HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaca, Henry Amend #87 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore fiJed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .......... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ....:~.A,::-.~,...~..Ag~.i~, District to ..... ::C,.~'....In~u~trJ.~l ..... Di.strict the property described Jn said petit]on, and WHEREAS sa. id petition was duly referred to the P. lanning Board for its investi[gation, recommendation and'report, and its report having been filed with the ToWn Board, and the(eafter, a public hearing in relation to ~aid. petition having been duly held'by the Town Board' on the ...... 25.~h....day of ..... ~.0..'~.~.~..~ ........................ , 19.....6..~ and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~"~,,e¢~. ~y Or, er of ~he $out~ol~ Town Board Dated~ Dec~mber 9, 1969 Effective as of . - - " ToW~- Clerk '!;NOTICE.OF AMENDMENT G '~? ZONING ORDINANCE ' ~!: · AMENDMENT NO. 87 ~i NOq~ICE IS HEREB~Y GIVEN, ~i [hat after ti public hearing held · imr:.,imlO fo {he rcq~.lircmenls of lay,. hr(, I~uddlrq~ Zolle Or Zorn, Map: el 'he ']'()~l) el' rc~{~JlJ;tr nleclJug el IJ]o Serif hold 'J ,)wii J{o;ll'd h('Jd Oil DeeelllJ)el' I. Bv changing I'[~m "A" Resi- demk['l and AgrJcIJJIilral District :1o "(Y' Indu~lrkd Bist]'icl, Ihe ' t'ollowJug descl'[bed property: All ~hal' eer~dn Iracl ot' Iltlld 8ilualed i.lf Ih(, SOlifh side or Middle Road Culchogue. in the T~-n of Soulhold. Counfy of Suff~flk. and State of New York. and more particularly housed and described as follows: 1110 Nol'lheaslerly side Depol I,ane [Cutcllogue De[mi Lane) where the same ib itlterseeled h7 Ihe westerly end of a curve connecling [u}rlhea~lerly si~e (d' · ·Depot Ca~-with th~ North- 'x% esle~l3 side of Middle Road C.l{. 27: rllnning Ihe~lee along lhe llorllleaal,crly side of ~aid I)epof I~lne N()rfl] 39 degrees 52 rJJi~llJlCs 20 see(,lids Wesl 10;17.25 feet to I~ll)d IIOW or l'ol'uler]) Mildred (;oodwin Formcrl5 Iqdward J. Drum: rmaling tJierw(' alor,g said land Norlh I(i (legree~ 28 minnies s(,('onds F2i. ISI '.160.60 l'(~el and ~oJ'lh ~t) dcgrc(,s I 1 lUillLlles h0 ~oeortd> Wesz 1082.67 feel To I~m(J now ()r' forrnerl~ or ,;'John P, Krupski, fm'merly !i!:: James H. Drum; . tutoring ~,~!ithence alongsaid land North ~i::!~44 degrees 29. minutes 00 sec- ~;'.:onds East 367.92 feet; .run- ':.ning thence along said land · :'and along land now or for- ~:i 'merty of Frank McBride i,,,..~iouth 41 degrees 46 minutes ?O ~ec,)n(l.-. East 2171.33 feet to rtlurtirl~! I1( ncc ~ westerly' along the North- weslerly side of Middle Road C.J{. 27 )tJoJlp, afl arc o[ ('l]rve b(,nring Io Iht rJghl cuMcrl5 cud ol Iilo cLn'Te [irsL ' rllnnhig Ihem~(' w(,swrly aloog Jlavnl~ ~1 r;ldltlS of '7 [.48 leeL Norlheasl(,rlv side of I.)epot kalle al fhe [)oiB~ D.vrI.:I): r)EC~MB~ S()t;'rTI(')LD ~ OWN BOARD COUI~TY OF SUFFOLK, I - r'' STA'i'['~ OF NEW YORK, } ss: J ...~.~.~. e~..~ .... 'i. being duly Sworn, says that .. ~., is Printer and Publisher of ~he SUFFOLK ~E~KLY TI~ES, a newsp~er pub~sh~ ~t Greener, in ~id cou.ntyI and ~,at tho aerie, of which the a~ex,d is ~ ~inted ~py, ~s been published in the 8~d Suffolk Week~ Times once in each w~k~ ~r ....... ~ ............... week[ successively commencing on ~e ~~: ....... day of. ~~~. S~o~ to bef~e me this ./~.~,.. I · .......... F. LANGTON coRWIN ~otar~ Public, State ¢: New Suffolk Co. Official No. 5~7705~0. ~n~issiOn Expires M~ch 30, · .. Ii. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK }"ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, o public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the ~,nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trcveler-Mattituck Watch- m~n once each week for ...... ..