HomeMy WebLinkAboutMudd, David Amend #85 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .............. ~l~.:~4..~/t~J~ ................................................ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Mops made a port thereof by chang- ing from ...~.A.~..~I..T~.,.....~...~'J.~..~.~..:. District to ....~.B.~'......~...~...~..~.~ ........... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....... .]'...~....l~.....day of ............. .J~.~'...~.. ....................... , 19~.~..., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is B~ GTdor of ~he Southold Toun Boird Dli~.eds N~¥ ~3, 1969 Bf£~ve &e of May 23, 1969 Town of 'LEGAL NOTICE .NOTICE ~OF AMENDMENT,~OF ZQN~I N~' ORDI NANC~ at a ~men~ o~~ ~e no~er~ ~ne of ~ai~ ~u~g ~ence alon~ ~e ~h- ;oll~g '4 courses and dis~ces:~ (1) westerly ~ong ~ c~ve ~ ~ ~ the r~t, hav~g a ra~ of 10~.0 f~t, a all--ce alo~ ~]d cu~e of 50.~6 f~t ~ a' ~int; ~ence (2) ~ ~9 de~s 08 minutes 0O s~s west feet to a pipe; (3) ~u~ ~7 ~ees 18 minu~ 40 ~ds w~t 164.00 feet'~ a, pi~; (4) sou~ w~t 8.53 fe~ ~ ~ pl~ at the ~v]sl~n l~e be~een the prem- ~s herein descri~ and l~d thence no~h 34 de~es 05 ~n- ut~ 30 ~nds west along l~t ment~ed land 193.16 feet to an iron bar ~ the ~d now or fo~erly of Way.nd C. ~; ~e~ce no~h 60 de~e~ 01 min- utes 30 ~ds east along las~ men~oned ~d 286.44 f~t 1age ~f G~n~ fl~t a~ve m~tlo~; th~ce ~ 3~ de- aM~ the ~st men'ned 265.80 feet ~ the no~berly line ~ Ma~ (Sta~) R~ et the ~int dential ~nd A~ic~ral District descr~b~ p~rty: ~i~ at ~old, in ~e To~ of of N~ Yo~k, and more ~g at the ~te~on ~ ~e exxon no~we~rly Po~ Lane wi~ the ~u~e~rly l~e of Mldd,le R~d (C~7- as ~e~; from ~ld ~lnt of ~e-. ~ s~d ~uth~ly line of ~ker]~ Po~ ~ane; there a~ ~d exte~ion, ~e (~- W~erly, 39 feet, ~re or 1~ menee (2) ~w~terly, 244 f~ (2) No~r~, 34 feet, mo~ DA~: ~L 22, 1969, BY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~ ss: STATE OF N~-W YORK, j .... s~s that ...~.. is Pru inter and Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a news~per publish~ ~ Greenport, in said countw and ~at the noti~, of which ~e annexed is ~ ~int~ copy, has been published in the ~d Suf~Ik Week[~ Times once in each week, ~r ........ ~ ............. week~ successiv6ly commencing on ~e ...~.k~ ......... ......... 19~. ,of .... ........ Sworn to belize me this . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK [ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK I C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA'I-I'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... ~."..~.~/,/../ week~ successively, commencing on the .............. ./.~/-~...i ........ o,o, ............. Sworn to before me this ......... ~ .......... ay of .............. Notary Public ~ ' '~3' ' ~4 feet, more or less, t~ land of Suffolk County; thence southeasterly alol~ said land of {B~ffolk County, 185 feet, n~e or le~s, to the north- ~ of Ackefly thence along said extension, · (~Westerl¥, 39 feet, more, ol~,~l~{J~; thence ~-~or thwest erly, a244 feet, ~ or less; thence-- ~r~[ to the point of be~in- DATE~: APRIL 22, 1969. B~ ORDER OF ALBERT W. R~OHMOND, TO~'N CLERK WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ............ ~111~..~1/11~..~1~1~.~...~1~1~ ................ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made o port thereof by chang- ing from ...... ~&.?... '".11~.. ~- ~,~L~,District to ....~.2~..lkl~l~ll~ ...... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, o public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...],9.~¢.~ ....... day of .................. !~...~.. .................. , 19.~.~...., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is By 0~der of, the Iouthol.d ~ Dit. ed. N~y 1.3, ].969 lif£~t,:Lve a~ of Nay :13, 1.969 T~m o:~ &cmthold NOTICE OF AMENDMEN~ OF ZONING ORDINANCE -- AMENDENT NO. 85 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE~. that after a public hearing held law, the Building Zone Ordi- nance, (dlcluding the Buildh~ Southold. Suffolk County. Ne~ York, was duly amended at a. regular meeting of ihe Southold Town Board held on April 22, 1969, as follows: dential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Busineas District the following described property: or parcel of land situated, ly- ing and being at East Marion, in the Towll of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of ulariy bounded and described Beginning al, a monument on the northerly line of Main (State) Road at the inter- section between the premises herein described and land of Village of Oreenport; running thence along the northerly line of Main (State) Road the fo]lowing 4 courses and dis- curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 1009.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 50.~6 feet to a point; thence (2) soutl~ 69~ 09' 00' W. 74.30 lg' 40' W. 164.00 feet to a pipe; (4) south 66° 48' 40" W. 8.53 feet to a pipe at the di- vision line between the prem- ises herein described and land now or formerly of Floyd F. W. along the last mentioned land 193.16 feet to an iron bar and the land now or formerly north 60' 01' ~0" E. along the last mentioned land 286.44 feet soulh 33~ 17' 00" g. along the last mentioned land 265.80 feet to the northerly line of Main (State) Road at the point or place of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural Districv to "B" Business District the fol- lowing described property: All that certain tract, piece, lng and beipg at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and more particularly bound- ed and described as follows: Beginning at the intersec- tion of the extension north- westerly of the northeasterly line of Ackerly Pond Lane with the ~outheazterly line of Middle Road (CR 2~) as re- located; from said point of be- ginning running northeasterly along said southeas~erly line COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA'I-I'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Counl~; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..~/-~,....~./...ff....a_~eel~ successively, commencing on the ................ /..~e/,~..'. ......... doy of .......... .......... ....... , gB['LI~ P,~ YN E e~ at a reg~ar ~g of ~e ~ld T~n Boa~ held ~ential and Agrie~t~al ~tr{~ ~G at a ~nument on the ~remis~ ~eNe~ d~cri,bed erl~ line of M~ (S~ate) R~ ~e' ~oll~ing ~ courses and (1) westerly along ~ c~e ~ng ~ the ~t. ~v~g a ra~ oJ 10~.0 Xee~ a di~nee alo~ ~id~ c~e of 50.~ ~ to ~int; thence (~) ~ ~ .deg~ 08 m~utes 00 s~nds ~est 74.30 f~t ~ a pipe; (3) ~u~ ~ gees 18 ~nu~ ~ ~ 164.00 Jeer ~ ~ pl~; (4) south ~vision llne between %he prem- iss he,in deseri~ and now or fo~erly of Floyd F. King; ~ence north 84 de~s 05 ules 80 se~nds west along ~he 1~ ~e~i~ed land 193.16 fee~ ~ence nomh' 80 de~es 01 min- ut~ 30 sec~ e~t along last menti~ed la~ ~4 feet ~ge . of Gre~npo~ f~st a~ve. a~ the last m~ed 265.80 ~t ~ the no~herly line ~ Ma~ (State) R~ ei ~he ~int or ~laee of b~n~. · iential ~4 A~ic~tural Distrie~ of N~ York, ~ ~ at the ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J ... :,~.:. ~..~.~?~¢..~. ,~-~..4~.~.~..~.~. .... being duly Sworn, s~s that ...~. is Printer ~d Publisher of ~ SUFFOLK WEEKLY TI~ES, a newsp~er publish~ at Greenport, in s~d county: and ~at the noti~, of which ~e ~exed is a printed copy, ~s been published tn the ~d Suf~lk Weekl~ Times vnce in e~ch w~k, tot ......... ~ ~ ............. week~ successively commencing on the ..~.~ ~ ......... ......{...~, . .~;~..., ~ ~. ~.~ ~ ~:,., ,~, Swam to ~fore me this .%.9~,... day of ...fit ~.~ ....... .. 19~/.. ...... ............ ..... NOTICE OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT OF -- AMENDMENT NO. 85 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN~ that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law., the Building Zone Ordinance ~ (including the Building Zone Map) of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York~ was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on April 22~ 1969, as follows: 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B--2" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situated~ lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York~ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument on the northerly line of Main (State) Road at the intersection between the premises herein described and land of Village of Greenport; running thence along the northerly line of Main (State) Road the following 4 courses and distances: (1) westerly along a curve bearing to the right~, having a radius of 1009.0 feet.~ a distance along said curve of 50.76 feet to a point; thence south 69 ~ 08 ~ 00" W. 74.30 feet to a pipe; (3) south 77' 18' 40" W. 164.00 feet to a pipe; (4) south 66 ~ 48' 40" W. 8.53 feet to a pipe at the division line between the premises herein described and land now or formerly of Floyd F, King; Legal Notice Page -2- thence north 34~ 05~ 30" W, along the last mentioned land 193.16 feet to an iron bar and the land now or formerly of Wayland C. Brown; thence north 60 ~ 01 ~ 30" E. along the last mentioned land 286.44 feet to a monument and land of the Village of Greenport first above mentioned; thence south 33' 17~ 00" E. along the last mentioned land 265.80 feet to the northerly line of Main (State) Road at the point or place of beginning. 2~ By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situated~ lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk~ State of 'New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the extension northwesterly of the northeasterly line o6 Ackerly Pond Lane with the southeasterly line of Middle Road (CR27) as relocated; from said point of beginning running northeasterly along said southeasterly line 334 feet~ more or less.~ to land of Suffolk County; thence southeasterly along said land of Suffolk County, 185 feet, more or less~ to the northwesterly line of Middle Road; thence southwesterly along said northwesterly line~ 285 feet, more or less, to said extension of Ackerly Pond Lane; thence along said extension, three courses: Legal Notice Page -3- Westerly, 39 feet, more or less; thence Northwesterly, 244 feet, more or less; thence (3) Northerly, 34 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. DATED: APRIL 22~ 1969~ BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN ALBERT W. R~CHMOND, TOWN BOARD CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 1, 1969, AND FORWARD EIGHT (8) AFFIDAVITS OF PULICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD~ SOUTHOLD~ NEW YORK. COPIES mailed to the following on April 23., 1969: The Suffolk Weekly Times The Long Island Traveler--Mattituck David Mudd Leroy Brown Otto Van Tuyl Watchman STATE OF COUNTY OF NEW YORK SUFFOLK.- SS. ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 13th day of May _ ~, 19 69 he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board Main Road, Southold, L.I.,N.Y. Sworn to before me this 13th day of ~_-~. ~M~ay_ ~--. ~.~._, 19~_~69 ~. Notary Public {' NOTARY PUF~LIC, State of New York No~ 52-3233]20 Suffolk gounty }'-'e ': ~?-~, Expires Ntarch f~l I N UT E S SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 1969 PRESENT: SUPEP, VI$OR ALBE2T MARTOCCHIA ./USTICE ,'~,RTIN SLrDER COUNCIL~N HOWA?D VALENTINE COUNCILbDIN LO[TIS DE~REST TL%%~N CLERK ALBEDT RICHRIO~ T~VN ATTORP~Y 20~RT V,. TASI~R Ch~n~e of zone - Letoy & Lorrain,e Bro~m -3- 1 SUPERVISOR .~TCC~CHIA: I will open the hearing at This time by reading the legal notice of hearing: "Pursuant To Section 265 of the Toxen Law and Article I~' of the Bnilding Zone Ordinance of The To%vn of Southold~ Suffolk County, Ne~'., York, public baarinQs will be held by the Soutbold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street~ Greenport, New Yor,'~, in said town on The 19th day of .~%rch~ 1Q69, at ?:30 o~clock, in the evening of said day on the follo~ving proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (Including the Building Zone ~4aps) of the To~vn of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York. "1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to Business District The following described property: r'All ?hs.t certain Tract or parcel of land situated at East P,~rion, in the To~vn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more ~arTicularly bounded and described as follows: "BEGI~ING at a monument on the northerly line of }.lain (State} 2gad at the intersection between The premises herein described and land of Village of Greenport; running thence along the northerly linc of 3!ain (State) 2gad The following 4 courses and distances: (1) westerly alon~ a curve bearing right baying a radius of 100~.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 50.76 feet To a point; thence (2) south 69 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds ~est 74.30 feet to a pipe; (3) sou?b 77 de0rees 18 minutes 40 seconds west 164.00 feet To a pipe; (4) south 66 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds west 8.53 feet to a pipe at the division line bet~veen The premises hrein described and land now or formerly of Floyd F. I(ing; Thence north 34 degrees 05 minutes seconds west along The last menTi~ed land 19Bo16 feet To an iron pipe and The land now or for~erly of Wayland C. Bro%vn; thence north 60 degrees 01 minutes 30 secoDds e~sT along the last menticned land 286.44 feet to a monument and land of the Village of Greenport first above mentioned; thence south q3 degree~ 17 m~nutes O0 seconds east along The last mentioned land 36_~.80 feet to The northerly line of ~[ain (State) ~oad at the point or place of be9i~in_~. Containing an area of 1.5 acres. !SU~P, VI~O!~ ~P~TOCCHIA: There are ;~fidavi~s in ~he file indica~in9 that publication wae ~ciually mede of this legal no~ice. I ~vil! no?; read ~he reco~end~ion of the Flannin9 Board. "Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the follo~ving actLon %vas taken by the Jouthold To~vn Planning Board at a rea,flat meeting h~ on December 9~1968: "In the ~atter of the petition of ~roy BD~n for a change of :~one "A" ltesidential and ;9ricultural District to 'B-2' Busines~ distric~ on thc foiler'ina described property: (locstion of property ~vas not ~ead again) "it '~:as :{gSOb~JD that the Southold Town Planning Board reco~nend favorab]? to the Southold To~.-n Bo~rd ~he change of zone from '."~' [lesident~ and ;,Dricultural District to 'B-2' Business District on the above described proper tS,. "The Pl~nnin9 Board points out tha~ thc property herein described !fas been used for business for ~A~y years ~5 a non-co~ormin9 use. "2es~pectfully s,lbmitted, /s/ John Wiclcham~ Chairman" SI;I~VISO2 5DkRT~CI{IA: At %his time I shall like to hear from anyone in favor of ~his proposal. )PS. SHALE: Could you point out better v~hcre this property 3~[?E~?VIDO[~ ~-5~I~TOCC~{I~,: This is propcrty o%vned by [~roy gro~',n Euzines~ district. Is there anyone present ~vho ~ishes to s~ak in opposition to this proposal ? F?t. LP~.~ :~I?~fO~[: I gm opposed to business along Tb~ Morth :~oad an3' of Thosc are~s. ~, reasons are, anybody ta~cin0 a trip out from ~{untin~ton, tr~vollin0 east through this part of ~n~ Island and %,~ha~ hg~ happened in the area on ~oute 25 ~ ~vhere small businesses have -4- ha..r_~ added ~ large n]otel. I t]~ink }]ere in Or:~enport you have one of the !post beautiful to~,zn£ on Long Is/and. 'fo bring thiq t},~2 of bui¢iness to thc bnsincss ~',*u need. Yoe should concern yot~rsel:,3 x'~th buildin(~ u[* +he cit~, [~ropcr. Irm vcr~, much opposed to this propert], being zoned or}]er than residential. SU?Z.TVIS.2~I [5:~iIT~CHL:~: Is there anyone else ~'/ho wishes l-o sf?cnI~ oppnsit{on to ?