HomeMy WebLinkAboutDoroski, Stephen Amend #86 WHEREAS, a. petition was heretofore fi!ed with the Town Board of the 'Town of Southold by .... ;..i~.~.'~.~g...~.~.~..k..~.~......~..~.-~..~.~....~.~,: .... requesting ':'a change, modification and .a:mE Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps ~'~ ~'~ ~...~,~.~.,~;. District lng from .'..~. ndment of the Building Zone made a part thereof by chang- to .. ....... ,... Di,strict the property described in sa. id petition, and WHEREAS sa:id petition was' duly referred to the P. lanning Bo~rd for its investigation, recommendation and report, an~ its report having been filed with the Town Board, a,nd thereafter, a pu.bljc hearing in rela,tion to ,said petition having been duly held by the Town ~oard on .the ..),~.~ .......... day of ....... ~....8..~.~~~.. .......: ....... · 19...~.~ and due deliberation having been had thereon. .~. NOW, THF:RF:FORE, BI: IT RESOI_V£D that the relief demanded in petition be, o:nd it hereby is !LEGAL =NOTICE ~O',TICE OF .A'-ME'~'MENT OF Z OAq,NG ORDIN~N'CE AMENDMENT NO. NOTICE iS 'I{EREB Z GIVEN, lhat afler a public hearing held pur- suant io the requirmenis of law, Building Zone Ordinance, (includ- ing the Buil~ng Zone A~a,D) of the Towu of Southold, Suffolk County, ~e'w York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southo]d Town Board he].d on October 7, 1969 as fo~ows: · 1. ~By changing '~ ' ' : ~ ' fr°m:~}ffA" 'Resi- dential and AgricUltural D~s~ict : '"B" ~Business District thc following described propcrty: AIl that certain lract or I~arce] ' of land situated at Southold, in thc Town of Southold-, Suffo;k Coun- ty. X'cv.' Yo,'k, and more psrtic- h'.rb' uo:Jrmvd and described' ,B ...... I N N IN(_, a~ ~h~ ~:interse~%i~n ~ of the southeasterly,~ine of' ~idk rile R.e~d ('CR27) %%-ifa ~' v.'os;t'.'iv l~;~(: t.,f i:':('~ extension[ nt:.r[~ v.t $;.cyly. o.' .kcl;~.r,y :: h.,~ ........ ,..~:.,,,,, ;: .s,..:, ;soUth, ~: ~,t.s[c:.,y ,;,.,,. ~..,.o co,,.s~-: (:I)';S,: ::..; (2) S. 51 5,8'.00" E. - 254.61 feet .f:~ ;to She northwesterly line of~ the ..:former Middle Road; thence ]said northwesterly line, :c~urses: (~)'S. 39~ 27' 20" 5z2.30 feet; thence (23 s. 40" w. - ]64.s9 feet; thence ~16ng land of. Zebrosk~,~ .N. a6% 17' 40" · W 3,21.47 ~feet to said south- easterly line o{. Middle . Road; thence .along said southeasterly .line, f6ur courses: (1) N. 50" 26' 40" E. - 68.73 feet; thence (2) mence (4) ~. 6.50 49'OO" E. - 23.48 feet ~ the Proint ~ 'be~n~ing. Containing 5.173 .aCres. 2. By changing from "A" ReSi- 'dentiai and A~eUltUral;~.-DiSt~ic.t.:;~0 "B" ~ desCri'b~ property': ~ !hat: certain iract 0r parcel o~ ]an~ si~uat~ at Mattituck, in the ~own; 'of Souiho]d, Suffolk C~nty,: New York, and. more we.s, terly side of Old Main: R:bad at '~hc southerly cud of a line :feet in length and connectifig:(~:e westerly side of Old Main Road with the southerly side of Main Road widened, running thence along the westerly and north- %w}sterly side of Old Main Road th~ following two courses and dis- tances: (1) South 22'" 01' 20" wcst 285.76 feet; (2) South 5~ 01' 20" west 236.30 feet to Eiizabeti~ Murphy, thcncc ~'~' said land of Elizabeth ~. :south 68~ 55' 10" west 344.16~fegt ;. to land no'w or formerly of De!!a ~--' Chew', thence along ]an~. Della Chew, north 21'" ~' west 230.36 feet to thc ~. side of Main .Road as thence aLong the southerly side l%Iain Road os .widened courses and distances: (1) 52" 02' ltl" cast 526.90 feet; (:2 ;North 52~ 26' 00" ~cast 145.15~ feet~ to thc northerly ¢:nd o~' above described; thence south 21 17' 20" cast along said line 3.73 feet to the westerly side of A. Iain Road to thc point or place of BEGT;NNIXG. DATED: OCTOBEI{ 7, 1969, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] STATF, OF N'EW YORI~, ~ ss: · says that . .'..~. ', is Prin~er (md Publish~ ~0f. the SUFFOLK ~E'.E~LY TIngS, a newsp~pe~ pub~shed ~at ~reenp~t, ~u.nty; ~nd ~h~ the 'n. otice, of which ~e ,a~e~ is ~ printed copy, .~s been pu~.l~she~ i~ fhe ~i4 Suffolk Week~ Times o.nce in e~ch week, f~r ....... .~ ............... week~ suc~ssively ~ommeucing ~n ~he .~... Swat'ri'to before me this . ~ 1.~:... ................. ............... ,. ~ . . F. LANGTON CORWIN Notary Public, State ~ New ¥ot Suffolk Co. Official No. 52-0770500_ ~ Commission Expires March 30,19...f-[~- that~ af~r.,.~.a~,P?~e p~ to the r~u~tB-,~:~ !a~/ ~he ~di~ Zone Or~-?:. Zone ~ap) of the To~ of~ regu~r meet~g of ~he'.Southold [.;~' .,,Al!~._~h~t get,in tract or p~r-~:~ cel" of~ land ~ilated ~t south~ ' old, S~folk-~0~,~ew Y0rk,.~ section ~ ~e s~th~t~ly~ line. of ~ddie .Road .(,CR ~) wi~fi the southwcs~;er~y lln~ of the extension northwesterly Ackerty Pon~ ~ne,'.'~rom said poin~ 0~ beginning runn~g ~Ong said southwesterly' {~vo~com-ses: (1) S. 58° 30' 0.0~' E.--~29.X9 fee~; thence (2) 5~° $8~ 0O" E. -- to ~he' northwesterly ~e ~he ~ormer ~ddle Road; ~hence 'along said northwester- ly !~ae, Cwo courses: (1) ,S~ 39~ 2T 20v W. -- ~22.~2 ~t; ~thencb. (2) S. 4~° 50 ~0 W. ~ feet; 'thence :' alo~ la~ 0f ZebrosM, N. ~o 17' 40" W. 321.4~ g~et to said southeasterly al0ng";~s~d S°utheasterl~:' 44° 56r: 20" E.--300.38-. :~hence~:'(3) N. 39° 23~. ~ :320 50. ~feet; thence (4) ~ ~'~ ~,CE ~ 23 48 ~eet ~ the ~int of be~in~g ,containing 5J1~3 acres. ' 2. By changing Resf~e~tial ~and COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t. C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the .a:nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in Said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... .~'.~...~...~'.f/weelcA" successively, commencing on the ................ .z,d~ ............... ............ ..... ' Sworn to before me this ...... Z:Z..i~f day of ......... t... ~Eli~Ab6tl~'MtirPhy south 68 55 ,i10'; west 344.16 fget to land ADEL'E PAYNE now..?or formerl~:~ ['.Of De~a Notary PuH~c, ~L~t~ of New ".J"' ..Chew, thdnc~'~ giong: 'land of Residing h~ gu¥olk County ; Della'CheW-,· ~orth 21° ~' .50~'.' I',~o. 52-3041000 , west 230.36 feet .to the souther- Comm[ssioa Expires March 30~ 197~ :Dt~f~fet tO ":B" Business .'~strtet follow~.'ng described property: :~ feet, (2) North 52° 26' ~" e~st AH t~t certain ~45.1~ feet to ~he northerly -cel ~of land end of the line above describ~ ' the ~s~erly and northwesterly side~*'~ Old: :Main Road ihe io~owing two co~ses ~nd {. )' ~ dista~:ces:~'/(1) 'South 22° [~:01' 20" west. 285.~6 feet; (2) .South, .. ': 5~01~ ~20,~ west 23'6.30 feet~ to ' thence along said land of ly side of Main Road ed.; thence a!on.,g.' the ]Y. Side 'of iVIain'."Road ~!a~' ~w~-. ~ · ,,ened tWO courses ~d diSlOdges'; ~ .... ,..,~ OF N~W YORK:' .' " SS: " .. ALBLR. I Sou~h~.,].~d., 0f So~thoid · N~w .York', · , · , ., ,,~ , : ,]' ~ · ,,': , , , · , · ,, . . ~ .., ~ ',~ '. , .~ .... ~3 ', ,, . . ~1 ' :: .t .' ~r .~ ~ ' ' "' ' ' ~~ .... .. "': Place in 'the Town of'SO o , Suffolk County, to wit* ": "' '"'' " . .. ' 't ' i '. . . · "'. '.2 · " ' · mown c~erk s~'i ~""' "'""' '"' '"'"" " ........ · ' .. l_t. zn' Board · · . ..:. ::.,.:: ' SoUthol. d, 'L I.;,N.'Y.. ' ':' .':":..[, ... .: . ... 'm~in Road,:. . . . . :. . ..... :. '].c."i.'.?. ."~'J '" : ' "" ' "' .. :~..... . . '. . ...]...:..:.:..~ · ..:. :~: ... . .: . ,. ... . . ...~ ........ . .. ..... :. [.".~.,,~, ...'..~..