HomeMy WebLinkAboutConway, William B. Amend #97IDDLE ROA J I,l' WHEREAS, a. petition was heretofore file with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ..... ?..o...~..~.....~..°...a.~..d:.....°..W.~.. requesting a change, modification and o,men Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps n ing from "A" Res....~....A...g.~.~... ..... District t, DJ,strict the property described in sa. id petition, / WHEREAS said petition was duly referred .to the P~lanning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed :tment of the Building Zone ~ade a part thereof by chang- "B-i" Genera]_ Business and with the Town Board, a,nd thereafter, a publ petition having been duly held by the Town ..................... ~.. , 19...7...3., and of Ma ........................ had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, petition be, and it hereby is hearing in rela,tion to said ~ard on the ....2..9..~ ........ day due deliberation having been BE IT RESOLVED thaI the relief demanded Granted. in said BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD DATED: July 10, 1973. ~ 'fO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ~hat artcr a public hearin,g held ' pursuant 1'o th~'. reotlirpmenls law. -the Bulldog ] Zone Ordi- ~m,.,.p 'i'~;chldi,'u. tkeq 'Building" gore M.~p,. of ] Yor~, ~,~s duly am~hd~d at ' reg~lar.,~meeting` (,f I.l~ ~out'hohl ~Tow~ ~'B0ard held on July 10. 1973. ,s t'ollnws: · dential and Agrk:ull. ura. .:. to "1!.-1" ('}ellor~l~ Busin{,ss ~ trier. [he propm'(y of .~Villh~m B. CollwRy llnd Wilfred Jerome Cma- ~a-5. silLiaLcd (ql S(.}l.lLh side of Middle '[~oad (Counly Rand 27,. Scut.hal( N', w 'York ~ ah'd m~'~ " particularly bounded~ ~d (.')ll.('(t. hs follox~:,.., . BE(IlNNING at :.)he i~t6r~ section of.the ~,outh(,rlv lin(, Mt(h.tit' l~oad wiLh )'he wpst= (~l'l?' line of llm'tm{s f j '. ~ ~ron~ sai~ point o~ bo-lrmi)~;,' - .[ .:[.. ~ .,., . . ' i'un[filng alcn~ s;~id ';' 'lihe':.~f H,.','ns 14n, 8 23 O0.:E.-- 281.75 lepl {h({)((, .: . nldna lane, ni· C:onwav Bt'(9 b- . prs. 8. fi4' ~5' ~0" ~V. -796.84 l;?f I0 ]~l rld Of' I.*Otlltlh. C. ~WO C()Ill'S(~S; "' (I.) N. 88' ,11' 00" W. 7.65 t'~ I'eei~ 1;he.rK.f- "~ ~2'~ ~. 41 48' .t0" W. 300.0 ~e~ ..to,.sa~a southerly: line o~ :~- 5~fl~le R0ad:- ~h6nce n'lo'hq- ~ aaid ~ouLhtu'ly line of Mi0dh <~' ~OH~. follr C, Olli'~f~s' / ~1~ N. 55 4i' 5(r' E.-.450.96 , ;: feet" theIl(;e · Ihs, 'loft. having a radius of 887~)) feet., a distance nr 19fi.59 ,3) ~. 54' 25' 40:' E. 519.5~ l't'('l[i I honor ,4} S, 79" 37' E.; 34.78 tO (ltP p(JiH' ,)~' ' 2. B? chltt!gittg {{.'o{tl 'A" ih -[ dentia{:and Agricul~m'al ~istric[ Io "B-I" (~cll(.'ra{ Businps3 Towll' Board, i}lp !ol]owillg scribed properly situa)e~ Sot.itht,ld. No~; York: . . BEGINNINC] at ,a point 0i~ the westerly line of Meehanb. S ree~ wherp sum line ts ild sc&,ed by the line between Z:)lit' :k ttliC{ ZOlt(~ B-I' tram said"~p6int_ of beahmin,~, run- ning~ southerly ~long' said ' 'westerly 'lira, of :. Sivc(:(. 620 i'cct.. :Hot't' ()r !e.;s. '. to lard of }~.immhn': thence w0stdrly, along' sai:d land of ' ' ' ' ) ' ~ ~ ;p,.,. mole , or ,,. .: T COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK~ ss: C. W{hitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says I that he is the Editor, of THE LONG' ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed, ~t Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in sald Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...... "~"~'~'"~'" '~'/4" weel~ successivel co~men . ' / O' ~ Y, cing on the ............... Z'... [ of Swo .I to before me this ........................ day of ...... · ^DELE PAYNE Not, p/ Public, Slate of New York Residing in Suffolk Cou~y N0, 52-3041000 2ommissfon Expires March 30, 197~'~ ~., NOTICE OF AMEN0~igN?S .TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ~ ~ .AMENDMENT NO. 97' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ::i', that after a public hearing held , . . ursuant to the remnremen~S-'of !~: law, the 'Buildin~ zone::'O~/i ~!;r dinance,' (Including the Building ~.: Zone Map), of the Town of- ? .Southold, Suffolk County, NeW. :... :?York, Was duly amended, at a ' i~. regular meeting of the Southold i~i,: Town Board held on July 10, 1975, i::i as' follows: i/' .1. By changing from;:.. ,,A,, .:,'Remdentml and Agncult. Ural [i:!: District 'to '!B-I" Gel~eral :.i':' us/ness District, the Property of' ~' .William B. ConwaY and Wilfred ':3Jerome :conwaY, situated on ~:,SoUth side" of Middle ROad ;:(County Road27), Southold, New- i!York, and .more particularly ~bounded a~Cri~..described as - !~fOllows:: ~ 'i!~:~,.~,iii: . i BEGINN~~':' at the '.in- ~ ? 'tersectfon~ii~df.. the southerlY ~' [ line of Midge Road with the i westerly· l~!~e: of' HOrtons , Lane;:~:.froih~said .point of ,'". 'beginhing~,nn~ng along said :/'i'. Weste~ly~.l-,llne of Hortons: aongd .' · ?i0f' cdnWa~iii~B'~others, S. 54 degrees 25' " 40 W. - 796,84;~ ~'.feet to land of' Donahue; /thence along said'land of i.!: Donahue~ tW0.~courses: ..... ~:' (1)~N degrees 41 00 ' ..: '-~. .38 ' "W. -:7.65 feet; thence ,: . :. ' N. dagr e e 40,,w :.. ;- 300.0 feet to said sOutherly : line of Middle 19~;i thence ' ' ::;?.i~ along said ~Ou_t2~e~-,.line of ~:-"': 150.96. fe~i:; thence : ' . ;.':~ . (2) Easterly :on a-curVe to' ':."~ the ·left, having a radius of if'%8872.0 feet,' a 'distance of ~.. 196:59.feet; thence · (3) N.:' 54 degrees 25"46" E. : - 519.54 feet; thence .; . ./' ~ (4) S~ 79 degrees 37'E. _. .~: 34.78' feet to the point, of }. beginning. Containing 5.8401 ~ acreS. , ~ ~ .... 2. By changing from ;,A,, ,.' i:~:' Residential and AgricultUral ~i~ District to "B-I" General ~-Business District,. on moti°n of ,' .i~'the Southold Town BOard, the : ii:: fOllowing described,, propertY , i' situated at Southold, New York: ,' i:- BEGINNING at a_ point on i:~ the westerly line of Mechanic ~ Street where said line is :i intersected by. the line bet_ . · ween Zone A and zone B-l; . ~' from said point, of'~beginning .: ~: running southerly along said ..... westerly line of Mechanic ;i~;·Street, 620 feet, more or iess, to land of Rimmler; thence ?;: westerly along said land of · Rimmler 463 feet, more or ' ~: leS~, to Wells.Avenue; thence :,. ~ : along said Wells Avenue, two':' ' ":? courseS: . (1) westerly· .150 '" ~ feet, .more or less, thence (2) . northerly 471 feet, more' or:" i?: less, .to said line between' ~% :: Zone A and Zone B-I; thence "easterly along said line, 580- · feet, more or less, to the point .i of beginning. Containing 7 . .( acres, more or less-, '- ' Dated: July 12, 1973' ~ ....,~ii::,,+ . ,i ', ' By ORDF;~SF THE:. ,, SOUTHOLD TOI~, ,'-IOARD 'ALBERT W. R!(JHMONDI ' TOWN CLERK 1TJi9 , i ~ .... ......... ' .............. i i :' ,- COUNTY OF ~UFFOLK. ~ STATE OF HEW YORK. ~ ss: ........... .S~:¢.~a.,v.~... 9o.z:.rg.a~ ........ being duly Sworn,. sm/s ~at ...~.. is P~inter and Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a news~per pub~sh~ ~ Gr~nport, in s~d cou.ntw and ~at the noti~, of which ~e ~e~ is ~ ~int~ ~py, ~s ~en published in the ~d Suf~lk W~k~ Times once in e~ch w~k, ~r .... ~ne .................... w~ks suc~ssiv~ly ~mmencing on ~e ....... ~.~ .............. d~ of .... ~~~ ~~: ~ ............................ this ........... day of .... ~. , Resi~ng in Suffolk County glks. No. 52-93~635~ ~ ~,m~}ssic~ [~pir~ BatCh 30, 19~~ STATE OF NEW YORK.~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK:· SS: ' ALBERT W. ICHMOND,' of'.S°uthotd,.'~Town of. Southold, New York, being duly worn, says that :..he is over the 25th' day .of ·July !e of twent~ one years; .that o the 19 73 , he. affixed a notic~ of the annexed..printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and'substantial .manner; in a m()st ...i~.. publiC lace in the Town of' , Sdff., ·County, New yOrk to wit:-. AMENDMENT i'NO? 9'[~i~ ~ ~!Town.~i Board/iown .motion.. ~i~Mec'hanic ~&:.Con~ay.BroS.~ St." Town Clerk Bulletin B°ar~'.~own. clerk'.Office Main Road, kd, 'L.I.,N~Y. We Town terk Sworn to before .me this · _,2_5_t2~day of __~ 19__33 . y Public JUDITH T.' BO~E~ Notary Public, SJoJe Of l"4ew No 52-0344953 Suffolk Count~,z~ Comm'Jssion Cx~ires /v'~a~'ch 30, LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS TO ~HE'ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 97 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thaI after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirmen%s of l~w, the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Map!, of the Town of Southotd, Suffolk County, New York, was du~y amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held In July 10, 1973, as follows: 1. By changing from "A" ReSidential and Agricultural District tO "B-I" General Busine:ss District, the property of · William B. 