~.~.~C..~.~.. weefss" success,vely, commencing on the ............... .~.~. ........... d,y of ....... ~~~...., 1~.~ Sworn to before me this ...................... day 0f ........ , ............ .~,,y ~ "~~" ......... ~D~LE Notary Public, State of New Yor~ Residing hi Suffolk Count~ No. 52-3041000 Commission Expkes March 30, 1971 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of~$outhold, Town o~ Southokd, New York, being du~y sworn, says .ghat he is over the age of twenty-one years~ that on the 19th day'of Januar_y_____~ 19 70 4, he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the ToWn of Southold, Suffolk Co~ntyv New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Bo~d~ Town C~erk Offi e~ ~_Rp~d. Sou':hold _L.I.~_N.Y- . . Sworn 'to before me this 19th day of January , 19 70 . ['!©?A~¥ ?UBL[C, State of NEY,, ¥o .~!c. 52 3233120 Suf[o~k Coc~~. Ali~ert W. Riehmcfnd~ Town Clerk , the own " .. the venJ.,n,q o:r sa.x.d da, y on ~he ~fol'low~..,.j 'p:z~oj:}osa, ls. to .amend the Town oou'~,,b, old ~ a.~::~f:f c !,K County ~. New' .. to ~'"3,'~ Bus:"....~,~e,:,s~". District the £ollowin9 ............ that certain tra. ct o:f land s~.t,.:~,te~. ~', ' d at tb, e n. or't:h :~.:kae" -' q,f ('""'"'~,:I.-~ 24,7 ) ~c, ou<" tlt°.t,d ~ in the !,o-.wn of South. old. ~ <,ounty~. of the point where the sour} 'x:~ ~z -, ~. ,~ ~ ~ ~ ,, . - . ~ R<>ad is :'i.n~e:csecte. d ............. l'.~y the nor't:,~,,'~'~,,~:~ster±'y' ],ine o£ t},~,e ~,,~~-~-~"~, ..... sti.:ag. B ,:one.*'" '~ .~ f'rom t he nox',b.e:rlv, c, orn. e;r of la.~_~d of Dewa:~..:- ~ £z;om sa. md' po,~nt' of.. beg:~nn,m,g' i · B :r ':, ', ,," 'r, .... :"". along said e-~- sone q: 23© :~1' 4.0t'. 'W' ~ 524 27 ::feet to .l~n,d of CN~%rnews~ thence a.!on9 said.. .... land 524010 ,, f~-'et to sa2. d ~,o hv,;~'cst~, ........ ..... :,.. <..:c!,:~ line o:f K~:,nney s oad~ t ..... ,~nee at on9 ' said ,., so'c~th~.vesterlv 1"' '- '-, S 4:1 o 57 ' 5© '~ E~ .~ .... 26 o 1 S /eot 'to tb.e po..i~.Tt o£ ],.tle ~ ~ ........ ' .. ' . beginnL ng o ,'Any pe.rson des~.,.:'ing .17o b,." l:.,.eard on the above propoo~d a:ndnd"o \ shoulLd appe&, ...... r at the time ,:.,nd- place oo- spe,~..." '. ,' i~ied ~- '~ ' . ..... ,-¥i.'p%ion of this your favoz'able cons~,de:ration of this particu, la.~, ,cb,¢,,~;je_ s~ne~ .. to a depth o;f ~:* ... . ' .. q'?,e c',mznty took ~,OC} feet¢, on the 'widtl.~, o:E i;h~:, ,roac'.!~ ............................ about '"~ '? ~ ontag *~ the !and and on 'that Mz:o Goldri, ch is askin, d that he be put back :Ln l;he sa,me pos:i,!;ion ,:~ he was Dezo:re l},e stzL!]., h,~:.~,.v¢~' a,. d.:,,,:...:5:.~..~ ......... "' ' ¢-,¢,:,t: of business property., The same as he had be:fore the-,.COuntY took the p%ope~ty away° i did not hear j u. r i s ~.:~ i c t i o n ~ pzopertl7 was t~-!.~¢' ,~- him. and where he' had property 200 feet dee',r.),x as ~.t wao before the County came ;:;,,..1, o:ctg~, iearn, est;,ly s.ol,.m,it youz .: :':i, s N:,ece . t h e p.r, o..p-<'..'.,'~ '~,: :.:.:a :'~ u e '?- t i on zoned ....... he u":'ir~ ....... not !oso th~.s i,n the frontage,,.:~ ~.._~ ,.:., >. ::'i':~',,"'.,-v ¥.:~<-: ~..¥~% ' k:i.,,u9 'to have the same de of busmness that he ,~,:ad l',~:~to ~-,,..~,. ........... : ,~.n,:t,s land v0<~s conde.~.,,.ned for,' .... .ount~z use? c ,o.:~..:p e n ~ a. t i o n o n are :'lOt concel~ned c o.:~o r c~,a! l~ere with how ,,o!drich w<:s eor,,.?~,n~.',.~..-.'.:.ted £o: this ~.,onsmde:a. Pl, e ,.~..a..~, ........-e e~'£ort a.:l:.~d mx)ney ~.)~as been put into 1:;el: ::..,La.x~, -F,o;~: tho "~' '- .. ~,.,~;-~ e s .~,:,, ,~;.~ ~...-<. ,~: .... ~ >:, .~ .. :, ........... ~"" .... is (iaest is i.n direct con:.'