HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeier, John Amend #84 WHEREAS, o petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ........... ~.~./jl~........~. ~.~'. .................................................. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from .".~..;~l~l.,....~..~g~..~f~.*.... District to .~..~1~.~'..~.~'~.....!~..~.~~'~ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....... '/.~......doy of ...... I~/~' ....................... , 19~..~...., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is B~It'BC~ aa o£ l~oven~c~x' X7. t'ovn o£ ~ou~:hold NO'I'IC~ IS ~B~ 0~, that {after a pubic he~l~ ~M ~su~t {to the r~u~ements of ~, the Build- ~ Zone Ordi~nce, (~cl~d]~ the ~ Zone M~p), of th~ To~ of ~, S~o~ Count, New Yor~ ~ d~ ~nded at a ~r mee~- ~ ~ ~e ~u~old T~- ~fl held ]~ N~r'~, 1968, as ~o~:. 1. ~ ~ from "A" ~dent~. ~d ~t~ D~trict ~ "~' tlple-'~d~ Distrla t~ foho~[ d~ ~y: ~ t~ ~r~n plots,-~ec~ ~ of l~d situa~, 1~ ~ at Or~rt, To~ of South- ~, ~y~of Suffolk and ~ of N~ Y~d~ and N~ [) w~re ~e ~ ~ ~ln- ,~ ~ the we~ ~e . ~ ~ fo~r~ ~ f~ by me mte~ "~e ~ side of s~d 1 ~ ~ w~rly side . ~, ~n~ then~ ~ ~d ~ ~uth 4' 01' I0" ,: 11~ f~t; ~ the~e still ~o~.~d ~d, sou~ ~' ~' ~0' W~, 4~424[ f~ ~ t~n~ stiB ~o~ ~d ~h 4' 06' 10" w~t, f~ W t~ ~utherly, ~ of s~dt ~dffie ~ad; ~ t~[ ~ ~uther~ ~de,of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK { STATE OF NEW YORK~ ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sv, orn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MA'I-flTUCK WATCHMAN, a publi9 news- paper printed at Southold, Jn Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Tr,,aveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ......... t,Z.....~.......~../../. ......... week} successively, commencing on the ........... ...c~./..~ ............. day of ....~.~./~ ....... /19..~...~.... ........................... .......... Sworn to before me this ...... ,~-,-~.l.~. ........ day of No~ar~ Public LEGAL NOTICE Notice Of Amendment To The Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 84 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thai after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Build- ing Zone Ordinance, (Including the Building Zone Map), of the Town Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was dui}' amended at a regular meet- lng of the 8outhold Town Board held [on November ?, 1968, as follows: I. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Mul* I tiple l~sldence District the following described property: All thoes certain plots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lyl~ ~md bsil~ at Greenport, Town of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: ~eginning at a point on the south- erly side of Middle R~d (C. R. 2?; Nort~ Ro~d) where the s~me is in- te~ected by the westerly side of land now or formerly of Vlll~e of Oreenport, which point is disinnti ~$ feet westerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the{ coutherly aide of s~d Middle l~:~d with the westerly side of Mcore'sI v~,~. and from ssld point af be- ]end south 4° 01' 10" ernst, ~].06.60 feet; runnin~ thence sttll along sldd feet to the sot~thor]y side o; smd Middle R~I: ~unn~ thence along the southerly side of told Middle Road, north f~° 01' 10" east, 554.24 feet to the point or place of begin- DA'~.'EU: NOVEMBER '~, BY ORDER OF '1'~-I~ SOUTHOLD TO~I~ BOARD ALI~RT W. RICHMOND TO~T¢ OLER~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J sffys thatz;'_f/.. ~. ~ is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~t Gr~enport, in s~id county; and that the notice, of which the ¢mnexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the s~id Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for .......... ~..