~ wot'=~e~ ~hi's'"'~:' .... "' day of ' /;~ '~ ...... ' 9 ~';~ ": "' '": : ': :' ' . :,...,~ .... '>..,:L.,...,,' · ..' . ,. .:. ' .,..~.~.: ..,. ':: ,?.',/? ..,..~-,~ v '. ., .. / .... '..,z,,' .,' ..... . : · , ; ., .~..,/ : · ,.j~ ~t~,r:..,, .~ . . . ~,~~;~:~ , . . .: , :,~ '.. · : /... ..' ( · . . :':,. . .. . · . . ..,' . ~ · . · . ..,.:,: ·,~ · ,~ . , · .. . , .:' , ~ ~ · . ,; ~ · . . :. · '!9-?.' ' ." ,, .': :. .. ,.- . . , · . .'. ;.'... .:~. .'~ , · . ... .,.:..... :. .' . .:'... '. ;[~.;'..':.::~: · :.: . . . . .:......::.....:..'.~'...,..:... .... . .. ... :.... .,,;: · ' ... ... ".'...:.. 4: ' ..::.,,.:., :'~... '. ',: '". ;.' :.' '..7; .. ., .... ,i:.::.. ., . ~.. .. .,. ,,:.,,..': .: :; . . ' ' · '"'/ " F..' · i'. .. ~ ; ..... ... ,.::' .. ' ....: .. · · .. , · " · '.· '": ': '' '" ': ' ' .. .-i': . ,.':' ~.: '. · . - ... .. .:. .'..': .....?.~'"' ..... :;:.;.'.:.'.:~ . -,, :'. . ,.. . .. · ..., .:~ ~ .'. .~ .. :~ · ? . . .. . .. .. , .: ... ~:..~ . . "' . . . ' . ..' :: '. "...', .','.. ' ' ' h ' :'. ~ .... '.' :'.""..'"...; .'.' ' '.'. ':,~:. i' " : . · . .; :. : Old .~:.in,..aoad...at...~e .sou~eZiM' .end 0£ '7'".3. v.2~~d,.: runn.'..t, ng thence ,aI~g' .:~e '~este~iy and: :De!la Ch:~,. ~:ence along : .... ". ..... "a,i~' Septe'mbe ~. ,, " '"' f "A" . ' .. . ,.BuSiness Di'~.~i.~"~ ~he roll,in9 described ,. . "Ail tha~. c:e~t, ain · ";' "- :.:~r~t O~ .parcel. ~ l~d :situated at $outhold, in .. ; bounded and d~:S~:~i~d, 'as"~.follo~,~l . Road,. (c;.!'~i'.2?')'.'~i.~.h the..., so.uthwesteri¥ line ~ the ex.~ens:~:~",'n'o no~:thwest:e~lM ~ ~kerly pond,~~.e'-' ::~, f~om said' ......point ~ begi~in9 runnin9 alOn.9 said wes'terly line.., two. courses: (i) s, 5.8~ 30." 00' 29,19 feet.; thence . ~:ddle ROad..:l. thenc, e 'alon.9 ~ald. northwe:sterlY iine, two' courSe.s: .(1) S, 39:~' ' :~ ~??~. SO' feet' thence: . .' "~ 30- 2?' 20" W,'-. ,52~. .... ' · .(2) ~., 44'~' 50." 40"' W,', 164,59' fee~l- thence .alon9 land -of Zeb. roski~ .... N, 560 .. ........... . ~ ~ ~'.~ . · ....... t7'''~ .40" W,.-, 32t,47 f:e~:'~ 'tO said .~out~a~,te~!~ .line .~ :Midd!~ Road; ~l;~en,ce ' 3,~,0, 50 feet' ;.- ;t-hence (4) N, 65 ' 49' :00' ~r , ~3 48 feet t.o the point ~ t~.ginnlng, o Containin9 5,173 ...... . . . ~ave.!~r. ~, .fit."uck '~a~,~.:, .:~ t.~: S~folk file .f'~'"~ ~~' ,~tg~ island ':""":'" ........... '"" ......... -:':' t''~:' ' ........... : wee y Ti~s..' .on~ ~'he.. sub.3ect. ' payee! to be changed;, .f..~o~ .,,,A~,. ~le'siflen~ial ~.and. ,;,:-,,.'~.g.~ a -"~cuitura' ' .1 .. Valentine° The. ~tte;~. ~a~ bra'- .... :.'",,," . .. . . . .,Jugh~ abOut~,~ ~:.~.~. Consists. ~ , , - ..... ..,,, ..' There was a . ~.,~..,.dct !,a,i. Road,. . taken f.~Oa,~...-~., ~,~.,.,,.~'a""~'"~'"~' by the.. ,,.,,eo'un'ty','the i";'""ur'P'oae. .. of not just .~,ident.i~'~;he .road but.. 'to st.~'aighten out,~.~ and :un-..'t.hrougl~ :~d :.~- Doro, ski, particular ipurpoae ~ busine'ss nature, Anti: by'. the: tak-~.ng..,, they were ' 'o".. .deprived o~ this .~..ca ~d in: o~de~ to co=z.ect, the aituati.' n, i~ iS ,. · . . necessary.., t~.,~,,.',~.a~.e, oth'e~' .i~d of .D~o.'ki for ~e ,s'.. ~ ....... .purpo_e ~i" ~.. · . · . · , . had. ~e'n talcen up several ~ea'rs ago ,and the l:'lan,,Xn'9 Board · . ~ · ~,.~,een for .many ye ~ ~,~'.~ h ''" :t.hat: pa'r'ticu!a,~ uie and had ~',':~, "' And. by c~"~angin9 ;the subject p~emis.~s to, the: business, use a;~. :;eques, ted ~wouid not be any mo:e ~ . .... · .~ .... . ,,~... ........ $"~':":',.. ·., ,. ........:'~ .... ~e. ~ecoaa.,...end" as t.he Plann!n9 ,:Board, We recommend a'.'.~...resP~c'tful:ly '"~' ~i'~ S~' ~eq...e,~t that. t~. T~n.. ;,~:::~.oard.. ...approve.,... , ,of ..... 'this- cha. nge., . Thank yOU,.. : .. ., .. .. ..~. ~ .... ,~ ....... · the...e.x~..:~'~,~n.~ ..... b~:.~'i, net~s a~:e-~. :~d'.. the. req.uee, teg' .ch,~,n~. '."~ ."c" ~ zone.,~ .-. ,~,,.,~,~tR,I:~,,.V~i ~ t~' ~:hi~. ts~ ~0 '.~. ~.. :~'x'~.~ii.~l~ :~ 'his. 'bu~l~s~~ :zo~ ~ }~:.~.._, .~"' ,,., .... ,... ,,,....,,....., "x .' ~ ·.. '. ,.~ ~. ~ .,,~',. ., "' .. , .. . ~ ::, ..: .,. ~ ~ k ' .. , .. -, ,,,,. - . . .. , .. , ~ ,. · ..... , , . . .", ,~.,. :' :~ ' ,. .., ..r .'. the ,, .. , ~ .~ . ............. seeing ~his. ~area. zoep. ed Push,,mss. inel~d'e '~his bUsiness. .. l'.c.:~,.,...~..:~..,,'""'" '''''~' .,'~.~,,!!,.,,,...',~,~,,,: x'~J:.,,:,.~,,,H.....,~,,,.~,,., ,~ the Town. Boa's..d a.pprove:s"' ' ,"' .it, ,:.:.,,~n~~-'" tone'. ' else ~i o ~.,.I~,..,~, gl,SOl.!..~::. ~:,~'~5,'''~'~'''''''~'''''::'''~''''''''~ '"" ~ ''''''~ · ~" *,, ., . ' :~' '' 't ';~'' .... '"' '"~ ''¢' ''.' r . .. ~.ou~ses a~ dt,~t.~~s. (~!:) .'N~~h ~2 ~' -0~' 10" ,.:ea:~:i: S26,~' feet, (2) N~'th ',.,'oanty P'i~an.t. ng .,~,uo.:~m~.:~,$~s~...on..Oav. e appr~al ~ this: ~d ! ,~,.e,.e,~,,,,,,:~,,,.,~,. ~. g~:'a, nted i~ this. appi:~cation. This prO.'..~rt¥ i~ ~.unded' ~ ~ .~ .... , . ~' ~.,' ....,~' .. . ,is Presently using i't..- iandscapino, ga~dea, ..cente~,. ,:~l~e~ 'shop, ~d ,- . s~:h./" l.t~e parcel ,adjoining .:.':. <~.i ?j'.: · :.:::,'.":~~=e ~, "a,~ "-- :~,st~ss. ,~ ~~ ot,.,~,,x ~:y :as .'*" "" ;. ~",,. ....... '.:- ~d 9ave .he~ consent, t~c. au. se the prope.~ty .has always 'used a:$ bu~" ..,...~s.$ ~..should .be p<o~,<ly' z.}ned, .~:~;l:~..~abe'th l~lu~ph¥' .. , o~;:ae~'' 'pr~:'.a:",~er¢2¢'. , .... ~,,:,,-..,.,~..~e,~. adj:Oi~ing. , . ~hi..s ~mr. .... o.~:.>**~x~:g,,,, __=' ,, an~t she.. also con~en, s. -. .~. .~ . ._ ~::_ ~, .,. ~. -.-... , . ,e ,~'~" ~, '~ ~'~. *" '.,~ ~ .~ t~:. al:,,p:l.....a~ is i,~ ,.t'** busin:ess a~ea '~~~ ,ShOuld ~ ~one.d business,. , " '"' '?'% .... *" ' ia'"'i .DO .any ,~ the ~ard ~~rs have. ~y qu,.estion',$? ,,' ..... ',,r it ':.,:W:~? ~."3i" ,. '~ . (, ~ here was.. ri.o:?,,,,, :~'e.. p ~.. a~ - ) ::: in f"'" '~" ""' :.:.~ ....... L:',~:::~".";:'"'".."'~ ~::~.,<Vi;.",' ....... ~,~;~'"" ~tlI~T.C~CH.~l,... ,~ ' "'~ ' "~"*~'*' Is 'the.re anyone present who wis.hes to . ~ "; '' "*'"' ' ~ ' ' '" ' '~ '' ~ 0 ' ,:~... %'. '~ .... . . ,: ~',,)~" . . . ,. . ON PI~Ot3OSAL$ TO ~ A~M~CD ZONING ORDINANCE ;"" Pursuant lo Sectfon'~265 Town Law and kr~k;lc i~. of the ~uiiding Zon~ Ordinance -of ':the TO.WP of Sot[t'ho]d, Sufiolk Co~iY, ~cw York, p. ab]lc, hear. ngs 'w~ be held by the Sot.tthold '['ox%n Bo~.d. in. the Otliee oE the S,.,.per,:tsor, gou{h Street, (}reenport, New on the 9th ctay or September. ~i. the 'Town 0i Sou~otd;.S~ot~ ,County, Ne~. York. . _" "B" gusines~ I)istL'iet tho Following described p c,:,perly: Alt fl',at certain react or gareel. westerly linc o[ the exte ~sion t,, northwesterly :c f a.ekeCy Pond :i;i, (2) S. 51 58' 0fi" E..- 254;61 feet '"' ~:~: to me normwcstcrb' line o[:m former :Middle Road: lhcnce akmg ,~ said northwesterly , courses: (l) S. 39~ 27' 20" W. - 522.30 Feet; .thence (2) S. 44:' 50' [0" W. - 164.59 [cci,; thence along San~ of Zcbroski, :N. 5fi" 17' ,i0" , W. 32!.47 Jk:ct to :said ':sOuth- ' 440 56' 20" E,. - 300.38 icc{; thence (3). ~. 39° 2'3' 40" E.. - 320.50, feet; ,thenCe (4) N'. 65° 49' 00" E; - 23.48 · ~ feet 'to thet/point o[ beginning· '~ Containing', 5.173~. ,acres., , ~han,im~ fro~ "A'" Residential AgriCultural , Dmtrmt to B "~: ' .' Busine' .... '~istrict' the follmv, ing da- ! k E G A L. iN OT I,CE sc,,:i~der! ....-~perty:' At[ that certain tract or parcel oJ'.. land sit. uatcd at MatlNuck, in 1,"ne Town O[ SOtlihold, Su~'rIlk Coun.