HomeMy WebLinkAboutSilvermere Area Amend #82 ,,B..tO "B-2"- All that certain tract of land situated at the southeast corner of Kenney's Road and North Sea Drive, Southold, N.Y. "B" to "M"- Northeast corner Kenney's Road and Doqwood Lane, Southold, N WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ........... S..-°..u...t.~.l.~...~.9'~...B.~.~'.(~ ............................. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- "B" Business "B-2" Business lng from ....... ..B~ .......... , ................... District to ..... "M""Ma.'l't'~'"R'e's'-' ...... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the P'lanning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...2..$..r..d.. ........ day of ....... ..A.p..r...i..1. ............................ , 19.6.,8...., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is granted. By Order of the Southold Town Board Dated: May 27, 1968 Effective as of 6th of June, 1968 Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk ~to land of the State of New York; NOTICE OF AMEND~MEN~ '!, the,~ce northerly along land of Wasi- OF ZONING ORDINANCE thence' i.le 144 feet more or less; AMENDMENT NO. 82 ' ~J ,and of E. H. King. two course~: ~l)~easterly 92 feet more ~r less; thence NOTICE HEREBY that pursuan,.-(2)~_I:t~, southerly 149 feet more or less to after a public heari~ held ' /'the point of~ beginning Being' and in- to the requirement~ 0f law, the Build-'. · lng Zone Ordinance,' (including the tended to be part of the same parcel Building Zone Map) of the Town of shown as a "B" zone on the Zoning Southold, Suffolg'~'+~(~ounty, New, York,--Map of the Town of Southold as adopt-; was duly amen~at a regular meet- 'ed-April 9, 1957. ~g of the Southold Town Board held on May 14, 1968, as follows: 1 a--By changing from "B" Busi- i ness Distriot to "B-2" Business Dis- '~trict, the following described property: Ail that certain tract of land situ- Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded ~and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenny's Road with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; ~rom said point of beginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover, 113 feet COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss' 2 b--By changing from "B" Busi- C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says ness District to "A" Residential and that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND Agricultural District the following de- scribed property' TRAVELER- ~ATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- All that certain tract of land situated at the north west corner of Main Road poper printed ot Southold, in Suffolk County; and that westerly along said land of Potocki,, feet, more or less, to said northerly" 202 feet, more or less, to said easterly-; line of the Main Road' thence westerly', along said northerly line of the Main Road 322 feet more or less, to land of William' thence northerly alongsaid land ~ of Williams, land of Reybine, and land Hughes, 641 feet more or less, thence, northeasterly along said land of~ Hughes, 125 feet more or less to land of Orra' thence easterly along said', ]'and of Orra, 146 feet more or less to · said w~sterly line of Youngs Avenue', thence southerly along said westerlyi line, 691 feet more or less, to the point' of beginning. Being and intended to~ be part of the same parcel shown as a! "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the~. Town of Southold as adopted April 9, i 1957. and described as follows: I 3. By changing from "B-2" Businessi BEGINNING at the intersection of District and "A" Residential and Agrl- .] the easterly line of Kenney's Road !cultural District to "M" Multiple Rest- with the northerly line of Dogw~)od I dencc District the following described, Lane' from said point of beginningI property: ,running northerly along said easterly :-i,All that certain tract of land sit-i line of Kenney's Road, 465 feet more i uated at Greenport, in the Town ofi or leas to land of Oliveri' thence east,-I Southold, County of Suffolk, and State erly along said land of Oliveri, 202 feet lof New York, and more particularly' more or less, to land of Glarer; thenceI bounded and described as follows: southerly along said land of GloverI BEGINNING at the intersection ofi and through land 'of Kearns, 437 feet i the easterly line of Silvermere Road~ imore or less to said northerly line °f: withl the southerly line of land of the! Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along ,Long Island Railroad; from said point! said northerly line 285 feet more or of beginning running along said land less to the point of .beginning. Being of Long Island Railroad, two courses' ~and intended to be part of the same (1) easterly on a curve to the right, parcel .shown as a "B" Zone on the having a radius of 2832 feet, a dis- Zoning Map of the Town of Southold tance of 108.06 feet, thence ,'2) N.84°30' as adopted April 9, 195~/. 10" E.--848.33 feet to land of Toner; 2 a--By changing from "B" Busi- thence along said land of-Toner, S. ness District-to "M-I" Multiple Resi- 6°~ 20' 50" W.--895 feet more or less, ! dence District the following described to ordinary high water mark of Pipes, property: Cove' thence westerly along said high' All that certain tract of land situated water mark, 12~.0 feet more or less, to. at the north side Main Road, at Orient, land of Steinmetz thence along said, in the Town of Southold, County of land of Steinmetz N. 3° 45' 00" E.--695 Suffolk and State of New York, and feet more or less, to the southerly line' more particularly bounded and de- of a 20 foot private road known as~ scribed as follows: I "Silver Lane"' thence along said' ~, BEGINNING at the point on the[line of "Silver Lane" and in a directi northerly line of the Main Road 8~.lextension easterly of said southerly feet more or less, westerly along said ! line across said Silvermere Road, S. I northerly line from Youngs Avenue; ~[ 85° 31' 40" E.--249.66 feet to said east-i 'from said point of beginning running [erly line of Silvermere Road; thence westerly along said northerly line of )al~n~g~s~ai~d easterly line N. 15° 21' 30" E. the Main Road 94 feet more or leas, '~ Sworn to before me this ....... ~.~ ........ doy of ..... ...... , ........ _. ....... .... ' '/ ....... ADE.LE PAYN[ NOt~'Y Public, State of New Yorl Residing in Suffolk, County No. 52-354JO00 ~,ommission E.xcires h,!arch line of Kenney's Road; thence north- erly along said easterly line, 115 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of South- old as adopted April 9, 1957. ?. I b---By changing from "B" Busi- ~ ness District to "M" Multiple Resi- dence District the following described property: All that certain tract of land situ- ated at the north east corner of Ken- ney's Road and Dogwood Lane, at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded ated at the southeast corner of Ken- and Youngs Avenue, at Orient. in the the notice of which the annexed is o printed copy, has been ney's Road and North Sea Drive, Town of Southold, County cf Suffolk. and State of New York, and more par-' published in said Long Island Troveler-Niottituck Wotch- tiCularly described as follows' BEGINNING at the intersection of , the northerly line of the Main Road' man once each week for ...... ~..~... wee~ with the westerly line of Youngs Ave- nue: ~rom said point of beginning successively, commencing on the ....... ~.....~.. eeeeeeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeeeee 'running westerly along said northerly~ :line of the Main Road 86 feet more: day of ~g.."..~...~.. Or less to the land of E. H. King;, . .... i thence along said land of King' three courses: ~1) northerly 149 feet more ~ 'or less; thence (2) westerly 92 feet ............................ more or less, to land of Potoeki; thence l. more or leas' t. henee (3) southerly 134 ~L!EG'A L. ,NOT IC E i NOTICE 'OF ,AMENDMENT Od~ tl~ ~O~.'.0t:~~d ~ ad~t- ~ OF Z'O. NIN~ 'O.R, DINA:NCE .' a;, after a p~lic hearing had ~~~ .:~...~,~; ,...~,. ~.. .' ,. ~ ~ur~nt to the ,f~re~~ of law, ' the ~lding Z~e ,Ordin~~~_ cluding the' B~~g Zone MaP'J 0f fhe Town of ,~ut~ld, S~folk Co~- of ~uth~d, ~:~' ~ ~ , , , · ~ ~-. ...... ty, ~ew York, was ,duly ~end~ ...... ~~ ~;~* ,' , ~ ~ ................ ~lu~ GuIv ~wo[~. at a re. ar m~g of the ~uthold , ,~ , ~ , . . ti~~ly ~- ~:,, ~ i i ~ tinter ~nd Pubhsher of ~e SUFFOLK .TOwn ~ard held on May 14, 1968, ~llows: -: :. - ~.- . . : aS fol~s: 1 a - By changing from "B" Bu- BEG'~ING at the' intersection siness District to "B-2" Business of the eazt~la-'line of'/',Suv~rmere District, .the following deScril~l Road with the Sofltl~erly line of land property: of the Long Island .Railroadt:: from" zspaper published at G'reenport, in said ,tic~, of which the annexed is u printed ~ed in the said Suffolk Weekly Times All that certain tract of land sit- said point of, t~~ running along uate:l' at the -southeast comer of said land ~of' i~. ISlan/i ~ ~~~, KenneY's Road and ~rth Sea two courses: (i~'-~ly'~"a.'c~e ' ....... ~ ............. week~ .Ilrive,. SoUt~hold, in ,the Town a f tothe~ri~ht, having&radius~f,2832 Southoid, County of. Suffolk and .feet, a disimlce .Of:: 108.06 .feet,'i · State 9f New York, and more Par' ~eeence (2) l~L..84'..30' 1.0',,E..848.33 !.. ticularly bounded and described "as t_ t0 land of..~;, theonCe ,alon .g,.,~ . i ~..~ fonows: - .. _si_id la~d-~ TOner, S, 6 i0 50' i.X'.' . .~ ? .... : :..N-,~..... BEGI.NI~I~G at the 1,ntersection W:-895 feet mc~re or'less, t° ordin- al the ea, sterly lioe of Kenney's ary high water mark of. Pipes Corec;. Ro , t,e s0.t,. i, li-e ,aid.'hla Nm'th F, ea Drive; from saiid' point ter mark,-1220 'feet mm-e or leasj ''' 19 of beginning running easterly along ,to land of S~,' ~ce'along' saki ..soutl~erly line o£ North Sea said land .of 'Steinmetz, N.~ 3~-. 45' ....... Drive, 183 feet metre or less, .to land 00" ~.-695 feet' ~ or less, ~ the of Gto~er; thence southerly along southerly line of 'a 20 foot Private said land of Glover, 113 feet more road known 'as: '.'Silver Lane"; or le~s, to land of Potocki; thence thence along .said s°~'.~'erly--line , westerly along said land of Po- "Silver Lane" a~d.ill a direct, ex- tocki, 202 feet, more or less, ta said t~nsion~ easter_.' .lY.. ~.o~.'..~ southerly easterly line. of Kenney's Road; line ~oil~ said. ~ilV~ere Road, thence northerly along said easterly S, 85~ 31' 40" E.~.2it9.66 fee~ to sai~' 'line, 115 feet more or less .to the ea~.t~l~ l~ne of ~ilv~re~ ROad; i~point of 'beginning. Being and in- thence along said caste/,1y 'line, i tended' to be part of the same p~r- 15° 21'-30" E;-258,.04.'--.feet fo the ~cel shown as a "B" Zone on .the poin~ .of beginning,' _c~~ '23 i Zoning Map of the Town of South- acres n~re or ~ o'~d' as adopted ~pr=l 9, 1957. DAT~ID: MAy ,li, '!~:~BY ORDER I b - By changing from "B" Bu- OF TH~ I~)U'I~-K).L!) siness District to "M" Multiple Re- ' sklence District the following de- scribed property: All that certain ~act of land sit- uated at t~he north east comer of Kenney's Road and Dogwood Lane, at Southold, in the Town of South- old, Cotmty of Suffolk and State of ~lew York, arid' mare particularly ,bounded and descri~bed as falloWS: BEGginG at the inter~ection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road with fhe nartherly line of Dog- wood Lane; from said point 'cfi be- ginning running ,northewly along said easterly line of Kenney's Hoad, ~465 feet mitre or less tc~ land of 01- ~iveri;..t'hence easterly along said i lar~:t of Oliveri, 202 /}eet-moxe 'or 'lesi,- to land of- Glover; fhence ,'southerly alcmg said land of Glover and through land of Kearns, 437 feet mcae o.r less to said nartherly .,"line of Dogwood Lane; thence west- erly alqng said northerly line, 285 /)eet mo~e or less, to .the point of beginning. Being and inter, deal to be part o£ the same parcel 'shown as ~.a "B" Zo,ne an .the Zoning Map of the TOwn of .Southold as ad'opted April' 9, 1957. 2 a - By char~ging £rc~m B Bu- sir~es.s~ Distr/et to "M-i" Multiple ~.Residence District the followng de- scribed propi~ty: ". All that certain tract of land sit- utaed at the north ,side Main Road, /'~'~ Orient, in the Town cd Southold, C.~nty of Suffolk and State of New York,. and more particularly b°und~ ~ and described as. follOws: RI~GIN, N.I, NG .al a point, on t' A. nm r w. alC r ,. -.- ~POW~. CLEP, K ltM24 feet more or less, westerly along said nc~ri~herly li,n,e from Yo,ungs Avenue; from said point of begin- ning ,running westerly along ,s.ai~l northerly line. of the Main Re, ad, 94 f¢,a~t moire .or less, to land of the State of ,New York; thence north- erly along land' o.f Wasilewski, 144 feet more or less, thence along land e,f E. H. King, two courses: (1) east- erly 92 feet more c,r less; thence (2) south¢~rly 149 feet more or less to the point of begi~nning. Being and. intended to be part of the same parcel s'ho,wn as a "B" Zone on the zoning map of the. T6wn of South- old as ,adopted April 9, 1957. 2 b - By changing from "B" Business Di, strict to "A" Resident:- iai artd Agricultural District the fol- lowing 'des~ri~b'ed property' ,Ail that cer,tai, n t,ract of land :sit- uate:~ at the northwest corner of Main Road and Ycur~gs Avenue, at Orient, in the Tc, w,n of Southold, County of .Suffolk and State of New York, and more p~,rticul, arly bound- ed and ,described as follows: B,~G~NNI2gG at the inters, ectic,n of the northerly line of the M,ain ROad with the westerly line c,f Youngs Avenue; frcan said point of begin- ning runnir~g westerly along said :northerly line of the Main Road, 8ti feet ·more or less to. land of E. H. ' King; thence along ,said land of s King, three coarses: (1) northerly '149 feet more or less; thence (2), t westerly 92 feet more c~r less; thence.~ '~ (3) southerly 134 feet, more .o.r leSS, ~ to} ~said northerly line. of the Main Road; t'b~z,nce westerly ,along said northerly line. c,f the Main Road 322, feet more cr less, to land of Wil~ liam; t'hence nc, rtherly ~alonf sa,kt land of Williams, land of Re.ybine, and larrd cf Hughes, 641 feet re.ore or 1,ass; t'hence northea~sterly along said la[nd c,f Hughes, 125 feet more~ er less¢ to} lar~:l' of Onr. a; thence easterly al, ong said land of Orra, 146 feet more c,r less to said wes,'0erly ~_~'~:-_~ cf Youngs Ave,hue' thence southerly alc~ng said' westerly line, t391 f,-c. at more c,r less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be p.a~,t of the same parcel s~ho.wn 'g'3'O ~ · , .' 'ue. xozZ algol NOTICE OF LEGAL NOTICE - LI~ ~ 11 AMENDMENT OF ZONING AMENDMENT NOo 82 ORD//~ANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Map) of the Town Southold~ Suffolk County, New York, was duly named at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on May 14, 1968~ as follows: 1 a- By changing from "B" Business District to "B-2" Business District, the following described property: Ail that certain tract of land situated at the held of southeast corner of Kenney's Road and North Sea Drive~ Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney ' s Road, with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; from said point of beginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover~ 113 feet more or less~ to land of Potocki; thence westerly along said land of Potocki, 202 feet, more or less= to said easterly line of Kenney's Road; thence northerly along said easterly line, 115 feet more or less to the point o f beg inning. Being and intended to be part of the Legal N( Page -2- same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957o 1 b- By changing from"B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence Distr ict the fo 11 ow ing de s cr ibe d property: Ail that certain tract of land situated at the north east corner of Kenney's Road and Dogwood Lane, at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney"s Road with the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Kenney's Road~ 465 feet more or less to land of Oliveri; thence easterly along said land of Oliveri, 202 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover and through land of Kearns, 437 feet more Dr less to said northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line 285 feet more or less to the point of beginning° Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9~ 1968o 2 a-By changing from "B" Business District to "M-i" Multiple Residence District the following described property. Ail that certain tract of land situated at the~~ north side Main Road, at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk~ and S~ate of New York~ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point on the northerly line of the Main Road 86 feet more or less, westerly along said Legal Notice Page -3- northerly line from Youngs Avenue; from said point of beginning running westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road 94 feet more or less, to land of the State of New York; thence northerly along land of Wasilewski, 144 feet more or less; thence along land of EoHo King, two courses: (1) easterly 92 feet more or less; thence (2) southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of beginningo Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" zone on the zoning map of the Town Southold as adopted April 9, 1957o 2 b- By changing from "B" Business District to "A ~ Residential and Agricultural descr ibed property: District the following of Ail that certain tract of land situated at the north west corner of Main Road and Youngs Avenue, at Orient in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk more particularly bounded and BEGINNING at the intersection and the Main Road with the westerly beginning running said point of and State of New York, described as follows: of the northerly line of line of Youngs Avenue; from westerly along said north- erly line of the Main Road 86 feet more or less to land of EoHo King; thence along said land of King; (1) northerly 149 feet more or less; thence three courses: (2) westerly 92 feet more or less; thence (3) southerly 134 feet, more or of the Main Road; thence less, to said northerly line westerly along said northerly line of the Main feet more or less, to land of William; thence along said land of Williams, land of Reybine, Hughes, 641 feet more or less; thence said land of Hughes, 125 feet more or Road 322 northerly and land of northeasterly along less to land of Legal No~ice Page -4- Orra; thence easterly along aaid land more or less to said westerly line of thence southerly along said westerly or less, to the point of beginningo of Orra~ 146 feet Youngs Avenue; line, 691 feet more Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as a "B" Zone on the adopted Apr il 9~ 1957. 30 By changing from "B-2" Business District and "A" Residentail and Agr icul tural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: All that certain tract fo land situated at Greenport in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and descr ibed as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly 1 ine of Silvermere Road with the southerly line of land of the Long Island Railroad; from said point of beginning running along said land of Long Island Railroad~ Two courses: (1) easterly on a curve to the right, having a radius of 2832 feet, a distance of 108006 feet, thence (2) No 84° 30' 10" E.- 848,33 feet to land of Toner; thence along said land of Toner, So 6° 20~ 50" W.- 895 feet more or less~ to ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly along said high water mark, 1220 feet more or less, to land of Steinmetz thence along said land of Steinmetz No 3° 45' 00" E.- 695 feet more or less= to the southerly line of a 20 foot private road known as "Silver Lane" thence along said southerly line of "Silver Lane" and in a direct extension easterly of said southerly line across said Silvermere Road= S. 85° 31' 40" E. 249° 66 feet to said easterly line of Silvermere Road; thence along said Legal Notice Page -5- easterly line o f beg inn ing, No 15° 21' containing 30" Eo- 258.04 feet to the point 23 acres DATED- MAY 14~ 1968, more or less- PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE AFFIDAVITS OF .PUBLICATION APPEALS ROAD BY ORDER OF THE S OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT Wo RICPIMOND, TOWN CLERK MAY 23, 1968~ AND FORWARD TEN TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF SOUTHOLD ~ NE~ YORK. (10) Kenny' s Road Southold, Long Island April 17, 1968 HOn. Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor Town of Southold, Southold, Long Island As the owner of a residence on Kenny's Road I was greatly disturbed upon learning of the proposal to re-zone two parcels of land on Kenny's Road, one at North Sea Drive and the other at Dogwood Lane. Both of these parcels, as you know, are in the heart of a fine resi- dential area that is, and always has been, zoned primarily "A" Resi- dential. Many of us have invested substantial sums in this area in the belief that it would continue to grow into a fine residential com~,nity. It is inconceivable that the Town Board would follow or recommend a course of action that would be beneficial to one party and detrimental to all others. I a~ sure that you, as well as other members of the Town Boar~are familiar with the adverse effects of poor re-zoning in the western end of Suffolk. Certainly neither you nor other elected members of the Board wish to see the Town of Southold follow the same destructive path. No one should be categorically opposed to constructiv~ re-zoning. However, in this case it is incongruous and unthinkable that two parcels of land in a residential community are being proposed for re-zoning to a "B-2" and "M" classification. If anything, these parcels should be re-zoned to the higher "A" classification thereby conforming to the Planning Board's design for this area. I am confident that a quick tour Of our town would disclose far more appropriate locations for a motel or other business venture. Respectfully submitted, Copies to: Carl Petrowski, Pres. Southold-Peconic Civic Assoc. HOward Valentine, Counci~m~n Louis Demarest, Councilman Henry Clark, Town Justice Martin Suter, Town Justice E. Perry Edwards, Town Justice Hon.bester M. Albertson, Town of Southold Southold, Ne~ York Leetea Drive Seutheld,N.Y. April 21,1958 Dear As the owner of a residence om Leeton Drive I was greatly disturbed upon learning of the proposal to re-none two parcels of lard on Kenny*$ Road, one at North Sea Drive an~ the other at Dogwood Lane. Both of these parcels, as you know, are in the heart of a fine residence area that is, and always has been, zoned primarily u&e Residential. Nany of u8 have invested substantial su~s in this area in the belief that it would continue to grow into a fine residential com- munity. It is inconceiva~hle that the T'own Board would follow or recow~end a course of action that would be beneficial to one party and detrimental to all others. I am sure that you, as well as other members of the Town Board~ are familiar with the adverse effects of poor re-zoning in the western end of Suffolk. Certainly neither you nor other elected members of the Board wish to see the Town of Southold follow the same destruce tire ~atho I am not opposed to constructive re-zoning but in this case :it is incongruous and unthinkable that two parcels of land in a resi- dential comaunity are being proposed for re-zoning to a "B-2e andy classification. If anything, these ~arcel$ should be re-zoned to the higher mae classification thereby confor~ing to the Planning B~ardts design for this area. I am sure that a quick tour of our town would disclose far more appropriate locations for a motel or other business venture. The presence of a motel in the ~idot of a residential area would certainly increase the flow of.traffic and en~anger the lives of our children in addition te bringxag a great number ef undesirable individuals who would turn our qui~ residential area into a veritable "Coney Island-s ]~F:em DAVID d. GREENE AND MEMBERS N~-W YORK BTOCK EXCHANGE CO. April 25, 1968 Mr. Lester Albertson, Supervisor Town Hall South Street Greenport, New York Dear Mr. Albertson: I want to congratulate you on the manner in which you con- ducted the Tuesday zoning hearing relating to Kenny's Road - North Sea Drive - Dogwood Lane. In the face of public confusion, misunderstanding and considerable emotion, you were both patient and fair. It is obvious that the overwhelming majority present at the hearing strongly feel that any commercial structure is not consistent with the character of the area. If the Kenny's Road - Dogwood Lane parcels remain business zoned (particularly the former in view of the existing structure), we will be exposed at best to an unesthetic and unnecessary snack bar or, at worst, to a bar and grill. Truly, you leave us rather defenseless once the zoning issue is resolved in favor of even light business. Moreover, the $14,000 price paid for the Kenny's-North Sea parcel suggests that the purchaser has grandiose plans involving alcoholic beverages. We are also fearful that if this property goes commercial, it could be the opening wedge for further commercialization of the area. We could be faced with constant efforts of others to open commercial prop- erties in the area. The very fact that the Town Board previously recommended upzoning these parcels to "A" suggests clearly that this governing body recognizes the true character of the area. What has occurred to impel the Town Board now to recommend a lesser upzoning? I gather that the January hearing comes into play at this point. It is difficult for me to accept as conclusive Mr. Larsen's assertion that no one spoke for "A" zoning at the January hearing. The only explanation I can think of is that the only attendants were persons who had a financial stake in commercial usage for the property at issue. You may recall that I asked you about the attendance at the January hearing, but I received no response. Surely, the attendance and comments at last Tuesday's hearing, plus the stack of letters received, represent a more accurate measure of community sentiment and renders meaningless any signif- icance attached to the January hearing. It also indicates great support for the original "A" zoning proposal. - 2 - April 25, 1968 Consistent with the community sentiment and certainly most persuasive is the recommendation of the Planning Commission for "A" zoning. It is difficult for me to imagine on what basis the Town Board could reject this recommendation in view of the water-health problem. I need not belabor the established principle that private interests must not be permitted to ,ieopardize the public health and welfare. On reflection, the current proposal to rezone to "B2" and "M" really offers the area little protection and solace. Such limited upzoning is meaningless since it is apparent that the only probable commercial uses fall into the "B2" and "M" classes. As an attorney, I recognize Mr. Potocky's rights. He is a good neighbor and no one wants to force him out of business. Accordingly, I respectfully urge that the Town Board adjourn the current proceeding and institute proceedings to upgrade the two corner parcels to "A" and Mr. Potocky's property to "M". Very truly yours, Robert J. Ravitz 305 North Sea Drive Southold , New York RJR:ts Southold Town Board of Directors 8outhold, T.y. 189 E. Kenneys Rd. Southold, N.Y. May 8, 1968 Re: Zoning of 189 E. Kenney's Rd. Gentlemen: The last Town Board hearing was very disturbing listening to some residents who had no logical reasons pertaining to the re- zoning of Business properties on Kenney's Rd. in Southold. Some residents have been mislead by a few violent taxpayers. I feel the board is justified in rezoning of properties with one exception, and that is as long as the change does not effect the financial investment of any taxpayer. To change from "B" zoned property to }3-2 or M would sound reasonable and justifiable, but to upzone to "A" zoning would result in a great financial loss and shock to me as it would be to a~ person investing all their hard earned money. In my judgement the board had good foresight when they planned this small resort area to ~>uslness across from the second Town Beach. For the people not present at the first or second meeting, it may be very interesting for the board to tell these people that this property was zoned business in error, as the records of the first meet- ing indicate. Since an error is admitted and a financial loss could occur to the parties involved, seems to me li~e an opportunity for legal action against the taxpayers. The President of the ~Jnited States has just signed a Civil Rights bill and this ammendment should protect us. Why should a few bitter people, some who have only moved to Southold last year, take the law into their own hands. This is the responsibility of the Town Board to determine this action with neighbors within a couple of hundred feet from this plot of land. I recco~r~end the board consider and follow their original proposal which should be agreeable to both parties. This would protect the taxpayers from industry coming in and would prevent a financial loss to the parties concerned. I know a decision must be made and pray it is an honorable one. We hope your original B zoning plans still stand. Sincerely, Walter and lathleen Potocki Sunland Apt.'s ^pz'il 23, A9~8 CLERK -2- SUPERVISOR ^LB~R~$ON: ~;~ will open ~h~ h~~~ a~ ~ltf$ ~f~e and ! will "~ursu~t to Section 26B of the Town Law and ~rtfcle IX of the B~klding ~one ~dina.nce of the ~own of $outhold, $~fltik County, New York~ public hearings will be held by the $ou~holdT~ ~a~d fn ~he C~ffce c~ the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenpor~, New York, ins&id Town on the thatlding .zone .~ta~ ) of the Town af $outhold, Su~ffoik Cotmty, New "1 a- ~ cha~gfn~ f~om ~'~' ~sfness District to ~'B-2" ~fness District "'Ail that certain tract c~ larg situated at the southe&s~ corner E~mey's :{oad and North Sea Drive, $outhold, in the Town o~ ~outhold, Suffolk and State of New Yoz~, and more particularly botmded ami de~rfbed as followinG: ~'SMINNI~ a% ~he intersection af the easterly line c~ ~enney'$ Road with the southerly li~e af North Sea Drive~ froa safd poig c~ be~inning running easterly along said southerly line off North Sea D~ive, 183 ~*eet more or less, to land of Glover, 113 feet more or less, to l~nd c~ Potockt; thence west- erly alon9 said land of ~otocki, 202 feet, ~o~e or less to said e&s%.e~ly lf~ c~ Kenney's Road: thance northerly alon~ said easterly l£~e 115 feet more or less to the point of beginning. ~e~ ami intended to be part c~ the ud~ parcel shown am a "~':' Zone on the Zo~l.J. n9 Map of theT~ off SoGthold aa adopted April 9, 1957. "1 - b- ay chanGin9 from '~B" 8usi~ss District to '~4"' ~Ult/ple ~esidence DistrfcZ the f ollowin9 described ~:operty.. ':All that certain tract af lami situated at the north east corner ~ey's Road ami Dogwood Laae, at SmathoXd, in the Tows af Southold0 Comity GE $~f~olk and State af New York and more described as follows: -3- vith the northerly l i~- c~ Dopwood ~ne; fir ce said point of northerly along said easterly line c~ ~e~ey's ~oad, 465 ~eet more or less to l~d of Oliveri,' thence easterly along said l~ad o~ Oliveri0 202 feet mo~e o~ less, to land ~f Glove~.: thence south~xly &lcmg said land amd through land of Ke&.rns, 437 feet mo~e or less to said northerly line c~ Dopwood i'.~ne~ thence westerly along said noxthe~ly line 2.85 feet rome o~ less to the ~oint c~ beginning. and intended to be pa=t of the s~ p~rcel shown as a "2" ~one on the ?onin9 ~ap o~ Southol,d as adopted ~ay p~son d~si~i~9 to be he~d on ~he above p~oposed a~endmaeat should appear at the ti~e and place so specified. SUPERVISOR ALI~t~'~SON: v~e have th~ afffd&vit s off publication in ffile, indicat£n9 publ£catic~ was actually made off this legal notice, I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. "Repozt to: 5outhold Town Board, 16 South Street, Greenpo~t ~ N~w York, ~ch 25, 1968 by the 5outhold Town ~l.annir~ Board at a ~epular ~eetfn9 held on 968: "In the mattez o.f the Tom~ ~azd's own ~~ti~ by ch~ngin9 fi. rom "'B?' ~i~ess Disiric~ to ~'~-2" ~stness District and "B" ~u$tness 9ioi~ic.t to '~ Multiple ~.-~. $idn~e ~ist~ict the f ollowia9 d~sc~ibed propezty: (description of property was not ~ead again) favorably rec~ to the Southold T~ Bo~d the chan~ ot[ z~ f ro~ "B" Business District to 'B-2 Business District and "B" Busir~ss -4- pazoeI was o~ipina, ll¥ zon~ £o= business use. In view c~ the V C o the~e is a serious problem with water supply in this imme~ate £ inity the Planning Board feels it would be a mistake to have this p=operty anyth n9 by Residential ~ Ag~icultur&l District '~Respectfu11¥ sub~itte~t, /s/ John ~'ickha~, Chairman Sou'thold Town b~RVIoOa AL~~~: aefore we hear testimony in this c&se, I might state that I have many letters and telegrams, many of which think were based on misinforma.tion. They coneend that they are in favor c~ leaviz~ the proper%y the way it is. This property is presently which is the heaviest use in the business zone. The Busine s s p r ope rty, relie~ sought in this petition takes ~he corner lot, the,'- refreshment stand is on that lot, and considers a ~h~~ from "B" ausi~ss Uistrict to "~2" 2usiness. The resl; c~ the area which is "a" Business can be up to "M-1'? ~ultiple Residence. haps to clarify this a little more, should read to you ~he uses presently allowed in the business that is the ;'B" Business District. "'In the '~' Busiaess DJ. strict, no building or premises shall be use~ and no building shall bi: hereafter ezected or altered unless otherwise provided in this O~~~ce, except £o~ one (1) or more of the followin guses: 1- All permitted u~es in 'the '~' ~esiden%ial and Agric~ltu~al District, 'M' Muliiple kes~denc:e Distric~ 'B-I' ~siness and "B-2' ,M-i' i~4ultiple ?.esidence, ~stnes~ Districts i 2 - Storage houses: 3-Ice manufacturers; 4-Express oz stations: 5-yards for storage and sale of rule carting or hauling and building ~ateria18; 6- printing plan%s: 7- boo~ing dyeing pl an~ s; 9- creamery, but, ret plants; 8- ba~, dry cleanin9 and and cheese nak~n9 and =ilk botilin~ and distributing bl~cksmith shops; plan~s; 10- carpenter shops; 13- electri¢i~ shops; 14.- · 1- plug shops; z2, - upholsterez ~bopa; 1S- Tins~tth shops; 1~- painter shops ~ 17- marinas, commerc$&l docks, cc~me~cial rue& docks and piers: 18- Ferry docks and ferry houses; 19- Boat. yards, boat storage yards and boat storage basins; 20- any manufacturing~ f abricatin9 treat lng, convert in9, £ ins shin9, alt i sembl lng, er n~ or as in~ curmect£on w~th the aforesaid pe.rmit~-ed uses and which is a necessary incident and accessory to the preparation of articles to be sold i ily on pr 'mar the premises or to the per£ormin~ of a service primarily for residents of the neighborhood," Ia addition to this, the access.-or¥ buses that 90 alon9 with these Again to clarify, let ~e read what is l:~)rmttt~ in the "B-2" Bus,ess all ~erattted uses in the. A residential and Agrtcultural District, ,.',u~tiple e~tdence ~nd '~-~' ' .... .... ~.~.~-1 lt~ple :. $tdence Districts; 2- one and two family dw:ellings provided that such dwellings comply with tile p~ovistons of L~ect. ions 301 to 308, inclusive of this Ordinance; 3- .'4ultiple dwellings: 4- hospitals; 5- clinics ~: 6- nursln9 homes; 7- offices; 8- banks and~ial institutionsl 9- retail stores; 10- restaurants; i1- bake shops (for on-premises sales. }; 12- laund~o~ats and similar establis/mentsl 13- tailors, dry cleaners and milliners shops; 14-shoe repair shops; 15.- jewelers', opticians', watch andclock shops and similar establishments ,. 16- marinas for the docking, morrtr~ and accOmmodation ~f non-commercial boats, includin9 the sale of fuel and oil primarily forths use of the boats accommodatedin such marina= 17- lodges chapter houses and clubs... 18- accessory uses on the same lot with and customarilyinctdental tO. any of the permitted uses and lot involvin9 a spearate business. · So you see, this is & limited b.usiness zone. In this sims change theze is also a ~ice of property to be changed to M Multiple :, estdence and I will read the uses permitted in that district. -6- 1-All pe~~e~ us~s in ~"A ~' R~st~~ial and A~icul~u~a% and "M-1" Residence Districts: 2- Hotels and motels; 3- tourist cottages, (more than one tourist cottage may be permit~d on a lot ~h,en authorized as a special exception by the ~.~ard of ?~ppeals am hereinafter provided.~ Tourist camps, when. au~horized as a s[~cial exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided; B- marinas for the. docking, mooring or accommodation of non-commercial boats when authorized a.s a special exceptiml by the Bo~d of ;:ppeals as hereinafter provided; 6- accessory use~ ~f the same lot with a.nd customarily indidental to any permitted use and not involvin9 the conduct of a separate business. SU;~RVI~DR ~LB~aTSON: t.~less someone wan~s me to read all of these letters tha~ I have. received, we will m-,~ke note of them in the minutes and they will be read by the Hoard. /~t this time is there anyone present who wishes to sl:~ak in favor of this change? represent..~+liveri~ and P.otocki, and Dicker$on. I would sa~ nothin9 ~ept if you would Let, refer to the previous thing, the previous meeting here in reference to this change several weeks ago, and the discussion and the opposition, and the favor at that ti~. had this some ti~e a9o from a B Business Dis%rict up to "A" ~esidential and f~.gricultural, at which 2ime many people appeared. ~some of those people are here They were concer'ned about the change because of the fact people had invested th&ir money quite properly in business zoned property. There was business established on i~. There was also a multiple dwelling on there that had been built in recent years. Months, or days before our hearin9 s unbeknown to. us ~ the corner parcel was sold for $14,000.00. If it had been residential it would have been $4,000.00. The .people bought for a particular purpose. $o we decided to brin9 this up a~ain, raisin9 the zone. This is up- zoning, but not as hi~h as the original, -7- SUPERVI$O~ AL~NTSON. we would be glad to hea~ ffrom anyone £n f avo~ of this up-zoning. (There was no response. ) Anyone at all ? $;~2H.L~L V~.:ll~L: I live on L~eton Dr ive. I wonder if you could clarify this in very simple terms. The way we understand it is someonev~nts to build a mo~el and restauran~ on that property. Is it now zoned for tha~ purpose~ o.,~._..RV~-~ ..... AL .TSar: It is n~v zoned so that you could build any uf the things aentioned in. the ~ Business ?one area. This could be acc map l i shed there now. they build a motel and restaurant Yes, as well as the other things mentioned. don't think anyone would want a tinsmith shop or blacksmith shop there, or anything else. .