~A~.. ............. week~ successively commencing on ~he . ,.J~...~..~. Sworn to before me this ~:~,~. ~... QBD~ Mid allay --'-'"-'" at i ffogu%mff moot~ of tho louthoXd er~y m14. of s/&d ll~ __,M!e u*.. vith th- mt.r%y eL.dr of iud fur ta%d pot~t of b.g~~, nnJJ~g l&td %mind ~ 4' 0%* XO" OaR, 1X06o60 - ...... -.,~, 474.'34 foot.! XO' feet to tho _---:-~-.~---~I STATE OF COUNTY OF NEW YORK: S UF FOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Southo~d, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 26th day of November , 19 68, he _ · , ~ · · ,~ ,~ ,, affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public true place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board Main Road, Southold, L.I.,N.Y. Sworn to before me this 26th day of November , 19 68 . MARION A. RECEN[' NOTARY PUBLIC, Sta:e oi i,]r-~..;.., York No. 52-3233i2d Sui[olk Cou~;[,,..- Term E~pires March 30, 19~ Albert W. Rickmond, Town Clerk north SS' 0~' %0' TImBB (3) AV~~~ Cf P~__,_-_~f~_.A~~ TO TUB 80UB~LD yom Sc~h A. Hubbard Chairman Suffolk Coun 7 Depar mem: of Planning H. Lee Dennison, County Executive Veterans Memorial Highway November 22, 1968 Hauppauge, L. l., N. Y. 724-2500 Mr. Albert W. iKichmond Toxvn Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Adopted change of zone from UAll Residential and Agricultural to I'MU Multiple Residence District, Town of Southold. {Amendment No, 84} Dear Mr. Richmond: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 130& of the Suffolk County Charter, the Suffolk County Planning Commission has notified the Incorporated Village of Greenport concerning the above indicated change of zone. Having received no adverse response from said village, the Com- mission will take no further action. Very truly yours, by Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Associate Planner GGN:ec NOTI~E OF ~I-~G ON Town L~ and Article IX os the Building-~Zone Ordmance ot the Town of ~uthold, Suffolk Coun- be he~d ~[,the Southold Town Board at the Office of the Supervisor, lS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] STAT£ OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: says that ....~.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~t Greenport, in said county: and ~hat the notice, of which the annexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the s~dd Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, fo~ ............ .~.~7~..c~. .......... week~,,~ successively oommencing on t~e ....~~ day of .... ~~. .... 19~.~. ............ Sworn fo before me this . ./.~f....~.'.. ~, day of .... ~.~...~... .... m~. ~ La~ a~ Artec ~ of t~e Bufld~ Zone ~ ~old, ~ffolk ~, New Y~k, ~blie h~s ~ ~ ~Id ~ ~ ~uthold To~ Board ~ ~ offi~ of ~ Sup~- ~, 16 ~ ~ O~n~, New ~ ~ ~id ~ on ~e Tth ~y of ~y~m~r, 1~ ~ 2:~ F. M. (E. S. T.I ~ld d~ ~ ~e fo~ pro~a~ (mclud~ ~~ ~ of ow. N~ Y~k.'" ~ , 1. ~ ti~e ~si~e~ D~ ~e f~ ~m~ at'~t ~ ~e ~u~- ~ly gde of No~h Road) w~ the ~e m~ec~ ~ ~ .~rM ~e of ~d now or ~n~, ~0.~ f~ wes~ fom~ by t~ ~utherly side of'~, Middle ~th t~ wester~ g~ of M~'s ~e, ~d f~ ~d ~, r~ng the~ ~uth 4' 01' I~ ~, 11~.~ 'f~t; south ~' ~ $~ ~, 4T~..f~t; no~h ~e ~u~er~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ( ss: STATE OF NEW YORK j C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Treveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........................................ weeks successively, commencing on the ........................................ day of ............... ~ ........................ ,1/9 ......... / Sworn to before me this ....... ;;~;'......: ...... day of Notary PubliC. grate of New '~rk NO §'~-n~O' ~qO, Suffolk MOTXCB OF KBARXMG Purser to Smc~~ 26S of ~hm Town Lay mud ArtJ~:Lm XX County, liov York, publte hour tngm wtXl bo heXd by the 8outhoXd Torn Bomzd tn tho offteo of the SupervtJor, 16 south Street, Oroenport, Bier York, tn matd Torn on the day of**~---~~:-~--~0 X968, at: 2~30 P.