HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuildingZoneOrdinanceMaps #90meeting of the Town ]5oard of the Town of Southola L .... Supervisor~s Office, 16 South Street~ Greenport, New York on the day of November, 1971. this Board held a publi;'c hearing on the 28th day of September 1971, in the matter of the amendment;: of the town ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the 7~own of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York" ~ogeitk~.~wlth the-BuildinglI Zone ~laps forming a part thereof at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity, to be heard ~vith respect %o said matter, and -~Vt-I]EREAS, this Board now deem~ it in the public interest that said proposed amendments be enacted, NOW, TlqEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southoid, Suffolk County~ New York" together with: the Building Zone NIaps forming a ~art thereof consisting of six sections designated A to F inclusive and wh~'ch hax,e been s~gnea by the members cf this Board be amended as followis, I. ]By amend[f~ig Article I~ to read as foilows:''' ARTICLE I PURPOSES - DEFINITIONS SECTION 100 - PURPOSES - There is hereby established a comprehensiv~ zoning plan for the Town of Southold~ which Plah is set forth in the text and map that constitute this,lordinance. Said plan is adopted for the purposes set forth in Article 16 of the Town Law~ which, in th~ interest of the protection and promotion of the public Ihealth, safety~ and welfare, shall be deemed to specific~IIy include the following, among others: 1. The facilitation o~ the efficient and adequate pro%~sion of public facilities and services; 2. The assurance of adequate sites for residence, industry, and commerce; The provision of privacy for families; 4. The prevention and reduction of traffic conges- tion~ so as to promote effidient and safe circulation of vehicles and pedestrians; The maximum protection of residential areas; 6. The gradual elimination of non-conforming uses; 7. The enhancement of the appearance of the Town of Southoid as a whole; 8. T.he encouragement of flexibility in the design and development of Land in such a way as to promote fha appropriate use of lands t~ facilitate the adequate and economical provision of s~reets and utilities and to preserve the natural and scenic qua!lities of open lands; 9. The fostering and protection of agriculture and fisheries. SECTION 101 - DEFINITIONS - Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall for the purpose of this ordinance have the; meaning herein indicated, l~ords used in the present tense ~nclude the future; the sing~iar number includes the pLuril and the plural the singular; the word "person" includes aI corporation as well as an individual; the word "lot" includes the word "plot". The term "occupied" or "used" as applied to any building shall be construed as though followed by the wo~ds "or intended, arranged, or de- signed to be occupied or dsed": ACCESSORY - A b~ilding or use clearly incidental or subordinate to, and customary in connection with, the principal building or use ion the same lot. BASEMENT -A story in a bui£ding~ the structural ceiiing level of which is four feet or more above the average level of finished grade w~ere such grade abuts that exterior ceiling level of which is four feet or more above the average level of finished grade where such grade abuts that exterior wall of such building which fronts on any street, and the floor 'level of which is below finished grade at any point on the periphery of the bflilding. BILLBOARDS-A sign, including the type commonly kno~vn as a billboard, which directs attention to a business~ commodity, service, entertainment or attraction, sold, offered or existing elsewhere than upon the same lot where such sign is displayed or only incidentally upon such lot. BOARDING AND TOURIST ttOUSES-A building other than a hotel where lodging; with or without meals, for five or more persons is furnished for compensation. BUILDING-Any combination of materials forming any construction~ except where entirely underground, so as to permit the use of the ground above same as if no building was preseni; the te~m '%uilding" shall include the term "structure" as well as the following: a. Signs; b. Fences; Walls, other than retaining waits projecting above the ground not more than 3 feet at the higher ground level and not more than 6-1/2 feet at the lower ground level; do Radio and television receiving and trs:nsmitting towers and antennae, except for such antennae installed on the roof of a "building" and e~ending not more than 20 feet above the highest level of the roof of such "building"~ and e. Porches, outdoor bins and other similiar "struc- tures ". CELLAR-Any space in a building the structual ceiling level of which is less than four feet above the average finished grade where such grade abuts that e_xterior wall of such building whichifronts on any street. A cellar shall not be considered in ~eterrr£ining the permissible num- ber of stories. COURT, INNER-An open space enclosed on ali sides by exterior wails of a building. COURT, OUTER-An open space enclosed on three sides by exterior walls of a building COURT, OUTER, DEPTH OF-The linear average dim- ension measured from the nnenciosed side of the court to the farthest wall thereof, COURT, OUTER, WIDTH OF-The linear dimension of the unenclosed side of the court. CURB LEVEL-The established elevation of the street grade af the point that is opposite the center of the wall near- est to and facing the street line. -2- DWELLING~ ONE-FAMILY-A detached building containing one dwelling unit only. DI~qELLING, MULTIPLE-A building or portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units. DWELLING, ROW OR,ATTACHED-A one-family dwelling with two common or party walls separating it from adjacent units on both sides. DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY-A detached building containing two dwelling unit~ only. DWELLING, SEMI-DETACI-IED-A one family dwelling with one wall in common with an adjacent dwelling. DWELLING UNIT-_~t b~ilding or entirely self- contained portion thereof coFtaining complete house- keeping facilities for .only o~e family, including any domestic servants employed on the premises and having no enclosed space (other thin vestibules, entrance or other hallways or porches)9ri cooking or sanitary facili- ties in common with any other "dwelling unit." A house traiier, a boarding or roor~ing house, convalescent home, fraternity or sorority house, hotel, motel, in~, lodging, nursing, or other similarhpme,' or other similar structure shall not be deemed to consiitute a dwelling unit. FAI~iILY-One or mor~ persons occupying a dwelling unit as a single non-profit ~ousekeeping unit. More than five persons, exclusive of domestic servants, not related by blood, marriage or adoption, shall not be considered to constitute a family. FLOOR AREA-The sBm of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors .of the building or buildings on a lot measured from the exierio~ faces of exterior walls or from the center line of party walls separating two buildings~ exclu- ding eelIar and basement aFeas used only for storage for the operation and maintenance Of the building. FLOOR AREA~ LIVABLE-Ail spaces within the exterior walls of a dwelling unit exclusive of garages, breezeways~ un- heated porches, cellars, hsater rooms, and basements having a window area of ie~s than 10% of the square foot area of the room. Usable floor ~rea shall include ali spaces not otherwise excluded above s~ch as: principal rooms, utility rooms, bathrooms, ali clo~ets and hallways opening directly into any rooms within the dwelling unit and ail attic space having a clear height of si~ feet from finished floor level to pitch of roof rafter with a qlear height of seven feet six inches from finished floor level toi ceiling level over 50% of the area of such attic space. -3- FLOOR AREA RATIO-The floor area in square feet of all buildings on a £ot divided by the area of such lot in square feet. GARAGE, PRIVATE-A building used for the storage of one (1) or more gasoline or other power driven vehicles owned and used by the owner or tenant of the lot on which it is erected, and for the storage of not exceeding lwo (2) additional.vehicles (not trucks) owned or used by others. GARAGE~ PUBLIC-A building other than a private garage used for housing or care of gasoline or other~ bower d~iven vehicles, or where such vehicles are equipped for operatlion, repairs, or kept for remunera- tion,_ hire or sale. MO]VIE OCCUPATIONS-This shall be understood to include the profes- sionai office or studio of a doctor, dentist, teacher, artist, architect, engineer, musician, lawyer, magistrate or practitioner or a similar character or rooms used for home occupations including home baking, millinery or similar handicrafis, PROVIDED that the-office, studio or occupationa£ rooms are located in a ~we~iing in which t'he practitioner resides and in a building accessory thereto, and PROVIDED further, no goods are publicly displayed on thy premises and no sign or advertise- ment is shown other than a sign not [~rger than two (2) square feet in total area~ bearing only the name.and occupation (words only) of the~practitioner. HOTEL-A building occupied as the more or less temporary abiding place of individuals ~vho are lodging with or 'without meals and in which there are more than ten (10) rooms usually occupied singly and no provision made for cooking in any room or individual apartment. HEIGHT-The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the finished grade at the front of t~e b~iiding to the highest point of the roof for fiat and mansard roofs, andlto the mean hight between eave and ridge for other types of roofs. JUNK YARD-Land occupied or to be occupied for storage of oid wood, paper, cloth, or metal, including old automobiles, trucks, equipment, machinery, fLxtures, and app[ianceslnot usable as originally designed; and also including any portion of such ol~ automobiies, trucks, equipment or machinery as are to may b~ sold as ~nd for junk or salvage. LOT-Any parcel of land, not nec~ssari[y coincident with a lot or iots shown on a rr~ap of record, which is ~ccupied or which is to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildingS~ if any, or by a group of buildings accessory thereto, ,f any, together with the required open spaces appur- tenant to such buildings or group of buildings. LOT, CORNER-A lot at the junct$on of and abutting on two or more intersecting streets where the interibr angle of intersection does not exceed 135 degrees. A lot abutting a curved street shall be deemed a corner lot if the tangents to the curve at the pointls of intersection of the side ~ot ~ines with the street lines intersect at an interior angle of less than 135 degrees. LOT, DEPTH-The minimum dis' ~he rear lot Hne of such lot. LOT LINE-Any boundary of a lot ~nce from the street line of the lot to other than a street line. -4- LOT LINE, RIEAR-The lot line generally opposite to the street line; i~ the rear lot line is £ess than 10 feet in length, or if ~he lot corries to a point in the roar, the rear lot line s~al£ be deemed to be a line parallel to the front lot line hot less than 10 feet long lying farthest from the frontI lei line. LOT WIDTH-The average distance between side lot lines--t -ake~-~-~e front Y~rd or sea-back line and measured at right angles to ~he side ~ol lines or along a paraile[ ~o the slreel. R'~NUFACTURING-~ny process whereby the nature, ~ ~~k~tieIes or raw materi~[s ~re changed, or whereartfdles are assemb~edor packaged. ~tlN FLOOR-The ~arges~ area found by [he pro- jection ~ ~ ~o~l~e. ~hrough the livable 'f~oor area which is enclosed by ~e exler~or wadis of the but [ding. ~tRINA OR BOAT BASIN-Any premises con- taining one or more piers, Wharves, docks, moorings, bulkheads, buildings, siips~ basins, yr ~and under water desired, used or ~ntended~o be useaprimar[iy for the docking or mooring of boat~ for or without compensatLon. I~OTEL-A building ~ontaining ~esl rooms each of which, or each pair of w~ich, has a separate entrance leading directly from the qutside of the bu[iding, with par~ing space conveniently[located ~o each un[t, and which is ~esigned, used, or [nte~ded lo be used primarily for the accommodalion of moto~ vehlc~e transient's. NON-CONFORMIN~ USES-A non-conforming use is any use, whelher of a building or lract of land, or both, existing on the effective dude of this ordinance which does not conform to the use re~ilons of the District in which it is located. PRINCIPAL BUILDtNG-A b~ilding in which is con- ducted the main or principal u~e el the lot on which said building is located. PUBLIC WATER~ i~UBLIC SES~/~R;Communal sewage disposal ~yst~ms a~d communal water supply systems approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health, and operated by a municipality or public agency. SIGN-Any structureI or part thereof, or any device attached to a building or painted or represented~thereon. which shail display or incigde any letter, word, model, banner, pennant, insignia, I device, trade flag, or represen- tation which is in the natur~ of, or which is used, as, an -5- armouncement, direction or advertisement, for commercial purposes or otherwise. A sign includes a billboard and a neon tube° string of lights, or lar device outlining or hung Fpon any part of a building or lot, but does not include ~he flag or insignia of any nation or group of nations, 9r of any governmental agency, or of any poiitical~ !eduCational, charitabie~ philanthropic, civic, profes~ionai, religious, or like campaign, drive, movement!, or event. Excluded from this definition are sighs which are solely devoted prohibiting trespassing, huqiing or fishing. SIGN AREA-Shall inci~de ail faces of a sign measured as follows: ' (a) When such sign isi on a plate or framed or outlined, ali of the area of ~uch plate or the area enclosed by such frame or outline sh~I1 be included; (b) l~hen such sign cdnsists only of letters, designs, or figures engraved, painte~, projected or in any manner affixed on a wail, the total ~rea of such sign shall be deemed the area within which ail of the matter of which such sign consists may be ~nscribed. STORY-That part of ~ny building, exch~sive of cellars but inclusive of bas~ments~ comprised between the ievel of one finished floor add the level of the ne-~rt higher finished floor, or if there b~ no higher finished floor: then that part of the bui£din~ comprised between the ieve[ of the highest finished floorI and the top of the roof beams. STORY, HALF-Any s~ace partially ~vithin the roof framing~ where the cIear h~ight of not more than 50% of such space between the top of the floor beams and the structural ceiling level is 7 feet 6 inches or more. STREET-A street~ ir~proved to the satisfaction of the Planning Board which i~ one of the following: an existing Town, County or SIate highway or street; a street shown on an approved Subdivision Final Plat;; a street shown on a map filed with the County Clerk (in accordance with Section 280-a of the T~vn Law-) prior to Planning Board authorization to review subdivisions; a street shown on the Town Official Map. STREET LINE-The ~ividing line between a lot and a s{~eet. ' STRUCTURAL ALTERATION-Any change in the supporting members of a bfliiding: such as beams, columns. or girders. TRAILER-Any vehicle mounted on wheels, movable either by its own power or by being drawn by another vehicles and equipped to be used for living or sleeping quarters Qr so as to permit cook- ing. The term "trailer" sbaii include vehicles if mounted on temporary or permanent foundations with the wheels removed. TOURIST COTTAGE-A detached building having less than three hundred fift~ (350) square feet of cross section area, designe~ for or occupied as living and sleeping quartersI for seasonal occupancy. TOURIST CAM]P-Any ~ot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more t~n~s, tent houses, camp cottages, house cars or house trailers used as living or sleeping quarters are or may be located° said camp being operated for or without compensation. USABLE OPEN SPACE-An unenclosed portion of the ground of a lot which is ~ot devoted to idriveways~ or parking spaces, which i~ free of structures of any kind, of which not more %haft 25% is roofed for shelter purposes only, the minimum dimension of ~vhich is 40 feet, and which is availableland accessible to all occupants of the building or buildings ~n the said 1or for purposes of active or passive outdooF recreation. USE, ACCESSORY-A use customarily incidental and su~-~in-~-~e ~o t--~-e ~-air~ use on a lot, whether such "accessory use" be conductled ina principal or acces- sory building. : YARD, FRONT-An unoccupied ground area fully open to the sky between theIs%feet iine~ or by the street line established by the Offi~iai Map of the Town, or an approved Subdivision Plat, iand a line drawn parallel thereto. YARD, REAR-An unoccupied ground area fully open to the sky bet~veen theI rear iot line and a line drawn para Iici thereto. YARD, SIDE-An unodcupied ground area fully open to the sky between any property line other than a street or rear lot 'line, and a line drawn parallel thereto between the front and rear yards. ; II. By amending Article II to read as follows: SECTION 200 - USEIDISTRICTS - For the purpose of this ordinance, the Towm of Southold, outside of the Incorporated Villages~ is hereby divided into districts designated as follows: "AT' RESIDENTIAL AND AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS T'M" LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS GENERAL MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS "B" t~IGHT BUSINESS' DISTRICTS "B- 1" GENERAL BUS~NESS DISTRICTS "C" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS "C-I" GENERAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS SECTION 201 - ZONING 1VL&P - The boundaries of the said districts are hereby established as shown on the Building Zone 1VIap which a2companies~ and which, with ali explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted and made a part of and incorporated into this ordinance. Said map, indicating the latest almendments, shall be kept up to date and a copy thereof shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector for the use and benefit of the pub- lic. SECTION 202 - DISTRICT BOUNDARIES - In determining the boundariesI of districts shown on the zoning map~ the following rules s~ali apply: I. Where district bo%ndaries are indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, high- ways, waterways or railroad rights-of-way or such lines ex-~ended, such center tines shall be construed to be such boundaries. 2. Where such boundaries are indicated as approxi- mately following the property lines of parka or other publicly owned Iands~ such lines shall be construed to be such boundaries. 3. Unless otherwise shown, ail district boundaries running paralh~[ to street~ shall be construed to be 200 feet back from the rights-of-way of said streets. 4. In ail cases where a district boundary divides a lot in one ownership and more than 50zo of the area of such lot lies in the less restricted Idistrict~ the reg-alations prescribed by this ordinance for the l~ss restricted district shall apply to such portion of the mor~ restricted portion of said lot which lies within 30 feet o~ such district boundary. For purposes of this section, ~he more restricted district shall be deemed that district subject to regulations which: prohibit the use intended to be ma~e of said iot; or require higher standards with respect to poverage, yards, screening, land- scaping and similar requii~ements. 5. In all cases where a district boundary line is located not more than 15 feet from a lot line of record, such boundary line shall be construed to co- incide with such lot line. 6. In ail other cases where dimensions are not shown on the map, the location of boundaries shown on the map shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing thereon.: 7. Unless shown on t~e zoning map, ail tidal lands and lands under water; shall be deemed to be within the use district to which they are contiguous. SECTION 203 - EFFECT OF ESTABLISI{MENT OF DISTRICTS - Foliowmg ~he effective date of this ordinance: 1. No building shall ~e erected~ moved, altered, rebuilt or enlarged nor shall any land or building be used, designed or arranged~o be used for any purpose or in any manner except in bonforrr~ity with ali regula- tions, requirements, and r~strictions specified in this ordinance for the district itl which such building or land is located. 2. No yard or open space required in connection with any building or use shill be considered as providing' a required open space for alny other building on the same or any other 3. No Iot shall be fo~med from part of a iot already occupied by a building un~ess such building, all yards and open spaces connected therewith, and the remaining lot comply with ail requirements prescribed by this ordinance for the district in which said lot is Located. No building permit shall be issued for the erection of a building on any new lot thus created u~iess such building and lot comply with alt the provisior~s of this ordinance. 4. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall require any change in the plans, c~nstruction, or designated use of a building complying with t~e Zoning Ordinance in force prior to this Ordinance, iflthe following is found to exist; (a) A building permit shall have been duly issued and construction sh~lI have been started before the effective date of this ordinince. (b) The grqund story framework (including the second tier of beams) §hail have been completed within six months of the date of t~e building permit; and (c) The entire building shall have been com- pleted in accordance ~vith ~uch plans as have been filed with the Building Inspector witt in one year from the effective date of this ordinance. --9- IlL 5. Any use not permitted by this ordinance shall be deemed to be prohibited. 6. Notwithstanding the limitations imposed by any other provisions of this prdinance, no building, dredging, or filling operation shall be permitted be- low the datum of mean high water of tidal waters un- less such building~ dredgin~, or filling operations have been duly authorized and are conducted in con- fortuity with aii iaws. ordinances~ rules and regula- tions of ali governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof. amending Article III to read a~ follows: ARTICLE [III "A" Residential ~nd Agricultural District ! SECTION 300 - In an i'A" District, no building or premises shall be used, ~nd no building or part of a building shall be erected, lot altered, which is arranged, intended, or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses exclept the following: A. Permitted Uses : 1o One family detached dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling on elch lot. 2. The following bommercial agricultural operations and accessory u~es, including irrigation, thereto~ provided tha~; there shall be no storage of manure, or other odor or ~ust-producing substance or use, except spraying and ~]usting to protect vegeta- tion, ~vithin 150 feet of any Ilot line. (a~ The rai~ing of field and garden crops, vineyard and orchard farming, the maintenance of nurseries, and the seasonal sale of products thereof in buildings subject to the f~Ilowing special requirements: ~. All oDe-story buildings for display and retail sales of agricult~raI~ and nursery products gro~vn primarily on the pre~nises shall not exceed 1,000 square feet in floor area. pisplay of produce shall be not less than 10 feet from ail street and lot lines. Any stand in excess of 100 square fee~ in floor area shall be set back 20 feet from the street iin~. Any stand in existence at the effective date of this ordinRnce must, within one year, ~ . comply with ail of the prows~ons hereof. ~i. AiIIsigns shall conform to the provisions ~ ~ o* ~- beh'~ion 300 lC 7 00) 03) Keeping, breeding and raising fowl, except ducks, and large domestie animals on lots Of ten acres or more. (c) Keeping of horses and ponys owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use provided that the tan~l area devoted to such use shall not be less than 40,000 square feet. (d) Barns[, storage buildings, and other related structures, provided such b~ildings shaI[ conform to the yard requirements for principal bulldingsl. (3) Buildings: ~tructures, and uses owned or operated by the Town of Sour'hold. Uses Permitted by Special Except[on by the Board of Appeals as herein provided. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to Site Plan approvai by the Planning Board in a.lccordanc,,e with Article XIV hereof. 1. Two family dwellings, conversion of existing buildings and new construction, not!to exceed one such dwelling on each tot. 2. Places of worship including parishbmses (but excluding a rectory or parsonage which shall conform to the requirements for a one-family dwelling), subject,Ilo the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof shall be erected nearer than 50 feet to any street tihe and nearer than 20 feet to any tine. (b) Theltotat area covered by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 20% of the area of the lot. 3. Private schools, colleges, and other educational institutions, subject to the folIow£ng requirements: (a) No building shat[ be less than 50 feet from any street or tot line, (b) The total area occupied by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 20% of the area of the iot. (c) Any such school shat[ be a non-profit organi- zation within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Act and shall be regis- %ered effectively thereunder as such. -11- (d) Any such school shall occupy a lot with an area of not less than five acres plus one acre for each 25 pupils for which the building is designed. 4. Libraries, [philanthropic, eleemosynary or relig- ious institutions, hospitals, nursin~ and rest homes~ or sanitaria for genera~ medical care, but exciudinj facilities for the treatment of all types of drug addiction, subject to t~e following requirements: (a) No bui!lding or part thereof or any parking or loading area, shall be located wilhin 100 feet of any street, or 50 feet of any lot line. ' (b) The t~tal area covered by principal and accessory buildings shall not excee~ 20% of the area of the lot. (c) The r~aximum height shall be 35 feet or 2-1/2 stories. (d) The entire lot, except areas occupied by buildings~ parking or loading areasI shall be suitab£y landscaped and properly maintained. : (e) Sufficient exterior illumination of the site shall be required to provide convemence and safety. Ail such illumina- tion shall be shielded from the view of ail surrounding streets and lots. (f) Any n~rsing home, hospital, or sanitarium shall meet- the following standardsI Ali buildings shal~ be of fire resistive construction; all such us~s shall be served by adeqtiate water and sewer systems approved by th~ Suffolk County Department of Health; patients suffering from communicable diseases shall not be permitted in any nuFsing home or sanitarium,l(communicabIe diseases are defined by the Sanitary Code of the l°ubiic Health Council of the S~ate of New York); 8,000 square feet of lot are~ shall be provided for each patient bed. -12- 5. Public utility rights-of-way as well as structures and other installations necessary to serve areas within the Town, subject to such conditions as the 5. Public utility rights-of-way as well as structures and other installations necessary to serve areas within the Town, subject to such conditions as the Board of Appeals may impose in order to protect and promote the health, safety~ appearance and general welfare of the community and the character of the neigh~ borhood in which the proposed structure is to be constructed. 6. Fraternity houses, golf courses, annuaI member- ship clubs, catering exclu~ively to members and their guests or other recreational facilities open to the public and acces- sory playgrounds, beachesI, swimming pools~ tennis courts, and recreational buildings,I subject to the following require- ments: (a) No building 9r part thereof or any parking or ioading area shall be located within I00 feet of any street line nor within 50 feet of a~y lot line. (b) The totaI:ar~a covered by principal and accessory buildings shall ~ot exceed 20% of the area of the lot. (c) Such use shall[ not be conducted for profit as a business enterprise. : (d) No such use ishaI[ occupy a lot with an area of less than three acres. (e) The direct source of ail exterior lighting shall be shielded from the view df surrounding residential lots. 7. Children~s recregtion camps organized primarily for seasonal use° subject to the following requirements: (a)No building, t~nt, activity area or recreation facility shall be less than 200 feet from any Iot line, and shall be effectively screened therefrom as required by the Planning Board. Buildings intended ~or use as sleeping quarters shall be not ~ess than 30 feet from each other, except tents~ which shall be not less than 10 feet apart. (b)The minimum %or area shall be not less than 10,000 square feet for each' cottage, tent or other principal building, and not less than ~ 000 square feet of land area shall be provided for each person accommodated in the buildings or tents on the premises. (c) Ail outdoor li]ghting shall be arranged and/or shielded to eliminate the glare of lights toward nearby res[- dential iots, streets, or other public faci[itieso d, The sound £~veI of ail outdoor public address systems shaiI not exceed th~ intensity tolerable in a residential neighborhood, 8. Labor camps, including farm and non-farm, subject to the fol£owing requirement: (a) Ali farm labor camps on farms shall be constructed in conformance with applicable laws and shall not be located nearer .-.to any other residense than it is located to the residence of the employer except by specific r~view and approval of the Board of Appeals. 9. Boat docking facilities for the docking~ mooring, or accommodation of non-commercial ~oats, subject to the following requirement: (a) There shall, be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two boats than tho~e o~vned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use. 10. Veterinarian offices land animal hospitals subject to the following requirement: (a) The housing of ali animals shall be in a fully enclosed structure if nearer than 100 feet to any lot tine. Il. Cemeteries. 12. Stables and riding academies. 13. Funeral homes and ~ndertaking establishments. 14. Yard sales, attic sa~es, garage sates~ auction sales, or similar sales of personal property, iprov[ded that not more than one such sale sba.Ii be conducted on any lot iniany one calendar year. C. Accessory uses, limited ~o the followin~: 1. Home occupations st~all be understood to include the professional office or studio of a do~tor, dentist, teacher, artist, architect, engineer, musician: lawyer, magistrate or practitioner of a similar character or rooms used for home ~ccupations including home baking, dressmaking, millinery or similar handicrafts, PROVIDED that the office, studio or occupational rooms are lo~ated in a dwelling in which the oract[- tioner resides and in a building accessory thereto: and PROVIDED further, no goods are public£y displayed on t~e premises and no sign or advertise- ment is shov~-n other than a sign not ~arger than two (2) square feet in total area, bearing on£y the nan~e and occupation (words only) of the practitioner, provided that: (a) No display Qf goods are visable from the street. -14. {'b) Such occupation is incidental to the residential use of the premises and is carried on in the main buildinb by a resident therein with not ~r~ore than one non-resident assistant. (e) Such 9ccupation is carried on in an area not exceeding 30% of the area of one floor of the main building. '~ (d) Ther~ shall be no exlerior effect at the property line such as noise, traffic, odor, dust, smoke gas, fumes, or radiation. (e) That such office or studio is incidental to the residential use of the premises and is carried on by the resident and not more than one non-resident assistant; and (f) That such office or studio shall occupy not more than 30% of the area of one floor of the main building. (g) Thai studios where dancing or music instruction is offered to groups in excess of five (5) pupils at one time or where concerts or recitaIs are held, are prohibited. 3. Garden house, tool house, playhouse, wading pool, or swimming pool incidental to ithe residential use of the premises and not operated for gain, subject to /he following requirements: (a) Any swimming pool shall be completely enclosed with a permanent chain-link (or similar type) fence of not more than 2 inch mesh not less than 4 feet in height erected, maintained and provided with a self-closing, self-locking, gate to prevent unauthori~ zed use of the ,~pool and to prevent accidents. However, if said pool is located more than four feet above the ground, then a fence is not required, provided that ail points of access to sai~ pool are adequately protected by a self-closing, self-locking gate. _a_ny swimming pooI in existence at the effective date of the provisions of this paragraph shall within one year from such date~ comply with ail of the provisions hereof. -15- 4. Pri%~ate garages, provided, however, that not more than two passenger automobile spaces in such garages may be leased to persons not rest- ent on the premises. 5. The storage Of either a boat or trailer owned and used by the owner or occupant of the premises on which stored for his personal use, subject to the following requirements: (a) Such boat or trailer shall not exceed 30 feet in length. (b) Such boat or trailer shall be stored only in the required rear yard, and the area occupied therefore~ together with th~ area of ail buildings in the rear yard shall not exceed 140% of the area of the required rear yard. (c) Such boat or trailer shall not be located %vithin 15 feet of any streetior lot line. 6. Horses and dbmestic animals other than dogs, shall not be penned or housed ~vithin 50 feet of any lot line. Housing for f£ocks or more; of 25 fowl shall not be constructed within 50 feet of any line. 7. The following signs, subject to the supplementary sign regulations hereinafter set forth. (a) One indirectly illuminated nameplate or professional sign not more [than two (2)~ square feet in area. (b) Not more ~han ~hree signs with a combined total area of not more than seventy-~wo (72) square feet no one of which shall be larger than 4 feet by 6 feet in size, advertising only the sale oflfarm, garden or nursery products produced or grown on the premises or of animals raised on the premises; -16- (c) One rea[ estate sign: either single or double faced, not larger than three (3) feet by four (4) feet in size on any one or more ~ots~ advertising the sale or lease of only the premises on which tt is main- tained and setback not less thanI10 feet from any lot £ine. (d) One siNL leither single or double ' faced, not exceeding twenty-fou~ (24) square feet in size~ setback at least thirty-five (35) feet from the street line and ten {10) feet from either sid~ line, advertising the sale or lease of acreage or the sale of lots in a subdivision having a continuous frontage of gOO feet or more. (e) One bu[iefi~n board or other announce- merit or identification sign for u~es permitted in Section 300 tL 2,3,4~ 6~ 7, and 10 hereolf~ not more than 32 square feet in area, located not less thah 5 feet from any street or [o~ line. (I3 Such other signs as may be authorized as a special exception by the Boalrd of Appeals as hereinafter provided. SECTION 301 - LOT AREA, YARDS~ OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREM]ENTS: No building or premises shall be used, and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the "~" Residential and Agricultural District un[ess the same conforms with the "Bulk and Parking Regulation ISchedule" incorporated into this ordinance by reference, lwiththe same force and effect as if such regulations werelset forth herein in full. SECTION 302 - ACCESsoRY BUILDING: In the "A" Residential and Agricu[tura£ District, accessory buildings and structures~ or other accessoty uses may be located in ~he required rear yard~ subject to th~ following requirernents: 1. Such buildings shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height. 2. Such buildings shall be set back not less than three {3) feet from any lot lin~, 3. Ali such bui[ding~ in ~he aggregate shaI[ occupy not more than forty {40) percent of the area of the required rear yard. -17- SECTION 303 - ESTABLISHED FRONT YARD SET-BACK - Where property in the vicinity is improved with permanent dwellings with a front yard ureu of more or less than that required by th~ provisions of this ordin- ance~ the front yard set-back sh~II be the average setback of the existing dwellings within 300 feet of the proposed dwelling, on the same side of th~ street, within the same block, and the same use district[ SECTION 304 - CORNERILOTS - On a corner lot~ front yards are required on bothIstreet frontages, and one yard other than the front yurlds shall be deemed to be a rear. yard and the other or dthers, side yards. No obstruction to vision exceeding 310 inches in height above curb leveI shaI£ be erected or mamntamed at street-inter- sections within th~ triangle'form~d by the street lines of such lot and a line drawn betwee~ points along such street lines 30 f~et distant from their p~int of intersection. SECTION 305 -FENCES, I I~ALLS &~HEDGES - Subject to the provisions of Section 304~ fences, walls, hedges~ or other live plantings w~thin 5 feet to property line may be erected and maintained sObject to the follo~ing height limitations: I (a) "Vghen located in the {~ont yard, along front yard property line, the same shall notlexceed three (3) feet in h~ight. [ (b) When located along siCe and rear lot lines the same shall not exceed 6-1/2 feet in height. (c) When located other than in the front yard areu or along side or rear lot lines, t~e same shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height. [ (d) Fences, walls or othe~ permanent structures shall not be closer than 6 inches to property line. Hedges and plantings shall not be closer than two (2) fe,;t to property line. IV. By renumbering Article III B to be A?ticle IV and amending the same to read as follows: ARTICLE IV "M" LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT SECTION 400 - In an "M" District~ no building or premises shall be used~ and no building or part of a building sha£1 be erected~ or ai/ered which lis arranged, intended~ or designed to be used~ in whole or i~ part, for any use except the fo!lowing: -18- (b) Such sign shall advertise only the business conducted on the premises upon which it is located. (c) Such ~ign shall be set-back not less than five (5) feet from ail street a~d lot lines. (d) Such ~ign shall comply with all of the supplementary sign regulations hereinafter set forth. SECTION 401 - LOT AREAJ YARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No building or premises shall be used, and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the "M" LightI Multiple Residence Pis~ri'cf~ unless ~he same conforms wi~h the I"Bulk ~nd Parking Reg~aIation Schedule" incorporated into this ordinance by reference, with the same force and effect as if such re~&ulations were set [grth herein in full. By renumbering Article III A to be Article ~/and amending the same to read as follows: ARTICLE V "M-I" GENERAL MULTIPLE ~ESIDENCE DISTRICT SECTION 500 - Ia an "IVI-i" District, ~o building or pre- n-~ises shall be 'used. and no building or part of a building shall be erected, or altered, which is arran,ed, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any use except the following: A. Permitted Uses 1. Any permitted us~ set forth in and as re~lated by Section 300 A and Section 400 A of t~,is ordinance. B, Uses Permitted by SpeciJI Exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. The following uses ar~ permitted as a Special Exception by ~he Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to Site Plan approval by the Planning Board .n accordance with Article >~V hereof. -20- 1. Any special exception use set forth in and as regulated by Section 300 13 of +his ordinance. 2. l¥~arinas for the ~ocking~ mooring, or accommodation of non-commerciaIlboats. 3. Mu£tipie dwellin~s 4, Hotels and Motelb 5. Tourist Camps C. Accessory Uses 1. Any accessory u~e set forth in and as regulated by Section 300 C and 400 C of this o~dinance. 2. Accessory uses on the same lot with and custo- marily incidental to any permitted use and not involving a separate business. SECTION 501 - LOT AREA, IYARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQtIIREB.IENT: No building or premises shall be used~ and n.D building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the "M-I" Gen~ra! 2~.~ul~itSle . Residence District unless lhe same conforms With the "Bulk and Parking Regulation Schedule" incorporat'ed i~to this ordinance by reference with the sac.ne force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full " SECTION 502 - BUILDING LENGTH & SEPARATION - No building shall exceed 125 feet ia [~ngth. The minimum distance between principal buildings ~hal[ be equal to 2 times the height of the highest building, and the nainirnum distance between a principal aad an accessory building shall be 20 feet. Any inner court shall }]avid a minimum dimension of 60 feet and any outer court shall have a minimum dimension of 20 feet and its depth shall not exceed its width. VI. By renumbering Argicle ~ Bto be Article VI and amending the same to read as follows: ARTICLE VI "B" LIGHT BUSINESS DISTRICT SECTION 600 - In a "B" Districtj no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected, o~ altered, which is arranged, intended, or designed to be hsed, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted Uses i. Any permittec regulated by Section 300 A, 500 A of this ordinance. use set forth in and as ~ection 400 A, and Section offices. 2~ Business~ pro~essional and governmental 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Banks and financial ~institutions Retail stores Restaurants Bake Shops (fo~ on-premises sale at retaiL) Laundrornats a6d si~r~ilar establishments Personal servi~e stores and shops 9. Marinas for the, docking, mooring, and accommodation of non-commercial boats including the sale of fuel and oil primarily ~or the use of boats accommodated in such marina. B. Uses Permitted By Special Exception by The Board of Appeals As Hereinafter Provided The follo)ving uses [are permitted as a Special Exception by the Board o'f Appeals as hereinafter provided, subject to :Site Plan Approval by the Planning Board in accordJnce ~vith Article XIV hereof. 1.. Any special exc;eption use set forth in and as re2~ilated by Section 30'0 B and Section 400 B and Sect[on 500 B of this ordinance. C. Accessory Uses 1. Any accessory use set forth ill and as regulated by Section 300 C, ~S~ction 400 C~ and Section 500 C of this ordinance. , 2. Accessory useslon the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted use and not involving a separate businesM,. 3o Si2ns: subject t? the foIlowin~ requirements: (a) DETACHED OR GROUND SIGNS- One (1) Sign, single or double fa~ed0 not more than six (6) feet six (6) inches in height, and~welve (12) feet six (6) inches in width, the lower edge ~f which shall be not less than four (4) feet above the ground and the upper edge of which shall not extend mor,s thanlfifteen (15) feet six (6) inches above the ground, which s~gn shall be ~set back not tess than five (5) feet from ail street and pToperty Iine~ and shah ad- vertise only the business conducted on the premises, (b) WALL SIG~S - One (1) sign attached to or incorporated in each building l~,all on a public street and advertising only the business conducted in such building, provided such sigm does not: -23- Exceed tw~ (2) square feet in total i. urea for each horizontal foot of Isuch waIi, and ii. Exceed iniwidth one hundred (100) percent of/he horizontal m~asurement of such wall. and fron~ such wail. iii. ]Exceed t~n (I0) feet in height, Project more than one (1) foot (c) ROOF SIGNS -iln lieu of a wail sign authorized by the precedihgj subdivision (b), a roof sign shall be permitted providedI the same ts attached to or incorporated in a roof, which sign shall adver- tise only the business conducted lin the building upon which it ts attached, and provided that such sign does not: ~ i. Exceed ~wo,(Z) square feet in total area for each lineal foot of !such roof, and ii. Extend above the hi~hest point of the roof in the case of a pitched roof, and in ail other cases exceed two (2) feet s~x (6) inches in height above the highest point of ~he roof,, and iii. Project be~-ond the edge of the roof. SECTION 601 - LOT ARE/A, YARDS, OPEN SPACES. FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING R~QIdlREMENTS: No building or premises shaii be usgd, and no building or part thereof shall be erected or alltered in the "B" Light -24- Business District unless the same conforms with the "Bulk and Parking Regulation Schedule" incor- porated into this ordinance!by reference, with the same force and effect as if. such regulations were set forth herein in full. i SECTION 602 - RETAIL SHOPPING CENTERS- Notwithstanding any other ~rovisions of this article a building or a combination! of buildings containing retail stores, mercantile e~tablishments, offices, banks, and financial institutions, co~nmonIy known as shopping centers~ may bl erected or altered in the "B" Business District, ~ubject, however~ to the following requirements:I I. Approa~ai of S~te Development Plans by the Planning Board in accordance with Article XI¥ here6f. : 2. The lot area ~hali be not less than one (1) acre, and the lot width shall be not less than 150 feet. 3. At least twenty-five;(25) percent of the lot area shall be Iand~caped with grass and plantings. 4. The required front yards shall be not less than thirty-five (35) fee~ except that where the property in the vicinity is pa[rtly built up with per- manent buiidings and an average set-back line has been estabiished~ no building~ shall project beyond the line of the average setback so established. 5. The required ~ide yards shall be not less than twenty-five (25) fee~. 6. The required r!ear yard shall be not less than twenty-five (25) fee~. 7. Parking st]ali bile provided in offstreet paved parking areas which sh parking space, three hundred feet in area~ for each one huI -25- ~11 provide for one (1) thirty-four (334) square dred (100) square feet of sales floor area or office floor area in each building. 8. Ail rainfall and storm water accumu- lated on the premises shall be returned to the ground within the boundaries of th~ premises. 9. The total flo~ir area for each retail or service establishment .locat'?d. therein shall not exceed 10, 000 square feet. : VII. to read as follows: SECTION 603 - USES ;CONFINED TO BUILDINGS - Ali uses permitted in a "B "i District including the dis- play and sale of merchandis;e and the storage of ail property shall be confined t6 fully enclosed buildings 6n the premises. ~ By renumbering Article IV A to de Article VII and amending the same ARTICLE [VII GENERAL B~SINESS DISTRICT SECTION 700 - In the IIB-I" District, no building or premises shall be used, ~nd no building or part there- of shall be erected or altere~i, which is arranged, intended, or designed to be used~ in w~ole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted Uses 1. Any permitted lated by Section 300 B, Secti~ Section 600 B and Section 602 lse set forth in and as regu- ,n 400 B~ Section 500 B, of this ordinance. B. Uses Permitted by ISpeciai Exception by the Board of Appeals As Hereinafter Provided. The following uses late permitted as a Special Exception by the Board of Ap~eals as hereinafter provided subject to Site Plan Approva~ by the PlanningBoa~d in -26- accordance with Article _Tx~V hereof. 1. Any special exception use set forth in and as regulated by Section1300 B and Section 500 B. 2. Places of amusement 3. Fishing stationsl 4. Public garages, Igasoline :s~rvice stations, and new and used car lots, BiI subject to the following requirement-s: (a) Entrance and exit driveways shaI[ have an unrestricted width ~f not less than 12 feet and not more than 30 feet, and shaiI be located no/ less than 10 feet from any ~ropert? line and shall be so Laid out as to avoid /he ngcess~ty of any x chicle backing out across any public right-of-way. (b) Vehicle lif~s or pits~ dismantled automobiles~ and ail parts ~r supplies shall be located within a building. I (c) Ali servic~ or repair of motor vehicles other than such minor serviding as change of tires or sake of gasoline or oiI, shall be conducted in a building. (d) The storag~ of gasoline or fhammable oils in bulk sha~ be located ~uiIy underground and not less than 3~5 feet from any p~ street ~.ine. (e) No gasolim be located less than 15 feet (f) No motor w 'operty line other than the or fuel pumps or tanks shall rom any street or property Line, ,hicIe sales, used car lols~ gasoline service or repair shops, or similar businesses are to be Located within 300 feet of a church, public school, library, hospital, orphanage, or a rest home, or within 300 feet of any residence district, C. Accessory 'Uses 1. Any aceeslsory use set forth in and as regu- lated by Section 300 C, Sec%ion 400 C, Section 500 C, and Section 600 C of this ordinance. 2. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted use and not in- voi~ing a separate businessi,. VIII. SECTION 701 - LOT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA~ AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No building or premises shall be used~ land no building or part thereof shalI be erected or altered in the "B-l" General Business District unless fhe same co~forms with the "]Bulk and Parking Regulation Schedule" incorpbrated into this ordinance by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in fuil[ By renumbering Article IV to be Article ViII and amending the same to ?ead as follows: ARTICLE VIII "C" LIGHT INDUSTRL&L DISTRICT SECTION 800 - In a 'lC" District, no building or premises shall be used, and ho building or part of a building shall be erected or altered, which is arranged, intended, or designed, to be used, in whoie or in part~ for any purpose, except the following: A. Permitted Uses 1. Any permitted use set forth in and as regulated by Section 300 A, Section 4001lA, Section 500 ~, Section 600 'A. ~ti~im~602, ~and Se~t~on~q~O0Al o~,this ordinance. B. Uses Permitted, by Special Exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, subject to Site Plan Approval by the Planning Board in accordalnce with Article XIV hereof. 1. Industrial uses including manufacturing~ assembling, converting, ~ . altering, finishing,~lean~n~" ~ ' ~ or other processing, handling, o~ storage of products or materials, invoiving the use o~ only oil, gas or electricity -28- for fuel. 2. Research, design, and development £aboratories; office buildings. 4. 5. 6. 7, facilities, Wholesale storage and warehousing. Building contractors yards. Public uti£ity structures and uses. Newspapers andI printing establishments. Bus and truck t~rminais (garages, parking loading docks, e~c. ) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. ?5. facilities. Food processin~ and packaging plants. Marinas for docking and mooring ail types of boats, Launching faciii!ies. Ferry terminaisl Yaeht cl.ubs, charter fishing docks. Eating and drinking establishments. Retail sales of bgats and marine items. Boat building, bgat ser,~_cing, boat storage 16. , Yards for sale a*d storage of fuel and bui~-ding materials, C. Special Exception Us~s 1, Any speciai exception use set forth in and as reguIated by Section 300 B, ~ecti-on 400 B~ Section 500 lB, Section 600 B, and Section 7~0 B of this ordinance. -29- IX, read as follows: 2. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental ~o any permitted use and not involving a separate businegs. SECTION 801 - LOT ARE_i, YARDS, OPEN SPACES FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREt%IENT: No building or premises shall be used, [and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the "C" Light Industrial District unless the same co~forms with the "Bulk and Parking Regulation Sohedul~" incorporated into this ordinance by reference, witlh the same force and effect as if such regulations were Iset forth herein in full By renumbering Article V to be ~rticle IX and amending the same to ARTICLE IX "C- 1" GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT St~CTION 900 - In th~ "C-l" District, buildings arid premises may be used for ar~y lawful purpose except that the uses hereinafter set forth arle permitted only by Special Exception by the Board of A~peals as hereinafter provided, and are subject to site plan ~pprova[ by the Planning Board in accordance with Article XIv hereof. 1. Abattoirs, , 2. Acetylene gas manufacture or gas manufacture from coke~ petroleum or from anyIother product or the storage thereof. 4. 5. 6. Acid manufacture Ammonia~ bleachiag powder or chlorine manufacture Arsenal Asphalt mannfacture, and asphalt mixing plants 7. t~[ast furnace $. Cement, lime, ~sum or piaster of paris manufacture ready mix or bulk concrete pI~nts and block manufacturing. 9. Coke ovens - I0. Crematories , 11. Distillation of bone~ 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. dumping. 18. 19. 19_A, 20. 21. 22. 23. ture, ~4~ ~7~ D~ve[Iings, ali types. Explosives; manufactare or storage. Fat rendering. Fertilizer manufacture. Fire works manufactnre. Garbage, offal or dead animals, reduction or Glue; size or gelatini manufacture. Gunpowder manufactnre or storage. Automobile wreckinlg and ail other junk yards. manufa ctu Oilcloth or hno,~.~um Oiled, rubber, or ie~ther manufacture. Ore reduction, , Paint~ oiI, sheI[ac, t~rpentine or varnish manufac- Paper and pulp manufacture, Petroleum refining~ ~torage tanks. Potash works. Roiling mill Rubber or gutta-percha manufacture. Salt works. Sauerkraut manufacture. -31- 3I. Shoe blacking or stove polish n~anufacture. 32, ~meltm~. 33. Soap manufaclure. 34. St:ockyards or slaughter houses. 35. Stone mil1 or quarry. 36. Structural steel ~r pipe works. 37. Sutphuric, ni~ric,I, or hydrochloric acid manufacture. 38. Sugar refining. 39. Tar distillation o~ manufacture. 40. Tar roofing' or w~,terproofing manufacture. 41. Tailow~ grease, ~r lard manufacture. 42. Tanning, curing~ ~r storage of rawhides or skins. : 43. Tobacco (chewing~I manufacture or treatment. 44. Vinegar manufacture. 45. Yeast plant. , 46. Airports and A[rfi~£ds. SECTION ~01 - SPECLAL EXCEPTION USES & SITE ~LAN APPROVAL - N~twithstanding any of the pro- vision~ of this Article IX, w~ere-~a use i~ permitted in any use district only as a special exception by the Board of AppeaIs~ such use is not p~rmitted in a "C-i" District except as a special exceptionlby the Board of Appeals~ and where a nsc in any use distri, proval of the Planning Board shall require site plan appro~ -32- .~t is subject to site plan ap- such 'use in a "C-i"District the Planning Board. SECTION 902 - SIGNS - Signs specified in and as regulated by Section 600 C of this ordinance, are permitled in a "C-l" District. SECTION 903 - LOT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No building' or premises sha~I be used, and no building or part thereof shaIl be erected or altered in the "C-I" General Industrial District unless the same c~rfforms with the "Bulk and Parking Regulation Schedule" incorporated into this ordinance by reference, with the same f6rce and effect as it such re~Ialions were set forth herein in fulL. X. By renumbering Article VI to be ~tl~licle X and by renumbering and amending the sections of said article to read as follows: 1. Section 600 renul~nbered Section 1000 Section 601 renu~nbered Section 1001 3. Section 604 renumbered Section 1002 and the words "Article VI" in said Sectionlto be amended to read "This Article. By adding a New Article to be Arlicle XI and amending the same to read as follows: ARTICLE SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS SECTION 1!00 - SIC~S - The provisions of this Section shall apply in ali districts. 1. No sign, bi[Iboard~ advertising~ display or structure, poster or devise shall be erected, moved, enlarged or recon- Structed except as expressIyl, permitted in this ordinance~ 2. The followiug types of signs or artificial lighting are prohibited:' (a) Billboards (b) Flashing sigms, including any sign or device on which the artificial light i~ not maintained stationary, and constant in intensity and co£o~, at ail times when in use. ,ar attention with, or may (c) Sit~s which !.compete be mistaken for a traffic signal. (d) The oullm~n~ by direct illumination of ail or any part of a building such as la gable, roof, side wall or corner. (e) Signs made ~ui of cardboard, paper, canvas or sin~ilar impermanent material SECTION I101 - OFF-STREET PARKING RE- QUIREMENTS - Off-street parkigg spaces open or enclosed~ are permitted accessory to any use subject to the following provisions: 1. Schedule of Parking Requirements: Accessory off-street parking spaces, open br enclosed, shall be provided in alt use Districts for iany use specified below. Any land which is developed as ai unit under single owner- ship and control shall be considered a single lot for the purpose of these parking regulations. Reasonable and appropriate off-street parking requirements for structures and uses which do not fail withinlthe categories listed be- low shaIl be determined by the P~anning Board upon con- sideration of ali factors entering[ into the parking needs of each use. Places of worship iibraries~ and other public buildings. Golf courses and other country clubs Secondary Schools · ~_Elementary Schools Hospitals, sanita ria~ nursing homes, philan- thropic, or eleemosynary institutions. At Least One Parking Space for Each 200 square feet of floor area, but not tess than one space for each five seats where provided. 2 men, bets or accommodations (such as £ockers) whichever is greater. Two spaces per classroom plus one space for each 5 seats in any auditorium or place of assembly. Two spaces per cIassroom plus one space for each five seats in any aud~oriumor other place of assembly. 1 bed Rooming Houses Guest room. -34- For At Least One Parking Space for Eaeh ]Eating and Drinking places 5 seats Undertakers and Funeral ttomes Hotels and Motels ]Bowling alleys Home occupation or accessory professional office except physicians and dentists Professional offices of physicians and dentists Employee; plus 25 spaces for each chapel, Guest room plus one for each employee. 5 per alley. 3 spaces per each home occupa- tion or accessory professional off lc e. 5 spaces per each physician or dentist. 2. Areas Computed asl Parking Spaces. Areas which may be computed as open or lenciosed off-street parking spaces include any private g~ age, carport, or other area available for parking, other ~han a street or a driveway, However, a driveway within ~ required front yard for a one- family or two-family residence may count as one parking space, other than on a cornet 3. Size of Spaces. Three hundred and fifty square feet shall be considered one ~arking space (to provide room for standing area and aisles ~or maneuvering). Entrance and exit lanes shall not be computed as parking space except for driveways for one-familyland two-family residences. The minimum parking stall ~idth shall be ten feet~ and the minimum iengih shall be 20 feet. 4. Access. Unobstructed access to and from a street shall be provided. Such access shall consist of at least one 10-foot lane for parking area, with less than 20 spaces, and at least two 10-foot lanes for parking areas with 20 spaces or more. No entrance or exit for any off-street parking area shall be located within 50 fee of any street intersection. -35- 5. Drainage and Surfacing. Ail open parking areas shall be properiy drained within the premises and ail such areas shall be provided with a dustless surface, except for parking spaces accessory to a one-family or family residence. .. 6. Joint Facilities~ Required parking spaces~ open or enclosed, may be provided in spaces designed to serve jointly two or more establishments ~hether or not located on the same lot, provided t~at the number of required spaces in such joint . . I fac~lit~s shall be no~ less than the total required for all such establishments. 7. Combined Spaces. I When any lot contains two or more uses having differeFt parking requirements, the parking requirements for each use shall apply to the ex- tent of that use. Where i~ c~n be conclusively demonstrated that one or more such uses ~ili be generating a demand for parking spaces primarily during periods when the other use or uses is not or are not in qperation , the Planning ]Board may reduce the total parkin~ spaces required for that use with the least requirement. 8. Location and Owne*ship. Required accessory parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall be provided upon the same lot as the use to w~ich they are accessory or elsewhere, provided ail spacles therein are located within 200 feet ~valking distance of ~uch lot. In ail cases such parking spaces shall confornd to ail the reg~uiations of the district in which the parking ~paces are located; and in no event shall such parking spa~es be located in any Residence District unless the use to %vh~ch the spaces are accessory are permitted in such residence ~istricts or upon approval by the ]Board of Appeals. Such ~paces shall be in the same ownership as the use to whic}j they are accessory and shall be subject to deed restriction~ approved by the ]Board, binding the owner and his heirs and a~signs to maintain the required nmnber of spaces available e!ther (a) throughout the existence of such use to which they are laccessory, or (b) untii such spaces are provided eIsewherle. 9. On Lots Di%~ided by District ]Boundaries. ~hen a parking lot is Located partly in one district and partly in another district~ the reghlations for the district re- quiring the greater nulnber :of parking spaces shall apply to ail of the lot. Par~ing spaces on such a lot may be located without regard to district lines° pro- vided that no such parking Mpaces shall be located in any Residence District, unless the use to %vbich they are accessory is permitted ~n such districts or upon approval of the Board of Appeals. I0. Parking lleg~ulati6ns in 1V[uitiple Dwelling or Attached Dweliing Developments. %Vherever space is provided for the parking of 5 or more vehicles in the open, such spaces shall be individually ~dentl~ied by means of pavement markingS. No parking space shall be located in any front yard Ior within 10 feet of any lot line in side or rear yards. ~he parking of motor vehi- cles is prohibited within I5 {eet of any wail or portion thereof of a two or more far~ily dweiling, which %~aiI contains windows (other tha~i bathroom or kitchen win- dows) wilh a sill height of le~s than 8 feet above the level of the said parking spabe. No service of any kind shall be permitted to be extended to users of the lot, including automobile servicel, repair or fueling~ and no gasoline, oil0 grease or other supplies shall be stored or sold in any such lot or in ~ny garage on such lot. Parking areas shall be screened by a substantial wail, fence, or thick hedge, approved by the Planning Board. Generally such screening sh~II not be less than 3 or more than 8 feet in height. 