HomeMy WebLinkAboutDri-Gen Realty Corp Amend #89 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ... Dr i-Gen Realty Corp. requesting a change, modification and .amendment of the Building Zone Ordin.a.nce including the Building Zone MaPs made a part thereof by chang- lng from. "A" Res & Agric. District to ................................ .......... ' "B-~" Business DJ,strict the property described in s.a.id petition, and WHEREAS sold petition was' duly referred to the P'lanning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Tbwn Board, *nd thereafter, a public hearing in rela,tion-1.~o said petition having been duly held by the Town 8oard on .the ....... .2.7th .day of ............. Qc..~o. bf~r. .................. , 19....7. Q., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, a,nd it hereby is granted. By Order of the Dated: December Effective. as of Southold Town Board 4~ 1970 December 14, 1970 i. Albert W. RichmOnd, ~-T0Wn::'~-~l---erk~:-~- Tow~ of Southold U . ' ZONING,,~ORD~NANCE t. hat after ~-a p~bric ,~hcaring. held phrsaant ~o ~he ,~¢quiremcnts of' law, :the /BU!ld'i~g".~,~Zo~e ~Ordi~ . . . , . ...., .' ,.~.,:..~, , -,T~'., .. .. ~.~:_, ~ance... (mcludihg :, the ~.~Bu Southold, Su~61k ~d.n~:, NeW: ~ork, w~ daI~-amended ~egu'l~r meeting-~' ' :he'~SouthOl :Town ~oard held Qctober 27, n-. - . 1. ~,~ changing.:~rom .LA" to ".~-2' BusineSS':'*'':':'~; '.,~i~ic~, the .: following .described ~:~', AH .~'~ cer~aln":~tr.~6~.~ of land · . ~ituat~d':'::~t. s0~th:'Si:~/,?::,.of.... : ~r~fe'~larly bounded' ~' de, scribsd'as follows' BEG'iNNING': at "~ stone : m.o~.ment set ~t ~be. intersec, "' .Ma:i~¥~oa.d" Vi:H", :.he' WeSterly ~hence alon~ ~he.. ~esterly Side .o:. Ninth Street South 12. degre~ 12 ~in~{~s 10 seconds, <West 756,57~.:f~et,,to. a rail ,monU~'~:b': ~t ,Northerly boUndary of land no.~.: or ..f6~me. rly' ,of the-.Long: Island .., R.~ih'oad . C0mpan~ 'thence 'along said NOrtherly boundary 0f ;land of:: the Long Island'Railroad "Company South 84 degrees 10 minutes 40 secondS' '.'West 418.70 feet to a Stone.' monument set in the Southeasterly corner of l~n'd now or former'l~ of Cis- si'dy.;' thence ~long the East- erly boundary 'of said land of Cassidy North 11 degrees 26 minutes 00~ Seconds East 767,i0 'feet to. a ':stS~e'~'.~onUmen~ set in the SoutherlY:,.. side of Main Road; ' thence along the ~utherly sid~ of ~in Road North 81 degrees 49 minutes ,-'10 seconds East. t94.20 feet to a stone, monument; thence continuing: ..~lOng'f t'he South- efly-side, of Main. Road North 89':?: degrees- 3Z minu~es' 30 · seconds E~St:'232'.16 feet to the point or Place-of BEGIN- .... - 2, :' ~Y' Chan'ging from "A" ~esi- 'deltJaI, and lgr.icultU~al DiStrict ~ "~-2" Business District, the following described property' All that certain tract of land ~ltuated at south-side of Main ~oad, Greenport; in the Town 0f S~UthOld: County 0f .Suffolk, and-. State of New York, and m~re "particularl~ bounded 'and described as follows' Bounded northerly:.., by..~.the ~in ~oad ru~ning 'betWeen:' Greenport and Sou ~91'~; ::'~'~ Easterly by the land and 5uildings of Dri-Gen ~ealty ~orp.; Southerly by the land 0f Long Island RailrOad 'Com- pany' Westerly by land ~nd - buildings of Fleet Lumber Company' Containing 4,26 -' acre's, ~ATED' OCTOBER" 27, i970 BY ORDER OF THE 8OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBE~T W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK 1T--19 .SS' C. Whitney Booth, Jr.,-'being duly sworn, says that. he is the Editor, of .THE" LONG' ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITU.cK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at 'Southold, .in .Suffolk County; and .that the notice of which the onnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck .Watch- man once each week for ........ 6"/" weel~ sucCessively, commencing on the ................~..i.~... ................ .. day of ............ ~.;~~...~...~ ........ ' Sworn to before me. this ....... ,~..~:: ....... day of ...... ........ , ~qDEi_~ PAYNE Notary PuHic, ..... e of New Residing ~n o ~, oU'~O~ { County N.o. 52-30/[.~000 Oom~ission Expires ~arch 30, Z97~ !I eOU~?~ o~ SU~OLK~ ~O~ho[d~ NOW York~ being, duly ~worn eay~ tha~ he ~s over the Of tw. nky-one V.ars; that on the _.4t~ ......... day of December 19~, he affixed a 'notice of which the annexed printed notice true copy, in a proper and substantial manner~ in a most ~blt~ place in the Town of Southold Suffolk Count~, N~w' .< .L NOTICE OF A~I~DM~NT.'.' ...... OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 89 ". ,:"t ~ ' ' ' ,: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after a public hearing held p0rsuant to the'reqflirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance (including. the'Building Zone Maps} of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was dul~?~ended at a regular meet- ing~ Southold Town Board he~~tober 2~'1970 as fol- lows' 1. By changing from "A" Residential a~O Agrigg. lturai Dis- trict'to'"B-2 Busifi~. District, the. following described prop- erty' All that' cektain, tract of land situated-at south_Mde of:Main Road,. Greenpor{,?! tlie ToWn of Southol.d, County _of Suffolk and State.:'of-Ne~ York~ and more particularly bounded and ,described.. as follows: . '"' BEGINNING at~.stone mon- ~ent set. atthe intersectiOn of Friday; November20, 1:970' LEGAL NOTICE' the SoutheriY side of Ma~n-R~o~a with the westerly side of Ninth Street; running thence along the Westerly side of Ninth Street. south 12 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds West 756.57 feet to a railroad-rail .monument set in the Northerly boundary of land now'or'formerly of' the Long ISland Railroad Company; thence along ~sai'd Northerly boundary of land of the Long Island Rail-. road Company S°uth 84 degrees t0 minutes 40 seconds West 418.70: feet to a stone monu- ment set in the Southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Cassidy; thence along the Easterly: boUndary of said land of CaSSidy North 11 degrees 26' minutes .00 seconds East 767.10 feet to..' a stone monument set in the Southerly side of-Main ,Road; thence along the Souther- ly side of Main Road North 81 degrees 49 minutes. 