#. (Z. S. T. ) of m&:td day on the foXXm~g propommXm to mumnd tho ButXdLng Ord.4~ ~ (J~Xudtug the lutXdJJ~ ~Kme )imps) of the Torn of Ioutho~d0 Suffo:Lk County, itov York. By chmngtng from 'A' RemtdmnttmX and Agw~cultural DJJ~LOt to #M' MuXt:LpXm Res:tdonc~ DJj~:Lc~t tho foXlov:Lng dm~rlbmd property, Bog~n~ug at a poLut on the southerly o Ado of l~ddle Itomd (¢.R. 27f IIIorth /omd) vhmrm tho em tm ~ntmrmmctod by the vemterly mtdo of land nov or formmrly of V.tll. age of Oreenport, vh:Lch poAnt La dj]tent 350.68 bet ve. ter3.¥ from the ~mmr formal by the intersect ton of the mouth- arly made of re&Ad NJddXo load v tth tho vem~ tmrX¥ m tdo of Moore' am lane, and from sitd point of beginning, rmmtng thence &long a&Xd land south 40 OX* lO # east, IX06.60 feets running thon~ st%Il Ltong wa~d land, mouth 84* $3' 30" wear, 474.24 feet.~ runntng th~ st~ll along lind nozth 4° 06' 10' vmmt, 830. S0 feet to the southerly mZdm of &mAd M~d~lXe RGud~ runn~ thence mXong the of 8&td Nlddl® Ro/d, north 5S° 01' east, ss4,24 feet 'to the point or pZaco of beginning. 2~ DLltrlet to "B" BUItUeiI D ,As~lct the £ollovtng Bog.Kuu~ mt & point on the 8outhorly l~ne of Bzoun 116. OS feet oo~t~r'Xy along fral I~ ltzeet, la:Ld po~'t of beginning betng the ~~ly GG~~r of Lind of Dt~owskX; fr~ 8~1d poLut of bog~~ runn~ along fJald southerly ltne of Brovn Stroet, fi. 82° 44' 30-" B. - 549. 33 Mt to land of DLuXsto; thonae &l~ong aaXd Xind of Dtnlst0, S. 6° $3* 30" #. - X27.61 foot to lind of Tu11¥1 them Ll. ong aaXd laud of Tully and along Xaud of ~1111mu Braun 51 * :20" w. - 237. SI~ £oe~ ~ thence aXong o81d lind o£ wX111am Braun and lind of Henry Br. n and hnd of Gerard (1) 8. 9* 45' 20" w.- 544.18 (2) S. 16° $5' w.- 40 Mt, more or loll, to ord~_. ,y hlgih ~uter mark of Pipes Covo; thence Mca ~ozl¥ along oaXd h~qh -~,atez ~ark. 46S Mt. w~e ~w leas, -to Lind of Tamer; thence along laid land of 12° 12' SO" B. - 440 foot; more or leeej ~_~ aXong tald easterly ILuo of Nlnth Street, N. 12° 12' 10" B. - 86.0 feet to liXd land of Dic~ovlktl them~ ilong laid land of Dtc~ouf~l, tvo ~oureee, (1) fi. 8:20 44' 30" B. - 1:20.59 feet; theme (2) N. 7° 1S' 30" B. - S2.S0 feet to .the point of Z~g. &X lio~Lc~ con~uLn~ug ?~ ~Z'~o more or %ems. Any pero~ domJ~J~g ~o be board ou ~ho above propoled DATBD: OC~ 10, 1968, BY THB l~~~~ TCiV!M BOARD pli_~ _p~~__~T~ elK:B, C~'L'GB~ 17, 3. g6t, MiD /Y::IIRi42LRD SZX (6) AFF:I3MLVZTS 0~ I~~BT~_-,~AT'%Cii TO THB TCBfll ~T~~, NAXiI ROAD, Tho Long The Suffolk ~ly TWa ~ ~~~,~~ V~l~ ~d b suf~~ c~ty Octo~e~ 16, 19~8 The Suffolk County Veterans H~ghw&y Hauppauge, New York Gentlemen ~ In reference to my letter to you dated October 14, 1968, please be advised of the follo~ngz In my letter the date of the hearing was stated to be November 10, 1968, this was a typing error. The Southold To~n Board hearing on t~e appl~catLon for change of zone by John Geier will be held at 2!30 P.M. on November 7, 1968. Please sign and return the copy of this letter ~n receipt to the $outhold Town Clerk, Main Street, Southold, New York. Yours truly, Albert R~chmond __ Toun Clerk The Suffolk County Veterans H ~jhw&¥ ILuuppaugee New York ~entlemon; Enclosed please Southold To~n Board, appl~~ution for a North Road (Ct 27) find notioe of ho&r ~ng hold by the 2 f 3 0 P..bi., Nov~_~r 1 O, 1968 on oll&n~m of zOlJO by Joh~ Ooter, near the Village of Oreenport. Ple&~e and return the oopy of saAd notice tO Southold Toun Clerk, Main Street, Southold, Yours truly, .; ., , / Albert Riohmond Toun Clerk October 16, 1968 The Greenport Village Board 1~ South Street Greenport, L.I., New York 11944 Gentlemen ~ In reference to my letter to you dated October 14, 1968, please be advised of the