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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51606 Date: 02/03/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Noah Levine 360 Central Park W Apt 12E New York, NY 10025 To: Install roof mount solar on existing accessory structure, as applied for. Disconnects must be located on the exterior, labeled, and readily accessible. Premises Located at: 4790 Blue Horizon Bluffs, Peconic, NY 11958 SCTM#74.-1-35.56 Pursuant to application dated 12/09/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector,. To expire on 02/03/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $125.00 SOLAR PANELS $100.00 Total $32S.00 �� Building Inspector r � T��1i "� F SOLrHOL>D — 1TIZD7 �� DEPARTMENT „ Town Ha11 Annex 54'75 Main road P. 0. Box 1179 Southold. NY 1 1 97 1-0959 ,,, Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 Date Received 1 For Office Use Only 1 PERMITNO. rO(� Building Inspectow"; r „ Applications and forms crust be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization forrn JPage 2)shall be completed, 9 Date. CSWNER�5)OF PROPERTY- Name: D a+h&n 11 SCTM#soon- Project Address:'i 14 ✓!" �� lLA Phone##: Email: Mailing Address: CONTACT PEMN. Name: Lo If rA-i'n.f Mailing Address: - 47 q -S ouAd, &.Vo A u U, .-+" i m v 6 w q 5 Phone##: (.13 1 2® 2 �-7 0 L) I Email: Perm")4,3 e a's S SIGN PROFESSIONAL 1 iP ATI m Name: Mailing Address: Phone##: .Email: k' Ci T I, Name: Mailing Address: 4 q4 Phone#: s a Email. � � (DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition DAlteration 1IRepair ElDemolition Estimated Cost of Project: Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes o 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of propertyr Intended use of property: Zone or use distric in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes WNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading. The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPUCATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations orfor removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210AS of the New York State Penal law. Application Submitted By(print name):Lorraine DiPenta SAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Suffolk ), Lorraine DiPenta being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the Contractor (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this JQ day of LOUIS J ROMEO NotPublic Notary Public,State of New York No.01 R06314813 Oualified in Suffolk County RRR L E L)TIJ IRIZATI Commission Expires November 17,20 ........— (Where the applicant is not the owner) IA&A residing at e- P ��'tS� do hereby authorize E I.."I C aPP Y I on my behalf to the Town(ofwSJouutthold Building Department for approval as described herein. /�G� Owner's Signature 6ate LOUIS J ROMEO Notary OU.b ic,S1ata oaf'NawY 44 Print Owners Name OuaiNif R063 I3County 2 Commission Expires November 17,20 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector �% z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 765-9502 mesi 2wu�oldIto n Qov - seand"southoldto^ nn .. ov APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (Au Information Required) Date.- Company Name: E V eyyie4 L. Electrician's Name: ,l License No.: ,;ZC0 8 19- Elec. email: Elec. Phone No: �5 t.7,7q.'?9 93 Z request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: -1 ® S�D L,�rA CJ V e- JOB SI 11 TE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: 1 Address: Lf'] 19 0I "r` rt l l9 I15S8 Cross Street: , Lt Phone No.: T aLP - 5 Qf Os 9 Bldg.Permit#: oo email: P4—:,rrn t4s G e.QS S , : 1n Tax Flap District: 1000 Section: O' , o� Block: C i ; oo Lot: 03 . d G BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTA GE (Please Print Clearly): Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: YES NO E Rough In Final Do you need a Temp Certificate? YE µNO Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size1 Ph3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑undergroundOverhead # Underground Laterals 1 M2 n H Frame Pole Work done on Service? Y N Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE �.7sYTE YMfU1 d" ! 7.11 "'�PC� THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.�THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES Y BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURERIS�, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. 6i 11+ORP4NT 11 : If the CertlfiCate hoider Is an ADDdTIf IONAL I1 SURED, 2h this certificate ld es not—+—rights toect o thceeYlms a d conditions lieu of such policy, certain em ntf oe ADDITIONAL INSURED Provisions Abe endorsed. WAIVED, st µ Polk les' must taa° 9 policies may require an endorsement. A statement on aRCDa�cER ;, RCBERT S FEDE INSURANCE ACEI.ICY N��F"�cT L747CSOUNDAVENUE STREET SUITE 1G2 PHoi31 sx 1 a .� .. _.._. Ac a QN, N`/ EAlz � t h1SURAt 11743 A$1DRESs _ ROB ADMIRALINsuRE " MPA IY...._ NAC _�._.� — ,.. R(Si AFPORDpNOCOVERAGE r asuRER A NSJRANE CC FEDEI ���C.�._. ..��...,.-.�.�_,��.W..� �_ �...ergy LLC Eft 8UI >I E (FjC lssuRER a RE11 EIHY SYSTEI15E1 A"uEI�BIEK, NY 11952 s .._... COVERAGES �Ir{ Pu.xv NOTIY P-P,A",CII dE -DICER' k r�„ � �,++ � ION NUMBER: TiTICATE NUMBER: rCERTIFY-+� P ; a t !E � � REVISION r a; E G l k•-t °E EiSE.n,V ISSUE T 11rrE;, } F'ka: I"9r'kl~tIL ; r- o I... (� &HE POLICY PEFRICL JEC CP A4A� F� Pp 'd ET uY t P , r C t 4 E J1W� f r d"J'�r� CT I P CT"h�E GN � r"-r a d^ui fl x PC"p� _E I I '-"L TI LIPAN CyS+ I CPM1JT I"Iq RESPECT i,^ tYYPfICI I r BS EP IPC AT0 ra _... , L °E W I°PdII` ,H d 1Ptid Y' r rA F I E !RED I.1CuF LES I IEEC b=EP Ytd 4 r ,ilje=1ECT I"C AL(...?I1E TERIiS ICE 9,. It l d dCN A�ef"+"CNVII C, I r,, 591r"C 'r+ W ? TYPE OF iNSU C 9 sIIN" LAtlII RANCE AG„L"'I L..._.