-;,. ty,. New Yi~rtc, and mo::'e g~ll'l'i(:ll-~, lariy bounde~ a/Id d. mcribed as~K' follows: westerly side of Old 5'Iam r~dl at tne'southerlx' ,nd u~= a 1,ne ieet., in length and co.pmeeting the wester!y sL'Je o[ Old Main Road with the southerly ~Ae ol islam Road v:idened, runni'..zg thence along the westerly a'nd ~orth- west:erly side of Old Main, Road ghe~ following two eotu'ses and dis- tances: (1) Souit~ 22" 0.!' 20'" ~ SS: !sT. ,~.'~ ..... being duly Sworn. 'tinter and Publisher lof the SUFFOLK '~spa'per published ~:t Greenport. in said ,lice. ,of which the annex, ed is ~ printed ecl in the said Suffolk Weekly Times ,;.'¢esl: 285.76 le',:t.: C2) So:;th 5: 01'I ..................... ....... week~ -,w ,,.. ~I '>36'~.0 ','mi to %nd of ~lizabei'h Murphy', then.ce along i.g on ~e . .~ .~.. said l~nd of Elizabeth' Murphy": ........ south, (;8:~ 55' .liW' west 11':i-'1.16 Feet ~,.~,~ :.Chew, thence along said ].ami oi' ..~; ~'. ............................. Della Chew.'.norlh'. 21~' 04' 50" . .~i... west 230.36 'feel: ,to ilia southerly ~IS thence along the southerly side of .... ~~~ ...... , ...... ........ .... s,,'" .............. ,~;o,..th 52'~ 26' oo" east 145.15 feet to the northerly end o[ the line above desc.ri.bed; thence south 21° i7' '20" east along said line 3.73 'feet t0 t~e westerly side of Old Main l~oad to the.: o[ BEGI. NNING. on the nbovc sholltd appea:' at the lime and place DATED: AUGUST lg, 1969,, BY C)RDEI'I ('5~ T~ SOUTH'O'Dp T()WN BOARD ' .. '. 'T'O~ CLERK ltAu29 · , GTON cORWIN FLAN. . o New Yo, t= b asj jeN; sz.0 70s0_0 Suffolk t5oo ~n~.,¢ ~ ~L.h 30,19 ~ Gommission mxp~res ~v,=-~,- "' \ ~su~t to Segfion 265 *of the' ~ ~w and A~icle ~ the $~ld~g Zone Ordinance Co~ty,. New York,. ~ublic ~s wi~ ~ held by the Southold i ~ B~rd at the offic~ of'the'~ ~ on the 9~h ~r, 1969, a~ 7:39 o~cl~k ~ ~v~ng of said day on' the.: fol- · ~g-pro~sals to amend th~ ~iam~ zone Ordiff~ce; ~u,~ng the B~idi~ aerie of aa. Town ~of SouthOld,~ Suf- folk Co~y, HeW York. ~..;'" 1. ~ c~gmg from "A" Rem- ~enii~ and A~icul~'a' ~ ~" D~rict ~he follo~g'd~ ~ that ~rta~ tract ~ ~1 o~ land situated ~t ~thold, ~n the Town . o~ ~uthold, SuffolE ~ew York, and more par~~r~ic~ ~rly bound~ ~nd desc~b- ~ ~ fOllows: "- . /. '".[. ~GINNIN~ a~ the inter=-[ t~c~ion 0i ~he sou~he~erly ~ of ~ddle Read, .(C~ 2~) 'wi~h tho sou~hwes~er~ line lh~ ex~i0n no~hwe~erly[ oi Acker!y Pond ~ne, from ~id po~ of beginn~g run-[ ~g alo~ .said' southweaerly lmo, ~wo,~ses: (1) $. 30' ~ ~. -- 29.19 f~t; thence (l) 8. 51°. ~' ~"' E.=254,61 'i~ to the northwesterly l~e 'of ~he foyer ~iddle Road; ~ '~th~nce ~long s~id no~hwest- ~ ~ly'~ne, two $OUrses: .(1) I- 39°' 2T 20" W,--522.30 ':~ence (2)S. 44~ 50' ~" W; 164.59 fe~t; thence ai0~g 'land ' Zebros~, N. ~o 1T ~0'".W. --~$1.t~ fe~ to said south- ~erly ~ne of .Midge Road; iaen~ ~ong said sou~he~- .erly'~e, iour co~ses: G) N. ~0~ ~' ~" E.~68.~3 ~nce (2) N. 44° ~' 20" ~.~ ~.38 fee~; ~hence (3) N. '39° ~' 40" E. 3~0.50 feet; thenc~ (4) N. 65° 49~ 00" E. -23;43 to ~he ~in~ of 5.1~ acres. J. By changing from "A' and A~:~'ricu!i;ural ]')istrici; lo~'~g described p~op~rty: ' ._ Ail l~ ce~am trac~ ~rcel of land situated at ~at~ituc~, ~n ~he Town Sou~hold, Suffolk Cortnty, New York, and more psa:ti- 'cularly bounded an~ describ- e~ as follows: BEGgiNG at a ~t... on ~he westerly side 'of Old Main. P~ad a~ ~he southerly end. of I line. $ff3 tee~ in len~h and co~ect~g the wes~rlY, side ot Old ~ain Road ~th':the ~uiherly side of Ma~ Road ~dened; ~ thence along ~e westerly ~d north- ~r~f.~rl~ aide O~ Old COUNTY OF SUFFOLK' t STATE OF NEW YORKj' ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG iSLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN,. a public news~ paper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published Jn said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- mon once eoch weak'for ................... weeks successively, commencing on the ...............;~...'. '.~... ........... 19.~. '.t'~i'.~':~:a'd, t. he' following two J~:-,~ courses and. distances: '(1) i :~. · 'South 22° '01' 20" west 285.76! '~eet; ..(2) South Se. 0I' 20"I : Wes~ 236.30 feet to 'land Elizabeth Mtt~phy, thence a- long said. land of Elizabeth Murphy south 68,° 55' 10" west ~t4.16 feet to' land now or formerly of Della Chew, thence along land of Della Che~, north 21° 0,i' 50" west ~30.36 feet to the Southerly side Of Main Road as ~iden- ~1; thence along the south- erly side of Main l~oad as widened two courses .and dis- ' ' ° ' 10" ~nces;- (1) 1~o~h,52 02 · .east~ 526.90 feet; (2) North 52? ~6' 4)0" east 145.15 feet to the northerly end of the line ?3lING. . ~ ~- ,Any Person desiring~to .be heard ~'o~ ~he above proposed amend- 'ments should appear ~al~ the I:' time and place'specified.'- i iljDATED: AUGUST .'12,. 1969 . _ BY .ORDER OF THE SOUTHODD TOWN BOARD ~LBERT W. RICI:I~OND, Sworn to before me this ............ day of m p :, I!, i'rr Date August 5, 1969 Please be advised that, pursuant to Section 239-1 andm of the GeneralMunicipal Law. the Suf£olk County Planning Com- mission considers the following proposed zoning action a matter for local determination: 1~ etitioner or Municipal File No. ~r, ~i ~:¢~r^~c~ S ~-c~ Suffolk County Planning Department File No. (r~ ~ Sections 239-] ~nd m, the .....~.~ ...................... of the town of .....~ ............... (check one) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ...~... Zoning changes withg~ 500 feet of: (check one or mare) ............ State or county park or recreation area Southold Town Planning Board July 15~ 1959 Southold Tmon Board 16 Sou~ Street greenport~ LoI~ New fork Gentlsmen; ~is is to a~vise you that the foIlowing action was t~en by the $outhold Tmon Planning Board at a regular meetin~ held on July 15~ 1959: ~n the ~atter of the amended petition of Steve and Frances Doroski~ Middle Road~ Southold~ ~ew York~ r~lative to a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District~ property located b~een Old ~grth Road and County Road 2~ Southold~ New York~ It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does favorably recommend to the Soathold BoRrd the change of zone fr~ "A" Residential and Aqricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described pro~rty. Respectfully submitted~ John W~ckham~ Cha~rm~n Southold Town Planning Board June 25, 1969 Mr. John Wiekham Chairman Planning Board 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Stephen Doroski, Southold, N.Y. relative to change of zone from "k" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Bmsiness Dis- trict on certain property situated on Middle Road, Sou~hold, N.Y~ is in the files in ~le office of the Planning Board, Southold, N.Y. prepare an official repor~ ~efining the conditions described in the peLi%ion and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Awe/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk VAN TUY1 & SON July 17~ 19~9 DESOPZPTION: Proposed ~nan~? of Zone, & to B Land of Stephen & Fr~tcie Dorosk± so,Ath side !,iiddle Road~ ~outhold BeginninE bt the inzersection of the southeasZerly line of i~£ddle Road, (C.R. 27) with the sout~est~rl~_~he extension ~orthwes~erly of Ackerly Pond Lau~,~id point~O~ beginnir~g running alo~ salo ~ outhwes~erly line, two (1) So 58° 30' 00" E. - 29.19 £eet$ thence (2) S. 5!