 'ouI sosnoH au.~o~ ~xo~ '000'~$ -(suopaeD ~n~luo~) 08~ ~ Og-gI ~ OUNTY OF SUFFOLK FATE OF NEVV YORK Sherley Katz. being duly sworn, soys that she is an titor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK ~ATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, s Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is o printed cop,/, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mottituck Watchman once each week for ........... .~..~..~'- ....... &./.../. ............. wee~ successively, commencin~ on the ................ . .~... .................. dayo, ......... ~.c..~....., ....... ..................... o7/. Sworn to before me this ......... ./. ............ day of ............ ~.~..~...~,,~./., 19 ~..~..~...-'' ............ ......... SOUTHOLD, L. I, N. Y. 11971 MaF 16, 1975 Village of Greenport Third Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is copy of legal notice of proposed hearing to be held May 27, 1975 at 7:30 P.M.relative to proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold by Richard C Wilton, John J. Clanton, and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. on property situated at Greenport bounded by the Village of Greenport. Very truly your~s~ Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Received May 16, 1975 by John Peckham for the Willage of Greenport. Southold Town Planmng Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-1313 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle April 18, 1975 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Wilton & Clanton C/Z Gentlemen: The Southold Tow~ Planning Board at a regular meeting held February 24, 1975 made the following resolution regarding the amended petition of Wilton & Clanton for a change of zone. "RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the application of Wilton and Clanton for a change of zone on property located at Queen Street, Greenport, to be utilized as a K.O.A. campsite." Yours truly, Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board THIS AGREEMENT made the . day of May ..,~o~,~ l/.'.:....:- the Village of Greenport, New York, a municipal corporatie~_ ~:"~ ' .'. principal office at 236 Third Street, Greenport) New York ].!"':" .~'o t. : party of the first part and Eastern Long Island Kampground~&. ]'~', a domestic corporation, its successors or assigns~ having {t~ ~' '~:'~: office at Post Office Box 89, Greenport, New York 1194&~ ~, o~zmer of the property described, as party of th~ second .r..a~_"~ f'. I 7~ Richard C. W~lton, 2605 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck~ Hew ~'c.r 7.'-f~'. ~. Mr. John J. Clearon, 19 White Oak Drive, Sr~ithto~,~a, ~e;~ '~n.-'- "~ .... ~ Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. will be referred to n g. L. I. K.~ Inc. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Vii]age of Greenport owns an'] cq~,:~;..~, n municipal sanitary sewage treatment plant and collection ,'.~ ~ :c:". _.,. it.'; territorial boundaries~ and WHEREAS, E. L. I. K., Inc. is owner of all that plot, piece or parcel of land together with improvements ~h~ '.,:' situate, lying in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk a:..'~ New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at ~ r ..... : the intersection of the southerly side of the Middle Road~ ~.-'.~h '~,~ westerly line of a town highway kno~,ra as "Queen Street"; frc~ r~-~, point of beginning running along said westerly line of sai4 the following two courses and distances (1) S. 11~ 17' I0" ~ feet to a monument ; (2) S. 8" 17' 20" E. 135.0 feet to a -~', .... thence along land now or formerly of "unknown owner" S. 4~~ z:.l' through a monument 236.15 feet to land of the Village of Greenpovt thence along lands of the Village of Greenport the following three courses and distances (1) S. 0° 51' 20" W. through three monumeuts 917.17 feet. to a point located on a fallen oak; (2) N. 80° 07' 20' W. through two monuments 1011.71 feet to a monumeut; (3) N. 0° 45' 00" E. 308.0 feet to a monument; thence along lands now or formerly of Fenno and other lands now or formerly of Francisco three courses (1) N. 5~ 15' lO" E. 273.89 feet; (2) N. 71° 47' 40" E. 505.01 feet; (3) N. 10~ O?' 20" W. 441.32 feet; thence along land now or formerly of Sledjeski two courses (1) N. 50~ 52' 10" E. 186.86 feet;(2) N. 11~ 17' 10" W. 295.20 feet to the southerly side of the Middle Road; thence along the southerly side of Middle Road; N. 50° 52' 10" E. 206.14 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 24.00 acres. WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Village of Greenport, New York to restrict sanitary sewage service to users located within its territorial limits, and WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the Village to serve all users and citizens within its territorial limits, and WHEREAS, the Village of Greenport by special act of the Village Board of Trustees may connect sewer service to outlying area~ if sewage demands do not exceed plant capacity, and WHEREAS, E. L. I. K., Inc. has made application £cr ¢c~;cv service, and WHEREAS, two other applicants in the immediate area have m~de application for sewer service, and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees not wan~m~ a discriminatory manner and having made flow studies of the projects and finding the total flow will not endanger theP ~ ~r'~--... . . and (2) WHEREAS, sewer service exists in the immediate .qr~a, *.~(~ WHEREAS, this contract is subject to approval by the Village Board of Trustees NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: (1) The Village grants the right to connect to its sewage treatment system 162 campsite units, with the auxiliary facilities es follows: eating stand, rest rooms, laundry and pool - allowing a maximum flow of 15,000 gallons per day in any calendar month and ~n average flow of 8,500 gallons per day. In the event these maximums are exceeded, the Village of Greenport reserves the right to require discontinuance of all or part of those facilities of E. L. I. K., Inc. as in the Village's opinion are necessary to comply with the aforementioned maximum flows. (2) E. L. I. K., Inc. agrees the pool is not to be released into the sewage system unless scheduled with the Department of Public Utilities. (3) No other facilities are allowed unless approved by the Village Board of Trustees. (4) E. L. I. K., Inc. will reimburse the Village for all engineering services performed by the Village's Consulting Engineer. (3) (5) E. L. I. K., Inc. will pay for their use share, so much of the capital cost plus interest of the final treatment plant or improvements as mandated by E. P. A. (Environmental Protection Agency) based upon its flow as related to total flow of plant, or as may be required by rules and regulations of E. P. A. or its successor. (6) E. L. I. K., Inc. will pay the portion of the capital cost of the eight (8) inch gravity main owned by the Village but installed by the Eastern Suffolk Nursing Home as per contract between the Village and the Eastern Suffolk Nursing Home dated May 24, 1974. (7) E. L. I. K., Inc. will pay twice a year the sewer assessment charge as filed by the Village at the Village Clerk's Office in accordance with standard practices by all users. (8) E. L. I. K., Inc. will install and maintain all sewvS~ facilities up to the connection on the Village sewer main as reqnired in the Sewer Regulations. {9) E. L. I. K.~ Inc. will submi~ all plans an! specifications to the Department of Utilities prior to construction no construction will start until plans and specifications h-'.?e been approved by the Superintendent of Utilities. Ail grades m,~';t acccmpc:' plans and specifications. (10) E. L. I.K., Inc. will use all materials in sewer construction and maintenance as are approved by thc qi'i'-:i.e Greenport ~ Department of Public Utilities. (il) During the construction period of this cc~!:--,..t 17%:, Village may request or E. L. I. K.~ Inc. may request a chao3e Lot tb~. order to "change" must be agreed to in writing. (12) The Village agrees to cooperate during the period of construction through its Department of Public Utilities and ma!:e al! necessary sketches of work completed and necessary reports. (13) The Village agrees to have an inspector on the Job from time to time as may be necessary, (14) E. L. I. K., Inc. agrees not to use the system until it has been approved by the Superintendent of Public Utilities. (15) E. L. I. K., Inc. agrees to give the Village an easement to work if conditions require the Village to make necessary repairs in the future. (16) E. L. I. K., Inc. agrees to post performance bvnd iv. the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) to insure cotvp].etten of the ~ob in form satisfactory to the Village of Greenport. (17) If a third party contractor is brought in to do construction work~ the Village reserves the right to approva or disapprove the terms of the contract between the Contractor E. L. I. K.