~:~;.~,~,..~..~ ~.ould you ir~dicate whether you are in favor or against this change oAM~.L I.-~!~. I am opposed to a restaurant in this area. You are in favor of this up-zoning, but wxsh it wo~ld 9o hi~r~ Anyone else-wish to speak in favox of tb/s change (There was no response. ) MR. Vt~q HASS~LL: I am in favor of up-zoning. else in favor (xf up-zoning? ?/ALTER HA2RI $ · I am in f&vor of up-zoning. MR. B. G. FEATFIERSTON~HA~: I am in favor at' up-zomin~. ~. $1EBERT: LiVe on North Sea Drive. I am in fa~ c~ the up-z~niag. -8- the co.er ~ ~o~t~ ~ ~~eY~ s .~oad. It .would be much be~er as it was, residen%ial. I am in favor ~f up 465 North Sea DriVe. z~ni~, particulaxly 'would like ;~ ~{esiden~ial z~ning. I object ~o ~y since ~his is residential pro~rty. The c~rciat use ~ the ~ro~rty~ 9roperty is very small. There is business proper ty in the main part of Town. This is not in the best interest of the conmunity as a Motels ~ater*'~to transient That ~1~.7 be pp to one or two in the Ibis is not whole. morning. suitable for small childr~c. This is. a distanoe off the ~: .ople in ~his area had homes for their children. This would no~ be so built to provide ,sage places if this bmkjmess 'was permit, ted. Now~ I would like to bring up a motion to change all ~he property to residential ~' ~'' '? including the property owned by Mr. ~tocki and his wife. This could be done by ~etiticn. move also tha~ no plans be approved building or that for any c~zcial. certi~ icate af occupancy issued £oz' any commercial 'building .~r. potocki be allowed to operate ~ith the present number of along Do~wood Lane, North Sea Drive, ~nd I~nney' s units since it is presently established. I ~vould like to up-grade all Road ~ and bring it up to Residential ",~", which is the bes~ for the area. to if :£t' s upzoned could we operate if we wanted ~ few of ~hese people that have mght were aware to residential. .. was bus ine s s and apar ~men% s. don't want to lose the money we invested. -9- ~^L~ gLOV~R.* ~ prol~rty oxtjoins ~~s pr~~y. ~ ha~ ~~d stories for that pro~rty. · ~~,,,,, ~c~.~... if ty feet is the ~imm~ height in the area. a~Pa G~~.x: i~,~hat could the pr~~rty ~ us~ for n~? -'~, ,~'~VI:"~.;:.'/~.[~ ~:L~!, ~T:~7~)N: ~,ny one of ~he parti, cular ~n. tioned things in the heavy bus ines~ use. ~ L?i~t 'J~-~,,...~~: Has there l~en any request for a building ~rmit thee? _ , ~ ..... '*~:~.~ ~ey had a little snack bar there. They w~re 9~ a~~ it a there ~as no disturba~e or anyt~no. I have pro~rty along there ~~ Is zonud for six coitage-s~ ~d I ha~ two c~t~es. %o~ ~ the pe~le had only one car in the f~ily ~ it was tak~ ~o the city d~~9 the week These Deg..lc could go ~er there for ~essities. T~t little ~k ~ di~'t hurt anyo~. ~ they ~e going to build s~t~ng big.~r it would. ~ : I live on North ,Sea Drive. Before I make state--t, I would like to ask one or two questions. This previou~s hearing, did that hea~iag take place before or after t~e p~~rty c~anged hands-.- SUPERVISOR AL.~:t~TSC:N: It was after previous ... It is my understanding that the purpose of' the hearing was to up zone the entire parcel to 'V~," Residential? oppos~ the majorit~ of the people at that t tae were to that up zoning? ; Is ~here any record from that hearing? ~10- we have the record. ~la. ~ I think it would be very hell--el if people covAd be enlightened on this Drevious hearing, It wOUld be rather sad to me if at this :..ferrous hearing ,,~eople who c~m single residences were against up-~onin9, 'fhe T~'s ~n pl~~g C~ssi~ has r~o~nded that this ~ "/~', ' residential aone and have stated th~ are op~s~ to ~y CO~rcial use ~ this nr~erty. If this pro~r~ is 9oin9 to be changed for it would seem there would ~ some i~icati~ or state, hr as to what p~chaser w~ts to do ~t,h it. It seems to me that t~re are certain rights consider~ here. ~~le ~ve pure.seal Px~tF ~ a~ o~ ~ existing zone. l'~e have prided resident/al zoning. Thexe ~e a n~~r ~ children in this area ~,.e contention that ~%ny ~f us have, there are ~tels ~d 'there are motels l there ~ restaurants and there are restaur~.ts. ~e ~y end up with a very dan~rous place that se~es ~ alcohol. They ~~e ~gnets for yo~ ~ople t~t wi. Il ~ r~in9 at night with e~essive sl~~. The ~l~n9 C~issi~ a water Droblem. I di~,t underst~d ~ that ~a~t water supply or s~itati~. This is. a fact that ~s bothered all ~ us. In 'this c~e, ~ in favor of the up-zoning ~cau~ that is all I can ~ for. The ~o had s~r h~$ there di~,t ~ the s~ ~r. I ~ ~ favor this property '~i~ up-zo~ to ~".~:', residential as r~~~e([ by ~he -. :~:~'~.~N ,- ~nyone eise wi ah to speak: ~-~=.~'" --~. ......... ~ i live on a~ton Drive, Is there ~y ~su.r~e that this m ro~rty will ~ us~ in the sa~ m~er that it is ~~ ~6 n~? ~ere is no ins~~ce that you ~von't [~u% an addi%ional s'tory on your house or that you may have a .police d~ that barks all night. ~" ~:' ~ .-.~: I am in favor ~ up_zon~9, ~.hat ~,~'r. ?~ot~ki ~ve to do to increase t~ size co~ly '~,iti~ requirements for side yard, rear yard, heist. 'ihey could do this in ~ ~.,~ =one as well as in -~ ...... Anyone else wish to be. heard in favor of this up-zuning';; " ..... ~" .....'.,-,.:.: [ li~ on ~rth Sea Drive. ~,irst I would like to tell "M, Glover a ~amily co~d ~ l~t all %.~eek alo~ ~d ~ve a place ~o. T]~e neighbors are very hel[.~ui. I have i~2 my f~ly alo~ all ~ ~thout a c~. ?he neighbors always ask ~ these people need anything. ~e snack bar %~-hen it was under ~. ~4c~to~h, North Lea Drive was a ~ag s~rip for yo~g folks at night, and i2 s~ill is. This will not hel~ ~tt.ers ~' a res2a~~ g~s in here. I have a copy of the ~ui. lding zone ~Trdin~ce ~d ~er ~neral Provisions, Article" Subs~tion id), it s~ates= '~.~'henever a non-c~=or~~ ~e ~ a b~l~ng pre~ses has ~en discontinued for a [erl~ ~ more-=h~ two (2) ye~s, ~ · or changed to a higher class~ication, or to a. co~ormi~ use, a~hing in this ection ~o the contrary no~withst~ding~ 21%e non co~or~a~9 u~e ~ such b~lding or /~re~ses ~ali not longer ~ permitted ~le~s a vari~e ~her~ore shall have ~en 9r~ted by the ~ard~ ./~ppeals as herein~ore provided." i ~~ieve that second point is for the people there:. SU~RVI$~ AL~ RI'SCh'~: It would b~ if · he dimt~tc% It could s~ay idle in a business district fo~ 100 yea~s and s~ax~ up the next day. That provisions applies 'This sight is business Hi~. ~:~.M~-~f.~SE.: I am :ight across the street from the snack ba~. The snack bar is in a business zone. I don't uncle r s t and why i t is. '~he neighborhood is :esidential. ~fhis snack bar has been vacant It is deteriorating. The best thin9 to do is to rezone thai; for five yea~$. %o ~esidential th ng we · and make the area some i can all be proud of It s not really residential as long as this is there. I suggest you take ~hatever steps axe necessary to re=one it to ';*" ~(~es£den~ial. live at 570 North Sea Drive. like to see it rezoned to residential and let Potocki stay the way it ~..4'.:,,. '~'i:~T('~.C. KI: I.f these people were interested when they :firSt moved they could have looked at the map and seen it was a business zo~ee If they didn' t like it, they could have gone someplace else. on the map. If they don't like it, move out. · ~'B~2' P~siness there. That was Everythin9 set f o~ a U;verythin9 was in favor of it. This i.s recorded on the book as "B zoning. Dr ive. I would like a. questi~. -~ o n9 o If this is ul.,-zoned, is this 9 i t hurt our investment. ~ e heard that it is zoned for six dwellings. If this is up-zoned .we can't have six dwe 11 lng s TM This change does not ~ffect your property. -13- SAM~L ~~L: if aa~ uf the investors who bo~ht this property f~l tby Ooia~ to ~e hur~ b~ pmxch&sin9 ~his property, if this wil, 1 be up-zoned residential, I will buy the property from them for whatever they paid a~d ali the tegal fees too. were the first ones to buy property down there. Mr. Glower put in the plumbing. ~!.~.e were summer residents nine months out ~f the year. ',':e love that place. ~-.e are now living down here pe rmanen t 1¥. There should be scale chants made. I happen to know [:Ir. 5iebert very You owned tha~ snack bar didn't you :-' , · -~,'~'-:~: You should 90 up there on ~.~unday and see what you can The summer residents can't even come do~ here and use this beach. bought the property, there could 'be only 100 feet in for these ~ople to build a motel on. It ~as to be only 100 feet up from the beach. They were not suppose to 90 in more th;.~ 100 feet from the road. That was a restriction with the property. would like 'to 9on on record as requesting the ~ard to accept tt~e ~I arming .~ard ' $ recommendation o1' ",: '" zoning. ':':U~.~a-~{VIo-.?~ ~;%:~..~RT~. >N~ .~hm¥one else wish to 'be heard in £avor of this? (There was no response. ) zoning. :;~,n¥one wish to speak inopposi~ion to, this up- ' ' } } ~ ~ S Q% ~ ~'~ % I ) Vh: ~ ~k I f it is going tO hurt anyone, then I am opposed to it. ~-ii.(. ':::"~::~T:.:':J~'~: ~ am opposed to it too. I have money invested in there. I accept the "~ o-~ ,-,-~ zoning like we discussed at the last me~ing. else wish to be heard one ~ay or the other? -14- M~S. to build axe anot~r ~tit. With what we h&v~ ~-ow; but ~e do anFthin9 with -, ,e is multiple multiple d~lling. ,~TSON.- You can, t Then clarify it. dwelling up-zoning when you have everything with multiple can have You can only have multiple read ~he list af .~ellings. uses. Naybe you came in late. ~here ould .... ; * ' '£ C only be multiple dwellings in That is right. that area? Then private agricultural it owners couldn, t use that is permitted in district ~'ould be The Board itself was dangerous. ~'.i 11 you at that time were ;~esidential with permitted here. was making mention tried to rezone it. on please explain that. had a hearing previous no~ in favor of and ~, · ~<9r~cultural. ~'M" situation, but unnecessary, i the cha~nge ~f this t lie r e '> the residential two ocCassio~s, t o t hi s one. l'he property to all agreed everyone ~ould be not to stay wi th I didn,t come to to for the up-grade wrote a letter and would li~ to k~~v if that k.~ ' zoning. that previous to llearin9 the i own ~ard ,felt tt~at it l~tter was residential didn,t come to that and .people r ec orded v hearing. I such. a These things are not at the .pre- judged. last meet wi i !lng to ami opposed letter was written, You should come to the go laon9 with the "~3_2~', it was in the file. hear lng. as we discussed zoning in there. -15- else wish to be heard? :~"~' : I live on Maple ~,ve. I am sure 'the Board must realize that many area esxdents are people that come out for the summer. These people do not 9et the paper and would not know such a meeting is :,iS~)N~- If you have an investment in the are interested in the c ' o~~lty, you should get the newspa~r bALTi~R }~,Ri~I~9~ f~e part is to ~ z~ ~ . t~ restaur~t ~d snack ~. I assume that the "'. .... , 'i~.-{e snack '"'- ~*-: ~,.,~,: This i s the area where the snack bar presentiM exist. zoning this property. live on Dog "ood ~%ne. I ~ in favor of up- · .....~,c-~,KI~- i bought a house 'there thmee years ago. I ~ould like it to 9o up to residential · · ~: ~ e~ in favor ~ resident iai "7' · ~:~RG: I live at 40 North :~ea Drive. ~, & ;~irs. Harry Green Robert ~een are in favor ~ zon~9 ,,y~, residential. · ,'~-... [~-~.~,~~ I don~t ~et the people in ~'-:~laa, I don~t use the p~blic ~ach. i~ut I ~derSta~ t~t th~ sign out on ;~oute Z~,~ ~o91e to ~:~~~y's ~ach That sign has ough~ in slot a ~ople that live here, or stay. 'here or anything else. They just c~e dove here ~cause ~ the ~ach. I dian't Im~ that, it ~a~-s ~otd to ~e. .~:'~eople come in from ~t ~ 'r~ ~d use the ~ach. ?~..I ~':.'L:>~i, I live on '-' ' ' ~,.oundview and ]~nney's ~?.oad. I am in ~~or (xf the UD- zoning. : t e~ in £avor of the up- zoning. SUPERV%So~ AL~~$~: ~o s W~ carried away, are we here :for "A ~, ~onin~? are not here for "A~ ~'. · ,~-,G~,%NI::; By saying . , we might not be saying anything. Say **'.;.I ' or "? ~' ~,¥e shoed ....... '~'" .... at~~:~TS(~: '~';hat you are ~ytng ts t~t you w~ld this mov~ ur~ to ~ ,,, .... to have · ' ,', .~'i~,~Io: I understood that he %~anted to up-grade residential. That isn,t ~hat it ~ts~ and I ~ould li~ to correct statement. · "~;:~. ~'~,,,~'~:..-~,.~SE: ils ti~ere ~.uayway for the PedDle to find out the results he~in9, i thi~ the decisi~s should ~ p~lished in the news. Pa~r. '-'~' ,~'~ T,~ON: They always appe~ in the ., o;: ?,,,,. ~,--.. ire on e and . zone. ' : ........ ~-'.,'/~.. :::, KI: i~.te majority of the. i:~ople seem to object to the thought of a motel ~ing built on this property, -~,'~.' is there anyone else present who wi:shes to ~ ~~d one way or the other on this~' response. ) , .... ..:~ r l--ie~ino none, V'e will close the he~'in9 ~ on this piece of property, f~ the f~ther deli~rati~ ~ the To.~ i~ard. ~"~r,E'-"VI5,~~ ;~ n~T~!Y.3N- I ~ill rea¢~ ~he legal no~ice as it concerns the secoad hearing. i<esi('ence ~.i~.lstri~:t the £o!!o~::~ino des¢,:~'ibed 'pro.perry: thai certain t~act ,..-~ land ~;:[tuated a~ the north side ..... ain .'~oad, a~ J~rient~ in the %ilov~n o:-~ 'outhold~ "~:,unty of 'uffolk and more or 'iess~ ~,..'ester~.y along said nort~-~eriy line % rom ¥~ ng::~ -~ venue; izom said '-:c;int .... f beginning runnino westc:~*iy "~ion9 s~:,,id nor~heriy line of the ~,iain '~oad 94 feet more or less, to land of the ~.:ta+~e o¢' New York; thence northerly along land of .... a$ile,.~.~ski, 1.44 fee% .'.aorc or less; ~:hence ;.-.,;long lalld ~:? !'~.-., . 'in? t,,,-:~o courses., {i'~ easterly 9:2 2eet :note or less:: thence (2) southerly i~I-:9' :feet more or less %0 lhe ?oint ~' k~(:Dinning. ~:~'ingae~..nd intended %o be ,?.~rt :::,,..:~' the same i:~::,rceJ, sho~vn as ;:. ";':.;' ~:on e on tJ~e zoning map of' the :7:o%,a~ ~'"'.:~outhold as adooted,. ~:'~nril',. 9, 1957. ~'2 b - ~:,~ changing f ream ~"~"' ~'~'" . .~ .3usiness E~:istrict ~o ilesiden~ial and Agricultural &istrict the folio-wing described property: that certain tract o£ :land situated a% the nor thwe.~'t corner of ~?~in '~;'oad and 7o~ngs ."venue, a"C .~rient, in the Fow-n o£ :outhold, oua%ty of SuffOlk and state of .~;~.ew]. ~, '~ "o-'- and more ?articulariy bounded and described as :fo!iowa ~ the intersection of the nortl~erly line of the :~'."~--~o~in f~oad ~ith the westerly line of Voungs ~';.venue; J'roa said point of beginning tuning 'wesZeriy along sa. id northerly line o£' the~:'--in.,:~ ::..:gad ~ ~ect ~re or less to l~.~nd of ':,'.H. t:Ling: thence along said la,nd af :%lng; three courses -18- (1) northe:ly iess .; thence the 140 feet more or ( :3 ) southerly thence 134 feet, ~hence ~ore or westerly ~ -' · oz' . il.l. iams, ±a or less. thence To lnnd of tess to ~ 'eybine, nor tizez::.s terly or less Lo said a.long sa.id (2) R~sterly 92 feet more or less, to said northerly li~e norZherly line .~ and i and land o~ thence northerly along 'gnes, ~i ~eet more easterly a. iong said land s~ester'iy line of i~oungs we st e r L y ~ i ne .,:~":~ ~ 1]ein£~ ~lC intO, haled fee~, more or .].ess tO to be part oZ' the the oning "venue; thence t.hc poin~ of same ?arcei '~ outhold own of i~eard on tile above s ?e c il: :[ ed, F:-er~on <f~c~:~.irin,.:~ to be jl.~.-cc so shouid a i.:.;_>ec, r a ';. L he i: i.:ac a. nd indies,- . ., fi~ere are ~:J f i d a v i t s re c ommen da. t i o n cnf t h e "'.i ~ m= i n 9 L: o a r d. more southerly sion9 sai~ beg inn in9. of I~ si~own as a :,.dopte d ~': -- pub i i c a t i on in the fiAe -~' r"ill now read 'tile March 2.5,196~, /':;outbid To~m ~oard, 10 , ;outh "tree t, Creenpor t, New York, '~.:~nt i caen - the 0outhoid i'o~m 19~5: sLis is to cert.~'y that the ?tanning ~ard at £o1 lowing action a regular meeting held on taken b~ '/in the raatter cf the i'o~,al '., ~:~usincss .:istrict to on the f ' ~ ~escribed '-Board, $ C,%a'~ motion £ora ' :' ' ~'esidentiai :~roper ty: chan~e c<t' zone ~ esidence ~', ,~istrict and +.~nd .- ~33ricuAturai bistrict ( Legal descrio~ion was no was "tr.:;.' ..Vr:,~ that the favorably to District to the $outhold Io~n :5'i~outhoid Tc~m ,-',,esldenc¢ ?lan~ing Board the change cfi zone fr~ 'B' Business District and from 'B, Business to , A' ~os~t~&t and -i9- Distr~ct on the above busAness conducted is presently used ~or residential pu-FpoMs. There is no except for apartmmnt8 and will be chan~ to an "m-X" Multiple ReoAdauce. tel Joh~ ~ ~ , Board.*, Charmin, Sou~ho].d Tomm SUPRR~~ ALBKRT~: ! have &Xetter here whAch X wall read. "I havt a ~ew questimno, Mr. Supe~is.or. "#1. To the ~d'a beet Mao~led~e, '#2. Can you give mm~ the diZ~er~e business over resAdence? Aa there a vtXXage in 'the Town An vaAue be~ propez~y zoned for "#3. Does the-Bo~ zd feel At was a ~otake, ~n ~ put, to eel! ~el. lette Far~---~ ~i~ri.m ~~.. to Peteg Blank for devest, wiee, to the t~-- also buoinmss, With the Oyster business the ~ca~lop and Zish~ gene, oeveraX o~ the ~ipyazdo buoAness at & droppAng out ~ ~azai~ we g~ to support our one-~~, as you have heard ne say schools, churches, public build.s, ~ othez ~tngs such property zoned ~oz business? out c~ Hieto~ical Society ~u ou~ t~m, without your Board I have always been. very opt~stic, are discussing tomtit is propezty t~at ~ me quite never pessAntstic. a hundred years-- The ao~ House, l~e prq~ erty has been business ~oz we1! over with five lot has been 8old oa the west side on the east side pu~chaee~ k~ew ~M p~tato h~u~, & moyle had been doAng businoso ~'or Gre~ozy house lot was sold Lu this &Tea -- never ]i4my yea~e-- ali zemted-- Rmad, also three any complaint $. tO long beZore a I ~ tzu~y -20- what will is a personal issue. If the 8oard sees fit to up-zone happen, in value, to the ar~ Hou~ that has cost me Doyle that ha~, aud the potato house pttttion. bus,ness ~ Hoard to re~t decision until the, time comes when &much you t~hold y~ If the BoLrd emmet see it's way clear to reject the p~st ,~our ye~s without sac &creage can be doun-~oue~ .~or.' "Ve~ truly, /s/ Sdwta H ~.', SUPER¥'ISOR ALI~RTSON: lit to be heard in opposition to business in the rill&ge af Orient. to this change tb~s chaa~? ILLIA~ ~IBVt~a: I au. frca ~ain Road, the one that stirred up the hornets nest. facts of the ~atte~. an application to build a civil def~oe 9ar&ge on the corner Avenue and Ma~ ~oad. That is the~ a~ea thaZ had azr~ with Mr. King to move the i ~~lld like to c l -eaz- ~p the is under discussion cor~ ho~me a~ that lot onto another lot. I wantg 'to erect a ga:age cm that objected and i~ buiness. ~eratssi~ to u# buyi~ o~t the equipmmt of Mr. ~oscoe ~. I wtnt out of orient. lives in c~ient, ~ient was den:Led. special to get ex~-.eption to use business property for that garage was donLed. ~hen, I foumt n~seLf to go into the excavation and con.structioa business. ! &m live in orient, Romc..oe .king ILves Ln Orient, Tabor who ~ wozk~ for ~e also lives in O~ient. Any~ else wish the ~eter~ area has been used for 2xcavatim -21- ~hat is h~' gr~ ~n the vic~ity that we live. is no t~affic ~ept you own vehicles. It · her e was only one ~eice bar o~ se~~ce station. in the Vfll. a~e o~ Ori~2, par t cfi whfch is ~ C~reg~ and ~oFle. If you want to w~th the ;.~.on~ng or purchase set up bus.ess laws, one would have to approach Gregory & ~/le remonable price. You could to see ~ that we can' t ~ a bus,ness It is not a retail business. buy a lot is not l~e, nmn~ng a snack tear them down and sell bush ess of p~:t.a~ bus,ness ~roperty in Orient, and abide to change property to that The logical thin9 for me to do was they would sellers property at & homes alon9 Village '.Lane &nd mad Doyle to see if they would sell Anyway this property. Floyd King, They had 'been app~oach~l to sell th!s Norkl~ to use the potato house part I approached G~~~ property to Tony co~str~'tion bustaess. Apparently, there was soue diffiatt¥ in meeting the p~i~ce. the price high. I agreed to put a binder on the would 9uarantee that the property I ~ound property, would not be up zoned. He ~~sed to this arrangement so that no contract was ever nade. ~o~d c~ this. adventure leak~ out and a petition was drawn up and circula~ed ami presented to, he T~ Board, asking that the whole property be up-zoned. This would prevent my u~ia~ the pretty. This m~ces ~he prop~~y c~f little value to me. I~ ~ould have been necess~ for me to take d~ the and build my ~ b~ld~gs to ~dce proper use a~ th~s exis~i~ build~gs .~roperty. If thio proper~ had been up ~roper~y could and ever as lon~ as the zone, then th~s to operate ~ way then operat~ug, trucks.- continued to use it the same way. you. c&u expelMt ~Ot Of What it was at the tim8 the change was made bu£~d~g.s I believe in the In view ef t.he~ fact that I would have to tea down existin~ and build ~, there was a question whe~he~ oz not I could -22- obtaf~md a permit to build a ~ bui~. ude~ the ci~umsY~ncea. Access to the There ia a tree that a f~nanc~l pr'sperry was not as neat as provides cerWin obstruc~ions. no frontage situation ~t the M&in Road. If M2u try to sell without frontage, you don, t have much to cell. That was fJM nature of this property. · he price that ! would buy the property and not be found it was way to high. necessary to approach I view c~ that able to use it. in the ar~, to see ~ ! could suitable, better located, had to find property there is another hear~~j purchase other property that was more and less inter~ereme with residential uses. could be domm-zoomd to business. For that reason the two pieces proper~y, I would tonight. is co~Lngup X~ter. It, s much better ~ term much pre~er the one that access and s~ace and c~ c~se ~n terms c~ cost. This property business and the other property ts not zoned business. I would is now zoned lake business propert~ to ran my business. Thte is the only proper~y nog available ~0 me. ! would like to have given the. o~ortunity and ! think the other this propertF reua~ business z~ne, if I aa not elsewhere. ! would much prel'er the other pzop~zty, ~ople would pre,.er it also. ~ile I zealize ~t many ~le .have acquired proF~rty ~n this area, it was business area has been substantially residential. One of the businesses is no in existance. Considering the demand for bus ines s proper t y, that pazt c~ this property ~Lght as well be residential. The ~~ for that ~roperty as business pretty would am not really in favor of up-zoning that ~roperty as far as ~rontage. If the VilLage ~f orient dec~Jes there is goring to be a need for business prpperty, that ~ur~icular spot ia a good one for buo~ueos, it's acros,o the s~ree~ from existing business pro~.rty now. That ' s probably the reason why it was zoned business. should stay bus~os and the back part should b~ residential. -23- SU~BRVYSO~ AL~~TS0N: Thank you .~tr. $chrl~r. Is there a~pne else present who wishes to be heard in o~positi~ to lti$ application~ I object to the change fro~ business to residential. , t~P,Y CHAIN: ! am not saying whether l talking about ~~ ~f prppert¥ to be used opposed or nolo ~e are as residential, business or whatever. '..",,*~e a~e not conc~erned about one person.al have ~o speak in terms c~ people, n~ighborhood people co~ng here and living here now~ not just about this one bus,iness. F~OYD ~{I~,~G, JR.: I ~n real estate broker. I would like to say I h~~ no transaction bindir~ on this property. I feel that each c~ty n~eds business area. You need business proper~y to give 9ood tax basis. The business area should be on the west end c~ the co~aunityo one thz:ough road is route 25. This bus.ss property should be on this road. The p~ce of p~~z~ in question ~ets these requir~nts. I also feel that the change as outlined here is contrary' to principal we are 0po~ zoning. One small '~' z~ and balance of business area on 'the sou~h side ~f I[oute 25 will also be rather small. ~F understanding cf the ?,onin9 Ordinance is that the "'M~' zcme would not ~ermit more than four unit dwellings. Is that correct ? SLOE,VISOR ~%L~RTSON: You are wror~. FLOYD KING: I do think there is reason for some change i~.~ this area. I don'~ feel tha~ the change c~nt~plat~ here is for the benefit o~ ~he ccaeaunity. ~aTRUDB ~BaVB~: I am fro~ the ro~d covered. ~e '~ew that when we bought the property tha~ it was zoaed business, so did each one of the others. ~;hy ext~sh this pzopert~ tha~ absorbs t~s. ~e are all gee'ting a little older. Maybe others d~n,e have to worry about it. I wonder if they are thinki~ abou~ addit4~! school taxes. · SUPB2VISC~ AL~RTSON= Any~ else wish to be. heard in opposition to this c~? (There was no response. ) SUPE~VI~ ALBt~RT$ON** Is the~e anyone present who wishes to speak ~n £&voz c~ th~$ change ? ~O~~T ~C~~Ba: I don'~ think ,~o Sch~iever would li~e obj~ti~ h · orm o~ h~s competit~on. I would be very glad to brin~ mY equipment into It just in't the place for that type of business. I an in £avor cfi up-zoning. else wish to be herd in £avo~ o~? just bought the house tha~ contained a gift shop. bought the house knowing that it was zoned i o~ bust~ss. I felt that it was to n~ advantage, I how intend to hake my hcue the2:e. I an in iavor of the SU?~RVISOR AUBI~RZ$ON: Anyone else wish to be heard :LA favor itO~¢T '~HR~DBa: I have a lette~ iron the people who ~e buyin~ this lot c~n a tine basis, ~. Haber~ who is in the hospital i.s also in favor c~ up-zonino. SUPERVISOR AL~k~fSON: I have & letter here which I will :read: ~"Apzil i8, 1968, Bo&rd cfi Zoning, $outhold, New York 1197.1 "Re.- Buildin9 zone OTdtnance, Proposal #2, Rezoning property t.~ Ori.ent on Youngs ~oad from Business tobtesidenti&l "To ~,_~hom it _~lay Concern: ~e!n a property o~~z on Youngs :~oad, Orient, we assumed that this was already zoned residential, t.,e LTe greatly opposed to havin~ it zoned bus-iness, and are in favoz c~ the proposed change. else who wishes to be heard in f&vo~ of this change? -2.5- First ! would to take to Sch~iever ' $ reaakk that requrest for up-zonin~ was in anticipatioa c~ his plans because there was no way what his plans were. I would like to ~sk Mrs ,'reeves if her property is z~ :'^" or "~" This progert~ would be ~o're valuable as resideatial than it would be as business. ~. Schriever very wisely pointed out there cul-de-sac there in which he would be putt ing his business with no to t'he property. I really think that all c~ the people would be 91adm leave what is there now.. Vfh&t we are here for is to deternine the most 9ood £or most o~ the people. Doyle and 1~. I~n~, and respect ~Ir. ~ing, however, these two lots would be mo~ valuable as residential property than business. I ma in favor at' up-zon:l.~ this pr~~y. CHA~,LB S C.A~~ ~LL: I am in f avo~ o~ up- zo-nin~ %hi s area as advert i ~. think Mr. Schriever very well pointed out sea--thin9 we have to consider, It is very expensive to tear dowa existing build~s to build new. this area is already built up ~Ith residence or aultiple residence. It incurs a great deal to tear this dcs~ and set up anther type business ente~ri~. There should be an area in O~i~t that could be used for business, but I am opposed to this place beino used for business and I would like to see it up- zoned. ~OP~.RT ~2HR~DB2: !~ the original petition, there was 22 or 23 names, Some of those people aren't here tonight. Could they go on :record? SUPBRVISOR /~.L~BRTSON: k~e have the original else wish to be heard in favor ~f this change? Rlri~i C ~M?~LL .' I ~a in f ay-or c~ up- zoning. We ~ the lot ~ to the ~tton-wood tree. ~.,,~hatever comes up in this area a~f~ts all o~ us. property would be without value if there was a business there, we did not kno~ it ~as zoned business when ~e bought it. -26- SU?~.qVI $Oa ~L~~T$ON: ~nyone else wish to be heard ~n f &vor of ~h~s change ? (There was no response. ) SUFE~VI$~.~· ~BE. aT S~: Any~ wish to be heard one way o~ ~he other? KING: In referees to Mrs. :,samp~ll, they knew it was business becau~ I sold the house. They knew when they bouqht the house that my pota~.o house was in the back yard, my trucks were 98in9 in and out '~a~.~~~~-~ey keep eaxth soy in9 equipment and bull-dozers and this ~¥pe of thin9 in t. here, doesn'~ this constitute The question of storaqe of this equipment would not be ~&ised in 'A? distxict, would be cX&si~fi~ as business. LAWi~.NCB i~YBINE: ~he equipment could be kept AO~RT TASKBR, ~$Q.: If this was zoned business. L~i~ENC~ i~YBINg: .~x. liin9 states that ~he potato house was operatin9 as business. I say ~h&t the potato house is an aqzicultuxal operation and that in an ~'A'~' zone i~ coul$ still operate, l~..1. K~NG: ~hat oper&~ion has been lheze a 9ood manyy'yeaxs, v~'hen I first bouqht this area, there was no house ~he~e, b~t there was a potato house there, I can' t see why anyone should object ~o havin9 Ibis stay the way it is. 5U~BRVI$~{ AL~RT$ON.' Any~e else w£mh 1;o be heard'? ' ~';'-;::'~"NCB. REYBINB: I have no objection to ~he pzoper~y to s~a¥ as it ia now, but I think we axe faced with the fact that if it was zoned as business zone the uses th~ can be put ~heze, -27- MR. ~.* My mm~n Znte~est ~n th&t are& ~s the bu~Xd~n~ that X have inve~ed i~, In your M-! :zone you can have four apo~tments. apartments, and they pay back the coot of n~ expense there. There is room to make another apart~t there. I will not be able to build anothe~ &part~nt there. SUPE~VlSO~ ~L~~~** The '.~-I ' zone provides o~~ four apartments. Auyo~ else wish to be heard one way or the other? ~$. C^M~~itL: v~'e need business in Orient, but it seeus to me with all this far~ 10lid there sit b Isle place else. we have been l.ooking for a place to build a lar~er house, in Orient. i~-;'~at Orient need is residential property. This ~ight be so~eth~ the Board should c~nsider. JOHN T[~ILL: Rve-rybody a_g~eI and residential except for the apart~ts. seems to be in favor My underst~ing was having this that the petition circulated did not i~clude f~y nention of Mr. P'~ng ' s property, .LA~'~~E ~BYBINB: ~e have no objection to having this piece a~ propez~y classified as an "~I': or "M-l" . personally would: have no objection to havin~ it chssified as ~0[~~ ~fH~£~: Ho~ a~my apartnents couldbhe have if it was classified aS "M SUP.~ ERVISO,~ ALBE.~ON: It would de~ ~n the size c~ the lot, I~VI~; LA~: I ~ property cm Youngs Road, I also would be in ~avor. c~ up-zcmiag this to ~'A" residential if .~r. ~ing can keep h ii apartment house and '~" z~. WILLIAM SCHEIE~R: ! am wouderin~ about the area of the lot which the house is on. ! tltiak it is about 1~0 feet by 100 feet. SU~VI.S~ ~. ~.~~C~: It is 144 feet b~ 92 feet. WILLI.A~ 5CHR1B~R: ~hat would be &boat It,000 square feet, Isn't there a lie. it as to how ~h ei the let .you can build on? -28- He could build about tbx~ t~s what he has ghexe now. You. ~xe nog doin~ any favors b~ cha~in9 this my tenants are ~ tenaats. I hav~ no co~pla~nt s. have two house ~ot~ 5U~BRVI$O~ AL~~£~)N: I can't s~tle that £o~ you ~oes anyone else w~sh to be heaxd one way or the othe.z on this change? (The~e was no response. ) $~f. RVISOR AL~RTS~: Any~ at all? (Theze was no response. ) SUP-~RVI~ A.L~RTSON: Hear'lng nooe, we will clo~e this hearin~ for the f~uzthez delibez&ticm c~ the Soard. SUP~RVI.SOR ALB~RTSON: ~ will take up p~~lf~io~ n~.]: four at this since it goes aloag with ~h~ last heax.in~. I will zead the legal n-o~ice c~ hear i ag. ~'4. By cluu~ing fzo~ ~"a~' Residential and ~icul~u~a.l D£stzic~ to 'B' Bus[ness Dist~ic~ the folloei:~ desczibed pzopexty: that certain Zzacl c~ land situated at O~£ent, in theTcnm ~f 5outhold, County o~ Suffolk ar~ Stat. e c/ ~ew Yozk, and mo~e particula~F and described as ~ollowe: "'Beginning at ~he soa~J~exly side o~ the ~ Road a~i the eas tezly side c~ .~ain ~oad 22S fee~ ~o land of Fexreir&, then aloag land c~ Ferrei~a in a asoutherly dire.crime 15.0 feet; then ai~e~ lax~s c~ Fezzeiza, Glozia, -29- of Orient Central Cemetery 670 feet to the easterly side ~f Tabor Road; then in a northerly direction on %he e&$terly $ide~ of Tabor Road T~O feet ~ i to the point af ~g rA~ ng. person desiring to be heardon the above proposed mmmdments should appear at the tim an place so specified." have the affidavits c~ publication in the files, indicating publication was actually made of ~his legalnotic,e. I ~-ill now read the recommendation of the Planning 5oard. oouth Street, Greenport ~ New "Report to: Southold Town ~ard, 16 ~''' York, ~:.~arc.h 26, 196S :;'Gentlemen: This is ~o certify that the following action was taken bT t& Southold Town ?lanning Board at a regular meeting held on ~rch 19, 1955: "In the ma%ret of the petition of .~ussel Tabor & Sons, York, fora change of zone from ~';~.~.~" l~esidential and Agricultural District to ~':~a~' Busines~ District on certain real property sit~teg at Orient, in the Town of Southbld, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly boumted and. described as follows: (legal desc=ip~op was not read again. ) ~'It was R~S,~~D that the 5outhold Town Plannin9 Board does not favorably redommend to the southold Town Board the charge ~f zone from ..~-~ 7({esidential and ~.~gricultural Districttto "B;' Business Districl on the .above described property. :it is the opiri on ~f the Planmir~ ~oard that in keeping with their policy there should be a buffer zone between business property and a cemetery. '~Jery sincerely, /s/ JoPda %~/ickham, Chairman, Southold Town Plain9 -30- have letters before me which are in opposition to this change and they will be made part ~f the record. I also have petition that includes many names. ~:~ this ti~ is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of the relief sought in this pe~ition? ~,/!ZNgE~.~ TA~..,;,,~, It has been stated here tonight-that there is no property in ,~'~;rient zoned for Business at this time. ~rhe main part of this property is on Tabor i~oad. There are no residence~ on et~her side of the road. i have a chance to sell this piece of property and I would like to see it zoned buainess. Thank you. Anyone else wish to be hea:d in favor of this change.`> would like to repeat my previous statement. I am real estate broker. I am not connected with this ~rmsactfon as far as this land is concerned. ~:gain, the general bushess area shou/d be on the west side of the community. This property is mos~ westerly of various land available on ~.'~oute 25, without getting involved in waterfrmt 9IopsrW. ~siness r>roperty should not be on the waterfront. This property which is in question tonight does not make prime resided'rial property. It is right across lhe street from the school. one side you l~ok out at the cemete~s and on the southeast it is bounded by the cemetery. The only logical complaint thai I can see would be the possible safety hazard for small childr~ however ~he majority of the children are taken away from the school in buses. The flrosswalk is approximately 500 fee~ west of this proper~y. For these reasons, and for t.~e need of additional business property in Orient, I am in favor of. this chang-e'? :3U'!JBt{VI$Oi~;:. A,L~RTS'..3N: Thank You ~. King. Is there anyone else who wishes t:o speak in favor ~f this ch-ange~ Hi~S..~~~S: I am in favor ~f it. WILSON: I am in favor of this Chan~ from regd~ntial to business. -31- there anyone el se who wi she s £avor of this change ':~ think everybody here was h~re a 'to be heard in little ~hile ago, will continue ~vith the story. This piece of pro~rt¥ /or business 'property, in view of what is available in the CTient. )rient has been around for more than i00 is an ideal spot Village zoning, and people have done what they have done. years, long be/ore (~rient i.$ a dead-e~nd, except when ~he ferry is rurming. .All of the traffic going in and out of :':~rient 9ocs do~.m ~'-~ ~..oute 25 . ~' .-~1i of the traffic is 9oin9 to have to 9o pass the school unless you want it to 90 through Orchard Lane. The school has been on that road for a long time, and a new sch~l was erec~~t on I have made a list of the businesses ;loute 25. in Orient, 'which is will Supply a copy o£ to the secretary. I would like to read a little bit from this list. I have divided the list of business The first catagory is construction and excavating I have Irving Latham, ~'rank i~:hriever Construction the present time. ?4ine is into two ca. tagories. trucking businesses. U~er Bondarchuk, i{oger Taler, and That is four excavating business in Orient at O ~ c mpar~able in size to the others. Under truckin9, there are three people operating trucks out of Ori'ent: ~,.~obert Douglas s, Joe Droskoski, ~-:~ard Tabor; under c~)entr¥, I l~ve Iony Norklun s Char les ;{yder, John fl~nda, rchuk: under plumbing, I have Carl ~'~n9, ~yant Tabor, and '~oss No~klun. I realize that 2oss X~ Tany Norklun. Norklun is part Under Electrical ¢~ntracting, under paint ing, Don ~:~Neill; under landscapir~, I lmve Ted 2ohloff; Joe Andre~de and Gary Tabor; under fuel oil, I have I.T. ~wards; we have two service stations Joe Andrade and Chevron station. There are 20 businesses in O~i~t. Nineteen if mine rules out. There axe ~0 existing business :in Orient that =e s imiliaz in natuze as fax as natuze af building, so that this is not unique or new type ~f business in the area. bus/n essem, -32- there a~e a couple of marinas~ there a~e eight th~ngs that you could retail businesses-, four things as tourist or nursing faciliteis; and there are two fishing stations and the £err¥ and dock. There is some commercial £ishin~ and ~lere are lO familie~ that s~ke a living in arming. J[ the 3~ businesees, 20 are in category (A). 'fhus moze than half of all of the businesses in Orient are related to eitt~r construction or trucking and thus similar in nature to the use c~ th~ Tabor proposed by the 5chrievez Construction C'o. ,Inc. ki[ the 20 business in Category (a) at least 3/4 of them are at least as £ar east as the monument corner. (M the 18 businesses in categox¥ ~b) all but 2 ~f them are at least as far east as the monument corner. Thus, more ~han 1/4 ~f all of the busir~sses in ~~ Ori.~t are reached by ~raffic passt~9 the monument corner where the C~nient School crossing is ~aintainedo ihe~e is no availalbe business property west cd this corner ami thus no ~ossibility of any new ~business aboidin9 this cIossin~. With 38 business in a coeauaity of 700 residentis, there shuuld be no question as ~o whether Orient is primarily a residential community and thus business should 'be excluded. The amount cd fuel stored underground should present no ~ore hazard than the oil tank in the yard of most of ~he homes in Orient or thefuel tasks u~d by all farmers and many other business in the area. the time this application for a hearim2 was made, there was no contract to purchase this prop~rl;y and so there was no mention made in the a.pp!ic&t~ the proposed purpose £or this down zoning. However ~ I have now which involves this parcel c~ nine acres. It was the decisi~ of Tabors to sell the entire parcel ~ not just pa~tcf it. The contract ia beeween my wife and the ~abor family, so that when the deeds axe made part c~ property will be tzan~err~ to the Conatzuctio~ Co. ~ and the rest 1~% in her name. The construc~ion company does not need ~e entire parcel. There are many who kn~ what equip~nt we have at present. ~ybe I should -33- put th~$ on the record. (Mr., Schriever described all the equipment he had -for the construction business. This equipment is in line ~ith that used by the type of business prope~.