HomeMy WebLinkAboutSilvermere Area Amend #81 N(~I~ICE~ OF AMENI)MENT -OF ZONmG ORDINANCE A~~NT NO.-81' ,~ N~~~s~HE~EBY G~r~, that -'after a pU~c hearing held pursuant .,to the req~~en~ of law, the Build- ing~~ne ~dinan~, (i~luding the Suing Zone ~ap)' of ~ Town of ~oU~h°ld, Suffolk County, New York, was duly. amended at a regular meet- ~ing 0f the Southold Town Board held ~on Dgcember 26, 1967, as follows' t., By changing from '~B" Busine~ ~Dist~ct and non-confor~g uses to ~"M,' Mul~ple Residence ~tric~, the ~f011owing described pro~y: .' All that certain real pro~rty situ- rated at~Green~rt, in the Tow~ of ~uthol~ Co~ty of SuffOlk and State 0f New York, and more:~~i~larly bound~ and deified BEG~NI~ at the ~~r~ction of.  the wa-~rly ~ne of SilV~ere Road with' the southerly lme"~ 'a ~-foot [private road .~own ~~ Sver ~ke," -- c~, ~id SilV~mere reC~ ~ex~e~on e~erl~ off'id ~u~h- ~erl~ line ~S. ~ ~o ~he e~erl~ line~ of ~~ ~lve~ere ~o~d; ~hence continuing ~'~id d~ec~ ~ex~ensio~ e~s~rly ~~h~ l~nd of ~ Ju~enia, S. 85° 3~' 4~' ~~'600.0 fee~; ~hence ~ough. ~~ l~'~of J~zenia ~ righ~ ~ngles ~~he '1~:. described ~course, S. 4° 28' ~,/~W. ~ 5~ fee~ more, or less ~ ordi~~'~g~ ~ter m~rk of Pipes Cove; ~hence w~s~erl~ ~lon~ s~id high w~r m~rk 860 fee~ more or less, ~o l~nd of :~hence ~long s~id ]~nd-of S~e~me~, N. 13° 45' ~" E. ~ 695-f~ more or Lane'; -~ '~'::' ..... ~ :'~the~y 11 3/4 ~r~s more or le~. DASD' DECEMB~ 26, 1~7 BY ORDER OF ~ SOU~O~ TOWN BOARD ' ~ ALBERT W. RICHMOND COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~' ' STATE OF NEW YORK SS' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., .being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- poper printed ot Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........... wee day of ..... eeeeeeeeeeeeleeeee,eeeeeee~eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee · Sworn to before me this ....... ::~. ........... day of ..... ::.~,~, ..,c ,,r, : ~. . , ....... , 19 ........ .........,,. ....... Notary Publ~ / ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Yorlt Residing in Sut!ulk County No. 52-3';;41000 ~., ~mmission £xoires MarcJ~ 30, 1~'~/ / OTTO W. VAN TUYL RI-:~. PROFEEiltlONAL [NGIN£FR LICENqFr) LAND PHON[ 477-1487 VAN T{JYL & SON FRONT SrP, E£T A r MAIff~ GREENPORT NEW ~ORK 11944 PHONE 477-( RODERICK VAN TUYL LICEN~ED LAND gUI'IVE¥0R P~{ONE 477-16()~ _ . r, .- ( -' o -- ' :',4© 150' i,. t,o V .,LN T IY~:'L & ,.SO ? i ,~~,~_~ Ai~ NOTICE NOTI,C£ OF ~MENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINAN,CE ~.EN D MEN T NO. 81 _,.1V~~ICE.~,IS HEREBY GIVEN, tl~at af.~,. ~ ~ublie '~ear~ng he~d' p~- sua~'~~~ r~~mments ~f law, .t~e B~~ Zone~..~~ance, (in- cludin~'"th~ Bui~~;Zone Map) of the T~a ot.~:-~thold, S~fo~- Coun.ty, New York, was duly amid- ed' at ~ re. ar ~ting of the Sou~- old Town ~r~~eld. .~ ~ .: ~ on December , 26, 1967, ,as f0.1.1ows: 1. By chang~~om "B" B~ineSs_ , District and noa~~o~ing "M" M~ple ~dence District, the ~llowing des~b~'d pr~pe~-. Ail that certain real Pro~~y sit- ua te~ a~.~reenpp~ in the To~ of ~U~' '~'~ '~ ~ '~" o an~~~~ York, a~ more p~ticularly bo~d~ and describ- ed ~ f~ows: ~EG~ING at ~e. inte~e~on of the we~erly ~~ of Silver, mere · Road with the southerly l~e of a 20 ~t priva~ ro~ known as "Silver Lane'~, from said point of begi~ing ru~in~ across~ 's~d Sflve~ere .. Road in .the dir~t ex~nsion ea~rly ~of' said _s~therly' ~e, _S' 85° 31' 40, E.-50.92 feet to the ~s't~ly line of~ said' Silvermere-R0ad;~ ~nce contid~ng in Said d~~ exten- sion eas~rly ~t~o~ land of Jurze~a, S. 85° 31,. 40" ~-600.~ feet; th~ce ~~~h sai~ [~ J~zenia at H~ht angles to the last de~rib~ .~u~e, ' S. 4° 28' 20" W.