HomeMy WebLinkAboutAhlers, George Amend #93 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town ~ th Board o. . e Town of Southold by ............... G..~.Qr.~...~.b,],~ ........................................ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone I I f n Ordinonce includinq the Bui ding Zone Maps made a part thereo by cha g- "A" Residential and AgricUltural & General f "C" Industrial ~r~i"M-l" Multiple Residence ng -rom ............................................................. District the property described in saki petition WHEREAS said petition was duly referred investigation, recommendation and report, ant and to the Planning Board for its its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a publi! hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town B~ard on the ..... ~..~..br ........ day of ......................... .~.a.~. ............... , 19...Z..2., and had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha~ petition be, and it hereby is G~-ANTED. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTh{OLD TOWN DATED: August 8, 1972. Albe-r~ W. Richmond, ~T0wn Cle~ Jue deliberation having been the relief demanded in said OA[~D tY, at i~:~ter a pi/blic her~r~g h, eld York{-~xaa duv,m~end~d at ~. tiqn o~ t~e s~uthgrkv Iid~ 6~ .... · .~. ... 't-:.,a poi~ a~.land now or form- erly ~ M~er runn~ South 78~egrees. 5~ m~nutes ~ut ~.l~.~degreeg-Aa 10 ~n~ .}East I00.~4 feet ..... ~, . ..:.... .... :...: ,... . ,,..... ; ... "..:: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } STATE OF NEW :YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is thb Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA FFITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- successively, cam nencing on the .............. ./.~..~... ............... day of ........ ~....~..~ ....... .. [-.~. Sworn to before me this ...... /...~.....' ..... day of ADELE PAYNE ss: Stuez~t C. Doz~mmn being duly Sworn, ys that.......he is Printer and Publisher o! ~he SUFFOLK 'EEKL¥ TIM1:S, a newslpapez pub%ished ~%t Greenport, in s~id zunty; and th~ the noUc~, of which the annexed is a printed )py, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times zce in each week, x~r ........... ~ ~ ............. w~ ,¢~e~siwly eommonang an the ...... ?.eX?.~.~.e.?..m. ...... %y o! A~ ;vorn to b~fere me this....~.-./.., i.. ! ' ' · ../ Clks. ~Jo. 52-9365350 ~"~/~ STATE OF ~NEW YORK: ~ SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of,Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly s%~orn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on 19 72 i he affixed a notice of wi ms a urue copy, in a proper and ~ the let day, of September ich the annexed printed notice ubstantial manner, in a most public place in York, to wit:- the Town of Sout~ Notice of Amendm~ ~mendment ~o. ~ Town Clerk Bulletin Board Main Road, Sou~ old~ Suffolk County, New ~nt to the zoning Ordinance 3 (George Ahl~rs~~ i'A ~ M~i) Po:sted~ map p~rta~nihg ~o Amendmen~ N~. 93 Town Clerk Office old, L.I.,N.Y. Sworn to before me this day of september ~lst 19 72 . LEGAL NOT ?.NOTICE OF· AMENDMENT TO TI AMENDMENT NO NOT]CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that £CE ZONING ORDINANCE 9,3 after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of 1 , the Bui!'ilding Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Map), of the TOWn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was dul amended ain, t a regular meeting ii 1972, as follows: of the S0uthold Town Board b. eld o August 8.,~ 1. By. changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District and "C" Light Industri District i~o "M-i" General Multiple Residence District, the property 0~ George· Ahlers, situated at Southold, New York d more particularly bOunded ~ , and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Railroad Avenue also known as Y~ .ngs Avenue ~imarking the inter- section of the souther line of land now or formerly of Charnews with the we terly line of said Railroad Avenue also known as Ye .ngs Avenue and from said point of beginning running nce South 8 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds East 60..70 f ~et; running thence still along the westerly side of lroad .AvenUe· So~th 13 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds E ~st 458.50 feet to. a point and land now or formerly of Maier; running thence along said last mentioned land degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds West 132.4(] fee 13 degrees 23 minutes 1 land now or formerly of of Averett to a point; to a point; running thence Sout? seconds East 100.04 feet along Maier and land now or formerly ing thence along land now or formerly of Averett the following courses.and distances: South 73 degrees 12 minutes 30 secOnds Legal Notice Page 2 West .89 03 feet to a poi 41 minutes 40 seconds 6 or formerly of Kaelin; mentioned land South 73 West 113,76 feet; runni~ formerly of Lipco Agway courses and distances: 40 seconds· West 213.27 minutes 50.seconds East degrees 21 minutes 10 point and land now or f~ running 'thence along Island Railroad South 7 West 534.10 feet to a p~ of Grattan; running the] land now or formerly of minutes 30 seconds West now. or formerly, of Witk~ last'- mentioned land now follOwing two (2) cours, degrees 08 minutes 30 s (2) North 12 degrees 29 feet to land now or for'. along Said last mention~ North 70 degrees 05 min' and North 76 degrees 22 feet to the point or pl, DATED": "~."'"August~ 9, 1972, BY. ORD} .nt; thence South 17 degrees .18 feet t°' a point and land' now unning thence along said last degrees 22 i~inutes 20 seconds , ~g thence a~ong land now or Inc. the following three (3) 1) South 74 degrees 04 minutes eet; (2) SO~iuth 5 degrees 22 389.17.fee~: and (3) South 17 , ..conds East 94.21 feet to a ~rmerly of L'ong Island Railroad; ~d now. or formerly of Long ) degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds )int and land now or formerly ~ce along said last mentioned Grattan No~th 17 degrees 43 636.24 feet to a point and land )wski; running thence along said or. formerly of Witkowski the ~s and distances (1) North ~conds East 110.80 feet and minutes 30 seconds West 537.84 ner ly of charnews; running thence land now i or formerly of Charne~ ~tes 00 seconds East 48'7.72 feet minutes.20~seconds East 567.10 ~ce of BEGINNING. ~R-,OF- T~IE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W.. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK Legal Notice Pa~.e 3 PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, AUGUST 17, AFFIDAVitS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD.i~NEW YORK Copies mailed to the following o] The Long Island Traveler-Mattitu. The. SuffOlk Weekly Times George Ahlers Van Tuyt.!& Sons Albert Richmond, Town Clerk 1972, .AND FORWARD THREE (3) SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, August 9~ 1972: ~k Watchman oouthold Town Board street Greenport, L. I.. N. Y. Gentlemen ~ As two voters of bhis t.~n we 4ecided considered opinion in regard to the r Southold by George Ahlers and Dr. Bar uld~ ' approved. ~r reasoning is June 9, 1972 to '~'i'be you our equest for rezon.~,'ag in ry Hellman. We feel it simple: ' ~'~ ~' ~,~":'-'-" ~-,..~.~. ,.......~ · I- They are long time ~eSidents who ~ke a substantial'living here a~d they are. Young and Will certainly stay' where the going is good. 'It 'would be t° their disadv~tage to put up housing detrimental to the village. 2- An 'apartment complex such' as they this area both by older citizens and necessary, and it is better to have s Southold town People than have some j done later on by speculating outsider the crime". planning is needed in the. younger .. ones. or ].ater beoause it is omething We~l done-now by erry. b~ilt ·propoSition far from the "scene of P, O..Box 384 Catcho.gue, N. Y. 1.1935 ! Yours ve~ truly, . Frm~k J. Techet Elsie ~ T e, :het ,.~out~old, ~]]. ct]. 11971 Supervisor Albert ~artooohia Town Hall Greenport, N.Y. I19[~ Dear Sir, Unfortunately I was out of of the haa'ring on the proposed to be built on Young Avenue by ~. Ahlsrs. As a resi4en't and June 2, 1972 town at the time apartment complex Or. Hellman and tax pay~r I wish to express an opinion. I mu ag for the following reasons: ~inst the ~roposal ~dy taxed to tho .~.mber of people tho swi~ming-pool harm and be- l~]hy must $outhold lose Surburb come ia ? Our water supoty is a!re limit, th. is is a large to add to the burden suggested. 2) ~g~y a d~s~osat vlant so !) 3.~0 fami!ios in this so much congestion in our center of town, both mo' and parking wise. ~lose to other homes'? s~ce will cause ~lready overcrowded ~ing traffic wise .]Please give the mattc~r mu~h serious thought. Thank you, Sincerely, BOX 1188, CUTCHOGUEI N.Y. 11955 516-754-50~7 Hay 25, 1972 ~r, Albert Martocchia Supervisor Southold To~m 101 Front Street Greenport, New York 119~4 Dear Nr. Martocchia~ I am dropping you a note in support of the erection Iof the com- plex proposed by the Nanpat Corp. owned by Dr. Barry Hellman and Nm, George ~lers. ~_~ou for yo~ t~e, Yo~rs t~l~, ~'; R~rm 5 (,,..u t h o t ~ e e t Oreenport, Now 'York Ge .n t I e me n: .q?be}:e seems,}, to bo a bit of ecmerovere}y over the proposed George Abl=.r~, In my opin on, there are n'o groum, dc. for s ~,.~ e h oppos i t i on ~ SouthoJ..d bas a tremendous need for an apartment this natu~.~e. War too many of our Senior Ci. ti. ze~s to ].cave the area because they no l. onger car~ private residence amd there are not enough avail, able for them to rent. ¢~ . q al~ty of the Commons are concerned I am confident that Or, ~ellman and Mr~ Ablers 'would not be ~:.:emmuni. ty~,~aTfter all they live here too,~ Mn, S, i.~.JOHN ~l ~ 0 ' K~E'FE Southold, N.Y. 11971 THEODORE T~I~G Private Rowa Southold~ N.Y. Lay 17, ]-972 Gentleraen: This leo,Jet is being wrio~.en in support of I~. Ahlers' request forl a change in zoning on ?Us Yo~gs Avenue property. ~hen I! first read about his reouest, in the newspaoers, I was very-~uch opposed to it. I was concerned that there would be inBdequate water available in Southold to support multiple dw~elling usage and I was concerned also that more apartment houses would destroy the _~al nature of $outhold, WlqlOn ! ~reasu~e, Recur!y, I had s~_ opportunity to discuss with 3~. Ah!ers these aonce~ns~ as well as his o'~n views. ~. Ah!ers convinced m~ that relatively small quantities of water actusll/ would be lost since~ most of what is taken o-~t of the gro~d ~s put back in the f~ of waste. Unques~ionabiy~ constructing apartments is ~other step toward urbanizi~g Southoid. This is t~owever, as long as ~outkold's fa~ers see fit to sell their property ~_d as long as there is no real demand for this property by~other farmers~ which I presume is the case~ I see no way $o stop the trend. This I ~feel is particularly true in the case of the Yo%~gs Avenue property. It is located in a co~ereial neighborhood near the railroad tracks, and ~fort~ately, its use c~ot be put to any better purpose. Southoid is not the s~me r~al certify it was ten years ago when I first became a resident. It will not be the same ten years from now. Although none of us would like ~o see this ~change take place, it is inevitable. The best we can nope ~o_ ms tn=~t one right alternatives are selected, in each case, $,s it occurs. I believe ~. ~lers' proposal is one of the better ones. cc G. AhlerJ 51.6-765-3770 Esfablished lglB "~' DAVID A. ROTHMAN, Prop. ROBERT H. ROTHMAN, Genl. Mgr. General Elecfrlc Meior Appliances Tebvislon ~ Radios Stereo H. F. Kitchenaid~ Dishwashers Royal Porta~bfe Typewriters Samso'nike Luggage Simmons Beau'fy Re~' B~dldlng Englander Bedding Armstrx)ng Flooring Furniture Daysfrom Bkfst Sets A. G. Spaulding Afb. Goo'ds Fishing Tackle Diving & Water Sports equipf. C~uns ~ Ammunition Perfection Sp~ce Heeters Columbia Bicycles ROTHNIAN'S DE:FARTME:NT STORE: 52200 I~AIN -~ 51:]UTHOI_[:). L. I., N Southold Town Bo~d South:St. G~eenpo~t, New York Dear Si~s: · Y. llg?l May 16, 1972 May I take t~i~ moment to w~ite requesting a favg?able~deci~ in t~e matter o£ the . /~ ._~~--~ ~ realzze that there a~e objections '~~proJect. ME feeling th~ugh~ is that they represen~ th? ~estre to mazntazn the status quo whzch zs/futile. Southold will grow and the best th to intelligently con growth. This I beli done through zoning location, planning, i~p~ation appea out. Frankly there .is really nothing worthwhile in the are~ as housing for newly weds and this would help fill this need. / At any rate, m~y I u~ge you to find favorably for this project,w~It will be an asset to Southold in evez-y . . You~~y, Bob Ro tlc_man ~t cau be expected is t~ol a~d ~eg~late its ~ve is competiently be~ug ~nd master Dlans. The ~ntended a~chitectu~e ~nd ~ to me to be well thought North ork oil heat westphalia road.. Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York Gentlemen: ,.., , 5[6 298-8219 516 298-4764 mattituck, n.y. ,,952 May 16, 1972 It has come to the attention of this oifice that there is opposition to the proposed apartments in Sc mthold To~n, and more specifically in the Village of Southold. In constant contact with new people i~the area and frequently called upon to aid in locati~g permau~t o~ temporary residence, we feel there is mere than due need for un ts of this t~pe. Yours very truly/ ~ North Fork Oil Rat IPECIALISTS Aufoma{-ic Oil Deliveries or Degree Day Sysfem · Plumbing & Hea~'ing IN SERVICE Insfallafions, Replacemen%s arid Repairs · Burner Service o,n Gall or Gonfra¢'~ FOR THE HOME Burner and IBoiler Gleenil, g · Well Driving · Yard Irrigation In reference to tile p~ opos=,~ ~ t~ink they %~ou. id be b,)nifi'~ to t]ie conlmunity and D nald ~ang~n Greenport~ i'~"ev; Yoz'i-::.~ !.1944. ~0 ~j rezorzing o~ ~:'ze 23 acres ~: Semibold flor an apa~tz~ent complex req-~ested ,-xr ~ On -~.~ b~om~' ~ of our experieKce ~i% '~ou!d sm:~e~ ~ha% s~:oh Southb!¢ Toy:re. As a member arrived ill x_~ ~r:~ oomDle% ' ~ ~ -~ ~vher_ new employees have .~r a shot% stractui~es that would be a credi% bo: fha toy,re. increase our ts}: bas~ considerably and ~souid no% sia~ifios%e!y increas,s our school l~:e do apDrecia%e %kat some residents would ]_~[e Soe%ho!d ~- ~, ,~ -r- h .... ~ .... chan6e ~)ld iorogz3ess Sin~ere!y yo~rs, 195 Oakv;ood .rJl~ve $outhold, 11971. N~. Albert Nartochia Town Board Supervisor Greenport, N.Y. llghh Dear Mr o Martocbia: It is very disappointing t ! learn that the requesE for rezoning by the N~$~-PA~ CORPORATION is being met with so much opposition~ There are many older peopl~ throughout Southold who will be unable te keep their homes much longer~ due to lack of help and rising taxes° Colonial Village is constantly filled and has a long waiting list. Therefore, something similar is sorel~ needed. Accoring to the plan, the ~ntire layout would enhauce this section of Southo~d a~d certainly not be detrimental° I earnestly hope that all of 'this ~ll be %mken into consideratio~ in granting permission to develop "Southcld Commons°" Drive Souohold, New York ~outdold Town ~oard Sout~ o .... ~reenport ~ New York ~'3e nt I em en: ~e proposed apartment house on Youngs need f~r rental for many retired couples, but would also ease ~he tax burden on other members of iOommun±ty. '/e.~? )ru!.jf you_rs, MRS. EASTEAST 11939 Albert ~rtochi~ ~ov~ Beard Supervisor Greenport, ~. T. 1194~ Dear ~. Nartochia: "f~'hy is the rea£~est for rezoning by,I the Nan-Pat Corporation being opposed? A~ you must know, Colonial Villag~ is filled people who nc longer could keep their home~o As time goes or~, there will be many ~ore Who will want decent living quarters because the taxes,' will force them to sell their homes. Consequently, ,l'there is a need for Southold ' Co~armons~~ Their plan ce~'t~.nly wo~d be an attraction to Southold. i , construction? Why not grant permission for Sincerely yours, 220 ~itten's .ff ane ,So.t~l,t, 31e~ Cqo~k ~z~ St illwat er z~venue Cutchogue~ New York !%~[ay 123 1972 Southo?d Town Board South -)Street Greenp~ New York Gent tenon: in vie~: of the fact that there is a tremendous nee~ for spartmen~s in the Town of Sou-hhold~ i would like ~o see the zoning f~an-=~t ~ealty for t}le Southoid This project seems to me to be well planned~ and an asset Very truly yours., ~OUTI~iOi]D TO$~N BOARD May 9, 1972 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: ~UPERVISOR ALBERT i~L~RTOCCHIA JUSTICE ~I~RT~ SD'TER XJST ICE LOUIS ' COUNCiIb~N J&i~S F. tiOI~LgN COUECi:~,~.N Jk2¢qES H. RICH, JR. TO~ CLERil, ALBERT W. RICHMO~YD ~outhold Town Board -2- May 9, 1972 _~artocch~a opened the hearing on Proposals to ~upervis or w~' -~ Amend Z. oning Ordinance by changing from ~A" Residential and Agricultural District and "C~ Light Industrial District to ~M-1~ General Multiple Residence Distz zct, the property of George Ahlers and Barry Hellman. Because of the large number of people attending the hearing the Supervisor requested a recess in order to reconvene at 8:30 P.M. at the gymu~sium of Greenport ~chool~ 8:20 P.M. Supervisor Martocchia reconvened the hearing on application of George Ahlers. Councilman Homan read the legal notice of hearing and the proof of publication in the official newspaper, The Long Island Traveler~k~attituck Watchman. Councilman Homart also read the recommendation of the ~outhold Town Planning Board dated March 25, 1972, as follows: ~This is to advise that the following resolution was passed on March 21, 1972 in the matter of petition of George Ahlers relativs to matter of change of zone from '~A~ Residenti~.l and Agricultural District and ~G~ Light industrial D~strzco to ~M-1~ General i~iultiple ResidenCe District on certain property situated at ~outhold, New ]fork. The Southold Town Planning Board recommends favorably to the Town Board the change from ~A~ and ~C-1~ to ~M-1~ on the above desci-~ibed property: The property ad~olns existing industrial property. It is isolated from single family residence development. The property is accessible to the village~ There is public water suoply and sewag$ t~eatment plant is included in the project. The project meets the requirements of the Zonzno Ordinance, and there is a need For more apartments Southold Town Board -3- May 9, 1972 apartments in the vicinity of Southoid Village.~ (Signed) John Wickham, Chairman. f~VJPERViSOR ~F~RTOCCHIA: You have heard the legal notice of he~ing, the proof of publication in the official newspaper, the description of the property and the recommendation of the Southold To~ Planning Board which is favorable to this proposed project, if you wish to speak, and are recognized by the Chairman, please stand and identi£y yourself so that the stenoErapher can record your name. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of granting this change? J. Mc~I~ULTY~ ESQ., Riverhead: ! represent the Corporation of Dr. Barry Hellman and wife and lr~. George Ahlers and wife. There are no other officers or stockholders. I will defer to Dr. Hellman and i~. &hlers so that they can explain the project in detail and show their exhibits. later, i will be glad to answer. DR. BAiQRYH~LLi~N, Southold: ~ d If the coati has any questions First, i would like to give you a brief history of the project. It sva~ed about a year and a half ago when George Ahlers purchased the property. He was struck by the area as being suitable for the purpose we propose. I would like to discuss our projected goals. Zt wil~ be in the context of town houses in the area designated and wiZ1 be kept under control of the corporation ~~_~.~.~2Le~_~e can't proje~ct past that period of time. We are looking for a long term gain, not short term. We are not planning to resell. We do not intend to use public funding or Federal funding. ~ou~no_d Town Board -4- May 9, 1972 ~Ye felt that there was a def' ~n.-.~e need for this project. One of my reasons is that I see a number of senior-citizens who Can'~t maintain homes and need mult~- ~ ~p~e dwellir~ ,amirs. Even though some are not in condition to drive cars or ~o their own shopping, they are forced to drive to g~t into to~ and that dangerous to themselves and to others. ~lso~ there is the need of newly-weds, some are teachers and some work on Plum island, and they Would like a place to rent for a year or two. However, the p~oject is essentially for senior- citizens. ~fe feel that this is a pe~feot site. The property within walking distance of town. (Mr. Ahlers will show yom aerial views). It will be convenient for senior-citizens who can not use a car and also for the one-car family when the husband the ca~. It ts adjacent to the railroad tracks and to .&gway~ part of which is already zoned Light Industry. We hope to form a buffer between industry and residential hoh~sing. The people · nvolv~m in the immediate area are few as opoosed to more densely populated areas. We intend to build a class project of town houses. It will be aimed at middle class and will come in the $200 to $300 ~o~ range generally. ~e have no ~.~nt~nt~on of letting things get out of our hands as you may have seen in R~er~_eam or so~e other areas. This will be~eo' ~ up as a olass project and it is aimed mainly for senior-citizens who need housing at this particular time. l.~e have heard from a number ~at~ fifties to the ~ ~ ~' pe ~ ~ op~ in theirTM~ oeven~y-~zve year age group The actual details will be gone into by ~L~. Ahlers. ~ou.~noia Town Board ~ - ~ Cutchog~e~ I~.~0RGE AHLERS~ May 9~ 1972 Before you tner~ is a model and a schematic drawing of what we propose to build, What we have here are ideas in terms of b~ilding apartment ~n~as that look like town ho~ses. We don~t want what you have seen in Riverhead that look llkeo~-~ied~ army barracks. ~fe w~l! prob~a~-~ve bz, i~ sn~ng_.e~ clapboard, that will make it look like a town house project, Because Barry and I want to retain owneronzp for a long length of time we are interested in building quality units. Each will be constructed so that maintenance will be at a .minim~.m. '~e ~n,~ena to stay in the area ourselves so we are concerned with what we put mp~ don~t want to put up and get out as fast as we can. ~ might bring it to your attention that there have h. een four other projects proposed to the Planning Board and none of them have reached the official stages we have arri~ at. Soon~ or late~~ ~outhold ~' ~ ~ w~ end up with au apartment house project. Because we are local, and because we feel a responsibility te the communlty~ we want to put something up tlaat 'we can be proud, of. There is no intention, amd ! don~t think it would be feasible~ to put welfare people into this project. Our rent str,~cture is such that it will ru~. from $200 to $300 for rental of each unit. [Mr. Ahlers pointed out the location of the project, the &gway building~ the Somthold Savings Bank.) k~e are within ~00 feet of Main Road and fully one third of our property is currently zoned commercial° The cros. shatch area (referring to map) is currently zoned for commereial purposes. Our property is abutted on the wester_~, side by existin~ business ~outhoid Town Board -6- May 9, 1972 property, on the easterly side by C-! zoned &gway plant. To our immediate north is residential property~ part of o.ar property is zoned for residential and agricultural. The railroad tracks are on the south side~ If you will look at the zoning map for Eouthold Tovrn you will find that there are only two small parcels zoned for MUltiple Dwelling in Southold Town~ One is Victoria Co~tages in: the Bayview section, and the second is a small p~ece at Cedar Beach. There are only two multiple dwelling areas iu the hamlet :of Southold. ~fe feel that with commercial zoning on one side and heavy business on another, it is logical ti%at this this property would serve as a buffer. I think it is also logical~ in z~o!!owing this argument, that homes are not going to be built (at least .quality homes) on one acre lots so, couseq~ently, i~ this land is developed into residential construction the homes will be small and they probably will contain a considerable number of school children. When we considered the actual construction and design of this project we went to ~ew York City and asked Roll Miller to do it. He won au FI)R competition which happened to .have a $10,000 prize. We considered many, 'many designs. The first one that was suggested was a straight e~try into Youngs &venue. This was the cheapest way of