HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-01/21/2025 PH 1 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK 2 ------------------------------------------- X 3 TOWN BOARD 4 REGULAR MEETING 5 ------------------------------------------- X 6 7 Southold, New York 8 January 21 , 2025 7 : 00 P .M . 9 10 11 12 13 14 B E F 0 R E : 15 16 ALBERT KRUPSKI JR, SUPERVISOR 17 LOUISA P . EVANS , JUSTICE 18 JILL DOHERTY, COUNCILWOMAN 19 BRIAN 0 . MEALY, COUNCILMAN 20 GREG DOROSKI , COUNCILMAN 21 ANNE H . SMITH, COUNCILWOMAN 22 23 24 25 JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 2 1 INDEX TO TESTIMONY 2 3 Route 48 Speed Limits 3-70 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 3 1 PUBLIC COMMENTS 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : So now 3 we have a scheduled public information 4 meeting on changing speed limits on 5 Route 48 . Councilman Doroski , would you 6 like to read the notice? 7 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : So before 8 we read the notices , I ' ll just clarify 9 in the letter request that we received 10 from the County, the sections of road 11 that they ' re recommending that we change 12 the speed limit on . So, they are 13 recommending a 45 mile an hour speed 14 limit to a point 500 feet west of Cox 15 Neck Road and Mary ' s Road, a distance of 16 1 . 2 miles . 45 miles an hour between Old 17 North Road and Leon Road, plus/minus 400 18 feet west of Clark Road, a distance of 19 2 . 1 miles . 40 miles an hour between 20 Leon Road and Chapel Lane , a distance of 21 2 miles . 45 miles an hour between 22 Chapel Lane and Main Street, Route 25 , 23 SH-8380 intersection, a distance of 1 . 6 24 plus/minus miles . And then in the 25 folder here just noticing this JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 4 1 information session . I have a copy of 2 the public notice . I have a copy of an 3 Affidavit of Publication of this public 4 notice in the Suffolk Times along with 5 an invoice for payment of that . I have 6 an affidavit signed by our Town Clerk, 7 Denis Noncarrow, that the notice was 8 posted on the bulletin board in the back 9 there . And I have a copy of the 10 resolution itself setting this 11 information session . 12 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 13 you, and Councilwoman Smith, would you 14 like to add to that as liaison? 15 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Yes . So 16 the request came in from the County 17 based on actually conversations that the 18 Transportation Commission had already 19 started with the Town Board, and they 20 decided to -- the original request was 21 simply looking at the road from the 22 Halyard to the intersection with 23 Greenport, and the County came in and 24 decided they would expand the study . 25 They wanted to do a further study and JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 5 1 there had also been discussions , 2 especially about that Cox Neck to Mary ' s 3 Road, where it was a pretty quick speed 4 there . Those requests were heard, and 5 they did a further study . The liaison 6 from the County met with members of the 7 Transportation Commission and with the 8 Town Board, to review the engineering 9 study that they did . And had some 10 pretty sound reasons for recommending 11 this . We did have some folks on 12 Transportation who felt some of the 13 limits should be even lower, with some 14 concern about approaching the incoming 15 traffic circle in Greenport . But the 16 thought was to leave it as it is right 17 now, thinking that the traffic circle 18 coming up itself is going to naturally 19 slow traffic . And we ' ll keep an eye on 20 how that ' s going . Chief Grattan checked 21 in with his data on tracking speed 22 limits and tickets , and also was in 23 support of the changes for safety 24 reasons . 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Well , JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 6 1 thank you . So would anyone like to 2 speak to the proposed changes . 3 LINDA APOSTLE : My name is Linda 4 Apostle . I live on the main road in 5 Orient, and I have had one heck of a 6 time trying to find out more information 7 about this proposal . I read about it at 8 the Suffolk Times regarding the speed 9 limit on 48 , which I sort of live on . I 10 live on the main road in Orient . They 11 don ' t call it 48 there , but at any rate, 12 I ' ve had a heck of a time finding out 13 about it . So it causes me suspicion, 14 unfortunately, which I don ' t like 15 feeling . I ' ve been on the Town website . 16 I could find nothing about why or who or 17 what . And I have been to the County 18 website where there is absolutely 19 nothing even though apparently the 20 County has studied it . I found a lot of 21 information, 34 page slide presentation 22 about County Road 39, but nothing -- 23 absolutely nothing about County Road 48 . 24 So hence my skepticism about why this 25 got proposed . And I also am remembering JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 7 1 when the Sound View got the -- I ' ll 2 guess I call it the buffers . I don ' t 3 know that that ' s the technical name, but 4 the plantings on Route 48 in front of 5 the property . And we were promised then 6 that the speed limit would remain 50 7 miles an hour . And here we are they 8 want to change it -- wants to be -- 9 somebody wants it changed to 40 miles an 10 hour . I would also heard that I want 11 consistent speed limits all the way 12 along the road . But what I just heard 13 from you folks , it ' s going to be 45 , 40 , 14 45 , 40 . So on and so forth . I guess my 15 ultimate question is , what ' s wrong with 16 keeping it at 50 ? And why can ' t I find 17 out the logic behind any of these 18 changes ? Why is that a secret thing? 19 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Do you 20 have any information to provide from the 21 Transportation Commission? 22 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : From the 23 Transportation Commission, the request 24 came before I was on the Town Board to 25 look at that speed limit because there JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 8 1 was community concern about the rate of 2 speed and the crosswalks at the Halyard . 3 And then pedestrians walking and using 4 that Route 48 from Vineyard View to 5 their employment in different locations . 6 So the request came from the Town Board 7 at that time . Prior to my being on the 8 Town Board, to take a look at it . And 9 the County decided to extend the study . 10 So once you -- it ' s their road . So once 11 you invite the County in to assess an 12 area, they can determine -- they will 13 conduct an actual traffic engineering 14 study, which is what they did, and they 15 extended the extended the scope of the 16 study . Brought it back to Supervisor ' s 17 Office . The Commission studied what 18 their recommendations were, and then we 19 invited -- I can ' t remember his name, 20 he ' s a signature on that letter . 21 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Alex 22 Prego? 23 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Alex 24 Prego came to first a Town Board Work 25 Session, which was a public meeting, and JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 9 1 then the Transportation Commission . I 2 asked that he meet directly with that 3 Commission before they gave an opinion 4 to the Town Board . And the Commission 5 agreed that the recommendations were -- 6 they were in agreement with them. So 7 the next step is that it comes to the 8 Town Board for approval before we go to 9 some other paperwork with, I think New 10 York State and the County . 11 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : That ' s 12 it . So it ' s been over a year in 13 process ? 14 LINDA APOSTLE : Well , I understand, 15 but again, the fact that there is 16 nothing anywhere on any internet or any 17 website that gives explanation for any 18 of this , is difficult for me . We talk 19 about the crosswalks and people walking 20 along Vineyard some place , whatever you 21 just said . Has anybody gotten hurt? 22 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Not 23 recently . 24 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Not that 25 I ' m aware of, but -- JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 10 1 LINDA APOSTLE : Well , then why -- 2 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : There ' s 3 been some close calls , apparently, but 4 I ' m not a traffic engineer . I don ' t 5 think anyone here is . So we depend on 6 the County to have their experts -- 7 LINDA APOSTLE : My sense is that 8 all of this was studied whenever the 9 road was changed, how many years ago 10 that was . I don ' t recall . Wasn ' t that 11 long ago . The other thing that is 12 concerning to me is I went to the 13 Transportation Commission website, and 14 the only thing I found there was -- if I 15 may read this , " the Transportation 16 Commission assists Southold Town and its 17 residents in finding solutions to 18 increase transportation efficiency and 19 create attractive alternatives to 20 individual automobile travel while 21 preserving the scenic and historic 22 attributes of the Town, State, County, 23 and local roadways . " What have they got 24 to do with the speed limit, according to 25 their mission? Absolutely nothing . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 11 1 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : These 2 requests were traditionally referred to 3 the Transportation Commission because 4 the Commission members , Highway 5 Department , Engineering, Planning, they 6 were all members from Greenport Village 7 law enforcement . They are all aligned 8 with transportation issues , so including 9 speed limit changes . 10 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : And the 11 Commission also addresses the goals of 12 the chapter on Transportation in the 13 Comprehensive Plan from 2020 . But we 14 are -- and all of their minutes and any 15 presentations are on in the Clerk ' s 16 Office and available online . I will say 17 not that easy to find, I agree . 18 LINDA APOSTLE : Exactly . 19 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : And we 20 are in the process of assessing new 21 website platforms that we will be 22 probably within the year putting in 23 place . So that it is easier for the 24 public, is one of our goals from the 25 beginning of the year . So now we have JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 12 1 to assess what platform is best and make 2 that transition so that ' s easier for you 3 to find things . 4 LINDA APOSTLE : Well , the other 5 thing I ' m hearing is it seems to me 6 they ' ve superseded their stated purpose 7 based upon what I just read . 8 TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL DECHANCE : Can I 9 add something here, if I could? I think 10 what you ' re suggesting is maybe that the 11 Transportation Commission decided 12 themselves to change the speed limit . 13 And I just want to make sure that that 14 information is corrected . So you should 15 know that if you contacted the law 16 department , we could have provided you 17 with information concerning this issue . 18 LINDA APOSTLE : Is it necessary for 19 me to have to search that? 20 TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL DECHANCE : No, 21 but you ' re saying that you ' re looking 22 for information, and I would be happy to 23 provide it to you . That the County 24 civil engineers and traffic engineers 25 took a look at this issue and in their JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 13 1 expertise made some recommendations . 2 Those are the recommendations that the 3 Board has before them. If you, for 4 instance, foiled county records , you 5 would find that study and you would find 6 the facts upon which their investigation 7 made conclusions . And that information 8 is there . It ' s not mysterious , it ' s 9 there . You just -- you apparently 10 looked in the wrong place . We could 11 assist you -- we could assist you . My 12 office can assist you in obtaining the 13 information to satisfy your request . 14 LINDA APOSTLE : Well , again, 15 there ' s a 34 page slide presentation on 16 the County website about Road 39 . 17 There ' s nothing about 48 . 18 TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL DECHANCE : I 19 can ' t speak for the County, but I would 20 be happy to assist you in obtaining this 21 information . 22 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : And I ' m 23 happy to let them know that we have 24 constituents who are struggling finding 25 information that they ' d like . And I ' m JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 14 1 sure they ' ll help us do a better job . 2 LINDA APOSTLE : Well , again, as I 3 read their stated purpose , and 4 Supervisor, you ' re telling me that they 5 are getting involved in these types of 6 things . So maybe that needs to be 7 changed on their stated purpose . But 8 the fact that they went to the County 9 rather than the Town Board -- 10 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : No . The 11 Town Board goes to the County . The 12 Commission has no direct request to the 13 County . The Commission came to the Town 14 Board . 15 LINDA APOSTLE : Oh, I thought you 16 said the -- 17 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : I may 18 have missed it . 19 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : The 20 traffic engineer did appear before the 21 Commission to give a report . 22 LINDA APOSTLE : Okay, well , thank 23 you . 24 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : You ' re 25 welcome . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 15 1 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : And 2 your point about -- we had the 3 discussion today at work session on a 4 different matter about information on 5 the Town ' s website and it is so noted . 6 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : And 7 updating our mission statements to the 8 needs of the Town . 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : That 10 was another one, yes . The different 11 committees . 12 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Yes . Not 13 just Transportation, everybody . 14 LINDA APOSTLE : Let me just finish 15 saying, we were promised when the 16 buffers went in front of Sound View that 17 the speed limit would stay 50 miles an 18 hour, and nobody ' s died and nobody ' s 19 gotten hit by a car since that happened . 20 To my knowledge . So I don ' t know why 21 we ' re even -- 22 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Yeah, I 23 don ' t -- I don ' t have the data on the on 24 accidents there, but I think there has 25 been some like short stops and people JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 16 1 being rear-ended . Fortunately, no 2 pedestrians were hurt, but car -- there 3 was -- there were car accidents . 4 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Not in the 5 recent past, but in the further past, 6 unfortunately, there were two 7 fatalities . 8 And that ' s -- And that figures into 9 the discussion of it, and we always want 10 safety . So perhaps that ' s why that was 11 changed . But I just want to make sure 12 we do remember the people who perished . 13 It was not recently, but it was , you 14 know, at least two people have perished . 15 LINDA APOSTLE : But can you let 16 ( inaudible ) safety? I guess you ' re 17 thinking that you can by putting the 18 speed limit lower, but , you know, if I 19 get hit at 50 miles an hour versus 40 20 miles an hour, I think I ' m still going 21 to be dead . 22 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Right . 23 But I don ' t know the specific rates of 24 survivability, but your chances increase 25 to lower the speed . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 17 1 LINDA APOSTLE : Well then we ought 2 to have it -- 50 miles an hour . 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All 4 right . Sir? 5 JOHN NICHOLSON : Good evening, 6 Supervisor Krupski . My name is John 7 Nicholson, and I live at 3985 Sound 8 Avenue . Representing a number of 9 families between Cox Neck Lane and 10 Burden Road, a number of people who are 11 here tonight . I didn ' t hear our area 12 mentioned tonight when you were talking 13 about the speed limits . So can we still 14 talk to that? 15 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : It ' s 16 considered South Avenue, but I think 17 Councilman Doroski , right , you mentioned 18 it in the description of area that was 19 studied? 20 TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL DECHANCE : That 21 is directly off of the County 22 correspondents . 23 JOHN NICHOLSON : So we ' re still 24 able to speak to that tonight? 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yes . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 18 1 JOHN NICHOLSON : Okay . Good . This 2 is my wife , Sharna, and I just want to 3 and thank her for organizing this whole 4 thing tonight . 5 SHARNA NICHOLSON : Hi , I ' m Sharna 6 Nicholson . And John and I moved here in 7 2012 , right before Sandy . And Sound 8 Avenue was busy, but not crazy busy . 9 And over the 13 years that we ' ve lived 10 here , we ' ve seen it get busier and 11 busier and busier . And we adore our 12 home . As we ' ve gotten to know our 13 neighbors , many of -- several of them 14 here tonight, we started to have 15 conversations with the neighbors and 16 heard about a lot of accidents that were 17 happening in the stretch from Cox Neck 18 to Bergen Road . John used to be a 19 paramedic . He ' s a retired paramedic . 20 And we hear things crashing outside our 21 door frequently . And he ' s the first to 22 triage . So we ' ve gone outside and thank 23 God there have not been any fatalities , 24 I will say . But we ' re here tonight 25 because we don ' t want to become a road JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 19 1 or a stretch of road like Depot Lane, 2 where there were unfortunately severe 3 fatalities . And so hearing the stories 4 from our neighbors , we are here . We 5 wrote a letter back in August to the 6 Town and we submitted it . Several 7 people have probably seen it , where it 8 was signed by many of the neighbors . In 9 that stretch of property, even though we 10 lived there, we did not realize how many 11 homes there were , how many hidden 12 driveways there were, and how many 13 accidents there were until we started 14 really taking note of it . And heard 15 stories of many people who had been 16 involved in accidents or near accidents , 17 or we witnessed those accidents . So we 18 have submitted to the Town a petition or 19 a letter indicating that we would like 20 them to look at the speed limit in that 21 stretch of area, where there are several 22 severe curves , many hidden driveways . 