HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt. Peter's Church Amend #102 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ...$.~-.~.~.'f...]~.~.~.~.~.~.~...~.~.~b..e.r?31..~!Rr~q ......................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof b~. chang- ing from 'A" Res~dentlal ~ District to ..~..l....~.ne~..~.].j~.~.~,D,,.e ........ '~'~-'I'6~i'1'{~'~"~t'~_ ............ ~e s z ~ enc e District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the P'lonning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report havin§ been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..... ~.$.~c.~ ....... day of ......... ~e..b.~,~ ....................... , 19.~..., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, ~nd it hereby is June 10~ 1Q75 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOkeN BOARD ,~oq)ITH T~ BO~N~ TOWN CLF. RK ;2' NOTICEOFAMENDMENT TO'TO~ O~DI~ANCE AMENDME. NT NO; 102 N~ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meet~gofthe Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. heldonthe l~h day of June. 1975, the Town Board ena~ed the following amendment 'to the Town Ordinance entitled "The Building ~ne Ordinance of the Town. of Southold, Suffolk County, New York." together with the Building Zone Map forming a pa~ thereof as follows to wit: Amendment No. ~02 amends the Building ~ne Ordinance by changing ~om "A" Residential and Agricultural District to" M - 1" General Multip~ Residence Dis- t~ the pmpe~ of St. Peter's Lutheran Church situated at Greenpo~, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more pa~ic~larly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at thg intersection of the easterly line or,opel Lane with the southerly fine of Middle Road; bom said point of beginning running along said sou~erly line of Middle Road two cgurses as follows: (1) N. 52° ~8' 50" E '27 feet' t~'ehce (2} ~o~h~te~l~n ~ ~a~'to'the le~ having 'i radius of=~49.20 feet a distance of 338.~ feet to a monu~nt and land of Rarus, Inc.; thence along said land of Rarus, Inc. three courses as follows: (1) S. 53° 36' 40" E. 4~.0 feet; thence (2) N. 36~ 33' 20" E. 390.0 feet; thence (3) N. 53° 26' 40" W. 400.0 feet to said southerlyline of Middle Road; thence along said southerly line N. 36° 33' 20" E. 50.0 feet to land of PauH; thence,along said land of Pauli, S. 53° 26' 40" E. 4~.05 feet to land of the Village of Greenpo~; thence along said land of the Village of Greenpom threecourses as follows: (1) S. 18° 37' ~" W. 448.87 feet; thence (2) S. 41° 26' 30" E. 1068.51 feet; thence (3) S. 66° 30' 30" E. 232.89 feet to the no~herly line of the Main Road; then~ along said no~herly line S. ~o 34' ~" W. 157.55 feet to the no~hwesterly line of said Main Road; thence along said no~h- westerly llne S. 51° 03' ~" W. 21.24 feet to a monument and land of Peg; thence along said land of Pell, three courses as follows: (1) N. 41° 26' 30" W. 491.31 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 51~ 03' ~" W. 284.71 feet; thence (3) S. 36° 13' 40" E. 491.42 feet to said ~hwesterly line of the Main Road; thence along said north- westerly line S. 51° 03' 00" W. 50.06 feet to land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church; thence along said land otSaint Peter's Lutheran Church, two courses as follows: (1) N. 36° 13' 40" W. 491.42 feet; then~ (2) S. 51° 03' ~" W. 275.0 feet to land of Greenpo~ Play- house, Inc.; thence along said land of Greenpo~ Playhouse, Inc. N. 88° 22' 40" W. 550.~ feet to land of Long Island Lighting Co.; S. 67° 41' 30' W. 100.00 feet to said easlerly line of Chapel Lane; thence along said easterly line two courses as follows: (1) N. 2° 54' ~" W. 272.19 feet to a monument, thence (2) N. 4° 19' 20" W. ~6.79 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Con~ining 26.577 acres. DATED: June 10, 1975 BYORDEROFTHE R~I ITMGI D TOWN BOARD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK l, ss: STATE OF NEW YORK I Sherley KarT, being duly sworn, says that she is art Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA'I-I'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is o printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman once each week for .......... ] ................................................... weeks successively, commencing on the ..../.? .............................. day of ..~ ........................ 19.....~....~' Sworn to before me this ,,~ 6) day of ................... . CLEMENT J. THOMPSON STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: JUDITH T. BOKEN, Southold, New York, being duly sworn, age of twenty-one years; that on the Town Clerk of the Town of says that she is over 16th day of June the 19 75 notice is a most public York, place in to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed in a New Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Notice of Amendment No. Sworn to before me this _ 16th day of June 19 75 102 - Saint Peter's Lutheran Church ,/' ,~/, - :m~.~ /'~ ~ 'Judith T. Boken, To%~n Clerk ~Notary Pub] ic 7~ ELIZABETH ANN NEVI[L[ NOTARY PUBLIC State of New Yor~ j'j~rrn Expires March 30, lg_Z~ NOT ICE OF AMENDMENT TO TOWN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO . 102 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held on the 10th day of June, 1975, the Town Board enacted the following amendment to the Town Ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York," together with the Building Zone Map forming a part thereof as follows to wit: Amendment No. 102 amends the Building Zone Ordinance by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District the property of St. Peter's Lutheran Church situated at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the easterly line of Chapel Lane with the southerly line of Middle Road; from said point.of beginning running along said southerly line of Middle Road two courses as follows: (1) N. 52© 58' 50" E. 27 feet; thence (2) Northeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 749.20 feet a distance of 338.09 feet to a monument and-land of Rarus, Inc.; thence along said land of Rarus, Inc. three courses as follows: (1) S. 53© 26' 40" E. 400.0 feet; thence (2) N. 36© 33' 20" E. 390.0 feet; thence (3) N. 53© 26' 40" W. 400.0 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence along said southerly line N. 36© 33' 20" E. 50.0 feet to land of Pauli; 460.05 feet sa id la nd (]_) $. ]_8© ]~068.51 feet; thence along said land of Pauli, S~ 53© 26' 40" E. to land of the Village of Greenport; thence along of the Village of Greenport, three courses as 37' 00" W. 448.8.7 feet; thence (2) S. 41© 26' thence (3) S. 66© 30' 30" E. 232.89 feet to follows: 30" E. the Page 2 - Leg~ Notice - Change of Zone A~n 102 northerly line of the Main Road; thence along said northerly line S. 84© 34' 00" W. 157.55 feet to the northwesterly line of sa id Ma in Road; thence along sa id northwesterly line S. 51© 03' ©0" W. 21.24 feet to a monument and land of Pell; thence along said land of Pell, three courses as follows: (1) N. 41© 26' 30" W. 491.31 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 51© 03' 00" W. 284.71 feet; thence (3) S. 36© 13' 40" E. 491.42 feet to sa id northwesterly line of the Ma in Road; thence along sa id north- O westerly line S. 51 03' 00" W. 50.06 feet to land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church; thence along said land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church, two courses as follows": (1) N. 36© 13' 40" W. 491.42 feet; thence (2) S. 51© 03' 00" W. 275.0 feet to land of Greenport Playhouse, Inc.; thence along sa id land of ~reenport Playhouse, 'Inc. N. 88© 22' 40" W. 550.00 feet to land of Long Island Lighting Co.; S. 67© 41' 30" W. 100.0 feet to said east- erly line of Chapel Lane; thence along said easterly line two courses as follows: (1) N. 2© 54' 50" W. 272.19 feet to a monument, thence (2) N. 4© 19' 20" W. 806.79 feet to the point o f BEGINNING. Containing 26.577 acres. DATED: June 10, 1975 BY ORDER OF THE S OUTHoLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JUNE 19, 1975, AND FORWARD FOUR (4) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLIcATIoN TO J~DITH T. BOKEN, TOWN CLEPJ<, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHoLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies mailed to the following on June 16, 1975: The Long Island Traveler -Ma ttituck The Suffolk Weekly Times Irving L. Pr ice, Jr., Esq. Wa tchma n CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION #227 Hearing was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Super¥~aor Martocchia. Councilman Rich read the legal notice Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board in the O£fice of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town, on the 25th day of February, 1975, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) o£ the Town of Southold, Su£folk County, New York. 7:30 p.m. (EST) by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District the property of St. Peter's Lutheran Church situated at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection o£ the easterly line of Chapel Lane with the southerly line of Middle Road; from said point of beginning rLLnning along said southerly line of Middle Road two courses as follows: (1) N. 52° 58' 50" E. 27 feet; thence (2) Northeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 749.20 feet a distance of 338.09 feet to a monument and land of Rarus Inc.; thence along said land of Rarus, Inc. three courses as follows: (1) S. 53° 26' 40" E. a00.O feet; thence (2) N. 36° 33' 20" E. 390.0 feet; thence (3) N. 53° 26' 40" W. 400.0 feet to said south- erly line of Middle Road; thence along said southerly line N. 36° 33' 20" E. 50.0 £eet to land o£ Pauli; thence along said land of Pauli, S. 53° 26' 40" E. 460.05 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; thence along said land of the Village of Greenport, three courses as follows: (1) S. 180 37' 00" W. 448.87 feet; thence (2) S. 41° 26' 30" E. 1068.51 feet; thence (3) S. 66° 30' 30" E. 232.89 feet to the northerly line o£ the Main Road; thence along said northerly line S. 84° 34' O0" W. 157.55 feet to the northwesterly line of said Main Road; thence along said northwesterly line S. 51° 03' 00" W. 21.24 feet to a monument and land of Pell; thence along said land of Pell, three courses as follows: Public Hear_ ~ -2- February 25, 1975 (1) N. 41° 26' 30" W. 491.31 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 51° 03' 00" W. 284.71 feet; thence (3) S. 36° 13' 40" E. 491.42 £eet to said northwesterly line o£ the Main Road; thence along said northwesterly line S. 51° 03' 00" W. 50.06 £eet to land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church; thence along said land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church, two courses as follows (1) N. 36~ 13' 40" W. 491.42 feet; thence (2) S. 51° 03' 00" W. 275.0 feet to land of Greenport Playhouse, Inc.; thence along said land of Greenport Playhouse, Inc. N. 88° 22' 40" W. 550.00 feet to land of Long Island Lighting Co. S. 67° 41' 30" W. 100.0 feet to said easterly line of Chapel Lane; thence along said easterly line two courses as follows: (1) N. 2° 54' 50" W. 272.19 feet to a monument, thence (2) N. 4~ 19' 20" W. 806.79 feet to the point o£ BEGINNING. Containing 26.577 acres. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place so spe¢i£ied. Dated: January 7, 1975 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK Councilman Rich: We have a notice of proof of publicat£on £rom the Suffolk Weekly Times and notice of proof of publi- cation from the Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watchman. We have proof o£ posting on the Tow~ Clerk's Bulletin Board. The following letter was received from the Suffolk County Plan~ing Department: January 2, 1975 Pursuant to the requirements o£ Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application which has been referred to the Suf£olk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. The decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Comments: The site plan (set backs) should be consistent with plans of the Suf£olk County Dept. o£ Public Works relative to the widening and improvement of Middle Rd. (C.R. 27). Public Hear~ g -3- February 25, 1975 Lee F. Koppelman Director of Planning /s/ Gerald G. Newman The following letter under date of December 19, 1974 from the Southold Town Planning Board was presented. Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board held December 16, 1974, the following action was taken. On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Ray-nor, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the application of St. Peter's Lutheran Church for a change of zone on property located on Chapel Lane and the Main Road, Greenport, from "A" Agricultural Residential to "M-l" General Multiple Residence to permit the construction of multi-residences for Senior Citizen Retirement Community. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Moisa, Raynor, Coyle. Mr. Grebe was absent. /s/ Muriel Brush, Secretary Supervisor: You have heard the Councilman read the notice of hearing defining the description of the property, the legal advertisement in our local papers, the position of the Suffolk County Planning Commission leaving it to local determination with some comments added, the position of the Southold Town Planning Board in favor, also the legal posting on our Town Clerk's bulletin board. We will set down some ground rules. We will hear from the people who are in favor of granting this change of zone. The first one we will call on will be the applicant or his designated representative and then all the others can speak. After that is done we will hear from anyone who is opposed to the granting of the change of zone. After that there will be a rebuttal period to hear each side over again if you have forgotten anything. I would now like to call on the people in favor. Public Hear~ ~ -4- February 25, 1975 Mr. Price: Mr. Supervisor, members of the Town Board, I am an attorney, Irving L. Price, Jr.~ with offices at 258 Main Street, Greenport, New York. I represent St. Peter's Lutheran Church, the applicant herein. I would like to reserve the right to speak in rebuttal of any opposition. I have several persons here tonight who I feel are qualified to answer any questions the board might have and myself as well to answer questions. This is simply an application by St. Peter's Lutheran Church to change from A-Residential to M-1 General Multiple Residence the property that St. Peter's now owns at the corner of Chapel Lane and bounded by the North Road and presently property of the Village of Greenport and one other owner. Ail that the applicant is asking for is the change of zone so that they can build the appropriate number of residences for senior citizens' housing under the ordinance and senior citizens' housing is defined as those over sixty-two. That is all I have at this time. Thank you. Supervisor: Does anyone else wish to speak in favor of granting this change of zone? Has everyone had the oppor~ tunity to speak in favor? (A man in the audience said he thought they were all in favor.) Supervisor: Ail opposed to the granting of this change of zone may speak now. Would anyone like to speak into the record? Jean Tiedke: I am curious as to why the age was set at 62. Mr. Price: I believe the answer is that it had to be cut of£ somewhere. Ms. Tiedke: I would like to know if you have resolved the problem as to what the density is. Mr. Price: It will be the maximum allowed under the ordinance. Ms. Tiedke: Are you considering the property owned by the theater? Mr. Price: It is already permitted under the zoning there. Ms. Tiedke: Are you going to develop the whole thing contiguously? Mr. Price: In steps. Public Hear g -5- _.'ebruary 25, 1975 Ms. Tiedke: There is alot of interest and I hope these details come out. Mr. Price: They will have to. We didn't want to expend too much money until the change of zone is granted. Ms. Tiedke: There is alot of interest in town. The £ollowing letter was read into the minutes from the North Fork Environmental Council, Inc. under date of February 21, 1975: Gentlemen: After reviewing the proposed Lutheran Retirement Village Plan we have the following comments for your consideration: 1. There appears to be some discrepancy in the density figures provided. We feel that the Southold Town density should not be exceeded. 2. Our biggest concern, however, on a development of this type is ~e effect, both immediate and long range, on the available potable water which is in very short supply. Reference a report from Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, P.C. Consulting Engineers (a copy o£ which is attached) which states that the Greenport Village system which the development would be connected to, has an "acute need for additional supplies". We strongly feel that any proposed development, housing or otherwise, not be accomplished until adequate assurance is given that it will not create a shortage to the present users. We would be happy to meet and discuss the proposed development in more detail with you at any time. /s/ Loraine So Terry, President (The report was not read, but I attach a copy £or your information.) Supervisor: Does anyone else wish to speak. Hearing none, at this time we will close the hearing and the board will make a determination in a short time. Present at this hearing were Supervisor Martocchia, Judge Demarest, Judge Surer, Councilman Rich and Judge Doyen. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brush C NORTH FORK ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL, INC. Box 311, Sou~'hold, New York 11971 FeOru~:ry 21, 1%'75 Southold £own Board $outhold, L. I. New York - 11971 Gentlemen: After reviewing the proposed Lutherezl Retirement Village plan we have the following comments for your consideration: There oppeers to be some discrepancy in the density figures provided. We feel that the Southold gown Oensity should not be exceeded. Our biggest concern~ however~ on o aevelopment of this type is the effect, both immediate end long range, on the available potcble water which is in very short supply. Reference e report from Holzmacher, McLendon an{i Murrell, P. C. - Consulting Engineers (a copy of which is attached) which states tha~ the Greenport Village system wl~ich the development would be connected to, h~s ~n :'acute need for aOditionel supplies". We strongly feel that any proposed development~ housing or otherwise, not be accomplished until adequate assurance is given that it will not crew, re a shortage to the present users. We would De h~ppy to meet and discuss the proposed development in more detoil with you et any time. Sincerely, NORTH FORK ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL, I~ Latrine S. Terry, President NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND Pursuant 'ta seeh'on ~ of-the Town Law .'~nd Requimments of .the',~' 'Zone Ordinance of County,~ New -York/,. Public hem~' ~be be~d -by me S .treet/..Green~rt~ New York, 'in said ~;"'0n-the 2~th day of F~,-1975, On the following ~ ,~ '~ the Sundog ButldiWJ~el~llll~) ~f the Town York. · 7:30'p.m. (E.S.T.) by changing from ,'A" Residential anal ~tural District to "M-l" General'. 'Multiple Residence · District' the' property~ of St. P~er's Lutheran ChUrCh situated at Greenp0~,-T~ of Southold, Suffolk'Cotmty, New York, and descri~ aS~follows: BEG~G at a monument at the intersection of-the easterly line of Chapel Lane with the southerly line of Middle Road; from said point of beginning rtmning along said southerly line of' Middle Road two courses as follows: (1) N. 52 degrees 58' 50" E'. 27 feet; thence (2) Northeasterly on a curve to the left.having a radius of 749.20 feet a distance of 338.09 feet-to a monument and land of Rarus Inc.; thence along said land of Rarus, Inc. three courses as follows: (1) S. 53 d~ 26' 40" E. 400.0 feet; thence (2) N. 36 degrees 33' 20" E.. 390.0 feet; thence (3) N. 53 degrees 26' 40" W. 400.0 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence along said southerly line N. 36 degrees 33' ~0" E. 50.0_ feet to land of Pauli; thence along said land of Pauli, S. 53 degrees 26' 40" E. 460.05 feet to land of the-Village of Greenport;. thence along said LEGAL NOTICE l~nd of the Village of Greenport, three courses as follows: (1) S. 18 degrees 37' 00" W. 448.87 feet; thence (2) S. 41 'degrees 26' 30" E. 1068.51 feet; thence (3) S. 66 degrees 30' 30" E. 232.89 feet to the northerly line of the Main Road Shence along Said northerly line S. 84 degrees 34' 00" W. 157.55 feet to the northwesterly line of said Main Road; thence along said northwesterly line S. 51 degrees 03' 00" W. 21.24 feet to a monument and land of Pell; thence along said land of Pell, three courses as follows: (1) N. 41 degrees 26' 30" W. 491.31 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 51 degrees 03' 00" W. 284.71 feet; thence (3) S. 36 degrees 13' 40" E. 491.42 feet to said northwesterly line of the Main Road; thence along said northwesterly line S. 51 degrees 03' 00" W. 50.06 feet to land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church; thence along said land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church, two courses as follows: (1) N. 36 degree., 4O" W. 491.42 feet; thence (,,, ~. 51 degrees 03' 00" W. 275.0 feet to land of Greenport Playhouse, Inc.; thence along said land of Greenport Playhouse, Inc. N. 88/~es 22' 40" W. 550.00 feet to land of Long. Island Lighting Co., S. 67 degrees 41' 30" W. 100.0 feet to said easterly line of Chapel Lane; thence along said easterly line JNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] ~ ss' ~TE OF NEW YORK, j Swarn~.. before ....... ~--~ JOSEPH LAWRENCE TOWNSEND NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW YORK Resi~ing ~n Suffolk County C!ks. No. 52-9266350 My Commissien Expires March 30, 19~,~ two courses as follows' (1) N. 2 Stuart C. Dorman degrees 54' 50" W. 272.19 feet to a ................................... being duly Sworn, monument, thence (2) N. 4 degrees 19' 20" W. 806.79 feet to ~ that .. he.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK the point of BEGINNING. EKLY TIMES. ti newspaper published tit Greenport, in said Containing 26.577 acres. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed nty; and thut the 'notice, of which the annexed is a printed amendment should appear at the time and place so specified. Y' h/Is been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times oared: Januar~ 7, 19~5. · in each week, for ....0.1!e...(]:) ............ weeks ,.:'~ BY ORDER OF THE ' '''' ~OLDTOWN BOARD .~ssively commencing on the .... S..i.x.~..h ............. 'ALBERT W. RICHMOND o, ..... 1TF6 .. '" ' .~d,/~: ....... ;-.~x:~ ,::_~.~..~.._..., ~,. --- ,._~. ':.~, .: . ,'... ~ ........ : ............... NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Requirements of the Building Zone~~~of the Town of Soutl!l~, Suffolk County, New York, ~b~ic lieartng will be held by the Southold Town Board in the Office of the Super- visor, 1.6 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said T6wn, on the 25th day of February, 1975, on the following proposal to amend thc Building Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 7:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) by changing from "A" Residential and Agri- cultural District to "M-I" Gener- al Multiple Residence District the property of St. Peter's Lutheran Church sitUated~ at Greenport, Town of Sout~old~ ~r~v Suffolk County, New YOrk, .av~ more particularly boun~sd ' ~'alld de- scribed as follows: .,..;?' . BEGINNING at &~monument at the intersection of ./the easterly line of Chapel Lan~ ,~ittth the southerly line of Mi~lJe',. Road; from said point o~-,i'beginning running along said southerly line of Middle ROad two courses as follows: (1) N. 52° 58' 50" E. 27 feet; thence (2) Northeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 749.20 feet a distance of 338.09 feet to a monument and land of Rarus Inc.; thence along said land of Rarus, Inc. three., courses as · follows: (1) $. 53° 26' 40" E. 400.0 feel; thence '(~) N. 36° 33' 20" E. 390.0 feet; thence (3) N. 53° 26' 40" W. 400~0 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence along said southerly line N. 36° 33' 20" E. 50.0 feet to land of Pauli; thence along said land of Pauli, S. 53° 26' 40" E. 460.05 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; thence along said land COI JNTY OF SUFFOLK of the Village of Greenport, three courses as follows: (1) S. 18° 37' 00" W. 448.87 feet; thence (2) S. 41° 26' 30" E. 1068.51 feet; thence (3)S. 66° 30' 30" E. 232.89 feet to the northerly line of the Main Road; thence along said northerly line S. 84° 34' 00" W. 157.55 feet to the northwesterly line of said Main Road; thence along said northwesterly line S. 51° 03' 00" W. 21.24 feet to a monument and land of l'eu; thence along said land of Pell, three courses as follows: (1) N. 41° 26' 30" W. 491.31 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 51° 03' 00" W. 284.71 feet; thence (3) S. 36° 13' 40" E. 491.42 feet to said northwesterly line of the Main Road; thence along said north- westerly line S. 51° 03' 00" W. 50.06 feet to land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church; thence along said land of Saint Peter's Luther- an Church, two courses as follows: (1) N. 36° 13' 40" W. 491.42 feet; thence (2) S. 51° 03' 00" W. 275.0 feet to land of Greenport Playhouse, Inc.; thence along said land of Green- port Playhouse, Inc. N. 88° 22' 40" W. 550.00 feet to land of Long Island Lighting Co., S. 67° 41' 30" W. 100.0 feet to said easterly line of Chapel Lane; thence along said easterly line two' courses as follows: (1) N. 2° 54' 50" W. 272.19 feet to a monument, thence (2) N. 4° 19' 20" W. 806.79 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Containing 26.577 acres. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place so specified. Dated: January 7, 1975 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK ·" 1T-2/6 :NEW YORK ~y Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK ~AN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, -: County; and that the notice of which the s a printed copy, has been published in said nd Zraveler-Mattituck Watchman once each ........... ,.~,.,.:.:. 4. r_..c.,, week~ ,y, commencing on the .................. ~ .................. ..... ........ , //'.. (; ...................... ~, ,( .. ..-.6 . . .- ':- -~,.. .... ..... ... .... ;worn to before me this ........../.. ........... day of ~ - ./~..~-,~ -' ~. ' .: .... ~ _ ...· .... :./<'.?,'.,.-,c../~,.n .. 19 ........ STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: Southold, New York, age of twenti~-one 19 75 is a public York, ,~he affixed a notice true copy, place in of which proper Town of SS: ~ R £C>[~, bein~ dull,' sworn, s:~ys that~hc 10th da': ~I ~r~.a~¥ _ Southold, Suffolk Count" t~e~. Legal Notice - Notice of Hearing on Proposal to Amend Zoning Ordinance - St. Peter's Lutheran Church - 7:30 P.M., February 25, 1975. Towh Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk ~,ff~c~: Main Road, Southotd, L.I.,N.Y. Sworn to before me this 10th day of February 19 75 NO ta ~f '/ Public NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 o£ the Town Law and Requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board in the 0f£ice of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town, on the 25th day of February, 1975, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 7:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District the property of St. Peter's Lutheran Church situated at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the easterly line of Chapel Lane with the southerly line of Middle Road; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Middle Road two courses as follows: (1) N. 52° 58' 50" E. 27 feet; thence (2) Northeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 749.20 feet a distance of 338.09 feet to a monument and land of Rarus Inc.; thence along said land of Rarus, Inc. three courses as follows: (1) S. 53o 26' 40" E. 400.0 feet; thence (2) N. 36° 33' 20" E. 390.0 feet; thence (3) N. 53o 26' 40" W. 400.0 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence along said southerly line N. 36° 33' 20" E. 50.0 feet to land of Pauli; thence along said land of Pauli, S. 53° 26' 40" E. 460.05 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; thence along said land of the Village of Greenport, three courses as follows: (1) S. 18° 37' 00" W. 448.87 feet; thence (2) S. 41° 26' 30" E. 1068.51 feet; thence (3) S. 66° 30' 30" E. 232.89 feet %o the northerly line of the Main Road; thence along said northerly line S. 84° 34' 00" W. 157.55 feet to the northwesterly