-500 f~t more or less, ordin~ high ~.ter mark of Pipes Cove;. th~ce wes~rly along said ~~ wa~r mark, 860. feet more oi less, to land of Steiden; thence along said land ~ Stein- met~ N. 13° 45' 00" E.-695 feet more or 1~', ~ said southerly line of "Silver ~ne"; thence along said southerly ~ne, S. 85° 31' 40" E.-198.74 f~t ~ the ~int of being. C~t. aining 11 3/4 acres~ more or less. DATED: DE~MB~R 26, 1967, By ORDE~ OF T~ SOUTHOLD TOWN BO~D ~BERT W. RICHMO~, TO~ C~RK 1~5~ COUNT~' OF SUFFOLK. 1 ~ ss: STATE OF NE,W YORK, j ....~.~:. ~~..~~..-~~.._..~~~..c~v~. ....... being duly Sworn, ays that fd¢~ is Printer and Publisher' of the SUFFOLK S · · · · · · · .) ... WEEKLY TIME.S, a newspaper published a:t G'reenport, in said count¥~ and t~hat the 'notice, ,of which the annexed is ~a printeq eopy, ,has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times o,nce in eacla week, ~o'r ......... ~;?: .L~. :-. ........... week/~ successively commencing on the .... ~ ......... day,of ...~..~~.*~.~ .... : 19.~.~:_~~' I S~T~ OF N~W YORK COUN'I~ OF S'Ui~OI~s of Southold, Town of Sou tho Id, NeW York., being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twen y one years; that on the 19th of he affixed a notice of which the ].96 .... 8.___ annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a pro~er and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, to - ~ - Southold L.I. wit: ' A-~-bert W. R~6hmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Sworn to De fore me this 19th day of ~_ff:an. ua, r¥_ ......... :. .... , 196~. _ Notary ~bl mc MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD December 19~ 1967 PRESENT: SUPERVISOR LE STER Mo ALBERTSON JUSTICE RALPH TUTHILL COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE COUNC~ LOUIS DEMEREST TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT Wo TASKER TOWN CLERK ALBERT Wo RlCHMOND S ILvERMERE AREA - CHANGE OF ZONE The hearing was opened at 8:30 PoMo SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We will open the hearing at this time by reading the legal notice of hearing° "LEGAL NOTICE - Notice of Hearing on proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance o "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article /3f~ of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York: public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board in the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street~ Greenport= New York, in said town on the 19th day of December~ 1967~ at 7:30 PoMo~ o'clock in the evening of said day on ~he following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance~ (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town cf Sout'hold, Suffolk County~ New Yorko "1o By changing from "B" Business District and nDn-conforming uses to "M" Multiple residence District, the following described property: "Ail that certain real property situated at Greenport, in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "BEGINNING at the intersection of the westerly line of Silvermere Road with the southerly line of a 20 foot private road known as "Silver Lane~= from said point of b~ginning running across said S ilvermere Road in the direct extension easterly of said southerly line: S. 85° 31' 40" Eo- 50o 92 feet to the easterly line of said Silvermere Road; thence continuing in said direct extension easterly through land of Jurzenia~ S.o 85° 31~ 40" Eo- 600o0 feet; thence through said land of Jurzenia at right angles to the last described course~ So 4° 28~ 20" Wo- 500 feet more or less, to ordinary ~igh water mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly along said high water mark 860 feet mc~ or less, to land of Steinmetz; thence along said land of Steinmetz= -3- N. 13° 45' 00" E.