° 58' 00" E. - 25~.61 feet to the northwesterly 1Lue of the former ~ddle ~oad; thence along said nort~zwes~erly (~) S. 39° 27' 20" W. - 522.30 feet; thence ~ {2) So 44° 5~~ 40" W. - 164.59 feet; thence alon~ land o~ Zebros~i, ~. 56~ 17! ~" W. - 52~o47 feet to said so~Zh- eamterly line of i~iddl~? ~hegce ~long s~id southeasterly line, (1) N. 50° 26' 40" (2) N. 44° 56' 20" (3) N. 39° 2U' 40" (4) N. 65° 49' 00" - 68.73 feet; - 300.38 feet; - 320.50 feeZ; - 23.48 feet thence to She point of Couza±~ng 5.I73 acres. JSS/~g To: Dominic Aurich~o Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 April 22, 1969 Southold T~n Board 1~ SOU~% Street Greenport, L. Ir, New York 11944 Gentlemen; At a joint meeting of ~%e Planning Board and To~n Board on April 21st= many parts of the "Master Plan" were discussed, particularly the use of County Road 27° In view of the fact that Steve and Frances Doroski have withdrawn their application for a change of zone from District to "B" District on the northerly side of the new four lane road (CR27) and the adopted policy of both the County and Town to limit business along this road Ln order to keep it as free as possible of entrances and exits to facilities free fl~o of through traffics. ~ne Planning Board has changed its opinion on the application of David Mudd for a change of zone from "A" District to "B" District on the northerly side of Co=anty Road 27= ~%e Planning Board does not District to "B" District on this County Read 27= recommend parcel on the change from "A" the northerly aide of ~c Planning Board does recommend favorably ~e application of David Mudd to change from "A" District to "B" District the parcel on ~ne south side of ~hs four lane road ~R27) and easterly of Ackerly Pond Lane ~xtended and t-he Old Middle Road as realigned° This will compensate fox and straighten out his present "B' zoned parcel which was cut up by ~he new road work. Yours truly. , John 5fickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board .t' Mr'. Domain ic Main ~ otreet : .. . .. . :. .. A ur ich i°', & Cent.r.al 'presented change O.f · . Attorney ,New 11 ~944 the reW':iSed · :.. zone to ~tho Tow'ri' ~:~ t e r s omc all::::,of the February Commiss ~o (see C o u n t y P 1 a n n lng apP. l ication- and 26, 1969 application for Steve Dozoski Board yesterday P. M, .. '~ discussion they refused t° aCCePt .i:~:,.::::~,::,. ..... So ..'.it appears ".that enlarged maps."w ill~'' have wl!l have to :be ,, information'and maps as required' by the the encl.oSe.d information sheet) even thOugh .the~ Commiss'ion has al'' ~ rea,...~,y ~Pas, se,d upon ~he or igina! stated i.t" was .to boa local determina'tion.~ · · ~ it without ,: C'°unty ~Plannil~9 .. . · rneete's and. bounds ~ descz iPtions the Yours. truly, Building.. Inspector to be'made and:. fUrnished for' .: , STATE OF NJ~X~ YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, ~rODIFICATiON OR AMENDM'E.NT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF TItE TOWN OF SOUTHOI,D, SUFFOEK COUNTY, N.E~V YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TO\¥N OF SOUTHOLD: STEPHEN J. DOROSKI FRANCES DOROSKI 1. I ............. i .................... residing at ..N.o..r.t.h....Rg.~..d.~' .S. 9.u. .th el .d ...... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at t ~.Qw,~h.Q~-.cl,..I~g¥...Y..o.r..k. .............and more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~ginning at 'the intersection Of the southeasterly line ' of Middle Road, (C.R. 27) with the so~thwe~,~erl~_iz~ ~,ae~ ,<. ' extension northwesterly of Ackerly Pond ~e~S'~]id p6fh~?- · < oe~innin~ r~mning alor~ said s outhwes't:erly line two eourse:~: ~fV', ~. 58° 30~ 00" E. 29.19 feet~ thence (~) S, 51° 58' 00" E, 254,6~ feet to the .,.~orthweete ..... ..., liae o~ the former i,~ddie Road.~ thence along, said -,,mrthw¢~---'..~ ......... y. ({) 7~, ~qo 27' 20" W. -522,30 feet: thence ~.J:.? ,~. 44 :)Q'. 40" w, - ~64,>9 feeg~ thence along !smd e;w~. 'r.L3 -:_x.~e Of ;'.d.d. dl~?Uthence along sa~d southeasterly line~ (~3 :~. 50° (-~) ~.:~ 4~° (4) ~. 65° 26'-40" E. - 68.73 feet; thence 56' 20" E. - 300.38 feet; thenc~ 23' 40" E, - 320.'50 feet; thence 49~ 00" E. - 23,48 feet to the point of begi~ningo VAN TUYL & SON · To: Dominic 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: Readjustmenq of the "B" Business District Zone operation and Non Conforming uses which have been disrupted and ~aken by the installation of new Count;y Road 27 (4 Lane highway) ~hrough ~he property of petitioners. Due to new location of Counqy Road 27 forced qo reloco~e business and buildings used in connec%ion wi~h ~hhe business operations. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:-- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) STEPHEN J. DOROSKI and FRANCES DOROSKI .............................................. , BEING DULY S~VORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoi~g Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to thc matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those m~tters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me Notary Public. DOMINIC AURICHIO ~t~'~pubti~_State of New Yor~- Suff°~ .... c'°Un~Y Departm..en.tI of Planningl Veterans Mem'orial H~ghway " HaupPauge, N. ¥. '111787 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 T own Clerk Re,: Mun. File No. /I~etitioner _ S.. C. P... D.. File No. Gentlemen: The Suffolk County ]Planning Com~,~ission has : January 22, 1969 Case #180 -~--'- .... ~::_- -~-~::.:--~- -: :~.: ; --:.-:: .- ..: u:-~x ._ _: :.:: :~.: .:u received the .application. for a ro~.d change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District, To~ of Southold pursuant to 'Sections Z39-1 and m of the General Mumc~pal Law and hereby renders the following decision: ~pproval ~onditional~disappr°~al ~X local determin~i, on The following statement represents the reasc cb nS for the above decision: Lee E. Koppelrnan Directorof Planning Mr. Gerald A.~ewman ' ~'~;~ £fo.1}~ C.oun ty ......... .~1 ..... · ' Vet - "" ,~" .................. .,.. ~.~ ....... .:,..~:e, L, Z,, ~ew York. ,. %~o'ur notice of ~::~, tephen and Frances Doroski · PurSUant to .,~ &,-~Z.]" · i"~,",, · , '~ ~:.':":~":~'"'~::'r'i"i"~ side' Of L~..x~e .~. ~?~nd abo~.~t 2.5'00: ' ' ' . Cot~nt.y ~oa~: 7~'~,' and Kenny~s Eoail~ s' . ..... -: rough ~ocation sketeh~ the abov~ ~',~ili ~e hetPft1~, Yo ur S t ~ u ! F, ..,.!' =; i-i: ':i ." .;. i::i'-! ;:.-..' ~.'ii: !' ' cn.ange o~ Z.o,l:ie aPplicatio~1 :: :.: '.i,' :~' :. Jill. .'i~ · )'::' .- -- lis ~ .~j .~ :-: ,-~ ,m, :i~ , ?:)-)i:, .'? .[ 'P.) :)( · ...:.-.: .i::~: ~,',) -'-]~:; .,',."; :m~' :::: :~)~i~ :" ~ ~. ~... .':::'-' ;~. ~:'~:~i)~. .:':.':::):[~i '- ~.,0~.1~ sides Of '- '~ '~::" ' , .~ ~ e~ ~:C,Ste(~ '.--:.:i-:-'. ...... '"- . .'.,-.v' ,: ;.. q~l ten ~e d ;~.~ .~ ~, .: ,:~ ?,-.,.:~, {~ ~ .... , . .-;U ii',': '11[ m.~. ' · ' .. i .Ii ' ..., ,~., ~,~.~ i;~, ~;i: ".'.' :',~:. Ji~' '::i~ ..[ Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial/ Highway Hauppauge, N.Y...~ 11787 January 13, 1969 HoWard M. Terry, Building InspeCtor Town of Southold Main Road ~ .. Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Please be advised that p'U'~'S'han~ to "SeCtiOns Z39~1 and m of the General MuniciPal Law the following application(s} ~ill not be rOviOwed because 1 of noncompliance with requirem, ents for noti/c.e and maps as stipulated in · . Informational Bulletin ~6 of the Suffolk Counl~y Planning Cornn.]is sion. Application of Stephen & Frances Doroski (T change from "ti'Residential Agriculture to" ~ :_:~: __z.~-~ltt~.___.~,e .... ~ .... .: : -: ~ :: ( - : ~_ :-r~ ~ :_ -~-_~::- ~=~:.: .._.... ~__ :~: (case No. 180). Please' submit additional inJ of the property. Thank you. own of South. old) for a zoning B" Business Districi ormation as t'o the lo.cation ~espectfully yours, IJee E. Koppelman irector of Planning cb 1. l 1 l: l}lll Ii Il Iii[ ,I ~l Jf {}~ ~ I:{iIIII] I~ iii" Ii]] I ii~ ,. ~ II: I~ ~l~ Il lll}l }' 'l~l I ill II : I[.:!! I {i:Iii[ : ,i: l~ I1 I III ill :l: ii i: 111 · i ':Il i il l::[I .... I~ }l ll:l,~l:: ::?':ill[ :[ll I :llllll~?'":! i,: l, ,: ~. :iii :.~l 'l ::~,.t~ .?l. .. ~,~,,p 1T :?j ,.y, ~:~.: ~;,.1,~ : .~ a~, %, 4... , il TOWN OF sOuTItOLD ~.TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE '-: Main Road - ...... ' New and.recodified zoning o~!edinance, _ . .............. Amendment to the Zoning ordinance · ,..~.." Z'oning changes · . . ......... ' .... :'Special permits .':'~ :TOWN CLERK 765-3783 ;"" 'Planning l~d.' ~ 765-2660 Bb,ard of ApP'eais ) · ..~ Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, o{ the Consolidated Article 12-B, Sec~i°ns m, . . e,~&~A~g..'.~.~.~:. ,(4~e~eX i~VoZ~) ..................... : of the town of ...~~.~~..::'.: ........... hereby refers the following proposed z~ningaction to the Suffolk County Planni.n~] '~0mm'ission: (check one) , , . ...... Variances . 'within 500 feet. of,.' ,..(check one Or more) ' ' ' · .- ' ToWn oF village boundary'line ~;,.. 'State or county road, Parkway or expressway · ''*'~'o-o* ',_' ,~ .. ............ -;'State. or county park or',recreation area ' ; · ....". .......... Stream or drainage channel owned, by.the 'county or for Which the county has ~stablished channel 'lineS '". ........ ' State or c0Unty., owned parcel' on which a public 'building is situated Comrner~tS. ha~ been. p~oee~seq ,-..nd approved,- bY .'the~ on ~he, ,~ .. ~',','O~ a' "": ' ...... '"' b'asi~ that this p~ope-~'~y and_.busines~ ~oa,8 2~ ~he To~ Board: has not set a hea~ing dai;e' forwarded 'for your :eo~ent~ '~det. the new pt~ ~. we-do ".nSt.;'havei~a~,l .of. the .preser~:tly required maps as it .i.$. o te: ............... ' "' . . ~ . ¢' . . . . (si~ed:) .. , ........ ,, ..... . ....... ~'~i'"'"' ...... Build ~ '- ' ........................ ~.',.,'~ .......... · ".,.: .-,:- '.":' Title - . , -agent Date' received by; Suffolk County Planning Commission File No ................................. .. Southold Town. Plan, ning'Board EiDUTHDLD:, L. I., N. Y. 1i~3'71 PLANNING'BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold Tovm Board 16 South Street Greenport ~ New York December 9, 1968 Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the f011owin9 action was taken by the $outh~ld .Town Planning Board at a ,regular meeting he]!.d on December 9~ 1968. In the matter of the petition of Stephen J. Doroski and Frances Doroski residing at North Road:~ Southold, New York, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agric%ttural District to "B" Business District 'on the following', described .property: Ail that certain real parcel of land situated at Southold~, in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as ~ol. lows: PARCEL I - Beginning at the intersection of the .northwesterly line..of Middle Road (CR 27) as relocated with the southwesterly line of land of Mudd~ and South- easterly boundary line of land of Doroski; from said point of beginning running southweseerly along said north~esterly line of )liddle Road (CR 27) as relocated~ 400 feet; thence along land of Doroski three courses: (1.) Northwesterly parallel to said boundary line of landor Mudd.~ 300 feet; thence (2) northeasterly parallel to said northwesterly line of Middle Road (CR 27) 400 feet~ more or. less to land of Mudd; thence (3) southeasterly along said land of Mudd~ ~00 £eet~ mDre or less~ tothe point of beginning. PARCEL II- Beginn!~g at the' intersection of the north- westerly' line of .original Middle Road~ ~ith the Southwesterly boundary line of Suffolk County and s~ theasterl'z boundar of land of Doroski;' from said point of beginn~, n9 running s )u~?~v~'esterly a.lon&7 sa~d north- westerly line of original Middle Roa.d~ ~00 feet; thence at right angle to last describec course northwesterly along other land of Doroski~ 315 feet~ mo~e or less~ to the southeast~riy line of Middle Road (CR 27) as relo~.ated~ thence north(~.~asterly along said southeasterly line of Middle Road (CR 27) as relocate¢ 3?3 feet more or less,thence along the westerly side of land of S~ffc.lk County~ two cou;~ses: (1) easterly 27 feet more or less~ thence (2) southeasterly 283 feet more or less, to the point of beginning ~exception whatever part of the above described Parcel II which is already in the ~'B%' ~one~ it Was Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHEILD. L. I., N. Y. PI-ANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wic. kham, Chairman Henry Moisa ' Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle The 5outhold Town Planning Board,favorably recommends ~.he change of zone from '~A"' Residential an ' "' d Agricultural District 'B" Business Dis~ricl; on 'ghe property of Doroski as descr±bed herein. The Planning Board discussed this change of zone f~r. Doroski on June 30~ 1,967~ and has 2record of this discussion in their minu~es. This change of. zone iS requested in view of the relocating of ~iddie Road~ ALBERTW. RICHMOND - TnWN 13LERK REGISTRAR OF' VITAL STATISTII3E O'FFI ERK' D SOUTHDLD. :iL; I.,I: N. Y. 1'19'71 TELEPHONE December 4, 1968 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.~N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; .. The original petition of Stephen J. and Frances Doroski, North-Road, Southold, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultur&l Dis'trict' to "B" Business District on certain Prop,- erty situated in Southold, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board a~ Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare'- an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommen- dation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly yours, ~lbert W. Richmond Town Clerk NO... .... STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOI.,D PETITION IN THE MATTER O.F THE PETITION OF FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION. OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- TOWN OF SOUTI. tOLD, SUF2OLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. NANCE OF THE TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF sOuTHOLD· STEPHEN J. DOROSKI . iFRANCES DOROSKI ' residlng at . .No. rth. Ro.ad.~.. ~o~thol.d ..... I ~, o...o,,..,...ooooo.., o.., o,., o,..