%d by Mr. Schriever. ) I think I want to bring out the geography of the pro_perry. I would prot,~se to use the property 225 feet on the front, across from the school, and is my intention to use it for 1,50 feet back. 2~5 feet by 150 feet is plenty to put on a office building and garage for the equipment. There are no residences along Tabor ;~oad, except for .~nneth Tabor. I much prefer piece of property to the piece that was discussed previously. people are concerned what might happen,, to this ,)~ roperty 20 years f~om now. 2onin9 should be done becauee we don' t know the future, fme man should not be prevented from making a living because of what mioht c~me after him. .~;nyone else wish to be heard in favor of this change ~ . ~:,~ ..~.~.NO- I have two children attending the Orei~t was presented to other mothers the same way it Was presented 'co me, no wonder their names are on that petition. I question the validity of' the petition as it was. I was called by another person and told there was plans for a ~ajor truck terminal on this property. I v~"as asked to sign my name to petition. ~.~y husband was home at the time and he asked more questions, such as who owned the property, etc. I would like to (30 on record as saying that if this was presented correctly to all the people ,who uigned it, they wouldn' t have signed it. It is mis-repre sentation. would like ~o see this property ~oned for business. ,~;..~. ~:.~.~..~RT$ON: Is there anyone else who v~mshe$ to speak in favor (if this change'~ (There was no res?onse. ) this change '~ (There was no response. ) ~u~-:~.~vI:,:.m A L.~:RT.~4~:~'. Artvone wish to be heard on e way .or the other on this change~ .-:?-Vll..~~ ~-:ios~ are concerned with wha~ ~he £u~uxe ~ orient should be. I don'~ think we need ~o establish 'business in Orient. have a letter here from thu e~h~.~l which will read: this is a resolution adppted by the $¢hool disirict: ;'"~:~hereas, an application has been made to rezone premi~.~ lo~a%ed ~ the south side ~ l~in i:~.oad, New York, directly opposite the school from residence ~obusimess and wheream s house .,,~%intained by this Distric%, in vie~ of the existing traffic problem~, the loc at i~~f the. school, the safe~y of the children and the possible disturb~ce to %he operation ~f the district school house reaulti~9 f rom s~h rezonin9: that the ~ard of ~ucation, Consolidated 'Onion i,'ree ~stri©t Town of Southold, is opposed to the 9rantin~ ~f any application to re- zone from residential to business the premises located on the ~uth side ~f the ~.~in ?,oad directly opposite the district school house, such o~. sition based on the health, safety and welfare of ~e pupils attending distric~ schoo]~, this Board prays that the Town Board of ~he Town of 5outhold deny the application. ~.:~ ~-,,VI5:':.:i2 AL~RTo:.)N: f,.~yone else wish to be heard cme way or ~he o~hez? didn't undersZand aboutthe Town Planning }toard wantin~ buffer zone for the cemetery. They feel there should be a ~uffe.r z~ne between a cemetory and a business zone. And :,~r Schrievez said the use would be similar to I don't understand this. what is on the property now, ?"tLLI.,-~?I E.C~.fl~IEV}::.{: ~e building is similar. -35- object ~o :his being down zoned to business. I have a junk yard on one side of my prc~>ert¥ n~,-. :..~:~.::,., S--,,..;N:>. ..... I an in favor oi ~he down--~on (There was no response. :?[..]';r'.'~L'~[L-~I ~ ,:L~L:.<lo )~.I.l.!earing none, I ~.~Lll close t. his pa~tic, ular hearing for the further deliberation of ~he will open this hearxng' by reading the legal notice of hearing. ":3. ~y changing from 'B-2? :~3usiness District arat "~" ~e$idential and .aoricultural District to ~I~? ~lultiple ~eside-nce 9istric~the £ollowin9 described property: that certain tract of land situate~ at Greenport, in the Town c~' $outhoid, County of :;uf£olk and S-ta~e ~ New York, and more bounded and described as follows: 'P~-~GI~?tIN© at the intersection of the. ea.sterl¥ line ~f 3i~vermere Noad ' 0 wi:h the southerly line of land of the Lcm9 Island R~lr ,ad; from said of beginning running along said land of !~n9 Islam~d Railroad two co~se.s~ (1) ea$:erly on a curve- to the right~ havint a radi~ ~f 2832 feet, a disZar~~ of IOS. 06 feet, thence (3) N 84 degrees. 30' 10" ~.-a48.33 feet to land of Toner: thence along said land of Toner, $. 6 degrees ~0 ~ 5.0 '~' ~.- 895 f~t more or less, 'to ordinary high water mark ~f Pipes Cove.l the~e westerly along said high water 1220 feet more or less, to land thence al on9 said land af s3,tei..nmetz, N. 3 degrees 45' O0:~' i~..- 695 feet more less to the southerly line of a 20 foot,.r-~-irate road known as "Silver ~ane~? and in a direct extension easterly ~ said southerly line across said Silvermere ~load, .~.,'i. S5 degrees 31' 4.0" ~.~ '~. - 249. 66 feet to sa.' id e&s .-te:l~ lime c~ Silve~re t~oad: thence along sai~ easterly line, N. 1~ degrees 21' ~.- 258.04 feet to the .point of beginning, containing 23 acres more o~ less.. have the affid.,vits of publication in the file. will ~ow read ~he recommendation of the !',lanning Board. to: $outhold To~ ~ard, 16 South 5treet~ Greenport, ~w York, March_~, ~. © 19~8. ~en~lemen: This is ~o certify that the following ac2ion was t~en by the 5outhold Town ?lannin9 ~ard at a regular meeting held on ?ebruary 27,1968: :It ~a$ ,2~.50LVti~ that the 9~outhold Town Planning Board does not favorably Ba~ Business recommend to the :-!~outhold Town Board the change fo z~ from District i~.~d '/'": ~%esidential and .,-~.9~icultural District to '~-i~' }4ultiple i-~esidence District on the above described property, ~'The :';;~lannin9 [~ard has refused to recommend ~his much a, creaDe in the pa$i. The l~.~roperty in question is too large a parcel of land to. b~ changed to an zone and the ~l~nin9 l~rd feels that this much mead~v land could not be. properly used in am ~'M',''? zone. ":'~espectfully submitted, /$/ John :..'~/ickham, Chairman, 5outhold Town nlannLn,~ Board.. ,,~.~,~ ISf';c: .,,~.,~:;~'~TSON: Is there anyone present who ~,ishes to speak in opl..~osition to this chan,~e? (There ~vas no response. ) ........ _ oO!-., ;~.LIIERTS. ON- Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor ~f this change .... ,,-,,.~ : ,-l~zng ~~d re j~ts this, but every~y ~~s this is under water. Their reasoning doesn't make any sence. .... Ur>~''' "'VI S/.~o ;~., : .:~ , ...... ~. .,,~ LaBi~TSC?N Are you in favor of the change as advertised? further' deliberation of the ~ard. Kenny' s Road Southold, Long Island April 17, 1968 Hon. Lester M. Albertson, Town of Southold, Southold, Long Island Supervisor As the owner of a residence on Kenny's Road I was greatly disturbed upon learning of the proposal to re-zone two parcels of land on Kenny's Road, one at North Sea Drive and the other at Dogw~d Lane. Both of these parcels, as you know, are in the heart of a fine resi- dential area that is, and always has been, zoned primarily "A" Resi- dential. Many of us have invested substantial sums in this area in the belief that it would continue to grow into a fine residential community. It is inconceivable that the Town Board would follow or recommend a course of action that would be beneficial to one party and detrimental to all others. I am sure that you, as well as other members of the Town Boar~ are familiar with the adverse effects of poor re-zoning in the western end of Suffolk. Certa:~~ neither you nor other elected members of the Board wish to see the Town of Southold follow the same dest~mctive path. No one should be categorically opposed to constructive re-zoning. However, in this case it is incongruous an~ Unthin~ab~e that ~ro pa~ce~ of land in a residential community are being proposed for re-zoni~ to a "B-2" and "M" classification. If anything, these parcels should be re-zoned to the higher "A" classification thereby confor~ng to the Planning Board's design for this area. far more I am confident that a quick tour of our town would disclose appropriate locations for a motel or other business Re spec t fully submitt ed, Copies to: Carl Petrowski, Pres. Southold-Peconic Civic Assoc. Howard Valentine, Councilman Louis Demarest, Councilman Henry Clark, Town Justice Martin Suter, Town Justice E. Perry Edwards, Town Justice Mrs. FranI~ J. Nehora , 35 Tibbetts Road, Yonkers, N. Y. 10705 20, !°6cq~; Town of iJou%hold. ~!~s :'~ro-nerty~, ... or;net~'oof~_ ~'~,~ orth.. :.) e,q___. -Orive ,~ - '-~'¥~,e .:..,.ore o~.~'~ose~: to u.h.e re-zonin?.., of tv,~o ~?reelr::~ of l?..nd on ~-':e-any's lloa. cT., one .?..t ~'iorth ~:.:,e~:~.. ~)rive ~:::;.nd t'he other .... .-.'... ...... ,-..,e of the con~,truction~ of a motel. April 16, 1968 Hon. Lester M. Albertson Supervisor, Town of Southold Greenport, L.I., N. Y. Dear ~ Albertson-. I understand that the Town Board is recommending that two oarcels~ on Kenny~ s Road~ be rezoned for comuercial use, and as a property o%~ner and resident of the To~n of Southold I think it dis~raceful that tn~ Totem Board would be in favor of such a down-zoninff of a lovely residential area, Very truly yours, LETTER M. ALBERTS~N OFF~~ ISOR P-REENPORT, L. I., N. Y. TELEPHEINE April 17, 1968 Miss Josephine M. Flack Southold, New York 119?1 Dear Miss Plack: I have your letter of April 16th concerning the change of zone on property on Kenney's Road. Normally, I have these letters read into the minutes of the hearings. However, in this case~ it is quite obvious that you have been mis-informed since no commercial use is anticipated~ and the application indicates up-zoning in each area rather that down-zoning. Therefore I felt I should inform you, and I will not in- clude your letter in the minutes Of the hearings unless you notify me that you wish this to be done. Yours very truly Lester M. Albertson Supe rvi s or LgA/ea This is a fast messageI q l_ DL=Da'Letter acter is indicated by the! _International kproper symbo!. ? TELEGRAMw.F'. MAFt.~HAi_L. ~.~.,~e-x 1201 (4-S0)~LT__Letter Telegramfi The filing time sh own in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I , I RDAO15 SY MNAOg5 DL PD=TDMN GARDEN CITY NY APR 23 ?50^ -HON LESTER M ALBERTSON, SUPVER. DLR TWON HALL- SOUTHOLD NY: 'MAY I STRONGLY PROTEST TO YOU AND THE MEMBERS OF THE TO~,gN BOARD OF SOUTHOLD THE REZONING OF THE PROPERTY AT CORNER OF KENNYS RD AND NORTHSEA DRIVE AND ALSO AT KENNYS RD AND DOGWOOD LANE STOP I RECOMMEND REZONING OF SAID PROPERTY TO A RESIDENTIAL= 'LORETTA M CLUFF NORTHSEA DRIVE SOUTHOLD= 105 1AEST~-,,, J EST' THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE .X,ZESTERN U :'ION ,'" ',, This is a fast message I unless its deferred charo [ I NL--Night Letter acter is indicated by thc i T E LEG RAM kpr°per slmb°'.' ? W.P. M A.SM ALL.. P.tmO~:NT The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time o£ receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I I DA.,L~ RDA012 P ENA3A5 NL P D:TDEN NEW MILFORD NJER 'ZONING BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CARE JAMES MURRAY= KENNYS RD SOUTHOLD NY: APR 22= 'THIS IS TO ADVISE THE SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD THAT I AM AGAINST REZONING DOGWOOD LANE TO NORTHSEA DRIVE ON KENNYS ROAD FOR COMMERC I AL USE, AS A SOUTHOLD TAX TAX PAYER AND HOME O~'~iNER ON KENNYS ROAD SOUNDVIE~,~ I AM VEHEMENTLY AGAINST AOFREMENT I ONED AREA REZONING FOR COMMERCIAL USE THIS !VICINITY- AVE AND ANY OTHER AREA IN THIS ,RUTH GIBSON 521 CONCOURSE PL NEW MILFORD NEW JERYi THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS P*TRONS CONCERNING ,TS SERV" I I 1 '~A E S T '- " ~ F SYMBOLS 1 gE 3TERN U .,ION 'LNL-NightLetter This is a fast messageI I- DL=DaYketter unless its deferred char° [ acter is indicated by the I TELEGRAM W. P. MARSHALL. ~.~sto~.* ~' =Letter Telegram~ kproper s'm~l' The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I .. RDAOOg B AHCPO8& NL PDF-AH NEW YORK NY APR 22: 'LEsTER ALBERTSoN, SUPERVISOR= TOWN OF SOUTHoLD TOWN HALL GREENPoRT NY- 'THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT 'WE ARE VIGOROUSLY OPPosED THE GRANTING OF A VARIANCE TO THE ZONING ORDANCE WOULD PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MOTEL BETWEEN DOGWOOD LA NE AND NORTH SEA DRIVE IN THE VICINITY OF KENNYS BEACH SOUTHoLD- TO THAT 'MR AND MRS GERALD V CRUISE LAKE DRIVE SOUTHoLD NY= 90AAEST mug: r.r~aoa),Jv X~aTT ~ A'I:)Pt~I:f"TA'I'q: _qlI~,F_RTION.q FROM ITg PATRONS coNcERNING ITS SERVICE WE3TERN UNION '- CLASS. OF SERVICE - / SYMBOLS This is a fast messagei 1_ DL=Dav Letter ~ unless its deferred char-[ [ NL'-'Night Letter ____[ acter is indicated by the] _International L,,o~e,,,~Uo,. ? TELEGRAMw.P. MARSNALL....£S,D~'.T 1201 (4-60)LLT_Letter Telegram~j The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I I .A015 SY BYA036 PD-B:BY NEW YORK NY APR 25 1135A EST: LESTER ALBERT SON= . TOWN HALL OFC OF SUPERVISOR 1~ SOUTH ST GREENPORT NY= · PROTEST ZONING AREA NORTH SEA DRIVE AND KENNYS ROAD FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES DONA L D A ND WANT AREA RESTRICTED TO RESIDENTIAL REGINA HAUCK 370 NORTH SEA DRIVE SOUTHOLD NY=135P EST THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE X;TE STERN 71ON his is a fast message [ [_ DL=Day Letter nless its deferred charq [~L=Night Letter cter is indicated by the [ ' W.P. MARSHALL, PRESlDEN~ _International U.o.~,m~o,. ? TELEGRAM ,,0~ (4-60)~LT_LetterTelegram~ The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination 1 RDAOOA~ SY GSY FGA3°I., NL PDF-FLUSHING NY .LESTER ALBERT ON, TWON SUPERVISOR= SOUTHOLD TOWL HALL GREENPORT NY- APR 22= 'WE THE ARE OPPOSED TO GRANTING A VARIANCE FOR A IViOTEL IN VICINITY OF KENNY BEACH= k4R AND MRS EDWARD P MCk4ULLIN WESLAND ROAD SOUTHOLD- 'gOPAEST THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE WESTERN U]?'ION ' CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOLS i Thisis a fast message I 'I I_DL=DavLett~r acter is indicated by the[ [ L International kproper symbol. ? TELEGRAMw.P. MARSHALL. P.~'SiD~'.? 1201 (4-60)%T'-Lctter Telegram/~J The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of' receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I RDAO05 B AHCOS5 NL PDB-AH NEW YORK NY APR _~2= LESTER ALBETSON, SUPERVISOR- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL GREENPORT NY= · THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT I AM VIGOROUSLY OPPOSED TO THE GRANTING OF A VARIANCE TO THE ZONING ORDANANCE THAT WOULD PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MOTEL BETWEEN DOGWOOD LANE AND NORTH SEA DRIVE IN THE VICINITY OF SOUTHOLD' KENNEYS BEACH :MRS M J TIERNEY LEETON DRIVE SOUTHOLD NY' 905AEST · THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE V 'E3TERN UNION CLASS OF SERVICE; SYMBOLS I This is a fast message I I- DL= DaY Letter ""~" its deferred ~h~,-! ! NL=Night Letter acter is indicated by theI I I U~o~e~,,~'. / TELEGRAM 1201 (4-~0)~ Letterlnternati°naiTelegra~LT= The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I I RDAO0$ B AHC08/4 NL PDB-AH I',IE~-J YORK NY APR 22= LESTER .TOWN ALBERTSON, SUPERVISOR- OF SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL -THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT WE ARE GREENPORT L I NY- ¥1GOROUSLY OPPOSED TO THE GRANTING OF A VARIANCE TO THE ZONING ORDANCE THAT A MOTEL BETWEEN WOULD PERMIT DOGWOOD LA NE KENNEYS THE CONSTRUCT I ON OF AND NORTH SEA DRIVE BEACH SOUTHOLD- 'MR AND MRS GERALD V CRUISE LAKE DRIVE SOUTHOLD NY- IN THE VINCINITY OF '907AEST.. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE ' SYMBOLS f STERN I This is a fast message I unless its deferred char-I acter is indicated by the[ w p MARSHALL PR 1201 (4-60) _International kproper symbol. ? . TE. .LE GR. £.,D".. kLT-- Letter Telegram~ The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of' receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I I RDAO07 SY SRK077 NL PD:NEW YORK NY VIA TDSR NEW YORK NY 'LEsTER ALBERTSON, SUPERVISOR- TOWN OF SOUTHoLD GREENPoRT NY= 'REGARDING HEARINGS APRIL 25 WE ARE OPPosED TO ANY BUSINESS TO BE ESTABLISHED ON THE SITS OF KENNYS AND NORTH SEA DRIVE AND DEMAND THIS NEIGHBORHOODS KEPT RESIDENTIAL FOR THE WELFARE OF OUR CHILDREN- APR 22= ROW BE MATHA AND SNLEY W IEPzuNSKI- 905AEST,,. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE Iii _l'iIII _ I IIIll ' I IIII I .... I ....... _ "~:"' ' "' I I I' ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ ]iE~-13o la~ 'o~ ~a; 'Notice ol ~Hearings f~ ~ore ~ 1~ to'said we~rly On ~P~~l~ ~ A~end ~ of Yo~s Argue; thee The Zoning O~dinance ~herly ~~ ~ w~rly line, ~rsuant to ~ction 2~5 of the 1 ~t more ~ l~s to the Town ~w and ~icle IX ol the ,~~~. ~~ and intended B~~ Zone ~n~ of ~e ''~ ~ P~ oI the ~e p~cel Rh~ To~ oI ~uthold, ~Iolk Co~ty~ ~ a "B" Z~e o~ '~e Zonin~ Map ~ew York, pubic hear~s will be ~ t~ T~ of ~U~ld as ~d~t- held by the ~uthold Town B~rd ~ April 9, 195~. ~ the Offi~ of the Supervisor, 16 3., By c~i~ .~m "B-2" Bu- South SMut, Gr~~rt, New York, "~ess DMtri~ ~ '~"A" m ~id ~wn on the 23rd ~y of "~ ~~~1 D~Ct 2o '~" April, 19~8, ~t ~:30 o'cl~k in ~id~n~ ~strict the the evening of .said d~y on ~e fol- .. d~~ lowin~ proposals to amend the ~1 t~t c~n tract ~I la~ sit- B~ldi~ Zone ~~ce (includ~ ~~ ~t G~~ort, in the Town the Buildin~ Zone Maps) of the ~f ~uth~d, Co~ty ~ 8~Iolk ~d Tow~ of 8outhold, Suffolk County, ~te of ~ YOrk, and more par- ~ew York. tie~rly ~~ and d~cri.b~ 1 ~ -'By chan~n~ ~om "B" Bu. .~I~NG ~t the int~section 5M.~ D~t~ict to "B-2" Busin~ oI t~ ~terly l~e oI 8ilve~ere D~trict, .the followi~ d~i~ B~ ~ 8outh~ly line ~ land ~roperty: ~1 that ~r,~in tra~ oI land sit- ~ ~ Island ~ilr~d; fr~m said uate~ at t~ ~utheast corner of ~~ of :be~i~.~ ~unn~ a~n~ Kenney's ~ad ~d ~rth ~a ~d land of ~g Is~nd ~iMoad, ~ive, ~u~old, in the Town ~ ~ .co~s~,: (1)~ly on a c~ve ~uthold, County o~ 8~folk and ~ th~ right, having a ~adius ~ 2832 8~te of ~ York, and more par- ~' a ~,s~~ of 1~8.06 f~, ~c~arly bound~ a~ d~cribed as ~n~ (2) ~. 84~ 30' 10" E.-848.33 ~ollows: ~t to 1~ ~ ~~; then~ ~lon~ ~ 1~ of ~~, S. 6° 2~' 50" B~I~~G ~.t the ~nter~~n W.-~95 f~ m~e or l~s, to ~rd~- ~ the eas~rly 1~ of Kenney's ~ ~ wat~ m.~k of Pip~ C'~e; Road with the south~ly li~ oI ~~ ~t~ly alon~ ~id ~ wa- N~h ~a Drive; from sa~' po~ ~ m~k, ~_1220 f~ m~e or 1~, of be~i~in~. ~n~ easily a~n~ ~ la~ of 8t~, ~ce alon~ ~ ~l~l~ ~ of ~o~h ~a ~ 1~ ~ ~~~, N. 3° 45' D~ve, 183 f~ m~e or l~s, ~ land ~95 I~t m~e ~ l~s, to the of GI~; thence south~ly alon~ ~~ly 1~ ~ a 20 f~t priva~ ~d land ~ Glo, r, 113 I~t more ~ ~~n ~ "8~v~ ~e"; br 1~, to l~d ~ ~~; ~ce ~e~ alon~ ~id ~utherly 1Me ~'w~terly al~ ~..-~ of Po- ~v~ ~e" ~nd in a d~t ex- ~, 202 f~t, mo~ ~ l~s, ~ ~d ~~ ~ly of ~ ~uth~ly ~rly line-of K~'s then~ n~herly along ~id e~rly S. 85° 31' 40" E.-'249.66 f~ to sa~ H~, !15 f~ m~ or 1~ ~ the ~~~ '~e o~ ~ilv~re R~d; ~int of ,~inn~. Bei~ and ~- ~e~e al~g ~ e~t~ly H~, t~d~ to be ~a~ of the same p~r- 15° 21' 30" E.-~58.~ f~ to the c~ shown as a ',B" Zone on the .~~ ~ ~g~~g, ~n~in~.g '23 ~~g M~ of ~ ~' of ~uth- old as ~opt~ ~p~l 9, 1967. ~,re ~ ~s. 4. By c~ging ~om "A" R~- 1 b - By c~ng f~m "B,' Bu- ident~ ~d ~~ltu.~l D~trict ~~s District to "M" M~ple Re- "B" B~i~ Dis~ict ~e folding s~ce Dis~et the fOtlO~g de- d~~ p~~Y: ~~ ~pe~Y: . ~ that ce~a~ ~a~ o~ land sit'- All that ~a~ Matt of ~ ~t- ua~ at ~ie~ ~ t~e Town of uat~ at ehe no~ east c~ner'o~ Southold, County of Suffolk Ke~ey's ~d and D~~ ~e, at ~uthold, in the Town ~ ~u~- ~t~ of New York, and m~e par- ~cularly ~und~ ~nd deS~i~ old, C~nty .of Suffolk and S~te ~ of ~ Yo~k, a~~ m~e ~rtic~arly ~~NING 0n ~e southerly ~un.d~ ~ d~~ as f~~: BE~I~rNI~G at the inte~ion of the ea,sterly line of Kenney's Road with t'i~e nc~.herly line of Dog- wood L~ne; ~rom said .poin,t o~ be- gLuning runnir~g ,northerly along said easterly line of Kenney's Road, 465 feet mc~e or less t~ ~lar~d of .O1- iveri; t hence easterly along said lan,~ of OliverL, 202 feet ~m~re or less, to land of Glover; thence ,southerly along said land of Glover and through land of Kearns, 43?' feet mc, re or less .to said no~herly line of DogWood Lane; thence w~st- erly along said laortherly line, 285' :~eet' mc~re or less, to the point of beginning. Being ~nd intended to be part of ~the same parcel ,shown as a "B" Z~ne '~n .tl~e Zoning Map of the Town of .S~uthold as AprL1 9, 1957. ~'~ a -. By char~ging from B Bu- sin~s.s~ District to '~lVI-l" Multiple Residence District the. followng de- scribed prop6~ty:. All tha~ certain tract of l~nd sit~ utaed at the north s.id~-M~in Road, at Orier~t, .in ~the Town ~f SouthOld,: County of Suffulk-and~State of New York, ~nd more Particularly bour~d~. c~: and described as. follo~vs: side of the 'M~in Road ~:nd-the .easterly side of Tabor Road, then rum2ng in an'easterly ,d~rection along' the s~uth~rly side of Main 'Road. 225 feet to land of'Fenreira, ~l~en ,ak)ng lan(l of Ferreira in a ~;southerly d~e~°n 150 f~ ~en al,~g la~' of Fer~i~, Gloria ~nd 'Wern~owSki in a eas{erly d~ectic,n 210 ~t to Iand of William Te~y, Jr., ',t~n running ~th e~t~ly ~~ lands of 'William Te~y, Jr. 650. f~t .to ~ient ~~al Cem~~; -(h~n ~~i~ in .a w~terly dir~tion a~ng lands of .~ent Cen~tral Cem- e~ 670 f~t t~ the eas~rly s~d'e of ~~r ~ad; ~ in ~; no~h~ly di~tiOn ~ the ~sterly s~e of Ta- ~ R~d; ~hen in a no~herly di- stort on the easterly side ~f Ta- ~r ~ad 760 f~t ~ the 'point of ~~ni~. ~y pe~n 'd~iring ~ ~ heard on .the abov~ .p~~ emendmen~ s~uld .~~r at the ~me and .place DA~: MA~H 2~, 19~8, BY OR- ~ OF ~ ~U~O~ ~~ :BO~ · AI3~RT W. RICHMOND 'IX)WN 'CLERK ltA12' ss' · ~~ ...... being duly Sworn. Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK :wspaper published <zt G:reenport. in said mtice, ,of which the annexed is <~ printed ~hed in t'he said Suffolk Weekly Times ~r ....... ~ .............. week~ ting on ~he . ....~~...~ ........ 9.a. ? ' .... } ....... 19.~ ~. j ...... . ..... e ~,u!.A~q ~ P~!mP~ l~uno_ i q'4~u ~7:~.,~'..W~wski, 144~ ~t ~ ~~:9a ~Ienb ", ' ,"..~0.' c~- · ~ ..... ,-. .~ . .~ · . ~ ~ . .' ¢. -. ot"'~' '~~' and ~I Iea,!uq~ s, oIep~~e~ ;e ~ur m~ ~t" ..... .' ' ' ' ~n~n as a "B" Zone on the anoa ~p ~oi the W~ of ~uth-~m ,~o!Idde "~~t~ ~rii 9, 1957. ~ p~ s~l o~ dot ~ ~d 2 b - BY chug ira "B"~I to ~1~ '~~fl pu~ do~ · ~l a~ Ag~c~t~al D-Mt~ct the fol-~d ~m o~l .at c.~ta~ ~~: oi land ~it.- ~ ~lunH '~ f~~ ~Io~n~ .- ~" at'-the n~~h~t comer o i~ he.eH u A~nue, _~t ~ Mam~i~t,.R~d'.'~d~:..~ ~~Y~sot ~uthol.~, s~oia~a ~~t~ 'Ot.-~~ ~ .sram of New the nobly ~ of the Ma~ ~o, ad ~q with the-''w~t~l~ l~e ~t yo~gs q~v Aven~; ~cm ~id ~/mt .of begin-~o p~q 'a~unH ning runni~ 'w~ly along said i, !~ mo~ ~ I~ t0 land of E. H.~.-, King; then~ at~g ~d ~nd of- 'II~ o~'eI lt9 ,"i~t -more or ',.1~; ~ce (2))H' aq; to '~!d~ ~~ omes 92 ~t m~ ~' I~S; thence '~!m!I (~) south~ly l~t"i~t' more or less, ~odu~a . . -' ' - "~d ~e aA~ ~3~o~n,e u~ R~d;?':'~ ~~ .~~,-~. ~* ~;':".' '~~Y:'~" 'FZ"a- '0~:''''A~bine, ~ 'q~gI I~' go ~ ~ '~ '"~. '_~',.- .... '..'-'~-,~;ah~':-641-f~t more ~ a~~,. e. ~m~, seq ~ la~ ox n u~ ~ ~ }~; .t~aen~ no~h~t~ly along sai~ ~' .oi H~ ltl5 i~ more ~ · . ._. -- ii i :: ' ~~~: 'l~.q;!~.!.~~. ,-~:~l.-,:,hown as a 'B" Zone on thei COUNTY OF SUFFOLK { ss "N~"":~' O..' ': · : ' .~ .: .Zd.:. I .l~ of the To~ of ~u~old. I TA : - ~~00~~* ~~By. c~~ g from B - ' ~ ' ~' '~ ' ~ ~ [.: ~ :?~:.~ ~:. ~~t ~ "M-I" Multiple R~ide~e I P~s~t.~ ~on ~ of"~ To~:~t me follo~ng des~i~d.*Prop-i ' '. :: t: c. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says ?~. . .... -. ~~:..:-. ~:-~I t~t ce~n tract of, ]and ~tu-I ..... ?ld,~01~.~~'~?:~~,~~,J~,;:~ttheno~hside~inRo~,.:at~, that he ~s the Ed,tar, of THE LON~ IS~ND ne~~¢.~n' ~ ~m ay ~ ~u~n_~0 '~e~, m t~ Town of Southold, Court- ' . T0~ ~~ m '~e ~t~':Of ~ ~-'~ ~, ',, ~ m --n te of ~ ..' ~ [ T~VELER - MA~ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ier, ~,~..~m ~~, ~r~~,lz~,;~re ~tcul~ly ~d~ a~/ .......... - -- ...... .. ~-. ,...~:~,: .._.-:,.. --' -? .... ; ::-.~_ ~_,~~ , ', paper pnntea ar boutno]a, ~n ~urro~K ~oun~; and that ~.ay; ~'~~,j~l~) '~.; 7:~0~:~0'~-m [ .~IN~NG at a ~int on '[~e t the notice of which the a.nnexed is a printed copy, has been = ~ ~ ~'.~nd"'~~~J~~~re or ~s wes~rff--~0-~ ~dJ publ~sh~ ~n sa,d Long Island Zraveler-Matt~tuck Watch- ,,'-~~~ ~~.~'._~f.~ ~~~ly line from Yo~s ,A,~e;. ~, ~ / / ~ ~~''"J~jr~:.~id ~l~t of ~i~ r~~; man once each week for ..... ~.~~.~.--..(....~~.. wee~ ..... - ~~ ~" ~ ' ' ~f't~e ~a~ oi New '~or~' tne~e' '- ~'~ ...................... tollo~d~~.'~:.:;..". ":',[~herly ~0~ land of .... W~ile~,~,[ . . ~~.. '/y ._ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~~:~~::::~-atu-[~. f~ more or' ~e~; ~nce ~ns' coy or ....... ~Q~w~~ ......... , J~...~,:.~ .'ne~ ~,":~:.,.~~.::.~~te~~,-92 f~ more or 1~; ~e ~ /,~p~ ~//, ,~~ ~~~ '~. ,:~' '~~ ~:~::':~~;:l'(~):: ~merly 149 feet-mo~ 0r t~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ alo~~d'~~ Olover, ll3'f~~re[a~ it the northwe~ co~r'' of ~: ~ .Y.. ~'~C, S:~::, ',,~ r.'<~.~ 0 ~ "'"[.~ ....... ~ ~ n~. ' ....................... - f e ~e ~1.~~,:-.~ ~ B ..--.~ :~ · ..~.;:~ andd~~~ ~ ': .... · - .... ~ . .-~~.the w~terly hne of Yours A~. ' ~- ][ a~d at ~~ -- ~ f ~ e ~ .- : . "~ ..... .:' - ~, ~ ~ ~ o ~uth- _ ~e. ~,.,~ ~:"~:"9~:':~_~~ J'-nu~ ,om ~d ~int of ~~ r~-:. ~~ at ~ ~~~ ~::: old, Co=~' of ~ ~ S~ ~~~'~-.:~_~'-~~'I~.Wes~rly along ~id no~herly ~" ~ :~ly l~e of ~~~,.:~J New-:'L~Or~ and ~e ~rttcuiarlv ~~~.~:~:~~~~~..{i~:.~e-. Man ~ad, ~ f~t more 0r I~': ~t~~ ~utherly ~e of ~ :~::~ ~~:~:and d~c~d as follows: ~: ._. , .'- .. . ... ::.: .. [:~~er:~ :~ ~ ~ore or :~;. m~ i' ct ~ m,=a ~, ~o ~:[ ~r R~, men r~~- m ~ e~ ~ ~ ce~.; ~ o~ l~ mm-I:~, w~lerlv 92 f~* ...... ' ~-.J (1) ~rlv on a c~ ~ the-~~,:~ ' .: .......... ~ .; . ._'~, a~at ~ ~h.~ ~~ of Ken- h h " .~ amdi~of2~f~,a~~ ' , . · ...... t e~ (8) ~ut erly 134 f~t, more ~r- ~ .., f . - .... . ........ . .~ ..... ;..~ .,. ~,.... o ..~~ ~~ ~5 feet ~ 1~ of ~r- ~°~'~[~°~ ~?;:'~ .~ ~ ~n~th~r~ line of the M~ ~~ ~'. 't~n~ alo~ ~id l~d of To~;: ~ 6'~ la~, .,~.~ Fe~e~a Glo~- ,.nd ~~ ~a m0~ ~~. ~a~ .'f~t ~ or le~ ~ lan f wpl~ ~. I ~.t0' ~" W ~ f~t mo~ or .-~,' ~ ? '~~.,' ........ L ..... -,ZZ~ ~y~~ !. _~'L~~ f~'~-,:':~ ..~ .~ ~en~ ~ortherly ~ong s~d la~-.~[ ~m~ mgn wa~r ~rz ~. ~~4 '-~ 'l~d of William Te~ Jr t~n ._~~~. ~ ~~~~ °~'--W~~, l~d of ~Ybme, ~d ']~d ~ :'C~e; men~-w~rly alo~ ~.~h[ ~mntn~ ~uth e~rlv ~"~ l~& ~f' me e~r~ ~e ox ~s. :~ , _ f " ¢~:' ' 'wa~r m~ 1~ f~t more or '- ',:~' ~'~ __ ~ _1~._ ...... . . -:...,.. _- ~, ofH~h~,641 eetmoreorl~s,~th~,.. . ~ .~ : ~ ~~ ~~ Jr. 650 f~t.f~ ~ent . ~e, ~mm ~u ~ m ~ ~~ N 3' 45' ~a ....... ' ' " . ' -' ' ' Hdghes, 125 f~t more or le~' ~"land '~ 'land of S~i e , ~-~ ' no~e~ ~ ~d 1 ' ~ ....... ' ' · ~' { w~ly d~ion alo~ ~n& of ~nt ~~Un ....... - "~ '~'--'-"'~ y of '~a; thence ~rly alo~:'said ~ 695 ~t mo~ or 1~, ~ ~ ~~~., .[ 'Central Ceme~ ~0 ~ ~' the ~- ~'.. ......... . ...... ., l~d of Orra, 1~ feet more or le~ to :~ e . ~ · t .erlv ~de of ~-~ ~-~' th~ ,~ e o~ ~e~ys ~,~ g~ more . '~ ~ of a ~ f~t iva~ ~ ~o~- ~ . or. l~'~ tuna o~ o~v~;-.~~ e~t:.'. - ' · .'[ ~ 'Silver ~e'' then~ alon ~:" ~ ................... ~ly---'~o~ ..... ~d ~' : ...: .... ~id weS~rly hne of Yo~s A~nue, . ' ~ '-' [ ~~erl d~ection on th e ''-~en~ ~u,herly along ,id wes~,,~. ~u,~r,, ~e of "8fiver ~ne" =d ~ rot ~~,d ,~ ,e~ ~ of.Onve~ '~e,: 691 ree~ more or le~, ~ ~he ~t~ a-'~t e~~ion e~ly of ~d~ of ~~. Be~ ~d ~n~ed ~[ ~utherly line ac~ ~id-~lv~merej ~g' ~ ~~n des~g ~ ~ hea~ ~' p~'~ the same-~cel ~wn :'~ ,~, S, ~ ~1 ~ E.--~.66 f~t ~, t~ ~ve ~o~d ~mendmen~ ~o~d;, ~ "B" zSne on the Zo~ ~ of :~d ~rlF l~ of Stlve~e~ ~~;~ ap~ at the time ~nd pl~ ~ ~,,t,~ ,Town of Southold as adopted| S, By changing from "B-2" B~e~ Dtstri~'..and "A" Resident~l .an~. ~ ricultuml Dls.tr'_~ct' re: "~"~tiple:~ ..~sidence D~trict the foUow~n~..-~e-~ scribed property: . .',i.' ...... - thence along said easterly Une, N, 15' 21' 30" E.--255.04 feet to the ~ beginning, containing ~ acres more 4. By changing from "A"..~ .ential and Agricultural Dt~ t~':'B~., ~i-. ness District. the -i~~ ~ prol~ y .................... . .......... ~: ............... DATED: March 2'/, 1968 t , . BY :'ORDER OF 'I'HE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND .:. TO~ CLERK ~ o~ :.Sou~ld. ~£'£o~ County, b YoEk. !. and, ., :~..~ o~ Po-~, 2-02 l'~et, ~re or P&ge -2- ,'i~:. the. n~e sterly .along eas,~eriy 1957. 2 allOlall~ it ~ potn~ on the aortherly line nort~_~ly A~ue~- ~om 8aAd point o~ wearer.Ay, a Aon~_: saA~ aorthor~A~' ~L~~ of ,Sov~:A~. aa a,~~ AprAt 9, i~.~7. !~ ~es~,:~ proper~y~ TOMu ~ff ~~;L.~, C~an'ty of ~a££olk &nd .~~~ of ~ Y~rk, and ho. re par t ~.~,lar.ly bounde~ and ~ocr~~ as. ~.oliowa 1'd~r9 ~~t more or ~Leoo ~ theuce (2) ~s'ter Ay 92 ~oot note or len.8~ ~.eace (3} sou~rZ¥ ~34 ~eet, more or Legal orra~ ~~e. eaa~rl¥ &;Long aaAd land of Orr&, 146 £~ more~ leos Young$ Ay .enue~ or leas, ~o ~ po%n~ ZonAng ~ of b bm 601 foe~ more I'B" ~one oat ~e of ~Xd ti ado~d AprAI 9. .and "A" and AgrtmLttura% tM(' Jl~ltj~p!e AXI ~hat certain ~rm of Land matured at ~reenpor~0 ~he bn of .Oou~;Ld, Coun~F of Suffolk and S~a~e of foXl w, and more par~AauXar%¥ bounded and dea~rlbed at ~ntoziectj~u of earn ~ter%¥ %Lue of land o£ aXeng %el]md na.~d, from Said point of beg~.~ rumt~ oatd land of ~ bland RalAroad. Two =ourae., (1) eao~Jrly ena cum ~ the feet, a 4Lo~ of X00.06 ztght0 having a radAu, of 2832 feet, ~elMM (2) 11. 84 ~' 30' 10" g.- 848.33 bt tO Lind of Toner,Il. Xand of Toaez; waid SO" w.-8OS feet lore or Xw, ~ ord!~~y h~lh va~er uark of P~pei Cover X22o fee~ more or Il!. 3''?' 45' O0~]~--6SiS Mt LXong l~ ora 20 foot prtvaU, watd land of road "I:L~vez Lllte" r 8mXd sou~erX¥ % Ane dAzec~ ~_-tom w~Xy o£ matf of "tXXver Lane" and ~n wou~l¥ 1%ne aeroo~ .m scad $ %lvermore load, S. 8.S~ 31' 40" B,-.34.9.66 feet more the ~ of ~d oAtumted c~y ef of b wou~%y w%do of of HmLu momd 2~ fe~t land of %mhd of ferze~a oe~F~Jumr%.y ~tzeet~a land Jr, ~0 ~ a westerly Of oz:Lent centrm% ~~ 6,70 ee-terly made of ~~ Road; then mud Any ~ a~ ~ tta~ and ~1~ ae wpee%fLed. L eooffr~ a~ Southold Town Planning Board SEIUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York March 25, 1968 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town PlanningBoard at a regular meeting held on March 19, 1968. In the matter of the Town Board's own motion by change from "B" Business District to "B-2" Business District and "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: Description of property from "B" Business District to "Ba2,, Business District, southeast corner of Kenney's Road and North Sea Drive: i ' of BEG/i~NING at the ntersection/the easterly line of Kenney's Road with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; from said point of beginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover, 113 feet more or less to land of Potocki; thence westerly along said land of Potocki, 202 feet, more or less, to said easterly line of Kenney's Road; thence northerly along said easterly line, 115 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Description of property from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence District, northeast corner Kenney's Road and Dogwood Lane, Southold, New York: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road with the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Kenney's Road, 465 feet more or less to land of Oliveri; thence easterly along said-land of Oliveri, 202 feet, more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover and through land of Kearnes, 437 feet more or less to said northerly line of Dogwood Report to: outhold Town Board March 25, 1968 Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line, 285 feet more or less to the point of beginning. · t-was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does not favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "B" Business District to "B-2" Business District and "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence District. The Planning Board feels it was an error in judgement that this parcel was originally zoned for business use. In view of the fact that there is a serious problem with water supply in this immediate vicinity, the Planning Board feels it would be a mistake to have this property anything but "A" Residential and Agricultural District. cc: Town Clerk Respectfully submitted, n Wickham, Chairman ~ Southold Town Planning Board OFF .ERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN ~LE~K SOUTHOLD, L. I,, N, Y. February 19, 1968 Mr. John Wickham Chaimman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I. New York 11935 Dear Mr. Wickham; Enclosed herewith are copies of resolutions passed by the Southold Town Board at a meeting held on the 13th day of February, 1968. You are instructed to prepare an official report thereon pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. AWR/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ALBERT W. RIBHMOND OFF~ERK S[3LITH(3LD, L, I., N. Y. RESOLUTION February 13, 1968 Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Clark; WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board deems it in the public interest and in the promotion of the health, safe~y, moral or general welfare of the Town of Southold that certain premises of the Town of Southold on the east side of Kenney's Road, Southold, New York, County of Suffolk, hereinafter more fully described, be rezoned and zoned from "B" Business District to a portion B-2 and the remainder "M" Multiple Residence zone on the follow- ing described property: Description from "B" Business to "B-2" Southeast corner of Kenney's Road and North Sea Drive: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road with the southerly line of North Sea Drive; from said point of beginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover, 113 feet more or less, to land of Potocki; thence westerly along said land of Potocki, 202 feet, more or less, to said easterly line of Kenney;s Road; thence northerly along said easterly line, 115 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. Description from "B" Business to "M" Multiple Residence Northeast corner Kenney's Road and Dogwood Lane, Southold: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road with the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Kenney's Road, 465 feet more or less to land of Oliveri; thence easterly along said land of Oliveri, 202 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover and through land ~ Kearns, 437 feet more or less to said northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line, 285 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That pursuant to Article IX Section 901, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Planning Board. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 February 15, 1968 DESCRIPTION: ~roposed Change of Zone (B to B2) ~ Southeast corner of Xenney,s Road and North Sea Drive Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line o£ Kenney's Road with the southerly lime of North Sea Drive; from~mid point of beginning running easterly along said southerly l~ne of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to iand of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover, 113 feet more or less, to land of Potocki; thence westerly along said land of Potocki, 202 feet more or less~ to said easterly lime of Kemney's Road, thence northerly along said easterly line, 115 feet more or less, to the point of begi~ming. Being and intended to h~part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning map o£ the Town of ~So~thold as adopted April 9, 1957. VAN TUYL & SON JSS/mg To: Howard Terry VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 Febr~ary 15~, 1968 DESCRIPTION: Proposed Change of Zone "B to Northeast corner Xenney's Road and Dogwood Lane, So~tthold Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of i~;enney's Road with the northerly -Line of Dogwood Lane; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of ~enuey s Road, a65 feet more or less to land of Oliveri; thence easterly along ~aid land of Oliveri, 202 feet/ more or less/to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover and through land of ~;earns, 437 feet more or !ess to s'' ~d northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line, 285 feet more or less, to the ooint of beginning. - VAN TUYL & SON SS/mc To~ Howard Terry B to M-1 North side Main Road, Orient, N.Y. B to A Northwest corner Main Road and Youngs Avenue, Orient, N.Y. WHEREAS, o petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ...... .S..°...u.~..h. 9..1..d.-.~.°.~3~-.-.B..°..9~'.c~ .................................. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ....... '.'.~.'.'....B..~'.s...i-n..9..s..s. ......... District to ...i'~.-..1..'.'...~.i...t.~P.~:~....R3.sidence and "B" " "A" Res. & Agric. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... .2...3..r.~....day of ............ .A.p..r...i..1. ........................ , 19_.6..8..., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is granted. By Order of the Southold Town Board Dated: May 27~, 1968 Effective as of June 7, 1968 ~,~.~ to COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ' in. STATE OF NEW YORK ss: ef the Main' ~less to the ~ less;. ~- (~)' Or:lesS; trance .at~ at the nm'th tater ti of~ · said- easterly- 465 feet Aprg"O, ~lOUT, " : ~'' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, . 2 b--By cbs,nidn~ ' from ~"'B''~ :Bust-- ~ te "A'~ aesidenttal sad that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLA ~Dtstrlct the f~ 'de- peopert~' -.r:;';: TRAVELER' MATTITUCK wATCHMAN, that ce~ tract of'-lS~: situated · north west'conier of~~'~,~~d paper printed at $outhold, in Su{{olk County, and ~'..Youn$~ Avenue, at the notice o{ w[~ich the annexed is e printed copy, has b "of 8ou~ld, .Sta~ of New York,. published in said Long Island Trave[er-Mcttituck st ther' Ro~ men once each week {or ... .. · successively, commencing on the .......... ~...~ ............ Southold, in the. county, of York,-and more: and -described- the easterty.