11. Regulations for Pa~king Spaces Adjacent to Lots in Any Residence Pistribt. (a) Wherever a paFking area of over 5 spaces abuts or is within 15 feet of the side or rear lot line of a iot in any Residence District] the said parking lot shall be screened from such adjoining lot by a substantial wail, fence, or thick hedge~ &pproved by the Planning Board. Generally such screen sbail be not less than 3 or more than 8 feet in height. -0°7- (b) Whenever a paFking area of over 5 spaces is iocated across the street from other land in any Residence District, it shall be screened from the view of such land by a thick ~edge, wail or fence approved by the planning Board,~ Ioca~ed along a line dra~vn parallel to the street and ~ distance of 20 feet therefrom; such screening to be !interrupted only at points of ingress and egress. G~neralIy no such screening shall be less than 3 fe~t or more than 6 feet in height. The open a~ea between such screening' and the street shall be landscaped in harmony with the landscaping prevailing on neighboring properties fronting on the same street. Tw~ identification and directional sig~ns located on the ~treet side of such screening shall be permitted; however, they shall not exceed an area of 3 square feet ~ach. 12. Dri%~eways. No drivekvay shall provide access to a iot located in another d~str~cl, Which lot is used for any use prohibited in the district in which such driveway is located. 13. Commercial YehicIe~ (a) One commercia vehicle not exceeding 25 feet in £ength may be parked on an occupied Iot in any Residence District, but n0~ withi~ ~he required yards of such Iot and in no case between the street line or side lines and the principal building. I (b) One commercia~ vehicle not exceeding 25 feet in length may be parked within a private garage in any Residence District. I (c) Commercial farm v-chicles are permitted as accessory to a commercial farm use in any Residence District. SECTION 1102 - OFF-ST.~EET LO~iDING REQUIRE- A{ENTS - Off-street loading be~'ths, open or enclosed, are permitted accessory to any use (except one-or two-family residences) subject to the £ollowinlg provisions: -38- be at least 12 feet wide, 14 feet high, and in no event smaller than required to ac:commodate vehicles nor- mally using such berths. 3. Location and Access. Unobstructed access, at least 10 feet wide: to an~ from a street shall be provided. Such access maT be co~nbined'~ith access to a parking lot. Ali permitted or required loading berths shaIi be on the samellot as the use to which they- are accessory, except ~s provided in subdivision 4~ No entrance or exit for ~ny off-street loading area shai~ be located within 50 felet of any street intersection. No off-street Ioading berth DhaI~be located in any re- quired front yard. 4. Joint Facilities. Permitted or required Ioading berths, open or enclosed, may be provided in spaces signed to serve jointly 2 or [note adjacent establishments pro~zided that the number of Ireqnired berths in snch joint facilities shall not be less than the total required for ail such facilities. 5. On Lots Divided by District Boundaries. \tqnen a lot is located partly in one district and partly in another district, the regulations for Ithe district requiring the greater number of loading berths shall apply to ail of the lot. Loading berths on suchla lot may not be £ocated in any]~esidence District~ unle~s the use to which they are accessory is permitted in such district, or upon the approvalB~ the Board of Appeals. SECTION 1103 - PROI-~IBITED USBS IN ~%LL DIS- TRICTS - The foliowing usesI are prohibited in ail districts: 1. Any use which is noxious, offensive or objection- able by reason of the emzss~on of smoke, dust~ gas, odor or other form of air poilutio~ or by reason of the deposit, discharge or dispersal of liquid or solid wastes in any form in a manner or amount as to ~ause permaneut damage to the soil and streams or to adversely affect the surrounding area~ or by reason of the creation of noise, vibration° electro- magnetic or other disturbance, or by reason of illumination by artificial light or light r~flection beyond the limits of the lot on or from whichlsuch light or light reflection emanates, or which involves any dangerous fire explosive, radioactive or other hazard, or which causes injury~ an- noyance or disturbance to any of the surrounding proper- ties ;or to their owners and occupants, and any other pro- cess or use which is unwhoSesome and noisome and may be dangerous or prejudiciaII to health, safety or general welfare° except where suchlactivity is licensed or regu- lated by other government ~gencies. 2. Artificial lighting Ifaciiities of any kind with light sources visible beyon~ the lot lines which create glare beyond such lines. 3. Carnivals and cirJuses and related activities except for a temporary period on special license from the Town Board. I 4. Junk yard or refu~e disposal site~ except a refuse disposal site establi~hed as an offieial Town Refuse Disposal Site or duly authorized as a refuse disposal site by the Town Board. 5. Uses involving primary production of the following · I products from raw materials: (a) Charcoal, an~ fuel briquettes. Chemicais: aniline dyes, carbide, caustic soda~ cellulose, chlorine~ carbon black and bone black, creosote, hydrogen and oxy- gen, industrial alcohol, nitrates of an explosive nature, potash, plastic materials an~ synthetie resins~ pyrox~in~ rayon yarn, and hydrochlori$~ nitric, phosphoric, picric~ and suIphuric acids. Coai, ~oke and ~ar products~ including gas manufacturing; explosives; gelatin glue, and size (animal~; linoleum and oil cloth; matches, paint, varnishes, and turpen- tine; rubber (natural or synthetic); soaps~ including fat ten- dering; starch. 6. The following proc~ or other materials; milling o foundry; reduction, refining° sses: nitrating of cotton or ? processing of flour: magnesium smelting and alloying metal or for lodging as a unit, which does not qualify as a dwelling unit, and located in a hot~i, motel or similar building shall have 6,000 square felet of land for each such unit where public water and public sewer systems are not provided and shall have 4,1000 square feet of land for each such unit where publ{c water and public sewer systems are provided. SECTION 1204 - NON-CONFORMING US]ES - Unless otherwise authorized as a Ispecial exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, the following provisions shall apply to non-conforn~ing uses: (a) The ~awfniI use of a building or premises existing on the effective d~te of this Ordinance; or authorized by a building permit issue~ prior thereto, may be continued although such use does notI conform with the provisions of this Ordinance and such use may be ex~ended throughout the build- ing lawfully acquired prio~ to said date. (b) A non-conforming use of a building or pre- raises may be ch~nged to aI use of the same or higher classi- fication according to the p~o~isions of this ordinance. (c) Whenever ~ district shall hereafter be changed~ any then existing' non-confqrming use of a building or premises in such changed district may be continued or changed to a use of a simi£ar or h~gher clasp~z.~cat~on~ provzded ail other regu- lations governing the use are complied with. (d) ~Vhenever ~ non-conforming use of a building or premises has been discontinued for a period of more than two (2) years, or changed ~ a higher classification, or to a conforming use, anything i~ this Section to the contrary not- withstanding~ the non-conf~rminf use of such building or premises shall no longer be permitted unless a variance therefore shah have been gFanted by the Board of Appeals hereinafter provided. (e) A non-confc rming bull.ding may not be recon- structed or structurally air,red during its life to an e_w~ent XIII. By exceeding in aggregate cost: fifty (50) percent of its fair value of the building, u~less the use of such building is changed to a con[orming nse. (f) A non-conforming building which has been damaged by fire or other causes to the extent of mo~e than fifty (50) percentI of its fair value shall not be repaired or rebuilt unle~s the use of such building is changed to a conforming ~se. renumbering ~-rticle VIII ~o be Article _XIII~ and amending ~he same to read as foliows: ARTICLE ~III BOARD OF A]~ PEALS SECTION 1300 - ORG/kNIZATION - The To,yin Board shall appoint a Board .of ~kpl eals consisting of five (5) members as provided by thel Tow~ Law. SECTION 1301 - POWERS - In addition to such powers as may be conferred upon it !by [aw: the Board of_Appeals shali have ~he follo~ving powers: A. _ippeals - To hearland decide appeals from and review any order, requirem~nt~ decision or determination made by ~he Building Inspectlor. B. Variances - Wher~ there are practical difficul- ties or unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of these regn~[ations~ the Board of Appeals sbaI~ have the power to vary ?r modify ~he application of such re~lations so that the ~pirit of the Ordinance shall be observed~ public safety and welfare secured and sub- stantial ~ustice done. I C. Special ExceptionsJ Special Permits and Other ~kpprovals - Whenever a us~, or the location hereof, is permitted only if the Board o? Appeals shall approve there- of, the Board of Appeals ma~, in a specific case and after notice and public hearing, authorize such permissive use and its location within the district in which this ordinance specifies the permissive use may be located, subject, however to the following: (1) Before such appr~vaI shall be given~ /he Board of Appeais shall determine: (a) That theluse will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or o£ properties in adjacent use districts; (b) That the luse will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in/he district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established in uses in adjacent use districts; ~ ' (c) That the ~afety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the eon~zen[encelor the order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location; and (d) That the ~se wiii be in harmony wi~h and promole the general purposes and intent of this Ordin- (2) In making such determination, /he Board of Appeals shall also give consi~eration~ among other things, to: {a) The charJcter of the existing and prob- able development of uses in thle district and the peculiar suitability of such district for Ithe Location of any of such permissive uses; I (b) The conservation of property values and the encouragement of the mos~ appropriate uses of land; (c~ The effect! that the location of the pro- posed use may have upon the clreation of undue increase of vehicular traffic congestion on[ public streets or highways; (d) The availiability of adequate and proper public or private water supply and facilities for the treatment, removal or discharge of sewage, refuse~ or other effluent (whether liquid, solid~ gaseous or other%vise) that may be caused or created by or as a result of the use: (e) Whetherlthe use, or materials incid- ental thereto~ or produced t~ereby, may give off obnoxious gases~ odors, smoke or sootl; (f) Whether ~he use will cause disturbing emissions of electrical discharges, dust~ light, vibration or noise. (g) Whether~he operations in pursuance of the use will cause undue interference with the orderly enjoy- ment by the public of parkinglor of recreational facilities, if existing~ or if proposed by t~e Town or by other competent OovernmentaI agencies; Oa) To the n~cessity for bituminous surfaced space for purposes of off-street parking of vehicles inciden- tai to the use, and whether s~ch space is reasonably adequate and appropriate and:~can be fqrnished by the ortner of ~he plot sought to be used within or a~jacent to the plot wherein the use shall be had; (i) Whether J hazard to life, limb or property because of fire, flood, eros~op or panic may be created by reason of or as a result ofth~ use, or by the structures thereon for the convenient entry and operation of Y[re and other emer- gency apparatus or by the undue concentration 9r assemblage of persons upon such plot; I (j) ~rhether t~e use, or the structures to be used therefor~ will cause an o~ercrowding of land or undue concentration of population; (k) Whether t~e plot area is sufficient, approp- riate and adequate for the use ~nd the reasonably anticipated -46- operation and expansion thereof; and (1~ lVhether the use to be operated is unreasonably near to a church~ school, theatre, creational area or other pla~e ot~ pubIic assembly. SECTION 1302 - In d~ciding any matter before the Board of Appeals may irdpose such conditions and safeguards as it deems necessary or appropriate to pre- serve and protect the splr,t ~nd objectives of th~s ordinance. SECTION 1303 - The ]Board of Appeals shaIi~ consistent with the ~aw~ determine its own rules of conduct and procedur~ SECTION 1304 - FEE~ - Ail applications to the Board of Appea~s for any rel!ef provided for herein shall be accompanied by a fee of $15.00. By adding a new Article to be Artlie~e XIV to read as follows: ARTICLE ~fIV PI_cANNING BOARD SECTION 1400 - Approval of Site Development Plans. In ali cases where this ordinance requires approval of Site Development PLans by the Pia¼ning Board~ no building per- mit shaI[ be issued by the Buillding Inspector except upon authorization of and in conforraity with the plans approved by the Planning Board. A. Objectives. In eon Development Plans the Planni: eration the public health° safe sidering and acting upon Site Board shall take into consid- and welfare, the comfort and con- venience of the public in genegal and of the residents of the in, mediate neighborhood in pa~ticuIar~ and may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards as may be required in order that the result of its actfon, ~ay.~ to the maximum exten~ possible, furlher the expressed intent of this Ordinance and the accomplishment of the following objectives in particular: 1. Traffic Access. That ail proposed traffic access and ways are ~dequate but not excessive in number; adequate in width, grade, alignment and visibility; not located too near stree~ cdrners or other places of public assembly; and other s!milar safety considerations. 2. CirculatiOn and Parking. That adequate off-street parking and loading spaces are provided' to pre- vent parking in public streetsl of vehicles of any persons connected with or visiting theI use and that the interior cir- culation system is adequate t~ provide safe accessibility to all required off-street parkin~ lots. 3. Landscap!ng and Screening. Thai all playground, parking and service areas are reasonably screened at ali seasons of th~ year frm~a the view of adja- cent residential lots and street and that the general land- scaping of the site is in charalcter with that generally pre~ vailing in the neighborhood. Existing trees over 8;:.in diameter measured 3 feet above the base of the trunk shall be retained to the maxir~um ex%ent possible. B. Effect of Site Dev~iopment Plan Approval 1. No buildi~g permit shall be issued for any structure covered by this Isection until an approved Site Development Plan or approve~ amendment of any such plan hms been secured by the applicant from the Planning Board and presented to the Building ~nspector. 2. No cert~fz~ate of occupancy will be issued for any structure or use of la~d covered by this section unless the structure is completed or ~he land is developed or used in accordance with an approved Slite Development Plan or approved amendment of any such plan. 3, Should anyI Site Plan approval involve any matter requiring referral to the mission, then the matter shall -48- Suffolk County planning Corn- referred, prior to final action by the Planning Board, to the Suffolk County Planning Com~nission in accordance with the applicable provisions of Iawo C. Procedure 1. Pre-Submission Cmference. Prior to the submission of a Site Development Plan, tile applicant or his agent shall meet with thel Planning Board. The pur- pose of such conference shall be to discuss proposed uses or development in order to determine which of the Site Development Plan elements ~haIi be submitted to the Plaiming Board in order for said Board to determine con- formity with the provisions and intent of this Ordinance. 2. Within 6 montlhs following the pre-submission conference, the Site Deveiopment Plan and any related shall be submittel~ to the Building Inspector information in triplicate at least 15 days pri~r to the Planning Board meet- ing at which approval is requested. If not submitted within this 6 month period, another ~re-submission compliance may be required. 3. The Building I~spector shall certify on each Site Development Plan or amdndment whether or not the plan meets the requirements Of ail zoning ordince provisions other than those of this sectio~ regarding Site Development Plan approval. 4. The Building Inspector shall retain one copy and transmit t~vo copies of the! certified Site Development Plan to the Secretary of the Planning Board at least ? days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which approval is re- quested, ' 5. The Planning Board shall act to approve or disapprove any such Site Development Plan within 90 days after the meeting at which approval is requested, Failure to act within 90 days shall be deemed approval. Planning · I Board disapproval shall ~nclud~ written findings upon any -49- Site Development Plan element found contrary to the provisions or intent of this ordinance. In reviewing the application, the Planning: Board may secure the advice or assistance of one or more expert consul- rants qualified to advise as tO whether a proposed use will conform to the requirements of this ordinance. The assistance of a consultant, if sought, must be ob- tained within 10 days of the r~ceipt of the application. Such consultant shall report within 30 days after receipt of such request whether or ni)t the use applied for will be ~n conformance with the performance standards, and ~f not, what modification In design or operation would be for conformance. IiA copy of the repori of necessary- snch consultants shall be furnished to the Planning Board~ Building Inspector~ and appli~ant. 6. Amendments t9 a Site Development Plan shall be acted upon in the same manner as the approval of the original plan. 7. The PLanning Board may require that Site Plan approval be perlodlcally irewewed. D. Site Development PLan Elements. The appiicant shall eause a Site Developmen~ map to be prepared by a Civil Engineer, a surveyor, ICnd planner, architeet, or other competent person. Site IDevelopment Pian elements shall include those listed below% which are appropriate to the proposed development or ulse as indicated by the Plan- ning Board in the pre-submission eonference. 1. Legal Data (a) Lot~ block of the property taken from the (b) Name and record. and section number, if any; latest tax records,' address of the owner of (c) Name and address of person, organization preparing the mapI. firm, or (d) Date, north point, and written and graphic scale. (e) Sufficiegt description or informa- tion to precisely define thelboundaries of the property. Ail distances shall be in fe~t and tenths of a foot. Ali angles shall be given to theI nearest 10sacoads or closer'. The error of closure shall Cot exceed one in ten thousand. (.f) The ioca$ions, names, and existing widths of adjacent streets a~d curb lines. (g) The location and owners of alt adjoining lands as shown on the lates~ tax records. ~h) Location~ width, and purpose of ale existing and proposed-easernents~ set-backs, reservations, and a'reas dedicated to publilc use within or adjoining the property. (i) A complete outline of existing deed restrictions or covenants applying to the property. (j) Existing ~oning. Naturai Features (a) Existing ~onlours with intervals of five (5) feet or less, referred to a datum satisfactory to the ]Board. (b) Approxir~ate boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or storm Water overflows. (c) Location ;f existing watercourses~ marshes, wooded areas, ro~k outcrops, isolated trees with a diameter of eight inches o~t more~ measured three feet above the base of the tr~nk~ and other significant existing features. Existing Strueti~res and Utilities (a) Location of uses and outlines of structures drawn to scale on and within lOO feet of the lot. (d) signs. (b) Paved areas, sidewalks, and vehieu- Iar access between the site and public streets. Locatlons~ dimensions, grades, and flow direction of existing s~wers, culverts, water Iines as well as other underground and above-ground utilities within and adjacent to the pl~operty. (d) Other existing development, including fences, landscaping~ arid s~reening. 4. Proposed De~Jelopment f.a) The location of proposed buildings or structural in~provements. (b) The location and design of ail uses not requiring structures, s~ch as off-street parking and loading' areas. (c) The location, direction, power and time of use for any proposeql ouidoor lighting or public address systems. I The iocatlion and plans for any outdoor (e) The iocalion and arrangement of pro- posed means of access and elgress, including sidewalks~ driveways° or other paved a~eas. Profiles indicating grading and cross-sections ~howing width of roadway~ £ocation and width of sidewalks, and location and size of water and sewer lines. ~ (f) Any proposed grading, sereening, and other landscaping including types and Iocaiions of proposed street trees. (g) The location of ail proposed water lines~ valves and hydrants~ and[of ail sewer lines or alternate means of water supply: and sewage disposal and treatment. I (h) An outlineIof any proposed deed restrictions or covenants. I (i) Any contemplated pubIie improve- ments on or adjoining the property. to read as follows: (j) If the Site Development Plan only indicates a first stage, a supple~nentary p£an shall indicate ultimate deve£opment. 5. Any other information deemed by the Planning I . Board necessary to determine conformity, of the Site Plan with the intent and regulations of this[ordinance. SECTION 140I - FEES - ~-ti1 applications to the Planning Board for approval of s~ie development plans shall be accompanied by a fee of $25. By renumbering Article VII to be _~rticle XV, and amending the same ARTICL~ XV ENFORCEMENT SECTION 1500 - BUILDING INSPECTOR - It shaIi be the duty of the Building Inspec!or and such deputies and assistants as may be appointed b~ the Town Board to administer and enforce the provisions of this ordinance. The Building Inspector' an~ assistant and deputy building inspectors shall have such right to enter and inspect buildings, structures~ or~remises and to perform other acts necessary for the enfo~+cement of this ordinance as are conferred upon them b}~ law, SECTION I501 - BUILDING PER1VIITS - No building -53- in any district shall be erected, reconstructed or restored, or structurally altered without a building permit duly issued upon application to the Buiiding Inspector. No buildfl~g per- mit shall be issued unless ~he proposed construction is in full conformity with ail the [provisions of this ordinance and the provisions of ali other 2ppIicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Any build{rig permit issued in violation of . I the provisions of this ordinance shall be null and void and of no effect, without the neceslsity for any proceedings, revOca- tions or nullification hhereo~; and any work undertaken or use established pursuant to the ~ssuance of a permit in violation of the provisions of this ordinance shai~ be unlawful. 1. Every applic~tion for a building permit shall contain the following infornl~tion and be accompanied by the required fee and a plot planldrawn to.scaIe and signed by the person responsible for eachI draggling. If no such plot plan is available, a survey is requi~ed, prepared by a licensed en- gineer or land surveyor. I (a) The actual shape, dimensions, radii, angles and area of the lot onI which the building is proposed to be erected~ or of the Iot 5n which it is situated if an existing building; (b) The bloc~ and lot numbers, if any, as they appear on the latest tax records; {c) The exact size and locations on the lot of the proposed building or bull iings or alteration of an existing building and of other existin~ buildings on the same iot~ (d) The dimefisions of ail yards in relation to the subjec~ building and the d~stances between such building and any other existing buiidi~gs on the same lot; (e) The existing and intended use of all build- ings, existing or proposed, the use of land and the number of dwelling units the building is ]designed to accommodate; and (f) Such topographic or other information with regard ~o the building, t~e Io~ or neighboring lots as may be necessary to de~ermirie ~vi[i conform to the provisions tha~the proposed construction ordinance. 2. No building pc;trait shall be issued for the construction or aiteratio~ of any building upon a lot without access to a stree~ or highway as provided by Section 280-a of the Tow~ Law, 3. No building permit shall be issued for any building if the Site Plan Of such building is subject to approval by the Planning Board, except in conformity with the plans approved by thl,e said Board. Ro No bailding' permit shall be issued for a building in any district if such use is permitted by Special Exception or Special Permit Df the Board~ unless and until such approval has been ~uly granted by the Board of Appeals~ 5. No building permit shall be issued for any building' un~il approval has be~n received from the County Health Department for the proposed wa~er supply and sewage disposal .system. 6. The buz~d~ng peqm~t application and all supporting documentation shal~ be made in tripHcateo Upon the issuance of a building perrnit, the Building In- spector shall return one copy ~f all filed documents to the applicant. 7. The Building Inspector shall, within ten business days after the filing o~ a complete and properly prepared application~ either issue or deny a building permit. If a building permit is denied the Building Inspector shall state in writing to the appiicanti the reasons for such denial. 8. Every but/ding p~rmit shalt expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 n%onths after the date of issuance, or has not been completed within 18 months from such date for construction costing less than $1~ 0(]0.00 and has not been completed within 30 monlhs from such date for construction costing in excess o~ such amounlo If no zoning regulations affecting the proper~y have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize in writing the extension of the permit for an a( after, a new permit shall be rec -55- [ditional six months. There- uired. 9. _ks soon as the: foundation of a building or of any addition to an existing:,bui[ding is completed, and before first story framing or wall construction is begun. there shad be filed with the But!ding Inspector an accurate survey signed by the person reslponsible for said survey, showing the exact location for shch foundation with respect to the street and property lines bf the lot. No further construction shall be performedI until such survey is approved by the Building Inspector:I' I0. Permit Fees ~ The following fees shall be paid upon the filing of an applica~ion with the Building Inspector for a Building Pernait which sha~l be paid into the general fund if the application is approved~ of' returned to the applicant if the application is denied. D%veIIings (a) New dwelti each square foot of floor area ngs - $25, 00 plus $, 05 for er 1~ 000 square feet. (b) Additions ~ud alterations - $15. 00 (c) AccessorylbuiIdings - $10. 00 p~ius $. 05 ~or each square foot of fioo~ area over 850 square £eet~ (d) Additions a~d alterations to Accessory Buildings ~ $10. 00. Hotels~ A~otelsJ Business and Industrial Buildings (a) New Constr~ction - $50, 00 plus ~. 10 for each square foot of floor areal over 10,000 square feet. (b) Additions and alterations - $25. 00 plus $o 05 for each square foot over 1, I)O0 square feet, (c) Accessory ~uildings - $15. 00 -56- Farm Buildings - $15.00 All other Structures - $15. 00 Signs - Theifee for ali signs~ except signs permitted by Sectionl300 C 7 (a), shall be $0. 25 for each square foot of sign area with a minimum fee of $2. 00 I SECTION 1502 - RE~OCATION OF BUILDING PERMIT. The Building InSpector may revoke a building permit theretofor~ issued and approved in the following instances: ! (a) Where he finds t~at there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to a materiaI fact in the application, pLa~ or specifications on which the building permit was ba~ed; (b) Where he finds tkat the building permit was issued in error and should ~ot have been issued in accordance with the applica~Ie Law; f~c) Where he finds thkt the work performed under the permit is not k-eing prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the application, plans or specification; or I (d) Where the personlto whom a building permit has been issued fails or refuses to comply with a stop order issued by the Building InspeCtor. SECTION 1503 - STOl? ORDERS - ~henever the Building Inspector has reasgnab[e grounds to believe that work on any building or structure is being prosecuted in violation of the provisions of the applicable law, ordinance.s, or regulations or not in confOr~]~ity with the provisions of an applicaiion~ plans, or specifications on/he basis of which a building permit was issue~ or in an i~nsafe and dangerous manner, he shall notify the 9whet of the property, or the owners~ agent~ or the perso~ performing the work~ to suspend ali work, and any such persons shall forthwith stop such work and suspend ail building a~tivities until the stop order has been rescinded° Such 'order and notice shall be in writing~ shall state the conditions under which the work may be resumed and may be served upon a person to whom it is directed either by delivering it personally to hirn~ or by p~sting~tt~e same upon a conspicuous portion of the ~uilding under construction and sending a copy of the s~me by registered mailo SECTION1504 - CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY 1. A ~erti£icate of ~ccupancy shall be applied for to the Building Inspecto~ and it shall be unlawful to do any of the following u~tii a Certificate of Occupancy is issued therefore to wit: I (a) OccupanCy and use of a building erecte4 reconstructed, restored, s~ructuralIy altered, moved, or any change in use of an Existing building; of any land; and Occupancy, use or any change in the use (c) Any change in use of non-conforming use. 2. No certificate of o~cupancy shall be issued for the use of a building or lands r~quiring a Special Exception or special permit by the Board of Appeals or for any land or use requ~rm~ a S,te Plan appr v~I by the Planmng ]Board unless and until such use o~ Site PlAn approval has been duly granted. Every certificate of occupancy for which a special exception or special permit or Stte Plan approval has been granted, or in connection with which a variance has been granted by the by the Board of Appeals sha~l contain a detailed statement of any condition to which the salme is subject. 3. Application for a c~rtificate of occupancy for a new building or for an existing building which has been altered shall be made after the erection of such building or part thereof has been completed ih conformity with the provisions of this ordinance and in the c~se of a new building shall be accompanied by an accurate ~lot piano or it not available, by a survey prepared by a licen ;ed land surveyor or engineer -58- showing tile location of a b~ilding as built° Such certificate shall be issued within 10 days after receipt of the properly completed Rpplication, providing the application states that all riequirements of ali other applicable codes or ordinances in effect are compiled with. 4. If the proposed u~e is in conformity with the provisions of this orc~nance and ail other applicable codes and ordinances~ a certificate of occupancy for the use of vacant land or fo~ a change of use or a non- conforming nsc, shall be islsued by the ]Building Inspector within 10 days after receiptI of a properly completed application. If a~ertificat~ of Occupancy is denied~ the ]Building Inspector shall sta$e the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. 5. I~very application ~or a certificate of occupancy or a temporary certificate ~r occupancy shall be accom- panied by a fee of $5. 00. Cgp~es of such certificate will be issued upon payment of $~, 00 per copy. 8. A certificate of occupancy shall be deemed to authorize~ and is required for, both initial occupancy and the continuance ofoccupancy' and use of the buildino~ or land to ~vhich it applies. 7. Upon written requels~, and upon payment of a fee of $o. 00, the ]Building Inspector shall~ after inspection issue a certificate of occupascy for any building or use thereof or of land existing atlthe time of the adoption of this ordinance, certifying suCh use and whether or not the same and the building co~forrns to the provisions of this ordinance. 8. A record of ail certificates of occupancy shall be kept in the office of the Bu~Id~.ng Inspector and copies shall be furnished on request~ to any agency of the To,va or to any persons having' an tnterest in the building or land affected. SECTION 1503 - i~EAIALTIES - For every violation 'l XVIo By to read as of the provisions of ~his ordinance or aay reguIations made pursuant hereto, or ~ faiiure to comply with a written notice or order of the Building Inspector within the time fixed for compliance therewith~ the owner, occu- pant, builder~ architect~ c'pntractor or their agents or any other person who commits, takes part or assists in such violation or who ~hail fail to comply ~tth any a written order or notice of tlhe Building Inspector shall be guilty of an offense~ pur~ishable by a fine not exceeding fifty do£~ars or ~mpr~sonm~nt for a per~od not to exceed six months, or both. Eachl week's continued violation shall constitute a separate ~dditionai violation. SECTION 1504 REMEDIES - In case any building or structure is erected, copstructed, reconstructed altered, repaired, converted or maintained, or any building, structure or land ~s used in ~ioiation of this Ordinance, or of any regulations made pursuant thereto, in addition to other remedie'ls provided by Iaw~ any appropriate action or proceeding whether by legaI process or otherwise, may be znstztBted: or taken to prevent such unlawful erection, constructlion, reconstruction, alteration~ repair, conversion, mainte~iance or use, to restraiao cor- rect or abate such violation, I, to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure or land or to prevent any illegal act~ conduct, business~ or u'lse in or about such premises. renumbering Article IX to bellArticle X-VI: and amending the same follows: ' AR%~ICLEi AMt~NDMENTS SECTION 1600 - The T~wn Board upon its motion or by petition may, fr~m time.to time, amend, supplement, change, modify ~r repeai this Ordinance including the Zoning Map, by proceeding in the following manner: The To%m board by Vesotutmn adopted at a stated meeting shall fix the time and[ place of a public hearing on the proposed amendment and qause notice thereof to be given pursnant to the provisio6s of the Town Law. The Town Board, before advertising for la public hearing, shal~ in a written request, instruct the ~own PIanning Board to prepare -60- an official report defining t~e conditions described in a petition and determine the ~rea so affected with its recommendations. ', SECTION 1601 - FEES -. Every petition for a change or amendment to this ordinance~ or the zoning nlap shall be file~ with the Town Clerk a~d shall be accompan!ed by a fee of $100. 00. ART iCLE X~II INTEi~PRETATION, YA LIDITY, AND EXCEPTIONS SECTION 1700 - CO~'FLICTS ,fa) Where a provislon of this ordinance conflicts with or imposes a different requi~elnent than any other pro¥ision of this ordinance, the provision or requirement vzhich is more restrictive or which establis~es the htgh~.~r standard shall govern, (b) Where the provis!ons of this ordinance conflict with or impose a different requirement than any other ordinance of the Town of Soutl~old~ or any rules or reguls%ions adopted thereunder~ the ordinance, rule or regulation which establishes the higher standard or requirement shall govern. SECTION I?01 - VALIDITY - Should any section or provision of this Ordinance b9 declared by a court of com- petent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decisions shall not ~ffect the validity of the Ordmance as a whole or any other part thereof. SECTION 1702 - EXCEPTIONS - All of the lots on the following subdivision maps shall be excepted from the lot area and lot width requirements of ~his ordinance, and the Io~ areas and lot widths applicable ~o said ibts shall be as shown and designated on said subdivision Green Acres Stratmors Marion Manor Cleaves Point, Sec. II FordhamAcres, Sec. I[ Fordha~n Acres~ Sec. I Sterling Homes Eastern Shores, Sec, Ii Eastern Shores, Sec. Eastern Shores, See. III Eastern Shores, Sec. Eastern Shores~ Sec. ¥ Soathoid Shores maps: Sunny Shores Moose Cove Nassau Point Deer Park -Village Manor G. I. Tuthi[i Edgemere Park Willow Terrace Soundcrest Woods Gardiners Bay Estates, See. Iii Harvest Homes, Sec. t Bayvie~v 'Woods Estates Willow Point Harbor Lights Es~a!es, Sec. I. Terry Waters Bay Haven Corey Creek Esta~ West Creek Estates l Northwoods Vista Bluff Jacksons. Landing Bennett ~s Pond Rosewood Estates Sunset tQ~olis~ Sec. Smithfield Park Paradise Point Harbor Lights Estates, Sec III Highwood Nunnakoma Waters Yennecot% Park Downsview South Harbor Homes Peconic Shores, Sec. I Peeonie Homes~ See. % Peconie Homes, Sec, II Peconic Bmy Oaks Laurel Country Esta%es SECTION 1703 - EFFECTIVE DATE - Upon enactment by ~he Town Board, lhis Ordbmnce shali take effect as provided by -62- 0 Se'& A. Hubbard Chairma~z Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Suffolk County Department of Planning H. Lee Dennison, CounD, Execu~ve Veterans Memorial Highway January 4, 1972 Hm~ppauge, L. 1., N. Y. 724-2500 Mr. Albert W. i{ichmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main l~oad Southold, Ne~v York 11971 l~e: Adopted Zoning Ordinance and Map, Town of Southold Dear Mr. Richmond: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 1330 of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Comrq~sszon has duly notified the neighboring town and village concerning the above indicated zoning ordinance and map. Having received no adverse response, the ;ommission will take no further action. Very truly yours, Lee E I<oppelman Direct ~r of Plan~i~g ~'rald G. Newman Chief Planner GON:ec cc: Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Planning Board STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: Southold, New York, SS: ALBERT'W. RICHMO~D, of Southold, Town· of being dul!' sworn, says that l%e is over th'e age of twenty-one years; that on the 6th day of December 19 71 , h~ affixed a notl~ of ~.~hich the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a mcst public place in the Town of Southo!d, Suffolk County.. New York, to wit:- .~Zone Swo~n to before me ~_~s 6!h day of December 19 ~71 Notice of Amendments to Town Ordinance entitled "The rdinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, ~ew ' Town Clerk Bulletin Board. Town ~£e~.~ Office Main Road, Southold~ L.i,,N.Y. incl¼ding the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof. ~ Albert W. Richmond, To~m Clerki~ '2~qo hat y ?ublic COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~, | STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: ......... $ .ia ~'.~a, C.o.. Do ~.m~.~ ......... being duly Sworn, says that ...h.?.., il Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIldES, a ~ewspaper published ~t Greenport, ia said county~ and that the notice, of which the ~nnexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for .o.~ .................... weeks · ~- second successively comm_~clng oll the .......................... day o,..?~~.~~.~. Sworn to befor~ m~ this ...~¢. .... // r'/ .................. . ;'~C=':~ ........ --. -.-. '.:= ~'~* 'fO?i · N¢,TICEOF AME,~DMENTS To TOWN ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a 'meeting of the ToWn Board'of the. Town .of Southold. Suffolk Country. New York, held on the. 23rd!day Q.f November. 197i, the Town Board enaCted the following amendments to the Town' "ordinance. entitled "The Building. Zone_ Ordinance. of the ToWn of Southold, Suffolk County. New York" together With. the Building Zone ~Map forming a part .thereQf as' follows, to Wit :'~ 'I. By'~amend~ng ArtiCle I, t° read as follows: ARTICLE I -PURPOSES',DEFINITIONS SECTION 100 - PURPOSES - There is hereby established .a comprehensive zoning plan for the Town of Southold, Which plan is set forth in the. text and map that.~ constitute this ordinance. Said plan', is adopted for the PUrposes set forth in Article 16 6f the Town Law, which, in th~ interest of the protection and promotion of the public health, safety, ~and .welfare, shall be deemed ·to spe6ifically ~include .the tbliowing, among. Others.: . 1. The facilitation of'.the eft.: ficient'and.adequate provison of' LEG A L NOT.ICE ' public facilities and services; 2. The. assurance of adequate 'Sites for resid~nce,AndU~try; and commerce; 3. The Provision of privaCy for families; 4. The Prevention and reductiofi of traffic C°ngeStion, So as to .promote'efficient and safe cir- cula. tion .a.~ veb.ic!es pedest rians- '5. Thc maximum protection of residential areas; 6. The gradual elimination of / . non-conforming uses; 7. The enhancement of the appearance of the Town of Southold as a whOle; 8. The ~encour'agement of flexibilitY in the design 'and development of land' ih such' a way: as' -:to promote- :the -'. most apprOpriate 'use' of lands" faciii'tate .... the' adequate .-"and economical provision of streets and .utilities and to preserve the natural and ~scenic quahtieS of open lands; ~. The: fostering .and ,protection .... - LEGA Li..:NOTii C E BILLBOARQS-A sign, in-~ -cluding .the type commonly known as a billboard,, which directs attention to'a business, commodity, ~. service, en- fe?tainment or attraction, sbld, · offered.-or exiSting--elSe~wl~ere . than upon .the same::lot where ~ :suCh':--: sign:"~is: :.d~Spla~y~':- or! ~,~Only /~e.idontal!v q'ao.q such !et ...... ,. ~.,..%..~, ,~ ~OAg~iNg 'AND TOURIS7 HOUSES-A building other ~an a hotel where lodging, with or without meals, for five or more persons is furnished for com- ~nsation. ~..U!~.P!NG-Any combination .of materials, forming .any ~n- struction, except where entirely underground, so as to permit the use of the ground above sa~e as if no building was present.; the · term "building" shall ~clude the ~r~n "structure" as well as the following :. ~ a. Signs; b. Fences; c. WMIs, ~other than retai~ng .... of agriculture and .fisheries. walls projecting above the · SECTION 101 - 'DEFINITIONS. gr°und notmore than 3-feet at the - :Unless otherwise expressly higher ground'leVel and not more Stated, 'the following terms sh'all i' th~'n'6-% feet at. the.jower grOUnd . . for. the' purpose of'~thi, s ordinance have the meaning herein in- _dica:ted. Words used in the present' .tense inclUde 'the future; the singUlar'number inCludes .the 'Pli~ra!. i' :and - the plural, tke singular; the ' word "person" includes a corporation as well as an individual;, the :word ."lot" includes the, word~"plOt".. The term ,'occupied" 'or "used"_. as ._ - applied to anY building shall be. construed, as thoughf011owed~b~, the words "Or': intended, arranged, or d..e~.igned to. be oc- cupied- or used".: ?: 'ACCESSORY- A building or' use clearly incidental or subordinate to, and customary in connection with, the principal building or use on the same lot. BASI~MENT - A story .in a building, the structural ceiling level of which is four feet or more above the average level of finished grade where such grade abuts that exterior ceiling level of which is four feet or more above the average level of finished grade where Such grade abuts that exterior wall of such building .. · which fronts on any street, and the floor level of which is below finished grade at' any point On the Periphery of the'building. level; _d: Radio and:. 'television receiving and transmitting towers and antennae,-except for such-antennae installed' on the roof of" ~: ?btiilding,, and' ex- tehdi, ng not' more :than. 20: feet · abovethehighest level of theroof of such ,building'~.'1 and e. Porches; Outdoor bins and other similar "structUres". CEI~LAR~.Any space in a building 'the structual ceiling le;~el .of .which is less thaq,.four feet above the average finished grade where suCh grade abuts -that exterior wall of such .building which frOnts on A ,sible sp .COURT. OUTER,-An open space enclosed on three sides by,' exterior walls of a building, COURT, OUTER! DEPT?. OF-~ TKe linear average din~'~Si0~n ' ..measured .-from,", t~nenclosed ~side,'of .the ~' court t° tile fa~st, 'l;he 'linear dim~s~°n"bf' ~encio~ side of t~ m~t. CU~ LEVEL:~ ~ta~i~ .- LEGAL NOTICE elevation ot" the slree~ grade al the poinl tha~. is opposile center of the Wall nearest .Ilo and lacing the s~r~l .~'DWELLjNG, ONE:FXMILY dfi&~6hdd''building conla~n~ one dwelling unil only. DWELLING. ' MULTIP~-A. building or portion ~hereof containing three or more dweiling units.. ..... D.WELLING~ :' ROW';'OR ~ AT- TXCHED-A one4amily dwelling.. Wilh ~w6 common or pa~y walls separating it from adjac~t on both sides, detached dwelling ~i~ ~ly~ DWELLING, SEMI- d~ii'ing~ith~ one ~an'in ~m- mon with an adjacent q~LLING ~T-A b~l~ or ~hqik~ly ~elf~ont~ thereof containing complete housek~ping facihfi~ f~ one ,.family, including any domestic ~rv~ empb~ on the prem~es a~ ~v~ enclosed space ¢ot~r than v~tibul~, ~tr~e ~ o~r hallways 0r ~r~es~ ~ ~~g or sanCta'fy fhdlifi~ m ~mm~ with any omer "dwdl~ ~t''. A house trailer, a ~~ or rooming house, cOnval~ent home, fraternity or sorority house, hotel, mot~, ~', nursing, or ~her s~r'~me, 'or other s~ii~ ~rmt~e not ~ d~m~ to ~nsfimte a dwelling ~t. F'~ILy~ne or more ~cupy~g a dw~ ~t ~ a single non-profit ~k~~ ~it. More ~an five exclusive of dom~tic not related by. bl~, m~iage adoption, sh~l ~t ~ ~nsid~ to constitute a f~ily. ~R ARE4-~e s~ of ~he .~~~Zonml . areas ~veral fl.~rs of t~ b~~ 10t meas~ from ~y for and window utility elosets of' ~oof such one six feet to pitch a clear height ~ from level area og ~by the feet. ,.storage of other or tenant of the it is erected; and for two (not by others. kept;; sale. the ora artist. prae- office. S~:tion 2- Page'~$ GAL NOTICE brai&ag actuary l~ret~., and PROVIDED ~'u~r.: are pub~!dy' aisPlay~ ~.on me. ~er6~meaa ~s sho~m o~her ~an a si~ ~a larger ~u~e ~ m oMy ~e n~e ~ ~cu~lion ~Wo~ only,~ of ~'pract~tioner. ~TA bml~g ~cupi~'as the more or and ~n are more t l hah te~ ~10~ rooms usUally.occupied singly ~d ~ ~o~i~" ma~ fbr ~~ ~ ~y ~m or ~d~ ~~-~e ve~ ~ce measured from lhe average ~evafion of ~e ~~ ~a~ at ~e k~ of ~e:~~g to ~e. ~~t ~t of~ '~f for fiat ~d m~ r~fs, ~d ~ ~e m~ ~i~t ~~ ~ve ~d ~e for o~er ~ ~ ~s. J~ Y~~ ~u~ or m ~ ~upi~ f~.~ ~o~ge of old w~, ~~, ~, or me~, ~clud~g old . "automobiles, ~~, ~mmt; ma~, f~tur~, and ' appliances 'not ~~ as o~~y ~~; ~~t or ma~ ~ may ~ ~ld ~ ~ for ~ or ~vage. ~-~y ~ of ~ ~t ~y ~~t ~ a lot or lo~ ~~ ~..a-map of w~ ~ ~u~ ~ w~ ,~ to ~ ~~ by a ~~ a~~ ~~, ff ~y, ~ by a ~0~ al ~~ ~a~~ r~uir~ open spaces, ap- ~~t ~ ~ ~~ or ~_ COR~A ~t at ~e ~ o~ ~ ~~ ~ ~o or mo~ ~te~a~' ~s the ~t~or ~ of ~~~n d~ ~ ex~.; A lot rear tot Kae shallbe m be a ~ae pm'~e~ to ~ front lot fartheat ~rom ~ '~t LOT W!D~-The average ~t~. ~w~:-~ lot ~ :at ~e f~t ya~ or ~t- ~ ~ ~d m~~ at :~t ~a ~ ~ sik IS hS or . M~~AC~~G ~ ~ny, or shape ot articles or raw artid~ are . assembl~ or ~i~LO Lq,The largest ~a' f~d by ~ ~~~,~ a horizontal plane through the ~ by ~ ~~ w~ of ~e more~ piers, wharv~. zor or a - LEGAL:NOTICE .... LEGAL NO.TICE whether'.of.a bulling or tract'of 'seasonal occupancy... -- . ...> .., · ;(.q.; .: .'. . .... land, ,or both, .cresting. On' 'ithe: TOI3RIST CAMP .Any......!ot, effective date of.4his ordinance piece or parcel, of ground:, where which doesnot c0nfOr'miothe.~Usei..: two. or more' tents, tent.., houses;,'':' ~gulatidhs~ of the .DiStrict ."in.-:' calnp~i· cottages-, i!iOUse:.~.C~i~s' which.it is locateff)' !' -' ''''': ....· ii lhou~e' frailerS used as living 'Or PRINCIPAL..B. UILDING-A: sleeping quarters, are or maybe building inwhichlg-.cSnd~i:~/I-the:., located, said camp ..being main or principal use of the lot on operated for.::-'or without com- which said building is.located. .pensation. '..' ....... '_~-.. ' pUBLIC ~..w:A~ER....P.uB~!C;L ~..,~:..,uSABLE'~'.'OPEN:.'::SPACE..-. :~,communal ~sewage:ii! :~r~encl0sed:'p0rti0~n~bf .flie. gr/~und.:~ disposal systems,! an'd'.'/:0mmunal !0f' .a'~ Iht' whi'~h "iS .' hS~ devoted !~ tO water supply systems approved../.driveways,..or 'parking ~spaces, by the" Sqffolk COunty "Depart'i? )!'Which'is ifree of'structureS })f any. 'merit-of Health, and 0perated"bY'i:' ii,kind,' of. Which..not,..more than. 25' a municipality or. Public agenCy:'., ,ii Percent. '.."is rOOfed 'for. .shelter.. ~- Any structure. 'or" part'.i[ /.. purposes 0nl.y, the minim, um t~r any deVice a.ttach~d to'i' :./.'dimenSiOn of which is 40 feet,.and ~'D;~li~ing ~ ~r',.:~.,,. painted':., i~°r/?. :.Whi6his availableand.aCceSsible represented thereon,. Which shall ?;i(:.;'ito ~:1.1 occupants pfthe building_or display .-or,.. include: :~0Y ".. le~t~r.i. )".!. i~.ilbUil dingS'. ,Op'.... ,.t~.e. ii:,. said:.'..'~!ot,..~.: .for word~ model,.. 'banne~,.'. oenna.ri~,..i ¥1.purposes ,...ot~/active~ 'or..~.ipassiye ms~' ' "la, device,."" ,trade' '" :' .... ..fid" ,.:'"' or'~'"¥¥1'~t~i~'r'i'r~ti0fi":~(~:...~,,.. ..... :". '::" ' .... rep~esenta'~°n:'"~i~~ i~.'~ i~: ':[~f:i; i .";!isE'/','"'~cF'S~OR¥ 2 .-i~ ". ~use nature of orwhich is used aS."anl ;.~,i:.Cu~t0rnarily: ." incidental; .and ~. , ., .... , ,... · ,..~ -..,&i,!';~/~. !..'...., :. ~ ','..' ,...: ';,. , ,.,..,.... · ..,,. ,,, , . announcement, direction ;; or i~?;;?:subord~nate:t-o the;..mam .'use on a advertisement,...for commercial', lot, whether such "accessory purposes or otherwise,: A 'sign .' use" be conducted in a principal inClUdes. a~bil!~...a'~ :i~d a' ..neon ~/' .'or accessory .building.. - . '.. :." -tube., strin~'~6i~.!igl~ti~, ~i"' iiini!ar:,i'": ..... device ouH~gor~.b~ng, upon. a~y part of a. building or' lot, but' does n0t. inClude:~e f!ag or4nsignia of · any nation Or.group of nations~ or of any government of any politicai,. charitable', .philanthropic,.`;. professional, campaign, driYe, event. EXclUde definiti0ni.are' solely trespassing, or faces of 'a '-'measm, ed follows: ' · "' Ja)' When such plate orframed the area 'of such p!ate'0r' the enclosed, by.SUch'- shall.be'included; ~'/: i · (b) When such'; sign Con~iSts. only of letterS;~ figures cng · projected -...: An-: unoc- :.. '.to~ :.~ or, by :...~ or:. ili.Plat,-- ,, t~ereto..., :.upi.ed" and a. . and eto ~'.- area../ thin.-which ,alt of matter of whieh~sUch s~gn. -sists may be. ensCribed. - g?o~y-. :~hat :;.-'- part.:'. .of .... .~ -~.-z ?-' budding, exclug~~.,i~ellarS inclusive.-of': basements, Corn prised between the level finished, floor and the next higher' finished .floor;..- 'there be noi then the highest'finisheit .top of the .roof/:beams. .. STORY.~: HALF.. ~-. Any,~,: 'Partially within'-the'roof frs where the clear height more. than 50:-percent. SPaCe 'bet'We.en"th~'. top'df ,beams and· th~ level is-7 feet 6 'inches .or · .STREET-~ A Street; to'the' safisfactiOno'f Board which is one ..of lowing: an.eXisting or State highway or street Shown on an approve~ division Final plat.; shown on a map filed County Clerk (in accordan~ SeCtion. 280-a of/the Town prior to Planningl authorization to sions: a street.shown on OffiCial Map. _ STREET LINE '- 'The line beiween a !~ and a s - Any change in .the members ora bUilding, suc beams, columns, or girders. TRAILER Any mounted on wheels, mol either by its own power being drawn by another an~.equipped to be used for Ii br g~e~.-p,ing quarters "or .~ per,it cooking.. The '"trailer" shall include moun~ed on temporary. r~aneot tound.alions with'~ :~'hecl ~ ~.em o ved',~/ ' . ..'~)~U~IST "f:0TTAGE 'O.e~ a:~;he~]~ -~ng.: ha ring ~.... t.han three hundred fift'y. ~I.uar~ teet ot cr~,.ss S~t.:i'on rJ~S ~gned t or or 'oct upied 'a ...~ n.'d sleeping quarters: :,. restri~li~ffg'" spi~ciIi~'d '.tn this ................ : .... . .............. o ........... ordinance"' for. the .'district in~ :' to ~e provisions of ~tion 'which· such building or land is~-' (,b) -. :~ - .'~" , . :t~at. ed. ' .. ..' ' (b) Keeping,. b~eed~ng and . .' 2~.:NO.~yard 'or.,:o~n :.Space raising .fowl:,,- except dUcks"~ and. USE' requi~ed 'in' ~c0nneetfon::with 'any large, domeStic'animals onlots of" of -: building or ':use-:-Shall be con 'ten acres or more. of ~sidered as 'prOViding~ a reqUired: - .(c): Keepi.h~. of horses and ' 0penSpaCe.f0r..any~0[~er. building: ~nys 'owned and used by the . -on the same or any'Other l~t.: ...... -owner Of the premises for his ~ted.:'.'::-'::'~ .... '3¥NoiOt Shall. be~.form~, f~om. ~rs0na.[ u.~e., prOvided~'-that the '~ANS ~-' :;' '.~'bui:t'd~g~-'Ut~s~s'~4buiIdt~g;':::'' :~qU;:~.' f;~i:'" ~'''~ ''~'' """?:~ ' ~'''~: '~ ..... ' ' , ' ~"alt'~,ya~da,:a-nd":;open,:~s. paees con.:'. -.,....... -~ ::.;._.: · ,- .. , , :. ...n .... -... .... · ...... · . · :. · .... · ..... ta.~ . :Barns, :-storage - eqted ......therewtth~.,.' and. the. ~ · .. ;: ... ~ . ~-.. . braidings, and other related remaining '!ot.~.c0mPly,with alL~.. '-."'.' ' ~ ' . Str'uctures, : .provided· requiremen~s.,pr~erib~ 'by: this. 'buildings shall conform, to..the ordinance .for:'.. the :.~di~trict' ;;inl yard'requirementS for principal wbi'ch~ Said..· lot.. is..:.:t~'ate~ 'No ...... ." · ~...;~ ,.~_~-... , . · . . buildings;: , - .... . buildi~., p~rmit.-.shall be issued ' · .... ::..' .. '--. ' _ _ ' .4hr'; the e~'~ion,'. 0f.'a bUHding, on · 3. Buildings,..~ strU~t~is, and :any new lot .'~as created ~eSS'r-' ~' uses"oWfied. Or.' °Perated..~y 'th~ .-;: ~.SUeh.bUildingaM lot comply with 'Town of So.uthoJd .... .',-.. ',' .all,' the.:.~ proViSi~s -'of/"this -0r-- B;..Uses~/:pe~i(ted'. 'by. ..'.~ dinanCe, ':'-:, ' .... ", .'~ ' . .' '.- .':. · '. ExCeoti0n bv-:~.~,'BOard.0f.. ~-' ... :- :. 4,: No~hing.. contained.~in .'.this.'. '~als.,as,,,herein :or0vided~ ": °rdi'nance'":shatl'.,.'require.,~any~ : The following' .uses::.aKe:.~r- "~ Changein theplanS'~C0~struction~ mitted:.'as a 'Special exception .bY , .0r: d'e~gnated .~e-o.f a buil~ng the ';Board of.-AppealS., as "y, .and ': be ,, .RiCT · . ShoWn ~g of lines such ~j'~s .are con- 3, :Unless otherwise shown "all dis:trier' boundaribs running , con~ from .. said '-.eom plying, wi th:...the. :Zoning. Or.- ' di.nanee in .~:f0rce. prior?,..to ~ this '·Ordinance, if.,.-the 'following is found to exist.: (a) A building-permit shall have been duly iS. sued and eom- · :, struction shall have been started befor;e the effective date of.th.is- . _ ordinance., · (b~ 'The .ground .. story frs mewor k.( inCluding the second tier' 'of beams) shall have been .:eluding a rectory or parsonage . completed: Within six. mo.nths-of whicl~ shall, conform to .the' the date of the buildirig permit;' requirements .fOr a one-family and · dWelling)~ subject to' 'the · -:., hereinafter' provided, and Subject' to Site Plan ~ approVal by the planning. Board in aecordance with Articl:e XIV hereoL ~. 1.-'Tw°'. family.i~dwellings, conYersion of .exiSting. buildihgs~ and new .construction;-not. to .exceed one such· dwelling on each. lot. -" 2.. Places Of'"worship -in- _ eluding' pari~h' ~louses. ~ (but' ex- 50 feet of'any-'i0t 1i%~ ' lb) The total area covered · by .principal and acceSsory buildings shall'not exceed, 20 percent-of the a~ea of the lot. (.c) SuCh use shall-not be. conducted for profit as a'-business enterprise. (d) No' sUch use shall oc- cupy a .lot With' an area of .leSs than three acres. ('e) The direct Source. of all exterior lighting shall:be~shielded from the. ' View. . .of .' ..sUri~0unding reSidential 'lots.. 7: 'Children's recreation.~ camps ...organized _primarily for seasonal ~.use, subject to the. following requirements:- (a) No building, tent, ac- tivity area or recreation facility shall be. tess than 200. feet from Lany lot linei and shall be.' ef- fectively screened, therefrom as required by" the. Planning Board. Buildings intended for use as sleeping quarters shall be not less. than: .30' febt from each other, exce~t~:tentsi' wh'ich shall be 'not less than 10 ~'eet apart, lb.) The_minimum lot area shall be not less than ·10,000 square feet for each:cottage, tent or other principal building, ahd not· less than' 3,000 square feet 0f land area, s~hall be provided f.or each person accommodated in the b·uildings~.o.r tents on the premises. -(.c). All outdoor lighting t'ric[ having jurisdiction thereof. . . one. 'III. By,amending Article III to 50' read as follo-ws: ' it 'lies ARTICLE III :., th,e "' "A." Residential'and. this AgricuLtural District x. (c). The entire., building shall have -been. comPleted" in. aCe°rdande W:i!h' ,s~uch/'plansl-:'as. have been' filed with the Building l:nspector, within one. year from . the-effective date of this or- dinance. .. - .... 5..Any .use' .not permitted by .this ordinance shall" be deemed to be .prohibi.ted ~6. N°twithstanding the limitations impoSedb.y any other provisions of?this ordinance., 'no building, dr'edging, or filling' operation shall 'be' permitted below the dat.,qm of mean high water .o[ tidal-Waters.unless such' -b.uitding,' d~edging,"or filling ..opera:ti'bnS/: ha~e:~' been '--dUly 'a~i(h°riZed) and-are condUcted in confo'r~nity W'ith all: laws, or_ dinanCes'; rules and i'egulatiOns,of a'll ~. government:al agencies following re.quiremen,ts' _ (a)~'.No .'bUilding or "part thereof' shall' be erected .nearer than-50 feet to' any street line. and nearer than 20.feet toany lot line. (b') The .total area covered by all prinCipal· and accessory buildings shall .not-: exceed 20 percent of the-area of the lot. 3: Private. schOols, .colleges., and .other.- educatioaal in: stitutions,,sgbjec-t to the. following' requirements: ~ s, - (a) N6. building shall be less than .50 feet from any street . .or lot line. ,' (b~ The total area occupied by all Principal and" accessory bUildings sh~ll nOt~ .exceed "20 Percent of the area of the lot. {'c·) AnY such school shall be a non-profit organization within the. meaning of ~the In- ternai.~eVenue Act and Shall be registered'effeCtively thereunder as· such· (d) Any" s'ue'h- seho61 Shal~: occupy a 'lot with .an 'area-' of not' les§ than five acres plus.one acre Thursday, ' December 2, 19'71 ~ THE.SUFFOLK TIMES LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Li~GAL NOTICE'. . ~. _ -~_~ ~.t~z~.. - .... . .-.; ..... -' , , ,.. shall be' arranged and/'or a permanent -chain-lini~ ('or '-ReSidential and Agricultural .shielded to eliminate the'glare of simiIar type) .fence of not more: DiStrict, accessory buildingS and lights toward nearby residential than 2 inch mesh not less-than.~4 struCtUreS, .or other accessory lots, streets, or other public- 'feet in height-Jer'ected, 'main- 'u§~',maY be'..i.loC'ated in the facilities. -- rained and provided with' a self-. ~requi~-ed'rear yard; subject to the ". '.:(.'d) The sound level of all- closing,-s'elf-iocking~ .gate '{o~ ifollowing requirements: OutdoOr ~)ublic address system's, prevent unauthOriZed use of- the.:'.:~... 1. Such buildings l shall not Shall not exceed the intensity. -pool and 'to' prevent accidents~' exCeed~ eighteen (18) feet in tolerable in'.'a residential neigh- LEGAL NOTIC'E and .not inVOlving a Separate bust n'ess. 3. Signs, .subject to th~,. following., requirements' (a) One 'advertising sign, either single or double faced, not more than fifty (50) square feet in area, the lower edge of which Section 2- p~ge_7 'LEGAL NoTiCE twenty ..{~o)-i~e~t ~nd it~ de~th borhood. . $~. LabOr :camps, including farmiand non,farm, Subject to.the fOll0~ing requirement: · (a) Ail farm labor camps on .farm's shall be constructed in c0nfOrmance with applicable -.However, if'said pool 'is located i'.height. more than four 'feet above the l grOUnd, then.a fence is not . required, provided that all points of access-to Said pool are adequately protected by a self~ closing, selfdocking gate. Any, .swimming pool 'in existence at~ , ~B~, shall not be less than four (4) feet 2, Such'bUildings shall 'be' set:'.:?':abOVe the. ground,~ exCl~ive of ~:..,.. District, no..build'rog orPrernises.~ back ~not less than. three (3)' feet:.~ '"Pillars and 'posts', ~nd' ~e. up~r ...... shall ~' u%d, and"'nob~d~g, or; frOm'any lot. line...." .. '~ .' '.':~ ~ge of which shall not proj~t part of 3~ All Such". buildings in the :: ..... '"'- ........ ' :erected, or .al~,' ~Ch a~regate sholl oCcupy not more ~. more than fifte~ (15)feet six (6) arrange,: ~tended, or :~d~i~ed than' .fortY (4~ percent of :the '- ~ces 'a~ve the gm~d~ ..... - area of the require, rear yard, (b) Suc~ sign shah ~d, to be Used, ~ w~le or.m part, for . ' any uses 'except ~e .~f~low~g~ laws and Shall not be located the effective date of the ., [ .". 'rS: ( J ~ .... nearer to.!...!.....any other residence . :~i: Provisions.of this .paragraph 'shall than:it .is lo~ated to ~he residence.' within one .year 'from such date, of i"f~he employer' .except .by? .: comply with all.of the provisions t speCifiC re.~iew and approval .of, '::hereof "": .' :,. ' : '"'.:' '.' th'eii~O,ard i:~f' Appeals.' . . "'.'.:. ,: ~'~." . .:. ""','. '. ,' /' .."" ... ~ "' ": '..::' ~!..ii. 9~.;.~?Boa:t.i:i~ocking'.'facilities -.for:: ¢.:.. ~-":~.3, Private garages,.':provided~i th'e i:..d0:Ckih~z.'. ' mooring,' or .ac': :ih°Wever~,'th'at 'not 'more 'than tw6' co~.m0dat!mn of. non-commermal :..; ..~passenger automobile spaces. bo~'i~'i:/.'.subjeCt to the follgwing.i. ':":{ilsuc'h- garages: may'. be leased to).· re~:~i:i, emefit..:. · .'" · i:.'i''~!' persons ".not resident .. 'on. the' '~'...~,..i!l.i.".;~:(a)· ~.here shall be docking. :i. Prem~s.es. '..,:..... ~"'..~. ~" ......: '.:... Or':~Orin~ilfacilities..for no' more!'d:,~iii..!i,~.. ,,':?:4:, .The Storageof either a boa~: th!i~':{wO.lJ0ats'.than..th°Se ow.ned~ :i'?r:traifer:oWned'andUsed bY t.h~:. ied::: by...~the "Owner'.OL thec. :i:!:~.bw~ner, ;0.r :~.:..occuo.a:~t'::. 0f'.i.,.'.tl~e- · ~ , ' ~ .. . .Li, lv!,~: ' " · '. '. ' ~ .;. ' · · ". ' i*, es :for' hm personal use .... premises, on.. which -stored for hm · ~Veterinarian' offices and :. !::personals. u~se,: ~ .:subject...: t0::.' ~ h~Spitals .subject to.: the}i.i!!!ii':[bllowing:'r~quirementS: '. '.:.'~,.?'."..: ~..":' g' ~'~quirement :..': ..... "': iii...;.:..':'.':..: ..:~. (a).:'. ~SgCh :' .boat::i' or '4!taller! ) ~. The housing of · Mil ..... · shall, not exceed 30 feet m.len th-.. '..:i :: .... .. '-- -.. l'..:i~,'.:.~,,' ', ":" '.' '. :." .' '.'' .,."' . ~'. :. .......:..g..:"5~, · shall, be in:. a" fully 'en!ii~:,~~,,:. ~.:" :, '-,'. ( b).'