HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-102.-4-6.1 R A DESIGN /BUILD Joseph Fischetti, F.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 4 I I 1 L_, i �. i .t1�I-II ... I _ � _ 1 1:,' i l I :] T ! rt - 1 i i : I i T iI ' i !. La ! - 1LI _ i :.-. . �u 1 i. i i I_i-.._. E !.�. i i ..I i. i T{ i if : i 1 ii 1 1 24 - - 1 I � : I i _ � i _i. M . �1 if tl 1...: !. ..,..L.i 1_.. Ll .!.. ....... L._�.... .!............. 1 t.... 1_t..._ 17 !. f.. l ! t.._ �..1 .,... i_. ..r...i. r _ _1 i T1 I I FRONT ELEVATION 1350 Alvahs Lane SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" Cutchogue NY 11935 Agricultural Barn PROJECT TEAM: rL T , I _ .._ Designer/Builder Lj '- : i T �..._ .1. ..(. ...... ::...r.l........I _!... I.!. `. _. i. !.: ... :_T........ . ..1L.. .1. ...1._.1_..1...,...._.1... : T.i. ...;....i...i.. ... , , ..�. i r .._.,...... 1'...Li ! , R I GAS CO if !: 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 J . 1.. .. : .....! ! 1 !.... 631323 8022 1 1 ' iE i i i �_ -- -- _ _ c@rigasco.com r ji. - 1,.i fir.. i1 �. : i l I_li .._ .I I__. ..u_. �.... L..._i � ._.. j.�I__! ,..._ L J. I h..__I_�.-_! c,.... ...1_I _ ! ..I ? .. L I__ l.... J ........._ .. Engineer I ! i iJJ � i ! ! i I I �( jIi ! � ' �` __. _ _... E......1_ _ l .T.... J...1.I? I i E l i i t rT ' Joseph F ! the , P.E. , i !� Is tti: i i i ! 3 I � Y,I I I i I i ! i 1725 Hobart Road! I Southold NY 11971 _ l _.l._l_I__ _. L_r_ _> 1.TT _I ._1__._ ,_ .n.I_Z `i_. r L_-. 11 ' .__.�_._�.�I. r.�_!. ..I. :-_- L I .L .. L I. I E i ! I ; ! i 631765 2954 T .. ( .._._..1...1 F. T. ! ._Lj. 1 � 1 i : : i i it I) - I_rl 1-!t- [.. —I U. _ i1 I ..... I_mm�::_!_: _. : I.. a.. I : LET! . _L: - !_i ! I l !,..T ._i_ L. ? : �.' I i i 00, E i i i L ..)., i �. r . r Scale as Noted LEFT ELEVATIONej S: SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" MCI D\MD IG S MAR 0 6 2025 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Al R A DESIGN /BUILD Joseph Fischetti, P.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ? I i i ! �: i f ' ! ' ! ! I I ; i i I ! I I I : I I I i ! I I ! 1_-_ i...._ L. i_ 1�_7F7 - _is L 1 >_,__ . ._I I_I_ _ . l . 11,_i_l,. _. _ l ;� s _ 1 _1_,_� 1.1 I. �� . t _ 1 1� r �L L I.. L i 1 ( ! ! T i1T i �' I t i .�l ._IIT L it ; II i1 Ti IZ` r . ! _ (T,II 1 r - Tl _..�__i,__i ..1. _ .._..�_ __�_ ___!.L....!__ I _ A... ,.' _ _ i I TT TT I _ i i r' I !! i I ! i r I. I Ty`! If�I I! i r I : r! r. I ; " ' I [._.�__ ..:_ _�_.. . _ L �C�_i_.1 r ! I I i I i 'I I I i I I I I I I i i r ! �.F. 1. .1 _.._ DTII,.._.._..T i ' I ( i I r i l _ - - 1 - - - ! I 'i ! r ! I i- I Y � T ! r i e i i ! _ r r i i r i i i r ! ' i r- > j ! ! I ' I I ( ! I i I ! ' ! 2111� 1 r!I .._.. .. _. ._� ._I-[__...__LL...__�_L_L_. -,- _-- __ `- r , � __ , . � _I T ! I I. L ;:.I 1_L L T L!! i _ ! 1 11 i S 1 LI_lT T 1 ! I 1 .L 1_1 . - I I 'I� I' I ! I REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" 1350 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 - Agricultural Barn , i I Y._ ...., �1 ( ! I ! I ._L..._�..,i._. .__.! _Jn_L�. 1..1..._�...._.�.�....',i._.�:_�. ._...i_�.....i..._......1....!.'....�- .'_,_..t�......___ ...i......i._�.._l__:._ i... ...1___i.. i I _ _ — PROJECT TEAM r ; , � . , ..,._ ! , .! ! _..i _is it I I I j i !... ...�.i .....i. j.... ! II i i I , m_ i I i i ! Designer/Builder ! Hill i I �.. ! I r r r r : _ RIGAS CO L- r i_� ! T _ , T 1__:._ .._ 22260 m y 11957 I ; I � ain road, orient n i i i , ' I 631323 8022 _.ire.. _� _..; .... > 1_(._i.. 1 ! J. _i.� J I__..l_ I� _7 . 1.__.._ C _ I,_ !..._T.. ._. .__I ,L ._1:_.!. . ! -_L 1 L.1_.. - _LA� ,1 1 i _ i_i�?_._i._-.L I _.1 .:i. ;T........... > ! ;1 � �� ._.. i 1 c@rigasco.com ! _. f. W.. 1 . f I E ! g neer I ! i! ALL Li T 1 ..I:.�L 'TL TI I ! 1_ .. 1... ._ _ _ 1 _I..... i.... L ...i L .. ! , i F PE I I � I I ! Joseph Ischetti i ! ( I I _ . .__._�: L�._m�__._�__�_�...� �.1. .� _.. ,__. z. . �L_Y�..i..1_...i_� p LL' i' i1. T. -I I] _[. i I t.! L �( 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 i I ! I i ! : r ! .... �..... .... ....._.._I_. _ 631765 2954 T _I RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" 00,0 Scale as Noted 5 G3C�C5��ML�D MAR 0 6 2025 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD A2 RIGAS 125'-0" 25'-0" 75'-0" 25'-0" DESIGN /BUILD A a c b^ a c D• 4 4 d^ A c _p.* 4 4 D. 4 4 D^ n n a• +! e n D^ n n D^ " d^ c " c 6! 4 _______________________..___.__________._____- ________________..___...___ ___________________.__________________.._________._____ ______.__._________________ Ij_________________________________-_____________-____--_________ _ I 1 v 1 O BLnJoseph Fischetti, , I 9 1 + h 4 n A D. c 4 4 4 d 4 R' t 4 D. 4 4 D• A ` A d. A 4 d• 4 n f 1 p. ., ._. .._----_----------------..----_.___-__ -- --_----.-------_-----____-- ----------------_._._ _. ___-- PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER a I 1 i 1 C 1 I 1 1 I V I 24'-4" 73'-8" 24'-4" � I I p 1 1 1 p p a � C i i p 1 N N I zn V I R I I I I p I q a 11/11/24 I 1 4 t f ! t I 1 n I 1 1 I 1 I I I p , 1 t a t 1 1 I f I 1 1 1 a t 1 1 f t t I f 1 V + I 1 1 1 1 I OI OO OI OO O O 1D lfl c9 a i ; 00 :7 0D Ln W bo 000 co 1350 Alvahs Lane I 1 • ; 1 I 1 q I I I 1 I 1 , Cutchogue NY 11935 � I ; t � 1 � 1 t a A 1 � � ! V V + I 1 I t 1 I i 1 I 1 1 I I 4 1 I 1 _ I I 1 1 , � • 1 .q t a 1 a I 1 I 1 1 1 V I 9 1 1 fV N f I � 1 f 1 1 Agricultural Barn 01 I O1 t I I q I F 1 1 1 D I t I 1 1 1 • , I 1 p 1 a a 1 S 1 I I I 1 I , I t 1 I , , I I ! 1 t 1 I I t 1 1 1 V I V I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 q 1 1 I 1 DROP WALLS UNDER ' " DROP WALLS UNDER ' GARAGE DOORS 12" 1 1 ! GARAGE DOORS 12" p + c ._.__...__.._.... ---------_-_-__--_-...-----------... -- .. - -- --- -- a .---------------------------- 1----------- - - ---- 1 4 • v .a I Y • a ^V x! f v PROJECT TEAM: I f r 1 1 " 8"PC WALL w/ p 1 16"X8"FOOTING, B O v i!7 i 1 (3)Ii4 BAR(TYP) Zn DROP WALLS UNDER DROP WALLS UNDER DROP WALLS UNDER 3'BELOW GRADE GARAGE DOORS 12" GARAGE DOORS 12" GARAGE DOORS 12" F -----n------i----.------------------- ---------------------------------------.--------------- - - - -- ---------------------------------V------;------------------ ----------------------------_--------- --- --_ Designer/Builder Q A R I GAS CO 5'-4" 14'-4" 5'-4" 7'-11%" 14'-4" 8'-0'/:" 14'411 8'0Y3" 14'-4" 7'-11%" 5'-4" Af 14'-4" 5'-4" 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 25'-0" 75'-0" 25'-0" 631323 8022 125'-0" c@rigasco.com FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" Engineer Joseph Fischetd, P.E. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 631765 2954 A , .T , Scale as Noted r� P o y r ., a` MAR 0 6 2025 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD A3 RIGAS B A DESIGN /BUILD 125'-0" 25'-0" 75'-0" 25'-0" 12'-6" 12'-6" 10'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 10'-6" 12'-6" 12'-6" Joseph i=ischetti, P.E. 6'-0"x 3'-0" 6'-0"x 3'-0" V-0"x 3'-0" 6'-0"x 3'-0" 6'-0"x 3'-0" PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL 0 0 in in SIMPSON HDQ9 HOLD DON 6'-0"x 3'-0" AT ALL CORNERS 6'-11%"x 2'-11 15/16" (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL 11/11/24 ° s 1350 Alvahs Lane m m m o � o Cutchogue NY 11935 o o K N J kD Ln b C o ? o o 0 LL G LL Z Z a Agricultural Barn --------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------- , , , , PROJECT TEAM: Designer/Builder SIDING OVER UNDERLAYMENT,5/8"5�1EATHING � � � 14'-0"x 14'-0" 2X8 @16"OC STUD WALL(16'h),2X8 ACQSILL SILLSEAL OVERTERMITE SHIELD Q TRUSS HOLD DOWNS H7Z AT EACH ENV OF TRUSS ' ' ' ' ' 0 I AS CO in RAFTER HOLD DOWNS HZA (2)14"LVL , , (2)14"LVL , , (2)14°2VL , 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 631323 8022 14'-0"x 14'-0" 14'-0"x 14'-0" 14'-0"x 14'-0" c@rigasco.com 12'-6" 12'-6" 15'-lY:" 22'-4X" 22'-4%" 15'-1Y" 12'-6" 12'-6' Engineer 25'-0" 75'-0" 25'-0" 125'-0" Joseph Fischetd, P.E. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 FLOOR PLAN B A 631765 2954 SCALE: 3/16 = 1-0 Scale as Noted URMCKEOWE �h/■ yyKr- 'y4�� yi t'ksr r v PEAR 0 6 2025 SOUTHOLD TOWN A4 PLANNING BOARD ---------------------------------------------- RIGAS DESIGN /BUILD 12 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING OR ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHI NG LES OVER FULL ICE AND WATER UNDERLAYMENT Joseph Fischetti, P.E. MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF @24"OC(BY OTHERS) PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER a --- m SIMPSON H7Z HOLD DOWN 0 io ti 11/11/24 4 A CROSS SECTION A 3 5 SCALE: 3/16 — 1-0 1350 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 Agricultural Barn a PROJECT TEAM: Designer/Builder r - - - - - - _ RIGAS CO SIMPSON HT' SIMPSON H7Z HOLD DOWNS HOLD DOWNS I I 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF @24"OC(BY OTHERS) 631 323 8022 c@rigasco.com I (3)M4 �8 Engineer CEDAR SHINGLE SIDING FELT UNDERLAYMENT 5/8"CDX SHEATHING Joseph Fischetb, P.E. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 631765 2954 00. .' 6"CONC.SLAB w/6X6 10/10 WMM � O .♦ � m L _ — J g CROSS SECTION B 3 5 SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" ` Scale as Noted z 4' I Ends MAR 0 6 2025 SOUTHOLD TOWN A5 PLANNING BOARD RIGAS DESIGN /BUILD Joseph Fischetti, P.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 11/11/24 MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF @24"OC MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF @24"OC @24"OC 1350 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 m LLM —- 0 io Agricultural Barn c CROSS SECTION C PROJECT TEAM: 3 6 SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" Designer/Builder RIGAS CO 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 631323 8022 c@rigasco.com Engineer Joseph Fischetti, P.E. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 631765 2954 Scale as Noted . Zo C, �y, A MAR 0 6 2025 A6 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD S.C.T.M.# DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 102 BLOCK: 4 LOT: 6. 1 ,42�, • LAND N/F OF \ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MON D i,E VACANT 4 102 r--1 �Rr� `rsr � • GAR. I F ^ ac / 0.5E 344'E SUBJECT / DWELL LAND N/F OF <\ / LAND N/F OF \�/NFVS HOLDINGS LLC I TOWN A SOUTHOLD VACANT J 109 R�9 51 DZE ___r � �43.2'E .. 04•W s KEY MAP 1"=600' CUTCHOGUE, NY LAND N/F OF COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ���titiOT\\q,QO CATTLE PASTURE VACANT P Cq TYPICAL DRYWELL CROSS SECTION 09'N GATE �T.E� (CONC.PRECAST COMPONENTS) M 09'E ON \ r sue MR MON-,RAPPIC BEARING r sue FOR 1AWFIC EAmwG mea m rrr W AND wnM 1 O"1 ,�4 eN MMCAL SILT /r/l' P11dm 1/r/1' crorru er(:TY1N \ / ®O O O OEOTDORE FABRIC ❑❑ SUPPORT POSE WOOD OR NEGL \ �\ 0.0N'DIRECTION LAND N/F OF EMMATO AND LAND N/F OF \ \ RACHEL JOHNSON SkCKFeam�" NEIL ROUSSO \� \+\ ^\\\ ' EwMING GROUND ipm �s DWELL \> / 2 8 N Q COLLAR LTMIN. �] ATERIAL TO BE LO, D AND GRAVEL MIN. LAND N/F OF \ O / DAVID MOLTZ �b �• / SEDIMENT ON SITE HAY BAIL AND/OR SILT FENCING DWELL ' z �♦`\ � // � :. �+\ /// `/ �\\� ; �. • • °y'• • may'• � ♦ / / \\ DWELL 4,\ N o• \ / W CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE-FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED GAR. 3/4"STONE BLEND OR NY.STATE D.O.T.APPROVED R.C.A. / i�� O •RdPb' 1 \�/ FILL TO,8'(M,,)ABOVE EXISTING GRADE FOR DRAINAGE. CAT LE PASTURE N A�, i:�. LAND N/F OF / + JEROME AND VIRGINIA SUROZENSKI IRREVOCABLE TR VINEYARD +\ ^ / DWELL // xco �e �� ;. = \ /' \`\ DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: GP E \ / \ DWELL �\ .00 y` ` A) PROP. BARN= 7,000 SQ.FT. CONC WASHOUT \� F �� v 7000 x 0.166=1162cf REQUIRED LAND N/F IN BED OF GRAVEL DRIVEWAY qTF +P 1 ? LAND N/F OF 7'(4) 8'DIA x DEEP DRYWELLS=1239cf PROVIDED � t�•'S. o pig 4'tP \ / NFVS HOLDINGS LLC p +\ + a \\ / (VACANT) �' 179E V GPI JILLIANJOHNSTONE Ile \\ \ OP VINE ARD \ .•�:'�•,s ''• x SILT FENCE ALONG LIMITS TT,.:•��r •L .i&y'S�' j DISTURBA C IGRADING t \ f + LAND N/F OF MACARI FARMS LLC 1 \\ �° M N •+•'.,,�SHED.T o� / VACANT-CROPS 1 \ sd e: :::: .5•D M.i : .oy / \ CC .-/ Al C pro' CATTLE PASTURE /+ az;. 4. r, LAND N/F OF 1 ♦\ o !­­X.` :::: 78 r;, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1 \ ENsp. , , • . , , , , + RECHARGE BASIN 11 \�\� .`O V STO�A°j( �� \ N'.;'•.��T� J��s) // �` DWELL`\) 1 \ p 1 \♦ \ LAND N/F OF c % S CATTLE PASTURE USAN B SCALIA LAND N/F OF \ +\ CLIFFORD—TU 8LO REGAN BATUELLO `♦` / VINEYARD / \ \\\ `\\` / +♦ 1 WELL; BARN� \\ U.P. 0TN LAND N/F OF 2 0'N GPA� N�yh JACOUELINE TROISI / j BARN `\ ^i' > > \\♦ 6�q�, �\ '�'o„ by /, i \\01� rv,. / DWELL (\ `\ `\DWELL\\ 1„ U P. DWELL I LAND N/F OF '' 1 \\ \; \\\ o �p0 ♦� ALEXANDER COMPAGNO LAND N/F OF i 1 JAMES DUFFY I I MAR 0 6 2025 Z' LAND� ♦�\ T-----, �� �---� . I i \ i I DWELL i SOUTHOLD TOWN 1�s9 LAND N/F OF \\\ L------ :x. bNb,�p GIUL ANOrLO BARDI TRUST PLANNING BOARD /� �' MICHELLE STROBEL \ <\ DWELL`\ %\\ .oX. < DWELL♦ o�y�' S��' o \ FLOOD ZONE X AREA:993,661.77 SQ.FT. or 22.81 ACRES ELEVA77ON DATUM: NAVD88 ♦v <.;AR. / ♦ / / LAND N/F OF UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADD177ON TO THIS SURVEY/S A V70LA77ON OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY // '�\ DIANE SYM CROSSER MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL R4/N �� <10,\GAR. ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE 777LE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING 1NS777UTION i LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION, GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. \vi THE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE THEREFORE THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO MONUMENT THE PROPERTY LINES OR TO GUIDE THE CREC77ON OF FENCES, ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES OR AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS EASEMENTS 1 AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ARE NOT GUARANTEED UNLESS PHYSICALLY EVIDENT ON THE PREMISES AT THE 77ME OF SURVEY �+ le �\ SURVEY OF-DESCRIBED PROPERTY C r `� 't:`` CERTIFIED TO: NFVS HOLDINGS LLC; <` \\\ MAP OF: '' ; � t,.. 80 0 40 80 160 320 \\ DWELL\\\ FILED: SITUATED AT:CUTCHOGUE ", s % I [ tJ.` wfn �. TOWN ORSOUTHOLD yA, � .. KENNETH M WOYCHUK LAND SURVEYING, PLL SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK \ :. ,v,;; Professional Land Surveying and Design g P.O. Box 153 Aquebogue, New York 11931 THE WATER SUPPLY, WELLS, DRYWELLS AND CESSPOOL . LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVA710NS FILE #224-1 13 SCALE:1"=80' DATE:SEPT. 9, 2024 N.Y.S. L/SC. N0. 050882 PHONE (831)298-1588 FAX (631) 298-1588 AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS StJMMAR` The following is a summary of the items typically required for a complete site plan application (See the Site Plan Application Guide for further information&relevant Town Code sections): X Site Plan Application Form ® Fee. Check payable to Town of Southold(see Town Code §280-138 for fee schedule) sue• ® Notice of Disapproval from Building Department M t4 Applicant's Affidavit R Agent Authorization Letter ® LWRP Consistency Assessment Form(five pages) ❑ Full Lam' natal Assessment larsn- EAIm.:ltart Dne.. di• ital -ml,lablal a �lallu-onfir ° •the c�), NA-Type II Action-Agricultural as per NYCRR Part 617.5 (�hrt F1iA e sit wthis i� rmird at the..presu llanning) ❑ Proo,ft ftot : gn ti ,,, NA-Created prior to 6/30/83 as per 280-9 W Survey Prepared by Licensed Surveyor or Civil Engineer(Four copies) X Existing site conditions(can be part of Survey required above), including buildings,pavement, drainage structures,utilities and the following natural features: o Topography o Wetlands,water bodies o Woodlands o Dunes, beaches, etc. o Trees>/=6" dbh o Slopes 20%or greater o Flood hazard areas o Cultural&historic features within 500' of property boundaries ® Site Development Plan(Nine copies) o Proposed buildings,parking, curbs, sidewalks,driveways, signs,other improvements o Location,name&width rights-of-way within 500' of property lines o Location and use of all buildings and structures, including curb cuts,within 200' of the property boundary. o Show all easements and required setbacks on the plan o Describe all covenants or restrictions and/or easements on the property o Key map of location& owners of all properties within 500' ® Grading and Drainage Plan with Calculations(if not included in site plan) IN Landscape Plan(if not included in site plan) ❑ NA-No exterior lighting proposed IN Floor plans One set of construction plans enclosed 9 Building Elevations &other Architectural Review Materials as necessary- see the Architectural Review Committee Checklist. Two sets of construction plans with materials listed on plans Site Plan Application Requirements Summary 1012112013 MN-2Q.. �0WM® SOUT -SOLD PLANNING BOARD MAR 0 6 2025 SITE PLAN APPLICATION FOIfII"1 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Site Plan Name and Location Site Plan Name: ALVAHS BARN Application Date: Suffolk County Tax Map#1000- 102 - 4 _ 6.1 Other SCTM#s Street Address: 1350 ALVAHS LANE Hamlet: CUTCHOGUE Distance to nearest intersection: 1,650 feet to Main Rd/Rt.25 Type of Site Plan: X New. Amended_ _Residential Zoning District _w_wwww....wwwwww Owners/Agent Contact Information ......._.........Please list name„ inailin�address„ and rl c tte number cat°the ;�eo LIeL.below,mmm�m Property Owner NFVS HOLDINGS LLC ....wwwwwwwww_....wwww.. PO BOX 633 Street-,,.....-—-----................_............. �.__ _w _ �w..� ......... LAUREL City' _ State_ NY ............... it 119484 - Home Telephone Other Applicant,,-, SAME AS ABOVE City____.... .. State.._........._........................�... Home Telephone Other _w._www-.___.___.__._.�.... .._.... ....._ w. . . ...w.ww._... _ w.__..................... _. �......._...� _ _ .. Applicant's Agent or Representative: Contact Person(s)* CONSTANTINE RIGAS/RIGAS CO Street 22260 MAIN ROAD City.- State Zip ORIENT NY 11957 .. ........... _www_..._._.�. _ ..-. ........_w...._....._ Office Telephone 917-509-8751 .Other C@RIGASCO.COM ww_...... ................ ..___.-__- *Unless otherwise requested„ correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here. Site Plan Application Form 211812010 Site Data Proposed construction type: New Modification of Existing Structure X Agricultural 22.81 ac Change of use Property total acreage or square footage: .......... _ --ac./sq. ft. Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: 71000 sf_ ac./sq. ft. Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes X No If yes, explain: Development Rights sold Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code§280-9 Lot Recognition? YxN If"yes", explain(and attach any necessary documentation—title report, subdivision approval, etc.) Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: __ /__1, I y 205 Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes No X If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes_ w No If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses:___ Agricultural List all proposed property uses: Agricultural with Storage Barn.....�.......... Other accessory uses: _wHw .._ w_.. ............... Existing lot coverage: 0% % Proposed lot coverage: 0.^70.15% ..