23 People are coming right off of 48 where 24 the speed limit is marked 45 , but people 25 are going 55, 65 . And we are grateful JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 20 1 that a double yellow line was painted on 2 the road, which was never there before . 3 However, trucks still pass us in front 4 of our driveway . Now there ' s a Hampton 5 Jitney bus that travels on that stretch 6 of road . Thankfully, and some of the 7 people who are here speak with me, we ' ll 8 tell of the tales of the school bus 9 drivers who are petrified to stop to 10 pick up children on that road, that 11 stretch of road . And so we wanted to be 12 here to share with you that we are 13 appealing to the Town to take a look, a 14 really careful look at that stretch and 15 the accidents that have happened 16 recently . Where we think that there are 17 other options besides -- first and 18 foremost, we want the speed limit 19 lowered, but we also see that it ' s 20 difficult to implement a change without 21 having a consequence . And we can ' t have 22 a cop, a police car there , stopping 23 every single infraction . Every day I 24 have people who hunk their horns as I 25 drive out of my driveway . And John will JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 21 1 share some information about the time it 2 takes as we get out of our driveway, 3 looking both ways and seeing no cars , we 4 pull out and someone nearly sideswipes 5 us . So I brought some options because 6 I ' m a "what can we do about it person" 7 and so I brought copies for you . And 8 I ' ll just quickly summarize that we know 9 that there have been studies done in 10 other towns and cities where they have 11 used solar lights saying speed limit and 12 look lowered speed limit and your speed 13 limit . They are not going 45 in front 14 of our house . They ' re going much 15 faster . We could add a sign . We could 16 -- those could be solar powered, so it ' s 17 low cost . We also think that there is a 18 need for blind driveway signs that 19 people could see . So that they know 20 that there are cars pulling out . There 21 are children on those roads and many 22 people who are walking because our 23 neighbors owns a bed and breakfast on 24 that stretch . There could be periodic 25 policing . I ' ve taken photographs of JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 22 1 cars who passed me going across the 2 double yellow lane and also into the 3 shoulders , where bicyclists are riding . 4 Frequently large groups of bicyclists . 5 So that ' s why we ' re here tonight to 6 raise that issue . Since we saw that 48 7 was being addressed, we are not 48 , but 8 we think it ' s even more critical on that 9 stretch of road . So I thank you for 10 your time . 11 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Thank 12 you . 13 SHARNA NICHOLSON : And several 14 people are here who would like to say a 15 few comments . 16 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : We ' re 17 trying to -- thank you, and please come 18 up . And speak we ' re trying to see if 19 that parts addressed . 20 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : I don ' t 21 think it is because it was -- 22 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : -- 900 23 feet west . 24 SHARNA NICHOLSON : And right there 25 is industrial , right there . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 23 1 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Thank 2 you . I don ' t think it goes as far back 3 as -- 4 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : And that 5 was noted by the Transportation 6 Commission as something that should be 7 looked at, yeah . I don ' t think the 8 study -- 9 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : You know, 10 a few years back we put a streetlight 11 there, right . 12 SHARNA NICHOLSON : That ' s what 13 David ' s gonna -- 14 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Because 15 of this reason . 16 SHARNA NICHOLSON : Thank you very 17 much for letting us speak . 18 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Thank you 19 for coming . 20 DAVE PERRIN : Thank you . Good 21 evening . Thank you for listening to our 22 ploy this evening . My name is Dave 23 Perrin . I live at 4850 Sound Avenue in 24 Mattituck, and I do also own a business 25 there . So it is a little bit of a JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 24 1 unique situation . My family -- we ' ve 2 lived there for over 15 years . And if I 3 was to say that when we first moved in, 4 versus now, life pulling in and out of 5 our driveway has evolved and changed 6 quite intensely . A couple of key points 7 that I just wanted to share with all of 8 you . The area that we ' re discussing, 9 the proposed area, would be from the 10 intersection, obviously, Middle Road in 11 Cox Lane to Bergen Road . That is . 9, 12 not even a full mile . In that window, 13 there are 25 points of exit or entry, 14 and that ' s short stretch of road, 25 . 15 So that ' s a lot . Now, interestingly 16 enough, four of those locations are 17 either additionally with multiple homes , 18 business activity, or agricultural use, 19 which will directly increase the number 20 of vehicles entering as Sound Avenue . 21 My location specifically happens to be a 22 bed and breakfast . We have three 23 residential drivers in my house , and 24 then I have five guest rooms . So that 25 right there could mean eight cars . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 25 1 Immediately to the east of me is Kerker 2 Plain . There is five homes up Kerker 3 Plain . There is also a wholesale 4 nursery that has 18 mulers that comes in 5 multiple times a day to pick up product, 6 which is great . But if you ' ve ever seen 7 that happen, that really can be a very 8 terrifying thing . Especially when they 9 pull on my driveway, a lot of thinking I 10 am the location . So now I have to ask 11 them to reverse . It really looks like 12 what terrifying moment and see how many 13 people are flying down that hill . Then 14 the other issues , just slightly to the 15 west of me , is a beautiful horse farm, 16 which also has riders and has horse 17 trailers going in and out . So there was 18 a lot of activity just in that small 19 area, which is in the base of the dip . 20 On any given morning or afternoon, there 21 was four potential school bus to pick up 22 or drop off spots in that less than a 23 mile stretch, along with 25 points of 24 entry . And all these other activities 25 happening . Also , 14 mailboxes . 14 JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 26 1 mailboxes that are not off the road . 2 Mine , Kerkers are off, and the mail 3 trucks get to pull off the road . Up and 4 down in that stretch, 14 means they stop 5 on Sound Avenue . It ' s kind of a big 6 deal . It does impede traffic . Not 7 saying it ' s an issue for them. They ' re 8 great, but cars flying down . We also 9 have a new interesting situation on the 10 north side of Sound Avenue . Further up 11 the top of the hill to the east of me , 12 there ' s been a property change . 13 Wonderful , beautiful . Looks great , 14 except for with that change it has 15 completely impacted the water runoff of 16 Sound Avenue . You all did a wonderful 17 job by immediately addressing the issue 18 when contacted and put a drain in . That 19 drain cannot handle any kind of major 20 rain . If you ' ve never witnessed it, I 21 implore you to take a drive one night , 22 safely, while it ' s raining and realize 23 that if you ' re heading westbound, the 24 entire lane is at least eight inches of 25 water . So what happens when people who JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 27 1 don ' t know that? We know, so we slow 2 down dramatically . Other people who are 3 flying immediately cut into the left 4 lane . Now, if you also know Sound 5 Avenue, it ' s a lot of traffic . It ' s a 6 nightmare waiting to happen . So that is 7 a very terrifying thing . I just want to 8 also throw that in there . And then 9 obviously, the rate of speed increasing 10 when heading west seems to be a normal 11 thing, right? They ' re coming down the 12 hill , now they ' re going up the hill , and 13 they know they ' re heading into open 14 farmland space . But wait , there ' s Farm 15 View . So there ' s an immediate stop of 16 cars also waiting to make a left-hand 17 turn . There is a lot of obstacles in 18 that area that need to be considered in 19 this situation . Lastly, I just want to 20 point out some of the obvious things . 21 We also have distracted drivers or the 22 drivers who are lost, or turned around, 23 or do turn around, which I happen to be 24 a major turn around point for, well , 25 most of Mattituck and the North Shore . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 28 1 I have personally been rear-ended once 2 and clipped and lost a mirror one other 3 time . Making a left into my driveway is 4 a very scary thing, but not when people 5 think it is . I ' m talking about every 6 day now normal traffic between 6 : 30 and 7 9 : 00 a . m. and then the same about 4 : 30 8 to 6 : 30 . It ' s busy now . It ' s not like 9 it used to be . And I ' m not talking only 10 in the high season come in January . I 11 have to wait to pull my driveway coming 12 back from dropping my kids off at school 13 I ' ve been rear-ended . Not by 14 out-of-towner ' s . Not by -- just people, 15 life . They ' re going and oh, I can ' t 16 quite fit on the left, you know, pass 17 them on the right at 50 miles an hour . 