10 seconds 'East 194~20feet tO a stone mon- ument; thence'continuing along FF'OLK, the Southerly-side .of Main Road North 89 degrees 33 minutes 30 r YORl!i, seconds East 232,16 feet to the point Or place of BEGINNING. 2. By'. changing from "A" Residential and AgricultUral Dis- trict to "B-2" Business' District, the following described proper- ty:. All that cdrtain tract of.land situated at south: side of Main 1 k ss: J ...~..,. ~ ..c<~..-.~~ ..... being duly Sworn, .., is Printer and PubliSher' of the SUFFOLK 5, a newspaper published ~,t Greenport. in said ~ the 'aoti~, of which the ,annexed is ~ printed published in t'he said Suffolk Week~ Times described as follows: · BoUndednortherly by the Main Road running betxCeen Green- port and Southold; .Easterly by the land hnd buildings of Dri- Gen Realty Corp; Southerly by g.he. land~ 0f Long lslal~d'Rail, Iroad Company; Westerly by land ~_nd buildings of Fleet Lumber ompany; Containing'4.26.acres. 'Dated: OCTOBER 27, 1970 ~ BY ORDER OF .THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK Road, GrcenporL in the Town t~L,ce~, weeklj of Southold, County of Suffolk, .ek, ~.~r ............ · ................ and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and ~nmencing on t~he .......................... Notice'of Heari~-~ ? - on Proposals tOAmend . Zoning Ordinance ~" Pursuant to'seCtion 265.of th~ ,!.: TOwn Law apd' Article ..iX of ~. Building Zone OrdirmnCe of the '--T~Vii-0i Sa~ld, s~ff~County.,' . .nela,~:b/~ .'the South01d ..Town Board in the'office of the Super-~ ~sor,' 16 south Street, Greenport', ?~..:N_? ,York, ~i!f. Town on the- g ~m (lay of OttS~i~,~ 1970, at 7'30 i(! i lo! clock inthe, evening of .said' ~a~ I';?'!-on "the. following,~,: proposals -'amend the Buiidi ZOne ,.? . ,, ,. . .ng Or- '.~-~o~n_ce (.including the-.Building neMaps) of the To/w_. n of South- old;" Suffolk County,,'. New .'York.' .1..,By changing from "a" Rest. ~ dential and Agricultural District t° "B-2" BuSiness 'District, the. f°ll°Wing descrihe'd property: ..... . All_ that. certain tract.' Of- land. '.situated at-south si~.?or Main · Road,.Greenport, in 'ii~"{o~n. of :so~o~d, c~t~ o~ S~l?a,'and ,.State of New yo~k, ' ticularly bounded 'as folloWS: '. ' ~-..' ~..~ ~. : : BEGINNING at a stone,*· monument set a~i/lhe inter. section of the S~'~er!y side. of Main Road' with the. Westerly Side of Ninth Street; ' running/, thence along'-' tl~. Westerly side of Ninth Street il, south I2 desrees l~ minutes 10 seConds west.?$6i57 feet to a railroad rail mormment set ~ in the Northerly bOUndary of ~ land. now or formerly of the '~.~. Long ISland Railroad Company; thence along said Northerly. boundary of land' i~of the Long Island Railroad '- !!l' Company South.84 degrees.10 iii-Il minuteS. 40 seConds' West ~, 418.70 feet to a. stone 'monu, ill merit set in the Southeasterly '?Corner of land now 'or for- ~ merly .of Cassidy; thence .. along, the Easterly bounda -.!~.tlor ~d a,d or Cas~i~" Sor~ ~!'!il degrees 26 minutes 00 sec- ~'""/onds. East 767.10 feet to a Stone monument set in the i~i Southerly side of Main ROad; thence along the Southerly ~ Side .of Main Road North 81 ?~';degrees 49 minutes i0 ~ seconds East 194.20 feet to a ~;~'"s.t°ne monument; them~e .!~?~.e..ontinuing along the. Souther- ./~-..ly side of Main Road North 89 -~ degreeS 33 minutes 30 sec- ? onds East 232:16 feet to the pOint or place of BEGIN- . ~iii" 2..~y changing' from "A" i~,,esi~n~?,a.,~d ~sricZiura~ Dis- ':~trict" to.' B~2 Business District, i?..'the following described property.. AH that' certain tract of land .'-.'situated at south Side of Main -Road, Greenport, in the Town of ;South°id, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and de- Scribed as follows: Bounded northerly by the -)'.'. Main Road running between ~'i Greenport and '. Southold; ".i:,..Easterly .by the l~nd and :?build',lngs, of Dri*Gen. Realty i!i;*'Corp, Southerly by the land .'.. of Long Island Rail.road . .Company; Westerly by' land and buildings of Fleet lumber ':"..i.!'Company; Containing an './.: area of 4.26. acres.. -~.'. Any person desiring to.be heard On the above 'proposed amend:' ~ents should appear at the. time and P]ace So specified. DATED: ".OCTOBER 6, 1970. '.'-. .' . BYORDEROF THE' - . SOUTHoLDTOWN BOARD-. :;! ': ALBERT W,. RICHMOND · , TOWN CLERKi. '. ........ ~,_~ ...... 1T016 _ COUI~T'¥ OF SUFFOLK, ] s~s that . .'~.. ~ is ~rinter and Publisher ~of ~he SUFFOLK ~E:~KLY TI~.S, ~ newspaper publish~. ~:t ~reenport,. in s~i~ c,ou,nty: and t~h,at the 'noli~, ,o~ which the ,an:nex, e~ is ~ printed oopy, .l~s been pu,hlishea in t'he s~ai~ Suff~olk Week~. Times o,n~e in e~.¢h week, fo'r ...'.'..~ .............. week~ successively commen~ing on ~ne . .,~;;~~~;~v ....... any ,o~ ... ~;.~:']~[~':--~-..:7:,.~."....., .'. I~ .... ~;. .,) ..,...., ...... ' '"' ...... " · "' ,, S~r'n to befo,re me this . .~.~.-.. . ........ .... ~'." 7! ....[%' ' :,.', ' :~..' .......... · e * I · · * e e e~~ . · · * ~i 0~ · I · · e. e e el. e e e e LEGAL NOTICE ,NOTICE 'OF HEARINGS. ON .... PRO~SALS TO AMEND - :~.PursUant.-to Sectmn 265 of.the, T~Wn La~h'~nd ArtiC]~ IX of ~he '~. Zone Ordinance of the of,../: ~outhold, Suffolk New York, public hear- be .held.'