~ Inc. (18) Final approval must be given to Eo L. I. If., Inc. b~, the Superintendent of Public Utilities in w~ittng. (19) Completion date of this contract shall be nne (l) y,',,,~ after the execution of this agreement. (20) This is contingent upon obtaining a f&vorab~.e zo~imC change from the Town Board of the Town of Southold and issue* .... ~ of necessary permits by the Town of Southold. (5) (21) If any portion of this agreement only that portion shall be void, the remainder of the enforceable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have set thei%' and seal this day of May, 1975. Notary ~itiage of Oreenp~rt-- Joseph L. To~a~send, Jr., Notary Eastern Long island Kampgrc Greenport, New York Notary Richard C. Uilton Mattituck, Mew Yo~k Notary John J. Clanton Smithto%m, New York (6) COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelman Director o£ Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, L. L, N. Y. April 10, 1975 979-2920 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of "Richard C. Wilton and John J. Clanton" for proposed changes of zone from "A" Agricultural and Resi- dential to "M-i" General Multiple Resi- dence District and "B" Light Business District, Town of Southold (SD-75-3) Dear Mr. Richmond: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on April 9, 1975 reviewed the above captioned zoning actions and after due study and deliberation Resolved that said changes of zone are to be approved for local determination subject to compliance with the following conditions: 1. Public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal will be supplied by the Inc. Village of Greenport; 2. The number of campsites will be limited to 162 in compliance with "M-i" District requirements; 3. The buildings erected on Parcel II will be only those used in con- nection with transient travel trailer campgrounds; 4. A 100 ft. landscaped buffer zone comprising 0.4732 acres will be provided on the northerly portion of the premises as it fronts on Middle Road (C.R. 27); and 5. Queen Street is to be widened and improved as per Town of Southold specifications. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning GGN:fp cc: Mr. Martocchia, Supervisor Mr. Wickham, Planning by £ -" Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner Audubon a chapter of National Audubon Society 0~.)([,/{~ l,~,,,~,i'~ BOX 973, MATTITUOK, L.I., N.Y. 11952 Mas'ch 10, 1975 Southold Town Board Southold, _."few York Gentlemen: On February 27, 197~ the ~[orth Fork Audubon Society wrote to t~e Southold Town ~oard expressing our opposit.'on to the development of a huge camping site, KOA, by Richard Lilton and John Clanton, basing our position mainly on its proximity to the Creenport ~ature Study Area at Moore's ~ods. This delightful treasure has grown in popularity and value for the reasons that caused it to be created with the e~thusiasm and su-'port of many civic ?'roups. Mow we learn that the Southold Town Planning Board has unanimously recommended that the Town Board arant zoning changes to permit the construction of the facility, while acknowledging that the Suffolk County Wlanning Commission has disapproved the application after review. This newscomes to us only through the local newspapers. No mention is made of the reasons for the Planning Board welcoming this menacing project, nor were the reasons for the County Co~.~ission's unfavorable decision reported. Can we assume that the Planning Board continues to act in semi-secrecy, as in similar past decisions? it should be pointed out to all the people of Southold Town that the County Commission listed in its report dated Lecember 6, 197~ to Albe,-.t Richmond, Town Clerk, the following reasons for disap'roval: 1. It is inconsistent with the Town ~.¢aster Plan which designates this area for low density agricultural and residential development: 2. it is inconsistent with the single family reside~tial pattern of zoning in the surtout.ding area ~nd therefore must be considered as "spot zoningS; 3. It wouldtend to establish a precedent for the further perpetuation of undesireable strip business development along tLe county roadway; and ~. It is inconsistent with the Town Master Plan wbe'rein it states~c;:nm~ercial ribbon development should be .... absolutely prohibited along County Road 27." This was over the signature of Lee Koppelman ~nd Gerald Nevm~an, Chief Planner. continued on Page 2. To: Sout~old Town Board Page 2. 'fhe action of the Planning Board suggests a possibility of pique and jealousy because of the superior authority and know, ledge, also impartiality, on~ the part of the county off- icials whose FULL TII4E expertise is devoted to matters cf ti.is kind. There appears to be no public benefit involved in the prcposed changes of zoning, particulars of which are not complete in the ~ewspaI. er material, fe also wonder why Greenport has agreed to Fro, vide 15,0OO gallons of water daily during iaontLs wher~ t~e sit~ woulO receive its heaviest use, a period whe~: existir~ su=~.,er demands are already high. The action apTears clu~sy and arrogant on the part of the Planning Board, ~ery similar to the Norris-Mattituck scandal. Cur board, speaking for voters continues to oppose hope have been macle clear, at least 200 _m~emh~rs snd ma~y more t}.e KOA ~tion ~cr reasons we now and in the past. Copies to: .hree ~ oc~,l Parers Very Sicereiy, Poard of Directors I~orth Fork \udubon Society Sheila Uirsing, Sresid~nt Aline Dove, Vice-rresident By: ~ . Oordon }':acfarlane Oo-Chairman Conservation Committee TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Building Dept. 1 Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals Town Of Southold TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Soufhold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the C~eneral Municipal Law, Chapter 2'~, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the .~'~..~ ..... of the town of Southold, N. Y. hereby refers the following (agency invoJved) proposed zoning action to Se Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check oneI New and recodified zoning ordinance .... ~! Amendment to the zoning ordinance .. !I~ Zoning changes ..... Special permits .. . Variances Location of affected land: ~..1~..~ ~R?..~I~,. ~ .~ ...................... within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ...~!.. Town or village boundary line ..l~. State or county road, parkway or expressway .... State or county ,park or recreation area ...... Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ...... State or county owned parcel on which a public building is situated Date: (signed) Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ................................... File No .............. GREENPORT-SOUTHOLD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GF, EENPORT, LO.KG iSL:~ND, .'~. Y. Janu~irV 27, 197.5 Lr. Richard C. Wilton c/o Eastern Lon[~ Island ~ox 89 Oreenpor t, ii.y. Dear The ©reenport-Southold Chmtiber of Co~,~srce is very l~uch in favor of the planned Zastern Long Island i[OA. "re have reviewe-~d~ plans snd your inte~-view have been ~:iost encouraging° As to your planned K0A coiaplex; l~e: Village water and sewage hook ups. This is very ir.~portant that all n~cessary probleras have been over con~e. L% are also very i~npr~ssad with the plans to plant additional trees and help beautify the o~ap ground area. q~hfs Is i~ t:~'epit~Z t-~ith our idea of 1.:e~pinz Lo~;~ i:~lar~d F:reen. ¥.ro understand t}tat tho "Ks~.~p of ;.-~.loricnu franclq~ses l~nve l,elr'.ed ~.~.nsr co~..~unities in our country to over co~r~e it's loss of inco~.~e. It has also helped to premiere t]qe value of our natum'al reso~rces and helped to save vast green belts wi~ioh all can enjoy. de wish to thank you for 7our d,.~_~on to locate in onr co~iunity. Sincerely yours,__.. / President 3¢¢F5 ',~~,7.:( .'~ s L A ~'~ - · reenport, Suffolk County, January 22, 1975 Mr. James Herriman Suffolk County Department of Health H. Lee Dennison Building Suffolk County Center Hauppauge, New York 11787 Dear Mr. Herriman: Enclosed is a letter dated October 18, 1974, granting the K.O.A. Campground, proposed to be located near Greenport, permission to con- nect to the Greenport Sewage System, pending the signing of all legal agreements. The developers of the project are Mr. Richard C. ~ilton, 2605 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 and Mr. John J. Clanton, 19 White Oak Drive, Smithtown, New York 11787. If I can be of further help, please call. Very truly yours, James I. Monsell '%/ Superintendent of Public Utilities JIM:hr Enc. cc: Mayor Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Richard C. Wilton Honorable Albert Martocchia~/ Southold Town Planning Board COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Suffolk County Department of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Exe~tive Veterans Memorial Highway Itauppauge. L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 December 6, 1974 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of "Richard C. Wilton and John J. Clanton" for proposed changes of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District and "B" Light Business District, Town of Southold (SD-74-13) Dear Mr. Richmond: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Co~mmission on December 4, 1974 reviewed the above captioned zoning action and after due study and deliberation Resolved to disapprove these changes of zone because of the following: 1. It is inconsistent with the Town Master Plan which designates this area for low density agricultural and mesidence development; 2. It is inconsistent with the single family residential pattern of zoning in the surrounding area and therefore must be considered as "spot zoning"; 3. It would tend to establish a precedent for the further perpetuation of undesired strip business development along the county roadway; and 4. It is inconsistent with the Town Master Plan wherein it states "Com- mercial ribbon development should be ...absolutely prohibited along C.R. 27". Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN:fp cc: Southold Town Planning Board WICKHAM & LARK,~,.c. November 29, 1974 Mr. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Amended Petition of Richard C. Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for Chan~es of Zone Richmond: In connection with the above-captioned matter, I am enclosing six (6) copies of the .Amended Petition with Exhibits 1 through 9. Would you kindly process this Amended Petition with the appropriate municipal agencies. Please advise when a public hearing is scheduled in this matter. Very truly yours, .~ ~Richard F. LArk RFL/mlf Enclosures Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc., in its application for a special exception before the Board of Appeals and site plan approval before the Planning Board pursuant to Section 100-50 B of the Zoning Ordinance will, as part of its application, agree to: (a) Dedicate to the Town of Southold a strip of land on the westerly side of Queen Street to make Queen Street a Town road three rods in width (approximately 17 feet). (b) Pave said road widening in accordance with Town specifications when surface is ready for paving (approximately the same time the parking area and interior roadways are paved in the campground). (c) Agree~ if requested, to dedicate sufficient property to the County of Suffolk or Town of Southold for the purpose of a turn off on C.R. 27 to ~acilitate right turns onto Queen Street. Since this is a County road, the Town Planning Board will notify the County of Suffolk to consider the acquisition of this land for a turn off lane. (d) The construction of a six foot chain link fence or equiva- lent on its property as it abuts the land of the Village of Greenport at any time campsites are within 100 feerof the village property line and, in any event, said fence to be completed no later than three years from the date of issuance of building permits. When applying for a permit to the Town Board pursuant to Article X of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 88-2 of the Southold Town Tourist and Trailer Camp Ordinance, Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. wJ. ll, as part of its application for a permit, agree to: (a) Obtain necessary permits from the Suffolk County Depart- ment of Health. (b) Limit its regular operating season from April 1st to November 30th of each year unless prior permission is given for other times by the Town Board. CASF. NO: ...................... AMENDED STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD AMENDED ' IN TPI~ l~IATTER OF THE~PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTPIOLD, SUFFOLk COUNTY, NEW YORK. RICEARD C. WILTON, JOHN J. CLANTON and NC. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. RIC~LIRD C. WILTON, JOHN J. CLANTON and EASTERN LON...G....I...S.~..,~..G..R...O.~.S.,~...~..N.~... , residing at 2..0QS....D.~.~....H..o...1..e.....D.~.i.v..e..,...-l~attituck, (insert name of petitioner) 19 White Oak Drive. Smithtown, and with principal business at 600 Queen Street, Greenport (respectively), Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned are the owners of certain real property situated at Green~ort~ ~.Q.W~...O;~..~Q]A.t;~,Q.~,~.,....~.,..Y..;. ..... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: PARCEL i - See attached description Schedule 1 PARCEL 2 - See attached description Schedule 2 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town or Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: PARCEL 1 - From "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District PARCEL 2 - From "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Your petitioners are owners of a Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) franchise for EasternLong Island and have purchased the parcels of land described in Schedules 1 and 2 which consist of a total of 24 acres, formerly known as the Leo Sledjeski farm on the south side of Middle Road and the westerly side of Queen Street, near Greenport, New York. Your petitioners are proposing to develop these parcels of land as a KOA campground for the seasonal use and enjoyment of the camping public. As seen from Exhibits 1 and 3, it is intended that parcel 1 which consists of 18.8727 acres be developed for camping sites. The proposed layout will allow ample space for 133 sites for trailers and vehicles and 29 campsites for campers with tents for a total of 162 camping sites. The proposed road layout, Exhibit 9, will help to pre- serve the natural character and atmosphere of the campground. It is proposed to plant trees and other suitable planting and shrubbery around the boundary of the property and throughout the campground to provide a blending in with the surrounding woodland and also to provide screening and shade to campsites. Parcel 2 consisting of 5.1273 acres is primarily for the construction of a recreation area as an accessory use to the campground. In this area there will be constructed such amenities as a swimming pool, additional picnic and parking areas, play- grounds for children, and a miniature golf course for the use of the campers. Also, there will be located on this parcel the KOA "A-frame" style building as depicted in Exhibit 4. This building will house the administrative offices, a lounge, rest rooms, a store for the purchase of convenience goods and a laundromat for the use of the campers. Your petitioners are proposing a Decla- ration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions which is attached hereto as Exhibit 7 restricting the use of parcel 2 so that the buildings erected on this parcel will be only those used in con- nection with'transient travel trailer campgrounds. In addition, the petitioners are proposing a Declaration of Protective Cove- nants and Restrictions to provide a landscape buffer zone of .4732 acre, prohibiting the construction of any buildings on the northerly 100 feet of the property as it fronts on County Road 27. This Declaration is attached hereto as Exhibit 8. Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) is the largest and most experienced system of franchise family campgrounds in America. In order to give some idea of the nature and scope of the KOA campground system, the petitioners are enclosing Exhibit 5 which is the KOA Handbook and Directory for Campers and Exhibit 6, a KOA brochure entitled "Your Town, U.S.A." To keep a KOA franchise, individual campground owners must meet and maintain standards for sanitation, neatness and cleanliness. To assure quality camp- trounds and maintenance of its standards, KOA frequently sends inspectors to various campgrounds. The property is near various tourist attractions in the Town of Southold and the shopping area of the Village of Green- port. The proposed campground will promote the .tourist industry of Southold Town and allow for open spaces that would not be achieved by permitted residential development. When complete, the campground will be the finest on Eastern Long Island and will be a tremendous asset in attracting camping tourists. The main entrance to the campground will be approximately 600 feet south of Middle Road on the westerly side of Queen Street and this will relieve possible traffic congestion on the Middle Road. Public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal will be supplied by the Incorporated Village of Greenport. The parcel is cleared and is ideal for the proposed campground because of its relative.isolation from surrounding homes and businesses. The parcel is bounded on the north by Middle Road. Immediately across this road are several parcels of land which are vacant, and it is bounded on the east by Queen Street and vacant land of the Village of Greenport. Im- mediately across Queen Street to the east are several small residences. The property is bounded on the south by other vacant woodland of the Village of Greenport and on the west by land of J. Fenno and A. R. Francisco which is vacant and land of Leo $1edjeski upon which is located his residence. Your petitioners submit that the development of this camp- ground as proposed will be a definite asset to the Town of Southold and will increase the tourist industry, and increase the tax revenue to the Town without the usual corresponding overburdening of schools and other municipal facilities. EXHIBIT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT Elf HI BIT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT EifHIBIT 1 - Map to Accompany Application for Changes of Zone at Greenport, Town of Southold, Surf. Co., N.Y., dated Nov. 26, 1974 by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. 