18 I ' m gonna take his mirror off . It ' s kind 19 of scary . We have to do something . We 20 have to create a means of awareness 21 letting people know how many residential 22 establishments there are in that short 23 stretch that didn ' t used to be there . 24 That ' s really, to me, the biggest 25 concern . I think those are some great JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 29 1 suggestions . But yes , the light was a 2 wonderful assistance, but it has not 3 done anything to deter speed . And then, 4 yeah, at the end of the day, I just -- 5 if everybody was just going 45, that 6 might be, okay, but they ' re not . So if 7 we can get it down to a posted 35 or 40 , 8 then we ' ll at least be traveling at a 9 normal 45, because we all know that 10 everybody goes at least five miles above 11 whatever the posted speed limit is 12 anyway . It is a dangerous spot and now 13 with a child who I ' m teaching how to 14 drive, it ' s even more challenging, but I 15 appreciate your time and consideration . 16 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 17 you . And we will take a look at that , 18 but we ' ll look all the way to the Town 19 line . We ' ll go further west than Bergen 20 Avenue . 21 DAVE PERRIN : Yeah, great . 22 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : No, no , 23 because it ' s a short stretch -- 24 SHARNA NICHOLSON : Well , they 25 slowed down because of ours , because of JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 30 1 this traffic . 2 DAVE PERRIN : Well , I will tell 3 you, Aldrich, obviously, has adjusted to 4 a 30 mile an hour, which a lot of people 5 didn ' t realize either . And I think that 6 was a wise move . There were so many 7 homes there now . And it didn ' t used to 8 be that way . But, you know, putting 9 down marks is a -- 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Good 11 point . 12 JOHN NICHOLSON : So I ' m also a 13 mathematician . And I want to just share 14 with you some numbers and also some 15 personal experiences trying to get out 16 of our driveway . So when I go to pull 17 out of my driveway, I have a line of 18 sight of about 180 feet as the cars come 19 up the hill around the curve . So during 20 that time, if timing for a car going 45 21 miles per hour, that ' s -- that section 22 is about three seconds . From the time 23 they reach the top of the hill until 24 they look at my driveway . So that ' s not 25 a lot of time to be pulling out of your JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 31 1 driveway . So I take a look to the left, 2 no traffic . I take a look at the right, 3 no traffic . I look again at the left , I 4 pull out . The minute I pull out, there 5 is a car coming . And they don ' t slow 6 down . I have to go straight across the 7 road, cross the double line, and go off 8 the road to make my turn, so the car 9 would not hit me . This happens 10 regularly . At 35 miles per hour, or at 11 45 miles per hour, a car travels about 12 262 feet . So even it ' s 180 feet that 13 I ' m looking at, so they can ' t even -- it 14 won ' t be able to stop unless they hit me 15 at that distance . It ' s much farther 16 than that the stopping distance than 17 that distance . We look at -- now that ' s 18 for cars that ' s not for the heavy 19 trucks . That ' s not for the propane 20 trucks that go through there . The 21 garbage trucks that come up . I mean, 22 there ' s a lot of truck traffic that 23 comes through there also . So the 24 stopping distance for a car traveling 35 25 miles per hour is 187 feet . So it ' s JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 32 1 likely they won ' t hit me . So that ' s one 2 good thing about a 35 mile per hour 3 speed limit . Again, I think you 4 mentioned this also , David, that there 5 are 25 families and at least 21 6 driveways , many of them hidden on these 7 curves and hills at that area . Along 8 with there are school bus . There have 9 been multiple accidents , cars total , 10 roll overs , head-on ' s , and no one ' s been 11 killed yet . I personally have been 12 first responder to most accidents . To 13 most of them out there . And as a 14 retired paramedic, as 25 years 15 paramedic, we ' ve been really lucky to 16 have that no one ' s been killed . When I 17 see these cars totaled, smashed in, 18 people trying to get out of their cars , 19 and they have not been seriously 20 injured . We ' ve really, really been very 21 lucky . And you talked about Aldrich the 22 30 miles per hour . Aldrich is just a 23 straight shot . No dips . No curves , 24 nothing . Yes , it ' s a neighborhood, but 25 so is this area . This area has become a JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 33 1 neighborhood . It ' s grown and increased 2 over the time and we ' re talking about 3 year-round residences . So I think it ' s 4 time to change the speed limits . It ' s 5 long overdue . I don ' t want to go out 6 there and find the worst case scenario . 7 So just consider the numbers . Consider 8 me trying to pull out in how much three 9 seconds time I have to get out there . 10 And just one more thing . When my wife 11 pulls out, I have to look out the window 12 to watch her pull out . I don ' t want to 13 hear -- I don ' t want to hear the crash . 14 I don ' t want to hear it . 15 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Well , 16 thanks for coming tonight . 17 JOHN NICHOLSON : Thank you . 18 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 19 you . Anyone else? 20 DREW WATSON : Thank you for hearing 21 us tonight . I ' ll keep my comments 22 brief . I ' m the new kid on the block . 23 My family and I -- I ' m Drew Watson, I 24 live at 4250 Sound Avenue , and these are 25 my neighbors . And we purchased our home JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 34 1 at 4250 Sound Avenue back in 2022 and 2 just in the few years that we ' ve lived 3 in the area, we ' ve really been shocked 4 by the amount of aggressive driving that 5 we ' ve seen happening on Sound Avenue . 6 And again just to paint the picture, 7 it ' s coming off of that four lane 8 highway on North Road, I think which is 9 Route 48 . After the stoplight, it goes 10 to the two lane road, Sound Avenue . 11 Their dips and curves as we ' ve 12 illustrated this evening, but we ' ve -- 13 I ' ve seen in just that short period of 14 time cars wrapped around telephone 15 poles . I ' ve personally been 16 side-swiped . I don ' t have any facts and 17 figures about the injuries , but it ' s 18 pretty brutal . I think we ' ve heard a 19 lot of them tonight . But what I can 20 tell you is that what I regularly see is 21 people in a highway kind of LIE 22 mentality going down the four lane 23 highway . And after they stop at the 24 stoplight, and continue on Sound Avenue, 25 that mentality continues . And I ' m sure JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 35 1 it ' s not due to any sort of ill will or 2 intent, but people are just continuing 3 down going 50 , 55 , 60 , perhaps even 4 faster, down Sound Avenue . And as 5 you ' ve seen tonight , it ' s not a highway . 6 It ' s a real community of families and 7 neighbors that care for each other . And 8 pulling in and out of the driveway is 9 just really gruesome sometimes . The 10 amount of aggressive driving that we 11 see, people passing on the right on the 12 shoulder, tailgating the excessive 13 speeding . So my simple ask to the 14 council tonight would be to explore ways 15 that we can, Number One, at least 16 enforce the laws that are already on the 17 books with the speed limit, with the 18 laws that we have around safe driving . 19 And also I would urge the council to 20 take measures to look into the 21 possibility of lowering the speed limit 22 for the safety of the neighborhood . So 23 thank you very much . 24 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 25 you for coming . All right . Would JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 36 1 anyone else like to speak on any topic? 2 ROBERT DUNN : Robert Dunn, Peconic . 3 I came specifically to talk about 4 something else, but I ' ve heard a number 5 of things tonight . I ' m just going to 6 make light comments . Don ' t respond . 7 The name Sound View keeps coming up . 8 And there ' s something that ' s Sound View 9 that is just a catastrophe waiting to 10 happen . They put planters out at the 11 curb . If you ' re coming from Greenport, 12 you cannot see who ' s walking out from 13 those planters . Now, it ' s not really a 14 problem if it ' s an adult that you can 15 see . But little kids run -- always run . 16 Y ' all had kids . They always run a few 17 feet ahead of the parents . Kids 18 couldn ' t zippin around . So that ' s a 19 problem . And it ' s right where the 20 gentleman got killed, right at that 21 point . So just hear me on it . It might 22 be something as simple as a telephone 23 pole . Cut some of them plants back a 24 bit, so that you can see who ' s about to 25 enter . You can ' t see it until you ' re JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 37 1 there . And if you ' re driving 50 , it 2 might be too late . End the story on 3 that one . Whatever you do with speed 4 limits , and if you need to cut the speed 5 limits down, I ' m fine for it . At my 6 age, I got one place to go . I ' m not in 7 a hurry to get there . But I think you 8 have to have some continuity in the 9 speed limits . It can ' t be all over the 10 place on one road . Go with the lowest 11 one . If you think this should be 40 and 12 this should be 45 and this should be 50 , 13 make them all 40 . I mean, what are we 14 talking about from Laurel to Greenport? 