~ with the running' line of .or less'to land ,~ erly along said more or lesS, ,I southerly lsnd 1~ feet mere 0r~ Orr~; thence ~ ~on~ .said sou~~ alonS 691 .feet more ~or less of the ~ .same .,,f southom ~ By _'~ fr~ Distr., the~ fo~ ~, at Oreenport, -in of .;York, and, ~ ~-~o~o-at ~ m~n' of ~e ~therly ~e of ~/'of ~~ ~; from ~d ~~ ~ ~o~ ~d l~d ) ~rly on a ~e a m&~ of 2~. f~t, of 1~.~ f~t, t~nce (2) N.~30' E.~S f~t ~~nd ~of~ ~;' ~ ~d 1~ ~ ~ .~ ~, W.~ f~ mo~ or 1~,' ~~ 1~ f~ ~e or 1~, day of ...... .. · ...... ' " ' · ee ee · · te · · · · · · ee · · leee®l · · le · · ee · · lee I Sworn to before me this ...... ~.....~.'. ........ day eeeeee te eeeeeeeee · , ' .. ae · · -Ce ee · · e~ ADE,LE Notary Public, State nf ~',tew Y0r~ Resi~ir~g in Sut1':::~<. No. 52-30:10g0 Commission 5xpires ~arch northerly line ~-Youn~s' Aveabe; wetly' _ala~- said northerly Bne:~,'of ~the .Main ~.,~ feet more or Ieee; ,L, EGA L ,NOT I ¢ E NOTICE 'OF .~ME, NDM ENT. OF ZON'IN<~ ,OROINA:NCE .. AMENDME~NT NO. 82 [ i ~',s a "B" Zone on the ,Zoning Map ,~ the Town of :Southold 'aa.. adopt- ed April 9, 1957. '~ 3. By charting from "B-2" Bu- siness Distriot a~d "A" Residential. N~ICE IS 'KEBEBY GIVEN, Wnd A~ickflt]m~al District lo 'qVI" 1 tl~a;t after a public hearing held Multiple Residence D/strict the K, ~ ss: pt~rsuant to the-requirem~~ of law, follOWing described pretty: J the l~ilding Zone .Ordinance, (in- -All that certain tract of land sit- cluding the Building Zone Map) of uated a,t Green,port, in the Town fhe Town of .South~ld, Suffolk Coun- of Southold, Comity o/ Suffolk and '' '' being duly Sworn. fy, lVew York, was duly amended State of lVew York, and more pa-r- tinter and Publisher of the SUFFOLK at a regular meeting of-the Southold Town. BOard held on May 14, 1968, tic, ulmrly bounded and described as as folk vs: fonows: published a,t Greenport. in said I ~- By changing from "B" Bu- BEGGING at the intersection sine.ss Dista, ict to "B-2" Business of th~ easterly line of Silvermere ~tice, of which the anne:ced is ~ printed District, ,the following described Road with the Southerly line of land property: of-the Long Is}and Railroad; from ,,ed in the said Suffolk Weekly Times All that, certain tract of land sit- said point.of begi:nning running .~long uate:l' at the southeast corner of said land of-~g Island~ Railroad, ........ ~.-.~ .............. week]/ Ilrive, Sout~hold, in..the Town cd to th~ right, having a radius af 2832 on the -----x '//"""''''' . Southold, County of 'S.u/folk and feet, a ,d~tance of 108.06 fee.i, .~~.-.. State of New York, and more par- thence (2) l~l. 84° 30' 10" E.-848.33 ....... 19 t icularly .bounded and described' as f~t t°. land of Toner; theoneO ,~lon,g, ~ ~..~~... follows: said land ,of T~~r, S. $ ~0 150 · ..' ............... W.-'895 feet m~re or less, to ordin-LiS .-~-~~),,.~,......~.,. BEGI,Ni~II~TG a,t the i, ntersection 'ar~ high water mark of Pipes .Cave; cd the ea,sterly line of Kenney~s } Road with the southarly, line of thence westerly along s. aid high wa- . .... · I N~rth F>ea Drive; from said' point ter mark, 1220 feet more or less, of beginning running easterly along't° land of Steinm etz, thence along ..~.~__~ ......... , .... /~~~ saki .sot~tI~rl.y line of l~lo~h Sea said land of Steinmetz, N. 3° 45' //~~''' Drive, 183 feet mare or less, to land 00" '~.-695 feet mare ar less, to the .... ,..,...._y~.. of Gl(~Ver; thence southerly along' ~outherly line of a 20 foot privale sai~d_land, of Glarer, 113 feet more road known as ",Silver I~ane"; .or le~, to land of Potocki; thence thence along said southerly line af CO~EI~^ ¢. ~~ westerly .along said land-of Po- "Silver Lane" ~nd in a direct ex tocki, 202 fe~t, more~o~' less, 't~ said ~ansior~ early of sa~d' southerly ~e~ Publ;c, $1~l~ ~f ~, ~ 'easterly line of Kenney's Road; line aeross said Silvermere Road, No. ~ ?." 0~.:, ~ ~0 thence noa-therly along said .easterly S. 85° 31' 40" E.-249.66 feet to said ~o~[.~Fied i~. $:.:,v,i Ce.,...~l~ line, 115 feet more or less -to the ea~t~l]~ line of lSilv~re Road; :':'" ~-'";~:' ,~,~"'~ ~ : point .of ,beginning. Being and in- thence along said easterly line, l~l. tended' to be .part of the saroe p&r- 15° 21' 30" E.-258.04 feet to the cel sh(~wn as a "B" Zone on the poir~t of beginning, co~.~in'.mg '23 Zoning Map.. of the Town oI South- acres rn~re ~r less. oSd' as adapted APrq" 9, 1957.. DAq!ED: M~Y ,14, 196~, BY OH/)ER 1 b - B~ changing from' "B" Bu- ~siness DistriCt to "M" Multiple Re- sidence Dista-ict the following de- scribed property: All that certain t~act of land sit- uated at the'~norih: east corner of Kmmey's Eoad and Dogwc~t ~e, at Southold, in the Town-of South- old, County of Suffolk and State of .~lew York, an~t'm~e particularly ,boUnded and. descri~bed as f~llow~: BEG~IiqG at the intersection of the- easterly line .-of Igenne¥'s Road with fha. n(~'therly line of Dog- wood L~ne; irom said '.point of be- ginning runnir~g ,northt~rly along said easterly line of Kenney's l~oad, 465 feet mare or less .t(~ land of O1- iveri; .t hence easterly along said lar~ct of Oliver£, 202 teet mo~e or less, to land of Glarer; l~hence ,southerly alcmg said land of Glover and tl~rough land of Kearns, feet me, re or less .to said nartherly line of l~gwood Lane; thence 'west-' erl¥ along said northerly line, 285 teet m(~re or less, to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be ,part 'of the same paxcel shown as a "B" Zone (~n .the Zoning. Map of the TOwn of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. 2 a - By char~ging from B Bu- sir~ess~ Disgrict to '~M-i" MUltiPle .Residence District the followng de- ,scrfbed property' AH that certain tract of l~nd sit-' OF TB~ .SO~O~ TOW~ A,~T W. RICHMOND, · OW~ CLEEK ltM24 /at Ori. ent, in the. Town c.f South. old,. County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bound= ed and described as follows: BI, GINNING at a point on the northerly line o£ the Main Rc~ad 86 feet more or less, westerly along said n.c~rt~herly 1/a,e from Yc~ungsi: Avenue; from said point of .begin- ning ,runn/~ng westerly .along 'saki northerly lin. e of the Main Read, 94 : fe,~.t more or less, to land of the State of ,New York; thence no,rth- 'erly along land' of Wasilewski, 144 feet more o,r less, thence along land c,f E. H. King, two cours~es: (1) east- erly 92 feet more c,r less; thence (2) southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the samel;;IUn parcel Shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning map of th~ T~wn of South- old .as ~adopted April 9, 1957. ' 2 b - By changing from "B" I Business District to "A" l~esident- iai and Agricultural District the fol- lowing ,desc~ribed pa'operty: ,Ail ,that certaia tract of land sit- bacl ua'ted' at the northwest corner of ~ou, Main Road and Yo,ur~gs Av,enue, at Orient, in the Tc, win of Southold, [~06I County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more p'artic'ul~arly bound- ed and 'described as follows: tar u! 'BEG.I)NNI2qG at the inters,ectic,n of the northerly line. of the M~in Road/ with the westerly line c,f Youngs Avenue; frcwn said point of begin- ning running waste, fly along said~ northerly line of the Main Road, 80 feet more er less to land of E. H. :King; thenoe along 'said land of King, three eottrses: (1) northerly *149 feet more or less; thence (2) westerly 92 feet more. ar less; thence (8) southerly 134 feet, more or less, to 'said northerly line of th, e. Mai,n Road; t:b~,nee west:erly ,along said northerly line c,f the Main Road 322 feat more ar less, to 1,and of W/l- Ii.am; thence nc, rtherly ,alonf said land of Williams, land of Reybine, and laad e.f Hughes, 641 feet more or }ess; t;hence northea,~terly along said land c,f Hughes, 125 feet more oa' le~s~ J:o la:r~:l' of Orra; thence easterly along said land of Orra, 1461 feet more er le~s to. said wes,t, erly! .. ___:,s- c: You'~<,~ Avenue; thence sou..therly along saicl' westerly line,. 691 f, aet mo.re c,r less to the point of 'beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel s'hown S~old, Suffo~ Cmnt~, ~ ~k, was ~l~ ~n~d at a r~l~ mt~ of ~e S~old bn ~d held ~ ~y 14, All ~at ~r~ ~t o~ lnd e~tua~d Sou~ld, h ~e bn of ~ld, county of 8vffo~, and Sta~ of ~ ~, and Mrs ~t~l~ly ~n~d ~d ~~ at ~e ln~rs~ti~ of ~e eas~rly l~e of fr~ wa%d ~t of ~~ ~%ng e~ly s~erly l~ne of ~ h ~, 183 feet ~re to lnd of ~l~er~ ~e~ ~1~ along n~d lnd ~1~, 113 flit ~e ~ less, ~ lnd of ~ ~en~ wes~rly al~ sa~d lnd of ~M~, 202 ~t, ~e or 1~o. ~ 88%d ~lterl~ l~e o~ ~y'l R~d~ ~ence n~erly ~g wa%d ~w~rly 1~, 1~5 f~t ~re ~ less to s~ ~arcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map o~ the ~'o~;n of Southold am adopted April 9, 1957. t b - By changing from "B" Business District to Alultll~le itesider~e District the following doacr~bed All that certain tract of land situated at the north east corner of Kenne¥*8 Road and DogMood Lane, at Southold, in the Town of S~thold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and store ~:~rttcularly boun~ed ~nd described as follows: BEGXHN3]~ et the ~terse~tion of the easterly line of Kenney'e Road w~th the northerly line of Dog~ood Lane~ from said ~o~nt of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Kenney*s Road. 465 feet more or lees to land of OliverX; thanes easterly along sa~d land of Oliveri, 202 fee~. more or less, to land of ~lover; thence southerly along said land of Glarer and through land of Kearns, 43? feet more or less to said northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line 285 feet more or leas to the point of bogir~lng. Being and intended to be part of the amue Parcel sh~,n as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. Multiple ReOX~n~ District ~e foll~ing ~scr~d ~o~rty~ A11 ~t ~a~n ~act sE land s~tuated at ~e nor~ OX~ ~ Road, at OrXont, Xn ~e ~n of Sou~old, C~nty of suffo~ ~d State of N~ York, and ~re ~A~larly :~~ a~ ~ ~Xnt ~ ~e ~r~erly 1~ of ~e ~Xn ~d 86 f~t wre or leis, wes~rly al~g said Legal (2) s~rlM X49 feet ~e ~ leal ~ ~e ~ ~l ~ ag a "B" a~e ~ ~e ~A~ ~p of ~e bn of S~o~d n a~p~e~ ~Xl 9, 19S7. All ~t ~h trEt ol lend eituated at ~n of ~Old, C~t~ Of ~f~, and 8~te o~ ~d ~=e ~icul~ly ~n~d and b~d ~~ at ~e ~ra~tt~ of ~e no~erly IL~e of ~e ~n ~ad wi~ ~e w~erXM l~e of ~gs A~ue~ (~) ~iM ~4~ ~e~ ~e ~ less; ~en~ (2) f~t ~ or Xeso; ~ (~) s~erXM 134 less, ~ oa~ n~erlM ~ of ~e ~ R~; ~n~ al~ eaid l~d of WAXI~, ~d o~ R~e, ~d l~d of b, ~1 ~ mre or lUs, ~=e ~r~us~lM laid l~d of ~H, 125 bt ~e or leee to l~d of ! ~onXng Map of the Town of So~thold as adopted April 90 lOS?. ~ m~l~ ~ a ~ ~ ~e r~t. ~1n9 a rad~ of 2832 ~ fur, a ~ of ~,~ l~d of ~, S. 6~ 20' or~ h~ ~a~ ~k o~ PA~o C~e~ l~d of s~ ~ B. 3' 45' ~- R.- 695 f~t 8aid m~ly line o~ Sllv~e R~d~ ~n~ al~9 ~ald e&ltarl}, l~[~e ~. 15" 21' 30" ~.- 2~.04 feet to the PoLnt o£ beginning, ccmta~ 23 acx~e moze or lem~. MINUTES SOUTHO~ T£)k,N April 23, 1968 PRE SE N T: SUPERVISOR LESTE2 M ~'~L~RTSON COUNCILMAN HO~,¥ARD VALENTINE C~ ILMAN LOUI $ DEbt. ST TOWN C!~ERK ALERT %',~,~ R ICHMO~ TOWN ATTOI~NEY ROBERT %, TASKER -2- SUPERVISOR ALB~RTSON: ~'~e will op~ the he~in~ at %h~$ time and I will re&d the legal no ¢e as concerns the hearing, "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and ~.,rti.¢le IX of the B~lding zone .Ordi~~e of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk ¢ounty~ New York; public hearings will be held by the SoutholdTown Board in the Office of the Supervisor~ 16 South Street~ Greenport, New York~ insaid Town on the 23rd day ~f' April~ 1968~ at 7:30 o'clock in theevening of said day (n the following proposals to amend the Building zone Ordinance, (Includingthe Building zone Maps) of the Town o~ Southold, Sufffolk County, New York. "1 a - By changing from "B"' Business District to "B-2~' ~iness District the following d~sczibed property; "All that certain tract af land situated at ~he southeast corner Kenney's ~..~oad and North Sea Drive, $ou~hold, in the Town of Southolds Coun%y of Suffolk and State of New Yor~, and more particu, larly bounded and de~ribed as following: "BRGI~ING at the intersection af the easterly line of Ke~ey's Road with the southerly line of North Sea Drivel from said pot~ of beginnin9 running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive~ 183 feet more or to land of Glover, 113 feet more or less, to land of Potocki; thence west- erly along said land of Poto~ki, 202 feet, more or less to said easterly line of ~e~ey's ~.oad~ thence northerly along said easterly line 115 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B~' f~.:.one on ~he Zoning ~ap of theTo~n of $outhold aa adopted i~,~pril 9, 1957. "1 - b- By changing from "B" Business District to '~" MUltiple Residence District the following described property: "All that certain tract ~f land situated at the north east corner of Ke~ey'$ 9oad and Dogwood Lane, at $outhold, in the Town ~f Sou%hold~ County ~f Suffolk and State ~f New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: -3- '~IN~ING at inte section of the easterly line Ee y's Road with the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Kenney's Road, 465 feet more or less to land of 01iveri; thence easterly along said land of Oliveri, 202 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glovez 437 feet more or less to said northerly line axld through land of ~earns, Dogwood Ls~e~ thence westerly along said northerly line 285 feet or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of ~he same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the }:oning Map of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendement should appear at the time and place so specified." SU.oERVISOR ~L~gTS,ON: !',~le have the affidavits off publication in the file, indicating publication was actually made of this legal notice. I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. '.~eport to.. $outhold Town Board, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York~ MarcJa 25, 1968 "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the followin~ action was taken by the Southold Town ~lanning Board at a regular meeting held on March 19, 1968: "In the matter of the 'Town Board's own motion by changing from "B" Business District to "B-2" Business District and "B" Business District to Multiple 2esidnece District the following described property: (description of property was not read again) "It was RB$OLV~D that the Southold Town Planning Board does not favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change ~f zone l[ro~ "B" Business District 'to "B-2" Business Di$2rict and ='B" Business District to '~" Multiple Residence District -4- 'The Planning Board fills it was an ezro~ in 3udgeme~. th&~ this paxcel was originally zoned for business use. In view of the fact that there is a serious problem with water supply in this immediate vicinity, the Planning Board feels it would be a mistake to have this property anything by "A'..' Residential and ~gricultural District. "Respec'~fully submitted, /s/ John l~tckham, Chair~ul $outhold Town SUPERVISOR AL~RTSON: Before we hear testimony in this particular case, I might state that I have many letters and ~elegrams, many of which I think were based on misinformation. They c on~end that they are in favor of leaving ~he property the way it is. This property is presently "B"' Business property, which is the heaviest use in the business zone. The relief sought in this petition takes the comer lot, the refreshment stand is on that lot, and considers a change from ':'B" Business mistrict ~o "B-2" Business. The rest of the area which is "B" Business can be moved up to ~'M-I" Multiple iBesidence. Per haps to clarify this a little more, I sh.ould read to you the uses presently allowed in the business ~is~rict, that is the "B'? Business District. "In the 'B' Business District, no building or premises shall be used and no buildin~ shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordnance, except for one (1) or more of the f ollowin 9uses: 1- All permitted uses in the '~' Residential and Agricultural District, 'M' Muliiple Residence District "~ ' B-i' Business and "B-2' .qusiness Districts; ' M-1 ' ..uultiple ?:~esidence, 2 - Storage houses: 3-ice manufacturers; 4-Express carting or hauling offices or stations: 5-yards for storage and sale of rule and building materials; 6- printing plants; 7- bookbinding plants; 8- Laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing plants: 9- creamery, butter and cheese making and milk bottling and distributing plants: 10- carpenter shops; 11- plumbin.9 shops; 12- blacksmith shops; 13- electrician shops; 14- upholsterer shops; 15- Tinsmith -5- shops; 16- painter shops: 17- marinas, commercial docks and piers: 18- Ferry' docks and ferry storage yards and boat storage basins; 20- treating, converting, finishing, altering the aforesaid permitted uses and which is to the preparation of articles to be sold to ~he per£ormin~ of a service primarily In addition to this, the accessory buses docks, commercial fue.~ houses; 19- Boat yards, boat any manufacturing, fabricating or assembling, in connection with a necessary incident and accessory primarily on the premises or for residents of the neighborhood." that 9o along with these .Again to D~strict: 1- clarify, let me read what all permitted uses in the is permitted in the "B-2" Business A residential District, · "~'~ ?.iultiple Residence and M-1 ??!ultiple one and two family dwellings provided that such provisions of Sections 301 to 308, inclusive of dwellinDs; 4:- hospitals; 5- clinics; 6- nursing and financial institutions 9- retail stores; 10- and Agricultural Residence Districts; 2- dwellings comply with the this ~Ordtnance; 3- Multiple homes; 7-offices; 8-banks re staurant s; 11- bake shops (/or on-premises sales. ); 12- laundromat s and si/ilar establishments; 13- tailors, dry cleaners and milliners shops; 14-shoe repair shops; 15- jewelers', opticians, , watch andclock shops and similar es tabli shment s; 16- marinas :for the docking, morrO9 and accommodation of non-commercial boats, including the sale of fuel and oil primarily £orthe use of the boats accommodatedin such marina; 17- lodges chapter houses and clubs: 18- accessory uses on the same lot with and cust omar i1¥ incidental tO any of the permitted uses and lot involving a spearate business. So you see, this is a limited business zone. In this same change is also a piCe of property to be changed 'to M Multiple Residence and I there will read the uses permitted in that district. -6- 1-All permitted uses in "A" ~esident~al and Agricultural and ',"4-1" Nultiple Residence Districts: 2- Hotels and motels; 3- tourist cottages. (more than one tourist cottage may be permi~d on a lot when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided.~ Tourist camps, when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided; S- marinas for the docking, mooring or accommoda~i on of non-commercial boats when authorized as a special exception by the Bo~d of ;~.ppeals as hereinafter provided; 6- accessory uses of the same lot with .and customarily indidental to any permitted use and not involving the conduct of a separate business. · , U:-~. ,VIc~,~',~-'', ~%T-BE~TSON.- .... Unless someone wsnts me to read all of these letters that I have received, we will make note of 'them in the minutes and they will be read by the Board. At this time is there anyone present who wishes to steak in favor of this change? sent ...,liveri, and Potocki, and Dicker~on. I would say nothing e=cept if you would .Let, refer to the previous thing, the previous meeting here in reference to this change several weeks ago, and the discussion and the opposition, and the favor at that time. -~ . "~ '""' · -:~e had this some time ago from a B Business District up to ";'"' 9esidentlal and t:.gricultural, at which time., many people appeared. Some of those people are here tonight. They were concerned about the change because of the fact people had invested th&ir money quite properly in business zoned property. There was business established on it. There was also a multiple dwelling on there that had been built in recent years. Months, or days before our heartng~ unbeknotwn to us v the corner parcel was sold for ~;14,000.00. If it had been residential it would have been $ 4,000.00. The people bought for a particular purpose. So we decided to bring this up again, raisin9 the zone. This is up- zoning, but not as high as the original. -7- SUPERVISOR ALEERTSON: 14e would be 91ad to hear from any~e in favor of ~his up-zoning. (There was no response. ) ~=,:~,~,,:.,:.~ .;~.~,~ ?~'L r live on Leeton Drive. I wonder if you could clarify ~his in very simple terms. The way we understand it is someone%~n~s to build a motel and restaurant on that property. Is it now zoned for that purpose ? ,~!.J.:_ ~'.,2V$i~ .... ~., ~L~,RTSON- It is now zoned so that you could build any of the things mentioned in the B Business ?one area. This could be accomplished there now. ~,,~,~ .'_~--~.~.<. ,,~ould they build a motel and restaurant~ Yes, as well as the other things mentioned. ..; .~.,~.~,~.,.., ,,~:~.~-~,. ~ .- i don't think anyone would want a tinsmith shop or blacksmith shop there, or anythin9 else. ~'":;.~,VI ' ~ ~'~"~'~' "~ ,,~,~ ii~o~ ,.o'gN' ,~ould you indicate whether you are in favor of or against this change~ '~,~.~,~-~' "'~'?,~l~-:- · I am opposed to a restaurant in this area. You are in favor of this up-zoning, but wish it wo~ld 9o hi gher'~ Anyone else wxsh to speak in favor of this change (There was no response. ) . . r~.~..::~c,~.,....,..: I am in favor of up-zoning. ;-.,TsON- Any one else in favor of up z n_zng? ..,, :,. A,.~T,~ I-~'~.,2 I S: i am ~n favor of up-zoning. MR B G ~ Enl~-~RSTONEHALK~I: I am ~n favor of up-zonin9 o MR. SIEBERT: Live on North Sea Drive. I am in favor ~f the up-zoning. -8- MR. ARTHUR FUSS: I live on the corner of Leeton and ~'e$1and . I am in favor of the up-zoning ,and wish ~ha~ it could be residential. H~.ZEL '-'~'::'pig.:.. ~ . "..ire on the corner of Soundview and !~nney~$ .~i(oado It would be much better as it was, residential. ~4~{...i:..)HN J.;t':-'~"~';~, ,-, .- '~.~ive at 465 North ~a Drive. I am in favor of up zoning, particularly would like ;. ~{esidential zoning. I object to any since this is residential property. commercial use of the property, The property is very small. There is business proper t¥ in ~he main part of Town. This is no.~ in the best interest of the community as a whole. Motels catereto transient That may be ~p to one or two in the morning, This is not suitable for small childzen~'. This i$ a distance off the main road. People in this area had homes built to provide sa~e places for their children. This would not be so if this bu~~ness was permitted. Now, I would like tO bring up a motion to change all the property to residential 'f'," , including the property owned by ;4r. Potocki and his wife. SON-. This could be done by petition. joHN .3~.2/,.,:A: I move also that no plans be approved for any commercial building or certificate of occupancy issued for any c oau~e r c i a 1 building except that [,~r. potocki be allowed to operate with the present number units since it is presently established. would like to up-grade all North ,'Sea Drive, a~d ~.~nney ' s property along Dogwood Lane, ~oad, and bring it up to Kesidential u:."... , which is the best for the area. could we operate if we wanted to if upzoned to residential. ~ few of these people that have bought were there was business and apartments, i'e don't want to lose the money invested. -9- RALPH GLOVBR: My p~ope~ty adjoins this property. have heard stories abcmt three stor~ motels and all ~f that. would you cla=ify ~,.~.-~:~V!:~ )2 ALgEi'~To~: I am not the builder, I don't have for that property. Fifty feet is the maximum height RALPH G£,-'0Vk.~: ~.ihat could the property be used for now? Any one o~ the particular mentioned the heavy business use. that. any plans the area. ~hing$ in Has there been any request for a building ~ .... ,~,VI~,,_,.:,,-~ ALBBRTSON: Not to my knowledge. permit there ? They had a little snack bar there. and there was no disturbance or anything, I have which is zoned for six cottages, and I They were good about property along there people had only one car in the family the week. These people could go over Some of the have two cottages. city during That little snack bar didn't hurt anyone. If they and it was taken to the there for necessities. it would. are 9oin9 to build something bigger live statement~ I would like to ask one hearing, did that heaz~g take place hands? on North Sea Drive. or two questions. beEore or after Before I make any This previous property changed SU~-'~2VI°mO ,~: au:~mC0N' It was after M?.. : It is my understanding that the purpose of the previous hearing was to up zone the entire parcel tO aesidential ? SUPER VI $-"-' ''~ -~-~ AL~i~TSON: Right, ~.and the majority of the people at that time were opposed to that up zoning ? SUPERVISC)R ALBERTSON: Right. : Is there any record from that hearing? -10- SI~BRVISOR ALBERTSON: We have the record. ~. : I ~hink it be enlightened on this previous would be very helpful if ~eople hearing. It would be rather sad if at this nrevious hearing ~ople who c~n single residences were up-zoning. The Town's own planning commission recommended residential aone and have s ta~ed ~he¥ are use of this ~roper~y. Lf this proper~y is going it would seem ~here would be some indication or could ~o me tha~ this opposed to any commercial to be changed for zoning, statement as to what the purchaser wants to do with it. It seems to me that there are certain People have purchased property and now own pieee rights considered here. of existing zone. %~e have prided residential zoning. The contention that number of children in this area. are motels and there are motels; there ,3~ restaurants There are a good restaurna~s. many of us have, there alcohol. and there are ~e may end up with a very dangerous place that serves They become magnets for young people ~hat will 'be drag racing at night with excessive speed. a water Droblem. I di~n"t understand sanitation. The Planning Commission mentimed if' tl~at meant water supply or This is a fact that has bothered all of us. In this case, I am in favor of the up-zoning because that is all I can be for. The people who had summer homes there didn,t need the snack bar. I am in favor of this property being up-zoned to ~'?" residential as recommended °lanning Board. by ~he else wish to speak: property will be used in the same manner that it is being used now? live on Leeton Drive. Is there any insurance that this -11- SU?. BRVIS,9lt ALBERTS'ON: The answer to tha~ ~ No. This can' t be insured. There is no insurance ~hat you won'~ pu~ an additional sZory on your house or that you may have a police dog that barks all night. ~; ,)~* '...: - ;...Alat would someone like ~,,~'~S~Zi:,~'~f '~ ,? i am in favor of up zoning. ?~. Votocki t~ave to do to increase the size of the motel dwelling? comply with requirements for side yard, rear yard, height. They could do this in an "'" ~ zone. ~ zone as well as in a Lnyone else ~ish ~o be heard in favor of Zhis up-zoning ~-~ -~ ,-..~~ Firs~ I would like to ~. iiLi{~.~ ~,~.~. ~.~,,: i live on North ~ea Drive. tell ~kr. Olover a ~amily could be left all week alone and have a place ~o 90. 'i'l~e neighbors are very helpful. I have left my family alone all week withou~ a c~Lr. The neighbors always ask ii' these people need anything. The snack bar when i2 was under ~. I~.~into$ch, North ~%ea Drive was a and i2 still is. This will not hel~ dra9 s~rip for youn9 l'oiks a~ nigh~, matters if a res~aur~~ 9oe$ in here. I have a copy of the ~suildin9 · Zone ~)rdinance and under General Provisions, ;=ticle ?"~' Section lO07w Subsection ~ V i= s~a~es: '~-hene er a non-conformin9 use of a buildin~ (d), O~ premises has been discontinued for a period of more %hah ~wo (2) years, or changed to & higher classif ica~ion, or ~o a conformino use, an~hin9 in this ection to ~he contrary notwithstanding, the non-conf i e of ora ng us such building or pre.~ises shall not longer be permitted unless a variance therefore shall ~ .ave been ~ranted by the Boardof { ppe/~ls ~S hereinbefore provided. ' I believe that second point is for the people there. -12- SUPERVISOR ALMERTSON: It would be could stay idle in a business That p:ovtsion$ day · if the distric~ district for 100 years wasn' % busin ess. and s~ar~ up ~he applies to :'A" Residential district. But the whole area is residential 3 U ~ L ii V I q 0 R AMBROSE: I am right snack bar is in a business is residential · business. neighborhood across the street from the snack bar. It i$ deteriorating. zone. I don't This snack The best thin9 %o and make tlhe area something we as long as can all this is there. residential understand why i% is. bar 'nas been vacant do is to rezone that to be proud of. It's I suggest you take The The ~re necessary tO rezone it to "~-" ,Qesidential. I live aZ 570 North :~;ea Drive. rezoned to residential and let Potocki stay the people were here, they could have looked If ~hey didn'~ like it, they ?;ould a~ %he map could have nex~ f ire years. ~esidential not really whatever steps like to see it way i~ is. on the map. If they don't like it, move interested when they · ~'B-2; [~usiness there. Everything was in seen i~ was gone someplace OU~. firSt moved a business zone el se. That wac Everything was set for a of it. This is recorded on ~he book as ~''B If this is uo-zoned, zoning · it is zoned for six live on North Sea Dr ire · is this going to dwe 11 lng s. this is I would like to ~ a question. our investment- ' a heard that up-zoned v~e can't have six dwe 11 lng s ~ This change does not affect your property. -13- o~M~L ~IA~ REL: If a~e going ~o be to residential, I any of the investors who bought ~his for hurt by purchasing th/s property, will buy the property from them and all ~he legal fees ~oo. proper:¥ feel they this wi!l be up-zoned whatever they paid were the first ones to buy Glover put .in 'the plumbing. prcperty down there. ~tro were smv~er residents nine months out of the year ~e love that place, e some changes made. are now living down here permanently. I happen to know Mr. Siebert very well. Xhere should be You o~ed that snack bar didn't you? The summer residenZs should go can ' t even 100 £eet in for the se people to feet up from the beach. They from the road. That was ~.'%U. rY iJ ! :-J.,ELL: i v~ould to accep~ the !~lannin9 up there on .~-unday and see what you can do. ~There was come do~m here and use this beach. bought the property, there could 'be only build a motel on. It were not suppose to a restriction with the like to gon on record ~oard, S recommendaZion of A.~ ~. ~{ T$ONk i~ny one e 1 s e wi s h t o be no response. was to be only 100 9o in more thzm 100 feet property as reque s ting the zoning ~ard heard in favor of this? zoning. Anyone wish to speak inopposi~ion to this up- T opposed to accept the to hurt anyone, then I am opposed it too. I have money invested in like we discussed at the last seeing. ~-nyone el se wish to be heard one ~vay or ~o it. there. the other ? -14- M~S. pOTOCKI: We are content with what we have now, but we do intend to build another unit. Since when is multiple anything with multiple dwelling. ..;c 1,, ,n~E !~VI ,,-> ,..,,:-~ : ,BE, ~-,T c~ 0~: You can ' t d~vel lin9 up-zoning have everything with when you can have multiple d~ 1]~ng. 'Then ciarify it. read the list of uses. Haybe you came in late, You can only have multiple dwellings. There could only be multiple dwellings in that area? ;['hen private .property owners couldn't be there'? SUOE i2VI SOil Any use that is permitted in the residential and perm~ ted here agricultural district would be ' 't · The Doard itself tried to rezone it on two occa$ sions ~ realizin~ it was danoerous. ~'ill you please explain that. previous to this one. The people at that time-were not in favor of the chan9e of this proper~y to all "A,~'' Residential and agricultural. It 'was agreed everyone ~-ould be happy wish ~- "Bu2'~ and '"~'~"~-.,. situation, but not to stay with "B ~:' zoning. to that previous hearing thc Town Board making mention to for the up-grade to residential I felt that it unnecessary. I wrote a letter and I didn't come to that hearing. I would li~ to luacn,~ if that l~tter v~as recorded? .... ~T'''''''''~? If such a letter v~as written, it was in the file. These thin9s are not pre-judged. You should come to the hearing. discussed at the last meeting. I z;m opposed to an "?" zoning in there. -15- A'L,~RT-~ON: ~¥one else wish to be : I live on Maple Ave. realize that many area residents are people that These people do not get the paper and would not heard? I am sure the Board must come out for the summer know such m meeting is going the interested in the community, T restaurlmt and snack bar. h ay e an inve $ tment in the community and you should get the be zoned "B 2" newspaper · This is ~ taking in assume that the ba~ · This is the area where the snack bar presently exist. I live on Do9 ,i-ood 'Lane. I am in favor of up- zoning this property. bought a house ~here three years ago. I ~:ould like it to 9° up to residential residential -~!,~ .[~IE,-,.-.~.,m_ r live at 40 North .qea Drive. , .,:,. ~ r~,L> ~',~ .~ ~ ~..Irs. l-{arry Green and Robert ~reen are in favor of zoning residential. don t meet the peopl~ in 5unland, understand that public beach. Eut the sign out on '~' --, ig has bought "' n * n peo?le to ~-,en ~y's beach lh~t s · ~ ive ' ~ or stay yth' ~ s ~ney it %~as told of the beach, i didn' t know that, I don't use the ~:%oute 27;: directs in alot of people that "just come do-~:~ here to me. People come don't in from out of Tov:n and ~se the be ach. :..,~ :-..'['~m':,, I live on :,~-Uoundview and i%enney's ':~oad. I am in f a~or · up.-zon~ng. in favor of the zon 11P- up- i ~'.~. GRIGCINIS: Before we 9et carried away, are or ALHEPTSON: No, we SUPERVI S._R are not here i~'~. GIRC~DNIS'. By saying :,z,~';?,. , we might not be we here for ~'A': saying anything. zoning ? should c.:1' '~ r,t:~'P !IT¢ 9R ~ L~RTSON: ~?hat you are saying is that you would like to have this moved up to an ~;. ~.one. residential. ! under stood that he wanted to That isn't what it was, and I would up-grade it to ~"£, '? like to correct my s%atement. .,.~.~. ~;,~ ~.,~>;~::, Is there anyway for the people of a hearing, i think the decisions should be appear in to find out the results published in the newspaper. the ney:span>er. I a~a in favor of an .,: zone. Deople seem to object to the thought of a motel being built on this proper~y. else i:.~re sent who wishes heard one way or the other on this~ (Tl~ere was no response. £ L=':?'mCgN. >!earing none, %-e will close the hez~ring this piece of property, for the further deliberation of the to be tck on iioard, -17- SUPERVISOR AL~TSON: I w~ll read the leoal not~ce as £t concerns the second hea~ing. ?'2 a- B)u chanson9 £=om ~"B" Business D~st~c~ to ~'~-~" Multiple Residence Distr~ct the followin9 described property: "Ail that certain taact of land situated at the north side Main ~oad~ at ~ lent, ~ ~_.r in the Town of Southold, ,~ounty of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "BEGINNING at the point on the northerly line of the ~,,~in Rodd 86 feet more or less, westerly along said northerly line from Y~ ngs ;venue; from said point of beginnin~ runnin9 westerly alon9 said northerly line of the ~ain Road 94 feet more or less, to land of 2he State of New York; thence northerly alon9 land of ~':asilewski, 144 feet more or less; thence along land of B.H. King two courses: (1) easterly 92 feet more or less; thence (2) southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of beginning. ~ingaand intended ~o be par~ of ~he same parcel shc~-n as a "B" zone on the zoning map of the Town of $outhold as adopted ~pril 9, 1957. "2 b - By changing from "B" Business District to "A" .aesiden~ial an~ Agricultural District the following described property: ;'All that certain tract of land situated at the northwest corner ~f Road and Youngs Avenue, at _,~rient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suff blk and state of NewYork, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~'~GiNiNG at the intersection of ~he northerly line of ~he i, iain Road with the westerly line of Youngs Avenue; from said point of beginning zuning westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road 8~ feet more or less to land of E.H. ,<ing~ thence along said land of ~ng; three courses -18- (1) noxthezl¥ 149 less: thence ~f the 5~in Road: ~eet mo~e o~ less~ thence (2) westerly 92 £eet ~oxe or southerly 134 feet, more or less, to said northerly line thence westerly along said northerly line of the ~in Road 32:2 feet more to land of %.;illiaml or less, thence northerly along said land of %-~illiams, land of Reybine, and land of Hughes, 641 £eet more or less: thence northeasterly al on9 said land of Hughes, 125 i'eet mo~ e or less to land off ezra.., thence easterly along said or less to said westerly line of Youngs Avenue; land of ezra, 146 feet thence southerly along more said westerly line 69~ feet, more or less Being and intended to be part of the zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of to the point of beginning. same parcel of land shown as a "B:' 5.outhold as adopted ~.pril 9, 1957. '"Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed ~mndment s should appear at the time and place ,~.%UPt~RVI SOF. AL~RTSON: There are so specified, affidavit s of publication in the file indicat in9 publication was made of this notice. I will now read ~he xecoa~endation of the ?lannin9 Board. ~'R ep.ort to: S outbid Town Board, 16 South Street, Greenpor~ ~ New Yorks March 25,1968, "Gent lemen: This is to certify ann n9 the Southold Town P1 i Board at that the following action was taken a regular mee%in9 held on March 19, 19~8 ~ the matter of the Town from ' B' Business District to from ' B' ~usiness District to Board' s C~n motion f ora change of zone 'M-I' Multiple Residence District and 'A' Residential and ~.gricultural District on the following described proper~y: {Legal description was no read ;'It was P, ES©LVE:D that the Southold Town Planning favorably to the SouthoId Town Boaxd the change Board recommends District to 'M-I' Plultiple Residence District and from from 'B' Busiaess 'B' Bus.ess D~s~r~c~ to ~A' ~es~dent~al and -19- Agz :Lo ul't ur & l D~s~zict on ~he above described propezty. "The pzopez-~y is p~esently used ~o2: zesiden~Aal pu~~s- bu~~ss c~~~ed ~ ~he p~e~~s e~ep~ f oz a~t~~$ ~ ~his ~zt '~es~c~~lY su~tted, /s/ Jo~ ~ic~~, C~E~, South~d T~ Pl~ng ~d.