doing it but we felt that this was not what we wanted. wanted something that would look nice~ that would be pleasant to o~r tenant, s, and to the Town. We also oousi~dered coming into the middle oua circular road. N'e ~ejected that as we did not want people put in the position of having to cross roads.. We elected to do it the imost expensive waN-, to put the road around the outside; and Southold Town Board -7- May 9, !972 we also elected to keep the area as an open area. in Colonial days this was a central square which was called the ~'~C0mmons~. Wefelt this was appropriate, in this project we wili have a swimming pool and a Club House. We also intend to have tennis courts, shuffleboard courts, etc. When we laid out the design it appeared that the, most logical place to put the sewage treatment pl~._t~ was in the southerly section of the parcel that abuts Agway and the railroad tracks so we figured this was the best way of handling the problem. ~,s indicated on omr model~ it is als'o our intention to put plantings in. Our intention has always been to be a good ~eigbEoor to the people surrounding us. We sent letters to 28 people who adjoin the property. W~ had a meeting with them last Tuesday night when we explained our project. I can:t say definitely that they are ~r~ us tonight but i think we did ~,z~y~'~'~ their q~,estions and call. ed their fears as to what we plan to i will give you a brief rundown on the apartment units: We will build t~ee basic types'; studio apartments which comprise ~0~ of the total units (there will be l~ of these mnits)~ thel~e will be 108 one bedroom apartments [the reason we are going to have so many one bedroom apartlueuts is that we feel we are aiming for senior-citizens and newly marrieds); and we will also hays 30 two bedroom apartments. This would give us a total population of 331 people. There will be 153 apartment units broken down into eleven buildings with approximately 14 units per building. I would like to give you a quiqk comparison as to what would happen if it stayed residential. 'We have Just under 23 acres. ~outhoid Town Board -8- May 9~ 1972 The square footage is 994,997 sq. ft. ~.fe feel that if it was to remain in one acre zo~_mng you would have 20 new homes that comld be put into this area. You would have a projected population of 100 people as against 331 in apartment buildings. The figures are based on American Society of Planning 0fficials~] The number of school age 'children that we could possibly handle in our project would be l~ as against a total of 4~0 children in one family homes. ~:~ith tn~ project the valuation will be .$3~000,000 as against abomt $800,000 for single family homes. The assessed valuation will be $70,0,000 on ~altiple as against $184,000 on single family homes. The~e would be $86,000 in taxes as against $24,000 for single famiily homes. ~e will have $4~,000 'in school taxes as against $12,000 for ' ~ s~no~e family homes. The cost for education womld come !to about $4,~00 as against $±2~000 for students in one family homes° Basically, what we are trying to say is that this project will produce $;4~,000 in school taxes~ and with $4, the Town or the school would have a cost of education at ~00, surplus of .$[!_0,~00 if this goes through. We will not cost the Town any money. All roads will remain ~ ~ family in the hands of the corporation. %~Yhereas, again, _~ one homes are put in here the roads ~ dedicated and the Town has to take over w~aintenance of the roads. Article 12~ Section 1202 of the Zoning Ordinancs deals with population density allowed under M-1 Zoning. The Article says if you do not have sewage and water facilities you can build one unit per 9,000 sq. ft. of total area. If you have sewage and water you can build one unit for every 6,500 sq. ft. Southold Town Board -9- May 9, 1972 if you divide what we have in acreage you will come out with 1~3 units so that was how we arrived ~t the number we could put On the ecole~y impact of this: c~rtainly if one family homes are built on the project you would be Iputting iu cesspools and cesspools depend on sand to purify th~ water. We have proposed to put in a sewage treatment plant. ~he design ~st be approved ,..t ate 'by the 2uffolk County Environmental ~uzrol and the i~ew York ~ ~r~viron~.ental Control. Equipment mus~ be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health and 2uffoik County Environmental Control. The plant is completely odorless and noiseless. ~ie plan to screen it from the project au~ from adjoining property. All of the solid wastes are removed f~of,1 the property and taken to the Town dump. 0n water: I can safely say thatll any water that goes back in the ground' will be 100% pot~.ble soI there would be less danger from what we are pla~ning to do. YouI could drink the water. This unit is also monitored daily. ~Jll the records that go along with this plant must be turned over ~o the County. There is no chance of the plant going awry. We ~lould also have city water available in front of the building. IThere wo~ld ~ee no drop in wate~ pressure. I think this is a good project.I ~e went before the Pls~uning Board amd we got approval because we I intend to follow all the rules and regulations and we intend ~o live by these laws and rules. ~e want to be proud of this ~ro~ect and hope that the Town Board will grant us our request~ Southoid Town Board -lC- ~UPERVISOR iv~TOCCHi&: is there wishes' to Speak in favor o£ granting t i~. PHA!~Ifi k. STRA~SER, Yo.~ngs r~ght across the street. I approve. i~. ~ERTS P. EDSON~ Southold: for lo. I think vhe economic impact greatly appreciated. Mr. ~hler~s work all over town, even h~s of~zce.. I~. ROB~.T CON~GSBY, Southo!d: au older couple who can no longer take want to stay in Southold. If there is have to leave. Z think at our age it to go away. i think we have a great with Colonial Village b~.t it takes two there, i think many others would be !~. ~E}~ETH 1~:. YOUNG, Southo]_d: 'k very definite sense, i would lz_._e to I~q. GE~qGE AH~RS~ I wo~!d just Dr. Hellman~s and my intention to star number of units. We only intend to However, we have t° project the total will probably put roads in first and t only as we rent them so we will not be hurry to rent these units. Oar market' there is a large market for this ~oype buildings up one by one. May 9, 1972 nyone else present who .is change? e., Southold: i live i think there is a necessity Southoid village would be is of'very fine quality e a~_~e in that category of care of a house. We no place to rent we would s a terrible thing to have ed. There is nothing wrong or three years to get in favor. think the idea makes ee it go. .ike to add that it is the project with a minimum ld as the need arises. roject to the Board. We ~en put the buildings mp faced with being in a big ~ng study tells us that ~£ housiug~ We will put ~outhold Town Board SUPERVISOR P~RTOCCHi~: system? -11-. May 9~ 1972 What aboht the size of the sewage I~R. ~i!~RS: The plant would hav~ to be out up immediately. it takes a certain amount of sewage t~ make a plant work. a housing project the first ~0 apartmen s ~re on cesspools. As soon as you reach ~0 you must put yom~ treatment plant up. We will put the plant up but can not make the Ilplant work with a limited amount of sewage. ~hat Z am saying i~ that the County ~ictates what we must do. The plant has to go lup from the beginninE but we can not make it work unless we hav~ a certain flow. ~Mr. &hlers was asked what would Ihappen if there were never more than ~0 units) i~. A~f!~RS: The plant will cost ~pproximately $i40~000 so i think it is obvious that we will ~ . ~ve more units To have $140~000 sitting there doesn't make sense. S~.UPERVISO~q i~TOCCHIA: Is there ~nyone else who wishes to s.oeak, in favor o.~ g~ant~no this chan~e~ I~S. ?ZA~Y ~RTh~UR: Z think there is a need. i think that elderly people womld rather that everyShing be on one floor. l~o SBLLERS: The way the project ~s designed we would have three or four steps up or down. Some are o~u grade level in the front and ~n the rear. The number of people we would have would be dictated by the Health Department. All of this is dictated by the Health Department, we Have no say at all. l~. F. k~o LEPORZN, Jr., Greenport:l i am in favor. Z am not a resident of Southold village. SU~R¥1SOR ir~RTOCCHI~: Is there a¼yone present who wishes to speak against the granting of this change of zone? Southold Town Board -12- May 9, 1972 }~R. W. D. i~EI~, Youngs Avenue, ~outhold: I would like to challenge the man who spoke about 500 Ifeet to the Main Road. Was he figuring from the farthest sou~h, or the entrance, because he said it would be easy for 'elderly ~eople to walk across the railroad track and there are four hom~s and the bank before they hit the Main Street. Also~ how many ~ears will it take to fill so the sewage plant will work. in th, to cesspools, i live on Youngs Avenu~ to the Main Street. (.I~[r. Ahlers pointed out the loca' ~,~. A~LERS: Actually it is less and perhaps it is another 500 feet to meantime we will be subject and I know how far it is ion on ~he drawing). than 500 feet to this point, this point. To answer your other questiou~ our marketing study i~dicates to us that these apartments w~!l be 'rented in a very s~ort period of tim~. I~. WE~L~S: What young people ha e $200 or ~300 to pay for reut~ ~. ~YLER$: My nephew is gettin~ married in another month and they have just rented au apartmenlt and are paying $19~ per month. One is working and the other one is going to school. I do wish we could build these for~ss mo~ey. ~. DAV~ R. LU~!N, Pine Neck ~d., 8outhold~ 'W~nat about parking for visitors in the area? have one parking space for every apaz for every employee (possibly a ~ss~.de Iu between ~aoh building is a parkiu lot. There are four~.e~ zoning ordinance~ W~ must tment unit plus one space nt manager and a handy man). parking spots for each building. A!lo, if you will look along the peripheral road, there are cut-outs ~o that we can handle out of · ~outhold Town Board May 9, 1972 W~o will do the plo It is our respon~zo I have seen this ha years they leave you with a big heada on education are wrong. i~R. ~?!L~.FS: The apartment units one family houses will produce $12~00( ~ing? ility to keep the roads clear, ppeu in the west. in a few ~he. I think your figures will produce Sk.~,O00 while ~. Based on these figures this would give you a net oost of $30 per student. $12,000 a year to educate forty child~ that would be for school taxes based think we could ~uzld $40~000 homes in ~. LU~IN: I worked in the wes~ Hauppage. It did make a big 8ifferenc You can come up with figures~ and I ca figures. You are bound to inorease ts welfare will pay $200 a month to put it would cost .eh. This is just the amount ,n $40,000 homes and I don~t this area. an~ I saw it ~estroy e in the school population. n come up with other xes plus the fact that eople i~ apartments. I~. gHLERS: We only have 20% of the total number of units in two bedroo~ apartments~ there are ~niy 30 of them. Our figures indicate 15 children= ~. ALLE~ WOLPERT~ Consultant: ese figures were comp~_e~ by my office and have been used by Pla followed the scope of Southo!d Commons to make this a plus factor to the comm apartments and a majority of one bedrs three bedroom apartments. If you have not going to encourage more than two p ~ning Boards before. %fb~n we our ~ecof~zendation, in order nnity, was to include studio om apartments. We eliminated studio apartments you are ~ople. A one bedroom Southold Town Board -14- apartment will accomodate two people. standards controlled by your buiidin~ bedroom apartments you can anticipat~ children but the children will, in mc age children. This does not mean voic of children but the ages of the not be a drain on the com~.nity~ May 9, 1972 You have occupancy codes~ in your two that you might have some st instances, not be school t it will be completely children will certainly I~L~. LU}UDIN: i am opposed. We h~ve a Master Plan. I feel the Master Plan should be adhered to we open the Pandora's Box how will we We are not specu!a You are opening the Once you open from the west? We tried in Hauppage. problems from now on. ~s much as possible. Once refuse other speculators tots. door° You can not stop it. that door you will have DR. ~LLI~N: There is a large project going into Greenport.. It has already been opened up. The courts have said that you can not limit your area to any particular will stand behind you if you do provi for people who need it. They san the You can legitimately keep these thing i~o LUhVDl~: Let's develop the a type of housing. They de some legitimate housing a say that you have enough. from growing. ~ea that we have allocated. SU PEP_VISOR I~T CC CHiA: ~ / think tour to the Board. We mo not answer quest~onso ~w~. CH&RLES HO~ES, Southold: can't afford to pay $200 or $~00 ~ mc have another Forest Hills. remarks can be directed We are here to listen. am a senior-citizen and I ~th. Z am afraid you will ~outho!d Town Board -15- I May 9, 1972 ~ ~M MN - a~ o '. ~ LA/~KELL. For ouv five ears ~he Planning Board has been taikimg to us about keeping o~r a~ea in a ~urat sense and they have designated some for commercial and some for homes and upzoned to one acre, which affected many of us inclmding myself but~ ~ felt i would live with it because it was the best thing for Southoid. if this project is approved ~ will be the first one to go before the Board and a build this ~ -e ~yp of development. The would be more of a benefit to ~outhold We don~t have any industry and very li pply for variances to ndustrial portio~ of land than two of these projects. ttle industrial land. When it does come it will provide job~, plus the fact that it will not add school children. There s cue question that comes into my mind: sewage gives off residu~ GreenDort dumped residue on a piece o~ project will dump it in the dump in C~ pollution now, and the Town has never · don~t want to refute the builder or think it would be in our best interes~ ~'r~. D~NIEL J. CPIA~RI,?E~W'S, Youngs A~ Pie!!man and l~m. Ahiers bought this pr~ residential. We have business proper~ why they went to residential and agr Yennecott have pride in their homes. put into Federal or State welfare if i object, I want it to stay resident neighbors who are opposed to it, most think private ownership is much bette: that must be disposed of. land in Southold. This .tchogue where we have enough done anything about it. Dr. Hellman but i don~t' S. 'e., 5outhold: When Dr. .perry it was zoned y in Town and I don~t know ultural. Places like The Town probably would be project like 'this fails. 1. i have a lot of ly on Youngs Avenue. I ?o Southold Town Board -16- May 9, 1972 street. I feel there would be too mu~h traffic coming to Youngs Avenue. I also feel the schoo~ would be overcrowded. Z believe it should remain as resident. houses could be built. Yennecott has was farm land. F[4S. PAT AVERETTE, Youngs Ave., they think this is an undesirable loca ~. RUSSELL ~. I~LLGREN, JR.~ You object to the traffic that would be er. ia! property. Nice eautiful homes and that Southold: I don~t know why tion for homes. ngs Ave. zendered. It will take about 20 years for the trees to grow apart~,~ent houses. Most of us on Youn~ we don~t know how this wa±_ pollute th I imagine there is a Federal deal that cost housing. i~'~, C. W,~D GREGORY, Hortons Lan~ project is rauch too large for the ares put that msmy people on 22~ acres is believe the people of Southold want a back door. The traffic will only coml~ we have now in the business section oi apartments but i feel this is overpow~ and would influence the environment o~ meeting that we attended at the Gener~ there would be? an exit on Horton:s La~ the 12 foot right-of-way at the weste~ of-way can legally be used by people acres. There£ore~ we could seek an i' to the b_eight of the s Avenue have wells and e water table. If it fails will guarantee fo~ low ~ $outhold: I feel this it is occupying. To ondensing it. I don~t disposal plant at their licate the traffic problems town. i am not against ring for the neighborhood the whole territory. At the i ~ayne Inn it was stated that ~e. They would have to utilize ~n end of this plot. The right- .iving on that six and one-half ~junetion to terminate the use ~outho!d Town Board May 9, 1972 of the right-of-way altogether. This my land, the full length of it~ and privacy on ~g lob and would depreciat~ ][ wanted to sell it so i am against pre sented tonight. ~-~. &NN& M. HORTON~ Horton~s La~ because i am worried about water and Why not keep it private like it's alw I~. P&UL STOUTENBYRGH, Cutchogue: to the amount of water that your unit of our vital resources, if we should we would be overburdened. ~&q. ~ELERS: i will find out a~o~ would be used. Z am sure you know th~ proponent of what you are saying and Board he thought it was a good idea. ~.Q. STOUTEh~Bb~RGH: If i could be would be the only one my statement The water supply is limited on the ~. GREGORY,: Can they take a 12 it into a public street? l~Lq. ~PILEttS: It's not a public s: the project do ~ot become p~blic stre~ Tuesday this is not imperative to the feel we had it available and would secondary access. right-of-way paraile is would deprive me of any the value of my home if ~e project as it is being ~e, Southold: i a~ against ewage, it ~s much too big. ~ys been. Have you made a study as would use? This is cue have four of five more of things ~t the amount of water that ~t John Wickha~ is a fore~ost zs Chairman of the Planning assured that this project !d not carry much weight. .and. foot right-of-way and make ;reet~ All the roads on ~ts. As ! told you last project as such. !~fe did it as egress. It is a Boutho!d Town Board_ ~ -i8- ,~;~a-~_., ~ 9, 1972 F~k~. GREGO~3~: You understand ~ha~ the right-of-way is only for six and a half acres. ~*~. AHI~R~: As I said, if the T~wn or the Planning Board docs not feel it is necessary there is no should use that but we thought it DR. C~iUS H. ROBOHM, 2outhold: ~I~ckham I would like to ask a questio~ $outhold gymnasium I was told that th~ .mperative reason why we _d relieve traffic congestion. [n the absence of John . I remember that at the Planning Board was proud to create one acre zoning, i don~t k~ow why thc Planning Board has subsequently seen fit to enlarge ~he population ocr acre. if it:s permitted once it will happen again. ~hq. JA2~S E. GgLI~GHER, Youngs A' on Youngs Avenue my entire life and i i~. JO~ CH~NEWS, Southold: I (A suggestion was made fro~ the made to have everyone sign his or her are for or against the granting of th ~jPERVISOR i~RTOC'CH~: Everyone speak, i~ you have submitted corresp into the record. ELLEN ~I~IN: Opposed. DAV~ LU~$IN: Opposed. BA~ ~ON~D: Opposed. ~. ~N TiEDR~, League of Wom~ that M-1 was a residential area. R~%ERT TASA~R, ESQ.: i think y( between single family residence and l~!tipls residences are permitted in re., Southold; i have lived want it kept residential. ~ant it kept residential. loot that a motion be name as to whether they is petition). has am opportunity to ondence that will be read n Voters: ~y impression was u arc making a distinction ~tti-family residence. ~outhold Town Board IvRRS. STE?Ii~j~_TE CtiARNEWS: There acre and I live right next door to it. tvlq. J~.C SAFFER~ Cutchogue: i hav. gentlemen. I am sure they mean well. ~iay 9, 1972 too many people per no brief with these It seems to be a fine project. However, after our years of travail anN suffering we created a Zoning Ordinance and we decided we woulld go slow in developing the land. i think we should stick ver~ closely to what we have p~t down. It might be suitable for otlher areas. You can not deny people residence because they ha~e a child. ~ believe at this particular time that it would be Iwrong to accept this project. ~. Mm~. Ah!ers abomt cesspools. t would like to ask ~UPERVISOR i~.TOCC~!I&: ! think ~hat has been covered. l~ GAliGHER: The Zoning Board claims that a p_zw~te home can not put a cesspool in so man~~ feet from a well and ac many feet £rom the house and a certai~ distance from the next door have been in the plumbing 'cusiuess for a lone time. neighbor. ! ! 'I~ve been drilling wells in Peconic, ~ast Marion and Greenport. What's going to become of water when Iwe have cesspools next to us? You are going to dump 300 people dow~ in on~. unit right there and we will hays to suffer for it. DR. DOROTIYZ ROBOHM, Southold: ~Ihen you put up multiple dwellings you do not have metered wa.~er. This means a great deal ~ ~ t~.e drain. ?eo~le~ who more water is u~e~ and more is goingldown pay ~or their water ars more careful~ w~O '~ Southold~: How many buildings will Southo!d Town Board -20- May 9~ 1972 go up at the start? t~. Ah-LERS: I would expect that~ assuming we got our zoning, we would start with two buildings. T~is would deoend on the number of people~ we sign ~p immediately, if yon are talking units, we would have about 28 apartments. ~. JOHNSON: How would you project your construction beyond that~ than two years time. Councilman Rich read into the re signers of the tl<~vee petitions, as fc Joseph Cain, Cutchogue ~lbert Austin, Cutchogue Curtis Herren, Cmtchogue Frank l~cBrill, Cutchogue Thomas Shalvey, Cutchogue l~s. V. Buyden, Peconic Edward Berkoski, Mattituck i~s. Albert Gowski, Cutchogue Frank Long, Mattitnck Barbara Leonard, Southo!d !~[arion Gmndei, i~Iattituck Lillian Bauer~ Peconic Anna Horton~ gouthold Marion Midgley, Cutchogue john I~iurphy~ Peconic Carol TSr_.~y, Peconic Mary Miskie, Mattituck Marilyn 8chroeder, Southo!d ¥irginia Eickenny, Cutchogue Anna M. Hort0n~ Southold Cynthia Co H. Campbell, Southold George E. Kipp, Southold George B. Jurge~s, Southold Ann R. Donahue, Southold ~.[artin Leonard~ Southold John Charnews, Sonthold John Charuews~ Jr., ~outhold ~ ~. Terry, Southold Margery W'. Terry, ~outhold John I~!ou~gom~ry, Southold mld be completed in less cord the names of the i!ows: Opposed ~outhold Town Board May 9, 1972 OPP 0SED Belle D~ Montgomery, Bouthold Nick Puvich~ S. outhold' Paul Fabljanlch, Southold Margaret Fabijanich, ~outhold Peter Spiciarich~ Southold Margaret 2piciarich$ ~outhold Edgar W. Douglas, SoUthold Rose E~ Douglas~ Eouthold Flore~ce .DeHaan, Eouthold Rudolph J~ DeHaan, ~outhold ~Dan~sl Charmews, DanieI P. Grattan~ ~outhold Mar~ E. Gr.attam, Somthold Ange la Ras.o ~ ~ ~outhold Jo~seph F~ Haso, ~outhold E~ion G~ 2ie~son, Eouthold .Ru~s~sl~ Ma~lgren~ Jr., $omthold .LoUise Mal~gren, Somtheld ~lvah B. G~ld~mith, Southold .William ~a~mou~ Southold .ChaDles E. Grattau~ Soethold J'~$phine G. Turne~ Southold .0&2~herine R. Grattau, Southold *E~.lsie Wolff, ~om~no!d N~talie B. Coleman, ~outhold ~Pht.r~a &, Averette ~ gouthold ~MZry C~.saok, $outhold Ma~:gs~, t - D ow~ Sou t ho ld ~ol~nda ~.. G~a~$an, Somthold .J~:seph $atkoski, Southold * Youngs Avenue For the record: In favor- Opposed- C. Ward Gregory~ ~outhoid Norma Gregory, Southold joseph F~agosic~. $outhold Margaret Magosic~ S."outhoid Ambrose N. Terp, Southold Cabharine Terp~ $outhold Mary J. Van Zandt~ ~outhold Penelope G~attan~ ~o. William Zukar, Somthold Monica Grigouis, 2omthol~ Mary Grlgomis~ So~thold .Lydia S. ~ilson~ So~thold .Donald T. ] %~ilsoD~ . Southold Thomas Morris~ S~ou. thold ~i~rk Charne.~'s, ~outh'oid Alfred C. Fatkowski, ~o. Lester Lit:tle, 8outhold *Agues Sabkoski~ Southold *&l~ert SaZmon~ Southold Dwight M.~.~ea~ ~t, Southoid *John Terp, S0mthold *D~vld O. A~erette, Southold Barney~Oat~s~ Pec~nic *James E.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~alla~e~., Southold *Montoa G. Gallagher~ ~W. ~. Wells~ Somthold *~stelle A. We~ls, SoutholS~ Joseph E. Perro~ Southold Leon~ M. Perro~ *Stephanle Charnews, So. Letters were received ~om the following people: ~ir. Burr G. Lewis, t¥i~in Road, Somthold I~. James P. tfmowles~ Peconic, ~. Y~ Elsie Hu~mel Wolff, o~ngs Ave., ~ou~ho!d Cora G. ~toll~ Sound~iew Ave.f Southo!d Theodore A. Stoll, S~undview .~ve., Southold Daniel, ~tephanie~ JOhn C~a~nsws, Youngs Ave., So. Jaraes & Monic~ Gallagher~ Youngs Ave., So. l,L~s. Thomas E~ckenny~ Cutchogue Martin J. ~onard, 59uthold i~s. Anna M. Horton,~Horton~s Lane, Southold helen G. Cochran, Main Street, ~.outhold Hazel B. Mack~ Main a~iew Rd~ Southo!d ~outhold Town Board -22- May 9, 1972 (Conrad) - Letters were received {rom the following people: Opposed: Lester Little, Paradise~Point, 2outho!d ~ Catherine R. Grattan~ Y~ungs gvenue~ %omtmold ~ ~ .g~ ~outhold Charles ~. G~at~an, Yout~ Avenue, ~g. D. Wells, Youngs Eugene K. Dully, Donald S. &'Lydia Wilsol C. Ward Gregory, llSO H L'. Myers~ ~outho!d ~gene H. Duffy for ~ue~ Southo!d ,~orest Hills, E~ Y~" ~, E'outhold ~rtom~s Lane, Southold Alice Grattan Dully / SUP~ERVISOR ~,~.~RTOCCHL~: Does anyoWe wish to speak in rebuttal? °u i~t. J. i~ct~ULTY: ! wish to point t to you that in most these zoning applications we are deali~]g with change. Everyone would ilke the status quo. In Riverhead there were two aoartmeut complexes which were built. One was b~.ilt by local busi~$ssmen and zs next to the hospital. It was bp. ilt slowly and graaually and kept expanding, ttts a fineproje~t ana~ ~,~ ~ well used well liked by the community. Across f~om the ~.. & P. there was au apartment complex that was built by, someone who came in, built it, got his money and left town.~ Frown Laurel to Orient Point there is a need fo~ rental units. We ars iua unique area where we have seasonal rentals. There are very few year round rentals available. The Board will ultimately hav~ to approve an apartment complex in the town~ the~e is a need for it, and the Board must determine whether this project should be approved. You have a local doctor and a local businessman who a~e willing to back this project, and i think you ha~'e sufficient safeguards. IU addition, the Board can impose certain conditions. The project will contain a sewage treatme~t plant which is approved by the Health Department. There se~m~ to be some opposition to the sewage olaut but It will be right,next to the fertilizer plant of A~ay so-i dontt think there cam be any serious opposition. The hamlet of Southold is ideally sitt They are trying to preserve the colon~ always opposition to everything that it's healthy. We welcome questions a~ everything into conside~,ation. If th~ it must protect the com~nity by impo~ think of the fact that we do have cue 'increased amount of space that a pers~ a house, it is very difficult for yo~ .ated for an apartment complex. .al atmosphere. There is .s dons and it's good and ~d hope the Board will take Board has any questions ing conditions but-we must acre zoning. There is an ,u ~ust purchase to build ,rig couples, t~ey must rent s o~ep !a c e. town and i urge that this Board favor We. should have some apart~.~ents for our people in this ~'~- consider this petition. l~s. Jean Tiedke read statement· as follows: League of Women Voters, ~outhotd Town Board -23- May 9, 1972 Re: Hearing on the Nan-Pat Development &lthough the League of Women Voters had no o~fz~ia!~ 'a position on this proposed development, we would li~e to make some We congratulate the designers on getting away from the grid plan and offering a more open pSan. We belSeve that several criteria set up by town planners a~e being followed|i~ this proposal: It is near a community center. It is a logical location for a rental development designed to serve a wide rSnge of age groups, it will probably not pres.out an i~ossible dra~n on our water supply. The sewage treatment plant seems to beladequate. It will presumably not put a se.yore strain, on our schoolst However~ we do have some question4. First~ It is a rare young couple indeed who could a~c~ such rents. Likewise, it would be out of r~ach of many retired couples of moderate 'income. Oecond. The density, at approximately 7 units per acre, seems unduly high. Planning authorities replort that a moderate return on investment is possible with 4~- unitls per acre. Perhaps a compromise could be reached. Third: Is a swimming pool necessary? IWill this be a segregated area, closed to other townspeople? H~w .much water will it use? Fourth: The reduction in agricu!turaI land in t~is instance seems reasonable. But what authority exist~ that can say .no to future inroads on agricultural lands for dev~loomsnt ourpos~-~? Each application seems to be considered as|an-isola~ed ease,-without reference to others that will surely ~ome~ Land use is a practical as well as a Dhilosophlcal question: water supply, schools ~ highways and byways,|~etlands, farming land as well as other criteria must all be considered when developmeat plans are offered. Who is considerin~ what is the best over-all use of our various types of lauds in Serms of the present and future population of the entire Town?I We certainly do not have all the answers. But since it is in~$viduals who make up this Town's population, we believe that th$ir best interests w~st bs considered. (~igned) ~s. Ken6eth Tiedke, President League og ~Jo~-aen Voters of Riverhead I~45. JE~I~ T_.vE'D~: ! believe tha$ the courts are sayiu~ that every co~arauuity ~aust provzme a variety o~ housing. Is ~t ooss~ble for the Town Board to say '~look; we h~ve enough apartment ~ouses. We don:t want any more? Ro. oE.~ TAS.~f{~ mS~.. ~es, Z won d say so. This question would have to be decided by the Town ~o=_~v- which is the policy making Town Board - 24- Board. In the first instance, they mai there was litigation the courts would reasonable zoning of the Town of ~outh reasonably. i~. L~J~iN: I believe this will New York -~tate building code. I belie May 9~ 1972 the d~czslons. Assuming ~ave to pass on the ~id. They have to act ~ave to adhere to the re it supercedes local law. ROBERT T~tfER~ State law~ to which municipalities haw to that, Southold has a housing code for all types of housing. fire walls, etc. laws. ROBERT T~5~R~ ESQ.: MiSS V~GiI'~iA MOORE: There is a r~uitipie residence law, to comply. In addition ~ich sets minimum soaud~rds I believe there are This all comes under That is cor~ I think worked up a very attractive plan. Z t} Brecknock Hall because this is right w: rip everything apart by setting up anol It is apparently a good way of putting least amount of space, i 'would like t it becomes when you have this kind of land where water s~pply is so limited. protecting the water supply, decreased we have to feed more people than an~n~he for the population density? Holzmacher recommendations sai8 that we can't sup~ per acre. ertafn stipulations as to New York State residence ,eot. Ahlers and Dr. Hellman have ~ink it is better than ,thin the village and won't iher village somewhere else. housing up to take up the know whose responsibility ensity thrust on a £ragiie Who is responsible for amount of land left where re else. Who is responsible , McLendon & Murrei in tkei-~.~ crt more than cue family ~outhold Town Board -2~- ~ l~ay 9, 1972 i~S. gRT~tIR~. I think everyone woiuld be happier if it were cut down in half as far as the number o£ people are conce~ued~ ~JPERVZSOR ~'~TOCCHI~: Are there auy other questions? (There was no response.) ~UPER¥~SOR i~igP~TOCCHI&: Thank yo~ for coming out this evenip~. The Board will adjourn at this time aud make a determination at a later date. Yo~g~ A~¢~ · /' So.t4old, N. Y. ~. ~. 9 71 }.~y 9th. 1972 / Hon. Albert Y~rtocchia, SupervisOr Town of Southold, L. !. Southold Town Board, To~.m HeZ1, Greenport Dear Sir: Be advised that, as s tax-~lyer~ I am opposed to the granting of a cha~ ge in tho Code: rat~_ug to Code: '~, for the area. under discus'sion at this meeting. The so called, Southoli Commons Project, of approx. 22 acres; Bounded on the east by Youngs~ Ave., Hort$~u' s Lanes on the west. and p~ivate properties on north and south, should not~ be allowed. Our present zoning - ~. for private dwelling~ c~alls for one acre per property,t / If this'. Realty Housing promotion should be gr~uted~ they propose to build h~using for apDromima~e- ly 150 zanilies ~lthin these 22 ~cres. Normally and with special dispensation, can o~ly sup~o~'~ 40 families, on ½ acre lots. The overload on prese] will result -~u a down-gradinE of Again I r~peat, I am ~% streets and road~r~ys the entire' area. ,pD~sed to the suggested zoniz~ change, to accommodate th%s project. FRANK W. ABRAMS MAy 9, 1972 Mr. Albert Martocchia Supervisor Town of Southol~ Greenport, N.Y. Dear Mr. Martocchia: The local newspapers desc~ .be a type of modern apartment project ~hich is pro- posed for building on the wqst side of Youngs Avenue, Southold. / / This project is, more or l~ss, an experi- mental development and I am writing to you as a Town official to propose that because of its experimental~ature it be limited to one third, or at 1.~ast not more than one half of its propose¢ size to enable the community to determine what class of people such a proj¢ Should it Iai] in its initial e~' proposed space would doubt riced to a less desirable community deserves. 0~ tl if successful, it can be exp size of the initial design. FWA:mh ct would attract. ~timates the Less be sacri- ment that] the te other hand, reded to the lcerely yours, ~ Jf ,'.,; / ank W. Abrams Young j s Avenue Southold, New York May 9, 1972 Gemt lemen: I wish to ask you to withhold your approval of the plan~.%ed apartment project on Youngs Avenue in Southold. As a senior citizen, the increased traffic in the area would be very detrimental if not dangerous to my person. I am also afraid of the increased (and unavoidable) pollution engendered by such a large population center. I have always enjoyed the rural aspect of $outhold for the past 82 years (having lived on this street all of my life) and am fearful that the increased tax expens~ caused by such a project would financially endanger my preserving my home as I live on a very small pension. As a vo~er whom you represent, I hope you defeat this project. Sincerely, ~ ~ Elsie Hummel Wolf~ To: The Sout.._old Town Board From: The League of ¥Jomen Voters cf Riverhead re: Hearing, Hay 9, 1972 on the Nan-Pat Development Although the League of Y'omen Vdsrs Rae no official position on this proposed development, we would like to m~ke some eo~ments. Ye con.gratulate the desirers cn gettingaw~y from t~e grid plan and offering a more open clan. ~e believe that several criteria set up by tokyo olanners are bein~~ followed in this propos~%.~' It is near a community Center. It is a i~ical location zor a~velopment de- signed to ~e~e ~. wide range of ~ge groups. It will probably not present an'impossible drain on our wmter supply. The sex~ge treat- ment plan seems %o be adequate, it ~ll presumably ~ot put a '~~razn on our sc~~. ~ However~ ~e do have some questions. First: It is a rare young ~ouple indeed w~o could afford such rents. Likewise~ it would be out of reach of many retired, coupUes of moderate income. Second:~ Th~ density~ at approximately 7 ~nite per acre, seems unduly hmgh. ~- autno_m~ze~ report tt~ a moderate return on investment is possible with ~ units per acre. Perhaps s compromise could be reached. Third: Is a s~dmming pool necessary? Will this be a s~gregated area, close~ to other townspeople? how much w~ter will it use? FoUrth: The reduction i~ agricultural land in this instance seems reasonable. But what authority exists that can say no to future inroads on ag~.icultural lands for develooment purposes? Each appli- cation seems to be considered as an isolated case, v~thout reference to others that -¢i ll surely come. Land use is a practical as well as a phi!oso~hical ouestion: water supply, sohools~ higkways and byways, ~ettands~ f~rming land ~ ss well as other criteria must al! be considered whe~ development plans are offered. 5~he is considering what is the best over-all use.of our varicu~ t~es of lands i~ terms of the present and future population of the entire To%~? ~e certainly do not have all the answers. But since it is i~div~duats ~vho make up this Tovou's popu- lation, ~ we believe that their best ioterests must be considered. [rs. Kenneth Tisdke President Leag~ae cf ~omen Vo~ers of Riverbead Box 1103 $outhold, I~.Y. 11971 HO'N° ALBERT MARTOCC~XA Supervisor of the Town of Southold~ an4 ~([,mmbers of the Soutbold Town Board. %¢e~ the neighboring property ovmers, and residents of tb.e Town of ~outhoid~ d,efinite!y object to the deveioome~t or down-zoning of the twenvy-two (22) acre parcel of lan~ situate on the, westerly side of Youngs kvenue~ in the Village and Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York, from A and C zoning to ~. zoning. Further~ that we firmly believe that it will not be to the beou interest of the Co~munity~ or the He4r~let of the Village of ~outho.[d. ?~Z~E 2 - ~T2TIO$~ (Con%inmed) (Con~znued) NAM~ STREET VILLAGE (Contznu~d) VZLLAG___~E HOI~. ALB~T- ~ .... TOCCHI_~ Sz~.,vervisor~ of t__e'o Town of Southo!d~ and Hembers of .the South6!d Town Board: We, the neighboring property owne.$?~ and residents of the Town of Southold~ definitelF- object to the develop~ent or down-zoning of the twenty-two (,~2) acre parcel of land situate on the westerly side of Youngs Avenue~ in the Village and Towm of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, from A and C zoning to H. zoning. Further~ that we firmi-y believe that it will not be to the best interest of the Co,re,unity, or the Hs~Nlet of the Village of Southold~ . ~ 1 9 56 5~ 3 2(i; 37 54 4 21 38 55 5 2 2 Db' :, '-~ 5 2 ~ z~O .;:.i;-':: 57 ~ 26 43 60 1 0 27 ¥4 61 1 1 28 a,5 52 1 3 ._. 30 .._~ z~-7 .......... I Z,. 31 16 33 ~ 50 ........ 67 ~_~. 3 .... ac, .. ).~7_7. ...... .,4 5 .-~ 22 .... 39 ..... 56 7 .... 24~.z,'-! ......... 58 0 ,.~ ........ 25 42 59 10 ...... 27 .... 44 ..... .¢ 6t 17 Mr. Albert Martocchia 9upervisor~ Southo!d Town Dear M~. Martocchia~ We are writing w~ith reference to the recent request for rezoning of ~e Southold property owned by~r~ ~ C~or~e Ahiers a~d~. Dr. ~arr~ ~He_±man,~ ~ ~ae Nassau-Suffolk Comprehensive Development Pla~ ~hasi~e$ the fact/tha~ as our area ~evelops in accessibility it will Erow and along ~th Ero%~h will come the need for good housing, both apartments a~d homes~ The plan put forward st tbe public hearing provides both attractive apartment homes snd open land for recreabiono We believe that there is a necessity for this type of housing now~ and the fact that the o~mers live in the Town of Southold is in- surs~ce ~hat the apartments w~!l be well built and well maintained. ifs objeo~ to the ona~e of zoning o~ v,~ ......... A,ve~ue o~: whion George Ahtez'~ fail ~ .... ~ ......... :' ..... To'~6~ of Sou'thold os, ssed zor~i~ o:~ly ....... ...... Lie 'the b,, ~"~ County Center RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK Telephone 727-4700 - Ext. 241 . A. JOHN WILLIS Personnel Officer Soundvlew Avenue Southold, New York May 9, 1972 Zoning Board Town oE Southold Southold, New York Gent lemen: We wish to make a point of our objection to the planned apartment project on Young's Avenue in Southotd. We feel that a 300 person complex would have a very bad effect on the local water table. The sewage and cesspool loading from such an area would also affect the water purity. Any monetary gain Co the town tax-wise wOUld be more than off- set by the additional services required from the town from such a group of people. Finally,most people who come to the east-end because of larger zoned plots, and for the beauty of our rural area as it now exists, have no wish to be adjacent to a comparatively dense population area in the middle of this town. We request that you, as our governing representatives withhold your approval of this project. Ver~ truly~ yours~ Cora G. Stoll Theodore A. Stoll SOUTHOL_ D _COMMONS Pro err Descri tion On one side of the property are railroad tracks. An Agway Supply Store abuts the ~)r'operty along Railroad Avenue, f portion of the parcel is in a 'O~ district and surrounding the proper~ty along Route 25 and Route 27A are 'B~ districts. Our- request is for- the I:~oar-d to consider' an extension of the adjacent IE31 distr`ict zoning to include this property, The Plan Southold Commons is a Planned Rental Apartment Community pr`oposed to contain 153 r`ental units. No. of Units ~artment Es_ tjmated Renta~l 15 Studio 10% $~,00 108 1 ~--b edroom ?0% 250 3,...~.0 2,-b edr'oom 20% 300 153 Anticip_at~e. d O¢~ No, of ._Uni~,_s ?~A~L ~ of Residents ,~ntioipated # of _School aged childr'en 15 Studio 19 108 l~bedr`oom 237 (2o20} 3._.~0 2-bedroom ?,$ 153 331 1.5 All figures ape based upon studies of the AmeC-ican Society of Planning Officials (School Enrollment by Housing Style). A_ Co?.parative Ana.lys_i__s _Ap aP.tments Total number of units Ro ads _1. Family_ Pr-ojected Population Number' of School Aged Children Recr¢atinn Ar'e~ ::'T'OL,~I I_:.,.tir'...-:ie,cl Value 'l'oh.I [,;xc::, N~,i C~.-i ~i ~t'.uc~ding ~tudent ~,!~ool 'i',jx ~url.'~...I.~ 153 2,0 None To accommodate o~e acr'e homes 331 i00 15 /40 Yes None Yes None 000 ~, 000+ $800,000 ?00~,000+ 184,000 86,000+- 2,3~0004- 45,000± 12,0004. 4,500± 12,3000± 40~500± 0 " Il ;- ~.-,,~<'...lc(.' Lhat the value of the rental apar-tment commumity~ ~..-;(),,;'".¢)N' Cc,,: ,.:)r;.,., will be oven $3 million (.153 units x appr-oximately .~i;20~000 "~,r' :j:'~il). If a conventional pr-oject of one family homes con,-, .i.,t~,"iCi ¢~t 20 ~h'li,-; ,-~t $40~000 a unit wer'e built, this would pr-educe an $500.000 v,'~.,.,c, Therefor-e~ based upon the 2,3% equalization r-ate in II.;c ,~t'c,,., J',;c ,';...,....c:.'..'sed value of the apar-tment complex would be more ,h~:.'l .~?00~000 ~v.'-i~c, that of the one family homes would be $184~000. T()\v'.'l, ..c.:'lu()l:, cuu;'~ty and special distr'ict tax r'ate is $12,.39 per' $100 ol :...~._:o.~,..',e<i v,.d.lli[i~n or $86~730 fop the apartment community vs. $~3~()00 ;of ~'-~ o,~c family homes. Of this amount, the apar'tment uni[s ~\.¢~,d<': i~r'~}(:~,(,'.c $45~000 in school taxes while the one family homes would i')."o(I,I(:(:. $12 ,(JO0. A ..... ~,,.'.';~l!.! ;[ :,()~;I ."l;i ~2,00 per year' to educate a student for which the ~,'~i~: .~r'o\,id..'., .'.bout ?5% aid~ this would mean the r'e would be a net o,'.-i ,;i' ¢300 ~)~:,' -.ludent..for-:~e_ducafional costs., If .the ~tr;ober' o~ school i:<.1~: ~:hil(!r'~,r~ :l d',~ one family homesds 40~ it would cost about $12,,000 ~.'. ycnn Io (,c:','¢;,:,~-., ,hem. That is just the amount of school taxes pro~ ,, i(,,:;(J ',0¥ Lh~., '.:;~c[:".'ff.~ieo ii )\%'~-'x.,t.:.:"j ih4: ,-~;)¢ir'~ments would pr'oduce $45~000 in school taxes while c~) ;tioj c.~. ne'; ..'.'~;',',o~.~rlt of $4,500 to educate the 15 students living in the ,:;~,',",,-',n[w~ Iv'av"nL! a sur-plus of $40~500 in school taxes° .cf C> C.'.-.~ .>~..~_.~..~---...-~-' d_.~-~.'-~'~.:¢_'_.>-¢/~'~'~' ' ME I HSV O : ~t".:,'~ ,/' HAZEL B. MAP. K ; ~:~'~- ,~'~' MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD i'~ ~]~ ~' SOUTHOLD LOND ISLAND ~'~ /~ ~ ~ ,; , ,,. ~ HAZEL 8. MACK ~OUN~L~O~ AT LAW ~OUTHOLD ~ONG N~W ~ ~ '.-'~. Yovangs Avenue, Southoid, If.Y. 11971 ~my 8, 1972. Hon. Albert ~'lartocchia~ Supervisor of tb.e Town of' Souohola~ Greenport, New York, 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia: We wish to e~_pre~s our a__~p.~.s~i~t~.p~.~to the use of the Zract of 22 acres of land sit~_~ate o~ the westerly side of Youngs Avenue, Southold~ for any other purpose bhan i-bs ..~resen2 zoning, or zoned residential. As fam'~ilies with children are to be allo}~ed to red, u, the schools will be over~crowde.d and. will n.scessitate .build. i~ag larger schools and at the taxpayers expense° Further, there is a large, parcel of vacs~nt land directly across the stree~ f~om our proper~.y on Youngs Avenue. If the 22 acre -oarcei in question for' change of zoning at the present tlr~e is granted "M"' zoning, and if the owners of this t~-act of land ac.~oss fro~ our property :should make application to have their ~roDer-~y rezoned to ~. i~ surel-j~ would mean tn t they would ~e an'titled to '%[" zoning as %-~e!l as the property now owned by George Ahlers and Dr. Barry Hell~.~a~. We strenuously object to .the above-~entioned Droperbv owned by George Ahlers and Dr. Barry Heilman being~zoned Respectfully, DONALD S. WILSON P. O. BOX 71, SOUTNOLD ! 1/" .? - ::5 b Cu ' · J TURNER I. r ~w~' ~o~g di~afis' ~ - ~. I$~ LWERMORE, CafiL, April ~ Pinale, El CerH[o and l-- Frus~..,.ated suburbanites,:fax ",ail votcd ag,.~in~/: zoning ISqueezed by riuffs of home~ehan~e.~ I. ha~ wo[O~'bave J?x'Sl~Pments ~md ange~d bv,erea~ed no)W-,.~-' .... ~eem~m~ public service~, ha~,b'~.~ ~.',." .' .,~.,,.. ~eus~gv. ~u, · '.. ., 'Z .' ' .u~ff ~,,,.,a. otg~ - r . . ~];~*~ ,,ma..3h~ mat w I hmJr ,.' la,OvO m I,o.cl~ to nuy --l,m.r:Icr budding uutil facilkies,roles of open space refx~c in Scrve.new popuff~l.i~.. 'woad, with ~ poi~t,l[Uon ',/~ay. It faces cou~ challen-es~p~ ~u~5 mw [~t would haveJ t~lfrom a r~l estate develon~;s'[~;"~[~,me town s populationJ :~-~:'~ c,, ,2~...~ .,, ,., ~'~JO3'~r~a%oo for th.,.,: ,-~ y'ilim~ ..... ~ ~,,~,4.~ea by the rand ~-[ 'i'b¢ init ~*~ .... COtl~tttlCrlrn , I: s'bdi i~-,.'~ ?[?ampafgn that a.!:~o ~aw [[b,,12?J;~''', -,,coramg t.o ~arsnus !t Count ] of two candldat~,~ whXh ~-Lad supported the initiative ~lT'6.o candidates who ~-]it were deteat~ ' Oiaddefi poptflatioa. : ~ Conditions ~e Defined [: :~is s,hut.~f ~ come ~Y'of t~ ~n~fions e~s~: ia 1. Double sessions in public . schools. ~. Failure of sewage troatmoat P'ph~ m meet regio~ai ' qu,mty standard. ] ~. gal.inni~g of ~vater au~nliesl., to cx~st~ng papulatk t .'" On the day that Li~'ermore[ Y~t~ apPro~ ~e. restrictive[ m~tmtive, adjacent :Pleasan~nu] ~uiopted one just like it, and[ California also voted in AlBert Mar ~occhia, Southold Town Supervisor reenpo_h~ };~Y. 11g44 1180 Horton~s Lane~ Southoid~ N.Y. 11971 Dear I~r. ~a~?tocchia: With refe?ence to the penditng request by Mr~ George Ahlers and Dr. Barry Hellman to r,szone their Southo!d property on Youngs A'~ena~e to ~. General ~.~ultiple ~esi~lence District, I wish.' to express r~:y opposition to grant such a request by the Southoid Town ~o~'d'2 ~ It is not tlae fact that i a~s opposed to n~ultip!e dwelling but to the plans to p]~ace 153 apart~_ents on this iocaziono With all bh.e land we ha-~e in Southold.~ I don~t belie~:e it is necessary to condense approximately 400 people on 22_-1/2 acres of !mad. -i further believe this project would p~edorai~aate the surro~m~di~g environz?_ent and unfavorably influence the proper-ty values of ex- isting residences ~ It is r-~y opinion that this large development would ~make Yoz~nEs Avenue totally inadequate i,c handle its traffic in and out of the grozuads~ This additional hea~y traf~?ic will just add to the ~any pa~king probler~s now existing in the $outhold business district, particularly ~ the Post G-f£iee area° The plans for this development indicates an exi.t', street to Hort, on~s Lane~ To acco~plish this it wou~ld be necessary to use an e~:isting 12 foot r_ight-o_f--way_. Tlsis right-of-way legally cam~. be used only by the peo~'ie who will reside on the 6-1/2 acres to which the right-of-way is deeded to. Any o~hertraffic on this right-of-way will be in violation to its use and an inju~ction could ter~:inate its use all together~ .To ha~e a sewage disposal plant operating at the back door of the Village is not the ~ost desirable condition° This most certainly devaimat~tb.e adjac~ent p~operties~ · I an~ ~ost certain that a more' desirable plan could be devised to provide additional housing in the ~a of Southold and in ~ie~ sf the above reasons~ I again wish t~'~t~a~ that ! a~u opposed to grsmting a ~ zoning to the property in qt~estion, Southold,N.¥.l1971 May 8, 1972 Hon. Albert Martocchia Supervisor of the Town of Southold, Oreenport,New York~ 11944 Dear Mr, Martoechia: The following is a list of objections to the proposed change of zoning and construction on property owned by £~orge Ahlers and Dr.Barry Hellmsn on West side of Yo~ugs &ye, Southold,N.Y. Southold has inadequate facilities to satisfy the needs of so many added residents. This will cause too great a concentration of people on such a relatively small piece of land. Buildings in a large n~mber and people will destroy the natural beauty of the area. Perhaps sewerage and traffic problems will also be created. Overcrowding of local school may result since no restriction can be placed ~on the number of children in each ~uito Pinally, as I ov~ a home and property on Youngs Ave. and ~n interest in property on Horton's Lane adjacent to the site oi' the propesea const~uctmon ± objec~ ieelmn~ that the ~ '~' ' ' ~ " vazue o~ r~hese prop.e~tzes w~_ll deprecmate. Respectfully, Ca therine R. Gratts~m, Youngs Average ~ SouLhold~ New York~ 11971 l~ay 8th~ 1972o Hon. Albert ~[artoc~hia~ Su.per~Tisor of the Town of $outhold~ Greenpor~ New York~ 11944 Dear }~lr~ }[artocchia: Please be advised that as a property owner on Youngs Avenue~ 8outhold, across t~he street fror~ the planned pro~ec~.. ! must render an objection ~o it~ In my esbim~tion the crowding of seven (7) family u~its per acre is ~.noa!!ed for in the Village of Soufhold~ and it could well. lead to a serious ~raffic problem~ It would seem to me that this project is not for the ~ood of the oo~unity. Re s pe ctf~liy ~ Charles E o GrattaN. ROAD, SOUTIIOLD, N. Y. 11971 Phone (516) 765-3416 I~LEMBER: Long Island Real Estate Board, lac. National Association of Real Estate Boards National Tnstitute of Real Estate Brokers New York State Association of Real Estate Boards, I~zc. May 8, 1972 Mm. George Ahlers Cox Lane Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear George: Have read with interest of your propos- al for colonial - style town houses. There is a g~eat need for something of this type. Unfortunately everyone is not in a position to buy a house, but they do require a place to live and therefore must rent something. There are' practically no year round rentals available. Using a 23 acre site with sewage dis- posal and puOlic water show good planning and should meet with Board approval. I wish you success. Sincerely, Burr G. Le~-~d Jr. EUBENE H, DUFFY, ESI], May 5~ 1972 Mr. Donald S~ Wilson P. O. Box 71 Southold~ N. Y~ 11971 Dear ~r~ Wilson= Thank you for your letter of April 27th. We would respectfully suggest that you attend the hearing on May 9th at 16 South Street~ Greenport~ New York. Yours very truly~ John Wickham~ Chairman Southold To~n Planning Board James P. Knowles Peconic, L. L, N. Y. 11958 1972 After viewing the model and plot plan of the proposed development of the area morth of A~way and west of Rail- road Avenue, I hope you will consider the application for a change of zoning favorably. The plan indicates a sensi- tivity to the historical and aesthetic qualities and trad- itions of the town. The planning, construction end maintainance cannot help but contribute to the economic life of the community. Its location will crests no transportetion problems or over- loaded traffic arteries, Its engineered sewage disposal system will he a great improvement over cur existin8 cess- poot~. The size of the individual apartments cannot over- burden the existing sohool system. The merchants and the population will surely benefit by the addition of this well planned residential community owned and operated by local resident~. I would like to commend it to you for your favorable consideration. Yours truly, James P. Knowles Peconic, L. L, N. ¥. 11958 1972 Dear Supervisor ~rtocchia= After viewing the model and plat plan of the proposed development of the area north of Agway and west of Rail- read Avenue~ ! hope you will consider the application for a change of zoning favorably. The plan indicates a sensi- tivity te the bistoricaI and aesthetic qu~li~iea and trad-- ttions of the tawn. The planning, construction and ~aint~inance cannot help but contribute t~ the economic life of this community. Its l~cation will create n~ transportation problems or over- l~aded traffic arteries. Its engineered sewage disposal system will be a great improvement over cur existing cess~ pools. 'me size of the individual apartments cannot over- burden the existing school system. The merchants and the population will surely benefit by the addition of this well planned residential community awned and Gperated by local residents. I would like to commen~ it to you for y~ur favorable consideration. Yours truly, DONALD ~. WIL~ON P. O. BOX 71. 8OUTHOI.D DONALD S, WIL'~ON O. BOX ?l, $OUTHOLD ' A ~ ~ i VALENTINE W. STYE MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, NEW YOR~ 11952 Telephone: 298-8481 April 26~ 1972 George Ahiers 5qugene Road .C, mtchogne ~ New York 11935 To Whom It ?,~v ~ ~-~ o There is a ve~ accute shori;age of Not only would th±s include apartmen$s~ but ail year round homes~ I would say in our three locations~ that 'the demand exceeds the supply~ by ~ ..'D.s'%Te ,L,J ,. V¢?S/bj ~a_den Apartments ~%y be the Perhaps ~ ~ , Very ?~zu_,y yours , , ]NOTICE OF HE %R INGS q.D. ZO.NING ORDINANCE ~ '~ , p~stmnt ~o Sectmn 265 of the ; :=-~ Tou~n Law'find Article XVI. ' ' al~ kno~ as Yo~ AvenUe S~flou.f600of fl~e ~ilding Znne ~ [ 5marking the intersection of the~ ~OL~ ()rd~uknce of the' Town of' ~ ~dUtherly line 0f::l~d how or.~ , [ Snu~hO{ff,,:Suffolk cram'fy, New '~Ormefly of charn~ws ~ith ~he ~WE~ YOR~, j liue of said RailrOad York, ilub[ic hearings will be held by th~ $oulhold Town Bbfird in tile o£ticb of'the Superxfisnr, 16 Sou.Ih 'Sff~e/ Greeuport, Ne~ ~'. in said Tovq~ on the 0ih day o~' 'Ma'v. I972. on the-following proposes to mend the B~ng Zone Or~nance dncln~g the :Bulling Zo,e Maps~ of the To~ et ~outhold. Suffolk Co~W. New v~rk: Avenue also known as Youngs '~'~'t .¢, .DOy!v. ai2 being duly Sworn, Avenue and from said point 'of ............... thence South fl h~ is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK s 3o seconds [ .... IMES, a published ut Greenport, in suid newspaper that the notice, of which the mmnexed is u printed 468?0, feet to a point and ~en published in the s~id Suffolk Weekly Times , land nowor formOr{~> 0f Maici.: ,,?:3ti P.M. ,E.S.T.). by ,- running 11,o ~ ahm'g sui,i asi '~ weekr :~1' p,r~e weel~ enm g ng from "A" Res don a mentioned land ........ ' ' '- ' .......................... - ; · · · i o ooumYa eegree~ . ao,d,Agncuhm'al Dtstr~et lo "B- '?'53 n Ii s 20.deco,ds Wes :12 o ' oommoncina on ~he . tweD:~ie~h .. 1" Gbneral Business D st 'let the ~; 't .......... ' ..... ~ ..................... Lots 1 4 and 5 .on Ma of ~ ~/- =~- . P ,~ence alert l~d. now , - ~ash ,~oa Heghts attate at ,, l~merl' of Av ............ '~' 4 ..... ~:.~S · ~ y ex'e;t the IOllOwlng ff · ~0cemner 29 192 File N0 '~ 651 ' ~ ..... ~ ,, _ , , · /~~ ~JB~ ~te'~, ..... ......... ::. - ,~ ~ ,,m. a,nl land now ur Iormerl~ n, Comm~ssmn ExQ.r~s ~,arch ~ , ~.~ '- ' , ,I, q e~n; r~mng.thence ~ong .......... South and 115 toot on the We~t - ' . ' - - ~ ~a~d last m~Qoned~and South 7~ tNnrih 76 de~rees 22 minutes 20 dhan~h,o c,,n., ,.a- u~,~..2, ;}~ ;:,;~.~ ' minutes 20,.seconds secunds East 567.10 feet to the I ..:(, ~ght [ndt strum D sw ct to ,i iLin-o A ....... ' ...... ~.~,,k, _ ~; ~ype~son des g ; ,. L;-.5 -':--~. .......... ~.- $ f~t~ee ~3)~ eo~ses and distances ~uents shoMd appear at the time . . ~e.~e D~,~¢. th~ P?~N'~-.Il. ;:? Seam 74 de~rees 04minutes :40 ~d ~iace so ~&med- '' ' , ( ~ ~ATDD April 11 1972 .Southold. New 5ork. a ~d more II South 5 L d~-rees 22 minute~ ,~ . ~ t cularlv bounded , and S~ond ' ' . ,, ~ s East 389 I7 feet and (3) - - 'described as follows. ~ .... .,~_. ~ , SO~HOLD TOWN BOARD ~. . . ~ : - · - ~ ~ ~outn ~7nogrees 21 miun~es t0 ~ ~uR<uww RICHMOND g llnlng al a polH{ on [~0 ~' · ': HJ .......... u "seconds East 94,21 feet to a pmnt ~ ~ TO~ CLERK ~vesteriv sloe o~ ~a~woao avenue ;~ Andland now or form~rl ~ ~on ~ - ' " ~Islafid Railroad;-r~ing three along land no~' or formerly of Long Island Railroad ~uth 70 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 534.10 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Grattan; running thence along said last mentiuned land now Or formerly 6f Orattan North 17 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 636.24 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Witkowsld; running thence along said. last mentioned land now or formerly of · Witkowski the following two ~2) courses and'distances (I) North ~0 degrees O8 minutes ~0 seconds East 110.80 feet and. (2) North 12 degrees 29 minutes. 30 seconds West 537.84 feet to land now or I formerly of Charnews; running thence along said last mentioned land now or formerly of Char- news t%rth 7O degrees O5 minute~- 00 seconds East 487.72 feet and ~N ~ ROPO~AL TO AMI~D ~Fown Lay. and Art. k';e ~VI. ~ec- ~he Sm~thotu q',sw[L .Re,rd O~' I Ilo TO~'. n ol ~o'l~l'lO!d, ~;'C. 1 ~u!i. ural II1~ .~, to "~-I" F~cy (ff H~lsey A. ~l~3pIP~ ~ttt'd ;11 919 %fain ~t"e.'i. (;:'een- ,~c Loi.~, 3. 4 .lid 3 on .N{np ~m'k. bv (.)~'{} W. VqY} Tm) da,Pd T)ecembcr ~. 1~2~. :d~d :~u~olk CoumY. i r%n~ ~8.~2 ~ee{ ::o~ W:i]m~h ~veuUeV'llS~3 feet' o~ M~iu S~ree~; 21148c'fdd% the South a~d H5 feet o~ ~I'Id ¥IUII illJe ]l~l:lIC(: I'~'~r.el. ~iinnh,d a~ Sm.uhoki. xlcv, Ym'L. Wes~rly side of Raih'oad Avenue ,;al~ ~own as Youn~k AVenue · marking the intersedti0n of the ::~utherly line of la~d now. or formerly of Charne~vS' ~,i~ the westerly line of said 'Ra!lr0~d Aven~e ~d from ~i~ point of beginning running thence So~h 8 degrees 35 minu~es. 30"seconds ,East 60.70 feet: run~in~ ,bhence · still along the westerly side of Railroad A'venue South-18 de-' igrees 53, minutes' 40 Seconds ,.q:E~t 458.50 feet to a point' and · ~n~,now Ov formerly of Major; .'running thence along said last ~en~oned laird Smfih 73d, qq( 5S .minutes 2p~_ ~,c-mwl, ' ~-"~' '~"-~'~ F SUFFOLK.; ~, 132;~0 !eOt" ~d a :' ~6int; running * ~- ~ [' ,~: '~hence So~h 13 flegrees ~3 mi~- N~ ,Y6~ utes 10-~conds Eaet 100.0i feet :~:. L m Wh ti cl~grees :ed o' ~8 feet tO ~Point:~fl~ i~dnOW br fo~m. :)f whi erly ;~ K~lin; ' formerly of land now ]df O~t~E(~ running ~hence :seconds We:-' 636.24 leer ~ ~int and land now or Iormeriy 0 ~2 aegre~s seconds West 537 n6~or fo~mer!y charnews: runfikn~ thehc~, along s~id las~ mentioned land now or formerly of Cnarnewa North degrees 05 minutes oo seconds '~as~ 48~.~2 feet and North ~6 place of beginning. · Any ~rson desiring to be hea~ on the above proDosed , amendments shbuld appear a~ '?. tn~ ~ime and place so specified. SOoT~On9. TOW~ ~OaaD TOWN itneY.Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says ~e Editor, of THE LONG ISlaND. ~TTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- Southold, in Suffolk County; and that 3 the a:nnexed is a printed copy, has been Long Island Tmveler-Mattituck Watch- for ....... ~~... EZ../. weekfl/ on the ................. ~.~.. ............... ADELE PAYNE Notary Pub/jo, State of New York Resid gp, in Suffojk County ' ~o. 52-3041000 Commission Expk~s March 39, 197 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: Southold, New York, being duly age of twenty-one years; that o~ 1972 , he affixed a notice of is a true copy, in a proper and public place in the Town of Sour York, to wit:- ALBERT W. ~ICI~MOND, of Southold, Town of worn, says that he is over the the 21st day of April hich the annexed printed notice substantial manner, in a most hold, Suffolk County, ~ew Town Clerk Bulletin Board Main Road, Sou Sworn to before me this 21st day of April 19 72 ~/~tary P6blic iUD[IH T. 5OKEN Notary Pub[;c, $1a!~ of New York No, 52-0344963 Suffolk Counly~,~ Commission Expires Mc~rch 30, 19.:~ Town Clerk Office thold, L.I.,N.Y. ~ Albert ~.-RiChmond, Town Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Section 160~ of the Building Zone ~' Southold, :Suffolk County, New Yor] held by the Southold Town Board 16 South Street, Greenport, New Y( day of May,· 1972, on the followin¢ Building Zone Ordinance (includin, of the Town of Southold, Suffolk · 7:30 P[M. (E.S.T.), by chan¢ Agricultural District·.to "B-i" Ger property of Halsey A. ·Staples, sil Greenport, New York,-and· more par~ as follows: Lots 3, 4 and 5 on Map of Was at Greenport, Suffolk County, New and dated December 8, 1927, filed ~651, Suffolk County, being 198~5~ 115.73 feet on Main Street; 211.46 115 feet on the West.