15 It might take you three minutes longer . 16 And on that one, and just the point, 17 you ' re talking about putting the 18 aquatics in with the agriculture . I 19 hope everybody ' s going to read all the 20 things , because in the Agriculture 21 Committee, one of the requirements of 22 being on the Agriculture Committee is 23 that you have to be an agriculture . So 24 you can ' t put -- you follow me, if 25 you ' re going to join them, you can ask JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 38 1 them -- 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Well , 3 we have a lot of active shellfish 4 growers , and they ' re considered 5 agriculture . The aquaculture is 6 considered agriculture in part of Ag and 7 Markets . And we actually have -- 8 ROBERT DUNN : I was just looking at 9 something and I read that . 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yeah, 11 we have actually have an active 12 shellfish grower sitting in a Ag 13 Advisory now . 14 ROBERT DUNN : Yes . But agriculture 15 and aquaculture are two different 16 things . If you can put them together, 17 fine . I just wanted to point that out 18 that in the Agriculture Committee thing, 19 it does say you have to be a farmer . 20 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : They 21 consider themselves growers . 22 ROBERT DUNN : Okay . Back to where 23 I came from. I started talking to you 24 about it before . I guess a month and a 25 half ago, I spoke to you about JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 39 1 Goldsmiths . And I told you it would 2 have to be , and thank you . It was done . 3 I know that you had to go through the 4 permitting thing and it took a little 5 longer than you would have liked, but 6 the bottom line is what a horrible job . 7 What a horrible job . I mean, I ' m glad 8 to see that whatever sand they took out 9 there, they put it down on Town Beach, 10 correct? 11 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Some of 12 it . Some was put to the east to fortify 13 that shoreline as it moves to the east . 14 Some was moved to Town Beach to try to 15 fortify that . 16 ROBERT DUNN : I didn ' t see any of 17 it moved to the east . 18 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : There ' s 19 a couple piles there . 20 ROBERT DUNN : There may be, I ' m 21 just saying I did not see them do 22 that -- I know, but I think that at Town 23 Beach was certainly in need of whatever 24 you put there . And I ' m not debating 25 that you did that . I mean this was sand JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 40 1 you had to put it somewhere . And that 2 to me was a critical point, very wise . 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : I give 4 DPW the credit . They did a lot of the 5 work with the DEC and they did the work 6 coordinating the work that got done . 7 The RDPW, sorry . 8 ROBERT DUNN : RDPW? 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yes . 10 They coordinated with the DEC, as I did 11 as well . They coordinated with a 12 contractor, because we ' re on a County 13 contract to get that work done . 14 ROBERT DUNN : Right . 15 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : So they 16 made the coordinated efforts to move 17 that sand . 18 ROBERT DUNN : Okay . Well , no, I 19 think it was a great idea to put it down 20 there . I mean, that beach was about to 21 become part of the road . So I mean a 22 good sense of that, but the last time 23 the town did a dredge was the first year 24 that Tim Roth had replaced Jeff . And I 25 spoke about it . I said it said he did a JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 41 1 fabulous job, and he did . And now it ' s 2 two or three years later . And this 3 dredge, I just think, was poorly done . 4 It ' s already closing . It ' s going to be 5 closed within a week on the low tide . 6 Not on high tide . High tide is still 7 through, but on the low tide side . And 8 that ' s just the beginning of it . You ' re 9 going to get a lot of people -- and this 10 is for you, you ' re going to get a lot of 11 people calling you on it that they 12 didn ' t like it . There ' s no way you can 13 please everybody there , because some 14 people just want beach . Some people 15 want water to move . Some people want to 16 go on the east beach . Some people want 17 to go on the west beach . So that, I can 18 just tell you, you ' re going to get a lot 19 of reaction from people that don ' t like . 20 But the bottom line is -- well , first of 21 all , they were pigs . I ' ll just tell 22 that flat out , and I ' ll be happy to show 23 you the pictures that I based that on . 24 They took wood, large timbers , and just 25 dragged them up the beach through grass . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 42 1 Pulled the grass out, and dumped them in 2 the parking lot . That ' s just stupid, 3 stupid . And the idea, as a taxpayer, 4 that we would spend funds , that the Town 5 would spend my tax dollars to destroy my 6 beach is insanity . That ' s just 7 insanity . There ' s no excuse for that . 8 There ' s no justification for that . 9 Somebody should be fired for it . It ' s 10 disgraceful . Because all -- not only 11 was a bad recover, I personally planted 12 every piece of grass that went there 13 that they tore out . And to be honest , I 14 spent three weeks doing that . And the 15 last day I do it , I had chest pains and 16 the next day I had heart surgery . So 17 I ' m willing to do what I got to do , and 18 that would have happened anyway . If it 19 wasn ' t then, I would have done something 20 silly two months later . It would have 21 happened anyway . But all I ' m saying is 22 just stupidity to just drag lumbers 23 through grass , tree branches , and grab 24 and just dump in there . Another one 25 they put, when I planted the grass , JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 43 1 there was no grass on Gaulsman ' s when I 2 moved there . None . Jamie put the 3 Armament in . While we ' re here and part 4 of the deal with the Armament, was the 5 Town was responsible for replanting the 6 area after it was done . And Jim McMahon 7 was still here and I told Jim, if he ' d 8 get the grass , I would seed the planting 9 and I did . And then I just kind of got 10 into it . So I kept going down the 11 beach . Since the grass was planted, 12 water has never come over that beach . 13 In other words , when it floods , it 14 floods down by Second Avenue . Water 15 comes down the channel to lower ground, 16 and then comes in . It used to actually 17 come over the beach . But between the 18 Armament, and the sand that ' s collected 19 from the grass that was planted there , 20 the water never comes over the beach, 21 which means it ' s slower coming in . It 22 has to go all the way in . It has to 23 raise the level of the pond before it 24 can then come over the sidewalk . So I 25 mean, it ' s just from any which way you JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 44 1 look at it . What was done there last 2 two weeks ago , stupid, stupid . Poor, 3 unforgivable . Unforgivable . 4 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yeah, I 5 haven ' t -- I didn ' t notice it . I was 6 there the last day they were dredging . 7 So I haven ' t been since . 8 ROBERT DUNN : Well , I mean you ' re 9 not going to be as critical as I am. 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Well , 11 no you pointed that out, but they I 12 don ' t know when that when they did it . 13 ROBERT DUNN : They might have done 14 it at the last day . I mean there ' s -- 15 there was three plantings between the 16 first two . I left them a track with so 17 that they could drive the machines . I 18 knew that they ' d be dredging coming and 19 although I did that on Father ' s Day, no 20 -- no time near dredging times . I just 21 knew that eventually it would have to be 22 dredged and you needed space to get 23 through . So I left it wide enough . Now 24 when they drove in a little bit gets 25 messed up because, A, some of the grass JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 45 1 grows in . B, it may not be perfect , and 2 C, drive in a big machine . So if you 3 knock down a couple of blades of grass , 4 so what? It ' ll either grow back or it 5 won ' t grow back, or it ' ll come back from 6 somewhere else . So I don ' t question 7 that , but the idea of dragging wood 8 through planted grass , just, it makes no 9 sense to me . It ' s just stupid, stupid . 10 Inexcusable . And defeats exactly what 11 they ' ve done . It ' s filling in again . I 12 mean, it ' s filling in because they 13 didn ' t -- they didn ' t dig it out right 14 at the shore . 15 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : It ' s -- 16 we worked within the constraints of the 17 permit that was issued by the DEC was 18 the same -- the same project that they 19 have -- 20 ROBERT DUNN : You think it ' s in -- 21 these guys are smart enough to know when 22 you dig in sand, you took a straight 23 wall and water is going to run through 24 it, the sides are going to cave in . And 25 that ' s exactly what happened . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 46 1 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : This 2 is -- we ' re working -- we were very 3 fortunate to be able to work with the 4 DEC to get that permit . It ' s a ten year 5 permit . If we have to dredge it next 6 year, we can . If we don ' t have to 7 dredge for another three or four years , 8 we don ' t have to . 9 ROBERT DUNN : But what I ' m saying 10 is , I spent 40 years in the building 11 trades . I wasn ' t a road builder, I 12 wasn ' t -- I ' ve had some experience , 13 minor experiences to that . But when you 14 dig in sand, if dig straight down in 15 sand, water ' s going to run through it . 16 I guarantee it ' s going to cave in . 17 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : No, 18 that system is not a natural system. 19 Once that jetty got built in the 20 mid- 60 ' s , that changed the whole dynamic 21 there . And it ' s been nothing but a 22 problem for the Town . The Town took the 23 jetty over for a dollar, and it ' s been 24 the Town ' s responsibility to keep that 25 waterway open . I ' ve been dealing with JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 47 1 it since I was a Town Trustee in 1991 . 2 And I know it ' s west versus east there, 3 because the west side benefited from the 4 accretion of sand, and the east side has 5 lost , there used to be houses there -- 6 in my day, those are long gone on the 7 east side . Even the foundations and 8 cesspools are gone . 9 ROBERT DUNN : East side . 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : There 11 were like three bungalows there on the 12 east side . 13 ROBERT DUNN : On the west side . 14 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : The 15 east side of the inlet . 16 ROBERT DUNN : On the west side of 17 the inlet . 18 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : East 19 side of the inlet . 20 ROBERT DUNN : Across the street 21 from my house? 22 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Across 23 the -- 24 ROBERT DUNN : On the other side of 25 Middle Lane from my house , there were JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 48 1 three houses -- 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : East . 3 On the orient side of the inlet , there 4 were three houses . 5 ROBERT DUNN : They were over on the 6 other side? 7 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yes . 8 ROBERT DUNN : What ' s now the County 9 in Town land? 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : The 11 County park, yes . 12 ROBERT DUNN : Okay . 13 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : There ' s 14 a sidewalk there still , if you go 15 through there . 16 ROBERT DUNN : I ' ve never seen it . 17 I know -- I know there were houses 18 across the street from my house on the 19 other side of the road . 20 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : No, 21 there were three houses there . I 22 remember as a kid, they fell in . 23 ROBERT DUNN : I ' m not quite sure . 24 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : The 25 whole thing ' s been -- so it ' s not a JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 49 1 natural system. All the creeks on the 2 bay side get dredged periodically, as 3 needed, because the sand moves . 4 ROBERT DUNN : Okay . But the thing 5 is , Al , when you dig in sand, if you dig 6 it straight -- straight, get down, the 7 sides are gonna collapse, unless you 8 put ' em back on an angle . And that ' s got 9 nothing to do with a permit . That ' s 10 just got to do with how you dig . I mean, 11 if you dig a hole like this , everything 12 between there and here is gonna 13 eventually be down in the bottom. 14 That ' s just the way it works . The water 15 comes through, it ' s gonna take it down . 16 You could see it that afternoon . The 17 afternoon they finished . Because what 18 happens is , the sand falls away and the 19 stone sand pops . So the whole side of 20 it was lined with stone . Full of stones 21 because the sand had washed away . So , I 22 mean, it was the clear as day . This was 23 just a poor job . And somebody ought to 24 tell them that . They ' ve done it before . 25 They ' ve done great jobs in the past . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 50 1 And this was just done poorly . There ' s 2 a lot more sand there than there was , 3 because the sand ' s coming through the 4 jetty now . There ' s so much sand 5 offshore there . I don ' t know how far 6 you ' d have to go out to keep that open . 7 I don ' t know if you could keep it open . 8 There ' s so much sand going from west to 9 east . 10 ROBERT DUNN : As I told you three 11 weeks ago, you don ' t need to clear it 12 out . Just cut through it . Cut through 13 it and let the shoreline go out . Why is 14 it to dig up all this and take it 15 somewhere else? I mean, in this case , 16 it was good . You had use for it at Town 17 Beach . Why move all that sand, is it 18 not going to be effective? 19 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Well , 20 it was closed . We had to open it up . 21 It was completely closed . And it was -- 22 ROBERT DUNN : It was completely 23 closed a year before . A year before and 24 some guys went down there with a shovel . 25 I don ' t get involved in that because the JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 51 1 one time I did it, everybody got on my 2 case . So I don ' t do it anymore . 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : I don ' t 4 -- I wouldn ' t -- I don ' t know . I can ' t 5 comment on that . You and your shovel . 6 But it was way more than a shovel . I 7 mean, we saw -- you and I both saw it 8 when it was closed . There was a lot of 9 sand . That was a huge bar going across 10 the whole mouth of the inlet . It was 11 beyond somebody with a shovel . 12 ROBERT DUNN : You can cut through 13 that bore and not dig it all out . You 14 don ' t have to spend the money to move it 15 and let the shoreline grow . I mean, at 16 a real low tide there, the beach 17 actually goes to the end of the jetty . 18 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Oh 19 yeah . 20 ROBERT DUNN : That ' s how much sand 21 has -- 22 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : I know . 23 ROBERT DUNN : -- built up 24 underwater . It ' s just a few inches 25 under the normal water level . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 52 1 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : I think 2 as kids we used to run off the side of 3 that jetty and it was deep enough to 4 jump in from the jetty . 5 ROBERT DUNN : Right . 6 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : And now 7 it ' s just -- 8 ROBERT DUNN : It ' s right there . 9 It ' s all sand . It ' s all sand right 10 there . Just my point is , this was just 11 a bad one, and I think we got to be a 12 lot more precise about how we do this . 13 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : So 14 noted . 15 ROBERT DUNN : It ' s just not a 16 matter of going and saying, okay, they 17 gave us a budget so much, so we ' re just 18 going to move so many truckloads . 19 That ' s good for them. It ' s not good for 20 the Town . It ' s not good for me . It ' s 21 not good for Goldsmith . It ' s not good 22 for the fish that live in the pond . 23 Right now at the edge of the entrance is 24 already an island growing . I mean and 25 this is what seven days later? Here is JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 53 1 the wood they pushed up . You can see 2 it -- 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yeah . 4 ROBERT DUNN : It pushed right up 5 the beach . 6 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yeah . 7 ROBERT DUNN : That ' s a disgrace . I 8 mean, you know -- 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yeah . 10 ROBERT DUNN : It ' s already going 11 out in the middle . 12 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Sure . 13 I ' m going to look at it tomorrow . We ' re 14 not going to win there . Mother Nature ' s 15 going to win there . 16 ROBERT DUNN : I don ' t -- I don ' t -- 17 well that shouldn ' t have been . I mean 18 how much -- what was the bill on that? 19 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : It 20 was -- I think it was over $20 , 000 . 21 ROBERT DUNN : And that ' s still 22 there . That ' s what they were supposed 23 to move . It ' s got to be what I call 24 inefficiency . Whether it ' s inefficiency 25 here or by then, it ' s inefficiency . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 54 1 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : I ' ll go 2 take a look at it . 3 ROBERT DUNN : I mean, not even two 4 weeks . Not even two weeks . 5 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : There 6 was a big dredge job done decades ago , 7 and they opened it . That was when there 8 was deeper water offshore . They opened 9 it all the way back up into the inlet . 10 I mean a big channel , and it wasn ' t much 11 longer than two weeks . And it was 12 completely sanded in . There ' s a lot of 13 energy there and a lot of sand . 14 ROBERT DUNN : Certainly is . You 15 know, I ' m living there 15 years . 15 16 years now, and it ' s not my -- I ' ve been 17 in the neighborhood since ' 89 . I built 18 my mother-in-law ' s house on the hill . 