~,, o.o (insert name of pe'titioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .Sou.thr~ld~..hlaw..Yo3zk ............. and more par~ticularly bounded and described, as follows' PARCEL I __ .... Beginning at the intersection of~ the Northwesterly line of Middle Road (CR27) as relocated with the Sodthwesterly iine of la.nd of Mudd,. and Southeasterly boundary line of land of Doroski; from said point of beginning running southwesterly alone_ said Northwesterly line of Middle Road (CR27) as relocated~ 400 feet; ~hence alo.ng .land of Doroski three courses (1) Northwesterly parallel to s',~id boundary line of la.nd of Mudd, 300 feet; thence (2') Northeasterly parallel to sSid Northwesterly' line of Middle Road (CR27) 400 feet, more or less, ti} land of Mudd; thence (3) Southeasterly alongsei_.d"lan~ of ~udd~ 300 feet, more or less~ to the point of beginning. PARCEL Iii ' Beginning at the intersection of the Northwesterly line of original Middle Road~ with the Southwesterly boundary Of land of Suffolk County and the Southeasterly boundary of land of Doroski;. from said point of beginning running Southwesterly along Middle Road, 400 feet; thence at righ~ Northwesterly along other land of Dore the Southeasterly line of Middle Road ( PARCEL II 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the T amend the Building' Zone Ordinance of the Town of including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a par~ Change from "A" Residential Agricultur said Northwesterly line of original' angle to tast described course ski~ 315 feet, more or less~ to (CR27,) as relocated; thence coh'~i.nued below ) 3wn of Southold 'to change, modify and Southold, Suffolk County, New York, thereof, as follow's: al to "B" Business District. PARCEL II Continued Northeasteri~' al'o.~'~ said Southeasterly line of Middle Road (CR27) as relocated 375 feet more or less~ thenc(a along the westerly side of land of Suffolk County~ two courses' (1) Easterly 27 feet more or les~ ~ thence (2) Southeasterly 283 feet more~r less~ to the point of beginning Excepting whatever part of the above d(~scribed PARCEL II which is already in the "B" Zone. ... . 3. ~Such request is' made for the following reasons' Readjustment of "B",Bu.siness Zone operation and non conforming Business uses which have been disrupted and taken by the insLallaLion of new County Road 27 (4 Lane highwaY) through the, subject property. Due to new location of ~'ounty Road 27 forced to relocate business and buildings used in conneCtion with Business operations. ,. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- cOUNTY OF SUFFOLK,.) .S.~eph~n. J...&..P~ances..13o. ro. sk.i .... , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that ,.. he is the petitioner in the within .action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to th°se ma'tters he believes it to be true. .. Sworn to before me .~"2 ~ -- ..>',./'c/ ....//, Notary Public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in 5aid STATE OF NEW YORK: SS.~ Southo~d, Town'of Southold York, being duly sworn~ says that he is over th~ age of twenty-onc '-- . · .- place in th~ Town 6f.Southold~ S~ffolk'C0u~'ty, t'o .wlt:'~.': " .- . .. ' "" ~ " - · To%~l.-Cler3'--ullet--.k B in Boar--d - · ~. ~_~ ~/ . ~ - . ', _ ~' · . · ..... ~nce in each week, for ......... st~ccessiv~i¥ commencing on t~e . ..~.~-.~..-~,.'-... ~,_,¥ o~ .. .. ~: .~..~. ~*,,..C~:,~-~..~, .............. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being dufy sworn, sa),s · that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND rnon once eocr, week for ..... ..~'z~/~... d~o~ ........... .......................... Sworn to before me this ..._.~ ........ day of .......... .~...¢~.~.~ L:' '; ;:'".~~~~,:""' .' ' "?' '"'~ .... '"' :'~: "~ ":"':i::..:,.~..'ii', :~: .~,.' ". :..,,:~,.., "~~:'~S:' ..... . , ~ .. .............. ' '!~: :~%~.. :.. ,,, .. .. -. .... · ... .;~(.Jk ALERT JUST ,Stevem Doroskl )C' ' e F~:ank ~mrph¥ ).n~:g, ~ ~:one , .; X1~, ,~ . . .~ , : , f'ee~l. ~he~e (~-}. :;~,. ~~: .$6' aO" ,It,.-..~~.,a8 f.eetit: '~hen~e (S),N, 'ag." 23' ,. :r:' s ak ta i, ~..~....,~x:: ,~..,~hi,~~' ,e ' , . : i · , :. .. ., ~ .. ,~ ' ' . . .. :, . .' ,' ,"'".' ..:'.i' ~ '~'q:" '"" '" '"~ .... , : p~'r~t.lcula;~'. ~_ u~._;~_~.~;"" ..... "~.~ ..... bu;at.:n~$, nature, . ..... . : ..... ~'~'~' ~',~ '~:'.~'~'~ '... ...q~n~..~ i~. ~' ~m:oskt .1o~ ~ s~. pu~~~ ~a t.~~ ~C.~,.~,,,~.~y ~o,¥:.,~u.~e ' ':~*' ;' z · ..... .. , . . .. . . . ., ,, · ..... .~' .'r,'':' ~,w'~ · .......... "'-'e"'""". u. .e for . parti',ular, .. had~ .tm'e.n. yea~s A~' ':~. ,chanO.t. ng the , ::~.ubj.~t p~e~i.se, ,~'~.O..-~:~ bue~'n~.~. ~e a~ ~que~.t, ed would not ~ any · ... . ~i,~i ~ ~/"~' "o" ." . :.. . ; . -. ..~ ~. ~:. '..,'.:,'~ ..a..~ . .',~.....~.....-' ·-... ~" ...... . .... . ~....~. '~"~ . .~,Xeque,s.t t~~,...~~ ~?~,,.~. :~Xd',appz,~e. t..hi~. '"'""~".'"~' .;~ .......... ~ ~: ' , ., ... .. . .... : . ~ ,. . · . ~tt.e~'. ~yone''''~'' ::: ' .... ' "- ~ " ' ' . · , ; . ~ ;;~:;;!: ;~ ' . .... . ~ . .. ,.,. ,, .. , ~, .. .. .. ... .<~ .. aga~ns...".'' this change ~' zone~' , :(Ther'e wat no ,~:e ,, . -. ) ::.,~.,~.?.'.-!,.~,,,~.,...,,, ..... ,.~"~,,.u..':~. iS .t.t~re anyo~e prese~it who wishes t'o ~: he:a~d ' .; '~:'~i'I',,,L, iAH :Sk2.'hI:Rit~';VB,{~', :. i. wm~ld ~0 ask t-, ',~'o[.a i: is n~v .a n.on,co~ff ' - ' ' .... oza~n9 use.,.. 'i:~. ~S. ~ :c:on~ention there, is no ... ,.bu.s~~s's. z.~e t.h~. ~. AURiCHIO: Pa~t r ~ i t i S ~~ed bus. ine,- . ~s, Where 'the green hou. se ..~.S:~,.. .tr~. ,~~:ed b.u,~ine $ s. , , :,::,(1~ .~RTOXC'..~.[a~ This. is to. e~end, a 'bu. stnes,, zone .. . . . . ~ - · . c '...' .... Sh' ~n9 :(~,.. Auri. chlo~ sh/~ed, a ~p ~ 'the area-to . :;; ; - .; -'the existin9 bu.$~ness ,~e.a and the requested ...... ..... .. c...mnge .. :. , i~.~'~,F~"~ '~ '"'",,?"~ ~. ~:~n,.~,I~.~a: !f '~his. ~S to ~ ,an extensi-on . . . . · .... .. ~ '.~'~ . ~' i:s this: to Sell .o~is ~ '.~S t.o De used f:.o~ ot:he:r bus~.ess? . .:. · , ~,, .SUi:~:~;,a'VIs(~;,,~, ~..~A.:~:~.'..~:C}{I,a:. I~. is. fo~ the e.x,~m.sion ~ his p~esent 'business, . Ma, $Cl'.{RiBV.Bli~: i,s the: access for thi.:s property to Route ~7 through . . . ~~~iY' P~, :R~~,, o~ di.~e.,....tl~ ~e: 'ROU.~'~ .(Again ~.,.~ Auric'hi.o.':~ 'usi. no. .rap p~inted :?'°u/t' to ~, ~~ieve~..~:~. -. - the p~operty i'n .quastioh :~:d ~-~: access f.o~ 'this: .Pro~:=ty;, )' .. . :. ~ , % ~'% *~ ,., ~., . .... .,, ~...,,,.. . [~ , ~,. ~,C}.,~~,R: ~at concerns..m is ~he tr.~gfic en~:e~ing ~d leaving . ., . . . t~ ~y ',p~obiems,..., :, ,. ~r ''' AURxcHio''' A~~ access '~t"O 't:~t .¢~, will ha~ to ~-aPixoved by' ~~:k '"'~"~~ w-" .... '~'-" ...... .ju:~;'ti~e 'SUre'~ will "~ '~. '~ "' ~ ' ~''~ " ' ~' ~:',:~._,2n,,.,', ........ .. . ......... . , ... .. .... ,' ....... ,~,.,-,..~-:- ........ ~, .......... ,.,.' ...... ~."'". '~',v,~:. >:', , ........ , ..... ~.., .., ,,,~ ,,~',~,,,,~ ~6.5 ~' '~'~ '~;~ ''~ ~ ~...~, .' ~ ~L"b . ' · '"" ""'" " ":'" :"" "':'"' ne~,,c:, by the ,:,.~.ou~,n . ,~. ....... :,,..-.,~, ~ .,..,. ~.:.'~,' :"~ ......... . . . ,: ~? . . ~. .~. , : : ,;. , ,, . .. ~ ......... '~:':~""'":' .... 1.96:9~ at 7~30 P,M.,.-o'~"cl~k i~ tl~e evenzn9~ said :. ,... , ':,! ~ ~" ,~ .... a~. , · .'.. ,.. .... . ..... "' · ,,- ':(:inc!~din~' the :~..~,lc:~.,~n~::l,:.:,one ~,':,~'~':~,'r,~:~; ~ 't.h~.~:.~~, .~- ~:O"~:%hOld,~ ~folk :C.o~~ty..~ ,.~ ".2 ....' .... ~" "~" :f . "~'~ ' - 1' .... - ' , 1~ Cnang':~.n9 r~ ] ' 1%~ 2~ .~:tesidential and Agricu. rural District ,. . ......... ' . xbea p~opezty ~'~B'"B~sines'a .t;,::~.stx-ze ~th:e .fo'ii.in9 descr"' :a . ..... :',. .. i . .' . . . "All: that ce~:~a.'