HomeMy WebLinkAboutPell, Lillian Amend #94 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .......... T~J,.llJ~,D,..~.~i.]~] ............................................... requesting a change, modification and a:mer~dment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- Di,st~rict the property described in sa. id petitioG, and .¥¢H.EREAS said petition was duly referred to the P, ianning Board for its inve.~tigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed witl~ 'the Town Board, a.nd thereafter, a publ!c hearing in relation to said peti.tion having been duly held by the Town I~oard on the ....]:..2..~.h. ........ day had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is G~TED. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD DATED: September 28, 1972. ' Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk £ NOTiCF OF ~..~.END.~ENT TO . , ,.'~I !.i~q !).~I.i..'.NT Nil. 9! · XOTI'CE iS iT.~II, I':IW GIYFN, fl~al a!'ler a inddic hcc-.riiig held . pnr.~lialll-'i..B 4h~ requirements of law, thc l.::'..~i] din ~ Zot;e (::-flinance.' Hncl.dint.; F, uilding Z:me ..'dapL of Hie Tuwu of Soulhold. ~u~'¢,qlc (]otml).. %:,% was dull,' amOllded al rcglA:lr p.:e~ling of file ']'ewD Board bt:id (iii ~e~iJcJnber I'). 1979. am P, esidonlJal ;1.1d l[.l,"iclilltlrai J';Jsi'cic! lo ?'J~" BUH~!IQSS (]i.~;..hl J.llSilliT,~S) DisI:':cL thc property ~i' Lii!ian poll sil~;meo nor;hwo, sl,~rly sid-, iff (.lid Il, omi. (:reeuporl, NC:W ¥1.rk. ,u,,,~ru pur.im.fl-q:ly h:mnded d e:x.r ib','d a;-: pr,,Tscnl. "g" zoiled diSfl'J(~; iioe :-'00 !'ce; ;rom (;Id Maiu ba):~:~ ,qr[ th('. nor',h:;,'qslerly ji13~' O!' [ff(,.,'-t!l' i ~ ()i' ,~,~r, K:'ia',ihcJ? ;1!1('" ,'!J J10!',q, Kqd I J'.e Sq l? i :'i '~tJ,', S ! ( ,!'J; ii;it! l! DDIJCL[HI.. i,;Id !'U W. 2!lL'g fo::: u~ lam! o£ W. Krumh,fl;' m~d ot hers. ;i3' i)t}" J.L '.q,ll.~l .','col land of KrumNolz and othC4fs,' .thei/ce $. :41' degrees 116' E. 191.12 feet alQng land' :of Krumholz m~d others to present 'B'L district ·zone' line, running thellce' S. !' 151 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, , STATE OF N'EW YORK, ....... .S t~l~.av..t..q,..D.g.vlaa. 9 ............ being duly Sworn, says that . .1~,:... is Printer ~nd Publisher of the SUFFOLK WF-~KLY TI ~IES~ a neWSpaper published ~xt Greenport, in sold county; and t ~t the n'otic~, of which the anuexed is ~ printed copy, h~s b~en published in the suid SufJolk Weekly Times once in each week, ~r .......... q.~.e. .............. weeks - ~i~th successively commencing_ on rae ....... .- .................. O,~.~lt e~' 72 ! ........... .-;m. ;~. .... aay . JOSEPH L. TOt/VNSEND, JR. NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-9366335 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30, 19 ...... degrees 03' 00" W, 311:20 ~eet throu~hland of,.aoplican~ t_9 ~' ' 'POint or Place [O(begin~g.}Il ~" ~OTI(I:. OP .~.~II:..~IL~II(~T .~l ~ll<~l)~]l'~'J' ~0 fll ~or~. Was ~uly ~e,~c~ a~, h r~Tar, meeting O~ the SoUthOid To~ Board ~eld on September port,.~ew York, and mSg~ .~a~2 tieularI7 bounded aSd as follows: BEGINNING .at a point on the present "B" .~Sned:,diS- ?ief:.,li.he 200 fe~f f¢~m Old and othar~ .to the presenO : {T 1~'i' W. I.JlCHMOSl), L; that TP~AVELER - MA' paper printed at the notice of whic published in said man once each successively, car day of ......... ~. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK [ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys he is th~ Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND FTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- Southold, in Suffolk County; and that ~ the annexed is a.printed copy, has been Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- nencing on the ................. ~-C.~ ................ Sworn to before me this ......... .~.. ........... day of ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New R~sidi~g in S~ff01k County .J No..52-3041.000 Commission Expires March 30, 197~ / LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 94 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha~ after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of (.including the Building Zone Map Suff0!ki~ounty, New York, was dul Law, the Building Zone Ordinance, · of the Town of Southold, Ly amended at a regular meeting Sbuthold qf[ithel Town Board held · l?lii?.?