19 She ' s not there anymore . My 20 sister-in-law has it now . So I mean, 21 yeah, I know what ' s here . And what I 22 also know what ' s coming out here, I 23 mean, I ' m a city kid, but I ' ve been 24 coming out here longer than I think all 25 of you have been alive . I first started JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 55 1 coming out here in ' 49 . I ' m married to 2 my wife almost 50 years . I met her out 3 here . I was staying with friends on 16 . 4 She lived around the corner on Marlene . 5 So I ' ve seen how things go, and I ' ve 6 seen how they ' re deteriorating . And we 7 can ' t just stand by and let it happen or 8 we ' re going to be living in Queens . 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Well , 10 thank you for your observations . I do 11 appreciate your -- and the thing with 12 the beach grass , so I will talk to -- 13 ROBERT DUNN : That was just dumb . 14 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yeah, 15 I ' ll talk to DPW . Anyone else? 16 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : You 17 missed my shout-out to you . Your point 18 about the need to amend Chapter 70 . So 19 if you ' re gonna speak about the 20 information meeting, we decided to pull 21 that so we can notice a public hearing 22 next time . 23 TOM STEVENSON : Well , greetings . 24 Tom Stevenson, Orient . I know it ' s been 25 a long day for everyone . So because JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 56 1 that work session went on and on . And I 2 was listening in and I ' ll spare too much 3 on that . The beach grass , I feel your 4 pain, because I mean, me and the Cub 5 Scouts on probably a day like this out 6 there planted them, probably 10 years 7 ago in Orient , all still doing really 8 well . 9 ROBERT DUNN : Yeah . I mean, it 10 doesn ' t take much to grow it . 11 TOM STEVENSON : You know, you got 12 to leave a spot for foot traffic and 13 whatever -- 14 ROBERT DUNN : And if you don ' t, 15 you ' re asking for trouble , because the 16 foot track -- 17 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : We have 18 to keep it to the Board . You guys can 19 talk all night in the parking lot, 20 please just address the Board . 21 TOM STEVENSON : I just felt the 22 pain and then I felt the pain on 48 -- 23 well , Sound Ave . I used to drive the 24 grape harvester on that stretch . 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Sure . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 57 1 TOM STEVENSON : It was like a long 2 time ago . But if you ' ve ever driven one 3 of those, they ' re not self-leveling . So 4 you have a helicopter joystick . And as 5 you go around that turn, you had to be 6 good -- and level the thing up, and 7 people are passing you . And you cannot 8 stop . You ' re doing 19 miles an hour, 9 which is fast for that . 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Pretty 11 fast . 12 TOM STEVENSON : That ' s limited 13 right there . I didn ' t get a ticket . 14 But it ' s all hydraulics , so you can ' t 15 stop . So I mean, farm equipment on 16 that , and there ' s not much of a 17 shoulder . So yeah -- that ' s not County 18 though, right? 19 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : No, 20 it ' s Town road there . 21 TOM STEVENSON : It starts right 22 there . I ' m learning . What ' s the point 23 of the County stretch then, from 24 Greenport to -- 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Before JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 58 1 my time . It goes from town -- it goes 2 from town -- because Riverhead has Sound 3 Avenue . 4 TOM STEVENSON : Right . 5 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : We have 6 a little bit of Sound Avenue , and then 7 it goes to County 48 , and then it goes 8 to State and Greenport , so . 9 TOM STEVENSON : Because the 10 State -- and I think November I came and 11 spoke when the Transportation Commission 12 was first talking about the -- or no, it 13 was the work session where there was a 14 presentation and with Zoom. I couldn ' t 15 really see the actual presentation . 16 That ' s why I was asking, could we get a 17 copy of that? And then I went to the 18 Transportation Commission meeting and I 19 was asking about it . And they were 20 talking, it ' s from here to here and it 21 really helps to have a map and whatever 22 they put up there to be able to see . 23 But so I ' ll keep, mostly on the Sound 24 View, I already commented in November, I 25 think . But the idea of like having JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 59 1 seasonal speed limits make a lot of 2 sense, because in the Summer, you ' re not 3 doing the speed limit anyway . This is 4 all traffic . In the Winter, why can ' t 5 it be a little bit faster, because 6 nobody ' s on the road? So I don ' t know . 7 I didn ' t like the whole project there . 8 I didn ' t think the land swap . There 9 were just things that happened there . 10 But it made it sort of unsafe with the 11 plantings and with the middle median . 12 And I know the traffic engineers say, 13 when you narrow the roads , it makes it 14 safer . But that was like the one 15 stretch of straight road . You could see 16 100 feet clear . There was like one 17 crosswalk . You know, now there ' s three 18 crosswalks . None of them are light 19 controlled . You know, whatever that 20 thing is that or that ' s a State , right? 21 The State won ' t put in a crosswalk 22 without a light? 23 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yeah, 24 they will . 25 TOM STEVENSON : If you -- if you JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 60 1 go -- 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Sure 3 they will . No, they will . You think of 4 all the crosswalks in Town none of them 5 have lights -- 6 TOM STEVENSON : Or new ones . 7 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Well , 8 they ' re gonna do -- they ' re going to 9 adjust some in Mattituck without lights . 10 TOM STEVENSON : We could use one at 11 the top of Village Lane by Young ' s 12 there, but I guess that big hedge is not 13 to code . So that needs to be enforced . 14 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : -- down 15 on the list . We have it all . 16 TOM STEVENSON : The bottom wood 17 tree . I know everyone ' s like But I 18 don ' t think it ' s going to make it . 19 Sorry about Madrid . And then I think I 20 spoke on the Moores Lane, which is like, 21 you talk about jurisdictions . You have 22 Mary Beth was here . She ' s like , well , 23 Moores Lane is a Village road, right? 24 Then -- yeah, you weren ' t at that 25 meeting . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 61 1 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : I was 2 not . 3 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : I tell 4 you everything though . 5 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : How was 6 the Moores Lane a Village road, because 7 the school is in the Town, is in 8 Greenport Hamlet , but not in the 9 Incorporated Village . 10 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : She said 11 that , I haven ' t looked at that map . 12 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Part of 13 that road -- the first part of the road 14 coming off the County is County . Then 15 there ' s Town, and then there ' s Village . 16 So it ' s split into three different 17 ownerships . 18 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Okay . 19 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : The 20 Village , definitely there . 21 TOM STEVENSON : Well , the north 22 side is unsafe simply because like the 23 trees have grown in . So it really needs 24 to be cleared back . That ' s not as 25 unsafe as the south side, where the JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 62 1 school buses can ' t make the turn . 2 There ' s no crosswalks for the kids on 3 Front Street, ' cause then you get to 4 Village . So you have like four -- if 5 you throw the school and you got like 6 five jurisdictions right there . So the 7 idea of having everyone together and 8 trying to figure it out . 9 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : That ' s 10 the plan . 11 TOM STEVENSON : Yeah . Greenport 12 has a new school superintendent . 13 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Oh good, 14 I didn ' t see that . 15 TOM STEVENSON : Yeah . So yeah -- 16 you know, I didn ' t think that lowering 17 the speed limits , I mean, we were 18 promised, or at least at the time, that 19 it was going to stay the same at 50 . I 20 mean, that ' s a stretch that I ' m driving 21 sometimes , like four times a day . I 22 know it ' s three minutes different, but I 23 mean, three minutes is three minutes . 24 And you know, traffic enforcement . But 25 I think the light -- one thing they JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 63 1 could do is put lights over the 2 crosswalks , because the lights are not 3 over the crosswalks , the street lights . 4 That would be like a number one thing to 5 do that , because I think Bobby Haas , Sr . 6 Was like the last -- or Bobby Haas ' s dad 7 died there , yeah, terrible . So anyway, 8 Tree Committee . I went to that one too, 9 because it ' s the right time of year to 10 go to these committee meetings . 11 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : We didn ' t 12 have Ag ' s . 