�.-_ L 7d1412024 7/14/2025 " �liis�- u" GENERAL @Nlt"NdL}C71YY"'✓Y+ C4YRPdDd"l4�W+"'d" A Laindl: MADE �x k Aare,C.., SC nI �14�•DDD I CC"Co,yE' (EACH CCC�.,Rr t bir COMMERCIAL GENE.. LSD ap ACC DOD I IPVIA3892C?C LEE EXP o:Aa Ye re rlro,ar,r " rJDDD ---. 7/1912C24 7/19/2025 - "V��rL Ga"F" 'S'," 00)-�PP' ..JE PER � r�^_P7Y.P+bn�,..Eh,�i Ilia",.-,,. cl cv .W ,I .. LO .ate aEw�ITa", _ ..: _ 2 DDDDDDD� RCCLI +'I:CCMF/OP AGt _ ... . AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY fhb SCHEDULED 6CGIELY INJURY(Per 7E?. Ed C`.fJNEC ( r ....e.,....�„„ AUTOS ONLY ( I rso s ;TIRED �••7, AUTOS i I ..�.._.....,.- i r NON-OWNED 6 Y Jill)Y INJURY(I ce aca de t),$ ..AUTOS CNLY AUTCS ONLY C ( �50'0PER"d d , fiAf.Ir" d OCCUR I i=+�rcxrer t, I UMBRELLA LIAR _ I E EXCESS LIAR `r , I " EACH CCCURRENC, .-..�.�..-,-...w.�.....�_ CLAIMS-R/IADE.. I � ��_.�_._.�._._.._ _..._.._.._-m...: DEC Y REP_N"GCN; ( AGGREGATE $ a ..�..,_ ._...�„_ �WORKERS ooNITE�ATI�yN Y I N� �124494445 Y ....� ...� AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILfTy q 13 ANY FRG:�^PdFTrR" P/vRt`NEPJEA'ECuTY�rE I P L- fi��' PER C F+CCR IAF gpER ExcLUDED? NIA 7/13/2024 7/13/2025 " 1 INaredalgry in N►{1 EACH ACCPI"L I P $ i gCYCI 6C des describe under DESCRdRTpONCPCFr ATiCN bflcvr E.p OGSEASE-PCdAlYIS OIT $ NY State DBL DBL567527 1/01/2024 12/31/2025 y Statutory DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached it more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED- :IE' TIIF"IOATIEI4OLt;:v CANCELLATION FOWn of Southold SHOULD ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 54375 Main Road THE ATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN iouthald, NY 11971 TAUTHORI*ZED CCOHE POLICY PROVISIONS. REPRESENTATIVE 4. 'ORD 25 J20I5r9.3. ar T 'i 19SS-20,1'5 ACORD CORRO. TICK" All r-gtpts resere?d.The A�CCRD Larne and logo +�r� _ Istered marks of ACORD .f NEW �Worker' YORRZ*i Com ensatlon CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW ART 1 To be completed by NYS disabilityITand Paid Family Leave benefits Telepri"e Number clicensed ins-urd T-_L-0-1 Narrl-T��dance agent of that carrie ress of Ir;sur.d(use street address only, 1b, ELEMENT ENERGY LLC 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK, NY 11952 1 c. Federal Employer Identification Number of ri.sured Work Location Of Insured(Only required rf coverage rs specifrcaily limited to or Social Security Number certain locations in New Yark State,i.e., Wrap up Podcy) 823336604 2. Name and Address of Entity Requesting P roof of Coverage ...... o f I __... � 3a, Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity BeingUsted as the Certificate Holder) helterPoirit Life insurance Company TOWN OF SOUTHOLD i 54375 MAIN STREET 3b Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"I a" I S-OUTHOLD, NY11971 C L�K567527 l 3c. Policy effective peeled r 01/01/2024 to I2,/31/2025 i 4- Policy provides the following benefits: A..Both disability and paid family ieave benefits- B.Disability benefits only C,Paid family leave benefits only. 15, Policy covers: pi A.All of the employer's employees exigible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. B, Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penaP4y of perjury i certify(hat i am an autl^prized-representative or tic rised agent of the insurance canter reierenEe_d above and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. Date Signed 7/10/2024 By (Signature of insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that insurance carrier) Telephone Number 516-829-8100 Name and Title L ston Welsh Grief Executive Officer IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carriers authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier, this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 48,4C or 58 is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd.8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be emailed to PAU@wcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed for completion to the Workers' Compensation, Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(only if Box 4B,4C or 58 have been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Elenefits Law(Article 9 of the Workers'Compensation Law)with respect to all of their employees, Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title ageease nts eats Note:those insurance insurance nsuran a cirri arerriers uthord to to sue Form Mitt an paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance 9 1. Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DS-1 za,1 (12-21) Additional Instructions for Form DB-1 By signing this form, tyre ir.surarce carver identdfied it Sox 3 or this forria is certifying that it is insunng the business. referenced in Sox is for disability and/or Paid farrily t.ea,�e benefits under the NYS Oisabaity and Paid Family Leave Berefits Law The insurance carriercr pts Ocensed agent .vill sand this Certificate cf Insurance Coverage�Ce)ttaficate to the entity listed as the certificate hoid'er in Pc)(2 The insurance carrier crust ncbfy the abcve cer°tO" cate hclder and the Vl'orkers'Compensator 'Board witrl rn IC days IF a policy is car¶celied due to norpa yrnent of preen- urns or withir 3C days lF there are reasons other than r:+orpayrrent of premiums that cancel the policy or eliminate the insured frnomr,coverage indicated on this Certificate, (Thesa notices may be sent by regular mail.) Ctheriuise. this Certficate is va(id for one year after this forma is apprcved by the insurance carrier or its licensed agent, or until the policy expiration date listed in Borg 3c, whichever is earlier.. Thrs Certificate is issued as a r«atter of infoirration only and cord°ers no rights upon the certificate voider, This Certificate does not amend extend or after the coverage afforded by the policy listed, nor does it confer any rights or responsibilities beyond those contained in tine re;erer;ce police+. This Certificate may be used as evidence of a NYS disability and/or Paid Family Leave benefits contract of insurance only while the underlying policy is in effect. Please Nate: Upon the cancellation of the disability and/or,Paid Family Leave benefits policy indicated on this form, if the business continues to be warned on a permit license or contract issued' by a certificate holder, the business must provide that certificate holder with a new Certificate of Insurance coverage for NYS disability and/ or Laid Family Leave Benefits or other authorized proof that the business is complying with the mandatory coverage requirements of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LA11ll' §220. Subd. 8 (a) The head of a state or municipal department, board, commission or office authorized'or required by law to issue any permit for or in connection with any work involving the employment of employees in employment as defined in this article, and not withstanding any general or special statute requiring or authorizing the issue of such permits, shall not issue such permit unless proof duly subscribed by an insurance carrier is produced in a form satisfactory to the chair, that the payment of disability benefits and after January first, two thousand and twenty-one, the payment of family leave benefits for ail employees has been secured as provided by this article. Nothing herein, however, shall be construed as creating any liability on the part of such state or miuricipal department, board, commission or office to pay any,disability benefits to any such employee if so employed. (b) The head of a state or municipal department, board, commission or office authorized or required by law to enter into any contract for or in connection with any work involving the employment of employees in employment as defined in this article and notwithstanding any general or special statute requiring or authorizing any such contract, shall not enter into any,such contract unless proof duly subscribed by an insurance carrier is produced in a form satisfactory to the chair, that the payment of disability benefits and after January first, two thousand eighteen, the payment of family leave benefits for all employees has been secured as provided by this article. o -120,1 (12-21)Reverse NYSIF New York State insurance Fund PO Box 66699,Albany;NY 122C6 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERSe COMPENSATION INSURANCE (RENEWED) n A /l A A A 823336604 ROBERT S FEDE INSURANCE AGENCY 23 GREEN ST STE 1132 HUNT INGTON NY 11743 SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER ELEMENT ENEiRvY LLC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DBA ELEMENT ENERGY SYSTE�IS 54375 MAIN ROAD 747C SOUND AVENUE SOUTHOLD NY 11971 MA T T;TUCK NY 11952 POLICY NUMBER CERTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD DATE 12449 44z 962287 07/13f2024 TO 07f13/2025 7I11f2024 7H" S IS TO CERTtiFY THAT THE PC 9C`04OLDER NANIED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 2449 44;-5, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR 1VC,RKERS" COMPENSATION UNDER THE NE'�i YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NE"N YORK„ EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELO%A1- AND„ WITH RESPECT TC OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NE"IW YORK, TO THE POLICYHOLDERS REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING SAID POLICY, INCLUDING ANY NOTIFICATION,OF CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VALIDATE THIS CERTIFICATE,VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTPS:IIWWW.NY SIF.COMICERTICERTVAL.ASP.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND IS NOT LIABLE IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER THE SOLE PROPRIETOR. PARTNERS AND/OR MEMBERS OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. THE POLICY INCLUDES A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ENDORSEMENT UNDER WHICH NYSIF AGREES TO WAIVE ITS RIGHT OF SUBROGATION TO BRING AN ACTION AGAINST THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO RECOVER AMOUNTS WE PAID IN WORKERS'COMPENSATION ANDIOR MEDICAL BENEFITS TO OR ON BEHALF OF AN EMPLOYEE OF OUR INSURED IN THE EVENT THAT, PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER HAS ENTERED INTO A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH OUR INSURED THAT REQUIRES THAT SUCH RIGHT OF SUBROGATION BE WAIVED. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLYAND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. NEW YORK STAT SUR tCE FUND Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-7HLGKCDHJ7T36MN23MBZZQNCC3ACP3TZZY1IH04YNZY Town of Southold November 27th, 2024 Building Department Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Subject: Roof Mounted Solar Panels on the Garage at Rebell Residence, 4790 Blue Horizon Bluff, Peconic, NY 11958 To Town of Southold: I hereby state that it is my professional opinion that the subject plans comply with the 2020 Residential Code of New York State, the 2017 National Electric Code, ASCE 7-16, and NFPA-70. These code requirements include the fact that the roof framing is adequate to support the additional loads from solar panels as well as roof ridge and peak access to first responders. I have evaluated the structural framing of the existing roof with the additional loading to account for the proposed solar panel application. Deflection and stresses of the structural components remain within the allowable for the existing roof for wind pressures from 140 mph, 3-second gust, and Exposure B with a ground snow load of 25 pounds per square foot. Mounting locations and methods are as indicated in the submitted plans. From the site inspection and analysis, and as evidenced by previous roof loads withstood, it is my professional opinion that the existing building and roof framing is structurally adequate to support the reactions of the solar panels in addition to the existing code required for live and dead loads. Also, the wind analysis concluded that the mounting system as shown on the plans is adequate to resist the calculated uplift pressure. The dead load of the heaviest solar panel assembly in this evaluation is approximately 2.7 pounds per square foot. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments about the above. Sincerely, Gennaro Anthony Giustra. P.E. ��OF NEIV Great Eastern Services, Inc. o A PO Box 240 24 Harvey Rd " $ u, Riverhead, NY 11901 Mobile: 631.235.0189 5 103443 Email: jerrygiustra@gmaii.com AR�FESSIONP�' Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-7HLGKCDHJ7T36MN23MBZZQNCC3ACP3TZZY11H04YNZY 7_q SCOPE OF WORK _ DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: • { t ��• ELEMENT ENERGY LLC McEabes 9eac Q' �' TO INSTALL A 8.5 KW PV SYSTEM ON THE DETACHED GARAGE AT REBELL RESIDENCE, REVIEW BY J.M.NA13CEP CERTIFIE_ $ - ' O5I 112-129 LOCATED AT 4790 BLUE HORIZON BLUFF, PECONIC, NY 1 1958. THE PV SYSTEM AND BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM WILL BE INTERCONNECTED WITH THE UTILITY GRID The THROUGH THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT. SYSTEM RATING REVISIONS �-. � DE9CPJ PiION DATE REV Founders iieg Pack ORIGINAL 1 1-19-2024 8.5 kW DC PV SYSTEM G.4 kW AC PV SYSTEM e _ EQUIPMENT SUMMARY 20 JINKO,JKM425N-54HL4-5 425 W PV PANEL5E " �,,e,� 20 ENPHA5E IQ51VIC-72-M-1_15 MICRO-INVERTERS I IRONRIDGE RAILING SYSTEM ` CONTRACTOR SHEET INDEX PV-I COVER ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. a j. PV-2 51TE PLAN _ 7470 SOUND AVE PV-3 ROOF PLAN — MATTITUCK, NY 1 1952 PV-5 5TRUCTURAL DETAILS PROJECT LOCATION LICENSE# G74G I—N PV-G ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM _ LICENSE# 52G89-ME PV-7 51GNAGE GOVERNING CODES OCCUPANCY OR of flEft,y 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. NN. 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. USE IS UNLAWFUL 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW FIR STATE. / ' R'•' 2020 E CODE OF NEW YORK 5TA STATE. WITHOUT CERTIFIC A5CE 7-1 G AND NFPA-70. N UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES(UL)STANDARDS Zq a �O �a3445 0511A 29 CFR 191.0.2G9 OF OCCUPANCY GENERAL NOTES PROJECT NAME 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AT ELECTfWft REQUIRED LL_ THE SITE PRIOR TO STARTING TO WORK AND SHALL FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE INTENT OF THESE PLANS AND MAKE WORK 400 00 AGREE THE SAME. AERIAL VIEW z z n 2. CONTRACTOR OR OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED w O —_ APPROVALS, PERMITS, CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY, D N 10. CONTRACTORTO EFFECT AND MAINTAIN INSURANCE, I.E. TOWN COMMENTS AND APPROVAL STAMP � � >- INSPECTION APPROVALS, ETC., FOR WORK PERFORMED FROM z CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY, WORKMANS COMPENSATION, ,. w O AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION THEREOF, IF REQUIRED. - - � = 3. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION CODE AND COMPLETED OPERATION, ETC. ADEQUATE FOR THE PURPOSES J w Lj ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OF THIS PROJECT AND FURNISH PROOF OF SAME PRIOR TO APPR VET. AS NOTED COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF COMMENCING WITH WORK. ED n O JURISDICTION. �C/�0 - NEW YORK STATE&TOWN CODES L m W 4. IF IN THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION A CONDITION EXISTS 1 1. EACH SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR Bt�T E '3,p' B.P.