'Conway and Wilfred Je ome Conway, situated on south side of Middle Road (County Road more particularly bounded and de BEGINNING at the intersecti Middle Road'with the wester said point of beginning run of Hortons Lane, S. 23° 00 along land of Conway Broth( 27), Southold, New York, and ~cribed as follows: Dn of the southerly line of ly line of Hortons Lane; from ning along said westerly line E. - 281.75 feet; thence rs, S. 54° 25' 40" W. - 796.84 feet to land of Don~hue; thence along said land of Donahue, two courses: 7 (1) N. 38° 41' 00".W. - .65 feet;' thence (2) N. 41° 48' 40" W. - line of Middle Road; thence Middle ROad, four courses: (1) N. 55° 41' '50" E. - (2) Easterly on a curve of 8872.0 feet, a distance 300.0 feet to said soutlherly along said southerly line of 150.96 feet;, thence to the left, having a radius of 196.59 feet; thence (3) N. 54° 25' 40" E. - 519.54 feet; thence (4) S. 79° 37' E. - 34.7~8 feet to the point of · beginning. Containing 5.8~01 acres. Legal Notice Page 2 2. By changing from "A" ReSidential and Agricultural · !! I! I District to B-1 General BuisneSs District, on motion of the Southold Town Board, the followi~ng described property situated at $outhold, New York: BEGINNING at a po.int on the westerly line of Mechanic Street where said line is i~tersected by the line · between Zone A and Zone B-1 running southerly along sai~ Street, 620 feet, more or le from said point of beginning westerly line of Mechanic ss, to land of Rimmler; thence westerly along said Land of Rimmler 463 feet, more or less, to Wells AvenlLe; thence along said Wells Avenue, two courses: (I) we~Iterly 150 feet, more or less, thence (2) northerly 471 fe~t, more or less, to said line between Zone A and Zon~ B-l; thence easterly along said line, 580 feet, more o~ less, to the point of beginning. Containing 7 acres, more or less. Dated: July 12, 1973 BY O~ ~DER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT Wi RICHMOND TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JULY 19, 19713, AND FORWARD FOUR AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TO~N CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on,July 12, 1973: The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr., Esq., a=ty. for William Conway and Wilfred Jerome Conway Supervisor Albert Martocchia Van Tuyl & Sons Albert Richmond, Town Clerk SOUTHOLD TOWN ~OARD ~y ~9, 197~ 8:00 By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to ~B-I" Oeneral Business Distric~'on moti, ln of 2he SouShold Town Board. Supervisor Albert M. Justice Martin Su~er Justice L~uis M. Demarest Jus~i=e Fr~ois T. ~yen Oo~cil~ James Fo Horn Oo~eil~n J~es H. Rich, To~ Clerk, Albert W. RichmOnd Southold Town Beamd -2-i ~y 29, 1973 S~PERVISORMARTOCCHIA~ I will now call the beaming to order with reCerence to ~he application on the Board*s own motion. ¢ouneilman Richwill read the legal notice of hearing, Councilman Rich read the legal notice of hearinc, proof of publication in the Long Island Traveler-~attituek Watchman smd the Suffolk Weekly Times, proof of posting. Councilman Rich read letter from the Suffolk County · Planning Board addressed to Mr. J hn Wickham, 0hairman of the · ! Southold Town Planning Board, as ~ollo~s~ "Pursuant to requirements of Section 1323 - 1332 of the 6uffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Plannin~ Board has reviewed the above captioned zoning action on this-change to be a matter for lo Lee )ecember 6, 1972~ and deem :al determination." Signed- Oounoilman Rioh also read letter from 2he Southold Town ~lannin~ Board to the Southold To~wn Board, as followS~ "This is to advise that the ~ollowing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Boa: held on October 2~, 1972 in the m own motion relative to change of and Agricultural District to "B-1 on certain propert~ located on th Lane, Southold. ~t ~ras resolved Pla~nin6 Board recommend to the S ed at a regular meeting after of the Town Board's zone from ~'A" Residential "Gemeral ~usiness District ~ we~terl~ side of Mechanics that the Southold Town ~uthold Town Board a change $outhold Town Board -3- of zone from "A" Residential and May 29, 1973 Business District on the above d~scribed proper~y," · SUPERVISOR HAR~CC~A: You.'~have hoard the leg&l notice recommendations of the Suffolk County{ PXannzng- Bo~d and the Sou~hold To~Pla~ng Board. At ~his ~ime I ~uld like to hear how ~he Public feels abou~ ~ating t~s ch--e. ~R. RXCPM~RD J, HABCOCK~ I w or two if I may. As I understand was at one, time business zoned. muld like to ask a question it., part of that property · COUNCILORS RICH.t Part w~s busino, ss zoned because it was non-confor~ing use. _ [ MR. BABCOCK~ As I understand it~ it was all Business at one time, The question i~ the piece adjacent to Rinm~ler- Babcocks was that piece BuSiness zoned? ~R. RICH: The Bridge proper~ because ~r. Bridge had a plumbing MR. BABCOCK~ It was not autl MR. RICH~ It was non-confori zoning was passed. ~t was being · went into eCfect. HR, BABOOCK~ that property? ;y was non-conforming use business there. .orized use of property? ~ng at the time the original ~sed as business when zoning So this does ncr represent a change for SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA ~ MR. BABCOCK: It. seems to me that piece of proper~y that interest to us. .The Town ha~ a ~ ! It woiuld be an official change. that. tha~ 400 feet adjoim&ng was not business, is of ght of way', that road $outhold Town Board ~ay 29, coming in from Mechanic Street creating an island of 1.6 acres. It seems .to us that it is illogical to extend business to a line and not to a road. If the road is. not to be, that is another matter. ~ with commercial on one side.., we thing.' I think, on the same basi extended:to that road, if that ro~ is net to be, we would not debate tUPERVISORMARTOOCHIAa I thi: has quite a bit of backg~ound. MR. BABCOCK: I should imag~ xy take a piece of property a~e again doing the same ~, that the line should be ad is to be. If the romd that the proposed road le it does. That's why I took the time off te come here, If the road is to be built and the Town owns the right of way, there then is created an island, one side of which is comm,~rcial. Uhy not all commercial? Why not extend the line to the road? ~hy s~op where you are? The piece of property is .islanded If, at a later date, they decide not to build a road, it co~d be put back to "A". RICH COUNOILNAN~ I don't think w, can change more than we have advertise~fer tonight. Thi~ would have to be d~ne at a later hearing. . MR. BABCOCK: ~hat are the rightsof.B&bcoek-Rimmel to register the fact that as it s~ands, they would not approve. We prefer to get a solution here. COUNOIL~AANRICH~ If the road is built at any time, you have the right to ask for a zonin~ change. Seuthold Town Board ~R. BABCOCK: We have registered a point of vie' HR. ~LLY.~dH. PRICE: Hy~ in fa~o~ ef ~t. · o~mpro~erty b · have appe~ed here before.zon~n w~ch ~as p~chased ~n 1966, ~d for ~t. At t~t t~'me the entire' 200 feet roman as bus,ness. ~i ben'neither ~fish nor fowl". I to ~y purchasers, ~d I find o~ eloper. I ffeel gms cha~e has ~constitution~, so, I wo~d lik favor of this zoning chute. S~ER~$0R~~CO~A~ ~e~ in favor of the ch~e.~Mt is b~ (There ~ms no response.) S~ER~$OR~~CC~A~ -5- May 29, 1973 this i a good time to get ~e and I would like to ~peak ~rdered by Wells Avenue, g on this property of ~iece was zoned as business r to that time, how far ter Plan went into effect sidential ,and the front s ~has resulted in the piece ~ has not been acceptable selves sitting~th a white put a hardship on us and is · to speak very much in anyone, else wish to ing proposed? ... D~e~ anyone wish to speak in opposi~ion to this change? .... HR. DANIEL T. S~ITH~ I am ~ery definitelyoppo~ed to the change on Mechanic Street.' ~ am not opposed to FLr. Price having his property and additional property on the upland changed to business property. When I moved there ~eohanic Street was a wagon path. ~r. Peqty gave the Tow~ a piece of Sou~hold Tow~Board -6- meadow. It is now curbs a~d ~.~.tt~rs,,. 23½ fee~ between · people curbs. It is mostly one-way.. If park on beth. sides of the stre~ ou can't t t ' !;i , Y ~ ge hrou~ho The houses' on Hechanic Street are .~rom 18t to 25' from~the curbing. The land from the curbin~Ibaok is only 75~ to 8 ' upland:. You.. h~ve roughly 125~ of . and is'~ f~esh behind my · de~,,·i[Valley there water pond Hethodist ~Urch. That. valley.is no~ go~d for any k~nd of business ;~ ' I wauted to!i. Set up a business on .~ property', I weuld have - to get an okay and show that I ha a parking area. The valley in the back must be 1~' deep all the way across and _ it is absolutely useless as bus~n~ss.'