~ -n tract 'ox' pa~cei ~-...land a.ituated at ~ttituck.,.. ,, · the To~n :~ 5°uthold., a.,~folk C~n~y,~: NO~ YOrk:~. ~,d .'more .~rticul. a.r,..y. _ ' i; bou. ndedan.' ..... d .rte.scr a~~; . . ,~.,,,,,,, ' ' ...... .:, "' i .. ~. . · . · 'l ,.'-.., iy end ~ ~ .line 3,73 feet in. lengt, h and connecting the , az'~'.e .of Old lain Oad wat..h ~he..aoa~t'..,arty side :g' ~i'n Road widenett; ;: . ' '.':, . 'tw(> ~ . oou~.h 22 ~ 01' :20" ~'~:est 2' '~ 76 · the~ce, a1°~:9 land .~ of Elizabeth ~rphy :'~Outh 68 ~ 55' .10" 'W~:~ .344.,16 feet' ,, 't-O' land n,~, o~ .f,o!:':~aex'iy ~ ,ue.l'ia .c-..,,,, : thence, alon9 i~d ~ Della C!~ew,, ............... , . ,..~.~ . e .; 'v~ ~ "... ,. 230,36 feet t.o' th~. southerly .side ~ b~in Road . ;W;' ' . '~'. ..... , . ' . , ....... - . . a~ widened; ~nence ~alon9 the s:outhe.riy .~.ide ~ ~~n Road: .a .s.. wzaened two; · . ........... ' ' ,,~.,.~ :: e, as~. 526,:,:90 feet:~.. (2).N~t'h: : ~ , ~[ .., .'._ e,. 52~' 26" :00'-' east !45,.1t fee~. to the northerly' e~ ...~' the iine'"above.,; ,,de~czmbed' side ~ 0id ~.n Road 't..o ~.~ ~lnt. o~ plac~ ~ beginning, :~,~ 3.,. , '" " ....:'",:" on .;.',~bm %he $-ou%ho%d. 'T,~ Plannxng reco~m.aend,:,,.%'i f :.!.,~'C;i: heard in f avo~ .,: ~. ..,/,,,. ,, r~,~. .~: ,,,,...,, ~.,,~..~,,..,.,.-,:', ~Q.,, .,.~ · ., ~ I Sl,.~,ea:,:., ....... , and I ho~. . ~hat.. the r'e. cord indicates. ~ha% %he.. surf' oAk'~ !,~' 2o'un~y~' Planning C°mmis.sion.. 9ave. approval., ~ '%hts. and~. i . .... ~ ~ .... .. . ~,~ . ...:.. .~ .':" ,'"'~' '1969., They re~o~mnded ~0 the T~n B~:rd that. .apD'r<,_..~,:~'v~:~-:~b~_ <':ran:.~: d~.~ i.n %hxs. ""' ..... ""' "" . ".:,s pr.o~.rty. . is. bounded by ,,' ..~ ~ ,. . , .... ; · . , .~ · . ~ ' .'..' ~i · %he :~~*~''~a%.e diohwa7:,'''' ........ ' ..... a. nd ....... under ~h~ new .change in ~he · .la~., %.t~ .,.-'.o~'%7 P,l,:,~.nnin9 -~-~',... ~ ~ ak~n iht con~:~.qe~a~on. obP'.~.:.:,.~t..~,~I:,:,'oa M;9,~'i.~i'CCC}.~{IA~· ................... The S~folk Coun%y. P&ann~n9 ..... Cot~m~l~ion .ha~ . ~ ~ ,~ ~.~[~ ~ " . ~,,~~.,~d ~hi'~.appi~.cation '-'~-o~ l~al determi:na~ion' :v '~:', . } ', 'i ~don, . . ' - ~,~. ~'R.;~,. % w~~% to add too ~~h-~~e to what has ~en pres.en%ed : " .. . .... th.,, in the petition, i,[ ,~,.-~rphy i.,s ~re tonight, He purchased i tract. ~' ~ . , . i.s presently usi':z'~.~'.::~ it '.~. .t ,', ,,,': sc apinq,~.,:~,~.,~ . . ~ garden., center.~., fl~er .s~p.,. And . ' ': ii'; ~ ' ' ' ": since the zonzng ,Came ~tO be:trig tn .the 19$O'"s..,. by-SOre 'r~xsta, ke ~hts '..[ pa:eel .~' lad` Wi~ no~ zoned bu.s~neSs, '" He ~z ,~en mean.in.0 ~o. make this . ~. ~ .. ~ · . .... · .... and a.:s he mndic-.'~ e'd in the '~t'iti~, %l~ere will '~ a PZesen% ~ expansion 't.O thei"~'est ~d he is looking in~o the feasibility ~ l~atin9 . ..... . . ~ . . . a-car v~a. sh on. tll:..~ 'westerly ~~t.x._n ~' the land, ~id ~ o~der to do . . . ~ ., - . , and ~e% ceztaiii. ~z~t. req'uxzomen%$ he finds that the 'tt~' was right. ~::i,, .: . . ~ , e :::z:cep't ':?,.,: ~~ a~ such,~" The ~rcel adjoining ~ ss: J ~, ~ .... being duly Sworn, and ]Publisher o! the SUFFOLK Greenport, in said which the ,annexed is a printed ia the said Suffolk Weekl~ Times ......... ~ ............. week~ the GTON coP'WIN LAN ,' +~ o New Yotg Offldal No. Snffolk Co. - ~e t~uilding Zone Ordiriance afl ~, ~ew York, p~lic hear~ ~ ~ w~ be held by ~h~ ~ou~I~ ~ ~eK-' 1969, at 7:$8 o'clook iu the evei~i~ of s~d day on thel.fol- · ~ Za~e the ~ 1, ~ c~ fro~"~'" ~i- ~el of land sit,ted ~u~old~ ~uffolk ~ew ~ork, and mo~ ~r~ bo~ed ~d descri~.] ~e o~ ~d~s ~, wi~h the south~rly ~e of ~e e~Mn n~hwe~er~ ~[ AC~ly Pond ~ne, ri'om ~e, two ~s: (1) ~' ~" E. ~ 29.19 f~; thenCe ?~) ~. 51° ~' 00" E.~254.6~ 'f~t ~ ~he no~rly ~ff the [o~er ~d~e '~ce al~ ~id n~hwes~ ~y li~ ~o ~s~:. (1) ,--321.4~ ~ to sai~ south- ~hence along S~id Sou~he~t- ~hence (2) N. ~ 56' 20' E.-- a~.~ feet; lh~ee .~er~ia~ and A2~cultm'~ 73o~ des~d prope~y: .~, t~t ce~e~ t~c$ ~r~ ~K~ti~uck, ~u the TO~. o~ ooutno]d ouEo~k ~y, ~ar~y bonded and des~iD-$:,;~ ~d at the ~out~r~y end ~ ~e 33E ~e~ ~- ]e~ and c~t~ the w~'l~ o~ O~d ~u Road,~h ~ened; r~ then~ ~o~the wester~ ~d COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATT~TUCK WATCHMAN, a punic news- paper printed ct Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveier-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....~.~_..~..~ ........ wee~ successively, commencing on the ............. ~.~.. ............. ay o .......... ~.:....,~ ....... , 19~.~..~ '. o~urses and distance~: South 22° 01' 20" wes~ 285.78 ~eet; (2J South 5° 01''2~"[ rwe~ 156.30 feet to Land of ~tizab~.th ~Ittrphy, tlience ~hy south 68~ 65' 10" W~t $~.16 fee~ to ~d n~ or ~h~ along ~d of ~ ~.36 f~t to ~e souther~ adc of Ma~ ~ad as ~- erly ~de of ~ ~ad as ~den~ ~o courses ~d ~- ~c~; (1) No~h 52' 62' 10" ~st 526.~ fe~, (2) ~m~h 52' ~herly end of the a~ve de~d; thence ~e 3.~3 i~t to the wes~rly _~y pe~n des~ ~ ~ ~he above proposed ~end- ~nd p~e Sworn to before me this ........ ,._~L...'~.. ..... day of . .............. ~.~ ...... ~...~.~ ADELE ?AYNE Commission Expires March 30, 197~ 0 ~ o 0 0 ~ i. [ '. TOWN OF SOUTHO'LD To'WN CLERK'S OFFICE  ' ~: Main Road ~ SoUfhold, N. Y. 11971 · · : .: TOwN. CLERK 765-37'83 Building .Dept. } Planning Bd. 765-2660 Boa'rd of Ap~eais PursUant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the C°nsolidated. Laws, Article 12-B, sections 23:9-1 an.d .m, the :...' ...... .. .... '...: ............................................. ' , , -. (agene7 ir~volved) ' h-ere, by 'refb~rS..the': fOll0Wi~ng'proPosed Zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning· .commission: (chefi.~:..one) ~. ...... . -- _ .: ............ ~ew ond recodified zonin~ °rdinonce .. ...... 72:1~.. Amen'dment to the zonin~ ordin~nce ' . ..~ .... Zoning changes ~ .' ,.,..'~. , ~.. . . . . . _~riances .. ~ .- ~:. : ?~. within 500 feet' of: (Chack one or more) (.'~~[ ~:ehool~..~s[~[e~ ~ 1 I) ............ Town 'or village boundary line .." .. . .. : ............ State or county pork or recreation area. . ............ Streom or drOino~e.chonnel owned by the county °r,~for which the court.tv hos estoblished . ............ State or county owned' Parcel on'which 'a ~pUblic '[,,uilding is situated,.. .... . ,.., : / ~ote received by SuffOlk .County Plonnin0 Commission ........................ .~. ..... ~..; ........................ ~ ................. . . . ' : ~ .' .....'~ ~. ~ ., . ~ .. .. SOuthold Town Planning Board SOUTHCILD, L. I., N. Y. 1i9'71 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wic. kham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle .. Southold Town B°ar.d .116 -South .Street '-Gre.~_nport~'.'L, I° ~ New Yor-k 'Gentlemen; July '.i5-~ 1969 'This is to advise .you that the fOllowing action 'was · .'taken '..bY'.'the"S. outhold TOWn Planning 'B'oard at"a regular -meeting' held "on -July '15.t ' 19'6.9: In the.ma.tter of the petition o~. Frank .Mt~rphy~ .Main'.Road~'..M.attituck:t New 'York, rela.%'ive to 'a .change of zone from' ."..'A" ~Residential and 'Agricultural District "to · '"B'" Business' DiStriCt~ property loc'a~:ed between Main Road !i'~R°ute 25) and.