% Gross floor area of existingstructure(s): 0 ft. Gross floor area of proposed structures : 2"0000sf Parking Space Data: #of existing spaces: 0 #of proposed spaces: 0 Loading Berth: Yes No X Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: % Proposed landscape coverage: % Wetlands: Is this property within 500' of a wetland area? Yes No X Maybe I, the undersigned, certify tl t all the above information is true. "Signature of Preparers w_ ._ --- .._ Date: 3/4/25 _—kw xw._.�. .-----. „_ — 2 Site PlanApplication Form 211812010 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: February 13, 2025 TO: NFVS Holdings LLC PO BOX 633 Laurel,NY, 11948 Please take notice that your application dated November 25,2024: For permit to: 19 )qq agricultural bam at: Location of property: 1350.Alv*$,.L,4pg.&*.qp 11otze.NLY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 102 Block 4 Lot 6.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Pursuant to Article. X1,11-sk-CIt frorn the Southold'Fown Planning-B—oard. Additionally. Land Pre setyan r CL ot�vie w will also be rqqj i 1�d__­ . !�IL_ You may now apply to both Land Preservation and the Planning Board directly. Amcai 9. 1-14YU4A Atobrized Signature Note to Applicant:Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file,Planning Board CC: file, Land Preservation APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK k6yhAO h V being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at � �` �� G1�.. Gt I� C� C���- _ - - _-_--in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of property located at 1350Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue NY 11935 SCTM# 1000-102-4-6.1 or that he is the /Ml ��/1J� of the LL<C.. (Title) (Specify whether Partnership or Corp.) and said Corporation is the owner of the above property,which is hereby making a Site Plan application;that there are not existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same;that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be alter or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed i s r° t accorda, ce ith the plan as a,P prom d y the Pla ni Board. 4 Signed Owner Signed (Partner or Corporate Officer t'itle) Sworn to me this .2"8 flay of Feb T-CAa , 11 A) Notary Public =State AS GANLEY tate of New YorkRStf03 206Suffolk.Countypires Oct 1�1, 2026 OWNER A UTHORIZAT ON OFANAGENT 2/24/25 t William C. Ackermann, of NFVS Holdings LLC, property owner of 1350 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue NY 11935, (SCYM# 1000-102-4-6.1) hereby authorize Constantine Rigas of Rigas Co to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the site plan application process for this property with the Southold Planning Board. Signature: +k Sworn before me this :24 day of 64 20 g (Notary Stamp) Q6L, AS GULLY bltate of New York.0500320Ged uffolk County [:MARIA.: sionpires Oct 19, 202G w Southold Mann* Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: k kw,�n i li ( I Last,First,middle iinitiaal ' unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) �j,/� r��'" Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan �t� '/ ' Other(Please name other activity) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold'? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. `Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes No If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C.an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship: 4h Submitted this a day of t2bJ 20 Signatune J-# f f u _ ze- Print Name WN�� ` Disclosure Form Town of Southold 0 ,DD LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM MAR O 6 2025 SOUTHOLD TOWN A. INSTRUCTIONS PLN�N csD r 1„ All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. mp°o as c _action will lam y l awed caw. ts..._s.igTl( nt n!Mk .sae vgr . l ts;um-tU the"msLkbigalwhi tI i � 1 cal �atltcal wa w i 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus each answer must be explained in detail listing both supporting and nog - sunportim facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it M hall not b nd rt-4k—e�. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 102 _ 4 6.1 PROJECT NAME ALVAHS BARN The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board R Building Dept. 0 Board of Trustees ❑ 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) El (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: El Nature and extent of action: Build Barn for storage of equipment and feed for vineyard and cattle pasture Location of action: 1350 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue NY 11935 Site acreage: 22.81 Present land use: Agricultural, Vineyard and Cattle Present zoning classification:.wwwwwwwwwww........._................m_.......m.._...........................__................._a........_..-_®_ww...w.ww. 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: NFVS HOLDINGS LLC (a) Name of applicant: PO BOX 633 LAUREL NY 11948 (b) Mailing address, .,.wwww..—.... ..— www (c) Telephone number: Area Code 917-509 8751 (Constantine Rigas as agent) ( ) (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes No E If yes, which state or federal agency?... www_ C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. 2 Yes F] No ❑ Not Applicable Preserves open space and agriculture Attach additional sheets if necessary �_ _.._ .. ... _. Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria 1-1 Yes 1:1 No E Not Applicable Not a historical site Attach additional sheets if necessary-- — ...... Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria FX Yes F No 0 Not Applicable Preserves agricultural views while enhancing visual quality via the addition of a traditional barn ...................w..._..._._..........._... www— Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes 1:1 No E Not Applicable Site not on the shoreline Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria Lx J Yes1:1 No ❑Not Applicable Usage of site does not change, water usage does not change, stormwater runoff shall be contained as per site plan Attach additional sheets if necessary ..................._.........._...._............................_.................................�.................................................................�...._.._................ Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. [J Yes [-] No 'Not Applicable No disturbance to any coastal fish and wildlife habitats and wetlands ........_.._....._. wwww ....w_..... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes No E Not Applicable No impact on air quality __..........._... ........ww.....ww_._..wwwww_.w_.......� Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes C:1 No IE Not Applicable No solid waste or hazardous substances created be addition of storage barn PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. El Yes E] No L.x' Not Applicable Not a public site nor any disturbance to any public spaces .�__wwwwwwwwww...wwwwwwww._wwwwww..s"h".. . ... ........ _.......... . .............ww_..............._...... ........... _ Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Yes [:] No Not Applicable Barn is not a water dependent use .................... ...........w ._www._...................ww _..... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes 1:1 No Z Not Applicable _w_ ww. www_..._.._....._.. .. .. ........................... .. ........ ....................._.. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. RYes 1:1 No E] Not Applicable proposed Storage Barn supports the existing agricultural use of the site —-- Attach additional sheets if necessary _---------- ___....._ — Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes [:1 No El Not Applicable PREPARED BY Constantine 1 i as TITLE Agent DATE 2125125 Amended on 811105 01' as OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS Town Hall Annex � �` ���� P.O. Box 1 179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631-765-1938 Southold,NY � �� �� www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: March 6, 2025 Re: Check Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Site Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project..N.ame & Type.._......... .........Tax .Map _# Amo.u.nt............_........_.w_.. check Date/NNo........_ .._....._....................................... NFVS Holding Agricultural Barn Site 2/5/2025 - #28 30 Plan 102.-4-6.1 $500.00 North Fork Viticultural Services CEW 2830 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK North Fork Viticultural Services, LLC i vz10 P.O.Box 633 Laurel, NY 11948 02/25/2025` tl PAY TO THE Town of Southold ­500.00 ORDER OF Five hundred and 00/100*...... DOLLARS �,o o .. Town of Southold .. �s 54375 NY-25 Southold, NY 11971 rmann Site Plan Submission 00 �'J 77Ou. 1:0 2 10000 2 0: 906 S S8 S L00 ..�..�.�..�.w::................c.:.�:.,....._......:.::�.µ.,.,,, ❑ 2O Presubmission Materials FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: February 13, 2025 h L/ P-4T J3 C— P1 C TO: NFVS Holdings LLC PO BOX 633 FEB 14 2025 Laurel,NY, 11948 FE SOu i HOLD TOWN Please take notice that your application dated November 25, 2024: PLANWNG BOARD For permit to: tp constri ct gq[tgral barn at: Location of property: .1.3,.5.0 Alvahs Lapp utgho 1�le............ _&--- 9 ° County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 102 Block 4 Lot 6.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Section 2 12 80- 1,LLc�p site p_Lqq_gp I th S0Uth0ld'1'own Plannin', Board. Adit il jyj.,and Pres..er.vat.i.o.n. reviewNvill also _qjLiqL(j You may now apply to both Land Preservation and the Planning Board directly. Aut�rized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file,Planning Board CC: file,Land Preservation R A DESIGN /BUILD Joseph Fischetti, F.