~.by the South- old Town Board i~ the Office of the ~SupervisoL. l~:.'S0uth ~ 8treet~ Greenport, ': ~ew York, in-~id To~n on the 27th day of October, 1970, at 7:'30 o~clock in the even- ing of said' day o~ the following propos~s ~o ~me~d: the BUilding_ Zone Ordinance '(including the Building Zone ~aps) of the To~n. -of Southold, '~uffolk · Co~nty, '~ew York. 1. By changing from "A' Resi- dential,, and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District, the following described property' All that certain tract of land ~::"- situated at south side of Main ._ -~___Road, Greenport, in the Town of .... Sduthold, county of Suffolk, and State of .New YOrk, and more particularly bounded and de- scribed as follows: BEGINNING'~ at a stone monument set at the inter- section ~of the Southerly side of Main Road with the wester- ly side of Ninth ,Street. run- ning thence along the West- erly side of Ninth Street south 12' degrees 12':'minutes 10 sec- onds West 756.57 feet',toga rail- road rail monument set in the Northerly boundary-of land now or formerly of'the Long ~ Island Railroad '' ~c0mn~,'~. 9hence along"' Said .No~.theriy boundar~ o~. l~nd Of ;~t~e Long .Island ~ailroa~ :~;~ South 84 degrees.;I0.mi~fit~s 40 seconds West' 41S:70: fee~,'t m ~'' '' , a stone onument se~:iff'the Southeasterly corner" of land. now or formerly, 0f Cassidy; thence along the Easterly. boundarY' 'of said land of Cassidy ,.,North 11 degrees'26 minut~ ~56'~ seconds 'East. 767;10 feet' to a stone monument set in the Southerly'side of Main Road; thence along the SOuth- erIy:side of .Main Road North 81 degrees: .49 minutes' 10 s~c-.. onds East-;:l~4~20 feet to a stone .monument'; tSence continuing along the 'Southerly side. ;. of Main ROad. North 89~degrees 33 minutes' 30. seconds. East' 232.16 feet 't0 the point 0r place~ of BEGINNING. 2. By changing-from ',,A,, Res-" idental and ..Agricultural Dist- rict .to "B-2" BUsiness District, the following described pro~rty" - All that certain tract 0f. land, Situated..at south side of Main Road, Greenport, in th~ ,Town of ' Southold, Count~ of .Suffolk,' and State ~f New York, and more' particularly bounded and descri-;' ' bed as follows. ~Bounded northerly by the' Main Road running between. Gree~port and · Southold; Easterly by the land and build- ings of Dri-Ge~ Realty Corp; Southerly by. the land of Long Island · Railroad Company- Westerly by land and buildings of Fleet lumber :Company;, Containing an area of 4.26 'aCres., Any person desiring to be heard On ,the above proposed amendments ' 'should appear at the time and. place so specified. DATED-: oCTOBER 6, 1~70 BY ORDER OF THE SO'UTF/oI.~D TOWN BOARD.~ ALBERT W. RICHMOND 'Town Clerk 1T-~15 . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss' C. Whitney Booth, .Jr., being duly sworn, says that. he is the Editor, of THE LONG' ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUC'K WATCHMAN, a public news-. paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk 'County; and .that the.notice of which the annexed 'is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck .Watch- man once each week for ....... successively, commencing on the ........... ;Z(..'...~' ..... i ............. day' of .......... ~.,...C~..~].i .... , '19 , .~..~.' i "'~'"":""2',' 2 -".'.~.'v-z... ..................... :'. Sworn to before me .this ....... /.~(~? ......... .day of ........... . Nota~ 'Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Yorl~ Residing in Su,ffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1971' ,/ . u hold Town Planning Board  SOUTHOLO, L. I., N. Y, llg?l PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chalrmafl Henry Molsa AIfre~1 Grebe Henry RayP~ee Frank Co¥ie October 6~ 1970 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport:i New York Gentlemen; This.is to advise you that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on September 29: 1970: In the matter of the original petition of Dri-Gen Realty~ Corp.: In~.~ North Oakwood Road, Lauret~ New Yorkg relative to change oflzone from "A" Residential and Agricultura~ District to "B-2" Business District on certain property located at the So~th side of Main Road~ Greenport~ New York° It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board r.meommend favorably to the Southol,d Town Board the change of zone fro~ "A" Residential and Agricultural District to f'B-2" Business ~istrict on the above described property. It is!the opinion of the Planning Board that this will be an improvement over the existing condition of the property, Any of t~e uses allowed in the "Bt2" Business District will not harmlthe character of the area£ it will be an expansion of the business area to the we~t and across the street on the nort~ side of Main Road. JW/bn Respectfully submitted: Jo~n Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Date October 2, 1970 · Please be advised that, pursuant to Section 239-1 and m of the General Municipal Law, the Suffolk County Planning Com- mission considers the following proposed zoning action a matter for local determination: Petitioner or Suffolk County Planning Department File No. , . TOWN OF SOUTBOLD TOWbt CLERK'S OFiFICE ~ain Raced ~ Saul'hold, bL Y. 1 lj971 TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Bu]iding Dept. } Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals . Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chap¢er 24, ot: the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the ..~.~Z~.x~.~-~ ............ i'" of the town of ........... ~t~ fagency ~.volv~d ) I hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance ...~[... Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Vorionces Location of affected land: ..~r~..~_~..~_~...l[.~2.~.~ within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line .'...~.