-Old .Main .'Roa'd0 r M~ttituck' -New- York° 'It was. RESOLVED. that. :the 'Southold Town Planning ~B'oard does favorably 'recommend .to th~ So'uthold Town 'Boar'd the' change of'zone from' .'.'A" ReSidential. 'and Agricultural District t© "B" 'Busines~ District on' - the. above described .property° Respe~:t'fUi'ly submitted~ - -'~ohn, '~liCkham~ Chairman · oouthold Town '.Planning Board . t A, LB E:RT W, R£GISTFIAF~ OF' VITAL OFFi .' i SigU.THDLD, L. I,, N. Y. 119'71 June 25, 1969 TE:LEPH ONE~ '76 5-3'7 E! 3 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue,. N.Y. 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Frank Murphy, Mattituck, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" REsidential and Agricultural. District. to "B" BuSiness District on certain property situated on iMain Road, Mattituckl~ New York, is in the files of the Planning oard at Southold, New York. You are instructed to pre- pare. an official report defin~~' the . conditions described in the petition ~'~.d de.~ermine the area so effected w recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly you · Albert W..Rich Town Clerk ith' the rs, .nond CASE NO' . ...... STARE OF N,EW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF AMENDMENT FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION. OR. , OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- · NANCE. OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SIJFFOL'K COUNTy, NEW YORK. .: · .. TO THE TOW'N BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUIHOLD' 1. I, ...... ~. ~C..i.~.....vT...-...1~..l~..p.]x. Tir...; ...... , residing (insert name of petitioner) ; Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the ox vnet of certain real property, situated at ~la±2a Road~.' ..~...a.t;.~..i.~..~.e:..kJ.'..~..,...~:~..: and more vartic, darly bounded and described, as follows' AL~ ~a~ certain plot~: pmac. e or par'eel cf' land, wi~h buildings and improve- me:mf.,s t_hereom .{;.~rec~ed.~ si~uate~ lYing and b~ing a~ ~a.~i~uck, ~own o£ Southold, Go'mm~ of '.'Snf£olk~ .$~.alo of New York, bounded and described as £ollOws: ' ~EGIA~ING ,a~ a point, on ~he wes~.eml-Y si~,e of Old Mai-n.~Road ,a~ ~ka southerly end .of a'-iine 5.75 Fe,e~ in length ~d' Co~ec~i~ ~he westerly side of Old ~ain Ro.a~ wi~h %he southerly side of.' ~.~n .Road wid,ened'~ r~ing %hence along %he west- ~he following two' courses and 'dis- (2).Sou h 2o" wes g said land 'of Elizabeth .Murphy '' w or formerly of Della Chew, ~hence 'es~ 230.36 ~ea~ ~o ~he s. ou~herly .e southerly side of Main Road as 52° 02' '5'0" eas~ 5~6.90 Fee~ , northerly end .of the line above g said line 3-73 ~.eet ~o ~ke Wes~- ..ace of BEG~~G. erly .an~ northwesterly. side of 01d Maim. Road t~nees., (~') Sou~h 22°,0~' 20"' west 285-96 ~eet £e.e~ ~.o l~d o2 Elizab?e~h M~p~., .~h.ence. alor so'm~h '68° 55' ~'0" wes~ ~.d. 6 ~ee~ ~o la~d mc along l~d o~. Della 0hew, north 2~° 0&' 5:0" ~ side..o~ Hain Road .as widened~ ~hence along t~ widened ~wo co,.sss ~d dis%~ces: (fl) No'r-~h (2) N.or~h 52° 26' 00'": .eas~ d"~5-~5 Fee~ l;o ~ke described~~ ~kenCe s.outh 2d° ~7', .20" east; ~o~ erLy side off 01d ~n .Road ~o the poin~ or pi 2. I.. do ~ereby pet, i ow - ' change, modify~.and amend the mldmg Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk COunty, New X ork, h'eretofore made a part thereof, as ' including the Building Zone Maps follows' ' From "A" Residential and Agricut~um'al DisSric~ lo "B". ..... Business... Disirict. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons' I have o~',ed this property prior, to the enactment of Zoning in $°Uthold .Towz~ ~d have'~ways used i~ fo~ Business pu~.o.ses- Since. Zo~ng went into effect the proper~ has ~way's been maintained as a n.on-co~forming use ~d shoed have been :Zoned Business long ago as the general character off the neighborhood ~d prgper~ along the main road is busines~ 0n, this pr.oper~ there is located a concrete b~l~ng with ~ attached gree~ous, e. a b~n ~d several shed.s~ all o.f w~ch'are.u~ilized [.n ~. florist: l~dscaping~ ~.d garden center business. · The business co~du'cted on'this property includes the retail sale of flOwers~ insecticides: 'fertilizers:. ~d v~ious articles for la.~ ~d g~den .care. It 'is my intention to. e~~d this'busineSs ~d on the westerly portion o£ the land to loc. ate.a Car on,e.-.story C~'m.-'en.t.b!oCk .structUre which would for ample ;entrauO'ie. and e~t areas, areas on the prOper~ wo~d be 'filled As. 'seen .~rom the attached map~ the.westerl~ "B2"-BUsiness D. istrict~ the northerly bo~da~ Main Road,. but on the northerly side. o.f' fbi's Wash. This. would be 'an attractive , be .set back..suf£iciently to allow s building is constructed the low · grounds attractively l~_dsc.aped.. boundary of my proper~y..is zoned ~ of my property is bounded by State Road.~'..tke' laud is. presently vacant and belongs i t.o E & H,Witsberg~ which State which is' .zoned' Residential' andAg~.mcult~'. .s zoned "'B".-Business smd New York ~ural'~"..Howevers. the land which is ~ .for .~,~y residences'~ or agricultUre~ and ~ owned b,y bhe 's-~ate .is low ~d ~s~ted is ut~.!mzed p~im~ily ffo~ drainage~ ' . . .~ . STATE OF' NEW YORK, ) ) SS:-- CC)UNTY OF SUFFOLK, .) ..... .~.~.o..$S..J.~..~.l~.p~o,~r.' ................ BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the Within action' that he tlas re.'ad the foregoing Petition and knows ' I the contents thereof; that the same is' true to his ~ own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and to be true. Sworn to before me this .(:... day of ..... ...'J..tg~..~. · , 19.6.9. ....... ......... . ........ Notary Public. ~T~Y P~iC, St~ ~ ~w York '~, 52-7~25~ - SUffolk ,Count_ ~mi,mi~, ~x~rm Mirth ~0, that as to .those ma'tters he believes it purposes. ~he land t° the eas~ and south are zoned "A".' Residential. and Agriculture and are. owned by M~ha Husing and Elizabeth Murphy~ both 'of whom have no objection 'to the proposed c~ange of zone. J~me d2~ ~969 Southold Town Board Southold TOWn Planning Board Southold New York Gentlemen: I own the property to the east the petitioner herein .for a change from '"A" Residential and Agricultur Business District. I have no objec the property has been used for busil years ,f Francis J. M~mrphy, of zone on his property.... '' District to a '~'B" ~ion to his petitiOn as ~ess purposes for many WILLIAM WlCKHAM RICHARD F. LARK LAW OFFICES] WILLIAM WlCKHAM MATTITUCK, t. ONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 ' 516-298-835~ ~une ~8, -. FAr. ~oward Terry Building Inspector TOwn of Southold Maim. Road Southold, New York Dear ~oWard: ~FL/om In conmectmon wroth the pe'tmtmpn of Frank Murp y that I discussed with you previouslY, Ii/am enclosing the following: 1, Petition in duplicate along With a .letter from Martha ~u 2.. .Six (6) copies of the change prepared by. Va Six (6) copies of the are..a. check in the amount £ilimg fee. Very Ri c. hard sing. map of the proposed a Tuyl. & Son. ZOning Map in that o£ $25.00 for the ly yours '/AIDDLE RO&D COUNTY ROAD 27 '23.48 $.4 SO' 40" IV. - $. gX iSTING[20kD · ST PlI[- "IAI DDL~ 12 O&D" /AAP OF LA'ND SU~V~=YED DO .OSZ! Sl'f U A-r,c AT 50UTt4OLD I-4 g \V YOlZl4 :SEAL F_. BO'= I" ~t = ,',&OHU/AEkLT Al2rA = ,5. 173 ACI2g$ AT .50'= /" >L~OnXXx.,. ',-.., .... -..-- 0 -D 0 k4 f L; [.) L F: /WA~E I ,,fiD' - /"