- 695 feet more~ or less~ to said southerly line of ~Silver Lane'~ thence along said southerly line, S. 85 31' 40" Eo- 198,74 feet to the point of beginningo Containing 11 3/4 acres, more or less. "Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified° "DATED: NOVEMBER 29, 1967, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT Wo RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK° SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We have the certification of publication in the fileo I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board° "Report to: Southold Town Board~ 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, November 27~ 1967o "Gentlemen: "This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on November 21, 1967: "In the matter of the Resolution of the Southold Town Board relative to a change of zone on the Board's own motion= form 'B' Business District and non-conforming uses to 'M' Multiple Residence District on all that certain real property situated at Greenport in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: (legal descriDtiun was not read againo) "It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does favorably recommend ~m the change of zone from 'B' Business District &~d non-conforming uses to 'M~ Multiple Residence District on the above described property. -4- "The Planning Board finds that most of the uses in this area are non-conforming uses° It is the Planning Board's belief it is best to have this area zoned uniformly for the uses that are presently being conducted in tJae area° "Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board°" SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of the change of zone described herein? THOMAS JURZENXA: I am in favor of an "M" zone~~hat we will have uniformity of the property° Mro Roach is in favor of th iSo He has a non-conforming USeo When the Board arrived on the boundary : one- half of meadow land is divided between an "M" zone and Residential zone~ and much of that property faces on the railroad trackso That is all bus ine~ zone nature, and contradictory to keeping uniform zone of the area. That particular property is below sea level and we won't be able to develope it unless we have the sntire parcel. I discussed this with Mro Martocchia and he said the tax value would be reduced by cutting it up in 50-50 zone° We are divided between residence and multiple residence without any approach to the property. would like to have the Board try to rezone the piece on the east and take it into the entirityo There is a natural creek there and Mrs° Toner retains 80 feet to give protection to her property° I have no objection to the "M" zoneo SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: You have no objection to the area being zoned "M"~ but you would like to see it a little larger? THOMAS JURZEN/_A: yeS o SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Thank you° Anyone else present wish to be heard in favor of this change of zone? MRo HANSEN: (Attorney for Mr o & Mrs° Frohne): 'We are in favor of this change/ I think Mr o Jurzenia has said everything° We have no objection to the boundar~, change° -5- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: You have no objection to exeending th is district? MR HANSEN- No SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to beheard? MR o SCHWAR TING: I am not one of the owners affected by the zoning chnageo I am interested in, and I think alot of people are interested in conservation of the area/ I am not in favor of changing from "B" to "M" zone° I would like to see it revert back to its original status of residential area. The land down there is all ~and that is more or less meadow land and I think that land is fil~ed ino Thi~ could create a