~,,,t~..By, changing from "A" Re iaential ~'.i,,~ I'" ,.I ,. · ', "B" B ' ' ' ~m~s,~r~eti to uszness (lzght buszness) ,)n September 12, 1972, as follows:I and Agri~utural District, the property of Li!lian Pell, situated at northwesterly, side of Old Main Road, Greenport, New York, and mare particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the present "B" zoned district line 200 feet from Old MainlRoad on the northeasterly line of property of W. Krum~olz and others, and the southwesterly line of applicant, and running thence I i.N. 36© 13' 40' W. 291.19 feSt to land of W. Krumholz '!liland others, running thence 51© 03' 00" E. 284.71 feet 'ii. along land of Krumholz and ~thers, thence S. 41° 26' 30" E. 29~[.~i1291.12 feet along land of K~umholz and others to the present "B" district zone llne, running thence S. 51© 03' 00" W. 311.20 feat through land of applicant to point or place of beginnJ Dated: September 29, 1972 BY ng. ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BO~RD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK Legal Notice Page ~ PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 5, 1~72, AND FORWARD THREE ~3) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Copi~ mailed to the following on! September 29, 1972: The Long Island Traveler-Mat The Suffolk Weekly Times Lillian Pell Van Tuyl & Sons Albert Richmond, Town Clerk tituck Watchman STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being~duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 27th day Of October 19 7_2__, he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner.~ in a most public ;place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk county, New York, no wit:- Z~oning MaD, Section C; showing Change of zone on Pell property. Sworn to before me this 27th .day of October Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Mai'n Road, Southold, L.I.,.N.Y. ~f Albert ~.' ~chm~d, Town Clerk 19' 72 ]UD]?[-] T. gO,k. kN Notdry Public. Sfc~te of F-;e,~, 'fork No. 52 -0344963 3u[:fo]k Cc~nt,,~. ~ Commission Expires March 30/19.~'~'~ MINUTES EOUTHOLD T O~T September 12~ 1972 PRESENT: TO~J ~T~ ~i<, AI~ERT W. R~0HMOh~D 9:00 P.M. {~.D.S.To) - Lilliau Pell, Oreenport, New Tork - 2- SUPERVISOR MARTOCU~: I will now call the hearing to order. Justice Martin Surer will read the_!e~a! notice of hearing upon ~pp!ication of Lililan Po!I~ Greenporti~ New Justice Surer read the legal not!ice of he~ing (sec copy of leEal notice attached)l proof of pub&flotation in the Loug ~sland Traveter-Matt~tugk.~atchmn; and ~ ~ ~ ~om the Southo!d Town Planning Bo~d, signed by' John Wic~a~, Chai~u, dated August 2~ .~-9~2~ staging that t~ Southo!d Town P~anuing Board has reviewed the application of Lillian Poll a~d ap~r0ves of th!~ c~nge of ~*~VISOR ~TOCCH~: I have had a telephone call f~om ~o~m County Planning Boa~d indi~ing that this is a rrmtte~ fo~ 10oal determination. (Justice Surer also read letters Addressed to the Town Board and to ~he Village of Greenport from-the Southold Towu Planning Board~ signed by John Wiokha~, Chairman, requesting acknowledgment of receipt of enclosed copy of notice 0f~chauge of zone for Lilliau Poll, and informing the Village o£ G~eenport that the Town Boo. rd has set a hearing £or ~eptember~ 12~.1972.) ~UP~VISOR. ~L~HTOCCHI&: You have heard tho legal notice of affidavit attesting to its publication in the official hearing; ' ~ ~ newspaper; the recommendation Of the SSuthold~Town Planning Board, which is in support; and the recommendation by. telephone of the Suffolk County Planning Board indicating that this is a matter for local determination. Is there anyone ~resent who wi~hes to speak in f~vor of granting this appiloation?. 2,~. h~. ROD~N PELL: I am speakin~ in behalf of ~ wife, Lillian POllo ~e are asking for a change of zoine as, originally~ we bought the property with the understanding that it was all oomr~lercial. The reason ~e want this change is that the property' behind garage is useless to us. The front isl Business (cm~ercial light industry). There is no road to the ba~k of our property° The back end 'is worthless to us. No one wiould.waut to build a house there. There are no roads around it, lon the sides of it, of in back of it. It's one piece o£ property, 3~0~ x ~00~ in depth. I~ grandmother was Mary Conklin... thm~ was the old Conklin Farm where they raised race horses. They' r trotters in