. S~!ch.',,.'. boat..,~.or'.:..trailer;: ~'t'~U ~ture if ..iiea:rer.' thaI~l,i;' i:i ".'shall:" be:..'.i..i~'t or.~'d' 0'.~ly.:., iffk.t:h.'~ .t6.:~ny lot. line.':'','''''.~" :.' ~!ii~i[required:re~i~''yard;:and'.th~.:,~rea.i ~e~('eterieS. '. ' .......... .!i'.i':?~!'i0ccupi'.edth~refOre~.to:gether:':Witlh! ~ !Sl:!~bles' .. and riding...:41,the .area' :'all buildini : ie§.'i... ' .'..., ' . ,.:.., .. ~:.~:i,::rear ii i ' ~ , · '/:ei'ai .homes' and Un:i,i:'iii:.'¢~.t ~, I i ~ stabliShmdn.ts:,.- .'..i;::',':.:!. rear .:: -: : " rd:'[ sales/..attic sales,.'i:i'::! auction sales, orli;::.::!:'..S1 !~!Sa!es of personal!: vided that ,not' .~,such :sale shall ~0n any lot in any one:: ;ar. i,' 'bo~t(' 'o,r. ~ ~tedf:..-~ithin: or.; lot. line. "andl. i' 'than dogs ~ housed i' line. . ;cCuPationS Shall to.i incl.ude th~ 'fu, or studio of st,.:' teacher, !artiSt musician gistr'ate or.-.prac: ;imilar character · ~,fo'r home' .udiag millinery. 'aRs, PROVID ' ' · ' · ice~ ~ ..studio or ,m.s. ar'e located Which "the.. . and .'."...in · further, .': no displayed "On 0al:no'sign or a is ~h0wn other than a ~ than .two.. area "beatin ~an~. "oceapat!~ of the of g0ods~a~ street. · )...... . ~'.Occ.~a~o-' ~t uSe is carrie~ on .by'a )t~ more' than '~ 0n ~h ~'.0cc.upat an area Cent of. the main bffi!ffing~ .'. · e shall, be :%~' the property .affic,. od0~.,. es~ or :t:~' 'such office' .".:iaC'i:dentai _~ to'-~ ~t :ti~).~ 0f the a~'~i's(~6t; and ~".' :::::Th~t:'~ such ' '" occupy t:.:Of t~e ~ain building... "'StudiOS"::~ w sh,a~r~i ...... . (c) One ha~ing'.i,:a vertise Only the buSiness con- .A,~permitted Uses '.. SECTION 303 '- ]~STABI~ISI'IED ..:ducted on the premises upon 1. Any permitted.use set. forth Fg0NT :'.YARD' SETBACK' ~ .,which it is located.' in and as regulated by Section 300 Where'prop~rty..in':'th6 vicinity is. ': (c) Such sign shall'be set,- 'A SeCtion 400 A andSection 500 '':'~ : i C.. .,.. . :.r ".' .~ ' ' ..... ~i'' . , , ' . '' · ' .. * '.' : '. ~ , . ' ~ Improved ,. wtth., permanent...: back not less .than five (5) feet: ..a ..., ta;- "..'m.o."....':...~ .. .. · '~ye!~i.,?'::.Tith~. 'tro.n,t ~ar,r-da. re.a.. '.. from an_ S_tr~t ". and' l?t ).ines. i.:.'.:::. ::::.: '~'.-i: "' ?2:":":[~i";i;;'~]'p'~,'fe%ibaarana .tmor or: ess .nan.ma .equwea .'...: ..... ' .(d).$uen sign:snau.comp~y '.~ ...:o,i,'~,~i;.,,.,it~,~-:,m~'o,...'.~..'.'. ": b, . ....:,., .... ~ .... .. ...:,., , . . . . . , . ~.,~.~,~.~,,~.,~,,,~,~' -...,.,...~.~,....~o -. ~ :the pro.vmions . of thls,.:.,or- ":'With.':. all. of, the supplernentar.'.y~,, '::,. '.' .... ~?"B~nks '.and '.':~iii~.ncial. in,-." dii]an~e',-. .the' fr0ntYard .setback: ". Sign :.regUlations hereinafter.;:s~t' '~"';L~,:,,.,,". .... '...' .... !.. ",-' . '~ :... . '"':"Il'"'": ,: ..:.. .... .. :. ,.., .. .. ... . ...... ..... , .... :.r .,. .... .....o~l~u,o.o. ......... , .... , .... ha. ': b~ the :.average 'setback' of:....:, forth.." ' '- .... :'"""" ': ...... ':"'" ...... '"'"4 "Ret'aU ~tores': ~' ':: · ' h-~.'ekisting 'dWellifigs:within 300i :: ::" SE'bTION' '401 :- LOT:'iAREAi:~ '...' ...'.'.'2'.:.~.. ....... ' . :'~ '.'."'. ' ";'. "" .... '-" e ~'t.' 0f'the..proP°sed .d~ellingl. 0n .' .':"'YARDS;' ,...oPEN · sPACE:S.~::...i:: ].' .. ~'; '.!~.~es?u:r ..a~s~' :"'.5. ''~ '5', ...... .:.; . '"'. .... ' h ~'s~me Mde,(~f,thestreet; ~ighin'...i........FLoOR.:~REA;. AND PA~KiNG."...i ..::":.::'.E.-....- U~.g.ei' · ~nop,:~..,.~. for: on,: . i~' ': ...... ':"' ..... '-. ~..:: :":'..'....' "..'. ."..: ~ ...................... . .' .... "'pr~m~ses sate.at .re~': q)~: './ h.,. sa me'"block,.a..:nd~the sa. me.u~e.~ REQUIREMENT: No building or'. ':';::.:..!',::~ ii'.'~:':,:'.~i.{~;~:i~:{:~=~:.'&~ii ~,,,:~:! a ,au..,~;~-? ,.;.. .... .',.'..'...: · v'..: ',.:~:',.: '..-..q., :.?.:'~ i- - :premises snail De' usea,' .an.o '. no, ...;,!~:~;~k.~4:i'.: :: ::~:!::. ~<.:4:;;6::~:! '.?.: '::'~::('!. · :;Slg~,!O.N 304 ,.. CORNER L0?S .......,.braiding ~ or.: part: .thereof:. shalk be:.- ! .',.'-,.?':.~.~'?~,'..r' ~Z.~'i:.".'".~:';.:i~'~i-i~:.:.';.'" ;;~'~'~.:. :~/', ' .'""":, '.(.)n:a eorne'r' lO.L:frontyards:!are' '.'.':.'erected. :.or .'.alt~ed:,in: .the ::.,.~,M..'.;::!~ :: :..~?.?,,,'~..°y?,..,.......'°~'.--.':'".... °"i.'"'~:'. ' .... ~n bOth. streetfr0ntages,:;· ...'lAghtMultiPle:ResideaceDistrict; ,'...~.-', ~,..,~,~.L' :":' :'.'. :"~ .... .".,,',:.'::' :~'3:Z.'.-:.~ ' .' a a: ...... ' ~ l'..t . .deem~t,,to ! :the,' .." '.. 'Bulk'..'. :and .... Parking.. ' , al' bOats'inCludimz' :': i"'" .... ' ....t ....... ' '' ' ' ' "~ ~ ..... '-': ......... t.-.:a d':,:.:the:~o h~ ,ulatlon'.. Schedule ..:'::.. m~ , , ..;~.,.~xn.".,,,,o,.a,, · . :le:y~ t is.,.: oob~tn ~ ,rated 'into this ordlnan~b¥i::.. - 0~,' !'.., b~at's" · ac-... ' .~' , . .., . : . ,. . . ,. ,. ,.~ .. ~..%~..,~, ,,:. & · ..~ ..... exe, ~ling:30dnch f mce;...'..~itli.' :the~ sarne :.. f0r~¢e!:..: su~' m~'~ina~ :..'" .' '.* ,oVe:.:'..:'wb:.!ev '.'sl~ i: ffe~t..as'ifsuchregutation~:?.;'. ']~ -~-Ziai.~. . ,r-hi :ntaine¢ at. :set:f6tth herein'::ir[,':fUli'i'..~;.':'::i'.Jl' .i i~['~4 0ns'i· i ith{n'''t~ tr ,renumbering..Article ...[.':~!i:~iI ~ !~~,~..7,~ -.~:. )~..ith~ i ~ il ii] ..:.,c ~rtiCle. v and.amen~':fl~?! ) ,~[~ed.. a.. Ii! ! 'd iW] ~.~ tO:read..as~follows~..:., :. :'::':'.'.~'..:".'.~i.~ -. . .are. per,- . ing.:' J:h' tre 'l~ . !:.'..i:.ARTICLE.V':..::.':!..".'::i"?.:i",'!:~ : Icep.tiOnby:. mt..t i~: hei p( ;GENERAL:MULTiPLE!', .pea!s.'as - 0n..i..~ ~ -'.- . .~. '-: NCE'...DI:STRICT~ ! ''~:: '¥' ...... ~ . subject to.. .;'.3'05'. (' .i 500' In an-.. by the iHEDGEs nd buildin~ or - to.the fences, of .Section ~esi ..or or be is feet by four ore' ~ sa~e .';'.'to. '.-Distr i'ct, no shall beU(: part-:' of'! erected,;. ... 'arranged., .~ to. be. used ..any .use:,: 1. of "i' en:; in !ted" A.:" desig!ned ~n more ' house:Sl ::.:. :..,'...~i.. , . .'ex:, "B,. used.',' and no bui] :' :!.a ::building' or 'altered .intended :whole-or in follo uses .:: b:f, :..:;: Appeals 'ovided .. hereOf; as iial::boats:..': · and MOtelS;:.... ,:./., r " 'canips. ':.',.. :i./.:!:, : :, "..i ,:.'::: · .' .this :uses ih.~. and .anY per..:~.m plYing ND' .No be. tered in into 'this]i :e;?ith the m dimension of ':,."edge of: d' ~m0re 'than ~ 46) '..'roChes .,'which .sign t~Slthan five': 'Street. and' ,~il:'advertise. I on' . . use . 'by ~00 B :)f' this or- . · ' :2.;; .' .500'C , . the .~.. ' --~' '.-customarily ........ ~ ~... -use'.,~. :. '.." ' .separate r: .... ..... t more~ . ~ six ;' ., ,, 'i .; !. ... :,One .tl')~ !incOrporated: ~t public: r .the: such, sign does! · ' sq.u.~reI "for each Wall. and n 'width one: cent "of 'the:: of such~: il)ten i.! !o~ 'feeti ~t'?, more. than ~ .wall. ', , In lieu. by the[ · a roofj i t ed .' Provided iehed, to or fi'which .sign! busii~ess: !uilding .upon[ and Pro'vialedI not': t squarg fbr each lineal .. abov'e the! :?tx~t: tn th.'; .ihitted:as the' :B :herefiia .roi' PI. aHFIill · .'~,.i,,h::!' ~, '1:: A'm, 'sCl forl:h Sect i,Dii 3{ ' ini an;d: same: lOt~. incident al forth Page 8' Section 2 THE SUFFOLK TIMES' LEGAL NOTICE ,. · case bf'fi .pitched."roof. and in all other.cases exceed two t2~ feet .With Arlicle XIV hereof,. ..... snx t6 ~ roches in height abeve the 1...M!y special exception use .htghest;point .of lhe roof. and, .;set forth in and aS ~regUla.ted by .... iii. PrOject. "':beyond the Section 300 ,.B and. Section..500 B. ..... . ...'.,;," :..2.1: pla¢.~.,... 0f.~.a~m~aement',,'.~' i, ,-edge of the roof,., '-..~. · .,SE¢~I~N' 60t -:~,. LOT- AREA. YAR.~,S~- OPEN - .SPACES. FLOOR. AREA. AND PARKING REQUIREMENTS:. No bUildMg or p~lnis~-'sh~ ~.u~; and.'no ~ildingor ~rt t~r~f shah ~eveete~Or alt~.':.':in ~e "B- Light~3;B~iness ,Distr~t unless' the same ~nforms ~ith the "BMk and Par~ ~hedule' incor~rat~.into. ~is ordinance'~- refermce. ~.. the · .~me force and eff~t as if such r~ulations were set f~ herein in full S'E~ION ~ - -RETAIL. SHOPPiN~ CEN~~ '-: Not- ~with~tanding. - any .-..:'~:0ther ,-provisiOns-of this article 'a" ;-~ilding'~ or .,'. a ~mbination of buildings containing retail ~stores; mercantile es- :tablishm~ts..offi~s., ~. and ~financial~ i~titutions. ~mm0My ~.~wn.~: ~opping' c~t~S, may ~BUsinesS. Distric~ -.' / SUbjeet~.,;. 'howeVer~ t'o~, the~0ilowing' ~-r~uir~mts~ "L Approva!' of.]Site -m~t.'-Plam :~.~bY~ .~'; Pla~. ~ardina~?dame Wi~' ~ticle '2~ 'T~:.10t ar~ ~all."~ ~t~:.le~ . than One {l)~;~a~'e, aM ~e 10t LEGAL NOTICE LE.GAL NOTICE.., '~Planning Board in accordance, and useS'.''~ 6. Newspapers and printing establishments. -.. 7~ .Bus and truck terminals - 3. Fishing stations,· .4. Public garages, gasoline. ,service stations, and new and used car lots, aH subject ·to.. the. :. iollowing requirements: .~ .. -la ~ i;:ntranee .:a-nd~ exit .driveways shall· have:, Unrestricted 'width of not'>., less than 12 feet and not more than .30 :feet. and shall be lOCated, notiJess :than 10 feet .from any property .'.line and 'shall be so laid out as.to -avoidthe necessity.of any vehicle backing out across any public right-of-way. (b) Vehicle-lifts or Pits, . dismantled automobiles, and all parts or supplies shall be located within a building. ie) All service or repair of motor vehicles other than such .minor servicing as change of 'tires or sale of gasoline.or oil, shall be'conducted!in a building._ ;,.~ d). 'The storage of' gasoline 'or.' flammable oils. ih :b~k' shaH located fully 'underground :·and ,not leSS than.-a5 feet from any :property line .other. 'than the street ;. line'. ..... ' :.icl No-'gasOline or. fUel Pumps or 'tanks shall be-lOCated. lesS.than 'L5 ,feet.. from an},..' street Or'.= proPerty.line..':'.'.: i:. '. '/ ' .... i'!'~:~' L' '-r' ; .~......fi): NomotorVehide sales, Used ~r..lots,.:gas01ine. service Or. repair Shops, or similar busineSSes. are ~to ~be located -.t'garageS..~. parkipg . facilities, 8. ::, Food:.,, .processing . and packaging pi.ants. 9. MarinaS for docking and m o°ring all types .of 'bOats, 10. Launching facilities. · 11: 'Ferry terminals, 12. Yacht clubs, charter fishing docks. 13. Eating and drinking establishments. 14; Retail sales of boats and '.marine items, .~...15. Boat building, boat ser- vicing, boat storage facilities. 16. Yards for sale and storage. of fuel and building materials. C.__Special Exception Uses 1. Any special exception Use set forth in and as regulated by Section 300 B~ S$ction 400; B: Jection 500 B, Section 600 B, and ection 700 B of this ordinance. 2. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted use and not in~,olving a separate bUsiness.. .SECTION ~01 "LOT ARE)t, YARDS, OPEN' SPACES, FLOOR.AREA, AND PARKING. REQUIREMENT:' No bUilding or premises shah be used, and no building or part thereof shall be erected Or altered 'in the "'C,?' Light Industrial Disirict unless the same conforms with the ."Bulk and Parking Regulation Schedule" incorporated into this LEGAL NOTICE 32: Smelting. 33. Soap manufacture. 34: Stockyards or slaughter houses', 35/Stone .mill, or quarry; 36. '.Structural steel or 'pipe Works. '37..' SulphuriC,' nitric; or ~ydroChlOric acid 'manufacture· 38 39k Tar ~'. i n::', ',":or manufacture: 40; :~.Tar roofing~.Or wa.ter- proofing manufacture. 41. Tallow, grease,, or lard manUfacture. 42. Tanning, curing, or Storage or rawhides or skins. 43. Tobacco {chewing) manu~ facture or treatment. 44. Vinegar manufacture. 45. Yeagt plant. 46. ;tnd: Airfields. ~.-:.,-SPECIAL ~ND ~SITE PLAN .... VAL --:Not- wi~ ~.~.?:'>any of the this :Article !x, any as': a Special Board of Ap- iS not perm itted in a ,'C-1" Distrietexcept asa Spe- cial .. Exception ~by the Board .of Appeals,· and Where a .-use in any use districtis Si~bjeet to Site Plan of' the Board, ApproVal of the . SECTION~902>:i~ SIGNS- ' Signs specified·in a~i~as regUlated by S~tiOn~;600' C~i.~f this ordinance -: .m 3.. At'. >least;i-' twenty:five:f~.5oib) percent'Of, th~"' i°t "ar~a sha~ landSCaped! 4.,The ": .req~i~'~ Shall. '~*-n°t i~ss (as ~. f~t ~c~pt'..'.that..~Whe~e · property in.th~'. built ,..Up '.back linehas (25)- ~.' '6.' feet'. 7. F;~riting offstreet' whiCh' S~ :parking Water tl~e exceed SECTION · -FINE.Df TO imerchandise all· fully .VII. to .be :.the same. to District,' no shall · part thereof' tended whole exco~ A.- .in and B, 'Secl this at the fdat i ail; "',':/~":'~ ~ ' .~ ,~,~ .r, 4: .,~ ..:,. ,,:t~.'; ~. '"." ~ '' ..' ~:. ,,', ' .' "~ ,r ... ?~,..'~';~il~?~i within: 300 feet of a:church~, pUblic sChool, ';iibraryi.'-~ hospital;:-' or- pha age~-,.::or..-.a..rest,,.: home;....or withi?:' 300 feet. Of any:i~sidence 'distrieL . ':.':"I';. ".....:. - ~ ' . C... Aee~ss0rv USes ~r ,, . · ."i ..1.~ ;Anly.accesso~'~ !seset. forth · in,.andas, regulated by, Section 300' C,..":~.ti~n 400. C,' ~tiOn'. 500:. :C, -and..~!ion '.'talO:, .C:.~,of ,,:i. this or- dinanee.'..;.,i..:~..~!...." '. '.' ,..;I.t ..... .' :" ].;':.'.!,.'. 2,]: ~cc~ry..) same .; lO~ i .with, and:. ":.~ustomarily ~¢ide~t.~i. ~ any..,~mitted, use and . n0~]..'ir/~l~. 4'r a [' separate' S, bui!dingor :and-no sh~ll be ithe '~B,'I" unless · ,.'if.; ..'SuCh herein iv shall: be.u~ and.in part. ofab~~Sh~ Or, ~ter'~; ln::!..:a jr P~emises !'.~.grected ;".' a .rranged, t~ beused, t;.!;! for' ?.any :fOllowing: A. Permitted ..Uses ., !.' ~ .',. ,. ;.~ .!r' .. · .. '..~ ,! · .,: .t · i,I' .':,' l,!Ali~' y',!~lt~i ISe set.forth in and:~!~e~iilated::b~ i ~tion 300 A,:.s%.~' tio6'ii ~':'Ai>.,.S~ itioa soo A, ~ti0a-~,iA;.' ~ibn' 6o~-, and - ~, ,.,., . '~.~..';; ';~-,..~:....~. ~... :. :., ,...~ ~ .~ - . - C~&~%: :~With .:...',Aitiel:& : '/.' L: ~: i~Cluding o'f and Office ~'...;orage and ', ~°ntraCtors ordinance by reference, with the same force and effect as if Such''are. permittedin~a .-C,I" ;District. regulations were set forth her~in' ~ s~CTIoN:~'!:'~3 -"LOT;'AREA, in full. · " YARDSi~''.': OPEN '~: SPACES, iX. By'renUmbering Article V tO be Ar'title IX and amending the same to read as follows: ARTICLE IX "C-I" GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT SECTION 9OO In the "C-1" District,. buildings 'and premises may be Used for any lawful purpose ·~except that the uses hereinafter set .for4h 'are per- mittedonly by special EXception -by the Boar'd of Appeals as hereinafter prgvided; and are subject' tO' Site Plan Approval by the Planning BOard in ac- cordance' With Article XIV ,hereof.. - 1. Abattoirs. 2, Acetylene gas manufacture 'or S .manufacture fr0.m coke, petr6!eum or from any other product .'or the storage thereof. ' 3..Acid":;manufacture. ' 41. 'Ammonia, bleaching .powder or chlorine manufaCture, "5: Arsenal, 6. ASphalt manUfaCtUre, and asphalt?, mixing .plants ::' :' 7/'Bl~st :.furnace ;" " -8. 'cbment, lime, gypsum or · plaSter..'of p. arisma, pufacture~ ready mix.'0r' ~ulk conc/~te plants and 'block:-:manufactdring.;. 9. C0ke..0vens o 10. CrematorieS,. 11. Distillation of bones· 12. 'Dwel!ings,..all types; 13.. ExploSiveS, manufactUre or storage.' '--' -14~ Fat.' rendering. ' · 15: Fertilizer :manufacture. 16. Fire Works manufacture. - 17. Garbage, Offal or dead animals,' reduction Or dumping. : '18.' ;Glue, size or gelatin manufacture. · 19..G~wder' manufacture or storage. - .19A. Automobile wrecking-and all other jUnk yards. ' '" 20. OilCloth , or linoleum manufacture. 21. Oiled, rubber, Or leathe~ -manufacture. '22. Ore' reduction. 23. paint, .oil, shellac; tur- 'pentinei0~. garnish manufacture. 24. 'Paper and .pulp manufac-- ture. ~ 25. P~frbieum refining, storage' tanks. 26~ .P0faSh Works. 27, Rg!ling mill. 2~. RUbber or gutta-percha' manufacture. '29. '.Sfil't iWorks. · 30. sauerkraut manufacture. 31. ShOe ~.-blacking .'or' stove poiish,~~.a.e:ture. FLOOR AREA:, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No buil'ding or premises' shall, be used; 'and no building or part thereof shall be · erected or altered in the "C-1" 'General : Indtistrial District unless the' same conforms with the "BUlk ~and Parking Regulation '! ;~'S.chedule" in- corporated, in b this ordinance by reference','. ~w: th'!.' the'same force and :'effect a,, ffi SUch'regulations were set fori t,. here~n ~n full. X. By renumDering Article VI to - be Arti'CleX ai id by renumb'ering ~ and amendir~g;. ~he sections of said article to read as follows: 1. ~'SeCti0ii'i 600 renumbered Section'..10oo; ' 2. Section 60~ renumbered _S.ectiqni 1001, -~ 3. Section ..604 renumbered :Sectioia t.002 and the words ~ "Article VI'~ in said Section 'to be · amended to read "This Article." XI. BY adding a New Article to be ~,rticlei' XI, to.. read as follows' I ' ARTICLE XI .. · SUPPLEMENTARY · PROVISIONS - SECTION .1100 - .SIGNS - The provisions Of 'this Section shall apply in--all districts. !. :No sign.,, billboard, ad- vertising, display or structure, poster or 'deVice .shah be. erected, moved, enlarged or recon- structed except as expressly permitted in"thjs ordinance. ~ 2. The 'following types of signs or artificial lighting are prohibited' ' (a) Billboards, (b) Flashing signs,-in- cluding any. sign or device on Which the' artificial light' is not maintained stationary, and constant in intensity and color, at all times when in' use. (c) Signs which compete, for-attention ~with, or may be mistaken for a traffic.signal. (id) The outlining by direct illumination ofail or any part of a . building such as a gable, roof, side wall or corner, (e) Signs made out o~ cardboard, paper, canvas or i similar imp6rmanent material. SECTION '1!01.- OFF-sTREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS - Off-street parking spaces open or enclosed, are permitted .ac- cessory to any use subject to the lbllowing provisions: 1. :-schedqie 'of Pa,,rking -~efluiremo_nLq,:~.!, Accessory off-. ,street .parking:.spaces, open. or .... -.I . :..r : . ~ I · . · ' "' ' , · . enclosed., .shall :be provided m all' - Thursday, December 2, 1971 LEGAL,' NOTICE -use Districts~for any use specified below. Any land which is developed as-a unit Under single ownership'.:and contr'ol 'shall be oa.0Sidered a ~-'single -.lot for 'the purpose of these ':parking regulations. Reaso.nab;le and appropriate Off-street? parking requirements for..structUres and ,uses ·the ea be dele Board ~'U ;all faclors entering into the parking needs of each use. FOr Places of worship libraries,' and other pUblic bUildings, At', Least One p~y_ki_n.~S~..a_c_e,_{~ ~Each 200 Square feet of floor· area,, but" not less than .one. space'.f. Or each ...... five seats where provided. · Golf courses and other.country clUbs 2 members or accommodations ~such as lockers) Whichever ~is greater,, ·. · Secondary Schools ~o Two spaces pdr classroom plus one .space for each 5. seats.in any ~Udit0rium' or' place of assembly.' . Elem. ent ary: .Schools TwO spaces per classroom plUs one.~space for each five seats in any auditorium.or other .place of ass~n'bly. · .Hospitals, sanitaria, nursing homes,~, philanthropic, or ele~mosyn~ary institutions.. ~. '~ bed, - RoOming Houses. Gues/ rbo.m. ' Eating and Drinking Plaqes 5 seats Undertakers and Funer aFHomes EmPl~'~ee' "plus 25 spaces for each chapel. .. ._...~.. -:.. ~.,~_..::: .... ...]: ~ ;:._'.,..!.::...'.i ...~ Hotels and Motels 'Guest room i~iu-'~one ~or each' employee. - Bowling alleys ., 5 per alley.. -Home occupation or aeeesgory professional of.flee exeep't ,Physicians and"dentists ..... 3 sPaCes per "-each".-hom~ cupati.on' or accessory profeSsional .office. Professional offices of physidans and dentists 5 .spaces per each physician ,-or dentist. -:: , -i2, Ar~a~ -c0.mpu~ed as ,.Parking Spaces. Areas which ~n~y be. computed as open or enclosed off,street parking spaces..' include any .private garage.; carport, or other area, available for parking, other than a Street or a driveway.. However, a driveway .within a reqUired front 'yard for 'a one,family or_ two-family residence may., count · as one. parking space, other than on a corner lot. · 3'. :.size. of-'. g~]a,~.e_~,. Three' hun- dred and fifty square'feet shall be · considered one parking space (to ,proVide 'room for standing area: and aisles for maneuvering). Entrance and exit' lanes-shall not be computed .as parking space except for drivew.ays for one- family and two-family residences...The minimum .parking stall width shall be. ten .(10) feet~ ~nd the minimum' length shall be twenty (20) feet.. 4.:~~ Unobstructed access to and from a street shall 'be provided. Such access shall' consist of at least one 10-f0ot lane, for parking areas with less than 20 spaces, and at least two 10-foot lanes for parking areas with 20 spaces or more. No entrance or exit for any off-street parking area shall be located within 50 [eel of any' street intersection. . · 5: DraiIlage.~~. All open. :.parking areas- ~ shall be properly drained within the Thursday,,DeCember· . , THE SUFFOLK TIMES ".,. .... ., ~.,:...?:;... .... · ..... ~ S~tion2 Page 9 "..~ LEGAL':NOTICE' '"', ~' ' ~, :'LEGAL NOTICE ~'. .... ~:. '..... ':LEGAL NOT'ICE" . .. LE~GA:k. NOTICE:~.".~- ... i"..:.....'.'.: .'~.:'.'.'LEGAL NOTICE;'..' :~-..',-.ii~ ~::. · ' ' · ' " ' . . Il' [ :11 , I ' ~.-~L~J~,~~j~ W :"' , . . .[. .: - ' premises' and all sUch areas,shall.'.:...of.a'.lot .in. any .Residence DistricL.. ' .: feet of, floor area in s ~!i use,. and.., sulph~ric' aCids.'"~i'~ ]' ~o~e~.;..d!...-...~ the,..provisionS of this.Ordinance.. ~'..., .- · be ..'..Provided .~ with" .a dustleSS '.. '~he .. said Parking ...lot.i shall.,~ be.. · 1.'a.dditional'- berth .'for each,., ad...', tar .Products .including ~: gas ... i..,., ce) Whenever adiStrict': shall"....:. · Surface,..except' for parking..', sCreened from such".adjOining.lot ~ ditional20,000square feet of.floor.~.'.manu.factUring; ':.- explosives.;....., hereafter :be. changedcany lhen.....' ,~'.~-:. ' · : ....~s~ces':aCcessoi;y to..nOne,family :.;.. by. a'. Substantial. "wall',..fence, °r ::. ~ .'area'0r fr~Ction 'thereof'sO· used. i ': .. gelatin. gluei~, and- size -(am,'.maD.; '. '. ;existingi'non-e0uformi~'.'iuS~ ora..'" ....>'. · · °r'~'two,family· residence... ..... thick hedge, ': aPprOved.'by . the. ii:] An'addition, adequate:reservoir'.,,.: . ~ linoleum . and 'oil doth;:. :. mateh~,i: /SUch · -~ .6. AOint ~.a..Cilities, ..'Required '" Planning Board. Generally ~ i~ truc~.i shall ~; :.ParkmgspaceS; open or enclosed,~ screen shall be not less than 3or~ cna~al ~ ,. may.:be,' Provided.'in- spaces more than 8 feet in height. , iinclu~ "' idesigned't° serve' J°intly., tWo'or '~.' .' '{b)'-whenever a parking .area i~'.~ilreq~ ngberthshall'..beat.'.:~ ':. ~:~.....'-....... -., ,...Provided all other-..i ~.moreiestab!iShments Whether or ~of.:over.5 spaces is' loeat~d acrOsS ~ .:..> .. .least : 12. feet' 'wide, 14 feet."high', ~ ~.,:' ...... 6..The f°Ho~ng ,'.i proe~ :..i..·..~...governing.the. use.·am.~ compli~[,-~i~.~ :.i,:...'./""":' ' · · not:: located.' on.: the: same" lot, .i. the street, from other land. in any /. ... "and· in nO"event .smiler.' than '. i'nitrating :of.']~ cotton', or .other ';. ". with,-. .... ' ..... ~:../~,~i ~: :::. · ;~Pr0vided~ that' the' nUmber. of ..Residence District, it'i shall.:.bel.'~::'i:,required· ' to'.' .accOmmodate'i.i':~,.i ./.materials;'..milling ;0r.'.proee~ing.; · (d) Whenever i¢ ia required... :.spaces. in..such joint :,sCreened .from.i the '.view of .such'... '"vehicleS "' normally .~.. USing"..Such:' .~ii: i. of/..floUr,...i.ma~im!l:.., fo~tlry; :.....conformi.~ i~'o~-.;a'buildinlz.:°r 'i: ..~ .faCilities shall be'not-leSs than the .."land. ,by a thick '.hedge,. Wall 'or'.'.'...::berths, ... '.. :.'.':~' '..,. ',-. . - · ~;:reductiOn,~'refining, smelting.andl .:.! PremiseS has been .discontir~ued. ~ 'total required ~for 'aiL." 'such ' .~fenC'e :apProved.. . . .... 'by.thelplanning..~' ~.·: :3, . LoCation ."and...'..ACCesS~ .,!.':~ alloymg'" metal .. '. or' ..metal.' "ores;. ~;' "~i.f°ra periodof m0re.thanl t'wo.(.2~ ..'..... ';ii" · ablishments......... :.. ~ Bo d, located along''aline' drawn .... :.-UnobStructed 'acCess, at' ]~0 ii:refining .secondary.". aluminum,.(i ~.i Y..ea~,' 0r .. changed. .' to l a . higher..,. .. .. ..! .~;, ~..7.. ~in~d..~~] When:anY 'a~r · ...... " ...... ' ..... · · · " · parallel."' .to..~.'the. street:.:,:and:::ai......; feet 'wide, .to and from' a street. }.'refining..petroleUm.'products,:i!':!~ .clarifications. or to a..eonforming .'~i.. .. · .,..Pt'",'68'ntams t~O'i/0f,more ·..uses: distance,. .. of. 20' ]>feet ..therefrom";i~ i'!'shall': be provided, such..acceSS. '.;'.such...' .as'..:gasoline~ .:~ keroSene~..i~.,:~;..USe~ian~t~ng~in. this S~tion .to. :~. ,haVing .-.different'. :.... Parking.~... such..Screening to,.be, interru;Ptedi;. ?~. may. be. combined with access' ':to '!naptha, "~..: lubricating.' '.. oil';.;'(, -.COntrary not-withstanding, .'~: '" reqUirements',' th'e.i :' i)arking :.. :i: only., at' points:'i0f....ingresS;..iand~:~; ". 'a ' i parking 10L AH ... Permitted"or ': ' i: distillation .' of ':."'wood. or .~ bonesi').!:i', i ..non'Conforming uSe'of..sueh ,,, requirements for..'each use shall il. i.'. '.. ',.' '.*~.-... · ....:. · .. · · · .......... ' .... ' ' ,.. · ....... egress.." Generally ,no'"Such~' :;~shall ~ no i!unlessi ;a. i.aS i i ' ' 7i/ ion.~...~.iI i B°ard!:.°f !?dn ,ii i ;.toe [~u~iter I .... ..-. .., i:loading''~ area i.' shall.'-.be 'i0cat:~. .... i.and' slag'.piles.:'.~. '... '.: '..,'.: ": '~ ::' · ';. ! :.. ~' i. :..te..I. ,.'.~ ..:a : ..,nOn~comormmg. .~ i.! .. . · within 5'0" feel. of 'any. street.'..in~:· ~'i:.. ,8..::St0ra~eOfexpl0siVes./..: ..'i.' :.i'~i:. :' ~ding_.: .may:.,...n.?-. ,,be. :recon~ ...' · 'te~sectioni".' No '°.ff-str. eet..i°ading · 9. "Quarlies.~:., ....: .:' :... :..' .'.' ..i:.~'.:~. i. ::.'.'i, '"?: strutted or. strueturany .al.tereo'. ': · '.. · :,'. ~':. ,: .... .. life :.to.: an..extent.. :ex-  p~?'.to..the...ext.ent of th. at.us.e, screening shall be' less than 3 feet re :'It:'.: can~ ~' De conclusivelyo ' ' ' . , ... ~: ..... - r. more. than 6 feet in height, the "aemons;ratea re'at one or more o · ' ... ~., · . pen area between such Such 'uses' will be generating a sc on'n~ and tho steoot .~h~ll h~ · ,. ~.. - : . . , .:.. ,: ..:..?..'.re,._..l._oi,,a_. :~.,.,.::'..,;...,,~ ,i ~'.:elma'n.d, .fo, r .parkin.g..:.,..spayes.(:i~ii::..landsCaPed.',in.h~mon~: ~ithi.the. prlmarity :.' aurmg perlocis when'" .~:>~:1 · -dSCani,, o..hrev, aiiino, o~' neigh - the other Use or useslis not or 'are. i.:. ,;. ~.: '...]'....~.,,,, .' '. · .. .. · . '. 'i... ' .. 7: ' :c':.:'.I ;..,~: "*q~ ,1-". W.~'~"~-~ ~.~,..,~-~,~-~,I, ~fa~ nPt.' m.'o'perahon,~ the':,Planntng. Sa ~.,........ ~ .....: .... .].. '.~'., , .~. '. : Board may reduce the total a ~ :,;!. '!:,'!i. !::.:,~ ·': ' ' ' nd directional signs located on .. pp.r~mg, spaces required for that the street.side ot such :screening u~e. with ..the least requirement., 'shall be permitted' however, 8; ~. :. .~shall~ no t.exceedan.:.area...of R~qUired!:' acceSs°r' :':"':; fi?t eadh. sp:a'ees,, open P~Yided u the or ,:tl~t ail:.:; :i. il sha'l t'f0rm · i"]i to :'.; ~.',,~i ' '"' .... . .....,. r~g~ i..of, th.e.~!':'i( m. Whii aC, ~in :i' ..sUch in wall mol cont~ .,.~ batl ~wit~. ~.. e.xt clU:.~li~ in, · by. · thi, or ;ory, are and 'the' ;uch hout ":,.Shall. :les. be No in of is any ro or :!wall 'than tn 8 any be , iii-' i:iShall or lot. < or the ian 3 i:';;.a rea ithin line . ,,. .. Off-street loading berths, open or · enclosed, are. permitted ac- 'cessory to any Use. {except one-or two-family residences) subject to 'the following provisions' !. Uses· for .WhiO 'Reouired. Accessory of Gstreet loading' berths shall be 'provided for any' use speei'fied below. 'Any land which· is. developed as a unit under single ownership and control shall be considered a · single lot for the purpose of such loading requirements. .(a) For a public library, museuin, or.similar quasbpublic institution, or' governmental building,' community center, hospital or sanitarium, nursing or c6nvaleseent home, :.institution" for children or the ..aged, or · school, with floor area of 10,000 square feet, '1 berth:' for each additional 25,000 square feet or fraction 'thereof, I additional berth. {b) 'For buildings with professional, governmental, or business ~offices, or laboratory establishments, with floor area of 1o, oo0 to '...25,000 square feet, 1 berth- for each additional 25,000 square feet or fraction thereof up ~o llX),000 square feet, I additional berth;, for each additional ~0,000 square feet or fraction thereof, 1 additional bet th. ., i'c) For buildings with offices and. retail, sales and Service establishments, -i berth for 8.000 to 2.'5;0.00 square feet of floor area, arid'Il a'dd]itionai berth for each additional.. 25.000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof so · used. ' " (d) i.~:or undertakers and func.ral homes, i berth, for each chapel. I.S:uch berths'shall be al JCiiS{ : "''~' ' . 10 tC¢..I wide and 20 feel · long, ) ie) l,'i~r hotels,. 1 berth for each -2,50i} square feel of l'loor · . il'} :~'or. manufaciuring, who!esale:i.and storage uses. and for dry ~,lt. ihning and rug cleaning eslabl.isht.rienis and laundries, I bertll for ?/,000 Io IO,O00"square :., :provided that the' ':n required ~rths in 5 shall.. · mtr!C existenee.',iat i_the effective this: Ordi~ as:.first:,,.,{ ,m l~7..,';.sha:l!.i::~thin::: .three'- (3).,,::' from.~;suc~i:~..~t~ 'SCreening in th~ or.. hedges', completely · periPhe .~..)Of..i fencing..,:'. sabiect ~ 'the with'sta~ viM0ns :: OL.its :.fair'..,value.-i'"' or,.rebnilt-!':' ". use~. i-.. Artidd.'', ' i XIIL.. and..;.~,, ~ ' '..to:read as ~:.~ ir` .. ¢, '.oRGANIZ/~': shail..ap:. '"Appeals. con... "memSers .as- . may' taw,-the -:shall have., the sol 'vii ilh Ii of Ii or pro or SU~ a~ 2~ sih 'sil dy, ccH all~ hx'~ ---hal lq.i hi! mination,, the. B°ard~.of ~Appeals shall als"o~:give~:~eonsideration;' .~e - ~diStriCt ·for of any Of~ tlUch pe~:iSSive uses;. ~" :'.::. ~l ,.~.~... .... lb) The ..:~ perty values and the ~' L~uragement:of/::the~ most,.' _ ;/~roPriat.e uses of land;. j. ~.". ['l~I : ]:? ""i ~:,!ii~.i'/.'. it.)~.The .'effect that' 'iih :" ".:libation of the proposed use ma <--" '~haVe-upon the'creation 'of Un in :tease of vehicular, tra :¢ongestion on public streets · . ".~ghwayS;- ..... ,., __ ':":.,',<.,.,~.' '(d') T:he' avai!abil uate' and proper water s ..flcilities for' the'~ ~ii~moval or discharge :: of :' ~efuse, or. Other effluent: (' i uid. ~,solid. gase°us'j.,, .~ that. may '.'bede, - 'i ' by. or as~a' _ ._ ttiSe;' . . , · , ~i . /e) .:,.Wheth~ .,.,~ ~ateri .r 'if) ',Whet] e d !t'ui di~c'trical ~ibration ~ ( i~'pUrsuance ~of U~due interfe d~der!y enj°ym or if ~mpetent ,_~ '~h) To of suc~ ~ate and be plot sought .~to .adjacent use (i) , limb re, of entr: re and' or.' by:' /ltration -or,: upon ,: s~ruetures to ~ill cause (k.) preserve for herein fee of By addil Article Be general ~e immediate ne iff prescn· approprm '.extel ':or s ar:..-.., . a.). LoCati°fi': ~of,.i':fi~S of .,structures 'drawn ndWithin- iO0:fe~ti Of .('b') ;[dewalks, an , ).', .-, . . ,Thursday, December.2,/!971 .... IJJ ~,~l , . , .... .;LEGAL'.NOTiCE " , .-LEGAL-.NOTIC.E .,. . there'of: and. un- tken..-.:or" nt lines'.~ tniawfUll [~,~ , 1 :.:' EVerY'~. ' ut'ilitie~ · ': ~.:,('d~l ::,:.Othe ~ :ie'xisting ~, area,.:ofl' the'! development,: inetuding::~:: .f~nees, :~ < building land§caping~iand~, screen · .q...!ipt.oposed DeVeio0 ~ent... i" Situated.' "fa)....:":'.-'The-!.;io(~at proposed :,bUilding! or',:stl Lfctural numberg improvements, .i '.. ~, .:.,~ 'i' .'.',~: ' on the 1. : . '. :!.:: ~) ,.:The lO.cation'ani l':desigp . ~ (c o'f al;F.':~seS~...n0t requirin i!!"~trt~d- loca'tio'ns':'; i,',the . ai~d' ?:be di'ri~d'...fee ale' ~n 'If e;."a bY a es..; 'and hich', ."the be is * lot ~.'~i~ppear · . t., size and ~:the ;lot of the ng!~br"~!buildings or of tures;,i. Sueh..as off,street parking propoSed· ~e'-,~.,, --and loading areas: '~ - .... ,,.~. :-: alterat:i, sting buiIding .'~ ~i':y ' . ' <,.(.~)~.;.T~-he:loCati0n, .d~reCtion, :" and. of:O lng .bUil'dings on i~'~u.'CZ~ ." power· ia~ii;i.ime Of.. us'e:, ifor...any -.the :.sg'~e. lot;..~, ~ ' ' '' a ~" ], ition !mn ~v. < pr0p.oSedl.-..out,door' .ligh.[~ing.: Or. .i ::.'.'(d):~,.'~The~ dimensions of'-all '0~ide eques~ - '. ..... '."~':.' .. ' .... .'"'.'" · ..... : ., ........ ' ',~..'....," - ' · · ,,,. ,., ::. · nubh'e address systems..-~,.? ? ;.... ·vards ""in ~;:tela'tlon '. to'.the sub]eet },e,a.fj?[.. ,...~ .~d)~ The toeat~on a'~.d:plans ,~uilding.?andi::,~he i. dist'ances bet- end"-'f Y for .any. outdoor, s'~gns.,'.,. ',-., ,..,:";" : .", ween:si~ch',bUil,ding ,and any other ~, ,,:.].! .:., .(e~'..:.:i. Th'e .10ciiti.on:~.;i[and . exisfii~g..bUildingsi.:ion· 'th'el Same )und,: i~e~.~,,' .: arrangement of' proposed means..- lot;' !', '...'t< ::?!~..!":':.':; ?~:.:: ~,. ,:'-' ~ .i"'. .' - . are ~o.~:,s .-of..aCces~!and.egr~Ss;/inCl'Uding : ' ',.(~)~-'Th'~.',':existing' and in;' i o.h~', .' s~d,ewalks;'i-dr!veways?" or: other· ' tended".:"'use., :of'. all bulldmg, ~nii~4o.~ paved, areas¥..Profiles, indicating,, existing. 0r>.pr~P0sed,.theuse of ' . mum, · - to .the' ('g~' ..The location..."::of alt this:ordinance.'' ' proposed',~ate~' lines; val~s'and · .. hydrants.~' ~nd,of ailiseWer !lines °r ' 2J [g permit' shall be alterna{g~:.~eans of, water]SUpply issued itruction or ":":e'.,.disP°Sal and'. ti:eat- :'upon a . ment. · .. :'i . ~- ': '; ;J; {: i,~, lot to a street or- An · ' ou(linb 'l-'~!: any ideal by Section Ptari .propo., deed restricti~ns or. ,n Law. tho'se :covena: ' I : '''' .-.', ' ' ' 0brmit Shall be . ' ': 'ii'~'' Any Cont "flared if the Site ._: ~' pub!.c is Subject to emi; on',~ or,~ ad--..: joining ':Pr0perty.'... ':'.ili: ."." ' ', :,Board,. ~re- .' '.':-( .the Site:De.v~l~'pment ' except .With the ":::-<plan'0] ~. , n'diCate~' a'~fir~i'.~tagel .plans...~.' ~by' the said a suPPl''~' efltary:.pla~ Mi,'a!l. in-- Board. '~..~ ~. "- ~' :,.il'-. permit shall section dicate u~(ihiate' deVeloPm'~nt." ' . . ·'-·4. ~o. pe ty ".' ,"~'1'-,i ~ ' '" ~'. '", ' ·" be.i'ss~ lilding'in anY -. '5.<-"A~!y-. other. ~ ~nformat~on . .< tal eCor Is. deemed,,l-,bg-the. Piannini~;,.~:-B0ard distHc!' is permRted "': ' ~' ? .' "~" '".~" ..... by' SPd9 Or ·."Special neeesSa y. to ,determine e'on ..... tn.. '!?",: ? ~ess o.f .formitY-0f,'~he iSite..Plan,With the permi~ Lmless:and ~tterl"aP: ..,.th'~''~. )r'd. Of intent' a~nd: regula'ti0hs :"~0f this been duly ~' ' <~-" Appeals. ~- · " "....'5: NO permit shall.be 'SECTIi,0N:':'1401- .F~t~ES-. All" .. . · , '-'prepa 'appliea;~ions'-~:-t° -the.:'~P'l:~nnihg' .issued' i'f building, until .... ' ........ i approval n.r~eeeived from ' - "~:' ~-'" and Board:i r.f0r, approval:'..:0f, s te e.'_ deVel°P~'~'nt pians'shail.be aec' the !C("' ~rtment comp~ihi~bd, by a fee of...: for -'th' --Supply. ~ne.: XV. By renumbering an,. t'hb b to be Article XV, and permit .ap.- . i?i:.i,i'? ~'-. . Ali"'di: supp:o'rting .!'-:..~, Shall: -the same to read as f01 · ' ARTICLE XV . ~be :~ade in · ' - ENFORCEMENT i':~.~ Coii~' . SECTION. 1500 - B .'. 'sba .e~.'l~;. i.n': 'ten "INSPECTOR - It shall be the dUty. ~ Inspecto ~0py.of -th'e ~?t':h!-i ~. :.:.-/: '"-~ ': ........ ' - ..... of the BUilding InspeCtOr' .and all filed,'~ to the ap- i~i .... ... :'.':j,.. ..~.a.mes~" 'such ,depg. ties.,,,and::.assis.,,!an._ts as p!ica_nt'_. '!L ildi' ' 'Ins ect°r p i ~?:~'' :...and . ajacen ..may b-e';{a'ppointed'-.bY::':the 'Town 7.: Tne iBU ng P. - ice' shat!' ..":.,S. ff.e~.t~','..: lines:_ :. ,.,-. ': '.'.Bo~rd'.tO.'~ !~dminiS.ter :a.~:i:~nforce' Shall~ 'within-.t.'9~.~:::,~.,usines. s'' days. -Uses :dr::'.'-" :< ?-:':':':'(:g) , On .-ann ,.-'the~pr'0~)~i0ns.'of this or'dinance." after.the, fi!iO~g?P!/':a~.comp~ete'an° o';i deter-.- owners, of ali" a-djoining ..l~ndS 'as.-.: '.. Tl~e':,-', ~ililding Inspector ' and~ .'prope~i~!';i:P~Par~.d::'aPp!ica,,t!.On, e. ;' Site' i.,Shown'on'the.lat~St :taxr~ords: ', asSistan'~::! and._, deputy building either~issue,i0r', aeny a nuiiding. nts'shall '..... ~,~:ii ;,/.iii'h).: .~... LOcat!0n,-.i::,.~dth.,'.:~'iandi" ' inSpecto'i-'~,. . ~. .. .:~, . ~. Shall" '':<''have'.su~h:right' , .,- · permit?4f:.ii:.~7:bUilding:'.;permit'" ~ '" ' ~is .. · lanning .pUrpose, ,.of' all ·~exlst~ng.-.and to enter and inspect ~b:~ildin'gS,. denied~ the:" .BtiflCllng Inspector -' 3°ard':to ' prop°§ed 'easem~ont.s, "setbaCks, structures, "Or premis~'SJ!.;] and '~ to . 'Shall'smte~if~i.'!,:Writing::: t° ,the .ap-. "'" ~ .... :"' '< ' '" ~':- '"~"' ....... ":~'::"::'~': ...... ' licant '.~the :':'r "a~ons ..... .for such.' i h t e reservatlor/s,. , and areas rform other acts necbS ar -for, i . Of .this. "-dedm~ited,tOi public use,-w~thm or . the enforcement .- of thins' Ordi-..dema, ' · ...... . '!".:"-". -' '-,:adjoi.fiin'g· ' the "property.' ' 'n~nCe' ;.~i~ "are' c°nferre!d".upon:: 8. Every bUilding perm!t'. fOil0wing :-.'.".. :,. ' (i)i A 'Comple'te outline .'of 'them by .~iaW:-' . :" .... .~i'.!.~.!~ 'shall expire..if., .the work.. ~ncO,'.'.::.'existi,ng:'.':deed :reSt, rict!ons:' or ~:' '.SECTION-:' 1501' -' B,UI.LDING'~'~! 'authorized has not commenced. .. '.arid'. "'Covenahts ':". applying i.'t:o-.'! the 'PERMI$~'.,-inn'.' building', . in 'any: i within12-monthSafter-thedate of 11: be" p i' 'o p e r t..y.. :- . .'~; ..... district'j' i' 'shall'./be"' .erectedl · issUa.nce~'' :Or ':has..n0t. been corn-.' - In- ': ~'. ~. i,.'i(Ji'.. EXisting'.. zoning. '.. raconsttucted or`.. restored,.''':orb.. pleted'i.i~ifliin.....i:is:....:months. 'from ~t 15'"' '.:." 21~i:-~:,blatural.. FeatUreS` .' structurally· altered withoUt a.. suchdateforconStructi0ncosting' o'a/'d".. '... (a)'Existing'Contours w~th :, buildingiOermit duly msued upon. less than $!,000....00 and has _ ~'1 is:' interval~':of.~five,(5>'feet...or less,, ..apPlicatiOn to the Building In: been'comPi~te~..Within,30.months itte,'d referred.tba'datum...gatiSfac[ory speCtor!i!:..~0' ' ,- building per.mii~ shall . from' 'such: dat~':.~f0r-.',c°nStruction ' rind.: to'..'...' :the:'.' .. Board.. '"' , .. be..issued..unless the -proposed costing m excess of such amount..- -0rtl ..... (b i ~t)"r0ximate" boun- ~ conStruC~ion.is' infUll co~ifOrmity '. -. If no zoning regulations affecting_ . ;d,.!. ~...da, ri.es~..o'f:;. :a~ area,s Subject [- ~ ~' ~ "iWit'h'~ii i?tlle ipro~,ision~ ',::;Of th{s - the property have been enacted ~i0r .-floOdi~~ om: ~torm' water':.oV, er- i.l. Or.dina~.. and. the. ProVisions of". in 'the .interim, the. Building'In- >'Site: .'f-.l o '~:s... ":~'-'i' '.:'. · . "."~.' "'-.".;' "'..all -oth~;!i .appli~'able..::law§, or- spect0r ma~t authorize inw~riting (c) ~L~eaq0n of' 'eXisting '. ' dinancegl;' rules and' regUlations, the extension of the permit for an watercourses;.mar'shes, wooded .. Any bUilding permit ~ssued .in additional areas, rock outcropS,"~'-~i~°lated' violation of the provisions of this trees wRh a diameter .i, of eight' Ordinance shall, be_.null-.and void, inches or?more,, meaSUred three and of no effect, without the '-(3') feet'a"tmve .:.the base of'~the, necessity· for any proceedings, trUnkl 'and".-.'0~'~er slgnific'ant .revocations 'or nullification an _ plan ~sions six month's. new perniitshall be the fOundation i~.completed,.., Shall' LEGAL NOTICE respect to the street any bUilding or · ,' ~, .. ' · 'v 'prOperty lines of 'the lot.. NO~ ,,'-orosecuted'., in' .... )~strt Ii°n ":"shall be?~, ~)r°ViSi°ns (if:t · ~unti] uCh.':surv¢ ": bY,,.'>'[ ...BUilding 'i .i in conform{ ~..~' The,!' · "',be I, the plus $ alterations · ..: : _.LEGAL NOTICE,.:,: ~.. ~,. LEGAL NOTICE- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE .... L ,, L..___~~_a2..a _ --~ 4. _ _ ~ = '-'="'--~t ' %~' 'h'r~ ....",'l'' I J' J'Tri~j~JJJJlJJlJn~ r ;or.!<..,...-fails:or'ref~seS:~9. c~mPly With'a :C'pleted~'.,in cOnformity With ,...the".' ,...Building!InspectorShallb~:,guilt~.::~'i::/.~tinanCe....~;~nfiict.,wi~. _ t crew' :~,'StoP'order issued~'by.the-BUilding ~;"i i.'i)rovisions of thiS'.' Ordinance' and .... "of.!,:a. :. violation ;',,:punishable ~'by .a,.~".:".~se.a.differ~nt rea{iir~e~f'tli~ ' · " .... * °n .... ' " ' '' "~' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '-' ' ' ' ' "~'-- · '~ filed :. with the Build~ g; -Inspector.' · '. .' ......... :.,'-:/..:.~. in thecaSe of-a new'buildingshall'. <, fine:.not<'exCeeding;five~:hundred, .:anY othei".ibrdinance Of. ~e'Town ~i~'.an".~ acCurate ':. survey.~ .'~' SECTION'. 'i503. .-, STOP:' oR:~'i:.',,..'be'accomPanied by an accurate. <:';dOllarS.:or imprisonment :for :':h.,'% bf'/,<.SOu~id, ;: ~r'-:'an,, rul~,' ~or' '.the:.persOn resp°risible:: ': DERS i.-. whenever'the Building;~. ~:'~'01ot nlan Or itnot available bv"~~ -:, DeX;ika a~,-.,~: ,,.,~×^~ ,;-,~,L~_.-~,,.,,~'.:"~"::;~,:~.~ .... L(~ ~..,:-_.~;. ~_' .-/ ~:':":.. .' · ' ..;- =l~a;,,i.,~' .'~.h" ' ',),~,=k~-'-, , :~.~.:,:...., .:.~:x~.~,~n.~,:'l.'.~;r. r.. ' · , ..... , 't. "'_ -"CP'; u,*-u;~,.o ,~,,,,:~.u m,~ccu uay~{: ?:rtq~mauons.~.aoop~eo 'mereunaer,' ~ ........... e - .... ' m~.p~mr- ,~'~ .... t-~oa~m~"~, Surve ~' re area .oy a~ licenSecl or both' Each 'week~''~con' i .... ' .... ~ ........... ~':' -" ":" ...... .. . ........... . ,~.....~-,. , .............. ,,.. Y.P P ..... ,. ..: · ... . . .s t nued..,~,.the ordinance, rule.or.re Ulatlon for such foun-- rounds to-belieVe 'that work' on. "'.' · ~' .... · ' - 'r"." ' ........ ""- '~ .... ....... '"" '- ...... '"""- '" .... -"-' g g . . land ..surveyor or.: <.engmee ...... ~-wolat~on · shall.',, constitute'< a' ¥:.whlch' .establisheS the · hil~her' · °' -' ' ' ' ' ' ' ""' ' - ' ' ' ' "' '" ' ' "' ~': ;~t('"' ' ' ',' ' '" ' , ~! "~ '- · ' '" '~ · ' "~- · ' ~he locahon of a ~ ~ddmonal wolatlon. .... ,."'.'..!~[~standard~ or ,reqUirement:'>;.,shall SUCh certificate N i506"-:-RiMED'lES ::7, .,.:. '<: <.<.'. "- ..... '--., -A. S~ quare , i( 10,000 ' ",:."-and "$,05'~for ... er- -1,ooo ..' ;15.00 ',.$15.00 $1 r feet: (d-) A, erations i.t, BUildings - and Industrial (a) New · $50.OO plus $.10 foot of:..: floor .ar square feet: (b)~ Ad alterationS"~ each gqu~re ' squarefeet. (c) AcCessory;i .. $1'5.OO Farm .Or the is of.' re to" =.:i: ~' ease an y building 'or..'struetu~~ ! 701 ?..:, ~ VAL ID ITY - ":.within. ':, 10 i ~..:ii~.;'.,,e~rected;.:"constrUctedi.",:xe~i'il` Ould anY'secti'op'orprovision::gf . 'faf '~ 'Constructed;''.',: altered, i'. repaired? ~ "Ordinance ,be declared"~bY 'a ates ~.'.a] <C~Pvertdd Or..maintained ;..Or.,any,.; ;.i:,c0urt ofc~mPeten~j.~isdictlOn, to .: It~- buildingi.structure:orlandis : ;:' 'ih'; :,in". ViOlation.'.0f this' ordinance;, 0r!i:' ,i,_n,'.o,"t ~. affect :'.'the ;'.,.validity Or?the · 0fany regUiafionsmade'. Pursuant(; 'is in: .ithereto,(,.m..!!.~.~....additi~n:,.i. to ..,..Other.: .h-e~ . Sion~'of' r~edies' ."~rovideCl ' bYe. laW;', 'any.':· SE an ;,;Use ', O~"..'any ' , - 0~ ,.non.. -~... 5?:Every aPpliCation :for a - ~:ei,'fificate -of occupancy: :or 'a ei'ti'fic~ite;,:: bfoc- Other -.~the -fOllowing es., be :1'-:r' ex - afi~' lot. Cl'/hnge'' Or--- .use.,; 'lot ia.fret eon' ,~p!eted- of vi the .' "(o'.the" .'ec~ iI g .... ... ,.' (!..:.E, III Town .E I.y:::-. Board;'. ;:..',:. ; modif ,I. ded'by [of 'such sued upon ~ancy. and '~ oc- of building',_ 'and ~$5.0o, shall; [e ...... a cer- '.. for any 'ofAand of the' 300-C 7 (a) shall uare foot of 'si ,ili"; minimum fee :of '~i~:. <:' '-": :: 'SECTION 1502 !':i ..".OF .BUILDING Building Ins ..... .'building' peri issued and (a) he has been anY ./ misre material' 'fact plan .or specifi the building -~ (b) 'Where. building permit:" error and .should issued 'in applicable law; - (c) Where'. he · . .'..'-,.. work performed um .'is. not". 'being -, cordance with the rCa.ti'on'¢ ,, ~ specification or., < -.. (d) Where the · . . ~ifor all signs, t:'~'d bY Section' ,~, 25! for' each .,i ',hrea' .with a ,EVOCATION ERMIT.. The revoke a heretofore in the :.. that'-there ~/tement or 'a~s to a pl eXi nol s the req~ pehtxor in '_the pector on :?of the ,lng an land ,n which based;. that the .ssUed 'in ave been wi.ih the ., ,that the. permit ~d in .ac- of tans. or . , m"to whom' ,ued ion ..or ti0n to com-. Fo )n.0f the or pursuant comply within' the pliance or or or a the SEC' (a) .0rdina ' than ~rdi: requi~ the hi (b)' ! .. MINIMUM ' -. REQUIREMENTS ' < ~ B* · [ · Toi Lot 'Area (sq: ft.) '-40 ':,?~0;000 40,000,,:. ._..,. Lot Width .(ft. ) i~.? '-"'270. 135 ','~-i ..... :!135 · -Lot DePth. (ft,.-) . 250 ' 200 ·" ..., ': .. ,.. Front. Yard (fi,:.) -'.. 35 .. :'..-: . 5.0 ' .35- ' ....... ' 5.0. '"on~sidel Yardi:fit.) - . .., ' !0 ''~'':~' ...... 25 . -'1~ yard's fit:) ..... .5.~,-.. 2'5. 45' ' :35' ...... :R~.-yard (ft.') .. ' ' ~ ~'::-'~:' · 50. Livable l~lOor Area (sq; rt.') .... : ,S~ .-' S~.0 8B0: <. See Ord. Per D.U~ . ~... --. " . .Off-Street 'Parkirig Spaces ' .. .:]:,2: ~3 -,3 5ee Ord. .Per D.U .... - -- . · . MAXIMUM -' -~i; '::' ' .'""' , . PERMITTED ,_ .Lot Coverage ........ · '20%' i ~r 25% ..' -. 20% 25% . . · Building Height ..... ' - . . '- '(i.)'number .of'stOries 2% "-- '2tA ' ';2iA 2% " 2% r.....:. (2) feet ., ' ' 35 '35 '- -"' 35 ' 3_5_ . -' 35 ..... "" -:.W,thout-PUbllc Water-and Publi'~'i'Sewer ]:':B .':.~';'~:withPUbli~'.water and Public Sewer -,, , .--' "'/..,:::.?i :. ":...:..' ' ~- :' ;,' .'./.,". '< ,.~': ,....i < ~. '.:,:.%:.~.,i. ~. :,.?:. '.....:...'. ":i'..'~!')a'l'ed":]i'"Ni;~.i'(',i:i~!-";('q"_. ;. ,. 23. 1971 .. ..... ...... :.?,:..: ..-'...': ~.....<./:.: ?:.,..::.,.. :::::!;., -.:-.< "", ,.,~..:' ~,'. ~ ...... "/':?.< ";"-" ;!:':.':<- -'"":"-':.'i ..<.' ,'~.. .... ?.*:'. >'>.'- -..." '~ .'.v_'.:-"..' ;, ~ti¥::".~" 5. .: : ': " ".: i .:. ' ...... · 180,0x~'uu .200 : 50' .20- 4.i 5O .See Ord. See Ord. 25% ". .' 20,000.: ao,Oo .... .... '60-. :,. 1'50 -. - "25.'''' '- "' 3~ · .. ,.._ 'See ~Ord. '..see Or 1. "See Ord, '.-- ~ see'Ord. '-" · ~e.. -. .... -2 2 : 2' · 8C '" 35 35' - ~ . "" :'.' ~';.BY-order. Of The S°uth°ld .. ... i' i.. -':.'.':'" ,:.: :":'-'~.~"/. :-.--?~n-s0ara' ":. '- ' i_'~,,:>:,,:<,.: ::..:..-':::. .... : ,...,:...: Ai.l~rt~ Wii, Rich~0~n.d,i..i.~.-...~< ..=. ,..,,.-.<- .' -:" TOWn'Clerk ......'""', ..... '<'- .........: Pa~ 12- seCtion 12 - LEGAL NOTiC'E LEGAL NOTICE . '~ ~ ~- j,.,., · f- . . · ,LEG3L NoTiC-E- i 'i'~ ~:'r~:''' st'anti'all(' comp~lied with~, and an ~:: -.':"'!.'::(,.':"action;, .~Ui't"' of ~procee~ding' Corn NoTIc~ OF HEARINGS:, ~~-~:.''4'~ testing ': Such/. 'Validity:.-is-Com- . ' '4.. 4 ~' ': ..... .:' ' "" "' "" ~,,'~,', '. ~ ' ' .." '~ ~ .... ~.:~ ,~ ,:.' ~,:':, :': menced w~thm :twenty days' after ~ion~267~, :,.the:date of . :publication of 'this fioti'c~:~ or Sflch obligati0~s were in 91,. ,1971 for a III~ r ..find for of of New · CAPITAL N,.O.~T E RESOLUTION DATED NOVEMBER 23,197i AUTHORIZING-THE CODIFICATION OF THE LAW'.S t..~ ORDINANCES CODES, RESOLUTIONS, RULE. S AND .REGULATIONS OF THE /TO,WN OF SOUTHOLD~ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, AT ,A.MAXIMUM ESTIMATED. COST. OF $6,500~00CAPITAL NOTES ., Ltherstonhaul THE SUFFOLK. TIMES . Thursday, December 2, 1971 ri lU J , ' i .i i i1[ - II 'LEGAL NOTICE lEGAL NOTICE' 'LEGAL'NOTICE · _.~. TO PAY TIlE COST .. notes herein 'aui-horized Will nol' J 1)'~Sueh'notes are authorized - ' THEREOF. ..:, ~ii .'~ ~ "eXceed fire years 'for an object Or purpose for'whiCh.. , ':' '. :'.'. :: ' ...... : '~ ".. . SectiOn .4.. The faith"ana Credit ~sa'id ','Town' of: S%thOld ,.':isl ..n&" '~' ','::.:BE"...i'~i~/ir:i. RE~oLVED" ".'b~: "':,'the".,: ii?Of'said Town of: Southo!d,.. Suff01k-::.~'i aUthorized t0~ expend:moneY'; :. or "T6Wn :.'Board:"::of the,:'.T°wn:' of .i :County;~'New'york,. are :'hereby '..i'''~' 2'):The pro;visions''~ Of..."law ;.SOUthold, sUffolk.. c0unt~~ ~.New. i irrevoCabiy "pledged. to~ the '~. which'shOuld be Complied .With. at folloWs:-~;.:,",':.',~..: ...payment of.the principal of and the date- of-~.publicat'ion:,~0f this - of .... interest ~on'.i': and.~an resoluhon ar'eL'nOt ally'~ ' authorized at." a. .part'of the t~ estimated CoSt of year SectiOn 2~ The ~:the mter¢ financing of such' estimated cost .is.'.by th?.is~uance of, $6;500.00 capital no!es: ~ereby auth0~iZed'to i~e.. issue~ = pUrsUant t° th~ 'i: ProvisionS., of.:; the'~,:' LOCal Finance Law. to Section 3. It is : hereby ;: deter~ ..Officer.. mined that the periOdof probable -' termsi- - Usefulness of'suehspeCifieiii:objeet or purpose "is three' y, ears ..pur- suant to subdiViSi6n:'~i72' of paragraph"a of Section '11.00 of the Local Finance Law, and that Law.. r, ,'i the .prOposed, maturity of the .Section' ~'~ 6. The · . . . r .auch ' Within rte of s.uch - .. 'or, · ,~3)~.,suchLn~tes are aUthorized Vi°~lifition,: Of" th'e provisions of the...cfr~'stit.ution. ~ · ~he , SeCtion .7cThis resolution 'which nee takes effec"~.:immediately;' ~hall be pub!iShbd in f~l in the Suffolk ~ted Times~.~ the:.,~ official newspaper, fiscal together With a n~iee'of the Town '~sUeh' :Clerk in substantially the .form' ~and' provided ih~ Section 81.00 0f the as Local Finance Law..~ ~ .. ' , . ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ '. ·. tidit~ '.of such notes may becontests ,0nly..if: ~ York. be hea?d should .Place 11, 197-1 OF THE TOWN ~LUTION GIVEN, utf0n' Published adopted .by the '.the .TOwn of i-county, New ~rd day Of ~d the validky by 'be ~hereafter: an object or TOwn of County, New to expend of law complied te ~of ~publicat~on f,were not sub- ,Everyt h i ng -,M'us't Be A BE '. B, ROW N' '"'"The Ho e- of' G.ood C lo/h-es" GREENPORT; :H,Y COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ STATE OF NEW YORKj~ ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG iSLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and that the notice oic which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...... L-~..~.~..(,-~.....~,..Z...~.... successiveJy, commencing on the ............. ~......~?.;~.~_o ........ day of ......... - / Sworn to before me this .......... .L=~. ........... day of ....... L~.'~..4,,.¢~-. r..¢ ......... , ~ ~ennae restarted on the ~roof of '~ a ~.'building" and .extending not il more than 20 feet above the ' t ~highest ~evel 'of the roof of such [ "building", .arid -~ e. 'Porches, outdoor bins and ~ ! other similiar "structures:'. '~ . ..CELLAR--, Any sp~c~ in a ~ byilding the structural ceiling ~ level of w,hich is ~ess than four ~/ feet above' the aVerage finished ~ grade Where such grade abuts I: ~that exterior wall of such build- :[~.~i'a~ng 'which fronts 'on any street '~?:~ cellar shall not be considered [~:~:~?!n determining ~the' permissib!e [?':.:~mmber of sto~4es. , ~'~ .' · ~[.-::'.).~:~:~.':~CO~T, ~NER ~ .~An-~.open ~?'%:~bace en,cl~ed on ali sides by.. ~ . NOTICE OF .'A~NDMEN '~,:~ exterior walls 0f a building ,~.TO TOWN O~DINANCE.~. '..~,~ COURT, OUTER -- An '. ~t'hNOTICE''IS HEREBY GIVE~J '?~::.;~space enclosed on t, hree sides at at a meeting~'of the.. ToW~ ..:q. xterior walls of a building. ~'Board of the Town' f ~.~'~ ~'~' C ~. · o. ~uthol~i~ OURT, OUTER, DEP~ OF --Suffolk County, New. York, hel~ ~m linear averse ~mension :'on the 23rd .day of N0vembel:~'..,?~ measured from the unenclosed tworas o~i~ly) of ~l~e · ' 'HOTEL--A building occuPied as .the more or less temporary abiding place' of individuals Who are lodging with or without meals and in which there are more.' than ten (10) rooms usually oc- cupied singly and no'. provision made for cooking in any' r~)m or individual apartment. HEIGHT. -- The vertical[ .dis- tance measured from t'he average 'elevation of 'the finished grade at the front of the building to the highest point of the roof for flat, and mansard roofs,.~m~d 'tO the.` 'mean height between eaves.and ridge for, ot~her~ types of roofs. JUNK YARD-,Land occupied. or to be occupied for' storage of~ old wood, ~paper,. clOth,-or raetal, including o!d'..automobiles, trucks, equipment,, machinery,. and'aPplianCes... 'not' usable--as '1971, the Town Board. enacted~.!:'...::~i i :~ the following amendments t,o,. tl~iii~ .. TOwn ordinance entitled' Th~!:"" Building Zone Ordinance of their' W'/~:~' ToWn of .Southold, S..Uffolg:'~ County, ~New. York" together, with the Building Zone Map. formingii · Side of the court to the farthest originally. :.designed; and. also wall thereof, including -.any.'-POrtion' 'of. such ~.COURT, OUTER, WIDTH OP old automobiles, .trucks, equiP- The linear dimension of tT~e un- ' lent, or' machinerY, as are ~ tO :. mS.y enclosed side of the court. ' be sold' .as. and for. 'junk or' salvage... ed elevation of the'street grade L~_~.Any ParCel.:Of.land, not' ..:$~' the. point that is opposite the necessarily" coincident. With -a l°t ...... "CURB LEV~The establish- ...I.)~¥ELLING, ROW OR AT- CHED'-A one-family dwell-. ~';..'wit,h two common or party ~parating it from adjacent on both sides. TWo FAMILY -- '~ie'tached building containing ~o dwelling units only~ · WELLING, SEMi. --- A one family ,lling with., one wall" in corn-,. with an adjacent dwelling'. UNIT--A building · or entirely self-contained porti°n thereof containing, complete housekeeping facilities for ~ only one family, including any do- I a part thereot as follows, .to wit:.~...;; I' cent~,~r of the wall nearest.' to and '~"'~'~:~'I'~ .~"~cing the street line. L .By amending Article I, 'to read'..'.;~!:iiii:I. ,DWEI,LING, ONE-FAMILY ~ as'follows. ":::': ":~:,. - -- ::'::'"~','~"" A' detached building containing ' ARTICLE I' !i~(....' ' .... '"' ~ '6~e" dwelling unit only. SECTION 100- PURPOSES'-i'.:i' i'~i~.,'~'ii: .A,i' building, or portion thereof q~here is hereby., established a 'i'~i;:!!!i;?!:.::~'?~''' containing three or more ,dwell- ~:..~ .,~....'~.? · . , o ' . , .. , .... Comprehenmve zoning plan for. ii-i"(.:';,,~j ing units.. the Town of'" .$0Uthold, which "" Plan is set forth in the text map .thai; constitute this ordi-,i nance..Said plan is adopted 'for the purposes set forth in 'Article.~ i6 of the Town Law, which, ,in..' the interest of the protecti'On ~nd.~ promotion of the public health' safety, and welfare, shah " deemed to :, sPeCifically the' following',, among others. '1, The fa.,Cilitati0n o~ theefficieni ~nd adequate p~;ovision 'of. -... facilities and services; .. .~ .... '2, The assurance 6f'. .adequate ::.':'.: sites for residence, industry commerce; ,'.', ,, , . . · 3: The provision of privacy mestic, serv~n, ks employed on the families; ' ' ':".!~::'.. i~.'!!'. :[ I)remises and having no enclosed ~. ~4. T'he prevention and reduc.~'.':i~"." [ .space (other than vestibules, en- ti0n of traffic congestion,-so a~Y:~.~ 4 tmmce or other hallways 'Or t0.promote efficient and safe ciriii"'.'.(i~?' ~]" porches) or cookin~ or san culation''' of vehicles 'and . r~ae.~'!~:~:~ i"*..~:~. ~," ' o . itary ...... ,_,~ ..... " ..... '~' .~.,: .... facilities in common with any ~m~a.'~le'maximum protection of:':.':...".'":':"~!':::~.' :: other "dwelling unit." A house' trailer, a. boarding or rooming residential areas; ' , . ' ' 'house, convalescent home, .,fra- . 6, The gradUal elimination of,~::, temity or sorority .house hotel, non-conforming uses;, . . · ' ' 'The enhancement Of the . motel, inn, 'lodging, nursing, 'or' · ':' other similar home, or other sill- of.the Town of S0ul :'"' far structure shall not.be deem- as a.whole; " ~ii!:....: ed to constitute a dwelling unit. · 8,-The'encouragement of fl ' fibility in t~he design and .develol~ , FAI~.LY---One 'or more per-' ' · sons occupying a dwelling unit lent of land .:in such. a way as a single, non-profi~ house- 'to produce .the m.~)St ap k~!~ping 'unit. ;lV~ore than :five 'use of lands to facilitate,, th~ pcrsox~s, ]exclusive of domestic ~ adequa~ and economical. "' servants, not, related by-' blood, "vision of. st'roots'and utilities an~ ~ .,~. , 'marriage or adoption, 'Shall. not i i . i~':.. ~'~i~::'~. ~ '.~'.;"i:!'~', · ' · ~.. .~.;;~,"i':,. ~ ~ ~'~ '~"""i :" : ' · i ' ' or '! 0 ts' sh own .. on ...a .ma p '0f' 'record, which. :is occupied' Or ~W.hich is to ,be ~ 0ccuPied 'by..a: building and itS'"acCessory' :buildings,. if. any, :'.or -.by .a group 'of.' buildings .acces- · sory': '.thereto,:' if any, together with, the .required' Open spaces .appurtenant..to SUch.bUildings. Or gro. u:p'..'of .buiidingsl. ::.... . LOT,' CORN~R-_A..lot at the. junctidn of.~and' abutting on or more intersec:ting'.''..streets where the' interior angle'.' of.~inter,, section '.does"-not'eXCeed. 135 'de- grees:. A- lot'abUtting..a curved street- shall "be. :.deemed.. .a Corner lot ~if: the' tangents :'to" the-curve at the :POints .'of. "intersection .of the side. lot ..lines with-'.the street lines intersect'- at an.. interior ang!e of~ less''than '1'35' degrees. LOT, DEPTH--The minimum d~tance from the street, line of the lot'to the rear lot line of such lot. · - JSOT LINE'Any boundary ~of a lot other than a street line. LOT LINE,. REAR-- The lot line generally opposite t° the Street line; if the rear lot line is less than 10 feet in length, or if the lot .comes to a point in the rear, the rear lot'. line' shall be ideemed to be 'a line~ parallel to the' front lot line not less than 10 .feet long lying farthest' 'from the .front lot line. LOT WIDTH.--- The average 'distance between side lot liaes taken at the front yard or set- back line and measured at right angles to the side lot lines' or along a parallel to the street. lVf~A~~G--Any pro- cess whereby the nature, size,~ or shape"~of ~articles or raw materials (Continued on' Page' 21 · THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1971 - ~ · _y---------~ -,- - ~ ~ ,.~_~-~i'_~ ................ _~._U . .... ~ .... ' ...._"__ _ ~ ' I ...... . ...... to preserve 'the natural and be c°n~idered to ConStitute ~ scenic qualities of open lands; 9. The fostering~ and protec- tion of agriculture' and fisheries. SE'C'TION ~10I--DEFINITIO,NS Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall for the purpose of' this ordinance have the. meaning herein indicated' Words used in the present tense include the future,' 'the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular; the word "persOn" in~cludes 'a corporation as well as an individual;' the word "lot" includes'the word "plot"~ The-term "occupied" or "used" as applied to any build-. ing shall be construed as though' followed by · the words "or' tended, arranged, or designed to be occupied or used" ACCESSORY- A building or use clearly' incidental or subor- dinate to, and customary in con- nection with, .the principal build- ing or use on the same. lot. BASEMENT-- A .story m building, the structural ceiling . level of w,hich is four feet .or more above the average level of finished grade' where such grade abuts that exterior ceiling level of which is four feet or more above the average level .of fin- ~shed grade where such grade abuts that exterior wall of such building which fronts on any street, and. the ,floor level of WhiCh is below finished grade at any point on the .periphery of ~the bUilding. BILLBOARDS .~--. A sign, in- cluding the type commonly known as a billboard, which directs attention to. a business, com- modity, service, entertainment or c~ction, sold, offered or exist- ' elsewhere than upon ~he same~ lot .where such sign is dis2~ played or orily incidentally upton such lot. BOARDING AND TOURIST HOUSES--A building ogher than a .hOtel where lodging, .with or withOUt meals, for five or more persons is furnished for compen- sation. BUILDING--Any combination 'of materials forming any con- struction, except where enti?ely underground, So as to permit the use"0f the ~.ground above.same as if no building was present; the term "building"' shall include t.he term "structure" as Well as the following' .. a. Signs; b. Fences ;. ,,' c. W.alls, Other than retaini~ng.. walls, projecting above the ground not more ~han 3 feet at 'the ', higher ground, level and not more' than 6~ feet at the lower ground, level; o_ ' ' d. Radio and televioion 'recefv- lng and transmitting towers and ante~nae, except for suc,h an.~ tennae installed on the ~'oof of a '~,bUilding" ~and ext'ending not family. 'FLOOR AREA--The sum, Of the gross' horizontal areas of the' several floors of the building or buildings on a lot measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the .center line of party walls separating two build- ings, exclUding cellar and base- ment areas used only for storage for the operation and mainten- ance of ~he building. FLOOR AREA, LIVABLE--All spaces wit'hin the exterior walls of a dwelling.' unit~ exclusive of garageS, breezew~ays, unheated porches, cellars, .,heater rooms, and basements having a Window area of less than ~0% of the square foot area of the room. Usable floor area shall include' all' sp~ces not otherwise excluded above such as: principal rooms, utility rooms, bathrooms, all close~s 'and ',hallways OPening di- rectly into any rooms within the dwelling unit and all attic space having a Clear height of 'six feet- from .finished' floor level to pitch of .roof' rafter with a clear height of seven 'feet six i~cheS from finished' rioor 1eve1 to ceiling level., over 50% of the area Of such attic.space: - .. ~LOOR AREA RATIo-- The floor' area in .square feet' of all buildings on a lot divided by the area of such lot in square'feet. GARAGE, pRIVATE--A buil~- ing used' for 'the storage of one (1) or .more gasoline or -Other power driven vehicles owned and used by. ~the owner or tenant of ., the lot on which, it is erected, and for the Storage'of not ex- 'ceedlng two (2) additional vehi- Cles (not 'trucks) owned or used bY others, GARAGE, PUBLIC--A build- ing other than a' private, garage used for-housing or care .'of gaso- · line or other power driven 've- .hicles, or ..where · such vehicles are equipped .for OPera~tion, re- Pairs., or ~'kept for remuneration, hire or sale. HOME. OCCUPATIONS--This shall be understood .to include the' professional., office-: or studio of a doctor, dentist, . teacher, artist, architect, 'engineer,. sician, lawyer, -magistrate. or practitioners ~or a similar Charac- ter or rooms. USed for home. occup- ations .including home baking, millinery or similar ,handicrafts~ PROVIDED that the 'office, studio or. occupational' 'rooms are located in a dwelling in Which the practitioner resides and in a building accessory thereto, and PROVIDED further, no goods are publicly displayed on. the and no sign or adver- tisem iS shown other than. a sign', larger t~an tw~ (2) squat :~t in t,~t~l ~r~a, .bearing only and occupatior~ of the practitioner. [~ FFI,~ E~EJUTHJ~LD, L, I., N. Y, ~1971 · September 16, 1971 Re: Notice of Hearing in the matter of the amendment of Town ordlnance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of .the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" together with the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof: Gentlemen: :Please:acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplicate copy of this letter 'and're~urn.sa~e'to~ . . this office in the self-addressed envelope enclosed,' for our records. AWR/j b Enc. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town. Clerk Town Clerk of To-w~ of Easthampton · Town Clerk of Town of Southampton Town Clerk of Town of Shelter Island Town Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commission Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature ~ ' INDICATED ~¥ ~M~'~rer-, ~ ........ ' ~ S~CW b whom, da~e and address ' ' -~ECEiPT M ~ a~ee RECEIPT FOR : ~ %'al.e $ /~/~ ................. te ............... ...... ~"~ ............. Special delJve~ fee ...... .................... --- -¢---._._ Fee $ ........... ~:~ .................. Return receipt fee /.~.._¢ Handling charge $ ................... Restricted delive~j fee ................ ~ '"~'"'~ Airmail - 7J'"" '~':~Z--.------.....~'~ ~ ~:~' ~ ~ ._ ............... ....... ~..~ ................ ~2~.:......~_..~ Z./ //~'/'~ .................................... ~_..