- S~BR~~R ~~RT~: I have a lette~ ~xe w~ch I w~l! r~. "I ~ve a few q~st~s, ~. Su~is~. "#1. To the Board' $outhold that has so small an amount of pzopezty "#2. Can you give me the diffezence in value Theze ts no between pzope~ty business ove~ ~esidence? "#3. Does the Boazd feel it was a ~tstake, on my Gellette Farm---n~ ~ion Mano~-- to Petez Rlank wise, to the town-- also m~ hone farm to wal~er Uhl? dev e lopment, "#4. With the O~ster business business, the Scallop and Fishi.ng droppin9 out af farming we goin~ to support ou~ many othe~ things such as the property zoned for business? well. I have always been very optimistic, we a~e discussing tonight is pzoperty that a hundred years-- The Borwn House, wi~h five apar%~ts, every house lot has been sold on the west side of Y~b~gs several af the shipyards out of gone, business at a st~.dstill and the f arMrs one-h~s~e, as you have heard me say before, how aze schools, churches, public buildings, parks and His~ozical Society in our ~own, withou~ M~. Supezvtsor, ¥ou~ Boozd knows me quite nevez pessimistic. The prq~ ezty has been business for well over all rented-- R~, a15o ~h~ee on the east side; ever~ purchaser knew ~ potato house, now belong ~O Gzegozy & Doyle had been doing business fo2: many years-- long before a house ~ot was sold in this a~ea -- nevez any complaints. ~ an l:zul¥ z~d foz zoned for business as Orient? -20- convinced that this a personal issue. ~f the ~k)~d sees £~t 'co up-zone happen, in value, ~o ~he B~~ House ~h&t has cost me nearly $40,000.00 and the potato house c~ G~ego~y & Doyle tha~; has, and still ~s doting business? '~O~ these v&riaus reasons, I am asking the Town eoaxd to reject this petition. This area has been used for business c~ the Gastern ~',xcava~ion Co. f o~ seven years, and Roscoe Kin9 the past ~our years without one sLugle complaint. the Booed 8annot see it's way clear to ~eject, ! beg c~ you tohold your decision until the time comes when acreage can be down-zoned for business in the Village of "Very SUPBRVISOR ALiIERTSON: In as roach this letter was in opposition, we will hear f~om those opposed change f i~st. Anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to ~his change? WILLIA~ 5C~RIBVGR: I am from Main Road, O~fent. I guess thai I am the one that stirred up the hornets nest. I would like ~o clear up the facts of the mat~er. L~ you will recall several years ago, there was an application to build a civil defense ga~&ge on the co~ne~ of Youngs Avenue and Main Road. That is ~he sane a~ea ~;ha~ is undez di~ussion tonight. I had arranged with M~. Kin~ to move the co~ner house c~f that lot onto anothe~ lot. I wanted to ezect a garage on tha~ property. O~i~~ objected and i~ was denied. This was a case cg special exception that zequized to get exception to business. Permissi~ to use the gaxa~ was denied. Then, about ready ~o go into the exc&va~ion and cons~zuct£on bus~nesso use business p~ope~ty fo~ that type of buying out the equipment af Mr. Roscoe King. out ~f O~ient. I live in Ori~t, Roscoe king lives in Orient, found n~self I wan't to operate mY business lives in O~ient, Mx. Latham Tabor who 9~b~ works for me also lives in Orient. -21- WILLIAM SCHRIEVER (con'S): I~ Es ou~&O~ous ~ha~ we can'~ run a business that is h~.on.,' grown in the vicinity ~hat we live. It is not a retail business. There is no traffic except you own vehicles. I~ is not like running a snack bar or service station. There was only one peice of prime business property in the Village of Orient, par t ~f which is owned by Bd King, and part by Gregory and Doyle. If you want to set up business in Orient, and abide with the Zoning laws, one would have to change property to that or purchase property that is zoned, The logical thin9 fo~ ae to do was to approach Gregory $ Doyle to see if they would sell, his property at a resonable price. You could buy a lot c~ homes along Village Lane and tear them down and well bush ess property. Anyway, I approached Gre.groy and Doyle to see if they would sell this property. I dealth through Mr. Floyd King. They had been approached to $ell this property ~o Tony Norklun to use the potate house ther-'for part a[ ,is construction business, Apparently, there was some difffmlty in meeting thepti-ce. found the price high. I agreed to put a binder on the property, provid/n9 he would guarantee ~hat the property would not be up zoned. He r~hsed to make this arrangement so that no contract was ever made. i~ord of ~hia adventure leaked out and a petition was drawn up and circula~ed and presen%ed tothe Town Board, asking ~hat the whole property be up-zoned. This would prevent my usin~ the property. This makes the property ~f little value to me. I~ wuld have been necessary for me to ~ake down the existing buildings and build my own buildings ~o make proper use of ~b/s property. H this property had been up zoned to some "B" zone, then this property could continue to operate ~he way f~ was then operating~ forever and ever as long as the trucks continued to use t~ ~he same way o I believe you can expand 50'% af what tt was at the time ~he change was made in the In view of the fact that I would have to tea~ down existing buildings and build new, there was a question whether or not I could have -22- obtained to build a new building, There W&8 a financial situation uder the circuastances. Access to the property was not &s neat as it might have been. There is a tree that provides cer.i~n obstructions. There is no frontage on the ~n Road. If ~ou try to sell without frontage~ you don,t have much to sell. That was ~he nature o~ this property. The price was way to high. The chance was that I would buy the property and not be able to use it. I view o~ that, I found it necessary to approach o~he~ people in the a~ea, to see if I could purchase other property that was sore suitable, better located, and less interference with uses. had to fimt property that could be down-z~d to business. For th&~ reason there is another hea~ing tonight. C~ the two pieces eof property, I would much prefer the one that is co~Lngup Later. It's much better in terms of access a~d space and c~ course in tez~s o~ cost. This property is now zoned business and the other property is not zoned business. I would like business property to run my business. This is ~he only property now available to me. I would like to have this property remain business zone, if I ~ not given the opportunity 1:o go elsewhere, I would much prefer the other property s and I think the other people would prefer, it also. ~ile I realize ~hat many people have acquired property in this a~ea, it was business zoned, The area has been substantially residential. One of the businesses is no longer in existance. Considering the demand for business property, that part of this property might as well be residen~i&lo The deauuut for that property as business p~opezty would be ~inim~l. not really in favor ~f up-zoning that property as far as frontage. If the Village ~f orient decides there is going to be a need for business pzpperty, that particular spot is a good one for business. It's across the stzee~ from existing bus, ness property now. That's probably the reason why it was zoned bus ines s. The frontage should stay business and the back part should be residential, Thank you. -23- SUPBRVIS~ AL~RTSON: Thank you ~. Sahxievez, Is ~he~:e alppne else present who w~shes to be heard in opposition to ~his applicati~ I object to the change f~om business to residential. ,~i~/4Y CHA~}~qN: I ma not saying whether I talking abou~ a~~ ~f prpperty to be. used au opposed or not. we are as residential, business or whatever, t~e are no% concerned about one personality. ~e have ~o speak in terms of people, neighborhood people coming here and living here now, not just about ~his one business. FLOYD KING, JR.: I am real estate broker. I would like to say I have no transaction bindin~ on this property. eel that each c~unity needs business area. You need business prope~:~y to give good tax basis. The business area should be on the west end af the coeaunityo The one through road is route 25. This business property should be on this road. The in question meets these requirements. the change as outlined here is contrary ,~e small '~' zone and balance of loute 25 will also be rather small. I also feel that to principal of zoning. we are spot of business area on the south side understanding of the Zoning Ordznance is that the "H" zone would not permit than fou~ unit dwellings. Is that correct? SUPBtVISOR ALB~RTS~: You axe w~on~. FLOYD KING: I do think there is reason for some change in this area. I don't feel that the change contemplated here is for the benefit of the community. GBRTRUDE ~EEVB~:I am from the road covered. ~,e ,new that wh~ we bought others. a little older. ~iaybe the property tha~ it was zoned business o $o did each one of the Why extinguish this property that absorbs taxes, we ~e all getting others don' t have to worry about it.. I wonder if they are thinking about additiz~al school taxes. ~ f f SUPBR¥I$OR 3N.,BERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heaxd in opposition ~0 this change? (There was no zesponse*) -24- SUP~RVI60~ ALBBRTSON: Is the~e anyone p~esent who wishes to s~eak in favor of this change? ROBERT ~12HRC~DBa.- I don't think Mr. Schriever would like objection in form of his competition. I would be very glad ~o bring my equipment into the To~m of Orient. It just i~'t the place for that type of business. am in favor of up-z nzn9 · , Anyone else wish to be he~d in favor of? SU~.RVI SOR A.,.BEPTSON: ,.~FFC.9Y HI-GH: I just bought the house that contained a iii:fl; shop. bought the house knowing that it was zoned for business. I felt that it was to my advantage. I kow intend to make my hom~ there. I am in favor of the up-zoning. ~-~.:,,~x~SON ~yone else wish to be heard in favor ? ROBERT SCHROEDER: I have a letter from the people who are bu~ng lot on a ti~ue basis. Mr. Haberman who is in ~he hospital is also in .f&vor up- zoning. $1~E..qVI SOl~ ALBEk~rSON .. I have a letter here which I wil:~ read'. -'April 18, 1968, Board of Zoning, Southold, New York 11971 Building 7one Ordinance, Proposal #2, Rezonin9 property in on Youngs '9oad from Business tobKesidential Whom it ~,~ay Concern: Bein a property owner on Youngs Road we assumed that this was already zoned residential. are greatly opposed ~o having it zoned business~ and are in f avorc~ the proposed Orient Orient change. ~-ffours truly, /s/ Robert E. Gloria, /s/ Penelope D. Gloria. SU_~ERVISOR ALBERTSON: This will be part of the record. Is there an),one else who wishes to be heard in favor of this change? -25- ~,~~NC[; 2EYBI~: First I would like to take exception to Mr. Schriever~s remakk that the requrest for up-zoning was done in anticipation of his plans because there was no way of knowing what his plans were. I would like to ask Mrs Reeves if her property is now zoned "A" or ~"~ ~'~ i~EEVE$: It is zoned Ihis property would be more valuable as residential than it would be as business. Mr. $chriever very wisely pointed out there is a cul-de-sac there in which he would be putting his business with no access to the property. I really think that all of the people would be 91ad to leave what is there now.. ¥;~hat we are here for is to determine the most good f or most of the people. I know Gregory & Doyle and Mx, Kinp~ and I respect ,~,~. i~np, however, these two lots would be more valuable as residential property than businea$, I am in favor of up-zoning this property, ,~_ ,~ ~,-~,,~. ~~,:~: I am in favor of up-zoning this area as advertised, think l,,/a. Schriever very well pointed out somethLn9 we have to consider, It is very expensive to ~ear down ex£stin9 buildings to build new, Most of this area is already built up with residence or multiple residence. It incurs a great deal to tear this down and set up another type of business enterprise. There should be an area in £~ient that could be used for business, but I am opposed ~o this place being used for business and I would like to see it up- zoned. ROBERT ~Hi~CEDL~: fha the original petition, there was 22 or 23 names. Some of those people aren't here tonight. Could they 90 on record? SUPBi"iVISOI:'~, AL~aTc'~'N Anyone else wish o_,,: We have the original petition, to be heard in favor of this change? .RUTH C~.MP~LL: I am in favor of up-zoning, We own the lot next to the Button-wood tree. %~.hatever comes up in this area affects all of us, Our prop. erty would be without value if there was a business there. We did not know it was zoned business when we bought it, -26- Anyone else w=sh to be heard in favor of this change (There was no response. ) ~~,,: Anyone wish ~o be heard one way oz ~he o~her? fq2 i~Db; IN KI . .,,=: In reference to Mrs. Campbell, they knew it was business because I sold the house. They knew when they bought the house that .my potato house was in the back yard, my trucks were g~ing in and ou~ £or grading potatoes. they keep earth moving equipment and bu~l-dozers and this ty'?e of thing' in there, doesn't this constitute a garage? The question of storage of this equipment would not be raised in ',-~,,~' district, would be clasifufied as business. ';.~'.... ~5~2.NCE. ?SYBI~.: The equipment could be kept there legally? ~" ~'~:"~"~,' . f~:[..iq: ES-"-' · If this was zoned business. .... ~--..~.~:.:~,~,..~ ,!~EYBINE: ~.',~r. King stares that ~he potato house was operating as business. say that the potato house is an agricultural operation and that in an '~%" zone it couls still operate. operation has been there a. 9ood many}.'years. ',<hen first bought this ,~rea, there was no house there, but there was a potato house there. I can' t see why anyone should object to having this stay the way it is. SUPB~.~VIca~'~,~ .. ~,_.:~, ALBERTSON-. . ~*:nyone else wish to be heard~. '..A'i<:~_.i~EB REYBINE; I have no objection to the property to stay as it is now, bu~ I think we are faced with the fact that i.f it was zoned as business zone the uses that can be put there. -27- ?~I'~. :.lING: My main interest in that area is the building that I have ,';4o ooo oo invested in. In your M-1 zone you can have four have five apartments, and they pay back the cost of my expense there. There is room to make another apartment there. If you p~ this ~onin9 I wi!l not be able to build another apartment there. The -".,~- 1 zone provides ~four apartment $, £nyone else wish ~o be he~rd one way or the other? :,, .... . ,,/'.MpP~.~2.~, : '~e need business in ~,kient, but it seems to me with all this farm land there must be some l_)lace else. ~,~,:e have been looking for a !~lace to build a larger house, in Orient. ;~"hat Orient need is residential property. This might be something the Board should consider. Jglu-~' T,UT}{Ii'..:~ : Itverybody ag~es and seems to be in favor of having this residential except for the apartments. My understanding was that the ~etition circulated did not include any mention of ;'tr. Kin9 ' s pr oper ty, Cf','~'RENCB lT5:YBI~: V. ie have no objection to having this piece property classified as an "M',' or "M-1 ~' . I personally would have no objection to having it c~assified as "M~'. ~OBF. RT SCHaOEDER: How many apartments couldhhe have if it was classified $I_~~RVISOR A,.,BF, aTSON: It would depend on the size of the lot. IP. VING L!~TI{.A~: I own property on Youngs aoad. I also would be in favor of up-zoning this to '~'A" residential if ;,~r. l~ing can keep his apartment house and '%~ '~ zone. WI!.LIAM SCHR, IB~i~: I am wondering about the area of the lot which the Broom house is on. I think it is about 150 feet by 100 feet. SIIPFJ~,VISOR ALBERTSON: It iS 144 feet by 92 feet. ~.~:ILLIAW, SCHRIE~R: That would be about 15,000 square feet. there a limit as to how much of the lot you can build on? -28- LOUI~ DEMAREST: lie would be able tc build on 7500 square feet. ~I:~: I~;.~ .... SCiiRIEVER: isn't there smme limit as to what he could build? He could build about three times what he has there now. You are not doing any favors by changing this from ?,~. KI~: This area was all laid out before zoning was adopted. All of my tenant $ are good tenant s. I have no complaint s. I have two hoase lot s there also. If the zone change~, what will I do with these two house lots? '~' ........ ?. _ , Does anyone ~u~b~V7%~Of,~ AL~iLR'£$ON: I can t settle that for you tonight. else wish to be heard one way or the o~her on this change? ( 'i'he~ e wa ~ n o ~ e spon se. ) Anyone at all", (There was no response. Hearing none, we will close this particular hearing for the ~urther deliberatiun ~f the 2~ard. SU'.~ERVISOR ALBBRTSON: %~.~e will take up proposition number four at this time since it 9oes alon9 with the last hearing. I will read the iegal notice of hearing. :~'4. By changin9 from '~'a;' Residential and Agricultural District to 'B' Business District the following described property: 'All that certain tract of land situated at Orient, in theTovn of $outhold, County of. Suffolk and Sta~e of New York, and more par~iculaz~ bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at the southerly side of the ?4ain 2oad and the easterly side of Tabor .~oad, then running in an easterly direction along southerly side of ?,~in Road 225 feet to land of Ferretra, t?mn along land of Ferreira in a asoutherly direction 150 feet; then along lands of Ferreira, Gloria, and Wernikowksi in a easterlF direction 210 feet to land of villiam Terry, Jr., then running south easterly along lands of ~illiam Terry, Jr., 650 feet to Orient Central Cemetez$ than running in a westerly directinn along lands -29- of Orient Central Cemetery 670 £ee~ ~hen in a northerly direction on ~he to the easterly side of easterly side of Tabor Tabor Road Road 760 £eet the point of beginning. '~¥ person desiring ~o be heardon the above propo~d amendments shouid appear at the time an place so specified. indicating publication was have the affidavits actually made of :his oX publication iegalnotice. in the filea, I will now read the recommendation of the :-~lanning to: Southold To%~n Board, 16 South Street, Greenpor~, Ne~v York, [~.~.arch 26, 1968 "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following 3outhoid Town ?lannin9 Board at a regular meeting held action was taken by on ~arch 19, 1968: "!n the matter of the petition of .i,,'ussel Tabor & Sons, Orien~, New York, fora change of zone from ~"A~' i~esidential and Agricultural District to "B': Business District on certain real property situated at Orient, in the Town of $outhbld, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: (legal descrip~o~ was not read again. ) was ?.E$C~~D :hat the 5outhold Town Planning Board does not favorably redommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from ~"A~' ~.esidential and Agricultural Districttto "B" Business Distric~ on the above described property. "i~ is the opirA on of the Planning Board that in keeping with their policy there should be a buffer zone between business property and a cemetery. ~' r~ery sincerely /s/ John ',.~ickham Chairman J~outhold Town Planning -30- SUP~RV$SOR ALB~RTSON: I have letters before m~ which ara in opposition to this change and they will be made ,part ~f the record. I also have a petition that includes many names. At this time is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of the relief sought in this petition? h~RNOECL. T.~~(~.., It has been stated here tonight that there is no property in C,rient zoned for Business at this $imeo The main part of this property is on Tabor Road. There are no residences on either side of the road. I have a chance to sell this piece of property and i would like to see ii zoned business. An¥cme else wish to be heard in f avoz oz' this change ? FI.OYD KiNG,JR.: i would like to repeat my previous statement. I am a real estate broker. I am not connected with this ~rmsaction as far as this land is concerned. .~:gain, the general bus. ess area should be on the west side of the comm~ity. This properZy is most westerly of various land available on l~ou~e 25, without getting involved in waterfront property. Business property should not be on the waterfront. This property which in question tonight does no~ make prime resic~~tial property. It is right across the stree~ from the school. On one side you 1&ok out at the cemetery~ and on the southeast iZ is bounded by the cemetery. The only logical complaint that I can see would be the possible safety hazard for small children6 however the majority of the children are ~aken a~'ay from Zhe school in buses. Xhe 6rosswalk is approximately 500 feet west of this property. For these reasons, and for t&e need of additional business property in Orient, I am in favor of this change? Thank You Mr. King Is there anyone else who wishes to speak in £ avor of thl s change ? o: I am in favor of it. ~.~5. t~'ILSON': I am in favor of this Change from reddential to business. need the busin ess. -31- £ avor of Z.his chanue ~ there anyone else who wishes ~o be heard in -._-..~-~.:.~IE'~..--- I ~hink everybody here was here a ii~le while ~o~ so ! will continue with ~he $~ory. This piece of proper~¥ is an ideal for business ?ro'?erty, in view of what is available in the ~Jiiiage of '?'rient. :.'Trient l~as been around for more than i00 years~ long before ~oninco~ ~.n~ ~.~e :. le have done what ~hey have done. Orien~ {s a dead-end~ exce-?t when ~he ferry is running. ,~'~I1 of ghe tr.~£ic going in and ou% of . '~' "ou'~e ..~5 ?1~ of the tr~£i¢ is going ~o nave ~'~o go the school unless you want i% ~o go ~hrough '~i?rchard Lane. 'i~e $¢hool has been on ~h&t road for a long ~ime, and a new school was erected on ~'oute 25. have made a list of the businesses in Orient, which is will supply a copy of to ~he secretary. I would like to read a little 'bit rom ~his ].ist. have divided the list of business in~o ~wo ca~agorie$. ~he :~:zzst cataoory i~ construction and 'trucking businesses. Under excava~'~in~ ~' ;":ava '~rvincu Lathar~, /rank chriever .]onstruction Co. That is four excavating 'business in Orient at the .?resent ti:cae. :.;ine is compariabte in size ~o the others. Under trucking, there are three people operaZinw trucks out of Orient: :<obert .~roskoski ~ ~.ard 2~bor, under cs~en~ry ~ I have i'ony ~,Iorklun~ '~ afl ~ng, Bryan% ("Charles ;'-~yder, 3ohn ...~ondarchuk; under piumbing~ ~ have C Tabor, and i.~oss Nor.klun. i realize ~hat .~oss l~'orklun is part Tony Norkiun. Under Electrical contracting, i have Ted ~ohluf£; under F, aintin9~ Don ~4¢Neill: under landscaping, Joe Andrede and Gary 'Cabcr; under fuel oil, I have I.T. }~wards; ~e have ~wo service stations~ ,.?'oe A. ndrade and Chevron station. 'there are 20 businesses in Orient, Nineteen if mine rules out. 'There are ~0 existing business in Orient that are similiar in nature as far as nature of building, so tha~ this is not unique or new type of business in the area. Under other bu$/nesse$, -32- ihere are a couple of marinas: there are eight things that you could call re~ail businesses: four ~hings as tourist or nursing facilitei$; and there are two fishing $~a~ien$ and the ferry and dock. There is some commercial fishing and ~ ere are 10 families ~ha~ m~ke a iivin9 in farming. C~ 'the 3S businesses, 20 are in category (/). Thus mute ~han half of ail of the businesses in Orien~ are related to either construction cZ ~ruckin9 and thus similar in nature to the use of the Tabor pr~er~y proposed by the ?~,chriever Construction Co. ,Inc. the 20 business ~.n Category (a) z~.~t least 3/~: cf them are at leas~ as far east as the monumen= corner . the 18 businesses in category ~b) ~,11 'but ;,{ of them are at least ~,s £~,.r east as the monument corner. Thus, more %hen all af the businesses in ~]z~ ~'~rient are reached by tr-~ffic passing the monumen~ corner where the <?rnient ~'~choot crossing is ~intaincd. I'here is no avaiiaibe business property west of +~his corner z~.nd ~hus no possibility of any new business a~oiding this cross:un. ~ith j8 business in a communit~ of 700 res~¢,ent~$, there shuutd be no ques'~ion as '~o whet~',er "-~ient is primarily a residential community and thus ousiness should be excluded. The amour of fuel stored underground should present no more hazard than tank in the yard of most of the homes in ?~ii'~rient or ~hefueI tsaks used by all farmers and many other business in the area. the time this application for a hearing was made, there was no ¢~ntract to purchase this ii~roperty and so there was no mention made in the applicatiZmn of the proposed purpose for this down zoning. However, I have a contra¢~ now which involves this parcel of nine acres. It was the decision of the Tabors to sell the entire parcel and not jus~ par%cf it. The contract is be~,~een my wife and the Xabor family, so that when the deeds are made ou~, part of property will be transferred to the ~'~onstruction Co., and the rest left..nl her name. The construction company does not need ~he entire paroel. There are many who ~ow what equipment we have a~t present. ~ybe I should -33- put this £ or the on ~he record, f?!r. construction business. Schriever described This equipment is al i the equipment he had in line with that used by thc b~.z sine s s "i'~ r opesed "chriever ' by 7~"~. ·; I think ,i want go b~in9 out the geography of the property would propose to 'use the i-roperty and is ~5: in%ention to use it for 1~0 feet back, picnty 'to i2ut no residences on" off ice building and 9ara.ge for along 'i'a.bor -qoad, except for ;~nneth ' 'i .... aS ~.. SC ussed piece oi ~ro','~er~-y '~o the -~zece that %' across from the feet by 150 Zhe equipment ..abor. ~ much previously. p e~3:2.!e ~re conccr3:ic.:(i ~::.I',.~:-,'~. might happen to ti:~is property 2oning sho',~.~ {i be dc, nc becauee we don~ t know the future. a living because: of ~l~at might school, feet is i~here are prefer thAs ~.lot of "0 yea. rs Z;ff..om now. (h~e m~n should not ¢om.e r~f ter him. .chri~ver. ~nyone else v:isb, to be heard in-favor o£ this chanoe'; sent e,.i ~ o as it was. a ~ajor truck a u~e%'ition. ., such as who two children attending 'the Orei~t ~6chool. I~ ii other mothers the on that r)etition. i wa.s called by another same way it ~',,a '7~resented to me, no wonder question the validity of the petition i~erson and told there was plans for terninai on this property. husband was home at the o~T, ed the .prooerty, ere this was presented have signed it. It .i v:ould like saying that if they wouldn' t i was asked to sign my name to time and he asked more questions, i would like ~o go on record as correctly to ali the i>eople is mis~-repre sentation. to see this-~-.,roperty zoned for Is there anyone else who wishes who reigned it, ou$ines$. to speaJz in favor of this change ~ ;~'~e r e wa s . no resz~onse. ~ there anyone presen% who wishes to speak agains% this change (There was no re sponse. ) 03.4,= Anyone wish to be heard on way or ~hc other on this change · ~V '? ? ~" ''''~ .... "~ ~IY ' ~iost of us are ~rien% should be. i don't think a resolution hereas ~ an a-..)p~ication -abe south side of .~ain ~toad, house ~,.~inte.i~'~? ;"~':' this sar e ty of t ~:'' c ':; ;: i ~' d, rcn concerned with we need to establish a letter here from the adppted by the h~s been Mew York ~ ~_~ i ant, District, £rom tr~fic .?robl ~, ~ ~nd tl~e possible the district sci~ool house the future ~d ' .esolveq, zn~:.t t.~'~ To:m of outhold, is business in Orient. 8chool 'which I school disZrio+' -zone rezone premises located on directly opposite thc school t obus ine s s residence reuulting f rom loc ationof tt~c the %0 di st urb,~a~ce thc to the operation of such rezoning: .... · onsolidt.~ted ~n~ rcctiy opposite the ;ain ~oad "- Union ,;'~:c¢ iL'istrict - -,-~-~-, c~ra. ntino od any business the ;2reraises located the ~i=~ric~ sc~.uc, house welfare of -'One pupils attending sc~f ety ~d based on ti~e ~"'"' ]-~x~ this .Board pray s district $choo$, application to re- on thc south side of oppo s it ion the that the fown Eoard of the To%Tn oi heard one way or the other? x wanting a buff er zone for Zhe ceme%ery. feel there should be a Duffer zone between cemetery and a business zone. ... ,---, ~-,,.-~ ~ .,...,~;.~.;':, Ifil:. ~:".---- - · i don't ~ha~ is on ~he ?r~er~y nov~ The building said the use would understand this is similar. 'be similar ~O -35- T .,. <~: ,; ~ :i ~"~ :~.~,.~: .~ object to this being dorm zoned ~o business. have ,~,, ~m~,. yard on one side of my proper~y n~w. · '-~ ...... ~SL.i.~ I'~5~'??,~: /~nyone else wish to be heard? . .... . .., : .~ an in favor o'z thc down- zoning. fez, ring none, I will close this particular hearin9 2 cr ti'~e -~:~,'~rther detibera'~ion of the ~ard. open ~his hearing by reading the not~ - ~ ~,"esideniiai and " "' ' "~c .'esidence 'istrictthe .ilfo!" >istrict to 'i~ '~ultip~ . described ?ro!i:ez-ty: and ~a.%e or' ,i'e~.': ~ori:, ~d r,):ore i~ar'aicul&rly bo'~u~de dl and d c ::~c r i beC. a $ £ o ! i ow s t intersection cU:' the easterly line of ::i~vermere ~oad with the southerly ~ ,.,~ le.~d of the .,._.gna Island .:..ailro~d; f rom said point of be~3inning., runninq.., c,.kono, said land ~":~ Long Island,:e-ilroad.~, two courses: (I) casZeriy on ~. curve ~o "the right, havint a radius of 283° £ec%, a distance of i08 C6 feet, thence .~) N 84 degrees 30' i0"' '.~; 848 33 fee+ to land of Tone r ' ,.hence along said land of ~oner, $. o degrees SO' $0' ~ ' 895 '~eet more or less, to ordinary hioh water mark of ~,~ipes Cove; then:ce v;esterly alon~ sgi¢l high water mark, 1220 fee+~ more or less, %0 land o£ .f::.teinmeiz thence ~ ~ ' ~ :' '"" '~ degrees 45 ' "' .t:.,- ,~.onc3 said .~,.nd of :.,teinmetz, ,,..~ 00" 695 feet more or ,less to %he southerly line o.f,.. ~ 2r',;, foot private road known o.s ~'-~'ilver..:, Lane' and in a direct extension easterly of said southerly line across said ' "' '"" - 249 66 feet to said easterly line Silvermere , gad, ..,. o5 degrees 31' 40:" iS.- . o~lvermere .~oad. thence along said easterly line, N. 15 degrees '~l' 30~? ~"~ 04 feet to the noint of beginning, containing 23 acres more will ~ow read the recommendation of the Olanning Board. ~.epor to ~'outhold Town 'Board, 15 f, outh :':~treet, Greenport, Ney? Yorks ]~.[arch 12, i960. ~:Oent!enen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Souti~otd Tov;n <~'l~nin9 board at a regular meeting held on February 27,1968: "It was -'~ ~'.,u'~.~.~9 that the ~.,~outnoid Tovm iolannin9 Board does no. favorably recommend to ti~e ...outhold ~ovm ~:oard the change fo zone z rom _ .~.~usines$ District and ,',~9ricultural District to , ~iuitiI~ic ~-.esidence '~',,zstr.tct on the above described '.~.he ~'!annin~. ':~oard has refused to recommend this nuc~ ~'~,cre~, in the past. The ~--~roT~erty in question is too i~.rgc a l';,arce! of ':and to be chr~ngcd to c~n "~" zonc and 'Li~e '-'iannin9 Board feels the.'t this much meadow'? i2~nd cc, uld not be "oro~eriy used in g.n ~'r4'? zone. ., ~ .. . . ,-~,,. "out ho i d !' ov;n ~espectl u ,.i~. submitted, /s/ 7ohn ' ic.~..~.,, ., ?iannin9 goard.'' there anyone ?resent who wishes to speu2~ in o;mn. osition to this change? (Tt~ere was no response. ) there anyone nresent who wishes to spe~ in favor of ~his change The ~lanning Board reje=ts ~his, but everybody knows this is under water, i'heir reasoning doesn't make any sence. ,.,: ~, . .,.~-:~.~T.-.,,.,_4- Are you in favor of the chanoe as advertised? will close the hesrin9 at this time for the further deliberation of the ~.%oard. ~1, To t ~e Bo:rd's best knov.,!ed }e, is the e ~ vill ~, e in the Teen of Southoid t~ .t hxs so s:r i] n a~ount of ore}arty zonea fo? burhles~ :,s Ori:nt? .,~2. 0tl~ yell Si[ye :,e hhe diffJePe~lce in vzlue bet.veeil sro}ePty :zoned for b~e i}less oveP nov ~ rion '~<anor -- to Peber E3ank fop deve!o(?~ent, t x wise, ho ,~ ]e tos. m -- al. so iF hoqe fup to ~ !hel' Uhl'2 ~6. 'ith tho Oysher bus[ness ~one, sever~[ of the si JpYards .,t f bu~il!ess, the your 5o'Fd n}.vs q} q'Jte '.veil. i b ,.'e e]nvhv: been very opti~kstic, nevep ~ th~se hh% April 18, 1968 Board of ~oning Southold l~ew York 11971 Building Zone Ordinance ~rop~sal #2, Rezoning property in orient on Ioungs ~oad from Business to ~{esidential 'ro W~om It may ooncern: Being a property owner on Youngs Road, Orient, we assumed that this was already zoned residential. we are greatly opposed to havin~ it zoned ousiness, and are in favor of the proposed change. Yours truly, ~obert ~. ~loria ~oria LEGAL NOTICE c~- ]~ to. la:r~:t of On-p; f~h~ce e~ste~ly alOng ~d land of ~a, 146 'Not~ .of ~H~.rings f~t more ~ 1~, ~to said we~rly ,~, ] -. . ..On ~m~ls ~ A.m~nd Une of Yo~s Av~ue; ~~e ~ ss' T~e Z~,~,~ O~,a,ce southerly ~g ~, w~rly line, j ~suant to ~cfion 265 of the 691 ~ more ~ l~s to th~ Town ~w and ~icle IX of the of ~~g. ~.ng and int~ded ~~ ~ing duly Sworn. B~ding Zone Ordinan~ of ~e to .be pa~ of the ~e ~p~cel ~~ ~ ................. To~ of ~uthold, S~olk Co~ty, ~ a .... B" Z~e on ~e Zoning Map New York, public hear~gs will be ~ t~ T~ of .~ut~ld as ~dopt' Printer a'nd Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK held by the ~uthold Town Board ~ April 9, 19~7. in the Offi~ of the Supervisor, 16 By cha~ng ~om "B-2" Bu- ~ws~per publish~ ,South Strut, Gr~npo~, New York~ ~~s Dist~ ~d "A" ~idential ~ ~id ~wn on the 23rd ~,y of ~d ~~~al D~ct ~o '~" ~:O~i~, ~Of which ~e annexed is ~ printed Apr., 1968, at 7:30 o'd~k in M~ple ~iden~ ~strict the hed in the said Suffolk Week~ Times the eve~ng of said day on the fol- foH~ing d~,~ ~c~y: 'lowing propels to amend the ~ t~t ~in tract of land sit- ~ ........ ~ .. week~ B~lding ~ ~nce (includ~g ~~ a,t G~nport, in the Town .................. ~he Buil~- gone ~aPs) of ~he of ~u~h~d, Co~t7 ~ S~folk ~d ~[~ ~ ~ ........... ~wa of 8outhold, Suffolk CountT, ~te ~ ,~ York, and more par- ~ew York. ti~arl7 ~~ 'and d~erib~ as ~ ....... 10~.~. 1 ~-B7 cha~g_ from "B" B~- ~llows:Bm~I~G ~ ~ho ~t~sec~ion ~ess Distgict ~o "B-~" Busing. of ~ m~terl7 line of Silvemere ~D~iet, .the following d~eri~ R~ ~ Sout~17 line ~ land ~r~ertT: ~ ~ Island ~ilrmd; from said ~ } All t~ ~r~in tra~ of land ~i~- po~ of 'be~~g ~nning ~n~ mto~' at the ~th~st corner of .... ~:Ke~eT'8 ~fl ~nd ~th Sea ~d land of ~g Ishnd ~~oad, ~'~//.', '~'~' ..~M....~. ~Uthold, Count7 of Suffolk and to th~ right, ha~ing a radius ~ ~e of ~ York, and more par- ~' a d~.~ee of 108.~ f~, ' ....... ~eularl7 .bound~ and d~eribed a~ ~en~ (~) ~. 8~° 80' 10" E.-848.88 .follows: ~ to 1~ ~ ~~r; then~ ~ong B~I~~G at the i, nter~t~n ~ la.~ ~ ~r, S. 6° 20' 50" W.-~95 fe~ m~e~or l~s, to ord~- ~ the ~~ly li~ of Kenney's ~ ~ wat~ mark of Pip~ C'~e; Road with the southerly-H~ of ~h ,~a Drive; fr°m sa~' point ~~ ~t~ly ~ong ~id ~h w.a- °f.~gi~ing r~ng easily along t~ m~k, 1220 f~ m~e or 1~, ~ ~t~l,y l~e o~ No~h ~a ~- la~ of Ste~~, .~ce ~long ~ve, 183 f~m~eorl~s, Wland ~ 1~ ~ S~~~, N, 3 45' / of Gl~r; thence ~uth~ly along 00" ~,-695 f~t m~e ~ l~s, to the ~d 'land of Glove, 113 f~t mo~ ~rly 1~ ~ a 20 f~t priva~ .0r 1~, to l~d ~ Pot~; ~ce ~ ~~n ~ ",Silver ~ne"; ~terly along said land of Po- al~g ~id ~utherly l~e ~~, 202 f~, more ~ l~s, ~ s~d ~ne" ~d in a d~t ex- '~~rly Itne of Ke~~' ~. ~io~ ~~ly of ~. s~uth~ly ~ ' _ ._.s ~. ~ n~erly. ~g ~id ~~rlY ~e ~~ ~id ~.ve~~e ~d, ,~, 115 f~ ~ or l~s ~ the S.. 85~ 31' 40" E.-249.66 f~to sa~ ~~t of' .~~. Being and in- ~~~ ~e of ~ilv~ere R~d; '.~d~' to ~ 9a~ of the same p~ thence along ~ ~t~ly li~, :~.shawn as a "B" ~ne on t~ ''15~ 21' 30" E.-258.~ f~ to the' [::~g Me~p of the Town of South- .pOi~ of beginning, cc~taining '23 ~old as adopted April 9, 1967. s~'~res ~e ar less. ~i~ t b - By changing from "B" Bu- -~-4. By c .han~ing from "A" Res- idential and A~iCultm-al District to i.:~smess DisSrict to "M" Multiole Re- "B" 'sklence District the foll0w~g de- Business District the following 'ser~ ~-operty: . · d .~,~cri~ pvoparty: Ail that certa/n tract of land sit- All that certain Sraet of land sit- Ua.ted 'at the north-east corner of uated, at Orie~ in the Town Kenney's :ROad and Dogwood Lane, .S0uthold, County of Suffolk arid' at.~>oUthoid, ,in the Town of South- Sta?ce of New 'York, and m~re Par- 01d, Coun'ty of Su[folk and State ~ticularly. ~bounded a~d desc, ribed as of,.'~,ew Yo~k, arid' mare particularly follows: boun, ded and described as fallows: BEGINNING. on the ,so.utherly BEi~IINNIiNG at the inter~ection side of the 'Main Road a.nd the 'of the' ea,Sterly line of Kenney's easterly side. of Tabor Road, then ~"with the n~rth, erly line of Dog- runn/ng in an easiarly ,direction ~,w0Od I.~ne; from said point af be- along the s~utherly side' of Main Roa.d 225 feet to land of Fenreh-a, .g~ing running ~orth.erly along ihen along l~nd o.f Ferreira in a said easterly line of Kenney's Road, ,southerly dixection 150 feet then 405 feet mc~e or less ta land of oi- along lands of Ferreira., Glaria ~.nd i~,e.ri; thence easterly along said Wernikowski in .a easterly directk~n lar~:t o.f Oliver£, 202 feet mare or 210 feet to land of William Terry, lesS] to land' of 'Glover; thence ~oUtherly alcm~ 'Said land of Glover Jr., ,then runl~ng sc~th easterly I~ong. lands' of William Terry, Jr. 650 ,a~d tlxrough land of-Kearns, '437 feet .to Orient ~tral Cemetery; ,.feet mc~t~e, or less .to said nartherly then ~:unnin.,g in .a westerly direction -line of Dogwood Lane; thence-west- along lands of Orient Central Cem- ~ along said northerlY, line, 285 e.tery 670 feet to the easterly si, d~ feet m~re or less, to .the: point of '.~b. ning, Being and intended to of ~abor Road; ,then in ,a northerly direction ~ta the easterly side .of Ta- be 'i~art of the same parcel 'shown as ~bar Road; fhen in a northerly di- a::'"B" Zone au .the Zoning Map of rection on the easterly side of Ta- the .Town of Southold. as ~d~pted bor Rossi 760 feet to .the point of ~ .9, 1957. ~ .... ~ 2 a - By char~ging from B Bu- begirming. ~~ District to '~M-I" Multiple -Any person desiring t~ be heard .l~dence DiStrict the followng de~ on the above .p~ed emendmen~s ..'~ property: should appear at the ,time and ,place -'i-":' tha. t certain tract of l~nd sit- so specefied. '~~' ' DATED.: ~/I~H 27, 1968, BY OR- at the north ~id, e M]a~n Road, DER OF ~ SOUT~OLD TO'W~ at Orient, in the Town 'af Southold, BO~ County of Suffolk and State of New . YOrk, ;md more psa'ticularly bour~d- ALBERT W. tLICHMO~D ..... ~d-....described as follows: TO~ CLERK ltA12 ~n Road .feet ~westerly a!on~ saki ,f~m y~s Aveiiue; of ,begin- -~' more .or 1~;'''tO land of-the -eux zo u.~~eap ~~aoa: .po~l~nb ~t~ of ~ York, th~ .... ~',-- ~I~t eoq PlnOm erly along '! ~ 1:' '. 4~-. land -o 'oql !et ..mo~' ~ ~, men_i~__a ,.~ ",-t-i-aY lq ~iozlluo zot, p~,~ oq p,lno~ old ,a.s ~.d~~ APrfl 9, 195~. ~u~ae~ I~~ a,,.in~.s ~triet ~ ."A' ~a~n[-~ad dSq~oS'~uo~e ~"ax~ Agrieult~l D~t~et the xox-xo ~unH x~,wi~ ,a~or~b~ ~~~' ,u~ ~e~e~ UT szoXo.Idmo ~11 .~at c~ta~ ~ Of land ~it-~ ~ ua~i at the .no~w~t comer of ao siold,~o sluo~mlaI ouaoqz~ Main R~d and Yeu~s A~nue, at ~i~.t,' in the T~ of .