the world. Greenport beca horse. That piece of property has bee My great grandfathe~ Pete~ P. Pell~ w indian blood in ~V velns, and the bone one tirade owned all of this lando it w aised one of the fastest ~e famous because of that ~ iu our family' sinoe 1540. as half Indian. I have structure. The Indians at as taken away fro~a them~ i am asking now that you return t:hms property to the zone o£ Busmnes~. I do not intend to do anyt~iiug with it. I have no idea o£ building. I just want a change of izone. Someone might question ~' ~hers a hea~ing in the m~w we pulled it out of annexation, was Village Hall iu Greenport. ~v. Stanley Corwin got up and raised the question that if Greenport were t~ annex~ the law was so written that no matter what the property might be at the tlme~ if it were annexed into the Village~ it ~ould, be classed as Res~-~ dential 1. ~hen I realized that, tha~ was when we withdrew our annexation' I will rest ~ case but woulG like to have a chance for rebuttal. ~PERViSOR ~@,RT OCCHZt; granting this change? (There was no response.) Is there ,e. nyone else in Favor of SUPERVISOR ~IiR~OCCHLI: is there, nyone present who wishes to speakiu '°Oposftion to the granting of ,ni~ change for the balance off the property? lttY~ G~ORG~ ..~BBiRD, Village of Greenport: ~ would like to present a letter From the Greenport Pl. annlm~ Board. Letter addressed ~o Town of Sout~old, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, dated ~eptember 12, ..Re: Change of Zone fro~ ~A~ Residential and Agricultural to "B~ Bus~uess. llage of Greenport actively one For the following reasons: Gent lemen~ The ~lannzng Board o£ the Vi opposes bhe ~equested change of z i.) !ts close proximity to ~ wooded, sanctuary, water shed preserve a~ea o%me~ by the Village Utilities. 2.) No Enviroumeutal Impact Study has been p~esented to know the USe o£ water! supply: removal or disposal ~ ~ aestruct~ou of the of sewage and possibilit o~ the wooded a~ea. 3.) No knowledge or nature of the business planned has been dascussed to know ~net.~e~ it complies with the Town-Village Maste~ Pla~. Thank you for you~ consideration in this matter. Ger~!d C. ~ing~ Chafrms~n Village Planning Boa~d ~de par~ of this record because it is not ~tric~en from the record. i~0R it~BB~RD: I heard tonight t a telephone call but i do not bel aat the County Planning Board isve that that shontd be a Zn w~ ~tzng. That should be ROBERT T~F~P~ ~SQ~ Town Attorney: I believe the Supervisor ~.ay announce that a telephone call was r~ceived. It is i~mater!al ~ -~ ~ w~ take no action until bec~u=~ the z~z state~ that this Boa~d It recelve~ z written rspo~t~ i~0i~ P~BB~D~ i he~d ~, Ps!! ~tate that he heard ~. Corwin mak~ a statement-. i heard the sagas statement but wb~ did it take ~. Pell s~x weeks, to change his mind?~ Also, I understand that this piece of proDerty is going to be ~old for a car wash, There is a clay botto~. ~at do you pla~ to~ do with the water that co~es from this car 'wash on to a clay bottom~ ! would like thi~ explained. ~ _ ~P~RVIS~ ~,~TOCCHL{~ rs there ~n&~one else in cppositlon to the granting cf thls._.~hang$? ~. ROBERT E~ CRA~: I a~ on the~ C~ncil of ~t. Petar's D~tneran Church. Most of us feel that up further ohange~ thus creating the !~ concerned ~mth ou~ church school° i w to downzone would open ~ - aza~d of ~raff~c~ ~e are ould like to have you also hear fro~ the person in charge of our ~re-school children. That is our m~ain objection. ~$. C. &~D~ESON~. i am the head '~ ~ ' .~e~ener in tho nursery school. ~,~e are operating as a. public service o the community. is me, de up mostly of ~etirees.~. in f~ct~ we only have cum child f~om o~.r,~ own~ church. ~e are concerne~ about this change of zone. if this rezoning is granted we feel t~at the area will become much more co~ercia! than it is now. it£ it's for a car there a road past this property? ~.tr. I?ell does keep hi~ garage nicely tended. I_~ our nursery school Ibeeomes successful we would want to have more claeses so I think ~he main thing I am concerned about is precedent which might be a h~zard to the children. Keep in mind that our school is a service, i It is not for us alone~ PR. ~ILL~AM RUSCH: I am a memberl of the thatch. I would be opposgd to it for precedent sake. AlsO, why downzone sor~eth~ng j~st for the sake of downzoning, P~o WILL~ BUESCEEL: I am also a member of the parish. ~t. Peter's moved fmom a tiny b~llding ].ocatlon~ I beg your attention. have school buildings in mind. ~,fe are school as you heard. W~ think we in town to its pre~ent we great aspirations. beginning with a nursery a lovely area. ~e know very well~ of course~ that conditions ~o the w~st could be a little bit ~ore _e~ne~ but we are fortunate ~hat th~ theatre doesn't have the sa~u~ hours we hav~, ~. Poll's pr~p~y has dor~e us no dis-. service. It's well ~intained. There ~is apparently no business done thews on Sund~y but a.