HomeMy WebLinkAboutAhman, Gordon Amend #91.'..'east. bY :Central Avenue;. still., along .said westerly' line' south~ by ':Zabolionski; and -of-Main--Road South 27 west by Zaboh0nskq. 2, By - changing from "A'.' ReSidential and-Agricultural 'District to' "C" Light Industrial' ..: DistriCt, ~th~-p~;operty of JOhn MackaY, .to wi~t- Premis~s'-at'New Suffolk in. the ToWn of:Southold"being '"altth~/tia~nd:soUthof Jackson - 4-1 degrees .45'minutes East Street' and ea st of .First ~Street.i .... · 144.48: -feet'--.to said...i~.outherly ....... :t~':. the ,.~..:~inai-Y:.';'high :.Water` lihe of .Ackerly/Portd Lane; "'.- ~. mark of"::cutaia~gde Harbor' thence along Said. Southerly ' '-/:.~-.- excepting, .h'0w~ver, sO much ... NOTiCEOF:"AME~-bMENT~ ~ '~ :r : ~:'~':'of;' said.' ~)re'M:i~es .as is. TO.THE ZONING ORDINANCE '" presently. Within the. "C" AMENDMENT NO. 91 -Light Industrial DistriCt. 'York, was dulY' amei~d~d: at'a .... . regular meeting 'of the-Southold Town Boar~:.held on -Jtme .6, :1972, . degrees 33 minutes West 18.0 · -feet to land of WillOW Hill' .Cemetery; 'thence along 'Willow. Hill :Cemetery.:. North '52 degrees-29 minutes.. 50: seconds West 234.07 feet to l - the.' southeasterly line of Lower Road; thence along saidsoutheasterlyl/ne, North NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that .,after a public hearing .,held . PursuantAo the. requirements of law.,:.: the :. :BUildi..n_g. Zone '. OrdinanCe,. (inClUding the- Building 'Zone Map), of the TOwn of SOutholdl Suffolk:Cotmty; 'New "3. By changing from "A'? Residential and-.Agricultural District -~to :"B-I'..' General Business Dist~;i~t',the property of Lawrence'Lis0;' to 'wit: ALL.,..thati_.Certain plot, .Piece or parcel of land situate !ying an~:being atSouthold, in. the-: line two.c0Urses:' - ' ...... ,....._ (1) 'North-73 degrees 05" minutes 40 seconds East 96.,.45 .feet; -' _ . ~2)'"'"North '76 degrees :03 minutes 20 seconds East 170.10.;fee~ to the point: of beginning. .. _.. DATED: June 6~;~-1972,' .. '. .BY ORDER OF.THE ~SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ~.:To~ni:~. o~. Southold bounded-"' ... - - 'ALBERT W. RICHMOND ~* '-?i~'~ndi:i~d~s~ri'~:ei:l as follows: ....."...1~. :By...,~¢hanging' from -,'A" ~.4...:._?,B~inningat~e:intersection:.' District to "C-I" General'- Road witb..~e southerly line ._ IndUstrial Distriet, .the. Property ~'~ of AckerlY Pond'Lane; from ~sai. d point of beginning rtmning Southerly along· said- westerly line of 'Main Road on a curve to the'right having a radius: of 1110..92 feet, a of W. Gordon and Lucy.J~ Ahman',' situated at Fishers Island, New. · York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~. STATE OF NEW YORK. ? ss' ......... -S.W..~.~.-. p... '.~o..r~.a.n .............. being duly Sworn. says that ...h.e... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMEs. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is tt printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, f~r ....... o.n.e. .................. weeks successively commencing on the ..... .~?.e.n.t.Y.':~.e..cgP.cl ....... day of ..... ~ day o~ ~ I Commis$io~.Eapi~es M~ch 30, · . N(~TICE O.F AMENDMENT T:O THE ZONING ORDINANCE .~ . AMEND.MENT NO: 91. '. !7t~oTICE.'~,IS ' H-EREBY' (~I VEN, t'tlat after a Public hearing ,held pursuant t0'"the requiie~ents ~of law,-'~the BUilding' 'Zone Ordi- nanc.e, , (inclhding .the Building . .Zone Map), of' the. Town of ~u~hold, Suffolk: ·CoUnty, New York, 'was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southo!d Town Board held on june 6, i972, ~ follows' ¢ 1. By ohanglng "A" Residential . and .AgricultUral District to "~C-1" General Industrial Dis- trie~, Lhe property Of W. Gordon and L~cy J, Ahman, Situ~.[~4 at FiShers mai-e:': parti~'Ul~g?iY':~..' D~Ougde~. · deSfiribed aS.f~ii~ws;?:. .: ::..¢.:.:...:~.~ ' ~S~~ ..by~:~, 'Ce~{~:ai~ }~A,enue;. .' west 'by 'za~¢~h~hSki,' ~4~/ · · dential an'd~ A~r~i~lth~aiY~Distrte~ to "C"' Light .Indust~'ial District, ~h'e. pr6pertY ', ' kay.~ 't0 the:' '"'" o 'Town being all that land south' 0f Jack- son Street and east of .First Street to the ordinar~ high water mark of cure, ague Harbor excepting, howeve, r, so much of said p?mises;.:~as is - :.. presently within the "C" ~ight .. Indus·trial District. 3. By changing.from dential and AgrieulturaI Distr~e~: to "B-l" General BUsinesS'..-.Dis~ trier, the :property~ of'~ LaWrence Lisa, to wit' ' ~ . ALL ,that certain :~.iat.~ :Pierce or Parcel of land. situate lyiBg and. being. ' the TOWn .of ~8o¢¢hold, ed and described: as follows : ..- Beginning at the interseC,. ' tion .of the weSterly'lifie:" Main Road with the southerly -line ,of Ackerly .Pond . from sa.~d' poi~t, of beginning running southerly along said Westerly line 6~:'Main Road ,on a eurve.~o .~he ¥i~hg hav~ng a. radiUs~of 1'110.~2 f.eeg, '~'"' .. :s~iil' alang "said" WeS~erl~ line ~'~ of ~aln..~ Road 8ough 2~ de-:' 'grees 88 minu~es West 18.0 · . fee~ ~o l~nd of Will6W Hill· .. Cemetery; .ghenee along Wil- · · low ~ilI Cemetery North 52' .degrees 29 minu[es 50 .Seconds , "WES[ ~84',0~ fee~ ~o ~he sout, h- easterly line of Lower. Road? 'thence along said 'south~aSt. eriy .~line,'No, rth 4I,, Qegr~s' 45 minuteS" Es[it ~ 1441~8' 'feet::, 'to ~said~ s0utherl~ 'line!Of,· ,/i. Ckerly '. !"f"::f.':'~0nd Lane.. thence:'alon~:s'aid ',.~?..~;;~/: ,'' .. ~ .:~ :"..,.:~ :¥:,.~,~outherty,. ,:line tWO .'e6~rses.: :'(I) North 73 de~rees 05 min- utes 40 .. seconds East· 96.4~ 'feet; (2) North 76 'degrees· 03' min. , utes 20 'seconds East 170.10 feet' to the POint of begin. ning.' · ', DATED: ,JUNE 6, 1972 BY ORDER dP THE · SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT ~ W. RICHMOND TOWN ;CLERK 1T--22 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., .being duly sworn, says that 'he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- ff~.,'~.~/~]/.)~ ~ ' man once each week for .... ~.~.;(-~"~....I,./.../...... wee,~k~ · · C success,vel~.~ommenc,ng on the ............... S~v~rn to before me thi,s ......~'~....~... ........ day of ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Re'sidh~g in Su,ffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 197 STATE OF NEW YQRZK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK:-~¥,~*'~: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, age of twenty-one years; that on the says that he is over the 26th day of June 19 72 , he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and ;substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yo~k, to wit:- Amendment No. 91 ire the Zoning Ordinance. Town Clerk Bulletin Board! Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, L.I.~N.Y. Sworn to before me this 26th day of June Albert Wi ' RiP'money-'Town Clerk 19 72 ~0tary Public 3UD~H T. BOKEN Notary Publlc, State of New York No. 52-034z~963 Suffolk Count~ NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE OF AI~ENDMEL, TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AIIENDMENT NO. 9! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN~ that after a public hearing held pursuan~ to the ~equirements of'law, the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Map) ~ of the Town of Soutboli, Suffolk County, New York, was {71y amended at a regular meetinq ~n= Southold Town Board held on June !