Minutes & Discussion Notes from Meeting held
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
This Regular Meeting was held in the Annex Executive Board Room, located on the 2nd floor at Southold
Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 (Main Road), Southold, New York.
The public had access to view and listen to the meeting as it was happening via Zoom. If an attendee did
not have access to a computer or smartphone, there was an option to listen in via telephone.
Comments from the public may not be solicited nor received without an appointment. It is expected that
the Committee will enter into Executive Session*at some point after opening the Regular Meeting for the
purpose of discussing applications regarding proposed acquisitions of real property where publicity
would substantially affect the value thereof. The public is not allowed to attend, view, or listen to
Executive Session.
Options for public attendance:
• To join via computer:
https://us06web.zoom.us/i/88380501579?pwd=aq Rdy7rLb4h F5V68ZbMLbtRhAuXI a7.1
Passcode: 096460
*A note that "This meeting has been locked by Host" indicates that the Committee has
entered into Executive Session.
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Passcode: 096460
• Or One tap mobile :
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Webinar ID: 883 8050 1579
Passcode: 096460
International numbers available: https:Hus06web.zoom.us/u/kdEnHbOx3P
Members Present: Sam McCullough
Anne Murray
Doris McGreevy
Kim Krupski
Members Absent: Eric Keil
Will Lee
John Simicich
Also Present: Anne Smith, Town Board Liaison
Brian Mealy, Town Board Member
Lillian McCullough, Land Preservation Executive Assistant
Cathy Kreshon, Land Preservation Committee Secretary
Present as Attendee: None
• All "Attendees" will be dismissed from this meeting upon the Committee's Motion to enter into
Executive Session.
• The meeting began at 7:03 p.m. with 4 LPC members present.
Committee Minutes and Administration
• Acceptance of LPC meeting minutes from August 6, 2024
Tabled until a quorum of Committee members eligible to approve these minutes is achieved.
• Acceptance of LPC meeting minutes from November 12, 2024
MOTION made by Anne Murray, seconded by Sam McCullough, to accept the November 12,
2024 LPC meeting minutes.
Motion carried: 4/0
• Next LPC Meeting Date: December 10, 2024
General Preservation
• Review Draft Definitions for Agricultural Uses [Continued from 11/12 meeting]
The Committee discussed proposed definitions for"Farm Store" and "Tasting Room." The
Committee discussed the value of maintaining a definition of"Farm Stand" because it's a well-
understood term that can define a simple direct farm marketing operation with limited intensity
(e.g., no sanitary flow requirement, minimal parking, transient customers). While the Committee
recommended that a "Farm Store" should represent a more intense use, further discussion is
required to determine what delineates a stand from a store (e.g., inviting the public to stay and
consume products on-premises). The Committee also discussed delineating Farm Stands' and
Stores' required percentage of raw agricultural products. The Committee proposed maintaining
the existing requirement that Farm Stands sell predominantly raw agricultural products, while
allowing Farm Stores to sell less raw agricultural product so long as any processed products are
predominantly made from that operation's agricultural products. In other words, the priority
should be ensuring the retail goods' source is the Southold farm operation, not whether those
goods are raw or processed.
The Committee agreed that a minimum of 60% of products sold in Farm Stores and Stands must
come from that farm operation, but the Committee debated whether calculating that percentage
by dollar value or square footage of display is more practical from an enforcement perspective.
The Committee also agreed that special events on farm operations should be limited, and
landowners must demonstrate they can safely handle crowds and parking.
The Committee proposed that a tasting room use should require that the operator grows at least
10 acres of the relevant crop (i.e., a farm owner must have 10 acres of vines planted to build a
wine tasting room). The Committee also suggested that at least 75%of products sold in the
tasting room be produced from crops grown on that farm operation, with an exception for
catastrophic crop loss, which would help scale the tasting room to the operation's size. The
Committee also considered whether the tasting room must be located on the parcel where the
relevant crops grow, or whether the tasting room could be sited on any parcel within the farm
operation, but this requires further discussion.
Inquiries/Applications for Uses or Structures on Preserved Property
• None
Stewardship and Management
• 2024 Monitoring Summary (to date)
Lilly reminded the Committee to review the list of properties due for monitoring and requested
volunteers for monitoring in December.
Land Preservation Applications & Potential Applications:
Proposed Acquisitions of Real Property Where Publicity Would Substantially Affect the
Value Thereof
MOTION made by Sam McCullough, seconded by Anne Murray, to enter into EXECUTIVE
Motion carried: 4/0
The LPC members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION at 8:33 p.m. Meeting locked.
o Lillian McCullough, Land Preservation Executive Assistant, gave updates on inquiries, new
applications, appraisals and current applications.
MOTION made by Anne Murray, seconded by Sam McCullough, to exit Executive Session.
Motion carried: 4/0
MOTION made by Anne Murray, seconded by Sam McCullough, to adjourn this meeting.
Motion carried: 4/0
The meeting ended at 8:53 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Kreshon, Land Preservation Committee Secretary