. It looks to me from listening t~the reading of the P~anning Board's recommendation that ~hey did not ·spend more than here on ane;~her cas'e where they t~ tha~ is righ~ in the busines~ are~ ~ac~ alle~!land ~ene it Business for yOU),' I, don't know if.you haw piece.back of the Town parking lo~ this in it, I'w~uXd say that is pi five minutes on this'.: I was ~ned-downa pieoe of preperty ., and here they. wan~ te take (I drew this little sketch · e surveyed this or not. The ;, if they want to include .enty but the valley is absolutely useless for anybody. ~e ~hin~ it could be a 'detriment. Assessers could say "~ou a~,e zoned Business and you~ property is worth more 'money~. There is no Business the=e now.' $outhold Town Board -7-i Ma7 29, 1973 ~.. HAy T. DIOKEHSON~ I liv~ in the ~ast house do~ on ~eoh~o S~eet, · am ~e~ ~h opposed to ~.. ~e :~?We bo~hg it for a ho~e... ~S,. :~"Y ~NG: I am on tBe eas~ s~de of ~ec~n~c MRS. W~LTER %~iLLIANS delichtfulioi, ~ We would like to Street: lef'~ as is.. ~n opposition to ghis propose? SU~E~$OR~TOCCBXA~ · on that street and it's 7. aS we are, ld like to see Mechanic anyone else wish to speak Does ~nyone wish to speak in MR, ~ABOOOK~ It seems that we are invOlVed with. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA= If ;veryene has had an opportunity to be,!heard, we will close this hearing and the Board will make a determination at a later ir ~:i' NOTICE OFHEARINGS ' '.. ON PROPO~ALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE ; :,. ~ PursUant: to 'Section. "265~ :of the :~ SeCtion 1600 of the,:.Building ~fie :.:: Ordinanee of'. theT:ToWn !.' .Southold, Suffol.k~ County,~' Ne.~ rk ublie hearings ~ill be: held i.:':Yo ,.P . ~ :: ~: : .. :: 'by the, 8outhold' ToWn :Board :m ; i.the offie~ of the 'super~isot, ,.::South Street, 'Gree~ :' proposals to amenCl,'::tne:~:Su~la,~g ~,!,' :,zone' Ordinance 0~aUdingl, : Building Zone MaP~l'~:0f'th~ T°~n !York.. . and Agricultural i :'and :Wilfred Jerome : si~ua[ed on-south side of 'South:Old, New-Yor~, ana:::more~ , P .... ': ~ ~, ;: ,: .:,: .;. 'described as follows: ' BEGINNING at .-' .tersect,on of the: southerly, :, u.~':,,f Middle Pa)ad wi~h 'the w~Sterl line of Hortons · Y . :L&ne;. from · said pmpt'.',: · ' Lane, S. 23 degrees 00 . -. .~; .. 2~1175 feet; thence alongiland ". o~ Conway Brothers,'i d~g~rees 25' 40~'.: W.:,. ·. f~et to":land of D0! tfience 'along said 1~ ':. :~0nahue, two Course~ :i: (t) degrees ~!i: ' '~7.65 .feet; thence ~, ' "~i (2) N. 41 degrees i;:: J 300.0 feet to-said ';: - fine of' Middle Road~ :~,..:~long Said SoUtherlY? ~ddle Road, :Four ?'~ i.:i50.96 feet; ·thence :! ' ' !i,~i - (·2)· Easterly' on · !'. ';~872.0- feet,·· a..'¢ ! i!:i96.59, feet; . thence ,i!7 (3):N.,5'4 degre~ '~,.. !it.' (4):.S. 79 degre~t ~:' i:I84.78] feet. 'to. th~. : . :i~;::. 'i: !beginning. Contain ~'. !!~!acres..'..."' ' ';. i;: 8':00' P.M.,' (E..D:.!S~.~ 'i ehanging:-from ,A" : 'and Agricultural~Dis~ ' .i!' 'General:Business Eri'et?on_ niotion of..the, sout~o~d ~pro~ty. simat~ NewYork:~ .. '..'... ?,~._~he westerly ~ne of M~hanie.' ,.; street.; where-said~ ~ne~ ~is :' ~terseet~'. bY the ~ne bet;: ween Zone A '~d ZOne ,B41;.. ' from Said pOint of. b~ginn~g. .':' 'r~n~g southerlY"~16ng sald' . ..]~westerly ::.'line of-:Mecha~ic ,: Street,. 620 feel more or less; : to ~and o~ '.Rimmler~ :thenCe westerly al6ng said'~ ~andi~Of ' . .... cO~s~,~(1) westerly : ~: ~ne A and Zone B2i';': thence :. -easterl along said.~,line; I~5B0 SOUTHO~ TOWN BOARD ~ERT W~ :~ICHMOND COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: ........ $.~.~?~ .q: ?.o...r~a~ .............. being duly Sworn, s~s that ~e is Printer ~d Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a news~per pub~sh~ ~ Gr~nport, in s~d cou.n~: and ~ut the noti~, of which ~e ~e~ is u print~ ~py, ~s ~en published in the ~d Suf~lk W~k~ Times once in each w~k, ~ one w~ks suc~ssively ~mmencing on ~e ...... ~Y~~. ........ S~ to ~f~e me this .. ~'~ ..... ] day ~ ~ ~ ~ of ...~.~ ~5. ~/~../~ 19~. J / / .................... C~ks. No. 52-9366350 ~Y Commission Expires ~arch 30, ~9~- PROPOSALS.. TO' AMEND ZONING.. ORDINANCE Pur:~u~uK. it) Section 265 of Town · I.fi ~(: '?~d ');M'~ icle XV L Sec- tio~i: 16oo' of iht, 'Buildin~ Ord,.ihance of tho Towr~ of ~t~Hth- old. Suffolk County. New York. public he~rinq:< ~il] b(: lurid by the SotJthol'd'Town Board.in the oll'icu uf Lhu 8upi~rvi~or. 16 Smil,h Street. Gre,mpm'i. New York. in said Town on Lhc 29th dlty May. 973. on the. following' pro- to 'among Ibc Buildinlr Zone Ordinnnm, (in('hidin[z Lhe .j Building 'Zone X, Iat~$~ of ' the 'l.'.3xxn of Southokl. Snffolk .Coun- ty. New York. "' 7:30 P. 5.1. ,ED'S'F). from "A".',Resi'(lenHa.! and Agri- cultural. Djati'ict ,t~(i: ';B:I" Gcn-. oral Busin~h District~ t~e prop: erty of 'William~.~B "Conwav and Wilfrud Jci'b~}~(] Cimway. situuted on soulh side of:.'. Middle Road (County Road '. 27), · 'Southold, New York, and. more partic~llarly bounded and described as loll- of .Middle Road erly line of I-Id!~to~i§" from said point 9f beginning. . running i?a,!png~. ~s~d.' ,~we~t erly: ~.:~ .line Of'.' H°rt~hs ~a~e, 00' E.--281.75 feet; thence along ~land(of ;C0nway Broth- .<: ers, S.. 54? 25' ~40" W,--796.84 feet' t0 land '~f' D°nahue; .. -thence: '~.al0ng ~gaid ~t~d 'of. .Donah~e~.:two COqrses.: ~.. '~ 00". W.--7.65 ~i~ 4s' ~0'~.~a~.0 ' · fe~ t0 said ~utherly lin4: of Middle~goad; ...thence ~ .along said S~heriy ~i~e of~:uiddle ROi~~ ~U~ e0urse~: < (iy~N:': 5~o~41, feet~hence. ~ : ~2) Easter1y ona:~cUrve to . '887~e~i~a distan~ of 196.59 ~:~:~:~,~:~.~ 5 ~0 ~.-5 9.5 '. tb :::.~e~.~~in~ ~. of, ~ginning. Con~g~fi~gf?5.84Pf~5~'cr~b.' . , 8:00 P.~ ~:,.~ (EDST), by 'chang-. ing'~ fr°m '"A" Residential. 'and Agricultural District ~ "B-I" General Business :~District, on motion 'of the Southold Town Board¥ the following described 'property situated at Southold, N ("~\: York: BEGINI a point, on the .weste~ ~ Mechanic St,'eet wh~ Isccted Zdne '~ ' from said ,~ run- llitl:,.' SOil said westerly Street. t.o land westerly [ land of · Rimmler to Wells .s.~id Wells es: i1~, wt'. ~ feet, more or less, ,..northerly 471 feet, said linc A and Z~ne B-1 a; long said more or less, of be- ginning, acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed · . arpendme~ts~:sl~0altl appear at ~:%h."~ tim(~ ~l' "'~' ' ' . place so spemfled. Dated: .~l~I~ay.A1, 1973 '~ ~y..0RDEt~' OP THE . l~OUT~dtI~ TOWN ,'~, '~/: BOARD ' >. AL~EI~T "W. RICHMOND ' TOWN CLERK 1T--5-1~ couNTy OF SUFFOLK J' . ,..~,r~,-,-~'.~=_ NEW' YORKl ss: Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a ..public news- d at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that which the a.nnexed is a printed copy, has been said Long Island Traveler-M. attituck Watch- ich week for ....... .~~-....~.../.../.._~.~week~~ commencing on: the ............... ~.,.,~.... .............. ,rn to before me this/: ...... .... day of .... , A'DELE PAYN'~ Notary Public, State 5{ 'New Yo[g Residi[~g in Su'fiOJk. CoUaty o No. 52-3041000 ~ Commission Expires M~rch 30~ 1~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARINGS TO AMEND-ZONING ON PROPOSALS ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article XVI, Section 160.0" of the Building Zon~ Ordinance of the TOwn of Southold, sufkolk county, New Yo:zk, public hearings will be held by the Southo!id Town Board in th,,~ office of the Supervisor, 16 South St. re~'t, Greenport, New fork, in said Town on the 29th day of May, 19173, on the following proposals to amend the Building ZoneiOrdinance (includi~ng! the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of S6uthold, SuffOlk c~nty,'! New York. 7:~30 P..M.,. '(E.D.S.T.), by c!hanging from A Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" Gleneral Business District, the property of William B. Conway and/ Wilfred Jerome Conway, situated 'on south side of Middle Road (C~unty Road 27), Southold, New York, 'and more particularly boun~ded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersect'~on of. the southerly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Hortons Lane; from said point of beginning ru~ning along said westerly line of Hortons Lane, S. 23° 00 land of Conway Brothers, S to land of Donahue; thence courses: (1) (2) E. - 281.75 feet.; thence along 54° 25' 40" W. - 796.84 feet along said land of Donahue, two N. 38° 41' 00" WI - 7.65 feet; thence ! N. 41° 48' 40" W! - 300.0 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thenc~ along said southerly line of Middle Road, four courses: · . (1) N. 55° 41' 50" E! -.150.96 feet; thence .- .(2)I Easterly on a curve to the left, .having a 'radius of '8872.0 feet, a distance of 196.59.feet; thence Legal.Notice .Page 2 (3) N. 54° 25' 40" E! - 519.54 feet; thence (4) S. 79° 37' E. - 34.78 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.8401 acres. 