~is proposal? 3Ui~E[~VISOR..5..,T~CIfI~. [.ould anyone !i~c to be heard one ~'/ay oZ the other ? [L~. LE20Y ~.$N: This has bnen business for 40 years. ~'.'e ,v~]t To put up a five uni~ mntel. It has been business and actually is should have been ...... uINT~{. You start out with a five unit ~otel, tkcn you have bu~n._s .... com~nq in. TL~s is a residential area. can't do ail?thing the ,ray it is. LUPE2VISC;~ i~i~T~CqI~: ~.ould ~nyone else like to be heard one way or the other on tbff~ (There t.'a~ no resp0nse.) oU~., Io.D.. 2L~iITu~Z'S~iL',: }!earing none, I will close the bearing ~ing proposals ,~o 'amend the ~.ui~d- 'ia~g Zone Ordin~ce (including .~e ~'Bui~ng Z~e-~~.) ~ the ~n ~f ~uthold, ,sUffolk ~unty, New Y~rk.' ' ..., . . 1. ~BY chan~ng-f~ "A" Resi- de~fiM-an~~ A~ic~t~al Dist~Ct ~ ~B-2'" B~n~s Dist~ct ~e foll~- ~g de~.~ <~~: ~ t~ ~~n ~act or pardi of. ~and ~,t~d at East'Ma~n, ~ the T~ of ~u~ol~; ~ffo~ · ~~ty, .~ York, and more P~- fic~arly ~~d~ and. d~b~ i LEGAL NOT{CE (1) H,. 6~° 07' 00" ~:.'_ 52.13 .feet`K, I .... k¥(Yl~IOE OF ~I,NGS ON ~ a-mon~ent; thence ~K, ~ '- PROPOSAL TO ~~D (2) N. 86 o 53' ~" E. - 186.18 f~t J Z'O~NG O~~~CE · ~ 'a m~~ent; thence. FursUant to S~tion 265 of ~e (3) N. 43o ~14' 40" ~. _ 87.05 f~t [~-- ~'~ .... ~ing duly Sworn, ~wn Law ~d Article IX of the ~:-a m~n~en.t; thence. B~ding Zone ~~ce of the (4) ~$o 52' '40" .E. - 32.50-fe~ ~Printer and Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK Town of Sou~old, Suffolk C~' ~ a m~~~t;, the~e ty, ~ew York, p~lic 'hearings wffi (5) ~. 8:7° ,14' 20" ~ - 162.98 feeteWs~per publish~ ~t Greenport. in s~d be held ~by.the ~uthold .Town B~rd ' to a 'm~~t; thence' mt' the ~.ce ~ the Supe~i-~r, I6 '(6) ~. 46° 34' 20" E. - 94.13 teet~'Oii~, of which the ~nezed is ~ print~ South S~t, Gr~nport, New York, ~ a m9n~enl; thence 1~ ~id t~n ~ the 19th day of a~g l~d of ~e ~rty ~ 'the ~hed in the s~d Suf~lk Week~ Times ~Ma~h, 1969, ~at 7:30 ' ' - - - . . o cl~k, in the fl~ pa~, S. ':30° 01' 30" E. -~r.. ~~ week~ eve~ng'oi ~id' day ~ the folly- 1'51.52 feet to an 'i~.n pi~ and .......................... l~d of St. A~.~: Cemetery; dng on the ~ence alo~ ~.id la~ of ~. Ag- ' ..................... n~ Cemete~, 'two..cours~: ~. 19~ (1) &; 63° 02' 10" W. - 400.35 feet ........ (2) 73° 22' 50" .W. '- 165.64 f~t ._~ ~ ~ .an'imn pi~ and' ~'id eas;terlY { this . ~ ~. ~ :... , H~ ~f' ,M~~set Av~ue; ~e~e{ nn , two ~~ ........ (1) N. 34° ~6' 30" W. - 175.14 .a.. f~t; ~ce , ,, ' .... ~ ' .... "~ .... ~' ~.: ...... /<' ~ ..... ' ..... . · (2) N. 20' 12 30 W. - 35.37 f~. .. ~ ~e ~t of .begi~ing. C~- ~~ 2.2~9 acr~. . ~~~ING at a mon~ent on Any ~~ de~r~g ~ '~ heard ..... · .... - .......... ~.- .: ', . 7 . · . . ~.~_ ~o~~ly ~e of Maiu ($~) ~ ~e a~ve p~~ a~~en, ts NOT~?~"~' ~'....~..': '" ~'.. : ,'.!~w 'fork  a~ rue m~tEn betw~ ~d a~ar a,t ~e time ~ place' ?:'.~ .... ~' _~' ~.:~: :;~ ~) ~ pre~s~ herein d~Cri~d ~d ~' ' Quaiii~d ::~ Suff::lk County ~ ~ 'Vi~a~ of 'Gr~~rt; ~~ ~U~Y 25, 19~9, By .Term Expi~'es March 30, ru~~ thence al~g ~e no~- ~ ~"~ ~~HO~ ' ~ly l~e 'of ~~ (S~te) R~ ~e ~~ ~~ ~H~m,g 4 ~~ and d~oc~: ~T W. RI~MoND~ (1) ~~rly ~long ~ c~e' ~~ ~~ ~ ltM7 ~ .~ ,the ~t, hav~g a ra~ur ~ 10~.0 f~t, a di~ce alo~ .......... t~aid curve of 50.76 feet to' ~ point; thence (2) south 69 degrees, 08 minu.tes. 00 seconds west 74.3{! feet to a pipe; (3) south 77 dedl. S grees 18 minutes 40 seconds .west 164.00 feet to ~. pipe; (4) s'outl~ 66 cl~grees 48 minutes 40 second~o~ west 8,~3 .feet to a pipe. at tim division line between the prem.iq, i~es herein described .and land~:o! .~ now or formerly of Floyd F. King;!qj :) thence north" 34-degrees 05 min- , utes 30 .secOnds west along t~nej last mentioned 'land 193.16 feet roi an iron :bar ami the ',larid now or: form~rly -' of Wayland-C. · 'thence north 60 degrees 01 min-bq~ utes ~0 Seco~is east along the.~t~ last mentioned land 286.44 feet to).q a..mormment and land of ~he Vii- lage ~f Greenport first above" meriti0ned;7 thence sou~ 33 de-~ grees 17 minut~ 00 seconds eaSt'~ .along ~'the last mentioned landiS. '265.80 .feet to the n~rtherly line of Main (Sta,te) Road ~:t the point' . or place of beginning. Containina~ .an area of 1.5 acres. ~ 2.~_-By chang~r~g irom "A" Resi-i dential and Agricultural District '~3" B~ District the following.:9 described property: All theft .certain tract or parecl:i · of land situa~..ed at Sou, i~hold,, in:t' 'th~ .Town of Southold, Suffolk:~l 'County, ,New York, ~rid more. particularly bound~:,d and describ- ed as .~olh>ws: · t~Ai~IF_~ I - B~IN~I~NG'at the' ' i~ersecti.on of- the extension ' northw ~e~erlY.. o.f-the ,northeasterly ~ ?~i-line'Of Ackerly Pond Laiae with i'~ithe f~ou~theasterly line of Middle said point o.f beginn. J,ng north- easterly along said southeasterly line 334 feet, nxore or loses, ¢'o ],and · of Suffolk .Co. unty; thence south- ea~sterly a.l~ng sa:id land o.~ S'uf- folk 'County, 1.85 feet, more or less t,o the. n.o,r~hwesterly line of Middle Road; thence, s~outhwest- erly along 'said northwesterly line, 285 feet, mo,re or less, to s.aid ex- tensicm of Ackerly l:~ond Lane; thence along said extension, three .e~urses: (-1) Wes,terly, 39 feet, more or les~,; thence (2) Northwesterly, 244 feet, r~o.re or less; thence (3) ,Northerly, 34 _feet, mo.re or less, .to the pain( 'of beg~nn,ing. ,PA, I~C, EI, II- BEGIiNNING at the intersecti, o.n of the no,rthwest- erly line. of Middle Road (CR27 as relocated, wi,th the northeast- erly bo'UndarY '.Sf land o£ Doroski. · ~r~d the ,Southwesterly bo.undary 'of .lan, d 0,f MUdd, from said point~ ,of beginning 'r...un,ning northwest- erly along 'S~iC~ land-of Doroski, 30.0 £eet; thenCe.a'l~ng'..Said 1.and o.f ,Mudd, twt)-c~urseS.: (1) ,Northeast~,rly parallel t° · said no..z!thw:es:terly )~n...e .of..Mid- '' dle Road, '400. feet; thence '· .-(2'). Southeasterly Parallel t° ,sa~.d. ,boundary line 0.f 'land .of' D0~os'l~i, 300 feet to~Sai.d north2 _~v~.sterly line .cf Mici'dle Road;" 'thence southwesterly alc,n.g said.:. r~orthwesterly line, 400 £ee, t to the ,po,int .o,f beginning. ,F, xcepting whatever part of the'l abowe described parcel II which is already J~ l~ne "B" zone. 3. By cl~a'~ging from. "A" Resi- ,. dential and Agricultural District to ~"IB" Business District the f,o.llowing. descri'bed property: All th,at .certain tract.-o,r~-pare~ of..l~a~:l: situated at Greenport, the 'Town. :o.f S,outho,ld, 'Suffolk 'Cour~ty, ~New York, and mo~:e par,. ticul.arly bounded and described as B~t~G]]N, NING at a monument-on the easterly line of Manhar~.~.t Avenue, '981.72 feet southerly ,~:.l.o~ng said easterly line from the,- North Road, 's~aid point of begin~ ning, being the southwesterly eo,rner of land .o,f Sterling Ceme-:' tory; £rom saicl' point of begin,~] ning 'running al.cng ~aid la,nd'riff.- Sterling Cemetery, six coursaS: ~.~OT1CE OF ~ONI'NG ORDtN.~X '~-~ .