~... /~ / ~r: SEILITHaLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 September 16, %971 Re: Notice of Hearing in the matter of the amendment of Town ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Su~fotk County, New York" together with the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof. Gentlemen: Please acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplicate copy of this letter an~ return same to this office in the self-addressed envelope enclosed, for our records. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk AWR/j b Enc. cc: Town Clerk of Town of Easthampton Town Clerk of Town of Southampton Town Clerk of Town of Shelter Island Town Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering·Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commission Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature S,~hature of Recipient REGISTER[O ARTICL£ NO ........ /_.L..Z~_ ..... / / Value $ ....... )~/~:~ ............ Special delivery fee ..........~....~ I Fee $ j Return rece pt fee Z.~. .......... ~-, ..................... HandHn8 chars~ $ ................. Restricted delivery ,ee ................ ..... z-7.~~¢'~"-=' ~ ~'~ '-~ ....... '/~T/~ ............................. .................. ~ .............. ~..=~: ................ ~. ........ .~ ...................... Ada,e,,,d to ...~~--.--=~:--~-~- ....................... /¢ ....... .......... F ........................... ===----7 .......... SDMTHO~D, L. I., N. Y. 11971 September 16, t971 Re: Notice of Hearing in the matter of the amendment of Town ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" together with the Building Zone ~ps forming a part thereof. Gentlemen: Please acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplicate copy of this letter and return same to this office in the self-addressed envelope enclosed, for our records. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk AWR/j b Eric. cc: Town Clerk of Town of Easthampton Town Clerk of Town of Southampton Town Clerk of Town of Shelter Island Town Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commission Clerk to Suffolk Ccunty Legislature iture of Recipient ~,'~ ./~ R~CEIPT FOR Vau.$ ii/ V ~ /. -_ . ~ 7'"'/, F.$ ................ ~.~. ............. Return rece pt fee /~ I Handling charge $ .................. Res~rJ~ed deJive~ fee ................ ~ I[ ~ ~? ~ ~'~ ...... r"~-'~"~---~-~-~L.: .............................. ~ ~ I ................... ~-.~.-~-.r~<~...: ......... ~.. ~ /~..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~A~r.,j''¢ ........... ~'": .......... ~ ............ By .......... ~ ........ PL~E FURNISH SE~IO INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S), ~ Sh~ tO whom, date and address ~ Deliver ONLY / ' ~ wh.re delivered ~ to addressee RECEIPT - SHOW WHERE DZUVERED (o~:!.~ i.f rq:te~tez) ~OUTHOLD, L. l., N. Y. 11971 September 16, 1971 Notice of Hearing in the matter of the amendment of Town ordinande entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" together with the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof. Gentlemen: Please acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplicate copy of this letter and return same to this office in the self-addressed envelope enclosed, for our records. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk AWR/jb Enc. cc: Town Clerk of Town of Easthampton Town Clerk of Town of Southampton Town Clerk of Tov~ of Shelter Island Town Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commission Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature REP~PT FOR / ' RE FERED ARTICLE NO ...... /._.'_~..2.(/ ....... ate ............ Values .......~.i(.~../_~ ........ ~pe/~i;i delivery fee .................... Fee $ ........... ~..~ .............. Return receipt fee ..... ~...¢ Handling charge $ ..................... Restricted delivery fee ............... Postage $.....~_~..~ .~]' r:~. ........ n~Airmail Addresse, ....... .......... ......... % ........ ~, (Address) ~ & ~ .......... Postmaster: By ......... ~ ....... PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(? INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S), REQU] FEE(S) PAID. . '. :. r-] Show°to whom, date ah~ address ~ Deliver ONLY L.J ',vher~ delivered La to addre~see~.J' ~ECE~PT DATE D .:LiV~ ED / rIFFI .EI~K ALBERT W. RJI~IHmI~ND ~E~LITHEILD, L. I., N. Y. ·11971 September 16, 1971 Re: Notice of Hearing in the matter of the amendment of Town ordinance entitle¢ "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town:of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" together with the Building Zone ~ps forming a part thereof. Gentlemen: Please acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplicate copy of this letter and return same to this office in the self-addressed envelope enclosed, for our records. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk AWR/j b Enc. CC: Town Clerk of Town of East~ampton Town Clerk of Town of Southampton Town Clerk of Town of Shelte~ Island Town Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport ~o~g Island State Park Commission Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature Signature of Recipient RE( ~T FOR F' ~ ~..- x~ '7 ....... z ate V~lue $ ......... ~;~- .............. Speci~, delivery Cee .................... ¢ D FeeS ..........:r:- ................... Return receipt fee ...... ~-------¢~ ~ . , i . . ," ' ,,' Postmaster: Addressed to , , "' · / ~.~. w..~l ~, ~/. . ~..~ ......................... By ................. .......... PL~SE FURN~S~ SERVICEr'- '"NDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S). ..... REQU~ .~ FEE{S) PAID, ' ~ Show to whom: date ahd ~ddress ~ Deliver ONLY . ~ where delivered .... ~ ~o addresse~ ~EC~PT Receh'gd ~he :~urn, De'~d ar'Hcl8 described below. - ' ' S AGENT, IF ANY ~I:3UTH[3LD~ L, I., N. Y. 11971 September 16, 1971 Re: Notice of Hearing in the matter of the amendment of T0%~ ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" together with the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof. Gentlemen: Please acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplicate copy of this letter and return same to this office in the self-addressed envelope enclosed, for our records. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk AWR/j b Ene. ~own Clerk of To%~ of Easthampton '~//Town Clerk of Town of Southampton Town Clerk of Town of Shelter Island Town Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commission Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature Value $ ......... /-~.:- .............. Special delivery fee .........~=----~ i ~'~%%'~:'~::'~ - - ~' / Return receipt les ,~, ....... ¢ ~ ~ K ' ' Handiin charges Reetrct. delivery fee ................ ~ II~:,~ ) ~ ~os~age ~----~----~--~-----~ / / ~- U ": ~ ...... t ............ -= ......... ~---p,;~% ~ ~ -~.~ ~ ~~~D~ '~_..L.LZ.~.Z~ .............. .~ ........... -:~;- ..... ..... ~ ................ 7 .............. ~;~;;;;;--~ ~.-,,~-~.,~ REQ JD FEE(S) PAID. ~ Show to whom, datg~nd address ~ Del[ver~NLY ~ y~ere de~Nere~ ~ to addressee ~ .. EEC~FT ReceJ~'ed t[ze n~mbered creche desc~qbed below. REDISTERED ~!0. DATE DELIVERED EiOLITHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 September 16, 1971 Notice of Hearing.in the matter of the amendment of Town ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" together with the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof. Gentlemen: Please acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplicate copy of this letter and return same to this office in the self-addressed.envelope enclosed, for our records. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk AVm/j Enc. cc: Town Clerk of To%~ of Easthampton Town Clerk of Town of Southampton //' Town Clerk of Town of Shelter Island~ Tow~ Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commission Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature SignatUre of Recipient RECEIPT FOR /1/~ ~,' R~ Tr~RED ARTICLE NO ...... ]..:---:--~ .... ~te,~/.~/~/ ~.'i./ ~ { ' Value $....../~.~ .... Special deliverYfeefee ......... ~-~'"~ Fee $ ........... ;~-~ ................. Return receipt ...... .......... Handling charge $ .................... Restricted deEve~ f~ ................ ........... ?- ............................ -~-~ ~::~-:; ....... :----~-- ---L-~--~-----~-/ ................. ............ ~ f ~ ~<AU~r~,) ~ ,uu~s.a~o .~ ........... +--~:~ ............................... ....... ...... ~ ~ ~Addres~) PL~.SE FUPdNESH SERVICE~'~'' INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S). EEQ:J ,~ FEE(S) PA[D, ~ ~,o~ ~o ,~om, det~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~,~ O~L~ ~-~ whe,e del. P~ere~ to addressee RECEIPT Receipted ,he numbere~ arttcl~ described below. SHOW WHEE.E DELIVERED Postmas~ By ........... -'.~-. ......... SE]UTHOLD, L. I.~ N, ¥. 13971 September 16, 1971 Re: Notice of Hearing in the matter of the amendment' of Town ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" together with the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof. Gentlemen: Please acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplicate copy of this letter and ~eturn same to this office in the self-addressed envelope enclosed, for our records. AWR/j b Enc. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Town Clerk of Town of Easthampton Town Clerk of Town of Southampton Town Clerk of Town of Shelter Island Town Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commission Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature Signature of Recipient RECEIPT FOR t .. ~ ~ ,~-//Z/-~/ REGISTERED ARTIC~LE NO ........ ~_~.._.(~ ~... Date ..~/..~/// Value $ ~//¢' ~ Special delivery fee .................... .......... r'7'-~-;~ .... ,~ ~ // ~-~ F~ $ ..................tf--& ..........Return recsipt fee ....... /J- ......... .~n~.,.~ c.~e ~ ................... ..~.c.~ ~.,i~.r.'ee ................ ~ I Po'ta~*-----,~--~'-~-~f'~.tm'il ,~ /' ~.~.,~, zi ~.. z~, d.z. ............ .......... ~.~.~ ........... ~X~-;X;;-~------Z-- Addressed to .~.---~.-.~~ ....... ~:-~:~ ' ~tma~ter: . ~~~ ~ c///~. ,~ ....... . .... ............ :~-~"' ~'~:'"*', ~.~;;~'~;"~ ........................................ REC~]PT Receh'ed ~he ~mbered a~'t~c[e described be~o~. STATE OF NEW ¥OR~: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, To~ of Southold, age of 19 71 is a public place New York, being du.~; sworn, says that he is over the' twenty-one years; that on tile ' 17th dav of Se. Mtember , he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Towua Clerk office Main Road, Southold, L.I.,N.Y. Sworn to before me this 17th day of S~ptember Albert W. RiChmond, Town Cl'erk 19 71 . ~o~ary Publi~ STATE OF i~IEW yORK) couNTy OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W.~ RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold. That on the 18th day of ~eptember, 1971, deponent served a Notice of Hearing on Proposed Zoning Ordinarfce Amendments by depositing a true copy of the same securely closed in a postpaid wrapper in the Post Off[ce regularly maintained by the United States Government at Southoid, in said County of Suffolk, I~!ew York, addressed as follows: (i) Town Clerk of She Town of Easthampton Eas~,_ampton, New York 11937 (2) J~/fr. Claude Jones, Town Clerk Town of Southampton Southampton, New York 11968 (3) Town Clerk of the Town of Shelter Island Shelter Island~ New York 11964 Helen Block, Town Clerk Town of Riverhead Riverhead, New York %!901 Village Clerk of the Village of Dering Harbor Dering Harbor, New York 11964 (7) Mrs. 1V!abel Harris, Village Clerk ¥iilage of Greenport Greenport, New York ~1944 Long Island State Park Commission Babylon, New York 11702 Clerk of the Suffolk County Legislature Suffolk County Center I Riverhead, ~gew York 111901 those being the addresses within the State designated by them for that purpose and where they then kepi an office, between which places there ~hen was and now is a regu!mr communication by mail. Albert W0 RL~/ond " 3worn to before me this IYth ~-1 of September, 19 Notary Public NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE i.5 HE~.EBY GIVEN ~ha~ a public hearin~ wilt be held by She To,va ~oa~d of the Tov~'n of Son~hoid on ~he 28~h dgy of September~ 197!~ at 8:00 o~c!ock P~ I~: of said day a~ ~he Southold High 5chooL Oakiam Avenue, Sou~old~ New York in the ma~e~ of the amendmepJ of To~ or~nmnce en~i~!ed "The ~uilding Zone Ordnance of ~ha Town of Sou~hold, Suf~otk Coun~5 >ievg York? togelher ~'ith ~e Building Zone ~!aps forming p~.r~ lhereo~ as follo'zzs~ go wit: ~'~-~'~'~ " ' ' LUg ~ '' ' ~ap~ That w~s pe~pli~h~d i~i so~e p~blismtion~ i weald be willing to bet that it is the ~g~m~ ~mp with e~s~ez~ 2 only ~mk that we p~blish thi~ i r?.sh~d to g'~t here~ Z have not dinne~,~ In t~ ~e~ntime, ~f~t san %~ your c~:j~ction ii~hLr~ tb~t ~p~ Then we ~iit ~,~w what you ~tu*~y ~,n th~ Bulletin ~o~d~ ~ t~ s~uth end ~a the ~%e~~ rlan ~p wn~h was ~hcwn ~.t :p~biic he~mln~_ and was pa~-~a' '~ ...... ~¢ SOLITHOLD, L. I., N. Y, 119'71 September 16, 1971 Re: Notice of Hearing in the matter of the amendment of Town ordinance entitled "The Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" together with the Building Zone Maps forming a part thereof. Gentlemen: Please acknowledge receipt of copy of Public Notice re: aforesaid matter, by signing duplica%e copy of this letter and return same to this office in the self-addressed envelope enclosed, for our records. very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk wa/j b Eric. cc- Town Clerk of Town of Easthampton Town Clerk of Town of Southampton Town Clerk of Town of Shelter Island Town Clerk of Town of Riverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commissio~ Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature Signature of Recipient metal ores; refining secondary aluminum, refining petroleum products, such as gasoIinej kerosene, naptha, lubricating oil, distillation of wood or bones, reduction and processing of wood pulp and fiber; including paper mill operations. 7. Operations invo?ing stockyards, and slag piles. 8. Storage of explo'!sives. slaughter houses~ 9. Quarries XII By renumbering Article X to be Artici-e XII, and amending the same to read as follows: ARTICLE XII GENERAL iPROVISIONS SECTION 1200 - JUnK YARDS - Notwithstanding any other provisions of this O~.dinance, ail automobile or other junk yards in existence at ~he effective date of this Ordinance as first enacted in 1957~ sllali within three (3) years from such date provide suitabielscreening in the form of fencing or hedges completely aroui~d the periphery of the area used for such purposes, and the ty~e of fencing and hedges shall be subject to the appro~al of ~he Board of Appeals. SECTION 1201 - Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordinance, any sigfi in existence at the effective date of this Ordinance, as first lenacted in 1957~ which does not conform to the provisions ~f this Ordinance shah within five (5) years from such d~te be discontinued unless its continuance is authorized ~s a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter ~rovided. SECTION 1202 - DWELLING UNIT DENSITY - Notwigh- standing any other provisio~ of this ordinance, each dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling ~hatl have 9, 000 square feet of [and for each dwe[ling unit in the building where public water and public sewer are not prlovided and shall have 6, 500 square fee~ of land for each dwelling unit in the building where public water and public sewer is p~ovided. SECTION 1203 - HOTEL AND MOTEL UNIT DENSITY - Notwithstanding any other prox4sions of this ordinance, each room or group o~ rooms de~,igned~ used, or intended to be used -42- $I~IITH, T~sx~r~ _~rD FllgKELSTEIN September 14~ 1971 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southo!d Town Clerk Southold, New York 11971 Re: Notice of Hearing on Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments Dear Albert: [Enclosed herewith are several copies of the Notice of Hearing on the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance. A copy mus~ be served on each of the following: Town Clerk of Town of Easthampton Town Clerk of Town of Southamptgn Town Clerk of Town of Shelter Island Town Clerk of Town of Biverhead Village Clerk of Village of Dering Harbor Village Clerk of Village of Greenport Long Island State Park Commission, Babylon, New York Clerk to Suffolk County Legislature Service of the enclosed must be made by mail,lng a copy to each of the above. This should be mailed to each of the above on Thursday, September 1~, 1971. I am preparing and will ask you to come to my office on Friday, September 1~, 1971, to r~s[gn an affidavit of mailing. Yours very truly, R~VT:bc RO]3ERT W. TASK[ER [Enclosures '!]! -: · NOTI(JE IS 'HEREBy GIVEN LEG AL NOT ICE LEGAL NOTICE ..... ... :~.k~.~,~,. NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE applied to any building shall be ~T~E~An ()pen squarc'l'oot area of the room. and also including any portion of Conslrued as though folh)wed by space enclosed on three sides by Usab1~:..floor area shall include all such ~~d. automobiles, trucks, that ~:-pUblic hearing will. beh.~ld. :.the:; ~w:oc. ds..~ ':~..~or~ ~::,::: intended, '.-eX:terior::Walls::"of:: a'.building, ~ .spacesg~not otherwise e~duded." equipment':'.or:, ma'chinery..as are by.the:ToWn Board of. the To~'.'of. ~ed.,..-or.,des~:gned.::'t0-.bd:'oC~. -7.::.:~T~'~OF~ 'ab6v.~.~'~UCh a~: PrifiCipai"~.r66~s~..t6maYb'e::~O!d.'as a~d:::f°.r j~k~.gr !, orus,,d..:.. ............. "~:-. The.'".linear "-'average' ~mensmn uhht2 ~rooms, bat~ms.,. '..all":. ~.salvage. · ~...:....~:-:'..: "..~ ..... -...: · ' [:~?n ...: ::. th.~:') 28th.,.~,::.daY'~"".:0f:' ' .... ':'~ ":" ' ............ ' ........ '~ '-~- .......... "~ ~' ' ' ' ' ........ "~"'~ ..... :'" ...... ' ..... '~ ,er,?- 197:$::~at~.8:00 .'o'tclo~k.~ :ESS0J~y~..?:/:,.A.b~iiding. or . m~:~.~ut~d-..fr6m ':the ' ~nclosed· .. clb~ets~:~and hallways ope~/~g ...:.'.'.'LOT:Ah~"':Pa~'b~i"~'bf''.. land, ' ~"::'.'. ~- :."~ . . · '.. :~ .' . ..~ ...'.' .... ~ .... /. ' ..' : ..... . ...: .~.. -' ''-?,'.~ '~./'~"t~)/ ~ ':' . ~.:..'' ~ · .:. d:~..'?.."~ .~.:: . '.q'.~:.; :.' ..' '.~"~' '. ..'. ": . '."' ~. "~':" . s~id day'~'.~t.:..the.'~S'.OU~hOl~... ~~.'./~)'.'~inc. identat:~ ~'~'0r:.:' side .of.~' the..'~"coUrt to 'the farthest .... dtr~c~.!nt0:any rooms.wlt~'~the ..~e~es~a~flY co,nc!dent with :a..:lof h~0~,.:/'d~a~._~::AWfiU~.) l~t~'.~t0;';afidcUS~O~a~y~in:~..-.-.waii..thereof ' ' . ~ '. ' ':... .dw~i:Ji~:~Unit.and.'ali' atti'~:.:'~s~a~..'O:r']~0tS:'.~hOWn on a map of record, :~.~,.""'"' .' :~ "'.. ¥ ~-~'.:, ' :.'. ~ 3 ,. ....r. :" ~.~'~.::~: .::~. ~..', :'.~' ". - :. . '. · ' ..... '. ".'c~'~ - ~ i ' , ' "~' ',.' "~'~ ~, " ~' ' ' ~ ' ' ' '. '".. " :~.;' (:~:TNew~:.,?..?York';':~:m:'~:~:~..the~'. ~fiPfi~:~it~;~.~'-.:~h~'..'.'pr~ci~i'"~::'~C~URT:':"~UTER.~wIDTH OF- haVi'~aVclear h~ight' 0f.'siX:'.~'' ~hi~h'.i's.'.'b.cCupied 0r which is to '~:~':the~?~m~n:dment~ :'.0f~ ~g.:or:~se~o'nTthe same:lot,.-. ~e'~:' .linear .:'-. dimension : of: 'the. t:ro~ ~Iff~lhed .flor level: to p~tch ~'~-~'~..~: .:~ :- '~,. "':~,. ~ ~ .. ,"~:.' .uh~ncl0sed' side of the ~t" . 'of roof: rafter w~th a .clear height _ accessory buildings, If any, or by ~din cp~':*:an'''~:~:entifled.,'~.~?~h~~. ...."~'~' ...... ~"~*"" .... ' ....... "" ........... ~"' .... ' '~ ........... -"" '~ ' .... ' ..... ::'"': ...... ;.~:.~0fle~.~rdina~ce:...of:?th~: ~h~::~:.~'.~':.t~-.::..- -:'., .:::~.. ::~:~CURB L:EV~-The ~tabSshed'- ot.~;Sev~fl ~feet s~x. inches, from .a .group of buildings .accessory ~'~,.-'.v~("~.,.StrHC '~1 :'ceiling'. ".V- ..:- : ---. '.' "' . ''.'-:/~,.' :/:~ . ':. .... -' -.'..' '.' ?-.. -. ~fimol~,~sUffoi~.'.:.county~:~[.: ,~,a;,~q:~.,~A6- ~ai: ~.-~ma.~: .-." ele~atlon Of. me strut-~grade at' fJnlsh~ floor leveI to cefllng, lqyel .. ,~:~.~;~:.:.~:t~ether~: :?with.:~.~h~ "~"~'~:~5~~Y;.~,'.'~ '"-'~th~'~ Point/that" is.~:'opposite 'tbe~---oVer '~]5~~ percent of the~ area', of' req~ired~.~:-opcn · spaces ' ap- ~ '.'tll~~' "'~d:~CI'~'C .' 'l~Y~l "Ol'' " .... ", ..... ' ..........~ ~ - '- ' ' ' : .... ' ' "/ ' '' ..; ..... '.'-'.~':.~ .... '~ ,.c.. , '. ',. :: : "'::~. ~ "o~nfoe ~nf th'o "wail nOar~f t~' anH.. such." atfie/soace ·: ..... '~ ' ourtenant ::to such buildings or · ?Z0:~e ":~hpS.: f6rming:-)fi? ,a':gra0~::'~w~ere' sucn.graae .......... ~:?.~" ~'.': .......... ~ .......... .--'- .... ~ ........ -~' .... ~ ....~ ..... · ". ' ~.' - .'. '. '. '. .......... :...:. ~ .......... · ~'~' ................................. .' ~.L: ~ 'AREA RATIO-The · groupof buildings ~'~0f,..a~ffollOW~;-, to-wit'.~'.~' · ...... ~ ....... ~ .... ~ ..... ~ .... · ..... facing .the street hne ....... ~,~ ........ ~ ~...:..:.~ ....... · ...... that ex~ e .~or ceftin leveiof ................. ~ ..... ~ ......... · ........... ...... .~..~.~ ....... .~:.~'~. ,~...:. .... g .... · ~_:..~ ........... :..., :, '. ..... .. · ........ floor..aeea~n square feet .of.all.. LOT..: CORNE~ ~lot- at.. ~he :/.~,:; ....... - *-7'~:'":':- · .::~" ~:' "~'~'?~:' ~'/ lS.l~U'~' ~t "r more aboV~ ~ ..... '---. .... '~ - "-, ~.:~:~ .~ , .... ' ' .... ' -" ~- i:~hding ArticleI¥ to e~afl:: .~.. '... :. ~[:~.~ '~:~ ':~ .;. , ...... -, ~'~ ..... ~ DWELLING ..... ONE-FAMILY'A ''-- ,braidings ~0n:~a.. bt :d~v~ded..by.the.. junchon~of and abutting on .two. 0r ............ . ............. V~rage',~:~l~ve~ ..... ot -t-lnished:.~ :'~' ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ' ..... ' " ....f~ ":' ~ "t.in s- uare fe t'~-'" '- ..... ' ' '. ,~:- "'~" ~- .' ...... ' ~ ':' ~,s::.:/..-.-:...;~..: ...... .~..:~ _..: .......-. :..: .', ~., .... :.:-. c:. .:~: ,.:~...'.., :. ~,..-~,~..~ detached buildine Containine'one '~ area 0 :~sueh lo .. .?. q ~ ..9 .:. more ~nterseCtlng: streets: 'where '~':~"~": .... :'"'. I '" :" ': ''~:t '~. :.: ~::~:: ~'~"~..".~ "... ~ · ~ ~..',,'~'. ~d~eiliny unitonlv .' : ......· .~~.AGE~, ~.PRIVA~;A ~ ,.the:~ntenor.angle'of?.~ntersect~on- · .,~,.-ARTtCLE .. · ....... ,~ wnere¥' gum ~aae" a,ms .' .. .... · ................. . .... '~ ~-~.; - .................... ':". .... ~ .......... .; ". .... .., ............... ~... :' · ~ "..~.~:' ~: ..... , ..... :...~ .~:'..~ .... ~- : 'DWELLING MULTIPLE-A ' bulld~fig;used for :'the-storage.~of .doesnotexceed:. 135 degrees. A lot :~SES ~DEFiNiTIONS?'..:~'~: ~te~ior .... all of su~'"bufldmg: "~ ...... ' ...... ~ '" ~ :~.:~ ~ .... ' ....... :~. ..... ' ~. tonts ~o~.any.~:street, ana. · ..... ~ ' ....... .'r t e' · ...... · ........ :-..~ .., : ~:: .~. :~:.: ..... ..' ,-' ~:..~:.'~:, buil. d~ng or nort ~on thereof, on.e~?g:l~)~gr~:~ore: gasoline 0 ~0~. h ~. abutting:::a cUrved.~street shaH.~e ,Or leVtq~.', pi w~cH -'IS DelOW: . . - ' ' :: - -~ ~ ~ -- : ' ~ · .?v ~-,. · ... ......... [¢.._.~ ....... . . . .~..~ n a~ g t e, or tore - ...~ ....~: , ........ --~ ~'~:~h~re~(';;~Stablished~::':~:~, ~- · ~ ....... eot' n,n hr e n .... ~we~,~rwen vebmleS ownedand .... dee ed a'~:corner-tot.~:ff ~e :' .~d~ .................... · d~elling~-units~' -.... ~ ~" . Used.~g~ae owner or tenant of the :' taff%nts i~e~fiSive~?~:.z0ning' ;,' ~.~. Y~' ~:.~.:'-~.:: ~.. ~',' g' .'" :' :'". ' :..':-DWELL. ING~- Ro'wYoR''AT- - 'iot°ff:~hich: ~..is erected, and for 'Of~ih[ersec'tiOn~of the:~ideqot4i~g ~'/bf So~h01d, Which'plan',~ e~ '0f ?.~h:: in.:.(h~:'mxt~,.and' maO. ~ .(. :::~ :':":'~' i.~'~.~.' :',-..?.:. ':' .' (.".'~:'.. T~'CH~D-A ~-~ 'a~il,', aw41i-,;' me g~a~e~f n0t.e~ceeding .t~o ~Rh'the st~etqihes interg6~t ~ht~ ......... '.:'.'-' .... or alq ' ~'~:~fli~ti'°nal..:~ ~ehiel~' ~:~.not:'~ ~n'i~eri°r ~ng ~Shiutev~'ths... ':~d~nanee'.:': ~h:.:~ is. ::.~'dopted::'/f0r"~:ih~-'~: g ':~' "'~'~":'::"'~['P" :~' ' "'. .y; se-aratin~ it from adiacent units t'ruCk'~:)~?wnedo~ ~Sedb'Y:b'thers~~' degrees. as ,i billboard, w~ch e ~ ~ in i'set f6~th'inArtiCle.l'6'gf "~':' .'. '.~:':: ..."~' ~ ' ']": ~.'. ?''-. ' on. bot~ Sides. :.~A". b~ild:, g ~'r. DE?r~-The. minimum : :~., .:. . . .. : ~-...~:.. ~ attention ~o a OuslnesS, }m",.L~W,-'w~'~, in' :th~..:. ': '~. -. ,"' ... "';: .'.. ~' .?'; DWELLING TWO-FAMILY-A other ~han a private garage'uSed distance from the street line of' ','~;.'0'! .... .the .;-.p~teCtion.' ' 'an~' '0dlty~?"/:' ''~'' serv!?.,'.:.:'~.. '..~:.~. da/a'a~a~aiia~a~ai~i~-':{wo ~r h, ~ii'ng 'or care. of ~gasoiine or the lot t0 the rear lot line of such ~m?_t:'~r'j/~y~et~J~f dwelling units only. other Or lot. ·..-. . ~n'. 0f the. public healtfi,.'.~ .arid .Welfare~ .(shall: be'. ]or exm.u~ emewnere: ".'?:'..'. '"' .... g':: ............. D W E L L I N G, S E M I - ~ny~'b0Unda~ry?:'0f:a upon the same lot where DE~~'~5~L-~ -0~n~-'-'f~ii~~ · tO specifically: include ..'.:.sign' .'is displayed .or .only d~lling-~i~' one wall in eom- ~ing, among .others' ~ .... uoon .such'l°t. .facilitation 'of'".the ef-- a~nd adequate p~ovison..ofl fficilities:~:and services; .... · assurance, of/adequate xesi denc e ,' :industry, .and (provision: oF.Pri~acY'-.f0r !i!ies:; ' ~ and:reduction' ic-congestion; so' '.as:Io t ;and safe ci~-:'~ ...... 'of Vehicles and ,,kti'ians; ~e' maxim um ~protection.. of._..-- g~adual eliminat.ion'~ of ncement of the ~ai~h.n~b"' of. the "": TO.~n '0f as a Whole; 'The encouragement of in the design and 0iiment of land in such a TOURIST: building 'other Where ~lodging, 'with .--or -meals,' for. fiVe 'Or ..more .furnished. -':f0r:"~ eOm- fiti0n. ~.. combination "any con- .~tioni except.where-'entirel:y i:.':~0 as to'permit' the aboVe'sameaS ~-:no/bUil'ding Was present ;' the ,shall include the '.'..'structure', as well-as the · gnon with an adjacent dwelling. .DWELLING UNIT-A building 'or entirely s~lf-co~'~-ined portion thereof containing complete housekeeping facilities for only one family, including any domestic servants., em, the premises and enclosed space (other vestibules, entrance or hallways or--porches) or cooking -or. sanitary facilities .in cOmmon .~. W.. ' . *., . - . · ~ ' . - :. ,,' . - !:::~.~ ~th.a.nY..0.ther dwelhng.umt.., A. houSe:(..trailer;~: .a ,boar'ding,. or r°o'mi!n'g.~ ihoUse; c0nvalesc.ent-:/f a. signs'; . b: Fences;- . .... .: c. Walls, ottier than retaining i:/~vails projecting above the i'ground not more than :3 feet at the ..higher ground level and not more :[than 6-~/~. feet at the lower ground ii'level; home, fraternity or sorority house, . hotel ;.motel ,' inn, lOd~ing~ nursing, or 'other similar home, or-'-other similar structure .shall:' ~not "be-deemed t° COnsiitUte a to promote..-the most il!ii!! d.'..' Radio and teleVisiOn ate U~e of iands-~:to' !~eceiVi.ng :~and ..transmitting 'adequate': 'and' '.l~ipwers ~and antennae, except: for .... · installed 'on Of :streets-' li]~Ch~..antennae :.".the.': to/preServe' the lj~o°f 'of :'."a .'"building" and.', ex- Ill:and' scenic, qualities .i Of . ~,!ibnding. '.not '~more--~than :'20 'leer - ~' ~'bov. e.the~high~est'-leVel Of theroof :"foStering' and protection ~ ulture and fisheries. 'iI liliii._ e.,': Porches~' :out(~o0r 'bins.!: and ION I'0r/'-/DEFINiTIONS -' . i~ther:Simila] '- " r -struc utes... . otherwise expressly ,,i..i.CEL~AR~.~.~Any space in a following terms shall ;:building the structual ceiling )ose of this ordinance meaning herein in- .i'-:Words used in the include the future; :ular ,nU~ber :includes the .:a'nd::.'.~.i.i. t:h~::i, i" Plu ra ! thb · : ":: .: ':'i~':i': ."~- ,, ,, :~:'::.':~ ~:'...::i:i. I~°~ d person as well as word "lot" .. e, .street less~:. :~.. _ . persons, -excltisive Of dom.eS~tic...serVants, n~t.r~elated.'by blood;marriage or adoption/shall not be considered to Constitute a family: E..L_QO_R__A_R.E._8-'rhe sum of' the gross .horizontal areas of the several floors of the building or buildings on a lot measured from the exterior faces of exterior 'walls or from the center line of party walls separating two buildings, excluding cellar and basement· areas used .only for storage for 'the speration and maintenance of the building. spaces within the exterior walls of a dwelling unit exclusive of garages, breezeways,, unheated abidin and ia ten .g. 'lYing inc. lot 'lines taken.at .the front Y~'rd~:Or:'::~t- ;i.tha:t/-i:,the' :..offi:c:e:,back tine'and measured al, rigPt,~ cupationalro0ms:are: an~les to the side lot. lines'¥or' d~ellin ':!in. WhiCh the along a parallel to the street~ 7' ~.UF,~TURI.~G:?.~:'~ Any · theret6~ ~r ~ c eS~*'~~'.:~:~'~ tU~evsiZ~', · ther;' no goods or'::':':Shape ~of:.-~.a'r!~des or ~raw.. displaye~ -:onq'. the materials-a're~changed~ or :-where.: and no sign-, or ad:' ar[iCies~. other than-ff, packaged :..:.( :,.;,.'~: .:.;-~.:~.,.:'. :.:.': :.::: .... ~:-~.'~'...~.... large~s,t~..~ :of~a-:~ ~'tai plane' throUgh. :the which is ?'en- as Closed ~eriorwallsof the ~rary building: aec' of indiViduals.~whO .M~N~O~.:~B~AT - BASI~7 ~ without meals Any premises.containing-one Or [eh thereare ~an more Piers;-- wharves, docks.',: ed ?Jevel of which is less than four ::feet above the average finished i~grade, where such grade abuts i'that exterior wall of such building i',which-fronts on any street. A ~ieilar shall not .be considered' in' . to ..... ..for Storage ofo!d:..' and which is designed, used, 'or iidetermining the permissible i. "i~ ~loth~ Oi~'-~,.~!etal~ - intended to be used primarily for :flumber o1' stories, i~]di.: 'au~om6biles',.(the · accommodation of . motor !-.'-~C0.URT. INNER-An open porches, cellars, heater rooms, Pm~nt,~ machh~'ery, :i.Vehicle transients. · ...space enclosed on all sidesby anti basements having a window · not'. ::.."~NON:_CONF.OR_~.MI~G_ ~.:exterior Walls of a building. ' area ot' less than '10 percent of the :'. 'USable : ........... : :~.. :?,:;.~,~ . i:::,?,. ."' .' " ...... . · "-'.' .. .' ... ."' .: ..... ' .... i:.~:: ' '. .... ' ' ': .... '"~". ' i~ ,, ., .:...'.., ,... .. : . . ...:.. . .. ..... ....... , ........ ;iv,~,, , . . '."::~J''... ... ,:' .' . .. ..... . ...... ':~.::: .... .., . ....:..' -.:.-.... ~ ,..:.' .......: ....- ,:::...~. '~ ...:," .- ~::.~ ,' . . .. ' . ' ' · · . . .~ :i&,ii!, . . -. :': .... , , : .... ' · · ' -~" ',- ~i]':' :ii~.~i, '. ........ ....... ~., "The "used~' as Thursday, SePtember'16,~1971" ".' - THE SUFFOLK TIMES - , ;:':.?.,. LEGAL.'NOTICE' ' LE.GAL NOTICE- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ~_ ,!~::> -..- .._ . · · . ............ · ............ · ......... . ............................... . --__ ~,, - ...... ,~.,__.~ ....................... '-_ ............... ~ ........................ whether 'of'a .building :or traCt"ot seaS0fial OCcupancY. ordinance for the less restricted SECTION. SOO - In an "A" land, Or both,, existing .. on. the · . TOUR[ST CAMP - 'shall~ apply to such DiStrict, no'building or premises effective..date., of this: ordinance piece oi' parcel of tore restricted Shall be Used,: and' no ~building or whichdoesnot, cPnform to the use two or more tents, 10t./.:which~.'lieS part::' of a:'bUilding shall be regu!ations.:'.°f"'the DistriCt ' in ". camp '- Cottages, house cars '.or within 30 feet", of :such district .'erected, or altered, which is which it..is loCated. .'....i" . .' .' house.. trailers .used-as. living or. bOUndary,.: For' PurpOses..of this arranged,' intended, or designed Pti~i~~::_:BJJ,[,~'N~C~-A' ... sleePing .quarter's. are' or may: be .'... secti0n"~':.:'....i~he' more.:.: restricted to be used, in whole .or in'part, for ' bu~di~g~i~.'~li]'i/~i'S~c~ii~t~'~[~d:[he" '.'~.l~cated, said camp being diStriCt shall be' :': deemed 'that any uses except the following:. .'mainorprincipal'USe of the lot on. '.:::operated. 'for or -without corn- /' district. :subject to' regulations. A. ~e_r_m_i~t_~d_~_s~e.s. · _ Which:Said'building is l°cated. :' ..:P~nsation. · .... ' .:. ......... ,..iUSABLE.0PEN..~pAcE An: whieh:.~:.,prohibit:the use.'",intended 1. One': family detached · , - to.be madeofsaid lot;orrequire dwellingS, not.' to exceed ....one. : .Communal :..i ·seWage". unencl°Sed.portion of 'the ground '" . ' :..higher .::.standards with. resPect:tO' dwelling on each tot. · disPoSal systems 'and"eommunal' .:'of:a'. l°t..'whieh .iS:no~ devoted" t° ::-COverage;:..... yardsi 'sfi'r'e~ning, . 2- The ~ following commercial -water':.sui~Ply''.systems apprOved ..~:driveW~.yS,..:! or i;. parklng,''. :SPaces, ,:'..::.landsc:~Ping ... and.-/: :'similaragricultural operatiOns ':and 'by ::~:[he :. guffOlk...CoUntY .Depart-.../whiCh is' frqe:.of structUres hr:any:. 'i reqfiirements.:.': ....." :.". '.....'..'.'::...'..'!:.~ accessory ._.uses, inclUding · .niem: of. Health, "and operated by":. ': k.lnd, of wh{eh 'not(:m°re'.'than'' 25": ::" .:5,..in'all cases, where a.' diStriCt '.'i~rigation~:theretoi'.provided that 'a mu~icipal!ty Or pUblic.'ag~ney(..'.....'~p~rcent:...:isli. :to°fed for :. shelter.-.: bOundarY'line is, located, not ~m'ore:there shall be'. no storage of. ~~:.:AnY StrUcture'.°r'part~', "purp°ses '.'; 0O!:Y, '.' the.. .minimum ~, than ,.15.' feet from'.': a lot :: line- .Of manure, Or:other odor or dust-. the?b-6Y,'oi- any device attached to i' ' dhnensi0n 0~f?'~hiCh 'is.40 feet, and" ::.?. reCord; SUch boundarY :line .';:Sh all:.ProdUcing ~UbstanCe or. '.:use., a building or painted or' represented thereon, which shall~ display or include any letter, word, model, ·banner, pennant,· insignia, device, trade flag, or representation which is in the nature of,. or which is used as, an announcement, direction or advertisement, for commercial purpcses or' otherwise. 'A sign includes a billboard and a neon ..~ tube, string of lights, or similar device outlining or hung upon any part of a building or lot, but does 'not include the flag or insignia of- any nation or group of nations·, or of anY governmentaI agency, of of any ·political, educational, Charitable, philanthropic, civic, professional, religious, or like camPaign·, drive, movement, or event. Excluded 'from this , are signs, which are solely. d:ev0ted to prohibiting trespassing,' hunting or. fishing. · SIGN AREA - Shall include all faces of a "Sign measured as follows: . ~[a) When such sign is on a Plate'or fr:amed or outlined, all of the area ~f such plate or the'area enclosed by Such frame or outline shall be included; (b) Wh.~n-such sigfi consists. only..,of .. l~tt. ers, designs, or figures .engraved, '. painted, projected'.: or in any manner af- fix,ed,, on a wh.l.l.,. . the total area of such sign., shall be deemed the area, :.within Which all of the matter of Whi~:h-sueh. sign eon- sists may. b~ ehseribed. .q.TC}Ry+. That part of any building, exclusive of Cellars but inclusive '. of basements, eom-. prised beiween the le.'vel of 'one finished fl..()o~ and the level of the next higher :..finished floor; or if there .be do higher finished floor', then that. p~irt'of th.e building comprised b!etween the level of' the highest finished fl0~0r add the top of the. roof .beams.k ffI'ORY.i. :' :' Xny space HALF..:- partially .~vit.'.hin the robf framing, 'where .the-i~.ltia'r height of no..'t ~more !than ': 50 perce~nt: of such space bet:w{~en.the top!:of the floor 'beams arid ihe strfic, t~.ral ceiling 'level is 7~:ifei~t 6 inch~/s or. more:. '::. STREET :'" A Stri~eti improved · 1.0 the satisfaction o'f t~e Planning which is one 10f the fol- lowing' an qkisting !:Tq:wn, county :or 'State.: hi~lh...way'i: 0~.i street;' Strqet shOw~i on an gpprov .ed Sub) !div.i, sion ']'Fihai ..Plat'il a 'street or~ al map 'fi!e:d with the County Clerk (in ac'cordance with Section 2B0-.'}~ :of .the' Town Law) prior"' [0 i: Planning .Board .autho.rizatidn to, revi..e.w subdivi:- sions'.; a s:treet, shown'6n'the Town ~Offieiat MaP. ,. ~STREET:LINE- The dividing 4i. ne between a lot.and a street. ii.:. §~RUCTuRAL ALTERATION Any change-in the-supporting memb'ersl of a building, such as !beams, c.Plu.."mns, or girders, · :.:;TRAII~ER "- ANY" v.ehicl~ :mounted ' ol~ ' .wheels;- movable either bg-it:p.own 'power or by :being dra.'iwfi by another vehicle, :and equip.."pefl-t6 be usedfor li'ving :'~r s!eep, iiig !qu.hrters hr' so as to permit co'oking. The term "~trailer"iShhll :include. ,~ehicles' if 'iii i -:io~. :~t.~mp0r. ary or ~per '.!tharient '."foflfidations .: with the i.wheels r~!m'~V.'e~d~ !:: ~::. -' IOURi~S~I~. COT, TAGE- : 'A ~detached .i. blgi. lding i h.hi, ing .: le~s~ ::ihan :. thr~.e :i.l/undrdd :fifty (350 :': '' , 'i. :~ : :. !'. · '4 : : ..:..squar:e te.et pi: cross sechon are.a~ .:idesigned for'. dr. occupied as lilving :i~ind :.'. sl~iep~:!n..".g., qua?ters: for; · . .. . . : which is available and accessible to all occupants of the building or buildings on the said lot for purposes of active or passive outdoor recreation. IISE_ ~,CCESSORY_- A use ,~.~. · customarily incidental and subordinate to the main use on a lot, whether s.uch "accessory use". be conducted in a principal or accessory building. YARD. F,RONT- An unoc- cupied ground area fully open to the sky between the street line, or by the street line established by -the Official Map of the Town, or an approved Subdivision Plat, and a line drawn parallel thereto. YARD~ RE.A~ -.An unoccupied ground area fully Open to the sky between the rear lot line and a line drawn paral!gl thereto. ~ARD. SIDE - An unoccupied ground area fully ..open to the sky between any property line other than a street or rear lot line, and a line drawn parallel thereto bet ween the front and rear yards. II. By amending Ai'ticle II to read as t'ollows' . SECTION 200 - USE DISTRICTS - For :-the purpose of this ordinance, ithe Town of Southold, outside of the In- Corporated Villages, is hereby divided into districts designated as t'oliows ' ' "A" RESIDENTI'AL AND. AGRICUI,TURAL ' DISTRICTS' "M" LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS "M-I" GENF, RAI., MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS "B" LIGHT'. BUSINESS · DISTRICTS "B-I" GENERAL BUSINESS ' DISTRICTS ' · "C" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS "C-l" GENERAL LIGHT INI)USTI{IAI, DISTRICTS SECTION 201 - ZONING. MAP The boundaries of the said districts are hereby established' as shown on the Building Zone Map which accompanies, and which, with all explanatory matter . thereon', is hereby .adoPted and made a part of and 'incorporated into .this ordinance. .Said map, indicating the latest amendments, Shall be kept up. to date and a copy-thereof shall be kept' in the office Of the .Buildihg , Inspector for the use' and benefit of the public. : SECTION 202 - DISTRICT 'BOUNDARIES - In determining the boundaries of districts shown on the zoning map, the following rules shall apply' 1. Where district 'boundaries are indicated as approximately tbliowing the center lines of streets, highways, waterways .or railroad rights - of-- way or such lines extended, such center lines shall be' construed to be such' boundaries. ..- 2. Where such boundaries are indicated as approximately 'tbllowing the property lines of :par:ks or other, publicly .owned -lands, such lines shall be .con- strucd to be such .boundaries... · '3. Unless o~herwise' shown, 'all :'district boundari, es -running: para'Iici to streets ..sh'al! be con- stru'ed to. be 200 f.eet back from the'.rights - of.- way:of-.said .streets. · · .4. h'l .all cases wher..~ a: districi · :boufidary divi&~s-: a 10t:: in-::::one !ownership and ". more :than: :~percent Of the ar~a 0f Sh&'lot lies iin lth"e less restrifited kits{riel., the :'regu'lati6ns pre,4crib~! .ibY i:ithis be construed to coincide with such Iht line. 6. In all other cases where dimensions are not shown on the [nap, the location of boundaries shown on the map shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing thereon. 7. Unless shown on the zoning map, all tidal lands and lands under water shall be deemed to be withinthe use district to which they are contiguous. SECTION 203 - EFFECT OF ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS - Following the ef- fective date of. this ordinance' 1. 'No building shall be erected, moved, altered, rebuilt or enlarged nor ,.shall any land or building be used, designed or arranged to be used for any purpose or in any manner except in conformity with all regulations, requirements, and restrictions specified in this ordinance for the' district in which such building or land is located. 2. No yard or open space required in connection with any building or use shall be con- sidered as providing a required open space for any other building on the same or any other lot. 3..No lot shall be formed from part of a lot already occupied by a building unless such building, all-yards and open spaces con- . nec ted therewith, and the remaining lot comply with. all requirements prescribed by this ordinance for the district in which said lot is located. No building permit shall be issued lbr the erection of a building on any new lot thus created unless such building and lot comply with all the provisions of this of dinance. 4. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall require any change in the plans, construction, or designated use of a building complying with the Zoning Or- · dinanee in force prior to this ()rdinanee, if the following is lbund to exist' (a) A building permit shall have been duly issued and eon- struction shall have been stat'ted before the effective date of this ordinance. ('b) The-ground story fram ework ..(inCluding the second tier of beams) shall have been completed within six months of the date of the building permit; and : (c) The entire building shall have been completed in accordance' with such plans as have been filed With the Building Inspector within one year from the et'l'eetive date of this or- dinance. ' 5."Any use not permitted bY this ordinance shall be deemed to be prohibited.' 6. Notwithstanding the limitations imposed by any other provisions 0f this ordinance, no building, dredging, or' .filling operation !shall be permitted below the datum of mean high water, of tidal waters unless such building, ~0redging, or filling operati0ng have .been duly authorizedi'and are conducted in conformity-v~!th all laws, or- dinances, rules and regulations of all g0vernirlental agencies havingl; juri.~diction thereof. 1II; By :an~ien.'ding Article III to read as 'follows:- ARTICLE iii "A":: Residential and Agricultural District · except spraying and dusting: to .protect vegetation, within 150 feet .of any :lot line:, (a). Th.e raising of field· and garden.: crop·s,.· vineyard and orchard "far~i'ng,~ the main- tenance of .nurseries, and the seas0n·ai sale of products thereof in tts: fOr pr0~ grown primariIy.'.on m premises .S'h~ll not eXceed t,000 square feet 'in floor'area. Display of pr0duce'.sgall.'be 'not less than 10 fei~t ':fr'0:~: street and 10t' linesi ~ excess: of 100 · floor area shall be set-: frOm the.:.:S'tree't line~· existenCe at the .of this ordinance i0ne year, comply (b)": "' ponys owner buildings , yard buildings, B: structureS, and ' by:.:the The uses are-per,: exception bY the Ppea!s. ·~ as her~ and sUbjecL approval.~ by.! the rd:·, ',in. accordance with Article XIV hereoL 1. Two family dwellings, conversion of existing buildings and new Construction, not to exceedone such dwelling on each lot.. 2:: .:plaCes Of . :worship: in- cluding ~parish:- houses ,,(but ex- cluding a rectory or parsonage which": Shall cOnform'to the requir6ments for a one-family dwellingY, subject: to the folloWing, requirements: : ,'~.:(~) No.'b~ldi-hg or part there~ nearer and by .and stitu of the lot: c" ': :( :less'th~ or·-..lOt: l .(b,)." The t'ot~l,area occupied 'by all'!'~rineipal!: :and acCesS°fY' · buildings shall not exceed '20 percent of the area of the lot. (c) Any such School shall be a non-profit organization within the meaning of the In- ternal Revenue Act and shall be registe?~d effectively thereunder as such. ' ,(-~').: Any stich :Schoolishall occupyl ~:i Ipt'. Wi't~''an area ~f ·not less than:'fiyg:~er~s:' Plusonq ~ere: . : Section Two-Page Three LE GAL NOTICE for each 2~ pupils for which the building is designed-,... ' · 4. Libraries,:: philanthropic,. eleemosynary or ... religious in- stitutions, hospitals, nursing-.and rest homes, or sanitaria for general medical care, but ex- cluding facilities for the treat- ment of. all types of. drug ad- diction, sUbject to the following requirements: (a) No building, or part thereof or any parking or loading area, shall be located within 100' feel, of any street, or 50 feet of any lot linc. (b) The total area'covered by principal, and accessory buildings shall not exceed 20 percent of 'the area of the lot. (c) The maximum height shall be 35 feet or 2V~ stories. (d) The entire lo[, except areas occupied by buildings, parking or loading'areas'shalL b'e suitably landscaped and properly maintained. nt: .' exterior site:shall be itiOn ~'of 'all surrounding streets and lots. (f) Any nursing . home, hospital, or sanitarium .... shall meet the following standards: All buidlings shall be of fire resistive construction; all such uses shall be served by adequate water and sewer systems approved by the: Suffolk County Department of' Health; patients suffering fr6m' not- or [e ~e.' ..Public the:' State .of squhre~ ifeet, of :::prbvided: for ' ' 5. iPUbliC Utility':right~pf~way as. well:.: as' structures :arid' ~Other.: installations :.necessarY: to'. serve whiCh: the proposed structure is ·to 6: clubsi to members or other rec~ open to- :' :the' sory ..; poo!S and ng area :: t' 100 feet'of lne nor Within 50 feet of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by principal and accessory buildings~..: 20 Percent!!::0f · lOt. (c,) conduCted for profit as a business enterprise. (d) No such use shall oc- cupy a lot with an: .area of less than three acres. (e) The direct isource of all exterior lighting shall be shielded from..the view of surroundiag cam follc tiOn for the ac- ef- trd. less' than 30 feet from each other, except tents, which shall be not less than 10 feet apart. (b) The minimum lot area shall be not less-than 10,000 square feet for each cot.rage, tent or other, principal building, and not less ~than 3,000 square feet of · land area shall be proiiided for- each person accommodated in the buildings or tents.' oh the premises. - - - (~ ;::.Al! out~:qo~:!:' l~hting Twc · · -" THESUFFOLK'TIMES Thnrsday,~ SePtember~16~ 19?~ ';..,,,=Z~'.g~k.'~°'~'l.C~ ,:k ..... :/:::L~GAk .~.TICE_ '' ':, LEGAL-NOT-:~CE..'.. ...... ','-_ ~, .~EQAL:NoTICE"' '. '.' '"': .LEGA'L-:.NO?i~E ' ' -'~:"'~i;id ' '~;~" '- '"' :' / .a permanent'chain~l/nk, (or Resia~atial'-aaa A riCultural and not i .' ' ~ "" ~ed'to' 1.':mi~atethe'gl%eof -' -': ' · '. .... :-.:. : · .... g ' "': ~ "nvolviog a 'Se 'arate twent '0 '" ' ' '""""<" ..... . ~ .. .... ~,... -~ .... .~ .... s~lart e).fe e - - ,- : . . ..... ~. p . . y. (2) .feet. and-its 'de th ...... . - ~. .... · ............. , ..... YP ....nc of notmore District access r'. '~ - ............. · ' ' · · "- ' ' - ~ . ' P. · .' . ..]~gh~s .toward nearby, residential than 2 inc '~' esh .......... _~ , _ -,_ ~y bml?ngs,and b u s,.~ ~.e s.s.. ' . '. - shall..nof exceed ~m ',width . '~-lotS;~' streets, or'-:'.Omer' :,Ublie,,~ ~],:~..l~d· -~~..,,.~.~s,th~fl s~t~e~;.?.-~?the~?.~ccessory.~. .~ 8, Signs,-.subject to the' ~ v~ a'~ Umbm '; ' :' ' ..~ ' .... .? ,'~..: .... . ..... · . .~ ...... -~, ',...-~. m crated , ~ ~ ,~.. ~. . .... , ..... - . ..... yen . .e~ng· Art~cle. IV.B - .faCifihes ...... .~-~.' .-.; ''.-~ -.~ '...:-=.'~ . -taine~ and ~ 'iaa~. :~;~~" uses-,~a~y~ ,oe-~.l~c~at?d. ~ln the.~;, tol,lo~ng ~: requrrements: .~ to. be Article VI and am~ fhe .---k~. ..... .,: ~.'.."~..:~. ~ ..- .:. ~......:.~...'~.. · · · · ~ ~ . ru~dwm~~'~1I-..~.; ~; ' ..... ~.~ - ' .. ..... -' .. ".... · . -, , - - -'. ~.:.' .' ~ . -' . ng ' ~ (~)The's'o-und~ level:: of' all clo's~n~.'~,~-~ :~.~;~--~:.--~ ,2 · ~~arear~'~ara', s~je?~tp.the ~ ,: ~a') One ~adv~t:ising "sign,.:~ same to read ~ s folr0Wsy:.:' " :~'"~outdobr-pUblic~ address S 'stems'~ -.' :" '~" ..... ' .... '~-~:',~:~: .... ' -' -.' g' q ' ' '" .... ~-~"~- ~'-· -. i hersingleOr double faced'.not . "'.- ~' '~ ..:.~ . ....... . ..... · ..... .... ............ ~..Y ~ ..... prevent unauthorized se'o ~. · ~..~, -. ..... -~.. · . : . . ~ . ~ ~ . , . ~.. ~.- ARtICLE. VI .. -. :. ' ~'~ ..~. shah ~ not' exceed.' the"ifitenMtv-'~ ~,~- ;"a' ',~ '~ ..... k, ~_k~qf. ~e ~. ;~...1;~- Such.:-bulldmgs shall, not 'morethanfift (50)'.Sauaref~t in, - .... ,-.'-t,-B, .... '. '.~ ~ ' - -.~::' tolerable, m: a.'residentiaI.:~eigh. ~'H0w~;e~:' ir'~:a.'~:2~: ~,~~ ~x~e_~ eighteen.. (18)::: feet,, in..~ are~,.-the '~,to~er ~ge of w~ch''DIST:RI~""' "~ ' - ' ...".' "~0 '~.' : '~ ";'. '''-~ :. '.' .'-':.:' ~. :'"-'~ :,'.' "~: '.:'.":.. ' ':.-. .... '..--?i'~-~ ~"~:.. ? ~ ~.~' ~at~V. ~hei~t;-(::. :.'...' ~': :.: '~...'. :.?: ... ?-.' . . . ...~ 'shall not beleSs than fo~. (i.)~feet ]'.- ~. SEC~IO'N.-'~6~'-~ :s 'tn ~' a ._. ._.. ..~ b r~Oo~abor.' :camps;~'~inclading ~n~h]a~h~U%~ f~?o~e ~ _ '.:2,.:S~c~ bu~ding~ Sha!l :.be~se~:. apove t-he-gCo~d;, exclusive~ of :' ,. DistriCt';;<;o buil, in,or .~e ~ses ~ ~ ....... ' ~ ~ ' ...... ~ .... '- ~' . ~ ~- ' .,~ ~ ',v,.c~ ~o .not Dacgnot;less-tnan~tflree d g p '~:.-:.~iarma-ndnon,fa~m, sUbject.'~:~he..~'reauired:;h~ovid~A?m.,, a~,~k_:_~. , ; ..? ~ , ;(3) feet' pillars and posts,-and~e Up~ r shall'be used and ~o b~ild~ r · ..:following requirement.,.". ':: ' Of ' app~" '~' '~';:;~ ~;&'2'z, :'~ .... O any.lot nne.. -,... ........ .'edge-of.which shah not ro'~.. ~. ' ' ' · ~ '". - ""' .... - '. '- - :". ..... '~-~ '::.'(a.)~"AiJ'":f~rm"l~or'-.~,s -.~;-~:::2:~, 2=~,=':~'.U~. ']?°0~ ~' a?_~; ~ .... ~ 3, 'All: such . 'buildings in.the .. '.. "..._~,.~ .. ,.,.....'.... P:' ?.. '."~t_]f' '2' ". ~'~ .--' ~]~11.'...(~ . 'on. farms' shall.be const~ructe.d in -cl,-,;k~· :.~;~,;_.~.,..~;.. , ~....~el ~.. a~r~ate shai~ occupy'not'more:...... ..... : qa...m~een (t.B) feet:mx (6). ...... ~ :_;_k.~_~ .._=~.~:~. ~ _ ....... · -. u~u~ seh~loclm ate' 'An - ' ...... '~ ~eeS' a ..... ~ ......... ' ...... :' o,~a,~u;-~-mt.eau~;~sr.a~tg-ne~ ~' ...... confOrmance With" ' .... i" '''~ .... ~" ' ~ "' g~' g ' Y'.'.. '~an'forty (4~o)-~rcent of th'e ~ ~ .... ~ve the ground,~. . . .. _ · . ..... - . .: · app ~cable' swimmi~ '.o'l i~. ...... ' ': ' ..... ............ '.' ~ ..... .~ ',--, ...... · .-~-~tobeused. mw~leorm- art or laws".' and s al ~. '-~ .: .. ..._. g .p o n :~Xls~ence -at . area of the ~re uired-rear- ara ........ (b.) .Such sign ;hall ad--'."-~" -- ' ..~. · 'P .', f .- :.-. .~]~ .,_ ?. l ~? .~._l??ted,.. the..effec;iv~' ~ date ".?:~Of:.. the .. -'.'.'-"- ' .:''q '.~ :.'- ' 'y' "::~e~ti~e' 'enl~ 'iha '"'~-~"~ '~a-,-', .,any 'uses except the. folloW~g. -. ,~arer ~o any..omer residences:.'~ 'ro~" i '"" " "' ~"~' ": ~ ...... ' ' SE~ON 30'3 ' ~ "~ "- ' - ~.' .~ .~ ~ ''~ "-'~' ~"-"~-- ~-~t~e~ .~,,' ~- A' ' ~' ..... ' ' . , .~..- . . : ...... ~.~ ...... p ._ sonsofthis~ra a h"shaH' · ..... -ESTABLISHED d '" .... ....~ ..-..... ,.Permitted:Us~... .. . · . - :than it m located-to.the residence -,-' .' . ~ ;: ~- ~.~ ',~ :. :' g:.-.,~ .... "F ' - . ...... ~....: ._ .... ut.ted. 0n.- the pro~es-~upon.'- . .... ..-..~ . :: : . - -.. .: ..... . .-- ........ .7~.::~..:. .... . w!thl~ one.year from.such.date~ ...~0NT:.Y~RD. SETBACK -.. which it is lO .... te' '-'~ ; ...... · 4 ..' -.-l~Any~rmltted~useset forth ' ~f~.-~-~ e~P!pY'e~,. ex~ep.t[:_..bY '-c0m'plY~-~ith'all of:t~e.P~0viSi~S. :~ere pr0~rty in'}hd-~iein~ty iS" >: ..... ('c) Ruo~a~ai~&~ "'~i:: h~:"~i~'.~'] in and. as regUlated by'SeCtion 3~ '. ~C~::r;ev~e~' ana~aPPr°val 0f .h.er~L ~' . :.'~:- .. '-' ~.':'. .; '::.. .. imProve~' '~ith'; .... Permanent: back .~o{i~Tt~"~'~'i'~.'~2g -. A;'--Section-400 A;and-S~tiOn. 5~ .'me' ~oara .of :ap eals · ' ' " " ......... d ":~ ' ''' .... ' ' ' '~" ~' " ':' ..~: ......... .:E..~.~ .... '.:. .; :: .'., P . , ~.. ..... .," · ... · . " · ..... . ' · ..welfings.wRh'a front yardarea from all.str°et ~,a'~i n,a'o' .... A of this ordinance "' . . '..:a:_ gayages,pr°viaea,~'~ ~m0reorleSS;thanthat' required . .: :' (d~) S~h s~'~ ~'~,~,.., '. ~. 2:.BuSiness, professional and .'...~.:;--uu~atng, .moormg,'.':.or 'ac-'nowever,~.that?:not-~o~ethan:two. bv.-.thb.~-nm~is~6,~.'-.~r, m;; ~. ',:' ',,-~-~ '._. 's-~ .' ~'"P~.' a~i,~,, m~,'~l ~rr;~a~ · '~ '-~ommodattonofnon-commerc!al-'cpa-s. senger-automobile.:'s~'in ~nance '~e front ',~n,a ,am,~ .)m-all .?. me ,supp~mentary . a nsnk~ ~na ..ri .... ;.~' ~, boa'ts, ~ SubjeCt ~ to":~-th~~ '.fOll0~'in~: . s-u~h ~a~aae~.~mai~' ~. i~Z:~"' ,= ~ sh~. L~",~'Z"~['Y2]~.~7.'~-,?~'E~ ' s~gn regumtions, nereiaafter ~set _,.; '~-: ~?"- .......... ~ ........ . ~ .. .. . · . .~: ...' . ~. ~.,.. ~. ~ ~_ ~ ~eo to .. ~ ~.~nc average 'setoacR ol ~Drth--' ' · ;: ~ ' ' SLIL'ULIOHS. f. .. requirement; - ' ' '.' .persons' not' 'resident' on ~e' 'the 'existing-dWellingS within 3~~ ~ S~TiON 401 'LoT AREA, 4. Ret.ail Stor~,. - -'- .~ · ~(a)There.~hall'.bed°cking Premi~eSk'' . '."~ '~' .... f~t 0f the propo~d-'dwelling, on YARDS,- OPEN' SPAeEC 5. Rest'aurants, - -- '--?f'm0°ringfaeilities~'°rna:mOre' -"4~:~Thestorage°~ither'a~at the'~meside0~theSt~t ~i~'n'~ w,;~,' .... 1',.~.~-2~' ' 6-.Ba~a~ ~A--~ ~f~, ~ -man--twO. boats~ than~.those Owned.. 'or'trailer0 ' '~. ~.,' ~' .... . , - . .... .'. ,..-.~-,.~--.. r nwwa'a.an~, a~ ~A:~KING ~'. ........ ?~-. ........ - · . .~._a~ ...-__~. ~._ ~- ,~.:~ ~.. ........ ~. ,.:~ ~.. .:..~ . Wried and.used by ~e the ~me block, and the same ~e ..~- REOUiREME~w. ~ h,,;M;~, ~, . premises sale at~:'re~a:fl)o ~:. . ..~.:.~,u-'.-u~eu .oy: me owner-or me. owner ..... or ..oecu. na:nt:.-:of-' ~h~--.d~ct ~ ~'" '-~" ' '-'-: ~'-'~ .... ---'-~.~ :--~ ':' .:-'?~.'~ .... ,~,"'~.~- .~ r. .... . ~ ' ~ .... - ~ ' · "-- - reml.ses S~ il' e . ,. '. '~ ~auttux'glll~at~. al~ :~'HlitI~~' :"'."' ~ pre~s~ f6r his[perS0~:a! Use. ." ~r~.mi~...'on whiCh.~stored fer hi'~~' . SE~ION 304:~-CORNER LOTs: g,i!dih~ '0r ~t~h~f~'~~' ~ ~establishments, - -: -' ' · · .~o: veterinarian oftices and-'" 'rsonai..:Use'-Sub' : -. ' ........ : :"~' · .... ': '- .. ~ '.~. ~'. ~... ,,~ '. · ' "'." . -' . , ,: ~.~i-~ki-..~2:~.,~,.._.:~a_~, ,;.: .,. . .... ~.,.k: ~,,j .... -~ ~ .JeSt .to ~e - On acorner lot, kont yards are . erected -0r altered ~i' tho~ "M" ·" · 8: Personal~ service ~--stores : ~m~,~a'l ' ,~'spx~a~...~u~jec; xo"'~e ..~m-~o~in ~' re uireme' tS: - '" ~' ' r ..... ' .... - '~" ' ' ' ~ ........... ,~. n ......... ,.. . .. .... , _ . ~ .... ,. . .... ~..'-: .... '.. . · .... ........ - -.. g: q .. ~... ..... -. ~r~ on-bothstreet frontages, Li ht Mul'ti ~'R ' i '~ ,. .- - _and shgps;:-" .~. . ~. foll~wmg.requ.~rement:; · · · - · -(a) S ch a · - . · ........... · '.'~ '~ g .~ '.Pl: ~..denceD~strmt . .. , . ~. .~... ,:~..~/,~ ~ .-~'....~. ....... ,,...:..:... q....~ ~_ t. or. trader a. ndgneyardother:thanthefront unleSs the Same conforms ~th " 9. Marinas.for.the ~dock:~g,.- ~,. ... ani. m~.sh~eh~n~s~g~,_~, ~1 :...:.sn~l!'~O~.~x~~O!~..inl~ng~,.~.yards~Sh~H~'~:~med..~O:...~be~a ..~ the-'..,qB~lk.~_ .a~ Pa~'~'~' mooring, and'ace°mmodation-':~f ' " .' , ...-'~ :~. -, .,....:.~ :,~' ,.~,.~z::~,,'- '" ~ 'V" OUCh.. poa~ or trailer ' ~-'Yard: and the o her".or :' ..' ........ -,,...~ no-n.commercial o . ~ ......... . .............................. -~. .......... ~ . ... . .t Re ulaho .Sche - .b.ats.mc~udmg · - . closed structure ~f nearer.'t an 'sh i D ....... " ~ ....... - ............ g . n dule. ~n .... . h - a 1..~ e.. stored_ only' m.~ the "-others, s~ eards No"ob t ....... ' : ...... the sale f f ~ · '..' .... ~.' ..... ~ .... · ..'~.'.--.. . . ' ,.-.. .... .... _.. Y . , . Sruchon . cor or. ' ...... - o".uel~,and.od: rima'~fl t~feet~to.an '.lothne ..; '~.' · rare .e ......... . .. ..... . ..... ~ ;~ . ~.-. ~ ~ .... .... p .atedmto~this. ordmanceb -- - P~ -.- ~ ..... .- .:, ~, Y-.. ......... ,.~:,.....:: ..... ..~.q...~,.d..r.arya~d,;:and.t~ea.~..::. to.vmmn~.exc~dm .~0 ch "~ .... ' .... · . "- ~ . ":' ~ '" ~'' y- tor~ t-he-' u '.': ,'-, '-- . ..... ~ -. - . . - ':.Il, ~Cemeter'~es ".- '. : -.." o'ccuDted.ther:efore' t~i~,-,:"-':~ ~'~.~-'~.'~:-- -" ~.' _,m:. ?..,~n.. ret.erence, .w!th :.the ,~ame' fOrce .... . , ... ~se . of ;.boats ~.. ~ac? ~' ......... "- :, ....... ".-.~: . '- .... ~_ .',,~ ~ ' ~ ~.~ ~s~.~,.~,~ wm,. ,.~.gm a~ve c~o teve~sna,a, ~e' -andeffect :~as if'such r~.~;~ commoaatea ~n s'ucn:mar~a .'" , . :~.~' :.:. ~:~.~:~ta:bl:e~.'~ a~nd-.::~'riding:' "~ th~'.'~rea'~°f':aii'~buJid~n~sin."t~e '.'~" ~t~.or..~ain~ain~a::'at ;st~, ... ~ _..:..... ~,-. ;/..,:..: .~. ~?~_,~,,S~ .' ,., ,~_ ....~..-~ .".~ . ~ ~ ~,. ¥ ~'.- .~ '~ '~... ~caaem~e~:.:~ .... - · ~: ". '"'~ '~' ' rear'vardshall n~*?a~'~a ~"~, : :,,_~::~;~__..~::.,c~ ' ,~ '...~ ~':'." werq:.set.t, orm ner~q'in ~ull.'- ' ~n:.":p~s.'Permi't'~ed '~y'.~ia]' , . ., ...1~. F~unerat. home~:'-and un,-~-.-~e~t.. :o'f~ theLarea- 0f~the,'~re0~ir~-.".. fOr -' ~ hv}6~ ~t li~n~ a~:"~;,~ © .'.'.~ f~. Y~..-'~ ;m~.?~. ~g,~A~t~C~e !II A... - .-.;~ .~. n'. ~ .Th~ ?0ard. ~f . aertakmg.. ..... establishments. . rear Y dar" ......... "' ' '~ '~'~ ......... -. 1o ... _ _~= .................................. _. , . OeAr~lc~e van~ am~dmg the ..... ~al~. as a~r~naft~r p: ~ovlBe~ ....... ~ . ...... . .... . ~ ~ .. .. ~. ~.~. .... t..and.a~.~ne drawn.between..sam.. .... ' · '- "' T .... " .-. · -~ :'"' :? ~.. -: ..: 14.. Y~rd ~ales, attic sales,~, .... .'- (c)..Sueh. boat'"o-",~.n~-- .~:_,.'~,~_ :=.:~- -_;.... · ,~ . . e to read as. f011.ows,.~ .. ..~e. following uses :are~r=. ~ .... .-'~,garage..sa!es~:..~auetion ~sales, 6r ""shall- not.. be l°Cated '~'ithin '1~'fee, · t ' ." f~,~,. ' a;~,~~.~,~,,, ,.,,m~-~-'' ~;~2,men.. -'~'::~mm 'o~-' :-- -,,' '"" :/,, .ARTICLE ,V ...... ~ t.~.~as~.. ....... a~sp~ial. ExceptiOn. by, ...... ~.. ...... · . "· simila~" '~les'~ :' of :-. h~r~ha!, of any street 'or lOf lin~ '"' :' .....~.'~-~'=" ' ' '; -"" p ". "'-- "- '-.'M--~ ~GENERAL.MULTIPL~ ?e .-'~oard of: "~AP eals-' as ~ . . . .. ~. ..... - ~ ~,- ~..:, ....... -~ ...:~,-~.:,,=. . , -.~ · ..... . . .-. .~--. . . - .11 ~-~tlOH..' '... , . .... - . ~ ' · '~ ' . . - ..... ~. , ...... ~' · ~. · pro~rty~ prov!d~ tha~not'more .... 5.'Hot .... ."a' "' .... · ..... .~ .. , . ~ . --.. - .. ...... ESiD~NCE~!STRi~ ... ~ .._eremMter provided, s~b]ect'to'- ... - ...... · ...~ ~ ~. , ....... ~-- ...... s~ .... nd domestic. SECTI ............ ' "~ ....... . -- - . '-. ' '" . - · , . ............. : ........ .......... ,:.... . ..... . ........ ON 305 ~--.FENCES., . - - .- ' ~- , ..... ~.t .... : "~ .... than one such sale shMi be 'ammalsothe.' . .:.~ . , . .... :. :, .. SECTION 500- In:an...-Mq ~e plan ..Approval. b 'the. , · ,~ ~. ~.- .: .....~. ~.,~: ...... ... ~ ....... : r-than dogs~shall ~t · W~.and. ~DGES ,.Sub'ect ...... ' - ' · .'.' -' '-" '" ~-~ ~ .... ~' · ..... '~ .-. y - ' conducted on a.'ny:J0t.m.~an~' one '-~be~-~hned ~.or?' hoUSed~ ~~".-~.'-. ~-.~e-~ro~~'~..~ ~,~_'. ~,. .... D~tnet, no building or.premises ~" 'P~anning.."~B~ard~:.m ~ ae~rdance '. ;. .' · calendar :year ..:' .'.-/' ':"~ ..... ~. feet:'." or,any, lot lihe';. H0~in for'." "' ~'" "~:~:~??':';~, ~",'~ ~, shall be used;.:and'no:~!~ng'0~.: wrth Artmle.:~XIV?~he~f.'.":-~':....~ ' : ..... C.~:~ceessorv ~es',. limited, to ?..flo:ckS. 0f~o~e~ha~:''. ......... g..... ~ n~,. ~lls,,.....h~?~. or .other ..~ .part: .... of.~'a:. 'bu~iding:~.~ :.ShaH' be .... 1:: '.Any-sp~i.~. exception Use .... ~ . ......... ~ ......... . .... .,. ...... .... n ~fowl.sh~ hve .plant~gs....wRhm 5 feet to .' · .......... ". -~ , '~t.' ..... ' .... """. I. . ~e_fOIlowmR::. ' · ~ ~.-' .... ~- ' . not'-'be~:" ' ' .."~ .-.~':.---' -., · .- . ....... . ~ .. .... - . .. erected, or-.alter~,..whlch:. ~s _. forthm, and as'r~-ula~d.b . . ....... ..~ - ........ ...? ...... ~ .... ~, -~. :~.. ~... ,. ... ....C0n~ruct~ w~n rift , ' pm ty Imema be er~ted:a ~ :' ' ' · '. :. '. - .... .. · · '.' ;' ...... ~ ...... . - · ..... ·: ...... ~,- .. y - ' !. Home occupatmns shall be. 'feet"of "'"v.'ii~ ..... ' '~ ~' ,_~... ~ : Y . . .~d - arranged:, mtend~, or dcm n~ to-' ~echon-300 B and S~tmn 400. B' .. . . ... ..... ~. ~ . .. ,. .......... ..?.... :. -.. - a~ ....... ' "~,: '. '."-... :~' ' 'maintained ::s~bjec:t'~:'to'.-th'e: ~b' ~ · · ': .... : ".":" g '.' · and.' e~.[ .... -~" .... ':' '-'~ .... - .. -.. under, stood..-to. ~..mcl-ude~ the ,-"' ~ .~'he :followl.'~ "~' .... s ~-'-,.,:',:.. _.~. ..... .- .'.~, ..... . eused,:~. :mwho[e. ~ or.. mp~ ,art for ~ · ..' S-e .~°n .5~.-.B. '~of~"~ls'-~r- :' . . ProfesSion~!-off~eor"studiO o-~..SUbjeCt.. '~:t~" :~he~' ~eme~n~' f~l(Io.w, mg~ .h~ight:llm,~a~t!ons' any use e~cept the following_: "dmance.. ...... - ~: ........ · ....... :-~ ...... ~ct~r,:.. dentist:: :~che~ .~'~a'~':s ~ i .: ..... .-.' '~- .~-' ~' -'- .....'". ...... - ............. · ........... e. on .. A. ~er' itt ~Us g · - - '.": C. ,":AccesSor UseS.· . ~ .. .................. r set ....... a ............. . ... :- ' .. ': arc~it~t,:~.?engineer;...~'-:,..mu~eian, -... forth '... '. ' ~'.' ~ ."'~ ~ '" ~''. '.' ~'' ~L?0nV'' ~fron~-~rd.?opert~ .? ~.~.::..~:.:.~n~.P~miRed;-~s~,:~et.fOrth :....~.. ~.~: ~..:..-t,~ A~:acees~ry'uses:~::for~., ~. 'law 'e .....ma ~st'~': t~ "'~"" "" "' :::~': ....... ~'~ :"-¥~":: "'~'"'~'~"~;:'~"~ '''~ ~'~'~"' ~'"': ~''' m~e,.~ne~same~.~.~an~ not exceed" ' ' -'-'~ ' . """ ' · ' in'afld~s r Ulated~b;: ~' ':;;'~"'%~ ? ~:. ~: y r,; ~.~. ~.a'~/~4or~-.prac~-...~ ~. '..::(a)~---...0n~ ,.~ ,~n~reetl..' '.. '; ....... · -?.:..~ ...~ - ...... ...... ,,.m-andasregul:ated,byS~t~on3~ . ~ ~ _ y~libn3~ "' i 'o '~ ~ · ........... .. ~.,. .... .. .... ;~ .... -~-.~ .......... Y .-three - ¢3) feet. 'm. h. ei'ht .... ~:~ C,S~t 5h'4 a . .. ' . ...-.t u ner..ot, a..~tmflar'~character?or ,..i].]um!nated~ .~.:~n~meplate ' 'Or ~"' ,~," .,,~.~ .,~,:; '~,. _ g.-,'..A .a.~.: Sect!on-..~o A. of t~s.:.or-' '-"~'~:~ ~ -: ~-C;..- :nd~S~n.5~C: ·~ · ..-, rooms. ' used~'~'f°~:'?;h0me'. ...... - .... :~'~;°'c'"~' ....... ~P~efe$~i°nai"~g~"~°t ~'~re:'~ ......." "': an~Y'~d ..... r~r~?~qca~e~"Iot lines the s~°ng"me' ......... shallmae 'dinance~ . '., ...... .: '~ .- ... ..~ .. '.j ~':?~'. ':..ol .'t'~"is~°rdjnanee~~. , ....... ': ~'-~:. :.:. ..... '.y. .... .. .~.~ . '.' ~" ' .~ ~a:tmn~siaeiuding~.hOme~b~ing~.:;.'~lwo:::(2)~(Squa~~ feet"~n ~rea. ~(:. '"'"~'~"-~;'-'~~'~'~i~ ~'-' :~ ." ~a~: _:,/_ , . ~:B,,..~)P~rmi~'t~.~:by~.S~ial. ' 2, ~cc~s0ry .,:~seS'~:;~. :~e ~ fl ~ omer man ~n ~ls as hare mc~agatal to an t t t ........... ~- ~'~ "~' ~: - ........ -,~.romy~oarea 0r. alon' side · - - ~-~ · .... ' ...... -~' and not .. '" , ':. -.~.ha ...... ~he,,~office~'?/~ta~0~.~'~or,::~.~- '~ of~Ot~er~..~han~s~gentv.tWO~(~) ...~ __~-~,-:.~;; .~:., ........ ..- ~g ~ ,; ~.~:~..-T~-?~ following '.~s...are ~r- . - ~: - · .. invotving ': -a ... :.s~a~. ' ~ ~ r~ mt lmes~ me ~e snail mitred as a S pureness .. -.- - :..gupa.fiOnat.r~0ms arel~ea-t~dina ~..squa~:~.et=:~h~o~ 0f.~hi~6-;~'--:.~ ..- ...... - -:'?"~ ~' ..... ;' ?-'" ....:"- -~ . ~;:. '."~. -" '~ P~ial;EX~ption 'bY."' .' "~. '~. : ''~ ::-~ '"' '" . "' '" ' , . ' .... .' ' .~eHing~ in Which ~:~ the''practi, '~.~-~~' th~h-fo~.'~4~'f~{ b~ s~ "~t exC~d eight (8)-~f~t~: ~"in ~,'..'~:~the'..':.:~6a.~d" of' ..'Appeals '..as ""',' -3~..Signs,-.~subj~. ta. the 'fol~ .'. ~ ~ '. ~':~.~!0~e~"-.': resid~;~,'.(~:.and' ~ .~;?in:(~::.'a ~. '(6.) f~t. in si~.. a~ti~in~'~ -~ height."- · .- ' '/ ~'~' :,~ '~:'-~". ' "he~einaRer Providedand.'Subiect""mw~ng ~'req~remefi~s~:" '" '"~. .~' ........... ~ ...... '"' ....' .................... "" ...... ~' ~ ...... ~ .... ' ' · ~:' "" ." ..... :: ~' TACH:ED '. OR~ ,.'. ~ '.'~dd~.~.:ac~Sg~:the~et0.,. ~and ~e' '"sale'"~of; ~'fam-~ ;:g~ ~ ..... (d) .... Fence; wails 'o~ other 'to. Site. Plan- apprOVal by ~he, '~ai :Di" "'" :' .... . · PROVt~ED..-further,,, ~no~. goods nu~ery ~pro.dUctS,, p~c~'.: ;oF--' "~rman~i ".~trUctU~ s~ail nOt '....PI~;~?