8:00 P.M., (E.D.S.T.) ~ .by ~hanging from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" C',eneral Business District, on motion of the Southold .Town Boa~'d, the following described .property,s' situated at Southold, ~iew York: BEGINNING at a point on the Street where said line is between Zone A and Zone B-1 running southerly along sai Street, 620 feet, more or westerly along said land o~ to Wells Avenue; thence al( courses: (1) westerly 150 northerly 471 feet, more or Zone A and Zone B-l; thence feet, more or less, to the 7 acres, more or le~s. westerly line of Mechanic ntersected by the line ; from said point of beginning d westerly line of Mechanic Any person desiring to be amendments should appear at the Dated: May 11, 1973 less, to land of Rimmler; thence Rimmler 463 feet, more or less, ng said Wells Avenue, two feet, more or less, thence (2) less, to said line between easterly along said line, 580 )oint of beginning. Containing h!ard on' the above proposed PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 17, 197 OF PUBLICATION TO.THE SOUTHOLD TC :ime and place so specified. BY O~DER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOrN'CLERK , AND FORWARD FOUR (4) AFFIDAVIT~ .WN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YOR~. Legal Notice Page 3 Copies mailed to the following on May 11, 1973: The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times RenSselaer G. Terry, Jr., Esq., atty for William Conway .and Wilfred Jerome Conway .Supervisor Albert Martocchia STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY .OF SUFFOLK: SS: ~ ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of South~ld, Town Of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he'~'-is over:, the:. age of twenty-one years; that on the 17:th day: of May 19 73 , he affixed a':notice 'of Which the annexed p~'inted notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner;~ in a most public place in the Town of Sour:hold, Suffolk County., New York; ~o wit:-~Pub'lic Hea.ri~g.8:~0 P'.M.i May 29',-'197'3'. zone from".A." to "B~i." ~ ToWn: Board own Property Mechanic Streeit.'- WellS A.venUe ,Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Off. i~e Main Road, 'Sod'th,old, L.I.,N.Y ' Sworn to before me .this 17th "day of"~... "i May 19 73 ~,~ ry Pub. lis JUDITH T, BOKEN '[',,!otar¥ Pub[i~:, S]'~]e af New ~:,: ,~ ::~ae,5~' Suffolk. Cou6~y~ .,.,~..,,., .-..-..: .... ~td~c~'8o;" /Allb~er-t ~,, Ric. h~ond~,. T°wn' 'c~erk COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning ~'OHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Hr. John Wickham, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Re: Veteran!s Memorial Highway Hauppauge, L. L, N. Y. 724-2500 Decemt.er 7, 1972 Proposed change of zone from "A" Agricultural ~ Residential. to "B-i" General Business District, Town Board's own motion, Town of Southold (SD-72-16) Dear Mr. Wickham: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections County Charter, the Suffolk County Planni] .323 to 1332 of the Suffolk tg Commission on December 6, 1972 reviewed the above captioned zoning action and after due study · I and deliberation deemed this change of zoqe to be a matter for local determination. Very !ruly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN:ec TOWN nF SOUTHOLD OFFIOE OF BUILDINB IN-~PEOTOR ~,.TQWN OLERK'~ OFFIOE :Veteran~ ~ighway Attn~ .Ge~ld Ne~-~ ~¢~r sir~. .. ... .. .. ' of~'Lands. P1 .~se. ad.vi~e: ~Charl~s Lin~ the ~mp ' ~ ~eeds ~ cn~g~, in d~in~ge Tide ".,,._:~': . .:..... . .. ...~ .. Ds~-e received by Suffolk C. ounff Planning Commission .... ~ ............ : ......... :v-_---.!;..-.;:].i?."' ............ '. ..... i .... 'i ........ rile i~o ................................. . --, ,,,: .... - .., ,.. : : :-,;¢..... Pursuant to the ®eneral-'i~unlcipal Law, Chap+er 2~, o{ the Clonsolidated Laws :"^~tice .'i2-B? Sections 239-1 " :'and m, the .Plazm&ng.Board ................. of $he *own bf Southold,-N.. Y: ,hereby'-'refe?~ the'following proposed zonin,g action 're the Suffolk County Planning Comrflission: · Amendment to' "the zoning,' or~linan,ce ........... :;..-.:..,:,:. w[thin 500 feet of: (check one or more) O~ west~ south of present ':B*,'j ~' ..... r.., line ............ Town or ¥ilbge boundary line ' . ............ State or county park or recreation area $~ream, or drainage channel owned by the county or for whi,ch the county has.:~!~ablished' channel ............ Sta~e or county']owned parcel on which 'a public bulilding is situated · · ' · ' - Commen*s: ~LO planning board recommend~ this cha~.~ge to.."B-l" district as it enc ompases.'.several "N. on-eor~orming" use s~ l~l. ackSmith-'-sh°p~ .plumbing shop~ referigeration & aircondition bus,ness-and at least'. ~o '"offices~ o 2 family dwell~ngs~ artd will take in the entire ~.doveloped a.r.e~ and -some open land between the main road (RT25) and the'-undeVeloped res- idential land on the south~ making a compact Block of:;~busi~ess propert~o Creek PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wlckham, Chairman Henry Mo,isa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Co¥1e $outhold Town Planning SDuTHDLD, L, I., N. Y. 119'71 October 26, 1972 Board Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: This is to advise you that ~he following action was taken'by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on October 25, 1972.' ' In the matter of the Town Bc relative to a change of zone fro~ Agricultural District to B-1 Gene on certain property located at we Street, Southold, New York, It was RESOLVED that the Sou recommend-to the Southold Town Bo from "A" Residential and Agricult General Business District on the ard's own motion A Residential and ral BusineSs District st side of Mechanic thold Town Planning Board ard the change of zone ~ral DistriCt to "B-l" above described property. Respectfully submitted, John ~;ickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW:tle ~LB~'F~T W. RICHMOND TCI~N rt- LE;R IC I~'IE(31STI;tAE OF VITAL Oct~ober 3, 1972 T~LE:PHON IE: Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham: Transmitted herewith is a p]"oposed change of zone, on the Town Board's own motion, on certain property located on ~he south side of Main Road Southold, New York, said change from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business District. Also encl6sed is a map of the area in question. ,, You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions d~escribed in the proposal and determine the area so, affected with the recommendation of your Boardi Ve~:y truly yours, Albert W. Richmond To~n Clerk FROM THE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEE~TING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON THIY. II?iSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1~972: Moved by Councilman Rich, seconde~d by Justice Demarest, WHEREAS, this Town Board deems i . in the public interest and in the promotion of health, safer to the Town of Southold that cert of Southold, County of Suffolk, y, moral or general welfare ain premises in Southold, Town 'ew York, hereafter more fully described, be rezoned .from "A" Res~idential and Agricultural District to "B-]" General Business District, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED t~at the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, including the Building Zone Maps be amended by the Town Board on its~own motion, by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural Business District, the following Beginning at a point el District to "B-l" General described property: the westerly line of Mechanic Street where said line is intersected by the lin~ between Zone A and Zone B-l; from sai~ point of beginning running southerly alon~ said westerly line of Mechanic Stree or less, to land of Ri westerly along said la 463 feet, more or less thence along said Well courses: (1) Westerly or less; thence (2) No mor or less, to said 1 A and Zone B-i; thence said line, 580 feet, ~ point of beginning. more or less. 620 feet, more amler; thence nd of Rimmler , to Wells Avenue; s Avenue, two 150 feet, more rtherly 471 feet, ine between Zone easterly along ore or less, to the ionta ining 7 acres, Page 2 - T~ ~ ~.~ard resolution BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Article XVI SectiQn 1600 of the Building Zone Ordinahce of the Town of Southold, the Town Clerk be and he hereby .'is authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution and map of the property described to the Planning .Board 6f the Town of Southold with a written request instructing said Planning Board to prepare an official report concerning the same together with their recommenda ti on. ..,.. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice upervisor Martocchia, Councilman uter, Justice Demarest. OTTO W. VAI~I TUYL REG, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PHO N-E 4~-14~7 VAN TUYL & SON F'RONT !~TI~EET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YOR~( 11944 PHOI~I E 477-0'170 RODERICK VAN TUYI. LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR PHONE September 26, 1972 DESORIPTION: Proposed 0hange'0f Zone A to ~I" Southold Beginning at a point on the W~sterly line of Mechanic Street where said line isinterseCt~d by the line between Zone A and Zone B-I; from said 'point of beginning running southerly along samd westerly line 9f ~echanici~.Street, 620 feet, more or less, to land of Rimm~er. thence westerly along said land of Rimmler 463 feet~ more or less, to Wells Ave.; 'thence along said Wells Avenue, two courses; (1) Westerly 150 feet, more or less; thence (2) Northerl~ 471 feet, moreJor less, to said line between Zone A and Zone B-l, thence easterly along said line, 580 feet, more ~ less,' to the point of beginning. - 0ontaining 7 acres, more or l~ss, To $ Town c~ ~outhold VAN TUYL. & SON WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by William B. Conway &. Wilfred Jerome Conway requesting a change, modification and .a:mendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps rhade a part thereof by chang- . f "A" Resid. · A ri. · · . "B-i" General Business mg rom ................................... ..g. ...... DIstr,ct Tp ............................................ DJ,strict the property described in sa. id petitior~, and WHEREAS sa:id petition was' duly referre to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, a,nd thereafter, a pu.bli~ hearing in rela¢ion to said petition having been duly held by the Town of ......... ..M~..y. 19.7 3 and had thereon ~ard on .the ...... 2.9..ttz .... day due deliberation having been NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha! the relief demanded in said / petition be, end it hereby is Granted. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD DATED:' July 10, 1973. ~l~e~t W. RichmOnd, Town clerk TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ~- ' AMENDME~NT NO. 97 ~ NOTICE.~ IS'. HEREBY GIVEN;. i~ _that after a':iPub!ic hearing heid~ pursUant .to the requirements ~of. :'.law~i'' the BUilding · Zone~ , dinance, i (Including the Building' ~iZone Map),'.of~. the' Town.0f' i: Southold,. Suffolk· County, .New ~:York~ ~waS duly. amended at a [ii~!!regular meeting'Of 'the Southold j?iiTown Board'held on July 10, 1973, · I?i as follows: ' · f'!~::.i. 1."By changing ,-from .Residential and Agricultural 'District to ,'~:B,I'., 'General. ?~i',~BuSiness District, the property of i!':'William B. Conway and Wilfred ~.Jerome conWay, Situated on ii?S~'Uth ,, ,s,id~'~, Middle ~ 'ROad i?~0rk,'i and~il i~0re Particularly ~oUnde~i~;! ~i.d.i;'~ described .as follows:/~.~ ,~,!~ · . ~ .. BEGINNIng: at ' the !i: i terseCti~n ~iOfi~: the south~r!Y'~ .,t~i line of!Mldl]i~ Road w~th tlie~ i/:i":' westerlV/.lin~' of~HOrtons'{" i ~a "! : ~:~ ,-~. .. 'P , i~'. Lane;-i~;fr~~ld point, of ~ ,~ i!i:ii' beginhi~g/;~ning along said ?' ~westerlY ]~ of~ Hortons'~f', .~ q-~:. Lane~ S. 23~,degrees: 00 E. - - .:,::~. 28L75 feet;.~i~hence along land /ii.:~';~.;~Conwa~}?Brothers, Si 54 ~!. degrees. 25; '~' W. ~- ~796,~4 feet to land' of Donahue; thence alohg :~aid land of GOUN~Y OF SUFFOLK, STA'VE OF NEW YORK, } ss: ..... ~.e~.~a.o.z'.i;. ....~o. ~..m~, .n .............. being duly Sworn, says that ...he,. is Printer and Publisher o! the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a neWspaper published crt Oreenport, in scfid county; and ~h~t the n'.otic~, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in e~ch week, tot ............. .o.B~ ........... weeks successively commencing on t~he ........ .%9~1a ............ day of ..... ~, ~~19 ~3 / ,/ /~/L~}[ak'[-~'~ya~a r~x~i~ .................. / / f~0'l~Y PUBLIC OF NEW YOR~ ~ ~ ResL~ing in Suffolk County Clks. No. 52-9366350 ~y Comm~,ss~on Expires March 30, 19~ S, -.-7.65 feet; thence ' ' ' (: (2tN. 4~ degree48, 40" w' ~. fine0f~.~ddle i~a~}~_~thence '. 'Middle Road, - 150.96 feet; thence ~..'.-(2) Easterly'on a curve to ~ '., ithe !eft, having a' radius of '~:/~72.0 .feet, a distance of · :f ~/ 196.59 feet;, thence '>. (3) N. 54 degrees 25, 40, E' i' :. :- 519;54 feet; thence ~: (4) S. 79 degrees. 37, El- i;'' 34.78 feet to the .point of "beginning;~' Containing 5.8401 _ [ acres. 2.. BY Changing from "A" :' Residential and AgricultUral 'District to "B-I" General. Business District, on .motion of ' "the Southold TOwn'BOard, the .' following idescribed property. .;. situated at Satttbc~l ~,~,,, the westerly line.of Mechanic Street where said line is intersected by the line bet- ;~ . ween.Zone A and Zone B-l; "from said point of beginning running southerly along said ,:~, .westerly line. of Mechanic ., !; Str_eet, 6~.0-feet, more .or ]ess, ,,: to land of Rimmler; thence ,:,~. '.westerly along said land of :;.,: Rimm]er 463 feet, more or ' i! :~leSs, to Wells Avenue' thence ~?;. along said Wells Avenue, two ~ i,: :. courses : (1) westerly 150 :!: feet, more or less, thence (~.) ' ?:;~.northerly ~?1 feet~ more or .-i~:-less, to said line between ti;; ::i zoneA and Zone:B-I; thence ;i'.; easterly along .said line, 580 il ~ feet, more orless, to the point ~: of beSinning· Containing ? i:. acres,' more or less. :. :; ' SOUTIiOLD TOWN BOAED ALBERT W. RICHMOND NOTICE OF AiVIENDMEN.T$ '. TO-TH~ ~ZONING ORDINANCE. NOT~CE IS :~REBY that aft~r. a.public ,heari~' .held p~Suant t0 the req~irements..:of .na~ce,::.~(in:clu:din~' the 'Bnitdfn~r Zone ~aP)', ' bi;; Ihe '.l"(m SoU.thold~': Suffolk Coun[v Ne~t , ~.,: :, ..,. .... 1973, as.follo~S:' .~.:.., :<'::.:': L :B~.'changmg from ~t~?..:~emv .-Conway a~d Wilfred. Jerome ~.~Y~ ,.si~u~t~a '~n,' .~,~ . -.,' · ers S.' 54- .~,5 · ~'. Donahue 't~o courses: ' '::,~'~ ' - :, ,' ~ , ' 'l' ' : feet.: then'cP'~ : · .'(2) ~Slor[V (>n ii cul'vp~ 'the~ .!eft, hn'vin:~ a rudius; 8872.0' fdet'i ff distance 0f 196 (4, S. 79 37' to me: Poin~ ' ' Cm'flnh~ing 5.840! 2. By chunging dential and Agrim~ltm'M' . trict:, on 'motion of the :Sou~h0i~ ' Street Where said 4ina is inter~ ,. sec~ed, by,~....the .line .between .Z.pne ~ and 'ZOne'B-1;. frm~ said point 0f beginning run-. nmE. :: southerly ~ .al°rig sa:{d less to Wells Avenue' thenbe COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK~' ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of. THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at .Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a,nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long! Island Troveler-/V[ottituck Watch- man once each week for ..... (~.~~..(../../ .... ~. wee~ / successively, commenci~ on the ................. . ..................... Sworn to before me this ....... 2,.~, ......... day of ..... _, ..... , ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Y0r~ Residing in Suffolk County No. 52,-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 197.-~ STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMO D, of Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; .that on the 25th__day of July 19 73 , .he affixed a notice of w ich the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and ubStantial manner~ in.a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,. York , to wit:- AMENDMENT Nol 97 - ToWn Clerk BUlletin Boar~ Town 'Board own. motion - Mechanic .St Conway:~ Bros. Town Clerk Office Main Road, Sou~hold', Sworn to before me this 25t'h day of July 19 73 . J.UDITH T. Notary Public, Stale of New York No. 52-0344963 Suff°Jk'C°unty//d~ Commission Expires March 30,!197~ LEGAL NO~ICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS TO AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha pursuant to the requirmen%s of (including the Building Zone Map Suffolk County, New York, was du of the South°ld Town Board held 1. By.changing from "A" Re ~HE ZONING ORDINANCE ~. 97 after a public hearing held ~w, the Building Zone Ordinance, of the Town of Southold, ky amended at a regular meeting Dn July 10, 1973, as follows: ~idential and Agricultural DistriCt to "B-l" General Business District, the property of William B. Conway and Wilfred Jerome Conway, situated on south side of Middle Road (County Road127), Southold, New York, and ! more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly line of Middle Road with the west'er~y[_ line of Hortons Lane; from. said point of beginning runx~ng along said westerly line of Hortons Lane, S. 23° 00' along land of Conway Brothe~ 796.84 feet to land of Dona! of Donahue, two courses: (1) N. 38° 41' 00" W. - ~ E. - 281.75 feet; thence ;s, $. 54° 25' 40" W. - .ue; thence along said land .65 feet; thence (2) N. 41° 48' 40" W. - ~00.0 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence/al°ng said southerly line of Middle Road, four courses: (1) N. 55° 41' 50" E. - (2) Easterly on a curve of' 8872.0 feet, a distance .c (3) N. 54° 25' 40" E. - 5 (4) S. 79° 37' E. - 34.78 .beginning. 