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER f i 1 rI I ? f: ! L i j I I I ._ ...t.....�._1 T_t___ t ? I I I .ram._ � ' ! I I i 1 : . 1 f i I 1. � r- ! i �I : . �... , : _ : : ; , 1- - -h - -� i f �--�� I i ! _ 7 I......t_ i i1...t .11.. _ .'T.... T__.... I_ : ! ? I ?7 ii �� � Y 11 1 — — f ; � ? I �i � I / /24 i i Y ? : ...t .>.....t I. i.i_Z._L......... I SIT'.. ; ` ; f _ � I ; f I I...._:.i.....:.....:...1..�.-.�.-..-.-�.... t_.._.... _..I..!.._T......i._..t_. ,..-1.._T.I....._ ..,:... I....:....t_.................... ,.. .........,....J...._.. ..-.....T. .... _..... : ..1. ...T.I_..... ,...... , ..�.,..._I...:. . .. .. ,� ., t......:.._.1.....!.-[� C........�.I�.........:__�__ ....... 1 LC.--.l—Ir- _'; LI }I f i ,11 I I I ' __I' TY� _ FRONT ELEVATION 1350 Alvahs Lane SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" Cutchogue NY 11935 Agricultural Barn PROJECT TEAM: f { I Designer/Builder ;.. `-T`r-I �-- _r- . --1T...T_t}�r...L_,."__•__ _r--� Y?_�___L ....i. ..._!__ _!._ �_ .LT_.,. }_...T! I I I !t . .t_i. ! i _: :....., .. �........... ...�_.. t i... ....i.... 1..... '_,1..... t t. ` ._.. _ �L '. I. R I G AS C ! _ .. ._L._ .._�.....,T L. r O ...,...... -4 j T ` L _ - i �'! ! ' -' i`T ! ( 22260 main road orient ny 11957 �r ..rf.� — _1.... ... f. _ .._..,. ....i . L77.._ _ 1. r_..1.. . r ,-1= r ' . 631 323 8022 ; T1I �li @ g sco com c ri a I .I L._. .. _._.1..�_— ....... 1_...._. ._�. ._ 1. L1...... _ .._.. 1...... L..... !L_. L__..... t._'..._ .. __a............. _.. ._i._i..r 1r ! � r f { I i t 7 1 j J.:. .. , �.: Lr.:_ .t_.._ .. 1_ -:....._ 1....._J.._.A.. ..._..._..__L.__1..J. .�...t..Jam_�..- _.1�_...�._..._...1......L.;. .1_ �_ �_:. 1.. . .. ...i..,_!... ..... ._:. .. 1.,:._.!... .�..... i I I ! ? I i I ! i f • I I i T _... .._..1... ...._..._. ._............._.__ __...._ _ .. ._.. __t_ _1_ t... _1 l._. t.....1. _I... I..1.............._t 1. _..i"_ ..a_ t. : TIF 1 ... _ r - E g Weer Y „ r — ? M1 _ f I .1 ! 'i i i I L ' ' 1 Joseph Fische RE.I a. ? i i — r 1725 Hobart Y 11971 ' d : ? 1 2 ##1T Ttit r 6 765 9 (......t...... I.... .. ...I...........I....... . .... .. 1... 1 i 1 f - 1. . �_.. ._... ' ? i I : i .. l ' ? : _ , i ! i t i ! I �J. ..L � ji (� __ !.. .._t�' -T- � �_�� IT�P7;-�-l—L_.__� 'T- _t1 ( I I 7 i I - I I I I i ? I i i ? T ? I i _ .. _.. ._... !.._�. .. I....I. I ! 7�r ` r (� I T I ? I i € i I �.T',�._..a.(_;_, I ....�1( _ ..1....i_..L_.I.. 1.. _1 .._. �......._..._1_,. 1._T�_l ,.�-.1-r-1, �.-�.L t_�1_�_,._ .i__i_... _ _ _.e. L__L_�.� .A. 1. _ _ i ( I I ! � Ti—` I T I ! ? 1 ? 1— I I , ]` , �. .I:..I_..�.."�I.. ___r...� ; ' ` "�__fT�-T T ( 1 T �" � - Scale as Noted LEFT ELEVATION .� SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" C _f'�1 w-MAD JAN 19 7075 b;'I-eHUL ' t'_ ^cN Wi,!;NING BC'ARD R A DESIGN /BUILD Joseph Fischetti, F.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 'L -I T LI 1 'I I T[ J. I Jill ..... .. ....... .... ......... .... ........ Y jl­�!--Y L 1 I T.1 L 1 1 1 L U, 1,1 11,i JLT­�-T-� _1 T t Fi1i, i i - _T 11 1 L I L I ...... .... L U Ll I D' 1L Iil...� L j IJ J.. .... 1.3- �T y LI _f'_]_4hi_Tj FL_ lt .............�:._c 17 1 T Ll H I I 1 11 1 Il I I Eii _j 7_1 T 1­ .7 T_-T... T fill If 11 T F FTI J if i if Li I I-L­­ L-1, . ... .... - I ---' I -- j j 10 t.-.1- J . .......L 'T --tift J. t I If I I I I If I TI 11 1 1 1 177- T Y !I T r I I REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" V-0" 1350 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 Agricultural Barn J_: I -L�: 1 1 LA I J L _LLI I I I Lyj -1 j 1._1 LIJ. I i'�U--i--t I LLJ_ f PROJECT TEAM: L I 01_ TT F LJ j Ti........ T if T LLII `_ _7^1... Tl _1 1 IJU �I L U Lj_ --U-i Designer/Builder J u 1 1 LI .......... TyI � i I � I L L-L-tJ FT j 111. L, _1 :Q RIGAS CO J.. 7 -1 1 F T-f LIET-1 t J- 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 if 631 U Lj 1 1'...J_j Li.......I.. I I Lrj 1_1 hil J-71 j ...........1_1 .......... j T7 19 Y-, -:_ � - F.- - _J I! !u-. c@rigasco.com T T-1 f- ]-Yi.14 I . I ; T i I---- Ulf T 1 4­­F I -I- I _rr T if if L H U'.L Ii. tj T, If T T1 I I I I I I I H I i 1 11 11 1 1 . ......... I IJ i j I- I It Lj L 1 .......- Josep sc e .... ......T ITTr Y F I I F 1 I.F* if i 1 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 J. �LJT.... ...... Li 1-Y T 1 L TT MT RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" V-0" • Scale as Noted Li g. Am A2 IG S T T Ei I J_r �Y` u.,If RIGAS 125'-0" 25'_0" 75'_0" 25'_0" DESIGN /BUILD A k n p• - a a p• n t. p, a o n n p- Lr. p, n a p• a o p, a c a p. ` n p• o 777„ 7 a ' I ,---..____________________________________-_______-___-________-________-______-_____.___-_____-___-__-______-__ _____------_______-___-_____._____________________-_-_______-____--_-_________-__-___--__-______-_-_____-_--_, ' a Joseph Fischetti P.E. -p-.---a-. -p-, -__n__-- . + PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER_- _.. _ -_ 1 0 k 1 I 1 v I I t 24'-4" 73'8" 24'-4" 1 I in 1 � v I 1 1 1 I I I > C I 0 I k 1 I I 1 V a 1 I 1 I I f I I I I 1 v I 1 n 1 r-I I I N I I 1 I 1 I A 1 1 1 1 1 I C I 1 eC f I k 1 9 I I g I 1 11/11/24 I 1 1 I 1 i 1 ; 1 I 1 , , v 1 I I 1 i 1 1 T : I 1 V + 1 1 1 o O a I O O + 1 N V ; O O 00 , 00 V o0 p l � +n LD , 1 1350 Alvahs Lane 1 1 1 � t Cutchogue NY 11935 I : • 1 V 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I p 1 1 + I • 1 . 1 1 ; V v 1 I 1 I t 1 t I 1 1 1 1 1 O C I 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 p 1 + ! Agricultural Barn 1 p � � 4 1 � I e t 1 F i 1 I 1 3 D E E V V 4 DROP WALLS UNDER DROP WALLS UNDER GARAGE DOORS12" I GARAGE DOOR S12" i k 1 - a ' PROJECT TEAM: 1 1 I ' 8"PC WALL w/ 1 0 16"x8"FOOTING, I B o in (3)k4 BAR(TYP) in DROP WALLS UNDER DROP WALLS UNDER DROP WALLS UNDER � 3'BELOW GRADE � a 1 GARAGE DOORS 12" GARAGE DOORS 12" GARAGE DOORS 12" -----------------` -` -----------------------------------------------------------.- --- ----------`-----------------------------------'------------"-`--------------------------------------------- ro - Designer/Builder A RIGAS CO 5'-4" 14'4" 5'-4" 7'-11%:" 14'-4" 8'-O%," 14'-4" 8'-O%" 14'-4" 7'-11Y�" 5'-4" 14'-4" 5'-4" 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 25'-0" 75'-0" 25'-0" 631 323 8022 125'-0" c@rigasco.com FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = V-0-- Engineer Joseph Fischetti, P.E. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 631765 2954 k tY�` •■a.yp��hb t� Scale as Noted �Xq r fix► w,R�.. A3- r RIGAS B A TDESIGN /BUILD 125'-0" 25'-0" 75'-0" 25'-0" 12'-6" 12'-6" 10'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 10'-6" 12'-6" 12'-6" Joseph Fischetti, P.E. 6'1"x 3'-0" 6'-0"x 3'-0" 6'-W x 3'-0" 6'-0"x 3'-0" 6'-0"x 3'-0" PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL 4 O Ln Zn SIMPSON HDQ9 HOLD DON 6'-0"x 3'-0" ATALL CORNERS 5'-1131"x 2'-1115/16" (2)14"LVL 2 14"LVL 11/11/24 o � w 1350 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 N O O O 0 MN N O J J Q K H 4 4 O 01 Q Q x p b G o 4 b ko Z a Agricultural Barn ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ' PROJECT TEAM: Designer/Builder 14'-0"x 14'-0" ' ' ' SIDING OVER UNDERLAYMENT,5/8"SHEATHING 14'-0"x 14'-0" 2xLSEALOC STUD ERMITE (16'h),2R8ACQSILL RIGAS CO SILL SEAL OVERTERMITE SHIELD : o o TRUSS HOLD DOWNS H7Z AT EACH EqD OF TRUSS ' `n RAFTER HOLD DOWNS HZA i '� (2)14"LVL (2)14"LVL , , (2)14"LVL ; 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 631323 8022 14'-0"x 14'-0" 14'-0"x 14'-0" 14'-0"x 14'-0" c@rigasco.com 12'-6" 12'-6" 15'-1F" 22'-4%" 22'-4%" 15'-1%" 12'-6" 12'-6" Engineer 25'-0" 75'-0" 25'-0" 125'-0" Af Joseph Fischetti, P.E. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 FLOOR PLAN B A 631765 2954 SCALE: 3/16 = 1-0 Scale as Noted r a "", A RIGAS DESIGN /BUILD 12 Joseph Fischetti, F.E. MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF @24"CC(BY OTHERS) PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER --- m SIMPSON H7Z HOLD DOWN O lD 11/11/24 :a o a CROSS SECTION A 1350 Alvahs Lane 3 5 SCALE: 3/16 - 1-0 Cutchogue NY 11935 Agricultural Barn 12 PROJECT TEAM: Designer/Builder r — — — — — — SIMPSON H7Z RIGAS CO SIMPSON H7Z HOLD DOWNS HOLD DOWNS I I 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF @24"OC(BY OTHERS) I 631 323 8022 I I i I c@rigasco.com (3)N4 . I �B„ I I �� 16" •� I - , Engineer CEDAR SHINGLE SIDING FELT UNDERLAYMENT 5/8"CDX SHEATHING Joseph Fischetd, P.E. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 631765 2954 In r -f — ;a• 6"CONC.SLAB W/6X610/10 WMM ,� t, o I ; m L B CROSS SECTION B 3 5 SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" ° + Scale as Noted A5 RIGAS DESIGN /BUILD Joseph Fischetti, P.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 11/11/24 MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF @24"OC MANUFACTURED TRUSS RDOE MANUFACTURED TRUSS ROOF @24' C @24"OC 1350 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 0 Agricultural Barn c CROSS SECTION C PROJECT TEAM: 3 6 SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" Designer/Builder RIGAS CO 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 631323 8022 c@rigasco.com Engineer Joseph Fischetd, P.E. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 631765 2954 • Scale as Noted ( `r A6 WIND LOAD PATH CONNECTION AND CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWINGS USE THE FOLLOWING APPROVED USP METAL CONNECTORS FOR PROPER WIND RESISTANT & GOOD CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOW MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRU-_TIONS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD CAPACITY. l KING STUDS ' ° RAFTER WALL STUD ENDWALL CRIPPLE STUD o ° BOTTOM PLATE R A o RIDGE LEDGER BATHTUB IG S ° HEADER DOUBLE JOIST DESIGN /BUILD SIDEWALL RAFTER JACK STUDS TO FLOOR USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION HOLD DOWN CONNECT TO 1 SIDE OF ALL CORNERS 1ST. ADS5 ANCHOR TO FOUNDATION W/ ANCHOR BOLTS BATH / SPA TUBS TO HAVE A DOUBLE FLOOR JOISTS UNDER FOR ADDED SUPPORT CONNECT TO 1 SIDE OF ALL CORNERS ON LOCATION JUSP NUMBERI DESCRIPTION APPLICATION ILOCATION JUSP NUMBER1 DESCRIPTION APPLICATION RAFTER SIZE USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION SUPPORT EACH WALL RUNNING PARALLEL WITH THE FLOOR Joseph hQ}{• HOLD DOWN BOTH BOT. PLATE OF 2ND FLOOR AND TOP JOIST DIRECTION WITH (2) JOISTS. UNDER WALL. JOSeph �ISGI IG�I.LI� F.E. 2ND. ADS5 ANCHOR PLATES OF 1ST. FLOOR. CONNECT THROUGH ALL OPENINGS LSTA12 1-1/4"x12" 20ga. STRAP APPLY TO EACH JACK STUD ROOF LSTA24 1-1/4"x24" 20ga. STRAP APPLY OVER RIDGE TO EACH RAFTE 2x6-2x8 LS26 18ga. SLOPE HANGER APPLY TO EACH RAFTER / LEDGER FOR JOIST NOT DIRECTLY UNDER PARALLEL WALLS, PROVIDE HE FLOORS TO EACH OTHER W/ THREADED ROD. ALL OPENINGS RT3 OR RT7 TYDOWN ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH CRIPPLE STUD 2X10 LS210 118go. SLOPE HANGER PPLY TO EACH RAFTER / LEDGER BLOCKING ®24"OC WALL STUD PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER THROUGH—ROOF EXHAUST VENTS SELECTED AND LOCATED BY CONTRACTOR METAL STRAP CRICKET AT TOP—SIDE OF VENTILATION CHANNEL RIM BOARD CHIMNEY AS REQUIRED RAFTER SILL PLATE(S) WALL SHEATHING RAFTERS MAINTAIN • I ,• ,• ,• ,� I •• ` VENTILATION SIDEWALL FLASHING WOOD JOIST FOUNDATION - TOP PLATE BLOCKING ' FINISH WALL AND MOISTURE 2x4 LEDGER BLOCKING STAPPING TO BE ATTACHED TO WALL STUDS ®48"OC BARRIER TO LAP FLASHING 2x4 SOFFIT JOIST AND ALL WINDOW/DOOR OPENING JACK STUDS AT WALL -- MAINTAIN GAP ATTIC SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A FASCIA BETWEEN WALL FINISH AND MINIMUM NET FREE VENTILATING AREA FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION ROOFING TO AVOID SOAKING WALL STUD NOT LESS THAN 1/150 OF THE AREA OF GUTTER WOOD GIRDER INSTALL 4'0" O.C. •' THE SPACE VENTILATED. ALL OPENINGS 11/11/24 SHALL BE COVERED WITH CORROSION— ONTIN. SCREENED VENT 4" — 8" LSTA24 1-1/4"x24" 20ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS RESISTANT METAL MESH WI-H MESH ONTIN. SOFFIT / EXT. PLYWOOD ON ALL OPENINGS PROVIDE HEMMED EDGE AT OPENINGS OF 1/4 INCH IN DMENSION. INSTALL 4'0" O.C. FLASHING TO FORM CHANNEL LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION AND SO AS TO MAINTAIN AIR SOFFITED EAVE 8" — 14" LSTA30 1-1/4"x3O" 18ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS GAP TO PREVENT CAPILLARY CONNECT TO ON ALL OPENINGS / ACTION 4" — 6" RAFTER RT10 10-3/4" x 18ga. TYDOWN ANCHOR EACH RAFTER PROVIDE BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS THAT ARE SPICED AND INSTALL 4'0" O.C. ROOF VENTILATION / OVER BEARING WALLS AND HEADERS 8" x 20 8" 12" RAFTER RT20 21-1 a. TYDOWN ANCHOR CONNECT TO 14" — 16" LSTA36 1-1/4"x36" 18ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS ,' , ' � / g EACH RAFTER SOFFITED EAVE DETAIL ON ALL OPENINGS .' ,' KEEP ROOFING NAILS OUT 2ND. FLOOR WALL `�� �� ' OF FLASHING ROOFING LAPS BASE ' FLASHING 4 INCHES BASE FLASHING WRAPS CORNERS, RAFTER 0 \ RIDGE CAP OF SAME EXTENDS UNDER SHINGLES AT MATERIAL AS ROOFING 1350 Alvahs Lane SIDES 4 INCHES AND LAPS NAILED TO SHEATHING SHINGLES AT BASE MIN. 4 INCHES THROUGH VENT Cutchogue NY 11935 WOOD JOIST TOP PLATE SIDE WALL FLASHING GIRDER/HEADER 1ST. FLOOR WALL STARRING TO BE ATTACHED TO WALL STUDS @48"OC WOOD JOIST AND ALL WINDOW/DOOR OPENING JACK STUDS METAL FLASHING AT ALL EAVES, SIDEWttLLS, WALL STUD FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION AND RAKES AS TO FORM D D PROVIDE HEMMED EDGES SO RAFTERS RAINAGE CHANNELS AND INSTALL 4'0" O.C. PREVENT CAPILLARY ACTION 4" — 8" LSTA36 1-1/4"x36" 18ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION PRE—MANUFACTURED KEEP SHEATHING MIN. 1-1/2" ON ALL OPENINGS RIDGE VENT FOLDS ALL JOISTS CONNECTED TO A FLUSH HEADER TO BE SUPPORTED WITH RAFTER/PLATE RT15 TYDOWN ANCHOR CONNECT EACH OVER RIDGE TO FROM PEAK TO ALLOW FREE THE PROPER STEEL CONNECTOR. INSTALL 4'0" O.C. RAFTER TO PLATE AIR PASSAGE IF ABLE, SET FIR JOISTS APROX. 1/2" HIGHER THAN LVL HEADERS 8" — 16" MSTA48 1-1/4"x48" 16ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS CONFORM TO SLOPE TO ALLOW FOR SHRINKAGE. & REDUCE BUMP OUTS ON ALL OPENINGS PLATE/WALL SPTH4 STUD PLATE ANCHOR CONNECT OVER OF ROOF PLATES TO EACH STUD Agricultural Barn DB L. SILL PLATE O TERMITE SHIELD I r SUBFLOOR SILL GASKET WOOD JOISTS NEOPRENE ; TYP. CONC. FOUNDATION n ` CONC. SLAB r GASKET . r 2x6 /2x8 CONTINUOUS WOOD PLATE GRANULAR. FILL • � I BOLTED TO STEEL BEAM WITH DAMPPROOF EXTERIOR � 6 MIL. POLY _ 6MIL POLY ON EXTERIOR V ` ' \• v ` ' 1/2 " DIA. BOLTS ® 48" ox. STAG. ° V STEEL COLUMN A � � o u / CONC. SLAB e d ' e d D r.° e ` v ROOF JACK // I I 1��� %.` ' „ „ STEEL B EAM ° ( A p \• ANCHOR BOLT EMBEDMENT: �. \, COMPACT FILL h a r B�OCKD�CONCRETE:15y `,, 4" x 1/4" x 8" STEEL p N ROOFING LAPS . I TOP AND BOTTOM PLATE PROJECT TEAM. D KEYWAY FOOTING V ° 4 ° ] FLASHING AT �` WITH 1/2 x 6 ANCHOR BOLT e �.a a CONC. FTG. p Q'p G D' USE WITH 3x3 SQUARE WASHERS SIDES AND TOP . 1/2" GROUT ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION (USP LB PS58 OR B P583) �. f7 REINFORCING BAR FOUNDATION 5/8" DIA. ANCHOR BOLT I I I 3" STEEL COLUMN Designer/Builder DRAIN TILE ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION SUPPORTING MAXIMUM SPACING FLASHING LAPS ( 10 KIPS ) SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION ROOFING AT BOTTOM CRAWL SPACE OR FOUNDATION) 1 STORY 72" OC SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION TYPICAL BEAM DETAIL R I GAS CO " " " TYPICAL CONC. FOUNDATION. APPLY PILASTERS MIN. 3" STEEL COLUMN ANCHORED TO 24x24x12 CONC. FTG. CRAWL SPACE OR FOUNDATION 2 STORIES 36" OC WHERE NEEDED FOR STRUCTURAL BRACING. STEEL / BOTTOM BEARING ALL BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION 1-2 STORIES 57" OC 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 SLAB—ON—GRADE ROOF JACKS & VENTS DETAIL 631323 8022 �—CONC. SLAB SUBFLOOR c@rigasco.com 6X6 10/10 WWM DOOR FRAME COMPACT FILL GARAGE ---- I G JOIST DODR USE 2X8 STEEL BEAM Engineer -"• 11 FOR BLOCKOUT 4" SLAB P.T. PLATE W/ 6X6 WMM \ I I SLOPE 4"DRIVEWAY —® NOTCH JOIST AND ADJUST HEIGHT • AT AIR S ACE < <� e ° (WITH A NAILING PLATE IF NEEDED) �" e a e . / Joseph Fischetti P.E. • � ',�.'� AT END AND ,�, �c '° e. ,a ee a TO BE APROX. 1 2" OR HIGHER THAN GRADE ° �► n---•---«-''-"� c�yCA BEAMS AIDES F WOOD _ o D D D 'a a •e ° STEEL BEAM TO ALLOW FOR SHRINKAGE 172 , 1971 (PROVIDE STRAPPING TO KEEP JOISTS ALIGNED) 5 Hobart Road Southold NY 1 12" 6X6 W.W.M. ••e — — e — — —s I a a a o o I - =fi�IT� 631765 2954 o , D 'D D n O ° , _I SUBFLOOR MIN. ,e e A �'p t'p ^'r e ��NOTCH BEAM FOR MUDSILL IF REQUIRED -- MAXIMUM — , e'^ •a <I • REINFORCING BAR NOTCH EQUALS 1/4 DEPTH OF BEAM 11= D o ° o • e D �� REINFORCING BAR ° DRAIN TILE Ifs I �,101ST 12" o d e SHEET METAL / 30# FELT UNDER BEAM AT POINT t\,A Oe Oe e (� STEEL BEAM OF CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR CONC. BLOCK _ _ i _ i 'e•� 3" PLATE (BOLTED TO BEAM) TYPICAL CONC. MONOLITHIC FOUNDATION. REINFORCE WITH (2) #4 REINFORCING BARS THICKEN SLABS BENEATH BEARING WALLS AND COLUMNS. �A SHIMS TO LEVEL BEAM REINFORCE FOOTING WITH (2) #4 REINFORCING BARS. 3" MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE FOR WOOD BEAM GARAGE DOOR BLOCKOUT BEAM POCKET Scale as Noted r, A7 WIND FRAMING NOTES NAILING SCHEDULE PLAN CONTENTS: GENERAL NOTES 1). RIDGE-TO-RAFTER ASSEMBLY: ROOF FRAMING: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION R3 RESIDENTIAL 1-1/4" x 20 gauge strap shall be attached to each pair of rafters in accordance to table 3.4. JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL NOTES BUILDING USE RESIDENTIAL DWELLING When a collar tie is used in leu of a ridge strap, the number of 10d common nails required QTY. SPACING (SEE PLANS) CONSTRUCTION NOTES: in each end of the collar tie need not exceed the tabulated number of 8d nails in the strap. RAFTER TO 8'WALL: 3-8d COMMON EACH BUILDING HEIGHT TOP PLATE 10'WALL: 4-8d COMMO RAFTER TOE-NAIL TOTAL SQ. FT. OF CONSTRUCTION (SEE PLANS) 1). The information within this set of construction documents is related to basic design 2). RAFTER-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: DESIGN CRITERIA UNIFORM CODE CEILING JOIST 8 WALL: 3-8d COMMON EACH ( ) 2020 IRC, 2020 NYS UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE intent and framing details. They are intended as a construction aid , not a substitute Lateral framing and shear wall connections for rafter, ceiling or truss to top plate shall be in TO TOP PLATE 10'WALL: 4-8d COMMONJOIST TOE-NAIL for generally accepted good building practice and compliance with current New York accordance to table 3.3. When a rafter or truss do not fall in line with studs below, rafters FRAMING ELEMENTS AS PER FLOOR PLANS, CROSS SECTION, DETAILS, AND GENERAL NOTES State building codes. The General Contractor is responsible for providing standard or trusses shall be attached to the wall top plate and the wall top plate shall be attached to CEILING JOIST TO AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE DESIGN LIVE LOAD(PSF)R301.5 construction details and procedures to ensure a professionally finished, structurally the to the wall stud with uplift