..:f~l]...~t v,':t~.-.~ thai ~v~::ste:r Plan ': b, Sch, o ol .,~ :.~ >:~ ...... r. e .... ' '" . .......... '.':.-'. .... Sou!.; ho! d. 5. s and t h 5, s ,.% ,.. (,. ...,:.',:, ' ( '~"", .: ...... ,- r:?--::, ~, w. ~ i">e. e n d e ,s ig... n a't: ~:.: ct a o w::~th the e.xcep~ .....on o:: the properey on the :,ng ::us ~..~-., ! think it should be , ................. ':,..'.~' ,!.~ ~. .... .,. 'r don~t thi,n.k that two wronc~s :::':.aR:.e .a 'r:i. gN.1;,, V.,Thethe:. we ol,ou!d r,eson.6~ otN;er nSe'~",a:rty to m:tke up :or ....... ~ .-,, ., ..... ,~ .~ ~.':. ............ ~ ~' .. ,~...?...:.,.,..:~,..--,.,:.:... ~ "' ,,,, ,.::.',,'~':' ,.,,.~...:,...,.' :' , :,o:n boa×..: .... den_v, thi~.~,,,, applicat:~.~on~ ... . · and let the ., When zonino w,:,nt :,~.nto ,.~',',."':ec_, :l~:,~. ]057 T thinl..: the . . Oil .c,,......',.:;.,, ...... '. '.':;;". '.ii,';:' x,,, O;l,',/~ ~P,Z),(-.;'~ [[q~Olt: ~1 ~ ~'::>'"}" ''~ "¢~}i].~" :,','iC~ e ii/;' ': })n sine , , , '% ,.¢ o 0 r no:':e~ we wi, A1. ~ elose',.~, ..... ..... ~. , . - .... . . , · _ . . ' ,. . '- - : ... . ,, , . . . ....... . , . ...... , ..... .. .-, ... ~. . . . -. . - . . . .. ., . . . . . ,., .. ..... .. .... . .. . .. ,. 'r. , . ... : . .. . .. , , , ..... , .... · '," . .. . . . - . .. ........ . . . : . . . , .... ,. ... . . , , . ., .. . . , . ..... , . .. , ..... ,. ,-....,. , ........ .... .~ ..... . . ,. .... .. ,. ,..,. . ,. ,..,.....: ,..... . , .... ,.. . ,' . . , , . ...... . .. .... i, ,'.'., ., ~...' . ,.. .... , . .., . ..... , .,..,.. ,' ... , ; . , . ., .. ........ ,. ., . . .... ~,. ~ . . "_' .. .,. , . ...... .... . ,.,. : . . .. · . ...... ,,. . 'P.a Cel'he ' pr'ira;ge' ' d el.!ing ..an bu, slness bdt ding .... .. . ~ ... .. . .. . werepxe' ' .-,oent =. ~ ':..in~-' the f i!e 0 You have he~kzd the legal - notice of I = there .... ~ a,~:~y ~o~e pzesent . :~,.~,. ~ ,.m.,.; .~..~..~..,,..,~: i .am the !]t~jl..lth&t is b~'~.nging the ,:~pplzcation 3': or tl~at ~. li i~ope that I get it o." Anyone else wish to be heard in favor ,responses. ) .,,. ~,:..,..~..,,v I1 MZR.[(XJCHIA: Is the:ce =~nyone present who wi shes s'n¢., al{ ag a. ins'"': pp 1"~ --' ~]~..t i on q' ~ c this-a .... c ., (Thc~ 'was no x.esponse ~ ) (TheT~e was no response.° ) this tirae fo~: the further none we will close the hearing deliberation of the BOard,. on the. ~4~k.:iC:CHIA~ We :ill now open the hearing , . ,~:;,...zt:i,c!,e :£'~,~ ~'"' :'.L.:n.,~::! zone Ordtnanoe ef the "' ' ,,~,~, (~' -%ne :!'}:'a:':; ..... .,..,....... .... . lown :)m' o.-,)u%ho!(~ ~ ~"' :~'"~'~ '~ <"' public hearings e~..,t~:' ~: 0 !,a: unt;y ~ , · .. o N'ew 'Y or k ~ . ..... ,::~outh~td Town scazd :Ln %he.oz::c.~ c"":"e of 'the Supezvisor~ 16 Sou.'~i~.. Street~ E,z,..-.-:er,':',o'rt ,New York ~ in sa,].d I own on the .:.:.,:, ~.~ da~-',' o;:c Novembe~ ~' ! 9o9.~ az.' '" 7 rS0 o t clock in the eveing of said d~.~ ~'"' ~.y .on %he f,ol.l°v~ug proposal to amend t'he of South,~ld ~ New York, and Agziaultu~,:d. District to ~T; ~ Industxmc'u D-:~strict, the following de.scribed property: All that cezta, mn t-zact of land s~.tuated at the south side o£ ouf:~.,':' "':o1~ and State of pfew York~ and more paztzc, uiazly' bounded and' described as follows ~:~-~.:,INNIZ{G at a point on the (Cutchogue DePot Lane) where the northwesterly side same is intersected of Depot' Lm~e by the westerly ........... " '-~ ' ,:id o£ ' d Del) orr Lane end of a c':"~'~'~ve connectz, ng the northeasterly s e sa:L "" '~ . ' .... P .... * R 27' runn:i,n with the northwesterly side of M~.dd!e .:~oad-:-o , , g thence along the northeasterly side of said n~:'~,,'-,,o't Lane Morth 39 degrees 103702= ...... :) feet · to ii~dwaz'Cl. Jo Drum; land now 'or formerly of running thence ,~on9 said land Horti~ 4:6 ~:~e,,.i!:ree.'