~-su. an~ to Sect,mn "," ,ct ~he 're~ Law and Article IX .of-~ ~dlnF Zone Ordi~a~ce of 'ro~ of Sou~hold. SuffOlk 5New York, public hear~gs[ be held by ~he Southold ~n ~ard at the office of ~~r. 16 ~uth ~~~, New York. in ~id on the 19~h day of ~t 7:30 o'cl~k, in the fi~e~ of ~id day on ~he fo~o~ ~~ to amend the Buil~g ~-dinance (including the ~g Zone Maps) of the To~ &ughold, S~olk CounSy, York. ~ changing from "A" ~i- PARCEL I -- BEGINNING 'at the intersection of the ex- tension nor esterly of the northeaster.i, .,ne of Ackerly Pond L4ane with t. he south- easterly line of Middle Road (.CR 27~ as relocated' from said point of beginning ~un- nmg northeasterly al0rig'+said southeasterly line 334 feet.. more or less, to land of Suf- folk County' thence south- '-~asterly along said land of Suffolk County, 185 feet, mine or le~s, to the northwesterly line of Middle Road; thence southwesterly along said northwesterly line, ~285 feet, more or less, to said extension of Ackerly Pond Lane' thence along said extension, three course~ ' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND ~RAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that '.the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- 'q]-2" Business District the · ~[k~rtng described property: ,MI that certain tract or ~arcel of land situated at East ~arion, in the Town of South- skl, Suffolk County, New York. ~ more particularly bound- ~d and described as follows:~ ~~N~O at a mo~- ment on the northerly line of ~ (State) Road at the in- 'ber~tlon 'between the prem- ~ herein described a~d ~d of Village of Greenpot~,~; flllmtng thence along ,~Ortherly line of Main (Sta~) Road the following 4 coursl~ and distances: (1) westerly along a curve bearing to tl~ Faght, having a radius of 1009.0 ¢~et, a distance along said ~t~-ve of 50.'/6 feet to a point; ~euce (2) south 69 degrees ~ minutes '00 seconds west ?-~.30 feet to a pipe' (3.~ scull:, 77 degrees 18 minute,s 4(. seconds west 164.00 feet ~o pipe; (4) south 66 degrees 4~'~ minptes 40 seconds west feet to a pipe at the divisiobi line between the premised herein described and land no~! or formerly of Floyd F. King:l (1) Wester.ly, 39. ~et, more mOn once each week for .... ~>..,~,. .... .~.. we I or less' thence' ,2) NorthweSterTM, 244 feet, successively, commencing on the ...... ~./'i. ' more or less' thence :~ ' ............................ (s) Northerly, 34 feet, more dav of 19 · or less, to the point of. ' ' ' ' · beginning. ':, PARC*EL II -- BEGINNIN(~r'i .~/t the intersection oL the'~ ..................................................................... /~orthwesterly line of 1Viiddle~.~ ~ Road (CR ~,q) as relocated,~ with the northeasterly bound-~' ary of land of Doroski '~and:' the southwesterly boundary r ~f land of Mudd? f~/~m'.::.~,! Sworn to before me this ................... ..... day ~k~torthwesterly along s~id land, .... ~'~ of Dorosld, ~00 feet' thence ' '" ]9 " along said land of Mudd, two COllrse8 · (I) Nor~hea~sterly parallel ---) ,ne of Middle Road, 400 feet; ........................ thence (2) Southeasterly parallel to~ said boundary line of land of Doroski, 300 feet to said northwesterly line of: " Middle Road; thence'~ ^DELE ' southwesterly along said ~otarv P~!~iic. Stah~ of New Res;,:,;~L~ in Su~;olk County , northwesterly line, 400 No. 52-3d41000 feet to tile point of be- e,~mmission Expires March 30, ~innlng. ~hence north 34 degree~ minutes 30 ~econtLs west M~i Excep~h~ whatever part of the last mentioned land 193.1U the abo~e described par- feet to'an iron bar and' thc[ cel TI which is already in land...~, w or formerly of Way-1 the "B" zone. land (~: Brown; thence 'north1 By changing from "A" Resi-. 60 degrees 01 minutes 30 sec-1~:3' ,~ ,~,~ o~ ,,_+~,,~..~.~ ..~^__ dential and Agricultural District lowing described property ~ monumem and 'land of the/ ' ' :' , [ . :'-~'i' above mentioned; thence . _ . ~_~~_"}'.: .... "'~feet~~%lt~llnent; th..e~ce; ~ "~~'~[,t~': south 33 de ~ ees 1 I port m the Town oI , if) , * · g'. 7 minutes1 ,' ~iI" I? 1~.'.~. '5~' .40' le..--.~.S0'. (1)lq. '~ 00 seconds east along the lasti~ :~ Suffolk County, Ne~~-' ~..] feet'~;~~~; ~gtce"'~ feet; ~' mentioned land 265.80 feet tc']:;.!'~'(-and more particularly b0~ ... (8). lq, '1~/'' 14,"~" ~.-ki~,91l ~. (~)~~~ · n ' ' ~ ..' ' ~ · ' ' } ~r '.~ .. )o,.., ~.~~ :..~.,~e~ ....... .. the northerly line of Main] '.. ed a d described as f0tlo~f.:~-: feet toe meella~e~t; ~cef- ..' X'~e[ to She m:dnt of be in' · .:'.:~'~; - ~ ': :. ': , , ~' · ..... i- .. . .... ,7. .......- ..........- .g (State) Road at the pmnt or~., BEGINNING at a. m~:~,~4111) .N. 46 84 ~ E,~lS~ · :..~mi, ~~ir,- place of beginning. Contain-I~? merit on the easterly:~~ to a ~nlln~~. ~'t' ~'~::'~~ .:~.-'~-~'?-"~ "' ~' . /' '. . - . _'~. ~ - . . .,-,.' ' ' ..',~.~. ',~!~~. ~ . ~."~. ~ . ~.~ . -' . '~.~ ing an are~ of ~.s acr.s. P:- X~nhanse~ A~enue, ~-~ ~-of ~',.-..~A ~~? '~h~;~ · , ...... ~.;.~ so t ely along said ..... ."..la~, .' ~'hemxl~'.;.~a ,e~:~~e.:: __2. By changing fi om .A_ R, es,: :.,~. line from the North;5~,. ,1.63 feet~!' ~znen,m,i~:~-~_,,~,u, dential, ......, and Agricultura~ uis[ri~ ~:::' said, point of beg ..ill~l~..' -~,,: .... .............. ' ''?' ""~' :' :.lllld :1811d ~,..,n~'~.'.,.. ~.t~e .~l,~/~"_~mt ~~ ~'""~'-'~"--'-~ t~ B Business Dmtrict the fol- r,. the ~outhweste~ . ~..~ .... ..... ~lii. ~ z._.r~.~_ ..'~ ..... lowing described property' !"!.:~' . ':, · :-:, ..... . .fff--_;..w~.~-' . .:..~ . All that. certain tract or ~,ronl said point of begirming~:'~:.. · · · '~ ~ .'-..':,~.,:~i parcel of land situated at .....runni.ng along said land of~.~:~. ' ..... :2:.~-&~~:' .~~--~ 8outhold, in the Town of .~:SterlingCemet~rY six eourses:~:i~ ?' ~';- '~=~:. Southold, Suffolk County, ~(1) N. 66 07 00" E.--§~..13~'~"~:~ . .... i:''' , :~ ~~?!':~:'~'~," at, 7~ 30 o'cloek. 1~ t~e ev~ln9 o{ m&td ~y on- ~ ~e11~~ %aro,Go~alw to mmmd the au J, ldLng Z~ O~dJ~mc~ (J~~lmUa~ the zone ~pe) o~ the ~~n o£ s~l~. suffolk C~ty, All tJ~t ceztat~ Suffol~ Count. y, ~ ~z-k, and more pizttcullzly of Mat,tn (t tats) Ro,ud tho follouJ, ng 4 oourm and tho zf. ght., hirv~ & rndLuw &l~ fml.d eurve of SO,, 76 ~eet to a poLnt~ them~ (2) wou~ 69 G6,j~,Mm 08 ml, n~ O0 ~-~~ 40 M.~~:~.~ ~ XM. O0 fee~ 'to at ptpol (4) ~G, 4,G bar and ebo Aand .m~ or forms2!y of wayLund C. ~..~-~---~f north 60 do,roes 0% manana 30 ~~/? oust foe~ ~o ~m nortborXy X Luo of Main ($~) ieod at tho AXX that eertlu~ tzm~ ~ pmreml of Xlmd Southo~ Xd,. tm t, hm Town of ~ac~ X- ai~nUfnk3 at the Road (CR27) am zeXoeeted; point of 334 Xamd of of S uffolJc county, I$S ~eet, more or less, to the line of .~iddle 8oad~ t'hence line, 285 frost, mo~e o~ Xmmm, said extes~iOn, o thzee oou~seo: (i) ~esterl¥. 3 9 feet, moze ar (2) ~or~w~~erly. 244 £eet. moze or less; ~l~e~ (3) lforth, ezly, 34 t~et, moze or leos. to -the pobtt o £ beg inn ia~. ~ARCEL Ii - B~i~i~XM~. at ~he tntezsect%~ oE the aor.~st~l¥ line of ~Addle Road (¢R27) ~ ~el.ocated, ~i~h ~te no~~ea~~l¥ bovn~ and ~he sou~hwem~erl~ ~_n_~,~¥ o,~ ~md o£ ~uddl ~ sm. Ad land o£ Dor'oJkA, 300 Jeet~ theaee aloag ~lg .land of ~edd, t~o courses: lane of ;~tddle ~oad, 400 f~eet~ thence (2) semt~mmm~ly parallel ~ saAd t~ Xtmm o£ X&nd o£ DozoakA, 300 /eet to $~td nor-~Xy l J~e of Middle Road~ thenoo fou~~rX¥ a. lon~ aaAd nor~m, terly XAne, 400 2est to the poJ~t part of the above o D:Lwtz:Led~ to "IS" ~lWAiId#tl D .:Llt.lr%(~ ~ fOZ.LOU~ ~%n.~ ~~ that ~8rtmAn tract or ,parcel of lind ~&~e -4- BM]HH~ at a mont~..~-'~t, on tho ~Xy X'~Amm of eao~e~:Ly ltue f~rom the Wor~ Road, po,tnt of bogtnntng runn~ along taAd land of -(X) il. 66° 07' 00" B. - 52.13 foot to a (2) fl. 860 53' O0" lt. - X86. X8 foet 'to a ~f ~~~ (3) Ii. 4.3' J~J' 4~'" g. -87.05 foot (4) If. 59° 5.2' 40" B. -32. S0 fist (6) i1'. 46° 34' ~0" I. -~4.],3 ~t. to & ~~___~t tbee~~ '~__-'-~ Llad of-- the p/try of tho ftrmt part. S, :JO' 0t' 30" il. - XS.L,$2 £eet to an L~~ pJdPe and-~._~'-of-It., hid of lt. Cemo~, (1) s. 63° 02' :LO-" M. - 400. 3S feet to mXomg eat,.d .ousterly X.Anm, tq,.o oouwoe/m (l) i~. 340 $6' 30' w. - XTS. 14 f~Ftr ~JumM~ 30" W. - 3S. 37 fom~ ~to Conta. Xn. ing 2.2'669 aeroe. Any pot eon doo:L~Xljg to be hmLTd on .the abov~prO~.