HomeMy WebLinkAboutZanghetti, Anna & Mario Amend#83 WHEREAS, o petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by Anna Zanghetti & M~rio Zanghetti requesting o change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a port thereof by chang- ing from ..... ?..~..'.'...~.e.f~.t.' ..&....~.c~-..~.~.. District to ...... '.'.]~.'.'...~.~.~.~ .......... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the P'lanning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relatior~ to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... of ............ ~..D'~...~r .......................... , 19..~.~., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is granted, By Order of the Southold Town Board Dated: July 31, 1968 Effective as of August 9, 1968 Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk LEGAL N O'~,J C.E NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING ,ORDINANCE !AMENDMENT N,O. 83 NOT'I~CE IS 'HEREBY GIVF2~, th'at after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zc~ne .Ordinance, (in- cluding the Building Zone Map) of ~he Town of Sc~utl~old, Suffolk Coun- ty, New York, was cluly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold T'c~wn Board heId on July 16, 1968, as follo.ws: 1. By changing from "A" Resi- denti, al and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All those certain plo.ts, pieces, or 10arcels' o.f land situate, lyingI and being at Fishers Island, TownI :.o.'£ Sc~uthold, C~)un.ty of Suffolk' aud...,State of ,New York, bounded ~and descri,bed as follows: BE:GINNING at a point ea~ th'e southerly:' ;line of '~he road known i as the' G[0aming at a marestone which is located 116.5.34 feet nc~rth and 38.'52 feet west of U.S. Coast1 & Geadetic Triangulationr~Station "PROS"' a~nd from s~id. point ~1~1~-~ rang so, uth 34° 41' ':-00'~.~a,st one hundrect, seventy-two-and 1/10 (172.:1.). feet to a 1o'oint on a bo.u. 1- ~er; thence runn~g_nor~h 85° 19' 00" east about sixty three and 00/100 (63.00) feet t~ the shore of the Cove, the last two lines, abutting southwesterly and south-i exly on Che property of J. Przy-t ~borouski, thence running in al ~e. neral ~n,.ortheasterly direction along the shores of the cove sixty- six ,and one half (66 ~/~) f. eet; thence running north 23° 28' 00" west ~a~bout .one 'hundred, eighteen (118) feet to a mere stone em the south- erly side of "The Gloaming" abut- ting ,northeaste,rly on the property of .R'. Erpenbeck; thence ~outh 80° 26' 00" West along the soul~herly line eJ~ the Gloaming one kundred fifty-two and 1/10 (152.1) f.eet to the point of ,beginning. Said a'bove described tract con- tains about one-half acre. DATED' JULY 16, 1968. BY 'ORD~;R OF THE SOUTItOLD TOWN BOARD AL~B.I~RT W. RI, CHMOND TOWN CI~RK ltJy26 STATE OF NE~ YORK~ COUNTY 0~' SUFFOLK~ ALI~.T W. R:I:~, of $outhold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of ~wen~y- one years~ that on the 3!9.,t.~__ of .... _ __July_ ..._ .... ___ _, 196 8 ..... ~ he affixed a notice of which ~he &nnexed printed no~£ce is a ~ ~rue cogy, in a ~roper and substant£a[ manner, £n · most ~ublic i place tn ~he Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, to Town of l]outhold Sworn to before me th~s 31st day of ~tary ~blic ...... ~ - MARION A. REGENT NOTARY PU3~_I,'.?, Sta!e c' New York 52-3233120 Sut~olK L.EGAL:4NOTicE ' · NoTI~'' 'OF AMENDMENT ':OF ZON-i~N~"~O R,D i NA:NC E ~ .~' '~;ME.N,DM~NT' N,O. 83' N~E IS ~Y GI~, t~t ~fter ~ public he~ring held p~s~nt to the r~ui~e.n.ts of the ~di~ Z~ .O~n~ce, (in- cluding th~ B~~ Zone Msp) of ~ Town of ~ut~ld, S~folk ~y, New York, w~ duly ~mend~ ~t a r~sr me~~ of the South~ld ~ T~ B~rd held on J~y 1. By chan~ng from "A" R~i-~ d~t~ and .~ic~t~al Dis~i~ to~ "~" B~iness Dist~ct the following~ d~.~~ p~pe~yl o~ ~ce~ ~ l~d .s~te, a~ ~e~,g at ~e~~, ~o~' ~out~e~]~ ]~e ~ ~e ~oa~ ~o~ a~ t~e Glo~ng at a m~esto~e ~d 3~.'52 ~t west o~ U.S. ~ ~~c ~~,~at~o~ Station ~g ~t~ 3~° ~1' 00" ~t o~e ~~~e~t~-two a~d ~/10 (~72.,~) ~t to a ~t ~ a ~oul- 00" e~st ~out d~t7 th:ee 00/100 (63.00) ~t to ~e s~o~e o~ t~e Cove, t~e last t~o a~utt~g ~ut~est~]~ ,a~ sout~- ~:o~, thence ~u~ng ~e:al ~.~easte:l~ ~t~o~ a~o~,g t~e s~o~es ~ t~e co~e ~tT- ~ ~d o~e ~al~ (66 ~) ~t; t~e~ce ~u~g ~o~t~ ~3° 2W 00" ~est ~a~out ,o~e '~~ed, e~g~tee~ (11~) ~eet to a me:e sto~e ~ t~e south,- e:l~ ~de o~ "~he Gloaming" abut- t~.g ~o~the~st~17 o~ t~e o~ R. E~e~k; t~e~ce ~uth 80 26' 00" ~est ~o~g t~e sou~.e:ly ~e ~ t~e Gloaming o~e ~~:e~ fifty-two a~ 1/10 (152.1) ~t to[ t~e ~t o~ beg~~g. ~a~ a~e ~esc~~ t:act ~con-~ ta~ a~o.ut o~e-~a~ ac:e. '1 D~~: -~O~ OF ~ ~OUT~O~ ~Y,~T W. RIC~O~ ~~ C~RK 1~y26 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ? ss' STATE OF NEW YORK. j L~ .~~__~;~ ~~~__~,~ beina dul,/ Sworn. · . .%~. I . .*v :* :"T .-.":-~,~ ....................... -' -- says that ..'.'.~..~..(i is Printer and Publisher of ~he SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county~ and ~hat the 'notice, ,of which the. annexed is ~ printed copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekl~/ Times c.nce in each week, for ............. c.~ .......... weel~a successively commencing on the . ...~...~..~.:.~. "~:~-~''-5'P'~'~""' Sw.~rn to before me this day of .... :c..,-.;L:- . ....... 19.~" ............ .... NOTICE OF AM~ENZ)MENT TO THE ZONING ORDNANCE ' AMEN. DMENT~..,IfO. 83 ' . NOTICE ]~S HEREB~"~'IVEN, that i!~after a public hearing held pursuant ~ the'requirements of .aw, the Build- tng ~Z~i~e Ordinance, (including the~ ~ .~.~.U~ Zone Map), of th~.. Town:,~ Of ~.~:~.. f/..~ amended .at a reg.q~.r ~mee.. t- ,ji~ng.:.p 'w~ southold Town~,]3D~rd ~_held i~''~y 'changing from "A'; '~si~lent'i~ '] ai~d'~gricultural District .~' ";]~" I ness Dis~;rict the 'followi~~eSc~ib~d ~..'~' .~A!! .those certain' plO~;'' Pi~c~s. or ,~._~i~rc'els of land situate,-iying 'and [~._~::~1~4~ at Fishers Island T 'wn of .~'~..iSou~hold, County of Suffoll[ and ~.Sta~. of Ne~ York,. 'deSC~bed as follows' ".~GINNINO al' a point' On Sh~herly line of the road know~ ~ts" ~he Gloaming at a i~' inereSt~ne W~ch 'is located l165;34':feeg'":north, ,~ ~8.5~. fee~ ,e~ of ~, ~:.. ..~/~S" and from ~td '"~~- .~.'/~~) 'f~t ~ the shore bf~.~'the ~P~o~~ of j._ ~~~, ~ce ~ng ~ a gene~/~ ~.d (~%) feet' thence ~n~[. ~.- ~, ~, we~ ~ut o~-~- ~ed~ eighteen (118) feet ~a me~-' ~e on the Southerly side O~'"~e' J/ ?'.~Gl~ming" abutting no~h~rly on ~e p~o~~ ,~f ~. ~nb~k: 'thence 80 26 ~ West along the ~Ut~rly line of the. Gloaming one ]~.,hundred fifty-two and 1/10 (152.1) ] [..~J'fee~ ~ the ~int of ~gin~ng. .]~::[.'.L,k_ .~td above descried .~raCt con- t~s, a~ut one-~lf acre. DA~~[: J~ ~6~ ~8 .~, A~~T W. RIC~OND COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...~....~..~..~~ee~ on the ~ 7- ~C successively, commencing .............. ~~ ................. of ..... , ee*eeelej, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeleeee®eeel® eeeeme®e~eeeeeee eeee®eeleeeemee Sworn to before me this ...... ~.l~. ........ day of ........... ~o~;;~"~;~i;~; .......... ~ ................ ADELE PAYN£ Notary Pubiic, State of New Yorl Residing in Suifolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 19' ~ limp), of tho {~.~:_~? of SoutluGd. SuffoLk ¢~y, leu Y4udi, Toun Board hoAd on JuZy 16, 1N8, ed fo~Xouo8 X. By Dl/triat ,to of /outho~d, County of Su~ and l~taM of lov YOglt, of thO¸ Xo0ated XIH. 34 feet north lind :18.52 feet 1felt of Cwt. & OeodotAc Tr~t~ 8tat~ 'lToa' and x/J.O (z?z.z) foot to & point om m eSe 19' 00" lBlJt ~ SIR],' ~__~.~~ lind O0/J. O0 (63.00) fat,lt to the dmre of "tho Cm~o', the and 8eutborly, ce tho 8!3 /3 tho -_..~.~ of tho oag,o oMF-oLIK mum ouo h/i,f loquth 80e 3~6' 00" Woat -,_~~ tho 8outhoz~Ly 3,bio of tho GI~~_~:~_"~. oafs ind Z/~O feet to th. po~t COl,lBS mlu&~ to t2so fo,tl,ouf~ig oB J~i31.y 23. M I N U T E S SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD June 18, 1968 P R E S E N T: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON JUSTICE HENRY A. CLARK JUSTICE fi. PBRRY EDWARDS JUSTICE MARTIN SUTER COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEMAREST COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE TOWN CLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT W. TASKER Anna Zanghetti & Mario Zanghetti - Change of Zone - 2 - SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: It is now twelve noon by the whistle, and I will open the hearing by reading the legal notice of hearing: "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Hoard, in the Fishers Island Firehouse, Crescent and Equestrian Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, in said Town on the 11th day of June, 1968, at 10:00 A. M. (E.D.S.T.), in the morning of said day on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the followind described property: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the road known as the Gloaming at a merestone which is located 1165.34 feet north and 38.52 feet west of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS" and from said point running south 340 41''00" East one hundred seventy-two and 1/10 0172.1) feet to 0 a point on a boulder; thence running north 85 19' 00" east about sixty three and 00/100 (63.00) feet to the shore of the Cove, the last two lines abutting southwesterly and southerly on the property of J. Przyborski, thence running in a gereral northeasterly direction along the shores of the cove sixty-six and one half (66~) feet; thence running north 23° 28' 00" west about one hundred eighteen (118) feet to a mere stone on the southerly side of "The Gloaming" abutting north- easterly on the property of R. Erpenbeck; thence south 800 26' 00" west along the southerly line of the Gloaming one hundred fifty-two and 1/10 (152.1) feet to the point of beginning. Any per son desiring to be heard on the above proposed amend- ments should appear at the time and place specified. Dated: May 14, 1968, By Order of the Southold Town Board, Albert W. Richmond, Town Cierk." - 3 - SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At this time I would Like to note that this hearing was called for June 11th, at which time it was impossible for us to make the trip; at which time Judge Edwards did appear at the place advertised , and indicated to any interested persons that it was postponed to a positive date, being this date, at°the firehouse. Because of the election going on there today, the firehouse was posted to indicate to all interested persons that the hearing would be here in this hall. I have the affidavits of publication duly signed and notarized, and I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board insofar as this request is concerned. "It was resolved that the Southold Town Planning Board recommends favorably to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "H" Business District on the above described property. Now, at this time, is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of the relief sought in this petition? No one wishes to speak in favor of it? Does any one wish -- will you give your name please? JAMES THURROTT My name is James Thnrrott. I live directly across the Cove from which is about 200 yards from Zanghetti's back yard , and if it were someone else I would hesitate to approve of it. But he keeps his backyard neat for one thing, and behaves himself for another thing, and it is a small piece of property, and I think that changing it to business would be a big help to him, and I don't think it would detract from the community or neighborhood. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Thank you, Does anyone else wish to speak in favor of it? Does anyone wish to speak in opposition to? A, JOHN GADA: Mr. Albertson, I would like to ask a question, What is theldifference between "A" Residential and "B" business. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Do you mean as far as requirements in residential and business zones? (Mr. Albertson then explained the zoning regulations pertaining to residential and business zones.) A. JOHN DADA: Mr. Albertson, I am not in opposition to this change - as far as I am concerned the whole Island can be business. (general discussion on zoning followed.) - 4 - SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: This is getting away from the reason for the hearing, but let me explain if I can. If anyone is operating a business in a residential zone, in violation of the ordinance, then he should go through this hearing in order to make his property business. This man CZanghetti) is operating properly as I see it in asking for a change of zone. I am sure that both on the Island and on the mainland there are people who are doing business improperly. We try to catch up with them eventually. I don't think this should have any bearing on Mr. Zanghetti's request to have this change. A. JOHN GADA: No. I just want to know why this is going on, and what is being done about it. Who enforces the Zoning laws? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON The constable. A. JOHN GADA: The constable? I don't even know what the Zoning laws are. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Well then, we had best get you a copy of the Zoning Regulations, so that you can be aware of what is legal and what is illegal. (Discussion of the times and places of hearings then followed. Supervisor Albertson stated that noon had been selected as a time when any interested person would most probably have an opportunity to attend). SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there any one else who wishes to speak either one way or the other in regard to this petition? Any one at all? Hearing no one, we will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. I thank you all for coming. ii i i · ii iii LEGAL NOTICE 'Notice of ,Hearings ,On 'Ppoposa, ls t,,o Am,end The Zoning Or*dinance Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance. of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held ,by the .Southold Town Board, in the Fishers 'Island Firehouse, Crescent and Equestrian Avenue,. Fishers Island, ~.ew York, in said Town on the llth ,~ay ,of June, 1968, at 10:00 A. M. (E.D,S.T.), in the m~-nJ~ug ~f said day on the fol- lowing proposal to amend the Building Zone .Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Towr~ of Southo.ld, Suffolk County, ~ew York. 1. By .changi:ng fro.m "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural District to ",B" Business District the following described property: BECrINIVING at a point ea the southerly line-o,f the-road known as the-Gloaming at ame. restone which is located 1165.34 feet narth and 38.'52 feet west of U.S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation :Station ",PROS" and from said point run- rdng scmth 34° 41' 00" E~st one hundre~t, seventy-two and 1/10 (172.,1) feet to a point ,on a boul- der; thence runn£ng north 85° 19' . 00" east =a,bout sixty three, and 00/100 (63.00) .feet ta the shore of the Cove, the last two lines abutting southwesterly ,and south- erly on ~he property of J. Przy- borski, thence running in a gen- eral northeasterly direction .alca.g the shores of the cove sixty-six and one hal..f (,66~2) feet; thence running north 23° 28' 00" west ~bout one 'hundred, eighteen (118) .feet to a mere. stone ~.u the south- erly side of '~'The Gloaming" abut- ting a~ortheasterly on the property of .R'. Erpenbeck; thence south 80° 26' 00" West along the southerly line c~ the Gloaming one hundred fifty-two and 1/10 (152.1) feet to the point o.f :beginning. .~ Any person desiring ta be heard on. the above ..propased amendments should appear at the .time and place so sp~efied. D.AT~D: ,MAY 14, 1968, BY OR- DER OF T/[-IE SOUTHOLD T~OWN BOARD ALBERT W. RI.CHMO~D TOWN CLERK ltM24 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] STAT£ OF N£W YORK, k ss' says that ....~... is Printer ~nd Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a news~per publish~ county~ and ~hat the 'n'ofic~, of which the annexed is ~ printed ~py, ~s been published in the s~id Suffolk Week~ Times ance in each week, f~r ........ ~~~ ........ : .... week~ successively commencing on the ~.~. ,.~.. ... ¢ ...... Sworn to before me t'his . day of ............ 1~.~., , .......... CORNELIA C.. I~EQ411 Nelary Public, State of Nm No. 52-2093890 NO'FIOE* OF,~IIBA~tI~G~ ~ . Z, ONI~G OBDmANCB~ ~ ~ Pursuant to Section 265 of the"Town Law and Article IX of the 'Bttlldl~ Zone Ordinance of the Town of-South- old, Suffolk County, ,New York;,. public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board, in the Fishers Island Firehouse, Crescent and Equestrian Avenue,' Fishers .Island, New, Yerk, in said Town on the l lth day. of June, 1968, at 10:00 A. M. (EDST) in the morning of said day on the. following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance ¢including the Biiflding Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By. changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Bust- ness District the following described property: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the road known as the Gloaming at a mereatone which is located 1165.34 feet north and 38.52 feet west of U. S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS" and from said point run- nlng SOuth 34°. 