following~ In my letter the date of the hearing was stated to be November 10, 1968, this was a typing error. The Southold Town Board hearing on the application for change of zone by John Geler will be held at 2~30 P.M. on November 7, 1968. Please sign and return the copy of this letter in receipt to the $outhold Town Clerk, Main Street, Southold, Ne~ York. Yours truly, Albert Richmond Town Clerk Octobe~ 14~ 1968 The G~eenport Village Board 18 South Street Greenport, L.X., He~ York 11944 Gentlemen~ Enclosed please find a notice of hearing t.o be held by the Southold To~n Board, 2 s 30 P.M., November 10, 1968, on an application £o~ a change of zone by ~Fohn Geier, south side o~- No~-th Road (Ct 27) nea~ the Village of reenport. Please sign and return the copy of said notice to the Southold To~n Clerk, Main Street, Southold, H~ York. Yours truly, Albert Richmond Town Clerk NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING .~INANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the T~..,~ Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New, York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board in the Office of the Su- pervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, ~l~ew York, in said Town on the 30th 'day of July, 1968, at 7:30 P. M. (EDST) ~of said day on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential 'and Agricultral District to "M" Multi- ple Residence District the following described property: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Middle Road (C. R. 27; North Road) where the same is intersected by the westerly side of land now or formerly of Village of Greenport, which point is distant 350.68 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersec- tion of the southerly side of said Middle Road with the westerly side of Moore's Lane, and from said ,: point of beginning, running thence · ,' along said land south 4° 01' 10" east, 1106.60 feet; running thence still along said land, south 84° 53' 30" west, 474.24 feet; running thence still along said land and north 4° 06' 10" west, 830.50 feet to the southerly side of said Middle Road; running along the southerly side of said Middle' Road, north 55° 01' 10" east, 554.24 feet to the point or place beginning. 2. By changing from "A" ResidentialI and Agricultural District to "B" Busi-i ness District the follow~ng described. property: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Brown Street, 116.05 feet easterly along said south- '.: erly line from Ninth Street, said .... point of beginning -being the north- easterly corner of land of Dickow- ski from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Brown Street, S. 82° 44' 30" E.- §49.33 feet to land of Dinizio; thence along said land of Dinizio, S. 6° 53' 30" W.--127.61 feet to land of Tully; thence along said land of Tully and along land of William ,:.Braun,. N. 84° 51' 20" W.--237.97 ~'eet' thence along said land of William Braun and land of Henry I'. Braun and land of Gerard Braun, -,.tWo courses' (1) S. 9° 45' 20" W.- 544.18 feet; thence (2) S. 16° 55' W.--40 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly along said high water mark, 465 feet, more or less, to land of Toner; thence along said land of Toner, N. 12° 12' 50"E.--440 feet, more or less; thence .along said easterly line of Ninth "':Street, N. 12° 12' 10" E.--86.0 feet -to said land of Dickowski; thence along said land of Dickowsld, two courses: (1) S. 82° 44' 30" E.--120.59 feet: . thence (2) N. 7° 15' 30" E.--52.50 feet to the point of beginning. Containing ?~i acres, more or less. ~ person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendments should a~ at the time and place specified. DATED: JULY 2, 1968 ]]Y ORDER OF THE SOUTHoLD TOWN BOARD · ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ~._.