~ ~y changing from Diserict to ~-_ General 1972r as ~oz_c~ ~. Relsle~nt am !nduse~ial District? and Agricultural the property of ~[. Gordon and Lucy J~ Ahman: p,~tuated at Fishers Island~ =e_P{, ano more particularly pounded and described as fcllews: North bi' i[adeline Avenue; east by Central Avenue; 2 o south b'y Zabohonski; an~ west by Zabohonski~ By changing from "A~' ReSidential and Agricul6ural District to "C~' Light indus-trial District, the property of Sohn '~=~k~ '~ to wit: Premises at New Suffolk'in the Town ef Southoli Oeina all that land south ef Jackson Street and east of First Street to the ordinary tiigh water mark ef Cutchogue _~ro~,r excepting, however, so much of said nremzses as is presently within the "C" Light Industrial District. District By =n~ngzng"' ~ ~ front ':A:' Res~dential' and Agricultrual to "B-l" General Businesls District, the property of Lawrence hiso, to wit: ALL that ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~e~taz~. plot, pliece or ~arcet of land s~.tuate lying and being at South bounded and described as Pagez ' ~c~a_ Notice old, in the Town of Southold Page~ ~ Legal Not,ce Beginning aL the intersection of the westerly line or Main Road with the so'aLherly line of Ackerly Pond Lane; from said point ef beginning running southerly alonqi said westerly line of Main Road on a curve to the right having a radius of 1110.92 fee~, a distance of 344.34 feet; thence still along said westerly line of :lain Road South 27 degrees 33 mznutes West 18.0 feet tc =aha ~,~ Willow Hill Cemetery;_ thence along Willow Hill ~m~r,, ....... North 52 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds West 234.07 feet to the southeasLerl,/ line of Lower Road; thence a!c,n~ said southeasterly !ine~ North 41 degrees 45 minunes East 144.48 feet te said southerly line ef Ackerly Penl Lane; thence along said southerly line two courses: degrees 05 ~minutes 60 seconds~_~-e 96.4c- (1) North 73 feet; (2) North 76 20 seconds East 170.1,5 degrees 03 minuues feet to the point ef oegm._n~ng. DATED: June 6~ 1972~ BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN KOARE, ALBER~ W~ RICHMOND TO~N ~ ~ERz, PLEA:SE PUBLISH ONCE, J£~m 22~ 194-~ AND FORWARD EIGHT AFFIDAVITS OF t!UBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD Td~,Xq C~ERR,Y ', ~.L~.iN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on June 15, 1972: The Long Islan~ Traveler-Mattitudk Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Gordon Ahmen Vay Tuyl & Sons Albert Richmond, Town Clerk ?'R E' ~:: E' N .. · . .. .,-. · . . ~ - . '"', ~.~ · .',~ .$ ~ ...~.,' .;..~ ':~ , ~; . ~ ... - ... . .. . . . . . ~ he- ,r'." e .~:~ 0 l:~x~ie '~:..a, :C.a t. ion - . i-oc...a.1 ~.e~':'?!.'.'~mln.~.iOn:..· T'ae.y ..saggeste th. at ..... ~b-~.- '"*"':' . ........." ~' ........ ' ' " ~"'" . "'~ , . .. ,. . · : .. .. - . .. (~...~ ...,~...,., .. ...... . .!.,...,; .... p' ;..' ,~.. ,,~, o~..,,~ a:.m.~i~l& g..o~rd who: -. .[~,..w 0.8, 1 e ~ v.e..d e. e i,,~ I on t ~e t~ e.~,. t who _-:m. or~..e .~. New C~.', ..'"'.~-~ %~:, "' i~:5 ,~wr..~. ~;' . .,...,:,,.,,~,, .::~..,,,,~,.,, V' ....,. =.,,( ;l: OC t~. ~f IA .,. . , . . ~..0 speak . ...,,.. . .. . ~-~¢j'?* b' . . ~"" " ¢' ~'''' ..... who wi. ii , . close · . . .. ;;~ · ... . · ,, ' . i i.i"' .'" ' ' . ,. . . .. · . ~ · ti.me a'~ad ~:' .... e . . wi. ii .. :$,1.,'~ '~ ........ . . .~::~,:' .,~,~..- , · .,. . . .. · . . . .. . · . ;..,. .... ,.. ,.. ... . . . . .., . . .- , . -... . . ~-~hx.~' ':' ' "~':" i ~,~: '~.~,~, ~ .' ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . · .... . .~,.: ........ .. 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' ' A~ · :' ' '~ .... . . we COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF N'EW YORK, ~ ss: ~alr~ :that . .. gA. i~ ~inter being duly Sworn. Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY, .~ TIMES. a newspaper b~ished at Greenport, in said ' cOunty:..a, nd fhat, the. notice, of the mmexed is u printed COPy, ,has been. published in said Suffolk Week~ Times once in each week~ ~.or ..... ',:.~:~!~; o~_e weeks . . , . ~,,i,:.::; sixth success~v~l¥ commencing on ~~ .......................... ·t..,.~,~ .~ . .,~ ~.i..~~.. .... · · · ~'e · · ~e . = · e'' · · · · · ~"~ · .~' / NOTARY PU !LIC, State of New York ~' // ............ ~ · s2-ss~~. · · · ....... .--. · · · /~ ' .' Qualift{~, i;~ Suffol~ County ~~ · CommissiOn* [x~ires March 30, 19~.~ easterIyline of Eugene's Road at the same n~are or less. feet to the southeasterly line of t~ southerly corner or ~and now . At.3:00 o'clock in the evening of ~ Lower Bond; thence along said or formerly of Glover and run- said day, April 25, 1972, on the southeasterly line, North 41 ning thence alung said land now follow~ing proposals to an/end the degrees 45 r~Jnutes East 144.48 or formerly of Ginver and land of Building Zone Ordinance (in- feet to said southerly line of Abatelli, the following six (6) ...cinding ~he Balld/ng Zone Maps) Acke~lyPondLane; thence aiung courses and distances: (1) North of the Town of Sou!hold, Suffolk said southerly line two courses: .42 degrees 12' /JO" East 185.47 County, New York, on the (i) North 73 degrees 0.5 minutes · feet; (2) North 50 degreeg 34' 00' Sou!hold Town Board's own 40 seconds East 96.45 feei.; (2) West 12L06 feet: (3) North 43 /motion. · North 76 degrees 08 minutes 20 degrees 44' 40" East 131.22 gee!; "~ f. By changing from "A" seconds East 170.10 feet to the (4) South 68 degrees 15' 00" East Residential and' .Agricultnrai point of beginning. ~ 22O.48 feet;· (5) South 26 dsgree~ District to "C" Light industrial III. By changing from "A" 11' 50" West 33L63 feetl (6) North. District the following described ·Residential· and Agricultural ' 68 degrees 42' 4O" West 193.44 property, to wit: District to "B-I" General feet. Premises at New Suffolk-in the Business District the following - 2. -By 'changing from "A~' Town of Sun!held being all that descr/bed property, to wit: Residential and Agricultural land south oF Jackson Street and An that certain plot, piece or [ District' to "C" Light Industrial east of First Street to the or- parcel of land situate, lying and ~_.Distric~ the property of Martin dinary high water mark of being at Santh~l~, in the Town of Jr. and Stella Sidor, Cutchogue Harbor excep, ting, Southuld bounded and described ~iill;~('(i at Legion'Aventie, '-~.l~n~ever So much of ~sald as]follovJs: · ""' Mal!:turl~ New York, and more pr~ses, a~s is presentry. Within ' ~ B~ginning at a Doint on the ,:.. iIN~'x('I.:" parlic,darly ~bounded and_ ~-the"C"LightInduntrial~istriet' ~[~a?tei'ly line oi Wells Avenue thc (](-:('rlht~'~l as foHows~: : N/ II. By ~hanging fi~om "A" [ 200.03 ~eet~ southerly- along said I~l'l(,.',.X~, I. \,)rlh byLanglslandRail/-oad ' ~Residential and Agrinultur~al' easfer'ly line 'from Main Road; "Seeli 2'Zone I.;~:s~ I': Hampton Griffin, South District t~ "B-l? ~eneral ' frown Said pohit of beginning '~:]'own. of b~ I..l!io~ Avenue, and Wsst by Business.District the following ranniug along-the existing ~'B-I" ,,~O~llill.l{H. ;' ' .~, x. · N,i,a ]hql:~ r~.~ Cen~etery. described property, to wit' z0neqih~, North ~3 d~grecs t? ' ~t'orl;: a!:~n~sv, ill he!it,hi 3. I~,~ changing from "A" MI that certain plot, piece or minutes 20 seconds East 148 14 ' In ;ii(. Sdl T );~ ~, i · t ~ R(,~'dtq:tial and Agricultural parcel of land situate, lying and ieet: thence SOuth 15 degrees .55 · ,thc ()Il.el,;(.), thc..qll[iCl'~!sor. ~t) I):~l"ic' tO '"B" Light Business being at Southuld. intheTown of minutes 80 second~ East 464.10 Sniff!i... .. ,:,',1 r(q.q~i...,,.'.. ('D'eel:. .x ri., N,(,~i I ):.,-Ii' (.'. the property of Edward Sou!hold. bounded and described feet to the northerly line of said ? .';X or..,, .ill. S;rl(I I(n~ ii Oil :lit, 2 )th !,' I',,,mnin. situated at Cox Lane as ~foHows: Wells Avenue: thence along said da: o .'~ 'u ,I. 1!1;'2. ;il 7:3,1 ()'(~h)ck ;.l:d I:.:~te 27A East Cuteho ne .... n . - . .... . . , g , Begmnmgat the mtersoet~on of ortherly hne South 70 degrees 22 ,' . ..~"' !h;, c~cl. ina, (): sald'(I;i','.. .n H!(' x.(.~; .~ ,a'k, and more particularly the westerly line of the Main minutes 20 seconds West 149.89 ,I,~ho~,lllg,pr(Jpes~ds i(iUl'lendthc I),,?i(it(l ar;d ddseribed as ] Road With ih~ southerlyAine of fect to said'easterly line of Wells ,' !'lrafl,,,.,,,h.(,;l!uildTrq Z(!. (',M;,I,<' or · g . , 1 ecssa~ .;ti"l!i("';T;r.~n ~1' Nolo!holt!.. , . , :'Stlil't'il; 'i'"' '. .... gs . outher]yal~ngsaldwestertyline ' W.f 471.75 ' (. ,.,~ -'~ ':,'., '~ '., ' . .. ~.'~: H. provements thereon of Main Ro~d on a curve to thc feet to the point of beginiaing. .,.;~].. '.;).. IC.~ ""(?~'ia~q,a.. "l!-om'... "P' t,r(.(",.,J si{na~e, lying and being right bn~ing a radin~ of ~TII.0 91~ . An:/pers0nde-diring to he heard ,.~l(%' *,'. ~' ' '~ ,r t\t;h ural · ';i; t .~','llogud, Town of. So~thuld, ~- felt; a dis~nec of :~14.34 felt . · bn ~he above proposed ar~end- ,I,{) Y',i .CI~' :i~'- '."[~, :.", ' (~i..it.r;d ,( ,.:11'1~ Of ~Suffolk and- State of fhence Still along- said Westerly merits should'appear at the time ~!~.~i'.)tlA'-':.~i'~i'4,.,::'/..~ ,:s. iu'op, t'r'y o!' N,',,. ~,,r]~, botmdal north by line Of M~in ~ad South 2'7 andpiqee so specified. ; ~]:~i.:in: I:'d/n. ~1 ~;:'ed ;i l'~;,s' M t](I ,, iload 6as! by Cox Lane, degrees 33 minutes West 18 0 feet DATEI~ ,~/arch 20 1972 t ,trH,,dil(-.