~... State--road, ~ ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the count,/ has established channel lines State or county owned parceJ on which a public I~uilding is situated .......................................... Title Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ..... F~I~ No ................................. S{31.JTHE3LD, L, I., N. Y. 119'71 August 2,S, 1970 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, NoYo Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Dri-Gen Realty, Corp, Inc. I~()rth Oakwood Road, · I Laurel, I~ew York, relative to change of zone f~om "A" Residential and Agricultural Dist- · . , . . I. ~ . rlct to B-2 Bus,ness District on ceraaln property near the village of]Greenport, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. / You are instructed to prepare an official report defining ~he conditions des- cribed in the petition and determine' the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very tr~ Albert Town Cl~ ~ly yours, Richmond CASE NO.: ..L.'..~ ...... STATE OF NEIV YORK PETITION TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE ~'ICATTER OF THE PETITION OF D._R.T-GIZN i~EALTY C01~. ~ FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR ASIENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE Oi~DI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOEK COUNTY, AT.EW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: having its p~incipal office a~ Z.~ 1. I, .D.g~-..G.[.N..~.L..T'.f.~,..C. 9..R:P.,.,. .I.I.q.C.:, :r~ .N...o~t:.[..O.a..1.k.~.a.p.d..' B.d.: ,. ?..o..-.0.,, 362, (insert name of petitioner)J , · ' / Laurel, Town of Southold Su~o'~'County, New York, the undersigned, am the c~vner of certain real property situated at .G~I~o-~.t~..TDI~JD..Of..qOUtb_Ol~d and more patti, ularly bounded and described as follows: (See schedule A annexed hereto and m~de a par~ hereof) 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Tclvn of Southold to change, modify and anaend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New York, {nclu~ng the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a partlthereof, as follows: Petitioner does har_~v.Z~equ~¢ ~_ ~anged modifie~on '_& a~enam~p.~ _trom the ~rese~: non conzo_~n~ use status of T3rem~ses ~%~w iocatsd in a residential zone to Zone Class ~o~ S CIiEDD~E A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of:!and, with the buildings and improvements ~hereon erected~ si~uate~ lying and being near the V~llage of Greenport~ in the Town of SouLho!d, County of SuffolK, State of New York, and bounded and aescrz~ed as follows: BEGI~ING at a stone monument set a~ the intersection of the Southerly side of iwmin Road with t~e westerly side of Ninth Street; - . .. ~ ~ rum~ing thence along t~e ~esterly smee o= Ninth - ' ~ ' ~ feet Street south 12 degrees 12 mmnu=es I0 seconds Wesn ,56°57 a railroad rail monument set in t~e Northerly boundmry of !and now or formerly of the Long' Island R~zlrOad~G~mrpany; _ of land~now or formerly of Cassid~! - thence along the ~aSteriy Cassidy North i! d~grees 26 minutesO0 s~ a stone monument set. in the Southerly sid, thence along the So~therl' 81 ecg=ecs 49 mmnmtes~!0 seconds Bast 194' thence c°ntinui~g along t] Road North 89 degrees 33 ~inutes 30 secon point or place of BEG!NN!i~G Which said premises are m described as fotl°~s: ALL those certain bg~n..' dary of said land of fDnds~st 767.10 feet to ~ of M~in Roa~,; ~ szde o~ ~%~. Road ~orth .20, feet to ~ ston~ monument; ~e S~ther!Y ~,i~e of Plain ~s E~t 232.16 feet to the ~rei>particu!arly bounded and Diets, pieces or' Parcels.of khereon erected kno%~ ant land with the buildings and improvements desig~_ated as Lot nu~_bers One (i) throng, twenty eight (28) inclusive, as shown on Map of Greenport Homes at ~rSenport, Term of Southold, _ ~ ~ ~ + ~'~ Clerk of Suffolk Suffolk County~ New vork~ f~zec _n ~he u~_z~e of the Co~,=tv as MaD No. 2014 on January ~. i9p3. Such request is made for the following reasons: TO allow and permit the Petitioner to operate existing residential apartment units and to construct additional such units for tt~e creating and establishing of a.resi- dentiai facility for senior citizeng ($~nior Citizens Vi!!ag~ and other compatible family groups~ ~9~ng novchtldren. .l' STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, .J.A..C.K. i~ ~. DP,/~S.GQLL ....................... BEING )ULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that be has re~d the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is trne to his (k~) ~ ohvn knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information ami belief, and r~at as to those matters he believes it to be true. Deponent is the President of DR~-Gen R_~ALTY CORP. ~ INC~, the Petitione~ herein and ~his verification is made by deponent because DR.I-GEN RF~.LT~f CO_~., INCo is a business Icorporation and deponent is an officer Chereof, to ~qit its president.I Sworn to before me this ..?.~day of .... ~D..]-~ .............. m.7..0. Notary Public. (L. .:~/J~ DRISCOLL WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the requesting o change, modification and amendment of the BuiJding Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps ~ade a part thereof by chang- , "B-2" Business District the property described in said petition! end WHEREAS said petition was duly referredito the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, anc~ its report having been filed with the Town Board, a,nd thereafter, a publig hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....2..7....th... ........ day of ........... ~.t.O];~t,~ .................... , 19..7..0...., cnc due deliberation having been hod thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thc petition be, o.nd it hereby is granted. t the relief demanded in said By Order of ~-he $outhold Town Dated: December 4, 1970 Effective as of December 14, To~ of Sou~old ALBERT W, R~CHMOND, ~f SOUthold, Towp of ~tho[d~ N~w York~ being duly ~worn~, saF~ that he is over the age of twentY-one Fears; that on thel 4th day of December 19.70~, he affixed a notice of which, the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in 9 proper and substantial man,er, in a most public place in the Town of Southold Suffolk County~ New York, to wit~- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, ToWn Cl~rk. Offic~ ....... .... .ai Ro d, . Swer~ to before me 4th day of this December MARION A. ~EBENT NOTARY ~UBLIC, State of New York No, 52,~33i2D S~ff0 ~ Couaiy Term ~pireq March 3Q, 19~f /~' O.F ~,'EN~D1 ~'T OF /ON IN G'~ ~ORD .][~,~N.CE i. /AMENDME~Ti[iN(~7 '89 ~' ~ after a public hearing held /~rsuant .to t~he, requirements /~W~-: the: Building:' Zone 0rdi- ~nance (inCluaing the Building zone MaPs~ 0f the Tqwn Mouth. Old, Suffolk: County. ~ New York, .w.~ ~duly~ amended ..at regular'~ ~meeting':. of ~he MbuthOld TOwn'~oar~ ~he!d on~'Oc~ober 27, 1970' as~ ~foll~'~?-' .~ ~'/'~ ' 1. ,BY'. chan~irig. irom~ ?A" Resi- den?al ~nd.~ .A~riCultural ~DiStl'ict to ' B.:~" ?" Busiuess'"Dis~ict..?~ the following described prOpert:~ :. All. that Certain trh6't '.o~ land. situated at south side?Of- Main ~oad~. G~eenport; in:. ,wn of ~uth01d"~.'..Ooun~y and S~ate. 0f;- New Y .more particularly bounded: '<~ de- scribed' as follows ::~ '~?', . . "~:'BEGI~NING . at.:--a', stone ::~':' mo~'Um~nt set'a:t~ .~he~-in~ersec- .'- Main'~.'~d'~' W~%h 'the:..~eSt~rly side. of Ninth::Street; ,running thence along t. he ~esterly side of Ninth degrees. 12 minutes: Wes~ 756,57 feet~.to,' a ~.rail~ rail .~: .monumen~ ':' '~t NOrtherly .boundary of land now :pr~. fof'~erly of the: Long Isl'~nd..,:'R~,it~oad company; thence along said-~ Northerly boundary of lan~ .of ~h6~'.Long IslaSd Railroad ':"c~Pany South 84 degrees 10 minutes 40 'seconds .-West 418:70 feet to a stone': monument '.set in the Southeasterly comer -.of lahd :"~Ow 0r'-f6ffm~riyFb~:;cas: Sidy; :thence, along-.the: East- erly boundary of said-, land Cas~!dy North 11 degrees 26  inUtes 00 'se~qonda' East 767.10 .... -- in the SoUtherly'. side :..o~~ Main ROad.; thence s-ld:~ the: ~utherly' Side of-):::~5ain Road North 81 degree,s.'49 mi,nUtes 10 Seconds East 194.20:.f¢~t to a stone mon~ment; ~hence continuing'., along .t.he ?S°uth- erly side'~'of:.:~Main Road N6~th 89~ de'gr~e~ ....3~ 'minutes 30 sec'0nd~; East 232'..16 feet t0 the point- or place of BEGIN- 'NINO: .' ~. '~ ch~n¢i~¢ from "A" den~ial and Acricul~ural Dis~ric¢ ~o "B.~" Business D~s~ric~, ~he follo~ing~ described proPer~Y' All ~h~ certain ~rac~ of 'land ~i~u~ted a~ sou~h side of Main ~oad, Greenpor~, .in ~he To~n ~f, Sou~hold, CounW of ~uffolk, ~d S~a~e of New York,. :and more p~r~icularly boUnded ~and described as follo~s:. Bounded nor~herl.y M~in ~oad runnin¢ ~et~'een Gre~npor~ and Easterly by the land and buildings of Dri. Gen ~ealty Corp.; Southerly by the land of Long Island Railroad Com- pany; Westerly by land and buildings of Fleet Lumber Company; Containing 4.26 .; .. .acres. DATED: OCTOBER 27, 1970 "BY ORDER. OF. THE ~OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWH CLERK 1T--19 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK J.ss' STATE OF NEW YORK · C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, .in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck. Watch- man o nceeach week for ...... ~.('~~~ ...... (~'.~ .Zx..'.~.. week/ successively, commencing on the ..............,..~...c..,~.. ................ ~7~ ............... . .-, ~/,,..,i~ day of .......... .~,E.,.~'~.,-~.'.' .~,~ ........ , ']~9,~..Z...7 . ........................................ Sworn to before me this ....... ~....~.'. ....... day of ..... · .... , ADEi1E PAYNE J~otary Public,,:e'.q'~o~, of New k~s,r,,~g ~n' ~u,ffoik Courtly ~.~o. 52-304, i000 Commissbn b(pkes ~arch 30, 1971 . NOTICE OF AMENDMENT ,~... OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 89 ~tCE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that after a public hearing held . pursuant to the reqUirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance .(~lllating the 'Building Zone ~fi'ps)' of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New .York, was duly a~ended at a regular meet- lng of t'~' S&~thold lown Board held on October 27, 1970 as fol- lows: '~ .. -' 1,- By. changing Resi.~.tial~gj~l, Agricultural Dis- trict'""i~ii~B¢~" Business District, the,. ., f,0ff~'ing .described prop- erty' . , ..-. · ~Ali that certain~tvact 'of land situated at s.~:..~ide of Main "Road, Gree~'~'[~?'t:'"in' tlie ToWn:' of Southo[d; County of Suffolk and Stat6'Y.~.f,. New' York, and" ~ more p}irticfiiarly bounded and described as :f$11ows: . BEGINNING at a Stone mon- ument · set at the intersection of Friday, 'November 20, 1970.' LEGAL NOTICE the Southerly side of Main Road with the westerly side of Ninth Street; running'thence along the Westerly side of Ninth Street south 12 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds West 756.57 feet to a railroad rail monument set in the Northerly' boundary of 'land' now or fOrmerly of the Long Island Railroad Company; thence 'along said Northerly boundary of land of the LOng Island Rail- road Company South 84 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds ' West 418.70 feet.to a stone monu- ment set in the .Southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Cassidy; thence along the Easterly boundary of said land of Cassidy North 11 degrees minutes .00 seconds East 767.10 feet t~ a stone monument set in the Southerly side of Main Road; thence along the Souther- ly side of Main Road North 81 degrees 49 minutes., lO seconds East 194.20 feet to a stone mon- ument; thence continuing, along. the Southerly side of Main Road North 89 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds Effst 232.16 feet to the point or place of BE:GiNNING. R2.. By. changin~g from "A" esidential and Agri~:Ultural' Dis- trict to"B-2' Business District, the following :deScribed~ proper- ty:. All that certain tract of land situated at south side of Main Road, Gree~ in the Town of 'Southold and and more and described ;: Bounded northerly by the Main Road running Green- port and SOuth terly by the land a~ of Dri- Gen Realty by the land Rail- road Compa land and buildin tuber Company; C acres. ~Dated' OCTOBER 2.7, 1970 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK OLK, 1 ~ ss: 'ORK, j .,,~~ ....... being duly Sworn, is Printer and Publisher' newsp,~pe~ published ~at Greenport, in said ~-~e 'n,.oliee~ of which the. annex~efl, is ~a printed )liahe~ in t'he s~id Suffolk Weekly Times far . .... ~-~ .... ' ............ week~ racing on ~e . ,~~c~~~. ........ I ~~13TON COgWIN ~'-. 2,; ' , ~ 4- '~:';'bl,l SS: ~ou~hold~ N~W York4 be&n9 duly ~wqrn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on ~he 4th day of December 19 70 ~ he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the TownI of Southqld, Suffolk County, New York, to wits- To~l C~erk Bulletin Board, MainRoad, Sworn to befQre me this 4th day of December Town Cler~ Office ¥-- 19 70 . ~'erm Expires I~arch 30, 19~ ~.:,~;~.,.~i.~..,~., ,.' ~.,., .~ t~.' ., . ..,*.,.%: , · .~,~:,.~..... ). ~~~'.i.~,toAmend . ~~ 265 of the ~'T0Wh"~~Ai'fi~e iX 'of B~lding ~one Ore--nee of New Yo~, .~uic ~~ win ~ h~d 'by the Sou~old, B~rd* h t~: Office .~ ~e Su~- ~sor, 16 S~ S~t, 'Gr~o~rt, ~ Yo~, ~ saM.~n ~ ~e ~th, *~y ~.Oeto~r,'* 1~0, at 7: clo~ int~ eve~ ~ s~d ~y ~.on the foH~hg ~o~nh to ~nCe (mclu~g, :the ~ne Ma~) ~. ~e T~n of Sou~ ~' old, SuffOk County,* ~ew'York.* 1,~ By cha~ from "A" R~i- ~nthl and ~ic~ral ~s~iCt ~'~ "B4" Bus,ss District, ~;;'fo~g deSe~d Worry: AU t~t c~in tract of ~'si.~a~d at Sou~ si~ of Main ~..R~d, Gr~nport, ~ ~e?~ of ~ ~~oM, C~n~ ~ S~r0~, ~?Sm~ ~ Ne~ Yo~ andmore~r- ~?~c~rly ~d~~' and as foUo~: . .BEGI~ING at a Stone mon~ent set. at the in~- sec~on ~' ~e S~er!y side of 'Main R~d' with', the wes~r~y s~e ~N~th S~t; Wes~flY side of Ni~m'. '10 s~on~ W~t 7M.57 f~t to *a"r~M~d raft mo~m~t'set in ~e N orderly ~u~ l~d now or fo~er~ of ~e ~Long Island Railroad Comfy; ~ence alo~ Nor~erly* ~~ of land ~of ~e Lo~ ~hnd ~flrmd ,[(ComplY Sou~ ~ de~~s 10 -/,minu~s '~ S~on~' 'W~t ~,418.70 feet to a stone monu- ~'~;~ent setin the ~u~easterly ~orner of ~nd now or for- ~:'merly of Cass~y; ~nce ,, along the Eas~rly-~u~ ~',' 5f ~d ~nd of Cassi~. North ,~ il ~ees 26'minUtes ~ s~- ~)~6n~ E~t~'767.10 f~t':to a Stone .monement set in the Sou~erlY'side of Ma~ Road; thence alO~ the S~erly (~.,Side of Main R~d Nor~. 81 ~49 minutes-' i0 East I~.~ 'feet to ~tone monument; thence ~ontin~ingalong t~ Sou~er- , side.of Ma~ Road N°r~ 89 .33 minu~s. 30' sec- East ~2.16 feet. t0 ~e ~t or place of BEGS, NING' · · .By changing from "A~' and A~ic~tural Dis- t° "B4" Bus--ess Dis~ict, foUowing descend proart: that'.c~in tract-of la~ at~'seuth ~i~ of'Main Green~r~~ ~ '~e Town" of Count. of'S~fo~,'a~ ~-of New 'Yo~,' and more , ~und~-and ~d asfoU0ws:- ' --- Bounded- '~r~erly by the Road' mn~ng ~~n -and Sputhold;' .by me ~nd. and of DriVen-~alty Soumerly by;me land Long Island Railroad Wes~rly ~ land of Fl~t lum~r ; Containing an xea of 4.~. acres. person ~s~ng ~ ~' heard ;od the a~ve 'pr~s~ amend:~ ~ s~uld app~ at the. ~e. place so.s~cffied, .. . O~0BER 6, ., .'~Y O~gaOF T~ souTaOSD ~~ SOa~- . ~gaT W. m~o~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~:, ] STA~.'~: OF N'EW YOR~, ~ ss: says that .. ~.~ is Printer and Publisher' ~of !he SUFFOLK W:E*.~IILY ~I~l'~.S, ~ newsp,ape~ published ~at ~reenport, in s~.id cou,nty; .and t~,~t the 'n:oti~, ~of which, the ,annexed is ~ printed c~op.y, .~s been published in t'he s~a.id Suffolk Week~ Times o, nce in e~.ch week, fvr ... ~ ..... ~;~.% ............ week~ ~ ,o~ .. ~PROPOSALS TO AMEND: '~ zONiNG ORD. INANCE .' ' ~'Ui~sU'an~ to Secti0h 205 ,'of 'the Tbwh Law'and ArtiCle Ix of the ":: BUilding~Zone Ordinance of the '1¢*~:: COunty,. New. · .~:~;?:.~ York, public, hear- ings wi'llbe held. bY the South- ~:. old Town Board' in 'the. OffiCe of Gre. enport~' New york,,in ~,.said ~ .... Town on ~he 27t'h day of. oc't°b~r, ~:(.. 1970, at 7:30 o'clock in ..the . even- ,~ lng of said~ day on the following ~: proposals to amend tBe Building ~::.,:~ zone Ordinance (including the ::. Building ~ zone~ Maps)' of. the .:. Town' 'of .Southold,- SUffolk. CoUntY, New~Ork.' , :, ' ~ 1. BY..,.changing, from A' Resi- · ??.~.. dential',, , a~d,, · Agricultural. ~..~:.District , ~:., to B-2 Business D~strmt, the ~j: .following. 'described Pro~rty: · ~.~: 'All that certain tract:'of land "~.:'.~Situated...at south side of Main ~I~2~::';., Road, Greenport, in the Town: of . and scribed ~/s.~, follows: ~'":'~* ~ BE~I~i~' 'at a: stone' mOnurae, nt~,~, set', at~ ::, ~he inter- section i'6f'!..'i:the:::S0u~h~erly Side 0f~ Main R&d,"Wi:tfi~he ,~ester.' 'iY side of Ninth. Street,;.. 'run-). · :.ning 'thence" along 'the WeSt.-,.' erly. side'of. Ninth Street south~ 12~ degrees. 12 ::rnimites 10~ s_ee, onds 'West 756:57 feet"., to a rail- ~ ,. road rail l monument' set in'the NOrtherly boundary of. land ~ now~ or .formerlY of the~Long; Island: , Rail~0ad , ~'.:!ic0mpany '. ~henCe ~., ,~tong ':Said/ Northerly ':.:-:.:bOUnda~,Y, "of :land of, ttle· Long ~:,..":. is:iand'~ Railroad "company ':?,~ South~ 84 degrees'rio minutes ~:40 seconds WeSti'.i4iS.7~' feet' t° a. steme mo~Qmen~.!,.s{/t' in the . Southeasterly corner:of land ~' now "6~. formerly of :.: caSsidy; thence ....a!ong the Easterly boundary of .~ said -land of · Cassidy. North. 11 "degrees. 26 ~ minutes 00 ": se~:0nds: Eas~' '..767.10 feet to a stone monument set "in the Soutfiei!!Y~..side O.l~'::"Main Road :.th'eilc~:!