connections. Roofs overhanging the rake side of the building PARALLEL RAFTER WFCM - SBC LAP NAIL DESIGN DEAD LOAD(PSF)R301ALLS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS 1801.7 P g g g UNINHABITABLE ATTICS (NO STORAGE) 10 EXTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)WOOD WALLS 15 RAFTERS GREATER THAN 3:12 PITCH U180 RIGAS sound and a weatherproof completed product. shall be connected with uplift connections in accordance with table 3.3c. CEILING JOIST LAPS AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE UNINHABITABLE ATTICS (STORAGE) 20 EXTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)STEEL WALLS 14 (NO FINISHED CEILING) 2). The General Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all work and construction 3). WALL-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: OVER PARTITION WFCM - SBC LAP NAIL HABITABLE ATTICS AND 30 INTERIOR WALLS AND PARTITIONS H/180 INTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)WOOD WALLS 10 DESIGN /BUILDCOLLAR TIE AS PER TABLE 3.4 EACH FACE ATTICS WITH FIXED STAIRS INTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME) STEEL WALLS 5 FLOORS L/360 meets current federal, state, county and local codes, ordinances and regulations, etc. Wall studs above and studs below a floor level shall be attached with uplift connections in TO RAFTER WFCM - SBC END NAIL EXTERIOR BALCONIES AND DECKS 40 CEILINGS PLASTER,STUCCO) L/360 These codes are to be considered as part of the specifications for this building and accordance with table 3.3b. When wall studs above do not fall in line with studs below, the MASONRY WALLS(8 THICK) 80 FIRE ESCAPES 40 CONCRETE WALLS(6"THICK) 85 CEILINGS(GYPSUM) L/240 should be adhered to even if in variance with the plan. studs shall be attached to a common member in the floor assembly with uplift connectors in BLOCKING 2 - 8d COMMON EACH TOE GUARDS AND HANDRAILS 200 ALL OTHER STRUCTURAL MEMBERS L/240 accordance with table 3.3. TO RAFTER END NAIL SIP WALLS 10 3). Dimensions shall take precedent over scaled drawings. RIM BOARD EACH END GUARD IN-FILL COMPONENTS 50 VEHICLE GARAGES (R301.5) PER 20 SQ. IN. 2000lbs EXTERIOR WALLS(PLASTER,STUCCO) H/360 4 .WALL ASSEMBLY TO FOUNDATION: 2 - 16d COMMON PASSANGER VEHICLES 50 EXTERIOR WALLS(BRITTLE FINISHES) H/240 (DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS). ) TO RAFTER END NAIL NON-SLEEPING ROOMS 40 First wall studs shall be connected to the foundation, sill plate, or bottom plate with uplift EXTERIOR WALLS(FLEXIBLE FINISHES) H/120 p WALL FRAMING: SLEEPING ROOMS 30 ) Joseph i=ischetti P.i=. 4). The designer has not been engaged for construction supervision and assumes no connectors. Steel straps shall have a minimum embedment of 7 inches in concrete LINTELS (SUPPORTING MASONY WALLS U600 responsibility for construction coordinating with these plans, nor responsibility for foundation and slab-on-grade, 15 inches in masonry block foundations, or lapped under STAIRS 40 construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety the plate and nailed in accordance with table 3.3b. When steel straps are lapped under the JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL NOTES ROOF GROUND SNOW LOAD 20 precautions and programs in connection with the work. There are no warranties for a bottom plate, 3 inch square washes shall be used with the anchor bolts. Anchor bolt Qom'• SPACING P p g TOP PLATE TO PER FACE NAIL EXPOSURE CATAGORY (DESIGNED FOR EXPOSURE C) PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER specific use expressed or implied in the use of these plans. spacing is to be spaced and sized in accordance to table 3.2a. In addition to spacing, 2 - 16d COMMONLOAD PATH SEE CONSTRUCTION ANDWIND PATH CONNECTION anchor bolts are to be spaced between 6-12 inches from the end of a sill plate and all TOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE: 1 5). Refer to the Window and Door schedule for exterior openings. corners. TOP PLATES AT JOINTS FACE ROOF - FOUNDATION DETAIL PAGE & GENERAL NOTE PAGE INTERSECTIONS 4 - 16d COMMON EA. SIDE NAIL NAILING SCHEDULE SEE GENERAL NOTE PAGE 6). The General Contractor is to ensure that masonry or prefabracted fireplaces meets 5). TYPE I EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: STUD TO 24" FACE or exceeds manufacture's specifications and applicable codes. Type I exterior shear walls with a minimum of 7/16 inch wood structural panel on the exterior STUD 2 - 16d COMMONO.C. NAIL EGRESS Sym • SEE FLOOR PLANS AND WINDOW SCHEDULE attached with 8d common nails at 6" o.c. at the panel edges and 12" o.c. in the field, and FIRE PROTECTION SMOKE ALARMS TO COMPLY WITH NFPA 72 AND NYS R314 NYS. 7). The General Contractor is to consult with the owner for all built-in items 1/2 inch gypsum wallboard on the interior attached with 5d cooler nails at 7" o.c. at panel HEADER TO 16d COMMON 16" O.C. FACE SMOKE &CO2 DETECTORS ® CARBON MONIXIDE ALARMS TO COMPLY WITH R315 NYS. such as bookcases, shelving, pantry, closets, trims, etc. edges and 10" o.c. in the field shall be in accordance with the length requirements specified HEADER ALONG EDGES NAIL in table 3.15a-b. TOP OR BOTTOM 2 - 16d COMMONPER 2x4 STUD END TRUSS DESIGN N A - STANDARD STICK FRAME CONSTRUCTION 8). Wind load requirements shall be taken into account during construction. PLATE TO STUD 3 - 16d COMMONPER 2x6 STUD NAIL ENERGY CALCULATIONS 2020 ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE NYS 19 NYCRR PART 124 6). TYPE II EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS:FOUNDATION NOTES: Type II exterior shearwalls shall meet the requirements of table 3.15a-b times the appropriate BOTTOM PLATE TO:FLOOR JOIST, BAND JOIST, 2 - 16d COMMON PER FACE NAIL CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA length adjustment factors in table 3.16. FOOT SEE NOTE: 1,2 11/11/24 1). The General Contractor and Mason to review plans, elevations, details and notes to END JOIST OR BLOCKING GROUND WIND SEISMIC FROST WINTER ICESHIELD determine intended heights of finished floor(s) above typical grade. SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT FLOOD 7). INTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: FLOOR FRAMING. LOAD (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH TEMP. REQUIRED HAZARDS Allowable sidewall lengths provided in table 3.14 shall be permitted to be increased when 2). All footings to rest on undisturbed (virgin) soil. interior shearwalls are used. Sheathing and connections shall be in accordance with JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL NOTES QTY. SPACING MODERATE SLIGHT TO and 2.2.4 respectively. - 3). Provide 1/2" expansion joint material between concrete slabs and abutting JOIST TO: 4 - 8d COMMON PER TOE 20 PSF 130 B SEVERE 3 FT. TO HEAVY MODERATE 17 NONE concrete or masonry walls occuring in exterior or unheated interior areas. 8). CONNECTIONS AROUND EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS: SILL, TOP PLATE OR GIRDER JOIST NAIL ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: Header and/or girder connections shall be attached with uplift connections in accordance BRIDGING EACH TOE 4). Any new concrete walls being attached to existing concrete structure shall with table 3.5.Window sill plates shall be have steel connectors in accordance with table TO JOIST 2 - 8d COMMON END NAIL SHEATHING LOCATION NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE NOTES be installed with #5 re-bar, 18" long at 12" o.c.. Use approved epoxy for installation. 3.5. BLOCKING EACH TOE AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS 1N THE PANEL FIELD 5). Unless otherwise noted, all slabs on grade to be 3000 s.i.. Concrete to be 2 - 8d COMMON 4' PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON 6" O. . 8d COMMON 6" O.C. SEE NOTES: 1,3 g P• TO JOIST END NAIL @ @ poured on 4 inch thick sand or gravel fill with 6x6 wire mesh reinforcing. Interior slabs 9)• CATHEDRAL CEILING ASSEMBLY: SEE NOTES: 1 ( BOTH FIELDS) o Where a ridge is to be used as a structural beam, the rafters shall either be notched and BLOCKING TO: EACH TOE INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6" O. 8d COMMON @ 12" O.C. 1350 Alva hs Lane to be minimum 3-1/2 inch thick. All fill to be compacted to 95 /o relative density with g 3 - 16d COMMON NOTE: 2 FOR PANEL FIELD 6" maximum lifts (layers). anchored on top of the beam or slope connectors shall be attached to each rafter-to-ridge SILL OR TOP PLATE BLOCK NAIL along the open ceiling part of the building. Connections to the ridge and wall shall be be LEDGER STRIP EACH FACE GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS 8d COMMON @ 4" O.C. 8d COMMON @ 4" O.C. SEE NOTES: 1,3 Cutchogue NY 11935 6). Crawl spaces to be provided with a minimum 18"x24" access opening. Install one attached with the above requirements. TO BEAM 3 - 16d COMMON JOIST NAIL 8x16 cast iron foundation vent for every 150 sq. ft. of area. NOTES DECK AND COVERED PORCH NOTES: JOIST ON LEDGER 3 - 8d COMMON PER TOE 7). Dampproof exterior of foundation with bituminous coating as required by current TO BEAM JOIST NAIL THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code. A 6-mil polyethylene film shall be applied over 1). Unless otherwise noted, all framing material to be #1 ACQ pressure treated lumber. BAND JOIST PER END the below grade portion of exterior walls prior to backfilling. All fasteners, hangers and anchors to be galvinized or stainless steel. TO JOIST 3 - 16d COMMON JOIST NAIL 1). For roof sheathing within 4 feet of the perimeter edge of the roof, including 4 feet on each side of the