%,('¥. '~.or[,. i.ll(: qi*~l':. -o ~:h ~ land of H. Pietrewicz, to land of Willow Hill Cem&tery BY ORDER OF THE ,imr;,c!!lr~!'l'> "t!,om,~;t.d ' ;m(I .;..I '.,i,st by :land of said thence along Willow HilJ SOUTHOLDTOWNBOARD t'l,i'~t'ii!i,'tl i:..-, fl!!h',:.:.y; ' I~,t'll't ..icz, containing .by Cemetery, North 52 degrees 29 ALBERTW. RICHMOND ,. '~ I~,I'~(;I:%NI\(; t.i d pOlri .on Iii(. '!.-Iii' a' ,~n one-half ~/~) acre. be minute~ 5O seconds Wost 234.07 TOWNCLERK STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: Souhhold, New York, ALBERT W. ~ICH~[OND, of Southold, Town of ! being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of 19 72 he affixed a is a public place in the Town of Southold, ! York, to wit:- twenty-one years; that oI the 7th day of April notice of %Ihich the annexed printed notice true copy, in a proper and ~ubstantial manner, in a mosk Suffolk County, New Town Clerk Bulletin Boar~, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Soulthold, L.I.,N.Y. Sworn ko before me this 7th day of April 19 72 ~o%ary Public ~Al~ert W. RicNr~Nd, Town Clerk NOTICe': OF HEARI'NGS ON PROPOSALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDIN'ANCE pursuant to section 265 of.: the ToWn Law and ~Article XVI, section· 1600 Of the Building Zone Ordi~l{nce of the Town. of Southold, .Suffolk 'County, New .York, ,Public, hearings will.- be I. By changing from "A" Rcsi- dential and 'Agricultural District to ,,r 'Light Industrial District the x .,~,Jng described property, '.to wit: - Premises at New Stlffolk in the ~UFFOLK Town of Southold being all that ~ YORK ~ ss: land south of Jackson Street and east of First Street to the ordin, ary high water mark. of Cut- held by" Board in the (~ffice chogue Harbor excepting, how- visor, 16 South. "}l ever, so much of sa~.d premises New Yorl~, in Said ,'Town or.. 'l"'f as is presently within the "C" .25th .day of Apr~i/:1972, ~t~'.7' . ,',~ Light .ir~dustrial District. ~;~ ': II,' BYe; chang'lng f~'om "A" Resi.- o'clock.,:in the e~enin.g"of sa ~.~, ; daY' on~ the folloW~ng .. ~dentia'l',, ': ,, and Agricultural'. District. . ~o B,1 General Business D~s- to amend the Building Z following described Ordinance dncluding t~he'.~ Build~ .... 'itc. -wit :. " '!ng Zone Maps). of.th~ 'o~ .:': '/ t~ Certain plot, piece or ~uthold, 'Suffolk New '] parcel' 0[f~: ]and situate, lying and ~°rk' '~ ': '~ ': ~' ~ being. ;'. ~t .Southold in the Town ' 1. By changing, from "A'':Res'i- i~ of ~SP~ ~B:°ld, · bounded and' de- dent, ia1 ~nd ~A~ric~ltural District / aciqbe~ '~/~'~ollows:.. '. to , B-i'. Gefl~ral ':BUsineSs ~Dis- .,] Begi: [~'ing .at the intsrsectkm trict,' the~.~:.Pr°per~y ~. of Martin' '~?~]~.,.~/. of ~the"Wes~erly line of the Main Filla,' sit~Kted '. ' Cut- '?~ [ Road With' the southerly line chogue, more' "AckerlY Pond Lane; from said scribed as easterl.y the.. southerly or formerly ning thence alon~ de- "~ ..point of beginning running '~-. al'cng raid '.westerly- ,of Main Road on a curve to ::_ 'the right .having a radius of 1.110.92 re?t, a distance of-34~.34 feet' ~hence stql along said. westerly line of. Mai~il Road South A/hitney Booth, Jr., .being duly .sworn, says the Editor, of THE LONG 'ISLAND MATTITUC'K WATCHMAN, a public news- at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that vhich the .annexed is a printed copy, has been laid Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- :h week for ..... zZ:::'.,.,~g,e ..... L..~.~..if..... weeks omrnencing on the .............. .~2 ............... ......................... ............ 5... or formerly of.li Abatellt (6'): courses and"~dist~ NOrth 422 12'.: 007 feet; (2) 'North 50 121:00 feet; 40" EaSt '131.22 feet;::.. 68~ 15, 00',.' East 220.48. South 26°' 11'~ 50" feet; (6)NOrth 6~. 42" 193.44 feet. ,2. By changing-from dential and Agriciiltur~ ~o '~'C" Light · .the property of Maktinl ?bY'Long Island Railroad, Hamilton Griffin, South ,""Avenue, and West 'bY:" Cemetery,. .,'at :' Cox ~n'd ..... ,,East, New more part 'ul:arlY and described: fol- that certain plot, pie~ or of land :with the buildings thereon erect- ,uate,. lying and, being at li0gue, TOwn of Southold, ~o~ Suffolk ,qnd State 0f '¥0rki bounded north Road, east by .Cox H, Pietrew.!c~, ;aid Pie- :~ estima~. ¥./.be the same more or less, ~ ~ 'r of said day, April 25, ,1972, on the gollowing proposals to mend the Building Ordinance (including .the'Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New"York, the Southold' Town Board's Own motion. !, degrees 33 minutes West 18.0 ~et -to land. of Willow Hill ; thence al'e~"~ Willow ~rn to be~ore me thi~ ......... ,.z:.. ~ill Cemetery, North,i~ degrees .. ' .29 .minutes 50 seconds West 234.07 ] 9.. ,' ,feet to 'the southeasterly line of "' ,LoWer Road. thence along said "': southeasterly line. North 41 de', grees 45 m~nutes East 144.48-,feet', .e ',Pond Lane: thence along ,:.'aid' ~' southerly line two ,courses: ¢1) .Notary · North 73 degrees 05 minutes 40, seconds East 96.'45 feet; (2) North 76 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds Ea-st 170.1'0 feet to the point of beginning. , III.' By changing .,from "A" Residential and Agricultural Dis- trict to "B-I' General Busineas Distijct' the following described property, to wit': Al~l that certain plot, piece or parcel, of land situate, lying and. being at SouthOld, in the Town of Southold, bounded and de, scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Wells Avenue 290.03 feet southerly along said easterly line from Main from '.s.a~d Point fo beginning .... :~,~.~,~-: :_ _ · running al0.ng ~he existing "B-I" zone 'th 73 degrees 17 minut~ conds East 148.14 15 degrees 55 seconds East 464,1~ feet: to the northerly line of said Wells AVenue;. thenCe..along said 'northerly line' South 70 ~legre~s- 22 minutes 20 seconds West 149.89 feet to said easterly line of Wells Avenue' thence along said easterly line North 15' de- grees 45 minutes 10 seconds West 471.75- feet to the point of be- ginnifig~_ Any ':~person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendments should appear at the time and place so specified. DATED: March 28, 1972~ BY 'ORDER OF THE .. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND' · TOWN CLERK .' 1T-- 4~6 ADELE PAY' ~ll'OIR COUI Commi~-:- t~. 52-3041nn~ "~JO~ · - ~U Expires March 30, 19.Z'~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON PROPOSALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article XVI, Section 1600 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Seuthold , Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board in the office of the Supervisor, 16 Sou~h Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 25th day oflApril0 1972, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day on thel following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. i! By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural DistriCt'to "B-l" General Business District, the property of MartinlFilla, situated at East Cutchogue, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: B GINNING at a point on the easterly line Of Eugene's Road at the southerly corner or land now or formerly of Glover and running thence along said land now or formerly of Glover and la d of Abatelli, the' following six (6) courses and dis- · tances: {1) North 420 12. 00" East 185.47 foot;· {2) North · 34' 50° 00" West 121.00 feet;' (3) North 43° 44'~ ,40" East 131.22 ~ feet; (4) South 68° 15' 00" East 220.48. feet,? (5).S°uth 26° · 50" We~t 331.63 feet; (6) North 68° 42' 40" West 193.44 feet. ~ i~ 2. By changing from "A" Residential, ~and~ Agricultural DistriCt to "C" Light Industrial District} the property of , Martin iSldor Jr. and Stel!a Sider, situated at Legion Avenue · ~ Mattit~ck, New York, and more particularly bounded and described a~ follows: 2 - Legal Notio .... -~ Notice of Heard ~ on Proposals to Amend Zc_~ng Ordinance North by Long Island Railroad, East by Hamilton Griffin, South by Legion Avenue, and West by Bethany Cemetery. 3. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District, the property of EdwardlR. Rolquin, situated at Cox Lane and Route 27A, East Cutchogue, New York, as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State ~f New York, bounded north by Middle Road, east by Cox Lane, ~outh by land of H. Pietrewicz, and west by land of said Pietre~icz, containing by estimation one-half (1/2) acre, be the sa~e more or less. and more particularly bounded and described At 8:00 o[dlock in the evening of said bay, April 25, 1972, on the:'following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (incluQing the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the Southold Town Board's own motion~ By c~gnging from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Light Industrial District the following described proper~y, to wit: Premises at New Suffolk in the Town of Southold being all that land south of Jackson Street and east of First Street to thelordinary high water mark of Cutchogue Harbor excepting, however, so much of said premises as is presently within the "C~' Light Industrial District. I~. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-l" General Business District the following 3 - Legal Notice Notice of Hear? '~ on Proposals to Amending' "oning Ordinance described property, to wit: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the Main Road with the southerly line of Ackerly Pond Lane; from said point of beginning running southerly along said westerly line of Main Road on a curve to the right having a radius of 1110.92 feet, a distance of 344.34 feet; thence still along westerly line of Main Road South 27 degrees 33 minutes West 1S.0 feet to land of Willow Hill Cemetery; thence along Willow Hill Cemetery, North 52 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds West 234.07 feet to the southeasterly line of Lower Road; thence along said southeasterly line, North 41 degrees 45 minutes East 144.48 feet to said southerly line of Ackerly Pond Lane; thence along said southerly line two courses: (1) North 73 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds East 96.45 feet; (2) North 76 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East 170.10 feet to the point of beginning. III. By changing from "A"Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business District the following described property, to wit: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Wells Avenue 200.03 feet southerly along said easterly line from Main Road; from said point of beginning running along the existing "B-1'~ zone line, North 73 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East 148.14 feet; thence South 15 degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds East 464.10 feet to the northerly line of said Wells Avenue; thence along 4 - Legal Noti Notice of Hear~ ~g on Proposals to Amend Zo~zng Ordinance said northerly line South 70 degrees 149.89, feet to said easterly line of Wells Avenue; thence said easterly line North 15 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds 471.75 feet to th~ point of beginning. 22 minutes 20 seconds .... ~u~t along West Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendm~nts should appear at the time and place so specified. DATED: March 28, 1972, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, APRIL 6, 1972, AND FOR[~IARD EIGHT (8) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies nailed to the following on March 29, The Lonlg Island Traveler-Mattituck The Suf!folk Weekly Times Martin 'Filla Martin iSidor, Jr. Edward R. Rolquin Supervisor Martocch~ Otto W.i Van Tuyl Watchman 1972~ Seth A. Hubbard ~ E. Koppelman Direc~ar o~ planai~;g Suffolk County Department of Planning H. Lee Damison, Co¢nty Exec#tive Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, L. 1., N. Y. March Z, 1972 724.2500 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman To~vn of Southold Planning Board Main l~oad Cutchogue, AT. Y. 11935 Application for a proposed change of zone from "i" Agricultural and lte sidential to "B-I" General Business on a parcel sit-a- ated 200 ft. ~outh of Main ltoad abutting Wells Ave. (item #III), Town of Sonthold (SD-72 -3) ; Dear Mr. Wic-t~am: -; Pursuant to thc requirements of Sections ~323 to 133Z of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Comrnission on March 1, 197Z re- viewed the above captioned zoning action and after due study and deliber- ation disapproved this change Of zone because of the following: 1. It constitutes the unwarranted encroachment of business de- velopment into a residential area. i It would tend to establish a preced4nt for further downzonings in the locale. I There is ample vacant business zo All "B-i" Business District prope: l~oad in the area is Z00 feet deep - district into the adjoining residenc tablish a precedent for further dee Street. aed land in ;he locale. ~ty on the south side of Main any attempt to extend this district would tend to es- lot downzonings along IViain Very ~ruly yours, by Lee E. Koppelman Dire~c~ ~or of Plannin=%,~--],., ~q ~. ~, Oera] G. Newman Chief Planner GGN :e c cc: Mr. Albert W. l~ichmond, Town Cleft Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memoria~ Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 March 1, 197Z Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Town of Souflaold Planning Board Main Ro ad Cutchogue, New York 11935 Pe~itione~r Mun. File No., S. C. P.D. File ~o.: : Premises @ New Suffolk (Parcel #1) "A" I~esidentia~ & Agricultural to "C" Light Ludustrial SD-72-1 Dear Mr. Wickham:' Pursuant to the requirements of Section; 13Z3 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned apliication which has been re- £erred to the Suffolk County Planning Co~nmission is considered to be a matter for local determination. The decision of local determin- ation should not be construed as either an approval or a d/sapproval. Conurnents: Parc, el should ,be restricted, to a. wate..rfront related use. Re spectf~lly yours, Lee E. Koppelrnan Director of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning Yeteran~ Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New Y~rk 11787 February 28, ;1972 Mr, John Wickham, Chairman Town of $outhold Planning Board Main l{oad Cutchogue, New York 11935 Pe titiond r Mun. File No. : S. C. P.D. File I~o.: : Planning Board "A" Residential & Agricultural to "B" General Business District (Parcel II) SD-TZ -2 Dear Mr. Wickham: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application which has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County PJ~nning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. The decision o£ local determin- ation should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. _Comments: The character of the surrgund~ng area and exis, ting zoning --pattern appear to limit the overall desirability of said parcel for resi- dential development. Because of proba~ble traffic safety problems in __the loca~et ..it is. suggested that acces.S,,,t? subject parcel be restricted Respectfully yours, Lee E. Koppelm~n Director of Planning Suffolk Coo_uty Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 February 28, 1972 Mr. 3otm Wick_ham, Chairman To~ of Southold Planning Board Main Road Cutchogne, New York 11935 Pe titioneir Planning Board Mun. File No.: : Sec 1501 Art. XV S.C.P.D. File ~o.: SD 72-4 Dear Mr. Wickham~ Pursuant to the requirements of Section~ 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned apl!ication which has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County Planrg~ng Co~nmission is considered to b.e. a matter for local determination. T~e decision of local determin- ation should not be construed as either a~ approval or a disapproval. _Comments: With the understanding t_ha~.the modified amendment as proposed by the Sonthold Toxin Plannin~ Board is considered. b~ Respectfully yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Building Dept. } Planning Bd.. 765-2660 BOard of Appeals Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the ...~.[-~..~ ............ :.. of the town of ..E~¢~.~,~ .................. (agency im,otved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Sbffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ..... .~.. .... Amendment to the zoning ordinance ............ Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: {~[,~ &t,~ within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line ..... ~ .... State or county road, parkway or expressway ............ State or county park or recreation area : ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county !or for which the county has established channel lines I ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public I~uilding is situated Comments: ; Dote: ............................................ (s~,~.ed) Title Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ........................................................................ File No ................................. Southold Town Plannin Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING ,BOARD ~MEMBER$ Febr.uary 8, 1.972 Southold Town Board 16 South Str.eet Greenport, New .York Gentlemen: Please be advised that, .at a m~eting held on February.7, 1972, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the proposed "Amendments to the Building Zone Or([inance and Building Zone Maps of the Town of South01d" (amen( own motion), as transmitted to %hem on November 29, 1971, and hereby su] mendations:- I. By changing from "A" Resid~ntial and Agricultural District to "C" Li~_~h~_t Industrial Di!:trict the following described ~~Lto wit: Premises at New Suf~9_$_~in the ~own of Southold being all that .l~-u-~ of Jackson Street and east of First Street to the ordinary high wai~er mark of Cutch0gue Harbor excepting, however, so ituch of said premises as is presently within the ",2'" Li~iht Industrial District. "IT WAS RESOLVED that .the Sout]~old Town Planning Board recommend favorably to the Southold To~n Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agric]~ltural District to "C" Light Industrial District on the ab~e described property. This has been industrial prope~ enactment of the Zoning Ordinance, ~ of the Planning Board'that it shoul~ II. By. changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business bistrict the following described property, to wit: ~ents made on Town Board's by the Southold To~n Board ~mits the following recom- ~ty since before the ~nd it is the opinion remain as such." Ail that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold, i~ the Town of Southold bounded and described as follows: Recommendati¢ t- Southold To%~ Board on proposed "~men~Lents to Building Zone Ordinance & Building Zone Maps February 8, Page -2- 1972 B~ginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the Main Road with the southerly line of Ackerly Pond Lane; from said point of beginning running southerly along said westerly line of Main Road on a curve to the right having a radius of 1110.92 feet, a distance of 344.34 feet; thence still along said westerly lineiof Main Road South 27 degrees 33 minutes West 18.0 feet to land of Willow Hill Cemetery; thence 'along Willow Hill Cemetery, North 52 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds West 234.07 feet to. the southeasterly line of Lower Road; thence along said south- easterly line, North 41 degree~ 45 minutes East 144.48 feet to said southerly line of!Ackerly Pond Lane; thence along said southerly line two courses: (1) North 73 degrees 05 ~inute's 40 seconds East 96.45 feet; (2) North .76 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East 170.10 feet to the point of b~ginningj ~'iT WAS RESOLVED that the Sout~old Town Planning Board does nQt recommend favorably to ~%elSouthold Town Board the ~H~0~--~m ~'A" Residential~and Agricultural District to "B-l" General Business Districtlon tke above described property. This is a very dangerous area ~ due to t~e topography of the land. There is a curve in the ~ain Road ~Route 25), a three (3)- way intersection, and generally blind intersection from at least two directions. TO zgne this propert~ business would greatly enhance the. danger. ~e feel that the change granted on the old Zoning Map was a~serious mistake, it'should not have been done." III. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business bistrict tbs following described property, to wit: ' Ail that certain plot, piece o~ parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold, i$ the Town of Southold, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Wells Avenue 200.03 feet southerly along sa$~ easterly line from Main Road; from said point of beginning running along the existing "B-l" zone line, Nort~ 73 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East 148.14 feet; t~ence Soutk 15 degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds East 464.10~feet to the northerly line of said Wells Avenue; thence along said northerly line .South 70 degrees 22 minutes 201seconds West 149.89 feet to said easterly line of WellslAvenue;' thence along said easterly line North 15 'degrees145 minutes 10 seconds West 471.75 feet to tke point of beginning. Recommendati% ~ t $outhold Town Board on proposed "Amenaments to Building Zone Ordinance & Building Zone Maps February 8, 1972 Page -3- 'TIT WAS RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board do~s ns recommend favorably to the Southold Town Board the ~'~~ng~-~e- of---zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-i" General Business District on th~ above described property.' , In view of the fact .that none of the "B" Business District property on the S/S of the Main Road is more than 200 ft. deep, we feel t~at it would be a mistake to put a jog into the resi- dential property unless a large are~ were. to. be included such as the balance of the block to Mechanic Street. There has been much objection to. granting single p~operty "fin~ers" into resi- dential areas. ~ IV. By amending the first .sentence of Section 1501~ Article XV of said ordinance to read as follows: ~~ i~ din shall be erected o~ added to until a permit herefor h~s been issued by th~ Building Inspector. "~S-R~S~VED that the Scut]told Town Planning Board does not recommend favorably to the Southold To%rn Board the above amendment as submitted. '~<~---~ The Southold Town Planning Boa~ favorably to the Southold Town Boar~ amend~ent:- All construction shall meet th~ Southold Town Housing Cod.s and laws, and no building shall be until a permit therefor has be~ Building Inspector." ~d does, however, recommend , .the following modified requirements of the all other applicable erected or added to ~n issued by the JW:BN referred to Suffolk County Pla] RespeCtfully submitted, Joh~ ltickham, Chairman South~ld Town Planning Board ~ning Commission on 2/8/72 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Seuthold, N. Y. 11971 TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Building Dept. 1 Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals , Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of, the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the ....~'.i¢~lo.~%.g...~.c~a~.d ...........:.. of the town of ..~O~,~zo3~ .................. (agency involved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the S~ffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ..... ~ .... Amendment to the zoning ordinance ............ Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: .... .(..~..e.,e....~...~..~...~.g.~.e.~...~..~..e._e_~. .................................................................. within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line ..... ~.:.. State or county road, parkway or expressway ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county br for which the county has established channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which o public ~uildin~ is situated Comments: Chairman, Southold Town ~lanning Board Title Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission File No ................................. E]FF~ERK =~OUTHE3LD, L. I. N. y. 11¢"71 November 29, 1971 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Wickham: Transmitted herewith are proposed amendments to the Building Zone Ordinance an~ Building Zone Maps of the Town of Southold. Please prepare an officiall report giving the recommendations of your Board ~ith respect to these pmoposed amendments. Ver~ truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Attachment I. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "CTM Light Industrial District the following described property, to wit: Premises at New Suffolk in the Town of Southold being all that land south of Jackson Street and east of First Street to the ordinary high iwa,ter mark of Cutchogue I-tarbor excepting~ however~ so much of said premises as is presently within the "C" L~ghi Industrial District. Il. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "tB-i" General Business District the {ollowing described property~ to wit: All that certain ploto piDce or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold~ in the Town of Southold bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersJction of the westerly line of the l~%ain Road with the southerly line of Ackerly Pond Lane; from said point of beginni~? running southerly along said westerly line of IVIain 1Roa~ on a curve to the right having a radius of 1110.92 feet, ~distance of 344.34 feet; thence still along said westerly line of l~Iain Road South 27 degrees 33 minutes West 118.0 foot,to land of lVillow Hill Cer~_etery; thence along %~]illow I{ill Cemetery~ North 52 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds West 234. 07 feet to the southeasterly line of LoweF Road; thence along said south- easterly line~ North 41 degrees 45 minates East 144. 48 feet to said southerly line ~f Ackerly Pond Lane; thence along said southerly line two courses: (1) North 73 degrees 0~ minntes 40 seconds East 96.45 feet; I (2) North 76 degrees 013 minutes 20 seconds East 17~. 10 feet to the point of beginning. III. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-I" General Business District the following described property~ to wit: All that certain plot; p]'ece or parcel of ].and situate~ lying and being at Southold in the Town of Southold~ bounded and described as ~ollows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of ~ells Avenue 200.03 feet southerly along said easterly line from ~ain Road; from said point of ~eginning running along the existing "B-l" zone line~ North 73 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East 148.14 fe~t; thence South 15 degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds East ~64. I0 feet to the northerly line of said Wells Avenue; thehce along said northerly line South 70 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds %~est 149~ 89 feet to said easterly line of V~,~lls Avenue; thence along said easterly line North 15 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds West 471.75 feet to the point of beginning. IV. By amending the first sentence of Section 150i~ Article ~{V of said ordinance %o read as follows: No building shall be erected or added to until a permil · I lherefor has been lss-~ed by! the Building Inspector, At a meeting of the Town Board of the To%wa of Southold held at the Supervisor's office, 16 South Street~ Greenport~ New York on the 23rd day of November, 1971. W~HEREAS~ this Board held a public hearing on lhe 28th day of September: 197i in the matter of the amendment of the Town ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance Of the Town of Souihold, Suffolk Co'unty~ New York"~ and ~%~HEREAS~ this Board has adopted A resolution enacting the amend- ments to the aforesaid Building Zone Ordinance and Building Zone RIaps as proposed in the Notice of Hearing cf September 28~ 1971: and WPIEREAS~ this Board has been reqt~,.ested fnrther amendments to said zoning ordinance and zoning maps as hereinafter set forth, and ~IEREAS, this Board believes that i~ is in the public interest that a public hearing be held in the matter of sai~ amendments which a~'e herein- after set forth~ NO~% TPIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE? that the Town Clerk by written request instruct the Town Planning Board t~ prepare an official report with its recommendations %~dth respect to the amendments to said zoning ordinance and maps hereinafter se~ for'th, a~d IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that if the ~,aid proposed amendaments are required to be referred to ~he Suffolk County'~t~lanning Ce~mission that said Clerk refer such proposed amendments ~o such Pla~nming Commission. IT IS FURTHER RESOL\rED that the'proposed amendments to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South~ld and the Building Zone R.Iaps are as follows, WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the (property at Willow }till, Main Road, Southold) requestng a change, modification and a.mendment of the 8uilding Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ..'.'..A..':...~.e..s...i..d..,...~...A_c2[.r...i..CDistrict tb ...'.'..B...-..1..'.'...~..e..n..e.r..a...l_...B.~.iness District the property described in said petitio6, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referredi to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, an~ its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a publi~: hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... .2-.5..t..h......day of .............. Ap.r. il ...................... , 19..7.2.., andI due deliberation having been had thereon I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thdt the relief demanded in said petition be, end it hereby is Granted. BY ORDER OF TI{E SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD DATED: Jufie 6, 1972. ~ Albert W. Richmond, Tow~ Clerk WF{EREAS, e petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .Bo.u~-b. QJ~d...~Q.%r-o..~B.O.~.~.~.'.~...~....M..o...t..i...°..n. ........ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps m[ade a port thereof by chang- lng from ..'.'..~.'.'....R...e..s...i..d..-.....&.....A...G..r...i..CDistrict t~ "C" I, icj'b/a -rndustr£al (property at New Suffolk) District the property described in sa.id petition; and WHEREAS sa, id petition was duly referred to the P'lonning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, endiits report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a publicI hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....~5..t..h. ...... day of ................. .A. iq.r..il. ................... , 19...7..2..., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is Granted. BY ORDER OF T~E SOUT~OLD TOWI~ BOARD DATED: June 6, 1972. k-lbert w. RiChmond, Tow~n Clerk WHEREAS, e petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone ,Mops m~de o p~rt thereof by chong- "A" Resid:. & Agric~-,s_r,ct ' t t~ "C~"General Industrial in_o from ....................... .................... ............................................. District the property described in said petition, i' and WHEREAS ~aid petition was duly referred ~o the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and lilts report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, c public I hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Bo&rd on the ...... -.l..O.'~-h.....day of ................... .M..~.~ ...................... , 19..7...2..., and c~ue deliberation having been hod thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that (he relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is Grantedo BY ORDER OF THE S OUTHOLD TOWN BOi~ DATED: June 6, 1972. '. 'Albert W. ~'icHmond, Town-Clerk held, of ded' :'at .o :,Law.rence ' :i., 'ed and ?described as. follOWs.: . · i: ~:~: 'tion:,:of, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed Copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... successively commencing on t~e ............ i..~.,.~.~.~..~...(,.~ ..... day of .. ~-~...~.~,'..<~ 9,.~./~., .~... Sworn to before me this ........ ..~...~:~. ...... day of eee.~.*'* ee Seee.leeee. ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Yo~ Residigg in Su,ffolk County No, 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, grees. 33 minutes .' West", .118.0 feet,' :to: l~nd of, Will°w Hill,:, c~mbtery, :thence' ~-:alon :loW: Hill' cemeterY 'North 52 ' de:gr~s": ~ mi:nutes~:5° SeCOnds '-wesf:::23il ] :'::?et :to:the sOUt, h,:.:. th ncc:! !.~ .,:Said.. ! soUtherly line:, tWo` , ; (1)..'N0rth 73 ' degrees, ii05'min- utes. '40' seconds East '96,45 · ' ,feet,.: , . ,'~: · :'., (2,) ,,North 76 degT'ees 03. min- . Utes 20 Seconds ' East' ~70.10" , · ' feet to the ,point of',begin.~ "ning,. · DATED: JUNE 6, 1972 ' .. ry. 0SD .S or , ,SOUTHOLD TOWN ~ , , '" TOW~"~ CL~a~ ~ '., " " ' '~ 1T--22' ',, : ..... STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 26th day of June 1'972 , he 'affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a pro'per and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Amendment: No.. 91 to the Zoning Ordinance. Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office , Main Road, Southold,. L.I.,N.Y. Sworn to before me this 2,6 th day of JUne Albert W.' ~ict[~on~, Town Clerk 19 72 . Y Public 3UD~TH T~ BOKEN ~!o~c.::~ ?.j:2!ic, q~e o{:. New York 7 '..)' .) ~,,io, !'3,"?-C'?