HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Map Corrections Amend 95 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO; 95 .i. NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN · !'I: that after a public hearing held .purs'uant to the requirements of ~i: law, the Building ZOne Or- ,; ': dinance, (including the Building ~!' Zone "Map);':; Of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New '~:, York, was duly amended at a i'-:. special meeting: of the Southold. ~ ToWn B0~d.'held on December i. 27, 1972, as follows: '" 1~ BY Changing from "A" , Residential.~,and Agricultural . District. to '~'B-I" General Business District? the property of. ~ Constantine Pappas, situated at Orient, Point,' :New~ York~ and more particularly boUnded add:. described as follows: ALL that certain plot, Piece or parcel :'o~ ~iarld: situate, lying and being at~ Orien~ point, in the TOwn Of. SoUth01d, Suffolk CountY, New York, described as follOws: BEGINNING at a point on th~. . southerly line of Main Road (Route 25).at the northeasterly ' corner of tile existing B-1 Generai Business Zone, from said point of '~ii~ ~ beginning running thence along :. the southerly line of Main Road, North 76 degrees 26' 4O" East ' 93.64 feet to a concrete monument of land now or formerly of :Pappas; running thence along land last mentioned the following five Courses and distances, to .wit: (1) North 26 degrees ~' 20" ;!i~: West, 13.48 feet; thence ~,~: (2) North 75 degrees .55' 40" :i!:' East~ 95'.69 feet.; thence .. (3) South 13 degrees 49' 10" :ili:i East, 14.0 feet; thence ;~ (4) North 76 degrees 26' 40' "East 68.0 feet to landof Latham; ":thence .. (5) Along land last mentioned :; South 19 degrees 58' 40" EaSt, 575 feet, more or less, to the ordinary high water mark of Gardiners BaY; thence in a southwesterly direction along said ordinary high. water mark of Gardiners Bay, 190 feet, more or less to said existing B-1 General BusineSs : Zone; thence along said B-1 ;'General Business Zone, North 26 degrees 45' 50" West,, 28O 'feet, ~:!: more or less, to the said ii!~.southerly line of Main Road and '-!:?the point or place of beginning. ?¥~. areal: JanUary 3, 1973 BY ORDER OF THE i[~,'.: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ~: ALBERT W. RICHMOND ,!,, TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: Stuart C. Dorman being duly Sworn, says that . .h.e.... is Printer and PublisheT of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES,. a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ....... .o.n.e .................. weeks successively commencing on the .... e.l.e.v..e.n.t.h .............. day of J~n~~-:~::~'-~:-~19.7.~.. ......... -7 .~.%~._.2 ........................ Sveorn to before me this~ ',.2,5. ' 1 day of .?~ ~./1/~(~:/~/Z.~//~f.· 19./%J.. / ....................... / / N~-~RY PUBLIC 'OF NEW YORK / // ~ Residing in Suffol.k County C-" '19 ~7 Commission [xpire$ March 3'~, - TO ~,~E ZONING ORDINANCE ,~MENDMENT NO. 95 '.~ NOTICE tS' ~IEi%E~M GI~VEN, ~hak affr'r a publm be~rin~ 'brad pm'sua,d to the requitemem"; law. the BuHdini~: Z~lle' Zone 'Map~ cf th~ 'To~(~f~ York. was duty mnm~dsd'~U.'a :~p.e- Town Board held .on I Ev chan~dng frcmf"A" dcniial nnd A~l'fi:tdim'~0 D':,stmc; Lo'"B-F' Oeners.l ]3u~ine's Dis- ALL LhaJ. o(.,rt~{h'l)lO't',:]~] nnd bi i~a,' al. Oy:.cfll, .Pcid?.. in the southC'?~S! line 'of R('.~d , [~ou~e 2B~ nt Ihe nm'~h- (m,,t'erly (:ornpr (')f l:h[~ from said I:)nint or runn.iim th¢ICe(~ along ~,Cl~th(:rly line of Main North '.~6" 26' 40"' East, 93.64 feet to'a concrete monument of land now or formerly of Pa, ppas; r ';:'.l.iw: '.!;¢::;o- nlm~'~' land last I1|( fll I,"~:1~'¢] ~ :: ' .;'] ' lowing fi',, ;'(',,n,,,, .... ;~,~,! d!,'- tances, to wit; . (1) North 26° 33' 20" 13.48 feet; thence (2) Nort~ 75° 55' 40" EaSt. 95.69 feet; thence (3) South'- 13 °' 49' ' 10';j:Ea~t'. 14.0 feet; thence (4) North ~6° 26' 40" ES[st 68.0 feet to land of La~th.a.m: thence (5) Along land. last men-, tioned South 19° 58' 40" Esst,, 575 feet, more or less, tO the , ordinary high ~vater mark of Ga.rdiners Bay; (hence in a s0Uthwestcrly direction nlop. g 'said ordin.,ry hi,:'h water ImU'k of Oardirof Bs" 190 feet.:: ' ,llllq'*~ OJ' J;''" ~L. 'aid ex:.,,[llF' '}{-1 (~l :l~':':lJ T~l'l'}l~t:f"', '.hclu'r. nJo::L ...,:rid TI-I ('}e~ipral Bv,':,~:...' .... 7,",ii('. Nc;fl. "h 45' 50" ~est, 280 feet, more or less[to the smd. Sougherlv line of M~in goad and .