-.::;~ 28 mmnutes ~0 seconds east .~60.60 feet and nortti 40 degree,~ , ~, 14 minutes 50 seconds west 1082.67 feet to land now or £ ...... ~ ' f ozmerly of John Po l~fl:upskz~ ormezly Jaunes H° Drum; running thence · along said land norti;), 44 dec~:c:e,':~ 29 lilmli~,~,~es O0 seconds east 367092 zeet~ .r.'unn:Lng th, ence a..Lon9 samd ].and and along la:~d now' or forraezly of Frazfl~. "'~ ~.,.~ ...... :au'res 20 seoonds East °171o lk~cB:ride s,~;',:~."c~.":, .............. 4]. degrees 46 .......; ~ '- ~:. 3:15 feet 'to ti~e -13- e×ly s~e of },~iddle Road ~ toro s,, atong an ~.mc o£ along the no~2thwest :~ ~ *~'. ,"'.,':z ~. ~, a curve be~"ramga., to !;De ×'ight having a radius of 5669~58 feet a d~st~,n, ce .. 72'Y feet to :ne cas're:fly cna of the curve first above men't}~nea xunning ,.l~en~e westerAy along saia cux.~ve bearing 'to the sight having a radius ~ ~ ~-~ '- ' ' 5' 71 feet to the northeasterly side 71.48 :~:eet a dist~nce of 11::o said Depot Lane a.t the 'point o,r place of beginning · ~;~ [.. OV e Any person des;:~',r:~ng to 'be heard on the '",'".'., pr oposed · amendment s , -"¢ and ptace so spec if med. should appear at the time *' ~ ' ' Dated: October' 21, 1969~ 'by' 'Order of the $oUthold~. Town Board Albert 'W,~ ~-h. chmond.~ ~ova~ Cierko '.':' seated that ~%!::::[davit~ ~f 'pu'blicatmon were present in the. :file, report of 'the c,~f.folk C ...... ,' -' ~ .... · o~.,m,'~:,/ Pla~nnmng Boa.rd was read~ and ~'~-~'- Board has reco~muended was s~:,abed that the S outhold Town Planning -~ · .tt~is c~ange favorable~ ":'"'" "."~' :":. :: ' " "-; "' "¢' $OR MS~,.RZC~CHIA Is there anyone present who wishes to spaak ~' .) ~ .~ ,C' ~..,;,..;,' ;, '~! .~., in favor of th~as =~ppiication. RIC .~.~iARD ?. LARK~ boQo: I am appearing on behalf of William Wi.c.kha. m: and the applicant, Host .of the reasons this change is requested~ this change of zone from '~t" Residential and Agricultural to ~'C~' industrial are stated in-tt~e petition. ! just want to make additional co~:~m',~ents on it and in.the Boards consideration on' the i~.md that lies to the north east already zoned industriaI.. This acqu:cred oome seven..years ago with a change of zone that was apt roved and ad opt ed by the Town Boardo This applicant's petition states that he intends to la, yo'~~'~'. ,.~, develop, and construct an industrial, park. o tf this change o£ zone was granted him it would :be in the best interest of the Town and this fact is buttress by seven years ago tt~e Town Board g :[ a, n t e d similar application on the north east side .of this property° b~, LARt{ (con't): The So'~thold To%vn Planning Goard gave favorable recommendation to this change , and the County Planning Commission passed it on to local jurisdiction. This property is undesirable for residential use. There is the Southold Tc~ Nefuge and an open sand pit in this area making it undesirable for residential use. ~he area is 29 acres which is adequate for an industrial park . This park would greatly inc~se the Town's potential for attracting enterp~ize and business. I respectfully request that the Board give favorable consideration. Plannin9 The County left this for local determination. The/Board as I ~mderstand it gave favorable consi4eration to this application, and adde6 ~ few of what they consider conditions. I want to press on that. ~s I understand the ].a%';s of 'the ~oning Ordinance that we have in Southold T~'~ and the Town L.a%v~ which cr~ted the Town Planning Board in areas such as this, the Town Planning Board's act is to review and recommend. The Planning Eom.rd can not impose