____md'ed (4) April 23, 19~9 1~. &Atrs. Leroy Brown Main Road B&et Mmr~on , L.:I., N~ York 11939 Dea~ ~on~ ~ Yesterday ~e T~n Board approved ~our appl~cat~ for chan~e o~ zone to "B-~' D~str~ct. ~s ~11 ~cme elective 10 ~s after ~ubl~cat~on and ~st~ng the n~ map ~n the T~n Clerk's Office, You ~11 receive an official ~ot~f~cat~on by ma~l ~n the near future. Enclosed ~lease f~nd your original ma~ which was used at ~e hearing. January 15, 1969 Mr. Gerald Newman Suffolk County Planning C~n~ission Veterans Highway Hauppogue, L.I., New York 11787 Dear Sir~, Your notice of disapproval of application for change of zone by Leroy & Lorraine Br~,n, East Marion, New L~ork - Case ~ 181 - received to.lay. Pursuant to our telephone conversation this morning, I submit the following ~formation~- This property is located on the north side of Main Roa~ (State Road # 25) approximately 550 ft. west o~ the intersection of Main Road and Shipyard Lane, East Marion, N.Y. '~%is ~.s the f~rst parcel of lan~ on the north side of ~oute 175 in the East Marion school District ~ 3. It is Dordered on th~ west by the Island's End Golf Course '.~hich is in Greenport School District # 10. See reverse side of letter for location sketch. Trusting the above will be helpful. Yours truly, Howard Terry F~ ~ Building Inspector Suffolk County Departrr~ent of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, N.Y. 11787 January 13, 1969 Mr. Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: ]Please be advised that pursuant to Sections 239-1 and m of the General Municipal Law the following application(s) will not be reviewed because of noncorr~pliance with requirerm_ ents for notice and r~aps as stipulated in Informational Bulletin ~6 of the Suffolk County Planning Con-mission. Application of LeRoy & Lorraine Brown - Browns Cabins (Town of Southold) for a zoning change from "Non-conforming" to "Business - BZ" (Case No. 181) Please submit additional information as to the location of the property. Thank you. Respectfully your s, Lee E. Koppeln0an Director of Planning cb Mr. Gerald G. Newman Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Highway Hau~ ~:ogue ~ L.I., Dear sir S U~on advise of our Town attorney i am enclosing one copy of each oS ~hree pending change of zone appli~ation~ received by The Town in October and November~ and not yet completed. We do not have all of the maps etc now required ,,,.~ith an applica~- ion~ but refI~eri:~g to our telephone conversation of t,"o w,'~-ks ago am enclosing t~e ~',at~r~l~ we have with ~ach. Due to the nature of the cro~erti,~s and busi~esses involved our P, an~ in~-' board has recom~:endea f'~vorabiy in all thr~'~, instance~ even though their policy is for no new busir~ess zone.~ on Co,~n'~ty Hoad 27. The To.~n zo::rd will not schedule ~-u'[:lic hear!nKs tu~til ;~e hear from you on these a~ ~...]icatio~..s. ~e are n~, ~repari~g "instructior sh~ets" for future a~licants so %.~t we can get a ?roper system estab]is~d for th~ ~'uiure. I trust thai. the "transmittal form" we have had printed will be satisfactory for submitting all ty~.es of a,'~-:lications to you. ours truly Buil6ing Ins?ector~ & Pla:.: lng ~,oard agent C.C. for files TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Bulldina Dept. 1 Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeala , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 APPLICATIO)I ~ECEIFED BY TBE TO'~N PRIOR TO ~ 1 t 1969 Pursuant to the General Municipal Low, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the ..~....u~-....]:d....t~...~....D..~.l~..~. ................... of the town of ......... ..~..O...~..t'..h..O..1...~. ........... (agency involved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ~eRoy & Lorra/zle Brawl/ (Browl%s Cab:l.nll) ............ New and recodified zoning ordinance ............ Amendment to tine zoning ordinance .....']~.. ..... Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: .~.~..~....~...~,~..~Q~.~...(~..~2~.).....E.~.$..%...?[~.~.I.Qnt...~.~., ........................ within §00 feet of: (check one or more) ............ Town or village boundary line ..~ .... State or county road, parkway or expressway ............ State or county park or recreation area ............ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines ............ State or county owned parcel on which a public building is situated Comments: TB~s application has been processed by the Plan~lng Boar~ approved on the basls the bus/ness Is now non-confor~ng~ and has been a "going bus,ness" prior to zoning and probably should have been zoned bus,ness tm the ortgl~l ~p. ~e To~ Boa~ h~s not ~et set a hearlng datel ~ls ts ~ ~ "old application" so does not ~ave all ~ps etc as new application re~tres. Date: ..~..~L.~.~ ............. ............................................... ................. Building Inspector - Planning Board agent Title Dote received byr Suffolk County Planning Commission ........................................................................ File No ................................. Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHDLD. L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold Town Boezd 16 South Street Greenport, New York December 9, 1968 Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Plmnning Board at a regular meeting held on December 9, 1968: In the matter of the petition of Leroy Brown for a change of zone from '~" Residential and Agricultural to "B-2" Business District on the following described property: All that certain real property situated at East Marion: Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly line of Main (State)Road at the intersection between the premises herein described and land of Village of Greenport; running thence along the northerly line of Main (State) Road the following 4 courses and distances: (1) westerly along a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of (~x~mmmi~ 1009.0 feet, a distnance along said curve 50.76 feet to a point; thence (2) south 69 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds west 74.30 feet to a pipe; (3) south 77 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds west 164.00 feet to a pipe; (4) south 66 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds west 8.53 feet to a pipe at the division line be~;ween the premises herein described and land now or formerly of Floyd F. King~ thence north 34 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds west along the last m~ntioned land 193.16 feet to an iron bar and the land now or formerly of Wayland C. Brown; thenee north 60 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds east along the last mentioned land 286.44 feet to a monument and land of the Village of Greenport first above mentiDned; thence south 33 degrees 17 minutes'00 seconds east along the last mentioned land 265.80 feet to the northerly line of Main (State) Road at the point or place of beginning, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend favorably to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agric~tural to "B-2" Business on the above described property. Report to: Southold Town Board Paoe -2- The Planning Board points out that the property herein described hms been used for business for many years as a non- conforming use. Respectfully submitted, John 3V~/bd OFF ALBERT W. RIOHMOND srlUTHrlLD~ L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 4, 1968 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Roy and Lorraine Brown, Brown's Cabins, Main Road, East Marion, N.Y. relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on certain property situated in East Marion, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at $outhold, N.Y. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommen- dation of your Board. AWa/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Suffolk ~ounty Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Hif.hway Hauppauge, N.Y. 11787 January 29, 1969 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Mun. File No. /Petitioner LeRoy & Lorraine Brown Browns Cabins (Case No. 181) S. C. P. D. File No. SD- 69- 3 Gentlemen: The Suffolk County Planning Commission has received the application for a change of zone from nonconforming to Business "B2", Town of Southold. pursuant to Sections 239-1 and rr of the General Municipal Law and hereby renders the following decisiom , ,approval .