[he point 0r place of beginning. ;"DA'I'Ei')' Januar:; S. 1973 SO',.U THOLD ALBERT %V. R. ICi'{MOND TOWN CLERK '.~ : IT--I-11 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK' STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... ~)~.,..dz.ff. w~eel~ n ~ successively, commencing o the ..................r~../..., ..... , ...... day of ......... ~~. ..... , (~,.~,.~..'. Sworn to before me this ........ /..~.., ...... day of .... ~:..~.~. .......... , 1 ~Z'.~.... ggElJE P.AYNE Pub}k, State o[ New ¥ot~ Residigg in Suffolk Cotmty No. 5~-3{i, i00o COmmlss~on ax~irss *' "~ ., STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY .OF SUFFOLK: ' ".:. ' ..... . .... .. · .... -...: .ALBERT: W. RICHMOND, of' Southold, Town of " Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of. twenty-one years; that on the '.15th day of 'January 19 73 ,-"-he 'affixed-a notice of which' the annexed pr:inte'd notice ,. ' . is a true copy, in a .proper and substantial manner,, in a most :' ';"'"~'~ public place in 'the Town of So.u.thold, Suffolk countY, New . ~' ..... :"~"~ .York~ to wit:- Amendment No. 9'5, onzng Ordinan~e:.~ ' .... · '.i'..:~ .' ."~'..' .... ' .... . ..-~' ("a",. · '" "!.,' '- .,..' '-" .,'~- to 1" at.. 'i. Or'ie:nt.. Point,. - Pappas.) Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office MaJ. n Road, Southold, L.I.3N.y' .".ii~ ..',. Swonn to before me this " .'15th .day..of January __ 19 73 .. ,~L~E~T W. RII::HMOND · TC3WN CLERIC. ~!C~ST OF' VITAl. STATISTICS D FFI~;~'-~~~£~ El =r SOUTHrlLD, L.. I, N. Y.., FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAPdD A REGULAR ON DECEMBER 27, 1972: by Justice Demarest, seconded bY Councilman Rich, the Southold Town Board on itSi~own motion proposed a change of zone from "A" Residential !!9~nd Agric%%ltural District to "B-l" General BusineSs DiSi~rict on certain property situated at Orient, .New i York ,il i~' and · WHEREAS the said petltzon was ref~rre~,~to .the Southold Town Planning oard 'for offlczal~reco~endatzon and report, and WHEREAS the Town Board pursuant to d~e notice held a public hearing thereon on the .!gth day of December, 1972, at 3:30 P.M., at which time all interested persons were given ~n opportunity to be heard, NOW, .,-~,..'r~,~,v~r-,.q.'~, BE IT RESOLVED-that the Building Zone Ordi~,.c..~c(=~"~ ~. '.", of the ToWn .of Southold, inc uding the Building '· Zt.~ne'"'",-,'-~ Maps be amended by the 'SoUthold .9 ~wn Board On 'its ow'n motion ¥'_,.' .. _.% changing from "A" Resid~ ~tial and Agricultural ] { ,~ 't-('- :"~ " :' D_str_.c ........ .-1 General Business D~ :'ric. t, the following described property~~ ~o~L~..~ BEGINNING at a ·point on the'southerly line of Main Road (Route 25) at the northeasterly, corner of the existing B-I General Business Zone, fro.m Said point of beginning running thence along the 'southerly. line of Main Road, North 76 degrees 26 minutes 40 s~conds~ East 93°64 feet to a concrete monument· 'of land now or formerly of Pappas; running thence along land last m~ntio~ed the following five courses and distances,· to w~t: ~" (1) North 26 degrees 33 mi]lutes i20 seconds West, 13.48 feet; thence . i' (2) North.-75 degrees 55 mi~'~utes i40 seconds East, 95.96 feet; ~thence (3) SOuth 13 degrees 49. mi]'~utes 10 seconds East, '14.0 feet; ~'hence (4) NOrth 76 degrees 26 mimutes ~.40 seccnds East, . 68.0 feet tO land of Latham; the c e [~ 'r (5) Along ·land last mentioned S~uth 19 ·degrees 58 I · mznutes 40 ~econds. East, 575 .fee;t, mo'~e or less, to the ordinary hiqh water ·mark of GardinersSBay; thence in a south~,~esterly direction along said ordinary high water mark of Ga.r:diner'..s Bay, 190 feetl mOr~ or less to s~id >F N[::W YORK ] OF ~:i.(J F FOLK if t.h~ ,".' terk of the ss: !':4:~:, ,,Li THOLD existing B-1 General Business Zone~ thence along said B-1 General Business Zone, NOrth 26 degrees 45 minutes :501 seconds~ West, ~.C~0' f~et~,~' -more or less to the said .~'c~,~ther!y.-'li:ne ..... o~ ~.a~'~n ~-~o'ad.~..~ ,and the point or place of~beginningo ~ . ~ Vote of thei T°wn~ Boa'~d::'~~r ~yes: .s¼Pe~51riSor Counczlman :~Rz~h, '~Cou'nc~lman Homan!~ Justzce Justice Dema~r .;.J. ' [ r ~ ~ [~ '' Ma r tocch ia, Suter, :rt ~, j. day! of .... t ~nd trUei transcript bf W'itness W~hereO.J, I h~ Town tt~ ~ .:..