50.96 feet; thence to the left, having a radius f 196.59 feet; thence 19.54 feet; thence feet to the point of Containing 5.840~ acres. Legal Notice Page 2 2. By.changing from "A" ReSidential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Buisne Southold Town Board, the followi at S°uthold, New York: BEGINNING at a point on the Ss District, on motion of the ~g described property situated westerly line of Mechanic Street where said line is ihtersected by the line between Zone A and Zone B-II from said point of beginning running southerly along sai~ westerly line of Mechanic Street, 620 feet, more or l~ss, to land of Rimmler; thence westerly along said land of Rimmler 463 feet, more or less, to Wells Aven e; thence along said Wells Avenue, two courses: (1) westerly 150 feet, more or less, thence (2) northerly 471 fe~t, more or less, to said line between Zone A and Zon~ said line, 580 feet, more ox beginning. Containing 7 ac~ Dated: July 12, 1973 BY O~ PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JULY 19, 19 3, OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TC NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on B-i; thence easterly along less, to the point of es, more or less. !DER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W.' RICHMOND TOWN CLERK AND FORWARD FOUR AFFIDAVITS WN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, July 12, 1973: The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman. The Suffolk Weekly Times . · Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr., Esq., a~ty. for William Conway and Wilfred Jerome Conway Supervisor Albert Martocchia Van Tuyl & Sons Albert Richmond, Town Clerk '~ay 29~ 197i 7~3o P.R. General Business District, the property of Willi~ B, Conway and ~ilfred Jerome ~onway. PRESRNT: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Martin Surer Justice Leuis M, Demare8t Justice Francis T. Deyen 0oun¢ilman James Fo Hom~n 0ouaa¢ilman James H. Rich, Jr. To~ Clerk, Albert W. Richmond Sou~hold Tow~Boa~d SUPER~S0R I~ARTOCCH~ ~ with reference. ~o property of Ifil] Jerome Con~oy situated on the sout (County Read: 27 ), -Souihold, .off tt will call the he~ing 2o order .lam B. Co~oy a~d ~ilfred side of ~Ltddle Road westerly line of Horton's La~e.. ,CoUnoilmanHom~n wilX read the legal notice. CounCil~Homan read the legal no,ice of he.ring, proof of publica$ion in the ~I~l~d~aveler-F~ttiluck ~d ~he Suffolk Wee~y ~mes~ ~ proof of Co~cil~Ho~_.read let~e~[from ~he S~folk Pl~ingDep~tmen~ addressed ~ ~. Je~ ~tc~m, O~irm~ of ~he Sou~hold To~Pl~ing~d', as followst "P~su~t ~o req~remem~s of[Sections 1323 ~he Suffolk Co~y C~rter, ~he S~felk Ce~ty Plying Co~ssion, on--ch 7, 1973, ~e~ewed the.~bove captioned Zoning ac$i~n ~d~ter study ~d ~elibera~ion, ~sappreved c~e of:zone on a per'ion of ~h~ subjec~ presses, becaUse · ' ~he follo~ng. 1. I~ is inconsi~en~ ~th the Pl~which desi~tes. ~his ~ea for sub~b~i density residence development. 2. It constitutes ~ ~w~~ed pe~e~ion of co~er~ial development along t~e Oo~y road~y detrimental to ~he sa~e.~y ~ ~raffic e~ryi~ capacity of said facility. 3. I~ wo~d tend to esSablxsh, a preceden~ for f~her do~ zoning ~~ ~he Co~ty fondly. ~ere is a~le business Zoned l~d in the locale. ~.. ~e rezoni~ on ~ha~ portion of subject pre. sos (~ 305' x ~ 300') directly opposite the other!business zoned property toeal det~rminationwi~h ~he ~de~ viaHor~on~s Lane." Couneilmm~Homa~also read I Planning Board dated Februs~y26, Southold Town Bo~d, as followm~ was deemed to be a matte~ for ~standing tha~ aoeess will be ~ed- Lee.R. Koppelman ~$ter from the Southold To~ 1973, addressed to the "T1'~s' i.~ to advise that the ollowi Resolutio~ was Seuthold Town Board -3- M~y 29, 1973 meeting held Feb~ry 21, 1973 in the ~tter of the origi~l petition of William B. Ce~oy on .~eh~f of William B. Cenrey C a~d Wilfre~ Jerome ,e~oy, relative to chugs of zone from "A" Residen~ial $o "B-l" on the a~ve described property. c~e of ,zone sho~d be denied, ~ecause:. 1..' It .is not in the T~~ ~ster Pi~. 2. It is not approved by the Co~y." Southold To~ Plying · ' S~RVISOR ~~CC~ You ~ave heard ~he le~t notice ~ead, a description of the pr~per~7, proof of TO~ Clerk~ proof of publication~ ~d the rec~enda~iOns of the Suffolk Co~ty Pla~ing Co~ssion, ~d the Southol~ Town Planning Board. The County P that they would support 300' deep, Board does not approve of any part lanning Commission indicated The Southold Town Plann~ng of it. Is there anyone present who wishes te speak for this petition? RENSSELAER TERRY, JR., ESQ. ~ I appea~ in behalf of familiar ~th ~he locale of ~he pmoperty, ~d are a~re that origin~_lly this was zoned It appears that because of of either the County or the Town rezoned to "A" Residential. This depth of 200' end it is my uuders~ me directives or ~ugges~ions 1arming Board, without con- oper~ywas automatically previous zoning w~s to a ending, at the time of ~he change when their classification that ~he adjoining property Gn Her 30O' rather ~han20O,. The Conwa~ taken away from them, ton's L~ne w~s imcreased to feel it is unfair that Sou2hold Town Board -4- May 29, 1973 ~hree co~ners should be zoned am oB-1~ and theirs should beleft as Residential. Thei..::p~.oposal was to use th~s property as an automobil, e sale:s ;sho~00m. - sex-eice station. I am not certain whether if i;~ i:$:!, .!;:~here would have to be f because~.~P~e~s~bly~application auth~ri:za~ien for a ~s p~, if s t~ken, ~mrther govex~ment approval would have to be made for ach a pro jeer were under- X submit to you that the Oonwa. ys feel thatas three corners a~e. zoned am "B" Busineas, ~he ~~e of. ~he p~opergy abou~ a Super ~gh~y ~ we ~ve. ~e ernestly solicig your favorable oonside~a~ion of this proposal, and we have here two ef affected. ~Ro HARRY JE~FKINGS: I have 1 of land mince March 1950, and my r brothers~ fathe~ hae been oordial allowimg him to pr~fi~, if possib MR. C. W. ~EGORY: I live oz than a h~Lf a mile from this area, allowing it to be rezoned. I thi~ · bearing en the environment of the the people who would be ired opposite this tract elations with t-he Conway I have no ebjectien~ ~o e~ by a cha~ge of zon/n~. Horton's Lane, and am less i find no objec~ion to k it would have very little territory. Furthermore, Southold Town'Board I would like to state the fact that sometimes we a~e so conscious, of environment that we lose sight of what is , necess~y,,,.;}o, keep.farms i~ busineas. Ig will e~ble ~hem go the~:,,C~nWa~.~:~.;don't get a change of property.. mos this app!i:oation? (There was no response, ) . SlIPERvISoR MARTO¢¢HIA, (~ere ~s ~o response.) . SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA ~ If e. to be hea~d, we will close the make a, de!termir~tion in the near zone, they' may have to anyone else wish to speak ~eryone has had an opportunity Lring and the Board will ;here any questions? anyone wish to speak mgains.t i NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON PROPOSALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE :,~.· pUrsuan[to section265 of the · ,'~:~ Town LaW..~ and Article XVI, ~ ~::~i: Section 1600 of the Building Zone :Ordinance~ of..%he~>.ToWn of~ :SUffolk CoUnty, New ~ i York, public hearings will be 'held. ~ bY th~ S0uthOld TOwn BOard in i the office of the Supervisor, 16 i'South' Street, Greenport, New ~:il York, in said Town· on. the 29th ii: i, day of May, ~973, .on 'the follOwing i!': Proposals:to amend the Building ii.::Zone Ordinance (including the ~ ~! i Building z~ne Maps).of the Town i~!: of SoUthold, SUffolk CoUnty, New ii: York. :/ 7:30 P.M. (E.D,S.T.), by changing from "A" Residential and AgricUltural District to "B- 1" General Business District, the ii.property of William B. ConwaY- i::i~:~nd Wilfred jerome _conway, i:: ~situated on south side of Middle i!: Road (Country Road 27), i: S0uthold, New York, and more :,:part]cularly. bounded and described as .follOws: ~ · BEGINNING at 'the in- tersecti°n of the southerly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Hortons ':. Lane; from said point of beginning rUnning along said westerly line of Hortons Lane, S. 23 degrees 00' E. : 281.75 feet; thence along land of Conway Brothers, S. 54 degrees 25' 40" W,- 796;64 feet, to. land of Donahue; thence along said land of Doflahue,. two courses: · (1) N. 38 degrees 41' 00" W. - 7.65 feet; thence (2) N~ 41 degrees 48' 40" W. .~ - 300.0 feet· to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence along said soUtherly line of l~':ddle Road, Four courses: · (1) N:.55 degrees 41' 50" E. · 150.96 feet; thence (2) Easterly on a curve tO the left, 'having a radius of 8872:0-~. feet;' 'a distance of '.196.59 feet; thence (3) N. 54degrees 25' 40,, E~ - 519.54 feet; thence ~ '. (4) S.-79 degrees 37, E.,- 34.78 feet "to the point of beginning..Containing 5.8401 acres. 8:00 P.M., (E..D:S.T.), by · from "A" Residential and AgricUltural DiStrict to "B- 1" General Business District, on : motion of the Southold Town the following, described situated., at Southold, BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly line of Mechanic. Street-where .said line is intersected'-by the line bet- ween Zone A and Zone B-l; from said point, of beginning... rUnning southerly along said westerly line of Mechanic- Street,-620 feet, more or less, i to land of Rimmler; thence westerly along said land of Rimmler 463 feet, more .or to Wells Avenue; thence ': Any perSon desiring to be heard -on the above proposed amend- :ments should appear at the time i and place so specified. ?'Dated:. May 11, 1973 . . BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK ~ 1TM17 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: Stuart C. Dor~n ...................................... being duly Sworn, s~/s that ...he... is Printer ~md Publishe~ of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIIVIES,. a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is u printed copy, has been pu,blished in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, f~r .......... 