___conditional disapproval X. local determination The following statement represents the reasons for the above decision: l{e spectfully your s, Lee E. Koppeln-.an Director of i°la~ning cb CAS NO.:..I ....... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO TltE';TOW'N BOAR,D OF THE TOWN OF S.~THOLI~:/ 1. I, .. L..'[ jC Us? ,',-, ~. k..t~.t~..L ~ -. ............. residing at . J. ~. ~( [ .'. I~ Q.-;-;. ~Q..',. ~. '.. ','.. (.insert name. of petitioner) S~ffolk ,Connty, Nexv Y~rk, the undersigned, am the owner of certaiu real property situated at }~ :}l~,.;~. -. .~t(., .(). ~:}.1:': [,~ .... and more particularly ~ound~d ~nd described ~s fonows: SEE Attached Exhibit A 2. I do hereby petitiou the Toxvn Board of the Toxwi of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinauce of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zoue Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: 3. Such request is made for the folloxviug reasons: 3. Such request is made for the folloxving reasons: (L. S.) ........................................ STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) · .:,/.'.'q.~. !....~... ~ ............................. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the conteuts thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those nmtters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this..~9..~., day of ¢~.~-...'~.:.~.~.-./.-r%. fq4. ..... , 19.~.~. PUBLIC. State of New York 52.0618100 Suifolk Courl~/ Expires Marc~ 30 1~ Commission / EXHIBIT "A" Description BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly line of Main (State) Road at the intersection between the premises herein described and land of Village of Greenport; running thence along the northerly line of Main (State) Road the following 4 courses and distances: (1) westerly along a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 1009.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 50.76 feet to a point; thence (2) south 69 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds west 74.30 feet to a pipe; (3) south 77 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds west 164.00 feet to a pipe; (4) south 66 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds west 8.53 feet to a pipe at the division line between the premises herein described and land now or formerly of Floyd F. King; thence north 34 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds west along the last mentioned land 193.16 feet to an iron bar and the land now or formerly of Wayland C. Brown; thence north 60 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds east along the last mentioned land 286.44 feet to a monument and land of the Village of Greenport first above mentioned; thence south 33 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds east along the last mentioned land 265.80 feet to the northerly line of Main (State) Road at the point or place of beginning. IfOT3~/ Off ~~ Oil SCiW~ OmZ)Xl~% - ANBISmBBT ~O. 8S t.O the of ].nv, the BuXX~g lone the BuX. Xdtzq Zone Map) oL' the Town of SouthoXd, Suffol~ County, Sew York, vu duXy on~_._~~~d at a reguXar moeting of the $outhoXd To~n Board held on AprlX 22, 1969, ao .foXXo~er and A~tcuXtur&l to "~-2" BueLuele DtatrXct the foXlo~Xng clolcrrXbod A11 thmt ce~~ trsct, ptoce, or per~X of lind eXtuated, Xyl~g and bo~ at tn ~he Town of $ou~old, County of Suffolk, of He~ York, and more Pa~tX~ul~ly bounded and decor Abed u fox Xove ~ BogtnnXng at. a monmuent on the norther Xy 11ne of Naln (Stltto) Road at the JaJt~zieccXon botween ~he pres/sss herein descr~d and l, an~ of v,t/,la~e o£ Oreenport; runnXng thence along t~e northerly line of J~dt.tn (State) Road the follo~ln9 4 courses end dXetancee, westerly along a curve beu/n~ to the rXght, having a radXus o£ xoog. o £eot, & &Long i&Xd curve of S0.76 feet to a poJ~t; (2) south 69° 08' 00' #. 74.30 £emt to & ptpe/ (3) south 77' 18' 40" ~/. 164.00 foet to a (4) oou~'~ 66° 48' 40" W. 8.53 feet to a pap8 the dXvls,ton 11ne between -.he premAoes herein lind land nou o~ formerX¥ of Klng~ north 34° OS* 30' ~, aXong the. 181t montXomed Land 103.16 feet to an 1ton bar and ~ Lurid nc~ o~ f .... : 1¥ of u~. Lurid ¢ Brown~ ~~, ~ 600 01' 30' along ebe last Bent t o u od land 286.44 foet to a mo~__~-..:.' ~t ~ ]~und o£ the South 33° :LT* 00" B. Ltomg tho Lilt //et~ l/nd 26S.80 foot; to the 'morther~y ltne of Na.~.tn (state) Road at the potn~ or plume of ALI that certa~ tr~, pie, or pmzooX of llnd m%tuetod, ly~ mad boing at $outhold, tn the Taun of /outhold, County of 8u. ffoXk, Btm. to of M York, ami_ _-.--~.~O ps-'~~ly ~_d~d__ amd Pond Z4mm v Lth the mou~~.~_mtmrly limo of M_*.dd'~~__e /toed (cR27) M from mmXd point of bogi~!~ 334 feet, more mr %o8o, to Lurid of Suffolk Count¥~ ~~ oou~t-h__m~__ster%¥ m.l. emg oread land of Suffolk Comuty, 18S feet, more oz Xoso, -to ~1¥ Xtme, 285 foot, more or Xmas, to oread (2) 244 feet, e~re o~ le~$! theace (3) Nozthe~lM~ 34 feet0 mm~e o~ learn, ~ the po~t of DATED, APRIL 22, 19~9, BY C~D~a OW TH~ ~T~T W. ~~, AFffXDAVXTS Off PUL/JCATXGM TO THB 8OUTIi~ TOMIi ~, mailed to ~he folXcw~lng on Alxlrll 23, 19~9, The 8uffol~ WeeklM T/me-a The Long XsXand Trmler-#attituek DavXd Mu~d heroy src~n O~o Van TuMI STATE OF COUNTY OF NEW YORK- SUFFOLK: SS- ALBERT W. RICHMOND, SouthoZd, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 13th day of May ~ ~, 19 69 he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a tr~ue copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk county, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board Main Road, Southold, L.I.,N.Y. Sworn day of to before me this 13 th .... Jl, 1~ May 19 69 No ta ry Public ~,4ARION A. REGENT NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-3233120 Suffolk County Term £~pire~ 14arch 30~ 19~.~ Albert W. Richm:nd, Town Clerk $outhold Town Board ~i$outh Stroet ~reenl~rt, L.I., York 11944 Gentlemen~ Ak & joint meetlng o£ the Pl&nntng Board and Town Board on April 21~t, many parts of the 'Master Plan' were dtscuoood0 pa~ttcula~ly the u~e of County ~o&d 27. In view of w ~th~xawn their road (CR27) and to 1 imit postals traffic. of David the application for a change of zone from District on the northerly s td~ of the the adopted policy of both the County bu~tness along this road in order to keep it of entrances and exits to facilities free flow The Planning Board has changed its opinion on Mudd for a change of zone fro~ 'A# Dlstzlct to -the northerly $1de of County Road 27. fact that Steve and Frances Doroski have no~ £ouz and To~n aa free as of through the appltc&tion #B# D~str ~c-t The Pl&nntng Board does not D~~rtct to #B" District on thio County Road 27. rec~.~nd the chango frou parcel on ~he northerly o tde of The Planning Board dooo zocommend £avorably the &ppi t cart°n' '""' of David Mudd to change from CA" D~at~t~ ~o "Be District the parcel on the south olde of the four l&no road (CR27) and easterly o£ Ackerly l~nd Lane ex~ended and the Ol.d Middle Road as realtqned~ This will comports&to for and straighten out his present "B# zonod parcel ~htch w&a cut up by tho new road work. Yours txuly, john 8outhold Toun Cha~ Plann~ Board [4 I iq U T E 5 S OUTHOLD T~;N [~i',RCH 19, 1969 ChanDe of zone - David Mudd SUP~RVISOR ~RTOCCHLa: ~e ~vill continue with this hearing by r~ding the legal notice of hearing. "9' changing from '~" ~esidential and ~.gricultural ~istrict to Business District the following described property: "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of $outhold~ S~u~fDlk County~ Ne~ Yerk~ and more particularly bounded and described as follo~s: PA!ICEL I - BEGINNING a~ the intersection of the e~tension northwesterly of the northeasterly line of Ac~erly Pond L~ne %~ith the southeasterly line of ?