situation where drainage into that meadown land would be detrimental to the wild life in that area° I am not in favor of the change to 'M "o I would like to see it revert back to its original status° THOMAS JURZENIA: We bought that property to maintain it as long as we,, could~, We are conservation mindedo I am in favor of retaining this area as it iSo I don't have the finances to develope ito SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heardone way or the other on this change of zone~a~pT~~ (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERT88N: Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for the further ~eliberation of the Board. LEGAL NOTICE known .as ,,SilVer Lane", from !:~, ] ~' said point of~ beginnir~g running ~[, ~ SS: N~ti~ of ,Hearing · J :On ;Proposal to A'mend across Sa~d Silvermere Road in , '~he direct extension easterly of, The ~'oning Ordinance ,said sc~uth~rl7 line, 8 85° 31' 40" ~.~r.~'''~' ...... being duly Sworn, Pursuant '~ "Sec~n 255 of the E.-50.92 fe~ ~ t'h, ~ms~rl7 line of Town Law _11~1 ~le IX~:~ ~he said $ilvermere ~oad; thence 'rintor and Publisher B~~ng ~ .~~f;;~e ~ntin~g in said d~~t exten- To~ of ~o~, ~o1~, sion e~~17 ~ugh land of s per publish ~ew York,' .~~~m~ ~ ~m~a,~. S, 85° .al' 40" ~.-g00.0 held b7 the _~u~dT~~~ "~t;' ~hen~ -~ough said la~d' ~ .~, ,of which in ~he Offi~of~...~ ~e ~;~-15 7inertia at righ~ angles' ~ ~he ~uth S~~t, Gr~np~~.Yor~ l~t d~~b~ ~me,. 8. ~o ~0' in the ~aid in ~d Town On. t~~ ;of . 20" W.-~00 f~ mom or less, ~o Dee~~r, 1~ .a~ ~:~ ~e~k, ~ 'ordi~~ hi~ ~~r mark of ....................... ~ho eve~n~ of ~id ~a7 :~~e fo!- ' Pip~ ~ove; ~h~ee wes~rl7 along ~n~ O~ ~O lowing prop~~' to a~d th, ~d ~~ wa~er mark, 8~0 fe~ .................. B~lding Zone ~~ee '{~e!u~g more or l~s, ~ land of 8teime~; the Building Zone 'Ma~s) of the thence along 'said land ~f Stein- Tow~ of Southol~, Suffo~ Cotmty, met~ ~._ 13' '45' 00" E.-695 feet ~rew York:. more or less, to said southerly 1. By changin~ from "B" Business line. of "Silver Lane"; thence Dist~ct and nor~~orming uses to along said southerly ]~ne, S. 85° "M" 1v~fipl.e Residence District, the 31' 40" ,E.-198..74 feet to the point following desc~'ibed property: of' begirming. C~ntainin. g 11 3/4 Ail that Certain real property sit- acres, more or less.. uat~' at' Greenport, in ~ Town Any person desiring to be heard of South~ld, County of Suffolk, or~ any of the 'propped amendments .and Stat~ of New York, and more should appear at the time and place particularly ,botmded and describ~ above specified.- .. ed as f(fllows: DATED' ~TO~i~;R 29, 1967, BY ~BEG~N~ at t~e intersecti°n ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD of the westerl7 I/ne of Silver~- TOW~ BOARD' mere Road with the southerly ~ALBERT W. RICHMOND, a 20 private TOWN C'LEP tD8 -, NOTICE OF .HE~ING ? Pr,~POSAL ' -'~t tO Section 265 ~W and--~cle ~, of oM, S~olk CO~~-. To~ ~~ ~ t~ ~i~ ~r, 16 ~Uth..~~t, York, in ~d To~ ('oa.ihe l~h ~~mber, 1~ at 7:~ o'cl~k, ~1 ~ amend the ~n~, (tnclu~~ me Zone Maps) of the ~~ ~ ~~~,. ~olk ~unty, New UOrk. 1. By ch~~ from-~ "B" '~tric~ and non-co~o~n~ _~.follo~~ de~~d ~m~: ~ 'that ce~atn r~l ~~~ atu ated at Oreen~rt, ~ ~. ~n of' ~u~old, County ~--Suffol~ ~d, c~~Iy ~d~ a~ d~~. ~. follows.' BEGI~G at the in~~~ of the wes~r~.~e 'of Road with the ~~herly ~e' Of a, .~ f~t pri~~ mad ~o~'~ "Sil- ~r ~~", from ~d ~~t-~ ea~rly of .said southerly' ~e, S. ~ 31"~' E.~50~92 f~t' ,to t'he ~s~rly l~e of.mid S~ve~e~'~d; then~ ' .conttn~n~ In ~td' d~ect e~~on e~~y t~ou~h land of J~~a, S. ~ 31' ~' E.~~,0 f~t; th~~. t~ugh ~td land of J~n~ at' ~ht a~les to the 1~ d~~ ~, S. 4° 28' ~" W.~ f~t. more or le~, ~ or~na~ ~gh wat~ ~rk of.~~ Co~; then~ wes~rlF, ~ong ~id high '~~r m~~ ~0 f~t mo~ or less, .