2 - Excerpt from Zoning Map showing surrounding areas. 3 - KOA Campground Development Plan, Southold, New York 1051, dated 9/13/73; Revised 4/74 4 - Color Scheme & Elevation, KOA A-Frame Building 5 - KOA Handbook and Directory for Campers 6 - KOA brochure "Your Town, U.S.A." 7 - Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions 8 - Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions(Landscape Buffer) EXHIBIT 9 - Road Construction Layout Richard C. Wilton STATE OF NEW YORKt SS :- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) EASTERN LOnG ISLAND KAMPGROUNDS, INC. Richard C. Wilton, President RICHARD C. WILTON and JOHN J. CLANTON, being duly sworn, depose and say that they are petitioners in the within action; that they have read the foregoing Amended Petition and know the contents thereof; that the same is true to their own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters they believe it to be true~ Sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1974. Notary P~b l~c STATE OF NEW YORKt ? COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) nton SS' RICHARD C. WILTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: deponent is the President of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc., a domestic corporation, one of the Petitioners in the within action; deponent has read the foregoing Amended Petition and knows the contents thereof; and the same is true to deponent's own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters deponent believes it to be true. This verification is made by deponent because Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. is a corporation and deponent is an officer thereof. /' : /m Richard C. Wilton /' Sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1974. Notaryyublic AffLEA~DED PETITION FOR CHANGES OF ZONE RICI~kRD C. WILTON, JOHN J. CLANTON and EASTEP~N LONG ISLAND KAY[PGROUI~DS, INC. SCHEDULE 1 Parcel 1: ALL that certain plot~ piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen Street; ~ng thence from said point of beginning along the southwesterly line of Queen Street, South 48° 43' 50" East 236.15 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; running thence along said land of the Village of Greenport the following three courses: (1) South 0° 51' 20" West 917.17 feet; (2) North 80° 07' 20" West lOll.71 feet; and (3) North 0° 45' 00" East 308 feet to a monument amd land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or formerly of J. Fenno and land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco the following two courses and distances: (1) North 5° 15' 10" East 273.89 feet; (2) North 71° 47' 40" East, 505.01 feet to a point and running thence through land of Petitioners, North 63° 37' 00" East, 361.76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 18.8727 acres. SCHEDULE 2 Parcel 2: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the south- easterly line of the Middle Road, with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said point of beginning r~ing along said westerly line of Queen Street two courses: (1) South ll~ 17' 10" East, 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 8~ 17' 20" East, 135.00 feet to a monument; ~ing thence through other land of Petitioners, South 63~ 37' 00" West, 361.76 feet to land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco; running thence along said land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco North lO° 07' 20" West, ~1.32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; ru~r~ng thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski the following two courses: (1) North 50° 52' 10" East~ 186.86 feet; and thence (2) North ll° 17' 10" East, 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; runmuing thence along the southeasterly line of Middle Road North 50° 52' 10" East, 206.14 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 5.1273 acres. I' TO ,.':.] (..': oo3,,',..! F ,.'.-) :..: - -% :f . .~,,. /.,.~., , - / //~--.-'~ - .._I.,,~4~K: //__.,.-, '-r_'....., .,' .'7.' ..... . .............. ,,.,,,,,,,,,.~...:-.~,~.,.~... ~;~ .. EXHiB. IT I , -% --% VILLA E OF- GREEN.mO V!LLA~E 0 GR W LL'T OU 0'~ n/LIJ 0 Zt- 7 , mU.lO Z X I.- 0 0 0 N ~-0 01- O~ r~ . Zz ~u .jl~IJJ zn'~- , ~ ~-z -,l- z 0 ~LiJ® ~U F'-O,~ Li.I 4:,,_ ~0 o © '~ DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS BY EASTERN LONG ISLAND K~MPGROUNDS, INC. DECLARATION made this day of , 19 , by EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGROUNDS, INC., a domestic corporation with office and principal place of business at 600 Queen Street, Greenport, New York, hereinafter called the Declarant. WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner in fee simple of the following described premises- ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as folloWs: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the southeasterly line of the Middle Road, with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said point of beginning running alo~ng said westerly line of Queen Street two courses: (1) South 11° 17' 10" East, 690.92 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 8° 17' 20" East, 135.00 feet to a monument; running thence through other land of Declarant, South 63° 37' 00" West, 361.76 feet to land now or formerly of A. L. R. Francisco; running thence along said land now or formerly of A. L. R. Francisco North 10° 07' 20" J~Jll 32 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; running West, . thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski the following and thence (2) rth 11a 17' 10" East, 295.20 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle. Road; running thence along the southeasterly line of Middle Road North 50° 52' 10" East, 206.14 feet to the point or place of' beginning. Containing an area of 5.1273 acres. WHEREAS, the Declarant has made application to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for a change of zone of the above-described premises from "A" Residen- tial and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District. WHEREAS, the Declarant desires to impose covenants and restrictior~s on the use o£ the aforedescribed premises as follows' NOW, THEREFORE, it is declared that said premises shall be subject to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. There shall be no retail stores or offices erected on said premises except those used in connection with a transient travel trailer campground to be developed on the property of the Declarant immediately to the south of the aforedescribed premises. 2. Enforcement of these covenants shall be by proceeding at law or in equity. ~. These covenants and restrictions shall be. perpetual and shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, its successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has duly written this Declaration on the day and year first above written. F~ASTERN LONG ISLAND KAY~PGROUN~S, INC. By Richard C. Wilton, President ) SS: COO Z stratos) On the day o£ , 197 , before me personally came RICHARD C. WILTON, to me kmown, who~ being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 2605 Deep Hole Drive, ~attituck, New York; that he is the ?resident of EASTERN LONG ISLAN~ KAY[P- GROUN~S, INC_, the corporation described in amd which executed the foregoing instrumemt; that he knows the seal o£ said corpo- ration; that the seal a££ixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so a££ixed by order o£ the board o£ directors o£ said corporation~ and that he signed his marne thereto by like order. Notary Public DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS BY EASTERN LONG ISLAND K~MPGROUNDS, INC. DECLARATION made this day of , 197 , by EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGRO~S, INC., a domestic corporation with office and principal place of business at 600 Queen Street, Greenport, New York, hereinafter called the Declarant. WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner in fee simple of the following described premises- Landscape Buffer Zone ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and .being near Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen Street, from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of Queen Street, South ll° 17' 10" East, 113.09 feet; thence westerly on a line parallel with and 100 feet southerly from said southeasterly line.of Middle Road, South 50Q 52' 10" West, 206.14 feet to land of Leo Sledjeski; thence along said land of Leo Sledjeski North 11Q 17' 10" West, 113.09 feet to the southeasterly line of Middle Road; thence along the southeasterly line of Middle Road, North 50° 52' ~10" East 206.14 feet to the point of beginning. Containing .4732 acre. WHEREAS, the Declarant desires to impose Covenants and restrictions on the use of said premises as follows: NOW, THER~ORE, it is declared that said premises shall be subject to the following covenants and restrictions which shall run wi th the land: 1. No building or structure of any description shall be erected on the premises. 