~,./.~,(.,~ ...._.../.Z.~./i.._,,weelfs/ successively, commencing on the ............... ....... '. ........ day of .... i.;~j.~.~6d~4~~.. ........ , ]~.. ~.,J~' .... ......... ....... Sworn to be{oro mo this ............... ....... do¥ of ........ , Public / ADELE PAYNE ,qotary Public, State of New Yor]~ Residing in Suffolk County No. '52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, · _ ii I ." _DI ~, II II I I I I ,LEGAL' N~ OF HEA~ING ON I~OP~AL TO AMF~D ZOMNG OP~I~ANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the 'Town Lsw and Artie~e. IX of the Building Zone :Or~~ of the Town of Southold, S.uHolk Coun- ty, ~ew york, public hesrings will be held .by the Southold Town Board in the Office of the Supervisor, 16" South Street, G~:eenport, New York, ~n said Town o.p the ~30th dsy. of J~y, ..t968,~ at 7~0 P.M. (E:D.S.T.) of 'said... day on the following pro- posals to amen~ the Building Zone Ordinance (in~.ud~ng the Building Zone Maps.) of .the Town.~ of South- old, Suffolk County, ~ew York. 1. .By Changng from "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural District to '"M~'~.~Multiple. ReSiderrce District the ~ollowing described property: ~eginrring a,t a point on the southerly ~ide of Middle Road (C.R. 27. North ROad) where the same is intersected bY t~.: west-- erly s~de of land now or formerly of Village of Greenport, which point is distant 350.68 feet west- erly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Middle Road w~th the westerly side of Moore's Lane~ ~nd fr~m said point of ~begin~ing, running thence ~long said land south 4° 01' 10" east, 1106.60 feet; running thence ~tfll along s,~id land,, south 84° 53' 30" ~vest, 24 feet; r~nning .thence still. ~dong_ said land north 4° 06' 10" west; 830.50 feet to the southerly side. of ..said Middle Ro.ad; running thence along the southerly side of said Middle Road, north 55.0. 01' 10~' east, 5'54..24 feet to the point ~r place of beginning. 2. ~y changing from "A" 'ReSi- denti.al and Agricultural District to ".B" Business District the' following descr£bed property: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Brown Street, 116.0'5 ~eet easterly along said southerly line from Ninth Street, said point of beginni~.g .being the n0,~heasterly corner of l~nd of ,I)ickewski; from said point of be- ,ginning running along said sonth- erly line of Brown StreeL S. 82° 44' 30" E. - 549.3'3 feet to land of Dinizio; thence along .said land of Dinizio, S. 6° 53' 30" W.-127.61 feet to land of Tully; thence alor~g said l~nd of Tully and along land of William Braun, N. 84° 51' 20" W.~- 237~7 fe~t; thence alon~.~ ,said land of William Bra~m 'and land of Henry Bm.un and land Gerard Braun. two courses: (1) S. 9° 4.5' 20" W. - 544.18 feet; thence .. (2) s. ~a°, 55' W,- ~0~'~eet, rn~re ~r less., to Ordin2ry high water mark of P~pes Cove;' thence .westerly along said high water mark, 465 feet, more or less, to 1.and of Tor~er; thence along said land of Toner, ~l. 12°. 1.2' 50" E.-'440 feet, more Or less, thence along .said easterly line of ~qinth ,Street, ~. 12° 12' 10" E.- · 86.0 feet to said land of Dikow- ski; thence ~lon'g said }and of DikZ 'ow, ski, two coUrsC~: ' ~(1) S. 82° 44'..30~'~ E.- 120.59 feet; then~ ~--. .... (.2) l~l. ?° 15"30"'E..-. 52.50 feet to the point of beginning. Con- tainir~g '7~ acres~ more or lesS. Any person desiring to '~be h~ard on the ~bove proposect amendments . should~:-appear at'~he time :and place specified. DA'PED: JU~Y 2, 1,968. BY ORDER ~OF /T~E ~O.U'I~I-~OLD ~OWrN CIzERK: , :" : ' .'-1tJy12 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, } '' STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: ....~.,. '?~ .~.~..._ . .~.., ..... ~-.... ~ .~kc..:...'..C~-~... being duly Sworn, s~ys that . .'.