~ng: the SOuth "erly side of' .,Ma. in~::~: Road North · 81 degrees .49'rni~fiutes 1'0.. sec- .onds East i94,20'feet ~ monument' thence :cont:~nuing Xalong the Southerly~.~'side o.f:' '~ Main .Road. 'North~:. 89 degrees. '33 . minutes- 30 :s~CO'nds East '. 232.16 feet to 'the point:. Or place · ,, , Res- 2,. By dhanging from.A.. ~dental and~ Agricultural Dist~ , · . rict~ to "B-2" BUsiness.. the following described propertY:. All that certain tract of laud' situated at south side of Main Road, Greenport,-'~in trie. Town of Southold, County o$: Suffolk, and state of New YOrk, and more P~rticularly~bounded and descri- bed as follows: :~" .' Bounded northerly .by 'the i:f" .Main Road running betweep 'Greenport and Southold; "~ Easterly by the'land and build-' ' ings of Dri-Gen Realty CorP; .Southerly by the land of' Long' Iai'and Railroad company ;.~ Westerly by.land and 'buildings of Fleet lumber ,,:C0mpany; Containing an area of 4.26. acres.. Any ~ person desiring . to be 'heard. ,on ,the above.proposed amendments should appear' at the 'time and place so specified. DATED' OCTOBER 6, 1970 BY OFt, DER, OF 'TILE SOUTHoLD TOWN BOARD- ALBERT W. RICHMOND Town Clerk 1T-~-15 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ':.} .ss- STATE OF NEW YORK · ., C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG' ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUC-K WATCH.MAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, .in Suffolk County; .and that the notice of which the onnexed.'is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove.ler-'Mattituck .Watch- man once each week for ....... '.~,./J~,..~.,... ,~...../.~weev successively, commencing on the ............ ./....' ......... i ............. .Sworn to before me this ...... . .~..'.~.. ........ .day of .......... ADELE PAYNE~ · Notary Public, State of New Yor~ ResJdigg in Su,ffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 3'0, 19.71 Date .. .. Oct°be'r Z, 7. · . 1970 · ::~__ . ~ ~.~, ..... pi'ease be advised that,, purSuant to Se'ction 239-1 and m of .the -General. Municipal Law, the. Suffolk C°unty, Planning Com- .. mission .consider s the .following. pr.oposed zoning.:action a- matter for local determination: .. Peti ti oner Or. "Municipal File N° ~~ ..... ./? Suffolk County Planning DePar.tm e. nt Fi le No, TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Bu]ldinc3 Dept, } Planning Bd, 765-2660 Board of Al)peals TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFiFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11!971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, Sections 239-I and m, the t'~I~t~'1[~ ~L~ (agencT involved) he. reby refers the following proposed zoning action to the (check one) ............ New and recodJfied zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance .~... Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: ..;~..~...~<.'.~..~..~.~...~.~..~. within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary li~e ~... State ~r ~ road, oi the Consolidated Lows, Article 12-B, ... of the town of ..... ..~.~ ............... uffolk Couhty Planning Commission: ............ State or cougty pork or recreation ~rea ............channel Stream or lines drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established ............ State ar county owned parcel on which a public building is situated (si~ed) / Date received by' Suffolk County Planning Commission ....................................................................... File No ................................. Southold Town Plannin oard SBLITHE]LD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD Alfred Grebe October 6~ 1970 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen; This is to advise you that the f611owing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board a~ a regular meeting held on September 29~ 1970: I In the matter of the original amended petition of Andrew Cassidy~ Albertson Lane~ Greenport, N~w York, relative to a change of zone from "A" Residential amd Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on certain Iproperty located at the south side of Main Road~ Greenport, N~w York. It was RESOLVED that the Southol~ Town Planning Board recommend favorably to the Southcld To~n Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and AgricultUral District to "B-2" Business DiStrict on the above described property. It is the opinion of the Planningl Board that this will be in harmony with the proposed change ofI zone immediately to the east and it will be a continuation ~f ~he present business district to th~ west and across the street on the north ~tde of Main Road. Any of the uses allowedI in the "B-2" Business District will not harm the character o~ the area° Respectfully submitted.. Southold Town Planning Board w/bn SOUTHDLD, L. I., N.IY. 119'71 September 23~ 1970 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue~ Dear Mr. Wickham; amended The original/petition of Andrew Cassidy~ Albertson Lane~ Greenport, New York, relative to change of zone frQm "A" Residential and A.~ricuitural District to "B-2" Business Districtlon certain property situated on the ~o~th side of Main Road~ west of the Village of Green- port, NoYo is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at S~)uthold, You are ins' pare an official report de~ conditions described in th~ determine the area so effe, recommendation of your Boa~ iwR/mr Very t~ lbert own C :ructed to pre- :' ining the .~ petition and ;ted with the :d. :Fly yours ~ W. ~ic"nmo nd 2 erk ALBERT W. I~IOHH~IND ~J~IST~&~ 137 VITAL S?ATi~g?~i~B SOUTHOLO, L,, I.