2. The premises shall not be used or maintained as a dump- ing ground for rubbish. 3- Enforcement of these covenants shall be by proceeding at law or in equity. Invalidation of any provision herein shall have no effect upon any other provision herein. These covenants and restrictions shall run with'the land and shall remain in force and effect until January 1~ 2000; and may not be altered, modi£ied, terminated or annulled by the Declarant, his successors and assigns~ until after said date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has duly executed this Declaration the day and year first above written. F~ASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGROUNDS, INC. By Richard C. Wilton~ PreSident STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss- On the day of , 197 , before me personally came RICHARD C. WILTON, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 2605 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, New York; that he is the President of EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMP- GROb~TDS, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corpo- ration; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed, his name thereto by like order. Notary Public EASTERN . tONG ISLAND KAMPGROUND . road construction (PROPOSED) 24' 2 WAY ROAD ..... "-"'i - i .i i. Il I _ i .. BANKRON OR EQUIF~'.~IIT ,..-- BLUESTOI~E, STOI~E BLEI~, OR EQUIV.a?.E171, 1~01~ ~OR s'ro~ _. _ 1) KEEP AREA IN NATURAL STATE 2) ~ANS FOR ~ WATER REDUCE SPEED OF VEHICLES (C~OUNDS HAVE CHILDREN AT PLAY) ~0~ -~oAo wrm ~LF~ o~ BL~O~ AS A ~oP com~ wu~ MAKE A RARD, DOST FR.Kg ROAD EXHtB, I,T TOWN I-IF SnUTHnLD OFFICE OF I~UILDINn INSPEOTOR TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 SuperVisor Albert Martocchia 16 South Street Greenport~ N.~. TEL. 755-~660 November 1~, 197zi- Dear Sir; In response to your telephone call RE: Application for the K.0.A. Camp, S/S C.R. 27 (North ROoad) Gr~enport~ I submit the following: 1.. This needs an "M-I" or heavier zone class for a trailer or tourist camp - ONLY. This needs a "B" or heavier zone for any retail stores~ personal service shops,( barber shop, coin operated laundry or dry cleaning machines etc) 3. Needs a "B-I" zone if they sell gasoline, service or repair vehicles as a service on the premises. ~. The present location is "snot or"B-~" zoning" if not directly connected to other "M-I"~ "B"~ zone districts. ~. IF change of zone is granted to one of the above classifications, then a special exception is needed from the Board of Appe&ls. At that time the applicants will have to have Suffolk County Health Depart~ent approval for sewerage system and layout plans; Any Board of Appeals approval at this point would be tentative. 6. IF tentative approval is given, Then site plan approval must be obtained from the Planning Board - this will include all of the requirements of the tourist & trailer ca~ordinanc$~ lncludin~ the ~crce~in~? lightin~ plantings, recreation areas~ ~rainage, all road · ayou~s e~c~ parking areas~ camp~sites, fire protection etc. 7. IF site plan a~roval is granted by the pla~ning Board, the applicant then returns t~ the Board of Appeais for final approval of the special exception permit. 8. With both the Board of Appeals exception and Planning Board site plan approv&l, the aDDlicant comes to the To~ Board for the actual camp permit ( Chap. 88, Code of To~ of Southold). 9. All of the above requirements are subject to notice to the Village of Greenport and the review by the County Planning Con~ission. lQ. Conditions of permit (s~e page 2) TEL. 765'2660 TOWN I-IF SnUTHE)LD I-IFFInE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN F~-LERK'S I-IFFIOE SOUTHDLD, N. Y. 11971 Page 2 Supervisor ~_rtocchia Nov 1~, 197~ A. ~emoval of brush weeds~ and undergrowth of all kinds; Complete drainage of the entire site as well as roads and access ways~ all of site to be on firm "up-land". B. Water supply~ by public water system - of adequate volume for fire fighting as well as normal use requirements (this should include minimum 6 inch mains for fire hydra~ts within the camp) C. Sewerage system - Public sewers OR a private system ~pproved by the Suffolk County Health Dept. This must be adequate for maximum occupancy. An approved plan for the collection an~ removal of trashy rubbish and garbage etc. 14. Plot size: Minimum 5Oft X lOOft - each corner perminently marked. Structure seperation - minimum ~0 ft Setback from perimeter property lines & public streets " ~ interior roads = 2Oft 1.2. Roads: All roads must be built to current To~rn tiighway specifications with minimum 2~ft width. ( suitable base material~ 6" base mix~ oil & sand & oil & ~8" bluestone chips surface) 1~. Lighting: All roads~ recreation areas~ enterances~ exits etc to be adequately lighted - no glare or illumination over property lines, enterance & exit signs to be properly set and illuminated 1~. Fencin$ of perimeter may be required. I reco~.end nothing less than 6 inch water mains to serve all interior fire hydrants and minimum 1" service to each camp or trailer space. I further recommend not less than 2$ft pavement width and the minimum To~m Highway specs for all roads in light of the size and weight of emergency vehicles t~at will use these roads in event of an emergency of any type. However a good stone base and blacktop surface would be an adequate substitute for the oil and san~ & oil and bluestone surface. Yours truly Building Inspector / CC: Planning Board& Boar~of Appeals $ou hold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-1313 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle November 6, 1974 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: KOA - Application of Wilton and Clanton for change o£ zone Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request of May 8, 1974 to the Southold Town Planning Board for further review and recommendations re the above-captioned matter, the following action was taken by the Planning Board at a regular meeting held October 28, 1974. Mr. Coyle moved for the adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular ~eeting held on February 20, 1974 recommended to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of Richard C. Wilton and John C. Clanton for a change of zone on certain property located at Greenport, New York, from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "M-I" General Multiple Residence District and "B" Light Business District based on the lack of a guarantee that the Village of Greenport would supply water and sewage facilities and the density should be limited to 162 units in compliance with "M-I" requirements, and WHEREAS, a communication has been received from Mr. James I. Monsell, Superintendent of Utilities for the Village of Greenport, granting the request to connect a 162 unit K.O.A. campground to the Village Sanitary Sewer System pending a signed legal agreement between the Village of Greenport and Wilton and Clanton, and Southold Town Board Page 2 WHEREAS, a communication has been received from Richard F. Lark, Esq., Attorney for the applicants, agree- ing to reduce the campground to 162 units, it is RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the afore- said application. Motion was seconded by Mr. Grebe and carried m~aanimously. Yours truly, Muri~l Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board October 31, 1974 Mr. Gerald G. Newm~u, Chief Platter suffolk County Department of Plar~ing Veterans Memorial Highway Mauppauge, i~ew York 11787 Re: Application of ,,Richard C. Wilton Clanton" for Drop°sed and John J. (SD-74-5) changes of zone Dear Mr. Newman: Board referred back to ~ ~o P the above-captioned petition for further review and recommenda- tions. At a regular meeting of the Southold Town ?lanning Board held October 28, 1974, the following action was taken. yle moved for the adoption of the ~ollowing ..... Southold TOWn ~oar= ==~ change of zone An certain Wilton and John C. Clanton fo:u a "A" Residential property located at Greenport, New York, from and Agricultural to "M-l~' General Multiple Residence District · based on the lack of a ,, ,, Business Dzstr~ct would suppl¥.wat~ and B Lig~t~ ~. ~l.