~e~'''' '~ SUffolk LEGAL NOTICE' NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 91 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 'that after a public hearing- held pursuant to the requirements of ]_aw, the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Map), of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on June 6~ 1972~ as follows~ 1. By changing from "A" ReSidential and Agricultural District to ~'C-i" General IndustPial District, the property of Wo Gordon and Lucy J~ Ahman~ Situated at Fishers Islan. d, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: North by Made!ine Avenue; east by Central Avenue; south by Zabohonski; and west by Zabohonskio 2o By changing from "A" ReSidential and Agricultural District to "C~' Light Industrial District, the property of John Mackay~ to wit~ Premises at New Suffolk·,in the Town of Sou'thold bein~ all that land seuth of Jacksen S'treet and east ef First Street to the ordinary high water mark of Cutchogue Harbor excepting~ however~ so much of said premises as is presently within the "C" Light Industrial District~ 3o By changing from "A" ReSidential and Agricultrua! District to "B-I" General BusineSs District~ the property of Lawrence Liso, to wit: ALL that certain plot~ piece or parcel of land situate lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold bounded and described as follows: Page 2 Legal Hotice Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Main Road with the southerly line of Ackerly Pond Lane; from said point of beginning running southerly along said westerly line of Main R~ad on a curve to the right having a radius of 1110o92 feet~ a distance of 344~34 .feet; thence still along said westerly line of Main Road South 27 degrees 33 minUtes West 18o0 feet to land of ~illow Hill Cemetery; thence along Willow Hil.1 CemettCrv ?qorth 52 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds West 234~07 feet ' i' to the southeasterly line of Lower Road; thence along said southeasterly line,! North 41 degrees 45 minutes East 144048 feet to said southerly line of Ack. erly Lane; thence along said 'southerly line two courses~ (1) North 73 degrees 05 iminutes 40 seconds East feetl (2) North 76 degrees 03 iminutes 20 seconds East 170~10 feet to the point of beginning~ DATED- June 6~ 1972~ BY ORDE R OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOA. F{D ALBERT W o RICHMOND TOWN CLERK PLEA'SE PUBLISH ONCE~ JUNE 22~ 19712~ AND FORWARD EIGHT AFFIDAVITS OF P. UBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERKr MAIN ROAD~ SOU~H(/LD NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following oh,S June 15~ 1972~ The Long Island Traveler~Mattituc The Suffolk Weekly Times Gordon Ahmen Vay Tuyl & Sons .~Albert Richmond~ Towh Clerk k Watchman FISHERS ISLAND REALTY CO. CORP. REAl ESTATE AND INSURANCE PDST OFFICE BOX TEL. 516 - ?BB-?$10 May ]_0, 1972 The Honorable Albert Martocchia Town Supervisor Town of Southold Long Island, New York ,., i .,, Dear Sir: : i .. This letter is written with respect to a request for re-zoning by Mr. Gordon Ahman and his wife. It is our 'understandS'.hg that they wish to cond'uct a real estate business from their resSdence on Madeline and Central Aven'ues on FIiS~hers Island. We support this request in principal and believe that a way:: should be found to gran-t i.t. Z. oning~ as everyone kniOws~ is a very serious matter and has long range effects on the comm'uni~:ties involved. We would therefore like to make :I ;i i these observations iniii~ye ard to this application as it has be requested. "c'l "5 i · i.e. change "A" to ~ . i . 1. The zoning laws o:f the town were (:hanged in 1971~ but they are not yet published andii~: available for study. ~Many residents of Fishers Island were away ~on December 2nd when they were printe~ in local papers and therefore are unaware o.f their content. 2. West Harbor is one of the most beautif'Ul and desirable areas ii: the Island. HomeS:? on both sides are generally of a high caliber? and are increasinig/in value at a greater rate than other areas. Six plus acres were just sold for one home directly opposite the site in q'uesti~°n for a price of $~9~000.00 per acre or $66~000.00. i i It wo'uld appear that the only reason that there is anything other t~.an "A" residentIi~l-zoning is the necessity of the Electric Power Plant faciliaes and the gas station that have existed along with the gravel pit an~:oyster seed plantin- this area for so~ time. i i 4. TO change "A" tol:I;'l'C-1'' -General Industrial- which we understand permits ~6 different operations from glue manufacturing to garbage dumping seems unreasonable and not in ~eeping with the Ahman's ~esire to cond'uct~I: a simple real estate i office from their home. 5. Once zoning is d°Wn-graded,i it is seldOm agamn' 'upgraded. i If all the residents a~l~ neighbors knew the i f'ull implications of such a chgnge~ it seems rea~sonable that they would object. We hope you c~n find g simpler approachIto accommodating their needs. Res~ectf'ul~g s'ubmitted, C .B Bowman F. nclo: cc: Mr. E. Perry Edwards A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Board at the Fishers Island Fire House~ Fishers Island at I:00 p.m. May 10~ 1972. i Present were Supervisor Albert Martocdia~ Justices E. Perry Edwards 'and Martin Suter and Councilmen James Rich and James Homan. The meeting was declared open by Supervisor Martocchia who explained to those present in the audience that the purpose of the session was to hear the Application for re-zoning the propertY of W. Gordon and Lucy J. Ahman, ' councilman Rich read the NOtice of the Hearing, attached hereto. Mr. Martoc~ reported, that the Planning Board ,was in favor of the Application. He then declared the for discussion and 'asked anyone in favor to so indicate. ope.n '~ GOrdon Ahman spoke~in f~vor~ explaSnlng that he wanted .g carry on his 'Real Estate business from, his home. Mary' Grebe spoke in favor. ' Mary Russell spoke in, favo~ asking if this would automatically set a precedent and that this was. not so~ since every has to be considered individually Dorothy-EdWards spoke in f ..Stephen Morell spoke in, fa ~aymo~d Doyen spoke in fay A letter from Fishers Isl read and is attached hereto. ,, SinceI there were no more Mr. MartoCchia declared the Henri Respectfu Lucy J. A Secretar~ Mr. Martocc.~m explained applicant for a zone change ~vor. vor. or. nd Realty Co. Corp. was omments from the floor ng ended, at 1:30 p.m. lly submitted ~ for the ~eeti. ng .ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONIN~0RDiNANGE Pursuant to section 265 of the' T°wn~ lding Zone 'the Town. of New Island ~ire HoUSe, on thd'~;~ij}~h day of at 1:00 o'C!ock'in the of said a~7.:°n the ' ~'t°:i:~end the ! drdinante (in- :ling the Building.Zone~Maps) the Town of Southold', Suffolk -.. New Yorl{.':.- ' ~,, ,, ~:~'BY~ changing 'f~0rm ' A Re~idential ,,and,, Agricultural Di~Fiet t° 'C,1 '~'nera1 .... In_ duO,rial District, Property ~of Wj.0Ordon and. ": .Ahman, sitUated: at cl~, NeW York, ~. and bounded' .as follows i - ,'..'~: rth Y:iMadelin A u No b ~. e yen e, east by'Cert:tl, al: AvenUe, south by,~ Za~oh0nSi~ii:-;~'" 'a,a west'- Zabohonski:,- ' ' ,':i - Any person deSlring to be heard on the::abO~ei?.~p0~ed amend me_nt ShoUi.~¢~,r:i, at: the time and plaCe 'DATED: Abri~!,!l' 19.72,': ::: SOUTHOLD TOWNBOARD ALBERT.W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLR, ] STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J ........ S.%.u.&r.~..~.,. ~).oF.~Wd .............. being duly Sworn, says that ... ~¢.e.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ut Greenport, in said county~ and that the 'notice, of which the mmexed is u printed copy, has been published in t'he said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, ~,r ..... .o?,e. ................... weeks . . ~ ~'r'~'r'~+'~ + . ........... successively commencing on the ...5.^.,~...; ~.v, ~ day of ... Ag~4-~,~q~.-~<z. :' .-~.-,[9.. Y7 .I Sworn to before me this -~.' ~ Z ..... i .~d day of ¢~.~~dl ¢~.~~~ .... ~~ ........ ,~- .. //"/ /' .JO,:,EPH L, TO?~'N,,qE, NQ,. J.P... .... Qualified i:~ Sulfolk C~)unty Commission Expi:'ss March COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t SZATE OF NEW YORKt ss' NOTICE OF HEAR~ ~ PROPOSAL TO AM'~.~ . ZONING ORDINANC~o~o~¢? . x,,, ~ ,//, Purs.uant to Section 265. Town Law and Article XV}, section 1600 of the, Building ZOne Ordinance o~ the ,TOwn o~ Southold, Suffolk C.0h~tY'; New'' York, pUblic hear'in~..Will be held,:.' by the Southold,:,To~n Board the Fishers ISl.and'~ Fire House,.