# O WHICH DISAGREES WITH THAT AS INDICATED ON THESE PLANS, MAINTAINING SAFETY ON THE JOB SITE DURING THE AS REQUIRED AND CONDITIONS OF w CONSTRUCTION PHASE TO COMPLY WITH THE REGULATIONS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP WORK AND NOTIFY THE rG , TI1 �p� ENGINEER. SHOULD HE FAIL TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE AND AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND F==��BY. UTHOLD IVWNL�t `t HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT �:iTlFlr BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT cn�m� 'n p1 A�� Kneen CONTINUE WITH THE WORK, HE SHALL ASSUME ALL LIMITED TO: PROVIDING FOR ADEQUATE AND PROPER BRACING, SOLiI}IOWTOWNSANINGIM RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY THEREFROM E:�;_ 55-1802 SAM TO 4PM FOR THE` SOUTHOWTMTRUSTEES SAFETY RAILINGS AND SECURE FOOTINGS FOR ALL TEMPORARY SHEET NAME 5. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE A-3G AND SHALL BE g INSPECTIONS: FABRICATED AND INSTALLED AS PER LATEST A.I.S.0 SCAFFOLDING, STAIRS, ETC.. AS WELL AS PERMANENT '11ON-TWO REQUIRED NYS.DEC C O V E I\ SPECIFICATIONS. CONSTRUCTION. 12. FIGURED DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN. DO NOT SCALE riED CONCRETE G. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE BOARD OF FIRE SOLtiNOLDHPG SCHD DRAWINGS, WHERE DIMENSIONS ARE ESTABLISHED BY EXISTING _�^- UNDERWRITERS APPROVED AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.E.C. CONDITIONS. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EX15TING LING &PLUMBING SC HD CODES REGULATIONS CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND 7. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN COMMENCING WITH WORK. ;'t;L-CONSTRUCTION MUST DRAWING SCALE CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER WILL NEGATE THE ENGINEER'S 13. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL DEBRIS CREATED BY THIS COMPLETE FOR C.O. RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFF CERTIFICATION OF THESE PLANS. WORK FROM THE SITE AND DISPOSE OF IN A LEGAL MANNER ON 5. THESE DRAWINGS AS INSTRUCMENTS OF SERVICE ARE AND A WEEKLY BASIS OR SOONER IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. _L 'ONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE N .T.S. SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ENGINEER WHETHER THE _( .1.REM PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 23 PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY ARE MADE IS EXECUTED OR NOT. 14. AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK, THE SITE TO BE CLEARED � __,3+s�L�r1ENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW THEY ARE NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTS OR OF ALL DEBRIS AND EXCESS MATERIALS. THE FACILITY IS TO BE Y O II; STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OF THE TOWN CODE. LEFT BROOM CLEAN AND WORK IS COMPLETED TO THE EXTENSIONS TO THIS PROJECT W;I�at'`1.iniR CONSCONSTRUCTION ERRORS TOTAL SATISFACTION OF THE OWNERER PRIOR OR TO RELEASE OF - SHEET NUMBER 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT, PATCH AND REPAIR ALL FINAL PAYMENT. EXISTING WORK ADJACENT TO HIS WORK, OR DAMAGED AS PV- RESULT OF HIS WORK. TAX MAP: 1000-074.00-01 .00-035.05G Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-7HLGKCDHJ7T36MN23MBZZQNCC3ACP3TZZYl IH04YNZY LEGEND DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: �EIOSTING UTILITY METER ELEMENT ENERGY LLC MAIN SERVICE PANEL NEW PV SUB-PANELS PROPERTY LINE REVIEW BY051 1 N2-1 29 CERTIFIE A/C DISCONNECT COMBINER INVERTERS B GND ELECTRODE 0° ! REVISIONS -PV MODULE ` �O°V DE5CPJPTION DATE REV a �nOo ORIGINAL I I-19-2024 —RACKING RAIL • ATTACHMENT POINT oD O ---STANDING SEAMo -*—ROOF PITCH ANGLE �UP o I° Nb" BSUNRUN METER MAIN HOUSE 5 ®VENT 0PLUMBING VENT ®SKY LIGHT CONTRACTOR ®CHIMNEY ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. GOOD GOOD COONDI710N D SHINGLES 7470 SOUND AVE POTENTIAL SHADING ISSUES TRIM/REMOVE AS NECESSARY MATTITUCK, NY 1 1052 ©UTILITY METER LICENSE# G74G I-HI ®MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL LICENSE# 52G69-ME ©PV AC DISCONNECT IN PV INVERTER Of NEIV ®SUB ELECTRICAL PANEL PATHWAY 36"ACCESS PATHWAYS + 0 1 2 Zcs+ m`z C� IN BASEMENT 10344'� I8•ACCESS PATHWAYS AR� SSIC+NP� PROJECT NAME DETACHED GARAGE U- wmIn zzm IL1 0 — p N_ — ILLJ z JWU UI�w O J mU � O � SHEET NAME SITE PLAN DRAWING 5CALE 3/G411 = 1 1-011 CONSTRUCTION NOTES I.)ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. SHEET NUMBER 2.)ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAINTIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3R RATING. p� /_ 3.)ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. I �/ 4.)THE LOCATION OF BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE UNIT 15 COMPLIANT WITH R327.4 OP 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE TAX MA 1000-074.00-01 .00-035.05G Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-7HLGKCDHJ7T36MN23MBZZQNCC3ACP3TZZY11H04YNZY LEGEND DESIGN&DRAFTING BY: �EXEnNO UTILITY METER ELEMENT ENERGY LLC MAIN SERVICE PANEL NEW PV SUB-PANELS REVIEW BY0511 5 1 1 N2-1 29 CERTIFIE A/C DISCONNECT COMBINER INVERTERS GND ELECTRODE n „ REVISIONS -PV MODULE 2'_04 DESCRIPTION DATE REV ORIGINAL 11-19-2024 RACKING RAIL • ATTACHMENT POINT _ ---STANDING SEAM FROOF PITCH ANGLE �SUNRUN METER ®VENT 0PLUMBING VENT ®SKY LIGHT CONTRACTOR ®CHIMNEY COMPOSITE SHINGLES ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. OOD CONDITION 7470 SOUND AVE ❑POTENTIAL SHADING ISSUES TRIM/REMOVE AS NECESSARY - MATTITUCK, NY 1195 ©unuTY METER LICENSE#G74G I-HI ®MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL LICENSE# 52G89-ME OPV AC DISCONNECT IN PV INVERTER IV ®SUB ELECTRICAL PANEL �P��O0 AEG PATHWAY 410-74" p