~. ?o,~ :. }.n .a~c0~da~ce'" GROUND SiGNS ;~ ~. (i~) :sigfi, '- .' -"-'are~'"~P~bli~i~';..~di~played./-'o~' {he.';groWn,,o~....-:th-e: pr~is~- .or '~.--~ "cloSer .. 'than.'-:6--:~in~h'es' .to: .~ith"Ar~icie ~lv..ner~L-,.-'. ' sinale'Or double,,fa~.'"~'~;~'~; .-:. · .' '-.. ' ". ' '~' ~ '"' - :~'' ~, r"' ~'~':;' ; ....' "· /.- ' .... '.:' ' '" ..~-' ,: · ' ' · - ~., ,. "" , ,-' :. ,-' . ' . · · ' :' '. '-. ' '-- · .. · :-., ~ .... .. , .~. , · · .~ -:~- .,~..~ - - · .~:..., ..... p._ ~tses. :~nd.. n0 stgn -. or.:. ad,: -. ammals, raised~on the-pr~~, property ,.hne,;.': Hedges" 'and~':- . 1:. Any.spiral exception, use. _~.....than~aX '(6)' feet. si~:".t~)~,~.-.~ '.... "~er:tise~e~m"ShoW?0th~r,t~an a ~ ~-~., :...;:-(c)-..-one'?re~l ~sa'te,..s~,-: plantin~ shall not: ~- d:0ser'.than "----~et-forth in.and as.:r~Ul~ted.;by "h~' ~,a? ~{;;~':;~;~'~'"~':'i~ '- ] '] ,r .::?sign not.' larger than: two (2) -either-single. 0r'double faced,'~{~.~ (woq 2)- -' . feet ..:tO~pro~rty. ii, ne..'. .... ~ction ': 300. B 'of this ordinance; "(6~) "'~'i'~'?i~:'"~i.'~"!'~he'~~;' ~;, .'. · :'. ". '~"' :'~q~re'fe~t :in:.:tot~t.a~:; be~iog~/.darger.tha~...t~ee .~3)~et.by ~r~ IV. Byre~b~r~g~rticle IIIB .... .' .: 2'~. Marinas for 'the 'd0c~ng~'" .'edg~' -~ ;whi-eh'~ ~'~.~n~i" i~s , ~. -.........o~y ~th~.~.a~ a~d.' :~oecu~ati~n~' .(4~eet~insizeO~ any one ~ m~e t°.~.Articie ivand''a~ending the · mo0r. ing;~ '0r accommoda~ion'.-..of , ~th~.~"' f0hr'""~4)~ fee~"~~'"~.~ . ': ' ' ' ' "' (W0rds-'0~Y): of .th~ Pracfl~ener,. '..io~s;:adVe~tiSi~g thesaleor]ease ~m~."':.-..io .::read .... as"'follow~.~ ~ 'non~om. merei~l bOats.'..." ~ '. .... : ~r~'U~' 'and [~6' ',n~?":~'~:'~-' '... , . .. :proytd~-:_~at:..~ .~;.~ _ .. ~ .. ofonly.the~pre~ises0n~whi~itls' ~ - ~TICLE IV -'" '.": ': "-. ~.3~'Multipl'e"dwellings.· . : '"'.~,;.~"~',, ~-~:~:~C.~'~?~ : - s. ' _'=_ ' .' .- ote ,: ....' ' ~ .'*,~,~.~_: ': '~ ~ ~.~'~ ..... ~ ~n410) f~ ~om~ylot~. 'MULTIPLE RESIDENCE ~ 'l:o~r~St ~amps. ' above 't e. ~ ~hna ,- '. . .......... '~ '" ' ' ' · '-' ' ' ~ -. ' - .' . .. h_.~r ..... , which sign ~ · ' .....~-..'.'.'.. ? th.):' SuCh: ~ccupati~n-'" is..~, - · : (d)'~One sign, either, s~e -' · ' ~''' :~ DISTRICT'"' .... ~, ~'s_~ry use~. '. ~ .'. - · shallhe~et'g~ck'n0~',~:~,~ '' ~ - . ."inc!dentat tothe residential useof.~, or double' faced~~. not'exceeding . SE~ION '4~ '.- In an ~ M · 1, Any.accessory.use se~ forth ' (5)' feet ' "from " al! street'~ and - . ' .- :'.-'the p~emises~a~d'~iS:c-a~rie~-0~, in twenty.four.'.(24):~sqUa~e feet in. ~strict, n0'bUilding orp~emises in and aS-regulated by S~tio'n 3~..~pr0Pertylines an~ ~all ~ve~t.i~e." ~ ~ ....' 'the .~:ai~"~b~ilding~~ by'a '~r6sident. size.,~'~se~back :at l:e:~st thirty-five . shaff~ used, and no ~flding:-or c and 400C_-of. this 0rdinance.~ ' "0~lv '~he" b~sin~ss c~a'~t~ '~ ' ' ~'th~re'~' ~' ~"~"' ' ' ...... ' ' ........ "' ' ~ ' ~ ................................. . -. ~ e. m w~th.not.more than 'one.. (35-)-.feet from thestr~t line and .part .of- .:a'~buflding. '.shall- 'be'- · .2....Accessory uses~ on . the ' the.~remises -'.. .... · .. · . .. ..... non~remdent'~"~'~ ' "assistant.' ' "-' "~. ' ..... . · ten' (lO)feet.~romeithersideline,'" ' ''~ '~: - er~te~~, 'or. 'altered` w~h is '. same. lot With-and' customarily. ....... .-'~b~, , ~}~:'-a~:o~-~ne:tl~~'~;~ ~:''' ~ .'..' ./ ~: :. :' ~c)' SUch "-occupation. is. advertising the..sale Or lease'o~' ' a~ang~'intended~~' br -designed:- incidental to' any permitted' use. :si,n attached to or ~n-6 --' ' i " ':-" ~ '-''' ' '' "" - .... ~:~ ' ~'" ' .... ' ' '~' "" ' ~ ' ' ~': '"' '" ' ' '' ' '' ' ' '~ . . ' ' · - o .~ ' . · ' . . ~ ~ ~~ · ' ,,:'~:carr, ed ~on m' an area .not :ex- acreage or the sale of .lots ~' a to beused; in Whole-or in part, fOr .and. not mvolwng "a separate in 'each' h.'i~i~,.,.,~n.~' 2 ..".' ............... ....~.~,:~cee~O.p:~r ~e~t. 0f the areaof, subdivision having a continuous 'any. use .except ~the follo~ng,, ousi~esS.- .. · -'_ ' - ~ ~.-'" . ~ street''-'~dc ..an '~aaveru.s~.~:-"5 _.',~.' ~' omy~/'" ""~:"me · · ..~ -one fl0br.o~'~th6.'~hin bUildi.hg....._:, frontage, of 500~:~fe~t-o~..m°re~' .". -. ~ A, Per~itte~'-UseS'~'~'~ . '--: SECTI0~. 50! ?-LOT..~'AREA, buSin'~s '~0nducte~' ~.i~"' 'Such' " .: · . :...(d) The~e shatl~ be no ex~' ~ .. '~ '..' '(~) One--bU'!!~in'..~board. or "'~'~'i~'"A~'~'~t~fl~:~:set'~erth '~ 'YARDS," "~. OPEN ~. gP~ACES.~. ':.building','provi~ed~s~ch~ign ;does " :' .~. teri~.'~ffect~at'"t.he:Propert~ line other¥ announcement~' or' iden_' ..inandas.r~gula~edb~..Secti0n 300 -.: FLOOR AREA~ AND PARKING' ' ~0t.:': '. '.'- ." ~" '" ~ ' . -" '. ' .' 'S~.ch.aSnoise, trafflc,~.°d°~]d0~, '. "~ific:~ion sign.for uses :permit~d ."A ' 0f ~ 'this.,. .' .or ~nance'. ' ~ .' 'REQUIREMENT; No bail,nv.or ' '-~" 'i.' ExCeed two ~2) Square - s~0k.e:, ga~,. fumes,...Or:_radiati0n..~.~ in section300 B. 2,3, 4,.6,.7, and 10' .2~ · MUltiPle .' 'dwellings. "premises Shall be used, and .n° . feet'~ in totay -area "for each - ~:: · ' ..: .~-': (.~.)::. :That' :such' .'offi,Ce-'. or .~ her~f, not:.more than 32 Square d~igned for and OCCupied by not building or part~.the~f shall ~be. -- horiZOntal foot 0f Such'w~,'~and .: '-.: StUdio "' is". 'incidental -'to' ' the feet in area, located ~ot less than 'more ..than fo~ (4):."families.." erected or altered in the '~M-I." ' - ii. EXceed i~ wid~ One ·" ' :. :'~sidential 'use-'.of ~the- premises 5 fee~ frOm :any str~t..0~':!0t line'. .... 3. -BOa~d~'ng 'and~ tOurist ~neral..... '. Multiple Residence~ hundred (..i00%~perc~.nt '0f the ' · ' ~'.?;~ tS:-~earriedon.. bY. ~e -' resident ... (f)' Such. othersigns as maY ho. Uses..- '. :. · ' .... - ' -' ~strict..unless "the' sa~e con- h°riz°ntal measur~en.t o~' such ~-.: - ' 'and:~.' not - re'ore ', .than .. one .~ non- .-be. aUth6rized_.'as~. a': s~cia!, ex-- B, Uses--~r~tted bv. S~l' torres with' the "Bulk. an~' - wall -..- · '." . ' --~..~es~dent assistant:; and.: ' ~ '. ;.ception by.'th'e Board of Appeals.. .~bfi'on~b~"'th~ ~~~ Parking. Regulation ~S~hedule'" ~ ' iii '~Xeeed ten '~io)"feet~ ~.." "(f) 'That such. 'office. or 'as hereinafter proVided.. .~ ." '~ as 'h~-~'~~~ inCor~rat'e~ :-'~- .... ?~-"':" ' . -' ' '" ' ' ' '"~ ' ' ' ' ~'- , ' ' n~ ~~~,. . .~ u m~'m~ ormnance in height, and~ '~ .' ~ : : 'stUdio Shall :. occupy' not~.~'ore.~.-'~ SECTION. 301:..~'-~,LOT AREA~ ~'. Th~ foHowi'~-~ '~r-e p~r-: by reference Wi~h the same.force ' "' iv. Proj~t more' than ..than30'per-cent of the area-Of one. :~_YA~RDS," '. OPEN ..SPACES, · ~'itted asa.S~ial EXCeptiOn by. and effect as if ~Uch.regulations. one. (.1),foot from such wa~l. ' ' floor of the main'.bUilding:.: .-:.. '..:~ FLOORAREA~ AND ~ PARKiNG the . Boa~'d :of: Appeals. ~' as. were set forth-herein in .full. '- "(c) ROOF SIGNs- I~'lieu' ..." (g)'. ~hat .studios.-:: Where -REQUIREMENTS: .No '.bUffing hereinafterpr0vided a~d subjeC~ .'~' SECT!0N :502-:'. BUILDING of a Wall.sign authoriZed by';~ .. - , '.dancing' .or' musiC, instruction~ i's'.. ~-or.premiSes shall'be used, andno t0 Site' '. Plan aPpr~v'al 'bY ~'the'.":" LENGTH. AND SEPARATION - preCeding ~ub~ivision~'(b). a roof ~ . ~ .°ffer~d to grouPs in excess:of five '-bUilding· or Part'~ther.~f 'shal~,b~ Planning Board-in acco~ance . Nq b~i~ng Shall'exceed 125 feet sign shall' be permitted ~ovid~ - . - ' (5)'puPils at one time 'or'.where. erected or' altered 'in the A ~ 'with..A~ti'~l~ 'xlv' 'h~a~ · ih l~h ~ ~:-: .... 'm2 ....... · :. ' 'P '" ' - . .. . . · .... . . · -- ~ ...... ~ - ,. ~ ....... '., . ............... ~ .... ~u~mim.,-~,~ u~aa~ me same is attached to' concerts or recitals are,held(are. ;:~ Residenti~al and AgriCultural .' I a~""c~'~u~'--~-':~'- --:- ~ ...... ~ ..... ' .... ., ..,, _ .,..; · .... ~ . _ .'or in- ~ - ......... . . ...... ~ : . ~,.~ ~p~,a~ ~,a~.cpuon u~e ~c~w~n prmopai ~unoings s~all Corporated in .a .r~f; Which sign ~. -"prohibited." ' ' """ .'District'~ unless the;,same ~n- set forth'in"'~nd as:.~r~ulated by ~ equal to two.times: the height' shall'advertige only the bUsings , . .- 2,' Garden ho.use,.tool .house,' .".fo~ms- with ~the .. BUlk.. an~ SectiOn 300'B of' t~s' o~nance of the highest building, 'and the condUcted in the buildm u on ' .~Pt. aYhouse,- wadi~ng ~pool,.'. or parking :Regulation SchedUle:.- .......... -'" gq P C. Accesso~ Uses . .' minimum distance between, a which it is attached,.and prO~ided swimming pooi incl-dental: to the. incorporated into .this'o~dinanCe I ~~" ..... ~ ' ..... ' "" ' - '..anyacc~ss.oryus~,set'forth Pnnc~pal and.-an acCess6ry that such<sign do~ no~;:- ' · . : r~sidential use 'of~'the premises bYre~erence', with'theSame fOrce~ inandas r~Ulated by S~tion-300. '- building shall be twenty (20) feet.., i.' Exceed two (2) .square andn0t.oPerated fOr gain,: SUbject. -a~d:~ffect as if such regulations ~C - of ' :thi~ . ordinanCe.` Any inner court"'shal1 have a feei i'n. total a~ea for each lineal to the following requirement: ~ere, Set for~h:.h.erein in .full. 2. Accessory`` .uses on,. th'~ 'minimum dimension ofsi~ty (60) fool of such roof, and . "' ' (a)~..~A~y swimmin~ pd°l SECTION ~02 ': ACCEsSoRY Same lot with-and customarily feet 'ahd ~ny outer .court shaH . ' s~aJi:bec6mpleteiy enclosed with BUILDING: In the 'A~' . · . ~ ii. Ex-tend above the .' . ...... ' incidenta~ to any permitted Use have a m~imum dimension of highest point of the r~f' in the .. - ',._ -_. '' _ . ' . __ - . . ., . _ . . . '"'Thursday, .September 16,'1971' .. ";-".. LEGAL NOTICE,' .'-. :LEGAL'NOTICE ?~-. :; .... -, ~ '. ..... . :~i~'~7'.icase of.a piteh'edroof, and in.all. '-l~l~nni'ng Board in accordance :i:¢i~ Other .e~ ' THE ·SUFFOLK TIMES LEGA-~--NoT iCE. -and uses. ?Bulk and, Parking Regulation feet, and shall be located, not less :'. est · CaseS. exceed, tWo .~(2)" feet with. Article XIV hereof. 6. Newspapers and Printing- (6) inches in height above-.the"/.i'. 'j..Any special exception use..;, establishments. point' of the. roof, and .'... '.'..set .forth:.. in and' as regulated .by ~. '.' 4i./i'" . iii.-.. Project ..beyond.' the. ~. '.Section~i300 B and.Section 500 B. · ':..." ~iiiii~;.~ed~e °f".the roof. .· "." ',':';.~.'.:'~ 2:.~Pl.aces of' amusement,.. .... '771!~:. SECTION 601 ' LOT. AREA;: :.: :.:'~.,'~ '-3... Fishing stations~ , .. . '. i. :'.'iiii!.iYARDS; OPEN ..... SPACES,· .4~i:.... Public garages,. '.gasOline: · .< :. '.';!9~ ~LOOR AREA,.·AND':PARKING--:....i-~serViCe.. stations, and new.~ and · : '"'":. "~i~i;/LREQUIREMENTS: No.'. building '...":uSed 'Car' lots,..all ·subject tO:the · .'~' '.~i~% - premiSes shall be used,.'.and no: .!.'.'./?f011oWing"'.requirements- ".'::'"::;: part thereOf shall 'be":'.'"'. ....... · ..... '(a) Entrance and ~xit' . ... ..... ..,..:~='":.: "Or 'altered in the "B" driveways shall have an ... ":..: Business District unless unrestricted width of not less · ' . :.'.....:~ :he' same' conforms with the than 12 feet and not more than 30' .. -.:Incorporated into this irdinance by re(erenee, with the and effect as if such 'ulations Were set forth herein ~ SECTION 602 - ?estal · standing · any...' . other ovi'siOns · of '.this .'....article a lding.'" or. a combination of Is con taining'..i./retail ,..::'..' "mercantile es- offices, ban:ks, and than i6"feet 'from any 'property line and"shall be so laid out as to avoid the necessity of any vehicle ' backing ': out across any public right-of-way. RETAIL (b) Vehicle lifts or pits, ING' 'CENTERS. :." N0t:!"M!smantled automobiles, and ail inst i t UtionS,....C0mmonI y ;nown'as'shopping centers, may er'ect..ed 'or' altered in :;:the' "B" ~siness. District,' subject, ~'0.weVier~''t.o .the following rements:.. · ..:.... 'A~ProVa! of site..Develop_ . by :. the' ..: Planning :i.n accordance.with Article ,.hereOf.:. :'? '. "':' :'.,i':" T. he:i0t area. shali ..be not less ·:acre,. :: and~ ~ the lot e · :'.. ,, ':-'.~, .b .:. np:t' less,:than 150 !i':: east.":"'": :.i ::.:- twentY;five:;<:' ;' ~.' !" :." (2~%) ::0f .: 'the :: lot~ '..ar:ca, :shall be a?ped...'., with'..i'.!:g.r:ass and ed".'/iii[font yardi ,/.th'hn.;i' thirty-five the .is' partly permanent set- I10 · the iback so. yards shall' '(25): .. ., in areas One (1) ih.undred feet in . , ,, (100). '""area or 'i'building. storm ~; ::'.0n .the ,ned to the of 'area for establish- shall .not feet. · Z's CON-: ~GS -.'All. '.District: 'ihd sale of. of to on the i~e'nfi~b6rihgii~?ticle IV A Vii 'fin~d amending d asi:' follows: ILE.ViI is~RICT ;' the "B-I" 4or premises ~i:::building or i' :erected or ranged, in- :be. Used, in .;. any uses l~ie'set forth Section 300 !t.i°n 500 B, 602 of ;es are: )eals as je.ct to by the ,. <:..~ ;, .~ , , · .. , !,::bY . parts or supplies shall be located within a building. (e) 'All service or repair of motor vehicles other than such minor servicing as change of tires or sale of gasoline or oil, shall be conducted in a building. Cd) The storage of gasoline or flarnmable oils in bulk shall be located fully underground and not less than 35 feet from any property line other than the street .line. (e) No gasoline or fuel pumps or tanks shall be located less than 15 feet from any street or property line. (f) No motor vehicle sales, used car lots, gasoline service or. repair shops, or similar businesses are to be located within 300 feet of a church, public school, library, hospital, or- phanage, or a rest home, or within 300 feet of any residence district. C. Acces_sorv Us?s 1. Any accessory use set forth in and as .regulated by Section 300 C, .Section 400 C, Section 500 C, and Section 600 C of this or- dinance. 2. Accessory. uses-on, the same lot 'with and customarily" incidental to any permitted use and not involving a separate. business. SECTION 701 - LOT AREA,' YARDS,, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR ·AREA,· AND' PARKING REQUIREMENT: No building or preen;scs shall be used, and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered' in the ';B-I" General 'Business Distriit unless · the Same conforms with. the "Bulk and Parking Regulation Schedule" incorporated into 'this ordin'ance by reference, with the sam~ force and effect as if:such regulations .were set forth}herein in full. Vlll.:By'renumbering Article IV to be: Article VIII and amending the:same to read as follows:- ARTICLE VIII . ' "C" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT SECTION 800 - In 'a "C" District, .no building or premises shall be re;ed, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered, which, is arranged,' intended, or designed, to be used, in whole or in part, for any pm'pose, except the following: 1. Any permitted use set-forth in and as regulated by Section 300 A, Section 400 A, Section 500 A, Section 600 A, Section 602, :and Section 700 A of this ordinance. B.. Uses_ PerLnitted. bv Special Exception by .the Bo_ard _of An- peals as hereinafter, pr_9_ovide~, .s_ubjeet tO Site Plan A00roval _by t~h__e..'. Pla__n_nin_g Board in~....ac- eorda'nce .... wi:th' Art-icle-"i.}~['I~V hereof. : ' ' -1. Industrial uges inclading ,marJufacturing, assemb!ing, conv...erting, a!tering,: finis]h.ing, cleaning, or'. other: proces]sing, handling, or storage Of prodflcts or materials, ifivolving, the Us..6 of only 6il, gas :or el?'c.'tricity i for fuel. · ' · . . 2. Reseat:ch, .ddsign,, ~and dcv0pm, ent laborati)ries;: 'Office buildings .... ~ ..~. 3.' Wholeg:ale :~'itorage..and wa rehousing.. 'i . · . 4. ' Bull ding 4:(..'~m tractors . :... yards. · . · 5..Public utility 2'st.:.uc(ures LEGAL NOT'ICE · 32. Smelting. '33.-'Soap manufacture. .use DistrictS:for any use specified bel'owl Any land' which is SeCtion T~0-page' Five _._ LEGAk' NOTICE .--,: ..... ,_ ,_2_2:__,_ ' .34 Stockyards Or 'i. Maughter ' 'devel0 ed as a'unit under'sin le (garages,':parking loading ~dOekS; - etc ! .:8; Food..~ processing: ' and..:' ~' 3~, StrUCtural steel':or pipe.'..purppse. /of ..~ these ..90r~king 'works.' .'" .... '. ':' ': ....... ~ · '.- .;.regulations."::Reasonab!e '::and packaging'plants.'.:.. ....'.... '"'; . '..... 9..Marinas.. for' dockings, and, "'3.7~ .' SUlphuric, :: nRric' -' "or.'-:~ ;ap~r0priate'.~ .'Off-street. '~p'arking. hydr°chiSi;ie a'cid"manufaCture~· requiremei~ts'for StrudtUres and mooring all?typesof..bOatS~' 'lO:'.Launching.facilities. 38~ Sugar 11. Ferry:., ExceptiOn Uses 1. Any' special exception set forth in and as regulated by Se. ct;on 300 B~ Secl;i. on 400 B. Section 500 B, Section 600 B, and' PLAN Section 700 B of this ordinance, withstan 2. Accessory uses on the... same lot with and customaril incidental to any permitted use and not involving a business. SECTION 801 - LOT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No building or premises shall be used, and no-' building or part thereof shall erected or altered in the "C" Light Industrial District unless'- the same conforms with the' "Bulk and Parking Regulation: Schedule" incorporated into this. 'specified ordinance by reference, with the same three and effect as if such: :.are regulations were set forth herein in full. YARDS IX. By renumbering Article V tO be Article IX and amending same to read as follows: prem ARTICLE IX "C-1" GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT General SECTION 900 - In the' "C-1 District, buildings and premises may be used-for any. purpose except that the uses hereinafter set forth are per- "mitred only by Special Exception 'by the Board of Appeals as · hereinafter, provided,~ and are - subject to Site Plan Approval by bi/ the Planning Board. in ac- cordance-With Article XIV hered.' : 1. Abattoirs.- 2, Adetylene gas manufacture or gas. manufacture from coke~ petroleum or from any other product:" or-' the -storage thereof. 3. Acid manufacture° 4.' Ammonia, 'bleaching powder or chlorine .manufacture, 5. Arsenal; ' · 6. ASphalti.manufacture, and asphalt ;miking' plants 7.- Blast furnace.~ · a.-Cement', lime, gypsum or plaster ' of . paris . mapufacture~ ready mix o? bulk concrete plants and. block manufacturing... 9... Coke ovens,. 10. Cr/em'atories,. : il} ·DistillatiOn of boneso ~2. Dwellings·, all types. 13. Explos. Nes, manufacture or storage. 14. Fat rendering. 15. Fertilizer manufacture. 16. 'Fi~e woi'ks manuiaeture. 17.· Garbage,· offal :or'dead animals~ reduction or dumping. 18. Glue,"size or gelatin tnanufactm'e. .. 19. Gunpo:w. del;' manufacture or storage.'- ~ 19Ai Auto.m'obile Wrecking and all other.: junk 'yards. 2o. 'Oilcloth-- or l..inoleum manufacture'.. . --. 21. :Oiled;-rubber:, or leather manufacture:... 22. Ore rOdui~ti0n-/: · 2.3. Pa. intl;: -oil.;.. Shell}ac, tur- pentine Or va,rnish niantifacture. 2,t. Paper... :iand.: pu]lp ..fi4anufac- ture. ..-' '- .-. : 2.5. },etroleum :i;'efihingl.. storage tan:ks, i:" .] .:' i-. ..:,:' 26. Po(ash]' !Woi'ks.-';:.. :. 27. '[{ollinf :.mill ? -~' · :..,~ .. .. · · 28. Rubbh;i";:- 0.i' .'.~utt'h-percha lIl allUl'ac!:tlr'i:: .... : .....;.. 29. Salt whr.K-s:::: .. ".. 30. S& tlOf~:.rm~tl;' rn[inu/iacture. 3i' Sh0e'[!'i}ia~kin.~ d'~' stove polish man,'..i'!';i~ture.. . · mai illumi: buildi~ side 'w~ ca sitni enelos, 1 str encl Page... Six-Section Two ,"'I'EGAL NOTICE ,'. premises and all such areasShall LEGAL NOTICE ~f a lot in any'Reside.'i~ce District, - be provided with a..dustless the said parking 16t '.shall be .Surface,' except, for parking.' screened from suCh adjOining lot spaces accessory, to a 'one-family. by a. substantial wall, fence, or .. -pr two-family reSidence: ". thick, hedge, approved by. the.., ...: 6. ~oi~t==F. Deilities:.,·'Required Planning Board.: Generally such ' "':i open o'r enclosed,' screen shall be not"less than 3 or · :may' be provided :'in spaCes·~..., more -'than '8 feet in height: ......:...designed to serve jointly two or. (b)~ Whenever a parking area : ~ ?..:.more .establishments whether or . of. over 5 spaces is-located across 'i:'.;.not located on the s.ame .lot, .the'street from other land in any provided that the number .- . of '.i~equired spaces 'in such. joint facilities shall be not less than the total required for 'all such ii.~:.est.ablishments.... '" . .;.'.i: · 7. ~ojll. bia~.d...:S.i~ cggg~.'.When anY lot. C~~W~-6~7'more. uses. !:having :different.- . parking ,irequirements, the..' parking requirements for each use shall Residence District, it shall be screened from the view of such land by a .thick "hedge, walI'or ...fence approved by the Planning :' Boo, rd,'located along a line drawn · .parallel to the ii street-' iand?:.a 'distance of 20 f~t therefrom.; Such screening to be int,erruPted only 'at 'points of ingress;; ahd egress. Generally no sUch apply to the extent of that use. screening shall be less than 3 feet Where it can be conclusively .. or more than 6 feel. in height. The demonstrated that one or more open area between such such uses will be generating a demand for parking spaces primarily during periods when the other use or uses is not or are :not in operation, the Planning Board may reduce the total parking spaces required for that use with the least requirement. 8. _Lpe_ation and O_w_.n. ers._h._.~_: Required accessory parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall be provided upon the same lot as the use to which they are accessory or elsewhere, provided all spaces therein are 16eated within 2OO feet walking distance of such lot. In all eases such parking spaces shall conform to all the regulations of the district in which the parking spaces are located; and in no event shall such parking spaces b.e located in any residence district unless the use to Wlilcl~ £h//spaces are' cessory are permitted in ·such residence districts or upon ap- proval by the Board of Appeals· Such spaces shall be in the same ownership as the use to Which they are accessory and shall be :subject to deed restriction, ap- iproved by the Board, binding the owner and his heirs and assigns 'to maintain the required number of spaces available either (a) '.throughout the existence of such' ~use to which they are accessory, or (b) until such spaces are provided elsewhere· 9. Q.n, Lots pivid.ed by Di~ricit Boundaries. When a parking lot is located partly ·in one district and partly in another district, the:. regulations for the district. requiring the greater number of:: parking spaces shall apply to all;. .of the lot. Parking spaces on such' i a lot .may be located without· regard to district lines, provided'.: :that no such parking spaces shall:. ,,.be located in any residence' district, unless the use to wh,~ch,. screening and the street shall be landscaped in harmony with the landscaping prevailing on neigh- boring properties fronting on the same street. Two identification and directional signs located on the street side of such screening shall be permitted; however, they'shall not exceed an area of 3 square feet each. 12. ~ No driveway shall provide access to a lot located in another district, which lot is used for any use prohibited in the district in which, such driveway is located. (a) One commercial vehicle not exceeding 25 feet in length may be parked on an oceupied lot in any Residence District, but not within the required yards of such lot and in no case between, the street line or side lines and the principal building. (b) One commerdal vehicle not exceeding 25 feet in length may .be parked within a Pri.vate garage in any Residence District. (c) Com mercia I farm 'vehicles are permitted as ac- cessory to a.commereial farm use in any Residence District., : ~ SECTION: .I102-OFF-STREET "LOADING REQUIREMENTS - Off-street loading berths, open or enclosed, are permitted ac- cessory to any use (except one-or "two4amily residences) subject to ..the following provisions: 1. ~.~or. Which Reauir._ed: Accessory off-street loading 'berths shall be provided for any use specified below. 'Any land which is developed as a unit :under single ownership and -.control shall be considered a .single lot for the purpose of such loading requirements.. (a) For .a public library, museum, or similar quasi-public they &re accessory is permitted~ institution., or governmental in such distr~ct, or upon approval .building, community center, :of the Board of Appeals. . i. hospital or-sarfitarium, nursing ... 10. ,Parking Beeauiations.. in .or convalescent home, institution. ~p._l_tiple DwelJing~_-0-'_r-_-~~ ..'for children or the aged, or Dwellin£ DevelOnmen. ta.. school, with floor area of' 10,000 ~w-'hi~/k;i/i-'~p-~ce is pr°~i-di~--~r .square feet, '1 berth; for each the parking of 5 or more vehicles'..additional 25,000 square feet' or :in the open, such spaces shall be l'raction thereof, -1 additional individually identified by means of pavement markings. No parking space shall be located in any 'front .yard or within 10 feet of . ~y lot line in side :or rear yards. The parking of motor vehicles is · prohibited within 15 'feet of any Wall or portion thereof of a two or more family dwelling, which wall COntains 'windows' (other than bathroom or kitchen windows) ,with a sill height Of less than 8- feet above the levlel of the said-. space. No :service of any' .kind 'shall be permitted to be extended to users'-of the lot, in"- .eluding automobil~ - 'servlce; repair or fueling, and no gasoline, berth..: (b):. For · buildings' with professional, governmental, or business offices, or laboratory establishments, with floor area of 10,000. to. 25,000 square .feet, 1 .: berth; for each additional 25,000 square feet or. fraction thereof up to 100,000 square fe6t, I additional "berth;' for each additionai 50,000 .:: square .feet or ~frac.~ion:the."reof, 1 -. additional berth. .~' :' -.(c) For bdildings With 'offices and retail sales .,and Service establi~hm.ents, I berth for 8,000 to 25,000 squm;e feet.of floor area, and l:additional b'erth for each additi0aal :-25~'000 square teet of oil, grease or other supplies shall" floor area or ::.fraction .the?eof so b:e stored or sold in any such lot or.. used. ' ": in any garage on! such ,lot'-', -' (d) .For .undertaker..s and Parking. areas shall be screened, funeral homes, 1 berth for each. by a :substantial wall, fence, or: -chapel.. (SuCh ,bert,hs.shal] be at thick' hedge, .. app~roved by the' .least'10::feet :wide and gO feet Planning Board.. Generally such :. -long ). . . . screening shall no~ b~.less than 3 . ie).' For hotel s,:- 1' be:r th for Or more than 8 febt in height. ;."...each 2,500 .square .feet o..'if floor · 11...I~egulaljons': for ..?._..a~..~lg '"-area(-i .... "' Snaees Adiaeant td.lJdt~]'~_~V'"" ' '~.:: ::For'. manufacturing, R-esidenc.:e,-Distr!:ct.. -! ., ..:.; wholesald and storage us~s, and '" (a) Wherever a ~arking area' .';for dry!¢l~hhi.".t.~g and rug cleaning Of over 5 spaces ab'uts] or is within'..:2 iestabli-~hmlents and' laundries, 1 i5 feet of the'side Or.. lear 10t line ;~.i: iberth :.i'od:, 5.~.000 to '.'i0',000 iSquare . .. . . .. THE SUFFOLK TIMES .Thursday, September 16, 1971 ,LEGAL NOTICE. LEGAL NOT!'.C..E ._ feet of floor area in su~h-'U~, and sulphuric acids. Coal, coke and 1 additional berth for each ad- tar products, including .gas diti.onal 20,000 square feet of floor manufacturing; explosives; area or fraction thereof so used. gelatin glue, and size ~(animal)'; .... In addition, :..adequate reservoir linoleum- and oil cloth; .matches;~ Parking.' for Waiting, trucks ghall paint:, varnishes, and turpentine; be-..provi, dEd:..' ':.". '... '~ ~" --rubber (natural or synthetic); · ~ "1'21 ~S,.j~.g:'~.I0~'.I.''S~aces,,, EaCh soaps, including fat rendering;. required loading berth shall be at. starch. least 12 feet ,wide, 14' feet high.:,i. 6. The following:..processes.:, ,and .in 'no' event smaller than nitrating of cotton .or other required to ,-'-accommodate materials; or, processing vehicles normally using such .... ...of.:flour, mai um foUndry; berths..', -.' 3':.' :": Lo.{; a t i_0.'..n..., :'a_n...d_.L_.A...C...C._e.s. ;s. Unobstructed access, at least 10 l'eet ;vide, to and from a street shall be provided. Such access may be combined with access to a parking lot. All permitted or required loading berths shall be on the same lot as the use to which they are accessory, except as provided in subdivision 4. No entrance or exit for any off-street loading area shal. l be located within 50 feet of any street in- tersection. No off-street loading berth shall be located in any required front yard. 4. ,Joint Facilities. Permitted or required loading berths,, open Or enclosed, may be provided in spaces designed to serve jointly 2 or more adjacent esta blishm ents provided that the number of required berths in such joint facilities' shall not be less than the total required-for all such facilities. · 5. ,Qa_.Lots Divido_d hy Di.qtriot !~~I:ig&: When a lot is located partly in one district and partly in another district, the regulations for the district requiring the greater number of loading berths shall apply to all of the lot. Loading berths on such a lot may not be located in any Residence District, unless the use to which they are accessory is permitted 'in such district, or upon the ·ap- proval by the Board of Appeals. SECTION 1103 - PROHIBITED USES IN ALL DISTRICTS - The following' uses are prohibited in all districts' 1. ·Any·use· which is noxious, offensive or objectionable by reason of the.emission of smoke, dust, gas, odor or other form of air pollution or by reason of the deposit., discharge or dispersal of liquid or solid wastes in any form m a manner or amount as to cause permanent damage to the soil and streams or to adversely affect tlie surrounding area, or by reason Of the creation' of noise, vibration, electromagnetic or other disturbance, or by reason of illumination by artificial light or light reflection beyond.the limits of. the lot on or from which such light or light reflection emanates, or'which involves any dangerous fire explosive,, radioactive or other hazard, or which-causes injury, annoyance or disturbance to any of the surrounding properties or to. their owners and occupants, and any other process or use which is unwholesome ahd noisome and may be dangerous or prejudicial to health,- safety or general welfare, except where such a.ctiv.ity, is -lica.nsed or regulated-by other governlnent. agencies. 2. Ar~!ficia! !ighting'fOei!ities Of any kirid with light sources visible beyond 'the lot lines which create.glare beyond such lines. 3. Carnivals and circuses and related. ~activities. ex,pt for a temporary period on, special license-from the Town Board. 4. Junk yard: or refuse disposal site, ex.e~pt a refuse disposal 'site established asl an official Town Refuse :.Disposal Site 'or duly authorized as 'a refuse' disposal 'site by: the Tow~ Board. 5. Uses involving primary production of the following products from. yaw materials' (a) Charcoal, and fuel briquettes. Chemicals;' aniline · dyes, .c:arbide~ caustic soda, cellulose, ehlori~e, carbon black and bone bilack, creosote, :hydrogen and:i6xygen, industrial . alcohol, ni'trat'e.~ of an explosive nature, potash.,.'plastic materials and synthetit:' -:.resins, -pyroxlin, rayon, yarn, and hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoi'ic, pie. tic, and redUCtj all ores re ref such as gasoline, kerosene, · naptha, lubricating, oil, distillation of wood or'-bones, reduction and processing of. wood pulp and fiber; including paper mill operations. 'stock:Ye and 8. Sives: 9:. same from :. s' .withSta enac1 Ord Article X to LEGAL NOTICE,. the provisions of this Ordinanc{}:~' (c) Whenever a district shall hereafter be changed, 'any then existing non-conforming use of a building or premises in such changed district may be con-:.. tinued:or changed .to a use of a similar or higher classification, .provided all other regulations governing the use are complied with. (d) Whenever a' non-' confOrming ,.use ':i~of' a buildin~ or4 .premises:. has~ b~l;n: 'discOntil~ued .: for a Period Of more than two"(2) ~VISIONS .the type b-O~ ·of each dwelling unil)in the building where public water and public sewer is provided. · SECTION 1203 HOTEL AND MOTEL UNIT. DENSITY - : Notwithstanding any other pro-.. visions of this Ordinance, each room or group of rooms designed, used, or intended :.to be used for lodging as a unit,'whieh does not qualify as a dwelling unit, and located in a h6tel, motel or similar building shall have 6,000 square feet of land for each such unit .where publ. ic water and Public sewer systems are not provided and shall have 4,000 square feet of land for each such unit where pub!.ic water and public sewer systems are provided. s .cvIor CONFORMING USES - Unless otherwise authorized as a special exception by the Board of Ap- . peals as hereinafter provided, the following provisions shall apply 'to non-conforming Uses: this · ary. ,. not,Withsta, nding i fOrming uSeOf .sUCh~ or premises shall .. :: n0 ~ .permitted' unless':~.: a [herefode shalI~ have: been :.granted. bY the ' Board. :" 0f APpeals hereinafter,~,:.pr0vided:::~. (e)' A non-conforming building ;.may .::.'not be strutted or. si during its life:to an extent eeeding in aggregate cost fifty. (50%) percent' of its fair value the.: 6uilding, '~nless the USe. Such building:.:, is ehanged..to c0nforming U~e: ' ~ Cf) A non,conforming building which has. been :.all .damaged 'by fire or other causes yards in to the.extent bf more :than' fifty (50%) percent of its fair value shall not be ~epaired or rebuilt- (3):'years unless.the use¢of sUch building is. suitable changed, to.:!a .~onforming use,' ' re,umbering.' .Article~ title ~III," and am, same to. read as follows: ARTICLE XIII BOARD ~F APPEALS .-: '; Not, SECTION ORGANtZA-':;: :.other Pro-~:.point a of Appeals sisting of.' (5) members ~as Provided-by' e Town Law. Ch does, not SECTION -Ir of-this addition may five':.(5) by law, the t: ~date .'be Board. of. shall have:the following : :~ : .: con~. A.. ~:;- To hear and ~ed as::., a of .decide a~peai~ from and review any order., req'uirement, deCision or deten by i the Not:, Building B. - Where tl~ere are ~ PractiCa [icUlties or .un-,. neCessar y of of 'land for carrying ~:letter' these re the 'Board of.i?] Appeals have the power vary or the apPlication that the sPirit 'of nee shall be ~'serVed safety and Welfare · · '* i secured, and tl done. C hereof: Board thereof, may, in . notice authorize in Which the be :.given (a) prevent' adjacent (b) prevent reasonab legally only of public hearing, W ~rdinance specifies use :may be [,. hOwever, to the . ~ Shall · the use will not 'orderly and ~se of ~adjaeen~ of properties in the use 'Will not 'order'ly of permitted ~ses in (a) The laWfUl use of a building or premises existing on distriCt the. effective date of this Or- is to' be lo~ate~ or of permitted dinance, or authorized by'a legally elst~a~t~shed in USes in building permit..: issued prior .~: adjacent~U~e ii~istricts; ~' . thereto, may ~be continued~ , '(c)~.Th~t:' the safety,, the although: such :.use does not.. health, thelW~lfare, the~comfort, confo.'rm with the .provisions of, 'the..eOnvdnieg~e or the 'order of thisiOrdinanee and.such use may · the Town wil ...not' be adversely be" extended throughout the affected by tt proposed Use and building lawfully 'acquired prior its loCatidn; to said date. ;. (d)i~h~ the use wilt bein ' (b). A non-conforming use of "~ ~'' harmony !: W~t and promote the a building or premises may be general .~t/rp Scs and intent of changed '[o a use'of the same or this Ordifl~n( higher'.~l~ssificati0n according to - (2) Ih n ~'king Such 'deter- l:. ',. ThUrSday, September 16; 1971 .LE GAL NOT, lC E LEGAL NOT4.C E THE SUFFOLK.TIMES LEGAL:NOTICE' ., LEGAL NOTICE SeCtion TwO-page Seven , LEGAL,NOTICE~. "mination; the' 'B~)-~t~i:'d'-'=~0~ Appeals· ment Plans the Planning Board 4. The Building .. Inspector existingfealures..- .. thereof'; and any workf'-U'fi~' Shall hlso .give. consideration, . shall~ take into consideration the shall .retain .one copy. and tran- .:3_~ Existing. Stru._C~ dertaken or use 'establiShed among~0therthings, to: i ... PUblic heaith, safety;andwelfare; = Sm'i.t.~ two'..copies::of the certified r Utii~ ....... 7 ..... ' . pursuant to the ,issuance of a existin(~) The charaCter '.of the' the comfort and convenience of 'Site.. Development... Plan !to the: 'i ~"~:: ( :i)i':-~.~. - . P_ermit in violation of the · and probable, develop,.~ the p'Ub.i~.,in general, and'Of 'the. .'Secretary of the.. Planning Board ~,'~: .a) Location~ of...uses and:.~ p~ovisions, of this Ordinam~..!shall· ' " °utiiti~es'ofi~Structures 'drawn :t°' be unlawful: ~ : . ""' merit of uses in thedistrict and_ reSidenl:sOf the. immediate, neigh/..:at .deast. 7'.-days. prior, to the the-peculiar suitability' of such borhood in ParticUlar, 'and may · Plarming .Boai;dmeeting a~t. Which: Scale on"and~within 100 feet of the: ~ 1,.' Every application for a district for the. location of any of prescribe appropriate conditions approval is requested...,: ,..... lot. building permit shall contain the such PermissiVe use_s; :- and~ Safeguards 'as .may be."... 5.....Ttie t'lanning ..Board shall ', '(b) ~d areas, following information and be . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' side~valks, vehicular access -:-accompanied by the ,required fee (b) The conservation of requiredin order, that the result:..: act. to approve or disapprove.any .· .:i.i..:..i proPerty values and the en- of its action, may,, t6 th~ .... such-Site Development Plan between site and public., and a plot plan drawn t6 'scale ~::..'.'. couragement of the..most ap, maximum, extent possible,.:: 'within 9.0 days after' the meeting streets, i~. , and signed by the person '!i,;ii.i', pr0Priate Uses.of land;.: . i' ..: '" · further' the expressed .intent.. of!' ;.at,' Which.,.approva.1-.is' requested. . '.. ('c) L~ations,. dimensiOns, responsible for ~ach drawing. If .',!.i.'..: ..... .'. (c)'.The ."effect that' the this...,ordinance-'....and .i.the...ac....7.~Failuretoactwithin.90daysshali .... grades., a~d flow. direction" ' of . no such' plot.plfin is.available,..a · ':!"?'. 10cation.of the proPosed,:' use. may . com'pl!s~hment.~of..'the fo?wing.'i ibe. deemed (apprOval ..... Planning ' existing Se~ers, :'culVerts," Water "survey is required pre ared b a ., .... ,,,; :_ .. , .... ., .;,,, _ ',~_ P Y have Upon' the Creafion;:of UndUe. Objec'ti, V,,eS in particular i" (,.....,.... ...... ..:; :Board.diSaPprOval 'Shall. inclUde dergrOund ,: ~and abOve,ground: -veyor. . .. '.- . . . . nnes as..well as other ..un-' licensed engineer.or.land sur- '.:"~ increase .of. vehicular..traffic .'..."1.. Traffic~ ACCe~' !':.That.'. all:..": : '!written findings Upon.'.' anY.>.Site congestion, on public", streets.' or. larOlaos~d'-t~-~:~i~(?~'~i~s, and wa_vs,./;:~. :DeVel. o'pment. Plahelement.fOund utilities 'Wif~in and adjacent to': '.~· (.a) The .actual' Shape~ .i,<:::.. '-'; -wa: " '..'. '..' ..... , · ,. .- '. ::. '"'. :.' , " ' · ' · ' · h' " .... ~" ....... ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' mgn !y,s.; ,,.,. · · .:.. ;....';.' :. , are adequate but not' excessive in,:,'.'i ~c°ntrary~.': 'to'-. the, provisions, or ~t. e property? .' . .~ ". · · dimensions,, radii~ ~ angles and ': '(d) .-:.~Other , '~ ex!sting .area.. of ~he'.lot .on .which~ the ii.?'; .'~ · ~?...-l'n.e. avaHapl!l~y. 'ot,,nu'mber;:... adequate .in..wid!th,?,::'i:intent......ofl..this '.Ordinance.' In. devel°pmen~;'i'nCluding' fgnces,'' buildi ~"i 'r0 oSed to be .(.'i:i:'i. aa.equ.ate..ans..proper .p.uon.c.: .or.... grade,..alignment and . visibility; ..:'.:. ~ irevie.~ing., the..:.ap'plicat, ion, the 'i ,. =..: ......... .... ng s p p ,~=¢:fpm.v,a.? .~.ate.r...'. su. pply ."ana. not located too near ... Street .' C0r-'.i 'i'.::' i!Plan, ning-'Board may 'secure the anascap~ng; aha screening... . ' erected,' or of theloLonwhichit is .acliities. tor 'me .'..treatment,.- ners or,-" other nla'ces.":"6f 'nubile::)' ;:adviCe.. or. 'a.ssistan(~e- of on6 or.. '. ~' l:;i40~0'~ed'·',DeV-910pment :.:-~. :m,., .... ~. ...... ~ ..... '~' :." 'situated. if 'an, 'exiStin', . .. ~ .g:" .... building,' remOval or discharge of. seWage,' a . · · '-' ' ". '.r .. ''.'>' i~m~r'e" 'ex err ' Cons It t ~. ' .,.. ~...' :.._. _ .. s'sembly; .'.and other., stmdar::.::;,:. ...:.. . p. '~ ... u an s '.-' taI) ..:,r;rne .locauon .o~ '. (.b).. The block, and.. lot ':i.'.;;'. re[use, or omer emuent.'~(whether' SafetY considerations.':"".:..'"; ...' .:':i':.i qualifiedto adviseas t° whether propoSed buildings 'or structural.` n~imbers, if any., as.they am~e~ar· · . liqUid,, solid, 'gaseoUS'. br' Other='" ... 2". ci~oulaflrm.. ,~,~ P~'~.~?¢.'ii' i'a"'n'ronOsed uSe will conform 'to provements. "..' · on the latest tax'records; ',. '.. · ' .' "L ' ' · · · '. · ' -' , .' · ' ~. ........... ' .... ' ..~ ',-,.,,...,.,.,.,.,.,,q,:-.i.:. :' . a.. . a. ' &' ;.~!':i wise) 'that-~-may be ca'used Or That adeauateoff~street.narkin~;;. 't:he: :i-equirements of this' or-. ' ' ~b) T~elocationanddes.ign ' . '.(c) The exact size.: and' :..:l.:ii Created....by.or.. a~ .... a result of the. and' '"'loading'spaces." ''~' ·' .... are provided' .... ": i.i:!::;' "dinance:: ..... : The' assastance'" ' ':' .of' a of al}'?uses~?n0t requiring struc- locatiOhs '°n ' the 10t of' the ¢:; .'Use; . '.' -'- · 'i .:"._ '..'".: '~' '~''.' to' .prevent par'king 'ir~...',':'.~ublic!!:~! consiiltant,~, if. 'sOught., .must be tu:res,'.such'.':!~S 0ff~s~reet parking"' pr'~)POsed'bui!ding or buildings or '~.,~.~- '.'i ; !e,)...Wh.e!he.r...:t..h...e.~i... uS.e; · .or..". streets of'.vehiCles of anY~ p~rsons.?: 0b~ained...~ithin. 10'. days:'0f the. and '!o'ading areas.. ': '~alt~/'a'tion of an existing building ~.',~. marenms ~ncmemm mere~o, or rece~ t of the a 1 t n S d ' '-'- - ',: ":" .. ' .... conneCted.. with or'viSiting the use:i'(i':'!?'.'p., ~:. pPica in .: uch - . (c) "Fhe i°cation, direction,. "and 0f°therexisting buildings on '/' .i:: pro u.cea, mereoy, ,may:g!v.e.' .off. :. and .that. :~.the: in,erinr. CirCi~l'ation.... ~Co~sulitant:shall. report within 30 power::'and ~:~time of Use' for any: the s~me'lOt; '. : ~ .. .' ODBOXIOUS gases, o~ors, smoke or · . '.. , !" ' ! ~, · system' 'is adeaUa'te: t6:':i'O~'ovld:~ii'.., da,~s..after receipt of such request proPoSed, dUtdo.orI lighting. 'o'r,' , (~). Th~ .dimensions of all.: :ii! so0t;':... ~.:'"..:: '_-" ' . '. ' :"'.' ..i..: .'..'..... safe:.acCeSsibilicy.:to' ail:,.i:~uired'.:' .wh.bthei~ or':n0t.-thel.'useappliedf0r ~. , public addr~ss,.systems.' . . .yards..in .relation ..to, the subject. '...:' ""(f! Wh_ether"the"i:use.'i"Wil!~' off:street';Parking:..:lotsi'!":'..': :'.:.'.'.:~:.. '."'" :~'" wiii'.'b:e"':in ""'C°nformanee with the' ' . (d).Thetocation and.plans'~ building and the. distanCes '.iil :cause. 'disturbing 'emiSsionS .pt :3' :' '"".'~'LandscaOiii~!; '''';' :."'and.f: Pet4'f°rmanee ~'. standards,;, and if- 'for 'any.. oUtdoor signs,. . i'. · wee~ Suehbuitding'and any-°tffer iiil. electrieai disehargeSi~:: dUst,:iight, .:" Scree~iff~:::-. That. 'all "la;~"round'' "'. not~i:.:Wha~' in0difieati0n indesi~n ' ":(e) ':';~.he. -location.. and' · .,existing buildings 'on the' Same.. f: ' "'" ' ' '" "'" ..... · ' · ~" '" '~'"" "'" ..... ' .... · .... "' -' ' .' '~ arrang.eme~/'' of 'propOsed means" lot; ~':.. ..... '.. :i.....,i ."..'...' -I, .mbrat~on or .n01se ;'i .:. ';.' .:..i:.. ;..:.:,./; ..' -~ '.. p~rking..'~ind: se'rvice-:hi~eas: :. are'!:'" .' 'or.~.operatmn would ..be necessary :i~:i ...... .....(g) Whether'. . the....oPerati°ns.:... .... .... reasoha'~lv" s'Cr~.ened'.,',,'.a't'i:.,. . ........ aii i" :fo[ l~ance".. ..... i:,'A. ....... 'copy 'Of the',, of access .a~{t.. egress', including . ., '- ,(e). The, existing and-. .,,, n pursuance or,the,use wdl cause. , seas°nS:of the vear'fro'~ ih~ 'view" tel iuCh consUitants shall sidewalks;:. :~!driyeWay."S,..or'-.other tended use of alI .'. buildings,. .' ' '" "'~' · ' '" ':~" ": ''~"' .... ,' ".'J ~ ' .. .~ i""¥" ' ~' ' '*- '"~ /. " , . ' ' ' ' undue.,: Interference',..,.With,'. the..., of.,..adiaceiit, residential ,lotS:~ i. and..ii..,, be lied ... to ".. .the . . Planning paved "areaS'~~ PrOfileS indicating existing °r :propos.ed,'the .use'of :i' ',o?erly.. enjOyme.qt~ .bY'. t~'e~pUblic_ ~ .i'" Stt~e~ a~(i'.that the~'.gen'~ai :~i.'.~:i'id:'~.~ :Bio ,~!!ilding'i.InspeCtor, i~and, gradirig :: afl:d,', cross-seCtions: '- land.and th-~ numbe~· of· dwelling. ;!.:..~or..p..a.r?ing...?r o~.' i.lr.-.eC.:.~.eationa! .... sCaping:~Of..the site' iS ~in..ii~a,~,~t.cte:~: i. iap] . ,".'.i. ': "...~...'.i;..';.;...,' '.."...-:. '.' ' sho.win'g :.: xqidth , of-~...roadWay,:'>''.~ units the 'buildiiig"~is'designed .to · il;:i tacmue-s: ~.r. e,.x'~s:t~n~i:....,~,:.'..it:.....:.., with. that'generally., pri~h..ilin'gl.'.in';i..'~ i:. "~ndment's'. :'to .: a 'Site...' ' loca'tidi~ and'width of 'sidewalks,." aCCommodate; : and' ......' proposect oy tne 'town or oy omer ' · ..... ~ ..' ..:::... ,'[.. ' . th'e n'e~g, hborhood:':~Exi~tifig:i!;t;~eeS";i:. De at.<,Plai! ShaH be.aCted andlocation'andsize0fWater and :'. ". ' (f) '. . such '. i toPOgraPhic, or' .. competent..: Governmental...i...: over 8: me~stireitl.3,': s me as the. ;!i!:! -,.....'......... ':..!.,::.'.... ~--': ,iii.di. amet~r "..~ sewer lineS,;,.:-. . ' · ..'- .' other infor~mad0n ~ith.regai:d.tO.. agenc~..e,s.'~ ",'..',~ '. i~ '..?.;:'..;.'...: ';.,.'. :. "feet aboV~ ,'theba'~e"of':t~ei"q~rfink,iI- :.':the0~iginal plan".~ .' ' ': ('f) AffY~proPosed grading,.-,.- th'e'...,bUilding, .the" 10t. ior neigh- ,.:' .'"' ..'.m ~. i.'t'o .: [.n,e ..n.:.eeq:s, s]~.y...'!· [.or.'.-:':'shall :.be' r6tained'tO:, the'.?~:hXil lg..:YB°ard .may "screening, and-Other:landscaping.".' boring lots aS:maY,' be· necessary .' ::lli'! mr.um~nous .'.surmcea' 'Space-.tot, : extent ~DoSSible .' .. ;;i" .....':...'..:~..;:. ' Plan annrov~i '~ including ty~:s and loeatio~;.oi? to'-d~termine 'that the. proposed .. purpo.'Ses of.,off-street:E~rking'.of '~..B. ~~. DeV~ .. ': ~e'~,i;~7,;d.. 'prOpoSed sweet trees,. . -. ". "." eons~i, uetiOn..Wiil..eonf0rm 'to the' i vehieleSincidental t6 thei::.iise;..and !p~ ~mnt. P-lan ' . ..i.g}~ .The;-'IoeatiOn. of. all · pr0Visions'of this 'ordinance..`, · whether such spaCeJiS':re~sOhably' ~::il ~;~ PropoSed " wa, ter lines; valves and : ,...~:":,.. ;..,_., , ': .'mit shali be . z r~o nunmng per .....:.... ....... -. ,..:... :,.~,,...:, ... .... . ... ~..u, .... s.~,~',,.,,,, ~'~ .............. hydrafits'atld°fallseWerlines°r isSue~1 ~f~r '~he ~.0nStruCtiol~ .' or adequate .and appr~opm'ate"and iSSued f0~:'n-v ~,,-,'le'~;i.~'', ,-'eh _, ._ " .. ,-, ~,. .... .., ,::: · .~ -.:-"'~a..a ..~-,.--..',~,. .,,,.,ent ma 'to. can be.turmsnea Dy memwner.ot.. -.h .......... .. "' ' aalnt~r~ea'.~ea~!e~¢fs~lataenrdS~rPe~ alterati0n of any'buildingupon'a ,, .~; - . ..... ..~ . ?::.,:,;~ .,....i by t Issechon until an.:.¢ >tvd-Eng~neer, me plot sought to De u's~ct, witnm 'Site Dev./qo,,menl~-'' plhn '.niannav" ' ar. ~. ."~'.. .. :' .: .: - : '~; : ;: ~ .' :.:... ..... ~ , -~ .r :.': ..... ":~' ....... "~'"' ment ;' ~: .::,, ' .' ' "' lot Without acceSs'to a street or or adjacent: to the ;plo~".:~,whereln '. 6? ~,-,am.'. ~, ,,, ",..' . .- . '~ ..', - , I: ',[ ........ ~ ...... v" ~,~,,u ., t~ ,,, r~..~, eom .etent tne uSe.shah, oe naa ;,....,';: ~i' :" /~ :'J.,~:. :':.hop".' ?,e ....... P ' -:('h) ~fi"6i outline 'of any highway ,.as Prg¥.idgO~,bY Section ......... ' ............... - ....' ,. ........ '"" · - 280:a of the. TOWn Law. . : '.....,.(i)' .Whether ,.,'a : li'a'~ai~d ito "-from ~he ':Plan proposed d~d~ res.trietions -or .- . . .3. NO bUilding per,mit shall, be life,"llmb'°r Pr°per(y "" ..... ': (i ..... ude ,..those co. venants~ ;.:(. b~~aa~·e:.'°f h ,..are ap- (:i')Any · contemplated issued fOr any. bUilding, if the Site, fire;flOOd;, erosion br-p~fii.c!i:may 'pro.posed ·' plan.of such b'uiiding iSsubjeet to be' created by reas6h '~::i bi,:?as a !' res'ul[...,:of :. the. use~:i'o~i!.'i'!:i!'b~!.i:' the ' approval by the Planning BOard, s'true~'Ures.. ther'eon .,for',ii!:the:[ i. con venient. ~entrY and.','. '~)pe~i em:.erg~ ' Development Plan elements Shall 'be submitted to the' Planning Board in Order forl Said' Boar"d to determine' conformityl, with'the :.provisions'!~ and intent of this :Ordinani2e..' · " '2. WitHin 6 month~ following the pr?s~bmission' c~)nference, 'the Site.:, i~i~velopm"~nt:Plan and .any rel~te~ inform'~ti(~n Sh~ll 'be ::submitt~ed': to the~ ~:Bu'.!l[ding ' In' :~' triplieat/e at least 15 'spectorI it! :-;i .... :,days pr!ior'!:to the Pimm'ing Board :m~'eting ;a, lt which:.,:, approval':.'is !re. quested;:. If no;:.t .S.':ubmiffed 'within 'this 6 m.'.'~mtlh., pe/:.ib"d,, :anothe.i' l~re-submlission eom- ipl"iance. :/hay be!:: required. - : "~. Yli~ uildiiig-i:Inspeetor ishall ee.~tify on:!: e:aCh, site 'D~velop:M~nt Plafi- 0~-: am~hd- !ment ~h~'iher or i'.not! ::..the .l~ia~ :meets th~; requir~e~t:S..,ot:,i. :ali 'z0ning'i-.i o."i~dinanc~:i pr.'-'0visii6ns other tha~:i those o~i', thi~' secti61i .regardihg!! :,ii Site D..'.eve'i~prnent.: :' Plan appr;'.iival. "~": "'; :-: .. :.. :s indicated lin.the pre- . . ~.. section .records.. address of address of map', P°int,' and scale. sely define closure public i:improvemen.ts 0n or ad, joining the Pi'oPerty~ ~j) If tile Site Development Plan' otily indicates a first stage., a,suPp~lementary plan shall in, dieate :ultimate-development. . 5. ~Any ~other information deemed by ~ Planning Board neces~'ary '.to determine formit~ of the Site; Plan with the .intent-,:~and ~xegulations of this or&na~. ~:~,~: :-- · SECTION;/~I'401 '- FEES., Ali ~excePt in .conformity with the planS, approved hY . the ,. ' Said BOard.. ' 4. No building-.permit shall 'be issued for a bUiiding' in-any · district if. such.~ use is :permitted by Special EXception°r Special permit, of 'the '.Board, unless and- unffisUCh approval has beenduly granted' bY the Board of Appeals.. 5.. No building permit shall' :be :app. lications~-..to the Planning issue~..' for any.. . building Until Board. for' ~.'approvat 'of' site . apiaroVal has been received, from develo'~ment(plans £hall.' be ae .the".':'C0untY Health....Department eompd~!ied b~/ia fee'of $25:00.. for ~' the' "Prop°ged water suppl'y xv. B~' ren~bering.'Article VII ~,-~ and~ .'seWage' disPOsais.. .. .... _ . ~stem. .. ' t0 be ~rtic'le Xv, and amending. .~. 6~. :'.The'~ building, permit"aP- the sa~e to)read as fOlloWs: pi[ca.tipn ~and "~'ail~ "sUpporting · ' :'.ENFORCEMENT' rte. U~n Building of the." Inspector and all, filed documents ..to '.'.the-ap- is,. names, such d~' assistants .as .plieant. .f 'adjacent ........ - may b~ appointed by the Town 7: The Building: InsI~etor . lines. Board. ~o adm~pmter andenforee shall,, within ten~' business days ~tion and- the pi~0~Visiorls0f this 'ordinance. after the filing 0fa as; Th'e "l'BUilding~ and ' ' ' (h) Location,!' width, and purpose .of all e~isting and proposed ea'sement~- setbacks, reservations, .ai~d areas · dedicated· to publi~., use within or adjoiL~i, ng .-the property. (i) A eo. mplete outline of existing 'deed restrictions or eovenan(s applyipg to the property. (j) Existing· .zoning. ~ .2.~_.. _.~S_atural ...... F. eatures: (a) Existing .cOntours with interval',q of five (5.)!..feet or less, referred to. a ':datum i::satisfactory to ,~ "-.th.e.. Bi',0ard. (b) - Approxi~ia. te boun- '. dari'es.;:i6f: any' '.areh...s. :subject to flooding': of storm' ~iater over- f i ow:s .: ": .... ' alt (e). L~)eatiori "of existing waterc.'..o, urses, mar',s..h'!es, wooded areas,.' ::rock oute',r:ops, isolated trees W~,ith 'a diam.:et."er of eight inciies.0i'.:,more,-m.~lslured three a (:~1 .l'eeti: above, the." :base of the trunk, :;and. other' .~significant revoca soon for any precedings, Of: a building or of any, addition to., ii or :nUllifiCation. 'an; exi~ing building is/eomptetedl, fire and other paratus or ,'by eet~trati.on ~0r Persons Up'oh, Such '~ .' .. ::,". i{j)' W~ether strUetiures t':o 'be use an' Undue ~bly :' ....... deemS necessary or, ': ,: SECTION ?:1303 - 'l i "~~'' ! "" · ' ' ' ,? Appealssha!~; conmstent wtth the '~i:. law., ;de~terin~ne. its own :.. r'ules of 'i! con'di~ei', and"ii procedhre, ! . ' :i:i..SEC'~ION'i1304 - -FEES'- All ~!i'applieh'ionSi':to the-' ~oard 'of. ... ~'~ Appea~h f0~ ~:. any relief provided ~ ~.for. h~ in Shall. be a'ccompanied .? by 'a~.f~, ~ of $15.00. - ' - 1~ XIV. B:~ adding a new Article to ]~ ~'be ~Arl~cle XIV, to read as ~ '.~ foIloWs: ~ '~ ' ' '~:' - :~RTiCLE XIV ' ":~' PL:A~NNING BOARD" of ~:~ ~e D~velb~ent '~n~.- In-~ ~pproval of ':"Site Plans by:.:.' the ,ard, no building ~be issued b~.' th:e .except ~' appn "of and 'm-;~ con- plaps app;~0ved Board...'.:. : . 'm~.] .~onsm~rlng ' .S~te ' De~elop- ,'~ .i- 'Page Eight-Section Two · . LEGAL NOT'lC E . ... ,,. i...I and'before'first story framing or. .. .. wall conStruction is begun, there LEGAL NOTI. iE:;, fails or refUses.t0 comply with a ,.stop, order issued' by .the Building .'Inspector. SECTION 1503 - STOP oR-~ .,,Ti-IE. ,SUFFOLK. ,,, TIMES j LEGAL NOTICE- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE · "- shall be-filed' with the Buiidin~ . · ." Inspector' an accurate survey ..~..~. '.... ;.'/... signed'bY the person.responsible! · DERS - Whenever .the BUilding · ·. ~ '". for: said'. ' survey, :showing the. '.Inspector has reasonable ?' :..:i" "" 'exact location for 'such foun, gro'unds to believe that work 6n ' ..,:.' .:~... dation with respect to the street any building or structure is .being :j .:: '.'.'.:.!:.' !":. "and prOperty lines of the lOt. No: prosecuted in Violation 'of:- the ' '.:'.':.i.," ,...ii:::'.!'~' further, .construction shall bei .~)rOvisions of the aPplicable .law, ~.:,:: -..:.... ...performedlUnfil such survey is, ordinances, or regulations' or not '7' :.,'.,~.' .'.;~...approved by the Building In-¥ in conformity' with the proVisions· i' .spector.. . of an application., Plans, Or - i',. '": '.::. .'- .10. P~t. 'Fee~. , The specifications .on '..the':. basis.. .of-. following fees shall be paid upon -' il in "ff m't .... ':s .... ..which a bud g~r]~ r .t ~.~:wa ?~ the filing of an application With '. issued.. or~: in.' an:'ij t_he,,.Buil~ng .I. nsP, .ec?r _fO,~r _a dangerous mann~i::'h~".:Sh~all' 4.. ff the proposed use is in rmiming r'ermn wmcn snan oe notifv the'owner of the':''r0~'ert'''': conformity with the provisions of , ' · · · :' .~P P ,YD'" .. paid into the general fund. if the ': .~. e ":a'. .......... · .... .. ~.... ....or. the .own rs a~,en~, or:....the this Ordinance: and all other ap. phca??n .,m . ap,p. ro.v?a.; ..,or :person .performing..thd work..,. 't° .... applicable.codes and'Ordinances, returnea to the appncam l! ~ne 'sUs end a-Il Work' .:'and:an"s 'ch' - . ...... ·. · . · · · : P ~ ,7 ../ . y ~,.. u: ..'~: a certificate of.. occupancy'for the .apphc~tion, .m demea. '.. ' < 'pe~-s°ns shall'fOrtl~Witff'.st0P.lSuch; use of-vacant,land or.for a change U~, '~ i.."~" Work and 'SUspend.' all building or, use ora non-conformingUse, . (a) New.dwellings: $25.00 activitieg, until the:"kt0p~orde~ilhas shall be. issqed bY the Building plus $ 05 for each square foot of · ... been rescinded, sdCh..order,: and InspectOr within/- i lo :days ~ifter' .~ 'i~ floor area over 1,000 square feet. notice shall be in:~wri~ing,..'Shall.: reCeipt bf a properlY complet~d.' · ::i... (b) '" Additions and state the condifions."u!r~derj&hiCh'' application. If a Certificate 'of ': ..' '?!}':alterations.- $15.00. the work may be reshmed!"..and Occupancy is denied, the · ".~ '5'...;. (c) Accessory buildings - ' ...... {~i.: ': ............ ' may be'served upon'iai: person :to Building Inspector shall'state the (. 'ii .:::i:' $10.00 plus. $.05 for each square ,~ whom it is 'directed :.:,'either by reasons therefor in writing to the ': : :! . '.i "ii. "! "foOt. of floor area over 850 square :..deliVering it.personallY~i to him',.:or.'. - applicant l ' '· " '"': .i:.'i:.'";'."feet. ' ' ' ' ' ' · }.::.:~:':::.:ii..':,:....':~ (d).'. Additions and :.'.by posting th'e same ;.up°n-'a .'cOnspicuous portion .J~).f the.. 5. Every application for a · :'.i.j.?.."alterations to ~Accessory building Under'con~tructi6n and: certificate of occupancy or a · temporary certificate: :of oc- ..'..?Buildings - $10.00. sending a copY of ithe same -'by cuPanCy shhll be acComPanied by I-~ .... Motels: Busines,q ... an._d. Industrial Building (a) New Construction - :.$50.00 plus $.10 for each square foot of floor area over 10,000 square feet. (b) Additions and alterations - $25.00 plus $.05 for each square foot over 1,000 square feet. (c) Accessory buildings - $15.00 Farm Buildings~- $15:00 All other Structures - $15.00 ~-The fee for all signs, excep~ signs permitted by Section 300 C 7 (a), shall be $O.25 for each square foot of sign area with a minimum fee of $2,0O SECTION 1502 - REVOCATION .OF BUILDING PERMIT. The 'BuiIding Inspector may revoke a building permit theretofore issued and approved in. the :follOwing instances' ('a) Where he finds that there .has ~been any false statement or :misrepresentation as to a i~material fact in the application, plan or specifications on Which :the building permit was based; :-:: (b) Where he finds .that the building permit was issued in error and should not have been issued in accordance with the applicable law; :" (c) Where he finds :that the work performed under the permit registered mail. SECTION :1504 - CER- TIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY 1. A Certificate of Occupancy shall be applied for to-the Building Inspector and it shall be unlawful to do any of the following until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued therefore to wit: (a) Occupancy and use of a building erected, reconstructed, restored, structurally altered, moved, or any change in use of an existing building; (b) Occupancy, .use or any change in the use of any land; and (c) Any change i~ use of non- conforming use. 2. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the use of a .building or lands requiring a · Special Exception or special - i permit by'the Board of Appeals o.r 'for any land or use requiring a Site Plan approval by the Planning Board unless and until such use or Site Plan approval has been duly granted. Every .certificate of occupancy for which a special exception or 'special-permit or Site Plan ap- proval has been granted or in connection with which a variance has been granted by .the Board of Appeals shall contain a detailed statement of any condition to which, the same is' subject. ... pleted in cOnformity with the provisions of this ordinance and. in the case of a new building shall be accompanied by an accurate~ . plot·.plan, or it not available, by a survey prepared bY a licensed land surveyor or engineer showing the l°cation.of a building as built..Suc~certificate shall .be issued': within 10' days after receipt of the'.propqrly. Completed application, providing the ap- plication, states that all requirements of ..all other ap- a fee of $5.00. Copies of such certificate will be issued upon payment of $1.00 per copy. 6. A certificate of occupancy. · shall be deemed to authorize, and is required for, both initial oc- cupancy and the..continuance of occupancy and use of the building or land to which it applies. 7. Upon. written request, and upon payment of a fee of $5.00, the Building Inspector shall, after inspection issue acer, tificate of occupancy for any . building or use'thereof or of land existing at the' time of the adoption of .this Ordinance, certifying such use and whether or not the same and the building conforms to the provisions of this Ordinance. 8. A record of all certificates of occupancy shal]-be kept in the office of the Building Inspector and copies shall be furnished on request, to any agency of the Town or to any persons-having an interest in the building or land affected. SECTION 1505 - PENALTIES - For every violation of the provisions of this Ordinance or any regulations made pursuant hereto, or a failure to comply with a written notice or order of the Building Inspector within the time fixed for compliance therewith, the owner, occupant, · is not being prosecuted :in ac-" .. 3. APplication for-a certificate builder, architect, contractor or 'cordance with the provisions of :: of occupancy for a new building their agents or any other person "the application, plans or:~ or for an existing building which who commits, takes part or specification; or .... --~:: has been altered shall be made assists in any such violation or ~ (d) Where the person tO' whom . .after the erection of such building who shall fail to comply with a · ':a building permit has been issued ".or part thereof has, been com- written order or notice of the .: · ~ .. , . ~ - = .... ns~lsl~almmmmmmmn~,~s~m . ~ ~ . ~, BULK AND PARKING $~HEDULE Thursday, September 16, 1.971 "A" ~ESI. DENT DISTRICT Building Inspector shall be guilty Ordinande conflict with or im- of a violation, punishable by a pose a different requirement than fine not eXceeding five hundred any other ordinance of the Town dollars or imprisonment for a of Southold, or any rules or Period not to exceed fifteen days, regulations adopted thereUnder, or both. Each week's continued -theordinance, rule or regulatiOn violation shall constitute a 'which establishes' the higher separate: additional Violation.- standard or requirement Shall SECTION 1506 - REMEDIES -' go~ern; In case any building or structure SECTION 1701 - VALIDITY - is/. erected, constructed, re- Should any secti0n or provision of constructed, altered, repaired, 'this Ordinance be declared by a con.verted'or maintained, .or.'any '-court ofcompetent jurisdiction to ,,ture or iSUSed..be .invalid, such decisions, shall of". the O~i. any thereto, in addition to other' remedies provided by law, any appropriate action or proceeding whether by legal· process or otherwise, may be instituted, or taken to p,'event such ~nlawful erection, construction, recon- struction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance or use, to restrain, correct or oba?:e such violation, to prevent the oc- cupancy of said building, structure .or landior to prevent any illega!act, conduct, bUSiness, or use in or about sUch' premises. .X¥I, BY renumbering A~ticle IX to be Article XVI, ~and amending the Same to read as follows': ARTICLE XVI AMENDMENTS SECTION 1660 - The Town Board upon its own motion or by petition may, from time te time, amend, supplement, change, modify or repeal this Ordinance including the Zoning M~..~, by proceeding in the manner: The Town Board by resolution adopted at a stated meeting shall fix the time and place of a public hearing on the proposed amendment and cause notice thereof to be given pur- suant to the provisions of the Town Law. The Town Board, before advertising for a public hearing, shall in a wNtten request, instruct the Town Planning Board to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in a petition and determine· the area so af- fected with its recommendations. 