roof peak, 8). Drainage as required by current N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code. 2). Girders for deck joists to be bolted to each post with washers and nuts. BAND JOIST TO: 2 - 16d COMMON PER TOE NAIL the 4 foot perimeter edge zone attachments required shall be used. Girders on concrete piers shall be anchored with proper steel connectors anchored SILL OR TOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE: 1 _ 2). Tabulated 12 inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to rafter/truss framing members with G>0.49. FRAMING NOTES into concrete with a minimum 1/2" dia x 7" long anchor bolt with washers and nuts. F SHEATHIN : For framing members with <0.42<G<0.49, the nail spacing shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c. 1). All framing techniques and methods as prescriptive design of current SBC High Wind 3). Posts supporting girders shall be anchored to a 12"x12"x12" thick concrete footing. JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL Edition Wood Framing Construction Manual. QTY. SPACING 3). Tabulated 4 inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing to rafter/truss framing members with G>0.49. For Use a minimum 1/2 dia x 8 long anchor bolt with washers and nuts. Footings Shall be 3 ft.below grade. Porches with covered roofs shall have 12" dia. concrete piers for the girders. STRUCTURAL PANEL 8d AS PER TABLE 3.8 framing members with 0.42<G<0.49' the nail spacing shall be reduced to 3 inches o.c. Agricultural Barn 2). Unless otherwise noted, all framing and Structural wood material to be #2 + BTR. WFCM - SBC WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS' Douglas Fir. 4). Deck joists to have blocking at 8'0 o.c.. CEILING SHEATHING: NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE SHEATHING LOCATION AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD NOTES 3). Floors, walls, ceilings and rafters to be spaced at 16 inches o.c. unless noted 5). A minimum of 10 inch flashing shall be installed between the building and ledger. NAIL NAIL otherwise. Ledger to be fastened to building with 1/2" dia. bolts with washers and nuts JOINT DESCRIPTION QTY SPACING SEE NOTES: 1, 3 ( BOTH FIELDS) where needed. 4 EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6 O.C. 8d COMMON @ 12 O.C. NOTE: 2 FOR PANEL FIELD 4). Unless otherwise noted , all bearing wall headers to be (2) 2x10 #2 + BTR. Doug. Fir. GYPSUM 5d COOLERS 7 O.C. EDGE Bearing wall headers to have (2) jack studs and (2) full length studs on each side of all 6). Concrete piers shall be a minimum 6" above grade. WALLBOARD 10 O.C . FIELD INTERIOR ZONE t8d COMMON @ 6 O. . 8d COMMON @ 12 O.C. SEE NOTE: 3 openings. LVL headers to have (3) jack studs and (2) full length studs on each side of WALL SHEATHING: openings. Bearing wall window sills shall also have (2) window sill plates for 2x4 wall NOTES 7). All joists to be supported with hangers and anchors. Each Joist shall also be anchored openings between 41 and 60 and 2x6 wall openings between 511 and 8'9. Provide fire to girder(s). JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. PROJECT TEAM: and blocking where applicable. QTY. SPACING 8). Covered Roofs shall be assembled and anchored the same manner as a typical building. STRUCTURAL 8d COMMON AS PER TABLE 3.9 1). For wall sheathing within 4 feet of the corners, the 4 foot edge zone attachment requirements shall 5). All flush beams/headers to be installed with heavy duty galvinized hangers and PANELS WFCM - SBC be used. anchors where applicable to all connecting joists. PLUMBING NOTES 7/16 OSB 6d COMMON 3 O.C. EDGE g Desi ner/Builder 6). Double up floor joists under walls that run parallel to the floor joist and under bathtubs. 1). All water supply, drainage and venting to be installed as per N.Y.S. Residential PLYWOOD 6�� O.C. FIELD 2). Tabulated 12 inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to stud framing members with Floors to have ceramic tile installed shall be verified for proper load capacity unless noted Construction Code. GYPSUM 7" O.C. EDGE G>0.49. For framing members with 0.42<G<, the nail spacings shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c. on plans. WALLBOARD 5d COOLERS 10" O.C . FIELD R I GAS CO 2 Verify septic stem with the Engineer for Suffolk Count Health Department approval. 3). For exterior panel siding, galvinized box nails shall be permitted to be substituted for common nails. 7). Provide 2 - 1-3/4" thick microlams ( height to match floor joists) around stairwell and/ r ) fy P y g y p pP FLOOR SHEATHING: 22260 main road, orient ny 11957 other access openings unless otherwise noted (typical). 631323 8022 3). If wall studs, plates or joists are cut out during installation for any plumbing related work, NAIL NAIL provide adequate bracing and plates to protect and secure the structure. Verify With the JOINT DESCRIPTION 1).PROVIDE 5/8"TYPE-X SHEETROCK FIRE STOPPING AT 10'0 MAXIMUM DISTANCES FOR NON ACCESSIBLE AREAS. 8). Dormers running up roof rafters are to be supported by double rafters on either side P q g P p fY QTY. SPACING 2).USE SIMPSON HANGERS AND ANCHORS WITH Z-MAX TRIPPLE PROTECTIVE COATING FOR CONTACT WITH ACQ. c@rigasco.com where applicable unless otherwise noted. state code and manufactures recommendation for maximum hole size and spacing permitted. STRUCTURAL PANELS 6" O.C. EDGE EGRESS OPENINGS MIN.5.0 SQ GRADE FLOOR 3).INSTALL 1-Cot DETECTOR IN ADDITION TO SMOKE ALARMS PER FLOOR. HVAC SYSTEM NOTES 1" OR LESS 8d COMMO 12" O.C. FIELD (5.7 SQ.FT.2ND.FLOOR) 9). Provide blocking/bridging in floor joists at 8'0 o.c.. Use solid blocking in floor joists MIN.44"SILL-AFF under all bearing walls. NOTES:� NYS Residential Code R302.11-FIREBLOCKING REQUIRED Engineer 1). Mechanical subcontractor is responsible for adhearing to all applicable codes and safety Fireblocking shall be provided to cut off all concealed draft openings(both vertical and horizontal) requirements. NOTE: and to form an effective fire barrier between stories,and between a top story and the roof space. 10). Provide insulation baffles at eave vents between rafters. Install draft blocking as THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOIL TEST TO VERIFY Fireblocking shall be provided in wood-frame construction in the following locations. needed. 2). HVAC subcontractor is to fully coordinate all system data and requirements with the MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. EXISTING CONDITIONS. MINIMUM 3000#CAPACITY. 1).In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions,including furred spaces,at the ceiling and floor Joseph F I SC h ettl P.E. equipment supplier. levels.Concealed horizontal furred spaces shall also be fireblocked at intervals not exceeding 10 11). Unless otherwise noted, all roofs and walls to have a minimum 1/2" thick, 4-ply Fir feet.Batts or blankets of mineral or glass fiber shall be allowed as fireblocking in walls constructed 1). Nailing requirements are based on wall sheathing SOIL COMPACTION: using parallel rows of studs or staggered studs. 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 CDX exterior sheathing grade plywood. Plywood to cover over plates and headers. 3). HVAC subcontractor to provide final system layout drawing and submit it to the General nailed 6" on-center at the panel edge. If wall sheathing 631 765 2954 Contractor and owner for final review and approval. is nailed 3" on-center at the panel edge to obtain higher 1).NEW FILL TO BE CLEAN OF ORGANIC MATERIAL.CONTRACTOR 2).At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, 12). Unless otherwise noted use 3/4" thick T&G PTS Fir or Advantech plywood subfloor TO VERIFY EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FILL. drop ceilings and cove ceilings. ELECTRICAL NOTES: shear capacities, nailing requirements for structural REMOVE AND ADD ADDITIONAL FILL AS NEEDED. ) P g P p adhered with PL400 adhesive and screwed to floor joists. Finished floor to be installed members shall be doubled, or alternate connectors, 3 .In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the to and bottom of the run.Enclosed spaces over subfloor as per manufacture's instructions. 2).COMPACTION OF NEW FILL SHALL BE AT LEAST 95%PROCTOR under stairs shall comply with current N.Y.S.Residential Code. such as shear plates shall be used to maintain load path. DENSITY PER ASTM D 698 AND ASTM D 1557 COMPACT THE 1). All electrical to be installed as per N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code. ( )• 13). All bathroom walls to have 1/2" thick moisture-resistant sheetrock. Garage walls and SOIL AT 12"LIFTS(TYPICAL).CONTRACTOR TO HAVE FILL 4).At openings around vents,pipes and ducts at ceiling and floor level,to resist the free passage of 2). When wall sheathing is continuous over connected TESTED BY A PROFFESSIONAL AGENCY FOR COMPACTION. flame and products of combustion. ceilings and over furnace to have 5/8" thick type-x sheetrock. All other parts of building 2). All electrical work shall be approved by a qualified Underwriter. membersthe tabulated number of nails shall be ermined to have regular 1/2'1 members,the All walls to be taped and finished. p 3).DO NOT BACKFILL UNTILL FIRST FLOOR DECK CONSTRUCTION, 5).For the fireblocking of chimneys and fireplaces,as required by current N.Y.S.Residential Code. 3). All electrical work to comply with 2014 NEC. to be reduced tol - 16d nail per foot. INCLUDING SUBFLOOR,IS COMPLETE. 