~ land of m~z; thence ~ong.. sa~d Is.nd of S~i~e~, N. ~s~ 45' ~" f~t mo~ or le~, to ~d southerly line of "S~'lv~ ~ne", then~ ~id southerly Ii.ne, S. ~o, ~1' 40"' E~lgS.~4 f~t ~ the ~int of g~tng. Containing 11' 3/4 acres, more or l~s. Any pe~n desi~ng ~ ~ h~rd on~ J~he a~ve ~r0~~ amendment should, ~~es.r at the t~e and 'place a~ve ;-s~cifled.. ..... '~ ' ...DA~' No~~ 29. 1~7 BY ORD~ OP ~ SO--OLD TO~ BOARD ALBERT W. RIC~O~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } > SS: STATE OF NEW YORK t C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a .printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ... ,[.~.. .... successively, commencing on the ............ ,z(..:... e~eeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeee e e day of ........ ~~..<.:..,.,.., 1~.~. .~.~. eeeeeeee eeeeee leeee eeeeee Sworn ~o he~o~e ~e ......... lille®et ,I,..t · Itttlele ~, ADELE PAYNR. Notary Public, State of New Yor. jJ Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-30~1000 Commission Expires Ma[ch 30, 191 Notice of Hearing On Proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town La~ and Article IX, ef t~e Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board ~n the office of the Supervisor, 16 Sou~h Street, New York, insaid Town on the 19th day o f December, 1967 Greenport, the evening of said day on the following at 7~30 o'clock, l~ amend the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the proposal to Build]jag Zone Maps) Of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk, County, New York. 1. By changing from "B" Business Distr~ct and uses to "M" MultiPle property: non-con~orming Residence D~str~ct, the £ollowtng .described All that certain real ~roperty $~uated at Greenport, the Town of Sou thold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York0 and more particularly bounded and described as follows.. BE~XNNiNG at the intersection of the westerly line of S llvermere Road wlth the southerly line of & 20 foot private road known "Silver Lane , from sa~d point of beginn~ng running &cros~ sa~d s ilvermere Road in the d~rect extension easterly of said southerly line, S 85 ~ 31' 40" E.- 50..92 feet to the easterly line of said $11vermere Road; thence continuing .tn oatd d/x~t extenoAon easterly through land of Jurzenia. $. 85 ~ 31 * 40" E. - 600.0 feet; thence Legai Not ~ce Page-2- through said land of Jurzenia at angles to the last descr ibed course 4'~' 28' 20" W.- 500 feet more or less~ to ordinary ~high water mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly along said high water .mark, 860 feet more or less, to land of S te lnmetz; thence along said land of S te lnme tz, N. 13" 45' 00" E.- 695 feet more or less, to said southerly line of "Silver Lane"; thence along 198. '74 feet said southerly line, S. 85 tO the point of beginning. 31' 40" Contalng i1 3/4 acres, more Any person amendment should DATED: NOVEMBER or less. des ir £ng appear 29, 1967, to be heard on the above proposed at the time and place above specified. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOA~ ALBERT . RICHMOND, TO:?~N CLERK . * * * , PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, AFFXI~VXTS OF PUBLXCATXON DECEMBER 8, 1967 , AND FORWARD FOUR (4) TO THE SOUTHOLD T~fN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, $OUTHoLD, , * * * ~ Co~.ies mailed to the following on November 30, The suffolk %;;eekly Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattltuck Donald C. Roach Albert Frohne & %~f. Thomas Jurczen ia walter C. HilsenbeCk & Wf. Joseph J. Fisher & '~f. John V. Nunno & ~.atchman 1967: . . * . * Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 John PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report