13 TOM STEVENSON : You know, I was on 14 the Tree Committee in 1990 , Gene 15 Cochran, 1999 , 2000 , 2001 , something 16 like that . And it ' s great what has 17 happened, but they actually got a budget 18 ' cause I remember that was like , we 19 don ' t really have a budget to do street 20 trees . It was all from the memorial 21 trees , right? So -- but in terms of the 22 Tree Code, that was the real reason I 23 went there . And back then we were 24 working on a Tree Code . Pretty sure 25 that ' s why the Tree Committee was formed JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 64 1 to do a Tree Code . And it just was 2 never right, you know, whatever we came 3 up with was never right . And so we sort 4 of like tried to simplify it all the way 5 down to no clear cutting on vacant 6 residential lots . You could cut on a 7 sliding scale up to what you needed to 8 build your house . And then -- but there 9 was no restriction, like no DBH 10 measurements , no permit . And that we 11 thought that that would, you know, 12 because that ' s the main thing . Like a 13 spec builder comes in . Buys a lot 14 clears it to the property line, and 15 they ' re not even the ones living there . 16 And seems like not the right thing to 17 do . And one question I had was could 18 that be addressed through the Zoning 19 update through a bulk schedule? Could 20 would you add -- I don ' t know if it ' s 21 possible, but in lieu of a Tree Code, 22 which seemed like the Building 23 Department didn ' t really wanna take on . 24 The budget , like how much is this gonna 25 cost for both the Town and for property JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 65 1 owners to either hire an arborist or for 2 the Town to hire arborist or I mean 3 there ' s no mention of an arborist in the 4 Tree Code, but that was always one of 5 our things . Is the Town really should 6 have an arborist at least , you know, to 7 work with the Utilities when they go and 8 massacre the rights away . That that 9 works not done to any sort of standard . 10 It ' s just cut it . So I don ' t know, that 11 was just an idea to try to simplify it 12 if possible . Where it could be in the 13 bulk schedule for like R- 80 Zone . 14 Depending on the size of the parcel , you 15 could do that . I don ' t know . Just 16 throwing it out there . Water Committee, 17 I did that . We ' ll have time later for 18 some of that stuff . 19 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Well , 20 we are going to have another Code 21 Committee on the tree, so please submit 22 your comments to that . 23 TOM STEVENSON : Okay . 24 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : That ' s 25 still very much a work in progress . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 66 1 TOM STEVENSON : All right . Great . 2 And then combining the Ag Advisory, you 3 would have to look at Chapter 71 , which 4 is Ag Advisory Code . And occasionally 5 we do go back over what our roles , 6 duties , whatever . We do have a vacancy 7 now . Not really sure -- I guess -- did 8 Chris come in and talk to you? At one 9 point, just about vacancies , I think 10 like the terms you know, we might be 11 like a little off with like members , but 12 this could be a way to like correct it . 13 Like if we have a vacancy now and then 14 we if -- up to you guys , I mean I 15 thought we could go from nine to ten or 16 eleven . We are having a hard time 17 sometimes getting quorum. So I don ' t 18 know if it ' s better to have -- you know, 19 you need quorum for -- 20 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : The 21 bigger the number, the more you need to 22 have present . We did this on Housing 23 Advisory to like -- wait a minute, we 24 just made it harder to get quorum. 25 TOM STEVENSON : Yeah, exactly . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 67 1 It ' s harder to get it . There ' s nine . 2 You need five people . You go to 11 , you 3 need six . So you if you were gonna go 4 10 , you would go yo 11 . The person 5 who ' s staying home on a cold night still 6 stays home . 7 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : It 8 happens in Winter on all the committees . 9 TOM STEVENSON : So, all right, 10 that ' s it, I think . 11 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All 12 right . Thanks , Tom . 13 TOM STEVENSON : Thank you . 14 Hopefully . Our next Ag meeting, though, 15 is the Lunar New Year, I think, is on 16 the schedule . Is that a Town -- 17 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : It ' s a 18 school holiday . In all the schools . 19 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Yeah, 20 it ' s just the schools . 21 TOM STEVENSON : So, okay, so we ' re 22 on with that . Okay, cool . Thank you . 23 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 24 you . Anyone else? 25 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Is there a JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 68 1 hand up on Zoom? 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Go 3 ahead, Margaret . 4 MARGARET DE CRUZ : Yes , I ' ve been 5 wanting to say something about the speed 6 limit idea, which I would love to lower 7 the speed limit . I have almost hit -- 8 two deer ' s came out in front of my car 9 in the last two months . And if I were 10 going more than 40 something, I would 11 have hit them, but I was able to avoid 12 them . And there ' s so many times when 13 people are on the side road, and then 14 other -- you know, you really have to be 15 able to think and move quickly to avoid 16 things . Because -- and the more people 17 speed, the less time you have to do 18 that . I just think it ' s unsafe on our 19 roads . I think a 40 mile per hour speed 20 limit would be great . I do understand 21 how changing them from 40 to 45 , people 22 hate that, but I do think we could 23 change maybe the mindset about driving 24 if it was all 40 . People would have to 25 realize , all right, you come to the JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 69 1 North Fork, you ' re not going to be 2 speeding . I ' m sure people are still 3 going to have behavior that is 4 dangerous . Like passing, which has 5 happened to me recently . You know, 6 passing right in front of me when 7 there ' s no passing lane and another time 8 I had to pull over . So yeah, there ' s 9 that . And the other thing about 10 informing the community about what ' s 11 going on, if I weren ' t on the Southold 12 Town -- or I request notifications for 13 meetings and things like that, I 14 wouldn ' t have known about this . And so 15 I notified a lot of people about this , 16 so that they could voice their opinion . 17 But I heard that somebody said there are 18 postings in the Town Hall or maybe more 19 posting should be put in the other 20 Village Town Halls or post offices when 21 there ' s something like this . Because 22 people don ' t know . And that ' s really 23 important, you know, I think . So I 24 think that ' s all I want to say . And 25 yeah, more enforcement . I see a lot of JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 70 1 police cars out there . And so I ' m 2 hoping that they ' re catching people 3 driving insanely, which is what ' s 4 happening out here a lot . So thank you 5 very much . 6 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 7 you, Margaret . And yeah it is noted 8 about the notification because we try to 9 reach out to the public and it ' s -- and 10 you do the best you can, but we do it 11 certainly legally, but to do it more 12 effectively would be important . 13 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Just to 14 piggyback on what Margaret said, one of 15 my favorite radio stations since I was a 16 kid is WLNG, and they ' re very good at 17 giving the community meetings . This is 18 the way they ' re connected, but we can 19 always do better in reaching out to the 20 community . And I just appreciate the 21 feedback from the people who said they 22 weren ' t aware . And it ' s something -- 23 it ' s just a comprehensive way of trying 24 to make sure we get the word out . So 25 thank you for giving us feedback . JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 71 1 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : I ' ll make 2 a motion to adjourn . 3 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Second . 4 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 5 favor? 6 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 7 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 8 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 9 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 10 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 11 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 12 13 (Whereupon, the meeting was 14 adjourned at this time . ) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 JANUARY 21, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 72 1 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 2 3 I , Jessica DiLallo, a Notary Public 4 for and within the State of New York, do 5 hereby certify : 6 THAT , the within transcript is a 7 true record of said Board Meeting . 8 I further certify that I am not 9 related either by blood or marriage to 10 any of the parties to this action; and 11 that I am in no way interested in the 12 outcome of this matter . 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 14 set my hand this day, January 21 , 2025 . 15 16 17 ( J si 0aiLallo ) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25