~e Of Greenport .... ~ ~Imi%ed ~u ~_____e lities an~ ~ .... i_~ and and sewage faci with ',M-I" requirements, 162 unite in compliance WHEREAS a communication has been received from Mr. James · ilities for the Village of _ _^~ Suoerintendent o~ ~ -~n. t a 162 unit_~.0.A. ts the req stem pen ng Greenport% ~a~ village Sanitary S~r_~Y~ Greenport and ~T+~n and Clanton, an= "~'~E~REAS a communication has been received from Richard F. Lark, Esq., Attorney ~?r t~ applicants, agreeing to reduce camD~ound to 162 unlms, ~ is the RE-SOLVED that the Southold Town planning Board recommend to the $outhold Town Board approval of the aforesai~ applica- une~[imous!Y. ti°n'Motion was seconded by Mr. Grebe and carried Yours truly, Muriel BrUSh, Secretary WlCKHAM & LARK,~,c. October 18, 1974 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 ATT: John Wickham, Chairman RE: Petition of Richard C. Wilton and John J. Clanton for Change of Zone Dear Mr. Wickham: In connection with the above-captioned matter, if you will recall on March 22, 1974, the Planning Board passed a resolution recommending denial of the above application for the reason that the applicant did not have a guarantee of utilization of the Village of Greenport sewage facilities and that there should only be allowed 162 sites for trailers. The applicants have agreed to reduce the campground to 162 units and have obtained approval for the use of the Greenport Sanitary Sewer System. I am enclosing a copy of a letter which I received dated October 18th, to this effect. Would the Board be willing to consider an amended petition to encompass the above? If so, can an appointment be arranged at your earliest convenience to discuss the matter further with the Board? RFL/mlf Enclosure cc Richard Wilton October 18, 1974 Mr. Richard C. Wilton 2605 Deep Hole Drive Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Richard: Your request to connect a 162 unit K.O.A. campground to the Village Sanitary Sewer System is granted, pending a signed legal agreement between the Village of Greenport and Wilton and Clanton. Your campsite of 162'units with the auxiliary facilities (eating stand, rest rooms, laundry, pool, etc.) would have a maximum flow of 15,000 gallons per day and an average flow of 8,500 gallons of sewage per day. If I can be of further help, please call. ~~~Vlery truly yours~~ James I. Monsell Superintendent of Public Utilities JIM:nr cc: Mayor Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Ail Village Trustees John J. Clanton Hon. Albert Martocchia Southold Town Planning Board August 7, 1974 Southo!.~ Town i~oard. 16 ~ · ~.,outn Green~ort, ~iew York 11944 Re: Wilton & Clanton request for change of zone - KOA Upon advice of counsel for the petitioners, the douthold Town Planning Board is holding un the review of this project pending a positive determination ~rom the Greenport Village Superintendent of Utilities regard- ing the sewage. If, however, you feel it to be import~]t that we dispose of this question at an early date we would be willing to ~o so. Yours truly, ce Richard Lark, Esq. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board ALBERT W. ~IOHME}ND I-~ FF~ERK SDUTHDLD, L. I, N. Y. 11971 May 8, 1974 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham: The Southold Town Board herewith returns the original petition of Richard C. Wilton and John J. Clanton for proposed changes of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District and "B" Light Business District on certain property at Greenport, for your further review and recommendations. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk March 22, 1974 ~ichard Lark, Esq. Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Wilton ~ Clanton C/Z ~ts per yo~ir request, the following are the recommendations re the above captioned matter. On motion made by Mr. JOyle, seconded by Mr. ~aynor, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board denial of the application of Richard J. Wilton and John C. Clanton for a change of zone on certain property located at Greenport, New York, fro~ "A ' Residential and ~ricultural to "M-I" General Multiple aesidence District and 'B" Light ~Jsiness District. This recommendation is based on the lack at this time of a guarantee that Greenport Village will supply water and Sewage facilities which are important because of the clay subsoil. It is also felt that the density should be limited to 162 units in compliance with ']-1" requirements. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Wickham, Moisa, i/aynor~ Coyte and Grebe. l~e following recommendation was received from the Suffolk County Department of Planning. Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission, on March 6, 1974, reviewed the above captioned zoning actions and after due study and deliberation did take the following action disapproving these changes of zone: COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelman Dfreator of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning I JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Veterans Memorial Highway March 8, 1974 Hauppauge, L. L, N. Y. 979-2920 Mr. Albert W. Richmond - Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Application of "Richard C. Wilton and John J. Clanton" for proposed changes of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District and "B" Light Business District, Town of Southold (SD-74-5) Dear Mr. Richmond: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission, on March 6, 1974, reviewed the above captioned zoning actions and after due study and deliberation did take the following action disapproving these changes of zone: 1. The proposed number of campsites is inconsistent with "M-l" General Multiple Residence District requirements; 2. The Greenport Water and Sewer District is unable, at this time, to guarantee the necessary water and sewage facilities; and Be The intrusion of business zoning along Middle Rd. would be incon- sistent with the residential pattern of zoning in the surrounding area and would provide the impetus for the further perpetuation of undesired strip retail commercial development along the county road- way and which would be inconsistent with the Town Master Plan wherein it states that "commercial ribbon development should be ...absolutely prohibited along C.R. 27". Very truly yours, GGN:fp Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner [it~ !27 East ~!ain Street, Riverhead, Mew York ]1901 KO^ P~Or'OSED C&~4PCRouND _ Greenport, >:ow York :'!r.-John J. Clanton 19 I%~ite ~3ak ~rive :qmithto~,n, ~ew York 117~7 Harch 1. 1~74 To briefly confirm and summarize OUr conversations reRardin? l)lannin~ of I. 7?~at the Sell Conservation Service provide a detailed xmnd tion design for the campground Upon receivt o~ construc~ developer, . suggestions From the 7. %at a silt loam top soil he scala>ed anti Saved for the i~provenent Vegetated areas on tt, e Site. 3. '~t the existin~ pond on the cropertv be filled. a. ~at the surface Vmter runoff and drainage provision he included Per the low areas in the southeast portion of the vrocerty. ?. That the ~oodland edge, now existing, be treed in the early stages of Camp development for Campin~ sites hecallso of t*~e more suitable shady con ~J tJons. , . ~. That no,se pollution ~tom street traffic ~nd ~to~ w~thin the be abated through the pI~t~e~ ~$e o~ gaDanese ~lack Pine trees. 7. ~mt the ~evelopevs ~mnediete]~ Purchase seedl~n~ trees aml shvu~s at ~holesa]e nUvseties, to be temporarily Planted ~n close spacing of tV, e needed larger Plants at a fnture date. I hove that these suggestions will be helpful. Please contact us For detailed nlans re~arding any of these items as soon as they ,.re needed. Yours truly, Charles ~ Barnett District Conservationist cc: John l~iq~hamt Chairman $outhold Town Pla~in~ Board Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. llg?l PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wlckham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coy]e February 22, 1974 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport~ New York 11944 Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the Southold Town Planning Board took the following action at their regular meeting on February 20~ 1974. On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the ~outhold Town Board denial of the application of Richard C. Wilton and John C. Glanton for a change of zone on certain property located at Greenport~ New York, from 'A" Residential and Agricul- tural to '~-1" General Multiple Residence District and "B' Light Business District. This recommendation is based on the lack at this time of a guarantee that Greenport Village will supply water and sewage facilities which are important because of the clay subsoil. It is also felt that the density should be limited to 162 units in compliance with 'M-i" requirements. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Wickham~ Moisa~ Raynor~ Coyle and Grebe. Yours truly~ Murie-'C Brush~ Secretary Southold Town Planning Board TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Building De~. 1 Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals Town Of Southold TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General ~unic[pal Low, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B. Sections 2:39-1 and m~ the P!~ ~d of the town of Southold, N. Y. hereby refers the following (agency involvedJ proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commhsion: (check one) New and recodified zoning ordinance ...... Amendment to the zoning ordinance ........ Zoning changes Special permits Variances Locat on of affected and. within S~ feet of: (check'o~'~ '~'~ ~'~'" ~"~'~'""ff~t~ '~""~ ~ ~.. Town or vi~bge boundary line .~...