9.n.e ............... weeks successively commencing on the ...... ~.e.v.e..n.t.e.e~.t.h ......... d~ of '~ M~?':~::-~-~--~.' ........................... ~-q ........... ~ :'"~'~*"'~.-~A.~__~.:~': ................... :: .... l~f~e me this :~f.~... I //./// f NOTARY PUBLIC 'OF NEW YORK ~.// Residing in Suffolk County Clks. No. 52-9366350 a]ongsaid Wells Avenue, two My Commission Expires March 30, courses.:. '(i)~.wester]y 150 feet, mo~e or ]ess, thence (~.) northerly 471 .feet, more or ]ess, to said line between Zone A and Zone B-l; thence easterly along said line, 580 ,. feet, more or ]ess, to the point of beginning. Containing ? acres, more or less.'. " · NOT!CE'OF~HEARINGS ON PRdPOSALS 'TO ~AMEND ZONING' ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article XVI.' Sec- tion 1600 of the Building Zone Ordinance o~ the .Town of South- W, N~. York. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE· OF NEW YORK 7:30 P. M. (EDST), changing from "A" Residential and Agr~i- ?:cdltural District to "B-i"' Gen- eral Bu. sin~ss .District, the prop- erty of William B Conwav and General Business D~striCt, .off~ motion of the Southold Town Board': the following described property situated at Southold, Nex~; York: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Mechanic Street where said line is inter- ~ected by the line 'between Zone A and Zone B-t; from said point of beginning run- ning southerly -'. along said westerly' line of Mechanic street, 620 feet, more or less, to land of Rimmlei~:, thence westerly along said .land of ' Rimmler 463 feet, more or less. to Wells Avenue; thence along said Wells Avenue, two cours- es: (1) westerly 150 feet, more or less, thence (2) northerly 471 feet, more or less, to said line between Zone A and , Booth, Jr., being dUly sworn, says Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ~thold, in Suffolk County; and that e annexed is a printed copy, has been ~g Island Traveler, Mottituck Watch- Zone B~i; thence easterly a, ~7(/~, Wilfred Jerome Conway..~ituated long said iine, 580~feet, more ~'on south side ut Middle Road: or lesS,~tO:the' ~int of be~ d..~. ~y OJ ,.(County Road 27J. Southold. : acres; before me this ....... ~ ....... New York, and more particularly ;!i~i bounded and described as foll- i~!',i: Ows: BEGINNING at the intcr~ ~ection of the Southerly line of Middle Road with lhe west- erly line of ttortons I,a.ne; from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of 'Hortons Lane, S. 23° 00' E~--281.75 feet; 'thence along land o~ Conway Broth~ ers, S. 54° 25' 40" W.--796.84 feet to land of Donahue; thence along .said land of Dona. hue, two courses: (1) N. 38°. 41~ 00" W.--7.65 feet thence (2) N. 41° .48' 40" W.~300.0 .feet to said southerly line~ of .Middle Road; thence along said southerly line of Middle R0~I, four courses: (1) N. 550 41' 50" E.--150.96 .feet; thence (2) Easterly on a curve to the left, having a radius 'of ,8872.0 feet, a distance of. 196.59 feet; thence (3) ~. 54° 25' 40" E.--519.54 feet; thence (4) S. 79° 37' E.--34.78 feet to. the point of beginning. · Containing 5.8401 acres. 8:00 P. M'., (EDST), by chang- '.il lng from "A" Residential/and::~ I 'i~-ricu~ltura-1 :D:i~trict to "B,I'"'!': ;L ,~. ,z;;,.:, . more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the abov~ proposed amendments should appear at the time and place so specified. . Dated: May :11, 1973 '. BY'ORDER Op THE SOUTt~OLD TOWN. BOARD ALBERT W. i~ICHMOND TOWN .CLERK 1T--5-17 A'DELE PAYNE Nc~ary Public, State of' blew Y0t~,. Residiog i, Stdfolk., County No. 52-3041000 ~/ Commission ~pJres March 30,; 19Z STATE OF NEW YORK: SS:..- COUNTY OF SUFF.OLK:...~ ... - · A'LBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Towh of Southold, New York, being duly swonn, says that he i.s over the age .of twenty-one years; that off the 17th day..of May 19 7'3 , he affixed a notice of which the annexed Printed notice is a true copy., in a proper, and substantial manner_.,:, in a most ' '~ .i .... public .place in the Town of Soutlhold, Suffolk County, New · -7i:30 P..'M,,, May 2i9, 1973 ' ,- ' "' '~" YOrk to wit:.- "P6b'lic Hearing-change of zone from "A" to B-.%" ........ ~.'. ' i ' property of William B: 'Conway & .Wilfred Jerome' conWay s%s;-..Middle Rd. ('C;R,'27) , Sou.thol.d, · SWorn to before me this Town Cl.e~k Bulletin Board, Town ;Clerk Offic.e ' _ ~ Main RQad., ..Soulthold, ~L.I.,.N..Y. '. ' AlBert W, R'ic~ond, Town Clerk ['~ .... 17 th day of May. 19 73 ~otarY Public ' JUD'IIH T' BOKEN Notary Public, .State 0f New Y0~k . . . ' No. 5.2-0344963 Suffolk Count~...~ Commission Expires March 30~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE'OF HEARINGS TO AMEND ZONING Pursuant to Section 265 of ON PROPOSALS ORDINANCE' hhe Town Law and Article XVI, - - - - " ' f the'Town of Section 160·0'of the ~uilding zon~ ur~inance o · Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings Will be held by the Southold Town Board in th~ office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 29th day of May, 1973', on the followi~ng proposals to amend th·e of 7~30 P.M., (E.D.S.T.), by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" G~neral Business District, the property of William B. Conway an on south side of Middle Road (Co York, and more particularly boun BEGINNING at the intersecti Middle Road with the wester said point of beginning run of Hortons ·Lane, S. 23° 00' Wilfred Jerome Conway, situated unty Road 27), Southold, New ~ed and described as follows: ~n' of the southerly line of .y line of Hortons Lane~ from ning along said westerly line E. - 281.75 feet; thence along · .· 54° land of Conway Brothers, S 25' 40" W. -· 796.84 feet tO land of Donahue; thence ~long said ].and of Donahue, two courses: (1) N. 38° 41' 00" W. (2) N. 41° 48' 40" W. line of Middle Road; thenCe Middle· Road, four courses: (1) N. 55° 41' 50" E. -·150.96 feet; thence I having a radius (21 Easterly· on a cur~e to .the left, · of 8872 0 feet,· a distance ~f 196.59 feet; thence - 7.65 feet; thence - 300.0 feet to said southerly along said southerly line of Legal Notice Page 2 (3) N. 54° 25' 40" E (4) S. 79° 37' E. - beginning. Containing 5.8 8:00 P.M., (E.D.S.T.) , Agricultural District to "B-l" - 519.54 feet; thence 4.78 feet to the point of 401 acres. c~anging from "A" Residential'and G~neral Business District, on motion of the SOuthold Town Boar~, the following described property~situated at Southold, New York:. BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of MeChanic Street where said line is i]%tersected by the line between Zone A and Zone B-1 from said point of beginning running southerly along said westerly line of Mechanic , Street, 620 feet., more or l~ss, to land of Rimmler; thence westerly along said land of to Wells Avenue; thence alo~ courses: (1) westerly 150 northerly 471 feet, more or Zone A and Zone B-I; thence feet, more or less, to the 7 acres, more or less. Rimmler 463 feet, more or less, Lg said Wells Avenue, two 'eet, more or less, thence (2) less, to said line between easterly along said line, 580 ~oint of beginning. Containing . Any person desiring to be he amendments should appear at the t Dated: May 11, 1973 ard on the aboVe, proposed .me and place so specified, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK PLEASE puBLISH ONCE, MAY 17, .1973~ AND FORWARD FOUR (4) AFFIDAVIT: OF PUBL 'CA o . SOU O D NEW YORK. ~N CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, Legal Notice Page 3 Copies mailed to the following o!n May 11, 1973: The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr., Eisq., arty for William Conway and Wilfred Jerome Conway Supervisor Albert Martocchi. a. OTTO W. VAN TUYL Reg. Professional Engineer Licensed Land Surveyor Phone 477-1487 RODERIOK VAN TIJYL, P. O, " FRONT STREET AT MAiN GREENPORT, NEW YoRK 11944 PHONE 477-0170 April ! 9,. 1 973 RODERICK VAN TUYL Licensed Land Surveyor Phone 477-1608 DESCRIPTION: Proposed Change of Zoner Land of Conway Brothers, South S~de ~ddle Road, Southold Beginning at the intersectioln of the southerly line of ~iddle~ Road with .the westerly line of HortonsLane; from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of Hortons Lane, S. 23~ 00' E.~- 281.75 feet; thence along land of Conway Brothers, S~ 54v 25~ 40" Wo - 796.84 feet to land of Donahue; thence along sai.~ land of Donahue, two courses: (1) N. 38° 41' 00" Wo - 7.65 feet; thence (2) N. 41° 48~ 40" W. - 300.0 feet to said southerly line of Middle Road; thence along said southerly line of Middle Road, four courses: (1) N. 55° 41'. 50" E. - 150. )6 feet; thence (2) EasterlY'on a curve to ;he left, having a radius of 8872;0 feet~a d~istance of 196.5~ feet; thence (3.) N°' 54° 25' 40" E. - 519'54 feet; thence (4) S. 79° 37"~E. - 34.78 feet to ~e point of beginning. 