~ddle Road (CR 27) as relocated; from said point of beginning running north- easterly along said southeasterly line 334 fee~, more or less to land of S%~folk County; thence southeasterly along said land of Suffolk County, 185 £eet~ more or less~ to the northwesterly line of ~ddle Road; thence southwesterly along said northwesterly line 285 feet~ more or less, to said extension of Ackerly I~nd Lane; thence along said e×tehsion, three courses: (I) ~esterly~ 39 feet, more or less; thence (2) north~esterly~ 2~ feet, more or less; thence (3) northerly~ 34 feet, more or less~ to the poini of beginnino. PARCEL II - BEGINNING at the intersection of the north~vesterly line of ~4iddle Road (CR 27) as relocated, with the northeasterly boundary of land of Doroski and the southwesterly boundary of land of 7.~dd; from said point of beginnin9 runping north~vesterly along said land of Dorcski, 300 feet; thence along said land of ~udd~ t~o courses: (1) northeasterly parallel to said northwesterly line of ~!iddle 2oad~ 400 feet; thence (2) southeasterly parallel to said boundary llne o f land of Doroski, 300 feet to said north~$esterly line of ~ddle 2gad,; thence southwesterly along said nort~uesterly line, 400 feet to the point of be9inning~ excepting whatever part of the above described parcel II ~.;hich is already in the "B~' zone. -3- SUPE~VI$~I ~RT~CCHIA: There are ~ffidavits in the file indicating that publication Tv~s actually made of this legal notice. I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. "Gentlemen: This is to advise you that The roll.yino action was taken by The $outbold To~vn Planning Board at a regular meetingheld on December 9,1968: "In the matter of The petition of David ~udd~ for a chanoe of zone from 'A' Residential and Agricultural District to lB' Business District on the following described property: (legal description was n~ read again) '"'It was R~SOLVE'D That The Southold Town Planning Board recommend favorably To The Southold Town Board the change of zone from ~A~ ~esidential and Agricultural district to 'B' Business District on the property described herein, The Board finds that this property is conducive to business to conform %viTh the character of The adjoining property owned by Doroski. '~espectfully submit%ed~ /s/ John bickham, Chairman" SUPERVISOR ~RT~CCI{1A: Is there anyone present ~)o wishes to be heard in favor of this change of zone? DA~ ID ~IUDD: ~. Supervisor and members of the Board, I om The one asking for the change of zone. The parcel south of ~he road, 95~ or maybe more of that property is already in the business zone. The reason for the change on the north side is that the new road cut through my property. Tkis is strictly agricultural property and it has been cut up by the new rood. SUUERVISO~ ~RTOCCHIA: ~yone else wish to be heard in favor of this change? (There was no response.) ~U~RVISOR 5~TOCCHIA: Anyone %vish to be heard in opposition to this change of zone? (There ~as no response.) -4- SUFERVI$OR F~TOCCHIA: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard one way or the other? (There wms no response.) SUF~VISO~Z ~RTOCCHIA: He&tin9 none, I ~vill close the hearing for the further deliberation of the Soard. ~' :is,,-- .... ,'__.. ' -!'--~ ....... .---~?.~--.:~-:--..;.:~.-.---.--~ ...... ~¥~~_,RK, ,r ss: : ~_~. ~. ~ '?~- ~'~~ ~:~"~ '~S t~ [ .................... ~ing duly Sworn, Pu~nt '~. ~~.~.,-,ef the (a) ~ ~'".l:&, ~"-X sv~ f~t ,'s Printer ~d Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK Town ~w ~ ~'IX ~ ~& ~a. B~ding Z~e ~ce' of ~e :~. newsier pub~sh~ at Gr~nport. in s~d Fo~ o~ ~~_:~~ c~- '. - ~y, ~ew Y~t ~-~'h~~~ ~ "~$~'.98 ~t ~ noti~, of which ~e ~e~d is ~ printed be he~d ,bt ~e~~ TO~ ~ .~ a the~e .' lished in the ~d Suf~lk Week~ Times · . at the ~ce. ~ ~? '~~r, ,16 "(~ ~[' E."-- 94.13 feet ~South S~t, G~, New Yor~ ~ ' '~ ~id. t~ , 'e--igm da, ~ ~ ' ~/'~'~' ~-th~ [.fOr ........ ~ ............. ,eek~ ~a.mh, ~gm, ~at ~:~O'.'o,amk, i~ ~ ,~'~ .'Sa~' e~'"~ao,,. ~.. .,~ ?vemng of ~id day ~'-'~e.:~L..' :.". '..~."!~ Pi~ ~d~ricing on ~e ........ ,.'~ 'p~a..~-~.~' ~e .s.~_ '~"- , ~?:.'~et~J~.. ....... ~9~~ ~ ~umold, Suffolk .... ~Uh~F, New (!) ~~j.:.~; 1~;¥ W. ,. 4~.~5 f~t ........... YOrk. ~ ........ ~ .... -'~ ' ~ ~ a.~~ ~~ / this .~ ~. ~-z_ ~ ~~ me fo~- ,.'...."~~~ RV~~;'~me~e of ~ ~'t~d..a$,'~t M~~, ' '~1:~::'~[ '~:;~ 3~ W', '- 175.14 '~'(~ ' ~ the T~ of ~~'~, ' : ....... . mar~y ~, ~ ~ ~_ CO~N~L.~A C. ~OGH ~ ~~~- ' :'. ;". .... - ..~:.,-..' 7 ' ~ at'~ e~ ~ lao~' ~ .VJ~a&e .~.. ' ..rog ,to ,the said curv~:' · .'. ."feet to a~ eS min~' ~ :-.'~~'~" ~t,e~-~ feet t~, t_-~L'(/~:_.~ ~. ~- e ~~-,,~ ofJ:S a~m...'.'- '. ~. :' ~'.' e NOTARY PUE, Li";, 2rate of New York to' b~. heard' No. .~~'"~ne~ts Qualified tn S:,:ffolk County '" ~.,.Olace Term Expires Mai'ch 30, 19,,,., ~!3," Bu,sineSs...'. District: , the ' f:ka' et' or pareCl, Of'land .~':'i:.." ,~ld,- in "~ :1~1~. · and-' describ-' · ~_ .. .~- : ' L '- "'~ ........ ~:1 . ir~tersection, of n~th,~.~-o~: the. ~~ nne' of., A~_~Lv :.,~.,,_.mi ~ane vai~i' + said point of_ ~~':-nortlt 'line 3'34 te~t,; ~ ~o .tht :~~.'..m~' of ~.~ feet, tension Of Acker. l~.';.i~, d ,,Dane; ~~',:.~---~'. 'said.' extension, -re'are. or' le~s;;: ~ce ..... .,i, '... ": .'.. .......... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK I · : C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says . that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND t .,, TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN. a public news- .,. t~ : .on "'~ paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County,' and that .... _, ~, i e>.t,.n~,,.,~the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, hcs been ~ . ..~ u .h,,..pubh.,ned in said Long Island Zroveler-Mottituck Watch. , '<~: cnvestetly 2{4 z-e~.successively, commencing on the ............... :. ...................... -' day of ....................... ~ ............ 19k ....... , IAI ..... / .' 1- - -- ' ~ ............ ~ ....... ~.t~<..:..~.k~ / Sworn to beforo me this ........ '.' ............... doy o~ ........... : ............{..~..., 19h.'.r/... ......... k..:,:.:,,..O.~L:L ~...+ :..:-. - Notary Public All that eet-~ain tract ori All that cectam react or pax'. cci of la~td situated at O'rgim Manhanse6 Avenue. 98I,_~'~ land (3) N.'"'~s 14' 4,04 E.--Sq.05 feet to a monument; thence (4) N. /~9' 52' 40" E.--32.50 feet t~ a mm~ument', theflce (5l N. 8'f° 14' ~0" feet to a monument; thence (6l N. 46~ 34' 20" E.~94.13 feet to a ~aonumentl thence -. along land of th~ ~artF of easterly line of Avenue; thence along sal6 easterly line, tw~o courses: (1) Iq. g4° ~' ~0" W.--l~5.1~ feet; thence ~eet to the point of begin- hang. Containing 2.2'669 acrek Any person desiring to be ~ first part, El. J~0' 01' II0" heard on the above proposed E.--151.