To: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York November 27, 1967 Gentlemen: by This is to the Southold November 21, certify that Town Planning 1967: the following action was taken Board at a regular meeting held In the matter of the Resolution of the Southold Town Board relative to a change of zone on the Board's own motion,from "B" Business District and non-conforming uses to "M" Multiple Residence District all that certain real property situated at Greenport in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularl~ bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the westerly line of Silvermere Road with the southerly line "Silver Lane",- from said of a 20 foot private road known as point of beginning running direct extension easterly 40" E.- 50.92 feet to the thence continuing in said of Jurzenia, S. 85° 3].' 40" E.- land of Jurzenia at right angles S. 4° 28' 20" W.- 500 feet more mark of Pipes Cove; thence westerly along said high water mark, 860 feet more or less, to land of Steinmetz;i~:~{~nCe along said 695 f' i" ~~~~r less land of Steimmetz, N. 1 45' 00" E. - ~~,.:~ _,,,~~ ,. ~, :..:~:. to said southerly line of "~ilver Lane", then-c~:;:~l~ng., sm~ct southerly line S. 85° 31' 40" E.- 198.74 feet to the P~int:~'°f'b~~in~ing- Containing 11 3/4 acres, more or less. across said $ilvermere Road in the of said southerly line, S. 85° 31' easterly line of said Silvermere Road; direct extension easterly through land 600.00 feet; thence through said to the last described course, or less, to ordinary l:jigh water It mas RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board does favorably recommend the change of zone from "B" Business District and non-confomming uses to "M" Multiple Residence District on the above described prope:l:ty. Report To: $outhold November 27, 1967 Town Board The Planning Board finds that most of the uses in this area are non-conforming uses° It is the Planning Board's belief it is ]~est to have this area zoned uniformly for the uses that are presently being conducted in the area. Respectfully submitted~ John Wickham, Chairman $outhold Town Planning Board cc: Town Clerk VAN TUYL & SON FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPoRT. NEW YORK 11944 PHONE 477-O$70 ALBERT W. RII~HMOND TOWN I~ LEl~ K REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFF D SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. ERK TELEPHONE SO UTHOI-D .5-3783 November 9, 1967 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; prepare conditions and determine by a proposed amendment Building Zone Ordinance Building Zone Maps) set of the 1967, You are hereby instructed to an official report, defining the the area effected of the Southold Town (including the forth in a resolution Town Board adopted on November 8, a copy of which resolution is annexed hereto. AWR/mr Very truly you~r~ Town Cler~ RESOLUTION Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman Demarest; WHEREAS, this Board deems it in the public interest and in the promotion of the health, safety, moral or general welfare of the Town of Southold that certain premises west of Greenport, New York, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, hereinafter more fully described be rezoned and zoned to "M" Multiple Dwelling District, NOW, THEREFORE, of the Town of Southold including a part thereof, be amended by the by changing from "B" Business and Multiple Residence District on the BE IT RESOLVED: That the Building Zone Ordinance the Building Zone Maps, forming Town Board on its own motion, non-conforming uses to "M" following described property: BEGINNING 1 ine of 1 ine of Lane" - across ext S. ly con th 60 Ju cr mo of high water land of St of Steinme more or le "Silver La line, S. 8 the point acres, more ension 85© 31' line of tinuing rough la 0.0 feet rzenia a ib re P at the intersection of the westerly S ilvermere Road with the southerly a 20 foot private road known as "Silver from said point of beginning running said S ilvermere Road in the direct y of said southerly line, 50.92 feet to vermere Road; direct extensi zenia, S. 85© easterl 40" E.