v G 36' ACCESS PATHWAYS 0 �. w I Z 103445 19'ACCESS PATHWAYS 'ORo �tONP�' PROJECT NAME IL ARRAY#I IL 20 MODULES w OD 34'PITCH 22G°AZIMUTH z U-1 0 p N — wOz � WU Uj m � 0 � 0LU CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY (20)JINKO JKM425N-54HL4-B 425 WATT PV MODULES 3„ 00, (DIMENSIONS: G7.79"x44.G5xI.38") 12'—5q (42)ATTACHMENT POINTS @ 48"O.C. MAX (I GO.5) LF IRONRIDGE AIRE MOUNTING SYSTEM 5HEfT NAME ROOF TYPE: ASPHALT SHINGLE "NOTE ROOF PLAN 1.)THE ROOF SETBACK/PATHWAY SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED ON ROOF WHERE ADJACENT OR OPPOSING ROOF SLOPE IS ACCESS ROOF IN � Oo j ACCORDANCE WITH R324.G.I EXCEPTION OF )" 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. Oo , DRAWING SCALE 2.)THE ROOF SETBACK/PATHWAY SHALL NOT BE 2g0o D 1 /8 /Q 11 = I 1_01 REQUIRED ON ROOF WHERE THE SLOPE IS CJ EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN TWO UNITS IN 2�Oo O O`90o VERTICAL WITH 12 UNITS IN HORIZONTAL IN CONSTRUCTION NOTES 78 Z 7 ACCORDANCE WITH R324.G EXCEPTION OF Oo SOo 200 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. 1.)ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE S SHEET NUMBER 3.)THE ROOF SETBACK/PATHWAY SHALL NOT BE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. �\/_� REQUIRED ON DETACHED GARAGE IN 2.) ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAINTIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3R RATING. �/ ACCORDANCE WITH R324.G. 3.) ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. TAX MAP: 1 000-074.00-0 1 .00-035.05G Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-7HLGKCDHJ7T36MN23MBZZQNCC3ACP3TZZY1IH04YNZY ITEM I DESCRIPTION ARRAY#I LOAD CALCULATION ARRAY#I RB Kicl6ie Beam/Board 2"X 1 2" D. FIR DESIGN 8 DRAFTING BY: R) Rafter 2"X 1 O" D. FIR @ I G"O.0 ELEMENT ENERGY LLC MODULE WEIGHT(Lbs) 48.5 (C) Collar Ties 2"X G" D. FIR@ I G"O.C. REVIEW BYJ.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE 051112-129 #OF MODULES 20 (P) Pitch 34° TOTAL MODULE WEIGHT(Ibs) 970.0 (D) Decking 5/8"PLYWOOD REVISIONS J Ceilin Joist N A TOTAL LENGTH OF RAIL(Ft) G0.5 (H) Horizontal S an of(R) 134"MAX. DE5CRIFII0N" DATE REV ORIGINAL 11-19-2024 RAIL WEIGHT PER FOOT(Lbs) O.GB (PI) TOTAL RAIL WEIGHT(Lbs) 100.I #OF 5TRANDOFF5 42 (D) WEIGHT PER STRANDOFF(Lbs) 2 TOTAL STANDOFF WEIGHT(Lbs) 84 TOTAL ARRAY WEIGHT(Wr,) I I G3.1 POINT LOAD(Lbs) 27.7 CONTRACTOR TOTAL ARRAY AREA(Sq Ft) 425.2 ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. ARRAY DEAD LOAD(Lbs/Sq Ft) 2.7 7470 SOUND AVE (P MATTITUCK, NY 1 1052 WIND DESIGN SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM (�) LICENSE# G74G 1411 GROUND SEISMIC WINTER ICE BARRIER AIR MEAN LICEN5E# 52G89-ME SNOW DESIGN DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT FLOOD FREEZING ANNUAL LOAD' Speed" Topographic Special Windborne CATEGORY' Frost TEMP` REQUIRED" HAZARD51 INDEXI TEMP) (mph) effectsk wind region debris zone" Weathering' line Termite` depth' �pF fdElyY 25 140 NO NO NO B SEVERE 3 FT MOD Y 15°F YES FEMA ZONEX 599 51°F Cl O A G 0 e _ MANUAL)DESIGN CRITERIA" (H) Indoor W Winter Summer desi n Heatin temperature m = Elevation Latitude Altitude correction factor g Design temperature cooling g p heating cooking tempera difference � 103443 ture �o�ssto�P�" 108 FT 41°N 15°F 80 F 1.00 70°F 75°F 55°F ROOF FRAMING DETAIL I Wind Wind Coincident Winter Cooling temperature difference velocity velocity wet bulb Daily range humidity Summer humidity - _ PROJECT NAME heatinging cool lL 151 F 15 MPH 7.5 MPH 72°F MEDIUM(M) 40% 32 GP @50%RH LL_ J � For SI:1 pound per square foot=0.0479 kPa,1 mile per hour=0.447 m/s. w In o3 zZ � Lo a. Where weathering requires a higher strength concrete or grade of masonry than necessary to satisfy the structural requirements of this code,the frost line depth uw 0 —_ strength required for weathering shall govern.The weathering column shall be filled in with the weathering index,"negligible,""moderate"or"severe"for concrete as IV determined from Figure R301.2(4).The grade of masonry units shall be determined from ASTM C34,C55,C62,C73,C90,C129,C145,C216 or C652. MODULE W O Z b. Where the frost line depth requires deeper footings than indicated in Figure R403.1(1),the frost line depth strength required for weathering shall govern.The jurisdiction _ shall fill in the frost line depth column with the minimum depth of footing below finish grade. LLJ (j C. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table to indicate the need for protection depending on whether there has been a history of local subterranean termite damage. W Z d. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the wind speed from the basic wind speed map[Figure R301.2(5)A].Wind exposure category shall be determined _J C) on a site-specific basis in accordance with Section R301.2.1.4. W U e. The outdoor design dry-bulb temperature shall be selected from the columns of 971/2-percent values for winter from Appendix D of the Plumbing Code of New York O � State.Deviations from the Appendix D temperatures shall be permitted to reflect local climates or local weather experience as determined by the building official.[Also ROOF see Figure R301.2(1).] MODULE [\ IF. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the seismic design category determined from Section R301.22.1. g. To establish flood hazard areas,each community regulated under Title 19,Part 1203 of the Official Compilation of Codes,Rules and Regulations of the State of New (15 SEE ENLARGED VIEW York(NYCRR)shall adopt a flood hazard map and supporting data.The flood hazard map shall include,at a minimum,special flood hazard areas as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the Flood Insurance Study for the community,as amended or revised with: SHEET NAME i.The accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM), ii.Flood Boundary and Floodway Map(FBFM),and (2)-#14 X 3"SELF DRILLING STRUCTURAL SCREWS TO iii.Related supporting data along with any revisions thereto. EXISTING STRUCTURE ROOF STRUCTURAL DETAILS The adopted flood hazard map and supporting data are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this section. h. In accordance with Sections R905.12,R905.4.3.1,R905.5.3.1,R905.6.3.1,R905.7.3.1 and R905.8.3.1,where there has been a history of local damage from the effects of ice damming,the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with"YES:'Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with"NO." ENLARGED VIEW ATTACHMENT DETAILS I. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the 100-year return period air freezing index(BF-days)from Figure R403.3(2)or from the 100-year(99 percent) value on the National Climatic Data Center data table"Air Freezing Index-USA Method(Base 32°F)" j. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the mean annual temperature from the National Climatic Data Center data table"Air Freezing Index-USA Method DRAWING SCALE (Base 32°F)." k. In accordance with Section R3012.1.5,where there is local historical data documenting structural damage to buildings due to topographic wind speed-up effects,the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with"YES."Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall indicate"NO"in this part of the table. N.T.S. I. In accordance with Figure R3012(5)A,where there is local historical data documenting unusual wind conditions,the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with "YES"and identify any specific requirements.Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall indicate"NO"in this part of the table. m. In accordance with Section R3012.12 the jurisdiction shall indicate the wind-borne debris wind zone(s).Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall indicate"NO"in this part of the table. n. The jurisdiction shall fill in these sections of the table to establish the design criteria using Table I or 1 b from ACCA Manual J or established criteria determined by the SHEET NUMBER jurisdiction. MOUNTING DETAIL n PV_5 o. The ground snow loads to be used in determining the design snow loads for roofs are given in Figure R3012(6)for sites at elevations up to 1,000 feet.Sites at elevations above 1,000 feet shall have their ground snow load increased from the mapped value by 2 psf for every 100 feet above 1,000 feet. n See FigureR3o12(4)B. TAX MAP: 1 000-074.00-01 .00-035.05G Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-7HLGKCDHJ7T36MN23MBZZQNCC3ACP3TZZY11H04YNZY DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: (N)SOLAR ARRAY ON MAIN HOUSE 7.65 kW TO UTILITY GRID ELEMENT ENERGY LLC (18)JINKO SOLAR, JKM425N-54HL4-B 425 WATT PV MODULES REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE (1)STRING OF(11)MICRO-INVERTERS&(1)STRING OF(7)MICRO-INVERTERS 051112-129 K2T STRINGS TOTAL DLAR MODULE TYP. MICRO-INVERTER AC DISCONNECT 1 N ENPHASE IOBMC-72-M-US BI-DIRECTIONAL STRING #1 . • • - 240 VAC, 1.33 A zm VAc Im A OR UTILITY METER 977L PRE-INSTALLED BREAKER �+LL tavn o 1-PHASE,240 V CEC-WEIGHTED EFF. R T I N NEMA 6, UL LISTED OR GATEWAY Im•nos DE5CRIFTIoN DATE REV TYPICAL 24OV, 20A 1 N POW OF wtE>s�aN ORIGINAL 1 1-19-2024 NEC 2-T p(exit)!BOOLa( ENPHASE (N)ENPHASE IO SYSTEM CONTROLLER 3 tralcM ac TAP cutouctals BRANCH slut.NOT o®10 Fr ENPHASE BRANCH TERMINATOR N A23R,UL LISTED PASSTHROUGH RATED t9i CIRCUIT CABLE TYPICAL TYPICAL I7 N2-POLE BREAKER 1 I (E)MAN SERVICE STRING #2 WITH HOLD-DOWN KI I ISCONNECT 240 V, 80 A I 240 V, 200 A 2-POLE BREAKER I I 1 1 WITH HOLD-DOWN KIT 1 1 I I 240 V.20 A I I (N)SOLAR ARRAY ON THE DETACHED GARAGE 8.5 kW MTTIin attsi I I 1 1 CONTRACTOR (20)ANKO SOLAR, JKM425N-54HL4-B 425 WATT PV MODU 1 1 I I (2)STRINGS OF(10)MICRO-INVERTERS I I ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. K2T STRINGS TOTAL (4 99LRE 10 BATTERY SP UNITS mA i i 1 1(E)MAW SERVICE PANEL7470 SOUND AVE t 1 t 1 1 t t 1 � MTEJlY STRINGS -4 `A MATTITUCK, NY 1 135 1-PH, 3-W LICENSE#G74G I-HI - - ---- --1 1 240 VAC 200 A LICENSE# 52G59-ME 1 I G N 1 N I jr---- -- - ---1 ----J I pF A1EW IIII I 1 P¢ GAG I IIII 1 I � I 1 THIS PART ONLY ON THIS PERMIT j LM 1 1 6 1 1 1 (N)MAIN I EXISTING GROUNDING �• w ISCONNECT I OTHERS ON SEPARATE PERMIT 1 I I m I I I 240 VL . 60 A I ELECTRODE SYSTEM Z = AC 1X11®INEIR 90X L---_--- -J I I I I 1 1 _-_ N '•-��rr� (J' zt•VW.m A III I I 10344NM '� GATEWA COMMS (a �'O�mcrac erAms j 240 VAC,Y100A ARp �tpT.1P�' c 11 u u i G n u c t I I I 1 N N ESSENTIAL 1 1 I G LOAD PANEL I1IjI t -------------- --2---------------- -- L----- III PROJECT- NAME A ID SHUTDOWN ----- ----- SNTCH IL ENPHASE Lo w0 VDC 16A N 41PUL17VRSE---- - ------ ---------------------- Iu 0 p N - u�JOz J UJ — tu 0 m J to In U ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------J p w � w 4 SHEET NAME ELECTRICAL NOTE5 CALCULATIONS FOR CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS 1.)ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE LISTED BY UL OR OTHER NRTL.AND LABELED FOR ITS APPLICATION. #I PV Source Circuit Wire Ampacity Calculation CONFIGURATION 2.)ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER.RATED FOR GOO V AND 90QC WET ENVIRONMENT. [NEC G90.5(13)(I)J: (Isc)'(#of 5tring5)'(I.5G)= I G.G25 A Modules per String 10 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM 3.)WIRING,CONDUIT,AND RACEWAYS MOUNTED ON ROOFTOPS SHALL BE ROUTED DIRECTLY TO.AND LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE AWG#1 2,ampacity'(Temp Derate)'(Conduit Fill Derate)= 20.1 G A Modules per Inverter I TO THE NEAREST RIDGE,HIP.OR VALLEY. 20.1 GA> I G.G25 A,therefore AC wire size 15 valid. 4.)WORKING CLEARANCES AROUND ALL NEW AND EX15TING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 110.2G. #2 Inverter Output Wire Ampacity Calculation Number of Inverters 20 5.)DRAWINGS INDICATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SYSTEMS.CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL NECESSARY OUTLETS.SUPPORTS. Inverter Max Amperage output'(1.25)=G3.1 75 A Record low temp 10QC FITTINGS AND ACf550RIE5 TO FULFILL APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS. AWG#G,ampacity'(Temp Derate)'(Conduit Fill Derate)=72.0 A Voc Temp Coefficient -0.24516/QC DRAWING SCALE G.)WHERE SIZES OF JUNCTION BOXES.RACEWAYS.AND CONDUITS ARE NOT SPECIFIED.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE THEM 72,0 A>G3.175 A.therefore AC wire size is valid. ACCORDINGLY. DC SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 7.)ALL WIRE TERMINATIONS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY LABELED AND READILY VISIBLE. Operatinq Current 13.1 A N T,S 6.)MODULE GROUNDING CLIPS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN MODULE FRAME AND MODULE SUPPORT RAIL.PER THE GROUNDING CLIP MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTION. Operatinq Voltacle 32.37 V 9.)MODULE SUPPORT RAIL TO BE BONDED TO CONTINUOUS COPPER G.E.C.VIA WEEB LUG OR IL5CO G5L-41DBT LAY-IN LUG. Max.System Volta6je 42.4 V 10.)THE POLARITY OF THE GROUNDED CONDUCTORS IS(po5itive(negative) Short Circuit Current 17.0 A OR 10.)THE DC SIDE OF THE PV SYSTEM 15 UNGROUNDED AND SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC G90.35. AC SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER 1 1.)THE INSTALLATION COMPLIES WITH R327 ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS. Max AC Output Current 1 14.54 A 12.)CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT O eratin At"Voitacle 240 V UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS.ALL CONDUCTORS NOT UNDER ARRAY ARE TO BE IN CONDUIT MINIMUM 7/6"ABOVE ROOF. TAX MAP: 1000-074.00-01 .00-035.05G Zoho Sign Document ID:2A768FFA-7HLGKCDHJ7T36MN23MBZZQNCC3ACP3TZZY11H04YNZY SERVICE METER O O _ INSTALLATION NOTE DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: ELEMENT ENERGY LLC ® � f s PUS STEM ; PHOTOVOLTAIC ` • • • ( 1 ) ALL LABEL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN REVIEW BY J.M.NA-129ECEP CERTIFIE 1 O51 1 1 2-129 EQU1PRE©WI I SOLAR BREAKER , DC DISCONNECT ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2017 NEC RAPT©SHUJTD01N ® •• • REQU I REM ENTS. RevisMONs DESCRIPTION DATE REV 1 '• (2) ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ORIGINAL II-15-2024 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE VDC SOLAR AC LOAD CENTER- OUTSIDE ;�pp NOT RELOCATE THIS SHORT CIRCUIT REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. `01fEitCURREtaTDE1►ICE � (3) LABELS, WARNING(S) AND MARKING ® SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 0 TURNRAPmsHumoa�Is�rlTcalTo i 09 THE%FFP0SM0NTOSWTDM 110.2 I (B). e PVSysTIEM NDREM a CAUTION SHOCK HAZAlBDINPEAMY AC DISCONNECT �� (4) THE MATERIAL USED FOR MARKING MUST BE WEATHER RESISTANT, IN SOLAR AC LOAD CENTER- INSIDE 0 2 COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 1 10.2 I (B CONTRACTORFV )(3). ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. - ---- O O O O ® I 4 �Y (5) THE PV SYSTEM CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS 7470 SOUND AVE 7 8 I I r ■ ! SHALL BE LABELED INSTALLED IN MATTITUCK, NY 1195 � �� �Ul!AL POWi32 SUPPLY SO � OF� COMPLIANCE WITH NEC G90.3 1 . LICENSE# 6746I-HI MBt(XRUNTDEvll;�s EXMU sD JRCM.UTR ITY GRID LICENSE# 5 2689-M E MAN S1IPPIYOVHitAiRF�Ni AND PV SOLAR DEVIt$SItALLNDTEII� ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONDUIT - INSIDE BUILDING AVPA=OFBUS8AS ®F MEy�rr - - - --- - ,tP OAG� ,L tli l; THIS SERVICE METER + IS ALSO SERVED BY A + Is+ ►u ELECTRIC SH HAZARD i PNOTOVOLYAIC SYSTEM • �� .Z _ T�9W.LSONTHELkiEA= ° CONIBUORPANEL OTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM �O �03443 LOAD THE OUA� ;I DO NOT ADD LOADS ARQ�SSIO�P CONDUIT - OUTSIDE BUILDING ® _ � , , • PROJECT NAME LL- LL- �,D'!"U— AL POWER SUPPLY � co a SOURCES:UTRITYGWDAND ® U m Ln +PV SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTI�T T z z 6) MAIN SERVICE PANEL - OUTSIDE i o N — O � oz LL_I U SMAR SYSTEM m O In O • • • �/ 0 t\ MAIN SERVICE PANEL - INSIDE W i OPERATING .� VOLTAGE VOLTS POWER SOURCE 4 7li OUTPUT CONNECTION aLl O 0 I9 DONOTRELOCATETHIS II SHEET NAME O_VERCURRENT DEVICE_ 51GNAGE AC DISCONNECT/BREAKER DRAWING SCALE OOO � ® N .T.5. SHEET NUMBER PV-7 TAX MAP: 1000-074.00-01 .00-035.056