~uthold, mput u~ County of Suifolk a~ S~ of New [~' o~ ~oq ao!uas pue Yerk, and m~e ps~ti~,~lY ~~d-~ ~I~ ~ and d~i~ as follows: 'o~q o~e~ 'tz~e~~ ~uo~al~u,I B~~~G at the in~~on of uoqalv t'he no~~lY l~e qf the Mg~ ~a~ ~1 to p~q 'a~unH -wilh' the w~terly ~e ~' Youngs a~Aven~; ~cm ~id ~t of b~in-~ NOI&V~,HO;gN,i s~nin.g running w~lY along said~ ~.SN ]OO~9S~ ~~h~ly li~ ~ the Main Road, 86 ' . ' ' 'IIe~ o~I~ f~t more 0r t~ to land 0f E. n.~ '~ ~ng; then~ ~hl~g ,said land of~l~ oq'l ~g, ~~ .~~; (1) no~herly]~noH' 1t9 f~t more or "1~; ~h~ce (2)~] 'sl!~!I a~,II!~ oql to op!~no to said no~h~ly lm ,.. '-~ ~ ~o~ Z" , ~~ ~~rly -along sam,~ . [ '~ - -' '-"-'--'-'* +he Main ~oad 322 ~q~ ~~q . ~ t f~t more ~ 1~, to sand ~i Wil-~ 'alo sl~oq '~z~a plo uo~o 'osnt ._ .~[.': ~ ~~; th~. no~~!Y a!o~ sai~ lTV 'ql~T lTzdV ~t lad oi' ~ilIia~s' la~ ot ~bine, ~Ol~ ~:pue and la~ '0f..'H~~ 641 ~t more ~ o~HTA .... or ~s; .~en~ no~heast~lY along ~b°E oou~uolul~ said land ~ .~hes, 125- i~t more aV lo uoll~zopwuoa'-u~ ~.ul~noq ' ~ .~. i~p'~of the ~ToWa! 'iff" 8outh01d I~ and .-Article. IX'of tl~.". Butldir~ Zone Ordinance of~e ~ of ~uth~ old, .S~olk~~~, New Y~ P~b~c h~~s .wffi ~ ~ld by the ~uthold To~. ~d ~ ~ ~t~'of ~ Su= New Y~ d~ of A~, 196~. the eve~ of ~d ~y. on ~ fo~ow- old,'S~~ ~~, 1~~ c~ f~ "B' :~in~ -~~ W ,~,~ ~ ~, the fon~ ~,.~ Ken- :" ~ '~~ ~uth- ~d~. .~ ~~ M fo~ws' /as ~do~ April 9, 195'/. ':~ 2a-z,_ BY changing from "B" Bustn'~s District to "M-I" Multiple Residenc~: District the following described prop-, erty: .'~ All that certain tract ,of land situ-- ated at the north side Main Road, Orient, in the Town of Southold, 'Coult--i ty of Suffolk and State of NeW Y0i;k,: ~.nd more ~rt~icularly bound~ a~d described as follows' BEGINNING at a point on .the northerly liiie of the Main Road 861 feet more' or le~s, westerly alor~ satd~' northerly line from Youngs Avenue;I from said point' Of begirming runnin~! westerly alon~ ,said northerly line the Main Road, 94 feet more or less, to[ ~.d of the State of New York; thence northerly ~ng land of Wasilewski, 144 feet more or less; thence alor~ land of E. H':~':Kir~, two courses: (i) easterly 92 feet more or less; thence (~) southerly 149 feet more or less to -,me .point of be~innin~. ~ and! "intended'to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning map of't.~e Town of Southold as adopt-' , ~. 2..b?B~:i~h~ from "B" Business District':!~. "A" Residential and ~- cul~~~trict the following describ- ed'prol~rt~: . .: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: that he C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- the ............. ' successively, commencing on ..//.~... ...... *''**...-..**-* .,,....e......~.........,... eec southerly~, All that certain tract of land 'alon~ said land of Glover, ll~l'feet.more ated at the northwest comer of 'er less,:.. ~ land~of P~;.. .' thence Road ~d Voungs Avenue, at 0rlent,.': --). "'i i: ~re 'or~-ies~,%~:"~id'-easterly Silffolk'and 8fate of New Yorle;: and line of Kenney'S R0ml; f~ence 'north- more particularly bounded and de-.i ':.: ~' _:z,._~, .~ '- -: ..... lan- situ / erly alon~, silldf'; aster!t ,11~-.!15 feet' scrim as follows: )': I Ailkth~t ~~t~l~_~a si ,~a.~,,~,~::..//...~.,~.;~.~.'.%~....--~ .......... ..... ~" : '-" ' : ' ;(: · · .~" -. ated "at oiieen .p~., '~ ~ TOWn OZ ! ~ ~ary ~'uonc more or .~'.~ ~ ~.:~ .~ ~ntng. . BE~INI~NO at the ~nterseetlon .et _. -.. :, .-_....- ~.;--,~--,.-..-;; _.~t~te~ // ~ne .and'~~ ~' ~' be'~rt of the .~ .... ,.~-~,, ~,,~ ~ the ~,~tn ~ ~eumo~.:~m~y ox ~unm~ ~n~ ~ I / ~t t----~e~-~u~e narco! sh~wn' 'as ~ "B" 2'.'.,~,. ,"~:Y~,."~%~iT,[,~ ~,~V~,,-'--~., ^Ye---'[: of '~--" ~0rk, "end ~ere-~cu!arl~ i': ~'.~:~ ~.~-~f~:~~,,';~.t of land Situ- · Z0 ' ":MI~' '. t~.Town ' rim bounded and described as follows~,..~. '¥ ...... ".' ':'~:' ' ' ' :- ;-'- - ' ' ..... of South- Ib--~ ~ from "B" ]rosiness of the Main Road, ~ feet., more or ~ess.~ th~ easterl~ line of ~lv~! ~i(ti~~"::~re particularly .mstr~ te ~. ~p~e ~ence:.~ ~.~d of E. H. ~n~; ~':":~on~ t ~tt~ the-Souther~ m~e.o~ ~]L~ti~ ,.~ka~ described as fonows: ' ~ the: f0no~".~b~.~..pro~'' ':~d ']~nd of ~n~, three e~~':...(1~ t ~on~ ~s~nd m~.~; from ~~ : [:i"~~ on the southerly si. de. of~ erty:. ' ." . mortherly.149 feet more or less'f"'fl~ncet of 'beffmntng. runni~ .alon~:'~' ~.~ ,~Road and the easterly side All that cert~. ~. tr~. of land. _.tutu-.` (2) westerly 92 feet more or less;- of Long I.sland Ratlroad,~ .~~d, then running in an .east-~ ~ at the..north eas!; ..corner o! lien- t~ence (3) southerly.134 feet, more 0fl. (1.)._-easterly on a curve ~o~~ ;'~lY-:~n along the southerly side.: ney.~ ~:...and ~ Lane,-at tt~, to said northerly line of the ~i~~ having a radius of 28~2 feet~ '.0fi~i~[Road 225 feet to land of Per-i( ~1~:~1~ -.in...'the .Town[~./~f S0uthold, t ~;" thence westerly along sl~id .of,, 198.06 feet, th.e .n~ .(2) [~.NL.~i:.~ . ~~'..~en~ along land of Perreira in' a ~':of.:'~olk-~: ~te of New[[n°rtherly line of the Main Road ~ : 10 E.---848~ feet u~ la_na ox-.:'l~ '.~y direction .150 feet then along, YOrk, "and more particularly bounded feet more or less, to laa~d of William; "thence along said land of Toner, $. ~ Ui%~*tj~/Ferreira Gloria. and Werr[i- and describe,: ...!fo!r_~WS: .:~...~ . I then~ 'northerly' along said land.i'o! II0'.,~60". W.--895 feet m0re~k~.'i')..] ~'in a easte;ly direction 210 ,ce, _B~.I:NNIlq~ at i'.l~le: ~i!l~~tlon of lWilliams, land of Reybine, and !~.~:d-i~ high wa;ter' mark. ~.~~j t0"'.~d of Wil~am Terry,. Jr., then the. ~ly linC:Of 1~.. '~s ;: Road[-0f Hughes, 641 feet more.or less; thesi~ !.~el thence westerly al~!i.~~ ~ south easterly along lands ~h ~ .~r~y.,~:~ ~ ~woodl ner~~ert~ along ~d ]~"d"~ oI '~'~, m~r~ ~_~0 reef .more ~: ~i ~iam ~err~,' Jr, '~50 lee~ ~o Orient' .Lane~;'I ~, 's~i.,d .~t .... 9f. ~ng.l Hughes-, 125 feet more or less, to lind 'l ~ of Stetnmetz thence ~~,~..~.:1o-I Cen~al Cemetery; then running .in runUi~ ~heHy along -Said msterly| Of Orra; thence easterly along said [ lalid of Steinmetz, N. $' .~.~:.:j0t~/:-~.~'"~i westerly dire~i°n along lands ~f Orient line o~ Kenney's ~!,~.~ fee~ morel:land of Orra, 146 feet more or less to ,[-$95 feet more or less, to ~tl~ ~'~ Central Cemetery 6'/0 feet to the east-' or less.to hnd of!~;"the~[ nce east-~[:s~id westerly line of Yo.ungs Avenue; Il line of a ~ foot private J~. 'kn~ erly side of 'Pabor .~; then, in'i. a erly al0~.sl~d 1~ of/0tiverl, ~02 f' .ee~:i.[ thence' .southerly along said westerly '.'[~;.:::~'Sfiver Lane"; .' thence alo,,ng ~i northerly direction on' the es, steriy side ! " 'i .:'3. BYchanging from B-2 ~,.' e~.i...' .- .-- .. :._i..;~ ..,i?. ' ' March2? "'-' ~':":' '' ' ....... ' - ' - ..... i',,:, .... · -'-" "--" '-~'~ential _ ' '."~i~; begtnnin~,-containtn~ 23 ~c .res..n~ore ~ DATED: , 19~.....,:~::i ~Residen~, District the followh~ de-Il' .4. BY ~ ~~L~l'.. ' ' TOWN'~~'.' ............... ne~..~~ ~t~..~' . Z" - · .,~._ ........ Sworn to before me this ........ /[~... ....... day of ... . . Pur.s~n~ ~.o SectAon 26~ of the ~~m ~f£olk C~ty, He~ York, pub~ ~c hoar~.~'s ~ ~ be he ~ by t.9~, at 7',30 o'c~L~:,:k ~n ~e even£ng~' o~ · amend t'~ the Bat. L~~ ?~ne Maps) o~ the' _ corner o i ~~y's Road ~~ ~Or~h sea Sera.old, t~.-th~ ~ of Sou~oid. County of Suffolk s~te o~ ~ York, and ~ze p~z'ticular X'y ~ed &~ ~X~ ..at ~ int~rsectiom of ~ ~st~ly ~L£ne ot ~eetez.ly aloe. oai::t i and o~ Poto~.:kt, 20'2 i~ee.t, moze or :eas, to said easterly lime oi Kenney*$ Road~ ~hemce northerly ~aX HorAce Page -2- of 2ac ~. o~ ~t~l$ aa adopted April 9, 1957. ~1~ iple ~esi~dence D£$t~iet ~e ffoll~i~9' .de~ri~d ,~oper~M, in t~® ~ of 9ou%hoid:, ~nty of Suf£olk &~t 8~ate ~f B~X~~'iI~ at ~ tn'tezs~Cion of ~he ~e~l¥ iir~ of . ~eet ~e or .leas, to lan~ o,~ Olo~f~ ~hen~e s,~~hezly said .~ o~~ Glower and through land of ~ence 'w~sterl¥ alon~ sai~, mort~ty I~, 2~5 ~~~ ~ore or less to: the point o~' be~i~in~. Be£n~ an~ im~eflded ~o the Town of ~thold as a~op. te~ A~ii 9, 1957. 2 a,- By changing .f~r~: ~-'"~ ~ Business Bll~r-ict to ~:~I" County o£ ,~£folk and ~ta~e o~! New York, and u~z:e particularly ~~~ at ~ point on ~, · northerly' begi~~ A. hue; ~r,~n.~ ~id point o£ a lon~ ~i~ nor'~erly li~ more -or less~ t~e aio~ lan~ o£ H.H. KA'~g, (l) eeo-terl¥ 92 ieee more or less~ ~nce 149 ~eet ~e oz'. leas to the point oi ; ,.. :, ~~~ aa md~~ ~ril 9, 1957. tho -Id, County o£ su££olk and $':-~u:'.te of.'; ~ .Y~rk, ]Jl~li~XlKj at ~ int~~'t£on o£-~ .northerly line Rood wi~h the westerly l£ne o~ Y~o Av~nue~ ~:ro~ erly ii.~ o~ the Nain Road 86 £ee t more . : ~el'terly a.l~ ~&id ~rt:h~ly ~ o~ ~e Main Road 322 ama, land o~ Reybine, and ~d o£ along said land 146 llne of ~ng'$ Avenue; ~ence a~~erly along 691 £eet more point of beg:Lnning. Be~ ~d intended to be part of ~ sas~ parcel oh n ~ .a lB" ZQne ~ ~he of the ~n o£ ~thold adopted April. 3. By chanq~ ~ ,£ro~ *B-2-- Residential and ~u'lttple Resid~n~ ~trict the £Ollo~ inq property~ Ail that ce'r'-tain tract o~ the ?~n of O~~old, County land situated at Greener, of Suffolk and State of and more bounded B~G~~ at the in. tersection o.~ the eas~-~erly line of S iove~re Southerly 1,~ of land o.£ ~e said point along said land of ~ Xalnd Railroad, e~s~ly on & ~-u~-to the right 0 havlnq a radius o£ 2832 £eet., a ,dis~ o£ 108.06 feets ~.ence (2) ~. 84 ':~ 30' 10' E.- "-848.33 feet to land of Toner,$. 6"'~:20, land o-~ Tone3r; thence, along said 50" ~.-895 feet more ar less, to ordt~y hiqh ~&'ter mark of said hi~ ~ater ~, Pipes Cove; ~~nce westerly 1220 feet m,~e ~ leos l~nd od Ste.im~..tz~ the~ alon~ said land of 45' 00'E.-695 feet more or less, line ora 20 foot private road kn~ as to ~t~,~ e $ou therlM "SAlver Lane ~t,~ ~ rect &Xong said southerly ~sion ea.,'terly of lane o£ '*~lIver ~e' and in $ou~erly lane aczofa said $tlvermere Road, S. 85 ~ 31' 40' E.-249.66 £eet to o£ Road~ thence 1.~, N. 15 ' .21' more or .LOll, 4~ of C.~tF of ~£folk and bounded and ~e, aez~d foXX~s~ ,-t~e ~tn Roa~d runn~gLn of ~ Road 2.25 feet_ to 1mhd of .land of Perze.lr: & 1.ando o.,~ ~~~., G1oz~& and ~n a m~ly 210 feet to land of ~:Llltam jr,., t~en runn~ ~ e&otez*'ly along. ~ou~ ~ of ~~.t central Cemet, ery 670 £eet t~ the then. ~erly 76,0 Mt to ~. ~tnt Andy person hoard .on .the .at the. t~e and ~~ mPe~'l£1ed, 27, Le.~al Nc Pa~e -6- PLEASE PUBLISH ~E, Ai~XL 11, 1968, ~ FO~W~ AFF]~tV~TS OF PUBL]~CAT~ON TO ~HE SOUThlanD T(~.:~ C~K, (9) MAXN R~, SOUTHOLD, N~~ YO~<. Cop~es m ~led to the following on Ap~I 3, 1968= ~!ne Long Xsl~d Traveler-Mattltuck · h,e Su£fol~ weekly ~"~ur R. Ol iver i ~r~ry Burns wal~r Hulse & ~f. E. ~offrey High P. ~,~'asilewsk i E. ~. King c. Gr~ory & ~yle S.B. K~g Ro~rt SChr~~r Ro.s~ King ~nald c ~~ A~rt ~ohne ~~s Jur-z~ia Jose~ j Fosher ~atchsmn Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York March 25, 1968 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on March 19, 1968: In the matter of the Town Board's own motion for a change of zone from "B" Business District to "M-l" Multiple Residence District and from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District on the following described property: Description of property from "B" Business District to "M-l" Multiple Residence District, north side Main Road, Orient, New York: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of the Main Road 86 feet more or less, westerly along said northerly line from Youngs Avenue; from said point of beginning running westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road, 94 feet more or less, to land of the State of New York; thence northerly along land of Wasilewski, 144 feet more or less, thence along land of E.H. King, two courses: (1) easterly 92 feet more or less; thence (2) southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be ~art of the same parcel shown as a "B" zone on the zoning map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9,1957. Description of property to be changed from "B' Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District, northwest Co~ner Main Road and Youngs Avenue, Orient, New York: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of the Main Road with the westerly line of Youngs Avenue; from said point of beginning running westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road, 86 feet more or less to land of E.H. King; thence along said land of King, three courses: (1) northerly 149 feet more or less; Report to: Southold Town Board March 25, 1968 thence (2) westerly 92 feet more or less; thence (3) southerly 134 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of the Main Road; thence westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road, 322 feet, more or less to land of Williams; thence northerly along land of Williams, land of Reybine, and land of Hughes, 641 feet more or less; thence northeasterly along said land of Hughes, 125 feet more or less to land of Orra; thence easterly along said land of Orra, 146 feet more or less to said westerly line of Youngs Avenue; thence southerly along said westerly line 691 feet more or less~ to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. It was RESOLVED that the South~d TownPlanning Board recommend favorably to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "B" Business District to "M-l" Multiple Residence District and from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricult~l District on the above described property. The property is presently used for residential purposes. There is no business conducted on the premises except for apartments and this part will be changed to an "M-l" Multiple Residence° Respectfully submitted, J~hn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board cc: Town Clerk VAN TUYL & SON GREE[NPORT. NEW YORK 17944 February 15, 1968 DESCRIPTION: Proposed Chan~e of Zone North Side Main Road, Orient Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the I,~iain Road 86 feet more or less, westerly along said northerly line from Youngs Avenue; fromsaid point of beginuing r~nning westerly along said northerly line of the i~,~in Ro~d, 94 feet more or less~ to lan~ of the State of New York; thence northerly aloog land of Wasi]ewski, 144 feet more or less; thence along land of E. H. Ki~g, two eo~rses: (1) beginning. Easterly 92 feet more or less; thence Southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of Being a~d intenSed to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning map o£ the Town ofSouthold, as adopted. A?ril 9, 1957. To: Howard Terry VA~ TL~£L & SON SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. February 19, 1968 M~. John Wickham Chaimman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I. New York 11935 Dear i~I~. Wickham; Enclosed herewith are copies of resolutions passed by the Southold Town Board at a meeting held on the 13th day of February, 1968. You are instructed to prepare an official report thereon pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Very truly your~ Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ALBERT W. RII~HM{3ND _ERK SOUTH~LD, L. I., N. y. February 13, 1968 RESOLUTION Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Suter; WHEREAS, this Town Board deems it in the puSlic interest and in the promotion of the health, safety, moral ~r general welfare of the Town of Southold that certain premises on Youngs Avenue, Orient, Suffolk County, hereinafter more fully described, be rezoned, a portion zoned from "B" Business District to "M-l" Multiple Dwelling and a portion from "B" Business to Residential and Agricultural District on the following des- cribed property: Decription from "B" to North side Main Road, Orient Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the Main Road 86 feet more or less, westerly along said northerly line from Youngs Avenue; from said point of ~eginning running westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road, 94 feet more or less, to land of the State of New York; thence northerly along land of Wasilewski, 144 feet more or less; thence along land of E. H. King, two courses: (1) Easterly 92 feet more or less; thence (2) Southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. Description from "B" to "A" Northwest corner Main Road and Youngs Avenue, Orient. Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of the Main Road with the westerly line of Youngs Avenue; from said point of beginning running westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road, 86 feet more or less to land of E. H. King; thence along said land of King, three courses: (1) Northerly 149 feet more or less; thence (2) Westerly 92 feet more or less; thence (3) Southerly 134 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of the Main Road; thence westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road, 322 feet, more or less, to land of Williams; thence northerly along said land of Williams, land of Reybine, and land of Hughes, 641 feet more or less; thence northeasterly along said land of Hughes, 125 feet more or less; ~k~w to land of Orra; thence easterly along said land of Orra, 146 feet more or less to said westerly line of Youngs Avenue; thence southerly along said westerly line, 691 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That pursuant to Article IX Section 901, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Plan~ing Board of the Town of Southold with a request instructing the said Planning Board to prepare an official report concerning the same, together with their recommendation. Vote of Town Board: Ayes- Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11944 February 15, 1968 DESCRIPTION: Proposed Chanse of Zone "Y to A", Northwest corner Main Road snd Youngs Avenn. e, Orient Beginn~n&i at the intersection of the northerly line of the ~.:ain Roed with the westerly ]ir~e o~ Yr, l_m£Ts Avenue; !'rom said point of be~rinniny ruc~,ing westerly alon,< s~id northerly line of the Main Road, 86 feet more or less, to luna of E.H. King; thence a!onal ~ia land of King~, three courses: (1) ~,~ . :~ortherly 149 feet more or less; thence (2) Westerly 92 feet(more or less; thence (~) Southerly 134 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of the i.laJ~ Ro'~t5; thence westerly alon.~[ said northerly line of the i's. in Ro~,~d, 322 feet. more Or ]ess~to land of Williams; thence northerly alon~ said land of Williams, land of Reybine, snd ]_and oi' Hughes, 641 feet more or less; thence nortneasterly a on~.said land of Hughes, 125 feet more or less to land of ~, thence e~:~terl~ alon.z s~id l:~nd of ~[~f,'146 feet more or less to sa~d westerly line of Youngs Avenue; thence southerly along s~.id westerly !~e, 691 feet iaore or less, to the point of beginning. Being rand intended to be p~rt of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on tae zoning map of the Town of :~outhold as ~dopted April 9, 1957. To: Howard Terry "B-2" and "~ to "M" Multiple Res. Silvermere west of Greenport WHEREAS, a petition wes heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ........... ?~9~q.°..~F~...~'F?.W~...~}R~'.~ ............................. requesting o change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Mops made a part thereof by chang- "B 2" and "A" "M" Mu~t. Res. lng from .....7'. ..................................... District to ............................................ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been flied with the Town Board, and thereafter, o public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .....2..~ ...... day of ............... ~'.~.1. ..................... , 19..~).~., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is granted. By Order of the Southold Town Boar~ Dated" May 27, 1968 Effective as of June 7, 1968 Albert W. Ri~mond;"~wh Clerk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORKI ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being dui that he is the Editor, of THE LO TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Cou~ the notice of which the annexed is o printed published in said Long Island TroveJer-Motl man once each week for ....... ~/..~;'.:~..~'r..~... successively, commencing on the .............. o ......... ,~ ~.~ .......... ~ 1~.~ l:-F Sworn to before me this ...... ,~../?. ..... · ..~. .~,~..~,~ ....... , ,~.~..8~ .......... Notary Fubllc / Public, State of New York L,EGAL NOTtCE NOTIC:E OF AMENDMENT" OF' ZONING 'ORDINANCE ,'~M£NDMF~NT NO. 82 NO'IIICE IS 'HEREBY GIVF~, tl~at after a public hearing held pv, rsuant to the reqairements of law, the 3~uflding Z~e Ordinance, (in- cluding the Bu/lding Zone Map) of tt~e Town of S~utho~Id, Suffolk Coun- ty, New York, was ,~ufy amended at a regular meeting of the Southald Town BOard held on May 14, 1968, as follows: I ,a - By changing from "B' ~iness District to "B-2" Business Diatrict, the following described property: Ail that certain tract of land sit- uatod at the southeast earner of Kenney's Road and Nca-th Sea I~rive, Southold, in the Town cd Southold, County of Suffolk and State cd New York, and more par- ticularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNIi'qG ,at the intersection cd the ea, sterly line of Kenney's Road with the southorly line of Narth Sea Drive; from sai~ point of beginning ruaning easterly alonl said sot~th~rly line of No~th Sea! i Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land iai Gin~er; thence sou~hezty along said land of Glarer, 113 feet more or le~s, to la.nd of Potocki; thence westerly along said land of tocki, 202 feet, more (xr less, t(~ said easterly line of Kenney's Road; thence nartherly along said ea'sterl~ line, 115 feet more or less to the point cd beginning. Being and in- tende:~ to be part of the same par- cel shc~wn as a "R" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of South- oki as adopted Apr:l 9, 1957. i b - By changing from "R" Bu- ,siness District to "M' Multiple Re- sidence District the foltaw~ng de- scribed property: Ali that certain tract of land sit- uated at the north east corner cd Kenney's Road and Dogwc~I Lane, at Seufhold, in the Town of South- old, Col~nty of Suffolk and State of l~!ew York, ar~:t mare particularly bounded and described as fallows: BEGINNLNG at the int¢~t~sectien oi the easterly line uf Keflney's Road. with t~e nartherly line of Dog- wood. Lane; from said point of be- ginning running ,northerly along said easterly llne of Kenney's Road, 465 feet mcca or less t~ ~and of 01- iveri; thence easterly along said ]amd of Oliver/, 202 feet mare or less, to land of Glover; thence ~outherly alang said land at Glover and fl~rough land of Kearns, 437 feet incase or less to said nartherly line of Dogwood Lane; thence west- erly along said northerly line, 285 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the .~ame p~.rcel 'shown as a "B" Zone ~n the Zoning Map cd the To%wn of S9uthold as adopted April 9, 1957. 2 a - By cha~ging from B Bu- sil~eS~ District to '~M-I" Multiple Residence District the followng de- scribed proD~rty: All that certain tract of land sit- utaed at the north ,sid,e Main Road, at Orient, in the Town cd Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Ne~v York, mhd more pmrticutarly bound- ed and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point o~ the northerly line of the Main I 86 feet mare or less, westerly along said nc~therly 1Ln. e from ' Youngs !as a "B" Zane on the Zoning Map' of the Town of Seuthold as adopt- ed April 9, 1957, 3, By char~ing /rom "B-2" Bu- ~n~s Distri~ ~d "A" ~idential Mu~p~ ~iden~ ~trict the foHow~g d~i~ ~y: ~ t~t c~n tract ~ la~ zit- ~ a$ G~vort, in the Town of ~uth~d, Co~ ~ S~falk ~d S~te of ~ York, ~d more par- tic~ly ~ and d~c~ as ~11ows: B~ING ~t the int~section of the ~erly ~ne of Silve~ere ~ad ~th the Southerly ~ of l~d of the ~ng Isled ~ilroad; from said point of ~nning r~ng along ~id land of ~g Island ~il~d, to th~ ~ght, having a ~adi~ ~ 2832 f~t, a ,dis~n~ of 108.~ f~, ~ence (2) N. 84° 30' 10" E.-848.33 ~t to la~ ct To~; then~ along ~id land of ~on~, S. 6~ 20' 50" W.-895 fe~ m~e ar l~s, to ordin- a~ high wat~ mark ~ Pip~ C~ve; thence ~terly along said.high wa- t~ mark, 1220 f~ m~e or 1~, to la~ oi SteinS, thence along sa~ land ~ Smi~em, N. 3° 45' 00" ~.-695 feet m~e ~ l~s, to the som~r~ l~ne of a 20 f~t priva~ ~ ~own as "Silver ~ne"; men~ along ~id ~utherly l~e ~ "Silver ~ne" ~d in a dir~t ex- ~in~ early of ~ ~uth~ly ~e ~ ~id S~ve~e ~d, S. 85° 31' 40" E.-249.66 f~ th sa~ ~ ~e oi iSilv~ce R~d; thence along ~id e~rly li~, N. '15° 21' 30" E.-258.04 f~t to the , ~i~ ~ be~g, cen~in~g '23 ~DA~: ~Y 14, 19~, BY O~ER OF ~ ~ TO~ ~OA~ A~T W. ~C~O~, · O~ C~RK ltM24 K, [I~, ~- ss: :'~'?~..... being duly Sworn. i, tinter and Publisher of the SUFFOLK vspaper published at Greenport, in said dice, of which the annexed is ~ printed ~ed in the said Suffolk Weekly Times · ............... week~ tg on the .~ ~ · :., .. .... ig . ...: .......... .... {I erly along land ,)~ Wasite',t~ki. 14t ; uate:i at the nort. hwest [ Main Road and Yollngs Av..Iltte, at, []~,1 King, three co~rses: (1) northerly -~s~ Road; th,ante westerly along sa~d'~ [ ~ l~ ~ laa4 ~)f Or,ra; ~ence; I.- . N~~CE OF ~d~~MEI~ OF ZON~ ORD NO. 82 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing held ~ursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Or dinance ,. (including .the Building Zone Ma~) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York,. was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on May 14, 1968, as follows: 1 a-By changing from "B" Business District to "B-2" Business District, the following described property: Ail that certain tract of land situated at the southeast corner of Kenney~s Road and North Sea Drive, $outhold, in the Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows BEG/~N!NG at the intersection of the easterly Ii.ne of Kenney~s Road with the southerly line of North Sea Drive~ from said point of beginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land of Glover~ thence southerly along said land of Glover, 113 feet more or less, to land of Potocki~ thence westerly along saicl land of ~oto~k~, 202 feet, more or less, to sa~d easterly l~ne of Kenney's Road~ thence northerly along sa:l.d easterly line, 115 feet more or less to the ~otnt of beginning. Being and ~ntended to be Fart of the Legal Nc'-' Page -2- ~e same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. 1 b - By changing from Multiple Res idence Distr the Business District to following described property: Ail that certain tract of land situated at the north east corner of Kenney' s Road and Dogwood Lane, at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney's Road with the northerly line of Dogw.ood Lane; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of Kenney's Road, 465 feet more or less to land of Oliveri; thence easterly along said land of Oliveri, 202 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence southerly along said land of Glover and through land of Kearns, 437 feet more or less to said northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line 285 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957. 2 a- By changing from "B" Business District to "M-i" Multiple Residence District the following described property: Ail that certain tract of land situated at the north side Main Road, at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point on the northerly line of the Main Road 86 feet more or less, westerly along said Legal Notice Page -3- northerly line from Youngs Avenue~ from said point of beginning running westerly al.ong said northerly line of the Main Road 94 feet more or less, to land of the State of New. York~ thence northerly along land of Wasilewski, 144 feet more or less; thence along land of E. Ho King, two courses~ (1) easterly 92 feet more or less.~ thence (2) southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being an~ inten~e~ to be part of the same ~ar~el shown as a "B" zone on the Zoning Map. of the Town of Southol~ 'as adopted Aprll 9, 1957. 2 b- By changing from "B" Business DiStrict to "A" Resi~ential an~ Agricultural .District the following ~escribe~ ~roperty: Ail that certain tract of land s ituate~ at the north west corner of Main Road and Youngs Avenue,. at Orient in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows~ BEG~/~N~G at the intersection of the northerly line of the Main Road with the westerly line of Youngs Avenue; from said point of beginning running westerly ~long Said north- erly line of the Main Road 86 feet more or less to the land of E. Ho King~ thence along sai~ land of Klng;~ three courses (1) northerly 149 feet more or less~ thence (2) westerly feet more or less; thence (~) southerly 134 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of the Main Road~ thence westerly along said northerly line .of the Main Road 322 feet more or less, to land of Will iam~ thence northerly along said land of Williams, land of Reybine, and land of Hughes, 641 feet more or less, thence northeasterly along said land of Hughes, 125 feet more or less to land of 92 Legal Notice Page -4- i Orra~ thence easterly along said land of Orra, 146 feet more or less to said westerly line of Youngs Avenue~ thence southerly along said westerly ~ or less, line, 691 feet more the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957 o 3. By changing from "B-2" Business District and "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following descr ibed ~roperty: Ail that certain tract of land s ituate~ at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounde~ and described as follows~ B~iNNIN~at the intersection of the easterly line of Silvermere Road with the southerly line of land of the Long Island Railroad~ from said point of beginning running " along said land of Long ~ 'easterly on a curve to Island Railroad, Two courses the right, having a radius of 2832 feet, a distance of 108.06 feet, thence (2) N. 84 30' 10" Eo -848.33 feet to land of Toner l thence along sai~ land o.f Toner, S. 6 ° 20~ 50" W.- 895 feet more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Pipes .Cove~ thence westerly along said high water mark, 1220 feet more or less, to land of Steinmetz thence along said land of Steinmetz N. 3° 45~ 00" E.- 695 feet more or less, to the southerly line of a 20 foot pr'ivate road known as "Silver Lane"~ thence along said southerly line of "Silver Lane" and in a direct extension easterly of said southerly line across sai~ Silvermere ltoa~, S. 85° 31~ 40" E.- 249.66 feet to said easterly line of Silvermere Road~ thence along said Legal Notice Page -5- easterly line N. 15° 21' 30" E.- 258.04 feet to the point o f beg lnn ing, containing 23 acres more or less. DATED= MAY14, 1968, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK . . . . . PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY23 , 1968 , AND FO~WAIU) TEN (10) AFFZDAVZTS OF PUBLZCATZON TO THE $OUTHOLD TOWN APPEALS, MAZN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YOltKo * * * * * * fl * * BOARD OF COURTY 0¥ SUFFOLK~ Y~rk, being ~uly sworn, o~e yeere; that on the of Southold. says ~lat he £~ over 27th of May ne aff£xed a notice of which the annexed ~rinted notice Town of So~thold, New the a~e of twenty- , 196 8 ~ace in ~h~ To~ of Southold. ~uffolk Count~, ~outl'o!d T~, CLerk Bulletin ~ard, Albert W. Richmond, Town ~ierk Town of Southold blINUTES SOl. HOLD T~?N BOATED April 23, 1968 ~' R E SE N T: SUPE2VISOP. LESTER 5I ALBEi~TSON · JUSTICE ?.'IARTIN SUTER CO~gCII.?.L&N HOi..)[1D VALENTINE COU74CI~,IAN LOUIS DEr. LO, NEST TOiJN CLEqI< ALBERT 1'.' ,~ICF~OND TqDR' ATTO/NEY 2OBE?,T l', TASKEI~ -2- SUPEZVISOR ALBE{~T$ON: ~'fe will open the hearing at this time and I will read the legal notice as it concerns the first hearing. "Pursue~t to Section 265 of the Town Law and ;rticle I>[ of the Building Zone Ordinance of the To%~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings %rill be held by the SoutholdTown Board in the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, insaid To,ma on the 23rd day Of April~ 1968, at 7:30 o~clock in the evening of said day ~ the following proposals to amend the Building 2~one Ordinance, (Includingthe Building Zone ~.~ps) of the Town of Southold, Sufffolk County, New York. "1 a - By changing from "B:~ Business District to "B-2:' Bu~siness District the following described property: "Ail that certain tract of land situated at the southeast corner of I~nney~s ~oad and North Sea Drive, Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of S~folk and State of New Yor~, and more particularly bounded and described as following: "BEGI~qING at the intersection of the easterly line of [~nney~s Road with the southerly llne of North Sea Drive; from said poi~ of beginning running easterly along said southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land of Glover, 113 feet more or less, to land of Potocki; thence west- erly along said land of Potocki, 202 feet, more or less to said easterly line of ~nney~s Road; thence northerly along said easterly line 115 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be par% of ~he same parcel shown as a "B" Zone on the Zoning ~Iap of theTowa of Southold aa adopted ;.pril 9~ 1957. ~1 - b - By changing from ~'B" Business District to '%l" ~lUltiple [~esidence District the following described property: "All that certain tract of land situated at the north east corner of I(enney's Road and Dogwood Lane, at Southold, in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State o£ New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: -3- ~'~GI~ING at the intersection of the easterly line of I~nney's 2gad with the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; from said point of beginning running northerly along said easterly line of ~nney~s !~oad~ 465 feet more or less to land of Oliveri; thence easterly along said land of Oliveri, 202 feet more or less~ to land of Glover~ thence southerly along said land of Glover and through land of I~arns, 437 feet more or less to said northerly line of Dogwood Lane; thence westerly along said northerly line 285 feet ms or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel sho%~n as a "'B" Zone on the 2~oning ~p of Bouthold as adopted £~ril 9, 1957. ~y person desirin0 to be heard on the above proposed amendement should appear at the time and place so specified." SUPERVISOR AL?~TSON: ~fe have the ~ffidavits of publication in the file~ indicating publication was actually made of this legal notice. will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. ~'~eport to: Southold Town Board~ 16 South Street~ Greenport, New York~ b~arch 25~ 1968 "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action mas taken by the Southold To~ Planning Board at a regular meetin~ held on ~!arch 19~ 1968: "In the matter of the To%vn Board's own mo~ion by changing from Business District to :'B-2' Business District and "Bu Business District to ~.I" [Jultiple qesidnece District the following described property: (description of property was not read again) ~'It was 2ES'%)LV~D that ~he Southold To~n Planning Board does not favorably recommend to the $ou~hold TO~ Board the chan~e of zone from "B'? Business District to "B-2" Business District and "B" Business District to %~" b~ltiple Residence District "The ~iannin9 Board ~els it was ~n error in judgement that this parcel was originally zoned for business use. In view of the fact that there is a serious problem with water supply in this inunediate vicinity, a-he 7'lg3~ming Board feels it %vould be a mistake to have this property anythin£] by "P'~ 2esidential and Fgricultural District. "i~espectfully submitted, /s/ 3ohn l~iclcham, Chairman $outhold SUPEPVIS~37, ALBEI~T$ON: Before v;e hear testimony in this particular case, I might state that I have many letters and telegrams, many of %vhich I think ~vere based on misinformation. They coneend that they are in favor of leaving the property the way it is. This property is presently Business property~ which is the heaviest use in the business zone. The relief sought in this petition takes The corner lot, the refreshment stand is on that lot, and considers a change from '~B~' Business ~istrict to :'g-2" Business. The rest of the area which is '~B" Busir~ess can be rgoved up to "~!-1" ~ultiple ~esidence. Per haps to clarify this a little more~ I should resd to you the uses presently allowed in the business d~strict, that is the "B" Business District. "In the ~S~ Business District~ no buil6, ing or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered 'unless other%uise provided in this Orc~nance, e:4cept for one (1) or more of the follov:in uses: 1- All permitted uses in the ~iesidenTial and Agricultural District, ~4~ [.Iul~iple lesidence District ~[f-1~ liultiple 32esidence, 'g-1~ Business and ~B-2~ ~usiness Districts; B - Storage houses; 3-Ice n~anufacturers; 4-E:~press cartin9 or hauling offices or stations; 5-yards for storage and sale of rule and building materials; 6- printing plaints; ?- bookbinding plants; 8- Laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing plants; 9- creamery, butter and cheese making ga/d milk bottling and distributin9 plan~us; 10- carpenter shops; 11- plumbing shops; 12- blacksmith shops; 13- electrician shops; 14- upholsterer shops; 15- Tinsmith -5- shops; 16- painter shops; 17- marinas, commercial docks, com/aercial fuel docks and piers; 18- ?erry docks and ferry houses; 19- Boat yards, boat storage yards and boat storage basins; 20- any manufacturing, fabricatinc3 treating~ converting, finishing, altering or assembling~ in connection with the a£oresaid permitted uses and xYhlcb is a necessary incident an¢l accessory to the prepar&~tion of articles to be sold primarily on the premises or to the performin9 of a service primarily for residents of the neighborhood." In addition to this~ the accessory ~uses that go along with these uses. Again t:o clarify, let me read v;hat is permitted in the "8-2" Business District~ 1- all permitted uses in the ;, residential and ~.~3ricultural District, >? ~Jultiple ~esidence and ~-~-i ~Iultiple '~esidence ~)istricts; 2- one and. t%'~o family al%veilings provided that such dwellings coz,~ply ¥~ith the provisions of Sections 301 to 30g, inclusive of this Ordinance; 3- ~qultiple dwellings,: ~- hospitals; 5- clinics; 6- nursing homes; 7- offices; 8- banks and.financial institutions; 9- retsil stores; 10- restaurants; 11- bake shops (for on-premises sales.); 12- laundromats and similar establishments; 13- tailors~ dry cleaners and milliners shops; 1A-shoe repair shops; 15- je~,~elers~ , opticians' , %vatch andclock shops and similar establishments; 16- marinas for the docking, morring and accormmodation of non-commercial boats~ including the sale of fuel and oil primarily forthe use of the boats accommodatedin such marina; 17- lodges chapter houses and clubs; 18- accessory uses on the same lot ~vith and customarilyincidental to any of the permitted uses and ~ot involving a spearate business. So you see, this is a limited business zone. In this same change there is also a Dice of property to be changed to ~[ ;Yultiple 3~esidence and I v.'ill read the uses permitted in that district. -6- i-Ail permitted uses in "A" ~,esidential and ~gricultural and ~.ultiple i~esi~en~;e ~istricts~ 2- ;~.otels and motels; 3- tourist cottages. (more than one tourist cottage may be permi~ed on & lot when ~uthorized as a special e~[ce~tion by the Board of ?'ppeals as hereine~ter provided.