14). All roof with a pitch less than 4:12 shall be installed with an Ice &Water barrier or approved equal. Flat roofs shall be applied with a Fiberglas base sheet with an EPDM 4). Install Smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors throughout as per section R314 Scale as Noted torch down type material over. and R315 of IRC. . 71 m , 16). All sill plates and wood in contact with concrete to be pressure treated. Sill plates to EXTERIOR FIBERGLASS COLUMNS TO BE HB&G be installed with a foam sill gasket and cop-r-tex termite shield or approved equal. OR APPROVED EQUAL.INSTALL WITH CAP AND BASES.USE WITH FLASHING CAPS TO _ �# COVER TOP '$'� v, r III V5 LL° oF- w z _z p J Z W �\ 50 \ far\ I LL Q \ 0 LL U) \ z 07 Z a SZ U I \ \ \ o \ LL ° o h• °o LL z OLL x / z O / K g co O LL 0 O LL U d z yoao m z5w Z � a S \ w z w ti^ a LL O h / O U U LL Z / Z O a p - w p ^ \ l 6 / ` i� LL LL .a /+ O LL ¢ w \\ +/ 0 2�� LL Z p Z Q � */ N 'O-9. z III LL W UO / o� g LL o w p Q / g w GP \ O z +\ + UJ N UJ O + /+ + Z O + LL z / O Z + LL_ Z O + J W Z = + Z o P�Z z LLO a C OLL + LL U Y LL a / o z w /� p zU) g LL °g. a W /+ J oti� + + U Ico cr Q •� c� x > o W I W Ir Q }/+ + J O�1 l`l Z? lU Z- 111 J C� \ LLj titie O Ga "" Z CD W��J O LL �� o \+ U\ yz y + O — � ® LL 0 +\ + o�� �QQ QZQ cWnO U cct Zoo w�� err o � c� D by\\ i`i +/ I� Z ti SOW Uti Q Lj � O z w \ c E- 4w O �JU Lu m (f) L'i LL ti om \\+ os� >> �bo O Q w Q k �J e \ + N a \ \b NbbB ''�sZ a Q O Z L'i 0 92 LL, Q Q o FJ O j 1� U + 3M'��o + b ::'g 'o .. m ti O W _1 N1,I K C=',,).y of z cn q / c\ +/ h sZ ti Z W v v w' s (^ °o r--q O * } N 0 W �4r � O 5k4 w / LL \ > o N \k� �y0 g' ,�'L O 1�' U 01, O W p O \ +/ x\ ti �u `! yy. "• !FF �, ,.; }J ,�,.i �U O Z e oQ O W t O / O 1 } / \ W O / RR'46f � �^� Z. ti c o 1 0� x� +�+ m_o �A^k0�o LLU) �U�Py �_�O2_ �U O o 0 / Off/ zo Z5 ��so �Qko �O O O �q LL Z /O,Z / p W p o ��x z Lu Q W� LLJ U N U APO �i d L Ul V ::�z� \ z o hti w cn cn r_n W �w Qr I �Ly LC� o w \\ // a oW�o o� o cn \ / (f)Z) �ct o \ / Op�W =p Q) o CL y L Q��Co ow W w O / o ��zQ �� � w > 00 / °o�W v:ti O II ZQkti oQ ° d w w r 0 Zn o z �r p LO Lu w O LLJ U Q p Q 7- _ U Lu U Z ZD LQ O O V) D O 7 �..J (L Nm�Lu UO m F D U ro O I L, o —J N Q o LL- o 0 N w 2QZ n Wti o > o a z 0�0� tiZ Q ¢ w Q rn :2 E 00 cn dV431 ONV SITE PLAN USE DETERMINATION JAN I 9 N?5 SOUTHOLD TOWN Initial Determination PLANKING BOARD z Date: Q I_.. Y _.._ .._... __, . Date Sent W�/ )-1 -/ v-, Project Name- k_al.d. cr, �.. , �.. .. . � � ._ N__k.. .�Project Address: a C > Cr w 3 rr Zoning District: Suffolk Cor.rnty'Tax Map No.: 104q-.w���'_-A._._._-. ln�� - -� Request: 0.d�tLLLL+ _.�rl._.� � 1 I�_ A— 3 N l!1 (Note: Copy of Building Permit Application and supporting documentation as to proposed use or uses should LA be submitted.) p Initial Determination as to whether use is permitted: q _ Initial Determination as to whether site plan is re uired: Signatu�oiuiding Inspector ----------------------- Planning Department (P.D.) Referral: 4j Date of Comment: I r P.D. Date Received: � � - Comments: C Signature of Plann*Q Dept,Staff Reviewer Final Determination Date: Decision: Signature of Building Inspector FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY SITE PLAN USE DETERMINATION nBOARD Initial Determination Date Sent: Dater a-q / a'S LLC� Project Name: w.........�.w_-�..�....,�..... .._.�._._._� _._w . �:. .D._ Project Address: J. __......... . ....... _._, 3 � zoning District: ��.,......_...�-_._.._..,. _._._._._..._.r......�_ Suffolk County Tax Map No.: 1000- �a - - �' i C _ _. .. ...w.___._ ...... . ._.. Request: . �t 1 w .Ww.... �._. _1LU (Note: Copy of Building Permit Application and supporting documentation as to proposed use or uses should be submitted.) Initial Determination as to whether use is permitted: .... � ._..._...._.. ._ . ---.....—....---.•- Initial Determination s to whether site la e uired: ..... _...........__µ._._..... ..._..,_ .... _.. .__.... ..._. ... _..... w..._..._.�..........._ �...wn............_v___. .-it- Signature ofui ding Inspector .._.. _ .._. ...w_. ._�._.. _............ ..._ __. ...._. Planning Department (P.D.) Referral: _.__ ,, .,.,,._. _.... . --.-..- P.D. Date Received: Date of Comment. Comments. ,_........�....�..,�...�....._.._.._..��..,�-...�.�_.__........__..__._.�. ... .._ Signature of Planning Dept. Staff Reviewer Final,,Pg ermination, Date: Decision:._�.....�w_......_.��....w_.�.. ... .._.��,... .-...�..m...-�.�_._..._ ...A_...�....-�..... ._.�-.�.�....����...�.,... �. Signature of Building Inspector VV ' , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. 0. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 0959 Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 1,g1as,:// ..sou1ho1dtQ k Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDINGPERMIT V,L For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. _ Building Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: 49' t Name:NFVS HOLDINGS LLC scTM# 1000 Physical Address: 1350 ALVAHS LANE CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 Phone#: Email: Mailing Address:PO BOX 633 LAUREL NY 11948 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Constantine Rigas Mailing Address:22260 Main Road, Orient NY 11957 Phone#:917-509-8751 Email:c@rigasco.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Joseph Fischetti P.E. Mailing Address: 1725 Hobart Road, Southold NY 11971 Phone#:631-765-2954 Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Constantine Rigas Mailing Address:22260 Main Road, Orient NY 11957 Phone#:917-509-8751 Email:c@dgasco.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: Other BARN 300,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes OANo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ®Yes ❑No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:FARM intended use of property: FARM WITH BARN Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes []No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter Z36 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. tion Submitted B rilTt,name): B "` Authorized Agent ❑Owner Application Y�p Signature of Applicant: Date: �. . CONNIE D.BUNCH Notary public,State of New York STATE OF NEW YORK) No.OIBU6185050 Qualified in Suffolk County SS: C0MMISSIon Expires April 14, 2.Q"'' COUNTY OF Le duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual s contract) Bove named, (S)he is the ----- (Contractor, Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief,and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn n before me this r day of cD VRffj t,)4,,A 20 q Notary Public (See separate owner authorization) 2 Builldin DM.,artment A lication Zg _ AUTHORIZATION (VAwre the Applicant is not the Owner) 1, William Ackermann, of NFVS Holdings LLC, property owner of 1350 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue NY 11935 do hereby authorize Constantine Rigas to apply on my behalf to any required Southold Town departments for any and all needed permits. (Date) 016-1-Ael VV)CI ti (Print Name) I RLIAN F.MCCI3LLi?UGH � � ti (OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall LAND PRES R VAIION a 5 375 State Amex to 25 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT (corner ofMain Rd&Youngs.Ave) lilhatun southoldtownay.com Southold,New York Telephone(631)765-5711 Facsimile (631)765-6640 a MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 1179 www.southOlCttVltlt .g0�' � (�f Southold,NY 11971-0959 DEPARTWNT OF L P SERVA'ION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD R QUEST FOR AGRICULT RAL -STRUCIULtE PLACE ENT ON LAND SUBJECT TO TOWN DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS EASEMENT Tax Map No. 1000 - 102 -4 - 6.1 I arr the owner of the property described below and on which the Town purchased a development rights/conservation easement on or about 1999 (date). Name of Owner(please print): NFVS HOLDINGS LLC Name(s) of Previous Owner. (if applicable) Mailing Address: PO BOX 633 Laurel NY 11948 Phone Number: 917-509-8751 (Constantine Rigas as agent) Email Address: c@rigasco.com (as agent) Property Location: 1350 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 List type, size, and use of each agricultural structure proposed: Bam for storage of equipment and feed for vineyard and cattle pasture. Survey and plans of proposed barn attached. A ch to tion a (survey, tax snap, or sketch plan) showing placement area of agricultural structure(s), distance from property boundary lines, and any readily available information relating to your request. You may speak with the Executive Assistant at (631) 765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to participate in any of the re ular mee .ng of the Land Preservation Committee. ppiicant Signature I at " I Q � C Y 1 tint Name Please return the completed form with attachments to: Southold Town Land Preservation Department *All attachments must be signed and dated by property owner. RIGAS CO BUILDING COMPANY + DESIGN STUDIO 1350 Alvahs Lane Cutcho ue NY 11935 11/25/24 Enclosed please find one set of plans,a full size survey and permit application for a proposed barn on a development rights sold farm located at 1350 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue NY 11935. We have also enclosed a copy of the Request form submitted to Land Preservation on 11/18/24. As per my conversation with Land Preservation and with Mr. Verity on Thursday 11/21/24, we are submitting the building application so that the review process can begin and so that the Building Department can then refer this application to the Planning Department. Please contact me with any questions at 917-509-8751 or L01eM comic alp Thank You, Constantine Rigas www.rigasco.com 631 323 8022 22260 main road,orient ny 11957