- said S i 1 in said nd of Jur ; thence ~through sa id land t right angles to the last ed course, S. 4© 28' 20" W.-500 or less, to ordinary high water ipes Cove; thence westerly along mark, 860 feet more or einmetz; thence along s tz, SS, ne O 5 of N. 13© 45' 00" E.- to said southerly ; thence along sa id 31' 40" E. - 198.74 begi or less. the easter- thence on easterly 31' 40" E.- of des- feet mark said less, to a id land 6 95 feet ine of southerly feet to g 11 3/4 1 nning. Conta inin BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That pursuant to Article IX Section 901, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Planning Board Southold with a written request instructing said prepare an official report concerning the same, their recommendation. of the Town of Planning Board together with to Vote of Town Board: Ayes-supervisor Albertson; and Valentine; Justices Tuthill and Clark. Councilmen Demarest RODERICK VAN TUYL LIC£NSi:D LAND ~URVEYOn VAN TUYL & SON FRONT STREET ,AT MAIN G.~EENPORT. NEVV YORK 11944 PHONE 477-0170 October 11, 1967 ~ ~oTION- DE~)CR~, .~ . "Siive rmere" Beginning ~- ~ . ,.,~, the intersection of the westerly line of Silvermere Road wit.~ the so.~ erly line of a 20 ~oot private ~ ~ known ~s "Sil~.~r Lano": from s~',id 7~oint of be~inni~o~ · - ~.~ ,.~ r~mninj across said ~';~.t.lveii~l~o~d.~¢' in t!~e direct extension easterly of said so~therly line, S. 85° 31' 40~' E. -50.92 feet to the ~asterly line of ~aid '~ - ~ '-" .~/, --, thence contim~ing in na~d direct extension e~~orly ~' 85 ~ ' 40" ~ - 600.0 J~trz~nia at ri~ht an.t~les to the S. 4 28' 20" i'/. - 500 feet more water mark of Pipes Cove; thence mark, f~60 foot mezzo or 'said land o~ Steinmetz, ~o said so':~therly t~ne sou~.herly line, ~. ,-~5 40" be~inni~:T. Containin~ 3/4 last or westerly along said hi(~h less, ~io land of Steinmetz; thence D. 13 45' 00" E. - 695 feet mo-ce of "Silver Lane,,; thence along said 31' 1 1 the described cot~rse, less, to ordinary h-'i ~h water along or less E. - 193.74 feet to ~,o~.nt of acres, more or less. V£df Tb~L & SON To' ~'''~ Howard To rr:t' .Bu_'Lldin~ Ins De c t or So',.~thold, ?~'ew York Repm:t tot 8ou~hold ?own Board south s ree oreenpor 0 ¥o~k Augus~ 28, 1967 Gen~lement ·his ~. to certLfy that $outhold Town Planning Board August 9, 1967. the follc~,ng action was taken by the at their regular meeting held on 'Xt was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board that they on the:l.r o~n motion change the following property to an "M" Multiple Residence Dtstriot~ Beginn~ng at a point on the ordinary high water mark of "pipes Cove", where land of Roach meet~ land of Stetnme~z Estate and running northerly along this line extended to west end of "Silver Lane"~ thence easterly along the southerly 81de of 'Silver Lane" extended easterly toward "Brown Street" to & point 600 feet east of Sllvermere Road~ thence on a line parallel to land of Toner 500 feet to ordinary htghwater mark of "Pipes Cove"! thence along o~dinary high water mark of "%ipeo Cove" to tho point of beginning. This area includes lands of DoC. Roach, A. Frohne, T. Jurczdnta, w, Hilsenbeck, J. Fisher, J. Nunno, V. FEohno, and part of meadow land owned by T. Jurczen&a on the east side S ilvermere ~oad. . Respectfully submitted, John Wlckham, Southold Town Chairman Planning Board /