~.2.6.:.t-.h Clerk of the Town Board the foregoing copy of resolution 'ti-,..i.,, office, and which was passed in said' County of Suffolk, on 19..?.2.., and that the :same is irma[ ~esolution and the whole thereof. set my hand and affixed the seal .... .Januam~ ............ 19..2.3.. Southold, of Suffolk., N. Y. WHEREAS by a resolution duly adopted by the Sou'thold l~own Board on December 27, 1972, the Building ZOne Ordinance was amended, and WHEREAS, it appears that inadvertently one distance was incor- rectly stated as being "280 feet, more or le '" ss , instead of "680 feet, more or less", and WHEREAS, the intent of the Board was obvious, since the beginning of the line was described as being at the ordinary high water line of Gardiner's Bay at the southeasterly corner of the B-1 General Business zone, and the end of the line was described as the southerly ~line of 'the Main Road at the point or place of beginning (which was described as the northeast corner of said Zone), and WHEREAS, the inadvertent substitution of "280" for the figure given by the survey, "680" has prompted an inquiry of the Town Attorney who expressed it as his opinion that the Zone was to be considered as being bound as 'though the correct figure for the length of. the particular line had been used, i.e., 680 feet; and WHEREAS, the Board supports counsel's opinion and wishes to ratify its original intent, NOW, THEREFORE, it is RESOLVED that the Zoning Amendment Resolution duly adopted December 27, 1972, be deemed to have been adopted to read as set forth below and that all notices, publications and proceedings had in connection therewith be similarly deemed to have been given, published and had as though the de- scription at all times read as set forth below, to wit: WHEREAS the Southold Town Board on its own motion proposed a change of zone from i'A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-I" General Business District on certain property ~situated at Orient, New York, and WHEREAS the said petition was referred to the Southold Town Planning Board for official recommendation and report~ and WHEREAS the Town Board, pursuant to due notice, held a public hearing thereon on the l:9th day of December, 1972, at 3:30 lP. M., at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, including the Building Zone Maps be amended by the Sou/hold Town Board on it~ own motion by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural. District to "B-i" General Business District, 'the fo.'llowing described property at Orient Point: . BEGINNING at a point on the sout. herly line of Main Road (Route 25) at the northeasterly corner of the ·existing B-1 Genera:t Business Zone, from sai, d point of beginning running thence along the southerly line of Main Road, North 7:6, degrees 26 minutes 40 ~econds East 93.64 feet to a concrete monument of land nbw or formerly of Pappas; running thence along land last me~ntioned the following five courses and distances, to wit: (1) North 26 degrees 33 minutes feet; th,ence (2) North 75 degrees 55 minutes feet; thence (3) SoUth 13 degrees 49 minutes feet; thence (4) North 76 degrees 26 minutes feet to land of gatham; thence !20 seconds West, ~40 seconds East, 13.48 95.69 seconds East, 14.0 140 seconds East, 68.0 (5) Along land last mentioned SoUth 19 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds East, 575 feet, more'~or less, to the ordinary high water mark of Gardiners Ba~; thence in a southwesterly direction along said ordinary high~ water mark of Gardiner's Bay, 190 feet, more or less to said, existing B-1 General Business Zone; thence along said B-1 General Business Zone, North 26 degrees 45 minutes 50 seconds West, 680 feet, I · more or less to the said southerly line of Main Road and the point or place of beginning. and it is further RESOLVED that the physical ame, adment of the official Zoning Map in accordance with the foregoing is hereby ratified and approved. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEENDMENT.TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 95 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENs that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Map), of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended at a special meeting of the Southold Town Board held o~ December 27, 1972, as follows: 1. By changing from "A" ReSidential and Agricultural Distric to "B-i" General Business District, the property of Constantine Pappas, situated at Orient,Point, New York, and more particularly bounded and.described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piec9 or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Orient PQint,.in the Town of Southold, Suffolk COunty, New York, d0scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on theisoutherly line of Main Road (Route 25) at the northeasterly corner of the existing B-1 General BusineSs Zone, from said point of beginning running thence algng the southerly .line of Main Road, North 76° 26' 40? East 93.64 feet to' a concrete monument of land now or formerly of Pappas; running thence along land last mentioned the following five courses and distances, (1) North 26° 33' 20" (2) NOrth 75° 55' 40" (3) South 13° 49' 10" (4) North 76° 26' 40" to wi~: West~ 13.48 feet; thence East, 95.69 feet; 'thence East, 14.0 feet; thence East 68.0 feet to land of Latham; thence Legal Notice Page 2 (5) Along land last mentioned South 19° 58' 40" East, 575 feet, more or less, to the ordinary high water mark of Gardiners Bay; thence in'a southwesterly direction along said ordinary high water ma~k of Gardiners Bay, 190 feet, more. or less'to said existiDg B-1 General Business Zone; thence along said B-1 General Business Zone, North 26° 45' 50" West, 280 feet, more or!less, to the said southerly line of Main Road and the point Or place of beginning. DATED: January 3, 1973 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JANUARY 11, 1!973, AND FORWARD SIX (6) kFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE S!OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 2opies mailed to the following on 'January 3, 1973: The Long Island Traveler-Mat.tituck.Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times ~ Samuel J. Glickman,.Esq., at:ty, for Constantine Pappas Van Tuyi & Sons Albert'Richmond, Town Clerk :II ,/ MiNUTE!S gOUTHOLD TOWN ~O~D December 19, ~972 3:30 'P.M. '~ PROP0~L TO ~jilEND ZONING ORDINANCE PRESENT: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Martin suter Just ice Loa is De mare st Councilman Alfred Homan Councilman James Rich Town Clerk Albert Richmond Southold Town Board -- 2 Deco,abet 19, 1972 SUPERVISOR !~L~RTOCCHIA: The purpo~se of this application is to change from "A" Residential to "~-lt' General Business District the property of Constantine ~appas,.~Jiffy Bite", Orient, New '~ork. It had been *tB-1l'' b t when. the final map was drawn it was left on the map as %~*~ Resld ntial. Mr. Pappas would like to have it p~t back the wayI it was. Councilman Homart will read the ·legal notices Councilman. Homart re~d the legal nlotice of boating, proof of publication in the Suffolk Times and ~he Long island Traveler- Mattituck Watchman, .and the reco'mmenda~tions of the $outhold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County' ~lanning Board. The Southold Town Planning Board Town Board .~ of change from "A Constantine Pappas situated at Orient the property was shown as "B-l" en ma~ and "B-l" was left off the final copy recommended to the Southold to "B-l" on property of Point, New York, because shown at a public hearing The Suffolk County Planning Board considers the decision on this application to be a matter of local determination. (This should not be construed as either app'.oval or disapproval). ~JP.~..RVISOR MARTOCCHL~: You have heard the reading of the legal notice of hearing, the proof of publication, and the · recommendations of the Southold Town lanning Board and the Suffolk County 'Planning Board. Is the[re anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this appllcatton~ (·There was no response.) :~o~thol~ Town Board December 19, 1972 SUPERVISOR F~.RTOCCHiA: Is there anyone present who wishes to ~peak in opposition to'the grauting' of this change? (There was no response.) SUPSRVISOR ~tTOCCHI&.: I will as..'k once again if there is anyone present who wishe~ to speak fo or against this proposal? (There was no response.) .. SUPERVISOR i~TOCCHI~': The hearing is now clo'~ed. will make a determination.. very soon. The Board :~'i~ ~ ' i NOTICE OF HEARING ii: · ~', ON PROPOSAL TO ~ ~kMEND;ZONiNG ORDINANCE I~:~ ,, -. . . ~.~,~' [i'~ ~PU~§~t'.'t6~ii~eti°n 265 of the To~. LaW~a~d' ~ticle XVI, ~' s~ti~n-:1~ ~h~ BUilding Zone ~(Ordin~nc~:?~0f .the'~ Town of ~ .. ' South~Idf-' ~f~lk - C~ty, New ~.. York,~'a Public. h~ag will be- ~ ~? held by, the SO~th~d ToWn Board [~ in the~f[~:t~'~SuPe~isor, 16 :::~ SOuth ~e~.:~re~Port, New ~_~_~.York~ ~: sai~:'TOW~'~n.