~ N, ¥, 119'71 RE: A~endm~nt to Building Zon Ordinancs' Gentlemen; ~ This is to acknowledl e ~ receipt of written notice of proposedJam~ndment to the Building Zone Ordinanc~ of the Town of Southold, which proposed amend- ment is to be the subject of % public hearing at the Office of the ~:upervisor, 16 SouthcStreet, Greenport, N~w York, on the 27th day of October at 7:3~ ' P.M. Kindly sign the duplj of this letter and return to in the self-addressed envelop~ for our records. Very truly Albert W. Town Cler~ Copies mailed to the followin~ L-I-.Traveler-Mattituck W%tch~ The Suffolk Weekly Times ~upervisor Martocchia Village of Greenport Otto W. VanTuyl~ Surveyor · 1970, cate copy lis office enclosed, ~ichmond ture of Recipient C.~SE ~0.: a.~.~ le~5 STATE OF NEIV YORK TO\VN OF SOUTI~OLD IN THE iXIATTER OF THE PETITION OF PETITION FOR A CHANGE, 3,IODIFtCATION. OR ;k3,IEND3,IEN~F OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTPIOLD, SUFFOILK COUNTY, N'.EI, V YORK. TO THE TO3¥:N BOARD OF :THE TOIVN OF SOUTPIOLD: (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the.'uudersigned, am the ~wner of certain real property situated at ~/~. ~3.iI~. ~.~'-~I~.~)-~~nd more particularly bonnded and described as follows: .~stor!y By the-~ mhd b~t~ of ~i~m ~ty Oo~$ $o~herty 2. I. do hereby petition the Town Board of the To~vn of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: from nA - agrlcm~turm~ district to "~-2~ bu~ine~,~s 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: , I~ /S ~e~ +.~. sell the ~perty fo~ ~ul~iple residence ~evei°~men~ ~e ~2" woui~ be in keeping with the pe~ ~nd~ing. (L. S.) STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ~r*a 4~Iopa~-mi~ p~sals nov ......... ~ ............ , BEING DULI' S\VORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner iii the withintfictlon; that he has read the foregoing Petkion and knows the contents thereo£.; that the same is true to his (her) okvn knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on informadou and belief, and ~hat as to those matters he believes it to be true. Swora to before me this . .].~ay of..~.~..., 19~.. PRICE, JR. Exp~ March 30. I9~ Albertson ~,ane Dear Mr. Ca At a z hel~ on Sep for propose District to at south si After to have a ~ S.~te'~er 4. 1970 egular meeting.: 'Of the Sou l'd Town Planning Board,, tember ,3rd, the. Planning : change of Zone from ~ ~ . . ... Of "~in R~a'd. Greenpor~ .... , ..~..~ .... . ,-.. ,~: .. . [n!ng 'pr'emises~.., of Dri~col'l YourS· ~'ard '~i,SCU~sed your, a~P1'icat~ion : [esidenttai, and AgricUltural. .. i:st,riut 'on p~operty l,o~at~ e',~ "tihat it 'would be. bett¢~r .' i .. ~n'. '$ i,mi,lar to the appl,'ica, tioB & Oen~on on ~ easterly',. .. Your application to rea~· "' . ,' .. lCkham; Chairman ld Town Planning Board ALBERT W, RICH'~OND TDWN 13LEEK REGI-~TRAE g3F VITAL BTATISTII3S OF'FI. DERK 50UTHOLD, L. I., N. . 1971 August ;26, 1!1)70 TEI. EPH~3NE Mr. John Wickham Chairman .Planning Boa:rd Cutchogue, NoY. Dear Mr'. Wickham; The origin~ of Andrew Cassidy, Alberts Greenport, New York, relat of zone from "A" Residenti~ ultural District to "M-l't Residence District on cert~ situated in Greenport, NoY files in the office of the Board at Southold, N.Y.· You are in~ prepare an official re_=port conditions described in the determine the area so effe¢ recommendation of your Boa] AWR/mr Bi petition )n Lane, Lye to change ~1· and Agric- ~ultiple tin property is in the Planning ~tructed to defining the ,~ petition and :ted with the :d. Very tru:Ly youths-7 T Albert W! Ridhmond To~.~ Cle~:k STATE OF :N,EI¥ YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOL.D IN THE MATTER O.F THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFIcATIoN, OR, AMENDMEN NANCE OF THE ~D~VVN O1~' SOUTHOLD, SUFFO[ PETITION I' OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- ,!K COUNTY, NEW YORK. vn of Southold 'to change, modify and outhold, Suffolk County, New York, Lhereof, as follows- including the Building Cone Maps heretofore made a part TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOU ]['HOLD' .1. I, ...~.'.~..~.1~.~.,i...~'.~_,~2g~4 ............ residing '~...~.[~4~.. (insert n~:[ne of petiti~er) , at ........... Suffolk County, New~[ YOrk, the undersigned, am the o~ner of certain real property situated at ..... ;~'..'. .... ~'~ .. ~[. r~.~. ........... and more partkularly bounded and described as follows: 2. I, do hereby peti~tion the Town Board of the To, ' amend the Building Z ne Ordinance of the Town of 3. Such request is made for the following reasons. (L. s.) STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .............................. , BEING he is the petitioner in the within action; that 'he has re the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) o' therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and to be true. (L. s.) /~ Sworn to before me 4 this .c~. daY'of .. ' .......... , 1~ ' ' ..- .... N.otar~ublic. / so ...... ':"': DULY SWORN, deposes and says that ~d the foregoing Petition and kno~vs wn knowledge, except as to the matters :hat as to those matters he believes it ,4¢ / .,. .......... :.~ ............... '.":'~:',' ...... : . " , , - . . .... b~,~..~ ' ~ '. ~ ':~.~ ~ ...... . " · ~ " ~"~ ~ . ., ' :~ ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ . , ,~ ,. .. ~ ~ ........ ~ ......... .... ~ ..... ~ '~, . ..... -,,. ~ ~ . , · ........ ~, ,..... ....... ~ ,. , . · ~. ~?~,,,- , . .. ~ , ~ ,~ . ~ , . ,, , ...... ._.~,., .................... -,...,~.~ ...... : ......... ~ - ......... ~ ~ ........... . ~ ~.~ .~ ,; I , ~,.'~ ,' ?~ .~,., ,~' / ~. " ~.~ . ,~,,. "¥~ ~' .... ;~ ; ~ i~. ~; ' ', ' ~. . .... .. ~ . ~ . .~ ' ~ . , . ,, ' , ~: , ~. . ., " ' .... .. ~. ~, . , .~ ~, ........ .. · ~ . .~ , , . - ~,. ~ : ~'~ ~.,'. ~ ,. , ~, ~ .,. ,.,. ,. , ...... . .... , ,..., , ..~ ~'. ~'~', ..... ..,",% ' .... ~ ~ ~ .:~,. , . ,, .... . ~ ...... , , . , , . ~ , ,~ ~. · ,. ~. ,,~ ' ,. 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