'SECTION 1601 -FEES - Every petition for a change or ame~td- merit to this Ordinance or the Zoning Map shall be filed With the Town Clerk and shall be ac- companied by a fee of $10O.0O. ARTICLE XVII INT,ERPRETATIdN, VAIADITY, AND EXCEPTION S SECTION 1700 - CONFLICTS (a) Where a provi,sion of this Ordinance conflicts with or. im- poses a different requirement than any. other provision of this · Ordinance, the provision or requirement which is more restrictive or which establishes the higher standard shall govern. (b) Where the provisions of this :CTION'4702 - ~ XCEPTIONS All of'~' the'lots on the following subdivision maps shall be ex- cepted from the lot ~rea and lot width~ requiren'ients of ~this Or- dinance,/~nd the i°t :areas and lot widihs:~,~ apPlicable to sgid lots shall be as ihown.and designated .on .said SubdiviSi°n'~ maps :: Green ',Acres Stratmors Marion Manor Cleaves Point, Sec. II ' Fordham Acres, Sec. I Fordham Acres, Sec.. II. Sterling Homes 'Eastern ShOres, Sec. I 'Eastern Shor·es, 'S~c. II Eastern Shores, Sec. III Eastern Shores, Sec. IV Eastern Shores, Sec. V Southold Shores Willow Point Harbor ~ ~,~+,: , ...... e, ...... E, states Sec. I. Terry Waters Co:r'ey :C'reek Estates West Creek Estates N'orlhwoods Vi:;ta Bluff Jacks0't:.s Landing Bennett's Pond Rosewood Estates Sunset Knolls, Sec. II Sunny 'Shores Moose Cove Nassau Point Deer Park Village Manor G. I. Tuthill Edgemere Park Willow Terrace Soundcrest Woods Gar/liners Bay Estates, Sec. III tlarvest Homes, Sec. I Bayview Woods Estates Smithfield Park Paradise Point Harbor Lights Estates, Sec. III Highwood Nunnakoma Waters Ycnnecott Park Downsview South Harbor Homes Peconic Shores, Sec. I Peconic Homes, Sec. I Peconic Homes, Sec. II Peconic Bay Oaks Laurel Country Estates SECTION 1703 -'EFFECTIVE DATE - Upon enactment by the Town Board, this Ordinance shall take effect as provided by law. MU~LTI,,P, LE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS, BUSINESS DIS'rRICTS "M4" General '~ "B-I" General : 80,000 40,000 4-0,000 80,000 20,000 30,0C-.0 270 1.35 135 200 60 150 250 200 50 35 50 50 35 3~' 25 15 15 20 ' 25 45 35 35 45. 50 50 25 35 850 850 See Ord. See Ord. ' See Ord. . . , MINIMUM _ Si~gle=F_am. D_wg. · _Two Fam. Dwg. ':M." Light ,.I.~.9.UIREMENTS A*. B* A* B* 40,000 135 175 50 15 35 50 850 ao,ooO 100 150 35 10 25 25 850 25% .3 3 5ce Ord. See Ord. See Ord. 20% 25% 25% 25% See Ord. 2xA 35 See .Ord. 2 35 By Order of The Southold Town Board Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Septemb&r 7, 1971 .. -.-.., Total Lot Area (sq. ft.) Ix)t Width (ft.)' Lot Depth (ft.) Front Yard (ft.) One Side Yard (ft.) .. Both Side Yards (ft.) Rear Yard (ft.) :Livable Floor Area (sq. ft.) -Per "D. U: . · Off-Street Parking Spaces ;.. Per D. UJ .. -- : :MAXIMUM :-iPERiVIITTED : :' :' Lot Coverage i.~ Building Height . :' . (1) n]umber.of stories :,:.-il: (2) feet '.' : .. [il!': ' '..', : .. i':... :.' Dated' : i~: ' . .: . . . : i' .. 20% 2~A 2~ 2~A 2.:z~ 2 35 35 35 35 '30. 2~ 35 A* -- Without Public Water and Public Sewer :B* -- With Public Water and Public Sewer .. . . !NDUSTR_ . .I~L DISTRICTS. "C 1" .~ .... -:_:___G_enera_~___). · 4:0,000 200,000 200 300 200 1.50 30 50 60 1.00 50 100 See Ord. See Ord. d See Ord. See Ord. 2 2 35 35 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] } ss: STATE OF ITEW YORK, j Stua~'~ C. Do,'man being duly Sworn, says that .... .h.~.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK. WEEKLY TIMES, a ,newspaper published ~t Greenport, in said county~ and that the notice, of which the ~nnexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekl~ Times ~nce in each week, for one weeks successi-,,~Iy commencing on the ..... .s~?..~.~.e.U.~.h. ......... day of ... ge ................. Sworn to · . day of .... · ~..~'. ~- ~_..-~. -~.~ e ~ ........ /- · · /3-. Hubbard ,," ' L~ E. Kop~l~m Director of P~znh~g Lee Denton, Count2 Executive Vet~ans /~emot'ial Highway August 9, 1971 Hauppa#ge, L. I., lq. Y. 724~2500 Mr. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Town of Southotd Main. i~o ad Sonthold, N. Y. 11971 Recodified Zoning Ordinance and Map, Town of Southold (S~-7 1-4) Dear Mr. Richmond: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 13Z3 to 133Z of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk Colraty Planning Commiss{on on August 6, 1971 re- viewed the above captioned zoning action and deemed it to be a matter for locat determination. The town, however, should give possible consideration to the discontinuance of the limited number of previously existing vacant nonresidential districts inconsistent %vith the Town Master Plan. Furthermore, legalizing the presently ex~st~nginonconform~ng nonresidential uses may establish an unwarranted precedent fpr further downzonings of adjacent parcels. Very truly yours, GGN:ec by Leel E. Koppelmaaa Dir9ctor of Planning Gerald G. Newr~an Chief Planner TOWN CLERK ?65;', Building Dept. } Plannin~ Bd. 766 -26~. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N, Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chap~er 247 of 'the Consolidated Laws, Article Sections 239-I and m, the ~ ~ of the town of ( agency invol~ed ) h~y'refer~ the following proposed zoning action to the Su{folk County Planning Commission: (ch~k one) ............ New and rectified zoning ordioance ~': ..,~Amendment to the zoning ordinance ~ ~. . ........... Zoning changes I. . ........... Special permits I : ...: ........ Variances ~ ..'.~ L~ation of affected lend: .................................................................................................................... : "within 500 feet of: (check one or more) * : ~ Town or village boundary line ~ State or county road, parkway or expressway . ............ State or county park- or recreation area ': Stream' or drainage channel owned by the county o~ for which the coun~ has established . .: 'channel lines; ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public builldin¢ is situated (s~nedl Tftle Doto r~o~vod b~ Suffolk Count5 Plonnin~ Coalmissic, n .......................................................... ~'-. Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. llg?l PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wi=kham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Prank Coyle Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport~ New York Gentlemen: J~ne 29~ 1971 Please be advised that the South)ld Town Plann/ng Board inspected the revised maps of th ~. proposed change of zone application of Gus Schad ~roper-y located at north side of Route 25, Greenport, NoY,~) at a ~pecial meeting of the Plann/ng Board held on June 29, ~971~ Subject map contain- ing the amended enlarged scenic basement area and amended "M" Multiple Residence Districto IT WAS RESOLVED that the Southold TOWn Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southbld Town Board the amended petition of ~s Schad for change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to M Multiple Residence District on PARCEL A and from "A" Residential and Agricultural DiStrict to "B--2" Business District on P~CEL B on property located at north side of Route 25, Greenport~ New York° ReSpect fully submitted, JW: BN cc-- Richard Lark~ Attorney John Wl=kham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe June 29, 1971 $outhold Town Boa~d 16 South Street Greenport~ New York Gentlemen: Please be advised that the following resolution was passed, Dy the southold Town Planning Board at a speci&lmeeting held on June 29m 1971: IT~AS RESOLVED that the Southold Town .Planning.Boa~d re¢o~men~ to'~he Southold Town Board final approval of the prOposed a~end merits to the Zoning Ordinance and final approval .of the proposed .new zoning map as referred to them by the Southold Town Board at thei~ ~egular meeting held on June 22, 1971o, ' ~Th~ Planning Board hereby submits the~ following commentsand · woi~ld'like to see the following changes made on t-he proposed "ZOningMap": ,Jacksog,.:St~eet. '~he Planning Boa~d recommends tha~ ,this.'~b~, a "C"' ~us~rial District° . -,' · ~ .~, 2o New Suffolk - ~he Planning Bo sea,ion-on the west side of Old Ha south to th~ Creekm be residential of c~iti=ism. ~rd ~ecommends that ~e' :bo~ ~oa~, ~onii:,~un~nes 3o Ma~tStu.ck - The· greenhouse ~',, p¢~y at .the s~uth.,'stde of "New Suf~olk,Road, e~st of the A &~ P s~Oreo_ This property.is ,.~ not owned by JOhn ~ickhamo The .Pl~nni~ g Boadd recommondo .a~ this be "B-I." busi~Oss~ This prop~y has baen in opera'l"ion : ~/ as business fo= eve= 6.Q years and ~hould con'hinue t© be so.. JW: BN John Wickham, Chairman Sour old Town planning Board Green Acres . . Stratmors I~i ' i Marion Manor · C~eaves Point, Sec. Fordham Acres, .Sec. Fordham Acres, Sec. sterling Homes Eastern Shores, Sec. I Eastern Shores, Sec. Eastern Shores, Sec. Eastern Shores, Sec. IV Southold Shores Will~w ·Point . Biexdon Es~tates, Bl~ck~I - /b/7/~ Smithfield Park Harbor Lights Estates, Paradise Point Terry waters Bay Haven Corey Creek Estates West Creek Estates Q own Harbor South Harbor Homes :'I Peconic Shores, Sec. Peconic Homes, Sec. Peconic Homes, Sec. Peconic Bay Oaks · ( ~astwood Est_a~t~es._ Se~ ' ~ Estates, Sec. ~I~ RECOMMJENDATIONS FOR REVISED LIST OF A~PROUED SUBDIVISIONS FOR AMENDMEN~ .TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE Sunny Shores MOose Cove Nassau Point Deer Park · G.I. Tuthi..ll Edgemere Park~ Willgw Terrace Soun~crest Woods Gardiners Bay Estates, Eastern Shores, Sec. V Harvest Homes, Sec. I Bayview Woods Estates Harbo~ Lights Estates, Highw6od Nunna~oma Waters Yenne~ott Park Downs~iew Nor thwioods Vista ~luff ~ackso~s Landing Bennett's Pond ~nset Knolls, Sec. I~.~/~ Laurel Country Estates Sec. Sec. III T_~O THE ZON. ING ORDINANCP, '~,-,: Eas~ern'Shores~ Sec." ~V ~.:~'..' [ ". .: :' -::.. -.['~.: ': :.. '-. "..'.' : · ~ - · - .-Harvest Ho~es, Sec. I ' ~:'., '~ r~or')Ltgh'~s 'Estat~s~ sec. i ' ' ~,~yview Woo'ds E~tates :' -" "'= ' - . Harbor Lights Estates,-Sec. III "' % > ' '' ".' -' ' · ~M~nakoma Waters ~..-~ :COr~y Creek Estates - ' · ~:'i:'.~.~'~h ~a~0~. Te~r'ace"<'. ' :'- ' No~'*~ .....~'" :C~;:~' <" :.-" .- .... · .. .... ..,:'..'........... · . , - ....... -f- .... - - J~cksons Landing ..:. Peccnie Homes,- Sec; }~'~ ': 'Pec°nic'Homes, Sec. II ' ~ ' Rosewood Estatss ~ .' P~COnic 'Bay Oaks ~' :.-.. ' Sunset Knolls, Sec. ,~ .... . ....... . . . ' Su~set Knolls, Sec. II' ' :,.:c ""'' " ' ' Laurel Countr~ Estates ]..': ~as~wood Estates, Sec. IIZ' June To: Memberz of the Tovaa Bosrd, Planhin~' ~3oard, and Board of Appea ts II Enclosed herewith are revised pages Nos. 5.u, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28~ 29, 30, ~c': . .~,, 4~, 43, 61. and 6~ of the zoning ordinance t ~getnep with rhe Bu~k and Parking Schedu~,~ The enclosures should re,)tacc, the page's to; be Pevisec! tn the ordinance -* ' ' , ~, 1Ich e~ch of Vou now haYe. R. WT:bc' Enc[osures the rear, .the fear I,~{ line shaft be deemed to be a tine pst'alia, ia thc fpr, t{t Rjr Ii[ia not less'titan I0 feet ming'. tyillg' farthest l'l'uill the frrnl} lot [h)~. IX)T ~.~lYFllJThr qvt.lagc distant.t: hetwccn side hn tille~; taken at the D'~,nt yar m' sc~-bauk line 'and a Parallel t~ the strt~et. " ~NUFACTU~ING-Any process whereby the ' lla~ur.e, size, ~1' shape o~Tadtic~ea or raw materials are changed, ,n. where articles are asaell~hled t>l. paukag~tJ. . which sha~I display or include balmer,.Penaan~, insignia, dev ration whicll is ill tile llat~lr, e rtl', MAIN l"l-(-)Ol~-Tiu, ~lrgest area found by thc Je~2tion ~ ~t~[~l pia~e t~lrough the ~ivab~ area which is ellClosth Dv tile exterith~ walls of the buJ tding. ~ ' MARINA OB BOATSWaIN-Aab premises con- h~tl, lleads, hui[dtng~} slips. ~ ~'' MOTLL-A building t:Qatatning guest coam~ each t~t' ~ific. h. or uaell pair of whiP}l, has a suparate entrauce Leading directly from the ,m~side of tim baitding, with parking space uonvunisntly locater to dac:h ;;liLt, and whici; NON-CONFORMING HSEs-A non-conforming ts arty use, whether cf a builqing or'tract of !and, ar both, existing ~n tim et'feckive date of this ordinance which does not conform re the use t't:gllla~it-~ns of the Diatrict in 'Th!ch it is located. Dui [dillg [~ PUBLIC WATER~ PUBLIC SEWEH-r~ sewage disposal svstem~ and ~ommuuat water supply systems apprc, ved by the .,tl[lr~jk Coulflb. Departnlen[ SIGN-Any atrtlcturc or pa~q ~hct'cof, m' az!5. -J~vh.e a~tached to a building ur painted or represented thereon; Lny tatter, word, mode/. .ce, trade flag, or represen- or whicl~ is ..... -5- t ' "A" RESIDENTIAL AND AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS 'fM" LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS "M-1" GENERAL MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS '"B 'i LIGHT BUSINESS DISTRICTS 1" GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS ."C-1" GENERAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS SECTION 201 - ZONING IVL~P - The boundaries of the said districts are hereby established as shown on the Building Zone Map wi~ich acuompanies, and which, with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted and made a part of and incorporated into this ordinance. Said map, indicating the lalest a~nendments, shall be kept up ' to date and a copy thereof shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector for the use and benefit of the pub- SECTION 202 - DISTRICT BOUNDARIES - In determining the boundaries of districts shown on the zoning map, the following rules shall apply: 1. Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, high- ways, waterways or railroad rights-of-way or such lines extended, such center lines shall be construed to be such boundaries. 2. Where such boundaries are indicated as approxi- mately following the property lines of parks or other publicly owned lands, such lines shall be construed to be such boundaries. 3. Unless otherwise shown~ all district boundaries running parallel to streets shall be'construed to b~ 200 feet back from the rights-of-way of said streets. 4. In all cases where a district boundary divides aiot ' in one ownership and more than 50% of the a~ea of such lot ' lies in the less restricted district, the regulations prescribed by this ordinance for the Less restricted .district shall apply to such portion of the more restricted portion of .quid lot which lies within 30 feet of such district boundary. For purposes of this section, the more restricted district sha~.! he deemed that district subject to regulations which: prohibit the use intended to be n~ade oi said lot; or require higher standards with respect to coverage, yards, screening, land- scaping and similar requirements. 5, Any use not peyn!itt~d by this ordinance shall be deemed t~ be prohibited. 6. Notwithstanding the 'limitations imposed by any other provisions of this ordinance, no building, dredgir/g, or filling operation'shall be permitted be- low the datum of mean high water of tidal waters un- less such building, dr~dging~ or filling operations have been duly authorized and are conducted in con- formity with.all laws, ordinances~ rules and reguia~ - lions of ali governmental agencie~ tlavlng jurisdiction thereof. III. ]By amending Article III to read as follows: ARTICLE III . "A" Residential and Agricultural Dist-ict SECTION 300 - In an "A" District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building Or part of a building shall be erected~ or altered, which-is arranged, intended, or. designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted Uses 1. One family detached dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling on each tot. . 2. The following commercial agricultural operations and accessory uses, including irrigation, thereto, provided that there shall be no storage of manure, or other odor or dust-producing substance or use, except spraying and dusting to protect vegeta- tion, within 150 feet of any lot iine. (a) The raising of field and garden crops, vineyard and orchard farming, the maintenance of nurseries~ and the seasonal sale of products thereof · in buildings subject ro the following special requirements: t. All one-story buildings for display and retail sales of agricultural and nursery products grown primarily on the premises shall not 'exceed 1, 0OO square feet in floor area. Display of produce shall be not less than 10 feet from ail' street and lot lines. Any stand in ex~ess of 100 square feet in floor area shall be set back 20 feet from the street line. Any stand in existence at the' effective date of this ordinance must, within one year~ comply with all of the provisions hereof. provisions of - Section~. Ail signs shall conform to the (b) Keeping, breeding and raising fowl, except ducks, and large domestic animals on lots of tO ¢c) Barns, storage buildings, and other .related structures, provided ~uch.l~uildings shall conform-to the ~ard requirements for principal buildings, 3. Buildings, structures, and uses 'oWned or . operated by the Town of Southold. B. Uses Permitted b~ Special Exception by the Board of ,A,p, peals as herein provided. " -- as a spe~iar'e~eeption ': '~!'~-:JdJythe Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and s~biec~ to Sit~ ' · i..' ~n approval by the Planning Board in accordance with Attic-Is ~V hereof. 1. Two family dwe/lings, conversion of' existing buildings, and ne~v construction, not to exceed one such dwelling on each tot. 2. P~ces of worship includin~ parish houses {~ut ~cluding a rectory ov parsonage which shall conform m the requirements for a one-family dwelling), subject ta the following requirements: (a) No building o~ par~ thereof.shaH be erected nearer than 50 feet t~ any street line and nearer than 20 feet to any lot line, ~ (b) The total area covered by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 20% of the area of the lot, ' 3. Private schools, colleges, and other educational institvtions,' subject to the foltowmg r~quireme~ (a) No buildin~ shall be leas than 50 feet from any at~eet or lot line. (b) 2'he tota~ area occupied by al: priucipal and accessory buiidingt{ shall not exi, eed }{0% of the area of the }at,, (c) Any suct'~ school Shall be a non-profit organi- zatlbn within the meaning of the Interns/ Revenue Act and ~hail be re~!s- feted effectively thereunder as such. (d). Any such school shall occupy aiot- a~ith an area of not tess that five acres plus one acre for each 25 pupils for.which the building ~s designed. ' 4. Libraries, philanthropic, eleemosynary or relig7 Loue 'institutions, hospitals, nursing and rest homes, or sanitaria far generaI medical care, but excluding facilities' for the treatment of a(i ' types of drug addiction, subject to the following requiremen+,a': (a) No building or part thereof or any parking or loading area,'~shall be located within I00 fee~ of any street, or 50 of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by principa~ ant accessory buildings shal~ not exceed 20% of the area of the Iot. 2-1/2 stories, (c) The maximum height shall be 35 feet or (d) The entire lot, except areas occupied by buildings, parking ,)r loading areas shall be suitably landscaped and properly maintained. · (e) Sufficient exterior illuminatiga of ~:he site :'i shall be r~quired to provide convenience and safety. All such illumina- tion shall be shielded (rom the view of all surrounding streets and lots. (f) Any nursing home, hospital, or sanitarium . shall meet the following standards: All buildings shall be' of fire resistive construction; ali such uses shall be served by adequate .water and sewer systems approved by the Suffolk County Department c~f Health; · patients suffering from communicable diseases shall net be permitted · ~n any nursing home or sanitarium (communicabi~ diseases are defined ..by the Sanitary Code of the l~ublic Health Council of the State of New York); 8 000 square feet of lot area shall be provided fo,'each patient bed. -12- A. Per_mitred Uses 1, Any.p?rmitted use set forth by Section 300 A of this ordinance. ~n and as 2. Multiple dwellings designed ~'or and : ~ ': 'x occupied by not more than four (4) families. Boarding. and tourist honses. . :. B, Uses~permitted by Special Exception by the .B.oard of.A. ppea~s0 as hereinafter provided. The following uses are permitted as a Special "Exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and sub to Site Plan approval by the Planning Board iq accordance with Article XIV hereof, 1. Any Special Exception use set forth in and as regulated by Section 300 B of this.ordinance. C. Accessory Use__s 1.. Any accessory use set forth in and as regulated by .Section 300 C of ~his ~ordinance. 2. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted use and not involving a separate business. 3. Signs, subject to the roi:lowing requirements: (a) One advertising ~ign, either single or double-faced, not more than fifty (50) square feet in area, the lower edge of which shall not be [ess than foist (4) feet above the ground, exclusive of pillars and posts, and the upper edge of Which shall not project more than 15 feet 6 inches above the ground. -19- .t · (b) Such sign shall advertise or!ly the business conducted on the pr,~mises upon which it is located. (c) Such sign shall be set-back not less -~ than'five (5) gert from all street and lot lines. (d) ,Such sign shall comply with'all al}he supplementary iii'ga re2ulations hereinafter set forth SECTI~ON 401 - LOT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, : ._ FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No buildin~ o~ shall be Used, and no building or part thereof shall be _ 5 'erected or altered in the I'M" Light Multiple Residence Di~tricl ~.- 'unless the same conforms with the "Bu~k and Parkin~ gegmlation Schedule" incorporated into this ordinance by reference, w/th the '-~ same force and effect a~ if such regulations were set forth herein :;tn full. - ,V.I By renumberint Article III A to be Article V and amending lhe same read as follows: ARTICLE V "M- 1" GENERAL MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT SECTION 500 - Ia an "M-l" District, no building or pre- crees shall be ,used, and no building or part of a bui/ding shall be erected, or altered, which is arranged, intended or designed to be ueed~, in whole Or in part, for any use except the' following: A. Permitted Uses' 1. Any permitted use set forth.in ahd as re~aI~ied by '. Sectien 300 A and Section 400 A of this ordinance. B. Uses Permitted b,Y_S_pecial l~x_ceptton by the Board of Appeals · as hereinafter provided. .. The followmg uses are permitted as a , peclal Exception S · bF. ~he Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to "; , PLan appr/~va! by thc Planning Board ': '-hereof. . n accordance with ArticIe -~V ~20- 1, Any sl~e~lal exception use set forth in and as regtllated by Section 300 B of ~his ordinance. 2. Marinas for the docking, moorina0 accommodation of non-commercial boat~. 3. Multiple dwellings or 4, Hotels and Motels 5. Tourist Camps C. ~ccessory Use~ I. Any accessory use set forth in and as regulated - by Section 300 C and 400 C of this ordinance. 2. Accessory uses on the same lot with and custo- marily incidental to any permitted use and not involving a separate SECTION 501 - LOT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No building or '. premises si'iai be used. and no buildin~ or part thereof shall be erecte( or aiterec in the 'IM-!' General Multiple Residence District unless the same conforms with the "Bulk and Parking Regulation Sehedule'l incorporated into this ordinance by ref6renee with the same force and effect as if ~uch regulations were set forth '-'. heI'ein in full. -21- B..Uses Permitted By Special Exception by The Board of Appeals As Hereinafter Provided 1'' ~' . .The following uses are permitted as a ,_ '. Special Except~o.n by the'Board of Appeals as ~"' hereinafter provided~ subject to .Site Plan Approvai by ~he Planning Board in accordance with Article XIV. hereof. . . 1. Any special exception use set forth. m andas regulated by'Section 300 B and Section 400 B and.Section 500 B of this or'dinance. C.' Accessorg Uses 1. Any accessory use set forth in and as regulated b2g'Section 300 C~ Section 400 C~ cud Section 500 C of this ordinance, 2; Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted use and not involving a. separate business. 8, Si~ns~ subject to the folIow[ng requiremen_rs: (a) DETACHED OR GROUND SIGNS- One (1) Sign, single or double faced° not more than six feel six (6) inches in height, and twelve '(12) feet .six (6) inches in width, 'the lower edge of Which shall be not less than four (4) feet above the ground and the upper edge of · which shall not extend more than f~fteen (15) feet six'(6) inches above the ground,, which sign shall be set back not less than five (5) feet from ali street and proper~y lines.and shaI1 ad- vertise ,only the business conducted on the premises. (b) %VALL SIGNS - One (1) sign attached to or rocor =orated in each building wail on a public street'and advertising only the business conducted in such building, provided such sign does not: '- ,-23- Business District unless the same conforms with the "Bulk and l~arking Regulation Schedule" incorr petaled into this ordinance by reference, wilh the' same force an.d effect: as if such regulations were ' set forth herein ih full ' , SECTION. 602 - RETAIL SHOPPING CENTERS£ No/withstanding any olher provisions of this articl~ - a building bra combination of buildings containing .... retail stores, mercantile establishments, offices, banks, and financial institutions, commonly kno~vn as shopping centers,' may be erected or aitered in the 'IB"Business District, subject~ however, ~o /he foiler;lng requirements: 1. Approval of Site Development Plans by the Planning Board in accordance wi~h Article XIV hereof. 2. Th~ lot area shall be no~ less than one (1) acre. and the lot width shah be not less than 150 fee~. 3. At least twenty-five (25) percent of the lot area shall be landscaped with grass and plantings. 4. The required front yards shall be not [ess than thirty-five (35) feet except that where the pti:perry in the. vicinity is partly built up with per.- . , manent buildings and an average set-back ~ine.has been establishec~ no buildings shall, project beyond the line of the average setback so established. 5. The required side yards shall be not le~s than twenty-five (25) feel. 6. The required rear yard shall be not less that~ twenty-five (25) feet. 7; l°a'rking shall be provided in offsrreet pa'vedparking areas which shall provide for one parkitrg space,th~.ee hundred .thirtY--four (33.4). square. feet in area, for each one hundred'{100) square feet -25- and Section 500 ]3. :'' ~ · 4. Public garages, gasohne.se,viee stations, and new and used car lots~ ail subject to the fo££owing requirements: (a) Entrance-and exit driveways shall have an unrestricted width of not [ess than ~2 feet·" and not n~.ore than 30 feet, and shatI be located not [ess than 10 feet from any property line and shal~ be'.. .' so laid ou~ as to avoid the necessity of any vehie.!e backing out across any public ~'ight-of-way. ,'~ (b) Vehicl'e lifts or pits, dismantled ~"~ autom.obiles, and ail parts or supplies shall be located within a buiLding. { ", (c) Ali servicel or repair of nldtor v~hictes .: other than such minor servicing as change of tires or sale of gasoline or oil, shali be 5onducted in a b~iilding. (d) The'storage of ~asoline or flammable ' oils in bulk shall be located ~ulIy under.ground and not- [ess .than 3§ feet frorn any property lir~e other than the street line. (e) No gasoline or fuel pumps Or ~anks be located less than 15 feet fFom any st~'eei or propert}- line. (f) Iqo motor vehicle sales, used car iota, .' accordance with Article XIV hereof. ' t. Any special exception use set forth' in and as regulated by Section 300 B 2. Places of amusement 3. FJshin£4 sial:ions -27- gasoline serwce or repair sh6ps, or similar businesses · are 'co be located ~vith[n 300 feet of a chu[-eh0 pubiic sch'ooL library, hospital, ocphanage, or a rest, home, or within 300 feet of any residence district .' . . C. Accessor~. ~ I. An)7 accessory usese~ ~o~th ~n and as - - ia d by Section 300 C, Section 400 q, ~ect~on 500 C~. and Se~/io~' 600 C of this c[rdinance. ~ ' 2. Accessory uses on the same·iot with and customar{ly incidenta~ to a~y permitted use and not vo[ving a separate business, ' SECTION 701 - L AREA, YARDs, OPEN ~PAC~s, FLOOR AREA, AND p . ARI~NG REQUIREMENt: No buiidin~ of'premises shall be used, ~nd no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered ~n the "B-I" General Business ~ District unless the same co~orms with the "Bulk and Parking- Regulation Schedule" incorporated into this ordinance by -- - reference, with the same fo?ce and effecl as if. such rega~i!..ms were set forth herein in full · VIH~ By renumbering Article IV to be Article Vi~I and amending the'same ~ead as follows: . ARTICLE VIII " '~ ~ INDUSTRIAL DISTRIc~ C -LIGH2 SECTION 800 - In a "C" District~ no building or premises shallbe used, a~d ~o bui~dingor Dart = "-- shall be erected or altered .m~.. ~. . - m a bu:Imng ~ ,~,l~Cll l~ a~ rang'ed, intended, or designed, to be used, in ~vhob or in part~ for any except the foltOWmg: ill -.. A. Permitted Uses . ." . 1. Any permitte use set forth in and as rega!aled {- . by Section 300B, Section 400~ Section 500 : and SectiOn ~02 of thi,,~ ordinance. B. Uses Permitted. b~, Snec~al Ex .... · - -- appeals as hereinafter-~-~2-i.~1~_~-~' the ~nni~ Bo--'ia ~;~t~ Plan Appro,~ ' ua~.x%'~ra :~rt~cle ~V hereof. · Industrial uses iuch~ding manulActu~ino- '. revolving the use of only oil, o for fuel 2. Research, design, and development laboratories; office buildings. .. : 3. Wholesale storage and warehousing. , · ' [ · .4. Buildi~g contractors yards. ' -~ ' ·: 5. /~tbllc utii~ty s~ruc~ures and uses. ' -': ,-. facflities, Newspapers and printing establishments. - parkin~ .Bus and tl~uck terkninals (garages, toading docks, crc, ) Food processing and packaging p~an~s. Marinas for~ dockin g and mooring ail t~oes .of boats.' Launching faciliti6s. ' Ferry terminals fac [Ii~ies. 'fach~ ciubs~ charter fishing docks. Eating and driakiag establishments. Relail sales of boats and marine Boat buildinj, boa~ servicing, boat storage 16. Yards'for sale an~ ~torage of fuel and buiI~fng m~teria/s. C.. Special E~:ception Uses I. Any special e~ception use set forlh in and as regulated by Section 300 B, [~oction 400 Dj cec~lon 500B, Section 600 B, and Section 700 B oftn_s'q ordinance. 2. Accessory 2ses on the same ko+ and + :-- ' - cus~omarLly ir~-eidental to any permitted use and involving a separate busines s. ~ - SE~TiON ~0.1 - LOT AREA. YARDS, OPEN' ~P or premrses shall be used, and no building or parR. thoreef ~' shaft be erected or altered in tl~e "C" L:o-~t rndu~'-~;~, - .... District unless the same co~forms w;th the r~u,~ ,,~ ·: Parking Regfila/ion 2, . .'. ~' - · ..... ~ ... · ' Schedule mcoPp~rated into ~h~s ' ~' · '. ordinance by reference, v;[th the same force aha' eLect'f ' .. -- as if such radiations ;yarc sci forth herein in'fulL IX; BY renumbering .fate V ~o :*e A~tic~e'IX and , - amencmg ihe ssme "read as follows: A~TiCLE iX "C-1" GENERAL !NDUSTRLAL DISTRICT SECT!OiY 900 - In the"C-='" District, build;n~ ' ' premises may be used for any ~awfui Du~poso uses hereinafter s~i ~orth a~ p,,~n~itted only ~ep~on by the ~- --P~ .... = ~s hcrelna,~er provided and are subject to s'tre plan approval by the Planning Beard [n accordance with Article XiV hereof. . 1. Abattoirs. 2. Acu~y,enu gas mannfacr, ure or g~s manufaclure from coke, pelroleum or frown any other product-or r. he stor'~ge'!hereof. 3. Acid rDanufacture .~ 4. Ammonia: bleaQhing powder or chlorine manufacture 5. Arsenal 6. Asphalt manufacture, and aspnatt mixing plants 7. Blast fu~'nace · , g.Cenlen~,* linn_e, g~q0sam or plaster of Paris m. ready mix or bull< eonc~.e~ . m ....ac ....e " e pian!s aud block manufacturing. 9. Coke Ovens 10. Crematortes 11. Distillation of bones. -30- ' i SECTION 9[[~ - SIGNS - Signs specified in and , ' '~ inaS sre~Iated"c- ~ 'I District.bY Section 600 C o~t..ts' · b-' ordinance a{'e perrnitied SECTION 903 - LOT ARF~A, YARDS, OPEN ~PACE~,~ FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIRE~tENT: No building or premises sha~l be used, and no building or pa~ thc'reef shalI be e~eeled oP altered in the "C-I" Genera~ ~nduslria[ District un[ess the same conforms with the "Bulk and Parking Re~tion Schedule" incorporated into this ordinance by . reference, with the same fQrce and effect as it such Were. ~el fo~h herein in ruin. X.. By renumbering. Article VI ~o be Article X and ~y renumbe?in~ ~nd amending the sections of said article to rea~ as folIow;s: .' : ' %.. Section 600 renumbered Section 1000 2. Section 601 renumbered Section I00! read as follows: ,~ 3. Section 604 ;enumbered SeE/ion Article VI" in said S~ction ~o be a-~ .... ! .. - . ~ ~uenae(~ to read . This Article adding N6w ArticIe he A~t~cle ~ and amendin~ the same ARTICLE XI ~SUPPLEMENTARY PROVIsIoNs SECTION 1100 - SIGNS - The provisions of this Section shall apply in all districts. 1. No sign, billboard, advertising, display or structure, poster or devise shall be erected, moved, enlarged, or recon- structed except as expressly permitted in this ordinance. 9.. The following types of signs or artifieia! ~ighting are prohibited: (a) Billboards (b) Flashing sig~s, including any si2-n or dek, ice on which the arhf~e~a! hght ~s hot maintained ~tationary, ~n~ constanl in intensity snd color, at aH ~imes when in use. (c) Signs which c~mpete for at, eh/ion ~ith. or ma~- be mistaken for a lraffie signal' - (d) The outtining by direct illumination of all or any part of a building such as a gable, roof, sid~ wail or eorner~ (e) Signs made ouZ of cardboard, paper, canvas similar impermanent material. metal ores; refining secondary aiuminum~ refining petroleum' prodticta, such as gaso/ine, kerosene, naptha, lubricatinff ell, distiIlation of wood or bones, reduction and processing of-wood pulp and. fiber; including paper milt operations. 7. Operations involi, ing stockyards, and ~lag piles, 8. Stbrage of explosives. sIaughter houses, 9. Quarries ' XII By renumbering Article X to be Article XII, and amending the same to : 'r~a~:a,~ follows: ARTICLE XII OWSIONS " ~- 9 '" '; :., '-' - .. [ -~ S CTION 1200 -JUN, K YARDS - Notwithstanding any ~ ":".. - .]~ ,' . ~ .. ". ·other provisions of this Ordinance, ail automobile or olher { -- ,;~',~i' .. , ' ,~:[ · junk yards in existence a~ i~he effective date of this Ordinance 2.. ~. ~: '?.~'~ C' : ':' .. ~ as first ~nacted in 1957, s~all w~thm thre~ (3) years from '. ;' < ~' / .<~. ':j .. -'. ¥. ~>. · such date provide suitableMcreening in the form of fencing '-' ,_j~ ~ //..".':~' ~'[ ~ V% .' or hedges completely arouhd the peri her of the ape ' ~ ~ . ,. · . .... - .... . ~ P Y a u=ed for . "?'.~ ._ -~%: ~,. $~ - .)., ' ,..~ suo~ect to the approval of the Board o~ Appea,s. :;- '":':' ':[[~ ": ' ' ' of lhi~O~TION 1201' ~°/Wlths/~nd~"g any other provis[o~s ,: ?, .. ?": ~ ~, ..": /- ~:. ~ . ' dinance, any si~in existence a~ the effective date ~. :j~ ~.~::.-~.- ..- ~:'. of th~s Ordinance, as first~nacted in 1957, which does not ~':'i. .~:{~/. ~ ~ ' '.. conform to the provisions qf this Ordinance shaft within · :' - '-"{ ~ ' ' ' five. (5) years from such date be discontinued umess its c~)ntinuanee is author[zed as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. '." ~ SECTION 1202 - DWELLING UNIT DENSITY - Notwi[h- '-~. · standing any other provisiolu of this ordinance, each dwelling -' ~ unit ill a multiple dwelling ~.hall have 9, 000 square feet of · --~ '-.~. land for each dwelling unit in the building where public water and public sewer are not provided and shah have 6,500 square ..... fee~ 0f land for each d}~el[iqg unit in the building where public .water and public sewer is pi'ovided. SECTION 1203 - HOTEL AND MOTEL UNIT DENSITY - Notwithstanding any other p~ovisiens of this ordinance, each room or group of roams desi~ned, used, or intended to be used -42- for lodgiag as a unit~ which does not qualify as a dwelling unit, and located in a hot~l, mote[ or similar building shall have 6,000 square feet of land for each such unit where public water and public sewer systems are not provided and shall have 4,'000 square feet of iand. for each such unit where publ!c water and public sewer ~ systems are provided. USES 2 Unless otherwise authorized as a Ispecial exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, the fo!~owing provisions shall appiy to non-confnrrning uses: (a) The lawfuliuse of a building or premises existing on the effective da;re of this Ordinance, or authorized by a building permit issued prior thereto~ may be continued although such use does not iconfo~?m with the pro-~;isions of this Ordinance and such use m~y be extended throughout the build- ing lawfully acquired prior.to said date. (b) A non-conf,: ranlg use of a building or pre raises may be changed to ~ fuse of the same Or higher classi- fication according to the pr~v~sions of ti~is ordinance. ; (c) Whenever a! distric't shall hereafter be changed. any then existing non-conforming use of a building or premises in such changed district may bi continued or changed to a'.use of a similar or higher clas~ifiuation, provided all other regu- lations governing the use are complied with. (d) Whenever a'non-cohforming'use of a building o~ premises has been" ' · ~sconhnued {or a period of more than two (2) years, or changed tO a higher classification, 5r conforming use, anything inlthis Section to the contrary not- withstanding, the non-conforming use of such building.or premises shall no longer belpermitted unless a variance therefore shall have been gl-anted by the }~oard of. Appeals hereinafter provided. (e) A non-confo{ming building may not be recon- structed or structurally altei~ed during its life to an e~ent -43- an officiat'report defining the conditions descr{hed ~n a' ' · petition and determine the ar~a so affected with ils' ' recommendations. , i' SECTION 1601 - FEES ~. Every petition for a change or amendment to this ordinance! or the zoning map shall be .file~ with the Town Clerk and sha[I be accompanied bY'a fee of $100. 00. i . ARTICLE X%~!I ' · INTERPRETATI©N, VALIDITY~ AND EXCEPTioNs ~ '= SECTION 2700 - CONFLICTS (a) Where a provision of this ordinatee conflicts with or imposes a differ.chi' requirement than any Other provision Of this ordinance, ~he provision or requirement ~yhich is ·more restrictive or which .establishes ~he higher standard shall· · govern. · · (b) Where the provisions of this ordinance cohflict with or impose a different requirement than any other ' ordinance of the Town of SouJ~hold; or any rules or re~L~.tions adopted thereunder, ~he ordihance, rule or reguLatiOn ·which' establishes the higher stand~rd or requirement shall govern. SECTION 170I - VALIDITY - Should ans~ Secti6n or provision of this Ordinance ~e declared by a court of eom' potent jurisdictio~ to be invaii~d, such decisi0ns shall n'bt · affect the validity of the Ordi~=nce as a whole or any Olher part thereof. . SECTION 1702 - EXCEPTIONS , Ail of the ~iots o~ th~ · following subdivision maps s~aI1 be excepted from.the lot a?aa and lot width requirements of this ordinance, and the tot areas and lot widths applicable to s~id l~ts shall Be as shows and Hesignated on said subc~v~s~on maps: . Green Acres Stratmors A4arion Mano5 Cleaves Point; Sec. II' FordhamAcrcs~ Sec. Sterling Homes Eastern Shores, Sec. Eastern Shores, Sec. Eastern Shores, ~ . Eastern Shores, Sec. Eastern Shores, Sec.. Southoid Shores Sunny Shores ' Moose Cove · Nassau Point Dee¥ l:~rk ¥illag,.~ 'Manor - ' · G. I. Tuthil~ Edgemere Park. '--.. %Villow T er r~ace Soundcrest Woods ~ Gardiners Bay E~a~es, Sec.~ Harvest Homes, Sec. ! Bayvi~w Woods EStates ' ' Willow Poin~ -~ Willow Point Harbor Lighls Sec. I, Terry Wa~ers Bay Haven Corey Creek Esta!es West Creek' Estates Northwoods Vista Blu£f Jacksons Landing· Bennett ~s Pond Rosewood F. stat e~ Sunset Knolis~. Sec. II Smithfield Par~'. Paradise Point · Harbdr Lights Estates,. Sec'IU Highwood · Nulmakoma Yennecott Park . DoYmsvie~v South H~rbor Peconic Shores, Sec~ Peconic gomes,. Seci Peconic Homes, Sec. Peeonic Bay Oaks Laurel Country E~a~e~ SECFION 1703 - EFFECTIVE DATE Up6n ; - enac~men: by the Town Board, this Ordinance shah take effect as provided by -62- ~YIay 15~ 1970 ~oarm and ]2oard of Appeals TO; The ~Ie~bsrs of the Town Board; 't~ianning'~-~ - - ~ear Sirs: Attached hereto is a draft of the znning ordinance of In draftin~ the ordinance i have attempted to embody therein portions of the exist- ing crdinance~ portions of the Raymond and ACay ordinaries and the recozr=~nendations proposed by the ~ianning ~oard~ The result is that ~he draft is ~ ~ zoning ordinance~ iZou ~v~l note ir_ examining the ~=nance 'that there are many blanks and that doubtedly ~h~ e ~vil! se omissions; errors and po:ssibly additions and amendments after the draft has bean exam~ed by all boards. The craft enws~ons ~h~ attachment of bulk and parking re~!a~ion schedules setting fo..n ~he lot area, open spaces~ etc. i do not na~e these requirements and they have been determined by the boards such schedules .~an be at~ached~ ~rcposea ordinance ~lso changes the use districts and a~cordingb~ th8 map mus~ be revised to conform to ~he new ordinance so that both can bs e;~aet~d ~ ~h~ s~e time~ or~L~a~ excepted certain sqbdivis~n lots from the lot area The existfi~g zoning - ' ~ requi~ements~ I do .... knov; ~ it is the ~-~- ~' nu,~ ...... ~ ~n~zon ~o c,ontinue these exceptions. ~ ~ ' 1702~ ~o~a~a recommend that the attached d~ ~,~ be examined and studied by al! concerned which ~ ~ draft can ~ ..... ~ " a ~n~ ~ p~-ep==~u ~mbody~ng the changes, additions or omissions~ ; Yours very t~uly, 1972 SoUthOld' Town Z.oni.n.g Ordin.ance . : On November 23, 1971, the Southold Town Board· enacted the '['own Zoning Ordinances. The following copy is a reproduction of 'the official o~dinances as ipub- iished'December. 2, 1'971 in "the Suffolk Times, the offi- -, cial pape¢ of the Town of ::' Southold. · iiii i .... LEGAL'NOTICE "-~OI'ICE ()F AMENDMENTS 'TO TOWN ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at .a meeting of the Town Board of the !'Town of S0uthold, Suffolk Couniy, New York, held on the 23rd iday of November, 1971., the Towh Board enacted the following am.endments to lhe' m. ordii~a'nce entitled "The B~ilding-Zone Ordinance of the Town of Souffiold,:Suffolk County, .Y0rk"i ::-(.6g.ether with the .Building. 'Z0:ne. Map forming a part' thereof a.s follows, to wit: '=Ii By ;a~mnding A. rticle I, to'read as folh)ws: i . . LEG'A~ NoT'i:C~ ~ublic facilities.and services; 2. The .assurance'of adequate ,,, and 'devel. . .waY:: fa of statei of privacy, for reduction 'so': aS to .'!safe cir'~ and :prOtee~iion of LOn of ~f the .TOWn of' of and uch a most to. and ~t~e(~ts th~ of and '.proteCtion aa fisheries.. ',: .' 101:. ::DEFiNITiONS exPressl .die LEGAL NOTICE '.pl singular.; includes a corporation as well as an. individUal; the word "lot" includes the word "plot". The term "occPpied" or "used" as apPlied.:to~any building shall be. construed as thOugh followed by t'he wor~.ds~ "or' intended, arranged, or designed to'.'be oc- cupieii 0r used';': '. elevation o1' the street grade at :,..:. thc point that is opposi!.c the · , ....ol' the wall nearest I.o and · CCA ~el ~. . ';.;~u~"~ facing Iht streel, line. "]?'j,. ,::':~ (k?[,~?h(M building containing one :~~ ~LI,IN(j.:. _". _M~iF~I~-A d~xclling unit only. ~~}~.~ buiidir~g--0r portion thercoi ~~~'~ conl. aining three or more' ~~ dwelling units. :~}~.~/~.'~'I'~CIlED-A '~h~'Lfamily-'dxv~l!ing. ~~'"}~5 ~' c,.,m,non or party wa!Is ['~.[~ "'{~.?.~ 'separating it from adjacent units ,,,,,,o,h sid . ' DWE I~1., ! NG, TW()-FAM ILY-A '~*~:E dwelling units only. I) WELI~I NG.z S~I-. ~~"=(¢i~h' one wall in com- mon wil, h an adjacent dwelling. I.)WELI.,[~; ~I'-A building or 6~'[fi:51y ~elfq:ont. ained portion thereof containing complete ,housekeeping facilities for only one family, including any domestic servants empByed on the premises and having no enclosed' space (other than vestibules, entrance or other hallways or porches) or cooking or sanitary facilities'in common 'with any other, "dwelling. unit". A house trailer, a bonding' rooming house, convalescent home., fraternity or sorority house, hotel, motel, 'i~, lodging, nursing, or other similar home, or other similar strueture..shall not be deemed to constitute a LEGAL NOTI CE · BILLBOARDS,-A sign, in: cJ-t~ding the ~)e CommOnly known as "a billboard; '.'Which directs attentibn to albusiness, commoditY, ~,, en- tertainment' or :; Offered or than ~here': Such Only incidentally :. .~_BO. ARDING A. ND TOURIS_'! HOUSES-A building other than a hotel where 'lodging.,' with or without meals, for five or more persons fs furnished· for com- pensation. B U !..L..I/,)j...NG-Any combination 0f-~"materials forming any con- struction, except wheri'e entirelY' underground, so as to permit the use of the ground above same as if no building was present; the · term "building" shall include the term "structure" as' well as the following: a. Signa; b. Fences; c. Walls, other than retaining walls projecting above the ground not more than 3 feet at the higher ground level and not more than 6-V~_ feet at the .lower ground eVision mitting for on the and ex- :the word ,,person,,~ . tending not. more 20 feet above the highest level of the roof 'of such "building"; and e. Porches, outdoor bins and other similar "structures" .CELL.A._...R.~,Any space in a building the structual ceiling level of ·which is less than four feet above the average finished grade where such grade abuts- that exterior wall 'of such building-. LEGAL NOTICE 'located in a dwelling in which the practil, ioner resides and in a building accessory thereto, and PROV!DEI) further, no goods are publicly displayed on the prer~nises and no sign or ad-- ver,iscntent is shown other than a sign not larger than two square feet in t(~tal area. bearing oni~ the name ;tod o~cupation ~ k · ,. , . ~ ~ 't '( ~ , (wot"ds OIlty) of the prat, th, l.)nct. I IOTEI,.-A building occupied as the more or less I. empma y abiding place of individuals who are lodging with or without meals and in whicl~ there are more than ten (10) rooms usually occupied singly and no provision made cook~ng in any room or individual , , ,~ ..a . ~rThc vertical distance m'easured l'rom thc average elevation of the finished grade at the t'ront of the building to the highest point of the roof for flat and mansard ro6b;, and to the mean hight between cave and ridge for other types of roofs. .~YARDrLand °ccupied t~~upied for storage of o wood, paper, doth, or metal, including old autOmobiles, trucks, equipment, machinery, fixtures, and appliances nOt usable as originally desired; and also including any pOrtion .of such old aut6mobiles, trucks, equipment or 'maChinery as are to may be sold as and for.junk or salvage. LOT_nAny parcel of land, not . necessarily e°ineident with-a lot or lots shown on a map of record, the a.veqage level of. finished, measured from the unenclosed gra'dei~' ~i~'e .'.SuCh grade' abhts side of the court to the farthest ihat eXt~ii~lr"wall of s~Ch building wall thereof. COU ..................... : ................... Wh[dh:!':£~htg::'°h any Street, and ' i{T, OUTER, WIDTH OF- the l!li~6r 1evei "bf which is below· 'l;h-e -line~: dimension of the: unenclosed side of the cx)urt. CU._R.B. ,.L. lgV.~L~:The established A.c_C_E. SS0:R.y._- A building or which h;onts on any street. A ' . ARTICLE I use clearly ·incidental or cellar sh'all not be considered in' "1[' 'uR}:' osES- DEFINITIONS ~ j~ :} .-a . · subordinate to, and'customary in 'detejr~ihing 'the: permissible . Ss:C'I:~ON' .100'.- PURPOSES - conneCti0 · There: i:s hr~reby established a · 'compi'ehen~ix~e 'wn'ing plan for building:d?",use''°n the same lot.. ~H:.R~i!.I.~.,:.. !N..N...~,An open ithe'T~!n of:l}'~uthold,~which plan ~~T i_ A story in a space ~nc'lose~[-~ ~11 sides by ig Set:i:: forth iin the text and map building; ~!l;the ~StructUral ceiling .exterior wails-of a building. .t."hat i=='c0nsti../U:te· :this ordinance, level ot~ W~ich. is four feet or more .C.0.U_[~.O...~I~~-An open :Sai.d.?l, an iiis t~dopted for the abOve: '.t~e..average level of s.~a~eenclosed on tti~eesides-by /)urp0s;¢s Se~!::fori:h in Article 16 of'finished:'g.~adewhere such grade e~terior iwalls of a building . e, ': ' .:' ",: i: ' (.he - I own ..Eaw, which, in the- abUtS.'~h'~t~i extbriorCeiling level of ~,~:...UR r, p_~.'[~=O UTE R, ..... DEPTH;. ;.~- ---~OF- inter'~st of >theJ pr.'oteetion and'- which is fi)ur feet or more above The l~near average cumensmn · i)ronii0t:.ion '..b"f'~' thc public health,· "safet~:.'y:,:':'ian01 '-w~lfare, shall be. deern.'ieill t0.'; :spe~ffi.cally include' ¢~e.fOlf0wing; among others: 1. ?The facililiation of the ef-- finished grade at any Point on the ficier, lt 'iand.'ade~.luate provison of': .periphery of the building. dwelling unit. ~ILY-One or more persons o~:~u'p~'[~-~~a~ dwdling unit as a single non-profit housekeeping unit. More than five persons, exclusive of domestic servants, which is occupied or which is to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings, if any, or by a group. 0f~ buildings accessory thereto, if any, together with the :required open spaces 'ap- not relatedby blood, marriage or pul-tenant to such buildings .or group of buildings. adoption, shall not be considered ~ 'lot at the to constitute a family. .F_LO~..A_~-The sum of the'- junction of and abutting On two.or gi:i)ss h~)rizontal areas of the more intersecting streets where several floors of the building or buildings on a lot measured from the exteriOr faces of exter)Or walls or from the center line of party walls separating two bUildings, excluding cellar and basement areas used °nly for:~ storage for. the operation and. -maintenance 'of the building....~ ~oog AREA. LIWB!~-~dl s~ci~-'s~'~-ffh'ih:'~he ex.ter~ri-~alls of':a .dwelling unit exdusive of: garages, breezeways, unheated .porches, cellars, heater rooms,., and basements having a window area of less than 10 percent of the~ sqm/re to0t~'area of the room, Usable floor area'shall include all~ spaces not otherwise excluded above such as: principal rooms, Utility rooms, bathrOOms, all closets and hallways opening directly into any rooms within the dwelling unit and all attic~space having a clear height of six feet from finsihed floor levd to pitch of roof' rafter with a dear height of seven feet six inches from. finished floor levd to ceiling level over 50 percent of the area of~ such attic space.' - .~}bM.9? >,REA RATIO:The 'floor area in square~-'~et-~'=~f .all buildings on a lot divided by the area of such lot in square feet. ~L_~AGE, P R-I V AT~_~:- A :building used for the storage of one (1) or more gasoline or' other power driven vehicles owned and · uSed by the owner or tenant of the 'lot on which it is erected, and for the Storage of not exceeding two (2) additional vehicles (not trucks) owned or used by' others. GARAGE_,_..PUBLIC-- ..... A building other than a private garage used for housing or care of gasoline or other power driven vehicles, or :~here such vehicles ore equipped for' operation repaired, Or 'kept for remuneration, .hire or sale. - ap~_~ _bcc~2^~tONS-?his 'shail b,e underst~)o-~~1~ the Professional office or studio of a doctor, dentist, teacher, artist', architect, engineer, musician, the interior angle 9f intersection 'does not exceed 135 degrees. A lot abutting a curved' ~tr~et shall be · deemed a cornd'r lot if the · tangents to the cur~e it the points of intersection of the side lot.lines; with the street lines intersect a~ ~ an interior angle df less than 135, degrees. ... .. · " LOT, DEPTH~Thq minimum distance frOm the street line-, of .the lot to the rear. lotiline of such lot. ' · i~ . ' ' ~-Anyj boundary of a. lot other than a ~tr~et line: ' LOT LINE', RE'R-The lot line' generally opposite to :the street- 'line.; if the' rear .ilot~ line is less' than 10 feet in lengtff, or if the lot · comes to a point in the rear, the rear lot line shall be deemed to be a line parallel [o {he front lot. line hot less than 10 feSt 16ng lying farthest 'from the fi'ont lot line. ~ LOT WIDTI-!jTtie average qi-s~tance betW¢~h ~ide lot lines taken' at the front yard or set- back line and meast~red at right angles to the side lot lines or along a parallel tO the street~ MA__NUF_ACT~N_._G' - i Any pr'o-~ whereby the nature, size, or shape Of articles or raw Iriaterials are changed, or. where articles are assembled or packaged. - . . .MA!_,N__F_~_Q_Q_~-iThe largest ' al;ca found by the Projection of a horizontal plane through the :livable floor area which is en- closed by the exterior walls of the building. . _~.ARIN~ OR. ,.BOA~ BASI~N- Any premises Containing one or more piers, wharves, docks, -moorings; bulkheads, buildings, slips, basins, or land under watei- d~igned, used or intended to be used primarily for the docking or mooring ·of boats for or without .,~omi~nsa'[ion. · · ~B.A building containing xgt/est rOOms each~ of which, or ~ach pair ofi ~ihieh,. has a separate entrance leading directly from the outside of the. lawyer, ~agistra'te or prac- titioner-'or a similar, character or rooms 'u~ed ' for~'~h'0me oe,~ cupations includ[n~ home baking. dressmaking, millinery or simi- lar handicrafts. - PROVIDED that the office,., studi° Or occupational rooms ar/~ - L building, with I conveniently, locat and Which .is desi intended to. be' use the accommodat VehiCle transients NON,CONr·OI~.~ n~-con~'rmin~ u arking space ,~d to each unit,. · . ~ned, used, or t primarily_ for [On of ~motor ~.~__..iI.. SF~.-A se is any use, . . Page 6' Section 2 '. 'LEGAL NOTICE ". .. Whether of a building or tract of land, or both, existing, on the effeCtive date .of this ordinance · which does not conform to the use regulations of. '.'.the District· in whiCh it is/located... br~]"i~'r]g in which 'i~r~dueted the main or principal use of the lot on which said building is Ideated. ' PUBLIC WATER PUBLIC ~-~-~r~i"un a I sewage 'disposal systems and communal water supply systems approved by the Suffolk' County: 'Depart- ment of Health, and:.operated by · .LE'GA L NOTICE THE SUFFOLK TIMES · LEGAL NOTICE·, ' display' or include '~nY: 'letter, word, m:odel.,' banneb':; 'pennant, insignia, device, tr'aqe, flag,..or representation which.., is ..in the nature of,.' or which is" uSed 'as, .an announcement, dii-ec'tion, or advertisement, for COmmercial pUrposes or otherWise.! A"sign includes a billboard and a' neon tube, string of .'lights , " or simil, ar ' device outlining or hung upon'any . part of .a building or lot,': but 'does not include the'flag orinSignia of any nation or group of nations, or of any governmental agency, or' of any political, educational, Charitable, philanthropic, civic, professional, ~religious,,' or' like campaign, drive, movement, or event. Excluded from this definition are .signs Which are -.solely 'i devoted to p~;ohibiting tr'espaSsing, .' hunting: 0~i' fi~'hing.' :SIGN AREA-; Shalli'inCltide 'al! faces' of a sign .measured as follows: " ~[a) .When Such sign.:iS':i, on a plate or framed or outlin'ed;iall of' the area of.suCh p!atei' ori:~the 'area 'enCloSed by suCh. frame Or °iutline shall.. be inclUded; ' ::i: ':i::. !:. ii. ,'. ' (b) '.When 'Such s~gn only ..of letters, ides~igns%!'. or figure~ engraved,.'. '~)!a~nted, projected or in any manner af- fixed on a wall, the tot&l area of such sign shall be de~med the .area within which all of the .... matter of which such ~ign con- ii:sists may be enscribed,. ,~.:.. ..... ~hat part:.· of any building, exclusive, of cellars but inclusive of basements, eom- .prised between the level of one.' . finished floor and the level of the .next higher finished floor, or if there be no higher finished floor, then that part Df the building 'comprised between the level of 'the 'highest finished floor and the top of the roof beams. seasonal occupancy. TOURIST CAMP .- Any lot, Piece or parcel of ground where two or .more tents, tent houses, .:camp cottages,. .houSe Cars'or house:, trailers. USed as living or sleePing" quar~ters are or may be iob~ted,~' ~said camp. being :6p!erated:'f°r~ Or. without Com- ~ : , ' ~ pensatiOn. .' ~~LE ioPEN,,,,sP~.- An ~nenkl~-~d Portion of the ~round of alot Which is not devoted 'to drive~:ays, :. or Parking'sPaces, ' iwhich iS-free of structureS of any kind,:'°f which not more than 25 ordinance for the less restriCted 'district shall-apply to such portion of .the more restricted .'portion of: said lot which lies within 30 ..feet of .sUch .' district boundary. For'purposes. of .this sectiOn, the more restricted · distriCt: shall:' be' deemed that district subject. 'to regulatiOnS which: prohibit the use intended to be made of said lot; or .reqffire higher standards With resp%t to coverage, ~Yards, screening, ' landsCaPing. and .i ':similar' 'requirements. 5. In all eases where a district a municipality or pub!iC:..agency.., percent'.'is roofed · for shelter bOundary line is located'not more 'SIGN-'AnY':"strUeture. or(.part' 'Purposes, only,., the minimum than 15 feet from a lot line of t~or any device'ati~a(:hed t° ..dimenSion of w. hieh is 40 feet, and .record; 'such boundary, line shall a building 'or 'pain:ted . Or, ~hiCh' iS available and accessible be' Construed to %incide with represented thereon/'whie'h:shall to all 0eeUpants of the building or such lot line.' bUildings on'.. the said lot for ". 6. In all other' eases-where · pUrposes.'of .active' or Passive outdOOr recreation'.' 't~SE. ?,CCEsSQ_~.y~ -. A..use 'ct~.tomarily' incidental and .. subordinate to the main use on a ,.~ 'lot', ~whether such "accessory use:" be condUcted in a principal or accessory building. ,XAfLD_.__Eg~ - An .unoc- cupied'ground area fully open to the skY between the street line', or by the'.street line eStablished by the Official Map of the Town, or an approved Subdivision Plat, and aline drawn parallel thereto. .YARD..gE_A~R - An' unoCcupied ground area fUlly open to the sky between the rear lot line and a line drawn parallel thereto. /~L~]J)~i/g~ .- An unoccupied. ground .are~] fully open to the sky between any ..property line Other tha.n astreet or rear lot line, and a line drawn parallel thereto between the front and rear yards. II.' BY amending Article II to read. as:'follows' SECTION 200 - USE DISTRICTS - For the.purpose of ..this ordinance, the Town of S0uth01d, outside of the In- porated Villages, is hereby into districts designated · . IDENTIAL AND- ' RAL DISTRICTS' GHT MULTIPLE' 'CE DISTRICTS !'M-l!' GENERAL MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS ... BUSINESS dimensions are not shown on the map, ··the location of boundaries ..shown on 'the rnap shall be determined by the'.use of the ' scale appearing' thereon. 7. Unless shown on the zoning map, all tidal lands and lands under water shall be deemed to be within the-use district to which they are contiguous. SECTION. 203 - EFFECT. OF ESTABLIS'HMENT OF DISTRICTS - Following the ef- .fective date of this ordinance: 1. No building shall be - erected, moved, altered,, rebuilt or enlarged nor shall'any land or building be used, designed or arranged to be used for any · purpose Or.in any manner except in conformity with all regulations, requirements, and restrictions specified in this ordinance for the district in which such building, or land is located. 2. No yard or open space required in connection with any building or use shall be .con- sidered'as providing a required open space for any other building on the same or. any other lot. 3. No lot shall' be formed from part ora lot alread~ occupied by a' building unless such 'building, all yards and open spaces con- nected thereV~ith, and ·the remaining 10t comply With all requirements prescribed ~by thiS S.~TORY ..... HAI2L- Any space partially within the roof framing,. where the clear hei.gbt of not more .than "B-I" GENERAL BUSINESS:: DISTRICTS · . .t'G!, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL :~ DISTRICTS: !':.'C¢i" GENERAL..' LI. GHTI INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS SEGTION 201 --ZONING. MAP -' The!~.boundaries.-. of ' the said' · dilstri~t~ ai'e hereby established as shown on the Building Zone 50 percent'of such. Map Which' accompanies, and LEGAL NOTICE, SECTION 30(} - In an "A" District,..no .building .or premises shall be. used, and .no building or part of.a building shall 'be erected, or altered, which is arranged, .intended, or designed · to. beused, in whole or in part, for any, Uses except the following: .... 1. One family detached ~dwellings, 'not to exceed one· dwelling on each lot. 2. The following commercial agricUltural '.operations and accessory uses, including irrigation, thereto, provided.that there shall be no "storage of manure, or-other Odor or dust- producing substance or use,. except spraying and dusting to protect vegetation, within. 150 feet of ·any lot line. (a) The raising of field and garden .crops, vineyard and orchard farming, the main- tenance · of nurseries, and the seasonal sale of products thereof. · in buildings subject to the following special requirements': i. All one-story buildings for display and retail sales of agricultural and nursery .products grown primarily on the premises shall not exceed 1,000 square feet in floor area. DisPlay of' produce shall benot less than 10 feet from all street and lot lines. Any stand in excess Of 100 square feet in floor .area Shall be set back 20 feet from the street' line. Any stand in existence at the effectiVe date of this ordinance must, within one' year, comply with all of the provisions hereof.. ii. Ail signs shall conform to the provisions of Section 300 C 6' (b) (b) Keeping, breeding and raising fowl, except ducks, and. large.domestic animals on lots. of ten acres or more. (e) Keeping of horses and ponys owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use provided that the land area devoted to such use' shall not be less than 40,000· square feet. .. (d)~ 'Barns, storage ,buildings, and other related.' structures,' 'provided... such~ ordinhnce for the district in buildings shall conform to the ~-yard requirements for principal which said !o.t.. is. 10cate.d.' NO.. ibuildings.. - ' building permit shall-be issued for. the erection of a building on. .. '3. Buildings~ struetures,.artd any new lot thus created unless~ uses 'oWried or ~opera'ted 'bY the suCh'building and'lot comply with Town of 'Southold. ' - ~ B: Uses Permitted b~.~ dinanee..all the provisions of 'this orr .~~f-':A-" ~4. Nothing contained in this ~Provi0g~. ' ordinance shall .require any The 'following uses are per: change inthe plans, constrUction, mitred as a special exceptioh by . or designated use of a bUilding the. Board of' Appeals as comPlying-with the ZOning Or- hereinafter provided and subject dinance in force prior to this to Site plan. approval by the Ordinance, if the .following is Planning Board in accordance space between the top·6fthe floor which, With all explanatory, found to exist: with Article XIV hereof, beams and the struCtU~ai Ceiling matter thereon, is hereby (a) A building permit shall 1. Two family dwellings, level iS~7 feet 6 inch'es..'or.~:more. 'adopted and made a' part of and. have. been duly issued and eon-' .' conversion 'of exiSting buildings · · ~:~i.A .Street';ii'imprOved :ineorpora'ted into this ordinance,. ' struction shall.have 'been started . and. new 'construction, not-'.to to the Satisfacti°n'of:th~: planning 'i'Said ~map, indicating the":latest:: before the effective, date of' this' 'exCeed'onesuch 'dwellingon each Board: which is one. 'of'..the fol- amendments, shall be kept up to ordinance, lot: .lowing: an existing Town,'iCounty 'date and a copy thereof shall be. ~ (b) The ground story · ..°r. State..-highwa~ ;Or. street;, a. kept in the 'offiCe of the'Building.-., framework (..including the second' street shoWn on an aPprOved Sub- , Inspec·tor for the use and benefit tier of beams) shall have been. division ." :Final" Pla.:t;./::. a.