~ ~e 19th ~ day °f:'~D~ember,~ !972, on the ~ following' proPoSaI to amend the .::- Building.~ :Zone ~- Ordinance [:~ ~inclu.~ng :~e~ Building ~ne MaPs) 0f ~e Town of Southold,' .:~. Suffolk C~ty, New York. ~. 3:30 p..M. (E.S.T~) by chapping ~from "A" Residential a~ . Ag~c~t~al District to "B-F' . General ~siness District, the · .. property of Constanti~ Pappas, . situated~at Orient Point, New . ~ York, 'and more partic~arly. bounded and described as ~ ~ folloWs: · ~,.. ~ that ce~ai~ plot, Pi~e ~' or parcel, of 'land, situate, ' ly~g ~d berg at Orient' ' Point, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk county~ New Y0rk~ described as · follows: ~' BEG~NI~G at a ~int' on ; the south?ly ~ne of Main ~'.~ ~' ROad (~ute :~ ~) at the ~ ~o~hea~ corner ~'- existing B-1 General ?- Business Zone, 'from said ;~.'Point of beginn~g ~ng ~ thence along the southerly 'line of Main .Road,-Nort~ 76 ~;~'-~. degrees, 26' 40"? East 93.~ ~ feet to a. concrete monument : ~ of land noW or formerly .of ~:? Pappas; running, thence . along land last mentioned the :~. follOw~g five Co~ses and i: distances, to wit: ~0,, u. ('1)-North 26 degrees 33' -( West,'13:48 feet; thence ~ (2) North 75 degrees 55' 40" .~.East~ 95.69 feet; thence ~' ~ (3) South 13 degrees 49' i0, East, 14.0 feet; thence ~' (4) North 76 degrees 26' 40" East ~.0 feet to land ~of Latham; thence ~ (5) Along- land last ~ mentioned South 19 degrees '~: 58' 40" East, 575 feet, more or ~';~ less, to~ the ordinary high ~: water mark of Gardiners /' Bay; ~ thence in a -southwesterly direction along said ..ordinarY high '~ water, mark. of Gardiners Bay, 1~ feet, more or less to ~.';'- said e~sting. B-1 General ~ Business ~ne;"_ thence along ";" said ~B:I General Business' .~ Zone, NOrth 26 degrees 45' ';~' 50".West, 280. feet, more .or 'less, to the said southerly line :: of Main ROad and the ~int or ~ place of beginning. . .~y person desiring t0 be heard ,'):~.on the above proposed amendment shoed appear at the ~;::[time and place .so' specified.. ~;Dated: D~ember '5, 1972 ' BY ORDER OF THE SOuTHOLD TO~ BOARD . ~E~TW. ~C~OND :?~'.. .. TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: ........ :$.~.u.a..~...C :..D.o.r~, .an. ............. being duly Sworn, says that . ..h~... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said countw and tttut the notice, of which the mmexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, ~or ........ .o.n.e. ................ weeks successively commencing on t~he ...s.e.v.?.n.~.h ................ d~T' of De c e, .~.~f'.~"~i~'7':~v(l 9.7. ~. Swont to before me this . £AWR£~IC[ ~0W.~3~ll~ .............. elks. No. 52-9366350 ~ Commission Expires ) iLEGAL'. 'NOTICES' i'i/~OT~cE or .EAmNG ON ! ?' PRGPOSAL TO, AMEND ] Z ONING ORDIN~kNCE ~ 'Pursuant .to Sectmn 265 o~ the :Town L~TM and Article XV~:, t~on 1600 o~ 'the ~uild~ng Zone ~ Ordinance of the Town o~'South~ Lold, Su~olk ~Qounty, ' New York, ~;~he .Soat~old .To~ Board in ~Off~ce o~ the s~pervisor, 16 South :Street, Orcenport, New York, i~ ~i~ ~own on'the. 19th'd~y o~. ?~ecember, 1972, Qn' the ~,proposal, to amend ~he' Bu~ld~ng ~zone Ol'dinanct~ finehiding the ~Building Zone Maps~ o( thc town ? 3:30 p.,M]' (EST),. by Changing /;~rom "A' ~esidentiai ann Agri- ;cultural District to "B;lY Oen- · {]:eral Busine~ District, ~e. proP~ ~er y of Constantine .Pappa.s, sit~ ::noted a~ Orient Point,' NeW Yor~; ;~'~ana more ..pa.rt ieulm'ly bounded' :~nd described' a~ fo~low~;: ~. ALL. 'that certain plot. piece : '.~:Or parcel of land,' situate, lying ~and ibeing at.~:Orient Point'~ in the ~;Town- of Soutn0id/Suffolk:C:C ' ]~ey, New York, d?scribcd :?~ BEGINNING a~ a point'on 7.hne of Main. Road, 25):,'~t thc. BusineSs~ ..ZOrn,. f:'om .-,.d 93:64 .feet ,~o a (.'tilt('!' lO ': five c6urseS · ann. (D North. 26~' SS" 20" .West, feet, thence . ,~, (2) North:75~ 55' 4O" E~t, 95.69 thence . . . (3) et; thence · , ['.'!edt ~i0 ~an.d 0f 'L~tham;· thence (5)~ ~ong land 'l~st mentioned :~u~h' 19° 58Y 40" East, 575 feet," [;~more O~".r'le~,:[ ~O:. the ordinary .,~higk water 'm~rk: of Gardiners thence in a southwesterlY. Mong.. S~id' Ordinary water mark 'of Oardine~s · 190 feet;' more or les~ to · existi~' B:! General 'Busi- . ZOne; the~6~ '~long'said B-I ' Bu~ne~ Zone~ Ngrth' 45'.: 50~;;;:Wgst,. 