conditions. If the To%vn Board grants the application and building is constructed ara later time , zoning ordinance peri,its will have to be obtained from the Building Inspector, and would determine if it complies with Article 5 which is 1And use. The determination as to %vhat is permitted in this area, what is a la%'~ul and permitted use. I just want to go on record that we are applying[ for a change of zone, determined by the To~rn Board and not the Planning Board. As far as access onto the County Road, as I understand it the County has ~mething to say about this when application is made for access to the County highway. If the Board has ally questions I have ~. Taca, the petition here. have he~:e the record of ':he t:U!,.;a:r.~::r:: .... :i:"::.:j Board showin9 the. recommendation ti~at was read else 'w~.sh to speak for this at..plmcation .. .. (:.h~:~e ',~:,--~s no ,~esponse~. ) appZication? (Thc:re was no :'esponseo ) · there any di.scu~sion one way or the o't he r ? was no r.esponseo ) 1~-:,::~ (X. CHIA: -Hear in9 none, we will close the hearing at this t-ime :for the further deliberation of the Board° 70~X'80I~I;I_X'AN'CE · ..m~:.:c- 196g. ~.L T::~0 0:cIo~' ~.~: ,':.~LJI~~ C~.' F~i(~ (~d~ OLL ~glki?c~ Zon~ Ordimutet. tin= el'~d'n~ the B ,ild nF Zone 4,.[ [Dc q'owl~ rt. $uulaok{. ..... ' A]~ t~.)J' C(~'I.~Jn LraP~' OJ' .....¥ ,".,.." ':'ow~, Of 8o nolO. Calmly. .... r. . ,..h 8~,,.i. ~C~'. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW' YORK/ ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr.; being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, o public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk.County; and thct the notice of which the .annexed iS a printed copy, has been published in said Long island Zroveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... .~.,~<~.~d'.~ ...... (Z..~../. week/s' t successively, cornmencing on he .............. LZ..~. ............... day ........... Sworn to before me this ...... ~...~... ........ day of .... ~ 19.. a..)'":hen.~ie,'h- .~id(: al' 'q'.m..,, "lB" ~u,,,i:tt:.,~' l)islricr, the ~'oi- -'?,pot I,~A:':~ v, ltil ;l o '\v,m'tl'..-. ' .... LO',..[,,~ dosct'l~,:~ prol)erL~: J · ,."~-',- ~ ~ 3.T . I.> t · 2~:1 :la:t ,,c. ,m ';'~:.~ InovH~c,qs ..r!v .',-;tlc of s.nJd a--. , - ,,, r ,. · r,;:~, ',,',: Ro.c .C.R. ~2.. mm:,+s 2} ~ceot,¢,, We:'t ....... I¢ ..... £ New NotaryPublte // .ir --,nm.'V o!' ~._rikh'l:d Go,d','.'in bo'.:'~l~d a,'d de:~c,.'ibe,~ ~s ~ol~ ~DEL'~ PP, YN~ ~"~ r-:,',i:z¢ , P~{:nc~' :~lon'~ ~nid -q.~,~=N.~i:qrc. }ti :he poi~_~ ResidiVg in Suffolk Count), .t., .....',~orrh all d('~tce~ 28 rain- .¢'210rc iht'. sm{ihv'.'e.-.terl¥ Iirie; N0. 52-3041000 · · ' ~ , Commission Expires ,March ~0~ I~7~' :~T,}',< .50 rct:u.',t,-; . '/,:n *f .q,qO..qO ~f ~ct'..')~ 's 't~uud u, m er:, t [.- '"~q. fill~, ~0!'1']~ 40 ~ ""C'''c ]{ ..... Cl. ........ 24 b.".' ih0 nol'J:]'Iv, csLi:rl. ~:!.'qqJl!.S 5il'' :.u,".onr3:i VVo~{; 9' The e.,,l~d,ln,,,' 1-1 ~,Ol!O. Said "'.';?..'.iY~ ,q'.~'.. fO' :i.'.:nG ntt..', 'o": j.'.ol;d' b~=infl' i,qnd I~-ori.t.:":l~ dt,-.roc, '2g from sam .'.:oh,i or ~ginrd~gi r_~_:,,::[v~ cfi, .~'c.."onds EusL 36~.~Y* I '.'~mJz'ff a'on~ ;qd'd ¢:: 'qt.,(.Oll~, i:iOul' ?17[ 3,q feet 'l'oI - ~ ~,~ i ~h'! ~,ori'inw¢;~'.t;,t.~ ;,Jdc' o'.. ]'md of (Joid.."ici'-2' nLi:...';' thence ~c:tt~hwcM:erly j .~ct!i:tt,','cst.¢!z'l,' IL, re of~en~ney~s[ , inp.,' £hc ..Norl.hwesfet'ly slrtc~ I ~,,.~ad: i;henn,, along said, o: T, iiddle'"T{oat{-Cl~. 27 alo,t~I romitv, cstc'..'lv line, ,q.:41 5 ';-= ,'i~hl ,i' I;Jil,' Il ,.'ndiu.~ ,,';.' ,,. ,...o ,, .~ · b~fiO.Sg fe~; fl. disLa~xct! of '[2: :M'.I' ~e.l':-';t:t deMrjrt~] tO :~al: rCr the eP,.,ste]'ly (,nd of t.he. he..,.4 ',ti 'I,h~ above ' l.