- in sa~d Town, .o~Lth~ 10th-day of ~Ma.y, 1972, at:~:f~?0:0 '.O'clock in the afternoon 0f Said day on the fol- lowing Proposal to amend Building Zone Ordinance (in- cluding the Building Zone Maps; of the Town of Southold~ :Suf, folk County, New York. By changing from "A' dentlal and AgriCultural District to "C-1'" General Indus,tr~l Dis- trict, the property of W. G0raon and LUcy J, Ahman, sitUa~'~d at Fishers Island,": New York; and more Particularly bounded and described as .. follows: No?th by .Madeline .... 4 ~: ~ . . ' east by Central Avenue Zabohonski, and west by honski. : ~:~; Any person desiring to?~ be heard on the above pro. PbSed amendment should appear at the time and place so specified, DATED:. April 11, 1972 ~BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBER~ W. RICHMOND ' TOWN CLERK 1T---4-~0 C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 'l-RAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold,-in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has'been published in said Long Island Traveler-'Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........... successively, commencing on the ............... of ...... ....., :: / .~ . .~ .' Sworn to before me this ....... ,~,~.Z ......... day of ...... k..~..m~::-~.~-4::..., 19., ADELE PAYNE Notaw Public, State of New Yore Reskfi.~ ~n S~ffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Exph'es Marcfi' 30, 19.7~ STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of .twenty-one years; that on the 21st day of A__~pril 19_____72 ', he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town.' of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- TOwn Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Sworn to before me this Main Road., Southold, L.I...,N.Y. 'A~bert W: Ri-~m0~,-5o~ ~.'lerk day of .--._Ar~..t~ ] 19 72 . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article XVI, / _.. . Section 1600 of the Building Zone Ordinance o:'f the Town of / Southold, Suffolk County, New York,-'- public /hearing will be / / held by the Southold Town Board at the F~hers Island Fire ,, House, in s~id To~, on the 10th day of/ ay, 1972, at l:00 o[clock , in the afternoon of said day on the".~.~ollowJ_ng proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (inc'l:udin'~g the BuildingZone Maps) o'f the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. By changing from "A" Residen'tial and Agricultural District to "C-i" General Industrial Distr:ict,' the property of W. Gordon and Lucy J. Ahman, situated at Fishers Island, New York, and. more particularly bounded and described as follows: North by Madeline Avenue, east by Central Avenue, south by Zabohonski, and west by Zabohonski. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place so specified. DATED: April !1, 1972, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN- BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN' CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, APRIL -20, 1972, AND FORWARD THREE (3) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, . 11971. _ Copies mailed to the. following on April 14, 1972: The Long Island Traveler-MattituCk Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times The. New London 'Day' Supervisor Martocchia w. Gordon Ahman Otto W. Van Tuyl ~ ,Souihold ToWn Planning Board' SOUTHOLD, L. I.., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry M o,lsa Alfred Grebe Henry Rayno~' F~ank Coyle April 4, 1972 . Southold Town Board 16 South. Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the following resolution was passed by the' Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting held on April 3, 1.972.: In the matter of the original petition of' 'Go:rd'o'n 'and ~L'Uc~. ' 'J'.' A~nan, Madeline '& 'central Avenues, Fishers Island, New York, relative to change of zone from'"A" ReSidential and Agricultural District to "C-I" General Industrial District on certain property situated at N/E corner of Madeline Ave. nue and Central Avenue, FiiSh'ersiIsland, New York, it was RESOLVED that the Southold ToWn Planning Board recommends ~.~9.r~~to the' Southold Town Board the' change of zone 'f~ ............... "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C-i" General IndUstrial District on the above described property. This property is completely surrounded by the "C-i" General Industrial District on the' south and west. This 'change of zone would include this property within the' same zoning classification, thereby completing the "C-i" General In- dustrial zOning on the' block, i Respectfully submitted, ohn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW :BN ALBERT W. RIOH'MI:)ND TOWN CLE;RK REGISTRAR E3F VITAL STATiaTII3~ OFF' T SEIUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 March 29, 1972 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham: The original petit, ion Qf W. Gordon and Lucy J. Ahman requesting a change of zone from"A" Residential and Agricultural, District to "C-i" General Industrial, on certain property situated at Fishers Island, New York,i is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the a'~ea so affected with the recommendation of your BOard. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk /jb SALES RENTALS APPRAISALS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT W. ~I~IRDI21N ~,HMAN LICENSED REAL :ESTATE BROKER Fishers Island, New York 06890 (516) 788-7448 / .:. /: ~:/ ., / ":/ f:, ..-,..~. .X..'-:.:?":: : -~',::'-~-. ~ :: '::-:":':-'>'- ..... ' ~'"' ........... .'./~'- ,' r,; .,,,.. ? i,. ,., ,,,' ~.. ~,.! ~, ! ,? .4 ..:~.. /::..:':':.-'"'~:J' ~ " ''~' .... ~ ...... · .... ...... d ...... !/ .' ./'/ ~.~.~.'~ .,"'" .. 'L..".~'''''~ '~ ~'- ~ ' '~'~ .4 l.; .~" ... .. : /'. .~. / .,. : ,; ./ ....... x .... :-.' ..... ~L--:L:' ...... ,. :: ..-/- ...... .: '.. ..,>.L..: ............ .... ./' ' ,>7 ,'~/:~' /., ..:. ~.:.' : . .~.n~ 2_d.: ~- ........ ~> .,.~:.? / .~.~ .'~ 2 / C: ';' ....... /.,,' ~.,. .' ,. ': .. ,' f ~ ..~ ....t . ~...., .... ~: .--.:.-.~--~.k_.~_..- '~' ,.' > ~ '~ ~ ('il' "'/'./ .,A /" :..:-.. "f'2"'~"~':'4~ '"'?'::'::"-~' ........ /: '- : · -' ?' ".t-. .¢..... ~. ~".( j,,/ .:' :' ....... /. ... ,..-. ~ ,/' ,,,, , . (/ :.',.--,:.. .,-,~, ~.~. ........ :... ,.,.,~ ........... ., /"/ _. : :,~ ::.._-d,~-~:: :....-/ ...... ..:, ::'y .,:, ...... CASg No.: ,,l.o STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE i~IATTER OF THE PETITION OF ',,r. Gord~n aad L'ae~ J. Ahman FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDlfENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.EIV YORK. TO THE TO~,VN BOARD OF THE TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD: ¥,re~ W. G>rd)n and 1. ~ .~.~y. ~. ~h~a2. ................. ,residing~ at ~ ~ .... ~ T~ ~.z (insert name of petitioner) Su~olk County, New York, the undersigned, am the o~vner of certain real property situated at and more partidularly bounded and described as follows: - Ct:2_tral Ave. S- Za¥oh>nski W- Za~oh.>r~ski 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the T¢ amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part t~ re-zo_~e the 9r,~ erty ~f thc to C-i~ aa the vro~ert; direc~l~' rebutting our '; reel ~s also wn o£ Southold to change, modify and ;outbold, Suffolk County, New York, thereof, as follows: Dye 3whers from Lesi~eati¢~i to the ~,rest Such request is made for the folio?lng reasons: ~'~- Go-'don ~hman is a Licensed ~..eal ~state Broker a~o Luc~ J. Ahmaa is a Licensed R~al ~stat~ Saiesm~ a~ this re-zonimg woulC allo~¢ us to c~r~duet this bus,ness from our h~me. The R.E. Eroker's licease stipulates ths~t a Broker must dis:pi~y a sign coutaiai~g his name and th~ ~eside~tia] Zonir~g ~f ~outh~ld forbids displaying a sigr.. (L. S.) M:~. .-. ~.~. %c-074..'5..?.&.?.~?~z.a'...~9../. ~ ........ STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) T-he~i~ the petitionerSin the within action; thatrh,e~ l_m4 the contents thereof; that the same is true to h&- .~) therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and to be true. (a. s.) ~,vorll ~0 before me this ...... day of ...-~.../..~.~.~.(.~.~'.u .......... 197.?. Notary Public. DULY SWORN, deposes and says that :ad the foregoing Petition and know~' )wn knowledge, except as to the matters that as to those matters-ehe~believe~ it