280 feet, more. 19ss;. ~' the said 'Southerly .line ~ain Road~ ~nd ~he poin; or. · bf beginning. '..: .~y: person desiring . to "]be~ on the above P~0Posed should'appear at the and place so ~pecified. i:iDated': Decem~r 5, 1972 .. ' ?~ ' sOuEoLD 'TOWN ~1~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK~' ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MAq-FITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a:nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........................................ weeks successively, commencing on the ........................................ day of .............................. ~..., 19 ......... Sworn to before me this ....... . ................. day of .................................... , 1:9 ......... ADELE PAYN'E Notary Public, State of New Yotl{ Residing in Su{fo[k County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 197 3' STATE OF NEW YORK.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold,. Town of Southold, New 'York, being duly sworn, says that he is-over the age of twenty-one years; that on the '~"7th day.'of December 19 7'2, ,h'e affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice~ is a true copy, in a proper and substantial' manners- zn a most public place in ~he Town o'f Southold, Suffolk COUNty, New Yo'Z:k, to wit--.~ proposal to amend Building Zone 'Ordinance -' hearing Dec.~imber .19, 1:9.72, 3:30-.'~.P..~.M. L .TOwn cl,e..r~ki Bulletin ' Bo'ard,' 'TOwn .'Clerk office SWorn to before me~'~his _L~7th .day of December ~lb. er~ ~W. Ric~ond'~ "iTown'/Clerk 19 72 LE'GAL' 'NO.TICE ' NOTICEOF. HEARI.NG~ON-PROPOS~L TQAMEND.'.ZONING~ORDINANCE' P'ur.su'ant 'to' section'2.65'of the'.iTown LaW. and 'Article .XVI., seCtion .16'00.:of .the'Building .Z'.one:.~r~i~ance!of the Town:of SOuthOld', Su:f.folk COuntT.,.New. i¥0rk./a, p.ubllic hearing wi. ii: be.'.hel'd b7 .the 'So:uthOld TOwa Board ±n %he.'¢ff±¢eof theSup'erV±s'or,.. 16' SOuth 'St'r'ee~, Gree'nport,: Ne~..Yo~k,, in said .Town on .the.'19~th . ~'ay 'of. D. ecember 1.9'7'2.,'. on .thefoll~wing proposal, to' amend .the'. Bu~±.lding ·gOne· 'Ord.inance (±nclUd±.ng.! the'. !Bu.±id±rig Z.One MapS): of the Townof SOuthold, .Suf. f.olki. C'O.un.ty, Ne~ .York 3 :'30. '.P.M'.' '(E.~S:;,'T~;;.)" by..ch'a'ngiDg 'from "A" Res.i'de.n%i:al and ~gricultu'ral District :to "'B~i"' Gen'eral 'BusineSs: District',...the'. ~roperty. of Constantine 'Pappas,' situated'..at '.Orient .Point,'. New .York,' ~nd' more particutarly.boUnde~ and describedas .follows:' ALL ithat ice'rain plot,l.Piece or 'parcel of land, .situate,' tying and being at 'Orient Point,. in .the iTown-of SoU.thold S'uffolklCoun%y,· Ne~ ~ork,.de~cribedas· follows: BEGINNING at a point Oni~the .southerly line ~of Main Road'(Rout.e~ 25) at .the'north~'aste'rly~ corner of the 'existing B~i Gen.er~al. Busine. Ss~'.ZOne,~.from 'said .point of beginning running~then'.ce ialong..the S.ou Nor.th".76°...26.' 40".'East '93'.'64' of. land .now '.Or formerly' of P hhe:rly ii:ne !of'Main Road, .feet .to a .con'cre.~e~ monument appas~~ running-thence !along land. last mentioned ~th.e!ifo'll.~wing fi.ve.C.o, urse.sl and dist.ances,- to' wilt .(.2.)i North: ',7.5°. 55'.' 40'~. East,' 95..69 fee.~; then.ce ' (4'.)'. North '.7.6° 26' ~0."'.' 'E~.st': 168..0' .f.ee~ :.to~ land 'of La.tham;' thence · Legal NO%ice page'2~ .'(s) Along land la's~· mentioned South 1-9°' 58', 40~' East,.. 5.75~fe. et,. mo're'or le's.s~.~to, the ~rdi'nary~hi~h Waterl ma~k' of GardinersBiay~..then. celin & .southWeSt~erly~ direCtion .along said ordinary...hi~h '~ater' mar~ .of.'Gardi.nerls' Bay, 19'0 .feet,. more~or leSs'~'to said 'eXisting' B-1 General 'BusineSs Zone;. thenCe..alon~ 'said.':B~l General..Business. ZOne,'North:26° 45' 50". ~e. St,' 280' fee'S,' more .or .leSs',: .~o' .~he'. :said southerly line ' of ~a±n..Road .and:~hepoint '.o~ pla!ce'Ofbelginning. Any person desiring, tol.belheard.~on thelabo~e.'proposed 'amendment .should' appear at the time"and place So specified.. Dated'·: December,'5,· 1.9.72 BY, ORDER .OF .THE..SOU.TH,OLDi~TOBIN BOARD ALBERT'~.. RICHMOND'. ,TOWN CLERK ' PLEA'SE.'PUB.LISH ONCE,' DECEMBERi.7,:~1972,' AN.D'~ FORWARD..THREE.~(3). AFFIDAVITS'OF .PU.BLIC~TI~ON TO..THE.SOUTHOLD].TOWNiC~ERK','.MAINROAD, SOU.THOLD, NEW .YORK'.~, Co.pi.esl. mail.ed to.th.e f~o. li.owing .on' Dec.ember'...5,.1.9.7'2.' ThelLongI~sland:Travei'er,Mahti~tu~ck '~atchman The.Suff'olklWe~ekly Time's'." Samuel 'J..Glickman,'~Eslq ~ att'Yi.'