$2 feet to an iron amendments should appear at ~ and land of St. Ages the title aOd place speei~ed. Oemetery; thence alon~ said DA'r~: FEBRUARY 25, ,~9~9 ~d~ O~f,~ty, BY' ~I~R~ER OP ','a~: ' ' ' ElolJT[~ltOL,~D TOVIIq. BOARD tl~Y~lk~lll~l~/-'~...U ALBERT W,. R~OND, fe~ ~,~1~; t~ence ToW~ Cl~K "- By dmugbig la. mm #&" Bimllm:LdmmitAu% mid Agr:Leu%mm% A%% Mmtm emil;mAlt ~ or j~r(~el of Amd ~ ~ hid ~d of ~X~ ~, ah (X) II.66° ~r/*00" B. (;I)ts,itS" 53' OO' i. (3) ur.43° L4* 40"1, (4) us.S9' SI* 40'* I. (S) ii.87° 1.4'30" B. (6) If.46e M* I0' I. (I.) lo 63" Gl* ],0' #. - 400035 feet to · meuutmut! t~ (~') l, 73° 13' SO'* W. - ~i6S. S4 feet ~o att ~ IKlltO - :~S.37 ~ to the ~ of (X) Il. 34° S60 30" 14. (1) il. :~Oe 1.2' 30' #. April 23° 1969 Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Bro~n Main Road East Marion , LoL, New York 11939 Dear Frtends~ Yesterday the Town Board approved your application for change of zone to "B-2" District. This will become effective 10 days after publication and posting the ne~ map in the Town Clerk's Office, You will receive an official notification by mail in the near future. Enclosed please find your original map which was used at tho hearing. Yours truly, Su{fo==. Cpunty Dcpartm-,ent of Plarming~ Ve[er~ns ?v~emorlal Highway t{auppauge, N.Y. 11787 Rjr. Albert W. Richmond, Totem Clerk Town of Southofd N{ain Road Southold, New york 11971 Re: Mun. F~le No. /petitioner Dax~id L, RCudd Case No. 179 SD - 69 - 2 S. C, P. D. File No. Gentlemen: The Suffolk County Plamaing Con~,rnission has received the application for a proposed change of ~one {rom "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District, Totem of Son:hold pursuant to Sections 259-1 and l'~u ~f tile General Li_unicipal Law amd hereby renders the following decisior~ , ,,approval conditional , _disapproval X local deterrninatlon The following s~ater~emt rmpr~$ent$ the reasons for ~he above decision: cb Su£fo~ County P!ann~g ¥ouzs Veterans Memorial Highway January 13, 1969 Mr. Howard M. Terry, Bz~il~img Inspector Town of Southold Main ~oad $outhoid, Ne~~ York 11971 Please be ad%~sed that pursuant to Sections 239-1 and n~ of the General Municipal Law the folio%ring application(s) v~[ll not be reviewed because of noncor~:pliance ~vith rmqnirer~el2ts for notice and r~aps as stipulated in Inforn:ational Bulletin ~6 of the Suffolk County Planning Cor~n~issiom Appllcatlo~ of David L. Mudd (To~, of Southold) for a zonin~ change to the location of the prol~ertios. Thank you, Respectfully yours, Lee E, Koppeln~an Directo~ of l~lanning cb Jan~x¥ ~'15,. 1969 Mr .~ G.e. ~a t~ ~ewman ouffolk County DaY id. Corem is.s i~on 11787 dt.'sapproval ., Pursuant. follow lng Change of' ,zone Lane, application southold, Pond 'mo~n lng, I a ubm tt ~:. ~. :~'::~e.,, pr ope = t:y ',. in questi°n lays 'on botts s ides of rel,ocated -County Road -~:27 "at' the / in.~ersection~ of .Old .Middle Road (ct ..z, ) and Ack. erly Pond ,La~e~~.-.'-.',...zorme.rly Bov~e~y .Lane., .and about 2200 ~est 'of Kenny"$ Road,' ~';'int:ersectt0n with-~C'Ounty Road '27, Southold' [~ee I e~er== Trusting the f.o.: a ~heipful.,~ 1.ocation .. : -. ,: ' ' ..m, ...... , ~...;.~. ·, · ' . . .. ... ., . , . . . ~;~ :¥': ~} .,,' i. ' '"'. . ~,.', ~,', :~, · .: ,,,~,. ~,~:~,~ :<.~.%~ .-.'~ ~,, ., · '.. ~,, ~ ,. ~.. '~' %,;,; ~:~: .g,,~, ~- .. . . ~,',1{'~ ~;~*' ~:~>.-%.~' .~",,~ ,a~.,,,~...~" ~i.i:~5'~ .... ~ ~,. , ........ ,,,. ~., ~,,o,.. *, :~,~... , ,. . . ... .. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of ~he Consolidated Laws, AdicJe Sections 239-I and m, the ...~..~ ................. of the town of ......... ~9~ ........... hereby refers the following p~posed zoning ac/Jan ~o the Suffolk County Planning Commission; ............ New and recodJfSed zoning ordJnomce ............ Amendment to the zoning ordinance ,.~.... Zoning changes ............ Special permits ............ Variances Location of affected land: .~[~. ~S ~f .~.g~ ,~.d. ~.~..~k~..~...~..~ within 500 feet of: (check one ar more) ~le ~ ~o~h~d~ ............ Town or village bounclo~ line ............ 5t~[e ar county ~rk or t'ec~otJo~ area ............ Stream or drainage channel own~d by the county or for which the counb' h~s ............ State or coun}y owned parcel on which a public building is situated Comments: ~ a~!~ea~o~ ~s bee~ ~oceh~d by ~ mo~ ~a~i~g fo~ed for y~ talents ~der the new DI~ we ~o not ~,ve ~Ii of the ~pm eic ~ it Is ~ "old a-,~oileation". ' ............. Date received by Suffolk Counb/ P[annlng Commission ........................................................................ Pile No ................................. Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD. L. I., N, Y. llB?l P~CEL i - 8~ginnln9 &% the intersection of The e:-:te~sion December 4, 1968 Mr. John ~iekham Chairman, Planning Board Dear Mr. Wickl]am; The original petition of David L. Mudd, Pine Neck Road, Southold, N.Yo relative to change of zone from "A" ident~al and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Southold, N~Y. is in the files of the Planning Board at $cu~hold~ New York. an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the reeon~nen- darien of your Board. Albert W. Richmond ~own Board Bu Zl~ing inspe=tor CASE NO.: ...Z.., ....... STATE OF N.E~¥ YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION. OR, AMENDMENT IOF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF' SOUTHOLD, SUFFOL't~ COUNTY, N.EW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUT.'HOLD: (insert name of petitioner) wii Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the o net of certain real property situated at ~-~.. ~.~. ~[~.~...m'7.~ .~.K.~.~..~ .~..~¥~....4.d.~J7 and more particularly bounded and described as follows: 2. I. do hereby petition the Town Board of the To~ amend the Building Zone Ordinance o[ the Town of S including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part ~ 4 ~'~ ~n of Southold to change, modify and outhold, Su~olk Connty, New York, H~ereof, as follows: OTTO W. VAN TUYL REG. PROFESSIONAL I;NGINEI;R LICI;NSED LAND SURVEYOR PHONE zt77-1487 RODERICK VA~ TIJYL LICENSI;D LAND SURVI;¥OR PHON~: 477-1608 VAN TUYL & SON FRONT ETREET AT MAIN GREENPORT. NEW YORK PHONE 477-O170! i November. 4~ 1968 DESCRIPTION: Proposed Change of Zone ..from 'A" to "B" Land of David Mudd Middle Ro~d~ SOuthold Parcel~-~ Beginning at the intersectioni of the northwesterly line of Middle Road (CR27) as relocated, wi~h the nOrtheasterly' bo~u~dary of land of Doroski and the southwesterly boundary of 'land of Mudd; from said point of beginning running northwesterly along said land of Doroski, 300 feet; thence alonglsaid land of Mudd,two courses: (~) Northeasterly parallel tolsaid northwesterly line of Middle Road, 400 feet; thence (2) Southeasterly parallel'to'~said boundary line of land of · Doroski~ 300 feet to said northwesterly line of Middle Roads thence southwesterly.along said northweste~'ly line, 400 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel~/ " Beginning at the intersection ~f the extension n0rt~westerly of the northeasterly'line of Ackerly/Pond Lane w~th the ~outheasterly line of Middle Road '(CR27) as relocated; from said point of beginning running northeasterly along said southeasterly line 334 feet, more or less, to land of suffolk County; thence southeasterly along said land of Suffolk County, 185 feet, mo~e or less, to the northwesterly I . line of Middle Road; thence southwesterly along sa~d northwesterly line, 285 feet, more or less, to said extension of Ackerly Pond Lane; thence along said extension, three c(,urses: (1) WesterlY, 39 feet, more or (2) Northwesterly, 244 feet, m( (~) Northerly, 34 feet~ more cz E.xeepting whatever part of the is already in the "B' zone. less; thence re or less; thence tess, to the point o~ beginning. ~bove described parcel II which VAN TUTL & SON JSS/mg To: David Mudd 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: ) w ~] (L. S.) .... STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ........ .b. .... .,L,. .... ............. , he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has r the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and to be true. DULY SWORN, deposes and says that zad the foregoing Petition and knows own knowledge, except as to the matters that as to those matters he believes it Sworn to before me this J9 ~ . O~ ..... 19 ~ ~ day of , .... Notary Public. NtOTARY PUBLIC, State of 'New York txlo. 52-0.158300 - Suffolk County Term Expires March -30, ]_969 BO0 ,. Z' Z ZO ~t E ( A,PPP. O×, ONLY) IV. Y.