~.'V., is Printer und Publisher iof {he SUFFOLK W,£:£KLY TIMES, ~ newspuper published ~:t Greenport, in suid county; and t!hut the n'otic¢, ,of which the. arme~ed is ~ printed copy, .Ires been published in t'he $~id Suffolk Weekly Times o,nce in euch week, for ........... ~ ........... week~ successively commencing on the ....~~~ ........ .......... d~y ,of .... ..7~'::: .~...~: ~~~..~~.~.~~~,~~~ ..... S~(~rn to before me t'his . ./.~E..~-~... :. ! ...... and ArtJ~Xe of ~ Bu~~ Seuo Ord.._~,~__ue_~ of ~he Town of Sou~hoXd, Count, Bev York, pub3.~ boar'~a vLU be ho:Ld by tho Suffolk 8ouehoXd TowA SOuth Bo/rd ~n b Off~ of ~he 8uperv~J~or, 16 lev 30eh day of J~Xy, :L968, at 7.30 (B.D.S.T.) o£ said day on the foXXo~tng propoeaXs ~o amand the ButAdAng ~one Ord~__.__~--~__-~~_ (~ueXudAng ~ Bu~dt~j none Hapo) of ~e Town D~te~ ~o 'M' Mu!tJ~Xo Rest~& D~~r~ the foXX Beq~___M,__~t_u~. at a point on the southerly oido of M~~~o Road (C.]i. 27Jr earth Road) vhero the S~ ..~. Jj Lnterleeted of ~-~~, vhAeh po.~ t~ ..dJ]~an~ 350.68 feet erly etdo of aa:Id M.4 _dd_~e Road vLth the ~e~~rl¥ esJ. dfe of Lane, and from said point of b0gLua~ag, runnt~g ~~ aleng nad Xand mmf~ 40 0l' 10' mt, 1106. 60 feet j ~~_n~ ~~ wt.~% ~ sa:Ld land, south 84° 30' volt, 474.24 ~let~ z'mmj, nq thdm(~ wtLlX along BaLd %and north /OU~b/r%y lis:Ldo of said M,__~dd~te Road; ~~m~~M thence t~ong the /outbmm~ly itdo of mild ]d_!;::':.~..e Rold, nerth SSO 01' 10" mt, 5S4.24 feet to the potnt iF -.:~'.-ng.~ ~mremm "A" Io8~~ and xlrgteultuzll Bog~t~ it a polnt on tho sourly 1tn~ of lroun Street, 116.05 £e~t eu~o~ly al~ said southerly 11ne ~CXn S:Luth Street, laid pO/at O£ bogLnnJalg bejj~ the noL~hm~rt~Ely ~ of lind of D~-ovfki~ from mild polnt o£ bog~~i_~ z.t~_~,,'_n~ along' said 8ou~e~ly 11ne of Brown Street, $. 82 o 44' 30" g. - 54S1. 33 £eet to 1.End of D1~tltO; thORCe iLLOrlg tti.:i,d ~ of Dlntslo, S. 6° 53' 30" 127.61 feet to lind o£ Tully1 ~J~:__m~~__ n.l. ong oltd land o.£ Tu11¥ and al~ Xand o£ ~111--tmu Braun, H. 84° 51' 20" w. - 237. gq foe~ ~~m~~e_ ~~ 8814 lnnd o£ Br&un~ t~o course: (1) S. 9° 45' 20" #. - S44. i8 foo~ ~~ (2) $. iG° 55' w. - 40 feet, ~e or leis, to high water ,~~m~. lu. td high va.-tlr mlrk, 46S flit, mo~ .or lilt, to land o! Tone:~ thence along said lind of Toue:, H. 12° 12' 5.0" B. -440 Mt, me~e o~ le/l~ ~ al~ &Bid ~ly 11n~ of lgtath Street, If. 12° 12' 10" B. - 86.0 said land of Dlc~owf~t~ thence alonq aatd land (2) Il. 7° 1S' 30" i. - $2.50 foe~ -to tho po:iht of (1) S. 820 44' 30° B. - 1~.0. S9 f~Nm~:m ~~ Z,mgmX Mot: -J.L'.e Page -3- Con.tm~n~~ 7~ ~, more or 3.~. ~.'.~Aeentj Should appear at. the time and pXmco epec~£hHl, JULY 2, 1968, ~ ~ CXii~B, ,TULY X3., 3.S68, ~ /'CltKMtD a.l~ AFF~VZ~ OF /qJBL;Ir~T:I;C/I TO ~ TCMW ~._T.]u'_~', HA;]I:if ROAD, (6) Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham. Chairman Henry Mo/sa Alfred Grebe William U n kelbach ? ,'tl~,!d Po'.n Eonrd 1'~ S utk :trcet ,'ul:,,' 1 , o-o fk:.': i to ,:~vise th t the fol].o:tins ?ctJcn wa t~ikcn by the :u':i:-2f [o'.n ?onnin,-' i~osrd st .'- Pegul~r :~zetinq h qd o June 19:77: On .:o~ion duly made ,~nd c':rrizd, 2t E LUll, thor; the Sou~hol.:] [, .n Plpnl:l:i- 5o{~rd ,~oes -!oh r. commend ~rom "A" 2esident~r~l and A-z'icultural D~.-~rict to "H" Uultipla 2esiJonce since it is a ~imited acce'-s C:.un[;y ~o~d ~s per recommendations of z~.z Coun[:y Depn-'~:ment of Public Yorks. ?espectf:dl. ly submitt.