line of said Main Road; thence along said northwesterly line S. 51003' 00" W. 21.24 feet to a monument and land of Pell; thence along said land of Pell, three courses as follows: (1) N. 41° 26' 30" W. 491.31 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 51° 03' 00" W. 284.71 feet; thence (3) S. 36° 13' 40" E. 491.42 feet to said Page Two Legal Notice northwesterly line of the Main Road; thence along said north- westerly line S. 51° 03' 00" W. 50.06 feet to land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church; thence along said land of SaintPeter's Lutheran Cht~rch, two courses as follows: (1) N. 36° 13' 40" W. 491.42 feet; thence (2) S. 51~ 03' 00" W. 275.0 £eet to land of Greenport Playhouse,Inc.; thence along said land o£ Greenport Playhouse, Inc. N. 88° 22' 40" W. 550.00 feet to land of Long Island Lighting Co., S. 67° 41' 30" W. 100.0 £eet to said east- erly line o£ Chapel Lane; thence along said easterly line two courses as £ollows: (1) N. 2° 5~' 50" W. 272.19 feet to a monument, thence (2) N. 4~ 19' 20" W. 806.79 £eet to the point o£ BEGINNING. Containing 26.577 acres. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place so specified. Dated: January 7, 1975 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, February 6, 1975, AND FORWARD FOUR (~) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the £ollowing on January 30, The Long Island Traveler - Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Irving L. Price, Jr., Esq. Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia 1975: Suffolk County Department of Plann!n~ Vetch?us Yk:'.orlal T'i~hwgy Haup~auBe, Mew York 117g7 January 2, 1975 Town of Southold Town Clerk Petitioner: Zoning Action: File ?~o.: St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Case No. 227) - C/Z "A" Agricultural & Residence to "M-l" General Multi-Residence SD-74-14 Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County C!~arter, the above captioned application ~ich has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County Planning Com~issicn is considered to be a ~atter for local determinstion. The decision of local deter- mination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Comments: The site plan (set backs) should be consistent w~th plans of the Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works relative to the and improvement of ~ddle Rd, (C,R, 27), Respectfully yours, Lee F. Koppelman Director of PlanninF by TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Ruildlng Depf. t Planning Rd. 765-2660 Roard of Appeals Town Of Southold TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant fo the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Arficle 12-R, Sections 239-r and m, the ~J,,J~l~ ~ ...... of the town of Soufhold, N. Y. hereby refers the following (agency involved) proposed zon~n.g action fo the Suffolk County Planning Comm]sslon: [check one) New and recodified zoning ordinance .. Amendment fo the zoning ordinance Zoning changes Special permlfs ... Varbnces Locat;on of affected land: 6~11~,. ~. ~...l~l!~...~'~Jt~~ l;l~..(l'~*'~:~l~l~ .............. within 500 feet of: Icheck one or more) Town or village boundary llne State ~#~road, ~ State or county park or recreafion area Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ... State or county owned parcel on which a publ;c building ;s situated Date: Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission FiFe No. Title I~VING L. P~ICE, JR. October 29, 1974 Town Board of the Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Town Clerk Gentlemen: At a meeting with the Town Planning Board on October 28, 1974, with relation to the Petition of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church to re-zone property owned by it east of Chapel Lane, Arshamomoque, N.Y., it was de- cided to amend the Peition to include property previously owned by Petitioner in the application. Therefore, in addition to land subject to Petition of September 16, 1974, the premises bounded south by old Highway, East by the Village of Greenport, West by Price and North by land described in original Petition are to be included. In other words, the Petition to rezone the premises now owned by Petitioner is to include all land owned by it being commonly known as Church parcel, Pell'sGarage parcel and land north of these parcels. marks. ILP:JY Enclosure Attached hereto is site plan drawing added premises with "cross Very truly yours, SAN SIMEON A Lutheran Retirement Village GREENPORT, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. KOCH-JOHNSTONE ASSOCIATES "[~' J ,.r,,,o. D,,,,...~...,.. ~[/ ~FF~ERK SOUTHOLD, L. I, N. Y. 11g?1 September 25, 1974 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham: The original petition of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church requesting a change of zone on certain property situated at Chapel Lane, Greenport, from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-i" General Multiple Residence District is transmitted herewith to you. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so affected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk IRVING L. /'RICE, Jll. September 16, 1974 Southold Town Clerk Southold, New}fork Dear Sir: 11971 Re: St. Peter's Lutheran Church I hand you herewith original and six (6) conformed copies of application to change zone onbehalf of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Also enclosed is cheek to the order of the Town of Southold for $100.00. ILP:JY Enclosures (8) HO~,zMAcHER, McLENDON and MURRELL, P.C. / Consultm~ EnEineers (516) 694-3040 December 9~ 197~ Mr. John D. Chester Commissioner of Parks and Recreation County of Suffolk Montauk Highway West Sayville, ~lew York 11796 Dear Commissioner Chester: Re: Inc. Village of Greenpor~ Water Plant at Peconic Dunes -~, .