0ontaining 5.8401 acres~ JBS/mg To : Mr. Howard Terz~' RODERIOK VAN TUYL, P. O o " COMMISSION Seth A. Hubbard Chairman Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning JOHN V.N. KLEIN, County Executive Memorial Highway Hat~ppauge, L. I., N. Y. 8, 1973 724-2500 Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans March Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11935' Re: Application of W:Llliam and Wilfred Conway for a proposed change of zone from "A" Residenctial and Agricultural to "B-I" Business Distric.t', Town of Southold, (SD-73-8) ! Dear Mr. Wickham: Pursuant to the requirements .of Sections 1323. to 1332' of the ·Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on March' 7, 1973' reviewed· the above captioned zoning action and afteri due study and deliberation dis- approved this change .of zone on a portion of subject premises' because .of the' following: 1. It is inconsistent with the Town Mhster' Plan which designates' this area for suburban density res.~dence development. 2. It constitutes the unwarranted perpetuation of cOmmercial de-' velOpment along the county roadwayi detrimental to the safety and traffic carrYing capacity .of s~aid facility. | 3.It would tend to establish a precedent for further· downzon!ngs along the county roadwaY. 4. There is ·ample vacant ·business zoned land in .the' locale. The rezoning on that portion 'of subject pre~ises (-+300 x '-+300') directly op- posite the other business· zoned properties ~was ·deemed to be'. a matter' for local determination with the understanding .that ~ccesS will be Via Hortons Lane. Very ·truly yours, Lee ~, Koppelman DireCtor of Planning Gerald g. Newman Chief'. Planner GGN: ec' Town Of SOuthold TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Building Dept. I · Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road. · . Soufhold, N. Y, I i971 Pursuant"to the C:~eneral.-M!unicipal Law, Chapter 24., of the Consolidated Laws, ^rfi¢le !2-B, Sections 239-1 ~ 'd m, the .. .. (ag,ency inv~ol~/edi · j proposed zoning action fo the suffolk County Planning Comm'ission: .' (check one} ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment fo the zoning ordinance · ~-. Zoning .Changes ........... : tpe.cb] permits Locati,o,n of affected ~ ,~*" ' . ... ' ~ .:~.~ ' _ -~- '-, -' ~ ·" . . ~ · within 500 {eot of: !check one o~ ~0reJ ..~ ...... ::::.: Town~..o,r:..:villag~ ..bgundary !ine... -.~.. ... ~F. cou,nty road, ~~2~.~L~~,r' :~z*, : ~ .... . ........ State or county park .o,r recreation area ............ Strea~m, or drainage ~chan.ne' owned by ~-he county or ~or which the county has estab'lis'hed channel lines ............. 5t~?.e ..~r cgun_ltylloW,~ed .:79~'¢~1 On. w.h.ich ~ public building is situated ' Common,fsi:· .-~'.":~-':' .:~...~: .~.,. ~:... ~ ..... . .~ .. ~.. ...... .... /,~.~... : . ~ ..... · · . .-- ,~ - ...... , .... ........ ,~ ~"',- .,' ~.'~ ~ ~,...~,~. t, '.';~ ~ -- ............ (si~ Date received by S:uffok County Planni,ng Commission .......... , ............................................... . .................. File ~No. Southold Town Planning SOUTHOLD, iL. i., N. Y. 119'71 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS FebrUary 26, 1973 John Wlckham, Chairman Henry M o.lsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle Board Southold Town Board 16 South 'Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: 11944 , This is to advise you that the following resolution was passed by the Southold ToWn Planning Board at a regular meeting held on February 21, 1973: In the matter of the original petition of William B. Conway on behalf of William B!. Conway and Wilfred Jerome Conway, relative to a change ~f zone from '~A~ Residential and Agricultural District to i"B-i" General Business District on certain property Situated at south side of Middle Road (County Road 27) '.bounded , east by Horton's Lane, Southold, New York: · "IT WAS.RESOLVED'that th~ Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southo!ld Town Board denial of the change of zone from "A" Resid~n~±&l and Agricultural District to "B-l" General Busiiness District on the above described property." ~ It is the opinion of thei Planning Board that this proposed change of zone be dehied because (1) it is not in the Town Master Plan; and (2) it is not approved by the County. ; Respectfully submitted, Joh~ Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW: tie D FFI ER: K T 13 SI:3UTHOLD, L. !., H. "~. 119'71 TELEPHBN~ January 24, 1973 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham: The original petition of Wil behalf of William B. Conway and ~ requesting a change of zone on ce situated at Southold, New York, f and Agricultural District to "B-1 liam B. Conway on ilfred Jerome Conway rtain property rom "A" Residential "General Business District is in the files in the qffice of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. i You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so affected w~th the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, AlBert W. Richmond Tow~n Clerk RENSSELAer G. TERRY. JR. ATTORNEY AND ¢:~OUNSELLOR AT LAW MAIN 5TREE~ ~:OUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 765-2300 January 16, 1973 Hon. Albert Martocchia Supervisor, Town of Southold c/o Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Re: Application of Conway Bros. for .a change of Zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural Zone to "B 1" Business Zone Dear Mr. Martocchia. I am writing to confirm my statement to you that the orig- inal application of William B. Conway for a change of Zone to a depth of 400' is being withdrawn and t~at a new application for a change of Zone to a depth of 300' is b~ing filed with the Building Inspector. In view of the fact that the Lane is already Zone "B 1" Business to brothers are hopeful that this new app] able consideration. adjacent premises on Horton's a depth .of 300', the Conway .ication will be. given favor- Very truly yours, Renss~laer G. Terry J~. / rgt/ra STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FORA C~tANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDME1N'~' OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE ..OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHC on behalf of 1. I, .......~...I..L...L..~...A~......B..,.....C..0..~.A..Y.... / ............... , resi, (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the o' Sou tho ld, N.Y. and more particula: LD: ~ILLIAM B. CONWAY and WILFRED JEROME ing at ...... .H...o..r...t..o...n..'...s.....L...~.n...e.., .......... .G.O. NWAY Southold, N.Y. ~ner of certain real property situated at :ly bounded and described as follows: North by Middle Road (County .Road 27) about 900 feet; East by Horton's Lane, 300 feet; South by other land of Conw~y, about 900 feet; and West by land of Donahue, 308 feet. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the To'~n of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a palrt thereof, as follows: to change from "A" Residenti "B:I'' Busines al and Agricultural Zone' to s Zone. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The premises were originally -zoned "BJ' Business-.Zone (to a depth 6f ·200 feet from Middle Road) at the time of the original enactment~ of the Zoning ·Ordinance in 1957 and remained ·in that classification Until the change made in 1971. This · ' I change, was made without conference o= consultation with applicant who nOw desires to' change to "B 1" I/ Bushiness Zone. Consideration has been given to .the possible sale of a larg~ part of the corner propertY for use as-an automobile sales showroom ~nd service center, for which negotiations have been under way for of property fronting ·om Horton's Lane zoned J'B" Business.. Zone and it is apl have been allowed :to remain in .that ~¢ immediately across from applicant's [ sobe-time. The remaining corners and Middle Road were all originally ,licant's Understanding -that they lassification and that ·the property ,roperty on. Horton.'s Lane has had. its business zoned de~th increased from 2100 feet to 300 feet..APplicant be':lieves that it WOuld be unlikely ~t~at he could find a purchaser for use of his ·property in "A~ Residenti41 and Agricultural Zone because' of the· other 'three corners being zoned for business. Applicant' s~ previous application for a .change to 400 feet lis being substituted by'this application. ' . (Li S,) ] ................ i ...................................... ~ ............ STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) WILLIAM B. CONWAY ................................................................................... , BEING he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has re the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) te~s therein stated to be alleged on infOrmation .and believes it te be true. DULY SWORN, deposes and says that ad the foregoing Petition and knows own knowledge, except as to the mat- )elief, and that as to those maiters he Sworn to before me this ....9...t...h.. day .of .... ..J..a...n..u...a...r.y.~ ........... , 19 .... .Y..~ ... ~otar~ Publi~, State o~ New ¥or~ Re~iding in Suffolk County No. 52-3954850 J~y Commission Expires M~' No. 52- 395'~0 ,.-.~-o L/THOL. D