~d, .:::t:~.hoi,-~ Po,tn Flonnin' .ERK ALBERT W. RIBHMrlND TOWN [: LE R :< SFiUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. June 11, 1968 Mr. John Wickahm Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I..N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of John Geier, North Road, Greenport, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on certain property situated in Greenport, New York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the con- ditions described in the petition and de- termine the area so effected with the re- commendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk June 6, 1968 Coffin & Glickman Attorneys Main Street Greenport0L. I., New York Please find receipt of $25.00 enclosed for John Geier change of zone application % 175. The application will be reviewed by the To~n Board on June 11, and by the Planning Board on June 17. Yours truly, Howard Terry Southold Town Building Inspector FROM: TO.' CORWIN & GLICKMAN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 516 477-0800 Mr. Howard M. Terry Southold Town Hall DATE: 6/5/68 L Sour hold, New York 11971 SUBJECT: John Geier Dear Mr. Terry Enclosed, in duplicate, is a petition for change of zone from A to M, togeiher with our check for $25. Please consider the previous application affecting these premises (your application number 164) with- drawn. ck enclosures (3) Sincerely by CASE NO: ....~ .~...~... ...... STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF JOHN GEIER FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PETITION TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the o~vner of certain real property situated at ~.~9.~?Jq~., ..................................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Middle Road (C.R. 27; North Road) where tile same is intersected by the westerlysi de of land now or formerly of Village of Greenport, which point is distant 350.68 feet westerly fron~ the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of said Middle Road with the west- erly ~ide of Moore's Lane, and from said point of begirming, running thence along said land south 4°01'10'' east, 1106.60 feet;running thence still along said land, south 84°53 '30" west, 474.24 feet; running thence still along said land north 4006'10'' west, 830.50 feet to the southerly side of said Middle Road; framing thence along the sou*herly side or said Middle Road, north 55°01'10'' east, 554.24 feet to the point or place of beginning. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne~v York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: by changing the premises from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The premises are bounded on three sides by the only tract of land in the Town of Southold that is not subject to any zoning law at all: some two hundred odd acres owned by the Village of Greenport. This tract is used for industrial purposes by the municipality: among others, as a sewage treat- ment plant. Middle (North) Road is a county road. The premises currently enjoy a non-conforming use status, as a rooming and boarding house; deponent wishes to enlarge that use. Those factors which are the basis of all legislation in the police power area exercised by the town--that is to say, the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the people of the town--will not be adversely affected by the proposed change. The Board is asked to take administrative notice there is little liklihood the Vil- lage will zone its adjacent lands residential. Such a move would probably not be in the best interests of the people of the Village. The creation of a buffer zone would be a reasonable legislative act under the circums~nces. This parcel was recently the subject of an application fora change from A to B ,/~ which was denied. (L. S.) ...:)t~r}~i..~.{~.~ ........................................ STATE OF N'EW YORK,) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK,) ....................................................... ;I.O.~_N.....G..~.~I~R. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief: and that as to those matters he believes it tc be true. MAP OF" L/At.jo E; LJr'<tV~YE D z ,X · /