.for .Constantine~Pappas· SUper'.visor Martocchia Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York -1.1787 December 7, 1972 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman To~m of Southold Planning Board Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Petitioner : Mun. File No. : S. C. 1~. D. File No.: Dear Mr. Wickham: Town Board Motion (Pappas) Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 13Z3 to 133Z of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application which has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. The decision of local determina- tion should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. C oma ent s: GGN:ec by Respectfully yours, PLANNING BOARD M E M'BERS' John' Wickharn, Chairman Henry M o,lsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD,.L.I., N. Y. 11971 November 30, 1972 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New'York 11944 Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the following resolution was passed by the Southold Town Plannin~ Board at a~ regular meeting held on November 29, 1972: In the matter of the Town Board's own motion relative to.a change of zone from "A" Residehtial. and' Agricultural' District to "B-i" General Business District on certain property situated on east side Rout.le: '25 (Dock 'Road) Orient Point, New York, Owned by Constanti,he Pappas, East Marion, New. York: "IT WAS RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the change of. zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business District on ~he above described property." It is the' opinion of the Plann~ing Board that this proposed change of zone be approvedi because the property was shown as business "B-i" on the Planning Map and Zoning Map at public .hearings and was left of ,~he final map inadverta~.~. We believe this error should be corrected as soon as possible. RespeCtfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman " South~old Town Planning Board Jw:tle November 30, 1972 Suffo]d~ County Planning Commission Ve'terans Highway Hauppauge ~ N .T. Attention: Gerald Newman Dear .Sir$~ and recoF~mendations from the Planning Board - Hass~ Hallkias~ and on town .Board Motion to correct zone map @ orient point, On November lOth we forwarded the change of =one application on t~ To~rn~o~rd~s ~otion to cove~ a~ea of Mechanic St on east to Wells Ave on west ~ South of existing "B-~" zone on S/S Main Street in Southold Village~ We are most anxiou~ to get your report and favorable consideration on the two applications on the Town Boards motions~ the others -Hass & Halikias- will not be set up Eot hearings uutil after Jan Yours truly / ~'~atrman, Planning Board TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Building Dept. I Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals :Town Of Southold TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 2'% of the Co,~solidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, fha ...~!.~~g~..B...°.~-~ ............... of the town o4 Soufhold, N. Y. hereby refers the following (agency involved) : proposed zonin,g action to the Suffolk County Planning CommiSsion: [check oneI ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance ~. Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Locatbn of affected bnd: ...S/....~..t...~.~.....~...~./'..~....[.~.T..2. within 500 feet of: (check one or moreI ............ Town or village boundary line ..~.. State~ road, parkway ............ S~ate or county ~park or recreation area ............ Sfrea~m, or drainage channel owned by the county or for which fha county has established channel lines ............ State or county owned ,parcel on which a public bui!ding is situated Comments: ~i'~e i p!anning B~rd approves this a~lic~ti~n on t~he To~ ~o~dSs ~ ~otiOn' to: .correct. the.~ ,zo~g,~ ma~ ~Thi~h i'~advert~!y !eft.~ 0ff ~.the Pr°Perty.in~ .~Ue. stion,whe~. pr,shred for. adOption.?eff~etive., Dee.~ On the pl~i~g ~p aha zone map at publ? hearings. We believe this erro~ shoatS:be cor~eete~ as.soon as ..possible B~: ...Eov,...2.9. S.9~2 ' ......... ....... (.~..~Z ...........: .... ..... ~$.~...~.~$~...q~.~,~.$~ ....... Date received by Sulffolk County Planning Commission ............................................................................ File No ................................. ' ALBERT W. F~I~H'MONI~ I;II~G I STI~A~ OF.VITAl OFF t~-RK NoVember 10, 1972 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr.. Wickh~m: The original resolution of the Southold Town Board proposing a change of zone from "~A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business District on certain property on the southe~rly and easterly Side of New York State Route 25 at itsi terminus at Orient Poin~ is in the files in the office of ithe Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report the conditions describedi in the petition and defining determine the area so affected with the recommendation of your'Board. Very truly y~ Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Board 9f the 'Town of Southold, held at the Supervisor's Office, 16. South Street, G..reenport, New York, on the 9th day of November, 1972. WHEREAS, · it has been brought t~ the attention of this Board that the designation Of the B-1 General Businesis District on the southerly and easterly side of New York State Route ~5 at its terminus at Orient Point is erroneously designated on the Build~ng Zone Map of the Town, and WHEREAS, this Board believes tihat said map should be corrected to properly show said B-1 C~er~l Business NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RES. Southold Town Planning Board for its r District. DLVED, that there be referred to the ecommendation and report the proposed amendment to the Building Z¢,.ne Map of the Town of Southold hereinafter se~ forth to wit: By changing from A Residental and Agricultural to B-1 General Business District the following property, to wit: ALL that certain plot, piece er parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Orient Point, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, described as follows:i BEGINNING at a point on the S, outherly line of Main Road (Route 25) at the northeasterly corner of the existing B-1 General Business Zone, from said point of beginniqg running thence along the soulherly line of' Main Road, North 76 degrlees 26 minutes 40 seconds East 93.64 ~eet to a concrete monument of land now or formerly of Pappas; runnin~ thence along land last mgntioned the following five courses and distances, to wit: (1) North 26 degrees 33 minu!es 20 seconds West, 13.48 feet; thence (2) iNorth 75 degrees 55 minu~es 40 seconds East, 95.69 feet; thence (3) South 13 degrees 49 minutes 10 seconds East, 14. 0 feet; thence (4) .North 76 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds East, 68.0 fee~: to land of. Latham; thence (5) :Along land last mentioned seconds East, 575 feet, more or mark Df GardinersBay; thence in said ordinary high water, mark of or less to said existing B-1 Gene said Bil General ]Business Zone, seconds .West, 280 feet~ more or of Main Road and the point or pla South 19 degrees 58 minutes 40 less, to the ordinary high water a southwesterly direction along Gardiner's Bay, 190 feet, more fa1 Business Zone; thence along North 26 degrees 45 minutes 50 less~ to the said southerly line ce of beginning. $outhold ?o~ South Street Greenport~ New York 11944 Gentlemen~ It has be~n called to the attention of the Planning Board that the final zoning map is in error in that it does not include all of the property of ConstantinePappas a~ Orient Point '~'- in the ~B~l~Generat Business District as shown on .all of the work ~heets of the Planning Board as well a~ the Master Plan Map and as approved by the Town Board. ,~-. ~,~ Th~ Boardfeel~ that thi~ should be corrected as ~oon as possible. Sincerely yours~ John Wickham Chairman JW:tle Suffolk County Department o£ Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New york 11787 October 24, 1972 Mr. Albert W. Richmond', Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Petit~one r _~ _ . Mun. F~lei No, Amendment Dear Mr. Richmond: Please'be advised that pursuant to Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application will not be reviewed because of noncompliance .~vith requirements for notice and maps as stipulated in Informational Bulletin No, 8 of the S~fo~ Count~ Planing Commission. Please fo~ard a ~p showing the location of subject premises and include all land uses and zoning withi~ 200 feet ~ereof. ~ank you. Re s pectfully your s, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning GGN: ec IV'lAP OF IDI:P. OPERTY CONSTAI"4TINE ~ ELEANOP-L PAPPA5 O P..I ~ NW POINT · SC, al~: