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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAbatelli, Philip Amend #92 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wlckharn, Chairman Henry Molea Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle $outhold Town Planning SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. March 8, 1972 Board Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the following resolution was passed by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting held on March 7, 1972: In the matter of the amended petition of Philip W. Abatelli, Cutchogue, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business District on certain property situated at Main Road[, Cutchogue, New York, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend favorably to the Southold Town Board the' change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-1~ General Business District on the above described property. This proposed change of zone would complete the business zoning within the perimeter of t~e lot. ReSpectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman SoUthold Town Planning Board JW:BN TOWN CLERK 765~3783 Building Dept. } Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWFl CLERK'S OFFICE /~ain Southold, Ft. Y. 119 rl Pursuant +o _A~_tiole X%II, Sect~i?~ 1333 cf the Suffolk County Charter (agency involved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County PJanning Commission: (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance .XX~... Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ ToWn o.r village boundary line ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream. or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which o public uilding is situated Comments: The Planning Board recommends .his change of zone as it will complete the business zoning within the perimeter of the lotr which is now divided by the present "A" & "B' dis~trict line. No change in the- character of the neighborhood or increa~e traffic ex?acted. Title TOW~I of ~o~thold Dote received by' Suffolk County Pbnning CommlssJon ......................................................................... File No ................................. · WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town I~oard of the 'Town of Southold by ............ .P...h..i...1..i..p.....A...b..a...t..e...1..1..i.. ..................................... ' ~equesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone :.Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- :i'ng from.'".,% ..... " ~e~i ..... ~...A.~r,%,c;' ....... District to .. ~] ~.= ~.'.'... G~D.e.r..~, .I.....B..u...s. £ne , Di.strict the property described in said petition, and ~ WHEREAS sa:id duly referred to the Planning Board for its '[ I" ~ i ' petition was · ]i[ !ili:"~:ii.'i _ ;:'I~i ihv~e~tigati°n' recommendation and report, and its report having been filed ',,'I .Wi~Ch~=ithe TOwn Board, a.nd thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said : · - , 20'cb_ day · howng been duly held by the Town Board on the .................... of Orune 19..7..2...., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petffio~ be, and it hereby is GRANT:ED. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD DATED.; July 11, 1972. ~ RiChmond, Town Cle~'k Albert W. '~iOTl('l". OF ,x.',? 3"X i):1,1 I.:N'.i. TO Till'.' Y.I IN !N i'i AMENDMENT N~ - thai after a liUbli~ bern'lng held ~lll'Suanl. I0 the requit'emenl$ of law. .l]~e BuiidinB Ordi:~anee, (incltlding Building 7~ne Map~ of the Town nf Soulhold. Ruffoik Counly. Yor~. ',vas duiy ali'sel~ded al a reg~lar medJ~g nl the E~uthold 'l't)x~tl Bom'dheld i)ii JiiT!~ 20, 1972. as follows: I. ll~ e,~anging from "A" B(,sJdenlial and Agricultural I)istri('~ to "B-!" General Business l)istviet, the property Philip Abalelli, situated on Ihe soulh side of Main ICoad, (~ul.chollllU. New York. and HlOl'C par ii ulnrly b(mnded and de~.crib(~{ as follows: Bogi~llillg 11] }1 IlIO~lllllCll{ Oil l. JlO southerly side of Maia Road distant 136.11 feet Road on a boating Norl.h 4Y. degrees I~ mit{uti,a East: _. Ihuneo (mu b(,&ri[!g Sol]ih 50 degrees 3.1<'minuti~s East: distance of 121 feet bearin~ Soulh 42 degrees (ma be:}~ng Narlh 50 degrees 114 nli~tll,cs West il distance of ~)int tff beginning. I)ATEI]: July 13. · ':I{Y OI~I)ER OF THE · . SOl 71'HeLl) TOWN BOA]O) · ' At,BICIrl' W. I'IICHMONL) COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~, i STATE OF IVEW YORK, ] ss: ....... ;8}.u.ay.~. ~.,..9. o.~a....~ ' ... ~ing duly Sworn, s~s that .. ~.. is Printer ~d Publishex of ~e SUFFOLK W~KLY TIMES, a news~per pub~s~ ~ G~nport, in ~d countw and ~ the noti~, of which ~e ~e~ is u ~int~ ~py, ~s ~ published in ~e ~d Suf~lk W~k~ T~s ~ce in each w~k, ~ ..... 9~ ................... ~ks suc~siveiv ~~ ~e ... ~seven~ ....... d~ Of ..... '~~~~ S~ to f ~ / nes~uing in Saffolk C~Unty . - Clk~. Ne. 52-~36635D i B> ('TTanuin(4 :rcm "A' "~) "B-T" O'~i~,ral }~,1;~',.., lh~... ~r'ct. li~i~ D~oPdrlY '(~:' .Pl~'.i~, Ab:~tclli....;~fJ~::~d. o~, ~hn COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a,nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .... ~.~,..~,~,,,f~:... wee~ successively, dommencing on the ..............~..~... ................ day of ...~f~~y ..... ii', 1~'~'~'" . Sworn to before me this ......... 4;~. day of ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New YOi~ Residing in $~ffolk County No. 52.3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 192 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. Southold, New York, being duly age of twenty-o~.c~ears; that on ICHMOND, of Southold, Town cf worn, says that he is over the the 31st day of August 19 72 , he affixed a notice of is a true copy, in a proper and public place in the Town of Sour York, to wit:- Notice o~ Amend~ Amendment No. 9~. ALSO Town Clerk Bulletin Board Main Road, So~ Sworn to before me this 31st day of Auqust %hich the annexed printed notice substantial manner, in a most hold, Suffolk County, New ~ent to the Zoning Ordinance, posted Zoning map showing Amendment No. 92. , Town Clerk Office thold, L.I.,N.Y. 19 72 · ~otary Public LEGAL NOTICE OF ~4ENDMENT T ~4ENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the requirements of 1 (including the Building Zone Map) Suffolk County, New York, was dul of the Southold Town Board held o 1. By changing from "A" Res to "B-l" General Business Distric Abatelli, situated oh the south s New York, and more particularly b Beginning at a monument Road distant 136.14 feet continuing thence to a m Road on a bearing North thence on a bearing Sour a distance of 121 feet t bearing South 42 degrees of 90 feet to a monument 50 degrees 34 minutes We a monument at the point DATED: July 13, 1972 BY ~OTICE~ THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 92 after a public he~ring held ~w, the Building Zone Ordinance, of the Town of Southold, amended at a regular meeting June 20, 1972, .as follows: dential and AgricUltural District · the property of Philip de of Main Road, ~Utchogue, Dunded and described as follows: ~n the southerly~ side of Main easterly from E~gene's Road; ,nument 90 feet alohg Main ,2 degrees 12 mihu%es East; 50 degrees 34'mi~htes East a monument; thence_on a 12 minutes West~ a distance thence on a bearing North ~t a distance of 121 feet to ~f beginning. ~RDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W..Ri~CHMOND TOWN CLER~ Legal Notice Page 2 PLEASE PUBLISII ONCE, JULY 27, 1972, AND FORWARD SIX (6) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE ~OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, ! SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. I Copies mai:led to the follwoing on IJuly 14, 1972: The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Philip Abatelli Van Tuyl & Sons Albert Ricb_mond~ Town Clerk )72 (inoludlng the Bnilding Z. ons >~s) of Co~nci~ J~es F. Homart ~ead tk the proof eT pmbiication in the of~ic :T~av~e~i~ttltuck Ifa'bc~ar,~ and p~oo 0o:gn~ Hom~n ~so read lotto: Dep~b~t o~ P~nr~ng ~ddPsssed to ~o proposal to a~uen~ th~ ~llc~p~ Zone ~dz~anoe the Town o~ Somthold~ New Cmtchegue~ New TC~ko e legal notice o~ hea~ing~ al newspaper~ ~omg Zs!and o£ p~2olic~tion ia the the So~ho!d Tc~m Pianmiag Bos~d~ as requirements o£ Section 1323 1332 ~,fn the S~£olk Comuty ?lamming Co~m~iss!on it to be a matter of local determins.ti 5ster~atioa snoul~ mot be'construed disapproval°" ($!gmed] Lee E~ Koppel go~mcilmam Homan also read letter ths Con~missio~ considers ~no This position o£ local bo be either approval o~ f~om the SouthoId Town / 5~.e So u.t ~o Tow~ on zua~om 7~ 1972 zm the .... ~ of as follows~ !rig reso!ntion was passed dod petition relative to Agricuit~at District to resolved that the Somthold property. This proposed change cf zo~, zoning within the perimeter of the !oS June 20, 1972 .SLvPE~UTTSOR I~RT~uE~. _~ sho~l be brought out tn~ thi~ I lot is 90 ~eet in ~Idth.with a d~pth f !2! ~et~ 2~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~,*' ~e 1'80 fe~t~ t~=s lot is zoned R~s~d~n~l to a d~n Counci~ Ho~ ~zd f~om the re~z~zon , desc~ibi~ the p~ope~ty; indicating t at the a~ea of the p~ope~ty zs 10~ sq, f~, and t~t ,~8~ sq~ f~ is now locz~.~d !n Pl~,n~g Bo~d; ~ud the ~ foz~ this applioation~ ~,T~u~ I~ tne~ anyone else who ~,~=shes to, to spes~agazns- ~ ~= this applicatlon9 I heamd the legal notice of ,ty; the proof of ph%iication .ation of the Suffolk County of the Southcld Town .~t ~ho wishes to speak NOTIC~ OF ~EA ON Pi~OP, O~T~STO . ,~0 P.~.:' ~C.D.~.'~'.'. 7':"":' ;~';'. '; e ~n~' ~g, g . the southerly along ~ ·Road Nor~ ~ d~rees Eas~; ~enee on a 50 q~r~ ~ minu~ distance: ~of' mon~ent; t~nee South 4~ ~s a ~s~q~~ of: ~0 mon~ent ~ence Nor~ 50 d~ees 34 a ~st~ee d ~I monument at begln~g. COUNTY OF SUFFOLR, 1 STATE OF 1WEW YORK. j says that ... WEEKLY TIldES, a county: and ~hat the copy, lzas been publ once in eoch week. successively oommel ........ beim~ duly Sworn, Printer and Publisher of ~te SUFFOLK ~ewspaper published ~t G~eenpo-rt, in ~d no~, of w~ ~e ~n~ ~ ~ ~int~ ished in t~ ~ S~ W~ T~es or ......... ~n~ ................ ~ ~c~q on ~e ........ e~:q~ ............ COUNTY OF SL~FFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA'I-FITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed ~t Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a,nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in sailJ Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- week/s/ success ve commenc n on the ......... ...... Sworn to before me this ........ ~..~... ......... day of ~....., ~¢.... ot~ry Public, State of ~e~ Co~lmission Ex?ires ,M~rc~ 30, NOTICE OF HEAB~NGS ON PROPOSALS TO ,AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuaht to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article XVI,. Sect[°n 1600 of.the Building Zone Ordinance aL the Town of So~thoid,"Suffolk county, New York, p~blic~hearing will be,,heid e Southold ToWn Board in by th ..... . . . the- office :05 the Supervts°r4 S6uth' Street, ~!Greenport.; York,. in. said' .Town on me day ot. jUne::il97~,on the tallowing Proposal to~ h. men~' the Building z0n~ ordinan~e :-iinctuding..the Btfii'ding Zone Map?) ef th.e'T~Wn of Sou(ho!d; Suffolk Coumy..r~ew York. : ~ [.?.:-~0 .P..M. k'(E.D.S.T.);: bY- change. & from "A" lq. esiddntial and. Agricultural DisLriet to "B- I'' General Business D';strict. thc properly of Philip Aba!.elii. situated on the sou!,h side of Main Road. Cutehogue. New York, and more partie'..qarly boundc',d and described ;-Is follows: Beginning ai a monument on ' the soJtherty :.;ide cf Main disiant 1:~6A4 feet easterly from k'.ugcne's Road; eontLuuing · (hens6 to a .~onu.,~.ent 90 r. cet ;,long Main t{',:ad oo a bearing North 42 degrees 12 minutes Nest: Ihen,ee on .'l bearing South [!50 degrees :i4 mi. nutes East a distance of 12:. feet to a monument: !hence on a bearing Sou~h 42 degrees 19 .qxinutes West a distant, t? of 90 feet tc a!RlenL (hel'lee .qn a bearing North $0 degrees:a4 minutes West [. a distance Of .121 ,~eet. cio a ;~ monument at":'i~he": p0ifit of beginning. . .... . :'I~ . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: ........ ~tuart. ~,. D.~rman ............. being duly Sworn, says that ... ~.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published crt Greenport, in said county; and th-at the 'notice, of which the mmexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk WeeklT Times once in each week, ~ar ......... ~rl~ ................ weeks successively commencing on the ........ ej, gh~h. ............ day of ...... ~ ~~._~. Sw. arn to//~f°re me~ this . ./?'. ~x~.i 19..~ I~,~---~ ...... '-/ // ~ //' JOSEPH k. TOtqN.~END, JR.. qualified in Suffotk County Oommissio~ Expires M~rch 30, 19~../~/~ by thc Sot.uhold 'i'o~n Board cl ~c in~ thl. Buildlnu' Zont, Mnp~. {l~g iron] "A" [lcc{dentJRJ })rrqJlq'ly ~l: ChiHp Abai~:H!. k'{t>ad, C,I cji ):H . N(.w ~'o1'1~, lllor(, pairTJi'llhwly I)oll]':dcd T [1~'11(?(' Qll { bt'UI'iDt~ XOI'{ !)ATP, L): M.:~v 31. ~972 ..... SOU'I F.()I,{) TOWN }1': Al BI;J}~T W. I,!YCHM(:)NI) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SSi C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of whigh the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each Week for ..... ~./~ff.~..~..ff.'..~week/s successively. ~_._~.commencing on the .......... day of.../'~ i&~/J ...... .,19.r~.._ Sworn to before me this ........ . ..~... ......... day of Nd}aW Public, State of Ntlw YoT~ i Residivg in Su,ffoik County No, 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, LEGAL NO~PY~[ :"" NOTICE OF HEARINGS '~TO AMEND ZONING Pursuant to Section 265 of t~ Section 1600 of the Building Zone PROPOSALS DINANCE e Town Law and.Article XVI, Southold, by the Southold Town Board in the 16 South Street, Greenport, New Y( day of June, 1972, on the followii Building Zone Ordinance of~ the Town of Southold, Ordinance. of the Town of ! Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held office of the Supervisor, irk, in said-Town on the 20th Lg proposal to amend the (includin~ the Building Zone Maps.) Suffolk ~ount'y, New York. ~ 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), by chafging from ['A" Residential and Agricultural District [0 "B-I" General Business District, the property of Philip Abateili, situated on the south side of Main Road, Cutchogue, New York, and mo::e particularly bounded and Southerly side of Main Road Eugene'e Road; continuing thence: :described as follows: Beginning at a monument on tl · distant 136.14 feet easterly from ,~ to a monument 90 fee~ along Main 12 minutes East; thence on a bear. , East a distance of i21~ feet to a ~oad on a bearing North 42 degrees _ng South 50 degrees 34 minutes ~onument; thence on a bearing · .: South 42 degrees 12 minutes West ~ distance of 90 feet to a :imonument; .thence on a bearing North-50 degrees 34 mihutes West · : a distance of 121 feet i. :i DATED: May 31, 1972 to a monument at the point of beginning. Bt ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT'W~ RICHMOND TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JUNE 8, 1972 AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK AND FORWARD THREE 3) iOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, Copies mailed to the following on May 31, 1972: The Long Island Traveler-Mattituc The Suffolk Weekly Times Philip Abatelli Supervisor Martocchia Otto W. Van Tuyl Watchman Su£folk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway HaUppauge, New York 11787 March 31, 1972 Mr. John Wickharn, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main !~oad ,Cutchogue, New York 11935 l~etitioner : Phillop kbatelli Mun. File No. : S.C,P.D. File No.: SD-72-5 Dear Mr. Wickham: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of ti~e Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned apllication which has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a. matter for local determination. The decision of local determin- ation should not be construed as either an approval or a~-~val. Comments: Respectfully yours, Lee E. Koppeh~aan . ,Director of Pl~alning a~ppa~ge~ ~e~ York 1i?~7 ~id~le Ro~--~~Lane~ Cutch~ua~ '~Y. - ~'om ~A~ to ~B~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Roa~l Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant ~o Ar~,i, ole XtII, Sect~on,I333 of the Suffolk County Chart~ ~~-~, ~he Planning Board o~ ~he ~o~n o~ 8outhold he.~eby ~e~e~s ~he ~oHo~u~ p~oposed zon~n~ oc~on ~o ~he Suffolk CounW P~onn~n~ Commission: (check omc) TOWN CLERK 766-3783 Builcllna Dept. } Planninfl Bd. 765-2660 LRoard of Appeals ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance .~... Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: ~../..~.~?~a...i.~.~.~..a.~:.~R.~.~.~..~.~/..~.~.~.u.~J.e.~.n..e.~!~~9~' N.Y. within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line .~... State~:~/~ road, ~~[:~~ ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public 'building is situated .Cam.ruer;ts: The lalanni~c~ ~oar~ r~co_~eaenc]s thi~ ~hange o~ ~one a~ it will ~ompze~e ~ne bu~iaes~ zoning the perimete~ of ch~acter of ~ neig~orh~ Or increase traffic This is ~ ~end~' ~tion . revious S~ C. P. D. Chairman, Planning Board ......................... T~' ' '6~' ' ' .~:;~Xfti~']2~ ........... . ....... Title ' Date received by Suffolk County Planniag Commission ........................................................................ File No ................................. ~arch 2~ 1972 Southold ~o~'~, Board 16 South Street Greenport~ l~ew York Gentiemen~ This is to advise you tn_t the following resolution was passed by the Southoid To~n7 Planning Board at their ~eeting held on March 7~ 1972: In the matter of the amended pes~t~on of Phz~i~ W~ ~atelii~ Cutcho~ue~ ~ew York~ relative to change of zone f~om ':A" ~esi- dentia! and Agric~l%urai District to ~B~!~ Qenerai Business District on certain property situated at ~ain ~oad~ Cutchogue~ ~ew York~ it was P~SOLVED that the $outhold To~n Planning Board reco~uend favorably to the Southo!d Town Board the change of zon~ from ~A~ ~esidential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business District on the above described property. T]~is propose~l change of zone wQu!d complete the business zoning within the p~rimeter of the lot. Respectfully 'submitted ~ John ~ickham~ Chairman Southold To%~n Planninq Board JW:BH ,ALBERT W. RII3HMI'IND ~nLITHI3LD, L. i., N. Y. 11971 February 14, 1972 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wic~ham: The original petition of Philip W. Abatelli requesting a change of zone from "A" Resid,gntial and Agricultural District. to "B~" General Business District on certain property situated at .M~ain Road in East Cutchogue, New York, is in the fiLgs in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, iNew York. You are instructed to prepare an offi.cial report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so affected with the ~ecom- mendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk AWR/j b STATE OF NE\¥ YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION- OF PHI L! P W AI~ATELL! FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION. OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TO-WN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) EAST OF EUi~ENEt$ ROAD~ CUTCHOeUE Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at MAlr~ ROAD IN EAST CUTCHOeUE ........................................ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BE~I~NtNO AT A MONUMEnt ON THE SOUTHERLY SlBE Of MAIN ROAD DISTANT 136;14 FEET EASTERLY FROM EUOENE'S ROAD CONTINUINO THENCE TO A MONUMENT 90 FEET ALON~ MAIN ROA~ ON A BEARINe NORTH 42 DE~REES ~2 MINUTES EAST THENCE ON A DEARINe SOUTH 50 DE~REES 34 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 121 FEET TO A MONUMENT THENCE ON A EEARINO SOUTH 42 DECREES 12 MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE OF 90 FEET TO A MONUMENT THENCE ON A ~EARINO NORTH 50 DECREES 34 MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE OF ~2~ FEET TO A MONUMENT AT THE POINT OF BEGINNING~ 2. I. do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne~v York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To CHANCE THE TRIAGULAR AREA LOCATED IN THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE PROPERTY FROM 'A~RICULTURAL AND RESIDENTIAL' ZONE TO A 'BUSINESS-1 ZONE,' THIS iS AN AMENDED APPLICATION To SHOW THE CHANeES RESULTIN$ FRoM THg.'.'NEW,'AMENDED~LZoNI. Ne~iRE§OLU~t0N.~TH~"ORi:eiNAL:AppLiCATiONWA$ FILED O~ MARCH 8~97~ .AND WAS APPROVED EY THE PLANNIN~ COMMISSION. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: ,..::::, :(A) THE AREA OF PETITIONERIS PROPERTY IS 10890 SQUARE FEET. APPROX- · ,iMATELY 9850 SQUARE FEET OR 90 PERCENT OF THE PROPERTY IS NOW · . ' ~OOATE;D IN A uB-lu ZONE, THE SMALL TRIANGULAR AREA OF APPROXi- · :'~: ' '" [~ATELY 1040 SQUARE FEET· OR 10 PERCENT OF THE XREAX~Z PROPERTY :'::':?':~'.~::.' · .tS'~NOW LC,~.ATED i.~ AN A ..O,~E. THE TRIANeLE HAS A DIMENSION OF' :,:,..-.: :, 26,,...F~,ET ON ~...hi,~, ,xu3.,, AHo APPRGX,IMATECY 80 FEET ON THE NORTH-- ~ECAUSg OF TH~ EX.iSTIN~ M~XED ZONINO THE PETITIONER 18 HARMED IN THAT iT' PREVENTS H'i~ FROM REALIZINO THE MAXimUM POTENTIAL VALUE OF HIS PROPERTY. (C) To EXTEND THE £XI.STINe I~!~ ~B'"I" ZONE AS REQUESTED WILL NOT RESULT IN DAMAeE TO ANY ABJOININO OWNERS, (D) THE PERMITTED USE IN THE EXIST'IN~ CONFORMINO AREA IS NOT IN- CREASED ~Y THiS PETITION° C (L. s.) . ~utM.~ ~.~T~M ......... STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ...... PHi LIP..~..AB. AT. EL.LI ................. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those ma~tters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me tb~s ....... day of . .~,/,~"& .......... , 197 ~,.. ~ .............. ,>... ....................... ~:' _:~ ~ ,:, Notary Public. ~'qc. 30-~L> ''~ .... ,,. .' , -',.?':' ::.:.':: .- . · . .,.,¢.r!....'-:.'::.:~:,:..:, :~:.~'.. '""~ ' ".' :".' ;. "~':" ¢*: .... :':;:;'::':": ':' ."' 4:':'::~/;;% .... ": ,::~ : ,,, ~ "% '"?..,: .....:': '. "0' ¢-,.., ~,..~ ,:. --. . ...... ?:~ ~::;.,,',~ ":. ,,., .-':. · . ¢,. . .~ ,, ..: , .2 , ..,...:, ....... ,. ,..... ~ ..~¢. ;. ,. : . , . · . :..,~. ,. '"::, ~, . ., ' ~,.,,.i -~ ,~. ~' ; · :.. ~. .. ,, ;,; ':),. · ", .,:. ,' :;. ~.,: ~ ':?: ',. ~ ~ ., . ? "~ ~ :,.. ,~' .,..:',".: , . ~.. . : ,. .' .... "'....~' . .,.. · ., ,~. ,., ,... ;, . ...... -. :, . ~. '" "~.'~ · ..: ¢~,.. ..!' · .. . ~ ,':' · % ~.~'¥~, .:,,?.,." ..-, ..:.. Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 March 31, 11935 Petition¢ r Iviun. File No. ! S. C. P.D. File mo. 1972 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Main Road Cutchogue, New York : l~hillip W. Abakelli : SD-72-5 Dear Mro griekham: Pursuant to the requirements of Section~ 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned a?~lication which has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. T~e decision of local determin- ation should not be construed as either ah approval or a disapproval. Comments: COPY Respectfully yours, Lee E. KoPpelman Director of Planning b., /J. C Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial! Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 August 4, 19~1 Mr. Albert W. l~ichmond, Town Cie: Town of Southold Main ltoad Southold, New York 11971 Petiti~ ~k ~ner Phillip W. Abatelli MUn. File No $oC.P.Do File Nb.: SD-71-8 Gentlemen: Pursuar~ to the. requirements'of Secli0n 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, .the abo~e captioned application which has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission ss considered to be a mat~er for local determinaticn. Respectfully yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning ~~~~. - Comments: TOWN OF SOUiTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main' Road I Se-thold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of ' " the Consolidated Laws, Article I2-B, Sections 239-! and. m, the ....... ~~..~ ....... .. of the town of ............. ~.~.~. ....... (agency invo].ved ) ' he:reby refers the following proposed zoning action to 'the Stlffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ' : . '. ..... ' ...... New and recodified zoning ordinance ~' Amendment to the zoning ordinance .... ~... Zoning changes ............ Special permits ........ :... Variances Location of affected land'i ~.n~..f~,_~,~ '~.~ ~-~.~.. within .500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line ..... ~.. State or~.~: road, p~~~. ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream or drainage .channel owned .by the county channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public Comments: Title Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ....... File No ................................. TOWN CLERK 765-3783: Building Dept. 1 Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of )r for which the county has estoSlished PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John. Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Ray,or Frank Coyle * Southold -~DUTHDLD June Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the foll by the Southold Town Planning Board on June 14~ 1971: In the matter of the original petit Cutchogue, New York, relative to ch dential and Agricultural District certain property situated at Main it was Planning Board L. I., N. Y, 11971 15, 1971 owing resolution was passed at a regular meeting held ion of Philip W. Abatelli~ ange of zone from "A" Resi- to "B" Business District on Rbad, Cutchogue, New York, RESOLVED that the Southold Tow~ Planning Board rec~o~m~_end favorably to the Southold Town Boar~ the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural Di.~trict to "B" Business District on the above described prol)erty. :omplete the business zoning This proposed change of zone would within' the perimeter of the lot~ JW: BN Respe¢:tfully submitted, John Wlckham, Chairman South(~ld Town Planning Board TrlWN ~LERIC E~OLITHOLD, L. I., hl. lY. 119'71 March 10~ 1971 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Philip W. Abatelli~ Cutchogu~, New York, relative to change of zone f~om "A" Residential and AgriculturallDistrict to "B" Business District on certain property situated Main Road in East C~tchogue~ is in the files in the offic~ of the Plan- ning Board at Southold~ New york. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defi~ing the conditions described in the ~etition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board.I AW~/mr Very trully yours, Albert ~. Richmond Town Clerk STATE OF i%*~W YORK TOI,VN oF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ~HIL!P FOR: A CIIANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT NANCE OF TI-IE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUIi'FOL'I~ PETITION W ABATELLI OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- COUNTY, N.EIkr YORK. TO THE :TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUT (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the · ['~'A I N - R. GA.D · .I.N..~/~S~t'..t~UTGbi(~U.F: and more partict HOLD: EAST OF ~UOENE~S ROAD~ OUTCHOGUE mcr DE certaiu real property situated at .larly bounded and described as follows.: ~EeI.=NNING AT A blONU~ENT ON. THE SOUTHERI4.Y SIDE OF I,qAIN ROAD DIS,TANTk 136,14 FEET. EASTERLY FROM EUGENE'S ROA~ OONT~4:ING.. THENCE TO A MONUf~ENT 90 FEET ALONe ~¢!AIN ROAD ON A BEARING N42 DEeR-CF_S:.!2 MINUTES EAST THENCE ON A B'EARING SOOTH 50 DEGREES-: 3i~'IVlINUTES '~AST A DISTANCE OF 1.2~ FEET TO A SOUTH THE'NCE ON A BEARINeA.42 DECREES 12 MINU ES V'¢EST A DISTANCE OF 90 FEET TO A MONUMENT, THENCE ON A 8EARING ~']iORTH 250 DEGREES;3{~ MINL1TES ~'~/E$.T A DISTANCE OF 121 FEET TO A MONUMEIdENT AT THE POINT OF BEGINNING, 2. I. do hereby petition the Town Board of the TGwn of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building. Zone Ordinance o£ the Town of Son,hold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore ~nade a parI thereof, as £ollowp: TO CHANGE TIiE'TR'IANGULAR AREA LO CORNER OF THE PROPERTY FROM "AGRICULTUR nBUSINESS~ZONE, CATED IN THE.NORTHEASTERLY AL AND RESID'ENTIAL~ ZONE TO Such requestis made for the following reasons: (A) TH'E'^REA OF P~T~TIONER~S PROPERTY is Io890 SQUARE VEET~APPRO×- {~ATELY 9850 SQUARE'VEET OR 90 PERCENT OF THE PROPERTY IS NOW LOCATED'IN'AN ~B~ ZONE~ THE SMALL TRIANGULAR AREA OF APPROXI- MATELY ~040' $Q.U~RE FEE~ OR ~0 P~ROENT OF THE PROPERTY IS NOW LOCATEO IN'AN ~A~ ZONE,' THE TRIANGgE HAS A DIMENSION OF 26,14 FEET ON'NiAI~ ROAD AND APPROXIMATELY 80 FEET ON THE NORTHEASTER- LY LOT LINE, / (B) ~ECAUSE OF THE EX~STING M~XED ~ONiNG THE PETITIONER IS HARMED IN:THAT IT PREVENTS HIM FROM REALIZING THE MAXIMUM POTENTIAL VALUE OF HiS PROPERTY, (CO TO ~XTEND THE ;~ ~ONE AS REQUESTED WILL NOT RESULT IN DAMAGE TO ANY ADJOINING OWNERS, / (L. S.) . [?.H.I.L.I.P. )~;i. ABATE. LLI. .............. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ............ · ~ ...... : ........... : ............. SWORN, deposes and says that , BEING ~ULY he ~s the petitioner in the within action; that he has re~d 'the foregoing Petition and knoxvs the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) o~vn knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and hat as to those matters he beI~eves it to be true. Sworn to ~efore me this ~... day of..~..' .... PHILIP W. AB,~iELL1, JR~°tary Public. Notary Public S:'ate of Nevi Y~r~ No. 30-000~020 ~erm ALBERT W. RIP-HMOND Mr. Philip W. Abatelli Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Abatelli: Due to the recent amendments Building Zone Ordinance and Maps, cation for a change of zone to be Town Board, you must amend same t, ordinance. Enclosed herewith are the ne, application. We will need a new i ing area as per the new zoning ma[ Ver' Enclosures Alb Tow: of the Southold Town if you wish your appli- considered by the Southold conform to the new .~essary forms for a new ~ap indicating surround- truly yours, rt W. Richmond Clerk f .$ ~4 P ~PPLICA~tOhl ..... /' z' rc~J._D_ , /vJApP£Z~ IVt. A~CH ~ lq?'/