~:-. With reference to prior correspondence with'former Co~is-, :" ', sioner Dominy and Chief' Assistant County Attorney Co,win, we ~ubmit the following for your consideration, and. we hope, your approval. The Greenport Water System has a franchise area in the Town "'" of Southold which extends from Peconic Lane in Peconie~ easterly '.;~ almost to Rocky Point Road in East Marion. All six of its exist~ '~'~' ~'i'*- lng well fields have experienced problems with w~ter quality, ,.~.,.~,.o. either high nitrates or high iron and manganese. Numbers I and ':'-~*':;L 2 within the Village of Greenpo~t were very small and abandoned i~ ,~. , for normal use many years ago No. 3 in the Village has high ,.:;:':fPon and manganese and~ if pumped too hard, develops high salt. ~_.':" ~'~ con~ent. No. 4 in East Marion is still o.k., but salt ~ontent · ~i~ ~, has ~nc~eased and nit,ares in one of the well~ has been high. ~..~ Plant No. ~ in southwest Southold has very high nit,ares. Plant ( ' ~' ' No. 8 i~ No~th Southold has high nitrates a good part of' the time. f'~';'... It iS obvious that the Greenport system has an acute need ~ .... fo~ additional supplies We have completed studies which show .[~? ',- the most ~eliable and good quality water in the amen is adjacent .:¢',?,~:'.~, to GpSat Pond, Last year, w~th the energetic efforts and coope~- ~':;:~' tion of County Executive Klein, Senato~ Giuffreda, Assemblyman : ':~'! G~ea~ Pond (Peconie Dunes). · 'I'4OL,ZMACHER, McLENDO~' Commissioner - '?~ John D. Chester "dlURRELL, P.C. / Consulting '-q eers -2- Decembez' 9, 1974 Just recently, the VillaAe, Town and Countv'officials joined in presenting testimonv before the [~tate Department of Environ- mental Conservation to h,t'/e several lakes in the County, with emphasis on Great Pond, upgraded in classi]'ication to "A" for use as drinking water. I believe the enclosed plan will be sufficiently clear as to the area needed for the proposed facility. It shows two wells near the southwest shore and a pro[>~sed future direct pipeline into the Lake. [4e believe it is unlikely that the direct pipe- line will be used since the color of the water in the lake would mequire treatment which we hope to avoid. By designing the near shore wells properly, we expect to induce sufficient low nitrate water through the lake bottom toward the wells that, when mixed with the high nitrate water flowing underground from the farm- land to the south, will yield an ample supply of good quality. The decaying anaerobic material in uhe lake bottom apparently acts as a natural denitrifieation system, as well as a reducer of sulfates. 0up specific design, assuming your approval and County Legis- lature appmoval, will consist of two (2)'[,;ell~, 40 to 60 feet deep, each equipped with electric pumping units. One unit (the first constructed) wou].d be housed in a one-story masonry building ap- proximately 20'x30' or smaller, to~ether with electuical equip- ment, motor control cente~~ and chlorination equipment. Should additional treatment be requiz~ed~ later additions to the struc- ture would be required. The plant would be automatic, operating from el[her remote water tank level changes or from local pressure changes. The plant site proposed is very small, so it is anticipated that the full access easement and the plant site itself would be almost completely cleared. The second well will probably be equipped with a submersible type pump and would not require an above ground structure. We do not believe -the structures proposed will present es- thetic problems~ but would welcome any suggestions you may have to make the plan compatible ~.~ith your park facilities. We will also be ~mquested by the County and State Health Departments and the State Department of Environmental Conservatibn relative to, ~roteetion of the water supply with fencing~ height above flood levels~ etc. I'"IO[~M~CHER, McLENDC ' MI, JRRELL, Pm(:;. Commissioner John D. Chester -3- December 9, 1974 To su~nar[ze, we we,u[d be plo ,z~d to h~ve your appz,oval of ~ho Greenpor~ p],~n and rcspcc~ [u].ly r~:qu~:.t that ';ou ,.~dvise t~h~ Le~fslative .?o~ttee ot your. r.eccum~,enda~ ions. If you need {urtLer. 'Jato, we will be pleased 1,~ meet with you and/om youm Committee. We enclose a copy o[ some of the prior cor.respondence as well as three (3) copie~ of the dr. awing, ]P72-5-2 (10/22/73), and three (3) copies of the ~escriptive easement requested. HOL?!'..,3HER, IlcLE.UDON £. MURR£LL, P.C. c f. 'IcLendon, P.E. SCM:vm Enc 1. cc: County Executive Klein SenaTor GiuffPeda Assemblyman Dumyea Parks, Recreation and Conservation' Conm{ittee Mr. James 1-ionsell Hr. Joseph Townsend Stanley S. Comwin, Esq. CAS . '7 STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TO%VN OF SOUTHOLD iN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDiNG ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO TH~ TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, Saint Peter's Lutheran Church residing at Gree.n..p. ort (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .... .C...h..a...P.e.l.....L~..n..e..'..~..r.~.e...n..P.°.,,r..%. ..... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: See description and survey attached. (B)) Petitioner is contract purchaser of same under contract dated August 20, 1974, with scheduled closing on October 1, 1974. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: A - Residential and Agricultural to M-1 - General Multi Residence Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at'the intersection of the east- erly line of Chapel Lane with the southerly line of Middle Road; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Middle Road two courses as follows: (1) North 52 degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds East 27 feet; thence (2) Northeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 749.20 feet a distance of 338.09 feet toa monument and land of Rarus Inc.; TKENCE along said land of ~arus, Inc. three courses as follows: (1) South 53 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds East 400.0 feet; thence (2) North 36 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds East 390.0 feet; thence (3) North 53 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West 400.0 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; TY_ENCE along said southerly line North 36 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds East 50.0 feet to land of Pauli; THENCE along said land of ~auli, South 53 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds East 460.05 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; TP~ENCE along said land of the Village of Greenport, three courses as follows: (1) South 18 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West 448.87 feet; thence (2) South 41 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East 1068.51 feet; thence (3) South 66 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds East 232.89 feet to the northerly line of the Main Road; THENCE along said northerly line South 84 degrees 34 minutes O0 seconds West 157.55 feet to the northwesterly line of said Main Road; TPLENCE along said northwesterly line South 51 degrees 03 minutes OO seconds West 21.24 feet to a monument and land of Pell; THENCE along said land of Pell, three courses as follows: (1) North 41 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds West 491.31 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 51 degrees 03 minutes O0 seconds West 284.71 feet; thence (3) South 36 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds East 491.42 feet to said. northwesterly line of the Main Road; TKENCE along said northwesterly line South 51 degrees 03 minutes OO seconds West 50.06 feet to land of Saint Peter's Lutheran Church; THENCE along said land of SaAnt Peter's Lutheran Church, two courses as follows: (1) North 36 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds West 491.42 feet; thence (2) South 51 degrees 03 minutes O0 seconds West 275.0 feet to land of Greenport Playhouse Inc.; THENCE along said land of Greenport Playhouse, Inc. North 88 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds West 550.00 feet to land of Long Island Lighting Co., South 67 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds West 100.0 feet to said easterly line of Chapel Lane; THENCE along said easterly line two courses as follows: (1) North 2 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West 272.~9 feet to a monument, thence (2) North 4 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West 806.79 feet to the point of BEGINNING. BEING INTENDED TO BE the same premises as were conveyed to Seller by deed dated 3/15/71 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 6907, Page 492 on ~rch 31, 1971. 3. Such request is made for the follo*ving reasons: To permit the construction of multi residents for Senior Citizen Retirement Community ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN'S CHURCH PASTOR STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .... ~!q?.~.~..~..... ~.......~. ?. ~.~.~ .~. ........ BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knoxvs the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this ./.~..~. day of...~-~! ........ 19.,~ Not~ l~ublic. ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN'S CHURCH PASTOR .4 ~o~ ',... ...,.' "~.,. ~. ,-~ ~. S ~ , ~. ' ~ "/i'" ,' ~ ,. .... " ' [,i~ I ''~'~ / ~ Il~ -N'~ *, ~.'" : ,~ ~ ~ · . .,. · ...~.~'~' . .. ~ ,~:~__ ! ~-';~-' ..... >--'~'~-~" ~'~ ~'~ " ~~N '~X+,' '-' ~ ~' "-" .~ .. , ~~ ~~' _ .--.,- ~ ,,, ~- ~. ~ , ~ .~. . ........ ~ .... ~.. · .... . ...... ~, ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'......-' ~ ~.. ~_ ~.~ ~ -- ,¢~.m~,~'. ~ .... ~ ...... '~ ,e -- ....... ~-~ -Z ~ ..... ~ _.~-' ~ ~'~ *~X~~ .,' .,,,,. / I .......... : "-~ ~ ~ · ~,~,~~ · ~./' ',~ '~,- , ~ .....'"~. , ~o~ .. .... /,--,-."' x , · .- ~~,,~ ~' ,,, ..~ ,.- . ' :~ / .~~ . . .... - .' , .. . ' ' ~ ~ ,,..~ ' ~ ...~. ~ ~0 ..' "' '~ L · : '? "0~ ':' ~ L ~ ~ " · . ~ ............. . -.. j ~; ~ . ' , ~....~., . ' ~ ~'.. , .... - _ . .,.- . ~ .,~ L LJTItI~ I~A N Cl-I LJ I~C I'I ,-, I'Ll,' ,'XTl ~;:~[,N pRCDI';O'=JL:.- ,'"2 ",.?__.;'"",,.",,NG~$ oF' '---~N~aJIngKrZtg ALTERXtION '0'~-~'~ ..... TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STAT~ EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. GUARANTEES INDIcAT:D H!:REO:'v SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PE',.S.,,,, t FOR,V/;gOM THE SURVEY IS PREFA:,ED, A. D oi:,,, HiS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COM; ANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND L£NDING INSTITUTION LISTED H,k~ON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF TNE LENDING INSTI- TUTION. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADD:TIoNAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWr~RS. · ,ill! mill, i1 I iii j · \ C) OF GREENPOR 'x /' ! · x .. , LOC/NT lC)t,,,l /A~I~ /,,-~_ F,".C-~L (~ "r~" 'Fo "/^ -~" PArz,.:ei. ~?) "~:' T'c ",x-," $C./NL F..- .. lDO0'= I" FAtZ~LE/-'CO "' A'.' Tc "/A'-i '~ SAN SI MEON A Lutheran Retirement Village GREENPORT, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. KOCH-IOHNS'rONi~ ^SSOC I^T I~ S ] KJ INTERIOR DESIGN & PLANNING 475 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK· N'.Y. iici7 ll2.&ls.2eee / // ,/ / / / / SAN SI MEON A Lutheran Retirement Village GREENPORT, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. INTERIO! DESIGN & PLANNING 475 FI~TH AVE. NEW YORK, K.Y. 11117 211-&15-211t