~r county ro~d, Stole or coun~ ~p~rk or recreation Stream, or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the coun,y has established channel Pines ...... State or county owned parcel on which a public building is situated ~t · z~irMt~. Date: Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ................. File No SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL Southold, N. Y. February 5, 1974 Southeld Town Planning Board Southold, N.Y. Dear Sirs: The C.A.C. counsel at our meeting on Monday, February 4, reached the following conclusions concerning the X.O.A. application in Southold. We feel that 850-1250 people packed on 24 acres of land is much too high a density for anyone to make claims of "no pollution." If Greenport water supply will not hook up, re- moval of this much fresh water (30,000 gals/day) could cause salt water intrusion. If Greenport sewage facilities won't hook up, the pump out system could be a real problem. The nearest pump out station to receive this waste is in the middle of Nassau County. The K.0.A. people talk quite frankly about Moore's Woods adjacent to their property and admit that it would be a valuable recreation area to their customers. It's the op- inion of many people who know the woods and helped create this area, that 850-1250 people swarming over thio area on a regular basis would destroy this area in a very short time. The campers would probably bring some business to the area, but not as much as claimed. Those of ils that have camped know why people camp...to save money. They won't use the restaurants or gift shops. We do think they would rent boats, ['ish, and use the beaches, but the beaches are already overcrowded. Anyone who goes to Southold Town Beach or the Sound knows what the density is already like, without an extra 850-1250 people. K.O.A. says their people would only come from March through October, not all year round. Let's take a mean av- erage and say that this still packs 1000 people into using local facilities for 2/3 of the year. The alternative would be to put up 24 houses on the 24 acres of land; estimating 4 to 6 peo[ple per household, that would make a total of 144 people using the local facilities on ;a year-round basis. I think the 24 homes deal is a better deal for tl~e community. In my opinion, X.O.A. would take too much out of the community's resources and give very little back in return except on a fi- nancial basis to those who run the campground. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 February 5~ 1974 Also I'd like to point out that there are already two trailer camps in existence--one in Greenport and one in Cutchogue. ~iaybe we need to improve them so they'll be better or prettier than they are, but I don't think we need another one. Sincerely, Frank A Kujawski,~ Jr. Chairman Conservation Advisory Council UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Assisting: 'I~e Suffolk County Soil and Pater Conservation Oistrict 127 East ~lain Street, Riverhead, New York /19al Jannarv 21, 1q74 John l'.~ickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board ~.lain Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: iqrs. Huriel Brush, Secretary In answer to your request for information on the proposed Kampgrounds of America, Inc. on Queen Street in Greenport, New York we have visited the site, augered the soils in qoestion and have the following comments. There are two types of soil on this 24 acre plus parcel. All of the land in the 5.2 acre parcel nearest to the State lti~hway is Riverhead sandy loam soil witJ~ only slight limitations for sewage effluent disposal. 1he 18.8 acre parcel to the south is roughly divided in half w~th the hi~her elevation westerly portion containing Riverhead sandy loam and the easterly portion containing a different soil, Riverhead sandy loam with mottled sub- soil. The mottled subsoil area has seasonal high water tables between 1-1/2 and 4 feet below the surface. As such it would have moderate limitations for the development of streets and parking lots, camping areas, homesites and sewage effluent disposal. These limitations would be caused by occasional standing water at or near the surface, water collecting in any shallow depressions that may be created, and water around footing and foundations of recreation bui]dines. 'D~e water tahle may fluctuate from season to season. Casual fillin~ of low areas may bury valuable top soil, which is usualty essential for maintaining good sod cover in a recreation campground where foot traffic is heavv. I would suggest that the developer submit plans for building, roads, and other structure location including information on surface and subsurface drainage proposed so that we can review them with an eye to preventin~ unnecessary deter- ioratSon or hazards in the campground. Sincere ly, Charles R. Barnett Distri ct Conservationist January 15, 1974 Mr. Richard Wilton 24 White Oak Drive Smithtown, New York Dear Mr. Wilton: 11787 Re: K.O.A. Campground Sanitary Sewage - Village Our letter of September 21, 1973 indicated that your proposed facility would have a sewage demand that would exceed the design of our plant. New data has been submitted to us for study and we are agreeable to study the new flow rates. We will make a very thorough study of the impact of the new data and return our findings to you by letter. We might find that we still would have difficulty taking on your responsibtlty. If I can be of further service, please call. James I. Monsell ~Upertntendent of Public Utilities JIM:hr cc: Honorable Albert Martocchia Southold Town Planning Board 65 "1' · '~en'crat 21}4-8272 11722 Janusr ]-974 ~t ¢:,~r ].ass i~ishric$ i , '--" '" _ec.~s, ~, 1975, ~-,p,~,e in .... ~p0.L u. , a Ci~ttb, '~%7 as lil(I~LVi[CZ~!,hlS~ r~.Pe If re c',n sup~)or-h you in ,il~ ,"v }la'so ,io nob .~oz. ~,.~,~ to c nu~c% ~ls. /e ~l(}fe li~osi'c c~u~p;[R}unds on Lo~': Isi-nd. Lets keep L0il'f YSI_ Rd January 2, 1974 e t'v~ t ionia t Street Ne~ York 11001 · ~r. Richard C. Wilton and Hr. John C. C!anton have requested a Chan~e of zone from the Town for the purpose o~ operating a Kampgro~nds o£ America, !nc. on '~een Street in ,Jreenport. We are concerned that there may be a problem with sewage and, as they have not indicated that they intend to hook ~p to the Gceenport system, we would appreciate it i~ Fo,] ~!,~ ~:~ke a look at the property and give ua a soil interpretation. We only have one :~ap so we ~.,!I apprecia:e it if you could stop into the office and pick it .lp on your way through. Yours t r,.~l y, Muriel Brush, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board ALBERT W. RIE:HMOND OFF~ERK SOUTHOLD, L. I, N. Y. 11971 December 12, 1973 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham: The original petition of Richard C. Wilton and John C. Clanton requesting a change of zone on certain property situated at Greenport, New York, from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District and "B" Light;Business District is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so affected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Towsn Clerk WlCKHAM & LARK~ P.C. December 6, 1923 N[r. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11921 RE: Dear Mr. Petition of Richard C. Wilton and John J. Clanton for Change of Zone Richmond: In connection with the above captioned matter, I sm enclosing six (6) copies of the Petition with Exhibits 1 through 6. Also enclosed is our check to the order of the Town of Southold in the amount of $100.00 which represents the filing fee. Would you kindly process this Petition with the appropriate municipal agencies. Very truly yours~ R~mchard P. ~rk RFZ/bd ]~nc lo st~re s CASF. NO: .....~....-[...: ........ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTItOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDME1NT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. RICHARD C. WILTON &n.d...J..QI-iN.. J.....CLA~T.0~ ............................ PETITION TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: Richard C. WILTON 1. ~I, aDd...J, ohla..~......CLAN. T~)N. .................... residing at .2..~...~.$.~.e.....(~.a...k....D...r...i.¥.?..~.~.~]~.thtown, ~nd ~ ~%~ n~ame of ~etitioner) uak Drive, Smlthtown (reopectively), Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, are the contract vendees of certain real property situated at Greenport, T~.~...~.~...~.guthold, ..................................... N. Y. a~d mere par{~u~ar~y beunded and described PARCEL 1 - See attached description Schedule 1 PARCEL 2 - See attached description Schedule 2 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the 'rown of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including lhe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: PARCEL 1 - From "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District PARCEL 2 - From "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District 3~ Such request .