- 8:00 P.M. (E.S.T.), by changJ Agricultural District and "C" Ligt . ."M-i" General Multiple Residence ?George AhlDrs, situated at Southo !:particularly bounded and described [NGS ON PROPOSALS ;ING ORDINANCE e Town Law and Article XVI, Ordinance of the Town of ~, public hearings will be the office ~f the Supervisor, rk, in said Town on the 9th proposals to amend the the Building Zone Maps) ounty, New York. ng from "A" Residential and eral Business District, the uated·at 919 Main Street, ic~larly bounded and described hington Heights, situate York, by Otto W, Van Tuyt. December 29, 1927, File feet on Wilmarth--Avenue; feet on the South gnd ng from "A"-Residential and t-Industrial District to istrict, the property of d, New Yolk, and more as follows: Beginning at a point on the 'ialso known as Youngs Avenue markir %esterly side of Railroad Avenue g the intersection of the Page 2 ~Legal ~tice southerly line of land now or for nerly of Charnews with the west- erly line of said Railroad Avenue from said point of beginning runt minutes 30 seconds East 60.70 fee the westerly side of Railroad Ave 40 seconds East 458.50 feet to a of Maier; running thence along ss 73 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds running thence South 13 degrees feet along-land ·now or formerly of Averett to a point; running th of Averett the following two (2 (1) South 73 degrees 12 minutes point; thence south 1~ degrees 41 also known as Youngs Avenue and ing thence South 8 degrees 35 t; runnings'thence still along. nue South 13 degrees 53 minutes ~oint and land now or formerly .d last mentioned land South· West 132.40 feet to a point; 23 minutes 10 seconds East 100.04 cf Maier and land now or formerly ence along land now or formerly courses and distances: O seconds West 89.03 feet to a minutes 40 seconds 60.18 feet to a point and land now or formelly of Kaelin; running thence along said last mentioned land $~uth 73 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds West· 113.76 feet; runninc of Lipco Agway Inc. the followin (1) South 74 degrees 04 minutes thence along land now or formerly three (3) courses and distances, 0 seconds West 213.27 feet; (2) South 5 degrees 22 minutes 50 se onds East 389.17 feet and (3) South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 s~conds East 94.21 feet to a point· and land now or formerly of Long Island Railroad; running thence along land now or formerly~ of Long Island Railroad South 70 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 534.1~ or formerly of ·Grattan; running t land now or formerly of Grattan 5 seconds West 636.24 fee~ to a poi feet t6 a point and land now hence along said last mentioned ,rth 17 degrees 43 minutes 30 nt and~land now or formerly of · Witkowski; running thence along aid last mentioned lardnow or formerly of Witkowski the following two (2) courses and distances (1 North 70 degrees 08 minutes ~0 seconds East 110.80 feet and (2 ~orth 12 degrees 29 minutes ~0 seconds West 537.84 feet to Page 3 - I.~qal Ng~ice ~ land now or formerly of Charnews; running thence along said last mentioned land now or formerly of Charnews North 70 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East 487.72 feet and North 76 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds East 567.10 feet to th Any person desiring to be he amendments should appear at the t DATED: April 11, 1972, BY ORDER point or place of beginning. rd on the ~bove proposed £me and place so sDecified. DF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND T PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, APRIL 2. AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the The Long Island Traveler-Mat The Suffolk Weekly Times Halsey Staples George Ahlers Supervisor Martocchia Otto W. Van Tuyl DWN CLERK , 1972, A~[D FORW3%RD FIVE (5) ~OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, ]g on April 14, 1972: zituck Watchman 250 COX LANE, CUTCHOGLE, N. Y. 11935 Telephone (516) 734- 5010 Jume i9~ South old Towr~ (}~-eenport~ ~'~v; York ~.~-e a~ree no'c to s~art cons~ctlon on our proposed apartmex~ts on Youngs Avenue~ Soug~oma~ New York~ until we have enough leases signed +~o fill three buiid, inEs. AccorJdin~ ~o Health (see attached, cops~ of te~ter da%ed ]3~ayJiT,1972) ~his will ~ive us enough eliminate ~he need fo~~ cesspools No~ ~ubH~ State of New York aa ta riea Jf N rs, EUGEN'ES ROAD, CUTCHOGU.EI N. Y. 11935 Telephone (516) 734-$010 .... ~ :17 ~ , , _ Souchola Town Board South Street (}reenport, New 'York '~ent lemon: apar Southoi have co_.~¢c~vd~-- ~ tile_ Health nave informed me ~na~ the sewerage gal, 9e~ day to operate. Based day per one bedroom and efficiency apar tempo=ary cesspools at proposed at complex on Youngs Ave. 'epar'tment on the above ~reatment plan~ will ~equi~e n their figures of 225 gal. per men~s, and ~0O ~al. par day / the two bedroom apartments~ it %,;ill tak~ two and one-half apartment ~ - ' ' ~ ~- + ~ -~-R, ' -~ 4 , ~ ~ ~ ' ~-r .~ Our ~u~ld_.n=s .o me_t ~,,e man..mum u~. re~ iremen~, original plan was ~o puZ up two buildings to start. ten. ants, without soliciting names, to ~e are confident that if zoning ~s grani we will have enough leases signed to we start construction. cesspools. GA:ps cc: }~rs, Tiedke Ms. Virginia Moore iww, Roger Stoutenbur~h e nov; }lave enough prospective l! one and one-.half buildings. ed~ and we advertise the project~ ~_ four to five bul!aln~ before would ~en eliminate tke need for temporaTy Ver~ ~ruly your~ ,~Teorg e ~i:.lers South°ld Town Planning Board .~rlUTHrlLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING ~BOA~D ~MEMBER,S! John !Wi,ckh~;im, ~Ch?irman Henry 'Moisa Alfred Grebe Frank ~CoyleI March 23, 1972 Southold Town Board 16 SouGh Street Greenp~rt, New York Gentlemen: T~is is to advise you that the following resolution was passed ]by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting held o~ March 21, 1972: In! the matter of the petition of George Ahlers, Cutchogue, New Yor~k, relative to a change of zone from 'A" Residential and Agrlicultural District and "C" Light Industrial District to "M-l!" Multiple Residence District on certain property situated west si~e Young's Avenue, Southold, it was, RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend ......... ~9~9~.~1_y to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A'r Residential and~Agricultural District and "C" Light Industrial District to "M-l" Multiple Residence District on the above described'property. The property adjoins existing industrial property. It is isolated from single family residence development. The property is accessible to the village. There is public water supply and sewage treatment plant is included in the project. The project meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, and there is a need for more apartments in the vicinity of Southold village. Respectfully submitted, ~ohn Wickh~, Chairma~-- Southold Town Planning Board JW/bd A LB ~'~T W, ~FFT~ ~K ~OUTHOLD, L. !., N. Y. 11971 March 8, 1972 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham: The original petition of George Ahlers requesting a change of zone on certain real ~roperty situated at Southold, New York, from 'IA" Residential and Agricultural District and '?C" Light Industrial District to "M" Multiple Residence District is in the files in the office 6f the Planning Board at Southold, New York. you are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the ~etition and determine the area so affected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town ~erk AWR/j b IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ~ NABIPAT RF~LTY CORP. FOR A CliANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF TF.EI TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: L I, 6,.S. ................................. , residing .at CUTCHOGUE (insert name :of petitioner) an officer of NAi~PAT REALTY CORP., Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am/the owner of certain'real property situated at ........... .S..O..U.~O...~...D.~....~..E..N.....Y..O.,~ .... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: SEE SCHEDULE A annexed hereto 2. I do hereby pe~tion the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk CounW, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heret~ore made a part thereof, as follows: By changing the present zoning classification of the subject premises namely, A Residential & Agricultural Zone and C Light Industrial Zone to ~/M~tiple Residence Zone so as to premit the erection and construction of a Garden Apartment complex. .Such requestis made for the following reasons: Nanpat R~alty Corp., a New york corporation consistiDg of George Ahlers, Patricia Ahlers, Barry Hellman, M.D. and Nancy Hellman, intend to construct upon the subject premises a colonial garden apartment detached unit complex, complete with its own sewage treatment plant. The planned complex will be in keeping With the colonial atmosphere of Southold village and is designed to blend in with the existing topography. Exact details of the proposed project will be made available to the Planning Board and the Town.Board and at the Public Hearings, detailed maps as well as a scale mOdel will be presented. There is a dire need for first class rental units in the Town Of Southold .for the young married couples as well as the senior czElzens:. The p~p_~osed project fills this need while at the same time it 'blends in ~.w!t~^area and further wzll not add to the pollution probl.emsi sinde a sewage treatment plant is included in project. ...~.~. ~ f~ ,r~ ..... .......... STATE OF NEWl YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ...... .G.E. 9.R.G..E' . .A..F~..E.~R.S. ...................... BEING DULY SYVORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to b{ alleged on information and helief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sxvorn to before tn~ this . .~..'~. day of. i ff.u~...C.~... ............ 19..7.2. 7Notary Public. ' I" ~'~r~ reel LLE ~o. ~,2~8125850~ Suffolk ¢ouaty ' ·arm EXpires ~larch 30 SCHEDULE A Ail that certain plot,'piece or parcel of land situate lying !and being at Southold, Town of Southotd, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGIi~NING at a point on the westerly side of Railroad Avenu9. also known as ¥oungs Avenue marking the intersection of the southerly line of land now or formerly of Charnews w.ith ~he westerly line of said Railroad Avenue also known aS Youngs Avenue and from said point of beginning running thence South 8 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds East 60.70 feet; irunning thence still along the westerly side of R~ilr0~d~Avenue South 13 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds Ea.St 4~8.50 feet to ~' point and land now or formerly of Ma'~i~ri r~nning thence along said last mentioned land South173 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds west 132.40 feet to a Point; running thence South 13 degrees 23 minutes 10 seconds East 100.04 feet along land now or formerly of M~$er and land now or formerly of Averett to a point; running thence along land now or formerly of Averett 'the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) S~uth 73 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds West 89.03 feet ~o a point; thence South 17 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds. 6'0.18 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Kaelin; running thence alon~ said last mentioned land Southl 73 degrees 22 minutes 20. seconds west 113.76 =eet~ running ~hence along land now or formerly of Lipco Agway Inc. ~he following three (3) courses and distances,~)South 74 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds West 213.27 feet; (2) Southl 5 degrees 22 minutes 50 .seconds East 389.17 feet and (3) S~uth 17 degrees 21 minutes i0 seconds East 94.21 feet ~o a point and land now o.r formerly of LO~ng Island Rail~.~ad; running thence alongl land now or formerly of Long ~sland Railroad South 70 Id:egress ,~3!0 minutes 30 seconds West 534.10 feet to a point a~a land now or formelrly of Grattan; running thence along said last mentiloned land now or formerly of Grattan North 17 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 636.24 feet to a point and land now o~r formerly of Wltkowsk~; .running thence along said last ~entioned land now or formerly of Witkowski the following two (2) courses and :distances (i) North 70 degrees ~8 minutes 30 seconds ~East 111.80 feet and (21). ~orth 12 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds west 537.84 feet Ito land now or formerly Of CharneWs; running thence alon~ said last mentioned land now or formerly of Charnews Nort~ 70 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East 487.72 feet and North 76 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds Eas~: 567.10 feet Ito the point or place of~BEGIAINiNG. ~ew 'Cork ~,