~car wash woMld be a different matter~ Almost sure~ It would do a good bus~n~ on Saturday and Sunday ~' ~oads would have to b~ built w~ch wo~ld not be to ou~ advantage. . to give access to these facilities. I ~on~t know whethe~ you go to St. Agues or the Episcopal C~rch o~ the Methodist Church X would stake ~ life on it that not on~ of your churches has a structure of this nature next to it~ an~, I am ~easonab~ sure that you would not want this so~t of thing n~xt to your church. ~Je have bsen zs busy' a~ our Finances permit In ~andscap~no~' ~ and intend to do much more in that direction. not speaking for or ~g inst. I underst~ Church but the garage, of course, was t~ {attituck ~'~atchman, I am iud the concern of St. Peter's ~ere whet_, the church was built a~d since the garage bui!cing was there~ conceivably, it would be used £or some time to come. Another thing~ why is the waste From. a car wash on a clay botto~ worse than it would be if this were developed as a residential a?ea? SO-pERVISO~ ~L~TOCCHIA: I believel a lot of people are assuming that this is going to be a car wash. I~R. B~SCHEL: i don.~t, ~seif, s~e how it can become a residential development until some sewage system ~ provided. We have no way o£ gorging rid o£ ours.~_ I$ has to be pu.wqoed out. SU!~ERVI~Oi~ ~R~CCH~. The hearing is open fo~ discussion. ~. FELL: First, ~v. Hubbard questioned why I changed my mind. t~? attorney advised me of what we might get z~volved in. If ~e were ·accepted into the Village i~ would be up to the Village to g~t it zoned back. At least the frlont Dart is BusineSs· again. &s far as a car wash is concerned, I h~ve no idea o£ putting a car wash there. C~r garage was the~e ~evlous to the church and i was a contributor of many hundreds o~ dollars to the church. I think I h~ve always kept the buildin~ in o~derly condition for the l~st four years. ! had it graded knd fertilized and had Doroski plow it. ~e made a beautlf~l ~awn of three and a hal~ acres out of it. I would think I was being discriminated against should be be denied the ~ight to have ;our piece, ~00 feet, zoned b~ck to co~ercial again. f~bout roads ~vlng to be built, I: know of no roads that have to be built. It would not be reasouabile to build a house there. The nursing home just north of us ~s eXPanding and they certainly are commercial. I ~h~n~ you £olks~ atl t,he church, are going to be the same position that i am. & church is certainly co~ercial~ It's the biggest business in the worldi. You would not b, able to build church schools back there if you! have a residential section the sarae as I have. i am only asking k very little, i see no reason why Z should be denied. If i w~s going to build a cai~ wash I would have told you. I am not goingI to build a car wash the. r,. MR. B~JSCHEL: in the interest cfi clarity, did I understand correctly that you want this change ofI zone for balance of depth O ' in order to sell the back part of y urI property? If it were rezoned~ you would be free to sclI it,i would ycu not? It would be your property and it would be rezoned For Business and since it is yours you could sell it. 1~. FE~ I did not say that i was going to sell it bn~ in answering~ this gentle~an~s question, Il can sell it now. t~. B.%~ISCP;EL: is it zoned now fo~ He~dential~ ~RV!SOR ~TOC~: The ~frout ~pa~t is zoned Comme~cial mhd the back pa~t is Residential. ~. ~Pell would like the back pa~t to be zoned Busluess~ i~S. AIOERSON: He said he wanted~it zoned back to Co~t~eroial. ~VIS~ ? ~ ~ ~TOCCH~, ~e made a~lot 6f changes last year although this chenge may have h~ppened prior to ~ ~ t~a~. He is trying to get one solid piece of commercial o~operty. ~0~ ~B~MD: i am sure that ~h~ ~ ~ ~ an.