41' 00" East one hundred, seventy-two and 1/10 (1~2.1) feet- to a point on a boulder; thence runnir~ north 85° 19' 00" east about sixty three and-00/100 (63.00) feet to the shore of the .Cove, the last two lines abuttix~ · southwesterly and southerly on ruxinlng'= in a general northeagtet~] direction along the shores cove sixty-six a~td one lutlf (66~)-] feet; thence runnl~ north 3B° 88'1 00" west about one hundred,-,.ef~h- teen (118) feet to a mere stone on the southerly side of "The Gleam- lng" abutting northeasterly on the .... property of R. Erpenbeck; thence south 80° 26"'~00'' West alon~ the southerly line of the Gloami~ one J~undred, fifty-two and 1/10 (15~.1) feet to. the point of beginrd~. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place specified. ..~ DATE~.:' MAY 14, 1968 · . , . j'...., .- · "'BY ORDER* OF THE. SOUTHOI~ . .TOWN BOA'S" AL~E~T W. ~C~O~, COUNTY O'F SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK tss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- o. e .ee ..... successively, commencing on the ............. ~...~;~.....~. [?. ....... day of .......... "~.~,(....d':~.--.d.,/.. ........ ,,,; 19..~..~~'- Sworn to beforo mo this ........ ~...~.. ....... day of ...... .... , ~D~I.~ PAYN~ Notm'y Public, Stste of New Yo~ Residin~ in Su[[olk County No. 52-3041000 ~,nmmission Expires March 30. NOTRE OF FROPOS~t, TO Pursuant: t:o Bect:~.on 265 of ~e ?o~n L~ and A~t::~cle IX of the Building Zone Ordinance o.f the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing w~ll be held by the Southold Town Board, in the F~shers Island Firehouse, Crescent- and EquestrL&n Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, in said Town on the ll th day of June, 1968, at 10,00 A.M. (E.D. So T. ) in the morning of said day on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (~ncluding the Build.Lng Zone Maps) of the To~n of $outhold, Suffolk County, Ne~ York. le By changing from "A" Residential and Agri~uitural D~str~ct to "B" Bus~ness D~strict the following described property~ BEGINNYJ~G at a point on the southerly l~ne of the road known as the Gloaming at a merestone which ~s located 1165.34 feet north and 38.52 feet west of U.S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS" and from -, said point running south 34 41' 00" East one hundred, Seventy-two and 1/10 (172.1) feet to a point on a boulder~ thence running north 85~ 1~' 00" east about sixty three and 00/100 (63.00) feet to the shore of the Cove, the last two lines abutting southwesterly and southerly on the property of J. Przyborowak i, thence running in a general northeasterly d~reut~on (66%) feet~ thence running north 23'~ 28' 00" west about one hundred, eighteen (118) feet to a mere stone along the shores of the oove s~x'ty-s~ and one half Leg&l Iron,ce Page -2- on the southerly sXde of "The Gloam--~. g" abuttXng northeasterly on the property of R. Erl~nbeek; ~~ce s~th 80° 26' O0# West along the southerly l~ne of the Gloaming one hundred fifty-two and 1/10 (152.1) feet to the point of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place specified. DATED, MAY 14, 1968, BY ~ER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. R XCBMO~, TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY2 3, 1968, -AND FORWARD THREE (3) AFFiDAViTS OF PUBLICATION TO THE TO,lq CLERK, MAiN ROAD, Southold Town Planning Board .cirlLITHI3LD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wtckham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York March 25, 1968 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on March 19, 1968: In the matter of the petition of Anna Zanghetti and Mario Zanghetti, Fishers ~land, New York, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk Coutny, New York, and more particularly bounded and desc~Ded as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of the road known as the Gloaming at a merestone which is located 1165.34 feet north and 38,52 feet west of U.S. Coast & Geodetic Triangulation Station "PROS" and from said point running south 34° 41' 00" East one hunc%red, seventy-two and 1/10 (172.1) feet to a point on a boulder; thence running north 85° 19' 00" east about sixty three and 00/100 (63.00) feet to the shore of the Cove, the last~o lines abutting southwesterly and ~utherly on the property of J. Przyborowski, thence running in a general northeasterly direction along the shores of the cove sixty-six and one half (66½) feet; thence running north 23° 28' 00" west about one hundred, eighteen (118) feet to a meEe stone on the southerly side of "The Gloaming" abutting northeasterly on the property of R. Erpenbeck; thence south 80° 26' 00" West along the southerly line of the Gloaming one hundred fifty-two and 1/10 (152.1) feet to the point of beginning. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommends favorably to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described property. Report:to: Southold Town Board March 25, 1968 ~ne property is in the immediatevicinity of a business zone and there are other non-conforming uses in the area. This property is at the head of West Harbor where presently exists commercial docks and other waterfront enterprises. Very sincerely, JW/ d cc: Town Clerk John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board ALBERT W. RI[~H~vlOND ~RK SI']UTHrlLD, L. I., N. Y. March 13, 1968 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Anna Zanghetti and Mario Zanghetti, Fishers Island, New York, relative to the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricu~ural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situ- ated in Fishers Island, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly y~ur~ Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk TEL. 76S-~66~ TOWN I-IF SOUTHOLD f-IFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TDWN CLERK'S OFFICE SmUTHE) LD, N. Y. Feburary 11+~ 1968 Mr o Mario C. Zanghetti The Gloaming Fishers Islsnd~ N.M. Dear Sir; I am returning your application for a change of zone from "A" residential -a~ricultural to "B" busine,:s for correction. The Town attorney will not accept the application as is~ there must be a meetes and bounds (courses and distance) description in part one of the application. This can be taken from your deed~ or possibly somone can help you mak~ it up from your map or you can get it done by Chandler & Palmer. I am enclosing a new set of application forms~ please submit the application in duplicate with the correct description~ and I will resubmit it to the Town Board at their next meeting. I will hold your check of $ 2~.00 pending receipt of the new' application~ be shure to attach the survey map to the new application. Yours truly Building Inspector C.C.: o.Perry Edwsrds CASE NO.: .............. ST.\TE OF NEx, V YORK PETITION TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD IN Tile MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FORA CHANGE. MODIF[C.\TION OR.\MENDMI£NT (DF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF Tile TOX. VN OF SOUTH()LD. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE\V YORK. TO TH/I~ TO\VN B~/~f~\RD QF~TI.II;; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, ~L4q~. ;ff.-.~. '/! 5 .............. residing at . ~~...~. 2 ..... (insert ~ne ~etitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner oi certain real l)roperty situated at  .................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: 0ii~',.e a_id ,.%~.,/_L,~v(o~.O0) f~et ~o ti.~ s~ore of "t~,e C,)v ", gL~ la: t two ~in,~s 2. 1 do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinauce c,f the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps herebfforc made a part thereof, as follows: 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ?? /' ... ,~'./~.6r.Lr.C:.~:.~...C%~.¢~'..~.::.?~{/,- ..... BEING DULY SWORN. deposes and says dmt he is the petitioner in 'the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knox, s the contents thereof: that the same is true to his (her) own knuwledg~, except as to t}m matters therein stated to be alleged ou iuEormation and b~lief, and that as to those ma[ter~ he believ~ it to be true. Sworn to before me tI~i~ .,?(.., da:, of..".).~.~.':..'9..!~, .... , ~9.- EILEEN ~. WALL Notar5 Public. ~01ARY PUBLIC - ST~E 0F NO r.~ %09185 Qualified in Sar[o[k County lerm Excres March 30, 1968