~ 4- Tourist camps~ when authorized as a special e~-~ception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided..' 5- marinas for the docking, mooring or accomraodation of non-commercial boats when authorized ~s a special exception by the ~]oard of ~ppeals as hereinafter provided~ 6- accessory uses of the same lot with and customarily indidental to any permitted use and not involving the conduct of a separate business. S[J?E2VIS.?,?, ;.LBEk'TS©N: Unless someone ~'rants me to read all of these letters that I bare received~ we will make note of the~ in the minutes and they will be read by the Board. £:t this time is there anyone present who ~¥ishes to speak in favor of 'uhis change? ?[[~ A~,N©[,D r,~'~.~,SEN: I represent Oliveri, and Potocki, and Dickerson. I would say nothing e~eept J-f you would Let~ refer to the previous thing~ the previous meeting here in reference to this change severel ~ueeks ago~ and the discussion and the opposition, and the fA%vor at that time. .~U,?L2VI:~~. ~T,BEI~TSO?~: ¥.ie had this some time ago from a S Business District up to "£." 2esidential and ?gricultural, at which time many people appeared. ,qome of those people are here tonic_hr. They %~ere concerned about the change because of the fact people had invested tbeir money quite properly in business zoned property. There %.;as business established on it. There was also a multiple d%velling on there that had been built in recent years. ~4onths, or days before our hearing~ unbeknov.~ to us~ the corner parcel ~,~as sold for ,~;14,000.00. If it had been residential it would have been $4,000.00. The people bought for a particular purpose. 3o we decided to bring this up again, raising the zone. This is up- zoning, bur not as high as the original. SUP~?,VISO!~ ?_LSE2T$ON: ~'3e would be glad to hear from anyone in favor of this up-zoning. (There %,;as no response. ) SU?ERVI,50~ ?LBE~TSON: ~nyone at all? S;.fq~o~L ~Lz~R[~L: ! live on Leeton Drive. I wonder if you could clar~y this in very simple terms. The %,,,ay %';e underst~d it is someone%~ts to build a motel ~d restaurant on that property. Is it now zoned for that purpose? SUPE[(VISOR DI, BE[~TSON: It is now zoned so that you could build ~y of the things mentioned in the B Business Zone area. This could ~ accomplished there now. ~;2[~L ~2~L: Could they build a motel and restaurant? ,SUOZ~VISO~ ALBE~TSON: Yes, as well as the other things mentioned. S~5[~L [[AE$~L: I don~t think anyone would w~t a tinsmith shop or blacksmith shop there, or anything else. f~U?ERVISO~ DLBC~TS'QN: Could you indicate %ehether you are in favor of or against this change? SAJ~L ?[All[~L: I ~ opposed to a restaur~t in this area. SUFE!(VISO[{ ALBE2TSON: You are in favor of this up-zoning, but wish it wo~ld go higher? S~4~L ;~[.,~d~i~L: That ~ s right. SUPE~VISO~ AL~TSON: ~yone else %%,ish to speak in favor of this ch~ge? (There was no response.) ~. VON HASSELL: I ~ in favoz of up-zoning. SU?E2VISO2 ~LBEZTSON: ~yone else in favor of up-zoning? ?.';LTE2 HA2[~IS: I ~ in favor of up-zoning. [~IR. B.G. FEATNE~STO~HAUGH: I ~ in favor of up-zoning. the up-zoning · .4,,. SIEBEET: Live on North Sea Drive. I am in favor of -8- ~?. A~T}{UP FUSS: I live on the corner of r,eeton and ~3esland . I am in favor of the up-zoning and wish that it could be residential. %~A~EL PEPE: ~,ive on the corner of Soundview and ~nneyYs ~oad. It would be much better as it was~ residential. ~4N. JOF~q JA~.?'A: Live at 465 North Sea Drive. I am in favor of up zoning~ particularly would like A 2esiden%ial zoning. I object to any commercial use of the property~ since this is residential property. The property is very small. There is business prop~ty in the main part of Iov~. This is not in the best interest of the community as a whole. ~otels ca~er to transient That may be ~p ~o one or t~o in the morning. This is not suitable for small children . This is a distance off the main road. ?eople in this area had homes built to provide ss,re places for their children. This would not be so if this business was permitted. Now, I would like to bring up a motion to change all the property to residential "~", including the property o%~ned by ~lr. ?otocki and his wife. SU?EI~VISO~ ,^~BE~TSON: This could be done by petition. [;2. 301~ 3A~-A: I move also that no plans be approved for any commercial building or certificate of occupancy issued for any commercial building except that ~r. ~otocki be allowed to operate with the present number of units since it is p~esently established. I would like to up-grade all property along Dogwood Lane, North Sea Drive, and l~nney~s [~oad~ and bring it up to Residential "A"~ which is the best for the area. ~$. ?OTQCI~: [[o%v could we operate if we wanted to if it's upzoned to residential. A £ew of these people that have bought were aware there was business and apartments. ~,3e don~t want to lose the money we invested. [~L?!~ GLO%~?.: ?'Iy property adjoins this property. I have heard stories about three stor~ motels and all of that. ?ould you clarify that. ,%U?EIIVISO2 ALEE~TSON: I am not the builder, I dontt have any plans for that property. i~OBERT l-' TDS!~Z~, ESQ.: Fifty feet is the maximum height in the area. ;~ALPH GLOVEL~: lThat could the property be used for now? 5UPE[IVI$OZ ALBE,~TSON: ;ny one of the particular mentioned Things in the heavy business use. RALPh[ GL©VEla: Has there been any request for a building permit there? ~3U?E~[VIi%O2 ALBE~ITSON: Not to my knowledge. [~;L~H GI.OV~g~: Theu had a little snack bar there. They were good about it and there v;as no disturbance or anything. I have property along there %vhich is zoned for six cottages~ and I have two cottages. Some of the people had only one car in the family and it was taken to the city during the week. These people could go over there for necessities. That little snack bar didn't hurt anyone. Lf they are going to build something bigger it would. : I live on North Sea Drive. Before I make any statement~ I would like to ask one or t~,:o questions. This previous hearing~ did that hea~g take place before or after the property changed hands? SUPERVISO~, ~LBEI',TSQN: It was after l?,. : It is my understanding that the purpose of the previous hearing was to up zone the entire parcel to ~A" ~Residential? SUPBRVISC, 2 ;J~BERT~ON: Right. : And the majority of the people at that time %~;ere opposed to that up zoning? SU?EI',VISOII ?~LBERTS'D~;: Right. : Is there any record from that hearing? -10- SUPE~VISO~ ALBEPT$ON: ?ie have the record. : I think it would be very he/z~ful if people could be enlightened on this previous hearing. It would be rather sad to me if at this previous hearing people who ~vn single residences were against up-zoning. The Tov~ts own planning commission has recommended that this be "A'' residential ~one and have stated they are opposed to any commercial use of this property. If this property is going to be changed for zoning, it ~ould seem there would be some indicatimn or statement as to what the purchaser wants to do with it. It seems to me that there are certain rights considered here. ~eople have purchased property and now own pieee of e~[isting zone. ?re have prided residential zoning. There are a good number of children in this area. The contention that many o£ us have~ there are motels and there are motels~ there a~ restaurants and there are restaurnats. ~ may end up with a very dangerous place that serves ~ alcohol. They become magnets for young people that will be drag racing at night with excessive speed. The Planning Commission menti~/ed a water problem. I didn't understand if that meant water supply or sanitation. This is a fact that has bothered all of us. In this case~ I am in favor of the up-zoning because that is all I can be for. The people who bad summer homes there didn't need the snack bar. I am in favor of this property be{ng up-zoned to "?" residential as recommended by the Planning Board. SUPERVIS©2 A~BE~S©N: Anyone else wish to speak: [~DBE[~T PAUL: I live on Leeton Drive. Is there any insurance that this ? roperty will be used in the same manner that it is being used now? -11- SU.~ERVISQ?, .~L~Ek'TSON: The answer to That, No. This cantt be insured. There is no insurance that you wontt put an additional story on your house or that you may have a police dog that barks all night. 2OBE!:',T i~;~: I ~ in favor of up-zoning, lhat would someone like ~. Potocki hnv~ ~o do to increase the size of the motel d~velling? '.3UPLRVI:5~)'.~ ALBE2TS~t'I: If they want to add on they ~v~ld ha~e to comply wi~h requirements for side yard~ rear yard~ height. Yhey could do this in ~ '~i" zone as %yell as in a :'B" zone. ~myone else ~vish to be he~rd in favor of this up-zoning? ;;i~. HE!4I~ 3.",SPE~: I live on North Sea Drive. First I ~vould like to tell ~. Glover a ~amily could be left all ~veek alone and have a place to 9o. The neighbors are very helpful. I have left my f~ily alone all xveek %vi~hout a car. The neighbors always ask ~ these people need anything. The snack bar vJhcn it ~¥as under ~. ['.Icintosch~ North Sea Drive ~as a dra~ strip for yo~ folks at night~ ~d i~ still is. This v;ill not hel~ matters ~ a restaur~t 9oes in here. I have a copy of the Building 7;one Ordinance and under General Provisions~ ;,~ticle ~C~ Section 1007~ Subsection (d)~ it states: "~'.henever a non-co~ormin~ use of a buildin9 or premises has been discontinued for a period of more th~ two (2) years, or changed to a higher class~ication~ or to a co~orming use, a~hin9 in this ection to the contrary no*withst~dlng~ the non-co~ormin9 use of such building or presses shall not longer be permitted ~less a vari~ce %her~ore shall have been granted by the Boardof Appeals as hereinb~ore provided. '~ I believe that second point is for the people there. -12- SUPE;~VISOR ALBERTSON: It would be if the district wasntt bush ess. It could stay idle in a business district for 100 years and start up the next day. That provision applies to :'B" Residential district. ~[~. H~DB JL$oEi~: But the whole area is residential SUPEiIVI$O2 ALBE~!T$ON: This sight is business. 5~. DR~IBR~SE: I am right across the street from the snack bar. The snack bar is in a business zone. I don't understand ~hy it is. The neighborhood is residential. This snack bar has been vacant for five years. It is deteriorating. The best thing to do is to rezone that to 3~esidential and make the area something we can all be proud of. It's not really residential as long as this is there. I suggest you take whatever steps are necessary to rezone it to "A" Residential. ~. GIL~IDE: I live at 570 North Sea Drive. Would like to see it rezoned to residential and let Potocki stay the way it is. ?[!~, pOTOCJ~: If these people were interested when they first moved here, they could have looked at the map and seen it was a business zone. If they didn't like it, they could have gone someplace else. That was on the map. If they dont~ like it~ move out. Everything was set for a "B-2" Business there. Everything was in favor of it. This is recorded on the book as '?B zoning. ~,I25. GLOVE~q: I live on North Sea Drive. I would like to a~k a question. If %his is up-zoned, is ~his going to hurt our investment. ~e heard that it is zoned for six dwellings. If this is up-zoned we can't have six dwellings? SUPER~ISO!~ ALBE?TTSQN: This change does not affect your property. -13- .~AflT,~Z~L. ~'L"=:?~L: I/ any of the investors who bought this property feel they are ooino ~o be hurt by purchasin[~ this property, ~ this will be up-zoned ~o residential, I will buy ~he properiy from them for whatever they paid ~d all the legal fees too. P5~. [.Ic~ i,e were the first ones to buy pr~erty do%~ there. ['4r. Glover put in the pl~bing, l'-e were s~er residenis nine months out of the year. l"e love that place. ?.'e are nov; livin9 do%~ here permanently. There should be some ch~oes made. I happen to ~ow [.Ir. 5iebert very well. You ov~ed that snack bar didn't you? ~i~. ~I,~oE~,T. Yes. ;??. P. TC~}~-~;~: Wou should 9o up there on Sunday and see %vhat you c~ do. the s~er residents can~t even come do~ here and use this beach. ~=.2b~, ~,IC;~JJ: ?hen %Ye first bought the property, there could be only 100 feet in for these people to build a motel on. It was to be only 100 fee~ up from the beP.ch. They were not suppose to 9o in more th~ 100 feet from the road. l'hal ~ws a restriction with %he property. BE~Y DIBBLE. I would like to 9o. on record as requesting the Board to accept the Pl~ninc3 Board's reco~enda~ion of ~z%'~ zonin9. SUPE~VI502 r~oBE~.TSON. ~yone else wish to be hee. rd in favor of this? (There was no response. ) SUpE2VISO~i AL~;~TSON: Anyone wish to spe~ inopposition to this zoning ['IR. ~Itl GLOVER~ If it is going to hurt anyone, then I am opposed to it. P£~OCI(I: I amcpposed to it too. I have money invested in there. I accept the "B-2" zoning like we discussed at the last meeting. 5UPEi?VISO~ ALEE~IS'~N: ~nyone else wish to be heard one way or the other? .L.,o. ?,DTOC!CI. ¥.e are content with what we have now~ but we do intend to build another unit. I!2S. ?2P: Since when is multiple dwelling up-zonin~ ~vhcn you can have anythin~ with ~ultiple dwelling. S ~E.~ ~ ~ _ ..... U. ~,,VI~O,, ~EE~S,DN· You can't have everything with multiple dwel~g. II!~. EPP: Then clar~y it. S~P~E.~VISOq AL.}{~TSOP;: I read the list of uses. ~.'Iaybe you c~me in late. You c~ only have multiple 4wellings. ~E~S. E~: There could only be multiple dwellings in that~ea? SU .... VIoO., /~3~BERTSON: That is right. ~.L~5 ~?~: Then private property o~ers couidn~t be there? SU?E;~VI3'.D~{ ,aj,~SON: ~ny use that is per~tted in ~he residential ~d agricultural district would be permitted here. ~.[RS. ~??: The Eoard i~self ~ried to rezone it on two occassions, realizing iz ~,;as dan0erous. ~"ill you please e:~plain that. SU~E~VI3Of~ ALBE~TSON: I:~e had a hearing previous to this one. The people at that ~ime ~ve~e not in favor of the change of this property to all "A:' .~esidential and A~ricultural, It was agreed everyone would be happy wi~h a '~B~2" and '~.I" situation, but not to stay wi~}l ~'B~' zoning. I[;~. 3A~'~T: I didn't co~e to that previous hearing the To%':n Eoard was m~(ino mention to for the up-grade to residenl%ial "A;,. ~ felt that it was ~necessary. I wrote a letter and I didntt come to that hearing. I ~ould lik~ ~o ~o%v ~ that letter was ~ecorded? 5UP~_~VI3,D'~ ALB~%IT:~:Di';: If such a letter was mritten~ i~ was in ~he file. These things are no~ pre-judged. You should come to the hearin9. '~'~.;,,. ~'-.D].,~'"~-'.,%.' I am willing 'to ~o laong wi~h the "B-2" ~s we discussed st ~he last meeting. I ~ opposed to an '/'' zoning in there. -15- GU~E,~V!G,'~I .~T3~E ~,TS,DN: /,nyone else xvish to be Ilea. rd? : I live on ~.'laple ;ve. I am~ sure ~he Board must rea. lize that m~y area residents are people that come out for the su~cr. ~hese people do not get the paper and ~vould not Iaaolv such a meetin9 is going on. .... · .~.A ~.~.. , ALEe ~T.~DN: If you have a.n investment in the co~uni~y and are interested in ~he co--unity, you should ~et the ne%vspaper. i"~LT~ ~i;,q'~T,~: One part is to be zo~ ed 'tB-2?. This is ~ taking in the restaurant and snack bar. I assume that the "B-_o" I~ .c'-,{. Tile snack bar. ,l ~,,VIoO,. ~ ........ 3-D~l. This is the area. where the snack bar presently e~:i s t. 19~. ]~. .~''. .. I live on Do9 l"ood Lane. I aa in favor of up- zoning this property. ~?, V,'3%,gSf[I: I bought a house there t~ee years a.9o. I r~ould like it to 9° up to residential "/," 'I?,. G2IG,'gNIS: I sm in favor of residential '?,. ~r--°~"c·._,:o_, ~. I live at 40 North Sea Drive. ~lr, & l'lrs. Harry Green and ~obert ~reen are in favor of zoning -tp-, residential. '"~3. tic ilM'~I: I don~t meet the people in Suniand. I don~t use the pnblic beach. But I understand that the sign out on i,~oute 27; directs people to ~genney's beach. That sign has bought in slot of people that don~t live here~ or stay' here or anything else. They just co~,~e doral here because of the beach, r didn't kno.# that~ it %vas told to me. People con~e in from DUE of Tor;n and use the beach. I~,. ?E??2: I live on Soundvier~ and l(enney~s ]load. I am in favor of the up- zoning. ~'~LL'~ ~' <-~- · : I am in favor of the up-zoning. -16- ,~,. ,~,,_oD~[I~. Before we get carried away, are we here for ~;-" zoning? ~.. ~,V_oD., ~kLBE2T%D,~: ['~o) we are not here for "7'". r', GI:~GDNI3' By saying """ ..... ~ we might not be saying anything. ~.'e should ,>u, B,, I.~ -.~I~,T.~O[~. l~at you are sayin9 is ~hat you would like to have th.is moved up to an ",~" zone. ~';;,LTER ~lZIS~ I understood ~ha~ he wanted to up-grade it ~o residential. Th~,~ isn't what it was, and ~ would like ~o correct ~ly state~en~. ]I~. .~ o.,D~. Is there ~yway for the people to find out the results of a he~ing. I think the decisions should be published in the newspaper. ,=_-,, ,VI,:,9,, .ALBE~TSON: They always appear in the ne%vsp~)er. ~.<- ~:~-~o,,~,.~ %~.,.. Live on Haple and I ~ in fair of ;~;?. C;iV, PET'{(??S%[I: The majority of ~he people seem to object to the thought of a motel being built on ~his property. ~U~E2VI9'9]~ .... ~ .... Is there anyone else present who w~shes to be heard one way or the o~her on this? (T~ere was no response.) b%~z,RVI- ~ o-~']~,,~,.~..~u=,~,~ m~'~cOB~._.. Hearing none ~ Ve will close the hearing ~ on ~his piece of property, for ~he further deliberation of the Tovm Bo~d. -17- SU~52VIS02 ;LBERTS©N: I will read the legal notice as it concerns the second hearing. "2 a- ~ changing from "B:' Business District to "M-l" ~,lultiple ~esidence District the following described property: 'All that certain t~act of land situated at the north side [qain [~oad, at Orient, in the To%un of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "B~GINT~ING et the point on the northerly line of the [.[ain 2o~d 86 feet more or less, westerly along said northerly line from Y~ ngs ~venue~ from said point of beginning running westerly along said northerly line of the [!ain Road 94 feet more or less, to land of the State of New York; thence northerly along land of l'fasilewski, 144 feet more or less; thence along land of E.w,. [-ting two courses: (1) easterly 92 feet more or less; thence (2) southerly 149 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being, and intended to be part of the same parcel sho~n as a "B" zone on the zoning map of the Tov~n of Southold as adopted ~.pril 9, 1957. "2 b - 6y changing from "B~' Business District to "~." .~esidential and Agricultural 0istrict the folio%ring described property: ",'~ll that certain tract of land situated at the northwest corner of ~L~in 2oad and Youngs Avenue, at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of SuffOlk and state of NewYork, and more particularly bounded described as follows: "BEGI?[ING at the intersection of the northerly line of Zhe [~[ain 2oad ¥;ith the westerly line of Youngs Avenue; from said point of beginning tuning %~esterly along said northerly line of the ~[ain 2oad ~6 feet more or less to land of E.~{. ,~(ing; thence along said land of ;ling; three courses; (1) northerly 149 feet more or less~ thence (2) westerly 92 feet more or less: thence (3) southerly 134 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of the ~Iain i~oadl thence westerly along said northerly line of the blain qoad 322 feet more or less~ to land of ?'illiam~ thence northerly along said land of lilliams~ land of I~eybine, and land of Hughes, 641 feet more or less~ thence northeasterly along said land of Hughes~ 125 feet mae or less to land of Orra~ thence easterly along said land of Orra, 146 feet more or less to said westerly line of Youngs ~venue; thence southerly along said v;esterly line 69% feet, more or less to the po~%t of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the same parcel of zone on the ~3onino P;ap of the Town of $outhold as adopted ;pril 9~ 1957. "Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendments should appear at the time and place so specified. ~U~E!~VI$O:~ ALBE~TSON: There are affidavits of publication in the fi~e indicating publication was made of this notice. I will now read the recommendation of the ~ianning Board. "Neport to: Soutl~d Town Board, 16 South Street~ Greenport~ New York, ~.larch 25~1968, "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold To%~ ?lanning Board at a regular meeting held on r.larch 19~ 1968: '~In the matter of the To%'~ Board's Ov~ motion fora change of zone from ~B' Business District to ~I-1~ ~ltiple Residence District and from 'B~ Business District to '~' Residential and ;oricultural District on the followin9 described property: (Legal description was no read again.1 "It was ~ES'DL%~D that the Bouthold To~'~ Planning Board recommends favorably to the Southold Tov~ Board the change of zone from ~B' Business District to '?.I-1~ ~,iultiple Residence District and from ~B~ Business District to property. -la- Residential and Agricultural District on the above described "The property is presently used for residential purposes. There is no business conducted on the premises except for apartments and this part will be changed to an "m-l" ~'Iultiple llesidence. ~'llespectfully submitted, /s/ John ~"ickham, Chairman, Southold To%.~ ~lannin9 Board." SU?~:~VIS')ll ALEE2TSON: I have a letter here ~hich I will rea~o "I have a fe%v questimns, ~4r. Supervisor. "31. To the Board's best knowledge, is there a village in the To%~ of Southold that has so small an amount of property zoned for business as Orient? "'~:.~. Can you give me the difference in value betl~een property zoned for business over residence? "~3. Does the Board feel it v;as a mistake, on my part~ to sell the Gellette Farm---no%v ~Iarion r4anor-- to Peter Blank for development~ %~ise, to the to%,~-- also my home farm to %'alter Uhl? ":~. ~/ith the Oyster business gone, several of the shipyards out of business~ the Scallop and Fishing business at a standstill and the farmers droppinG out of farmLnG one-b~one, as you have heard me say before, how are v:e Going to support our schools, churches~ public buildings, parks and many other things such as the Historical Society in our town~ %.~ithout property zoned for business? I~;ro Supervisor, your Board kno~s me quite %'.~ell. I have al%rays been very optimistic, never pessimistic. The pr~ er~y %ye are discussing tonight is property that has been business for %~ell over a hundred years-- The Borwn House, ~vith five apartments~ all rented-- every house lot has been sold on the v;est side of YOunGs !{~ad, also three on the east side; every purchaser kne%v my potato house~ nov: belong to Gregory & Doyle had been doing business for many years-- long before house lot v~as sold in this area -- never any complaints. I am truly -20- convinced that this is a personal issue. If the ~oard sees fit to up-zone this area, what will happen, in value, to the Bro%'~ House that has cost me nearly ~40,000.00 and the potato house of Gregory D Doyle that has~ and still is doing business? '~or these various reasons, I am asking the To~vn Board to reject this petition. This area has been used for business of the Eastern Excavation Co. for seven years~ and Roscoe r~ng the past four years without one single complaint. If the Board eannot see itts way clear to reject, I beg of you tohold your decision until the time comes when a much larger acreage can be down-zoned for business in the Village of Orient. "Very truly, /s/ Edwin H SUnZRVI5©%~ ALBE~{T$ON: In as m~ch this letter was in opposition, we will hear from those opposed to this change first. Anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to this change? LILLI£JI 5C~{2ISVZ~: I am from ~:ain ~oad~ Orient. I guess that I am the one that stirred up the horne~s nest. I would like to clear up the facts of the matter. If you will recall, several years ago, there was an application to build a civil defense garage on the corner of ¥oungs Avenue and ~-~ain Road. That is the same area that is under discussion tonight. I had arranged with ~r. !~ng to move the corner house off that lot onto another lot. I wanted to erect a garage on that property. Orient objected amd it was denied. This was a case of special exception that required to get exception to use business property for that type of business. ?ermission to use the garage was denied. Then, I found myselff about ready to go into the e~<cavation and construction business. I am buying out the equipment of [4r. i~oscoe t~n9, I want Zo operate my business out of Orient. I live in Orient, Noscoe king lives in Orient, ~r. ;~%tham lives in Orient, Gary ~abor who ~-~ works for me also lives in Orient. I'~ILr. I:U[ ~[;~:II~VEi~ (con't): It is outrageous that ~7e cantt run a business that is ho~ grov~ in the vicinity that %~e live. It is not a retail business. Yhere is no tre~ffic except you own vehicles. It is not like running a snack bar or service station. There was only one peice of prime business property in the Village of Orient, par t of %~hich is owned by Ed [~ng, and part by Gregory and Doyle. If you want to set up business in Orient~ and abide with thc ioning laws, one would have to change property ~o that zoning~ or purchase property that is zoned. The logical thing for me to do was to approach Gregory ~ Doyle to see if they would sel~his property at a r~onable price. You could buy a lot of homes along Village I.ane and tear them do%vn and sell bus~ ess property. ~nyway, I approached Gregroy and Doyle %o see if they would sell this property. I dealth through f4r. Floyd f~ng. They had been approached to sell this property to Tony Norklun to use the potat~ house the~ for par~ oflis construction business. ~pparently~ there was some diffioalty in meeting the price. I found the price high. I agreed to put a binder on the property, providing he would guarantee that the property would not be up zoned. He r~i~sed to make this arrangement so that no contract was ever made. %'ord of this adventure leaked out and a petition was drawn up and circulated and presented tothe Town Board, asking that the whole property be up-zoned. This would prevent my using the property. This makes the property of little value to me. It~uld have been necessary for me to take down the existing buildings and build my own buildings ~o make proper use of this property. Lf this property had been up zoned to some ~'B'~ zone, then this property could continue to operate the way it was then operating~ forever and ever as long as the trucks continued to use it the same way. I believe you can expand 50'~7 of what it was at the time the change %vas made in the zoning. In view of the fact that I would have to tear do-¢~ existing buildings ~nd build new, there was a question whether or not I could have -22~ obtained a permit to build a new building. There was a financial situation uder the circumstances. Access to the property was not as neat as it might ]]ave been. There is a tree that provides certain obstructions. Yhere is no frontage on the ~ain ~oad. Lf~u try to sell %.;ithout £rontage~ you don't have ~uch to sell. That was the nature of this property. The price was way to high. The chance was that 1%~ould buy the property and not be able to use it. I view of that, I found it necessary to approach other people in the area~ to see if I could purchase other property that was more suitable, better located, and less interference with residential uses. I had to find property that could be dog,n-zoned ~o business. For thst reason there is another hearing tonight. Of the two pieces of property, I ~ould much prefer the one that is comingup later. It's much better in terms of access and space and of course in terms of cost. ~his property is now zoned business and the other property is no~ zoned business. I would like business property to run my business. This is the only property now available to ~e. I ~ould like to have this property remain business zone, if I am not given the opportunity to go elsewhere. I would much prefer the other property, and ~ think the other people %vould prefer it also. ?,hile I realize that many people have acquircd property in this area~ it was business zoned. The area has been substantially residential. C~e of the businesses is no longer in existance. Considering the demand for business property~ that part of this property might as well be residential. The demand for tha~ property as business property would be mini~umal. I ca~ not re~.lly in favor of up-zoning that property as far as frontage. If the Village of ~3rient decides there is going to be a need for business prpperty, that particular spot is a ~ood one for business. I~s ~cross the street from e=~istin~ business property now. That's probably the reason ¥~hy it ~as zoned business. The frontage should stay business snd the bac~ part should b~ rcsidenti~l. Thank you. 3UPEi~VIS~TM. ;:.i. EE~2~S':.iq: Thank you i.lr. Schriever. Is there a~pne else present ~,ho v~,ishes to be heard in opposition to this application~. YTl~ ] _:.'bSJ~: I object to the change from business to residential. ~;,:,~Y CII,'.?['~".N: I am not sayinG ~vhether I am opposed or not. i"e are p. iece talkinG about a~ of prpperts, to be used as residential~ business or %'.hatever. ~e are not concerned about one personality. ~e ]lAve to speek in terms of people~ nei_~hborhood people cominG here and living here no%~3, not just about this one business. [~OYi~ -'[lNG, 3~.: % 83,l real esta~te broker. I ~,~ould like ~o say I have no transaction bindiDg on this property. I feel that each community needs business area. You need business property to (Dive Good, t~~. basis. The business area should be on the west end of the community. The one through road is route 25. This business property should be on this road. The piece of property in question meets these requirements. I also feel that the change as outlined here is contrary to principal of zonin9, .e are spot zoning. '_hne small "[-%' zone and balance of business area on the south side Of ~oute 25 frill also be rather small. [.ly understandinG of the .WoninG IJr£1inance is that the "~..I" zone %vould not permit more than four unit dwellings. Is that correct? SU?E?.VI~O,~ ALBE2T~ON: You are v.,ron~. Ff~l'o -2Ii']G: I do think there is reason for some change in this area. I don~t feel that the change contemplated here is for the benefit of the cormnunity. GE~T~I~I% 2~EVE~:I am from the road covered. bought the property that it was zoned business. ?'e ~e%v that %'~hen ~e So did each one of the others. :'Jhy e~ctinGuish this property that absorbs taxes. :'.e are all gettin9 a little older. [~laybe others don~t have to worry about it. I ~vonder if they are thinking about additi~al school taxes. SUI~ERVISOM =~B£:IT$ON: Anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to this change? (There was no response.) SU,~Et~,V[[80~, ALBE!~TSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this change? ?,DBE2T $C?~';-?'DED~ '; I don't think ?Jr. 5chriever would like objection in form of his competition. I would be very glad to bring my equipr, lent into the l'ot~n of Orient. It just ia~'t the place for that type of business. I am in favor of up-zoning. SU?E~,V_][~.r]?. i:.~BE.,'TSON: £'nyone else ~¥ish ~o be herd in fnvor of? ~:?EiIY ,flICk4: I just bought the house that contained a gif~ shop. I bought the house knowing that it ~as zoned for business. I fel~ that it t,~as to my advantage. I ho%v intend to make my home there. I am in favor of the up-zoning. $~I?E~{VI$O?, £.~B~[T$ON: ~'-'~nyone else wish to be heard in fsvor ? [{OB~[{'£ SC.H'.~,OEDE~: I have a letter from the people who are buying this lot on a time basis. ?4r. Haberman %%,ho is in the hospital is also in favor of up-zoning. S[~?E'{VISO9 A[~B~[~T$ON: I have a letter here which I will read: '~April 18~ 1965~ Board of '-oning, ,~Jouthold, Net,~ York 11971 "~e: Building !one ©rdinance~ Proposal %!2, I~ezonin9 property in Orient on Youngs ?,oad from Business toD~esidential '~To i"hom it ~fay Concern: Bein a property owner on Youngs _{oad~ Orient~ we assumed that this was already zoned residential. ~:e are greatly opposed to having it zoned business, and are in favorof the proposed change. "Yours truly, /s/ ~,obert E. Gloria, /s/ Penelope D. Gloria.'~ SU?EqVI$O2 ALBEf~,TSON: This %v~li be part of the record. Is there anyone el se t~ho wishes to be heard in favor of ~his change? -25- LY:t':~ENC5 ?,f~YDIN~: First I would like to take e~-[ception to ~.ir. %chriever's remakk that the requres~ for up-zoning was done in anticipation of his plans because there was no way of I~owing what his plans w~re. I would like to ask ~4rs 2eeves ~ her proper~y is now zoned "~" or ~[~S. :~EE~;5: It is zoned LA'~.t~r.~E ;?EYEI~ This property would be more valuable as residential th~ it would be as business. I~. Schriever very wisely pointed out there is a cul-de-sac there in which he would be pu~iing his business with no access to the property. I really think that all of the people would be 91ad leave what is there no~,.. ~'hat we are here for is to determine the most good for most of the people. I ~ow Gregory ~ Doyle ~d r,~. ~n9, and I respect ~'~. ;r~n9, however, these two lots would be more valuable as residential property than business. I am in favor of up-zoning this property. CHA2LE5 CP3~PBELL: I am in favor of up-zoning this area as advertised, ! tb~k I4r. Schriever very well pointed out sometb~9 we have to consider. It is very ex~ensive to tear do~ existino buildinos to build new. ~4ost of this area is already built up wi~h residence or multiple residence. incurs ~ great de~1%o %ear this do%%~ ~d set up another type of business enterprise. There should be mn area in Orient that could be used for business, but I ~ opposed ~o this place being used for business and I would like to see it up-zoned. '~DBE/T 5C~.{~BDE~ '~ the original petition~ there ~,~as 22 or 23 names. Some of those people aren't here tonight. Could they 9o on record? SIIDERVISOS~ ~LME:{'I'SON: ~'e have the original petition. Anyone else wish to be heard in favor of this chide? qL~' CP:~4PEELL: I ~ in favor of up-zoning, l~e gym the lot next to the Button-wood tree. l~atever comes up in this area ~fects all of Our property would be without value ~ there was a business there. ?;e did not ~ow it was zoned business when we bought -26- S[IPEi~VISO:? ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard in favor of this change? (There was no response.) SUpa~VISO2 ~LBE2TS'~: Anyone wish to be heard one way or the other? r;!i. ED';IN ~(ING: In reference to b!rs. Campbell~ they knew it was business because I sold the house. They knew when they bought the house that my potato house was in the back yard, my trucks were 9~in9 in and out for 9radin9 potatoes. Z!~i"i~ENC~ ,~EYBINE~ If they keep earth movin9 equipment and bull-dozers and this type of ~hin9 in there, doesn't this constitute a garage? (~OEEi~T TA$t~.N~ ESQ.: The question of storage of this equipment would not be raised in "A' district, would be classified as business. LA%'!r~ENCE REYBINE: The equipment could be kept there legally? ROB~?T T~S~R~ ESQ.: If this was zoned business. I.A%':[~E~E 2EYBINE: ~lr. t~n9 states that the potato house was operating as business. % say ~hat the potato house is an agricultural operation and that in an 'A" zone it cauls still operate. rjR. KING: That operation has been there a good many ycars, lhen I first bought this area~ there was no house there, but there was a potato house there. I c~n't see why anyone should object to having this stay the way it is. SUPEaVI%GP ;,LBEI2TSON: ~nyone else wish to be heard? ',AI"?~NCE REYB[N[{: I have no objection to the property to stay as it is now, but I think we are faced with the fa.ct that if it wa.s zoned as business zone the uses that can be put there. -27- r~?R. :<ING: 5Iy main interest in that area is the building that I have ?40,000.00 invested in. In your M-1 zone you can have four apartments. I have five apartments, and they pay back the cost of my expense there. There is room to m~ke another apartment there. If you p~ this Boning in, I will not be able to build another apartment there. for SUmERVISO~,~. ALBE[-~T.~5ON: The "b~-l" zone provides ~ four apartments. £nyone else wish to be he~rd one way or the other? [%2S. CA~,~PBEL!.: We need business in C~rient, but it seems to me with all this farm land there must be some place else. ?e have been looking for a place to build a larger house, in Orient. l'~at Orient need is residential property. This might be something the Board should consider. JOHN T*~FHIL!~: Everybody ag~es and seems to be in favor of baying this residential except for the apartments. ~,~y understanding was that the petition circulated did not include any mention of ~4r. ICing's property. LAVJ~'gNCE REYBINE: '~e have no objection to havin0 this piece of property classified as an ~'~I" or "~4-1'~ . I personally would have no objection to having it c~assified as ilOBEP. T .~SCH[~OEDE2: How many apartments could he have if it was classified ~UOEi?VI.~OE AL~E!~TS©N: It would depend on the size of the lo~. IqVING L~T~L~'.;: I o%vn property on Youngs ~oad. I also would be in favor of up-zoning this to ~'A" residential if %%r. !(in9 can keep his apartment ~ILLI~I SCH~I5\~I~: I am wondering about the area of the lot which the Brown house is on. ~ think it is about 150 feet by 100 feet. ~SU~E?.VISOR DLL~ENTSON: It is 1~4 feet by 92 feet. ~"ILLIA~ ~LC~LqIEVEI~: That would be about 15,000 square feet. Isn't there a limit as to how much Of the lot you can build on? -28- L,%IrIS DEMAI~EST: He would be able to build on 7500 square feet. ?!ILLIP~? SCH~I~VET{: Isn't there smme limit as to what he could build? He could build about three times what he has there now. You are not doing any favors by changlng this from "M-l" to ~. ~(ING: This area was all laid out before zoning was adopted. All of my tenants are good tenants. I have no complaints. I have two house lots there also. If the zone changes, what will I do with these two house lots? $~PE~VI5Oi~ ALBE~TSON: I can't settle that for you tonight. Does anyone else wish to be heard one way or the other on this change? (There was no response.) 5UPE!~VISO~ ALBE2TSON: D~yone at all? (There was no response.) SUo~WVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none, we %rill close this particular hearing for the further deliberation of the Board. S~PEi~VISO~I .