~exa~kon he understood that if he we~o annexed e would come in at R-1. He must have understood this if he ta~ed ~to au a* ~ev ~to_~ ~ after the going to be ~car wash there and if it's he,ring. there is ~O~ not going to be Business. why chsnge the zoning? ~VISOR ~!~TOCCH~: This is sCm, thing that any o~e~ of property can ask for. They h~ve a rig?t to be considered. ~¢~i~OR ~YJBBARD: May I ask you a very' good question? there a deal made on ~J~RVISOR I~IRToccHIA: SPeaking IfOr ~self, no. ~OR ~B~D: 'May i ~sk the Bo~rd the same q~estion? ~1! members ox~ the Bo~d inditer d that they b~d no ~owiedge of a deal. ~'~, Ai~$0N: c~nging thezo~'~ ~n this prcperty~ I?~ feeling is that as long as it is zoned R~sidsntial~ and he has n~ definite reasons For changing~ possibly he ~hould leave it as Reside rial until a later date and s~ how the ar~a does develop~ 'I thi~k it should be left as Res~.dent~ai to go w~h the property behind it. ~ny one ~ ~ ~Ji~RViSOR i~RTOCCH!A~ Does else ~ism to. speak for or aoa~nst this applleationg Has every'on had an opportunity to speak? (There was no response.) ; WJ?ERV~OR ~TOCCHIA: Th~nk you~ for coming. The Bo~d will ~minatlon at a later date° now close this hearing and -~ake a dete M,~YOR GEORGE W. HUBBARD SAMUEL KATZ WILLIAM H. LIEBLEIN MARJORIE H. TUTHJLL DAVID E. WALKER C£ERK MABEL HARRIS September !2~ 1 972 TO~.mm of Southo!d 16 South Street Greenport~ New York 11944 ...... emmden,~ial ~: Change of Zone from "A~' '~ ' * and Agricultural to "B" ~.~si~ess ~e ~a~uing Board of the Village of Greenport actively opposes the requested cha~ge of zone fox' the fol!ow!ngl reasons: 3°) !ts close pr~zxS_mdty to a wooded~] sanctuary~ ~ter shed ~.re~ re. reed by the Village Utilities, preserve *. ~ No Enviror~.ental ~pact Study has been presented to ~c*? the use o~ water supply~ re, oval or disposal of sewage and possibility of the destruction of the wooded ~okn~71edge or mature of the business planned has been dismo, ssed to k~ whether it cc~plies ~th the Tc~_- Village ~[aster Plano Th~mk you for y~r considera*~ion in tb~s ma~,ter~ Very truly ~murs~ Gerald Co King ~ Chairman Vil2~ge Planning Board Sept. !2, 1972 The Southeld Town Board Fr~m The L~zgue ef Women ~let~rs of Riverhe~d O~inspe~ti~n of this prDpertY on Eugene's Creek by members ~f th~ Lemgue of W~men Vo!ters Df Eiverhe~d ~p- ports the Le~gu~'~ contenti®n that ~ w~D~ walkwa¥ov~r mar~hland er~wetla~s is a ~und ~lt~rnative t~ bulkheads and ~a~kfill~ ~e s~lute Mr. Stasse~'s deelsien tD use this method, H~weve~ some fill has already bee~ put in place beiew the high tide mark. If this was den~ sin~e the ~etlands Or, in, nee w~$ p~.sse~--an~ it appearsl te be very fresh--we ~sk that. the fill which oevers wetlands be removed. This piece ~f prDperty i~ indicated ~n filed m~p N,. 730 ms being~eserved PletA, ~n~ was in~ended for the use of res- i~ents in the.are~ wh~ ~o not front On the wmt~ro We a~ thm~ the T~w~ ~rd clear, up :this questio~ before deciding ~n the.: Very truly y~urs, Jean H:. Tiedke, President League. Df Weme~ Voters of Hiverhead Sept. 1~, 1972 the ~ou~hol~ T~wn Board Fr~m Leagu~ of Women Voters of Biverhea~ The~sites of the ~pplications of Mr. S~uer ~nd ~r. Lusk ~n ~,~.~s C~eek ~re side by side, ~nd aftler inspection the Le~gm~ · cf ~en Voter~ ~f~lverhea~ is consi~erinE ~hem ~ eno pi~e and an excellent example of vmluable w~tlmnds~' I~ :~i~.~o.~roentlentien that viable al~ernmtives to buikheading ~ndlfll~Z~ 2re available ~nd such'~lternatives should b~ inves~ tig~te~ ?~ th~ full, st. ~.~ ....... , ...... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~n ...... ~t~ the Lemgue ~mbers that excessiv~ Th~questi6n.~. e~esion ef shorefrent property, however, is ~lw~ys Wi~h 'uS.'.'[h~:maj~r problem~ then, is to determine whether sherefron~;ef thisi!~.yp~, whioh is cf prime wetlands quality, belongs t~ the"T~w~% ~rt~ ~iv~t~ buyers. The fact tlmt cur Tew~ Trustees// high. water'~.., ....~...~' :~u.~.ests~ th~tall Such area~ re~llybel~ng te ~th~ N~ ,sk the T~wn Bomrd to ~e~y the ~pplic~ti~ns ~f ~h~. S~uer ferlbulk~e~ding and filling on~.