-'lllill~ !i[;:'ICl~ westerly uloIIp. I .... tir'.e and pla. r'o smd em'v.`' hca .n~. to. I:h':'[~,l,r~n. ,'w,'vt~u;r* :.kk..,t. ,,,,,,,: ,, l'-' '/ ?.:':,i' R di~{.aT,.ec of 'lLtf/I 'feUL, $OUTI"]O[,'i) TO.'.~."'~ ~OAR. D~t ~he N01[I eSS t-,il', SiClC Of · :o ' - .:~.:t....- ." i Azm'm~rrw aid Delml, ~.m'~e at, lhe Imin:.i n-rmq~ Chl~,~I< cz' plane of r!EOINNI~(,. ~ .~Tj3/ iL'E,GA L INOTICE / ',H~ti~e ot~ Hearings ,on ':~l~roposals ~!to ~Amend' Zoning Ordinance , Pufsuanf to Section 265 of ~e Tovm I,aw and A~ic!~ iX of t~e Bb]lding Z(me (h'dff~ance o~' the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STAT~- OF NEW YORK, [ ss: · . ~..~.. ¥~ ....... being duly SWorn, Town o1' i~c.., Yu:'k, public hearings w:.:l be :says that.,.....,~ is Printe~ and Publisher ~f ~he SUFFOLK hehl b~ tbu Soathoid '/'own l]oard , . ~E~LY TIMES, a ~ws er ub~sh~ ~ Green, ~t, ~ ~id m smd lown cn ~h~, 2nth acy c: : L :~ Of which ~e ~e~ed, is ~ printed l.k..pot Din<. wc. lcr]~ F. LANGTON CORWZq DCpU[ Lane v,:'h i;it~ X{)!'lh[:.'l':s:- Si,;i,e o.' X(:x;' ¥(x"l{. iH](: t::Ol%: I:;tl:'- Suffolk Co. OfficiaI No. 52~7705Q0 erlv si6(, o:' M:(i{~ic tluad - C' [{' i~CU'I~:'i'3 b~Jt;ndcd ii'Il fieSCL'ih*~rl as Gom~ssionExpiresM~ch30,19.~.~ I101'1,71~;i~(?¥' ~i~tT 0~' said J)cl~',. ~EGLXNL~G at the poff~t wh~ utes 20 seconds West 1037.25 fee: /load is Jl~tcrscclcd by the nm'ih:~ w(wLerl2 line irml[ thc m:,..th~,r!~ .~;,Lkd hind XOL'Lh ,;G d<,r.qmee,~ ptil~ tiLe!ICC "' , said hind CuLl. E. - 521.1(I I'cct LO 8L:.id feet to,-the' no,rt'aweFter~7 si~e O' po. pT ':, h,,,.m:.,n.. ,TO~' /< · :~', .... ~::/..,'..~.~,~,~ ~' , ::.., . . , .... · , ;. · ..,.,..~, .:..... [,......,:, ii~, .... ~ . . .... , ":''" ~ :' ': '~ .~ ' :" ', "" ":'." ', ' 1 .'".,. ' .. . .,- .. 0 0 ~, (1) 0 0 ~ ~:~,0 r~ . ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ TOWN OF SOU FHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFi ICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971, TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Building Dept. } Planning BcL 765-2660 Board of Appeals Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of Sections 2394 and m, the .~o~%..~,a.~.~ ........................ (agency involved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Su (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance · .~]~.. Zoning ·changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: ~ ~$~;c~,~te ~z,:~a~:~ i[~, .. '.. z' L ~..~. .... ~/~.,,~ *~ ,.:'.~- .... ~l within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line ..~.. ~ county road, ~~ ~,.~ ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county channel lines ............ State or. county owned parcel on which a public Comments: ~[rte Southotd ~o~ P!a~lning Bo~ application for ~dustrial zoning prouosed ~ustr!al district as shown (signed) Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ....... File No ................................. the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, · of the town of ...... .~,011-~0.1.~t. .............. ffolk County Planning Commission: · }"~"E-/f~'--D~.. ¢~.. ~.i...