~LBE£TSON: I'7e will take up proposition number four at this time since it goes along with the last hearing. I will read the legal notice of hearin0. "~. ~, chanoing from ~'a" l(esidential and Dgricultural District to Business District the following described property: "ill that certain tract of land situated at Orient~ in theIo%.~ of 5outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particula~l~ bounded and described as follows: "Seginning at the southerly side of the 5lain Poad and the easterly side of Tabor ~{oad, then running in an easterly direction along southerly side of '~in ~oad 225 feet to land of Perreira, then along land of Ferreira in a southerly directimn 150 feet; then along lands of gerreira~ Gloria, and ?7ernikowksi in a easterly direction 210 feet to land of 17illiam Terry, Jr., then running south easterly along lands of ~'illiam Terry~ .7r.~ 650 feet to Oriene Central Cemeter; thcn running in a westerly direction along lands -29- of ()rient Central Cemetery 670 feet to the easterly side of Tabor ~oad; then in a northerly direction on the easterly side of Tabor ~oad760 feet to the point of beginning. "Any person desiring to be heardon the above proposed amendments should appear at the time an place so specLfied." 5UpE2VISO~ ALBE~{TSON: I have the affidavits of publication in the files, indicating publication was actually made of this legalnotice. I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. "Report to: Southold To¥.~ Board, 16 South Street, Oreenport, York, ~Iarch 26, 1968 "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action Southold T~vn ?lannin9 Board at a regular meeting held on March 19, 1968: "In the matter of the petition of qussel Tabor ~: Sons~ Orient, Ne~v York, fora change of zone from ~'A~' Residential and Agricultural District to 'th'? Business District on certain re~l property situated at Orient~ in the Town of South~ld, Suffolk County, New York~ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: (legal descrip~io~ was not read again.) "It ~vas 2ES~.VED that the $outhold Tov~ Planning Board does not favorably redommend to the Southold Tov~ Board the change of zone from '.A" i~esidential and Agricultural District to "B~' Susiness District on the above described property. "It is the opinion of the Planning Board ~hat in keeping %,;ith their policy there should be a buffer zone between business property and a cemetery. "Very sincerely~ /s/ .John ['Jickham, Chairman, ~;outhold To%vn Planning Board'*. -30- S1'~E'~u~cn' A_Boi.T~©PI: I have letters before me vzhich are in opposition to this change and they ~,;ill be made part of the record. I also have a petition that includes many names. ~.t this ti~e is there anyone presen~ mho tvishes to speak in favor of the relief sought in ~his petition? LE~]ELL T;.B?~: It has been s~a~ed here ~oni~ht that there is no properzy in Orien~ zoned for ~usiness at this time. the main part of this property is on Tabor :{oad. There are no residences on either side of the road. I have a ch~ce to sell this piece of property and I ~'~ould like to see it zoned business. ~U~VI~ ~:'J,E~-~TSON~ Thank you. ;~yone else ~vish ~o be heard in favor of this ch~ge? ?LOYD IC[NG,3~.: 1%vould like ~o repe~.~ my previous statement. I am a real estate broker. I ~ not connected %vith this ~r~sac~ion as far as this land is concerned. Again, ~he general bu~ess area should be on the ~';est side of the co~tuni~y. This property is most ~vesterly of various land available on ~oute 25~ ~vi~hou% getting involved in waterfront property. Business property should no~ be on the wate~ront. This property ~,~hich is in question tonigh~ does not make prime resid~ial property. It is right across the stree~ from ~he school. ,~ one side you look ou~ at the cemetery, and on the southeast it ~ bounded by ~he cemetery. ~he only logical complaint tha~ I can see ~vould be the possible s~ety hazard for small children, ho~vever the majority of the children are taken a%vay from the school in buses. · he ~rosswalk is approximately 500 feet ~vest of ~his property. ICor these reasons, ~d for t~e need of additional business property in Orient~ I am in favor of this ch~ge? 3UpE~VI39.~ ;..LBE~T~5ON: Th~k You ~.~. i~n9. Is there anyone else ~'~ho ¥~ishes to speak in favor of this ch~ge? ~5. :~EE~S: I am in favor of ~!2S. '~IL:~:'%N: I ~ in favor of this Change from re~ential to business. We need thc bus~ ess. --31- tU?~5-~VI:~:D~ A'.[~[~TSON: Is there anyone else ~vho wishes to be heard in favor of this change? ;'IL~I~.[ !]C;{-'IEVa~i:~: I think everybody here was here a little while ago, so I ~vill continue with the story. This piece of property is an ideal spot for business property, in view of what is available in the Village oi ~>rient. Orient has been around for more than 100 years~ long before zoning~ an~ people have done %vhat they have done. Orient is a dead-end, except when the ferry is running. ~11 of the traffic going in and out of Orient 9oes do~.m Xoute 25 All of the traffic is 9oin~ to have to 9o pass the school unless you want it to go through Orchard Lane. The school has been on the.t road for a long time~ and a new school was erected on Route 25. I have made a list of the businesses in Orient, which is will supply a copy of to the secretary. I would like to read a little bit from this list. I have divided the list of business into two catagories. The first catagory is construction and trucking businesses. Under excavating I have Irving [.atham~ ~ra~k Eondarcbuk, 2oger Tabor~ and $chriever Construction Co. ~hat is four e~:cavatin9 business in ()rient at the present time. ~iine is compariable in size to the other~. Under truckin9, there are three people operating trucks out of Orient: %lobert Douglass, .Yoe Droskoski, [ard ~abor; under caqoentry~ I have Cony Norklun, Charles ~yder, John ~ondarchuk; under plumbing, I have Carl i~n9~ Bryant Tabor, and Poss Norklun. I realize that l~oss Norklun is part of ~ Tony Norklun. Under Electrical contracting, I have Ted llohloffl under painting~ Don P!cPleilll under landscaping, Joe 'Andrade and Gary Tabor; under fuel oil, I have I.T. Edwardsl we have two service stations~ Joe Andrade and Chevron station. There are 20 businesses in Orient. ~!ineteen if mine rules out. There are ~0 existing business in Orient that are similiar in nature as far as nature of building~ so that this is not unique or new type of business in the area. [~der other businesses, ~ 32- there are a couple of marinas; there are eight things that you could call retail bus~esses$ four things as tourist or nursing faciliteis; and there are two fishin~ stations and the ferry and dock. There is some commercial fishing and ~ere are 10 families that make a living in far,nih9. ~3f the 38 businesses, 20 are in category (~). Thus mare than half of all of the businesses in Orient are related to either construction or trucking and thus similar in nature to the use of the T~bor property proposed by the Schriever Construction Co.,Inc. Of tile 20 business in Category (a) at least 3/4 of the~ are at least as far east as the monument corner. I~ the 18 businesses in category ~b) all but 2 of them are at least as far east as the monument corner. Thus, more than 3/4 of all of the businesses in U3k~ ')rient are re~ched by traffic passing the monument corner ~;here the Ornient School crossing is maintained. There is no availalbe business property west of this corner and thus no possibility of any new business a~oiding this crossing. ~Tith 38 business in a community of 700 residents., there should be no question as to %~,hether Orient is primglrily a reside~tial community and thus business should be excluded. The anount of fuel stored underground should present no more hazard than tile oil tank in the yard of most of the homes in Orient or thefuel t~u~ks used by all farmers and many other business in the area. ;t the time this application for a hearin9 ~vas made, there was no contract to purchase this property and so there was no mention made in the application of the proposed purpose for this down zonin9. However, I have ~ contract no%.~ ~ich involves this parcel of nine acres. It ~'~as the decision of the f~bors to sell tile entire parcel and not just part~f it. The contract is be~veen my v~ife and %he ~abor family, so that ~hen the deeds are msde out, part of property %vil~ be transferred to the Construction Co., and the rest left in her name. The construction company does not need the entire parcel. There are ~any ~'~ho knol~ ~%~hat e~]uipment ~e have at present. ~aybe I should out This on thc record. (;~r. Schriever described all the equipment he had for the construction business, '£his equipment is in line ~vith that used b? the type of business propemed by ~.lr. ,~.chriever. ) I think I ~ant to bring out the geography of the property. I propose to use the property 225 feet on the front~ across frown the school, and is my intention to use it for 150 feet back. 225 feet by 150 feet is plenty to put on a office building and garage for the equipment. There are no residences alon~ ]Fabor qoad~ except for :~nne%h '~abor. I ~.uch prefer ~his piece of property to the piece tha~ was discussed previously. ~lot of people are concerned v;ha% might happen to this property oO years f~o~n now. 2chin9 should be done becauee ~ve don~t kno~¥ the future. ~e man should not be prevented from making a livin9 because of what might co,ne ~ter him. ~{UPE~V~)'~ ~LBLT'~<%]~: Thank you ~4r. gchri~ver. ~nyone el~e ~vish to be heard in favor of this change? ~?S. j.n ~i'H.~ ',%n'".N:D: I have two children attending the Oreint School. ~ %vas presented to other ~others the same v;ay it was presented to me, no v:onder their names ~re on that petition. I question the validity of the petition as it was. I was called by another person ~d told there ~,~as pl~s for a ~jor ~ruck terminal on this property. I was asked ~o sign my name to a petition. ~y husband v;as home at the ti~e and he asked more questions, such as who o~.'~ed the property~ e~c. I would like to 9o on record as saying that if this was presented correctly to all the people %vho signed thc~, wouldn't have si~ned it. It is mis-representation. r~?. :(I~,~O: I would like to see this proper~y zoned for business. sU?E~VI,~O.,~ .,iLBE~T?DN: Is there anyone else ~vho ~vishes to speak in favor of this ch~oe~ (There ~,~as no response. ) SU~L~VIB:D!~ ..'LEE ',T~DN~ Is there anyone present %vho %vishes to speak against this chanoe7 (There ~vas no response.) j'. :~-; ~,V~'3D'~ , · - ~,;~ .... ,. - .B,. ',.~O? , ~nyone ~,Jz3h to be heard on e way or the oti~er on this change? ~ ,.,,.: '~ost of us are concerned frith v;bat the future of ~ient should be. I don~t think we need to establish business in Orient. .[ ........ > , .-,~,~,,_oO~ I have a letter here from the school v~hich I v:ill read; this is a resolution adopted by ~he school district: "~ hereas~ an application has been ~de to rezone presses located on the south side of F, lain {~oad, ~ient, Plel'; York, directly opposite the school house maintained by this District, from residence robustness and v;hereas, in vier; of the e::istin9 /r~fic probie~s, the i~ationof the school, the s~ety of the children and the possible disturbance to the operation of The district school house reBul'tin9 from such reRonin9: "Resolved, that the Board of Education~ Consoliclated llnion Free District :c~ ?o~'m of Souihold~ is opposed to the granting of any application to re- zone from residential to business the premises located on the south side of the 7k~.in 2Dad directly opposite the district school house~ such opposit~n based on ~he health, s~fety and v;elfare of the pupils at~endin9 the dis~ric~ schoo$, this Board prays that The Tolvn ,2oard of the To%.;n of 5outhold deny the application. ~' C,U?r{~V%50[~ A;.E52~S'9}l: f'nyone else v~ish to be heard one v;ay or the other? n~'~rl[,~ T .... ~: I didn't understand aboutthe To~vn Pl~nin9 ,ooard v~antino a b ~er zone for the cen!eterv. ~:, [T~Z ~ 7~' . . ,V_~,) f:.~;~?SO~: The~ feel ~here should be a ~fer ~one ben,yeah a cemetery and a business zone. ... :.:,~I~ .... ;:nd 7Ir Schriever said the use ~'~ould be siailar to wha~ is on the ~r~ert~z now, I don~t ~derstand this. :'!-.'.r : ,>~ ..t..~,,. ~e building is similar. -35- ~'Ii?.i%~ TS% ~.~,~¥: ! object to this being down zoned to business. I bare a junk yard on one side of my property n~'~. .q[~?P~VIS.~'..?7.~'~TSD~: ;~yone else ~vish to be heard? }~!~S. [3~%N'I: I an in favor of the down-zoning. AU~L.IVI BO!! ALBEP.?S.DN: ~nyone else? (There was no response. ) 5Uol. L~VISO.~ AL~E.~.TSO~,I: Hearing none, I ~?ill close this particular hearing for the further deliberation of tile Board. S~}57. VISO?. ALS~i.'TSON: I v~ill open this hearing by reading the legal notice of hearing. "3. S5~ changing from '~B-2" Business District and ";" 3}esidential and Agricultural District to "r~" ;4ultiple '~.esidence Districtthe £ollowing described property: ",\11 that certain tract of land situated at Greenport, in the of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Ne,~; York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "DF~Gi?~qlNG at the intersection of the easterly line of si~vermere ~oad ~vith the southerly line of land of the Long Island i:ailroad; from said point of beginning running along said land of Long Island 'lailroad t~7o courses: (1) easterly on a curve to the right, havint a radius of 283~! feet, a distance of 108.06 feet~ thence (2) N 84 degrees 30~ 10" E.-8~!S.33 feet to land of Toner; thence along said land of Toner, S. 6 degrees ~0~ 50" .- 895 feet more or less, to ordinary high ~,¢ater mark of Pipes Cove; thence %?esterly along said high ~vater ,mark, 1220 feet more or less, to land of Steinmetz thence along said land of Steinmetz, N. 3 degrees w. 5~ 00" 2.- 695 feet more or less to the sou'therly line of a 20 foot private road /cnov;n as "~ilver ~ane" and in a direct extension easterly of said sou-therly line across said ~{ilvernere ~.o~, S. 85 degrees 31~ 40" E.- 249.66 feet to said easterly line -36- of ~i!ver~ere ~oad: thence along said easterly line, N. 15 degrees 217 30'~ Y~.- 258.0A feet to the ~oint of beginning, containing 23 acres more o~ less. ~J1,JL~VT!~O:'..~3. EE IT?~'~: ~ have the ~fid~vits of publication in the fila. r will how read ~he reco~endation of the Planning Board. "~eport ~o: Southoid Town Board, 16 South 5tree~ Greenport, New York, 7~srch 12, 19~8. "Gentlemen: 'Chis is to cer~y that ~he followin9 action was taken by the gou~hold Town ~lannin~ Board at a regular meeting held on [~ebruary 27~1968: '~It was 7~E.BOL~D that the Southold To~.m Planning Board does not favorably recommend ~o the Southold Town Board the change fo zone from "B~2" ~usiness District and ',n:, -~esidential and ,~gricultural District to '~[" [Iultiple 7/esidence District on ~he above described property. "The 7~lanning Board has r~used to recommend this much acreage in the past. The property in question is too large a parcel of land to be changed to an "[;" zone and the ?lanning 3oard feels that this much meadow land could not be ~roperly used in an ~[.[" zone. "[~espectfully submitted~ /s/ John Uic~am~ Chairza~, Southold Town ?ianning Board. ~ ~ 3U~? ~VI.~O"~ ;Z.~L~TSO~? Is there anyone present who wishes to spe~z in opposition to this ch~ge? (There was no response. ) ~U~ZT~Vi~O[ ~LEE:~TSON: Is there ~yone present who wishes to speak ~ favor of this change? T:LB'I%S .DJ'[/Eflr;: ?he ~ianning Board rejects this, but everybody ~ows this is ~der water. Their reasoning doesn't make any sence. :37J/~LlViS37~ ~LBJ2TSOI,l: Are you in favor of the change as advertised? TI{Orb't; .~lT ~21XI'~!; ~ Yes. :BUPE'iVi[;BZ 4L~IF.~DP';~ t"e will close the hem. ring at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. '' . " ' I_..L,, .~-'/~.. ..... . ...... · . . - 'On IP~~i,.~)~.d.. '' To~ '~ ~~, '~5 of. ~e ~ ~.:m~-:.?'. ' "to'~.'~t/. ~ ..... ~ing duly Sworn, ... .~._~,,,o,,, ~0~ ~co~.l ~ a "~" ~e m"':~".:~'~,,M~rinter and Publishe~ of the SUFFOLE 'in the ~~ .of ~e' .'Su~isor; '16 '.?;~.'.~ ~g' -"B'2'; Bu- · South Strut, G~~' N~w" Y~rk* ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~iden. t~l 0tic~, Ot which the ~ne~d is ~ print~ ~ '~id ~wn on ~e 23rd ~y of .io :'~" Ap~, 19~, at.. ~7:S0' o'd~k 'in' ~ct 'the bed in the ~d Suffolk Week~ Times the eve~ of Said '~y on ~e. ~ol- ~~~' ~Y: ' .. · ~ ............. week~ lo,rig pro~~ 't0' amid th~ ~ ~t ~ t~ct '~ I~ sit- · ..... B~I~ ~ne ~~. ~~ ~t' '~~~ ~ the T~n ~ Bdlding a~e Ma~) ~'the ol ~~d' .~~-'~ S~lk ~ .n~ on ~ ........... Town of ~ut~d, S~o~ Co~ty, ~~ly ~ and d~rib~ ~ ' ~ew .York.. " · ....... 19.. 1 ~ ~ 'By cha~ !~ "B" Bu- ~Uo~ . --. ' .- ~in~ District '.to~.'~~,,. B~,-~' ~~~G ~t ~e ~t~cti~~ ~' '~~~~ ....... pr~~;: .the fol,o~~ ~1 t~t .~~in ~ of land 'si!- ~ve,-~u~ad, ~ the To~ ~uthold, County of S~folk and to th~ ~--, ~na mo~ par- ~~.'(~)"N. '840 30' 1~",¥ '- ~c~arly ~ound~ and' d~e~b~ foOows: BEGI.~~G at the la--ion ai. the easterly line of Road with the south~ly ~ Nat'th 6ea Drivef-,'~:~.~. of beginning ~,~ Drive, 1~3 tmet " of mm~. ~, '"' '-.lift" ~y direction. ,~..fast.' l~.'Sida 01 main to.'.land of FenreMa, ~ -150" f~ ~en '~'.~. F~,, 'Ghria a.~d~ of the ea,~terly ~": 'of: . ~ wi~ t~ w~ ~ue; ~-'~'. ginning ~n~ said ~ly' li~ ~' 465 ~ m~e or iveri; .t hen~ · lav~;t Of Oliver~ '~ in a easterly direction ,less, ,to, land of~ ~ .~iO-4tmt to' land. of William Terry, .sou?herly-alcmg sait.~~;!~.--t~lvim~.t';~*,.."lh~ running s~ut-h easterly and. ~gh'-lmM. 5t'.~~~' .:4'R, .IM0~.: .l~a. ds'.9i[ William Terry, ,Ir. 650 feet mm~ or 'less",t0 ........... "-.~.-"' ,to Oritmt Omtrai ~m~y; ~i~:'~~' 'e~'" ~-~' 'n ...... line o~ DogwOod..Lanm~..~...-i~,emt_ . ~ rg ~ a westerly direction 'be part of the same pm, Cet'~h~ ~ ! dtr~on ~ tim' eawterl-y Side of Ta- a "B" Zone m the' Z oni~'~a.of"]~r'R0ad;' t~t~rt' in a: n~riharl~ di- '~ae Town of Southo~l ar.~ied'./r~ti°n on ui~.~~r~-side of ~a- ' ' '.. ---" .t.b~ :~-'760' feet "t~' the; .POint of ;-.~il .9, 1957. Residence 'District .the. ioll~~', i~. on the above, pr~osed .emendments sc~ prOParty:" .' ~-'.. .. ° ,"/~ Wbmlld ~ all. the ,lime. and ,place All thai certain tract Of uta~ a.t the nort~ Si4e,-.~ .~-~~~i~ ...2..~19!~:8~ 'BY OR- at Often, t, in the T~ ~ County o~f Suffolk and State of New t' ~" ' ' : " TOWN ~K !tA12 ...... p ....a, o it, he" ,po!ICld~ Io sznoq 000'8 aAIOA ..~ ot jo q~o~ .'~u~je~ pue doqs X95~. /,,. ~ I~'~ ~oq's~ ~, .lunH '~ '~1~ ~Io~tn~ ~ ,~' land 1~ ~u~~ aI~d 000'~ ~a ~he -~ o~ ~ of ~'t~ s~oq aomos pue ~ ii(~ ~x'5~1~: bound' ¥o~ IOO~, ~,!H ~u~ao' ' ' - llo~'S' ~'~eo Xa~e~~ ~ua~alsu, I as ,. , .' ~ore~: to luo~d~ IO~OS~aa t m°re. NOI&V~,~O.dNI QN~ q ~OOHO~, ~OdN~9 'IIe~ o~eI po.seqaan~ oq leto ~o soldoa ~~ omes 9'. oq1 ao.l uoll~IlOO e ~Aeq ~Blaoq~ne u~o'~ ~eo~ oql ao~j.e suoBei _. aol ~]I~O4 o1 loo[q~s oq, II!~ u.oDe~oa; ~q~ 'Xe~'e ~¢eq o.q- Illa 'olo sleoq 'saea PlO uo.o 'osnj -oa IIV 'qlgI IladV ~o ~~ o$ ,dn.-UeoI~ ~u~ds', e ~o2uea~. seq -o~bo~ oaueuolule~ Xla~oaa,, :IA TT~. qTTTO~.TT · .' .... . ....... . ". .~..Ct'to "M-I" Multiple -Residence Pursuant'to Sec~ ~ e~.."~ .~rn ,~dct- the follo~wing described proP- Zone Ordlnauee o! the Town o~'~~J ' "": c rtain tract of' land sitU -" .: '. ,~,l% :. that e 01d;' Suffolk County, New .Ycrk,'-'~liCJat~ ~ the north side-Main Road,"~t" hearings "will .be held 'by :the. ~ld...! Orient¢in the Town of Southold, coun- Town Board in the O~tce of tim .lieu-~ tV of-liaffolk and State of New York, pervisor, 16 South' Streei, ~rt, "-..-: .bounded nd New York, in said Towll .cal..'r~e_ .'..~ |described ag follows. dar of. Apr,. ~9~; st ~:Se ~"~~'m'! ,_ ....... ':" ' ' '- n -he ....... f .............. . ...... i -.~zfemzmu a~ a pom~ o ~ne evemn~ o sm~ amy on she: ~ms~w-I "" ........ in - . ..... . :ll~~Jy:...:;llne oi s pro~ to amend the.:ma~l~Io.~...:.. · . . '--r~ ___ ~,_~, .... ,,-_,. ~,..~..-~...,,;,,~ i.i _ee~.nmre ~r less, wes~e ly-along LU4~ ~UZt~. ~y~.,~ t~. ~ -&, ..~...~~~- !*.' __._ ...... n ................ r ......... .-'-_-"--~.-'~-~"."* .... "-"".. ' [~~ly .along said northerly line of _. la--~y clla~lsing zrom_ .'-~B~:~{~i~es8{~:t~[ ~' ~:t. 94 feet more or less. 'to D/strict to "]~-2" ~ Dlstrict,'-the ~'1~,4/~ the s~te of NeW York' thence '"" l nd of AII~ that .ce~." i~ of" ~' situ-[~i". ~ more ,or less; 'thence along neyY ~ .... and-Worth ~ Drive,{'e~iY F2 feet mare or less; thence. ~ld, ~ in -the' ToW~ "'o~ "I~- (~)'S0t~therly 149 feet more or less om>" :'c~t~-of~'"SUffon~ ~ud St~t~ tti~" ixant of begin~ng. ~.tng and of--l~ :Y~ '..~ ':.nmee. ~ly .i~e/l to be l~rt of the same parcel boundS: and'~ M' folloW': shown as a "B" Zone on the zoning COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ss' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... fi-J~-~:~:,~£~-...~.../..~.~.., weeJr,~ successively, commencing on the ............. . .~../([.. ee,eeeeeeeee eee day of ...... ~~~..~f,,~., ....... , '9~ ~-~;.~ 0'''' '''0'*'' * *'*'''''®'''' 0'''''''''' ®~ . ee.e r]~Ilh'NIN0 at the .'.~':' o! map of the Town of Southold as adopt-  eager,l~ 'line ~ ~,.R~:.<.'.~h . e~.:" ~'"' 9, 1~?. ~ ' sou~r:y Une 'O_~ l~m~.~ ~e; =~i' ~~ ~rom "~" ~usine~ ~ ~':. said Sou~::~:o! c~.:..~rict the following d~~~ N~h' ~'~, ~' f~ ~'..;, ~, 'e~.'~~ :' ...~ ~ ~ the'~ ~ O1~; ~j.~ly ~:'~ ~m trot of land sitj- alo~ said la~d of O~~, 11{ f~ '~e a~ at' ~e northwest ~mer of ~ or 1~,. ~ ~d of' ~~; ~el~d Y~s Avenue, at ~i ~~~~ ~ ~:~.:':0~~,]'~?~]To~ of .~ut~ld, Co~ 0{ ~ ~,'~ '~'-~:-. ~j[~m ~?-~d s~ of N~ 'York, ~ /., H~ of' K~y's '"~; ~~. ~- l~~3. ~icu~ly ~d~ and de~ J .:all t~i"~~i~ t~( of 'land'situ- ~u~old, C~ty- of Suffolk and ~~ Not~ ~bHc more or l~::,~.~e:~~ ~:~.l ~:~NO ~ the inter~tion of :'0f New' York, and ~re ~icu~rly ~i~ and ~~'~ ~.~.,~ of ~e[t~.::n~herly line of the ~~ ~~ ~~~ and d~~ ~ fol~: of the ~e ~I .~~'~':..a:.~B" {~ ~. w~rly line of Youngs Ave- . B~~NG. at t~ in~~. 0n or ' of'~~V~ ~~' ~. [~~rly ~long ~id ~her~ ~ ~rly ~e of ~lv~e ~' ~d, Co~W of'*~o~-~' ~~ of "1~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]of ~.M~ ~ad, 86 f~t more or.~ .'~th ~e ~~erly ~ of ~' ~~ ~New; York, and mOre ~rticu~lyi ~~~ t~ fo~~ d~';~-.[~;..~d of ~, t~~ ~u~: ~'{i 'of ~~ng mn~ alo~ ~d ~' 'BEGI~G on the southerly si~fi :1 ' ' : ~ ' """ /n~~ly 149 f~t more or 1~; the~6} :,of ~ Is~nd ~~, two ~: the Ma~ ~ad and the e~erly ~'0f, . ~t ce~ '~t of.l~ ~- (2~:~s~r~ 92 f~t more Qr 1~;, (1) ~~]y on a c~e ~ me ~, ~bor R~d, then ~ing in ~. ~t-i ha~ a mdi~ of ~2 f~t, a ~ e~- ~ction ~o~ the ~utheriY'.sMe a~d at t~ ~h ~ ~~r '~"~- t~:.($) ~~rly 134 feet, more or' '" ' n~'s ~d'~ ~~. ~;::"'at 1~ ~td n~h~y nne of t~ Main' of ~.M-f~t, the~ fl) N. ~o'S~ of M~ ~~ ~ f~ ~ ]~ ~ ~r-,' ~~o1~...~. ~e ~~' :of '.~d, ~;~' ~e~e . we~erly along .~d 1~' E.~~ f~t ~ land of To~;; ~ ~, ~en along, land of Fe~~'.in a ~$y Of 'S~o~' ~ :~ ..~.' '~ ~~r~ line. of ~ ~In ~ad'~ t~n~ alo~. ~id land of ~ner, 8. 6a ~' ..mu~~ di~on !~. f~t t~n .'~~[ York, and .m~:,~~~. ~d f~t mo~ or le~,~ land of Wt~iam;' 20'-~" W.~ f~t m~e or 1~, ~ ~&~[8f ~e~['"'Olofla and W~-.~ ~d"d~i~. ~'f~o~' " ' or~ ~h w~ turk ~ ~s ~~--~ a ~rly d~tton 210 ~t .... - ..... - ...... .~. '~~ no~herly ~ong ~id l~d al . ~W~9~. at"~-.'~~?of{ ~, ~d of Reybine, ~d ]a~ , C~e; the~ w~ly a~ng Mid ~. e~rl~.' }~..e~ ~~::.~d [:~i~Hugh~, 641 feet more or l~s; then~ . ~r m~ 1~ f~t m~e ~ 1~; ~m. me' ~~ny ~ of .~d [ ~~rJ~ alo~ ~td~.., land of ~ ~d. of s~e~ then~ al~ said ~~.'. ~~, Jr. 6~ f~t. ~~ent' ~ne,_ .. .... f~ . ~d ~_ .'~ :~~- --- ['H~g~s, 125-feet more or 1~,:'~" 'land ~d of S~~e~, N. ~o ~, ~,, E.- ~~:;,~m~; then ~"~ a', ~~ ~~ly-~[~ .-~ly [bf...~ra; thence ~terlY ~i0~ ~id 695 f~t mo~ or 1~, ~ ~e ~u~ W~:~on ~o~.lan& ~ ~Mnt nne ~ ~e~ys ~, ~ ~ morel~-~f ~,. ~ ~o~. m~,o n, ~ tn ~e of a ~ f~t ~~ ~ ~~ or 1~ ~ ~ of W~;~~ ~t-[~d w~rlv line of 'Yo~':*Avenue· '~ ~ 'Silver ~e'; then~ along ~. ~-~e-0f ~r ~; ~n ~ a erly alo~ ~id I~.. of'.~~,..... ~::f~t ]"t~~... .,~. _~U~herlv~ _~.lnn~ o ~- . wo~t.~.. ~----~ ~~~ ~~ ~'~fl~~ne"o~n~ . more. ~ ~. ~. ~ of-Olov~; ~ ['~[~1 f~t more or 1~~ ~ ~t. t ~~~ ~~ ~-~d--~;.~er[0~ -~~~ ~in~ ~' ~na~ ~ mutely', line ac~ ~ 8ilvermere[ ~~.. ~.~ ~. ~d ~ ~, ~:~t ~ ~ ~ ~ game ~r~l: '~own ~ ~, S, ~0 Sl' ~,' N.--!~.66 f~ m~ '.or ~ lo ~'..~rly ~ of a ~Zone on ~he Zo~n~:' ~p of ' ~d '~r]~- ~e or mlv~re ~ad; lhen~ alo~ ~d e~rly line, N' ~1' S0" E~~.~ ~ ~ the ~tnt o~ · Sworn to before me this ........ .~..'~.. ........ day of ':.., .qDEL[ Notsry Public, State of New Y( Residing_: i~q $~//oJk ()c, unty Dogwood 1mine; thence 'westerly glon~ 'tile. Town of Southold as adopted said northerly line,: ~2~..~ -feet ~ or ~~ 9, 195'/. . less, B~ ohan~, ng from ..'~- BUaibess less. ' J' -: : - "' · . ...... "B.. "" beginning, containing 2S acres more or 'DATi~.:. Mar0h iF/, 1968 ........ D!ltric&~.and .'~A ..... Res!de~ ~ Ag- '4. By ~hanging from "A" .Residential" ~ .- BirORDER OF.THE SOUTHOLD ~~ ~~:' .~.,.,~ ~ple and Agricultural District to '"B" Busi- 'l~Z~-~ BOARD ...... V:" Residenoe District the followl~_ de- ' ..... '.~ ." .- - -.ness District_-the .followt~ng described { ALBERT W. RICHMOND sc~t,bea pro. per~'~ " _~- ~~y. ri ' ' ' .... - .......... ,. TOIFI~ CLERK. ._ .... Notice of Heari.~s to-Amen~ Zoning on Proposals Ordinate Pursu&nt to Section 26 ~ of the Town Law and Article IX of the Buildiag Zone Ordinance of the Town of sour'hold, · Suffolk Cow~ty, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southol. d Town Board in the Office of the Supervisor, 16 $o~th S~eet, Greenport, New York, in msia ~ On the 23r0 day of April, 1968, at 7,30' o'clock in the evening of : said day ,on the following proposals to amend the Building : · zone Or~£nance (including the Build. lng Zone ~aps) of the Town o~ Southold, Suf folk Court=y, New 'York.. 1 e- By changing from 'B~' B~8:Lnes8 District to Business District, the following described property, that certain tract of land situated at-the southeast corner of.' Kenney's Road and Nort.h Sea Drive, ii~ Southold, in the ~ of Southold, Coun..ty of Suffolk. , and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and ! described as follows BBCi'X~ at the intersection of the easterly line of Kenney'$ ~~ with the southerly li~e of North Sea Drive~ from said ~oint c~ beginning running easterly along said i southerly line of North Sea Drive, 183 feet more or less, to land of Glover; thence sou. th®r ly .long tj~l.id land of Glover, 11.3 feet more or less, to lana of Potocki~ thence westerly along saiO and of P-oto ,.ks, 202 feet, more or less, to saifl easterly line of along sa. id easterly line, 11~ Kenney' s Road.: thence norther ly feet more or less to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be part of the Legal .Ho.t£ce Page -2- oi ,the sas~ pa=eel shown as a "B" Zone on the ~oni.~.~ Map o~ the Town o~ Southold as adopted ApE£1 9, 1957, 1 b - By changinq £~om '-"-B'" Busines.$ District to 'N;" Multiple Re.siOence District the following described pro'pertys All t ..hat certain tra~t of land situated at the 'nor .~," east cor'nez of Ke~ey's Road and Dogwood Lane, at Sou~nold, in the Town of Southo!d, County of Suffo~ and State .of New York, and more particul~ly bounded and described as follow~ BEGIi~T~NG at the intersection of the easterly line Ke.nney's ~o&d with the northerly line of Dogwood Lane; from said .point of beginning ru~nning northerly along said easte=l¥ line of Kenney's Road, 465 feet more or less to land of Oliveri= thence easterly along sai~ land. of Oliveri, 202 feet more or less, to land of Gl-ove~ thence southerly along said land of G lover and through Land of Kearns, 4.3.7 feet ~ more or less. thence westerly along to said northerly line said northerly line 285 of Dogwood .Lane-~ feet more or less t.o the point of begi~ing. Being and intended · be ..part of the same parcel sho~m as a "B" Zone on ~e tO Zoning Map of the Town of Southold as adopted April 9, 1957'. 2 a- By cha~ing from ~'B~' Ralltiple Residence Dis-~ric't .the Business Dis.~trict to "1t-1" fo llowi~g described All t'.~at certain tr-&ct of land situ&ted at the north si:de Main Road, At Orient, in the Town of $outho~, County of SuffoLk and State of New York, and more 'bounded and described as follows, .B~i~~ at -'.the point on the northerly line oE' .Main Roa~d 86 feet more or less, westerly along said the ·age -3- .~ noFtherly line from ~oungs Avenue; from said po£.nt of beginning a kong s&i~ nor~er'ly line of of New York ~ thence northerly &long ~i~ of was i !ewski, 144 fee~ more or less; thence along land of ~.H. King, ~wo co. sea, (1) easterly 02 feet more or less; ~hence (2) sou thexly 149 ~eet more or less to the point of Being and intended to be .patter the same parcel s.aown as a ;'B~'' zone on t'he zonin~ map O~ the ~ ~u~-~ as adopted April 9, 1957. of Residential and Agricultural described District the foll~i~ All that uertain tract of land situated at the north west corner of Main Road an~ Young. Avenue, at Orient in the Town of Scm~ld, County of Suffolk and $~ute of New York, and more parti~.larly boun~ed and described '.as follows BB~i~I~ at the inte. rsec~ion o.£ the northerly line of the Main Road with the westerly line said pein= of begi~i.ng running weste.xly alo~ Avenue; from said north- erly line of the Main Road 86 fee t more or less to land of R.H. King: thence along said ~Land of King~ (1) northerly 149 feet more or ~Less; thence feet more or less ~ thence (3) souther!y 134 (2) westerly 92 feet, less, to said n.ortnerly line .of the Main Road westerly along said northerly line of the Main Road 322 feet .more or ~ess, ~o land of 'William; ~.nee northerly alor~ said land of Wil.liamsflond of Re~bine0 and land of Hughes, 641 ieeb more or less F thence northeasterly along said .land of Hughes, 125 feet more or less to land of ".L ~'age -4- thence southerly along said o~ less, to the l~~nt of beq~n~ng. o£ Or~a, 146 £ee~ Youngs Avenue line, 691 feet more and intended to be. part o£ the same parcel shown as a FB" Zone on the Zoning Ma~ of the Town of $outhold as ad~pted April 9, 3. By ch~qing from "B-2" Business District and "A" Resi~ential and Agricultural Distr-ict toM" Multiple Reside. nee ~strict the following ~sscribed property: 1957 All that certain tract of land situated at (~reernport, the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and $~ate of York, and more particularly bounded and ~escri~d as followsl at the in'tersect~on of the easterly line of S iove~ere Toad w ith the Southerly 1 ine of land of the Long Island Railroad; from said point of beginning running along said land of Long Island Railroad, Two course8~ (!) easterly on a curve to the right, having a radius of 2832 feet, a distance of 108.06 feet, thence (2) N. 84 "~ 30' 10" E.- 848.33 feet to. land of Toner~ thence along said land of Toner, S. 6 2'0' 50" w. -895 feet more or less, to or~ary high water mark of Pi~es Cove~ thence westerly along said high water mark, 1220 feet more or less, st land od Stelnmetz thence along said land of Steinmetz, N. 3 ~' 45' 00"E.-695 feet more or less, to the southerly line of a 20 foot private road known as "$~lv®r Lane"; thence along said southerly line of "Silver Lane" and in a direct md~nsion said Sllvermere easterly of sail southerly line across Road, S. 85 ° 31' 40" R.-249.66- feet to of Sllvermere Roa~ thee -258. O4 point containing 23 more or 1~O. By Res~dentLul and Agw'~t~~ tO "B" Buoineoo t~-e foX.low ~n~ All that tract of[ land situated at the Town of Sou.- County of Suffo:Lk and $~uto o£ New York, ~ more pa~ticul~ly ~ foilers: BF~XHIf~G on the southerly side of the Main and the easte~!y side of Tabor Road, then runn:~ng,~Ln Bli easterly d/rect~on along $outh~ly Side o£ h:Ln Road 225 ~eet to land of Ferretra0 then a1~g 1.ud of ~erre~..LTa in a southerly d/r~t~n 150 feet then along lands of Fer. reira, 210 feet to land of William Terry, Jr., then runn.~ng so~~ easterly along lando of William-Terry, Jr. 650 feet '~o Orient Central Cemetery; then running in fLreetion along lands of Orient Central Cenetery 670 feet to t-~e cast. fy side of Tabor Road; then in a northerly on the easterly side of Tsbor Road 760 feet the of beg~ntn~. Any pers~ desiring to be hoard on the proposed amendments should appe~ at the t~e and pi&ce 80 27, 1968, BY ALBERT W. R~~mmm TOWN CLERK ~,e~'al I ?age -6- ~e PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE~ APR~ 11, 1968, ~2ND ~ NXNE (9) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTH.OLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies m~iled to the following on April 3, 1968: The Long Is land The Suffol~ Weekly Ar thur ~. O1 iver i Walter Potocki Margery Burns Walter Hulse & Wf. E. Geoffrey High P. Wa s i 1 ew ski EoH. King C. Campbell Gregory & Doyle S.B. King Robert Schroeder Roscoe King Donald C Roach ALbe r t Fr ohne Thomas Jurzenia walter Joseph John V. Travel er-Matt ituck times C. H i 1 s enbeck J Fosher Nunn~ Watchman VAN TUYL & SON February 15, 1968 DESCRIPTION: Proposed Chan~e of Zone "A to "Silvermere",West of Greenport Beg'inning at the intersection of the easterly line of Silvermere Road w~th the southerly line of land of ~he Long Island Railroad; from said point of beginnina~ rurn~ing ~long said la~d of Long Island Railroad, two co~rses: (1) Easr. erly on a curve to the ri~mt, having a radius of 2832 feet, a distance of 108.O6 feet; thence (2) N. 84° 30' 10" E. - 848.33 ~eet to land of Toner; thence alon~ said land of Toner, S. 6 20~ 50" W. - 895 feet more or less, to o.rdin~ry high water ma, rk of Pipes Cove; thence westerly alon~ si, id high w~ter mark, 1220 feet more or less, l;o laa~ of Steinmetz; thence alona~ said la, nd of Ste%nmctz, ~{. 3 45~ 00" E. - 695 feet note or less, to the southerly line of ~ 20 foot private road known as "Silver Lane"; thence along ~id so~lther~y line of "Silver Lane" and in a direct e~tension ~f said southerl3 line ~eross s.~.id Silvermere Road, S. 85 31' 40" E. - 249.66 feet to said easterly lire of ~ilvermere Road; thence along said easterly line, N. 15~ 21' 30" E. - 258.04 feet to the point of ,~e.cTinnJng. Con~ainin~7 23 acres more or less. VAN TU~U~ & SON JSS/m¥ To: Howard Terry Southold Town Planmng Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N, Y. 11~?1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe William U nkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York March 12, 1968 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on February 27, 1968: In the matter of the Resolution by the Southold Town Board to change from "B-2" Business District and "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following property known as Sllvermere, west of Greenport: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly line of Silvermere Road with the southerly line of land of the Long Island Railroad; from said point of beginning running along said land of Long Island Railroad, two courses: (1) easterly on a curve to ~e right, having a radius of 2832 feet, a distance of 108.06 feet; thence (2) N. 84° 30' 10" E.- 848.33 feet to land of Toner; thence along said land of Toner, S. 6° 20' 50" W.- 895 feet more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove~ thence westerly along said high water mark, 1220 feet more or less, to land of Steinmetz; thence along said land of Steinmetz, N. 3° 45' 00" E.- 695 feet more or less, to the southerly line of a 20 foot private road known as "Silver Lane"; thence along said southerly line of "Silver Lane" and in a direct extension easterly of said southerly line across said Silvermere Road, S. 85° 31' 40" E.-249.66 feet to said easterly line of Silvermere Road; thence abng said easterly line, N. 15° 21' 30" E.- 258.04 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 23 acres more or less. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does not favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "B-2" Business District and "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on the above described property. Report to: $outhold Town Board March 12, 1968 The Planning Board has refused to recommer~this much acreage in the past. The property in question is too large a parcel of land to be changed to an "M" zone and the Planning Board feels that this much meadow land could not be properly used in an "S" zone. Respectfully submitted, Southold Town Planning Board /bd SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. ~4r. John Wickham Chai~uan Plannin~ Board Cutchogue, ~.Io New ¥or~: lI~5 Dear Mr. Wi~kh&m; ~nc~osed herewith are coDies of resolutions i~a~ed by the Southold Town Boar~ ~t a ~.~etin~ the ~3rah day of February, You ar~ ins~rucCed to ~re~are an official rupor= thereon pursuan~ ~o uhe ~rovisione of Ar=i=le of the Buildin~ Zone ur~inance of Town Of So~Lhoid. Awe/mr Albert ~. Richmond Town Cker~ ~1~ ~;OUTHOLD. L, I., N. Y. RESOLUTION Feb. 13, 1968 Moved by Justice Surer; seconded by Councilman Demarest; WHEREAS, the Board deems it in the public interest and in the promotion of the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the Town of Southold that certain premises at Greenport, Town of Southold, Count~ of Suffolk, State of New York, hereinafter more fully described be rezoned from "B-2" Business District and "A" Residential and Agriculural District to "M" Multiple Dwelling Residence District on the following property: Description of "B-2" and "A" to "M" Multiple Residence "Silvermere" west of Greenport Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Silvermere Road with the southerly line of land of the Long Island ~ailroad; from said point of beginning running along said land of Long Island Railroad, two courses: (1) Easterly on a curve to the right, having a radius of 2832 feet, a distance of 108.06 feet; thence (2) N. 84© 30' 10" E.- 848.33 feet to land of Toner; thence along said land of Toner, S. 6© 20' 50" W. - 895 feet more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly along said high water mark, 1220 feet more or lees, to land of 8teinmetz; thence along said land of Steinmetz, N. 3© 45' 00" E.- 695 feet more or less, to the southerly line of a 20 foot private road known as "Silver Lane"; thence along said southerly line of "Silver Lane" and in a direct extension easterly of said southerly line across said Silvermere Road, S. 85© 31' 40" E.-249.66 feet to said easterly line of Silvermere Road; thence along said easterly line, N. 15© 21' 30" E.~258.04 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 23 acres more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he hereby is directed to transmit this applic- ation to the Planning Board in accordance with Section 901, Sub- division C of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Valentine; Justices Clark and Suter.