~s ma~le for the fotlow~rig ~'easons: Your petitioners are owners of a Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) franchise for Eastern Long Island and are under a contract to purchase the parcels of land described as Schedules 1 and 2 which consist of a total of 24 acres, formerly known as the Leo Sledjeski farm on the south side of Middle Road and the westerly side of Queen Street, near Greenport, New York. Your petitioners ape proposing to develop these parcels of land as a KOA campground for the seasonal use and enjoyment of the camping public. As seen from Exhibits 1 and 3, it is intended that parcel 1 which consists of 18.8727 acres be developed for camping sites. The proposed layout will allow ample space for 171 sites for trailers and vehicles, and 42 camp- sites for campers with tents. It is proposed to plant trees and other suitable planting and shrubbery around the boundary of the property and throughout the campground to provide a blending in with the surrounding woodland and also to provide screening and shade to the campsites. Parcel 2 consisting of 5.1273 acres is primarily for the construction of a recreation area as an accessory use to the campground. In this area there will be constructed such amenities as a swimming pool, additional picnic and parking areas, playgrounds for children, and a miniature golf course for the use of the campers. Also, there will be located on this parcel the KOA "A-frame"style building as depicted in Exhibit 4. This building will house the administrative offices, a lounge, rest rooms, a store for the purchase of convenience items and a laundromat for the use of the campers. Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) is the largest and most experienced system of franchise family campgrounds in America. In order to give some idea of the nature and scope of the KOA campground system, the petitioners are enclosing Exhibit 5 which is the KOA Handbook and Directory for Campers and Exhibit 6, a KOA brochure entitled "Your Town, U.S.A." To keep a KOA franchise, individual campground owners must meet and maintain standards for sanitation, neatness and cleanliness. To assure quality campgrounds and maintenance of its standards, KOA frequently sends inspectors to vari- ous campgrounds. The property is near to various tourist attractions in Southold Town and the shopping area of the Village of Greenport. The proposed camp- ground will promote the tourist industry of Southold Town and allow for open spaces that would not be achieved by permitted residential development. When complete, the campground will be the finest on Eastern Long Island and will be a tremendous asset in attracting camping tourists. The main entrance to the campground will be approximately 600 feet south of Middle Road on the westerly side of Queen Street and this will relieve possible traffic congestion on the Middle Road. Water supply and sewage disposal will have to meet the standards of the Suffolk County Oepartment of Health. It is anticipated that public water will be supplied by the Greenport Water Company. The parcel is cleared and is ideal for the proposed campground because of its relative isolation from surrounding homes and businesses. The parcel is bounded on the north by Middle Road. Immediately across this road are several parcels of land which are vacant, and i~s bounded on the east by Queen Street and vacant land of the Village of Greenport. Immediately across Queen Street to the east are several small residences. The property is bounded on the south ~y other vacant woodland of the Village of Greenport and on the west by !and of J. Penno and A. R. Francisco which is vacant and land of Leo Sledjeski upon which is located his residence. Your petitioners submit that the development of this campground as proposed will be a definite asset to the Town of Southold and will foster the tourist industry, and increase the tax revenue to the Town without the usual corresponding overburdening of sahools and other municipal facilities. EXHIBIT 1 - EXHIBIT 2 - EXHIBIT 3 - EXHIBIT 4 - EXHIBIT 5 - EXHIBIT 6 - Map to Accompany Application for Changes of Zone at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suff. Co., N.Y., dated Nov. 9, 1973 by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. Excerpt from Zoning Map showing surrounding areas. KOA Campground Development Plan, Southold, New York 1051, dated 10/1/73 Color Scheme & Elevation, KOA A-Frame Building KOA Handbook and Directory for Campers KOA brochure "Your Town, U.S.A." (L.S.)~~~ ~hn J. OQanton STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) RICHARD C. WILTON and JOHN J. CLANTON ................................................................................. BEING DULY SWORN, depose~Xand say, that t e re ~t~e petitione~in the within action; that~ e~ rheaa~ethe foregoing Petition and know~ the contents thereof; that the same is true toxh~) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those malters they believe~ it te be true. Richard C. Wilton Sworn to before me (L. S. ) ~c~ohn J. ,/Clanton this .'.~...f....-. day of November~ 1973 w ~ .......... ~~ ~--:"~ota~ ~blic. PETITION FOR CHANGES OF ZONE RICHARD C. WILTON and JOHN J. CLANTON SCHEDULE 1 Parcel 1: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and des- cribed as follows: BEGINNING at a monument located on the westerly line of Queen Street which monument is distant 825.92 feet southerly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Queen Street; running thence from said point of beginning along the southwesterly line of Queen Street, South 48° 43' 50" East 236.15 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; run- ning thence along said land of the Village of Greenport the follow- ing three courses: (1) South 0° 51' 20" West 917.17 feet; (2) North 80° 07' 20" West 1011.71 feet; and (3) North 0° 45' 00" East 308 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of J. Fenno; running thence along land now or formerly of J. Fenno and land now or formerly of A.L.R. Francisco the following two courses and distances: (1) North 5° 15' 10" East 273.89 feet; (2) North 71° 47' 40" East, 505.01 feet to a point and running thence through land of Melvin Shuter, James E. Seley, Seymour Fuchs and Martin Rabin, North 63° 37' 00" East, 361.76 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing an area of 18.8727 acres. SCHEDULE 2 Parcel 2: ALL that certain plot, piece or par, and being at Greenport, Town of Southold New York, bounded and described as follo~ BEGINNING at a monument at the inte~ easterly line of the Middle Road, with ti Street, from said point of beginning run] line of Queen Street two courses: (1) Sol 69~92 feet to a monument; thence (2) Sou feet to a monument; running thence throu( James E. Seley, Seymour Fuchs and Martin West, 361.76 feet to land now or formerl, running thence along said land now or roi Francisco North 10° 07' 20" West, 441.32 formerly of Leo Sledjeski; running thenc( formerly of Leo Sledjeski the following 50° 52' 10" East, 186.86 feet; and thenc East, 295.20 feet to the southeasterly 1~ ning thence along the southeasterly line 52' 10" East, 206.14 feet to the point o] Containing an area of 5.1273 acres. :el of land, situate, lying Suffolk County, State of ;section of the south- Le westerly line of Queen ling along said westerly [th 11° 17' 10" East, ih 8° 17' 20" East, 135.00 Ih land of Melvin Shuter, Rabin, South 63° 37' 00" ' of A. L. R. Francisco; 'merly of A. L. R. feet to land now or ~ along said land now or ~wo courses: (1) North ! (2) North 11° 17' 10" .ne of Middle Road; run- of Middle Road North 50° place of beginning. .j d ?' J EXHIBIT 1 September 21, 1973 Mr. Richard C. WiLton 24 White Oak Drive Smithtown, New'York 11787 Re: K.O.A. Campground Dear Mr. Wilton: Your proposal to create a campground for approximately 200 sites at Queens Lane snd North Road, Greenport appears to be a very interesting project. The 200 sites would have an approximate water demand of 30,000 gallons per day and approximately 18,000 gallons per day of sewage flow. We would be able to supply the water demand but would have ~o deny a connection to the public sewer supply. We presently have a sewer plant design of 500,00 GPD and present flows plus co~littments wilt exceed the plant design. The present flows plus committments are as follows: G.P.D. 400,000 8,000 25,000 15,000 25,000 50,000 10~000 This past summer Itospital addition Silvermere District New motel or hotel in Greenport Growth within the Village Two Seafood plants - to clean up Greenport Harbor Acuasenm or Factory or Port 533,000 Mr. Richard C. Wilton -2- September 21, t973 The next Executive Meeting of the Village Board will be held Thursday, October ~, lq7~ at ~:30 p.m. Mayor David E. Walker has agreed to hear your ~resent. tion. If I can be of further service, please call. Very truly yours, 3ames I. Monsell Superintendent of Public Utilities JIM:nr cc: Mayor David E. Walker ....... ~ ~ FOOT PATHS ~oe,O .... '~ ' --' ~..~9 ~ ** STREET & PATH LIGHTS '~ ,, , ~ ~ ~ ~ ,/~ ~ ''. ~/' WITH SEWER /:'~/'~' ' '0~'~ DRIVE'THROUGH SITES' x , WA TEE, SEWER & ELECTRICITY ~ / / ~ ~ ~ ~ $/.F,.,h~ /~ ~-~ ,~ /.~- .. -~. _. ~ .... :'~'. L '" ' ~ ~ ~~.~.:~N . ex ' ~ ~c~ _. ' ~ ~, SCALE - 1=60 - p,~¢ Prepared by: Kampq*mounEs o.f ,,~mer~c'a, BILLINGS, MONTANA PLAN': Franchise No.: ~2- 187-E EXHI, BIT 3