~':: street shOWn on a :map filed.. With the County Clerk (in accordance with. Section .280~a of the',T0wn Law) prior' t.o. ~Planning" ,:Board auth°rization' t°.. reView sUbdivi- sions ;:.:..a street shown:on the. Town Official' Map. . . . ';i : STREET_L.I._N_E -'.The: dividing li~e b-~ween a' i0~' :and a:'street. ~S~R.UCTuRA..L .ALTERATION AnY:change in the Supporting. members of.a building,, such as, -'beams, columns',, or gi:.r'ders. ._~RAiLER',- Any:, .'Vehicle mounted 'on wheelsi movable either by .its own power or by being drawn by another: vehicle, and equipped to be'Used 'for living .or sleeping quarters, or:so as to 'permit coOking. The. term ~ "trailer" shall include ~veh'ieles if 'mounted on temporary,or per- :manent foundations with the wheels removed. ~_URIST. 'COTTAGE ~- A detached building: .having 'less than three hundred fifty (350) 'square feet of cross, section area, designed for or occupied as living and sleeping quarters for ..of:the:public, ' ' · SECTION '202' "DI"~'TRICT '"c°mpleted within, six months of". ' the date of the building, permit; .BOUNDARIES' - In. determining, and " , ' 'the boundaries'of dist.riets-shown '(e). The. entire ..building '.. on' the zoning .map, the folloWing· .' shall: have been .completed in -'rUles.Shall apply'"... . accordance with such planS as 1.~ Where district .'boundaries' .. have. been' filed'with the Building ' are. indicated as .apProximately. Inspector within, one' year .'from. following '.the 'center lines of. the effective date"of this' ob_ streets, highWays,i waterways or · dinance. railroad rights -of- way or Such 5. Any use not permitted. by lines: extended, such center .lines. "'this OrdinanCe shall be deemed to shall"be construed to be". such. be pr°hibited. boundaries. 6. Notwithstanding' the 2,Where such boUndaries are ':. limitations imPoSed by any other indicated' as approximately provisions of this ordinance, no following the .propertY lines of' buiIding, dredging,' or filling parks or other, publicly '.owned .operation. shall be'permitted lands,i such lines shall be eon- 'below the 'datum of mean high strued to be such boundaries. Water-of tidal.waters unless such : 3,. Unless otherwise., shown, building,, dredging, or filling al1 'district boundaries running ..operations' have 'been duly parallel to streets shall be eon- authorized and are conducted in. strued to be 200.feet back from- . conformity with all laws, or-' the rights - of - way of said dinances, rules and regulations of streets, all governmental agencies 4. In all cases wherea district having jurisdiction' thereof. 'bOundary divides a lot in. one III. BY'amending Article III .i° 2. Places of worship in- eluding parish 'houseS '(b.Ut. ex: eluding a rectory or parSOnage'~ which shall.~ conform to 'th~ requirements for a one-family dwelling), · subject t° ·the following requirements:. (a) No building' or Part thereof'shall be erected nearer .'than 50 feet to any street line. and · : nearer than 20 feet to any lot line. (b) The total area covered by · all Principal -and 'aecessory buildings shall, not' exceed 20 percent of the area of the lot. 3. Private schools, colleges,. and' .Other. educational in- stitutions,.subjeet to the following requirements:. ·(a) N°'~ building shal1 be "less than '50 .feet from anY. street or lot line. · - . (b) The total area occupied 'by' all principal and accessory -buildings 'shall not '. exceed 20 percent of the area of the-lot. (c) Any' such school shall be a non-profit 'organization within the meaning of the In- ternal Revenue Act and shall be · registered effectively thereunder -., Thursday, December 2, 1971 · LEGAL NOTICE. for eaCh 25 pUpils fo~'Which the '. building is designed. 4. Libraries, .philanthropic,: .eleemosynary or religious in-· stitutions, hospitals, nursing.and rest homes, .or sanitaria for general medical care,, but ex-,. eluding facilities for the treat- ment of all types, of drug ad- ' dietion~ subject to the fOlloWing requirements' .(a) No building, or part thereo(or any parking or loading area, shall be tocated within 100 feet of any street, or 50 feet of any lot line.. ' (b) The total area covered by principal and accessory. buildings shall not exceed 20 percent of the area' of the lot.. (c) The maximum height. shall he 35 feet or 2Va stories. ~ (d) The entire lot, exce. Pt. areas occupied by buildings, parkin~ or loading' areas ishall be suitably landscaped and properly maintained. (e) Sufficient exterior illumination. . of the site shall be required to provide convenience · and safety. All such illumination shall be shielded ~from the view of all surrounding streets ami lots. (f) Any nursing home, hospital, or sanitarium shall meet the following standards' All buidlings shall be of fi/'e resistive construction; all such uses shall 'be served by adequate water and- sewer-systems approved by the Suffolk County Department of- Health; patients suffering from- communicable diseases shall not, be permitted in any nursing home. or sanitarium (Communicable diseases are defined bY the Sanitary Code of the Public Health Council of the State of New York).; 8,000 square feet of · lot area shall be provided for each patient bed~ ownership and more than 50 percent of the area of such lot lies 'in the 'less restricted district, the regulations prescribed by this read as follows': ARTICLE III ,,A,, Residential and Agricultural District as such. (d) Any such school shall occupy a lot with an area of not less than five acres plus one acre. 5. Publ'ic utility rights-of-way as well as structures and other installations-necessary to serve' areas within the Town, subject to such Conditions as the-Board., of Appeals may impose in order to' ..protect and promote the'health, safety,, appearance and general Welfare of the community and the ~character of the neighborh0°d.in which the proposed structure is to be constructed. 6: Fraternity houses, golf ~2ourses, annual membership clUbs, catering-exclusively to' members and their guests or other recreational facilities open to the public and accessory playgrounds, beaches, swimming pools, tennis courts,· and recreational buildings,: subject to , the .following requirements: ~a) No building or part thereof or any parking or loading area shall be lOcated within 100 feet of any street line. nor within 50 feet of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by ~Principal ·and accessory -buildings. shall, not 'exceed 20. percent of the area of the lot. · (c) Such use shall not be . conducted for profit as a business 'enterprise. · '(d) No such use shall de- '': cuPY a .lOt with an 'area of less · than three acres... .." (e)'The direct source of all · exterior lighlSng'shall be shielded' from~.the.'' view 'of surrounding · residential l°ts. 7..' Children's recreation camps' organized primarily for seasonal use, subject to. the .folloWing requirements: (a) No building, tent,..' ac- tiVity area or recreation facility".' shall be less than. 200"feet .from ,any lot line, and shall .be el-.. f&~tiVely screened therefrom as" required by 'the 'Planning Board. Buildings intended 'for use as sleeping, quarters shall be not less (than 30 feet' from each other, except tents, 'which'shall be 'not less than 10 feet apart. '(b) The mi~imum lot area shall be not less than 10,000 . square feet for each cottage, tent or other p'rineipal" building, and not less than 3,000 square .feet of land area shall' be provided for each person "accommodated in the buildings or tents on the premises. (c) A11 outdOor lighting Thursday, December 2, t971 THE SUFFOLK TIMES Shall .be ai~ranged and/or shielded to eliminate the glare of lights toward-nearby '.residential lots, streets, or. other public facilities... (d)/'The SOund level °f al~' outdoor', public address Systems shall not' .exceed the intensity. tolerable.:in a. residential .. neigh. borhoOd,'... .'. . 8. Labor camps, including farm and non-farm, subject to the following requirement' (a) All farm labor camps on farms shall be constructed in conformance with applicable laws and shall not be located nearer to any other residence than it is located to the residence.' of the employer except by specific review and approval of the Board of Appeals. 9. Boat docking facilities for thc docking, mooring, or ac-. commodation of non-commercial boats, subject to thc ff)llowing requirement' (a) There shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two boats than those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use. 10. Veterinarian offices and animal hospitals-subject to the following requirenient' (a) The housing of all animals shall be in a fully en- closed structure if nearer than 100 feet to any lot line. 11. Cemeteries. 12. Stables-and riding academies. 1:3. Funeral homes and un- dertaking establishments. 14. Yard sales, attic sales, garage sales, auction sales, or similar sales -of personal propertyl, provided that not more than one such sale:shall be conducted on any lot :in any one calendar year. C. ~c~c'es..~.. _~s~¥..i.~.9,~:..:..i. in.~it.eAL~. ,th~o_ll~!ing: .... "' l~q-iSiiie occupations shall be understo/)d to include the profes~sioLial'.office or ~t.udio of a doctor;' d.'"entist,i t~acher, artist, arcbitleCt,; engineer, i-musician, lawy:.dr,';magistrate.' or prac- tition.'c;;r 6i'.a 'simil.':a.r character or rooms~ gsed for~ :'h0me oc- cupa~!o'n;!in~:lud..[ifi~ihoDa:e baking, dres.Spi aking,. :, :..i inilliinery or si mila."r; h'.'"&ndicr afl.',.si PROVII)F~D that'~h.el.i._p:t..'ficg;'::[.~tudio or oc- cupakion~l rpon~. ~!'e !0¢ated in a dwellihg"in: wh.iqli ~he practi- tioner..., re'sid¢sl and in a bull:ding:, ac.Ces~40rY. 't'he~etol anal PR0Wi~ra f~i'th..er,': ~1o goods are;:].pub."licly ('.li:splayg.d on the ..pretnise:S. and 'no sigh or ad- vertisement is shown 0:ther than a sign...n.~.t, larger :tha.n'i two (2) squa. re:!i~eet in tbtal area, bearing only the ina'mci,and occupation (~vo.i,.ds:;0.'nly) of. the practitioner, provided, that :': (::a) NO display of goods are visabl~.from the :street. - . · · (..b) Such occupation is inciderital to..' the.residential use of the:Pre."mises and!is carried on in the-main building by a resident therebi .with not :more than one non-reMdent assistant. '(c) Such ;occupation is. Carried: on:-in an area not ex- ceeding'30 per cent of the area of ;one-floor o.f. the. main building. (d).. There shall be no ex-. · terior.leffec...t 'at ,the property line such as noilse, tYaffic,, odor, dust, smoke gas,-, fumes, or radiation. · (e) . That isuch ' office or studio-.is... in.c~identa'l to the residential-use, of th'e premises and is carried .on by the rt~sident 'and riot more :than one non- resident assistant; and .(f) That ~such office or studio, shall .oqcupy not more tha'n 3.0. per cent of the area of one floor of the maifl building. (gj That - studios "w'h'dre dancing or music instruction is offered to .groups in. excess of five (5) papils at on9 time or where conee:r.ts o~ re'eit.als are held, are . pr6hibited: ;' ~2,1 Garden"h0use, 'tool house, 'playhouse, wading pool, or · swimir~ing poot incidental to the · resi~:l~ntiai Use of the premises and:ffot operated for gain, subject to' tl~'e, following',requirement' ., .(a) .'. An'y ~ swimming pod1 shall.be eomplete!y enclosed with . LEGAL' NOTICE. LEGAL NO.TI. CE a permanent chain-ling (or similar type) fence of not more than 2 inch mesh not less than 4 feet in height erected, main- tained and..provided with a self-. :Closing, self-locking,' gate -to prevent unauthorized use of. the pool and to prevent accidents. However, if said pool is located more than.~four~ feet :above:, the ~:.is not .1 points of are Self, Any at the · co ;ions provided, ho, more than two spaces in leased to. persons no ent on the premise, s. 4. The storage of either a boat or trailer owned and used by the 'owner or occupant of the premises on which stored for his pebsonal use, subj~ect to the following requirernents: (a) Such boat or trailer shall not exceed 30 feet in length. (b)' Such boat or trailer shall be stored only in the required rear yard, and the area occupied therefore, together with the area of all buildings in the rear yard shall not exceed 40 per cent of-the area of the required rear .yard. (e) Such boat or trailer shall not be located within 15 feet of any street or lot, line. 5. Horses.,. and domestic animals other than dogs, shall not be: penned or housed within 50 feet of :-:any lot line. Housing for flocks (if more'than 25 fowl shall not be:i constructed within fifty feet of ilany line. 6:. il'he. -fOllowing signs, subject..!, to the supplementary' srig-'n'-r~gulati0:ns hereinafter set; forth-. : i: : i ! : - (].a) -.(-)ne indirectly ill"umi~ated i nameplate or' p~!i>fes~'"ional ~ign not more than t~o .(2~:squar:e teet m area. i! :::: ([.b) No't~: more than three Sign:s ~ithi a di.~mtJined totaI area 0f:in6),:~'0re tha'.n seventy-two (72) squarle!!4'eet no iione of which shall be.'" larg~.r thafl .four (4) feet by six (6') feet in isize, advertising only" the-sale-Of farm, garden or, ndrs.~r~r prodQcts~ produced or grown :.on: the. pi'emises or of ianlm.'" als raise:d' pti the premises. :'" (:C)'On~"'rcal es'ta~-'~ign, either Sing!e pr double faced, not larger than three (3) feet by four (4') feet in size on any one or more lo'ts, advertis!n'g the sale or lease Of. onlylthe ~}remises on which it is maintained arid s.e.tback not less flian ten (.1.0)feet from anylotline.. (-'d) One sign, either single' or double i faced, not exceeding twenty-four '(24) square feet in .size, setback at least thirty-five .(35) feet from the street line and ?ten (10) feet from either side line, !advertising the sale or lease of acreage or the sale of lots in a subdivision having a continuous frontage of 500 feet or more. (e) One bulletin board or. other announcement or iden- tification sign for uses permitted in Section 300 B. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 10 hereof, not more than 32 square feet in area, located not less than 5 feet from any street or lot line. (f) Such other signs as may as a special'ex- B0ard of Appeals as prsvided:. SECTION 301- LOT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING.' REQUIREMENTS: No building or premises .shall be used, and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the "A' Residential and Agricultural District unless the same con- forms: with the "Bulk and Parking Regulation Schedule" incorporated into this ordinance by reference, with the same force and effect as if such regulations i were' set forth herein in full. 'LEG AL 'NOTICE., LEGAL' NOTICE' LEGAL NOTICE. 1 _ iii ..................... ' ................... J._ .i ~ Residential and Agriculfural and not involving a separate twenty (20) feet and its depth District, accessory buildings and 'b u s i n e s s . shall .npt exceed its width. structures, or other accessory 3. Signs, subject ~to the vii. By.ren~m~ering Article IV B uses may' be located in the following requirements' to be .Article VI and amending the' required rear yard, subject to the (a) One advertising sign, same to read as follows' following requirements: 1. Such buildings shall not· exceed eighteen (111) feet in height. 2. Such buildings shall be set. baCk not less than three (3) feet from any lot line. 3. All such buildings in the aggregate shall occhpy not more than forty(40%)percent of' the area of the reqUired ..rear yard. SECTION 303 - ~STABLISHED FRONT YARD SETBACK - where prope~;ty in" thd vicinity is improved' with perrhanent dwellings with a front yard area . of more or less than that required by the provisi6ns of this Or- dinance, the front yard seJ~b~Ck shall be the average setback of the .existing dwellings within 300 feet of the proposed dwelling, on the same side of the street, within the same block, and the same use district. SECTION 304 - CORNER LOTS On~a corner lot, front yards are required on both street frontages, and one Yard other than the front yards shall bq deeroed to be a tear 'yard 'and the other or others, side yards, No obstruction to vision exceeding 30 inches in height above c~b level shall be. erected or maintained at street either single or double faced, not. more than fifty (50) square feet in area, the lower edge of which shall no~ be less than four (4) feet above the ground, exclusive of pillars and posts, and the upper edge of which shall not project more than fifteen (15')'feet si~c' (6) inces above the ground. (b) Such- sign shall ad- vertise ohly the business eon- dueted on the premises upon which it is located. (e) Such' sign' shall be set- back not less than five (5) feet from all' street and lot lines. (d) Such sign shall comply with all of the supplementary sign regulations hereinafter set forth. SECTION 401 - LOT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, · FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No building or .premises shall be used; and no building' or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the "M" Light Multiple Residence District unless the same conforms with the "Bulk and parking Regulation Schedule" in- corporated into this ordinance by reference, with the same force and effect as if such-regulations were set forth herein in full. intersections within the triangle formed .by the street lines of such lot and a line drawn between points along such street lines 30 feet distant from their point of intersection. SECTION 305- FENCES, WALLS and HEDGES - Subject to the provisions. Of Section 304,. fences, walls, hedges, or other live plantings within 5 feet to property line may be erected and maintained subject to the following height limitations' (a) When located 'in the front yard, along front yard property line, the same shall not. exceed three (3) feet in height, (b) When located along side and rear lot lines the same s.'hall not exceed~$V~ feet in height.' (c) When located other than in the front yard area or along side or rear lot lines, the same shall not exdeed eight (8) feet in 'height. (d) Fences, walls or other permanent structures shall not be closer than 6 inches to property line. Hedges. and plantings shall not be closer than two (2) feet to property line. IV. By renumbering Article III B to be Article IV and amending the same' to read as follows: ARTICLE IV "M" LIGHT ARTICLE VI "B" LIGHT BUSINESS DISTRICT SECTION 600 In a ."B" District, no building or premise~] shall be used, and no building or , part of' a building shall be erected, or altered, which is arranged~ intended, or designed to be used, in'whole .or in part, for any uses except the following: A: Permitted Uses 1. Any permitted use set forth in and as regulated by Section 300 A, Section 400 A, and Section 500 A Of this ordinance. 2. Business, professional and governmental offices.' 3. Banks and financial .in- stituti0ns., ,~ 4. Retail stores. 5. Restaurants~ 6. Bake Shops (for on- premises sale at retail)., 7. Laundromats and similar establishments ~ 8. Personal service stores and shops, 9. Marinas for the docking, .. :m0oring, and accommodation of non-commerCial boats including the sale of fuel and' oil Primarily for the use of bOats ac- commodated in sUch marina. B. ~.s_es Permitted By 8Pecia! ~tion by The Board_of Ap-. V. By renumbering Article III A to be Article V and amending the same to read as follows' ~h-e---f°ll0wi~:~-?~-'pe~- ARTICLE V. "M-i" GENERAL MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT SECTION 500 - In an "M-i" .District, no building or premises shall bemused, 'and no building or part of a-building shall be erected, or altered, which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for. any use except the following: A. _permitted USe~. -' 1. Any perm_itted us, e set forth 'irC'and as regulated by Section 300 'A and Section 400 A of ~his" or- dinance. 'B. ~g_.es,_P~_t ted: b S~,l ~xq_.ep tion _bY t he.- B~ ~..~_A_p. - Iranians hereinafter prOvide, d,. The following uses are per- mitted as a Special'Exception by the Board Of Appeals as hereinafter provided and su'b'jeCt' to Site Plan approval by the Planning Board in accordance v~ith Article XIV hereof. 1. Any special exception use Set forth in 'and as regulated by .Section 300 B of this ordinance. · -- 2. Marinas for the docking, .mooring, or accommodation Of non-commercial boats. 3~ Multiple dwellings. 4. Hotels and .Motels.' 5. ToUrist Camps. MULTIPLE RESIDENCE D ISTRI CT ,_C~_~c__=ess.0r y_ Uses SECTION 400 - In an "M" . 1. Any accessory use'set forth 'in and as. regul?ted by Section 300 DistriCt, no building or premises -~ ~ aiid 400 C ot~"thiS .Or'dinance.- shall be. used, and 'no building or part of a building shall be 2. 'Accessory uses on the erected, or altered which is same lot with and customarily arranged, intended, or designed · incidental to-any permitted use. to be used,, in whole or in part, for and not involving a separate. any use except the_ fqIlowing: A. Permitted Uses 1. A-ri~ ~:r~i-t~~'set forth in and as regulated by Section 300 A of- this ordinance. 2. Multiple .. dwellings designed.for and occupied by nOt more than four (4) families. 3. Boarding ./~nd tourist houses. B~ Uses .oermitted-'b.Y~. Sog=ci,¢J~ ~Stion..by ~~~- .~2' .as... b.ereina£ter~_.~r~.y_jfl~..~.. '-.~e following uses are per- mitted as a Special Exception by the Board -of Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to Site Plan approval by the Planning Board in accordance with Article XIV hereof. 1.. Any Special Exception use set forth in. and as regulated bY Section 300 B of this ordinance. .C. Accessory ~ 1. ~~F~ ~§e set f0r~h in and as regulated by Section300 C of this ordinance. 2. Accessory uses on the mitted as a Special. Exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, subject to Site Plan Approval by ~the Planning Board in accordance with Article XIV hereof. 1. Any special exception use set forth in and as regulated by Section 300 B and Section 400 B and Section 500 B of this' or- dinance. C. Accessory Uses 1. Any accessory use setqorth in and as regulated by Section 300' C, Section 400 C, and Section 500 C of this.' ordinance. 2. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily "incidental to any permitted use and not involving a separate business. 3: Signs, subject to the foi- lowing, requirements: (a) DETACHED OR GROUND SIGNS - One (1) Sign, single or double faced, not more than siX (6) feet six (6) inches in height, and twelve (12) feet six (6) inches in width, the lower edge of which shall be not less than four (4) feet above the groun, d and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches above the ground, which sign shall be set baek'not less than five (5) feet from all street' and proper ty lines'and Sh all advertise only the business conducted on. the premises. (b) WALL SIGNS - One (1) sign attached to or incorporated in each building wall on.a public SECTION .302 - ACCESSORY' .same lot with and customarily .BUILDING In the. "A" incidental to any permitted use ~ business. ~'~TION 501- LOT AREA'," 'YARDS, OPEN SlbACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No building, or premises shall be used, and no bufldingdof part thereof shall be. '~"6reCted,,." ~ltered ih'the ',~M_i,, General Multiple Residence 'District unless the same con- . 'forms with the "Bulk an,d, Parking Regulation' Schedule incorpobated into this ordinance by reference with the same force .and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. -SECTION 502- BUILDING .. LENGTH AND SEPARATION - NO building shall exceed 125 feet in length. The minimum distance between principal. buildings', shall be equal to 'two times the height of the highest building, and the minimum distance between a principal and an accessory building shall be twenty (20) feet. Any inner court shall have a minimum dimension of sixty (60) feet and any outer' court shall have a minimum dimension of. street and advertising only the business conducted in such. building, provided such sign does 'not! 'i. Exceed two (2) square feet in total "area :for 'each horiz°nta'l foot of such wall, and ii. Exceed in 'width one hundred (100%)percent of the horizontal measurement of such wall. iii. Exceed ten (10) feet in height, and iv. Project more than one .(1) foot from such wall. (e) ROOF SIGNS -'In lieu of a wall sign .authorized by the preceding subdivision (b), a roof sign shall be permitted provided the same is attached to or in- corporated in a roof, which sign shall advertise Only .the business conducted in the bUilding upon which it is .attached, and provided that such sign does nOt: i. Exceed two (2) square feet in total area for each lineal foot of such roof,-and ii. 'E'xtend above the highest point of the. roof in the .Page 8- Section 2 ' . . LEGAL NOTICE. THE SUFFOLK TIMES 'LEGAk'"'"- NO'!ICE . kEGAk NOTICE, ThUrsday,.. December 2, 1971 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE case 0f'a pitched roof, and in all · other cases exceed two (2)·feet six (6) inches in height above the · highest point of the roof, and iii. Project · beyond the edge of the roof. SECTION 601 - LOT 'AREA, YARDS,-OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA,· AND PARKING .REQUIREMENTS' No building or premises shall be used, and no · .building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the !'B" Light ' Business. District unless the sa·me conforms with the "Bulk and Parking· ·Regulation Schedule'' incorporated into this ordinance by ·reference., with the same force· and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full. SECTION 602 - RETAIL 'SHOPPING· CENTERS - Not- withstanding, any '· other· provisions of this· article a building or a combination of- buildings containing retail stores, mercantile es- .tablishments, offices, bankS, and. financial institutions, commonly known as shopping centers, may be erected or altered in the "B·" · Business District, subject, however, to the following- requirements' 1. Approval of Site Develop- ment Plans by the Planning Board in accordance with Article XIV hereof. 2. The lot area shall be not less than one (1) acre, ..and the lot width shall be not less than'150 feet. 3. At least twenty-five ~25~,) percent of .the lot area shall 'be landscaped with grass and plantings. 4. The required front yards' shall be not lesS than thirty-five · (35) feet except that where the property in the .vicinity is partly built · up . with ~permanent buildings and an average set- back line has been established, no buildings shall project beyond the line of .the average setback so established.. ... · 5. The required side yards shall be not less than twenty-five (251' feet.. 6., The' required rear. Yard shall be not less than twenty~-five '(25): feetl. · '7.. Parking shall 'be Provided in offstreet paved parking areas which shall provide for one (1) parking. space, three hundred. '..thirty-f'our (334)' square feet. in ., area,' for each one hundred (100). . square feet of sales floor area or office floor area in each building.. 8. All rainfall and storm water accumulated on the premises shall be returned to the. · ground within the boundaries of the premises. · 9: The total, floor area for each retail or service establish- ment located therein shall not exceed 10,000 square feet. SECTION 603 - USES CON- FINED TO BUILDINGS -·All · uses permitted in a "B" District including 'the display and sale of merchandise and the storage of all property shall be confined to fully enclosed-buildings on the premises. VII. By renumbering Article IV A to be Article VII and amending the same to read as. follows: ARTICLE VII "B-I" GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT,,B L, SECTION 700 - In the District, no building.or premises Shall be used, and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered, which is 'arranged, in- tended, or designed to be used, in whole ·or in part, .for any uses except' the following' .. A.. ~e.rmi~.d.~ 1...Any permitted use set forth, in and as regulated by Section 300 B, 'SectiOn 400 ,B, Section 500 B,. Section 600 B and Section 602 of this ordinance. B ..... U,.s~ea~.~, r~d~y..Specia! Ex~c..,.eptiot!...by.,.th.e.... Boayd, of...Ap.- peals as hereifiafter provided. · permitted as a Special Exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided subject to Site Plan Approval. by the 'Planning Board in' accordance ·and uses~ with Article XIV ·hereof. 6:· Newspapers and printing 1. Any special exception use establishments. .set· forth in and as regulated by 7. Bus and truck .terminalS Section 300 B and Section 500 B. .(garage·s, parking facilities, .... 2. Places of amusementj loading docks, etc'.), 3. Fishing stationsc· 8. Food processing and 4. ·Public ·garages, gasoline packaging plants. service stations, and new and 9. Marinas for docking and used· car ·lots, all .subject to the. mooring all types of boats. following requirements' · 10. Launching facilities. · (a)· Entrance and exit · 11. Ferry terminals~. driVeways shall '· have an' 12: Yacht clubs, charter unrestricted width of not less fishing docks. than 12 feet and not more than 30' 13. Eating and drinking feet, and shall be located not less' establishments. than t0 feet from any property 14. Retail sales of boats and lin~ and shall be so laid out as to' marine items. avoid the necessity of any vehicle 15. Boat building,' boat ser~ .backing out across any public vicing, boat storage facilities. right-of-way. 16. Yards.for sale and storage (b) Vehicle lifts Or pits, of fuel and building materials. dismantled automobiles, and all C..~.Special Exception Uses · parts or supplies shall be located. - 1. Any special exception Use within a building., set forth in and as regulated ~by (c) All serviCe or repair of Sect. ion 300 B, Sgction 400 B. motor vehicles other than such Section 500 B, Sedtion 600 B, 'and minor servicing as change ·of Section 700 B of this ordinance.. tires or sale of· gasoline or oil, 2. Accessory uses -on the shall be conducted in a building., same lot with and customarily (d) The storage of gasoline incidental, to any permitted use or flammable oils in bulk shall be · and not involving a separate located fully underground and business. not less than 35 feet from .any SECTION 801 - LOT AREA, property' line other than the YARDS, OPEN SPACES, street line. FLOOR AREA, AND' PARKING. (e) No gasoline or fuel REQUIREMENT:· No building pumps ·or ·tanks ·shall be located or premises shall be used, and no· less than 15 feet from any street building Or part thereof ·shall be Or property line·. ·erected or altered in the "C" (f) No motor vehicle sales, Light Industrial District unless used car lots, gasoline service or ·the same conforms, with :th~ repair shops, or similar "Bulk·and ·Parking Regulation busineSses are to be locafed Schedule'.' incorporated into this within 300 feet 0f a church, public ordinance by reference, with the school,· library, hospital, or- same force and effect as if such. phanage, or a rest home, ·or regulations wereset forth herein within 300 .feet of any residence in full~ . district. IX. By'renumbering Article V t~ C. AcC,~......·..~s0ry~_ ...... =~.' . be Article IX and amending the 1. Any accessory use set forth same to read as follows: ia and as regulated by Section. 300 ~ ARTICLE IX C, Secti°n "400 C, Section 500. C, "C-1" GENERAL 'and Section 600'C of this or- INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT dinance. SECTION 900 - In the "C-1" 2. :Accessory'· uses on the DiStrict, buildings and premises· same 'lot with.and customarily may be used for any. lawfUl incidental to any permitted use purpose· except that the uses and 'not involving ~a separate hereinafter Set forth are ·per- business, mitted only by SPecial Exception SECTION 701- LOT' AREA, by the Board of Appeals as YARDS,· OPEN ·SPACES, hereinafter .provided,· and are FLOOR AREA, AND·PARKING subject to Site Plan Approval by REQUIREMENT:.No building or the Planning Board in ac- premises shall.be used, and no cordance with "Article 'XIV building or part thereof'shall be hereof. -. erected or 'altered in the."B-l" 1.-Abattoirs. General Business District unless 2, Acetylene gas manufacture the same conforms with the or .gas manufacture from coke, "Bulk' and Parking Regulation petroleum or from any other SchedUle'' incorporated into this product or the storage thereof. .ordinance by reference, with the 3. Acid manufacture same force and effect as if such. 4. Ammonia, bleaching powder regulations were ·set forth herein -or chlorine manufacture, in~ full. 5. Arsenal ~ VIII. By renumbering Article IV" 6. Asphalt manufacture, and' to be Article VIII and amending asphalt mixing plants o the same to read as follows' . 7. Blast furnace ~ ARTICLE VIII' 8. Cement, lime, gypsum or "C" LIGHT - plaster of paris . maDufacture~ INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT · ' ~ready mix or bulk concrbte plants SECTION 800 - In a ".C" and block manufaCtUring.-. District, no building or premises 9. Coke ovens C. shall be used, and no building or 10. Crematories,- 'part of a building shall be.ereCted 11. Distillation of boneso · or altered, which is arranged, 12. Dwellings, all types. intended, or designed', to'be used, 13. Explosives, manufacture or in whole or in part, 'for any .storage. purpose,, except the following: 14. Fat rendering. A.' .P...~r~i,ttg~L!aga 15. Fertilizer manufacture. 1. Any.permit.ted use set forth 16. Fire works manufacture. in and as regulated by Section 300 17. Garbage, offal or dead A, Section 400 A, Section 500 A, . animals, reduction or dumping. Section 600 A, Section 602, and - 18. Glue, size- or gelatin Section 700 A of this ordinance, manufacture. B. ~Us.~ea?.e~j~tt~.~.~y~e~.al 19. Gunpowder manufacture or ~..x..,c. eption b;v ,~he~ .,D.~a~,,.~._f.~Ag-storage. ~l~s_,..as...'....,.here. i~qa....f,[gri.,..,p_r0~v.~d,~e_~, 19A. Automobile wrecking and subject to Site Plan ~l~ro~ all other junk yards." ~t~'i~ ...... i:'.l.~]~'i~'i~n.'.'~]]~i~'~a.'~...d]"']"i~n..ac.: 20. Oilcloth or linoleum cordanc(: with A~.:l. ic. ic XIV_' manufacture.- he... re~..o__f. ' ' . 21. Oiled, rubber, or leathe~ 1. InduStrial uses including 'manufacture. ,manufacturing, assembling, 22. Ore reduction. converting, altering, finishing, 23. Paint, oil, shellac, tur- cleaning, or other processing, pentine or varnish manufacture. handling, or storage of products 24. Paper and pulp manufae- . or materials,.involving the use of ture. only oil, gas or electricity for 25. Petroleum refining, storage fuel.. "'2. Research, design, and 'tanks. · 26. Potash works. devopment laboratories;, office 27. R(;lling mill, buildings. 28. Rubber or 'gutta-percha 3. Wholesale stOrage. and manufacture. · warehousing. 29. Salt works. 4. Building contractors 30. Sauerkraut manufacture. yards,. 31. Shoe blacking or stove 5. Public utility structures polish manufacture. 32. Smelting.' 33. Soap manufacture. 34. Stockyards or slaughter houses. 35. StOne mill or quarry. · 36. Structural steel or pipe works. ';. 37. ' Sulphuric;· nitric, or. hydrochloric, acid manufacture. 38. Sugar refining. 39. Tar distillation or manufacture. 40. ~Tar roofing or water- Proofing ..manufacture. 41.. Tallow, grease, or'lard manufacture. 42. Tanning, curing, or storage or rawhides or skins.. 43. Tobacco (chewing) manu- faeture or .treatment. 44. Vinegar manufacture. 45. Yeagt plant. 46, Airports and Airfields. SECTION 901 'SPECIAL ... EXCEPTION USES AND SITE PLAN 'APPROVAL - Not- withstanding any of the provisions of this Article .... IX, 'where a use is permitted in any use district only as a 'Special -Exception by the Board of Ap, peals, such use is not permitted in a "C-1" District except as a Spe-" rial .Exception by the Board of Appeals, .and Where a use in anY use district is subject to Site Plan Approval of the Planning Board, such use in a "C-1" District shall require Site Plan Approval of the Planning Board. SECTION 902'- SIGNS Signs specified in and as regulated by Section 600 C of this ordinance are permi, tted in a "C-1" District. SECTION 903 - LOT AREA, YARDS, . OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING' REQUIREMENT: No building or premises shall be Used, and no building or part thereof shall be · erected or altered in the "C-1" · General Industrial District unless the same Conforms With the "Bulk and Parking Regulation Schedule" in- corporated, into this ordinance by reference, with the same.. forCe and effect as if such' regulations were set forth herein in: full'.. X.' By. renumbering ArtiCle VI to be Article X and by renumbering andamending the sections of said article to read as folloWs" I. Section 600 renumbered Section 1000.. 2. Section 60i renumbered Section 1001 ,. 3. Secti'bn 604 renumbered Sec'tion 1002 and'the words "Article VI" in Said Section to be amended ~o read "This Article." Xl. By adding··a New Article to be Ardcte XI, to read as follows: , ARTICLE XI SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS SECTION 1100 - SIGNS o The provisions of this Section shall apply in all districts. 1.. No sign, .billboard, ad- vertising, display or structure, poster or device shall be erected, moved, enlarged or recon- structed except as expreSsly permitted' in this ordinance. 2. The following types of signs or artificial lighting' are Prohibited' (a) Billboards~ (b) Flashing signs, in- cluding any sign or device on which the artifici.al light is not maintained .stationary, and constant in !ntensity and color, at all times when in use. (c) signs which compete ('or attention with, or may be' mistaken for a traffic signal. (d) The outlining bY direct . illumination of all or any part of a building such as a gable, roof, side wall or corner, (c)' Signs made out of cardboard, paper, canvas or. sitnilar impermanent material. SECTION 1101 - OFFLsTREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Off-street parking spaces open or enclosed, are permitted ac- cessory to any use subject to the tbllowing provisions.: 1.' Schedule. of Par:k...~. -:s~reet parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall 'be provided in all · use. Districts for any use specified below. Any land which is developed as a unit under .single ownership and control shall be considered a "single lot for the purpose of' these parking regulations. 'Reasonable and appropriate off-street parking requirements for structures and uses which do not fall within the categories listed below Shall be .determined by the Planning Board upon consideration of all factors entering into the parking needs of..each use~ For Places of worship libraries, and other public buildings, · At Least One Parki.n.g~,S..pac.-e~£~r ~ac~A 2oo square feet of floor area, but not less than one space for each five seats where provided. Golf courses and other country clubs 2 members or 'accommoda'tions (such as lockers) whichever is greater. Secondary Schools Two spaces per .classroom plus one space for each 5 seats in any ~audit0rium.'or plaCe of assemtily. .. Elementary Schools Two spaces per clasSroom plus one space for each five seats in . any auditorium or o. ther place of assembly. Hospitals, sanitaria, nursing homes, philanthropic, or eleemosynary institutions. 1 bed Rooming Ho.uses. Guest 'rbo.m. Eating and Drinking plaCes 5 seats Undertakers and Funeral Homes.. · Employee; plus 25 spaces for each,.chapel, . ". , .. '" Hotels and Motels Guest room. plus one for each employee. Bowling alleys .. · 5 per alley' Home .occupation Or accessory professional office except - physicians and dentists , 3 spaces per each home oc- cupation or accesSory professional office. Professional offices of'physicians and dentists 5 spaces per each physic!an or dentist. · 2. Areas Compu_ted' a~s_. Par~ Spaces. Areas which /n-~y~"'-~m~ed as open or enclosed off-street parking spaces include any private garage, carport, or other area available for parking, other than' a street or a driveway. However, a driveway within a. required front yard for a one-family or two-family residence may count as one parking space, other than- -on a corner lot. · 3. :Si.~..of~.~..~pa~e.s... Three'hun:' dred and fifty square' feet shall be considered one parking space (to . prOvide room for standing area; and aisles for maneuvering). Entrance and exit lanes .shall not be computed as parking, space except for driveways .for one- family and two-family, residences.. The minimum ?a.rki..n.,g_.s.tall' width .shall, be ten .(10). feet, and the. mm~mu'm.. length shall be twentY (20) feet. · 4.~Access,. Unobstructed access. to and from a street shall be · provided. Such access shall: consist of at least one 10-foot lane; for parking areas with less than 20 spaces, and at least two 10-foot !anes for. parking areas with 20 spaces or more.' No entrance, or exit for.any off-street parking. area shall'be located within 50 feet of any street intersection. 5. Drainage.~ad.~ur..f_a.c~g. All open .parking areas shall be' properly drained within the 'Thursday, December 2,'1971 . .... . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE' -_ 'premises and all such areas shall of a lot in any Residence District, THE SUFFOLK TIMES · .LEGAL NOTICE feet of floor area in such use, and LEGAL NOTICE.. sulphuric acid'S. Coal, coke and ,. section 2- Page 9 LEGAL NOTICE the prOvisions of thifi' ordina'nce'. .be. provided with a dustless surface, except for parking spaces accessory to a one-family or two-family residence. ' 6. ~9.int' 'F~cilities..._...~ Required parking spaces, open or enclosed, may b.e pro·wided in spaces designed to serve jointly two or . more establishments whether or not located on the. same :,"lot, provided that. the number of required spaces in such joint · facilities shall .benOt less than the total reqUired :.fOr all such establishments. 7..CoJlabined. Spaq~..s., When any lot c~i~~~more uses having ' different parking requirements,. the parking requirements., for. each use shall apply to the 'extent of that use.. .Where' it can be conclusively .demonstrated:. that one or more 'such uses :Will be generating a demand 'f0r: parking spaces primarily .during periods. When the other us'e Or uses is not or are not in operation, the Planning Board may "reduce the total parking spaces required for that uSe with th·e i least requirement. Required :.accessory parking. spaces,' opeS'or encloSed, shall be 'provided uPon the same lot as the use to which 'they are accessory or elsewher:e,~provided all spaces , therein are located within 200 feet walking distance of such' lot. In all cases such parking spaces shall confOrm. .to all. the regulations`. bf the district in which the.' parking' spaces are located; and;', in.no event shall such parking ~spaces be located in .any residehce district unless the use to whiC~{: [he: spaces ar~ ac- cessory are :permitted in such residence. :.distriCts or upon ap- prOval by ~th6 Boar'd of Appeals. Such SpaceS ~hall be in the same ownership ?. as the use to which they are accessory and shall be subject to :'d~ed restriction, ap- .proved by;:th~ Board, binding the owner and::(.h~s h~ir's and assigns to maintai~ t~e'. ~equired .nUmber of spaces~ ~ a~ailable either (a) throughou~ t6e ~ekistenCe of such · use to" :whiCh they are accessory, or (b) u~ti'~' Such' spaces are provided ~s~wh6re] . . 9. Q.n L6ts~.pi~ided b~~J~t Boun-da~i~. ~hen a parking lot is ~at~d pa~t~' in one district and partly., in'..:'a~other district, the regulations4~ for the district requiring .~the greater number of~ p&rking spaces shall apply to all. of the lot. Parking spaces on such. a lot may ]~be .located without regard to.district lines, provided that no such parking spacep shall be .located :~ in any residence" ~strict,. Unless the use to which they are accessory is permitted. in such district, or upon approval of the Board o~ Appeals. 10.:: 2~ff~fhg Reg.u~ .the parking 0f 5 or more vehicles 'in the open, ~such spaces shall be individual~y~;identified by means .;of pavement markings. No ~parking space shall be located in any front ~,yard'or within 10 feet'of anytot line in side or rear yards. .The parkihg:, of motor'vehicles is prohibited ~ithin 15 feet of any wall or p°~t[°n thereof of atwo or · more family dwelling, which wall contains ':windows (other' than bathroom Or-kitchen 'windows) ~with a sill height of less than 8' ;feet' abOve'the 'level of the said parking space..No service of any kind shall be permitted to be extended t0 users of the lot, in- 'cluding aUtomobfle service, ~epair or fueling, and no gasoline, oil, grease or'other supplies shall be stored 0r ~sold in any such lot or 'in 'aay gayage on such lot. Parking 'areas shall be screened by a. substantial wall, fence, or thick-hedge, approved by the Planning Board. Generally such sCreening shall not be less than 3 or more than 8 feet in height. ~aces Adiacent tk~_Lp~.~. ~Y ' Residen~fDistrict. (a) Wherever~~-' ~ parking area of over 5 ~paces abuts or is within 15 feet o~ the side or-rear lot line the~ said parking lot Shall be screened from such adjoining lot by a substantial wall, fence,, or thick hedge, 'approved by the Planning:-Board. Generally such screen shall be' not less than-3 or more than 8 feet in height. (b) Whenever a Parking area of bver 5 spaces is located across the street from other, land .in any ResidenCe District, 'it shall be screened from the view-of such land' by a thick hedge, wall or fence approved by the Planning Boa~rd, located along a line drawn parallel to the street and a distance of 20 feet'therefrom; such screening to be interrupted only at points, of· ingress and .egress. Generally no such screening shall be less than 3 feet or more than 6feet in height: The open area 'between Such screening and the street shall be landscaped ·in harmony with the landscaping prevailing on neigh- · boring properties fronting' on the . same street. 'Two identification and directional signs located on the street side of' such screening shall be~permitted; hOwever, theY shall not .exceed an area of 3 square feet each. 12. ~~ No drivewaY :shall provide access to a lot located in another district, which lot is u'sed for any use prOhibited in the .district ~in which such driveway is located. (a) One commercial-vehicle ' not exceeding.' 25 'feet'in length may be parked ·On an oCcupied lot in any Residence District, but not within the'required yards of such. lot and. in 'no case between the street line or side lines and the. principal building. (b) One. commercial vehicle not exceeding 25 feet. in length may be parked within a private garage in any :Residence District. (c)' Commercial farm vehicles' are'permitted as ac- cessorY-to a'i.commercial, farm use in any Residence .District. SECTION' ll02-OFF-STREET I~OADING' R!EQUIREMENTS' - '. Off-street loading berths, open or 'enClosed,'ai'e permitted, ac- cessory to an~, use (except One-or two-family residences) subject to the" folloWing'provisions' 1. ~;~a.~fp~r__ W__hi__'..~h_Re~d: Accessory .off-street loading berths, shall be provided for any. use specified below. Any land which is developed, as a. unit under single o.wnership .and control ~shall be. considered a single lot for the purpose of such. loading requirements. (a)' For a public library, museum, Or similar quasi-public institution, . or governmental building, community center, hospital or sanitarium, nursing or convalesCent home, institution' tbr children or the aged, or school, with floor.arda of 10,000. . .square feet, 1 berth; for. each additional 25,.000 square feet or fraction thereof, 1-. additional berth. (b~ ,For buildings, with' professional, governmental, or business offices., or laboratorY establishments, with floor area of 10,000 to 25,000~ square feet, 1 berth; for each additional 25,000 square feet ,or fraction ther~f up to '100,000 square feet, I additional . berth; for each additional' 50,000 square feet or' fraction thereof, 1 additional ber th. (c) For buildings ~vith offices and retail .sales and servicd establishments, 1 berth for 8,000 to.25,000 square feet of floor area,.. a~d ~ additional berth for each additiOnal 25,000 square feet. floor area or fraction thereof so used. (d) For undertakers and funeral homes, 1 berth for each chapel. (Such berths shall be at least 10 feet wide and 20 feet long. ~ (e) For hotels, 1 berth fOr each 2,500 square feet of floor area. (f) For manufactUring, wholeSale and storage uses, and · for dry-cleaning and rug cleaning · establishments and laundries, 1 berth for 5,000 to 10,000 square 1 additional' berth fOr each ad- ditional 20,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof so .used. In addition; adequate reservoir _ parking for waiting trucks shall be ~prOv~ded. 2:' ._S,.i.,ze ~.~qL,~~ Each ,reqtiired loading berth shall be.at least '12 feet 'wide., 14 feet high, ,and in no event .smaller than required to accommodate vehicles normally "using such 'berths. 3. :Lo~t. Lo.~ ........ a~.d ...... A~.~.~.s..s. UnobStructed access, at least 10 feet wide, to and from a street shall be provided. Such 'access may be combined with access to a parking'lot. All permitted or required loading berths shall be on the same lot as the use to which they. are accessory, except ' as provided in subdivision 4. No -entrance or exit for anY off-street loading area shall be located within'S0 feet of any street in- tersection.. No off-street loading berth shall, be located in 'any required' front yard. 4. ~..E~cjJj&t~. Permitted or · required lOading berths, open or enclosed, may be provided· in -spaces designed 'to serve j6intly 2 for more adjacent establishments · .provided that. the number of required berths· in such joint .facilities shall not be less than the total ·required for~ all such -facilities. 5..D.n..h.o~t~ed hY ni..~trAct t~..o.~u.rt0.a., ri~ When a lot is located partly in one district and partly 'in another district, the regulations for the district requiring the greater number of loading berths shall apply to all·of the lot. Loading berths on such a lot may not be located in any Residence .District, unless the use to which theY are accessory is permitted in such district,, or upon the apr Proval by the 'Board of Appeals. SECTION 1103 - PROHIBITED .USES IN ALL DISTRICTS·- The following uses are prohibited in all districts: .1. Any-use which is noXious, offensive . or. objectionable by reason of the emission of smoke, · dust, gas, odor or other form of'. air pollution .or by reason of the deposit, discharge or dispersal of liquid or solid· wastes in any form in a manner or amount 'as to cause permanent damage to the soil and streams or to adversely affect the surroUnding area, or by reason of the creation of noise, vibration, electrOmagnetic or · other disturbance,, or by reason of illumination by artificial light or light reflection beyond the limits .. of the lot on or from which Such light or light reflection emanates, or which involves any dangerous fire .exploSive, radioactive or other hazard, or which'causes~ injury, annoyance or disturbance to any. of the surrounding' properties 0r to their owners and. occupants, and. any other process.. or use which is unwholesome and. noisome and may. be dangerous· or prejudicial to health, safety or general welfare, except· where such activity is licensed or regulated by other gov, ernment agencies. 2. Artificial lighting facilities of any kind with light .sources visible beyond the lot lines which .create glare beyond such lines. 3. Carnivals and circuses 'and related activities except for a temporary period on special license from the Town Board. 4. Junk yard or refuse disposal site, except a refuse disposal site' .established as an. official Town "RefUse 'Disposal Site or duly authorized as a refuse disposal · site by the Town Board. 5. Uses involving Primary · production of the following . products from raw materials: (a) Charcoal, and fuel' briquettes. Chemicals; aniline dyes, carbide, caustic soda, cellulose, chlorine, carbon black and bone black., creosote, hydrogen and oxygen, industrial alcohol, nitrates of an explosiVe nature, potash,, plastic materials aud..synthetic resins,' pyroxlin, rayon yarn, and hydrochloric, nitric, ~phosphoric, picric,, and tar products, including' gas manufacturing;' eXplosives;. gelatin glue, and size (animal.); linoleum and oil cloth; matches, paint·, varnishes, and turpentine; rubber (natural or synthetic)'; soaps, including fat rendering;.. starch. 6. The foil°wing processes' nitrating o·f cotton' or other materials; milling or processing of flour, magnesium foundry;~ reduction, refining, smelting and alloying metal or metal ores; refining, secondary aluminum, refining petrOleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, naptha, lubricating oil,, distillation of wood or bones, reduction and processing of wood pulp and fiber; including paper mill operations. 7. Operations -- involving stockyards, slaughter houses, and slag piles. 8. Storage of explosives.. 9. Quarries. XII By renumbering Article X to be' Article XII, and amending the ,same to read as follows' ARTICLE XII GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1200 - JUNK YARDS - Notwithstanding. any other provisons of this Ordinance, all 'automobile or other junk _yards in existence at the effective date of this Ordinance aS first enacted in "1957, shall within three (3) years from such date provide suitable screening in the form of fencing or hedges, completely around the periphery of the area used. for such purposes, and the type of fencing and hedges shall be subieet t° the 'a~roval of the Board of Appeals. SECTION' 1201. - Not- withstanding any. Other pr°- visions of this Ordinance, any sign in existence at the effective date of this Ordinance, as first enacted in 1957, which does' nOt conform to the provisions of 'this · Ordinance. shall within five (5). 'years from 'suCh date ' be discontinued unless its con- tinuanee is authorized .aS ..a special exeepti°n by the Board .of Appeals .as. hereinafter provided. SECTION 1202- DWELLING UNIT. DENSITY - NOt- wit!standing any Other provision of this' Ordinance, each dwelling 'unit in a multiple.dwelling shall have ~;000 square feet of land for , .each dwelling unit in the building where public water and:. public sewer are not provided and shall have 6,500 square feet of land for each dwelling unit in the building where public water and Public sewer is provided. SECTION-1203.- HOTEL AND MOTEL UNIT DENSITY - Notwithstanding any other pro- visions of this Ordinance, each'. room or group of rooms ddsign'ed, used, or intended to be used for lodging as a unit, which does not qualify as a dwelling unit, .and located in a hotel; motel or similar building shall have 6,000 square feet of land for'eaeh such unit where public water and public., sewer 'systems are not Provided and shall haVe 4,000 square feet of land for each such unit where public water and public sewer systems are provided. SECTION 1204 - NON- CONFORMING USES - Unless otherwise authorized as a special exception-by the Board of Ap- peals as hereinafter provided, the' following provisions shall .apply to nonrconforming, uses' ~.(a) The lawful use of a bUilding or' premises eXiSting on ,the effective date of this Or- dinance, or authorized by a building permit issued prior · thereto, may be continued although such use does not conform with 'the provisions of this Ordinance and such use may be extended throughout the 'building lawfully acquired prior' 'to said date. (b) A non-conforming use of a building' or premises may be changed to a use of the same or higher classification according to (c) Whenever' a district shall hereafter be changed,' any then' existing non-Conforming use of a building or premises in such' changed district may be con-. tinued or~ changed to a use of a similar or higher' classification, provided all other regulationS. governing the use are complied with. (d) Whenever a non- conformi.ng us~e of a buildin~ .or premises has been diseontitfued for a .period of more than tw°. (2) years, or changed to a higher classification, or to a conforming use, anything in this Section to the contrary not-withstanding, the non-conforming use of such building or premises shall no 'longer be permittc]d unless a variance 'therefore shall have been granted by the Board of ApPeals ...hereinafter provided. (e)' A ri'on-con'fOrmihg building' may not be recon- strUcted or'structurally 'altered during its life to an extent ex- ceeding in aggregate cost fifty (50%) percent of its fair value of 'the building, ~unless the use of such building is changed to a conforming use. . . (f) A non-conforming · . building which has. been' 'damaged by 'fire or other causes to the extent of more than fifty (50%) percent of its' fair value shall not be repaired or rebuilt unless the use of such ,building is changed to a conforming use. 'xIIi. By 'renuinbering Article viii to be Article XIII, and amending the same to read as follows' ARTICLE XIII BOARD OF APPEALS SECTION 1300" ORGANIZA- TION, The Town Board shall ap- point a Board-of Appeals con- sisting..of five. (5) members as provided by the Town. Law. SECTION 1301 - PowERS - In' addition' to such powers as may be conferred upon it by law, the Board. of Appeals shall have the following pow. ers' ... .... A. ~ - TO hear'and' decide appeals fr°m and review any order, requirement, decision' or ,determination made by the. Building Inspector ...... . · B, 'Variances 2 Wliere..there are practical difficulties or un- neeeSsat;y hardships in the way of carrying out the strict 'letter of these regulations, the Board of Appeals shall have the power to vary.or modify the application of such regulations so that the spirit' of the Ordinance shall be ob- served, public safety and Welfare secured and substantial' justice done. C..Special Exeeptions,~~ . ~_permits and Other AD~r_ox~ . ~'6~n-~i~?~ a~:'ii~e;" or' the 10&iti°n hereof, is permitted 0nly if the Board of Appeals shall approve thereof, the Board of Appeals may, in a specific ease and after notiee.'.and public hearing, authorize such permissive use and its location within the district ~ .in which this'Ordinance speeifibs the permissive use may be. toeated, subject, however to 'the following: (1) Before such approval shall 'be given,, the Board of Appeals shall determine (a)' That the use Will not' prevent the orderly and · reasonable use of adjacent properties or of .properties in adjacent use districts; (b) That the use will .not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted .or legally' e~tablished uses in the district wherein the proposed use . is to be'located.or of permitted.or . legally established in uses i.n .adjacent use districts; (c) That the safety, the health, the.welfare, the comfor't, the convenience or .the order of.' the Town will not be adversely affected by the proPosed use and its location; and (d) 'That 'the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes 'and intent of this Ordinance. (2) In making such deter. Page 10- Section 2 ~ :.:_'. . - ~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE , r mination: ttie B0ard-~f--A~p~als: ..... ment Plans the planning Board shall also give consideration, among other things, to' (a) The character of the., existing and,probable develop-' 'ment of uses' in. the district and the peculiar .·suitability of such. district for the location of any of ;such permissive uses; (b) The conservati°n of proPerty values and the en. couragement of the· most ap- propriate uses of land; (c) The effect that '.the location of the proposed use'may' have ~upon the creation of undue .increase of vehicular' traffic cOngestion on. public streets or. highways; (d) The availability'of. adequate' and proper public or .,private water supply and facilities for the treatment, 'removal or discharge of sewage, .refuse, or other effluent (whether liquid, solid, gaseous or other- ,wise). that may be caused or ~created by or as a result of the use; (e)' Whether the use,., or materials incidental theretg, or produced thereby, .may give off obnoxious gases, odors, smoke or · ·soot;' . · (f) Whether the use will cause disturbing emissions of electrical diScharges, dust, light, . vibration or,'noise; (g) Whether the operatiOns in pursuance of the' use' Will' cause. undue interference with ·the orderly enjoyment by the Public of parking 'or o.f recreational facilities, .if existing, 'or if proposed by the Town or by other competent Governmental agencies; :. (h) To the. necessity for bituminous surfaced space for purPoses of off-.street parking of vqhicles .incidental to the use, and whether such space is reasonably adequate and appropriate .and can be: furnished' by the owner of the plOt. sought to be. used within or adjacent to the plot wherein .the'use shall be'had; . · :(i:)i Whether a hazard to life, limb or Property because of 'fire, flood, erosion or. panic may be created bY reason of'or as a result, of the use, or by.:the structures .thereon for" the con-.. venient':entry and operatiOn of' fire and. other emergency .ap- paratus or by the. undue con-" celatration or assemblage of persons upon such plot; (j) Whether the use,. Or the structures to be used 'therefor, will cause an oVercrowding of land or undue concentration 'of population; (k) Whether' the plot area is sufficient, appropriate and adequate for-the use and the reasonably anticipated operation and e_xpansion thereof; and (1). Whether the use to .'be oper, ated is UnreasonablY neai~ to a 'church, school,: theatre, recreational area or other place. of public assembly, SECTION 1302 - In. deciding any shall take into consideration the 'public health, safetY.and welfare, the comfort and convenience 'of · the Public in general and of 'the residents of the immediate neigh- borhood in particular, and may . prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards...as may be · required in order that the result of its action, may, to the'. maXimum extent possible, further the expressed inten.t of .this Ordinance and the ac- complishment of the following . objectives in particular- '' '1. Traffic.-.Access.. That'all'-' propose~ and ways are adequate but not excessive.' in number; adeqUate in width, grade,, alignment and visibility; not located too near street cor- ners or other places: of public assembly; ·and other similar safety considerations. 2. ~!rculation and.,...par, kin~g. · That adequate off-street parking and loading spaces are provided to prevent parking, in public streets of vehicles of any persons Connected withOr visiting the use and that the interior circulation · system is adequate 'to provide safe accessibility to' all required off-street· parking lots. ' ' s. Screening. Tl~t all playground, parmiag qnd service areaS are reasonably screened at all seasons of th~ year from the view· of adjacent residential lots. and ~street and that the ·general land- scaping of the site 'is. in character with that generally prevailing in the neighborhood. Existing trees or. er 8" jn'_.diameter measured'3 feet above the base of the trunk shall be retained to the maximum extent possible. B...El. feet of Sit,e, Development ~1 a,r~ _AoD.,r. gyal, 1, No building permit shall be 'issued for any structure covered by this section Until an approved Site Development. Plan or ap- Proved ·amendment of any ~uch plan has been secured by the applicant from the. ·Planning , Board "and 'Presented to' 'the': 'Building InsPector: .: 2. No'certificate of occupancy will be issued for any .structure or ..use. of land covered by this sec' tion unless the structure is completed o.r the land is developed.or used in accordance with an approved 'Site Development Plan or approved. amendment of any such plan.. 3. Should any Site Plan ap- proval, involve any .matter requiring referral to the Suffolk County .Planning Commission, then the matter shall be referred, ...prior to final 'action by the Planning B6ard, to~ the SuffOlk County .Planning. Commission in accordance with the applicable provisions 'of law. C. Procedure · . '1" Pre:Submission' 'Con- ference, Prior to the submission of a Site Development Plan, the matter before it, .the Board of Appeals may impose such con- THE SUFFOLK TIMES i ' - ............ :'7 .... i LEGAL NOTICE. LEGAL NOTICE '4. The Building. Inspector' 'shall retain one copy and tran- smit..two copies of the certified site Development Plan to the Secretary of the Planning Board at least 7 days prior to the' Planning Board meeting at which approval is requested 5. The Planning.Board Shall act to approve or disapprove any such Site Development Plan within S0 days after the meeting at which approval is.. requested.. Failure to act. within 90 days Shall. be deemed, approval. Planning Board di.sa~)proval shall include written findings :up0n~. anY Site' Development Pla6 element found - .contrary to the provisions or. intent of'this Ordinance. In reviewing the ap'plic~tion, the Planning Board may secure, the advice or assistance of one or more expert consultants qUalified to advise as to whether a proposed use will. conform to the .requirements of . this or- dinance. The assistance of a consultant~ if sought, must be °btained within 10 days of the existing features. .,3.i Existin~ Structure~ and':. . ~ m, ~::_._,,.: ._,,~_-~:.-: ...... :-.-: (a) Location of uses and outlines of structures drawn to · scale on and within 100 feet of the lot. (b) Paved ' areas, .sidewalks, and vehicular ·access between the site and public streets. (c) Locations, dimensions, grades, and flow direction of existing sewers, culverts, water lines as well as other un- .derground and above-ground utilities within and adjacent., to the property. (d.) Other "'existing development, including fences, landscaping, and screening.' 4. Proposed Development " . ' ....' "_:--._'~_YT~. ........ .~,.. (a) The location of proPOsed buildings or structural improvements~ · .~) The loC~i0n~nd design .of alt'2.'hses not requiring Struc- tures, such as off-street parking and loading areas. receipt of the application. Such _ (c) The location, direction, consultant 'shall report within 30 ,."'~a°wer and time of use for any prop0sed._outdoor lighting or days' after receipt of such request whether or not the use applied for will be in conformance with the performance' standards, and if not,. what modification in design or operation would be necessary 'for conformance. A copy~of the report of'such Consultants .shall be furnished to 'the Planning Board, Building Inspector, and applicant. 6. Amendments to a Site Development Plan shall be acted upon in the same manner as.the approval of the original·plan.t 7. The ~planning 'BOard may require 'that Site Plan approval· be periodically reviewed. D. Site Development ,,Elements; The applicant shall cause a Site Development map to be prepared by a Civil .Engineer,· a surveyor, land planner, ar- chitect, or other competent .person.. Site Development Plan elements sh.ali include those 'listed bel0w Which are ap- propriate"to :the proposed development or 'use as indicated bY. the Planning Board in the pre- submission conference. ).~,,,e, gal Data., (a) Lot, bloCk and Section number, if any, Of the property taken from the latest 'tax records. (b) Name and address of the. owner of record'. (c) Name and address of person', firm, or organization preparing the map. -. (d) Date, north point, and. written and graphic scale. (e) Sufficient description or information 'to precisely define · the boundaries of the property. All distances shall be in feet and tenths of a.foot. All angles shall 'public address .systems. · (d) The' loca'tio~' and~plans for any outdoor, signs.' (e) The location and arrangement of proposed means of access and egress, including sidewalks, driveways, or other paved areas. Profiles indicating grading and cross-sections showing width of roadway, location and width of sidewalks, and location and size of water and sewer lines. (f) Any proposed grading, screening, and other landscaping including types and locations of proposed Street trees. (g) The location of all proposed water lines, valves and hydrants, and of all sewer lines or · alternate means of water supplY and sewage disposal, and treat- ment. (h) An outline of' any Proposed deed. restrictions or covenants. (i) Any cOntemplated 'pUblic improvements-on or ad- .jo!ning the property. (j) If the Site Development. plan only indicates a first stage, a supplementary plan shall ·in- dicate ultimate development. 5. Any other ·information deemed by the Planning Board necessary to determine con- · formity of the Site Plan with the intent' and regulations '.of this .Ordinance. SECTION 1401 - FEES - All applications to the Planning Board for approval of' site development plans shall be ac- companied bY a fee of $25.00. XV. By renumbering Article VII to be Article XV, and amending the same 'to read as follows: · " ARTICLE XV be given to the nearest 10 seconds ENFORCEMENT - 'or 'closer ;.-.The -.error .of., cio.sure ........ SECTIO.N .1500 ..... 'B.UILDING shall, not '.exceed one 'in ten · 'iNsPECTOR _ It shall be thedutY t h o u s a nd.' of 'the Building Inspector and such deputies'and assistants a's ditiOns, and safeguards:' as'it :deems. necessary or" appropriate.. -to preserve and protect the spirit' andobjectives of this.Ordinance. SECTION .1303.".TPe Board of' .Appeals shall, consistent with the daw,. determine its..own rules of .conduct and procedure.' SECTION 1304"-' FEES - All' applications to the Board of Appeals for any' relief provided..'. for herein shall be accompanied 'by a fee of $15.00. '.. XIV.' By adding a new ArtiCle'to 'be Article XIV,.· to. r.ead as follows:' . -. 'ARticLE XIV' " PLANNING BOARD ·· ..: SECTION 1400' /~ite DevelgPment Plans. in ail c~a s~'-'~v-i~'e r'~-'-i'h i:s~'?~;~lina n ce requires approval of Site Development. 'Plans . by the Planning Board', no building. permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector except upon. authorization of and in con- formity with the plans approved by the Planning Board. aATnd O_~ In. considering acting upofl Site Develop- applicant 'or his.agent Shall'meet ' .. (f). The locations, names, 'with the Planning Board. The' and exiSting widths of.adjacent Purpose of such eonfer, ence shall.' streets and. curb lines. be to discuss proposed uses or development in order'to deter-- · ::'.mine. Which.. of the Site ',DeVelopment Plan elements shall be. submitted' to the Planning.. .'!:Board in order ,.. fOr said Board to · , "'.determine conformity with the provisions and intent, of: this Ordinance. .. '. .. 2. Within' 6 'm°nths following '. the' pre-submission conference,- the Site'. Development Plan. and": · any .related information shall be~ submitted to-the BuiIding In- spector in triplicate at least .i5 .(g) The location and. owners of all adjoining lands as' · :.shown on 'the latest tax records. ':. "(h). LoCation,. width, and.. purpose of all" existing.., and proposed easements, setbacks, reservations, and .' areas. dedicated to public use within or adjoining the property. . .(i) A complete 'outline of' existing deed restrictions or covenants applying -to the property.. ' · (j). Existing.. zoning.... : :2.~_ Natural Feat. res. may be appointed by the Town "Board to administer and enforce the provisions of this ordinance. 'The Building Inspector and assistant and deputy building .'.inspectors shall have'such right 'to' enter and 'inspect buildings, -structures, or 'premises and to perform other acts necessary for the enforcement'Of this .Ordi-, ~nance as 'are conferred upon ':them by law. SECTION .1501 - BUILDING PERMITS - No building in any ,district shall be erected, reconstructed' or restored,: ~or .struc. tural.ly altered withoUt'a daY~ prior to 't~e Planni/ag Board meeting, at 'which approval is. requested.. If not submitted'. within this · 6 month "period,. another pre-submission com- pliance may be required. -' 3. The Building Inspector '. . ~ shall certify on each Site Development Plan or amend- ment whether or not·the plan (a) ExiSting contours with. .building permit duly issued'upOn intervals.'of five (5) feet or less,' .-~.application · to the 'Building .-In- 'referred to a datum satisfactory. ,' spector. No'.building permit shall. to ..' th.e Board. .be issued unless the proposed'. '(b) 'Appr°ximate boun- .."construction is in full conformitY. daries of any areas Subject to with all the provisions of this- .flooding or storm water ,: over- :Ordinance and. the provisions of. f I o w s .. all other' appli~'able law]I, dinances, rules and regulations.' Thursday, December 2, 1971 LEGAL NOTICE .. · . 'thereof;' and any work' .u~--' dertaken or use established pursuant to the issuance of a . p~rm. it in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be unlawful. 1. EverY application fOr 'a building permit 'shall contain .the following information and be accompanied by . the ..required .fee and a plot plan drawn to scale and signed by. the person responsible for~ each drawing. If no-such plot plan is available, a survey is required, prepared by a licensed engineer or. land sur- veyor. (a). The actual shape, dimensions, radii, angles and area of the lot 'on which the building is proposed to be erected, or of the lot on which it is situated if an existing i building; (b) The. block and lot numbers, .if any, as 'they appear on the latest tax records;· (c) The exact size and locations on the lot of the proposed..building~or buildings or alteration of an existing building and of other existing buildings on the same lot; (d) The dimensions of all Yards in relation to the subject building ·and the distances bet- ween such building and any other · existing buildings on the same lot; (e) The existing and in- tended use of all .buildingsl existing or proposed, the use of land and the number of dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate; and (f) Such topographic or other information with regard to the building, the lot or neigh- boring lots as may ·be necessary to determine that the proposed construction will conform to the provisions of this ordinance. 2. No· building permit' shall be' issued for the construction or alteration of any'.building upon a lot without, access to a street or highway as provided by section -280-a of the Town Law. 3. No building permit shall be issued for any building if the Site Plan of. such building is subject to approval by the Planning Board, -except in .conformity with the plans, approved by. the'said Board.. 4. 'No 'bUilding permit shall be issued for a .buil~ling 'in any "'district if such use. is permitted by. Special ExCeption or Special 'Permit of the Board, Unless and Until such approval has been duly ..granted by the Board of Appeals. 5. No building permit shall be issued for ~any building .until aPproval has-been received from the County .Health DePartment for 'the proposed water supply and. Sewage disposal system. 6. The building permit .ap- plication and all sUpporting documentation shall, be made in triplicate. Upon the issuance of a building permit,., the' Building Inspector shall return one copy of all filed documents to .the ap- plicant. ' 7. The Building'~ Inspector Shall, within ten business '~days after the filing'of a COmplete and Properly prepared "application,' · either issue or deny. a. building permit..". 'Ifa .bUilding 'permit is denied~ the Buildin~ ..InspectOr shall stat~ ".in Writing to the. ap- plicant, the-.reasons for such. denial. '. 8.-. 'Every'. building Permit' shall expire .if. 'the. work authorized has not commenced. within 12 .months after the date 'of 'issuance, .or has not .been 'com- pleted.' within. 18 months from. such date for constructioncoSting' .less than $i,000.0~ a~d' ti~ n'5~- been completed within 30 months: from. such 'date for. construction costing in excess of such .amount. ff no zoning regulations affecting the property have been enacted' in..the, interim, the Building In-. spector may aUthorize·in writing · ' .' (c). '·Location of existing, the extension of the permit for an. watercourses, marshes, ~ooded Any' buildi,ng permit, issued in additional -six months.. meets'the requirements~,?~, all~. area's, rock outcrops, isolated violation of the pr°visions of this' :'Thereafter, a new permit shall be 'Zoning"ordinance provisions. · trees with a diameter of eight ;Ordinance Shall.be null and v°ld~ required. .. · . other than .those of this section 'inches or more, measured three. 'and of no effecti-' witii0ut'fh~ ..9. As soon as the. foundation 'regarding Site Development '(3) feet above the base ·of the necessity for any proceedings, of a building or of anY addition to Plan approval, trunk, and other significant .'revocations or nullification anexist!ngbui!ding is completed,. Thursday, December 2, 1971 ........... · . -. -THESUFFOLK TIMES Section 2 Page i 1 _~_- .............. __~ ........... ,. ....... . 'LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL.: NOT. .. LEGAL NOTICE- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE .. "and"before first story'framing 'Or.~ . ~ails or refuses to comply .with a .' pleted in conformity with.'the BUilding Inspector shaH'be .guilty O~dinance Conflict with or im- wall construction is begun, thereof . StOp .order.issued' by the .Building provisions of this ordinance and -. of..a violation, .. punishable by a pose a different requirement than shall be. filed with the' Building 'Inspector.. .in thecase.of a new building shall fine not exceeding five hundred any other.ordinance'of the Town InspeCtor an accurate" survey'. SECTION I503 - STOP 'OR-' "'be accompanied bY'an accurate .dollars or .imprisonment, for a -of Southold, or any rule~ or. signed by the person responsible DERS" Whenever the Building plot plan; or it not available,'by'a period not to eXceed fifteen days, regulations 'adopted thereunder, for. said survey, showing thel .Inspector has reasonable survey prepared by a licensed or both. Each week's continued the ordinance, rule or regulation exact location for such foun- grounds to believe that work on land surveyor or. engineer violation" shall constitute a which establishes the higher' dation with respect' to the street any :building or.structure is being showing/he loCation'of a building separate additional violation, standard or requirement shall and .property lines Of. the lot; No" prosecuted' in violation of ..the as built. Such certificate shall be ' SECTION 1506. - REMEDIES - govern. further construction shall .be'. provisionS of the applicable ':law , issued Within 10 days after In case any building or structure SECTION 1701 - VALIDITY-- Performed until such?, survey is' ordinances, ~or regUlati°nS.:ori!n°t' receipt Of .the properly completed is erected, constructed, re- Should any sectiol~ or provision .~f approved by the Building In-: in~.cO~formitywith'.the provisions '" the ap- constructed, altered, repaired, this Ordinance be declared by a s~ector, of 'an ~aPPlication; .planS;i':0r all conVerted or' maintained, or any court of competent jurisdiction to ap-. building, structure orland is used be inValid, such decisions shall 10..P_txlrAjt__E~,-ca ' The specifications on the ~basis':~ °f dinances in in violation of this Ordinance, or not affect the validity Of the following' fees shall be paid upon which a building permit was . the filing of an application with issued or in an unsafe of any regulations made pursuant 'Ordinance'as a ~;hole or any the Building Inspector for a dangerous manner, he: use is.in thereto, !in addit/on~.~'~to other "other' pai't"thereof. Building Permit which shall be !nOtifY theowner 0f.~the p! ~, remedies provided-' by law, any SECTION 1702 - EXCEPTIONS' paid into the general fund if the .0ii:'~,~:the owners' agent, o~ the this. Ordinance and. 'alt other appropriate action or proceeding - All of the lots on the following application is approved, or ' applicable codesandordinances,' whether by legal process or sUbdivision maps shall be'.ex- , ~ otherwiSe, may: be 'instituted, . or cePted from the l°t area and lot :~.~rson performing.' the work, to returned to the applicant if the s'U~'~end all work,' and anY! suCh a certificate of occupancy for the application is .denied. ~{S0nS shall forthwith st~ti ~such use of vacantland or for achange taken to prevent such unlawful width requirements of this Or- LI~. ~rk and susPend' all b~iiding of' use or a non,conforming-use, erection, construction, recon- dinance, and the lot. areas and lot (al New dwellings- $25.00 aeiiiVitiesUntilthe-stoPorderhas ,' Shall ~.. be issUed, bY the' BuildingstruCtion, alteration, repair, widths applicable to said lots plus' $.05. for each square foot of :~en' .rescinded. SUch order' and 'Inspector. Within 10 days after conversion, maintenance or use, shall be as shown and designated floor area over 1,000 square feet. :~ti'ee shall -be in writing,' shall rec~ipt.;of a ;pr°perly .cOmpleted to restrain, correct or.abate such on said subdivision maps: (b) Additions and state the conditions under which aPplication..~f 'alcertifiCate of violation, to prevent the-~oc- Green Acres cupancy, of said building, Stratmors alterations- $15:00. th'ei./.~Work.-may be resumed and' Occupancy is denied;, the (c) Accessory buildings .- may be .serVed Upon a pe'r~sOn to .BUilding~InspeCtor shall'~tate the structure or land or. to prevent Marion Manor $10.00 plus $.05 for each square Wh~m it 'is :directed .eider by ii'reaSonS?theref°r in writing to the any illegal act, conduct, business, Cleaves Point, Sec. II foot of floor area over 850 square deli~ering it pers°nallyt0 him, or applicant. - . or use in or about such .premises. Fordham Acres, Sec. ! , ~- ' XVI. By renumbering Article .IX Fordham Acres, Sec. II. u on a feet. ' , by" .posting the. same ~'... 5 EverY application for a- to be Article XVI, and amending Sterling Homes ' (d) 'Additions ann ~n~pieUous' portion of me, · certificate of..~ocCuPancY 'or a the'Same to r~'~daSf°llows: Eastern Shores, _Sec. alterations to Accessory baiiq]ng "under cons_trUCti0n ia.ns ': temn0rarY~ Certificate of oc .... ~ _, ' ~ 'Eastern Shores, sec. u e same o '- b ARTICLE XV~ Buildings $10 00 . ..' ~din~I a copy_ of th .i !! i. Y ~ cUP,heY ~l~a'll be ~Ccompanied' _y- ...... ~'~TS ' Eastern 'Shores, Sec: III · H~.ls...~{~ ~g'ist~'ed mail. ~' ' i ...... i a ~ee'~: ~f, $5.~00..J. Copies of' such ~--.--~l.v'"~?~.~,"The Town Eastern Shores, ~Sec..IV a. nd Industrial B~u_ji~ . ,' !',~ECTION 1504 .- i ~' ~ ce~fi~icat:e will be, issued 'upon :ut~u'riot'i 't~ - 'i or b~ Eastern Shores,. :~ec. v --- ' (a')" New 'Construction - ~TiFICATES'OF OCCUPANCY' i''~ ';:. t ~f 100 ' er.co Board Upon itsown-mo~ on y - · 000 l~s $10 for each sq.~uaf~e~ .' ..... Y A Certificate_ of!. Occ~pan:cy Pa~m~nlcer~i~i~t/of 0~'Yu~ancy~ petition may, from ti.me_t~Oatin~ee, -W~l~ohw°ldpoSihn~res ' _- $5 . P ~ · i"~i~ili~i~i '..~ '. ........ '~ . ~ ' ' ~ ' ' ' u lemen~, cn ~ ~ · ' ates Sec'I f ot 'of. floor: area over lo,~ /shall .be.' apphed.': for.... ~o..the_ shall'bedeemed to aUthorize, and am?~d, s pp. ~ ,,_:_ ,-,,a,,%,,,, Harbor L~ghts Est , . , s,o uare feet. Bu/lding Inspect. Or and ~t sh..all;.be -.. -is ret~uired, for, "bOth initial oc-.moaify or r. epea..l ~.m~ w~iu~,__,,,-i~.~ .Terry Waters '. · q ,~.~ a,ttlitions and ,~:~,~,i t~ do any..of me; ~ i___-, .,;~ ~----~-,',o,,~'e of including tine .:6oil_lng....P, . Y_ Bav HaVen : . ~ :' : - 00 bls $.05 for ::! !=:. Owin' until"a., Certificate of c~p.~Y,.., o,,a,,-,' af the building' ' proceeding . ~n. the t_OllO.Wl?g Corey Creek Estates , .. ~lat:~at~qn':ar/2~oot Pover 1,000. ~upa~cYis.iSsued'therefore to. i. ~~t"~g ~v'~'~c~iO'~t~auUlies. - manner:-.. .The To.wn .Bo,ar.a iu~ West' Creek Estates 'j · s uare feet. · ..Wit:: ' ' ': i ' · .,. "~!'~ll~)n ~ritt~ re~uest, and' resolution adopted at a .. stateo ~. ,. ' - q Northwoods (c.-)' Accessory buildings- ~. (a) OCcupan..cY and :use'o..f~ ~ .uPO~!..p~ym~nt of .a fee of $5.00, meeting, shal! .~ix. the..tni_moen.~de Vista Bluff' ' '. '.' :.' structea ' ce of a uonc nean g $15 00. . bUilding erected, recon. ~ ~ '" '~e '"t~ltli"g ¥in~Pect°r shall, -.pla p ' _ . ,. jacksOnS Landing ' · .. · . . . ' restored., structurallY, altered,. ' i~'~"~ion': issue acer proposed amendment ann cause · .. , ~ ' · ;~ .... Iisi ns '"' ~'~(b)?'OcCupancy' -use or. an? .~x~ist!.'..'~g a~', th~. ti~e of the ~0wn Law. The . bli~ · SunnY Shores . .i i-~i ns -The f~t: for a __ g. ? ' ohanae in 'the use. of. any.~. ~ana; . ~.._ ~::~i.' ~,~" ,~::~..; ~?inance before advertising' tora p.u....Moose Cove' ~. · . exce~~ipermittedby. Secti°~ :. ;~a ° :'., ' "' ,i~.. i. ~,. ~.~.: acio~!~n~ s0~[cht~g.:a~"Whethe~ 'hearing, shall .in a w,r_k,en . Nassau Point. · '-' · 300 ~ .~ {h), shall be $0 25 t-or .e. acn. . . 'Any chanite'in' useof non-. ceruly~_ng u. ~. ~ _- -' ...... re,.uest, instruct the Town Deer Park ' ' ' · '-. .... ' .: ' · ' · , .' (c) , o.. : : . · ". ~ ': .... same 'and the ouiimng ,t . · .. ~n" . · · u'.~r.:~ '~oot of sign area w~th a .' "se ;" -!i .. : or.n~tthe. ?, .i ...~. ~ ...... :_ Plannin~ Board to prepare, a - Villa,e Manor sq .. ,! ': . -~ ~conform~ng.u , .~.- ; i ".": '. ~' !"~ .... ': e 'roVimonsmrm~ .. o · ' · · ~ . . ... ' · mifii~Um: fee of $2.00_ ......... i'.'. '2 No CertifiCate'°f 9qcupancy : ~on~r~o.t~n. p... official report d_ehmng..~t,he G.' I. Tuthill · , 'ION 1502 REVOUA'rtul'i ' . . ' ·" ' th~ USe of a ..~ralnance. ~' :.-':; - . t;o s d~scribedin a petiuon · e 'ere park.: · ' S'ECT.... .- · ~ssued for ~ ' ';. ~' : ~ ~ ~ · · · con& ~ n . .i~ 'Edg ~ ' .... ........ ~ ., shall be .~ ....· . .' , ~,' :~ . , dof 11 certificates .. , , ~, .... ~. ~. .., .. ~ . ' OF.~.~ I~UILDING PERMIT..The. ~,qmn,, or lands !':reqmrmg' a i/...,~ A r.~.~,~r ~.~!,_..,:~_, ::, ,~.~: and delermme ~the area so af ':Willow Terrace : · Build~ing Inspector m.a.y re.vo~re a ~?'. ~ .l~i Exce tion ~'~:i,J Special 9f 0Ccup,~'.n,~:~)~,~:~-~~o'~'~ ' f~cte~ with its recommendations SoUndcreSt Woods ' ' bui!i~g- ..perm,t ten~r~tnOf~; '.:'~rmit.by the Board.0f[.AP~eals.' ~cOpiesi~h~!l'!b~ furnished on' ..'!:SECTi.ON 160.1., ~E.EoSr ;~.~e~. :.Gar~n.er.s.'Bay. E~S~acte~, Semi ,. iss.'u.e~ :. ann approv ' ~i-~,~ifor.anYland'0ruierequinng'~· .... ;~ ~ .i~':. i"~. !~.i..:..~i _'kenC.. of the '~titi°n tor acnange , '.: ~Harvest ttomes, ~ · ~ .. folio~,ihg: instanc_es: .... · . .!. ~;e Plan aPpr0val' 'j:by' th~; .': req~est, .i.t0. i any. ag . iY_ _.,.,'_, ' ~ent '.'to this ordinance or.. the' Bayview woods iEstateS ~:a ~' :~h:ere h'e finds that mere:!'i :~?_'~._",~: .r,.,,:.~3~ u~: hnd Until.~..~j:-~T0~n or'to anY:p~r~s nawn~ m_~. ~";,,a ~ian-shall be' fried with the: .Sn{ithfield pa/,k . ,,. . ." · false statement or . .... oVa .interest ~ m the:' bm. g ' ' hall 'be ac · '- · ' Point hag' "e:en any . . _" . .... 'use'or S~te Plan .appr ! '.'; ', . ........ ', : · Town:Clerk .and s Paradise . _ .:.;: .... .. .-.. ,.;such. , · . .,.: ....~- :. . -~:. ,i,. ~ .~, ~ ,. . .. ,. ... l! ! · ' ' . .. · · m/.s:.~epresentat!on as. to. a!.~., has been" duly' :grant~;. Every ;affe~ea. ~.:. ~.~...~,---, ....,~ ' comnanied by.a fee of $1~.00. · .... Harbor L~ghts' Estates, the a licauon, fo CTiON 1505 l.'~vla~,t~r,o m~t~il/~ali:.f.~ct in pp' !i 'nj i' ;'~rtifiCate -0'~:'I oi!Cupt!ncy..--'- .?iii: .!. SE' ! '~.. ,'.. ~ '~', ',k~.: i.'~ ' ARTICLE XVII. : .... ' .. ".."ItighWood : ". , ~." ' n WlllCn ItH;IOll o~ p~i~ !ioof- .~pecifications o. ' !":i :i: i~'~ ~ 'snecial "exc~pti°n or..i For :..every rio !' :. '. '. ... ' ',,,,~,~,RPRETATI(~N, i; : - Nt~nnakoma waters ", th~.?~.Ui[!di~ig'p:.ei'm!.t w. as_.oa.se.d,}~ ~pheciaIl.per-nit,. Or Si~ i[ ~ian. .. aP? ."i.PioVisions of .thig-:'o~din_a..n_c_,~a~,. ;.i..~X~'~'~LIi~iTY, . . '. :YenneC°tt Park ~ i..:' ' ,ib'~i !'~her:e :.h'e tmas .mat. re, e: .!- P, rovaI has.. been. granted orin ': .. anlt i resulatio._ns"maae' ~p_ur_~'ol... -- . AND EXCEPTIONS. . .'. DownSview_ ·.... building :: permit was issue? ~n ~ '. ... tion With wht~..' ~Variance ', .he~eto,~or a .fail~re m co.m~, ~.... ',,'~,4~,r'~a:lT00 CONFLICTS South Harbor ltomes · er~oi' 'and .should not have. been ... s been ranted'by the ~.,Boardof '- Witha written notice or .o..r?er..oI . ,,, -,~n,..,.,.. a ni, ovision of this peconic Shores, Sec. I ,~a,.~a". i :- accordance w~th the. · ,i..--..~o .h,~! ,,,,"~ -in a" detailed. '," "Buildin -.Inspector w~mm m :." - _- · ' · or im- Pecomc'Homes,. Sec. I : . .. ...... .?..n~: ~ ': .... A .... .'-,~ ....... ,..a . .?.. ~..the.. g .... : . , .... conflicts ,ruth . .. - ...... .... ~'~' om hance ordinance s Sec II ap~piie.~ble law.; ....... :i. ;i '~tatement' of anY..Condition..to.:. ~.' time"..fixed i': for' c . .~_._,_, . '---,~es a different requirement. Peconic Homed.:,: ....-.. :. .... (c,~)' Where I!.e fi_nas, mat my:.....,, hich' the same is: sublect,: .;.' · :'-'thereWithi ~the iowner, .occ.upm~,, ,~/'~,_~_ _n~, ;.ther 'nrOVision'o! this. Peconic Bay oa~' :. -' ' 'rk"erformedunderm.ep. ermit;. W. · '.' ', 'ora .' ertificate~ ' bUilder,'arChitect;'con_tract°r or .:~ma~.~..~,_,~_~_ ,~,~ ,,rOvision or ".Laurel C°u~.~~ates '.'... '." w0 . .p : . ac .... · 3; Apphcat~onf _..-., g . .' · ";; : ' ':': .'other erson '~)ramanc=,. -,,, i.? ..' .". ' ' '.~i': .~ EFFECTIVE · . - beln rosecuted in ,' .. .... ' · mldm their a ents .or any_ . P. · :- · ~ch ~s more SECTION 1703 .... ~s. not. g P u anc ,fora.newb ....... g. . ... g ..... ~rement wh , of uCC p Y s rt or requ ent 0 me c0rda0ce with _the provisions _of ': f~ an' exit{lng .building which. ',Who 'c°mmits,' ' ta~e. .~P~-~. ' _' _,,~riCtiVe or.which'establishes. 'DATE-.Up0n enactm y ttie: '..application, plans or "'~;s ~n alter~t'shall ...b~ made '...aSsiSts in.an.Y.sucn' vl?au__o..~,_o~r [~e higher standard shall govern. T°wnBoard, this Ordinance~hall,, abuildin.'gpermitna % ~: . . . : .... . ...... . ........ .. , . .com.~ wm~ ~ ,,, ~, spe~:if"ic}ition;_or . _ .. :_ '. aff~rtheer;c~i0n~.sueh;building :i who shall, fai!'-to:i' ' ,P y .i ,,__ 'b) Wherethepr°visi°ns°! this take effect as.provided, by-law- ..,a, "o, 'pa,t.t , ,of .h:a, "e" ,om: ...... ............... ; ...... ....................... ..... - ..... --- ........... ----" ....................... i ...... ........... SCIt OVL ' "~*' RESIDENT DISTRICT ~' ......... "C" L' t ..., "'" Li' t C, em__r~ ~ "C-1"..~_ _ Ge_ hera!'. MINIMUM . _~m~_le. Fam,.Dw~....~wg' Fam.. I)w_g~ ' "M" Li ht ,'M-I" Gen~_ral ~ ",]~-1" ?ota Lot (,q. ft.):' 4O,OOO'' 0,00° i '8O;OOO .4 ,000 ~ '~.135 ' ' ' ' ' ' 60 '150 200 300" Lot Width .(ft.) 135/~i ''~: ..~100/ · 270 ~0. ' ~ ~ lB0 50: 25o 200 Lot Depth. (ft.} 175 '~\0 35../~ '35 Front Yard (ii,.'; '.~ 50 ~' ' 5 ' .1'50 . 50 :50' ... - ........' One Side Yard (ft.) 15 25 /'~ 15 ' 20 ' ' 25 ~0 . 50 Both Side Yards (ft.) 35 f 2~ ' 45 . 35' 4~, 50 60 100 50 50 25 35 5'0 1:00 ~ Yard (ft.) ~0 ./ 25 '~ - :Livable ~loor Area (sq, ft.) 8~0 ~. 850 850 850 : Per D.U. Off-Street Parking Spaces 2 2 .3 3 'Per D.U. , -' :( '.., .!' '..,, , . MAXIMUM PERMITTED Lot Coverage '20% 25% 20% 25% 25% Building Height .2% -~ '2 2 ~ 2 2 (1) number of stories 2% 2V~ 2% 2% _,2..~,,~ · 35 (2) feet 35 ~. 35 35 35 , .. ~ .... * Without Public Water and Pubhc Sewe ~'i, ... * -- With Public Water and Public Sewer By Order' of The Southold ..... - ~ ...... / Town Board Albert W. Richmond. l)med~"N-ve"~t~er 2:~. p.G! ~ Town Clerk ' AMENDMENTS TO SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING ORDINANCE Article I - Definitions Page 1, col. 4 After Dwelling Unit add: ELEVATION OF LOT - The height of the lowest point of the lot above mean (averaqe) high water mark as set by the United StateslCoast and GeOdetic Survey data at the building or setback ~ine. Article III, Section 300 B-14 Page 3, col. 1 Eliminate B-14 Article III, Section 300 C pagel3, col. 2 Add new section C-7: Yard sales~ garage sales, attic sales, auction sales or similar sales of personal property, provided that not more than one such salelshall be conducted on any lot in any one calendar year. S~ch sale shall be: (a) limited to personal property of owner orltenant. (b) limited to one specific date and one specified fain date. (c) applicant shall provide supervision of par~ing so as to not block traffic on public street or neighbor's driveways, etc. (d) one "on premises" sign not larger than 3I x 4' may be displayed for one week prior to such sale and removed immediately thereafter. (e) a permit required from the Building Inspector for such sale, fee for same to be $15.00 paid in advance. Article III, Section 300 C-5 pa~e 3, col. 2 L Change Section C-5 to r_~/d'as foZlows: Horses and domestic animals other than Q~ shall n~t be housed within 50 feet of any lot line. Housing for flgcks of more than 25 fowl shall not be constructed within 50 feet of any line. Article III, Section 303 page 3! col. 3 Add to end of paragraph: , if t~e setback is less than minimum required and in no case where the setback is more than 110% of the required setback. , Article III, Section 305 page 3,1col. 3 Change Section 305 to read as fo~ Subject to the provisions of Sec~ or other live plantings may be e: to the following height limitati¢ front yard, along front yard pro~ exceed four (4) feet in height. and rear lot lines the same shall height. (c) When located other or along side or rear lot lines, (8) feet in height. (Secticn (d) .ows: FENCES~ WALLS and HEDGES .on 304, fences, walls, hedges, ected and maintained subject ns: (a) When located in the .erty line, the same shall not (b) When located'along side not exceed 6 1/2 feet in :hah in the front yard area :he same shall not exceed eight is eliminated.) Article VI, Section 602 - 7 pagel 4, col. 1 Change 7 to read as follows: Parlking shall be provided in offstreet paved parking areas which shall provide for one (1) parking space, three hundred fifty (350) square feet in area, for each one hundred (100) square feet of sales floor area or office floor area in each building. Amendments to Zoning Ordinance Page 2 Article Vil, Section 801 At end of paragraph add: Section 110t Article XI, Section 1101 page 4, col. 4 and/o~ as specified in Article XI, p~ge 4, col. 4 Add to list of uses for off-str~et parking requirements: Factories, assembly plants, etc% - Parking at ratio one (1) square foot parking for each square foot floor area. Storage and warehouses - One parking space for each 1,000 square feet floor area and increase by one (1) space for each additional 5,000 square feet fl~or area. Contractor's yards - One (1) space for each 100 square feet office floor area and one (1) s~,ace each employee. Public Utilit~ Structures - OneI (1) space for each employee and ~ive (5) spaces for general ~se. Newspapers and printing pl.ants -I, One (1) space for each 100 square feet floor area. ., Bus Terminals Parking as may ~e required by Planning Board in site plan and Board of Appeals i~ special exception approval, in no case less than one space f~r each 100 square feet of office and waiting room floor ar~a. Ferr.y Terminals Same as Bus T~rminals Boat building and boat yards - ~ne (1) space for each employee and as floor area ratio for factgr~es. Airports and Airfields - Parking as may be required by Planning Board in site plan and Board of ~ppeals in special exception approval, in no case less than o~e (1) space for each tie down or hanger space. ~part~pnts of multiple residencesl- One and one half (1 1/2) spaces for each dwelling unit. Marinas and boat moorings - One ~nd one half (1 1/2) spaces for each slip or mooring area. Places of amusement, open air .typ.~ - As required by Planning BOard in Site ~i~h ~ppr0va1 and BOard of Appeals in special exception approval, in no event less than five (5) spaces. Fi.sh.igg. Stations - One (1) spacelfor each charter boat or rental boat or mooring space and %n no event less than five (5) spaces. Article XVII, Section 1702 page ~, col. 5 Add to list of subdivisions: Cleaves Point Section III and Orient-By-The-Sea, Amended Sectio~ II Amendments to Zoning Ordinance page 3 Bulk and Parking Schedule Add to "A" Distric~, side yardS: On lots in single and separate ownership at the time Iof the adoption of this Ordinance, less than 100 feet in width andi less than the required square footage in area, the side yardsl may be reduced 50% by the Building Inspector. After Off-Street Parking Spacesl - See Ordinance -(add) See Article XI, Section 1101 Change front yard in "C" light ~ndustrial District to 100 feet. Add new section: ELEVATION: In all districts no dwelling or building may be erected on a lo% having an elevation of less than five (5) feet above mean (~verage) high water mark as established by the United State~.Coast and Geodetic Survey data. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE Article i - Definitions Elevation of Lot - page 1~ of lot above mean (average) Survey data.' co!u~n 4 Height of lowest paint high water mark set by U.S.C.& G. Article III~ Section 300 B-!4 removed immediately' '~ r ~ ~ t~.e_ea_ter. Building'~nspector fow such sale, Dollars pa~d in advance° Yard sales etc. (page 3~ column 1),change to Article IIi~ Sectmon 300 C-7 !'Yard sales, garage saies~ attic sales, auctien sales or similar sales of ~ersona! property~ provided not more than one (!) such sale shall be conducted on any lot zp any one (1) ca!endar~.year, iSuch sale shall be: (1) limited to paysona!_property oe owner or tenant cr held for a charitable organization as defmned b~ mnternai revenue code° (2) limited to one specific ~ate and/or oma specified · rain date. (3) applicant shall pro,tide supervision of ~arking so as to not block traffic on ~ubl~c street or neighbors'[ driveways etc. (4) one "on pr~mis~s" sign not larger than 3~ X 4' may be displayed for one week prior to such sale and (~) a permit required.from lee for same to be Parking - (page 4~ column 1) - Cha~ge to read three hundred .ififty (350) square feet. Makes same as rest of Ordinance.· Article VIII, Section 801 Parkin'g Regulations (page 4, columh 3) - Line 8 ~ched~.le' ~ "and Article XI, Section 1101" Established front yard setback (pa~ .as not to include extra deep (twic~ in computing average setback. Arti~cle III~ Section 305 · Fences, Walls and Hedges (page 3~ ' ~to read "four feet in height in fr Article Vi~ Section 602 -7 ~rtic!e ilI, Section 300 C-5 3, column 2) - Clarif'_ to mean or include open pasture or ~=tl~±e IIi~ Section 303 ;o!umn 3) ~- Change Section 3nt yard area. or more minimm~ setback) · Page 2 Article XI, Section 1!0i End of first paragraph add "each parking space shall be not less than 350 square feet end unless otherwise specified parking area will be subject to Planning Board on site plan approval and Board of Appeals on a use exception requirements. Offstreet Parking Requirements - To list add: (1) Factories, assembly plants etco - Parking at ratio One (!) square foot parking for each square foot floor area° (3) Storage. and Warehouses - One parking space for each 1~000 square feet floor area and increase by one (1) space for each additional 5,000 square feet floor area. (~) Contractor's yards - One (!) space for each i00 square feet office floor area and one {i) space each employee. (5) P~b!ic Utility Structures - One (!) space for each employee and five (5) spaces for general use. (6) Newspapers and Printing - One (1) space for each 100 square feet floor area. (7) Bus Terminals - Parking as may be required by Pianning'~oard in site plan and Beard of Appeals in seecial e:~ception;in no case less than one space for each 100 square feet of office and waiting room. (i1) Ferry Terminals - Same as Bus Terminals. (15) Boat Buitding~ etc. - One (1) space for each employee and as floor area ratio for factories. C-1 46) Airports and Airfields - Parking as may be required by Planning Board in site plan and Board of Appeals in special exception; no case less than one (1) space for each tie down or hanger space. Also: Apartments or multiple residences: 1 1/2 spaces for each dwelling unit. Marinas and Boat Mo~[ng: 1 1/2 space per each slip er mooring area. Page 3 Places of kmusement: Open air type~ As required by Planning Board in site plan approval and Board of Appeals in special exception; in no event less than 5 spaCes. Fishing Stations: One, (1). space for each charter boat n~ rental,~ ' and in no e~nt less than five (~ Article VII, Section 1702 Excepeions - Add: Orient By The S~a~ P~ended Section II Bulk and Parkinc Schedule Add "A~' District side yards - oni lots in single and separate ownership at time Of adoption of o!rdinance~ less than 100 feet wide and less than 12,500 square ~eet the side yards may be reduced 50% by the Building Inspeqtor - and reduced further only by variance from Board of Appeals. (Old Ordinance, Article3g[ Add new section "Elevation: In Iai! districts no dwelling or building may be erected on a lot Having an elevation of less than five (5) ~eet above mean higH tide (water) mark as established by U.SoC.& G. Survey ~ata. Add Section: See Article XI, Section 1101-1. II · NOTICE OF HEAEI~G _ a "building" and e×teuding not more than 20 feet above the highest level of the roof qf such · 'building", ~nd e. Porches, outdoor bins and other simi!iar "structures". CELLAR Any space in a buildi~ the structural ceiling level of which is less than four feet above the average finished grade where such grade abuts that exterior wall of such build- ing winch fronts on any street. A cellar shall not be considered in determining the permissible · number of stories. COURT, INNER -- An opert space ~nclosed on all sides by exterior walls of a building. COURT, OUTER An open space enclosed on tliree sides bF exterior Walls of a building. CiDU~T, OUTER; DEPTH ~OF The linear averag~ dimension measured from the unenclosed side of the court ~o the farthest wall thereof~ COURT. OUTER. WIDTH OF The linear dimension of ~e un- enclosed side of the court. CURB LEVEL'The est~bli~h- ed elevation of the~.street grade a~ the point that is opposite the center of the walt nearest to and facimg the street line. DWELLING, ONE-FAMILY -- A detached building containing one- dwelling unit only. DWELLING. ~-MULTIPLE *~. building or por~ten thereof containing three or more dwell- ing units. one family, including any do- premises, and having .no enclosed house, conv~leseen~ home. Jla- ed to constitut~ a dwelling trail i~reet shall be deemed a .corner lot if the tangents to the curve angies to the side lot lines ~r p ott.u! l - :,e4ozl{' I~S~nll ~aI(f!o~T~d j~eaxY ~,u,,fl' Ol q- to pyeserve tl~i natm-al~ and scenic qualities of open lands; tion o[ a~lthro ~d ~horie~. SE~ON 101--DEP~ITIONS Units othe~ expr~ ~a~, p~ss of ~s o~n~ have Words u~ numar includes ~e plu~I and ihe pi~al ~e an~av; ~he word ~Ios. ~e ~, ~upied or followed by ~he'wor~ ~ o~upled or ~d ing or u~ on ~ same 1~. BA~ME~T_~ A S~y Ina b~mg, th& s~uct~al lev~ of which ' more ~ve the ~aver~' ~e~el of ll~hed ~de ~'here,~uch ~a~ abuis ~ e~erior a~ve the av~ge lc{el' i~ed gra~e ~he~ s~&h abuts tha~ ext~ w~l-of huch b~ng w~h f~ts s~ee~, and ~ ~o~ lev~l of which ts ~}oW f~is~ az any poin~:0n the p~&~ of the ~Hdmg. clung ~he ~own ~ a bffi~ ~. ~ ~ ch d~s ~me lot wh~e su~ ~ ts dis~ ~ch let. HOUSE~A a ho~l whe~ l~g, ~ 0r ~riops ~ fu~i~ for ~n- BU~IN~y ~mb~ation hnd~r~o~d, so as to pe}~t 'the ~ if no building w~s p~ent; the foEow~g: c. Wa~s. other th~ re~u~ w~ls project~ a~ve t~ ~o~d not m~e t~n ~her gm~d l~el and nui ~o~ ~an 6% feet at the lower THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1971 be considered co constitute a family. FLOOR AREA~The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of the building or buildings on a lot measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center line of parw walls separating two build- lngs, excluding cellar and bass- merit areas used only for storage for the operation and mainten- ance of the building. FLOOR AREA. L!VA~BLE-~All spaces within the exterior walI~ of a dwelling Unit exclusive of garages, breezeways, unheated ~ posches cellars, heater rooms, and basements having a window ~ea of less than 10~ of uare foot area of the room. Usable floor area shall include alt spa~es no~ otherwise.excluded · above such as: principal rooms ~' ut~t¥ rooms, bathrooms, ,~ clo~ets and 'hallways ~openin~ reetly into any ronmg within .thi d~velling unit and aU attic space ~ having a clear height of six iee~ from finished floor level to Pitch of roof rafter with a,clear height 9f,'ssven f~et six inches from · fi~ed (16or level to ceflii~g , l~ev?l over ,50% of }he area of · speh attic space. -- The feet of 'all on a lot divided by the of such lot in squase feet. used for the storage of one as01ine or other the owner or tenant of lot on which it is erected, and [or the swrage of not ex- ,~eetling t-wu (2) additional vehi- clei: (not trucks) owned or used ,by others. ~ARAGE, FUBLIC--A build- ing, other th//n a private garage il/ed for housing or care of gaso- ~ other power driven aides, or where Such vehicles ~re equipped for operation[ re- ~airs,, or kept for remuneration. HOME OCCUPATIONS~This ~haU be understood to include lhe professional office or studio of s doctor, dentist, teacher. artist, architect, engineer, mu- · practitioners or a similar charac- :~,erorrooms used for home occvp- orions including home baking, millinery or similar handicrafts. . studio or occupational rooms are located in a dwelli~ in which .the practitioner resides and in a l~oflding accessory thereto, and PROVIDED further, no goods are publicly displayed on the THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1971 LEGAL NOTICES LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITOCK WATCHMAN to o~ me' ~u~l]~ ' '~ .... g~n~ral ~v~lfare of ~fi~"~:~z~J '' r~ ~he area_.~ ~ne, fl0oJt 'oI %he PAGE NINETE:;~ dated tA such marina. PAGE TWENTY · LEGAL NOTICES LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTiTUGK WATCHMAN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1971 ~rHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1971 LEGAL NOTICES LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN BULK AND PARKING SCHEDULE 20~/~ 25~ 20% 25% 25% 25% 2% PAGE TWENTY ONE Pagq .Twa-Section Two THESUFFOLKTIMES Thursday, September 16, 1971 LEGAL NOTI CE ,LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTI~:E , LEGAL N0_TICE ' , · LEGAL NOTICE S~ptembor, T971 aT .8:00 b~clRck A~¢ESSOHY ~ ~ ~r whichLts £o~' g/mt or mate above DWELLING ONE- 1. ByamendingArtidieI. toread the' average level of,~i.i~hed d~ne as follows: - grade where sush ~'ade abuts dwetling unit only. ' ARTICLE I that exthrier wall o f such building men with an adjacent dwelgng. HOME OCCUPATION~This BOARDI~ 'aND ~ODR~T DWELLING UNIT-A' bUilding shall be'understood to !nclude the line; if the rear lot line is less than 10 feet in leqgth, or ff the lot the singular numbo~ includes the plural and the' pluri) the .singhlari the word' cupat OhS(nc udi homebaking. LOT WIDTH:The average enclosed sp~ce (other than ~essmakipg, mffin~e~y or sim(- distance betwesh side lot lines- vestibules, entronce ar other' hr handtrr~ts, taken at the front yard or set- hallways or porches) or cooking , PROVIDED that the office, , back line and measured at right or sanitary facilities in common studio or occupall~n~l rooms are angles to the side lot lines or buildings, excluding cellar and sign not larger than ~vo mean hight between eave and directly from the outside of rite thate~tteviorwall of such bnilding maintengnce of the buildlng.· ridge for other types of roofs· building, with parking space: wh/ch /rants ee any s~naet. A ' FLOOR AREA. LIVABI,E-AII · JUNK YARD*Land occupied or conveniently local~d to each unit; cellar shall not be eonskle~ed in s~ces within the enter(or walls to be occupied for storage of old and wh/ch is designed; u~ed, or det6rmln/ag /he permissible of a dwelling unit exclusive oJ wOod, paper, cloth or metal, intended thbe.tmedprimarflyfor, Thursday, September 16, 1971 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE THE SUFFOLK TIMES LEGAL NOTICE r LEGAL NOTICE Section Two--Page Seven LEGAL NOTICE .. minatinn, the Board of Appeals' merit Plans the ,Planning Hoard shall also give consideration, aha, il take into con~iderahon the among other things, to :, · pdbl~c ~ealdi, safety and weffare, la) The charaqter of the , the com~9~3 and convenience,o/ existing and probable devniop- tho ppblic th geanral and eL the ' meat of uses in the district and residents bt the tmm~edtste neigh- the paculisr salulbig~y of such ~ bai;heod In particular, and may dis~ct inr the inealthn of any ~ prescribe appropriate conditions 4. The Bqflding, ~nspedior 9xtstingfeatures. thereof; and any work un- h s d nance and the ac- , FaiJuretsac wiinth9odaysshdil grades, 'and' flow dhieetion bf comphs~,n, ~nt pf the followalg, be deemed approvE, Planning 1 ~afli~ Aheess, That all wrJ~ts~,finding~ upon any $ll~utitfliesdergrbund'wiflfinandandab°ve'gr°undadjacent to accompanied by the required fee and a plot plan drawn td scale and signed by the person responsible for each drawing. If no such plot plan is available, a survey is required~ prepare~by a number; adequate in width, grade, alignment and visibility; intent of this Ordinance. In reviewing .the al~plicabon, the Plannthg Board may secure the advice or assistanc9 of one or qualified to advise as to whether consuRanta if.sougl~t, must be (d) Other existing devdiopthent, thcluding fence, landscaping, and seraealng, 4. Proposed Develonment la) The -location of Lb) alteration of an ez~sttsg btslding streets of venicles ul any p~rsons to) The location, direclioh; and o~other existing buildings on connectedwithorvisidngtheuse, receipt bt the applicagon. Suck street aed that the general land- Board BuPdlno Inspector, and, g?d~ng a~.d., ct.ess-see, hens la~d and the. n~mb? of ~twe. lling preposedby, the Town or by other theneighherbood, Existing trees Developmeat Plah shall be acted andlo~ationandsizeofwaterand . (f) ~uch topographic or ~v~h2tC~he~rrs~hspagemre~so~ably L-~gpermiishagbe ~ hP~°~°°a~ls~,~na~eorfl~jesSiwVearl~tsesa~ . 2. P;~obuhi~ingpermlhii?xi]bo ea~ be furdished by the ownor of by this see on tmtll aa app.oyed he prep'are, by , ~tv~ ~thee~ / on~ se--a~e ~s~s~ a~d ~:~ aHerafibn h' any begdtsg .poe a P~e ;F, our~SeeHo~ ~"a~ - , THE SUFFOLK TIMES ,ThuTsd~y; September 16, 19'/1 LEGAL:NO ICE LJ G ,L; ticJ ' ......... 'LEG ! shall bh arrahg~' 'and)~r'J a permanent chamdinh (or Residential and Agrhiulturki and not involving a separate, twenty (20) Fenl and its depth lots, .~/~L~ 'or. oth?r publip'I feM~iwfi~digbt /re~ted,"~; usgs mat 5e~hida/~ed~Yn the lollowth,~.~ requiremenis:,' ,~ teboAr,gcle,V]Land.ammdthgthe SECTION 30~ - CORNER LO~S SECTION 401 - LOT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING REQUIREMENT: No boildteg or premises shall be used, and no non-commercial boats including the sale of fuel and oil peimarPy B. IJses Permitted By Special cupat ohs thc udthg home baking w~ 2) square fe~t in area. &et exc~ed"6~ fee in he ghl ~ E~~ same lot with and gdstom~l~ ~ellieg in which the pmcti- behil~eethanintw($jf..e?t~bT~in ~°etig~coed e~ght (8) ~eet m heremaRerprovid~lanPdsubjedi tewingreqturemente: are hlhil' ~li~ a'~d on' the' on the er~ er d' pr~'ue~? ~Y[ld n~ ~ign o,' ad- ~g~di~ r~edonth~lll~, property ]theJ .Hed.g~s .~nd 1' mmten (~0) fe~t fi~na~yhiUim. or double faced, not 3. Multiple dwellings. 4. Hotels and Moteh. 5, Tourist Camps. "M" LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT SECTION 400 - in an 'M' A of this ordinance, 2. .Multiple dwellings premises shall be used, and no designed for and occupied by net building or part thereof shag be more than iotw (4) families. -~erected or ~lterch in the hereinafter provided and subject to Site Plan approval by-the Planning Board in aces-dance wllh ArLidie XIV hereof, ' I. Any Special~]xcepgon use seLforlh in and as rq~didied by ~ectlon 300 B of this or&nance. 1, ~c~sdi'y Use set forth ~EGA~ NOTICE LEGALsNOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ffG~L-NOTiCE';. . LEGA~L' sth (6) inches M hei~.a~ve,~e' ~ 1. ~y sp~ial ~eption ~e,. ega~M, ,c ' ' ' ~":~J ~. .<~' St~drd~ ' nr ............. ~l~imht~r d~d~be]°w: An'y~ aland~t u~q~i~leWhic~ ;ia) Entrance and ~xit driveways shall ha'~e , an than 12 feet and cht'm6te ti]an feet, an'~ chall be tei~thd not less 40. ~ar roofing or water- m~rin¢ items. 15'. Boat building, boat ser- vieleg, boat storage fJcigties. 16. Yards for sale and storage of fuel and building mathv~nls. C. Special Exception Uses 1. Any special exception use set forth in. and as regulated by 42. Tanging, curing, or storage or rawhides or skins, 43. To~ac~o (chewing) manu- facture or treatment, S~ctten soo B~ Section 400 B. EXCEPTION USES AND SITE Section fi00 B, Section 60O B, and PLAN APPROVAL - Not* Section 700 B of this ordinance, withstandthg any of the 2. Accessory uses on the provisions of this Article IX, same lot with and customardy 'where a use is permitted in any incidental to'any permitted use use district only as a Special business. SECTION 801 - LoT AREA, YARDS, OPEN SPACES, FLOOR AREA, AND PARKING Excep~6n by the Board of-Ap- peals, such use is not permitted in a "C-I" District except as a Spe- cml Exception by the Board of Appeals, and where a tree in any SECTION 902 -SIGNS - Signw categories listed below shag .bo determined by t~e Planning amended to ~e~d,"This Article." Professional offices of physicians C. ~ be Artiele~IX and ,amendthg the REQUIREMENT: No building or hn~?,~,.the, ag~egy?etb~a~ek ~, sam~,lot w]thMed.eu~toinSr]]y, mwy-be*~used,for any lawfdi~ Relation Se~da? ~ Emnov~ plu. 2~ 8paus for be not tess ~an twenty-fi~ (25). F~oR ~A, ~ PA~ ~j~ ~ ~ ~ A~v~ ~ be ~ti~e X and b~g em~?Y~j' ' / ' : ",' ' Page Six--Section Two THE SUFFOI;K TIMES Thursday, September 16, 1971 I'EGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICR be provided with a dustless surface, except for parking parking spaces, open or enclosed, prowdnd that the number of reduired speees in such joint 7. ~llllglill~l.~aces, When any demand for parking spgces prima?gy during periods when Required accessory parking shall conform to all, the of a lot in any Resi~ge District the sad perkthg'lbf shall be screened from such adjbmkig lot by a anbothntial wall, fence, or square ~eeteach . . ~ LEGAL NOJ'ICE area or. fraction thereof so used. In addition, adequate reshcvotr parking for waiting ~u~ks'sbell LEGAL NOTICE sulphuric acldk. Coal, coke and tar produgts, including gas manufacturing; explosives; gelatin glue, and size (aclmall; linoingm and oil cloth; matches, paint,-~arni~hes, and t~pH!the; s. ')~o~s. ~lny!ng metal or metal fires; phip and fibeaq including paper mill operations, 7. Operations involving stockyards, slaughter houses, and slng pdes. 8. gterage of expinsives. 9. Quarries. LEGAL NOTICE Such spaces eh.all be in ~h~ s.a?.e, may be par~ed within a private in such district, or upon die ap- ~s,o~s 9! thm.grdLa~nee, any .se~o='~hioh th~e~x~at~W=e~eo°.t.=s~u~e~n Off~treethiadkigberins, openor reason oflhe amission of smoke imuance ts author.zed as a .a:_appeam. the following provisions:. control shad be considered a illumination by artificial light or light reflection beyond the limits ot the lot on or from which such where 'public Water and pub]in museum, or similar quasi-public light or light reflection emanates, sewer is pro¥ided. institution, or gnverhmenth~ or which thv61ves any dangerous -' SECTION 1203 - HOTEL AND building, commudi,ty center, fire explosive, ugdioactive or MOTEL. UNIT DENSITY - hospital-er sahithclum, 'nursing other hazard, ur which' causes Notwithstanding'any other pro- be~th. , . .or prejudicial th health safety or gmilar building shah have 6,000 (hL For b'thl~thgs with general wclinrc, .except where square feet of land for gach such professional, .governmental, er such activity'is linensed or unit where public water and business offiqes, or laherakiry regulated by other government, pubhc sewer systems are not' eotablichra~nth, withfloorareaof agenc~es~ ~ provided and shall have 4,600 10,000 to 25,0~0 square~feal, 1 2. ArtificlaltighiinginclIitinsof squarehietOflandhi~eaehsueh berth; for each additional ~5,00~ any kind with light sourc~s unit wher~ public water and square feet or h'action thereof up visible beyond the lot lines which public sewer systems are bathroom or kitchen 9dndows .with a ~ height of less'than a feet above the level of the said *parlfing-ngace. No service of a5y kind shall be permitted to be eluding automobii;: servlce, and 1 :~ddilional bergi for each ' Re[uae Disposal Site or duly repalrorR~clki ,andnogasolthe; additional 25,000 sqdar~ £eet 'of ' authorized as a refuse disp~al ti) The lawftg use of a hesteredorsaldkiaaysuchhiter used. 5. Uses involving primary the ~fechve date of this Or- (b) A nob-conforming use of a ball~ng or premises may be higher ~lassifina tion according to reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the ' T.htusday, September 16, 1971 THE SUFFOLK TIMES Section Two--p~g~ TI~-~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NO,TICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE' LEGAL NOTICE wthc.h~?s,n~o,t.cpnform?t~eu~e two or mare tents, tent;hguses, 'po~tj56' o[ said: lot' 'which has ...... ~.e~ ........ b_~._,,g,_ _, 4. Libraries, phi~..ai~throp~c, .... ~B~ T , . P~BL PA -A~ inlMmadeofsaldlot;orreqmre dwellings not in exceed o~e rcqutremens ~at~ear su~,p~lz,~sy~ems' ap..prove.d driveways, or parking spaces, - lan'dscaping and ' 's mliar ~grieultural ngeraUona' and =arek.~ahag ha incath~ withki ;a~mun~p~pal,tyorpu~Hcagency. percentS2? roofed for ah~l~¢~,, bqu, ndarylineislhgg~ednotmo~e there sha~l~ ~ an storage of tb/Thet~thlareacovered purposes or otherwise. A sign include~ & ~ill~pgrd ~nc~ a neon tube, string of lights, or similar device outlining or hung upon any pert of a bufldhig or lot, but does not include the flag or Lnsignia of ang natinn or group of nations, or of any governmental agency, or' of any political, educational, charitable, phiinuthropic, civic, p~otossional, religious, or like event. Excluded 'fr6m this defiintinxl a~, signs which are or accessory bufld~g. eupind ground area fully open to the sky belweeh the street gne, or by the street line established by and a liim drawn parallel thereto, '"4" RE~I~ENTI~-tANnp.-a-~buil~g~;unhis~such b~ : incorporated into this ordinance. .Said map, indicating the hiins amendments, shall be k~pt up hi ordinance, kit. date and a copy thereof shall be (b) The groudd story 2. Places of, wurchip in- courses, annual memherghlp' .... any lot Ithe and shall be cf- 2. Where such boundaries are lhnithtions imposed by any other s{itu~ons, _.~]ect othefollowmg - water of tidal waters unless sued building, dredging, or filling conformity with a~l laws, or- difia~ces, .rules and regalationa of Ill. By amgnding Article EI to rogd as follows: ?A' ResidentiM and Agricultural District Page Eight-Section Two LEGAL NOTICE and before first story framing or~ wall construction is begun, ther~ shall be filed with the Balk0n~ signed by the Person responsible' . THE SUFFOLK T~IES ~ Thursday, September !6, i971 LEGAL NOTI ,C..E-; LEGAl. NOTICE/ , LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NO]'~CE fa~flsorrulusestoc~m[~lywitha plhthd in confonffity with the Buildiogffispectorshalll~gnffiy ordinance conflict with or am- ,stop order issued'by'the fiu0dtog~ provisions of this ordinaude and of a violation punishable hy.a poseadffferentrequirementthau Inspo~inr. , inthecaseofanewbu0dingshall fine notlexceedthg tire hundred, any other ordinance of theTown SECTION 1503 - STOP ORL be gccompenied' y ad *ac~tw~th .dollars or imprisonment for a of Souihuld, or any rules or .DERS - Whenever the Budding; pin~pan~o~ tflid~ vallab · by.m period not to exceed f',ffise~days rngulafioon adopted thereunder, · Inspector has reasonable survey prepared by a ticensed or beth.' Each week's conllnbed the ordinance, rule or regulatio~ ~roundd to believe that work on land survbybr or ~ engineer violattoh shall constitute a which establishes the higher anybuild~t~go~siructureisbeing showingthdloeationofabBildthg separat~ additional violulion, standard or requirement prosecfited th violation of the as bult sgch,~eriil'¢ate shall be SECTION L~6 - REMEDIES - ~.ovem. provisions of the applicable l~w, issued within 10 days after ~n case any iogld!ng or structur~ SECTION 1701 * VALIDITY ordinauce~, or regulations or not receipt of the properly completed is erected, constructed, re- Shohidanysectian orprov~ion of in banhirmily with the provisions , application, providing the dp- cons~xbaind altered, repaired, this Ordinance be declared by a of an appgcuiton, plans, or placation ~tates that all conyerlsd ar maintained, or any courtofnampetent Juristhction to speefftoations on the basis of rsqalremenbl of ag other', ap-. building, siructureorinnd~sused be'invalid, such decisions shull which a .building permit was plioable codes or*ordinances m ..... m wulation of tlas Ordinance,' or not affect th~ validity of. the ,issued or th an unsafe and effect are complied with. -' ofanyrnguiationsmasepqrsuant Ordthanch as a ~he'le or any a dangerous manner, he shall 4. -If the prbpoSed use is in therein, in addition to oth~ other part thereof, notify the owner of theproperty, ' cenformitywith the pro~sions of remedies provided by law, any SECTIONal702- EXCEPTIONS or thd owners~ agent,, or, the this ordinance and, iOl other appropriate action or pro,feeding * ~ of the lois on the fogowthg person performing the work, to appbachle-codes and brc~inances; whether by legal process or subdivisinn maps shall be ex* suspend afl work, and any 5utah a certificate of occupancy for the otherwise, may he instituted, or copied from the lot area and lot persons shall forthwith sinp such use of vacanttond or for a change laban in prevent such unlawful width requirements of this Or- work and s~speed all bufldthg of use or a nonmonfonntog use, erection, construction, tenon* dinance, and the lot areas and lot acttvthes ustil the stop drder has shall be'issqed by the Bui]dthg structton,, alteration, repair, widths applicable to suid lots bee~ rescinded. Such 5rder and Inspector wJthui 10 days after onnversinn, maintenance or use, shall b~as shown and des!gnatqd . notice shall be in writing, shall receipt of a properly completed to restrain, correct or abate such on said subdivision .maps: state the conditions tinder which applica~on. If a Certificate of violation, to prevent the oc* *Green Acres the work may be resumed and Occupancy in denied, the cupancy of said building, Stratmors may be served upon a person to Bulldin~g thspector sbeg state th~ - structure or land or to prevent Marion Manor wbam it is directed e~her by reasons therafor to writing in the any 01ngul act conduct, business,. Cleaves Point, S~c. 1I doliveringitporsonallyt him, or applicant, orusetoioraboafsuchpremi es. by posting th~ same upon a XVL By r~numbering Articlie~l~ Fore. mn Acres, Sec. I · Fordham Acres, Sec. Il cqnsptouans portion of the 5. Every application for' a to be Ar icle XVI~ ~nd amending Sterling Homes building under condirunlian and certificate of ~ccupgncy or a the sam~ to read as follows: Eastern Shores, Sec. 1 sending a copy'ul the same by temporary certificate of oc- re~isthred mail. cupaney shall be accompanied by A~TICLE XVI Eastern Shores, Sec. II liECTION 1504 - CER- a fee of $2.00. Copies of ~uch ~.MENDMENTS Eastern Shores, Sec. IH TIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY certificate will be issued ~upon SECTION 1600 * The Town Eastern Shores, Sec. 1V 1. A Oertifioain of Occupancy peyment of $2,00 per copy· Board upon ils own motion or by Eastern Shores, Sec. V shall be * app]iod for in~ the 6, A certificate of occupancy potihon may, from time in time, Southold Shores Building Inspector and it shallhe shatibe deemed to authorize, add amend, supplement, change, Willow Point (c) Accessory buildings $I5.00 Farm Buildings - $25.00 All other Structures - $15.00 Signs - The fee for all signs except signs permitted by Section 300C? fa), shall be $2,25 Inr each square foot of sign area with minimum fee of $2,00 SECTION 15~ - REVOCATIOIN OF BUK~ING ~ERMIT. Thb Building Inspector may revoke a building permit theretofore issued and approved in ,the following instances to) Where ba~n~ ~het ~here has been any false statomeal or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application, plan or specificahons on which the building permir wa6 based; (bi Where he finds that the. building permit w~s issued in error and should not have been issued in accordance with the applicable law; (c) Where he finds that 'the work performed under the permit is not being prosecuted in ac- cordance with the provisions of the application, plans or specification; or Appeals shall contain a detailed is required for, both initial oc- modify or repeal this Ordinance cupancy and ti~e continuance of including the Zoning Map, by cccuponcy~and use of the buiidthg or land to which it applies: 7. Upon written ~quest, and upon payment of a fee oF $2.00, the Building Inspector within the proceeding in the following manner: The Town Board by resolution adopted at a stated MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS BUSINESS DISTRICTS Th~ Lot Area (sq. ft.) Lot Width (ft.) Lot Depth (ft.) Rear yard (ft.) Lot co~,~e B~fldi~g Height (1) number of sior~s (g) f~et Dated: Se~himshr 7, 1971 ~ T~o Faro. Dwi. "M" Lblht "M-i" General 40,000 80,000 135 200 -~ 50 50 15 2O 35 4.K 50 50 .she Ord. She Ord. 40,000 00~00 ' 00~00 ·40~00 135 100 270 135 50 35 50 a5 35' 25 45 35 50 25 850 850 850 850 Pecoui~ Shores, Sec. I 40,000 200,000 2tiO 300 35 , 200 150 25 30 50 50 60 100 05 50 100 S~Ord. See Ord. Second, Sect,o One Hundred and Fourteenth Year ,No~.~9 .' Thd Official Newsier? qf, Sowihold ,T. OW~' ThUrSday, September Six'Years'.of planni·ng, TOword the Future, New Southold ·TOwn :Ordinances Up FOr He0ring The Lines AreDrawn On the heilegn board of the Shuthuld Town Clerk's office is tacked up the zoning map passed new zoni~g.m~p.-Mra. Fred Rich- FenCe In. That Pool Give A Horse An Acre, One Yard Sale. A Year Although~the major purpose of except~bn, , .-" ~? ', ! Vegetabie stands will be required to be set back from the doe~. There gene 'new, ~et-back re~- .The, ABC'S Of it Or How To Read, The Next Seven Pages "Use" disfrioin. , Article IH is concerned with . "A", agricultural realdenti@l the south side of the road in that Shuthind area, the thap increases business. When ,the new road retain a 20c-inot depth zoned "B". tmused pa~ceh of land, and cooforn~ing. ~ew provisions in any ordinance yard· M~aex Plan." Manufacture Sauerkraut.?. That's a No-No B business zoning, and be~, placed in C, tight thdustr al, as have fertilizer manufacturer and warehousing. Marinas, ff they da not sell gas, are zoned "malttpJe p.m? they are ~oned C, tight The new B-1 catosory includes the shopping areas in the porgnses it's the same as the old B z~thg." says Howard Terry, D~'~m~,m of caingorins of property and permitted use of for business," Terry explains. ' except that land already in use Light Industriul. Several of rite non-conforming' for aucB a defined purpose, Further east, the :Long hithnd THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1971 LEGAL NOTICES sou~m~ms--nu LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITOCK WATCHMAN PAGE TWENTY-ONE PAGE TWENTy-TWO LEGAL NOTICES LONG ISLAND TRAVELER . MATTITUCK WATCHMAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1971 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1971 LEGAL NOTICES LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN BULK AND PARKING SCHEDULE 25% 35 PAGE 'I~gENTY THREE Nunnakomk Watera