~_u~eho. gt~e , N ,:~. ~r for which the county has established ~ild[n~ is situoted '~ ha~ reco~en~ed ~vor~oly ~ -' provided~ aeees~ is from on the-weSterlY sdge. of~ the n :the at~ched ~st~r pI~ folde~. ~O'~m Cte~k Title Southold Town Plannin Board SOUTHE3LD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 PLANNING ,BOARD IMEM BER$ John ~tVi,ckh,alrn~ ,Chairman Henry' Mois~ Alfred ,Grebe WiIli~m Unkelbach Frank .Coyle October 7~ 1969 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport~ New York Gentlemen; This is to advise you that the f, the Southold Town Planning Board at a October 6~ 1969: )llowing .action was taken by regular meeting held on In the matter of the original pe';ition of Henry Taca~ Cutchogue~ New York~ relative to a change of zon~ from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District on property located on the south side of Middle Road (CR2~)~ Cutchogue~ New York° It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does favorably recommend to the ~outhold T~wn Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural[District to "C" Industrial District on the' above described prope~ty~ subject to the following conditions: / 1o Access must be obtained on D~pot Lane instead of on County Road 27° 20 Applicant must submit site for their approval° [ans to the Planning Board ~spectfully submitted, ~n Wickham~ Chairman ,uthold Town Planning Board ,e, LS~'~T %V. F~Ir-HMONID .....OFFI~" '~£RK September 11, 1969 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I. 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Hen~yTaca d/b/a/ Cutchogue Properties, residing at 57 West Lane, Bay Shore, New York, relative to change of zone of certainjproperty prop- erties described in said petition from "A" REsidential and AgricultUral District to "C" Industrial District, ~s in'the files in the office of the Planninq Board at Southold, New York. / You are instructed go prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with th. recommen- dation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly Albert W. ~own Clerk urs a hmorrt WILLIAM WICKHAM F~ICHARD F, LARK LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKI~AM MATTITUCK, LONG I~LAND NEW YORK II952 516-298-835-' Mr. Howard ~erry Buildimg Imspec~or ~o~na o£ Southold Maim Road Southold~ New York ~ear ~oward: Im co~aec~iom wi~h the petiti I discussed with you previously~ I Petition im dmplic 2. Six (6) copies of proposed change pr Six (6) oopies o£ area° check in the amo £ilimg rem l 'L/cm Enos. August f18~ fl969 on of Henry ~aca %ha~ am enclosing the following: ~he map of the spared by Van ~uy! & Son. ~ke Zoning Map in that ant o£ ~25.00 for the ~- t~ly yom-rs, ~ _ aard ~. I,ark NO.- / q' STATE OF N.E~¥ YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION. OR AMENDMEN'I~ OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLKtr COUNTY, NEYV YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF Tile TOWN OF SOUrl (insert name of petitioner) :Proper-1;ies Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, a,n the o' · .O..~l.~. 9.h..et .vt.e.,' .~..o..Wfi9_...o.~...~.o..~b...o.1..d and more pm-tic, BEGZI~NZNG at a point on the Northeaster Depo~ Lane) where ~he same is intersected by nect-ing the Nor~heasf, eriy side o£ said Depot of F~ddle Road - C.R. 27; r~ing ~hence alert ~epot T, ane North ~9 degrees 52 minutes 20 sec or formerly o£ ~ildred Goodwin Formerly Edwar said land North ~6 degrees 28 minutes 50 seco 'HOLD: at ~.7..~..e.s.)...I~..a~..e.,..]}..ax..S.h..o.r..e.~. New York vnet of certain real property situated at tlarly bounded and described as follows: Ly side of ~epo~ T, ane (Outchogue ~he wesl;e~ly end of a entre con- [,ame with the Northwesterly side ~ ~he Northeasterly side· of said >~ds Wes~ 5057,25 fee~ to lmad mow 5 J. I)~2um; running thence along ads W, as~ 360.60 £ee~ amd North ~0 degrees q~ minnies 50 seconds West q082.671 feet ¢o land now or £oz*merly of Jo~n ~o ~z~zpski~ formerly James ~. Brum; znznn~ng thence along said land l~orth ~J$ degreels 29 minutes O0 seconds· East 367.92 ~'ee¢; ruzming thence along said land and :along lscad mow or formerly o£ Frsaak ~cBride South &5 degrees &6 minute.s 20 seconds East 2575.55 £eet ¢o the Northwesterly side of Middle ~oad - O.R. 27, ~umming ¢~ence Southwesterly along the Northvr~sterly side. of Hiddle Road - C~R. 27 along em arc o£ a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 5669.58 £eet a distamc~ of 72~ £eet ~o ~he easterly end o£I ~he curve £irst above mentioned~ running thence westerly along said curve bearSng ¢o th® right having a radius of 7J.