~:~s'.. Creek. Very truly y~urs, J~an H~ Tie~ke, President League ~f ~o~en Voters of Eiverhead N.ORTH FORK ENVIRONMENTAL P.O. BOX 278 MATTITUCK, L.I., NEW YORK 11952 COUNCIL Septem~erl2~ [972 N~ Alber~Ma~teeehia, Superviser Tewm ef SeuthelA SuffeLk Oe~mty, New Yerk With refe~ee te She three applieatiems mew befere t~e SeutRel~ Te~aBea~ requestimg permiesiem te fill wetl~s~ the Ner~R Ferk Ea~re~emt~ Ce~e~ ~A like te ~iter~te it~ pesitiem, t~ t~e ~me ef wetl~s as "~ impe~ p~ysie~,' seei~, aesthetic, ~ereatie~ ~A eee~emie resi~e~$s ef ~he Te~ ef SeuthelA~ is ~Uestie~, A~ge~ ~e Aepletiem ef sue~E~ rese~ces ef f~fis~ ~ s~e~fis~ ~ ~e ~Au~ Aest~e~ie~ ef well.As ~e~ pe~emt ~A s~er Speeifiemlly~ regarAimg the applic~$iem efMr, Russell St~sse~ te fill em ReserveA Plet A,.Sectie~ 2~ M, So tL~a~, Map 1280, E~e~e Oreek~ Cu~c~e~e: We~s~ ~e e~Mr, St~se~ fer the s~es- :.tiem ef ~aei~ a~ay e~r the ~m ~'"'aeeess tea bea~, bu~ we ebjeet e~ the abe~ gre~ fill e~ ~hie wetl~s ~a, ~ im fae$, s~est that if ~he fi~ ~reaAy t~e~ was ~$ ~ ~ter t~e p~smge ef %~e We~l~s 0~i~ee, RegarAimg .the applieatieas cf Messrs. ~ehaLusk amA Ar%hur. W, Sauer~ ~fe~ permissie~ .~e ~ em~ey Avemue, Y~es Greek, ~hese a~ l~.ex~f~e~$1~as, ~A'~ge ~ha$ yeu~A members ef the T~Be~ gi~ $~e e~ oemsi~era~ie~ ~e~he ef wetl~As p~se~a~ie~ ~A the A~er~. i~iSs Aest~e~ie~ :~e~ t~eee mp~ieatiems as yeu ~ve.~e la previeus applicatie~a w~ieR t~e Bea~ ~s ~e~. Very truly yeurs DemalA Bo B~t, Direeter fe~ 'bke Nert~ Ferk E~viremmemtal 0eumeil ?' ~9V2 York 11971 .Oeam Sir: Em reference to the attached a~mo:zncenen~, of a hearing fo~~ t~o parties to obtain permission to bulkhead; m~d fill land on. James l~o a hava'%~e'- zol_Lo~:_~na-~ " ~-~ -' comments considered a8 reasons for ' ~- as~2ovmn~ it is ~sumed b;.~ the wPiter that 'hhs crop~rties in quest:ion are adjacent t'o 'the dFadged sectiox of th.ea~ras:~'- '~ ' ~ md are the ~]he a?ea ia ir, deed wet l~d--beins all m6~~"~v~'~a,~.~ ~ for the mos~ parT~ witk salt water gPa. ss gro~ing on ~. It cou~.a ' ~ ~' bee~:;, ,.on~m~ ' ~ ~'~ ...... .~d buzlc~nz ~ro'oerty_ . wizkou ..... m~.dor mm~ made - -' =-~ ~b- itel, Chag~g e's. One would assume teat the propePtiss wozff~d seoner or later have s~oodj water was not fov~lct~ bna cmn easill/ ppeo. zob ~ next ~ ~ .... ~ i-~- ~ ~ balls _ Ai~e~,~a~e.e//.~ i~ pot:able waSeP was 1,oCate~!~ woe!d ~'' no't- hale ~ s~ .... sy limited sun.21y~ Atoll~f "1i%8 s~i~ie h~i%e of ~hOLl,~,~,~ Neoess~-y 2c%Ts.~e S~2~0~18 The ~esu!t would be little or no d~ainag6, s.nm ovsri~low, or direct dmaf..~age into. the cPeek t!?on ,hg bog~ faults, with no filtration. ~L-!%~r~s ~mos~ ferve~at hope ~o.a~ ~ ~ns.lec~am lnzlu_enblal ~-~"~'-- ' (me~diess oF %faat title or msme '~s use to alsgums~ their ac-biota.) ditiou to ,existing s[i'uctm-c wi~h that hoa2'i:~gs will be ltold by less than h'equired seti0ack. Loca-.- Southoid .at tile St{pervJsor's Vv?ells Road. Pecomlc. Ne,/., York, OiTicc. 16 Sout?t S~'t.et.. Green-:; bounded ~orth by Snnon: east port, ivey.' x. ...... o.~. on 'the 12th .day. xNei!{; Re,fl sou~h by Sims; wast 6f Septead)Ol', i!)72, 'Ir* tl~b mat- · . ., ter of th~ rollo'~iug 3tpph~attons: q:i4~5 ~. /M. I!gDST). upon ap- 7:30 P. M.. upon' ~Jli'c'ation of .. ~.' ' , 3llOo.tlolll; ~f Willialn ~Vorhlc, ~ussell Alien areas ~,n ~r)r' a .De:'- '~g[ ~{s~' Road. }.¢elville. New mit., +~under- ~he r,rovi'sions, of the ~o,'k{:fo['la varmnce :n rcco:'d- Y, e~_.,na~ Ordinance of ~he .Town anco5 I~:,itlilthe Zoninp: C. rdinance, of So~(il0id for the PU,'p~e or '~ , ,i ~ )iirt[l't}c]e Iai, Section 301, lot Bec- constructing a woM. ~:va~k?~y to: 'i~i~iski~ {d: build addition to ex- the waters edge across.';~ea0ow, '[~;ist {¢g~l'~[~dct~re with insufficient on Resin'yeti Pot A~' Section '2, :~:~tae ~ar{JLocat;on or p:'oper~y: Creek, Stilhvater ,kvefl~;~,Wut-' '7 I' 7:45 P. 2~.. upon appti~g~.i~}l "~f' ,.q;h~, ~l*e. ~t-lve-. east b, O:r',.=outh Ponh; by the provisions of the ~stl':inas :['[5 8:'0(jl.P.}.~ff. fEDST}, upon ap- old lor ghe pu:'posa of c02lsN'{mt- ~ ' 2~400" 2{ah~ ~oad, East ina a bulkhead and filljllg land,'!' showll as wetlands on, names' ~ ' tl~eNewE2tateY°rk'llofaSglminaadministratrfXBrown, de-°f Creek, I~iley Avcrme. ;~ffat~itack, ~' . cgmmd, f0ria variance in accord- Now York. [- ante with ~he Zoning Ordinance, 8:00 P. ~., upon applicatkm ~ Article IrlJ Section 30t for per- of Arthur W. Saucr tot a permit' ~ mission to: divide property with under the provisions of the Vier- ~ less than' required area and lands Ordinance of the To,tn ~ frontage. Ymocation of property: of Southold for the purpose of ~ west side of Bay Avenue. East construetinw a bulkhead and , Marion, ~ew York. bounde~ lilling land shown as wetlands } north by ;Kal'as: oas[ by on James Creek, P. iley Avenue, ~ Avenue: s,outh by ~ose and Matt tu~~_Y~yk · . others; west by ~adford and All persons interested fin said others. melters shaU appear at ti~e time 8:15 P. ~'1. {EBST], ,spell and place above specified and p!icalim~ ~r Euaene McElroy, will be given an opportunigy to Topsail. ~ne, Southoid. New be heard. York, for a variance in accord-' DATED: August 8. 