~8 ~eet a distance of ~5-7~ feet to the Northeasterly side of said ~epot ~ane at the point or place of BEGIINNZ2ffGo. 2. I. do hereby petition the Town 'Board of the To u of Southold to change, mod/fy and amend the Building Zone Ordinance o~ the Town of S~uthold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part {hereof, as follows: From "A" ~esidential and Agricultural ~:'_s~ric~ to "C" Industrial ~istrict. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: ~e l~d described im the within application is well suited for an Industrial Area as the Town of Southold continues to grow in population. ~ke applicant intends to layout~ develops and construct an attractive Industrial P~k on t~s p~cel. ~e p~k will be laid out in such a fashion, ~at there ~ill be ~ple p~king ~eas ~d se~ce roads~ ~e buildings will be attractive one sto~ cement block ~d steel structures with brick ~d stone ~acades. After the b~ldings~ roads ~d p~ng ~eas ~e constructed th~ preper~ will be l~dscaped t0 e~ce the o~acter of t~s ~ea~ ~e ~e of businesses w~ch will be a6tracted to ~e proposed Industrial P~k '~ll be m~u~ac~rs of small componSnt parts for electronic ~d air- cr~t industries~ warehouses~ distribution ~b~ldings for businesses such as moving comp~ies~ meroh~disi~, distribu~on centers~ ~d sm~l assembly pl~ts~ ~s locati~on is w~ll s~ted ~or ~ese p~oses because the gener~ ch~aater of th~ ~ea is ,of ~ Industri~ ~osph~re. ~e adjacent proper- ties 'tO the north ar:e presently zoned "C" Zndustri~ Zone ~d ~e being util- ized ~S ~ open s~ pi$,t ~e Southold Tow~R~use ~ea~ a cooperative labor c~p ~d for far. nE. ~e use ~d develop~en?of the applic~t's l~d in (See 'attached shoot) I~ t~ ~ .... I .... .................... STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ..... .~.e...ZJ_p-~... ~a.o..a. .......................... BEING DULy SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has re;d the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (21~) o~vn knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, aud lhat as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) Sworn to before me this . ./.... day of...6~...~._~.~ ........,19¢.9. .t'./ A' ~c2~4 ~. E~k ' Notary Public. 5'2-74-',32500 - Surf'o? C~mmi~;or, ,£×-p.i res Henry T~ca d/b/a OU,~,,~,,~ogue Properties No. 3 '- Continued the future will be greatly influenced by t~ese present uses: thereby rendering it improbable that the land area under consideration will ever serve as a valuable residential a~ea. The southerly boundary of the applicant's property fronts on Co~u~ty Road 27A which is a duel highway. ~he property is bordered on the west by Depot Lane a Southold Town 'Highway and ~armland of M. Goodwin and J. P. KruP ski. The location of the parcel is centra!l~ located: convenient and readily accessible to all other areas of the To~a o~ 'Southold. The size of the parcel 'is adequate to provide an industrial]use area to serve the Tow~ presently and will attract other desirable ~ndustries and will call for a comprehensive p!s:oned development for the ehtire area. The result will be to establish the industrial use areas for t the use districts in other areas. The prop the town's potential to attract desirable b increasiing ta~revenue.to the town. me township amd to stabilize osed industrial park will increas~ ~siness and industry thereby