19q2 '" anca wii, h the Zoninff Ordinance, · BY ORDER OF THE ~M'ticie Iii. :Section ~00A. 2c, for SOUTt{OLD TO~VX BOARD perm]s"ion 'to keep a horse on ALBER, T IV. ~IGHMOND property wi~h less thgn require, d 'TOWN CLERK area. Loca.tipn of property: . IT 131 side of iSoundview Avenue, Sou[hold, ~rew ' York,, bounded .... ~iN.~NC.,~ WeSt by DOW. Pursuant to Section e65 or the fi'20 P. M. ,RDSTI. upon Toy, ri.Law anti Ardc'i,~ XV!, Sec- ~i:cu. tion ofI Rfildrcd Lhu2en:et- Sr, uthold St;ffolk Cou::C/. New it*, ,;:<:ordal~ce with the Zol~ing Work. public bt.al!iiX will be, held by the S~athold Town Bou[d in COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: .%'o'rl( F: ¢)1.' tii.:&ll.].%'(] ~,)~, I~J'-": .Il; ',~) ~l'~', ~ ~65 ,~t' ~. ~,~ i~o'"h'.'; .~.4'!v ~IL m" ~"',.~ r,,,'~P, e,. t'~.r.l'..- ;>. 5!' ({:~ ~'i~': ~-. pl'e~.Y,' ."~" .~t:..'~ ? ~oihr. 1'1¥ 01, )E[,. 01.' 'L'li{.. TO~N CLER~ C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - M^TTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at'Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice Of which the Gnnexed is a printed copy, has been published in saidI Long Island Traveler-Mottituck Watch- s ,uccessively, commencing on the .............. ~./.~ .......... to before this ..%.~ day of Sworn me ......... ~ ADELE~ PAY~IE Notary Publ)c, S~ate of New Y0r~ Resldiug in SCfolk CouM:y ~ NO. 52-3041000 Combiss[on Expires March 30, 197 · '" ' ' ' '"" "" - ' · ~'~i ',' ' "-' ': ." · . .'. "'.' '.' '. ' .. .' 2 ~. ~.:_~. '.' ...' ".-'"~. .' -.' . '~'.'.. '- :i9' . ..-.'-' ' ." .'. ' : '..'.'..' . ~..:. '. "..' · "- ' ' '. '.. '.. · · . ': i!.~ ' ' -. i - . · - ' ' "..' ": .'.' .'" : "'":'?-' "'. ~:~' ':: ' ' - '"..:"."'. ':.," ' "- ' ' - ' ";~:'i' ' ..... - 1'9~',; he af'fixed:'a notice of-which"the annexed '.'.printed notice ' " '~ ,-, ',...;-,~,..,,. '- -~ '.' '. '.'.'... ' .'~'."~..:'-. ~.'-, ~... ~' ':.,-'.', ..... ' · ...' .' : ....~ ....... .-~ . ... '.~. ,'.. . .... '..i -. ,- .... :~. ..',· · . · ' ' .· ~.~:'~,~.,~....., .... ..'.' . ' ~ · ..' .-.. ..: · .' . '..~ ~ ~., ~..'~.-. Y-/~.~. ~m · ~ · .'..'.. ..... ..'" LEGAL PursuantI to Section 265 of ~the ToWn Law and Article ~I~ I . Section 1600 of the Building Zo~e Ordinance of the To~ of $outhold~ Suffolk ~' ' ' ' ~ounty ~ New Y rk ~..,.... ~.,,..:. ....... .~.. ~..-,.~ hearing w~.ll~ be held by the South°ia Town. Board in'.the office of' the Supervl~or~ 1~5 .South Street~ Green~ . ..p.~ort.~ New ..York',~ in..said. Town on the 12'th day of Sept~ber~ 1.972~ 'on the f011owin~ proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance '{including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of So'uthold~ .Suffolk coUnt'y~, New York, 9~00 P M (E D S T )~ :by changing and Agricultural District to ~B ~ Business (light business) District~ the property of' Li!lian Pell~ situated at nort'h~ester side of Old Main Road~ Greenport~ New York~ and more particularl', bounded and described as follows: Beglnnlng~ at. a ,,:,~.~.~.::,,~.n,',,::. .... on the present ~'B~ zoned district, line 200 feet fxom Old Main Road on the northeasterly line of property of W~ Krm~holz and. others~ and the so'uthweste~ly 'line · of applicant ~ and '~-'-~"~"~?~'~ ~ '~"" ...... ~1~ - ~ . ~ ................ ,..,~',~.~:x t [e~. ce ~N, 3:60 !3 ~ 4.0~'~ W, 291- 19 feet. to /.and of W Kr~holz and n:*~,=~-~': running thence N~ 51e 03' 00~ :g~ 284~71 feet. along land of l~umholz and others.~ thence ~, 41° 26~ 30~:~ E~ 291.12 feet along land. of Kru~holz and others to the present ~'~B.~'~ district, zone line~ running. ' ~.. then.ce- ~:~, 51* 03~ 00''' W, 3i1~20 feet through land of applicant to poi'~.t or 'place of beginnit~g,, Da~ed: August 25~ 1972 BY ORDER OF THE $OUTHOI~ TOWN BOARD Legal Page ~ ' ~ Sw~ ~~w,vSw ONCE AUGUST 31, 1972~ AND FORWARD THREE ( .... ""' ...... OF P~"~Li'~~~ TO THE $OUTI{~D ~TO~ C.LE~~ ~I.N ROAD~. . ~'" ~ .. ,~: ~."J...~,. 'k.. ~ ,' ' '1 "..~ ',..".( ,': :,.3:. ::?" ~....., C.o~ies 'mailed to the ~o~ ].,,ow~n~ on Augus~ 25~ 1972 Wat~-hman The Suffolk Weekly ~'~mes s~pervisor Mar~occhia O%to W. Van Tuyl Suff~ Couni7 Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Hi§hway · Hauppauge, New York 11787 September 12, 1972 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Town of Southold 'Planning Board Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Petitioner : Lillian Pell Mun. File No. : S,C.P'D. File No.i SD-72-15 Dear Mr. Wickham: Pursuant to the reqttirements o£ SeCtions 13213 to .133Z'0£ the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application which has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County: PLanning Commission is considered tb be a matter for local determination. The decision o£ local determina- tion should not be construed as either an. approval or. ~ disapproval. .Appropriate d. b considered along the C om___~m_ents: buffering shoul ej boundaries of subject premises to .adequately protect adjoining residence district. GGN:.ec Respectfully yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning PLANNING .BOARD M E M BE'RS John= Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle Southold ToWn Planning · .... SOUTHOLD,..L.I.,, N. Y. 11971 Board ~: Southold Town Planning Board .. SDUTHOLD, L. I.', N. Y. PLANN'I NG .BOARD '~.. ' JOhn WIckham, Chairman H=nry M o,~sa Aifrod Grebe Henry RaYnor i~,.= ~ -~' ~. ~.~ .' '~. .. ', . _ '~~ . .. Southold Town Planning E~DLITHDLD~ L.. I., N. 'Y. 119'71 Board PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Meisa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyl'e August 23, 1972 Southold Town Board Town. Hall 16 South Street. Greenport, New York Re: Change of Zone Lillian Pell 11944 Gentlemen: The Southold ToWn Planning Board has reviewed the application of Lillian Pe!l and approves of this change of zone. Very.. sincerely John Wickham Chairman JW:tle cc: Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ALBERT W. RII~HMnND TOWN P- L E J~ I( REI3IEltRAR FIF VITAL STATISTIE:~ S OUTHI3LD, L. , N, Y. 119'71 TELEPH I'i N E July 26~ 1972 M~o John Wiekh&m Ch&irm&n~ Pl=nning Board Cutchogue~ New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham~ The original.petition of Lillian pell requesting a change of zone on certain property situated at northwesterly side of Old Main.Road~ Greenport~ New York, from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business Clight business) District is in the! files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold~ New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so affected with the recommendation of your Board. Town Clerk CASF. NO: f~....I .~ .......... STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD iN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMEiNT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- .ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PETITION TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, ............. bill"',':.,..:.:;...,~.i.e..:_.~a:n n ~ .................................. , residing .at ......... {~...~.t~t.,c.¢....e..v.e.,?' :-~" : '" - r..~.r..e' ~n~oz,~ ~t (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ~ ..... m~rewar~mttla~l~o~ancl~c~=attd described as follows: ~,e~i;~nip.,~~o_._. .... ~. at a no{hr",.. _,_ _.~,.n'~ %1~,~_.~ :-:~-ent~ ~,- "~"~ zol:ed d,i st-'o-i ct iiz%~.: .200 O0~ ¥~'(~ 3ti 20 i.e~s u,,~z~,u_Sz~ lane o~_ ~ 'O01L. u Of 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including 'the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a partthereof,- as follows- ~"~.:',},~ chainging ~(, to :~26" ~usine~s.~ ~light bus'~-.un~. ~ss;' .d. istz~!c%: ....... one ss~;qe as the '"'"'~ xu, O feet 3. Suet! request is made for the following reasons:~ We ~,?ish to hs;ve %he en%ii"e Zo.ie~e 6.4 S~''~' "~ _. ~,z'ico ils. o}2der! to either eml~;a.n.d +~.",e~ :: exlse.~, ,~..f_{' ,ase .or sell as STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .............................. .~..,.+.~¥:.~-:~.~...~..~.:~.~ ...................... , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- te'rs therein stated to be alleged on information .and belief, and that 'as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me ibis .....I..2... day .of T.~,n.~- 19..2.2.. ~' Notary Public. JUDITH I. BOKEN Notary Public, S'~ate of New York No. 52-0344963 Suffolk Count~,.~ Commission Expires March 30, Vi'LLA ~' OF ' GREENPO t FRANKLIN